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Western Australia Mental Health Bill 2013 Contents Part 1 -- Preliminary matters 1. Short title 2 2. Commencement 2 3. Act binds Crown 2 Part 2 -- Terms and concepts Division 1 -- Definitions and notes 4. Terms used 3 5. Notes and examples not part of Act 11 Division 2 -- Mental illness 6. When a person has a mental illness 11 Division 3 -- Best interests of a person 7. Matters relevant to decision about person's best interests 12 Division 4 -- Wishes of a person 8. Matters relevant to ascertaining person's wishes 13 Division 5 -- Communicating with a person 9. Language, form of communication and terms to be used 14 Part 3 -- Objects 10. Objects 15 Part 4 -- Charter of Mental Health Care Principles 11. Regard to be had to Charter 16 12. Compliance with Charter by mental health services 16 41--2 page i Mental Health Bill 2013 Contents Part 5 -- Decision making capacity and informed consent Division 1 -- Decision making capacity generally 13. Capacity of adult to make decisions 17 14. Capacity of child to make decisions 17 15. Determining capacity to make decisions 17 Division 2 -- Informed consent to treatment 16. Requirements for informed consent 18 17. People who can give informed consent 18 18. Determining capacity to make treatment decision 19 19. Explanation of proposed treatment must be given 19 20. Sufficient time for consideration 20 Part 6 -- Involuntary patients Division 1 -- When a person will be an involuntary patient 21. Involuntary patient 21 22. Inpatient treatment order 21 23. Community treatment order 21 24. Making involuntary treatment order 22 25. Criteria for involuntary treatment order 22 Division 2 -- Referrals for examination Subdivision 1 -- Person suspected of needing involuntary treatment order 26. Referral for examination at authorised hospital or other place 24 27. Person to be taken to authorised hospital or other place as soon as practicable 25 28. Detention to enable person to be taken to authorised hospital or other place 25 29. Making transport order 28 30. Effect of referral on community treatment order 28 31. Revoking referral 29 Subdivision 2 -- Voluntary inpatient admitted by authorised hospital 32. Application of this Subdivision 30 33. Effect of admission on community treatment order 30 34. Person in charge of ward may order assessment 31 page ii Mental Health Bill 2013 Contents 35. Revoking order for assessment 32 36. Referral for examination at authorised hospital 33 37. Revoking referral 33 Subdivision 3 -- Requirements for referral 38. Application of this Subdivision 34 39. No referral without assessment 34 40. Time limit for making referral 35 41. Form of referral 35 42. Providing information contained in referral to person referred 36 43. Copy of referral must be filed 36 44. Period of referral made under s. 26(2) or (3)(a) 36 45. Extending referral made outside metropolitan area 37 46. Changing place where examination will be conducted 38 Subdivision 4 -- Conduct of assessment 47. Application of this Subdivision 39 48. How assessment must be conducted 40 49. Information to which practitioner may have regard 41 50. Assessment of person of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent 41 Division 3 -- Examinations Subdivision 1 -- Examination at authorised hospital 51. Application of this Subdivision 42 52. Detention for examination on referral made under s. 26(2) 42 53. Detention for examination on referral made under s. 36(2) 43 54. Conducting examination 43 55. What psychiatrist must do on completing examination 44 56. Effect of order for continuation of detention 45 Subdivision 2 -- Examination at place that is not authorised hospital 57. Application of this Subdivision 46 58. Detention for examination 46 59. Detention at place outside metropolitan area 47 60. Conducting examination 49 page iii Mental Health Bill 2013 Contents 61. What psychiatrist must do on completing examination 49 62. Detention to enable person to be taken to hospital 50 63. Making transport order 52 Subdivision 3 -- Inpatient treatment order authorising detention at general hospital 64. Application of this Subdivision 52 65. Treating psychiatrist must report regularly to Chief Psychiatrist 53 66. Transfer from general hospital to authorised hospital 53 67. Making transport order 54 68. Confirmation of inpatient treatment order 54 Subdivision 4 -- Order for further examination at authorised hospital 69. Application of this Subdivision 55 70. Detention at authorised hospital 56 71. Conducting examination at authorised hospital 56 72. What psychiatrist must do on completing examination 57 Subdivision 5 -- Examination without referral 73. Application of this Subdivision 57 74. Conducting examination 58 75. What psychiatrist may do on completing examination 58 76. Confirmation of community treatment order 58 Subdivision 6 -- Conduct of examination 77. Application of this Subdivision 59 78. Referring psychiatrist cannot conduct examination 60 79. How examination must be conducted 60 80. Information to which examiner may have regard 62 81. Examination of person of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent 62 Part 7 -- Detention for examination or treatment Division 1 -- Preliminary matters 82. Application of this Part 63 page iv Mental Health Bill 2013 Contents Division 2 -- Detention at authorised hospital or other place for examination 83. Detention authorised 63 Division 3 -- Detention at hospital under inpatient treatment order 84. Application of this Division 64 85. Terms used 65 86. Detention authorised 65 87. Period that must be specified in inpatient treatment order 66 88. Period for which detention is authorised 66 89. Examination before end of each detention period 66 90. Changing involuntary inpatient's status 68 91. Transfer between authorised hospitals 68 92. Making transport order 69 93. Involuntary inpatient to be advised of expiry 70 Division 4 -- Release from hospital or other place 94. Application of this Division 70 95. Person must be allowed to leave 71 96. Delivery into custody under another law 71 Division 5 -- Absence without leave from hospital or other place 97. Persons who are absent without leave 72 98. Making apprehension and return order 73 99. Operation of apprehension and return order 73 100. Period of apprehension and return order 74 101. Revocation of apprehension and return order 74 102. Return of person to place where apprehended 75 Division 6 -- Leave of absence from detention at hospital under inpatient treatment order Subdivision 1 -- Preliminary matters 103. Application of this Division 75 104. Term used: leave of absence 76 Subdivision 2 -- Grant, extension, variation or cancellation of leave 105. Granting leave 76 106. Extending or varying leave granted 79 page v Mental Health Bill 2013 Contents 107. Involuntary inpatient must comply with conditions of leave 79 108. Monitoring involuntary inpatient on leave 80 109. Changing involuntary inpatient's status while inpatient on leave 80 110. Cancelling leave 80 Subdivision 3 -- Transport to and from hospital 111. Application of this Subdivision 81 112. Making transport order 82 Part 8 -- Community treatment orders Division 1 -- Preliminary matters 113. Terms used 83 Division 2 -- Making order 114. Things psychiatrist must be satisfied of before making order 83 115. Terms of order 84 Division 3 -- Operation of order 116. Duration of order 85 117. Advice about when and where treatment to be provided 86 118. Monthly examination of patient 86 119. Supervising psychiatrist may request practitioner to examine involuntary community patient 88 120. What supervising psychiatrist may do after examination 88 121. Continuation order 90 122. Varying order 91 123. Making inpatient treatment order or revoking community treatment order 92 124. Confirmation of inpatient treatment order 94 125. Involuntary community patient to be advised of expiry 95 Division 4 -- Breach of order 126. When involuntary community patient will be in breach 95 127. What supervising psychiatrist must do if order breached 96 page vi Mental Health Bill 2013 Contents 128. Order to attend if non-compliance continues 97 129. Making transport order 97 130. Detention at place specified in order to attend 98 131. Other action that may be taken if non-compliance 99 Division 5 -- Transport to hospital 132. Application of this Division 101 133. Making transport order 101 Division 6 -- Supervising psychiatrist and treating practitioner 134. Supervising psychiatrist 102 135. Change of supervising psychiatrist 102 136. Treating practitioner 103 137. Change of treating practitioner 103 Part 9 -- Notifiable events Division 1 -- Preliminary matters 138. Application of this Part 104 Division 2 -- Notification of carers, close family members and other personal support persons 139. Right of any carer, close family member or other personal support person to be notified 104 140. Person responsible required to notify any carer, close family member or other personal support person 104 141. Reasonable efforts to notify carer, close family member or other personal support person 105 142. Notification not in person's best interests 106 143. Advising nominated person, carer or close family member of decision 106 144. Revocation of decision 107 Division 3 -- Notification of other persons and bodies 145. Making, revocation or expiry of involuntary treatment order 108 Part 10 -- Transport orders 146. Application of this Part 110 147. Transport officers 111 page vii Mental Health Bill 2013 Contents 148. Making transport order 111 149. Operation of transport order 112 150. Period of transport order 112 151. Extension of transport order made under s. 29(1) if referral extended 113 152. Extension of other transport orders 114 153. Revocation of transport order if referral revoked 115 154. Revocation of transport order if no longer needed 115 155. Return of person if transport order expires or is revoked 115 Part 11 -- Apprehension, search and seizure powers Division 1 -- Apprehension powers 156. Apprehension by police officer of person suspected of having mental illness 117 157. Assessment of person arrested 118 158. Police must be notified when person leaves 118 159. Apprehension of other persons 119 Division 2 -- Search and seizure powers 160. Term used: approved form 120 161. Authorised persons 120 162. Search of person while detained or admitted 120 163. Conduct of search 121 164. Seizure of articles 123 165. Record of search and seizure 123 166. Dealing with articles seized when person apprehended 125 167. Return of articles given to or seized by mental health service 126 168. Return of articles given to medical practitioner or authorised mental health practitioner 128 169. Approval of forms for use by police officers under this Division 128 Part 12 -- Exercise of certain powers Division 1 -- Detention powers 170. Principles relating to detention 129 page viii Mental Health Bill 2013 Contents Division 2 -- Ancillary powers: reasonable assistance and force and directions 171. Term used: prescribed provision 129 172. Reasonable assistance and reasonable force authorised 130 173. Duty to obey directions 130 174. Other written laws not affected 130 Part 13 -- Provision of treatment generally Division 1 -- Voluntary patients 175. Informed consent necessary 131 176. Informed consent must be filed 131 Division 2 -- Involuntary patients and mentally impaired accused 177. Application of this Division 132 178. Informed consent not necessary 132 179. Patient's psychiatrist must ensure regard had to patient's wishes 133 180. Requirements for ascertaining patient's wishes 134 181. Record of treatment to be filed 135 182. Further opinion may be requested 135 183. Request for additional opinion may be refused 137 184. Chief Psychiatrist may request reconsideration of treatment 139 Division 3 -- Treatment, support and discharge planning 185. Application of this Division 139 186. Treatment, support and discharge plan 140 187. Preparation and review of plan 140 188. Involvement in preparation and review of plan 142 Division 4 -- Provision of treatment to patients of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent 189. Provision of treatment to patient of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent 144 Division 5 -- Compliance with standards and guidelines 190. Mental health service must comply with standards 144 page ix Mental Health Bill 2013 Contents 191. Mental health service must take guidelines into account 144 Part 14 -- Regulation of certain kinds of treatment and other interventions Division 1 -- Electroconvulsive therapy 192. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT): meaning 145 193. ECT offence 145 194. ECT on child under 14 years prohibited 145 195. ECT on child over 14 years who is voluntary patient 145 196. ECT on child over 14 years who is involuntary patient or mentally impaired accused 146 197. ECT on adult voluntary patient 146 198. ECT on adult involuntary patient or mentally impaired accused 147 199. Emergency ECT on adult involuntary patient or mentally impaired accused 148 200. Report to Mentally Impaired Accused Review Board 149 201. Statistics about ECT 149 Division 2 -- Emergency psychiatric treatment 202. Emergency psychiatric treatment: meaning 151 203. Informed consent not required 151 204. Record of emergency psychiatric treatment 152 Division 3 -- Psychosurgery 205. Psychosurgery: meaning 152 206. Psychosurgery offence 153 207. Psychosurgery on child under 16 years prohibited 153 208. Psychosurgery on adult or child over 16 years old 153 209. Report to Chief Psychiatrist and Mentally Impaired Accused Review Board 154 Division 4 -- Deep sleep and insulin coma therapy 210. Deep sleep and insulin coma therapy prohibited 154 Division 5 -- Seclusion 211. Terms used 154 212. Seclusion: meaning 155 page x Mental Health Bill 2013 Contents 213. Seclusion must be authorised 155 214. Giving oral authorisation 155 215. Making seclusion order 157 216. Criteria for authorising seclusion 159 217. Treating psychiatrist (if any) to be informed 160 218. Extending seclusion order 160 219. Revoking seclusion order 161 220. Release of person on revocation or expiry of seclusion order 161 221. Record of seclusion order expiring 161 222. Requirements relating to seclusion 162 223. Examination of person released from seclusion 163 224. Report to Chief Psychiatrist and Mentally Impaired Accused Review Board 163 225. Reasonable assistance and force authorised 164 Division 6 -- Bodily restraint 226. Terms used 165 227. Bodily restraint: meaning 165 228. Principles relating to use of bodily restraint 166 229. Bodily restraint must be authorised 166 230. Giving oral authorisation 166 231. Making bodily restraint order 168 232. Criteria for authorising bodily restraint 171 233. Treating psychiatrist (if any) must be informed 172 234. Varying bodily restraint order 172 235. Revoking bodily restraint order 173 236. Release of person on revocation or expiry of bodily restraint order 174 237. Record of bodily restraint order expiring 174 238. Requirements relating to bodily restraint 174 239. Examination of person when released 175 240. Report to Chief Psychiatrist and Mentally Impaired Accused Review Board 176 Part 15 -- Health care of people in hospitals Division 1 -- Examination to assess person's physical condition 241. Physical examination on arrival at hospital 178 page xi Mental Health Bill 2013 Contents Division 2 -- Urgent non-psychiatric treatment for involuntary inpatients and mentally impaired accused 242. Provision of urgent non-psychiatric treatment: report to Chief Psychiatrist 179 Part 16 -- Protection of patients' rights Division 1 -- Patients' rights generally Subdivision 1 -- Explanation of rights 243. Application of this Subdivision 181 244. Rights to be explained to person 182 245. Person's rights to be explained to another person 182 246. Person responsible for ensuring explanation is provided 182 Subdivision 2 -- Access to records about patients and former patients 247. Term used: relevant document 183 248. Right to access medical record and other documents 183 249. Restrictions on access 184 250. Providing access to medical practitioner or legal practitioner 184 251. Disclosure by medical practitioner or legal practitioner 185 Subdivision 3 -- Duties of staff of mental health services toward patients 252. Term used: mental health service 185 253. Duty not to ill-treat or wilfully neglect patients 185 254. Duty to report certain incidents 185 Division 2 -- Additional rights of inpatients in hospitals Subdivision 1 -- Admission of voluntary inpatients by authorised hospitals 255. Admission by medical practitioner 186 256. Confirmation of admission by psychiatrist 186 257. Reasons for refusing to admit or confirm admission 186 page xii Mental Health Bill 2013 Contents Subdivision 2 -- Rights of inpatients generally 258. Application of this Subdivision 187 259. Personal possessions 187 260. Interview with psychiatrist 189 261. Freedom of lawful communication 189 262. Restrictions on freedom of communication 190 Division 3 -- Nominated persons Subdivision 1 -- Purpose and effect of nomination 263. Role of nominated person 192 264. Effect of nomination 192 Subdivision 2 -- Right to information, and to be involved in matters, relating to patient's treatment and care 265. Application of this Subdivision 193 266. Rights of nominated person 193 267. Responsibility of patient's psychiatrist 195 268. Contacting nominated person 195 269. Provision of information or involvement not in patient's best interests 196 270. Advising nominated person of decision 196 271. Revocation of decision 197 272. Rights in another capacity not affected 197 Subdivision 3 -- Making and ending nomination 273. Who can make nomination 198 274. Who can be nominated 198 275. Formal requirements 198 276. Only one nominated person 199 277. Revocation of nomination 199 278. Resignation of nominated person 199 279. Notification of revocation or resignation 199 Part 17 -- Recognition of rights of carers and families Division 1 -- Role of carers and families 280. Carers 201 281. Close family members 201 282. Acknowledgment of and respect for role of carers and close family members 202 283. More than one carer or close family member 202 page xiii Mental Health Bill 2013 Contents Division 2 -- Information about and involvement in patient's treatment and care 284. Application of this Division 203 285. Rights of carers and close family members 203 286. Voluntary patient with capacity to consent 205 287. Voluntary patient with no capacity to consent 205 288. Involuntary patient or mentally impaired accused with capacity to consent 205 289. Involuntary patient or mentally impaired accused with no capacity to consent 206 290. Responsibility of patient's psychiatrist 206 291. Contacting carer or close family member 207 292. Provision of information or involvement not in patient's best interests 208 293. Advising carer or close family member of decision 208 294. Revocation of decision 209 295. Rights in another capacity not affected 210 Division 3 -- Identifying carer or close family member 296. When being admitted or received 210 297. While being provided with treatment or care 211 298. Person can withdraw consent, or can consent, at any time 212 Part 18 -- Children who have a mental illness 299. Best interests of child is a primary consideration 213 300. Child's wishes 213 301. Views of child's parent or guardian 213 302. Child who is a voluntary patient 213 303. Segregation of children from adult inpatients 214 304. Off-label treatment provided to child who is involuntary patient 215 Part 19 -- Complaints about mental health services Division 1 -- Preliminary matters 305. Terms used 217 page xiv Mental Health Bill 2013 Contents 306. Making complaint to service provider or Director of Complaints Office 218 307. Divisions 3 and 4 to be read with Health and Disbility Services (Complaints) Act 1995 219 Division 2 -- Complaints to service providers 308. Service provider must have complaints procedure 219 309. Prescribed service providers must provide Director with information about complaints 219 Division 3 -- Complaints to Director of Complaints Office Subdivision 1 -- Preliminary matters 310. Parties themselves may resolve complaint 220 311. Things done by or in relation to complainant 220 Subdivision 2 -- Director of Complaints Office 312. Functions of Director 221 313. Directions by Minister 222 314. Minister to have access to specified information about Director's functions 223 Subdivision 3 -- Right to complain 315. Who may complain 224 316. Representative of person with mental illness or carer 225 317. Representative must not be paid 226 318. Service provider may complain on behalf of person with mental illness or carer 227 319. Registration board may complain on behalf of person with mental illness or carer 227 320. Who and what can be complained about 228 321. Time for complaining 229 Subdivision 4 -- Initial procedures 322. How to complain 229 323. Referral of complaint about excluded mental health service 230 324. Withdrawal of complaint 230 325. Complainant should try to resolve matter 230 326. Complaint that is not to be dealt with by National Board under Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (Western Australia) 231 page xv Mental Health Bill 2013 Contents 327. Complaint that is being dealt with by National Board under Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (Western Australia) 231 328. Preliminary decision by Director 231 329. Rejection, deferral or referral of complaints 234 330. Response by respondent 235 Subdivision 5 -- Negotiated settlements and conciliation 331. Resolving complaints by negotiation 236 332. Conciliation of complaints 237 Subdivision 6 -- Investigations 333. Conduct generally 239 334. Power to require information and records 240 335. Warrant to enter and inspect premises 242 336. Conciliator cannot investigate 242 Subdivision 7 -- Consequences of investigation 337. What Director must do on completing investigation 243 338. Respondent or other person to report on remedial action 244 339. Report not provided or remedial action not taken: report to Parliament 244 Subdivision 8 -- Other matters relating to investigations 340. Director to stop if other proceedings begun 245 341. Minister may refer matters for investigation 246 342. Confidentiality 246 Division 4 -- Miscellaneous matters 343. Reports to Parliament 247 344. False or misleading information or documents 247 345. Person must not be penalised because of complaint or investigation 248 346. Registers: complaints, matters directed to be investigated 249 347. Delegation by Director 249 Part 20 -- Mental health advocacy services Division 1 -- Preliminary matters 348. Terms used 251 page xvi Mental Health Bill 2013 Contents Division 2 -- Mental health advocates: appointment or engagement, functions and powers Subdivision 1 -- Appointment or engagement, functions and powers 349. Chief Mental Health Advocate 252 350. Other mental health advocates 252 351. Functions of Chief Mental Health Advocate 252 352. Functions of mental health advocates 253 353. Powers generally 255 354. Directions to Chief Mental Health Advocate about general matters 255 355. Directions to Chief Mental Health Advocate to report on particular issues 256 Subdivision 2 -- Contacting identified person or person with sufficient interest 356. Request to contact identified person 257 357. Duty to contact identified person 258 358. Contact on mental health advocate's own initiative 260 Subdivision 3 -- Specific powers of mental health advocates 359. Specific powers of mental health advocates 261 360. Documents to which access is restricted 262 361. Disclosure by mental health advocate 263 362. Interfering with exercise of powers 263 363. Issues arising out of inquiries and investigations 264 Division 3 -- Terms and conditions of appointment or engagement Subdivision 1 -- Chief Mental Health Advocate 364. Terms and conditions of appointment 266 365. Remuneration 266 366. Resignation 266 367. Removal from office 266 368. Acting Chief Mental Health Advocate 267 Subdivision 2 -- Other mental health advocates 369. Terms and conditions of engagement 268 370. Remuneration 268 371. Resignation 268 372. Removal from office 268 page xvii Mental Health Bill 2013 Contents Division 4 -- Other matters relating to mental health advocates 373. Conflict of interest 269 374. Delegation by Chief Mental Health Advocate 270 Division 5 -- Staff and facilities 375. Advocacy services staff 271 376. Use of government staff and facilities 271 Division 6 -- Annual reports 377. Annual report: preparation 271 378. Annual report: tabling 272 Part 21 -- Mental Health Tribunal Division 1 -- Preliminary matters 379. Terms used 273 Division 2 -- Establishment, jurisdiction and constitution 380. Establishment 274 381. Jurisdiction 274 382. Constitution specified by President 274 383. Constitution generally 274 384. Constitution for psychosurgical matters 275 385. Contemporaneous exercise of jurisdiction 275 Division 3 -- Involuntary treatment orders: review 386. Initial review after order made 276 387. Periodic reviews while order in force 277 388. Involuntary patient for continuous period 278 389. Review period may be extended 279 390. Application for review 280 391. Review on Tribunal's own initiative 281 392. Suspending order pending review 282 393. Parties to proceeding 282 394. Things to which Tribunal must have regard 282 395. What Tribunal may do on completing review 283 396. Review of direction given to psychiatrist 284 Division 4 -- Involuntary treatment orders: validity 397. Application of this Division 284 398. Declaration about validity of treatment order 285 page xviii Mental Health Bill 2013 Contents 399. Consequences of declaring treatment order invalid 285 400. Application for declaration 286 401. Failure to comply with this Act 287 Division 5 -- Review of admission of long-term voluntary inpatients 402. Application of this Division 287 403. Application for review 287 404. Parties to proceeding 288 405. Things to which Tribunal must have regard 288 406. What Tribunal may do on completing review 289 Division 6 -- Electroconvulsive therapy approvals 407. Application of this Division 289 408. Application for approval 290 409. Parties to proceeding 290 410. Things Tribunal must be satisfied of 291 411. Tribunal must have regard to Chief Psychiatrist's guidelines 291 412. Other things to which Tribunal must have regard 291 413. Decision on application 293 Division 7 -- Psychosurgery approvals 414. Application of this Division 293 415. Application for approval 293 416. Parties to proceeding 294 417. Things Tribunal must be satisfied of 294 418. Things to which Tribunal must have regard 295 419. Decision on application 295 Division 8 -- Compliance notices for non-clinical matters 420. Terms used 295 421. Tribunal may issue service provider with compliance notice 296 422. Application for service of compliance notice 297 423. Parties to proceeding 297 424. Compliance notices to be reported on in annual report 298 Division 9 -- Review of orders restricting freedom of communication 425. Application for review 298 page xix Mental Health Bill 2013 Contents 426. Parties to proceeding 298 427. Decision on application 299 Division 10 -- Jurisdiction in relation to nominated persons 428. Application for decision 299 429. Declaration about validity of nomination 299 430. Revocation of nomination 300 431. Parties to proceeding 300 Division 11 -- Review of decisions affecting rights 432. Application for review 300 433. Parties to proceeding 301 434. What Tribunal may do on completing review 301 Division 12 -- Procedural matters Subdivision 1 -- Proceedings generally 435. Lodgment of documents 301 436. Sittings 301 437. Conduct of proceedings 302 438. Presiding member 302 439. Deciding questions in proceedings 302 440. Assistance from persons with relevant knowledge or experience 302 441. No fees payable 303 442. Each party to bear own costs 303 443. Frivolous, vexatious or improper proceedings 303 Subdivision 2 -- Notice of proceedings 444. Notice of applications 303 445. Notice of hearings 305 446. Tribunal may request information from SAT about person's guardian 306 Subdivision 3 -- Appearance and representation 447. Party is an adult 307 448. Party is a child with capacity to consent 307 449. Party is a child with no capacity to consent 308 450. Tribunal may make arrangements for representation 309 451. Legal representation of person with mental illness 309 452. Representative must not be paid 309 page xx Mental Health Bill 2013 Contents Subdivision 4 -- Hearings and evidence 453. Nature of review proceedings 310 454. Closed hearings 311 455. Conduct of hearing in absence of party 311 456. Person chosen by person concerned may be present 311 457. Right to be heard 312 458. Evidence generally 312 459. Oral evidence about restricted information 313 460. Summons to give evidence or produce documents 313 461. Self-incrimination 314 462. Powers in relation to documents produced 314 463. Offences relating to evidence and documents 314 464. Evidence and findings in other proceedings 315 465. Hearings to be recorded 315 466. Publication of information about proceedings 316 Subdivision 5 -- Decisions in proceedings 467. Reasons for decision 319 468. Extension of time to request reasons 320 469. Giving effect to Tribunal's decisions 320 Division 13 -- Rules 470. Power to make 321 471. Content 321 472. Publication and tabling 322 Division 14 -- Tribunal members 473. President of Tribunal 322 474. Other members 322 475. Terms and conditions of appointment 323 476. Remuneration 323 477. Resignation 324 478. Removal from office 324 479. Acting members 324 480. Delegation by President 325 Division 15 -- Registrar and other staff 481. Registrar 326 482. Functions of registrar 326 483. President may give registrar directions 327 484. Registry staff 327 485. Delegation by registrar 327 page xxi Mental Health Bill 2013 Contents Division 16 -- Annual reports 486. Annual report: preparation 328 487. Annual report: tabling 328 Division 17 -- Miscellaneous matters 488. Seal 329 489. Judicial notice of certain matters 329 490. Meetings of members 329 Part 22 -- Review by State Administrative Tribunal Division 1 -- Preliminary matters 491. Terms used 331 Division 2 -- Jurisdiction 492. Review of decisions of Mental Health Tribunal 331 493. Determination of questions of law before Mental Health Tribunal 332 Division 3 -- Constitution 494. Constitution generally 332 495. Constitution for psychosurgical matters 332 496. Constitution for determining questions of law 333 Division 4 -- Procedural matters 497. No fees payable 333 498. Appearance and representation 334 499. Closed hearings 334 500. Publication of information about proceedings 335 Division 5 -- Appeals to Supreme Court 501. Appeals against SAT's decisions 339 502. Grounds of appeal 339 503. Time for appeal or leave to appeal 339 504. Certain parties must be represented 340 Part 23 -- Administration Division 1 -- Preliminary matters 505. Term used: mental health service 341 Division 2 -- Chief Psychiatrist Subdivision 1 -- Appointment, terms and conditions 506. Appointment 341 507. Terms and conditions of appointment 341 page xxii Mental Health Bill 2013 Contents 508. Remuneration 341 509. Resignation 342 510. Removal from office 342 511. Acting Chief Psychiatrist 342 Subdivision 2 -- Functions and powers generally 512. Functions generally 343 513. Responsibility for treatment and care 343 514. Directions by Minister 344 515. Minister may request report about any matter 345 516. CEO of Health Department may request report about treatment and care of patients 345 517. Powers generally 345 Subdivision 3 -- Specific powers relating to treatment and care 518. Review of treatment 346 519. Visits to mental health services 347 520. Offence to interfere with visit to mental health service 348 521. Directions to mental health services to disclose information 349 Subdivision 4 -- Notifiable incidents 522. Application of this Subdivision 349 523. Term used: notifiable incident 349 524. Reporting notifiable incidents 350 525. Action that Chief Psychiatrist may take 351 526. Notification of decision to take action 351 527. Chief Psychiatrist's powers of investigation 352 528. Notification of outcome of investigation 352 Subdivision 5 -- Staff and facilities 529. Chief Psychiatrist's staff 352 530. Use of government staff and facilities 352 Subdivision 6 -- Annual reports 531. Annual report: preparation 353 532. Annual report: tabling 354 Subdivision 7 -- Miscellaneous matters 533. Request for information about patient or person detained 354 534. Request for list of mentally impaired accused 355 535. Delegation by Chief Psychiatrist 355 page xxiii Mental Health Bill 2013 Contents Division 3 -- Mental health practitioners and authorised mental health practitioners 536. Mental health practitioners 356 537. Authorised mental health practitioners 356 538. Register of authorised mental health practitioners 357 Division 4 -- Authorised hospitals 539. Authorised hospital: meaning 358 540. Authorisation of public hospitals 358 541. Patients to be transferred if hospital no longer authorised 359 Division 5 -- Mental health services approved for electroconvulsive therapy 542. Chief Psychiatrist to approve mental health services 359 Division 6 -- Approved forms 543. Chief Psychiatrist to approve forms 360 544. Publication of approved forms and related guidelines 360 Division 7 -- Guidelines and standards 545. Publication of guidelines and standards 360 546. Application, adoption or incorporation of other documents 361 547. Publication on Agency's website 361 Division 8 -- Miscellaneous matters 548. Delegation by Minister or CEO 362 Part 24 -- Interstate arrangements Division 1 -- Preliminary matters 549. Terms used 363 Division 2 -- Intergovernmental agreements 550. Agreements with other States and Territories 364 551. Agreement must be in place 364 552. Performance of functions under corresponding laws or intergovernmental agreements 364 Division 3 -- Transfer to or from interstate mental health service 553. Transfer from hospital to interstate mental health service 365 page xxiv Mental Health Bill 2013 Contents 554. Making transport order 366 555. Transfer from interstate mental health service to hospital 366 556. Transport of interstate inpatient to hospital 367 Division 4 -- Community treatment orders 557. Treatment interstate under State order 368 558. Making transport order 368 559. Treatment in State under interstate order 369 560. Supervision in State under interstate order 369 Part 25 -- Ministerial inquiries 561. Appointment of person to conduct inquiry 370 562. Powers of investigation 370 563. Interfering with investigation 371 564. Conduct of inquiry generally 372 565. Evidence generally 372 566. Summons to give evidence or produce documents 373 567. Self-incrimination 373 568. Powers in relation to documents produced 373 569. Offences relating to evidence and documents 374 Part 26 -- Information Division 1 -- Voluntary disclosure of information by public authorities and mental health services 570. Powers of Agency's CEO 375 571. Powers of CEOs of prescribed State authorities 377 572. Powers of CEOs of mental health services 378 573. Delegation by CEO of prescribed State authority 379 Division 2 -- Miscellaneous matters 574. Confidentiality 380 575. Authorised recording, disclosure or use of information 381 576. Receipt and storage of, and access to, information disclosed 382 Part 27 -- Miscellaneous matters 577. Restrictions on powers of medical practitioners and mental health practitioners 383 page xxv Mental Health Bill 2013 Contents 578. Obstructing or hindering person performing functions 384 579. Amendment of referrals and orders 385 580. Medical record to be kept by mental health services 385 581. Protection from liability when performing functions 386 582. Protection from liability when detaining person with mental illness 387 583. Relationship with Freedom of Information Act 1992 387 584. Regulations 387 585. Review of this Act after 5 years 388 Schedule 1 -- Charter of Mental Health Care Principles Schedule 2 -- Notifiable events Defined terms page xxvi Western Australia LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY (As amended during consideration in detail) Mental Health Bill 2013 A Bill for An Act -- • to provide for the treatment, care, support and protection of people who have a mental illness; and • to provide for the protection of the rights of people who have a mental illness; and • to provide for the recognition of the role of carers and families in providing care and support to people who have a mental illness, and for related purposes. The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows: page 1 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 1 Preliminary matters s. 1 1 Part 1 -- Preliminary matters 2 1. Short title 3 This is the Mental Health Act 2013. 4 2. Commencement 5 This Act comes into operation as follows -- 6 (a) sections 1 and 2 -- on the day on which this Act 7 receives the Royal Assent; 8 (b) the rest of the Act -- on a day fixed by proclamation, 9 and different days may be fixed for different provisions. 10 3. Act binds Crown 11 This Act binds the State and, so far as the legislative power of 12 the State permits, the Crown in all its other capacities. page 2 Mental Health Bill 2013 Terms and concepts Part 2 Definitions and notes Division 1 s. 4 1 Part 2 -- Terms and concepts 2 Division 1 -- Definitions and notes 3 4. Terms used 4 In this Act, unless the contrary intention appears -- 5 admission, of a patient, means the admission of the patient by a 6 mental health service, whether the patient is admitted as an 7 inpatient or otherwise; 8 adult means a person who has reached 18 years of age; 9 advance health directive means any of the following -- 10 (a) an advance health directive made under the GAA Act 11 Part 9B; 12 (b) an instrument recognised as such under the GAA Act 13 section 110ZA; 14 (c) a directive given by a patient under the common law 15 containing treatment decisions in respect of the patient's 16 future treatment; 17 Agency means the agency (as defined in the Public Sector 18 Management Act 1994 section 3(1)) principally assisting the 19 Minister in administering this Act; 20 approved form means a form approved by the Chief Psychiatrist 21 under section 543(1); 22 authorised hospital has the meaning given in section 539; 23 authorised mental health practitioner means an authorised 24 mental health practitioner designated as such by an order in 25 force under section 537; 26 bodily restraint has the meaning given in section 227; 27 carer, of a person, has the meaning given in section 280(1); 28 CEO means the chief executive officer of the Agency; 29 CEO of the Health Department means the chief executive 30 officer of the Health Department; page 3 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 2 Terms and concepts Division 1 Definitions and notes s. 4 1 Charter of Mental Health Care Principles means the Charter of 2 Mental Health Care Principles in Schedule 1; 3 Chief Mental Health Advocate means the Chief Mental Health 4 Advocate appointed under section 349; 5 Chief Psychiatrist means the Chief Psychiatrist appointed under 6 section 506(1); 7 child means a person who is under 18 years of age; 8 child and adolescent psychiatrist means a psychiatrist who has 9 qualifications and clinical training in the treatment of mental 10 illness in children; 11 close family member, of a person, has the meaning given in 12 section 281(1); 13 community mental health service means a service that conducts 14 assessments or examinations for the purposes of this Act or 15 provides treatment in the community, but does not include the 16 private practice of a medical practitioner or mental health 17 practitioner; 18 community treatment order has the meaning given in 19 section 23(1); 20 Director of the Complaints Office means the Director as 21 defined in section 305; 22 discharge, of a patient, means the discharge of the patient by a 23 mental health service, whether the patient was admitted as an 24 inpatient or otherwise; 25 document has the meaning given in the Evidence Act 1906 26 section 79B; 27 electroconvulsive therapy has the meaning given in section 192; 28 emergency psychiatric treatment has the meaning given in 29 section 202; 30 enduring guardian, of an adult, means the person's enduring 31 guardian as defined in the GAA Act section 3(1); page 4 Mental Health Bill 2013 Terms and concepts Part 2 Definitions and notes Division 1 s. 4 1 enduring power of guardianship means -- 2 (a) an enduring power of guardianship made under the 3 GAA Act Part 9A; or 4 (b) an instrument recognised as such under the GAA Act 5 section 110O; 6 file, in relation to an order, record or other document relating to 7 a patient or other person, means to put the order, record or other 8 document on the patient's or other person's medical record; 9 GAA Act means the Guardianship and Administration 10 Act 1990; 11 general hospital means a hospital (as defined in the Hospitals 12 and Health Services Act 1927 section 2(1)) where overnight 13 accommodation is provided to patients other than any of these 14 hospitals -- 15 (a) an authorised hospital; 16 (b) a maternity home; 17 (c) a nursing home; 18 guardian, of an adult, means the person's guardian as defined in 19 the GAA Act section 3(1); 20 Health Department means the agency (as defined in the Public 21 Sector Management Act 1994 section 3(1)) principally assisting 22 the Health Minister in the administration of the Health 23 Legislation Administration Act 1984; 24 Health Minister means the Minister responsible for the 25 administration of the Health Legislation Administration 26 Act 1984; 27 hospital means -- 28 (a) an authorised hospital; or 29 (b) a general hospital; 30 informed consent, to the provision of treatment, means consent 31 to the provision of the treatment given in accordance with Part 5 32 Division 2; page 5 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 2 Terms and concepts Division 1 Definitions and notes s. 4 1 inpatient treatment order has the meaning given in 2 section 22(1); 3 involuntary community patient means a person who is under a 4 community treatment order; 5 involuntary inpatient means a person who is under an inpatient 6 treatment order; 7 involuntary patient means a person who is under an involuntary 8 treatment order; 9 involuntary treatment order means -- 10 (a) an inpatient treatment order; or 11 (b) a community treatment order; 12 legal practitioner means an Australian legal practitioner as 13 defined in the Legal Profession Act 2008 section 3; 14 medical practitioner means a person registered under the 15 Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (Western 16 Australia) in the medical profession; 17 mental health advocate means -- 18 (a) the Chief Mental Health Advocate; or 19 (b) a mental health advocate engaged under section 350(1); 20 mental health practitioner has the meaning given in 21 section 536; 22 mental health service -- 23 (a) means any of these services -- 24 (i) a hospital, but only to the extent that the hospital 25 provides treatment or care to people who have or 26 may have a mental illness; 27 (ii) a community mental health service; 28 (iii) any service, or any service in a class of service, 29 prescribed by the regulations for this definition; 30 and page 6 Mental Health Bill 2013 Terms and concepts Part 2 Definitions and notes Division 1 s. 4 1 (b) does not include -- 2 (i) a private psychiatric hostel; or 3 (ii) a declared place as defined in the MIA Act 4 section 23; 5 Mental Health Tribunal means the Mental Health Tribunal 6 established by section 380; 7 mental illness has the meaning given in section 6; 8 mentally impaired accused has the meaning given in the 9 MIA Act section 23; 10 Mentally Impaired Accused Review Board means the Mentally 11 Impaired Accused Review Board established by the MIA Act 12 section 41; 13 metropolitan area means an area of the State prescribed by the 14 regulations as a metropolitan area; 15 MIA Act means the Criminal Law (Mentally Impaired Accused) 16 Act 1996; 17 Minister means the Minister responsible for the administration 18 of this Act; 19 neurosurgeon means a person -- 20 (a) whose name is contained in the register of specialist 21 surgeons kept by the Medical Board of Australia under 22 the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law 23 (Western Australia) section 223; and 24 (b) who has clinical training in neurosurgery; 25 nominated person, of a person, means the person nominated 26 under section 273(1) to be the person's nominated person; 27 nomination means a nomination made under section 273(1); 28 nurse means a person who is registered under the Health 29 Practitioner Regulation National Law (Western Australia) in 30 the nursing and midwifery profession -- 31 (a) whose name is entered on Division 1 of the Register of 32 Nurses kept under that Law as a registered nurse; or page 7 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 2 Terms and concepts Division 1 Definitions and notes s. 4 1 (b) whose name is entered on Division 2 of the Register of 2 Nurses kept under that Law as an enrolled nurse; 3 occupational therapist means a person registered under the 4 Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (Western 5 Australia) in the occupational therapy profession; 6 parent or guardian, of a child, means the person who has 7 parental responsibility (as defined in the Family Court Act 1997 8 section 68) for the child; 9 patient means -- 10 (a) an involuntary patient; or 11 (b) a mentally impaired accused required under the 12 MIA Act to be detained at an authorised hospital; or 13 (c) a voluntary patient; 14 patient's psychiatrist means -- 15 (a) if the patient is a voluntary patient -- the treating 16 psychiatrist; or 17 (b) if the patient is an involuntary patient who is under an 18 inpatient treatment order -- the treating psychiatrist; or 19 (c) if the patient is an involuntary patient who is under a 20 community treatment order -- the supervising 21 psychiatrist; or 22 (d) if the patient is a mentally impaired accused required 23 under the MIA Act to be detained at an authorised 24 hospital -- the treating psychiatrist; 25 personal information has the meaning given in the Freedom of 26 Information Act 1992 in the Glossary clause 1; 27 personal support person, of a person, means a person referred 28 to in section 7(2)(b)(i), (ii), (iii), (iv) or (v); 29 private hospital has the meaning given in the Hospitals and 30 Health Services Act 1927 section 2(1); 31 private psychiatric hostel has the meaning given in the 32 Hospitals and Health Services Act 1927 section 26P; page 8 Mental Health Bill 2013 Terms and concepts Part 2 Definitions and notes Division 1 s. 4 1 psychiatrist means a medical practitioner -- 2 (a) who is a fellow of the Royal Australian and New 3 Zealand College of Psychiatrists; or 4 (b) who holds specialist registration under the Health 5 Practitioner Regulation National Law (Western 6 Australia) in the specialty of psychiatry; or 7 (c) who holds limited registration under the Health 8 Practitioner Regulation National Law (Western 9 Australia) that enables the medical practitioner to 10 practise in the specialty of psychiatry; 11 psychologist means a person registered under the Health 12 Practitioner Regulation National Law (Western Australia) in 13 the psychology profession; 14 psychosurgery has the meaning given in section 205; 15 public hospital has the meaning given in the Hospitals and 16 Health Services Act 1927 section 2(1); 17 registration board has the meaning given in the Health and 18 Disability Services (Complaints) Act 1995 section 3(1); 19 remuneration has the meaning given in the Salaries and 20 Allowances Act 1975 section 4(1); 21 seclusion has the meaning given in section 212; 22 social worker means a person who is a member of, or is eligible 23 for membership of, the Australian Association of Social 24 Workers; 25 staff member, of a mental health service (however defined in 26 this Act) or a private psychiatric hostel, means a person -- 27 (a) who is employed in the mental health service or private 28 psychiatric hostel under a contract of employment or 29 contract of training; or 30 (b) who provides services to the mental health service or 31 private psychiatric hostel under a contract for services; 32 supervising psychiatrist has the meaning given in section 113; page 9 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 2 Terms and concepts Division 1 Definitions and notes s. 4 1 traditional healer, in relation to an Aboriginal or Torres Strait 2 Islander community, means a person of Aboriginal or Torres 3 Strait Islander descent who -- 4 (a) uses traditional (including spiritual) methods of healing; 5 and 6 (b) is recognised by the community as a traditional healer; 7 transport officer means a person, or a person in a class of 8 person, authorised under section 147 to a carry out a transport 9 order; 10 treating psychiatrist, in relation to a patient, means the 11 psychiatrist who is in charge of the patient's treatment; 12 treatment means the provision of a psychiatric, medical, 13 psychological or psychosocial intervention intended (whether 14 alone or in combination with one or more other therapeutic 15 interventions) to alleviate or prevent the deterioration of a 16 mental illness or a condition that is a consequence of a mental 17 illness, and does not include bodily restraint, seclusion or 18 sterilisation; 19 treatment decision, in relation to a person, means a decision to 20 give consent, or to refuse to give consent, to treatment being 21 provided to the person; 22 treatment in the community means treatment that can be 23 provided to a patient without detaining the patient at a hospital 24 under an inpatient treatment order; 25 treatment, support and discharge plan has the meaning given 26 in section 186; 27 voluntary inpatient means a voluntary patient who is admitted 28 by a mental health service as an inpatient; 29 voluntary patient means a person to whom treatment is being, 30 or is proposed to be, provided by a mental health service but 31 who is not -- 32 (a) an involuntary patient; or page 10 Mental Health Bill 2013 Terms and concepts Part 2 Mental illness Division 2 s. 5 1 (b) a mentally impaired accused required under the 2 MIA Act to be detained at an authorised hospital. 3 Note for the definition of voluntary patient: 4 A voluntary patient can also be -- 5 (a) a person who is referred under section 26(2) or (3)(a) or 36(2) or is 6 under an order made under section 55(1)(c) or 61(1)(c); or 7 (b) a mentally impaired accused who is released from an authorised 8 hospital (whether unconditionally or on conditions) under a release 9 order made under the MIA Act section 35. 10 5. Notes and examples not part of Act 11 A note or example set out at the foot of a provision of this Act is 12 provided to assist understanding and does not form part of this 13 Act. 14 Division 2 -- Mental illness 15 6. When a person has a mental illness 16 (1) A person has a mental illness if the person has a condition 17 that -- 18 (a) is characterised by a disturbance of thought, mood, 19 volition, perception, orientation or memory; and 20 (b) significantly impairs (temporarily or permanently) the 21 person's judgment or behaviour. 22 (2) A person does not have a mental illness merely because one or 23 more of these things apply -- 24 (a) the person holds, or refuses or fails to hold, a particular 25 religious, cultural, political or philosophical belief or 26 opinion; 27 (b) the person engages in, or refuses or fails to engage in, a 28 particular religious, cultural or political activity; 29 (c) the person is, or is not, a member of a particular 30 religious, cultural or racial group; page 11 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 2 Terms and concepts Division 3 Best interests of a person s. 7 1 (d) the person has, or does not have, a particular political, 2 economic or social status; 3 (e) the person has a particular sexual preference or 4 orientation; 5 (f) the person is sexually promiscuous; 6 (g) the person engages in indecent, immoral or illegal 7 conduct; 8 (h) the person has an intellectual disability; 9 (i) the person uses alcohol or other drugs; 10 (j) the person is involved in, or has been involved in, 11 personal or professional conflict; 12 (k) the person engages in anti-social behaviour; 13 (l) the person has at any time been -- 14 (i) provided with treatment; or 15 (ii) admitted by or detained at a hospital for the 16 purpose of providing the person with treatment. 17 (3) Subsection (2)(i) does not prevent the serious or permanent 18 physiological, biochemical or psychological effects of the use of 19 alcohol or other drugs from being regarded as an indication that 20 a person has a mental illness. 21 (4) A decision whether or not a person has a mental illness must be 22 made in accordance with internationally accepted standards 23 prescribed by the regulations for this subsection. 24 Division 3 -- Best interests of a person 25 7. Matters relevant to decision about person's best interests 26 (1) This section applies whenever a person or body is required 27 under this Act to decide what is or is not in the best interests of 28 a person. page 12 Mental Health Bill 2013 Terms and concepts Part 2 Wishes of a person Division 4 s. 8 1 (2) The person or body making the decision must have regard to 2 these things -- 3 (a) the person's wishes, to the extent that it is practicable to 4 ascertain those wishes; 5 (b) the views of each of these people -- 6 (i) if the person has an enduring guardian or 7 guardian -- the enduring guardian or guardian; 8 (ii) if the person is a child -- the child's parent or 9 guardian; 10 (iii) if the person has a nominated person -- the 11 nominated person; 12 (iv) if the person has a carer -- the carer; 13 (v) if the person has a close family member -- the 14 close family member; 15 (c) any other matter that the person or body considers 16 relevant to making the decision. 17 Division 4 -- Wishes of a person 18 8. Matters relevant to ascertaining person's wishes 19 (1) This section applies whenever a person or body is required 20 under this Act to ascertain the wishes of a person in relation to a 21 matter. 22 (2) For the purposes of ascertaining those wishes, the person or 23 body must have regard to the following -- 24 (a) any treatment decision in an advance health directive 25 made by the person that is relevant to the matter; 26 (b) any term of an enduring power of guardianship made by 27 the person that is relevant to the matter; 28 (c) anything that the person says or does that is relevant to 29 the matter if it is said or done at a time that is reasonably 30 contemporaneous with when those wishes are required 31 to be ascertained; page 13 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 2 Terms and concepts Division 5 Communicating with a person s. 9 1 (d) any other things that the person or body considers 2 relevant to ascertaining those wishes. 3 Division 5 -- Communicating with a person 4 9. Language, form of communication and terms to be used 5 (1) For this section, communication with a person includes the 6 provision to a person of any advice, explanation, information, 7 notification or reasons. 8 (2) Any communication with a person under this Act must be in a 9 language, form of communication and terms that the person is 10 likely to understand using any means of communication that is 11 practicable and using an interpreter if necessary and practicable. page 14 Mental Health Bill 2013 Objects Part 3 s. 10 1 Part 3 -- Objects 2 10. Objects 3 (1) The objects of this Act are as follows -- 4 (a) to ensure people who have a mental illness are provided 5 the best possible treatment and care -- 6 (i) with the least possible restriction of their 7 freedom; and 8 (ii) with the least possible interference with their 9 rights; and 10 (iii) with respect for their dignity; 11 (b) to recognise the role of carers and families in the 12 treatment, care and support of people who have a mental 13 illness; 14 (c) to recognise and facilitate the involvement of people 15 who have a mental illness, their nominated persons and 16 their carers and families in the consideration of the 17 options that are available for their treatment and care; 18 (d) to help minimise the effect of mental illness on family 19 life; 20 (e) to ensure the protection of people who have or may have 21 a mental illness; 22 (f) to ensure the protection of the community. 23 (2) A person or body performing a function under this Act must 24 have regard to those objects. page 15 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 4 Charter of Mental Health Care Principles s. 11 1 Part 4 -- Charter of Mental Health Care Principles 2 11. Regard to be had to Charter 3 A person or body performing a function under this Act must 4 have regard to the principles set out in the Charter of Mental 5 Health Care Principles. 6 12. Compliance with Charter by mental health services 7 (1) In this section -- 8 mental health service includes a private psychiatric hostel. 9 (2) A mental health service must make every effort to comply with 10 the Charter of Mental Health Care Principles when providing 11 treatment, care and support to patients. page 16 Mental Health Bill 2013 Decision making capacity and informed consent Part 5 Decision making capacity generally Division 1 s. 13 1 Part 5 -- Decision making capacity and 2 informed consent 3 Division 1 -- Decision making capacity generally 4 13. Capacity of adult to make decisions 5 (1) For the purposes of this Act, an adult is presumed to have the 6 capacity to make a decision about a matter relating to himself or 7 herself unless the adult is shown not to have that capacity. 8 (2) For the purposes of this Act, if an adult does not have the 9 capacity to make a decision about a matter relating to himself or 10 herself, the person who is authorised by law to do so may make 11 the decision on the adult's behalf. 12 14. Capacity of child to make decisions 13 (1) For the purposes of this Act, a child is presumed not to have the 14 capacity to make a decision about a matter relating to himself or 15 herself unless the child is shown to have that capacity. 16 (2) For the purposes of this Act, if a child does not have the 17 capacity to make a decision about a matter relating to himself or 18 herself, the child's parent or guardian may make the decision on 19 the child's behalf. 20 15. Determining capacity to make decisions 21 (1) For the purposes of this Act, a person has the capacity to make a 22 decision about a matter relating to himself or herself if another 23 person who is performing a function under this Act that requires 24 that other person to determine that capacity is satisfied that the 25 person has the capacity to -- 26 (a) understand any information or advice about the decision 27 that is required under this Act to be provided to the 28 person; and 29 (b) understand the matters involved in the decision; and page 17 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 5 Decision making capacity and informed consent Division 2 Informed consent to treatment s. 16 1 (c) understand the effect of the decision; and 2 (d) weigh up the factors referred to in paragraphs (a), (b) 3 and (c) for the purpose of making the decision; and 4 (e) communicate the decision in some way. 5 (2) For the purposes of this Act, a decision made by a person about 6 a matter relating to himself or herself must be made freely and 7 voluntarily. 8 Division 2 -- Informed consent to treatment 9 16. Requirements for informed consent 10 (1) A person gives informed consent to the provision of treatment 11 to a patient (whether he or she or another person is the patient) 12 only if -- 13 (a) the requirements of this Division in relation to making a 14 treatment decision about the provision of the treatment 15 are satisfied; and 16 (b) the consent is given freely and voluntarily. 17 (2) Failing to offer resistance does not by itself constitute giving 18 consent. 19 17. People who can give informed consent 20 Informed consent to the provision of treatment to a patient can 21 be given by -- 22 (a) the patient; or 23 (b) if the patient does not have the capacity to make a 24 treatment decision about the provision of the treatment 25 to himself or herself -- the person who is authorised by 26 law to make the treatment decision on the patient's 27 behalf. 28 Notes for section 17: 29 1. An adult can give informed consent by making an advance health 30 directive (see the GAA Act section 110ZJ(2)). page 18 Mental Health Bill 2013 Decision making capacity and informed consent Part 5 Informed consent to treatment Division 2 s. 18 1 2. An adult's enduring guardian or guardian, or the person responsible for 2 an adult, can give informed consent on the adult's behalf (see the GAA 3 Act section 110ZJ(3) to (5)). 4 3. A child's parent or guardian can give informed consent on the child's 5 behalf unless the child has the capacity to give informed consent (see 6 section 302(3)). 7 18. Determining capacity to make treatment decision 8 A person has the capacity to make a treatment decision about 9 the provision of treatment to a patient if another person who is 10 performing a function under this Act that requires that other 11 person to determine that capacity is satisfied that the person has 12 the capacity to -- 13 (a) understand the things that are required under section 19 14 to be communicated to the person about the treatment; 15 and 16 (b) understand the matters involved in making the treatment 17 decision; and 18 (c) understand the effect of the treatment decision; and 19 (d) weigh up the factors referred to in paragraphs (a), (b) 20 and (c) for the purpose of making the treatment 21 decision; and 22 (e) communicate the treatment decision in some way. 23 19. Explanation of proposed treatment must be given 24 (1) Before a person is asked to make a treatment decision about the 25 provision of treatment to a patient, the person must be provided 26 with a clear explanation of the treatment -- 27 (a) containing sufficient information to enable the person to 28 make a balanced judgment about the treatment; and 29 (b) identifying and explaining any alternative treatment 30 about which there is insufficient knowledge to justify it 31 being recommended or to enable its effect to be 32 predicted reliably; and page 19 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 5 Decision making capacity and informed consent Division 2 Informed consent to treatment s. 20 1 (c) warning the person of any risks inherent in the 2 treatment. 3 (2) The extent of the information required under subsection (1) to 4 be provided to a person is limited to information that a 5 reasonable person in the person's position would be likely to 6 consider significant to the treatment decision unless the person 7 providing the information knows, or could reasonably have been 8 expected to know, that the person is likely to consider other 9 information to be significant to the treatment decision. 10 (3) Subsection (1) applies despite any privilege claimed by a 11 person. 12 Note for section 19: 13 Any explanation provided under section 19(1) must be provided in accordance 14 with section 9(2). 15 20. Sufficient time for consideration 16 A person cannot be asked to make a treatment decision about 17 the provision of treatment to a patient unless the person is 18 given -- 19 (a) sufficient time to consider the matters involved in the 20 treatment decision; and 21 (b) a reasonable opportunity to discuss those matters with 22 the medical practitioner or other health professional who 23 is proposing the provision of the treatment; and 24 (c) a reasonable opportunity to obtain any other advice or 25 assistance in relation to the treatment decision that the 26 person wishes. page 20 Mental Health Bill 2013 Involuntary patients Part 6 When a person will be an involuntary patient Division 1 s. 21 1 Part 6 -- Involuntary patients 2 Division 1 -- When a person will be an involuntary patient 3 21. Involuntary patient 4 (1) An involuntary patient is a person who is under an involuntary 5 treatment order. 6 (2) An involuntary treatment order is -- 7 (a) an inpatient treatment order; or 8 (b) a community treatment order. 9 22. Inpatient treatment order 10 (1) An inpatient treatment order is an order in force under this Act 11 under which a person can be admitted by a hospital, and 12 detained there, to enable the person to be provided with 13 treatment without informed consent being given to the provision 14 of the treatment. 15 (2) An inpatient treatment order authorising a person's detention at 16 an authorised hospital may be made under section 55(1)(a), 17 56(1)(a)(i), 72(1)(a), 120(2)(a), 123(1)(a) or 131(2)(a). 18 (3) An inpatient treatment order authorising a person's detention at 19 a general hospital may be made under section 61(1)(a) 20 or 131(2)(a). 21 23. Community treatment order 22 (1) A community treatment order is an order in force under this Act 23 under which a person can be provided with treatment in the 24 community without informed consent being given to the 25 provision of the treatment. 26 (2) A community treatment order may be made under 27 section 55(1)(b), 56(1)(a)(ii), 61(1)(b), 72(1)(b), 75(1), 89(2)(b) 28 or 90(1)(a). page 21 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 6 Involuntary patients Division 1 When a person will be an involuntary patient s. 24 1 24. Making involuntary treatment order 2 (1) Only a psychiatrist may make an involuntary treatment order. 3 (2) A psychiatrist cannot make an involuntary treatment order 4 except in accordance with this Act. 5 (3) A psychiatrist cannot make an inpatient treatment order in 6 respect of a person unless satisfied, having regard to the criteria 7 specified in section 25(1), that the person is in need of an 8 inpatient treatment order. 9 (4) Before deciding whether or not to make an inpatient treatment 10 order in respect of a person, a psychiatrist must consider 11 whether the objects of this Act would be better achieved by 12 making a community treatment order in respect of the person. 13 (5) A psychiatrist cannot make a community treatment order in 14 respect of a person unless satisfied, having regard to the criteria 15 specified in section 25(2), that the person is in need of a 16 community treatment order. 17 (6) An involuntary treatment order made in respect of a person 18 must -- 19 (a) be in force for as brief a period as practicable; and 20 (b) be reviewed regularly; and 21 (c) be revoked as soon as practicable after the person no 22 longer meets the criteria for the order. 23 25. Criteria for involuntary treatment order 24 (1) A person is in need of an inpatient treatment order only if all of 25 these criteria are satisfied -- 26 (a) that the person has a mental illness for which the person 27 is in need of treatment; 28 (b) that, because of the mental illness, there is -- 29 (i) a significant risk to the health or safety of the 30 person or to the safety of another person; or page 22 Mental Health Bill 2013 Involuntary patients Part 6 When a person will be an involuntary patient Division 1 s. 25 1 (ii) a significant risk of serious harm to the person or 2 to another person; 3 (c) that the person does not demonstrate the capacity 4 required by section 18 to make a treatment decision 5 about the provision of the treatment to himself or 6 herself; 7 (d) that treatment in the community cannot reasonably be 8 provided to the person; 9 (e) that the person cannot be adequately provided with 10 treatment in a way that would involve less restriction on 11 the person's freedom of choice and movement than 12 making an inpatient treatment order. 13 (2) A person is in need of a community treatment order only if all 14 of these criteria are satisfied -- 15 (a) that the person has a mental illness for which the person 16 is in need of treatment; 17 (b) that, because of the mental illness, there is -- 18 (i) a significant risk to the health or safety of the 19 person or to the safety of another person; or 20 (ii) a significant risk of serious harm to the person or 21 to another person; or 22 (iii) a significant risk of the person suffering serious 23 physical or mental deterioration; 24 (c) that the person does not demonstrate the capacity 25 required by section 18 to make a treatment decision 26 about the provision of the treatment to himself or 27 herself; 28 (d) that treatment in the community can reasonably be 29 provided to the person; 30 (e) that the person cannot be adequately provided with 31 treatment in a way that would involve less restriction on 32 the person's freedom of choice and movement than 33 making a community treatment order. page 23 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 6 Involuntary patients Division 2 Referrals for examination s. 26 1 (3) A decision whether or not a person is in need of an inpatient 2 treatment order or a community treatment order must be made 3 having regard to the guidelines published under 4 section 545(1)(a) for that purpose. 5 Note for Division 1: 6 Part 21 Division 3 confers jurisdiction on the Mental Health Tribunal to 7 conduct reviews relating to involuntary patients. 8 Division 2 -- Referrals for examination 9 Subdivision 1 -- Person suspected of needing involuntary 10 treatment order 11 26. Referral for examination at authorised hospital or other 12 place 13 (1) A medical practitioner or authorised mental health practitioner 14 may refer a person under subsection (2) or (3)(a) for an 15 examination conducted by a psychiatrist if, having regard to the 16 criteria specified in section 25, the practitioner reasonably 17 suspects that -- 18 (a) the person is in need of an involuntary treatment order; 19 or 20 (b) if the person is under a community treatment order -- 21 the person is in need of an inpatient treatment order. 22 (2) The practitioner may refer the person for an examination to be 23 conducted by a psychiatrist at an authorised hospital. 24 (3) The practitioner -- 25 (a) may refer the person for an examination to be conducted 26 by a psychiatrist at a place that is not an authorised 27 hospital if, in the practitioner's opinion, it is an 28 appropriate place to conduct the examination having 29 regard to the guidelines published under 30 section 545(1)(b) for that purpose; and page 24 Mental Health Bill 2013 Involuntary patients Part 6 Referrals for examination Division 2 s. 27 1 (b) if the practitioner refers the person under 2 paragraph (a) -- must make any arrangements that are 3 necessary to enable the examination to be conducted at 4 that place. 5 (4) Subdivision 3 applies in relation to the referral of a person under 6 subsection (2) or (3)(a). 7 (5) Sections 27 to 30 apply in relation to a person who is referred 8 under subsection (2) or (3)(a). 9 Notes for section 26: 10 1. A person who is referred under section 26(2) or (3)(a) can be detained 11 under an order made under section 28(1) or (2) to enable the person to 12 be taken to the authorised hospital or other place and can be detained 13 there under section 52(1)(b) or 58(1)(b) to enable the person to be 14 examined. 15 2. Part 7 Division 4 applies in relation to the release of a person who is 16 detained under section 28(1) or (2), 52(1)(b) or 58(1)(b). 17 3. Part 7 Division 5 applies if a person who is detained under 18 section 28(1) or (2), 52(1)(b) or 58(1)(b) is absent without leave from 19 the authorised hospital or other place where the person is be detained. 20 27. Person to be taken to authorised hospital or other place as 21 soon as practicable 22 The person must be taken to the authorised hospital or other 23 place as soon as practicable and, in any event, before the referral 24 expires, whether or not a transport order is made under 25 section 29(1) in respect of the person. 26 28. Detention to enable person to be taken to authorised 27 hospital or other place 28 (1) A medical practitioner or authorised mental health practitioner 29 may make an order authorising the person's detention for up to 30 24 hours from the time when the referral is made if satisfied 31 that, because of the person's mental or physical condition, the 32 person needs to be detained to enable the person to be taken to 33 the authorised hospital or other place. page 25 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 6 Involuntary patients Division 2 Referrals for examination s. 28 1 (2) A medical practitioner or authorised mental health practitioner 2 may, immediately before the end of the period of detention 3 authorised under subsection (1) or any further period of 4 detention authorised under this subsection in respect of the 5 person, make an order authorising the continuation of the 6 person's detention for up to 24 hours from the end of that period 7 to enable the person to be taken to the authorised hospital or 8 other place. 9 (3) The person cannot be detained under orders made under this 10 section for a continuous period of more than -- 11 (a) if the place where the referral is made is in a 12 metropolitan area -- 72 hours; or 13 (b) if the place where the referral is made is outside a 14 metropolitan area -- 144 hours. 15 (4) A practitioner cannot make an order under subsection (2) in 16 respect of the person unless -- 17 (a) immediately before making the order, the practitioner 18 assesses the person; and 19 (b) as a consequence, the practitioner is satisfied that, 20 because of the person's mental or physical condition, the 21 person still needs to be detained to enable the person to 22 be taken to the authorised hospital or other place. 23 (5) Subdivision 4 applies in relation to an assessment required by 24 subsection (4)(a). 25 (6) An order made under this section must be in the approved form 26 and must include the following -- 27 (a) the date and time when it is made; 28 (b) the date and time when it expires; 29 (c) the reasons for making it; 30 (d) the name, qualifications and signature of the practitioner 31 making it. page 26 Mental Health Bill 2013 Involuntary patients Part 6 Referrals for examination Division 2 s. 28 1 (7) A practitioner who makes an order under this section in respect 2 of the person must, as soon as practicable, file it and give a copy 3 to the person. 4 (8) The making of an order under this section is an event to which 5 Part 9 applies and the practitioner who makes the order is the 6 person responsible under that Part for notification of that event. 7 (9) A practitioner who makes an order under this section in respect 8 of the person must ensure that the person has the opportunity 9 and the means to contact any carer, close family member or 10 other personal support person of the person, the person's 11 psychiatrist and the Chief Mental Health Advocate -- 12 (a) as soon as practicable after the order is made; and 13 (b) at all reasonable times while the person is detained 14 under the order. 15 (10) The person cannot continue to be detained if, by the end of a 16 period of detention authorised under this section in respect of 17 the person -- 18 (a) the person has not been taken to the authorised hospital 19 or other place; and 20 (b) an order under subsection (2) authorising the 21 continuation of the person's detention from the end of 22 the period has not been made or, because of 23 subsection (3), cannot be made; and 24 (c) the person has not been apprehended under a transport 25 order made under section 29(1). 26 (11) The person cannot continue to be detained if the referral expires 27 before the person is taken to the authorised hospital or other 28 place. 29 (12) The release of a person because of subsection (10) or (11) is an 30 event to which Part 9 applies and a medical practitioner or 31 authorised mental health practitioner is the person responsible 32 under that Part for notification of that event. page 27 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 6 Involuntary patients Division 2 Referrals for examination s. 29 1 29. Making transport order 2 (1) A medical practitioner or authorised mental health practitioner 3 may make a transport order in respect of the person. 4 (2) The practitioner cannot make the transport order unless satisfied 5 that -- 6 (a) because of the person's mental or physical condition, the 7 person needs to be taken to the authorised hospital or 8 other place; and 9 (b) no other safe means of taking the person is reasonably 10 available. 11 (3) Part 10 applies in relation to the transport order. 12 (4) The making of a transport order under subsection (1) is an event 13 to which Part 9 applies and the practitioner who makes the order 14 is the person responsible under that Part for notification of that 15 event. 16 30. Effect of referral on community treatment order 17 A community treatment order that is in force in respect of a 18 person who is referred under section 26(2) or (3)(a) is 19 suspended for the period -- 20 (a) beginning when the referral is made; and 21 (b) ending when the first of these things occurs -- 22 (i) a psychiatrist makes an order under 23 section 55(1)(a) or (d), 56(1)(a)(i) or (iii), 24 61(1)(a) or (d) or 72(1)(a) or (c) in respect of the 25 person; 26 (ii) the referral is revoked under section 31(1); 27 (iii) the person cannot continue to be detained 28 because section 28(10) or (11), 52(4), 58(4) 29 or 70(4) applies. page 28 Mental Health Bill 2013 Involuntary patients Part 6 Referrals for examination Division 2 s. 31 1 Notes for section 30: 2 1. A community treatment order that the patient is under is automatically 3 revoked under section 116(b) if a psychiatrist makes an inpatient 4 treatment order under section 55(1)(a), 56(1)(a)(i), 61(1)(a) or 72(1)(a) 5 in respect of the involuntary community patient. 6 2. A community treatment order is no longer suspended if a psychiatrist 7 makes an order under section 55(1)(d), 56(1)(a)(iii), 61(1)(d) 8 or 72(1)(c) that the involuntary community patient cannot continue to 9 be detained. 10 3. A community treatment order remains suspended until the period of 11 the suspension ends under section 30(b), or until the community 12 treatment order is revoked under section 120(2)(b) or 131(2)(b), if a 13 psychiatrist makes an order under section 61(1)(c) in respect of the 14 involuntary community patient. 15 31. Revoking referral 16 (1) A medical practitioner or authorised mental health practitioner 17 may make an order revoking a referral made under section 26(2) 18 or (3)(a) if satisfied that the person who is referred is no longer 19 in need of an involuntary treatment order. 20 (2) The practitioner cannot revoke the referral if it was made by 21 another practitioner unless -- 22 (a) the practitioner has consulted the other practitioner 23 about whether or not to revoke the referral; or 24 (b) despite reasonable efforts to do so, the other practitioner 25 could not be contacted. 26 (3) The order must be in the approved form and must include the 27 following -- 28 (a) the date and time when it is made; 29 (b) the reasons for making it; 30 (c) if the other practitioner was consulted -- a record of the 31 consultation; 32 (d) if the other practitioner could not be contacted -- a 33 record of the efforts made to do so; page 29 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 6 Involuntary patients Division 2 Referrals for examination s. 32 1 (e) the name, qualifications and signature of the 2 practitioner. 3 (4) The practitioner must, as soon as practicable, file the order and 4 give a copy to the person. 5 (5) The practitioner must, as soon as practicable -- 6 (a) advise the transport officer or police officer responsible 7 for carrying out any transport order made under 8 section 29(1) in respect of the person that the referral 9 has been revoked under subsection (1) and that therefore 10 the transport order has been revoked under section 153; 11 and 12 (b) file a record of that advice. 13 (6) The person cannot continue to be detained if the referral is 14 revoked under subsection (1). 15 (7) The release of a person because of subsection (6) is an event to 16 which Part 9 applies and the practitioner who revokes the 17 referral is the person responsible under that Part for notification 18 of that event. 19 Subdivision 2 -- Voluntary inpatient admitted by 20 authorised hospital 21 32. Application of this Subdivision 22 This Subdivision applies in relation to a voluntary inpatient who 23 is admitted by an authorised hospital. 24 33. Effect of admission on community treatment order 25 Any community treatment order in force in respect of the 26 voluntary inpatient is suspended for the period -- 27 (a) beginning when the voluntary inpatient is admitted as an 28 inpatient by the authorised hospital; and page 30 Mental Health Bill 2013 Involuntary patients Part 6 Referrals for examination Division 2 s. 34 1 (b) ending when the first of these things occurs -- 2 (i) a psychiatrist makes an order under 3 section 55(1)(a) or 56(1)(a)(i); 4 (ii) the voluntary inpatient is discharged as an 5 inpatient by the authorised hospital. 6 Notes for section 33: 7 1. A community treatment order is automatically revoked under 8 section 116(b) if a psychiatrist makes an inpatient treatment order 9 under section 55(1)(a) or 56(1)(a)(i) in respect of the voluntary 10 inpatient. 11 2. A community treatment order can be revoked under section 120(2)(b) 12 or 131(2)(b). 13 34. Person in charge of ward may order assessment 14 (1) The person in charge of the voluntary inpatient's ward may 15 make an order for an assessment of the voluntary inpatient by a 16 medical practitioner or authorised mental health practitioner at 17 the authorised hospital if -- 18 (a) the voluntary inpatient wants to leave the authorised 19 hospital against medical advice; and 20 (b) having regard to the criteria specified in section 25, the 21 person in charge reasonably suspects that the voluntary 22 inpatient is in need of an involuntary treatment order. 23 (2) The order must be in the approved form and must include the 24 following -- 25 (a) the date and time when it is made; 26 (b) the reasons for making it; 27 (c) the name, qualifications and signature of the person in 28 charge. 29 (3) The voluntary inpatient can be detained under the order at the 30 authorised hospital for up to 6 hours from the time when the 31 order was made to enable the assessment to be conducted. page 31 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 6 Involuntary patients Division 2 Referrals for examination s. 35 1 (4) The person in charge of the voluntary inpatient's ward must, as 2 soon as practicable, file the order and give a copy to the 3 voluntary patient. 4 (5) The person in charge of the voluntary inpatient's ward must 5 ensure that the inpatient has the opportunity and the means to 6 contact any carer, close family member or other personal 7 support person of the inpatient, the inpatient's psychiatrist and 8 the Chief Mental Health Advocate -- 9 (a) as soon as practicable after the order is made; and 10 (b) at all reasonable times while the voluntary inpatient is 11 detained under the order. 12 (6) Subdivision 4 applies in relation to an assessment ordered under 13 subsection (1). 14 (7) The voluntary inpatient cannot continue to be detained if, by the 15 end of the 6-hour period referred to in subsection (3) -- 16 (a) the assessment has not been completed; or 17 (b) the assessment has been completed but a referral has not 18 been made under section 36(2) in respect of the 19 voluntary inpatient. 20 35. Revoking order for assessment 21 (1) The person who makes an order under section 34(1) for an 22 assessment of a voluntary inpatient may, at any time before the 23 assessment is commenced, make an order revoking the order for 24 an assessment if satisfied that the patient is no longer in need of 25 an involuntary treatment order. 26 (2) The order must be in the approved form and must include the 27 following -- 28 (a) the date and time when it is made; 29 (b) the reasons for making it; 30 (c) the name, qualifications and signature of the person. page 32 Mental Health Bill 2013 Involuntary patients Part 6 Referrals for examination Division 2 s. 36 1 (3) The person who makes the order must, as soon as practicable, 2 file it and give a copy to the voluntary patient. 3 (4) The voluntary inpatient cannot continue to be detained if the 4 order for an assessment is revoked under subsection (1). 5 36. Referral for examination at authorised hospital 6 (1) This section applies if the voluntary inpatient is assessed by a 7 medical practitioner or authorised mental health practitioner -- 8 (a) because of an order made under section 34(1); or 9 (b) in the course of the voluntary inpatient's treatment while 10 admitted by the authorised hospital. 11 (2) The practitioner may refer the voluntary inpatient for an 12 examination to be conducted by a psychiatrist at the authorised 13 hospital if, having regard to the criteria specified in section 25, 14 the practitioner reasonably suspects that the inpatient is in need 15 of an involuntary treatment order. 16 (3) Subdivision 3 applies in relation to the referral of a voluntary 17 inpatient under subsection (2). 18 Notes for section 36: 19 1. A voluntary patient who is referred under section 36(2) can be detained 20 at the authorised hospital under section 53(1) to enable the voluntary 21 patient to be examined. 22 2. Part 7 Division 4 applies in relation to the release of a voluntary patient 23 who is detained under section 53(1). 24 3. Part 7 Division 5 applies if a voluntary patient who is detained under 25 section 53(1) is absent without leave from the authorised hospital 26 where the voluntary patient is detained. 27 37. Revoking referral 28 (1) A medical practitioner or authorised mental health practitioner 29 may make an order revoking a referral made under section 36(2) 30 if satisfied that the voluntary inpatient who is referred is no 31 longer in need of an involuntary treatment order. page 33 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 6 Involuntary patients Division 2 Referrals for examination s. 38 1 (2) The practitioner cannot revoke the referral if it was made by 2 another practitioner unless -- 3 (a) the practitioner has consulted the other practitioner 4 about whether or not to revoke the referral; or 5 (b) despite reasonable efforts to do so, the other practitioner 6 could not be contacted. 7 (3) The order must be in the approved form and must include the 8 following -- 9 (a) the date and time when it is made; 10 (b) the reasons for the revocation; 11 (c) if the other practitioner was consulted -- a record of the 12 consultation; 13 (d) if the other practitioner could not be contacted -- a 14 record of the efforts made to do so; 15 (e) the name, qualifications and signature of the practitioner 16 making it. 17 (4) The practitioner must, as soon as practicable, file the order and 18 give a copy to the voluntary patient. 19 (5) The voluntary inpatient cannot continue to be detained if the 20 referral is revoked under subsection (1). 21 Subdivision 3 -- Requirements for referral 22 38. Application of this Subdivision 23 This Subdivision applies in relation to the referral of a person 24 for an examination conducted by a psychiatrist that is made by a 25 medical practitioner or authorised mental health practitioner 26 under section 26(2) or (3)(a) or 36(2). 27 39. No referral without assessment 28 (1) A practitioner cannot refer a person unless the practitioner has 29 assessed the person. page 34 Mental Health Bill 2013 Involuntary patients Part 6 Referrals for examination Division 2 s. 40 1 (2) Subdivision 4 applies in relation to an assessment required by 2 subsection (1). 3 40. Time limit for making referral 4 (1) A referral cannot be made under section 26(2) or (3)(a) more 5 than 48 hours after the time when the assessment required by 6 section 39(1) is completed. 7 (2) A referral can only be made under section 36(2) immediately 8 after the time when the assessment required by section 39(1) is 9 completed. 10 41. Form of referral 11 A referral must be in the approved form and must -- 12 (a) include the following -- 13 (i) the date and time when it is made; 14 (ii) the date and time when it will expire; 15 (iii) the place where it is made; 16 (iv) whether or not it can be extended under 17 section 45 and, if it can, the process for 18 extending it; 19 (v) the place where the examination will be 20 conducted; 21 (vi) the date and time when the assessment required 22 by section 39(1) was completed; 23 and 24 (b) certify that, having regard to the criteria specified in 25 section 25, the practitioner making it reasonably 26 suspects that the person who is referred is in need of an 27 involuntary treatment order; and 28 (c) include the information on which the suspicion is based; 29 and page 35 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 6 Involuntary patients Division 2 Referrals for examination s. 42 1 (d) in respect of so much of that information as was 2 obtained during the assessment by the practitioner 3 making the referral, distinguish between -- 4 (i) the information obtained from the person who is 5 referred, including by observing the person and 6 asking the person questions; and 7 (ii) the information obtained from another person or 8 from the person's medical record; 9 and 10 (e) include the name, qualifications and signature of the 11 practitioner making the referral. 12 42. Providing information contained in referral to person 13 referred 14 (1) The practitioner must provide the person who is referred with 15 the information referred to in section 41(a) and (b) and, unless 16 subsection (2) applies, the information referred to in 17 section 41(c). 18 (2) The practitioner cannot provide the person who is referred any 19 information referred to in section 41(c) that was provided to the 20 practitioner by someone other than the person on condition that 21 the information not be provided to the person. 22 (3) The information provided under subsection (1) must be in the 23 approved form. 24 43. Copy of referral must be filed 25 The practitioner must file a copy of the referral. 26 44. Period of referral made under s. 26(2) or (3)(a) 27 A referral made under section 26(2) or (3)(a) remains in force 28 for 72 hours from the time when the referral was made unless 29 the referral is extended under section 45. page 36 Mental Health Bill 2013 Involuntary patients Part 6 Referrals for examination Division 2 s. 45 1 45. Extending referral made outside metropolitan area 2 (1) This section applies if -- 3 (a) the place where a referral is made under section 26(2) 4 or (3)(a) is outside a metropolitan area; and 5 (b) the person responsible for taking the person who is 6 referred to the place where the examination will be 7 conducted forms the opinion that the referral is likely to 8 expire before the person is received into the hospital or 9 other place. 10 (2) The person responsible -- 11 (a) may orally request an extension of the referral from -- 12 (i) the medical practitioner or authorised mental 13 health practitioner who made the referral; or 14 (ii) if the practitioner referred to in subparagraph (i) 15 is not reasonably available -- another medical 16 practitioner or authorised mental health 17 practitioner who is at the same place as the 18 practitioner referred to in subparagraph (i); or 19 (iii) if neither the practitioner referred to in 20 subparagraph (i) nor a practitioner referred to in 21 subparagraph (ii) is reasonably available -- 22 another medical practitioner or authorised mental 23 health practitioner; 24 or 25 (b) may extend the referral himself or herself if -- 26 (i) there is no medical practitioner or authorised 27 mental health practitioner reasonably available to 28 whom an application could be made under 29 paragraph (a); and 30 (ii) the person responsible is a medical practitioner 31 or authorised mental health practitioner. page 37 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 6 Involuntary patients Division 2 Referrals for examination s. 46 1 (3) The practitioner or person responsible may extend the referral if 2 satisfied that the referral is likely to expire before the person is 3 received into the authorised hospital or other place. 4 (4) The referral may be extended for a further period of 72 hours 5 from the time when the 72-hour period referred to in section 44 6 ends. 7 (5) The person who extends the referral must, as soon as 8 practicable -- 9 (a) record the extension in the approved form, specifying 10 the following -- 11 (i) the date and time when the referral was 12 extended; 13 (ii) the date and time when, because of the extension, 14 the referral will expire; 15 (iii) the reasons for the extension; 16 and 17 (b) file the record and give a copy to the person who is 18 referred. 19 (6) The referral cannot be extended more than once. 20 46. Changing place where examination will be conducted 21 (1) A medical practitioner or authorised mental health practitioner 22 may make an order changing the place specified in a referral 23 made under section 26(2) or (3)(a) as the place where the 24 examination will be conducted. 25 (2) The practitioner cannot change the place specified in the referral 26 unless the practitioner has consulted a medical practitioner or 27 authorised mental health practitioner at the place where, if the 28 change is made, the examination will be conducted. page 38 Mental Health Bill 2013 Involuntary patients Part 6 Referrals for examination Division 2 s. 47 1 (3) The practitioner must, as soon as practicable -- 2 (a) advise the person responsible for taking the person who 3 is referred to the place where the examination will be 4 conducted of the change; and 5 (b) record the change in the approved form, specifying -- 6 (i) the date and time when the change was made; 7 and 8 (ii) the place where the examination was to have 9 been conducted; and 10 (iii) the place where, because of the change, the 11 examination will be conducted; 12 and 13 (c) file the record and give a copy to the person who is 14 referred. 15 (4) If, because of the change, the examination will be conducted at 16 an authorised hospital instead of a place that is not an authorised 17 hospital, this Act applies as if the referral had been made under 18 section 26(2) instead of section 26(3)(a). 19 (5) If, because of the change, the examination will be conducted at 20 a place that is not an authorised hospital instead of an authorised 21 hospital, this Act applies as if the referral had been made under 22 section 26(3)(a) instead of section 26(2). 23 Subdivision 4 -- Conduct of assessment 24 47. Application of this Subdivision 25 This Subdivision applies in relation to the conduct of an 26 assessment by a medical practitioner or authorised mental health 27 practitioner that is required by, or has been ordered under, 28 section 28(4)(a), 34(1), 39(1) or 62(4)(a). page 39 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 6 Involuntary patients Division 2 Referrals for examination s. 48 1 48. How assessment must be conducted 2 (1) In this section -- 3 prescribed health professional means -- 4 (a) a medical practitioner; or 5 (b) a nurse; or 6 (c) an occupational therapist; or 7 (d) a psychologist; or 8 (e) a social worker; or 9 (f) if the person being assessed is of Aboriginal or Torres 10 Strait Islander descent -- 11 (i) a health professional listed in paragraphs (a) 12 to (e); or 13 (ii) an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander mental 14 health worker. 15 (2) The assessment must be conducted in the least restrictive way, 16 and the least restrictive environment, practicable. 17 (3) Unless subsection (4) applies, the practitioner and the person 18 being assessed -- 19 (a) must be in one another's physical presence; or 20 (b) if that is not practicable -- must be able to hear one 21 another without using a communication device (for 22 example, by being able to hear one another through a 23 door). 24 (4) The practitioner may conduct the assessment using audiovisual 25 communication if -- 26 (a) the person being assessed is outside a metropolitan area; 27 and 28 (b) it is not practicable for the practitioner to comply with 29 subsection (3)(a) or (b); and page 40 Mental Health Bill 2013 Involuntary patients Part 6 Referrals for examination Division 2 s. 49 1 (c) a prescribed health professional and the person being 2 assessed -- 3 (i) are in one another's physical presence; or 4 (ii) if that is not practicable -- are able to hear one 5 another without using a communication device 6 (for example, by being able to hear one another 7 through a door). 8 (5) For the purposes of this Act, an assessment conducted using 9 audiovisual communication is taken to be conducted, and any 10 referral made as a result is taken to be made, at the place where 11 the person assessed is when the assessment is conducted. 12 49. Information to which practitioner may have regard 13 (1) The practitioner may have regard to any information about the 14 person being assessed that is obtained by the practitioner -- 15 (a) from -- 16 (i) the person, including information obtained by 17 observing the person and asking the person 18 questions; or 19 (ii) any other person; 20 and 21 (b) from the person's medical record. 22 (2) The practitioner cannot conclude that there is a reasonable 23 suspicion that the person being assessed is in need of an 24 involuntary treatment order solely on the basis of information 25 referred to in either or both of subsection (1)(a)(ii) and (b). 26 50. Assessment of person of Aboriginal or Torres Strait 27 Islander descent 28 To the extent that it is practicable and appropriate to do so, the 29 assessment of a person who is of Aboriginal or Torres Strait 30 Islander descent must be conducted in collaboration with -- 31 (a) Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander mental health 32 workers; and page 41 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 6 Involuntary patients Division 3 Examinations s. 51 1 (b) significant members of the person's community, 2 including elders and traditional healers. 3 Division 3 -- Examinations 4 Subdivision 1 -- Examination at authorised hospital 5 51. Application of this Subdivision 6 This Subdivision applies in relation to a person who is referred 7 under section 26(2) or 36(2) for an examination to be conducted 8 by a psychiatrist at an authorised hospital. 9 52. Detention for examination on referral made under s. 26(2) 10 (1) A person who is referred under section 26(2) -- 11 (a) must be received into the authorised hospital unless 12 subsection (2) applies; and 13 (b) can be detained there, to enable the examination to be 14 conducted, for up to 24 hours from the time when the 15 person is received. 16 (2) The person cannot be received into the authorised hospital if the 17 referral has expired. 18 (3) The person in charge of the authorised hospital must ensure that 19 the person has the opportunity and the means to contact any 20 carer, close family member or other personal support person of 21 the person, the person's psychiatrist and the Chief Mental 22 Health Advocate -- 23 (a) as soon as practicable after the person is received into 24 the authorised hospital; and 25 (b) at all reasonable times while the person is detained there 26 under subsection (1)(b). 27 (4) The person cannot continue to be detained if, by the end of the 28 24-hour period referred to in subsection (1)(b) -- 29 (a) the examination has not been completed; or page 42 Mental Health Bill 2013 Involuntary patients Part 6 Examinations Division 3 s. 53 1 (b) the examination has been completed but an order has not 2 been made under section 55(1) in respect of the person. 3 (5) Reception at an authorised hospital under this section is not 4 admission by the hospital under this Act. 5 53. Detention for examination on referral made under s. 36(2) 6 (1) A person who is referred under section 36(2) can be detained at 7 the authorised hospital, to enable the examination to be 8 conducted, for up to 24 hours from the time when -- 9 (a) if section 36(1)(a) applies -- the order for the 10 assessment of the person was made under section 34(1); 11 or 12 (b) if section 36(1)(b) applies -- the person was referred 13 under section 36(2). 14 (2) The person in charge of the authorised hospital must ensure that 15 the person has the opportunity and the means to contact any 16 carer, close family member or other personal support person of 17 the person, the person's psychiatrist and the Chief Mental 18 Health Advocate -- 19 (a) as soon as practicable after the person is detained under 20 subsection (1) at the authorised hospital; and 21 (b) at all reasonable times while the person is detained there 22 under subsection (1). 23 (3) The person cannot continue to be detained if, by the end of the 24 24-hour period referred to in subsection (1)(a) or (b) -- 25 (a) the examination has not been completed; or 26 (b) the examination has been completed but an order has not 27 been made under section 55(1) in respect of the person. 28 54. Conducting examination 29 Subdivision 6 applies in relation to the conduct of the 30 examination referred to in section 52(1)(b) or 53(1). page 43 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 6 Involuntary patients Division 3 Examinations s. 55 1 55. What psychiatrist must do on completing examination 2 (1) On completing the examination referred to in section 52(1)(b) 3 or 53(1), the psychiatrist must make one of these orders -- 4 (a) an inpatient treatment order authorising the person's 5 detention at the authorised hospital for the period 6 specified in the order in accordance with section 87(a) 7 or (b); 8 (b) a community treatment order in respect of the person; 9 (c) an order authorising the continuation of the person's 10 detention at the authorised hospital to enable a further 11 examination to be conducted by a psychiatrist; 12 (d) an order that the person cannot continue to be detained. 13 (2) The order must be in the approved form and must include the 14 following -- 15 (a) the date and time when it is made; 16 (b) if it is made under subsection (1)(a), (b) or (c) -- the 17 reasons for making it; 18 (c) the name, qualifications and signature of the 19 psychiatrist. 20 (3) The person can continue to be detained at the authorised 21 hospital under an order made under subsection (1)(c) for the 22 period specified in the order, which cannot exceed 72 hours 23 from the time when the person was -- 24 (a) received into the authorised hospital under 25 section 52(1)(a); or 26 (b) detained at the authorised hospital under section 53(1). 27 (4) An order made under subsection (1)(c) cannot be extended. 28 (5) The psychiatrist must, as soon as practicable, file the order 29 made under subsection (1) and give a copy to the person. 30 (6) The making of an order under subsection (1) is an event to 31 which Part 9 applies and the person in charge of the authorised page 44 Mental Health Bill 2013 Involuntary patients Part 6 Examinations Division 3 s. 56 1 hospital is the person responsible under that Part for notification 2 of that event. 3 Notes for section 55: 4 1. A community treatment order in respect of an involuntary community 5 patient who is referred under section 26(2) or 36(2) is automatically 6 revoked under section 116(b) if a psychiatrist makes an inpatient 7 treatment order under section 55(1)(a) in respect of the involuntary 8 community patient. 9 2. Part 7 Division 4 applies in relation to the release of a person who is 10 detained at an authorised hospital under an order made under 11 section 55(1)(c). 12 3. Part 7 Division 5 applies if a person who is under an order made under 13 section 55(1)(c) is absent without leave from the authorised hospital 14 where the person can be detained under the order. 15 4. A community treatment order in respect of an involuntary community 16 patient who is referred under section 26(2) is no longer suspended if a 17 psychiatrist makes an order under section 55(1)(d) that the involuntary 18 community patient cannot continue to be detained (see 19 section 30(b)(i)). 20 56. Effect of order for continuation of detention 21 (1) An order made under section 55(1)(c) authorises the 22 continuation of the person's detention until the first of these 23 things occurs -- 24 (a) a psychiatrist conducts the further examination and 25 makes one of these orders -- 26 (i) an inpatient treatment order authorising the 27 person's detention at the authorised hospital for 28 the period specified in the order in accordance 29 with section 87(a) or (b); 30 (ii) a community treatment order in respect of the 31 person; 32 (iii) an order that the person cannot continue to be 33 detained; 34 (b) the expiry of the period specified in the order under 35 section 55(3). page 45 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 6 Involuntary patients Division 3 Examinations s. 57 1 (2) An order made under subsection (1)(a) must be in the approved 2 form and must include the following -- 3 (a) the date and time when it is made; 4 (b) if it is made under subsection (1)(a)(i) or (ii) -- the 5 reasons for making it; 6 (c) the name, qualifications and signature of the psychiatrist 7 making it. 8 (3) A psychiatrist who makes an order under subsection (1)(a) 9 must, as soon as practicable, file it and give a copy to the 10 person. 11 Notes for section 56: 12 1. A community treatment order in respect of an involuntary community 13 patient who is referred under section 26(2) or 36(2) is automatically 14 revoked under section 116(b) if a psychiatrist makes an inpatient 15 treatment order under section 56(1)(a)(i) in respect of the involuntary 16 community patient. 17 2. A community treatment order in respect of an involuntary community 18 patient who is referred under section 26(2) is no longer suspended if a 19 psychiatrist makes an order under section 56(1)(a)(iii) that the 20 involuntary community patient cannot continue to be detained (see 21 section 30(b)(i)). 22 Subdivision 2 -- Examination at place that is not authorised hospital 23 57. Application of this Subdivision 24 This Subdivision applies in relation to a person who is referred 25 under section 26(3)(a) for an examination to be conducted by a 26 psychiatrist at a place that is not an authorised hospital. 27 58. Detention for examination 28 (1) The person -- 29 (a) must be received into the place unless subsection (2) 30 applies; and page 46 Mental Health Bill 2013 Involuntary patients Part 6 Examinations Division 3 s. 59 1 (b) can be detained there, to enable the examination to be 2 conducted, for up to 24 hours from the time when the 3 person is received. 4 (2) The person cannot be received into the place if the referral has 5 expired. 6 (3) The person in charge of the place must ensure that the person 7 has the opportunity and the means to contact any carer, close 8 family member or other personal support person of the person, 9 the person's psychiatrist and the Chief Mental Health 10 Advocate -- 11 (a) as soon as practicable after the person is received into 12 the place; and 13 (b) at all reasonable times while the person is detained there 14 under subsection (1)(b). 15 (4) The person cannot continue to be detained if, by the end of the 16 24-hour period referred to in subsection (1)(b) -- 17 (a) either -- 18 (i) the examination has not been completed; or 19 (ii) the examination has been completed but an order 20 has not been made under section 61(1) in respect 21 of the person; 22 and 23 (b) if the place is outside a metropolitan area -- an order 24 authorising the continuation of the person's detention 25 from the end of that period has not been made under 26 section 59(2). 27 59. Detention at place outside metropolitan area 28 (1) This section applies if -- 29 (a) the person is referred for an examination at a place that 30 is outside a metropolitan area; and page 47 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 6 Involuntary patients Division 3 Examinations s. 60 1 (b) it is not practicable to complete the examination within 2 the 24-hour period referred to in section 58(1)(b). 3 (2) A medical practitioner or authorised mental health practitioner 4 at the place may make an order authorising the continuation of 5 the person's detention at the place, to enable the examination to 6 be completed, for up to an additional 48 hours from the end of 7 the 24-hour period. 8 (3) The order must be in the approved form and must include the 9 following -- 10 (a) the date and time when it is made; 11 (b) the date and time when it expires; 12 (c) the reasons for the continuation; 13 (d) the name, qualifications and signature of the practitioner 14 making it. 15 (4) The practitioner who makes the order must, as soon as 16 practicable, file it and give a copy to the person. 17 (5) The practitioner who makes the order must ensure that the 18 person has the opportunity and the means to contact any carer, 19 close family member or other personal support person of the 20 person, the person's psychiatrist and the Chief Mental Health 21 Advocate -- 22 (a) as soon as practicable after the order is made; and 23 (b) at all reasonable times while the person is detained 24 under the order. 25 (6) The person cannot continue to be detained if, by the end of the 26 additional 48-hour period -- 27 (a) the examination has not been completed; or 28 (b) the examination has been completed but an order has not 29 been made under section 61(1) in respect of the person. page 48 Mental Health Bill 2013 Involuntary patients Part 6 Examinations Division 3 s. 60 1 60. Conducting examination 2 Subdivision 6 applies in relation to the conduct of the 3 examination. 4 61. What psychiatrist must do on completing examination 5 (1) On completing the examination, the psychiatrist must make one 6 of these orders -- 7 (a) an inpatient treatment order authorising the person's 8 detention at the general hospital specified in the order 9 for the period specified in the order in accordance with 10 section 87(a) or (b); 11 (b) a community treatment order in respect of the person; 12 (c) an order authorising the person's reception at an 13 authorised hospital, and the person's detention there, to 14 enable an examination to be conducted by a psychiatrist; 15 (d) an order that the person cannot continue to be detained. 16 (2) However, the psychiatrist cannot make an order under 17 subsection (1)(a) unless -- 18 (a) satisfied that attempting to take the person to, or to 19 detain the person at, an authorised hospital poses a 20 significant risk to the person's physical health; and 21 (b) the Chief Psychiatrist consents to the order being made. 22 (3) The order must be in the approved form and must include the 23 following -- 24 (a) the date and time when it is made; 25 (b) if it is made under subsection (1)(a), (b) or (c) -- the 26 reasons for making it; 27 (c) the name, qualifications and signature of the 28 psychiatrist. 29 (4) The psychiatrist must, as soon as practicable, file the order and 30 give a copy to the person. page 49 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 6 Involuntary patients Division 3 Examinations s. 62 1 (5) The making of an order under subsection (1) is an event to 2 which Part 9 applies and the psychiatrist who makes the order is 3 the person responsible under that Part for notification of that 4 event. 5 Notes for section 61: 6 1. A community treatment order in respect of a person who is referred 7 under section 26(3)(a) is automatically revoked under section 116(b) if 8 a psychiatrist makes an inpatient treatment order under 9 section 61(1)(a) in respect of the involuntary community patient. 10 2. Part 7 Division 4 applies in relation to the release of a person who is 11 detained at an authorised hospital under an order made under 12 section 61(1)(c). 13 3. Part 7 Division 5 applies if a person who is under an order made under 14 section 61(1)(c) is absent without leave from the authorised hospital 15 where the person can be detained under the order. 16 4. A community treatment order in respect of a person who is referred 17 under section 26(3)(a) is no longer suspended if a psychiatrist makes 18 an order under section 61(1)(d) that the involuntary community patient 19 cannot continue to be detained (see section 30(b)(i)). 20 62. Detention to enable person to be taken to hospital 21 (1) A medical practitioner or authorised mental health practitioner 22 may make an order authorising the continuation of the person's 23 detention for up to 24 hours from the time when the order under 24 section 61(1)(a) or (c) is made if satisfied that, because of the 25 person's mental or physical condition, the person needs to be 26 detained to enable the person to be taken to the hospital. 27 (2) A medical practitioner or authorised mental health practitioner 28 may, immediately before the end of the period of detention 29 authorised under subsection (1) or any further period of 30 detention authorised under this subsection in respect of the 31 person, make an order authorising the continuation of the 32 person's detention for up to 24 hours from the end of that period 33 to enable the person to be taken to the hospital. 34 (3) A person cannot be detained under orders made under this 35 section for a continuous period of more than 72 hours. page 50 Mental Health Bill 2013 Involuntary patients Part 6 Examinations Division 3 s. 62 1 (4) A medical practitioner or authorised mental health practitioner 2 cannot make an order under subsection (2) in respect of the 3 person unless -- 4 (a) immediately before making the order, the practitioner 5 assesses the person; and 6 (b) as a consequence, the practitioner is satisfied that, 7 because of the person's mental or physical condition, the 8 person still needs to be detained to enable the person to 9 be taken to the hospital. 10 (5) Division 2 Subdivision 4 applies in relation to the conduct of an 11 assessment required by subsection (4)(a). 12 (6) An order made under this section must be in the approved form 13 and must include the following -- 14 (a) the date and time when it is made; 15 (b) the date and time when it expires; 16 (c) the reasons for the continuation; 17 (d) the name, qualifications and signature of the practitioner 18 making it. 19 (7) A practitioner who makes an order under this section in respect 20 of a person must, as soon as practicable, file it and give a copy 21 to the person. 22 (8) A practitioner who makes an order under this section in respect 23 of a person must ensure that the person has the opportunity and 24 the means to contact any carer, close family member or other 25 personal support person of the person, the person's psychiatrist 26 and the Chief Mental Health Advocate -- 27 (a) as soon as practicable after it is made; and 28 (b) at all reasonable times while the person is detained 29 under it. page 51 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 6 Involuntary patients Division 3 Examinations s. 63 1 (9) The person cannot continue to be detained if, by the end of a 2 period of detention authorised under this section in respect of 3 the person -- 4 (a) the person has not been taken to the hospital; and 5 (b) the person has not been apprehended under a transport 6 order made under section 63(1); and 7 (c) an order under subsection (2) authorising the 8 continuation of the person's detention from the end of 9 that period has not been made or, because of 10 subsection (3), cannot be made. 11 63. Making transport order 12 (1) A psychiatrist may make a transport order in respect of a person 13 who is under an order made under section 61(1)(a) or (c). 14 (2) The psychiatrist cannot make the transport order unless satisfied 15 that -- 16 (a) because of the person's mental or physical condition, the 17 person needs to be taken to the hospital specified in the 18 order made under section 61(1)(a) or (c); and 19 (b) no other safe means of taking the person is reasonably 20 available. 21 (3) Part 10 applies in relation to the transport order. 22 Subdivision 3 -- Inpatient treatment order authorising detention at 23 general hospital 24 64. Application of this Subdivision 25 This Subdivision applies in relation to an involuntary inpatient 26 under an inpatient treatment order made under section 61(1)(a) 27 or 131(2)(a) authorising the involuntary inpatient's detention at 28 a general hospital. page 52 Mental Health Bill 2013 Involuntary patients Part 6 Examinations Division 3 s. 65 1 65. Treating psychiatrist must report regularly to Chief 2 Psychiatrist 3 (1) At the end of each successive 7-day period that the involuntary 4 inpatient is detained at the general hospital, the treating 5 psychiatrist must report to the Chief Psychiatrist about these 6 matters -- 7 (a) the involuntary inpatient's mental and physical 8 condition; 9 (b) any treatment (as defined in section 4) being provided to 10 the involuntary inpatient at the general hospital; 11 (c) any other medical or surgical treatment being provided 12 to the involuntary inpatient at the general hospital. 13 (2) The report must be in the approved form. 14 66. Transfer from general hospital to authorised hospital 15 (1) Once the treating psychiatrist is satisfied that attempting to take 16 the involuntary inpatient to, or to detain the involuntary 17 inpatient at, an authorised hospital no longer poses a significant 18 risk to the inpatient's physical health, then as soon as 19 practicable, the treating psychiatrist must make an order (a 20 transfer order) authorising the inpatient's transfer to the 21 authorised hospital specified in the order. 22 (2) In deciding whether or not there is still a significant risk to the 23 involuntary inpatient's physical health, the treating psychiatrist 24 may consult with any other medical practitioner or health care 25 provider who is responsible for any medical or surgical 26 treatment being provided to the inpatient. 27 (3) The transfer order must be in the approved form and must 28 include the following -- 29 (a) the involuntary inpatient's name; 30 (b) the general hospital from which the involuntary 31 inpatient is to be transferred; page 53 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 6 Involuntary patients Division 3 Examinations s. 67 1 (c) the authorised hospital to which the involuntary 2 inpatient is to be transferred; 3 (d) the date and time when the order is made; 4 (e) the reasons for the transfer; 5 (f) the name, qualifications and signature of the treating 6 psychiatrist. 7 (4) The treating psychiatrist must, as soon as practicable, file the 8 transfer order and give a copy to the involuntary patient. 9 (5) The making of a transfer order under subsection (1) is an event 10 to which Part 9 applies and the treating psychiatrist is the person 11 responsible under that Part for notification of that event. 12 67. Making transport order 13 (1) A psychiatrist may make a transport order in respect of an 14 inpatient who is under a transfer order made under 15 section 66(1). 16 (2) The psychiatrist cannot make the transport order unless satisfied 17 that no other safe means of taking the involuntary inpatient to 18 the authorised hospital is reasonably available. 19 (3) Part 10 applies in relation to the transport order. 20 68. Confirmation of inpatient treatment order 21 (1) This section applies if -- 22 (a) the psychiatrist who conducted the examination for the 23 purpose of making the inpatient treatment order and the 24 involuntary inpatient were not in one another's physical 25 presence when that examination was conducted; and 26 (b) since that examination was conducted, there has been no 27 further examination of the involuntary inpatient 28 conducted by a psychiatrist during which the 29 psychiatrist and the inpatient were in one another's 30 physical presence. page 54 Mental Health Bill 2013 Involuntary patients Part 6 Examinations Division 3 s. 69 1 (2) Within 24 hours after the involuntary inpatient is admitted by 2 the authorised hospital in accordance with the transfer order, the 3 inpatient treatment order must be confirmed by a psychiatrist at 4 the authorised hospital. 5 (3) The psychiatrist cannot confirm the inpatient treatment order 6 without examining the involuntary inpatient. 7 (4) Subdivision 6 applies in relation to the conduct of the 8 examination. 9 (5) The confirmation must be in the approved form and must 10 include the following -- 11 (a) the date and time when it is made; 12 (b) the reasons for the confirmation; 13 (c) the name, qualifications and signature of the 14 psychiatrist. 15 (6) The inpatient treatment order ceases to be in force if it is not 16 confirmed in accordance with subsection (2). 17 (7) The release of a person because of subsection (6) is an event to 18 which Part 9 applies and the person in charge of the authorised 19 hospital is the person responsible under that Part for notification 20 of that event. 21 Subdivision 4 -- Order for further examination at 22 authorised hospital 23 69. Application of this Subdivision 24 This Subdivision applies in relation to a person who is under an 25 order made under section 61(1)(c) that the person be received 26 into an authorised hospital, and detained there, to enable an 27 examination to be conducted by a psychiatrist. page 55 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 6 Involuntary patients Division 3 Examinations s. 70 1 70. Detention at authorised hospital 2 (1) The person -- 3 (a) must be received into the authorised hospital unless 4 subsection (2) applies; and 5 (b) can be detained there, to enable the examination to be 6 conducted, for up to 24 hours from the time when the 7 person is received. 8 (2) The person cannot be received into the authorised hospital more 9 than 72 hours after the time when the order under 10 section 61(1)(c) is made. 11 (3) The person in charge of the authorised hospital must ensure that 12 the person has the opportunity and the means to contact any 13 carer, close family member or other personal support person of 14 the person, the person's psychiatrist and the Chief Mental 15 Health Advocate -- 16 (a) as soon as practicable after the person is received into 17 the authorised hospital; and 18 (b) at all reasonable times while the person is detained there 19 under subsection (1)(b). 20 (4) The person cannot continue to be detained if, by the end of the 21 24-hour period referred to in subsection (1)(b) -- 22 (a) the examination has not been completed; or 23 (b) the examination has been completed but an order has not 24 been made under section 72(1) in respect of the person. 25 (5) Reception at an authorised hospital under this section is not 26 admission by the hospital under this Act. 27 71. Conducting examination at authorised hospital 28 Subdivision 6 applies in relation to the conduct of the 29 examination. page 56 Mental Health Bill 2013 Involuntary patients Part 6 Examinations Division 3 s. 72 1 72. What psychiatrist must do on completing examination 2 (1) On completing the examination, the psychiatrist must make one 3 of these orders -- 4 (a) an inpatient treatment order authorising the person's 5 detention at the authorised hospital for the period 6 specified in the order in accordance with section 87(a) 7 or (b); 8 (b) a community treatment order in respect of the person; 9 (c) an order that the person cannot continue to be detained. 10 (2) The order must be in the approved form and must include the 11 following -- 12 (a) the date and time when it is made; 13 (b) if it is made under subsection (1)(a) or (b) -- the reasons 14 for making it; 15 (c) the name, qualifications and signature of the 16 psychiatrist. 17 (3) The psychiatrist must, as soon as practicable, file the order and 18 give a copy to the person. 19 Notes for section 72: 20 1. A community treatment order is automatically revoked under 21 section 116(b) if a psychiatrist makes an inpatient treatment order 22 under section 72(1)(a) in respect of the involuntary community patient. 23 2. A community treatment order is no longer suspended if a psychiatrist 24 makes an order under section 72(1)(c) that the involuntary community 25 patient cannot continue to be detained. 26 Subdivision 5 -- Examination without referral 27 73. Application of this Subdivision 28 This Subdivision applies if a person is examined by a 29 psychiatrist in circumstances other than -- 30 (a) because of a referral made under section 26(2) or (3)(a) 31 or 36(2); or page 57 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 6 Involuntary patients Division 3 Examinations s. 74 1 (b) because of an order made under section 55(1)(c) 2 or 61(1)(c); or 3 (c) under section 89(1) or 131(3) or (5)(a). 4 74. Conducting examination 5 Subdivision 6 applies in relation to the conduct of the 6 examination. 7 75. What psychiatrist may do on completing examination 8 (1) On completing the examination, the psychiatrist may make a 9 community treatment order in respect of the person. 10 (2) The order must be in the approved form and must include the 11 following -- 12 (a) the date and time when it is made; 13 (b) the reasons for making it; 14 (c) the name, qualifications and signature of the 15 psychiatrist. 16 (3) The psychiatrist must, as soon as practicable, file the order and 17 give a copy to the person. 18 76. Confirmation of community treatment order 19 (1) Within 72 hours after the time when the community treatment 20 order is made, it must be confirmed by -- 21 (a) another psychiatrist; or 22 (b) if another psychiatrist is not reasonably available -- 23 (i) another medical practitioner; or 24 (ii) an authorised mental health practitioner. 25 (2) The confirmation must be in the approved form and must 26 include the following -- 27 (a) the date and time when it is made; 28 (b) the reasons for the confirmation; page 58 Mental Health Bill 2013 Involuntary patients Part 6 Examinations Division 3 s. 77 1 (c) the name, qualifications and signature of the practitioner 2 confirming the community treatment order. 3 (3) The supervising psychiatrist -- 4 (a) must inform the person about whether or not the order 5 has been confirmed; and 6 (b) if it has been confirmed -- file the confirmation and 7 give a copy to the person. 8 (4) The order ceases to be in force if it is not confirmed in 9 accordance with subsection (1). 10 Subdivision 6 -- Conduct of examination 11 77. Application of this Subdivision 12 This Subdivision applies in relation to an examination 13 conducted in any of these circumstances -- 14 (a) by a psychiatrist because of a referral made under 15 section 26(2) or (3)(a) or 36(2); 16 (b) by a psychiatrist because of an order made under 17 section 55(1)(c) or 61(1)(c) for the detention of a person 18 at an authorised hospital to enable the person to be 19 examined; 20 (c) by a psychiatrist for the purpose of confirming an 21 inpatient treatment order, as required by section 68(3) 22 or 124(3); 23 (d) by a psychiatrist in circumstances in which 24 Subdivision 5 applies; 25 (e) by a supervising psychiatrist before the review period 26 for a community treatment order ends, as required by 27 section 118(2)(a); 28 (f) by a medical practitioner or authorised mental health 29 practitioner before the review period for a community 30 treatment order ends, as required by section 118(2)(b); page 59 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 6 Involuntary patients Division 3 Examinations s. 78 1 (g) by a supervising psychiatrist for the purpose of making 2 an inpatient treatment order, as required by 3 section 120(3), 123(2) or 131(3); 4 (h) by a supervising psychiatrist for the purpose of making 5 an order revoking a community treatment order, as 6 permitted by section 120(4)(a), 123(3)(a) or 131(5)(a); 7 (i) by a supervising psychiatrist for the purpose of making a 8 continuation order, as required by section 121(2); 9 (j) by a psychiatrist for the purpose of giving a further 10 opinion, as required by section 182(6) as applied by 11 section 121(6) or as required by section 182(6). 12 78. Referring psychiatrist cannot conduct examination 13 An examination referred to section 77(a) cannot be conducted 14 by the psychiatrist who made the referral under section 26(2) 15 or (3)(a) or 36(2). 16 79. How examination must be conducted 17 (1) In this section -- 18 prescribed health professional means -- 19 (a) a medical practitioner; or 20 (b) a nurse; or 21 (c) an occupational therapist; or 22 (d) a psychologist; or 23 (e) a social worker; or 24 (f) if the person being assessed is of Aboriginal or Torres 25 Strait Islander descent -- 26 (i) a health professional listed in paragraphs (a) 27 to (e); or 28 (ii) an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander mental 29 health worker. page 60 Mental Health Bill 2013 Involuntary patients Part 6 Examinations Division 3 s. 79 1 (2) An examination must be conducted in the least restrictive way, 2 and the least restrictive environment, practicable. 3 (3) For an examination referred to in section 77(a), (b), (d), (f) 4 or (g), unless subsection (4) applies, the psychiatrist or 5 practitioner and the person being examined must be in one 6 another's physical presence. 7 (4) The psychiatrist or practitioner may conduct the examination 8 using audiovisual communication if -- 9 (a) the person being examined is at a place that is not an 10 authorised hospital and is outside a metropolitan area; 11 and 12 (b) it is not practicable for the psychiatrist or practitioner to 13 comply with subsection (3); and 14 (c) a prescribed health professional and the person being 15 examined are in one another's physical presence. 16 (5) For an examination referred to in section 77(c) or in 17 section 77(e) if it is also an examination required by 18 section 120(3), the psychiatrist and the person being examined 19 must be in one another's physical presence and the examination 20 cannot be conducted using audiovisual communication. 21 (6) For an examination referred to in section 77(e) unless it is also 22 an examination required by section 120(3) or in section 77(h), 23 (i) or (j) -- 24 (a) the psychiatrist and the person being examined need not 25 be in one another's physical presence; but 26 (b) if they are not -- each of them must be able to see and 27 hear the other while the other is speaking (for example, 28 by being able to see one another through a window and 29 hear one another using a telephone or to see and hear 30 one another using audiovisual communication). 31 (7) For the purposes of this Act, an examination conducted using 32 audiovisual communication is taken to be conducted, and any page 61 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 6 Involuntary patients Division 3 Examinations s. 80 1 order made as a result is taken to be made, at the place where 2 the person examined is when the examination is conducted. 3 80. Information to which examiner may have regard 4 (1) The psychiatrist or practitioner may have regard to any 5 information about the person being examined that is obtained by 6 the psychiatrist or practitioner from one or more of the 7 following -- 8 (a) the person, including information obtained by observing 9 the person and asking the person questions; 10 (b) if the person is of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander 11 descent -- 12 (i) an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander mental 13 health worker; or 14 (ii) a significant member of the person's community, 15 including an elder or traditional healer; 16 (c) any other person; 17 (d) the person's medical record. 18 (2) The psychiatrist or practitioner cannot conclude that the person 19 being examined is in need of, is still in need of, or is no longer 20 in need of, an involuntary treatment order solely on the basis of 21 information referred to in one or more of subsection (1)(b)(i) 22 or (ii), (c) or (d). 23 81. Examination of person of Aboriginal or Torres Strait 24 Islander descent 25 To the extent that it is practicable and appropriate to do so, the 26 examination of a person who is of Aboriginal or Torres Strait 27 Islander descent must be conducted in collaboration with -- 28 (a) Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander mental health 29 workers; and 30 (b) significant members of the person's community, 31 including elders and traditional healers. page 62 Mental Health Bill 2013 Detention for examination or treatment Part 7 Preliminary matters Division 1 s. 82 1 Part 7 -- Detention for examination or treatment 2 Division 1 -- Preliminary matters 3 82. Application of this Part 4 This Part does not apply in relation to a mentally impaired 5 accused who is being detained at an authorised hospital under 6 the MIA Act, whether or not the mentally impaired accused was 7 being detained at the authorised hospital under this Act 8 immediately before the mentally impaired accused was detained 9 at the authorised hospital under the MIA Act. 10 Division 2 -- Detention at authorised hospital or other place 11 for examination 12 83. Detention authorised 13 (1) This section applies in relation to any of these people -- 14 (a) a person who can be detained at an authorised hospital 15 under section 34(3) because of an order for an 16 assessment made under section 34(1); 17 (b) a person who can be detained at an authorised hospital 18 under section 52(1)(b) because of a referral made under 19 section 26(2); 20 (c) a person who can be detained at an authorised hospital 21 under section 53(1) because of a referral made under 22 section 36(2); 23 (d) a person who is under an order made under 24 section 55(1)(c) authorising the continuation of the 25 person's detention at an authorised hospital to enable a 26 further examination to be conducted; 27 (e) a person who can be detained at a place that is not an 28 authorised hospital under section 58(1)(b) because of a 29 referral made under section 26(3)(a); page 63 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 7 Detention for examination or treatment Division 3 Detention at hospital under inpatient treatment order s. 84 1 (f) a person who is under an order made under section 59(2) 2 authorising the continuation of the person's detention at 3 a place that is not an authorised hospital to enable an 4 examination to be completed; 5 (g) a person who is under an order made under 6 section 61(1)(c) authorising the person's detention at an 7 authorised hospital to enable an examination to be 8 conducted. 9 (2) The referral or order authorises -- 10 (a) the person's reception at the authorised hospital or other 11 place specified in the referral or order; and 12 (b) the person's detention there for the period authorised by 13 this Act for which the person can be detained because of 14 the referral or under the order; and 15 (c) a person who is prescribed by the regulations for this 16 paragraph to exercise the powers under section 172 for 17 the purpose of detaining the person there. 18 Notes for section 83: 19 1. The period for which a person can be detained under section 34(3) is 20 authorised under that provision. 21 2. The period for which a person can be detained under section 52(1)(b), 22 53(1) or 58(1)(b), or under an order made under section 55(1)(c), 59(2) 23 or 61(1)(c), is authorised under Part 6 Division 3. 24 Division 3 -- Detention at hospital under inpatient 25 treatment order 26 84. Application of this Division 27 This Division applies in relation to an involuntary inpatient who 28 is under an inpatient treatment order authorising the involuntary 29 inpatient's detention at an authorised hospital or a general 30 hospital. page 64 Mental Health Bill 2013 Detention for examination or treatment Part 7 Detention at hospital under inpatient treatment order Division 3 s. 85 1 Notes for section 84: 2 1. An inpatient treatment order authorising a person's detention at an 3 authorised hospital can be made under section 55(1)(a), 56(1)(a)(i), 4 72(1)(a), 120(2)(a), 123(1)(a) or 131(2)(a). 5 2. An inpatient treatment order authorising a person's detention at a 6 general hospital can be made under section 61(1)(a) or 131(2)(a). 7 85. Terms used 8 In this Division -- 9 continuation order means a continuation order made under 10 section 89(2)(a); 11 detention period, for an inpatient treatment order, means -- 12 (a) the period for which the involuntary inpatient can be 13 detained under the order as specified in the order in 14 accordance with section 87(a) or (b); or 15 (b) the further period for which the involuntary inpatient 16 can be detained under the order as specified in a 17 continuation order. 18 86. Detention authorised 19 An inpatient treatment order authorises -- 20 (a) the involuntary inpatient's admission as an inpatient 21 by -- 22 (i) the hospital specified in the order; and 23 (ii) any authorised hospital to which the patient is 24 transferred under section 66(1) or 91(2); 25 and 26 (b) the involuntary inpatient's detention there for the period 27 authorised by this Act for which the inpatient can be 28 detained under this Act; and 29 (c) a person who is prescribed by the regulations for this 30 paragraph to exercise the powers under section 172 for 31 the purpose of detaining the involuntary inpatient there. page 65 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 7 Detention for examination or treatment Division 3 Detention at hospital under inpatient treatment order s. 87 1 87. Period that must be specified in inpatient treatment order 2 The period specified in an inpatient treatment order as the 3 period for which the involuntary inpatient can be detained under 4 the order cannot exceed -- 5 (a) if, when the order is made, the involuntary inpatient is 6 an adult -- 21 days from the day on which the order is 7 made; or 8 (b) if, when the order is made, the involuntary inpatient is a 9 child -- 14 days from the day on which the order is 10 made. 11 88. Period for which detention is authorised 12 An inpatient treatment order authorises the involuntary 13 inpatient's detention until the first of these things occurs -- 14 (a) a psychiatrist makes an order under section 89(2)(b) 15 or 90(1)(a) in respect of the involuntary inpatient; 16 (b) a psychiatrist revokes the order under section 89(2)(c) 17 or 90(1)(b); 18 (c) the expiry of the detention period unless the detention of 19 the involuntary inpatient under the inpatient treatment 20 order has been continued under a continuation order. 21 89. Examination before end of each detention period 22 (1) The treating psychiatrist must ensure that, on or within 7 days 23 before the day on which the detention period for an inpatient 24 treatment order ends, the involuntary inpatient is examined by a 25 psychiatrist. 26 (2) On completing the examination, the psychiatrist who conducted 27 it must make one of these orders -- 28 (a) if satisfied, having regard to the criteria specified in 29 section 25, that the involuntary inpatient is still in need 30 of the inpatient treatment order -- a continuation order 31 continuing the inpatient treatment order from the end of page 66 Mental Health Bill 2013 Detention for examination or treatment Part 7 Detention at hospital under inpatient treatment order Division 3 s. 89 1 the detention period for the further detention period that 2 is specified in the continuation order in accordance with 3 subsection (3)(a) or (b); 4 (b) if satisfied, having regard to the criteria specified in 5 section 25, that the involuntary inpatient is no longer in 6 need of the inpatient treatment order but is in need of a 7 community treatment order -- a community treatment 8 order in respect of the inpatient; 9 (c) if satisfied, having regard to the criteria in section 25, 10 that the involuntary inpatient is no longer in need of an 11 involuntary treatment order -- an order revoking the 12 inpatient treatment order. 13 (3) For subsection (2)(a), the detention period specified in a 14 continuation order cannot exceed -- 15 (a) if, when the continuation order is made, the involuntary 16 inpatient is an adult -- 3 months; or 17 (b) if, when the continuation order is made, the involuntary 18 inpatient is a child -- 28 days. 19 (4) An order made under subsection (2) must be in the approved 20 form and must include the following -- 21 (a) the date and time when it is made; 22 (b) if it is made under subsection (2)(a) or (b) -- the reasons 23 for making it; 24 (c) the name, qualifications and signature of the psychiatrist 25 making it. 26 (5) A psychiatrist who makes an order under subsection (2) must, as 27 soon as practicable, file it and give a copy to the involuntary 28 inpatient. 29 (6) The release of a person because of an order made under 30 subsection (2)(b) or (c) is an event to which Part 9 applies and 31 the person in charge of the hospital is the person responsible 32 under that Part for notification of that event. page 67 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 7 Detention for examination or treatment Division 3 Detention at hospital under inpatient treatment order s. 90 1 90. Changing involuntary inpatient's status 2 (1) A psychiatrist may make either of these orders during the 3 detention period -- 4 (a) if satisfied, having regard to the criteria specified in 5 section 25, that the involuntary inpatient is no longer in 6 need of the inpatient treatment order but is in need of a 7 community treatment order -- a community treatment 8 order in respect of the inpatient; 9 (b) if satisfied, having regard to the criteria specified in 10 section 25, that the involuntary inpatient is no longer in 11 need of an involuntary treatment order -- an order 12 revoking the inpatient treatment order. 13 (2) The psychiatrist may make the order without examining the 14 involuntary inpatient. 15 (3) The order must be in the approved form and must include the 16 following -- 17 (a) the date and time when it is made; 18 (b) if it is made under subsection (1)(a) -- the reasons for 19 making it; 20 (c) the name, qualifications and signature of the 21 psychiatrist. 22 (4) The psychiatrist must, as soon as practicable, file the order and 23 give a copy to the involuntary inpatient. 24 (5) The making of an order under subsection (1) is an event to 25 which Part 9 applies and the psychiatrist who makes the order is 26 the person responsible under that Part for notification of that 27 event. 28 91. Transfer between authorised hospitals 29 (1) This section applies in relation to an involuntary inpatient who 30 is detained at an authorised hospital. page 68 Mental Health Bill 2013 Detention for examination or treatment Part 7 Detention at hospital under inpatient treatment order Division 3 s. 92 1 (2) The treating psychiatrist or, if the treating psychiatrist is not 2 reasonably available, another psychiatrist at the authorised 3 hospital may make an order (a transfer order) authorising the 4 involuntary inpatient's transfer from the authorised hospital to 5 another authorised hospital specified in the order. 6 (3) The transfer order must be in the approved form and must 7 include the following -- 8 (a) the involuntary inpatient's name; 9 (b) the authorised hospital from which the involuntary 10 inpatient is to be transferred; 11 (c) the authorised hospital to which the involuntary 12 inpatient is to be transferred; 13 (d) the date and time when the order is made; 14 (e) the reasons for the transfer; 15 (f) the name, qualifications and signature of the psychiatrist 16 making it. 17 (4) A psychiatrist who makes a transfer order must, as soon as 18 practicable, file it and give a copy to the involuntary inpatient. 19 (5) The making of a transfer order under subsection (2) is an event 20 to which Part 9 applies and the psychiatrist who makes the order 21 is the person responsible under that Part for notification of that 22 event. 23 Note for section 91: 24 Section 66 applies in relation to the transfer of an involuntary inpatient from a 25 general hospital to an authorised hospital. 26 92. Making transport order 27 (1) A psychiatrist may make a transport order in respect of an 28 inpatient who is under a transfer order made under 29 section 91(2). page 69 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 7 Detention for examination or treatment Division 4 Release from hospital or other place s. 93 1 (2) The psychiatrist cannot make the transport order unless satisfied 2 that no other safe means of taking the involuntary inpatient to 3 the authorised hospital is reasonably available. 4 (3) Part 10 applies in relation to the transport order. 5 93. Involuntary inpatient to be advised of expiry 6 (1) This section applies if an inpatient treatment order expires. 7 (2) The treating psychiatrist must advise the involuntary inpatient in 8 writing of the expiry and its consequences. 9 (3) The treating psychiatrist must file a copy of the advice. 10 (4) The expiry of an inpatient treatment order is an event to which 11 Part 9 applies and the person in charge of the hospital at which 12 the involuntary inpatient was being detained is the person 13 responsible under that Part for notification of that event. 14 Division 4 -- Release from hospital or other place 15 94. Application of this Division 16 This Division applies in relation to a person referred to in 17 paragraph (a), (b) or (c) who is detained for a reason referred to 18 in that provision -- 19 (a) a person who is detained under Part 6 Division 2 or 3 to 20 enable the person -- 21 (i) to be taken to an authorised hospital or other 22 place; or 23 (ii) to be assessed or examined; 24 or 25 (b) a person who is detained under an inpatient treatment 26 order; or 27 (c) an involuntary community patient who is detained under 28 section 130(2)(b). page 70 Mental Health Bill 2013 Detention for examination or treatment Part 7 Release from hospital or other place Division 4 s. 95 1 95. Person must be allowed to leave 2 (1) This section applies whenever a person cannot continue to be 3 detained at a hospital or other place for a reason referred to in 4 section 94. 5 (2) A person in charge of the hospital or other place must ensure 6 that, as soon as practicable -- 7 (a) the person is advised in writing by a medical practitioner 8 or mental health practitioner that the person cannot 9 continue to be detained for that reason; or 10 (b) if the person leaves the hospital or other place before a 11 medical practitioner or mental health practitioner can 12 comply with paragraph (a) -- a record of the time when 13 the person left the hospital or other place is filed. 14 (3) The person must be allowed to leave the hospital or other place 15 unless the person's detention at the hospital or other place is 16 authorised -- 17 (a) for another reason referred to in section 94; or 18 (b) under section 96. 19 (4) The practitioner who provides the advice referred to in 20 subsection (2)(a) must file a copy of the advice. 21 96. Delivery into custody under another law 22 A person who cannot continue to be detained for a reason 23 referred to in section 94 but is under an order made under the 24 law of the Commonwealth or a State or Territory requiring the 25 person to be kept in custody is not allowed to leave the hospital 26 or other place until the person has been delivered into that 27 custody. page 71 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 7 Detention for examination or treatment Division 5 Absence without leave from hospital or other place s. 97 1 Division 5 -- Absence without leave from hospital or 2 other place 3 97. Persons who are absent without leave 4 (1) For the purposes of this Division, a person is absent without 5 leave from a hospital or other place if -- 6 (a) in the case of a person who is detained under Part 6 7 Division 2 or 3 to enable the person -- 8 (i) to be taken to an authorised hospital or other 9 place; or 10 (ii) to be assessed or examined, 11 the person leaves the hospital or other place where the 12 person is detained; or 13 (b) in the case of a person who is under an inpatient 14 treatment order -- the person is absent without leave as 15 described in subsection (2); or 16 (c) in the case of an involuntary community patient who is 17 detained under section 130(2)(b) -- the person leaves 18 the place where the patient is detained. 19 (2) For subsection (1)(b), a person who is under an inpatient 20 treatment order is absent without leave -- 21 (a) if the person is away from the hospital where the person 22 is detained under the order without being granted leave 23 of absence under section 105(1); or 24 (b) if, on the cancellation under section 110(1) of leave of 25 absence granted to the person under section 105(1) or on 26 the expiry of such leave, the person does not return to 27 either of these hospitals -- 28 (i) the hospital from which the person was granted 29 the leave of absence; 30 (ii) the hospital to which the person's transfer has 31 been ordered under section 66(1) or 91(2). page 72 Mental Health Bill 2013 Detention for examination or treatment Part 7 Absence without leave from hospital or other place Division 5 s. 98 1 (3) The absence of a person without leave from a hospital or other 2 place is an event to which Part 9 applies and the person in 3 charge of the hospital or other place is the person responsible 4 under that Part for notification of that event. 5 98. Making apprehension and return order 6 (1) The person in charge of a hospital or other place or a medical 7 practitioner may make an order (an apprehension and return 8 order) in respect of a person who is absent without leave from 9 the hospital or other place if satisfied that no other safe means 10 of ensuring that the person returns to the hospital or other place 11 is reasonably available. 12 (2) An apprehension and return order must be in the approved form 13 and must include the following -- 14 (a) the name of the person who is absent without leave; 15 (b) the hospital or other place from which the person is 16 absent without leave; 17 (c) the hospital or other place to which the person must be 18 taken if apprehended; 19 (d) the date when it is made; 20 (e) the date when it will expire; 21 (f) the reasons for making it; 22 (g) the name, qualifications and signature of the person 23 making it. 24 (3) A person who makes an apprehension and return order must, as 25 soon as practicable, file it and give a copy to the police officer 26 or person prescribed who will carry out the order. 27 99. Operation of apprehension and return order 28 An apprehension and return order made in respect of a person 29 authorises a police officer or a person prescribed by the 30 regulations for this section to do these things -- 31 (a) apprehend the person and, for that purpose, exercise the 32 powers under sections 159(2) and 172; page 73 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 7 Detention for examination or treatment Division 5 Absence without leave from hospital or other place s. 100 1 (b) if the person is apprehended -- take the person to the 2 hospital or other place specified in the apprehension and 3 return order under section 98(2)(c) as soon as 4 practicable and, in any event, before the order expires; 5 (c) for the purpose of taking the person to that hospital or 6 other place, detain the person until the first of these 7 things occurs -- 8 (i) the person is received into the hospital or other 9 place; 10 (ii) the apprehension and return order expires. 11 100. Period of apprehension and return order 12 (1) An apprehension and return order remains in force for 14 days 13 from the day on which the order is made. 14 (2) An apprehension and return order cannot be extended. 15 101. Revocation of apprehension and return order 16 (1) The person in charge of a hospital or other place from which a 17 person is absent without leave or a medical practitioner may 18 make an order (a revocation order) revoking an apprehension 19 and return order made in respect of the person if satisfied that 20 the apprehension and return order is no longer needed. 21 (2) The revocation order must be in the approved form and must 22 include the following -- 23 (a) the date and time when it is made; 24 (b) the reasons for the revocation; 25 (c) the name, qualifications and signature of the person 26 making it. 27 (3) A person who makes a revocation order must, as soon as 28 practicable -- 29 (a) advise the police officer or person prescribed 30 responsible for carrying out the apprehension and return 31 order of the revocation; and page 74 Mental Health Bill 2013 Detention for examination or treatment Part 7 Leave of absence from detention at hospital under inpatient Division 6 treatment order s. 102 1 (b) file the order and a record of the advice. 2 102. Return of person to place where apprehended 3 (1) Subsection (2) applies if, after a person is apprehended under an 4 apprehension and return order but before the person is received 5 into the hospital or other place specified in the order under 6 section 98(2)(c), the order is revoked under section 101(1) or 7 expires. 8 (2) The police officer or person prescribed who was responsible for 9 carrying out the apprehension and return order must take 10 reasonable steps to ensure the person is taken, at the person's 11 election -- 12 (a) back to the place where the person was apprehended; or 13 (b) to a place reasonably nominated by the person. 14 (3) Subsection (2) does not require the person to be taken to a place 15 if to do so poses a serious risk to the safety of the person or 16 another person. 17 Division 6 -- Leave of absence from detention at hospital under 18 inpatient treatment order 19 Subdivision 1 -- Preliminary matters 20 103. Application of this Division 21 This Division applies in relation to an involuntary inpatient who 22 is under an inpatient treatment order authorising the involuntary 23 inpatient's detention at an authorised hospital or a general 24 hospital. 25 Notes for section 103: 26 1. An inpatient treatment order authorising a person's detention at an 27 authorised hospital can be made under section 55(1)(a), 56(1)(a)(i), 28 72(1)(a), 120(2)(a), 123(1)(a) or 131(2)(a). 29 2. An inpatient treatment order authorising a person's detention at a 30 general hospital can be made under section 61(1)(a) or 131(2)(a). page 75 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 7 Detention for examination or treatment Division 6 Leave of absence from detention at hospital under inpatient treatment order s. 104 1 104. Term used: leave of absence 2 In this Division -- 3 leave of absence -- 4 (a) means leave of absence granted under section 105(1); 5 and 6 (b) includes leave of absence as extended or varied under 7 section 106(1). 8 Subdivision 2 -- Grant, extension, variation or cancellation of leave 9 105. Granting leave 10 (1) A psychiatrist may make an order granting an involuntary 11 inpatient leave of absence from a hospital if satisfied that 12 granting the leave of absence -- 13 (a) will -- 14 (i) be likely to benefit the involuntary inpatient's 15 recovery from mental illness or to benefit the 16 inpatient's mental health in some other way; or 17 (ii) enable the involuntary inpatient to obtain 18 medical or surgical treatment or be likely to 19 benefit the inpatient's physical health in some 20 other way; 21 and 22 (b) is not inconsistent with the involuntary inpatient's need 23 to be provided with treatment for a reason specified in 24 section 25(1)(b). 25 (2) The psychiatrist cannot make the order unless the psychiatrist 26 has consulted each of these people about the matters specified in 27 subsection (3) -- 28 (a) if the involuntary inpatient has an enduring guardian or 29 guardian -- the enduring guardian or guardian; 30 (b) if the involuntary inpatient is a child -- the child's 31 parent or guardian; page 76 Mental Health Bill 2013 Detention for examination or treatment Part 7 Leave of absence from detention at hospital under inpatient Division 6 treatment order s. 105 1 (c) if the involuntary inpatient has a nominated person -- 2 the nominated person unless the nominated person is not 3 entitled, for the reason referred to in section 269(1), to 4 be consulted; 5 (d) if the involuntary inpatient has a carer -- the carer 6 unless the carer is not entitled, for the reason referred to 7 in section 288(2) or 292(1), to be consulted; 8 (e) if the involuntary inpatient has a close family 9 member -- the close family member unless the close 10 family member is not entitled, for the reason referred to 11 in section 288(2) or 292(1), to be consulted. 12 (3) For subsection (2), these matters are specified -- 13 (a) whether or not to make the order; and 14 (b) what period and conditions would be appropriate to 15 specify in the order if it were to be made. 16 (4) Without limiting a requirement under subsection (2)(a) to 17 consult the involuntary inpatient's enduring guardian or 18 guardian, or under subsection (2)(b) to consult the involuntary 19 inpatient's parent or guardian, about the matters referred to in 20 subsection (3)(a) and (b), the requirement is taken to be 21 complied with if the psychiatrist ensures that reasonable efforts 22 continue to be made to consult the person about those matters 23 until the first of these things occurs -- 24 (a) the person is consulted about those matters; 25 (b) it is reasonable for the psychiatrist to conclude that the 26 person cannot be consulted about those matters. 27 (5) Part 16 Division 3 Subdivision 2 applies in relation to a 28 requirement under subsection (2)(c) to consult the involuntary 29 inpatient's nominated person about the matters referred to in 30 subsection (3)(a) and (b). 31 (6) Part 17 Division 2 applies in relation to a requirement under 32 subsection (2)(d) to consult a carer of the involuntary inpatient, 33 or under subsection (2)(e) to consult a close family member of page 77 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 7 Detention for examination or treatment Division 6 Leave of absence from detention at hospital under inpatient treatment order s. 105 1 the involuntary inpatient, about the matters referred to in 2 subsection (3)(a) and (b). 3 (7) The psychiatrist must ensure that the following are filed -- 4 (a) if a person referred to in subsection (2)(a) to (e) was 5 consulted -- a record of the consultation; or 6 (b) if a person referred to in subsection (2)(a) to (e) could 7 not be consulted -- a record of the efforts made to do 8 so. 9 (8) The psychiatrist cannot make the order unless the psychiatrist 10 has considered whether it would be more appropriate to make 11 an order under section 90(1) in respect of the involuntary 12 inpatient. 13 (9) The order authorises the involuntary inpatient's absence from 14 the hospital for the period, and subject to the conditions, the 15 psychiatrist considers appropriate and specifies in the order. 16 (10) The conditions imposed under subsection (9) may include 17 conditions about the involuntary inpatient doing any of these 18 things -- 19 (a) residing at a specified place; 20 (b) receiving specified treatment; 21 (c) attending at a specified place, and remaining there as 22 specified in the order, to enable the involuntary inpatient 23 to be provided with specified treatment. 24 (11) The order must be in the approved form and must include the 25 following -- 26 (a) the date and time when it is made; 27 (b) the period and conditions of the leave of absence; 28 (c) the reasons for granting the leave of absence; 29 (d) the name, qualifications and signature of the 30 psychiatrist. page 78 Mental Health Bill 2013 Detention for examination or treatment Part 7 Leave of absence from detention at hospital under inpatient Division 6 treatment order s. 106 1 (12) The psychiatrist must, as soon as practicable, file the order and 2 give a copy to the involuntary inpatient. 3 (13) The making of an order under subsection (1) is an event to 4 which Part 9 applies and the psychiatrist who makes the order is 5 the person responsible under that Part for notification of that 6 event. 7 106. Extending or varying leave granted 8 (1) A psychiatrist may make an order -- 9 (a) extending an involuntary inpatient's leave of absence; or 10 (b) varying the conditions subject to which an involuntary 11 inpatient's leave of absence is granted. 12 (2) The order must be in the approved form and must include the 13 following -- 14 (a) the date and time when it is made; 15 (b) the period of the extension or the variation of the 16 conditions; 17 (c) the reasons for the extension or variation; 18 (d) the name, qualifications and signature of the 19 psychiatrist. 20 (3) The psychiatrist must, as soon as practicable, file the order and 21 give a copy to the involuntary inpatient. 22 (4) The making of an order under subsection (1) is an event to 23 which Part 9 applies and the psychiatrist who makes the order is 24 the person responsible under that Part for notification of that 25 event. 26 107. Involuntary inpatient must comply with conditions of leave 27 An involuntary inpatient who is on leave of absence from a 28 hospital must comply with the conditions to which the leave of 29 absence is subject. page 79 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 7 Detention for examination or treatment Division 6 Leave of absence from detention at hospital under inpatient treatment order s. 108 1 108. Monitoring involuntary inpatient on leave 2 (1) This section applies if an involuntary inpatient is away from a 3 hospital on leave of absence for more than 21 consecutive days. 4 (2) The treating psychiatrist must consider whether it would be 5 appropriate to make an order under section 90(1) in respect of 6 the inpatient. 7 (3) For the purpose of subsection (2), the treating psychiatrist may 8 make any inquiries the psychiatrist considers appropriate. 9 109. Changing involuntary inpatient's status while inpatient on 10 leave 11 (1) This section applies if, while an involuntary inpatient is away 12 from a hospital on leave of absence, the treating psychiatrist is 13 given a written opinion from another medical practitioner or a 14 mental health practitioner to the effect that the involuntary 15 inpatient is no longer in need of an inpatient treatment order. 16 (2) The treating psychiatrist must file the opinion as soon as 17 practicable, whether or not the treating psychiatrist acts under 18 subsection (3) on the basis of the opinion. 19 (3) The treating psychiatrist may make an order under section 90(1) 20 in respect of the involuntary inpatient on the basis of the opinion 21 and without examining the inpatient. 22 110. Cancelling leave 23 (1) This section applies if, while an involuntary inpatient is away 24 from a hospital on leave of absence, a psychiatrist forms the 25 reasonable belief that it is inappropriate for the inpatient to 26 continue to be away from the hospital. 27 (2) The psychiatrist may make an order cancelling the leave of 28 absence. page 80 Mental Health Bill 2013 Detention for examination or treatment Part 7 Leave of absence from detention at hospital under inpatient Division 6 treatment order s. 111 1 (3) The order must be in the approved form and must include the 2 following -- 3 (a) the date and time when it is made; 4 (b) the reasons for that belief; 5 (c) the name, qualifications and signature of the 6 psychiatrist. 7 (4) The psychiatrist must, as soon as practicable -- 8 (a) orally advise the involuntary patient that the leave of 9 absence has been cancelled; and 10 (b) file the order and give a copy to the involuntary 11 inpatient. 12 (5) The making of an order under subsection (2) is an event to 13 which Part 9 applies and the psychiatrist who makes the order is 14 the person responsible under that Part for notification of that 15 event. 16 Subdivision 3 -- Transport to and from hospital 17 111. Application of this Subdivision 18 This Subdivision applies in relation to an involuntary 19 inpatient -- 20 (a) who is granted leave of absence to enable the 21 involuntary inpatient to obtain medical or surgical 22 treatment at a general hospital; or 23 (b) who, because of the cancellation under section 110(1) of 24 leave of absence granted to the involuntary patient for a 25 purpose referred to in paragraph (a) or because of the 26 expiry of such leave, must return to -- 27 (i) the hospital from which the leave was granted; or 28 (ii) an authorised hospital to which the involuntary 29 inpatient's transfer has been ordered under 30 section 66(1) or 91(2). page 81 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 7 Detention for examination or treatment Division 6 Leave of absence from detention at hospital under inpatient treatment order s. 112 1 112. Making transport order 2 (1) A psychiatrist may make a transport order in respect of the 3 involuntary inpatient. 4 (2) The psychiatrist cannot make the transport order unless satisfied 5 that no other safe means of taking the involuntary inpatient to 6 the hospital is reasonably available. 7 (3) Part 10 applies in relation to the transport order. page 82 Mental Health Bill 2013 Community treatment orders Part 8 Preliminary matters Division 1 s. 113 1 Part 8 -- Community treatment orders 2 Division 1 -- Preliminary matters 3 113. Terms used 4 In this Part -- 5 community treatment order includes a community treatment 6 order as varied under section 121(1), 122(1), 135(1)(a) or (2)(a) 7 or 137(a); 8 continuation order means a continuation order made under 9 section 121(1); 10 involuntary community patient, in relation to a community 11 treatment order, means the involuntary community patient who 12 is under the order; 13 supervising psychiatrist, in relation to a community treatment 14 order, means the psychiatrist who is the supervising psychiatrist 15 under the order; 16 treating practitioner, in relation to a community treatment 17 order, means the medical practitioner or mental health 18 practitioner who is the treating practitioner under the order; 19 treatment period, for a community treatment order, means -- 20 (a) the treatment period for which the order remains in force 21 as specified in the order under section 115(2); or 22 (b) the further treatment period for which the order remains 23 in force as specified in a continuation order. 24 Division 2 -- Making order 25 114. Things psychiatrist must be satisfied of before making order 26 A psychiatrist cannot make a community treatment order in 27 respect of a person unless satisfied of these things -- 28 (a) treatment of the person in the community would not be 29 inconsistent with the person's need to be provided with 30 treatment for a reason specified in section 25(2)(b); page 83 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 8 Community treatment orders Division 2 Making order s. 115 1 (b) suitable arrangements can be made for the treatment and 2 care of the person in the community, including -- 3 (i) arrangements for a psychiatrist to be the 4 supervising psychiatrist under the order; and 5 (ii) arrangements for a medical practitioner or mental 6 health practitioner to be the treating practitioner 7 under the order. 8 Note for section 114: 9 The supervising psychiatrist can also be the treating practitioner (see 10 section 136(2)(b)). 11 115. Terms of order 12 (1) The terms of a community treatment order must include these 13 things -- 14 (a) the name of the psychiatrist who is the supervising 15 psychiatrist under the order; 16 (b) a requirement that the involuntary community patient 17 comply with all of the supervising psychiatrist's 18 directions to the patient about treatment to be provided 19 to the patient under the order; 20 (c) the name of the medical practitioner or mental health 21 practitioner who is the treating practitioner under the 22 order; 23 (d) the date and time when the order is made; 24 (e) the date and time when the order comes into force, 25 which must be within 7 days after the date and time 26 when the order is made; 27 (f) the treatment period for which the order remains in force 28 as specified under subsection (2); 29 (g) a requirement that the involuntary community patient 30 notify the supervising psychiatrist or treating 31 practitioner of any change in the patient's residential 32 address; page 84 Mental Health Bill 2013 Community treatment orders Part 8 Operation of order Division 3 s. 116 1 (h) a requirement that the involuntary community patient 2 notify the supervising psychiatrist or treating 3 practitioner of any interstate or overseas travel by the 4 patient -- 5 (i) at least 7 days before the day of the patient's 6 departure; or 7 (ii) if the patient cannot comply with 8 subparagraph (i) because the patient needs to 9 travel urgently -- as soon as it is practicable for 10 the patient to give notice of the travel. 11 (2) For subsection (1)(f), the treatment period specified in a 12 community treatment order when it is made cannot exceed 13 3 months from the day on which it is made. 14 Notes for section 115: 15 1. The supervising psychiatrist can also be the treating practitioner (see 16 section 136(2)(b)). 17 2. The terms of a community treatment order may require the involuntary 18 community patient to be provided with treatment by a mental health 19 service in another State or a Territory (see section 557). 20 Division 3 -- Operation of order 21 116. Duration of order 22 A community treatment order remains in force until the first of 23 these things occurs -- 24 (a) the supervising psychiatrist makes an inpatient treatment 25 order under section 120(2)(a), 123(1)(a) or 131(2)(a) in 26 respect of the involuntary community patient; 27 (b) a psychiatrist makes an inpatient treatment order under 28 any other provision of this Act in respect of the 29 involuntary community patient; 30 (c) the supervising psychiatrist revokes the order under 31 section 120(2)(b) or 131(2)(b); page 85 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 8 Community treatment orders Division 3 Operation of order s. 117 1 (d) the expiry of the treatment period for the order unless 2 the order has been continued under a continuation order. 3 Notes for section 116: 4 1. In addition to the provisions referred to in section 116(a), an inpatient 5 treatment order authorising a person's detention at an authorised 6 hospital can be made under section 55(1)(a), 56(1)(a)(i) or 72(1)(a) or 7 at a general hospital under section 61(1)(a). 8 2. A community treatment order may be suspended under section 30 9 or 33. 10 117. Advice about when and where treatment to be provided 11 (1) The supervising psychiatrist must ensure that the involuntary 12 community patient is advised of when and where treatment is to 13 be provided to the patient under the community treatment order. 14 (2) Without limiting subsection (1), the supervising psychiatrist 15 must ensure that, on or within 14 days after the day on which 16 the community treatment order is made, the involuntary 17 community patient is advised in writing of the date, time and 18 place of the involuntary community patient's first appointment 19 (whether with the treating practitioner or otherwise) for the 20 provision of treatment under the order. 21 118. Monthly examination of patient 22 (1) In this section -- 23 first treatment period, for a community treatment order, means 24 the treatment period for which the order remains in force as 25 specified in the order under section 115(2); 26 review period, for a community treatment order, means -- 27 (a) the period of one month beginning on the day on which 28 the first treatment period for the order begins; or 29 (b) the period of one month beginning on the day after the 30 day on which the involuntary community patient was 31 last examined under subsection (2) for the purposes of 32 the order. page 86 Mental Health Bill 2013 Community treatment orders Part 8 Operation of order Division 3 s. 118 1 (2) The involuntary community patient must be examined, on or 2 within 14 days before the day on which a review period for a 3 community treatment order ends, by -- 4 (a) the supervising psychiatrist; or 5 (b) another medical practitioner or a mental health 6 practitioner -- 7 (i) if the supervising psychiatrist is unavailable; or 8 (ii) if requested by the supervising psychiatrist under 9 section 119(1). 10 (3) However, the involuntary community patient cannot be 11 examined by a practitioner under subsection (2)(b) if more than 12 2 months has elapsed since the day on which the patient was last 13 examined under subsection (2)(a) by the supervising 14 psychiatrist. 15 (4) Part 6 Division 3 Subdivision 6 applies in relation to the 16 conduct of an examination under subsection (2). 17 (5) A practitioner who examines the involuntary community patient 18 under subsection (2)(b) must provide the supervising 19 psychiatrist with a written report of the examination that 20 includes a recommendation about whether or not, having regard 21 to the criteria specified in section 25, the patient is still in need 22 of an involuntary treatment order. 23 (6) The supervising psychiatrist must file the following -- 24 (a) a record of each examination of the involuntary 25 community patient that the supervising psychiatrist 26 conducts under subsection (2)(a); 27 (b) each report of an examination of the involuntary 28 community patient provided to the supervising 29 psychiatrist under subsection (5). page 87 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 8 Community treatment orders Division 3 Operation of order s. 119 1 119. Supervising psychiatrist may request practitioner to 2 examine involuntary community patient 3 (1) For the purpose of section 118(2)(b)(ii), the supervising 4 psychiatrist may request another medical practitioner or a 5 mental health practitioner to examine the involuntary 6 community patient. 7 (2) The request must be in the approved form and may specify 8 requirements for carrying out the examination or preparing the 9 report or both. 10 120. What supervising psychiatrist may do after examination 11 (1) This section applies -- 12 (a) on completion of the examination of the involuntary 13 community patient by the supervising psychiatrist under 14 section 118(2)(a); or 15 (b) on provision of a report about the involuntary 16 community patient to the supervising psychiatrist under 17 section 118(5). 18 (2) The supervising psychiatrist must consider whether or not the 19 involuntary community patient is still in need of an involuntary 20 treatment order and may make either of these orders -- 21 (a) if satisfied, having regard to the criteria specified in 22 section 25, that the involuntary community patient is 23 still in need of an involuntary treatment order but not 24 satisfied of the things referred to in section 114(a) 25 and (b) -- an inpatient treatment order authorising the 26 patient's detention at the authorised hospital specified in 27 the order for the period specified in the order in 28 accordance with section 87(a) or (b); or 29 (b) if satisfied, having regard to the criteria specified in 30 section 25, that the involuntary community patient is no 31 longer in need of an involuntary treatment order -- an 32 order revoking the community treatment order. page 88 Mental Health Bill 2013 Community treatment orders Part 8 Operation of order Division 3 s. 120 1 (3) The supervising psychiatrist cannot make an inpatient treatment 2 order without examining the involuntary community patient in 3 accordance with Part 6 Division 3 Subdivision 6, which 4 examination can be the examination conducted under 5 section 118(2)(a). 6 (4) The supervising psychiatrist can make an order revoking the 7 community treatment order -- 8 (a) after examining the involuntary community patient in 9 accordance with Part 6 Division 3 Subdivision 6; or 10 (b) without examining the involuntary community patient 11 but on the basis of a report provided to the psychiatrist 12 under section 118(5). 13 (5) An order made under subsection (2) must be in the approved 14 form and must include the following -- 15 (a) the date and time when it is made; 16 (b) if it is made under subsection (2)(a) -- the reasons for 17 making it; 18 (c) the name, qualifications and signature of the supervising 19 psychiatrist making it. 20 (6) The supervising psychiatrist must, as soon as practicable, file 21 the order and give a copy to the involuntary community patient. 22 (7) The making of an order under subsection (2) is an event to 23 which Part 9 applies and the supervising psychiatrist is the 24 person responsible under that Part for notification of that event. 25 Note for section 120: 26 A community treatment order is automatically revoked under section 116(a) if 27 a psychiatrist makes an inpatient treatment order under section 120(2)(a), or 28 under section 116(b) if a psychiatrist makes an inpatient treatment order 29 under any other provision of this Act, in respect of the involuntary community 30 patient. page 89 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 8 Community treatment orders Division 3 Operation of order s. 121 1 121. Continuation order 2 (1) The supervising psychiatrist may, on or within 7 days before the 3 day on which a treatment period ends, make an order (a 4 continuation order) continuing the community treatment order 5 from the end of the treatment period for the further treatment 6 period (not exceeding 3 months) that is specified in the 7 continuation order. 8 (2) The supervising psychiatrist cannot make the continuation order 9 without examining the involuntary community patient in 10 accordance with Part 6 Division 3 Subdivision 6. 11 (3) The continuation order must be in the approved form and must 12 include the following -- 13 (a) the date when it is made; 14 (b) the treatment period for which the community treatment 15 order is continued; 16 (c) the date when, because of the continuation, the 17 community treatment order will expire; 18 (d) the reasons for the continuation; 19 (e) the name, qualifications and signature of the supervising 20 psychiatrist. 21 (4) The supervising psychiatrist must, as soon as practicable, file 22 the continuation order and give a copy to the involuntary 23 community patient. 24 (5) The involuntary community patient may request in writing the 25 supervising psychiatrist to obtain the opinion (a further 26 opinion) of another psychiatrist about whether it is appropriate 27 to have continued the community treatment order by making the 28 continuation order (but not whether the length of the treatment 29 period specified in the continuation order is appropriate). 30 (6) Sections 182 and 184 apply (with the necessary changes) in 31 relation to the further opinion. page 90 Mental Health Bill 2013 Community treatment orders Part 8 Operation of order Division 3 s. 122 1 (7) The continuation order does not come into force or ceases to be 2 in force, as the case requires, if the further opinion -- 3 (a) is not obtained on or within 14 days after the day on 4 which the involuntary community patient's request is 5 received by the supervising psychiatrist; or 6 (b) does not confirm that it is appropriate to have continued 7 the community treatment order. 8 (8) Subsection (7) does not apply if the further opinion is not 9 obtained within the 14-day period referred to in 10 subsection (7)(a) because the involuntary community patient did 11 not attend an examination to be conducted by the psychiatrist 12 responsible for giving the further opinion. 13 122. Varying order 14 (1) The supervising psychiatrist may, at any time while a 15 community treatment order is in force, make an order varying 16 the terms of the community treatment order in any way that is 17 consistent with section 115 and the supervising psychiatrist 18 considers appropriate. 19 (2) The order must be in the approved form and must include the 20 following -- 21 (a) the date and time when it is made; 22 (b) the variation; 23 (c) the reasons for the variation; 24 (d) the name, qualifications and signature of the supervising 25 psychiatrist. 26 (3) The supervising psychiatrist must, as soon as practicable, file 27 the order and give a copy to the involuntary community patient. page 91 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 8 Community treatment orders Division 3 Operation of order s. 123 1 123. Making inpatient treatment order or revoking community 2 treatment order 3 (1) The supervising psychiatrist may, at any time while a 4 community treatment order is in force, make either of these 5 orders -- 6 (a) if satisfied, having regard to the criteria specified in 7 section 25(1), that the involuntary community patient is 8 in need of an inpatient treatment order -- an inpatient 9 treatment order; 10 (b) if satisfied, having regard to the criteria specified in 11 section 25, that the involuntary community patient is no 12 longer in need of an involuntary treatment order -- an 13 order revoking the community treatment order. 14 (2) The supervising psychiatrist cannot make an inpatient treatment 15 order without examining the involuntary community patient in 16 accordance with Part 6 Division 3 Subdivision 6. 17 (3) The supervising psychiatrist can make an order revoking the 18 community treatment order -- 19 (a) after examining the involuntary community patient in 20 accordance with Part 6 Division 3 Subdivision 6; or 21 (b) without examining the involuntary community patient, 22 but in doing so must have regard to the information 23 specified in subsection (4). 24 (4) The supervising psychiatrist must have regard to any 25 information about the patient that is obtained by the 26 psychiatrist -- 27 (a) from either or both of -- 28 (i) the involuntary community patient, including 29 information obtained by observing the patient 30 and asking the patient questions; and 31 (ii) any other person; 32 and page 92 Mental Health Bill 2013 Community treatment orders Part 8 Operation of order Division 3 s. 123 1 (b) from the involuntary community patient's medical 2 record. 3 (5) The supervising psychiatrist may make an order under 4 subsection (1) without any of these things occurring -- 5 (a) the involuntary community patient being in breach of 6 the community treatment order under section 126; 7 (b) the supervising psychiatrist giving the involuntary 8 community patient notice of a breach of the community 9 treatment order under section 127(2)(b); 10 (c) the supervising psychiatrist making an order to attend 11 under section 128(2). 12 (6) An order made under subsection (1) must be in the approved 13 form and must include the following -- 14 (a) the date and time when it is made; 15 (b) if it is made under subsection (1)(a) -- the reasons for 16 making it; 17 (c) the name, qualifications and signature of the supervising 18 psychiatrist. 19 (7) The supervising psychiatrist must, as soon as practicable, file 20 the order and give a copy to the involuntary community patient. 21 (8) The making of an order under subsection (1) is an event to 22 which Part 9 applies and the supervising psychiatrist is the 23 person responsible under that Part for notification of that event. 24 Note for section 123: 25 A community treatment order is automatically revoked under section 116(a) if 26 a psychiatrist makes an inpatient treatment order under section 123(1)(a) in 27 respect of the involuntary community patient. page 93 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 8 Community treatment orders Division 3 Operation of order s. 124 1 124. Confirmation of inpatient treatment order 2 (1) This section applies if -- 3 (a) the supervising psychiatrist makes an inpatient treatment 4 order under section 120(2)(a) or 123(1)(a) in respect of 5 the involuntary community patient; and 6 (b) the supervising psychiatrist and the involuntary 7 community patient were not in one another's physical 8 presence when the examination for the purpose of 9 making the inpatient treatment order was conducted; and 10 (c) since that examination was conducted, there has been no 11 further examination of the involuntary community 12 patient conducted by a psychiatrist during which the 13 psychiatrist and the patient were in one another's 14 physical presence. 15 (2) Within 24 hours after the involuntary community patient is 16 admitted by the authorised hospital in accordance with the 17 inpatient treatment order, the order must be confirmed by a 18 psychiatrist at the authorised hospital. 19 (3) The psychiatrist cannot confirm the inpatient treatment order 20 without examining the involuntary community patient. 21 (4) Subdivision 6 applies in relation to the conduct of the 22 examination. 23 (5) The confirmation must be in the approved form and must 24 include the following -- 25 (a) the date and time when it is made; 26 (b) the reasons for the confirmation; 27 (c) the name, qualifications and signature of the 28 psychiatrist. 29 (6) The inpatient treatment order ceases to be in force if it is not 30 confirmed in accordance with subsection (2). page 94 Mental Health Bill 2013 Community treatment orders Part 8 Breach of order Division 4 s. 125 1 (7) The release of a person because of subsection (6) is an event to 2 which Part 9 applies and the person in charge of the authorised 3 hospital is the person responsible under that Part for notification 4 of that event. 5 125. Involuntary community patient to be advised of expiry 6 (1) This section applies if a community treatment order expires. 7 (2) The supervising psychiatrist must advise the involuntary 8 community patient in writing of the expiry and its 9 consequences. 10 (3) The supervising psychiatrist must file a copy of the advice. 11 Note for Division 3: 12 Part 21 Division 3 confers jurisdiction on the Mental Health Tribunal to 13 conduct reviews relating to involuntary patients. 14 Division 4 -- Breach of order 15 126. When involuntary community patient will be in breach 16 An involuntary community patient breaches a community 17 treatment order if -- 18 (a) the involuntary community patient has not complied 19 with the order; and 20 (b) all reasonable steps have been taken to obtain the 21 involuntary community patient's compliance; and 22 (c) the supervising psychiatrist reasonably believes that -- 23 (i) despite the steps that have been taken, the 24 non-compliance is continuing; and 25 (ii) there is a significant risk of the involuntary 26 community patient suffering serious physical or 27 mental deterioration if the non-compliance 28 continues. page 95 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 8 Community treatment orders Division 4 Breach of order s. 127 1 127. What supervising psychiatrist must do if order breached 2 (1) This section applies if an involuntary community patient 3 breaches a community treatment order. 4 (2) The supervising psychiatrist must -- 5 (a) record the breach; and 6 (b) give notice of the breach to the involuntary community 7 patient. 8 (3) The record of breach must be in the approved form and must 9 include these things -- 10 (a) details of the involuntary community patient's 11 non-compliance; 12 (b) the steps that have been taken to obtain the involuntary 13 community patient's compliance; 14 (c) a statement that the supervising psychiatrist holds the 15 belief referred to in section 126(c); 16 (d) the facts on which that belief is based; 17 (e) the reasons for that belief. 18 (4) The notice of breach must be in the approved form and must 19 include these things -- 20 (a) details of the involuntary community patient's 21 non-compliance; 22 (b) details of what the involuntary community patient must 23 do to comply; 24 (c) a statement that continued non-compliance with the 25 order may result in the involuntary community patient 26 being required to attend a place to enable the patient to 27 be provided with treatment. 28 (5) The supervising psychiatrist must, as soon as practicable, file 29 the record of breach and a copy of the notice of breach. page 96 Mental Health Bill 2013 Community treatment orders Part 8 Breach of order Division 4 s. 128 1 128. Order to attend if non-compliance continues 2 (1) This section applies if, having given the involuntary community 3 patient notice of the breach under section 127(2)(b), the 4 supervising psychiatrist is not satisfied that the patient is 5 complying with the community treatment order. 6 (2) The supervising psychiatrist may make an order (an order to 7 attend) requiring the involuntary community patient to attend at 8 the time and place specified in the order to be provided with 9 treatment. 10 (3) The order to attend must include a warning that, if the 11 involuntary community patient does not comply with the order, 12 a transport order authorising the patient's apprehension and 13 transport to the place specified in the order to attend may be 14 made. 15 (4) The order to attend must be in the approved form and must 16 include the following -- 17 (a) the date and time when it is made; 18 (b) the reasons for making it; 19 (c) the time and place referred to in subsection (2); 20 (d) the warning referred to in subsection (3); 21 (e) the name, qualifications and signature of the supervising 22 psychiatrist. 23 (5) The supervising psychiatrist must, as soon as practicable, file 24 the order to attend and give a copy to the involuntary 25 community patient. 26 129. Making transport order 27 (1) This section applies if an involuntary community patient does 28 not comply with an order to attend. 29 (2) A medical practitioner or mental health practitioner may make a 30 transport order in respect of the involuntary community patient. page 97 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 8 Community treatment orders Division 4 Breach of order s. 130 1 (3) The practitioner cannot make the transport order unless satisfied 2 that no other safe means of ensuring the involuntary community 3 patient attends the place is reasonably available. 4 (4) Part 10 applies in relation to the transport order. 5 130. Detention at place specified in order to attend 6 (1) This section applies in relation to an involuntary community 7 patient who -- 8 (a) attends a place in compliance with an order to attend; or 9 (b) is transported to a place under a transport order made 10 under section 129(2). 11 (2) The involuntary community patient -- 12 (a) must be received into the place; and 13 (b) can be detained at the place until the first of these things 14 occurs -- 15 (i) treatment is provided to the involuntary 16 community patient; 17 (ii) the supervising psychiatrist makes an order under 18 section 131(2)(a) in respect of the patient; 19 (iii) the expiry of 6 hours from the time when the 20 patient was received. 21 (3) A person prescribed by the regulations for this subsection is 22 authorised to exercise the powers under section 172 for the 23 purpose of detaining the involuntary community patient at the 24 place. 25 (4) The involuntary community patient cannot continue to be 26 detained if, by the end of the 6-hour period referred to in 27 subsection (2)(b)(iii) -- 28 (a) treatment has not been provided to the involuntary 29 community patient; and page 98 Mental Health Bill 2013 Community treatment orders Part 8 Breach of order Division 4 s. 131 1 (b) the supervising psychiatrist has not made an order under 2 section 131(2)(a) in respect of the involuntary 3 community patient. 4 (5) The release of a person because of subsection (4) is an event to 5 which Part 9 applies and the person in charge of the place is the 6 person responsible under that Part for notification of that event. 7 Notes for section 130: 8 1. Part 7 Division 4 applies in relation to the release of an involuntary 9 community patient who is detained at a place under section 130(2)(b). 10 2. Part 7 Division 5 applies if an involuntary community patient is absent 11 without leave from the place where the patient can be detained under 12 section 130(2)(b). 13 131. Other action that may be taken if non-compliance 14 (1) This section applies in these circumstances -- 15 (a) an involuntary community patient is in breach of a 16 community treatment order under section 126; 17 (b) the supervising psychiatrist has given the involuntary 18 community patient notice of the breach under 19 section 127(2)(b); 20 (c) since the involuntary community patient was given the 21 notice -- 22 (i) the patient's non-compliance with the 23 community treatment order has continued; or 24 (ii) the supervising psychiatrist has made an order to 25 attend under section 128(2) with which the 26 patient has not complied despite being given a 27 copy of the order. 28 (2) The supervising psychiatrist may make either of these orders -- 29 (a) if satisfied, having regard to the criteria specified in 30 section 25, that the involuntary community patient is 31 still in need of an involuntary treatment order but not 32 satisfied of the things referred to in section 114(a) 33 and (b) -- an inpatient treatment order authorising the page 99 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 8 Community treatment orders Division 4 Breach of order s. 131 1 patient's detention at the hospital specified in the order 2 for the period specified in the order in accordance with 3 section 87(a) or (b); 4 (b) if satisfied, having regard to the criteria specified in 5 section 25, that the involuntary community patient is no 6 longer in need of an involuntary treatment order -- an 7 order revoking the community treatment order. 8 (3) The supervising psychiatrist cannot make an inpatient treatment 9 order without examining the involuntary community patient in 10 accordance with Part 6 Division 3 Subdivision 6. 11 (4) The supervising psychiatrist cannot make an inpatient treatment 12 order authorising the involuntary community patient's detention 13 at a general hospital unless -- 14 (a) satisfied that attempting to take the involuntary 15 community patient to, or to detain the involuntary 16 community patient at, an authorised hospital poses a 17 significant risk to the patient's physical health; and 18 (b) the Chief Psychiatrist consents to the order being made. 19 (5) The supervising psychiatrist can make an order revoking the 20 community treatment order -- 21 (a) after examining the involuntary community patient in 22 accordance with Part 6 Division 3 Subdivision 6; or 23 (b) without examining the involuntary community patient, 24 but in doing so must have regard to any information 25 about the patient that is obtained by the psychiatrist 26 from -- 27 (i) clinical observation of the involuntary 28 community patient; and 29 (ii) any person other than the involuntary community 30 patient; and 31 (iii) the involuntary community patient's medical 32 record. page 100 Mental Health Bill 2013 Community treatment orders Part 8 Transport to hospital Division 5 s. 132 1 (6) An order made under subsection (2) must be in the approved 2 form and must include the following -- 3 (a) the date and time when it is made; 4 (b) the reasons for making it; 5 (c) the name, qualifications and signature of the supervising 6 psychiatrist. 7 (7) The supervising psychiatrist must, as soon as practicable, file 8 the order and give a copy to the involuntary community patient. 9 (8) The making of an order under subsection (2) is an event to 10 which Part 9 applies and the supervising psychiatrist is the 11 person responsible under that Part for notification of that event. 12 Notes for section 131: 13 1. A community treatment order is automatically revoked under 14 section 116(a) if a psychiatrist makes an inpatient treatment order 15 under section 131(2)(a) in respect of the involuntary community 16 patient. 17 2. Part 6 Division 3 Subdivision 3 applies in relation to the transfer of an 18 involuntary inpatient under an involuntary inpatient treatment order 19 made under section 131(2)(a) from the general hospital specified in the 20 order to an authorised hospital. 21 Division 5 -- Transport to hospital 22 132. Application of this Division 23 This Division applies if the supervising psychiatrist makes an 24 inpatient treatment order under section 120(2)(a), 123(1)(a) 25 or 131(2)(a) authorising the involuntary community patient's 26 detention in a hospital. 27 133. Making transport order 28 (1) A medical practitioner or mental health practitioner may make a 29 transport order in respect of the involuntary community patient. page 101 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 8 Community treatment orders Division 6 Supervising psychiatrist and treating practitioner s. 134 1 (2) The practitioner cannot make the transport order unless satisfied 2 that -- 3 (a) because of the involuntary community patient's mental 4 or physical condition, the patient needs to be taken to 5 the hospital; and 6 (b) no other safe means of taking the involuntary 7 community patient is reasonably available. 8 (3) Part 10 applies in relation to the transport order. 9 Division 6 -- Supervising psychiatrist and treating practitioner 10 134. Supervising psychiatrist 11 (1) The supervising psychiatrist under a community treatment order 12 is responsible for supervising the carrying out of the order. 13 (2) The supervising psychiatrist under a community treatment order 14 must be -- 15 (a) the psychiatrist who makes the order; or 16 (b) another psychiatrist. 17 135. Change of supervising psychiatrist 18 (1) The supervising psychiatrist under a community treatment 19 order -- 20 (a) may, by arrangement, transfer a psychiatrist's 21 responsibility as the supervising psychiatrist under the 22 order to another psychiatrist; and 23 (b) on transferring that responsibility, must inform the 24 patient in writing of the transfer. 25 (2) The Chief Psychiatrist or a person authorised under 26 subsection (3) -- 27 (a) may, by arrangement, transfer a psychiatrist's 28 responsibility as the supervising psychiatrist under a 29 community treatment order to another psychiatrist; and page 102 Mental Health Bill 2013 Community treatment orders Part 8 Supervising psychiatrist and treating practitioner Division 6 s. 136 1 (b) on transferring that responsibility, must inform the 2 involuntary community patient in writing of the transfer. 3 (3) The Chief Psychiatrist may authorise a person in writing to 4 exercise the power under subsection (2) in respect of all or any 5 of the involuntary community patients -- 6 (a) being provided with treatment under community 7 treatment orders by the mental health service specified 8 in the authorisation; or 9 (b) who reside in an area of the State specified in the 10 authorisation. 11 (4) An authorisation under subsection (3) has effect for the period 12 specified in the authorisation. 13 136. Treating practitioner 14 (1) The treating practitioner under a community treatment order is 15 responsible for ensuring that the involuntary community patient 16 is provided with the treatment specified in the treatment plan 17 outlined in the order. 18 (2) The treating practitioner under a community treatment order -- 19 (a) must be a medical practitioner or mental health 20 practitioner; and 21 (b) can be the supervising psychiatrist under the order or 22 another psychiatrist. 23 137. Change of treating practitioner 24 The supervising psychiatrist under a community treatment 25 order -- 26 (a) may, by arrangement, transfer a practitioner's 27 responsibility as the treating practitioner under the order 28 to another practitioner; and 29 (b) on transferring that responsibility, must inform the 30 involuntary community patient in writing of the transfer. page 103 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 9 Notifiable events Division 1 Preliminary matters s. 138 1 Part 9 -- Notifiable events 2 Division 1 -- Preliminary matters 3 138. Application of this Part 4 (1) This Part applies in relation to an event (a notifiable event) if a 5 provision of this Act specifies -- 6 (a) that the event is an event to which this Part applies; and 7 (b) who is the person responsible under this Part for 8 notification of the event. 9 (2) Schedule 2 sets out for each event -- 10 (a) the relevant provision; and 11 (b) a description of the event; and 12 (c) the person responsible for notification of the event. 13 Division 2 -- Notification of carers, close family members and 14 other personal support persons 15 139. Right of any carer, close family member or other personal 16 support person to be notified 17 (1) Any carer, close family member or other personal support 18 person of a person is entitled to be notified, as soon as 19 practicable, that a notifiable event has occurred in respect of the 20 person. 21 (2) However, the entitlement of a nominated person, carer or close 22 family member to be notified under subsection (1) is subject to 23 section 142. 24 140. Person responsible required to notify any carer, close family 25 member or other personal support person 26 (1) The person responsible under this Part for notification of a 27 notifiable event must ensure that, as soon as practicable after the 28 event occurs in respect of a person, any carer, close family page 104 Mental Health Bill 2013 Notifiable events Part 9 Notification of carers, close family members and other Division 2 personal support persons s. 141 1 member or other personal support person of the person is 2 notified of the event. 3 (2) However, the person responsible is not required to notify a 4 nominated person, carer or close family member of a notifiable 5 event if the nominated person, carer or close family member is 6 not entitled, for a reason referred to in section 142(1) or (2), to 7 be notified of the event. 8 Note for section 140: 9 Any notification provided under section 140(1) must be provided in 10 accordance with section 9(2). 11 141. Reasonable efforts to notify carer, close family member or 12 other personal support person 13 (1) Without limiting the requirement under section 140(1), the 14 requirement is taken to have been complied with if the person 15 responsible for notification ensures that reasonable efforts to 16 notify any carer, close family member or other personal support 17 person of the notifiable event continue to be made until the first 18 of these things occurs -- 19 (a) at least one carer, close family member or other personal 20 support person is notified of the notifiable event; or 21 (b) it is reasonable for the person responsible to conclude 22 that no carer, close family member or other personal 23 support person can be notified of the notifiable event. 24 (2) The person responsible must ensure that one of the following is 25 filed -- 26 (a) a record of when and how any carer, close family 27 member or other personal support person was notified 28 under section 140(1) of the notifiable event; 29 (b) if no carer, close family member or other personal 30 support person has been notified under section 140(1) of 31 the notifiable event -- a record of the reasons for that 32 and any efforts made to do so. page 105 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 9 Notifiable events Division 2 Notification of carers, close family members and other personal support persons s. 142 1 142. Notification not in person's best interests 2 (1) A nominated person, carer or close family member is not 3 entitled to be notified under section 140(1) of the making of an 4 order under section 28(1) or (2) for the detention or further 5 detention of a person, or the making of a transport order under 6 section 29(1) in respect of a person, if the medical practitioner 7 or authorised mental health practitioner who makes the order 8 reasonably believes that it is not in the best interests of the 9 person for the nominated person, carer or close family member 10 to be notified of the making of the order. 11 (2) A nominated person, carer or close family member is not 12 entitled to be notified under section 140(1) of any other 13 notifiable event that occurs in respect of a person if a 14 psychiatrist believes that it is not in the best interests of the 15 person for the nominated person, carer or close family member 16 to be notified of the event. 17 (3) A practitioner or psychiatrist who decides under subsection (1) 18 or (2) that a nominated person, carer or close family member is 19 not entitled to be notified of a notifiable event must, as soon as 20 practicable -- 21 (a) file a record of the decision and the reasons for it; and 22 (b) give a copy to the Chief Mental Health Advocate. 23 Note for section 142: 24 For the purpose of deciding under section 142(1) or (2) what is or is not in the 25 best interests of a person, Part 2 Division 3 applies. 26 143. Advising nominated person, carer or close family member of 27 decision 28 (1) A practitioner or psychiatrist who decides under section 142 that 29 a nominated person, carer or close family member is not entitled 30 to be notified of a notifiable event must, if the nominated 31 person, carer or close family member requests to be notified of 32 the event -- 33 (a) advise the nominated person, carer or close family 34 member of the decision and the reasons for it; and page 106 Mental Health Bill 2013 Notifiable events Part 9 Notification of carers, close family members and other Division 2 personal support persons s. 144 1 (b) file a record of the advice and give a copy to the person 2 in respect of whom the notifiable event occurs. 3 (2) A nominated person, carer or close family member to whom 4 advice is provided orally under subsection (1)(a) may request 5 the practitioner or psychiatrist who provided the advice to 6 confirm the advice in writing. 7 (3) The practitioner or psychiatrist must -- 8 (a) comply with the request; and 9 (b) file a copy of the confirmation and give another copy to 10 the person in respect of whom the notifiable event 11 occurs. 12 Note for section 143: 13 Any advice provided under section 143(1)(a) or (3)(a) must be provided in 14 accordance with section 9(2). 15 144. Revocation of decision 16 (1) A practitioner or psychiatrist may revoke a decision made under 17 section 142 that a nominated person, carer or close family 18 member is not entitled to be notified of a notifiable event if 19 satisfied that the reasons for making the decision no longer 20 apply. 21 (2) The practitioner or psychiatrist must, as soon as practicable, file 22 a record of the revocation and the reasons for it. 23 (3) If the nominated person, carer or close family member 24 previously requested to be notified of the event, the practitioner 25 or psychiatrist must ensure that, as soon as practicable -- 26 (a) the nominated person, carer or close family member is 27 notified of the notifiable event; and 28 (b) a record of when and how the nominated person, carer 29 or close family member was notified is filed and a copy 30 given to the person in respect of whom the notifiable 31 event occurred. page 107 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 9 Notifiable events Division 3 Notification of other persons and bodies s. 145 1 Division 3 -- Notification of other persons and bodies 2 145. Making, revocation or expiry of involuntary treatment 3 order 4 (1) The person responsible under this Part for notification of the 5 making of an involuntary treatment order must ensure that, as 6 soon as practicable, each of the persons and bodies specified in 7 subsection (4) is -- 8 (a) given a copy of the involuntary treatment order; and 9 (b) either -- 10 (i) given the name and contact details of any carer, 11 close family member or other personal support 12 person who has been notified under 13 section 140(1) of the making of the involuntary 14 treatment order, to the extent that information is 15 known to the person responsible; or 16 (ii) if no carer, close family member or other 17 personal support person has been notified under 18 section 140(1) of the making of the involuntary 19 treatment order -- advised of that and the 20 reasons for it. 21 (2) The person responsible under this Part for notification of the 22 making of an order revoking an involuntary treatment order 23 must ensure that, as soon as practicable, each of the persons and 24 bodies specified in subsection (4) is given a copy of the order. 25 (3) The person responsible under this Part for notification of the 26 expiry of an involuntary treatment order must ensure that, as 27 soon as practicable, each of the persons and bodies specified in 28 subsection (4) is advised in writing of the expiry. 29 (4) For subsections (1), (2) and (3), each of these persons and 30 bodies is specified -- 31 (a) the Chief Mental Health Advocate; 32 (b) the Mental Health Tribunal; page 108 Mental Health Bill 2013 Notifiable events Part 9 Notification of other persons and bodies Division 3 s. 145 1 (c) if the involuntary patient is a mentally impaired 2 accused -- the Mentally Impaired Accused Review 3 Board. 4 (5) The person responsible must ensure that the following are 5 filed -- 6 (a) a record of -- 7 (i) each person or body to whom a copy of an order 8 is given under subsection (1)(a) or (2) or advice 9 is provided under subsection (3); and 10 (ii) the date on which the copy is given or the advice 11 provided to that person or body; 12 (b) a record of -- 13 (i) each person or body to whom any information 14 referred to in subsection (1)(b) is provided; and 15 (ii) details of the information provided to that person 16 or body; and 17 (iii) the date on which the information is provided to 18 that person or body. page 109 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 10 Transport orders s. 146 1 Part 10 -- Transport orders 2 146. Application of this Part 3 This Part applies in relation to a transport order made under any 4 of these provisions -- 5 (a) section 29(1) to enable a person who is referred under 6 section 26(2) or (3)(a) to be taken to an authorised 7 hospital or other place; 8 (b) section 63(1) to enable a person who is under an 9 inpatient treatment order made under section 61(1)(a) to 10 be taken to a general hospital; 11 (c) section 63(1) to enable a person who is under an order 12 for a further examination made under section 61(1)(c) to 13 be taken to an authorised hospital; 14 (d) section 67(1) to enable an involuntary inpatient who is 15 under a transfer order made under section 66(1) to be 16 transferred to an authorised hospital; 17 (e) section 92(1) to enable an involuntary inpatient who is 18 under a transfer order made under section 91(2) to be 19 transferred to an authorised hospital; 20 (f) section 112(1) to enable an involuntary patient who is 21 granted leave of absence, or whose leave of absence has 22 been cancelled or expired, to be taken to a hospital; 23 (g) section 129(2) to enable an involuntary community 24 patient who is not complying with an order to attend 25 made under section 128(2) to be taken to a specified 26 place; 27 (h) section 133(1) to enable an involuntary community 28 patient who is under an inpatient treatment order made 29 under section 120(2)(a), 123(1)(a) or 131(2)(a) to be 30 taken to a hospital. page 110 Mental Health Bill 2013 Transport orders Part 10 s. 147 1 147. Transport officers 2 The regulations may authorise a person, or a person in a class of 3 person, (a transport officer) to carry out a transport order. 4 148. Making transport order 5 (1) A transport order must be in the approved form and must 6 include the following -- 7 (a) the name of the person to be transported; 8 (b) the place from which the person is to be transported; 9 (c) the hospital or other place to which the person must be 10 transported; 11 (d) the reasons why, in order to transport the person to that 12 hospital or other place, it is necessary to make the order; 13 (e) whether the order is to be carried out by a transport 14 officer or, if section 149(2) applies, a police officer; 15 (f) if the order is to be carried out by a police officer, 16 having regard to the matters referred to in 17 section 149(2)(a) and (b) -- the reasons why it cannot 18 be carried out by a transport officer; 19 (g) the date and time when the order is made; 20 (h) the date and time when the order will expire under 21 section 150(2)(a), (b) or (c); 22 (i) whether or not the order can be extended because of 23 section 151(2) or under section 152(3) and, if it can, the 24 process for extending it; 25 (j) the name, qualifications and signature of the psychiatrist 26 or practitioner making the order. 27 (2) A practitioner or psychiatrist who makes a transport order in 28 respect of a person must, as soon as practicable -- 29 (a) file it and give a copy to the person; and 30 (b) give a copy to the transport officer or police officer 31 responsible for carrying out the order. page 111 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 10 Transport orders s. 149 1 149. Operation of transport order 2 (1) A transport order made in respect of a person authorises a 3 transport officer or, if subsection (2) applies, a police officer to 4 do these things -- 5 (a) apprehend the person and, for that purpose, exercise the 6 powers under sections 159(2) and 172; 7 (b) if the person is apprehended -- transport the person to 8 the hospital or other place specified in the order as soon 9 as practicable and, in any event, before the transport 10 order expires; 11 (c) for the purpose of transporting the person, detain the 12 person until the first of these things occurs -- 13 (i) the person is received into the hospital or other 14 place; 15 (ii) the transport order expires. 16 (2) A transport order can only authorise a police officer instead of a 17 transport officer to carry out the order if the practitioner or 18 psychiatrist making the order is satisfied -- 19 (a) that there is a significant risk of serious harm to the 20 person being transported or to another person; or 21 (b) that -- 22 (i) a transport officer will not be available to carry 23 out the order within a reasonable time; and 24 (ii) any delay in carrying out the order beyond that 25 time is likely to pose a significant risk of harm to 26 the person being transported or to another 27 person. 28 150. Period of transport order 29 (1) A transport order remains in force for the period specified in 30 subsection (2) in respect of the order. page 112 Mental Health Bill 2013 Transport orders Part 10 s. 151 1 (2) For subsection (1), the period is -- 2 (a) if the transport order is made under section 29(1), the 3 period -- 4 (i) beginning at the time when the transport order is 5 made; and 6 (ii) ending at the time when the referral expires 7 under section 44 unless the transport order is 8 extended because of section 151(2); 9 or 10 (b) if the transport order is made under section 63(1), the 11 period -- 12 (i) beginning at the time when the transport order is 13 made; and 14 (ii) ending 72 hours after the time when the inpatient 15 treatment order was made under section 61(1)(a) 16 or the order for a further examination was made 17 under section 61(1)(c), as the case requires, 18 unless the transport order is extended under 19 section 152(3); 20 or 21 (c) if the transport order is made under section 67(1), 92(1), 22 112(1), 129(2) or 133(1), the period -- 23 (i) beginning at the time when the transport order is 24 made; and 25 (ii) ending 72 hours afterwards unless the transport 26 order is extended under section 152(3). 27 151. Extension of transport order made under s. 29(1) if referral 28 extended 29 (1) This section applies if -- 30 (a) a transport order is made under section 29(1) to enable a 31 person who is referred to be taken to an authorised 32 hospital or other place; and page 113 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 10 Transport orders s. 152 1 (b) the place from which the person is being transported is 2 outside a metropolitan area; and 3 (c) the referral is extended under section 45(3). 4 (2) The transport order is, because of this subsection, extended for 5 the same period as the referral. 6 152. Extension of other transport orders 7 (1) This section applies if -- 8 (a) a transport order is made under section 63(1), 67(1), 9 92(1), 112(1), 129(2) or 133(1) in respect of a person; 10 and 11 (b) the place from which the person is being transported is 12 outside a metropolitan area; and 13 (c) the transport officer or police officer who is transporting 14 the person forms the opinion that the transport order is 15 likely to expire before the person is received into the 16 hospital or other place to which the person is being 17 transported. 18 (2) The transport officer or police officer may orally request an 19 extension of the transport order from a medical practitioner or 20 mental health practitioner. 21 (3) The practitioner may make an order (an extension order) orally 22 extending the transport order from the end of the period 23 specified in section 150(2)(b) or (c) in respect of the order for 24 the further period (not exceeding 72 hours) specified in the 25 extension order. 26 (4) The practitioner must, as soon as practicable -- 27 (a) record the extension order in the approved form, 28 specifying -- 29 (i) the date and time when the order was made; and 30 (ii) the date and time when, because of the extension, 31 the transport order will expire; 32 and page 114 Mental Health Bill 2013 Transport orders Part 10 s. 153 1 (b) file the record and give a copy to the transport officer or 2 police officer. 3 (5) The transport order cannot be extended more than once. 4 153. Revocation of transport order if referral revoked 5 A transport order made under section 29(1) in respect of a 6 person who is referred under section 26(2) or (3)(a) is, because 7 of this section, revoked if the referral is revoked under 8 section 31(1). 9 154. Revocation of transport order if no longer needed 10 (1) A medical practitioner or mental health practitioner may make 11 an order (a revocation order) revoking a transport order made in 12 respect of a person if satisfied that the transport order is no 13 longer needed. 14 (2) The revocation order must be in the approved form and must 15 include the following -- 16 (a) the date and time when it is made; 17 (b) the reasons for the revocation; 18 (c) the name, qualifications and signature of the 19 practitioner. 20 (3) The practitioner must, as soon as practicable -- 21 (a) file the revocation order and give a copy to the person; 22 and 23 (b) give a copy to the transport officer or police officer 24 responsible for carrying out the transport order. 25 155. Return of person if transport order expires or is revoked 26 (1) Subsection (2) applies if a transport order made in respect of a 27 person is revoked because of section 153, or expires, before the 28 person is received into the hospital or other place to which the 29 person was to have been transported under the order. page 115 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 10 Transport orders s. 155 1 (2) The transport officer or police officer who was responsible for 2 carrying out the transport order must take reasonable steps to 3 ensure the person is taken, at the person's election -- 4 (a) back to the place from which the person was being or 5 was to have been transported; or 6 (b) to a place reasonably nominated by the person. 7 (3) Subsection (2) does not require the person to be taken to a place 8 if to do so poses a serious risk to the safety of the person or 9 another person. page 116 Mental Health Bill 2013 Apprehension, search and seizure powers Part 11 Apprehension powers Division 1 s. 156 1 Part 11 -- Apprehension, search and seizure powers 2 Division 1 -- Apprehension powers 3 156. Apprehension by police officer of person suspected of 4 having mental illness 5 (1) A police officer may apprehend a person if the officer 6 reasonably suspects that the person -- 7 (a) has a mental illness; and 8 (b) because of the mental illness, needs to be apprehended 9 to -- 10 (i) protect the health or safety of the person or the 11 safety of another person; or 12 (ii) prevent the person causing, or continuing to 13 cause, serious damage to property. 14 (2) For the purpose of apprehending a person under subsection (1), 15 a police officer may exercise the powers under sections 159(2) 16 and 172. 17 (3) A police officer -- 18 (a) must, as soon as practicable after apprehending a person 19 under subsection (1), arrange for the person to be 20 assessed by a medical practitioner or authorised mental 21 health practitioner for the purpose of deciding whether 22 or not to refer the person under section 26(2) or (3)(a) 23 for an examination to be conducted by a psychiatrist; 24 and 25 (b) is authorised to detain the person until the first of these 26 things occurs -- 27 (i) the person is received into the place where the 28 assessment will be conducted; 29 (ii) the person is delivered into the care of the 30 medical practitioner or authorised mental health 31 practitioner who will assess the person; page 117 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 11 Apprehension, search and seizure powers Division 1 Apprehension powers s. 157 1 (iii) the police officer is satisfied that the grounds for 2 suspecting that the person needs to be 3 apprehended no longer exist. 4 (4) This section does not prevent a police officer from charging a 5 person apprehended under subsection (1) with an offence. 6 157. Assessment of person arrested 7 (1) This section applies if -- 8 (a) a person is arrested by a police officer on suspicion of 9 having committed an offence; and 10 (b) the police officer reasonably suspects that the person has 11 a mental illness for which the person is in need of 12 immediate treatment. 13 (2) The police officer must, as soon as practicable, arrange for the 14 person to be assessed by a medical practitioner or authorised 15 mental health practitioner for the purpose of deciding whether 16 or not to refer the person under section 26(2) or (3)(a) for an 17 examination to be conducted by a psychiatrist. 18 (3) This section does not prevent a police officer from charging the 19 person arrested with an offence. 20 158. Police must be notified when person leaves 21 (1) This section applies if -- 22 (a) the medical practitioner or authorised mental health 23 practitioner referred to in section 156(3)(a) or 157(2) 24 decides not to refer the person under section 26(2) 25 or (3)(a); or 26 (b) the person, having been referred under section 26(2) 27 or (3)(a), cannot continue to be detained under this Act. page 118 Mental Health Bill 2013 Apprehension, search and seizure powers Part 11 Apprehension powers Division 1 s. 159 1 (2) The practitioner or the person in charge of the authorised 2 hospital or other place where the person was being detained 3 under this Act must ensure that -- 4 (a) as soon as practicable, a police officer is informed that 5 the person has not been referred under section 26(2) 6 or (3)(a) or cannot continue to be detained under this 7 Act; and 8 (b) as soon as practicable after the police officer is 9 informed, a record of these things is filed -- 10 (i) the name of the person who informed the police 11 officer of the person's release; 12 (ii) the police officer's name, rank and location; 13 (iii) the date and time when the police officer was 14 informed of the person's release. 15 159. Apprehension of other persons 16 (1) This section applies in relation to the apprehension of a 17 person -- 18 (a) under section 99(a) by a police officer or person 19 prescribed for the purpose of carrying out an 20 apprehension and return order; or 21 (b) under section 149(1)(a) by a transport officer or police 22 officer for the purpose of carrying out a transport order; 23 or 24 (c) under section 156(1) by a police officer because the 25 person is suspected of having a mental illness and needs 26 to be apprehended. 27 (2) For the purpose of apprehending the person, the police officer, 28 person prescribed or transport officer may do any of these 29 things -- 30 (a) enter any premises where the person is reasonably 31 suspected to be; page 119 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 11 Apprehension, search and seizure powers Division 2 Search and seizure powers s. 160 1 (b) search, in accordance with sections 163 and 172, the 2 person and any article found on or with the person; 3 (c) seize, in accordance with sections 164 and 172, any 4 article listed in section 164(2) that is found on or with 5 the person. 6 (3) However, a transport officer can only enter premises prescribed 7 by the regulations for this subsection. 8 Division 2 -- Search and seizure powers 9 160. Term used: approved form 10 In this Division -- 11 approved form means -- 12 (a) a form approved by the Commissioner of Police under 13 section 169 for use by police officers under this 14 Division; or 15 (b) a form approved by the Chief Psychiatrist under 16 section 543(1) for use by other persons under this 17 Division. 18 161. Authorised persons 19 The regulations may authorise a person, or a person in a class of 20 person, (an authorised person) to exercise the powers under this 21 Division. 22 162. Search of person while detained or admitted 23 (1) This section applies -- 24 (a) to any of these people -- 25 (i) a patient who is admitted by a mental health 26 service; 27 (ii) a person who is detained under this Act at a 28 mental health service or other place to enable an 29 examination to be conducted by a psychiatrist; page 120 Mental Health Bill 2013 Apprehension, search and seizure powers Part 11 Search and seizure powers Division 2 s. 163 1 (iii) any other person who presents at a mental health 2 service for treatment; 3 and 4 (b) at these times -- 5 (i) when the patient or other person is being 6 admitted by, or is being received into, the mental 7 health service or other place; 8 (ii) at any time while the patient or other person is 9 being provided with treatment or care at the 10 mental health service or other place. 11 (2) A police officer or authorised person who reasonably suspects 12 that there is on or with the patient or other person any article 13 listed in section 164(2) may -- 14 (a) search, in accordance with sections 163 and 172, the 15 person and any article found on or with the patient or 16 other person; and 17 (b) seize, in accordance with sections 164 and 172, any 18 article listed in section 164(2) that is found on or with 19 the patient or other person. 20 163. Conduct of search 21 (1) This section applies in relation to a search of a person -- 22 (a) under section 159(2)(b) by a police officer, person 23 prescribed or transport officer; or 24 (b) under section 162(2)(a) by a police officer or authorised 25 person. 26 (2) Before the search is conducted, the person who will conduct the 27 search must, if reasonably practicable -- 28 (a) identify himself or herself to the person; and 29 (b) inform the person of the reason for the search; and 30 (c) request the person to consent to being searched. page 121 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 11 Apprehension, search and seizure powers Division 2 Search and seizure powers s. 163 1 (3) The person conducting the search must, if practicable, be a 2 person of the same gender as the person to be searched. 3 (4) The person conducting the search may do all or any of these 4 things -- 5 (a) scan the person with an electronic or mechanical device, 6 whether hand held or not, to detect any thing; 7 (b) remove the person's headwear, gloves, footwear or outer 8 clothing (for example, a coat or jacket), but not the 9 person's inner clothing or underwear, in order to 10 facilitate a frisk search; 11 (c) frisk search the person by quickly and methodically 12 running the hands over the outside of the person's 13 clothing; 14 (d) search any article removed under paragraph (b). 15 (5) The person conducting the search may do all or any of these 16 things for the purpose of conducting the search -- 17 (a) search anything being carried by or under the immediate 18 control of the person; 19 (b) order the person to remove anything that might injure 20 the person conducting the search from any article that 21 the person is wearing; 22 (c) photograph part or all of the search while it is being 23 done; 24 (d) order the person to do anything reasonable to facilitate 25 the exercise by the person conducting the search of any 26 power in this section. 27 (6) The search must be conducted as follows -- 28 (a) the search must be done as quickly as is reasonably 29 practicable; 30 (b) the search must not be any more intrusive than is 31 reasonably necessary in the circumstances; page 122 Mental Health Bill 2013 Apprehension, search and seizure powers Part 11 Search and seizure powers Division 2 s. 164 1 (c) if the person conducting the search proposes to remove 2 any article that the person is wearing -- the person 3 conducting the search must tell the person why it is 4 considered necessary to do so; 5 (d) the person must be allowed to dress as soon as the 6 search is finished; 7 (e) the person must be provided with a reasonably adequate 8 replacement for any article of clothing or footwear 9 seized if, due to the seizure, the person is left without 10 adequate clothing or footwear in the circumstances. 11 164. Seizure of articles 12 (1) This section applies in relation to the seizure from a person of 13 an article under section 159(2)(c) or 162(2)(b). 14 (2) Any of these articles may be seized -- 15 (a) an intoxicant; 16 (b) an article, including a drug that is prescribed for the 17 person, that may pose a serious risk to the health or 18 safety of the person or another person; 19 (c) an article that the person conducting the search believes 20 is likely to materially assist in determining any question 21 in relation to the person that is likely to arise for 22 determination under this Act. 23 (3) Any article that is seized must be dealt with under section 166 24 or 167. 25 165. Record of search and seizure 26 (1) A person who conducts a search of a person under 27 section 159(2)(b) or 162(2)(a) must, as soon as practicable -- 28 (a) record the search in accordance with subsection (2); and 29 (b) give the record of the search to, as the case requires -- 30 (i) the person in charge of the mental health service 31 or other place to which the person searched is page 123 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 11 Apprehension, search and seizure powers Division 2 Search and seizure powers s. 165 1 required to be taken under the apprehension and 2 return order or the transport order; or 3 (ii) the person in charge of the mental health service 4 or other place at which the person searched is 5 received, or the medical practitioner or 6 authorised mental health practitioner into whose 7 care the person is delivered, under 8 section 156(3)(b)(i) or (ii); or 9 (iii) the person searched if the person is released 10 without being taken to a mental health service or 11 other place or delivered into the care of a 12 medical practitioner or authorised mental health 13 practitioner; or 14 (iv) the person in charge of the mental health service 15 or other place where the search is conducted 16 under section 162(2)(a). 17 (2) The record of the search must be in the approved form and must 18 include the following -- 19 (a) the date and time the search was conducted; 20 (b) the reasons for conducting the search; 21 (c) any article seized under section 159(2)(c) or 162(2)(b) in 22 the course of the search; 23 (d) the name, sex, qualifications and signature of the person 24 who conducted the search. 25 (3) The person to whom the record of the search is given under 26 subsection (1)(b)(i), (ii) or (iv) must ensure that, as soon as 27 practicable, the record is filed and a copy given to the person 28 searched. page 124 Mental Health Bill 2013 Apprehension, search and seizure powers Part 11 Search and seizure powers Division 2 s. 166 1 166. Dealing with articles seized when person apprehended 2 (1) This section applies in relation to an article that is seized under 3 section 159(2)(c) from a person who is apprehended under 4 section 99(a), 149(1)(a) or 156(1). 5 (2) The article must be dealt with -- 6 (a) under subsection (3)(a) or (b); or 7 (b) otherwise according to law. 8 (3) The article must be -- 9 (a) given to, as the case requires -- 10 (i) the person in charge of the mental health service 11 or other place referred to in section 165(1)(b)(i), 12 (ii) or (iv) when the person is received there; or 13 (ii) the medical practitioner or authorised mental 14 health practitioner referred to in 15 section 165(1)(b)(ii) when the person is delivered 16 into the practitioner's care; 17 or 18 (b) if the person is released without being taken to a mental 19 health service or other place or delivered into the care of 20 a medical practitioner or authorised mental health 21 practitioner -- returned to the person when the person is 22 released. 23 (4) A person who deals with an article under subsection (2)(a) 24 or (b) must, as soon as practicable -- 25 (a) record in the approved form details of how the article 26 was dealt with; and 27 (b) give the record of those details to, as the case 28 requires -- 29 (i) the person in charge of the mental health service 30 or other place referred to in section 165(1)(b)(i), 31 (ii) or (iv) when the person is received there; or page 125 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 11 Apprehension, search and seizure powers Division 2 Search and seizure powers s. 167 1 (ii) the medical practitioner or authorised mental 2 health practitioner referred to in 3 section 165(1)(b)(ii) when the person is delivered 4 into the practitioner's care; or 5 (iii) if the person is released without being taken to a 6 mental health service or other place or delivered 7 into the care of a medical practitioner or 8 authorised mental health practitioner -- the 9 person when the person is released. 10 (5) A person to whom a record is given under subsection (4)(b)(i) 11 or (ii) must ensure that the record is filed as soon as practicable. 12 167. Return of articles given to or seized by mental health service 13 (1) This section applies in relation to an article that is -- 14 (a) seized from a patient or other person under 15 section 162(2)(b); or 16 (b) given to the person in charge of a mental health service 17 or other place under section 166(3)(a)(i). 18 (2) The article must be dealt with -- 19 (a) under subsection (3), (4), (5) or (6); or 20 (b) otherwise according to law. 21 (3) The article must be returned to the person when the person is 22 released or discharged by or otherwise leaves the mental health 23 service or other place unless subsection (4) applies. 24 (4) If, in the opinion of the person in charge of the mental health 25 service or other place, the return of the article to the person may 26 pose a serious risk to the health or safety of the person or 27 another person, the article must be given to a carer, close family 28 member or other personal support person of the person when the 29 person is released or discharged by or otherwise leaves the 30 mental health service or other place unless the person in charge 31 considers that it is not appropriate to do so. page 126 Mental Health Bill 2013 Apprehension, search and seizure powers Part 11 Search and seizure powers Division 2 s. 167 1 (5) If the article is not dealt with under subsection (3) or (4) when 2 the person is released or discharged by or otherwise leaves the 3 mental health service or other place -- 4 (a) the article may be returned to the person, or may be 5 given to a carer, close family member or other personal 6 support person of the person, at any time afterwards; and 7 (b) subsections (3) and (4) apply (with the necessary 8 changes) in relation to the article. 9 (6) If the article is not dealt with under subsection (3), (4) or (5), 10 it -- 11 (a) must be stored at the mental health service or other 12 place; and 13 (b) may be destroyed or otherwise disposed of after 14 6 months. 15 (7) The person in charge of the mental health service or other place 16 must ensure that a record of how the article was dealt with 17 under this section is filed. 18 (8) The record must be in the approved form and must include these 19 things -- 20 (a) details of the article; 21 (b) if the article was returned to the person -- the date when 22 it was returned; 23 (c) if the article was not returned to the person -- the 24 reasons for not returning it; 25 (d) if the article was given to a carer, close family member 26 or other personal support person -- the date when it was 27 given to that person; 28 (e) if the article was not given to a carer, close family 29 member or other personal support person -- the reasons 30 for not giving it to that person; page 127 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 11 Apprehension, search and seizure powers Division 2 Search and seizure powers s. 168 1 (f) if the article was destroyed or otherwise disposed of 2 under subsection (6)(b) -- 3 (i) the date when it was destroyed or disposed of; 4 and 5 (ii) the manner in which it was destroyed or disposed 6 of; 7 (g) if the article was dealt with under subsection (2)(b) -- 8 any other relevant information. 9 168. Return of articles given to medical practitioner or 10 authorised mental health practitioner 11 (1) This section applies in relation to an article that is given to a 12 medical practitioner or authorised mental health practitioner 13 under section 166(3)(a)(ii) who decides not to refer under 14 section 26(2) or (3)(a) the person from whom the article was 15 seized. 16 (2) The medical practitioner or authorised mental health practitioner 17 must ensure that, as soon as practicable -- 18 (a) the article is returned to the person or otherwise dealt 19 with according to law; and 20 (b) a record of how the article was dealt with under 21 paragraph (a) is filed and a copy given to the person. 22 169. Approval of forms for use by police officers under this 23 Division 24 The Commissioner of Police may approve forms for use by 25 police officers under this Division. 26 Note for section 169: 27 The Chief Psychiatrist approves forms for use by other persons under this 28 Division (see section 543(1)). page 128 Mental Health Bill 2013 Exercise of certain powers Part 12 Detention powers Division 1 s. 170 1 Part 12 -- Exercise of certain powers 2 Division 1 -- Detention powers 3 170. Principles relating to detention 4 These principles apply in relation to the detention of a person 5 under this Act -- 6 (a) the person must be detained for as brief a period as 7 practicable; 8 (b) the degree of any force used to detain the person must 9 be the minimum that is required to be used for that 10 purpose; 11 (c) while the person is detained -- 12 (i) there must be the least possible restriction on the 13 person's freedom of choice and movement 14 consistent with the person's detention; and 15 (ii) the person is entitled to reasonable privacy 16 consistent with the person's detention; and 17 (iii) the person must be treated with dignity and 18 respect. 19 Division 2 -- Ancillary powers: reasonable assistance and force 20 and directions 21 171. Term used: prescribed provision 22 In this Division -- 23 prescribed provision means a provision listed in the Table. 24 Table s. 83(2)(c) s. 86(c) s. 99 s. 130(3) s. 149(1) Part 11 page 129 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 12 Exercise of certain powers Division 2 Ancillary powers: reasonable assistance and force and directions s. 172 s. 225 1 172. Reasonable assistance and reasonable force authorised 2 (1) A person exercising a power under a prescribed provision may 3 request another person to give the person reasonable assistance 4 in exercising that power. 5 (2) A person exercising, or assisting in accordance with a request 6 under subsection (1) another person in exercising, a power 7 under a prescribed provision may use reasonable force in doing 8 so. 9 173. Duty to obey directions 10 A person assisting a person in exercising a power under a 11 prescribed provision must obey any lawful and reasonable 12 direction of that person. 13 Penalty: a fine of $6 000. 14 174. Other written laws not affected 15 A prescribed provision does not affect any other written law 16 relating to the apprehension or search of a person or to the 17 seizure of an article from a person. 18 Note for Division 2: 19 It is an offence to obstruct or hinder a person exercising, or assisting another 20 person to exercise, a power under a prescribed provision (see section 578). page 130 Mental Health Bill 2013 Provision of treatment generally Part 13 Voluntary patients Division 1 s. 175 1 Part 13 -- Provision of treatment generally 2 Division 1 -- Voluntary patients 3 175. Informed consent necessary 4 (1) A voluntary patient cannot be provided with treatment without 5 informed consent being given to the provision of the treatment. 6 (2) Subsection (1) does not apply in relation to any of these 7 treatments because this Act makes specific provision in respect 8 of each of them -- 9 (a) electroconvulsive therapy; 10 (b) emergency psychiatric treatment; 11 (c) psychosurgery; 12 (d) treatment that is prohibited by section 210(1). 13 176. Informed consent must be filed 14 (1) The person responsible under subsection (2) must ensure that 15 any informed consent given to the provision of treatment to a 16 voluntary patient is filed. 17 (2) For subsection (1), the person responsible is -- 18 (a) if the treatment is provided at a mental health service -- 19 the person in charge of the mental health service; or 20 (b) if the treatment is provided at a place other than a 21 mental health service -- the medical practitioner or 22 mental health practitioner providing the treatment. 23 (3) The record of the informed consent must include -- 24 (a) the date when the informed consent was given; and 25 (b) whether the informed consent was given -- 26 (i) by the patient himself or herself; or 27 (ii) by a person authorised by law to give the 28 informed consent on the patient's behalf; 29 and page 131 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 13 Provision of treatment generally Division 2 Involuntary patients and mentally impaired accused s. 177 1 (c) if paragraph (b)(ii) applies -- 2 (i) the name and contact details of the person who 3 gave the informed consent; and 4 (ii) details of the person's authority to do so. 5 Notes for section 176: 6 1. For section 176(3)(b)(i), an adult can give consent by making an 7 advance health directive (see the GAA Act section 110ZJ(2)). 8 2. For section 176(3)(b)(ii) -- 9 (a) an adult's enduring guardian or guardian or the person 10 responsible for an adult can give consent on the adult's behalf 11 (see the GAA Act section 110ZJ(3) to (5)); or 12 (b) a child's parent or guardian can give consent on the child's behalf 13 (see section 302(3) of this Act). 14 Division 2 -- Involuntary patients and mentally 15 impaired accused 16 177. Application of this Division 17 This Division applies in relation to -- 18 (a) an involuntary patient; or 19 (b) a patient who is a mentally impaired accused required 20 under the MIA Act to be detained at an authorised 21 hospital. 22 178. Informed consent not necessary 23 (1) The patient can be provided with treatment without informed 24 consent being given to the provision of the treatment. 25 (2) Subsection (1) does not apply in relation to any of these 26 treatments because this Act makes specific provision in respect 27 of each of them -- 28 (a) electroconvulsive therapy; 29 (b) emergency psychiatric treatment; 30 (c) psychosurgery; page 132 Mental Health Bill 2013 Provision of treatment generally Part 13 Involuntary patients and mentally impaired accused Division 2 s. 179 1 (d) treatment that is prohibited by section 210(1). 2 179. Patient's psychiatrist must ensure regard had to patient's 3 wishes 4 (1) The patient's psychiatrist must ensure that a medical 5 practitioner, in deciding what treatment will be provided to the 6 patient, has regard to the patient's wishes in relation to the 7 provision of treatment, to the extent that it is practicable to 8 ascertain those wishes. 9 (2) The patient's psychiatrist must ensure that a record of the 10 following is filed -- 11 (a) the patient's wishes, to the extent they were able to be 12 ascertained by the medical practitioner; and 13 (b) the things to which the medical practitioner had regard 14 in ascertaining the patient's wishes; and 15 (c) if the decision made by the medical practitioner is 16 inconsistent with a treatment decision in an advance 17 health directive, or a term of an enduring power of 18 guardianship, made by the patient -- the reasons the 19 decision was made. 20 (3) The patient's psychiatrist must ensure that, as soon as 21 practicable, each of these people is given a copy of the reasons 22 referred to in subsection (2)(c) -- 23 (a) the patient; 24 (b) if the patient has an enduring guardian or guardian -- 25 the enduring guardian or guardian; 26 (c) if the patient has a nominated person -- the nominated 27 person unless the nominated person is not entitled, for 28 the reason referred to in section 269(1), to be given a 29 copy; 30 (d) if the patient has a carer -- the carer unless the carer is 31 not entitled, for the reason referred to in section 288(2) 32 or 292(1), to be given a copy; page 133 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 13 Provision of treatment generally Division 2 Involuntary patients and mentally impaired accused s. 180 1 (e) if the patient has a close family member -- the close 2 family member unless the close family member is not 3 entitled, for the reason referred to in section 288(2) 4 or 292(1), to be given a copy; 5 (f) the Chief Psychiatrist; 6 (g) the Chief Mental Health Advocate. 7 (4) The patient's psychiatrist is not required to comply with 8 subsection (3) in relation to a decision made by a medical 9 practitioner if each of the people referred to in subsection (2)(c) 10 has been given a copy of the reasons for an earlier decision 11 made by a medical practitioner that was inconsistent with the 12 same treatment decision in the advance health directive or the 13 same term in the enduring power of guardianship. 14 Notes for section 179: 15 1. For the purpose of a medical practitioner ascertaining the patient's 16 wishes, Part 2 Division 4 applies. 17 2. In deciding what treatment will be provided to the patient, a medical 18 practitioner must also have regard to -- 19 (a) if the patient is a child, the views of the child's parent or 20 guardian (see section 301); and 21 (b) if the patient has a nominated person, except in certain 22 circumstances, the views of the nominated person (see Part 16 23 Division 3 Subdivision 1); and 24 (c) if the patient has a carer or close family member, except in 25 certain circumstances, the views of the carer or close family 26 member (see Part 17 Division 2). 27 180. Requirements for ascertaining patient's wishes 28 (1) The patient's psychiatrist must ensure that, before a patient's 29 wishes in relation to the provision of treatment are sought to be 30 ascertained, the patient is (to the extent that it is practicable to 31 do so) to be -- 32 (a) provided with the same explanation of the treatment; 33 and page 134 Mental Health Bill 2013 Provision of treatment generally Part 13 Involuntary patients and mentally impaired accused Division 2 s. 181 1 (b) given the same amount of time for consideration of the 2 matters involved in the provision of the treatment; and 3 (c) given the same opportunities to discuss and obtain 4 advice or assistance in relation to the provision of the 5 treatment, 6 as would be required to be provided or given to a person before 7 being asked to make a treatment decision about the provision of 8 the treatment. 9 (2) For the purpose of subsection (1), sections 19 and 20 apply 10 (with the necessary changes) in relation to ascertaining the 11 patient's wishes in relation to the provision of the treatment. 12 Note for section 180: 13 Any explanation provided under section 180(1)(a) must be provided in 14 accordance with section 9(2). 15 181. Record of treatment to be filed 16 The patient's psychiatrist must ensure that a record of the 17 treatment provided to the patient is filed. 18 182. Further opinion may be requested 19 (1) This section applies in relation to any of these people -- 20 (a) the patient, whether or not the patient has the capacity to 21 give informed consent to the treatment being provided to 22 him or her were that consent required; 23 (b) if the patient does not have that capacity -- the person 24 who is authorised by law to give that consent on the 25 patient's behalf were that consent required; 26 (c) if the patient has a nominated person -- the nominated 27 person; 28 (d) if the person has a carer -- the carer; 29 (e) if the person has a close family member -- the close 30 family member. page 135 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 13 Provision of treatment generally Division 2 Involuntary patients and mentally impaired accused s. 182 1 (2) A person to whom this section applies who is dissatisfied with 2 the treatment being provided to the patient may request orally or 3 in writing the patient's psychiatrist or the Chief Psychiatrist to 4 obtain the opinion (a further opinion) of a psychiatrist who is 5 not the patient's psychiatrist about whether it is appropriate to 6 provide the treatment to the patient. 7 (3) The patient's psychiatrist or the Chief Psychiatrist must file a 8 record of an oral request or a written request. 9 (4) The patient's psychiatrist or the Chief Psychiatrist must obtain 10 the further opinion as soon as practicable after receiving the 11 request unless -- 12 (a) if a person referred to in subsection (1)(b) to (e) requests 13 the further opinion -- the patient objects to the further 14 opinion being obtained; or 15 (b) under section 183 -- 16 (i) the patient's psychiatrist or the Chief Psychiatrist 17 decides not to comply with the request; and 18 (ii) if the patient's psychiatrist decides not to comply 19 with the request -- the Chief Psychiatrist 20 confirms that decision. 21 (5) In obtaining the further opinion, the patient's psychiatrist or the 22 Chief Psychiatrist must have regard to the guidelines published 23 under section 545(1)(c) about the independence of psychiatrists 24 from whom further opinions are obtained. 25 (6) A psychiatrist cannot give a further opinion without examining 26 the patient in accordance with Part 6 Division 3 Subdivision 6. 27 (7) The further opinion must be given in writing and may include 28 recommendations about the provision of treatment to the 29 patient. 30 (8) The patient's psychiatrist must, as soon as practicable after 31 obtaining the further opinion -- 32 (a) file the opinion and give a copy to the patient; and page 136 Mental Health Bill 2013 Provision of treatment generally Part 13 Involuntary patients and mentally impaired accused Division 2 s. 183 1 (b) if the opinion was requested by a person other than the 2 patient -- give a copy to that other person. 3 (9) The Chief Psychiatrist must, as soon as practicable after 4 obtaining the further opinion, give a copy to each of these 5 people -- 6 (a) the patient's psychiatrist, who must file the copy as soon 7 as practicable; 8 (b) the patient; 9 (c) if the opinion was requested by a person other than the 10 patient -- that other person. 11 (10) In providing treatment to the patient, the patient's psychiatrist 12 must have regard to any further opinion relating to the provision 13 of that treatment that is obtained under this section, including 14 any recommendations included in the opinion under 15 subsection (7). 16 183. Request for additional opinion may be refused 17 (1) This section applies if -- 18 (a) a further opinion about the treatment being provided to a 19 patient has been obtained under section 182; and 20 (b) a person in relation to whom that provision applies 21 requests that the patient's psychiatrist or the Chief 22 Psychiatrist obtain an additional opinion under that 23 provision about the treatment being provided to the 24 patient. 25 (2) The patient's psychiatrist or the Chief Psychiatrist may refuse to 26 comply with the request if satisfied that, having regard to the 27 guidelines published under section 545(1)(d) for that purpose, 28 the additional opinion is not warranted. 29 (3) The patient's psychiatrist must, as soon as practicable after 30 deciding under subsection (2) not to comply with the request -- 31 (a) file a record of the decision and the reasons for it; and page 137 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 13 Provision of treatment generally Division 2 Involuntary patients and mentally impaired accused s. 183 1 (b) give a copy to each of these people -- 2 (i) the patient; 3 (ii) if the additional opinion was requested by a 4 person other than the patient -- that other 5 person; 6 (iii) the Chief Psychiatrist. 7 (4) The Chief Psychiatrist must, as soon as practicable after 8 receiving a copy of the record from the patient's psychiatrist -- 9 (a) confirm or refuse to confirm the decision of the patient's 10 psychiatrist; and 11 (b) record the confirmation or refusal and the reasons for it; 12 and 13 (c) give a copy of the record to each of these people -- 14 (i) the patient; 15 (ii) if the additional opinion was requested by a 16 person other than the patient -- that other 17 person; 18 (iii) the patient's psychiatrist, who must file the copy 19 as soon as practicable. 20 (5) The Chief Psychiatrist must, as soon as practicable after 21 deciding under subsection (2) not to comply with the request -- 22 (a) file a record of the decision and the reasons for it; and 23 (b) give a copy of the record to each of these people -- 24 (i) the patient; 25 (ii) if the additional opinion was requested by a 26 person other than the patient -- that other 27 person; 28 (iii) the patient's psychiatrist, who must file the copy 29 as soon as practicable. page 138 Mental Health Bill 2013 Provision of treatment generally Part 13 Treatment, support and discharge planning Division 3 s. 184 1 184. Chief Psychiatrist may request reconsideration of treatment 2 (1) This section applies if, after any further opinion in relation to a 3 patient is obtained under section 182, the person who requested 4 that it be obtained remains dissatisfied with the treatment being 5 provided to the patient and advises the Chief Psychiatrist orally 6 or in writing of that dissatisfaction. 7 (2) The Chief Psychiatrist must file a record of an oral advice or a 8 written advice. 9 (3) The Chief Psychiatrist may request the patient's psychiatrist 10 to -- 11 (a) reconsider the decision to provide the treatment; and 12 (b) give the Chief Psychiatrist a written report about the 13 outcome of the reconsideration and the reasons for it. 14 (4) The patient's psychiatrist must, as soon as practicable -- 15 (a) give the report to the Chief Psychiatrist and file a copy; 16 and 17 (b) give a copy to each of these people -- 18 (i) the patient; 19 (ii) if the further opinion was requested by a person 20 other than the patient -- that other person. 21 (5) Subsection (1) does not limit the powers of the Chief 22 Psychiatrist under section 518. 23 Division 3 -- Treatment, support and discharge planning 24 185. Application of this Division 25 This Division applies in relation to -- 26 (a) a patient who is admitted by a hospital as an involuntary 27 patient whose detention at the hospital is authorised 28 under an inpatient treatment order; or page 139 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 13 Provision of treatment generally Division 3 Treatment, support and discharge planning s. 186 1 (b) a patient who is admitted by an authorised hospital as a 2 mentally impaired accused required under the MIA Act 3 to be detained at the hospital; or 4 (c) a patient who is under a community treatment order. 5 186. Treatment, support and discharge plan 6 (1) The treatment, care and support provided to a patient must be 7 governed by a treatment, support and discharge plan. 8 (2) The treatment, support and discharge plan for a patient referred 9 to in section 185(a) or (b) must outline -- 10 (a) the treatment and support that will be provided to the 11 patient while admitted by the authorised hospital; and 12 (b) the treatment and support that will be offered to the 13 patient after the patient is discharged by the hospital. 14 (3) The treatment, support and discharge plan for a patient referred 15 to in section 185(c) must outline -- 16 (a) the treatment and support that will be provided to the 17 patient under the community treatment order as set out 18 in that order; and 19 (b) the treatment and support that will be offered to the 20 patient when the patient is no longer under the 21 community treatment order. 22 187. Preparation and review of plan 23 (1) A patient's psychiatrist must ensure that a treatment, support 24 and discharge plan for the patient -- 25 (a) is prepared as soon as practicable after the patient is 26 admitted by the hospital or the community treatment 27 order is made; and 28 (b) is reviewed regularly; and 29 (c) is revised as necessary. page 140 Mental Health Bill 2013 Provision of treatment generally Part 13 Treatment, support and discharge planning Division 3 s. 187 1 (2) The plan must be prepared, reviewed and revised having regard 2 to the guidelines published under section 545(1)(e) for that 3 purpose. 4 (3) The patient's psychiatrist must ensure that -- 5 (a) the plan (as prepared and as revised) is filed; and 6 (b) a copy of the plan (as prepared and as revised) is given 7 to each of these people -- 8 (i) the patient; 9 (ii) the person referred to in section 188(1)(b); 10 (iii) if the patient is a child -- the child's parent or 11 guardian; 12 (iv) if the patient has a nominated person -- the 13 nominated person unless the nominated person is 14 not entitled, for the reason referred to in 15 section 269(1), to be given a copy; 16 (v) if the patient has a carer -- the carer unless the 17 carer is not entitled, for the reason referred to in 18 section 288(2) or 292(1), to be given a copy; 19 (vi) if the patient has a close family member -- the 20 close family member unless the close family 21 member is not entitled, for the reason referred to 22 in section 288(2) or 292(1), to be given a copy. 23 (4) The patient's psychiatrist may also ensure that a copy of the 24 plan (as prepared or as revised) is given to any other person or 25 body that the psychiatrist considers appropriate. 26 Note for section 187: 27 For section 187(4), the patient's psychiatrist may for example consider it 28 appropriate to give a copy of the plan to a community mental health service. page 141 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 13 Provision of treatment generally Division 3 Treatment, support and discharge planning s. 188 1 188. Involvement in preparation and review of plan 2 (1) A patient's psychiatrist must ensure that each of these people is 3 involved in the preparation and review of the treatment, support 4 and discharge plan for the patient -- 5 (a) the patient -- 6 (i) whether or not the patient has the capacity to 7 consent to the plan being implemented in relation 8 to himself or herself; and 9 (ii) whether or not the plan can be implemented 10 without the patient's consent; 11 (b) if the patient does not have the capacity referred to in 12 paragraph (a)(i) -- 13 (i) if the plan cannot be implemented without the 14 patient's consent -- the person who is authorised 15 by law to consent on the patient's behalf; or 16 (ii) if the plan can be implemented without the 17 patient's consent -- the person who would be 18 authorised by law to consent on the patient's 19 behalf if the plan could not have been 20 implemented without consent; 21 (c) if the patient is a child -- the child's parent or guardian; 22 (d) if the patient has a nominated person -- the nominated 23 person unless the nominated person is not entitled under 24 section 269 to be involved; 25 (e) if the patient has a carer -- the carer unless the carer is 26 not entitled under section 288(2) or 292(1) to be 27 involved; 28 (f) if the patient has a close family member -- the close 29 family member unless the close family member is not 30 entitled under section 288(2) or 292(1) to be involved. 31 (2) Without limiting a requirement under subsection (1)(b) to 32 involve the person who is or would be required by law to 33 consent on the patient's behalf, or under subsection (1)(c) to page 142 Mental Health Bill 2013 Provision of treatment generally Part 13 Treatment, support and discharge planning Division 3 s. 188 1 involve the child's parent or guardian, in the preparation or 2 review of the treatment, support and discharge plan, the 3 requirement is taken to be complied with if the patient's 4 psychiatrist ensures that reasonable efforts continue to be made 5 to involve the person in the preparation or review of the 6 treatment, support and discharge plan until the first of these 7 things occurs -- 8 (a) the person is involved in that preparation or review; 9 (b) it is reasonable for the patient's psychiatrist to conclude 10 that the person cannot be involved in that preparation or 11 review. 12 (3) Part 16 Division 3 Subdivision 2 applies in relation to a 13 requirement under subsection (1)(d) to involve the patient's 14 nominated person in the preparation or review of the treatment, 15 support and discharge plan. 16 (4) Part 17 Division 2 applies in relation to a requirement under 17 subsection (1)(e) to consult a carer of the involuntary inpatient, 18 or under subsection (1)(f) to consult a close family member of 19 the patient, in the preparation or review of the treatment, 20 support and discharge plan. 21 (5) The patient's psychiatrist may also ensure that any other person 22 or body that the psychiatrist considers appropriate is involved in 23 the preparation or review of the treatment, support and 24 discharge plan for the patient. 25 (6) The patient's psychiatrist must ensure that each of the following 26 is filed -- 27 (a) a record of the involvement of any person referred to in 28 subsection (1)(b) to (f), or any person or body referred 29 to in subsection (5), in the preparation or review of the 30 treatment, support and discharge plan; 31 (b) if a person referred to in subsection (1)(b) to (f) could 32 not be involved in the preparation or review of the 33 treatment, support and discharge plan -- a record of the 34 efforts made to do so. page 143 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 13 Provision of treatment generally Division 4 Provision of treatment to patients of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent s. 189 1 Note for section 188: 2 For section 188(5), the patient's psychiatrist may for example consider it 3 appropriate to involve a community mental health service. 4 Division 4 -- Provision of treatment to patients of Aboriginal or 5 Torres Strait Islander descent 6 189. Provision of treatment to patient of Aboriginal or Torres 7 Strait Islander descent 8 To the extent that it is practicable and appropriate to do so, 9 treatment provided to a patient who is of Aboriginal or Torres 10 Strait Islander descent must be provided in collaboration 11 with -- 12 (a) Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander mental health 13 workers; and 14 (b) significant members of the patient's community, 15 including elders and traditional healers. 16 Division 5 -- Compliance with standards and guidelines 17 190. Mental health service must comply with standards 18 The person in charge of a mental health service must ensure that 19 any standards published under section 545(2) applicable to the 20 mental health service are complied with. 21 191. Mental health service must take guidelines into account 22 The person in charge of a mental health service must ensure 23 that, in the provision by the mental health service of treatment 24 and care to persons who have a mental illness, regard is had to 25 any guidelines published under section 545(1) or (3) applicable 26 to that treatment and care. page 144 Mental Health Bill 2013 Regulation of certain kinds of treatment and other interventions Part 14 Electroconvulsive therapy Division 1 s. 192 1 Part 14 -- Regulation of certain kinds of treatment 2 and other interventions 3 Division 1 -- Electroconvulsive therapy 4 192. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT): meaning 5 Electroconvulsive therapy is treatment involving the application 6 of electric current to specific areas of a person's head to produce 7 a generalised seizure that is modified by general anaesthesia and 8 the administration of a muscle relaxing agent. 9 193. ECT offence 10 A person must not perform electroconvulsive therapy on 11 another person except in accordance with sections 194 to 199. 12 Penalty: a fine of $15 000 and imprisonment for 2 years. 13 194. ECT on child under 14 years prohibited 14 A person cannot perform electroconvulsive therapy on a child 15 under 14 years of age. 16 195. ECT on child over 14 years who is voluntary patient 17 (1) This section applies in relation to a child who has reached 18 14 years of age but is under 18 years of age and is a voluntary 19 patient. 20 (2) A medical practitioner can perform electroconvulsive therapy 21 on the child if -- 22 (a) informed consent is given to the electroconvulsive 23 therapy being performed; and 24 (b) the Mental Health Tribunal approves under Part 21 25 Division 6 the electroconvulsive therapy being 26 performed; and page 145 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 14 Regulation of certain kinds of treatment and other interventions Division 1 Electroconvulsive therapy s. 196 1 (c) in performing the electroconvulsive therapy, the medical 2 practitioner has regard to the guidelines published under 3 section 545(1)(f) for that purpose. 4 Note for section 195: 5 For section 195(2)(a), the child or the child's parent or guardian can give 6 informed consent (see sections 14 and 15). 7 196. ECT on child over 14 years who is involuntary patient or 8 mentally impaired accused 9 (1) This section applies in relation to a child who has reached 10 14 years of age but is under 18 years of age and is -- 11 (a) an involuntary patient; or 12 (b) a patient who is a mentally impaired accused required 13 under the MIA Act to be detained at an authorised 14 hospital. 15 (2) A medical practitioner can perform electroconvulsive therapy 16 on the child if -- 17 (a) the Mental Health Tribunal approves under Part 21 18 Division 6 the electroconvulsive therapy being 19 performed; and 20 (b) in performing the electroconvulsive therapy, the medical 21 practitioner has regard to the guidelines published under 22 section 545(1)(f) for that purpose. 23 197. ECT on adult voluntary patient 24 (1) This section applies in relation to an adult who is a voluntary 25 patient. 26 (2) A medical practitioner can perform electroconvulsive therapy 27 on the patient if -- 28 (a) informed consent is given to the electroconvulsive 29 therapy being performed; and page 146 Mental Health Bill 2013 Regulation of certain kinds of treatment and other interventions Part 14 Electroconvulsive therapy Division 1 s. 198 1 (b) the electroconvulsive therapy is performed at a mental 2 health service approved under section 542 for that 3 purpose; and 4 (c) in performing the electroconvulsive therapy, the medical 5 practitioner has regard to the guidelines published under 6 section 545(1)(f) for that purpose. 7 Notes for section 197: 8 1. For section 197(2)(a), an adult can give informed consent in an 9 advance health directive (see the GAA Act section 110ZJ(2)) or an 10 adult's enduring guardian or guardian or the person responsible for the 11 adult can give informed consent on the adult's behalf (see the GAA Act 12 section 110ZJ(3) to (5)). 13 2. The GAA Act sections 110ZI and 110ZIA do not apply in relation to the 14 performance of ECT on an adult who is a voluntary patient. 15 198. ECT on adult involuntary patient or mentally impaired 16 accused 17 (1) This section applies in relation to an adult who is -- 18 (a) an involuntary patient; or 19 (b) a patient who is a mentally impaired accused required 20 under the MIA Act to be detained at an authorised 21 hospital. 22 (2) A medical practitioner can perform electroconvulsive therapy 23 on the patient if -- 24 (a) the Mental Health Tribunal approves under Part 21 25 Division 6 the electroconvulsive therapy being 26 performed; and 27 (b) in performing the electroconvulsive therapy, the medical 28 practitioner has regard to the guidelines published under 29 section 545(1)(f) for that purpose. page 147 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 14 Regulation of certain kinds of treatment and other interventions Division 1 Electroconvulsive therapy s. 199 1 199. Emergency ECT on adult involuntary patient or mentally 2 impaired accused 3 (1) This section applies in relation to an adult who is -- 4 (a) an involuntary patient; or 5 (b) a patient who is a mentally impaired accused required 6 under the MIA Act to be detained at an authorised 7 hospital. 8 (2) A medical practitioner can perform electroconvulsive therapy 9 on the patient if -- 10 (a) the patient needs to be provided with electroconvulsive 11 therapy -- 12 (i) to save the patient's life; or 13 (ii) because there is an imminent risk of the patient 14 behaving in a way that is likely to result in 15 serious physical injury to the patient or another 16 person; 17 and 18 (b) the electroconvulsive therapy is performed at a mental 19 health service approved under section 542 for that 20 purpose; and 21 (c) the Chief Psychiatrist approves the electroconvulsive 22 therapy being performed; and 23 (d) in performing the electroconvulsive therapy, the medical 24 practitioner has regard to the guidelines published under 25 section 545(1)(f) for that purpose. 26 (3) In approving the electroconvulsive therapy being performed, the 27 Chief Psychiatrist must have regard to the guidelines published 28 under section 545(1)(f) for that purpose. page 148 Mental Health Bill 2013 Regulation of certain kinds of treatment and other interventions Part 14 Electroconvulsive therapy Division 1 s. 200 1 200. Report to Mentally Impaired Accused Review Board 2 (1) This section applies in relation to a patient who is a mentally 3 impaired accused required under the MIA Act to be detained at 4 an authorised hospital. 5 (2) The patient's psychiatrist must report the performance of a 6 course of electroconvulsive therapy on the patient as soon as 7 practicable to the Mentally Impaired Accused Review Board. 8 (3) The report must be accompanied by a copy of the approval of 9 the Mental Health Tribunal or the Chief Psychiatrist, as the case 10 requires. 11 201. Statistics about ECT 12 (1) This section applies in relation to a mental health service where 13 electroconvulsive therapy is performed. 14 (2) In this section -- 15 month means any of the 12 months of the year; 16 serious adverse event, in relation to a course of treatments with 17 electroconvulsive therapy, includes any of the following -- 18 (a) premature consciousness during a treatment; 19 (b) anaesthetic complications (for example, cardiac 20 arrhythmia) during recovery from a treatment; 21 (c) an acute and persistent confused state during recovery 22 from a treatment; 23 (d) muscle tears or vertebral column damage; 24 (e) severe and persistent headaches; 25 (f) persistent memory deficit. 26 (3) The person in charge of the mental health service must, as soon 27 as practicable after the end of each month, report to the Chief 28 Psychiatrist on these matters -- 29 (a) the number of people in respect of whom a course of 30 electroconvulsive therapy at the mental health service page 149 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 14 Regulation of certain kinds of treatment and other interventions Division 1 Electroconvulsive therapy s. 201 1 was completed under subsection (4), or was 2 discontinued under subsection (5), during the month; 3 (b) the number of those people who were children; 4 (c) the number of those people who were voluntary patients; 5 (d) the number of those voluntary patients who were 6 children; 7 (e) the number of those people who were involuntary 8 patients; 9 (f) the number of those involuntary patients who were 10 children; 11 (g) the number of those people who were mentally impaired 12 accused required under the MIA Act to be detained at an 13 authorised hospital; 14 (h) the number of those mentally impaired accused who 15 were children; 16 (i) the number of treatments with electroconvulsive therapy 17 in each of those courses; 18 (j) the number of those courses that were courses of 19 emergency electroconvulsive therapy performed under 20 section 199; 21 (k) details of any serious adverse event that occurred, or is 22 suspected of having occurred, during or after any of 23 those courses. 24 (4) For the purposes of subsection (3)(a), a course of 25 electroconvulsive therapy is taken to have been completed 26 during a month if the last treatment in the course was performed 27 during the month, whether or not any of the other treatments in 28 the course were performed during the month. 29 (5) For the purposes of subsection (3)(a), a course of 30 electroconvulsive therapy is taken to have been discontinued 31 during a month if -- 32 (a) one or more of the treatments in the course have been 33 performed, whether or not during the month; and page 150 Mental Health Bill 2013 Regulation of certain kinds of treatment and other interventions Part 14 Emergency psychiatric treatment Division 2 s. 202 1 (b) the decision not to perform any more of the treatments 2 in the course was made (for whatever reason) during the 3 month. 4 (6) The report must be in the approved form. 5 Division 2 -- Emergency psychiatric treatment 6 202. Emergency psychiatric treatment: meaning 7 (1) Emergency psychiatric treatment is treatment that needs to be 8 provided to a person -- 9 (a) to save the person's life; or 10 (b) to prevent the person from behaving in a way that is 11 likely to result in serious physical injury to the person or 12 another person. 13 (2) Emergency psychiatric treatment does not include any of these 14 treatments -- 15 (a) electroconvulsive therapy; 16 (b) psychosurgery; 17 (c) treatment that is prohibited by section 210(1). 18 203. Informed consent not required 19 A medical practitioner may provide a person with emergency 20 psychiatric treatment without informed consent being given to 21 the provision of the treatment. 22 Note for section 203: 23 The GAA Act sections 110ZI and 110ZIA do not apply in relation to 24 emergency psychiatric treatment. page 151 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 14 Regulation of certain kinds of treatment and other interventions Division 3 Psychosurgery s. 204 1 204. Record of emergency psychiatric treatment 2 (1) A medical practitioner who provides emergency psychiatric 3 treatment to a person must, as soon as practicable -- 4 (a) file a record, in accordance with subsection (2), of the 5 provision of the emergency psychiatric treatment to the 6 person; and 7 (b) give a copy of the record to each of these people -- 8 (i) the person; 9 (ii) the Chief Psychiatrist; 10 (iii) if the person is a mentally impaired accused -- 11 the Mentally Impaired Accused Review Board. 12 (2) The record of the treatment provided must be in the approved 13 form and must include these things -- 14 (a) the name of the person provided with the treatment; 15 (b) the name and qualifications of the practitioner who 16 provided the treatment; 17 (c) the names of any other people involved in providing the 18 treatment; 19 (d) the date, time and place the treatment was provided; 20 (e) particulars of the circumstances in which the treatment 21 was provided; 22 (f) particulars of the treatment provided. 23 Division 3 -- Psychosurgery 24 205. Psychosurgery: meaning 25 Psychosurgery is treatment involving -- 26 (a) the use of a surgical technique or procedure or 27 intracerebral electrodes to create in a person's brain a 28 lesion intended (whether alone or in combination with 29 one or more other lesions created at the same or other 30 times) to alter permanently -- 31 (i) the person's thoughts or emotions; or page 152 Mental Health Bill 2013 Regulation of certain kinds of treatment and other interventions Part 14 Psychosurgery Division 3 s. 206 1 (ii) the person's behaviour other than behaviour 2 secondary to a paroxysmal cerebral dysrhythmia; 3 or 4 (b) the use of intracerebral electrodes to stimulate a person's 5 brain without creating a lesion with the intention that the 6 stimulation (whether alone or in combination with other 7 such stimulation at the same or other times) will 8 influence or alter temporarily -- 9 (i) the person's thoughts or emotions; or 10 (ii) the person's behaviour other than behaviour 11 secondary to a paroxysmal cerebral dysrhythmia. 12 206. Psychosurgery offence 13 A person must not perform psychosurgery on another person 14 except in accordance with sections 207 and 208. 15 Penalty: imprisonment for 5 years. 16 207. Psychosurgery on child under 16 years prohibited 17 A person cannot perform psychosurgery on a child under 18 16 years of age. 19 208. Psychosurgery on adult or child over 16 years old 20 (1) This section applies in relation to a patient who is -- 21 (a) an adult; or 22 (b) a child who has reached 16 years of age but is under 23 18 years of age. 24 (2) A neurosurgeon can perform psychosurgery on the patient if -- 25 (a) the patient gives informed consent to the psychosurgery 26 being performed on himself or herself; and 27 (b) the Mental Health Tribunal approves under Part 21 28 Division 7 the psychosurgery being performed. page 153 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 14 Regulation of certain kinds of treatment and other interventions Division 4 Deep sleep and insulin coma therapy s. 209 1 Notes for section 208: 2 1. For the purpose of section 208(2)(a), an adult patient can give 3 informed consent in an advance health directive (see the GAA Act 4 section 110ZJ(2)). 5 2. For the purpose of section 208(2)(a), a child can only give informed 6 consent if the child has the capacity to do so (see Part 5 Division 1). 7 209. Report to Chief Psychiatrist and Mentally Impaired 8 Accused Review Board 9 (1) A patient's psychiatrist must report the performance of 10 psychosurgery on the patient as soon as practicable to -- 11 (a) the Chief Psychiatrist; and 12 (b) if the patient is a mentally impaired accused -- the 13 Mentally Impaired Accused Review Board. 14 (2) The report must be accompanied by a copy of the Mental Health 15 Tribunal's approval. 16 Division 4 -- Deep sleep and insulin coma therapy 17 210. Deep sleep and insulin coma therapy prohibited 18 (1) A person must not perform any of these things on another 19 person -- 20 (a) deep sleep therapy; 21 (b) insulin coma therapy; 22 (c) insulin sub coma therapy. 23 Penalty: imprisonment for 5 years. 24 (2) An offence under subsection (1) is a crime. 25 Division 5 -- Seclusion 26 211. Terms used 27 In this Division -- 28 oral authorisation means an authorisation given orally under 29 section 214(1); page 154 Mental Health Bill 2013 Regulation of certain kinds of treatment and other interventions Part 14 Seclusion Division 5 s. 212 1 seclusion order -- 2 (a) means a seclusion order made under section 215(1); and 3 (b) includes a seclusion order as extended under 4 section 218(1). 5 212. Seclusion: meaning 6 Seclusion is the confinement of a person who is being provided 7 with treatment or care at an authorised hospital by leaving the 8 person at any time of the day or night alone in a room or area 9 from which it is not within the person's control to leave. 10 213. Seclusion must be authorised 11 A person must not keep another person in seclusion except in 12 accordance with an oral authorisation or a seclusion order. 13 Penalty: a fine of $6 000. 14 214. Giving oral authorisation 15 (1) A medical practitioner or mental health practitioner at an 16 authorised hospital or the person in charge of a ward at an 17 authorised hospital may orally authorise the seclusion of any of 18 these people -- 19 (a) a person who is a patient admitted by the authorised 20 hospital; 21 (b) a person who is referred under section 26(2) or 36(2) for 22 an examination to be conducted by a psychiatrist at the 23 authorised hospital; 24 (c) a person who is under an order made under 25 section 55(1)(c) or 61(1)(c) to enable an examination to 26 be conducted by a psychiatrist at the authorised hospital. 27 (2) A person cannot give an oral authorisation in respect of a person 28 unless satisfied of the matters specified in section 216. 29 (3) A person giving an oral authorisation in respect of a person 30 must specify the room or area where the person can be secluded. page 155 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 14 Regulation of certain kinds of treatment and other interventions Division 5 Seclusion s. 214 1 (4) A person who gives an oral authorisation in respect of a person 2 must, as soon as practicable after the person is secluded under 3 the authorisation -- 4 (a) record the oral authorisation in the approved form, 5 specifying the following -- 6 (i) the date and time when it was given; 7 (ii) the room or area specified under subsection (3); 8 (iii) the reasons for giving it; 9 and 10 (b) file the record and give a copy to the person. 11 (5) A mental health practitioner or the person in charge of a ward 12 who gives an oral authorisation in respect of a person must, as 13 soon as practicable and, in any event, within sufficient time to 14 enable the person to be examined as required by section 222(4) 15 or 223(2), inform a medical practitioner as to whether -- 16 (a) the person is secluded under the oral authorisation; or 17 (b) the person was secluded under the oral authorisation but 18 has since been released from seclusion. 19 (6) A mental health practitioner or the person in charge of a ward 20 who informs a medical practitioner under subsection (5) must, 21 as soon as practicable -- 22 (a) record in the approved form -- 23 (i) the medical practitioner's name and 24 qualifications; and 25 (ii) the date and time when the medical practitioner 26 was informed; 27 and 28 (b) file the record and give a copy to the person. 29 (7) If a seclusion order confirming the oral authorisation is not 30 made (either by the person who gave the oral authorisation or, if 31 that person is not reasonably available, another person who is 32 authorised to make a seclusion order) as soon as practicable and, page 156 Mental Health Bill 2013 Regulation of certain kinds of treatment and other interventions Part 14 Seclusion Division 5 s. 215 1 in any event, within 2 hours after the time when the person is 2 secluded under the authorisation -- 3 (a) the person cannot continue to be secluded and must be 4 released from seclusion; and 5 (b) the person who gave the oral authorisation or, if that 6 person is not reasonably available, another person who 7 is authorised to make a seclusion order must ensure that 8 the person is informed of that fact and released from 9 seclusion. 10 215. Making seclusion order 11 (1) A medical practitioner or mental health practitioner at an 12 authorised hospital or the person in charge of a ward at an 13 authorised hospital may make a seclusion order authorising the 14 seclusion of any of these people -- 15 (a) a person who is a patient admitted by the authorised 16 hospital; 17 (b) a person who is referred under section 26(2) or 36(2) for 18 an examination to be conducted by a psychiatrist at the 19 authorised hospital; 20 (c) a person who is under an order made under 21 section 55(1)(c) or 61(1)(c) to enable an examination to 22 be conducted by a psychiatrist at the authorised hospital. 23 (2) A person cannot make a seclusion order in respect of a person 24 unless satisfied of the matters specified in section 216. 25 (3) A seclusion order must be in the approved form and must 26 include the following -- 27 (a) the name and date of birth of the person being secluded 28 under the order; 29 (b) the date and time when the order is made; 30 (c) the date and time when any oral authorisation being 31 confirmed by the order was given; page 157 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 14 Regulation of certain kinds of treatment and other interventions Division 5 Seclusion s. 215 1 (d) the period for which the person can be secluded under 2 the order, which cannot exceed 2 hours including the 3 period for which the person was secluded under any oral 4 authorisation being confirmed by the order; 5 (e) the room or area where the person can be secluded; 6 (f) with reference to the criteria specified in section 216(1), 7 the reasons for authorising the seclusion; 8 (g) if a mental health practitioner or the person in charge of 9 a ward makes the order -- with reference to the criteria 10 specified in section 216(2), the reasons for the urgency; 11 (h) particulars of any observations made about the 12 person -- 13 (i) if the order is confirming an oral authorisation -- 14 when the person was secluded under the oral 15 authorisation; or 16 (ii) otherwise -- when the person is secluded under 17 the order; 18 (i) particulars of any directions given by a medical 19 practitioner or mental health practitioner about the 20 treatment and care to be provided to the person while 21 secluded; 22 (j) the name, qualifications and signature of the person 23 making the order. 24 (4) A mental health practitioner or the person in charge of a ward 25 who makes a seclusion order in respect of a person must, as 26 soon as practicable and, in any event, within sufficient time to 27 enable the person to be examined as required by section 222(4) 28 or 223(2), inform a medical practitioner as to whether -- 29 (a) the person is secluded under the seclusion order; or 30 (b) the person was secluded under the seclusion order but 31 has since been released from seclusion. page 158 Mental Health Bill 2013 Regulation of certain kinds of treatment and other interventions Part 14 Seclusion Division 5 s. 216 1 (5) A mental health practitioner or the person in charge of a ward 2 who informs a medical practitioner under subsection (4) must, 3 as soon as practicable -- 4 (a) record in the approved form -- 5 (i) the medical practitioner's name and 6 qualifications; and 7 (ii) the date and time when the medical practitioner 8 was informed; 9 and 10 (b) file the record and give a copy to the person. 11 (6) The person who makes a seclusion order in respect of a person 12 must, as soon as practicable after the person is secluded under 13 the order, file it and give a copy to the person. 14 216. Criteria for authorising seclusion 15 (1) A person cannot give an oral authorisation or make a seclusion 16 order in respect of a person unless satisfied of these things -- 17 (a) the person needs to be secluded to prevent the person 18 from -- 19 (i) physically injuring himself or herself or another 20 person; or 21 (ii) persistently causing serious damage to property; 22 and 23 (b) there is no less restrictive way of preventing the injury 24 or damage. 25 (2) A mental health practitioner or the person in charge of a ward 26 cannot give an oral authorisation or make a seclusion order in 27 respect of a person unless also satisfied that -- 28 (a) the person needs to be secluded urgently; and 29 (b) a medical practitioner is not reasonably available to give 30 an oral authorisation or make a seclusion order in 31 respect of the person. page 159 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 14 Regulation of certain kinds of treatment and other interventions Division 5 Seclusion s. 217 1 217. Treating psychiatrist (if any) to be informed 2 (1) This section applies if -- 3 (a) a person secluded under an oral authorisation or 4 seclusion order has a treating psychiatrist; and 5 (b) the treating psychiatrist did not give the oral 6 authorisation or make the seclusion order; and 7 (c) the medical practitioner informed under section 214(5) 8 or 215(4) of the person's seclusion is not the treating 9 psychiatrist. 10 (2) The person who gave the oral authorisation or made the 11 seclusion order must, as soon as practicable and, in any event, 12 within 2 hours after the time when the person is secluded under 13 the authorisation or order, inform the treating psychiatrist as to 14 whether -- 15 (a) the person is secluded under the authorisation or order; 16 or 17 (b) the person was secluded under the authorisation or order 18 but has since been released from seclusion. 19 (3) A person who informs the treating psychiatrist under 20 subsection (2) must, as soon as practicable -- 21 (a) record in the approved form -- 22 (i) the treating psychiatrist's name and 23 qualifications; and 24 (ii) the date and time when the treating psychiatrist 25 was informed; 26 and 27 (b) file the record and give a copy to the person. 28 218. Extending seclusion order 29 (1) A medical practitioner may make an order extending a seclusion 30 order in force in respect of a person from the end of the period page 160 Mental Health Bill 2013 Regulation of certain kinds of treatment and other interventions Part 14 Seclusion Division 5 s. 219 1 of seclusion under the seclusion order for the further period (not 2 exceeding 2 hours) specified in the order. 3 (2) The medical practitioner cannot extend the seclusion order 4 unless, immediately before doing so, the medical practitioner 5 examines the person in accordance with section 222(4). 6 (3) The medical practitioner must, as soon as practicable, file the 7 order and give a copy to the person. 8 219. Revoking seclusion order 9 (1) A medical practitioner or mental health practitioner or the 10 person in charge of a ward at an authorised hospital may make 11 an order revoking a seclusion order in force in respect of a 12 person. 13 (2) The order must be in the approved form and must include the 14 following -- 15 (a) the date and time when the seclusion order is revoked; 16 (b) the name, qualifications and signature of the person 17 making it. 18 (3) The person who makes the order must, as soon as practicable, 19 file it and give a copy to the person. 20 220. Release of person on revocation or expiry of seclusion order 21 A medical practitioner or mental health practitioner must, as 22 soon as practicable after the time when a person cannot continue 23 to be secluded under a seclusion order -- 24 (a) inform the person of that fact; and 25 (b) ensure that the person is released from seclusion. 26 221. Record of seclusion order expiring 27 A medical practitioner or mental health practitioner must, as 28 soon as practicable after a seclusion order expires, file a record 29 in the approved form of the date and time of the expiry. page 161 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 14 Regulation of certain kinds of treatment and other interventions Division 5 Seclusion s. 222 1 222. Requirements relating to seclusion 2 (1) This section applies while a person is secluded under an oral 3 authorisation or a seclusion order. 4 (2) The person in charge of the ward where the person is secluded 5 must ensure that the requirements specified in this section, and 6 any other requirements prescribed by the regulations for this 7 section, are complied with. 8 (3) A mental health practitioner or a nurse must observe the person 9 every 15 minutes and, as soon as practicable, file a record in the 10 approved form of those observations and give a copy to the 11 person. 12 (4) A medical practitioner must examine the person at least every 13 2 hours and, as soon as practicable -- 14 (a) record in the approved form these things -- 15 (i) the medical practitioner's name and 16 qualifications; 17 (ii) the date and time of the examination; 18 (iii) the results of the examination, including whether 19 or not the medical practitioner considers that, 20 having regard to the criteria specified in 21 section 216(1), the person should continue to be 22 secluded; 23 and 24 (b) file the record and give a copy to the person. 25 (5) The person must be provided with these things -- 26 (a) the bedding and clothing appropriate in the 27 circumstances; 28 (b) sufficient food and drink; 29 (c) access to toilet facilities; 30 (d) any other care appropriate to the person's needs. page 162 Mental Health Bill 2013 Regulation of certain kinds of treatment and other interventions Part 14 Seclusion Division 5 s. 223 1 223. Examination of person released from seclusion 2 (1) This section applies whenever a person is released from 3 seclusion under an oral authorisation or a seclusion order. 4 (2) The person in charge of the ward where the person was secluded 5 must ensure -- 6 (a) that the person is examined by a medical practitioner 7 within 6 hours after the time when the person is released 8 from the seclusion; or 9 (b) if the person is to be released or discharged by, or 10 against medical advice wants to leave, the authorised 11 hospital where the person was secluded before being 12 examined under paragraph (a) -- that the person is 13 offered an examination by a medical practitioner to be 14 conducted before the person is released, discharged or 15 leaves. 16 (3) A medical practitioner who examines a person for the purposes 17 of subsection (2) must, as soon as practicable -- 18 (a) record in the approved form these things -- 19 (i) the medical practitioner's name and 20 qualifications; 21 (ii) the date and time of the examination; 22 (iii) the results of the examination, including any 23 complication of or deterioration in the person's 24 mental or physical condition that is a result of, or 25 may be the result of, the person being secluded; 26 and 27 (b) file the record and give a copy to the person. 28 224. Report to Chief Psychiatrist and Mentally Impaired 29 Accused Review Board 30 (1) This section applies whenever a person is released from 31 seclusion under an oral authorisation or a seclusion order. page 163 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 14 Regulation of certain kinds of treatment and other interventions Division 5 Seclusion s. 225 1 (2) The treating psychiatrist or, if the person does not have a 2 treating psychiatrist, the person in charge of the authorised 3 hospital where the person was secluded must, as soon as 4 practicable, give the documents specified in subsection (3) 5 relating to the seclusion to -- 6 (a) the Chief Psychiatrist; and 7 (b) if the person is a mentally impaired accused -- the 8 Mentally Impaired Accused Review Board. 9 (3) For subsection (2), these documents are specified -- 10 (a) a copy of the record of the oral authorisation (if any) 11 made under section 214(4)(a); 12 (b) a copy of the seclusion order (if any) made under 13 section 215(1); 14 (c) a copy of any order extending the seclusion order made 15 under section 218(1); 16 (d) a copy of any order revoking the seclusion order made 17 under section 219(1) or any record of the expiry of the 18 seclusion order under section 221; 19 (e) a copy of each of the records made under 20 section 214(6)(a), 215(5)(a), 217(3)(a), 222(3) and 21 (4)(a) and 223(3)(a). 22 (4) The treating psychiatrist or person in charge must, as soon as 23 practicable, file a record of having complied with 24 subsection (2). 25 225. Reasonable assistance and force authorised 26 A person prescribed by the regulations for this section is 27 authorised to exercise the powers under section 172 for the 28 purpose of secluding a person under an oral authorisation or a 29 seclusion order. page 164 Mental Health Bill 2013 Regulation of certain kinds of treatment and other interventions Part 14 Bodily restraint Division 6 s. 226 1 Division 6 -- Bodily restraint 2 226. Terms used 3 In this Division -- 4 bodily restraint order -- 5 (a) means a bodily restraint order made under 6 section 231(1); and 7 (b) includes a bodily restraint order as varied under 8 section 234(1) or (3); 9 oral authorisation means an authorisation given orally under 10 section 230(1). 11 227. Bodily restraint: meaning 12 (1) Bodily restraint is the physical or mechanical restraint of a 13 person who is being provided with treatment or care at an 14 authorised hospital. 15 (2) Physical restraint is the restraint of a person by the application 16 of bodily force to the person's body to restrict the person's 17 movement. 18 (3) Mechanical restraint is the restraint of a person by the 19 application of a device (for example, a belt, harness, manacle, 20 sheet or strap) to a person's body to restrict the person's 21 movement. 22 (4) Mechanical restraint does not include either of these forms of 23 restraint -- 24 (a) the appropriate use of a medical or surgical appliance in 25 the treatment of a physical illness or injury; 26 (b) the appropriate use of furniture that restricts a person's 27 capacity to get off the furniture (for example, a bed 28 fitted with cot sides or a chair fitted with a table across 29 the arms). page 165 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 14 Regulation of certain kinds of treatment and other interventions Division 6 Bodily restraint s. 228 1 (5) Bodily restraint does not include -- 2 (a) physical or mechanical restraint by a police officer 3 acting in the course of duty; or 4 (b) physical restraint by a person exercising a power under 5 section 172(2). 6 228. Principles relating to use of bodily restraint 7 These principles apply in relation to the use of bodily restraint 8 on a person under this Division -- 9 (a) the degree of force used to restrain the person must be 10 the minimum that is required in the circumstances; 11 (b) while the person is restrained -- 12 (i) there must be the least possible restriction on the 13 person's freedom of movement consistent with 14 the person's restraint; and 15 (ii) the person must be treated with dignity and 16 respect. 17 229. Bodily restraint must be authorised 18 A person must not use bodily restraint on another person except 19 in accordance with an oral authorisation or a bodily restraint 20 order. 21 Penalty: a fine of $6 000. 22 230. Giving oral authorisation 23 (1) A medical practitioner or mental health practitioner at an 24 authorised hospital or the person in charge of a ward at an 25 authorised hospital may orally authorise the bodily restraint of 26 any of these people -- 27 (a) a person who is a patient admitted by the authorised 28 hospital; 29 (b) a person who is referred under section 26(2) or 36(2) for 30 an examination to be conducted by a psychiatrist at the 31 authorised hospital; page 166 Mental Health Bill 2013 Regulation of certain kinds of treatment and other interventions Part 14 Bodily restraint Division 6 s. 230 1 (c) a person who is under an order made under 2 section 55(1)(c) or 61(1)(c) to enable an examination to 3 be conducted by a psychiatrist at the authorised hospital. 4 (2) A person cannot give an oral authorisation in respect of a person 5 unless satisfied of the matters specified in section 232. 6 (3) A person giving an oral authorisation in respect of a person 7 must specify -- 8 (a) whether physical or mechanical restraint can be used to 9 restrain the person; and 10 (b) if mechanical restraint can be used -- 11 (i) the device that can be used to restrain the person; 12 and 13 (ii) the way in which the device can be applied to the 14 person's body. 15 (4) A person who gives an oral authorisation in respect of a person 16 must, as soon as practicable after the person is restrained under 17 the authorisation -- 18 (a) record the oral authorisation in the approved form, 19 specifying the following -- 20 (i) the date and time when it was given; 21 (ii) the matters specified under subsection (3); 22 (iii) the reasons for giving it; 23 and 24 (b) file the record and give a copy to the person. 25 (5) A mental health practitioner or the person in charge of a ward 26 who gives an oral authorisation in respect of a person must, as 27 soon as practicable and, in any event, within sufficient time to 28 enable the person to be examined as required by section 238(4) 29 or 239(2)(a), inform a medical practitioner as to whether -- 30 (a) the person is restrained under the oral authorisation; or 31 (b) the person was restrained under the oral authorisation 32 but has since been released from bodily restraint. page 167 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 14 Regulation of certain kinds of treatment and other interventions Division 6 Bodily restraint s. 231 1 (6) A mental health practitioner or the person in charge of a ward 2 who informs a medical practitioner under subsection (5) must, 3 as soon as practicable -- 4 (a) record in the approved form -- 5 (i) the medical practitioner's name and 6 qualifications; and 7 (ii) the date and time when the medical practitioner 8 was informed; 9 and 10 (b) file the record and give a copy to the person. 11 (7) If a bodily restraint order confirming the oral authorisation is 12 not made (either by the person who gave the oral authorisation 13 or, if that person is not reasonably available, another person 14 who is authorised to make a bodily restraint order) as soon as 15 practicable and, in any event, within 30 minutes after the time 16 when the person is restrained under the authorisation -- 17 (a) the person cannot continue to be restrained and must be 18 released from bodily restraint; and 19 (b) the person who gave the oral authorisation or, if that 20 person is not reasonably available, another person who 21 is authorised to make a bodily restraint order must 22 ensure that the person is informed of that fact and 23 released from bodily restraint. 24 231. Making bodily restraint order 25 (1) A medical practitioner or mental health practitioner at an 26 authorised hospital or the person in charge of a ward at an 27 authorised hospital may make a bodily restraint order 28 authorising the bodily restraint of any of these people -- 29 (a) a person who is a patient admitted by the authorised 30 hospital; page 168 Mental Health Bill 2013 Regulation of certain kinds of treatment and other interventions Part 14 Bodily restraint Division 6 s. 231 1 (b) a person who is referred under section 26(2) or 36(2) for 2 an examination to be conducted by a psychiatrist at the 3 authorised hospital; 4 (c) a person who is under an order made under 5 section 55(1)(c) or 61(1)(c) to enable an examination to 6 be conducted by a psychiatrist at the authorised hospital. 7 (2) A person cannot make a bodily restraint order in respect of a 8 person unless satisfied of the matters specified in section 232. 9 (3) A bodily restraint order must be in the approved form and must 10 include the following -- 11 (a) the name and date of birth of the person being restrained 12 under the order; 13 (b) the date and time when the order is made; 14 (c) the date and time when any oral authorisation being 15 confirmed by the order was given; 16 (d) the period for which the person can be restrained under 17 the order, which cannot exceed 30 minutes including the 18 period for which the person was restrained under any 19 oral authorisation being confirmed by the order; 20 (e) whether physical or mechanical restraint can be used to 21 restrain the person; 22 (f) if mechanical restraint can be used -- 23 (i) the device that can be used to restrain the person; 24 and 25 (ii) the way in which the device can be applied to the 26 person's body; 27 (g) with reference to the criteria specified in 28 section 232(1) -- 29 (i) the reasons for authorising the use of bodily 30 restraint on the person; and 31 (ii) if mechanical restraint is authorised -- the 32 reasons for authorising the use and application of 33 the device specified under paragraph (f); page 169 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 14 Regulation of certain kinds of treatment and other interventions Division 6 Bodily restraint s. 231 1 (h) if a mental health practitioner or the person in charge of 2 a ward makes the order -- with reference to the criteria 3 specified in section 232(2), the reasons for the urgency; 4 (i) particulars of any observations made about the 5 person -- 6 (i) if the order is confirming an oral authorisation -- 7 when the person was restrained under the oral 8 authorisation; or 9 (ii) otherwise -- when the person is restrained under 10 the order; 11 (j) particulars of any directions given by a medical 12 practitioner or mental health practitioner about the 13 treatment and care to be provided to the person while 14 restrained; 15 (k) the name, qualifications and signature of the person 16 making the order. 17 (4) A mental health practitioner or the person in charge of a ward 18 who makes a bodily restraint order in respect of a person must, 19 as soon as practicable and, in any event, within sufficient time 20 to enable the person to be examined as required by 21 section 238(4) or 239(2)(a), inform a medical practitioner as to 22 whether -- 23 (a) the person is restrained under the bodily restraint order; 24 or 25 (b) the person was restrained under the bodily restraint 26 order but has since been released from bodily restraint. 27 (5) A mental health practitioner or the person in charge of a ward 28 who informs a medical practitioner under subsection (4) must, 29 as soon as practicable -- 30 (a) record in the approved form -- 31 (i) the medical practitioner's name and 32 qualifications; and page 170 Mental Health Bill 2013 Regulation of certain kinds of treatment and other interventions Part 14 Bodily restraint Division 6 s. 232 1 (ii) the date and time when the medical practitioner 2 was informed; 3 and 4 (b) file the record and give a copy to the person. 5 (6) The person who makes a bodily restraint order in respect of a 6 person must, as soon as practicable after the person is restrained 7 under the order, file it and give a copy to the person. 8 232. Criteria for authorising bodily restraint 9 (1) A person cannot give an oral authorisation or make a bodily 10 restraint order in respect of a person unless satisfied of these 11 things -- 12 (a) the person needs to be restrained to -- 13 (i) provide the person with treatment; or 14 (ii) prevent the person from physically injuring 15 himself or herself or another person; or 16 (iii) prevent the person from persistently causing 17 serious damage to property; 18 and 19 (b) there is no less restrictive way of providing the 20 treatment or preventing the injury or damage; and 21 (c) the use of bodily restraint on the person is unlikely to 22 pose a significant risk to the person's physical health. 23 (2) A mental health practitioner or the person in charge of a ward 24 cannot give an oral authorisation or make a bodily restraint 25 order in respect of a person unless also satisfied that -- 26 (a) the person needs to be restrained urgently; and 27 (b) a medical practitioner is not reasonably available to give 28 an oral authorisation or make a bodily restraint order in 29 respect of the person. page 171 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 14 Regulation of certain kinds of treatment and other interventions Division 6 Bodily restraint s. 233 1 233. Treating psychiatrist (if any) must be informed 2 (1) This section applies if -- 3 (a) a person restrained under an oral authorisation or a 4 bodily restraint order has a treating psychiatrist; and 5 (b) the treating psychiatrist did not give the oral 6 authorisation or make the bodily restraint order; and 7 (c) the medical practitioner informed of the restraint under 8 section 230(5) or 231(4) is not the treating psychiatrist. 9 (2) The person who gave the oral authorisation or made the bodily 10 restraint order must, as soon as practicable and, in any event, 11 within 30 minutes after the time when the person is restrained 12 under the authorisation or order, inform the treating psychiatrist 13 as to whether -- 14 (a) the person is restrained under the authorisation or order; 15 or 16 (b) the person was restrained under the authorisation or 17 order but has since been released from bodily restraint. 18 (3) A person who informs the treating psychiatrist under 19 subsection (2) must, as soon as practicable -- 20 (a) record in the approved form -- 21 (i) the treating psychiatrist's name and 22 qualifications; and 23 (ii) the date and time when the treating psychiatrist 24 was informed; 25 and 26 (b) file the record and give a copy to the person. 27 234. Varying bodily restraint order 28 (1) A medical practitioner may make an order extending a bodily 29 restraint order in force in respect of a person from the end of the 30 period of restraint under the bodily restraint order for the further 31 period (not exceeding 30 minutes) specified in the order. page 172 Mental Health Bill 2013 Regulation of certain kinds of treatment and other interventions Part 14 Bodily restraint Division 6 s. 235 1 (2) A medical practitioner cannot extend a bodily restraint order 2 under subsection (1) unless, immediately before doing so, the 3 medical practitioner examines the person in accordance with 4 section 238(4). 5 (3) A medical practitioner or mental health practitioner may make 6 an order varying a bodily restraint order in force in respect of a 7 person by -- 8 (a) shortening the bodily restraint order by the period 9 specified in the order; or 10 (b) varying the device that is authorised for use to restrict 11 the person's movement or the way in which the device is 12 authorised to be applied to the person's body. 13 (4) An order made under subsection (1) or (3) must be in the 14 approved form and must include the following -- 15 (a) the date and time when it is made; 16 (b) the variation of the bodily restraint order; 17 (c) the reasons for the variation; 18 (d) the name, qualifications and signature of the practitioner 19 making it. 20 (5) A person who makes an order under subsection (1) or (3) must, 21 as soon as practicable, file it and give a copy to the person. 22 235. Revoking bodily restraint order 23 (1) A medical practitioner or mental health practitioner or the 24 person in charge of a ward at an authorised hospital may make 25 an order revoking a bodily restraint order in force in respect of a 26 person. 27 (2) The order must be in the approved form and must include the 28 following -- 29 (a) the date and time when the bodily restraint order is 30 revoked; 31 (b) the name, qualifications and signature of the practitioner 32 making it. page 173 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 14 Regulation of certain kinds of treatment and other interventions Division 6 Bodily restraint s. 236 1 (3) The person who makes the order must, as soon as practicable, 2 file it and give a copy to the person. 3 236. Release of person on revocation or expiry of bodily restraint 4 order 5 A medical practitioner or mental health practitioner must, as 6 soon as practicable after the time when a person cannot continue 7 to be restrained under a bodily restraint order -- 8 (a) inform the person of that fact; and 9 (b) ensure that the person is released from bodily restraint. 10 237. Record of bodily restraint order expiring 11 A medical practitioner or mental health practitioner must, as 12 soon as practicable after a bodily restraint order expires, file a 13 record in the approved form of the date and time of the expiry. 14 238. Requirements relating to bodily restraint 15 (1) This section applies while a person is restrained under an oral 16 authorisation or a bodily restraint order. 17 (2) The person in charge of the ward where the person is restrained 18 must ensure that the requirements specified in this section, and 19 any other requirements prescribed by the regulations for this 20 section, are complied with. 21 (3) A mental health practitioner or a nurse must be in physical 22 attendance on the person at all times and, as soon as practicable, 23 must file a record in the approved form of any observations he 24 or she makes about the person and give a copy to the person. 25 (4) A medical practitioner must examine the person at least every 26 30 minutes and, as soon as practicable -- 27 (a) record in the approved form these things -- 28 (i) the medical practitioner's name and 29 qualifications; page 174 Mental Health Bill 2013 Regulation of certain kinds of treatment and other interventions Part 14 Bodily restraint Division 6 s. 239 1 (ii) the date and time of the examination; 2 (iii) the results of the examination, including whether 3 or not the medical practitioner considers that, 4 having regard to the criteria specified in 5 section 232(1), the person should continue to be 6 restrained; 7 and 8 (b) file the record and give a copy to the person. 9 (5) If the person remains restrained for more than 6 hours, a 10 psychiatrist must review the use of bodily restraint on the 11 person and, as soon as practicable -- 12 (a) record in the approved form -- 13 (i) the psychiatrist's name and qualifications; and 14 (ii) the date, time and results of the review; 15 and 16 (b) file the record and give a copy to the person. 17 (6) The person must be provided with these things -- 18 (a) the bedding and clothing appropriate in the 19 circumstances; 20 (b) sufficient food and drink; 21 (c) access to toilet facilities; 22 (d) any other care appropriate to the person's needs. 23 239. Examination of person when released 24 (1) This section applies whenever a person is released from bodily 25 restraint under an oral authorisation or a bodily restraint order. 26 (2) The person in charge of the ward where the person was 27 restrained must ensure -- 28 (a) that the person is examined by a medical practitioner as 29 soon as practicable and, in any event, within 6 hours page 175 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 14 Regulation of certain kinds of treatment and other interventions Division 6 Bodily restraint s. 240 1 after the time when the person is released from the 2 bodily restraint; or 3 (b) if the person is to be released or discharged by, or 4 against medical advice wants to leave, the authorised 5 hospital where the person was restrained before being 6 examined under paragraph (a) -- that the person is 7 offered an examination by a medical practitioner to be 8 conducted before the person is released, discharged or 9 leaves. 10 (3) A medical practitioner who examines a person for the purposes 11 of subsection (2) must, as soon as practicable -- 12 (a) record in the approved form these things -- 13 (i) the medical practitioner's name and 14 qualifications; 15 (ii) the date and time of the examination; 16 (iii) the results of the examination, including any 17 complication of or deterioration in the person's 18 mental or physical condition that is a result of, or 19 may be the result of, the person being restrained; 20 and 21 (b) file the record and give a copy to the person. 22 240. Report to Chief Psychiatrist and Mentally Impaired 23 Accused Review Board 24 (1) This section applies whenever a person is released from restraint 25 under an oral authorisation or a bodily restraint order. 26 (2) The treating psychiatrist or, if the person does not have a 27 treating psychiatrist, the person in charge of the authorised 28 hospital where the person was restrained must, as soon as 29 practicable, give the documents specified in subsection (3) 30 relating to the restraint to -- 31 (a) the Chief Psychiatrist; and page 176 Mental Health Bill 2013 Regulation of certain kinds of treatment and other interventions Part 14 Bodily restraint Division 6 s. 240 1 (b) if the person is a mentally impaired accused -- the 2 Mentally Impaired Accused Review Board. 3 (3) For subsection (2), these documents are specified -- 4 (a) a copy of the record of the oral authorisation (if any) 5 made under section 230(4)(a); 6 (b) a copy of the bodily restraint order (if any) made under 7 section 231(1); 8 (c) a copy of any order varying the bodily restraint order 9 made under section 234(1) or (3); 10 (d) a copy of any order revoking the bodily restraint order 11 made under section 235(1) or any record of the expiry of 12 the bodily restraint order made under section 237; 13 (e) a copy of each of the records made under 14 section 230(6)(a), 231(5)(a), 233(3)(a), 238(3), (4)(a) 15 and (5)(a) and 239(3)(a). 16 (4) The treating psychiatrist or person in charge must, as soon as 17 practicable, file a record of having complied with 18 subsection (2). page 177 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 15 Health care of people in hospitals Division 1 Examination to assess person's physical condition s. 241 1 Part 15 -- Health care of people in hospitals 2 Division 1 -- Examination to assess person's physical condition 3 241. Physical examination on arrival at hospital 4 (1) This section applies when -- 5 (a) a person is admitted -- 6 (i) by a hospital as a voluntary inpatient; or 7 (ii) by a hospital as an involuntary patient whose 8 detention at the hospital is authorised under an 9 inpatient treatment order; or 10 (iii) by an authorised hospital as a mentally impaired 11 accused required under the MIA Act to be 12 detained at the authorised hospital; 13 or 14 (b) a person is received into an authorised hospital under 15 section 52(1)(a) or 70(1)(a). 16 (2) The person in charge of the hospital must ensure that, as soon as 17 practicable and, in any event, within 12 hours after the time 18 when the person is admitted or received, a medical practitioner 19 physically attends on the person for the purpose of examining 20 the person to assess the person's physical condition. 21 (3) For the purposes of subsection (2), these things may be done in 22 relation to a person referred to in subsection (1)(a)(ii) or (iii) 23 or (b) without consent -- 24 (a) the person may be examined; 25 (b) samples of the person's blood, saliva, tissue and excreta 26 may be taken. 27 (4) A medical practitioner who examines a person for the purposes 28 of subsection (2) must, as soon as practicable, file a record of 29 these things -- 30 (a) the practitioner's name and qualifications; page 178 Mental Health Bill 2013 Health care of people in hospitals Part 15 Urgent non-psychiatric treatment for involuntary inpatients and Division 2 mentally impaired accused s. 242 1 (b) the date and time when the examination was conducted; 2 (c) the results of the examination. 3 Division 2 -- Urgent non-psychiatric treatment for involuntary 4 inpatients and mentally impaired accused 5 242. Provision of urgent non-psychiatric treatment: report to 6 Chief Psychiatrist 7 (1) This section applies if urgent non-psychiatric treatment is 8 provided to a patient who is -- 9 (a) an involuntary patient who is under an inpatient 10 treatment order authorising the patient's detention at an 11 authorised hospital; or 12 (b) a mentally impaired accused required under the 13 MIA Act to be detained at an authorised hospital. 14 (2) In this section -- 15 urgent non-psychiatric treatment means urgent treatment as 16 defined in the GAA Act section 110ZH. 17 (3) The person in charge of the authorised hospital must, as soon as 18 practicable, report the provision of the urgent non-psychiatric 19 treatment to -- 20 (a) the Chief Psychiatrist; and 21 (b) if the patient is a mentally impaired accused -- the 22 Mentally Impaired Accused Review Board. 23 (4) The report must be in the approved form and must include these 24 things about the urgent non-psychiatric treatment -- 25 (a) the name of the patient provided with the treatment; 26 (b) the name and qualifications of the practitioner who 27 provided the treatment; 28 (c) the names of any other people involved in providing the 29 treatment; 30 (d) the date, time and place the treatment was provided; page 179 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 15 Health care of people in hospitals Division 2 Urgent non-psychiatric treatment for involuntary inpatients and mentally impaired accused s. 242 1 (e) particulars of the circumstances in which the treatment 2 was provided; 3 (f) particulars of the treatment provided. 4 (5) The provision of urgent non-psychiatric treatment is an event to 5 which Part 9 applies and the person in charge of the authorised 6 hospital is the person responsible under that Part for notification 7 of that event. 8 Note for section 242: 9 The GAA Act section 110ZI or 110ZIA may apply in relation to the provision of 10 urgent non-psychiatric treatment to a patient referred to in section 242. page 180 Mental Health Bill 2013 Protection of patients' rights Part 16 Patients' rights generally Division 1 s. 243 1 Part 16 -- Protection of patients' rights 2 Division 1 -- Patients' rights generally 3 Subdivision 1 -- Explanation of rights 4 243. Application of this Subdivision 5 This Subdivision applies when -- 6 (a) a patient is being admitted -- 7 (i) by a hospital as a voluntary inpatient; or 8 (ii) by a hospital as an involuntary patient whose 9 detention at the hospital is authorised under an 10 inpatient treatment order; or 11 (iii) by an authorised hospital as a mentally impaired 12 accused required under the MIA Act to be 13 detained at the authorised hospital; 14 or 15 (b) an inpatient treatment order is made in respect of a 16 patient; or 17 (c) a patient who is under an inpatient treatment order is 18 granted leave of absence from a hospital under 19 section 105(1); or 20 (d) a community treatment order is made in respect of a 21 patient; or 22 (e) a person is referred under section 26(2) or 36(2) for an 23 examination to be conducted by a psychiatrist at an 24 authorised hospital; or 25 (f) a person is referred under section 26(3)(a) for an 26 examination to be conducted by a psychiatrist at a place 27 that is not an authorised hospital. page 181 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 16 Protection of patients' rights Division 1 Patients' rights generally s. 244 1 244. Rights to be explained to person 2 The person responsible under section 246 must ensure that the 3 person is provided with an explanation, as described in the 4 regulations, of the person's rights under this Act. 5 Note for section 244: 6 Any explanation provided under section 244 must be provided in accordance 7 with section 9(2). 8 245. Person's rights to be explained to another person 9 (1) The person responsible under section 246 must ensure that a 10 carer, close family member or other personal support person of 11 the person is provided with an explanation, as described in the 12 regulations, of the person's rights under this Act. 13 (2) This section applies despite any requirement under 14 section 286(2) or 288(2) relating to the person's consent or 15 refusal to consent. 16 Note for section 245: 17 Any explanation provided under section 245(1) must be provided in 18 accordance with section 9(2). 19 246. Person responsible for ensuring explanation is provided 20 For sections 244 and 245, the person responsible is -- 21 (a) when section 243(a) applies -- the person in charge of 22 the authorised hospital; or 23 (b) when section 243(b) applies -- the psychiatrist who 24 makes the inpatient treatment order; or 25 (c) when section 243(c) applies -- the psychiatrist who 26 grants the leave of absence; or 27 (d) when section 243(d) applies -- the psychiatrist who 28 makes the community treatment order; or 29 (e) when section 243(e) or (f) applies -- the medical 30 practitioner or authorised mental health practitioner who 31 makes the referral. page 182 Mental Health Bill 2013 Protection of patients' rights Part 16 Patients' rights generally Division 1 s. 247 1 Subdivision 2 -- Access to records about patients and 2 former patients 3 247. Term used: relevant document 4 In this Subdivision -- 5 relevant document, in relation to a person, means the whole or 6 any part of the person's medical record or any other document 7 about the person. 8 248. Right to access medical record and other documents 9 (1) Unless section 249(1)(a) or (b) or (3) applies, a person who is or 10 was provided with treatment or care by a mental health service 11 is entitled to inspect, and to be given a copy of, any relevant 12 document relating to the person that is in the possession or 13 control of -- 14 (a) the person in charge of the mental health service; or 15 (b) a staff member of the mental health service. 16 (2) Subsection (1) does not affect any other right that the person has 17 under this Act or another law to be given access to a document. 18 (3) The person in charge of the mental health service must 19 ensure -- 20 (a) that any request by the person to inspect, or to be given 21 a copy of, a relevant document relating to the person is 22 dealt with as soon as practicable after the request is 23 received by the person who has possession or control of 24 the relevant document; and 25 (b) if the request is refused -- that a record in the approved 26 form of the reasons for the refusal is filed and a copy 27 given to the person. page 183 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 16 Protection of patients' rights Division 1 Patients' rights generally s. 249 1 249. Restrictions on access 2 (1) A person is not entitled to have access under section 248(1) to a 3 relevant document relating to the person -- 4 (a) if a psychiatrist reasonably believes that disclosure of 5 the information in the document to the person -- 6 (i) poses a significant risk to the health or safety of 7 the person or to the safety of another person; or 8 (ii) poses a significant risk of serious harm to the 9 person or to another person; 10 or 11 (b) if disclosure of the information in the document to the 12 person would reveal -- 13 (i) personal information about an individual who is 14 not the person; or 15 (ii) information of a confidential nature that was 16 obtained in confidence. 17 (2) Subsection (1)(b) does not apply if the personal information is 18 about an individual who consents to the disclosure of the 19 information. 20 (3) A person is not entitled to have access under section 248(1) to a 21 relevant document relating to the person if the person -- 22 (a) is or was a mentally impaired accused required under 23 the MIA Act to be detained at an authorised hospital; 24 and 25 (b) the relevant document came into existence under, or for 26 the purposes of, the Prisons Act 1981. 27 250. Providing access to medical practitioner or legal 28 practitioner 29 (1) This section applies if a person has been refused access under 30 section 248(1) to a relevant document relating to the person for 31 a reason referred to in section 249(1)(a). page 184 Mental Health Bill 2013 Protection of patients' rights Part 16 Patients' rights generally Division 1 s. 251 1 (2) The person may nominate a medical practitioner or a legal 2 practitioner or both to inspect, and to be given a copy of, the 3 relevant document. 4 (3) A practitioner nominated under subsection (2) is entitled to 5 inspect, and to be given a copy of, the relevant document as 6 soon as practicable. 7 251. Disclosure by medical practitioner or legal practitioner 8 A person who inspects, or is given a copy of, a relevant 9 document in the exercise or purported exercise of a right under 10 section 250(3) must not disclose any information in the 11 document to the person who has been refused access under 12 section 248(1) to the document. 13 Penalty: a fine of $5 000. 14 Subdivision 3 -- Duties of staff of mental health services 15 toward patients 16 252. Term used: mental health service 17 In this Subdivision -- 18 mental health service includes a private psychiatric hostel. 19 253. Duty not to ill-treat or wilfully neglect patients 20 A staff member of a mental health service must not ill-treat or 21 wilfully neglect a person for whom the Chief Psychiatrist is 22 responsible under section 513(1) who is being provided with 23 treatment or care by the mental health service. 24 Penalty: a fine of $15 000 and imprisonment for 2 years. 25 254. Duty to report certain incidents 26 (1) In this section -- 27 reportable incident, in relation to a person, means -- 28 (a) unlawful sexual contact with the person by a staff 29 member of a mental health service; or page 185 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 16 Protection of patients' rights Division 2 Additional rights of inpatients in hospitals s. 255 1 (b) the unreasonable use of force on the person by a staff 2 member of a mental health service. 3 (2) A staff member of a mental health service who reasonably 4 suspects that a reportable incident has occurred in relation to a 5 person for whom the Chief Psychiatrist is responsible under 6 section 513(1) who is being provided with treatment or care by 7 the mental health service must report the suspicion to -- 8 (a) the person in charge of the mental health service; or 9 (b) the Chief Psychiatrist. 10 Penalty: a fine of $6 000. 11 Division 2 -- Additional rights of inpatients in hospitals 12 Subdivision 1 -- Admission of voluntary inpatients by 13 authorised hospitals 14 255. Admission by medical practitioner 15 A voluntary patient can only be admitted as an inpatient of an 16 authorised hospital by a medical practitioner. 17 256. Confirmation of admission by psychiatrist 18 (1) The admission of a voluntary patient as an inpatient of an 19 authorised hospital must be confirmed by a psychiatrist. 20 (2) Subsection (1) does not apply if the voluntary patient is 21 admitted by a psychiatrist. 22 257. Reasons for refusing to admit or confirm admission 23 (1) A medical practitioner who refuses to admit, or a psychiatrist 24 who refuses to confirm the admission of, a voluntary patient as 25 an inpatient of an authorised hospital must -- 26 (a) inform the voluntary patient of the reasons for refusing; 27 and page 186 Mental Health Bill 2013 Protection of patients' rights Part 16 Additional rights of inpatients in hospitals Division 2 s. 258 1 (b) advise the voluntary patient that a complaint about the 2 refusal can be made -- 3 (i) under Part 19 to either the person in charge of the 4 authorised hospital or the Director of the 5 Complaints Office; or 6 (ii) to the Chief Psychiatrist; 7 and 8 (c) if that information or advice is provided orally -- advise 9 the voluntary patient that the medical practitioner or 10 psychiatrist may be requested to confirm it in writing. 11 (2) The medical practitioner or psychiatrist must, as soon as 12 practicable, comply with a request to confirm in writing 13 information or advice provided orally under subsection (1). 14 Note for section 257: 15 Any information or advice provided under section 257(1) or (2) must be 16 provided in accordance with section 9(2). 17 Subdivision 2 -- Rights of inpatients generally 18 258. Application of this Subdivision 19 This Subdivision applies in relation to any of these patients -- 20 (a) a voluntary inpatient who is admitted by an authorised 21 hospital; 22 (b) an involuntary inpatient whose detention at a hospital is 23 authorised under an inpatient treatment order; 24 (c) a mentally impaired accused required under the 25 MIA Act to be detained at an authorised hospital. 26 259. Personal possessions 27 (1) This section applies only in relation to a patient who is admitted 28 by an authorised hospital. page 187 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 16 Protection of patients' rights Division 2 Additional rights of inpatients in hospitals s. 259 1 (2) In this section -- 2 personal possessions, of a patient, means any of these items -- 3 (a) articles of clothing, jewellery or footwear belonging to 4 the patient; 5 (b) articles for personal use by the patient; 6 (c) aids for daily living, or medical prostheses, that are 7 usually used by the patient as means of assistance or to 8 maintain the patient's dignity. 9 (3) The person in charge of an authorised hospital must ensure that 10 each patient -- 11 (a) is provided with a secure facility in which to store the 12 patient's personal possessions; and 13 (b) is allowed to use those possessions. 14 (4) Subsection (3) does not apply in relation to an item (including 15 an aid for daily living or medical prosthesis) that, in the opinion 16 of the person in charge, may pose a risk of harm to the patient or 17 to another person. 18 (5) Subsection (3) does not apply in relation to an item that is not an 19 aid for daily living or medical prosthesis that, in the opinion of 20 the person in charge, is not an appropriate item to store at the 21 authorised hospital. 22 (6) Any personal possessions of a patient left at an authorised 23 hospital for more than 6 months after the day on which the 24 patient is discharged by the hospital may be sold or otherwise 25 disposed of by the person in charge of the hospital, but only -- 26 (a) after the person in charge gives at least one month's 27 notice of the proposed disposal to a carer, close family 28 member or other personal support person of the person; 29 and 30 (b) if no carer, close family member or other personal 31 support person of the person claims those possessions 32 within that 6-month period. page 188 Mental Health Bill 2013 Protection of patients' rights Part 16 Additional rights of inpatients in hospitals Division 2 s. 260 1 260. Interview with psychiatrist 2 (1) A patient may, at any time while admitted by a hospital, request 3 an interview with a psychiatrist. 4 (2) The person in charge of the hospital must ensure -- 5 (a) that, unless subsection (4) applies, the request is 6 complied with within a reasonable time after the request 7 is made; and 8 (b) that a record of the request having been made is filed. 9 (3) The psychiatrist who interviews a patient in compliance with a 10 request made under subsection (1) must file a record of -- 11 (a) the date and time when the interview occurred; and 12 (b) the matters discussed during the interview. 13 (4) A psychiatrist may refuse a patient's request for an interview 14 under subsection (1) if -- 15 (a) the patient has a history of making repeated requests 16 under subsection (1); and 17 (b) the psychiatrist is satisfied that the patient is acting 18 unreasonably in making the request. 19 (5) A psychiatrist who refuses a patient's request under 20 subsection (4) must file a record of the reasons for refusing and 21 give a copy to the patient. 22 261. Freedom of lawful communication 23 (1) This section applies subject to section 262. 24 (2) A patient has the right of freedom of lawful communication. 25 (3) A patient's freedom of lawful communication includes the 26 freedom to do any of these things in reasonable privacy -- 27 (a) see and speak with other people in the hospital to the 28 extent that is reasonable; page 189 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 16 Protection of patients' rights Division 2 Additional rights of inpatients in hospitals s. 262 1 (b) have uncensored communications with people, including 2 by receiving visits, sending and receiving telephone 3 calls, and sending and receiving mail and electronic 4 communications; 5 (c) receive visits from, and otherwise have contact with, the 6 patient's legal practitioner at all reasonable times; 7 (d) receive visits from, and otherwise have contact with, a 8 mental health advocate at any time; 9 (e) receive visits from, and be otherwise contacted by, other 10 people at all reasonable times. 11 262. Restrictions on freedom of communication 12 (1) A psychiatrist may make an order -- 13 (a) prohibiting a patient from exercising a right under 14 section 261; or 15 (b) limiting the extent to which a patient can exercise a right 16 under section 261. 17 (2) A psychiatrist cannot make an order under subsection (1) 18 prohibiting, or limiting the extent of, a patient's right under 19 section 261(3)(a), (b) or (e) unless satisfied that making the 20 order is in the best interests of the patient. 21 (3) A psychiatrist cannot make an order under subsection (1) 22 prohibiting, or limiting the extent of, a patient's right under 23 section 261(3)(c) or (d) to receive visits from the person's legal 24 practitioner or a mental health advocate unless satisfied that -- 25 (a) there is a serious risk to the safety of the legal 26 practitioner or mental health advocate if the order is not 27 made; and 28 (b) there are no other steps that could reasonably be taken to 29 reduce that risk. 30 (4) A psychiatrist cannot make an order under subsection (1) 31 prohibiting, or limiting the extent of, a patient's right under page 190 Mental Health Bill 2013 Protection of patients' rights Part 16 Additional rights of inpatients in hospitals Division 2 s. 262 1 section 261(3)(c) or (d) to be otherwise contacted by the 2 person's legal practitioner or a mental health advocate. 3 (5) The order must be in the approved form and must include the 4 following -- 5 (a) the date and time when it is made; 6 (b) the reasons for making it; 7 (c) the name, qualifications and signature of the 8 psychiatrist. 9 (6) A psychiatrist who makes an order under subsection (1) must, as 10 soon as practicable -- 11 (a) file it and give a copy to the patient; and 12 (b) give a copy to any carer, close family member or other 13 personal support person of the patient. 14 (7) A psychiatrist must, before the end of each 24-hour period that 15 an order made under subsection (1) is in force, review the order 16 and confirm, amend or revoke it. 17 (8) A psychiatrist who confirms, amends or revokes an order made 18 under subsection (1) must -- 19 (a) file a record of the confirmation, amendment or 20 revocation and the reasons for it; and 21 (b) advise the patient of the confirmation, amendment or 22 revocation and those reasons. 23 (9) An order made under subsection (1) ceases to be in force if it is 24 not reviewed before the end of any 24-hour period referred to in 25 subsection (7). 26 (10) A psychiatrist who makes an order under subsection (1) in 27 respect of a patient must, within 24 hours after the time when 28 the order is made, advise the Chief Mental Health Advocate that 29 the order has been made. 30 Note for section 262: 31 For the purpose of deciding under section 262(2) what is or is not in the best 32 interests of a patient, Part 2 Division 3 applies. page 191 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 16 Protection of patients' rights Division 3 Nominated persons s. 263 1 Division 3 -- Nominated persons 2 Subdivision 1 -- Purpose and effect of nomination 3 263. Role of nominated person 4 The role of a nominated person is to assist the person who made 5 the nomination by ensuring that, in performing a function under 6 this Act in relation to that person, a person or body -- 7 (a) observes that person's rights under this Act; and 8 (b) takes that person's interests and wishes into account. 9 264. Effect of nomination 10 (1) This section does not limit the role of a nominated person under 11 section 263. 12 (2) A patient is entitled to have uncensored communications with 13 the patient's nominated person, including by any of these 14 means -- 15 (a) receiving visits; 16 (b) making and receiving telephone calls; 17 (c) sending and receiving electronic communications; 18 (d) sending and receiving mail. 19 (3) A right of a patient under subsection (2) is subject to any order 20 in force under section 262(1) prohibiting the patient from 21 exercising, or limiting the extent to which the patient can 22 exercise, a right in respect of the patient's nominated person. 23 (4) To the extent provided by section 266, a patient's nominated 24 person is entitled to be provided with information, and to be 25 involved in matters, relating to the patient's treatment and care. 26 (5) A patient's nominated person may exercise, on behalf of the 27 patient, the rights conferred under this Act on the patient. page 192 Mental Health Bill 2013 Protection of patients' rights Part 16 Nominated persons Division 3 s. 265 1 (6) To avoid doubt, a nomination does not authorise a patient's 2 nominated person to apply on the patient's behalf for admission 3 or discharge by a mental health service, or make a treatment 4 decision about the provision of treatment to the patient, unless 5 the nominated person is authorised to do so in another capacity. 6 Note for section 264: 7 For section 264(6), a patient's nominated person could for example also be 8 the patient's enduring guardian or guardian or the person responsible for the 9 patient under the GAA Act section 110ZD. 10 Subdivision 2 -- Right to information, and to be involved in matters, 11 relating to patient's treatment and care 12 265. Application of this Subdivision 13 This Subdivision does not apply in relation to the notification of 14 an event to which Part 9 applies. 15 266. Rights of nominated person 16 (1) A patient's nominated person is entitled -- 17 (a) subject to section 269, to be provided with information 18 relating to the patient's treatment and care, including 19 information about these matters -- 20 (i) the mental illness for which the patient is being 21 provided with treatment or care; 22 (ii) if the patient is an involuntary patient -- the 23 grounds on which, and the provision of this Act 24 under which, the involuntary treatment order was 25 made; 26 (iii) the treatment and care proposed to be provided to 27 the patient and any other options for the patient's 28 treatment and care that are reasonably available; 29 (iv) the treatment provided to the patient and the 30 patient's response to that treatment; 31 (v) the seclusion of, or use of bodily restraint on, the 32 patient; page 193 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 16 Protection of patients' rights Division 3 Nominated persons s. 266 1 (vi) the services available to meet the patient's needs; 2 and 3 (b) subject to section 269, to be involved in matters relating 4 to the patient's treatment and care, including these 5 matters -- 6 (i) the consideration of the options that are 7 reasonably available for the patient's treatment 8 and care; 9 (ii) the provision of support to the patient; 10 (iii) the preparation and review of any treatment, 11 support and discharge plan for the patient; 12 and 13 (c) to be provided with information about the patient's 14 rights under this Act and how those rights can be 15 accessed and exercised; and 16 (d) to be provided with information about the rights of the 17 nominated person under this Act and how those rights 18 can be accessed and exercised. 19 (2) A patient's nominated person may indicate the extent to which 20 the nominated person wants to be provided with the information 21 referred to in subsection (1)(a) or (c) or to be involved in the 22 matters referred to in subsection (1)(b). 23 (3) To avoid doubt, a patient's nominated person is not authorised 24 to apply on the patient's behalf for admission or discharge by a 25 mental health service, or make a treatment decision about the 26 provision of treatment to the patient, unless the nominated 27 person is authorised to do so in another capacity. 28 Notes for section 266: 29 1. Any information provided under section 266(1)(a), (c) or (d) must be 30 provided in accordance with section 9(2). 31 2. For section 266(3), a patient's nominated person could for example also 32 be the patient's enduring guardian or guardian or the person responsible 33 for the patient under the GAA Act section 110ZD. page 194 Mental Health Bill 2013 Protection of patients' rights Part 16 Nominated persons Division 3 s. 267 1 267. Responsibility of patient's psychiatrist 2 A patient's psychiatrist must ensure that the patient's nominated 3 person is provided with information referred to in 4 section 266(1)(a) or (c), or involved in a matter referred to in 5 section 266(1)(b), if no other provision is made under this Act 6 about who must ensure that the nominated person is provided 7 with that information or involved in that matter. 8 268. Contacting nominated person 9 (1) This section applies in relation to a requirement under this Act 10 to provide a patient's nominated person with information 11 referred to in section 266(1)(a) or (c) or involve a patient's 12 nominated person in a matter referred to in section 266(1)(b). 13 (2) Without limiting a requirement referred to in subsection (1), the 14 requirement is taken to have been complied with if the person 15 responsible for ensuring the requirement is complied with 16 ensures that reasonable efforts to provide the nominated person 17 with the information or involve the nominated person in the 18 matter continue to be made until the first of these things 19 occurs -- 20 (a) the nominated person is provided with the information 21 or involved in the matter; 22 (b) it is reasonable for the person responsible to conclude 23 that the nominated person cannot be provided with the 24 information or involved in the matter. 25 (3) The person responsible must ensure that one of the following is 26 filed -- 27 (a) a record of when and how the nominated person was 28 provided with the information or involved in the matter; 29 (b) if the nominated person could not be provided with the 30 information or involved in the matter -- a record of the 31 efforts made to do so. page 195 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 16 Protection of patients' rights Division 3 Nominated persons s. 269 1 269. Provision of information or involvement not in patient's best 2 interests 3 (1) A patient's nominated person is not entitled to be provided with 4 particular information or involved in a particular matter if the 5 patient's psychiatrist reasonably believes that it is not in the best 6 interests of the patient for the nominated person to be provided 7 with that information or involved in that matter. 8 (2) A patient's psychiatrist who decides under subsection (1) that 9 the patient's nominated person is not entitled to be provided 10 with particular information or involved in a particular matter 11 must, as soon as practicable -- 12 (a) file a record of the decision and the reasons for it; and 13 (b) give a copy to each of -- 14 (i) the patient; and 15 (ii) the Chief Mental Health Advocate. 16 Note for section 269: 17 For the purpose of deciding under section 269(1) what is or is not in the best 18 interests of a patient, Part 2 Division 3 applies. 19 270. Advising nominated person of decision 20 (1) A patient's psychiatrist who decides under section 269(1) that 21 the patient's nominated person is not entitled to be provided 22 with information or involved in a matter must, if the nominated 23 person requests to be provided with the information or involved 24 in the matter -- 25 (a) advise the nominated person of the decision and the 26 reasons for it; and 27 (b) file a record of the advice and give a copy to the patient. 28 (2) A patient's nominated person to whom advice is provided orally 29 under subsection (1)(a) may request the patient's psychiatrist to 30 confirm the advice in writing. page 196 Mental Health Bill 2013 Protection of patients' rights Part 16 Nominated persons Division 3 s. 271 1 (3) The patient's psychiatrist must -- 2 (a) comply with the request; and 3 (b) file a copy of the confirmation and give another copy to 4 the patient. 5 Note for section 270: 6 Any advice provided under section 270(1)(a) or (3)(a) must be provided in 7 accordance with section 9(2). 8 271. Revocation of decision 9 (1) A patient's psychiatrist may revoke a decision made under 10 section 269(1) that the patient's nominated person is not entitled 11 to be provided with information or involved in a matter if 12 satisfied that the reasons for making the decision no longer 13 apply. 14 (2) The patient's psychiatrist must, as soon as practicable, file a 15 record of the decision and the reasons for it and give a copy to 16 the patient. 17 (3) If the nominated person previously requested to be provided 18 with the information or involved in the matter, the patient's 19 psychiatrist must ensure that, as soon as practicable -- 20 (a) the nominated person is provided with the information 21 or involved in the matter; and 22 (b) a record of when and how the nominated person was 23 provided with the information or involved in the matter 24 is filed and a copy given to the patient. 25 (4) However, there is no requirement to involve the nominated 26 person in a matter if the time for doing so has passed. 27 272. Rights in another capacity not affected 28 This Subdivision does not affect any right that a patient's 29 nominated person has (whether under this Act or otherwise) to 30 be provided with information or involved in a matter in another 31 capacity. page 197 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 16 Protection of patients' rights Division 3 Nominated persons s. 273 1 Note for section 272: 2 A child's nominated person could for example also be the child's parent or 3 guardian. 4 Subdivision 3 -- Making and ending nomination 5 273. Who can make nomination 6 (1) A person, including a child, may nominate another person to be 7 the person's nominated person. 8 (2) A person cannot make a nomination under subsection (1) unless 9 the person understands the effect of making the nomination. 10 274. Who can be nominated 11 Only an adult is eligible to be nominated under section 273(1). 12 275. Formal requirements 13 (1) A nomination is not valid unless -- 14 (a) it is in the approved form; and 15 (b) it states the name and contact details of the person being 16 nominated; and 17 (c) it states the date on which it takes effect; and 18 (d) it is signed by the person making the nomination or by 19 another person in the presence of, and at the direction of, 20 the person making the nomination; and 21 (e) the signature referred to in paragraph (d) is witnessed by 22 a person referred to in subsection (2); and 23 (f) it is signed by the person being nominated to indicate 24 that the person accepts the nomination; and 25 (g) the signature referred to in paragraph (f) is witnessed by 26 a person referred to in subsection (2). 27 (2) For the purposes of subsection (1)(e) and (g), the witness must 28 be authorised by law to take declarations but cannot be a person 29 referred to in subsection (1)(d) or (f). page 198 Mental Health Bill 2013 Protection of patients' rights Part 16 Nominated persons Division 3 s. 276 1 276. Only one nominated person 2 A person cannot have more than one nominated person at any 3 time. 4 277. Revocation of nomination 5 (1) A nomination may be revoked by the person who made it at any 6 time by any means whatsoever. 7 (2) A nomination is revoked if the person who made it makes 8 another nomination. 9 278. Resignation of nominated person 10 (1) A nominated person may resign the nomination by writing 11 signed and given to the person who made the nomination. 12 (2) The resignation takes effect on the later of the following -- 13 (a) receipt by the person who made the nomination; 14 (b) the day specified in the resignation. 15 279. Notification of revocation or resignation 16 (1) Subsection (2) applies if a patient's nominated person -- 17 (a) resigns the nomination; or 18 (b) becomes aware that the patient has revoked the 19 nomination. 20 (2) The nominated person must take all reasonable steps to notify 21 any medical practitioner, mental health practitioner or mental 22 health service that the nominated person is aware is providing 23 treatment or care to the patient that the nomination no longer 24 has effect. 25 (3) Subsection (4) applies if a medical practitioner, mental health 26 practitioner or mental health service who is providing treatment 27 or care to a patient becomes aware that the patient has revoked a 28 nomination. page 199 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 16 Protection of patients' rights Division 3 Nominated persons s. 279 1 (4) The practitioner or the person in charge of the mental health 2 service must ensure that all reasonable steps are taken to notify 3 the nominated person of the revocation. 4 Note for Division 3: 5 Part 21 Division 10 confers jurisdiction on the Mental Health Tribunal to hear 6 and determine applications relating to nominated persons. page 200 Mental Health Bill 2013 Recognition of rights of carers and families Part 17 Role of carers and families Division 1 s. 280 1 Part 17 -- Recognition of rights of carers and families 2 Division 1 -- Role of carers and families 3 280. Carers 4 (1) For this Act, a carer of a person is a person who is that person's 5 carer under the Carers Recognition Act 2004 section 5. 6 (2) It is recognised that very often, although not invariably, a 7 person's carer is a family member. 8 (3) It is also recognised that, even though a family member is a 9 person's carer -- 10 (a) the person may not identify the family member as his or 11 her carer; or 12 (b) the family member may not identify himself or herself 13 as the person's carer. 14 281. Close family members 15 (1) For this Act, a close family member of a person is a family 16 member referred to in subsection (2) -- 17 (a) who is not also the person's carer or the person's 18 nominated person; but 19 (b) who provides ongoing care or assistance to the person. 20 (2) For subsection (1), a family member of a person is any member 21 of the person's family, including -- 22 (a) any of these people, whether the relationship is 23 established by or traced through consanguinity, 24 marriage, a de facto relationship, a written law or a 25 natural relationship -- 26 (i) a spouse or de facto partner; 27 (ii) a child; 28 (iii) a step child; 29 (iv) a parent; page 201 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 17 Recognition of rights of carers and families Division 1 Role of carers and families s. 282 1 (v) a step parent; 2 (vi) a foster parent; 3 (vii) a sibling; 4 (viii) a grandparent; 5 (ix) an aunt or uncle; 6 (x) a niece or nephew; 7 (xi) a cousin; 8 and 9 (b) if the person is of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander 10 descent -- any person regarded under the customary 11 law, tradition or kinship of that person's community as 12 the equivalent of a person described in paragraph (a). 13 282. Acknowledgment of and respect for role of carers and close 14 family members 15 The role of carers and close family members in the provision of 16 treatment, care and support to a person who has a mental illness 17 should be acknowledged and respected. 18 283. More than one carer or close family member 19 (1) Without limiting a requirement under this Act relating to any 20 carer of a person, it is sufficient for compliance with the 21 requirement if there is compliance in respect of at least one 22 carer. 23 (2) Without limiting a requirement under this Act relating to any 24 close family member of a person, it is sufficient for compliance 25 with the requirement if there is compliance in respect of at least 26 one close family member. 27 (3) This section does not apply in relation to a requirement under 28 Part 9 Division 2 or section 444 or 445 in respect of a carer or 29 close family member. page 202 Mental Health Bill 2013 Recognition of rights of carers and families Part 17 Information about and involvement in patient's treatment and Division 2 care s. 284 1 Note for section 283: 2 Under Part 9 Division 2, it is sufficient if at least one personal support person 3 is notified if a notifiable event occurs. Under sections 444 and 445, it is 4 sufficient if at least one personal support person is notified of an application 5 made to, or a hearing in a proceeding of, the Mental Health Tribunal. In both 6 cases, that personal support person can (but need not) be a carer or close 7 family member. 8 Division 2 -- Information about and involvement in patient's 9 treatment and care 10 284. Application of this Division 11 This Division does not apply in relation to the notification of an 12 event to which Part 9 applies. 13 285. Rights of carers and close family members 14 (1) Any carer or close family member of a patient is entitled -- 15 (a) subject to this Division, to be provided with information 16 relating to the patient's treatment and care, including 17 information about these matters -- 18 (i) the mental illness for which the patient is being 19 provided with treatment or care; 20 (ii) if the patient is an involuntary patient -- the 21 grounds on which, and the provision of this Act 22 under which, the involuntary treatment order was 23 made; 24 (iii) the treatment and care proposed to be provided to 25 the patient and any other options for the patient's 26 treatment and care that are reasonably available; 27 (iv) the treatment provided to the patient and the 28 patient's response to that treatment; 29 (v) the seclusion of, or use of bodily restraint on, the 30 patient; 31 (vi) the services available to meet the patient's needs; 32 and page 203 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 17 Recognition of rights of carers and families Division 2 Information about and involvement in patient's treatment and care s. 285 1 (b) subject to this Division, to be involved in matters 2 relating to the patient's treatment and care, including 3 these matters -- 4 (i) the consideration of the options that are 5 reasonably available for the patient's treatment 6 and care; and 7 (ii) the provision of support to the patient; and 8 (iii) the preparation and review of any treatment, 9 support and discharge plan for the patient; 10 and 11 (c) to be provided with information about the patient's 12 rights under this Act and how those rights can be 13 accessed and exercised; and 14 (d) to be provided with information about the rights of the 15 carer or close family member under this Act and how 16 those rights can be accessed and exercised. 17 (2) A carer or close family member of a patient may indicate the 18 extent to which the carer or close family member wants to be 19 provided with the information referred to in 20 subsection (1)(a), (c) or (d) or to be involved in the matters 21 referred to in subsection (1)(b). 22 (3) To avoid doubt, a carer or close family member of a patient is 23 not authorised to apply on the patient's behalf for admission or 24 discharge by a mental health service, or make a treatment 25 decision about the provision of treatment to the patient, unless 26 the carer or close family member is authorised to do so in 27 another capacity. 28 Notes for section 285: 29 1. Any information provided under section 285(1)(a), (c) or (d) must be 30 provided in accordance with section 9(2). 31 2. For section 285(3), a carer of a patient could for example also be the 32 patient's enduring guardian or guardian or a close family member of a 33 patient could for example also be the person responsible for the patient 34 under the GAA Act section 110ZD. page 204 Mental Health Bill 2013 Recognition of rights of carers and families Part 17 Information about and involvement in patient's treatment and Division 2 care s. 286 1 286. Voluntary patient with capacity to consent 2 (1) This section applies in relation to a voluntary patient who has 3 the capacity to consent to a carer or close family member of the 4 patient being provided with the information referred to in 5 section 285(1)(a), or being involved in the matters referred to in 6 section 285(1)(b), relating to his or her treatment and care. 7 (2) The carer or close family member is entitled to be provided with 8 that information, or to be involved in those matters, with the 9 voluntary patient's consent. 10 287. Voluntary patient with no capacity to consent 11 (1) This section applies in relation to a voluntary patient who does 12 not have the capacity to consent to a carer or close family 13 member of the patient being provided with the information 14 referred to in section 285(1)(a), or being involved in the matters 15 referred to in section 285(1)(b), relating to his or her treatment 16 and care. 17 (2) The carer or close family member is entitled, subject to 18 section 292, to be provided with that information, or to be 19 involved in those matters. 20 288. Involuntary patient or mentally impaired accused with 21 capacity to consent 22 (1) This section applies in relation to a patient -- 23 (a) who is -- 24 (i) an involuntary patient; or 25 (ii) a mentally impaired accused required under the 26 MIA Act to be detained at an authorised hospital; 27 and 28 (b) who has the capacity to consent to a carer or close 29 family member of the patient being provided with the 30 information referred to in section 285(1)(a), or being page 205 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 17 Recognition of rights of carers and families Division 2 Information about and involvement in patient's treatment and care s. 289 1 involved in the matters referred to in section 285(1)(b), 2 relating to his or her treatment and care. 3 (2) The carer or close family member is entitled to be provided with 4 that information, or to be involved in those matters, unless -- 5 (a) the patient has refused to consent to the carer or close 6 family member being provided with that information or 7 being involved in those matters; and 8 (b) the patient's psychiatrist considers that the refusal is 9 reasonable. 10 289. Involuntary patient or mentally impaired accused with no 11 capacity to consent 12 (1) This section applies in relation to a patient -- 13 (a) who is -- 14 (i) an involuntary patient; or 15 (ii) a mentally impaired accused required under the 16 MIA Act to be detained at an authorised hospital; 17 and 18 (b) who does not have the capacity to consent to a carer or 19 close family member of the patient being provided with 20 the information referred to in section 285(1)(a), or being 21 involved in the matters referred to in section 285(1)(b), 22 relating to his or her treatment and care. 23 (2) The carer or close family member is entitled, subject to 24 section 292, to be provided with that information, or to be 25 involved in those matters. 26 290. Responsibility of patient's psychiatrist 27 A patient's psychiatrist must ensure that any carer or close 28 family member of the patient is provided with information 29 referred to in section 285(1)(a), (c) or (d), or involved in a 30 matter referred to in section 285(1)(b), if no other provision is 31 made under this Act about who must ensure that any carer or page 206 Mental Health Bill 2013 Recognition of rights of carers and families Part 17 Information about and involvement in patient's treatment and Division 2 care s. 291 1 close family member is provide with that information or 2 involved in that matter. 3 291. Contacting carer or close family member 4 (1) This section applies in relation to each of these requirements -- 5 (a) a requirement under this Act to provide any carer of a 6 patient with information referred to in 7 section 285(1)(a), (c) or (d) or involve any carer of a 8 patient in a matter referred to in section 285(1)(b); 9 (b) a requirement under this Act to provide any close family 10 member of a patient with information referred to in 11 section 285(1)(a), (c) or (d) or involve any close family 12 member of a patient in a matter referred to in 13 section 285(1)(b). 14 (2) Without limiting a requirement referred to in subsection (1)(a) 15 or (b), the requirement is taken to have been complied with if 16 the person responsible for ensuring that the requirement is 17 complied with ensures that reasonable efforts to provide any 18 carer or any close family member with the information or 19 involve any carer or any close family member in the matter 20 continue to be made until the first of these things occurs -- 21 (a) at least one carer or one close family member is 22 provided with the information or involved in the matter; 23 (b) it is reasonable for the person responsible to conclude 24 that no carer or no close family member can be provided 25 with the information or involved in the matter. 26 (3) The person responsible must ensure that one of the following is 27 filed -- 28 (a) a record of when and how any carer or any close family 29 member was provided with the information or involved 30 in the matter; 31 (b) if no carer or no close family member could be provided 32 with the information or involved in the matter -- a 33 record of the efforts made to do so. page 207 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 17 Recognition of rights of carers and families Division 2 Information about and involvement in patient's treatment and care s. 292 1 (4) Sections 296 and 297 do not limit -- 2 (a) the requirement under subsection (1)(a) to make 3 reasonable efforts to provide a carer of a patient with 4 information or involve a carer of a patient in a matter; or 5 (b) the requirement under subsection (1)(b) to make 6 reasonable efforts to provide a close family member of a 7 patient with information or involve a close family 8 member of a patient in a matter. 9 292. Provision of information or involvement not in patient's best 10 interests 11 (1) A carer or close family member of a patient is not entitled under 12 section 287(2) or 289(2) to be provided with particular 13 information or involved in a particular matter if the patient's 14 psychiatrist reasonably believes that it is not in the best interests 15 of the patient for the carer or close family member to be 16 provided with that information or involved in that matter. 17 (2) A patient's psychiatrist who decides under subsection (1) that a 18 carer or close family member of the patient is not entitled to be 19 provided with particular information or involved in a particular 20 matter must -- 21 (a) file a record of the decision and the reasons for it; and 22 (b) give a copy to each of -- 23 (i) the patient; and 24 (ii) the Chief Mental Health Advocate. 25 Note for section 292: 26 For the purpose of deciding under section 292(1) what is or is not in the best 27 interests of a patient, Part 2 Division 3 applies. 28 293. Advising carer or close family member of decision 29 (1) A patient's psychiatrist who decides under section 292(1) that a 30 carer or close family member of the patient is not entitled to be 31 provided with particular information or involved in a particular page 208 Mental Health Bill 2013 Recognition of rights of carers and families Part 17 Information about and involvement in patient's treatment and Division 2 care s. 294 1 matter must, if the carer or close family member requests to be 2 provided with the information or involved in the matter -- 3 (a) advise the carer or close family member of the decision 4 and the reasons for it; and 5 (b) file a record of the advice and give a copy to the patient. 6 (2) A carer or close family member of a patient to whom advice is 7 provided orally under subsection (1)(a) may request the 8 patient's psychiatrist to confirm the advice in writing. 9 (3) The patient's psychiatrist must -- 10 (a) comply with the request; and 11 (b) file a copy of the confirmation and give another copy to 12 the patient. 13 Note for section 293: 14 Any information or advice provided under section 293(1)(a) or (3)(a) must be 15 provided in accordance with section 9(2). 16 294. Revocation of decision 17 (1) A patient's psychiatrist may revoke a decision under 18 section 292(1) that a carer or close family member of the patient 19 is not entitled to be provided with particular information or 20 involved in a particular matter if satisfied that the reasons for 21 making the decision no longer apply. 22 (2) The patient's psychiatrist must, as soon as practicable, file a 23 record of the decision and the reasons for it and give a copy to 24 the patient. 25 (3) If the carer or close family member previously requested to be 26 provided with the information or involved in the matter, the 27 patient's psychiatrist must ensure that, as soon as practicable -- 28 (a) the carer or close family member is provided with the 29 information or involved in the matter; and page 209 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 17 Recognition of rights of carers and families Division 3 Identifying carer or close family member s. 295 1 (b) a record of when and how the carer or close family 2 member was provided with the information or involved 3 in the matter is filed and given to the patient. 4 (4) However, there is no requirement to involve the carer or close 5 family member in a matter if the time for doing so has passed. 6 295. Rights in another capacity not affected 7 This Division does not affect any right that a carer or close 8 family member of a patient has (whether under this Act or 9 otherwise) to be provided with information or involved in a 10 matter in another capacity. 11 Note for section 295: 12 A carer of a patient who is a child could for example also be the child's parent 13 or guardian or a close family member of a patient could also be the person 14 responsible for the patient under the GAA Act section 110ZD. 15 Division 3 -- Identifying carer or close family member 16 296. When being admitted or received 17 (1) This section applies when a person is being admitted by, or is 18 being received into, a mental health service for the purpose of 19 providing the person with treatment or care. 20 (2) The person in charge of the mental health service must ensure 21 that the person is asked -- 22 (a) whether or not the person has a carer; and 23 (b) whether or not the person has a close family member; 24 and 25 (c) if the person has a carer or close family member, 26 whether or not the person consents to the carer or close 27 family member being -- 28 (i) provided with the information referred to in 29 section 285(1)(a) in connection with the 30 provision of that treatment or care; and page 210 Mental Health Bill 2013 Recognition of rights of carers and families Part 17 Identifying carer or close family member Division 3 s. 297 1 (ii) involved in the matters referred to in 2 section 285(1)(b) while the person is being 3 provided with that treatment or care. 4 (3) The person in charge of the mental health service must ensure 5 that a record of the person's answers to the questions asked 6 under subsection (2) is filed. 7 297. While being provided with treatment or care 8 (1) This section applies in relation to a person -- 9 (a) who is being provided with treatment or care by a 10 mental health service; and 11 (b) who -- 12 (i) has refused to consent when asked under 13 section 296(2)(c)(i) or (ii); or 14 (ii) has refused to consent when asked under 15 subsection (2); or 16 (iii) consented when asked under section 296(2)(c)(i) 17 or (ii) or subsection (2) but has since then 18 withdrawn the consent. 19 (2) The person in charge of the mental health service must ensure 20 that the person is asked periodically whether or not the person 21 consents to a matter referred to in section 296(2)(c)(i) or (ii) in 22 respect of which the patient has refused to consent or has 23 withdrawn consent. 24 (3) The person in charge of the mental health service must ensure 25 that a record of the following is filed -- 26 (a) each time when the person is asked under 27 subsection (2); and 28 (b) the person's answers at that time to the questions asked 29 under subsection (2). page 211 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 17 Recognition of rights of carers and families Division 3 Identifying carer or close family member s. 298 1 298. Person can withdraw consent, or can consent, at any time 2 To avoid doubt -- 3 (a) a person who consents when asked under 4 section 296(2)(c)(i) or (ii) can withdraw consent at any 5 time; and 6 (b) a person who refuses to consent when asked under 7 section 296(2)(c)(i) or (ii) can consent at any time. page 212 Mental Health Bill 2013 Children who have a mental illness Part 18 s. 299 1 Part 18 -- Children who have a mental illness 2 299. Best interests of child is a primary consideration 3 In performing a function under this Act in relation to a child, a 4 person or body must have regard to what is in the best interests 5 of the child as a primary consideration. 6 Note for section 299: 7 For the purpose of deciding under section 299 what is or is not in the best 8 interests of a child, Part 2 Division 3 applies. 9 300. Child's wishes 10 In performing a function under this Act in relation to a child, a 11 person or body must have regard to the child's wishes, to the 12 extent that it is practicable to ascertain those wishes. 13 301. Views of child's parent or guardian 14 In performing a function under this Act in relation to a child, a 15 person or body must have regard to the views of the child's 16 parent or guardian. 17 302. Child who is a voluntary patient 18 (1) This section applies in relation to a child who is a voluntary 19 patient. 20 (2) An application for the admission or discharge of the child by a 21 mental health service may be made by the child's parent or 22 guardian unless it is shown that the child has the capacity to 23 make the application himself or herself. 24 (3) A treatment decision about the provision of treatment to the 25 child may be made by the child's parent or guardian unless it is 26 shown that the child has the capacity to make the treatment 27 decision himself or herself. page 213 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 18 Children who have a mental illness s. 303 1 Note for section 302: 2 Part 5 Division 1 sets out what is required to show that a child has the 3 capacity to make a decision, including a treatment decision, about himself or 4 herself. 5 303. Segregation of children from adult inpatients 6 (1) This section applies in relation to a mental health service that 7 does not ordinarily provide treatment or care to children who 8 have a mental illness. 9 (2) A child cannot be admitted by a mental health service as an 10 inpatient unless the person in charge of the mental health 11 service is satisfied that -- 12 (a) the mental health service can provide the child with 13 treatment, care and support that is appropriate having 14 regard to the child's age, maturity, gender, culture and 15 spiritual beliefs; and 16 (b) the treatment, care and support can be provided to the 17 child in a part of the mental health service that is 18 separate from any part of the mental health service in 19 which adults are provided with treatment and care if, 20 having regard to the child's age and maturity, it would 21 be appropriate to do so. 22 (3) When a child is being admitted by a mental health service as an 23 inpatient, the person in charge of the mental health service 24 must -- 25 (a) give to the child's parent or guardian a written report 26 setting out -- 27 (i) the reasons why the person in charge is satisfied 28 of the matters referred to in subsection (2)(a) 29 and (b); and 30 (ii) the measures that the mental health service will 31 take to ensure that, while the child is admitted as 32 an inpatient, the child is protected and the child's page 214 Mental Health Bill 2013 Children who have a mental illness Part 18 s. 304 1 individual needs in relation to treatment and care 2 are met; 3 and 4 (b) file a copy of the report and give another copy to the 5 Chief Psychiatrist. 6 304. Off-label treatment provided to child who is involuntary 7 patient 8 (1) This section applies if off-label treatment is provided to a child 9 who is an involuntary patient. 10 (2) In this section -- 11 approved product information, for registered therapeutic goods, 12 means the product information approved under the Therapeutic 13 Goods Act 1989 (Commonwealth) in relation to the registered 14 therapeutic goods; 15 off-label treatment means the use of registered therapeutic 16 goods other than in accordance with the approved product 17 information for the registered therapeutic goods; 18 product information has the meaning given in the Therapeutic 19 Goods Act 1989 (Commonwealth) section 3(1); 20 registered therapeutic goods means registered goods as defined 21 in the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 (Commonwealth) 22 section 3(1). 23 (3) The patient's psychiatrist must ensure that, as soon as 24 practicable -- 25 (a) a record of these things is filed -- 26 (i) the decision to provide the off-label treatment, 27 including a description of the off-label treatment; 28 (ii) the reasons for the decision; 29 and page 215 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 18 Children who have a mental illness s. 304 1 (b) a copy of the record is given to the Chief Psychiatrist. 2 Note for Part 18: 3 Part 17 applies in relation to a child's carer who is not also the child's parent 4 or guardian. page 216 Mental Health Bill 2013 Complaints about mental health services Part 19 Preliminary matters Division 1 s. 305 1 Part 19 -- Complaints about mental health services 2 Division 1 -- Preliminary matters 3 305. Terms used 4 In this Part -- 5 Carers Charter has the meaning given in the Carers 6 Recognition Act 2004 section 4; 7 complainant, in relation to a complaint made to the Director 8 under Division 3 Subdivision 3, means the person or persons in 9 respect of whom the complaint alleges the respondent acted, or 10 failed to act, in a manner referred to in section 320(2); 11 complaint, for the purposes of Division 3 Subdivision 3, 12 includes a part of a complaint; 13 Complaints Office means the Health and Disability Services 14 Complaints Office continued by the Health and Disability 15 Services (Complaints) Act 1995 section 6(1); 16 Complaints Office staff means the staff of the Complaints 17 Office referred to in the Health and Disability Services 18 (Complaints) Act 1995 section 14, 15 or 16; 19 Director means the Director of the Health and Disability 20 Services Complaints Office appointed under the Health and 21 Disability Services (Complaints) Act 1995 section 7(1); 22 investigation means -- 23 (a) an investigation of a complaint made to the Director 24 under Division 3 Subdivision 3; or 25 (b) an investigation conducted under section 341; 26 mental health service -- 27 (a) means -- 28 (i) a service provided specifically for people who 29 have or may have a mental illness; or page 217 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 19 Complaints about mental health services Division 1 Preliminary matters s. 306 1 (ii) a service provided specifically for carers of 2 people who have or may have a mental illness; 3 but 4 (b) does not include a service referred to in paragraph (a)(i) 5 or (ii) if it is -- 6 (i) provided wholly from funds paid to a service 7 provider by the Commonwealth; or 8 (ii) provided to a person who has or may have a 9 mental illness by the person's carer; or 10 (iii) prescribed by the regulations for this paragraph; 11 respondent, in relation to a complaint made to the Director 12 under Division 3 Subdivision 3, means the service provider who 13 the complaint alleges acted, or failed to act, in a manner referred 14 to in section 320(2); 15 service provider -- 16 (a) means an individual, group of individuals or body 17 (whether corporate or unincorporate) that renders or 18 provides mental health services; but 19 (b) does not include -- 20 (i) the Chief Psychiatrist; or 21 (ii) a mental health advocate; or 22 (iii) the Mental Health Tribunal. 23 306. Making complaint to service provider or Director of 24 Complaints Office 25 (1) A complaint about a mental health service may be made -- 26 (a) to a service provider in accordance with the service 27 provider's complaints procedure referred to in 28 section 308; or 29 (b) to the Director under Division 3 Subdivision 3. 30 (2) It is irrelevant for the purposes of this Part that a person in 31 respect of whom a complaint made under subsection (1) alleges page 218 Mental Health Bill 2013 Complaints about mental health services Part 19 Complaints to service providers Division 2 s. 307 1 a service provider acted, or failed to act, does not identify 2 himself or herself as a person who has or may have a mental 3 illness or as a carer of a person who has or may have a mental 4 illness. 5 307. Divisions 3 and 4 to be read with Health and Disbility 6 Services (Complaints) Act 1995 7 Divisions 3 and 4 are to be read with the Health and Disability 8 Services (Complaints) Act 1995. 9 Division 2 -- Complaints to service providers 10 308. Service provider must have complaints procedure 11 (1) The person in charge of a service provider must ensure -- 12 (a) that there is a procedure (a complaints procedure) for 13 investigating any complaint made to the person in 14 charge about any mental health service provided by the 15 service provider; and 16 (b) that the complaints procedure is reviewed regularly and 17 revised as necessary. 18 (2) The person in charge of a service provider must ensure -- 19 (a) that copies of the most up-to-date version of the service 20 provider's complaints procedure are freely available at 21 the service provider's premises; and 22 (b) that a person who requests a copy of the service 23 provider's complaints procedure is provided with a copy 24 of that version. 25 309. Prescribed service providers must provide Director with 26 information about complaints 27 (1) In this section -- 28 prescribed means prescribed by the regulations for this section. page 219 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 19 Complaints about mental health services Division 3 Complaints to Director of Complaints Office s. 310 1 (2) Within the prescribed period after 30 June in each year a 2 prescribed service provider, or a service provider in a class of 3 prescribed service provider, must give to the Director a report in 4 the form prescribed for the service provider or class of service 5 provider relating to -- 6 (a) complaints received by the service provider during the 7 year that ended on that day; and 8 (b) action taken by the service provider during the year that 9 ended on that day in relation to complaints whenever 10 received by the service provider. 11 Penalty: a fine of $1 000. 12 Division 3 -- Complaints to Director of Complaints Office 13 Subdivision 1 -- Preliminary matters 14 310. Parties themselves may resolve complaint 15 (1) This Division does not prevent the complainant and the 16 respondent resolving a complaint by agreement at any time, 17 whether or not with the help of the Complaints Office, but if 18 that occurs the complainant must notify the Director without 19 delay that the complaint has been resolved. 20 (2) The Director must stop dealing with a complaint under this 21 Division if the Director is satisfied that it has been resolved. 22 311. Things done by or in relation to complainant 23 (1) Except as provided by this Division, a thing required to be done 24 under this Division by or in relation to a complainant may be 25 done by or in relation to -- 26 (a) another complainant who made the complaint on the 27 complainant's behalf under section 315(1)(a) and (3); or 28 (b) the person, service provider or registration board who 29 made the complaint on the complainant's behalf under 30 section 315(1)(b) or (2)(b). page 220 Mental Health Bill 2013 Complaints about mental health services Part 19 Complaints to Director of Complaints Office Division 3 s. 312 1 (2) For the purposes of this Division, a thing done under 2 subsection (1) is taken to have been done by or in relation to the 3 complainant who is required to do the thing or in respect of 4 whom the thing is required to be done under this Division. 5 Subdivision 2 -- Director of Complaints Office 6 312. Functions of Director 7 (1) The functions of the Director under this Division are -- 8 (a) dealing with complaints made to the Director in 9 accordance with this Division; and 10 (b) in collaboration with groups of service providers or 11 groups of persons to whom mental health services are 12 provided or both, reviewing and identifying the causes 13 of complaints and suggesting ways of removing and 14 minimising those causes and bringing them to the notice 15 of the public; and 16 (c) taking steps to bring to the notice of people who have or 17 may have a mental illness, the carers of people who 18 have or may have a mental illness and service providers 19 details of procedures for making complaints under this 20 Division; and 21 (d) assisting service providers in developing and improving 22 procedures for making complaints made to the service 23 providers and the training of their staff in handling such 24 complaints; and 25 (e) with the approval of the Minister, inquiring into broader 26 issues about the care of people who have or may have a 27 mental illness arising out of complaints, whether made 28 to service providers or to the Director in accordance 29 with this Division; and 30 (f) preparing and publishing information about, and 31 promoting, the role of the Complaints Office and how to 32 make a complaint to the Director in accordance with this 33 Division; and page 221 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 19 Complaints about mental health services Division 3 Complaints to Director of Complaints Office s. 313 1 (g) providing advice generally on any matter relating to 2 complaints made to the Director in accordance with this 3 Division, and in particular -- 4 (i) advice to people who have or may have a mental 5 illness and the carers of people who have or may 6 have a mental illness on the making of 7 complaints; and 8 (ii) advice to people who have or may have a mental 9 illness and the carers of people who have or may 10 have a mental illness as to other avenues 11 available for dealing with complaints; and 12 (iii) advice about removing or minimising the causes 13 of complaints; 14 and 15 (h) any other functions conferred on the Director by this 16 Division. 17 (2) The function of the Director under subsection (1)(f) does not 18 include the publication of personal information about a person 19 who has or may have a mental illness, but this subsection does 20 not affect the operation of section 343. 21 313. Directions by Minister 22 (1) The Minister may, after consultation with the Director, issue 23 written directions about the general policy to be followed by the 24 Director in performing functions under this Act. 25 (2) The Director may request the Minister to issue a direction under 26 subsection (1). 27 (3) A direction cannot be issued under this section in respect of -- 28 (a) a particular complaint; or 29 (b) a particular person who has or may have a mental 30 illness; or 31 (c) a particular carer of a person who has or may have a 32 mental illness; or page 222 Mental Health Bill 2013 Complaints about mental health services Part 19 Complaints to Director of Complaints Office Division 3 s. 314 1 (d) a particular service provider; or 2 (e) any other particular person or body. 3 (4) The Director must comply with a direction issued under this 4 section. 5 (5) The Minister must cause the text of a direction issued under this 6 section to be laid before each House of Parliament on or within 7 14 sitting days of the House after the day on which the direction 8 is issued. 9 (6) The text of a direction issued under this section must be 10 included in the annual report submitted by the accountable 11 authority in respect of the Complaints Office under the 12 Financial Management Act 2006 Part 5. 13 314. Minister to have access to specified information about 14 Director's functions 15 (1) In this section -- 16 specified information means information specified, or of a 17 description specified, by the Minister that relates to the 18 functions of the Director under this Division. 19 (2) The Minister is entitled -- 20 (a) to have specified information in the possession of the 21 Director; and 22 (b) if the specified information is in or on a document -- to 23 have, and make and retain copies of, that document. 24 (3) For the purposes of subsection (2), the Minister may -- 25 (a) request the Director to give specified information to the 26 Minister; and 27 (b) request the Director to give to the Minister access to 28 specified information; and 29 (c) for the purpose of accessing specified information 30 requested under paragraph (b), be assisted by members 31 of the Complaints Office staff. page 223 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 19 Complaints about mental health services Division 3 Complaints to Director of Complaints Office s. 315 1 (4) The Director must -- 2 (a) comply with a request made under subsection (3)(a) 3 or (b); and 4 (b) make members of the Complaints Office staff and 5 facilities of the Complaints Office available to the 6 Minister for the purpose of subsection (3)(c). 7 (5) This section does not entitle the Minister to have personal 8 information unless the information is about an individual who 9 consents to the Minister having the information. 10 Subdivision 3 -- Right to complain 11 315. Who may complain 12 (1) A complaint about a service provider referred to in 13 section 320(1) alleging that the service provider acted, or failed 14 to act, in a manner referred to in section 320(2) in respect of a 15 person who has or may have a mental illness, or in respect of a 16 carer of a person who has or may have a mental illness, may be 17 made to the Director -- 18 (a) personally by the person who has or may have a mental 19 illness; or 20 (b) on behalf of the person who has or may have a mental 21 illness by -- 22 (i) the person's representative recognised under 23 section 316(2); or 24 (ii) a service provider if section 318 applies; or 25 (iii) a registration board if section 319 applies. 26 (2) A complaint about a service provider referred to in 27 section 320(1) that is an applicable organisation (as defined in 28 the Carers Recognition Act 2004 section 4) alleging that the 29 service provider acted, or failed to act, in a manner referred to in 30 section 320(2)(g) in respect of a carer of a person who has or 31 may have a mental illness may be made to the Director -- 32 (a) personally by the carer; or page 224 Mental Health Bill 2013 Complaints about mental health services Part 19 Complaints to Director of Complaints Office Division 3 s. 316 1 (b) on behalf of the carer by a registration board if 2 section 319 applies. 3 (3) A complaint made under subsection (1)(a) may be made by -- 4 (a) one person -- 5 (i) on his or her own behalf; or 6 (ii) on behalf of himself or herself and another 7 person or other persons; 8 or 9 (b) 2 or more persons -- 10 (i) on their own behalf; or 11 (ii) on behalf of themselves and another person or 12 other persons. 13 316. Representative of person with mental illness or carer 14 (1) In this section -- 15 relative, of a complainant, means a family member of the 16 complainant referred to in section 281(2). 17 (2) The Director may, for the purposes of this Division, recognise 18 as the representative for a complainant -- 19 (a) a person chosen by the complainant; or 20 (b) a person not chosen by the complainant if, in the 21 Director's opinion -- 22 (i) the complainant is unable to complain himself or 23 herself and is unable to choose a person to be his 24 or her representative himself or herself; and 25 (ii) the prospective representative is a person who 26 has a sufficient interest in the subject matter of 27 the complaint; 28 or 29 (c) a person not chosen by the complainant if -- 30 (i) the complainant has died; and page 225 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 19 Complaints about mental health services Division 3 Complaints to Director of Complaints Office s. 317 1 (ii) in the Director's opinion, the prospective 2 representative is a person who has a sufficient 3 interest in the subject matter of the complaint. 4 (3) The Director cannot recognise a person as the representative of 5 a complainant unless satisfied that the prospective 6 representative -- 7 (a) is acting without remuneration or is a prescribed person 8 as defined in section 317(1); and 9 (b) if the prospective representative is not a relative of the 10 complainant -- has no financial interest in the outcome 11 of the complaint. 12 317. Representative must not be paid 13 (1) In this section -- 14 prescribed person means -- 15 (a) a mental health advocate; or 16 (b) a person designated under subsection (3) as a prescribed 17 person; or 18 (c) a person, or a person in a class of person, prescribed by 19 the regulations for this definition; or 20 (d) a legal practitioner who is being paid through a funding 21 arrangement with government to provide free legal 22 advice who is representing a person who has, or may 23 have, a mental illness or a carer of a person who has, or 24 may have, a mental illness. 25 (2) A person who is not a prescribed person must not demand or 26 receive any remuneration for acting, for the purposes of this 27 Division, as the representative of a person who has or may have 28 a mental illness or a carer of a person who has or may have a 29 mental illness. 30 Penalty: 31 (a) for a first offence, a fine of $1 000; 32 (b) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of $10 000. page 226 Mental Health Bill 2013 Complaints about mental health services Part 19 Complaints to Director of Complaints Office Division 3 s. 318 1 (3) The Director may designate in writing a person to be a 2 prescribed person if satisfied that it is appropriate to do so. 3 318. Service provider may complain on behalf of person with 4 mental illness or carer 5 (1) A complaint about a service provider referred to in 6 section 320(1) may be made by another service provider on 7 behalf of a person who has or may have a mental illness or if the 8 Director is satisfied that -- 9 (a) the person has died; or 10 (b) because of the person's state of health or general 11 situation, it would be difficult or impossible for the 12 person to make a complaint. 13 (2) A complaint about a service provider referred to in 14 section 320(1) may be made by another service provider on 15 behalf of a carer of a person who has or may have a mental 16 illness or if the Director is satisfied that -- 17 (a) the carer has died; or 18 (b) because of the carer's state of health or general situation, 19 it would be difficult or impossible for the carer to make 20 a complaint. 21 319. Registration board may complain on behalf of person with 22 mental illness or carer 23 A complaint about a service provider referred to in 24 section 320(1) may be made by a registration board on behalf of 25 a person who has or may have a mental illness or a carer of a 26 person who has or may have a mental illness if -- 27 (a) the service provider is a health professional or other 28 person for whose professional or occupational 29 registration the registration board is responsible; and page 227 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 19 Complaints about mental health services Division 3 Complaints to Director of Complaints Office s. 320 1 (b) the registration board becomes aware that the health 2 professional or other person has acted, or failed to act, in 3 a manner referred to in section 320(2) in relation to the 4 person who has or may have a mental illness or the 5 carer. 6 320. Who and what can be complained about 7 (1) A complaint can only be about a service provider that, at the 8 time the subject matter of the complaint arose, was providing a 9 mental health service. 10 (2) A complaint can only allege that, after the date on which this 11 section comes into operation, a service provider -- 12 (a) acted unreasonably by not providing a mental health 13 service; or 14 (b) acted unreasonably by providing a mental health 15 service; or 16 (c) acted unreasonably in the manner of providing a mental 17 health service; or 18 (d) acted unreasonably by denying or restricting access to 19 records kept by the service provider; or 20 (e) acted unreasonably in disclosing records or confidential 21 information; or 22 (f) failed to comply with the Charter of Mental Health Care 23 Principles; or 24 (g) failed to comply with the Carers Charter; or 25 (h) in respect of a complaint about a matter mentioned in 26 paragraphs (a) to (e) made to the service provider by a 27 person who has or may have a mental illness, acted 28 unreasonably by -- 29 (i) not properly investigating the complaint or not 30 causing it to be properly investigated; or page 228 Mental Health Bill 2013 Complaints about mental health services Part 19 Complaints to Director of Complaints Office Division 3 s. 321 1 (ii) not taking, or not causing to be taken, proper 2 action in relation to the complaint; 3 or 4 (i) acted unreasonably by charging an excessive fee; or 5 (j) acted unreasonably with respect to a fee. 6 321. Time for complaining 7 The Director must reject a complaint the subject matter of 8 which occurred more than 24 months before the day on which 9 the complaint is made unless, in the Director's opinion, the 10 complainant has shown good reason for the delay. 11 Subdivision 4 -- Initial procedures 12 322. How to complain 13 (1) A complaint may be made to the Director orally (including by 14 telephone) or in writing. 15 (2) The Director must require a complainant who makes a 16 complaint orally to confirm it in writing unless the complainant 17 satisfies the Director that there is good reason why it should not 18 be confirmed in writing. 19 (3) The Director -- 20 (a) must require a complainant to provide his or her name; 21 and 22 (b) may require the complainant to provide other 23 information relating to the complainant's identity. 24 (4) The Director may require a complainant to provide more 25 information about the complaint within a time fixed by the 26 Director. 27 (5) The Director may reject a complaint if the complainant does not 28 comply with a requirement of the Director under 29 subsection (2), (3)(a) or (b) or (4). page 229 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 19 Complaints about mental health services Division 3 Complaints to Director of Complaints Office s. 323 1 323. Referral of complaint about excluded mental health service 2 (1) In this section -- 3 excluded mental health service means a mental health service 4 that is provided without fee in a rescue or emergency situation. 5 (2) The Director may, with the written consent of the complainant, 6 refer a complaint relating to an excluded mental health service 7 to an appropriate person or body. 8 324. Withdrawal of complaint 9 (1) A complainant may withdraw the complaint at any time by 10 notifying the Director. 11 (2) If satisfied that the complainant has withdrawn the complaint, 12 the Director must stop dealing with the complaint under this 13 Division and must notify -- 14 (a) if details of the complaint have been given to the 15 respondent under section 328(6)(b) -- the respondent of 16 the withdrawal; and 17 (b) if the complaint has been referred to another person or 18 body under section 323(2) or 329(4) -- that person or 19 body of the withdrawal. 20 325. Complainant should try to resolve matter 21 The Director may reject a complaint if the Director is not 22 satisfied that -- 23 (a) if the complaint is made under section 315(1)(a) 24 or (2)(a), whether only on the complainant's own behalf 25 or also on behalf of one or more other complainants -- 26 the complainant has taken reasonable steps himself or 27 herself to resolve the matter with the respondent; or 28 (b) if the complaint is made under section 315(1)(b) 29 or (2)(b) -- the person, service provider or registration 30 board who made the complaint on the complainant's 31 behalf has taken all reasonable steps to resolve the 32 matter with the respondent. page 230 Mental Health Bill 2013 Complaints about mental health services Part 19 Complaints to Director of Complaints Office Division 3 s. 326 1 326. Complaint that is not to be dealt with by National Board 2 under Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (Western 3 Australia) 4 (1) In this section -- 5 registered service provider means a registered provider as 6 defined in the Health and Disability Services (Complaints) 7 Act 1995 section 3(1). 8 (2) The Director may deal with a complaint relating to a registered 9 service provider under this Division if, because of the Health 10 Practitioner Regulation National Law (Western Australia) 11 section 150, the complaint is not to be dealt with by a National 12 Board under that Act. 13 327. Complaint that is being dealt with by National Board under 14 Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (Western 15 Australia) 16 (1) This section applies if, because of the Health Practitioner 17 Regulation National Law (Western Australia) section 150, a 18 complaint is being dealt with by a National Board under 19 that Act. 20 (2) The Director must, on or within 28 days after the day on which 21 the National Board begins dealing with the complaint, notify the 22 complainant that the National Board is dealing with it. 23 328. Preliminary decision by Director 24 (1) This section applies in relation to a complaint other than a 25 complaint that, because of the Health Practitioner Regulation 26 National Law (Western Australia) section 150, is to be dealt 27 with by a National Board under that Act. 28 (2) The Director must, on or within 28 days after the day on which 29 the Director receives the complaint or by the end of any 30 extension of that period under subsection (3), decide whether 31 and to what extent -- 32 (a) to accept it; or page 231 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 19 Complaints about mental health services Division 3 Complaints to Director of Complaints Office s. 328 1 (b) to reject, defer or refer it under section 329. 2 (3) The Director may extend the period for making a decision under 3 subsection (2) from the end of the 28-day period referred to in 4 subsection (2) for a further period (not exceeding 28 days) if it 5 is for the benefit of the complainant to do so. 6 (4) To enable the Director to make a decision under subsection (2), 7 the Director may make such inquiries as the Director considers 8 appropriate. 9 (5) The Director must, on or within 14 days after the day on which 10 the Director makes a decision under subsection (2), take the 11 action required under subsection (6), (7) or (8). 12 (6) If the Director accepts the complaint, the Director must -- 13 (a) give to the complainant written details of -- 14 (i) the decision; and 15 (ii) if the Director decides under subsection (10)(a) 16 or (b) that the complaint is suitable to be dealt 17 with under section 331 or 332 -- the 18 arrangements made for negotiated settlement or 19 conciliation discussions between the complainant 20 and the respondent; 21 and 22 (b) give to the respondent written details of -- 23 (i) the complaint; and 24 (ii) the decision; and 25 (iii) if the Director decides under subsection (10)(a) 26 or (b) that the complaint is suitable to be dealt 27 with under section 331 or 332 -- the 28 arrangements made for negotiated settlement or 29 conciliation discussions between the complainant 30 and the respondent; and 31 (iv) a written statement that the respondent may 32 make submissions to the Director. page 232 Mental Health Bill 2013 Complaints about mental health services Part 19 Complaints to Director of Complaints Office Division 3 s. 328 1 (7) If the Director rejects the complaint, the Director must give to 2 the complainant written details of the decision. 3 (8) If the Director defers or refers the complaint, the Director 4 must -- 5 (a) give to the complainant written details of the decision; 6 and 7 (b) give to the respondent written details of -- 8 (i) the complaint; and 9 (ii) the decision. 10 (9) If a complaint is accepted, the Director may give to the 11 respondent a written notice requiring the respondent to give to 12 the Director a written response to the complaint in accordance 13 with section 330. 14 (10) If a complaint is accepted, the Director must -- 15 (a) attempt to negotiate a settlement of the complaint in 16 accordance with section 331; or 17 (b) refer the complaint for conciliation under section 332 if, 18 in the Director's opinion, it is suitable to be dealt with 19 under that provision; or 20 (c) investigate the complaint if, in the Director's opinion -- 21 (i) it is not suitable to be dealt with under 22 section 331 or 332; and 23 (ii) an investigation is warranted, having regard to 24 the likely costs and benefits of the investigation. 25 (11) In giving details to the respondent under subsection (6)(b) 26 or (8)(b), the Director cannot disclose personal information 27 about the complainant if the Director considers that, because of 28 particular circumstances, the disclosure of the complainant's 29 identity -- 30 (a) may result in the health, safety or welfare of the 31 complainant being put at risk; or page 233 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 19 Complaints about mental health services Division 3 Complaints to Director of Complaints Office s. 329 1 (b) would prejudice the proper investigation of the 2 complaint. 3 (12) If later the Director becomes satisfied that the circumstances 4 described under subsection (11) no longer apply, the Director 5 must disclose the identity of the complainant to the respondent. 6 (13) If the Director decides that a complaint is not suitable to be 7 dealt with under section 331 or 332 and does not warrant 8 investigating, the Director must advise the complainant in 9 writing -- 10 (a) of the decision; and 11 (b) that the Director will take no further action on the 12 complaint. 13 (14) The Director cannot try to settle a complaint while performing 14 functions under this section in relation to the complaint. 15 329. Rejection, deferral or referral of complaints 16 (1) The Director must reject a complaint that, in the Director's 17 opinion -- 18 (a) is vexatious, trivial or without substance; or 19 (b) does not warrant any further action; or 20 (c) does not comply with this Division. 21 (2) The Director must reject a complaint to the extent that it relates 22 to an issue that has already been dealt with -- 23 (a) under another provision of this Act; or 24 (b) under another written law; or 25 (c) under a law of the Commonwealth; or 26 (d) by a court. 27 (3) The Director must defer dealing with a complaint to the extent 28 that it relates to an issue that is being dealt with -- 29 (a) under another provision of this Act; or 30 (b) under another written law; or page 234 Mental Health Bill 2013 Complaints about mental health services Part 19 Complaints to Director of Complaints Office Division 3 s. 330 1 (c) under a law of the Commonwealth; or 2 (d) by a court. 3 (4) If a complaint raises issues that, in the Director's opinion, 4 would be better dealt with under -- 5 (a) another provision of this Act; or 6 (b) another written law, 7 the Director may, with the written consent of the complainant, 8 refer the complaint to the appropriate person or body to be dealt 9 with under that other provision or written law. 10 (5) The Director cannot refer a complaint under subsection (4) to -- 11 (a) a National Board under the Health Practitioner 12 Regulation National Law (Western Australia); or 13 (b) a court. 14 Note for section 329: 15 Sections 326 and 327 set out what happens in relation to a complaint that 16 could be dealt with by a National Board under the Health Practitioner 17 Regulation National Law (Western Australia). 18 330. Response by respondent 19 (1) A respondent who is given details under section 328(6)(b) may 20 give the Director a written response to the complaint. 21 (2) A respondent who is given a notice under section 328(9) must 22 give the Director a written response to the complaint. 23 (3) Any response given under subsection (1) or (2) must be given to 24 the Director -- 25 (a) on or within 28 days after the day on which the 26 respondent receives -- 27 (i) the details given under section 328(6)(b); or 28 (ii) the notice given under section 328(9); 29 or 30 (b) by the end of any extension of that period under 31 subsection (4). page 235 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 19 Complaints about mental health services Division 3 Complaints to Director of Complaints Office s. 331 1 (4) The Director may extend the period within which a response 2 must be given under subsection (1) or (2) for good reason. 3 (5) The Director may deal with a complaint under this Division 4 even if the respondent does not comply with subsection (3). 5 (6) Details of any breach of subsection (3) that, in the Director's 6 opinion, was committed without a reasonable excuse must be 7 included in the annual report submitted by the accountable 8 authority in respect of the Complaints Office under the 9 Financial Management Act 2006 Part 5. 10 (7) Evidence of anything said in a response given by a respondent 11 under this section is not admissible in proceedings before a 12 court or tribunal. 13 (8) Despite the Parliamentary Commissioner Act 1971 14 section 20(3), evidence referred to in subsection (7) may be 15 disclosed to the Parliamentary Commissioner for the purposes 16 of an investigation under that Act. 17 Subdivision 5 -- Negotiated settlements and conciliation 18 331. Resolving complaints by negotiation 19 (1) Having accepted a complaint and complied with section 328(6), 20 the Director may, by negotiating with the complainant and the 21 respondent, attempt to bring about a settlement of the complaint 22 that is acceptable to the parties to it. 23 (2) For the purposes of subsection (1), the Director may make any 24 inquiries the Director considers appropriate. 25 (3) If the complaint is not settled under subsection (1) on or within 26 56 days after the day on which the Director complies with 27 section 328(6) or by the end of any extension of that period 28 under subsection (4), the Director must -- 29 (a) refer it for conciliation under section 332 if, in the 30 Director's opinion, it is suitable to be dealt with under 31 that provision; or page 236 Mental Health Bill 2013 Complaints about mental health services Part 19 Complaints to Director of Complaints Office Division 3 s. 332 1 (b) investigate it if, in the Director's opinion -- 2 (i) it is not suitable to be dealt with under 3 section 332; and 4 (ii) an investigation is warranted, having regard to 5 the likely costs and benefits of the investigation. 6 (4) The Director may extend the period for attempting to bring 7 about a negotiated settlement if it is for the benefit of the 8 complainant to do so. 9 (5) If the Director decides a complaint is not suitable to be dealt 10 with under section 332 and does not warrant investigating, the 11 Director must advise the complainant in writing -- 12 (a) of the decision; and 13 (b) that the Director will take no further action on the 14 complaint. 15 (6) Evidence of anything said or admitted during any negotiation 16 conducted under subsection (1) is not admissible in proceedings 17 before a court or tribunal. 18 (7) Despite the Parliamentary Commissioner Act 1971 19 section 20(3), evidence referred to in subsection (6) may be 20 disclosed to the Parliamentary Commissioner for the purposes 21 of an investigation under that Act. 22 332. Conciliation of complaints 23 (1) On referring a complaint for conciliation, the Director must 24 assign the task of conciliating the complaint to a member of the 25 Complaints Office staff whose duties consist of or include the 26 conciliation of complaints. 27 (2) A conciliator's function is to encourage the settlement of the 28 complaint by -- 29 (a) arranging for the complainant and the respondent to hold 30 informal discussions about the complaint; and 31 (b) helping in the conduct of those discussions; and page 237 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 19 Complaints about mental health services Division 3 Complaints to Director of Complaints Office s. 332 1 (c) if possible, assisting the complainant and the respondent 2 to reach agreement. 3 (3) Except as provided by subsections (4) and (5), neither the 4 complainant nor the respondent may be represented by another 5 person during the conciliation process. 6 (4) The complainant may be represented by the complainant's 7 representative recognised under section 316(2). 8 (5) The Director may allow either or both the complainant and the 9 respondent to be represented if the Director is satisfied that the 10 process will not work effectively otherwise. 11 (6) Subsections (3), (4) and (5) do not prevent the personal 12 attendance of any other person who may, in the opinion of the 13 conciliator, help in the conciliation. 14 (7) Evidence of anything said or admitted during the conciliation 15 process is not admissible in proceedings before a court or 16 tribunal. 17 (8) Despite the Parliamentary Commissioner Act 1971 18 section 20(3), evidence referred to in subsection (7) may be 19 disclosed to the Parliamentary Commissioner for the purposes 20 of an investigation under that Act. 21 (9) If the conciliation process results in the settlement of a 22 complaint between the complainant and the respondent, the 23 conciliator must make a final report to the Director about the 24 result of that process. 25 (10) A report made under subsection (9) must include details of any 26 agreement reached. 27 (11) If the conciliation process fails to result in the settlement of a 28 complaint between the complainant and the respondent, the 29 Director may investigate the complaint if, in the Director's 30 opinion, an investigation is warranted, having regard to the 31 likely costs and benefits of the investigation. page 238 Mental Health Bill 2013 Complaints about mental health services Part 19 Complaints to Director of Complaints Office Division 3 s. 333 1 Subdivision 6 -- Investigations 2 333. Conduct generally 3 (1) The Director may at any time during an investigation encourage 4 the settlement of a complaint. 5 (2) The purpose of an investigation is to enable the Director to 6 decide whether or not a service provider has acted, or failed to 7 act, in a manner referred to in section 320(2). 8 (3) In making a decision under subsection (2), the Director must 9 have regard to the following -- 10 (a) any treatment, support and discharge plan that is 11 relevant to the investigation; 12 (b) the generally accepted quality of service delivery 13 expected of a service provider; 14 (c) any standards for the provision of mental health services 15 that are prescribed by the regulations for this subsection; 16 (d) the Charter of Mental Health Care Principles; 17 (e) the Carers Charter. 18 (4) In conducting an investigation, the Director -- 19 (a) must proceed with as little formality and technicality, 20 and as speedily, as the requirements of this Part and 21 proper investigation of the matter permits; and 22 (b) is not bound by the rules of evidence but may inform 23 himself or herself of any matter in such manner as he or 24 she considers appropriate; and 25 (c) may, subject to this Part and the rules of natural justice, 26 determine his or her own procedures. 27 (5) In conducting an investigation, the Director may be assisted by 28 members of the Complaints Office staff. page 239 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 19 Complaints about mental health services Division 3 Complaints to Director of Complaints Office s. 334 1 334. Power to require information and records 2 (1) In this section -- 3 person's representative means -- 4 (a) the person's representative recognised under 5 section 316(2); or 6 (b) the person's enduring guardian or guardian; or 7 (c) if the person is a child -- the child's parent or guardian; 8 relevant information means information that, in the Director's 9 opinion, is or is likely to be relevant to an investigation; 10 relevant record means a record of information (however 11 compiled, recorded or stored) that is relevant to an investigation. 12 (2) The Director may, by written notice given to a person, require 13 the person to do one or both of the following -- 14 (a) provide the Director with a statement signed by the 15 person or, if the person is a body corporate, by an officer 16 of the body corporate, containing the relevant 17 information specified in the notice; 18 (b) produce to the Director the relevant records specified in 19 the notice. 20 (3) The Director cannot give a notice to a person under 21 subsection (2) unless the Director reasonably believes that the 22 person is capable of providing the relevant information or 23 producing the relevant records. 24 (4) A notice under subsection (2) must specify the time and place 25 for providing the relevant information or producing the relevant 26 records. 27 (5) The Director may do any of these things in relation to a relevant 28 record that is produced in accordance with a notice under 29 subsection (2) -- 30 (a) take possession of and retain the record for the period 31 that is reasonably necessary for the purposes of the 32 investigation; page 240 Mental Health Bill 2013 Complaints about mental health services Part 19 Complaints to Director of Complaints Office Division 3 s. 334 1 (b) inspect, and take a copy of the whole or any part of, the 2 record. 3 (6) While the Director retains possession of a relevant record, the 4 Director must permit a person who would be entitled to inspect 5 the record if it were not in the Director's possession to inspect 6 the record at any reasonable time and to take a copy of the 7 whole or any part of the record. 8 (7) This section does not prevent a person from -- 9 (a) refusing to provide relevant information, or to produce a 10 relevant record, because it contains information in 11 respect of which there is legal professional privilege; or 12 (b) refusing to produce a medical record unless -- 13 (i) the medical record relates to the subject matter of 14 the complaint; and 15 (ii) the person to whom the medical record relates, or 16 the person's representative, has consented to the 17 disclosure of information in the medical record. 18 (8) A person who is given a notice under subsection (2) commits an 19 offence if the person -- 20 (a) without reasonable excuse, proof of which is on the 21 person, does not provide relevant information or 22 produce a relevant record in accordance with the notice; 23 or 24 (b) in purporting to comply with a requirement under 25 subsection (2)(a) in the notice, provides relevant 26 information that the person knows is false or misleading 27 in a material particular; or 28 (c) in purporting to comply with a requirement under 29 subsection (2)(b) in the notice, makes available a 30 relevant record that the person knows is false or 31 misleading in a material particular -- 32 (i) without indicating that the record is false or 33 misleading and, to the extent the person can, how 34 the record is false or misleading; and page 241 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 19 Complaints about mental health services Division 3 Complaints to Director of Complaints Office s. 335 1 (ii) if the person has or can reasonably obtain the 2 correct information -- without providing the 3 correct information. 4 Penalty: a fine of $6 000. 5 (9) It is enough for a prosecution notice lodged against a person for 6 an offence under subsection (8)(b) or (c) to state that the 7 relevant information or relevant record was false or misleading 8 to the person's knowledge without stating which. 9 335. Warrant to enter and inspect premises 10 (1) The Director may apply for a warrant under the Health and 11 Disability Services (Complaints) Act 1995 section 63 in respect 12 of premises if the Director reasonably believes that the entry 13 and inspection of those premises is necessary for the purposes 14 of an investigation. 15 (2) The Health and Disability Services (Complaints) Act 1995 16 Part 4 applies (with the necessary changes) in relation to -- 17 (a) an application made under subsection (1) for a warrant; 18 and 19 (b) the execution of any warrant issued in respect of such an 20 application. 21 (3) An offence under the Health and Disability Services 22 (Complaints) Act 1995 section 66 as applied by 23 subsection (2)(b) is punishable by a fine not exceeding $6 000. 24 336. Conciliator cannot investigate 25 A person who under section 332 has conciliated, or attempted to 26 conciliate, a complaint cannot investigate that complaint. page 242 Mental Health Bill 2013 Complaints about mental health services Part 19 Complaints to Director of Complaints Office Division 3 s. 337 1 Subdivision 7 -- Consequences of investigation 2 337. What Director must do on completing investigation 3 (1) On completing an investigation, the Director must -- 4 (a) decide whether or not a service provider has acted, or 5 failed to act, in a manner referred to in section 320(2); 6 and 7 (b) give written notice of the decision to -- 8 (i) if a complaint was investigated -- the 9 complainant and the respondent; or 10 (ii) if the investigation was conducted under 11 section 341 -- the Minister and any person 12 affected by the decision. 13 (2) The written notice must be given on or within 14 days after the 14 day on which the Director makes the decision. 15 (3) The written notice must specify -- 16 (a) the reasons for the decision; and 17 (b) if the Director has decided that a service provider has 18 acted, or failed to act, in a manner referred to in 19 section 320(2) -- any action that the Director 20 recommends ought to be taken to remedy the matter by 21 the respondent or any other person. 22 (4) Before recommending action that ought to be taken to remedy 23 the matter by the respondent or another person, the Director 24 must consult -- 25 (a) the respondent or that other person; and 26 (b) if any action that the Director considers ought to be 27 taken to remedy the matter is likely to have an impact on 28 people other than the respondent or that other person -- 29 a group of those people. page 243 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 19 Complaints about mental health services Division 3 Complaints to Director of Complaints Office s. 338 1 338. Respondent or other person to report on remedial action 2 (1) This section applies if the respondent or other person receives 3 written notice of the decision under section 337(1)(b) 4 recommending remedial action be taken by the respondent or 5 other person. 6 (2) The respondent or other person must give a written report about 7 what remedial action the respondent or other person has taken to 8 the Director -- 9 (a) on or within 45 days after the day on which the 10 respondent or other person receives the notice; or 11 (b) by the end of any extension of that period under 12 subsection (4). 13 Penalty: a fine of $2 500. 14 (3) The respondent or other person may, before the expiry of the 15 45-day period, request the Director to extend the period within 16 which the respondent or other person must report under 17 subsection (2). 18 (4) The Director may, if requested by the respondent or other 19 person under subsection (3), extend the period within which the 20 respondent or other person must report under subsection (2) 21 from the end of the 45-day period for a further period (not 22 exceeding 15 days) if the Director considers it appropriate to 23 do so. 24 339. Report not provided or remedial action not taken: report to 25 Parliament 26 (1) The Director must, if the respondent or other person does not 27 report in accordance with section 338 about what remedial 28 action has been taken, give to the Minister -- 29 (a) a copy of the decision; and 30 (b) a written report about the refusal or failure by the 31 respondent or other person to so report. page 244 Mental Health Bill 2013 Complaints about mental health services Part 19 Complaints to Director of Complaints Office Division 3 s. 340 1 (2) The Director must, if the respondent or other person does not 2 take the remedial action recommended within a time that, in the 3 Director's opinion, is reasonable, give to the Minister -- 4 (a) a copy of the decision; and 5 (b) a written report about the refusal or failure by the 6 respondent or other person to take the remedial action. 7 (3) The Director cannot include in a document given to the Minister 8 under subsection (1) or (2) personal information about a 9 complainant except with the consent of the complainant. 10 (4) The Minister may cause a copy of each of the documents given 11 to the Minister under subsection (1) or (2) to be laid before each 12 House of Parliament. 13 Subdivision 8 -- Other matters relating to investigations 14 340. Director to stop if other proceedings begun 15 (1) The Director must stop investigating or otherwise dealing with a 16 complaint to the extent that it relates to an issue that the 17 Director becomes aware is being dealt with -- 18 (a) under another provision of this Act; or 19 (b) under another written law; or 20 (c) under a law of the Commonwealth; or 21 (d) in a court. 22 (2) The Director must, on or within 14 days after the day on which 23 the Director stops dealing with an issue under subsection (1), 24 give written notice of that fact to -- 25 (a) the complainant; and 26 (b) the respondent. 27 (3) The Director may resume dealing with an issue that the Director 28 stopped dealing with under subsection (1) if the Director 29 becomes aware that the issue -- 30 (a) is no longer being dealt with under that other provision 31 or law or by that court; but page 245 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 19 Complaints about mental health services Division 3 Complaints to Director of Complaints Office s. 341 1 (b) has not been resolved. 2 341. Minister may refer matters for investigation 3 The Minister may direct the Director to conduct an investigation 4 under Subdivision 6 in accordance with a reference specified by 5 the Minister if, in the Minister's opinion -- 6 (a) circumstances exist in relation to a person who has or 7 may have a mental illness that would justify a complaint 8 being made under this Division; or 9 (b) it is in the public interest on a matter of general 10 importance relating to mental health that an 11 investigation be carried out. 12 342. Confidentiality 13 (1) A person must not (whether directly or indirectly) record, 14 disclose or use any information obtained by the person because 15 the person is or was -- 16 (a) a person to whom -- 17 (i) details are or were given under section 328(6), 18 (7) or (8); or 19 (ii) a disclosure is or was made under 20 section 328(12); 21 or 22 (b) a person, or a member, officer, employee or agent, of a 23 body, to whom a complaint is or was referred under 24 section 329(4); or 25 (c) a participant in a conciliation under section 332; or 26 (d) a participant in an investigation; or 27 (e) a person to whom the information is or was provided by 28 a complainant or respondent for the purpose of 29 providing the complainant or respondent with a report 30 for use by the complainant or respondent in pursuing or 31 responding to a complaint; or page 246 Mental Health Bill 2013 Complaints about mental health services Part 19 Miscellaneous matters Division 4 s. 343 1 (f) a person who is or was given notice of a decision under 2 section 337(1)(b). 3 Penalty: a fine of $5 000. 4 (2) Subsection (1) does not apply in relation to the recording, 5 disclosure or use of statistical or other information that is not 6 personal information. 7 (3) A person does not commit an offence under subsection (1) if the 8 recording, disclosure or use of the information is authorised 9 under section 575(1). 10 Division 4 -- Miscellaneous matters 11 343. Reports to Parliament 12 (1) The Director may at any time lay a report before each House of 13 Parliament on any matter that the Director considers 14 necessary -- 15 (a) arising from an individual complaint made to the 16 Director under Division 3 Subdivision 3 or an 17 investigation; or 18 (b) in relation to the performance of the Director's functions 19 under this Part. 20 (2) The Director cannot include in a report prepared under 21 subsection (1) personal information about a person who has or 22 may have a mental illness except with the consent of the person. 23 (3) This section does not limit the Financial Management Act 2006 24 Part 5. 25 344. False or misleading information or documents 26 (1) A person commits an offence if the person -- 27 (a) gives to the Director or a member of the Complaints 28 Office staff information that the person knows is false or 29 misleading in a material particular; or page 247 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 19 Complaints about mental health services Division 4 Miscellaneous matters s. 345 1 (b) makes available to the Director or a member of the 2 Complaints Office staff a document that the person 3 knows is false or misleading in a material particular -- 4 (i) without indicating that the document is false or 5 misleading and, to the extent the person can, how 6 the document is false or misleading; and 7 (ii) if the person has or can reasonably obtain the 8 correct information -- without providing the 9 correct information. 10 Penalty: a fine of $6 000. 11 (2) It is enough for a prosecution notice lodged against a person for 12 an offence under subsection (1)(a) or (b) to state that the 13 information or document was false or misleading to the person's 14 knowledge without stating which. 15 345. Person must not be penalised because of complaint or 16 investigation 17 (1) In this section -- 18 complaint means a complaint made -- 19 (a) to a service provider in accordance with the service 20 provider's complaints procedure referred to in 21 section 308; or 22 (b) to the Director under Division 3 Subdivision 3; 23 prejudicial conduct, in relation to a person, means -- 24 (a) refusing to employ the person; or 25 (b) dismissing the person from employment; or 26 (c) subjecting the person to any detriment. 27 (2) A person must not, by threats or intimidation, persuade or 28 attempt to persuade another person -- 29 (a) not to make a complaint; or 30 (b) to withdraw a complaint; or page 248 Mental Health Bill 2013 Complaints about mental health services Part 19 Miscellaneous matters Division 4 s. 346 1 (c) not to continue proceedings under Division 3 in respect 2 of a complaint; or 3 (d) not to provide information to, or not to otherwise assist, 4 the Director or a member of the Complaints Office staff 5 in performing functions under this Part. 6 Penalty: a fine of $2 500. 7 (3) A person must not engage in prejudicial conduct in relation to 8 another person because the other person -- 9 (a) intends to make a complaint; or 10 (b) has made a complaint; or 11 (c) intends to take part in, is taking part in or has taken part 12 in proceedings under Division 3 in respect of a 13 complaint or an investigation. 14 Penalty for this subsection: a fine of $2 500. 15 346. Registers: complaints, matters directed to be investigated 16 (1) The Director must establish and maintain -- 17 (a) a register of complaints reported to the Director under 18 section 309(2); and 19 (b) a register of complaints made to the Director under 20 Division 3 Subdivision 3; and 21 (c) a register of matters the subject of a direction to conduct 22 an investigation under section 341. 23 (2) Each register must be established and maintained in the manner 24 determined by the Director. 25 (3) The form and contents of each register must be determined by 26 the Director. 27 347. Delegation by Director 28 (1) The Director may delegate to a member of the Complaints 29 Office staff any power or duty of the Director under another 30 provision of this Part. page 249 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 19 Complaints about mental health services Division 4 Miscellaneous matters s. 347 1 (2) The delegation must be in writing signed by the Director. 2 (3) A person to whom a power or duty is delegated under this 3 section cannot delegate that power or duty. 4 (4) A person exercising or performing a power or duty that has been 5 delegated to the person under this section is taken to do so in 6 accordance with the terms of the delegation unless the contrary 7 is shown. 8 (5) This section does not limit the ability of the Director to perform 9 a function through an officer or agent. page 250 Mental Health Bill 2013 Mental health advocacy services Part 20 Preliminary matters Division 1 s. 348 1 Part 20 -- Mental health advocacy services 2 Division 1 -- Preliminary matters 3 348. Terms used 4 In this Part -- 5 identified person means any of these people -- 6 (a) a person who is referred under section 26(2) or (3)(a) 7 or 36(2) for an examination to be conducted by a 8 psychiatrist; 9 (b) a voluntary inpatient who is under an order made under 10 section 34(1) for the assessment of the voluntary patient; 11 (c) a person who is under an order made under 12 section 55(1)(c) or 61(1)(c) to enable an examination to 13 be conducted by a psychiatrist; 14 (d) an involuntary patient; 15 (e) a person who is under a hospital order made under the 16 MIA Act section 5(2); 17 (f) a mentally impaired accused required under the 18 MIA Act to be detained at an authorised hospital; 19 (g) a mentally impaired accused who has been released 20 under a release order made under the MIA Act 21 section 35(1) on a condition imposed under 22 section 35(4)(a) of that Act that the mentally impaired 23 accused undergo treatment as defined in section 4 of this 24 Act; 25 (h) a person who is, for the purposes of the Hospitals and 26 Health Services Act 1927 Part IIIB, a resident of a 27 private psychiatric hostel; 28 (i) a person who -- 29 (i) has or may have a mental illness; and 30 (ii) is being provided with treatment or care by a 31 body or organisation that is prescribed by the 32 regulations for this paragraph; page 251 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 20 Mental health advocacy services Division 2 Mental health advocates: appointment or engagement, functions and powers s. 349 1 (j) a voluntary patient who is not a person referred to in 2 paragraphs (a) to (e) or paragraph (h) or (i), but only if 3 the voluntary patient is in a class that the Minister 4 directs under section 354 is a class of identified person 5 for the purposes of this paragraph; 6 mental health service includes a private psychiatric hostel. 7 Division 2 -- Mental health advocates: appointment or 8 engagement, functions and powers 9 Subdivision 1 -- Appointment or engagement, functions and powers 10 349. Chief Mental Health Advocate 11 There is to be a Chief Mental Health Advocate who is appointed 12 by the Minister. 13 350. Other mental health advocates 14 (1) The Chief Mental Health Advocate must engage under a 15 contract for services one or more persons to be mental health 16 advocates. 17 (2) At least one mental health advocate (a youth advocate) engaged 18 under subsection (1) must have qualifications, training or 19 experience relevant to children and young people. 20 (3) A mental health advocate engaged under subsection (1) may 21 have qualifications, training or experience relevant to a 22 particular group in the community. 23 (4) Otherwise, any person can be engaged under subsection (1). 24 351. Functions of Chief Mental Health Advocate 25 (1) The functions of the Chief Mental Health Advocate are -- 26 (a) ensuring that identified persons are visited or otherwise 27 contacted in accordance with section 357; and page 252 Mental Health Bill 2013 Mental health advocacy services Part 20 Mental health advocates: appointment or engagement, Division 2 functions and powers s. 352 1 (b) promoting compliance with the Charter of Mental 2 Health Care Principles by mental health services; and 3 (c) preparing and publishing information about, and 4 promoting, the role of mental health advocates and how 5 to contact the Chief Mental Health Advocate; and 6 (d) developing standards and protocols for the performance 7 by mental health advocates of their functions under this 8 Act; and 9 (e) ensuring that mental health advocates receive adequate 10 training in relation to the performance of their functions 11 under this Act; and 12 (f) providing advice, assistance, control and direction to 13 mental health advocates engaged under section 350(1) in 14 relation to the performance of their functions under this 15 Act; and 16 (g) ensuring compliance with any directions given by the 17 Minister under section 354(1) or the Chief Mental 18 Health Advocate under paragraph (f); and 19 (h) any other functions conferred on the Chief Mental 20 Health Advocate by this Act or another written law. 21 (2) The function of the Chief Mental Health Advocate under 22 subsection (1)(c) does not include the publication of personal 23 information about a person who has or may have a mental 24 illness. 25 352. Functions of mental health advocates 26 (1) The functions of a mental health advocate are -- 27 (a) visiting or otherwise contacting identified persons in 28 accordance with section 357; and 29 (b) inquiring into or investigating any matter relating to the 30 conditions of mental health services that is adversely 31 affecting, or is likely to adversely affect, the health, 32 safety or wellbeing of identified persons; and page 253 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 20 Mental health advocacy services Division 2 Mental health advocates: appointment or engagement, functions and powers s. 352 1 (c) inquiring into or investigating the extent to which 2 identified persons have been informed by mental health 3 services of their rights under this Act and the extent to 4 which those rights have been observed; and 5 (d) inquiring into and seeking to resolve complaints made to 6 mental health advocates about the detention of identified 7 persons at, or the treatment or care that is being 8 provided to identified persons by, mental health 9 services; and 10 (e) referring any issues arising out of the performance of a 11 function under paragraph (b), (c) or (d) to the 12 appropriate persons or bodies to deal with those issues, 13 including to the Chief Mental Health Advocate under 14 section 363(2); and 15 (f) assisting identified persons to protect and enforce their 16 rights under this Act; and 17 (g) assisting identified persons to access legal services; and 18 (h) in consultation with the medical practitioners and mental 19 health practitioners responsible for their treatment and 20 care, advocating for and facilitating access by identified 21 persons to other services; and 22 (i) any other functions conferred on a mental health 23 advocate by this Act or another written law. 24 (2) For the purposes of subsection (1)(d), a complaint may be made 25 to a mental health advocate by a person who has a sufficient 26 interest in the identified person concerned. 27 (3) The performance by a mental health advocate of the function 28 under subsection (1)(e) includes -- 29 (a) assisting an identified person to make a complaint under 30 Part 19 to -- 31 (i) the person in charge of a mental health service; 32 or page 254 Mental Health Bill 2013 Mental health advocacy services Part 20 Mental health advocates: appointment or engagement, Division 2 functions and powers s. 353 1 (ii) the Director of the Complaints Office; 2 and 3 (b) being an identified person's representative in respect of 4 a complaint referred to in paragraph (a)(ii) if recognised 5 as the identified person's representative under 6 section 316(2). 7 (4) The performance by a mental health advocate of the function 8 under subsection (1)(f) includes -- 9 (a) assisting an identified person in relation to any 10 application made under this Act in respect of the 11 identified person to, and in relation to any proceedings 12 under this Act in respect of the identified person before, 13 the Mental Health Tribunal or the State Administrative 14 Tribunal; and 15 (b) if authorised under this Act -- representing an identified 16 person in any proceedings under this Act in respect of 17 the identified person before the Mental Health Tribunal 18 or the State Administrative Tribunal. 19 (5) In performing a function under this section, a mental health 20 advocate engaged under section 350(1) is subject to the general 21 direction and control of the Chief Mental Health Advocate. 22 353. Powers generally 23 In addition to the specific powers conferred on a mental health 24 advocate by this Act or another written law, a mental health 25 advocate may do anything necessary or convenient for the 26 performance of the functions conferred on the mental health 27 advocate by this Act or another written law. 28 354. Directions to Chief Mental Health Advocate about general 29 matters 30 (1) The Minister may, after consultation with the Chief Mental 31 Health Advocate, issue written directions about the general page 255 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 20 Mental health advocacy services Division 2 Mental health advocates: appointment or engagement, functions and powers s. 355 1 policy to be followed by the Chief Mental Health Advocate in 2 performing functions under this Act. 3 (2) The Chief Mental Health Advocate may request the Minister to 4 issue a direction under subsection (1). 5 (3) A direction cannot be issued under this section in respect of -- 6 (a) a particular identified person; or 7 (b) a particular mental health service; or 8 (c) any other particular person or body. 9 (4) The Chief Mental Health Advocate must comply with a 10 direction issued under this section. 11 (5) The power to issue a direction under this section includes the 12 power to amend, replace or revoke the direction and that power 13 is exercisable in the same manner, and is subject to the same 14 conditions, as the power to issue the direction. 15 (6) The Minister must cause the text of a direction issued under this 16 section to be laid before each House of Parliament on or within 17 14 sitting days of the House after the day on which the direction 18 is issued. 19 (7) The text of a direction issued under this section must be 20 included in the Chief Mental Health Advocate's annual report 21 prepared under section 377. 22 355. Directions to Chief Mental Health Advocate to report on 23 particular issues 24 (1) The Minister may issue a written direction requiring the Chief 25 Mental Health Advocate -- 26 (a) to report to the Minister about the provision of treatment 27 or care by a particular mental health service to a 28 particular person; or 29 (b) to ensure that a particular mental health service is visited 30 by a mental health advocate and to report to the Minister 31 on the visit. page 256 Mental Health Bill 2013 Mental health advocacy services Part 20 Mental health advocates: appointment or engagement, Division 2 functions and powers s. 356 1 (2) The Chief Mental Health Advocate must comply with a 2 direction issued under this section. 3 (3) The power to issue a direction under this section includes the 4 power to amend, replace or revoke the direction and that power 5 is exercisable in the same manner, and is subject to the same 6 conditions, as the power to issue the direction. 7 (4) The Minister must cause the text of a direction issued under this 8 section to be laid before each House of Parliament on or within 9 14 sitting days of the House after the day on which the direction 10 is issued. 11 (5) The text of a direction issued under this section must be 12 included in the Chief Mental Health Advocate's annual report 13 prepared under section 377. 14 (6) The Minister must cause the text of a report provided by the 15 Chief Mental Health Advocate in response to a direction issued 16 under this section to be laid before each House of Parliament on 17 or within 14 sitting days of the House after the day on which the 18 report is provided. 19 (7) The text of a report provided by the Chief Mental Health 20 Advocate in response to a direction issued under this section 21 must be included in the Chief Mental Health Advocate's annual 22 report prepared under section 377. 23 (8) Subsections (4) to (7) do not authorise the publication of 24 personal information about a person. 25 Subdivision 2 -- Contacting identified person or person with 26 sufficient interest 27 356. Request to contact identified person 28 (1) A request for an identified person to be contacted by a mental 29 health advocate may be made by -- 30 (a) the identified person; or 31 (b) the identified person's psychiatrist; or page 257 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 20 Mental health advocacy services Division 2 Mental health advocates: appointment or engagement, functions and powers s. 357 1 (c) a person who has a sufficient interest in the identified 2 person. 3 (2) The request may be made to -- 4 (a) the mental health service where the identified person is 5 being detained or that is providing treatment or care to 6 the identified person; or 7 (b) the Chief Mental Health Advocate. 8 (3) If the request is made to the mental health service, the person in 9 charge of the mental health service must ensure that the Chief 10 Mental Health Advocate is notified of the request as soon as 11 practicable and, in any event, within 24 hours after the time 12 when the request was made. 13 357. Duty to contact identified person 14 (1) An identified person under paragraph (a), (b) or (c) of the 15 definition of identified person in section 348 who is detained 16 under section 28(1) or (2), 34(1), 52(1)(b), 53(1), 58(1)(b), 17 59(2), 62(1) or (2) or 70(1)(b) must be visited or otherwise 18 contacted by a mental health advocate as soon as practicable 19 and, in any event, on or within 3 days after the day on which the 20 Chief Mental Health Advocate receives a request under 21 section 356(2)(b), or is notified of a request under 22 section 356(3), for the person to be contacted. 23 (2) An identified person under paragraph (d) of the definition of 24 identified person in section 348 who is under an involuntary 25 treatment order made on or after the day on which this section 26 commences must be visited or otherwise contacted by a mental 27 health advocate -- 28 (a) if, when the order is made, the person is an adult -- on 29 or within 7 days after the day on which the involuntary 30 treatment order is made; or 31 (b) if, when the order is made, the person is a child -- 32 within 24 hours after the time when the involuntary 33 treatment order is made. page 258 Mental Health Bill 2013 Mental health advocacy services Part 20 Mental health advocates: appointment or engagement, Division 2 functions and powers s. 357 1 (3) An identified person under paragraph (d) of the definition of 2 identified person in section 348 who is under an involuntary 3 treatment order made -- 4 (a) before the day on which this section commences; or 5 (b) on or after the day on which this section commences that 6 has been in force for more than 7 days from the day on 7 which the order is made, 8 must be visited or otherwise contacted by a mental health 9 advocate on or as soon as practicable after the day on which the 10 Chief Mental Health Advocate receives a request under 11 section 356(2)(b), or is notified of a request under 12 section 356(3), for the person to be contacted. 13 (4) An identified person under paragraph (f) of the definition of 14 identified person in section 348 who is detained at an 15 authorised hospital under the MIA Act on or after the day on 16 which this section commences must be visited or otherwise 17 contacted by a mental health advocate -- 18 (a) if, when detained, the person is an adult -- on or within 19 7 days after the day on which the person is detained; or 20 (b) if, when detained, the person is a child -- within 21 24 hours after the time when the person is detained. 22 (5) An identified person under paragraph (f) of the definition of 23 identified person in section 348 -- 24 (a) who was detained at an authorised hospital under the 25 MIA Act before the day on which this section 26 commences; or 27 (b) who is detained at an authorised hospital under the 28 MIA Act on or after the day on which this section 29 commences for more than 7 days, 30 must be visited or otherwise contacted by a mental health 31 advocate on or as soon as practicable after the day on which the 32 Chief Mental Health Advocate receives a request under page 259 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 20 Mental health advocacy services Division 2 Mental health advocates: appointment or engagement, functions and powers s. 358 1 section 356(2)(b), or is notified of a request under 2 section 356(3), for the person to be contacted. 3 (6) An identified person under paragraph (e), (g), (h) or (i) of the 4 definition of identified person in section 348 must be visited or 5 otherwise contacted by a mental health advocate on or as soon 6 as practicable after the day on which the Chief Mental Health 7 Advocate receives a request under section 356(2)(b), or is 8 notified of a request under section 356(3), for the person to be 9 contacted and, in any event, within 7 days after that day. 10 (7) An identified person under paragraph (j) of the definition of 11 identified person in section 348 must be visited or otherwise 12 contacted by a mental health advocate on or within a reasonable 13 time after the day on which the Chief Mental Health Advocate 14 receives a request under section 356(2)(b), or is notified of a 15 request under section 356(3), for the person to be contacted. 16 (8) Despite subsections (6) and (7), an identified person under 17 paragraph (e), (g), (h), (i) or (j) of the definition of identified 18 person in section 348 who is a child must be visited or 19 otherwise contacted by a mental health advocate on or within 20 24 hours after the day on which the Chief Mental Health 21 Advocate receives a request under section 356(2)(b), or is 22 notified of a request under section 356(3), for the person to be 23 contacted. 24 358. Contact on mental health advocate's own initiative 25 In addition to any requirement under section 357 to contact an 26 identified person, a mental health advocate may, subject to any 27 direction of the Chief Mental Health Advocate under 28 section 359(3), visit or otherwise contact an identified person at 29 any time. page 260 Mental Health Bill 2013 Mental health advocacy services Part 20 Mental health advocates: appointment or engagement, Division 2 functions and powers s. 359 1 Subdivision 3 -- Specific powers of mental health advocates 2 359. Specific powers of mental health advocates 3 (1) The powers of a mental health advocate include these powers -- 4 (a) visiting, at any time and for as long as the mental health 5 advocate considers appropriate, a mental health service 6 at which one or more identified persons are being 7 detained or that is providing treatment or care to one or 8 more identified persons; 9 (b) inspecting any part of a mental health service that the 10 mental health advocate visits; 11 (c) seeing and speaking with an identified person unless the 12 identified person objects to the mental health advocate 13 doing so; 14 (d) making inquiries about any of these things -- 15 (i) the admission or reception of an identified 16 person by a mental health service or other place; 17 (ii) the referral of an identified person for an 18 examination to be conducted by a psychiatrist at 19 a mental health service or other place; 20 (iii) the detention of an identified person at a mental 21 health service or other place; 22 (iv) the provision of treatment or care to an identified 23 person by a mental health service or other place; 24 (e) requiring a staff member of a mental health service or 25 other place to do any of these things -- 26 (i) answer questions or provide information in 27 response to any inquiry made about a matter 28 referred to in paragraph (d)(i) to (iv); 29 (ii) make available any document that the mental 30 health advocate may inspect, or take a copy of, 31 under paragraph (f) or (g); page 261 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 20 Mental health advocacy services Division 2 Mental health advocates: appointment or engagement, functions and powers s. 360 1 (iii) give reasonable assistance to the mental health 2 advocate in the exercise of a power under this 3 subsection; 4 (f) inspecting and taking a copy of the whole or any part of 5 the medical record of, or any other document about, an 6 identified person that is held by the mental health 7 service unless the identified person objects to the mental 8 health advocate doing so; 9 (g) inspecting and taking a copy of the whole or any part of 10 any document, or any document in a class of document, 11 that is held by the mental health service and is 12 prescribed by the regulations. 13 (2) A mental health advocate cannot exercise a power under 14 subsection (1)(c) or (f) in relation to an identified person who is 15 a voluntary patient without the consent of -- 16 (a) the identified person; or 17 (b) if the identified person does not have the capacity to 18 consent to the power being exercised in relation to him 19 or her -- the person who is authorised by law to consent 20 to the provision of treatment or care to the identified 21 person. 22 (3) The exercise by a mental health advocate of any power under 23 subsection (1) is subject to the direction of the Chief Mental 24 Health Advocate. 25 360. Documents to which access is restricted 26 (1) This section applies if an identified person is not entitled under 27 section 248(1) to have access to a document because the 28 identified person has been refused access to the document for a 29 reason referred to in section 249(1)(a). 30 (2) The person in charge of a mental health service must ensure 31 that, before a staff member of the mental health service 32 complies with any requirement of a mental health advocate page 262 Mental Health Bill 2013 Mental health advocacy services Part 20 Mental health advocates: appointment or engagement, Division 2 functions and powers s. 361 1 under section 359(1)(e)(ii) to make available the document, the 2 mental health advocate is advised -- 3 (a) that the identified person has been refused access to the 4 document for a reason referred to in section 249(1)(a); 5 and 6 (b) that it is an offence under section 361 for the mental 7 health advocate to disclose any information in the 8 relevant document to the identified person. 9 (3) The person in charge of a mental health service must record on 10 an identified person's medical record or other file any advice 11 given to a mental health advocate under subsection (2) about the 12 matters referred to in subsection (2)(a) and (b). 13 361. Disclosure by mental health advocate 14 A mental health advocate who under section 359(1)(f) inspects, 15 or takes a copy of the whole or any part of, a document must not 16 disclose any information in the document if -- 17 (a) the identified person to whom the document relates has 18 been refused access to the document for a reason 19 referred to in section 249(1)(a); and 20 (b) before the document was made available to the mental 21 health advocate in compliance with a requirement by the 22 mental health advocate under section 359(1)(e)(ii), the 23 mental health advocate was advised of the matters 24 referred to in section 360(2)(a) and (b). 25 Penalty: a fine of $5 000. 26 362. Interfering with exercise of powers 27 (1) A person commits an offence if the person -- 28 (a) without reasonable excuse, proof of which is on the 29 person, does not answer a question or provide 30 information when required under section 359(1)(e)(i); or 31 (b) in purporting to comply with a requirement under 32 section 359(1)(e)(i), gives an answer or provides page 263 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 20 Mental health advocacy services Division 2 Mental health advocates: appointment or engagement, functions and powers s. 363 1 information that the person knows is false or misleading 2 in a material particular; or 3 (c) in purporting to comply with a requirement under 4 section 359(1)(e)(ii), makes available a document that 5 the person knows is false or misleading in a material 6 particular -- 7 (i) without indicating that the document is false or 8 misleading and, to the extent the person can, how 9 the document is false or misleading; and 10 (ii) if the person has or can reasonably obtain the 11 correct information -- without providing the 12 correct information; 13 or 14 (d) without reasonable excuse, proof of which is on the 15 person, does not give reasonable assistance when 16 required under section 359(1)(e)(iii); or 17 (e) without reasonable excuse, proof of which is on the 18 person, obstructs or hinders -- 19 (i) a mental health advocate in the exercise of a 20 power under section 359(1); or 21 (ii) a person assisting a mental health advocate under 22 section 359(1)(e)(iii). 23 Penalty: a fine of $6 000. 24 (2) It is enough for a prosecution notice lodged against a person for 25 an offence under subsection (1) alleged to have been committed 26 in the circumstances referred to in subsection (1)(b) or (c) to 27 state that the answer, information or document was false or 28 misleading to the person's knowledge without stating which. 29 363. Issues arising out of inquiries and investigations 30 (1) A mental health advocate may attempt to resolve any issue that 31 arises in the course of an inquiry into or investigation of a 32 matter under section 352(1)(b), (c) or (d) by dealing directly page 264 Mental Health Bill 2013 Mental health advocacy services Part 20 Mental health advocates: appointment or engagement, Division 2 functions and powers s. 363 1 with the relevant staff members of the mental health service 2 concerned. 3 (2) A mental health advocate must refer an issue to the Chief 4 Mental Health Advocate if the mental health advocate cannot 5 resolve the issue or considers it appropriate to do so. 6 (3) The Chief Mental Health Advocate may provide a report about 7 an issue referred to the Chief Mental Health Advocate under 8 subsection (2) to the person in charge of the mental health 9 service concerned. 10 (4) The Chief Mental Health Advocate may also provide a copy of 11 any report provided to a person in charge of a mental health 12 service under subsection (3) to one or more of the following -- 13 (a) the Minister; 14 (b) the CEO; 15 (c) the CEO of the Health Department; 16 (d) the Chief Psychiatrist. 17 (5) A person to whom a copy of a report about an issue is provided 18 under subsection (4) must advise the Chief Mental Health 19 Advocate -- 20 (a) whether or not the person considers further inquiry into 21 or investigation of the issue is warranted; and 22 (b) if it is warranted -- the outcome of the further inquiry or 23 investigation, including any recommendations made, 24 directions given or other action taken under this Act or 25 another written law. 26 (6) This section does not limit the powers that a mental health 27 advocate has for dealing with any issue that arises in the course 28 of an inquiry into or investigation of a matter under 29 section 352(1)(b), (c) or (d). page 265 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 20 Mental health advocacy services Division 3 Terms and conditions of appointment or engagement s. 364 1 Division 3 -- Terms and conditions of appointment or 2 engagement 3 Subdivision 1 -- Chief Mental Health Advocate 4 364. Terms and conditions of appointment 5 (1) The Chief Mental Health Advocate -- 6 (a) holds office for the period (not exceeding 5 years) 7 specified in the instrument of appointment; and 8 (b) is eligible for reappointment. 9 (2) Subject to this Subdivision, the Chief Mental Health Advocate 10 holds office on the terms and conditions of appointment 11 determined by the Minister. 12 365. Remuneration 13 The Chief Mental Health Advocate is entitled to the 14 remuneration determined by the Minister on the 15 recommendation of the Public Sector Commissioner. 16 366. Resignation 17 (1) The Chief Mental Health Advocate may resign from office by 18 writing signed and given to the Minister. 19 (2) The resignation takes effect on the later of the following -- 20 (a) receipt by the Minister; 21 (b) the day specified in the resignation. 22 367. Removal from office 23 The Minister may remove a person from the office of Chief 24 Mental Health Advocate on any of these grounds -- 25 (a) mental or physical incapacity; 26 (b) incompetence; page 266 Mental Health Bill 2013 Mental health advocacy services Part 20 Terms and conditions of appointment or engagement Division 3 s. 368 1 (c) neglect of duty; 2 (d) misconduct. 3 368. Acting Chief Mental Health Advocate 4 (1) The Minister may appoint a person to act in the office of the 5 Chief Mental Health Advocate referred to in section 349 -- 6 (a) during a vacancy in the office, whether or not an 7 appointment has previously been made to the office; or 8 (b) during a period, or during all periods, when the person 9 holding the office or a person acting in the office under 10 an appointment under this subsection is on leave or is 11 otherwise unable to perform the functions of the office. 12 (2) An appointment under subsection (1) may be expressed to have 13 effect only in the circumstances specified in the instrument of 14 appointment. 15 (3) The Minister may -- 16 (a) determine the terms and conditions of an appointment 17 under subsection (1), including as to remuneration; and 18 (b) terminate an appointment under subsection (1) at any 19 time. 20 (4) The validity of anything done by or in relation to a person 21 purporting to act under an appointment under subsection (1) is 22 not to be called into question on any of these grounds -- 23 (a) the occasion for the appointment had not arisen; 24 (b) there is a defect or irregularity in the appointment; 25 (c) the appointment had ceased to have effect; 26 (d) the occasion for the person to act had not arisen or had 27 ceased. 28 (5) A person cannot act under an appointment under subsection (1) 29 for a continuous period exceeding 12 months. page 267 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 20 Mental health advocacy services Division 3 Terms and conditions of appointment or engagement s. 369 1 Subdivision 2 -- Other mental health advocates 2 369. Terms and conditions of engagement 3 (1) A mental health advocate engaged under section 350(1) -- 4 (a) holds office for the period (not exceeding 3 years) 5 specified in the contract for services; and 6 (b) is eligible for re-engagement. 7 (2) Subject to this Subdivision, a mental health advocate engaged 8 under section 350(1) holds office on the terms and conditions of 9 engagement determined by the Minister. 10 370. Remuneration 11 A mental health advocate engaged under section 350(1) is 12 entitled to the remuneration determined by the Minister. 13 371. Resignation 14 (1) A mental health advocate engaged under section 350(1) may 15 resign from office by writing signed and given to the Chief 16 Mental Health Advocate. 17 (2) The resignation takes effect on the later of the following -- 18 (a) receipt by the Chief Mental Health Advocate; 19 (b) the day specified in the resignation. 20 372. Removal from office 21 The Chief Mental Health Advocate may remove a person from 22 the office of mental health advocate referred to in section 350(1) 23 on any of these grounds -- 24 (a) mental or physical incapacity; 25 (b) incompetence; 26 (c) neglect of duty; 27 (d) misconduct. page 268 Mental Health Bill 2013 Mental health advocacy services Part 20 Other matters relating to mental health advocates Division 4 s. 373 1 Division 4 -- Other matters relating to mental health advocates 2 373. Conflict of interest 3 (1) A mental health advocate may be employed by, or have a 4 disqualifying interest under subsection (3) in, a body or 5 organisation that provides treatment or care for identified 6 persons. 7 (2) However, the mental health advocate cannot perform any 8 functions under this Act as a mental health advocate in relation 9 to an identified person who is being provided with treatment or 10 care by the body or organisation. 11 (3) For subsection (1), a mental health advocate has a disqualifying 12 interest in a body or organisation if -- 13 (a) the mental health advocate; or 14 (b) another person with whom the mental health advocate is 15 closely associated, 16 has a financial interest in the body or organisation other than a 17 financial interest prescribed by the regulations for this 18 subsection. 19 (4) For subsection (3)(b), a person is closely associated with a 20 mental health advocate if the person -- 21 (a) is the spouse, de facto partner or child of the mental 22 health advocate; or 23 (b) is in partnership with the mental health advocate; or 24 (c) is an employer of the mental health advocate; or 25 (d) is a beneficiary under a trust, or an object of a 26 discretionary trust, of which the mental health advocate 27 is a trustee; or 28 (e) is a body corporate of which the mental health advocate 29 is an officer; or page 269 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 20 Mental health advocacy services Division 4 Other matters relating to mental health advocates s. 374 1 (f) is a body corporate in which the mental health advocate 2 holds shares that have a total nominal value 3 exceeding -- 4 (i) the amount prescribed by the regulations for this 5 paragraph; or 6 (ii) the percentage prescribed by the regulations for 7 this paragraph of the total nominal value of the 8 issued share capital of the body corporate; 9 or 10 (g) has a relationship specified in paragraphs (a) to (f) with 11 the mental health advocate's spouse or de facto partner. 12 374. Delegation by Chief Mental Health Advocate 13 (1) In this section -- 14 advocacy services officer means -- 15 (a) a public service officer who is appointed or made 16 available to assist the Chief Mental Health Advocate as 17 required by section 375; or 18 (b) an officer or employee whose services are being used by 19 the Chief Mental Health Advocate by arrangement 20 under section 376(1). 21 (2) The Chief Mental Health Advocate may delegate to another 22 mental health advocate or an advocacy services officer any 23 power or duty of the Chief Mental Health Advocate under 24 another provision of this Act. 25 (3) The delegation must be in writing signed by the Chief Mental 26 Health Advocate. 27 (4) A person to whom a power or duty is delegated under this 28 section cannot delegate that power or duty. 29 (5) A person exercising or performing a power or duty that has been 30 delegated to the person under this section is taken to do so in 31 accordance with the terms of the delegation unless the contrary 32 intention is shown. page 270 Mental Health Bill 2013 Mental health advocacy services Part 20 Staff and facilities Division 5 s. 375 1 (6) This section does not limit the ability of the Chief Mental 2 Health Advocate to perform a function through an officer or 3 agent. 4 Division 5 -- Staff and facilities 5 375. Advocacy services staff 6 Public service officers must be appointed under, or made 7 available under, the Public Sector Management Act 1994 Part 3 8 to assist the Chief Mental Health Advocate in performing his or 9 her functions under this Act or another written law. 10 376. Use of government staff and facilities 11 (1) The Chief Mental Health Advocate may, by arrangement, use 12 (either full-time or part-time) the services of any officer or 13 employee employed in the Public Service or a State agency or 14 instrumentality or employed otherwise in the service of the 15 State. 16 (2) The Chief Mental Health Advocate may, by arrangement, use 17 any facilities of a department of the Public Service or a State 18 agency or instrumentality. 19 (3) An arrangement under subsection (1) or (2) must be made on 20 terms agreed to by the parties. 21 Division 6 -- Annual reports 22 377. Annual report: preparation 23 Within 3 months after 30 June in each year, the Chief Mental 24 Health Advocate must prepare and give to the Minister a report 25 as to the general activities of mental health advocates during the 26 financial year ending on that day. page 271 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 20 Mental health advocacy services Division 6 Annual reports s. 378 1 378. Annual report: tabling 2 (1) The Minister must cause a copy of a report referred to in 3 section 377 to be laid before each House of Parliament, or dealt 4 with under subsection (2), on or within 21 days after the day on 5 which the Minister receives the report. 6 (2) The Minister must transmit a copy of the report to the Clerk of a 7 House of Parliament if -- 8 (a) at the beginning of the 21-day period referred to in 9 subsection (1), the House is not sitting; and 10 (b) in the Minister's opinion, the House will not sit during 11 that period. 12 (3) A copy of a report transmitted under subsection (2) to the Clerk 13 of a House is taken to have been laid before that House. 14 (4) The laying of a copy of a report that is taken to have occurred 15 under subsection (3) must be recorded in the Minutes, or Votes 16 and Proceedings, of the House on the first sitting day of the 17 House after the receipt of the copy by the Clerk. page 272 Mental Health Bill 2013 Mental Health Tribunal Part 21 Preliminary matters Division 1 s. 379 1 Part 21 -- Mental Health Tribunal 2 Division 1 -- Preliminary matters 3 379. Terms used 4 In this Part -- 5 application means an application made to the Tribunal under 6 this Part; 7 decision, of the Tribunal, includes an order, direction or 8 declaration made by the Tribunal; 9 hearing means a hearing in a proceeding; 10 lawyer means an Australian lawyer as defined in the Legal 11 Profession Act 2008 section 3; 12 member means -- 13 (a) the President of the Tribunal; or 14 (b) a member of the Mental Health Tribunal appointed 15 under section 474(1); 16 party means a party to a proceeding; 17 person concerned, in an application or proceeding, means the 18 patient or other person whom the application or proceeding 19 concerns; 20 President of the Tribunal means President of the Mental Health 21 Tribunal appointed under section 473; 22 presiding member, in a proceeding, has the meaning given in 23 section 438; 24 proceeding means a proceeding of the Tribunal under this Part 25 and includes part of a proceeding; 26 registrar means the registrar of the Mental Health Tribunal 27 referred to in section 481; 28 registry officer means a public service officer appointed or 29 made available to assist the registrar as required by section 484; page 273 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 21 Mental Health Tribunal Division 2 Establishment, jurisdiction and constitution s. 380 1 Tribunal means the Mental Health Tribunal established by 2 section 380; 3 witness means a witness in a proceeding. 4 Division 2 -- Establishment, jurisdiction and constitution 5 380. Establishment 6 The Mental Health Tribunal is established. 7 381. Jurisdiction 8 The Tribunal has the jurisdiction conferred on it by this Part. 9 382. Constitution specified by President 10 When exercising its jurisdiction, subject to sections 383 11 and 384, the Tribunal must be constituted by the members 12 specified by the President of the Tribunal. 13 383. Constitution generally 14 For the purpose of a proceeding, except as provided by 15 section 384, the Tribunal must be constituted by 3 members as 16 follows -- 17 (a) a member who is a lawyer; 18 (b) if the patient is an adult -- a member who is a 19 psychiatrist; 20 (c) if the patient is a child -- 21 (i) a member who is a child and adolescent 22 psychiatrist; or 23 (ii) if a member referred to in subparagraph (i) is not 24 available -- a member who is a psychiatrist; 25 (d) a member who is not -- 26 (i) a lawyer; or 27 (ii) a medical practitioner; or page 274 Mental Health Bill 2013 Mental Health Tribunal Part 21 Establishment, jurisdiction and constitution Division 2 s. 384 1 (iii) a mental health practitioner who is a staff 2 member of a mental health service or private 3 psychiatric hostel. 4 384. Constitution for psychosurgical matters 5 For a proceeding in relation to an application made under 6 section 415(1) for approval for psychosurgery to be performed, 7 the Tribunal must be constituted by 5 members as follows -- 8 (a) a member who is a lawyer; 9 (b) a neurosurgeon who is appointed as a member after 10 consultation by the Minister with the Health Minister 11 held after consultation by the Health Minister with the 12 Royal Australasian College of Surgeons; 13 (c) if the patient is an adult -- 2 members who are 14 psychiatrists; 15 (d) if the patient is a child -- 16 (i) a member who is a child and adolescent 17 psychiatrist; and 18 (ii) another member who is a psychiatrist who can 19 (but need not) be a child and adolescent 20 psychiatrist; 21 (e) a member who is not -- 22 (i) a lawyer; or 23 (ii) a medical practitioner; or 24 (iii) a mental health practitioner who is a staff 25 member of a mental health service or private 26 psychiatric hostel. 27 385. Contemporaneous exercise of jurisdiction 28 The Tribunal constituted in accordance with this Part may 29 exercise its jurisdiction even if the Tribunal differently 30 constituted under this Part is exercising its jurisdiction at the 31 same time. page 275 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 21 Mental Health Tribunal Division 3 Involuntary treatment orders: review s. 386 1 Division 3 -- Involuntary treatment orders: review 2 386. Initial review after order made 3 (1) In this section -- 4 initial review period, for an involuntary treatment order, 5 means -- 6 (a) if, when the order is made, the involuntary patient is an 7 adult -- the period of 35 days from the day on which the 8 order is made; or 9 (b) if, when the order is made, the involuntary patient is a 10 child -- the period of 10 days from the day on which the 11 order is made. 12 (2) Unless subsection (4) or (5) applies, as soon as practicable after 13 an involuntary treatment order is made and, in any event, by the 14 end of the initial review period, the Tribunal must review the 15 order to decide whether or not the involuntary patient is still in 16 need of the involuntary treatment order having regard to the 17 criteria specified in section 25. 18 (3) It is sufficient for compliance with subsection (2) if the review 19 is commenced in accordance with that provision and is 20 completed as soon as practicable. 21 (4) The Tribunal is not required to review the order under 22 subsection (2) if the involuntary patient has not, under 23 section 388, been an involuntary patient continuously since the 24 order was made. 25 (5) The Tribunal is not required to review the order under 26 subsection (2) if -- 27 (a) the Tribunal has -- 28 (i) previously reviewed under this Division an 29 involuntary treatment order made in respect of 30 the involuntary patient; or page 276 Mental Health Bill 2013 Mental Health Tribunal Part 21 Involuntary treatment orders: review Division 3 s. 387 1 (ii) previously reviewed under this Division the 2 terms of a community treatment order that a 3 psychiatrist has been directed under 4 section 395(2)(b) to make in respect of the 5 involuntary patient; 6 and 7 (b) the involuntary patient, has under section 388, been an 8 involuntary patient continuously since the previous 9 review. 10 387. Periodic reviews while order in force 11 (1) In this section -- 12 last review, of an involuntary treatment order, means -- 13 (a) the last review of the order under section 386(2) or 14 subsection (2); or 15 (b) if the order has not been reviewed under either of those 16 provisions because it was made after another 17 involuntary treatment order was last reviewed under one 18 or other of those provisions -- the last review of that 19 other order; 20 last review day, for an involuntary treatment order, means the 21 day on which the decision on the last review of the order is 22 made; 23 periodic review period means -- 24 (a) for an inpatient treatment order or for a community 25 treatment order in respect of a patient who, on the last 26 review day, has been an involuntary community patient 27 continuously for not more than 12 months -- 28 (i) if, on the last review day, the involuntary patient 29 is an adult -- the period of 3 months from that 30 day; or 31 (ii) if, on the last review day, the involuntary patient 32 is a child -- the period of 28 days from that day; 33 or page 277 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 21 Mental Health Tribunal Division 3 Involuntary treatment orders: review s. 388 1 (b) for a community treatment order in respect of a patient 2 who, on the last review day, has been an involuntary 3 community patient continuously for more than 4 12 months -- the period of 6 months from that day; 5 prescribed number of days, before the end of a periodic review 6 period, means -- 7 (a) if, when the involuntary treatment order that is the 8 subject of the proceeding was made, the involuntary 9 patient is an adult -- 21 days before the day on which 10 that period ends; or 11 (b) if, when the involuntary treatment order that is the 12 subject of the proceeding was made, the involuntary 13 patient was a child -- 7 days before the day on which 14 that period ends. 15 (2) Unless subsection (4) applies, the Tribunal must, on or within 16 the prescribed number of days before the day on which a 17 periodic review period for an involuntary treatment order ends, 18 review the order to decide whether or not the involuntary patient 19 is still in need of the involuntary treatment order having regard 20 to the criteria specified in section 25. 21 (3) It is sufficient for compliance with subsection (2) if a review is 22 commenced in accordance with that provision and is completed 23 as soon as practicable. 24 (4) The Tribunal is not required to review the order under 25 subsection (2) if the involuntary patient has not, under 26 section 388, been an involuntary patient continuously since the 27 last review day. 28 388. Involuntary patient for continuous period 29 For sections 386(4) and (5)(b) and 387(4), a person has been an 30 involuntary patient continuously for a period if -- 31 (a) one, or a series of 2 or more, involuntary treatment 32 orders were in force in respect of the person for the 33 whole period; or page 278 Mental Health Bill 2013 Mental Health Tribunal Part 21 Involuntary treatment orders: review Division 3 s. 389 1 (b) during the period, an involuntary treatment order ceased 2 to be in force in respect of the person and another 3 involuntary treatment order came into force in respect of 4 the person on or within 7 days after the day of the 5 cessation. 6 389. Review period may be extended 7 (1) In this section -- 8 maximum extension period means -- 9 (a) if, on the day on which the relevant decision is made, 10 the involuntary patient is an adult -- the period of 11 21 days; or 12 (b) if, on the day on which the relevant decision is made, 13 the involuntary patient is a child -- the period of 7 days; 14 prescribed period means -- 15 (a) if, on the day on which the relevant decision is made, 16 the involuntary patient is an adult -- the period of 17 28 days; or 18 (b) if, on the day on which the relevant decision is made, 19 the involuntary patient is a child -- the period of 7 days; 20 relevant decision, in relation to the review of an involuntary 21 treatment order under section 386(2) or 387(2), means a 22 decision of the Tribunal the making of which involves a 23 consideration of substantially the same issues as would be raised 24 in the review; 25 review period, for an involuntary treatment order, means -- 26 (a) the initial review period under section 386(1) for the 27 involuntary treatment order; or 28 (b) a periodic review period under section 387(1) for the 29 involuntary treatment order. 30 (2) If the Tribunal makes a relevant decision within the prescribed 31 period before the day on which a review period for an 32 involuntary treatment order ends, the Tribunal may make an page 279 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 21 Mental Health Tribunal Division 3 Involuntary treatment orders: review s. 390 1 order extending the review period from the day on which it 2 would otherwise have ended for the further period (not 3 exceeding the maximum extension period) specified in the 4 order. 5 390. Application for review 6 (1) A person specified in subsection (2) may apply to the Tribunal 7 for a review of any of these things -- 8 (a) an involuntary treatment order, to decide whether or not 9 the involuntary patient is still in need of an involuntary 10 treatment order having regard to the criteria specified in 11 section 25; 12 (b) an inpatient treatment order, to decide whether or not the 13 involuntary inpatient is still in need of an inpatient 14 treatment order having regard to the criteria specified in 15 section 25(1); 16 (c) a community treatment order, to decide whether or not 17 the terms of the order are appropriate; 18 (d) a transfer order made under section 66(1) or 91(2) in 19 respect of an involuntary inpatient, or a refusal to make 20 such an order, to decide whether or not the making of 21 the order or the refusal to do so is appropriate; 22 (e) the transfer under section 135(1)(a) of a psychiatrist's 23 responsibility as the supervising psychiatrist under a 24 community treatment order, or a refusal to transfer that 25 responsibility, to decide whether or not the transfer of 26 responsibility or the refusal to do so is appropriate; 27 (f) the transfer under section 137(a) of a practitioner's 28 responsibility as the treating practitioner under a 29 community treatment order, or a refusal to transfer that 30 responsibility, to decide whether or not the transfer of 31 responsibility or the refusal to do so is appropriate; 32 (g) a transfer order made under section 553(1) in respect of 33 a State inpatient, or a refusal to make such an order, to page 280 Mental Health Bill 2013 Mental Health Tribunal Part 21 Involuntary treatment orders: review Division 3 s. 391 1 decide whether or not the making of the order or the 2 refusal to do so is appropriate. 3 (2) An application may be made under subsection (1) by any of 4 these people -- 5 (a) the involuntary patient; 6 (b) a carer, close family member or other personal support 7 person of the involuntary patient; 8 (c) a mental health advocate; 9 (d) any other person who, in the Tribunal's opinion, has a 10 sufficient interest in the matter. 11 (3) The application must be in writing and, unless subsection (4) 12 applies, may be made at any time. 13 (4) The application cannot be made within the prescribed period 14 after the day on which the Tribunal makes a decision that 15 involves a consideration of substantially the same issues as 16 would be raised by the application unless there has been a 17 material change in the involuntary patient's circumstances since 18 that day. 19 (5) For subsection (4), the prescribed period is -- 20 (a) if, on the day on which the decision is made, the 21 involuntary patient is an adult -- the period of 28 days; 22 or 23 (b) if, on the day on which the decision is made, the 24 involuntary patient is a child -- the period of 7 days. 25 391. Review on Tribunal's own initiative 26 The Tribunal may, on its own initiative whenever it considers it 27 appropriate, review -- 28 (a) an involuntary treatment order referred to in 29 section 390(1)(a) to (c) to decide the matter referred in 30 that provision; or page 281 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 21 Mental Health Tribunal Division 3 Involuntary treatment orders: review s. 392 1 (b) a transfer order referred to in section 390(1)(d) or (g) to 2 decide the matter referred in that provision; or 3 (c) a transfer of responsibility under section 390(1)(e) or (f) 4 to decide the matter referred to in that provision. 5 392. Suspending order pending review 6 (1) For the purposes of a proceeding for a review under this 7 Division, the Tribunal may make an order -- 8 (a) suspending the operation of the involuntary treatment 9 order that is the subject of the proceeding until the 10 Tribunal makes a decision on the review; or 11 (b) restraining the taking of any action, or any further 12 action, under the involuntary treatment order that is the 13 subject of the proceeding until then. 14 (2) The Tribunal may make an order under subsection (1) on the 15 application of a party or on its own initiative. 16 393. Parties to proceeding 17 The parties to a proceeding under this Division are -- 18 (a) the involuntary patient; and 19 (b) the patient's psychiatrist; and 20 (c) if the proceeding relates to an application made under 21 section 390 and the applicant is not a person referred to 22 in paragraph (a) or (b) -- the applicant; and 23 (d) any other person who, in the opinion of the Tribunal, has 24 a sufficient interest in the matter. 25 394. Things to which Tribunal must have regard 26 (1) In making a decision on a review under this Division in respect 27 of an involuntary patient, the Tribunal must have regard to these 28 things -- 29 (a) if the involuntary patient is a child and the Tribunal is 30 not constituted with a child and adolescent page 282 Mental Health Bill 2013 Mental Health Tribunal Part 21 Involuntary treatment orders: review Division 3 s. 395 1 psychiatrist -- the views of a medical practitioner or 2 mental health practitioner specified in subsection (2); 3 (b) the involuntary patient's psychiatric condition; 4 (c) the involuntary patient's medical and psychiatric 5 history; 6 (d) the involuntary patient's treatment, support and 7 discharge plan; 8 (e) the involuntary patient's wishes, to the extent that it is 9 practicable to ascertain those wishes; 10 (f) the views of any carer, close family member or other 11 personal support person of the involuntary patient; 12 (g) any other things that the Tribunal considers relevant to 13 making the decision. 14 (2) For subsection (1)(a), a medical practitioner or mental health 15 practitioner must -- 16 (a) have qualifications, training or experience relevant to 17 children who have a mental illness; and 18 (b) be authorised by the Chief Psychiatrist for this 19 paragraph. 20 Note for section 394: 21 For the purpose of ascertaining the involuntary patient's wishes under 22 section 394(1)(e), Part 2 Division 4 applies. 23 395. What Tribunal may do on completing review 24 (1) On completing a review under this Division, the Tribunal may 25 make any orders, and give any directions, the Tribunal considers 26 appropriate. 27 (2) Those orders and directions include the following -- 28 (a) an order revoking an involuntary treatment order; 29 (b) a direction to the psychiatrist named in the order to 30 make, within a reasonable period specified in the 31 direction, a community treatment order in terms that are page 283 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 21 Mental Health Tribunal Division 4 Involuntary treatment orders: validity s. 396 1 consistent with section 115 and specified in the 2 direction; 3 (c) an order varying the terms of a community treatment 4 order in any way that is consistent with section 115. 5 (3) The Tribunal cannot make an order or give a direction under 6 subsection (1) in relation to an involuntary patient's treatment, 7 support or discharge plan, but may make -- 8 (a) a recommendation that the patient's psychiatrist review 9 the treatment, support or discharge plan; and 10 (b) if such a recommendation is made -- a recommendation 11 about the amendments that could be made to the 12 treatment, support and discharge plan. 13 (4) The Tribunal may give a copy of any recommendation made 14 under subsection (3) to the Chief Psychiatrist. 15 396. Review of direction given to psychiatrist 16 (1) A psychiatrist who is directed under section 395(2)(b) to make a 17 community treatment order may, during the period within which 18 the order must be made, apply to the Tribunal for a review of 19 the direction. 20 (2) Sections 392 to 394 and section 395(1) and (2)(a) and (c) apply 21 (with the necessary changes) in relation to an application made 22 under subsection (1) as if it were an application made under 23 section 390(1)(c). 24 Division 4 -- Involuntary treatment orders: validity 25 397. Application of this Division 26 This Division applies in relation to any of these orders (a 27 treatment order) -- 28 (a) an involuntary treatment order; 29 (b) a continuation order made under section 89(2)(a) 30 or 121(1) in respect of an involuntary treatment order; page 284 Mental Health Bill 2013 Mental Health Tribunal Part 21 Involuntary treatment orders: validity Division 4 s. 398 1 (c) an order made under section 122(1) varying a 2 community treatment order. 3 398. Declaration about validity of treatment order 4 (1) The Tribunal may, on the application of a person specified in 5 section 400 or on its own initiative, declare that a treatment 6 order is valid or invalid. 7 (2) If the Tribunal declares that a treatment order is invalid, 8 section 399 applies. 9 (3) Instead of declaring that a treatment order is invalid, the 10 Tribunal -- 11 (a) may declare the treatment order to be valid; and 12 (b) may make an order varying the terms of the treatment 13 order in the manner the Tribunal considers most likely 14 to give effect to the intention of the psychiatrist who 15 made the treatment order. 16 (4) The Tribunal cannot make a declaration under subsection (3)(a) 17 in respect of a treatment order if the Tribunal is satisfied that the 18 treatment order is invalid on the ground referred to in 19 section 401. 20 (5) A declaration made under subsection (1) or (3)(a) has effect 21 according to its terms. 22 399. Consequences of declaring treatment order invalid 23 (1) If the Tribunal declares that an inpatient treatment order is 24 invalid -- 25 (a) the inpatient treatment order ceases to be in force; but 26 (b) if the Tribunal reasonably suspects that the person who 27 was subject to the involuntary inpatient order is in need 28 of an involuntary treatment order -- 29 (i) the Tribunal may make an order for the 30 assessment of the person by a medical 31 practitioner or authorised mental health page 285 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 21 Mental Health Tribunal Division 4 Involuntary treatment orders: validity s. 400 1 practitioner at the hospital where the person was 2 detained under the inpatient treatment order and 3 authorising the person's detention there for up to 4 the period specified in the order to enable the 5 assessment to be conducted; and 6 (ii) this Act applies (with any changes that are 7 necessary or convenient to give effect to the 8 Tribunal's order) as if the Tribunal's order were 9 an order made under section 34(1). 10 (2) If the Tribunal declares that a community treatment order is 11 invalid, the community treatment order ceases to be in force. 12 (3) If the Tribunal declares that a continuation order made under 13 section 89(2)(a) or 121(1) is invalid, the continuation order 14 ceases to be in force and the involuntary treatment order expires 15 when it would have expired had the continuation order not been 16 made. 17 (4) If the Tribunal declares that an order made under section 122(1) 18 is invalid, the community treatment order as in force 19 immediately before the order was made under section 122(1) 20 continues in force. 21 400. Application for declaration 22 An application may be made under section 398(1) by any of 23 these people -- 24 (a) the involuntary patient; 25 (b) the psychiatrist who made the treatment order; 26 (c) a carer, close family member or other personal support 27 person of the involuntary patient; 28 (d) a mental health advocate; 29 (e) any other person who, in the Tribunal's opinion, has a 30 sufficient interest in the matter. page 286 Mental Health Bill 2013 Mental Health Tribunal Part 21 Review of admission of long-term voluntary inpatients Division 5 s. 401 1 401. Failure to comply with this Act 2 Without limiting the grounds on which a treatment order can be 3 declared under section 398(1) to be invalid, the Tribunal may 4 declare that a treatment order is invalid if satisfied that -- 5 (a) there has been a failure to comply with the requirements 6 of this Act in relation to -- 7 (i) the making of the treatment order; or 8 (ii) the conduct of any assessment or examination, or 9 the making of any referral or order, that led to 10 the making of the treatment order; 11 and 12 (b) because of that failure, whether alone or in combination 13 with one or more other such failures, the rights or 14 interests of the involuntary patient have been 15 substantially prejudiced. 16 Division 5 -- Review of admission of long-term 17 voluntary inpatients 18 402. Application of this Division 19 This Division applies in relation to a person (a long-term 20 voluntary inpatient) who -- 21 (a) is a voluntary inpatient at an authorised hospital; and 22 (b) has been a voluntary inpatient at the authorised hospital 23 for -- 24 (i) if the inpatient is an adult -- a continuous period 25 of more than 6 months; or 26 (ii) if the inpatient is a child -- a continuous period 27 of more than 3 months. 28 403. Application for review 29 (1) A person specified in subsection (2) may apply to the Tribunal 30 for a review of the long-term voluntary inpatient's admission by page 287 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 21 Mental Health Tribunal Division 5 Review of admission of long-term voluntary inpatients s. 404 1 the authorised hospital to decide whether or not there is still a 2 need for the admission. 3 (2) An application may be made under subsection (1) by any of 4 these people -- 5 (a) the long-term voluntary inpatient; 6 (b) a carer, close family member or other personal support 7 person of the long-term voluntary inpatient; 8 (c) a mental health advocate; 9 (d) any other person who, in the opinion of the Tribunal, has 10 a sufficient interest in the matter. 11 404. Parties to proceeding 12 The parties to a proceeding in relation to the application are -- 13 (a) the long-term voluntary inpatient; and 14 (b) the treating psychiatrist; and 15 (c) if the applicant is not a person referred to in 16 paragraph (a) or (b) -- the applicant; and 17 (d) any other person who, in the opinion of the Tribunal, has 18 a sufficient interest in the matter. 19 405. Things to which Tribunal must have regard 20 (1) In making a decision on a review under this Division in respect 21 of a long-term voluntary inpatient, the Tribunal must have 22 regard to these things -- 23 (a) if the inpatient is a child and the Tribunal is not 24 constituted with a child and adolescent psychiatrist -- 25 the views of a medical practitioner or mental health 26 practitioner specified in subsection (2); 27 (b) the inpatient's psychiatric condition; 28 (c) the inpatient's medical and psychiatric history; 29 (d) the inpatient's wishes, to the extent that it is practicable 30 to ascertain those wishes; page 288 Mental Health Bill 2013 Mental Health Tribunal Part 21 Electroconvulsive therapy approvals Division 6 s. 406 1 (e) the views of any carer, close family member or other 2 personal support person of the inpatient; 3 (f) any other things that the Tribunal considers relevant to 4 making the decision. 5 (2) For subsection (1)(a), a medical practitioner or mental health 6 practitioner must -- 7 (a) have qualifications, training or experience relevant to 8 children who have a mental illness; and 9 (b) be authorised by the Chief Psychiatrist for this 10 paragraph. 11 Note for section 405: 12 For the purpose of the Tribunal ascertaining the patient's wishes under 13 section 405(1)(d), Part 2 Division 4 applies. 14 406. What Tribunal may do on completing review 15 On completing a review under this Division in respect of a 16 long-term voluntary inpatient, the Tribunal may make any of 17 these recommendations -- 18 (a) the treating psychiatrist consider whether or not there is 19 still a need for the admission; 20 (b) a treatment, support and discharge plan for the inpatient 21 be prepared and be reviewed regularly; 22 (c) the inpatient be discharged. 23 Division 6 -- Electroconvulsive therapy approvals 24 407. Application of this Division 25 This Division relates to obtaining the Tribunal's approval to 26 electroconvulsive therapy being performed on -- 27 (a) a child who has reached 14 years of age but is under 28 18 years of age and is a voluntary patient, as required by 29 section 195(2)(b); or page 289 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 21 Mental Health Tribunal Division 6 Electroconvulsive therapy approvals s. 408 1 (b) a child who has reached 14 years of age but is under 2 18 years of age and is an involuntary patient or mentally 3 impaired accused required under the MIA Act to be 4 detained at an authorised hospital, as required by 5 section 196(2); or 6 (c) an adult who is an involuntary patient or mentally 7 impaired accused required under the MIA Act to be 8 detained at an authorised hospital, as required by 9 section 198(2). 10 408. Application for approval 11 (1) The patient's psychiatrist may apply for approval to perform 12 electroconvulsive therapy on the patient. 13 (2) The application must be in writing and must set out -- 14 (a) the reasons why the patient's psychiatrist is 15 recommending that the electroconvulsive therapy be 16 performed; and 17 (b) a treatment plan in relation to the electroconvulsive 18 therapy, including -- 19 (i) the mental health service at which it is proposed 20 to perform the electroconvulsive therapy; and 21 (ii) the maximum number of treatments with 22 electroconvulsive therapy that it is proposed will 23 be performed; and 24 (iii) the maximum period over which it is proposed to 25 perform that number of treatments; and 26 (iv) the minimum period that it is proposed will 27 elapse between any 2 treatments. 28 409. Parties to proceeding 29 The parties to a proceeding in relation to the application are -- 30 (a) the patient; and 31 (b) the patient's psychiatrist; and page 290 Mental Health Bill 2013 Mental Health Tribunal Part 21 Electroconvulsive therapy approvals Division 6 s. 410 1 (c) any other person who, in the Tribunal's opinion, has a 2 sufficient interest in the matter. 3 410. Things Tribunal must be satisfied of 4 (1) The Tribunal cannot approve electroconvulsive therapy being 5 performed on a patient unless satisfied that the mental health 6 service at which it is proposed to perform the electroconvulsive 7 therapy is approved under section 542 for that purpose. 8 (2) The Tribunal cannot approve electroconvulsive therapy being 9 performed on a patient to whom section 195 applies unless 10 satisfied that informed consent to it being performed on the 11 patient is given as required by section 195(2)(a). 12 411. Tribunal must have regard to Chief Psychiatrist's guidelines 13 In deciding whether or not to approve electroconvulsive therapy 14 being performed on a patient, the Tribunal must have regard to 15 the guidelines published under section 545(1)(f) about the 16 performance of electroconvulsive therapy. 17 412. Other things to which Tribunal must have regard 18 (1) In deciding whether or not to approve electroconvulsive therapy 19 being performed on a patient, the Tribunal must also have 20 regard to these things -- 21 (a) if the patient is a child and the Tribunal is not 22 constituted with a child and adolescent psychiatrist -- 23 the views of a medical practitioner or mental health 24 practitioner specified in subsection (2); 25 (b) the patient's wishes, to the extent that it is practicable to 26 ascertain those wishes; 27 (c) if the patient is an adult -- the views of the person who 28 is authorised by law to give informed consent to the 29 electroconvulsive therapy being performed on the 30 patient were that consent required; page 291 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 21 Mental Health Tribunal Division 6 Electroconvulsive therapy approvals s. 413 1 (d) if the patient is a child -- the views of the child's parent 2 or guardian; 3 (e) if the patient has a nominated person -- the views of the 4 nominated person; 5 (f) if the patient has a carer -- the views of the carer; 6 (g) if the patient has a close family member -- the views of 7 the close family member; 8 (h) the reasons why the patient's psychiatrist is 9 recommending that the electroconvulsive therapy be 10 performed; 11 (i) the consequences for the treatment and care of the 12 patient of not performing the electroconvulsive therapy; 13 (j) the nature and degree of any significant risk of 14 performing the electroconvulsive therapy; 15 (k) whether the electroconvulsive therapy is likely to 16 promote and maintain the health and wellbeing of the 17 patient; 18 (l) whether any alternative treatment is available; 19 (m) the nature and degree of any significant risk of 20 providing any alternative treatment that is available; 21 (n) any other things that the Tribunal considers relevant to 22 making the decision. 23 (2) For subsection (1)(a), a medical practitioner or mental health 24 practitioner must -- 25 (a) have qualifications, training or experience relevant to 26 children who have a mental illness; and 27 (b) be authorised by the Chief Psychiatrist for this 28 paragraph. 29 Note for section 412: 30 For the purpose of the Tribunal ascertaining the patient's wishes under 31 section 412(1)(b), Part 2 Division 4 applies. page 292 Mental Health Bill 2013 Mental Health Tribunal Part 21 Psychosurgery approvals Division 7 s. 413 1 413. Decision on application 2 The Tribunal may decide the application by -- 3 (a) approving the electroconvulsive therapy being 4 performed in accordance with the treatment plan set out 5 in the application; or 6 (b) approving the electroconvulsive therapy being 7 performed in accordance with the treatment plan set out 8 in the application subject to the maximum number of 9 treatments with electroconvulsive therapy to be 10 performed being reduced to the number specified by the 11 Tribunal; or 12 (c) refusing to approve the electroconvulsive therapy being 13 performed. 14 Division 7 -- Psychosurgery approvals 15 414. Application of this Division 16 This Division relates to obtaining the Tribunal's approval to 17 psychosurgery being performed on a patient as required by 18 section 208(2)(b). 19 415. Application for approval 20 (1) The patient's psychiatrist may apply to the Tribunal for 21 approval for psychosurgery to be performed on a patient. 22 (2) The application must be in writing and must set out -- 23 (a) the reasons why the patient's psychiatrist is 24 recommending that the psychosurgery be performed; 25 and 26 (b) a treatment plan in relation to the psychosurgery, 27 including -- 28 (i) a detailed description of the psychosurgery 29 proposed to be performed; and page 293 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 21 Mental Health Tribunal Division 7 Psychosurgery approvals s. 416 1 (ii) the name, qualifications and experience of the 2 neurosurgeon who it is proposed will perform the 3 psychosurgery; and 4 (iii) the name and address of the place where it is 5 proposed to perform the psychosurgery. 6 416. Parties to proceeding 7 The parties to a proceeding in relation to the application are -- 8 (a) the patient; and 9 (b) the patient's psychiatrist; and 10 (c) any other person who, in the Tribunal's opinion, has a 11 sufficient interest in the matter. 12 417. Things Tribunal must be satisfied of 13 The Tribunal cannot approve the psychosurgery being 14 performed on the patient unless satisfied of these things -- 15 (a) the patient gives informed consent to the psychosurgery 16 being performed on himself or herself as required by 17 section 208(2)(a); 18 (b) performing the psychosurgery has clinical merit and is 19 appropriate in the circumstances; 20 (c) all alternatives to performing psychosurgery that are 21 reasonably available and likely to be of a sufficient and 22 lasting benefit to the patient have been appropriately 23 trialled with the patient but have not resulted in a 24 sufficient and lasting benefit to the patient; 25 (d) the neurosurgeon who it is proposed will perform the 26 psychosurgery is suitably qualified and experienced; 27 (e) the place where it is proposed to perform the 28 psychosurgery is a suitable place. page 294 Mental Health Bill 2013 Mental Health Tribunal Part 21 Compliance notices for non-clinical matters Division 8 s. 418 1 418. Things to which Tribunal must have regard 2 In deciding whether or not to approve the psychosurgery 3 therapy being performed on the patient, the Tribunal must have 4 regard to these things -- 5 (a) the views of any carer, close family member or other 6 personal support person of the patient; 7 (b) the consequences for the treatment and care of the 8 patient of not performing the psychosurgery; 9 (c) the nature and degree of any significant risk of 10 performing the psychosurgery; 11 (d) whether the psychosurgery is likely to promote and 12 maintain the health and wellbeing of the patient; 13 (e) any other things that the Tribunal considers relevant to 14 making the decision. 15 419. Decision on application 16 The Tribunal may decide the application by -- 17 (a) approving the psychosurgery being performed in 18 accordance with the application; or 19 (b) refusing to approve the psychosurgery being performed. 20 Division 8 -- Compliance notices for non-clinical matters 21 420. Terms used 22 In this Division -- 23 prescribed requirement means a requirement under this Act -- 24 (a) to do any of these things -- 25 (i) give a document, or provide other information, to 26 a patient or another person; 27 (ii) include a document or other information on a 28 patient's medical record; page 295 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 21 Mental Health Tribunal Division 8 Compliance notices for non-clinical matters s. 421 1 (iii) comply with a request made by a patient or other 2 person; 3 or 4 (b) to ensure that a thing referred to in paragraph (a) is 5 done; 6 service provider, in relation to a prescribed requirement, means 7 the person in charge of a mental health service, the medical 8 practitioner or the mental health practitioner required under this 9 Act to comply with, or to ensure compliance with, the 10 requirement. 11 421. Tribunal may issue service provider with compliance notice 12 (1) The Tribunal may, on the application of a person referred to in 13 section 422 or on its own initiative, issue a service provider with 14 a compliance notice if it appears to the Tribunal that the service 15 provider has not complied with a prescribed requirement. 16 (2) The compliance notice may direct the service provider -- 17 (a) to take specified action within the specified period for 18 the purpose of complying with the prescribed 19 requirement; and 20 (b) to report to the Tribunal in the specified manner within 21 the specified period that -- 22 (i) the service provider has taken the action 23 specified under paragraph (a) within the period 24 specified under paragraph (a); or 25 (ii) if the service provider has not taken the specified 26 action or has not taken that action within the 27 specified period -- the reasons for not doing so. 28 (3) Before deciding whether or not to issue a compliance notice 29 with a service provider, the Tribunal must consider whether it 30 would be appropriate to refer the matter to one or more of the 31 following -- 32 (a) the CEO; page 296 Mental Health Bill 2013 Mental Health Tribunal Part 21 Compliance notices for non-clinical matters Division 8 s. 422 1 (b) the CEO of the Health Department; 2 (c) the Chief Psychiatrist; 3 (d) a registration board. 4 (4) If the Tribunal decides that it would be appropriate to refer the 5 matter to a person or body referred to in subsection (3), the 6 Tribunal may refer the matter instead of, or in addition to, 7 issuing the service provider with a compliance notice. 8 422. Application for service of compliance notice 9 An application for the Tribunal to issue a service provider with 10 a compliance notice may be made under section 421(1) by any 11 of these people -- 12 (a) the patient or other person to whom the prescribed 13 requirement relates; 14 (b) a carer, close family member or other personal support 15 person of the patient or other person; 16 (c) a mental health advocate; 17 (d) any other person who, in the Tribunal's opinion, has a 18 sufficient interest in the matter. 19 423. Parties to proceeding 20 The parties to a proceeding under section 421 are -- 21 (a) the patient or other person to whom the prescribed 22 requirement relates; and 23 (b) the service provider on whom the prescribed 24 requirement is imposed; and 25 (c) if the proceeding relates to an application made under 26 section 422 and the applicant is not the patient or other 27 person to whom the prescribed requirement relates -- 28 the applicant; and 29 (d) any other person who, in the opinion of the Tribunal, has 30 a sufficient interest in the matter. page 297 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 21 Mental Health Tribunal Division 9 Review of orders restricting freedom of communication s. 424 1 424. Compliance notices to be reported on in annual report 2 The President of the Tribunal must include in the report 3 prepared under section 486 in respect of a financial year -- 4 (a) the name of each service provider issued with a 5 compliance notice during that year; and 6 (b) the number of compliance notices with which each of 7 those service providers was issued during that year. 8 Division 9 -- Review of orders restricting freedom 9 of communication 10 425. Application for review 11 (1) A person specified in subsection (2) may apply to the Tribunal 12 for a review of an order made under section 262 prohibiting a 13 patient from exercising, or limiting the extent to which a patient 14 can exercise, a right under section 261. 15 (2) An application may be made under subsection (1) by any of 16 these people -- 17 (a) the patient; 18 (b) a carer, close family member or other personal support 19 person of the patient; 20 (c) a mental health advocate; 21 (d) any other person who, in the opinion of the Tribunal, has 22 a sufficient interest in the matter. 23 426. Parties to proceeding 24 The parties to a proceeding in relation to the application are -- 25 (a) the patient; and 26 (b) the person who made the decision under section 262; 27 and 28 (c) if the applicant is not the patient -- the applicant; and 29 (d) any other person who, in the opinion of the Tribunal, has 30 a sufficient interest in the matter. page 298 Mental Health Bill 2013 Mental Health Tribunal Part 21 Jurisdiction in relation to nominated persons Division 10 s. 427 1 427. Decision on application 2 The Tribunal may decide the application by -- 3 (a) confirming the order as made or amended; or 4 (b) amending, or further amending, the order as made or 5 amended; or 6 (c) revoking the order. 7 Division 10 -- Jurisdiction in relation to nominated persons 8 428. Application for decision 9 (1) A person specified in subsection (2) may apply to the Tribunal 10 for a decision under this Division about a nomination. 11 (2) An application may be made under subsection (1) by any of 12 these people -- 13 (a) the person who made the nomination; 14 (b) the nominated person; 15 (c) a carer, close family member or other personal support 16 person of the person who made the nomination; 17 (d) a mental health advocate; 18 (e) any other person who, in the opinion of the Tribunal, has 19 a sufficient interest in the matter. 20 429. Declaration about validity of nomination 21 (1) The Tribunal may declare that a nomination is valid or invalid. 22 (2) Instead of declaring that a nomination is invalid because of a 23 failure to comply with section 275, the Tribunal -- 24 (a) may declare the nomination to be valid; and 25 (b) may make an order varying the terms of the nomination 26 in the manner the Tribunal considers most likely to give 27 effect to the intention of the person who made the 28 nomination. 29 (3) A declaration made under subsection (1) or (2)(a) has effect 30 according to its terms. page 299 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 21 Mental Health Tribunal Division 11 Review of decisions affecting rights s. 430 1 430. Revocation of nomination 2 The Tribunal may revoke a nomination if satisfied that the 3 nominated person is not an appropriate person to perform the 4 role of the nominated person because -- 5 (a) the person is likely, in performing that role, to adversely 6 affect to a significant degree the interests of the person 7 who made the nomination; or 8 (b) the person is not capable of performing that role because 9 of mental or physical incapacity; or 10 (c) the person is not willing, or is not reasonably able, to 11 perform that role. 12 431. Parties to proceeding 13 The parties to a proceeding in relation to an application under 14 this Division are -- 15 (a) the person who made the nomination; and 16 (b) the nominated person; and 17 (c) if the applicant is not a person referred to in 18 paragraph (a) or (b) -- the applicant; and 19 (d) any other person who, in the opinion of the Tribunal, has 20 a sufficient interest in the matter. 21 Division 11 -- Review of decisions affecting rights 22 432. Application for review 23 (1) A person specified in subsection (2) may apply to the Tribunal 24 for a review of a decision made under this Act affecting a 25 person's rights under this Act. 26 (2) An application may be made under subsection (1) by any of 27 these people -- 28 (a) the person whose right is affected; 29 (b) a carer, close family member or other personal support 30 person of the person whose right is affected; page 300 Mental Health Bill 2013 Mental Health Tribunal Part 21 Procedural matters Division 12 s. 433 1 (c) a mental health advocate; 2 (d) any other person who, in the opinion of the Tribunal, has 3 a sufficient interest in the matter. 4 (3) The Tribunal can only review a decision under subsection (1) if 5 satisfied that the matter cannot be heard and determined by the 6 Tribunal under another Division of this Part. 7 433. Parties to proceeding 8 The parties to a proceeding in relation to the application are -- 9 (a) the person whose rights it is alleged are affected; and 10 (b) if the applicant is not the person referred to in 11 paragraph (a) -- the applicant; and 12 (c) any other person who, in the opinion of the Tribunal, has 13 a sufficient interest in the matter. 14 434. What Tribunal may do on completing review 15 On completing the review, the Tribunal may make any orders, 16 and give any directions, the Tribunal considers appropriate. 17 Division 12 -- Procedural matters 18 Subdivision 1 -- Proceedings generally 19 435. Lodgment of documents 20 An application or other document required to be made or given 21 to the Tribunal must be lodged at the office of the Tribunal. 22 436. Sittings 23 The Tribunal sits at the times, and in the places in the State, 24 determined by the President of the Tribunal. page 301 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 21 Mental Health Tribunal Division 12 Procedural matters s. 437 1 437. Conduct of proceedings 2 (1) A proceeding must be conducted with as little formality and 3 technicality, and as speedily, as a proper consideration of the 4 matter before the Tribunal permits. 5 (2) In a proceeding, the Tribunal is bound by the rules of natural 6 justice. 7 (3) Subject to this Part, the practice and procedure of the Tribunal 8 in a proceeding is -- 9 (a) as provided for in the rules made under section 470; or 10 (b) if no provision is made in the rules -- as determined by 11 the Tribunal. 12 438. Presiding member 13 The presiding member of the Tribunal as constituted for a 14 proceeding is the member of the Tribunal as so constituted who 15 is a lawyer. 16 439. Deciding questions in proceedings 17 (1) In this section -- 18 question of law includes a question of mixed law and fact. 19 (2) A question in a proceeding (other than a question of law) must 20 be resolved according to the opinion of the majority of the 21 members constituting the Tribunal for the proceeding. 22 (3) A question of law in a proceeding before the Tribunal must be 23 resolved according to the opinion of the presiding member. 24 440. Assistance from persons with relevant knowledge or 25 experience 26 The Tribunal may engage or appoint one or more persons with 27 knowledge or experience that the Tribunal considers relevant to 28 a proceeding to assist the Tribunal in the proceeding. page 302 Mental Health Bill 2013 Mental Health Tribunal Part 21 Procedural matters Division 12 s. 441 1 441. No fees payable 2 No fees are payable in relation to -- 3 (a) any application made under this Part; or 4 (b) any proceeding of the Tribunal under this Part. 5 442. Each party to bear own costs 6 Subject to section 443(1)(b), each party must bear the party's 7 own costs. 8 443. Frivolous, vexatious or improper proceedings 9 (1) The Tribunal may, if satisfied that a proceeding is frivolous or 10 vexatious or has been brought for an improper purpose -- 11 (a) dismiss the proceeding; and 12 (b) make any order as to costs that the Tribunal considers 13 appropriate; and 14 (c) on the application of a party, order that the party who 15 instituted the proceeding cannot institute a proceeding of 16 a kind specified in the order without the leave of the 17 Tribunal. 18 (2) An order made under subsection (1)(c) has effect despite any 19 other provision of this Part. 20 (3) The Tribunal may amend or revoke an order made under 21 subsection (1)(c). 22 Subdivision 2 -- Notice of proceedings 23 444. Notice of applications 24 (1) If the person concerned in an application is an adult, the 25 Tribunal must give a copy of the application to -- 26 (a) if the person concerned is not the applicant -- the 27 person concerned and the person concerned's 28 representative under section 447(1)(a) or (b); and page 303 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 21 Mental Health Tribunal Division 12 Procedural matters s. 444 1 (b) each of the other parties; and 2 (c) any carer, close family member or other personal 3 support person of the person concerned -- 4 (i) who is not the person concerned's representative 5 under section 447(1)(a) or (b) or a party; and 6 (ii) whose name and contact details are provided to 7 the Tribunal. 8 (2) If the person concerned in an application is a child, the Tribunal 9 must give a copy of the application to -- 10 (a) if the child is not the applicant and -- 11 (i) section 448(1) applies in respect of the child -- 12 the child and the child's representative under 13 section 448(1)(b) or (c); or 14 (ii) section 449(1) applies in respect of the child -- 15 the child's representative under that provision; 16 and 17 (b) if the child's parent or guardian is not the child's 18 representative under section 448(1)(b) or (c) or 449(1) 19 or a party -- the child's parent or guardian; and 20 (c) each of the other parties who is not the applicant; and 21 (d) any carer, close family member or other personal 22 support person of the child -- 23 (i) who is not the child's representative under 24 section 448(1)(b) or (c) or 449(1) or a party; and 25 (ii) whose name and contact details are provided to 26 the Tribunal; 27 and 28 (e) if a mental health advocate is not also a party -- the 29 Chief Mental Health Advocate. 30 (3) Without limiting the requirement under subsection (1)(c) 31 or (2)(d), the requirement is taken to have been complied with if 32 the Tribunal ensures that reasonable efforts to give to any carer, page 304 Mental Health Bill 2013 Mental Health Tribunal Part 21 Procedural matters Division 12 s. 445 1 close family member or other personal support person a copy of 2 the application continue to be made until the first of these things 3 occurs -- 4 (a) at least one carer, close family member or other personal 5 support person is given a copy of the application; 6 (b) it is reasonable for the Tribunal to conclude that no 7 carer, close family member or other personal support 8 person can be given a copy of the application. 9 445. Notice of hearings 10 (1) If the person concerned in a proceeding is an adult, the Tribunal 11 must give notice of the date, time and place of any hearing to -- 12 (a) the person concerned or the person concerned's 13 representative under section 447(1)(a) or (b); and 14 (b) each of the other parties; and 15 (c) any carer, close family member or other personal 16 support person of the person concerned -- 17 (i) who is not the person concerned's representative 18 under section 447(1)(a) or (b) or a party; and 19 (ii) whose name and contact details are provided to 20 the Tribunal. 21 (2) If the person concerned in a proceeding is a child, the Tribunal 22 must give notice of the date, time and place of any hearing to -- 23 (a) if -- 24 (i) section 448(1) applies in respect of the child -- 25 the child or the child's representative under 26 section 448(1)(b) or (c); or 27 (ii) section 449(1) applies in respect of the child -- 28 the child's representative under that provision; 29 and 30 (b) if the child's parent or guardian is not the child's 31 representative under section 448(1)(b) or (c) or 449(1) 32 or a party -- the child's parent or guardian; and page 305 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 21 Mental Health Tribunal Division 12 Procedural matters s. 446 1 (c) each of the other parties; and 2 (d) any carer, close family member or other personal 3 support person of the child -- 4 (i) who is not the child's representative under 5 section 448(1)(b) or (c) or 449(1) or a party; and 6 (ii) whose name and contact details are provided to 7 the Tribunal; 8 and 9 (e) if a mental health advocate is not also a party -- the 10 Chief Mental Health Advocate. 11 (3) Without limiting the requirement under subsection (1)(c) 12 or (2)(d), the requirement is taken to have been complied with if 13 the Tribunal ensures that reasonable efforts to give any carer, 14 close family member or other personal support person notice of 15 the hearing continue to be made until the first of these things 16 occurs -- 17 (a) at least one carer, close family member or other personal 18 support person is notified of the hearing; 19 (b) it is reasonable for the Tribunal to conclude that no 20 carer, close family member or other personal support 21 person can be notified of the application. 22 446. Tribunal may request information from SAT about person's 23 guardian 24 (1) For the purpose of giving under section 444 or 445 a copy of an 25 application or notice of a hearing to the guardian of an adult, the 26 Tribunal may request the State Administrative Tribunal for the 27 name and contact details of the adult's guardian. 28 (2) The State Administrative Tribunal may comply with any request 29 made under subsection (1). page 306 Mental Health Bill 2013 Mental Health Tribunal Part 21 Procedural matters Division 12 s. 447 1 Subdivision 3 -- Appearance and representation 2 447. Party is an adult 3 (1) In a proceeding, a party who is an adult -- 4 (a) may appear in person or be represented by another 5 person; or 6 (b) must be represented by another person if the Tribunal 7 makes an order under subsection (2) in respect of the 8 party. 9 (2) The Tribunal may make an order that the party must be 10 represented in the proceeding if, in the Tribunal's opinion, it is 11 not in the best interests of the party for the party to appear in 12 person in the proceeding. 13 (3) Even though a party who is an adult is represented in the 14 proceeding, the party is entitled to express in person his or her 15 views about any matter arising in the course of the proceeding 16 that may affect the party. 17 Note for section 447: 18 For the purpose of deciding under section 447(2) what is or is not in the best 19 interests of a party, Part 2 Division 3 applies. 20 448. Party is a child with capacity to consent 21 (1) In a proceeding, a party who is a child with sufficient maturity 22 and understanding to make reasonable decisions about matters 23 relating to himself or herself -- 24 (a) may appear in person; or 25 (b) may be represented by any of these people -- 26 (i) a legal practitioner; 27 (ii) a mental health advocate; 28 (iii) the child's parent or guardian unless the Tribunal 29 makes an order under section 454(2)(b) in 30 respect of the child's parent or guardian; page 307 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 21 Mental Health Tribunal Division 12 Procedural matters s. 449 1 (iv) any other person who, in the Tribunal's opinion, 2 is willing and able to represent the child's 3 interests; or 4 (c) must be represented by another person if the Tribunal 5 makes an order under subsection (2) in respect of the 6 party. 7 (2) The Tribunal may make an order that the party must be 8 represented in the proceeding if, in the Tribunal's opinion, it is 9 not in the best interests of the party for the party to appear in 10 person in the proceeding. 11 (3) Even though a party who is a child referred to in subsection (1) 12 is represented in the proceeding, the child is entitled to express 13 in person his or her views about any matter arising in the course 14 of the proceeding that may affect the child. 15 Note for section 448: 16 For the purpose of deciding under section 448(2) what is or is not in the best 17 interests of a party, Part 2 Division 3 applies. 18 449. Party is a child with no capacity to consent 19 (1) In a proceeding, a party who is a child who does not have 20 sufficient maturity or understanding to make reasonable 21 decisions about matters relating to himself or herself must be 22 represented by one of these people -- 23 (a) a legal practitioner; 24 (b) a mental health advocate; 25 (c) the child's parent or guardian unless the Tribunal makes 26 an order under section 454(2)(b) in respect of the child's 27 parent or guardian; 28 (d) any other person who, in the Tribunal's opinion, can 29 represent the child's interests. 30 (2) Even though a party who is a child referred to in subsection (1) 31 is represented in a proceeding and the child does not have the 32 maturity or understanding referred to in subsection (1), the child page 308 Mental Health Bill 2013 Mental Health Tribunal Part 21 Procedural matters Division 12 s. 450 1 is entitled to express in person his or her views about any matter 2 arising in the course of the proceeding that may affect the child. 3 450. Tribunal may make arrangements for representation 4 The Tribunal may make arrangements for a party to be 5 represented at a hearing if the party wants the Tribunal to make 6 such an arrangement on the party's behalf. 7 451. Legal representation of person with mental illness 8 The fact that a person has a mental illness, or is being provided 9 with treatment for a mental illness, is presumed not to be an 10 impediment to the representation of the person by a legal 11 practitioner before the Tribunal or to the person giving 12 instructions to a legal practitioner for the purpose of that 13 representation. 14 452. Representative must not be paid 15 (1) In this section -- 16 prescribed person means -- 17 (a) a legal practitioner; or 18 (b) a mental health advocate; or 19 (c) a person prescribed by the regulations for this definition. 20 (2) A person who is not a prescribed person must not demand or 21 receive any remuneration for representing a party in a 22 proceeding. 23 Penalty: 24 (a) for a first offence, a fine of $1 000; 25 (b) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of $10 000. page 309 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 21 Mental Health Tribunal Division 12 Procedural matters s. 453 1 Subdivision 4 -- Hearings and evidence 2 453. Nature of review proceedings 3 (1) In this section -- 4 decision-maker, in relation to a review proceeding, means -- 5 (a) the psychiatrist who made the involuntary treatment 6 order; or 7 (b) the medical practitioner who admitted the long-term 8 voluntary patient; or 9 (c) the psychiatrist who made the decision under 10 section 262 to make, confirm or amend the order 11 prohibiting, or limiting the extent of, the exercise of the 12 right; 13 reviewable decision, in relation to a review proceeding, 14 means -- 15 (a) the decision to make the involuntary treatment order; or 16 (b) the decision to admit the long-term voluntary patient; or 17 (c) the decision under section 262 to make, confirm or 18 amend the order prohibiting, or limiting the extent of, 19 the exercise of the right; 20 review proceeding means -- 21 (a) a review under Division 3 of an involuntary treatment 22 order; or 23 (b) a review under Division 5 of a long-term voluntary 24 inpatient's admission; or 25 (c) a review under Division 9 of an order made under 26 section 262 prohibiting a patient from exercising, or 27 limiting the extent to which a patient can exercise, a 28 right under section 261. 29 (2) A review proceeding is a hearing de novo and is not confined to 30 material that was before the decision-maker but may involve the 31 consideration of new material whether or not it existed when the 32 reviewable decision was made. page 310 Mental Health Bill 2013 Mental Health Tribunal Part 21 Procedural matters Division 12 s. 454 1 (3) The purpose of a review proceeding is to produce the correct 2 and preferable decision at the time of the Tribunal's decision on 3 the review proceeding. 4 454. Closed hearings 5 (1) A hearing is not open to the public unless the Tribunal orders 6 that the hearing or a part of the hearing is open to the public. 7 (2) The Tribunal may, on the application of any person or on its 8 own initiative, make an order -- 9 (a) permitting a specified person to be present at a hearing 10 or part of a hearing; or 11 (b) excluding a specified person (including a witness) from 12 a hearing or part of a hearing. 13 (3) Despite section 467, the Tribunal must provide reasons for 14 making an order under this section at the time when the 15 Tribunal makes the order. 16 (4) The operation of this section is not limited by section 456. 17 Note for section 454: 18 Any reasons provided under section 454(3) must be provided in accordance 19 with section 9(2). 20 455. Conduct of hearing in absence of party 21 (1) The Tribunal may conduct a hearing in the absence of a party if 22 satisfied that -- 23 (a) the party has been given notice of the hearing; and 24 (b) it is in the best interests of the person concerned in the 25 proceeding for the hearing not to be adjourned. 26 456. Person chosen by person concerned may be present 27 (1) A person chosen by the person concerned in a proceeding may 28 be present at a hearing unless the Tribunal makes an order under 29 section 454(2)(b) excluding the person from the hearing or a 30 part of the hearing. page 311 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 21 Mental Health Tribunal Division 12 Procedural matters s. 457 1 (2) The Tribunal may make an order referred to in subsection (1) on 2 the application of any person if satisfied that it is not in the best 3 interests of the person concerned for the person to be present at 4 the hearing or the part of the hearing. 5 Note for section 456: 6 For the purpose of deciding under section 456(2) what is or is not in the best 7 interests of the person concerned in a proceeding, Part 2 Division 3 applies. 8 457. Right to be heard 9 The Tribunal must give each party a reasonable opportunity -- 10 (a) to call or give evidence; and 11 (b) to examine or cross-examine witnesses; and 12 (c) to make submissions. 13 458. Evidence generally 14 (1) The Tribunal is not bound by the rules of evidence but may 15 inform itself of a matter relevant to a proceeding in any manner 16 the Tribunal considers appropriate. 17 (2) Evidence in a proceeding may be given orally or in writing. 18 (3) The Tribunal may require evidence in a proceeding to be given 19 on oath or by affidavit. 20 (4) The presiding member in a proceeding may direct a person 21 appearing as a witness -- 22 (a) to answer a question relevant to the proceeding; or 23 (b) to produce a document relevant to the proceeding. 24 (5) A person appearing as a witness has the same protection and 25 immunity as a witness has in a proceeding in the Supreme 26 Court. page 312 Mental Health Bill 2013 Mental Health Tribunal Part 21 Procedural matters Division 12 s. 459 1 459. Oral evidence about restricted information 2 (1) In this section -- 3 restricted information means information in a document to 4 which a person is not entitled to have access because of 5 section 249(1)(a) or (b) or (3). 6 (2) At a hearing -- 7 (a) oral evidence about restricted information cannot be 8 given in the presence of the person who is not entitled to 9 have access to the document containing the restricted 10 information; and 11 (b) a witness cannot be examined or cross-examined about 12 restricted information in the presence of that person; and 13 (c) an oral submission about restricted information cannot 14 be made in the presence of that person. 15 (3) The Tribunal must request the person to leave the hearing while 16 the evidence is given, the examination or cross-examination is 17 conducted or the submission is made. 18 (4) If the person refuses to comply with the Tribunal's request, the 19 Tribunal must make an order excluding the person from the 20 hearing while the evidence is given, the examination or 21 cross-examination is conducted or the submission is made. 22 460. Summons to give evidence or produce documents 23 The Tribunal may, by issuing a summons signed on behalf of 24 the Tribunal by a member or the registrar and serving the 25 summons on the person to whom it is addressed, require the 26 person to attend before the Tribunal at the time and place 27 specified in the summons -- 28 (a) to give evidence in a proceeding; or 29 (b) to produce a document relevant to a proceeding that is in 30 the person's custody or control and is specified in the 31 summons; or 32 (c) to do both of those things. page 313 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 21 Mental Health Tribunal Division 12 Procedural matters s. 461 1 461. Self-incrimination 2 (1) A person is not excused from complying with a direction given 3 to the person under section 458(4), or a summons served on the 4 person under section 460, on the ground that the answer to a 5 question or the production of a document might tend to 6 incriminate the person or expose the person to a criminal 7 penalty. 8 (2) However, any answer given or document produced by a person 9 in compliance with a direction given to the person under 10 section 458(4), or a summons served on the person under 11 section 460, is not admissible in evidence in any criminal 12 proceedings against the person other than proceedings for an 13 offence under section 463(1)(d) or (e). 14 462. Powers in relation to documents produced 15 In relation to a document produced to the Tribunal in a 16 proceeding, the Tribunal may do any of these things -- 17 (a) inspect the document; 18 (b) retain the document for a reasonable period; 19 (c) take a copy of the whole or any part of the document. 20 463. Offences relating to evidence and documents 21 (1) A person commits an offence if the person -- 22 (a) without reasonable excuse, proof of which is on the 23 person, does not swear an oath or make an affirmation 24 when required under section 458(3); or 25 (b) without reasonable excuse, proof of which is on the 26 person, does not answer a question or produce a 27 document when directed to do so under section 458(4); 28 or 29 (c) without reasonable excuse, proof of which is on the 30 person, does not attend before the Tribunal as required 31 by a summons served on the person under section 460; 32 or page 314 Mental Health Bill 2013 Mental Health Tribunal Part 21 Procedural matters Division 12 s. 464 1 (d) gives an answer to the Tribunal in a proceeding that the 2 person knows is false or misleading in a material 3 particular; or 4 (e) produces a document or provides any other information 5 to the Tribunal in a proceeding that the person knows is 6 false or misleading in a material particular -- 7 (i) without indicating that the document or other 8 information is false or misleading and, to the 9 extent the person can, how the document or other 10 information is false or misleading; and 11 (ii) if the person has or can reasonably obtain the 12 correct information -- without providing the 13 correct information. 14 Penalty: a fine of $5 000. 15 (2) It is enough for a prosecution notice lodged against a person for 16 an offence under subsection (1)(d) or (e) to state that the 17 answer, document or information was false or misleading to the 18 person's knowledge without stating which. 19 464. Evidence and findings in other proceedings 20 In a proceeding, the Tribunal -- 21 (a) may receive in evidence the transcript of evidence in a 22 proceeding before a court or other person or body acting 23 judicially and may draw any conclusion of fact from that 24 evidence that the Tribunal considers appropriate; and 25 (b) may adopt a finding, decision or judgment of a court or 26 other person or body acting judicially that is relevant to 27 the proceeding. 28 465. Hearings to be recorded 29 The registrar must ensure that each hearing is recorded and the 30 recording is kept in a form from which a transcript of the 31 hearing can be prepared if required. page 315 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 21 Mental Health Tribunal Division 12 Procedural matters s. 466 1 466. Publication of information about proceedings 2 (1) In this section -- 3 information about a proceeding means -- 4 (a) an account of a proceeding; or 5 (b) any evidence in a proceeding; or 6 (c) the contents of a document, or of a part of a document, 7 produced in a proceeding; or 8 (d) any other information about a proceeding; 9 publish means to disseminate to the public or a section of the 10 public by any means, including -- 11 (a) in a newspaper or periodical publication; or 12 (b) by radio broadcast, television or other electronic means. 13 (2) A person must not publish information about a proceeding that 14 identifies -- 15 (a) a party; or 16 (b) a person who is related to or associated with a party; or 17 (c) a witness; or 18 (d) a person who is or is alleged to be concerned in any 19 other way in a matter to which the proceeding relates. 20 (3) A person must not publish a list of proceedings identified by 21 reference to the names of the parties except -- 22 (a) by displaying in the Tribunal's premises a notice listing 23 the proceedings; or 24 (b) as permitted by rules made under section 470. 25 (4) A person who contravenes subsection (2) or (3) commits a 26 crime. 27 Penalty: 28 (a) for an individual, a fine of $5 000 and imprisonment 29 for 12 months; 30 (b) for a body corporate, a fine of $10 000. page 316 Mental Health Bill 2013 Mental Health Tribunal Part 21 Procedural matters Division 12 s. 466 1 Summary conviction penalty: 2 (a) for an individual, a fine of $2 500; 3 (b) for a body corporate, a fine of $5 000. 4 (5) A prosecution for an offence under subsection (4) cannot be 5 commenced except with the written consent of the Minister. 6 (6) Without limiting subsection (2), information about a proceeding 7 identifies a person if -- 8 (a) it contains particulars that are sufficient to identify the 9 person to a member of the public or a member of the 10 section of the public to which the information is 11 disseminated, being any of these particulars -- 12 (i) the name, title, pseudonym or alias of the person; 13 (ii) the address of any premises where the person 14 resides or works or the locality where those 15 premises are situated; 16 (iii) the physical description or the style of dress of 17 the person; 18 (iv) any employment or occupation engaged in, or 19 any profession practised or calling pursued by, 20 the person or any official or honorary position 21 held by the person; 22 (v) the relationship of the person to identified 23 relatives of the person or the association of the 24 person with identified friends or identified 25 business, official or professional acquaintances 26 of the person; 27 (vi) the recreational interests, or the political, 28 philosophical or religious beliefs or interests, of 29 the person; 30 (vii) any real or personal property in which the person 31 has an interest or with which the person is 32 otherwise associated; 33 or page 317 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 21 Mental Health Tribunal Division 12 Procedural matters s. 466 1 (b) it is accompanied by a picture of the person; or 2 (c) it is spoken in whole or in part by the person and the 3 person's voice is sufficient to identify the person to a 4 member of the public or a member of the section of the 5 public to which the account is disseminated. 6 (7) Subsections (2) and (3) do not apply in relation to any of these 7 publications -- 8 (a) the communication of a transcript of evidence or other 9 document to a person concerned in a proceeding in a 10 court or tribunal for use in connection with the 11 proceeding; 12 (b) the communication of a transcript of evidence or other 13 document to -- 14 (i) a body that is responsible for disciplining 15 members of a profession or occupation; or 16 (ii) a person concerned in a proceeding before such a 17 body; 18 (c) the communication of a transcript of evidence or other 19 document to a body that grants assistance by way of 20 legal aid for the purpose of making a decision as to 21 whether such assistance should be granted or continued 22 in a particular case; 23 (d) the publication of a notice or report at the direction of 24 the Tribunal, the State Administrative Tribunal or a 25 court; 26 (e) a publication genuinely intended primarily for the use of 27 members of a profession or occupation, being -- 28 (i) a separate volume of, or a volume in a part of a 29 series of, law reports; or 30 (ii) a decision of a court or tribunal published from 31 information stored electronically or otherwise; or 32 (iii) any other publication of a technical character; page 318 Mental Health Bill 2013 Mental Health Tribunal Part 21 Procedural matters Division 12 s. 467 1 (f) the publication or other dissemination -- 2 (i) to a person who is a member of a profession or 3 occupation in connection with the practice by the 4 person of that profession or occupation or in the 5 course of any form of professional or 6 occupational training in which the person is 7 involved; or 8 (ii) to a person who is a student in connection with 9 the person's studies. 10 (8) Subsection (7)(e) does not authorise the publication of the name 11 of a party in a law report or other publication referred to in that 12 provision. 13 (9) Without limiting subsection (2) or (3), the Tribunal may make 14 an order in relation to a particular proceeding that information 15 about the proceeding that is specified in the order -- 16 (a) must not be published; or 17 (b) must not be published except in the manner specified, or 18 to a person specified, in the order. 19 (10) A person who contravenes an order made under subsection (9) 20 commits an offence. 21 Penalty for an offence under this subsection: a fine of $5 000. 22 Subdivision 5 -- Decisions in proceedings 23 467. Reasons for decision 24 (1) A party may request the Tribunal to provide the party with 25 reasons for the Tribunal's decision in the proceeding. 26 (2) The request must be made -- 27 (a) on or within 28 days after the day on which the Tribunal 28 makes a decision in the proceeding; or 29 (b) by the end of any extension of that period under 30 section 468(2). page 319 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 21 Mental Health Tribunal Division 12 Procedural matters s. 468 1 (3) The Tribunal must comply with the request. 2 Note for section 467: 3 Any reasons provided under section 467(3) must be provided in accordance 4 with section 9(2). 5 468. Extension of time to request reasons 6 (1) A party may, whether before or after the expiry of the 28-day 7 period referred to in section 467(2)(a), request the President of 8 the Tribunal to extend the period within which the party may 9 request the Tribunal to provide the party with reasons for a 10 decision in the proceeding. 11 (2) The President of the Tribunal may extend the period within 12 which a party may request reasons for a decision in the 13 proceeding from the end of the 28-day period referred to in 14 section 467(2)(a) for the further period that the President 15 specifies if the President considers that it is in the interests of 16 justice to do so. 17 469. Giving effect to Tribunal's decisions 18 (1) In this section -- 19 decision, of the Tribunal, does not include -- 20 (a) a recommendation made by the Tribunal under 21 section 395(3) about an involuntary patient's treatment 22 support and discharge plan; or 23 (b) a recommendation made by the Tribunal under 24 section 406 about a long-term voluntary inpatient's 25 admission as an inpatient. 26 (2) A person who does not give effect to a decision of the Tribunal 27 according to its terms commits an offence. 28 Penalty for an offence under this subsection: a fine of $10 000. page 320 Mental Health Bill 2013 Mental Health Tribunal Part 21 Rules Division 13 s. 470 1 Division 13 -- Rules 2 470. Power to make 3 The President of the Tribunal may make rules for the Tribunal, 4 but only after consultation with the members appointed under 5 section 474(1). 6 471. Content 7 (1) Rules made under section 470 may make provision for any 8 matter that is -- 9 (a) required or permitted by this Act to be provided for in 10 the rules; or 11 (b) necessary or convenient for the Tribunal to operate 12 efficiently, economically and expeditiously. 13 (2) Without limiting subsection (1), the rules may provide for any 14 of these things -- 15 (a) the organisation and management of the business of the 16 Tribunal; 17 (b) custody and use of the Tribunal's seal; 18 (c) the practice and procedure of the Tribunal in a 19 proceeding, including -- 20 (i) the participation by a party, a party's 21 representative or a witness in a hearing by 22 telephone, video link or other means of 23 communication; and 24 (ii) the conduct of all or part of a proceeding entirely 25 on the basis of documents and without the 26 parties, their representatives or any witnesses 27 appearing at or participating in a hearing; 28 (d) the form in which documents are to be lodged with or 29 issued by the Tribunal or to be served, which may be an 30 electronic form; 31 (e) the Tribunal's records. page 321 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 21 Mental Health Tribunal Division 14 Tribunal members s. 472 1 472. Publication and tabling 2 (1) Rules made under section 470 -- 3 (a) must be published in the Gazette; and 4 (b) take effect on or from the date of publication or on or 5 from any later date or dates that are specified in the 6 rules; and 7 (c) must be laid before each House of Parliament within 8 6 sitting days of the House after the day on which the 9 rules were published. 10 (2) A rule or a part of a rule ceases to have effect if either House of 11 Parliament passes a resolution, of which notice is given at any 12 time on or within 6 sitting days of the House after the day on 13 which the rule was laid before it, disallowing the rule or the part 14 of the rule. 15 (3) However, the validity of any proceedings taken or of anything 16 done in the meantime under the rule or the part of the rule is not 17 affected by the disallowance. 18 (4) Notice of the passage of disallowing a rule or any part of a rule 19 must be published in the Gazette as soon as practicable. 20 Division 14 -- Tribunal members 21 473. President of Tribunal 22 There is to be a President of the Mental Health Tribunal who is 23 appointed by the Governor on the recommendation of the 24 Minister. 25 474. Other members 26 (1) There are to be 2 or more members of the Mental Health 27 Tribunal in addition to the President, each of whom is appointed 28 by the Governor on the recommendation of the Minister. page 322 Mental Health Bill 2013 Mental Health Tribunal Part 21 Tribunal members Division 14 s. 475 1 (2) Any number of persons may be appointed under subsection (1) 2 provided that the membership of the Tribunal (including the 3 President of the Tribunal) includes -- 4 (a) at least one lawyer; and 5 (b) at least one psychiatrist; and 6 (c) at least one person who is not -- 7 (i) a lawyer; or 8 (ii) a medical practitioner; or 9 (iii) a mental health practitioner who is a staff 10 member of a mental health service or private 11 psychiatric hostel. 12 475. Terms and conditions of appointment 13 (1) The President of the Tribunal may be appointed on a full-time 14 or part-time basis. 15 (2) A member appointed under section 474(1) may be appointed on 16 a full-time, part-time or sessional basis. 17 (3) A member -- 18 (a) holds office for the period (not exceeding 5 years) 19 specified in the instrument of appointment; and 20 (b) is eligible for reappointment. 21 (4) Subject to this Division, a member holds office on the terms and 22 conditions of appointment determined by the Minister. 23 476. Remuneration 24 (1) The President of the Tribunal is entitled to the remuneration 25 determined by the Salaries and Allowances Tribunal under the 26 Salaries and Allowances Act 1975 and, for the purposes of that 27 Act and any other written law, the office of President of the 28 Mental Health Tribunal is taken to be prescribed under 29 section 6(1)(e) of that Act for the purposes of section 6 of that 30 Act. page 323 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 21 Mental Health Tribunal Division 14 Tribunal members s. 477 1 (2) A member appointed under section 474(1) is entitled to the 2 remuneration determined by the Minister on the 3 recommendation of the Public Sector Commissioner. 4 477. Resignation 5 (1) A member may resign from office by writing signed and given 6 to the Minister. 7 (2) The resignation takes effect on the later of the following -- 8 (a) receipt by the Minister; 9 (b) the day specified in the resignation. 10 478. Removal from office 11 The Governor may remove a person from the office of member 12 on any of these grounds -- 13 (a) mental or physical incapacity; 14 (b) incompetence; 15 (c) neglect of duty; 16 (d) misconduct; 17 (e) ceasing to have a particular status if the person was 18 appointed to that office on the basis of having that 19 status; 20 (f) attaining a particular status if the person was appointed 21 to that office on the basis of not having that status. 22 479. Acting members 23 (1) The Minister may appoint a person to act in -- 24 (a) the office of President of the Mental Health Tribunal 25 referred to in section 473; or 26 (b) the office of member of the Mental Health Tribunal 27 referred to in section 474(1). page 324 Mental Health Bill 2013 Mental Health Tribunal Part 21 Tribunal members Division 14 s. 480 1 (2) A person may be appointed under subsection (1) to act in an 2 office -- 3 (a) during a vacancy in the office, whether or not an 4 appointment has previously been made to the office; or 5 (b) during a period, or during all periods, when the person 6 holding the office or a person acting in the office under 7 an appointment under subsection (1) is on leave or is 8 otherwise unable to perform the functions of the office. 9 (3) An appointment under subsection (1) may be expressed to have 10 effect only in the circumstances specified in the instrument of 11 appointment. 12 (4) The Minister may -- 13 (a) determine the terms and conditions of an appointment 14 under subsection (1), including as to remuneration; and 15 (b) terminate an appointment under subsection (1) at any 16 time. 17 (5) The validity of anything done by or in relation to a person 18 purporting to act under an appointment under subsection (1) is 19 not to be called into question on any of these grounds -- 20 (a) the occasion for the appointment had not arisen; 21 (b) there is a defect or irregularity in the appointment; 22 (c) the appointment had ceased to have effect; 23 (d) the occasion for the person to act had not arisen or had 24 ceased. 25 (6) A person cannot act under an appointment under subsection (1) 26 for a continuous period exceeding 12 months. 27 480. Delegation by President 28 (1) The President of the Tribunal may delegate to another member 29 or the registrar any power or duty of the President of the 30 Tribunal under another provision of this Act that is of an 31 administrative nature. page 325 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 21 Mental Health Tribunal Division 15 Registrar and other staff s. 481 1 (2) The President of the Tribunal may delegate the power or duty 2 under section 382 to a member who is a lawyer. 3 (3) A delegation under this section must be in writing signed by the 4 President of the Tribunal. 5 (4) A member to whom a power or duty is delegated under this 6 section cannot delegate that power or duty. 7 (5) A delegation under this section to the registrar may expressly 8 authorise the registrar to further delegate the power or duty to a 9 registry officer. 10 (6) A person exercising or performing a power or duty that has been 11 delegated to the person as authorised under this section is taken 12 to do so in accordance with the terms of the delegation unless 13 the contrary is shown. 14 (7) This section does not limit the ability of the President of the 15 Tribunal to perform a function through an officer or agent. 16 Division 15 -- Registrar and other staff 17 481. Registrar 18 There is to be a registrar of the Mental Health Tribunal who is 19 appointed under the Public Sector Management Act 1994 Part 3. 20 482. Functions of registrar 21 The functions of the registrar are -- 22 (a) keeping, in accordance with the regulations, particulars 23 of each involuntary patient; and 24 (b) ensuring that a proceeding for a review under Division 3 25 of an involuntary treatment order is brought before the 26 Tribunal within the period specified under that Division 27 or, if no period is specified, as soon as practicable; and 28 (c) ensuring that any other proceeding is brought before the 29 Tribunal as soon as practicable; and page 326 Mental Health Bill 2013 Mental Health Tribunal Part 21 Registrar and other staff Division 15 s. 483 1 (d) receiving any document that must be given under this 2 Act to the Tribunal and arranging for it to be dealt with 3 as soon as practicable; and 4 (e) ensuring that any document that must be given under 5 this Act by the Tribunal is given in accordance with this 6 Act and as soon as practicable; and 7 (f) generally being the executive officer of the Tribunal; 8 and 9 (g) any other functions conferred on, or delegated to, the 10 registrar by or under this Act or another written law. 11 483. President may give registrar directions 12 (1) The President of the Tribunal may give to the registrar 13 directions with respect to the performance of the registrar's 14 functions under this Act, either generally or in relation to a 15 particular matter. 16 (2) The registrar must comply with a direction given under 17 subsection (1). 18 484. Registry staff 19 Public service officers must be appointed under, or made 20 available under, the Public Sector Management Act 1994 Part 3 21 to assist the registrar in performing his or her functions under 22 this Act or another written law. 23 485. Delegation by registrar 24 (1) The registrar may delegate to a registry officer any power or 25 duty of the registrar under another provision of this Act. 26 (2) The delegation must be in writing signed by the registrar. 27 (3) A person to whom a power or duty is delegated cannot delegate 28 that power or duty. 29 (4) A person exercising or performing a power or duty that has been 30 delegated to the person under this section is taken to do so in page 327 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 21 Mental Health Tribunal Division 16 Annual reports s. 486 1 accordance with the terms of the delegation unless the contrary 2 is shown. 3 (5) This section does not limit the ability of the registrar to perform 4 a function through an officer or agent. 5 Division 16 -- Annual reports 6 486. Annual report: preparation 7 Within 3 months after 30 June in each year, the President of the 8 Tribunal must prepare and give to the Minister a report as to the 9 general activities of the Tribunal during the financial year 10 ending on that day. 11 487. Annual report: tabling 12 (1) The Minister must cause a copy of a report referred to in 13 section 486 to be laid before each House of Parliament, or dealt 14 with under subsection (2), on or within 21 days after the day on 15 which the Minister receives the report. 16 (2) The Minister must transmit a copy of the report to the Clerk of a 17 House of Parliament if -- 18 (a) at the beginning of the 21-day period referred to in 19 subsection (1), the House is not sitting; and 20 (b) in the Minister's opinion, the House will not sit during 21 that period. 22 (3) A copy of a report transmitted under subsection (2) to the Clerk 23 of a House is taken to have been laid before that House. 24 (4) The laying of a copy of a report that is taken to have occurred 25 under subsection (3) must be recorded in the Minutes, or Votes 26 and Proceedings, of the House on the first sitting day of the 27 House after the receipt of the copy by the Clerk. page 328 Mental Health Bill 2013 Mental Health Tribunal Part 21 Miscellaneous matters Division 17 s. 488 1 Division 17 -- Miscellaneous matters 2 488. Seal 3 The Tribunal must have a seal. 4 489. Judicial notice of certain matters 5 (1) A court or other person or body acting judicially must take 6 judicial notice of the following -- 7 (a) the fact that a person is or was a member or the registrar; 8 (b) the official signature of a person who is or was a 9 member or the registrar; 10 (c) a seal of the Tribunal affixed to a document. 11 (2) A court or other person acting judicially must presume that the 12 seal of the Tribunal affixed to a document was properly affixed 13 unless the contrary is proved. 14 490. Meetings of members 15 (1) The members of the Tribunal must meet as often as necessary 16 for the effective and efficient operation of the Tribunal. 17 (2) The President -- 18 (a) may convene a meeting at any time; and 19 (b) must convene a meeting if requested in writing by 2 or 20 more other members. 21 (3) The quorum for a meeting is at least one-half of the members. 22 (4) The presiding member at a meeting is -- 23 (a) the President; or 24 (b) if the President is not present -- a member chosen by 25 the members present. page 329 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 21 Mental Health Tribunal Division 17 Miscellaneous matters s. 490 1 (5) At a meeting -- 2 (a) each member has a deliberative vote; and 3 (b) a question is decided by a majority of the members 4 present and voting; and 5 (c) if the votes on a question are equal -- the question must 6 be decided in the negative. 7 (6) The registrar must ensure that minutes of each meeting are kept. 8 (7) Except as provided by this section, the members can decide the 9 procedure for meetings. page 330 Mental Health Bill 2013 Review by State Administrative Tribunal Part 22 Preliminary matters Division 1 s. 491 1 Part 22 -- Review by State Administrative Tribunal 2 Division 1 -- Preliminary matters 3 491. Terms used 4 In this Part -- 5 application means an application made to the State 6 Administrative Tribunal under this Part; 7 decision, of the Mental Health Tribunal, includes an order, 8 direction or declaration made by the Mental Health Tribunal; 9 hearing means a hearing in a proceeding; 10 party means a party to a proceeding; 11 person concerned, in an application or proceeding, means the 12 patient or other person whom the application or proceeding 13 concerns; 14 proceeding means a proceeding of the State Administrative 15 Tribunal under this Part and includes part of a proceeding. 16 Division 2 -- Jurisdiction 17 492. Review of decisions of Mental Health Tribunal 18 (1) A person in respect of whom the Mental Health Tribunal makes 19 a decision who is dissatisfied with the decision may apply to the 20 State Administrative Tribunal for a review of the decision. 21 (2) Any other person who, in the State Administrative Tribunal's 22 opinion, has a sufficient interest in the matter may, with the 23 leave of the State Administrative Tribunal, apply to the State 24 Administrative Tribunal for a review of a decision of the Mental 25 Health Tribunal. page 331 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 22 Review by State Administrative Tribunal Division 3 Constitution s. 493 1 493. Determination of questions of law before Mental Health 2 Tribunal 3 (1) In this section -- 4 question of law does not include a question of mixed law and 5 fact. 6 (2) The Mental Health Tribunal may apply to the State 7 Administrative Tribunal for a determination on a question of 8 law that arises in a proceeding before the Mental Health 9 Tribunal. 10 Division 3 -- Constitution 11 494. Constitution generally 12 For the purpose of a proceeding, except as provided by 13 sections 495 and 496, the State Administrative Tribunal must be 14 constituted by 3 members as follows -- 15 (a) a judicial member, a senior member or a legally 16 qualified member; 17 (b) if the person concerned in the proceeding is an adult -- 18 a member who is a psychiatrist; 19 (c) if the person concerned in the proceeding is a child -- a 20 member who is a child and adolescent psychiatrist; 21 (d) a member who is not -- 22 (i) a legally qualified member; or 23 (ii) a medical practitioner; or 24 (iii) a mental health practitioner who is a staff 25 member of a mental health service or private 26 psychiatric hostel. 27 495. Constitution for psychosurgical matters 28 For the purpose of a proceeding under section 492 on an 29 application for review of a decision under Part 21 Division 7, page 332 Mental Health Bill 2013 Review by State Administrative Tribunal Part 22 Procedural matters Division 4 s. 496 1 the State Administrative Tribunal must be constituted by these 2 5 members -- 3 (a) a judicial member, a senior member or a legally 4 qualified member; 5 (b) a neurosurgeon appointed as a member after 6 consultation by the Minister responsible for 7 administering the State Administrative Tribunal 8 Act 2004 with the Health Minister held after 9 consultation by the Health Minister with the Royal 10 Australasian College of Surgeons; 11 (c) if the patient is an adult -- a member who is a 12 psychiatrist; 13 (d) if the patient is a child -- a child and adolescent 14 psychiatrist; 15 (e) 2 members, neither of whom is -- 16 (i) a legally qualified member; or 17 (ii) a medical practitioner; or 18 (iii) a mental health practitioner who is a staff 19 member of a mental health service or private 20 psychiatric hostel. 21 496. Constitution for determining questions of law 22 For the purpose of a proceeding under section 493 to determine 23 a question of law, the State Administrative Tribunal must be 24 constituted by a judicial member. 25 Division 4 -- Procedural matters 26 497. No fees payable 27 No fees are payable in relation to an application or proceeding. page 333 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 22 Review by State Administrative Tribunal Division 4 Procedural matters s. 498 1 498. Appearance and representation 2 (1) At a hearing, a party -- 3 (a) may appear before the State Administrative Tribunal in 4 person or be represented by another person; or 5 (b) must be represented by another person if the State 6 Administrative Tribunal makes an order under 7 subsection (2) in respect of the party. 8 (2) The State Administrative Tribunal may make an order that the 9 party must be represented at the hearing if, in the State 10 Administrative Tribunal's opinion, it is not in the best interests 11 of the party for the party to appear in person at the hearing. 12 (3) The State Administrative Tribunal may make arrangements for 13 a party to a proceeding under this Part to be represented at a 14 hearing if the party wants the State Administrative Tribunal to 15 make such an arrangement on the party's behalf. 16 (4) The fact that a person has a mental illness, or is being provided 17 with treatment for a mental illness, is presumed not to be an 18 impediment to the representation of the person by a legal 19 practitioner before the State Administrative Tribunal or to the 20 person giving instructions to a legal practitioner for the purpose 21 of that representation. 22 (5) Despite the State Administrative Tribunal Act 2004 23 section 39(1), a party to a proceeding under this Part may be 24 represented by a person who is not a legal practitioner or a 25 person referred to in section 39(1)(a) to (f) of that Act. 26 Note for section 498: 27 For the purpose of deciding under section 498(2) what is or is not in the best 28 interests of a party, Part 2 Division 3 applies. 29 499. Closed hearings 30 (1) A hearing is not open to the public unless the State 31 Administrative Tribunal orders that the hearing or a part of the 32 hearing is open to the public. page 334 Mental Health Bill 2013 Review by State Administrative Tribunal Part 22 Procedural matters Division 4 s. 500 1 (2) The State Administrative Tribunal may make an order -- 2 (a) permitting a specified person to be present at a hearing 3 or part of a hearing; or 4 (b) excluding a specified person (including a witness) from 5 a hearing or part of a hearing. 6 500. Publication of information about proceedings 7 (1) In this section -- 8 information about a proceeding means -- 9 (a) an account of a proceeding; or 10 (b) any evidence in a proceeding; or 11 (c) the contents of a document, or of a part of a document, 12 produced in a proceeding; or 13 (d) any other information about a proceeding; 14 publish means to disseminate to the public or a section of the 15 public by any means, including -- 16 (a) in a newspaper or periodical publication; or 17 (b) by radio broadcast, television or other electronic means. 18 (2) A person must not publish information about a proceeding that 19 identifies -- 20 (a) a party; or 21 (b) a person who is related to or associated with a party; or 22 (c) a witness; or 23 (d) a person who is or is alleged to be concerned in any 24 other way in a matter to which the proceeding relates. 25 (3) A person must not publish a list of proceedings identified by 26 reference to the names of the parties except -- 27 (a) by displaying in the State Administrative Tribunal's 28 premises a notice listing the proceedings; or 29 (b) as permitted by rules made under the State 30 Administrative Tribunal Act 2004 section 170(1). page 335 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 22 Review by State Administrative Tribunal Division 4 Procedural matters s. 500 1 (4) A person who contravenes subsection (2) or (3) commits a 2 crime. 3 Penalty: 4 (a) for an individual, a fine of $5 000 and imprisonment 5 for 12 months; 6 (b) for a body corporate, a fine of $10 000. 7 Summary conviction penalty: 8 (a) for an individual, a fine of $2 500; 9 (b) for a body corporate, a fine of $5 000. 10 (5) A prosecution for an offence under subsection (4) cannot be 11 commenced except with the written consent of the Minister. 12 (6) Without limiting subsection (2), information about a proceeding 13 identifies a person if -- 14 (a) it contains particulars that are sufficient to identify the 15 person to a member of the public or a member of the 16 section of the public to which the information is 17 disseminated, being any of these particulars -- 18 (i) the name, title, pseudonym or alias of the person; 19 (ii) the address of any premises where the person 20 resides or works or the locality where those 21 premises are situated; 22 (iii) the physical description or the style of dress of 23 the person; 24 (iv) any employment or occupation engaged in, or 25 any profession practised or calling pursued by, 26 the person or any official or honorary position 27 held by the person; 28 (v) the relationship of the person to identified 29 relatives of the person or the association of the 30 person with identified friends or identified 31 business, official or professional acquaintances 32 of the person; page 336 Mental Health Bill 2013 Review by State Administrative Tribunal Part 22 Procedural matters Division 4 s. 500 1 (vi) the recreational interests, or the political, 2 philosophical or religious beliefs or interests, of 3 the person; 4 (vii) any real or personal property in which the person 5 has an interest or with which the person is 6 otherwise associated; 7 or 8 (b) it is accompanied by a picture of the person; or 9 (c) it is spoken in whole or in part by the person and the 10 person's voice is sufficient to identify the person to a 11 member of the public or a member of the section of the 12 public to which the account is disseminated. 13 (7) Subsections (2) and (3) do not apply in relation to any of these 14 publications -- 15 (a) the communication of a transcript of evidence or other 16 document to a person concerned in a proceeding in a 17 court or tribunal for use in connection with the 18 proceeding; 19 (b) the communication of a transcript of evidence or other 20 document to -- 21 (i) a body that is responsible for disciplining 22 members of a profession or occupation; or 23 (ii) a person concerned in a proceeding before such a 24 body; 25 (c) the communication of a transcript of evidence or other 26 document to a body that grants assistance by way of 27 legal aid for the purpose of making a decision as to 28 whether such assistance should be granted or continued 29 in a particular case; 30 (d) the publication of a notice or report at the direction of 31 the State Administrative Tribunal or a court; page 337 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 22 Review by State Administrative Tribunal Division 4 Procedural matters s. 500 1 (e) a publication genuinely intended primarily for the use of 2 members of a profession or occupation, being -- 3 (i) a separate volume of, or a volume in a part of a 4 series of, law reports; or 5 (ii) a decision of a court or tribunal published from 6 information stored electronically or otherwise; or 7 (iii) any other publication of a technical character; 8 (f) the publication or other dissemination -- 9 (i) to a person who is a member of a profession or 10 occupation in connection with the practice by the 11 person of that profession or occupation or in the 12 course of any form of professional or 13 occupational training in which the person is 14 involved; or 15 (ii) to a person who is a student in connection with 16 the person's studies. 17 (8) Subsection (7)(e) does not authorise the publication of the name 18 of a party to a proceeding in a law report or other publication 19 referred to in that provision. 20 (9) Without limiting subsection (2) or (3), the State Administrative 21 Tribunal may make an order in relation to a particular 22 proceeding that information about the proceeding that is 23 specified in the order -- 24 (a) must not be published; or 25 (b) must not be published except in the manner specified, or 26 to a person specified, in the order. 27 (10) A person who contravenes an order made under subsection (9) 28 commits an offence. 29 Penalty for an offence under this subsection: a fine of $5 000. page 338 Mental Health Bill 2013 Review by State Administrative Tribunal Part 22 Appeals to Supreme Court Division 5 s. 501 1 Division 5 -- Appeals to Supreme Court 2 501. Appeals against SAT's decisions 3 (1) In this section -- 4 decision or order means a decision or order of the State 5 Administrative Tribunal in the exercise of its jurisdiction under 6 this Act. 7 (2) A person in respect of whom a decision or order is made who is 8 dissatisfied with the decision or order may appeal, without 9 leave, under the State Administrative Tribunal Act 2004 10 section 105 against the decision or order. 11 (3) Any other person who, in the opinion of the Supreme Court, has 12 a sufficient interest in a matter in respect of which a decision or 13 order is made may appeal, with the leave of the Court, under the 14 State Administrative Tribunal Act 2004 section 105 against the 15 decision or order. 16 502. Grounds of appeal 17 The grounds of an appeal under section 501 can be -- 18 (a) that the State Administrative Tribunal -- 19 (i) made an error of law or of fact, or of both law 20 and fact; or 21 (ii) acted without jurisdiction or in excess of its 22 jurisdiction; or 23 (iii) did both of those things; 24 or 25 (b) that there is another sufficient reason for hearing an 26 appeal against the decision or order. 27 503. Time for appeal or leave to appeal 28 (1) An appeal under section 501(2) or an application for leave to 29 appeal under section 501(3) must be made within 28 days after 30 the decision or order is made. page 339 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 22 Review by State Administrative Tribunal Division 5 Appeals to Supreme Court s. 504 1 (2) However, the State Administrative Tribunal or the Supreme 2 Court may, if satisfied that it is just and reasonable to do so, 3 extend the period within which the appeal or application for 4 leave may be made even though the 28-day period referred to in 5 subsection (1) has expired. 6 504. Certain parties must be represented 7 The Supreme Court may make an order that a party to a 8 proceeding under this Part must be represented in the 9 proceeding if, in the Court's opinion, it is not in the best 10 interests of the party for the party to appear in person in the 11 proceeding. page 340 Mental Health Bill 2013 Administration Part 23 Preliminary matters Division 1 s. 505 1 Part 23 -- Administration 2 Division 1 -- Preliminary matters 3 505. Term used: mental health service 4 In this Part -- 5 mental health service includes a private psychiatric hostel. 6 Division 2 -- Chief Psychiatrist 7 Subdivision 1 -- Appointment, terms and conditions 8 506. Appointment 9 (1) There is to be a Chief Psychiatrist who is appointed by the 10 Governor on the recommendation of the Minister. 11 (2) Only a psychiatrist is eligible to be appointed as the Chief 12 Psychiatrist. 13 507. Terms and conditions of appointment 14 (1) The Chief Psychiatrist -- 15 (a) holds office for the period (not exceeding 5 years) 16 specified in the instrument of appointment; and 17 (b) is eligible for reappointment. 18 (2) Subject to this Subdivision, the Chief Psychiatrist holds office 19 on the terms and conditions of appointment determined by the 20 Minister. 21 508. Remuneration 22 The Chief Psychiatrist is entitled to the remuneration 23 determined by the Salaries and Allowances Tribunal under the 24 Salaries and Allowances Act 1975 and, for the purposes of that 25 Act and any other written law, the office of Chief Psychiatrist is 26 taken to be prescribed under section 6(1)(e) of that Act for the 27 purposes of section 6 of that Act. page 341 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 23 Administration Division 2 Chief Psychiatrist s. 509 1 509. Resignation 2 (1) The Chief Psychiatrist may resign from office by writing signed 3 and given to the Minister. 4 (2) The resignation takes effect on the later of the following -- 5 (a) receipt by the Minister; 6 (b) the day specified in the resignation. 7 510. Removal from office 8 The Governor may remove a person from the office of Chief 9 Psychiatrist on any of these grounds -- 10 (a) mental or physical incapacity; 11 (b) incompetence; 12 (c) neglect of duty; 13 (d) misconduct. 14 511. Acting Chief Psychiatrist 15 (1) The Minister may appoint a psychiatrist to act in the office of 16 the Chief Psychiatrist referred to in section 506(1) -- 17 (a) during a vacancy in the office, whether or not an 18 appointment has previously been made to the office; or 19 (b) during a period, or during all periods, when the person 20 holding the office or a person acting in the office under 21 an appointment under this subsection is on leave or is 22 otherwise unable to perform the functions of the office. 23 (2) An appointment under subsection (1) may be expressed to have 24 effect only in the circumstances specified in the instrument of 25 appointment. 26 (3) The Minister may -- 27 (a) determine the terms and conditions of an appointment 28 under subsection (1), including as to remuneration; and page 342 Mental Health Bill 2013 Administration Part 23 Chief Psychiatrist Division 2 s. 512 1 (b) terminate an appointment under subsection (1) at any 2 time. 3 (4) The validity of anything done by or in relation to a person 4 purporting to act under an appointment under subsection (1) is 5 not to be called into question on any of these grounds -- 6 (a) the occasion for the appointment had not arisen; 7 (b) there is a defect or irregularity in the appointment; 8 (c) the appointment had ceased to have effect; 9 (d) the occasion for the person to act had not arisen or had 10 ceased. 11 (5) A person cannot act under an appointment under subsection (1) 12 for a continuous period exceeding 12 months. 13 Subdivision 2 -- Functions and powers generally 14 512. Functions generally 15 The functions of the Chief Psychiatrist are the functions 16 conferred on the Chief Psychiatrist by this Act or another 17 written law. 18 513. Responsibility for treatment and care 19 (1) The Chief Psychiatrist is responsible for overseeing the 20 treatment and care of these people -- 21 (a) all voluntary patients being provided with treatment or 22 care by a mental health service; 23 (b) all involuntary patients; 24 (c) all mentally impaired accused required under the 25 MIA Act to be detained at an authorised hospital; 26 (d) all persons referred under section 26(2) or (3)(a) 27 or 36(2) for an examination to be conducted by a 28 psychiatrist at an authorised hospital or other place; page 343 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 23 Administration Division 2 Chief Psychiatrist s. 514 1 (e) all persons under an order made under section 55(1)(c) 2 or 61(1)(c) to enable an examination to be conducted by 3 a psychiatrist at an authorised hospital. 4 (2) The Chief Psychiatrist must discharge that responsibility by -- 5 (a) publishing under section 545(2) standards for the 6 treatment and care to be provided by mental health 7 services to the persons referred to in subsection (1); and 8 (b) overseeing compliance with those standards. 9 514. Directions by Minister 10 (1) The Minister may, after consultation with the Chief Psychiatrist, 11 issue written directions about the general policy to be followed 12 by the Chief Psychiatrist in performing functions under this Act. 13 (2) The Chief Psychiatrist may request the Minister to issue a 14 direction under subsection (1). 15 (3) A direction cannot be issued under this section in respect of -- 16 (a) a particular person referred to in section 513(1); or 17 (b) a particular medical practitioner or mental health 18 practitioner; or 19 (c) a particular mental health service; or 20 (d) any other particular person or body. 21 (4) The Chief Psychiatrist must comply with a direction issued 22 under this section. 23 (5) The power to issue a direction under this section includes the 24 power to amend, replace or revoke the direction and that power 25 is exercisable in the same manner, and is subject to the same 26 conditions, as the power to issue the direction. 27 (6) The Minister must cause the text of a direction issued under this 28 section to be laid before each House of Parliament on or within 29 14 sitting days of the House after the day on which the direction 30 is issued. page 344 Mental Health Bill 2013 Administration Part 23 Chief Psychiatrist Division 2 s. 515 1 (7) The text of a direction issued under this section must be 2 included in the Chief Psychiatrist's annual report prepared 3 under section 531(1). 4 515. Minister may request report about any matter 5 (1) The Minister may request the Chief Psychiatrist to report to the 6 Minister on a particular matter, or on matters generally, relating 7 to the Chief Psychiatrist's functions. 8 (2) The Chief Psychiatrist must comply with a request made under 9 subsection (1) unless, in the Chief Psychiatrist's opinion, there 10 are reasonable grounds for not doing so. 11 516. CEO of Health Department may request report about 12 treatment and care of patients 13 (1) The CEO of the Health Department may request the Chief 14 Psychiatrist to report to the CEO of the Health Department on a 15 particular matter, or on matters generally, relating to the Chief 16 Psychiatrist's functions in respect of the treatment and care of 17 patients if the matter or matters are within the remit of the CEO 18 of the Health Department. 19 (2) The Chief Psychiatrist must comply with a request made under 20 subsection (1) unless, in the Chief Psychiatrist's opinion, there 21 are reasonable grounds for not doing so. 22 517. Powers generally 23 In addition to the specific powers conferred on the Chief 24 Psychiatrist by this Act or another written law, the Chief 25 Psychiatrist may do anything necessary or convenient for the 26 performance of the functions conferred on the Chief Psychiatrist 27 by this Act or another written law. page 345 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 23 Administration Division 2 Chief Psychiatrist s. 518 1 Subdivision 3 -- Specific powers relating to treatment and care 2 518. Review of treatment 3 (1) The Chief Psychiatrist may review any decision of a psychiatrist 4 about the provision of treatment to -- 5 (a) an involuntary patient; or 6 (b) a patient who is a mentally impaired accused required 7 under the MIA Act to be detained at an authorised 8 hospital. 9 (2) Before reviewing the decision, the Chief Psychiatrist must give 10 the psychiatrist written notice of the review. 11 (3) On the review, the Chief Psychiatrist may decide to -- 12 (a) affirm the decision; or 13 (b) vary the decision; or 14 (c) revoke the decision; or 15 (d) substitute another decision. 16 (4) The Chief Psychiatrist -- 17 (a) must advise the psychiatrist in writing of the decision 18 under subsection (3) and the reasons for it; and 19 (b) may give to the psychiatrist written directions about 20 implementing the decision. 21 (5) The psychiatrist must comply with any directions given under 22 subsection (4)(b). 23 Penalty: a fine of $10 000. 24 (6) This section does not affect the operation of Part 13 Division 2 25 or 3 in relation to the provision of treatment to -- 26 (a) an involuntary patient; or 27 (b) a patient who is a mentally impaired accused required 28 under the MIA Act to be detained at an authorised 29 hospital. page 346 Mental Health Bill 2013 Administration Part 23 Chief Psychiatrist Division 2 s. 519 1 519. Visits to mental health services 2 (1) The Chief Psychiatrist may visit -- 3 (a) an authorised hospital whenever the Chief Psychiatrist 4 considers it appropriate to do so; and 5 (b) a mental health service that is not an authorised hospital 6 whenever the Chief Psychiatrist reasonably suspects that 7 proper standards of treatment and care have not been, or 8 are not being, maintained by the mental health service. 9 (2) The Chief Psychiatrist may visit a mental health service under 10 subsection (1) at any time without notice. 11 (3) While visiting a mental health service under subsection (1), the 12 Chief Psychiatrist may do any of these things -- 13 (a) inspect any part of the mental health service; 14 (b) interview any person referred to in section 513(1) who is 15 being provided with treatment or care by the mental 16 health service; 17 (c) require a staff member of the mental health service to do 18 any of these things -- 19 (i) answer questions or provide information about 20 the provision of treatment or care by the mental 21 health service to any person referred to in 22 section 513(1); 23 (ii) produce any medical record or other document 24 that is held by the mental health service and 25 relates to the treatment or care that has been or is 26 being provided by the mental health service to 27 any person referred to in section 513(1); 28 (iii) give reasonable assistance to the Chief 29 Psychiatrist in the exercise of a power under this 30 section; 31 (d) inspect, or take a copy of the whole or any part of any 32 medical record or other document produced under 33 paragraph (c)(ii). page 347 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 23 Administration Division 2 Chief Psychiatrist s. 520 1 520. Offence to interfere with visit to mental health service 2 (1) A person commits an offence if the person -- 3 (a) without reasonable excuse, proof of which is on the 4 person, does not answer a question or provide 5 information when required under section 519(3)(c)(i); or 6 (b) in purporting to comply with a requirement under 7 section 519(3)(c)(i), gives an answer or provides 8 information that the person knows is false or misleading 9 in a material particular; or 10 (c) in purporting to comply with a requirement under 11 section 519(3)(c)(ii), makes available a document that 12 the person knows is false or misleading in a material 13 particular -- 14 (i) without indicating that the document is false or 15 misleading and, to the extent the person can, how 16 the document is false or misleading; and 17 (ii) if the person has or can reasonably obtain the 18 correct information -- without providing the 19 correct information; 20 or 21 (d) without reasonable excuse, proof of which is on the 22 person, does not give reasonable assistance when 23 required under section 519(3)(c)(iii); or 24 (e) without reasonable excuse, proof of which is on the 25 person, obstructs or hinders -- 26 (i) the Chief Psychiatrist in the exercise of a power 27 under section 519; or 28 (ii) a person assisting the Chief Psychiatrist under 29 section 519(3)(c)(iii). 30 Penalty: a fine of $6 000. 31 (2) It is enough for a prosecution notice lodged against a person for 32 an offence under subsection (1)(b) or (c) to state that the page 348 Mental Health Bill 2013 Administration Part 23 Chief Psychiatrist Division 2 s. 521 1 answer, information or document was false or misleading to the 2 person's knowledge without stating which. 3 521. Directions to mental health services to disclose information 4 (1) In this section -- 5 relevant information means information that, in the Chief 6 Psychiatrist's opinion, is or is likely to be relevant to the 7 treatment or care that has been or is being provided to a person, 8 or the persons in a class of person, specified in section 513(1). 9 (2) The Chief Psychiatrist may issue a written direction to the 10 person in charge of a mental health service that holds relevant 11 information requiring the person in charge to disclose the 12 information to the Chief Psychiatrist. 13 (3) The person in charge of a mental health service to whom a 14 direction is issued under subsection (2) must comply with the 15 direction. 16 Penalty for an offence under this subsection: a fine of $5 000. 17 Subdivision 4 -- Notifiable incidents 18 522. Application of this Subdivision 19 This Subdivision applies in relation to -- 20 (a) a person referred to in section 513(1); or 21 (b) a person who is, for the purposes of the Hospitals and 22 Health Services Act 1927 Part IIIB, a resident of a 23 private psychiatric hostel. 24 523. Term used: notifiable incident 25 In this Subdivision -- 26 notifiable incident, in respect of a person referred to in 27 section 522(a) or (b), means any of these events -- 28 (a) the death of the person, wherever it occurs; page 349 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 23 Administration Division 2 Chief Psychiatrist s. 524 1 (b) an error in any medication prescribed for, or 2 administered or supplied to, the person that has had, or 3 is likely to have, an adverse effect on the person; 4 (c) any other incident in connection with the provision of 5 treatment or care to the person that has had, or is likely 6 to have, an adverse effect on the person; 7 (d) a reportable incident (as defined in section 254(1)) in 8 relation to the person; 9 (e) any other event that the Chief Psychiatrist declares, by 10 notice published in the Gazette, to be a notifiable 11 incident for the purposes of this definition. 12 524. Reporting notifiable incidents 13 (1) This section applies if the person in charge of a mental health 14 service becomes aware of the occurrence of a notifiable incident 15 in respect of a person referred to in section 522(a) or (b) who is 16 being provided with treatment or care by the mental health 17 service. 18 (2) The person in charge must, as soon as practicable, report the 19 occurrence to the Chief Psychiatrist in accordance with 20 subsection (3). 21 Penalty: a fine of $6 000. 22 (3) The report must be in the approved form and must include these 23 things in relation to the notifiable incident -- 24 (a) the date and time when the incident occurred; 25 (b) the location where the incident occurred; 26 (c) the name, and status under section 513(1) or 522(b), of 27 the person in relation to whom the incident occurred; 28 (d) the names of any staff members of the mental health 29 service who were involved in the incident; 30 (e) the names of any other people who were involved in the 31 incident; page 350 Mental Health Bill 2013 Administration Part 23 Chief Psychiatrist Division 2 s. 525 1 (f) the names of any staff members of the mental health 2 service who witnessed the incident; 3 (g) the names of any other people who witnessed the 4 incident; 5 (h) a description of the incident and the circumstances in 6 which it occurred; 7 (i) any other information about the incident that the person 8 in charge considers relevant to include. 9 525. Action that Chief Psychiatrist may take 10 (1) On receipt of a report under section 524 in relation to a 11 notifiable incident, the Chief Psychiatrist may do one of the 12 following -- 13 (a) investigate the incident; 14 (b) refer the incident to all or any of the following -- 15 (i) the CEO; 16 (ii) the CEO of the Health Department; 17 (iii) a registration board; 18 (c) take no action in relation to the incident. 19 (2) Despite having decided to investigate a notifiable incident under 20 subsection (1)(a), the Chief Psychiatrist may decide at any time 21 during the investigation to instead refer the incident to a person 22 or body under subsection (1)(b). 23 526. Notification of decision to take action 24 The Chief Psychiatrist must advise the person in charge of the 25 mental health service in connection with which a notifiable 26 incident was reported under section 524(2) in writing of any 27 decision that the Chief Psychiatrist makes under section 525 in 28 respect of the incident. page 351 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 23 Administration Division 2 Chief Psychiatrist s. 527 1 527. Chief Psychiatrist's powers of investigation 2 (1) For the purpose of conducting an investigation under 3 section 525(1)(a), the Chief Psychiatrist may -- 4 (a) make any inquiries the Chief Psychiatrist considers 5 appropriate; and 6 (b) exercise any of the powers that the Chief Psychiatrist 7 has under sections 519 and 521. 8 (2) For the purpose of subsection (1)(b), sections 519, 520 and 521 9 apply with the necessary changes. 10 528. Notification of outcome of investigation 11 On completing the investigation of a notifiable incident under 12 section 525(1)(a), the Chief Psychiatrist -- 13 (a) must give the person in charge of the mental health 14 service in connection with which the incident was 15 reported under section 524(2) a written report about the 16 outcome of the investigation; and 17 (b) may include in the report recommendations about that 18 outcome. 19 Subdivision 5 -- Staff and facilities 20 529. Chief Psychiatrist's staff 21 Public service officers must be appointed under, or made 22 available under, the Public Sector Management Act 1994 Part 3 23 to assist the Chief Psychiatrist in performing his or her functions 24 under this Act or another written law. 25 530. Use of government staff and facilities 26 (1) The Chief Psychiatrist may, by arrangement, use (either 27 full-time or part-time) the services of any officer or employee 28 employed in the Public Service or a State agency or 29 instrumentality or employed otherwise in the service of the 30 State. page 352 Mental Health Bill 2013 Administration Part 23 Chief Psychiatrist Division 2 s. 531 1 (2) The Chief Psychiatrist may, by arrangement, use any facilities 2 of a department of the Public Service or a State agency or 3 instrumentality. 4 (3) An arrangement under subsection (1) or (2) must be made on 5 terms agreed to by the parties. 6 Subdivision 6 -- Annual reports 7 531. Annual report: preparation 8 (1) Within 3 months after 30 June in each year, the Chief 9 Psychiatrist must prepare and give to the Minister a report about 10 the performance during the financial year ending on that day of 11 the functions conferred on the Chief Psychiatrist by this Act or 12 another written law. 13 (2) The report must include statistics about these matters -- 14 (a) emergency electroconvulsive therapy approved during 15 the year by the Chief Psychiatrist under 16 section 199(2)(c); 17 (b) electroconvulsive therapy performed during the year and 18 reported on under section 201(3); 19 (c) emergency psychiatric treatment provided during the 20 year and reported on under section 204(1)(b); 21 (d) psychosurgery performed during the year and reported 22 on under section 209(1)(a); 23 (e) seclusion imposed during the year and reported on under 24 section 224(2)(a); 25 (f) bodily restraint applied during the year and reported on 26 under section 240(2)(a); 27 (g) urgent non-psychiatric treatment provided during the 28 year and reported on under section 242(3)(a); 29 (h) off-label treatment provided during the year and 30 reported under section 304(3)(b); page 353 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 23 Administration Division 2 Chief Psychiatrist s. 532 1 (i) notifiable incidents occurring during the year and 2 reported on under section 524(2) and the action taken 3 under section 525 in relation to those incidents. 4 532. Annual report: tabling 5 (1) The Minister must cause a copy of a report referred to in 6 section 531(1) to be laid before each House of Parliament, or 7 dealt with under subsection (2), on or within 21 days after the 8 day on which the Minister receives the report. 9 (2) The Minister must transmit a copy of the report to the Clerk of a 10 House of Parliament if -- 11 (a) at the beginning of the 21-day period referred to in 12 subsection (1), the House is not sitting; and 13 (b) in the Minister's opinion, the House will not sit during 14 that period. 15 (3) A copy of a report transmitted under subsection (2) to the Clerk 16 of a House is taken to have been laid before that House. 17 (4) The laying of a copy of a report that is taken to have occurred 18 under subsection (3) must be recorded in the Minutes, or Votes 19 and Proceedings, of the House on the first sitting day of the 20 House after the receipt of the copy by the Clerk. 21 Subdivision 7 -- Miscellaneous matters 22 533. Request for information about patient or person detained 23 (1) A person may request the Chief Psychiatrist to advise the person 24 whether or not a particular individual -- 25 (a) is admitted by a mental health service as an inpatient; or 26 (b) is detained at a mental health service. 27 (2) If, in the Chief Psychiatrist's opinion, the person making the 28 request has a sufficient interest in the matter, the Chief 29 Psychiatrist may provide the person with the following page 354 Mental Health Bill 2013 Administration Part 23 Chief Psychiatrist Division 2 s. 534 1 information (as applicable) in relation to that admission or 2 detention -- 3 (a) the date of the admission or detention; 4 (b) the date of the individual's discharge or release from the 5 admission or detention; 6 (c) if the individual died while so admitted or detained -- 7 the date of death. 8 534. Request for list of mentally impaired accused 9 (1) The Chief Psychiatrist may request the Mentally Impaired 10 Accused Review Board in writing to give to the Chief 11 Psychiatrist a list of all mentally impaired accused required 12 under the MIA Act to be detained at an authorised hospital. 13 (2) The Mentally Impaired Accused Review Board must comply 14 with any request made under subsection (1). 15 535. Delegation by Chief Psychiatrist 16 (1) The Chief Psychiatrist may delegate to another psychiatrist any 17 power or duty of the Chief Psychiatrist under another provision 18 of this Act or under another written law. 19 (2) The delegation must be in writing signed by the Chief 20 Psychiatrist. 21 (3) A person to whom a power or duty is delegated under this 22 section cannot delegate that power or duty. 23 (4) A person exercising or performing a power or duty that has been 24 delegated to the person under this section is taken to do so in 25 accordance with the terms of the delegation unless the contrary 26 is shown. 27 (5) This section does not limit the ability of the Chief Psychiatrist to 28 perform a function through an officer or agent. page 355 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 23 Administration Division 3 Mental health practitioners and authorised mental health practitioners s. 536 1 Division 3 -- Mental health practitioners and authorised 2 mental health practitioners 3 536. Mental health practitioners 4 A mental health practitioner is a person who, as one of the 5 following, has at least 3 years' experience in the management of 6 people who have a mental illness -- 7 (a) a psychologist; 8 (b) a nurse whose name is entered on Division 1 of the 9 Register of Nurses kept under the Health Practitioner 10 Regulation National Law (Western Australia) as a 11 registered nurse; 12 (c) an occupational therapist; 13 (d) a social worker. 14 537. Authorised mental health practitioners 15 (1) The Chief Psychiatrist may, by order published in the Gazette, 16 designate a mental health practitioner as an authorised mental 17 health practitioner if satisfied that the practitioner has the 18 qualifications, training and experience appropriate for 19 performing the functions of an authorised mental health 20 practitioner under this Act. 21 (2) The order may specify any limits within which, or any 22 conditions subject to which, those functions can be performed 23 by the authorised mental health practitioner designated as such 24 by the order. 25 (3) The Chief Psychiatrist may, by order published in the Gazette, 26 amend or revoke an order published under subsection (1). 27 (4) The regulations may provide for matters relating to authorised 28 mental health practitioners, including the following -- 29 (a) the qualifications, training and experience to which the 30 Chief Psychiatrist must have regard when deciding page 356 Mental Health Bill 2013 Administration Part 23 Mental health practitioners and authorised mental health Division 3 practitioners s. 538 1 whether to make, amend or revoke an order under this 2 section; 3 (b) the performance by authorised mental health 4 practitioners of their functions under this Act; 5 (c) any matter about which an authorised mental health 6 practitioner must notify the Chief Psychiatrist; 7 (d) the grounds on which the designation of an authorised 8 mental health practitioner must or may be revoked. 9 (5) For subsection (4)(a), training includes training approved by the 10 Chief Psychiatrist. 11 538. Register of authorised mental health practitioners 12 (1) The Chief Psychiatrist must keep a register of persons who are, 13 or have been, designated under section 537 as authorised mental 14 health practitioners. 15 (2) The register must be kept in the manner and form determined by 16 the Chief Psychiatrist. 17 (3) The register must include the following particulars of each 18 person registered under subsection (1) -- 19 (a) the person's name; 20 (b) the date on which the order designating the person as an 21 authorised mental health practitioner was published in 22 the Gazette; 23 (c) any limits within which, or any conditions subject to 24 which, the person can perform the functions of an 25 authorised mental health practitioner that were specified 26 in the order referred to in paragraph (b); 27 (d) the date on which any order amending the order referred 28 to in paragraph (b) was published in the Gazette and 29 details of the amendments; 30 (e) the date on which any order revoking the order referred 31 to in paragraph (b) was published in the Gazette. page 357 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 23 Administration Division 4 Authorised hospitals s. 539 1 (4) The Chief Psychiatrist must ensure that the register is available 2 free of charge for inspection by members of the public -- 3 (a) from the office of the Chief Psychiatrist during the 4 business hours of that office; and 5 (b) on the Agency's website. 6 Division 4 -- Authorised hospitals 7 539. Authorised hospital: meaning 8 An authorised hospital is -- 9 (a) a public hospital, or part of a public hospital, in respect 10 of which an order is in force under section 540; or 11 (b) a private hospital the licence of which is endorsed under 12 the Hospitals and Health Services Act 1927 13 section 26DA(2). 14 Note for section 539: 15 The licence of a private hospital cannot be endorsed unless the Chief 16 Psychiatrist recommends the endorsement (see the Hospitals and Health 17 Services Act 1927 section 26DA(3A)). 18 540. Authorisation of public hospitals 19 (1) The Governor may, by order published in the Gazette, authorise 20 a public hospital, or a part of a public hospital, for -- 21 (a) the reception of persons under this Act; and 22 (b) the admission of involuntary patients. 23 (2) The Governor may, by order published in the Gazette, amend or 24 revoke an order made under subsection (1). 25 (3) The Governor cannot make, amend or revoke an order under 26 this section unless the Chief Psychiatrist recommends that the 27 order be made, amended or revoked. page 358 Mental Health Bill 2013 Administration Part 23 Mental health services approved for electroconvulsive therapy Division 5 s. 541 1 541. Patients to be transferred if hospital no longer authorised 2 (1) This section applies if -- 3 (a) an authorisation of a public hospital or a part of a public 4 hospital is revoked under section 540(2); or 5 (b) the endorsement on the licence of a private hospital is 6 cancelled under the Hospitals and Health Services 7 Act 1927 section 26FA(1). 8 (2) Every person received into, and every involuntary patient 9 admitted by, the hospital or that part of the hospital must be 10 transferred in accordance with the regulations to an authorised 11 hospital or other place. 12 Note for section 541: 13 The endorsement on the licence of a private hospital cannot be cancelled 14 unless the Chief Psychiatrist is consulted (see the Hospitals and Health 15 Services Act 1927 section 26FA(2A)). 16 Division 5 -- Mental health services approved for 17 electroconvulsive therapy 18 542. Chief Psychiatrist to approve mental health services 19 (1) The Chief Psychiatrist may, by order published in the Gazette, 20 approve a mental health service as a mental health service at 21 which electroconvulsive therapy can be performed. 22 (2) The order may specify any conditions subject to which 23 electroconvulsive therapy can be performed at the mental health 24 service specified in the order. 25 (3) The Chief Psychiatrist may, by order published in the Gazette, 26 amend or revoke an order published under subsection (1). page 359 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 23 Administration Division 6 Approved forms s. 543 1 Division 6 -- Approved forms 2 543. Chief Psychiatrist to approve forms 3 (1) The Chief Psychiatrist may approve forms for use under this 4 Act other than forms for use by police officers under Part 11 5 Division 2. 6 (2) An approved form may be or include a statutory declaration. 7 Note for section 543: 8 The Commissioner of Police approves forms for use by police officers under 9 Part 11 Division 2 (see section 169). 10 544. Publication of approved forms and related guidelines 11 (1) The Chief Psychiatrist -- 12 (a) must publish all approved forms; and 13 (b) may publish guidelines about how to complete any of 14 the approved forms. 15 (2) It is sufficient for compliance with subsection (1) if copies of 16 the forms and guidelines are published on a website maintained 17 by the Agency. 18 Division 7 -- Guidelines and standards 19 545. Publication of guidelines and standards 20 (1) The Chief Psychiatrist must publish guidelines for each of these 21 purposes -- 22 (a) making decisions about whether or not a person is in 23 need of an inpatient treatment order or a community 24 treatment order; 25 (b) making decisions under section 26(3)(a) about whether 26 or not a place that is not an authorised hospital is an 27 appropriate place to conduct an examination; page 360 Mental Health Bill 2013 Administration Part 23 Guidelines and standards Division 7 s. 546 1 (c) ensuring as far as practicable the independence of 2 psychiatrists from whom further opinions referred to in 3 section 121(5) or 182(2) are obtained; 4 (d) making decisions under section 183(2) about whether or 5 not to comply with requests made under section 182 for 6 additional opinions; 7 (e) the preparation, review and revision of treatment, 8 support and discharge plans; 9 (f) the performance of electroconvulsive therapy; 10 (g) compliance with approved forms; 11 (h) ensuring compliance with this Act by mental health 12 services. 13 (2) The Chief Psychiatrist must publish standards for the treatment 14 and care to be provided by mental health services to the persons 15 specified in section 513(1). 16 (3) The Chief Psychiatrist may publish guidelines for such other 17 purposes relating to the treatment and care of persons who have 18 a mental illness as the Chief Psychiatrist considers appropriate. 19 546. Application, adoption or incorporation of other documents 20 Guidelines or standards published under section 545 may apply, 21 adopt or incorporate (with or without changes) the whole or any 22 part of a document that is in force or existing at a particular time 23 or from time to time. 24 547. Publication on Agency's website 25 It is sufficient for compliance with section 545 if a copy of the 26 guidelines or standards is published on a website maintained by 27 the Agency. page 361 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 23 Administration Division 8 Miscellaneous matters s. 548 1 Division 8 -- Miscellaneous matters 2 548. Delegation by Minister or CEO 3 (1) The Minister may delegate to the CEO any power or duty of the 4 Minister under another provision of this Act. 5 (2) The CEO may delegate to a public service officer who is 6 employed in, or seconded to, the Agency any power or duty of 7 the CEO under another provision of this Act. 8 (3) A delegation under this section must be in writing signed by the 9 Minister or the CEO, as the case requires. 10 (4) A person to whom a power or duty is delegated under this 11 section cannot delegate that power or duty. 12 (5) A person exercising or performing a power or duty that has been 13 delegated to the person under this section is taken to do so in 14 accordance with the terms of the delegation unless the contrary 15 is shown. 16 (6) This section does not limit the ability of the Minister or the 17 CEO to perform a function through an officer or agent. page 362 Mental Health Bill 2013 Interstate arrangements Part 24 Preliminary matters Division 1 s. 549 1 Part 24 -- Interstate arrangements 2 Division 1 -- Preliminary matters 3 549. Terms used 4 (1) In this Part -- 5 corresponding law means a law of another State or a Territory 6 that is declared by the regulations to be a corresponding law for 7 the purposes of this Part; 8 intergovernmental agreement means -- 9 (a) an agreement entered into under section 550(1); or 10 (b) an agreement in respect of which a declaration under 11 section 550(2) is in force; 12 interstate community patient means a person who is under an 13 interstate community treatment order; 14 interstate community treatment order means an order made 15 under a corresponding law under which a person can be 16 provided with treatment in the community; 17 interstate inpatient means a person who is under an interstate 18 inpatient treatment order; 19 interstate inpatient treatment order means an order made under 20 a corresponding law under which a person can be admitted by a 21 hospital, and detained there, to enable the person to be provided 22 with treatment; 23 interstate mental health service means -- 24 (a) a hospital or other place in another State or a Territory 25 where a person can be detained, and provided with 26 treatment, under an interstate inpatient treatment order; 27 or 28 (b) a place in another State or a Territory where a person 29 can be provided with treatment under an interstate 30 community treatment order; page 363 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 24 Interstate arrangements Division 2 Intergovernmental agreements s. 550 1 State inpatient means a person who is under an inpatient 2 treatment order. 3 (2) For section 553(1), a State inpatient is absent without leave 4 from a hospital if the inpatient is absent without leave from the 5 hospital as described in section 97(2). 6 (3) For section 555(1), an interstate inpatient is absent without 7 leave from an interstate mental health service if the inpatient 8 leaves the interstate mental health service without lawful 9 authority. 10 Division 2 -- Intergovernmental agreements 11 550. Agreements with other States and Territories 12 (1) The Minister may enter into an agreement with a Minister 13 responsible for administering a corresponding law about any 14 matter in connection with the administration of this Part or the 15 corresponding law. 16 (2) The Minister may, by notice published in the Gazette, declare 17 that an agreement entered into before the commencement of this 18 Part has effect for the purposes of this Part. 19 (3) The Minister may, by notice published in the Gazette, revoke a 20 declaration made under subsection (2). 21 551. Agreement must be in place 22 A person cannot perform a function under this Part in 23 connection with an interstate mental health service in, or an 24 interstate inpatient or interstate community patient in or from, 25 another State or a Territory unless there is an intergovernmental 26 agreement in relation to that State or Territory. 27 552. Performance of functions under corresponding laws or 28 intergovernmental agreements 29 A person who is authorised to perform a function under this Act 30 may perform in the State or another State or a Territory any page 364 Mental Health Bill 2013 Interstate arrangements Part 24 Transfer to or from interstate mental health service Division 3 s. 553 1 similar function conferred on the person under a corresponding 2 law of, or an intergovernmental agreement in relation to, that 3 State or Territory. 4 Division 3 -- Transfer to or from interstate mental 5 health service 6 553. Transfer from hospital to interstate mental health service 7 (1) The person in charge of a hospital may, with the written 8 approval of the Chief Psychiatrist, make an order (a transfer 9 order) authorising the transfer of a State inpatient who is 10 detained at, or who is absent without leave as described in 11 section 549(2) from, the hospital to the interstate mental health 12 service specified in the order. 13 (2) The transfer order must be in the approved form and must 14 include the following -- 15 (a) the State inpatient's name; 16 (b) the hospital from which the State inpatient is to be 17 transferred; 18 (c) the interstate mental health service to which the State 19 inpatient is to be transferred; 20 (d) the date and time when the order is made; 21 (e) the reasons for the transfer; 22 (f) the name, qualifications and signature of the person in 23 charge of the hospital. 24 (3) The person in charge of the hospital must, as soon as 25 practicable -- 26 (a) file the approval and the transfer order and give a copy 27 of each to the State inpatient; and 28 (b) transmit a copy of each to the person in charge of the 29 interstate mental health service. 30 (4) The making of a transfer order under subsection (1) is an event 31 to which Part 9 applies and the person in charge of the hospital page 365 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 24 Interstate arrangements Division 3 Transfer to or from interstate mental health service s. 554 1 is the person responsible under that Part for notification of that 2 event. 3 554. Making transport order 4 (1) The person in charge of the hospital may make a transport order 5 in respect of the State inpatient. 6 (2) The person in charge of the hospital cannot make the transport 7 order unless satisfied that no other safe means of taking the 8 State inpatient to the interstate mental health service is 9 reasonably available. 10 (3) Part 10 applies in relation to the transport order as if -- 11 (a) the transport order were made under section 92(1); and 12 (b) a reference in section 92(2) to an authorised hospital 13 were a reference to the interstate mental health service; 14 and 15 (c) a reference in Part 10 to a police officer included a 16 reference to a police officer of the State or Territory in 17 which the interstate mental health service is located; and 18 (d) a reference in Part 10 to a transport officer included a 19 reference to a person who is authorised under a 20 corresponding law of, or an intergovernmental 21 agreement in relation to, that State or Territory to 22 perform functions similar to those of a transport officer. 23 555. Transfer from interstate mental health service to hospital 24 (1) The person in charge of a hospital may, with the written consent 25 of the Chief Psychiatrist, make an order (a transfer approval 26 order) approving the transfer of an interstate inpatient who is 27 detained at, or who is absent without leave as described in 28 section 549(3) from, an interstate mental health service to the 29 hospital. page 366 Mental Health Bill 2013 Interstate arrangements Part 24 Transfer to or from interstate mental health service Division 3 s. 556 1 (2) The transfer approval order must be in the approved form and 2 must include the following -- 3 (a) the interstate patient's name; 4 (b) the interstate mental health service from which the 5 interstate inpatient is to be transferred; 6 (c) the hospital to which the interstate inpatient is to be 7 transferred; 8 (d) the date and time when the order is made; 9 (e) the reasons for the approval; 10 (f) the name, qualifications and signature of the person in 11 charge of the hospital. 12 (3) The person in charge of the hospital must, as soon as 13 practicable, transmit a copy of each of the consent and the 14 transfer approval order to the person in charge of the interstate 15 mental health service. 16 (4) On the interstate inpatient's admission by the hospital as an 17 inpatient, the interstate inpatient treatment order is taken to be 18 an inpatient treatment order made under this Act. 19 (5) The person in charge of the hospital must, as soon as practicable 20 after the interstate inpatient is admitted as an inpatient, file the 21 consent and the transfer approval order and give a copy of each 22 to the interstate inpatient. 23 (6) The making of a transfer approval order under subsection (1) is 24 an event to which Part 9 applies and the person in charge of the 25 hospital is the person responsible under that Part for notification 26 of that event. 27 556. Transport of interstate inpatient to hospital 28 (1) This section applies in relation to an interstate inpatient under a 29 transfer approval order made under section 555(1). 30 (2) A person who is authorised under a corresponding law or an 31 interstate agreement to transport the interstate inpatient from an page 367 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 24 Interstate arrangements Division 4 Community treatment orders s. 557 1 interstate mental health service to a hospital may exercise in the 2 State any of the powers the person has under the corresponding 3 law or interstate agreement for that purpose. 4 Division 4 -- Community treatment orders 5 557. Treatment interstate under State order 6 The terms of a community treatment order may include a 7 requirement that the involuntary community patient attend an 8 interstate mental health service to be provided with treatment. 9 558. Making transport order 10 (1) A medical practitioner or mental health practitioner may make a 11 transport order in respect of an involuntary community patient 12 who fails to comply with the requirement referred to in 13 section 557. 14 (2) The practitioner cannot make the transport order unless satisfied 15 that no other safe means of ensuring the involuntary community 16 patient attends the interstate mental health service is reasonably 17 available. 18 (3) Part 10 applies in relation to the transport order as if -- 19 (a) the transport order were made under section 129(2); and 20 (b) a reference in section 129(3) to a place were a reference 21 to an interstate mental health service; and 22 (c) a reference in Part 10 to a police officer included a 23 reference to a police officer of the State or Territory in 24 which the interstate mental health service is located; and 25 (d) a reference in Part 10 to a transport officer included a 26 reference to a person who is authorised under a 27 corresponding law of, or an intergovernmental 28 agreement in relation to, that State or Territory to 29 perform functions similar to those of a transport officer. page 368 Mental Health Bill 2013 Interstate arrangements Part 24 Community treatment orders Division 4 s. 559 1 559. Treatment in State under interstate order 2 An interstate community treatment order that includes a 3 requirement that the interstate community patient be provided 4 with treatment by a mental health service in the State is taken to 5 be a community treatment order that, despite any other 6 provision of this Act, has the same terms as and is in force for 7 the same period as the interstate community treatment order. 8 560. Supervision in State under interstate order 9 A person who is authorised under a corresponding law of 10 another State or a Territory to perform a function in relation to 11 an interstate community treatment order made under the 12 corresponding law may perform that function in relation to the 13 order in the State. page 369 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 25 Ministerial inquiries s. 561 1 Part 25 -- Ministerial inquiries 2 561. Appointment of person to conduct inquiry 3 The Minister may appoint a person to inquire into, and report to 4 the Minister on, any matter relating to -- 5 (a) the treatment, care or other services provided (whether 6 under this Act or otherwise) to a person, or the persons 7 in a class of person, who has or may have a mental 8 illness; or 9 (b) the administration or enforcement of this Act. 10 562. Powers of investigation 11 The person appointed under section 561 to conduct an inquiry 12 may, for the purpose of the inquiry -- 13 (a) enter -- 14 (i) a mental health service at any time without 15 notice; or 16 (ii) any other premises at any reasonable time and at 17 any other time with the owner's consent; 18 and 19 (b) on entering any premises under paragraph (a), do any of 20 these things -- 21 (i) inspect the premises and anything on the 22 premises; 23 (ii) require a person on the premises to answer 24 questions, or provide information, that the person 25 appointed under section 561 considers relevant to 26 the inquiry; 27 (iii) require a person on the premises to produce any 28 documents that the person appointed under 29 section 561 considers relevant to the inquiry; 30 (iv) inspect, or take a copy of the whole or any part 31 of any document produced under 32 subparagraph (iii); page 370 Mental Health Bill 2013 Ministerial inquiries Part 25 s. 563 1 (v) require a person on the premises to give 2 reasonable assistance to the person appointed 3 under section 561 in the exercise of a power 4 under this section. 5 563. Interfering with investigation 6 (1) A person commits an offence if the person -- 7 (a) without reasonable excuse, proof of which is on the 8 person, does not answer a question or provide 9 information when required under section 562(b)(ii); or 10 (b) in purporting to comply with a requirement under 11 section 562(b)(ii), gives an answer or provides 12 information that the person knows is false or misleading 13 in a material particular; or 14 (c) in purporting to comply with a requirement under 15 section 562(b)(iii), makes available a document that the 16 person knows is false or misleading in a material 17 particular -- 18 (i) without indicating that the document is false or 19 misleading and, to the extent the person can, how 20 the document is false or misleading; and 21 (ii) if the person has or can reasonably obtain the 22 correct information -- without providing the 23 correct information; 24 or 25 (d) without reasonable excuse, proof of which is on the 26 person, does not give reasonable assistance when 27 required under section 562(b)(v); or 28 (e) without reasonable excuse, proof of which is on the 29 person, obstructs or hinders -- 30 (i) a person appointed under section 561 in the 31 exercise of a power under section 562; or page 371 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 25 Ministerial inquiries s. 564 1 (ii) a person assisting such a person under 2 section 562(b)(v). 3 Penalty: a fine of $6 000. 4 (2) It is enough for a prosecution notice lodged against a person for 5 an offence under subsection (1)(b) or (c) to state that the 6 answer, information or document was false or misleading to the 7 person's knowledge without stating which. 8 564. Conduct of inquiry generally 9 (1) An inquiry must be conducted with as little formality and 10 technicality, and with as much expedition, as a proper 11 consideration of the subject matter of the inquiry permits. 12 (2) In conducting an inquiry, the person appointed under 13 section 561 to conduct the inquiry is bound by the rules of 14 natural justice. 15 (3) Subject to this Part, the practice and procedure for conducting 16 an inquiry is as determined by the person appointed under 17 section 561 to conduct the inquiry. 18 565. Evidence generally 19 (1) A person appointed under section 561 to conduct an inquiry is 20 not bound by the rules of evidence but may inform himself or 21 herself of a matter relevant to the inquiry in any manner the 22 person considers appropriate. 23 (2) Evidence in an inquiry may be given orally or in writing. 24 (3) The person appointed under section 561 to conduct an inquiry 25 may require evidence in the inquiry to be given on oath or by 26 affidavit. 27 (4) The person appointed under section 561 to conduct an inquiry 28 may direct a person appearing as a witness in the inquiry -- 29 (a) to answer a question relevant to the inquiry; or 30 (b) to produce a document relevant to the inquiry. page 372 Mental Health Bill 2013 Ministerial inquiries Part 25 s. 566 1 (5) A person appearing as a witness in an inquiry has the same 2 protection and immunity as a witness has in a proceeding in the 3 Supreme Court. 4 566. Summons to give evidence or produce documents 5 The person appointed under section 561 to conduct an inquiry 6 may, by issuing a signed summons and having the summons 7 served on the person to whom it is addressed, require the person 8 to attend at the time and place specified in the summons -- 9 (a) to give evidence in the inquiry; or 10 (b) to produce a document relevant to the inquiry that is in 11 the person's custody or control and is specified in the 12 summons; or 13 (c) to do both of those things. 14 567. Self-incrimination 15 (1) A person is not excused from complying with a direction given 16 to the person under section 565(4), or a summons served on the 17 person under section 566, on the ground that the answer to a 18 question or the production of a document might tend to 19 incriminate the person or expose the person to a criminal 20 penalty. 21 (2) However, any answer given or document produced by a person 22 in compliance with a direction given to the person under 23 section 565(4), or a summons served on the person under 24 section 566, is not admissible in evidence in any criminal 25 proceedings against the person other than proceedings for an 26 offence under section 569(1)(d) or (e). 27 568. Powers in relation to documents produced 28 In relation to a document produced in an inquiry, the person 29 appointed under section 561 to conduct the inquiry may do any 30 of these things -- 31 (a) inspect the document; page 373 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 25 Ministerial inquiries s. 569 1 (b) retain the document for a reasonable period; 2 (c) take a copy of the whole or any part of the document. 3 569. Offences relating to evidence and documents 4 (1) A person commits an offence if the person -- 5 (a) without reasonable excuse, proof of which is on the 6 person, does not swear an oath or make an affirmation 7 when required under section 565(3); or 8 (b) without reasonable excuse, proof of which is on the 9 person, does not answer a question or produce a 10 document when directed to do so under section 565(4); 11 or 12 (c) without reasonable excuse, proof of which is on the 13 person, does not attend as required by a summons served 14 on the person under section 566; or 15 (d) gives an answer in an inquiry that the person knows is 16 false or misleading in a material particular; or 17 (e) produces a document or provides any other information 18 in an inquiry that the person knows is false or 19 misleading in a material particular -- 20 (i) without indicating that the document or other 21 information is false or misleading and, to the 22 extent the person can, how the document or other 23 information is false or misleading; and 24 (ii) if the person has or can reasonably obtain the 25 correct information -- without providing the 26 correct information. 27 Penalty: a fine of $5 000. 28 (2) It is enough for a prosecution notice lodged against a person for 29 an offence under subsection (1)(d) or (e) to state that the 30 answer, document or information was false or misleading to the 31 person's knowledge without stating which. page 374 Mental Health Bill 2013 Information Part 26 Voluntary disclosure of information by public authorities and Division 1 mental health services s. 570 1 Part 26 -- Information 2 Division 1 -- Voluntary disclosure of information by public 3 authorities and mental health services 4 570. Powers of Agency's CEO 5 (1) In this section -- 6 corresponding overseas authority means a person in another 7 country who has functions corresponding to the CEO's 8 functions under this Act; 9 interstate authority means -- 10 (a) a department of the Public Service of the 11 Commonwealth, another State or a Territory; or 12 (b) an agency or instrumentality of the Commonwealth, 13 another State or a Territory; or 14 (c) a body (whether corporate or unincorporate), or the 15 holder of an office, post or position, established or 16 continued in existence for a public purpose under a law 17 of the Commonwealth, another State or a Territory; 18 mental health service -- 19 (a) includes -- 20 (i) a private psychiatric hostel; and 21 (ii) an individual, a group of individuals or a body 22 (whether corporate or unincorporate) that 23 provides a service specifically for people who 24 have or may have a mental illness, or the carers 25 of people who have or may have a mental illness, 26 wholly or partly from funds paid to the 27 individual, group or body by the Agency; 28 but 29 (b) does not include the carer of a person who has or may 30 have a mental illness; page 375 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 26 Information Division 1 Voluntary disclosure of information by public authorities and mental health services s. 570 1 relevant information means information (including personal 2 information) that, in the CEO's opinion, is or is likely to be 3 relevant to any of the following -- 4 (a) the treatment or care of a person, or the persons in a 5 class of person, who has or may have a mental illness; 6 (b) the health, safety or wellbeing of a person who has or 7 may have a mental illness; 8 (c) the safety of another person with respect to which there 9 is a serious risk because of a person who has or may 10 have a mental illness; 11 (d) the administration or enforcement of this Act; 12 (e) the implementation and evaluation of programmes 13 managed by the Agency for the purpose of coordinating 14 the care and support of people who have a mental 15 illness; 16 (f) the planning for, and evaluation of, mental health 17 services; 18 (g) epidemiological analysis of mental illness and mental 19 health research; 20 State authority means any of these persons or bodies -- 21 (a) the Minister; 22 (b) a department of the Public Service; 23 (c) a State agency or instrumentality; 24 (d) a local government or regional local government; 25 (e) a body (whether corporate or unincorporate), or the 26 holder of an office, post or position, established or 27 continued for a public purpose under a written law. 28 (2) The CEO may disclose relevant information to any of these 29 persons or bodies -- 30 (a) a State authority; 31 (b) an interstate authority; 32 (c) a corresponding overseas authority; page 376 Mental Health Bill 2013 Information Part 26 Voluntary disclosure of information by public authorities and Division 1 mental health services s. 571 1 (d) a mental health service. 2 (3) The CEO may request any of these persons or bodies to disclose 3 relevant information to the CEO -- 4 (a) a State authority; 5 (b) an interstate authority; 6 (c) a corresponding overseas authority; 7 (d) a mental health service. 8 571. Powers of CEOs of prescribed State authorities 9 (1) In this section -- 10 CEO, of a prescribed State authority, means -- 11 (a) if the prescribed State authority is a body referred to in 12 paragraph (a) of the definition of prescribed State 13 authority -- the chief executive officer (however 14 described) of that body; or 15 (b) if the prescribed State authority is a person referred to in 16 paragraph (b) of the definition of prescribed State 17 authority -- that person; 18 prescribed State authority means -- 19 (a) a body (whether corporate or unincorporate) established 20 or continued for a public purpose under a written law 21 and prescribed by the regulations for this paragraph; or 22 (b) a person lawfully holding, acting in or performing the 23 functions of an office, post or position established or 24 continued for a public purpose under a written law and 25 prescribed by the regulations for this paragraph; 26 relevant information means information (including personal 27 information) that, in the opinion of the disclosing CEO under 28 subsection (2) or the requesting CEO under subsection (3), is or 29 is likely to be relevant to -- 30 (a) the treatment or care of a person, or the persons in a 31 class of person, who has or may have a mental illness; or page 377 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 26 Information Division 1 Voluntary disclosure of information by public authorities and mental health services s. 572 1 (b) the health, safety or wellbeing of a person who has or 2 may have a mental illness; or 3 (c) the safety of another person with respect to which there 4 is a risk because of a person who has or may have a 5 mental illness; or 6 (d) the performance of a function under this Act by the 7 CEO's prescribed State authority. 8 (2) The CEO of a prescribed State authority (the disclosing CEO) 9 may disclose relevant information to the CEO of another 10 prescribed State authority. 11 (3) The CEO of a prescribed State authority (the requesting CEO) 12 may request the CEO of another prescribed State authority to 13 disclose relevant information to the requesting CEO. 14 572. Powers of CEOs of mental health services 15 (1) In this section -- 16 CEO, of a mental health service, means the person in charge of 17 the mental health service; 18 mental health service -- 19 (a) includes -- 20 (i) a private psychiatric hostel; and 21 (ii) an individual, a group of individuals or a body 22 (whether corporate or unincorporate) that 23 provides a service specifically for people who 24 have or may have a mental illness; 25 but 26 (b) does not include the carer of a person who has or may 27 have a mental illness; page 378 Mental Health Bill 2013 Information Part 26 Voluntary disclosure of information by public authorities and Division 1 mental health services s. 573 1 relevant information means information (including personal 2 information) that, in the opinion of the disclosing CEO under 3 subsection (2) or the requesting CEO under subsection (3), is or 4 is likely to be relevant to any of the following -- 5 (a) the treatment or care of a person who has been, is being, 6 or will or may be, provided with treatment or care by the 7 CEO's mental health service; 8 (b) the health, safety or wellbeing of a person who has been, 9 is being, or will or may be, provided with treatment or 10 care by the CEO's mental health service; 11 (c) the safety of another person with respect to which there 12 is a serious risk because of a person who has been, is 13 being, or will or may be, provided with treatment or care 14 by the CEO's mental health service. 15 (2) The CEO of a mental health service (the disclosing CEO) may 16 disclose relevant information to the CEO of another mental 17 health service. 18 (3) The CEO of a mental health service (the requesting CEO) may 19 request the CEO of another mental health service to disclose 20 relevant information to the requesting CEO. 21 573. Delegation by CEO of prescribed State authority 22 (1) This section applies to the CEO of a prescribed State authority 23 (as defined in section 571(1)) if the CEO does not have the 24 power under another provision of this Act to delegate any power 25 or duty of the CEO under section 571. 26 (2) The CEO of a prescribed State authority may delegate to a 27 member of the prescribed State authority's staff any power or 28 duty of the CEO under section 571. 29 (3) The delegation must be in writing signed by the CEO of the 30 prescribed State authority. 31 (4) A person to whom a power or duty is delegated under this 32 section cannot delegate that power or duty. page 379 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 26 Information Division 2 Miscellaneous matters s. 574 1 (5) A person exercising or performing a power or duty that has been 2 delegated to the person under this section is taken to do so in 3 accordance with the terms of the delegation unless the contrary 4 is shown. 5 (6) This section does not limit the ability of the CEO of a 6 prescribed State authority to perform a function through an 7 officer or agent. 8 Division 2 -- Miscellaneous matters 9 574. Confidentiality 10 (1) In this section -- 11 relevant written law means any of these written laws -- 12 (a) this Act; 13 (b) the Mental Health Act 1996; 14 (c) the Mental Health Act 1962. 15 (2) A person must not (whether directly or indirectly) record, 16 disclose or use any information obtained by the person because 17 of -- 18 (a) the person's office, position, employment or 19 engagement under or for the purposes of a relevant 20 written law; or 21 (b) any disclosure made to the person under this Act, 22 including in response to a request made under 23 section 446(1), 570(3), 571(3) or 572(3). 24 Penalty: a fine of $5 000. 25 (3) Subsection (2) does not apply in relation to the recording, 26 disclosure or use of statistical or other information that is not 27 personal information. 28 (4) A person does not commit an offence under subsection (2) if the 29 recording, disclosure or use of the information is authorised 30 under section 575(1). page 380 Mental Health Bill 2013 Information Part 26 Miscellaneous matters Division 2 s. 575 1 575. Authorised recording, disclosure or use of information 2 (1) For the purposes of this Act, the recording, disclosure or use of 3 information is authorised if the information is recorded, 4 disclosed or used in good faith in any of these circumstances -- 5 (a) in the course of duty, whether under this Act or 6 otherwise; 7 (b) under this Act, including in response to a request made 8 under section 446(1), 570(3), 571(3) or 572(3); 9 (c) under another law; 10 (d) to a court or other person or body acting judicially in the 11 course of proceedings before the court or other person or 12 body; 13 (e) under an order of a court or other person or body acting 14 judicially; 15 (f) for the purposes of the investigation of a suspected 16 offence or disciplinary matter or the conduct of 17 proceedings against a person for an offence or 18 disciplinary matter; 19 (g) if the information recorded, disclosed or used is personal 20 information -- with the consent of the individual, or 21 each individual, to whom the personal information 22 relates; 23 (h) any other circumstances prescribed by the regulations 24 for this subsection. 25 (2) Subsection (1)(d) and (e) apply subject to sections 330(7) 26 and (8), 331(6) and (7), 332(7), 461(2) and 567(2). 27 (3) If the recording, disclosure or use of information is authorised 28 under subsection (1) -- 29 (a) no civil or criminal liability is incurred in respect of the 30 recording, disclosure or use; and page 381 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 26 Information Division 2 Miscellaneous matters s. 576 1 (b) the recording, disclosure or use is not to be regarded 2 as -- 3 (i) a breach of any duty of confidentiality or secrecy 4 imposed by law; or 5 (ii) a breach of professional ethics or standards or 6 any principles of conduct applicable to a 7 person's employment; or 8 (iii) unprofessional conduct. 9 576. Receipt and storage of, and access to, information disclosed 10 (1) This section applies in relation to information disclosed in any 11 of these circumstances -- 12 (a) in compliance with a direction issued by the Chief 13 Psychiatrist under section 521(2); 14 (b) by the CEO under section 570(2) or in response to a 15 request made by the CEO under section 570(3); 16 (c) by the CEO of a public authority under section 571(2) or 17 in response to a request made by the CEO of a public 18 authority under section 571(3); 19 (d) by the CEO of a mental health service under 20 section 572(2) or in response to a request made by the 21 CEO of a mental health service under section 572(3). 22 (2) The regulations may provide for -- 23 (a) the receipt and storage of information to which this 24 section applies; or 25 (b) access to such information. page 382 Mental Health Bill 2013 Miscellaneous matters Part 27 s. 577 1 Part 27 -- Miscellaneous matters 2 577. Restrictions on powers of medical practitioners and mental 3 health practitioners 4 (1) In this section -- 5 company means a company registered under the Corporations 6 Act 2001 (Commonwealth); 7 prescribed financial market has the meaning given in the 8 Corporations Act 2001 (Commonwealth) section 9; 9 related person, in relation to a medical practitioner or mental 10 health practitioner, means -- 11 (a) a relative of the practitioner; or 12 (b) a company not listed on a prescribed financial market in 13 Australia in respect of any share in which the 14 practitioner, the practitioner's spouse or de facto partner 15 or a child of the practitioner has a relevant interest; or 16 (c) a company listed on a prescribed financial market in 17 Australia in which the aggregate of the interests of the 18 practitioner, the practitioner's spouse or de facto partner 19 and the practitioner's children amounts to a substantial 20 holding; or 21 (d) the trustee of a trust in which the practitioner, the 22 practitioner's spouse or de facto partner or a child of the 23 practitioner has -- 24 (i) a beneficial interest, whether vested or 25 contingent; or 26 (ii) a potential beneficial interest because the trust is 27 a discretionary trust; 28 relative, of a person, means a family member of the person 29 referred to in section 281(2); 30 relevant interest, in relation to a share, has the meaning given in 31 the Corporations Act 2001 (Commonwealth) section 9; page 383 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 27 Miscellaneous matters s. 578 1 substantial holding has the meaning given in the Corporations 2 Act 2001 (Commonwealth) section 9. 3 (2) A medical practitioner or mental health practitioner cannot 4 exercise a power under this Act in respect of a person if the 5 practitioner is -- 6 (a) a relative of the person; or 7 (b) the person's enduring guardian or guardian; or 8 (c) in partnership with the person; or 9 (d) the employer or employee of the person; or 10 (e) the person's supervisor or subordinate. 11 (3) A person in charge of a ward at an authorised hospital cannot 12 exercise a power under this Act in respect of a patient in the 13 ward if the person in charge is -- 14 (a) a relative of the patient; or 15 (b) the patient's enduring guardian or guardian; or 16 (c) in partnership with the patient; or 17 (d) the employer or employee of the patient; or 18 (e) the patient's supervisor or subordinate. 19 (4) A medical practitioner or mental health practitioner cannot refer 20 a person under section 26(2) or (3)(a) for an examination to be 21 conducted by a psychiatrist at a private hospital the licence for 22 which is held by the practitioner or a related person. 23 578. Obstructing or hindering person performing functions 24 A person who, without reasonable excuse (proof of which is on 25 the person) obstructs or hinders a person in the performance of, 26 or a person assisting another person in the performance of, a 27 function under this Act commits an offence. 28 Penalty: a fine of $6 000. page 384 Mental Health Bill 2013 Miscellaneous matters Part 27 s. 579 1 579. Amendment of referrals and orders 2 (1) For this section, a referral or order made under this Act contains 3 a formal defect if it contains -- 4 (a) a clerical error or an error because of an accidental 5 omission; or 6 (b) an evident material error in the description of a person. 7 (2) If a referral or order made under this Act contains a formal 8 defect -- 9 (a) the validity of anything done or omitted to be done in 10 reliance on the referral or order is not affected; but 11 (b) the person who does an act or makes an omission in 12 reliance on the referral or order may request the person 13 who made the referral or order to rectify the defect. 14 (3) A person who makes a request under subsection (2)(b) to rectify 15 a referral or order may, by order (a revocation order), revoke 16 any involuntary treatment order made as a consequence of the 17 referral or order if the request is not complied with. 18 (4) A revocation order has effect on and from the time specified in 19 the revocation order. 20 (5) A revocation order does not prevent another referral or order 21 being made under this Act in respect of the person to whom the 22 revocation order relates, whether that referral or order is made 23 before or after the revocation order comes into effect. 24 580. Medical record to be kept by mental health services 25 (1) The person in charge of a mental health service must ensure that 26 a medical record is kept in respect of -- 27 (a) each person who is admitted by the mental health 28 service; and 29 (b) each person who is otherwise provided with treatment or 30 care by the mental health service. page 385 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 27 Miscellaneous matters s. 581 1 (2) The medical record must be in the approved form and must 2 include the following information -- 3 (a) the name, address and date of birth of the person; 4 (b) the nature of any illness, or mental or physical disability, 5 from which the person suffers; 6 (c) particulars of -- 7 (i) any treatment provided to the person by the 8 mental health service; and 9 (ii) the authority for providing the treatment, 10 including details of any order made under this 11 Act under which the treatment was provided; 12 (d) if the person dies at the mental health service -- the date 13 of death and, if known, the cause of death; 14 (e) any other information prescribed by the regulations for 15 this subsection. 16 581. Protection from liability when performing functions 17 (1) An action in tort does not lie against a person other than the 18 State for anything that the person has done in good faith -- 19 (a) in the performance or purported performance of a 20 function under this Act; or 21 (b) in assisting another person in the performance or 22 purported performance of a function under this Act. 23 (2) The protection given by subsection (1) applies even though the 24 thing done as described in that provision may have been capable 25 of being done whether or not this Act had been enacted. 26 (3) Despite subsection (1), the State is not relieved from any 27 liability that it might have for an act done by a person against 28 whom this section provides that an action does not lie. 29 (4) In this section, a reference to the doing of anything includes a 30 reference to an omission to do anything. page 386 Mental Health Bill 2013 Miscellaneous matters Part 27 s. 582 1 582. Protection from liability when detaining person with mental 2 illness 3 (1) This section applies if -- 4 (a) a person has lawful charge of a person who has, or is 5 reasonably suspected of having, a mental illness while 6 that person is at a particular place; and 7 (b) the person who has, or is reasonably suspected of 8 having, a mental illness does not have the capacity to 9 decide whether or not to withdraw himself or herself 10 from that lawful charge. 11 (2) No civil or criminal liability is incurred because the person who 12 has that lawful charge detains, or continues the detention of, the 13 person who has, or is reasonably suspected of having, a mental 14 illness in order to prevent that person from leaving the particular 15 place. 16 (3) The protection given by subsection (2) does not apply if the 17 person who has lawful charge of the person who has, or is 18 reasonably suspected of having, a mental illness uses bodily 19 restraint to prevent that person from leaving the particular place. 20 (4) For subsection (3), the bodily restraint of a person is the 21 physical restraint or mechanical restraint, within the meaning of 22 those terms in section 227(2) and (3), of the person. 23 583. Relationship with Freedom of Information Act 1992 24 This Act has effect despite the Freedom of Information 25 Act 1992. 26 584. Regulations 27 The Governor may make regulations prescribing matters -- 28 (a) required or permitted to be prescribed by this Act; or 29 (b) necessary or convenient to be prescribed for giving 30 effect to this Act. page 387 Mental Health Bill 2013 Part 27 Miscellaneous matters s. 585 1 585. Review of this Act after 5 years 2 (1) The Minister must review the operation and effectiveness of this 3 Act as soon as practicable after the expiry of 5 years from the 4 commencement of section 10. 5 (2) The Minister must, as soon as practicable -- 6 (a) prepare a report about the outcome of the review; and 7 (b) cause a copy of the report to be laid before each House 8 of Parliament. page 388 Mental Health Bill 2013 Charter of Mental Health Care Principles Schedule 1 1 Schedule 1 -- Charter of Mental Health Care Principles 2 [s. 11, 12, 320(2)(f), 333(3)(d) and 351(1)(b)] 3 Purpose 4 A. The Charter of Mental Health Care Principles is a rights-based set 5 of principles that mental health services must make every effort to 6 comply with in providing treatment, care and support to people 7 experiencing mental illness. 8 B. The Charter is intended to influence the interconnected factors that 9 facilitate recovery from mental illness. 10 Principle 1: Attitude towards people experiencing mental illness 11 A mental health service must treat people experiencing mental illness 12 with dignity, equality, courtesy and compassion and must not 13 discriminate against or stigmatise them. 14 Principle 2: Human rights 15 A mental health service must protect and uphold the fundamental human 16 rights of people experiencing mental illness and act in accordance with 17 the national and international standards that apply to mental health 18 services. 19 Principle 3: Person-centred approach 20 3.1 A mental health service must uphold a person-centred focus with a 21 view to obtaining the best possible outcomes for people 22 experiencing mental illness, including by recognising life 23 experiences, needs, preferences, aspirations, values and skills, 24 while delivering goal-oriented treatment, care and support. 25 3.2 A mental health service must promote positive and encouraging 26 recovery focused attitudes towards mental illness, including that 27 people can and do recover, lead full and productive lives and make 28 meaningful contributions to the community. 29 Principle 4: Delivery of treatment, care and support 30 A mental health service must be easily accessible and safe and provide 31 people experiencing mental illness with timely treatment, care and page 389 Mental Health Bill 2013 Schedule 1 Charter of Mental Health Care Principles 1 support of high quality based on contemporary best practice to promote 2 recovery in the least restrictive manner that is consistent with their needs. 3 Principle 5: Choice and self-determination 4 A mental health service must involve people in decision-making and 5 encourage self-determination, cooperation and choice, including by 6 recognising people's capacity to make their own decisions. 7 Principle 6: Diversity 8 A mental health service must recognise, and be sensitive and responsive 9 to, diverse individual circumstances, including those relating to gender, 10 sexuality, age, family, disability, lifestyle choices and cultural and 11 spiritual beliefs and practices. 12 Principle 7: People of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent 13 A mental health service must provide treatment and care to people of 14 Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent that is appropriate to, and 15 consistent with, their cultural and spiritual beliefs and practices and 16 having regard to the views of their families and, to the extent that it is 17 practicable and appropriate to do so, the views of significant members of 18 their communities, including elders and traditional healers, and 19 Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander mental health workers. 20 Principle 8: Co-occurring needs 21 A mental health service must address physical, medical and dental health 22 needs of people experiencing mental illness and other co-occurring health 23 issues, including physical and intellectual disability and alcohol and other 24 drug problems. 25 Principle 9: Factors influencing mental health and wellbeing 26 A mental health service must recognise the range of circumstances, both 27 positive and negative, that influence mental health and wellbeing, 28 including relationships, accommodation, recreation, education, financial 29 circumstances and employment. 30 Principle 10: Privacy and confidentiality 31 A mental health service must respect and maintain privacy and 32 confidentiality. page 390 Mental Health Bill 2013 Charter of Mental Health Care Principles Schedule 1 1 Principle 11: Responsibilities and dependants 2 A mental health service must acknowledge the responsibilities and 3 commitments of people experiencing mental illness, particularly the 4 needs of their children and other dependants. 5 Principle 12: Provision of information about mental illness and 6 treatment 7 A mental health service must provide, and clearly explain, information 8 about the nature of the mental illness and about treatment (including any 9 risks, side effects and alternatives) to people experiencing mental illness 10 in a way that will help them to understand and to express views or make 11 decisions. 12 Principle 13: Provision of information about rights 13 A mental health service must provide, and clearly explain, information 14 about legal rights, including those relating to representation, advocacy, 15 complaints procedures, services and access to personal information, in a 16 way that will help people experiencing mental illness to understand, 17 obtain assistance and uphold their rights. 18 Principle 14: Involvement of other people 19 A mental health service must take a collaborative approach to decision 20 making, including respecting and facilitating the right of people 21 experiencing mental illness to involve their family members, carers and 22 other personal support persons in planning, undertaking, evaluating and 23 improving their treatment, care and support. 24 Principle 15: Accountability and improvement 25 A mental health service must be accountable, committed to continuous 26 improvement and open to solving problems in partnership with all people 27 involved in the treatment, care and support of people experiencing mental 28 illness, including their family members, carers and other personal and 29 professional support persons. page 391 Mental Health Bill 2013 Schedule 2 Notifiable events 1 Schedule 2 -- Notifiable events 2 [s. 138(2)] 3 Table Provision Description of event Person responsible s. 28(8) The making of an order The practitioner who makes under s. 28 the order s. 28(12) The release of a person A medical practitioner or because of s. 28(10) or (11) authorised mental health practitioner s. 29(4) The making of a transport The practitioner who makes order under s. 29(1) the order s. 31(7) The release of a person The practitioner who because of s. 31(6) revokes the referral s. 55(6) The making of an order The person in charge of the under s. 55(1) authorised hospital s. 61(5) The making of an order The psychiatrist who makes under s. 61(1) the order s. 66(5) The making of a transfer The treating psychiatrist order under s. 66(1) s. 68(7) The release of a person The person in charge of the because of s. 68(6) authorised hospital s. 89(6) The release of a person The person in charge of the because of an order made hospital under s. 89(2)(b) or (c) s. 90(5) The making of an order The psychiatrist who makes under s. 90(1) the order page 392 Mental Health Bill 2013 Notifiable events Schedule 2 Provision Description of event Person responsible s. 91(5) The making of a transfer The psychiatrist who makes order under s. 91(2) the order s. 93(4) The expiry of an inpatient The person in charge of the treatment order hospital at which the involuntary inpatient was being detained s. 97(3) The absence of a person The person in charge of the without leave from a hospital or other place hospital or other place s. 105(13) The making of an order The psychiatrist who makes under s. 105(1) the order s. 106(4) The making of an order The psychiatrist who makes under s. 106(1) the order s. 110(5) The making of an order The psychiatrist who makes under s. 110(2) the order s. 120(7) The making of an order The supervising psychiatrist under s. 120(2) s. 123(8) The making of an order The supervising psychiatrist under s. 123(1) s. 124(7) The release of a person The person in charge of the because of s. 124(6) authorised hospital s. 130(5) The release of a person The person in charge of the because of s. 130(4) place s. 131(8) The making of an order The supervising psychiatrist under s. 131(2) s. 242(5) The provision of urgent The person in charge of the non-psychiatric treatment authorised hospital page 393 Mental Health Bill 2013 Schedule 2 Notifiable events Provision Description of event Person responsible s. 553(4) The making of a transfer The person in charge of the order under s. 553(1) hospital s. 555(6) The making of a transfer The person in charge of the approval order under hospital s. 555(1) page 394 Mental Health Bill 2013 Defined Terms Defined terms [This is a list of terms defined and the provisions where they are defined. The list is not part of the law.] Defined term Provision(s) admission .............................................................................................................. 4 adult ...................................................................................................................... 4 advance health directive ........................................................................................ 4 advocacy services officer ............................................................................. 374(1) Agency .................................................................................................................. 4 application................................................................................................. 379, 491 apprehension and return order ....................................................................... 98(1) approved form ............................................................................................... 4, 160 approved product information,..................................................................... 304(2) authorised hospital ................................................................................................ 4 authorised mental health practitioner .................................................................... 4 authorised person .............................................................................................. 161 bodily restraint ...................................................................................................... 4 bodily restraint order ......................................................................................... 226 carer ...................................................................................................................... 4 Carers Charter ................................................................................................... 305 CEO .............................................................................................4, 571(1), 572(1) CEO of the Health Department ............................................................................. 4 Charter of Mental Health Care Principles ............................................................. 4 Chief Mental Health Advocate ............................................................................. 4 Chief Psychiatrist .................................................................................................. 4 child ...................................................................................................................... 4 child and adolescent psychiatrist .......................................................................... 4 close family member ............................................................................................. 4 community mental health service ......................................................................... 4 community treatment order ........................................................................... 4, 113 company ....................................................................................................... 577(1) complainant....................................................................................................... 305 complaint ............................................................................................. 305, 345(1) Complaints Office ............................................................................................. 305 Complaints Office staff ..................................................................................... 305 complaints procedure ................................................................................... 308(1) continuation order .......................................................................... 85, 113, 121(1) corresponding law ........................................................................................ 549(1) corresponding overseas authority................................................................. 570(1) decision ........................................................................................ 379, 469(1), 491 decision or order .......................................................................................... 501(1) decision-maker ............................................................................................. 453(1) detention period .................................................................................................. 85 page 395 Mental Health Bill 2013 Defined Terms Director ............................................................................................................. 305 Director of the Complaints Office ........................................................................ 4 discharge ............................................................................................................... 4 disclosing CEO ................................................................................571(2), 572(2) document............................................................................................................... 4 electroconvulsive therapy ..................................................................................... 4 emergency psychiatric treatment .......................................................................... 4 enduring guardian ................................................................................................. 4 enduring power of guardianship ........................................................................... 4 excluded mental health service .................................................................... 323(1) extension order............................................................................................. 152(3) file .........................................................................................................................4 first treatment period .................................................................................... 118(1) further opinion .................................................................................121(5), 182(2) GAA Act ............................................................................................................... 4 general hospital ..................................................................................................... 4 guardian ................................................................................................................ 4 Health Department ................................................................................................ 4 Health Minister ..................................................................................................... 4 hearing ...................................................................................................... 379, 491 hospital .................................................................................................................. 4 identified person ............................................................................................... 348 information about a proceeding .......................................................466(1), 500(1) informed consent................................................................................................... 4 initial review period ..................................................................................... 386(1) inpatient treatment order ....................................................................................... 4 intergovernmental agreement....................................................................... 549(1) interstate authority ....................................................................................... 570(1) interstate community patient ........................................................................ 549(1) interstate community treatment order .......................................................... 549(1) interstate inpatient ........................................................................................ 549(1) interstate inpatient treatment order .............................................................. 549(1) interstate mental health service .................................................................... 549(1) investigation ...................................................................................................... 305 involuntary community patient ..................................................................... 4, 113 involuntary inpatient ............................................................................................. 4 involuntary patient ................................................................................................ 4 involuntary treatment order................................................................................... 4 last review .................................................................................................... 387(1) last review day ............................................................................................. 387(1) lawyer ............................................................................................................... 379 leave of absence ................................................................................................ 104 legal practitioner ................................................................................................... 4 long-term voluntary inpatient ........................................................................... 402 maximum extension period .......................................................................... 389(1) page 396 Mental Health Bill 2013 Defined Terms medical practitioner .............................................................................................. 4 member ............................................................................................................. 379 mental health advocate .......................................................................................... 4 mental health practitioner ..................................................................................... 4 mental health service ........................ 4, 12(1), 252, 305, 348, 505, 570(1), 572(1) Mental Health Tribunal ......................................................................................... 4 mental illness ........................................................................................................ 4 mentally impaired accused .................................................................................... 4 Mentally Impaired Accused Review Board .......................................................... 4 metropolitan area .................................................................................................. 4 MIA Act ................................................................................................................ 4 Minister ................................................................................................................. 4 month ........................................................................................................... 201(2) neurosurgeon......................................................................................................... 4 nominated person .................................................................................................. 4 nomination ............................................................................................................ 4 notifiable event ............................................................................................ 138(1) notifiable incident ............................................................................................. 523 nurse...................................................................................................................... 4 occupational therapist ........................................................................................... 4 off-label treatment........................................................................................ 304(2) oral authorisation ...................................................................................... 211, 226 order to attend .............................................................................................. 128(2) parent or guardian ................................................................................................. 4 party .......................................................................................................... 379, 491 patient ................................................................................................................... 4 patient's psychiatrist ............................................................................................. 4 periodic review period ................................................................................. 387(1) person concerned ...................................................................................... 379, 491 person's representative ................................................................................ 334(1) personal information ............................................................................................. 4 personal possessions .................................................................................... 259(2) personal support person ........................................................................................ 4 prejudicial conduct ....................................................................................... 345(1) prescribed..................................................................................................... 309(1) prescribed financial market .......................................................................... 577(1) prescribed health professional............................................................. 48(1), 79(1) prescribed number of days ........................................................................... 387(1) prescribed period.......................................................................................... 389(1) prescribed person .............................................................................317(1), 452(1) prescribed provision .......................................................................................... 171 prescribed requirement ..................................................................................... 420 prescribed State authority ............................................................................ 571(1) President of the Tribunal ................................................................................... 379 presiding member ............................................................................................. 379 page 397 Mental Health Bill 2013 Defined Terms private hospital ...................................................................................................... 4 private psychiatric hostel ...................................................................................... 4 proceeding................................................................................................. 379, 491 product information ..................................................................................... 304(2) psychiatrist ............................................................................................................ 4 psychologist .......................................................................................................... 4 psychosurgery ....................................................................................................... 4 public hospital ....................................................................................................... 4 publish..............................................................................................466(1), 500(1) question of law .................................................................................439(1), 493(1) registered service provider ........................................................................... 326(1) registered therapeutic goods ........................................................................ 304(2) registrar ............................................................................................................. 379 registration board .................................................................................................. 4 registry officer................................................................................................... 379 related person ............................................................................................... 577(1) relative .............................................................................................316(1), 577(1) relevant decision .......................................................................................... 389(1) relevant document ............................................................................................. 247 relevant information ................................... 334(1), 521(1), 570(1), 571(1), 572(1) relevant interest ............................................................................................ 577(1) relevant record ............................................................................................. 334(1) relevant written law ..................................................................................... 574(1) remuneration ......................................................................................................... 4 reportable incident ....................................................................................... 254(1) requesting CEO ................................................................................571(3), 572(3) respondent ......................................................................................................... 305 restricted information ................................................................................... 459(1) review period ...................................................................................118(1), 389(1) review proceeding ........................................................................................ 453(1) reviewable decision...................................................................................... 453(1) revocation order .................................................................. 101(1), 154(1), 579(3) seclusion ............................................................................................................... 4 seclusion order .................................................................................................. 211 serious adverse event ................................................................................... 201(2) service provider......................................................................................... 305, 420 social worker ......................................................................................................... 4 specified information ................................................................................... 314(1) staff member ......................................................................................................... 4 State authority .............................................................................................. 570(1) State inpatient .............................................................................................. 549(1) substantial holding ....................................................................................... 577(1) supervising psychiatrist ................................................................................. 4, 113 traditional healer ................................................................................................... 4 transfer approval order ................................................................................. 555(1) page 398 Mental Health Bill 2013 Defined Terms transfer order ........................................................................... 66(1), 91(2), 553(1) transport officer............................................................................................. 4, 147 treating practitioner ........................................................................................... 113 treating psychiatrist ............................................................................................... 4 treatment ............................................................................................................... 4 treatment decision ................................................................................................. 4 treatment in the community .................................................................................. 4 treatment order .................................................................................................. 397 treatment period ................................................................................................ 113 treatment, support and discharge plan................................................................... 4 Tribunal............................................................................................................. 379 urgent non-psychiatric treatment ................................................................. 242(2) voluntary inpatient ................................................................................................ 4 voluntary patient ................................................................................................... 4 witness .............................................................................................................. 379 youth advocate ............................................................................................. 350(2)
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