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Western Australia
and Tax Assessment Amendment Bill 2022 Contents Part 1 -- Preliminary 1. Short title 2 2. Commencement 2 3. Act amended 2 Part 2 -- Amendments deemed to have commenced on 1 July 2020 4. Section 15A amended 3 5. Section 20 amended 5 6. Section 23 amended 5 7. Section 26B inserted 6 26B. Exemption for property owned by individual in care 6 8. Part 3 Division 4A replaced 9 Division 4A -- Land used for dwelling or residential parks 39A. Terms used 9 39B. Exemption for land in dwelling or residential parks 11 39C. Calculating percentage for exemption for dwelling or residential parks 11 39D. Provisions about calculations under s. 39C 14 9. Section 42 amended 14 Part 3 -- Amendments commencing on day after Royal Assent 10. Section 18A amended 15 11. Section 20 amended 15 85--1 page i Land Tax Assessment Amendment Bill 2022 Contents 12. Section 20A inserted 18 20A. Owner of land subject to exemption or concession may be required to notify Commissioner of event or circumstance 18 13. Section 23A amended 20 14. Section 23 amended 21 15. Section 26 amended 21 16. Section 26A amended 21 17. Section 30F deleted 21 18. Schedule 1 Division 7 inserted 22 Division 7 -- Provisions for Land Tax Assessment Amendment Act 2022 22. Application of amendments made by Land Tax Assessment Amendment Act 2022 Part 2 22 23. Reduced exemption percentage for land used for dwelling or residential park does not apply for certain financial years 22 24. Continued application of notification requirements 23 25. Reassessment 24 19. Various references to gender removed 24 page ii Western Australia LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Land Tax Assessment Amendment Bill 2022 A Bill for An Act to amend the Land Tax Assessment Act 2002. The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows: page 1 Land Tax Assessment Amendment Bill 2022 Part 1 Preliminary s. 1 1 Part 1 -- Preliminary 2 1. Short title 3 This is the Land Tax Assessment Amendment Act 2022. 4 2. Commencement 5 This Act comes into operation as follows -- 6 (a) Part 1 comes into operation on the day on which this Act 7 receives the Royal Assent (assent day); 8 (b) Part 2 is deemed to have come into operation on 9 1 July 2020; 10 (c) the rest of the Act comes into operation on the day after 11 assent day. 12 3. Act amended 13 This Act amends the Land Tax Assessment Act 2002. page 2 Land Tax Assessment Amendment Bill 2022 Amendments deemed to have commenced on 1 July 2020 Part 2 s. 4 1 Part 2 -- Amendments deemed to have commenced on 2 1 July 2020 3 4. Section 15A amended 4 (1) In section 15A(1)(a) delete "a concession or exemption under 5 section 39B" and insert: 6 7 an exemption under section 39B to any extent 8 9 (2) In section 15A(2) delete "by the subdividing owner of the land 10 on the value of the taxable portion of the land for each of the 11 10 financial years" and insert: 12 13 on the land by the subdividing owner of the land for each of the 14 10 financial years (the relevant financial years) 15 16 (3) Delete section 15A(3) and insert: 17 18 (3) If immediately after the subdivision any of the land is 19 in a dwelling or residential park, and there are caravan 20 or camp sites or owner-occupied home sites (as those 21 terms are defined in section 39A) in the park, then -- 22 (a) a percentage (P%) must be calculated in 23 relation to the park under subsection (3A); and 24 (b) in determining the taxable value of the land for 25 each of the relevant financial years, the 26 unimproved value of the land in relation to that 27 year must be reduced by an amount equal to 28 P% of the unimproved value of the land. page 3 Land Tax Assessment Amendment Bill 2022 Part 2 Amendments deemed to have commenced on 1 July 2020 s. 4 1 (3A) For the purposes of subsection (3)(a), the percentage 2 must be calculated as follows -- 3 (a) first, calculate a percentage (X%) in relation to 4 the park using the method set out in 5 section 39C(2) to (8), by reference to the park 6 immediately after the subdivision; 7 (b) second, calculate the percentage (Y%) of the 8 land that is in a dwelling or residential park (as 9 defined in section 39A) immediately after the 10 subdivision; 11 (c) third, multiply X% by Y%. 12 13 (4) In section 15A(4): 14 (a) delete "those 10 financial years" and insert: 15 16 the relevant financial years 17 18 (b) delete "the taxable portion of ". 19 (5) In section 15A(5) delete "any part of the taxable portion of the 20 land for any of those 10 financial years is reduced by the 21 amount already charged on that part" and insert: 22 23 the land for any of the relevant financial years is reduced by the 24 amount already charged on any part of the land 25 26 (6) Delete section 15A(6). 27 (7) In section 15A(7) delete "the taxable portion of ". page 4 Land Tax Assessment Amendment Bill 2022 Amendments deemed to have commenced on 1 July 2020 Part 2 s. 5 1 (8) After section 15A(8) insert: 2 3 (9) A reference in subsection (1) to an exemption under 4 section 39B is, in relation to a financial year beginning 5 before 1 July 2020, a reference to an exemption or 6 concession under section 39B as that section was in 7 force before 1 July 2020. 8 9 Note: The heading to amended section 15A is to read: 10 Tax payable on newly subdivided dwelling or residential parks 11 5. Section 20 amended 12 After section 20(1)(b) insert: 13 14 (c) land that is not exempt under section 26B for 15 the assessment year because income was 16 derived from the property in the period referred 17 to in section 26B(5)(a)(i) or (ii) (whichever is 18 applicable); 19 20 6. Section 23 amended 21 Delete section 23(1)(a) and insert: 22 23 (a) the individual's ownership and use of the 24 property as their primary residence -- 25 (i) gave rise to an exemption under 26 section 21 or 26B for the financial year 27 in which the individual died; or 28 (ii) would have given rise to an exemption 29 under section 21 or 26B for the financial 30 year in which the individual died if, in 31 applying section 21 or 26B to that 32 financial year, the reference in page 5 Land Tax Assessment Amendment Bill 2022 Part 2 Amendments deemed to have commenced on 1 July 2020 s. 7 1 section 21(1) or 26B(3)(a) to midnight 2 on 30 June in the financial year before 3 the assessment year were a reference to 4 the time immediately before the 5 individual's death; 6 and 7 8 7. Section 26B inserted 9 After section 26A insert: 10 11 26B. Exemption for property owned by individual in care 12 (1) In this section -- 13 aged care facility has the meaning given in 14 section 38A(1); 15 care commencement date, for an individual in 16 full-time care, means the day on which the period of 17 full-time care began (whether or not the kind of 18 full-time care has changed in that period). 19 (2) In this section, an individual is in full-time care during 20 any period when -- 21 (a) the individual is being cared for by a person 22 who is qualified for a carer payment under the 23 Social Security Act 1991 (Commonwealth) 24 Part 2.5 in respect of that care (whether or not 25 the person receives that payment); or 26 (b) the individual's primary residence is any of the 27 following -- 28 (i) a public hospital as defined in the 29 Health Services Act 2016 section 8(6); page 6 Land Tax Assessment Amendment Bill 2022 Amendments deemed to have commenced on 1 July 2020 Part 2 s. 7 1 (ii) a private hospital as defined in the 2 Private Hospitals and Health Services 3 Act 1927 section 2(1); 4 (iii) a mental health service as defined in the 5 Mental Health Act 2014 section 4; 6 (iv) a private psychiatric hostel as defined in 7 the Private Hospitals and Health 8 Services Act 1927 section 2(1); 9 (v) an aged care facility; 10 (vi) a facility that specialises in palliative 11 care; 12 (vii) a place in another State or a Territory 13 that is equivalent to a place referred to 14 in subparagraph (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v) or 15 (vi); 16 (viii) a place of a prescribed class. 17 (3) Private residential property (except property held in 18 trust) is exempt for an assessment year if -- 19 (a) at midnight on 30 June in the financial year 20 before the assessment year -- 21 (i) the property is owned by an individual 22 as described in subsection (4); and 23 (ii) the individual is in full-time care; 24 and 25 (b) immediately before the care commencement 26 date -- 27 (i) the property was owned by the 28 individual as described in 29 subsection (4); and 30 (ii) the individual used the property as their 31 primary residence. page 7 Land Tax Assessment Amendment Bill 2022 Part 2 Amendments deemed to have commenced on 1 July 2020 s. 7 1 (4) For the purposes of subsection (3)(a)(i) and (b)(i), the 2 property must be owned at the relevant time by -- 3 (a) the individual; or 4 (b) the individual and their spouse; or 5 (c) the individual and a person with whom the 6 individual has lived in a de facto relationship 7 for at least 2 years, whether or not they still live 8 on that basis at the relevant time; or 9 (d) the person or persons referred to in 10 paragraph (a), (b) or (c) and 1 or more other 11 persons each of whom is an owner only 12 because of a requirement by a financial 13 institution for a guarantee of money advanced 14 on the security of the property. 15 (5) Despite subsection (3), the property is not exempt if -- 16 (a) the individual or any other person derived any 17 income from the property in -- 18 (i) if the care commencement date was in 19 the financial year before the assessment 20 year -- the period beginning on the care 21 commencement date and ending 22 immediately before the assessment year; 23 or 24 (ii) otherwise -- the financial year before 25 the assessment year; 26 or 27 (b) any other property owned by the individual is 28 exempt for the assessment year under this 29 Division as a result of its use by the individual 30 as their primary residence. 31 page 8 Land Tax Assessment Amendment Bill 2022 Amendments deemed to have commenced on 1 July 2020 Part 2 s. 8 1 8. Part 3 Division 4A replaced 2 Delete Part 3 Division 4A and insert: 3 4 Division 4A -- Land used for dwelling or residential 5 parks 6 39A. Terms used 7 In this Division -- 8 camp has the meaning given in the Caravan Parks and 9 Camping Grounds Act 1995 section 5(1); 10 caravan has the meaning given in the Caravan Parks 11 and Camping Grounds Act 1995 section 5(1); 12 caravan or camp site means a short-stay site set aside, 13 marked, or intended to be used for 1 caravan or camp; 14 dwelling or residential park -- 15 (a) means a dwelling park or a residential park; and 16 (b) includes a place that is both a dwelling park and 17 a residential park; 18 dwelling park means a caravan park or camping 19 ground (as those terms are defined in the Caravan 20 Parks and Camping Grounds Act 1995 section 5(1)) 21 that is -- 22 (a) operated, or required to be operated, under a 23 licence issued under that Act; or 24 (b) operated by a local government (as defined in 25 section 5(2) of that Act) on land that is not 26 owned by, or vested in, the local government; 27 excluded land means any of the following land in a 28 dwelling or residential park -- 29 (a) land used for a hotel, motel, hostel, lodging 30 house, boarding house, shop, cafe or restaurant; page 9 Land Tax Assessment Amendment Bill 2022 Part 2 Amendments deemed to have commenced on 1 July 2020 s. 8 1 (b) land not already mentioned in paragraph (a) 2 that is the subject of a licence under the Liquor 3 Control Act 1988; 4 (c) land on which clearing works have been 5 undertaken for the purposes of development on 6 the land; 7 (d) land used for prescribed purposes; 8 (e) land that the Commissioner considers is not 9 used for the purposes of operating the dwelling 10 or residential park; 11 long-stay site has the meaning given in the Residential 12 Parks (Long-stay Tenants) Act 2006 section 3; 13 operate has the meaning given in the Caravan Parks 14 and Camping Grounds Act 1995 section 5(1); 15 owner-occupied home site means a long-stay site in 16 relation to which a site-only agreement (as defined in 17 the Residential Parks (Long-stay Tenants) Act 2006 18 section 3) is in force; 19 park site means an area of land in a dwelling or 20 residential park that is set aside, marked, or intended to 21 be used for -- 22 (a) 1 caravan, camp or relocatable home; or 23 (b) 1 holiday cabin, chalet or similar building; 24 relocatable home has the meaning given in the 25 Residential Parks (Long-stay Tenants) Act 2006 26 section 3; 27 residential park has the meaning given in the 28 Residential Parks (Long-stay Tenants) Act 2006 29 section 5B; 30 short-stay site means a park site that is not a long-stay 31 site. page 10 Land Tax Assessment Amendment Bill 2022 Amendments deemed to have commenced on 1 July 2020 Part 2 s. 8 1 39B. Exemption for land in dwelling or residential parks 2 (1) Land in a dwelling or residential park is exempt for an 3 assessment year, to the extent set out in subsection (2), 4 if at midnight on 30 June in the previous financial year 5 there are caravan or camp sites or owner-occupied 6 home sites in the park. 7 (2) The land is exempt in a proportion that is equal to the 8 percentage (X%) calculated under section 39C. 9 (3) If the land in the park is not wholly exempt for the 10 assessment year under subsections (1) and (2), then for 11 the purposes of determining the taxable value of the 12 land in the park for the assessment year, the 13 unimproved value of the land must be reduced by an 14 amount that is equal to X% of that unimproved value. 15 39C. Calculating percentage for exemption for dwelling 16 or residential parks 17 (1) This section sets out the method to be used in 18 calculating the percentage that applies in determining 19 the extent to which land in a dwelling or residential 20 park is exempt for an assessment year under 21 section 39B. 22 (2) First, calculate the proportion of the short-stay sites in 23 the park that are caravan or camp sites using the 24 following formula -- C 25 S 26 where -- 27 C is the number of caravan or camp sites in the park; 28 S is the number of short-stay sites in the park. page 11 Land Tax Assessment Amendment Bill 2022 Part 2 Amendments deemed to have commenced on 1 July 2020 s. 8 1 (3) Second, calculate the short-stay exemption component 2 using the following formula -- S 3 × P1 T 4 where -- 5 S is the number of short-stay sites in the park; 6 T is the total number of park sites in the park; 7 P1 is the proportion of the short-stay sites that are 8 caravan or camp sites calculated under 9 subsection (2), rounded up to 1 if the proportion is 10 0.75 or higher. 11 (4) Third, calculate the proportion of the long-stay sites in 12 the park that are owner-occupied home sites using the 13 following formula -- O 14 L 15 where -- 16 O is the number of owner-occupied home sites in the 17 park; 18 L is the number of long-stay sites in the park. 19 (5) Fourth, calculate the long-stay exemption component 20 using the following formula -- L 21 × P2 T 22 where -- 23 L is the number of long-stay sites in the park; 24 T is the total number of park sites in the park; page 12 Land Tax Assessment Amendment Bill 2022 Amendments deemed to have commenced on 1 July 2020 Part 2 s. 8 1 P2 is the proportion of the long-stay sites that are 2 owner-occupied home sites calculated under 3 subsection (4), rounded up to 1 if the proportion is 4 0.75 or higher. 5 (6) Fifth, calculate the proportion of the total land in the 6 park that is excluded land using the following 7 formula -- E 8 A 9 where -- 10 E is the area of the excluded land in the park in 11 square metres; 12 A is the total area of the park in square metres. 13 (7) Sixth, calculate the proportion that applies for the 14 purposes of determining the extent to which the land in 15 the park is exempt under section 39B using the 16 following formula -- 17 (C1 + C2) × (1 − P3) 18 where -- 19 C1 is the short-stay exemption component calculated 20 under subsection (3); 21 C2 is the long-stay exemption component calculated 22 under subsection (5); 23 P3 is the proportion of the total land in the park that is 24 excluded land calculated under subsection (6). 25 (8) Seventh, convert the proportion calculated under 26 subsection (7) to a percentage. page 13 Land Tax Assessment Amendment Bill 2022 Part 2 Amendments deemed to have commenced on 1 July 2020 s. 9 1 39D. Provisions about calculations under s. 39C 2 (1) A calculation under section 39C must be made by 3 reference to the dwelling or residential park as at 4 midnight on 30 June in the financial year before the 5 assessment year. 6 (2) If at that time there are no caravan or camp sites in the 7 park -- 8 (a) the steps in section 39C(2) and (3) must be 9 omitted; and 10 (b) for the purposes of the calculation in 11 section 39C(7), the short-stay exemption 12 component calculated under section 39C(3) is 13 taken to be zero. 14 (3) If at that time there are no owner-occupied home sites 15 in the park -- 16 (a) the steps in section 39C(4) and (5) must be 17 omitted; and 18 (b) for the purposes of the calculation in 19 section 39C(7), the long-stay exemption 20 component calculated under section 39C(5) is 21 taken to be zero. 22 (4) A calculation under section 39C must be rounded to 23 4 decimal places. 24 25 9. Section 42 amended 26 In section 42(3)(a) delete "25 or 25A; or" and insert: 27 28 25, 25A or 26B; or 29 30 Note: The heading to amended section 42 is to read: 31 One year exemption for land vacated for sale by mortgagee page 14 Land Tax Assessment Amendment Bill 2022 Amendments commencing on day after Royal Assent Part 3 s. 10 1 Part 3 -- Amendments commencing on day after Royal 2 Assent 3 10. Section 18A amended 4 In section 18A(2)(b) after "exemption" insert: 5 6 provision 7 8 11. Section 20 amended 9 (1) In section 20(1): 10 (a) delete "A taxpayer may apply to the Commissioner for 11 an exemption, concession or further concession for any 12 of the following land --" and insert: 13 14 The Commissioner may, on application or on the 15 Commissioner's own initiative, grant an exemption, 16 concession or further concession for any of the 17 following land for an assessment year -- 18 19 (b) in paragraph (a) delete "under section 21, 22 or 23 20 because of its use by the individual as his or her" and 21 insert: 22 23 for the assessment year under section 21, 22 or 23 24 because of its use by the individual as their 25 26 (c) in paragraph (b) delete "an" and insert: 27 28 the 29 page 15 Land Tax Assessment Amendment Bill 2022 Part 3 Amendments commencing on day after Royal Assent s. 11 1 (d) in paragraph (f) after "under section 42" insert: 2 3 for the assessment year 4 5 (2) In section 20(2) delete "the exemption, concession or further 6 concession for the whole or part of a lot or parcel of land the 7 subject of an application under subsection (1)" and insert: 8 9 an exemption, concession or further concession under 10 subsection (1) for the whole or part of a lot or parcel of land 11 12 (3) Delete section 20(3) and insert: 13 14 (2A) The Commissioner may revoke an exemption, 15 concession or further concession granted under 16 subsection (1) if the Commissioner is no longer 17 satisfied that the grounds referred to in subsection (2) 18 exist. 19 (2B) The Commissioner must give a taxpayer written notice 20 of a decision -- 21 (a) not to grant an exemption, concession or further 22 concession under subsection (1) on application 23 by the taxpayer; or 24 (b) to revoke under subsection (2A) an exemption, 25 concession or further concession granted to the 26 taxpayer under subsection (1). 27 (3) A taxpayer may appeal to the Minister against a 28 decision of the Commissioner referred to in 29 subsection (2B)(a) or (b). 30 page 16 Land Tax Assessment Amendment Bill 2022 Amendments commencing on day after Royal Assent Part 3 s. 11 1 (4) In section 20(4): 2 (a) delete "may" and insert: 3 4 under subsection (3) must 5 6 (b) delete "issued," and insert: 7 8 given, 9 10 (c) delete "applicant." and insert: 11 12 taxpayer. 13 14 (5) In section 20(6) delete "applicant" and insert: 15 16 taxpayer 17 18 (6) In section 20(7) delete "applicant." and insert: 19 20 taxpayer. 21 22 Note: The heading to amended section 20 is to read: 23 Commissioner's power to grant exemption or concession for land page 17 Land Tax Assessment Amendment Bill 2022 Part 3 Amendments commencing on day after Royal Assent s. 12 1 12. Section 20A inserted 2 At the end of Part 3 Division 1 insert: 3 4 20A. Owner of land subject to exemption or concession 5 may be required to notify Commissioner of event or 6 circumstance 7 (1) The Commissioner may serve a notice on an owner of 8 land in a financial year (the relevant year) if -- 9 (a) an exemption, concession or further concession 10 has been granted for the land for the relevant 11 year under a paragraph of section 20(1); or 12 (b) an assessment of land tax in relation to the land 13 has been made on the basis that an exemption 14 or concession applies to the land for the 15 relevant year under a provision of Divisions 2 16 to 5. 17 (2) A notice under subsection (1) must -- 18 (a) describe 1 or more relevant events or 19 circumstances; and 20 (b) require the person on whom the notice is served 21 to notify the Commissioner of the occurrence of 22 any of those relevant events or circumstances 23 during -- 24 (i) the relevant year; or 25 (ii) any of the 5 subsequent financial years; 26 and 27 (c) state the time within which the person is 28 required to notify the Commissioner of the 29 occurrence of a relevant event or circumstance. page 18 Land Tax Assessment Amendment Bill 2022 Amendments commencing on day after Royal Assent Part 3 s. 12 1 (3) For the purposes of this section, a relevant event or 2 circumstance, in relation to a notice under 3 subsection (1), is an event or circumstance that the 4 Commissioner considers will or may affect -- 5 (a) for a notice under subsection (1)(a) -- 6 (i) whether the exemption, concession or 7 further concession granted for the 8 relevant year will be revoked under 9 section 20(2A); or 10 (ii) whether an exemption, concession or 11 further concession will be granted for 12 the land for a subsequent financial year 13 under the same paragraph of 14 section 20(1); 15 or 16 (b) for a notice under subsection (1)(b) -- 17 (i) whether the exemption or concession 18 continues to apply to the land for the 19 relevant year; or 20 (ii) whether an exemption or concession 21 will apply to the land for a subsequent 22 financial year under the same provision 23 of Divisions 2 to 5. 24 (4) For the purposes of subsection (2)(c), a notice under 25 subsection (1) must not require a person to notify the 26 Commissioner of the occurrence of a relevant event or 27 circumstance -- 28 (a) earlier than the 49th day after the day on which 29 the relevant event or circumstance occurs; or 30 (b) later than 30 September in the financial year 31 after the financial year in which the relevant 32 event or circumstance occurs. page 19 Land Tax Assessment Amendment Bill 2022 Part 3 Amendments commencing on day after Royal Assent s. 13 1 (5) A person served with a notice under subsection (1) 2 must comply with the notice. 3 Penalty for this subsection: a fine of $5 000. 4 (6) Despite subsection (5), a person served with a notice 5 under subsection (1) is not required to notify the 6 Commissioner of the occurrence of a relevant event or 7 circumstance in compliance with the notice if, at the 8 time the relevant event or circumstance occurs -- 9 (a) the person has ceased to be an owner of the 10 land; or 11 (b) an assessment of land tax has been made in 12 relation to the land for an assessment year 13 (other than an assessment year before the 14 relevant year) on the basis that -- 15 (i) for a notice under subsection (1)(a) -- 16 no exemption is granted for the 17 assessment year under the same 18 paragraph of section 20(1); or 19 (ii) for a notice under subsection (1)(b) -- 20 no exemption or concession under the 21 same provision of Divisions 2 to 5 22 applies to the land for the assessment 23 year. 24 25 13. Section 23A amended 26 (1) Delete section 23A(3). 27 (2) In section 23A delete the Penalty. 28 Note: The heading to amended section 23A is to read: 29 Exemption for residence owned by executor or administrator if 30 beneficiary in will has right to future ownership and is resident page 20 Land Tax Assessment Amendment Bill 2022 Amendments commencing on day after Royal Assent Part 3 s. 14 1 14. Section 23 amended 2 (1) Delete section 23(3). 3 (2) In section 23(4) delete "notified," and insert: 4 5 notified in accordance with section 20A, 6 7 15. Section 26 amended 8 (1) Delete section 26(2). 9 (2) In section 26 delete the Penalty. 10 Note: The heading to amended section 26 is to read: 11 Exemption for residence of disabled person held in trust 12 16. Section 26A amended 13 (1) Delete section 26A(7). 14 (2) In section 26A delete the Penalty. 15 Note: The heading to amended section 26A is to read: 16 Exemption for residence of disabled person owned by relative 17 17. Section 30F deleted 18 Delete section 30F. page 21 Land Tax Assessment Amendment Bill 2022 Part 3 Amendments commencing on day after Royal Assent s. 18 1 18. Schedule 1 Division 7 inserted 2 At the end of Schedule 1 insert: 3 4 Division 7 -- Provisions for Land Tax Assessment 5 Amendment Act 2022 6 22. Application of amendments made by Land Tax 7 Assessment Amendment Act 2022 Part 2 8 (1) The amendments made by the Land Tax Assessment 9 Amendment Act 2022 Part 2 apply in relation to assessment 10 years that begin on or after 1 July 2020. 11 (2) This clause has effect subject to clause 23. 12 23. Reduced exemption percentage for land used for 13 dwelling or residential park does not apply for certain 14 financial years 15 (1) In this clause -- 16 dwelling or residential park has the meaning given in 17 section 39A; 18 new exemption percentage, for land in a dwelling or 19 residential park for a financial year, means the percentage 20 calculated under section 39C for the land for the year; 21 old exemption percentage, for land in a dwelling or 22 residential park for a financial year, means the percentage of 23 the land that would have been exempt land for the year 24 under old Part 3 Division 4A if the amendment made by the 25 Land Tax Assessment Amendment Act 2022 section 8 had 26 not been made; 27 old Part 3 Division 4A means Part 3 Division 4A as in force 28 immediately before the Land Tax Assessment Amendment 29 Act 2022 Part 2 was deemed to come into operation under 30 section 2(b) of that Act; 31 relevant year means a financial year that begins -- 32 (a) on or after 1 July 2020; and page 22 Land Tax Assessment Amendment Bill 2022 Amendments commencing on day after Royal Assent Part 3 s. 18 1 (b) no later than the next 1 July following the day on 2 which the Land Tax Assessment Amendment 3 Act 2022 receives the Royal Assent. 4 (2) Despite section 39B(2), if the new exemption percentage for 5 land in a dwelling or residential park for a relevant year is 6 less than the old exemption percentage for the land for the 7 year, the land is taken to be exempt under section 39B for 8 the year to the extent of the old exemption percentage rather 9 than the new exemption percentage. 10 24. Continued application of notification requirements 11 (1) In this clause -- 12 commencement day means the day on which the Land Tax 13 Assessment Amendment Act 2022 Part 3 comes into 14 operation; 15 commencement year means the financial year in which 16 commencement day occurs. 17 (2) Despite the deletion of sections 23A(3), 23(3), 26(2), 18 26A(7) and 30F by the Land Tax Assessment Amendment 19 Act 2022 Part 3 -- 20 (a) if property is exempt under section 23A for the 21 commencement year -- section 23A(3) and the 22 Penalty to section 23A, as in force immediately 23 before commencement day, continue to apply in 24 relation to the use of the property at midnight on 25 30 June in the commencement year; and 26 (b) if property is exempt under section 23 for the 27 commencement year -- section 23(3), as in force 28 immediately before commencement day, continues 29 to apply in relation to any rent or other income 30 derived from the property in the commencement 31 year; and 32 (c) if property is exempt under section 26 for the 33 commencement year -- section 26(2) and the 34 Penalty to section 26, as in force immediately 35 before commencement day, continue to apply in 36 relation to the ownership and use of the property at page 23 Land Tax Assessment Amendment Bill 2022 Part 3 Amendments commencing on day after Royal Assent s. 19 1 midnight on 30 June in the commencement year; 2 and 3 (d) if property is exempt under section 26A for the 4 commencement year -- section 26A(7) and the 5 Penalty to section 26A, as in force immediately 6 before commencement day, continue to apply in 7 relation to the use of the property at midnight on 8 30 June in the commencement year; and 9 (e) if land is exempt under Part 3 Division 3 for the 10 commencement year -- section 30F, as in force 11 immediately before commencement day, continues 12 to apply in relation to a change (as defined in that 13 section) that occurs in the commencement year. 14 (3) Subclause (2) does not apply in relation to land if a notice is 15 served under section 20A(1) in relation to the land in the 16 commencement year. 17 25. Reassessment 18 Subject to the Taxation Administration Act 2003 section 17, 19 the Commissioner must make any reassessment necessary to 20 give effect to this Division and the amendments made by the 21 Land Tax Assessment Amendment Act 2022 Part 2. 22 23 19. Various references to gender removed 24 Amend the provisions listed in the Table as set out in the Table. 25 Table Provision Delete Insert s. 16(2)(a) and his or her the Commissioner's (10)(a) s. 21(1)(a) his or her the individual's s. 21(1)(b) a husband and wife, spouses, page 24 Land Tax Assessment Amendment Bill 2022 Amendments commencing on day after Royal Assent Part 3 s. 19 Provision Delete Insert s. 21(1)(b) his or her that spouse's s. 21(1)(c) his or her that person's s. 22(b)(ii)(I) he or she the individual s. 23(2)(a) s. 22(c) his or her their s. 23A(1)(c) s. 24(1)(d) and (2)(b) s. 24A(1)(e) and (2)(b) s. 25(2) s. 25A(1)(e) and (2)(b) s. 26A(2)(a) s. 27A(1)(i) s. 26(1)(b) his or her the beneficiary's Glossary cl. 1 def. of his or her the person's non-strata home unit para. (b)(i) Glossary cl. 1 def. of himself or herself themselves trustee para. (c)
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