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Western Australia Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 CONTENTS Part 1 -- Preliminary matters 1. Short title 2 2. Commencement 2 3. Act amended 2 Part 2 -- Amendments relating to managers 4. Section 3 amended 3 5. Section 30 amended 4 6. Section 33 amended 4 7. Section 34 amended 4 8. Section 35B deleted 5 9. Section 37 amended 5 10. Section 37B amended 5 11. Section 48 amended 6 12. Section 59 amended 6 13. Section 60 amended 6 14. Part 4 Division 3 Subdivision 1 heading inserted 6 Subdivision 1 -- Licensed premises to be supervised and managed 15. Section 100 amended 7 16. Part 4 Division 3 Subdivision 2 inserted 9 Subdivision 2 -- Approval of managers 102A. Terms used 9 102B. Director may approve manager 9 102C. Conditions on manager's approval 10 102D. Duration of manager's approval 10 102E. Renewal of manager's approval 10 102F. Disciplinary matters 11 102G. Approval may be cancelled on request 12 17. Part 4 Division 3 Subdivision 3 heading inserted 12 146--2 page i Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Contents Subdivision 3 -- General matters 18. Section 116 amended 12 19. Section 121 amended 13 20. Section 164 amended 13 21. Section 172 amended 14 22. Section 175 amended 15 23. Section 177B inserted 15 177B. Transitional provisions relating to the Liquor Control Amendment Act 2010 15 24. Schedule 1B inserted 16 Schedule 1B -- Transitional provisions relating to the Liquor Control Amendment Act 2010 1. Terms used 16 2. Current managers taken to be licensed 16 3. Duration of transitioned approvals 16 4. Current applications 17 25. Other provisions amended 17 Part 3 -- Amendments relating to liquor restricted premises 26. Part 5B inserted 20 Part 5B -- Liquor restricted premises 152N. Terms used 20 152O. Liquor prohibited on liquor restricted premises 20 152P. Declaration of liquor restricted premises 21 152Q. Making of liquor restriction declaration 22 152R. Director to notify persons of declaration 23 152S. Notice of declaration to be displayed at premises 24 152T. Duration of declaration 25 152U. Variation of declaration 25 152V. Revocation of declaration 27 152W. Applications generally 28 152X. Decisions under Part 5B not subject to review 28 Part 4 -- Amendments relating to regulating behaviour in licensed premises 27. Section 3 amended 29 28. Section 61A deleted 29 29. Section 69 amended 29 page ii Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Contents 30. Sections 115AA to 115AE inserted 30 115AA. Barring notices by Commissioner of Police 30 115AB. Delegation by the Commissioner of Police 31 115AC. Publication of details of people subject to barring notices 32 115AD. Application for review 33 115AE. Permitting entry to premises contrary to barring notice 34 31. Section 128 amended 35 32. Section 152K amended 35 33. Section 152M inserted 36 152M. Permitting entry to premises contrary to prohibition order 36 34. Section 175 amended 37 Part 5 -- Other amendments 35. Section 3 amended 38 36. Section 6 amended 38 37. Section 16 amended 38 38. Section 33 amended 39 39. Section 37 amended 39 40. Section 38 amended 41 41. Section 41 amended 41 42. Section 55 amended 42 43. Section 57 amended 42 44. Section 64 amended 43 45. Section 67 amended 44 46. Section 69 amended 44 47. Section 96 amended 45 48. Section 98A amended 45 49. Section 99 amended 45 50. Section 103A amended 45 51. Section 106 amended 46 52. Section 109 amended 46 53. Section 110 amended 47 54. Section 111 amended 49 55. Section 114 amended 49 56. Section 115 amended 50 57. Section 115A amended 50 58. Section 116 amended 51 59. Section 116A amended 51 60. Section 119 amended 51 page iii Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Contents 61. Section 119A replaced 52 119A. Conduct of unapproved businesses on or from licensed premises 52 62. Section 121 amended 53 63. Section 122 amended 54 64. Section 126D amended 54 65. Section 155 amended 55 66. Section 166 amended 56 67. Section 169 amended 56 68. Section 174A amended 56 69. Various penalties amended 56 Part 6 -- Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) Act 2002 amended 70. Act amended 59 71. Section 73 amended 59 page iv Western Australia LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY (As amended during consideration in detail) Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 A Bill for An Act to amend the Liquor Control Act 1988. The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows: page 1 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Part 1 Preliminary matters s. 1 1 Part 1 -- Preliminary matters 2 1. Short title 3 This is the Liquor Control Amendment Act 2010. 4 2. Commencement 5 This Act comes into operation as follows -- 6 (a) sections 1 and 2 -- on the day on which this Act 7 receives the Royal Assent; 8 (b) the rest of the Act -- on a day fixed by proclamation, 9 and different days may be fixed for different provisions. 10 3. Act amended 11 This Act, except Part 6, amends the Liquor Control Act 1988. page 2 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Amendments relating to managers Part 2 s. 4 1 Part 2 -- Amendments relating to managers 2 4. Section 3 amended 3 (1) In section 3(1) delete the definition of manager. 4 (2) In section 3(1) insert in alphabetical order: 5 6 approved restricted manager means a person approved 7 under section 102B(1)(b); 8 approved unrestricted manager means a person 9 approved under section 102B(1)(a); 10 manager, in relation to licensed premises, means -- 11 (a) an approved unrestricted manager or approved 12 restricted manager appointed by the licensee of 13 the premises to supervise and manage the 14 premises; or 15 (b) a person appointed by the licensee of the 16 premises in accordance with section 100(3) to 17 act as a temporary manager of the premises; 18 19 (3) In section 3(1) in the definition of authorised person: 20 (a) in paragraph (b) delete "the manager" and insert: 21 22 a manager 23 24 (b) in paragraph (c) delete "licensee, occupier or manager; 25 or" and insert: 26 27 licensee or occupier or a manager; or 28 29 (c) after each of paragraphs (a) and (b) insert: 30 31 or 32 page 3 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Part 2 Amendments relating to managers s. 5 1 5. Section 30 amended 2 Delete section 30(3)(a)(iii) and "or" after it and insert: 3 4 (iii) refuses to approve a person as an 5 approved unrestricted manager or 6 approved restricted manager under 7 section 102B(1), or revokes or suspends 8 such an approval; or 9 10 6. Section 33 amended 11 (1) In section 33(6) delete "a manager or trustee --" and insert: 12 13 an approved unrestricted manager, an approved 14 restricted manager or a trustee -- 15 16 (2) In section 33(6b): 17 (a) in paragraph (b) delete "corporate," and insert: 18 19 corporate; or 20 21 (b) after paragraph (b) insert: 22 23 (ca) is approved as an approved unrestricted 24 manager, an approved restricted manager or a 25 trustee, 26 27 7. Section 34 amended 28 In section 34(1)(c): 29 (a) delete "to a" and insert: 30 31 of a 32 page 4 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Amendments relating to managers Part 2 s. 8 1 (b) delete subparagraph (i) and insert: 2 3 (i) as an approved unrestricted manager or 4 an approved restricted manager; or 5 6 8. Section 35B deleted 7 Delete section 35B. 8 9. Section 37 amended 9 Delete section 37(4). 10 10. Section 37B amended 11 (1) Delete section 37B(2)(c) and insert: 12 13 (c) for approval as an approved unrestricted 14 manager or an approved restricted manager. 15 16 (2) Delete section 37B(3)(c) and insert: 17 18 (c) an approved unrestricted manager or an 19 approved restricted manager, 20 21 (3) In section 37B(6): 22 (a) in paragraph (a)(ii) delete "a manager;" and insert: 23 24 an approved unrestricted manager or an 25 approved restricted manager; 26 27 (b) in paragraph (b) delete "a manager." and insert: 28 29 an approved unrestricted manager or an 30 approved restricted manager. 31 page 5 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Part 2 Amendments relating to managers s. 11 1 11. Section 48 amended 2 After section 48(4) insert: 3 4 (5A) Without limiting section 64, the Director may impose a 5 condition on a club licence or club restricted licence 6 requiring that any manager of the licensed premises 7 (other than a person appointed under section 100(3)) be 8 an approved unrestricted manager. 9 10 12. Section 59 amended 11 After section 59(5) insert: 12 13 (6A) Without limiting section 64, the Director may impose a 14 condition on an occasional licence requiring that any 15 manager of premises that are the subject of the licence 16 (other than a person appointed under section 100(3)) be 17 an approved unrestricted manager. 18 19 13. Section 60 amended 20 In section 60(3)(b) delete "a person nominated by the licensee 21 and approved by the Director" and insert: 22 23 an approved unrestricted manager or an 24 approved restricted manager 25 26 14. Part 4 Division 3 Subdivision 1 heading inserted 27 At the beginning of Part 4 Division 3 insert: 28 29 Subdivision 1 -- Licensed premises to be supervised 30 and managed 31 page 6 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Amendments relating to managers Part 2 s. 15 1 15. Section 100 amended 2 (1) In section 100(2): 3 (a) in paragraph (a) delete "person;" and insert: 4 5 person; or 6 7 (b) delete paragraphs (b) and (c) and "or" after 8 paragraph (b) and insert: 9 10 (b) by a person who is -- 11 (i) unless subparagraph (ii) applies -- an 12 approved unrestricted manager; or 13 (ii) in the case of a club licence, club 14 restricted licence or occasional licence 15 that is not subject to a condition 16 imposed under section 48(5A) 17 or 59(6A) -- an approved unrestricted 18 manager or an approved restricted 19 manager; 20 or 21 (c) a person appointed by the licensee in 22 accordance with subsection (3) to act as a 23 temporary manager of the premises. 24 25 (2) Delete section 100(2a) and insert: 26 27 (2a) Without limiting subsection (2), the licensee is to 28 ensure, unless the Director otherwise approves, that 29 there is present at the licensed premises at any time 30 when business is conducted at the premises -- 31 (a) a person who is -- 32 (i) unless subparagraph (ii) applies -- an 33 approved unrestricted manager; or page 7 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Part 2 Amendments relating to managers s. 15 1 (ii) in the case of a club licence, club 2 restricted licence or occasional licence 3 that is not subject to a condition 4 imposed under section 48(5A) 5 or 59(6A) -- an approved unrestricted 6 manager or an approved restricted 7 manager; 8 or 9 (b) a person appointed by the licensee in 10 accordance with subsection (3) to act as a 11 temporary manager of the premises. 12 Penalty: a fine of $10 000. 13 14 (3) Delete section 100(3) and (4) and insert: 15 16 (3) Subject to any condition imposed under subsection (4), 17 a licensee may appoint a person to act as a temporary 18 manager of licensed premises for a particular period 19 if -- 20 (a) unless the Director otherwise approves, at the 21 end of that period the premises will not have 22 been supervised and managed by a temporary 23 manager -- 24 (i) for more than 7 consecutive days; nor 25 (ii) for more than 7 days in any 28 day 26 period; 27 and 28 (b) the person appointed has not, at any time, been 29 found to be not a fit and proper person to 30 manage licensed premises. 31 (4) Without limiting section 64, the Director may impose a 32 condition on a licence prohibiting the licensee from page 8 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Amendments relating to managers Part 2 s. 16 1 appointing a person under subsection (3) unless the 2 Director has approved the appointment. 3 4 (4) Delete section 100(6). 5 (5) In section 100(7) delete "there under a licence or permit," and 6 insert: 7 8 at those premises, 9 10 16. Part 4 Division 3 Subdivision 2 inserted 11 After section 101 insert: 12 13 Subdivision 2 -- Approval of managers 14 102A. Terms used 15 In this Subdivision -- 16 approved manager means an approved unrestricted 17 manager or an approved restricted manager; 18 manager's approval means an approval granted under 19 section 102B. 20 102B. Director may approve manager 21 (1) The Director may, in writing, approve a natural person 22 as -- 23 (a) an approved unrestricted manager; or 24 (b) an approved restricted manager. 25 (2) An application for a manager's approval -- 26 (a) is to be made in accordance with the 27 regulations; and 28 (b) is to be accompanied by the prescribed fee. page 9 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Part 2 Amendments relating to managers s. 16 1 (3) The Director must not grant a manager's approval 2 unless satisfied that the applicant is a fit and proper 3 person to be approved. 4 (4) In determining an application for a manager's approval 5 the Director may have regard to any matters prescribed 6 by the regulations. 7 (5) Unless the Director otherwise determines, if a person 8 has applied for a manager's approval the person is to 9 be taken to be an approved unrestricted manager or an 10 approved restricted manager, as the case requires, until 11 the Director determines the application. 12 102C. Conditions on manager's approval 13 The Director may, in accordance with the regulations, 14 impose any conditions on a manager's approval that 15 the Director thinks fit and may vary or remove those 16 conditions. 17 102D. Duration of manager's approval 18 (1) A manager's approval -- 19 (a) takes effect on the day on which it is granted or 20 any later day specified in it; and 21 (b) remains in force for the period prescribed by 22 the regulations, unless before then it is revoked 23 under section 102F. 24 (2) A manager's approval may be renewed for consecutive 25 periods of the duration prescribed by the regulations. 26 102E. Renewal of manager's approval 27 (1) An approved manager may apply to the Director to 28 renew his or her manager's approval. page 10 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Amendments relating to managers Part 2 s. 16 1 (2) An application for the renewal of a manager's 2 approval -- 3 (a) is to be made in accordance with the 4 regulations; and 5 (b) is to be accompanied by the prescribed fee. 6 102F. Disciplinary matters 7 (1) There are grounds for taking action against an 8 approved manager under this section if -- 9 (a) the approved manager has failed to supervise 10 and manage the conduct of business at licensed 11 premises in a proper manner; or 12 (b) the approved manager is no longer fit and 13 proper to be approved; or 14 (c) the approved manager has failed to comply 15 with any condition on his or her manager's 16 approval; or 17 (d) grounds exist under the regulations for taking 18 action under this section. 19 (2) If the Director is satisfied that there are grounds for 20 taking action against an approved manager under this 21 section the Director may, by notice in writing -- 22 (a) revoke the manager's approval; or 23 (b) suspend the manager's approval for a specified 24 period; or 25 (c) impose conditions on the manager's approval. 26 (3) The Director must not take action against an approved 27 manager under this section unless the approved 28 manager -- 29 (a) has been given, subject to section 30, details of 30 the grounds on which the Director proposes to 31 take that action; and page 11 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Part 2 Amendments relating to managers s. 17 1 (b) has been afforded a reasonable opportunity to 2 be heard on the matter. 3 (4) The Director may revoke a suspension imposed under 4 subsection (2)(b) before the end of the specified period. 5 102G. Approval may be cancelled on request 6 The Director may cancel a manager's approval at the 7 request of the manager. 8 9 17. Part 4 Division 3 Subdivision 3 heading inserted 10 Before section 102 insert: 11 12 Subdivision 3 -- General matters 13 14 18. Section 116 amended 15 (1) Delete section 116(4) and insert: 16 17 (4) A licensee shall cause to be displayed in a readily 18 legible condition and in a conspicuous position in the 19 licensed premises -- 20 (a) a copy of the licence; and 21 (b) if section 100(2a) applies in relation to the 22 premises -- a notice displaying the name of 23 each person who is supervising and managing 24 the premises and identifying every such person 25 as a manager. 26 Penalty: a fine of $2 000. 27 (5A) The notice required by subsection (4)(b) may be 28 combined with the notice required by subsection (5). 29 page 12 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Amendments relating to managers Part 2 s. 19 1 (2) In section 116(5): 2 (a) in paragraph (c) delete ""Licensee"; and" and insert: 3 4 "Licensee", 5 6 (b) delete paragraph (d). 7 19. Section 121 amended 8 In section 121(1): 9 (a) delete paragraph (b) and insert: 10 11 (b) any manager who is supervising and managing 12 the licensed premises at the time the liquor is 13 sold or supplied; and 14 15 (b) after paragraph (a) insert: 16 17 and 18 19 20. Section 164 amended 20 (1) Delete section 164(1)(b) and insert: 21 22 (b) if the offence was committed in respect of 23 licensed premises, any manager who was 24 supervising and managing the premises at the 25 time the offence was committed shall also be 26 deemed to have committed an offence unless it 27 is proved that -- 28 (i) such direction had been given; and page 13 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Part 2 Amendments relating to managers s. 21 1 (ii) such supervision had been exercised or 2 caused to be exercised, 3 by that manager as were reasonably necessary 4 to ensure that an offence against this Act would 5 not be committed, 6 7 (2) Delete section 164(1a)(b) and insert: 8 9 (b) the Commission may impose a penalty under 10 section 96 on any manager who was 11 supervising and managing the premises at the 12 time the grounds upon which the complaint was 13 made occurred, as well as on the licensee, 14 unless it is proved that -- 15 (i) such direction had been given; and 16 (ii) such supervision had been exercised or 17 caused to be exercised, 18 by that manager as were reasonably necessary 19 to ensure that the grounds upon which the 20 complaint was made would not occur. 21 22 21. Section 172 amended 23 In section 172(1): 24 (a) delete paragraph (b)(iv) and insert: 25 26 (iv) an approved unrestricted manager or an 27 approved restricted manager; 28 29 (b) after each of paragraphs (a) to (na) and (b)(i) and (ii) 30 insert: 31 32 or 33 page 14 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Amendments relating to managers Part 2 s. 22 1 22. Section 175 amended 2 In section 175(1): 3 (a) in paragraph (f) delete "used." and insert: 4 5 used; and 6 7 (b) after paragraph (f) insert: 8 9 (g) the approval and conduct of managers. 10 11 (c) after each of paragraphs (a) to (d) insert: 12 13 and 14 15 23. Section 177B inserted 16 After section 177A insert: 17 18 177B. Transitional provisions relating to the Liquor 19 Control Amendment Act 2010 20 Schedule 1B sets out transitional provisions relating to 21 amendments made to this Act by the Liquor Control 22 Amendment Act 2010. 23 page 15 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Part 2 Amendments relating to managers s. 24 1 24. Schedule 1B inserted 2 After Schedule 1A insert: 3 4 Schedule 1B -- Transitional provisions relating to 5 the Liquor Control Amendment Act 2010 6 [s. 177B] 7 1. Terms used 8 In this Schedule -- 9 approved manager means an approved unrestricted manager 10 or an approved restricted manager; 11 commencement day means the day on which the Liquor 12 Control Amendment Act 2010 Part 2 comes into operation; 13 old section 35B means section 35B as in force immediately 14 before the commencement day. 15 2. Current managers taken to be licensed 16 On the commencement day a person who was, immediately 17 before the commencement day, approved as a manager of 18 licensed premises under the old section 35B becomes -- 19 (a) if the person had, before the commencement day, 20 completed a course of training or an assessment of 21 the kind described in the old section 35B(3)(c)(i) -- 22 an approved unrestricted manager; or 23 (b) otherwise -- an approved restricted manager. 24 3. Duration of transitioned approvals 25 (1) For the purposes of section 102D, an approval effected by 26 clause 2 (a transitioned approval) is taken to have been 27 granted on the commencement day. 28 (2) The regulations may modify the operation of section 102D 29 in relation to transitioned approvals. page 16 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Amendments relating to managers Part 2 s. 25 1 (3) Regulations for the purposes of subclause (2) cannot reduce 2 the duration of a transitioned approval unless the approved 3 manager agrees to the reduction. 4 (4) Regulations for the purposes of subclause (2) may make 5 different provision for different classes of approvals or 6 different classes of persons. 7 4. Current applications 8 (1) If -- 9 (a) an application was made before the commencement 10 day for a person (the applicant) to be approved as a 11 manager under the old section 35B; and 12 (b) as at the commencement day the application had not 13 been finally dealt with, 14 then on the commencement day the application becomes an 15 application under section 102B for approval of the applicant 16 as an approved unrestricted manager. 17 (2) If an applicant to whom subclause (1) applies does not 18 satisfy the criteria for approval as an approved unrestricted 19 manager but does satisfy the criteria for approval as an 20 approved restricted manager, the Director may approve the 21 person as an approved restricted manager. 22 23 25. Other provisions amended 24 Amend the provisions listed in the Table as set out in the Table. 25 Table Provision Delete Insert s. 3(7)(a), licensee, occupier or licensee or occupier 125(1)(a)(i) and (c), manager or a manager 126C(2) and (3) page 17 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Part 2 Amendments relating to managers s. 25 Provision Delete Insert s. 34(3) a manager an approved unrestricted manager or an approved restricted manager s. 35A(4) be manager of be a manager of the licensed licensed s. 37A licensee, or a person licensee, an approved as a approved manager under unrestricted manager section 35B or an approved restricted manager s. 101(1) a person appointed a manager of the as manager, or licensed premises, or permitted by the a person permitted licensee to conduct, by the licensee to supervise or manage conduct, supervise or the business carried manage the business on under the licence carried on under the on any premises is licence, is responsible responsible s. 101(2) the manager a manager s. 103A(3) licensee or an licensee, an approved manager. approved unrestricted manager or an approved restricted manager. s. 115(3) an approved a manager manager page 18 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Amendments relating to managers Part 2 s. 25 Provision Delete Insert s. 115(7)(b) or manager or a manager s. 116(2) A licensee, or a The licensee or a manager, of the manager of the business conducted licensed premises under the licence s. 119(5)(a) or the manager or a manager of, or s. 120(1)(b)(i) the licensee, the licensee or manager or occupier occupier or a of manager of s. 154(1)(f) or manager to or a manager of the premises to page 19 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Part 3 Amendments relating to liquor restricted premises s. 26 1 Part 3 -- Amendments relating to liquor 2 restricted premises 3 26. Part 5B inserted 4 After Part 5A insert: 5 6 Part 5B -- Liquor restricted premises 7 152N. Terms used 8 In this Part -- 9 applicant, in relation to a liquor restriction declaration, 10 means the person on whose application the declaration 11 was granted; 12 liquor restricted premises means premises that are the 13 subject of a liquor restriction declaration that is in 14 force; 15 liquor restriction declaration means a declaration 16 made under section 152P; 17 occupier, in relation to premises, means a person who 18 is, or is entitled to be, in occupation or control of the 19 premises, whether exclusively or jointly or in common 20 with other persons. 21 152O. Liquor prohibited on liquor restricted premises 22 (1) A person who -- 23 (a) brings liquor onto; or 24 (b) causes liquor to be brought onto; or 25 (c) has in his or her possession or control any 26 liquor on; or 27 (d) consumes liquor on, 28 liquor restricted premises commits an offence. 29 Penalty: a fine of $2 000. page 20 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Amendments relating to liquor restricted premises Part 3 s. 26 1 (2) Subsection (1)(a), (b) and (c) do not apply if -- 2 (a) the person in possession of the liquor is passing 3 through a part of the liquor restricted premises 4 that is open to the public or through which the 5 person has a right of access; and 6 (b) the liquor -- 7 (i) is in an unopened container or a 8 container that having been opened is 9 securely re-closed; and 10 (ii) is intended for consumption off the 11 liquor restricted premises. 12 (3) It is a defence to a charge of an offence against 13 subsection (1) to show that the person charged -- 14 (a) did not know; and 15 (b) could not reasonably have been expected to 16 know, 17 that the premises were liquor restricted premises. 18 152P. Declaration of liquor restricted premises 19 (1) The Director may, by notice in writing, declare any of, 20 or any part of, the following to be liquor restricted 21 premises -- 22 (a) residential premises; 23 (b) non-residential private premises, even if all or 24 part of the premises is open to the public; 25 (c) Crown land that is occupied by a person who 26 has a right to exclusive possession of the land. 27 (2) A declaration may be made so as to declare premises to 28 be a liquor restricted premises -- 29 (a) at all times; or 30 (b) only during such periods as are specified in the 31 declaration. page 21 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Part 3 Amendments relating to liquor restricted premises s. 26 1 (3) A declaration may be made subject to any exemptions 2 or conditions the Director thinks fit. 3 (4) The Director may exercise a power under 4 subsection (1) on the application of -- 5 (a) an owner or occupier of the premises; or 6 (b) a person who is, in relation to the premises, in a 7 prescribed class of persons. 8 152Q. Making of liquor restriction declaration 9 (1) The Director may make a liquor restriction declaration 10 if satisfied that making the declaration -- 11 (a) either -- 12 (i) reflects the wishes of the majority of the 13 occupiers of the premises; or 14 (ii) is in the public interest, despite not 15 reflecting the wishes of the majority of 16 the occupiers of the premises; 17 and 18 (b) is reasonable in the circumstances. 19 (2) The Director may make a liquor restriction declaration 20 in relation to all or part of the premises to which the 21 application relates. 22 (3) If the applicant is not the sole owner and occupier of 23 premises to which an application relates the Director 24 must not declare the premises to be liquor restricted 25 premises unless the Director is satisfied that each 26 other person who owns or occupies any part of the 27 premises -- 28 (a) consents to the declaration being made; or 29 (b) has -- 30 (i) been informed of the application; and 31 (ii) had a reasonable opportunity to make 32 submissions to the Director. page 22 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Amendments relating to liquor restricted premises Part 3 s. 26 1 (4) For the purposes of deciding whether to declare 2 premises to be liquor restricted premises the Director 3 may consult with all or any of the following persons -- 4 (a) owners or occupiers of the premises the subject 5 of the application; 6 (b) owners or occupiers of premises near the 7 premises the subject of the application; 8 (c) the Commissioner of Police; 9 (d) the relevant local government; 10 (e) any other person, body or authority the Director 11 considers may be able to provide information 12 relevant to the application. 13 (5) If the Director refuses to make a liquor restriction 14 declaration the Director must notify the applicant of the 15 refusal and the grounds on which it was made. 16 152R. Director to notify persons of declaration 17 (1) On making a liquor restriction declaration the Director 18 must give a copy of the declaration to -- 19 (a) the applicant; and 20 (b) the Commissioner of Police. 21 (2) On making a liquor restriction declaration the Director 22 must give notice of the declaration to each other person 23 who owns or occupies any part of the liquor restricted 24 premises. 25 (3) A notice under subsection (2) -- 26 (a) must comply with section 152S(3)(a); and 27 (b) may be given in person or by post. 28 (4) A failure to give notice as required by subsection (2) 29 does not affect the validity of the declaration. page 23 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Part 3 Amendments relating to liquor restricted premises s. 26 1 152S. Notice of declaration to be displayed at premises 2 (1) As soon as practicable after a liquor restriction 3 declaration is made the applicant must cause a notice 4 about the declaration to be displayed at the liquor 5 restricted premises. 6 Penalty: a fine of $2 000. 7 (2) The applicant must ensure that the notice remains on 8 display at all times while the declaration is in force. 9 Penalty: a fine of $2 000. 10 (3) The notice must -- 11 (a) include -- 12 (i) a statement that the premises are liquor 13 restricted premises; and 14 (ii) a description or diagram of the area that 15 is subject to the declaration in sufficient 16 detail for it to be clearly identified; and 17 (iii) a copy of the declaration; and 18 (iv) a statement as to the effect of 19 section 152O; 20 and 21 (b) be displayed in a conspicuous position on the 22 premises; and 23 (c) be in a readily legible condition; and 24 (d) comply with any requirements prescribed in the 25 regulations. 26 (4) If the declaration is varied under section 152U, the 27 notice must be changed accordingly. 28 (5) A person must not remove, deface or otherwise 29 interfere with a notice displayed as required by this 30 section. 31 Penalty: a fine of $2 000. page 24 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Amendments relating to liquor restricted premises Part 3 s. 26 1 152T. Duration of declaration 2 (1) A liquor restriction declaration comes into force when 3 it is made or at any later time specified in the 4 declaration. 5 (2) A liquor restriction declaration ceases to be in force 6 when the first of the following occurs -- 7 (a) if the declaration was granted for a specified 8 period -- that period expires; 9 (b) the Director revokes the declaration; 10 (c) the applicant ceases to be a person who could 11 apply for the declaration. 12 (3) The applicant for a declaration must give written notice 13 to the Director if the person ceases to be a person who 14 could apply for the declaration, unless the declaration 15 has already ceased to be in force under 16 subsection (2)(a) or (b). 17 Penalty: a fine of $2 000. 18 152U. Variation of declaration 19 (1) The Director may vary a liquor restriction declaration 20 if the Director is satisfied that varying the 21 declaration -- 22 (a) either -- 23 (i) reflects the wishes of the majority of the 24 occupiers of the premises; or 25 (ii) is in the public interest, despite not 26 reflecting the wishes of the majority of 27 the occupiers of the premises; 28 and 29 (b) is reasonable in the circumstances. page 25 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Part 3 Amendments relating to liquor restricted premises s. 26 1 (2) Without limiting the variations that may be made under 2 subsection (1) a declaration may be varied to do any or 3 all of following -- 4 (a) change the area to which the declaration relates; 5 (b) change the periods during which the premises is 6 a liquor restricted premises; 7 (c) create or change exemptions to, or conditions 8 on, the declaration; 9 (d) change the duration of the declaration. 10 (3) The Director may exercise a power under 11 subsection (1) -- 12 (a) at any time on the Director's own initiative; or 13 (b) on the application of -- 14 (i) the applicant for the declaration; or 15 (ii) any other person who owns or occupies 16 any part of the premises; or 17 (iii) the Commissioner of Police. 18 (4) The Director must not vary a liquor restriction 19 declaration unless the Director is satisfied that each 20 person who owns or occupies any part of the 21 premises -- 22 (a) consents to the variation being made; or 23 (b) has -- 24 (i) been informed of the proposed 25 variation; and 26 (ii) had a reasonable opportunity to make 27 submissions to the Director. 28 (5) Section 152Q(4) and (5) apply, with any necessary 29 modifications, to the exercise by the Director of a 30 power under subsection (1). page 26 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Amendments relating to liquor restricted premises Part 3 s. 26 1 152V. Revocation of declaration 2 (1) The Director may revoke a liquor restriction 3 declaration if the Director is satisfied that the 4 continuation of the declaration -- 5 (a) does not reflect the wishes of the majority of 6 the occupiers of the premises; or 7 (b) is not in the public interest; or 8 (c) is not reasonable in the circumstances. 9 (2) The Director may exercise a power under 10 subsection (1) -- 11 (a) at any time on the Director's own initiative; or 12 (b) on the application of -- 13 (i) the applicant for the declaration; or 14 (ii) any other person who owns or occupies 15 any part of the premises; or 16 (iii) the Commissioner of Police. 17 (3) The Director must not revoke a liquor restriction 18 declaration unless the Director is satisfied that each 19 person who owns or occupies any part of the 20 premises -- 21 (a) consents to the revocation being made; or 22 (b) has -- 23 (i) been informed of the proposed 24 revocation; and 25 (ii) had a reasonable opportunity to make 26 submissions to the Director. 27 (4) Section 152Q(4) and (5) apply, with any necessary 28 modifications, to the exercise by the Director of a 29 power under subsection (1). page 27 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Part 3 Amendments relating to liquor restricted premises s. 26 1 152W. Applications generally 2 (1) In this section -- 3 application means any application for the purposes of 4 this Part. 5 (2) An application must be made to the Director in the 6 form and manner approved by the Director. 7 (3) An application must be accompanied by the prescribed 8 fee. 9 (4) An applicant must provide the Director with any 10 information or document that the Director reasonably 11 requires. 12 (5) If an applicant does not comply with the requirements 13 of this Part for the making of the application the 14 Director -- 15 (a) may accept the application if the Director 16 considers it appropriate to do so; or 17 (b) may decline to deal with the application and, if 18 so, must advise the applicant accordingly. 19 152X. Decisions under Part 5B not subject to review 20 A decision made by the Director under this Part is not 21 subject to review under section 25. 22 page 28 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Amendments relating to regulating behaviour in licensed Part 4 premises s. 27 1 Part 4 -- Amendments relating to regulating 2 behaviour in licensed premises 3 27. Section 3 amended 4 (1) In section 3(1) insert in alphabetical order: 5 6 responsible person, in relation to licensed premises, 7 means -- 8 (a) the licensee or occupier of the premises; or 9 (b) a manager of the premises; or 10 (c) an employee or agent of the licensee or 11 occupier or a manager; 12 13 (2) In section 3(7) delete "definition of authorised person" and 14 insert: 15 16 definitions of authorised person and responsible person 17 18 28. Section 61A deleted 19 Delete section 61A. 20 29. Section 69 amended 21 In section 69(6)(c): 22 (a) in subparagraph (i) delete "person; and" and insert: 23 24 person; or 25 26 (b) in subparagraph (ii) delete "result, or as to any other 27 matter relevant to the public interest; and" and insert: 28 29 result; or 30 page 29 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Part 4 Amendments relating to regulating behaviour in licensed premises s. 30 1 (c) in subparagraph (iii) delete "licence." and insert: 2 3 licence; or 4 5 (d) after subparagraph (iii) insert: 6 7 (iv) any other matter relevant to the public 8 interest. 9 10 30. Sections 115AA to 115AE inserted 11 After section 115 insert: 12 13 115AA. Barring notices by Commissioner of Police 14 (1) In this section -- 15 specified means specified in a notice under this section. 16 (2) The Commissioner of Police may give a notice to a 17 person prohibiting the person from entering specified 18 licensed premises, or a specified class of licensed 19 premises, if the Commissioner believes, on reasonable 20 grounds, that the person has, on licensed premises -- 21 (a) been violent or disorderly; or 22 (b) engaged in indecent behaviour; or 23 (c) contravened a provision of any written law. 24 (3) The notice is to be in a form approved by the Director. 25 (4) The notice has effect from the day the notice is given to 26 the person until the earliest of -- 27 (a) a specified day; or 28 (b) if the notice is revoked under subsection (7) -- 29 the day that the notice of revocation is given to 30 the person; or page 30 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Amendments relating to regulating behaviour in licensed Part 4 premises s. 30 1 (c) if the decision to give the notice is quashed by 2 the Commission under section 115AD -- the 3 day that a copy of the Commission's decision is 4 given to the person. 5 (5) The specified day cannot be more than 12 months after 6 the day on which the notice is served. 7 (6) Except as provided in subsection (7A), a person who 8 enters premises contrary to a notice under 9 subsection (2) commits an offence. 10 Penalty: a fine of $10 000. 11 (7A) A person does not commit an offence under 12 subsection (6) if the person enters the premises solely 13 for the purpose of performing duties relating to the 14 person's work. 15 (7) The Commissioner of Police may revoke a notice 16 under subsection (2) by giving to the person a notice of 17 revocation. 18 (8) The notice of revocation is to be in a form approved by 19 the Director. 20 115AB. Delegation by the Commissioner of Police 21 (1) The Commissioner of Police may delegate the 22 Commissioner's functions under section 115AA to a 23 member of the Police Force of or above the rank of 24 Inspector. 25 (2) The delegation must be in writing signed by the 26 Commissioner of Police. 27 (3) A person to whom the duty is delegated under this 28 section cannot delegate that duty. page 31 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Part 4 Amendments relating to regulating behaviour in licensed premises s. 30 1 (4) A person performing the duty that has been delegated 2 to the person under this section is to be taken to do so 3 in accordance with the terms of the delegation unless 4 the contrary is shown. 5 (5) Nothing in this section limits the ability of the 6 Commissioner of Police to perform the duty through an 7 officer or agent. 8 115AC. Publication of details of people subject to barring 9 notices 10 (1A) In this section -- 11 secure webpage means a page on a website that is 12 accessible only by -- 13 (a) the licensee or occupier of licensed premises; or 14 (b) a manager of licensed premises; or 15 (c) a prescribed person or class of persons or a 16 person in a prescribed circumstance. 17 (1) The Commissioner of Police must publish on a secure 18 webpage all of the following in relation to a person to 19 whom a notice under section 115AA is given -- 20 (a) the name of the person; 21 (b) a photograph of the person (if any is in the 22 possession of the Commissioner); 23 (c) the town or suburb where the person lives; 24 (d) the licensed premises, or class of licensed 25 premises, in relation to which the notice relates. 26 (2) Subsection (1) does not permit the publication of 27 anything that identifies, or is capable of identifying -- 28 (a) a child other than the person to whom the 29 notice is given; or 30 (c) the details of any offence of which the person 31 was convicted in the Children's Court. page 32 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Amendments relating to regulating behaviour in licensed Part 4 premises s. 30 1 (3) Except as provided in subsection (4), a person who 2 discloses something that has been published under 3 subsection (1) commits an offence. 4 Penalty: a fine of $10 000. 5 (4) A licensee or manager of licensed premises does not 6 commit an offence under subsection (3) if -- 7 (a) he or she discloses information published under 8 subsection (1) to a responsible person in 9 relation to those premises; and 10 (b) the disclosure is made for the purposes of 11 enabling the responsible person to perform 12 duties relating to the person's work on the 13 licensed premises. 14 115AD. Application for review 15 (1) In this section -- 16 notice means a notice under section 115AA(2). 17 (2) This section applies if -- 18 (a) a notice is given to a person in respect of 19 licensed premises; and 20 (b) the notice -- 21 (i) has effect for one month or more; or 22 (ii) has effect for any shorter period that, 23 when added to the period of any notice 24 previously given to the person in respect 25 of the premises or premises of the 26 particular class (as the case requires), 27 results in the person being prohibited 28 from those premises or that class of 29 premises for a period of more than one 30 month in any 12 month period. page 33 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Part 4 Amendments relating to regulating behaviour in licensed premises s. 30 1 (3) Subject to subsection (4), where the person is 2 dissatisfied with the decision of the Commissioner of 3 Police to give the notice, the person may apply to the 4 Commission for a review of that decision. 5 (4) An application under subsection (3) must be made 6 within a month after the applicant is served with the 7 notice or such longer period as the Commission may 8 allow. 9 (5) The application must be -- 10 (a) made in a manner and form approved by the 11 Commission; and 12 (b) accompanied by the prescribed fee, if any. 13 (6) When conducting a review of the decision, the 14 Commission may have regard to -- 15 (a) the material that was before the Commissioner 16 of Police when making the decision; and 17 (b) any information or document provided by the 18 applicant. 19 (7) On a review under this section, the Commission may 20 affirm, vary or quash the decision subject to the review. 21 (8) The notice remains in force during the period of the 22 review of the decision to give that notice. 23 115AE. Permitting entry to premises contrary to barring 24 notice 25 A responsible person in relation to licensed premises 26 commits an offence if the responsible person -- 27 (a) knows that a notice under section 115AA(2) 28 has been given to a person in respect of the 29 premises; and page 34 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Amendments relating to regulating behaviour in licensed Part 4 premises s. 31 1 (b) permits the person to enter or remain on the 2 premises contrary to the notice. 3 Penalty: a fine of $10 000. 4 5 31. Section 128 amended 6 Delete section 128(2)(a) and "or" after it and insert: 7 8 (a) all or any of the following -- 9 (i) the class of licence; 10 (ii) any restrictions or conditions imposed 11 in relation to the licence; 12 (iii) the type of premises; 13 (iv) the location of the premises; 14 (v) the capacity of the premises; 15 (vi) the trading hours; 16 (vii) the convictions for offences under this 17 Act, if any, of the applicant for the 18 licence; 19 (viii) the disciplinary action under Part 3 20 Division 13, if any, taken against the 21 applicant for the licence; 22 (ix) any other criteria prescribed in the 23 regulations; 24 or 25 26 32. Section 152K amended 27 After section 152K(1) insert: 28 29 (2A) If the Director makes a prohibition order, the Director 30 may publish all or any of the following information or 31 material in relation to the relevant person if that page 35 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Part 4 Amendments relating to regulating behaviour in licensed premises s. 33 1 information or material was provided with the 2 application of the Commissioner of Police under 3 section 152B -- 4 (a) the name of the relevant person; 5 (b) a photograph of the relevant person; 6 (c) the town or suburb where the relevant person 7 lives; 8 (d) the licensed premises, or class of licensed 9 premises, in relation to which the order relates. 10 (2B) Subsection (2A) does not permit the publication of 11 anything that identifies, or is capable of identifying -- 12 (a) a child other than the relevant person; or 13 (c) the details of any offence of which the relevant 14 person was convicted in the Children's Court. 15 (2C) A person may republish in any manner something that 16 has been published under subsection (2A). 17 18 33. Section 152M inserted 19 After section 152L insert: 20 21 152M. Permitting entry to premises contrary to 22 prohibition order 23 A responsible person in relation to licensed premises 24 commits an offence if the responsible person -- 25 (a) knows that a prohibition order has been made 26 against a person in respect of the premises; and 27 (b) permits the person to enter or remain on the 28 premises contrary to the order. 29 Penalty: a fine of $10 000. 30 page 36 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Amendments relating to regulating behaviour in licensed Part 4 premises s. 34 1 34. Section 175 amended 2 After section 175(1)(cc) insert: 3 4 (cd) limiting the permitted opening hours that may 5 be authorised by an extended trading permit 6 issued for the purpose referred to in 7 section 60(4)(g); and 8 (ce) regulating entry to licensed premises after a 9 time of the day or night specified in the 10 regulations; and 11 page 37 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Part 5 Other amendments s. 35 1 Part 5 -- Other amendments 2 35. Section 3 amended 3 (1) In section 3(1) insert in alphabetical order: 4 5 prescribed means prescribed in regulations under 6 section 175; 7 tavern restricted licence means a hotel licence of the 8 kind referred to in section 41(1)(c); 9 10 (2) In section 3(1) in the definition of hotel licence after "tavern 11 licence" insert: 12 13 or tavern restricted licence 14 15 (3) In section 3(1) in the definition of meal delete "by the 16 regulations". 17 (4) In section 3(4)(d) delete "by the regulations". 18 36. Section 6 amended 19 In section 6(1)(o) delete "sale" and insert: 20 21 sale or supply of liquor is to, or the consumption of liquor is by, 22 a person who is at least 18 years of age and that sale, supply or 23 consumption 24 25 37. Section 16 amended 26 In section 16(2)(b) delete "Commission except the hearing of 27 applications for a new licence, or for a removal, where an 28 objection is lodged and not withdrawn." and insert: 29 30 Commission. 31 page 38 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Other amendments Part 5 s. 38 1 38. Section 33 amended 2 (1) In section 33(6): 3 (a) delete "shall be taken to be" and insert: 4 5 are 6 7 (b) delete "should" and insert: 8 9 may 10 11 (2) After section 33(6c) insert: 12 13 (6D) For the purposes of subsection (6)(b), the licensing 14 authority may rely on any document issued by the 15 Police Force of Western Australia, the Australian 16 Federal Police or the police force of another State or a 17 Territory that -- 18 (a) sets out the criminal convictions (if any) of the 19 person for offences under the law of the State, 20 the Commonwealth or the other State or a 21 Territory; and 22 (b) was issued not more than 30 days, or such other 23 prescribed period, before the material time. 24 25 39. Section 37 amended 26 (1) At the beginning of section 37 insert: 27 28 (1A) In this section -- 29 public body means -- 30 (a) an agency or an organisation as those terms are 31 defined in the Public Sector Management 32 Act 1994 section 3(1); or page 39 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Part 5 Other amendments s. 39 1 (b) a body, whether incorporated or not, or the 2 holder of an office, that is established or 3 continued for a public purpose under a written 4 law and that, under the authority of a written 5 law, performs a statutory function on behalf of 6 the State; or 7 (c) a local government or regional local 8 government; or 9 (d) any other body, or the holder of an office, post 10 or position, that is prescribed as a public body 11 for the purposes of this definition. 12 13 (2) In section 37(1): 14 (a) in paragraph (a) delete "person or a body corporate -- 15 that the person" and insert: 16 17 person -- that the applicant 18 19 (b) in paragraph (b) delete "corporate --" and insert: 20 21 corporate or a public body -- 22 23 (3) After section 37(1) insert: 24 25 (2A) Where the licensing authority is to determine whether a 26 person is a fit and proper person to occupy a position of 27 authority in an association incorporated under the 28 Associations Incorporation Act 1987 or a public body, 29 the licensing authority may, in the absence of evidence 30 to the contrary, assume that the person is a fit and 31 proper person to occupy that position. 32 page 40 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Other amendments Part 5 s. 40 1 40. Section 38 amended 2 In section 38(3) delete "purpose" and insert: 3 4 purposes 5 6 41. Section 41 amended 7 (1) In section 41(1): 8 (a) in paragraph (b)(ii) delete "other sales to liquor sold for 9 consumption" and insert: 10 11 the sale of liquor to be consumed 12 13 (b) in paragraph (b) delete "licence," and insert: 14 15 licence; and 16 17 (c) after paragraph (b) insert: 18 19 (c) where a tavern licence is subject to a 20 condition -- 21 (i) prohibiting the sale of packaged liquor; 22 and 23 (ii) restricting the sale of liquor to be 24 consumed on the licensed premises, 25 it shall be referred to as a tavern restricted 26 licence, 27 28 (d) after "for a tavern licence" insert: 29 30 or a tavern restricted licence 31 page 41 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Part 5 Other amendments s. 42 1 (2) In section 41(6) delete "licence." and insert: 2 3 licence or a tavern restricted licence. 4 5 42. Section 55 amended 6 In section 55(1)(a): 7 (a) after "from the licensed premises" insert: 8 9 all or any of the following 10 11 (b) in each of subparagraphs (i), (ii) and (iii) delete "being"; 12 (c) after subparagraph (ii) delete "or". 13 43. Section 57 amended 14 (1) At the beginning of section 57 insert: 15 16 (1) In this section -- 17 relevant liquor means liquor of the kind sought to be 18 authorised for sale under the licence; 19 relevant period means the period of 12 months from 20 the date on which the licence, if granted, will come into 21 force. 22 23 (2) In section 57: 24 (a) delete "An applicant" and insert: 25 26 (2) An applicant 27 page 42 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Other amendments Part 5 s. 44 1 (b) delete paragraphs (a) and (b) and insert: 2 3 (a) that the applicant is, or within the relevant 4 period will become, a genuine producer of the 5 relevant liquor; and 6 (b) that the applicant carries on, or within the 7 relevant period will commence to carry on, a 8 genuine business of the sale of the relevant 9 liquor; and 10 (ca) that the applicant produces, or within the 11 relevant period will commence production of, a 12 sufficient quantity of the relevant liquor to be 13 able to carry on the business referred to in 14 paragraph (b); and 15 16 (3) At the end of section 57 insert: 17 18 (3) Every producer's licence is subject to the condition 19 that, unless the Director approves otherwise, the 20 licensee must produce a sufficient quantity of the 21 relevant liquor to be able to carry on the business 22 referred to in subsection (2)(b). 23 24 44. Section 64 amended 25 (1) In section 64(3): 26 (a) in paragraph (ba) delete "authority" and insert: 27 28 government 29 30 (b) after paragraph (j) insert: 31 32 (ka) require the keeping of records and provision of 33 information to the Director; or 34 page 43 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Part 5 Other amendments s. 45 1 (2) In section 64(7) delete "$500" and insert: 2 3 $1 000 4 5 45. Section 67 amended 6 In section 67(5)(a) delete "application, endorsed with the date of 7 its lodgement with the Director," and insert: 8 9 application 10 11 46. Section 69 amended 12 (1) Delete section 69(2) and insert: 13 14 (2) The Director must give to the applicant sufficient 15 directions to enable the application to be advertised in 16 accordance with any requirement under section 67(1). 17 18 (2) In section 69(4): 19 (a) delete "shall --" and insert: 20 21 may -- 22 23 (b) in paragraph (b) delete "it," and insert: 24 25 it. 26 27 (c) delete "as soon as may be practicable.". page 44 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Other amendments Part 5 s. 47 1 47. Section 96 amended 2 In section 96(1)(m) delete "$30 000; or" and insert: 3 4 $60 000; or 5 6 48. Section 98A amended 7 In section 98A(1): 8 (a) in paragraph (b) delete "6 a.m." and insert: 9 10 5 a.m. 11 12 (b) in paragraph (d) delete "6 a.m." and insert: 13 14 5 a.m. 15 16 49. Section 99 amended 17 In section 99(7) delete "$500" and insert: 18 19 $1 000 20 21 50. Section 103A amended 22 In section 103A(1)(b) after "maintain a register" insert: 23 24 on the licensed premises 25 page 45 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Part 5 Other amendments s. 51 1 51. Section 106 amended 2 (1) In section 106(1) delete the Penalty and insert: 3 4 Penalty: 5 (a) for the licensee or a manager, a fine of 6 $10 000; 7 (b) for an employee or agent, a fine of $4 000; 8 (c) for a lodger, a fine of $2 000. 9 10 (2) In section 106(3) delete the Penalty and insert: 11 12 Penalty: 13 (a) for the licensee or a manager, a fine of 14 $10 000; 15 (b) for an employee or agent, a fine of $4 000; 16 (c) for a lodger, a fine of $2 000. 17 18 52. Section 109 amended 19 (1) In section 109(1) delete the Penalty and insert: 20 21 Penalty: a fine of $20 000 and imprisonment for 22 2 years, but the minimum penalty is a fine of 23 $2 000. 24 25 (2) In section 109(3) delete the Penalty and insert: 26 27 Penalty: a fine of $10 000, but the minimum penalty is 28 a fine of $1 000. 29 page 46 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Other amendments Part 5 s. 53 1 (3) After section 109(3) insert: 2 3 (4A) A licensee, or an employee or agent of a licensee (the 4 seller), commits an offence if -- 5 (a) the seller sells liquor to another person (the 6 buyer) whom the seller reasonably believes, or 7 ought reasonably to believe, intends to sell the 8 liquor in contravention of subsection (1); and 9 (b) the buyer sells the liquor in contravention of 10 subsection (1). 11 Penalty: a fine of $20 000 and imprisonment for 12 2 years, but the minimum penalty is a fine of 13 $2 000. 14 15 53. Section 110 amended 16 (1) In section 110(1) delete the Penalty and insert: 17 18 Penalty: 19 (a) for the licensee or a manager, a fine of 20 $10 000; 21 (b) for an employee or agent, a fine of $4 000; 22 (c) for anyone else, a fine of $2 000. 23 24 (2) In section 110(2) delete the Penalty and insert: 25 26 Penalty: 27 (a) for the licensee or a manager, a fine of 28 $10 000; 29 (b) for an employee or agent, a fine of $4 000. 30 page 47 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Part 5 Other amendments s. 53 1 (3) In section 110(3) delete the Penalty and insert: 2 3 Penalty: 4 (a) for the licensee or a manager, a fine of 5 $10 000; 6 (b) for an employee or agent, a fine of $4 000; 7 (c) for anyone else, a fine of $2 000. 8 9 (4) After section 110(3) insert: 10 11 (4A) A person attending a public event at a sports arena 12 commits an offence if, without the consent of the 13 licensee, the person -- 14 (a) brings into the sports arena; or 15 (b) attempts to bring into the sports arena; or 16 (c) has in his or her possession or control; or 17 (d) consumes, 18 any liquor that was not purchased in the sports arena 19 while it was open for the purpose of holding or 20 conducting that public event. 21 Penalty: a fine of $2 000. 22 (4B) In subsection (4A) -- 23 public event means -- 24 (a) any event, including any game or sport, that is 25 held or conducted for public exhibition; or 26 (b) any -- 27 (i) training session, practice or rehearsal; or page 48 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Other amendments Part 5 s. 54 1 (ii) promotional or advertising event, press 2 conference, preview or similar activity, 3 that is held or conducted for purposes other 4 than public exhibition but which is open to the 5 public; 6 sports arena means a sports arena, ground or 7 stadium -- 8 (a) all or part of which is licensed premises; and 9 (b) that is prescribed for the purposes of this 10 definition. 11 12 54. Section 111 amended 13 In section 111(1) delete the Penalty and insert: 14 15 Penalty: 16 (a) for the licensee or a manager, a fine of 17 $10 000; 18 (b) for an employee or agent, a fine of $4 000. 19 20 55. Section 114 amended 21 In section 114(1) delete the Penalty and insert: 22 23 Penalty: 24 (a) for the licensee or a manager, a fine of 25 $10 000; 26 (b) for an employee or agent, a fine of $4 000. 27 page 49 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Part 5 Other amendments s. 56 1 56. Section 115 amended 2 (1) In section 115(1) delete the Penalty and insert: 3 4 Penalty: 5 (a) for the licensee or a manager, a fine of 6 $10 000; 7 (b) for an employee or agent, a fine of $4 000. 8 9 (2) In section 115(2) delete the Penalty and insert: 10 11 Penalty: 12 (a) for an offence on licensed premises -- 13 (i) for the licensee or a manager, a fine of 14 $10 000; 15 (ii) for an employee or agent, a fine of 16 $4 000; 17 (iii) for anyone else, a fine of $2 000; 18 (b) for an offence on regulated premises -- 19 (i) for the owner of the regulated premises, 20 a fine of $10 000; 21 (ii) for anyone else, a fine of $2 000. 22 23 57. Section 115A amended 24 In section 115A(2) delete the Penalty and insert: 25 26 Penalty: 27 (a) for the licensee, a fine of $10 000; 28 (b) for a manager, a fine of $4 000. 29 page 50 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Other amendments Part 5 s. 58 1 58. Section 116 amended 2 (1) At the end of section 116(1) insert: 3 4 Penalty: a fine of $2 000. 5 6 (2) At the end of section 116(2) insert: 7 8 Penalty: a fine of $2 000. 9 10 (3) At the end of section 116(3) insert: 11 12 Penalty: a fine of $2 000. 13 14 59. Section 116A amended 15 In section 116A(1) after "maintain a register" insert: 16 17 on the licensed premises 18 19 60. Section 119 amended 20 (1) In section 119(4) after "Except" insert: 21 22 where exempted in regulations under section 6(1)(o) or 23 24 (2) In section 119(5): 25 (a) after paragraph (a) insert: 26 27 (ba) is in charge of a vehicle on a road referred to in 28 subsection (4)(a); or 29 page 51 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Part 5 Other amendments s. 61 1 (b) in paragraph (b) delete "such a person," and insert: 2 3 a person referred to in paragraph (a) or (ba), 4 5 61. Section 119A replaced 6 Delete section 119A and insert: 7 8 119A. Conduct of unapproved businesses on or from 9 licensed premises 10 (1) In this section -- 11 non-liquor business on licensed premises means a 12 business, other than a business conducted under a 13 licence or a prescribed business, conducted on or from 14 licensed premises. 15 (2) The licensing authority may, on an application by a 16 person under subsection (3), give approval to the 17 person to conduct a non-liquor business on licensed 18 premises. 19 (3) The application for the approval must -- 20 (a) be made in a form approved by the licensing 21 authority; and 22 (b) be accompanied by the prescribed fee; and 23 (c) be supported by any further or other 24 documentation or information that the licensing 25 authority may require. 26 (4) A person who conducts a non-liquor business on 27 licensed premises without the approval commits an 28 offence. 29 Penalty: 30 (a) for the licensee, a fine of $10 000; 31 (b) for anyone else, a fine of $4 000. page 52 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Other amendments Part 5 s. 62 1 (5) A licensee who causes or permits another person to 2 conduct a non-liquor business on licensed premises 3 without the approval commits an offence. 4 Penalty: a fine of $10 000. 5 6 62. Section 121 amended 7 (1) In section 121(1) delete the Penalty and insert: 8 9 Penalty: 10 (a) for the licensee or a manager, a fine of 11 $10 000; 12 (b) for the sale or supply by any other person, a 13 fine of $4 000; 14 (c) for anyone else, a fine of $2 000. 15 16 (2) In section 121(2) delete the Penalty and insert: 17 18 Penalty: 19 (a) for the licensee or a manager, a fine of 20 $10 000; 21 (b) for anyone else, a fine of $4 000. 22 23 (3) In section 121(4) delete the Penalty and insert: 24 25 Penalty: 26 (a) for the licensee or a manager, a fine of 27 $10 000; 28 (b) for an employee or agent, a fine of $4 000; 29 (c) for a juvenile, a fine of $2 000. 30 page 53 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Part 5 Other amendments s. 63 1 (4) Delete section 121(11)(c) and insert: 2 3 (c) the work carried out by the juvenile is 4 supervised at all times; and 5 (d) either -- 6 (i) the work carried out by the juvenile will 7 be assessed for the purposes of a 8 prescribed training course being 9 undertaken by the juvenile; or 10 (ii) the juvenile has successfully completed 11 a prescribed training course the 12 assessment for which included an 13 assessment of the juvenile's work while 14 employed or engaged to serve liquor 15 ancillary to a meal. 16 17 63. Section 122 amended 18 In section 122(3) delete the Penalty and insert: 19 20 Penalty: 21 (a) for a juvenile, a fine of $2 000; 22 (b) for anyone else, a fine of $4 000. 23 24 64. Section 126D amended 25 In section 126D(2) delete the Penalty and insert: 26 27 Penalty: 28 (a) for the licensee or a manager, a fine of 29 $10 000; 30 (b) for an employee or agent, a fine of $4 000. 31 page 54 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Other amendments Part 5 s. 65 1 65. Section 155 amended 2 Delete section 155(6) and insert: 3 4 (6) If a person is contravening section 110(4A) a member 5 of the Police Force may seize an opened or unopened 6 container of liquor involved in the contravention. 7 (7) If a person is contravening section 119 a member of the 8 Police Force may seize a container of liquor in the 9 person's possession if -- 10 (a) the container is opened; or 11 (b) the container is unopened and either -- 12 (i) the person is consuming liquor during a 13 period, and in an area, specified in a 14 special event notice under section 126E; 15 or 16 (ii) the member of the Police Force believes 17 on reasonable grounds that the person 18 has caused, is causing or is likely to 19 cause, undue offence, annoyance, 20 disturbance or inconvenience to other 21 persons in the vicinity. 22 (8) If a person is contravening section 152O(1) a member 23 of the Police Force may seize an opened or unopened 24 container of liquor involved in the contravention. 25 (9) Despite subsection (5), a member of the Police Force 26 who seizes a container of liquor under subsection (6), 27 (7) or (8) must dispose of it as soon as is practicable 28 after it is seized. 29 page 55 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Part 5 Other amendments s. 66 1 66. Section 166 amended 2 In section 166(2) after "penalty" (second occurrence) insert: 3 4 of a fine 5 6 67. Section 169 amended 7 Delete section 169(1) and insert: 8 9 (1) A court of summary jurisdiction hearing and 10 determining a charge of an offence under this Act is to 11 be constituted by a magistrate if -- 12 (a) the penalty for the offence is a fine of more 13 than $2 000; or 14 (b) the person charged with the offence is a 15 licensee, a manager or an employee or agent of 16 a licensee. 17 18 68. Section 174A amended 19 In section 174A(1) delete "Act." and insert: 20 21 Act except any thing that is seized and disposed of in 22 accordance with section 155(9). 23 24 69. Various penalties amended 25 In the provisions listed in the Table after "Penalty:" insert: 26 27 a fine of 28 page 56 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Other amendments Part 5 s. 69 1 Table s. 20(3) s. 37A s. 51(2) s. 51(4) s. 65(1) s. 77(1) s. 100(2) s. 100(5) s. 100(8) s. 101(3) s. 102(1) s. 103(3) s. 104(1) s. 108 s. 110(5) s. 110(7) s. 111(2) s. 113A s. 115(5) s. 115(6) s. 115(7) s. 116(5) s. 116A(1) s. 116A(3) s. 117(7) s. 118(3) s. 119(1) s. 119(2) s. 119(4) s. 119(5) s. 119(7) s. 119(11) s. 121(3) s. 121(7) s. 121(7a) s. 121(9) page 57 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Part 5 Other amendments s. 69 s. 121(10) s. 122(2) s. 123(1) s. 123(2) s. 124 s. 126(2) s. 126(4) s. 126(5) s. 135(3) s. 145(4) s. 146(1) s. 150(2) s. 152(2) s. 152L(1) s. 152L(2) s. 154(3) s. 157 s. 158(1) s. 159(1) s. 159(3) s. 160(4) s. 161(7) page 58 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2010 Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) Act 2002 amended Part 6 s. 70 1 Part 6 -- Criminal Investigation (Identifying People) 2 Act 2002 amended 3 70. Act amended 4 This Part amends the Criminal Investigation (Identifying 5 People) Act 2002. 6 71. Section 73 amended 7 Before section 73(1)(n) insert: 8 (nb) for the purposes of the Liquor Control Act 1988 9 section 115AC or 152K; 10
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