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Western Australia Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2018 Contents 1. Short title 2 2. Commencement 2 3. Act amended 2 4. Section 3 amended 2 5. Section 4 amended 4 6. Section 5 amended 4 7. Section 14 amended 5 8. Section 16 amended 5 9. Section 18AA inserted 6 18AA. Notice of decision 6 10. Section 22 amended 7 11. Section 25 amended 7 12. Section 25A inserted 7 25A. Commission may refer application for review to State Administrative Tribunal 7 13. Section 28 amended 8 14. Section 30 amended 9 15. Section 34 amended 9 16. Section 36 amended 10 17. Section 36A amended 10 18. Section 36B inserted 10 36B. Restrictions on grant or removal of certain licences authorising sale of packaged liquor 10 19. Section 37C inserted 12 37C. Register of licensed premises 12 20. Section 38 amended 13 21. Section 41 amended 14 22. Sections 41A and 41B inserted 14 41A. Effect and conditions of small bar licence 14 41B. Small bar licence may be granted as alternative to tavern restricted licence 14 23. Section 44 amended 16 58--3 page i Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2018 Contents 24. Section 45 amended 16 25. Section 48 amended 17 26. Section 49 amended 19 27. Section 50A inserted 20 50A. Issue of extended trading permit under s. 60(4)(ca) for certain restaurant licences at time of grant 20 28. Section 55 amended 21 29. Section 56 amended 22 30. Section 58 amended 22 31. Section 59A inserted 22 59A. Additional authorisations relating to supply and sale of liquor on licensed premises 22 32. Section 60 amended 24 33. Section 61 amended 25 34. Section 61A amended 25 35. Section 64 amended 27 36. Section 65 amended 27 37. Section 67 amended 28 38. Section 68 amended 28 39. Section 69 amended 29 40. Section 70 amended 29 41. Section 72A inserted 30 72A. Submissions generally 30 42. Section 73 amended 30 43. Section 74 amended 31 44. Section 75 amended 31 45. Section 77A inserted 31 77A. Restrictions on alteration or redefinition of certain packaged liquor premises 31 46. Section 95 amended 33 47. Section 98 amended 34 48. Section 98AA inserted 34 98AA. Permitted hours under small bar licence 34 49. Section 98A amended 35 50. Section 98E amended 35 51. Section 98G amended 35 52. Section 100 amended 35 53. Section 109A inserted 36 109A. Offence to carry liquor in excess of prescribed quantity in prescribed area of State 36 54. Section 110 amended 37 page ii Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2018 Contents 55. Section 112 amended 37 56. Section 115 amended 37 57. Section 115AA amended 39 58. Section 115AC amended 39 59. Section 115AE amended 39 60. Section 120 amended 40 61. Section 152B amended 40 62. Section 155 amended 41 63. Section 167 amended 41 64. Section 170 amended 43 65. Section 174A amended 43 66. Section 174B inserted 43 174B. Liquor accords: authorisation for purposes of Competition and Consumer Act 2010 and Competition Code 43 67. Section 175 amended 44 68. Section 177C inserted 44 177C. Transitional provisions for Liquor Control Amendment Act 2018 (Sch. 1C) 44 69. Section 178 amended 44 70. Schedule 1C inserted 45 Schedule 1C -- Transitional provisions relating to the Liquor Control Amendment Act 2018 1. Application of s. 36B to existing applications for grant or removal of licence 45 2. Small bar licences 45 3. Certain restaurant licences: no fee for application for extended trading permit under section 60(4)(ca) 46 4. Application of s. 77A to existing applications for alteration or redefinition of licensed premises 46 page iii Western Australia LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY (As amended in Committee) Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2018 A Bill for An Act to amend the Liquor Control Act 1988. The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows: page 1 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2018 s. 1 1 1. Short title 2 This is the Liquor Control Amendment Act 2018. 3 2. Commencement 4 This Act comes into operation as follows -- 5 (a) sections 1 and 2 -- on the day on which this Act 6 receives the Royal Assent; 7 (b) the rest of the Act -- on a day fixed by proclamation, 8 and different days may be fixed for different provisions. 9 3. Act amended 10 This Act amends the Liquor Control Act 1988. 11 4. Section 3 amended 12 (1) In section 3(1) delete the definitions of: 13 closing time 14 inspector 15 interest of the community 16 low alcohol liquor 17 member (each occurrence) 18 party to proceedings 19 person authorised to sell liquor 20 small bar licence 21 (2) In section 3(1) insert in alphabetical order: 22 23 Department means the department of the Public 24 Service principally assisting in the administration of 25 this Act; 26 Department's website means a website maintained by 27 or on behalf of the Department; page 2 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2018 s. 4 1 inspector means an inspector appointed under 2 section 14(1)(a); 3 member -- 4 (a) in relation to a club -- includes a person who is 5 a member of the club by reason of reciprocal 6 arrangements with another club made in 7 accordance with the rules of the club; and 8 (b) in relation to the Commission -- means a 9 member of the Commission and includes the 10 chairperson; 11 party to proceedings includes -- 12 (a) an objector, unless a determination is made 13 under section 74(4) in relation to the objection; 14 and 15 (b) a person who intervenes in proceedings; 16 small bar licence means a licence granted under 17 section 41A; 18 19 (3) In section 3(1) in the definition of authorised officer delete 20 paragraph (b) and insert: 21 22 (b) an inspector; or 23 24 (4) In section 3(1) in the definition of Director or Director of 25 Liquor Licensing delete "department of the Public Service 26 principally assisting in the administration of this Act;" and 27 insert: 28 29 Department; 30 page 3 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2018 s. 5 1 (5) In section 3(1) in the definition of hotel licence delete "licence 2 or as a small bar licence;" and insert: 3 4 licence; 5 6 (6) In section 3(1) in the definition of manager paragraph (b) delete 7 "by the licensee of the premises". 8 (7) In section 3(1) in the definition of metropolitan area delete 9 paragraph (a) and insert: 10 11 (a) the region described in the Planning and 12 Development Act 2005 Schedule 3; and 13 14 5. Section 4 amended 15 In section 4(6) delete "licensee," and insert: 16 17 licensee of a producer's licence, a wholesaler's licence or a 18 special facility licence of a prescribed type, 19 20 6. Section 5 amended 21 In section 5(2): 22 (a) in paragraph (e) delete "Act." and insert: 23 24 Act; and 25 page 4 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2018 s. 7 1 (b) after paragraph (e) insert: 2 3 (f) to encourage responsible attitudes and practices 4 towards the promotion, sale, supply, service 5 and consumption of liquor that are consistent 6 with the interests of the community. 7 8 7. Section 14 amended 9 Delete section 14(3)(a) and insert: 10 11 (a) an inspector; and 12 13 8. Section 16 amended 14 (1) Delete section 16(8) and insert: 15 16 (8) The hearing of a proceeding before the Commission 17 must be in public unless the Commission considers 18 that, in the circumstances of the case, the hearing 19 should be in private. 20 21 (2) In section 16(9) delete "Commission is in private, the 22 Commission," and insert: 23 24 licensing authority, however constituted, is in private, the 25 licensing authority, 26 page 5 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2018 s. 9 1 (3) Delete section 16(11) and insert: 2 3 (11) Subject to subsections (8) and (9) and section 30, the 4 licensing authority must ensure that each party to 5 proceedings is given a reasonable opportunity to -- 6 (a) present its case to the licensing authority; and 7 (b) inspect any documents -- 8 (i) to which the licensing authority 9 proposes to have regard in making a 10 determination in the proceedings; and 11 (ii) that are relevant to the party's case; 12 and 13 (c) make submissions in relation to any documents 14 inspected under paragraph (b). 15 16 9. Section 18AA inserted 17 After section 18 insert: 18 19 18AA. Notice of decision 20 (1) If the licensing authority, when constituted by the 21 Director, makes a decision in relation to an application, 22 the licensing authority must give to each party to 23 proceedings written notice of -- 24 (a) the decision; and 25 (b) the right of review under section 25. 26 (2) The notice may, but need not, include the reasons for 27 the decision. 28 (3) If the notice does not include the reasons for the 29 decision, a party to proceedings may, within 28 days 30 after receiving the notice or any longer period that may page 6 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2018 s. 10 1 be allowed by the Director, request the licensing 2 authority to provide the party with the reasons for the 3 decision. 4 (4) If a party to proceedings makes a request under 5 subsection (3), the licensing authority must provide the 6 party to proceedings with written reasons for the 7 decision. 8 9 10. Section 22 amended 10 In section 22 delete "Commission," and insert: 11 12 Commission constituted by the chairperson and 2 other 13 members, 14 15 11. Section 25 amended 16 (1) In section 25(2) delete "notice of " and insert: 17 18 written reasons for 19 20 (2) Delete section 25(6)(a). 21 12. Section 25A inserted 22 After section 25 insert: 23 24 25A. Commission may refer application for review to 25 State Administrative Tribunal 26 (1) If an application is made to the Commission under 27 section 25(1) for a review of a decision, the 28 Commission may, instead of conducting the review, page 7 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2018 s. 13 1 refer the application to the State Administrative 2 Tribunal (the Tribunal) for a review of the decision. 3 (2) An application cannot be referred under subsection (1) 4 unless the President of the Tribunal agrees to the 5 referral. 6 (3) If an application is referred under subsection (1), the 7 person who made the application is to be regarded as 8 the applicant for the purposes of the exercise of the 9 Tribunal's review jurisdiction under the State 10 Administrative Tribunal Act 2004. 11 (4) When conducting a review under this section, the 12 Tribunal may have regard only to the material that was 13 before the Director when making the decision. 14 (5) When conducting a review under this section involving 15 a question of law or giving directions as to any 16 question of law reviewed, the Tribunal is to be 17 constituted by, or is to include, a lawyer. 18 (6) Section 25(3) applies to a review under this section as 19 if it were a review under section 25. 20 (7) On a review under this section, the Tribunal has the 21 powers conferred on the Commission under 22 section 25(4). 23 24 13. Section 28 amended 25 Delete section 28(1)(a) and insert: 26 27 (a) is a party to proceedings before the 28 Commission; and 29 page 8 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2018 s. 14 1 14. Section 30 amended 2 Delete section 30(4)(a) and insert: 3 4 (a) the Director is not required to serve a copy of 5 the notice under section 73(4A); and 6 7 15. Section 34 amended 8 (1) In section 34(2): 9 (a) in paragraph (a) delete "subject to subsection (3),"; 10 (b) delete paragraph (a)(i). 11 (2) Delete section 34(3) and insert: 12 13 (3) Subsection (4) applies to any application made to the 14 licensing authority for -- 15 (a) the grant or removal of a licence; or 16 (b) approval to the transfer of a licence; or 17 (c) approval of a person -- 18 (i) as a trustee; or 19 (ii) as the occupant of a position of 20 authority in a body corporate that holds 21 a licence. 22 (4) The licensing authority must not hear or determine any 23 application to which this subsection applies if that 24 application is made by a person who is, according the 25 Interpretation Act 1984 section 13D, a bankrupt or a 26 person whose affairs are under insolvency laws. 27 page 9 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2018 s. 16 1 16. Section 36 amended 2 Delete section 36(3) and insert: 3 4 (3) In addition to a licence granted in respect of any 5 premises, or a part of any premises, either or both of 6 the following licences may also be granted in respect of 7 those premises or a part of those premises -- 8 (a) an occasional licence; 9 (b) a licence conditionally granted under 10 section 62. 11 12 17. Section 36A amended 13 In section 36A(2) delete "shall not approve" and insert: 14 15 must not grant an application for 16 17 18. Section 36B inserted 18 After section 36A insert: 19 20 36B. Restrictions on grant or removal of certain licences 21 authorising sale of packaged liquor 22 (1) In this section -- 23 local packaged liquor requirements, in relation to an 24 application to which this section applies, means the 25 requirements of consumers for packaged liquor in the 26 locality in which the proposed licensed premises are, or 27 are to be, situated; 28 packaged liquor premises means premises to which a 29 licence referred to in subsection (2) relates; page 10 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2018 s. 18 1 prescribed area means the area prescribed for the 2 purposes of this section; 3 prescribed distance means the distance prescribed for 4 the purposes of this section; 5 proposed licensed premises, in relation to an 6 application to which this section applies, means -- 7 (a) if the application is for the grant of a licence -- 8 the premises to which the application relates; or 9 (b) if the application is for the removal of a 10 licence -- the premises to which the licence is 11 sought to be removed; 12 retail section -- 13 (a) in relation to packaged liquor premises -- 14 means the part or parts of the premises on 15 which packaged liquor is displayed for the 16 purposes of sale or sold; and 17 (b) in relation to proposed licensed premises -- 18 means the part or parts of the premises on 19 which packaged liquor is to be displayed for the 20 purposes of sale or sold. 21 (2) This section applies to an application for the grant or 22 removal of any of the following licences -- 23 (a) a hotel licence without restriction; 24 (b) a tavern licence; 25 (c) a liquor store licence; 26 (d) a special facility licence of a prescribed type. 27 (3) The licensing authority must not hear or determine an 28 application to which this section applies if -- 29 (a) packaged liquor premises are situated less than 30 the prescribed distance from the proposed 31 licensed premises; and page 11 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2018 s. 19 1 (b) the area of the retail section of those packaged 2 liquor premises exceeds the prescribed area; 3 and 4 (c) the area of the retail section of the proposed 5 licensed premises exceeds the prescribed area. 6 (4) The licensing authority must not grant an application to 7 which this section applies unless satisfied that local 8 packaged liquor requirements cannot reasonably be 9 met by existing packaged liquor premises in the 10 locality in which the proposed licensed premises are, or 11 are to be, situated. 12 (5) Regulations made for the purposes of the definition of 13 prescribed distance in subsection (1) may prescribe 14 different distances in relation to packaged liquor 15 premises in different areas of the State. 16 17 19. Section 37C inserted 18 At the end of Part 3 Division 1 insert: 19 20 37C. Register of licensed premises 21 (1) The Director may keep a register that contains the 22 following information in respect of licensed 23 premises -- 24 (a) the name and address of the premises; 25 (b) the licence number of the premises; 26 (c) the type of licence that applies to the premises; 27 (d) the status of the licence that applies to the 28 premises (for example, whether the licence is 29 conditionally granted or suspended); 30 (e) the name of the licensee of the premises. page 12 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2018 s. 20 1 (2) The Director may make the register available to the 2 public in any way the Director considers appropriate, 3 including by publication on the Department's website. 4 5 20. Section 38 amended 6 (1) In section 38(1)(a) delete "licence; or" and insert: 7 8 licence of a kind prescribed; or 9 10 (2) In section 38(4): 11 (a) delete paragraph (b) and insert: 12 13 (b) whether the amenity, quiet or good order of the 14 locality in which the licensed premises or 15 proposed licensed premises are, or are to be, 16 situated might in some manner be lessened; and 17 18 (b) after paragraph (c) insert: 19 20 (ca) any effect the granting of the application might 21 have in relation to tourism, or community or 22 cultural matters; and 23 24 (3) After section 38(6) insert: 25 26 (7) If subsection (2) applies to an application, the Director 27 may publish the following on the Department's 28 website -- 29 (a) the application; 30 (b) any document or information provided under 31 subsection (3) in relation to the application. 32 page 13 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2018 s. 21 1 21. Section 41 amended 2 (1) Delete section 41(1aa). 3 (2) In section 41(1)(a) delete "and is not a small bar licence". 4 (3) In section 41(2)(b) delete "small bar licence or a hotel restricted 5 licence," and insert: 6 7 hotel restricted licence or a tavern restricted licence, 8 9 (4) In section 41(4) delete "small bar licence or a". 10 22. Sections 41A and 41B inserted 11 After section 41 insert: 12 13 41A. Effect and conditions of small bar licence 14 (1) Subject to this Act, the licensee of a small bar licence 15 is, during permitted hours, authorised to sell liquor for 16 consumption on the licensed premises. 17 (2) A small bar licence is subject to -- 18 (a) a condition prohibiting the sale of packaged 19 liquor; and 20 (b) a condition limiting the maximum number of 21 persons (excluding responsible persons and 22 authorised officers) who may be on the licensed 23 premises to 120. 24 41B. Small bar licence may be granted as alternative to 25 tavern restricted licence 26 (1) If the licensing authority considers it appropriate, the 27 licensing authority may, with the agreement of the 28 applicant, treat an application for a tavern restricted 29 licence as an application for a small bar licence. page 14 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2018 s. 22 1 (2) Subsection (3) applies to a tavern restricted licence 2 if -- 3 (a) it is subject to a condition limiting the 4 maximum number of persons (excluding 5 responsible persons and authorised officers) 6 who may be on the licensed premises to 120; 7 and 8 (b) the capacity of the licensed premises is not 9 more than 120 persons. 10 (3) The licensing authority may, of its own motion or on 11 the application of the licensee of the licence -- 12 (a) cancel a tavern restricted licence to which this 13 subsection applies; and 14 (b) grant to the person who was the licensee of the 15 licence a small bar licence in respect of the 16 premises to which the licence related. 17 (4) If the licensing authority proposes of its own motion to 18 cancel a tavern restricted licence and grant a small bar 19 licence under subsection (3), the licensing authority 20 must give the licensee of the tavern restricted 21 licence -- 22 (a) a notice that sets out the proposal and the 23 reasons for it; and 24 (b) a reasonable opportunity to make submissions 25 or to be heard in relation to the proposal. 26 page 15 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2018 s. 23 1 23. Section 44 amended 2 Delete section 44(1) and insert: 3 4 (1) Subject to this Act, a casino licence authorises the 5 licensee, during permitted hours, to do either or both of 6 the following -- 7 (a) sell liquor for consumption -- 8 (i) on the premises at the casino; and 9 (ii) on other premises within the casino 10 complex concerned or adjacent to that 11 complex, within one or more defined 12 areas as may from time to time be 13 approved by the Gaming and Wagering 14 Commission; 15 (b) supply, without charge, packaged liquor on the 16 premises referred to in paragraph (a) as part 17 of -- 18 (i) an accommodation, restaurant or dining 19 service provided on those premises; or 20 (ii) a function or promotional activity 21 conducted on those premises. 22 23 24. Section 45 amended 24 (1) In section 45(1)(b) delete "that" and insert: 25 26 a 27 28 (2) In section 45(3): 29 (a) delete "to an applicant to whom subsection (1) applies"; page 16 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2018 s. 25 1 (b) after "casino complex" (1st occurrence) insert: 2 3 to which a casino gaming licence relates 4 5 25. Section 48 amended 6 (1) In section 48(2): 7 (a) in paragraph (a)(ii) delete "rules approved by the 8 Director;" and insert: 9 10 the rules of the club; 11 12 (b) in paragraph (b) delete "rules approved by the Director; 13 or" and insert: 14 15 the rules of the club; or 16 17 (c) delete "constitution and rules of the club, as approved by 18 the Director," and insert: 19 20 rules of the club 21 22 (2) After section 48(2) insert: 23 24 (2A) Subject to this Act, a club licence authorises the sale, 25 during permitted hours, of liquor to a visitor for 26 consumption on the licensed premises if the sale does 27 not contravene the rules of the club. page 17 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2018 s. 25 1 (2B) In subsection (2A) -- 2 visitor means a person, other than a member, a guest of 3 a member or a person referred to in subsection (5), 4 who -- 5 (a) is at least 40 km or, if a greater distance is 6 prescribed for the purposes of this paragraph, at 7 least that distance from their usual place of 8 residence; and 9 (b) is visiting the club while travelling in the 10 course of a holiday or travelling for leisure or 11 business; and 12 (c) is required, at the time of their visit, to pay a fee 13 to the club for the use of its facilities. 14 15 (3) In section 48(4): 16 (a) in paragraph (b) delete "rules approved by the Director," 17 and insert: 18 19 the rules of the club, 20 21 (b) in paragraph (d) delete the passage that begins with 22 "change --" and ends with "the Secretary" and insert: 23 24 change in the appointment of a person as trustee to hold 25 the licence for the club, the Secretary 26 27 (c) after paragraph (e) insert: 28 29 (ea) an up-to-date register of visitors (as defined in 30 subsection (2B)) be continually available for 31 inspection at the club premises; and 32 page 18 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2018 s. 26 1 (d) in paragraph (f) delete "constitution and rules, as 2 approved by the Director," and insert: 3 4 rules 5 6 (4) In section 48(5): 7 (a) delete "club --" and insert: 8 9 club or a team, or a person assisting a member or an 10 official of another club or a team -- 11 12 (b) delete "day in accordance with rules approved by the 13 Director." and insert: 14 15 day, in accordance with the rules of the club. 16 17 (5) In section 48(7) delete "constitution or rules as approved by the 18 Director" and insert: 19 20 rules, 21 22 26. Section 49 amended 23 (1) In section 49(1): 24 (a) in paragraph (c) delete "unless subsection (4) applies, 25 that the constitution and" and insert: 26 27 that the 28 29 (b) in paragraph (c) delete "sought," and insert: 30 31 sought. 32 page 19 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2018 s. 27 1 (c) delete "and the content of that constitution and those 2 rules is approved by the Director.". 3 (2) In section 49(2) delete "constitution or" (each occurrence). 4 (3) Delete section 49(3) and (4). 5 27. Section 50A inserted 6 After section 50 insert: 7 8 50A. Issue of extended trading permit under s. 60(4)(ca) 9 for certain restaurant licences at time of grant 10 (1) Subsection (2) applies if -- 11 (a) the licensing authority decides to grant a 12 restaurant licence subject to a condition 13 limiting the maximum number of persons 14 (excluding responsible persons and authorised 15 officers) who may be on the licensed premises 16 to 120; and 17 (b) the application for the restaurant licence 18 specifies that an extended trading permit under 19 section 60(4)(ca) is also sought in respect of the 20 premises to which the application relates. 21 (2) When the licensing authority grants the restaurant 22 licence the licensing authority may issue an extended 23 trading permit under section 60(4)(ca) in respect of the 24 licensed premises. 25 page 20 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2018 s. 28 1 28. Section 55 amended 2 (1) In section 55(1): 3 (a) delete paragraphs (a) and (b) and insert: 4 5 (a) to sell or supply (including by way of sample) 6 on the licensed premises liquor produced by the 7 licensee for consumption on a part of the 8 licensed premises approved for the purpose by 9 the Director; and 10 (b) to sell or supply on or from the licensed 11 premises liquor produced by the licensee for 12 consumption off the licensed premises; and 13 14 (b) in paragraph (c) delete "from" and insert: 15 16 on 17 18 (2) Delete section 55(1a). 19 (3) In section 55(2A) delete "Despite subsection (1)(a), the" and 20 insert: 21 22 The 23 24 (4) In section 55(3) delete "corporate which produces wine or 25 spirits, wine or spirits" and insert: 26 27 corporate, liquor 28 page 21 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2018 s. 29 1 29. Section 56 amended 2 In section 56(1): 3 (a) after paragraph (b) insert: 4 5 (ba) being spirits made from wine -- 6 (i) if it was distilled by that person; or 7 (ii) if it was distilled under the control or 8 direction of that person from wine 9 produced by that person; 10 or 11 12 (b) in paragraph (c) delete "spirits," and insert: 13 14 spirits not made from wine, 15 16 30. Section 58 amended 17 Delete section 58(2a). 18 31. Section 59A inserted 19 At the end of Part 3 Division 2 insert: 20 21 59A. Additional authorisations relating to supply and 22 sale of liquor on licensed premises 23 (1) In this section -- 24 interstate supplier means a person who is authorised 25 under the law of another State, or of a Territory, to sell 26 packaged liquor; page 22 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2018 s. 31 1 packaged liquor -- 2 (a) in relation to an interstate supplier, means 3 liquor in sealed containers for consumption off 4 the premises of the interstate supplier; and 5 (b) otherwise, has the meaning given in 6 section 3(1); 7 packaged liquor licence means a licence that 8 authorises the sale of packaged liquor, but does not 9 include a hotel restricted licence, a casino liquor 10 licence, a club licence or an occasional licence. 11 (2) A packaged liquor licence authorises the licensee (the 12 supplier), with the agreement of another licensee -- 13 (a) to supply liquor, by way of free sample, on the 14 licensed premises of the other licensee for 15 consumption on those premises; and 16 (b) to sell packaged liquor on the licensed premises 17 of the other licensee for delivery to the 18 purchaser, or to premises specified by the 19 purchaser, from the licensed premises of the 20 supplier. 21 (3) An interstate supplier is authorised, with the agreement 22 of a licensee -- 23 (a) to supply liquor, by way of free sample, on the 24 licensed premises of the licensee for 25 consumption on those premises; and 26 (b) to sell packaged liquor on the licensed premises 27 of the licensee for delivery to the purchaser, or 28 to premises specified by the purchaser, from the 29 premises of the interstate supplier. 30 (4) A sale of packaged liquor made by an interstate 31 supplier as authorised under subsection (3) is taken to 32 be made under a licence described in section 109(1)(a). 33 page 23 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2018 s. 32 1 32. Section 60 amended 2 (1) In section 60(3a) delete "subsection (4)(ca) or (g)" and insert: 3 4 subsection (4)(ca), (g) or (h) 5 6 (2) In section 60(4): 7 (a) in paragraph (a) after "liquor" insert: 8 9 as a caterer 10 11 (b) in paragraph (a) delete "as a caterer on specified 12 premises,"; 13 (c) in paragraph (e) delete "a Sunday,"; 14 (d) in paragraph (e)(ii) delete "constitution and rules of the 15 association, if that constitution or those rules were 16 required to be approved by the Director, are observed;" 17 and insert: 18 19 rules of the association are observed; 20 21 (e) in paragraph (g) delete "5" and insert: 22 23 10 24 25 (f) in paragraph (h) delete the passage that begins with "on 26 such days" and ends with "otherwise be authorised," and 27 insert: 28 29 under the licence on specified premises or in a specified 30 area that would not otherwise be authorised, on such 31 days and between such hours on those days as may be 32 specified, 33 page 24 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2018 s. 33 1 (g) in paragraph (ia) delete "wine or beer" (1st occurrence) 2 and insert: 3 4 liquor 5 6 (h) in paragraph (ia) delete "wine or beer," and insert: 7 8 liquor, 9 10 33. Section 61 amended 11 (1) In section 61(1): 12 (a) in paragraph (c) delete "relates; and" and insert: 13 14 relates. 15 16 (b) delete paragraph (d). 17 (2) Delete section 61(2). 18 34. Section 61A amended 19 (1) In section 61A(2): 20 (a) in paragraph (a) delete "wine or beer; and" and insert: 21 22 liquor; and 23 24 (b) in paragraph (c) delete "beer," and insert: 25 26 liquor other than wine, 27 page 25 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2018 s. 34 1 (c) in paragraph (c) delete "beer" (2nd occurrence) and 2 insert: 3 4 liquor 5 6 (d) in paragraph (e) delete "wine or beer" and insert: 7 8 liquor 9 10 (2) In section 61A(4): 11 (a) delete "beer" (1st occurrence) and insert: 12 13 liquor other than wine 14 15 (b) delete "beer" (2nd occurrence) and insert: 16 17 liquor 18 19 (3) After section 61A(5) insert: 20 21 (5A) If a cellar door permit is issued in respect of the same 22 premises to 2 or more licensees, those licensees are 23 jointly and severally liable -- 24 (a) as licensee; and 25 (b) in respect of any civil or criminal liability that 26 attaches to the licensee under this Act. 27 page 26 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2018 s. 35 1 (4) In section 61A(6) delete "licence." and insert: 2 3 permit. 4 5 Note: The heading to amended section 61A is to read: 6 Extended trading permit for sale of liquor (s. 60(4)(ia)) 7 35. Section 64 amended 8 After section 64(1b) insert: 9 10 (1BA) An application under subsection (1a)(b) to vary a 11 condition must be made not later than the prescribed 12 number of days before the variation is proposed to take 13 effect, unless the Director otherwise approves. 14 15 36. Section 65 amended 16 Delete section 65(1) and insert: 17 18 (1) Subject to subsection (3), a licence or permit that 19 authorises the sale of packaged liquor or of liquor for 20 consumption off the licensed premises is subject to the 21 following conditions -- 22 (a) that the liquor sold -- 23 (i) must be consigned to the purchaser at, 24 and delivered on or from, the licensed 25 premises, unless the Director otherwise 26 approves; and 27 (ii) must be delivered in sealed containers; 28 and 29 (iii) must not, unless an extended trading 30 permit or a special facility licence so 31 authorises, be or be permitted to be page 27 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2018 s. 37 1 consumed on or, except in the case of 2 liquor sold under section 55, in the 3 immediate proximity of the licensed 4 premises; 5 (b) that the prescribed requirements relating to sale 6 and delivery must be complied with. 7 (1A) A person who contravenes a condition referred to in 8 subsection (1) commits an offence. 9 Penalty for this subsection: a fine of $2 000. 10 11 Note: The heading to amended section 65 is to read: 12 Conditions relating to sale and delivery of packaged liquor or 13 liquor for consumption off licensed premises 14 37. Section 67 amended 15 Delete section 67(5) and insert: 16 17 (5) If an application is required to be advertised, the 18 Director must cause a copy of the notice of application 19 to be published on the Department's website. 20 21 38. Section 68 amended 22 (1) In section 68(1): 23 (a) in paragraph (b)(iv) delete "section 72; and" and insert: 24 25 section 72; 26 27 (b) delete paragraph (b)(v). 28 (2) In section 68(2) delete "(1)(b)(iii), (iv) and (v)" and insert: 29 30 (1)(b)(iii) and (iv) 31 page 28 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2018 s. 39 1 39. Section 69 amended 2 (1) In section 69(3) delete "67(5)(a)" and insert: 3 4 67(5) 5 6 (2) Delete section 69(5). 7 (3) In section 69(6)(c)(iv) before "any" insert: 8 9 as to 10 11 (4) After section 69(8) insert: 12 13 (8AA) The chief executive officer appointed under the 14 Western Australian Tourism Commission Act 1983 15 section 17 may intervene in proceedings before the 16 licensing authority for the purpose of introducing 17 evidence or making representations -- 18 (a) as to whether any tourism benefits might result 19 if a particular application is granted; and 20 (b) as to any other matter relevant to the proper 21 development of the tourism industry in the 22 State. 23 24 40. Section 70 amended 25 In section 70(2) delete "the section" and insert: 26 27 this section 28 page 29 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2018 s. 41 1 41. Section 72A inserted 2 After section 72 insert: 3 4 72A. Submissions generally 5 (1) In this section -- 6 submission means -- 7 (a) a submission made by a person in support of an 8 application; or 9 (b) a submission made by a person in opposition to 10 an application, but does not include an 11 objection to an application lodged with the 12 Director under section 73. 13 (2) A person who makes a submission to the Director is 14 not a party to proceedings. 15 (3) Subsection (2) does not apply to a person who 16 intervenes in proceedings relating to an application. 17 (4) The Director may, but need not, acknowledge receipt 18 of a submission. 19 (5) Sections 73 and 74 do not apply to a submission made 20 in opposition to an application. 21 22 42. Section 73 amended 23 Delete section 73(4a) and insert: 24 25 (4A) The Director must serve a copy of a notice lodged 26 under subsection (4) on the applicant, unless 27 section 30(4)(a) applies. 28 page 30 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2018 s. 43 1 43. Section 74 amended 2 After section 74(4) insert: 3 4 (5) A determination made by the Director under 5 subsection (4) is not subject to review under section 25. 6 7 44. Section 75 amended 8 Delete section 75(2)(b) and insert: 9 10 (b) if not required to be advertised is not subject to 11 objection, but may be made the subject of a 12 submission or an intervention under section 69; 13 and 14 15 45. Section 77A inserted 16 At the end of Part 3 Division 7 insert: 17 18 77A. Restrictions on alteration or redefinition of certain 19 packaged liquor premises 20 (1) In this section -- 21 packaged liquor premises has the meaning given in 22 section 36B(1); 23 prescribed area means the area prescribed for the 24 purposes of this section; 25 prescribed distance means the distance prescribed for 26 the purposes of this section; 27 retail section, in relation to packaged liquor premises, 28 means the part or parts of the premises on which 29 packaged liquor is displayed for the purposes of sale or 30 sold. page 31 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2018 s. 45 1 (2) Subsection (3) applies to packaged liquor premises 2 if -- 3 (a) the premises are situated less than the 4 prescribed distance from other packaged liquor 5 premises; and 6 (b) the area of the retail section of the other 7 packaged liquor premises exceeds the 8 prescribed area. 9 (3) The licensing authority must not hear or determine an 10 application made under section 77(4) in respect of 11 packaged liquor premises to which this subsection 12 applies -- 13 (a) if -- 14 (i) the area of the retail section of the 15 premises does not exceed the prescribed 16 area; and 17 (ii) the proposed alteration or redefinition of 18 the premises would increase the area of 19 the retail section of the premises so that 20 it exceeds the prescribed area; 21 or 22 (b) if -- 23 (i) the area of the retail section of the 24 premises exceeds the prescribed area; 25 and 26 (ii) the proposed alteration or redefinition of 27 the premises would increase the area of 28 the retail section of the premises. 29 (4) Regulations made for the purposes of the definition of 30 prescribed distance in subsection (1) may prescribe 31 different distances in relation to packaged liquor 32 premises in different areas of the State. 33 page 32 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2018 s. 46 1 46. Section 95 amended 2 (1) Before section 95(1) insert: 3 4 (1A) In this section -- 5 employee, of the licensee, includes -- 6 (a) a person engaged under a contract for services 7 by the licensee; and 8 (b) a person who -- 9 (i) holds a crowd controller's licence; and 10 (ii) is employed by a crowd control agent 11 engaged under a contract for services by 12 the licensee or occupier or a manager of 13 the licensed premises to supply the 14 services of crowd controllers at those 15 premises. 16 17 (2) In section 95(4)(k) delete "of the licensee; or" and insert: 18 19 of -- 20 (i) the licensee; or 21 (ii) an employee or agent of the licensee; or 22 (iii) a person acting, or purporting to act, on behalf 23 of the licensee; 24 or 25 (3) After section 95(11) insert: 26 27 (12) The hearing of a complaint lodged under this section 28 must be in public unless the Commission considers 29 that, in the circumstances of the case, the hearing 30 should be in private. 31 page 33 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2018 s. 47 1 47. Section 98 amended 2 In section 98(1): 3 (a) in paragraph (a) after "6 a.m. to" insert: 4 5 12 6 7 (b) in paragraph (d) delete "2 a.m.;" and insert: 8 9 2 am and then in accordance with paragraph (a) or (b), 10 as the case requires; 11 12 48. Section 98AA inserted 13 After section 98 insert: 14 15 98AA. Permitted hours under small bar licence 16 The permitted hours under a small bar licence are -- 17 (a) on a day other than a Sunday -- from 6 am to 18 12 midnight; 19 (b) on a Sunday -- from 10 am to 12 midnight; 20 (c) on New Year's Day -- from immediately after 21 12 midnight on New Year's Eve to 2 am and 22 then in accordance with paragraph (a) or (b), as 23 the case requires; 24 (d) on Good Friday or Christmas Day -- from 25 12 noon to 10 pm, but only for liquor sold 26 ancillary to a meal supplied by the licensee; 27 (e) on ANZAC Day -- from 12 noon to 28 12 midnight. 29 page 34 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2018 s. 49 1 49. Section 98A amended 2 In section 98A(1)(g) delete "paragraph (a), (b) or (c)," and 3 insert: 4 5 paragraph (a) or (c), 6 7 50. Section 98E amended 8 In section 98E(1)(d) after "2 a.m." insert: 9 10 and then in accordance with paragraph (a) or (b)(ii), as the case 11 requires. 12 13 51. Section 98G amended 14 In section 98G(2) delete "section 55(1)(a)(iv) the permitted 15 hours" and insert: 16 17 section 55(1)(a), the permitted hours in relation to the sale or 18 supply of beer or spirits 19 20 52. Section 100 amended 21 (1) In section 100(2)(c) and (2a)(b) delete "by the licensee". 22 (2) In section 100(3) delete "licensee" and insert: 23 24 licensee, an approved unrestricted manager or an approved 25 restricted manager 26 page 35 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2018 s. 53 1 (3) In section 100(4) delete "licensee from appointing" and insert: 2 3 appointment of 4 5 53. Section 109A inserted 6 After section 109 insert: 7 8 109A. Offence to carry liquor in excess of prescribed 9 quantity in prescribed area of State 10 (1) In this section -- 11 driver, in relation to a vehicle, means a person who has 12 control over the steering, movement or propulsion of 13 the vehicle; 14 vehicle, without limiting the definition of that term in 15 section 3(1), includes a trailer, semi-trailer or caravan 16 attached to another vehicle. 17 (2) A person who, in a prescribed area of the State, carries 18 a kind of liquor in a quantity that exceeds the quantity 19 prescribed for that kind of liquor commits an offence. 20 Penalty for this subsection: a fine of $10 000. 21 (3) For the purposes of subsection (2), if liquor is carried 22 in or on a vehicle the driver of the vehicle is taken to be 23 the person who carries the liquor. 24 (4) It is a defence to a charge of an offence under 25 subsection (2) to prove that the liquor was carried -- 26 (a) for the purpose of a sale that may lawfully be 27 made; or 28 (b) by a person of a prescribed class; or 29 (c) in or on a vehicle of a prescribed class; or 30 (d) in prescribed circumstances. page 36 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2018 s. 54 1 (5) Regulations made for the purposes of subsection (2) 2 may prescribe different quantities for different areas of 3 the State. 4 5 54. Section 110 amended 6 Delete section 110(6a) and insert: 7 8 (6A) If, under a licence, wine is sold to a person (the 9 purchaser) for consumption on the licensed premises 10 ancillary to a meal provided by the licensee, then, 11 despite any other provision of this Act, it is lawful for 12 the purchaser subsequently to take from the licensed 13 premises any opened container of the wine if its 14 contents have been partially consumed. 15 16 55. Section 112 amended 17 In section 112(1)(a)(i) delete "15" and insert: 18 19 30 20 21 56. Section 115 amended 22 (1) In section 115(1) and (2) in the Penalty delete "Penalty:" and 23 insert: 24 25 Penalty for this subsection: 26 page 37 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2018 s. 56 1 (2) After section 115(4a) insert: 2 3 (4B) A person commits an offence if the person does not 4 leave licensed premises or a part of licensed premises 5 after being required under subsection (4)(b) to do so. 6 Penalty for this subsection: a fine of $5 000. 7 8 (3) In section 115(5): 9 (a) delete "A person who --" and insert: 10 11 A person commits an offence if the person -- 12 13 (b) in paragraph (b) delete "closed; or" and insert: 14 15 closed. 16 17 (c) delete paragraph (c); 18 (d) delete "commits an offence.". 19 (4) In section 115(5) in the Penalty delete "Penalty:" and insert: 20 21 Penalty for this subsection: 22 23 (5) In section 115(6) delete the Penalty and insert: 24 25 Penalty for this subsection: a fine of $5 000. 26 27 (6) In section 115(7) in the Penalty delete "Penalty:" and insert: 28 29 Penalty for this subsection: 30 page 38 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2018 s. 57 1 57. Section 115AA amended 2 (1) In section 115AA(2) delete "premises --" and insert: 3 4 premises or in the vicinity of licensed premises -- 5 6 (2) After section 115AA(7A) insert: 7 8 (7B) The reference in subsection (7A) to performing duties 9 relating to the person's work does not include attending 10 a function associated with the person's work that is 11 held on the premises. 12 13 58. Section 115AC amended 14 In section 115AC(1): 15 (a) in paragraph (a) after "name" insert: 16 17 and date of birth 18 19 (b) delete paragraph (c) and insert: 20 21 (c) the address of the person; 22 23 59. Section 115AE amended 24 (1) In section 115AE delete "A responsible" and insert: 25 26 (1) Subject to subsection (2), a responsible 27 page 39 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2018 s. 60 1 (2) In section 115AE in the Penalty delete "Penalty:" and insert: 2 3 Penalty for this subsection: 4 5 (3) At the end of section 115AE insert: 6 7 (2) A responsible person in relation to licensed premises 8 does not commit an offence under subsection (1) if the 9 responsible person permits the person to enter or 10 remain on the premises solely for the purpose of 11 performing duties relating to the person's work. 12 (3) The reference in subsection (2) to performing duties 13 relating to the person's work does not include attending 14 a function associated with the person's work that is 15 held on the premises. 16 17 60. Section 120 amended 18 In section 120(1)(a)(i) delete "constitution or". 19 61. Section 152B amended 20 (1) In section 152B delete "The Commissioner" and insert: 21 22 (1) The Commissioner 23 24 (2) At the end of section 152B insert: 25 26 (2) The Commissioner of Police must serve a copy of the 27 application on the relevant person. 28 page 40 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2018 s. 62 1 62. Section 155 amended 2 (1) After section 155(5) insert: 3 4 (5A) If a person is contravening section 109A(2) a member 5 of the Police Force may, subject to subsection (5B), 6 seize an opened or unopened container of liquor 7 involved in the contravention. 8 (5B) The total quantity of a kind of liquor in any containers 9 seized under subsection (5A) must not exceed the 10 seizable quantity for that kind of liquor. 11 (5C) In subsection (5B) -- 12 seizable quantity, for a kind of liquor, means the 13 quantity representing the difference between the total 14 quantity of that kind of liquor involved in the 15 contravention and the quantity prescribed for that kind 16 of liquor under section 109A(2). 17 18 (2) In section 155(7)(b)(ii) delete "believes" and insert: 19 20 suspects 21 22 (3) In section 155(9) after "subsection" (2nd occurrence) insert: 23 24 (5A), 25 26 63. Section 167 amended 27 (1) In section 167(1) insert in alphabetical order: 28 29 approved form means the form approved by the 30 Director; 31 page 41 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2018 s. 63 1 (2) In section 167(1) in the definition of infringement notice delete 2 "a notice" and insert: 3 4 an infringement notice 5 6 (3) In section 167(2) delete the passage that begins with "a notice" 7 and ends with "in the notice." and insert: 8 9 an infringement notice. 10 11 (4) After section 167(2) insert: 12 13 (2A) An infringement notice must be in the approved form 14 and must -- 15 (a) contain a description of the alleged offence; and 16 (b) advise that if the alleged offender does not wish 17 to be prosecuted for the alleged offence in a 18 court, the amount of money specified in the 19 notice as being the modified penalty for the 20 offence may be paid to an authorised person 21 within a period of 28 days after the giving of 22 the notice; and 23 (c) inform the alleged offender as to who are 24 authorised persons for the purposes of receiving 25 payment of modified penalties. 26 27 (5) In section 167(5) delete "prescribed" and insert: 28 29 approved 30 page 42 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2018 s. 64 1 64. Section 170 amended 2 In section 170(db) delete "the licensee shall be deemed not to 3 have appointed a person" and insert: 4 5 a person is taken not to have been appointed 6 7 65. Section 174A amended 8 In section 174A(2) delete "department of the Public Service that 9 principally assists the Minister to administer this Act" and 10 insert: 11 12 Department 13 14 66. Section 174B inserted 15 After section 174A insert: 16 17 174B. Liquor accords: authorisation for purposes of 18 Competition and Consumer Act 2010 and 19 Competition Code 20 (1) In this section -- 21 liquor accord has the meaning given in section 64(1b). 22 (2) For the purposes of the Competition and Consumer 23 Act 2010 (Commonwealth) and the Competition Code, 24 the following conduct is authorised by this Act, to the 25 extent that it would otherwise contravene that Act or 26 that Code -- 27 (a) the entry by any person into a liquor accord; 28 (b) conduct engaged in by any person for the 29 purpose of promoting or giving effect to the 30 terms of a liquor accord. 31 page 43 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2018 s. 67 1 67. Section 175 amended 2 Delete section 175(1)(d) and (e) and insert: 3 4 (d) advertising, websites maintained by licensees, 5 and the content of notices; and 6 (e) the endorsement, production and display of 7 licences; and 8 9 68. Section 177C inserted 10 After section 177B insert: 11 12 177C. Transitional provisions for Liquor Control 13 Amendment Act 2018 (Sch. 1C) 14 Schedule 1C sets out transitional provisions relating to 15 amendments made to this Act by the Liquor Control 16 Amendment Act 2018. 17 18 69. Section 178 amended 19 In section 178(1) delete "section 95 of the Liquor Licensing 20 Amendment Act 1998," and insert: 21 22 the Liquor Control Amendment Act 2018 section 68, 23 page 44 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2018 s. 70 1 70. Schedule 1C inserted 2 After Schedule 1B insert: 3 4 Schedule 1C -- Transitional provisions relating to the 5 Liquor Control Amendment Act 2018 6 [s. 177C] 7 1. Application of s. 36B to existing applications for grant or 8 removal of licence 9 Section 36B applies to an application for the grant or 10 removal of a licence referred to in section 36B(2) that was 11 made, but not determined by the licensing authority, before 12 the day on which the Liquor Control Amendment Act 2018 13 section 18 comes into operation. 14 2. Small bar licences 15 (1) In this clause -- 16 commencement day means the day on which the Liquor 17 Control Amendment Act 2018 section 21 comes into 18 operation; 19 old licence means a hotel licence of the kind referred to in 20 section 41(1aa) as in force immediately before 21 commencement day. 22 (2) An old licence that was in effect immediately before 23 commencement day is taken to be a small bar licence under 24 section 41A, subject to the conditions that applied to the old 25 licence immediately before commencement day. 26 (3) An application for an old licence that was made, but not 27 determined by the licensing authority, before 28 commencement day is taken to be an application for a small 29 bar licence under section 41A. page 45 Liquor Control Amendment Bill 2018 s. 70 1 3. Certain restaurant licences: no fee for application for 2 extended trading permit under section 60(4)(ca) 3 (1) In this clause -- 4 commencement day means the day on which the Liquor 5 Control Amendment Act 2018 section 27 comes into 6 operation; 7 small restaurant licence means a restaurant licence that, 8 immediately before commencement day, was subject to a 9 condition limiting the maximum number of persons 10 (excluding responsible persons and authorised officers) who 11 may be on the licensed premises to 120. 12 (2) If, in the period of 12 months beginning on commencement 13 day, the licensee of a small restaurant licence makes an 14 application for an extended trading permit under 15 section 60(4)(ca), then, despite section 68(1)(b), the notice 16 of application is not required to be accompanied by any 17 prescribed fee. 18 4. Application of s. 77A to existing applications for 19 alteration or redefinition of licensed premises 20 Section 77A applies to an application under section 77(4) 21 that was made, but not determined by the licensing 22 authority, before the day on which the Liquor Control 23 Amendment Act 2018 section 45 comes into operation. 24 25
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