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Western Australia Electoral Amendment Bill 2012 CONTENTS Part 1 -- Preliminary 1. Short title 2 2. Commencement 2 3. Act amended 2 Part 2 -- Forms and electronic transmission of certain documents 4. Section 4 amended 3 5. Section 175 amended 3 6. Section 211A inserted 3 211A. Certain documents may be transmitted electronically 3 7. Various references to "form" amended 4 Part 3 -- Claims and nominations Division 1 -- Claims 8. Section 42 amended 6 9. Section 43 inserted 7 43. Claims of certain Commonwealth electors to be taken to be in order 7 10. Section 44 amended 8 11. Section 44A amended 8 Division 2 -- Nominations 12. Section 78 amended 9 13. Section 80 amended 9 14. Section 81 amended 10 15. Section 81A amended 10 16. Section 86 amended 10 293--2 page i Electoral Amendment Bill 2012 Contents 17. Section 87 amended 11 Part 4 -- Voting 18. Section 90 amended 12 19. Section 92 amended 12 20. Section 93 amended 13 21. Section 113A amended 13 22. Section 115 amended 14 23. Section 151 amended 14 24. Section 152 amended 15 25. Section 154 amended 15 26. Section 156D amended 16 Part 5 -- Infringement and penalty notices 27. Section 155AB inserted 17 155AB. Terms used 17 28. Section 156 amended 17 29. Section 156AA inserted 20 156AA. Evidentiary certificates for section 156 proceedings 20 Part 6 -- Other amendments 30. Section 52 amended 22 31. Section 183 amended 22 32. Section 208 amended 22 Part 7 -- Franchise Act 1916 repealed 33. Franchise Act 1916 repealed 23 page ii Western Australia LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY (As amended during consideration in detail) Electoral Amendment Bill 2012 A Bill for An Act to amend the Electoral Act 1907 and to repeal the Franchise Act 1916. The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows: page 1 Electoral Amendment Bill 2012 Part 1 Preliminary s. 1 1 Part 1 -- Preliminary 2 1. Short title 3 This is the Electoral Amendment Act 2012. 4 2. Commencement 5 This Act comes into operation as follows -- 6 (a) sections 1 and 2 -- on the day on which this Act 7 receives the Royal Assent; 8 (b) the rest of the Act -- on a day fixed by proclamation, 9 and different days may be fixed for different provisions. 10 3. Act amended 11 This Act, other than Part 7, amends the Electoral Act 1907. page 2 Electoral Amendment Bill 2012 Forms and electronic transmission of certain documents Part 2 s. 4 1 Part 2 -- Forms and electronic transmission of 2 certain documents 3 4. Section 4 amended 4 In section 4(1) insert in alphabetical order: 5 6 approved form means a form that -- 7 (a) is approved by the Electoral Commissioner; 8 and 9 (b) has been published by the Electoral 10 Commissioner by any means (including on an 11 internet site maintained by the Electoral 12 Commissioner) that the Electoral 13 Commissioner thinks fit; 14 15 5. Section 175 amended 16 In section 175 delete the definition of approved. 17 6. Section 211A inserted 18 After section 210 insert: 19 20 211A. Certain documents may be transmitted 21 electronically 22 (1) In this section -- 23 certain document means a claim, nomination, 24 application, notice, objection or other communication 25 that is required or permitted to be transmitted to the 26 Electoral Commissioner or any other officer under -- 27 (a) Part IIIA, IV or VI; or 28 (b) any other provision of the Act as is prescribed; page 3 Electoral Amendment Bill 2012 Part 2 Forms and electronic transmission of certain documents s. 7 1 transmitted includes sent, given, made, forwarded by 2 post, delivered to or lodged with. 3 (2) If the Electoral Commissioner has established 4 procedures for the electronic transmission and 5 recording of data for certain documents, or a case or 6 class of cases of such documents then, despite anything 7 else in this Act, a document transmitted in accordance 8 with those procedures is to be taken to be transmitted 9 under this Act. 10 (3) If, under this Act, a certain document is required to be 11 signed by a person, then, despite anything else in this 12 Act, that requirement is to be taken to be satisfied in 13 respect of an electronically transmitted document if 14 procedures established under subsection (2) by the 15 Electoral Commissioner include a method to be used 16 to -- 17 (a) identify the person transmitting the document; 18 and 19 (b) indicate the person's intention in respect of the 20 information communicated in the document, 21 and that method is complied with. 22 23 7. Various references to "form" amended 24 Amend the provisions listed in the Table as set out in the Table. 25 Table Provision Delete Insert s. 62E(4) a form approved by an approved form the Electoral Commissioner for the purposes of this section, page 4 Electoral Amendment Bill 2012 Forms and electronic transmission of certain documents Part 2 s. 7 Provision Delete Insert s. 62K(2) the form and way an approved form and in a way s. 78(1) a form approved by an approved form the Electoral Commissioner, s. 80(1) a form approved by an approved form the Electoral Commissioner s. 80(3) a form approved by an approved form the Electoral Commissioner s. 113C(3)(a) a form approved by an approved form the Electoral Commissioner s. 113C(7)(a) a form approved by an approved form the Electoral Commissioner page 5 Electoral Amendment Bill 2012 Part 3 Claims and nominations Division 1 Claims s. 8 1 Part 3 -- Claims and nominations 2 Division 1 -- Claims 3 8. Section 42 amended 4 (1) In section 42: 5 (a) delete "A claim --" and insert: 6 7 (1) A claim -- 8 9 (b) delete paragraph (b) and insert: 10 11 (b) shall be signed by the claimant; and 12 (ca) shall include or be accompanied by such 13 evidence of identity as is required under the 14 Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 15 section 98AA(2) in relation to an application or 16 claim to which that section applies; and 17 18 (2) At the end of section 42 insert: 19 20 (2) Despite subsection (1)(b), if -- 21 (a) the claimant is already enrolled; and 22 (b) the claimant's name is still the same as the 23 name under which the claimant is enrolled, 24 the requirement that the claim be signed is to be taken 25 to be satisfied if the claimant instead satisfies the 26 requirements to be satisfied in respect of a claim under 27 the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 section 382(7). 28 page 6 Electoral Amendment Bill 2012 Claims and nominations Part 3 Claims Division 1 s. 9 1 (3) In section 42 after paragraph (a) insert: 2 3 and 4 5 9. Section 43 inserted 6 Before section 44 insert: 7 8 43. Claims of certain Commonwealth electors to be 9 taken to be in order 10 (1) In this section -- 11 claim means a claim made -- 12 (a) on or after 21 November 2006; but 13 (b) before commencement day; 14 commencement day means the day on which the 15 Electoral Amendment Act 2012 Part 3 Division 1 16 comes into operation; 17 Commonwealth elector means a person enrolled under 18 the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 in respect of an 19 address in a Commonwealth subdivision in the State; 20 in order means in order for the purposes of 21 section 44A. 22 (2) If a claimant -- 23 (a) is a Commonwealth elector on commencement 24 day; and 25 (b) made a claim that was rejected as not in order, 26 then, on and after commencement day, the claim is to 27 be taken to be in order if the claim would have been in 28 order had it been made on commencement day. 29 page 7 Electoral Amendment Bill 2012 Part 3 Claims and nominations Division 1 Claims s. 10 1 10. Section 44 amended 2 (1) In section 44(1): 3 (a) in paragraph (e) delete "handwriting; and" and insert: 4 5 handwriting. 6 7 (b) delete paragraph (f). 8 (2) Delete section 44(4)(b) and insert: 9 10 (b) a person who may attest as to the claimant's 11 identity under the Commonwealth Electoral 12 Act 1918 section 98AA(2)(c), as read with 13 section 42(1)(ca), certifies in writing that he or 14 she is satisfied that the claimant is not under 15 18 years of age, 16 17 (3) In section 44(1) after each of paragraphs (a) to (d) insert: 18 19 and 20 21 11. Section 44A amended 22 In section 44A(1) after "sections 42(b)" insert: 23 24 and (ca) 25 page 8 Electoral Amendment Bill 2012 Claims and nominations Part 3 Nominations Division 2 s. 12 1 Division 2 -- Nominations 2 12. Section 78 amended 3 After section 78(1) insert: 4 5 (2A) Despite subsection (1)(b), the place of residence of a 6 candidate is not required to be stated on the nomination 7 form if the candidate's residence is not shown on the 8 roll because a request under section 51B has been 9 granted. 10 11 13. Section 80 amended 12 (1) After section 80(1) insert: 13 14 (2A) A claim may be made under subsection (1) on behalf of 15 a group -- 16 (a) where all the candidates in the group are the 17 subject of a party nomination, under 18 section 81A, by a particular registered political 19 party -- by the secretary of the party; or 20 (b) where the candidates in the group have been 21 endorsed by different registered political 22 parties -- jointly by the secretaries of all of 23 those parties. 24 25 (2) In section 80(3) delete "candidates who have made a claim" and 26 insert: 27 28 candidates, or a secretary of a political party, or the secretaries 29 of political parties, by whom a claim has been made, 30 page 9 Electoral Amendment Bill 2012 Part 3 Claims and nominations Division 2 Nominations s. 14 1 14. Section 81 amended 2 In section 81(1)(b): 3 (a) delete "money or" and insert: 4 5 money, 6 7 (b) delete "Commissioner." and insert: 8 9 Commissioner or in such other manner as may be 10 prescribed. 11 12 15. Section 81A amended 13 In section 81A(2)(c): 14 (a) delete "money or" and insert: 15 16 money, 17 18 (b) delete "Commissioner." and insert: 19 20 Commissioner or in such other manner as may be 21 prescribed under that section. 22 23 16. Section 86 amended 24 After section 86(2) insert: 25 26 (2AAA) Despite subsection (2), the returning officer must not 27 declare a candidate's residence if the candidate's 28 residence is not shown on the roll because a request 29 under section 51B has been granted. 30 page 10 Electoral Amendment Bill 2012 Claims and nominations Part 3 Nominations Division 2 s. 17 1 17. Section 87 amended 2 After section 87(3) insert: 3 4 (4A) Despite subsection (3), the returning officer must not 5 declare a candidate's residence if the candidate's 6 residence is not shown on the roll because a request 7 under section 51B has been granted. 8 page 11 Electoral Amendment Bill 2012 Part 4 Voting s. 18 1 Part 4 -- Voting 2 18. Section 90 amended 3 In section 90(5)(a) delete "Thursday" and insert: 4 5 Wednesday 6 7 19. Section 92 amended 8 (1) In section 92(4a)(a) delete "Tuesday" and insert: 9 10 Thursday 11 12 (2) Delete section 92(4c) and insert: 13 14 (4C) For the purpose of subsection (2)(f), an envelope 15 addressed to the Electoral Commissioner containing a 16 ballot paper is to be taken to have been posted before 17 the close of the poll if -- 18 (a) the postmark on the envelope is dated any day 19 on or before polling day; or 20 (b) the postmark on the envelope is dated with the 21 date of the Sunday immediately after polling 22 day and the declaration is witnessed on or 23 before polling day; or 24 (c) in the case of no postmark being legible, the 25 declaration is witnessed on or before polling 26 day, 27 and the envelope reaches the Electoral Commissioner 28 before 9 a.m. on the Thursday next succeeding polling 29 day. 30 page 12 Electoral Amendment Bill 2012 Voting Part 4 s. 20 1 20. Section 93 amended 2 In section 93(1): 3 (a) in paragraph (aa) delete "person who is" and insert: 4 5 person who is permanently disabled, 6 7 (b) in paragraph (d) delete "section 17A(2)," and insert: 8 9 section 17A(2); or 10 11 (c) after paragraph (d) insert: 12 13 (e) who has reached the age of 70 years; or 14 (f) who is seriously ill or infirm, 15 16 21. Section 113A amended 17 After section 113A(2) insert: 18 19 (3A) A voting ticket may also be lodged under 20 subsection (1) on behalf of a group -- 21 (a) where all the candidates in the group are the 22 subject of a party nomination, under 23 section 81A, by a particular registered political 24 party -- by the secretary of the party; or 25 (b) where the candidates in the group have been 26 endorsed by different registered political 27 parties -- jointly by the secretaries of all of 28 those parties. 29 page 13 Electoral Amendment Bill 2012 Part 4 Voting s. 22 1 22. Section 115 amended 2 In section 115(1) delete "appointed under section 129(1)(b) to 3 be present while an elector's ballot paper is marked," and insert: 4 5 nominated under section 129(1) to mark an elector's ballot 6 paper according to the directions of the elector, 7 8 23. Section 151 amended 9 In section 151: 10 (a) in paragraph (b) delete "Clerk of the Council or the 11 Clerk of the Assembly, as the case may be;" and insert: 12 13 Electoral Commissioner; 14 15 (b) in paragraph (c) delete "same Clerk" and insert: 16 17 Electoral Commissioner 18 19 (c) in paragraph (e) delete "the Clerk of the Council, the 20 Clerk of the Assembly, or the Electoral Commissioner, 21 as the case may be," and insert: 22 23 the Electoral Commissioner 24 25 Note: The heading to amended section 151 is to read: 26 Returning officer to send election papers to Electoral 27 Commissioner page 14 Electoral Amendment Bill 2012 Voting Part 4 s. 24 1 24. Section 152 amended 2 (1) In section 152: 3 (a) delete "The Clerk of the Council and the Clerk of the 4 Assembly" and insert: 5 6 (1) The Electoral Commissioner 7 8 (b) after "ballot papers" (second occurrence) insert: 9 10 and other documents 11 12 (2) At the end of section 152 insert: 13 14 (2) If the Electoral Commissioner has consented to the use, 15 for the purposes of research or analysis, of any ballot 16 papers or other documents that are liable to be 17 destroyed under subsection (1), then the Electoral 18 Commissioner may defer their destruction until the 19 conclusion of that research or analysis. 20 21 25. Section 154 amended 22 (1) In section 154(1) delete "Clerk of the Council or the Clerk of 23 the Assembly." and insert: 24 25 Electoral Commissioner. 26 page 15 Electoral Amendment Bill 2012 Part 4 Voting s. 26 1 (2) Delete section 154(2) and (3) and insert: 2 3 (2) Ballot papers or other documents held by the Electoral 4 Commissioner under section 152 shall not be used or 5 made available for any purpose other than -- 6 (a) a purpose mentioned in subsection (1); or 7 (b) for the purposes of the election of a member of 8 the Council under sections 156C and 156D; or 9 (c) a purpose mentioned in section 152. 10 11 26. Section 156D amended 12 In section 156D(12) delete "retain" and insert: 13 14 not destroy 15 page 16 Electoral Amendment Bill 2012 Infringement and penalty notices Part 5 s. 27 1 Part 5 -- Infringement and penalty notices 2 27. Section 155AB inserted 3 At the beginning of Part IV Division (7) insert: 4 5 155AB. Terms used 6 In this Division -- 7 infringement notice means a notice under 8 section 156(13A); 9 penalty notice means a notice under section 156(4); 10 prepared means produced or generated and recorded or 11 stored, whether mechanically, magnetically, 12 electronically or otherwise; 13 response date, in relation to -- 14 (a) a penalty notice, means the date referred to in 15 section 156(6)(c) and set out in the notice; 16 (b) an infringement notice, means the date referred 17 to in section 156(13A)(b) and set out in the 18 notice. 19 20 28. Section 156 amended 21 (1) In section 156(2) delete "prepare, or cause the returning officer 22 to prepare and furnish to the Electoral Commissioner, a list of 23 the names and descriptions" and insert: 24 25 ensure that there is prepared a list of the names and addresses 26 page 17 Electoral Amendment Bill 2012 Part 5 Infringement and penalty notices s. 28 1 (2) In section 156(2a) delete "person by whom it was prepared." 2 and insert: 3 4 Electoral Commissioner, or a person authorised by the Electoral 5 Commissioner. 6 7 (3) In section 156(6)(c) delete "date set out in the notice (the 8 response date) --" and insert: 9 10 response date set out in the notice -- 11 12 (4) Delete section 156(12) and insert: 13 14 (12) Subsection (13A) applies to an elector if a penalty 15 notice is sent to the elector and -- 16 (a) the elector does not respond to the penalty 17 notice on or before the response date; or 18 (b) the elector responds to the penalty notice on or 19 before the response date in the manner 20 indicated in subsection (6)(c)(i) or (ii) but the 21 Electoral Commissioner is not satisfied -- 22 (i) in the case of a response under 23 subsection (6)(c)(i) -- that the elector 24 voted as required by this Act; or 25 (ii) in the case of a response under 26 subsection (6)(c)(ii) -- that the reason 27 for the failure to vote is a valid and 28 sufficient reason. page 18 Electoral Amendment Bill 2012 Infringement and penalty notices Part 5 s. 28 1 (13A) If this subsection applies to an elector the Electoral 2 Commissioner may send to the elector an infringement 3 notice in a prescribed form -- 4 (a) notifying the elector -- 5 (i) that the elector has not responded to a 6 penalty notice; or 7 (ii) that the elector's response to a penalty 8 notice has not satisfied the Electoral 9 Commissioner, 10 as the case may be; and 11 (b) informing the elector that if the elector does not 12 wish to be prosecuted in a court for an alleged 13 offence of failure to vote at an election without 14 a valid and sufficient reason for such failure, 15 the elector may, on or before the response date 16 set out in the infringement notice, pay to the 17 Electoral Commissioner the penalty set out in 18 the infringement notice (the modified penalty). 19 20 (5) In section 156(13) delete "a notice under subsection (12)." and 21 insert: 22 23 an infringement notice. 24 25 (6) In section 156(14) delete "a notice under subsection (12)" and 26 insert: 27 28 an infringement notice 29 page 19 Electoral Amendment Bill 2012 Part 5 Infringement and penalty notices s. 29 1 (7) In section 156(14a) delete "a notice under subsection (12)" and 2 insert: 3 4 an infringement notice 5 6 (8) Delete section 156(14b). 7 (9) In section 156(15)(a) after "notice" insert: 8 9 or an infringement notice 10 11 (10) In section 156(16)(b) delete "a notice under subsection (12)" 12 and insert: 13 14 an infringement notice 15 16 (11) In section 156: 17 (a) after each of subsections (5)(a) and (b) and (6)(c)(i) 18 insert: 19 20 or 21 22 (b) after subsection (6)(a) insert: 23 24 and 25 26 29. Section 156AA inserted 27 At the end of Part IV Division (7) insert: 28 29 156AA. Evidentiary certificates for section 156 proceedings 30 (1) In proceedings for an offence against section 156, a 31 certificate containing a statement described in page 20 Electoral Amendment Bill 2012 Infringement and penalty notices Part 5 s. 29 1 subsection (2) and purporting to be signed by the 2 Electoral Commissioner is, without proof of any 3 appointment or signature, evidence of the facts stated 4 in the certificate. 5 (2) A certificate may state any or all of the following -- 6 (a) a specified date is the date that an election was 7 held; 8 (b) a specified person was an elector on a specified 9 date; 10 (c) a specified person did not vote at an election; 11 (d) a specified person -- 12 (i) was sent a penalty notice or an 13 infringement notice; 14 (ii) did or did not (as the case may be) 15 respond to a penalty notice or an 16 infringement notice on or by a specified 17 date; 18 (iii) responded to a penalty notice or an 19 infringement notice in a specified 20 manner; 21 (e) a penalty notice or an infringement notice was 22 sent on a specified date; 23 (f) a specified date was the response date for a 24 penalty notice or an infringement notice. 25 (3) In subsection (2) -- 26 specified means specified in the certificate. 27 page 21 Electoral Amendment Bill 2012 Part 6 Other amendments s. 30 1 Part 6 -- Other amendments 2 30. Section 52 amended 3 Delete section 52(1)(d). 4 31. Section 183 amended 5 Delete section 183(5). 6 32. Section 208 amended 7 In section 208 delete "Without limiting section 31(1) of the 8 Interpretation Act 1918," and insert: 9 10 Without limiting the Interpretation Act 1984 sections 75 and 76, 11 page 22 Electoral Amendment Bill 2012 Franchise Act 1916 repealed Part 7 s. 33 1 Part 7 -- Franchise Act 1916 repealed 2 33. Franchise Act 1916 repealed 3 The Franchise Act 1916 is repealed.
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