Western Australian Bills

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                      Western Australia

      Electoral Amendment Bill 2023


1.    Short title                                                  2
2.    Commencement                                                 2
3.    Act amended                                                  2
4.    Section 4 amended                                            2
5.    Part VI heading amended                                      2
6.    Section 175 amended                                          2
7.    Section 175A amended                                         4
8.    Section 175LC amended                                        4
9.    Part VI Division 3 heading amended                           5
10.   Sections 175N and 175NA replaced                             5
      175N.     Quarterly returns as to gifts and income
                received by political party                  5
      175NA.    Quarterly returns as to gifts and income
                received by associated entity                6
11.   Section 175RA inserted                                       7
      175RA.    Gifts not to be received from foreign
                donors                                       7
12.   Section 175S amended                                         9
13.   Part VI Division 4A inserted                                10
      Division 4A -- Caps on electoral expenditure
      175SG. Terms used                                      10
      175SH. Certain expenditure taken to be incurred
                by or with authority of political party or
                group                                        11
      175SI.    Expenditure caps for political party         12
      175SJ.    Expenditure caps for candidate (other
                than endorsed candidate or candidate in
                group)                                       13
      175SK. Expenditure caps for group (other than
                party group)                                 13
      175SL.    Expenditure caps for person (other than
                political party, candidate or group)         14
      175SM. Adjustment of cap amounts                       15

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              175SN.   Recovery of amount in excess of
                       expenditure cap                         15
              175SO.   Offence if applicable expenditure cap
                       exceeded                                16
      14.     Section 175V amended                                  18
      15.     Section 175W amended                                  18
      16.     Section 175Y deleted                                  18
      17.     Section 175ZC amended                                 18
      18.     Section 175ZCA inserted                               19
              175ZCA. Amounts to be published on Commission
                      website                                  19
      19.     Section 175ZD amended                                 19
      20.     Section 175ZF amended                                 20
      21.     Section 175ZG amended                                 20
      22.     Section 175ZH inserted                                20
              175ZH.   Transitional provisions for Electoral
                       Amendment Act 2023                      20
      23.     Various references to "15 weeks" amended              21

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                           Western Australia

                      LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL

             (Introduced by Hon. Dr Bradley Pettitt, MLC)

            Electoral Amendment Bill 2023

                               A Bill for

An Act to amend the Electoral Act 1907.

The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows:

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1    1.         Short title
2               This is the Electoral Amendment Act 2023.

3    2.         Commencement
4               This Act comes into operation as follows --
5                (a) sections 1 and 2 -- on the day on which this Act
6                      receives the Royal Assent;
7                (b) the rest of the Act -- on the day after that day.

8    3.         Act amended
9               This Act amends the Electoral Act 1907.

10   4.         Section 4 amended
11              In section 4(1) delete the definition of Australian citizen and
12              insert:

14                    Australian citizen has the meaning given in the
15                    Australian Citizenship Act 2007 (Commonwealth)
16                    section 4;

18   5.         Part VI heading amended

19              In the heading to Part VI delete "disclosure    of " .
20   6.         Section 175 amended
21        (1)   In section 175 delete the definitions of:
22              election period
23              specified amount

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1    (2)   In section 175 insert in alphabetical order:

3                business day means a day other than a Saturday, a
4                Sunday or a public holiday;
5                capped expenditure period, in relation to an election,
6                means --
7                  (a) in the case of a periodic election -- the period
8                         beginning on 1 October last preceding the day
9                         of issue of the writ for the election and ending
10                        on polling day for the election; or
11                 (b) in any other case -- the period beginning on the
12                        day of issue of the writ for the election and
13                        ending on polling day for the election;
14               CPI means the all groups consumer price index for
15               Perth published by the Australian Statistician referred
16               to in the Australian Bureau of Statistics Act 1975
17               (Commonwealth) section 5;
18               quarter means a period of 3 months beginning on
19               1 July, 1 October, 1 January or 1 April of any year;
20               specified amount means the amount of $1 000.

22   (3)   In section 175 in the definition of broadcast delete "radio or
23         televise;" and insert:

25         radio, television, the Internet or another form of electronic
26         communication;

28   (4)   In section 175 in the definition of electoral expenditure:
29           (a) delete "election period)" and insert:

31                 capped expenditure period)

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1                (b)    in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) delete "election period,"
2                       and insert:

4                       capped expenditure period,

6                (c)    in paragraphs (e) and (ea) delete "election period; or"
7                       and insert:

9                       capped expenditure period; or

11               (d)    in paragraph (f)(i) delete "election period," and insert:

13                      capped expenditure period,

15               (e)    in paragraph (f)(ii) delete "election period;" and insert:

17                      capped expenditure period;

19                (f)   in paragraph (g) delete "election period," and insert:

21                      capped expenditure period,

23   7.         Section 175A amended
24        (1)   Delete section 175A(6).
25        (2)   In section 175A(8) delete "Division 4," and insert:

27              Divisions 4 and 4A,

29   8.         Section 175LC amended
30              Delete section 175LC(3).

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1    9.      Part VI Division 3 heading amended
2            In the heading to Part VI Division 3 delete "Disclosure of
3            gifts" and insert:

5            Gifts

7    10.     Sections 175N and 175NA replaced
8            Delete sections 175N and 175NA and insert:

10         175N.     Quarterly returns as to gifts and income received by
11                   political party
12           (1)     The agent of a political party must, within 10 business
13                   days after the end of each quarter, lodge a return with
14                   the Electoral Commissioner in an approved form
15                   setting out the following details --
16                     (a) the amount or value of all gifts received by the
17                           party during the quarter;
18                     (b) all other income received by the party during
19                           the quarter;
20                     (c) the relevant details of each gift --
21                              (i) received by the party during the
22                                   financial year in which the quarter
23                                   occurs; and
24                             (ii) the amount or value of which equals or
25                                   exceeds the specified amount.
26           (2)     For the purposes of subsection (1)(c), 2 or more gifts
27                   made to the political party by the same person, whether
28                   or not in the same quarter of the financial year, are
29                   taken to be 1 gift.

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1              (3)   The following gifts and income received by the
2                    political party do not have to be included in the
3                    return --
4                      (a) gifts made to the party for a purpose related to
5                            an election or by-election under the
6                            Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918;
7                      (b) other gifts and income which the party has
8                            used, or will use, for a purpose related to an
9                            election or by-election under the
10                           Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918;
11                     (c) income that consists of a payment received
12                           under Division 2A.

13           175NA. Quarterly returns as to gifts and income received by
14                  associated entity
15             (1)   If an entity is an associated entity at any time during a
16                   quarter, the financial controller of the entity must,
17                   within 10 business days after the end of the quarter,
18                   lodge a return with the Electoral Commissioner in an
19                   approved form setting out the following details --
20                     (a) the amount or value of all gifts received by the
21                           entity during the quarter;
22                     (b) all other income received by the entity during
23                           the quarter;
24                     (c) the relevant details of each gift --
25                              (i) received by the entity during the
26                                    financial year in which the quarter
27                                    occurs; and
28                             (ii) the amount or value of which equals or
29                                    exceeds the specified amount.
30             (2)   For the purposes of subsection (1)(c), 2 or more gifts
31                   made to the entity by the same person, whether or not

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1                  in the same quarter of the financial year, are taken to be
2                  1 gift.
3            (3)   Gifts and income received by the entity at a time when
4                  it was not an associated entity do not have to be
5                  included in the return.

7    11.     Section 175RA inserted
8            After section 175R insert:

10         175RA. Gifts not to be received from foreign donors
11           (1)   In this section --
12                 foreign donor means --
13                   (a) an individual who is not --
14                            (i) an Australian citizen; or
15                           (ii) an Australian resident as defined in the
16                                 Social Security Act 1991
17                                 (Commonwealth) section 7(2);
18                          or
19                   (b) an entity that does not have --
20                            (i) an Australian Business Number; or
21                           (ii) any other number allocated or
22                                 recognised by the Australian Securities
23                                 and Investments Commission for the
24                                 purpose of identifying a business.
25           (2)   This section does not apply to a gift that is returned
26                 within 6 weeks after it is received.
27           (3)   It is unlawful for --
28                    (a) a political party or a person acting on behalf of
29                          a political party to receive a gift made to or for
30                          the benefit of the party by a foreign donor; or

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1                    (b)    a candidate in an election (including a person
2                           included in a group) or a person acting on
3                           behalf of a candidate in an election to receive a
4                           gift made to or for the benefit of the candidate
5                           by a foreign donor; or
6                     (c)   a person included in a group in an election or a
7                           person acting on behalf of a group in an
8                           election to receive a gift made to or for the
9                           benefit of the group by a foreign donor; or
10                   (d)    a person (not being a political party, a candidate
11                          or a group) to receive a gift made to or for the
12                          benefit of the person by a foreign donor for the
13                          purpose of the incurring of expenditure for a
14                          political purpose.
15            (4)   For the purposes of subsection (3) --
16                   (a) a person who is a candidate in an election is
17                          taken to remain a candidate for 30 days after
18                          polling day in the election; and
19                   (b) a person included in a group in an election is
20                          taken to continue to be included in the group
21                          for 30 days after polling day in the election; and
22                   (c) the reference in paragraph (d) to a gift made for
23                          the purpose of the incurring of expenditure for
24                          a political purpose includes a reference to a gift
25                          the whole or part of which is used for that
26                          purpose; and
27                   (d) the reference in paragraph (d) to the incurring
28                          of expenditure for a political purpose is to be
29                          read in accordance with section 175Q(5).
30            (5)   If a person receives a gift and, by virtue of
31                  subsection (3), it is unlawful for the person to receive
32                  the gift, an amount equal to the amount or value of the
33                  gift is payable by the person to the State and may be

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1                       recovered by the State as a debt due to the State by
2                       action, in a court of competent jurisdiction, against --
3                         (a) in the case of a gift to or for the benefit of a
4                               political party --
5                                  (i) if the party is a body corporate, the
6                                       party; or
7                                 (ii) in any other case, the agent of the party;
8                               or
9                         (b) in the case of a gift to or for the benefit of a
10                              candidate, the candidate or the agent of the
11                              candidate; or
12                        (c) in the case of a gift to or for the benefit of a
13                              group, a person included in the group or the
14                              agent of the group; or
15                        (d) in the case of a gift to a person (not being a
16                              political party, a candidate or a group), the
17                              person.

19   12.         Section 175S amended
20         (1)   In section 175S(1):
21                 (a) after "section 175N," insert:

23                       175NA,

25                (b)    after "no gifts" insert:

27                       or income

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1          (2)   In section 175S(2) after "section 175N," insert:

3                175NA,

5                Note: The heading to amended section 175S is to read:
6                      Additional requirements for returns under s. 175N, 175NA, 175O
7                      and 175P

8    13.         Part VI Division 4A inserted
9                After section 175SF insert:

11                  Division 4A -- Caps on electoral expenditure
12           175SG. Terms used
13                     In this Division --
14                     adjusted amount, in relation to a cap amount, means
15                     the cap amount adjusted in accordance with
16                     section 175SM;
17                     applicable expenditure cap means --
18                       (a) for a political party -- the expenditure cap that
19                             applies to the political party under
20                             section 175SI in relation to an election; or
21                       (b) for a candidate (other than an endorsed
22                             candidate or a candidate included in a
23                             group) -- the expenditure cap that applies to
24                             the candidate under section 175SJ in relation to
25                             an election; or
26                       (c) for a group (other than a party group) -- the
27                             expenditure cap that applies to the group under
28                             section 175SK in relation to an election; or

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1             (d)    for a person (other than a political party,
2                    candidate or group) -- the expenditure cap that
3                    applies to the person under section 175SL in
4                    relation to an election;
5            cap amount means --
6              (a) the party amount; or
7              (b) an expenditure cap referred to in
8                    section 175SI(5), 175SJ, 175SK or 175SL;
9            endorsed candidate means a candidate in an election
10           who has been endorsed by a registered political party;
11           party amount, in relation to an election, means --
12             (a) if polling day for the election is before
13                   1 July 2021 -- $125 000; or
14             (b) in any other case -- the adjusted amount for the
15                   financial year in which polling day for the
16                   election occurs;
17           party group has the meaning given in
18           section 175LA(1).

19   175SH. Certain expenditure taken to be incurred by or with
20          authority of political party or group
21     (1)   For the purposes of this Division, electoral expenditure
22           incurred in relation to an election by or with the
23           authority of an endorsed candidate (other than a
24           candidate included in a group) is taken to have been
25           incurred by or with the authority of the political party
26           that endorsed the candidate.
27     (2)   For the purposes of this Division, electoral expenditure
28           incurred in relation to an election by or with the
29           authority of a party group is taken to have been
30           incurred by or with the authority of the political party
31           that endorsed the candidates included in the group.

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1              (3)   For the purposes of this Division, electoral expenditure
2                    incurred in relation to an election by or with the
3                    authority of a candidate included in a group is taken to
4                    have been incurred by or with the authority of the
5                    group.

6            175SI. Expenditure caps for political party
7              (1)   The expenditure caps that apply to a political party for
8                    electoral expenditure incurred by or with the authority
9                    of the party in relation to an election are as set out in
10                   this section.
11             (2)   In the case of a conjoint election, the expenditure cap is
12                   an amount equal to the sum of --
13                     (a) the party amount multiplied by the number of
14                           regions in which the party endorses 1 or more
15                           candidates in the election; and
16                     (b) the party amount multiplied by the number of
17                           districts in which the party endorses a candidate
18                           in the election.
19             (3)   In the case of a general election for the Council other
20                   than an election held as part of a conjoint election, the
21                   expenditure cap is an amount equal to the party amount
22                   multiplied by the number of regions in which the party
23                   endorses 1 or more candidates in the election.
24             (4)   In the case of a general election for the Assembly other
25                   than an election held as part of a conjoint election, the
26                   expenditure cap is an amount equal to the party amount
27                   multiplied by the number of districts in which the party
28                   endorses a candidate in the election.
29             (5)   In the case of an election other than an election held as
30                   part of a general election, the expenditure cap is --
31                     (a) if polling day for the election is before
32                           1 July 2021 -- $300 000; or

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1             (b)    in any other case -- the adjusted amount for the
2                    financial year in which polling day for the
3                    election occurs.

4    175SJ. Expenditure caps for candidate (other than
5           endorsed candidate or candidate in group)
6      (1)   The expenditure caps that apply to a candidate in an
7            election (other than an endorsed candidate or a
8            candidate included in a group) for electoral expenditure
9            incurred by or with the authority of the candidate in
10           relation to the election are as set out in this section.
11     (2)   In the case of an election held as part of a general
12           election, the expenditure cap is --
13             (a) if polling day for the election is before
14                   1 July 2021 -- $125 000; or
15             (b) in any other case -- the adjusted amount for the
16                   financial year in which polling day for the
17                   election occurs.
18     (3)   In the case of an election other than an election held as
19           part of a general election, the expenditure cap is --
20             (a) if polling day for the election is before
21                   1 July 2021 -- $300 000; or
22             (b) in any other case -- the adjusted amount for the
23                   financial year in which polling day for the
24                   election occurs.

25   175SK. Expenditure caps for group (other than party
26          group)
27     (1)   The expenditure caps that apply to a group (other than
28           a party group) for electoral expenditure incurred by or
29           with the authority of the group in relation to an election
30           are as set out in this section.

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1              (2)   In the case of an election held as part of a general
2                    election, the expenditure cap is --
3                      (a) if polling day for the election is before
4                            1 July 2021 -- $125 000; or
5                      (b) in any other case -- the adjusted amount for the
6                            financial year in which polling day for the
7                            election occurs.
8              (3)   In the case of an election other than an election held as
9                    part of a general election, the expenditure cap is --
10                     (a) if polling day for the election is before
11                           1 July 2021 -- $300 000; or
12                     (b) in any other case -- the adjusted amount for the
13                           financial year in which polling day for the
14                           election occurs.

15           175SL. Expenditure caps for person (other than political
16                  party, candidate or group)
17             (1)   The expenditure caps that apply to a person (other than
18                   a political party, candidate or group) for electoral
19                   expenditure incurred by or with the authority of the
20                   person in relation to an election are as set out in this
21                   section.
22             (2)   In the case of a conjoint election or general election,
23                   the expenditure cap is --
24                     (a) if polling day for the election is before
25                           1 July 2021 -- $2 000 000; or
26                     (b) in any other case -- the adjusted amount for the
27                           financial year in which polling day for the
28                           election occurs.
29             (3)   In the case of an election other than an election held as
30                   part of a general election, the expenditure cap is --
31                     (a) if polling day for the election is before
32                           1 July 2021 -- $50 000; or

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1                (b)     in any other case -- the adjusted amount for the
2                        financial year in which polling day for the
3                        election occurs.

4    175SM. Adjustment of cap amounts
5      (1)   For the financial year beginning on 1 July 2021 and
6            each subsequent financial year each cap amount is to
7            be adjusted on 1 July of that financial year using the
8            formula --
10           where --
11           A         is the cap amount immediately before 1 July in a
12                     year;
13           B         is the CPI number published for the March quarter
14                     in the year;
15           C         is the CPI number published for the March quarter
16                     in the previous year.
17     (2)   If, for a particular financial year, adjustment of a cap
18           amount would reduce the amount, the amount is not to
19           be adjusted.
20     (3)   If the adjustment of a cap amount for a financial year
21           results in an amount that is not a whole number
22           multiple of $100, the amount is to be rounded up to the
23           nearest whole number multiple of $100 and the amount
24           as rounded is, subject to subsection (2), the cap amount
25           for the financial year.

26   175SN. Recovery of amount in excess of expenditure cap
27     (1)   This section applies if the electoral expenditure
28           incurred by or with the authority of a political party,
29           candidate, group or other person in relation to an

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1                    election exceeds the applicable expenditure cap for the
2                    party, candidate, group or person.
3              (2)   An amount equal to twice the amount by which the
4                    electoral expenditure exceeds the applicable
5                    expenditure cap is payable to the State by the political
6                    party, candidate, group or person and may be recovered
7                    by the State as a debt due to the State by action, in a
8                    court of competent jurisdiction, against --
9                      (a) in the case of a political party --
10                              (i) if the party is a body corporate, the
11                                   party; or
12                             (ii) in any other case, the agent of the party;
13                           or
14                     (b) in the case of a candidate, the candidate or an
15                           agent of the candidate; or
16                     (c) in the case of a group, a candidate included in
17                           the group or an agent of the group; or
18                     (d) in the case of a person (other than a political
19                           party, candidate or group), the person.
20             (3)   Nothing in this section affects the liability of a person
21                   to be convicted of an offence against section 175SO or
22                   the penalty that can be imposed for such an offence.

23           175SO. Offence if applicable expenditure cap exceeded
24             (1)   If the electoral expenditure incurred by or with the
25                   authority of a political party in relation to an election
26                   exceeds the applicable expenditure cap for the party,
27                   the agent of the party commits an offence.
28             (2)   If the electoral expenditure incurred by or with the
29                   authority of a candidate (other than an endorsed
30                   candidate or a candidate included in a group) in
31                   relation to an election exceeds the applicable

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1          expenditure cap for the candidate, the agent of the
2          candidate commits an offence.
3    (3)   If the electoral expenditure incurred by or with the
4          authority of a group (other than a party group) in
5          relation to an election exceeds the applicable
6          expenditure cap for the group, the agent of the group
7          commits an offence.
8    (4)   If the electoral expenditure incurred by or with the
9          authority of a person (other than a political party,
10         candidate or group) in relation to an election exceeds
11         the applicable expenditure cap for the person, the
12         person commits an offence.
13   (5)   An offence under this section is an aggravated offence
14         if the amount by which the electoral expenditure
15         exceeds the applicable expenditure cap is greater than
16         20% of the applicable expenditure cap.
17   (6)   A person who commits an offence under this section is
18         liable to --
19           (a) in the case of an aggravated offence,
20                  imprisonment for 2 years and a fine of --
21                    (i) an amount equal to 3 times the amount
22                         by which the electoral expenditure
23                         exceeds the applicable expenditure cap;
24                         or
25                   (ii) if the amount worked out under
26                         subparagraph (i) is less than $36 000 --
27                         $36 000;
28                  or
29           (b) in any other case, a fine of --
30                    (i) an amount equal to twice the amount by
31                         which the electoral expenditure exceeds
32                         the applicable expenditure cap; or

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1                                (ii)   if the amount worked out under
2                                       subparagraph (i) is less than $24 000 --
3                                       $24 000.

5    14.          Section 175V amended
6                 In section 175V(1) delete "175LI(2) or 175R(5)" and insert:

8                 175LI(2), 175R(5), 175RA(5) or 175SN(2)

10   15.          Section 175W amended
11                In section 175W(4), (8)(a), (9)(b) and (12)(a) after "section"
12                insert:

14                175SO or

16   16.          Section 175Y deleted
17                Delete section 175Y.

18   17.          Section 175ZC amended
19         (1)    After section 175ZC(1) insert:

21               (1A)   The Electoral Commissioner must, as soon as
22                      practicable after a claim is lodged under Division 2A or
23                      a return is lodged under Division 3 or 4, publish the
24                      claim or return on the Commission website.

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1          (2)   In section 175ZC(2) delete "end of 4 weeks after the end of the
2                period during which the claim or return was required to be
3                lodged." and insert:

5                claim or return is published on the Commission website.

7    18.         Section 175ZCA inserted
8                After section 175ZC insert:

10          175ZCA. Amounts to be published on Commission website
11                    The Electoral Commissioner must, as soon as
12                    practicable after 1 July in each financial year, publish
13                    notice of the following on the Commission website --
14                      (a) the election funding reimbursement amount
15                            under section 175LC for the financial year;
16                      (b) each cap amount, as defined in section 175SG,
17                            for the financial year.

19   19.         Section 175ZD amended
20         (1)   In section 175ZD(1) delete "corporate, or in respect of any
21               amount recoverable from such a party under section 175LH(4),
22               175LI(2) or 175R(5)," and insert:

24               corporate

26         (2)   Delete section 175ZD(2).

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1    20.         Section 175ZF amended
2          (1)   Delete section 175ZF(1)(a), (ab) and (ba).
3          (2)   Delete section 175ZF(2).

4    21.         Section 175ZG amended
5          (1)   Delete section 175ZG(1) and insert:

7                (1)   As soon as practicable after the end of a financial year,
8                      the Electoral Commissioner must prepare and submit to
9                      the Minister an annual report on the operation of this
10                     Part in relation to that financial year.

12         (2)   In section 175ZG(2) delete "each" (1st occurrence) and insert:

14               the
16   22.         Section 175ZH inserted
17               At the end of Part VI insert:

19           175ZH. Transitional provisions for Electoral Amendment
20                  Act 2023
21               (1)   In this section --
22                     2019/20 year means the financial year ending on
23                     30 June 2020;
24                     transition day means the day on which the Electoral
25                     Amendment Act 2023 section 22 comes into operation.
26               (2)   Section 175N, as in force immediately before transition
27                     day, continues to apply to the agent of a political party
28                     in respect of gifts and income received by the political
29                     party during the 2019/20 year.

     page 20
                                              Electoral Amendment Bill 2023

                                                                           s. 23

1          (3)   Section 175NA, as in force immediately before
2                transition day, continues to apply to an associated
3                entity in respect of gifts and income received by the
4                associated entity during the 2019/20 year.
5          (4)   For the purposes of the application of sections 175N(1)
6                and 175NA(1), as inserted by the Electoral Amendment
7                Act 2023 section 10 --
8                  (a) the references in those provisions to a quarter
9                        include the quarter beginning on 1 July 2020;
10                       and
11                 (b) the returns required under those provisions in
12                       relation to that quarter must be lodged before
13                       the end of 15 January 2021 instead of within
14                       10 business days after the end of that quarter.
15         (5)   Section 175ZG, as in force immediately before
16               transition day, continues to apply for the purpose of
17               requiring the preparation, submission, and laying
18               before each House of Parliament, of a report on the
19               operation of this Part in relation to the 2019/20 year.

21   23.   Various references to "15 weeks" amended
22         In the provisions listed in the Table delete "15 weeks" and
23         insert:

25         12 weeks

27                                  Table
           s. 175O(1)                    s. 175P(1)

           s. 175Q(1)                    s. 175SA

                                                                      page 21
    Electoral Amendment Bill 2023

    s. 23

              s. 175SB                         s. 175SC(1)

              s. 175SD(1)

1             Note: The heading to section 175R is to read:
2                   Gifts not to be received from unidentified donors


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