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Western Australia Commercial Tenancy (Retail Shops) Agreements Amendment Bill 2011 CONTENTS 1. Short title 2 2. Commencement 2 3. Act amended 2 4. Long title amended 2 5. Section 3 amended 2 6. Section 4 amended 6 7. Section 6 amended 6 8. Section 11 amended 7 9. Section 11A inserted 9 11A. Confidentiality of information supplied under section 11 9 10. Section 12 amended 10 11. Section 13 amended 12 12. Section 13B amended 14 13. Section 13C inserted 15 13C. Obligation to notify tenant of option to renew 15 14. Sections 14A, 14B and 14C inserted 16 14A. Relocation 16 14B. Liability for costs associated with lease 18 14C. Refurbishment and refitting 19 15. Part IIA heading amended 19 16. Part IIA Division 1 heading inserted 19 Division 1 -- Unconscionable conduct 17. Section 15A amended 20 18. Section 15B amended 20 19. Section 15F amended 21 20. Part IIA Division 2 inserted 21 192--3 page i Commercial Tenancy (Retail Shops) Agreements Amendment Bill 2011 Contents Division 2 -- Misleading or deceptive conduct 16A. Term used: misleading or deceptive conduct 21 16B. Application of Division 21 16C. Misleading or deceptive conduct in connection with retail shop leases 22 16D. Powers of Tribunal relating to misleading or deceptive conduct 22 21. Part IIA Division 3 heading inserted 23 Division 3 -- Reference of questions to State Administrative Tribunal 22. Section 26 amended 24 23. Section 27 amended 24 24. Section 29 inserted 24 29. Transitional provisions 24 25. Schedule 1 inserted 25 Schedule 1 -- Transitional provisions Division 1 -- Preliminary 1. Interpretation Act 1984 not affected 25 2. Transitional regulations 25 Division 2 -- Provisions for Commercial Tenancy (Retail Shops) Agreements Amendment Act 2011 3. Terms used 26 4. Application of this Act to existing retail shop leases 27 5. This Act does not apply to a lease that becomes a retail shop lease as a consequence of the 2011 amending Act 27 6. No contracting out 28 page ii Western Australia LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY (As amended in Committee) Commercial Tenancy (Retail Shops) Agreements Amendment Bill 2011 A Bill for An Act to amend the Commercial Tenancy (Retail Shops) Agreements Act 1985. The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows: page 1 Commercial Tenancy (Retail Shops) Agreements Amendment Bill 2011 s. 1 1 1. Short title 2 This is the Commercial Tenancy (Retail Shops) Agreements 3 Amendment Act 2011. 4 2. Commencement 5 This Act comes into operation as follows -- 6 (a) sections 1 and 2 -- on the day on which this Act 7 receives the Royal Assent; 8 (b) the rest of the Act -- on a day fixed by proclamation, 9 and different days may be fixed for different provisions. 10 3. Act amended 11 This Act amends the Commercial Tenancy (Retail Shops) 12 Agreements Act 1985. 13 4. Long title amended 14 In the long title delete "conduct" and insert: 15 16 conduct, or misleading or deceptive conduct, 17 18 5. Section 3 amended 19 (1) In section 3(1) delete the definitions of: 20 retail floor area 21 retail shop 22 retail shop lease 23 retail shopping centre 24 total lettable area page 2 Commercial Tenancy (Retail Shops) Agreements Amendment Bill 2011 s. 5 1 (2) In section 3(1) insert in alphabetical order: 2 3 group of premises means -- 4 (a) a retail shopping centre; or 5 (b) 2 or more premises, at least one of which is a 6 retail shop, that are adjacent, or form a 7 cluster -- 8 (i) which have, or on being leased would 9 have, a common head lessor; and 10 (ii) are grouped together for the purpose of 11 allocating to each of those premises a 12 portion of an item of operating 13 expenses; 14 lettable area, of a retail shop, means an area of the 15 shop defined or calculated -- 16 (a) in such manner as is prescribed by the 17 regulations; and 18 (b) if the shop is part of a group of premises, in the 19 same, or a substantially similar, manner as the 20 area for each other retail shop in the group of 21 premises is defined or calculated; 22 misleading or deceptive conduct application means an 23 application under section 16D(1); 24 retail business means -- 25 (a) a business that wholly or predominantly 26 involves the sale of goods by retail; or 27 (b) a specified business; 28 retail shop means -- 29 (a) any premises situated in a retail shopping centre 30 that are used wholly or predominantly for the 31 carrying on of a business; or page 3 Commercial Tenancy (Retail Shops) Agreements Amendment Bill 2011 s. 5 1 (b) any premises not situated in a retail shopping 2 centre that are used wholly or predominantly 3 for the carrying on of a retail business, 4 but does not include any premises excluded by 5 regulation; 6 retail shop lease means a lease that provides for the 7 occupation of a retail shop, unless -- 8 (a) the retail shop -- 9 (i) has a lettable area that exceeds 10 1 000 square metres; and 11 (ii) is not of a kind prescribed by the 12 regulations for the purposes of this 13 definition; 14 or 15 (b) the lease is held by -- 16 (i) a listed corporation (within the meaning 17 of the Corporations Act 2001 18 (Commonwealth) section 9) that would 19 not be eligible to be incorporated as a 20 proprietary company; or 21 (ii) a subsidiary (within the meaning of the 22 Corporations Act 2001 23 (Commonwealth) section 9) of such a 24 corporation; 25 or 26 (c) the lease is held by -- 27 (i) a body corporate whose securities are 28 listed on a stock exchange, outside 29 Australia and the external territories, 30 that is a member of the World 31 Federation of Exchanges; or page 4 Commercial Tenancy (Retail Shops) Agreements Amendment Bill 2011 s. 5 1 (ii) a subsidiary (within the meaning of the 2 Corporations Act 2001 3 (Commonwealth) section 9) of such a 4 body corporate; 5 or 6 (d) the lease is of a kind that is prescribed by the 7 regulations as exempt from the operation of this 8 Act; 9 retail shopping centre means a cluster of premises -- 10 (a) 5 or more of which are used for the carrying on 11 of a retail business; and 12 (b) all of which -- 13 (i) have, or upon being leased would have, 14 a common head lessor; or 15 (ii) comprise lots on a single strata plan 16 under the Strata Titles Act 1985, 17 but, if the premises are in a building with 2 or more 18 floor levels, includes only those levels of the building 19 where a retail business is situated; 20 21 (3) In section 3(3): 22 (a) in paragraph (a) delete "existed;" and insert: 23 24 existed, including a question as to forfeiture; or 25 26 (b) after paragraphs (b) and (c) insert: 27 28 or 29 page 5 Commercial Tenancy (Retail Shops) Agreements Amendment Bill 2011 s. 6 1 6. Section 4 amended 2 After section 4(3) insert: 3 4 (4) Regulations may be made exempting from all or any of 5 the provisions of this Act -- 6 (a) a prescribed person, retail shop lease or retail 7 shop; or 8 (b) a prescribed class of persons, retail shop leases 9 or retail shops. 10 (5) The regulations may provide for conditions and 11 restrictions subject to which an exemption is to apply. 12 13 7. Section 6 amended 14 (1) In section 6(1) after "the disclosure statement given" insert: 15 16 is incomplete or 17 18 (2) Delete section 6(1)(a) and insert: 19 20 (a) within 6 months after the lease was entered into 21 give to the landlord written notice of 22 termination of the lease, unless subsection (3) 23 prevents termination; 24 25 (3) In section 6(1)(b) delete the passage that begins with "of the 26 omission" and continues to the end of the paragraph and insert: 27 28 of -- 29 (i) the omission of the landlord to give a 30 disclosure statement in accordance with 31 subsection (4); or page 6 Commercial Tenancy (Retail Shops) Agreements Amendment Bill 2011 s. 8 1 (ii) the giving of an incomplete disclosure 2 statement by the landlord; or 3 (iii) the giving of false or misleading 4 information by the landlord in the 5 disclosure statement. 6 7 (4) After section 6(2) insert: 8 9 (3) A tenant cannot terminate a lease under this section on 10 the ground that the tenant has been given a disclosure 11 statement that is incomplete or contains false or 12 misleading information if -- 13 (a) the landlord has acted honestly and reasonably 14 and ought reasonably to be excused for the 15 failure concerned; and 16 (b) the tenant is in substantially as good a position 17 as the tenant would have been if the statement 18 had been complete or had not contained the 19 false or misleading information. 20 21 8. Section 11 amended 22 (1) In section 11(2)(a) delete "lease;" and insert: 23 24 lease, and is not to take into account the value 25 of -- 26 (i) the goodwill of the business carried on 27 in the retail shop; or 28 (ii) any stock, fixtures or fittings in the 29 retail shop that are not the property of 30 the landlord; or page 7 Commercial Tenancy (Retail Shops) Agreements Amendment Bill 2011 s. 8 1 (iii) any structural improvement, or 2 alteration, of the retail shop carried out, 3 or paid for, by the current tenant; 4 and 5 6 (2) After section 11(3a) insert: 7 8 (3B) A landlord under a retail shop lease must, to assist in 9 determining the rent payable as a result of the review, 10 within 14 days after being given a written request to do 11 so by a person who acts under subsection (3), give that 12 person such relevant information as is requested, 13 including any of the following information, about 14 leases for retail shops in the same building or retail 15 shopping centre -- 16 (a) current rental for each lease; 17 (b) rent free periods or any other form of incentive; 18 (c) recent or proposed variations of any lease; 19 (d) outgoings for each lease; 20 (e) any other information prescribed for the 21 purposes of this paragraph. 22 (3C) If a landlord fails to comply with a request made under 23 subsection (3B) without reasonable excuse -- 24 (a) the person who made the request must, within 25 7 days after the landlord has failed to comply 26 with the request, give to the tenant written 27 notice of the landlord's failure; and 28 (b) the tenant may apply in writing to the Tribunal 29 for an order that the landlord comply with a 30 request made under subsection (3B) to supply 31 the information requested. 32 page 8 Commercial Tenancy (Retail Shops) Agreements Amendment Bill 2011 s. 9 1 9. Section 11A inserted 2 After section 11 insert: 3 4 11A. Confidentiality of information supplied under 5 section 11 6 (1) A person given information by a landlord under 7 section 11(3B) must not disclose that information to 8 any other person unless the disclosure is made -- 9 (a) for the purpose of, or in connection with, 10 determining the rent payable as a result of the 11 review; or 12 (b) in a way that does not disclose information 13 identifying a particular lease or tenant, or 14 relating to a tenant's business, for the purpose 15 of specifying the matters to which the person 16 had regard in resolving the question concerned; 17 or 18 (c) with the consent of both the tenant and the 19 landlord of the relevant retail shop; or 20 (d) for the purposes of any legal proceedings 21 arising out of this Act or of any report of any 22 such proceedings; or 23 (e) as required or permitted under this Act or any 24 other law; or 25 (f) with any other lawful excuse. 26 (2) Subsection (1) does not prevent a person from 27 disclosing information that is publicly available at the 28 time the disclosure concerned was made. 29 (3) If a person discloses information in contravention of 30 subsection (1) and the tenant or landlord suffers loss or 31 damage because of the disclosure, the tenant or page 9 Commercial Tenancy (Retail Shops) Agreements Amendment Bill 2011 s. 10 1 landlord is entitled to be paid by the person who made 2 the disclosure compensation for the loss or damage -- 3 (a) of such reasonable amount as is agreed between 4 the person and the tenant or landlord; or 5 (b) failing agreement, as may be determined by the 6 Tribunal on the application of the tenant or 7 landlord. 8 9 10. Section 12 amended 10 (1) In section 12(1)(b) delete "the proportion" and insert: 11 12 subject to subsection (1e), the proportion 13 14 (2) In section 12(1)(c) delete subparagraphs (i) and (ii) and insert: 15 16 (i) the premises the subject of the retail 17 shop lease are part of a group of 18 premises; and 19 (ii) any part of the operating expenses is 20 expenditure incurred as a result of some 21 only of the premises in the group being 22 open outside the standard trading hours, 23 24 (3) In section 12(1e): 25 (a) delete "premises in a retail shopping centre --" and 26 insert: 27 28 a retail shop in a group of premises -- 29 page 10 Commercial Tenancy (Retail Shops) Agreements Amendment Bill 2011 s. 10 1 (b) in paragraph (a) delete "retail shop in the retail shopping 2 centre unless the shop is one of the shops" and insert: 3 4 premises in the group of premises unless the 5 shop is one of the premises 6 7 (c) in paragraph (b) delete the passage that begins with 8 "retail floor area" and continues to the end of the 9 paragraph and insert: 10 11 lettable area of the shop bears to the total 12 lettable area of all of the premises in the group 13 of premises to which the operating expense is 14 referable, without the approval of the Tribunal. 15 16 (4) After section 12(2) insert: 17 18 (3A) A provision in a retail shop lease to the effect that the 19 tenant is obliged to contribute towards the cost of any 20 of the landlord's finishes, fixtures, fittings, equipment 21 or services is void unless the disclosure statement 22 given to the tenant under section 6 contains a statement 23 notifying the tenant of the effect of the provision. 24 25 (5) In section 12(3) delete the definition of relevant proportion. 26 (6) In section 12(3) insert in alphabetical order: 27 28 group of premises includes a part of a group of 29 premises; 30 relevant proportion, in relation to a retail shop that is 31 part of a group of premises, means the proportion that 32 the lettable area of the retail shop bears to the total 33 lettable area of the group of premises at the 34 commencement of the accounting year; page 11 Commercial Tenancy (Retail Shops) Agreements Amendment Bill 2011 s. 11 1 total lettable area, of a group of premises, or part of a 2 group of premises, means the aggregate of -- 3 (a) the lettable areas of the premises that are retail 4 shops (or areas set aside for retail shops); and 5 (b) if any of the premises are not retail shops, the 6 lettable area of those premises defined or 7 calculated in such manner as is prescribed by 8 the regulations. 9 10 (7) In section 12(3) in the definition of strata titles levy delete 11 "Act 1985." and insert: 12 13 Act 1985; 14 15 11. Section 13 amended 16 (1) In section 13(1) delete "less" (each occurrence) and insert: 17 18 more than 6 months but less 19 20 (2) After section 13(1) insert: 21 22 (2A) For the purposes of subsection (1), a lease for a term of 23 more than 6 months includes a tenancy where the 24 tenant has been continuously in possession of the retail 25 shop for more than 6 months as a result of either or 26 both of the following -- 27 (a) the lease being renewed (one or more times); 28 (b) the lease being continued. 29 page 12 Commercial Tenancy (Retail Shops) Agreements Amendment Bill 2011 s. 11 1 (3) In section 13(3)(a) delete "90 days" and insert: 2 3 30 days 4 5 (4) In section 13(6): 6 (a) delete the passage that begins with "to which 7 subsection (1)" and ends with "except --" and insert: 8 9 is not entitled to determine the lease -- 10 (aa) if the lease is a lease referred to in 11 subsection (1), before the day on which the 12 term that may be obtained by the tenant under 13 that subsection expires; or 14 (ab) if the lease is a lease the current term of which, 15 or the current term plus the option term, is 16 5 years or longer, before the day that is 5 years 17 after the day on which the current term 18 commenced, 19 except -- 20 21 (b) after paragraph (c) insert: 22 23 (da) under and in accordance with a provision of the 24 lease that is the same, or substantially the same, 25 as a provision prescribed for the purposes of 26 this section; or 27 28 (c) in paragraph (d) delete "subsection (7b)." and insert: 29 30 subsection (7b), in relation to a lease referred to 31 in paragraph (aa). 32 page 13 Commercial Tenancy (Retail Shops) Agreements Amendment Bill 2011 s. 12 1 (d) after each of paragraphs (a) and (b) insert: 2 3 or 4 5 (5) In section 13(7) delete the passage that begins with "at a time" 6 and ends with "subsection (6)(a) or (b)" and insert: 7 8 (other than under subsection (6)(a), (b) or (da)) before 9 the day set out in subsection (6)(aa) or (ab), as is 10 relevant, 11 12 12. Section 13B amended 13 After section 13B(3) insert: 14 15 (4A) A lease may be terminated during a period by which it 16 is deemed to be extended under subsection (3) by the 17 tenant giving written notice of termination of the lease 18 to the landlord specifying a day that is -- 19 (a) on or after the date on which the term of the 20 lease ends; and 21 (b) before the date until which the lease is deemed 22 to be extended under subsection (3). 23 (4B) If the tenant gives the landlord a notice of termination 24 under subsection (4A), the lease terminates on the day 25 specified in the notice. 26 (4C) If a lease is renewed because of subsection (3) after the 27 term of the lease ends, the lease for the further term 28 commences on the expiry of the previous lease, 29 disregarding for this purpose any period during which 30 that lease is deemed to be extended because of that 31 subsection. 32 page 14 Commercial Tenancy (Retail Shops) Agreements Amendment Bill 2011 s. 13 1 13. Section 13C inserted 2 After section 13B insert: 3 4 13C. Obligation to notify tenant of option to renew 5 (1) If a retail shop lease provides, whether directly or by 6 operation of section 13, an option or a further option of 7 renewal of the lease exercisable by the tenant, the 8 landlord must notify the tenant in writing of the date 9 after which the option is no longer exercisable -- 10 (a) at least 6 months; and 11 (b) no more than 12 months, 12 before that date but is not required to do so if the tenant 13 exercises, or purports to exercise, the option before 14 being notified of the date. 15 (2) If subsection (1) requires the landlord to notify the 16 tenant but the landlord fails to do so within the time 17 specified by that subsection -- 18 (a) the retail shop lease is taken to provide that the 19 date after which the option is no longer 20 exercisable is instead 6 months after the 21 landlord notifies the tenant as required; and 22 (b) if that date is after the term of the lease ends, 23 the lease continues until that date (on the same 24 terms and conditions as applied immediately 25 before the lease term ends); and 26 (c) the tenant, whether or not the landlord has by 27 then notified the tenant as required, may give 28 written notice of termination of the lease to the 29 landlord specifying a day that is -- 30 (i) on or after the date on which the term of 31 the lease ends; and page 15 Commercial Tenancy (Retail Shops) Agreements Amendment Bill 2011 s. 14 1 (ii) before the date until which the lease 2 would otherwise have continued 3 because of paragraph (b). 4 (3) If the tenant gives the landlord a notice of termination 5 under subsection (2)(c), the lease terminates on the day 6 specified in the notice. 7 (4) If an option to renew is exercised because of 8 subsection (2)(b) after the term of the lease ends, the 9 lease for the further term commences on the expiry of 10 the previous lease, disregarding for this purpose any 11 period during which that lease continued because of 12 that subsection. 13 14 14. Sections 14A, 14B and 14C inserted 15 After section 14 insert: 16 17 14A. Relocation 18 (1) A provision of a retail shop lease about the relocation 19 of the tenant's business is void unless -- 20 (a) it is in the form prescribed for the purposes of 21 this section; or 22 (b) it is in a form approved by the Tribunal under 23 subsection (3); or 24 (c) if 5 years of the term of the lease (including any 25 period during the extension of the term under 26 an option to renew) have already expired, it is 27 in accordance with subsection (2). 28 (2) A provision of a retail shop lease about the relocation 29 of the tenant's business is in accordance with this 30 subsection if it contains provisions to the following 31 effect -- 32 (a) the tenant's business cannot be required to be 33 relocated unless the landlord has given the page 16 Commercial Tenancy (Retail Shops) Agreements Amendment Bill 2011 s. 14 1 tenant at least 6 months written notice of 2 relocation (a relocation notice); 3 (b) the relocation notice is to give details of an 4 alternative retail shop (the alternative shop) to 5 be made available to the tenant, and if the 6 existing retail shop is situated in a retail 7 shopping centre, the alternative shop is to be 8 situated in that shopping centre; 9 (c) the tenant is to be offered a new lease of the 10 alternative shop -- 11 (i) on the same, or better, terms and 12 conditions as the existing lease except 13 that the term of the new lease is to be no 14 shorter than the remainder of the term of 15 the existing lease; and 16 (ii) the rent for the alternative shop is to be 17 no more than the rent for the existing 18 retail shop, adjusted to take into account 19 any difference in the commercial values 20 of the existing retail shop and the 21 alternative shop at the time of 22 relocation; 23 (d) the landlord is to pay the tenant's reasonable 24 costs of the relocation, including but not limited 25 to -- 26 (i) costs incurred by the tenant in 27 dismantling fittings, equipment or 28 services; and 29 (ii) costs incurred by the tenant in replacing, 30 re-installing or modifying finishes, 31 fittings, equipment or services to the 32 standard existing in the existing retail 33 shop immediately before the relocation, 34 but only to the extent that they are page 17 Commercial Tenancy (Retail Shops) Agreements Amendment Bill 2011 s. 14 1 reasonably required in the alternative 2 shop; and 3 (iii) packaging and removal costs incurred 4 by the tenant; and 5 (iv) legal costs incurred by the tenant; 6 (e) if the landlord does not offer the tenant a new 7 lease of an alternative retail shop then the 8 landlord is liable to pay to the tenant such 9 reasonable compensation as is agreed in writing 10 between the parties, or determined by the 11 Tribunal. 12 (3) The Tribunal may, on application made to it by the 13 landlord, notice of which has been given to the tenant, 14 approve of the inclusion in a retail shop lease of 15 another form of relocation provision under 16 subsection (1)(b) if the Tribunal is satisfied that special 17 circumstances exist by reason of which such approval 18 ought to be given. 19 (4) A landlord in relation to a retail shopping centre may 20 make an application under subsection (3) as to any 21 number of retail shop leases in respect of that centre 22 where the landlord is of the opinion that the same 23 special circumstances exist in relation to each lease the 24 subject of the application, and the Tribunal may 25 exercise its powers under that subsection accordingly. 26 14B. Liability for costs associated with lease 27 (1) A landlord under a retail shop lease is not able to claim 28 from any person (including the tenant) the landlord's 29 legal or other expenses relating to -- 30 (a) the negotiation, preparation or execution of -- 31 (i) the lease; or 32 (ii) a renewal of the lease; or 33 (iii) an extension of the lease; page 18 Commercial Tenancy (Retail Shops) Agreements Amendment Bill 2011 s. 15 1 or 2 (b) obtaining the consent of a mortgagee to the 3 lease; or 4 (c) the landlord's compliance with this Act. 5 (2) Subsection (1) does not prevent the landlord from 6 claiming the reasonable legal or other expenses 7 incurred by the landlord in connection with an 8 assignment of the lease or a sub-lease, including 9 investigating a proposed assignee or sub-lessee and 10 obtaining any necessary consents to the assignment or 11 sub-lease. 12 14C. Refurbishment and refitting 13 A provision of a retail shop lease requiring the tenant 14 to refurbish or refit the shop is void unless it gives such 15 details of the required refurbishment or refitting as may 16 be necessary to indicate generally the nature, extent 17 and timing of the required refurbishment or refitting. 18 19 15. Part IIA heading amended 20 In the heading to Part IIA after "conduct" insert: 21 22 and misleading or deceptive conduct 23 24 16. Part IIA Division 1 heading inserted 25 At the beginning of Part IIA insert: 26 27 Division 1 -- Unconscionable conduct 28 page 19 Commercial Tenancy (Retail Shops) Agreements Amendment Bill 2011 s. 17 1 17. Section 15A amended 2 In section 15A delete "Part --" and insert: 3 4 Division -- 5 6 Note: The heading to amended section 15A is to read: 7 Terms used 8 18. Section 15B amended 9 (1) In section 15B(1) delete "Part" (each occurrence) and insert: 10 11 Division 12 13 (2) After section 15B(1) insert: 14 15 (2A) In subsection (1) -- 16 the relevant day has the meaning given to that term by 17 section 4(3). 18 19 (3) In section 15B(2) delete "Part" and insert: 20 21 Division 22 23 (4) Delete section 15B(3) and insert: 24 25 (3) Nothing in this Division affects the operation of 26 Division 2. 27 28 Note: The heading to amended section 15B is to read: 29 Application of Division page 20 Commercial Tenancy (Retail Shops) Agreements Amendment Bill 2011 s. 19 1 19. Section 15F amended 2 Delete section 15F(1) and insert: 3 4 (1) A landlord or tenant, or former landlord or tenant, 5 under a retail shop lease or former retail shop lease 6 who suffers, or is likely to suffer, loss or damage 7 because of unconscionable conduct of another person 8 that contravenes section 15C or 15D may apply in 9 writing to the Tribunal for an order that the other 10 person pay compensation in respect of the loss or 11 damage, or for other appropriate relief. 12 13 20. Part IIA Division 2 inserted 14 After section 15F insert: 15 16 Division 2 -- Misleading or deceptive conduct 17 16A. Term used: misleading or deceptive conduct 18 In this Division -- 19 misleading or deceptive conduct means conduct to 20 which section 16C applies. 21 16B. Application of Division 22 (1) In addition to a retail shop lease to which or in relation 23 to which this Division would otherwise apply, this 24 Division also applies to or in relation to a retail shop 25 lease that was entered into -- 26 (a) before the relevant day; or 27 (b) pursuant to an option granted or agreement 28 made before the relevant day, 29 if this Act would have applied to the lease had it been 30 entered into on or after that day. page 21 Commercial Tenancy (Retail Shops) Agreements Amendment Bill 2011 s. 20 1 (2) In subsection (1) -- 2 the relevant day has the meaning given to that term by 3 section 4(3). 4 (3) This Division does not apply to conduct that occurred 5 before the commencement of the Commercial Tenancy 6 (Retail Shops) Agreements Amendment Act 2011 7 section 20. 8 (4) Nothing in this Division affects the operation of 9 Division 1. 10 16C. Misleading or deceptive conduct in connection with 11 retail shop leases 12 A party to a retail shop lease must not, in connection 13 with the lease, engage in conduct that is misleading or 14 deceptive to another party to the lease or that is likely 15 to mislead or deceive another party to the lease. 16 16D. Powers of Tribunal relating to misleading or 17 deceptive conduct 18 (1) A party, or former party, under a retail shop lease or 19 former retail shop lease who suffers, or is likely to 20 suffer, loss or damage because of misleading or 21 deceptive conduct of another party or former party to 22 the lease may apply in writing to the Tribunal for an 23 order that the other party, or former party, pay 24 compensation in respect of the loss or damage, or for 25 other appropriate relief. 26 (2) A misleading or deceptive conduct application is 27 required to be lodged within 6 years after the alleged 28 misleading or deceptive conduct occurred. 29 (3) Without limiting section 26, in proceedings in relation 30 to a misleading or deceptive conduct application, the page 22 Commercial Tenancy (Retail Shops) Agreements Amendment Bill 2011 s. 21 1 Tribunal may make any one or more of the following 2 orders that it considers appropriate -- 3 (a) an order that a party to the proceedings pay 4 money to a specified person, whether by way of 5 debt, damages or restitution, or refund any 6 money paid by a specified person; 7 (b) an order that a specified amount of money is 8 not due or owing by a party to the proceedings 9 to a specified person, or that a party to the 10 proceedings is not entitled to a refund of any 11 money paid to another party to the proceedings. 12 (4) The Tribunal may make any ancillary orders that it 13 considers necessary for the purpose of enabling an 14 order under this section to have full effect. 15 (5) The Tribunal may impose any conditions that it 16 considers appropriate when making an order under this 17 section. 18 (6) The Tribunal may make an interim order under this 19 section pending final determination of a misleading or 20 deceptive conduct application, if the Tribunal considers 21 it appropriate to do so. 22 (7) In this section -- 23 specified, in relation to an order, means specified in the 24 order. 25 26 21. Part IIA Division 3 heading inserted 27 Before section 16 insert: 28 29 Division 3 -- Reference of questions to State 30 Administrative Tribunal 31 page 23 Commercial Tenancy (Retail Shops) Agreements Amendment Bill 2011 s. 22 1 22. Section 26 amended 2 In section 26(1aa) delete "so, make an order terminating a retail 3 shop lease under section 6A." and insert: 4 5 so to resolve the matter concerned, make an order 6 terminating a retail shop lease. 7 8 23. Section 27 amended 9 (1) In section 27(4)(a) after "application" insert: 10 11 or misleading or deceptive conduct application 12 13 (2) In section 27(5)(a) delete "the unconscionable conduct 14 application, or the part of that" and insert: 15 16 an application referred to in subsection (4), or a part of such an 17 18 (3) In section 27(6)(a) delete "unconscionable conduct application" 19 and insert: 20 21 application referred to in subsection (4) 22 23 24. Section 29 inserted 24 After section 28 insert: 25 26 29. Transitional provisions 27 Schedule 1 sets out transitional provisions. 28 page 24 Commercial Tenancy (Retail Shops) Agreements Amendment Bill 2011 s. 25 1 25. Schedule 1 inserted 2 After section 31 insert: 3 4 Schedule 1 -- Transitional provisions 5 [s. 29] 6 Division 1 -- Preliminary 7 1. Interpretation Act 1984 not affected 8 This Schedule does not affect the operation of the 9 Interpretation Act 1984 Part V. 10 2. Transitional regulations 11 (1) Regulations may prescribe all matters that are required or 12 necessary or convenient to be prescribed for dealing with 13 any issue or matter of a savings or transitional nature -- 14 (a) that arises as a result of the amendment of this Act 15 by another Act (an amending Act); and 16 (b) for which there is no sufficient provision in this Act 17 or the amending Act. 18 (2) Regulations made under this clause may provide that 19 specified provisions of this Act do not apply, or apply with 20 modifications specified in the regulations, to or in relation to 21 any matter. 22 (3) Regulations made under this clause may provide that a state 23 of affairs specified in the regulations is to be taken to have 24 existed, or not to have existed, on and from a day that is 25 earlier than the day on which the regulations come into 26 operation but not earlier than the day on which the relevant 27 amending Act, or the relevant provision or provisions of that 28 Act, came into operation. page 25 Commercial Tenancy (Retail Shops) Agreements Amendment Bill 2011 s. 25 1 (4) If the regulations contain a provision referred to in 2 subclause (3), the provision does not operate so as -- 3 (a) to affect in a manner prejudicial to any person 4 (other than the State), the rights of that person 5 existing before the regulations commenced; or 6 (b) to impose liabilities on any person (other than the 7 State) in respect of anything done or omitted to be 8 done before the regulations commenced. 9 Division 2 -- Provisions for Commercial Tenancy (Retail 10 Shops) Agreements Amendment Act 2011 11 3. Terms used 12 In this Division -- 13 2011 amending Act means the Commercial Tenancy (Retail 14 Shops) Agreements Amendment Act 2011; 15 commencement day, in relation to a provision of this Act 16 referred to in clause 4, means the day on which -- 17 (a) the provision of the 2011 amending Act that 18 inserted the provision referred to in clause 4 came 19 into operation; or 20 (b) the provision of the 2011 amending Act that 21 amended the provision referred to in clause 4 came 22 into operation; 23 existing lease means a lease that -- 24 (a) immediately before the commencement of the 25 2011 amending Act section 5, was not a retail shop 26 lease within the meaning of this Act as in force at 27 that time; and 28 (b) was entered into -- 29 (i) before the commencement of the 30 2011 amending Act section 5; or 31 (ii) pursuant to an option granted or agreement 32 made before the commencement of the 33 2011 amending Act section 5; page 26 Commercial Tenancy (Retail Shops) Agreements Amendment Bill 2011 s. 25 1 existing retail shop lease, in relation to a provision of this 2 Act referred to in clause 4, means a retail shop lease that 3 was entered into -- 4 (a) before the commencement day; or 5 (b) pursuant to an option granted, whether directly or 6 by operation of section 13, or agreement made 7 before the commencement day. 8 4. Application of this Act to existing retail shop leases 9 Despite the amendments effected by the 2011 amending 10 Act -- 11 (a) the following provisions do not apply to, or in 12 relation to, an existing retail shop lease -- 13 (i) section 12(3A) of this Act as inserted by 14 section 10(4) of the 2011 amending Act; 15 (ii) sections 14A and 14C of this Act, as 16 inserted by section 14 of the 2011 amending 17 Act; and 18 and 19 (b) the following provisions continue to apply to, and in 20 relation to, an existing retail shop lease -- 21 (i) section 6 of this Act, as in force 22 immediately before being amended by 23 section 7 of the 2011 amending Act; and 24 (ii) section 13 of this Act, as in force 25 immediately before being amended by 26 section 11 of the 2011 amending Act. 27 5. This Act does not apply to a lease that becomes a retail 28 shop lease as a consequence of the 2011 amending Act 29 This Act does not apply to, or in relation to, an existing 30 lease that, immediately after the commencement of the 2011 31 amending Act section 5, is a retail shop lease within the 32 meaning of this Act as in force at that time. page 27 Commercial Tenancy (Retail Shops) Agreements Amendment Bill 2011 s. 25 1 6. No contracting out 2 This Division applies despite an agreement to the contrary 3 between the parties to a retail shop lease whether or not the 4 agreement is contained in the retail shop lease. 5
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