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Western Australia Mining Amendment (Procedures and Validation) Bill 2018 Contents Part 1 -- Preliminary 1. Short title 2 2. Commencement 2 Part 2 -- Mining Act 1978 amended 3. Act amended 3 4. Section 6 amended 3 5. Section 58 amended 3 6. Section 59 amended 4 7. Section 70D amended 4 8. Section 70O amended 4 9. Section 74 amended 5 10. Section 74A amended 7 11. Section 75 amended 8 12. Section 82A amended 12 13. Section 84AA amended 13 14. Section 90 amended 13 15. Section 97A amended 13 16. Section 98 amended 13 17. Section 102 amended 14 18. Section 125B inserted 14 125B. Compensation not affected by Part X 14 19. Section 162B amended 14 20. Section 162 amended 15 21. Part X inserted 16 Part X -- Validation 164. Terms used 16 165. Pending applications 18 83--1 page i Mining Amendment (Procedures and Validation) Bill 2018 Contents 166. Validation of grant, amendment or renewal of mining tenements and related actions 20 Part 3 -- Mining Legislation Amendment Act 2014 amended 22. Act amended 23 23. Sections 4 to 7 deleted 23 page ii Western Australia LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Mining Amendment (Procedures and Validation) Bill 2018 A Bill for An Act to amend -- the Mining Act 1978; and the Mining Legislation Amendment Act 2014. The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows: page 1 Mining Amendment (Procedures and Validation) Bill 2018 Part 1 Preliminary s. 1 1 Part 1 -- Preliminary 2 1. Short title 3 This is the Mining Amendment (Procedures and Validation) 4 Act 2018. 5 2. Commencement 6 This Act comes into operation as follows -- 7 (a) this Part -- on the day on which this Act receives the 8 Royal Assent; 9 (b) the rest of the Act -- on a day fixed by proclamation, 10 and different days may be fixed for different provisions. page 2 Mining Amendment (Procedures and Validation) Bill 2018 Mining Act 1978 amended Part 2 s. 3 1 Part 2 -- Mining Act 1978 amended 2 3. Act amended 3 This Part amends the Mining Act 1978. 4 4. Section 6 amended 5 In section 6(1a) delete "accompanied by the documentation 6 referred to in section 74(1)(ca)(ii) --" and insert: 7 8 in respect of which the documents referred to in 9 section 74(1AA)(b) or (c) have been lodged -- 10 11 5. Section 58 amended 12 In section 58(1): 13 (a) delete paragraph (b)(i); 14 (b) in paragraph (b)(ii) delete "such area; and" and insert: 15 16 the first year of the term of the licence; and 17 18 (c) in paragraph (b)(iii) delete "exploration; and" and insert: 19 20 exploration in the first year of the term of the licence; 21 and 22 23 (d) in paragraph (b)(iv) delete "applicant;" and insert: 24 25 applicant in the first year of the term of the licence; 26 page 3 Mining Amendment (Procedures and Validation) Bill 2018 Part 2 Mining Act 1978 amended s. 6 1 6. Section 59 amended 2 Delete section 59(5) and insert: 3 4 (5) The warden must as soon as practicable after the 5 hearing of the application forward to the Minister for 6 the Minister's consideration a report which 7 recommends the grant or refusal of the exploration 8 licence and sets out the reasons for that 9 recommendation. 10 11 7. Section 70D amended 12 Delete section 70D(5) and insert: 13 14 (5) The warden must as soon as practicable after the 15 hearing of the application forward to the Minister for 16 the Minister's consideration a report which 17 recommends the grant or refusal of the retention 18 licence and sets out the reasons for that 19 recommendation. 20 21 8. Section 70O amended 22 In section 70O in the definition of relevant mining proposal 23 delete paragraph (a) and insert: 24 25 (a) a mining proposal lodged in respect of the 26 application for the mining lease; or 27 page 4 Mining Amendment (Procedures and Validation) Bill 2018 Mining Act 1978 amended Part 2 s. 9 1 9. Section 74 amended 2 (1) Delete section 74(1)(ca). 3 (2) Delete section 74(1AA) and insert: 4 5 (1AA) An application for a mining lease is not to be dealt with 6 or be determined under section 75 (except under 7 section 75(1B)) unless the applicant has lodged in 8 respect of the application within the prescribed time 9 and in the prescribed manner -- 10 (a) a mining proposal; or 11 (b) a statement in accordance with subsection (1a) 12 and a mineralisation report; or 13 (c) a statement in accordance with subsection (1a) 14 and a resource report. 15 (1AB) Subsection (1AA) does not prevent a notice of 16 objection to the granting of the application from being 17 lodged before the lodgment of a document or 18 documents as referred to in that subsection. 19 20 (3) In section 74(1a): 21 (a) delete "subsection (1)(ca)(ii) and (iii)" and insert: 22 23 subsection (1AA)(b) and (c) 24 25 (b) delete paragraph (c) and insert: 26 27 (c) the location of those mining operations and the 28 location and area of land that is likely to be 29 required for any infrastructure associated with 30 those mining operations. 31 page 5 Mining Amendment (Procedures and Validation) Bill 2018 Part 2 Mining Act 1978 amended s. 9 1 (4) Delete section 74(5)(a) and insert: 2 3 (a) any document referred to in subsection (1AA) 4 that is lodged in respect of the application; and 5 6 (5) In section 74(7) delete the definition of JORC Code. 7 (6) In section 74(7) insert in alphabetical order: 8 9 ASX means Australian Securities Exchange Limited; 10 current JORC Code means the Australasian Code for 11 Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources 12 and Ore Reserves prepared by the Joint Ore Reserves 13 Committee of the Australasian Institute of Mining and 14 Metallurgy, the Australian Institute of Geoscientists 15 and the Minerals Council of Australia in the form most 16 recently adopted by ASX before the application is 17 made; 18 19 (7) In section 74(7) in the definition of mineralisation report after 20 "a report" insert: 21 22 prepared by a qualified person 23 24 (8) In section 74(7) in the definition of resource report: 25 (a) in paragraph (b) before "JORC Code" insert: 26 27 current 28 29 (b) delete paragraph (c) and insert: 30 31 (c) that has been given to ASX. 32 page 6 Mining Amendment (Procedures and Validation) Bill 2018 Mining Act 1978 amended Part 2 s. 10 1 10. Section 74A amended 2 (1) Delete section 74A(1), (2), (3) and (4) and insert: 3 4 (1) If the documents referred to in section 74(1AA)(b) are 5 lodged in respect of an application for a mining lease, 6 the Director, Geological Survey must prepare a report 7 as to whether or not there is significant mineralisation 8 in, on or under the land to which the application 9 relates. 10 (2) For the purposes of preparing the report, the Director, 11 Geological Survey may request the applicant to provide 12 further information in relation to matters dealt with in 13 the documents referred to in section 74(1AA)(b) and 14 the applicant must provide that information within the 15 prescribed time. 16 (3) The report must be based solely on information 17 contained in the documents referred to in 18 section 74(1AA)(b) and any further information 19 provided by the applicant in response to a request 20 under subsection (2). 21 (4) If the report is needed by the mining registrar or the 22 warden in order to perform functions under section 75, 23 the Director, Geological Survey must cause a copy of 24 the report to be given to the mining registrar or the 25 warden, as the case may be. 26 (4A) If the report states that there is no significant 27 mineralisation in, on or under the land to which the 28 application relates, the Director, Geological Survey 29 must cause a copy of the report to be given to the 30 Minister. 31 32 (2) Delete section 74A(7). page 7 Mining Amendment (Procedures and Validation) Bill 2018 Part 2 Mining Act 1978 amended s. 11 1 11. Section 75 amended 2 (1) Before section 75(1) insert: 3 4 (1AA) This section is about how an application for a mining 5 lease (the application) is dealt with and is determined. 6 7 (2) In section 75(1) delete "an application for a mining lease shall" 8 and insert: 9 10 the application must 11 12 (3) After section 75(1a) insert: 13 14 (1B) If compliant information is not lodged in respect of the 15 application within the compliance time, the mining 16 registrar must refuse the application. 17 18 (4) Delete section 75(2) and (2a) and insert: 19 20 (2) Subject to subsection (2A), if compliant information is 21 lodged in respect of the application within the 22 compliance time and no notice of objection is lodged 23 within the objection time, or any notice of objection is 24 withdrawn, the mining registrar must, unless 25 subsection (3A)(b)(ii) applies, forward to the Minister 26 a report which recommends the grant or refusal of the 27 mining lease and sets out the reasons for that 28 recommendation. 29 (2A) If the compliant information lodged in respect of the 30 application consists of or includes the documents 31 referred to in section 74(1AA)(b), the mining registrar page 8 Mining Amendment (Procedures and Validation) Bill 2018 Mining Act 1978 amended Part 2 s. 11 1 must not forward a report under subsection (2) 2 unless -- 3 (a) the mining registrar has received a copy of the 4 section 74A report in relation to the application; 5 and 6 (b) the section 74A report states that there is 7 significant mineralisation in, on or under the 8 land to which the application relates. 9 (2B) If subsection (2A) applies and the mining registrar 10 forwards a report under subsection (2), the mining 11 registrar must also forward to the Minister a copy of 12 the section 74A report in relation to the application. 13 14 (5) Delete section 75(4), (4a) and (5) and insert: 15 16 (3A) Subsection (4) applies to the application if -- 17 (a) compliant information is lodged in respect of 18 the application within the compliance time; and 19 (b) a notice of objection -- 20 (i) is lodged within the objection time; or 21 (ii) is not lodged within the objection time 22 but is lodged before the mining registrar 23 has forwarded a report to the Minister 24 under subsection (2) and the warden is 25 satisfied that there are reasonable 26 grounds for late lodgment; 27 and 28 (c) the notice of objection is not withdrawn. 29 (4) Subject to subsection (4A), if this subsection applies to 30 the application the warden must hear the application on 31 a day appointed by the warden and may give any page 9 Mining Amendment (Procedures and Validation) Bill 2018 Part 2 Mining Act 1978 amended s. 11 1 person who has lodged a notice of objection an 2 opportunity to be heard. 3 (4A) If the compliant information lodged in respect of the 4 application consists of or includes the documents 5 referred to in section 74(1AA)(b), the warden must not 6 hear the application unless -- 7 (a) the warden has received a copy of the 8 section 74A report in relation to the application; 9 and 10 (b) the section 74A report states that there is 11 significant mineralisation in, on or under the 12 land to which the application relates. 13 (5) The warden must as soon as practicable after the 14 hearing of the application forward to the Minister for 15 the Minister's consideration -- 16 (a) a report which recommends the grant or refusal 17 of the mining lease and sets out the reasons for 18 that recommendation; and 19 (b) if subsection (4A) applies, a copy of the 20 section 74A report in relation to the application. 21 22 (6) In section 75(6) after "a report" insert: 23 24 or reports 25 26 (7) In section 75(7) delete "In the case of an application for a 27 mining lease" and insert: 28 29 If the application is 30 page 10 Mining Amendment (Procedures and Validation) Bill 2018 Mining Act 1978 amended Part 2 s. 11 1 (8) Delete section 75(8) and insert: 2 3 (8) If the compliant information lodged in respect of the 4 application consists of or includes the documents 5 referred to in section 74(1AA)(b), the Minister must 6 refuse to grant the mining lease if the section 74A 7 report states that there is no significant mineralisation 8 in, on or under the land to which the application 9 relates. 10 11 (9) In section 75(9): 12 (a) delete "an application for a mining lease" and insert: 13 14 the application 15 16 (b) delete "that" and insert; 17 18 the 19 20 (10) Delete section 75(10) and insert: 21 22 (10) The power in section 162B(1) to extend the compliance 23 time may only be exercised by the Minister. 24 (11) In this section -- 25 compliance time means the time prescribed under 26 section 74(1AA) for lodging compliant information or, 27 if that time is extended under section 162B, that time as 28 so extended; 29 compliant information means -- 30 (a) the document referred to in section 74(1AA)(a); 31 or page 11 Mining Amendment (Procedures and Validation) Bill 2018 Part 2 Mining Act 1978 amended s. 12 1 (b) the documents referred to in 2 section 74(1AA)(b); or 3 (c) the documents referred to in 4 section 74(1AA)(c); 5 objection time means the time prescribed under 6 subsection (1) for lodging a notice of objection or, if 7 that time is extended under section 162B, that time as 8 so extended; 9 section 74A report means the report prepared if and as 10 required under section 74A(1). 11 12 12. Section 82A amended 13 (1) Before section 82A(1) insert: 14 15 (1A) In this section -- 16 mineralisation report and resource report have the 17 meanings given in section 74(7). 18 19 (2) Delete section 82A(1)(b) and insert: 20 21 (b) the following were lodged in respect of the 22 application for the mining lease -- 23 (i) a statement in accordance with 24 section 74(1a), as in force at the time of 25 the application; and 26 (ii) a mineralisation report or a resource 27 report. 28 page 12 Mining Amendment (Procedures and Validation) Bill 2018 Mining Act 1978 amended Part 2 s. 13 1 13. Section 84AA amended 2 In section 84AA(1)(a) delete "accompanied the application for 3 the mining lease under section 74(1)(ca)," and insert: 4 5 was lodged under section 74 in respect of the application for the 6 mining lease, 7 8 14. Section 90 amended 9 Delete section 90(2)(b) and insert: 10 11 (b) in subsection (1AA)(b) "and a mineralisation 12 report" was deleted. 13 14 15. Section 97A amended 15 (1) Delete section 97A(7)(b) and insert: 16 17 (b) in any other case, must as soon as practicable 18 after the hearing of the application transmit to 19 the Minister for the Minister's consideration a 20 report which recommends the grant or refusal 21 of the application together with the warden's 22 reasons for the recommendation. 23 24 (2) In section 97A(8) delete "notes of evidence and any maps or 25 documents transmitted to him" and insert: 26 27 a report transmitted 28 29 16. Section 98 amended 30 In section 98(6) delete "the notes of evidence, with". page 13 Mining Amendment (Procedures and Validation) Bill 2018 Part 2 Mining Act 1978 amended s. 17 1 17. Section 102 amended 2 Delete section 102(6) and insert: 3 4 (6) The warden must as soon as practicable after the 5 hearing of the application transmit to the Minister for 6 the Minister's consideration a report which 7 recommends the grant or refusal of the application and 8 sets out the reasons for that recommendation. 9 10 18. Section 125B inserted 11 After section 125A insert: 12 13 125B. Compensation not affected by Part X 14 The insertion of Part X by the Mining Amendment 15 (Procedures and Validation) Act 2018 section 21 does 16 not -- 17 (a) give rise to any entitlement to compensation 18 that did not exist before the coming into 19 operation of that section; or 20 (b) derogate from any entitlement to compensation 21 that existed before the coming into operation of 22 that section. 23 24 19. Section 162B amended 25 After section 162B(2) insert: 26 27 (3) The regulations may regulate -- 28 (a) applications for the extension of prescribed 29 periods or prescribed times; 30 (b) the exercise of the power in subsection (1). 31 page 14 Mining Amendment (Procedures and Validation) Bill 2018 Mining Act 1978 amended Part 2 s. 20 1 20. Section 162 amended 2 (1) After section 162(2)(ba) insert: 3 4 (bb) providing when an amount or fee submitted in 5 respect of an application lodged under this Act, 6 or an instrument lodged for registration under 7 this Act, is taken to have been received for the 8 purposes of this Act; 9 10 (2) Delete section 162(2)(x) and insert: 11 12 (x) authorise and regulate the copying, storage, 13 making available for public inspection, release, 14 publication and dissemination of information 15 contained in a mining tenement document; 16 17 (3) Delete section 162(2a) and (3A) and insert: 18 19 (2A) Subsection (2)(x) applies to information irrespective of 20 when the mining tenement document was made, 21 lodged, given or provided (as the case may be). 22 (2B) In subsections (2) and (2A) -- 23 mining tenement document means any of the 24 following -- 25 (a) an application for or in respect of a mining 26 tenement or a document that accompanies, or is 27 lodged or furnished in respect of, the 28 application; 29 (b) an agreement, claim, report, notice of objection, 30 security, caveat or other document in respect of 31 a mining tenement; page 15 Mining Amendment (Procedures and Validation) Bill 2018 Part 2 Mining Act 1978 amended s. 21 1 (c) a document containing any other information 2 supplied under this Act to the Minister, a 3 warden or any official of the Department. 4 5 21. Part X inserted 6 After section 163 insert: 7 8 Part X -- Validation 9 164. Terms used 10 (1) In this Part -- 11 amendment of a mining tenement means -- 12 (a) the amendment of the land the subject of a 13 mining tenement to include private land; or 14 (b) the amalgamation of a mining tenement with 15 another mining tenement or with a mining 16 tenement that has been surrendered or forfeited 17 or has expired; or 18 (c) the surrender of a mining tenement; 19 applicable laws means -- 20 (a) this Act and the regulations if and as they were 21 in force when an application for the grant, 22 amendment or renewal of a mining tenement 23 was lodged; or 24 (b) the repealed Act, and the regulations under it, if 25 and as they were in force when an application 26 for the grant, amendment or renewal of a 27 mining tenement was lodged or deemed to have 28 been lodged; 29 commencement means the coming into operation of 30 the Mining Amendment (Procedures and Validation) 31 Act 2018 section 21; 32 complied with includes observed and conformed to; page 16 Mining Amendment (Procedures and Validation) Bill 2018 Mining Act 1978 amended Part 2 s. 21 1 hearing means the substantive hearing by the warden 2 of proceedings relating to an application for the grant, 3 amendment or renewal of a mining tenement in relation 4 to which an objection has been lodged; 5 lodged means -- 6 (a) lodged with a warden; or 7 (b) lodged or filed with, or at the office of, a 8 mining registrar; or 9 (c) lodged with the Department electronically 10 whether by means of the Department's website 11 or otherwise; 12 prescribed requirements means the requirements of the 13 applicable laws as to -- 14 (a) an application for the grant, amendment or 15 renewal of a mining tenement; and 16 (b) the determination of an application for the 17 grant, amendment or renewal of a mining 18 tenement including any jurisdictional 19 requirements and requirements to be complied 20 with in relation to the performance of functions; 21 renewal of a mining tenement includes -- 22 (a) the further renewal of a mining tenement; and 23 (b) the restoration of a mining tenement; and 24 (c) the extension of the term of a mining tenement; 25 and 26 (d) the approval of retention status for land the 27 subject of a mining tenement; 28 requirement includes an obligation and a condition. 29 (2) In this Part -- 30 (a) a reference to an application for the grant, 31 amendment or renewal of a mining tenement 32 includes a reference to a purported application page 17 Mining Amendment (Procedures and Validation) Bill 2018 Part 2 Mining Act 1978 amended s. 21 1 for the grant, amendment or renewal of a 2 mining tenement; and 3 (b) a reference to the grant, amendment or renewal 4 of a mining tenement includes a reference to 5 the purported grant, amendment or renewal of a 6 mining tenement; and 7 (c) a reference to the surrender of a mining 8 tenement includes a reference to the surrender 9 of land the subject of a mining tenement; and 10 (d) a reference to an application for the amendment 11 of a mining tenement is, in the case of the 12 surrender of a mining tenement, a reference to 13 the lodgment of the surrender; and 14 (e) a reference to the determination of an 15 application for the amendment of a mining 16 tenement is, in the case of the surrender of a 17 mining tenement, a reference to the registration 18 of the surrender. 19 165. Pending applications 20 (1) Subject to this section, an application for the grant, 21 amendment or renewal of a mining tenement lodged 22 before the commencement can be dealt with and be 23 determined after the commencement as if the 24 prescribed requirements had been complied with. 25 (2) The prescribed application fee, if any, required for the 26 application must be paid -- 27 (a) in the case of an application for the grant of a 28 mining tenement -- 29 (i) if there is a hearing -- before the 30 commencement of that hearing; or 31 (ii) if there is not a hearing -- before the 32 grant of the mining tenement; page 18 Mining Amendment (Procedures and Validation) Bill 2018 Mining Act 1978 amended Part 2 s. 21 1 (b) in the case of an application for the amendment 2 or renewal of a mining tenement -- 3 (i) if there is a hearing -- before the 4 commencement of that hearing; or 5 (ii) if there is not a hearing -- before the 6 determination of the application. 7 (3) Subsection (1) does not apply to the extent, if any, that 8 the application is for the grant of a mining tenement in 9 respect of private land if -- 10 (a) under this Act the grant of the mining tenement 11 requires the consent in writing of the owner and 12 the occupier of the private land concerned; and 13 (b) those consents have not been given. 14 (4) Subsection (1) does not apply to the extent, if any, that 15 the application is for the amendment of the land the 16 subject of a mining tenement to include private land 17 if -- 18 (a) under this Act the amendment requires the 19 consent in writing of the owner and the 20 occupier of the private land concerned; and 21 (b) those consents have not been given. 22 (5) Subsection (1) does not apply to an application if, 23 before or after the commencement, the application has 24 been marked in the register as being invalid. 25 (6) An authorised officer, as defined in section 103A, has 26 power, and is taken to have always had power, to mark 27 in the register as being invalid an application assessed 28 by the Department as not being in compliance with the 29 requirements of the applicable laws as to the 30 application. page 19 Mining Amendment (Procedures and Validation) Bill 2018 Part 2 Mining Act 1978 amended s. 21 1 166. Validation of grant, amendment or renewal of 2 mining tenements and related actions 3 (1) Subject to this section, subsection (2) applies to the 4 following -- 5 (a) the grant, amendment or renewal of a mining 6 tenement before the commencement; 7 (b) the grant, amendment or renewal of a mining 8 tenement after the commencement if -- 9 (i) the application for the grant, amendment 10 or renewal is dealt with and is 11 determined under section 165(1); and 12 (ii) section 165(2) is complied with. 13 (2) If an application for the grant, amendment or renewal 14 of a mining tenement was lodged and the prescribed 15 application fee, if any, required for the application was 16 paid before the relevant event, the following are taken 17 to be, and to have always been, valid and effective to 18 the same extent as they would have been if the 19 prescribed requirements had been complied with -- 20 (a) the grant, amendment or renewal of the mining 21 tenement; 22 (b) anything done or purportedly done under the 23 mining tenement or in relation to the mining 24 tenement. 25 (3) For the purposes of subsection (2) the relevant event 26 is -- 27 (a) in relation to the grant of a mining tenement -- 28 (i) if there was a hearing -- the 29 commencement of that hearing; or 30 (ii) if there was not a hearing -- the grant of 31 the mining tenement; page 20 Mining Amendment (Procedures and Validation) Bill 2018 Mining Act 1978 amended Part 2 s. 21 1 (b) in relation to the amendment or renewal of a 2 mining tenement -- 3 (i) if there was a hearing -- the 4 commencement of that hearing; or 5 (ii) if there was not a hearing -- the 6 determination of the application. 7 (4) Where the grant, amendment or renewal of a mining 8 tenement took place before the commencement, 9 subsection (2)(b) applies to anything done or 10 purportedly done before or after the commencement. 11 (5) Subsection (2) does not apply to the extent, if any, that 12 the mining tenement was granted in respect of private 13 land if -- 14 (a) under this Act the grant of the mining tenement 15 required the consent in writing of the owner 16 and the occupier of the private land concerned; 17 and 18 (b) those consents were not given. 19 (6) Subsection (2) does not apply to the extent, if any, that 20 the land the subject of a mining tenement was amended 21 to include private land if -- 22 (a) under this Act the amendment required the 23 consent in writing of the owner and the 24 occupier of the private land concerned; and 25 (b) those consents were not given. 26 (7) Subsection (2) does not apply where a mining tenement 27 was amalgamated with a mining tenement that had 28 been forfeited if -- 29 (a) an application for the restoration of the 30 forfeited mining tenement was made before the 31 application to amalgamate was granted; and page 21 Mining Amendment (Procedures and Validation) Bill 2018 Part 2 Mining Act 1978 amended s. 21 1 (b) the application for the restoration of the 2 forfeited mining tenement was granted. 3 (8) Subsection (2) does not affect the operation of the 4 condition imposed on the grant of a mining tenement 5 by section 105B. 6 page 22 Mining Amendment (Procedures and Validation) Bill 2018 Mining Legislation Amendment Act 2014 amended Part 3 s. 22 1 Part 3 -- Mining Legislation Amendment Act 2014 2 amended 3 22. Act amended 4 This Part amends the Mining Legislation Amendment Act 2014. 5 23. Sections 4 to 7 deleted 6 Delete sections 4, 5, 6 and 7. 7
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