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Western Australia Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Contents Part 1 -- Preliminary 1. Short title 2 2. Commencement 2 Part 2 -- Electricity Industry Act 2004 amended Division 1 -- Amendments commencing on the day after Royal Assent 3. Act amended 3 4. Long title amended 3 5. Section 3 amended 3 6. Section 30 amended 4 7. Section 39 amended 4 8. Section 48 amended 5 9. Part 3A inserted 5 Part 3A -- Network supply services: distributor-customer and distributor-retailer relationships 59A. Terms used 5 59B. Obligation on Part 3A distributor to provide network supply services 8 59C. Regulations about provision of network supply services 8 59D. Regulations about relationship between Part 3A distributors and Part 3A retailers 10 59E. Relationship to code of conduct for supply of electricity to small use customers 12 10. Section 79 amended 12 11. Section 81 amended 13 12. Section 92 amended 13 201--1 page i Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Contents 13. Section 103 amended 13 14. Section 127 amended 13 15. Sections 131B and 131C inserted 13 131B. Delegation by Minister 13 131C. Authority's security and reliability functions 14 16. Section 131 amended 15 17. Section 132 amended 16 18. Part 11 inserted 17 Part 11 -- Transitional provisions Division 1 -- Transitional provisions for Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Act 2016 Subdivision 1 -- Transitional provisions relating to access to services of network infrastructure facilities 135. Terms used 17 136. Gap year instrument and extension of Access Arrangement 3 18 137. Effect of gap year instrument and secondary determinations 19 138. RCP1 transition instrument 20 139. General provisions about transitional instruments 21 140. Regulations about transitional instruments 22 Subdivision 2 -- Transitional provisions for new Part 3A 141. Terms used 22 142. Network supply service contracts taken to have been entered into on 1 July 2018 23 143. Relationship between Part 3A distributors and Part 3A retailers 24 144. Transitional status of Electricity Networks Corporation and its distribution system 24 145. Transitional regulations 24 Subdivision 3 -- Other provisions 146. Minister may amend codes for transitional purposes 25 147. References to National Electricity (WA) Law, Regulations and Rules 26 19. Schedule 3 deleted 26 Division 2 -- Amendments commencing on 1 July 2018 20. Act amended 26 21. Section 3 amended 27 22. Section 11 amended 28 page ii Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Contents 23. Section 31 amended 29 24. Section 39A amended 29 25. Section 59B amended 30 26. Section 60 amended 30 27. Section 90 amended 30 28. Section 102A inserted 31 102A. Application of this Part 31 29. Section 103 amended 31 30. Part 8A inserted 31 Part 8A -- Access to Western Power network 120A. Terms used 31 120B. Access to Western Power network: modification of agreements in force before 1 July 2018 32 120C. Saving provision 33 31. Section 129B amended 34 32. Section 129F amended 34 33. Schedule 1 amended 35 Part 3 -- Repeal of Energy Arbitration and Review Act 1998 and associated amendments Division 1 -- Energy Arbitration and Review Act 1998 amended and repealed Subdivision 1 -- Amendments commencing on the day after Royal Assent 34. Act amended 36 35. Part 2 inserted 36 Part 2 -- Transitional provisions for abolition of review board and arbitrator Division 1 -- Preliminary 6. Terms used 36 Division 2 -- Financial provisions 7. Assets, rights and liabilities of arbitrator 38 8. Recovery of standing charges for final quarter and unpaid standing charges 38 9. Minister to appoint assessment officer for section 8 40 Division 3 -- Applications and proceedings 10. Proceedings before arbitrator immediately before abolition day 40 page iii Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Contents 11. Application for review of decision before Board immediately before abolition day 41 12. Application for review of decision made in 6-month period before abolition day 42 13. Application for civil penalty enforcement order or contravention order before Board immediately before abolition day 43 14. Enforcement of notice demanding payment of civil penalty given in 6-month period before abolition day 44 Division 4 -- Transitional regulations 15. Transitional regulations 45 Subdivision 2 -- Amendments commencing on 1 July 2017 36. Act amended 46 37. Part 6 heading replaced 46 Part 6 -- Regulations 38. Part 6 Divisions 2 and 3 deleted 46 39. Part 6 Division 4 heading deleted 46 Subdivision 3 -- Energy Arbitration and Review Act 1998 repealed 40. Energy Arbitration and Review Act 1998 repealed 46 Division 2 -- Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899 amended 41. Act amended 47 42. Schedule V Part 1 Division 1 amended 47 Division 3 -- Electricity Corporations Act 2005 amended 43. Act amended 47 44. Section 39 amended 47 Division 4 -- Electricity Industry Act 2004 amended 45. Act amended 47 46. Section 3 amended 47 47. Section 104 amended 48 48. Section 105 amended 48 49. Section 116 amended 48 50. Section 124 amended 48 51. Section 125 replaced 49 125. Review of decisions by State Administrative Tribunal 49 page iv Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Contents 52. Section 130 amended 49 53. Section 133 amended 50 Division 5 -- Financial Management Act 2006 amended 54. Act amended 50 55. Schedule 1 amended 50 Division 6 -- Freedom of Information Act 1992 amended 56. Act amended 51 57. Glossary clause 7A amended 51 Division 7 -- Gas Corporation (Business Disposal) Act 1999 amended 58. Act amended 51 59. Section 38 amended 52 Division 8 -- Gas Services Information Act 2012 amended 60. Act amended 52 61. Section 3 amended 52 62. Section 8 amended 52 63. Section 9 amended 52 64. Section 12 replaced 53 12. Review of decisions by State Administrative Tribunal 53 65. Part 3 deleted 53 Division 9 -- Gas Supply (Gas Quality Specifications) Act 2009 amended 66. Act amended 53 67. Section 9 amended 53 68. Section 11 amended 54 69. Section 16 amended 54 70. Section 34 amended 54 71. Part 7 deleted 54 Division 10 -- Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 amended 72. Act amended 55 73. Section 73 amended 55 Division 11 -- Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969 amended 74. Act amended 55 page v Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Contents 75. Section 21 amended 55 76. Section 22 amended 56 Part 4 -- Amendments to other Acts consequential on National Electricity (Western Australia) Act 2016 Division 1 -- Economic Regulation Authority Act 2003 amended 77. Act amended 57 78. Section 25 amended 57 Division 2 -- Electricity Corporations Act 2005 amended Subdivision 1 -- Amendments commencing on the day after Royal Assent 79. Act amended 57 80. Section 41 amended 57 Subdivision 2 -- Amendments commencing on 1 July 2018 81. Act amended 58 82. Section 41 amended 58 83. Section 54 amended 58 Division 3 -- Energy Coordination Act 1994 amended 84. Act amended 58 85. Section 26B inserted 59 26B. Inconsistency of regulations with WA national electricity legislation 59 Division 4 -- Energy Operators (Powers) Act 1979 amended 86. Act amended 59 87. Section 58 amended 59 88. Section 61 amended 60 89. Section 125 amended 60 page vi Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Contents Part 5 -- Amendments to other Acts consequential on National Gas Access (WA) Amendment Act 2016 Division 1 -- Economic Regulation Authority Act 2003 amended 90. Act amended 61 91. Section 25 amended 61 92. Section 26 amended 61 93. Section 28 amended 61 94. Section 32 amended 61 95. Section 51 amended 62 Division 2 -- Energy Coordination Act 1994 amended 96. Act amended 62 97. Section 3 amended 62 98. Section 11M amended 62 99. Section 11V amended 63 100. Section 11ZAC amended 63 101. Schedule 1A amended 63 Division 3 -- Freedom of Information Act 1992 amended 102. Act amended 63 103. Glossary clause 7A amended 63 Division 4 -- Gas Services Information Act 2012 amended 104. Act amended 64 105. Section 3 amended 64 106. Section 13 amended 64 Division 5 -- Gas Supply (Gas Quality Specifications) Act 2009 amended 107. Act amended 65 108. Section 3 amended 65 Division 6 -- Parliamentary Commissioner Act 1971 amended 109. Act amended 66 110. Schedule 1 amended 66 page vii Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Contents Division 7 -- Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 amended 111. Act amended 66 112. Section 73 amended 66 Division 8 -- Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969 amended 113. Act amended 67 114. Section 21 amended 67 115. Section 22 amended 67 page viii Western Australia LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 A Bill for An Act to -- • amend the Electricity Industry Act 2004; and • amend and repeal the Energy Arbitration and Review Act 1998 and make consequential amendments to other Acts; and • make consequential amendments to various Acts necessary as a result of the enactment of the National Electricity (Western Australia) Act 2016 and the National Gas Access (WA) Amendment Act 2016; and • provide for transitional matters, and for related purposes. The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows: page 1 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Part 1 Preliminary s. 1 1 Part 1 -- Preliminary 2 1. Short title 3 This is the Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal 4 Act 2016. 5 2. Commencement 6 This Act comes into operation as follows -- 7 (a) Part 1 -- on the day on which this Act receives the 8 Royal Assent (assent day); 9 (b) Part 2 Division 1, Part 3 Division 1 Subdivision 1 and 10 Part 4 Division 1 and Division 2 Subdivision 1 -- on the 11 day after assent day; 12 (c) Part 3 Division 1 Subdivision 2 and Divisions 2 to 11 -- 13 on 1 July 2017; 14 (d) Part 3 Division 1 Subdivision 3 -- on 1 January 2018; 15 (e) the rest of the Act -- on 1 July 2018. page 2 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Electricity Industry Act 2004 amended Part 2 Amendments commencing on the day after Royal Assent Division 1 s. 3 1 Part 2 -- Electricity Industry Act 2004 amended 2 Division 1 -- Amendments commencing on the day after 3 Royal Assent 4 3. Act amended 5 This Division amends the Electricity Industry Act 2004. 6 4. Long title amended 7 In the long title delete "to govern" and insert: 8 9 relating to 10 11 5. Section 3 amended 12 (1) In section 3 insert in alphabetical order: 13 14 local electricity system has the meaning given in the 15 National Electricity (WA) Law section 2(1); 16 National Electricity (WA) Rules has the meaning 17 given in the National Electricity (Western Australia) 18 Act 2016 section 3(1); 19 network supply service has the meaning given in 20 section 59A(1); 21 Registered participant has the meaning given in the 22 National Electricity (WA) Law section 2(1); 23 retailer means a person who holds -- 24 (a) a retail licence; or 25 (b) an integrated regional licence that authorises 26 the licensee to sell electricity; 27 specified, in relation to an instrument or document 28 made under or referred to in this Act, means specified 29 in that instrument or document; page 3 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Part 2 Electricity Industry Act 2004 amended Division 1 Amendments commencing on the day after Royal Assent s. 6 1 WA national electricity legislation means -- 2 (a) the National Electricity (Western Australia) 3 Act 2016; and 4 (b) the National Electricity (WA) Law; and 5 (c) the National Electricity (WA) Regulations; and 6 (d) the National Electricity (WA) Rules; and 7 (e) instruments under them. 8 9 (2) In section 3 in the definition of transmission system delete 10 "higher." and insert: 11 12 higher; 13 14 6. Section 30 amended 15 In section 30 delete "the Trade Practices Act 1974 of the 16 Commonwealth and the Competition Code --" and insert: 17 18 the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cwlth) and the 19 Competition Code of Western Australia -- 20 21 7. Section 39 amended 22 In section 39(2): 23 (a) delete paragraph (d) and insert: 24 25 (d) standards that are to be observed by the holders 26 of transmission licences, distribution licences 27 or integrated regional licences relating to -- 28 (i) the quality and reliability of the supply 29 of electricity; and page 4 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Electricity Industry Act 2004 amended Part 2 Amendments commencing on the day after Royal Assent Division 1 s. 8 1 (ii) the quality of customer service; 2 3 (b) in paragraph (da) delete "compensation payments to be 4 made" and insert: 5 6 the provision of compensation (whether or not directly) 7 8 (c) after paragraph (da) insert: 9 10 (db) network planning; 11 12 8. Section 48 amended 13 Delete section 48(4). 14 9. Part 3A inserted 15 After section 59 insert: 16 17 Part 3A -- Network supply services: 18 distributor-customer and 19 distributor-retailer relationships 20 59A. Terms used 21 (1) In this Part -- 22 direct billing arrangement, between a Part 3A 23 distributor and a retail customer, means an arrangement 24 under which the customer pays network supply service 25 charges directly to the distributor; 26 electricity laws means -- 27 (a) the WA national electricity legislation; and 28 (b) the Electricity Act 1945; and 29 (c) the Electricity Corporations Act 2005; and page 5 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Part 2 Electricity Industry Act 2004 amended Division 1 Amendments commencing on the day after Royal Assent s. 9 1 (d) the Electricity Transmission and Distribution 2 Systems (Access) Act 1994; and 3 (e) the Energy Coordination Act 1994; and 4 (f) the Energy Operators (Powers) Act 1979; and 5 (g) this Act; 6 National Energy Retail Law means the National 7 Energy Retail Law set out in the Schedule to the 8 National Energy Retail Law (South Australia) Act 2011 9 (South Australia); 10 network supply service means a service constituted by 11 the transfer of electricity to or from premises, of a retail 12 customer, connected to a Part 3A distribution system, 13 and related services, including the de-energisation or 14 re-energisation of the premises, but does not include 15 establishing, altering or removing the connection to the 16 premises; 17 network supply service charges means charges that a 18 Part 3A distributor is entitled, under the WA national 19 electricity legislation, to charge for the provision of -- 20 (a) a network supply service; or 21 (b) any other customer connection service; 22 Part 3A distribution system means a distribution 23 system of a Part 3A distributor in relation to which the 24 distributor is required to be a Registered participant 25 under the National Electricity (WA) Law section 11; 26 Part 3A distributor means a person who -- 27 (a) holds a distribution licence that relates to the 28 South West interconnected system; and 29 (b) in relation to the activity of owning, controlling 30 or operating the distribution system covered by 31 the licence -- is required to be a Registered 32 participant under the National Electricity (WA) 33 Law section 11; page 6 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Electricity Industry Act 2004 amended Part 2 Amendments commencing on the day after Royal Assent Division 1 s. 9 1 Part 3A retailer means a retailer who has a customer to 2 whom the retailer sells electricity for consumption at 3 premises connected to a Part 3A distribution system; 4 retail customer means a person -- 5 (a) to whom electricity is or is to be sold by a 6 retailer for the purpose of consumption at 7 premises connected to a distribution system; or 8 (b) from whom a retailer purchases or is to 9 purchase electricity generated at premises 10 connected to a distribution system; 11 shared customer, of a Part 3A distributor and a Part 3A 12 retailer, means a retail customer -- 13 (a) to whom electricity is or is to be sold by the 14 retailer for consumption at premises connected 15 to a Part 3A distribution system of the 16 distributor; or 17 (b) from whom the retailer purchases or is to 18 purchase electricity generated at premises 19 connected to a Part 3A distribution system of 20 the distributor. 21 (2) In this Part, customer connection service, 22 de-energisation and re-energisation have the same 23 respective meanings as they have in the National 24 Energy Retail Law section 2(1). 25 (3) For the purposes of the definition of Part 3A 26 distributor in subsection (1), a distribution licence 27 relates to the South West interconnected system if it is 28 a licence to construct or operate a distribution system 29 that is or will be connected to the South West 30 interconnected system or that forms or will form part of 31 that system. page 7 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Part 2 Electricity Industry Act 2004 amended Division 1 Amendments commencing on the day after Royal Assent s. 9 1 59B. Obligation on Part 3A distributor to provide 2 network supply services 3 (1) A Part 3A distributor must, subject to and in 4 accordance with the electricity laws, provide a network 5 supply service to a retail customer -- 6 (a) who requests the service; and 7 (b) whose premises are connected to a Part 3A 8 distribution system of the distributor. 9 (2) A network supply service that must be provided to a 10 retail customer must be provided under a contract that 11 either -- 12 (a) is the standard contract that, under the 13 regulations, is relevant to the customer; or 14 (b) is negotiated. 15 (3) If a Part 3A distributor must provide a network supply 16 service to a retail customer, the distributor must offer 17 to provide the service under the standard contract 18 relevant to the customer, except in circumstances, or in 19 relation to a class of customer, specified in the 20 regulations. 21 (4) It is a condition of every distribution licence held by a 22 Part 3A distributor in relation to a Part 3A distribution 23 system that the distributor must comply with 24 subsections (1), (2) and (3). 25 (5) This section has no effect until 1 July 2018. 26 59C. Regulations about provision of network supply 27 services 28 (1) The regulations may provide for and in relation to the 29 relationship between Part 3A distributors (distributors) 30 and retail customers in relation to the provision of 31 network supply services. page 8 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Electricity Industry Act 2004 amended Part 2 Amendments commencing on the day after Royal Assent Division 1 s. 9 1 (2) Without limiting subsection (1), the regulations may -- 2 (a) provide for the classification of retail 3 customers; 4 (b) provide for the contracts under which network 5 supply services are provided; 6 (c) prohibit distributors from entering into direct 7 billing arrangements for the provision of 8 network supply services with retail customers 9 of a specified class; 10 (d) provide for standards of service in the provision 11 of network supply services; 12 (e) provide for compensation to retail customers 13 for a failure to observe those standards of 14 service; 15 (f) provide, without limiting section 12, that it is a 16 condition of a distribution licence held by a 17 distributor in relation to a Part 3A distribution 18 system that the distributor must comply with 19 specified provisions of the regulations made for 20 the purposes of this section; 21 (g) provide for the giving or publication of 22 information by distributors; 23 (h) confer functions on the Authority, the Minister 24 or another person. 25 (3) Regulations for the purposes of subsection (2)(b) 26 may -- 27 (a) provide for minimum terms and conditions of 28 contracts; 29 (b) provide for the determination of -- 30 (i) the terms and conditions of standard 31 contracts; and 32 (ii) which standard contract is relevant to 33 which class of retail customer; page 9 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Part 2 Electricity Industry Act 2004 amended Division 1 Amendments commencing on the day after Royal Assent s. 9 1 (c) provide for the approval of the terms and 2 conditions of standard contracts; 3 (d) provide for the formation of contracts, 4 including for the circumstances in which a 5 standard contract is taken to have been entered 6 into; 7 (e) provide for the amendment of standard 8 contracts, including for the Authority to require 9 that amendments be made; 10 (f) provide for a framework within which contracts 11 may be negotiated, including for the 12 circumstances in which -- 13 (i) parties to a negotiation must use the 14 framework; and 15 (ii) persons are taken to be parties to a 16 negotiation; 17 (g) provide for the circumstances in which 18 specified rights and obligations provided for 19 under a standard contract continue after its 20 termination. 21 59D. Regulations about relationship between Part 3A 22 distributors and Part 3A retailers 23 (1) The regulations may provide for and in relation to the 24 relationship between Part 3A distributors (distributors) 25 and Part 3A retailers (retailers) in relation to shared 26 customers. 27 (2) Without limiting subsection (1), the regulations may -- 28 (a) provide for the payment of network supply 29 service charges by retailers, including for the 30 recovery of overdue charges; 31 (b) provide for retailers to make applications for 32 network supply services on behalf of retail 33 customers of the retailer; page 10 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Electricity Industry Act 2004 amended Part 2 Amendments commencing on the day after Royal Assent Division 1 s. 9 1 (c) provide for the sharing of information between 2 distributors and retailers; 3 (d) provide for distributors to notify retailers of 4 interruptions to supply; 5 (e) provide for the coordination of the 6 de-energisation and re-energisation of premises 7 and for liability for network supply service 8 charges in relation to that; 9 (f) provide for service standard payments to be 10 made to customers through retailers; 11 (g) provide for the mutual indemnification of 12 distributors and retailers in relation to acts and 13 omissions of each other; 14 (h) provide for the referral of enquiries and 15 complaints made by shared customers; 16 (i) provide for the resolution of disputes between 17 distributors and retailers; 18 (j) provide, without limiting section 12, that it is a 19 condition of a distribution licence held by a 20 distributor in relation to a Part 3A distribution 21 system that the distributor must comply with 22 specified provisions of the regulations made for 23 the purposes of this section; 24 (k) provide, without limiting section 12, that it is a 25 condition of a retail licence held by a retailer 26 that the retailer must comply with specified 27 provisions of the regulations made for the 28 purposes of this section. 29 (3) In subsection (2)(f) -- 30 service standard payment means a payment of 31 compensation by a distributor to a retail customer, for a 32 failure to observe certain standards, as described in 33 section 39(2)(da), 59C(2)(e) or 79(2)(cb). page 11 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Part 2 Electricity Industry Act 2004 amended Division 1 Amendments commencing on the day after Royal Assent s. 10 1 (4) The Minister may make a code dealing with -- 2 (a) billing arrangements for network supply service 3 charges; and 4 (b) the provision of credit support by retailers; and 5 (c) other matters, in relation to which regulations 6 for the purposes of this section may be made, 7 specified in the regulations made for the 8 purposes of this subsection. 9 (5) The code is subsidiary legislation for the purposes of 10 the Interpretation Act 1984. 11 (6) A provision of the code is of no effect to the extent to 12 which it is inconsistent with this Act or another written 13 law. 14 59E. Relationship to code of conduct for supply of 15 electricity to small use customers 16 A provision of the code of conduct, as defined in 17 section 78, is of no effect to the extent to which it is 18 inconsistent with regulations made for the purposes of 19 this Part. 20 21 10. Section 79 amended 22 (1) Delete section 79(2)(c) and insert: 23 24 (c) defining standards of service or conduct in the 25 supply and marketing of electricity to 26 customers; and 27 (ca) defining standards of service in the provision of 28 network supply services; and 29 (cb) providing for compensation payments to be 30 made to customers when those standards are 31 not met; and 32 page 12 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Electricity Industry Act 2004 amended Part 2 Amendments commencing on the day after Royal Assent Division 1 s. 11 1 (2) Delete section 79(4). 2 11. Section 81 amended 3 Delete section 81(6). 4 12. Section 92 amended 5 Delete section 92(6). 6 13. Section 103 amended 7 In section 103 in the definition of access delete "Trade 8 Practices Act 1974 of the Commonwealth;" and insert: 9 10 Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cwlth); 11 12 14. Section 127 amended 13 In section 127(2) delete "Trade Practices Act 1974 of the 14 Commonwealth and the Competition Code." and insert: 15 16 Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cwlth) and the 17 Competition Code of Western Australia. 18 19 15. Sections 131B and 131C inserted 20 After section 131A insert: 21 22 131B. Delegation by Minister 23 (1) This section applies to a function of the Minister under 24 this Act which may, by express provision (the 25 provision) in this Act, be delegated. 26 (2) A delegation under the provision must be in writing 27 signed by the Minister. page 13 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Part 2 Electricity Industry Act 2004 amended Division 1 Amendments commencing on the day after Royal Assent s. 15 1 (3) A person exercising or performing a power or duty that 2 has been delegated to the person under the provision is 3 taken to do so in accordance with the terms of the 4 delegation unless the contrary is shown. 5 (4) The provision does not limit the ability of the Minister 6 to perform a function through an officer or agent. 7 131C. Authority's security and reliability functions 8 (1) In this section -- 9 Authority's security and reliability functions means 10 security and reliability functions of the Authority in 11 relation to a local electricity system under -- 12 (a) the National Electricity (Western Australia) 13 Act 2016; or 14 (b) this Act; 15 committee means a committee established by the 16 Authority under subsection (2); 17 security and reliability functions, in relation to a local 18 electricity system, means functions that relate to the 19 security or reliability of the local electricity system, 20 including functions that relate to -- 21 (a) the continuity and reliability with which a local 22 electricity system conveys electricity; or 23 (b) the quality of the electricity conveyed. 24 (2) The Authority may, in accordance with regulations 25 made for the purposes of subsection (4), establish a 26 committee to advise it on matters relating to the 27 Authority's security and reliability functions. 28 (3) Subject to regulations made for the purposes of 29 subsection (4), a committee may determine its own 30 procedures. page 14 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Electricity Industry Act 2004 amended Part 2 Amendments commencing on the day after Royal Assent Division 1 s. 16 1 (4) The regulations may -- 2 (a) confer on the Authority security and reliability 3 functions in relation to a local electricity 4 system; 5 (b) provide for the review of a decision of the 6 Authority made in the performance of the 7 Authority's security and reliability functions, 8 including review by the State Administrative 9 Tribunal; 10 (c) provide for the membership, constitution and 11 procedures of a committee; 12 (d) require the Authority to consult with a 13 committee before exercising specified security 14 and reliability functions. 15 16 16. Section 131 amended 17 (1) In section 131 delete "The Governor" and insert: 18 19 (1) The Governor 20 21 (2) At the end of section 131 insert: 22 23 (2) Without limiting subsection (1), the regulations may 24 provide for and in relation to the relationship between 25 this Act and the WA national electricity legislation, 26 including by providing for how this Act and 27 instruments under it have effect in relation to matters 28 and things affected by the WA national electricity 29 legislation. 30 (3) Without limiting subsection (1), the regulations may -- 31 (a) specify a capital expenditure programme in 32 relation to a holder of a distribution licence or page 15 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Part 2 Electricity Industry Act 2004 amended Division 1 Amendments commencing on the day after Royal Assent s. 17 1 transmission licence if the licensee is a 2 participant in the programme; and 3 (b) provide, without limiting section 12, that it is a 4 condition of the licence that the licensee must 5 comply with the obligations of the licensee 6 under the programme to the extent specified. 7 (4) The reference in subsection (3)(a) to a participant in a 8 programme includes a reference to a person who 9 participates in the programme only because the person 10 has obligations under the programme. 11 (5) The regulations, or an instrument under them, may 12 apply, adopt or incorporate the whole or a part of a 13 legislative instrument, or other published document, 14 relating to the purposes of this Act -- 15 (a) with or without modifications; or 16 (b) as in force at a particular time or from time to 17 time. 18 19 17. Section 132 amended 20 (1) In section 132(1) delete "prescribed" (each occurrence) and 21 insert: 22 23 specified 24 25 (2) Delete section 132(2) and insert: 26 27 (2) Without limiting subsection (1), the regulations may -- 28 (a) make provision for and in relation to discounts, 29 rebates or concessions to be made available to 30 customers of a specified class or in specified 31 circumstances in respect of fees or charges page 16 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Electricity Industry Act 2004 amended Part 2 Amendments commencing on the day after Royal Assent Division 1 s. 18 1 payable in relation to the supply of electricity 2 or the provision of a specified service; 3 (b) provide that fees and charges payable in respect 4 of premises, of customers of a specified class, 5 that are connected to a specified distribution 6 system must not differ on the basis of the 7 location of the premises. 8 9 18. Part 11 inserted 10 After section 134 insert: 11 12 Part 11 -- Transitional provisions 13 Division 1 -- Transitional provisions for Energy 14 Legislation Amendment and Repeal Act 2016 15 Subdivision 1 -- Transitional provisions relating to access 16 to services of network infrastructure facilities 17 135. Terms used 18 In this Subdivision -- 19 access arrangement has the meaning given in 20 section 103; 21 Access Arrangement 3 means the access arrangement, 22 known as Access Arrangement 3, for the Western 23 Power network for the period beginning on 24 1 July 2012, as in force from time to time; 25 Code has the meaning given in section 103; 26 gap year means the period beginning on 1 July 2017 27 and ending on 30 June 2018; 28 gap year instrument has the meaning given in 29 section 136(1); page 17 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Part 2 Electricity Industry Act 2004 amended Division 1 Amendments commencing on the day after Royal Assent s. 18 1 network infrastructure facilities has the meaning 2 given in section 103; 3 RCP1 transition instrument has the meaning given in 4 section 138(1); 5 secondary determination has the meaning given in 6 section 136(3); 7 transitional instrument means the gap year instrument, 8 a secondary determination or the RCP1 transition 9 instrument; 10 Western Power network means the network 11 infrastructure facilities that are, from time to time, 12 covered under the Code section 3.1 (as in force when 13 the Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal 14 Act 2016 section 18 comes into operation). 15 136. Gap year instrument and extension of Access 16 Arrangement 3 17 (1) The Minister may, in accordance with this Subdivision 18 and the regulations, make an instrument (the gap year 19 instrument) setting out modifications to the Code. 20 (2) A modification under subsection (1) must not apply to 21 network infrastructure facilities other than the Western 22 Power network. 23 (3) Without limiting subsection (1), the gap year 24 instrument may modify the Code so as to authorise or 25 require the Minister to make one or more instruments 26 (a secondary determination) -- 27 (a) setting out modifications to Access 28 Arrangement 3 for specified purposes; or 29 (b) determining specified matters for the purposes 30 of the Code or Access Arrangement 3, as those 31 instruments apply under section 137. page 18 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Electricity Industry Act 2004 amended Part 2 Amendments commencing on the day after Royal Assent Division 1 s. 18 1 (4) Despite anything in the Code or Access 2 Arrangement 3 -- 3 (a) the Electricity Networks Corporation is not 4 required to submit proposed revisions of 5 Access Arrangement 3 to the Authority; and 6 (b) Access Arrangement 3, as it applies under 7 section 137, continues in force until the end of 8 the gap year. 9 (5) The gap year instrument and each secondary 10 determination expires immediately before 1 July 2018. 11 (6) Sections 107(3) to (7) and 108 to 110 do not apply in 12 relation to the making or amendment of a gap year 13 instrument or secondary determination. 14 137. Effect of gap year instrument and secondary 15 determinations 16 (1) If a gap year instrument is in operation, the Code 17 applies with any modifications set out in the gap year 18 instrument. 19 (2) If a secondary determination of a kind referred to in 20 section 136(3)(a) is in operation, Access 21 Arrangement 3 applies with any modifications set out 22 in the secondary determination. 23 (3) A reference in Access Arrangement 3, this Act or 24 another written law to the Code is, to the extent that the 25 reference relates to any period when a gap year 26 instrument is in operation, a reference to the Code as 27 applying under subsection (1). 28 (4) A reference to an access arrangement in this Act, the 29 Code or another written law is, to the extent that the 30 reference relates to Access Arrangement 3 and any 31 period when a secondary determination of a kind 32 referred to in section 136(3)(a) is in operation, a page 19 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Part 2 Electricity Industry Act 2004 amended Division 1 Amendments commencing on the day after Royal Assent s. 18 1 reference to Access Arrangement 3 as applying under 2 subsection (2). 3 138. RCP1 transition instrument 4 (1) The Minister may, in accordance with this Subdivision 5 and the regulations, make an instrument (the RCP1 6 transition instrument) that -- 7 (a) imposes obligations on any or all of the 8 Minister, the Authority and the Electricity 9 Networks Corporation for transitional purposes 10 relating to either or both of the following -- 11 (i) Part 8 ceasing to apply to the South 12 West interconnected system 13 immediately before 1 July 2018; 14 (ii) any provision of the WA national 15 electricity legislation beginning to have 16 effect as a law of the State; 17 and 18 (b) sets out matters that are ancillary or incidental 19 to the imposition of those obligations. 20 (2) The RCP1 transition instrument may incorporate by 21 reference, or provide that specified matters are to be 22 determined in accordance with -- 23 (a) the Code or Access Arrangement 3 as in force 24 at a particular time (including those instruments 25 as they apply or applied under section 137); or 26 (b) a secondary determination as in force at a 27 particular time. 28 (3) The RCP1 transition instrument may provide that, if 29 the Authority fails to comply with an obligation 30 imposed by the RCP1 transition instrument, the 31 Minister may perform that obligation in substitution for 32 the Authority. page 20 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Electricity Industry Act 2004 amended Part 2 Amendments commencing on the day after Royal Assent Division 1 s. 18 1 (4) The RCP1 transition instrument expires immediately 2 before 1 July 2019. 3 139. General provisions about transitional instruments 4 (1) A transitional instrument, or an instrument that amends 5 or repeals a transitional instrument, is subsidiary 6 legislation for the purposes of the Interpretation 7 Act 1984. 8 (2) Despite the Interpretation Act 1984 section 41(1), a 9 secondary determination, or an instrument that amends 10 or repeals a secondary determination -- 11 (a) is not required to be published in the Gazette; 12 and 13 (b) if it is not published in the Gazette -- must be 14 published on a website maintained by the 15 department of the Public Service principally 16 assisting the Minister in the administration of 17 this Act; and 18 (c) comes into operation on the day of publication 19 or on a later day specified or provided for in the 20 instrument. 21 (3) A transitional instrument, or a modification to the Code 22 or Access Arrangement 3 set out in a transitional 23 instrument, may confer functions on the Minister, the 24 Authority, the Electricity Networks Corporation or any 25 other person. 26 (4) The Minister may delegate to any person any power or 27 duty of the Minister under a transitional instrument. 28 (5) A decision made under a transitional instrument, or a 29 modification to the Code or Access Arrangement 3 set 30 out in a transitional instrument, is not reviewable -- 31 (a) before the coming into operation of the Energy 32 Legislation Amendment and Repeal Act 2016 33 section 52 -- by the Board; or page 21 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Part 2 Electricity Industry Act 2004 amended Division 1 Amendments commencing on the day after Royal Assent s. 18 1 (b) after the coming into operation of that 2 section -- by the State Administrative Tribunal. 3 140. Regulations about transitional instruments 4 (1) The regulations may make provision for and in relation 5 to transitional instruments. 6 (2) Without limiting subsection (1), the regulations may -- 7 (a) provide for the making, amendment and repeal 8 of a transitional instrument; 9 (b) provide for matters that must, or must not, be 10 included in a transitional instrument; 11 (c) prohibit the Minister from amending or 12 repealing a transitional instrument otherwise 13 than in accordance with the regulations; 14 (d) confer functions on the Minister, the Authority, 15 the Electricity Networks Corporation or any 16 other person; 17 (e) provide, without limiting section 12, that it is a 18 condition of any licence held by the Electricity 19 Networks Corporation that the Electricity 20 Networks Corporation must comply with a 21 specified provision of a transitional instrument 22 or a specified modification to the Code or 23 Access Arrangement 3 set out in a transitional 24 instrument. 25 Subdivision 2 -- Transitional provisions for new Part 3A 26 141. Terms used 27 (1) In this Subdivision -- 28 commencement day means 1 July 2018; 29 retail contract, in respect of premises connected to a 30 distribution system, means a contract, in effect 31 immediately before commencement day, under which a page 22 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Electricity Industry Act 2004 amended Part 2 Amendments commencing on the day after Royal Assent Division 1 s. 18 1 retailer sells electricity to a customer for the purpose of 2 consumption at the premises or purchases electricity 3 generated at the premises from the customer. 4 (2) A term used in this Subdivision has the same meaning 5 as it has in Part 3A. 6 142. Network supply service contracts taken to have 7 been entered into on 1 July 2018 8 (1) If, immediately before commencement day, a retail 9 customer is a party to a retail contract in respect of 10 premises connected to the distribution system of the 11 Electricity Networks Corporation then, on 12 commencement day, the customer and the Electricity 13 Networks Corporation are taken to have entered into a 14 contract for the provision of a network supply service 15 in respect of the premises (the network supply service 16 contract). 17 (2) Subsection (1) does not apply if the customer and the 18 Electricity Networks Corporation are parties to a 19 contract for the provision of a network supply service 20 in respect of the premises that was entered into before 21 commencement day and that begins to have effect on 22 commencement day. 23 (3) The terms and conditions of a network supply service 24 contract provided for by subsection (1) are the terms 25 and conditions of the standard contract that, under 26 Part 3A, is relevant to the customer. 27 Note for this subsection: 28 Regulations made for the purposes of section 59C(2)(b) 29 provide for the determination of which class of standard 30 contract is relevant to which class of retail customer. 31 (4) Nothing in this section prevents a network supply 32 service contract from being amended or terminated 33 under this Act or the contract. page 23 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Part 2 Electricity Industry Act 2004 amended Division 1 Amendments commencing on the day after Royal Assent s. 18 1 143. Relationship between Part 3A distributors and 2 Part 3A retailers 3 (1) On and after commencement day, a contract between a 4 Part 3A distributor and a Part 3A retailer does not have 5 effect to the extent to which it provides for or in 6 relation to the provision, on and after commencement 7 day, of network supply services. 8 (2) Without limiting subsection (1), the distributor is not 9 liable to the retailer for or in relation to the provision, 10 on and after commencement day, of a network supply 11 service under the contract, and a failure by the retailer 12 in relation to the provision of the service is not a breach 13 of, or default under, the contract. 14 (3) Subsections (1) and (2) have effect despite the terms of 15 the contract. 16 144. Transitional status of Electricity Networks 17 Corporation and its distribution system 18 (1) For the purposes of Part 3A and the period before 19 1 July 2018 -- 20 (a) the Electricity Networks Corporation is taken to 21 be a Part 3A distributor; and 22 (b) the distribution system of the Electricity 23 Networks Corporation is taken to be a Part 3A 24 distribution system. 25 (2) Subsection (1) ceases to have effect on 1 July 2018. 26 145. Transitional regulations 27 (1) The regulations may provide for and in relation to 28 transitional matters (including matters of an application 29 or savings nature) relating to the enactment of Part 3A 30 or this Subdivision. page 24 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Electricity Industry Act 2004 amended Part 2 Amendments commencing on the day after Royal Assent Division 1 s. 18 1 (2) Without limiting subsection (1), the regulations may 2 modify, or provide for the Minister by instrument to 3 modify, retail contracts and contracts affected by 4 section 143 so as to reflect the effect of, or give effect 5 to the purposes of, Part 3A and this Subdivision. 6 Subdivision 3 -- Other provisions 7 146. Minister may amend codes for transitional purposes 8 (1) In this section -- 9 Electricity Networks Access Code means the Code as 10 defined in section 103; 11 Small Use Customer Code means the code of conduct 12 approved under section 79. 13 (2) The Minister may, by instrument, amend any of the 14 following -- 15 (a) a code issued under section 39; 16 (b) the Small Use Customer Code; 17 (c) the Electricity Networks Access Code. 18 (3) An amendment made by an instrument under 19 subsection (2) must be made for purposes relating to 20 the coming into operation of a provision of the Energy 21 Legislation Amendment and Repeal Act 2016 Part 2 or 22 the WA national electricity legislation. 23 (4) An instrument under subsection (2) must be made 24 before 1 January 2019. 25 (5) An instrument under subsection (2) is subsidiary 26 legislation for the purposes of the Interpretation 27 Act 1984. page 25 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Part 2 Electricity Industry Act 2004 amended Division 2 Amendments commencing on 1 July 2018 s. 19 1 (6) The following do not apply in relation to an 2 amendment made by instrument under 3 subsection (2) -- 4 (a) if the instrument amends a code issued under 5 section 39 -- regulations made for the purposes 6 of section 39(5); 7 (b) if the instrument amends the Small Use 8 Customer Code -- section 87; 9 (c) if the instrument amends the Electricity 10 Networks Access Code -- sections 107(3) to 11 (7) and 108 to 110. 12 147. References to National Electricity (WA) Law, 13 Regulations and Rules 14 Before the day on which the National Electricity 15 (Western Australia) Act 2016 Part 2 comes into 16 operation, a reference in this Act to the National 17 Electricity (WA) Law, the National Electricity (WA) 18 Regulations or the National Electricity (WA) Rules is a 19 reference to that Law, those Regulations or those Rules 20 as they will apply as a law of this State on and after 21 that day. 22 23 19. Schedule 3 deleted 24 Delete Schedule 3. 25 Division 2 -- Amendments commencing on 1 July 2018 26 20. Act amended 27 This Division amends the Electricity Industry Act 2004. page 26 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Electricity Industry Act 2004 amended Part 2 Amendments commencing on 1 July 2018 Division 2 s. 21 1 21. Section 3 amended 2 (1) In section 3 delete "In this Act," and insert: 3 4 (1) In this Act, 5 6 (2) In section 3 delete the definitions of: 7 distribution system 8 transmission system 9 (3) In section 3 insert in alphabetical order: 10 11 distribution system means, subject to subsection (2), 12 any apparatus, electric lines, equipment, plant and 13 buildings used, or to be used, to convey or control the 14 conveyance of electricity at nominal voltages of less 15 than 66 kV; 16 transmission system means, subject to subsection (2), 17 any apparatus, electric lines, equipment, plant and 18 buildings used, or to be used, to convey or control the 19 conveyance of electricity at nominal voltages of 66 kV 20 or higher; 21 22 (4) In section 3 in the definition of electricity delete "transported" 23 and insert: 24 25 conveyed 26 27 (5) In section 3 in the definition of supply delete "transport" (each 28 occurrence) and insert: 29 30 convey 31 page 27 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Part 2 Electricity Industry Act 2004 amended Division 2 Amendments commencing on 1 July 2018 s. 22 1 (6) At the end of section 3 insert: 2 3 (2) The regulations may provide that specified apparatus, 4 electric lines, equipment, plant or buildings used to 5 convey or control the conveyance of electricity forms, 6 or does not form, part of a specified transmission 7 system or specified distribution system, regardless of 8 the nominal voltages at which electricity is conveyed. 9 10 22. Section 11 amended 11 (1) In section 11(4): 12 (a) in paragraph (a) delete "licence;" and insert: 13 14 licence; or 15 16 (b) after paragraph (a) insert: 17 18 (aa) to the extent to which the licence relates to a 19 local electricity system -- the WA national 20 electricity legislation; or 21 22 (c) in paragraph (b) delete "the Code" and insert: 23 24 to the extent to which the licence does not relate to a 25 local electricity system -- the Code 26 27 (2) After section 11(4) insert: 28 29 (5) For the purposes of subsection (4), a licence relates to a 30 local electricity system if -- 31 (a) it is a licence to construct or operate generating 32 works that are or will be connected to the 33 system; or page 28 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Electricity Industry Act 2004 amended Part 2 Amendments commencing on 1 July 2018 Division 2 s. 23 1 (b) it is a licence to construct or operate a 2 transmission system or a distribution system 3 that is or will be connected to the system or that 4 forms or will form part of the system; or 5 (c) it is a licence to sell electricity to customers 6 connected to the system. 7 8 23. Section 31 amended 9 In section 31(4): 10 (a) in paragraph (a) delete "any powers that the licensee has 11 under the Electricity Act 1945 or the Electricity 12 Corporations Act 2005" and insert: 13 14 any powers or duties that the licensee has under the 15 Electricity Act 1945, the Electricity Corporations 16 Act 2005 or the WA national electricity legislation 17 18 (b) delete "powers, provisions" and insert: 19 20 powers, duties, provisions 21 22 24. Section 39A amended 23 (1) In section 39A(1) delete the definitions of: 24 access arrangement 25 service standards 26 (2) In section 39A(1) insert in alphabetical order: 27 28 service standards means standards relating to the 29 quality and reliability of the supply of electricity that 30 are provided for in the code issued under section 39 page 29 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Part 2 Electricity Industry Act 2004 amended Division 2 Amendments commencing on 1 July 2018 s. 25 1 that deals with network quality and reliability of 2 supply. 3 4 (3) At the end of section 39A(3) insert: 5 6 Note for this subsection: 7 The first access arrangement was approved on 8 27 April 2007 and had effect from 1 July 2007. 9 10 25. Section 59B amended 11 Delete section 59B(5). 12 26. Section 60 amended 13 In section 60 delete the definition of corporation and insert: 14 15 corporation means the Regional Power Corporation or 16 a subsidiary of it; 17 18 27. Section 90 amended 19 In section 90 delete the definition of customer contract and 20 insert: 21 22 customer contract means -- 23 (a) a standard form contract, or a non-standard 24 contract, as defined in section 47; or 25 (b) a network supply service contract, that is a 26 contract under which a network supply service 27 is provided in accordance with Part 3A; or 28 (c) a connection contract, that is a connection 29 contract formed under the National Electricity 30 (WA) Rules Chapter 5A; 31 page 30 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Electricity Industry Act 2004 amended Part 2 Amendments commencing on 1 July 2018 Division 2 s. 28 1 28. Section 102A inserted 2 After section 102 insert: 3 4 102A. Application of this Part 5 This Part does not apply to or in relation to a local 6 electricity system. 7 Note for this section: 8 The National Electricity (WA) Law applies to and in relation 9 to local electricity systems. 10 11 29. Section 103 amended 12 In section 103 in the definition of network infrastructure 13 facilities delete "transporting" and insert: 14 15 conveying 16 17 30. Part 8A inserted 18 After Part 8 insert: 19 20 Part 8A -- Access to Western Power network 21 120A. Terms used 22 In this Part -- 23 access agreement means an agreement between the 24 Electricity Networks Corporation and another person 25 under which the person has rights to transfer electricity 26 into the Western Power network, including -- 27 (a) an access agreement as defined in section 103; 28 and page 31 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Part 2 Electricity Industry Act 2004 amended Division 2 Amendments commencing on 1 July 2018 s. 30 1 (b) an existing access agreement as defined in the 2 Electricity Transmission and Distribution 3 Systems (Access) Act 1994 section 95(2); 4 subsidiary agreement means an agreement between the 5 Electricity Networks Corporation and another person 6 that -- 7 (a) relates to an access agreement; and 8 (b) deals with -- 9 (i) the terms of connection to the Western 10 Power network for the purpose of the 11 access agreement; or 12 (ii) the terms on which electricity may be 13 transferred under the access agreement; 14 Western Power network means a distribution system or 15 transmission system of the Electricity Networks 16 Corporation in relation to which the Electricity 17 Networks Corporation is required to be a Registered 18 participant under the National Electricity (WA) Law 19 section 11. 20 120B. Access to Western Power network: modification of 21 agreements in force before 1 July 2018 22 (1) Each access agreement, and each subsidiary agreement, 23 that is in force immediately before 1 July 2018 is, on 24 and from 1 July 2018, modified so as to include the 25 following clause: 26 27 Access to Western Power network on constrained basis 28 (1) The Electricity Networks Corporation is not liable under 29 this agreement for any loss arising as a direct or indirect 30 result of the customer being unable to transfer electricity 31 into the Western Power network due to any limitation in page 32 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Electricity Industry Act 2004 amended Part 2 Amendments commencing on 1 July 2018 Division 2 s. 30 1 relation to the capacity of the network at that time, 2 including any such limitation -- 3 (a) caused by other persons connecting to or 4 transferring electricity into the network in 5 accordance with the WA national electricity 6 legislation, the market rules and their respective 7 access agreements, including under normal 8 operating conditions or states; or 9 (b) arising under normal operating conditions or states. 10 (2) That a limitation in capacity, as described in subclause (1), 11 arises is not a breach of or default under this agreement. 12 (3) Subclauses (1) and (2) have effect despite the other terms 13 and conditions of this agreement, including terms and 14 conditions included in this agreement under a written law. 15 (4) In subclause (1) -- 16 customer means the party or parties to this agreement other 17 than the Electricity Networks Corporation. 18 (5) A term used in this clause has the same meaning as it has 19 in or in a portion of the Electricity Industry Act 2004. 20 (6) The Interpretation Act 1984 Part II applies to the 21 interpretation of terms used in this clause as if it were a 22 written law. 23 24 (2) This section does not prevent an agreement modified 25 by subsection (1) from being amended, other than in 26 respect of the clause included by subsection (1), or 27 terminated. 28 120C. Saving provision 29 The enactment of this Part -- 30 (a) does not give rise to any right or remedy by a 31 party to an agreement; and page 33 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Part 2 Electricity Industry Act 2004 amended Division 2 Amendments commencing on 1 July 2018 s. 31 1 (b) does not cause or permit the termination of, or 2 exercise of rights under, an agreement; and 3 (c) is not an event of default under an agreement. 4 5 31. Section 129B amended 6 (1) In section 129B delete the definitions of: 7 Code 8 user 9 (2) In section 129B insert in alphabetical order: 10 11 network service charges means charges the Electricity 12 Networks Corporation is entitled, under the WA 13 national electricity legislation, to charge for the 14 provision of electricity network services (as defined in 15 the National Electricity (WA) Law section 2(1)); 16 user means a person liable to pay network service 17 charges directly to the Electricity Networks 18 Corporation. 19 20 32. Section 129F amended 21 (1) In section 129F(2) delete "Code" and insert: 22 23 regulations 24 25 (2) Delete section 129F(3) to (5) and insert: 26 27 (3) The regulations may make provision for the 28 determination of -- 29 (a) the amounts payable by users; and page 34 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Electricity Industry Act 2004 amended Part 2 Amendments commencing on 1 July 2018 Division 2 s. 33 1 (b) the manner in which those amounts are to be 2 collected; and 3 (c) which users need not make payments under 4 subsection (2). 5 6 33. Schedule 1 amended 7 In Schedule 1 clause 1(f) delete "transporting" (each occurrence) 8 and insert: 9 10 conveying 11 page 35 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Part 3 Repeal of Energy Arbitration and Review Act 1998 and associated amendments Division 1 Energy Arbitration and Review Act 1998 amended and repealed s. 34 1 Part 3 -- Repeal of Energy Arbitration and Review 2 Act 1998 and associated amendments 3 Division 1 -- Energy Arbitration and Review Act 1998 amended 4 and repealed 5 Subdivision 1 -- Amendments commencing on the day after Royal 6 Assent 7 34. Act amended 8 This Subdivision amends the Energy Arbitration and Review 9 Act 1998. 10 35. Part 2 inserted 11 After section 5 insert: 12 13 Part 2 -- Transitional provisions for abolition of 14 review board and arbitrator 15 Division 1 -- Preliminary 16 6. Terms used 17 (1) In this Part -- 18 abolition day means 1 July 2017, which is the day on 19 which the Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal 20 Act 2016 Part 3 Division 1 Subdivision 2 comes into 21 operation; 22 arbitrator has the meaning given in section 61; 23 arbitrator account means the bank account held by the 24 arbitrator under section 82; page 36 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Repeal of Energy Arbitration and Review Act 1998 and Part 3 associated amendments Energy Arbitration and Review Act 1998 amended and Division 1 repealed s. 35 1 assets -- 2 (a) means any legal or equitable estates or interests 3 (whether present or future, whether vested or 4 contingent and whether personal or assignable) 5 in real or personal property of any description; 6 and 7 (b) includes money, securities, choses in action and 8 documents; 9 Board has the meaning given in section 49; 10 final quarter means the quarter that begins on 11 1 April 2017 and ends immediately before abolition 12 day; 13 funding regulations means regulations made for the 14 purposes of any of the following provisions -- 15 (a) the National Gas Access (WA) Act 2009 16 section 21(2); 17 (b) the Electricity Industry Act 2004 section 133; 18 (c) the Gas Services Information Act 2012 19 section 9; 20 (d) the Gas Supply (Gas Quality Specifications) 21 Act 2009 section 34(2)(h); 22 liabilities means any liabilities, duties or obligations, 23 whether actual, contingent or prospective, liquidated or 24 unliquidated or whether owed alone or jointly or jointly 25 and severally with any other persons; 26 quarter means a period of 3 months beginning on 27 1 July, 1 October, 1 January or 1 April; 28 standing charge means a charge described as a 29 standing charge and payable under funding regulations 30 in respect of the performance of the functions of the 31 Board or arbitrator during a quarter; 32 Treasurer's advance means an amount borrowed from 33 the Treasurer under section 83. page 37 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Part 3 Repeal of Energy Arbitration and Review Act 1998 and associated amendments Division 1 Energy Arbitration and Review Act 1998 amended and repealed s. 35 1 (2) A reference to a section of this Act in the definition of 2 arbitrator, arbitrator account, Board or Treasurer's 3 advance in subsection (1) is, on and after abolition day, 4 a reference to that section as in force immediately 5 before abolition day. 6 Division 2 -- Financial provisions 7 7. Assets, rights and liabilities of arbitrator 8 (1) On abolition day, any assets, rights or liabilities of the 9 arbitrator are assigned to and become assets, rights or 10 liabilities of the State. 11 (2) The arbitrator must ensure that, on the day before 12 abolition day -- 13 (a) the money standing to the credit of the 14 arbitrator account is applied in repayment of 15 any outstanding Treasurer's advance; and 16 (b) any amount not applied under paragraph (a) is 17 credited to the Consolidated Account; and 18 (c) the arbitrator account is closed. 19 (3) Subsection (2) applies despite section 82. 20 8. Recovery of standing charges for final quarter and 21 unpaid standing charges 22 (1) If, immediately before abolition day, funding 23 regulations provide that a standing charge is payable by 24 a person (the liable person), the standing charge is 25 payable by the liable person after abolition day in 26 respect of the final quarter and may be recovered under 27 this section. 28 (2) Subsection (1) applies despite -- 29 (a) the amendments made on abolition day by the 30 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal page 38 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Repeal of Energy Arbitration and Review Act 1998 and Part 3 associated amendments Energy Arbitration and Review Act 1998 amended and Division 1 repealed s. 35 1 Act 2016 sections 53, 63 and 70 and the 2 National Gas Access (WA) Amendment 3 Act 2016 section 13; and 4 (b) any repeal or amendment of funding 5 regulations. 6 (3) As soon as is practicable after abolition day the person 7 appointed under section 9 (the assessment officer) 8 must -- 9 (a) assess the standing charges payable by a liable 10 person for the final quarter; and 11 (b) give a notice of assessment to the person 12 specifying -- 13 (i) the amount of those charges and the 14 total amount payable; and 15 (ii) the day on which the notice of 16 assessment was issued. 17 (4) A person given a notice of assessment under 18 subsection (3) must pay to the assessment officer the 19 total amount payable specified in the notice within 20 30 days after the day specified under 21 subsection (3)(b)(ii). 22 (5) Subsection (6) applies if -- 23 (a) before abolition day, the arbitrator issues a 24 notice of assessment of standing charges to a 25 person under funding regulations in respect of a 26 quarter prior to the final quarter; and 27 (b) immediately before abolition day, the person 28 has not paid the total amount payable specified 29 in the notice. 30 (6) The person must pay to the assessment officer the total 31 amount payable specified in the notice within 30 days 32 after abolition day. page 39 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Part 3 Repeal of Energy Arbitration and Review Act 1998 and associated amendments Division 1 Energy Arbitration and Review Act 1998 amended and repealed s. 35 1 (7) The assessment officer may recover any unpaid amount 2 referred to in subsection (4) or (6) in a court of 3 competent jurisdiction as a debt due to the State. 4 (8) An amount recovered under this section is to be applied 5 in repayment of any outstanding Treasurer's advance. 6 (9) Any amount not applied under subsection (8) is to be 7 credited to the Consolidated Account and paid into the 8 Public Bank Account. 9 9. Minister to appoint assessment officer for section 8 10 (1) The Minister must, in writing, appoint a person to 11 exercise functions under section 8. 12 (2) A person appointed under this section must, on or 13 before 31 December 2017, report to the Minister on 14 any functions exercised and amounts recovered under 15 section 8. 16 Division 3 -- Applications and proceedings 17 10. Proceedings before arbitrator immediately before 18 abolition day 19 (1) In this section -- 20 Electricity Networks Access Code means the Code as 21 defined in the Electricity Industry Act 2004 22 section 103. 23 (2) This section applies if, immediately before abolition 24 day -- 25 (a) proceedings for the arbitration of a dispute are 26 before the arbitrator under any of the following 27 (the governing law) -- 28 (i) the Electricity Networks Access Code; 29 (ii) a code issued under the Electricity 30 Industry Act 2004 section 39(1) in page 40 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Repeal of Energy Arbitration and Review Act 1998 and Part 3 associated amendments Energy Arbitration and Review Act 1998 amended and Division 1 repealed s. 35 1 respect of a matter referred to in 2 section 39(2)(a) or (b) of that Act; 3 (iii) regulations made under the Gas Supply 4 (Gas Quality Specifications) Act 2009; 5 and 6 (b) the arbitrator has not resolved the dispute; and 7 (c) the dispute has not otherwise ended under the 8 governing law. 9 (3) The proceedings are terminated on abolition day. 10 (4) Proceedings for the arbitration of the dispute may be 11 recommenced in accordance with the governing law as 12 in force on and after abolition day. 13 (5) Despite anything in the governing law, the arbitrator's 14 costs and expenses of proceedings terminated under 15 subsection (3) are not payable by a party to the 16 proceedings. 17 11. Application for review of decision before Board 18 immediately before abolition day 19 (1) This section applies if, immediately before abolition 20 day -- 21 (a) an application has been made to the Board for 22 review of a decision under any of the following 23 (the governing law) -- 24 (i) the Electricity Industry Act 2004; 25 (ii) the Gas Services Information Act 2012; 26 (iii) regulations made for the purposes of the 27 Electricity Corporations Act 2005 28 section 39; 29 and 30 (b) the Board has not made a decision on the 31 application; and page 41 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Part 3 Repeal of Energy Arbitration and Review Act 1998 and associated amendments Division 1 Energy Arbitration and Review Act 1998 amended and repealed s. 35 1 (c) proceedings relating to the application have not 2 otherwise ended under the governing law. 3 (2) The application is cancelled on abolition day. 4 (3) An application for review of the decision may be 5 re-made -- 6 (a) in accordance with the governing law as in 7 force on and after abolition day; and 8 (b) within 28 days after abolition day. 9 (4) Subsection (3) applies despite any time limit for the 10 making of an application that would otherwise apply 11 under the State Administrative Tribunal Act 2004 or 12 any other written law. 13 (5) Despite anything in the governing law, the Board's 14 costs and expenses of proceedings relating to an 15 application cancelled under subsection (2) are not 16 payable by a party to the proceedings. 17 12. Application for review of decision made in 6-month 18 period before abolition day 19 (1) This section applies to a decision if -- 20 (a) the decision is made during the period that 21 begins on 1 January 2017 and ends immediately 22 before abolition day; and 23 (b) the decision is of a kind that, immediately 24 before abolition day, is reviewable by the 25 Board under any of the following (the 26 governing law) -- 27 (i) the Electricity Industry Act 2004; 28 (ii) the Gas Services Information Act 2012; 29 (iii) regulations made for the purposes of the 30 Electricity Corporations Act 2005 31 section 39; page 42 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Repeal of Energy Arbitration and Review Act 1998 and Part 3 associated amendments Energy Arbitration and Review Act 1998 amended and Division 1 repealed s. 35 1 and 2 (c) no application for review of the decision is 3 made to the Board before abolition day. 4 (2) An application for review of the decision may be 5 made -- 6 (a) in accordance with the governing law as in 7 force on and after abolition day; and 8 (b) within 28 days after abolition day. 9 (3) Subsection (2) applies despite any time limit for the 10 making of an application -- 11 (a) that applied under the governing law as in force 12 before abolition day; or 13 (b) that would otherwise apply under the State 14 Administrative Tribunal Act 2004 or any other 15 written law. 16 13. Application for civil penalty enforcement order or 17 contravention order before Board immediately 18 before abolition day 19 (1) In this section -- 20 civil penalty enforcement order means an order for the 21 payment of a civil penalty; 22 contravention order means an order in respect of a 23 contravention of a provision of -- 24 (a) market rules referred to in the Electricity 25 Industry Act 2004 section 123; or 26 (b) rules referred to in the Gas Services 27 Information Act 2012 section 8. 28 (2) This section applies if, immediately before abolition 29 day -- 30 (a) an application has been made to the Board for a 31 civil penalty enforcement order or a page 43 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Part 3 Repeal of Energy Arbitration and Review Act 1998 and associated amendments Division 1 Energy Arbitration and Review Act 1998 amended and repealed s. 35 1 contravention order under any of the following 2 (the governing law) -- 3 (i) regulations made for the purposes of the 4 Electricity Industry Act 2004 5 section 124; 6 (ii) regulations made for the purposes of the 7 Electricity Corporations Act 2005 8 section 39; 9 (iii) regulations made for the purposes of the 10 Gas Services Information Act 2012 11 section 8; 12 and 13 (b) the Board has not made a decision on the 14 application. 15 (3) The application is cancelled on abolition day. 16 (4) The application may be re-made in accordance with the 17 governing law as in force on and after abolition day. 18 14. Enforcement of notice demanding payment of civil 19 penalty given in 6-month period before abolition 20 day 21 (1) This section applies to a notice demanding the payment 22 of a civil penalty if -- 23 (a) the notice was given under any of the following 24 (the governing law) during the period that 25 begins on 1 January 2017 and ends immediately 26 before abolition day -- 27 (i) regulations made for the purposes of the 28 Electricity Industry Act 2004 29 section 124; 30 (ii) regulations made for the purposes of the 31 Electricity Corporations Act 2005 32 section 39; page 44 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Repeal of Energy Arbitration and Review Act 1998 and Part 3 associated amendments Energy Arbitration and Review Act 1998 amended and Division 1 repealed s. 35 1 (iii) regulations made for the purposes of the 2 Gas Services Information Act 2012 3 section 8; 4 and 5 (b) immediately before abolition day, no 6 application to the Board has been made for an 7 order for the payment of the civil penalty 8 demanded in the notice. 9 (2) The payment of the civil penalty demanded in the 10 notice may be enforced in accordance with the 11 governing law as in force on and after abolition day. 12 (3) Subsection (2) applies despite any time limit for the 13 making of an application for an order for the payment 14 of the civil penalty that applied under the governing 15 law as in force before abolition day. 16 Division 4 -- Transitional regulations 17 15. Transitional regulations 18 (1) The regulations may make provision for transitional 19 matters (including matters of an application or savings 20 nature) relating to the enactment of the Energy 21 Legislation Amendment and Repeal Act 2016 Part 3 22 Division 1. 23 (2) Without limiting subsection (1), the regulations may 24 make provision for any of the following -- 25 (a) transitional matters relating to the termination 26 of proceedings under section 10(3) or the 27 cancellation of applications under section 11(2) 28 or 13(3); 29 (b) transitional matters relating to the 30 recommencement of proceedings referred to in 31 section 10(4), the making or re-making of page 45 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Part 3 Repeal of Energy Arbitration and Review Act 1998 and associated amendments Division 1 Energy Arbitration and Review Act 1998 amended and repealed s. 36 1 applications referred to in section 11(3), 12(2) 2 or 13(4) or the enforcement of the payment of 3 civil penalties referred to in section 14(2); 4 (c) the determination, payment and recovery of 5 costs in respect of proceedings before the Board 6 or arbitrator that were resolved or otherwise 7 ended before abolition day. 8 9 Subdivision 2 -- Amendments commencing on 1 July 2017 10 36. Act amended 11 This Subdivision amends the Energy Arbitration and Review 12 Act 1998. 13 37. Part 6 heading replaced 14 Delete the heading to Part 6 and insert: 15 16 Part 6 -- Regulations 17 18 38. Part 6 Divisions 2 and 3 deleted 19 Delete Part 6 Divisions 2 and 3. 20 39. Part 6 Division 4 heading deleted 21 Delete the heading to Part 6 Division 4. 22 Subdivision 3 -- Energy Arbitration and Review Act 1998 repealed 23 40. Energy Arbitration and Review Act 1998 repealed 24 The Energy Arbitration and Review Act 1998 is repealed. page 46 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Repeal of Energy Arbitration and Review Act 1998 and Part 3 associated amendments Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899 amended Division 2 s. 41 1 Division 2 -- Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899 amended 2 41. Act amended 3 This Division amends the Constitution Acts Amendment 4 Act 1899. 5 42. Schedule V Part 1 Division 1 amended 6 In Schedule V Part 1 Division 1 delete the item relating to the 7 Western Australian Energy Disputes Arbitrator. 8 Division 3 -- Electricity Corporations Act 2005 amended 9 43. Act amended 10 This Division amends the Electricity Corporations Act 2005. 11 44. Section 39 amended 12 After section 39(5) insert: 13 14 (6) Regulations made for the purposes of subsection (3) 15 may confer jurisdiction on the State Administrative 16 Tribunal. 17 18 Division 4 -- Electricity Industry Act 2004 amended 19 45. Act amended 20 This Division amends the Electricity Industry Act 2004. 21 46. Section 3 amended 22 In section 3 delete the definitions of: 23 arbitrator 24 Board page 47 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Part 3 Repeal of Energy Arbitration and Review Act 1998 and associated amendments Division 4 Electricity Industry Act 2004 amended s. 47 1 47. Section 104 amended 2 In section 104(2)(o) delete "the arbitrator." and insert: 3 4 any person arbitrating a dispute referred to in section 105(1)(a). 5 6 48. Section 105 amended 7 In section 105(1): 8 (a) in paragraph (a) delete "by the arbitrator"; 9 (b) delete paragraph (b). 10 49. Section 116 amended 11 In section 116(2)(b) delete "Minister, the arbitrator or the 12 Board." and insert: 13 14 Minister, the State Administrative Tribunal or any person 15 arbitrating a dispute referred to in section 105(1)(a). 16 17 50. Section 124 amended 18 After section 124(4) insert: 19 20 (4A) Regulations made for the purposes of subsection (2) 21 may confer jurisdiction on the State Administrative 22 Tribunal. 23 page 48 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Repeal of Energy Arbitration and Review Act 1998 and Part 3 associated amendments Electricity Industry Act 2004 amended Division 4 s. 51 1 51. Section 125 replaced 2 Delete section 125 and insert: 3 4 125. Review of decisions by State Administrative 5 Tribunal 6 (1) In this section -- 7 reviewable decision means a decision of a participant 8 referred to in section 121(2)(b) or (c) that -- 9 (a) is made under the regulations or the market 10 rules; and 11 (b) is of a class specified in the regulations. 12 (2) A person adversely affected by a reviewable decision 13 may apply to the State Administrative Tribunal for a 14 review of the decision. 15 16 52. Section 130 amended 17 (1) In section 130(1) delete the definition of gas pipelines access 18 provisions. 19 (2) In section 130(1) in the definition of Code delete "section 104;" 20 and insert: 21 22 section 104. 23 24 (3) In section 130(3) delete "Board" and insert: 25 26 State Administrative Tribunal 27 28 (4) Delete section 130(4). page 49 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Part 3 Repeal of Energy Arbitration and Review Act 1998 and associated amendments Division 5 Financial Management Act 2006 amended s. 53 1 (5) In section 130(5) delete "Board" and insert: 2 3 State Administrative Tribunal 4 5 (6) Delete section 130(6) to (9). 6 Note: The heading to amended section 130 is to read: 7 Review of decisions by State Administrative Tribunal 8 53. Section 133 amended 9 (1) In section 133(1) delete "the performance of the respective 10 functions of the arbitrator and the Board under this Act." and 11 insert: 12 13 the performance of any functions under this Act. 14 15 (2) Delete section 133(3) and (4). 16 Note: The heading to amended section 133 is to read: 17 Regulations as to fees and charges 18 Division 5 -- Financial Management Act 2006 amended 19 54. Act amended 20 This Division amends the Financial Management Act 2006. 21 55. Schedule 1 amended 22 In Schedule 1 delete the item relating to the Western Australian 23 Energy Disputes Arbitrator. page 50 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Repeal of Energy Arbitration and Review Act 1998 and Part 3 associated amendments Freedom of Information Act 1992 amended Division 6 s. 56 1 Division 6 -- Freedom of Information Act 1992 amended 2 56. Act amended 3 This Division amends the Freedom of Information Act 1992. 4 57. Glossary clause 7A amended 5 (1) In the Glossary clause 7A(1) delete the definitions of: 6 arbitrator 7 Board 8 (2) In the Glossary clause 7A(1) in the definition of Authority 9 delete "2003;" and insert: 10 11 2003. 12 13 (3) Delete the Glossary clause 7A(2) and insert: 14 15 (2) A document that is in the possession or under the control of 16 the Authority (because of its access regulation functions), or 17 to which the Authority is entitled to have access (because of 18 its access regulation functions), is not to be regarded as a 19 document of the Authority unless it relates to a matter of an 20 administrative nature concerning the Authority. 21 22 Note: The heading to amended Glossary clause 7A is to read: 23 Documents of Authority under gas pipelines access legislation 24 Division 7 -- Gas Corporation (Business Disposal) 25 Act 1999 amended 26 58. Act amended 27 This Division amends the Gas Corporation (Business Disposal) 28 Act 1999. page 51 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Part 3 Repeal of Energy Arbitration and Review Act 1998 and associated amendments Division 8 Gas Services Information Act 2012 amended s. 59 1 59. Section 38 amended 2 In section 38(2)(b) delete "Act 1998." and insert: 3 4 Act 1998 (as in force immediately before it was deleted by the 5 National Gas Access (WA) Act 2009 section 50). 6 7 Division 8 -- Gas Services Information Act 2012 amended 8 60. Act amended 9 This Division amends the Gas Services Information Act 2012. 10 61. Section 3 amended 11 In section 3(1) delete the definition of Board. 12 62. Section 8 amended 13 After section 8(2) insert: 14 15 (2A) Regulations made for the purposes of subsection (2) 16 may confer jurisdiction on the State Administrative 17 Tribunal. 18 19 63. Section 9 amended 20 Delete section 9(4) and (5). page 52 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Repeal of Energy Arbitration and Review Act 1998 and Part 3 associated amendments Gas Supply (Gas Quality Specifications) Act 2009 amended Division 9 s. 64 1 64. Section 12 replaced 2 Delete section 12 and insert: 3 4 12. Review of decisions by State Administrative 5 Tribunal 6 (1) In this section -- 7 reviewable decision means a decision that -- 8 (a) is made by a person on whom a function is 9 conferred under section 7(2)(a) or (b) in 10 connection with the performance of that 11 function; and 12 (b) is of a class specified in the regulations. 13 (2) A person adversely affected by a reviewable decision 14 may apply to the State Administrative Tribunal for a 15 review of the decision. 16 17 65. Part 3 deleted 18 Delete Part 3. 19 Division 9 -- Gas Supply (Gas Quality Specifications) 20 Act 2009 amended 21 66. Act amended 22 This Division amends the Gas Supply (Gas Quality 23 Specifications) Act 2009. 24 67. Section 9 amended 25 In section 9(2)(a) delete "by an arbitrator;" and insert: 26 27 by arbitration; 28 page 53 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Part 3 Repeal of Energy Arbitration and Review Act 1998 and associated amendments Division 9 Gas Supply (Gas Quality Specifications) Act 2009 amended s. 68 1 68. Section 11 amended 2 In section 11(2): 3 (a) in paragraph (a) delete "by an arbitrator;" and insert: 4 5 by arbitration; 6 7 (b) in paragraph (c) delete "by an arbitrator." and insert: 8 9 by arbitration. 10 11 69. Section 16 amended 12 In section 16(2): 13 (a) in paragraph (a) delete "by an arbitrator;" and insert: 14 15 by arbitration; 16 17 (b) in paragraph (c) delete "by an arbitrator." and insert: 18 19 by arbitration. 20 21 70. Section 34 amended 22 (1) In section 34(2)(h) delete "arbitrator or". 23 (2) In section 34(3) delete "an arbitrator or". 24 71. Part 7 deleted 25 Delete Part 7. page 54 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Repeal of Energy Arbitration and Review Act 1998 and Part 3 associated amendments Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 amended Division 10 s. 72 1 Division 10 -- Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 amended 2 72. Act amended 3 This Division amends the Petroleum (Submerged Lands) 4 Act 1982. 5 73. Section 73 amended 6 (1) In section 73(2) delete "Code pipeline as defined in the Gas 7 Pipelines Access (Western Australia) Law." and insert: 8 9 covered pipeline as defined in the National Gas Access 10 (Western Australia) Law section 2. 11 12 (2) In section 73(3) delete "Code pipeline for the purposes of the 13 Gas Pipelines Access (Western Australia) Law." and insert: 14 15 covered pipeline for the purposes of the National Gas Access 16 (Western Australia) Law. 17 18 Division 11 -- Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969 amended 19 74. Act amended 20 This Division amends the Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969. 21 75. Section 21 amended 22 In section 21(7) delete "Code pipeline within the meaning of the 23 Gas Pipelines Access (Western Australia) Law for which there 24 is an approved Access Arrangement under that Law." and 25 insert: 26 27 pipeline if it is a covered pipeline as defined in the National Gas 28 Access (Western Australia) Law section 2 and is subject to an page 55 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Part 3 Repeal of Energy Arbitration and Review Act 1998 and associated amendments Division 11 Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969 amended s. 76 1 applicable access arrangement as defined in section 2 of that 2 Law. 3 4 76. Section 22 amended 5 In section 22(1a) delete "Code pipeline within the meaning of 6 the Gas Pipelines Access (Western Australia) Law for which 7 there is an approved Access Arrangement under that Law." and 8 insert: 9 10 pipeline if it is a covered pipeline as defined in the National Gas 11 Access (Western Australia) Law section 2 and is subject to an 12 applicable access arrangement as defined in section 2 of that 13 Law. 14 page 56 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Amendments to other Acts consequential on National Part 4 Electricity (Western Australia) Act 2016 Economic Regulation Authority Act 2003 amended Division 1 s. 77 1 Part 4 -- Amendments to other Acts consequential on 2 National Electricity (Western Australia) Act 2016 3 Division 1 -- Economic Regulation Authority Act 2003 amended 4 77. Act amended 5 This Division amends the Economic Regulation Authority 6 Act 2003. 7 78. Section 25 amended 8 After section 25(a) insert: 9 10 (aa) the functions it is given by or under the 11 Electricity Industry Act 2004; and 12 13 Division 2 -- Electricity Corporations Act 2005 amended 14 Subdivision 1 -- Amendments commencing on the day after 15 Royal Assent 16 79. Act amended 17 This Subdivision amends the Electricity Corporations Act 2005. 18 80. Section 41 amended 19 In section 41(b) delete "Part; and" and insert: 20 21 Part, or by the WA national electricity legislation as defined in 22 the Electricity Industry Act 2004 section 3; and 23 page 57 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Part 4 Amendments to other Acts consequential on National Electricity (Western Australia) Act 2016 Division 3 Energy Coordination Act 1994 amended s. 81 1 Subdivision 2 -- Amendments commencing on 1 July 2018 2 81. Act amended 3 This Subdivision amends the Electricity Corporations Act 2005. 4 82. Section 41 amended 5 In section 41(b) delete "by the Electricity Industry Act 2004 6 Part 8 (which relates to network access) and regulations and 7 Code made under that Part, or". 8 83. Section 54 amended 9 (1) After section 54(7) insert: 10 11 (7A) Subsection (2) has effect despite the WA national 12 electricity legislation as defined in the Electricity 13 Industry Act 2004 section 3(1). 14 15 (2) In section 54(8) delete "Subsections (2) and (3) have" and 16 insert: 17 18 Subsection (3) has 19 20 Division 3 -- Energy Coordination Act 1994 amended 21 84. Act amended 22 This Division amends the Energy Coordination Act 1994. page 58 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Amendments to other Acts consequential on National Part 4 Electricity (Western Australia) Act 2016 Energy Operators (Powers) Act 1979 amended Division 4 s. 85 1 85. Section 26B inserted 2 After section 26 insert: 3 4 26B. Inconsistency of regulations with WA national 5 electricity legislation 6 (1) In this section -- 7 WA national electricity legislation has the meaning 8 given in the Electricity Industry Act 2004 section 3(1). 9 (2) If a provision of the regulations is inconsistent with a 10 provision of the WA national electricity legislation, the 11 provision of the WA national electricity legislation 12 prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. 13 14 Division 4 -- Energy Operators (Powers) Act 1979 amended 15 86. Act amended 16 This Division amends the Energy Operators (Powers) Act 1979. 17 87. Section 58 amended 18 After section 58(4) insert: 19 20 (5) The following do not apply to an energy operator that 21 is a network service provider as defined in the National 22 Electricity (WA) Law section 2(1) -- 23 (a) subsection (2), in the circumstances described 24 in subsection (2)(a); 25 (b) subsection (3). 26 page 59 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Part 4 Amendments to other Acts consequential on National Electricity (Western Australia) Act 2016 Division 4 Energy Operators (Powers) Act 1979 s. 88 1 88. Section 61 amended 2 Before section 61(1) insert: 3 4 (1AA) This section does not apply to an energy operator that 5 is a network service provider as defined in the National 6 Electricity (WA) Law section 2(1). 7 8 89. Section 125 amended 9 Before section 125(1) insert: 10 11 (1A) In this section -- 12 WA national electricity legislation has the meaning 13 given in the Electricity Industry Act 2004 section 3(1). 14 (1B) If a provision of a regulation or by-law made under this 15 Act is inconsistent with a provision of the WA national 16 electricity legislation, the provision of the WA national 17 electricity legislation prevails to the extent of the 18 inconsistency. 19 page 60 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Amendments to other Acts consequential on National Gas Part 5 Access (WA) Amendment Act 2016 Economic Regulation Authority Act 2003 amended Division 1 s. 90 1 Part 5 -- Amendments to other Acts consequential on 2 National Gas Access (WA) Amendment Act 2016 3 Division 1 -- Economic Regulation Authority Act 2003 amended 4 90. Act amended 5 This Division amends the Economic Regulation Authority 6 Act 2003. 7 91. Section 25 amended 8 Delete section 25(c). 9 92. Section 26 amended 10 In section 26(1) delete "section 25(c) and (d)," and insert: 11 12 section 25(d), 13 14 93. Section 28 amended 15 (1) In section 28(3)(b) delete "given by or under the National Gas 16 Access (WA) Act 2009 or". 17 (2) Delete section 28(5) and insert: 18 19 (5) Within 14 days after a direction is given under 20 subsection (2), the Authority must cause the text of the 21 direction to be published in the Gazette. 22 23 94. Section 32 amended 24 In section 32(1) delete "the National Gas Access (Western 25 Australia) Law or". page 61 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Part 5 Amendments to other Acts consequential on National Gas Access (WA) Amendment Act 2016 Division 2 Energy Coordination Act 1994 amended s. 95 1 95. Section 51 amended 2 In section 51(2)(a) delete "section 25(c) and (d); or" and insert: 3 4 section 25(d); or 5 6 Division 2 -- Energy Coordination Act 1994 amended 7 96. Act amended 8 This Division amends the Energy Coordination Act 1994. 9 97. Section 3 amended 10 (1) In section 3(1) insert in alphabetical order: 11 12 WA national gas legislation has the meaning given in 13 the Gas Supply (Gas Quality Specifications) Act 2009 14 section 3(1). 15 16 (2) In section 3(1) in the definition of transmission works delete 17 "section 5(1)." and insert: 18 19 section 5(1); 20 21 98. Section 11M amended 22 In section 11M(5)(a) delete "National Gas Access (Western 23 Australia) Law; or" and insert: 24 25 WA national gas legislation; or 26 page 62 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Amendments to other Acts consequential on National Gas Part 5 Access (WA) Amendment Act 2016 Freedom of Information Act 1992 amended Division 3 s. 99 1 99. Section 11V amended 2 In section 11V(2) delete "National Gas Access (Western 3 Australia) Law." and insert: 4 5 WA national gas legislation. 6 7 100. Section 11ZAC amended 8 In section 11ZAC(4)(b) delete "National Gas Access (Western 9 Australia) Law." and insert: 10 11 WA national gas legislation. 12 13 101. Schedule 1A amended 14 In Schedule 1A clause 1(a) delete "National Gas Access (Western 15 Australia) Law; and" and insert: 16 17 WA national gas legislation; and 18 19 Division 3 -- Freedom of Information Act 1992 amended 20 102. Act amended 21 This Division amends the Freedom of Information Act 1992. 22 103. Glossary clause 7A amended 23 (1) In the Glossary clause 7A(1) delete the definition of access 24 regulation functions and insert: 25 26 access regulation functions means the functions given 27 under the National Gas (Western Australia) Act 2009, 28 including functions given under that Act as in force before page 63 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Part 5 Amendments to other Acts consequential on National Gas Access (WA) Amendment Act 2016 Division 4 Gas Services Information Act 2012 amended s. 104 1 the coming into operation of the National Gas Access (WA) 2 Amendment Act 2016 Part 4; 3 4 (2) Delete the Glossary clause 7A(2) and insert: 5 6 (2) A document that is in the possession or under the control of 7 the Authority (because of its access regulation functions) is 8 not to be regarded as a document of the Authority unless it 9 relates to a matter of an administrative nature concerning the 10 Authority. 11 12 Note: The heading to amended Glossary clause 7A is to read: 13 Documents of Authority under National Gas (Western Australia) 14 Act 2009 15 Division 4 -- Gas Services Information Act 2012 amended 16 104. Act amended 17 This Division amends the Gas Services Information Act 2012. 18 105. Section 3 amended 19 In section 3(2) delete "the National Gas Access (Western 20 Australia) Law" and insert: 21 22 the National Gas (WA) Law 23 24 106. Section 13 amended 25 (1) In section 13(2) delete the note. 26 (2) Delete section 13(4). 27 (3) In section 13(5) delete "(4)" and insert: 28 29 (3) 30 page 64 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Amendments to other Acts consequential on National Gas Part 5 Access (WA) Amendment Act 2016 Gas Supply (Gas Quality Specifications) Act 2009 amended Division 5 s. 107 1 Division 5 -- Gas Supply (Gas Quality Specifications) 2 Act 2009 amended 3 107. Act amended 4 This Division amends the Gas Supply (Gas Quality 5 Specifications) Act 2009. 6 108. Section 3 amended 7 (1) In section 3(1) insert in alphabetical order: 8 9 WA national gas legislation means -- 10 (a) the National Gas (Western Australia) Act 2009; 11 and 12 (b) the National Gas (WA) Law; and 13 (c) the National Gas (WA) Regulations; and 14 (d) the National Gas (WA) Rules as defined in the 15 National Gas (Western Australia) Act 2009 16 section 3(1); and 17 (e) instruments under them. 18 19 (2) In section 3(1) in the definition of Gas Access Law delete 20 paragraph (a) and insert: 21 22 (a) the WA national gas legislation; or 23 24 (3) In section 3(1) in the definition of pipeline service delete 25 "National Gas Access (Western Australia) Law section 2;" and 26 insert: 27 28 National Gas (WA) Law section 2(1); 29 page 65 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Part 5 Amendments to other Acts consequential on National Gas Access (WA) Amendment Act 2016 Division 6 Parliamentary Commissioner Act 1971 amended s. 109 1 (4) In section 3(1) in the definition of user delete "party." and 2 insert: 3 4 party; 5 6 Division 6 -- Parliamentary Commissioner Act 1971 amended 7 109. Act amended 8 This Division amends the Parliamentary Commissioner 9 Act 1971. 10 110. Schedule 1 amended 11 In Schedule 1 in the item relating to the Economic Regulation 12 Authority Act 2003 delete "given by or under the National Gas 13 Access (WA) Act 2009 or". 14 Division 7 -- Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 amended 15 111. Act amended 16 This Division amends the Petroleum (Submerged Lands) 17 Act 1982. 18 112. Section 73 amended 19 (1) In section 73(2) delete "Access (Western Australia)" and insert: 20 21 (WA) 22 23 (2) In section 73(3) delete "Access (Western Australia)" and insert: 24 25 (WA) 26 page 66 Energy Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill 2016 Amendments to other Acts consequential on National Gas Part 5 Access (WA) Amendment Act 2016 Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969 amended Division 8 s. 113 1 Division 8 -- Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969 amended 2 113. Act amended 3 This Division amends the Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969. 4 114. Section 21 amended 5 In section 21(7) delete "Access (Western Australia)" and insert: 6 7 (WA) 8 9 115. Section 22 amended 10 In section 22(1a) delete "Access (Western Australia)" and 11 insert: 12 13 (WA) 14 15
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