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Western Australia Mining Rehabilitation Fund Bill 2012 CONTENTS Part 1 -- Preliminary 1. Short title 2 2. Commencement 2 3. Terms used 2 4. Mining authorisation 3 Part 2 -- Mining Rehabilitation Fund 5. Establishment of Mining Rehabilitation Fund 5 6. Purpose of Fund 5 7. Payments to Fund 5 8. Payments from Fund 5 Part 3 -- Abandoned mine sites 9. Declaration of abandoned mine sites 7 10. Power to enter abandoned mine sites and affected land for rehabilitation work 7 Part 4 -- Mining rehabilitation levy Division 1 -- Mining rehabilitation levy 11. Mining rehabilitation levy 9 12. Liability for payment of levy 9 13. Amount of levy 9 Division 2 -- Assessment and reassessment of levy 14. Assessment of levy 9 15. Authorisation holder required to provide assessment information 9 16. How assessment is made 10 17. Assessment notice 10 298--2 page i Mining Rehabilitation Fund Bill 2012 Contents 18. Reassessment of levy 11 19. Reassessment notice 11 Division 3 -- Objections 20. Objection 12 21. Determination of objection 13 22. Notice of adjusted levy following objection 13 23. Notice of withdrawal of levy following objection 15 24. Review of decision on objection 15 Division 4 -- Payment and recovery of levy 25. When levy amount due and payable 16 26. Penalty for non-payment of levy 16 27. Recovery of levy amount and penalty amount 16 28. Liability to pay not affected by objection 16 Division 5 -- Other matters 29. CEO may require information and records 17 30. Incriminating information 18 31. False or misleading information 18 32. Evidentiary value of levy notice 19 Part 5 -- Miscellaneous 33. Mining Rehabilitation Advisory Panel 20 34. Delegation 20 35. Confidentiality 21 36. Protection from liability 21 37. Regulations 22 37A. Review of Act 22 Part 6 -- Consequential amendment 38. Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899 amended 23 Defined Terms page ii Western Australia LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY (As amended in Committee) Mining Rehabilitation Fund Bill 2012 A Bill for An Act to provide for -- • the establishment of the Mining Rehabilitation Fund; and • the declaration of abandoned mine sites; and • a levy payable in respect of mining authorisations, and for related purposes. The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows: page 1 Mining Rehabilitation Fund Bill 2012 Part 1 Preliminary s. 1 1 Part 1 -- Preliminary 2 1. Short title 3 This is the Mining Rehabilitation Fund Act 2012. 4 2. Commencement 5 This Act comes into operation as follows -- 6 (a) sections 1 and 2 -- on the day on which this Act 7 receives the Royal Assent; 8 (b) the rest of the Act -- on a day fixed by proclamation, 9 and different days may be fixed for different provisions. 10 3. Terms used 11 In this Act, unless the contrary intention appears -- 12 abandoned mine site means land declared to be an abandoned 13 mine site under section 9(1); 14 adjustment notice has the meaning given in section 22(2)(c); 15 affected land, in relation to an abandoned mine site, means land 16 outside the site that has been affected by mining operations 17 carried out in, on or under the site; 18 assessment means an assessment under section 14; 19 assessment notice has the meaning given in section 17(1); 20 CEO means the chief executive officer of the department; 21 department means the department of the Public Service 22 principally assisting in the administration of this Act; 23 due date, in relation to a levy amount, means the day specified 24 in a levy notice as the day on which the levy amount is payable; 25 Fund means the account called the Mining Rehabilitation Fund 26 established under section 5(1); 27 investment income means money derived from the investment 28 of money standing to the credit of the Fund; 29 land has the meaning given in the Mining Act 1978 section 8(1); page 2 Mining Rehabilitation Fund Bill 2012 Preliminary Part 1 s. 4 1 levy means the mining rehabilitation levy referred to in 2 section 11(1); 3 levy amount means the amount of levy that is payable; 4 levy notice means -- 5 (a) an assessment notice; or 6 (b) a reassessment notice; or 7 (c) an adjustment notice; 8 mining authorisation has the meaning given in section 4(2); 9 mining operations has the meaning given in the Mining 10 Act 1978 section 8(1); 11 objection means an objection under section 20(1); 12 original assessment has the meaning given in section 18(1)(a); 13 penalty amount means an amount payable under section 26(1); 14 prescribed means prescribed by the regulations; 15 reassessment means a reassessment under section 18(1); 16 reassessment notice has the meaning given in section 19(1); 17 record means any document or record of information, 18 irrespective of how the information is recorded or stored or able 19 to be recovered and includes -- 20 (a) any thing from which images, sounds or writings can be 21 reproduced, with or without the aid of anything else; and 22 (b) any thing on which information is recorded or stored, 23 whether electronically, magnetically, mechanically or by 24 some other means. 25 4. Mining authorisation 26 (1) In this section -- 27 Government agreement has the meaning given in the 28 Government Agreements Act 1979 section 2; 29 mining tenement, except in subsection (2)(d), has the meaning 30 given in the Mining Act 1978 section 8(1). page 3 Mining Rehabilitation Fund Bill 2012 Part 1 Preliminary s. 4 1 (2) For the purposes of this Act, each of these is a mining 2 authorisation -- 3 (a) a mining tenement unless it is granted, or held, pursuant 4 to a Government agreement; 5 (b) a mining tenement granted, or held, pursuant to a 6 Government agreement, if the mining tenement is 7 prescribed or of a class prescribed; 8 (c) a mineral lease granted under a Government agreement, 9 if the mineral lease is prescribed or of a class prescribed; 10 (d) a mining tenement referred to in the Mining Act 1978 11 section 5(2)(a), if the mining tenement is prescribed or 12 of a class prescribed; 13 (e) a right of occupancy referred to in the Mining Act 1978 14 section 5(2)(b), if the right of occupancy is prescribed or 15 of a class prescribed. page 4 Mining Rehabilitation Fund Bill 2012 Mining Rehabilitation Fund Part 2 s. 5 1 Part 2 -- Mining Rehabilitation Fund 2 5. Establishment of Mining Rehabilitation Fund 3 (1) An account called the Mining Rehabilitation Fund is established 4 for the department. 5 (2) The Fund is an agency special purpose account under the 6 Financial Management Act 2006 section 16. 7 6. Purpose of Fund 8 (1) The main purpose of the Fund is to provide a source of funding 9 for the rehabilitation of abandoned mine sites and other land 10 affected by mining operations carried out in, on or under those 11 sites. 12 (2) Subsection (1) does not limit or otherwise affect the operation 13 of section 8. 14 7. Payments to Fund 15 There is to be credited to the Fund -- 16 (a) any levy amount paid or recovered; and 17 (b) any penalty amount paid or recovered; and 18 (c) investment income. 19 8. Payments from Fund 20 (1) Money standing to the credit of the Fund (whether or not it 21 consists of or includes investment income) may be applied for 22 these purposes -- 23 (a) to fund the rehabilitation of -- 24 (i) abandoned mine sites that are, or have been, the 25 subject of mining authorisations in respect of 26 which the levy is, or has been, payable; and 27 (ii) any affected land relating to those sites; page 5 Mining Rehabilitation Fund Bill 2012 Part 2 Mining Rehabilitation Fund s. 8 1 (b) in payment of the amount of any refund required under 2 Part 4. 3 (2) Money standing to the credit of the Fund that consists of 4 investment income may also be applied for these purposes -- 5 (a) to fund the rehabilitation of -- 6 (i) abandoned mine sites other than those described 7 in subsection (1)(a)(i); and 8 (ii) any affected land relating to those sites; 9 (b) to fund programmes, or the provision of information, 10 relating to the rehabilitation of abandoned mine sites, 11 affected land and other land affected by mining 12 operations; 13 (c) in payment of the costs of administering the Fund; 14 (d) in payment of the other costs of administering and 15 enforcing this Act. page 6 Mining Rehabilitation Fund Bill 2012 Abandoned mine sites Part 3 s. 9 1 Part 3 -- Abandoned mine sites 2 9. Declaration of abandoned mine sites 3 (1) The CEO may, by notice published in the Gazette, declare land 4 to be an abandoned mine site for the purposes of this Act if the 5 CEO is satisfied that -- 6 (a) mining operations have been carried out in, on or under 7 the land; and 8 (b) those mining operations have ceased. 9 (2) Under subsection (1) -- 10 (a) more than one area of land may be declared to be a 11 single abandoned mine site; and 12 (b) more than one abandoned mine site may be declared in 13 the same notice. 14 (3) For the purposes of subsection (2)(a), the areas of land need not 15 be contiguous. 16 (4) The CEO may, by notice published in the Gazette, amend or 17 revoke a notice under subsection (1). 18 (5) A notice under this section comes into operation on the day on 19 which it is published in the Gazette or on any later day specified 20 in it. 21 10. Power to enter abandoned mine sites and affected land for 22 rehabilitation work 23 (1) In this section -- 24 rehabilitation work means work to rehabilitate an abandoned 25 mine site or affected land that is funded from money standing to 26 the credit of the Fund. 27 (2) A person authorised in writing by the CEO may enter an 28 abandoned mine site or affected land for the purpose of carrying 29 out rehabilitation work. page 7 Mining Rehabilitation Fund Bill 2012 Part 3 Abandoned mine sites s. 10 1 (3) Entry under subsection (2) may be made with any assistants or 2 equipment that the person authorised considers necessary for the 3 purpose of carrying out rehabilitation work. 4 (4) A person must not exercise the power in subsection (2) -- 5 (a) in respect of private land (as defined in the Mining 6 Act 1978 section 8(1)) unless -- 7 (i) the person has taken reasonable steps to give the 8 owner or occupier of the land notice of the 9 intended entry; or 10 (ii) the owner or occupier of the land consents to the 11 entry; 12 or 13 (b) in respect of land that is the subject of a pastoral lease 14 (as defined in the Land Administration Act 1997 15 section 3(1)) unless -- 16 (i) the person has taken reasonable steps to give the 17 holder of the lease notice of the intended entry; 18 or 19 (ii) the holder of the lease consents to the entry. 20 (5) A notice under subsection (4) must specify the purpose for 21 which the entry is required and successive entries for that 22 purpose are to be regarded as entries to which the notice relates. page 8 Mining Rehabilitation Fund Bill 2012 Mining rehabilitation levy Part 4 Mining rehabilitation levy Division 1 s. 11 1 Part 4 -- Mining rehabilitation levy 2 Division 1 -- Mining rehabilitation levy 3 11. Mining rehabilitation levy 4 (1) A levy called the mining rehabilitation levy is payable in respect 5 of each mining authorisation that is in force. 6 (2) The levy is payable each year in accordance with the 7 regulations. 8 12. Liability for payment of levy 9 The person liable to pay the levy in respect of a mining 10 authorisation in a particular year is the holder of the mining 11 authorisation on the day prescribed for the purposes of 12 section 15(2) in that year. 13 13. Amount of levy 14 The amount of levy payable is the amount that is specified in, or 15 worked out in accordance with, the regulations. 16 Division 2 -- Assessment and reassessment of levy 17 14. Assessment of levy 18 The CEO must assess the levy amount for each person liable to 19 pay the levy. 20 15. Authorisation holder required to provide assessment 21 information 22 (1) In this section -- 23 assessment information means information of a prescribed kind 24 required for the purposes of making an assessment. page 9 Mining Rehabilitation Fund Bill 2012 Part 4 Mining rehabilitation levy Division 2 Assessment and reassessment of levy s. 16 1 (2) The holder of a mining authorisation must, on or before the 2 prescribed day each year, give to the CEO assessment 3 information in the form and manner approved by the CEO. 4 Penalty: a fine of $20 000. 5 16. How assessment is made 6 (1) The CEO may make an assessment on the basis of assessment 7 information given to the CEO under section 15 or other 8 information obtained or provided under this Act or the Mining 9 Act 1978. 10 (2) If -- 11 (a) assessment information has not been given to the CEO 12 under section 15; or 13 (b) the CEO is not satisfied with the adequacy or reliability 14 of information available to make an assessment, 15 the CEO may make an assessment on the basis of the CEO's 16 estimate of the levy amount. 17 (3) This section does not limit the matters to which the CEO may 18 have regard when making an assessment. 19 17. Assessment notice 20 (1) After making an assessment the CEO must give a notice (an 21 assessment notice) to the person liable to pay the levy. 22 (2) The assessment notice must specify these matters -- 23 (a) the date of the notice; 24 (b) the levy amount; 25 (c) the day on which the levy amount is payable (being a 26 day not less than 30 days after the date of the notice); 27 (d) any other matter required by the regulations. page 10 Mining Rehabilitation Fund Bill 2012 Mining rehabilitation levy Part 4 Assessment and reassessment of levy Division 2 s. 18 1 18. Reassessment of levy 2 (1) The CEO may reassess a levy amount if the CEO considers 3 that -- 4 (a) there has been an error in the assessment of the levy 5 amount (the original assessment); or 6 (b) there has been an error in an earlier reassessment of the 7 levy amount; or 8 (c) it is otherwise appropriate to do so. 9 (2) A reassessment may increase or decrease the levy amount or 10 determine that the levy amount is to remain unchanged. 11 (3) A reassessment may be made whether or not the levy amount or 12 any part of it has been paid in relation to the original assessment 13 or any earlier reassessment. 14 (4) A reassessment cannot be made more than 2 years after the 15 original assessment was made. 16 19. Reassessment notice 17 (1) If, on a reassessment, the levy amount is increased or decreased 18 the CEO must give a notice (a reassessment notice) to the 19 person liable to pay the levy. 20 (2) The reassessment notice must specify these matters -- 21 (a) the date of the notice; 22 (b) the levy amount as reassessed; 23 (c) if the levy amount is increased -- 24 (i) any amount of levy payable under the original 25 assessment, or any earlier reassessment, that is 26 unpaid; and 27 (ii) any additional amount of levy payable as a 28 consequence of the reassessment and the day on 29 which that amount is payable (being a day not 30 less than 30 days after the date of the notice); and page 11 Mining Rehabilitation Fund Bill 2012 Part 4 Mining rehabilitation levy Division 3 Objections s. 20 1 (iii) any penalty amount that is owing; 2 (d) if the levy amount is decreased -- 3 (i) any amount of levy payable under the original 4 assessment, or any earlier reassessment, that is 5 unpaid (after taking into account the 6 reassessment); and 7 (ii) the amount of any refund; and 8 (iii) any penalty amount that is owing (after taking 9 into account the reassessment); 10 (e) any other matter required by the regulations. 11 (3) If an amount of levy in excess of the amount referred to in 12 subsection (2)(b) has been paid by the person liable to pay the 13 levy, the CEO must cause -- 14 (a) the amount of the excess; and 15 (b) any penalty amount paid in relation to the amount of the 16 excess, 17 to be refunded to the person. 18 Division 3 -- Objections 19 20. Objection 20 (1) A person may object to an assessment notice or a reassessment 21 notice given to the person -- 22 (a) on the ground that the person is not liable to pay the levy 23 amount to which the notice relates; or 24 (b) on the ground that there is an error in the assessment or 25 reassessment of the levy amount; or 26 (c) on a prescribed ground (if any). 27 (2) An objection must be made to the CEO in writing within -- 28 (a) 28 days after the date of the assessment notice or 29 reassessment notice; or page 12 Mining Rehabilitation Fund Bill 2012 Mining rehabilitation levy Part 4 Objections Division 3 s. 21 1 (b) if that period is extended under subsection (3) -- the 2 extended period. 3 (3) The CEO may extend the period referred to in subsection (2)(a), 4 before or after it has expired, if the person making the objection 5 shows that there are reasonable grounds for doing so. 6 (4) An objection must -- 7 (a) identify the person making it; and 8 (b) give details of the ground on which it is made; and 9 (c) have attached to it the assessment notice or reassessment 10 notice to which it relates; and 11 (d) comply with any other prescribed requirements. 12 21. Determination of objection 13 (1) The CEO must consider and determine an objection within 14 28 days after the day on which it is made. 15 (2) In determining an objection, the CEO may decide that -- 16 (a) the levy amount is to be increased or decreased; or 17 (b) the levy amount is to remain unchanged; or 18 (c) the person to whom the assessment notice or 19 reassessment notice was given is not liable to pay the 20 levy to which the notice relates. 21 (3) After making a decision on an objection, the CEO must give to 22 the person who made the objection a notice setting out the 23 CEO's decision and the reasons for the decision. 24 22. Notice of adjusted levy following objection 25 (1) This section applies if the CEO's decision on an objection is 26 that the levy amount is to be increased or decreased. 27 (2) The CEO must -- 28 (a) determine -- 29 (i) the levy amount; and page 13 Mining Rehabilitation Fund Bill 2012 Part 4 Mining rehabilitation levy Division 3 Objections s. 22 1 (ii) any penalty amount; 2 and 3 (b) determine the amount that is owing or is to be refunded 4 having regard to -- 5 (i) any amount of levy already paid in relation to an 6 assessment or reassessment; and 7 (ii) any penalty amount already paid; 8 and 9 (c) give a notice (an adjustment notice) to the person liable 10 to pay the levy. 11 (3) The adjustment notice must specify these matters -- 12 (a) the date of the notice; 13 (b) the levy amount; 14 (c) if the levy amount is increased -- 15 (i) any amount of levy payable under an assessment 16 or reassessment that is unpaid; and 17 (ii) any additional amount of levy payable as a 18 consequence of the determination under 19 subsection (2)(b) (the relevant determination) 20 and the day on which that amount is payable 21 (being a day not less than 30 days after the date 22 of the notice); and 23 (iii) any penalty amount that is owing; 24 (d) if the levy amount is decreased -- 25 (i) any amount of levy payable under an assessment 26 or reassessment that is unpaid (after taking into 27 account the relevant determination); and 28 (ii) the amount of any refund; and 29 (iii) any penalty amount that is owing (after taking 30 into account the relevant determination). page 14 Mining Rehabilitation Fund Bill 2012 Mining rehabilitation levy Part 4 Objections Division 3 s. 23 1 (4) If an amount of levy in excess of the levy amount specified 2 under subsection (3)(b) has been paid by a person, the CEO 3 must cause -- 4 (a) the amount of the excess; and 5 (b) any penalty amount paid in relation to the amount of the 6 excess, 7 to be refunded to the person. 8 23. Notice of withdrawal of levy following objection 9 (1) This section applies if the CEO's decision on an objection is 10 that the person to whom the assessment notice or reassessment 11 notice was given is not liable to pay the levy to which the notice 12 relates. 13 (2) The CEO must -- 14 (a) give to the person referred to in subsection (1) a notice 15 stating that the assessment notice or reassessment notice 16 is withdrawn; and 17 (b) cause to be refunded to the person -- 18 (i) any amount of levy paid by the person in relation 19 to the assessment or reassessment; and 20 (ii) any penalty amount paid by the person in relation 21 to the assessment or reassessment. 22 24. Review of decision on objection 23 (1) A person who is dissatisfied with a decision of the CEO on an 24 objection may apply to the State Administrative Tribunal for a 25 review of the decision. 26 (2) An application under subsection (1) must be made within -- 27 (a) 42 days after the day on which notice of the decision is 28 given under section 21(3); or 29 (b) if that period is extended under subsection (3) -- the 30 extended period. page 15 Mining Rehabilitation Fund Bill 2012 Part 4 Mining rehabilitation levy Division 4 Payment and recovery of levy s. 25 1 (3) The State Administrative Tribunal may extend the period 2 referred to in subsection (2)(a), before or after it has expired, 3 if the applicant shows that there are reasonable grounds for 4 doing so. 5 Division 4 -- Payment and recovery of levy 6 25. When levy amount due and payable 7 A levy amount becomes due and payable on the due date. 8 26. Penalty for non-payment of levy 9 (1) If a levy amount remains unpaid after the due date, the person 10 liable to pay the levy is liable to pay, in addition to the levy 11 amount, an amount calculated at the prescribed rate on the levy 12 amount from time to time remaining unpaid. 13 (2) The CEO may waive, in whole or in part, a penalty amount if 14 the CEO considers that there are good reasons for doing so. 15 27. Recovery of levy amount and penalty amount 16 These amounts may be recovered by the CEO in a court of 17 competent jurisdiction as debts due to the State -- 18 (a) a levy amount that remains unpaid after the due date; 19 (b) a penalty amount that remains unpaid. 20 28. Liability to pay not affected by objection 21 A person's liability to pay a levy amount or penalty amount is 22 not affected by the making of an objection. page 16 Mining Rehabilitation Fund Bill 2012 Mining rehabilitation levy Part 4 Other matters Division 5 s. 29 1 Division 5 -- Other matters 2 29. CEO may require information and records 3 (1) The CEO, for the purposes of the administration and 4 enforcement of this Part, may do any of these things -- 5 (a) direct a person -- 6 (i) to give such information as the CEO requires; or 7 (ii) to answer a question put to the person; 8 (b) direct a person to produce a record in the person's 9 custody or under the person's control; 10 (c) examine and make a copy of a record produced in 11 response to a direction under paragraph (b). 12 (2) A direction under subsection (1)(a) -- 13 (a) may be given orally or in writing to the person required 14 to give the information or answer; and 15 (b) must specify the time at or within which the information 16 or answer is to be given; and 17 (c) may require that the information or answer -- 18 (i) be given orally or in writing; or 19 (ii) be given at or delivered to a place specified in 20 the direction; or 21 (iii) in the case of written information or a written 22 answer, be delivered by means specified in the 23 direction; or 24 (iv) be verified by statutory declaration. 25 (3) A direction under subsection (1)(b) -- 26 (a) must be given in writing to the person required to 27 produce the record; and 28 (b) must specify the time at or within which the record is to 29 be produced; and page 17 Mining Rehabilitation Fund Bill 2012 Part 4 Mining rehabilitation levy Division 5 Other matters s. 30 1 (c) may require that the record be produced -- 2 (i) at a place specified in the direction; and 3 (ii) by means specified in the direction. 4 (4) A person to whom a direction is given under subsection (1) 5 must not, without reasonable excuse, fail to comply with the 6 direction. 7 Penalty: a fine of $20 000. 8 30. Incriminating information 9 (1) An individual is not excused from giving information, 10 answering a question or producing a record when directed to do 11 so under section 29(1) on the ground that the information, 12 answer to the question, or production of the record, might tend 13 to incriminate the individual or make the individual liable to a 14 penalty. 15 (2) However -- 16 (a) the information or answer given or record produced; or 17 (b) giving the information, answering the question or 18 producing the record; or 19 (c) any information, document or thing obtained as a direct 20 or indirect consequence of giving the information, 21 answering the question or producing the record, 22 is not admissible in evidence against the individual -- 23 (d) in any civil proceedings; or 24 (e) in any criminal proceedings other than proceedings for 25 perjury or an offence against section 31. 26 31. False or misleading information 27 (1) A person must not, in compliance or purported compliance with 28 section 15(2), a direction under section 29(1), or any other 29 requirement under this Act, do any of the things to which this 30 subsection applies. 31 Penalty: a fine of $20 000. page 18 Mining Rehabilitation Fund Bill 2012 Mining rehabilitation levy Part 4 Other matters Division 5 s. 32 1 (2) The things to which subsection (1) applies are -- 2 (a) making a statement that the person knows is false or 3 misleading in a material particular; or 4 (b) making a statement that is false or misleading in a 5 material particular, with reckless disregard as to whether 6 or not the statement is false or misleading in a material 7 particular; or 8 (c) providing, or causing to be provided, information that 9 the person knows is false or misleading in a material 10 particular; or 11 (d) providing, or causing to be provided, information that is 12 false or misleading in a material particular, with reckless 13 disregard as to whether or not the information is false or 14 misleading in a material particular. 15 32. Evidentiary value of levy notice 16 A levy notice (or a copy of a levy notice) is admissible as 17 evidence in proceedings under this Act and, in the absence of 18 proof to the contrary, is proof of these matters -- 19 (a) the making of the assessment, reassessment or decision 20 on an objection, as the case requires; 21 (b) the levy amount; 22 (c) the identity of the person liable to pay the levy; 23 (d) when the levy amount is due and payable; 24 (e) any other fact stated in the notice. page 19 Mining Rehabilitation Fund Bill 2012 Part 5 Miscellaneous s. 33 1 Part 5 -- Miscellaneous 2 33. Mining Rehabilitation Advisory Panel 3 (1) A body called the Mining Rehabilitation Advisory Panel is 4 established. 5 (2) The members of the Panel are to be appointed by the CEO. 6 (3) The function of the Panel is to provide advice to the CEO in 7 relation to -- 8 (a) any matter relating to the administration of this Act that 9 is prescribed; and 10 (b) any other matter relating to the administration of this 11 Act on which the CEO requests the Panel to provide 12 advice. 13 (4) Without limiting section 37(1), the regulations may make 14 provision for and in relation to -- 15 (a) the constitution and membership of the Panel; and 16 (b) the appointment, term of office, resignation and removal 17 of members of the Panel; and 18 (c) the procedure of the Panel. 19 34. Delegation 20 (1) The CEO may delegate to a public service officer in the 21 department any power or duty of the CEO under another 22 provision of this Act other than the powers conferred by 23 section 9(1) and (4). 24 (2) The delegation must be in writing signed by the CEO. 25 (3) A person to whom a power or duty is delegated under this 26 section cannot delegate that power or duty. 27 (4) A person exercising or performing a power or duty that has been 28 delegated to the person under this section is to be taken to do so page 20 Mining Rehabilitation Fund Bill 2012 Miscellaneous Part 5 s. 35 1 in accordance with the terms of the delegation unless the 2 contrary is shown. 3 (5) Nothing in this section limits the ability of the CEO to perform 4 a function through an officer or agent. 5 35. Confidentiality 6 A person who is or has been engaged in the performance of 7 functions under this Act must not, directly or indirectly, record, 8 disclose or make use of any information obtained in the 9 performance of those functions except -- 10 (a) for the purpose of, or in connection with, the 11 administration of this Act or another written law; or 12 (b) as required or allowed by this Act or another written 13 law; or 14 (c) with the written consent of the Minister or the person to 15 whom the information relates; or 16 (d) for the purpose of any proceedings before a court or the 17 State Administrative Tribunal arising out of the 18 operation of this Act; or 19 (e) in prescribed circumstances. 20 Penalty: a fine of $20 000. 21 36. Protection from liability 22 (1) An action in tort does not lie against a person for anything that 23 the person has done, in good faith, in the performance or 24 purported performance of a function under this Act. 25 (2) The protection given by subsection (1) applies even though the 26 thing done as described in that subsection may have been 27 capable of being done whether or not this Act had been enacted. 28 (3) Despite subsection (1), the State is not relieved of any liability 29 that it might have for another person having done anything as 30 described in that subsection. page 21 Mining Rehabilitation Fund Bill 2012 Part 5 Miscellaneous s. 37 1 (4) In this section a reference to the doing of anything includes a 2 reference to the omission to do anything. 3 37. Regulations 4 (1) The Governor may make regulations prescribing all matters that 5 are -- 6 (a) required or permitted to be prescribed by this Act; or 7 (b) necessary or convenient to be prescribed for giving 8 effect to this Act. 9 (2) Without limiting subsection (1), the regulations may -- 10 (a) provide for levy amounts to be worked out on such 11 basis, and in accordance with such factors, as are 12 prescribed; and 13 (b) deal with matters relating to the assessment or 14 reassessment of levy amounts; and 15 (c) provide that contravention of a regulation is an offence 16 and, for an offence against the regulations, provide for a 17 penalty not exceeding a fine of $10 000. 18 37A. Review of Act 19 (1) The Minister must carry out a review of the operation and 20 effectiveness of this Act as soon as is practicable after the end 21 of the period of 10 years beginning on the day on which this Act 22 receives the Royal Assent. 23 (2) The Minister must prepare a report based on the review and 24 must cause the report to be laid before each House of Parliament 25 as soon as is practicable after it is prepared and, in any event, 26 not later than 18 months after the end of the period referred to in 27 subsection (1). page 22 Mining Rehabilitation Fund Bill 2012 Consequential amendment Part 6 s. 38 1 Part 6 -- Consequential amendment 2 38. Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899 amended 3 (1) This section amends the Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899. 4 (2) In Schedule V Part 3 after the item relating to the Mining and 5 Petroleum Advisory Committee insert: 6 7 The Mining Rehabilitation Advisory Panel established by 8 the Mining Rehabilitation Fund Act 2012. 9 page 23 Mining Rehabilitation Fund Bill 2012 Defined Terms Defined Terms [This is a list of terms defined and the provisions where they are defined. The list is not part of the law.] Defined Term Provision(s) abandoned mine site .............................................................................................3 adjustment notice ....................................................................................... 3, 22(2) affected land .........................................................................................................3 assessment ............................................................................................................3 assessment information.................................................................................. 15(1) assessment notice....................................................................................... 3, 17(1) CEO ......................................................................................................................3 department ............................................................................................................3 due date.................................................................................................................3 Fund......................................................................................................................3 Government agreement.................................................................................... 4(1) investment income ................................................................................................3 land .......................................................................................................................3 levy .......................................................................................................................3 levy amount ..........................................................................................................3 levy notice ............................................................................................................3 mining authorisation .............................................................................................3 mining operations .................................................................................................3 mining tenement .............................................................................................. 4(1) objection ...............................................................................................................3 original assessment .................................................................................... 3, 18(1) penalty amount .....................................................................................................3 prescribed .............................................................................................................3 reassessment .........................................................................................................3 reassessment notice.................................................................................... 3, 19(1) record....................................................................................................................3 rehabilitation work......................................................................................... 10(1) relevant determination ................................................................................... 22(3)
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