Western Australian Bills

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                   Western Australia

Nickel (Agnew) Agreement Amendment
              Bill 2023


1.   Short title                                              2
2.   Commencement                                             2
3.   Act amended                                              2
4.   Section 2 amended                                        2
5.   Section 3B inserted                                      3
     3B.      Ratification of 2022 variation agreement   3
6.   Third Schedule inserted                                  3
     Third Schedule -- 2022 variation agreement

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                           Western Australia

                      LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL

      Nickel (Agnew) Agreement Amendment
                    Bill 2023

                               A Bill for

An Act to amend the Nickel (Agnew) Agreement Act 1974.

The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows:

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1    1.         Short title
2               This is the Nickel (Agnew) Agreement Amendment Act 2023.

3    2.         Commencement
4               This Act comes into operation as follows --
5                (a) sections 1 and 2 -- on the day on which this Act
6                      receives the Royal Assent;
7                (b) the rest of the Act -- on the day after that day.

8    3.         Act amended
9               This Act amends the Nickel (Agnew) Agreement Act 1974.

10   4.         Section 2 amended
11        (1)   In section 2 insert in alphabetical order:

13                    2022 variation agreement means the agreement a copy
14                    of which is set out in the Third Schedule;

16        (2)   In section 2 in the definition of the Agreement delete "Variation
17              Agreement;" and insert:

19              Variation Agreement and the 2022 variation agreement;

21              Note: The heading to amended section 2 is to read:
22                    Terms used

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1    5.     Section 3B inserted
2           After section 3A insert:

4         3B.      Ratification of 2022 variation agreement
5           (1)    The 2022 variation agreement is ratified.
6           (2)    The implementation of the 2022 variation agreement is
7                  authorised.
8           (3)    Without limiting or otherwise affecting the
9                  Government Agreements Act 1979, the 2022 variation
10                 agreement operates and takes effect despite any
11                 enactment or other law.

13   6.     Third Schedule inserted
14          After the Second Schedule insert:

16              Third Schedule -- 2022 variation agreement
17                                                                      [s. 2]
18                                     2022

22                                     AND
23                      BHP NICKEL WEST PTY LTD
24                            ACN 004 184 598


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3                     NICKEL (AGNEW) AGREEMENT 1974


7                                 [Solicitor's details]
8    THIS AGREEMENT is made this 20th day of December 2022


12   THE HONOURABLE MARK McGOWAN, BA, LLB, M.L.A., Premier of the
13   State of Western Australia, acting for and on behalf of the said State and its
14   instrumentalities from time to time (the "State") of the one part
15   AND
16   BHP NICKEL WEST PTY LTD ACN 004 184 598 of Level 15, 171 Collins
17   Street, Melbourne, Victoria (the "Joint Venturers") of the other part.

20   A.       The parties to this Agreement are now the parties to the agreement
21            (herein called the "1974 Agreement") dated 21 November 1974, the
22            execution of which by the State was ratified by the Nickel (Agnew)
23            Agreement Act 1974, as varied by:
24              (a)   the agreement dated 3 September 1976 which was ratified by
25                    the Nickel (Agnew) Agreement Act Amendment Act 1976;
26              (b)   the agreement dated 6 August 1977 entered into pursuant to
27                    the provisions of clause 31 of the 1974 Agreement; and

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1                 (c)   the agreement dated 15 May 1995 entered into pursuant to the
2                       provisions of clause 31 of the 1974 Agreement.
3               The 1974 Agreement as so varied is hereinafter referred to as the
4               "Principal Agreement".
5    B.         The parties wish to vary the provisions of the Principal Agreement on
6               the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement.

9    1.         Ratification and operation
10        (1)   This Agreement, other than this clause, does not come into operation
11              except in accordance with subclause (2).
12        (2)   This Agreement, other than this clause, comes into operation on the day
13              on which it is ratified by an Act of the Parliament of Western Australia
14              ("Operative Date") unless, before that day, it terminates under
15              subclauses (4) or (5).
16        (3)   The State must introduce in the Parliament of Western Australia before
17              30 June 2023 or a later date agreed between the parties to this
18              Agreement, a Bill to ratify this Agreement and must endeavour to
19              secure its passage as an Act.
20        (4)   If by 31 December 2023 this Agreement has not been ratified by an Act
21              of the Parliament of Western Australia then, unless the parties to this
22              Agreement otherwise agree, this Agreement terminates on that day and
23              no party hereto will have any claim against any other party hereto with
24              respect to any matter or thing arising out of, done, performed, or
25              omitted to be done or performed under this Agreement.
26        (5)   The parties agree that if the Principal Agreement is otherwise
27              determined in accordance with its provisions on a day prior to the
28              Operative Date, then this Agreement shall also terminate on and from
29              that day and no party hereto will have any claim against any other party
30              hereto with respect to any matter or thing arising out of, done,
31              performed, or omitted to be done or performed under this Agreement.

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1    2.           Variations of the Principal Agreement
2                 The Principal Agreement is varied as follows:
3           (1)   in clause 1 by:
4                   (a)   inserting in the appropriate alphabetical position the following
5                         new definitions:
6                           "Leinster concentrator" means the plant constructed under
7                           this Agreement upon the mineral lease for the concentration
8                           of nickeliferous ore, as modified or replaced from time to
9                           time in accordance with this Agreement;
10                          "mine closure plan" means a document that:
11                          (a)       is in the form required under the Mining Act 1978
12                                    for a mine closure plan relating to mining leases
13                                    granted under that Act; and
14                          (b)       contains information required under the Mining
15                                    Act 1978 for a mine closure plan relating to mining
16                                    leases granted under that Act including about:
17                                    (i)       the decommissioning of each mine
18                                              (within the meaning given to that term in
19                                              the Mining Act 1978) and whether
20                                              proposed or, as at the variation date,
21                                              existing      and      not        already
22                                              decommissioned; and
23                                    (ii)      the rehabilitation of land,
24                                    within the area of the mineral lease;
25                          "Mining Act 1978" means the Mining Act 1978 (WA);
26                          "Mining Regulations" means the Mining Regulations 1981
27                          (WA);
28                          "mining tenement" has the meaning given to it in section 8 of
29                          the Mining Act 1978;
30                          "MRF Act" means the Mining Rehabilitation Fund Act 2012
31                          (WA);

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1            "non-Agreement nickel concentrates" means concentrates
2            obtained by treating non-mineral lease ore (other than
3            concentrates produced in accordance with Clause 6B or as
4            authorised by subclause (9) of Clause 8);
5            "non-mineral lease ore" means nickeliferous ore mined from
6            areas other than within the mineral lease and whether within
7            or outside Australia;
8            "register" has the meaning given to that term in section 8 of
9            the Mining Act 1978;
10           "Relevant Endorsement Time", in respect of a particular
11           Specified Mining Tenement, means the time the register is
12           endorsed pursuant to subclause (4) of Clause 16A in respect
13           of that particular Specified Mining Tenement;
14           "Specified Mining Tenement" means general purpose leases
15           36/49, 36/50 and 36/51 and mining leases 36/87, 36/156,
16           36/230, 36/389 and 36/439, or, depending on the context, any
17           one or more of them, and includes any renewals or extensions
18           thereof as the case may be;
19           "Townsite Lease" means the Land Act lease O260893L held
20           by the Joint Venturers over land comprised in the townsite;
21           "variation date" means the date on which Clause 2 of the
22           variation agreement made on or about 20 December 2022
23           between The Honourable Mark McGowan, Premier of the
24           State of Western Australia acting for and on behalf of the said
25           State and its instrumentalities from time to time and the Joint
26           Venturers comes into operation;
27   (b)   in the definition of "townsite", deleting "land contained in
28         Special Lease 3116/6675" and substituting "townsite
29         constituted under section 10 of the Land Act 1933 (WA) (and
30         which by the Land Act is to be treated as constituted under
31         section 26 of the Land Act) and known as the Leinster
32         Townsite";
33   (c)   in the definition of "Minister for Mines", after the words
34         "Mining Act" inserting the words "and the Mining Act 1978";

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1                   (d)   in the definition of "native title" by:
2                         (i) deleting "has" and substituting "and "native title rights and
3                             interests" have"; and
4                         (ii) deleting "it" and substituting "them"; and
5                   (e)   in the definition of "nickel concentrates", after the words
6                         "obtained by treating ore" inserting the words "or non-mineral
7                         lease ore or both together";
8           (2)   by inserting after clause 2 the following new clause:
9                 "2A.      Nothing in this Agreement, including the approval of
10                          proposals, shall be construed to exempt the State or the Joint
11                          Venturers from compliance with, or to require the State or
12                          the Joint Venturers to do any thing contrary to, any laws
13                          relating to native title or any lawful obligation imposed on
14                          the State or the Joint Venturers, as the case may be, pursuant
15                          to any laws relating to native title."
16          (3)   in clause 6 by:
17                  (a)   in clause 6(1)(c), deleting "railways;";
18                  (b)   in clause 6(1)(d), deleting "facilities for the export of
19                        nickel-containing products through a port in the said State;";
20                  (c)   in clause 6(1)(g), after the word "power" inserting the word
21                        "supply,";
22          (4)   by inserting after clause 6A the following new clause:
23                "Non-Mineral Lease Ore and Non-Agreement Nickel Concentrates
24                6B.       Subject to subclauses (9) to (14) of Clause 8, the Joint
25                          Venturers may in accordance with this Agreement:
26                          (a)        treat at the Leinster concentrator non-mineral lease
27                                     ore separately or blended with ore to produce
28                                     nickel concentrates; and
29                          (b)        blend at the Joint Venturers' facilities upon the
30                                     mineral lease nickel concentrates produced in
31                                     accordance with approved proposals under this

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1                             Agreement      with      non-Agreement         nickel
2                             concentrates."
3    (5)   in clause 8 by:
4            (a)   deleting clause 8(1) and substituting the following new
5                  subclause:
6                  "(1)       Subject to the following subclauses of this Clause,
7                             if the Joint Venturers at any time during the
8                             continuance of this Agreement desire to
9                             significantly modify, expand or otherwise vary
10                            their activities that may be carried on by them
11                            pursuant to this Agreement beyond those specified
12                            in any approved proposals or in paragraphs (a) or
13                            (b) of subclause (9) of this Clause, they shall give
14                            notice to the Minister and within 2 months
15                            thereafter shall submit to the Minister detailed
16                            proposals in respect of all matters covered by such
17                            notice and such of the other matters mentioned in
18                            paragraphs (a), (b) and (e) to (k) (both inclusive) of
19                            subclause (1) of Clause 6 as the Minister may
20                            require. The provisions of subclauses (2), (3) and
21                            (4) of Clause 6 shall, subject to this Clause, apply
22                            mutatis mutandis to detailed proposals submitted
23                            pursuant to this subclause."
24           (b)   inserting after clause 8(1) the following new subclauses (2)
25                 through to (14) (inclusive):
26                 "(2)       On receipt of each proposal pursuant to
27                            subclause (1) of this Clause, the Minister, subject
28                            to the EP Act, shall:
29                            (a)       approve of the proposal without
30                                      qualification or reservation; or
31                            (b)       defer consideration of or decision upon
32                                      the same until such time as the Joint
33                                      Venturers submit a further proposal or
34                                      proposals in respect of some other of the
35                                      matters referred in subclause (1) of this

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1                                     Clause not covered by the said proposal;
2                                     or
3                             (c)     require as a condition precedent to the
4                                     giving of the Minister's approval to the
5                                     said proposal, that the Joint Venturers
6                                     make such alteration thereto or comply
7                                     with such conditions in respect thereto as
8                                     the Minister (having regard to the
9                                     circumstances including the overall
10                                    development of and the use by others as
11                                    well as the Joint Venturers of all or any
12                                    of the facilities proposed to be provided)
13                                    thinks reasonable and in such a case the
14                                    Minister shall disclose the Minister's
15                                    reasons for such conditions,
16                            PROVIDED ALWAYS that:
17                            (d)     where implementation of any proposals
18                                    hereunder have been approved pursuant
19                                    to the EP Act subject to conditions or
20                                    procedures, any approval or decision of
21                                    the Minister under this Clause shall, if
22                                    the case so requires, incorporate a
23                                    requirement that the Joint Venturers
24                                    make such alterations to the proposals as
25                                    may be necessary to make them accord
26                                    with those conditions or procedures; and
27                            (e)     the Minister shall not consider a
28                                    purported proposal or proposals (as the
29                                    case may be) if the Minister is of the
30                                    opinion that the purported proposal or
31                                    proposals does not or do not (as the case
32                                    may be) comply with this Clause or other
33                                    applicable provisions of this Agreement
34                                    and in such circumstances:
35                                    (i)       this subclause (2) (other than
36                                              this    paragraph (e))     and
37                                              subclause (3) shall not apply

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1                               to the purported proposal or
2                               proposals;
3                     (ii)      subject to this Agreement, the
4                               Minister shall afford the Joint
5                               Venturers full opportunity to
6                               consult with him (including
7                               disclosure of reasons for his
8                               opinion) and should they so
9                               desire to submit a new or
10                              revised proposal or proposals
11                              either generally or in respect to
12                              some particular matter; and
13                    (iii)     the Minister's opinion is not
14                              subject to arbitration under
15                              Clause 44.
16   (3)    The Minister shall within 2 months after the later
17          of:
18          (a)       receipt of proposals pursuant           to
19                    subclause (1) of this Clause;
20          (b)       where any of the proposals are to be
21                    assessed under Part IV of the EP Act,
22                    service on the Minister of an authority
23                    under section 45(12) of the EP Act; or
24          (c)       where any of the proposals will or may
25                    require the State to do any act which
26                    affects native title rights and interests,
27                    completion of all processes required by
28                    laws relating to native title to be
29                    undertaken by the State before that act
30                    may be done by the State,
31          give notice to the Joint Venturers of the Minister's
32          decision in respect to the proposals.
33   (4)    If the decision of the Minister is as mentioned in
34          either of paragraphs (b) or (c) of subclause (2) of
35          this Clause the Minister shall afford the Joint

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1                             Venturers full opportunity to consult with the
2                             Minister and should they so desire to submit new
3                             or revised proposals either generally or in respect
4                             to some particular matter.
5                   (5)       If the decision of the Minister is as mentioned in
6                             paragraph (c) of subclause (2) of this Clause and
7                             the Joint Venturers consider that the condition
8                             precedent is unreasonable, the Joint Venturers
9                             within 2 months after receipt of the notice
10                            mentioned in subclause (3) of this Clause may
11                            elect to refer to arbitration in the manner
12                            hereinafter provided the question of the
13                            reasonableness of the condition precedent
14                            PROVIDED THAT any requirement of the
15                            Minister pursuant to the proviso to subclause (2) or
16                            a decision of the Minister under paragraph (b) of
17                            subclause (2) of this Clause shall not be referable
18                            to arbitration under this Agreement.
19                  (6)       If by the award made on an arbitration pursuant to
20                            subclause (5) of this Clause the dispute is decided
21                            in favour of the Joint Venturers, the decision shall
22                            take effect as a notice by the Minister that the
23                            Minister is so satisfied with and approves the
24                            matter or matters the subject of the arbitration.
25                  (7)       Subject to and in accordance with the EP Act and
26                            any approvals and licences required under that Act,
27                            the Joint Venturers shall implement the approved
28                            proposals in accordance with the terms thereof.
29                  (8)       Notwithstanding Clause 31, the Minister may
30                            during the implementation of approved proposals
31                            approve variations to those proposals.
32                  (9)       On and from the variation date, the activities
33                            referred to in Clause 6B may only be undertaken in
34                            accordance with this Clause and otherwise in
35                            accordance with the provisions of this Agreement
36                            and the parties acknowledge that as at the variation
37                            date the following activities of the nature referred

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1            to in Clause 6B are authorised and subject to the
2            Agreement obliged to be implemented by the Joint
3            Venturers:
4            (a)       the continued treatment at the Leinster
5                      concentrator of:
6                      (i)       between 500,000 and 600,000
7                                tonnes per annum over a
8                                4 year period from the
9                                variation date of non-mineral
10                               lease ore from mining leases
11                               36/9 and 36/618 blended with
12                               ore;
13                     (ii)      between       500,000     and
14                               1,000,000 tonnes per annum
15                               over a 3 year period from the
16                               variation date of non-mineral
17                               lease ore from mining lease
18                               36/102 blended with ore; and
19           (b)       the continued blending at the Joint
20                     Venturers' facilities upon the mineral
21                     lease of between 250,000 and 350,000
22                     tonnes per annum over a 20 year period
23                     from     the     variation    date    of
24                     non-Agreement nickel concentrates
25                     obtained from the treatment at the Mount
26                     Keith concentrator of non-mineral lease
27                     ore from mining leases 36/183, 36/184,
28                     36/185, 36/246, 53/56 and 53/57 with
29                     nickel concentrates.
30   (10)    Without limiting the operation of subclause (1) of
31           this Clause, the parties acknowledge that the
32           treatment at the Leinster concentrator of
33           non-mineral lease ore or the blending at the Joint
34           Venturers' facilities of non-Agreement nickel
35           concentrate from or including a source not then the
36           subject of approved proposals under this
37           Agreement (including from a mining tenement not

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1                             referred to in subclause (9) of this Clause) shall be
2                             regarded as a significant modification, expansion
3                             or other variation of the Joint Venturers' activities
4                             carried on by them pursuant to this Agreement and
5                             may only be undertaken in accordance with
6                             proposals submitted and approved or determined
7                             under this Clause 8 and otherwise in accordance
8                             with the provisions of this Agreement.
9                   (11)      A proposal or proposals submitted pursuant to
10                            subclause (1) of this Clause for the undertaking of
11                            any of the activities referred to in Clause 6B must
12                            clearly identify the non-mineral lease ore and/or
13                            non-Agreement nickel concentrates as the case
14                            may be the subject of the proposal (including by
15                            reference to source, tonnage and duration) or
16                            where the proposal relates also to ore and/or nickel
17                            concentrates produced from ore, clearly
18                            differentiate the non-mineral lease ore and/or
19                            non-Agreement nickel concentrates as the case
20                            may be from ore and/or nickel concentrates
21                            produced from ore.
22                  (12)      The Joint Venturers shall not without the prior
23                            consent of the Minister submit a proposal under
24                            this Clause for, or in any way to support, the
25                            undertaking of any of the activities referred to in
26                            Clause 6B using non-mineral lease ore obtained
27                            from outside of Australia.
28                  (13)      The Joint Venturers shall not without the prior
29                            consent of the Minister submit a proposal under
30                            this Clause for the grant of any lease, licence or
31                            other tenure to support either wholly or in part the
32                            undertaking of any of the activities referred to in
33                            Clause 6B.
34                  (14)      To avoid doubt the parties acknowledge that none
35                            of:
36                            (a)       the mining of non-mineral lease ore;

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1                              (b)       the treatment of such non-mineral lease
2                                        ore outside the mineral lease to produce
3                                        non-Agreement nickel concentrates;
4                              (c)       the transport of such non-mineral lease
5                                        ore    and     non-Agreement       nickel
6                                        concentrates to the mineral lease;
7                              (d)       the transport of nickel concentrates
8                                        produced     from      or    containing
9                                        non-mineral lease ore or non-Agreement
10                                       nickel concentrates from the mineral
11                                       lease; or
12                             (e)       the smelting and refining of such nickel
13                                       concentrates,
14                             will be part of the activities that may be undertaken
15                             under this Agreement to the intent that the same,
16                             whether undertaken by the Joint Venturers or a
17                             third party, shall be undertaken in accordance with
18                             the general laws from time to time of the said State
19                             and upon tenure not subject to this Agreement."
20           (c)   renumbering subclause (2) of clause 8 as subclause (15);
21   (6)   in clause 10, by inserting "and subclause (7) of Clause 10B" at the end
22         of clause 10(2) before the full stop;
23   (7)   by inserting after clause 10 the following new clauses:
24         "Community Development Plan
25         10A.     (1)        In this Clause, the term "community and social
26                             benefits" includes:
27                             (a)      assistance with skills development and
28                                      training opportunities to promote work
29                                      readiness and employment for persons
30                                      living in the northern Goldfields region of
31                                      the said State;
32                             (b)      training and employment for indigenous
33                                      and non-indigenous persons living in the

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1                                     northern Goldfields region of the said
2                                     State;
3                             (c)     regional development activities in the
4                                     northern Goldfields region of the said
5                                     State, including partnerships and
6                                     sponsorships and local procurement of
7                                     goods and services;
8                             (d)     contribution to any community projects,
9                                     town services or facilities; and
10                            (e)     a regionally based workforce.
11                   (2)      The Joint Venturers acknowledge the need for
12                            community and social benefits flowing from this
13                            Agreement.
14                   (3)      The Joint Venturers agree that:
15                            (a)     they shall prepare a draft plan which
16                                    describes the Joint Venturers' proposed
17                                    strategies for achieving community and
18                                    social benefits in connection with their
19                                    activities under this Agreement;
20                            (b)     within 2 months after the variation date,
21                                    they shall confer with the Minister in
22                                    respect of the draft plan; and
23                            (c)     they shall, following such conferral and
24                                    within 3 months after the variation date,
25                                    provide to the Minister a plan describing
26                                    the Joint Venturers' strategies for
27                                    achieving community and social benefits
28                                    in connection with their activities under
29                                    this Agreement.
30                   (4)      At least 3 months before the anticipated
31                            submission of proposals under Clause 8 (or such
32                            lesser period as the Minister may, at the request of
33                            the Joint Venturers, approve in respect of such
34                            anticipated proposals), the Joint Venturers shall,

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1                      unless the Minister otherwise requires, give to the
2                      Minister information about how the proposed
3                      activities may affect the plan provided to the
4                      Minister under this Clause. This obligation
5                      operates in relation to all proposals submitted on
6                      or after the date that is 4 months after the date
7                      when a plan is first provided under this Clause.
8            (5)       During the currency of this Agreement, the Joint
9                      Venturers shall implement the plan provided to the
10                     Minister under this Clause.
11           (6)       The Joint Venturers shall at least annually report to
12                     the Minister about the Joint Venturers'
13                     implementation of the plan provided to the
14                     Minister under this Clause.
15           (7)       At the request of either of them made at any time
16                     and from time to time, the Minister and the Joint
17                     Venturers shall confer as to any amendments
18                     desired to any plan provided to the Minister under
19                     this Clause and following such conferral the Joint
20                     Venturers may provide to the Minister an amended
21                     or a new plan. Any such amended plan or new plan
22                     will be deemed to be the plan provided to the
23                     Minister under this Clause.
24   Local Participation Plan
25   10B.    (1)       In this Clause, the term           "local   industry
26                     participation benefits" means:
27                      (a)     the use and training of labour available
28                              within the said State;
29                      (b)     the use of the services of engineers,
30                              surveyors,     architects     and     other
31                              professional      consultants,     experts,
32                              specialists, project managers and
33                              contractors available within the said State;
34                              and

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1                             (c)     the procurement of works, materials,
2                                     plant, equipment and supplies from
3                                     Western       Australian       suppliers,
4                                     manufacturers and contractors.
5                    (2)      The Joint Venturers acknowledge the need for
6                             local industry participation benefits flowing from
7                             this Agreement.
8                    (3)      The Joint Venturers agree that they shall, not later
9                             than 3 months after the variation date, prepare and
10                            provide to the Minister a plan which contains:
11                            (a)     a clear statement on the strategies which
12                                    the Joint Venturers will use, and require a
13                                    third party as referred to in subclause (7)
14                                    of this Clause to use, to maximise the uses
15                                    and procurement referred to in
16                                    subclause (1) of this Clause;
17                            (b)     detailed information on the procurement
18                                    practices the Joint Venturers will adopt,
19                                    and require a third party as referred to in
20                                    subclause (7) of this Clause to adopt, in
21                                    calling for tenders and letting contracts for
22                                    works, materials, plant, equipment and
23                                    supplies stages in relation to a proposed
24                                    development and how such practices will
25                                    provide fair and reasonable opportunity
26                                    for suitably qualified Western Australian
27                                    suppliers, manufacturers and contractors
28                                    to tender or quote for works, materials,
29                                    plant, equipment and supplies;
30                            (c)     detailed information on the methods the
31                                    Joint Venturers will use, and require a
32                                    third party as referred to in subclause (7)
33                                    of this Clause to use, to have their
34                                    respective procurement officers promptly
35                                    introduced to Western Australian
36                                    suppliers, manufacturers and contractors
37                                    seeking such introduction; and

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1            (d)     details of the communication strategies
2                    the Joint Venturers will use, and require a
3                    third party as referred to in subclause (7)
4                    of this Clause to use, to alert Western
5                    Australian       engineers,      surveyors,
6                    architects     and    other    professional
7                    consultants, experts, specialists, project
8                    managers and consultants and Western
9                    Australian suppliers, manufacturers and
10                   contractors to services opportunities and
11                   procurement opportunities respectively as
12                   referred to in subclause (1) of this Clause.
13           It is acknowledged by the Joint Venturers that the
14           strategies of the Joint Venturers referred to in
15           paragraph (a) of subclause (3) of this Clause will
16           include strategies of the Joint Venturers in relation
17           to supply of services, labour, works, materials,
18           plant, equipment or supplies for the purposes of
19           this Agreement.
20   (4)    At the request of either of them made at any time
21          and from time to time, the Minister and the Joint
22          Venturers shall confer as to any amendments
23          desired to any plan provided under this Clause and
24          may agree to the amendment of the plan or the
25          provision of a new plan in substitution for the one
26          previously provided.
27   (5)    At least 3 months before the anticipated
28          submission of proposals pursuant to Clause 8 (or
29          such lesser period as the Minister may, at the
30          request of the Joint Venturers, approve in respect
31          of any such anticipated proposals), the Joint
32          Venturers shall, unless the Minister otherwise
33          requires, give to the Minister information about the
34          implementation of the plan provided under this
35          Clause in relation to the activities to be the subject
36          of such proposals. This obligation operates in
37          relation to all proposals submitted on or after the

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1                                     date that is 4 months after the date when a plan is
2                                     first provided under this Clause.
3                          (6)        During the currency of this Agreement the Joint
4                                     Venturers shall implement the plan provided under
5                                     this Clause.
6                          (7)        Except as otherwise agreed by the Minister, the
7                                     Joint Venturers shall:
8                                     (a)     in every contract entered into with a third
9                                             party where the third party has an
10                                            obligation or right to procure the supply of
11                                            services, labour, works, materials, plant,
12                                            equipment or supplies for or in connection
13                                            with a proposed development, ensure that
14                                            the contract contains appropriate
15                                            provisions requiring the third party to
16                                            undertake procurement activities in
17                                            accordance with the plan provided under
18                                            this Clause; and
19                                    (b)     use reasonable endeavours to ensure that
20                                            the third party complies with those
21                                            provisions."
22          (8)   in clause 11 by:
23                  (a)   in clause 11(5)(a), deleting the words "a municipality and the
24                        said roads shall be deemed to be streets under the care control
25                        and management of the Joint Venturers" and substituting the
26                        words "a local government and the said roads shall each be
27                        deemed to be a thoroughfare under the care control and/or
28                        management of the Joint Venturers and which the public are
29                        allowed to use"; and
30                  (b)   deleting clause 11(5)(b) and substituting the following new
31                        subparagraph:
32                                    "(b)    for the purposes of this Clause the terms
33                                            "local government" and "thoroughfare"
34                                            shall have the meanings which they

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1                                       respectively have in the               Local
2                                       Government Act 1995 (WA)."
3    (9)   in clause 12 by deleting subclauses (1), (2), (3), (5) and (7) (including
4          subheadings);
5    (10) in clause 13 by:
6            (a)   deleting subclauses (1), (4) (5) and (6) (including subheadings);
7                  and
8            (b)   in clause 13(2), by deleting the words "In the event of the Joint
9                  Venturers demonstrating to the satisfaction of the Minister that
10                 the provisions of subclause (1) of this Clause would be unduly
11                 prejudicial to their operations; the" and substituting the word
12                 "The";
13   (11) in clause 15 by:
14           (a)   inserting the following new subclause after clause 15(3):
15                  "Rent
16                  (3a)       On and from the variation date, the Joint Venturers
17                             shall pay rent for the mineral lease in the amounts
18                             (including on a pro rata basis for portions of a
19                             rental period) and otherwise at the times and in the
20                             manner that would be required from time to time
21                             by the Mining Act 1978 and the Mining
22                             Regulations if the mineral lease was a mining lease
23                             granted under the Mining Act 1978."
24           (b)   inserting the following new subclauses after clause 15(7):
25                  "MRF Act
26                  (8)        On and from the variation date, the mineral lease
27                             shall be deemed to be a mining authorisation for
28                             the purposes of the MRF Act and the regulations
29                             made under that Act.
30                  Mine closure planning
31                  (9)        The Joint Venturers shall, not later than 6 months
32                             after the variation date, lodge with the State a mine

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1                             closure plan for, subject to the EP Act, approval by
2                             the Minister for Mines (acting with the
3                             concurrence of the Minister) and on provision of
4                             such approval:
5                             (a)     the mine closure plan shall be deemed to
6                                     be a mine closure plan within the meaning
7                                     given to that term in the Mining Act 1978
8                                     that, subject to this Clause, is to be
9                                     reviewed, amended and implemented in
10                                    accordance with that Act as if the mineral
11                                    lease was a mining lease under the Mining
12                                    Act 1978;
13                            (b)     the mineral lease shall be deemed to be
14                                    subject to:
15                                     (i)        a condition that the holder of
16                                                the mineral lease must review
17                                                the mine closure plan and
18                                                obtain approval for the
19                                                reviewed mine closure plan in
20                                                accordance with this Clause;
21                                                and
22                                     (ii)       a condition that the holder of
23                                                the mineral lease must
24                                                decommission      all    mines
25                                                (within the meaning given to
26                                                that term in the Mining
27                                                Act 1978) from time to time
28                                                within the area of, and
29                                                rehabilitate the land within,
30                                                the     mineral    lease    in
31                                                accordance with the approved
32                                                mine closure plan from time to
33                                                time.
34                   (10)     The Joint Venturers shall ensure that the mine
35                            closure plan referred to in subclause (9) of this
36                            Clause is reviewed at the times that a mine closure
37                            plan under the Mining Act 1978 is required by that

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1            Act to be reviewed and otherwise at the times
2            determined from time to time by the Minister for
3            Mines (acting with the concurrence of the
4            Minister).
5    (11)    The Joint Venturers shall ensure that a reviewed
6            mine closure plan is within the applicable times
7            under subclause (10) of this Clause lodged with the
8            Statefor approval, subject to the EP Act, by the
9            Minister for Mines (acting with the concurrence of
10           the Minister).
11   (12)    The Minister for Mines (acting with the
12           concurrence of the Minister) may approve the
13           mine closure plan or a reviewed mine closure plan
14           as lodged or subject to such changes as required by
15           the Minister for Mines (acting with the
16           concurrence of the Minister).         If the Joint
17           Venturers are unwilling to accept the changes
18           required to be made, they shall notify the Minister
19           to that effect and either party may refer to
20           arbitration hereunder the question of the
21           reasonableness of the changes and the effect of an
22           award made on arbitration shall be that the mine
23           closure plan or reviewed mine closure plan (as the
24           case may be) lodged by the Joint Venturers shall,
25           with such changes as required by the Minister for
26           Mines (acting with the concurrence of the
27           Minister) as the arbitrator determines to be
28           reasonable (with or without modification by the
29           arbitrator) be deemed to be the plan approved by
30           the Minister for Mines (acting with the
31           concurrence of the Minister) under this Clause.
32   (13)    Without limiting the Mining Act 1978, the Joint
33           Venturers shall implement the mine closure plan
34           or reviewed mine closure plan approved or deemed
35           to be approved from time to time under
36           subclause (12) of this Clause.

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1                          (14)      Without limiting the Mining Act 1978, the
2                                    obligations set out in subclause (13) of this Clause
3                                    shall survive the cessation or determination of this
4                                    Agreement and the expiry or surrender of the
5                                    mineral lease, in which case the Joint Venturers
6                                    may enter and re-enter the land that was the subject
7                                    of the mineral lease with such agents, employees,
8                                    vehicles, machinery and equipment as may be
9                                    necessary for the purpose of implementing the
10                                   relevant mine closure plan and complying with the
11                                   relevant conditions."
12          (12) by inserting after clause 16 the following new clause:
13               "Incorporation of Specified Mining Tenements in the mineral lease
14               and continuation proposals
15               16A.      (1)       The Joint Venturers shall, not later than 2 months
16                                   after the variation date, submit proposals under
17                                   subclause (1) of Clause 8 for the continuation
18                                   under this Agreement and upon the mineral lease
19                                   (as it would be following the inclusion of the area
20                                   of land of the Specified Mining Tenement within
21                                   the mineral lease pursuant to this Clause) of their
22                                   then current and contemplated activities on the
23                                   Specified Mining Tenement and the provisions of
24                                   Clause 8 shall be deemed to authorise the
25                                   submission of such proposals.
26                         (2)       If the proposals contemplated by subclause (1) of
27                                   this Clause are approved or determined in
28                                   accordance with Clause 8 such approval or
29                                   determination shall take effect in respect of the
30                                   area of a Specified Mining Tenement on and from
31                                   the Relevant Endorsement Time and otherwise in
32                                   accordance with and subject to the provisions of
33                                   Clause 8.
34                         (3)       Notwithstanding the provisions of the Mining Act
35                                   or the Mining Act 1978 and subject to
36                                   subclause (4) of this Clause, at the Relevant

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1           Endorsement Time applicable to a Specified
2           Mining Tenement:
3            (a)    the Specified Mining Tenement shall be
4                   deemed to be surrendered; and
5            (b)    the area of land of the Specified Mining
6                   Tenement shall be deemed included in the
7                   mineral lease subject to such of the then
8                   existing conditions of the surrendered
9                   Specified Mining Tenement as the
10                  Minister for Mines determines (such
11                  determination to be made after the
12                  variation date and prior to the Relevant
13                  Endorsement Time) but otherwise subject
14                  to the same terms covenants and
15                  conditions as apply to the mineral lease
16                  (with such apportionments of rents as may
17                  be necessary) and notwithstanding that the
18                  survey of such additional land has not
19                  been completed but subject to correction
20                  to accord with the survey when completed
21                  at the Joint Venturers' expense.
22   (4)    As soon as practicable after the approval or
23          determination of proposals contemplated by
24          subclause (1) of this Clause in respect of the area
25          of land the subject of a Specified Mining
26          Tenement, the State shall cause a notation or other
27          endorsement to be made in the register that the
28          mineral lease includes the area of land of the
29          Specified Mining Tenement subject to the
30          determined conditions and the terms, covenants
31          and conditions otherwise applicable in accordance
32          with paragraph (b) of subclause (3) of this Clause.
33   (5)    For the avoidance of doubt, the abovementioned
34          endorsements are authorised to be made in the
35          register without any further formalities, approvals
36          or other preconditions."

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1           (13) in clause 17 by:
2                   (a)   in clause 17(2), deleting the word "townsites,"; and
3                   (b)   in clause 17(4):
4                         (i) after the words "third party" inserting the word "with"; and
5                         (ii) after the words "subject to" inserting the words
6                              "subclause (3) of Clause 29,";
7           (14) in clause 18 by deleting subclause (4) (including the subheading);
8           (15) by deleting clause 20 and substituting the following new clause:
9                "Port
10               20.        To avoid doubt the parties acknowledge that after the
11                          variation date:
12                          (a)       the transport of nickel containing products from the
13                                    mineral lease for delivery or sale to a third party
14                                    (including without limitation the construction or
15                                    provision of facilities and infrastructure outside of
16                                    the mineral lease for such purposes); and
17                          (b)       the transport (including by road or rail) to, and
18                                    shipment through, a port in the said State of nickel
19                                    containing products (including without limitation
20                                    the construction or provision of facilities and
21                                    infrastructure for such purposes),
22                          will not be part of the activities that may be undertaken under
23                          this Agreement after the variation date to the intent that the
24                          same, whether undertaken by the Joint Venturers or a third
25                          party, shall be undertaken in accordance with the general
26                          laws from time to time of the said State."
27          (16) in clause 21 by:
28                  (a)   in clause 21(1), inserting "1978 in respect of mining leases
29                        granted under that Act " before the full stop;
30                  (b)   deleting clause 21(3) and substituting the following new
31                        subclauses:

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1    "(3)    The Joint Venturers shall within 30 days after the
2            last day (provided that last day occurs after the
3            variation date) of each of March, June, September
4            and December in each year give to the State a
5            return showing the number of tonnes of minerals
6            mined by them or products produced by them from
7            minerals derived from the mineral lease and for
8            which payment is received during the 3 calendar
9            months ending on that last day and all other
10           particulars necessary to enable the calculation, and
11           to assist in the verification, of the royalty payable
12           thereon and shall pay to the State the royalty
13           payable on such product and mineral.
14   (3A)    The Joint Venturers shall within 30 days of the
15           expiration of the last day (provided such last day
16           occurs after the variation date) of March, June,
17           September and December in each year during
18           which they, in accordance with paragraph (a) of
19           subclause (9) of Clause 8 and approved proposals
20           under this Agreement (as applicable), treat
21           non-mineral lease ore to produce nickel
22           concentrates, give to the State a return showing in
23           respect of each source from which such
24           non-mineral lease ore is mined:
25            (a)    the tonnes of non-mineral lease ore treated
26                   in the 3 calendar months ending on that
27                   last day;
28            (b)    the assay percentages of nickel contained
29                   in that non-mineral lease ore;
30            (c)    the tonnes of nickel contained in that
31                   non-mineral lease ore;
32            (d)    the nickel recovery rates in respect of that
33                   non-mineral lease ore;
34            (e)    the tonnes of nickel concentrate recovered
35                   from the treatment of that non-mineral
36                   lease ore; and

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1                             (f)     such other information as the State shall
2                                     from time to time reasonably require to
3                                     enable the calculation of royalty payable
4                                     in respect of nickel mined from each such
5                                     abovementioned source.
6                    (3B)     The Joint Venturers shall within 30 days of the
7                             expiration of the last day (provided such last day
8                             occurs after the variation date) of March, June,
9                             September and December in each year during
10                            which they, in accordance with paragraph (b) of
11                            subclause (9) of Clause 8 and approved proposals
12                            under this Agreement (as applicable) blend nickel
13                            concentrates produced in accordance with
14                            paragraph (a) of subclause (9) of Clause 8 and
15                            approved proposals under this Agreement (as
16                            applicable)     with     non-Agreement       nickel
17                            concentrates, give to the State a return showing in
18                            respect of each source from which non-Agreement
19                            nickel concentrates are obtained:
20                            (a)     the tonnes of non-Agreement nickel
21                                    concentrates delivered to the Joint
22                                    Venturers in the 3 calendar months ending
23                                    on that last day;
24                            (b)     the assay percentages of nickel contained
25                                    in the non-Agreement nickel concentrates
26                                    delivered;
27                            (c)     the tonnes of nickel contained in the
28                                    non-Agreement    nickel   concentrates
29                                    delivered;
30                            (d)     the nickel recovery rates in respect of the
31                                    non-Agreement      nickel     concentrates
32                                    delivered after blending with nickel
33                                    concentrates produced in accordance with
34                                    approved proposals under this Agreement;
35                            (e)     the tonnes of nickel concentrates
36                                    recovered from the blending of the

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1                              non-Agreement      nickel   concentrates
2                              delivered with nickel concentrates
3                              produced in accordance with approved
4                              proposals under this Agreement; and
5                      (f)     such other information as the State shall
6                              from time to time reasonably require to
7                              enable the calculation of royalty payable
8                              in respect of nickel mined from each such
9                              abovementioned source."
10   (c)   in subclause 21(4), by deleting the words "Minister for Mines"
11         and each occurrence of the words "Minister for Mines or his
12         nominee" and substituting in each case the word "State";
13   (d)   in subclause 21(4), after the words "royalty payable under this
14         Clause" inserting the words ", and under the Mining Act 1978
15         in respect of non-mineral lease ore and nickel concentrates and
16         non-Agreement nickel concentrates the subject of approved
17         proposals under this Agreement,";
18   (e)   by inserting after clause 21(4) the following new subclauses:
19          "(5)       The Joint Venturers shall to the extent they have
20                     not already done so, within 3 months after the
21                     variation date, establish and thereafter during the
22                     continuance of this Agreement maintain in place to
23                     the reasonable satisfaction of the State adequate
24                     systems and controls for the correct
25                     apportionment, where blending as referred to in
26                     Clause 6B is being undertaken, between ore and
27                     non-mineral lease ore and nickel concentrates
28                     produced in accordance with approved proposals
29                     under this Agreement and non-Agreement nickel
30                     concentrates of the quantities of nickel comprised
31                     in the resulting nickel containing products and
32                     which systems and controls monitor production,
33                     concentration,      processing,      transportation,
34                     stockpiling and shipping activities in respect of
35                     such nickel.

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1                          (6)       If at any time the State ceases to be so satisfied it
2                                    may, after consulting the Joint Venturers and
3                                    provided that the Joint Venturers have not within
4                                    3 months after the commencement of such
5                                    consultation addressed the matters of concern to
6                                    the State's satisfaction, by notice in writing to the
7                                    Joint Venturers suspend the above authority for
8                                    blending to be undertaken until the State is again
9                                    so satisfied in terms of subclause (5) of this
10                                   Clause."
11          (17) by deleting clause 24 and substituting with the following new clause:
12               "Rating
13               24.       (1)       The State shall ensure that, notwithstanding the
14                                   provisions of any Act or anything done or
15                                   purported to be done under any Act, the valuation
16                                   of all lands (whether of a freehold or leasehold
17                                   nature) the subject of this Agreement (except land
18                                   the subject of the Townsite Lease and except as to
19                                   any part of other land upon which is situated a
20                                   specified improvement as referred to below) shall
21                                   for rating purposes under the Local Government
22                                   Act 1995 (WA), be deemed to be on the
23                                   unimproved value thereof and no such lands shall
24                                   be subject to any discriminatory rate.
25                         (2)       For the purpose of this Clause, the following
26                                   improvements are specified improvements:
27                                    (a)     accommodation,         recreation    and
28                                            administration facilities and associated
29                                            buildings; and
30                                    (b)     maintenance workshops existing within
31                                            100 metres of facilities listed in
32                                            paragraph (a) above."
33          (18) by deleting clause 26 (other than the heading);
34          (19) by inserting after clause 29(2) the following new subclause:

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1                   "(3)       Notwithstanding the provisions of the Land Act
2                              insofar as the same may apply, no sublease by the
3                              Joint Venturers of land from time to time
4                              comprised in the Townsite Lease for:
5                               (a)     a purpose or purposes falling within the
6                                       permitted use of the land the subject of
7                                       that lease; and
8                               (b)     a potential term shorter than the current
9                                       term from time to time of the Townsite
10                                      Lease,
11                             will require any approval or consent under
12                             subclause (1) of this Clause or under the Land Act
13                             provided that the Joint Venturers give notice to the
14                             Minister and the Minister responsible for the Land
15                             Act of the proposed sublease."
16   (20) in clause 35 by deleting subclause (4);
17   (21) in clause 44 by:
18           (a)   in clause 44(1):
19                 (i) deleting the words "their umpire" and substituting the
20                     words "a third and presiding arbitrator"; and
21                 (ii) deleting the words "Arbitration Act 1895" and substituting
22                      the words "Commercial Arbitration Act 2012 (WA)"; and
23           (b)   in clause 44(3), deleting the words "or umpire (as the case may
24                 be)"; and
25   (22) in clause 46, by inserting after the words "the State of Western
26        Australia" the words "and, except for matters to be referred to
27        arbitration pursuant to this Agreement, the parties to this Agreement
28        submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of Western Australia in relation
29        to any action or proceeding to settle any dispute or question arising out
30        of or in connection with this Agreement".

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1   EXECUTED as a deed.

     SIGNED by THE HONOURABLE                )
     MARK McGOWAN                            )
     in the presence of:                     )          [Signature]

     Signature of witness

     Name of witness

     EXECUTED by BHP NICKEL                  )
     WEST PTY LTD ACN 004 184 598            )
     in accordance with section 127(1) of    )
     the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) by      )
     authority of its directors:             )

     [Signature]                                 [Signature]
     ______________________________              _________________________
     Signature of director                       Signature of director/company

     JESSICA FARRELL                             RIAAN CLOETE
     ______________________________              _________________________
     Full name of director (block letters)       Full name of director/company
                                                 secretary* (block letters)
                                                 *delete whichever is not applicable


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