Western Australian Bills

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                      Western Australia

Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations
   (Consequential Provisions) Bill 2005


      Part 1 -- Preliminary
1.    Short title                                        2
2.    Commencement                                       2
      Part 2 -- Repeals
3.    Declarations and Attestations Act 1913 repealed    3
4.    Imperial Acts repealed                             3
      Part 3 -- Constitution Act 1889
5.    The Act amended in this Part                       4
6.    Section 22 amended                                 4
7.    Schedule E replaced                                4
      Part 4 -- Constitution Acts Amendment
           Act 1899 amended
8.    The Act amended in this Part                       6
9.    Section 43 amended                                 6
10.   Section 44A amended                                6
11.   Section 45 inserted                                7
12.   Schedule VI inserted                               7
      Part 5 -- Children's Court of Western
           Australia Act 1988 amended
13.   The Act amended in this Part                       9
14.   Section 12 amended                                 9
15.   Section 18 amended                                 9

                           005--2B                       page i
Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations (Consequential Provisions)
Bill 2005


   16.     Schedule 1 replaced                                      10
           Part 6 -- District Court of Western
                Australia Act 1969 amended
   17.     The Act amended in this Part                             11
   18.     Section 11 amended                                       11
   19.     Section 27 amended                                       11
   20.     Schedule replaced                                        12
           Part 7 -- Family Court Act 1997
   21.     The Act amended in this Part                             13
   22.     Section 13 replaced                                      13
   23.     Section 22 amended                                       13
   24.     Schedule 1 replaced                                      14
           Part 8 -- Magistrates Court Act 2004
   25.     The Act amended in this Part                             15
   26.     Schedule 3 replaced                                      15
           Part 9 -- Supreme Court Act 1935
   27.     The Act amended in this Part                             16
   28.     Section 4 amended                                        16
   29.     Section 9 amended                                        16
   30.     Section 11 amended                                       16
   31.     Section 11AA amended                                     16
   32.     Section 11A amended                                      16
   33.     Section 13 inserted                                      17
   34.     Section 49 amended                                       17
   35.     Sections 175, 176 and 177 repealed                       17
   36.     Second Schedule replaced                                 17
           Part 10 -- State Administrative Tribunal
                Act 2004 amended
   37.     The Act amended in this Part                             18
   38.     Section 142A inserted                                    18
   39.     Schedule 2 inserted                                      19

page ii
Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations (Consequential Provisions)
                                                               Bill 2005


         Part 11 -- The Criminal Code amended
40.      The Criminal Code amended in this Part                   20
41.      Section 169 replaced                                     20
42.      Section 170 replaced                                     21
         Part 12 -- Evidence Act 1906 amended
43.      The Act amended in this Part                             22
44.      Section 97 amended                                       22
45.      Sections 98, 98A, 99 and 100 repealed                    22
46.      Section 100A amended                                     22
47.      Section 102 amended                                      22
48.      Section 103 amended                                      23
49.      Section 104 repealed                                     23
50.      Section 105 inserted                                     23
51.      Section 106 repealed                                     24
52.      Section 106B amended                                     24
53.      Section 106C amended                                     24
         Part 13 -- Interpretation Act 1984
54.      The Act amended in this Part                             25
55.      Section 5 amended                                        25
         Part 14 -- Local Government Act 1995
56.      The Act amended in this Part                             27
57.      Section 2.29 amended                                     27
58.      Section 2.32 amended                                     27
59.      Section 2.42 amended                                     27
         Part 15 -- Mining Act 1978 amended
60.      The Act amended in this Part                             28
61.      Section 144 amended                                      28
62.      Section 160D amended                                     28
         Part 16 -- Various Acts amended
63.      Various Acts amended                                     30

                                                                 page iii
Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations (Consequential Provisions)
Bill 2005


           Schedule 1 -- Amendments to various
               Acts                                                 31
   1.      Administration Act 1903                                  31
   2.      Adoption Act 1994                                        31
   3.      Agricultural Practices (Disputes) Act 1995               31
   4.      Bills of Sale Act 1899                                   31
   5.      Companies (Co-operative) Act 1943                        32
   6.      Consumer Affairs Act 1971                                32
   7.      Criminal Law Amendment (Simple Offences) Act 2004        32
   8.      Education Service Providers (Full Fee Overseas
           Students) Registration Act 1991                          32
   9.      Finance Brokers Control Act 1975                         32
   10.     Juries Act 1957                                          32
   11.     Justices of the Peace Act 2004                           32
   12.     Petroleum Products Pricing Act 1983                      33
   13.     Public Notaries Act 1979                                 33
   14.     Prisons Act 1981                                         33
   15.     Real Estate and Business Agents Act 1978                 33
   16.     Settlement Agents Act 1981                               33
   17.     Transfer of Land Act 1893                                34
   18.     Veterinary Surgeons Act 1960                             34

page iv
                           Western Australia

                      LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL

   Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations
      (Consequential Provisions) Bill 2005

                               A Bill for

An Act to --
•  repeal the Declarations and Attestations Act 1913 and various
    adopted Imperial Acts; and
•  amend various Acts,
as a consequence of the enactment of the Oaths, Affidavits and
Statutory Declarations Act 2005, and for related purposes.

The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows:

                                                             page 1
     Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations (Consequential Provisions)
     Bill 2005
     Part 1           Preliminary

     s. 1

                              Part 1 -- Preliminary
     1.         Short title
                This is the Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations
                (Consequential Provisions) Act 2005.

 5   2.         Commencement
          (1)   Subject to this section, this Act comes into operation on the day
                on which the Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations
                Act 2005 comes into operation.
          (2)   If when the Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations
10              Act 2005 comes into operation the Mining Amendment Act 2004
                section 76 has come into operation, section 61 of this Act is
                repealed without coming into operation.
          (3)   If when the Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations
                Act 2005 comes into operation the Mining Amendment Act 2004
15              section 82 has not come into operation, section 62 of this Act
                comes into operation immediately after section 82 of that Act
                comes into operation.

     page 2
          Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations (Consequential Provisions)
                                                                         Bill 2005
                                                          Repeals           Part 2

                                                                               s. 3

                                Part 2 -- Repeals
     3.         Declarations and Attestations Act 1913 repealed
                The Declarations and Attestations Act 1913 is repealed.
     4.         Imperial Acts repealed
 5        (1)   The following Imperial Acts are repealed in so far as they are
                part of the law of Western Australia --
                  (a) 1 & 2 William IV c. 4
                         [An Act to abolish certain Oaths and Affirmations taken
                         and made in the Customs and Excise Departments of
10                       His Majesty's Revenue, and to substitute Declarations in
                         lieu thereof.]
                         [Excise Declarations Act 1831]
                         [Adopted by Imperial Acts Adopting Act 1836];
                  (b) 3 & 4 William IV c. 49
15                       [An Act to allow Quakers and Moravians to make
                         Affirmation in all cases where an Oath is or shall be
                         [Quakers and Moravians Act 1833]
                         [Adopted by Imperial Acts Adopting Act 1844];
20                (c) 1 & 2 Victoria c. 77
                         [An Act for permitting Affirmation to be made instead
                         of an Oath in certain Cases.]
                         [Quakers and Moravians Act 1838]
                         [Adopted by Imperial Acts Adopting Act 1844];
25                (d) 1 & 2 Victoria c. 105
                         [An Act to remove Doubts as to the Validity of certain
                         [Oaths Act 1838]
                         [Adopted by Imperial Acts Adopting Act 1844].
30        (2)   In respect of each Imperial enactment referred to in
                subsection (1), the Interpretation Act 1984 Part V applies as if a
                reference in that Part to the repeal of a written law or to the
                repeal of an enactment were a reference to the repeal of the
                Imperial enactment.

                                                                            page 3
     Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations (Consequential Provisions)
     Bill 2005
     Part 3           Constitution Act 1889 amended

     s. 5

               Part 3 -- Constitution Act 1889 amended
     5.       The Act amended in this Part
              The amendments in this Part are to the Constitution Act 1889*.
              [* Reprinted as at 3 July 2000.
 5               For subsequent amendments see Western Australian
                 Legislation Information Tables for 2004, Table 1, p. 79.]
     6.       Section 22 amended
              Section 22 is amended as follows --
                (a) by deleting "allegiance" and inserting instead --
10                   " office ";
               (b) by deleting "the" before "form" and inserting instead --
                     " a ".

     7.       Schedule E replaced
15            Schedule E is repealed and the following Schedule is inserted
              instead --
                Schedule E -- Oath and affirmation of office
                                                                                 [s. 22]
20          Either --
               (a)     I, [name], [insert an oath or affirmation according to the
                       Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations Act 2005] that
                       I will faithfully serve the people of Western Australia as a
                       member of the *Legislative Council/Legislative Assembly.
25                     [*Delete the inapplicable.]

     page 4
     Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations (Consequential Provisions)
                                                                    Bill 2005
                                Constitution Act 1889 amended          Part 3

                                                                               s. 7

        or --

           (b)   I, [name], [insert an oath or affirmation according to the
                 Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations Act 2005] that
                 I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty
 5               Queen Elizabeth the Second, her heirs and successors,
                 according to law and will faithfully serve the people of
                 Western Australia as a member of the *Legislative
                 Council/Legislative Assembly.
                 [*Delete the inapplicable.]
10                                                                              ".

                                                                         page 5
     Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations (Consequential Provisions)
     Bill 2005
     Part 4           Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899 amended

     s. 8

            Part 4 -- Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899
     8.         The Act amended in this Part
                The amendments in this Part are to the Constitution Acts
 5              Amendment Act 1899*.
                [* Reprint 12 as at 3 October 2003.
                   For subsequent amendments see Western Australian
                   Legislation Information Tables for 2004, Table 1, p. 88-9.]

     9.         Section 43 amended
10              After section 43(3) the following subsection is inserted --
                (4)   Before a person who accepts such an executive office
                      performs any function of the office, he is to take before
                      the Governor, or some person authorised for the
15                    purpose by the Governor, the oath or affirmation set
                      out in Division 1 of Schedule VI.

     10.        Section 44A amended
                After section 44A(5) the following subsection is inserted --
20          "
                (6)   Before a person who is appointed to be a Parliamentary
                      Secretary performs any function of the office, he is to
                      take before the Governor, or some person authorised
                      for the purpose by the Governor, the oath or
25                    affirmation set out in Division 1 of Schedule VI.

     page 6
         Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations (Consequential Provisions)
                                                                        Bill 2005
                   Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899 amended            Part 4

                                                                                     s. 11

     11.          Section 45 inserted
                  After section 44A the following section is inserted --
            45.        Oath of office for members of Executive Council
 5                     The form of the oath or affirmation of office for a
                       person who has been appointed to be a member of the
                       Executive Council is that set out in Division 2 of
                       Schedule VI.

10   12.          Schedule VI inserted
                  After Schedule V the following Schedule is inserted --
               Schedule VI -- Oaths and affirmations of office
                                                                 [s. 43(4), 44A(6) & 45]

15           Division 1 -- Holders of principal executive offices and for
                            Parliamentary Secretaries
                       I, [name], [insert an oath or affirmation according to the
                       Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations Act 2005] that
                       I will faithfully serve the people of Western Australia in the
20                     office of [title of office].

                     Division 2 -- Members of the Executive Council
                       I, [name], [insert an oath or affirmation according to the
                       Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations Act 2005] --
                               that I will faithfully serve the people of Western
25                             Australia as a member of the Executive Council;
                               that as and when required to do so I will freely give
                               my advice as such a member to the Governor, or the
                               person performing the functions of the Governor,
                               for the good management of the public affairs of
30                             Western Australia;

                                                                                    page 7
Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations (Consequential Provisions)
Bill 2005
Part 4           Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899 amended

s. 12

                      and that I will not, directly or indirectly, reveal any
                      matters that come before the Council and that I am
                      required by the Council to keep secret.

page 8
       Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations (Consequential Provisions)
                                                                      Bill 2005
         Children's Court of Western Australia Act 1988 amended          Part 5

                                                                                    s. 13

             Part 5 -- Children's Court of Western Australia
                          Act 1988 amended
     13.             The Act amended in this Part
                     The amendments in this Part are to the Children's Court of
 5                   Western Australia Act 1988*.
                     [* Reprint 3 as at 10 September 2004.]
                        For subsequent amendments see Western Australian
                        Legislation Information Tables for 2004, Table 1, p. 63.]

     14.             Section 12 amended
10         (1)       Section 12(1) is repealed and the following subsection is
                     inserted instead --
                     (1)   Before a person who is appointed to be a Judge, or a
                           magistrate, of the Court performs any function of the
15                         office, he or she shall take before the Governor, a
                           Supreme Court Judge, or some person authorised for
                           the purpose by the Governor, an oath or affirmation in
                           the form set out in Schedule 1.
20         (2)       Section 12(1a)(a) is amended by deleting "allegiance and a
                     judicial oath or affirmation" and inserting instead --
                     " office in respect of that office of judge   ".

     15.             Section 18 amended
                     Section 18(2) is repealed.

                                                                                 page 9
     Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations (Consequential Provisions)
     Bill 2005
     Part 5           Children's Court of Western Australia Act 1988 amended

     s. 16

     16.       Schedule 1 replaced
               Schedule 1 is repealed and the following schedule is inserted
               instead --
 5              Schedule 1 -- Oath and affirmation of office
                                                                           [s. 12(1)]
                    I, [name], [insert an oath or affirmation according to the
                    Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations Act 2005] that
                    I will faithfully serve the people and the State of Western
10                  Australia in the office of [title of office] of the Children's
                    Court of Western Australia and I will do right to all manner
                    of people, according to law, without fear or favour, affection
                    or ill will.

     page 10
       Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations (Consequential Provisions)
                                                                      Bill 2005
            District Court of Western Australia Act 1969 amended         Part 6

                                                                                    s. 17

      Part 6 -- District Court of Western Australia Act 1969
     17.             The Act amended in this Part
                     The amendments in this Part are to the District Court of Western
 5                   Australia Act 1969*.
                     [* Reprinted as at 19 January 2001.
                        For subsequent amendments see Western Australian
                        Legislation Information Tables for 2004, Table 1, p. 127.]

     18.             Section 11 amended
10                   Section 11(2) is repealed and the following subsection is
                     inserted instead --
                     (2)     Before a person who is appointed to be a District Court
                             Judge, an acting District Court Judge, an auxiliary
15                           District Court Judge, or a commissioner of the Court,
                             performs any function of the office, he or she shall take
                             before the Governor, a Supreme Court Judge, or some
                             person authorised for the purpose by the Governor, an
                             oath or affirmation in the form set out in Schedule 1.
20                                                                                       ".

     19.             Section 27 amended
           (1)       Section 27(2) is repealed.
           (2)       Section 27(3) is amended by deleting "Sections 174, 176 and
                     177" and inserting instead --
25                   "     Section 174   ".

                                                                                 page 11
     Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations (Consequential Provisions)
     Bill 2005
     Part 6           District Court of Western Australia Act 1969 amended

     s. 20

     20.       Schedule replaced
               The Schedule is repealed and the following schedule is inserted
               instead --
 5              Schedule 1 -- Oath and affirmation of office
                                                                               [s. 11(2)]
                    I, [name], [insert an oath or affirmation according to the
                    Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations Act 2005] that
                    I will faithfully serve the people and the State of Western
10                  Australia in the office of [title of office] of the District Court
                    of Western Australia and I will do right to all manner of
                    people, according to law, without fear or favour, affection or
                    ill will.

     page 12
         Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations (Consequential Provisions)
                                                                        Bill 2005
                                   Family Court Act 1997 amended           Part 7

                                                                                 s. 21

                  Part 7 -- Family Court Act 1997 amended
     21.          The Act amended in this Part
                  The amendments in this Part are to the Family Court Act 1997*.
                  [* Reprint 1 as at 15 August 2003.
 5                   For subsequent amendments see Western Australian
                     Legislation Information Tables for 2004, Table 1, p. 155-6.]

     22.          Section 13 replaced
                  Section 13 is repealed and the following section is inserted
                  instead --
10   "
            13.         Oath of office
                        Before a person who is appointed to be a Judge
                        performs any function of the office, he or she shall take
                        before the Governor, a Supreme Court Judge, or some
15                      person authorised for the purpose by the Governor, an
                        oath or affirmation in the form set out in Schedule 1.

     23.          Section 22 amended
                  Section 22(4) is repealed and the following subsection is
20                inserted instead --
                  (4)   Before a person who is appointed to be an acting Judge
                        performs any function of the office, he or she shall take
                        before the Governor, a Supreme Court Judge, or some
25                      person authorised for the purpose by the Governor to
                        do so, an oath or affirmation in the form set out in
                        Schedule 1.

                                                                              page 13
     Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations (Consequential Provisions)
     Bill 2005
     Part 7           Family Court Act 1997 amended

     s. 24

     24.       Schedule 1 replaced
               Schedule 1 is repealed and the following schedule is inserted
               instead --
 5              Schedule 1 -- Oath and affirmation of office
                                                                       [s. 13 & 22(4)]
                    I, [name], [insert an oath or affirmation according to the
                    Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations Act 2005] that
                    I will faithfully serve the people and the State of Western
10                  Australia in the office of [title of office] of the Family Court
                    of Western Australia and I will do right to all manner of
                    people, according to law, without fear or favour, affection or
                    ill will.

     page 14
         Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations (Consequential Provisions)
                                                                        Bill 2005
                              Magistrates Court Act 2004 amended           Part 8

                                                                                 s. 25

            Part 8 -- Magistrates Court Act 2004 amended
     25.       The Act amended in this Part
               The amendments in this Part are to the Magistrates Court
               Act 2004*.
 5             [* Act No. 47 of 2004.
                  For subsequent amendments see Western Australian
                  Legislation Information Tables for 2004, Table 1, p. 269.]

     26.       Schedule 3 replaced
               Schedule 3 is repealed and the following schedule is inserted
10             instead --
                 Schedule 3 -- Oath and affirmation of office
                                                                         [Sch. 1 cl. 4]
                     I, [name], [insert an oath or affirmation according to the
15                   Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations Act 2005] that
                     I will faithfully serve the people and the State of Western
                     Australia in the office of a magistrate [or acting magistrate]
                     of the Magistrates Court and I will do right to all manner of
                     people, according to law, without fear or favour, affection or
20                   ill will.

                                                                              page 15
     Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations (Consequential Provisions)
     Bill 2005
     Part 9           Supreme Court Act 1935 amended

     s. 27

               Part 9 -- Supreme Court Act 1935 amended
     27.       The Act amended in this Part
               The amendments in this Part are to the Supreme Court
               Act 1935*.
 5             [* Reprinted as at 9 February 2001.
                  For subsequent amendments see Western Australian
                  Legislation Information Tables for 2004, Table 1, p. 445.]

     28.       Section 4 amended
               Section 4(1) is amended by deleting the definition of "Oath".

10   29.       Section 9 amended
               Section 9(2) is repealed.

     30.       Section 11 amended
               Section 11(1a) is repealed.

     31.       Section 11AA amended
15             Section 11AA(4) is amended as follows:
                 (a) by inserting after paragraph (a) --
                      " and ";
                (b) by deleting paragraph (b) and "and" after it.

     32.       Section 11A amended
20             Section 11A(4) is repealed.

     page 16
         Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations (Consequential Provisions)
                                                                        Bill 2005
                                Supreme Court Act 1935 amended             Part 9

                                                                                   s. 33

     33.          Section 13 inserted
                  After section 12 the following section is inserted --
            13.        Oath of office
 5                     Before a person who is appointed to an office referred
                       to in section 6(3), or to the office of judge of appeal,
                       Chief Justice or President, performs any function of the
                       office, he or she shall take before the Governor, or
                       some person authorised for the purpose by the
10                     Governor, an oath or affirmation in the form set out in
                       the Second Schedule.

     34.          Section 49 amended
                  Section 49(1a) is repealed.

15   35.          Sections 175, 176 and 177 repealed
                  Sections 175, 176 and 177 are repealed.

     36.          Second Schedule replaced
                  The Second Schedule is repealed and the following schedule is
                  inserted instead --
20   "
             Second Schedule -- Oath and affirmation of office
                                                                                 [s. 13]
                       I, [name], [insert an oath or affirmation according to the
                       Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations Act 2005] that
25                     I will faithfully serve the people and the State of Western
                       Australia in the office of [title of office] of the Supreme
                       Court of Western Australia and I will do right to all manner
                       of people, according to law, without fear or favour, affection
                       or ill will.
30                                                                                      ".

                                                                                page 17
     Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations (Consequential Provisions)
     Bill 2005
     Part 10          State Administrative Tribunal Act 2004 amended

     s. 37

           Part 10 -- State Administrative Tribunal Act 2004
     37.       The Act amended in this Part
               The amendments in this Part are to State Administrative
 5             Tribunal Act 2004*.
               [* Act No. 54 of 2004.
                  For subsequent amendments see Western Australian
                  Legislation Information Tables for 2004, Table 1, p. 427.]

     38.       Section 142A inserted
10             After section 142 the following section is inserted --
             142A.   Oath of office
                     Before a person who is appointed under this Part to any
                     of the following offices performs any function of the
15                   office, he or she must take before the Governor, or
                     some person authorised for the purpose by the
                     Governor, an oath or affirmation in the form set out in
                     Schedule 2.
                      Acting President
                      Supplementary President
                      Deputy President
                      Acting Deputy President
                      Supplementary Deputy President
20                                                                             ".

     page 18
         Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations (Consequential Provisions)
                                                                        Bill 2005
                    State Administrative Tribunal Act 2004 amended       Part 10

                                                                                 s. 39

     39.       Schedule 2 inserted
               After Schedule 1 the following Schedule is inserted --
                 Schedule 2 -- Oath and affirmation of office
 5                                                                          [s. 142A]
                     I, [name], [insert an oath or affirmation according to the
                     Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations Act 2005] that
                     I will faithfully serve the people and the State of Western
                     Australia in the office of [title of office] of the State
10                   Administrative Tribunal and I will do right to all manner of
                     people, according to law, without fear or favour, affection or
                     ill will.

                                                                              page 19
     Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations (Consequential Provisions)
     Bill 2005
     Part 11          The Criminal Code amended

     s. 40

                    Part 11 -- The Criminal Code amended
     40.       The Criminal Code amended in this Part
               The amendments in this Part are to The Criminal Code*.
               [* Reprint 11 as at 3 September 2004 (see the Schedule to the
 5                Criminal Code Act 1913 appearing as Appendix B to the
                  Criminal Code Compilation Act 1913).
                  For subsequent amendments see Western Australian
                  Legislation Information Tables for 2004, Table 1, p. 110-11.]

     41.       Section 169 replaced
10             Section 169 is repealed and the following section is inserted
               instead --
             169.     False statements on oath
                (1)   Any person who, when under oath or any sanction that
15                    may be lawfully substituted for an oath, knowingly
                      makes a statement, whether orally or in writing, that is
                      false in a material particular is guilty of a crime and is
                      liable to imprisonment for 7 years.
                      Summary conviction penalty: imprisonment for 3 years
20                         and a fine of $36 000.
                (2)   Any person who knowingly makes a statement that is
                      false in a material particular in a statutory declaration is
                      guilty of a crime and is liable to imprisonment for
                      5 years.
25                    Summary conviction penalty: imprisonment for 2 years
                           and a fine of $24 000.

     page 20
         Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations (Consequential Provisions)
                                                                        Bill 2005
                                      The Criminal Code amended          Part 11

                                                                               s. 42

     42.       Section 170 replaced
               Section 170 is repealed and the following section is inserted
               instead --
 5          170.     False information to officials etc.
               (1)   Any person who, being required under a written law to
                     give information, whether orally or in writing, to
                     another person, knowingly gives information to the
                     other person that is false in a material particular is
10                   guilty of a crime and is liable to imprisonment for
                     3 years.
                     Summary conviction penalty: imprisonment for
                         18 months and a fine of $18 000.
               (2)   Subsection (1) does not apply if the person is required
15                   to give the information on oath or in a statutory

                                                                         page 21
     Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations (Consequential Provisions)
     Bill 2005
     Part 12          Evidence Act 1906 amended

     s. 43

                       Part 12 -- Evidence Act 1906 amended
     43.             The Act amended in this Part
                     The amendments in this Part are to the Evidence Act 1906*.
                     [* Reprint 12 as at 10 October 2003.
 5                      For subsequent amendments see Western Australian
                        Legislation Information Tables for 2004, Table 1, p. 151.]

     44.             Section 97 amended
                     Section 97(3) and (4) are repealed and the following subsection
                     is inserted instead --
10               "
                     (3)   The form of oath for a witness is as follows --
                           I [insert an oath or affirmation according to the Oaths,
                           Affidavits and Statutory Declarations Act 2005] that
                           the evidence I will give in this case will be the truth,
15                         the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

     45.             Sections 98, 98A, 99 and 100 repealed
                     Sections 98, 98A, 99 and 100 are repealed.

     46.             Section 100A amended
20         (1)       Section 100A(1) is amended by deleting "solemn".
           (2)       Section 100A(2) is amended by deleting "solemn" in the
                     2 places where it occurs.

     47.             Section 102 amended
           (1)       Section 102(1) is repealed and the following subsection is
25                   inserted instead --

     page 22
         Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations (Consequential Provisions)
                                                                        Bill 2005
                                      Evidence Act 1906 amended          Part 12

                                                                                      s. 48

                     (1)    If a person is called to act as an interpreter in any court,
                            or before any person acting judicially, and that person,
                            had he or she been tendered as a witness, would have
 5                          been required to take an oath or make an affirmation,
                            he or she shall be required to take an oath or
                            affirmation as follows --
                            I [insert an oath or affirmation according to the Oaths,
                            Affidavits and Statutory Declarations Act 2005] that I
10                          will well and truly translate any evidence that I am
                            asked to translate in this case.
           (2)       Section 102(2) is amended by deleting "or made a solemn
                     affirmation or declaration" and inserting instead --
15                   " or made an affirmation        ".

     48.             Section 103 amended
                     Section 103(1) is amended by deleting "a solemn" and inserting
                     instead --
                     "     an   ".

20   49.             Section 104 repealed
                     Section 104 is repealed.

     50.             Section 105 inserted
                     After section 104A the following section is inserted --
25           105.           Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations
                            Act 2005, application of
                            This Act does not limit the operation of the Oaths,
                            Affidavits and Statutory Declarations Act 2005 and in
                            particular Part 2 of that Act.
30                                                                                         ".

                                                                                   page 23
     Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations (Consequential Provisions)
     Bill 2005
     Part 12          Evidence Act 1906 amended

     s. 51

     51.         Section 106 repealed
                 Section 106 is repealed.

     52.         Section 106B amended
           (1)   Section 106B(1) is amended by deleting "under section 97(3) or
 5               after making a solemn affirmation under section 97(4)" and
                 inserting instead --
                 " or after making an affirmation   ".
           (2)   Section 106B(2) is amended by deleting "a solemn" and
                 inserting instead --
10               "   an   ".

     53.         Section 106C amended
                 Section 106C is amended by deleting "a solemn" and inserting
                 instead --
                 "   an   ".

     page 24
       Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations (Consequential Provisions)
                                                                      Bill 2005
                                Interpretation Act 1984 amended        Part 13

                                                                               s. 54

            Part 13 -- Interpretation Act 1984 amended
     54.     The Act amended in this Part
             The amendments in this Part are to the Interpretation Act 1984*.
             [* Reprint 4 as at 6 February 2004.
 5              For subsequent amendments see Western Australian
                Legislation Information Tables for 2004, Table 1, p. 222.]

     55.     Section 5 amended
             Section 5 is amended as follows:
               (a) by deleting the definition of "affidavit" and inserting
10                  instead --
                       "affidavit" means an affidavit made in accordance
                            with the Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory
                            Declarations Act 2005 or made before the
15                          commencement of that Act in accordance with
                 (b)    by deleting the definition of "oath" and inserting
                        instead --
20           "
                       "oath" means an oath or affirmation taken or made in
                           accordance with the Oaths, Affidavits and
                           Statutory Declarations Act 2005 or taken or made
                           before the commencement of that Act in
25                         accordance with law;

                                                                             page 25
     Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations (Consequential Provisions)
     Bill 2005
     Part 13          Interpretation Act 1984

     s. 55

                   (c)    by deleting the definition of "statutory declaration" and
                          inserting instead --
                         "statutory declaration" means a statutory declaration
 5                           made in accordance with the Oaths, Affidavits and
                             Statutory Declarations Act 2005 or made before
                             the commencement of that Act in accordance with
10                 (d)    by deleting the definition of "swear" and inserting
                          instead --
                         "swear" includes to affirm;

     page 26
       Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations (Consequential Provisions)
                                                                      Bill 2005
                           Local Government Act 1995 amended           Part 14

                                                                              s. 56

            Part 14 -- Local Government Act 1995 amended
     56.         The Act amended in this Part
                 The amendments in this Part are to the Local Government
                 Act 1995*.
 5               [* Reprint 2 as at 2 April 2004.
                    For subsequent amendments see Western Australian
                    Legislation Information Tables for 2004, Table 1, p. 266.]

     57.         Section 2.29 amended
           (1)   Section 2.29(1) is amended by deleting "take an oath or
10               affirmation of allegiance and".
           (2)   Section 2.29(3) is amended by deleting "An oath, affirmation or
                 declaration" and inserting instead --
                 "   A declaration   ".

     58.         Section 2.32 amended
15               Section 2.32(c) is amended by deleting "take the oath or
                 affirmation, and make the declaration," and inserting instead --
                 "   make the declaration   ".

     59.         Section 2.42 amended
                 Section 2.42(1) is amended by deleting "taken an oath or
20               affirmation of allegiance and".

                                                                            page 27
     Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations (Consequential Provisions)
     Bill 2005
     Part 15          Mining Act 1978 amended

     s. 60

                  Part 15 -- Mining Act 1978 amended
     60.       The Act amended in this Part
               The amendments in this Part are to the Mining Act 1978*.
               [* Reprinted as at 7 September 2001.
 5                For subsequent amendments see Western Australian
                  Legislation Information Tables for 2004, Table 1, p. 294-5.]

     61.       Section 144 amended
               Section 144 is amended as follows:
                 (a) by deleting paragraph (a) and inserting the following
10                    paragraph instead --
                          (a)   any person who, under the Oaths, Affidavits
                                and Statutory Declarations Act 2005, is an
                                authorised witness for an affidavit;
15                                                                               ";
                (b)       by inserting after paragraph (c) --
                          " or ";
                (c)       by deleting paragraph (d) and "or" after it.

     62.       Section 160D amended
20             Section 160D is amended as follows:
                 (a) by deleting paragraph (a) and inserting the following
                      paragraph instead --
                          (a)   any person who, under the Oaths, Affidavits
25                              and Statutory Declarations Act 2005, is an
                                authorised witness for an affidavit;
                (b)       by inserting after paragraph (b) --
                          " or ";

     page 28
Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations (Consequential Provisions)
                                                               Bill 2005
                                Mining Act 1978 amended         Part 15

                                                                       s. 62

        (c)   by deleting paragraphs (c), (d) and (e) and "or" after
              paragraph (e).

                                                                 page 29
Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations (Consequential Provisions)
Bill 2005
Part 16          Various Acts amended

s. 63

               Part 16 -- Various Acts amended
63.       Various Acts amended
          Each Act listed in Schedule 1 is amended as set out in that
          Schedule below the short title of the Act.

page 30
      Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations (Consequential Provisions)
                                                                     Bill 2005
                                    Amendments to various Acts    Schedule 1

                                                                                   cl. 1

                Schedule 1 -- Amendments to various Acts
                                                                               [s. 63]

    1.         Administration Act 1903
    s. 54(2)             Delete "Commissioners of the Supreme Court" and insert
                         instead --
                         " the Principal Registrar ".

    2.         Adoption Act 1994
    Sch. 1 cl. 2(1)(j)   Delete the paragraph and insert instead --
                           (j) any person before whom a person may make a
                                statutory declaration under the Oaths, Affidavits
                                and Statutory Declarations Act 2005 or under the
                                Statutory Declarations Act 1959 of the

5   3.         Agricultural Practices (Disputes) Act 1995
    Sch. 1 cl. 7(7)(c) Delete ", affirmation or declaration required" and insert
                       instead --
                       " or affirmation required ".

    4.         Bills of Sale Act 1899
    s. 8(1)              Delete "misdemeanour, and shall be punishable as if he were
                         guilty of an offence under section 170 of The Criminal
                         Code." and insert instead --
                             crime and be liable to imprisonment for 5 years.
                             Summary conviction penalty: Imprisonment for
                             2 years or a fine of $8 000.
    s. 9                 Repeal the section.

                                                                              page 31
    Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations (Consequential Provisions)
    Bill 2005
    Schedule 1       Amendments to various Acts

    cl. 5

    5.         Companies (Co-operative) Act 1943
    s. 432             Delete "commissioner for taking affidavits in the Supreme
                       Court or commissioner for declarations" and insert
                       instead --
                       " any person who may witness a statutory declaration ".

    6.         Consumer Affairs Act 1971
    s. 19(1a)(c)(iv)   Delete "have the authority of a commissioner for
                       declarations." and insert instead --
                       " may witness a statutory declaration. ".

    7.         Criminal Law Amendment (Simple Offences) Act 2004
    s. 2(7)            Repeal the subsection.
    s. 39              Repeal the section.

    8.         Education Service Providers (Full Fee Overseas Students)
5              Registration Act 1991
    s. 32(2)(c)(iv)    Delete "have the authority of a commissioner for
                       declarations." and insert instead --
                       " may witness a statutory declaration. ".

    9.         Finance Brokers Control Act 1975
    s. 15(2)(c)(iv)    Delete "have the authority of a commissioner for
                       declarations." and insert instead --
                       " may witness a statutory declaration. ".

    10.        Juries Act 1957
    s. 56(2)           Delete "sworn before a commissioner for affidavits or a
                       Justice of the Peace and".

    11.        Justices of the Peace Act 2004
    Schedule 2         Delete "Act 2003" and insert instead --
                       " Act 2005 ".

    page 32
      Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations (Consequential Provisions)
                                                                     Bill 2005
                                    Amendments to various Acts    Schedule 1

                                                                               cl. 12

    12.        Petroleum Products Pricing Act 1983
    s. 23(1)(b)(iii)   Delete "has the authority of a Commissioner for
                       Declarations" and insert instead --
                       " may witness a statutory declaration ".

    13.        Public Notaries Act 1979
    s. 13              Delete "some Commissioner duly appointed to take
                       affidavits therein" and insert instead --
                           a person prescribed for the purpose by rules made
                           under section 17

    14.        Prisons Act 1981
    s. 9(3)(b)(ii)     Delete "has the authority of a commissioner for
                       declarations." and insert instead --
                       " may witness a statutory declaration. ".

    15.        Real Estate and Business Agents Act 1978
    s. 15(2)(c)(iv)    Delete "have the authority of a commissioner for
                       declarations." and insert instead --
                       " may witness a statutory declaration. ".

5   16.        Settlement Agents Act 1981
    s. 15(2)(c)(iv)    Delete "have the authority of a commissioner for
                       declarations." and insert instead --
                       " may witness a statutory declaration. ".

                                                                           page 33
Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations (Consequential Provisions)
Bill 2005
Schedule 1       Amendments to various Acts

cl. 17

17.       Transfer of Land Act 1893
Second Schedule    In each Schedule, delete "(The applicant if within the State
Fourth Schedule    to sign before the Registrar or an Assistant Registrar or a
Twenty-eighth      notary public, justice of the peace, commissioner for taking
Schedule           affidavits in the Supreme Court of Western Australia or legal
                   practitioner; if out of the State, before a notary public, justice
                   of the peace, or a commissioner for taking affidavits in the
                   Supreme Court of Western Australia)." and insert instead --
                       [The applicant, if in the State, to sign before the
                       Registrar, an Assistant Registrar or any person who,
                       under the Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory
                       Declarations Act 2005, is an authorised witness for an
                       affidavit made in the State; if out of the State, to sign
                       before any person who, under that Act, is an
                       authorised witness for an affidavit made out of the

18.       Veterinary Surgeons Act 1960
s. 16B(2)(c)(iv)   Delete "have the authority of a commissioner for
                   declarations." and insert instead --
                   " may witness a statutory declaration. ".


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