Western Australian Bills

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                        Western Australia

Environmental Protection Amendment Bill 2024


         Part 1 -- Preliminary
   1.    Short title                                                 2
   2.    Commencement                                                2
         Part 2 -- Environmental Protection
   3.    Act amended                                                 3
   4.    Section 7 amended                                           3
   5.    Section 7A inserted                                         4
         7A.       Authority member unable to act               4
   6.    Section 11 amended                                          5
   7.    Section 12 amended                                          5
         Part 3 -- Ministerial statement of
   8.    Act amended                                                 7
   9.    Section 21 amended                                          7
   10.   Part II Division 1A inserted                                7
         Division 1A -- Ministerial statement of expectation
         21A.      Terms used                                   7
         21B.      Minister to issue ministerial statement of
                   expectation                                  7
         21C.      Review and reissue of expectation
                   statement                                    8
         21D.      Expectation statement to be laid before
                   Parliament                                   9
         21E.      Expectation statement to be published        9

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Environmental Protection Amendment Bill 2024


             Part 4 -- Environmental impact
             Division 1 -- Parallel decision-making
             Subdivision 1 -- Amendments to current provisions
                   of Environmental Protection Act 1986
      11.    Act amended                                                10
      12.    Section 3 amended                                          10
      13.    Section 41 amended                                         10
      14.    Section 41A amended                                        12
      15.    Part IV Division 2A heading amended                        12
      16.    Section 48AB inserted                                      12
             48AB.    Reporting on matters relating to proposals   12
      17.    Section 51F amended                                        13
      18.    Section 51K amended                                        14
      19.    Section 51KB amended                                       14
      20.    Section 54 amended                                         15
      21.    Section 57 amended                                         16
      22.    Section 59 amended                                         17
      23.    Section 59B amended                                        17
      24.    Section 105 amended                                        18
             Subdivision 2 -- Amendments to provisions of
                   Environmental Protection Act 1986 to be
                   inserted by Environmental Protection
                   Amendment Act 2020
      25.    Act amended                                                18
      26.    Section 55 amended                                         18
      27.    Section 60A amended                                        19
      28.    Section 105 amended                                        20
             Division 2 -- Assessment reports
      29.    Act amended                                                20
      30.    Section 44 amended                                         20
             Division 3 -- Decisions not to assess proposals
      31.    Act amended                                                21
      32.    Section 38G amended                                        21
      33.    Section 41 amended                                         21
      34.    Section 43 amended                                         21
      35.    Section 100 amended                                        22
      36.    Section 101 amended                                        22

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                    Environmental Protection Amendment Bill 2024


      Division 4 -- Offence if proposal implemented
            before assessment completed
37.   Act amended                                                  22
38.   Section 99AA amended                                         22
39.   Schedule 1 amended                                           23
      Part 5 -- Transitional provisions
40.   Act amended                                                  24
41.   Section 133E amended                                         24
42.   Part IX Division 5 inserted                                  24
      Division 5 -- Transitional provisions for
             Environmental Protection Amendment
             Act 2024
      Subdivision 1 -- Preliminary
      133Q.     Terms used                                 24
      133R.     Application of Interpretation Act 1984     24
      Subdivision 2 -- Main provisions
      133S.    Transitional regulations                    25
      133T.    Existing Authority members                  26
      133U.    Parallel decision-making: section 41        27
      133V.    Parallel decision-making: Part V            27
      133W.    Existing appeals against Authority's
               decision not to assess proposal             29
      133X.    Exemption order                             30
      133Y.    Amendment to Environmental Protection
               Regulations 1987 r. 5DA                     30

      Part 6 -- Validation
      Division 1 -- Environmental Protection Act 1986
43.   Act amended                                                  31
44.   Section 59A amended                                          31
45.   Part X Division 1 heading inserted                           31
      Division 1 -- Provisions relating to The Wilderness
             Society v Minister for Environment
46.   Section 134 amended                                          31
47.   Part X Division 2 inserted                                   32
      Division 2 -- Provisions relating to licences that
             ceased to have effect due to non-payment of
             licence fee
      138.       Terms used                                32
      139.       Validation                                32

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             140.     CEO notified holder of licence that licence
                      had ceased to have effect                     35
             141.     Licence replaced by new licence before
                      validation day                                36
             Division 2 -- Environmental Protection
                   Regulations 1987 amended
      48.    Regulations amended                                         37
      49.    Regulation 5DA amended                                      37

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                           Western Australia

                     LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY

Environmental Protection Amendment Bill 2024

                               A Bill for

An Act to amend the Environmental Protection Act 1986 and the
Environmental Protection Regulations 1987.

The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows:

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     Environmental Protection Amendment Bill 2024
     Part 1         Preliminary

     s. 1

1                             Part 1 -- Preliminary
2    1.         Short title
3               This is the Environmental Protection Amendment Act 2024.

4    2.         Commencement
5         (1)   This Act comes into operation as follows --
6                (a) Part 1 -- on the day on which this Act receives the
7                      Royal Assent (assent day);
8                (b) Part 4 Division 1 Subdivision 1 -- on a day fixed by
9                      proclamation;
10               (c) Part 4 Division 1 Subdivision 2 --
11                        (i) if Part 4 Division 1 Subdivision 1 comes into
12                            operation under paragraph (b) on or before the
13                            day on which the Environmental Protection
14                            Amendment Act 2020 section 60 comes into
15                            operation -- immediately after the
16                            Environmental Protection Amendment Act 2020
17                            section 60 comes into operation; or
18                       (ii) otherwise -- on the day on which Part 4
19                            Division 1 Subdivision 1 comes into operation;
20               (d) Part 4 Division 4 -- on a day fixed by proclamation;
21               (e) the rest of the Act -- on the day after assent day.
22        (2)   If Part 4 Division 1 Subdivision 1 does not come into operation
23              under subsection (1)(b) before the Environmental Protection
24              Amendment Act 2020 section 60 comes into operation,
25              sections 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24 --
26                (a) do not come into operation; and
27                (b) are deleted when the Environmental Protection
28                       Amendment Act 2020 section 60 comes into operation.

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                                   Environmental Protection Amendment Bill 2024
                                  Environmental Protection Authority     Part 2

                                                                               s. 3

1           Part 2 -- Environmental Protection Authority
2    3.          Act amended
3                This Part amends the Environmental Protection Act 1986.

4    4.          Section 7 amended
5         (1)    Delete section 7(2) and insert:

7                (2)   The Authority consists of 5 to 9 members appointed by
8                      the Governor on the recommendation of the Minister.
9               (2A)   The Minister can recommend a person under
10                     subsection (2) only if the Minister is satisfied that the
11                     person has --
12                       (a) a suitable level of interest in, and experience of,
13                            matters affecting the environment generally;
14                            and
15                       (b) a suitable level of knowledge, skills, experience
16                            or qualifications in 1 or more of the following
17                            fields --
18                               (i) environmental science;
19                              (ii) natural resource and biodiversity
20                                    management;
21                             (iii) waste management and pollution
22                                    control;
23                             (iv) industry, commerce or economic
24                                    development;
25                              (v) public administration, governance,
26                                    regulation or law;
27                             (vi) regional areas and issues.

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     Environmental Protection Amendment Bill 2024
     Part 2         Environmental Protection Authority

     s. 5

1         (2)   In section 7(6) delete "5" and insert:

3               3

5    5.         Section 7A inserted
6               After section 7 insert:

8           7A.       Authority member unable to act
9               (1)   Subsection (2) applies if --
10                     (a) the Minister is satisfied that the Chair or
11                           Deputy Chair is unable to act by reason of
12                           illness, absence or other cause; or
13                     (b) the office of Chair or Deputy Chair is vacant.
14              (2)   The Governor may, on the Minister's recommendation,
15                    appoint an Authority member to act temporarily as the
16                    Chair or Deputy Chair (as the case requires).
17              (3)   Subsection (4) applies if the Minister is satisfied that an
18                    Authority member, other than the Chair or Deputy
19                    Chair, is unable to act by reason of illness, absence or
20                    other cause.
21              (4)   The Governor may, on the Minister's recommendation,
22                    appoint a person as an alternate Authority member to
23                    act temporarily in the Authority member's place.
24              (5)   The Minister can recommend a person under
25                    subsection (4) only if the Minister is satisfied in
26                    relation to the person as set out in section 7(2A).
27              (6)   The Governor's power to appoint a person under
28                    subsection (4) is subject to section 7(5).

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                                   Environmental Protection Amendment Bill 2024
                                  Environmental Protection Authority     Part 2

                                                                                 s. 6

1                (7)   The remuneration, travelling and other allowances and
2                      other terms and conditions of appointment of an
3                      alternate Authority member are those that the Minister,
4                      on the recommendation of the Public Sector
5                      Commissioner, determines for the alternate Authority
6                      member.
7                (8)   While acting in accordance with their appointment
8                      under subsection (4), an alternate Authority member is
9                      taken to be an Authority member (subject to
10                     subsection (7) which applies instead of section 9).
11               (9)   An act or omission of a person acting in an office under
12                     this section cannot be questioned on the ground that the
13                     occasion to act in the office had not arisen or had
14                     ceased.

16   6.          Section 11 amended
17               In section 11(2)(c) delete "subject to section 12(5)(b),".

18   7.          Section 12 amended
19        (1)    Delete section 12(1) and insert:

21               (1)   If an Authority member has a direct or indirect
22                     pecuniary interest in a matter that is, or is to be, before
23                     a meeting of the Authority, the Authority member must
24                     disclose the nature of the interest.
25              (1A)   The disclosure must --
26                      (a) be made as soon as possible after the relevant
27                            facts have come to the Authority member's
28                            knowledge; and
29                      (b) be made to the Authority prior to the meeting
30                            or, if that is not possible, be made to the
31                            Authority members who are at the meeting; and

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     Environmental Protection Amendment Bill 2024
     Part 2         Environmental Protection Authority

     s. 7

1                     (c)   be recorded in the minutes of the proceedings
2                           of the meeting.

4       (2)   Delete section 12(5) and insert:

6             (5)   If an Authority member discloses an interest in a matter
7                   under subsection (1), or is determined under
8                   subsection (3) to have an interest in a matter, the
9                   Authority member cannot be present at the meeting for
10                  any consideration or discussion of, or vote on, the
11                  matter.

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                              Environmental Protection Amendment Bill 2024
                             Ministerial statement of expectation   Part 3

                                                                             s. 8

1          Part 3 -- Ministerial statement of expectation
2    8.      Act amended
3            This Part amends the Environmental Protection Act 1986.

4    9.      Section 21 amended
5            After section 21(a) insert:

7                   (aa)   how the Authority, during that financial year,
8                          has had regard to the expectation statement (as
9                          defined in section 21A) as required under
10                         section 21B(5); and

12   10.     Part II Division 1A inserted
13           After section 21 insert:

15           Division 1A -- Ministerial statement of expectation
16         21A.    Terms used
17                 In this Division --
18                 effective day means the day on which the expectation
19                 statement takes effect under section 21B(4);
20                 expectation statement means the ministerial statement
21                 of expectation required under section 21B(1), as it may
22                 from time to time be reissued under section 21C(1)(b).

23         21B.    Minister to issue ministerial statement of
24                 expectation
25           (1)   The Minister must issue a ministerial statement of
26                 expectation to the Authority.

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     Environmental Protection Amendment Bill 2024
     Part 3         Ministerial statement of expectation

     s. 10

1              (2)   The purpose of the expectation statement is to set out
2                    the Minister's objectives on matters relating to the
3                    Authority's functions.
4              (3)   It is for the Minister to determine which matters are to
5                    be covered by the expectation statement.
6              (4)   The expectation statement takes effect on the day after
7                    the day on which it is issued under subsection (1).
8              (5)   In performing its functions, the Authority must have
9                    regard to the expectation statement.

10           21C.    Review and reissue of expectation statement
11             (1)   The Minister may do either of the following at any
12                   time --
13                     (a) review the expectation statement;
14                     (b) reissue the expectation statement to the
15                          Authority, either as an amended statement or a
16                          new statement.
17             (2)   Subsection (3) applies if, after the effective day, there
18                   is any 4-year period during which the Minister does not
19                   review the expectation statement under
20                   subsection (1)(a).
21             (3)   The Minister must review the expectation statement
22                   under subsection (1)(a) as soon as practicable after the
23                   end of the 4-year period.
24             (4)   A reissue of the expectation statement under
25                   subsection (1)(b) takes effect on the day after the day
26                   on which it is reissued or on a later day specified in the
27                   reissued expectation statement.

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                       Environmental Protection Amendment Bill 2024
                      Ministerial statement of expectation   Part 3

                                                                    s. 10

1    21D.    Expectation statement to be laid before Parliament
2      (1)   The Minister must cause a copy of the expectation
3            statement to be laid before each House of Parliament
4            within 9 sitting days of that House after the day on
5            which the expectation statement is issued under
6            section 21B(1).
7      (2)   If the expectation statement is reissued under
8            section 21C(1)(b), the Minister must cause a copy of
9            the reissued expectation statement to be laid before
10           each House of Parliament within 9 sitting days of that
11           House after the day on which the expectation statement
12           is reissued.

13   21E.    Expectation statement to be published
14           The Authority must cause the expectation statement to
15           be published.

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     Environmental Protection Amendment Bill 2024
     Part 4         Environmental impact assessment
     Division 1     Parallel decision-making
     s. 11

1                Part 4 -- Environmental impact assessment
2                       Division 1 -- Parallel decision-making

3                Subdivision 1 -- Amendments to current provisions of
4                          Environmental Protection Act 1986

5    11.          Act amended
6                 This Subdivision amends the Environmental Protection
7                 Act 1986.

8    12.          Section 3 amended
9                 In section 3(1) insert in alphabetical order:

11                      minor or preliminary work includes any work
12                      prescribed as minor or preliminary work under
13                      section 41A(4);

15   13.          Section 41 amended
16         (1)    Before section 41(2) insert:

18               (1A)   In this section --
19                      restricted decision means a decision of a prescribed
20                      class.

22         (2)    In section 41(2) and (3) delete "any decision" and insert:

24                any restricted decision

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                                Environmental Protection Amendment Bill 2024
                               Environmental impact assessment        Part 4
                                       Parallel decision-making  Division 1
                                                                        s. 13

1    (3)   In section 41(4) and (5) delete "a decision" and insert:

3          a restricted decision

5    (4)   After section 41(5) insert:

7          (6)   Regulations made for the purposes of the definition of
8                restricted decision in subsection (1A) may (without
9                limitation) describe a class of decision by reference to
10               any of the following --
11                 (a) the written law, or the provision of a written
12                       law, under which the decision is made;
13                 (b) the agreement to which the State is a party and
14                       which is ratified or approved by an Act, or the
15                       provision of such an agreement, under which
16                       the decision is made;
17                 (c) the public authority which has the power or
18                       duty to make the decision;
19                 (d) any characteristic of, or other circumstance or
20                       matter relating to, the proposal in relation to
21                       which the decision is made.

23   (5)   At the end of section 41 insert:

25               Note for this section:
26                      Section 41A makes it an offence for a person to do anything
27                      to implement a proposal in the circumstances set out in that
28                      section. The offence applies even if the person is acting
29                      under a decision of a decision-making authority that this
30                      section did not preclude the decision-making authority from
31                      making.

33         Note: The heading to amended section 41 is to read:
34               Restrictions on decisions by decision-making authorities

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     Environmental Protection Amendment Bill 2024
     Part 4         Environmental impact assessment
     Division 1     Parallel decision-making
     s. 14

1    14.       Section 41A amended
2              After section 41A(3) insert:

4              (4)   Regulations may prescribe work that is minor or
5                    preliminary work for the purposes of this Act.

7    15.       Part IV Division 2A heading amended
8              In the heading to Part IV Division 2A delete "Payments" and
9              insert:

11             Supplementary provisions

13   16.       Section 48AB inserted
14             At the end of Part IV Division 2A insert:

16         48AB.     Reporting on matters relating to proposals
17             (1)   Regulations may require the Authority to report to
18                   decision-making authorities on matters relating to the
19                   referral, assessment or implementation of a proposal
20                   under Division 1 or 2.
21             (2)   Regulations may require a decision-making authority
22                   to report to the Authority or other decision-making
23                   authorities (or both) on matters relating to the
24                   decision-making authority's decisions or other
25                   activities in respect of a proposal that has been referred
26                   or is required to be referred, or that is being assessed or
27                   implemented, under Division 1 or 2.
28             (3)   Regulations may make provision about the timing,
29                   form or content of reports under this section.

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                                     Environmental Protection Amendment Bill 2024
                                    Environmental impact assessment        Part 4
                                            Parallel decision-making  Division 1
                                                                             s. 17

1    17.         Section 51F amended
2          (1)   Delete section 51F(2) and insert:

4                (2)   For the purposes of this section, proposed clearing is
5                      related to a proposal if the clearing --
6                        (a) is part of the proposal; or
7                        (b) is otherwise connected or associated with the
8                              proposal in such a way that the clearing would
9                              not need to be done if the implementation of the
10                             proposal did not proceed.

12         (2)   Delete section 51F(4).
13         (3)   Delete section 51F(5) and insert:

15               (5)   If a Ministerial statement is in effect in respect of a
16                     referred proposal, the CEO must not make a clearing
17                     decision concerning proposed clearing that is related to
18                     the referred proposal if the decision is contrary to, or
19                     otherwise than in accordance with, the Ministerial
20                     statement.

22         (4)   In section 51F(6) delete "Subsections (4) and (5) do" and insert:

24               Subsection (5) does

26               Note: The heading to amended section 51F is to read:
27                     Decisions about clearing related to proposals

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     Environmental Protection Amendment Bill 2024
     Part 4         Environmental impact assessment
     Division 1     Parallel decision-making
     s. 18

1    18.         Section 51K amended
2                After section 51K(1)(g) insert:

4                      (ga)   amending the clearing permit to ensure that it is
5                             not contrary to, and that it otherwise accords
6                             with, a Ministerial statement; or

8    19.         Section 51KB amended
9          (1)   Delete section 51KB(1) and insert:

11               (1)   For the purposes of this section, an amendment of a
12                     clearing permit (a proposed amendment) is related to a
13                     proposal if the proposed amendment --
14                       (a) concerns clearing, or proposed clearing, that is
15                             part of the proposal; or
16                       (b) is otherwise connected or associated with the
17                             proposal in such a way that the proposed
18                             amendment would not need to be made if the
19                             implementation of the proposal did not proceed.

21         (2)   Delete section 51KB(2).
22         (3)   Delete section 51KB(3) and insert:

24               (3)   If a Ministerial statement is in effect in respect of a
25                     referred proposal, the CEO must not make a proposed
26                     amendment that is related to the referred proposal if the
27                     proposed amendment is contrary to, or otherwise than
28                     in accordance with, the Ministerial statement.

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                                      Environmental Protection Amendment Bill 2024
                                     Environmental impact assessment        Part 4
                                             Parallel decision-making  Division 1
                                                                              s. 20

1                (3A)   Subsection (3) does not apply if the proposed
2                       amendment is for the purpose of doing minor or
3                       preliminary work to which the Authority has consented
4                       under section 41A(3).

6          (4)    In section 51KB(4) delete "referred".
7                 Note: The heading to amended section 51KB is to read:
8                       Amendments to clearing permits related to proposals

9    20.          Section 54 amended
10         (1)    Delete section 54(4) and insert:

12               (3B)   Subsection (4) applies, subject to subsection (5A), if --
13                       (a) an application for a works approval made under
14                             subsection (1) is related to a referred proposal;
15                             and
16                       (b) a Ministerial statement is in effect in respect of
17                             the referred proposal.
18                (4)   The CEO must not perform any duty imposed under
19                      subsection (3) contrary to, or otherwise than in
20                      accordance with, the Ministerial statement.

22         (2)    After section 54(5) insert:

24                (6)   For the purposes of this section, an application for a
25                      works approval made under subsection (1) is related to
26                      a proposal if the works approval --
27                        (a) would concern an activity, or proposed activity,
28                              that is part of the proposal; or

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     Environmental Protection Amendment Bill 2024
     Part 4         Environmental impact assessment
     Division 1     Parallel decision-making
     s. 21

1                         (b)   would otherwise be connected or associated
2                               with the proposal in such a way that the works
3                               approval would not be needed if the
4                               implementation of the proposal did not proceed.

6    21.          Section 57 amended
7          (1)    Delete section 57(4) and insert:

9                (3B)   Subsection (4) applies, subject to subsection (4AA),
10                      if --
11                         (a) an application for a licence made under
12                             subsection (1) is related to a referred proposal;
13                             and
14                        (b) a Ministerial statement is in effect in respect of
15                             the referred proposal.
16                (4)   The CEO must not perform any duty imposed under
17                      subsection (3) contrary to, or otherwise than in
18                      accordance with, the Ministerial statement.

20         (2)    After section 57(5) insert:

22                (6)   For the purposes of this section, an application for a
23                      licence made under subsection (1) is related to a
24                      proposal if the licence --
25                        (a) would concern an activity, or proposed activity,
26                              that is part of the proposal; or
27                        (b) would otherwise be connected or associated
28                              with the proposal in such a way that the licence
29                              would not be needed if the implementation of
30                              the proposal did not proceed.

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                                     Environmental Protection Amendment Bill 2024
                                    Environmental impact assessment        Part 4
                                            Parallel decision-making  Division 1
                                                                             s. 22

1    22.          Section 59 amended
2                 After section 59(1)(i) insert:

4                        (ia)   amending the works approval or licence to
5                               ensure that it is not contrary to, and that it
6                               otherwise accords with, a Ministerial statement;
7                               or

9    23.          Section 59B amended
10         (1)    Delete section 59B(7) and insert:

12               (6A)   Subsection (7) applies if --
13                       (a) a proposed amendment, revocation or
14                             suspension is related to a referred proposal; and
15                       (b) a Ministerial statement is in effect in respect of
16                             the referred proposal.
17                (7)   The CEO must not amend, revoke or suspend contrary
18                      to, or otherwise than in accordance with, the
19                      Ministerial statement.

21         (2)    After section 59B(10) insert:

23               (11)   For the purposes of this section, a proposed
24                      amendment, revocation or suspension is related to a
25                      proposal if the works approval or licence (or, if
26                      relevant, the proposed amendment to the works
27                      approval or licence) --
28                        (a) concerns an activity, or proposed activity, that
29                              is part of the proposal; or

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     Environmental Protection Amendment Bill 2024
     Part 4         Environmental impact assessment
     Division 1     Parallel decision-making
     s. 24

1                       (b)    is otherwise connected or associated with the
2                              proposal in such a way that the works approval
3                              or licence (or, if relevant, the proposed
4                              amendment) would not be needed if the
5                              implementation of the proposal did not proceed.

7    24.        Section 105 amended
8               In section 105:
9                 (a) in paragraph (aa) delete "(g)" and insert:

11                      (g), (ga)

13               (b)    in paragraph (b) delete "(i)" and insert:

15                      (i), (ia)

17         Subdivision 2 -- Amendments to provisions of Environmental
18         Protection Act 1986 to be inserted by Environmental Protection
19                              Amendment Act 2020

20   25.        Act amended
21              This Subdivision amends the Environmental Protection
22              Act 1986.

23   26.        Section 55 amended
24              After section 55(3)(i) insert:

26                     (ia)    amending the licence to ensure that it is not
27                             contrary to, and that it otherwise accords with,
28                             a Ministerial statement; or

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                                    Environmental Protection Amendment Bill 2024
                                   Environmental impact assessment        Part 4
                                           Parallel decision-making  Division 1
                                                                            s. 27

1    27.          Section 60A amended
2          (1)    Delete section 60A(1) and insert:

4                 (1)   For the purposes of this section, the grant, amendment
5                       or transfer of a licence (a proposed grant, amendment
6                       or transfer) is related to a proposal if the proposed
7                       grant, amendment or transfer --
8                         (a) concerns an activity, or proposed activity, that
9                               is part of the proposal; or
10                        (b) is otherwise connected or associated with the
11                              proposal in such a way that the proposed grant,
12                              amendment or transfer would not need to be
13                              made if the implementation of the proposal did
14                              not proceed.

16         (2)    Delete section 60A(2).
17         (3)    Delete section 60A(3) and insert:

19               (2A)   Subsection (3) applies, subject to subsection (4), if --
20                       (a) a proposed grant, amendment or transfer is
21                             related to a referred proposal; and
22                       (b) a Ministerial statement is in effect in respect of
23                             the referred proposal.
24                (3)   The CEO must not make the proposed grant,
25                      amendment or transfer if the proposed grant,
26                      amendment or transfer is contrary to, or otherwise than
27                      in accordance with, the Ministerial statement.

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     Environmental Protection Amendment Bill 2024
     Part 4         Environmental impact assessment
     Division 2     Assessment reports
     s. 28

1          (4)   In section 60A(4) delete "Subsections (2) and (3) do" and insert:

3                Subsection (3) does

5          (5)   In section 60A(5) delete "referred".
6                Note: The heading to amended section 60A is to read:
7                        Decisions about licences related to proposals

8    28.         Section 105 amended
9                In section 105:
10                 (a) in paragraph (b) delete "(g)" and insert:

12                         (g), (ga)

14                 (b)     in paragraph (c) delete "(i)" and insert:

16                         (i), (ia)

18                          Division 2 -- Assessment reports
19   29.         Act amended
20               This Division amends the Environmental Protection Act 1986.

21   30.         Section 44 amended
22               After section 44(3) insert:

24               (4)     If a direction is given under subsection (2c), the
25                       Minister must cause copies of the reasons for giving
26                       the direction to be --
27                         (a) given to the Authority; and

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                               Environmental Protection Amendment Bill 2024
                              Environmental impact assessment        Part 4
                              Decisions not to assess proposals Division 3
                                                                       s. 31

1                 (b)    published as soon as practicable after the
2                        direction is given.

4           Division 3 -- Decisions not to assess proposals
5    31.   Act amended
6          This Division amends the Environmental Protection Act 1986.

7    32.   Section 38G amended
8          In section 38G(1):
9            (a) in paragraph (b)(iii) delete "proposal." and insert:

11                proposal;

13          (b)   after paragraph (b) insert:

15                       and
16                 (c)   if the Authority decides not to assess the
17                       proposal -- publish a summary of the
18                       Authority's reasons for the decision.

20   33.   Section 41 amended
21         Delete section 41(2)(c) and insert:

23                 (c)   it is informed under section 38G(1)(b)(iii) that
24                       the Authority is not going to assess the
25                       proposal; or

27   34.   Section 43 amended
28         Delete section 43(3A).

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     Environmental Protection Amendment Bill 2024
     Part 4         Environmental impact assessment
     Division 4     Offence if proposal implemented before assessment
     s. 35

1    35.           Section 100 amended
2                  Delete section 100(1)(a), (1a) and (3a)(a).

3    36.           Section 101 amended
4          (1)     Delete section 101(1)(b) and (c).
5          (2)     Delete section 101(2) and insert:

7                  (2)   If the Minister remits under subsection (1)(d) a
8                        proposal to the Authority for assessment, further
9                        assessment or reassessment and makes a direction
10                       under section 43 --
11                         (a) such portions of the procedure laid down by
12                               sections 40 to 48 as are appropriate apply to the
13                               proposal; and
14                         (b) those portions must be completed within the
15                               period specified by the Minister in the remittal.

17         (3)     Delete section 101(3)(a).

18               Division 4 -- Offence if proposal implemented before
19                             assessment completed
20   37.           Act amended
21                 This Division amends the Environmental Protection Act 1986.

22   38.           Section 99AA amended
23                 In section 99AA in the definition of prescribed offence in the
24                 Table insert in numerical order:

26                 s. 41A(1)

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                                  Environmental Protection Amendment Bill 2024
                                 Environmental impact assessment        Part 4
                Offence if proposal implemented before assessment  Division 4
                                                                          s. 39

1   39.         Schedule 1 amended
2         (1)   After Schedule 1 Part 1 Division 1 item 1 insert:

          1A             41A(1)         $125 000                    $25 000

5         (2)   After Schedule 1 Part 1 Division 2 item 1 insert:

          1A             41A(1)         $250 000                    $50 000

8         (3)   Delete Schedule 1 Part 2 Division 1 item 1.
9         (4)   Delete Schedule 1 Part 2 Division 2 item 1.

                                                                         page 23
     Environmental Protection Amendment Bill 2024
     Part 5         Transitional provisions

     s. 40

1                    Part 5 -- Transitional provisions
2    40.       Act amended
3              This Part amends the Environmental Protection Act 1986.

4    41.       Section 133E amended
5              In section 133E in the definition of existing Act after "by"
6              insert:

8              section 60 of

10   42.       Part IX Division 5 inserted
11             At the end of Part IX insert:

13           Division 5 -- Transitional provisions for Environmental
14                       Protection Amendment Act 2024

15                             Subdivision 1 -- Preliminary

16           133Q.   Terms used
17                   In this Division --
18                   amending Act means the Environmental Protection
19                   Amendment Act 2024;
20                   transitional regulations means regulations made for
21                   the purposes of section 133S(2).

22           133R.   Application of Interpretation Act 1984
23                   The Interpretation Act 1984 Part V applies in relation
24                   to amendments made by the amending Act subject to
25                   this Division and transitional regulations.

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                                  Transitional provisions      Part 5

                                                                     s. 42

1                 Subdivision 2 -- Main provisions

2    133S.   Transitional regulations
3      (1)   In this section --
4            publication day, for transitional regulations, means the
5            day on which the regulations are published in
6            accordance with the Interpretation Act 1984
7            section 41(1)(a);
8            specified means specified or described in transitional
9            regulations;
10           transitional matter means a matter or issue of a
11           transitional, savings or application nature.
12     (2)   Regulations may prescribe anything required,
13           necessary or convenient to be prescribed in relation to a
14           transitional matter in connection with the enactment of,
15           or any amendment made by, the amending Act.
16     (3)   Without limiting subsection (2), transitional regulations
17           may provide for specified provisions of this Act or
18           another written law --
19             (a) not to apply to, or in relation to, a specified
20                  matter or thing; or
21             (b) to apply with specified modifications to, or in
22                  relation to, a specified matter or thing.
23     (4)   Without limiting subsection (2), if
24           sections 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24 of the amending Act do
25           not come into operation under section 2(2) of the
26           amending Act, transitional regulations may, for the
27           purposes of Division 4 Subdivision 3, provide for the
28           former provisions (as defined in section 133E) to be
29           taken to be amended in accordance with
30           sections 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24 of the amending Act.

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     Environmental Protection Amendment Bill 2024
     Part 5         Transitional provisions

     s. 42

1              (5)   If transitional regulations provide that a specified state
2                    of affairs is taken to have existed, or not to have
3                    existed, on and after a day that is earlier than
4                    publication day but not earlier than the day on which
5                    Part 5 of the amending Act comes into operation, the
6                    transitional regulations have effect according to their
7                    terms.
8              (6)   If transitional regulations contain a provision referred
9                    to in subsection (5), the provision does not operate so
10                   as --
11                     (a) to affect in a manner prejudicial to a person
12                            (other than the State or an authority of the
13                            State) the rights of that person existing before
14                            publication day; or
15                     (b) to impose liabilities on a person (other than the
16                            State or an authority of the State) in respect of
17                            an act done or omission made before
18                            publication day.

19           133T.   Existing Authority members
20             (1)   In this section --
21                   amendment day means the day on which section 4 of
22                   the amending Act comes into operation;
23                   existing Authority member means a person who is an
24                   Authority member immediately before amendment
25                   day.
26             (2)   Despite the amendments made to section 7 by section 4
27                   of the amending Act, on and after amendment day, an
28                   existing Authority member continues to hold office --
29                     (a) for a term equal to the unfinished part of their
30                           term of office as specified in their instrument of
31                           appointment; and

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                         Environmental Protection Amendment Bill 2024
                                  Transitional provisions      Part 5

                                                                     s. 42

1             (b)    otherwise in accordance with their instrument
2                    of appointment.
3      (3)   Subsection (2) does not affect the application of
4            section 7(7) or (8) to an existing Authority member.

5    133U.   Parallel decision-making: section 41
6      (1)   In this section --
7            amendment day means the day on which section 13 of
8            the amending Act comes into operation.
9      (2)   Subsection (3) applies to a decision that, immediately
10           before amendment day, a decision-making authority is
11           precluded from making by section 41.
12     (3)   On and after amendment day, the decision-making
13           authority is not precluded by section 41 from making
14           the decision unless the decision is a restricted decision
15           under the definition of that term in section 41(1A) as
16           inserted by section 13(1) of the amending Act.

17   133V.   Parallel decision-making: Part V
18     (1)   In this section --
19           amendment day, in relation to amendments made by a
20           provision of the amending Act, means the day on
21           which that provision comes into operation.
22     (2)   The amendments made to section 51F by section 17 of
23           the amending Act apply in relation to a referral under
24           section 51DA(2) or an application for a clearing permit
25           that --
26             (a) is made before amendment day; and
27             (b) is still in progress immediately before
28                   amendment day.

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     Environmental Protection Amendment Bill 2024
     Part 5         Transitional provisions

     s. 42

1              (3)   The amendments made to section 51KB by section 19
2                    of the amending Act apply in relation to either of the
3                    following that is made or arises before amendment day
4                    and is still in progress immediately before amendment
5                    day --
6                      (a) an application for an amendment to a clearing
7                            permit;
8                      (b) an initiative of the CEO to amend a clearing
9                            permit.
10             (4)   The amendments made to section 54 by section 20 of
11                   the amending Act apply in relation to an application for
12                   a works approval that --
13                     (a) is made under section 54(1) before amendment
14                          day; and
15                     (b) is still in progress immediately before
16                          amendment day.
17                   Note for this subsection:
18                          Section 2(2) of the amending Act provides for a situation in
19                          which section 20 of the amending Act does not come into
20                          operation.

21             (5)   The amendments made to section 57 by section 21 of
22                   the amending Act apply in relation to an application for
23                   a licence that --
24                     (a) is made under section 57(1) before amendment
25                           day; and
26                     (b) is still in progress immediately before
27                           amendment day.
28                   Note for this subsection:
29                          Section 2(2) of the amending Act provides for a situation in
30                          which section 21 of the amending Act does not come into
31                          operation.

32             (6)   The amendments made to section 59B by section 23 of
33                   the amending Act apply in relation to any of the
34                   following that is made or arises before amendment day

     page 28
                           Environmental Protection Amendment Bill 2024
                                    Transitional provisions      Part 5

                                                                               s. 42

1            and is still in progress immediately before amendment
2            day --
3              (a) an application for an amendment to a works
4                    approval or licence;
5              (b) an initiative of the CEO to amend a works
6                    approval or licence;
7              (c) an application to surrender a works approval or
8                    licence;
9              (d) an initiative of the CEO to revoke or suspend a
10                   works approval or licence.
11           Note for this subsection:
12                  Section 2(2) of the amending Act provides for a situation in
13                  which section 23 of the amending Act does not come into
14                  operation.

15   133W. Existing appeals against Authority's decision not to
16         assess proposal
17     (1)   In this section --
18           amendment day means the day on which Part 4
19           Division 3 of the amending Act comes into operation;
20           existing appeal means an appeal under
21           section 100(1)(a), as in force before amendment day,
22           that is lodged with the Minister before amendment day.
23     (2)   On and after amendment day, this Act continues to
24           apply in relation to an existing appeal as if Part 4
25           Division 3 of the amending Act had not come into
26           operation.
27     (3)   Without limiting subsection (2), the amendment made
28           to section 41 by section 33 of the amending Act does
29           not apply in a case where an appeal against the
30           decision that the proposal not be assessed is lodged
31           before amendment day.

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     Environmental Protection Amendment Bill 2024
     Part 5         Transitional provisions

     s. 42

1              (4)   The amendments made by Part 4 Division 3 of the
2                    amending Act apply in relation to a decision made
3                    before amendment day that a proposal is not to be
4                    assessed if --
5                      (a) there is no existing appeal in respect of the
6                            decision; and
7                      (b) the period for lodging an appeal in respect of
8                            the decision under section 100(1)(a), as in force
9                            before amendment day, does not expire before
10                           amendment day.

11           133X.   Exemption order
12             (1)   In the Environmental Protection (Darling Range
13                   Bauxite Mining Proposals) Exemption Order 2023, a
14                   reference to this Act, or a provision of this Act,
15                   includes a reference to this Act, or the provision, as it
16                   may be amended by the amending Act.
17             (2)   This section does not limit or otherwise affect any
18                   power to amend, revoke or replace the Environmental
19                   Protection (Darling Range Bauxite Mining Proposals)
20                   Exemption Order 2023.

21           133Y.   Amendment to Environmental Protection
22                   Regulations 1987 r. 5DA
23                   The Environmental Protection Regulations 1987 may
24                   be amended or repealed by regulations as if the
25                   amendment made to regulation 5DA by section 49 of
26                   the amending Act had been made by regulations.

     page 30
                                 Environmental Protection Amendment Bill 2024
                                                         Validation     Part 6
                        Environmental Protection Act 1986 amended   Division 1
                                                                         s. 43

1                              Part 6 -- Validation
2          Division 1 -- Environmental Protection Act 1986 amended
3    43.         Act amended
4                This Division amends the Environmental Protection Act 1986.

5    44.         Section 59A amended
6                After section 59A(2) insert:

8                (3)   In addition to the grounds set out in subsection (2) and
9                      without limiting Schedule 2 items 2 and 2A,
10                     regulations may provide for a ground for revocation or
11                     suspension of a works approval or licence in the case
12                     of non-payment, or late payment, of a fee or charge in
13                     respect of the works approval or licence.

15   45.         Part X Division 1 heading inserted
16               At the beginning of Part X insert:

18               Division 1 -- Provisions relating to The Wilderness
19                       Society v Minister for Environment

21   46.         Section 134 amended
22         (1)   In section 134(1) delete "Part --" and insert:

24               Division --

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     Environmental Protection Amendment Bill 2024
     Part 6         Validation
     Division 1     Environmental Protection Act 1986 amended
     s. 47

1          (2)     In section 134(2) delete "Part," and insert:

3                  Division,

5    47.           Part X Division 2 inserted
6                  At the end of Part X insert:

8                Division 2 -- Provisions relating to licences that ceased
9                   to have effect due to non-payment of licence fee
10           138.        Terms used
11                       In this Division --
12                       licence means a licence granted under Part V
13                       Division 3 before validation day;
14                       regulation 5DA(3) means the Environmental
15                       Protection Regulations 1987 regulation 5DA(3) as
16                       inserted on 22 June 2004 by the Environmental
17                       Protection Amendment Regulations 2004 regulation 6;
18                       regulation 5DA(5) means the Environmental
19                       Protection Regulations 1987 regulation 5DA(5) as
20                       inserted on 22 June 2004 by the Environmental
21                       Protection Amendment Regulations 2004 regulation 6;
22                       validation day means the day on which the
23                       Environmental Protection Amendment Act 2024 Part 6
24                       comes into operation.

25           139.        Validation
26                 (1)   Regulation 5DA(5) is taken to have had no effect
27                       before validation day.

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                     Environmental Protection Amendment Bill 2024
                                             Validation     Part 6
            Environmental Protection Act 1986 amended   Division 1
                                                             s. 47

1    (2)   Subsections (3) to (8) --
2           (a) supplement subsection (1); and
3           (b) are not to be construed as limiting the effect of
4                 subsection (1) or each other.
5    (3)   A licence --
6           (a) is taken to have been, at all times before
7                 validation day, as lawful, valid and effective as
8                 it would have been if regulation 5DA(5) had
9                 had no effect before validation day; and
10          (b) if relevant -- is taken to be, at all times on and
11                after validation day, as lawful, valid and
12                effective as it would be if regulation 5DA(5)
13                had had no effect before validation day.
14   (4)   Any written law (including this Act) in force at any
15         time on or after 22 June 2004 is taken to have, or to
16         have had, the same effect at that time as if
17         regulation 5DA(5) had had no effect before validation
18         day.
19   (5)   Anything done, or purportedly done, on or after
20         22 June 2004 is taken to be, and to have always been,
21         as lawful, valid and effective as it would be, or would
22         have been, if regulation 5DA(5) had had no effect
23         before validation day.
24   (6)   In subsection (5), a reference to the doing of anything
25         includes a reference to an omission to do anything.
26   (7)   The functions, rights, obligations and liabilities of the
27         State, and of all persons and bodies, are taken to be,
28         and to have always been, the same as if
29         regulation 5DA(5) had had no effect before validation
30         day.

                                                                page 33
     Environmental Protection Amendment Bill 2024
     Part 6         Validation
     Division 1     Environmental Protection Act 1986 amended
     s. 47

1               (8)   An act or omission done or made on or after
2                     22 June 2004 is taken to be, and to have always
3                     been --
4                       (a) an offence, or other contravention of a written
5                            law (including this Act), if it would be, or
6                            would have been, an offence or other
7                            contravention if regulation 5DA(5) had had no
8                            effect before validation day; and
9                      (b) subject to the same punishment or other penalty
10                           or consequences, whether criminal or civil, as it
11                           would be, or would have been, if
12                           regulation 5DA(5) had had no effect before
13                           validation day.
14              (9)   This section has effect despite The Criminal Code
15                    section 11.
16             (10)   Without limiting the effect of this section --
17                     (a) if a person was convicted of an offence before
18                          validation day -- this section has effect for the
19                          purposes of any appeal proceedings in respect
20                          of the conviction that --
21                             (i) are commenced on or after validation
22                                   day; or
23                            (ii) were commenced, but not completed,
24                                   before validation day;
25                          and
26                     (b) this section has effect for the purposes of any
27                          proceedings against a person for an offence that
28                          were commenced, but not completed, before
29                          validation day; and
30                     (c) proceedings may be commenced on or after
31                          validation day against a person for an offence
32                          on the basis that the person is taken by virtue of

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                       Environmental Protection Amendment Bill 2024
                                               Validation     Part 6
              Environmental Protection Act 1986 amended   Division 1
                                                               s. 47

1                    this section to have committed the offence on
2                    or after 22 June 2004; and
3             (d)    to the extent not covered by paragraphs (a)
4                    to (c), this section has effect for the purposes of
5                    any criminal or civil proceedings in or before a
6                    court (including appeal proceedings) that relate
7                    to an act or omission occurring, or other matter
8                    arising, on or after 22 June 2004 and that --
9                       (i) are commenced on or after validation
10                            day; or
11                     (ii) were commenced, but not completed,
12                            before validation day.
13    (11)   This section is subject to sections 140 and 141.

14   140.    CEO notified holder of licence that licence had
15           ceased to have effect
16     (1)   In this section (to avoid doubt) --
17             (a) references to a licence include a licence that,
18                    apart from this section, would be taken by
19                    virtue of section 139 to have been in effect
20                    before validation day; and
21             (b) references to a fee payable for a period under
22                    regulation 5DA(3) include a fee that, apart from
23                    this section, would be taken by virtue of
24                    section 139 to have been so payable before
25                    validation day.
26     (2)   Subsection (3) applies (subject to subsection (4)) if,
27           before validation day, the CEO gave written notice to
28           the holder of a licence to the effect that the licence had
29           ceased to have effect under regulation 5DA(5) because
30           of the non-payment of a fee payable for a period under
31           regulation 5DA(3).

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     Environmental Protection Amendment Bill 2024
     Part 6         Validation
     Division 1     Environmental Protection Act 1986 amended
     s. 47

1              (3)   The licence is taken to have ceased to have effect under
2                    regulation 5DA(5) as notified by the CEO.
3              (4)   Subsection (3) does not apply if, before validation
4                    day --
5                      (a) the CEO issued to the holder of the licence an
6                           invoice setting out the amount of the fee as
7                           calculated by the CEO and the holder paid that
8                           amount to the CEO; or
9                     (b) the holder of the licence otherwise paid an
10                          amount to the CEO and the CEO accepted the
11                          payment as payment of the fee; or
12                     (c) there was a dispute between the holder of the
13                          licence and the CEO as to the amount of the fee
14                          and the holder paid the CEO the amount of the
15                          fee to the extent undisputed.

16        141.       Licence replaced by new licence before validation
17                   day
18             (1)   Subsection (2) applies to a licence (the relevant
19                   licence) if --
20                     (a) apart from subsection (2), the relevant licence
21                           would be taken by virtue of section 139 to have
22                           been in effect in respect of any premises (the
23                           relevant premises) at a time (the relevant time)
24                           before validation day; and
25                     (b) at the relevant time, a new licence was granted
26                           in respect of the relevant premises or in respect
27                           of premises that were substantially the same as
28                           the relevant premises.
29             (2)   The relevant licence is taken to have been revoked
30                   under section 59A at the relevant time on the
31                   application of the holder of the relevant licence under
32                   section 59A(2)(e).

     page 36
                                 Environmental Protection Amendment Bill 2024
                                                       Validation      Part 6
              Environmental Protection Regulations 1987 amended   Division 2
                                                                         s. 48

1          Division 2 -- Environmental Protection Regulations 1987
2                               amended
3    48.      Regulations amended
4             This Division amends the Environmental Protection
5             Regulations 1987.

6    49.      Regulation 5DA amended
7             Delete regulation 5DA(4) and (5) and insert:

9             (4)   If the licence holder does not pay a fee under
10                  subregulation (3) on time, the licence holder must pay,
11                  in addition to the fee under subregulation (3) --
12                    (a) if the licence holder pays the fee under
13                           subregulation (3) before the end of the period
14                           of 30 days after the anniversary before which
15                           the fee should have been paid -- a late payment
16                           fee of 10 units; or
17                    (b) otherwise -- a late payment fee of 20 units.
18            (5)   For the purposes of section 59A(1) of the Act, each of
19                  the following is a ground for revocation or suspension
20                  of a licence --
21                    (a) the licence holder does not pay a fee under
22                           subregulation (3) before the end of the period
23                           of 60 days after the anniversary before which
24                           the fee should have been paid;
25                    (b) the licence holder does not pay a late payment
26                           fee under subregulation (4)(a) or (b) before the
27                           end of the period of 60 days after the
28                           anniversary before which the fee under
29                           subregulation (3) should have been paid.

                                                                         page 37
     Environmental Protection Amendment Bill 2024
     Part 6         Validation
     Division 2     Environmental Protection Regulations 1987
     s. 49

1              (6)   Subregulations (4) and (5) apply only if the anniversary
2                    before which the fee under subregulation (3) should
3                    have been paid is after validation day.
4              (7)   On and after validation day, subregulation (4) (but not
5                    subregulation (5)), as deleted by the Environmental
6                    Protection Amendment Act 2024 section 49, continues
7                    to apply as if that subregulation (4) were still in force
8                    for cases where --
9                      (a) a licence holder does not pay a fee under
10                           subregulation (3) on time; and
11                     (b) the anniversary before which the fee should
12                           have been paid is on or before validation day.
13             (8)   In subregulations (6) and (7) --
14                   validation day has the meaning given in section 138 of
15                   the Act.


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