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Western Australia Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 Contents 1. Short title 2 2. Commencement 2 3. Act amended 2 4. Section 3 amended 2 5. Section 147A amended 2 6. Section 147C amended 3 7. Section 147D amended 3 8. Chapter 3A inserted 3 Chapter 3A -- Additional duty for foreign persons Part 1 -- Preliminary 205A. Terms used 3 205B. Associate 5 205C. Foreign corporation 5 205D. Foreign trust 6 205E. Residential property 7 Part 2 -- Foreign transfer duty Division 1 -- Preliminary 205F. Terms used 8 Division 2 -- Imposition of foreign transfer duty 205G. Foreign transfer duty imposed 9 Division 3 -- Foreign dutiable transactions 205H. Foreign dutiable transaction 10 205I. New residential property 11 Division 4 -- Collection of foreign transfer duty 205J. When liability for duty arises 12 205K. Who is liable to pay duty 12 205L. Joint tenants to be treated as tenants in common in equal shares 13 205M. Foreign transfer duty declaration to be lodged 13 205N. When duty must be paid 13 72--1 page i Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 Contents 205O. Rate of foreign transfer duty 14 205P. Dutiable value 14 205Q. No double foreign transfer duty 15 205R. Interim assessment of foreign transfer duty 16 Division 5 -- Application of Chapter 2 Part 5 to certain transactions 205S. Application of Chapter 2 Part 5 to foreign dutiable transactions 16 205T. References to residential trust acquisition 18 205U. References to residential trust surrender 18 205V. Dutiable value of residential trust acquisition or residential trust surrender 18 205W. Share disposition taken to be agreement for transfer of trust property 20 205X. References to residential partnership acquisition 21 Division 6 -- Exemptions and reassessment Subdivision 1 -- Exempt transactions 205Y. Transactions on which minimum, nominal or no transfer duty payable 21 205Z. Transactions relating to agreements for transfer of residential property 22 Subdivision 2 -- Exemptions relating to construction, refurbishment and subdivision 205ZA. Exemption relating to construction or refurbishment of 10 or more dwellings 23 205ZB. Exemption relating to subdivision for purpose of constructing 10 or more dwellings 25 Subdivision 3 -- Reassessment 205ZC. Reassessment 26 Part 3 -- Foreign landholder duty Division 1 -- Preliminary 205ZD. Terms used 27 Division 2 -- Application of Chapter 3 205ZE. Application of Chapter 3 28 Division 3 -- Imposition of foreign landholder duty 205ZF. Foreign landholder duty imposed 30 Division 4 -- Residential landholders to which this Part applies 205ZG. Which entities are residential landholders 31 Division 5 -- Acquisitions to which this Part applies 205ZH. Acquisition of significant interest in residential landholder 32 page ii Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 Contents 205ZI. Acquisition of further interest by holder of significant interest 33 Division 6 -- Collection of foreign landholder duty 205ZJ. Rate of foreign landholder duty 34 205ZK. Calculation of foreign landholder duty where landholder duty calculated under s. 193 34 Division 7 -- Interim assessment of foreign landholder duty 205ZL. Interim assessment of foreign landholder duty 35 Division 8 -- Exemptions and reassessment Subdivision 1 -- Exempt acquisitions 205ZM. Exemption if foreign transfer duty would not be chargeable 36 205ZN. Exemption for certain acquisitions treated as made under agreement referred to in s. 176(2) 37 Subdivision 2 -- Exemptions relating to construction, refurbishment and subdivision 205ZO. Exemption relating to construction or refurbishment of 10 or more dwellings 37 205ZP. Exemption relating to subdivision for purpose of constructing 10 or more dwellings 39 205ZQ. Calculation of duty where some land of landholder not part of parcel of land 41 Subdivision 3 -- Reassessment 205ZR. Reassessment 41 Division 9 -- Lodgment of declaration 205ZS. Foreign landholder duty declaration to be lodged 42 205ZT. Failure to lodge foreign landholder duty declaration 42 9. Section 259 amended 43 10. Section 260 amended 43 11. Section 272 amended 44 12. Section 273 amended 44 13. Section 275 amended 46 14. Schedule 2 amended 46 page iii Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 Contents 15. Schedule 3 Division 8 inserted 46 Division 8 -- Provisions for Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Act 2018 39. Terms used 46 40. When Ch. 3A Pt. 2 starts to apply 47 41. Agreements entered into before 1 January 2019 47 42. Declaration of trusts made before 1 January 2019 47 43. Other transactions before 1 January 2019 48 44. When Ch. 3A Pt. 3 starts to apply 49 45. Application of some Ch. 8 provisions 49 page iv Western Australia LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 A Bill for An Act to amend the Duties Act 2008. The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows: page 1 Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 s. 1 1 1. Short title 2 This is the Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign 3 Persons) Act 2018. 4 2. Commencement 5 This Act comes into operation as follows -- 6 (a) sections 1 and 2 -- on the day on which this Act 7 receives the Royal Assent; 8 (b) the rest of the Act -- on 1 January 2019. 9 3. Act amended 10 This Act amends the Duties Act 2008. 11 4. Section 3 amended 12 In section 3 insert in alphabetical order: 13 14 foreign dutiable transaction has the meaning given in 15 section 205H; 16 foreign landholder duty means duty under Chapter 3A 17 Part 3; 18 foreign transfer duty means duty under Chapter 3A 19 Part 2; 20 residential property has the meaning given in 21 section 205E; 22 23 5. Section 147A amended 24 (1) In section 147A(1) delete the definition of residential property. page 2 Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 (2) In section 147A(1) insert in alphabetical order: 2 3 residential land has the meaning given in 4 section 147D; 5 6 6. Section 147C amended 7 In section 147C(1) delete "property." and insert: 8 9 land. 10 11 7. Section 147D amended 12 In section 147D delete "residential property" and insert: 13 14 residential land 15 16 Note: The heading to amended section 147D is to read: 17 Residential land 18 19 8. Chapter 3A inserted 20 Before Chapter 4 insert: 21 22 Chapter 3A -- Additional duty for 23 foreign persons 24 Part 1 -- Preliminary 25 205A. Terms used 26 (1) In this Chapter, unless the contrary intention 27 appears -- 28 associate has the meaning given in section 205B; page 3 Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 s. 8 1 dwelling means a building, or part of a building, that is 2 or is intended to be used solely or dominantly as a 3 place of residence; 4 foreign corporation has the meaning given in 5 section 205C; 6 foreign individual means an individual who is not -- 7 (a) an Australian citizen as defined in the 8 Australian Citizenship Act 2007 9 (Commonwealth) section 3; or 10 (b) the holder of a permanent visa as defined in the 11 Migration Act 1958 (Commonwealth) 12 section 5(1); or 13 (c) the holder of a special category visa as defined 14 in the Migration Act 1958 (Commonwealth) 15 section 5(1); 16 foreign person means -- 17 (a) a foreign corporation; or 18 (b) a foreign individual; or 19 (c) a foreign trustee; 20 foreign trust has the meaning given in 21 section 205D(1); 22 foreign trustee means a person that is the trustee of a 23 foreign trust; 24 parcel of land means -- 25 (a) a lot as defined in the Land Tax Assessment 26 Act 2002 Glossary clause 2; or 27 (b) 2 or more such lots which have common 28 boundaries and which in the opinion of the 29 Commissioner should be treated as a single lot 30 for the purpose of this Chapter. page 4 Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 s. 8 1 (2) If a term is given a meaning in section 9 it has the same 2 meaning in this Chapter unless the contrary intention 3 appears in this Chapter. 4 (3) If a term is given a meaning in section 148 or 161 (as 5 applied by section 205ZE(1)) it has the same meaning 6 in this Chapter unless the contrary intention appears in 7 this Chapter. 8 205B. Associate 9 (1) A person is an associate of another person if -- 10 (a) the person is a family member (within the 11 meaning given in section 100) of the other 12 person; or 13 (b) the person and the other person are related 14 persons under section 162(1)(c) to (g); or 15 (c) the person and the other person are partners in 16 the same partnership. 17 (2) If a beneficiary of a trust, other than a unit trust scheme 18 or a discretionary trust, is an associate under 19 subsection (1) of a person, a trustee of the trust is also 20 an associate of that person. 21 205C. Foreign corporation 22 (1) In this section -- 23 potential voting power has the meaning given in the 24 Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975 25 (Commonwealth) section 4; 26 voting power has the meaning given in the Foreign 27 Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975 (Commonwealth) 28 section 4. 29 (2) A corporation is a foreign corporation if -- 30 (a) the corporation is incorporated outside 31 Australia; or page 5 Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 s. 8 1 (b) the corporation is a corporation in which 2 foreign persons have a controlling interest. 3 (3) For the purposes of subsection (2)(b), foreign persons 4 have a controlling interest in a corporation if 1 or more 5 foreign persons or their associates -- 6 (a) control at least 50% of the voting power in the 7 corporation; or 8 (b) control at least 50% of the potential voting 9 power in the corporation; or 10 (c) hold at least 50% of the issued shares in the 11 corporation. 12 (4) In subsection (3) references to control are to control 13 that is direct or indirect, including control that is 14 exercisable as a result or by means of arrangements or 15 practices, whether or not having legal or equitable 16 force, and whether or not based on legal or equitable 17 rights. 18 205D. Foreign trust 19 (1) A trust is a foreign trust if it is -- 20 (a) a discretionary trust controlled by a foreign 21 person; or 22 (b) a discretionary trust and 1 or more foreign 23 persons that are takers in default, together with 24 their associates, hold at least a 50% interest in 25 the discretionary trust; or 26 (c) a trust other than a discretionary trust and 1 or 27 more foreign persons, together with their 28 associates, hold beneficial interests in at least 29 50% of the income or property of the trust. 30 (2) For the purposes of subsection (1)(a), a discretionary 31 trust is controlled by a foreign person if the person is in 32 a position to influence, either directly or indirectly, the page 6 Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 s. 8 1 vesting of the whole or any part of the capital of the 2 trust property, or of the whole or any part of the 3 income from the trust property. 4 205E. Residential property 5 (1) Subject to subsection (3), any of the following is 6 residential property -- 7 (a) land in Western Australia that is, is capable of 8 being, or is intended to be, used solely or 9 dominantly for residential purposes; 10 (b) land in Western Australia that is vacant or 11 substantially vacant and zoned solely for 12 residential purposes under a planning scheme 13 as defined in the Planning and Development 14 Act 2005 section 4(1); 15 (c) in the case of land described in paragraph (a) 16 or (b) -- 17 (i) any estate or interest in the land; 18 (ii) anything that is part of the land as a 19 fixture. 20 (2) For the purposes of Part 2, other than 21 sections 205S(2)(b) and (h) and 205X, residential 22 property includes a chattel in Western Australia if -- 23 (a) the chattel is the subject of a dutiable 24 transaction; and 25 (b) under section 37, the dutiable transaction in 26 respect of the chattel is aggregated with a 27 dutiable transaction in respect of residential 28 property as defined in subsections (1) and (3); 29 and 30 (c) the use of the chattel is directly linked to, or is 31 incidental to, the use of residential property for 32 residential purposes. page 7 Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 s. 8 1 (3) The following are not residential property -- 2 (a) land that is intended to be used solely or 3 dominantly for the purposes of an aged care 4 facility as defined in the Land Tax Assessment 5 Act 2002 section 38A(1); 6 (b) land that is intended to be used solely or 7 dominantly for the purposes of commercial 8 residential premises as defined in the A New 9 Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 10 (Commonwealth) section 195-1; 11 (c) land that is intended to be used solely or 12 dominantly for the purposes of a retirement 13 village as defined in the Retirement Villages 14 Act 1992 section 3(1); 15 (d) an easement; 16 (e) a security interest; 17 (f) a carbon right or a carbon covenant registered 18 under the Carbon Rights Act 2003; 19 (g) land prescribed for the purposes of this 20 subsection. 21 Part 2 -- Foreign transfer duty 22 Division 1 -- Preliminary 23 205F. Terms used 24 (1) In this Part, unless the contrary intention appears -- 25 dutiable value has the meaning given in Chapter 2 26 Part 4 Division 5 as applied by section 205P(1); 27 foreign transfer duty endorsed has the meaning given 28 in subsections (2) and (3); 29 new residential property has the meaning given in 30 section 205I; page 8 Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 s. 8 1 residential partnership acquisition has the meaning 2 given in section 205X; 3 residential trust acquisition has the meaning given in 4 section 205T; 5 residential trust surrender has the meaning given in 6 section 205U; 7 special residential property means any of the 8 following -- 9 (a) a life interest in residential property; 10 (b) a remainder interest in residential property; 11 (c) a lease of residential property, if consideration 12 is paid, or agreed to be paid, by the lessor for 13 the surrender of the lease. 14 (2) A foreign dutiable transaction is foreign transfer duty 15 endorsed if a transaction record for it is foreign transfer 16 duty endorsed. 17 (3) A transaction record, or a duplicate of a transaction 18 record, for a foreign dutiable transaction is foreign 19 transfer duty endorsed if it is duty endorsed and the 20 duty endorsement indicates -- 21 (a) the amount of foreign transfer duty paid on the 22 transaction; or 23 (b) that foreign transfer duty is not chargeable on 24 the transaction. 25 Division 2 -- Imposition of foreign transfer duty 26 205G. Foreign transfer duty imposed 27 Foreign transfer duty is imposed on foreign dutiable 28 transactions. page 9 Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 s. 8 1 Division 3 -- Foreign dutiable transactions 2 205H. Foreign dutiable transaction 3 (1) Subject to subsection (2), any of the following is a 4 foreign dutiable transaction -- 5 (a) a transfer of residential property to a foreign 6 person; 7 (b) an agreement, whether conditional or not, for 8 the transfer of residential property to a foreign 9 person; 10 (c) a declaration of trust over residential property if 11 the trust is a foreign trust; 12 (d) a vesting of residential property in a foreign 13 person -- 14 (i) by, or expressly authorised by, statute 15 law of this or another jurisdiction, 16 whether inside or outside Australia; or 17 (ii) by, or as a consequence of, a court order 18 of this or another jurisdiction, whether 19 inside or outside Australia; 20 (e) a foreclosure of a mortgage over residential 21 property by a mortgagee that is a foreign 22 person; 23 (f) an acquisition by a foreign person of new 24 residential property, on its creation, grant or 25 issue; 26 (g) a surrender of special residential property to a 27 foreign person; 28 (h) a residential trust acquisition or residential trust 29 surrender; 30 (i) a residential partnership acquisition. page 10 Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 s. 8 1 (2) The following transactions are not foreign dutiable 2 transactions -- 3 (a) a transaction the subject of which is a right if 4 no consideration is paid, or agreed to be paid, 5 for the transaction; 6 (b) a transfer of, or an agreement for the transfer 7 of, a lease if no consideration is paid, or agreed 8 to be paid, for the transfer or agreement; 9 (c) a transaction prescribed as an excluded 10 transaction for the purposes of this section. 11 (3) Without limiting subsection (1)(d)(i), section 12 12 applies for the purposes of determining when 13 residential property is vested under statute law. 14 205I. New residential property 15 (1) Subject to subsection (2), any of the following is new 16 residential property -- 17 (a) residential property; 18 (b) the following rights -- 19 (i) an option to acquire residential property, 20 unless the option is part of a 21 simultaneous put and call option over 22 residential property; 23 (ii) a right to acquire residential property; 24 (iii) any other right prescribed for the 25 purposes of this subsection. 26 (2) The following are not new residential property -- 27 (a) a lease if no consideration is paid, or agreed to 28 be paid, for the grant of the lease; 29 (b) any other residential property prescribed as 30 excluded property for the purposes of this 31 section. page 11 Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 s. 8 1 Division 4 -- Collection of foreign transfer duty 2 205J. When liability for duty arises 3 Liability for foreign transfer duty chargeable on a 4 foreign dutiable transaction arises when the liability for 5 transfer duty chargeable on the transaction arises under 6 section 19. 7 205K. Who is liable to pay duty 8 (1) A person is liable to pay foreign transfer duty on a 9 foreign dutiable transaction if the person is -- 10 (a) liable to pay transfer duty on the transaction; 11 and 12 (b) a foreign person. 13 (2) A person is liable to pay foreign transfer duty, 14 regardless of whether the person is a foreign person, 15 if -- 16 (a) the person is liable to pay transfer duty on a 17 foreign dutiable transaction referred to in 18 section 205H(1)(h); or 19 (b) the person is, under section 69 as applied by 20 section 205S(1), the person liable to pay 21 foreign transfer duty. 22 (3) A foreign individual or foreign corporation is not liable 23 to pay foreign transfer duty on a foreign dutiable 24 transaction if -- 25 (a) the individual or corporation is acting in their 26 capacity as trustee; and 27 (b) the individual or corporation is not a foreign 28 trustee. page 12 Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 s. 8 1 205L. Joint tenants to be treated as tenants in common in 2 equal shares 3 For the purpose of charging foreign transfer duty, joint 4 tenants of residential property are taken to hold the 5 property as tenants in common in equal shares. 6 205M. Foreign transfer duty declaration to be lodged 7 (1) Subject to subsection (2), the person liable to pay 8 foreign transfer duty on a foreign dutiable transaction 9 must lodge a foreign transfer duty declaration in the 10 approved form within 2 months after the day on which 11 liability for foreign transfer duty on the transaction 12 arises. 13 Penalty for this subsection: a fine of $5 000. 14 (2) A person is not required to lodge a foreign transfer 15 duty declaration in respect of a general conditional 16 agreement in respect of which liability for transfer duty 17 does not arise under section 19(2). 18 205N. When duty must be paid 19 (1) A person liable to pay foreign transfer duty on a 20 foreign dutiable transaction must pay the duty within 21 1 month after the date of the assessment notice issued 22 in relation to an assessment of the duty, unless a later 23 time is provided under subsection (2) or (3) in respect 24 of the transaction. 25 (2) Unless subsection (3) applies, foreign transfer duty 26 must be paid within 12 months after the day on which 27 liability for foreign transfer duty on the transaction 28 arises if the transaction is -- 29 (a) a conditional agreement; or 30 (b) a foreign dutiable transaction referred to in 31 section 205H(1)(a), (b), (c) or (d) if a document page 13 Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 s. 8 1 relating to the transaction must be registered 2 under -- 3 (i) the Registration of Deeds Act 1856; or 4 (ii) the Transfer of Land Act 1893. 5 (3) Foreign transfer duty must be paid within 3 years after 6 the day on which liability for foreign transfer duty on 7 the transaction arises if the transaction is -- 8 (a) a subdivision conditional agreement; or 9 (b) an issue of title conditional agreement. 10 205O. Rate of foreign transfer duty 11 Foreign transfer duty is chargeable at the rate of 7% of 12 the dutiable value of the foreign dutiable transaction. 13 205P. Dutiable value 14 (1) The provisions of Chapter 2 Part 4 Division 5 other 15 than sections 31(5), 37, 39(3) and 40 apply, with all 16 appropriate modifications, in respect of foreign transfer 17 duty in the same way as they apply in respect of 18 transfer duty. 19 (2) Without limiting subsection (1), the provisions applied 20 by that subsection apply as if -- 21 (a) a reference to dutiable property were a 22 reference to residential property; and 23 (b) a reference to a dutiable transaction were a 24 reference to a foreign dutiable transaction; and 25 (c) other than in sections 28(6) and 29(4), a 26 reference to duty were a reference to foreign 27 transfer duty; and 28 (d) a reference to duty endorsed were a reference to 29 foreign transfer duty endorsed; and page 14 Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 s. 8 1 (e) the reference in section 28(1) to 2 section 11(1)(d)(ii) or (e) were a reference to 3 section 205H(1)(d)(ii) or (e); and 4 (f) the reference in section 29(4) to nominal duty 5 were a reference to no foreign transfer duty. 6 (3) If a foreign dutiable transaction is aggregated with 7 another dutiable transaction under section 37, then the 8 foreign dutiable transaction is treated as having taken 9 place at the time that the last of the aggregated 10 transactions took place. 11 (4) Foreign transfer duty is chargeable on any foreign 12 dutiable transaction effecting an exchange of 13 residential property to a foreign person for dutiable 14 property as if the exchange involved the transfer of the 15 residential property for consideration equal to the 16 unencumbered value of the residential property. 17 205Q. No double foreign transfer duty 18 (1) The provisions of Chapter 2 Part 4 Division 6 other 19 than section 42(15) apply, with all appropriate 20 modifications, in respect of foreign transfer duty in the 21 same way as they apply in respect of transfer duty. 22 (2) Without limiting subsection (1), the provisions applied 23 by that subsection apply as if -- 24 (a) a reference to dutiable property were a 25 reference to residential property; and 26 (b) a reference to a dutiable transaction were a 27 reference to a foreign dutiable transaction; and 28 (c) a reference to duty were a reference to foreign 29 transfer duty; and 30 (d) a reference to duty endorsed were a reference to 31 foreign transfer duty endorsed; and page 15 Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 s. 8 1 (e) a reference to the general or a concessional rate 2 were a reference to the rate of foreign transfer 3 duty; and 4 (f) the reference in section 42(12) to 5 section 11(1)(d) were a reference to 6 section 205H(1)(d). 7 205R. Interim assessment of foreign transfer duty 8 (1) The Commissioner may make an assessment (an 9 interim assessment) of a portion of the foreign transfer 10 duty payable on a foreign dutiable transaction if, under 11 section 44A(1), the Commissioner makes an 12 assessment of a portion of the transfer duty payable on 13 the transaction. 14 (2) For the purposes of making an interim assessment, the 15 foreign transfer duty payable is to be determined as if 16 the portion of the dutiable value of the foreign dutiable 17 transaction were the full dutiable value of the 18 transaction. 19 Division 5 -- Application of Chapter 2 Part 5 to certain 20 transactions 21 205S. Application of Chapter 2 Part 5 to foreign dutiable 22 transactions 23 (1) The provisions of Chapter 2 Part 5 other than 24 section 70 and Divisions 5 and 6 apply, with all 25 appropriate modifications, in respect of foreign transfer 26 duty in the same way as they apply in respect of 27 transfer duty. 28 (2) Without limiting subsection (1), the provisions applied 29 by that subsection apply as if -- 30 (a) a reference to dutiable property (other than in 31 Chapter 2 Part 5 Division 4) were a reference to 32 residential property; and page 16 Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 s. 8 1 (b) a reference to dutiable property in Chapter 2 2 Part 5 Division 4 were a reference to each of 3 the following -- 4 (i) residential property; 5 (ii) a chattel in Western Australia, the use of 6 which is directly linked to, or is 7 incidental to, the use of residential 8 property for residential purposes; 9 and 10 (c) a reference to a dutiable transaction were a 11 reference to a foreign dutiable transaction; and 12 (d) a reference to duty were a reference to foreign 13 transfer duty; and 14 (e) a reference to duty endorsed were a reference to 15 foreign transfer duty endorsed; and 16 (f) a reference to a trust acquisition were a 17 reference to a residential trust acquisition; and 18 (g) a reference to a trust surrender were a reference 19 to a residential trust surrender; and 20 (h) a reference in section 73 to land in Western 21 Australia were a reference to residential 22 property; and 23 (i) a reference in section 76 or 77 to a partnership 24 acquisition were a reference to a residential 25 partnership acquisition; and 26 (j) each provision specified in Column 1 of the 27 Table were replaced by the provision specified 28 opposite it in Column 2 of the Table. 29 Table Column 1 Column 2 s. 55 s. 205T page 17 Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 s. 8 Column 1 Column 2 s. 56 s. 205U s. 59 s. 205V s. 67 s. 205W s. 72 s. 205X 1 205T. References to residential trust acquisition 2 A reference to a residential trust acquisition is to the 3 acquisition by a taker in default that is a foreign person 4 of an interest in a discretionary trust that holds -- 5 (a) residential property; or 6 (b) an indirect interest in residential property. 7 205U. References to residential trust surrender 8 A reference to a residential trust surrender is to the 9 surrender by a taker in default of an interest in a 10 discretionary trust that holds residential property or an 11 indirect interest in residential property, if the surrender 12 results in a foreign person acquiring an interest in the 13 discretionary trust. 14 205V. Dutiable value of residential trust acquisition or 15 residential trust surrender 16 (1) The dutiable value of a residential trust acquisition 17 is -- 18 (a) the consideration for the acquisition so far as 19 the consideration relates to residential 20 property -- 21 (i) held by the discretionary trust; or page 18 Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 s. 8 1 (ii) to which an entity linked to the trustee 2 of the discretionary trust is entitled; 3 or 4 (b) the value of the taker in default's interest in the 5 discretionary trust at the time when liability for 6 foreign transfer duty on the acquisition arises 7 if -- 8 (i) there is no consideration for the 9 acquisition; or 10 (ii) the consideration cannot be ascertained 11 when liability for foreign transfer duty 12 on the acquisition arises; or 13 (iii) the value of the taker in default's 14 interest is greater than the consideration 15 for the acquisition. 16 (2) The dutiable value of a residential trust surrender is -- 17 (a) the consideration for the surrender so far as the 18 consideration relates to -- 19 (i) residential property held by the 20 discretionary trust or to which an entity 21 linked to the trustee of the discretionary 22 trust is entitled; and 23 (ii) the interests in the discretionary trust 24 acquired by a foreign person as a result 25 of the surrender; 26 or 27 (b) the value of a foreign person's interest in the 28 discretionary trust at the time immediately after 29 liability for foreign transfer duty on the 30 surrender arises less the value of the foreign 31 person's interest in the discretionary trust page 19 Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 s. 8 1 immediately before liability for foreign transfer 2 duty on the surrender arises if -- 3 (i) there is no consideration for the 4 surrender; or 5 (ii) the consideration cannot be ascertained 6 when liability for foreign transfer duty 7 on the surrender arises; or 8 (iii) the value of the taker in default's 9 interest is greater than the consideration 10 for the surrender. 11 205W. Share disposition taken to be agreement for transfer 12 of trust property 13 (1) A disposition of a share in a corporate trustee is taken 14 to be an agreement for the transfer of residential 15 property and is liable to foreign transfer duty 16 accordingly if -- 17 (a) it is a transaction, or part of a transaction, that 18 is a scheme or arrangement, or part of a scheme 19 or arrangement; and 20 (b) the transaction results in -- 21 (i) a foreign person increasing its beneficial 22 interest in residential property held 23 directly or indirectly by the corporate 24 trustee of a discretionary trust; or 25 (ii) a foreign person acquiring a beneficial 26 interest in residential property held 27 directly or indirectly by the corporate 28 trustee of a discretionary trust. 29 (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the disposition of a 30 share by which the personal representative of a 31 deceased person disposes of a share to a beneficiary in 32 the administration of the estate of the deceased person. page 20 Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 s. 8 1 205X. References to residential partnership acquisition 2 A reference to a residential partnership acquisition is to 3 a foreign person acquiring a partnership interest in a 4 partnership that holds -- 5 (a) residential property; or 6 (b) an indirect interest in residential property. 7 Division 6 -- Exemptions and reassessment 8 Subdivision 1 -- Exempt transactions 9 205Y. Transactions on which minimum, nominal or no 10 transfer duty payable 11 (1) Foreign transfer duty is not chargeable on a transaction 12 to which section 39 applies if the minimum amount of 13 transfer duty referred to in section 39(3) is payable on 14 the transaction. 15 (2) Except as provided in subsection (3), foreign transfer 16 duty is not chargeable on a foreign dutiable transaction 17 to the extent that -- 18 (a) transfer duty is not chargeable on the 19 transaction under Chapter 2 Part 5 Division 6; 20 or 21 (b) transfer duty is not chargeable on the 22 transaction under Chapter 2 Part 6 Division 1; 23 or 24 (c) nominal duty is chargeable on the transaction 25 under Chapter 2 Part 6 Division 2. 26 (3) Foreign transfer duty is chargeable on a foreign 27 dutiable transaction if -- 28 (a) section 97 applies to the transaction, the person 29 to whom the property is transferred or agreed to 30 be transferred is a foreign person, and foreign page 21 Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 s. 8 1 transfer duty was not chargeable on the 2 acquisition of the property by the person from 3 whom the property is transferred or agreed to 4 be transferred; or 5 (b) section 114 applies to the transaction, the taker 6 in default is a foreign person, and foreign 7 transfer duty was not chargeable on the 8 acquisition of the property by the trustee of the 9 trust or on any acquisition by which the taker in 10 default acquired its interest in the trust; or 11 (c) section 115 applies to the transaction, the 12 beneficiary is a foreign person, and foreign 13 transfer duty was not chargeable on the 14 acquisition of the property by the trustee of the 15 trust; or 16 (d) section 116 applies to the transaction, the 17 beneficiary is a foreign person, and the 18 declaration of trust has not been foreign transfer 19 duty endorsed; or 20 (e) section 117(1)(a) or (b) applies to the 21 transaction, the real purchaser is a foreign 22 person, and foreign transfer duty was not 23 chargeable on the acquisition of the property by 24 the apparent purchaser. 25 205Z. Transactions relating to agreements for transfer of 26 residential property 27 (1) Foreign transfer duty is not chargeable on an 28 agreement for the transfer of residential property if -- 29 (a) the agreement is an agreement referred to in 30 section 42(2) or (4), the purchaser is a foreign 31 person, and the transferee is not a foreign 32 person; or page 22 Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 s. 8 1 (b) the agreement is an agreement referred to in 2 section 42(4B), the purchaser is a foreign 3 person, and the trust is not a foreign trust; or 4 (c) the agreement is an agreement referred to in 5 section 42(5), the person named in the 6 agreement as the purchaser is a foreign person, 7 and the corporation is not a foreign corporation. 8 (2) Foreign transfer duty is not chargeable on an 9 agreement for the transfer of residential property to a 10 transferee if the property is transferred in conformity 11 with the agreement and the transferee is not a foreign 12 person when the property is transferred. 13 Subdivision 2 -- Exemptions relating to construction, 14 refurbishment and subdivision 15 205ZA. Exemption relating to construction or 16 refurbishment of 10 or more dwellings 17 (1) Foreign transfer duty is not chargeable on a foreign 18 dutiable transaction to the extent that the transaction 19 relates to a parcel of land to which this section applies. 20 (2) This section applies to a parcel of land if -- 21 (a) at the time when liability for foreign transfer 22 duty on the transaction arises, there is no 23 building, or part of a building, on the parcel of 24 land capable of being used solely or dominantly 25 as a place of residence; and 26 (b) the person liable to pay foreign transfer duty on 27 the transaction or an associate of the person 28 intends to construct, refurbish or complete the 29 construction or refurbishment of 10 or more 30 dwellings on the parcel of land; and 31 (c) within the period of 5 years beginning on the 32 day on which the transaction is completed, the 33 person or associate complies with page 23 Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 s. 8 1 subsection (3) in relation to 10 or more 2 dwellings on the parcel of land; and 3 (d) the parcel of land is, in the Commissioner's 4 opinion, suitable for 10 or more dwellings. 5 (3) A person or an associate of a person complies with this 6 subsection in relation to -- 7 (a) a dwelling the person or associate intends to 8 construct, if the person or associate begins 9 construction of that dwelling or another 10 dwelling on the parcel of land; or 11 (b) a dwelling the person or associate intends to 12 refurbish, if all licences, approvals, 13 registrations, exemptions and other kinds of 14 authorisation necessary to refurbish that 15 dwelling or another dwelling on the parcel of 16 land are issued, granted or obtained; or 17 (c) a dwelling the person or associate intends to 18 complete the construction or refurbishment of, 19 if that dwelling or another dwelling on the 20 parcel of land, construction or refurbishment of 21 which is completed by the person or associate, 22 is ready for occupation as a place of residence. 23 (4) For the purposes of subsection (3)(a), construction of a 24 dwelling begins on -- 25 (a) the day on which laying the foundations for the 26 dwelling begins; or 27 (b) another day the Commissioner considers 28 appropriate in the circumstances of the case. 29 (5) An application for reassessment under 30 section 205ZC(2) because of this section must be made 31 on or before the later of the following -- 32 (a) the last day of the period of 1 year beginning on 33 the day on which the person or associate page 24 Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 s. 8 1 complies with subsection (3) in relation to 10 or 2 more dwellings; 3 (b) the last day of the period of 5 years beginning 4 on the day on which the transaction is 5 completed. 6 205ZB. Exemption relating to subdivision for purpose of 7 constructing 10 or more dwellings 8 (1) Foreign transfer duty is not chargeable on a foreign 9 dutiable transaction to the extent that the transaction 10 relates to a parcel of land to which this section applies. 11 (2) This section applies to a parcel of land if -- 12 (a) at the time when liability for foreign transfer 13 duty on the transaction arises, the parcel of land 14 is vacant or substantially vacant; and 15 (b) the person liable to pay foreign transfer duty on 16 the transaction or an associate of the person 17 intends to subdivide or complete subdividing 18 the parcel of land for the purpose of a person 19 constructing 10 or more dwellings on the parcel 20 of land; and 21 (c) within the period of 5 years beginning on the 22 day on which the transaction is completed, the 23 person or associate -- 24 (i) begins subdividing the parcel of land; or 25 (ii) if subdividing the parcel of land has 26 begun when the transaction is 27 completed, completes subdividing the 28 parcel of land; 29 and 30 (d) the parcel of land is, in the Commissioner's 31 opinion, suitable for 10 or more dwellings. page 25 Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 s. 8 1 (3) An application for reassessment under 2 section 205ZC(2) because of this section must be made 3 on or before the later of the following -- 4 (a) the last day of the period of 1 year beginning on 5 the day on which the person or associate -- 6 (i) begins subdividing the parcel of land; or 7 (ii) if subdividing the parcel of land has 8 begun when the transaction is 9 completed, completes subdividing the 10 parcel of land; 11 (b) the last day of the period of 5 years beginning 12 on the day on which the transaction is 13 completed. 14 (4) For the purposes of subsections (2)(c) and (3)(a) -- 15 (a) a person begins subdividing land on the day on 16 which the land is subdivided under the Land 17 Tax Assessment Act 2002 Glossary clause 3; 18 and 19 (b) a person completes subdividing land on the day 20 on which the new certificate of title is created 21 and registered for the subdivided land. 22 Subdivision 3 -- Reassessment 23 205ZC. Reassessment 24 (1) If the Commissioner is required to reassess the liability 25 to transfer duty of a foreign dutiable transaction that is 26 not liable to foreign transfer duty because of 27 section 205Y -- 28 (a) the Commissioner, on the application of a 29 taxpayer, must reassess the liability to foreign 30 transfer duty of the transaction; and 31 (b) the limitation as to time (if any) that applies in 32 respect of the reassessment of transfer duty page 26 Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 s. 8 1 applies in respect of the reassessment of foreign 2 transfer duty; and 3 (c) if the reassessment of transfer duty is under 4 section 107 -- the application for reassessment 5 under this subsection must be made in the 6 approved form. 7 (2) The Commissioner, on the application of a taxpayer, 8 must reassess the liability to foreign transfer duty of a 9 foreign dutiable transaction if the liability is affected 10 by section 205Z, 205ZA or 205ZB. 11 (3) The limitations as to time in the Taxation 12 Administration Act section 17 do not apply in respect 13 of a reassessment because of section 205ZA or 205ZB. 14 (4) An application for reassessment under subsection (2) 15 must be made in the approved form. 16 Part 3 -- Foreign landholder duty 17 Division 1 -- Preliminary 18 205ZD. Terms used 19 (1) In this Part, unless the contrary intention appears -- 20 foreign acquirer means -- 21 (a) a foreign person that acquires an interest in a 22 residential landholder by a foreign landholder 23 acquisition; or 24 (b) a foreign person that is a related person to a 25 person that acquires an interest in a residential 26 landholder by a foreign landholder acquisition; 27 or 28 (c) if there is more than 1 person referred to in 29 paragraph (a) or (b), each of them; page 27 Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 s. 8 1 foreign landholder acquisition has the meaning given 2 in sections 205ZH and 205ZI; 3 residential landholder means an entity that is a 4 residential landholder under section 205ZG. 5 (2) A reference in this Part to a provision of Chapter 3 that 6 is applied by section 205ZE(1) is a reference to that 7 provision as so applied. 8 Division 2 -- Application of Chapter 3 9 205ZE. Application of Chapter 3 10 (1) The provisions of Chapter 3 other than the provisions 11 set out in the Table apply, with all appropriate 12 modifications, in respect of foreign landholder duty in 13 the same way as they apply in respect of landholder 14 duty. 15 Table s. 149(2A) and (4) Part 2 s. 155 Part 5 Division 2 Subdivision 2 s. 167 s. 168 s. 171 Part 5 Division 2 Subdivision 4 s. 175 Part 6 Division 4 s. 193 Part 6 Division 6A Part 6 Division 7 page 28 Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 s. 8 1 (2) Without limiting subsection (1), the provisions applied 2 by that subsection apply as if -- 3 (a) a reference to duty or landholder duty were a 4 reference to foreign landholder duty; and 5 (b) a reference to an acquirer were a reference to a 6 foreign acquirer; and 7 (c) a reference to a landholder were a reference to a 8 residential landholder; and 9 (d) a reference to a relevant acquisition were a 10 reference to a foreign landholder acquisition; 11 and 12 (e) a reference to land, land in Western Australia or 13 dutiable property were a reference to residential 14 property; and 15 (f) a reference to a chattel were a reference to a 16 chattel, the use of which is directly linked to, or 17 is incidental to, the use of residential property 18 for residential purposes; and 19 (g) the reference in section 157(1) to section 155 20 were a reference to section 186; and 21 (h) the provisions of Division 8 Subdivisions 1 22 and 2 of this Chapter were provisions of 23 Chapter 3 Part 5 Division 2 Subdivision 3; and 24 (i) the reference in the definition of call option, 25 put option and simultaneous put and call 26 option in section 177(1) to section 44 were a 27 reference to section 44 as applied by 28 section 205S(1); and 29 (j) a reference in section 185 or 189 to a related 30 person were a reference to a related person that 31 is a foreign person; and 32 (k) a reference in section 188(1) or 189(1) to 33 applying the appropriate rate of duty under page 29 Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 s. 8 1 section 184(1) to the value were a reference to 2 working out 7% of the value; and 3 (l) the reference in section 189(6) to 1 July 2008 4 were a reference to 1 January 2019; and 5 (m) a reference to a provision specified in 6 Column 1 of the Table were a reference to the 7 provision specified opposite it in Column 2 of 8 the Table. 9 Table Column 1 Column 2 s. 67 s. 205W s. 151 s. 205ZF s. 155 s. 205ZG s. 163 s. 205ZH s. 164 s. 205ZI s. 167 s. 205ZM s. 200 s. 205ZS 10 Division 3 -- Imposition of foreign landholder duty 11 205ZF. Foreign landholder duty imposed 12 Foreign landholder duty is imposed in respect of any 13 foreign landholder acquisition of an interest in a 14 residential landholder. page 30 Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 s. 8 1 Division 4 -- Residential landholders to which this 2 Part applies 3 205ZG. Which entities are residential landholders 4 (1) This section applies where it is necessary to determine 5 in relation to an acquisition of an interest in an entity 6 whether the entity is a residential landholder for the 7 purposes of section 205ZH or 205ZI. 8 (2) A corporation is a residential landholder if immediately 9 before the acquisition -- 10 (a) it is entitled to residential property or an entity 11 linked to the corporation is so entitled; and 12 (b) it is a landholder. 13 (3) A unit trust scheme is a residential landholder if 14 immediately before the acquisition -- 15 (a) the trustee of the scheme is entitled to 16 residential property or an entity linked to the 17 unit trust scheme is so entitled; and 18 (b) the scheme is a landholder. 19 (4) For the purposes of subsections (2)(a) and (3)(a) -- 20 (a) a partnership, as a linked entity, is entitled to 21 residential property if the partnership property 22 is or includes residential property; and 23 (b) a unit trust scheme, as a linked entity, is entitled 24 to residential property if the trustee of the 25 scheme is so entitled. page 31 Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 s. 8 1 Division 5 -- Acquisitions to which this Part applies 2 205ZH. Acquisition of significant interest in residential 3 landholder 4 (1) An acquisition by a foreign person of an interest in an 5 entity is a foreign landholder acquisition if -- 6 (a) immediately before the acquisition the entity 7 was a residential landholder in which the 8 interest (if any) of the foreign person and the 9 interest (if any) of any related person did not 10 amount to a significant interest; and 11 (b) after the acquisition the entity is a residential 12 landholder in which -- 13 (i) the interest of the foreign person is a 14 significant interest; or 15 (ii) the interest of the foreign person when 16 aggregated with any interest of a related 17 person amounts to a significant interest. 18 (2) An acquisition by a person that is not a foreign person 19 of an interest in an entity is a foreign landholder 20 acquisition if -- 21 (a) immediately before the acquisition the entity 22 was a residential landholder in which the 23 interest (if any) of the person and the interest (if 24 any) of any related person did not amount to a 25 significant interest; and 26 (b) after the acquisition the entity is a residential 27 landholder in which the person and at least 1 28 related person that is a foreign person has an 29 interest and in which -- 30 (i) the interest of the person is a significant 31 interest; or page 32 Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 s. 8 1 (ii) the interest of the person when 2 aggregated with any interest of a related 3 person amounts to a significant interest. 4 205ZI. Acquisition of further interest by holder of 5 significant interest 6 (1) An acquisition by a foreign person of an interest in an 7 entity is also a foreign landholder acquisition if -- 8 (a) immediately before the acquisition the entity is 9 a residential landholder in which -- 10 (i) the interest of the foreign person is a 11 significant interest; or 12 (ii) the interest of the foreign person when 13 aggregated with any interest of a related 14 person amounts to a significant interest; 15 or 16 (iii) the interest of a related person is a 17 significant interest; 18 and 19 (b) by the acquisition the foreign person or any 20 related person acquires, or the foreign person 21 and any related person acquire, a further 22 interest in the landholder. 23 (2) An acquisition by a person that is not a foreign person 24 of an interest in an entity is also a foreign landholder 25 acquisition if -- 26 (a) immediately before the acquisition the entity is 27 a residential landholder in which at least 1 28 related person that is a foreign person has an 29 interest and in which -- 30 (i) the interest of the person is a significant 31 interest; or 32 (ii) the interest of the person when 33 aggregated with any interest of a related page 33 Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 s. 8 1 person amounts to a significant interest; 2 or 3 (iii) the interest of a related person is a 4 significant interest; 5 and 6 (b) by the acquisition the person or a related person 7 acquires, or the person and a related person 8 acquire, a further interest in the landholder. 9 Division 6 -- Collection of foreign landholder duty 10 205ZJ. Rate of foreign landholder duty 11 Foreign landholder duty is chargeable -- 12 (a) by reference to the value referred to in 13 section 188(1) or 189(1), as the case requires; 14 and 15 (b) at the rate of 7% of that value. 16 205ZK. Calculation of foreign landholder duty where 17 landholder duty calculated under s. 193 18 (1) This section applies to the calculation of foreign 19 landholder duty in respect of a foreign landholder 20 acquisition if the Commissioner calculates landholder 21 duty in respect of the acquisition under section 193(3). 22 (2) If this section applies -- 23 (a) the Commissioner may calculate the foreign 24 landholder duty in respect of the acquisition as 25 if the acquisition occurred at the end of the 26 relevant period (as defined in section 193(1)); 27 and page 34 Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 s. 8 1 (b) if the single relevant acquisition referred to in 2 section 193(3) (the single acquisition) includes 3 more than 1 foreign landholder acquisition -- 4 (i) the Commissioner is not required to 5 make a separate calculation of foreign 6 landholder duty in respect of the 7 acquisition; and 8 (ii) the Commissioner may calculate foreign 9 landholder duty in respect of all foreign 10 landholder acquisitions forming part of 11 the single acquisition as if all of the 12 acquisitions had been made by a single 13 foreign landholder acquisition. 14 Division 7 -- Interim assessment of foreign landholder 15 duty 16 205ZL. Interim assessment of foreign landholder duty 17 (1) The Commissioner may make an assessment (an 18 interim assessment) of a portion of the foreign 19 landholder duty payable in respect of a foreign 20 landholder acquisition if, under section 195A(1), the 21 Commissioner makes an assessment of a portion of the 22 landholder duty payable in respect of the acquisition. 23 (2) For the purposes of making an interim assessment, the 24 foreign landholder duty payable is to be determined as 25 if the portion of the value of the residential landholder 26 were the full value of the residential landholder. 27 (3) The Commissioner can make a determination of a 28 portion of the value of a residential landholder for the 29 purposes of making an interim assessment even though 30 the Commissioner has ascertained -- 31 (a) the value of only some of the residential 32 property or chattels to which section 186(1) 33 applies; or page 35 Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 s. 8 1 (b) only a portion of the value of particular 2 residential property or chattels to which 3 section 186(1) applies. 4 Division 8 -- Exemptions and reassessment 5 Subdivision 1 -- Exempt acquisitions 6 205ZM. Exemption if foreign transfer duty would not be 7 chargeable 8 (1) In this section -- 9 acquiring person, in relation to an acquisition, means 10 the person making the acquisition; 11 relinquishing person, in relation to an acquisition, 12 means the person from whom the interest in the 13 landholder was acquired. 14 (2) An acquisition is exempt if no foreign transfer duty 15 would be chargeable, other than under Chapter 6, on 16 the transfer, at the time of the acquisition, by the 17 relinquishing person to the acquiring person of 18 residential property of the landholder, or of a linked 19 entity in respect of the landholder, as if the property 20 were that of the relinquishing person. 21 (3) For the purposes of subsection (2), the acquiring person 22 in respect of an acquisition described in 23 section 205ZH(2) or 205ZI(2) is to be treated as if they 24 were a foreign person. 25 (4) If the acquiring person did not acquire the interest in 26 the residential landholder from another person, the 27 reference to the relinquishing person is to be read 28 (according to what is relevant) as a reference to the or a 29 person -- 30 (a) whose interest in the landholder is decreased 31 because of the acquisition; or page 36 Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 s. 8 1 (b) whose interest in the landholder decreased 2 resulting in the acquisition. 3 Note for this subsection: 4 An acquiring person may acquire an interest in a company 5 by the company issuing shares to the person, or buying 6 back shares of another person. 7 205ZN. Exemption for certain acquisitions treated as made 8 under agreement referred to in s. 176(2) 9 An acquisition is exempt if -- 10 (a) for the purposes of an assessment, the 11 acquisition was treated as having been made 12 under an agreement of the kind referred to in 13 section 176(2); and 14 (b) when the agreement is completed the acquirer 15 is not a foreign person; and 16 (c) had the acquisition not been treated as 17 mentioned in paragraph (a) the liability for 18 foreign landholder duty in respect of the 19 acquisition would not have arisen. 20 Subdivision 2 -- Exemptions relating to construction, 21 refurbishment and subdivision 22 205ZO. Exemption relating to construction or 23 refurbishment of 10 or more dwellings 24 (1) An acquisition is exempt if -- 25 (a) at the time when the acquisition occurs, the 26 residential landholder or a linked entity in 27 respect of the landholder is entitled to a parcel 28 of land on which there is no building, or part of 29 a building, capable of being used solely or 30 dominantly as a place of residence; and 31 (b) the landholder, linked entity or an associate of 32 the landholder intends to construct, refurbish or page 37 Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 s. 8 1 complete the construction or refurbishment of 2 10 or more dwellings on the parcel of land; and 3 (c) within the period of 5 years beginning on the 4 day on which the acquisition occurs, the 5 landholder, linked entity or associate complies 6 with subsection (2) in relation to 10 or more 7 dwellings; and 8 (d) the interest the subject of the acquisition has 9 not been disposed of by the acquirer at the time 10 the landholder, linked entity or associate 11 complies with subsection (2) in relation to 10 or 12 more dwellings; and 13 (e) the parcel of land is, in the Commissioner's 14 opinion, suitable for 10 or more dwellings. 15 (2) A residential landholder, linked entity or associate of a 16 residential landholder complies with this subsection in 17 relation to -- 18 (a) a dwelling the landholder, linked entity or 19 associate intends to construct, if the landholder, 20 linked entity or associate begins construction of 21 that dwelling or another dwelling on the parcel 22 of land; or 23 (b) a dwelling the landholder, linked entity or 24 associate intends to refurbish, if all licences, 25 approvals, registrations, exemptions and other 26 kinds of authorisation necessary to refurbish 27 that dwelling or another dwelling on the parcel 28 of land are issued, granted or obtained; or 29 (c) a dwelling the landholder, linked entity or 30 associate intends to complete construction or 31 refurbishment of, if that dwelling or another 32 dwelling on the parcel of land, construction or 33 refurbishment of which is completed by the 34 landholder, linked entity or associate, is ready 35 for occupation as a place of residence. page 38 Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 s. 8 1 (3) For the purposes of subsection (2)(a), construction of a 2 dwelling begins on -- 3 (a) the day on which laying the foundations for the 4 dwelling begins; or 5 (b) another day the Commissioner considers 6 appropriate in the circumstances of the case. 7 (4) An application for reassessment under section 205ZR 8 because of this section must be made on or before the 9 later of the following -- 10 (a) the last day of the period of 1 year beginning on 11 the day on which the residential landholder, 12 linked entity or associate complies with 13 subsection (2) in relation to 10 or more 14 dwellings; 15 (b) the last day of the period of 5 years beginning 16 on the day on which the acquisition occurs. 17 205ZP. Exemption relating to subdivision for purpose of 18 constructing 10 or more dwellings 19 (1) An acquisition is exempt if -- 20 (a) at the time when the acquisition occurs, the 21 residential landholder or a linked entity in 22 respect of the landholder is entitled to a parcel 23 of land that is vacant or substantially vacant; 24 and 25 (b) the landholder, linked entity or an associate of 26 the landholder intends to subdivide or complete 27 subdividing the parcel of land for the purpose 28 of a person constructing 10 or more dwellings 29 on the parcel of land; and 30 (c) within the period of 5 years beginning on the 31 day on which the acquisition occurs, the 32 landholder, linked entity or associate -- 33 (i) begins subdividing the parcel of land; or page 39 Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 s. 8 1 (ii) if subdividing the parcel of land has 2 begun when the acquisition occurs, 3 completes subdividing the parcel of 4 land; 5 and 6 (d) the interest the subject of the acquisition has 7 not been disposed of by the acquirer when the 8 landholder, linked entity or associate -- 9 (i) begins subdividing the parcel of land; or 10 (ii) if subdividing the parcel of land has 11 begun when the acquisition occurs, 12 completes subdividing the parcel of 13 land; 14 and 15 (e) the parcel of land is, in the Commissioner's 16 opinion, suitable for 10 or more dwellings. 17 (2) An application for reassessment under section 205ZR 18 because of this section must be made on or before the 19 later of the following -- 20 (a) the last day of the period of 1 year beginning on 21 the day on which the landholder, linked entity 22 or associate -- 23 (i) begins subdividing the parcel of land; or 24 (ii) if subdividing the parcel of land has 25 begun when the acquisition occurs, 26 completes subdividing the parcel of 27 land; 28 (b) the last day of the period of 5 years beginning 29 on the day on which the acquisition occurs. 30 (3) For the purposes of subsections (1)(c) and (d) 31 and (2)(a) -- 32 (a) a person begins subdividing land on the day on 33 which the land is subdivided under the Land page 40 Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 s. 8 1 Tax Assessment Act 2002 Glossary clause 3; 2 and 3 (b) a person completes subdividing land on the day 4 on which the new certificate of title is created 5 and registered for the subdivided land. 6 205ZQ. Calculation of duty where some land of landholder 7 not part of parcel of land 8 (1) This section applies to an acquisition referred to in 9 section 205ZO or 205ZP if immediately before the 10 acquisition the residential landholder, or a linked entity 11 in respect of the landholder, is entitled to -- 12 (a) a parcel of land referred to in section 205ZO 13 or 205ZP; and 14 (b) other residential property in Western Australia. 15 (2) Section 166 is not applicable to or in relation to the 16 acquisition. 17 (3) For the purposes of calculating foreign landholder duty 18 in respect of the acquisition the residential property 19 referred to in subsection (1)(a) is to be disregarded 20 when determining the value of the landholder. 21 Subdivision 3 -- Reassessment 22 205ZR. Reassessment 23 (1) The Commissioner, on the application of a person that 24 has paid or is liable to pay foreign landholder duty, 25 must reassess the liability to foreign landholder duty on 26 an acquisition if the liability is affected by 27 section 205ZN, 205ZO or 205ZP. 28 (2) An application for reassessment under this section must 29 be made in the approved form. page 41 Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 s. 8 1 (3) The limitations as to time in the Taxation 2 Administration Act section 17 do not apply in respect 3 of a reassessment because of section 205ZO or 205ZP. 4 Division 9 -- Lodgment of declaration 5 205ZS. Foreign landholder duty declaration to be lodged 6 (1) A foreign landholder duty declaration must be lodged 7 in respect of a foreign landholder acquisition. 8 (2) The foreign landholder duty declaration must be lodged 9 on or before the day on which the acquisition statement 10 is required to be lodged under section 200(3), 201(6) 11 or 202(2) in respect of the acquisition. 12 205ZT. Failure to lodge foreign landholder duty declaration 13 If a foreign landholder duty declaration is not lodged in 14 accordance with section 205ZS(2), the following 15 persons commit an offence -- 16 (a) in every case, the foreign acquirer; 17 (b) if the landholder concerned is a corporation, the 18 corporation; 19 (c) if the landholder concerned is a unit trust 20 scheme, the trustee of the scheme; 21 (d) any person taken into account under 22 section 205ZH or 205ZI as being related to the 23 foreign acquirer for the purposes of the 24 acquisition, other than a person whose interest 25 in the landholder is, for the purpose of 26 calculating the foreign landholder duty, an 27 excluded interest under section 189. 28 Penalty: a fine of $5 000. 29 page 42 Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 s. 9 1 9. Section 259 amended 2 In section 259(2) after "landholder duty" insert: 3 4 or foreign landholder duty 5 6 10. Section 260 amended 7 (1) After section 260(1)(a) insert: 8 9 (aa) any of the following foreign dutiable 10 transactions, if foreign transfer duty is 11 chargeable -- 12 (i) an agreement, whether conditional or 13 not, for the transfer of residential 14 property from one member of a family 15 to another member of the family; 16 (ii) a transfer of residential property from 17 one member of a family to another 18 member of the family; 19 (iii) a declaration of trust over residential 20 property under which one member of a 21 family holds the property on trust for 22 another member of the family; 23 (iv) a vesting of residential property held by 24 one member of a family in another 25 member of the family; 26 (v) a surrender of special residential 27 property, as defined in section 205F(1), 28 if the special residential property is 29 surrendered by one member of a family 30 to another member of the family; 31 page 43 Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 s. 11 1 (2) In section 260(1)(d) after "landholder duty" insert: 2 3 or foreign landholder duty 4 5 (3) After section 260(2) insert: 6 7 (2A) A transaction referred to in subsection (1)(aa) is not a 8 relevant reconstruction transaction if, immediately 9 before the transaction, the residential property is held, 10 or the transaction results in the property being held, 11 subject to a discretionary trust. 12 13 11. Section 272 amended 14 Delete section 272(2)(a) and insert: 15 16 (a) endorsed by the Commissioner -- 17 (i) under section 273(2), (3) or (4) 18 or 274(2); and 19 (ii) if the transaction is a foreign dutiable 20 transaction -- under section 273(2A); 21 or 22 23 12. Section 273 amended 24 (1) In section 273(1) delete the definition of duty. 25 (2) In section 273(1) in the definition of required duty 26 paragraph (a) delete "duty" and insert: 27 28 transfer duty and foreign transfer duty (if any) 29 page 44 Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 s. 12 1 (3) Delete section 273(2) and insert: 2 3 (2) If a transaction record for a dutiable transaction is 4 lodged for duty endorsement and any required duty is 5 paid in full, the Commissioner must -- 6 (a) if transfer duty is chargeable on the dutiable 7 transaction -- endorse the transaction record to 8 indicate the amount of transfer duty paid; or 9 (b) if transfer duty is not chargeable on the dutiable 10 transaction because of an exemption under this 11 Act or another written law -- endorse the 12 transaction record to indicate that transfer duty 13 is not chargeable because of the exemption; or 14 (c) if transfer duty is not chargeable on the dutiable 15 transaction other than because of an exemption 16 under this Act or another written law -- 17 endorse the transaction record to indicate that 18 transfer duty is not chargeable. 19 (2A) If a transaction record for a foreign dutiable transaction 20 is lodged for duty endorsement and any required duty 21 is paid in full, the Commissioner must -- 22 (a) if foreign transfer duty is chargeable on the 23 foreign dutiable transaction -- endorse the 24 transaction record to indicate the amount of 25 foreign transfer duty paid; or 26 (b) if foreign transfer duty is not chargeable on the 27 foreign dutiable transaction because of an 28 exemption under this Act or another written 29 law -- endorse the transaction record to 30 indicate that foreign transfer duty is not 31 chargeable because of the exemption; or 32 (c) if foreign transfer duty is not chargeable on the 33 foreign dutiable transaction other than because 34 of an exemption under this Act or another page 45 Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 s. 13 1 written law -- endorse the transaction record to 2 indicate that foreign transfer duty is not 3 chargeable. 4 5 (4) In section 273(3A) delete "subsection (2)," and insert: 6 7 subsections (2) and (2A), 8 9 13. Section 275 amended 10 In section 275(a)(ii) after "transfer duty (if any)" insert: 11 12 and foreign transfer duty (if any) 13 14 14. Schedule 2 amended 15 In Schedule 2 Division 2 delete "Residential property" and insert: 16 17 Residential land 18 19 15. Schedule 3 Division 8 inserted 20 After Schedule 3 Division 7 insert: 21 22 Division 8 -- Provisions for Duties Amendment 23 (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Act 2018 24 39. Terms used 25 When this Division uses a term that is used in Chapter 3A, 26 the term has the same meaning in this Division as it has in 27 Chapter 3A. page 46 Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 s. 15 1 40. When Ch. 3A Pt. 2 starts to apply 2 Chapter 3A Part 2 applies in relation to the imposition of 3 foreign transfer duty on a foreign dutiable transaction only if 4 that transaction takes place on or after 1 January 2019. 5 41. Agreements entered into before 1 January 2019 6 (1) Foreign transfer duty is not chargeable on a transfer of 7 residential property to a transferee in conformity with an 8 agreement for the transfer of residential property if the 9 agreement is entered into before 1 January 2019. 10 (2) If an agreement for the transfer of residential property is 11 entered into before 1 January 2019, foreign transfer duty is 12 not chargeable on the subsequent transfer of the property if, 13 when liability for transfer duty on the agreement arose, the 14 person named in the instrument effecting, or evidencing, the 15 agreement as the purchaser was acting as the agent of the 16 transferee of the subsequent transfer. 17 42. Declaration of trusts made before 1 January 2019 18 (1) Foreign transfer duty is not chargeable on a transfer to a 19 trustee of residential property subject to a declaration of 20 trust in respect of the same residential property if the 21 declaration of trust was made before 1 January 2019. 22 (2) Foreign transfer duty is not chargeable on a declaration of 23 trust that declares the same trusts as those upon and subject 24 to which the same residential property was transferred, or 25 agreed to be transferred, to the person declaring the trust if 26 the transfer, or agreement, was made before 1 January 2019. 27 (3) Foreign transfer duty is not chargeable on a declaration of 28 trust if -- 29 (a) the declaration of trust supersedes another 30 declaration of trust which was made before 31 1 January 2019 and declares the same trusts as were 32 declared under the superseded declaration of trust; 33 and page 47 Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 s. 15 1 (b) the beneficiary under the declaration of trust is the 2 same as under the superseded declaration of trust; 3 and 4 (c) the residential property subject to the declaration of 5 trust -- 6 (i) is wholly or substantially the same as the 7 property that was the subject of the 8 superseded declaration of trust at the time 9 of the declaration of the superseded 10 declaration of trust; or 11 (ii) represents the proceeds of re-investment of 12 property that was the subject of the 13 superseded declaration of trust at the time 14 of the declaration of the superseded 15 declaration of trust; or 16 (iii) is property to which both subparagraphs (i) 17 and (ii) apply. 18 43. Other transactions before 1 January 2019 19 (1) Foreign transfer duty is not chargeable on a transfer of 20 residential property resulting from a foreign dutiable 21 transaction referred to in section 205H(1)(d) if the vesting of 22 the residential property was made before 1 January 2019. 23 (2) Foreign transfer duty is not chargeable on a transfer of 24 residential property in accordance with a foreclosure order if 25 the foreclosure order was made before 1 January 2019. 26 (3) Foreign transfer duty is not chargeable on a transfer of 27 residential property in accordance with a residential 28 partnership acquisition if the residential partnership 29 acquisition was made before 1 January 2019. 30 (4) Foreign transfer duty is not chargeable on a foreign dutiable 31 transaction if -- 32 (a) section 97 applies to the transaction and the person 33 from whom the property is transferred or agreed to 34 be transferred acquired the property before 35 1 January 2019; or page 48 Duties Amendment (Additional Duty for Foreign Persons) Bill 2018 s. 15 1 (b) section 114, 115 or 116 applies to the transaction 2 and the trustee acquired the property before 3 1 January 2019; or 4 (c) section 117(1)(a) or (b) applies to the transaction 5 and the apparent purchaser acquired the property 6 before 1 January 2019. 7 44. When Ch. 3A Pt. 3 starts to apply 8 (1) Chapter 3A Part 3 applies in relation to the imposition of 9 foreign landholder duty on a foreign landholder acquisition 10 only if that acquisition occurs on or after 1 January 2019. 11 (2) For the purposes of subsection (1), when an acquisition of 12 an interest in a residential landholder occurs is to be 13 determined under section 176 as applied by 14 section 205ZE(1). 15 45. Application of some Ch. 8 provisions 16 (1) Sections 272(2) and 273 as in force before the 17 commencement of the Duties Amendment (Additional Duty 18 for Foreign Persons) Act 2018 section 15 apply in relation 19 to a dutiable transaction that takes place before 20 1 January 2019. 21 (2) Section 273(2A) applies in relation to a foreign dutiable 22 transaction only if that transaction takes place on or after 23 1 January 2019. 24 25
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