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Western Australia Electoral and Constitution Amendment Bill 2003 CONTENTS Part 1 -- Preliminary 1. Short title 2 2. Commencement 2 Part 2 -- Amendments about fixed election dates Division 1 -- Electoral Act 1907 amended 3. The Act amended 3 4. Section 4 amended 3 5. Section 64 replaced 4 6. Section 70 amended 4 7. Section 71 amended 5 8. Section 72 amended 5 9. Section 76 amended 5 10. Section 156E amended 6 Division 2 -- Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899 amended 11. The Act amended 6 12. Section 8 amended and transitional provisions 6 13. Section 10 amended 8 14. Section 21 amended 8 15. Section 36 amended 9 Division 3 -- Salaries and Allowances Act 1975 amended 16. The Act amended 9 17. Section 6 amended 9 253--1 page i Electoral and Constitution Amendment Bill 2003 Contents Part 3 -- General amendments Division 1 -- Electoral Act 1907 amended 18. The Act amended 10 19. Long title amended 10 20. Section 4 amended 10 21. Section 5D amended 10 22. Section 5F amended 11 23. Section 18 amended 12 24. Section 67 amended 12 25. Section 77 amended 12 26. Section 85 amended 12 27. Section 90 amended 13 28. Section 92 amended 14 29. Section 95 amended 14 30. Section 100 amended 14 31. Section 100A amended 15 32. Section 100B amended 15 33. Section 102 amended 15 34. Section 132 amended 15 35. Section 192 amended 15 36. Section 188 amended 16 37. Schedule 1 amended 16 38. Minor amendments 17 Division 2 -- Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899 amended 39. The Act amended 18 40. Sections 7 and 20 amended and saving provision 18 41. Section 32 amended and saving provision 19 Division 3 -- Electoral Amendment (Political Finance) Act 1992 amended 42. The Act amended 20 43. Sections 5 and 6 repealed 20 page ii Western Australia LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Electoral and Constitution Amendment Bill 2003 A Bill for An Act to -- • make amendments to the Electoral Act 1907, the Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899 and the Salaries and Allowances Act 1975 in relation to the dates for general elections; and • make other amendments to the Electoral Act 1907, the Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899 and the Electoral Amendment (Political Finance) Act 1992, and for related purposes. The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows: page 1 Electoral and Constitution Amendment Bill 2003 Part 1 Preliminary s. 1 Part 1 -- Preliminary 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Electoral and Constitution Amendment Act 2003. 5 2. Commencement This Act comes into operation on the day on which it receives the Royal Assent. page 2 Electoral and Constitution Amendment Bill 2003 Amendments about fixed election dates Part 2 Electoral Act 1907 amended Division 1 s. 3 Part 2 -- Amendments about fixed election dates Division 1 -- Electoral Act 1907 amended 3. The Act amended The amendments in this Division are to the Electoral Act 1907*. 5 [* Reprinted as at 15 December 2000. For subsequent amendments see Western Australian Legislation Information Tables for 2002, Table 1, p. 115.] 4. Section 4 amended (1) Section 4(1) is amended in the definition of "general election" 10 as follows: (a) in paragraph (a) by deleting "64(1)" and inserting instead -- " 64(2) or (3) "; (b) in paragraph (b) by deleting "64(2)" and inserting 15 instead -- " 64(4) ". (2) Section 4(1) is amended by inserting in the appropriate alphabetical positions the following definitions -- " 20 "election year", in relation to a periodic election, means the year in which the writ for the periodic election is issued; "periodic election" means -- (a) a general election for the Assembly the writ 25 for which is issued under section 64(3); or (b) any general election for the Council; ". page 3 Electoral and Constitution Amendment Bill 2003 Part 2 Amendments about fixed election dates Division 1 Electoral Act 1907 amended s. 5 5. Section 64 replaced Section 64 is repealed and the following section is inserted instead -- " 5 64. Issue of writs for general election (1) In this section -- "expiry year" of an Assembly means the year in which that Assembly, if it is not previously dissolved, will expire by effluxion of time. 10 (2) If an Assembly is dissolved before 1 November last preceding its expiry year, the Governor shall cause a writ for elections in all the districts to be issued not later than 10 days after the dissolution. (3) If an Assembly is not dissolved before 1 November last 15 preceding its expiry year, the Governor shall cause a writ for elections in all the districts to be issued on the third Wednesday of January in the expiry year. (4) In order to fill seats in the Council that are to be vacated by effluxion of time at the end of 21 March in 20 a year, the Governor shall cause a writ for elections in all the regions to be issued on the third Wednesday of January last preceding that 21 March. ". 6. Section 70 amended 25 (1) Section 70 is amended by inserting before "The" the subsection designation "(1)". (2) At the end of section 70 the following subsection is inserted -- " (2) In the case of a periodic election the date fixed as the 30 last day for the nomination of candidates shall be the second Friday following the date of the writ. ". page 4 Electoral and Constitution Amendment Bill 2003 Amendments about fixed election dates Part 2 Electoral Act 1907 amended Division 1 s. 7 7. Section 71 amended After section 71(3) the following subsections are inserted -- " (4) In the case of a periodic election the date fixed for the 5 polling shall be the third Saturday of February in the election year. (5) If the third Saturday of February in an election year is an excluded day, the date fixed for the polling shall be the fourth Saturday of February in the election year. 10 (6) In subsection (5) -- "excluded day" means a day appointed as polling day for an election of the Senate or a general election of the House of Representatives or as the voting day for a referendum as defined in section 3 of the 15 Referendum (Machinery Provisions) Act 1984 of the Commonwealth. ". 8. Section 72 amended After section 72(1) the following subsection is inserted -- 20 " (2) In the case of a periodic election the date fixed as the last day for the return of the writ shall not be later than 21 March after polling day. ". 25 9. Section 76 amended Section 76(3) is amended by deleting "the time prescribed by the Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899." and inserting instead -- " 21 March after polling day. ". page 5 Electoral and Constitution Amendment Bill 2003 Part 2 Amendments about fixed election dates Division 2 Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899 amended s. 10 10. Section 156E amended Section 156E(2) is repealed and the following subsections are inserted instead -- " 5 (2) A writ shall not be issued under subsection (1) on or after 1 November last preceding the expiry year and, in that case, the vacancy is taken for the purposes of section 64(4) and section 10 of the Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899 to occur by effluxion of time at 10 the end of 21 March in the expiry year. (3) In subsection (2) -- "expiry year" means the year in which the term of service of the member whose seat has been vacated would have expired. 15 ". Division 2 -- Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899 amended 11. The Act amended The amendments in this Division are to the Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899*. 20 [* Reprint 12 as at 3 October 2003.] 12. Section 8 amended and transitional provisions (1) Section 8(2) and (3) are each amended by deleting "May" and inserting instead -- " March ". 25 (2) Section 8(4) is repealed and the following subsection is inserted instead -- " (4) Where an election held as part of a general election fails wholly or partially or is declared to be absolutely 30 void, the seat of a member elected at an election held page 6 Electoral and Constitution Amendment Bill 2003 Amendments about fixed election dates Part 2 Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899 amended Division 2 s. 12 by reason of that failure or declaration shall become vacant at the expiration of the period of 4 years beginning on 22 March next following that general election. 5 ". (3) Section 8(5) is amended by deleting "(4)(a)" and inserting instead -- " (4) ". (4) Section 8(6) is repealed. 10 (5) If a person who is a member of the Legislative Council on 21 March 2005 is no longer a member on 22 March 2005, the Salaries and Allowances Act 1975 and parliamentary superannuation arrangements continue to apply in relation to that person in the same way as they would have if -- 15 (a) 21 May 2005 had continued to be the day at the end of which the person's seat became vacant by effluxion of time; and (b) the person had continued during the subtracted period to hold any higher office that the person held on 20 21 March 2005. (6) In subsection (5) -- "higher office" means the office of -- (a) President of the Legislative Council; or (b) Chairman or Deputy Chairman of Committees in the 25 Legislative Council; "parliamentary superannuation arrangements" means contribution, entitlement and other superannuation arrangements in respect of -- (a) a person by or for whom contributions are being 30 made as at 21 March 2005 to the scheme as defined in section 5 of the Parliamentary Superannuation Act 1970; or page 7 Electoral and Constitution Amendment Bill 2003 Part 2 Amendments about fixed election dates Division 2 Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899 amended s. 13 (b) a person for whom contributions are being made as at 21 March 2005 under section 29 of the Parliamentary Superannuation Act 1970; "subtracted period" means the period -- 5 (a) beginning on 22 March 2005; and (b) ending on 21 May 2005 or, if the person dies before then, on death. 13. Section 10 amended Section 10(3)(b) is amended by deleting "May" and inserting 10 instead -- " March ". 14. Section 21 amended (1) Section 21(1) is amended as follows: (a) by inserting before "Provided" the subsection 15 designation "(2)"; (b) by deleting paragraphs (a) and (b) and "and" after paragraph (a) and inserting instead -- " (a) whenever any Legislative Assembly would 20 expire by effluxion of time on or after 1 September of any year but before the third Wednesday of January next following, that Legislative Assembly shall continue up to and including the day next preceding that third 25 Wednesday of January and no longer; and (b) whenever any Legislative Assembly would expire by effluxion of time on or after the third Wednesday of January of any year but before 1 September of that year, that Legislative 30 Assembly shall cease and determine on the day next preceding that third Wednesday of January. ". page 8 Electoral and Constitution Amendment Bill 2003 Amendments about fixed election dates Part 2 Salaries and Allowances Act 1975 amended Division 3 s. 15 (2) Section 21(2) is repealed. 15. Section 36 amended Section 36(9) is amended by deleting "May" and inserting instead -- 5 " March ". Division 3 -- Salaries and Allowances Act 1975 amended 16. The Act amended The amendments in this Division are to the Salaries and Allowances Act 1975*. 10 [* Reprinted as at 8 September 2000. For subsequent amendments see Western Australian Legislation Information Tables for 2002, Table 1, p. 348 and Gazette 15 August 2003 p. 3685-92.] 17. Section 6 amended 15 Section 6(5b) is repealed and the following subsection is inserted instead -- " (5b) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act or any determination, a person elected as a member of the 20 Legislative Council at a general election shall not be entitled to any remuneration as such a member in respect of any period before 22 March next following the general election unless that person -- (a) was a member of the Legislative Council 25 immediately before the general election; or (b) is declared elected under section 156D of the Electoral Act 1907 to complete the unexpired portion of a term of office ending immediately before that 22 March. 30 ". page 9 Electoral and Constitution Amendment Bill 2003 Part 3 General amendments Division 1 Electoral Act 1907 amended s. 18 Part 3 -- General amendments Division 1 -- Electoral Act 1907 amended 18. The Act amended The amendments in this Division are to the Electoral Act 1907*. 5 [* Reprinted as at 15 December 2000. For subsequent amendments see Western Australian Legislation Information Tables for 2002, Table 1, p. 115.] 19. Long title amended The long title is amended by inserting after "elections" -- 10 " and for related purposes ". 20. Section 4 amended (1) Section 4(1) is amended by inserting in the appropriate alphabetical position the following definition -- " 15 "authorised witness" has the meaning given by section 94; ". (2) Section 4(1) is amended by deleting the definition relating to "print", "printed" or "printing". 20 21. Section 5D amended After section 5D(3) the following subsections are inserted -- " (4) The Governor, on the recommendation of the Premier, may appoint an Acting Deputy Electoral Commissioner 25 to act in the office of the Deputy Electoral Commissioner -- (a) when the Deputy Electoral Commissioner is absent from duty for any reason or is absent from the State; page 10 Electoral and Constitution Amendment Bill 2003 General amendments Part 3 Electoral Act 1907 amended Division 1 s. 22 (b) when the Deputy Electoral Commissioner is acting in the office of Electoral Commissioner under section 5H(2); (c) when the Deputy Electoral Commissioner has 5 been suspended; or (d) when the office of Deputy Electoral Commissioner is vacant. (5) Before making a recommendation under subsection (4) the Premier shall consult with the Parliamentary leader 10 of each party in the Parliament. (6) While the Acting Deputy Electoral Commissioner is so acting -- (a) he may perform the functions of the Deputy Electoral Commissioner, and anything done by 15 him in so performing those functions has the like effect as if it were done by the Deputy Electoral Commissioner; (b) any act or thing that is required under a written law to be done to, by reference to or in relation 20 to the Deputy Electoral Commissioner shall be regarded as effectually done if done to, by reference to or in relation to the Acting Deputy Electoral Commissioner. ". 25 22. Section 5F amended Section 5F(1)(ea) is deleted and the following paragraph is inserted instead -- " (ea) may conduct other elections, referendums or 30 polls -- (i) if authorised to do so under another written law; or page 11 Electoral and Constitution Amendment Bill 2003 Part 3 General amendments Division 1 Electoral Act 1907 amended s. 23 (ii) if they are provided for under another written law and the regulations authorise the Electoral Commissioner to conduct them; 5 ". 23. Section 18 amended Section 18(c) is amended by deleting "one year" and inserting instead -- " 5 years ". 10 24. Section 67 amended Section 67(5) is amended by deleting "32(a)" and inserting instead -- " 32(1)(a) ". 25. Section 77 amended 15 After section 77(5) the following subsection is inserted -- " (6) If a person who is not an elector entitled to vote at an election of a member of the Assembly nominates himself for election to either House, the nomination is 20 invalid. ". 26. Section 85 amended Section 85(2) is amended by deleting "6 p.m." and inserting instead -- 25 " 12 noon ". page 12 Electoral and Constitution Amendment Bill 2003 General amendments Part 3 Electoral Act 1907 amended Division 1 s. 27 27. Section 90 amended (1) Section 90(1) is repealed and the following subsection is inserted instead -- " 5 (1) Any elector may make application for an early ballot paper at any time after the polling day for an election has been publicly announced by the Government. ". (2) Section 90(1a) is amended by deleting "at any time during the 10 period referred to in subsection (1)". (3) Section 90(3a)(a) is amended by deleting "who is entitled to apply for an early ballot paper". (4) Section 90(3e)(a)(i) is deleted. (5) Section 90(7)(b) is amended by deleting "entitled to an early 15 ballot paper" and inserting instead -- " an elector ". (6) Section 90(8)(a) is amended by deleting "is entitled to an early ballot paper under subsection (1)(d)" and inserting instead -- " 20 will be unable to vote during the hours of polling on polling day because the elector is, or is caring for a person who is, seriously ill or infirm, or approaching maternity ". 25 (7) Section 90(8)(b) is amended by deleting "if the elector is entitled to an early ballot paper issue him with one" and inserting instead -- " issue the elector with an early ballot paper ". page 13 Electoral and Constitution Amendment Bill 2003 Part 3 General amendments Division 1 Electoral Act 1907 amended s. 28 (8) Section 90(12) is amended by deleting "entitled to an early ballot paper by virtue of subsection (1)(f)" and inserting instead -- " 5 who is serving a sentence of imprisonment for an offence or is otherwise in lawful custody or detention ". 28. Section 92 amended Section 92(4c)(b) is amended by deleting "Tuesday" and 10 inserting instead -- " Thursday ". 29. Section 95 amended Section 95(8) is amended as follows: (a) by deleting "elector is an" and inserting instead -- 15 " elector is a patient or "; (b) by deleting "is an inmate in an institution or is a patient in a hospital". 30. Section 100 amended (1) Section 100(1)(c) is amended by deleting "institution or 20 hospital, or both" and inserting instead -- " hospital, prison or other institution ". (2) Section 100(1)(d) is amended as follows: (a) by deleting "any institution or hospital, or both," and inserting instead -- 25 " any hospital, prison or other institution "; (b) by deleting "or hospital, or both, for" and inserting instead -- " for ". page 14 Electoral and Constitution Amendment Bill 2003 General amendments Part 3 Electoral Act 1907 amended Division 1 s. 31 31. Section 100A amended (1) Section 100A(1), (1)(a), (2)(a) and (b) and (5) are amended by deleting "or hospital". (2) Section 100A(1)(b) is amended by deleting "record his". 5 (3) Section 100A(2) is amended by deleting "or hospital,". 32. Section 100B amended Section 100B(2a) is amended by inserting after "The" -- " Electoral Commissioner or the ". 33. Section 102 amended 10 Section 102(5) is amended by deleting "or hospital". 34. Section 132 amended Section 132(2) is amended as follows: (a) by deleting "a special institution or hospital" and inserting instead -- 15 " an institution "; (b) by deleting "or (d)". 35. Section 192 amended (1) Section 192(2) and (3) are amended by deleting "or hospital" in each place in which it occurs. 20 (2) Section 192(4) is repealed. (3) Section 192(5) is amended as follows: (a) by deleting "Subsection (4)" and inserting instead -- " This section "; (b) by deleting "a prison" and inserting instead -- 25 " an institution "; (c) by deleting "the prison" and inserting instead -- " the institution ". page 15 Electoral and Constitution Amendment Bill 2003 Part 3 General amendments Division 1 Electoral Act 1907 amended s. 36 36. Section 188 amended (1) Section 188(1) and (2) are deleted and the following are inserted instead -- " 5 (1) Penalty for bribery or undue influence -- (a) if the offence relates to an early ballot paper or early vote: $24 000 or imprisonment for 2 years; or (b) in any other case: $12 000 or imprisonment for 10 12 months. (2) Penalty for any other illegal practice -- (a) if the offence relates to an early ballot paper or early vote: $12 000 or imprisonment for 12 months; or 15 (b) in any other case: $6 000. ". 37. Schedule 1 amended (1) Schedule 1 clause 5 is repealed and the following clause is inserted instead -- 20 " 5. Unless all the vacancies have been filled, the surplus votes (if any) of any candidate elected under clause 4, or elected subsequently under this clause, shall be transferred to the continuing candidates as follows -- 25 (a) the number of surplus votes of the elected candidate shall be divided by the number of votes received by him and the resulting fraction shall be the surplus fraction; (b) in relation to any particular ballot papers for surplus 30 votes of the elected candidate, the surplus fraction shall be multiplied by the transfer value at which those ballot papers were transferred to the elected candidate, or by one if they expressed first page 16 Electoral and Constitution Amendment Bill 2003 General amendments Part 3 Electoral Act 1907 amended Division 1 s. 38 preference votes for the elected candidate, and the product shall be the continued transfer value of those particular ballot papers; (c) the total number of ballot papers for surplus votes 5 of the elected candidate that each -- (i) express the next available preference for a particular continuing candidate; and (ii) have a particular continued transfer value, shall be multiplied by that transfer value, the 10 number so obtained (disregarding any fraction) shall be added to the number of votes of the continuing candidate and all those ballot papers shall be transferred to the continuing candidate, and if on the completion of the transfer of the surplus votes 15 of the elected candidate to a particular continuing candidate that candidate has received a number of votes equal to or greater than the quota, that candidate shall be elected. ". (2) Schedule 1 clause 7 is repealed. 20 (3) Schedule 1 clause 9 is amended by deleting "4(a) and (b)" and inserting instead -- " (5) ". 38. Minor amendments The Act is amended as set out in the Table. 25 Table Provision amended Amendment section 60(1) deletion of "56(a)" and insertion instead of -- " 56 ". section 61 repeal of the section. section 62I(2) insertion after "one member of " of -- " the ". page 17 Electoral and Constitution Amendment Bill 2003 Part 3 General amendments Division 2 Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899 amended s. 39 Provision amended Amendment section 62N(1)(c) insertion before "decision" of -- " a ". section 75(1)(b) deletion of "nomination" and insertion instead of -- " declaration of nominations ". section 77(1)(b) insertion after "as" of -- " , or from being, ". section 87(7) deletion of "113A" and insertion instead of -- " 113B ". section 141(1) deletion of ", (b)". section 156A deletion of "(1)". section 186 deletion of "incapable of being chosen or of sitting as" and insertion instead of -- " disqualified from being elected as, or from being, ". Division 2 -- Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899 amended 39. The Act amended The amendments in this Division are to the Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899*. 5 [* Reprint 12 as at 3 October 2003.] 40. Sections 7 and 20 amended and saving provision (1) Sections 7 and 20 are each amended by inserting after "person who" -- " 10 is an Australian citizen as defined in section 4(1) of the Electoral Act 1907 and ". page 18 Electoral and Constitution Amendment Bill 2003 General amendments Part 3 Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899 amended Division 2 s. 41 (2) A person who is a member of the Legislative Assembly or the Legislative Council immediately before the commencement -- (a) does not become disqualified, on the commencement, for membership of the Legislative Assembly or the 5 Legislative Council for the purposes of section 38(a) or 40(a) of the Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899; and (b) is not prevented from completing his or her current term as a member, by reason only of not being an Australian citizen as defined in 10 section 4(1) of the Electoral Act 1907. (3) In subsection (2) -- "commencement" means the commencement of this section. 41. Section 32 amended and saving provision (1) Section 32 is amended by inserting before "A person" the 15 subsection designation "(1)". (2) Section 32(b) is deleted and the following paragraph is inserted instead -- " (b) has been convicted of an offence for which the 20 penalty specified by a law is or includes -- (i) imprisonment for life; or (ii) imprisonment for a period that may exceed 5 years. ". 25 (3) At the end of section 32 the following subsection is inserted -- " (2) In subsection (1)(b) -- "offence" means an offence against a law of this State, the Commonwealth, another State or a Territory. 30 ". page 19 Electoral and Constitution Amendment Bill 2003 Part 3 General amendments Division 3 Electoral Amendment (Political Finance) Act 1992 amended s. 42 (4) A person who is a member of the Legislative Assembly or the Legislative Council immediately before the commencement -- (a) does not become disqualified, on the commencement, for membership of the Legislative Assembly or the 5 Legislative Council for the purposes of section 38(b) or 40(b) of the Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899; and (b) is not prevented from completing his or her current term as a member, by reason only of a conviction that occurred before the 10 commencement. (5) In subsection (4) -- "commencement" means the commencement of this section. Division 3 -- Electoral Amendment (Political Finance) Act 1992 amended 15 42. The Act amended The amendments in this Division are to the Electoral Amendment (Political Finance) Act 1992*. [* Act No. 75 of 1992.] 43. Sections 5 and 6 repealed 20 Sections 5 and 6 are repealed.
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