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Western Australia Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 CONTENTS Part 1 -- Preliminary 1. Short title 2 2. Commencement 2 Part 2 -- Iron Ore (Hamersley Range) Agreement Act 1963 amended 3. Act amended 3 4. Section 2 amended 3 5. Sections 4F and 4G inserted 3 4F. Thirteenth Supplementary Agreement 3 4G. Fourteenth Supplementary Agreement 4 6. Fourteenth and Fifteenth Schedules inserted 5 Fourteenth Schedule -- Thirteenth Supplementary Agreement Fifteenth Schedule -- Fourteenth Supplementary Agreement Part 3 -- Iron Ore (Robe River) Agreement Act 1964 amended 7. Act amended 36 8. Section 2 amended 36 9. Section 4D inserted 36 4D. Seventh variation agreement 36 10. Eighth Schedule inserted 37 253--1 page i Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Contents Eighth Schedule -- Seventh variation agreement Part 4 -- Iron Ore (Mount Bruce) Agreement Act 1972 amended 11. Act amended 58 12. Section 2 amended 58 13. Section 4D inserted 58 4D. 2011 Variation Agreement 58 14. Fifth Schedule inserted 59 Fifth Schedule -- 2011 Variation Agreement Part 5 -- Iron Ore (Hope Downs) Agreement Act 1992 amended 15. Act amended 75 16. Section 3 amended 75 17. Section 4 amended 75 18. Schedule 3 inserted 76 Schedule 3 -- Second Variation Agreement Part 6 -- Iron Ore (Yandicoogina) Agreement Act 1996 amended 19. Act amended 93 20. Section 3 amended 93 21. Section 4 amended 93 22. Schedule 3 inserted 94 Schedule 3 -- Second Variation Agreement page ii Western Australia LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 A Bill for An Act to amend these Acts -- • the Iron Ore (Hamersley Range) Agreement Act 1963; • the Iron Ore (Robe River) Agreement Act 1964; • the Iron Ore (Mount Bruce) Agreement Act 1972; • the Iron Ore (Hope Downs) Agreement Act 1992; • the Iron Ore (Yandicoogina) Agreement Act 1996. The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows: page 1 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 1 Preliminary s. 1 1 Part 1 -- Preliminary 2 1. Short title 3 This is the Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment 4 Act 2011. 5 2. Commencement 6 This Act comes into operation as follows -- 7 (a) Part 1 --on the day on which this Act receives the Royal 8 Assent (assent day); 9 (b) the rest of the Act -- on the day after assent day. page 2 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Hamersley Range) Agreement Act 1963 amended Part 2 s. 3 1 Part 2 -- Iron Ore (Hamersley Range) Agreement 2 Act 1963 amended 3 3. Act amended 4 This Part amends the Iron Ore (Hamersley Range) Agreement 5 Act 1963. 6 4. Section 2 amended 7 (1) At the end of section 2 insert: 8 9 the Thirteenth Supplementary Agreement means the 10 agreement a copy of which is set out in the Fourteenth 11 Schedule; 12 the Fourteenth Supplementary Agreement means the 13 agreement a copy of which is set out in the Fifteenth 14 Schedule. 15 16 (2) In section 2 in the definition of the Twelfth Supplementary 17 Agreement delete "Schedule." and insert: 18 19 Schedule; 20 21 5. Sections 4F and 4G inserted 22 After section 4E insert: 23 24 4F. Thirteenth Supplementary Agreement 25 (1) The Thirteenth Supplementary Agreement is ratified 26 and its implementation is authorised. 27 (2) Without limiting or otherwise affecting the application 28 of the Government Agreements Act 1979, the page 3 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 2 Iron Ore (Hamersley Range) Agreement Act 1963 amended s. 5 1 Thirteenth Supplementary Agreement is to operate and 2 take effect despite any other Act or law. 3 4G. Fourteenth Supplementary Agreement 4 (1) The Fourteenth Supplementary Agreement is ratified 5 and its implementation is authorised. 6 (2) Without limiting or otherwise affecting the application 7 of the Government Agreements Act 1979, the 8 Fourteenth Supplementary Agreement is to operate and 9 take effect despite any other Act or law. 10 page 4 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Hamersley Range) Agreement Act 1963 amended Part 2 s. 6 1 6. Fourteenth and Fifteenth Schedules inserted 2 After the Thirteenth Schedule insert: 3 4 Fourteenth Schedule -- Thirteenth Supplementary 5 Agreement 6 [s. 2] 7 2011 8 9 THE HONOURABLE COLIN JAMES BARNETT 10 PREMIER OF THE STATE OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA 11 12 AND 13 14 HAMERSLEY IRON PTY. LIMITED 15 ACN 004 558 276 16 17 ________________________________________________________________ 18 IRON ORE (HAMERSLEY RANGE) AGREEMENT 1963 19 RATIFIED VARIATION AGREEMENT 20 ________________________________________________________________ 21 22 23 24 25 [Solicitor's details] page 5 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 2 Iron Ore (Hamersley Range) Agreement Act 1963 amended s. 6 1 THIS AGREEMENT is made this 7th day of November 2011 2 3 BETWEEN 4 5 THE HONOURABLE COLIN JAMES BARNETT MLA., Premier of the 6 State of Western Australia, acting for and on behalf of the said State and 7 instrumentalities thereof from time to time (State) 8 AND 9 HAMERSLEY IRON PTY. LIMITED ACN 004 558 276 of Level 22, 10 Central Park, 152-158 St Georges Terrace, Perth, Western Australia 11 (Company). 12 13 RECITALS: 14 A. The State and the Company are the parties to the agreement dated 15 30 July 1963, approved by and scheduled to the Iron Ore (Hamersley 16 Range) Agreement Act 1963 and which as subsequently added to, 17 varied or amended is referred to in this Agreement as the "Principal 18 Agreement". 19 B. The State and the Company wish to vary the Principal Agreement. 20 21 THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 22 1. Interpretation 23 Subject to the context, the words and expressions used in this 24 Agreement have the same meanings respectively as they have in and 25 for the purpose of the Principal Agreement. 26 2. Ratification and Operation 27 (1) The State shall introduce and sponsor a Bill in the State Parliament of 28 Western Australia prior to 31 December 2011 or such later date as 29 may be agreed between the parties hereto to ratify this Agreement. page 6 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Hamersley Range) Agreement Act 1963 amended Part 2 s. 6 1 The State shall endeavour to secure the timely passage of such Bill as 2 an Act. 3 (2) The provisions of this Agreement other than this clause and clause 1 4 will not come into operation until the day after the day on which the 5 Bill referred to in subclause (1) has been passed by the State 6 Parliament of Western Australia and commences to operate as an Act. 7 (3) If by 30 June 2012 the said Bill has not commenced to operate as an 8 Act then, unless the parties hereto otherwise agree, this Agreement 9 will then cease and determine and no party hereto will have any claim 10 against any other party hereto with respect to any matter or thing 11 arising out of, done, performed, or omitted to be done or performed 12 under this Agreement. 13 (4) On the day after the day on which the said Bill commences to operate 14 as an Act all the provisions of this Agreement will operate and take 15 effect despite any enactment or other law. 16 3. Variation of Principal Agreement 17 The Principal Agreement is varied as follows: 18 (1) in clause 1 by: 19 (a) inserting in the appropriate alphabetical positions the 20 following new definitions: 21 "Eligible Existing Tenure" means: 22 (a) (i) a miscellaneous licence or general purpose 23 lease granted to the Company under the 24 Mining Act 1978; or 25 (ii) a lease or easement granted to the Company 26 under the LAA, 27 and not clearly, to the satisfaction of the Minister, 28 granted under or pursuant to or held pursuant to this 29 Agreement; or 30 (b) an application by the Company for the grant to it of a 31 tenement referred to in paragraph (a)(i) (which 32 application has not clearly, to the satisfaction of the 33 Minister, been made under or pursuant to this page 7 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 2 Iron Ore (Hamersley Range) Agreement Act 1963 amended s. 6 1 Agreement) and as the context requires the tenement 2 granted pursuant to such an application, 3 where that tenure was granted or that application was made 4 (as the case may be) on or before 1 October 2011; 5 "LAA" means the Land Administration Act 1997 (WA); 6 "Relevant Land", in relation to Eligible Existing Tenure or 7 Special Advance Tenure, means the land which is the 8 subject of that Eligible Existing Tenure or Special Advance 9 Tenure, as the case may be; 10 "second variation date" means the date on which clause 3 of 11 the variation agreement made on or about 7 November 2011 12 between the State and the Company comes into operation; 13 "Special Advance Tenure" means: 14 (a) a miscellaneous licence or general purpose lease 15 requested under clause 9(2b) to be granted to the 16 Company under the Mining Act 1978; or 17 (b) an easement or a lease requested under clause 9(2b) 18 to be granted to the Company under the LAA, 19 and as the context requires such tenure if granted; 20 (b) inserting after the words "reference in this Agreement to an 21 Act other than the Mining Act 1904 shall include the 22 amendments to such Act for the time being in force and also 23 any Act passed in substitution therefor or in lieu thereof and 24 the regulations for the time being in force thereunder" the 25 words "(and for the avoidance of doubt this principle, subject 26 to the context and without limitation to its application to other 27 Acts, may apply in respect of references to the Land Act 28 notwithstanding references in this Agreement to the LAA)"; page 8 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Hamersley Range) Agreement Act 1963 amended Part 2 s. 6 1 (2) by inserting after clause 8C the following new clauses: 2 "Community development plan 3 8D. (1) In this clause, the term "community and social 4 benefits" includes: 5 (a) assistance with skills development and 6 training opportunities to promote work 7 readiness and employment for persons 8 living in the Pilbara region of the said State; 9 (b) regional development activities in the 10 Pilbara region of the said State, including 11 partnerships and sponsorships; 12 (c) contribution to any community projects, 13 town services or facilities; and 14 (d) a regionally based workforce. 15 (2) The Company acknowledges the need for community 16 and social benefits flowing from this Agreement. 17 (3) The Company agrees that: 18 (a) it shall prepare a plan which describes the 19 Company's proposed strategies for 20 achieving community and social benefits in 21 connection with its activities under this 22 Agreement; and 23 (b) the Company shall, not later than 3 months 24 after the second variation date, submit to 25 the Minister the plan prepared under 26 paragraph (a) and confer with the Minister 27 in respect of the plan. 28 (4) The Minister shall within 2 months after receipt of a 29 plan submitted under subclause (3)(b), either notify 30 the Company that the Minister approves the plan as 31 submitted or notify the Company of changes which 32 the Minister requires be made to the plan. If the 33 Company is unwilling to accept the changes which 34 the Minister requires it shall notify the Minister to page 9 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 2 Iron Ore (Hamersley Range) Agreement Act 1963 amended s. 6 1 that effect and either party may refer to arbitration 2 hereunder the question of the reasonableness of the 3 changes required by the Minister. 4 (5) The effect of an award made on an arbitration 5 pursuant to subclause (4) shall be that the relevant 6 plan submitted by the Company pursuant to 7 subclause (3)(b) shall, with such changes required by 8 the Minister under subclause (4) as the arbitrator 9 determines to be reasonable (with or without 10 modification by the arbitrator), be deemed to be the 11 plan approved by the Minister under this clause. 12 (6) At least 3 months before the anticipated submission 13 of proposals relating to a proposed development 14 pursuant to any of clauses 8A, 10G, 10I, 10K or 10N, 15 the Company must, unless the Minister otherwise 16 requires, give to the Minister information about how 17 the proposed development may affect the plan 18 approved or deemed to be approved by the Minister 19 under this clause. This obligation operates in relation 20 to all proposals submitted on or after the date that is 21 4 months after the date when a plan is first approved 22 or deemed to be approved under this clause. 23 (7) The Company shall at least annually report to the 24 Minister about the Company's implementation of the 25 plan approved or deemed to be approved by the 26 Minister under this clause. 27 (8) At the request of either of them made at any time and 28 from time to time, the Minister and the Company 29 shall confer as to any amendments desired to any plan 30 approved or deemed to be approved by the Minister 31 under this clause and may agree to amendment of the 32 plan or adoption of a new plan. Any such amended 33 plan or new plan will be deemed to be the plan 34 approved by the Minister under this clause in respect 35 of the development to which it relates. page 10 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Hamersley Range) Agreement Act 1963 amended Part 2 s. 6 1 (9) During the currency of this Agreement, the Company 2 shall implement the plan approved or deemed to be 3 approved by the Minister under this clause. 4 Local participation plan 5 8E. (1) In this clause, the term "local industry participation 6 benefits" means: 7 (a) the use and training of labour available 8 within the said State; 9 (b) the use of the services of engineers, 10 surveyors, architects and other professional 11 consultants, experts, specialists, project 12 managers and contractors available within 13 the said State; and 14 (c) the procurement of works, materials, plant, 15 equipment and supplies from Western 16 Australian suppliers, manufacturers and 17 contractors. 18 (2) The Company acknowledges the need for local 19 industry participation benefits flowing from this 20 Agreement. 21 (3) The Company agrees that it shall, not later than 22 3 months after the second variation date, prepare and 23 provide to the Minister a plan which contains: 24 (a) a clear statement on the strategies which the 25 Company will use, and require a third party 26 as referred to in subclause (7) to use, to 27 maximise the uses and procurement 28 referred to in subclause (1); 29 (b) detailed information on the procurement 30 practices the Company will adopt, and 31 require a third party as referred to in 32 subclause (7) to adopt, in calling for tenders 33 and letting contracts for works, materials, 34 plant, equipment and supplies stages in 35 relation to a proposed development and page 11 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 2 Iron Ore (Hamersley Range) Agreement Act 1963 amended s. 6 1 how such practices will provide fair and 2 reasonable opportunity for suitably 3 qualified Western Australian suppliers, 4 manufacturers and contractors to tender or 5 quote for works, materials, plant, 6 equipment and supplies; 7 (c) detailed information on the methods the 8 Company will use, and require a third party 9 as referred to in subclause (7) to use, to 10 have their respective procurement officers 11 promptly introduced to Western Australian 12 suppliers, manufacturers and contractors 13 seeking such introduction; and 14 (d) details of the communication strategies the 15 Company will use, and require a third party 16 as referred to in subclause (7) to use, to 17 alert Western Australian engineers, 18 surveyors, architects and other professional 19 consultants, experts, specialists, project 20 managers and consultants and Western 21 Australian suppliers, manufacturers and 22 contractors to services opportunities and 23 procurement opportunities respectively as 24 referred to in subclause (1). 25 It is acknowledged by the Company that the strategies 26 of the Company referred to in subclause (3)(a) will 27 include strategies of the Company in relation to 28 supply of services, labour, works, materials, plant, 29 equipment or supplies for the purposes of this 30 Agreement. 31 (4) At the request of either of them made at any time and 32 from time to time, the Minister and the Company 33 shall confer as to any amendments desired to any plan 34 provided under this clause and may agree to the 35 amendment of the plan or the provision of a new plan 36 in substitution for the one previously provided. page 12 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Hamersley Range) Agreement Act 1963 amended Part 2 s. 6 1 (5) At least 6 months before the anticipated submission 2 of proposals relating to a proposed development 3 pursuant to any of clauses 8A, 10G, 10I, 10K or 10N, 4 the Company must, unless the Minister otherwise 5 requires, give to the Minister information about the 6 implementation of the plan provided under this clause 7 in relation to the proposed development. This 8 obligation operates in relation to all proposals 9 submitted on or after the date that is 7 months after 10 the date when a plan is first provided under this 11 clause. 12 (6) During the currency of this Agreement the Company 13 shall implement the plan provided under this clause. 14 (7) The Company shall: 15 (a) in every contract entered into with a third 16 party where the third party has an 17 obligation or right to procure the supply of 18 services, labour, works, materials, plant, 19 equipment or supplies for or in connection 20 with a proposed development, ensure that 21 the contract contains appropriate provisions 22 requiring the third party to undertake 23 procurement activities in accordance with 24 the plan provided under this clause; and 25 (b) use reasonable endeavours to ensure that 26 the third party complies with those 27 provisions."; 28 (3) in clause 9(1)(b): 29 (a) by deleting "1904" in subparagraph (i) and substituting 30 "1978"; and 31 (b) by inserting after sub-subparagraph E. the following new 32 paragraph: 33 "Notwithstanding clause 10L(2)(b)(iv), detailed proposals 34 may refer to activities on tenure which is proposed to be 35 granted pursuant to this paragraph (b) as if that tenure was page 13 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 2 Iron Ore (Hamersley Range) Agreement Act 1963 amended s. 6 1 granted pursuant to this Agreement (but this does not limit 2 the powers or discretions of the Minister under this 3 Agreement or the Minister responsible for the administration 4 of any relevant Act with respect to the grant of the tenure)."; 5 (4) by inserting after subclause 9(2) the following new subclauses: 6 "Application for Eligible Existing Tenure to be held pursuant to this 7 Agreement 8 (2a) (a) The Minister may at the request of the Company from 9 time to time made during the continuance of this 10 Agreement approve Eligible Existing Tenure 11 becoming held pursuant to this Agreement on such 12 conditions as the Minister sees fit (including, without 13 limitation and notwithstanding the Mining Act 1978 14 and the LAA, as to the surrender of land, the 15 submission of detailed proposals and the variation of 16 the terms and conditions of the Eligible Existing 17 Tenure (including for the Eligible Existing Tenure to 18 be held pursuant to this Agreement and for the more 19 efficient use of the Relevant Land)) and the Minister 20 may from time to time vary such conditions in order 21 to extend any specified time for the doing of any 22 thing or otherwise with the agreement of the 23 Company. 24 (b) Eligible Existing Tenure the subject of an approval by 25 the Minister under this subclause will be held by the 26 Company pursuant to this Agreement: 27 (i) if the Minister's approval was not given 28 subject to conditions, on and from the date 29 of the Minister's notice of approval; 30 (ii) unless paragraph (iii) applies, if the 31 Minister's approval was given subject to 32 conditions, on the date on which all such 33 conditions have been satisfied; and 34 (iii) if the Minister's approval was given subject 35 to a condition requiring that the Company 36 submit detailed proposals in accordance page 14 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Hamersley Range) Agreement Act 1963 amended Part 2 s. 6 1 with this Agreement, on the later of the date 2 on which the Minister approves proposals 3 submitted in discharge of that specified 4 condition and the date upon which all other 5 specified conditions have been satisfied, but 6 the Company is authorised to implement 7 any approved proposal to the extent such 8 implementation is consistent with the then 9 terms and conditions of the Eligible 10 Existing Tenure pending the satisfaction of 11 any conditions relating to the variation of 12 the terms or conditions of the Eligible 13 Existing Tenure. Where this paragraph (iii) 14 applies, prior to any approval of proposals 15 and satisfaction of other conditions, the 16 relevant tenure will be treated for (but only 17 for) the purposes of clause 10L(2)(b)(iv) as 18 tenure held pursuant to this Agreement. 19 Application for Special Advance Tenure to be granted pursuant to this 20 Agreement 21 (2b) Without limiting clause 9(1)(c), the Minister may at the 22 request of the Company from time to time made during the 23 continuance of this Agreement approve Special Advance 24 Tenure being granted to the Company pursuant to this 25 Agreement if: 26 (a) the Company proposes to submit detailed proposals 27 under this Agreement (other than under clause 10N) 28 to construct works installations or facilities on the 29 Relevant Land and the Company's request is so far as 30 is practicable made, unless the Minister approves 31 otherwise, no less than 6 months before the 32 submission of those detailed proposals; and 33 (b) the Minister is satisfied that it is necessary and 34 appropriate that Special Advance Tenure, rather than 35 tenure granted under or pursuant to the other 36 provisions of this Agreement, be used for the page 15 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 2 Iron Ore (Hamersley Range) Agreement Act 1963 amended s. 6 1 purposes of the proposed works installations or 2 facilities on the Relevant Land, 3 and if the Minister does so approve: 4 (c) notwithstanding the Mining Act 1978 or the LAA, the 5 appropriate authority or instrumentality of the State 6 shall obtain the consent of the Minister to the form 7 and substance of the Special Advance Tenure prior to 8 its grant (which for the avoidance of doubt neither the 9 State nor the Minister is obliged to cause) to the 10 Company; and 11 (d) if the Company does not submit detailed proposals 12 relating to construction of the relevant works 13 installations or facilities on the Relevant Land within 14 24 months after the date of the Minister's approval or 15 such later time subsequently allowed by the Minister, 16 or if submitted the Minister does not approve such 17 detailed proposals, the Special Advance Tenure (if 18 then granted) shall be surrendered at the request of 19 the Minister. 20 (2c) The decisions of the Minister under subclauses (2a) and 21 (2b) shall not be referable to arbitration and any approval of 22 the Minister under this clause shall not in any way limit, 23 prejudice or otherwise affect the exercise by the Minister of 24 the Minister's powers, or the performance of the Minister's 25 obligations, under this Agreement or otherwise under the 26 laws from time to time of the said State."; 27 (5) in clause 9 by: 28 (a) deleting in subclause (3) "subclause (2)" and substituting 29 "subclauses (2), (2a) and (2b)"; and 30 (b) deleting in subclause (3a) "subclause (1)" and substituting 31 "subclauses (1), (2a) and (2b)"; 32 (6) in clause 10(2) by: 33 (a) deleting in paragraph (a) the words "allow crossing places for 34 roads stock and other railways and"; page 16 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Hamersley Range) Agreement Act 1963 amended Part 2 s. 6 1 (b) inserting after paragraph (a) the following new paragraph: 2 "Crossings over Railway 3 (aa) for the purposes of livestock and infrastructure such 4 as roads, railways, conveyors, pipelines, transmission 5 lines and other utilities proposed to cross the land the 6 subject of the Company's railway the Company shall: 7 (i) if applicable, give its consent to, or 8 otherwise facilitate the grant by the State or 9 any agency, instrumentality or other 10 authority of the State of any lease, licence 11 or other title over land the subject of the 12 Company's railway so long as such grant 13 does not in the Minister's opinion unduly 14 prejudice or interfere with the activities of 15 the Company under this Agreement; and 16 (ii) on reasonable terms and conditions allow 17 access for the construction and operation of 18 such crossings and associated 19 infrastructure, 20 provided that in forming his opinion under this 21 clause, the Minister must consult with the 22 Company;"; 23 (c) deleting paragraph (j)(ii) and substituting the following 24 subparagraph: 25 "(ii) on fine ore sold or shipped separately as such at the 26 rate of: 27 (A) 5.625% of the f.o.b. value, for ore shipped 28 prior to or on 30 June 2012; 29 (B) 6.5% of the f.o.b. value, for ore shipped 30 during the period from 1 July 2012 to 31 30 June 2013 (inclusive of both dates); and 32 (C) 7.5% of the f.o.b. value, for ore shipped on 33 or after 1 July 2013;"; and page 17 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 2 Iron Ore (Hamersley Range) Agreement Act 1963 amended s. 6 1 (7) in clause 10N by: 2 (a) deleting in subclause (1) ""LAA" means the Land 3 Administration Act 1997 (WA);"; 4 (b) inserting after subclause (3)(c) the following new paragraph: 5 "(d) Without limiting subclause (9), the Minister may 6 waive the requirement under this clause for the 7 Company to obtain and to furnish the consent of a 8 title holder if the title holder has refused to give the 9 required consent and the Minister is satisfied that: 10 (i) the title holder's affected land is or was 11 subject to a miscellaneous licence granted 12 under the Mining Act 1978 for the purpose 13 of a railway to be constructed and operated 14 in accordance with this Agreement; and 15 (ii) in the Minister's opinion, the title holder's 16 refusal to give the required consent is not 17 reasonable in all the circumstances 18 including having regard to: 19 (A) the rights of the Company in 20 relation to the affected land as the 21 holder of the miscellaneous 22 licence, relative to its rights as the 23 holder of the sought Special 24 Railway Licence or Lateral Access 25 Road Licence (as the case may be); 26 and 27 (B) the terms of any agreement 28 between the Company and the title 29 holder."; and 30 (c) deleting in subclause (4)(a) the comma after "the provisions 31 of this Agreement" and substituting "and"; and 32 (d) in subclause (7): 33 (i) deleting all words in paragraph (c) after "at the date 34 of such inclusion"; and page 18 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Hamersley Range) Agreement Act 1963 amended Part 2 s. 6 1 (ii) inserting after paragraph (k) the following new 2 paragraph: 3 "(l) The provisions of clause 10(2)(aa) shall 4 apply mutatis mutandis to any Railway or 5 Railway spur line constructed pursuant to 6 this clause.". page 19 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 2 Iron Ore (Hamersley Range) Agreement Act 1963 amended s. 6 1 EXECUTED as a deed. 2 3 SIGNED by the HONOURABLE ) 4 COLIN JAMES BARNETT ) 5 in the presence of: ) 6 [Signature] [Signature] Signature of witness Stephen Bombardieri Name of witness 7 THE COMMON SEAL of ) 8 HAMERSLEY IRON PTY. LIMITED ) [C.S.] 9 ACN 004 558 276 was hereunto affixed ) 10 by authority of the Directors in the presence of: ) 11 [Signature] Robert Paul Shannon Director [Signature] Helen Fernihough Secretary 12 page 20 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Hamersley Range) Agreement Act 1963 amended Part 2 s. 6 1 Fifteenth Schedule -- Fourteenth Supplementary 2 Agreement 3 [s. 2] 4 2011 5 6 7 THE HONOURABLE COLIN JAMES BARNETT 8 PREMIER OF THE STATE OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA 9 10 AND 11 12 HAMERSLEY IRON PTY. LIMITED 13 ACN 004 558 276 14 15 ________________________________________________________________ 16 IRON ORE (HAMERSLEY RANGE) AGREEMENT 1968 17 RATIFIED VARIATION AGREEMENT 18 ________________________________________________________________ 19 20 21 22 23 [Solicitor's details] page 21 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 2 Iron Ore (Hamersley Range) Agreement Act 1963 amended s. 6 1 THIS AGREEMENT is made this 7th day of November 2011 2 3 BETWEEN 4 5 THE HONOURABLE COLIN JAMES BARNETT MLA., Premier of the 6 State of Western Australia, acting for and on behalf of the said State and 7 instrumentalities thereof from time to time (State) 8 AND 9 HAMERSLEY IRON PTY. LIMITED ACN 004 558 276 of Level 22, 10 Central Park, 152-158 St Georges Terrace, Perth, Western Australia 11 (Company). 12 13 RECITALS: 14 A. The State and the Company are the parties to the agreement dated 15 30 July 1963, approved by and scheduled to the Iron Ore (Hamersley 16 Range) Agreement Act 1963 and which as subsequently added to, 17 varied or amended is referred to in this Agreement as the "Principal 18 Agreement". 19 B. The State and the Company wish to vary the Principal Agreement. 20 21 THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 22 1. Interpretation 23 Subject to the context, the words and expressions used in this 24 Agreement have the same meanings respectively as they have in and 25 for the purpose of the Principal Agreement. 26 2. Ratification and Operation 27 (1) The State shall introduce and sponsor a Bill in the State 28 Parliament of Western Australia prior to 31 December 2011 or 29 such later date as may be agreed between the parties hereto to page 22 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Hamersley Range) Agreement Act 1963 amended Part 2 s. 6 1 ratify this Agreement. The State shall endeavour to secure the 2 timely passage of such Bill as an Act. 3 (2) The provisions of this Agreement other than this clause and 4 clause 1 will not come into operation until the day after the day 5 on which the Bill referred to in subclause (1) has been passed 6 by the State Parliament of Western Australia and commences to 7 operate as an Act. 8 (3) If by 30 June 2012 the said Bill has not commenced to operate 9 as an Act then, unless the parties hereto otherwise agree, this 10 Agreement will then cease and determine and no party hereto 11 will have any claim against any other party hereto with respect 12 to any matter or thing arising out of, done, performed, or 13 omitted to be done or performed under this Agreement. 14 (4) On the day after the day on which the said Bill commences to 15 operate as an Act all the provisions of this Agreement will 16 operate and take effect despite any enactment or other law. 17 3. Variation of Principal Agreement 18 The Principal Agreement is varied as follows: 19 (1) in clause 1 by: 20 (a) inserting in the appropriate alphabetical positions the 21 following new definitions: 22 "Eligible Existing Tenure" means: 23 (a) (i) a miscellaneous licence or general purpose 24 lease granted to the Company under the 25 Mining Act 1978; or 26 (ii) a lease or easement granted to the Company 27 under the LAA, 28 and not clearly, to the satisfaction of the Minister, 29 granted under or pursuant to or held pursuant to this 30 Agreement; or 31 (b) an application by the Company for the grant to it of a 32 tenement referred to in paragraph (a)(i) (which 33 application has not clearly, to the satisfaction of the page 23 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 2 Iron Ore (Hamersley Range) Agreement Act 1963 amended s. 6 1 Minister, been made under or pursuant to this 2 Agreement) and as the context requires the tenement 3 granted pursuant to such an application, 4 where that tenure was granted or that application was made 5 (as the case may be) on or before 1 October 2011; 6 "LAA" means the Land Administration Act 1997 (WA); 7 "Relevant Land", in relation to Eligible Existing Tenure or 8 Special Advance Tenure, means the land which is the subject 9 of that Eligible Existing Tenure or Special Advance Tenure, 10 as the case may be; 11 "second variation date" means the date on which clause 3 of 12 the variation agreement made on or about 7 November 2011 13 between the State and the Company comes into operation; 14 "Special Advance Tenure" means: 15 (a) a miscellaneous licence or general purpose lease 16 requested under clause 6(3b) to be granted to the 17 Company under the Mining Act 1978; or 18 (b) an easement or a lease requested under clause 6(3b) 19 to be granted to the Company under the LAA, 20 and as the context requires such tenure if granted; 21 (b) inserting after the words "Reference in this Agreement to an 22 Act other than the Mining Act 1904 shall include the 23 amendments to such Act for the time being in force and also 24 any Act passed in substitution therefor or in lieu thereof and 25 the regulations for the time being in force thereunder" the 26 words "(and for the avoidance of doubt this principle, subject 27 to the context and without limitation to its application to other 28 Acts, may apply in respect of references to the Land Act 29 notwithstanding references in this Agreement to the LAA)"; page 24 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Hamersley Range) Agreement Act 1963 amended Part 2 s. 6 1 (2) by inserting after clause 5C the following new clauses: 2 "Community development plan 3 5D. (1) In this clause, the term "community and social 4 benefits" includes: 5 (a) assistance with skills development and 6 training opportunities to promote work 7 readiness and employment for persons 8 living in the Pilbara region of the said State; 9 (b) regional development activities in the 10 Pilbara region of the said State, including 11 partnerships and sponsorships; 12 (c) contribution to any community projects, 13 town services or facilities; and 14 (d) a regionally based workforce. 15 (2) The Company acknowledges the need for community 16 and social benefits flowing from this Agreement. 17 (3) The Company agrees that: 18 (a) it shall prepare a plan which describes the 19 Company's proposed strategies for 20 achieving community and social benefits in 21 connection with its activities under this 22 Agreement; and 23 (b) the Company shall, not later than 3 months 24 after the second variation date, submit to 25 the Minister the plan prepared under 26 paragraph (a) and confer with the Minister 27 in respect of the plan. 28 (4) The Minister shall within 2 months after receipt of a 29 plan submitted under subclause (3)(b), either notify 30 the Company that the Minister approves the plan as 31 submitted or notify the Company of changes which 32 the Minister requires be made to the plan. If the 33 Company is unwilling to accept the changes which 34 the Minister requires it shall notify the Minister to page 25 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 2 Iron Ore (Hamersley Range) Agreement Act 1963 amended s. 6 1 that effect and either party may refer to arbitration 2 hereunder the question of the reasonableness of the 3 changes required by the Minister. 4 (5) The effect of an award made on an arbitration 5 pursuant to subclause (4) shall be that the relevant 6 plan submitted by the Company pursuant to 7 subclause (3)(b) shall, with such changes required by 8 the Minister under subclause (4) as the arbitrator 9 determines to be reasonable (with or without 10 modification by the arbitrator), be deemed to be the 11 plan approved by the Minister under this clause. 12 (6) At least 3 months before the anticipated submission 13 of proposals relating to a proposed development 14 pursuant to clauses 5A or 7E of this Agreement and 15 10G of the Principal Agreement (as applying to this 16 Agreement pursuant to clause 11(1)), the Company 17 must, unless the Minister otherwise requires, give to 18 the Minister information about how the proposed 19 development may affect the plan approved or deemed 20 to be approved by the Minister under this clause. 21 This obligation operates in relation to all proposals 22 submitted on or after the date that is 4 months after 23 the date when a plan is first approved or deemed to be 24 approved under this clause. 25 (7) The Company shall at least annually report to the 26 Minister about the Company's implementation of the 27 plan approved or deemed to be approved by the 28 Minister under this clause. 29 (8) At the request of either of them made at any time and 30 from time to time, the Minister and the Company 31 shall confer as to any amendments desired to any plan 32 approved or deemed to be approved by the Minister 33 under this clause and may agree to amendment of the 34 plan or adoption of a new plan. Any such amended 35 plan or new plan will be deemed to be the plan 36 approved by the Minister under this clause in respect 37 of the development to which it relates. page 26 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Hamersley Range) Agreement Act 1963 amended Part 2 s. 6 1 (9) During the currency of this Agreement, the Company 2 shall implement the plan approved or deemed to be 3 approved by the Minister under this clause. 4 Local participation plan 5 5E. (1) In this clause, the term "local industry participation 6 benefits" means: 7 (a) the use and training of labour available 8 within the said State; 9 (b) the use of the services of engineers, 10 surveyors, architects and other professional 11 consultants, experts, specialists, project 12 managers and contractors available within 13 the said State; and 14 (c) the procurement of works, materials, plant, 15 equipment and supplies from Western 16 Australian suppliers, manufacturers and 17 contractors. 18 (2) The Company acknowledges the need for local 19 industry participation benefits flowing from this 20 Agreement. 21 (3) The Company agrees that it shall, not later than 22 3 months after the second variation date, prepare and 23 provide to the Minister a plan which contains: 24 (a) a clear statement on the strategies which the 25 Company will use, and require a third party 26 as referred to in subclause (7) to use, to 27 maximise the uses and procurement 28 referred to in subclause (1); 29 (b) detailed information on the procurement 30 practices the Company will adopt, and 31 require a third party as referred to in 32 subclause (7) to adopt, in calling for tenders 33 and letting contracts for works, materials, 34 plant, equipment and supplies stages in 35 relation to a proposed development and page 27 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 2 Iron Ore (Hamersley Range) Agreement Act 1963 amended s. 6 1 how such practices will provide fair and 2 reasonable opportunity for suitably 3 qualified Western Australian suppliers, 4 manufacturers and contractors to tender or 5 quote for works, materials, plant, 6 equipment and supplies; 7 (c) detailed information on the methods the 8 Company will use, and require a third party 9 as referred to in subclause (7) to use, to 10 have their respective procurement officers 11 promptly introduced to Western Australian 12 suppliers, manufacturers and contractors 13 seeking such introduction; and 14 (d) details of the communication strategies the 15 Company will use, and require a third party 16 as referred to in subclause (7) to use, to 17 alert Western Australian engineers, 18 surveyors, architects and other professional 19 consultants, experts, specialists, project 20 managers and consultants and Western 21 Australian suppliers, manufacturers and 22 contractors to services opportunities and 23 procurement opportunities respectively as 24 referred to in subclause (1). 25 It is acknowledged by the Company that the strategies 26 of the Company referred to in subclause (3)(a) will 27 include strategies of the Company in relation to 28 supply of services, labour, works, materials, plant, 29 equipment or supplies for the purposes of this 30 Agreement. 31 (4) At the request of either of them made at any time and 32 from time to time, the Minister and the Company 33 shall confer as to any amendments desired to any plan 34 provided under this clause and may agree to the 35 amendment of the plan or the provision of a new plan 36 in substitution for the one previously provided. page 28 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Hamersley Range) Agreement Act 1963 amended Part 2 s. 6 1 (5) At least 6 months before the anticipated submission 2 of proposals relating to a proposed development 3 pursuant to clauses 5A or 7E of this Agreement and 4 10G of the Principal Agreement (as applying to this 5 Agreement pursuant to clause 11(1)), the Company 6 must, unless the Minister otherwise requires, give to 7 the Minister information about the implementation of 8 the plan provided under this clause in relation to the 9 proposed development. This obligation operates in 10 relation to all proposals submitted on or after the date 11 that is 7 months after the date when a plan is first 12 provided under this clause. 13 (6) During the currency of this Agreement the Company 14 shall implement the plan provided under this clause. 15 (7) The Company shall: 16 (a) in every contract entered into with a third 17 party where the third party has an 18 obligation or right to procure the supply of 19 services, labour, works, materials, plant, 20 equipment or supplies for or in connection 21 with a proposed development, ensure that 22 the contract contains appropriate provisions 23 requiring the third party to undertake 24 procurement activities in accordance with 25 the plan provided under this clause; and 26 (b) use reasonable endeavours to ensure that 27 the third party complies with those 28 provisions."; 29 (3) in clause 6(2) by: 30 (a) in subparagraph (b)(i), deleting "1904" and substituting 31 "1978"; and 32 (b) at the end of paragraph (b) inserting the following new 33 paragraph: 34 "Notwithstanding clause 7C(2)(b)(iv), detailed proposals may 35 refer to activities on tenure which is proposed to be granted page 29 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 2 Iron Ore (Hamersley Range) Agreement Act 1963 amended s. 6 1 pursuant to this paragraph (b) as if that tenure was granted 2 pursuant to this Agreement (but this does not limit the powers 3 or discretions of the Minister under this Agreement or the 4 Minister responsible for the administration of any relevant 5 Act with respect to the grant of the tenure)."; 6 (4) by inserting after clause 6(3) the following new subclauses: 7 "Application for Eligible Existing Tenure to be held pursuant to 8 this Agreement 9 (3a) (a) The Minister may at the request of the Company from 10 time to time made during the continuance of this 11 Agreement approve Eligible Existing Tenure 12 becoming held pursuant to this Agreement on such 13 conditions as the Minister sees fit (including, without 14 limitation and notwithstanding the Mining Act 1978 15 and the LAA, as to the surrender of land, the 16 submission of detailed proposals and the variation of 17 the terms and conditions of the Eligible Existing 18 Tenure (including for the Eligible Existing Tenure to 19 be held pursuant to this Agreement and for the more 20 efficient use of the Relevant Land)) and the Minister 21 may from time to time vary such conditions in order 22 to extend any specified time for the doing of any 23 thing or otherwise with the agreement of the 24 Company. 25 (b) Eligible Existing Tenure the subject of an approval by 26 the Minister under this subclause will be held by the 27 Company pursuant to this Agreement: 28 (i) if the Minister's approval was not given 29 subject to conditions, on and from the date 30 of the Minister's notice of approval; 31 (ii) unless paragraph (iii) applies, if the 32 Minister's approval was given subject to 33 conditions, on the date on which all such 34 conditions have been satisfied; and 35 (iii) if the Minister's approval was given subject 36 to a condition requiring that the Company page 30 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Hamersley Range) Agreement Act 1963 amended Part 2 s. 6 1 submit detailed proposals in accordance 2 with this Agreement, on the later of the date 3 on which the Minister approves proposals 4 submitted in discharge of that specified 5 condition and the date upon which all other 6 specified conditions have been satisfied, but 7 the Company is authorised to implement 8 any approved proposal to the extent such 9 implementation is consistent with the then 10 terms and conditions of the Eligible 11 Existing Tenure pending the satisfaction of 12 any conditions relating to the variation of 13 the terms or conditions of the Eligible 14 Existing Tenure. Where this paragraph (iii) 15 applies, prior to any approval of proposals 16 and satisfaction of other conditions, the 17 relevant tenure will be treated for (but only 18 for) the purposes of clause 7C(2)(b)(iv) as 19 tenure held pursuant to this Agreement. 20 Application for Special Advance Tenure to be granted pursuant 21 to this Agreement 22 (3b) Without limiting clause 6(2)(c), the Minister may at the 23 request of the Company from time to time made during the 24 continuance of this Agreement approve Special Advance 25 Tenure being granted to the Company pursuant to this 26 Agreement if: 27 (a) the Company proposes to submit detailed proposals 28 under this Agreement (other than under clause 7E) to 29 construct works installations or facilities on the 30 Relevant Land and the Company's request is so far as 31 is practicable made, unless the Minister approves 32 otherwise, no less than 6 months before the 33 submission of those detailed proposals; and 34 (b) the Minister is satisfied that it is necessary and 35 appropriate that Special Advance Tenure, rather than 36 tenure granted under or pursuant to the other 37 provisions of this Agreement, be used for the page 31 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 2 Iron Ore (Hamersley Range) Agreement Act 1963 amended s. 6 1 purposes of the proposed works installations or 2 facilities on the Relevant Land, 3 and if the Minister does so approve: 4 (c) notwithstanding the Mining Act 1978 or the LAA, the 5 appropriate authority or instrumentality of the State 6 shall obtain the consent of the Minister to the form 7 and substance of the Special Advance Tenure prior to 8 its grant (which for the avoidance of doubt neither the 9 State nor the Minister is obliged to cause) to the 10 Company; and 11 (d) if the Company does not submit detailed proposals 12 relating to construction of the relevant works 13 installations or facilities on the Relevant Land within 14 24 months after the date of the Minister's approval or 15 such later time subsequently allowed by the Minister, 16 or if submitted the Minister does not approve such 17 detailed proposals, the Special Advance Tenure (if 18 then granted) shall be surrendered at the request of 19 the Minister. 20 (3c) The decisions of the Minister under subclauses (3a) and (3b) 21 shall not be referable to arbitration and any approval of the 22 Minister under this clause shall not in any way limit, 23 prejudice or otherwise affect the exercise by the Minister of 24 the Minister's powers, or the performance of the Minister's 25 obligations, under this Agreement or otherwise under the 26 laws from time to time of the said State."; 27 (5) in clause 6 by: 28 (a) deleting in subclause (4) "subclause (3)" and substituting 29 "subclauses (3), (3a) and (3b)"; and 30 (b) deleting in subclause (4a) "subclause (2)" and substituting 31 subclauses (2), (3a) and (3b)"; 32 (6) in clause 7(4) by: 33 (a) in the introductory paragraph: 34 (i) inserting "(aa), " after "(a), "; and page 32 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Hamersley Range) Agreement Act 1963 amended Part 2 s. 6 1 (ii) inserting "including" after "(j) ("; and 2 (b) inserting in paragraph (c) after "paragraph (a)" the words 3 "and "the Company's railway" in the said paragraph (aa)"; 4 and 5 (7) in clause 7E by: 6 (a) deleting in subclause (1) ""LAA" means the Land 7 Administration Act 1997 (WA)"; 8 (b) inserting after subclause (3)(c) the following new paragraph: 9 "(d) Without limiting subclause (9), the Minister may 10 waive the requirement under this clause for the 11 Company to obtain and to furnish the consent of a 12 title holder if the title holder has refused to give the 13 required consent and the Minister is satisfied that: 14 (i) the title holder's affected land is or was 15 subject to a miscellaneous licence granted 16 under the Mining Act 1978 for the purpose 17 of a railway to be constructed and operated 18 in accordance with this Agreement; and 19 (ii) in the Minister's opinion, the title holder's 20 refusal to give the required consent is not 21 reasonable in all the circumstances 22 including having regard to: 23 (A) the rights of the Company in 24 relation to the affected land as the 25 holder of the miscellaneous 26 licence, relative to its rights as the 27 holder of the sought Special 28 Railway Licence or Lateral Access 29 Road Licence (as the case may be); 30 and 31 (B) the terms of any agreement 32 between the Company and the title 33 holder."; page 33 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 2 Iron Ore (Hamersley Range) Agreement Act 1963 amended s. 6 1 (c) deleting in subclause (4)(a) the comma after "the provisions 2 of this Agreement" and substituting "and"; and 3 (d) in subclause (7): 4 (i) deleting all words in paragraph (c) after "at the date 5 of such inclusion"; and 6 (ii) inserting after paragraph (k) the following new 7 paragraph: 8 "(l) The provisions of clause 10(2)(aa) of the 9 Principal Agreement (as applying pursuant to 10 clause 7(4)) shall apply mutatis mutandis to 11 any Railway or Railway spur line 12 constructed pursuant to this clause.". page 34 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Hamersley Range) Agreement Act 1963 amended Part 2 s. 6 1 EXECUTED as a deed. 2 3 SIGNED by the HONOURABLE ) 4 COLIN JAMES BARNETT ) 5 in the presence of: ) 6 [Signature] [Signature] Signature of witness Stephen Bombardieri Name of witness 7 THE COMMON SEAL of ) 8 HAMERSLEY IRON PTY. LIMITED ) [C.S.] 9 ACN 004 558 276 was hereunto affixed ) 10 by authority of the Directors in the presence of: ) 11 [Signature] Robert Paul Shannon Director [Signature] Helen Fernihough Secretary 12 page 35 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 3 Iron Ore (Robe River) Agreement Act 1964 amended s. 7 1 Part 3 -- Iron Ore (Robe River) Agreement 2 Act 1964 amended 3 7. Act amended 4 This Part amends the Iron Ore (Robe River) Agreement 5 Act 1964. 6 8. Section 2 amended 7 In section 2 insert in alphabetical order: 8 9 the seventh variation agreement means the agreement 10 a copy of which is set forth in the Eighth Schedule to 11 this Act; 12 13 9. Section 4D inserted 14 After section 4C insert: 15 16 4D. Seventh variation agreement 17 (1) The seventh variation agreement is ratified. 18 (2) The implementation of the seventh variation agreement 19 is authorised. 20 (3) Without limiting or otherwise affecting the application 21 of the Government Agreements Act 1979, the seventh 22 variation agreement is to operate and take effect 23 despite any other Act or law. 24 page 36 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Robe River) Agreement Act 1964 amended Part 3 s. 10 1 10. Eighth Schedule inserted 2 After the Seventh Schedule insert: 3 4 Eighth Schedule -- Seventh variation agreement 5 [s. 4D] 6 2011 7 8 THE HONOURABLE COLIN JAMES BARNETT 9 PREMIER OF THE STATE OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA 10 11 AND 12 13 ROBE RIVER LIMITED 14 ACN 008 478 493 15 16 ROBE RIVER MINING CO PTY. LIMITED 17 ACN 008 694 246 18 19 MITSUI IRON ORE DEVELOPMENT PTY. LTD. 20 ACN 008 734 361 21 22 NORTH MINING LIMITED 23 ACN 000 081 434 24 page 37 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 3 Iron Ore (Robe River) Agreement Act 1964 amended s. 10 1 NIPPON STEEL AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD. 2 ACN 001 445 049 3 4 SUMITOMO METAL AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD. 5 ACN 001 444 604 6 7 ________________________________________________________________ 8 IRON ORE (ROBE RIVER) AGREEMENT 1964 9 RATIFIED VARIATION AGREEMENT 10 ________________________________________________________________ 11 12 13 14 15 16 [Solicitor's details] page 38 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Robe River) Agreement Act 1964 amended Part 3 s. 10 1 THIS AGREEMENT is made this 8th day of November 2011 2 3 BETWEEN 4 5 THE HONOURABLE COLIN JAMES BARNETT MLA., Premier of the 6 State of Western Australia, acting for and on behalf of the said State and 7 instrumentalities thereof from time to time (State) 8 AND 9 ROBE RIVER LIMITED ACN 008 478 493 of Level 33, 120 Collins Street, 10 Melbourne, Victoria (RRL) 11 AND 12 ROBE RIVER MINING CO PTY. LIMITED ACN 008 694 246 of Level 27, 13 Central Park, 152-158 St Georges Terrace, Perth, Western Australia (RRMC), 14 MITSUI IRON ORE DEVELOPMENT PTY. LTD. ACN 008 734 361 of 15 Level 26, Exchange Plaza, 2 The Esplanade, Perth, Western Australia (Mitsui), 16 NORTH MINING LIMITED ACN 000 081 434 of Level 33, 120 Collins 17 Street, Melbourne, Victoria (NML), 18 NIPPON STEEL AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD. ACN 001 445 049 of Level 24, 1 19 York Street, Sydney, New South Wales, SUMITOMO METAL AUSTRALIA 20 PTY. LTD. ACN 001 444 604 of Level 39, Australia Square, 264 George 21 Street, Sydney, New South Wales, and the said MITSUI IRON ORE 22 DEVELOPMENT PTY. LTD. which 3 companies carry on business under the 23 name of Cape Lambert Iron Associates (CLIA), and 24 the said NIPPON STEEL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD and SUMITOMO 25 METAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD which 2 companies carry on business 26 together under the name Pannawonica Iron Associates (PIA). 27 (RRMC, Mitsui, NML, CLIA and PIA are collectively referred to in this 28 Agreement as the Robe Participants.) page 39 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 3 Iron Ore (Robe River) Agreement Act 1964 amended s. 10 1 RECITALS: 2 A. The State, RRL and the Robe Participants are now the parties to the 3 agreement dated 18 November 1964, approved by and scheduled to 4 the Iron Ore (Robe River) Agreement Act 1964 and which as 5 subsequently added to, varied or amended is referred to in this 6 Agreement as the "Principal Agreement". 7 B. The parties wish to vary the Principal Agreement. 8 9 THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 10 1. Interpretation 11 Subject to the context, the words and expressions used in this 12 Agreement have the same meanings respectively as they have in and 13 for the purpose of the Principal Agreement. 14 2. Ratification and Operation 15 (1) The State shall introduce and sponsor a Bill in the State Parliament of 16 Western Australia prior to 31 December 2011 or such later date as 17 may be agreed between the parties hereto to ratify this Agreement. 18 The State shall endeavour to secure the timely passage of such Bill as 19 an Act. 20 (2) The provisions of this Agreement other than this clause and clause 1 21 will not come into operation until the day after the day on which the 22 Bill referred to in subclause (1) has been passed by the State 23 Parliament of Western Australia and commences to operate as an Act. 24 (3) If by 30 June 2012 the said Bill has not commenced to operate as an 25 Act then, unless the parties hereto otherwise agree, this Agreement 26 will then cease and determine and no party hereto will have any claim 27 against any other party hereto with respect to any matter or thing 28 arising out of, done, performed, or omitted to be done or performed 29 under this Agreement. 30 (4) On the day after the day on which the said Bill commences to operate 31 as an Act all the provisions of this Agreement will operate and take 32 effect despite any enactment or other law. page 40 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Robe River) Agreement Act 1964 amended Part 3 s. 10 1 3. Variation of Principal Agreement 2 The Principal Agreement is varied as follows: 3 (1) in clause 1 by: 4 (a) inserting in the appropriate alphabetical positions the 5 following new definitions: 6 "Eligible Existing Tenure" means: 7 (a) (i) a miscellaneous licence or general purpose 8 lease granted to the Company under the Mining 9 Act 1978; or 10 (ii) a lease or easement granted to the Company 11 under the LAA, 12 and not clearly, to the satisfaction of the Minister, 13 granted under or pursuant to or held pursuant to this 14 Agreement; or 15 (b) an application by the Company for the grant to it of a 16 tenement referred to in paragraph (a)(i) (which 17 application has not clearly, to the satisfaction of the 18 Minister, been made under or pursuant to this 19 Agreement) and as the context requires the tenement 20 granted pursuant to such an application, 21 where that tenure was granted or that application was made 22 (as the case may be) on or before 1 October 2011; 23 "LAA" means the Land Administration Act 1997 (WA); 24 "Relevant Land", in relation to Eligible Existing Tenure or 25 Special Advance Tenure, means the land which is the subject 26 of that Eligible Existing Tenure or Special Advance Tenure, 27 as the case may be; 28 "second variation date" means the date on which clause 3 29 of the variation agreement made on or about 30 7 November 2011 between the State and the Company 31 comes into operation; page 41 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 3 Iron Ore (Robe River) Agreement Act 1964 amended s. 10 1 "Special Advance Tenure" means: 2 (a) a miscellaneous licence or general purpose lease 3 requested under clause 8(2b) to be granted to the 4 Company under the Mining Act 1978; or 5 (b) an easement or a lease requested under clause 8(2b) 6 to be granted to the Company under the LAA, 7 and as the context requires such tenure if granted; 8 (b) inserting after the words "reference in this Agreement to an 9 Act shall include the amendments to such Act for the time 10 being in force and also any Act passed in substitution therefor 11 or in lieu thereof and the regulations for the time being in 12 force thereunder" the words "(and for the avoidance of doubt 13 this principle, subject to the context and without limitation to 14 its application to other Acts, may apply in respect of 15 references to the Land Act and the Mining Act 16 notwithstanding references in this Agreement to the LAA and 17 the Mining Act 1978);"; 18 (2) by inserting after clause 7F the following new clauses: 19 "Community development plan 20 7G. (1) In this clause, the term "community and social 21 benefits" includes: 22 (a) assistance with skills development and 23 training opportunities to promote work 24 readiness and employment for persons 25 living in the Pilbara region of the said State; 26 (b) regional development activities in the 27 Pilbara region of the said State, including 28 partnerships and sponsorships; 29 (c) contribution to any community projects, 30 town services or facilities; and 31 (d) a regionally based workforce. 32 (2) The Company acknowledges the need for community 33 and social benefits flowing from this Agreement. page 42 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Robe River) Agreement Act 1964 amended Part 3 s. 10 1 (3) The Company agrees that: 2 (a) it shall prepare a plan which describes the 3 Company's proposed strategies for 4 achieving community and social benefits in 5 connection with its activities under this 6 Agreement; and 7 (b) the Company shall, not later than 3 months 8 after the second variation date, submit to 9 the Minister the plan prepared under 10 paragraph (a) and confer with the Minister 11 in respect of the plan. 12 (4) The Minister shall within 2 months after receipt of a 13 plan submitted under subclause (3)(b), either notify 14 the Company that the Minister approves the plan as 15 submitted or notify the Company of changes which 16 the Minister requires be made to the plan. If the 17 Company is unwilling to accept the changes which 18 the Minister requires it shall notify the Minister to 19 that effect and either party may refer to arbitration 20 hereunder the question of the reasonableness of the 21 changes required by the Minister. 22 (5) The effect of an award made on an arbitration 23 pursuant to subclause (4) shall be that the relevant 24 plan submitted by the Company pursuant to 25 subclause (3)(b) shall, with such changes required by 26 the Minister under subclause (4) as the arbitrator 27 determines to be reasonable (with or without 28 modification by the arbitrator), be deemed to be the 29 plan approved by the Minister under this clause. 30 (6) At least 3 months before the anticipated submission 31 of proposals relating to a proposed development 32 pursuant to clauses 7A or 9D, the Company must, 33 unless the Minister otherwise requires, give to the 34 Minister information about how the proposed 35 development may affect the plan approved or deemed 36 to be approved by the Minister under this clause. 37 This obligation operates in relation to all proposals page 43 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 3 Iron Ore (Robe River) Agreement Act 1964 amended s. 10 1 submitted on or after the date that is 4 months after 2 the date when a plan is first approved or deemed to be 3 approved under this clause. 4 (7) The Company shall at least annually report to the 5 Minister about the Company's implementation of the 6 plan approved or deemed to be approved by the 7 Minister under this clause. 8 (8) At the request of either of them made at any time and 9 from time to time, the Minister and the Company 10 shall confer as to any amendments desired to any plan 11 approved or deemed to be approved by the Minister 12 under this clause and may agree to amendment of the 13 plan or adoption of a new plan. Any such amended 14 plan or new plan will be deemed to be the plan 15 approved by the Minister under this clause in respect 16 of the development to which it relates. 17 (9) During the currency of this Agreement, the Company 18 shall implement the plan approved or deemed to be 19 approved by the Minister under this clause. 20 Local participation plan 21 7H. (1) In this clause, the term "local industry participation 22 benefits" means: 23 (a) the use and training of labour available 24 within the said State; 25 (b) the use of the services of engineers, 26 surveyors, architects and other professional 27 consultants, experts, specialists, project 28 managers and contractors available within 29 the said State; and 30 (c) the procurement of works, materials, plant, 31 equipment and supplies from Western 32 Australian suppliers, manufacturers and 33 contractors. page 44 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Robe River) Agreement Act 1964 amended Part 3 s. 10 1 (2) The Company acknowledges the need for local 2 industry participation benefits flowing from this 3 Agreement. 4 (3) The Company agrees that it shall, not later than 5 3 months after the second variation date, prepare and 6 provide to the Minister a plan which contains: 7 (a) a clear statement on the strategies which the 8 Company will use, and require a third party 9 as referred to in subclause (7) to use, to 10 maximise the uses and procurement 11 referred to in subclause (1); 12 (b) detailed information on the procurement 13 practices the Company will adopt, and 14 require a third party as referred to in 15 subclause (7) to adopt, in calling for tenders 16 and letting contracts for works, materials, 17 plant, equipment and supplies stages in 18 relation to a proposed development and 19 how such practices will provide fair and 20 reasonable opportunity for suitably 21 qualified Western Australian suppliers, 22 manufacturers and contractors to tender or 23 quote for works, materials, plant, 24 equipment and supplies; 25 (c) detailed information on the methods the 26 Company will use, and require a third party 27 as referred to in subclause (7) to use, to 28 have their respective procurement officers 29 promptly introduced to Western Australian 30 suppliers, manufacturers and contractors 31 seeking such introduction; and 32 (d) details of the communication strategies the 33 Company will use, and require a third party 34 as referred to in subclause (7) to use, to 35 alert Western Australian engineers, 36 surveyors, architects and other professional 37 consultants, experts, specialists, project page 45 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 3 Iron Ore (Robe River) Agreement Act 1964 amended s. 10 1 managers and consultants and Western 2 Australian suppliers, manufacturers and 3 contractors to services opportunities and 4 procurement opportunities respectively as 5 referred to in subclause (1). 6 It is acknowledged by the Company that the strategies 7 of the Company referred to in subclause (3)(a) will 8 include strategies of the Company in relation to 9 supply of services, labour, works, materials, plant, 10 equipment or supplies for the purposes of this 11 Agreement. 12 (4) At the request of either of them made at any time and 13 from time to time, the Minister and the Company 14 shall confer as to any amendments desired to any plan 15 provided under this clause and may agree to the 16 amendment of the plan or the provision of a new plan 17 in substitution for the one previously provided. 18 (5) At least 6 months before the anticipated submission 19 of proposals relating to a proposed development 20 pursuant to clauses 7A or 9D, the Company must, 21 unless the Minister otherwise requires, give to the 22 Minister information about the implementation of the 23 plan provided under this clause in relation to the 24 proposed development. This obligation operates in 25 relation to all proposals submitted on or after the date 26 that is 7 months after the date when a plan is first 27 provided under this clause. 28 (6) During the currency of this Agreement the Company 29 shall implement the plan provided under this clause. 30 (7) The Company shall: 31 (a) in every contract entered into with a third 32 party where the third party has an 33 obligation or right to procure the supply of 34 services, labour, works, materials, plant, 35 equipment or supplies for or in connection 36 with a proposed development, ensure that 37 the contract contains appropriate provisions page 46 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Robe River) Agreement Act 1964 amended Part 3 s. 10 1 requiring the third party to undertake 2 procurement activities in accordance with 3 the plan provided under this clause; and 4 (b) use reasonable endeavours to ensure that 5 the third party complies with those 6 provisions."; 7 (3) in clause 8(1)(b) by: 8 (a) inserting a comma after "Mining Act"; and 9 (b) inserting after subparagraph (iii) the following new 10 paragraph: 11 "and notwithstanding clause 9B(2)(b)(iv), detailed proposals 12 may refer to activities on tenure which is proposed to be 13 granted pursuant to this paragraph (b) as if that tenure was 14 granted pursuant to this Agreement (but this does not limit 15 the powers or discretions of the Minister under this 16 Agreement or the Minister responsible for the administration 17 of any relevant Act with respect to the grant of the tenure);"; 18 (4) by inserting after clause 8(2) the following new subclauses: 19 "Application for Eligible Existing Tenure to be held pursuant to 20 this Agreement 21 (2a) (a) The Minister may at the request of the Company from 22 time to time made during the continuance of this 23 Agreement approve Eligible Existing Tenure 24 becoming held pursuant to this Agreement on such 25 conditions as the Minister sees fit (including, without 26 limitation and notwithstanding the Mining Act 1978 27 and the LAA, as to the surrender of land, the 28 submission of detailed proposals and the variation of 29 the terms and conditions of the Eligible Existing 30 Tenure (including for the Eligible Existing Tenure to 31 be held pursuant to this Agreement and for the more 32 efficient use of the Relevant Land)) and the Minister 33 may from time to time vary such conditions in order to 34 extend any specified time for the doing of any thing or 35 otherwise with the agreement of the Company. page 47 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 3 Iron Ore (Robe River) Agreement Act 1964 amended s. 10 1 (b) Eligible Existing Tenure the subject of an approval by 2 the Minister under this subclause will be held by the 3 Company pursuant to this Agreement: 4 (i) if the Minister's approval was not given 5 subject to conditions, on and from the date 6 of the Minister's notice of approval; 7 (ii) unless paragraph (iii) applies, if the 8 Minister's approval was given subject to 9 conditions, on the date on which all such 10 conditions have been satisfied; and 11 (iii) if the Minister's approval was given subject 12 to a condition requiring that the Company 13 submit detailed proposals in accordance 14 with this Agreement, on the later of the date 15 on which the Minister approves proposals 16 submitted in discharge of that specified 17 condition and the date upon which all other 18 specified conditions have been satisfied, but 19 the Company is authorised to implement 20 any approved proposal to the extent such 21 implementation is consistent with the then 22 terms and conditions of the Eligible 23 Existing Tenure pending the satisfaction of 24 any conditions relating to the variation of 25 the terms or conditions of the Eligible 26 Existing Tenure. Where this paragraph (iii) 27 applies, prior to any approval of proposals 28 and satisfaction of other conditions, the 29 relevant tenure will be treated for (but only 30 for) the purposes of clause 9B(2)(b)(iv) as 31 tenure held pursuant to this Agreement. 32 Application for Special Advance Tenure to be granted pursuant 33 to this Agreement 34 (2b) Without limiting clause 8(1)(c), the Minister may at the 35 request of the Company from time to time made during the 36 continuance of this Agreement approve Special Advance page 48 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Robe River) Agreement Act 1964 amended Part 3 s. 10 1 Tenure being granted to the Company pursuant to this 2 Agreement if: 3 (a) the Company proposes to submit detailed proposals 4 under this Agreement (other than under clause 9D) to 5 construct works installations or facilities on the 6 Relevant Land and the Company's request is so far as 7 is practicable made, unless the Minister approves 8 otherwise, no less than 6 months before the 9 submission of those detailed proposals; and 10 (b) the Minister is satisfied that it is necessary and 11 appropriate that Special Advance Tenure, rather than 12 tenure granted under or pursuant to the other 13 provisions of this Agreement, be used for the 14 purposes of the proposed works installations or 15 facilities on the Relevant Land, 16 and if the Minister does so approve: 17 (c) notwithstanding the Mining Act 1978 or the LAA, the 18 appropriate authority or instrumentality of the State 19 shall obtain the consent of the Minister to the form 20 and substance of the Special Advance Tenure prior to 21 its grant (which for the avoidance of doubt neither the 22 State nor the Minister is obliged to cause) to the 23 Company; and 24 (d) if the Company does not submit detailed proposals 25 relating to construction of the relevant works 26 installations or facilities on the Relevant Land within 27 24 months after the date of the Minister's approval or 28 such later time subsequently allowed by the Minister, 29 or if submitted the Minister does not approve such 30 detailed proposals, the Special Advance Tenure (if 31 then granted) shall be surrendered at the request of 32 the Minister. 33 (2c) The decisions of the Minister under subclauses (2a) and (2b) 34 shall not be referable to arbitration and any approval of the 35 Minister under this clause shall not in any way limit, 36 prejudice or otherwise affect the exercise by the Minister of 37 the Minister's powers, or the performance of the Minister's page 49 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 3 Iron Ore (Robe River) Agreement Act 1964 amended s. 10 1 obligations, under this Agreement or otherwise under the 2 laws from time to time of the said State."; 3 (5) in clause 8 by: 4 (a) deleting in subclause (3) "subclause (2)" and substituting 5 "subclauses (2), (2a) and (2b)"; and 6 (b) deleting in subclause (3a) "subclause (1)" and substituting 7 "subclauses (1), (2a) and (2b)"; 8 (6) in clause 9(2) by: 9 (a) deleting in paragraph (a) the words "allow crossing places for 10 roads stock and other railways and"; 11 (b) inserting after paragraph (a) the following new paragraph: 12 "Crossings over Railway 13 (aa) for the purposes of livestock and infrastructure such 14 as roads, railways, conveyors, pipelines, transmission 15 lines and other utilities proposed to cross the land the 16 subject of the Company's railway the Company shall: 17 (i) if applicable, give its consent to, or 18 otherwise facilitate the grant by the State or 19 any agency, instrumentality or other 20 authority of the State of any lease, licence 21 or other title over land the subject of the 22 Company's railway so long as such grant 23 does not in the Minister's opinion unduly 24 prejudice or interfere with the activities of 25 the Company under this Agreement; and 26 (ii) on reasonable terms and conditions allow 27 access for the construction and operation of 28 such crossings and associated 29 infrastructure, 30 provided that in forming his opinion under this 31 clause, the Minister must consult with the 32 Company;"; page 50 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Robe River) Agreement Act 1964 amended Part 3 s. 10 1 (c) deleting paragraph (j)(ii) and substituting the following 2 subparagraph: 3 "(ii) on fine ore and pisolite fine ore sold or shipped 4 separately as such at the rate of: 5 (A) 5.625% of the f.o.b. value, for ore shipped 6 prior to or on 30 June 2012; 7 (B) 6.5% of the f.o.b. value, for ore shipped 8 during the period from 1 July 2012 to 9 30 June 2013 (inclusive of both dates); and 10 (C) 7.5% of the f.o.b. value, for ore shipped on 11 or after 1 July 2013;"; 12 (7) in clause 9D by: 13 (a) deleting in subclause (1) ""LAA" means the Land 14 Administration Act 1997 (WA)"; 15 (b) inserting after subclause (3)(c) the following new paragraph: 16 "(d) Without limiting subclause (9), the Minister may 17 waive the requirement under this clause for the 18 Company to obtain and to furnish the consent of a 19 title holder if the title holder has refused to give the 20 required consent and the Minister is satisfied that: 21 (i) the title holder's affected land is or was 22 subject to a miscellaneous licence granted 23 under the Mining Act 1978 for the purpose 24 of a railway to be constructed and operated 25 in accordance with this Agreement; and 26 (ii) in the Minister's opinion, the title holder's 27 refusal to give the required consent is not 28 reasonable in all the circumstances 29 including having regard to: 30 (A) the rights of the Company in 31 relation to the affected land as the 32 holder of the miscellaneous 33 licence, relative to its rights as the 34 holder of the sought Special page 51 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 3 Iron Ore (Robe River) Agreement Act 1964 amended s. 10 1 Railway Licence or Lateral Access 2 Road Licence (as the case may be); 3 and 4 (B) the terms of any agreement 5 between the Company and the title 6 holder."; 7 (c) deleting in subclause (4)(a) the comma after "the provisions 8 of this Agreement" and substituting "and"; and 9 (d) in subclause (7): 10 (i) deleting all words in paragraph (c) after "at the date 11 of such inclusion"; and 12 (ii) inserting after paragraph (k) the following new 13 paragraph: 14 "(l) The provisions of clause 9(2)(aa) shall 15 apply mutatis mutandis to any Railway or 16 Railway spur line constructed pursuant to 17 this clause."; and 18 (8) in clause 10B by deleting "clause 9(2)(a)" and substituting 19 "clauses 9(2)(a) and (aa)". page 52 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Robe River) Agreement Act 1964 amended Part 3 s. 10 1 EXECUTED as a deed. 2 3 SIGNED by the HONOURABLE ) 4 COLIN JAMES BARNETT ) 5 in the presence of: ) 6 [Signature] [Signature] Signature of witness Stephen Bombardieri Name of witness 7 8 Signed for ROBE RIVER LIMITED ) 9 ACN 008 478 493 by its attorney in the ) 10 presence of: ) 11 [Signature] [Signature] Witness signature Attorney signature Christopher Richards Paul Shannon Print Name Print Name 12 page 53 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 3 Iron Ore (Robe River) Agreement Act 1964 amended s. 10 1 THE COMMON SEAL of ROBE ) 2 RIVER MINING CO PTY. LIMITED ) 3 ACN 008 694 246 was hereunto affixed ) [C.S.] 4 by authority of the Directors in the ) 5 presence of: ) 6 [Signature] Andrew Kite Director [Signature] Helen Fernihough Secretary 7 8 THE COMMON SEAL of ) 9 MITSUI IRON ORE ) 10 DEVELOPMENT PTY. LTD. ) [C.S.] 11 ACN 008 734 361 was hereunto affixed ) 12 by authority of the Directors in the ) 13 presence of: ) 14 [Signature] Hirofumi Fujita Director [Signature] John William Smith Director/Secretary 15 page 54 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Robe River) Agreement Act 1964 amended Part 3 s. 10 1 Signed by NORTH MINING ) 2 LIMITED ACN 000 081 434 by ) 3 its attorney in the presence of: ) 4 [Signature] [Signature] Witness signature Attorney signature Christopher Richards Paul Shannon Print Name Print Name 5 6 CAPE LAMBERT IRON ASSOCIATES 7 Signed by NIPPON STEEL ) 8 AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD. ) 9 ACN 001 445 049 by its duly appointed ) 10 attorney MITSUI IRON ORE ) [C.S.] 11 DEVELOPMENTS PTY. LTD. ) 12 ACN 008 734 361 hereunto affixing ) 13 its Seal by authority of the Directors ) 14 in the presence of: ) 15 [Signature] Hirofumi Fujita Director [Signature] John William Smith Director/Secretary 16 page 55 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 3 Iron Ore (Robe River) Agreement Act 1964 amended s. 10 1 Signed by SUMITOMO METAL ) 2 AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD. ) 3 ACN 001 444 604 by its duly appointed ) 4 attorney MITSUI IRON ORE ) [C.S.] 5 DEVELOPMENTS PTY. LTD. ) 6 ACN 008 734 361 hereunto affixing ) 7 its Seal by authority of the Directors ) 8 in the presence of: ) 9 [Signature] Hirofumi Fujita Director [Signature] John William Smith Director/Secretary 10 11 THE COMMON SEAL of MITSUI ) 12 IRON ORE DEVELOPMENT PTY. ) 13 LTD. ACN 008 734 361 was hereunto ) [C.S.] 14 affixed by authority of the Directors in ) 15 the presence of: ) 16 [Signature] Hirofumi Fujita Director [Signature] John William Smith Secretary 17 page 56 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Robe River) Agreement Act 1964 amended Part 3 s. 10 1 PANNAWONICA IRON ASSOCIATES 2 3 Signed by NIPPON STEEL ) 4 AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD. ) 5 ACN 001 445 049 by its duly appointed ) 6 attorney MITSUI IRON ORE ) [C.S.] 7 DEVELOPMENTS PTY. LTD. ) 8 ACN 008 734 361 hereunto affixing ) 9 its Seal by authority of the Directors ) 10 in the presence of: ) 11 [Signature] Hirofumi Fujita Director [Signature] John William Smith Secretary 12 13 Signed by SUMITOMO METAL ) 14 AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD. ) 15 ACN 001 444 604 by its duly appointed ) 16 attorney MITSUI IRON ORE ) [C.S.] 17 DEVELOPMENT PTY. LTD. ) 18 ACN 008 734 361 hereunto affixing ) 19 its Seal by authority of the Directors ) 20 in the presence of: ) 21 [Signature] Hirofumi Fujita Director [Signature] John William Smith Secretary 22 page 57 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 4 Iron Ore (Mount Bruce) Agreement Act 1972 amended s. 11 1 Part 4 -- Iron Ore (Mount Bruce) Agreement 2 Act 1972 amended 3 11. Act amended 4 This Part amends the Iron Ore (Mount Bruce) Agreement 5 Act 1972. 6 12. Section 2 amended 7 (1) At the end of section 2 insert: 8 9 the 2011 Variation Agreement means the agreement a 10 copy of which is set forth in the Fifth Schedule. 11 12 (2) In section 2 in the definition of the Agreement delete "Part 6 13 and the 2010 Variation Agreement;" and insert: 14 15 Part 6, the 2010 Variation Agreement and the 16 2011 Variation Agreement; 17 18 (3) In section 2 in the definition of the 2010 Variation Agreement 19 delete "Schedule." and insert: 20 21 Schedule; 22 23 13. Section 4D inserted 24 After section 4C insert: 25 26 4D. 2011 Variation Agreement 27 (1) The 2011 Variation Agreement is ratified and its 28 implementation is authorised. page 58 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Mount Bruce) Agreement Act 1972 amended Part 4 s. 14 1 (2) Without limiting or otherwise affecting the 2 Government Agreements Act 1979, the 2011 Variation 3 Agreement is to operate and take effect despite any 4 other Act or law. 5 6 14. Fifth Schedule inserted 7 After the Fourth Schedule insert: 8 9 Fifth Schedule -- 2011 Variation Agreement 10 [s. 2] 11 2011 12 13 THE HONOURABLE COLIN JAMES BARNETT 14 PREMIER OF THE STATE OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA 15 16 AND 17 18 MOUNT BRUCE MINING PTY. LTD. 19 ACN 008 714 010 20 21 ________________________________________________________________ 22 IRON ORE (MOUNT BRUCE) AGREEMENT 1972 23 RATIFIED VARIATION AGREEMENT 24 ________________________________________________________________ 25 26 [Solicitor's details] page 59 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 4 Iron Ore (Mount Bruce) Agreement Act 1972 amended s. 14 1 THIS AGREEMENT is made this 7th day of November 2011 2 3 BETWEEN 4 5 THE HONOURABLE COLIN JAMES BARNETT MLA., Premier of the 6 State of Western Australia, acting for and on behalf of the said State and 7 instrumentalities thereof from time to time (State) 8 AND 9 MOUNT BRUCE MINING PTY. LTD. ACN 008 714 010 of Level 22, 10 Central Park, 152-158 St Georges Terrace, Perth, Western Australia 11 (Company). 12 13 RECITALS: 14 A. The State and the Company are the parties to the agreement dated 15 10 March 1972, ratified by and scheduled to the Iron Ore (Mount 16 Bruce) Agreement Act 1972 and which as subsequently added to, 17 varied or amended is referred to in this Agreement as the "Principal 18 Agreement". 19 B. The State and the Company wish to vary the Principal Agreement. 20 21 THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 22 1. Interpretation 23 Subject to the context, the words and expressions used in this 24 Agreement have the same meanings respectively as they have in and 25 for the purpose of the Principal Agreement. 26 2. Ratification and Operation 27 (1) The State shall introduce and sponsor a Bill in the State Parliament of 28 Western Australia prior to 31 December 2011 or such later date as 29 may be agreed between the parties hereto to ratify this Agreement. page 60 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Mount Bruce) Agreement Act 1972 amended Part 4 s. 14 1 The State shall endeavour to secure the timely passage of such Bill as 2 an Act. 3 (2) The provisions of this Agreement other than this clause and clause 1 4 will not come into operation until the day after the day on which the 5 Bill referred to in subclause (1) has been passed by the State 6 Parliament of Western Australia and commences to operate as an Act. 7 (3) If by 30 June 2012 the said Bill has not commenced to operate as an 8 Act then, unless the parties hereto otherwise agree, this Agreement 9 will then cease and determine and no party hereto will have any claim 10 against any other party hereto with respect to any matter or thing 11 arising out of, done, performed, or omitted to be done or performed 12 under this Agreement. 13 (4) On the day after the day on which the said Bill commences to operate 14 as an Act all the provisions of this Agreement will operate and take 15 effect despite any enactment or other law. 16 3. Variation of Principal Agreement 17 The Principal Agreement is varied as follows: 18 (1) in clause 1 by: 19 (a) inserting in the appropriate alphabetical positions the 20 following new definitions: 21 "Eligible Existing Tenure" means: 22 (a) (i) a miscellaneous licence or general purpose 23 lease granted to the Company under the 24 Mining Act 1978; or 25 (ii) a lease or easement granted to the Company 26 under the LAA, 27 and not clearly, to the satisfaction of the Minister, 28 granted under or pursuant to or held pursuant to this 29 Agreement; or 30 (b) an application by the Company for the grant to it of a 31 tenement referred to in paragraph (a)(i) (which 32 application has not clearly, to the satisfaction of the 33 Minister, been made under or pursuant to this page 61 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 4 Iron Ore (Mount Bruce) Agreement Act 1972 amended s. 14 1 Agreement) and as the context requires the tenement 2 granted pursuant to such an application, 3 where that tenure was granted or that application was made 4 (as the case may be) on or before 1 October 2011; 5 "LAA" means the Land Administration Act 1997 (WA); 6 "Relevant Land", in relation to Eligible Existing Tenure or 7 Special Advance Tenure, means the land which is the subject 8 of that Eligible Existing Tenure or Special Advance Tenure, 9 as the case may be; 10 "second variation date" means the date on which clause 3 of 11 the variation agreement made on or about 7 November 2011 12 between the State and the Company comes into operation; 13 "Special Advance Tenure" means: 14 (a) a miscellaneous licence or general purpose lease 15 requested under clause 7(3b) to be granted to the 16 Company under the Mining Act 1978; or 17 (b) an easement or a lease requested under clause 7(3b) 18 to be granted to the Company under the LAA, 19 and as the context requires such tenure if granted; 20 (b) inserting after the words "reference in this Agreement to an 21 Act shall include the amendments to such Act for the time 22 being in force and also any Act passed in substitution therefor 23 or in lieu thereof and the regulations for the time being in 24 force thereunder" the words "(and for the avoidance of doubt 25 this principle, subject to the context and without limitation to 26 its application to other Acts, may apply in respect of 27 references to the Land Act and the Mining Act 28 notwithstanding references in this Agreement to the LAA and 29 the Mining Act 1978)"; 30 (2) in clause 7(1) by inserting after paragraph (c) the following new 31 paragraph: 32 "Notwithstanding clause 20C(2)(b)(iv), detailed proposals may refer 33 to activities on tenure which is proposed to be granted pursuant to this 34 subclause (1) as if that tenure was granted pursuant to this Agreement page 62 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Mount Bruce) Agreement Act 1972 amended Part 4 s. 14 1 (but this does not limit the powers or discretions of the Minister under 2 this Agreement or the Minister responsible for the administration of 3 any relevant Act with respect to the grant of the tenure)."; 4 (3) by inserting after clause 7(3) the following new subclauses: 5 "Application for Eligible Existing Tenure to be held pursuant to 6 this Agreement 7 (3a) (a) The Minister may at the request of the Company from 8 time to time made during the continuance of this 9 Agreement approve Eligible Existing Tenure 10 becoming held pursuant to this Agreement on such 11 conditions as the Minister sees fit (including, without 12 limitation and notwithstanding the Mining Act 1978 13 and the LAA, as to the surrender of land, the 14 submission of detailed proposals and the variation of 15 the terms and conditions of the Eligible Existing 16 Tenure (including for the Eligible Existing Tenure to 17 be held pursuant to this Agreement and for the more 18 efficient use of the Relevant Land)) and the Minister 19 may from time to time vary such conditions in order 20 to extend any specified time for the doing of any 21 thing or otherwise with the agreement of the 22 Company. 23 (b) Eligible Existing Tenure the subject of an approval by 24 the Minister under this subclause will be held by the 25 Company pursuant to this Agreement: 26 (i) if the Minister's approval was not given 27 subject to conditions, on and from the date 28 of the Minister's notice of approval; 29 (ii) unless paragraph (iii) applies, if the 30 Minister's approval was given subject to 31 conditions, on the date on which all such 32 conditions have been satisfied; and 33 (iii) if the Minister's approval was given subject 34 to a condition requiring that the Company 35 submit detailed proposals in accordance page 63 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 4 Iron Ore (Mount Bruce) Agreement Act 1972 amended s. 14 1 with this Agreement, on the later of the date 2 on which the Minister approves proposals 3 submitted in discharge of that specified 4 condition and the date upon which all other 5 specified conditions have been satisfied, but 6 the Company is authorised to implement 7 any approved proposal to the extent such 8 implementation is consistent with the then 9 terms and conditions of the Eligible 10 Existing Tenure pending the satisfaction of 11 any conditions relating to the variation of 12 the terms or conditions of the Eligible 13 Existing Tenure. Where this paragraph (iii) 14 applies, prior to any approval of proposals 15 and satisfaction of other conditions, the 16 relevant tenure will be treated for (but only 17 for) the purposes of clause 20C(2)(b)(iv) as 18 tenure held pursuant to this Agreement. 19 Application for Special Advance Tenure to be granted pursuant 20 to this Agreement 21 (3b) Without limiting clause 7(2), the Minister may at the request 22 of the Company from time to time made during the 23 continuance of this Agreement approve Special Advance 24 Tenure being granted to the Company pursuant to this 25 Agreement if: 26 (a) the Company proposes to submit detailed proposals 27 under this Agreement (other than under clause 20E) 28 to construct works installations or facilities on the 29 Relevant Land and the Company's request is so far as 30 is practicable made, unless the Minister approves 31 otherwise, no less than 6 months before the 32 submission of those detailed proposals; and 33 (b) the Minister is satisfied that it is necessary and 34 appropriate that Special Advance Tenure, rather than 35 tenure granted under or pursuant to the other 36 provisions of this Agreement, be used for the page 64 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Mount Bruce) Agreement Act 1972 amended Part 4 s. 14 1 purposes of the proposed works installations or 2 facilities on the Relevant Land, 3 and if the Minister does so approve: 4 (c) notwithstanding the Mining Act 1978 or the LAA, the 5 appropriate authority or instrumentality of the State 6 shall obtain the consent of the Minister to the form 7 and substance of the Special Advance Tenure prior to 8 its grant (which for the avoidance of doubt neither the 9 State nor the Minister is obliged to cause) to the 10 Company; and 11 (d) if the Company does not submit detailed proposals 12 relating to construction of the relevant works 13 installations or facilities on the Relevant Land within 14 24 months after the date of the Minister's approval or 15 such later time subsequently allowed by the Minister, 16 or if submitted the Minister does not approve such 17 detailed proposals, the Special Advance Tenure (if 18 then granted) shall be surrendered at the request of 19 the Minister. 20 (3c) The decisions of the Minister under subclauses (3a) and (3b) 21 shall not be referable to arbitration and any approval of the 22 Minister under this clause shall not in any way limit, 23 prejudice or otherwise affect the exercise by the Minister of 24 the Minister's powers, or the performance of the Minister's 25 obligations, under this Agreement or otherwise under the 26 laws from time to time of the said State."; 27 (4) in clause 7 by: 28 (a) deleting in subclause (4) "subclause (3)" and substituting 29 "subclauses (3), (3a) and (3b)"; and 30 (b) deleting in subclause (4a) "and (2)" and substituting ", (2), 31 (3a) and (3b)"; page 65 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 4 Iron Ore (Mount Bruce) Agreement Act 1972 amended s. 14 1 (5) by inserting after clause 11B the following new clauses: 2 "Community development plan 3 11C. (1) In this clause, the term "community and social 4 benefits" includes: 5 (a) assistance with skills development and 6 training opportunities to promote work 7 readiness and employment for persons 8 living in the Pilbara region of the said State; 9 (b) regional development activities in the 10 Pilbara region of the said State, including 11 partnerships and sponsorships; 12 (c) contribution to any community projects, 13 town services or facilities; and 14 (d) a regionally based workforce. 15 (2) The Company acknowledges the need for community 16 and social benefits flowing from this Agreement. 17 (3) The Company agrees that: 18 (a) it shall prepare a plan which describes the 19 Company's proposed strategies for 20 achieving community and social benefits in 21 connection with its activities under this 22 Agreement; and 23 (b) the Company shall, not later than 3 months 24 after the second variation date, submit to 25 the Minister the plan prepared under 26 paragraph (a) and confer with the Minister 27 in respect of the plan. 28 (4) The Minister shall within 2 months after receipt of a 29 plan submitted under subclause (3)(b), either notify 30 the Company that the Minister approves the plan as 31 submitted or notify the Company of changes which 32 the Minister requires be made to the plan. If the 33 Company is unwilling to accept the changes which 34 the Minister requires it shall notify the Minister to page 66 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Mount Bruce) Agreement Act 1972 amended Part 4 s. 14 1 that effect and either party may refer to arbitration 2 hereunder the question of the reasonableness of the 3 changes required by the Minister. 4 (5) The effect of an award made on an arbitration 5 pursuant to subclause (4) shall be that the relevant 6 plan submitted by the Company pursuant to 7 subclause (3)(b) shall, with such changes required by 8 the Minister under subclause (4) as the arbitrator 9 determines to be reasonable (with or without 10 modification by the arbitrator), be deemed to be the 11 plan approved by the Minister under this clause. 12 (6) At least 3 months before the anticipated submission 13 of proposals relating to a proposed development 14 pursuant to any of clauses 5, 11 or 20E, the Company 15 must, unless the Minister otherwise requires, give to 16 the Minister information about how the proposed 17 development may affect the plan approved or deemed 18 to be approved by the Minister under this clause. 19 This obligation operates in relation to all proposals 20 submitted on or after the date that is 4 months after 21 the date when a plan is first approved or deemed to be 22 approved under this clause. 23 (7) The Company shall at least annually report to the 24 Minister about the Company's implementation of the 25 plan approved or deemed to be approved by the 26 Minister under this clause. 27 (8) At the request of either of them made at any time and 28 from time to time, the Minister and the Company 29 shall confer as to any amendments desired to any plan 30 approved or deemed to be approved by the Minister 31 under this clause and may agree to amendment of the 32 plan or adoption of a new plan. Any such amended 33 plan or new plan will be deemed to be the plan 34 approved by the Minister under this clause in respect 35 of the development to which it relates. page 67 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 4 Iron Ore (Mount Bruce) Agreement Act 1972 amended s. 14 1 (9) During the currency of this Agreement, the Company 2 shall implement the plan approved or deemed to be 3 approved by the Minister under this clause. 4 Local participation plan 5 11D. (1) In this clause, the term "local industry participation 6 benefits" means: 7 (a) the use and training of labour available 8 within the said State; 9 (b) the use of the services of engineers, 10 surveyors, architects and other professional 11 consultants, experts, specialists, project 12 managers and contractors available within 13 the said State; and 14 (c) the procurement of works, materials, plant, 15 equipment and supplies from Western 16 Australian suppliers, manufacturers and 17 contractors. 18 (2) The Company acknowledges the need for local 19 industry participation benefits flowing from this 20 Agreement. 21 (3) The Company agrees that it shall, not later than 22 3 months after the second variation date, prepare and 23 provide to the Minister a plan which contains: 24 (a) a clear statement on the strategies which the 25 Company will use, and require a third party 26 as referred to in subclause (7) to use, to 27 maximise the uses and procurement 28 referred to in subclause (1); 29 (b) detailed information on the procurement 30 practices the Company will adopt, and 31 require a third party as referred to in 32 subclause (7) to adopt, in calling for tenders 33 and letting contracts for works, materials, 34 plant, equipment and supplies stages in 35 relation to a proposed development and page 68 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Mount Bruce) Agreement Act 1972 amended Part 4 s. 14 1 how such practices will provide fair and 2 reasonable opportunity for suitably 3 qualified Western Australian suppliers, 4 manufacturers and contractors to tender or 5 quote for works, materials, plant, 6 equipment and supplies; 7 (c) detailed information on the methods the 8 Company will use, and require a third party 9 as referred to in subclause (7) to use, to 10 have their respective procurement officers 11 promptly introduced to Western Australian 12 suppliers, manufacturers and contractors 13 seeking such introduction; and 14 (d) details of the communication strategies the 15 Company will use, and require a third party 16 as referred to in subclause (7) to use, to 17 alert Western Australian engineers, 18 surveyors, architects and other professional 19 consultants, experts, specialists, project 20 managers and consultants and Western 21 Australian suppliers, manufacturers and 22 contractors to services opportunities and 23 procurement opportunities respectively as 24 referred to in subclause (1). 25 It is acknowledged by the Company that the strategies 26 of the Company referred to in subclause (3)(a) will 27 include strategies of the Company in relation to 28 supply of services, labour, works, materials, plant, 29 equipment or supplies for the purposes of this 30 Agreement. 31 (4) At the request of either of them made at any time and 32 from time to time, the Minister and the Company 33 shall confer as to any amendments desired to any plan 34 provided under this clause and may agree to the 35 amendment of the plan or the provision of a new plan 36 in substitution for the one previously provided. page 69 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 4 Iron Ore (Mount Bruce) Agreement Act 1972 amended s. 14 1 (5) At least 6 months before the anticipated submission 2 of proposals relating to a proposed development 3 pursuant to any of clauses 5, 11 or 20E, the Company 4 must, unless the Minister otherwise requires, give to 5 the Minister information about the implementation of 6 the plan provided under this clause in relation to the 7 proposed development. This obligation operates in 8 relation to all proposals submitted on or after the date 9 that is 7 months after the date when a plan is first 10 provided under this clause. 11 (6) During the currency of this Agreement the Company 12 shall implement the plan provided under this clause. 13 (7) The Company shall: 14 (a) in every contract entered into with a third 15 party where the third party has an 16 obligation or right to procure the supply of 17 services, labour, works, materials, plant, 18 equipment or supplies for or in connection 19 with a proposed development, ensure that 20 the contract contains appropriate provisions 21 requiring the third party to undertake 22 procurement activities in accordance with 23 the plan provided under this clause; and 24 (b) use reasonable endeavours to ensure that 25 the third party complies with those 26 provisions."; 27 (6) in clause 12(1) by: 28 (a) deleting in paragraph (a) "allow crossing places for roads 29 stock and other railways and also"; 30 (b) inserting after paragraph (a) the following new paragraph: 31 "Crossings over Railway 32 (aa) for the purposes of livestock and infrastructure 33 such as roads, railways, conveyors, pipelines, 34 transmission lines and other utilities proposed to page 70 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Mount Bruce) Agreement Act 1972 amended Part 4 s. 14 1 cross the land the subject of the Company's railway 2 the Company shall: 3 (i) if applicable, give its consent to, or 4 otherwise facilitate the grant by the State or 5 any agency, instrumentality or other 6 authority of the State of any lease, licence 7 or other title over land the subject of the 8 Company's railway so long as such grant 9 does not in the Minister's opinion unduly 10 prejudice or interfere with the activities of 11 the Company under this Agreement; and 12 (ii) on reasonable terms and conditions allow 13 access for the construction and operation of 14 such crossings and associated 15 infrastructure, 16 provided that in forming his opinion under this 17 clause, the Minister must consult with the 18 Company;"; and 19 (c) deleting paragraph (h)(ii) and substituting the following 20 subparagraph: 21 "(ii) on fine ore sold or shipped separately as such at the 22 rate of: 23 (A) 5.625% of the f.o.b. value, for ore shipped 24 prior to or on 30 June 2012; 25 (B) 6.5% of the f.o.b. value, for ore shipped 26 during the period from 1 July 2012 to 27 30 June 2013 (inclusive of both dates); and 28 (C) 7.5% of the f.o.b. value, for ore shipped on 29 or after 1 July 2013;"; and 30 (7) in clause 20E by: 31 (a) deleting in subclause (1) ""LAA" means the Land 32 Administration Act 1997 (WA)"; page 71 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 4 Iron Ore (Mount Bruce) Agreement Act 1972 amended s. 14 1 (b) inserting after subclause (3)(c) the following new paragraph: 2 "(d) Without limiting subclause (9), the Minister may 3 waive the requirement under this clause for the 4 Company to obtain and to furnish the consent of a 5 title holder if the title holder has refused to give the 6 required consent and the Minister is satisfied that: 7 (i) the title holder's affected land is or was 8 subject to a miscellaneous licence granted 9 under the Mining Act 1978 for the purpose 10 of a railway to be constructed and 11 operated in accordance with this 12 Agreement; and 13 (ii) in the Minister's opinion, the title holder's 14 refusal to give the required consent is not 15 reasonable in all the circumstances 16 including having regard to: 17 (A) the rights of the Company in 18 relation to the affected land as the 19 holders of the miscellaneous 20 licence, relative to their rights as 21 the holders of the sought Special 22 Railway Licence or Lateral Access 23 Road Licence (as the case may be); 24 and 25 (B) the terms of any agreement 26 between the Company and the title 27 holder."; 28 (c) deleting in subclause (4)(a) the comma after "the provisions 29 of this Agreement" and substituting "and"; and 30 (d) in subclause (7): 31 (i) deleting all words in paragraph (c) after "at the date 32 of such inclusion"; and page 72 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Mount Bruce) Agreement Act 1972 amended Part 4 s. 14 1 (ii) inserting after paragraph (k) the following new 2 paragraph: 3 "(l) The provisions of clause 12(1)(aa) shall 4 apply mutatis mutandis to any Railway or 5 Railway spur line constructed pursuant to 6 this clause.". page 73 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 4 Iron Ore (Mount Bruce) Agreement Act 1972 amended s. 14 1 EXECUTED as a deed. 2 3 SIGNED by the HONOURABLE ) 4 COLIN JAMES BARNETT ) 5 in the presence of: ) 6 [Signature] [Signature] Signature of witness Stephen Bombardieri Name of witness 7 THE COMMON SEAL of MOUNT ) 8 BRUCE MINING PTY. LIMITED ) 9 ACN 008 714 010 was hereunto affixed ) [C.S.] 10 by authority of the Directors in the ) 11 presence of: ) 12 [Signature] Robert Paul Shannon Director [Signature] Helen Fernihough Secretary 13 page 74 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Hope Downs) Agreement Act 1992 amended Part 5 s. 15 1 Part 5 -- Iron Ore (Hope Downs) Agreement 2 Act 1992 amended 3 15. Act amended 4 This Part amends the Iron Ore (Hope Downs) Agreement 5 Act 1992. 6 16. Section 3 amended 7 (1) In section 3 insert in alphabetical order: 8 9 the Second Variation Agreement means the agreement 10 a copy of which is set out in Schedule 3. 11 12 (2) In section 3 in the definition of Agreement delete "Agreement;" 13 and insert: 14 15 Agreement and the Second Variation Agreement; 16 17 (3) In section 3 in the definition of the First Variation Agreement 18 delete "Schedule 2." and insert: 19 20 Schedule 2; 21 22 17. Section 4 amended 23 After section 4(2A) insert: 24 25 (2B) The Second Variation Agreement is ratified. 26 page 75 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 5 Iron Ore (Hope Downs) Agreement Act 1992 amended s. 18 1 18. Schedule 3 inserted 2 After Schedule 2 insert: 3 4 Schedule 3 -- Second Variation Agreement 5 [s. 3] 6 2011 7 8 THE HONOURABLE COLIN JAMES BARNETT 9 PREMIER OF THE STATE OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA 10 11 AND 12 13 HOPE DOWNS IRON ORE PTY. LTD. 14 ACN 071 514 308 15 16 HAMERSLEY WA PTY. LTD. 17 ACN 115 004 138 18 19 ________________________________________________________________ 20 IRON ORE (HOPE DOWNS) AGREEMENT 1992 21 RATIFIED VARIATION AGREEMENT 22 ________________________________________________________________ 23 24 25 [Solicitor's details] page 76 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Hope Downs) Agreement Act 1992 amended Part 5 s. 18 1 THIS AGREEMENT is made this 9th day of November 2011 2 3 BETWEEN 4 5 THE HONOURABLE COLIN JAMES BARNETT MLA., Premier of the 6 State of Western Australia, acting for and on behalf of the said State and 7 instrumentalities thereof from time to time (State) 8 AND 9 HOPE DOWNS IRON ORE PTY LTD ACN 071 514 308 of Level 3, Hppl 10 House, 28-42 Ventnor Avenue, West Perth, Western Australia and 11 HAMERSLEY WA PTY. LTD. ACN 115 004 138 of Level 22, Central Park, 12 152-158 St Georges Terrace, Perth, Western Australia (Joint Venturers). 13 14 RECITALS: 15 A. The State and the Joint Venturers are now the parties to the agreement 16 dated 30 November 1992 ratified by and scheduled to the Iron Ore 17 (Hope Downs) Agreement Act 1992 and which as subsequently added 18 to, varied or amended is referred to in this Agreement as the 19 "Principal Agreement". 20 B. The State and the Joint Venturers wish to vary the Principal 21 Agreement. 22 23 THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 24 1. Interpretation 25 Subject to the context, the words and expressions used in this 26 Agreement have the same meanings respectively as they have in and 27 for the purpose of the Principal Agreement. 28 2. Ratification and Operation 29 (1) The State shall introduce and sponsor a Bill in the State Parliament of 30 Western Australia prior to 31 December 2011 or such later date as page 77 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 5 Iron Ore (Hope Downs) Agreement Act 1992 amended s. 18 1 may be agreed between the parties hereto to ratify this Agreement. 2 The State shall endeavour to secure the timely passage of such Bill as 3 an Act. 4 (2) The provisions of this Agreement other than this clause and clause 1 5 will not come into operation until the day after the day on which the 6 Bill referred to in subclause (1) has been passed by the State 7 Parliament of Western Australia and commences to operate as an Act. 8 (3) If by 30 June 2012 the said Bill has not commenced to operate as an 9 Act then, unless the parties hereto otherwise agree, this Agreement 10 will then cease and determine and no party hereto will have any claim 11 against any other party hereto with respect to any matter or thing 12 arising out of, done, performed, or omitted to be done or performed 13 under this Agreement. 14 (4) On the day after the day on which the said Bill commences to operate 15 as an Act all the provisions of this Agreement will operate and take 16 effect despite any enactment or other law. 17 3. Variation of Principal Agreement 18 The Principal Agreement is varied as follows: 19 (1) in clause 1 by inserting in the appropriate alphabetical positions the 20 following new definitions: 21 "Eligible Existing Tenure" means: 22 (a) (i) a miscellaneous licence or general purpose lease 23 granted to the Company under the Mining Act 1978; 24 or 25 (ii) a lease or easement granted to the Company under the 26 LAA, 27 and not clearly, to the satisfaction of the Minister, granted 28 under or pursuant to or held pursuant to this Agreement; or 29 (b) an application by the Company for the grant to it of a 30 tenement referred to in paragraph (a)(i) (which application 31 has not clearly, to the satisfaction of the Minister, been made 32 under or pursuant to this Agreement) and as the context 33 requires the tenement granted pursuant to such an application, page 78 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Hope Downs) Agreement Act 1992 amended Part 5 s. 18 1 where that tenure was granted or that application was made (as the 2 case may be) on or before 1 October 2011; 3 "LAA" means the Land Administration Act 1997 (WA); 4 "Relevant Land", in relation to Eligible Existing Tenure or Special 5 Advance Tenure, means the land which is the subject of that Eligible 6 Existing Tenure or Special Advance Tenure, as the case may be; 7 "second variation date" means the date on which clause 3 of the 8 variation agreement made on or about 7 November 2011 between the 9 State and the Company comes into operation; 10 "Special Advance Tenure" means: 11 (a) a miscellaneous licence or general purpose lease requested 12 under Clause 23(2c) to be granted to the Company under the 13 Mining Act 1978; or 14 (b) an easement or a lease requested under Clause 23(2c) to be 15 granted to the Company under the LAA, 16 and as the context requires such tenure if granted; 17 (2) in clause 2(e) by inserting after "for the time being in force 18 thereunder" the words "(and for the avoidance of doubt this principle, 19 subject to the context and without limitation to its application to other 20 Acts, may apply in respect of references to the Land Act 21 notwithstanding references in this Agreement to the LAA)"; 22 (3) by inserting after clause 10B the following new clauses: 23 "Community development plan 24 10C. (1) In this Clause, the term "community and social 25 benefits" includes: 26 (a) assistance with skills development and 27 training opportunities to promote work 28 readiness and employment for persons 29 living in the Pilbara region of the said State; 30 (b) regional development activities in the 31 Pilbara region of the said State, including 32 partnerships and sponsorships; page 79 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 5 Iron Ore (Hope Downs) Agreement Act 1992 amended s. 18 1 (c) contribution to any community projects, 2 town services or facilities; and 3 (d) a regionally based workforce. 4 (2) The Company acknowledges the need for community 5 and social benefits flowing from this Agreement. 6 (3) The Company agrees that: 7 (a) it shall prepare a plan which describes the 8 Company's proposed strategies for 9 achieving community and social benefits in 10 connection with its activities under this 11 Agreement; and 12 (b) the Company shall, not later than 3 months 13 after the second variation date, submit to 14 the Minister the plan prepared under 15 paragraph (a) and confer with the Minister 16 in respect of the plan. 17 (4) The Minister shall within 2 months after receipt of a 18 plan submitted under subclause (3)(b), either notify 19 the Company that the Minister approves the plan as 20 submitted or notify the Company of changes which 21 the Minister requires be made to the plan. If the 22 Company is unwilling to accept the changes which 23 the Minister requires it shall notify the Minister to 24 that effect and either party may refer to arbitration 25 hereunder the question of the reasonableness of the 26 changes required by the Minister. 27 (5) The effect of an award made on an arbitration 28 pursuant to subclause (4) shall be that the relevant 29 plan submitted by the Company pursuant to 30 subclause (3)(b) shall, with such changes required by 31 the Minister under subclause (4) as the arbitrator 32 determines to be reasonable (with or without 33 modification by the arbitrator), be deemed to be the 34 plan approved by the Minister under this Clause. page 80 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Hope Downs) Agreement Act 1992 amended Part 5 s. 18 1 (6) At least 3 months before the anticipated submission 2 of proposals relating to a proposed development 3 pursuant to any of Clauses 10, 11, 15, 15C and 27 the 4 Company must, unless the Minister otherwise 5 requires, give to the Minister information about how 6 the proposed development may affect the plan 7 approved or deemed to be approved by the Minister 8 under this Clause. This obligation operates in 9 relation to all proposals submitted on or after the date 10 that is 4 months after the date when a plan is first 11 approved or deemed to be approved under this 12 Clause. 13 (7) The Company shall at least annually report to the 14 Minister about the Company's implementation of the 15 plan approved or deemed to be approved by the 16 Minister under this Clause. 17 (8) At the request of either of them made at any time and 18 from time to time, the Minister and the Company 19 shall confer as to any amendments desired to any plan 20 approved or deemed to be approved by the Minister 21 under this Clause and may agree to amendment of the 22 plan or adoption of a new plan. Any such amended 23 plan or new plan will be deemed to be the plan 24 approved by the Minister under this Clause in respect 25 of the development to which it relates. 26 (9) During the currency of this Agreement, the Company 27 shall implement the plan approved or deemed to be 28 approved by the Minister under this Clause. 29 Local participation plan 30 10D. (1) In this Clause, the term "local industry participation 31 benefits" means: 32 (a) the use and training of labour available 33 within the said State; 34 (b) the use of the services of engineers, 35 surveyors, architects and other professional 36 consultants, experts, specialists, project page 81 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 5 Iron Ore (Hope Downs) Agreement Act 1992 amended s. 18 1 managers and contractors available within 2 the said State; and 3 (c) the procurement of works, materials, plant, 4 equipment and supplies from Western 5 Australian suppliers, manufacturers and 6 contractors. 7 (2) The Company acknowledges the need for local 8 industry participation benefits flowing from this 9 Agreement. 10 (3) The Company agrees that it shall, not later than 11 3 months after the second variation date, prepare and 12 provide to the Minister a plan which contains: 13 (a) a clear statement on the strategies which the 14 Company will use, and require a third party 15 as referred to in subclause (7) to use, to 16 maximise the uses and procurement 17 referred to in subclause (1); 18 (b) detailed information on the procurement 19 practices the Company will adopt, and 20 require a third party as referred to in 21 subclause (7) to adopt, in calling for tenders 22 and letting contracts for works, materials, 23 plant, equipment and supplies stages in 24 relation to a proposed development and 25 how such practices will provide fair and 26 reasonable opportunity for suitably 27 qualified Western Australian suppliers, 28 manufacturers and contractors to tender or 29 quote for works, materials, plant, 30 equipment and supplies; 31 (c) detailed information on the methods the 32 Company will use, and require a third party 33 as referred to in subclause (7) to use, to 34 have its respective procurement officers 35 promptly introduced to Western Australian 36 suppliers, manufacturers and contractors 37 seeking such introduction; and page 82 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Hope Downs) Agreement Act 1992 amended Part 5 s. 18 1 (d) details of the communication strategies the 2 Company will use, and require a third party 3 as referred to in subclause (7) to use, to 4 alert Western Australian engineers, 5 surveyors, architects and other professional 6 consultants, experts, specialists, project 7 managers and consultants and Western 8 Australian suppliers, manufacturers and 9 contractors to services opportunities and 10 procurement opportunities respectively as 11 referred to in subclause (1). 12 It is acknowledged by the Company that the strategies 13 of the Company referred to in subclause (3)(a) will 14 include strategies of the Company in relation to 15 supply of services, labour, works, materials, plant, 16 equipment or supplies for the purposes of this 17 Agreement. 18 (4) At the request of either of them made at any time and 19 from time to time, the Minister and the Company 20 shall confer as to any amendments desired to any plan 21 provided under this clause and may agree to the 22 amendment of the plan or the provision of a new plan 23 in substitution for the one previously provided. 24 (5) At least 6 months before the anticipated submission 25 of proposals relating to a proposed development 26 pursuant to any of Clauses 10, 11, 15, 15C and 27, 27 the Company must, unless the Minister otherwise 28 requires, give to the Minister information about the 29 implementation of the plan provided under this 30 Clause in relation to the proposed development. This 31 obligation operates in relation to all proposals 32 submitted on or after the date that is 7 months after 33 the date when a plan is first provided under this 34 Clause. 35 (6) During the currency of this Agreement the Company 36 shall implement the plan provided under this Clause. page 83 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 5 Iron Ore (Hope Downs) Agreement Act 1992 amended s. 18 1 (7) The Company shall: 2 (a) in every contract entered into with a third 3 party where the third party has an 4 obligation or right to procure the supply of 5 services, labour, works, materials, plant, 6 equipment or supplies for or in connection 7 with a proposed development, ensure that 8 the contract contains appropriate provisions 9 requiring the third party to undertake 10 procurement activities in accordance with 11 the plan provided under this Clause; and 12 (b) use reasonable endeavours to ensure that 13 the third party complies with those 14 provisions."; 15 (4) by deleting clause 13(1)(ii) and substituting the following paragraph: 16 "(ii) on fine ore sold or shipped separately as such at the rate of: 17 (A) 5.625% of the f.o.b. value, for ore shipped prior to or 18 on 30 June 2012; 19 (B) 6.5% of the f.o.b. value, for ore shipped during the 20 period from 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013 (inclusive of 21 both dates); and 22 (C) 7.5% of the f.o.b. value, for ore shipped on or after 23 1 July 2013; 24 (5) in clause 15C by: 25 (a) deleting in subclause (1) ""LAA" means the Land 26 Administration Act 1997 (WA)"; 27 (b) inserting after subclause (3)(c) the following new paragraph: 28 "(d) Without limiting subclause (9), the Minister may 29 waive the requirement under this Clause for the 30 Company to obtain and to furnish the consent of a page 84 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Hope Downs) Agreement Act 1992 amended Part 5 s. 18 1 title holder if the title holder has refused to give the 2 required consent and the Minister is satisfied that: 3 (i) the title holder's affected land is or was 4 subject to a miscellaneous licence granted 5 under the Mining Act 1978 for the purpose 6 of a railway to be constructed and operated 7 in accordance with this Agreement; and 8 (ii) in the Minister's opinion, the title holder's 9 refusal to give the required consent is not 10 reasonable in all the circumstances 11 including having regard to: 12 (A) the rights of the Company in 13 relation to the affected land as the 14 holder of the miscellaneous 15 licence, relative to its rights as the 16 holder of the sought Special 17 Railway Licence or Lateral Access 18 Road Licence (as the case may be); 19 and 20 (B) the terms of any agreement 21 between the Company and the title 22 holder."; 23 (c) deleting in subclause (4)(a) the comma after "the provisions 24 of this Agreement" and substituting "and"; and 25 (d) in subclause (7): 26 (i) deleting all words in paragraph (c) after "at the date 27 of such inclusion"; and 28 (ii) inserting after paragraph (k) the following new 29 paragraph: 30 "(l) The provisions of clause 24(2a) shall apply 31 mutatis mutandis to any Railway or 32 Railway spur line constructed pursuant to 33 this Clause."; page 85 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 5 Iron Ore (Hope Downs) Agreement Act 1992 amended s. 18 1 (6) in clause 23 by: 2 (a) inserting at the end of subclause (1) the following new 3 paragraph: 4 "Notwithstanding Clause 15A(2)(b)(iv), detailed proposals 5 may refer to activities on tenure which is proposed to be 6 granted pursuant to this subclause (1) as if that tenure was 7 granted pursuant to this Agreement (but this does not limit 8 the powers or discretions of the Minister under this 9 Agreement or the Minister responsible for the administration 10 of any relevant Act with respect to the grant of the tenure)."; 11 (b) in subclause (2), inserting after "The provisions of this 12 subclause" the words "and subclauses (2b) and (2c)"; 13 (c) in subclause (2a), deleting "subclause (1)" and substituting 14 "subclauses (1), (2b) and (2c)"; and 15 (d) inserting after subclause (2a) the following new subclauses: 16 "Application for Eligible Existing Tenure to be held 17 pursuant to this Agreement 18 (2b) (a) The Minister may at the request of the 19 Company from time to time made during 20 the continuance of this Agreement approve 21 Eligible Existing Tenure becoming held 22 pursuant to this Agreement on such 23 conditions as the Minister sees fit 24 (including, without limitation and 25 notwithstanding the Mining Act 1978 and 26 the LAA, as to the surrender of land, the 27 submission of detailed proposals and the 28 variation of the terms and conditions of the 29 Eligible Existing Tenure (including for the 30 Eligible Existing Tenure to be held 31 pursuant to this Agreement and for the 32 more efficient use of the Relevant Land)) 33 and the Minister may from time to time 34 vary such conditions in order to extend any 35 specified time for the doing of any thing or page 86 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Hope Downs) Agreement Act 1992 amended Part 5 s. 18 1 otherwise with the agreement of the 2 Company. 3 (b) Eligible Existing Tenure the subject of an 4 approval by the Minister under this 5 subclause will be held by the Company 6 pursuant to this Agreement: 7 (i) if the Minister's approval was not 8 given subject to conditions, on and 9 from the date of the Minister's 10 notice of approval; 11 (ii) unless paragraph (iii) applies, if the 12 Minister's approval was given 13 subject to conditions, on the date 14 on which all such conditions have 15 been satisfied; and 16 (iii) if the Minister's approval was 17 given subject to a condition 18 requiring that the Company submit 19 detailed proposals in accordance 20 with this Agreement, on the later 21 of the date on which the Minister 22 approves proposals submitted in 23 discharge of that specified 24 condition and the date upon which 25 all other specified conditions have 26 been satisfied, but the Company is 27 authorised to implement any 28 approved proposal to the extent 29 such implementation is consistent 30 with the then terms and conditions 31 of the Eligible Existing Tenure 32 pending the satisfaction of any 33 conditions relating to the variation 34 of the terms or conditions of the 35 Eligible Existing Tenure. Where 36 this paragraph (iii) applies, prior to 37 any approval of proposals and 38 satisfaction of other conditions, the page 87 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 5 Iron Ore (Hope Downs) Agreement Act 1992 amended s. 18 1 relevant tenure will be treated for 2 (but only for) the purposes of 3 clause 15A(2)(b)(iv) as tenure held 4 pursuant to this Agreement. 5 Application for Special Advance Tenure to be granted 6 pursuant to this Agreement 7 (2c) The Minister may at the request of the Company from 8 time to time made during the continuance of this 9 Agreement approve Special Advance Tenure being 10 granted to the Company pursuant to this Agreement 11 if: 12 (a) the Company proposes to submit detailed 13 proposals under this Agreement (other than 14 under Clause 15C) to construct works 15 installations or facilities on the Relevant 16 Land and the Company's request is so far as 17 is practicable made, unless the Minister 18 approves otherwise, no less than 6 months 19 before the submission of those detailed 20 proposals; and 21 (b) the Minister is satisfied that it is necessary 22 and appropriate that Special Advance 23 Tenure, rather than tenure granted under or 24 pursuant to the other provisions of this 25 Agreement, be used for the purposes of the 26 proposed works installations or facilities on 27 the Relevant Land, 28 and if the Minister does so approve: 29 (c) notwithstanding the Mining Act 1978 or the 30 LAA, the appropriate authority or 31 instrumentality of the State shall obtain the 32 consent of the Minister to the form and 33 substance of the Special Advance Tenure 34 prior to its grant (which for the avoidance 35 of doubt neither the State nor the Minister 36 is obliged to cause) to the Company; and page 88 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Hope Downs) Agreement Act 1992 amended Part 5 s. 18 1 (d) if the Company does not submit detailed 2 proposals relating to construction of the 3 relevant works installations or facilities on 4 the Relevant Land within 24 months after 5 the date of the Minister's approval or such 6 later time subsequently allowed by the 7 Minister, or if submitted the Minister does 8 not approve such detailed proposals, the 9 Special Advance Tenure (if then granted) 10 shall be surrendered at the request of the 11 Minister. 12 (2d) The decisions of the Minister under subclauses (2b) 13 and (2c) shall not be referable to arbitration and any 14 approval of the Minister under this Clause shall not in 15 any way limit, prejudice or otherwise affect the 16 exercise by the Minister of the Minister's powers, or 17 the performance of the Minister's obligations, under 18 this Agreement or otherwise under the laws from time 19 to time of the said State."; and 20 (7) in clause 24 by: 21 (a) deleting in subclause (2) all words after "other railways 22 which now exist"; and 23 (b) inserting after subclause (2) the following new subclause: 24 "Crossings over Railway 25 (2a) For the purposes of livestock and infrastructure such 26 as roads, railways, conveyors, pipelines, transmission 27 lines and other utilities proposed to cross the land the 28 subject of the said railway the Company shall: 29 (i) if applicable, give its consent to, or 30 otherwise facilitate the grant by the State or 31 any agency, instrumentality or other 32 authority of the State of any lease, licence 33 or other title over land the subject of the 34 said railway so long as such grant does not 35 in the Minister's opinion unduly prejudice page 89 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 5 Iron Ore (Hope Downs) Agreement Act 1992 amended s. 18 1 or interfere with the activities of the 2 Company under this Agreement; and 3 (ii) on reasonable terms and conditions allow 4 access for the construction and operation of 5 such crossings and associated 6 infrastructure, 7 provided that in forming his opinion under this 8 clause, the Minister must consult with the 9 Company.". page 90 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Hope Downs) Agreement Act 1992 amended Part 5 s. 18 1 EXECUTED as a deed. 2 3 SIGNED by the HONOURABLE ) 4 COLIN JAMES BARNETT ) 5 in the presence of: ) 6 [Signature] [Signature] Signature of witness Stephen Bombardieri Name of witness 7 8 THE COMMON SEAL of HOPE ) 9 DOWNS IRON ORE PTY. LTD. ) 10 ACN 071 514 308 was hereunto affixed ) [C.S.] 11 in accordance with its constitution ) 12 in the presence of: ) 13 [Signature] Tadeusz J Watroba Director [Signature] Jay Newby Secretary 14 page 91 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 5 Iron Ore (Hope Downs) Agreement Act 1992 amended s. 18 1 THE COMMON SEAL of ) 2 HAMERSLEY WA PTY. LTD. ) [C.S.] 3 ACN 115 004 138 was hereunto affixed ) 4 by authority of the Directors in the presence of: ) 5 [Signature] Robert Paul Shannon Director [Signature] Helen Fernihough Secretary 6 page 92 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Yandicoogina) Agreement Act 1996 amended Part 6 s. 19 1 Part 6 -- Iron Ore (Yandicoogina) Agreement 2 Act 1996 amended 3 19. Act amended 4 This Part amends the Iron Ore (Yandicoogina) Agreement 5 Act 1996. 6 20. Section 3 amended 7 (1) In section 3 insert in alphabetical order: 8 9 the Second Variation Agreement means the agreement 10 a copy of which is set out in Schedule 3. 11 12 (2) In section 3 in the definition of Agreement delete "Agreement;" 13 and insert: 14 15 Agreement and the Second Variation Agreement; 16 17 (3) In section 3 in the definition of the First Variation Agreement 18 delete "Schedule 2." and insert: 19 20 Schedule 2; 21 22 21. Section 4 amended 23 After section 4(2A) insert: 24 25 (2B) The Second Variation Agreement is ratified. 26 page 93 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 6 Iron Ore (Yandicoogina) Agreement Act 1996 amended s. 22 1 22. Schedule 3 inserted 2 After Schedule 2 insert: 3 4 Schedule 3 -- Second Variation Agreement 5 [s. 3] 6 2011 7 THE HONOURABLE COLIN JAMES BARNETT 8 PREMIER OF THE STATE OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA 9 AND 10 HAMERSLEY IRON-YANDI PTY. LIMITED 11 ACN 009 181 793 12 AND 13 HAMERSLEY IRON PTY. LIMITED 14 ACN 004 558 276 15 ________________________________________________________________ 16 IRON ORE (YANDICOOGINA) AGREEMENT 1996 17 RATIFIED VARIATION AGREEMENT 18 ________________________________________________________________ 19 20 21 22 23 [Solicitor's details] page 94 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Yandicoogina) Agreement Act 1996 amended Part 6 s. 22 1 THIS AGREEMENT is made this 7th day of November 2011 2 3 BETWEEN 4 5 THE HONOURABLE COLIN JAMES BARNETT MLA., Premier of the 6 State of Western Australia, acting for and on behalf of the said State and 7 instrumentalities thereof from time to time (State) 8 AND 9 HAMERSLEY IRON-YANDI PTY. LIMITED ACN 009 181 793 of Level 10 22, Central Park, 152-158 St Georges Terrace, Perth, Western Australia 11 (Company) 12 AND 13 HAMERSLEY IRON PTY. LIMITED ACN 004 558 276 of Level 22, 14 Central Park, 152-158 St Georges Terrace, Perth, Western Australia 15 (Hamersley). 16 17 RECITALS: 18 A. The State, the Company and Hamersley are the parties to the 19 agreement dated 22 October 1996 ratified by and scheduled to the 20 Iron Ore (Yandicoogina) Agreement Act 1996 and which as 21 subsequently added to, varied or amended is referred to in this 22 Agreement as the "Principal Agreement". 23 B. The State, the Company and Hamersley wish to vary the Principal 24 Agreement. 25 26 THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 27 1. Interpretation 28 Subject to the context, the words and expressions used in this 29 Agreement have the same meanings respectively as they have in and 30 for the purpose of the Principal Agreement. page 95 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 6 Iron Ore (Yandicoogina) Agreement Act 1996 amended s. 22 1 2. Ratification and Operation 2 (1) The State shall introduce and sponsor a Bill in the State Parliament of 3 Western Australia prior to 31 December 2011 or such later date as 4 may be agreed between the parties hereto to ratify this Agreement. 5 The State shall endeavour to secure the timely passage of such Bill as 6 an Act. 7 (2) The provisions of this Agreement other than this clause and clause 1 8 will not come into operation until the day after the day on which the 9 Bill referred to in subclause (1) has been passed by the State 10 Parliament of Western Australia and commences to operate as an Act. 11 (3) If by 30 June 2012 the said Bill has not commenced to operate as an 12 Act then, unless the parties hereto otherwise agree, this Agreement 13 will then cease and determine and no party hereto will have any claim 14 against any other party hereto with respect to any matter or thing 15 arising out of, done, performed, or omitted to be done or performed 16 under this Agreement. 17 (4) On the day after the day on which the said Bill commences to operate 18 as an Act all the provisions of this Agreement will operate and take 19 effect despite any enactment or other law. 20 3. Variation of Principal Agreement 21 The Principal Agreement is varied as follows: 22 (1) in clause 1 by inserting in the appropriate alphabetical positions the 23 following new definitions: 24 "Eligible Existing Tenure" means: 25 (a) (i) a miscellaneous licence or general purpose lease 26 granted to the Company under the Mining Act; or 27 (ii) a lease or easement granted to the Company under the 28 LAA, 29 and not clearly, to the satisfaction of the Minister, granted 30 under or pursuant to or held pursuant to this Agreement; or 31 (b) an application by the Company for the grant to it of a 32 tenement referred to in paragraph (a)(i) (which application 33 has not clearly, to the satisfaction of the Minister, been made page 96 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Yandicoogina) Agreement Act 1996 amended Part 6 s. 22 1 under or pursuant to this Agreement) and as the context 2 requires the tenement granted pursuant to such an 3 application, 4 where that tenure was granted or that application was made (as the 5 case may be) on or before 1 October 2011; 6 "LAA" means the Land Administration Act 1997 (WA); 7 "Mount Bruce Agreement" means the agreement ratified by and 8 scheduled to the Iron Ore (Mount Bruce) Agreement Act 1972, as 9 from time to time added to, varied or amended; 10 "Mount Bruce Agreement Minister" means the Minister in the 11 Government of the State for the time being responsible for the Iron 12 Ore (Mount Bruce) Agreement Act 1972; 13 "Relevant Land", in relation to Eligible Existing Tenure or Special 14 Advance Tenure, means the land which is the subject of that Eligible 15 Existing Tenure or Special Advance Tenure, as the case may be; 16 "second variation date" means the date on which clause 3 of the 17 variation agreement made on or about 7 November 2011 between the 18 State, the Company and Hamersley comes into operation; 19 "Special Advance Tenure" means: 20 (a) a miscellaneous licence or general purpose lease requested 21 under clause 21(2b) to be granted to the Company under the 22 Mining Act; or 23 (b) an easement or a lease requested under clause 21(2b) to be 24 granted to the Company under the LAA, 25 and as the context requires such tenure if granted; 26 (2) in clause 2(1) by inserting after "and the regulations for the time being 27 in force thereunder" in paragraph (f) "(and for the avoidance of doubt 28 this principle, subject to the context and without limitation to its 29 application to other Acts, may apply in respect of references to the 30 Land Act notwithstanding references in this Agreement to the LAA)"; page 97 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 6 Iron Ore (Yandicoogina) Agreement Act 1996 amended s. 22 1 (3) by inserting after clause 9B the following new clauses: 2 "Community development plan 3 9C. (1) In this clause, the term "community and social 4 benefits" includes: 5 (a) assistance with skills development and 6 training opportunities to promote work 7 readiness and employment for persons 8 living in the Pilbara region of the said State; 9 (b) regional development activities in the 10 Pilbara region of the said State, including 11 partnerships and sponsorships; 12 (c) contribution to any community projects, 13 town services or facilities; and 14 (d) a regionally based workforce. 15 (2) The Company acknowledges the need for community 16 and social benefits flowing from this Agreement. 17 (3) The Company agrees that: 18 (a) it shall prepare a plan which describes the 19 Company's proposed strategies for 20 achieving community and social benefits in 21 connection with its activities under this 22 Agreement; and 23 (b) the Company shall, not later than 3 months 24 after the second variation date, submit to 25 the Minister the plan prepared under 26 paragraph (a) and confer with the Minister 27 in respect of the plan. 28 (4) The Minister shall within 2 months after receipt of a 29 plan submitted under subclause (3)(b), either notify 30 the Company that the Minister approves the plan as 31 submitted or notify the Company of changes which 32 the Minister requires be made to the plan. If the 33 Company is unwilling to accept the changes which 34 the Minister requires it shall notify the Minister to page 98 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Yandicoogina) Agreement Act 1996 amended Part 6 s. 22 1 that effect and either party may refer to arbitration 2 hereunder the question of the reasonableness of the 3 changes required by the Minister. 4 (5) The effect of an award made on an arbitration 5 pursuant to subclause (4) shall be that the relevant 6 plan submitted by the Company pursuant to 7 subclause (3)(b) shall, with such changes required by 8 the Minister under subclause (4) as the arbitrator 9 determines to be reasonable (with or without 10 modification by the arbitrator), be deemed to be the 11 plan approved by the Minister under this clause. 12 (6) At least 3 months before the anticipated submission 13 of proposals relating to a proposed development 14 pursuant to any of clauses 9, 10, 12C or 23, the 15 Company must, unless the Minister otherwise 16 requires, give to the Minister information about how 17 the proposed development may affect the plan 18 approved or deemed to be approved by the Minister 19 under this clause. This obligation operates in relation 20 to all proposals submitted on or after the date that is 21 4 months after the date when a plan is first approved 22 or deemed to be approved under this clause. 23 (7) The Company shall at least annually report to the 24 Minister about the Company's implementation of the 25 plan approved or deemed to be approved by the 26 Minister under this clause. 27 (8) At the request of either of them made at any time and 28 from time to time, the Minister and the Company 29 shall confer as to any amendments desired to any plan 30 approved or deemed to be approved by the Minister 31 under this clause and may agree to amendment of the 32 plan or adoption of a new plan. Any such amended 33 plan or new plan will be deemed to be the plan 34 approved by the Minister under this clause in respect 35 of the development to which it relates. page 99 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 6 Iron Ore (Yandicoogina) Agreement Act 1996 amended s. 22 1 (9) During the currency of this Agreement, the Company 2 shall implement the plan approved or deemed to be 3 approved by the Minister under this clause. 4 Local participation plan 5 9D. (1) In this clause, the term "local industry participation 6 benefits" means: 7 (a) the use and training of labour available 8 within the said State; 9 (b) the use of the services of engineers, 10 surveyors, architects and other professional 11 consultants, experts, specialists, project 12 managers and contractors available within 13 the said State; and 14 (c) the procurement of works, materials, plant, 15 equipment and supplies from Western 16 Australian suppliers, manufacturers and 17 contractors. 18 (2) The Company acknowledges the need for local 19 industry participation benefits flowing from this 20 Agreement. 21 (3) The Company agrees that it shall, not later than 22 3 months after the second variation date, prepare and 23 provide to the Minister a plan which contains: 24 (a) a clear statement on the strategies which the 25 Company will use, and require a third party 26 as referred to in subclause (7) to use, to 27 maximise the uses and procurement 28 referred to in subclause (1); 29 (b) detailed information on the procurement 30 practices the Company will adopt, and 31 require a third party as referred to in 32 subclause (7) to adopt, in calling for tenders 33 and letting contracts for works, materials, 34 plant, equipment and supplies stages in 35 relation to a proposed development and page 100 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Yandicoogina) Agreement Act 1996 amended Part 6 s. 22 1 how such practices will provide fair and 2 reasonable opportunity for suitably 3 qualified Western Australian suppliers, 4 manufacturers and contractors to tender or 5 quote for works, materials, plant, 6 equipment and supplies; 7 (c) detailed information on the methods the 8 Company will use, and require a third party 9 as referred to in subclause (7) to use, to 10 have their respective procurement officers 11 promptly introduced to Western Australian 12 suppliers, manufacturers and contractors 13 seeking such introduction; and 14 (d) details of the communication strategies the 15 Company will use, and require a third party 16 as referred to in subclause (7) to use, to 17 alert Western Australian engineers, 18 surveyors, architects and other professional 19 consultants, experts, specialists, project 20 managers and consultants and Western 21 Australian suppliers, manufacturers and 22 contractors to services opportunities and 23 procurement opportunities respectively as 24 referred to in subclause (1). 25 It is acknowledged by the Company that the strategies 26 of the Company referred to in subclause (3)(a) will 27 include strategies of the Company in relation to 28 supply of services, labour, works, materials, plant, 29 equipment or supplies for the purposes of this 30 Agreement. 31 (4) At the request of either of them made at any time and 32 from time to time, the Minister and the Company 33 shall confer as to any amendments desired to any plan 34 provided under this clause and may agree to the 35 amendment of the plan or the provision of a new plan 36 in substitution for the one previously provided. page 101 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 6 Iron Ore (Yandicoogina) Agreement Act 1996 amended s. 22 1 (5) At least 6 months before the anticipated submission 2 of proposals relating to a proposed development 3 pursuant to any of clauses 9, 10, 12C or 23, the 4 Company must, unless the Minister otherwise 5 requires, give to the Minister information about the 6 implementation of the plan provided under this clause 7 in relation to the proposed development. This 8 obligation operates in relation to all proposals 9 submitted on or after the date that is 7 months after 10 the date when a plan is first provided under this 11 clause. 12 (6) During the currency of this Agreement the Company 13 shall implement the plan provided under this clause. 14 (7) The Company shall: 15 (a) in every contract entered into with a third 16 party where the third party has an 17 obligation or right to procure the supply of 18 services, labour, works, materials, plant, 19 equipment or supplies for or in connection 20 with a proposed development, ensure that 21 the contract contains appropriate provisions 22 requiring the third party to undertake 23 procurement activities in accordance with 24 the plan provided under this clause; and 25 (b) use reasonable endeavours to ensure that 26 the third party complies with those 27 provisions."; 28 (4) in clause 12(2) by deleting subparagraph (ii) and substituting the 29 following subparagraph: 30 "(ii) on fine ore and on pisolite fine ore sold or shipped separately 31 as such at the rate of: 32 (A) 5.625% of the f.o.b. value, for ore shipped prior to or 33 on 30 June 2012; page 102 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Yandicoogina) Agreement Act 1996 amended Part 6 s. 22 1 (B) 6.5% of the f.o.b. value, for ore shipped during the 2 period from 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013 (inclusive of 3 both dates); and 4 (C) 7.5% of the f.o.b. value, for ore shipped on or after 5 1 July 2013;"; 6 (5) in clause 12C by: 7 (a) deleting in subclause (1) ""LAA" means the Land 8 Administration Act 1997 (WA);"; 9 (b) inserting after subclause (3)(c) the following new paragraph: 10 "(d) Without limiting subclause (9), the Minister may 11 waive the requirement under this clause for the 12 Company to obtain and to furnish the consent of a 13 title holder if the title holder has refused to give the 14 required consent and the Minister is satisfied that: 15 (i) the title holder's affected land is or was 16 subject to a miscellaneous licence granted 17 under the Mining Act 1978 for the purpose 18 of a railway to be constructed and operated 19 in accordance with this Agreement; and 20 (ii) in the Minister's opinion, the title holder's 21 refusal to give the required consent is not 22 reasonable in all the circumstances 23 including having regard to: 24 (A) the rights of the Company in 25 relation to the affected land as the 26 holders of the miscellaneous 27 licence, relative to their rights as 28 the holders of the sought Special 29 Railway Licence or Lateral Access 30 Road Licence (as the case may be); 31 and 32 (B) the terms of any agreement 33 between the Company and the title 34 holder."; page 103 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 6 Iron Ore (Yandicoogina) Agreement Act 1996 amended s. 22 1 (c) deleting in subclause (4)(a) the comma after "the provisions 2 of this Agreement" and substituting "and"; 3 (d) in subclause (7): 4 (i) deleting all words in paragraph (c) after "at the date 5 of such inclusion"; and 6 (ii) inserting after paragraph (k) the following new 7 paragraph: 8 "(l) The provisions of clause 20(2a) shall apply 9 mutatis mutandis to any Railway or Railway 10 spur line constructed pursuant to this clause." 11 (6) in clause 20 by: 12 (a) in subclause (2), deleting all words in the subclause after "and 13 other railways which now exist"; and 14 (b) inserting after subclause (2) the following new subclause: 15 "Crossings over Railway 16 (2a) For the purposes of livestock and infrastructure such 17 as roads, railways, conveyors, pipelines, transmission 18 lines and other utilities proposed to cross the land the 19 subject of the railway the Company shall: 20 (a) if applicable, give its consent to, or 21 otherwise facilitate the grant by the State or 22 any agency, instrumentality or other 23 authority of the State of any lease, licence 24 or other title over land the subject of the 25 railway so long as such grant does not in 26 the Minister's opinion unduly prejudice or 27 interfere with the activities of the Company 28 under this Agreement; and 29 (b) on reasonable terms and conditions allow 30 access for the construction and operation of page 104 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Yandicoogina) Agreement Act 1996 amended Part 6 s. 22 1 such crossings and associated 2 infrastructure, 3 provided that in forming his opinion under this 4 clause, the Minister must consult with the 5 Company."; 6 (7) at the end of clause 21(1) by inserting the following new paragraph: 7 "Notwithstanding clause 12A(2)(b)(iv), detailed proposals may refer 8 to activities on tenure which is proposed to be granted pursuant to this 9 subclause (1) as if that tenure was granted pursuant to this Agreement 10 (but this does not limit the powers or discretions of the Minister under 11 this Agreement or the Minister responsible for the administration of 12 any relevant Act with respect to the grant of the tenure)."; 13 (8) in the last paragraph of clause 21(2) by inserting "and subclauses (2a) 14 and (2b)" after "The provisions of this subclause"; 15 (9) in clause 21 by: 16 (a) renumbering subclause (2a) as subclause (2d) and inserting 17 the following new subclauses before the renumbered 18 subclause (2d): 19 "Application for Eligible Existing Tenure to be held 20 pursuant to this Agreement 21 (2a) (a) The Minister may at the request of the 22 Company from time to time made during 23 the continuance of this Agreement approve 24 Eligible Existing Tenure becoming held 25 pursuant to this Agreement on such 26 conditions as the Minister sees fit 27 (including, without limitation and 28 notwithstanding the Mining Act and the 29 LAA, as to the surrender of land, the 30 submission of detailed proposals and the 31 variation of the terms and conditions of the 32 Eligible Existing Tenure (including for the 33 Eligible Existing Tenure to be held 34 pursuant to this Agreement and for the 35 more efficient use of the Relevant Land)) page 105 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 6 Iron Ore (Yandicoogina) Agreement Act 1996 amended s. 22 1 and the Minister may from time to time 2 vary such conditions in order to extend any 3 specified time for the doing of any thing or 4 otherwise with the agreement of the 5 Company. 6 (b) Eligible Existing Tenure the subject of an 7 approval by the Minister under this 8 subclause will be held by the Company 9 pursuant to this Agreement: 10 (i) if the Minister's approval was not 11 given subject to conditions, on and 12 from the date of the Minister's 13 notice of approval; 14 (ii) unless paragraph (iii) applies, if the 15 Minister's approval was given 16 subject to conditions, on the date 17 on which all such conditions have 18 been satisfied; and 19 (iii) if the Minister's approval was 20 given subject to a condition 21 requiring that the Company submit 22 detailed proposals in accordance 23 with this Agreement, on the later 24 of the date on which the Minister 25 approves proposals submitted in 26 discharge of that specified 27 condition and the date upon which 28 all other specified conditions have 29 been satisfied, but the Company is 30 authorised to implement any 31 approved proposal to the extent 32 such implementation is consistent 33 with the then terms and conditions 34 of the Eligible Existing Tenure 35 pending the satisfaction of any 36 conditions relating to the variation 37 of the terms or conditions of the 38 Eligible Existing Tenure. Where page 106 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Yandicoogina) Agreement Act 1996 amended Part 6 s. 22 1 this paragraph (iii) applies, prior to 2 any approval of proposals and 3 satisfaction of other conditions, the 4 relevant tenure will be treated for 5 (but only for) the purposes of 6 clause 12A(2)(b)(iv) as tenure held 7 pursuant to this Agreement. 8 Application for Special Advance Tenure to be granted 9 pursuant to this Agreement 10 (2b) The Minister may at the request of the Company 11 from time to time made during the continuance of 12 this Agreement approve Special Advance Tenure 13 being granted to the Company pursuant to this 14 Agreement if: 15 (a) the Company proposes to submit detailed 16 proposals under this Agreement (other than 17 under clause 12C) to construct works 18 installations or facilities on the Relevant 19 Land and the Company's request is so far as 20 is practicable made, unless the Minister 21 approves otherwise, no less than 6 months 22 before the submission of those detailed 23 proposals; and 24 (b) the Minister is satisfied that it is necessary 25 and appropriate that Special Advance 26 Tenure, rather than tenure granted under or 27 pursuant to the other provisions of this 28 Agreement, be used for the purposes of the 29 proposed works installations or facilities on 30 the Relevant Land, 31 and if the Minister does so approve: 32 (c) notwithstanding the Mining Act or the 33 LAA, the appropriate authority or 34 instrumentality of the State shall obtain the 35 consent of the Minister to the form and 36 substance of the Special Advance Tenure 37 prior to its grant (which for the avoidance page 107 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 6 Iron Ore (Yandicoogina) Agreement Act 1996 amended s. 22 1 of doubt neither the State nor the Minister 2 is obliged to cause) to the Company; and 3 (d) if the Company does not submit detailed 4 proposals relating to construction of the 5 relevant works installations or facilities on 6 the Relevant Land within 24 months after 7 the date of the Minister's approval or such 8 later time subsequently allowed by the 9 Minister, or if submitted the Minister does 10 not approve such detailed proposals, the 11 Special Advance Tenure (if then granted) 12 shall be surrendered at the request of the 13 Minister. 14 (2c) The decisions of the Minister under 15 subclauses (2a) and (2b) shall not be referable to 16 arbitration and any approval of the Minister under 17 this clause shall not in any way limit, prejudice or 18 otherwise affect the exercise by the Minister of 19 the Minister's powers, or the performance of the 20 Minister's obligations, under this Agreement or 21 otherwise under the laws from time to time of the 22 said State."; 23 (b) in the renumbered subclause (2d), deleting "subclause (1)" 24 and substituting "subclauses (1), (2a) and (2b)"; and 25 (10) in clause 23 by: 26 (a) in the first line of subclause (2), deleting "The" and 27 substituting "Subject to subclause (8) the"; and 28 (b) inserting after subclause (7) the following new subclause: 29 "Capacity to defer obligations of the Company under 30 subclause (2) if "alternative project" is approved under 31 the Mount Bruce Agreement 32 (8) (a) Subject to paragraph (b), in the event that 33 the Mount Bruce Agreement Minister 34 approves in accordance with clause 41A(5) 35 of the Mount Bruce Agreement that the page 108 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Yandicoogina) Agreement Act 1996 amended Part 6 s. 22 1 carrying out of an alternative project (as 2 defined in clause 41A(6) of that agreement) 3 be accepted by the State in lieu of all of the 4 obligations of the Company (as defined in 5 that agreement) in respect of the 6 establishment of plant for the production of 7 steel pursuant to clause 41A of that 8 agreement, the Minister may agree 9 (including prior to and conditional upon 10 such approval being given by the Mount 11 Bruce Agreement Minister) to postpone the 12 obligation of the Company to submit 13 detailed proposals as contemplated by 14 subclause (2) for a maximum period of 15 10 years from the third anniversary of the 16 m.a. date immediately following the date on 17 which the Mount Bruce Agreement 18 Minister so approves. 19 (b) If any approved alternative project referred 20 to paragraph (a) is not implemented in 21 accordance with the Mount Bruce 22 Agreement Minister's approval and the 23 default is not remedied in accordance with 24 clause 21 of the Mount Bruce Agreement, 25 the Company shall (subject to 26 subclause (3)) submit detailed proposals in 27 accordance with subclause (2) within 28 12 months of the Mount Bruce Agreement 29 Minister notifying the Company (as defined 30 in the Mount Bruce Agreement) of its 31 failure to remedy the default. 32 (c) For the purposes of this clause: 33 (i) the date of expiry of any period of 34 postponement contemplated by 35 paragraph (a) of this subclause shall 36 be deemed to be the next third 37 anniversary of the m.a. date; and page 109 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 6 Iron Ore (Yandicoogina) Agreement Act 1996 amended s. 22 1 (ii) the date of expiry of the 12 month 2 period referred to in paragraph (b) 3 of this subclause shall be deemed to 4 be the next third anniversary of the 5 m.a. date.". 6 page 110 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Iron Ore (Yandicoogina) Agreement Act 1996 amended Part 6 s. 22 1 EXECUTED as a deed. 2 3 SIGNED by the HONOURABLE ) 4 COLIN JAMES BARNETT in the ) 5 presence of: ) 6 [Signature] [Signature] Signature of witness Stephen Bombardieri Name of witness 7 8 THE COMMON SEAL of ) 9 HAMERSLEY IRON-YANDI PTY. ) 10 LIMITED ACN 009 181 793 was hereunto ) [C.S.] 11 affixed by authority of the Directors in ) 12 the presence of: ) 13 [Signature] Robert Paul Shannon Director [Signature] Helen Fernihough Secretary 14 page 111 Iron Ore Agreements Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 Part 6 Iron Ore (Yandicoogina) Agreement Act 1996 amended s. 22 1 THE COMMON SEAL of ) 2 HAMERSLEY IRON PTY. LIMITED ) [C.S.] 3 ACN 004 558 276 was hereunto affixed ) 4 by authority of the Directors in the presence of: ) 5 [Signature] Robert Paul Shannon Director [Signature] Helen Fernihough Secretary 6
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