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Western Australia Environment Court Bill 2019 Contents Part 1 -- Preliminary 1. Short title 2 2. Commencement 2 Part 2 -- The Environment Court Division 1 -- Establishment of Environment Court 3. Environment Court established 3 4. Environment Court composition 3 5. Appointment of judges 3 5A. Appointment of Chief Judge 4 6. Appointment of members 4 7. Environment Court jurisdiction 5 8. Making of orders 5 Division 2 -- Business of Environment Court 9. Arrangement of business 5 10. Sittings 6 11. Procedure 6 12. Proceedings in open court 6 13. Right of appearance 7 14. Rules and forms 7 Division 3 -- Appeals 15. Nature of decisions 8 16. Appeals to the Supreme Court 8 Part 3 -- Environmental Protection Act 1986 amended 17. Act amended 10 18. Part VII amended 10 159--1 page i Environment Court Bill 2019 Contents 100. Review of decisions 10 101. Effect of review 12 102. Powers on review 12 103. Nature of determination 12 page ii Western Australia LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL (Introduced by Hon Ms Diane Evers, MLC) Environment Court Bill 2019 A Bill for An Act to establish the Environment Court and for incidental and related purposes. The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows: page 1 Environment Court Bill 2019 Part 1 Preliminary s. 1 1 Part 1 -- Preliminary 2 1. Short title 3 This is the Environment Court Act 2019. 4 2. Commencement 5 This Act comes into operation as follows -- 6 (a) sections 1 and 2 -- on the day on which this Act 7 receives the Royal Assent; 8 (b) the rest of the Act -- on a day fixed by proclamation. page 2 Environment Court Bill 2019 The Environment Court Part 2 Establishment of Environment Court Division 1 s. 3 1 Part 2 -- The Environment Court 2 Division 1 -- Establishment of Environment Court 3 3. Environment Court established 4 (1) A superior court of record to be known as the Environment 5 Court is established. 6 (2) The Environment Court shall have and use, as occasion may 7 require, a seal bearing a device and impression of the armorial 8 bearings of the State, with an exergue or label surrounding the 9 same, with the inscription, "The Seal of the Environment Court 10 of Western Australia", and such other seals as are approved by 11 the Attorney General. 12 4. Environment Court composition 13 (1) The Environment Court consists of -- 14 (a) any judge holding office under an appointment made 15 under section 5; and 16 (b) any member holding office under an appointment made 17 under section 6. 18 (2) All applications to the Environment Court shall be heard, 19 determined, and disposed of by a single judge in accordance 20 with the provisions of this Act and any rules. 21 (3) A single judge shall have and may exercise, with respect to any 22 application properly brought before the court, all the 23 jurisdiction, powers, and authorities of the Environment Court, 24 as the circumstances may require to be exercised. 25 5. Appointment of judges 26 (1) The Governor may appoint an eligible person to be a judge of 27 the Environment Court. page 3 Environment Court Bill 2019 Part 2 The Environment Court Division 1 Establishment of Environment Court s. 5A 1 (2) A person is eligible for appointment as a judge of the 2 Environment Court if that person is a lawyer and has had not 3 less than 8 years' legal experience. 4 (3) The term for which a person is appointed as a judge is to be 5 fixed in the instrument of appointment and is to be not longer 6 than 5 years. 7 5A. Appointment of Chief Judge 8 The Governor shall appoint a judge of the Environment Court as 9 the Chief Judge of the Environment Court. 10 6. Appointment of members 11 (1) The Governor may appoint an eligible person to be a member of 12 the Environment Court. 13 (2) A person is eligible for appointment as a member of the 14 Environment Court if in the opinion of the Governor that person 15 has special knowledge of and experience in -- 16 (a) the administration of environmental planning; or 17 (b) environmental science or matters relating to the 18 protection of the environment and environmental 19 assessment; or 20 (c) cultural heritage, including Aboriginal heritage; or 21 (d) the management of natural resources or the 22 administration and management of Crown lands; or 23 (e) the administration of local government or town 24 planning. 25 (3) In appointing members, the Governor should ensure, as far as 26 practicable, that the Environment Court is comprised of persons 27 who hold qualifications across the range of areas specified in 28 subsection (2). 29 (4) The term for which a person is appointed as a member is to be 30 fixed in the instrument of appointment and is to be not longer 31 than 5 years. page 4 Environment Court Bill 2019 The Environment Court Part 2 Business of Environment Court Division 2 s. 7 1 7. Environment Court jurisdiction 2 (1) The Environment Court shall have the jurisdiction vested in it 3 by or under this or any other Act. 4 (2) The Environment Court has jurisdiction to hear and dispose of 5 any application under -- 6 (a) Part VII of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 7 (referred to in this Act as "Class 1" of its jurisdiction); 8 or 9 (b) Order 56 of the Supreme Court Rules 1971 where that 10 application relates to the Environmental Protection 11 Act 1986 (referred to in this Act as "Class 2" of its 12 jurisdiction). 13 (3) The Environment Court also has jurisdiction to hear and dispose 14 of any matter not falling within its jurisdiction under any other 15 provision of this Act or under any other Act, being a matter that 16 is ancillary to a matter that falls within its jurisdiction under any 17 other provision of this Act or under any other Act. 18 (4) Class 2 of the Environment Court's jurisdiction shall, in 19 accordance with this Act, be exercised by a judge of the 20 Environment Court. 21 8. Making of orders 22 The Environment Court has power, in relation to matters in 23 which it has jurisdiction, to make orders of such kinds, 24 including interlocutory orders, as the Environment Court thinks 25 appropriate. 26 Division 2 -- Business of Environment Court 27 9. Arrangement of business 28 Subject to section 7(4), the Chief Judge is responsible for 29 ensuring the orderly and expeditious discharge of the business 30 of the Environment Court and accordingly may, subject to this 31 Act and to such consultation with the judges and members of page 5 Environment Court Bill 2019 Part 2 The Environment Court Division 2 Business of Environment Court s. 10 1 the Environment Court as is appropriate and practicable, make 2 arrangements as to the judge, member or members who is or are 3 to exercise the Environment Court's jurisdiction in particular 4 matters or classes of matters. 5 10. Sittings 6 (1) The Environment Court shall sit at such places and times as the 7 Chief Judge may direct. 8 (2) More than one sitting of the Environment Court may be held at 9 the same time. 10 11. Procedure 11 (1) In exercising its jurisdiction, the Environment Court shall act 12 according to equity, good conscience and the substantial merits 13 of the case, without regard to technicalities or legal forms, shall 14 not be bound by any rules of evidence and may conduct its 15 inquiries in whatever manner it considers appropriate. 16 (2) Proceedings in the Environment Court shall be by way of 17 rehearing, and fresh evidence or evidence in addition to, or in 18 substitution for, the evidence given on the making of the 19 decision may be given on the application. 20 (3) The Environment Court may, in determining proceedings before 21 it, obtain the assistance of any person having professional or 22 other qualifications relevant to any issue arising for 23 determination in the proceedings and may receive in evidence 24 the certificate of any such person. 25 (4) In exercising its jurisdiction, the Environment Court shall have 26 regard to this or any other relevant Act or instrument, the 27 circumstances of the case and the public interest. 28 12. Proceedings in open court 29 All proceedings before the Environment Court shall, unless the 30 Environment Court otherwise orders, be heard in open court. page 6 Environment Court Bill 2019 The Environment Court Part 2 Business of Environment Court Division 2 s. 13 1 13. Right of appearance 2 (1) A person entitled to appear before the Environment Court may 3 appear -- 4 (a) in person; or 5 (b) by an Australian legal practitioner; or 6 (c) by an agent authorised by the person in writing, where 7 leave is granted by the Court to so appear. 8 (2) In determining whether to grant leave for a person to appear by 9 an agent the Environment Court is to consider -- 10 (a) whether the agent has provided the person with the 11 information required by the rules; and 12 (b) whether granting leave is in the best interests of the 13 person. 14 (3) Leave granted under this section may -- 15 (a) be granted subject to conditions, and 16 (b) be revoked at any time for any reason. 17 14. Rules and forms 18 (1) The Chief Judge and any two other judges of the Environment 19 Court may make rules for or with respect to -- 20 (a) the procedure (including the method of pleading) and 21 the practice to be followed in the Environment Court in 22 any proceedings (including the procedure and practice to 23 be followed in the offices of the Court) and any matters 24 incidental to, or relating to, any such procedure or 25 practice, including the manner and time of making any 26 application or appeal which under this or any other Act 27 is to be made to the Environment Court; and 28 (b) the joinder of causes of action, the consolidation of 29 proceedings, and the joinder, misjoinder and non-joinder 30 of parties; and page 7 Environment Court Bill 2019 Part 2 The Environment Court Division 3 Appeals s. 15 1 (c) the means for, and the practice and procedure to be 2 followed in, the enforcement and execution of decisions, 3 judgments and orders of the Environment Court; and 4 (d) the costs of proceedings in the Environment Court; and 5 (e) all matters that by this Act are required or permitted to 6 be prescribed by rules or that are necessary or 7 convenient to be prescribed by rules for carrying out or 8 giving effect to this Act. 9 (2) The Chief Judge -- 10 (a) may approve forms for documents to be used in 11 connection with proceedings; and 12 (b) in the case of documents filed with a court, or issued by 13 a court, by means of an electronic system, may approve 14 the format in which such documents are to be filed or 15 issued. 16 (3) Copies of the forms approved under subsection (2) are to be 17 made available for public inspection at each registry of the 18 Environment Court and on the Environment Court's internet 19 website. 20 (4) If a form is approved in relation to a document to be used in 21 connection with proceedings, a document that is filed with or 22 issued by the Environment Court is to be in that form. 23 Division 3 -- Appeals 24 15. Nature of decisions 25 Except as provided by section 16, a decision of the Environment 26 Court shall be final and conclusive. 27 16. Appeals to the Supreme Court 28 (1) A party to an application for review may appeal to the Supreme 29 Court against an order or decision (including an interlocutory 30 order or decision) of the Environment Court on a question of 31 law. page 8 Environment Court Bill 2019 The Environment Court Part 2 Appeals Division 3 s. 16 1 (2) Where a party to proceedings in Class 2 of the Environment 2 Court's jurisdiction is dissatisfied with an order or decision 3 (including an interlocutory order or decision) of the 4 Environment Court, the party may appeal to the Supreme Court 5 against the order or decision. 6 (3) On the hearing of an appeal under subsection (1) or (2), the 7 Supreme Court shall -- 8 (a) make an order reversing, affirming or amending the 9 order or decision appealed against; or 10 (b) remit the matter to the Environment Court for 11 determination by the Environment Court in accordance 12 with the decision of the Supreme Court; or 13 (c) make an order directing a rehearing by the Environment 14 Court of the proceedings in respect of which the order or 15 decision appealed against was made; or 16 (d) make such other order in relation to the appeal as it 17 thinks fit. 18 (4) Despite subsections (1) and (2), an appeal does not lie to the 19 Supreme Court against any of the following orders or decisions 20 of the Environment Court except by leave of the Supreme 21 Court -- 22 (a) an interlocutory order or decision; or 23 (b) an order made with the consent of the parties; or 24 (c) an order or decision as to costs. page 9 Environment Court Bill 2019 Part 3 Environmental Protection Act 1986 amended s. 17 1 Part 3 -- Environmental Protection Act 1986 amended 2 17. Act amended 3 This Part amends the Environmental Protection Act 1986. 4 18. Part VII amended 5 (1) Sections 100-110 of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 are 6 repealed. 7 (2) After section 99ZB of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 8 insert: 9 10 100. Review of decisions 11 (1) In this section -- 12 person affected means -- 13 (a) in relation to a limited reviewable decision, the 14 applicant for that authority or the person upon 15 whom that order is served or against whom that 16 step is taken or caused to be taken; and 17 (b) in relation to a publicly reviewable decision, 18 any person. 19 limited reviewable decision means -- 20 (a) an order of the Minister served under 21 section 48(4)(b); or 22 (b) a step taken or caused to be taken by the 23 Minister under section 48(4)(c) or (d); or 24 (c) a decision by the CEO to refuse to grant a 25 clearing permit under section 51E; or 26 (d) a decision by the CEO to refuse to grant a 27 works approval under section 54; or 28 (e) a decision by the CEO to refuse to grant a 29 licence under section 57. page 10 Environment Court Bill 2019 Environmental Protection Act 1986 amended Part 3 s. 18 1 publicly reviewable decision means -- 2 (a) a decision by the EPA under section 39A to not 3 assess a proposal; or 4 (b) the content of, or recommendations in, a report 5 published by the EPA under section 44 in 6 relation to a proposal; or 7 (c) the content of, or recommendations in, a report 8 published by the EPA under section 48D in 9 relation to a scheme; or 10 (d) any conditions or procedures agreed under 11 section 45(1) (or under section 45(1) as applied 12 by section 46(8)); or 13 (e) a decision by the CEO to grant a clearing 14 permit under section 51E; or 15 (f) a specification by the CEO of a condition on a 16 clearing permit; or 17 (g) a decision by the CEO to amend a clearing 18 permit under section 51K; or 19 (h) a decision by the CEO to grant a works 20 approval under section 54; or 21 (i) a specification by the CEO of a condition on a 22 works approval; or 23 (j) a decision by the CEO to amend a works 24 approval under section 59; or 25 (k) a decision by the CEO to grant a licence under 26 section 57; or 27 (l) a specification by the CEO of a condition on a 28 licence; or 29 (m) a decision by the CEO to amend a licence under 30 section 59. 31 (2) A person affected by a limited reviewable decision or a 32 publicly reviewable decision may apply to the 33 Environment Court for review of that decision. page 11 Environment Court Bill 2019 Part 3 Environmental Protection Act 1986 amended s. 18 1 101. Effect of review 2 The lodging of an application for review under 3 section 100 does not prevent the operation of the 4 relevant decision unless and until the Environment 5 Court so orders. 6 102. Powers on review 7 (1) In determining an application for review, the 8 Environment Court may -- 9 (a) dismiss the application; or 10 (b) substitute its own decision for the decision the 11 subject of the application; or 12 (c) remit the decision subject to the application to 13 the original decision-maker, and may make an 14 order under subsection (d) in relation to the 15 decision; or 16 (d) declare the state of the law in relation to the 17 decision the subject of the application. 18 (2) In determining an application for review the 19 Environment Court has all of the powers, functions and 20 discretions available to the original decision-maker. 21 103. Nature of determination 22 (1) In determining an application for review, except as 23 provided for in this section, the decision of the 24 Environment Court shall be final and conclusive. 25 (2) A party to an application for review may appeal to the 26 Supreme Court against an order or decision (including 27 an interlocutory order or decision) of the Environment 28 Court on a question of law. 29 30
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