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Western Australia Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Amendment Bill 2021 Contents Part 1 -- Preliminary 1. Short title 2 2. Commencement 2 Part 2 -- Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Act 2020 amended 3. Act amended 3 4. Long title replaced 3 5. Section 4 amended 3 6. Section 6 replaced 4 6. Disclosure to registration authorities in participating jurisdictions 4 7. Protection from liability for giving information 6 7A. Tabling documents relating to scheme reviews 6 8. Termination of adoptions 7 9. Revoking termination proclamations 8 Part 3 -- Consequential amendments to other Acts Division 1 -- Architects Act 2004 amended 7. Act amended 9 8. Section 4 amended 9 9. Section 29 amended 9 58--2 page i Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Amendment Bill 2021 Contents 10. Section 30 replaced 9 30. Conditions on registration or renewal of registration 9 30A. Architects must be covered by architect insurance 10 11. Section 36 amended 10 12. Section 52 amended 10 13. Section 56 amended 10 Division 2 -- Betting Control Act 1954 amended 14. Act amended 11 15. Section 11E amended 11 Division 3 -- Debt Collectors Licensing Act 1964 amended 16. Act amended 11 17. Section 9 amended 11 18. Section 10 amended 12 19. Section 20 amended 14 Division 4 -- Electricity Act 1945 amended 20. Act amended 15 21. Section 32 amended 15 Division 5 -- Employment Agents Act 1976 amended 22. Act amended 15 23. Section 25 amended 15 Division 6 -- Food Act 2008 amended 24. Act amended 16 25. Section 96A inserted 16 96A. Food safety auditor must be insured 16 26. Section 97 amended 17 27. Part 14 Division 1 heading inserted 18 Division 1 -- Transitional provisions for Food Act 2008 28. Part 14 Division 2 inserted 18 Division 2 -- Transitional provisions for Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Amendment Act 2021 155. Providing insurance information 18 page ii Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Amendment Bill 2021 Contents Division 7 -- Gas Standards Act 1972 amended 29. Act amended 19 30. Section 13A amended 19 31. Section 13AA inserted 19 13AA. Disciplinary action against former registered persons 19 Division 8 -- Land Valuers Licensing Act 1978 amended 32. Act amended 21 33. Section 27 amended 21 34. Section 28 amended 21 Division 9 -- Motor Vehicle Dealers Act 1973 amended 35. Act amended 23 36. Section 15 amended 23 37. Section 20 amended 23 38. Section 20B amended 24 Division 10 -- Motor Vehicle Repairers Act 2003 amended 39. Act amended 24 40. Part 2 Division 3 heading amended 24 41. Section 29 replaced 25 29. Regulations may require licensees to be insured 25 42. Section 65 amended 25 43. Section 68 amended 26 44. Section 69 amended 26 Division 11 -- Real Estate and Business Agents Act 1978 amended 45. Act amended 27 46. Section 68 amended 27 47. Section 105A inserted 28 105A. Cancellation of licence due to insufficient resources or cessation of business 28 Division 12 -- Settlement Agents Act 1981 amended 48. Act amended 28 49. Section 34AA amended 28 50. Section 35 amended 29 page iii Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Amendment Bill 2021 Contents 51. Section 85A inserted 30 85A. Cancellation of licence due to insufficient resources or cessation of business 30 Division 13 -- Teacher Registration Act 2012 amended 52. Act amended 30 53. Section 3 amended 30 54. Section 47 amended 31 Division 14 -- Veterinary Practice Act 2021 amended 55. Act amended 32 56. Section 3 amended 32 57. Section 19 amended 33 58. Part 2 Division 4 heading replaced 33 Division 4 -- Interstate veterinarians 59. Section 21 amended 34 60. Section 22 replaced 34 22. Registration as interstate veterinarian 34 61. Section 24 amended 35 62. Section 26 amended 35 63. Section 54 amended 36 64. Section 65 amended 36 65. Section 79 amended 37 66. Section 112 amended 37 page iv Western Australia LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL (As amended in Committee) Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Amendment Bill 2021 A Bill for An Act to amend the Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Act 2020 and to make consequential amendments to other Acts. The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows: page 1 Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Amendment Bill 2021 Part 1 Preliminary s. 1 1 Part 1 -- Preliminary 2 1. Short title 3 This is the Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Amendment 4 Act 2021. 5 2. Commencement 6 This Act comes into operation as follows -- 7 (a) Part 1 -- on the day on which this Act receives the 8 Royal Assent; 9 (b) the rest of the Act -- on a day fixed by proclamation. page 2 Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Amendment Bill 2021 Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Act 2020 amended Part 2 s. 3 1 Part 2 -- Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) 2 Act 2020 amended 3 3. Act amended 4 This Part amends the Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) 5 Act 2020. 6 4. Long title replaced 7 Delete the long title and insert: 8 9 An Act -- 10 • to adopt the Mutual Recognition Act 1992 11 (Commonwealth) as originally enacted and any 12 amendments made to it before this Act receives the Royal 13 Assent, for the purposes of section 51(xxxvii) of the 14 Constitution of the Commonwealth; and 15 • to adopt the amendments made to the Mutual 16 Recognition Act 1992 (Commonwealth) by the Mutual 17 Recognition Amendment Act 2021 (Commonwealth), for 18 the purposes of section 51(xxxvii) of the Constitution of 19 the Commonwealth; and 20 • for related purposes. 21 22 5. Section 4 amended 23 (1) After section 4(1) insert: 24 25 (1A) Without limiting subsection (1), the State adopts the 26 amendments made to the Commonwealth Act by the 27 Mutual Recognition Amendment Act 2021 28 (Commonwealth). 29 page 3 Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Amendment Bill 2021 Part 2 Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Act 2020 amended s. 6 1 (2) In section 4(2) delete "of the Commonwealth Act under this 2 Act" and insert: 3 4 under subsection (1) 5 6 (3) After section 4(4) insert: 7 8 (5) The adoptions under subsections (1) and (1A) 9 terminate in accordance with section 8. 10 11 6. Section 6 replaced 12 Delete section 6 and insert: 13 14 6. Disclosure to registration authorities in 15 participating jurisdictions 16 (1) In this section -- 17 activity has the meaning given in section 4(1) of the 18 Commonwealth Act; 19 covers has the meaning given in section 4(1) of the 20 Commonwealth Act; 21 occupation has the meaning given in section 4(1) of 22 the Commonwealth Act; 23 participating jurisdiction has the meaning given in 24 section 5(4) of the Commonwealth Act; 25 registration, of an individual for an occupation, means 26 a registration, licence, approval, admission, 27 certification (including a practising certificate) or other 28 authorisation given under law that authorises the 29 individual to carry on the occupation or an activity 30 covered by the occupation; page 4 Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Amendment Bill 2021 Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Act 2020 amended Part 2 s. 6 1 registration authority, for an occupation in a 2 participating jurisdiction, means a person who gives 3 individuals registrations for the occupation in the 4 participating jurisdiction. 5 (2) This section applies if a registration authority for an 6 occupation in the State gives a registration for the 7 occupation to an individual and any of the following 8 events occur -- 9 (a) the individual's registration is suspended or 10 cancelled; 11 (b) the registration authority refuses to renew the 12 individual's registration; 13 (c) a condition is imposed on the individual's 14 registration; 15 (d) an action is taken against the individual on 16 disciplinary grounds in connection with -- 17 (i) the individual's registration; or 18 (ii) carrying on the occupation or an activity 19 covered by the occupation; 20 (e) civil or criminal proceedings are commenced 21 against the individual that are relevant to -- 22 (i) the individual's registration; or 23 (ii) carrying on the occupation or an activity 24 covered by the occupation. 25 (3) Despite any written law relating to confidentiality, 26 privacy or secrecy, a registration authority for the 27 occupation in the State may give the following 28 information to a registration authority for the 29 occupation in another participating jurisdiction -- 30 (a) the individual's name, address and any other 31 information necessary to identify the 32 individual; page 5 Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Amendment Bill 2021 Part 2 Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Act 2020 amended s. 6 1 (b) information about the individual's registration, 2 including any conditions imposed; 3 (c) information about the event, including the 4 outcome of the event. 5 7. Protection from liability for giving information 6 (1) If information is given in good faith under section 6 of 7 this Act or section 33, 37, 42M, 42N, 42P or 42V of 8 the Commonwealth Act -- 9 (a) no civil or criminal liability is incurred in 10 respect of giving the information; and 11 (b) giving the information is not to be regarded as a 12 breach of any duty of confidentiality, privacy or 13 secrecy imposed by law; and 14 (c) giving the information is not to be regarded as a 15 breach of professional ethics or standards or as 16 unprofessional conduct. 17 (2) The State is also relieved of any liability that it might 18 otherwise have had for another person having done 19 anything as described in subsection (1). 20 7A. Tabling documents relating to scheme reviews 21 (1) In this section -- 22 intergovernmental agreement means the 23 Intergovernmental Agreement on the Automatic 24 Mutual Recognition of Occupational Registration 25 entered into by the Commonwealth, the States and the 26 Northern Territory on 11 December 2020, as in force 27 from time to time; 28 scheme review means a review of the operation and 29 effectiveness of the intergovernmental agreement and 30 the Commonwealth Act carried out under clause 12 of 31 the intergovernmental agreement. page 6 Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Amendment Bill 2021 Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Act 2020 amended Part 2 s. 6 1 (2) Subsection (3) applies if -- 2 (a) a scheme review is carried out; and 3 (b) a report is prepared by the person carrying out 4 the review; and 5 (c) the Minister receives the report. 6 (3) The Minister must cause the report to be laid before 7 each House of Parliament as soon as practicable after 8 the Minister receives the report. 9 (4) If a report to which subsection (3) applies contains 10 sensitive, confidential or personal information, the 11 Minister may comply with subsection (3) by removing 12 the sensitive, confidential or personal information from 13 the report before causing the document to be laid 14 before each House. 15 8. Termination of adoptions 16 (1) The Governor may by proclamation fix a day as the 17 day on which -- 18 (a) the adoptions under both section 4(1) and (1A) 19 are to terminate; or 20 (b) the adoption under section 4(1) is to terminate; 21 or 22 (c) the adoption under section 4(1A) is to 23 terminate. 24 (2) However, the Governor cannot fix a day under 25 subsection (1)(b) that is before a day fixed under 26 subsection (1)(c). 27 (3) If the adoption under section 4(1A) terminates before 28 the adoption under section 4(1), the termination of the 29 adoption under section 4(1A) does not affect the 30 continued operation in the State of the Commonwealth 31 Act as adopted under section 4(1). page 7 Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Amendment Bill 2021 Part 2 Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Act 2020 amended s. 6 1 9. Revoking termination proclamations 2 (1) The Governor may by proclamation (a revoking 3 proclamation) revoke a proclamation made under 4 section 8(1). 5 (2) A revoking proclamation has effect only if published in 6 the Gazette before the day fixed in the proclamation 7 made under section 8(1). 8 (3) If a revoking proclamation has effect, the revoked 9 proclamation is taken never to have been made. 10 (4) A revoking proclamation does not prevent the further 11 making of a proclamation under section 8(1). 12 page 8 Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Amendment Bill 2021 Consequential amendments to other Acts Part 3 Architects Act 2004 amended Division 1 s. 7 1 Part 3 -- Consequential amendments to other Acts 2 Division 1 -- Architects Act 2004 amended 3 7. Act amended 4 This Division amends the Architects Act 2004. 5 8. Section 4 amended 6 In section 4(1) insert in alphabetical order: 7 8 architect insurance means insurance that -- 9 (a) is in effect in respect of civil liability for 10 anything done or omitted in carrying on the 11 practice of architecture; and 12 (b) complies with the requirements prescribed by 13 the regulations; 14 15 9. Section 29 amended 16 After section 29(a) insert: 17 18 (aa) is covered by architect insurance; and 19 20 10. Section 30 replaced 21 Delete section 30 and insert: 22 23 30. Conditions on registration or renewal of 24 registration 25 The registration or renewal of the registration of a 26 natural person must not be subject to conditions except 27 to the extent that conditions may be imposed -- 28 (a) under section 51(6); or page 9 Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Amendment Bill 2021 Part 3 Consequential amendments to other Acts Division 1 Architects Act 2004 amended s. 11 1 (b) by way of taking disciplinary action. 2 30A. Architects must be covered by architect insurance 3 A registered person must not carry on the practice of 4 architecture unless the person is covered by architect 5 insurance. 6 7 11. Section 36 amended 8 Before section 36(2)(a)(i) insert: 9 10 (ia) is covered by architect insurance; and 11 12 12. Section 52 amended 13 In section 52(1) delete "that is recorded in the register in 14 relation to the person or corporation." and insert: 15 16 of the person or corporation provided to the Board. 17 18 13. Section 56 amended 19 In section 56(1): 20 (a) after paragraph (d) insert: 21 22 (da) that the person has been found guilty of an 23 offence committed in the course of carrying on 24 the practice of architecture; 25 (db) that the person has engaged in fraudulent 26 conduct in connection with the practice of 27 architecture; 28 29 (b) delete the note. page 10 Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Amendment Bill 2021 Consequential amendments to other Acts Part 3 Betting Control Act 1954 amended Division 2 s. 14 1 Division 2 -- Betting Control Act 1954 amended 2 14. Act amended 3 This Division amends the Betting Control Act 1954. 4 15. Section 11E amended 5 In section 11E(1) delete "shall, on being required to do so by the 6 Commission," and insert: 7 8 must 9 10 Division 3 -- Debt Collectors Licensing Act 1964 amended 11 16. Act amended 12 This Division amends the Debt Collectors Licensing Act 1964. 13 17. Section 9 amended 14 (1) Delete section 9(4) and insert: 15 16 (4) The Commissioner must issue a licence if the 17 Commissioner -- 18 (a) grants an application for the licence or renewal 19 of the licence; and 20 (b) receives the prescribed fee for the issue or 21 renewal of the licence. 22 23 (2) In section 9(5) delete "he" and insert: 24 25 the Commissioner 26 page 11 Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Amendment Bill 2021 Part 3 Consequential amendments to other Acts Division 3 Betting Control Act 1954 amended s. 18 1 18. Section 10 amended 2 (1) In section 10(1) delete "if the complaint complies with 3 subsection (1ab)." and insert: 4 5 or former licensee if the complaint complies with 6 subsection (1a). 7 8 (2) In section 10(1a): 9 (a) in paragraph (a) delete "has to specify the licensee" and 10 insert: 11 12 must specify the licensee or former licensee 13 14 (b) in paragraph (b) delete "has to be a ground described in 15 subsection (1)." and insert: 16 17 must be a ground described in subsection (1b). 18 19 (3) In section 10(1b): 20 (a) delete "subsection (2) --" and insert: 21 22 subsection (1c) -- 23 24 (b) in paragraph (a) delete "improperly obtained his" and 25 insert: 26 27 or former licensee improperly obtained their 28 29 (c) in paragraph (b) after "licensee" insert: 30 31 or former licensee 32 page 12 Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Amendment Bill 2021 Consequential amendments to other Acts Part 3 Betting Control Act 1954 amended Division 3 s. 18 1 (d) after paragraph (b) insert: 2 3 (ba) on the ground that the licensee or former 4 licensee has engaged in fraudulent conduct in 5 connection with carrying on business, or 6 carrying out functions, under their licence; or 7 (bb) on the ground that the licensee or former 8 licensee has been negligent or incompetent in 9 connection with carrying on business, or 10 carrying out functions, under their licence; or 11 (bc) on the ground that the licensee or former 12 licensee has carried on business, or carried out 13 functions, under their licence in contravention 14 of section 20(1) or (1A); or 15 16 (4) In section 10(1d): 17 (a) after "licensee" insert: 18 19 or former licensee 20 21 (b) delete "is required to" and insert: 22 23 must 24 25 (5) In section 10(2) delete the passage that begins with "may order" 26 and ends with "licence." and insert: 27 28 may order -- 29 (a) in the case of a licensee -- 30 (i) that the licensee's licence is cancelled 31 and must be given to the Commissioner; 32 and page 13 Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Amendment Bill 2021 Part 3 Consequential amendments to other Acts Division 3 Betting Control Act 1954 amended s. 19 1 (ii) if the licence is cancelled -- that the 2 licensee is disqualified from holding a 3 licence, either permanently or for a 4 period specified by the Tribunal in the 5 order; 6 or 7 (b) in the case of a former licensee -- that the 8 former licensee is disqualified from holding a 9 licence, either permanently or for a period 10 specified by the Tribunal in the order. 11 12 (6) In section 10(4) delete "shall," and insert: 13 14 must, 15 16 (7) In section 10(5) delete "licensee is disqualified from holding a 17 licence he shall be deemed" and insert: 18 19 person is disqualified from holding a licence they are taken 20 21 Note: The heading to amended section 10 is to read: 22 Cancellation and disqualification 23 19. Section 20 amended 24 Delete section 20(1) and insert: 25 26 (1) Before a licensee carries on the business or carries out 27 the functions of a debt collector, the licensee must 28 lodge with the Commissioner the fidelity bond or 29 approved security referred to in subsection (2). page 14 Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Amendment Bill 2021 Consequential amendments to other Acts Part 3 Electricity Act 1945 amended Division 4 s. 20 1 (1A) A licensee must not carry on the business or carry out 2 the functions of a debt collector unless the licensee has 3 in force the fidelity bond or approved security referred 4 to in subsection (2). 5 6 Division 4 -- Electricity Act 1945 amended 7 20. Act amended 8 This Division amends the Electricity Act 1945. 9 21. Section 32 amended 10 (1) Delete section 32(3)(a)(iiia). 11 (2) After section 32(3) insert: 12 13 (3A) Regulations made under subsection (3)(f) and (faa) 14 may allow for penalties to be imposed on, and 15 disciplinary proceedings or action to be taken against, a 16 person who formerly held a licence, permit or 17 authorisation. 18 19 Division 5 -- Employment Agents Act 1976 amended 20 22. Act amended 21 This Division amends the Employment Agents Act 1976. 22 23. Section 25 amended 23 (1) In section 25(1): 24 (a) in paragraph (b) delete "Act." and insert: 25 26 Act; or 27 page 15 Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Amendment Bill 2021 Part 3 Consequential amendments to other Acts Division 6 Food Act 2008 amended s. 24 1 (b) after paragraph (b) insert: 2 3 (c) has been negligent or incompetent in 4 connection with carrying on the business of an 5 employment agent; or 6 (d) has failed to ensure the proper management and 7 supervision of a person carrying on the business 8 of an employment agent on their behalf. 9 10 (2) In section 25(6) delete "he or it shall not, for the period of that 11 disqualification, be eligible to apply for" and insert: 12 13 they are not eligible, for the period of that disqualification, to 14 apply for or hold 15 16 Division 6 -- Food Act 2008 amended 17 24. Act amended 18 This Division amends the Food Act 2008. 19 25. Section 96A inserted 20 After section 96 insert: 21 22 96A. Food safety auditor must be insured 23 (1) In this section -- 24 insurance information, in relation to a food safety 25 auditor, means the following information about the 26 auditor's insurance under subsection (2) -- 27 (a) the name of the insurer; page 16 Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Amendment Bill 2021 Consequential amendments to other Acts Part 3 Food Act 2008 amended Division 6 s. 26 1 (b) the amount of the insurance; 2 (c) the nature and scope of the insurance. 3 (2) A food safety auditor must not carry out their functions 4 as an auditor unless the auditor holds or is covered by 5 insurance that -- 6 (a) is in effect in respect of the auditor's civil 7 liability for anything done or omitted in 8 carrying out their functions; and 9 (b) complies with the requirements prescribed by 10 the regulations. 11 (3) The auditor must give the CEO the auditor's insurance 12 information within 28 days after the auditor begins to 13 carry out their functions as an auditor. 14 (4) Subsection (3) does not apply if the auditor gives the 15 auditor's insurance information to the CEO within the 16 period of 2 months ending on the day on which the 17 auditor begins to carry out their functions as an auditor. 18 (5) If the auditor's insurance information changes, the 19 auditor must give the new insurance information to the 20 CEO within 14 days after the day on which the change 21 takes effect. 22 23 26. Section 97 amended 24 After section 97(2)(d) insert: 25 26 (da) if the CEO is satisfied that the person has 27 contravened section 96A(2); 28 page 17 Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Amendment Bill 2021 Part 3 Consequential amendments to other Acts Division 6 Food Act 2008 amended s. 27 1 27. Part 14 Division 1 heading inserted 2 At the beginning of Part 14 insert: 3 4 Division 1 -- Transitional provisions for Food Act 2008 5 6 28. Part 14 Division 2 inserted 7 After section 154 insert: 8 9 Division 2 -- Transitional provisions for Mutual 10 Recognition (Western Australia) Amendment Act 2021 11 155. Providing insurance information 12 (1) In this section -- 13 commencement day means the day on which the 14 Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Amendment 15 Act 2021 section 25 comes into operation; 16 insurance information has the meaning given in 17 section 96A(1). 18 (2) Section 96A(3) and (4) do not apply to a food safety 19 auditor who began to carry out their functions as an 20 auditor before commencement day. 21 (3) The CEO may request a food safety auditor to give the 22 auditor's insurance information to the CEO if -- 23 (a) the auditor began to carry out their functions as 24 an auditor before commencement day; and 25 (b) the auditor has not provided their insurance 26 information to the CEO. 27 page 18 Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Amendment Bill 2021 Consequential amendments to other Acts Part 3 Gas Standards Act 1972 amended Division 7 s. 29 1 Division 7 -- Gas Standards Act 1972 amended 2 29. Act amended 3 This Division amends the Gas Standards Act 1972. 4 30. Section 13A amended 5 After section 13A(11)(c) insert: 6 7 (ca) is guilty of an offence committed in the course 8 of carrying out the practice of gasfitting; 9 (cb) engaged in fraudulent conduct in connection 10 with the practice of gasfitting; 11 12 31. Section 13AA inserted 13 After section 13A insert: 14 15 13AA. Disciplinary action against former registered 16 persons 17 (1) In this section -- 18 former holder means a person who formerly held a 19 registration; 20 interstate authority means a person in another State, 21 the Australian Capital Territory or the Northern 22 Territory who has functions that correspond or 23 substantially correspond to the functions of the 24 Director under this Act; 25 registration means a certificate of competency, permit 26 or authorisation granted under regulations made under 27 section 13A(3)(b). page 19 Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Amendment Bill 2021 Part 3 Consequential amendments to other Acts Division 7 Gas Standards Act 1972 amended s. 31 1 (2) The Director may apply to the State Administrative 2 Tribunal for action to be taken by the Tribunal under 3 this section against a former holder if the former 4 holder -- 5 (a) obtains their registration by fraud or 6 misrepresentation; or 7 (b) is disqualified by an interstate authority from 8 carrying out the practice of gasfitting; or 9 (c) is found guilty of an offence under this Act; or 10 (d) is found guilty of an offence committed in the 11 course of carrying out the practice of gasfitting; 12 or 13 (e) engages in fraudulent conduct in connection 14 with the practice of gasfitting; or 15 (f) engages in misconduct by failing to safely carry 16 out the practice of gasfitting. 17 (3) For the purposes of investigating a former holder, 18 section 13A(12) to (15) apply as if the definition of 19 holder in section 13A(12) included the former holder. 20 (4) If the State Administrative Tribunal, on dealing with an 21 application under subsection (2), is satisfied that a 22 matter referred to in that subsection has been made out, 23 the Tribunal may by order disqualify the former holder 24 from holding a registration -- 25 (a) permanently; or 26 (b) for a period specified by the Tribunal in the 27 order. 28 page 20 Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Amendment Bill 2021 Consequential amendments to other Acts Part 3 Land Valuers Licensing Act 1978 amended Division 8 s. 32 1 Division 8 -- Land Valuers Licensing Act 1978 amended 2 32. Act amended 3 This Division amends the Land Valuers Licensing Act 1978. 4 33. Section 27 amended 5 In section 27 after "against a" insert: 6 7 current or former 8 9 34. Section 28 amended 10 (1) In section 28(1): 11 (a) after "against a" insert: 12 13 current or former 14 15 (b) in paragraph (a) delete "licensed"; 16 (c) in paragraph (b) delete "him;" and insert: 17 18 the valuer; 19 20 (d) delete paragraph (c) and insert: 21 22 (c) if the valuer is a current licensed valuer -- 23 (i) suspend or cancel the valuer's licence; 24 and 25 (ii) if the licence is cancelled -- disqualify 26 the valuer from holding a licence 27 permanently, for a specified period or 28 until they fulfil a specified condition; page 21 Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Amendment Bill 2021 Part 3 Consequential amendments to other Acts Division 8 Land Valuers Licensing Act 1978 amended s. 34 1 (d) if the valuer is a former licensed valuer -- 2 disqualify the valuer from holding a licence 3 permanently, for a specified period or until they 4 fulfil a specified condition. 5 6 (2) In section 28(2): 7 (a) delete "shall be proper cause for disciplinary action" and 8 insert: 9 10 is proper cause for disciplinary action against a current 11 or former licensed valuer 12 13 (b) in paragraphs (a) and (b) delete "licensed"; 14 (c) in paragraph (c) delete "licensed" (1st occurrence); 15 (d) after paragraph (c) insert: 16 17 (ca) the valuer has been found guilty of an offence 18 committed in the course of carrying on business 19 under a licence; or 20 (cb) the valuer has engaged in fraudulent conduct in 21 connection with carrying on business under a 22 licence; or 23 (cc) the valuer has failed to ensure the proper 24 management and supervision of an activity 25 carried out under a licence on their behalf; or 26 27 (e) in paragraph (d) delete "licensed". page 22 Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Amendment Bill 2021 Consequential amendments to other Acts Part 3 Motor Vehicle Dealers Act 1973 amended Division 9 s. 35 1 Division 9 -- Motor Vehicle Dealers Act 1973 amended 2 35. Act amended 3 This Division amends the Motor Vehicle Dealers Act 1973. 4 36. Section 15 amended 5 In section 15(6) in the definitions of sufficient knowledge of 6 this Act and sufficient resources delete "the Commissioner 7 considers that". 8 37. Section 20 amended 9 In section 20(1): 10 (a) in paragraph (b)(ii) delete "authorisation." and insert: 11 12 authorisation; 13 14 (b) after paragraph (b) insert: 15 16 or 17 (c) has obtained an authorisation because of 18 incorrect or misleading information; or 19 (d) has been found guilty of an offence committed 20 in the course of carrying on business under an 21 authorisation; or 22 (e) has engaged in fraudulent conduct in 23 connection with carrying on business under an 24 authorisation; or 25 (f) has been negligent or incompetent in 26 connection with carrying on business under an 27 authorisation; or page 23 Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Amendment Bill 2021 Part 3 Consequential amendments to other Acts Division 10 Motor Vehicle Repairers Act 2003 amended s. 38 1 (g) has failed to ensure the proper management and 2 supervision of business carried on under an 3 authorisation on the person's behalf. 4 5 38. Section 20B amended 6 (1) In section 20B(1) delete "shall" and insert: 7 8 or another written law must 9 10 (2) In section 20B(3) in the definition of relevant maximum fine 11 delete "this Act," and insert: 12 13 this Act or another written law, 14 15 Division 10 -- Motor Vehicle Repairers Act 2003 amended 16 39. Act amended 17 This Division amends the Motor Vehicle Repairers Act 2003. 18 40. Part 2 Division 3 heading amended 19 In the heading to Part 2 Division 3 after "conditions" insert: 20 21 and requirements 22 page 24 Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Amendment Bill 2021 Consequential amendments to other Acts Part 3 Motor Vehicle Repairers Act 2003 amended Division 10 s. 41 1 41. Section 29 replaced 2 Delete section 29 and insert: 3 4 29. Regulations may require licensees to be insured 5 (1) The regulations may require a licensee -- 6 (a) to hold or be covered by insurance that -- 7 (i) is in effect in respect of anything done 8 or omitted in carrying on business under 9 the licensee's business licence; and 10 (ii) complies with the requirements 11 prescribed by the regulations; 12 and 13 (b) to give information in relation to the insurance 14 to the Commissioner. 15 (2) Despite the Interpretation Act 1984 section 43(7) and 16 (8)(d), regulations made under subsection (1) must not 17 provide for different requirements to apply in respect 18 of different licensees or different classes of licensees. 19 20 42. Section 65 amended 21 In section 65(1): 22 (a) in paragraph (c) delete "certificate." and insert: 23 24 certificate; or 25 26 (b) after paragraph (c) insert: 27 28 (d) a person who was formerly a person referred to 29 in paragraph (a), (b) or (c). 30 page 25 Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Amendment Bill 2021 Part 3 Consequential amendments to other Acts Division 10 Motor Vehicle Repairers Act 2003 amended s. 43 1 43. Section 68 amended 2 In section 68(1): 3 (a) in paragraph (c) after "holder" insert: 4 5 or former holder 6 7 (b) in paragraph (c) delete "applies." and insert: 8 9 applies; or 10 11 (c) after paragraph (c) insert: 12 13 (d) to have been found guilty of an offence 14 committed in the course of carrying on business 15 under a business licence or certificate; or 16 (e) to have engaged in fraudulent conduct in 17 connection with carrying on business under a 18 business licence or certificate; or 19 (f) to have been negligent or incompetent in 20 connection with carrying on business under a 21 business licence or certificate. 22 23 44. Section 69 amended 24 In section 69(2): 25 (a) delete "applies" and insert: 26 27 applies, other than a person who is not currently a 28 person described in section 65(1)(a) to (c), 29 page 26 Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Amendment Bill 2021 Consequential amendments to other Acts Part 3 Real Estate and Business Agents Act 1978 amended Division 11 s. 45 1 (b) in paragraph (a) delete "he or she" (each occurrence) 2 and insert: 3 4 the person 5 6 Division 11 -- Real Estate and Business Agents Act 1978 7 amended 8 45. Act amended 9 This Division amends the Real Estate and Business Agents 10 Act 1978. 11 46. Section 68 amended 12 In section 68(1): 13 (a) delete "shall maintain one or more trust accounts," and 14 insert: 15 16 must maintain at least 1 trust account exclusively for the 17 purposes of this Act, 18 19 (b) delete "shall," and insert: 20 21 must, 22 23 (c) delete "him" and insert: 24 25 the agent 26 27 Note: The heading to amended section 68 is to read: 28 Use of trust accounts page 27 Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Amendment Bill 2021 Part 3 Consequential amendments to other Acts Division 12 Settlement Agents Act 1981 amended s. 47 1 47. Section 105A inserted 2 After section 105 insert: 3 4 105A. Cancellation of licence due to insufficient resources 5 or cessation of business 6 The State Administrative Tribunal may, on application 7 by the Commissioner, cancel a licence if the Tribunal 8 is satisfied that the licensee -- 9 (a) does not have sufficient material and financial 10 resources available to enable them to comply 11 with the requirements of this Act; or 12 (b) has ceased to carry on the business to which the 13 licence relates. 14 15 Division 12 -- Settlement Agents Act 1981 amended 16 48. Act amended 17 This Division amends the Settlement Agents Act 1981. 18 49. Section 34AA amended 19 Delete section 34AA(3) and insert: 20 21 (3) Without limiting subsection (2), the Commissioner 22 may impose a condition that relates to the payment of 23 fees under this Act, or to contributions to the Account, 24 and may vary the prescribed fees or contributions. 25 page 28 Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Amendment Bill 2021 Consequential amendments to other Acts Part 3 Settlement Agents Act 1981 amended Division 12 s. 50 1 50. Section 35 amended 2 Delete section 35(6) and (8) and insert: 3 4 (6) If the provisions of this section apply, a licensee who is 5 the holder of a triennial certificate must -- 6 (a) remain insured under the Master Policy 7 Agreement during the currency of the triennial 8 certificate; and 9 (b) hold a current certificate of insurance; and 10 (c) produce to the Commissioner -- 11 (i) the first certificate of insurance held by 12 the licensee; and 13 (ii) if a certificate of insurance held by the 14 licensee ceases to be of full force and 15 effect -- a replacement certificate of 16 insurance; 17 and 18 (d) pay all premiums payable by the licensee under 19 the Master Policy Agreement and certificate of 20 insurance; and 21 (e) comply with the provisions of the Master 22 Policy Agreement and certificate of insurance 23 that apply to the licensee. 24 (7) A licensee who does not comply with an obligation 25 under subsection (6)(b) or (c) is taken not to be the 26 holder of a triennial certificate until the licensee 27 complies with the obligation. 28 page 29 Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Amendment Bill 2021 Part 3 Consequential amendments to other Acts Division 13 Teacher Registration Act 2012 amended s. 51 1 51. Section 85A inserted 2 After section 85 insert: 3 4 85A. Cancellation of licence due to insufficient resources 5 or cessation of business 6 The State Administrative Tribunal may, on application 7 by the Commissioner, cancel a licence if the Tribunal 8 is satisfied that the licensee -- 9 (a) does not have sufficient material and financial 10 resources available to enable them to comply 11 with the requirements of this Act; or 12 (b) has ceased to carry on the business to which the 13 licence relates. 14 15 Division 13 -- Teacher Registration Act 2012 amended 16 52. Act amended 17 This Division amends the Teacher Registration Act 2012. 18 53. Section 3 amended 19 In section 3 insert in alphabetical order: 20 21 serious offence means an offence (whether committed 22 in or outside this State) that is -- 23 (a) an indictable offence against a law of this State, 24 the Commonwealth, another State or a Territory 25 (whether or not the offence is or may be dealt 26 with summarily); or page 30 Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Amendment Bill 2021 Consequential amendments to other Acts Part 3 Teacher Registration Act 2012 amended Division 13 s. 54 1 (b) an offence against the law of another State or a 2 Territory that would be an indictable offence 3 against a law of this State if committed in this 4 State (whether or not the offence could be dealt 5 with summarily if committed in this State); or 6 (c) an offence against the law of a foreign country 7 that would be an indictable offence against a 8 law of the Commonwealth or this State if 9 committed in this State (whether or not the 10 offence could be dealt with summarily if 11 committed in this State); 12 13 54. Section 47 amended 14 In section 47: 15 (a) delete paragraph (e) and insert: 16 17 (e) that a teacher has been convicted of a serious 18 offence; 19 (ea) that a teacher has been convicted of a 20 prescribed offence; 21 22 (b) in paragraph (f)(ii) delete "misconduct the nature of 23 which renders the person unfit to be registered; or" and 24 insert: 25 26 misconduct; or 27 page 31 Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Amendment Bill 2021 Part 3 Consequential amendments to other Acts Division 14 Veterinary Practice Act 2021 amended s. 55 1 Division 14 -- Veterinary Practice Act 2021 amended 2 55. Act amended 3 This Division amends the Veterinary Practice Act 2021. 4 56. Section 3 amended 5 (1) In section 3 delete the definitions of: 6 category 7 corresponding law 8 interstate veterinarian 9 specialty 10 (2) In section 3 insert in alphabetical order: 11 12 category, in relation to registration, means -- 13 (a) a category listed in section 5(1); or 14 (b) the category of registration as an interstate 15 veterinarian; 16 corresponding law means a law of another jurisdiction 17 that provides for the registration of veterinarians 18 (however described); 19 interstate veterinarian means a person registered under 20 section 22(1) as an interstate veterinarian; 21 specialty means a branch of veterinary medicine that 22 is -- 23 (a) accredited as a specialty under, or in the 24 manner prescribed by, the regulations; or 25 (b) a specialty (however described) under a 26 corresponding law; 27 page 32 Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Amendment Bill 2021 Consequential amendments to other Acts Part 3 Veterinary Practice Act 2021 amended Division 14 s. 57 1 (3) In section 3 in the definition of registration delete paragraph (a) 2 and insert: 3 4 (a) in relation to a person -- means registration 5 under Part 2 as -- 6 (i) a WA veterinarian in 1 or more 7 categories of registration listed in 8 section 5(1); or 9 (ii) an interstate veterinarian; or 10 (iii) a veterinary nurse; 11 or 12 13 (4) In section 3 in the definition of veterinary specialist delete 14 paragraph (b) and insert: 15 16 (b) an interstate veterinarian who holds their 17 interstate registration in a specialty; 18 19 57. Section 19 amended 20 In section 19 delete "interim registration)" and insert: 21 22 interim registration or registration as an interstate veterinarian) 23 24 58. Part 2 Division 4 heading replaced 25 Delete the heading to Part 2 Division 4 and insert: 26 27 Division 4 -- Interstate veterinarians 28 page 33 Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Amendment Bill 2021 Part 3 Consequential amendments to other Acts Division 14 Veterinary Practice Act 2021 amended s. 59 1 59. Section 21 amended 2 In section 21 delete the definition of corresponding specialty. 3 Note: The heading to amended section 21 is to read: 4 Term used: interstate registration 5 60. Section 22 replaced 6 Delete section 22 and insert: 7 8 22. Registration as interstate veterinarian 9 (1) A person is registered as an interstate veterinarian if -- 10 (a) the person holds interstate registration; and 11 (b) the participating jurisdiction in which the 12 person holds interstate registration is -- 13 (i) if the participating jurisdiction is a 14 participating jurisdiction under the 15 Mutual Recognition Act 1992 16 (Commonwealth) section 5(4) but is not 17 a pre-adoption State under section 4(1) 18 of that Act -- the person's home State 19 under section 42A of that Act for the 20 occupation of carrying out veterinary 21 medicine; or 22 (ii) otherwise -- the participating 23 jurisdiction in which the person has 24 their principal place of residence or 25 principal place of work in relation to 26 carrying out veterinary medicine; 27 and 28 (c) the person practises veterinary medicine in this 29 State. page 34 Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Amendment Bill 2021 Consequential amendments to other Acts Part 3 Veterinary Practice Act 2021 amended Division 14 s. 61 1 (2) Subject to section 26, it is a condition of registration 2 under subsection (1) that the person must not carry out 3 an act of veterinary medicine in this State unless the 4 law of the participating jurisdiction in which they hold 5 interstate registration authorises or permits the person 6 to carry out that act in that jurisdiction. 7 8 61. Section 24 amended 9 In section 24(1)(c) delete "section 27" and insert: 10 11 section 22(2) or 27 12 13 62. Section 26 amended 14 Delete section 26(1) and insert: 15 16 (1) The Board may, if it considers there are reasonable 17 grounds for doing so -- 18 (a) in relation to the condition referred to in 19 section 22(2) -- 20 (i) modify the condition to authorise the 21 person to carry out an act of veterinary 22 medicine that they would otherwise be 23 prohibited from carrying out under the 24 condition; or 25 (ii) remove the condition; 26 or 27 (b) otherwise -- modify or remove another 28 condition imposed on the registration of a 29 person. 30 page 35 Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Amendment Bill 2021 Part 3 Consequential amendments to other Acts Division 14 Veterinary Practice Act 2021 amended s. 63 1 63. Section 54 amended 2 In section 54: 3 (a) delete paragraph (b) and insert: 4 5 (b) if the person holds interstate registration in a 6 particular specialty -- that specialty; 7 8 (b) in paragraph (c) delete "is registered (however 9 described);" and insert: 10 11 holds interstate registration; 12 13 64. Section 65 amended 14 (1) After section 65(3)(b) insert: 15 16 (ba) in the case of an interstate veterinarian -- are 17 permitted to be used in connection with the 18 practice of veterinary medicine by the interstate 19 veterinarian in the participating jurisdiction in 20 which they hold interstate registration; or 21 22 (2) After section 65(4)(b) insert: 23 24 (ba) if the person employed or engaged in the 25 veterinary practice business is an interstate 26 veterinarian -- are permitted to be used in 27 connection with the practice of veterinary 28 medicine by the interstate veterinarian in the 29 participating jurisdiction in which they hold 30 interstate registration; or 31 page 36 Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Amendment Bill 2021 Consequential amendments to other Acts Part 3 Veterinary Practice Act 2021 amended Division 14 s. 65 1 65. Section 79 amended 2 In section 79(b) delete "WA". 3 66. Section 112 amended 4 In section 112(b) delete "granted under Part 2 or 3".
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