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Western Australia Gaming and Wagering Legislation Amendment Bill 2018 Contents Part 1 -- Preliminary 1. Short title 2 2. Commencement 2 Part 2 -- Betting Control Act 1954 amended 3. Act amended 3 4. Section 4 amended 3 5. Section 4B amended 4 6. Section 5 amended 4 7. Section 5A amended 5 8. Section 11F amended 5 9. Section 14A amended 5 10. Section 24 amended 6 11. Section 26C amended 7 12. Section 27A amended 7 13. Section 31 amended 9 14. Section 33 amended 9 15. Various penalties amended 9 Part 3 -- Gaming and Wagering Commission Act 1987 amended 16. Act amended 11 17. Section 3 amended 11 18. Section 8 amended 12 19. Section 43A amended 12 20. Section 81 amended 12 93--2 page i Gaming and Wagering Legislation Amendment Bill 2018 Contents 21. Part V Division 5A inserted 12 Division 5A -- Remote gambling devices 93A. Terms used 12 93B. Offences relating to remote gambling devices 13 22. Section 101 amended 13 23. Section 107 amended 14 24. Section 109D amended 14 25. Various penalties amended 14 page ii Western Australia LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY (As amended during consideration in detail) Gaming and Wagering Legislation Amendment Bill 2018 A Bill for An Act to amend the Betting Control Act 1954 and the Gaming and Wagering Commission Act 1987. The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows: page 1 Gaming and Wagering Legislation Amendment Bill 2018 Part 1 Preliminary s. 1 1 Part 1 -- Preliminary 2 1. Short title 3 This is the Gaming and Wagering Legislation Amendment 4 Act 2018. 5 2. Commencement 6 This Act comes into operation as follows -- 7 (a) Part 1 -- on the day on which this Act receives the 8 Royal Assent; 9 (b) the rest of the Act -- on a day fixed by proclamation, 10 and different days may be fixed for different provisions. page 2 Gaming and Wagering Legislation Amendment Bill 2018 Betting Control Act 1954 amended Part 2 s. 3 1 Part 2 -- Betting Control Act 1954 amended 2 3. Act amended 3 This Part amends the Betting Control Act 1954. 4 4. Section 4 amended 5 (1) In section 4(1) delete the definition of machine. 6 (2) In section 4(1) insert in alphabetical order: 7 8 contingency means a contingency relating to an event; 9 event means a race or other event, whether or not of a 10 sporting nature; 11 machine has the meaning given in the Gaming and 12 Wagering Commission Act 1987 section 3(1); 13 prohibited event or contingency means an event or 14 contingency, or an event or contingency of a class, 15 prescribed for the purposes of this definition; 16 17 (3) In section 4(1) in the definition of betting material 18 paragraph (a) delete "sporting" and insert: 19 20 other 21 22 (4) In section 4(1) in the definition of offshore betting operator 23 delete "races or sporting". 24 (5) In section 4(1) in the definition of to bet paragraph (a) delete 25 "race or any sporting". page 3 Gaming and Wagering Legislation Amendment Bill 2018 Part 2 Betting Control Act 1954 amended s. 5 1 (6) In section 4(1) in the definition of totalisator agency delete "a 2 race or sporting" and insert: 3 4 an 5 6 5. Section 4B amended 7 (1) In section 4B(1) delete "a sporting" and insert: 8 9 an 10 11 (2) Delete section 4B(2) and insert: 12 13 (2) The Commission may approve bookmaking on or in 14 relation to an event or a contingency, except a 15 prohibited event or contingency. 16 17 (3) In section 4B(5) delete "sporting events" and insert: 18 19 events other than races 20 21 Note: The heading to amended section 4B is to read: 22 Application of this Act to events 23 6. Section 5 amended 24 In section 5(1)(b) delete "a sporting" and insert: 25 26 an 27 page 4 Gaming and Wagering Legislation Amendment Bill 2018 Betting Control Act 1954 amended Part 2 s. 7 1 7. Section 5A amended 2 In section 5A: 3 (a) in paragraph (a) delete "event, including a sporting 4 event," and insert: 5 6 event 7 8 (b) in paragraph (b) delete "race or sporting". 9 8. Section 11F amended 10 (1) At the end of section 11F(1) insert: 11 12 Penalty for this subsection: a fine of $1 000. 13 14 (2) In section 11F(2) delete the Penalty and insert: 15 16 Penalty for this subsection: a fine of $1 000. 17 18 9. Section 14A amended 19 (1) In section 14A(1) delete the definitions of: 20 gross revenue 21 turnover 22 (2) In section 14A(1) insert in alphabetical order: 23 24 bet back means a bet placed with a domestic betting 25 operator, or the operator of a betting exchange, if the 26 bet is placed -- 27 (a) for the purpose of reducing the liability of 28 another domestic betting operator; and 29 (b) by that other domestic betting operator; page 5 Gaming and Wagering Legislation Amendment Bill 2018 Part 2 Betting Control Act 1954 amended s. 10 1 gross revenue means -- 2 (a) in relation to a domestic betting operator or 3 offshore betting operator -- the turnover of the 4 operator, less any dividends to customers by the 5 operator on racing bets; 6 (b) in relation to the operator of a betting 7 exchange -- the charges, commission, 8 consideration, earnings, fees, reward or other 9 remuneration (however described) payable to or 10 received by an operator in relation to racing 11 bets placed with, or placed and accepted 12 through, the operator; 13 turnover means -- 14 (a) in relation to a domestic betting operator or 15 offshore betting operator -- the total amount of 16 racing bets placed with the operator, less the 17 amount of bet backs placed by the operator; 18 (b) in relation to a betting exchange -- the net 19 winnings of racing bets placed with the betting 20 exchange. 21 22 (3) In section 14A(2) in the Penalty delete "Penalty:" and insert: 23 24 Penalty for this subsection: 25 26 10. Section 24 amended 27 In section 24(2) in the definition of bets delete "race or 28 sporting". page 6 Gaming and Wagering Legislation Amendment Bill 2018 Betting Control Act 1954 amended Part 2 s. 11 1 11. Section 26C amended 2 In section 26C(1) delete the Penalty and insert: 3 4 Penalty for this subsection: 5 (a) in the case of the licensee or manager, a fine 6 of $5 000; 7 (b) in the case of an employee or agent, a fine of 8 $2 000. 9 10 12. Section 27A amended 11 (1) In section 27A(1) delete the definitions of: 12 approved sporting event 13 offshore bet 14 (2) In section 27A(1) insert in alphabetical order: 15 16 interstate or offshore bet means a bet made -- 17 (a) on an event or contingency outside the State; 18 and 19 (b) by telephone or electronically by means of the 20 internet, subscription television or any other 21 on-line communications system; and 22 (c) with a person who is outside the State 23 (including a person who is outside Australia); 24 permitted event or contingency means -- 25 (a) an event or contingency approved under 26 section 4B(2); or 27 (b) an event or contingency, except a prohibited 28 event or contingency, on which betting is 29 permitted by the laws of another State or a 30 Territory. 31 page 7 Gaming and Wagering Legislation Amendment Bill 2018 Part 2 Betting Control Act 1954 amended s. 12 1 (3) In section 27A(1) in the definition of authorised person 2 paragraph (b) delete "races or sporting". 3 (4) After section 27A(2) insert: 4 5 (2A) A person in this State who makes an interstate or 6 offshore bet on an event or contingency that is not a 7 permitted event or contingency commits an offence. 8 Penalty for this subsection: a fine of $2 500. 9 (2B) A person other than an authorised person who offers an 10 interstate or offshore bet in this State commits an 11 offence. 12 Penalty for this subsection: a fine of $5 000 and 13 imprisonment for 1 year. 14 (2C) A person who offers an interstate or offshore bet in this 15 State on an event or contingency that is not a permitted 16 event or contingency commits an offence. 17 Penalty for this subsection: a fine of $5 000 and 18 imprisonment for 1 year. 19 20 (5) In section 27A(3) delete "offshore" (each occurrence) and 21 insert: 22 23 interstate or offshore 24 25 (6) In section 27A(5) delete "races or sporting" (each occurrence). 26 Note: The heading to amended section 27A is to read: 27 Interstate and offshore betting page 8 Gaming and Wagering Legislation Amendment Bill 2018 Betting Control Act 1954 amended Part 2 s. 13 1 13. Section 31 amended 2 Delete section 31(1)(h)(ii) and insert: 3 4 (ii) an event or contingency approved under 5 section 4B(2). 6 7 14. Section 33 amended 8 In section 33(1)(a) delete "sporting". 9 15. Various penalties amended 10 (1) In the provisions listed in the Table delete "Penalty:" and insert: 11 12 Penalty for this subsection: a fine of 13 14 Table s. 4A(6) s. 11(6) s. 11B(4) s. 11B(11) s. 11B(13) s. 11B(14) s. 11C(2) s. 11C(9) s. 11C(12) s. 11C(13) s. 11E(5) s. 11G(1) s. 11G(2) s. 11G(3) s. 11G(4) s. 20A(2) s. 20B(6) s. 22(1) page 9 Gaming and Wagering Legislation Amendment Bill 2018 Part 2 Betting Control Act 1954 amended s. 15 s. 22(2) s. 23(1) s. 23(2) s. 24(1) s. 25(3) s. 26A(3) s. 26C(5) s. 27A(2) s. 27A(3) s. 28G(1) 1 (2) In the provisions listed in the Table delete "Penalty:" and insert: 2 3 Penalty for this subsection: 4 5 Table s. 27D(2A) s. 27E(2) 6 (3) In the provisions listed in the Table delete "Penalty:" and insert: 7 8 Penalty: a fine of 9 10 Table s. 22A s. 26 s. 26B s. 27 s. 28C s. 28D s. 28E s. 29 11 page 10 Gaming and Wagering Legislation Amendment Bill 2018 Gaming and Wagering Commission Act 1987 amended Part 3 s. 16 1 Part 3 -- Gaming and Wagering Commission Act 1987 2 amended 3 16. Act amended 4 This Part amends the Gaming and Wagering Commission 5 Act 1987. 6 17. Section 3 amended 7 (1) In section 3(1) insert in alphabetical order: 8 9 event has the meaning given in the Betting Control 10 Act 1954 section 4(1); 11 telecommunication device means -- 12 (a) a computer adapted for communicating by way 13 of the Internet or another communications 14 network; or 15 (b) a television receiver adapted to allow the 16 viewer to transmit information by way of a 17 cable television network or another 18 communications network; or 19 (c) a telephone; or 20 (d) any other electronic device or thing for 21 communicating at a distance; 22 23 (2) In section 3(1) in the definition of machine delete "any" and 24 insert: 25 26 a telecommunications device and any other 27 page 11 Gaming and Wagering Legislation Amendment Bill 2018 Part 3 Gaming and Wagering Commission Act 1987 amended s. 18 1 18. Section 8 amended 2 After section 8(2)(c)(iii) insert: 3 4 (iiia) the advertising of live odds during 5 events, whether generally or by specific 6 classes of persons or in a specified 7 manner or place; and 8 9 19. Section 43A amended 10 In section 43A(3)(da) delete "races or sporting events; or" and 11 insert: 12 13 events; or 14 15 20. Section 81 amended 16 Delete section 81(3). 17 21. Part V Division 5A inserted 18 After Part V Division 5 insert: 19 20 Division 5A -- Remote gambling devices 21 93A. Terms used 22 In this Division -- 23 public premises means premises in a public place, 24 except -- 25 (a) premises comprising a totalisator agency as 26 defined in the Racing and Wagering Western 27 Australia Act 2003 section 3(1); or page 12 Gaming and Wagering Legislation Amendment Bill 2018 Gaming and Wagering Commission Act 1987 amended Part 3 s. 22 1 (b) premises established by the Commission as 2 defined in the Lotteries Commission Act 1990 3 section 3(1) for or in connection with the 4 performance of the Commission's functions 5 under that Act; or 6 (c) prescribed premises or a prescribed class of 7 premises; 8 remote gambling device means a telecommunications 9 device that is primarily or exclusively built to transmit 10 a bet on an event or contingency. 11 93B. Offences relating to remote gambling devices 12 (1) A person who places a remote gambling device on 13 public premises commits an offence. 14 Penalty for this subsection: a fine of $20 000. 15 (2) A person who uses a remote gambling device on public 16 premises commits an offence. 17 Penalty for this subsection: a fine of $20 000. 18 (3) An owner or occupier of public premises commits an 19 offence if the owner or occupier permits a remote 20 gambling device to be placed or used on the premises. 21 Penalty for this subsection: a fine of $20 000. 22 23 22. Section 101 amended 24 In section 101(1) in the definition of foreign lottery delete "the 25 State," and insert: 26 27 Australia, 28 page 13 Gaming and Wagering Legislation Amendment Bill 2018 Part 3 Gaming and Wagering Commission Act 1987 amended s. 23 1 23. Section 107 amended 2 In section 107(1) delete "sporting". 3 24. Section 109D amended 4 In section 109D(3)(b) delete "Burswood Nominees Pty Ltd; 5 and" and insert: 6 7 the casino licensee as defined in the Casino Control Act 1984 8 section 3(1); and 9 10 25. Various penalties amended 11 (1) In the provisions listed in the Table delete "Penalty:" and insert: 12 13 Penalty for this subsection: a fine of 14 15 Table s. 20(3) s. 22(5) s. 29(1) s. 29(2) s. 41(3) s. 41(6) s. 42(4) s. 42(5) s. 43A(2) s. 43A(3) s. 44(1) s. 45(1) s. 45(2) s. 45(3) s. 45(4) s. 57(3) s. 58(4) s. 85(4) page 14 Gaming and Wagering Legislation Amendment Bill 2018 Gaming and Wagering Commission Act 1987 amended Part 3 s. 25 s. 88(3) s. 89(2) s. 91(1) s. 91(4) s. 95(4) s. 96(3) s. 97(3) s. 104(4) s. 104(5) s. 104C(4) s. 104E(1) s. 104E(2) s. 104E(3) s. 104F(1) s. 104F(4) s. 104L(1) s. 104L(2) s. 104L(3) s. 104M(1) s. 104M(2) s. 104M(3) s. 106(1) s. 106(2) s. 108(4) s. 109H(2) 1 (2) In the provisions listed in the Table delete "Penalty:" and insert: 2 3 Penalty: a fine of 4 5 Table s. 86 s. 93 s. 98
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