Western Australian Bills

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                    Western Australia



ocal Government Amendment Bill 2008 CONTENTS Part 1 -- Preliminary matters 1. Short title 2 2. Commencement 2 3. The Act amended 2 Part 2 -- Amendments about introductory matters and the constitution of local government 4. Section 2.7 amended 3 5. Section 2.25 amended 3 6. Section 2.27 amended 5 7. Section 2.39 amended 6 Part 3 -- Amendments about functions of local governments 8. Section 3.27 amended 7 9. Section 3.47 amended 7 10. Section 3.58 amended 7 11. Section 3.64 amended 8 Part 4 -- Amendments about elections and other polls 12. Section 4.17 amended 9 13. Section 4.30 amended 9 14. Section 4.32 amended 10 15. Section 4.33 amended 11 16. Section 4.43 amended 12 17. Section 4.44A inserted 12 4.44A. Alteration of rolls 12 288--1 page i Local Government Amendment Bill 2008 Contents 18. Section 4.48 amended 12 19. Section 4.59 amended 13 Part 5 -- Amendments about administration 20. Section 5.11A inserted 14 5.11A. Deputy committee members 14 21. Section 5.27 amended 15 22. Section 5.36 amended 15 23. Section 5.37 amended 15 24. Section 5.43 amended 16 25. Section 5.47 replaced 16 5.47. Superannuation regulations 16 26. Section 5.48 amended 16 27. Section 5.62 amended 16 28. Section 5.63 amended 17 29. Heading to Part 5 Division 8 replaced 17 Division 8 -- Local government payments and gifts to its members 30. Section 5.98 amended 17 31. Section 5.100A inserted 18 5.100A. Gifts to council members 18 32. Section 5.101A inserted 18 5.101A. Regulations about payment of expenses 18 Part 6 -- Amendments about financial management 33. Section 6.14 amended 19 34. Section 6.25 amended 19 35. Section 6.29 replaced 19 6.29. Valuation and rates on mining and petroleum interests 19 36. Section 6.33 amended 21 37. Section 6.68 amended 21 Part 7 -- Other amendments 38. Section 8.2 amended 23 39. Section 9.16 amended 23 40. Sections 9.49A and 9.49B inserted 24 9.49A. Execution of documents 24 9.49B. Contract formalities 25 41. Replacing "Executive Director" in various sections 25 page ii Local Government Amendment Bill 2008 Contents 42. Schedule 2.5 amended 26 43. Schedule 3.1 amended 26 44. Schedule 3.2 amended 27 Part 8 -- Consequential amendments 45. Local Government Amendment Act 2004 amended 28 page iii Western Australia LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL Local Government Amendment Bill 2008 A Bill for An Act to amend the Local Government Act 1995. The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows: page 1 Local Government Amendment Bill 2008 Part 1 Preliminary matters s. 1 Part 1 -- Preliminary matters 1. Short title This is the Local Government Amendment Act 2008. 2. Commencement 5 This Act comes into operation as follows: (a) sections 1 and 2 -- on the day on which this Act receives the Royal Assent; (b) the rest of the Act -- on a day fixed by proclamation, and different days may be fixed for different provisions. 10 3. The Act amended The amendments in this Act are to the Local Government Act 1995. page 2 Local Government Amendment Bill 2008 Amendments about introductory matters and the constitution of Part 2 local government s. 4 Part 2 -- Amendments about introductory matters and the constitution of local government 4. Section 2.7 amended Section 2.7(1)(a) is amended by deleting "directs and controls" 5 and inserting instead -- " governs ". 5. Section 2.25 amended (1) Section 2.25(2) is amended by deleting the full stop and inserting instead -- 10 " , unless all of the meetings are within a period of 3 months. ". (2) After section 2.25(2) the following subsection is inserted -- 15 " (3A) Leave is not to be granted in respect of -- (a) a meeting that has concluded; or (b) the part of a meeting before the granting of leave. 20 ". (3) Section 2.25(4) is amended as follows: (a) by deleting "first"; (b) by deleting the full stop and inserting instead -- " 25 , unless all of the meetings are within a 2 month period. ". page 3 Local Government Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendments about introductory matters and the constitution of local government s. 5 (4) After section 2.25(4) the following subsection is inserted -- " (5A) If a council holds 3 or more ordinary meetings within a 2 month period, and a member is absent without leave 5 throughout each of those meetings, the member is disqualified if he or she is absent without leave throughout the ordinary meeting of the council immediately following the end of that period. ". 10 (5) Section 2.25(5)(b) is amended as follows: (a) by deleting "while" in the first place it occurs; (b) by inserting at the beginning of subparagraph (i) -- " while "; (c) by inserting after subparagraph (ii) -- 15 " (iiia) while the member is suspended under section 5.117(1)(a)(iv); or "; (d) by inserting after subparagraph (i) -- 20 " or ". (6) After section 2.25(5) the following subsection is inserted -- " (6) A member who before the commencement of the Local Government Amendment Act 2008 section 5 was 25 granted leave during an ordinary meeting of the council from which the member was absent is to be taken to have first obtained leave for the remainder of that meeting. ". page 4 Local Government Amendment Bill 2008 Amendments about introductory matters and the constitution of Part 2 local government s. 6 6. Section 2.27 amended (1) Section 2.27(4)(a) is amended by deleting "28" and inserting instead -- " 14 ". 5 (2) Section 2.27(6) is amended by deleting paragraph (b) and all of the subsection after it and inserting instead -- " (b) applies to the State Administrative Tribunal asking for a declaration as to whether or not the 10 member is disqualified and gives a copy of the application to the CEO, the member is taken to have been disqualified for the reasons indicated in the CEO's notice. ". 15 (3) After section 2.27(6) the following subsection is inserted -- " (7A) If subsection (6) applies to a member the CEO is to give the member a written notice to that effect. ". 20 (4) Section 2.27(7) is amended by deleting "A person other than the CEO" and inserting instead -- " The CEO or any other person ". (5) After subsection (9) the following subsection is inserted -- " 25 (10) This section as in force immediately before the commencement of the Local Government Amendment Act 2008 section 6 applies to and in respect of a notice given under section 2.27(3) before that commencement. 30 ". page 5 Local Government Amendment Bill 2008 Part 2 Amendments about introductory matters and the constitution of local government s. 7 7. Section 2.39 amended Section 2.39 is amended as follows: (a) before "A commissioner" by inserting the subsection designation "(1)"; 5 (b) at the end of the section by inserting the following subsection -- " (2) Subsection (1) does not prevent the appointment of a person under Schedule 2.4 clause 4 to fill a vacancy in 10 the office of commissioner. ". page 6 Local Government Amendment Bill 2008 Amendments about functions of local governments Part 3 s. 8 Part 3 -- Amendments about functions of local governments 8. Section 3.27 amended (1) After section 3.27(1) the following subsection is inserted -- 5 " (2A) In subsection (1) land includes Crown land the subject of a pastoral lease within the meaning of the Land Administration Act 1997 section 3. ". 10 (2) After section 3.27(3) the following subsection is inserted -- " (4A) For the purposes of subsection (3), planting pasture on land for grazing does not amount to cultivating the land. 15 ". 9. Section 3.47 amended Section 3.47(2b) is amended by deleting "and" after paragraph (b) and inserting instead -- " 20 (ca) for prescribed non-perishable goods -- one month; ". 10. Section 3.58 amended (1) Section 3.58(4) is amended by deleting paragraph (c) and 25 inserting instead -- " (c) the market value of the disposition -- (i) as ascertained by a valuation carried out not more than 6 months before the 30 proposed disposition; or page 7 Local Government Amendment Bill 2008 Part 3 Amendments about functions of local governments s. 11 (ii) as declared by a resolution of the local government on the basis of a valuation carried out more than 6 months before the proposed disposition that the local 5 government believes to be a true indication of the value at the time of the proposed disposition. ". (2) Section 3.58(5) is amended by deleting paragraph (a) and 10 inserting instead -- " (a) a disposition of an interest in land under the Land Administration Act 1997 section 189 or 190; or 15 ". (3) Section 3.58 is amended as follows: (a) in section 3.58(3)(a) by inserting after subparagraph (i) -- " and "; 20 (b) in section 3.58(4) by inserting after paragraph (a) -- " and "; (c) in section 3.58(5) by inserting after paragraph (b) -- " or ". 11. Section 3.64 amended 25 Section 3.64(d) is amended by inserting after "members" -- " and deputy members ". page 8 Local Government Amendment Bill 2008 Amendments about elections and other polls Part 4 s. 12 Part 4 -- Amendments about elections and other polls 12. Section 4.17 amended (1) Section 4.17(3) is amended by deleting all the words before "the council may," and inserting instead -- 5 " If a councillor's office becomes vacant under section 2.32 and under subsection (4A) this subsection applies, ". 10 (2) After section 4.17(3) the following subsection is inserted -- " (4A) Subsection (3) applies -- (a) if -- (i) the office is for a district that has no 15 wards; and (ii) at least 80% of the number of offices of member of the council in the district are still filled; or 20 (b) if -- (i) the office is for a ward for which there are 5 or more offices of councillor; and (ii) at least 80% of the number of offices of councillor for the ward are still filled. 25 ". 13. Section 4.30 amended (1) Section 4.30(1) is amended as follows: (a) by deleting paragraph (c) and inserting instead -- " 30 (c) has made a successful eligibility claim that still has effect under section 4.33. "; page 9 Local Government Amendment Bill 2008 Part 4 Amendments about elections and other polls s. 14 (b) after paragraph (a) by inserting -- " and ". (2) After section 4.30(2) the following subsections are inserted -- " 5 (3) For the purposes of subsection (1)(c) an eligibility claim is successful if it is accepted under section 4.32, whether or not the acceptance is before the close of enrolments, as defined in section 4.39(1). (4) A person who is eligible under subsection (1) to vote at 10 an election held less than 50 days after the commencement of the Local Government Amendment Act 2008 section 13 is eligible to vote at that election. ". 14. Section 4.32 amended 15 (1) Section 4.32(4) is amended by deleting "Within" and inserting instead -- " Except as provided for in subsection (5A), within ". 20 (2) After subsection (4) the following subsection is inserted -- " (5A) If a claim is made before the close of enrolments as defined in section 4.39(1), but less than 14 days before the close of nominations as defined in section 4.49(a), 25 the CEO is to decide whether to accept or reject the claim before the close of nominations. ". page 10 Local Government Amendment Bill 2008 Amendments about elections and other polls Part 4 s. 15 15. Section 4.33 amended (1) Section 4.33(1a) and (2) are repealed and the following subsections are inserted instead -- " 5 (2A) Unless subsection (2B) or (3) applies, if an enrolment eligibility claim made by a person on the basis of occupation of rateable property within the electorate is accepted under section 4.32(4) or (8), the claim expires on the day 6 months after the holding of the second 10 ordinary elections of the local government after the claim is accepted. (2B) If an enrolment eligibility claim on the basis of occupation of rateable property within the electorate is -- 15 (a) made within the period of 49 days before the election day for ordinary elections of the local government; and (b) accepted under section 4.32(4) or (8) before the election day, 20 the claim expires on the day 6 months after the holding of the third ordinary elections of the local government after the claim is accepted. (2) For the purpose of subsection (2A) or (2B), an election that would have been held on a particular day but for 25 the suspension of the council of the local government is to be regarded as having been held on that day. ". (2) Section 4.33(3) is amended by deleting "subclause (1a)" and inserting instead -- 30 " subsection (2A) or (2B) ". page 11 Local Government Amendment Bill 2008 Part 4 Amendments about elections and other polls s. 16 16. Section 4.43 amended Section 4.43(3b) is amended by inserting after "altered" -- " under this section or section 4.44A ". 17. Section 4.44A inserted 5 After section 4.43 the following section is inserted -- " 4.44A. Alteration of rolls (1) The returning officer may alter the owners and occupiers roll by including the name of an elector 10 whose enrolment eligibility claim was made under section 4.32(1) before the close of enrolments, as defined in section 4.39(1), but accepted after that time. (2) If the returning officer is not the CEO, the returning officer may direct the CEO to make an alteration to the 15 roll described in subsection (1) and the CEO is to comply with that direction. ". 18. Section 4.48 amended Section 4.48(2) is repealed and the following subsection is 20 inserted instead -- " (2) If the election is to fill the office of elector mayor or president, a person can only be a candidate if the person was an elector of the district who, as at the close 25 of enrolments and at the time of nomination, was qualified under section 2.19 to be elected as a member of the council. ". page 12 Local Government Amendment Bill 2008 Amendments about elections and other polls Part 4 s. 19 19. Section 4.59 amended Section 4.59 is amended by deleting the full stop and inserting instead -- " 5 ; and (c) the provision of information as to expenditure incurred in relation to an election by or for the benefit of candidates. ". page 13 Local Government Amendment Bill 2008 Part 5 Amendments about administration s. 20 Part 5 -- Amendments about administration 20. Section 5.11A inserted After section 5.10 the following section is inserted -- " 5 5.11A. Deputy committee members (1) The local government may appoint* a person to be a deputy of a member of a committee and may terminate such an appointment* at any time. * Absolute majority required. 10 (2) A person who is appointed as a deputy of a member of a committee is to be -- (a) if the member of the committee is a council member -- a council member; or (b) if the member of the committee is an 15 employee -- an employee; or (c) if the member of the committee is not a council member or an employee -- a person who is not a council member or an employee; or (d) if the member of the committee is a person 20 appointed under section 5.10(5) -- a person nominated by the CEO. (3) A deputy of a member of a committee may perform the functions of the member when the member is unable to do so by reason of illness, absence or other cause. 25 (4) A deputy of a member of a committee, while acting as a member, has all the functions of and all the protection given to a member. ". page 14 Local Government Amendment Bill 2008 Amendments about administration Part 5 s. 21 21. Section 5.27 amended After section 5.27(3) the following subsection is inserted -- " (4) A general meeting of the electors may be held in 5 conjunction with an ordinary meeting of the council of the local government. ". 22. Section 5.36 amended (1) Section 5.36(4) is amended by deleting "If " and inserting 10 instead -- " Unless subsection (5A) applies, if ". (2) After section 5.36(4) the following subsection is inserted -- " (5A) Subsection (4) does not require a position to be 15 advertised if it is proposed that the position be filled by a person in a prescribed class. ". 23. Section 5.37 amended (1) Section 5.37(3) is amended by deleting "If " and inserting 20 instead -- " Unless subsection (4A) applies, if ". (2) After section 5.37(3) the following subsection is inserted -- " (4A) Subsection (3) does not require a position to be 25 advertised if it is proposed that the position be filled by a person in a prescribed class. ". page 15 Local Government Amendment Bill 2008 Part 5 Amendments about administration s. 24 24. Section 5.43 amended Section 5.43 is amended as follows: (a) by inserting after paragraph (g) -- " 5 (ha) the power under section 9.49A(4) to authorise a person to sign documents on behalf of the local government; "; (b) by deleting "or" after paragraph (h). 10 25. Section 5.47 replaced Section 5.47 is repealed and the following section is inserted instead -- " 5.47. Superannuation regulations 15 The Governor may make regulations about any matter relating to the provision of superannuation by a local government. ". 26. Section 5.48 amended 20 Section 5.48(1) is amended by deleting the definition of "employee" and inserting instead -- " "employee" includes an employee of WALGA; ". 25 27. Section 5.62 amended Section 5.62(1) is amended as follows: (a) after paragraph (ea) by deleting "or" and inserting instead -- page 16 Local Government Amendment Bill 2008 Amendments about administration Part 5 s. 28 " or (eb) the relevant person is a council member and since the relevant person was last elected the 5 person gave to the relevant person a gift that section 5.82 requires the relevant person to disclose; or "; (b) after each of paragraphs (a) to (e) by inserting -- 10 " or ". 28. Section 5.63 amended Section 5.63(1)(b) is amended by deleting "arising from" and inserting instead -- " in ". 15 29. Heading to Part 5 Division 8 replaced The heading to Part 5 Division 8 is deleted and the following heading is inserted instead -- " Division 8 -- Local government payments and gifts to 20 its members ". 30. Section 5.98 amended After section 5.98(1) the following subsection is inserted -- " 25 (2A) A council member who attends a meeting of a prescribed type at the request of the council is entitled to be paid -- (a) the prescribed minimum fee for attending a meeting of that type; or page 17 Local Government Amendment Bill 2008 Part 5 Amendments about administration s. 31 (b) where the local government has set a fee within the prescribed range for meetings of that type, that fee. ". 5 31. Section 5.100A inserted After section 5.99A the following section is inserted -- " 5.100A. Gifts to council members A local government cannot give a gift to a council 10 member unless -- (a) the gift is given in prescribed circumstances; and (b) the value of the gift is less than a prescribed amount. 15 ". 32. Section 5.101A inserted After section 5.101 the following section is inserted -- " 5.101A. Regulations about payment of expenses 20 Regulations may be made about the method of payment of an expense for which a person can be reimbursed. ". page 18 Local Government Amendment Bill 2008 Amendments about financial management Part 6 s. 33 Part 6 -- Amendments about financial management 33. Section 6.14 amended Section 6.14(2)(a) and (b) are deleted. 34. Section 6.25 amended 5 Section 6.25 is amended by inserting in the appropriate alphabetic position -- " "owner" -- (a) in relation to land in a retirement village as 10 defined in the Retirement Villages Act 1992 means -- (i) the owner, as defined in that Act section 3(1); or (ii) a mortgagee in possession of the land; 15 or (iii) a trustee, executor, administrator, attorney or agent of a person mentioned in this paragraph who is in possession of the land; 20 (b) otherwise has the meaning given in section 1.4; ". 35. Section 6.29 replaced Section 6.29 is repealed and the following section is inserted 25 instead -- " 6.29. Valuation and rates on mining and petroleum interests (1) In this section -- 30 "relevant interest" means -- page 19 Local Government Amendment Bill 2008 Part 6 Amendments about financial management s. 35 (a) a mining tenement held under the Mining Act 1978 (whether within the meaning given to that term by that Act or by the Mining Act 1904); or 5 (b) a permit, drilling reservation, lease or licence held under the Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967. (2) Regardless of any determination made under section 6.28(1), the basis for a rate on a relevant 10 interest is to be the unimproved value of the land, except as provided for in subsection (3). (3) Subsection (2) does not apply to a relevant interest in a portion of land on which capital improvements are located if -- 15 (a) the Minister has determined under section 6.28(1) that the gross rental value of the land is to be used as the basis for a rate on that interest; and (b) the determination expressly excludes the 20 application of subsection (2). (4) The Minister cannot determine under section 6.28(1) that the gross rental value of the land is to be used as the basis for a rate on a relevant interest in a portion of land if another estate in that portion of land is rateable 25 on the basis of the gross rental value of the land. (5) For the purpose of subsection (3)(b) a determination is to be taken to expressly exclude the application of subsection (2) if the determination -- (a) was made before the commencement of the 30 Local Government Amendment Act 2008 section 35; and page 20 Local Government Amendment Bill 2008 Amendments about financial management Part 6 s. 36 (b) specifically applies to the particular relevant interest. ". 36. Section 6.33 amended 5 (1) Section 6.33(1) is amended as follows: (a) in paragraph (a) by inserting after "zoned" -- " , whether or not "; (b) in paragraph (b) by deleting "the predominant" and inserting instead -- 10 " a ". (2) After section 6.33(4) the following subsection is inserted -- " (5) A differential general rate that a local government purported to impose under this Act before the Local 15 Government Amendment Act 2008 section 36(1)(a) came into operation is to be taken to have been as valid as if the amendment made by that paragraph had been made before the purported imposition of that rate. ". 20 37. Section 6.68 amended Section 6.68(2) is repealed and the following subsections are inserted -- " (2) A local government is not required to attempt under 25 section 6.56 to recover money due to it before exercising the power of sale where the local government -- (a) has a reasonable belief that the cost of the proceedings under that section will equal or 30 exceed the value of the land; or page 21 Local Government Amendment Bill 2008 Part 6 Amendments about financial management s. 37 (b) having made reasonable efforts to locate the owner of the property is unable to do so. (3A) A local government is to ensure that a decision to exercise a power of sale without having, within the 5 period of 3 years prior to the exercise of the power of sale, attempted under section 6.56 to recover the money due to it and the reasons for the decision are recorded in the minutes of the meeting at which the decision was made. 10 ". page 22 Local Government Amendment Bill 2008 Other amendments Part 7 s. 38 Part 7 -- Other amendments 38. Section 8.2 amended (1) Section 8.2(1) is amended by inserting after "local government" in the first place where it occurs -- 5 " , a member of a council, a CEO or an employee ". (2) Section 8.2(2) is repealed and the following subsection is inserted instead -- " (2) A person who fails to comply with a notice under 10 subsection (1) commits an offence. ". 39. Section 9.16 amended (1) After section 9.16(1) the following subsection is inserted -- " 15 (2A) If a person who is given a notice under section 9.13 about an alleged offence involving a vehicle gives information in accordance with section 9.13(6) about another person who was the driver or person in charge of the vehicle at the time of the alleged offence, the 20 period of 28 days for giving that other person an infringement notice runs from the time the information was given. ". (2) After section 9.16(2) the following subsection is inserted -- 25 " (3) An infringement notice given before the commencement of the Local Government Amendment Act 2008 section 39(1) and purporting to be under this section is to be taken to have been as valid as if the 30 amendment made by that subsection had been made before the notice was given. ". page 23 Local Government Amendment Bill 2008 Part 7 Other amendments s. 40 40. Sections 9.49A and 9.49B inserted After the heading to Part 9 Division 3 the following sections are inserted -- " 5 9.49A. Execution of documents (1) A document is duly executed by a local government if -- (a) the common seal of the local government is affixed to it in accordance with subsections (2) 10 and (3); or (b) it is signed on behalf of the local government by a person or persons authorised under subsection (4) to do so. (2) The common seal of a local government is not to be 15 affixed to any document except as authorised by the local government. (3) The common seal of the local government is to be affixed to a document in the presence of -- (a) the mayor or president; and 20 (b) the chief executive officer or a senior employee authorised by the chief executive officer, each of whom is to sign the document to attest that the common seal was so affixed. (4) A local government may, by resolution, authorise the 25 chief executive officer, another employee or an agent of the local government to sign documents on behalf of the local government, either generally or subject to conditions or restrictions specified in the authorisation. (5) A document executed by a person under an authority 30 under subsection (4) is not to be regarded as a deed unless the person executes it as a deed and is permitted to do so by the authorisation. page 24 Local Government Amendment Bill 2008 Other amendments Part 7 s. 41 (6) A document purporting to be executed in accordance with this section is to be presumed to be duly executed unless the contrary is shown. (7) When a document is produced bearing a seal 5 purporting to be the common seal of the local government, it is to be presumed that the seal is the common seal of the local government unless the contrary is shown. 9.49B. Contract formalities 10 (1) Insofar as the formalities of making, varying or discharging a contract are concerned, a person acting under the authority of a local government may make, vary or discharge a contract in the name of or on behalf of the local government in the same manner as if that 15 contract was made, varied or discharged by a natural person. (2) The making, variation or discharge of a contract in accordance with subsection (1) is effectual in law and binds the local government concerned and other parties 20 to the contract. (3) Subsection (1) does not prevent a local government from making, varying or discharging a contract under its common seal. ". 25 41. Replacing "Executive Director" in various sections The provisions listed in the Table to this section are amended by deleting "Executive Director" in each place where it occurs and inserting instead -- " Departmental CEO ". 30 Table s. 5.108(1), (2)(a) and (3) s. 5.110(2)(b) s. 5.111(1) and (2) s. 5.112(1), (2), (3), (4) and (5) page 25 Local Government Amendment Bill 2008 Part 7 Other amendments s. 42 s. 5.114(1) and (2) s. 5.115(1) and (2) s. 5.116(1), (2), (3), (4), (5) s. 5.117(4) and (5) and (6) s. 5.118(2) s. 5.119(1) s. 9.69A 42. Schedule 2.5 amended Schedule 2.5 is amended in clause 7(10) by deleting "procedure." and inserting instead -- " procedure, and other procedure and practice. ". 5 43. Schedule 3.1 amended Schedule 3.1 Division 1 is amended as follows: (a) by inserting after item 5A the following item -- " 5B. Ensure that graffiti that is -- 10 (a) applied with the consent of the owner or occupier; and (b) visible from a public place; and (c) considered by the local government to be unsightly or offensive, 15 is obliterated in a manner acceptable to the local government. "; (b) by deleting item 6 and inserting instead -- " 20 6. Take specified measures for preventing or minimising the movement of sand, silt, clay or rocks on or from the land if, in the opinion of the local government, that movement would be likely to adversely affect other land. ". page 26 Local Government Amendment Bill 2008 Other amendments Part 7 s. 44 44. Schedule 3.2 amended Schedule 3.2 is amended as follows: (a) in item 7 by deleting "(The cost cannot then be recovered from the owner.)"; 5 (b) by inserting after item 7 the following item -- " 8. Obliterate graffiti that is visible from a public place and that has been applied without the consent of the owner or occupier. 10 ". page 27 Local Government Amendment Bill 2008 Part 8 Consequential amendments s. 45 Part 8 -- Consequential amendments 45. Local Government Amendment Act 2004 amended (1) The amendments in this section are to the Local Government Amendment Act 2004. 5 (2) The following sections are repealed -- (a) section 19(2); (b) section 20; (c) section 38(3).


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