Western Australian Bills

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                                Western Australia

                           LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL

                            (Hon. Dr Christine Sharp)

          Misuse of Drugs Amendment (Cannabis
              Cautioning Notices) Bill 1999
                                    A Bill for

     An Act to amend the Misuse of Drugs Act 1981.

     The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows:

     1.      Purpose
             The main purposes of this Act are --
              (a) to reduce the social impacts of a conviction for simple
 5                 cannabis offences;
              (b) to make the penalties which apply to the drug consistent
                   with its capacity to produce harm;
              (c) to reduce the costs to the criminal justice system,
                   including the police and the courts, of prosecuting
10                 simple cannabis offences;

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     Misuse of Drugs Amendment (Cannabis Cautioning Notices) Bill 1999

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                 (d)   to make cannabis law more consistent with community
                       values; and
                 (e)   to acknowledge cannabis as primarily a health issue.

     2.         Short title
 5              This Act may be cited as the Misuse of Drugs Amendment
                (Cannabis Cautioning Notices) Act 1999.

     3.         Commencement
          (1)   Subject to subsection (2), this Act comes into operation on the
                day it receives the Royal Assent.
10        (2)   Subject to subsection (3), sections 5 and 6 come into operation
                on a day to be proclaimed.
          (3)   If a provision referred to in subsection (2) does not come into
                operation before 1 January 2001, it comes into operation on that

15   4.         Principal Act
                In this Act the Misuse of Drugs Act 1981* is referred to as the
                principal Act.
                [* Act No. 66 of 1981.
                For subsequent amendments see 1997 Index to Legislation of
20              Western Australia, pp. 157-8.]

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          Misuse of Drugs Amendment (Cannabis Cautioning Notices) Bill 1999

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     5.       New Part IIA
              The principal Act is amended by inserting after section 8 the
              following Part --
 5           Part IIA -- Cautioning procedure for certain
                       simple cannabis offences
           8A.      Interpretation
                    In this Part, unless otherwise stated --
                    "cannabis cautioning notice" means a notice
10                       prescribed by regulation and served under this
                    "simple cannabis offence" means a simple offence
                         under section 6(2) or section 7(2) involving --
                         (a) the possession or use of not more than 100
15                             grams of cannabis;
                         (b) the cultivation of not more than two cannabis
                               plants; or
                         (c) the possession or use of not more than 100
                               grams of cannabis and the cultivation of not
20                             more than two cannabis plants;
                    "cautioning notice" means cannabis cautioning notice;
                    "drug offence" includes any offence against --
                         (a) this Act;
25                       (b) the Poisons Act 1964; or
                         (c) any Act or law of the Commonwealth or
                               another State or Territory which offence is
                               prescribed for the purposes of this section.

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     Misuse of Drugs Amendment (Cannabis Cautioning Notices) Bill 1999

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            8B.     Police officer may serve cannabis cautioning notice
              (1)   Where a police officer believes on reasonable grounds
                    that a person has committed a simple cannabis offence
                    the police officer may, in accordance with this Part,
 5                  serve the person (the "alleged offender") with a
                    cannabis cautioning notice.
              (2)   A cautioning notice must not be served under this Part
                    unless the alleged offender --
                      (a) is an adult;
10                   (b) admits to the offence;
                      (c) consents to the cautioning notice;
                     (d) has no prior convictions for any drug offence in
                            this State or any other State or Territory; and
                      (e) has not been served with more than one prior
15                          cautioning notice under this Part.
              (3)   A cautioning notice must include --
                     (a) legal, medical and any other information
                           prescribed by regulation relating to the
                           possession, use or cultivation of cannabis; and
20                   (b) the names of, and contact information for,
                           relevant counselling agencies, if any, in this
              (4)   This Part does not apply where it is alleged that in
                    addition to, and at the same time as, the commission of
25                  the simple cannabis offence, the alleged offender
                    committed one or more other drug offences.

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          Misuse of Drugs Amendment (Cannabis Cautioning Notices) Bill 1999

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              (5)       Where a cautioning notice is served in accordance with
                        this Part --
                          (a) any liability of the alleged offender in respect
                                of the alleged simple cannabis offence shall be
 5                              deemed to be discharged;
                          (b) no further proceedings shall be taken in respect
                                of the alleged simple cannabis offence; and
                          (c) the alleged offender shall not be regarded as
                                having been convicted of the alleged simple
10                              cannabis offence.
              (6)       Any substance seized under this Act, or any other Act
                        or law, in connection with the alleged simple cannabis
                        offence that would have been liable to forfeiture in the
                        event of a conviction shall, on service of the cautioning
15                      notice in accordance with this Part, be forfeited to the
              (7)       Subject to subsection (5), nothing in this Part shall be
                        construed as affecting the institution or prosecution of
                        proceedings for a simple cannabis offence.
20                                                                                   ".

     6.       Consequential amendment
              Section 41 of the principal Act is amended by inserting after
              paragraph (a) of subsection (1) the following new paragraph --
25                      (ab)   providing for --
                                 (i) the form of cannabis cautioning notices
                                      under Part IIA; and
                                (ii) the procedure to be followed in and in
                                      relation to the serving of such notices;
30                                                                                   ".

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Misuse of Drugs Amendment (Cannabis Cautioning Notices) Bill 1999

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7.       Repeal
         Subsection (1) of section 5 of the principal Act is amended by
         repealing subparagraph (i) of paragraph (d).


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