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Western Australia Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Contents Part 1 -- Preliminary 1. Short title 2 2. Commencement 2 Part 2 -- Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended 3. Act amended 3 4. Long title replaced 3 5. Section 1 amended 3 6. Section 5 amended 3 7. Sections 6AA, 6AB and 6AC inserted 15 6AA. Potential GHG storage formation 15 6AB. Eligible GHG storage formation and related terms 16 6AC. Incidental greenhouse gas-related substance 18 8. Section 7AA amended 19 9. Section 9 amended 20 10. Section 10 amended 20 11. Section 11 amended 21 12. Section 15 amended 21 13. Section 15A amended 22 14. Section 16 amended 22 15. Section 17 amended 22 16. Section 24 amended 23 13--1 page i Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Contents 17. Part III heading replaced 23 Part III -- Operations relating to recovery of petroleum and geothermal energy or GHG injection and storage 18. Section 28 amended 23 19. Section 29 amended 24 20. Section 30 amended 25 21. Section 31A inserted 25 31A. Petroleum lessee or licensee to be notified of proposal to advertise certain blocks 25 22. Section 31 amended 26 23. Section 32A amended 27 24. Section 32 amended 27 25. Section 33 amended 27 26. Section 35 amended 28 27. Section 37 amended 28 28. Section 37A amended 28 29. Section 38 amended 29 30. Section 39A inserted 30 39A. Rights conferred by GHG exploration permit 30 31. Section 40 amended 32 32. Section 41 amended 32 33. Section 42A amended 33 34. Section 42B inserted 33 42B. GHG exploration permits cannot be renewed more than once 33 35. Section 43A amended 33 36. Section 43B amended 34 37. Section 43CA amended 35 38. Section 43C amended 35 39. Section 43D amended 36 40. Section 43EA inserted 37 43EA. Rights conferred by GHG drilling reservation 37 41. Section 44 replaced 39 44. Certain discoveries in permit area or drilling reservation area to be notified 39 42. Section 46 amended 40 43. Section 47 amended 41 44. Section 48A amended 41 45. Section 48B amended 42 page ii Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Contents 46. Section 48BA amended 44 47. Sections 48CAA, 48CAB and 48CAC inserted 45 48CAA. Application by petroleum lessee for GHG retention lease 45 48CAB. Grant or refusal of GHG retention lease in relation to application by petroleum lessee 45 48CAC. Application of s. 48CAA and 48CAB if petroleum retention lease is transferred 48 48. Section 48CA amended 49 49. Section 48CB amended 50 50. Section 48CC amended 51 51. Section 48C amended 51 52. Section 48DA inserted 52 48DA. Rights conferred by GHG retention lease 52 53. Section 48E amended 54 54. Section 48F amended 55 55. Section 48G amended 56 56. Section 48HA inserted 60 48HA. GHG retention lease cannot be renewed more than once 60 57. Section 48H amended 61 58. Section 48J replaced 61 48J. Certain discoveries in lease area to be notified 61 59. Section 48K deleted 62 60. Part III Division 3 heading amended 62 61. Section 49A inserted 62 49A. GHG injection operations in State 63 62. Section 50 amended 63 63. Section 50AA inserted 64 50AA. Application by permittee or holder of drilling reservation for GHG injection licence 64 64. Section 50A amended 65 65. Section 51 amended 66 66. Section 53 amended 66 67. Section 54 amended 67 68. Section 54A amended 68 69. Section 55 amended 68 70. Section 57 amended 69 71. Section 59 amended 70 72. Section 60 amended 71 73. Section 61 amended 71 page iii Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Contents 74. Section 62 amended 71 75. Section 63 amended 73 76. Section 64A amended 73 77. Section 66 amended 74 78. Section 69 amended 75 79. Part III Division 3A heading amended 79 80. Section 69A amended 80 81. Part III Division 4A inserted 82 Division 4A -- Matters relating to GHG injection and storage Subdivision 1 -- Declaration of identified GHG storage formation 69B. Application for declaration of identified GHG storage formation 82 69C. Requirement for further information or further analysis 83 69D. Variation of application 84 69E. Declaration of identified GHG storage formation 84 69F. Refusal to make declaration 85 69G. Variation of declaration 85 69H. Revocation of declaration 87 Subdivision 2 -- Approved site plans 69I. Approved site plans 88 Subdivision 3 -- Serious situations 69JA. When serious situation exists 90 69JB. Reporting of serious situations 91 69JC. Minister may give directions 91 Subdivision 4 -- Site closing certificates 69JD. Application for site closing certificate 93 69JE. Requirements for application 96 69JF. Acknowledgment of receipt of application 97 69JG. Variation of application 98 69JH. Pre-certificate notice 98 69JI. Refusal to give pre-certificate notice 101 69JJ. Content of pre-certificate notice 101 69JK. Issue of site closing certificate 103 69JL. Transferee of GHG injection licence treated as applicant 103 69JM. Duration of site closing certificate 104 69JN. Transfer of site closing certificate 104 69JO. Transfer of securities 104 69JP. Discharge of securities 104 69JQ. Recovery of State's costs and expenses 105 page iv Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Contents Subdivision 5 -- Long term liabilities in respect of GHG storage 69JR. Closure assurance period 105 69JS. Indemnity against long term liability 107 69JT. State to assume long term liability if licensee has ceased to exist 108 82. Section 70 amended 109 83. Section 72 amended 109 84. Section 75 amended 109 85. Section 76 amended 111 86. Section 85 amended 111 87. Section 89 amended 111 88. Section 91 amended 111 89. Section 91A amended 116 90. Section 91B amended 116 91. Section 92 amended 116 92. Section 95 amended 117 93. Section 101 amended 117 94. Section 105 amended 117 95. Section 106 amended 118 96. Section 109 amended 120 97. Section 113 amended 121 98. Section 116 amended 121 99. Section 117 amended 121 100. Section 117A amended 122 101. Section 119 amended 122 102. Section 123 amended 122 103. Section 126A amended 123 104. Section 136 amended 123 105. Section 142 amended 123 106. Section 144 amended 123 107. Section 149B amended 124 108. Section 149C amended 124 109. Section 152 amended 124 110. Section 153 amended 125 111. Schedule 1 amended 127 Part 3 -- Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969 amended 112. Act amended 130 113. Long title amended 130 page v Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Contents 114. Section 1 amended 130 115. Section 4 amended 130 116. Section 8 amended 131 117. Section 21 amended 131 118. Section 37A amended 131 119. Section 47 amended 131 120. Section 64 amended 132 121. Section 67 amended 132 Part 4 -- Other Acts amended Division 1 -- Barrow Island Act 2003 amended 122. Act amended 133 123. Section 7 amended 133 124. Section 11 amended 133 125. Section 14 amended 134 Division 2 -- Building Act 2011 amended 126. Act amended 134 127. Section 73 amended 134 Division 3 -- Conservation and Land Management Act 1984 amended 128. Act amended 135 129. Section 3 amended 135 130. Section 4 amended 135 131. Section 13A amended 136 132. Section 13B amended 136 133. Section 13C amended 137 134. Section 13E amended 139 135. Section 60 amended 139 Division 4 -- Dampier to Bunbury Pipeline Act 1997 amended 136. Act amended 140 137. Section 34 amended 140 138. Schedule 4 Division 8 heading amended 140 139. Schedule 4 clause 37 amended 141 Division 5 -- Land Administration Act 1997 amended 140. Act amended 141 141. Section 3 amended 141 page vi Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Contents 142. Section 5 replaced 142 5. Act not to apply to registration of certain rights 142 143. Section 24 amended 143 144. Section 91 amended 143 145. Section 164 amended 143 146. Section 170 amended 144 147. Section 175 amended 144 148. Section 177 amended 145 Division 6 -- Mining Act 1978 amended 149. Act amended 145 150. Section 8 amended 145 151. Section 8A deleted 145 152. Section 159 amended 146 Division 7 -- Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 amended 153. Act amended 146 154. Section 4 amended 146 Division 8 -- Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 amended 155. Act amended 147 156. Section 112 amended 147 157. Section 142 amended 147 158. Section 145 amended 147 159. Section 152 amended 148 Division 9 -- Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources (Registration Fees) Act 1967 amended 160. Act amended 148 161. Long title amended 148 162. Section 1 amended 148 163. Section 3 amended 149 164. Section 4 amended 149 Division 10 -- Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Safety Levies Act 2011 amended 165. Act amended 149 166. Section 3 amended 149 167. Section 10 amended 151 168. Section 21 amended 151 page vii Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Contents Division 11 -- Transfer of Land Act 1893 amended 169. Act amended 152 170. Section 3 amended 152 Division 12 -- Various references to "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967" and "Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969" amended 171. References to "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967" amended 153 172. References to "Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969" amended 155 page viii Western Australia LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 A Bill for An Act to amend the Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 and the Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969 to facilitate the geological storage of greenhouse gas substances, to make consequential amendments to other Acts, and for other purposes. The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows: page 1 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 1 Preliminary s. 1 1 Part 1 -- Preliminary 2 1. Short title 3 This is the Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation 4 Amendment Act 2013. 5 2. Commencement 6 This Act comes into operation as follows -- 7 (a) Part 1 -- on the day on which this Act receives the 8 Royal Assent; 9 (b) the rest of the Act -- on a day fixed by proclamation, 10 and different days may be fixed for different provisions. page 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 3 1 Part 2 -- Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources 2 Act 1967 amended 3 3. Act amended 4 This Part amends the Petroleum and Geothermal Energy 5 Resources Act 1967. 6 4. Long title replaced 7 Delete the long title and insert: 8 9 An Act relating to -- 10 • the exploration for, and the exploitation of, petroleum 11 resources, geothermal energy resources, and certain 12 other resources, within certain lands of the State; and 13 • the injection and storage of greenhouse gas substances 14 within certain lands of the State, 15 and for incidental and other purposes. 16 17 5. Section 1 amended 18 In section 1 delete "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy 19 Resources" and insert: 20 21 Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage 22 23 6. Section 5 amended 24 (1) In section 5(1) delete the definitions of: 25 other protected person (each occurrence) 26 partly cancelled 27 permit area page 3 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 6 1 (2) In section 5(1) insert in alphabetical order: 2 3 approved site plan means a site plan in respect of 4 which an approval is in force under regulations made 5 for the purposes of section 69I; 6 closure assurance period means a closure assurance 7 period declared under section 69JR(1); 8 detection agent means a substance, whether in a 9 gaseous or liquid state, that -- 10 (a) when added to -- 11 (i) another substance; or 12 (ii) a mixture of other substances, 13 facilitates the monitoring of the behaviour of 14 that other substance or that mixture, as the case 15 may be; and 16 (b) is specified in the regulations; 17 drilling reservation area means the area constituted by 18 the blocks that are the subject of a drilling reservation; 19 eligible GHG storage formation has the meaning given 20 in section 6AB(1); 21 fundamental suitability determinants, in relation to an 22 eligible GHG storage formation, has the meaning given 23 in section 6AB(9); 24 geological formation includes -- 25 (a) any seal or reservoir of a geological formation; 26 and 27 (b) any associated geological attributes or features 28 of a geological formation; 29 geothermal exploration operation means an operation 30 to explore for geothermal energy resources, and the 31 carrying on of such operations and the execution of 32 such works as are necessary for that purpose; page 4 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 6 1 GHG access authority means a GHG access authority 2 under Part III; 3 GHG drilling reservation means a GHG drilling 4 reservation under Part III; 5 GHG exploration operation means an operation to 6 explore for potential GHG storage formations or 7 potential GHG injection sites, and the carrying on of 8 such operations and the execution of such works as are 9 necessary for that purpose; 10 GHG exploration permit means a GHG exploration 11 permit under Part III; 12 GHG injection licence means a GHG injection licence 13 under Part III; 14 GHG injection operation means -- 15 (a) an operation to inject a greenhouse gas 16 substance into an identified GHG storage 17 formation, and to permanently store the 18 greenhouse gas substance in the identified 19 GHG storage formation, and the carrying on of 20 such operations and the execution of such 21 works as are necessary for those purposes; or 22 (b) an operation to monitor a greenhouse gas 23 substance stored in an identified GHG storage 24 formation, and the carrying on of such 25 operations and the execution of such works as 26 are necessary for that purpose; 27 GHG lease area means the area constituted by the 28 blocks that are the subject of a GHG retention lease; 29 GHG lessee means the registered holder of a 30 GHG retention lease; 31 GHG licensee means the registered holder of a GHG 32 injection licence; 33 GHG operation means -- 34 (a) a GHG exploration operation; or page 5 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 6 1 (b) an operation to drill for potential GHG storage 2 formations or potential GHG injection sites, 3 and the carrying on of such operations and the 4 execution of such works as are necessary for 5 that purpose; or 6 (c) a GHG injection operation; or 7 (d) any other kind of operation that is prescribed by 8 the regulations to be a GHG operation for the 9 purposes of this definition, 10 but does not include -- 11 (e) an operation of the kind described in 12 paragraph (f) of the definition of petroleum 13 operation; or 14 (f) an operation of a kind that is prescribed by the 15 regulations not to be a GHG operation for the 16 purposes of this definition; 17 GHG permit area means the area constituted by the 18 blocks that are the subject of a GHG exploration 19 permit; 20 GHG permittee means the registered holder of a GHG 21 exploration permit; 22 GHG retention lease means a GHG retention lease 23 under Part III; 24 GHG special prospecting authority means a GHG 25 special prospecting authority under Part III; 26 greenhouse gas substance or GHG means -- 27 (a) carbon dioxide, whether in a gaseous or liquid 28 state; or 29 (b) a prescribed greenhouse gas, whether in a 30 gaseous or liquid state; or page 6 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 6 1 (c) a mixture of any or all of the following 2 substances -- 3 (i) carbon dioxide, whether in a gaseous or 4 liquid state; 5 (ii) one or more prescribed greenhouse 6 gases, whether in a gaseous or liquid 7 state; 8 (iii) one or more incidental greenhouse 9 gas-related substances, whether in a 10 gaseous or liquid state, that relate to 11 either or both of the substances 12 mentioned in subparagraphs (i) and (ii); 13 (iv) a detection agent, whether in a gaseous 14 or liquid state, 15 if -- 16 (v) the mixture consists overwhelmingly of 17 either or both of the substances 18 mentioned in subparagraphs (i) and (ii); 19 and 20 (vi) in a case where the mixture includes a 21 detection agent -- the concentration of 22 the detection agent in the mixture is not 23 more than the concentration prescribed 24 in relation to that detection agent; 25 identified GHG storage formation means a part of a 26 geological formation declared to be an identified 27 GHG storage formation under section 69E(1)(c); 28 incidental greenhouse gas-related substance has the 29 meaning given in section 6AC(2); 30 other protected person -- 31 (a) in relation to a petroleum operation, means a 32 person who is at or near a place where the 33 petroleum operation is being carried on at the page 7 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 6 1 invitation of, or with the express or implied 2 consent of -- 3 (i) the operator of the petroleum operation; 4 or 5 (ii) a person in control of a part of the 6 petroleum operation; 7 or 8 (b) in relation to a geothermal energy operation, 9 means a person who is at or near a place where 10 the geothermal energy operation is being 11 carried on at the invitation of, or with the 12 express or implied consent of -- 13 (i) the operator of the geothermal energy 14 operation; or 15 (ii) a person in control of a part of the 16 geothermal energy operation; 17 or 18 (c) in relation to a GHG operation, means a person 19 who is at or near a place where the 20 GHG operation is being carried on at the 21 invitation of, or with the express or implied 22 consent of -- 23 (i) the operator of the GHG operation; or 24 (ii) a person in control of a part of the GHG 25 operation; 26 partly cancelled, in relation to a permit, drilling 27 reservation or licence, means cancelled as to one or 28 more but not all of the blocks the subject of the permit, 29 drilling reservation or licence; 30 permit area means the area constituted by the blocks 31 that are the subject of a permit; 32 petroleum exploration operation means an operation 33 to explore for petroleum, and the carrying on of such page 8 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 6 1 operations and the execution of such works as are 2 necessary for that purpose; 3 potential GHG injection site means a place that is a 4 suitable place to make a well or wells to inject a 5 greenhouse gas substance into a part of a geological 6 formation; 7 potential GHG storage formation has the meaning 8 given in section 6AA(1); 9 site plan means a document that -- 10 (a) relates to an identified GHG storage formation; 11 and 12 (b) complies with such requirements as are 13 specified in the regulations; and 14 (c) is divided into the following parts -- 15 (i) Part A, which sets out predictions for 16 the behaviour of a greenhouse gas 17 substance stored in the identified GHG 18 storage formation; 19 (ii) Part B, which deals with other matters; 20 spatial extent, of an eligible GHG storage formation, 21 has the meaning given in section 6AB(3); 22 23 (3) In section 5(1) in the definition of access authority: 24 (a) in paragraph (b) delete "authority;" and insert: 25 26 authority; or 27 28 (b) after paragraph (b) insert: 29 30 (c) a GHG access authority; 31 page 9 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 6 1 (4) In section 5(1) in the definition of drilling reservation: 2 (a) in paragraph (b) delete "reservation;" and insert: 3 4 reservation; or 5 6 (b) after paragraph (b) insert: 7 8 (c) a GHG drilling reservation; 9 10 (5) In section 5(1) in the definition of facility delete "operation or 11 geothermal energy" and insert: 12 13 operation, geothermal energy operation or GHG 14 15 (6) In section 5(1) in the definition of geothermal drilling 16 reservation delete "referred to in section 43D(2);" and insert: 17 18 under Part III; 19 20 (7) In section 5(1) in the definition of geothermal energy operation 21 delete paragraph (a) and insert: 22 23 (a) a geothermal exploration operation; or 24 25 (8) In section 5(1) in the definition of geothermal exploration 26 permit delete "issued under section 38(2);" and insert: 27 28 under Part III; 29 page 10 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 6 1 (9) In section 5(1) in the definition of lease: 2 (a) in paragraph (b) delete "lease;" and insert: 3 4 lease; or 5 6 (b) after paragraph (b) insert: 7 8 (c) a GHG retention lease; 9 10 (10) In section 5(1) in the definition of licence: 11 (a) in paragraph (b) delete "licence;" and insert: 12 13 licence; or 14 15 (b) after paragraph (b) insert: 16 17 (c) a GHG injection licence; 18 19 (11) In section 5(1) in the definition of operator: 20 (a) delete paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and (d) and insert: 21 22 (a) in relation to a petroleum exploration operation, 23 geothermal exploration operation or 24 GHG exploration operation in a permit area, 25 means the registered holder of the permit for 26 that area; or 27 (b) in relation to -- 28 (i) an operation to drill for petroleum or 29 geothermal energy resources in a 30 drilling reservation area; or page 11 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 6 1 (ii) an operation to drill for potential GHG 2 storage formations or potential GHG 3 injection sites in a drilling reservation 4 area; or 5 (iii) the carrying on of such operations or the 6 execution of such works in a drilling 7 reservation area as are necessary for any 8 of those purposes, 9 means the registered holder of the drilling 10 reservation for that area; or 11 (c) in relation to a petroleum exploration operation, 12 geothermal exploration operation or GHG 13 exploration operation in a lease area, means the 14 registered holder of the lease for that area; or 15 (d) in relation to -- 16 (i) a petroleum exploration operation, 17 geothermal exploration operation or 18 GHG exploration operation in a licence 19 area; or 20 (ii) an operation to recover petroleum or 21 geothermal energy in a licence area, or 22 to recover petroleum or geothermal 23 energy from a licence area in another 24 area, or the carrying on of such 25 operations or the execution of such 26 works in a licence area as are necessary 27 for those purposes; or 28 (iii) a GHG injection operation in a licence 29 area, 30 means the registered holder of the licence for 31 that area; or 32 page 12 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 6 1 (b) in paragraph (f) delete "operation or geothermal energy 2 resources exploration operation" and insert: 3 4 operation, geothermal exploration operation or GHG 5 exploration operation in an area 6 7 (c) delete paragraph (g) and insert: 8 9 (g) in relation to -- 10 (i) a petroleum exploration operation, 11 geothermal exploration operation or 12 GHG exploration operation in an area 13 specified in an access authority; or 14 (ii) an operation related to the recovery of 15 petroleum or geothermal energy from an 16 area specified in an access authority; or 17 (iii) a GHG injection operation in an area 18 specified in an access authority, 19 means the registered holder of the access 20 authority; or 21 22 (d) in paragraph (k) delete "definition;" and insert: 23 24 definition; or 25 26 (e) after paragraph (k) insert: 27 28 (l) in relation to any other kind of operation that is 29 prescribed by the regulations to be a GHG 30 operation for the purposes of the definition of 31 GHG operation, means the person prescribed 32 by the regulations to be the operator of such a page 13 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 6 1 GHG operation for the purposes of this 2 definition; 3 4 (12) In section 5(1) in the definition of permit: 5 (a) in paragraph (b) delete "permit;" and insert: 6 7 permit; or 8 9 (b) after paragraph (b) insert: 10 11 (c) a GHG exploration permit; 12 13 (13) In section 5(1) in the definition of petroleum drilling 14 reservation delete "referred to in section 43D(1);" and insert: 15 16 under Part III; 17 18 (14) In section 5(1) in the definition of petroleum exploration permit 19 delete "issued under section 38(1);" and insert: 20 21 under Part III; 22 23 (15) In section 5(1) in the definition of petroleum operation delete 24 paragraph (a) and insert: 25 26 (a) a petroleum exploration operation; or 27 page 14 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 7 1 (16) In section 5(1) in the definition of special prospecting 2 authority: 3 (a) in paragraph (b) delete "authority;" and insert: 4 5 authority; or 6 7 (b) after paragraph (b) insert: 8 9 (c) a GHG special prospecting authority; 10 11 (17) In section 5(1) in the definition of well delete "resources or 12 operations for the recovery of petroleum or geothermal energy," 13 and insert: 14 15 resources, operations for the recovery of petroleum or 16 geothermal energy or GHG operations, 17 18 (18) In section 5(1) in the definition of geothermal energy operation 19 after each of paragraphs (b) and (c) and the definition of 20 operator after each of paragraphs (e), (f), (h), (i) and (j) and the 21 definition of petroleum operation after each of paragraphs (b) 22 to (f) insert: 23 24 or 25 26 7. Sections 6AA, 6AB and 6AC inserted 27 After section 5 insert: 28 29 6AA. Potential GHG storage formation 30 (1) For the purposes of this Act, a potential GHG storage 31 formation is a part of a geological formation that is page 15 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 7 1 suitable for the permanent storage of a greenhouse gas 2 substance injected into that part. 3 (2) For the purposes of subsection (1), it is not necessary to 4 identify the greenhouse gas substance. 5 (3) For the purposes of subsection (1), in determining 6 whether a part of a geological formation is suitable for 7 the permanent storage of a greenhouse gas substance 8 injected into that part, regard may be had to reasonably 9 foreseeable technological developments. 10 6AB. Eligible GHG storage formation and related terms 11 (1) For the purposes of this Act, an eligible GHG storage 12 formation is a part of a geological formation that is 13 suitable for the permanent storage of a particular 14 amount of a particular greenhouse gas substance 15 injected at a particular point or points into that part 16 over a particular period. 17 (2) An amount referred to in subsection (1) must be at least 18 100 000 tonnes. 19 (3) For the purposes of this Act, the spatial extent of an 20 eligible GHG storage formation is the expected 21 migration pathway or pathways of the particular 22 amount of the particular greenhouse gas substance 23 injected as referred to in subsection (1), over the 24 period -- 25 (a) beginning at the start of the particular period 26 referred to in that subsection; and 27 (b) ending at the notional site closing certificate 28 time as defined in subsection (8). 29 (4) In determining the spatial extent of an eligible GHG 30 storage formation, regard must be had to -- 31 (a) the fundamental suitability determinants; and 32 (b) such other matters as are relevant. page 16 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 7 1 (5) The regulations may provide that the expected 2 migration pathway or pathways are to be ascertained 3 for the purposes of subsection (3) on the basis of -- 4 (a) one or more assumptions (if any) specified in 5 the regulations; and 6 (b) a level of probability specified in the 7 regulations; and 8 (c) a methodology (if any) specified in the 9 regulations. 10 (6) For the purposes of the application of this section to a 11 part of a geological formation covered by 12 subsection (1), the notional site closing certificate time 13 is worked out by -- 14 (a) assuming that the particular amount of the 15 particular greenhouse gas substance referred to 16 in that subsection was injected at the particular 17 point or points referred to in that subsection 18 over the particular period referred to in that 19 subsection; and 20 (b) assuming that, throughout that period, that part 21 was an identified GHG storage formation; and 22 (c) assuming that, throughout that period, 23 operations for the injection of the greenhouse 24 gas substance into that part -- 25 (i) were authorised by a GHG injection 26 licence; and 27 (ii) complied with the requirements of this 28 Act and the regulations; 29 and 30 (d) assuming that, at the end of that period, 31 operations for the injection of the greenhouse 32 gas substance into that part ceased; and page 17 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 7 1 (e) estimating the earliest time after the end of that 2 period when the Minister would be in a position 3 to issue a site closing certificate in relation to 4 the identified GHG storage formation. 5 (7) When making an estimate under subsection (6)(e), 6 section 69JH(8) is to be disregarded. 7 (8) The notional site closing certificate time is the time 8 estimated under subsection (6)(e). 9 (9) For the purposes of this Act, the following are the 10 fundamental suitability determinants of an eligible 11 GHG storage formation -- 12 (a) the particular amount referred to in 13 subsection (1); 14 (b) the particular greenhouse gas substance referred 15 to in subsection (1); 16 (c) the particular point or points referred to in 17 subsection (1); 18 (d) the particular period referred to in 19 subsection (1); 20 (e) the effective sealing feature or attribute that 21 enables the permanent storage referred to in 22 subsection (1). 23 6AC. Incidental greenhouse gas-related substance 24 (1) This section applies if either or both of the following 25 substances (primary greenhouse gas substances) is or 26 are captured from a particular source material -- 27 (a) carbon dioxide; 28 (b) one or more prescribed greenhouse gases. page 18 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 8 1 (2) For the purposes of this Act, each of the following is an 2 incidental greenhouse gas-related substance in relation 3 to a primary greenhouse gas substance -- 4 (a) any substance that is incidentally derived from 5 the source material; 6 (b) any substance that is incidentally derived from 7 the capture; 8 (c) if the primary greenhouse gas substance, 9 whether in a pure form or in a mixture with 10 other substances, is transported -- any 11 substance that is incidentally derived from the 12 transportation; 13 (d) if the primary greenhouse gas substance, 14 whether in a pure form or in a mixture with 15 other substances, is injected into a part of a 16 geological formation -- any substance that is 17 incidentally derived from the injection; 18 (e) if the primary greenhouse gas substance, 19 whether in a pure form or in a mixture with 20 other substances, is stored in a part of a 21 geological formation -- any substance that is 22 incidentally derived from the storage. 23 24 8. Section 7AA amended 25 In section 7AA(1): 26 (a) delete paragraph (a) and insert: 27 28 (a) a petroleum operation, geothermal energy 29 operation or GHG operation; or 30 page 19 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 9 1 (b) in paragraph (b) delete "operation or geothermal energy" 2 and insert: 3 4 operation, geothermal energy operation or GHG 5 6 9. Section 9 amended 7 In section 9 delete "resources and geothermal energy" and 8 insert: 9 10 resources, geothermal energy, potential GHG storage 11 formations and potential GHG injection sites 12 13 Note: The heading to amended section 9 is to read: 14 Certain resources and formations declared to be property of 15 Crown 16 10. Section 10 amended 17 In section 10: 18 (a) delete "resources and geothermal energy" 19 (1st occurrence) and insert: 20 21 resources, geothermal energy, potential GHG storage 22 formations and potential GHG injection sites 23 24 (b) delete the passage that begins with "contained," and 25 continues to the end of the section and insert: 26 27 contained -- 28 (c) for the purpose of searching for and for the 29 operations of obtaining petroleum, geothermal 30 energy resources or geothermal energy in or on 31 any part of the land; or page 20 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 11 1 (d) for the purpose of carrying out GHG operations 2 in or on any part of the land. 3 4 11. Section 11 amended 5 (1) After section 11(1) insert: 6 7 (2A) The Minister may by his officers, agents, or workmen 8 carry on GHG operations and, for such purposes, may 9 enter upon and occupy, either temporarily or 10 permanently -- 11 (a) any vacant Crown land; or 12 (b) any other land. 13 14 (2) In section 11(2) delete "paragraph (b) of that subsection," and 15 insert: 16 17 subsection (1)(b), or any of the powers conferred by 18 subsection (2A) has been exercised in relation to land referred 19 to in subsection (2A)(b), 20 21 Note: The heading to amended section 11 is to read: 22 Minister may carry on petroleum, geothermal energy or 23 GHG operations 24 12. Section 15 amended 25 In section 15(1) delete "reservation," (2nd occurrence) and 26 insert: 27 28 reservation area, 29 page 21 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 13 1 13. Section 15A amended 2 In section 15A(1): 3 (a) in paragraph (d) delete "energy," and insert: 4 5 energy; or 6 7 (b) after paragraph (d) insert: 8 9 (e) carrying out GHG operations, 10 11 14. Section 16 amended 12 In section 16(1): 13 (a) in paragraph (b) delete "energy," and insert: 14 15 energy; or 16 17 (b) after paragraph (b) insert: 18 19 (c) carrying out GHG operations, 20 21 15. Section 17 amended 22 In section 17(3) delete "resources or geothermal energy" and 23 insert: 24 25 resources, geothermal energy, potential GHG storage 26 formations or potential GHG injection sites 27 page 22 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 16 1 16. Section 24 amended 2 In section 24(2) delete "resources or geothermal energy" and 3 insert: 4 5 resources, geothermal energy, potential GHG storage 6 formations or potential GHG injection sites 7 8 17. Part III heading replaced 9 Delete the heading to Part III and insert: 10 11 Part III -- Operations relating to recovery of 12 petroleum and geothermal energy or 13 GHG injection and storage 14 15 18. Section 28 amended 16 (1) After section 28(1a) insert: 17 18 (2A) The Minister may, by instrument published in the 19 Gazette, declare that a block specified in the instrument 20 (not being a block in respect of which a GHG 21 exploration permit, GHG drilling reservation, GHG 22 retention lease or GHG injection licence is in force) is 23 not to be the subject of a GHG exploration permit, 24 GHG drilling reservation, GHG retention lease, GHG 25 injection licence, GHG special prospecting authority or 26 GHG access authority. 27 page 23 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 19 1 (2) After section 28(3) insert: 2 3 (4) While a declaration under subsection (2A) remains in 4 force in respect of a block, a GHG exploration permit, 5 GHG drilling reservation, GHG retention lease, GHG 6 injection licence, GHG special prospecting authority or 7 GHG access authority must not be granted in respect of 8 that block. 9 10 19. Section 29 amended 11 Delete section 29(3) and insert: 12 13 (3) A person must not explore for a potential GHG storage 14 formation or a potential GHG injection site in the State 15 except -- 16 (a) under and in accordance with a GHG 17 exploration permit or a GHG drilling 18 reservation; or 19 (b) as otherwise permitted by this Act. 20 Penalty: a fine of $50 000 or imprisonment for 5 years, 21 or both. 22 (4) In this section -- 23 explore for, in relation to petroleum, geothermal 24 energy resources, a potential GHG storage formation or 25 a potential GHG injection site, includes to conduct any 26 geophysical survey the data from which is intended for 27 use in the search for petroleum, geothermal energy 28 resources, a potential GHG storage formation or a 29 potential GHG injection site. 30 31 Note: The heading to amended section 29 is to read: 32 Exploration for petroleum, geothermal energy resources, 33 potential GHG storage formations and potential GHG injection 34 sites restricted page 24 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 20 1 20. Section 30 amended 2 After section 30(2) insert: 3 4 (3) The Minister may, in an instrument under 5 subsection (1) inviting applications for the grant of a 6 GHG exploration permit, direct that the applications be 7 accompanied by information concerning the source, 8 volume and composition of the greenhouse gas 9 substance that is proposed to be injected and stored and 10 any other information the Minister considers relevant. 11 12 21. Section 31A inserted 13 After section 30 insert: 14 15 31A. Petroleum lessee or licensee to be notified of 16 proposal to advertise certain blocks 17 (1) This section applies if -- 18 (a) the Minister proposes to publish an instrument 19 under section 30(1) inviting applications for the 20 grant of a GHG exploration permit in respect of 21 a block or blocks that is or are the subject of a 22 petroleum retention lease or petroleum 23 production licence; and 24 (b) at the time of the proposal, the petroleum lessee 25 or petroleum licensee is entitled to make an 26 application for the grant of a GHG retention 27 lease or GHG injection licence over the block 28 or blocks. 29 (2) The Minister must, at least 60 days before the proposed 30 publication of the instrument, notify the petroleum 31 lessee or petroleum licensee of the proposed 32 publication. page 25 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 22 1 (3) If, during the period -- 2 (a) beginning when the petroleum lessee or 3 petroleum licensee is given the notification 4 under subsection (2); and 5 (b) ending at the end of the day before the day of 6 proposed publication of the instrument, 7 the petroleum lessee or petroleum licensee makes an 8 application referred to in subsection (1)(b), the 9 Minister must not publish the instrument until -- 10 (c) the application lapses; or 11 (d) the petroleum lessee or petroleum licensee 12 withdraws the application; or 13 (e) the Minister refuses to grant the GHG retention 14 lease or GHG injection licence. 15 16 22. Section 31 amended 17 In section 31(1): 18 (a) in paragraph (c)(i) delete "petroleum; or" and insert: 19 20 petroleum, a potential GHG storage formation or a 21 potential GHG injection site; or 22 23 (b) after paragraph (d) insert: 24 25 (ea) in the case of an application for a GHG 26 exploration permit -- shall be accompanied by 27 any information required under section 30(3); 28 and 29 page 26 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 23 1 23. Section 32A amended 2 In section 32A(1): 3 (a) in paragraph (b) delete "blocks." and insert: 4 5 blocks; or 6 7 (b) after paragraph (b) insert: 8 9 (c) 2 or more applications are made under 10 section 30 for the grant of a GHG exploration 11 permit for the same block or blocks. 12 13 24. Section 32 amended 14 In section 32(4) delete "permit or a geothermal" and insert: 15 16 permit, a geothermal exploration permit or a GHG 17 18 25. Section 33 amended 19 After section 33(2) insert: 20 21 (3) If -- 22 (a) a GHG retention lease is surrendered, cancelled 23 or determined as to a block or blocks; or 24 (b) a GHG injection licence is surrendered or 25 cancelled as to a block or blocks; or 26 (c) a GHG exploration permit is surrendered, 27 cancelled or determined as to a block or blocks 28 and, at the time of the surrender, cancellation or 29 determination, the block was, or was included 30 in, or the blocks were, or were included in, an 31 identified GHG storage formation; or page 27 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 26 1 (d) an identified GHG storage formation is within 2 or extends to a block which is not, or to blocks 3 which are not, the subject of a permit, drilling 4 reservation, lease or licence, 5 the Minister may, at any subsequent time, by 6 instrument published in the Gazette, invite applications 7 for the grant of a GHG exploration permit in respect of 8 that block or such of those blocks as are specified in 9 the instrument and specify a period within which 10 applications may be made. 11 12 26. Section 35 amended 13 In section 35(1) and (2) delete "33(1) or (2)," and insert: 14 15 33(1), (2) or (3), 16 17 27. Section 37 amended 18 In section 37 delete "permit or a geothermal" and insert: 19 20 permit, a geothermal exploration permit or a GHG 21 22 28. Section 37A amended 23 (1) Delete section 37A(1) and insert: 24 25 (1) Where a permit (the original permit) is in force in 26 respect of 2 or more blocks (not being blocks that form, 27 or form part of, a location or an identified GHG storage 28 formation), the permittee may make an application to 29 the Minister for the grant to the permittee of -- 30 (a) 2 or more petroleum exploration permits (if the 31 original permit is a petroleum exploration 32 permit); or page 28 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 29 1 (b) 2 or more geothermal exploration permits (if 2 the original permit is a geothermal exploration 3 permit); or 4 (c) 2 or more GHG exploration permits (if the 5 original permit is a GHG exploration permit), 6 in respect of the blocks the subject of the original 7 permit in exchange for the original permit. 8 9 (2) Delete section 37A(2)(a). 10 29. Section 38 amended 11 (1) Delete section 38(1) and insert: 12 13 (1) A petroleum exploration permit, while it remains in 14 force, authorises the permittee, subject to this Act and 15 in accordance with the conditions to which the permit 16 is subject -- 17 (a) to explore for petroleum in the permit area; and 18 (b) to recover petroleum in the permit area for the 19 purpose of establishing the nature and probable 20 extent of a discovery of petroleum; and 21 (c) to carry on such operations and execute such 22 works in the permit area as are necessary for 23 those purposes. 24 (2A) A petroleum exploration permit does not authorise the 25 permittee to make a well outside the permit area. 26 page 29 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 30 1 (2) After section 38(2) insert: 2 3 (3) A geothermal exploration permit does not authorise the 4 permittee to make a well outside the permit area. 5 6 Note: The heading to amended section 38 is to read: 7 Rights conferred by petroleum exploration permit or geothermal 8 exploration permit 9 30. Section 39A inserted 10 After section 38 insert: 11 12 39A. Rights conferred by GHG exploration permit 13 (1) A GHG exploration permit, while it remains in force, 14 authorises the permittee, subject to this Act and in 15 accordance with the conditions to which the permit is 16 subject -- 17 (a) to explore for a potential GHG storage 18 formation in the permit area; and 19 (b) to explore for a potential GHG injection site in 20 the permit area; and 21 (c) to inject, on an appraisal basis, a greenhouse 22 gas substance into a part of a geological 23 formation, so long as the relevant well is 24 situated in the permit area; and 25 (d) to store, on an appraisal basis, a greenhouse gas 26 substance in a part of a geological formation, so 27 long as the relevant well is situated in the 28 permit area; and 29 (e) to inject, on an appraisal basis -- 30 (i) air; or 31 (ii) petroleum; or page 30 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 30 1 (iii) water, 2 into a part of a geological formation for 3 purposes in connection with the exploration 4 authorised by paragraph (a) or (b), so long as 5 the relevant well is situated in the permit area; 6 and 7 (f) to store, on an appraisal basis -- 8 (i) air; or 9 (ii) petroleum; or 10 (iii) water, 11 in a part of a geological formation for purposes 12 in connection with the exploration authorised 13 by paragraph (a) or (b), so long as the relevant 14 well is situated in the permit area; and 15 (g) with the written consent of the Minister, to 16 recover petroleum in the permit area for the 17 sole purpose of appraising a discovery of 18 petroleum that was made as an incidental 19 consequence of -- 20 (i) the exploration authorised by 21 paragraph (a) or (b); or 22 (ii) the injection authorised by paragraph (c) 23 or (e); 24 and 25 (h) with the written consent of the Minister, to 26 recover geothermal energy in the permit area 27 for the sole purpose of appraising a discovery 28 of geothermal energy resources that was made 29 as an incidental consequence of -- 30 (i) the exploration authorised by 31 paragraph (a) or (b); or page 31 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 31 1 (ii) the injection authorised by paragraph (c) 2 or (e); 3 and 4 (i) to carry on such operations and execute such 5 works in the permit area as are necessary for 6 those purposes. 7 (2) If petroleum is recovered by the permittee in the permit 8 area as authorised by subsection (1)(g), the petroleum 9 does not become the property of the permittee. 10 (3) If geothermal energy is recovered by the permittee in 11 the permit area as authorised by subsection (1)(h), the 12 geothermal energy does not become the property of the 13 permittee. 14 (4) A GHG exploration permit does not authorise the 15 permittee to make a well outside the permit area. 16 17 31. Section 40 amended 18 In section 40(1) delete "41 and 42A," and insert: 19 20 41, 42A and 42B, 21 22 32. Section 41 amended 23 In section 41(2) and (3) after "location" insert: 24 25 or an identified GHG storage formation 26 page 32 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 33 1 33. Section 42A amended 2 In section 42A(1) after "applies to a" insert: 3 4 petroleum exploration permit or geothermal exploration 5 6 Note: The heading to amended section 42A is to read: 7 Certain petroleum exploration permits and geothermal 8 exploration permits cannot be renewed more than twice 9 34. Section 42B inserted 10 After section 42A insert: 11 12 42B. GHG exploration permits cannot be renewed more 13 than once 14 Despite sections 40(1) and 42, if a GHG exploration 15 permit has been renewed once -- 16 (a) the permittee is not entitled to apply for a 17 further renewal of the permit; and 18 (b) the Minister cannot grant a further renewal of 19 the permit. 20 21 35. Section 43A amended 22 (1) In section 43A(2) after "reservation, petroleum" insert: 23 24 retention 25 26 (2) In section 43A(2a) after "reservation, geothermal" insert: 27 28 retention 29 page 33 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 36 1 (3) After section 43A(2a) insert: 2 3 (3A) Applications for the grant of a GHG drilling 4 reservation are not to be invited under subsection (1) 5 over any area that is included in an existing GHG 6 exploration permit or an application for a GHG 7 exploration permit, GHG drilling reservation, GHG 8 retention lease or GHG injection licence. 9 10 (4) After section 43A(3) insert: 11 12 (4) The Minister may, in an instrument published under 13 subsection (1) inviting applications for the grant of a 14 GHG drilling reservation, direct that the applications 15 be accompanied by information concerning the source, 16 volume and composition of the greenhouse gas 17 substance that is proposed to be injected and stored and 18 any other information the Minister considers relevant. 19 20 36. Section 43B amended 21 In section 43B(1): 22 (a) delete paragraph (c) and insert: 23 24 (c) shall be in respect of a block or blocks 25 containing -- 26 (i) a potential site of petroleum deposits; or 27 (ii) a potential site of geothermal energy 28 resources; or 29 (iii) a potential GHG storage formation; or 30 (iv) a potential GHG injection site, 31 as the case requires; and 32 page 34 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 37 1 (b) in paragraph (d)(iv) delete "deposit or geothermal 2 energy resources," and insert: 3 4 deposit, potential geothermal energy resources, potential 5 GHG storage formation or potential GHG injection site, 6 7 (c) after paragraph (d) insert: 8 9 (ea) in the case of an application for a GHG drilling 10 reservation -- shall be accompanied by any 11 information required under section 43A(4); and 12 13 37. Section 43CA amended 14 In section 43CA(1): 15 (a) in paragraph (b) delete "blocks." and insert: 16 17 blocks; or 18 19 (b) after paragraph (b) insert: 20 21 (c) 2 or more applications are made under 22 section 43A for the grant of a GHG drilling 23 reservation for the same block or blocks. 24 25 38. Section 43C amended 26 In section 43C(1) delete "43B" and insert: 27 28 43A 29 page 35 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 39 1 39. Section 43D amended 2 (1) Delete section 43D(1) and insert: 3 4 (1) A petroleum drilling reservation, while it remains in 5 force, authorises the holder of the drilling reservation, 6 subject to this Act and in accordance with the 7 conditions to which the drilling reservation is 8 subject -- 9 (a) to drill for petroleum in the drilling reservation 10 area; and 11 (b) to recover petroleum in the drilling reservation 12 area for the purpose of establishing the nature 13 and probable extent of a discovery of 14 petroleum; and 15 (c) to carry on such operations and execute such 16 works in the drilling reservation area as are 17 necessary for those purposes. 18 (2A) A petroleum drilling reservation does not authorise the 19 holder of the drilling reservation to make a well outside 20 the drilling reservation area. 21 22 (2) After section 43D(2) insert: 23 24 (3) A geothermal drilling reservation does not authorise 25 the holder of the drilling reservation to make a well 26 outside the drilling reservation area. 27 28 Note: The heading to amended section 43D is to read: 29 Rights conferred by petroleum drilling reservation or geothermal 30 drilling reservation page 36 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 40 1 40. Section 43EA inserted 2 After section 43D insert: 3 4 43EA. Rights conferred by GHG drilling reservation 5 (1) A GHG drilling reservation, while it remains in force, 6 authorises the holder of the drilling reservation, subject 7 to this Act and in accordance with the conditions to 8 which the drilling reservation is subject -- 9 (a) to drill for a potential GHG storage formation 10 in the drilling reservation area; and 11 (b) to drill for a potential GHG injection site in the 12 drilling reservation area; and 13 (c) to inject, on an appraisal basis, a greenhouse 14 gas substance into a part of a geological 15 formation, so long as the relevant well is 16 situated in the drilling reservation area; and 17 (d) to store, on an appraisal basis, a greenhouse gas 18 substance in a part of a geological formation, so 19 long as the relevant well is situated in the 20 drilling reservation area; and 21 (e) to inject, on an appraisal basis -- 22 (i) air; or 23 (ii) petroleum; or 24 (iii) water, 25 into a part of a geological formation for 26 purposes in connection with the drilling 27 authorised by paragraph (a) or (b), so long as 28 the relevant well is situated in the drilling 29 reservation area; and 30 (f) to store, on an appraisal basis -- 31 (i) air; or 32 (ii) petroleum; or page 37 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 40 1 (iii) water, 2 in a part of a geological formation for purposes 3 in connection with the drilling authorised by 4 paragraph (a) or (b), so long as the relevant 5 well is situated in the drilling reservation area; 6 and 7 (g) with the written consent of the Minister, to 8 recover petroleum in the drilling reservation 9 area for the sole purpose of appraising a 10 discovery of petroleum that was made as an 11 incidental consequence of -- 12 (i) the drilling authorised by paragraph (a) 13 or (b); or 14 (ii) the injection authorised by paragraph (c) 15 or (e); 16 and 17 (h) with the written consent of the Minister, to 18 recover geothermal energy in the drilling 19 reservation area for the sole purpose of 20 appraising a discovery of geothermal energy 21 resources that was made as an incidental 22 consequence of -- 23 (i) the drilling authorised by paragraph (a) 24 or (b); or 25 (ii) the injection authorised by paragraph (c) 26 or (e); 27 and 28 (i) to carry on such operations and execute such 29 works in the drilling reservation area as are 30 necessary for those purposes. 31 (2) If petroleum is recovered by the holder of the drilling 32 reservation in the drilling reservation area as authorised 33 by subsection (1)(g), the petroleum does not become 34 the property of the holder of the drilling reservation. page 38 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 41 1 (3) If geothermal energy is recovered by the holder of the 2 drilling reservation in the drilling reservation area as 3 authorised by subsection (1)(h), the geothermal energy 4 does not become the property of the holder of the 5 drilling reservation. 6 (4) A GHG drilling reservation does not authorise the 7 holder of the drilling reservation to make a well outside 8 the drilling reservation area. 9 10 41. Section 44 replaced 11 Delete section 44 and insert: 12 13 44. Certain discoveries in permit area or drilling 14 reservation area to be notified 15 (1) If -- 16 (a) petroleum is discovered in a petroleum permit 17 area or petroleum drilling reservation area; or 18 (b) geothermal energy resources are discovered in 19 a geothermal permit area or geothermal drilling 20 reservation area; or 21 (c) a potential GHG storage formation or potential 22 GHG injection site is discovered in a GHG 23 permit area or GHG drilling reservation area, 24 the permittee or holder of the drilling reservation, as 25 the case requires, must -- 26 (d) immediately inform the Minister of the 27 discovery; and 28 (e) within the period of 3 days after the date of the 29 discovery, furnish to the Minister particulars in 30 writing of the discovery. 31 Penalty: a fine of $10 000. page 39 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 42 1 (2) If -- 2 (a) petroleum is discovered in a geothermal permit 3 area, geothermal drilling reservation area, GHG 4 permit area or GHG drilling reservation area; or 5 (b) geothermal energy resources are discovered in 6 a petroleum permit area, petroleum drilling 7 reservation area, GHG permit area or GHG 8 drilling reservation area; or 9 (c) a potential GHG storage formation or potential 10 GHG injection site is discovered in a petroleum 11 permit area, petroleum drilling reservation area, 12 geothermal permit area or geothermal drilling 13 reservation area, 14 the permittee or holder of the drilling reservation, as 15 the case requires, must, within the period of 3 days 16 after the date of the discovery, furnish to the Minister 17 particulars in writing of the discovery. 18 Penalty: a fine of $10 000. 19 20 42. Section 46 amended 21 (1) In section 46(1) and (1a): 22 (a) delete "reservation," (1st occurrence) and insert: 23 24 reservation area, 25 26 (b) delete "reservation)" and insert: 27 28 reservation area) 29 page 40 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 43 1 (2) In section 46(2) and (2a) delete "reservation," (1st occurrence) 2 and insert: 3 4 reservation area, 5 6 (3) In section 46(5) delete "reservation," (2nd occurrence) and 7 insert: 8 9 reservation area, 10 11 43. Section 47 amended 12 In section 47(4)(a) and (4a)(a) delete "reservation," and insert: 13 14 reservation area, 15 16 44. Section 48A amended 17 (1) After section 48A(1a) insert: 18 19 (2A) A permittee whose GHG exploration permit is in force, 20 or the holder of a drilling reservation whose GHG 21 drilling reservation is in force, in respect of a block that 22 constitutes, or the blocks that constitute, an identified 23 GHG storage formation may make an application to the 24 Minister for the grant of a GHG retention lease in 25 respect of that block, or in respect of one or more of 26 those blocks, as the case may be. 27 28 (2) After section 48A(2) insert: 29 30 (3A) An application under subsection (2A) -- 31 (a) must be made in an approved manner; and page 41 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 45 1 (b) must be accompanied by -- 2 (i) particulars of the proposals of the 3 applicant for work and expenditure in 4 respect of the identified GHG storage 5 formation comprised in the blocks 6 specified in the application; and 7 (ii) an assessment of when the applicant 8 will be in a position to carry on a GHG 9 injection operation in respect of the 10 identified GHG storage formation 11 comprised in the blocks specified in the 12 application; 13 and 14 (c) may set out any other matters that the applicant 15 wishes to be considered; and 16 (d) must be accompanied by the prescribed fee. 17 18 (3) In section 48A(4) delete "this section" and insert: 19 20 subsection (1) or (1a) 21 22 45. Section 48B amended 23 (1) After section 48B(2A) insert: 24 25 (2B) If -- 26 (a) an application has been made under 27 section 48A(2A); and 28 (b) the applicant has furnished any further 29 information as and when required by the 30 Minister under section 48A(3); and page 42 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 45 1 (c) the Minister is satisfied that -- 2 (i) the area comprised in the block, or any 3 one or more of the blocks, specified in 4 the application contains an identified 5 GHG storage formation; and 6 (ii) the applicant is not, at the time of the 7 application, in a position to carry on a 8 GHG injection operation in respect of 9 that identified GHG storage formation 10 but is likely to be in such a position 11 within the period of 15 years after that 12 time, 13 the Minister must, by written notice served on the 14 applicant, inform the applicant that the Minister is 15 prepared to grant to the applicant a GHG retention 16 lease in respect of the block or blocks as to which the 17 Minister is satisfied as mentioned in paragraph (c). 18 19 (2) In section 48B(2)(b) delete "(1)(c) or (2A)(c)," and insert: 20 21 (1)(c), (2A)(c) or (2B)(c), 22 23 (3) In section 48B(3A): 24 (a) in paragraph (b) delete "(1)(c) or (2A)(c)," and insert: 25 26 (1)(c), (2A)(c) or (2B)(c), 27 28 (b) delete "(1)(c) or (2A)(c)." and insert: 29 30 (1)(c), (2A)(c) or (2B)(c). 31 page 43 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 46 1 (4) In section 48B(3) and (4) delete "(1) or (2A)" and insert: 2 3 (1), (2A) or (2B) 4 5 (5) In section 48B(5): 6 (a) delete "(1) or (2A)" and insert: 7 8 (1), (2A) or (2B) 9 10 (b) delete "lease or geothermal" and insert: 11 12 lease, geothermal retention lease or GHG 13 14 (6) In section 48B(6) delete "(1) or (2A)" and insert: 15 16 (1), (2A) or (2B) 17 18 46. Section 48BA amended 19 In section 48BA(b) after "(2A)," insert: 20 21 (2B), 22 page 44 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 47 1 47. Sections 48CAA, 48CAB and 48CAC inserted 2 After section 48BA insert: 3 4 48CAA. Application by petroleum lessee for GHG retention 5 lease 6 (1) If -- 7 (a) a petroleum retention lease is in force in respect 8 of a block or blocks; and 9 (b) one or more identified GHG storage formations 10 are wholly situated in the lease area, 11 the petroleum lessee may apply to the Minister for the 12 grant of a GHG retention lease in respect of the block 13 or blocks, as the case may be. 14 (2) An application under subsection (1) -- 15 (a) must be made in an approved manner; and 16 (b) must be accompanied by such information (if 17 any) as is specified in the regulations; and 18 (c) may set out any other matters that the applicant 19 wishes to be considered; and 20 (d) must be accompanied by the prescribed fee. 21 (3) The Minister may, at any time, by instrument in writing 22 served on the applicant, require the applicant to 23 furnish, within the time specified in the instrument, 24 further information in writing in connection with the 25 application. 26 48CAB. Grant or refusal of GHG retention lease in relation 27 to application by petroleum lessee 28 (1) If -- 29 (a) an application has been made under 30 section 48CAA(1); and page 45 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 47 1 (b) the applicant has furnished any further 2 information as and when required by the 3 Minister under section 48CAA(3); and 4 (c) the Minister is satisfied that -- 5 (i) the area comprised in the block or any 6 one or more of the blocks specified in 7 the application contains an identified 8 GHG storage formation; and 9 (ii) the applicant is not, at the time of the 10 application, in a position to carry on a 11 GHG injection operation in respect of 12 that identified GHG storage formation 13 but is likely to be in such a position 14 within the period of 15 years after that 15 time, 16 the Minister must, by written notice served on the 17 applicant, inform the applicant that the Minister is 18 prepared to grant to the applicant a GHG retention 19 lease in respect of the block or blocks as to which the 20 Minister is satisfied as mentioned in paragraph (c). 21 (2) If an application has been made under 22 section 48CAA(1) and -- 23 (a) the applicant has not furnished any further 24 information as and when required by the 25 Minister under section 48CAA(3); or 26 (b) the Minister is not satisfied as to the matters 27 referred to in subsection (1)(c) in relation to the 28 block or all of the blocks specified in the 29 application, 30 the Minister must, by written notice served on the 31 applicant, refuse to grant a GHG retention lease to the 32 applicant. page 46 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 47 1 (3) If -- 2 (a) an application has been made under 3 section 48CAA(1) specifying 2 or more blocks; 4 and 5 (b) the Minister is not satisfied as to the matters 6 mentioned in subsection (1)(c) in relation to 7 one or more, but not all, of the blocks, 8 the Minister must, by written notice served on the 9 applicant, refuse to grant a GHG retention lease to the 10 applicant in respect of the block or blocks as to which 11 the Minister is not satisfied as mentioned in 12 subsection (1)(c). 13 (4) A notice under subsection (1) must contain -- 14 (a) a summary of the conditions subject to which 15 the lease is to be granted; and 16 (b) a statement to the effect that the application 17 will lapse if the applicant does not make a 18 request under subsection (5) in respect of the 19 grant of the lease. 20 (5) An applicant on whom a notice is served under 21 subsection (1) may request the Minister to grant the 22 lease to the applicant. 23 (6) The request must be in writing and must be made -- 24 (a) before the end of the period of one month after 25 the date of service of the notice on the applicant 26 under subsection (1); or 27 (b) if the Minister, on application in writing made 28 to the Minister before the end of that period, 29 allows a further period of not more than one 30 month for the making of the request -- before 31 the end of that further period. page 47 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 47 1 (7) If the applicant makes the request within the period 2 applicable under subsection (6), the Minister must 3 grant to the applicant a GHG retention lease in respect 4 of the block or blocks specified in the notice. 5 (8) If the applicant does not make the request within the 6 period applicable under subsection (6), the application 7 lapses at the end of that period. 8 (9) On the day on which a GHG retention lease granted 9 under this section in respect of a block or blocks comes 10 into force, the petroleum retention lease in respect of 11 the block or blocks ceases to be in force in respect of 12 that block or those blocks. 13 48CAC. Application of s. 48CAA and 48CAB if petroleum 14 retention lease is transferred 15 If -- 16 (a) after an application has been made under 17 section 48CAA(1) in relation to a block or 18 blocks in respect of which a petroleum 19 retention lease is in force; and 20 (b) before a decision has been made by the 21 Minister under section 48CAB(1), (2) or (3) in 22 relation to the application, 23 a transfer of the lease is registered under section 72, 24 sections 48CAA and 48CAB have effect, after the time 25 of the transfer, as if any reference in those sections to 26 the applicant were a reference to the transferee. 27 page 48 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 48 1 48. Section 48CA amended 2 (1) After section 48CA(2) insert: 3 4 (3A) If -- 5 (a) a GHG injection licence is in force under 6 section 63(3) in respect of a block or blocks; 7 and 8 (b) no GHG injection operation is being carried on 9 under the licence in respect of an area (the 10 unused area) -- 11 (i) that consists of, or consists of part of, 12 the block or blocks; and 13 (ii) in which an identified GHG storage 14 formation has been found to exist, 15 the licensee may, within the application period, apply 16 to the Minister for the grant of a GHG retention lease 17 in respect of the unused area. 18 19 (2) After section 48CA(5) insert: 20 21 (6A) An application under subsection (3A) is also to be 22 accompanied by such other information (if any) as is 23 specified in the regulations. 24 25 (3) After section 48CA(8) insert: 26 27 (9) The application period in respect of an application 28 under subsection (3A) by a licensee is the period of 29 5 years that began on -- 30 (a) the day on which the licence was granted; or page 49 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 49 1 (b) if any GHG injection operations have been 2 carried on under the licence in respect of the 3 unused area -- the last day on which such 4 operations were carried on. 5 6 49. Section 48CB amended 7 (1) After section 48CB(2) insert: 8 9 (3A) If -- 10 (a) an application has been made under 11 section 48CA(3A); and 12 (b) the applicant has given any further information 13 as and when required by the Minister under 14 section 48CA(6); and 15 (c) the Minister is satisfied that the applicant -- 16 (i) is not, at the time of the application, in a 17 position to carry on a GHG injection 18 operation in the unused area; and 19 (ii) is likely to be in such a position within 20 the period of 15 years after that time, 21 the Minister must, by written notice served on the 22 applicant, inform the applicant that the Minister is 23 prepared to grant to the applicant a GHG retention 24 lease in respect of the unused area. 25 26 (2) In section 48CB(3)(b) delete "(1)(c) or (2)(c)," and insert: 27 28 (1)(c), (2)(c) or (3A)(c), 29 page 50 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 50 1 (3) In section 48CB(4) and (5) delete "(1) or (2)" and insert: 2 3 (1), (2) or (3A) 4 5 (4) In section 48CB(6)(a) delete "(1) or (2); or" and insert: 6 7 (1), (2) or (3A); or 8 9 (5) In section 48CB(7) delete "lease or geothermal" and insert: 10 11 lease, geothermal retention lease or GHG 12 13 (6) In section 48CB(9) delete "is" (1st occurrence). 14 50. Section 48CC amended 15 In section 48CC(b) delete "(2)" and insert: 16 17 (2), (3A) 18 19 51. Section 48C amended 20 (1) Delete section 48C(1) and insert: 21 22 (1) A petroleum retention lease, while it remains in force, 23 authorises the lessee, subject to this Act and in 24 accordance with the conditions to which the lease is 25 subject -- 26 (a) to explore for petroleum in the lease area; and 27 (b) to recover petroleum in the lease area for the 28 purpose of establishing the nature and probable 29 extent of a discovery of petroleum; and page 51 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 52 1 (c) to carry on such operations and execute such 2 works in the lease area as are necessary for 3 those purposes. 4 (2A) A petroleum retention lease does not authorise the 5 lessee to make a well outside the lease area. 6 7 (2) In section 48C(2) after "geothermal" (1st occurrence) insert: 8 9 retention 10 11 (3) After section 48C(2) insert: 12 13 (3) A geothermal retention lease does not authorise the 14 lessee to make a well outside the lease area. 15 16 Note: The heading to amended section 48C is to read: 17 Rights conferred by petroleum retention lease or geothermal 18 retention lease 19 52. Section 48DA inserted 20 After section 48C insert: 21 22 48DA. Rights conferred by GHG retention lease 23 (1) A GHG retention lease, while it remains in force, 24 authorises the lessee, subject to this Act and in 25 accordance with the conditions to which the lease is 26 subject -- 27 (a) to explore for a potential GHG storage 28 formation in the lease area; and 29 (b) to explore for a potential GHG injection site in 30 the lease area; and page 52 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 52 1 (c) to inject, on an appraisal basis, a greenhouse 2 gas substance into a part of the identified GHG 3 storage formation, so long as the relevant well 4 is situated in the lease area; and 5 (d) to store, on an appraisal basis, a greenhouse gas 6 substance in a part of the identified GHG 7 storage formation, so long as the relevant well 8 is situated in the lease area; and 9 (e) to inject, on an appraisal basis -- 10 (i) air; or 11 (ii) petroleum; or 12 (iii) water, 13 into a part of the identified GHG storage 14 formation for purposes in connection with the 15 exploration authorised by paragraph (a) or (b), 16 so long as the relevant well is situated in the 17 lease area; and 18 (f) to store, on an appraisal basis -- 19 (i) air; or 20 (ii) petroleum; or 21 (iii) water, 22 in a part of the identified GHG storage 23 formation for purposes in connection with the 24 exploration authorised by paragraph (a) or (b), 25 so long as the relevant well is situated in the 26 lease area; and 27 (g) with the written consent of the Minister, to 28 recover petroleum in the lease area for the sole 29 purpose of appraising a discovery of petroleum 30 that was made as an incidental consequence 31 of -- 32 (i) the exploration authorised by 33 paragraph (a) or (b); or page 53 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 53 1 (ii) the injection authorised by paragraph (c) 2 or (e); 3 and 4 (h) with the written consent of the Minister, to 5 recover geothermal energy in the lease area for 6 the sole purpose of appraising a discovery of 7 geothermal energy resources that was made as 8 an incidental consequence of -- 9 (i) the exploration authorised by 10 paragraph (a) or (b); or 11 (ii) the injection authorised by paragraph (c) 12 or (e); 13 and 14 (i) to carry on such operations and execute such 15 works in the lease area as are necessary for 16 those purposes. 17 (2) If petroleum is recovered by the lessee in the lease area 18 as authorised by subsection (1)(g), the petroleum does 19 not become the property of the lessee. 20 (3) If geothermal energy is recovered by the lessee in the 21 lease area as authorised by subsection (1)(h), the 22 geothermal energy does not become the property of the 23 lessee. 24 (4) A GHG retention lease does not authorise the lessee to 25 make a well outside the lease area. 26 27 53. Section 48E amended 28 Delete section 48E(1)(c) and insert: 29 30 (c) after consideration of the results of the 31 re-evaluation referred to in paragraph (a) and page 54 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 54 1 such other matters as the Minister thinks fit, the 2 Minister is of the opinion that -- 3 (i) recovery of petroleum from the 4 petroleum lease area is commercially 5 viable; or 6 (ii) recovery of geothermal energy from the 7 geothermal lease area is commercially 8 viable; or 9 (iii) the lessee is in a position to carry on a 10 GHG injection operation in the GHG 11 lease area, 12 as the case requires, 13 14 54. Section 48F amended 15 (1) In section 48F(2) before "lease --" insert: 16 17 petroleum retention lease or geothermal retention 18 19 (2) After section 48F(2) insert: 20 21 (3A) An application for the renewal of a GHG retention 22 lease -- 23 (a) subject to subsection (3), must be made in an 24 approved manner not less than 6 months or 25 more than 12 months before the day on which 26 the lease ceases to be in force; and 27 (b) must be accompanied by -- 28 (i) particulars of the proposals of the 29 applicant for work and expenditure in 30 respect of the lease area; and page 55 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 55 1 (ii) such other information (if any) as is 2 specified in the regulations; 3 and 4 (c) must be accompanied by the prescribed fee. 5 6 55. Section 48G amended 7 (1) Delete section 48G(1) and insert: 8 9 (1) If -- 10 (a) an application for the renewal of a petroleum 11 retention lease has been made under 12 section 48F(1); and 13 (b) the applicant has furnished any further 14 information as and when required by the 15 Minister under section 48F(4); and 16 (c) the Minister is satisfied that recovery of 17 petroleum from the petroleum lease area -- 18 (i) is not, at the time of the application, 19 commercially viable; and 20 (ii) is likely to become commercially viable 21 within the period of 15 years after that 22 time, 23 the Minister -- 24 (d) must, if the conditions to which the lease is, or 25 has from time to time been, subject and the 26 provisions of this Part and of the regulations 27 have been complied with; or 28 (e) may, if -- 29 (i) any of the conditions to which the lease 30 is, or has from time to time been, 31 subject or any of the provisions of this page 56 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 55 1 Part and of the regulations has not been 2 complied with; and 3 (ii) the Minister is, nevertheless, satisfied 4 that special circumstances exist that 5 justify the granting of the renewal of the 6 lease, 7 inform the person who is then the lessee, by instrument 8 in writing served on that person, that the Minister is 9 prepared to grant to that person the renewal of the 10 lease. 11 (2A) If -- 12 (a) an application for the renewal of a geothermal 13 retention lease has been made under 14 section 48F(1); and 15 (b) the applicant has furnished any further 16 information as and when required by the 17 Minister under section 48F(4); and 18 (c) the Minister is satisfied that recovery of 19 geothermal energy from the geothermal lease 20 area -- 21 (i) is not, at the time of the application, 22 commercially viable; and 23 (ii) is likely to become commercially viable 24 within the period of 15 years after that 25 time, 26 the Minister -- 27 (d) must, if the conditions to which the lease is, or 28 has from time to time been, subject and the 29 provisions of this Part and of the regulations 30 have been complied with; or 31 (e) may, if -- 32 (i) any of the conditions to which the lease 33 is, or has from time to time been, page 57 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 55 1 subject or any of the provisions of this 2 Part and of the regulations has not been 3 complied with; and 4 (ii) the Minister is, nevertheless, satisfied 5 that special circumstances exist that 6 justify the granting of the renewal of the 7 lease, 8 inform the person who is then the lessee, by instrument 9 in writing served on that person, that the Minister is 10 prepared to grant to that person the renewal of the 11 lease. 12 (2B) If -- 13 (a) an application for the renewal of a GHG 14 retention lease has been made under 15 section 48F(1); and 16 (b) the applicant has furnished any further 17 information as and when required by the 18 Minister under section 48F(4); and 19 (c) the Minister is satisfied that the applicant -- 20 (i) is not, at the time of the application, in a 21 position to carry on a GHG injection 22 operation in the GHG lease area; and 23 (ii) is likely to be in such a position within 24 the period of 15 years after that time, 25 the Minister -- 26 (d) must, if the conditions to which the lease is, or 27 has from time to time been, subject and the 28 provisions of this Part and of the regulations 29 have been complied with; or 30 (e) may, if -- 31 (i) any of the conditions to which the lease 32 is, or has from time to time been, 33 subject or any of the provisions of this page 58 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 55 1 Part and of the regulations has not been 2 complied with; and 3 (ii) the Minister is, nevertheless, satisfied 4 that special circumstances exist that 5 justify the granting of the renewal of the 6 lease, 7 inform the person who is then the lessee, by instrument 8 in writing served on that person, that the Minister is 9 prepared to grant to that person the renewal of the 10 lease. 11 12 (2) In section 48G(2): 13 (a) delete paragraph (a) and insert: 14 15 (a) the applicant has not furnished any further 16 information as and when required by the 17 Minister under section 48F(4); or 18 19 (b) in paragraph (b) delete "(1)(c); or" and insert: 20 21 (1)(c), (2A)(c) or (2B)(c), whichever is applicable; or 22 23 (c) in paragraph (c) delete "permit" and insert: 24 25 lease 26 27 (3) In section 48G(4) delete "(1)" and insert: 28 29 (1), (2A) or (2B) 30 page 59 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 56 1 (4) In section 48G(5) delete "(1)(c)(i)," and insert: 2 3 (1)(c)(i), (2A)(c)(i) or (2B)(c)(i), 4 5 (5) In section 48G(6), (7) and (8) delete "(1)" and insert: 6 7 (1), (2A) or (2B) 8 9 (6) In section 48G(10) delete "(1)(c)(i)," and insert: 10 11 (1)(c)(i), (2A)(c)(i) or (2B)(c)(i), 12 13 56. Section 48HA inserted 14 After section 48G insert: 15 16 48HA. GHG retention lease cannot be renewed more 17 than once 18 Despite sections 48F and 48G, if a GHG retention lease 19 has been renewed once -- 20 (a) the lessee is not entitled to apply for a further 21 renewal of the lease; and 22 (b) the Minister cannot grant a further renewal of 23 the lease. 24 page 60 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 57 1 57. Section 48H amended 2 In section 48H(3) delete the passage that begins with 3 "re-evaluate" and continues to the end of the subsection and 4 insert: 5 6 re-evaluate -- 7 (a) the commercial viability of the recovery of 8 petroleum from the petroleum lease area 9 (otherwise than by the drilling of wells); or 10 (b) the commercial viability of the recovery of 11 geothermal energy from the geothermal lease 12 area (otherwise than by the drilling of wells); or 13 (c) whether or not the lessee is in a position to 14 carry on a GHG injection operation in the 15 GHG lease area, 16 as the case requires, and inform the Minister in writing 17 of the results of the re-evaluation. 18 19 58. Section 48J replaced 20 Delete section 48J and insert: 21 22 48J. Certain discoveries in lease area to be notified 23 (1) If -- 24 (a) petroleum is discovered in a petroleum lease 25 area; or 26 (b) geothermal energy resources are discovered in 27 a geothermal lease area; or 28 (c) a potential GHG storage formation or potential 29 GHG injection site is discovered in a GHG 30 lease area, page 61 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 59 1 the lessee must -- 2 (d) immediately inform the Minister of the 3 discovery; and 4 (e) within the period of 3 days after the date of the 5 discovery, furnish to the Minister particulars in 6 writing of the discovery. 7 Penalty: a fine of $10 000. 8 (2) If -- 9 (a) petroleum is discovered in a geothermal lease 10 area or GHG lease area; or 11 (b) geothermal energy resources are discovered in 12 a petroleum lease area or GHG lease area; or 13 (c) a potential GHG storage formation or potential 14 GHG injection site is discovered in a petroleum 15 lease area or geothermal lease area, 16 the lessee must, within the period of 3 days after the 17 date of the discovery, furnish to the Minister particulars 18 in writing of the discovery. 19 Penalty: a fine of $10 000. 20 21 59. Section 48K deleted 22 Delete section 48K. 23 60. Part III Division 3 heading amended 24 In the heading to Part III Division 3 after "licences" insert: 25 26 and GHG injection licences 27 28 61. Section 49A inserted 29 After section 49 insert: page 62 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 62 1 2 49A. GHG injection operations in State 3 A person must not carry on GHG injection operations 4 in the State except -- 5 (a) under and in accordance with a GHG injection 6 licence; or 7 (b) as otherwise permitted by this Act. 8 Penalty: a fine of $50 000 or imprisonment for 5 years, 9 or both. 10 11 62. Section 50 amended 12 In section 50(2): 13 (a) before "permit" insert: 14 15 petroleum exploration 16 17 (b) before "drilling reservation" (2nd occurrence) insert: 18 19 petroleum 20 21 (c) in paragraph (a) delete "or (1a)"; 22 (d) in paragraph (a) before "licence" insert: 23 24 petroleum production 25 26 Note: The heading to amended section 50 is to read: 27 Application by permittee or holder of drilling reservation for 28 petroleum production licence or geothermal production licence page 63 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 63 1 63. Section 50AA inserted 2 After section 50 insert: 3 4 50AA. Application by permittee or holder of drilling 5 reservation for GHG injection licence 6 (1) A permittee whose GHG exploration permit is in force, 7 or the holder of a drilling reservation whose GHG 8 drilling reservation is in force, in respect of a block that 9 constitutes, or the blocks that constitute, an identified 10 GHG storage formation may make an application to the 11 Minister for the grant of a GHG injection licence in 12 respect of -- 13 (a) the block that constitutes the identified GHG 14 storage formation; or 15 (b) all of the blocks that constitute the identified 16 GHG storage formation; or 17 (c) some of the blocks that constitute the identified 18 GHG storage formation. 19 (2) If -- 20 (a) an application under subsection (1) (the licence 21 application) relates to a block or blocks in 22 respect of which the permittee or the holder of 23 the drilling reservation, as the case requires, has 24 applied for a GHG retention lease under 25 section 48A(2A); and 26 (b) an instrument refusing to grant the GHG 27 retention lease is served on the permittee or the 28 holder of the drilling reservation under 29 section 48B(2), 30 the licence application must be made within 12 months 31 after the day of service of the instrument. 32 page 64 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 64 1 64. Section 50A amended 2 (1) In section 50A(1) after "petroleum" (1st occurrence) insert: 3 4 retention 5 6 (2) In section 50A(1a) after "geothermal" (1st occurrence) insert: 7 8 retention 9 10 (3) After section 50A(1a) insert: 11 12 (2A) A lessee whose GHG retention lease is in force may 13 make an application to the Minister for the grant of a 14 GHG injection licence -- 15 (a) where the lease is in respect of 2 or more 16 blocks, in respect of all of those blocks; or 17 (b) where the lease is in respect of one block, in 18 respect of that block. 19 20 (4) In section 50A(2): 21 (a) before "lease" insert: 22 23 petroleum retention 24 25 (b) before "lessee" insert: 26 27 petroleum 28 29 (c) delete "or (1a)". page 65 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 65 1 65. Section 51 amended 2 In section 51(1): 3 (a) delete "50" and insert: 4 5 50, 50AA 6 7 (b) after paragraph (c) insert: 8 9 (da) shall, in the case of an application for the grant 10 of a GHG injection licence, specify the source, 11 volume and composition of the greenhouse gas 12 substance to be injected and stored; and 13 14 Note: The heading to amended section 51 is to read: 15 Application for licence under s. 50, 50AA or 50A, requirements for 16 66. Section 53 amended 17 (1) After section 53(2A) insert: 18 19 (2B) If -- 20 (a) an application for the grant of a GHG injection 21 licence has been made under section 50AA or 22 50A; and 23 (b) the applicant has given any further information 24 as and when required by the Minister under 25 section 51(2); and 26 (c) the Minister is satisfied that the area comprised 27 in the block, or any one or more of the blocks, 28 specified in the application contains an 29 identified GHG storage formation, 30 the Minister must, by written notice served on the 31 applicant, inform the applicant that the Minister is page 66 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 67 1 prepared to grant to the applicant a GHG injection 2 licence in respect of the block or blocks as to which the 3 Minister is satisfied as mentioned in paragraph (c). 4 5 (2) In section 53(2) delete "(1) or (2A)" and insert: 6 7 (1), (2A) or (2B) 8 9 (3) In section 53(3)(b) delete "(1)(c) or (2A)(c)," and insert: 10 11 (1)(c), (2A)(c) or (2B)(c), 12 13 67. Section 54 amended 14 (1) In section 54(1): 15 (a) delete "an instrument under section 53(1)" and insert: 16 17 a notice under section 53(1), (2A) or (2B) 18 19 (b) delete "instrument" (2nd occurrence) and insert: 20 21 notice 22 23 (c) delete "first-mentioned instrument." and insert: 24 25 notice. 26 page 67 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 68 1 (2) In section 54(2): 2 (a) delete "an instrument under section 53(1)" and insert: 3 4 a notice under section 53(1), (2A) or (2B) 5 6 (b) delete "licence or geothermal production" and insert: 7 8 licence, geothermal production licence or GHG injection 9 10 (c) delete "53(1)(c) or (2A)(c)." and insert: 11 12 53(1)(c), (2A)(c) or (2B)(c). 13 14 (3) In section 54(4) delete "an instrument under section 53(1)" and 15 insert: 16 17 a notice under section 53(1), (2A) or (2B) 18 19 68. Section 54A amended 20 In section 54A(a)(i) after "50" insert: 21 22 or 50AA 23 24 69. Section 55 amended 25 In section 55(1) delete "53(1)(c) or (2A)(c)." and insert: 26 27 53(1)(c). 28 page 68 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 70 1 70. Section 57 amended 2 (1) In section 57(1)(ba) delete "petrol" and insert: 3 4 petroleum 5 6 (2) After section 57(1a) insert: 7 8 (2A) If -- 9 (a) a GHG injection licence is surrendered or 10 cancelled as to a block; or 11 (b) a GHG exploration permit, GHG drilling 12 reservation or GHG retention lease is 13 surrendered, cancelled or determined as to a 14 block -- 15 (i) that, at the time of the surrender, 16 cancellation or determination, was 17 included in an identified GHG storage 18 formation; and 19 (ii) in which, in the opinion of the Minister, 20 there is a potential GHG storage 21 formation or potential GHG injection 22 site; 23 or 24 (c) an identified GHG storage formation is within 25 or extends to a block which is not the subject of 26 a GHG exploration permit, GHG drilling 27 reservation, GHG retention lease or GHG 28 injection licence, 29 the Minister may by instrument published in the 30 Gazette -- 31 (d) invite applications for the grant of a GHG 32 injection licence in respect of that block; and page 69 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 71 1 (e) specify a period within which applications may 2 be made. 3 4 (3) After section 57(4) insert: 5 6 (5) The Minister must, in an instrument under 7 subsection (2A), state that an applicant is required to 8 specify an amount that the applicant would be prepared 9 to pay in respect of the grant of a GHG injection 10 licence to the applicant on the application. 11 12 (4) In section 57(6): 13 (a) in paragraph (e) delete "(1a)," and insert: 14 15 (1a) or (2A), 16 17 (b) after paragraph (e) insert: 18 19 (fa) in the case of an application under 20 subsection (2A), shall specify the source, 21 volume and composition of the greenhouse gas 22 substance to be injected and stored; and 23 24 71. Section 59 amended 25 In section 59(1) and (2) delete "subsection (1) or (1a) of 26 section 57," and insert: 27 28 section 57(1), (1a) or (2A), 29 page 70 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 72 1 72. Section 60 amended 2 In section 60 delete "licence or geothermal production" and 3 insert: 4 5 licence, geothermal production licence or GHG injection 6 7 73. Section 61 amended 8 In section 61(1) after "Where a" insert: 9 10 petroleum production licence or geothermal production 11 12 Note: The heading to amended section 61 is to read: 13 Petroleum production licence or geothermal production licence 14 for 2 or more blocks may be divided into 2 or more licences 15 74. Section 62 amended 16 After section 62(2) insert: 17 18 (3) A GHG injection licence, while it remains in force, 19 authorises the licensee, subject to this Act and in 20 accordance with the conditions to which the licence is 21 subject -- 22 (a) to inject a greenhouse gas substance into an 23 identified GHG storage formation that is 24 wholly situated in the licence area, so long as 25 the relevant well is situated in the licence area; 26 and 27 (b) to permanently store a greenhouse gas 28 substance in an identified GHG storage 29 formation that is wholly situated in the licence 30 area, so long as the injection of the stored page 71 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 74 1 greenhouse gas substance takes place at a well 2 situated in the licence area; and 3 (c) to explore for a potential GHG storage 4 formation in the licence area; and 5 (d) to explore for a potential GHG injection site in 6 the licence area; and 7 (e) with the written consent of the Minister, to 8 recover petroleum in the licence area for the 9 sole purpose of appraising a discovery of 10 petroleum that was made as an incidental 11 consequence of -- 12 (i) the injection authorised by 13 paragraph (a); or 14 (ii) the exploration authorised by 15 paragraph (c) or (d); 16 and 17 (f) with the written consent of the Minister, to 18 recover geothermal energy in the licence area 19 for the sole purpose of appraising a discovery 20 of geothermal energy resources that was made 21 as an incidental consequence of -- 22 (i) the injection authorised by 23 paragraph (a); or 24 (ii) the exploration authorised by 25 paragraph (c) or (d); 26 and 27 (g) to carry on such operations and execute such 28 works in the licence area as are necessary for 29 those purposes. 30 (4) If petroleum is recovered by the licensee in the licence 31 area as authorised by subsection (3)(e), the petroleum 32 does not become the property of the licensee. page 72 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 75 1 (5) If geothermal energy is recovered by the licensee in the 2 licence area as authorised by subsection (3)(f), the 3 geothermal energy does not become the property of the 4 licensee. 5 (6) A GHG injection licence does not authorise the 6 licensee to make a well outside the licence area. 7 8 75. Section 63 amended 9 (1) In section 63(1) and (2) after "Part, a" insert: 10 11 petroleum production licence or geothermal production 12 13 (2) After section 63(2) insert: 14 15 (3) Subject to this Part, a GHG injection licence remains in 16 force indefinitely. 17 18 76. Section 64A amended 19 (1) In section 64A(1): 20 (a) in paragraph (b) delete "years," and insert: 21 22 years; or 23 24 (b) after paragraph (b) insert: 25 26 (c) a GHG injection licence is in force under 27 section 63(3) and the licensee has not carried 28 on any GHG injection operations under the 29 licence at any time during a continuous period 30 of at least 5 years, 31 page 73 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 77 1 (2) In section 64A(3): 2 (a) in paragraph (b) delete "licence," and insert: 3 4 licence; or 5 6 (b) after paragraph (b) insert: 7 8 (c) for the purposes of subsection (1)(c) the 9 duration of the period in which no GHG 10 injection operations were carried on under a 11 GHG injection licence, 12 13 77. Section 66 amended 14 After section 66(2) insert: 15 16 (3) Without limiting subsection (1), a GHG injection 17 licence is subject to the condition that, if -- 18 (a) regulations are made for the purposes of 19 subsection (4); and 20 (b) those regulations impose requirements on the 21 GHG licensee, 22 the GHG licensee must comply with those 23 requirements. 24 (4) The regulations may establish a regime for third party 25 access to services provided by means of the use of -- 26 (a) identified GHG storage formations; or 27 (b) wells, equipment or structures for use in 28 injecting greenhouse gas substances into 29 identified GHG storage formations; or 30 (c) equipment or structures for use in the 31 processing, compressing or storing of page 74 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 78 1 greenhouse gas substances prior to the injection 2 of the substances into identified GHG storage 3 formations. 4 5 78. Section 69 amended 6 (1) In section 69(1): 7 (a) in paragraph (a)(ii) delete "area;" and insert: 8 9 area; or 10 11 (b) after paragraph (a)(ii) insert: 12 13 (iii) an eligible GHG storage formation that 14 is partly in a particular licence area of a 15 GHG licensee and partly in another 16 area, whether in the State or not, in 17 respect of which another person has 18 authority, whether under this Act or 19 another written law or under the law of 20 another State or of the Northern 21 Territory, to carry on GHG injection 22 operations in the eligible GHG storage 23 formation; 24 25 (c) delete paragraph (b) and insert: 26 27 (b) means the carrying on of -- 28 (i) operations for the recovery of petroleum 29 from that pool; or 30 (ii) operations for the recovery of 31 geothermal energy from that geothermal 32 resources area; or page 75 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 78 1 (iii) GHG injection operations in that 2 eligible GHG storage formation, 3 as the case requires, under cooperative 4 arrangements between the persons entitled to 5 carry on such operations in each of those areas. 6 7 (2) In section 69(2) delete "pool or geothermal resources area," and 8 insert: 9 10 pool, geothermal resources area or eligible GHG storage 11 formation, 12 13 (3) Delete section 69(3) and insert: 14 15 (3) The Minister, of the Minister's own motion or on 16 application made to the Minister in writing by -- 17 (a) a licensee in whose licence area there is a part 18 of a particular petroleum pool, particular 19 geothermal resources area or particular eligible 20 GHG storage formation; or 21 (b) a person who is lawfully entitled to carry on 22 operations for the recovery of petroleum or 23 geothermal energy, or GHG injection 24 operations, in an area outside the State that 25 includes part of a particular petroleum pool, 26 particular geothermal resources area or 27 particular eligible GHG storage formation that 28 extends into the State, 29 may, for the purpose of securing the more effective 30 recovery of petroleum from the petroleum pool or 31 geothermal energy from the geothermal resources area, 32 or more effective GHG injection operations in the 33 eligible GHG storage formation, direct -- 34 (c) any petroleum licensee whose licence area 35 includes part of the petroleum pool; or page 76 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 78 1 (d) any geothermal licensee whose licence area 2 includes part of the geothermal resources area; 3 or 4 (e) any GHG licensee whose licence area includes 5 part of the eligible GHG storage formation, 6 by instrument in writing served on the licensee, to enter 7 into an agreement in writing, within the period 8 specified in the instrument, for or in relation to the unit 9 development of the petroleum pool, geothermal 10 resources area or eligible GHG storage formation and 11 to lodge an application in accordance with section 75 12 for approval of any dealing to which the agreement 13 relates. 14 15 (4) In section 69(4): 16 (a) in paragraph (a) delete "pool or geothermal resources 17 area" and insert: 18 19 pool, geothermal resources area or eligible GHG storage 20 formation 21 22 (b) delete "pool or geothermal resources area." and insert: 23 24 pool, geothermal resources area or eligible GHG storage 25 formation. 26 27 (5) In section 69(5): 28 (a) delete "pool or geothermal resources area" and insert: 29 30 pool, geothermal resources area or eligible GHG storage 31 formation 32 page 77 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 78 1 (b) delete "area." and insert: 2 3 area, or more effective GHG injection operations in the 4 eligible GHG storage formation, as the case requires. 5 6 (6) In section 69(6): 7 (a) in paragraph (b) delete "area," and insert: 8 9 area; or 10 11 (b) after paragraph (b) insert: 12 13 (c) the GHG licensee in respect of 2 or more 14 licence areas in each of which there is part of a 15 particular eligible GHG storage formation, 16 17 (c) delete "area." and insert: 18 19 area, or more effective GHG injection operations in the 20 eligible GHG storage formation, as the case requires. 21 22 (7) In section 69(7) delete "area." and insert: 23 24 area, or more effective GHG injection operations in the eligible 25 GHG storage formation, as the case requires. 26 27 (8) In section 69(9) delete "recovered." and insert: 28 29 recovered or a greenhouse gas substance is to be injected. 30 page 78 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 79 1 (9) Delete section 69(12) and insert: 2 3 (12) If an eligible GHG storage formation extends, or is 4 reasonably believed by the Minister to extend, from an 5 area of the State into -- 6 (a) lands to which other written laws or the laws of 7 another State or of a Territory relating to the 8 carrying on of GHG injection operations apply; 9 or 10 (b) the adjacent area of an adjoining State or 11 Territory, 12 each Minister concerned must consult concerning the 13 carrying on of GHG injection operations in the eligible 14 GHG storage formation with any other Minister 15 concerned and with the appropriate authority of another 16 State or a Territory referred to in paragraph (a). 17 (13) Where subsection (11) applies in relation to a 18 petroleum pool, subsection (11a) applies in relation to a 19 geothermal resources area, or subsection (12) applies in 20 relation to an eligible GHG storage formation, a 21 Minister must not approve an agreement under this 22 section, or give a direction under this section, in 23 relation to that petroleum pool, geothermal resources 24 area or eligible GHG storage formation except with the 25 approval of any other Minister concerned and any State 26 or Territory authority concerned. 27 28 79. Part III Division 3A heading amended 29 In the heading to Part III Division 3A delete "titles and 30 geothermal" and insert: 31 32 titles, geothermal titles and GHG 33 page 79 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 80 1 80. Section 69A amended 2 (1) In section 69A(1) insert in alphabetical order: 3 4 GHG title means a GHG exploration permit, 5 GHG drilling reservation, GHG retention lease, 6 GHG injection licence, GHG special prospecting 7 authority or GHG access authority; 8 9 (2) In section 69A(2)(a) and (b) after "geothermal title" insert: 10 11 or GHG title 12 13 (3) In section 69A(3)(a) after "geothermal" insert: 14 15 title or GHG 16 17 (4) In section 69A(4)(a) and (b) and (5)(a) after "petroleum" insert: 18 19 title or GHG 20 21 (5) After section 69A(5) insert: 22 23 (6A) The Minister is not to grant a GHG title on an 24 application under this Act in respect of a block that is 25 the subject of a petroleum title or geothermal title of 26 which the registered holder is a person other than the 27 applicant, unless the Minister has complied with 28 subsection (6B). page 80 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 80 1 (6B) The Minister has complied with this subsection if the 2 Minister -- 3 (a) has, by instrument in writing served on the 4 registered holder of the petroleum title or 5 geothermal title, given not less than one 6 month's notice of the Minister's intention to 7 grant the GHG title; and 8 (b) has in the instrument -- 9 (i) given particulars of the GHG title 10 proposed to be granted; and 11 (ii) specified a date on or before which the 12 person on whom the instrument is 13 served may, by instrument in writing 14 served on the Minister, submit any 15 matters that the person wishes the 16 Minister to consider; 17 and 18 (c) has taken into account any matters submitted to 19 the Minister on or before the specified date by 20 that person. 21 22 (6) In section 69A(6) delete "title or geothermal" and insert: 23 24 title, geothermal title or GHG 25 26 Note: The heading to amended section 69A is to read: 27 Petroleum titles, geothermal titles and GHG titles may subsist in 28 respect of same blocks page 81 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 81 1 81. Part III Division 4A inserted 2 After Part III Division 3A insert: 3 4 Division 4A -- Matters relating to GHG injection and 5 storage 6 Subdivision 1 -- Declaration of identified GHG 7 storage formation 8 69B. Application for declaration of identified GHG 9 storage formation 10 (1) This section applies if -- 11 (a) a GHG exploration permit, GHG drilling 12 reservation, GHG retention lease, GHG 13 injection licence, petroleum retention lease or 14 petroleum production licence is in force; and 15 (b) the permittee, holder of the drilling reservation, 16 lessee or licensee has reasonable grounds to 17 believe that -- 18 (i) a part of a geological formation is an 19 eligible GHG storage formation; and 20 (ii) that part is wholly situated in the permit 21 area, drilling reservation area, lease area 22 or licence area. 23 (2) The permittee, holder of the drilling reservation, lessee 24 or licensee may apply to the Minister for the 25 declaration of the part referred to in subsection (1)(b) 26 as an identified GHG storage formation. 27 (3) An application under this section must set out -- 28 (a) the applicant's reasons for believing that the 29 part referred to in subsection (1)(b) is an 30 eligible GHG storage formation; and page 82 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 81 1 (b) assuming that the part referred to in 2 subsection (1)(b) is an eligible GHG storage 3 formation -- 4 (i) the fundamental suitability determinants 5 of the eligible GHG storage formation; 6 and 7 (ii) an estimate of the spatial extent of the 8 eligible GHG storage formation; and 9 (iii) such other information (if any) as is 10 specified in the regulations. 11 (4) An estimate of spatial extent must comply with such 12 requirements as are specified in the regulations. 13 69C. Requirement for further information or further 14 analysis 15 (1) The Minister may, by written notice given to the 16 applicant, require the applicant -- 17 (a) to give the Minister, within the period specified 18 in the notice, further information in connection 19 with the application; or 20 (b) to -- 21 (i) carry out such further analysis of 22 relevant information as is specified in 23 the notice; and 24 (ii) give the Minister, within the period 25 specified in the notice, a written report 26 of the results of that analysis. 27 (2) If the applicant breaches a requirement under 28 subsection (1), the Minister may, by written notice 29 given to the applicant -- 30 (a) refuse to consider the application; or 31 (b) refuse to take any action, or any further action, 32 in relation to the application. page 83 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 81 1 69D. Variation of application 2 (1) At any time before the Minister makes a decision on an 3 application under section 69B, the applicant may, by 4 written notice given to the Minister, vary -- 5 (a) any or all of the fundamental suitability 6 determinants specified in the application; or 7 (b) the spatial extent estimated in the application. 8 (2) A variation of an application must be made in the 9 approved manner. 10 (3) A variation of an application may be made -- 11 (a) on the applicant's own initiative; or 12 (b) at the request of the Minister. 13 (4) If an application under this section is varied, a 14 reference in this Act to the application is a reference to 15 the application as varied. 16 69E. Declaration of identified GHG storage formation 17 (1) If -- 18 (a) an application is made under section 69B in 19 relation to a part of a geological formation; and 20 (b) the Minister is satisfied that, using the 21 fundamental suitability determinants set out in 22 the application -- 23 (i) that part is an eligible GHG storage 24 formation; and 25 (ii) the estimate of the spatial extent set out 26 in the application is a reasonable 27 estimate of the spatial extent of the 28 eligible GHG storage formation, 29 the Minister must, by instrument in writing, declare -- 30 (c) that part to be an identified GHG storage 31 formation for the purposes of this Act; and page 84 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 81 1 (d) that, for the purposes of this Act, the spatial 2 extent of the identified GHG storage formation 3 is the spatial extent estimated in the application; 4 and 5 (e) that the fundamental suitability determinants 6 specified in the application are the fundamental 7 suitability determinants of the identified GHG 8 storage formation for the purposes of this Act. 9 (2) A declaration under subsection (1) must set out -- 10 (a) the estimate of the spatial extent specified in 11 the application; and 12 (b) the fundamental suitability determinants 13 specified in the application. 14 (3) A copy of a declaration under subsection (1) must be 15 published in the Gazette. 16 69F. Refusal to make declaration 17 If -- 18 (a) an application is made under section 69B in 19 relation to a part of a geological formation; and 20 (b) the Minister is not required by section 69E to 21 make a declaration in relation to that part, 22 the Minister must, by written notice given to the 23 applicant, refuse to declare that part to be an identified 24 GHG storage formation. 25 69G. Variation of declaration 26 (1) This section applies if a declaration is in force under 27 section 69E in relation to a part of a geological 28 formation. 29 (2) The Minister may, by instrument in writing, vary the 30 declaration. page 85 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 81 1 (3) A variation of the declaration may be made -- 2 (a) if the part is wholly situated in -- 3 (i) the permit area of a GHG exploration 4 permit -- on the application of the 5 permittee; or 6 (ii) the drilling reservation area of a GHG 7 drilling reservation -- on the 8 application of the holder of the drilling 9 reservation; or 10 (iii) the lease area of a GHG retention lease 11 or petroleum retention lease -- on the 12 application of the lessee; or 13 (iv) the licence area of a GHG injection 14 licence or petroleum production 15 licence -- on the application of the 16 licensee; 17 or 18 (b) on the Minister's own initiative. 19 (4) An application for a variation of the declaration 20 must -- 21 (a) set out the proposed variation; and 22 (b) specify the reasons for the proposed variation. 23 (5) In deciding whether to vary the declaration, the 24 Minister must have regard to -- 25 (a) any new information; and 26 (b) any new analysis; and 27 (c) any relevant scientific or technological 28 developments; and 29 (d) such other matters (if any) as the Minister 30 considers relevant. page 86 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 81 1 (6) Before varying a declaration under subsection (2) on 2 the Minister's own initiative, the Minister must 3 consult -- 4 (a) if the part is wholly situated in the permit area 5 of a GHG exploration permit -- the permittee; 6 or 7 (b) if the part is wholly situated in the drilling 8 reservation area of a GHG drilling 9 reservation -- the holder of the drilling 10 reservation; or 11 (c) if the part is wholly situated in the lease area of 12 a GHG retention lease or petroleum retention 13 lease -- the lessee; or 14 (d) if the part is wholly situated in the licence area 15 of a GHG injection licence or petroleum 16 production licence -- the licensee. 17 (7) A copy of a variation under subsection (2) must be 18 published in the Gazette. 19 (8) If a declaration in force under section 69E is varied, a 20 reference in this Act to the declaration is a reference to 21 the declaration as varied. 22 69H. Revocation of declaration 23 (1) This section applies if a declaration is in force under 24 section 69E in relation to a part of a geological 25 formation. 26 (2) The Minister may revoke the declaration if the Minister 27 is satisfied that, using any set of fundamental suitability 28 determinants, the part is not an eligible GHG storage 29 formation. 30 (3) A copy of a revocation under subsection (2) must be 31 published in the Gazette. page 87 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 81 1 (4) Before revoking a declaration under subsection (2), the 2 Minister must consult -- 3 (a) if the part is wholly situated in the permit area 4 of a GHG exploration permit -- the permittee; 5 or 6 (b) if the part is wholly situated in the drilling 7 reservation area of a GHG drilling 8 reservation -- the holder of the drilling 9 reservation; or 10 (c) if the part is wholly situated in the lease area of 11 a GHG retention lease or petroleum retention 12 lease -- the lessee; or 13 (d) if the part is wholly situated in the licence area 14 of a GHG injection licence or petroleum 15 production licence -- the licensee. 16 (5) If the Minister proposes to revoke a declaration under 17 subsection (2), the Minister must consider whether the 18 Minister should instead vary the declaration under 19 section 69G. 20 Subdivision 2 -- Approved site plans 21 69I. Approved site plans 22 (1) The regulations may provide that a GHG licensee must 23 not carry on any operations in relation to an identified 24 GHG storage formation specified in the licence unless 25 an approved site plan is in force in relation to the 26 formation. 27 (2) The regulations may provide that, if an approved site 28 plan is in force in relation to an identified GHG 29 formation specified in a GHG injection licence, the 30 GHG licensee must comply with the approved site 31 plan. page 88 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 81 1 (3) The regulations may make provision for the Minister to 2 approve draft site plans. 3 (4) The regulations may provide that, if the Minister 4 approves a draft site plan, the approved site plan -- 5 (a) comes into force at the time of the approval; 6 and 7 (b) remains in force -- 8 (i) if, under the regulations, the Minister 9 withdraws approval of the approved site 10 plan -- until the withdrawal; or 11 (ii) otherwise -- indefinitely. 12 (5) The regulations may make provision for the Minister to 13 withdraw approval of approved site plans. 14 (6) The regulations may make provision for and in relation 15 to the variation of approved site plans. 16 (7) Regulations made for the purposes of subsection (6) 17 may -- 18 (a) require a GHG licensee to prepare a draft 19 variation of an approved site plan -- 20 (i) periodically; or 21 (ii) in such circumstances as are specified in 22 the regulations; or 23 (iii) when required to do so by the Minister; 24 and 25 (b) require a GHG licensee to give the draft 26 variation to the Minister; and 27 (c) make provision for the Minister to approve the 28 variation; and 29 (d) provide that, if the Minister approves the 30 variation, the approved site plan is varied 31 accordingly. page 89 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 81 1 (8) If an approved site plan is varied, a reference in this 2 Act to the approved site plan is a reference to the 3 approved site plan as varied. 4 Subdivision 3 -- Serious situations 5 69JA. When serious situation exists 6 For the purposes of this Subdivision, a serious situation 7 exists in relation to an identified GHG storage 8 formation if -- 9 (a) a greenhouse gas substance that has been 10 injected into the identified GHG storage 11 formation has leaked or will leak; or 12 (b) a greenhouse gas substance has leaked or will 13 leak in the course of being injected into the 14 identified GHG storage formation; or 15 (c) a greenhouse gas substance that has been 16 injected into the identified GHG storage 17 formation has behaved or will behave otherwise 18 than as predicted in Part A of an approved site 19 plan for the formation; or 20 (d) the injection of a greenhouse gas substance 21 into, or the storage of a greenhouse gas 22 substance in, the identified GHG storage 23 formation has had or will have a significant 24 adverse impact on the geotechnical integrity of 25 the whole or a part of a geological formation or 26 geological structure; or 27 (e) the identified GHG storage formation is not 28 suitable for the permanent storage of a 29 greenhouse gas substance as set out in an 30 approved site plan for the formation. page 90 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 81 1 69JB. Reporting of serious situations 2 If a GHG licensee becomes aware that a serious 3 situation exists in relation to an identified GHG storage 4 formation specified in the licence, the GHG licensee 5 must -- 6 (a) immediately inform the Minister of the serious 7 situation; and 8 (b) within the period of 3 days after informing the 9 Minister under paragraph (a), furnish to the 10 Minister particulars in writing of the serious 11 situation. 12 Penalty: a fine of $10 000. 13 69JC. Minister may give directions 14 (1) If, in the opinion of the Minister, a serious situation 15 exists in relation to an identified GHG storage 16 formation specified in a GHG injection licence, the 17 Minister may, by written notice given to the GHG 18 licensee, direct the licensee -- 19 (a) to take all reasonable steps to ensure that a 20 greenhouse gas substance is injected into the 21 identified GHG storage formation in the 22 manner specified in the direction; or 23 (b) to take all reasonable steps to ensure that the 24 greenhouse gas substance is stored in the 25 identified GHG storage formation in the 26 manner specified in the direction; or 27 (c) to stop or suspend the injection of a greenhouse 28 gas substance at the place or places specified in 29 the direction; or 30 (d) to inject a greenhouse gas substance into the 31 identified GHG storage formation at the place 32 or places specified in the direction; or page 91 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 81 1 (e) to undertake the activities specified in the 2 direction for the purposes of eliminating, 3 mitigating, managing or remedying the serious 4 situation; or 5 (f) to take such action as is specified in the 6 direction; or 7 (g) to refrain from taking such action as is 8 specified in the direction. 9 (2) A direction under subsection (1) -- 10 (a) has effect, and must be complied with, 11 despite -- 12 (i) any previous direction under that 13 subsection; and 14 (ii) anything in the regulations; 15 and 16 (b) prevails over anything in an approved site plan 17 for the identified GHG storage formation to the 18 extent of any inconsistency; and 19 (c) may make provision in relation to a matter by 20 applying, adopting or incorporating (with or 21 without modification) a code of practice or 22 standard contained in an instrument as in force 23 or existing at the time when the direction takes 24 effect; and 25 (d) may prohibit the doing of an act or thing -- 26 (i) unconditionally; or 27 (ii) subject to conditions, including 28 conditions requiring the consent or 29 approval of a person specified in the 30 direction. page 92 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 81 1 (3) A person to whom a direction is given under 2 subsection (1) must comply with the direction. 3 Penalty: a fine of $10 000. 4 Subdivision 4 -- Site closing certificates 5 69JD. Application for site closing certificate 6 (1) A GHG licensee may apply to the Minister for a site 7 closing certificate in relation to a particular identified 8 GHG storage formation specified in the licence. 9 (2) If -- 10 (a) a GHG injection licence is in force; and 11 (b) operations for the injection of a greenhouse gas 12 substance into the identified GHG storage 13 formation concerned have ceased, 14 the GHG licensee must, within the application period, 15 make an application under subsection (1) for a site 16 closing certificate in relation to the identified GHG 17 storage formation. 18 Penalty: a fine of $10 000. 19 (3) The application period for an application referred to in 20 subsection (2) is -- 21 (a) the period of 30 days after the day on which the 22 cessation referred to in subsection (2)(b) 23 occurred; or 24 (b) such longer period, not more than 90 days after 25 that day, as the Minister allows. 26 (4) The Minister may allow a longer period under 27 subsection (3)(b) only on written application made by 28 the licensee within the period of 30 days mentioned in 29 subsection (3)(a). page 93 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 81 1 (5) If -- 2 (a) a GHG licence is in force; and 3 (b) under section 99(1), there is a ground for 4 cancelling the licence, 5 the Minister may, by written notice given to the 6 GHG licensee, direct the licensee -- 7 (c) to make an application under subsection (1) for 8 a site closing certificate in relation to each 9 identified GHG storage formation specified in 10 the licence; and 11 (d) to do so within the period specified in the 12 notice. 13 (6) If -- 14 (a) a GHG injection licence is in force; and 15 (b) the GHG injection licence is tied to a petroleum 16 retention lease or petroleum production licence; 17 and 18 (c) the petroleum retention lease or petroleum 19 production licence ceases to be in force as a 20 result of being surrendered, cancelled, 21 terminated or wholly revoked, 22 the Minister may, by written notice given to the 23 GHG licensee, direct the licensee -- 24 (d) to make an application under subsection (1) for 25 a site closing certificate in relation to each 26 identified GHG storage formation specified in 27 the licence; and 28 (e) to do so within the period specified in the 29 notice. 30 (7) The period specified under subsection (5)(d) or (6)(e) 31 must not be shorter than 30 days. page 94 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 81 1 (8) For the purposes of subsection (6)(b), a GHG injection 2 licence (the GHG licence) is tied to a petroleum 3 retention lease (the petroleum lease) if -- 4 (a) the GHG licence is derived from a GHG 5 retention lease -- 6 (i) granted under section 48CAB to the 7 registered holder of a petroleum 8 retention lease; or 9 (ii) granted by way of renewal of a GHG 10 retention lease granted under 11 section 48CAB to the registered holder 12 of a petroleum retention lease; 13 and 14 (b) the petroleum lease is -- 15 (i) the petroleum retention lease referred to 16 in paragraph (a)(i) or (ii); or 17 (ii) a petroleum retention lease granted by 18 way of renewal of the petroleum 19 retention lease referred to in 20 paragraph (a)(i) or (ii). 21 (9) For the purposes of subsection (6)(b), a GHG injection 22 licence (the GHG licence) is tied to a petroleum 23 production licence (the petroleum licence) if -- 24 (a) the GHG licence is derived from a GHG 25 retention lease -- 26 (i) granted under section 48CAB to the 27 registered holder of a petroleum 28 retention lease; or 29 (ii) granted by way of renewal of a GHG 30 retention lease granted under 31 section 48CAB to the registered holder 32 of a petroleum retention lease; 33 and page 95 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 81 1 (b) the petroleum licence is derived from -- 2 (i) the petroleum retention lease referred to 3 in paragraph (a)(i) or (ii); or 4 (ii) a petroleum retention lease granted by 5 way of renewal of the petroleum 6 retention lease referred to in 7 paragraph (a)(i) or (ii). 8 (10) A person to whom a direction is given under 9 subsection (5) or (6) must comply with the direction. 10 Penalty: a fine of $10 000. 11 69JE. Requirements for application 12 (1) An application under section 69JD -- 13 (a) must be made in an approved manner; and 14 (b) must be accompanied by a written report that 15 sets out -- 16 (i) the applicant's modelling of the 17 behaviour of the greenhouse gas 18 substance injected into the identified 19 GHG storage formation; and 20 (ii) information relevant to that modelling; 21 and 22 (iii) the applicant's analysis of that 23 information; 24 and 25 (c) must be accompanied by a written report that 26 sets out the applicant's assessment of -- 27 (i) the behaviour of the greenhouse gas 28 substance injected into the identified 29 GHG storage formation; and 30 (ii) the expected migration pathway or 31 pathways of that greenhouse gas 32 substance; and page 96 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 81 1 (iii) the short term consequences of the 2 migration of that greenhouse gas 3 substance; and 4 (iv) the long term consequences of the 5 migration of that greenhouse gas 6 substance; 7 and 8 (d) must be accompanied by the applicant's 9 suggestions for the approach to be taken by the 10 State, after the issue of the certificate, to the 11 monitoring of the behaviour of a greenhouse 12 gas substance stored in the identified GHG 13 storage formation; and 14 (e) must be accompanied by such other 15 information (if any) as is specified in the 16 regulations; and 17 (f) may set out any other matters that the applicant 18 wishes the Minister to consider; and 19 (g) must be accompanied by the prescribed fee. 20 (2) Subsection (1)(b) to (e) do not apply if there have not 21 been any operations for the injection of a greenhouse 22 gas substance into the identified GHG storage 23 formation. 24 (3) The Minister may, at any time, by instrument in writing 25 served on the applicant, require the applicant to 26 furnish, within the period specified in the instrument, 27 further information in writing in connection with the 28 application. 29 69JF. Acknowledgment of receipt of application 30 (1) This section applies if an application for a site closing 31 certificate has been made under section 69JD. 32 (2) The Minister must give the applicant notice of receipt 33 of the application. page 97 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 81 1 69JG. Variation of application 2 (1) This section applies if an application for a site closing 3 certificate has been made under section 69JD. 4 (2) At any time before a decision on the application is 5 made by the Minister, the applicant may, by written 6 notice given to the Minister, vary the application. 7 (3) A variation of an application must be made in the 8 approved manner. 9 (4) A variation of an application may be made -- 10 (a) on the applicant's own initiative; or 11 (b) at the request of the Minister. 12 (5) A variation of an application may set out any additional 13 matters that the applicant wishes to be considered. 14 (6) If an application is varied under this section, a 15 reference in this Act to the application is a reference to 16 the application as varied. 17 69JH. Pre-certificate notice 18 (1) If -- 19 (a) an application for a site closing certificate has 20 been made under section 69JD; and 21 (b) either -- 22 (i) the Minister is satisfied that operations 23 for the injection of a greenhouse gas 24 substance into the identified GHG 25 storage formation concerned have 26 ceased; or 27 (ii) the Minister is satisfied that there have 28 not been any operations for the injection 29 of a greenhouse gas substance into the page 98 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 81 1 identified GHG storage formation 2 concerned, 3 the Minister may give the applicant a written notice (a 4 pre-certificate notice) telling the applicant that the 5 Minister is prepared to issue to the applicant a site 6 closing certificate in relation to the identified GHG 7 storage formation. 8 (2) If the Minister is satisfied that there is a significant risk 9 that a greenhouse gas substance injected into the 10 identified GHG storage formation will have a 11 significant adverse impact on -- 12 (a) the surface of any land or any improvements on 13 any land; or 14 (b) any of the following operations of another 15 person that are being lawfully carried on -- 16 (i) operations relating to the exploration 17 for, recovery of or conveyance of a 18 mineral, whether petroleum or not, or 19 geothermal energy resources or 20 geothermal energy; 21 (ii) GHG operations; 22 (iii) operations relating to the construction or 23 operation of a pipeline, 24 then, in deciding whether to give the applicant a 25 pre-certificate notice, the Minister must have regard to 26 that significant risk. 27 (3) Subsection (2) does not limit the matters to which the 28 Minister may have regard. page 99 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 81 1 (4) The Minister may refuse to give the applicant a 2 pre-certificate notice in relation to the identified GHG 3 storage formation if -- 4 (a) the Minister is not satisfied that the greenhouse 5 gas substance injected into the identified GHG 6 storage formation is behaving as predicted in 7 Part A of an approved site plan for the 8 formation; or 9 (b) the Minister is satisfied that there is a 10 significant risk that a greenhouse gas substance 11 injected into the identified GHG storage 12 formation will have a significant adverse 13 impact on -- 14 (i) the conservation of the resources of the 15 soil or the Earth's crust; or 16 (ii) the geotechnical integrity of the whole 17 or a part of a geological formation or 18 geological structure; or 19 (iii) the environment; or 20 (iv) human health or safety. 21 (5) Subsection (4) does not limit the matters to which the 22 Minister may have regard in deciding whether to refuse 23 to give the applicant a pre-certificate notice. 24 (6) The Minister must not give the applicant a 25 pre-certificate notice in relation to the identified GHG 26 storage formation unless the Minister is satisfied 27 that -- 28 (a) either -- 29 (i) the relevant statutory requirements have 30 been complied with; or 31 (ii) any of the relevant statutory 32 requirements have not been complied 33 with, but there are sufficient grounds to page 100 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 81 1 warrant the issue of the site closing 2 certificate; 3 or 4 (b) if any conditions are specified in the 5 regulations -- those conditions have been 6 satisfied. 7 (7) For the purposes of subsection (6)(a), each of the 8 following is a relevant statutory requirement -- 9 (a) the conditions to which the GHG injection 10 licence is, or has from time to time been, 11 subject; 12 (b) the provisions of this Part and Part IIIA; 13 (c) the provisions of the regulations. 14 (8) If an application for a site closing certificate has been 15 made under section 69JD, the Minister must make a 16 decision on the application within 5 years after the 17 application was made. 18 69JI. Refusal to give pre-certificate notice 19 (1) This section applies if -- 20 (a) an application for a site closing certificate has 21 been made under section 69JD; and 22 (b) the Minister refuses to give a pre-certificate 23 notice to the applicant. 24 (2) The Minister must give written notice of the refusal to 25 the applicant. 26 69JJ. Content of pre-certificate notice 27 (1) A pre-certificate notice that relates to an application for 28 a site closing certificate must -- 29 (a) specify a programme of operations proposed to 30 be carried out by the State for the purposes of 31 monitoring the behaviour of a greenhouse gas page 101 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 81 1 substance stored in the identified GHG storage 2 formation concerned; and 3 (b) set out an estimate of the total costs and 4 expenses of carrying out the programme; and 5 (c) specify the form and amount of a security to be 6 lodged by the applicant in respect of the 7 compliance, by the holder for the time being of 8 the site closing certificate, with the holder's 9 obligations under section 69JQ in relation to the 10 costs and expenses of carrying out the 11 programme; and 12 (d) contain a statement to the effect that the 13 application will lapse if the applicant does not 14 lodge the security with the Minister within the 15 period applicable under subsection (3). 16 (2) The amount of the security is to equal the estimate 17 referred to in subsection (1)(b). 18 (3) The period for lodging the security is -- 19 (a) 60 days after the pre-certificate notice was 20 given to the applicant; or 21 (b) such longer period, not more than 180 days 22 after the pre-certificate notice was given to the 23 applicant, as the Minister allows. 24 (4) If the applicant does not lodge the security with the 25 Minister within the period applicable under 26 subsection (3), the application lapses at the end of that 27 period. 28 (5) The regulations may provide that an estimate referred 29 to in subsection (1)(b) is to be made on the basis of -- 30 (a) an assumption that costs and expenses will 31 increase at an annual rate specified in the 32 regulations; and page 102 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 81 1 (b) such other assumptions (if any) as are specified 2 in the regulations. 3 (6) Subsection (1) does not apply if the Minister is 4 satisfied that there have not been any operations for the 5 injection of a greenhouse gas substance into the 6 identified GHG storage formation concerned. 7 69JK. Issue of site closing certificate 8 If -- 9 (a) an applicant has been given a pre-certificate 10 notice under section 69JH; and 11 (b) if section 69JJ(1) applies -- the applicant has 12 lodged the specified security within the period 13 applicable under section 69JJ(3), 14 the Minister must issue to the applicant a site closing 15 certificate in relation to the identified GHG storage 16 formation specified in the pre-certificate notice. 17 69JL. Transferee of GHG injection licence treated as 18 applicant 19 (1) This section applies if a transfer of a GHG injection 20 licence is registered under section 72 -- 21 (a) after an application has been made under 22 section 69JD for a site closing certificate in 23 relation to an identified GHG storage formation 24 specified in the GHG injection licence; and 25 (b) before any action has been taken by the 26 Minister under section 69JH or 69JI in relation 27 to the application. 28 (2) After the transfer, sections 69JD to 69JK have effect in 29 relation to the application as if any reference in those 30 sections to the applicant were a reference to the 31 transferee. page 103 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 81 1 69JM. Duration of site closing certificate 2 Subject to this Part, a site closing certificate remains in 3 force indefinitely. 4 69JN. Transfer of site closing certificate 5 If -- 6 (a) a site closing certificate is held by the 7 registered holder of a GHG injection licence; 8 and 9 (b) a transfer of the licence is registered under 10 section 72, 11 the site closing certificate is, by force of this section, 12 transferred to the transferee of the licence. 13 69JO. Transfer of securities 14 If -- 15 (a) a security is in force in relation to a site closing 16 certificate; and 17 (b) the site closing certificate is transferred under 18 section 69JN, 19 then -- 20 (c) the interest of the transferor in the security is, 21 by force of this section, transferred to the 22 transferee; and 23 (d) a document setting out or relating to the 24 security has effect, after the transfer, as if a 25 reference in the document to the transferor were 26 a reference to the transferee. 27 69JP. Discharge of securities 28 The regulations may make provision in relation to the 29 discharge, in whole or in part, by the Minister of 30 securities in force in relation to site closing certificates. page 104 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 81 1 69JQ. Recovery of State's costs and expenses 2 (1) This section applies if -- 3 (a) a site closing certificate is in force in relation to 4 an identified GHG storage formation; and 5 (b) the State incurs reasonable costs or expenses in 6 carrying out the programme specified in the 7 pre-certificate notice for the site closing 8 certificate. 9 (2) The costs and expenses -- 10 (a) are a debt due to the State by the holder of the 11 certificate; and 12 (b) are recoverable in a court of competent 13 jurisdiction. 14 (3) The total of the costs and expenses recoverable under 15 subsection (2) must not exceed the estimate set out in 16 the pre-certificate notice. 17 Subdivision 5 -- Long term liabilities in respect of 18 GHG storage 19 69JR. Closure assurance period 20 (1) If -- 21 (a) a site closing certificate is in force in relation to 22 an identified GHG storage formation; and 23 (b) the Minister is satisfied that operations for the 24 injection of a greenhouse gas substance into the 25 formation ceased on a day (the cessation day) 26 before the application for the site closing 27 certificate was made; and 28 (c) on a day (the decision day) that is at least 29 15 years after the issue of the site closing 30 certificate, the Minister is satisfied that -- 31 (i) the greenhouse gas substance injected 32 into the formation is behaving as page 105 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 81 1 predicted in Part A of an approved site 2 plan for the formation; and 3 (ii) there is no significant risk that a 4 greenhouse gas substance injected into 5 the formation will have a significant 6 adverse impact on the geotechnical 7 integrity of the whole or a part of a 8 geological formation or geological 9 structure; and 10 (iii) there is no significant risk that a 11 greenhouse gas substance injected into 12 the formation will have a significant 13 adverse impact on the environment; and 14 (iv) there is no significant risk that a 15 greenhouse gas substance injected into 16 the formation will have a significant 17 adverse impact on human health or 18 safety; and 19 (v) since the cessation day, there have not 20 been any operations for the injection of 21 a greenhouse gas substance into the 22 formation, 23 the Minister may, by instrument in writing, declare that 24 the period -- 25 (d) beginning at the end of the cessation day; and 26 (e) ending at the end of the decision day, 27 is the closure assurance period in relation to the 28 formation for the purposes of this Act. 29 (2) A copy of a declaration under subsection (1) is to be 30 given to the holder of the site closing certificate. page 106 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 81 1 69JS. Indemnity against long term liability 2 (1) This section applies if -- 3 (a) a site closing certificate is in force in relation to 4 an identified GHG storage formation; and 5 (b) when the application for the certificate was 6 made, the formation was specified in a 7 GHG injection licence; and 8 (c) there is a closure assurance period in relation to 9 the formation; and 10 (d) the following conditions are satisfied in relation 11 to a liability of an existing person who is or has 12 been the registered holder of the licence 13 (whether or not the licence is in force) -- 14 (i) the liability is a liability for damages; 15 (ii) the liability is attributable to an act done 16 or omitted to be done in the carrying out 17 of operations authorised by the licence 18 in relation to the formation; 19 (iii) the liability is incurred or accrued after 20 the end of the closure assurance period 21 in relation to the formation; 22 (iv) such other conditions (if any) as are 23 specified in the regulations. 24 (2) The State must indemnify the person against the 25 liability. 26 (3) The amount of any indemnity under subsection (2) is to 27 be charged to the Consolidated Account, which is, to 28 the necessary extent, appropriated accordingly. page 107 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 81 1 69JT. State to assume long term liability if licensee has 2 ceased to exist 3 (1) This section applies if -- 4 (a) a site closing certificate is in force in relation to 5 an identified GHG storage formation; and 6 (b) when the application for the certificate was 7 made, the formation was specified in a GHG 8 injection licence; and 9 (c) there is a closure assurance period in relation to 10 the formation; and 11 (d) a person who has been the registered holder of 12 the licence (whether or not the licence is in 13 force) has ceased to exist; and 14 (e) if the person had continued in existence, the 15 following conditions would have been satisfied 16 in relation to a liability of the person -- 17 (i) the liability is a liability for damages; 18 (ii) the liability is attributable to an act done 19 or omitted to be done in the carrying out 20 of operations authorised by the licence 21 in relation to the formation; 22 (iii) the liability is incurred or accrued after 23 the end of the closure assurance period 24 in relation to the formation; 25 (iv) such other conditions (if any) as are 26 specified in the regulations; 27 and 28 (f) apart from this section, the damages are 29 irrecoverable because the person has ceased to 30 exist. 31 (2) The liability is taken to be a liability of the State. page 108 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 82 1 (3) The amount of any liability under subsection (2) is to 2 be charged to the Consolidated Account, which is, to 3 the necessary extent, appropriated accordingly. 4 5 82. Section 70 amended 6 (1) In section 70(2)(b) delete "reservation," (2nd occurrence) and 7 insert: 8 9 reservation area, 10 11 (2) After section 70(3)(c) insert: 12 13 (da) any instrument under section 69E, 69G or 69H; 14 and 15 16 83. Section 72 amended 17 In section 72(9) delete "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy 18 Resources" and insert: 19 20 Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage 21 22 84. Section 75 amended 23 (1) In section 75(1): 24 (a) in paragraph (c) delete "energy);" and insert: 25 26 energy or the carrying out of GHG operations); page 109 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 84 1 2 (b) delete paragraph (d)(ii) and insert: 3 4 (ii) any other interest that is similar to an 5 interest referred to in subparagraph (i), 6 being -- 7 (I) an interest relating to 8 petroleum or geothermal 9 energy produced from 10 operations authorised by an 11 existing permit, drilling 12 reservation, lease or licence or 13 relating to revenue derived as a 14 result of the carrying out of 15 operations of that kind; or 16 (II) an interest relating to a 17 greenhouse gas substance 18 injected or stored under an 19 existing permit, drilling 20 reservation, lease or licence or 21 relating to revenue derived as a 22 result of the carrying out of 23 GHG operations authorised by 24 an existing permit, drilling 25 reservation, lease or licence; 26 27 (2) In section 75(12) delete "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy 28 Resources" and insert: 29 30 Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage 31 page 110 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 85 1 85. Section 76 amended 2 In section 76(1) and (2) delete "Petroleum and Geothermal 3 Energy Resources" and insert: 4 5 Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage 6 7 86. Section 85 amended 8 In section 85(1) delete "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy 9 Resources" and insert: 10 11 Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage 12 13 Note: The heading to amended section 85 is to read: 14 Assessment of fee payable under Petroleum, Geothermal Energy 15 and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Registration Fees) Act 1967 16 87. Section 89 amended 17 In section 89(2) delete "reservation," (2nd occurrence) and 18 insert: 19 20 reservation area, 21 22 88. Section 91 amended 23 (1) Delete section 91(1) and insert: 24 25 (1) A permittee, holder of a drilling reservation, lessee or 26 licensee must carry out -- 27 (a) all petroleum exploration operations and 28 operations for the recovery of petroleum; or page 111 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 88 1 (b) all geothermal exploration operations and 2 operations for the recovery of geothermal 3 energy; or 4 (c) all GHG operations, 5 as the case requires, in the permit area, drilling 6 reservation area, lease area or licence area -- 7 (d) in a proper and workmanlike manner; and 8 (e) in the case of operations referred to in 9 paragraph (a), in accordance with good oil-field 10 practice. 11 12 (2) In section 91(1a) delete "(2) and (2a)" and insert: 13 14 (2), (2a) and (3A) 15 16 (3) In section 91(2): 17 (a) delete paragraph (a) and insert: 18 19 (a) control the flow and prevent the waste or 20 escape in the permit area, drilling reservation 21 area, lease area or licence area of petroleum, 22 geothermal energy resources, greenhouse gas 23 substances or water; and 24 25 (b) in paragraph (b) delete "reservation," and insert: 26 27 reservation area, 28 29 (c) in paragraph (c) delete "strata" and insert: 30 31 strata, geothermal energy resources, potential GHG 32 storage formations or potential GHG injection sites 33 page 112 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 88 1 (d) delete paragraph (d)(i) and insert: 2 3 (i) each petroleum pool, geothermal 4 resources area, potential GHG storage 5 formation or potential GHG injection 6 site discovered in the permit area, 7 drilling reservation area, lease area or 8 licence area; and 9 10 (e) in paragraph (e) delete "pool through wells in the permit 11 area, drilling reservation," and insert: 12 13 pool, geothermal resources area, potential GHG storage 14 formation or potential GHG injection site through wells 15 in the permit area, drilling reservation area, 16 17 (4) In section 91(2a): 18 (a) delete paragraph (a) and insert: 19 20 (a) control the flow and prevent the waste or 21 escape in the permit area, drilling reservation 22 area, lease area or licence area of geothermal 23 energy resources, petroleum, greenhouse gas 24 substances or water; and 25 26 (b) in paragraph (b) delete "reservation," and insert: 27 28 reservation area, 29 30 (c) in paragraph (c) delete "resources" and insert: 31 32 resources, petroleum-bearing strata, potential GHG 33 storage formations or potential GHG injection sites 34 page 113 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 88 1 (d) delete paragraph (d)(i) and insert: 2 3 (i) each geothermal resources area, 4 petroleum pool, potential GHG storage 5 formation or potential GHG injection 6 site discovered in the permit area, 7 drilling reservation area, lease area or 8 licence area; and 9 10 (e) delete paragraph (e) and insert: 11 12 (e) except for the purposes of the recovery of 13 geothermal energy under this Act in a proper 14 and workmanlike manner, prevent water or any 15 other matter entering any geothermal resources 16 area, petroleum pool, potential GHG storage 17 formation or potential GHG injection site 18 through wells in the permit area, drilling 19 reservation area, lease area or licence area. 20 21 (5) Delete section 91(3) and insert: 22 23 (3A) A GHG permittee, holder of a GHG drilling 24 reservation, GHG lessee or GHG licensee must -- 25 (a) control the flow and prevent the waste or 26 escape in the permit area, drilling reservation 27 area, lease area or licence area of greenhouse 28 gas substances, petroleum, geothermal energy 29 resources or water; and 30 (b) prevent the escape in the permit area, drilling 31 reservation area, lease area or licence area of 32 any mixture of water or drilling fluid with 33 greenhouse gas substances or any other matter; 34 and page 114 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 88 1 (c) prevent damage to potential GHG storage 2 formations, potential GHG injection sites, 3 petroleum-bearing strata or geothermal energy 4 resources in an area, whether in the State or not, 5 in respect of which the permit, drilling 6 reservation, lease or licence is not in force; and 7 (d) keep separate -- 8 (i) each potential GHG storage formation, 9 potential GHG injection site, petroleum 10 pool or geothermal resources area 11 discovered in the permit area, drilling 12 reservation area, lease area or licence 13 area; and 14 (ii) such of the sources of water, if any, 15 discovered in that area as the Minister, 16 by instrument in writing served on that 17 person, directs; 18 and 19 (e) except for the purposes of carrying on a 20 GHG operation under this Act in a proper and 21 workmanlike manner, prevent water or any 22 other matter entering any potential GHG 23 storage formation, potential GHG injection site, 24 petroleum pool or geothermal resources area 25 through wells in the permit area, drilling 26 reservation area, lease area or licence area. 27 (3) A person who is the holder of a special prospecting 28 authority or an access authority must carry out all 29 petroleum exploration operations, geothermal 30 exploration operations or GHG exploration operations, 31 as the case requires, in the area in respect of which the 32 special prospecting authority or access authority is in 33 force -- 34 (a) in a proper and workmanlike manner; and page 115 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 89 1 (b) in the case of petroleum exploration operations, 2 in accordance with good oil-field practice. 3 4 (6) In section 91(4) in the Penalty delete "(2a)" and insert: 5 6 (2a), (3A) 7 8 89. Section 91A amended 9 In section 91A(1) and (2) delete "petroleum or geothermal 10 energy resources," and insert: 11 12 petroleum, geothermal energy resources or greenhouse gas 13 substances, 14 15 90. Section 91B amended 16 In section 91B(2) delete "reservation," (2nd occurrence) and 17 insert: 18 19 reservation area, 20 21 91. Section 92 amended 22 In section 92(1) in the definition of operations area 23 paragraph (a) delete "reservation," (2nd occurrence) and insert: 24 25 reservation area, 26 page 116 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 92 1 92. Section 95 amended 2 Delete section 95(2)(b) and insert: 3 4 (b) any person (not being a person to whom the 5 direction applies otherwise than in accordance 6 with this paragraph) who is in the State for any 7 reason touching, concerning, arising out of or 8 connected with -- 9 (i) exploration for, or the exploitation of, 10 petroleum or geothermal energy 11 resources in the State; or 12 (ii) GHG operations in the State, 13 or is in, on, above, below or in the vicinity of a 14 vessel, aircraft, structure or installation, or 15 equipment or other property, that is in the State 16 for a reason of that kind, 17 18 93. Section 101 amended 19 In section 101(2)(a) delete "reservation," (1st occurrence) and 20 insert: 21 22 reservation area, 23 24 94. Section 105 amended 25 (1) In section 105(4a) delete "energy resources". 26 (2) After section 105(4a) insert: 27 28 (5A) A GHG special prospecting authority, while it remains 29 in force, authorises the holder, subject to this Act and 30 in accordance with the conditions to which the special 31 prospecting authority is subject, to carry on in the page 117 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 95 1 blocks specified in the special prospecting authority the 2 GHG exploration operations so specified. 3 4 (3) In section 105(6c)(c) delete "energy resources". 5 (4) After section 105(7) insert: 6 7 (8A) If -- 8 (a) a person holds a GHG special prospecting 9 authority in respect of a block; and 10 (b) another GHG special prospecting authority is 11 granted to another person in respect of the 12 block, 13 the Minister must, by notice in writing served on each 14 of those persons, inform each of them of -- 15 (c) the GHG exploration operations authorised by 16 the special prospecting authority granted to the 17 other person; and 18 (d) the conditions to which the special prospecting 19 authority granted to the other person is subject. 20 21 95. Section 106 amended 22 (1) In section 106(1) delete "reservation," (2nd and 3rd occurrences) 23 and insert: 24 25 reservation area, 26 27 (2) In section 106(1b): 28 (a) delete "reservation," (2nd and 3rd occurrences) and insert: 29 30 reservation area, 31 page 118 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 95 1 (b) delete "energy resources". 2 (3) In section 106(1c) delete "energy resources". 3 (4) After section 106(1c) insert: 4 5 (2A) A person who is a GHG permittee, holder of a GHG 6 drilling reservation, GHG lessee, GHG licensee or 7 holder of a GHG special prospecting authority may 8 make an application to the Minister for the grant of a 9 GHG access authority to enable the person to carry on, 10 in an area being part of the State that is not part of the 11 permit area, drilling reservation area, lease area or 12 licence area or area of the blocks specified in the 13 special prospecting authority, GHG operations in the 14 permit area, drilling reservation area, lease area or 15 licence area or area of the blocks so specified. 16 (2B) A holder of a GHG title outside the State may make an 17 application to the Minister for the grant of a 18 GHG access authority to enable the holder to carry on, 19 in a part of the State, GHG operations in the area to 20 which that GHG title relates. 21 22 (5) In section 106(4): 23 (a) in paragraph (bb) delete "authority," and insert: 24 25 authority; or 26 27 (b) after paragraph (bb) insert: 28 29 (cc) grant a GHG access authority on an application 30 under this section in respect of a block that is 31 the subject of a GHG exploration permit, GHG 32 drilling reservation, GHG retention lease, GHG 33 injection licence or GHG special prospecting page 119 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 96 1 authority of which the registered holder is a 2 person other than the applicant, or vary a GHG 3 access authority as in force in respect of a block 4 that is the subject of a GHG exploration permit, 5 GHG drilling reservation, GHG retention lease, 6 GHG injection licence or GHG special 7 prospecting authority of which the registered 8 holder is a person other than the registered 9 holder of the access authority, 10 11 (6) In section 106(6) and (8)(b) delete "reservation," and insert: 12 13 reservation area, 14 15 (7) In section 106(13) insert in alphabetical order: 16 17 GHG title means an authority, however described, 18 under a law of the Commonwealth, of another State or 19 of the Northern Territory to carry on a GHG injection 20 operation; 21 22 96. Section 109 amended 23 In section 109(1): 24 (a) delete "energy resources"; 25 (b) after "State," (2nd occurrence) insert: 26 27 or to GHG operations in the State, 28 page 120 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 97 1 97. Section 113 amended 2 In section 113(1) delete "reservation," (1st occurrence) and 3 insert: 4 5 reservation area, 6 7 98. Section 116 amended 8 In section 116(1) and (3) delete "operations or geothermal 9 energy resources" and insert: 10 11 operations, geothermal exploration operations or GHG 12 13 99. Section 117 amended 14 Delete section 117(c) and insert: 15 16 (c) any of the following operations of another 17 person that are being lawfully carried on -- 18 (i) operations relating to the exploration 19 for, recovery of or conveyance of a 20 mineral, whether petroleum or not, or 21 geothermal energy resources or 22 geothermal energy; 23 (ii) GHG operations; 24 (iii) operations relating to the construction or 25 operation of a pipeline; 26 or 27 page 121 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 100 1 100. Section 117A amended 2 In section 117A(a) and (b) delete "operation or geothermal 3 energy" and insert: 4 5 operation, geothermal energy operation or GHG 6 7 Note: The heading to amended section 117A is to read: 8 Interfering with petroleum operation, geothermal energy 9 operation or GHG operation 10 101. Section 119 amended 11 In section 119(1)(a): 12 (a) delete "petroleum or geothermal energy resources" and 13 insert: 14 15 petroleum, geothermal 16 17 (b) delete "energy; and" and insert: 18 19 energy, or GHG operations; and 20 21 102. Section 123 amended 22 In section 123(1) delete "29 or 49," and insert: 23 24 29(1), (2) or (3), 49(1) or (2) or 49A, 25 page 122 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 103 1 103. Section 126A amended 2 In section 126A(1) delete "operation or geothermal energy" 3 (each occurrence) and insert: 4 5 operation, geothermal energy operation or GHG 6 7 104. Section 136 amended 8 In section 136: 9 (a) in paragraph (a) delete "29" and insert: 10 11 29(1) 12 13 (b) in paragraphs (b) and (c) delete "49" and insert: 14 15 49(1) 16 17 105. Section 142 amended 18 In section 142(1) delete "reservation," (last occurrence) and 19 insert: 20 21 reservation area, 22 23 106. Section 144 amended 24 In section 144(1)(ba) delete "energy resources". page 123 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 107 1 107. Section 149B amended 2 In section 149B(1) and (2) delete "operation or geothermal 3 energy" (each occurrence) and insert: 4 5 operation, geothermal energy operation or GHG 6 7 108. Section 149C amended 8 In section 149C(1) delete "operations or geothermal energy" 9 (each occurrence) and insert: 10 11 operations, geothermal energy operations or GHG 12 13 109. Section 152 amended 14 In section 152: 15 (a) delete paragraph (a) and insert: 16 17 (a) a petroleum exploration permit, geothermal 18 exploration permit or GHG exploration permit 19 granted under section 32(4), 37 or 37A(3); 20 21 (b) delete paragraph (c) and insert: 22 23 (c) a petroleum retention lease, geothermal 24 retention lease or GHG retention lease granted 25 under section 48B(5) or 48CB(7); 26 27 (c) in paragraph (d) delete "section 61(4)." and insert: 28 29 section 54(2), 60 or 61(4); 30 page 124 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 110 1 (d) after paragraph (d) insert: 2 3 (e) a GHG injection licence granted under 4 section 54(2) or 60. 5 6 110. Section 153 amended 7 (1) In section 153(2): 8 (a) after paragraph (b) insert: 9 10 (ca) GHG operations; 11 12 (b) in paragraph (e) delete "petroleum" and insert: 13 14 petroleum, greenhouse gas substances 15 16 (c) in paragraph (f) after "petroleum," insert: 17 18 greenhouse gas substances, 19 20 (d) in paragraph (f) delete "petroleum" (2nd occurrence) and 21 insert: 22 23 petroleum, greenhouse gas substances 24 25 (e) in paragraph (fa) delete "petroleum;" and insert: 26 27 petroleum or greenhouse gas substances; 28 page 125 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 110 1 (f) in paragraph (g) delete "strata or geothermal energy 2 resources" and insert: 3 4 strata, geothermal energy resources, potential GHG 5 storage formations or potential GHG injection sites 6 7 (g) in paragraph (h)(i) and (ii) delete "reservation," and 8 insert: 9 10 reservation area, 11 12 (h) after paragraph (j) insert: 13 14 (ka) the maintaining in good condition and repair of 15 all structures, equipment and other property 16 used or intended to be used for or in connection 17 with GHG operations in the State; 18 19 (i) after paragraph (k) insert: 20 21 (laa) the removal from the State of structures, 22 equipment and other property brought into the 23 State for or in connection with GHG operations 24 that are not used or intended to be used in 25 connection with GHG operations in the State; 26 27 (j) in paragraph (l) delete "operations or geothermal 28 energy" and insert: 29 30 operations, geothermal energy operations or GHG 31 page 126 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 111 1 (2) In section 153(2c) after "Petroleum" (1st occurrence) insert: 2 3 and Greenhouse Gas 4 5 111. Schedule 1 amended 6 (1) In Schedule 1 clause 1 delete "operations or geothermal energy" 7 and insert: 8 9 operations, geothermal energy operations or GHG 10 11 (2) In Schedule 1 clause 2 delete "operations or geothermal energy" 12 and insert: 13 14 operations, geothermal energy operations or GHG 15 16 (3) In Schedule 1 clause 72(1) delete "operations or geothermal 17 energy" (each occurrence) and insert: 18 19 operations, geothermal energy operations or GHG 20 21 (4) In Schedule 1 in the provisions listed in the Table delete 22 "operation or geothermal energy" (each occurrence) and insert: 23 24 operation, geothermal energy operation or GHG 25 page 127 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 amended s. 111 1 Table Sch. 1 cl. 2 Sch. 1 cl. 3 def. of designated work group par. (a), employer, group member, member of the workforce, regulated business premises par. (a) and (b), work, workforce representative par. (a) and (b), work group employer and workplace Sch. 1 cl. 4(1) and (2) Sch. 1 cl. 5 Sch. 1 cl. 6 Sch. 1 cl. 7(1), (2), (3), (4) and (5) Sch. 1 cl. 8(1) and (2) Sch. 1 cl. 9(1) and (5) Sch. 1 cl. 10(1) and (2) Sch. 1 cl. 11(1) and (2) Sch. 1 cl. 12(1) Sch. 1 cl. 13(1) Sch. 1 cl. 14(3) Sch. 1 cl. 15(1) and (2) Sch. 1 cl. 16 Sch. 1 cl. 17(1) and (2) Sch. 1 cl. 18(1) Sch. 1 cl. 19(1) and (2) Sch. 1 cl. 20(1) Sch. 1 cl. 22(2), (3) and (4) Sch. 1 cl. 24(1) Sch. 1 cl. 25 Sch. 1 cl. 26 Sch. 1 cl. 28(2) Sch. 1 cl. 32(1) Sch. 1 cl. 38(1) Sch. 1 cl. 39(1) Sch. 1 cl. 40(1) Sch. 1 cl. 42(1), (2) and (3) Sch. 1 cl. 45 page 128 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Part 2 amended s. 111 Sch. 1 cl. 47(1) and (2) Sch. 1 cl. 48(1) and (2) Sch. 1 cl. 49(1) Sch. 1 cl. 50(1) Sch. 1 cl. 53(1) and (2) Sch. 1 cl. 54(1) and (3) Sch. 1 cl. 56(1), (2) and (3) Sch. 1 cl. 57(1), (6) and (7) Sch. 1 cl. 58(1) Sch. 1 cl. 60(8) Sch. 1 cl. 63(3) and (5) Sch. 1 cl. 64(1), (2), (3), (5) and (6) Sch. 1 cl. 66(3) Sch. 1 cl. 67(3) Sch. 1 cl. 70(1) Sch. 1 cl. 71(1) Sch. 1 cl. 74 Sch. 1 cl. 75 Sch. 1 cl. 81(1) 1 Note: The headings to the amended clauses listed in the Table are to read as 2 set out in the Table. 3 Table Amended clause Clause heading Sch. 1 cl. 8 Duties of persons in control of parts of petroleum operation, geothermal energy operation or GHG operation Sch. 1 cl. 48 Powers of entry and search -- places at which petroleum operations, geothermal energy operations or GHG operations are carried on Sch. 1 cl. 49 Powers of entry and search -- regulated business premises (other than places where petroleum operations, geothermal energy operations or GHG operations carried on) page 129 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 3 Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969 amended s. 112 1 Part 3 -- Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969 amended 2 112. Act amended 3 This Part amends the Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969. 4 113. Long title amended 5 In the long title after "petroleum" insert: 6 7 or greenhouse gas substances 8 9 114. Section 1 amended 10 In section 1 after "Petroleum" insert: 11 12 and Greenhouse Gas 13 14 115. Section 4 amended 15 (1) In section 4(1) insert in alphabetical order: 16 17 greenhouse gas substance has the meaning given in 18 the Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse 19 Gas Storage Act 1967 section 5(1); 20 21 (2) In section 4(1) in the definition of pipeline delete "petroleum;" 22 (1st occurrence) and insert: 23 24 petroleum or greenhouse gas substances; 25 page 130 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969 amended Part 3 s. 116 1 116. Section 8 amended 2 In section 8(1)(g) after "petroleum" insert: 3 4 or greenhouse gas substances 5 6 117. Section 21 amended 7 (1) In section 21(1)(a) after "petroleum" insert: 8 9 or greenhouse gas substances 10 11 (2) In section 21(5) after "petroleum" (each occurrence) insert: 12 13 or greenhouse gas substances 14 15 Note: The heading to amended section 21 is to read: 16 Directions as to conveyance of petroleum or greenhouse gas 17 substances 18 118. Section 37A amended 19 In section 37A(1) delete "petroleum." and insert: 20 21 petroleum or greenhouse gas substances. 22 23 119. Section 47 amended 24 In section 47(1): 25 (a) in paragraph (c) delete "petroleum);" and insert: 26 27 petroleum or the injection of greenhouse gas 28 substances); 29 page 131 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 3 Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969 amended s. 120 1 (b) in paragraph (d)(ii) delete "from" and insert: 2 3 from, or greenhouse gas substances injected as a result 4 of, 5 6 120. Section 64 amended 7 In section 64 after "petroleum" insert: 8 9 or greenhouse gas substance 10 11 121. Section 67 amended 12 In section 67(1c) delete "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy 13 Resources Act 1967," and insert: 14 15 Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage 16 Act 1967, 17 page 132 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Other Acts amended Part 4 Barrow Island Act 2003 amended Division 1 s. 122 1 Part 4 -- Other Acts amended 2 Division 1 -- Barrow Island Act 2003 amended 3 122. Act amended 4 This Division amends the Barrow Island Act 2003. 5 123. Section 7 amended 6 In section 7(5)(b) delete "petroleum or geothermal energy" and 7 insert: 8 9 petroleum, geothermal energy or greenhouse gas 10 11 124. Section 11 amended 12 (1) In section 11(1) delete "Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969" and 13 insert: 14 15 Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Pipelines Act 1969 16 17 (2) In section 11(2) delete "Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969," and 18 insert: 19 20 Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Pipelines Act 1969, 21 22 Note: The heading to amended section 11 is to read: 23 Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Pipelines Act 1969 applies to 24 pipelines on Barrow Island for conveyance of carbon dioxide page 133 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 4 Other Acts amended Division 2 Building Act 2011 amended s. 125 1 125. Section 14 amended 2 In section 14(1) delete "Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969" and 3 insert: 4 5 Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Pipelines Act 1969 6 7 Division 2 -- Building Act 2011 amended 8 126. Act amended 9 This Division amends the Building Act 2011. 10 127. Section 73 amended 11 In section 73(1): 12 (a) in paragraph (a) delete "Petroleum and Geothermal 13 Energy Resources Act 1967" and insert: 14 15 Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas 16 Storage Act 1967 17 18 (b) after paragraph (a) insert: 19 20 (ba) in connection with the carrying on of a GHG 21 operation as defined in the Petroleum, 22 Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas 23 Storage Act 1967 section 5(1); or 24 25 (c) in paragraph (b) delete "Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969" 26 and insert: 27 28 Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Pipelines Act 1969 29 page 134 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Other Acts amended Part 4 Conservation and Land Management Act 1984 amended Division 3 s. 128 1 Division 3 -- Conservation and Land Management Act 1984 2 amended 3 128. Act amended 4 This Division amends the Conservation and Land Management 5 Act 1984. 6 129. Section 3 amended 7 In section 3 in the definition of Minister for Mines: 8 (a) delete "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources 9 Act 1967," and insert: 10 11 Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas 12 Storage Act 1967, 13 14 (b) delete "Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969" and insert: 15 16 Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Pipelines Act 1969 17 18 130. Section 4 amended 19 In section 4(1) delete "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy 20 Resources Act 1967," and insert: 21 22 Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage 23 Act 1967, 24 page 135 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 4 Other Acts amended Division 3 Conservation and Land Management Act 1984 amended s. 131 1 131. Section 13A amended 2 Delete section 13A(3) and insert: 3 4 (3) Despite section 4(1) but subject to section 13E, the 5 following activities shall not be carried out in a marine 6 nature reserve -- 7 (a) exploratory drilling for, or production of, 8 petroleum, geothermal energy resources or 9 geothermal energy under the Petroleum, 10 Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas 11 Storage Act 1967; 12 (b) exploratory drilling for potential GHG storage 13 formations or potential GHG injection sites, or 14 injection and storage of greenhouse gas 15 substances, under the Petroleum, Geothermal 16 Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 1967; 17 (c) exploratory drilling for, or production of, 18 petroleum under the Petroleum (Submerged 19 Lands) Act 1982. 20 21 132. Section 13B amended 22 (1) In section 13B(9) delete the passage that begins with 23 "section 13E," and ends with "shall not" and insert: 24 25 section 13E -- 26 (aa) exploratory drilling for, or production of, 27 petroleum, geothermal energy resources or 28 geothermal energy under the Petroleum, 29 Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas 30 Storage Act 1967; or 31 (ab) exploratory drilling for potential GHG storage 32 formations or potential GHG injection sites, or 33 injection and storage of greenhouse gas page 136 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Other Acts amended Part 4 Conservation and Land Management Act 1984 amended Division 3 s. 133 1 substances, under the Petroleum, Geothermal 2 Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 1967; 3 or 4 (ac) exploratory drilling for, or production of, 5 petroleum under the Petroleum (Submerged 6 Lands) Act 1982, 7 shall not 8 9 (2) In section 13B(9) after paragraph (a) insert: 10 11 or 12 13 133. Section 13C amended 14 (1) Delete section 13C(1aa) and insert: 15 16 (1A) In this section -- 17 geothermal energy, geothermal energy resources, 18 greenhouse gas substance, potential GHG injection 19 site and potential GHG storage formation have the 20 meanings given in the Petroleum, Geothermal Energy 21 and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 1967 section 5(1). 22 23 (2) In section 13C(2) in the definition of commercial purposes: 24 (a) delete paragraph (c) and insert: 25 26 (c) seismic surveys and exploratory drilling for 27 petroleum, geothermal energy resources, 28 potential GHG storage formations or potential 29 GHG injection sites; and page 137 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 4 Other Acts amended Division 3 Conservation and Land Management Act 1984 amended s. 133 1 (b) in paragraph (d) delete "energy," and insert: 2 3 energy; and 4 5 (c) after paragraph (d) insert: 6 7 (e) injection and storage of greenhouse gas 8 substances, 9 10 (3) In section 13C(7): 11 (a) in paragraph (a) delete "Petroleum and Geothermal 12 Energy Resources Act 1967" and insert: 13 14 Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas 15 Storage Act 1967 16 17 (b) in paragraph (ab) delete "Petroleum and Geothermal 18 Energy Resources Act 1967; and" and insert: 19 20 Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas 21 Storage Act 1967; and 22 23 (c) after paragraph (ab) insert: 24 25 (ac) exploratory drilling for potential GHG storage 26 formations and potential GHG injection sites, 27 and injection and storage of greenhouse gas 28 substances, under the Petroleum, Geothermal 29 Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 1967; 30 and page 138 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Other Acts amended Part 4 Conservation and Land Management Act 1984 amended Division 3 s. 134 1 134. Section 13E amended 2 In section 13E(1): 3 (a) delete the definition of petroleum law and insert: 4 5 petroleum law means the Petroleum, Geothermal 6 Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 1967, the 7 Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 or the 8 Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Pipelines Act 1969; 9 10 (b) in the definition of drilling reservation delete 11 "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources 12 Act 1967;" and insert: 13 14 Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas 15 Storage Act 1967; 16 17 (c) in the definition of pipeline licence delete "Petroleum 18 Pipelines Act 1969;" and insert: 19 20 Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Pipelines Act 1969; 21 22 135. Section 60 amended 23 In section 60(2b): 24 (a) delete "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources 25 Act 1967," and insert: 26 27 Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas 28 Storage Act 1967, 29 30 (b) delete "Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969." and insert: 31 32 Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Pipelines Act 1969. 33 page 139 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 4 Other Acts amended Division 4 Dampier to Bunbury Pipeline Act 1997 amended s. 136 1 Division 4 -- Dampier to Bunbury Pipeline Act 1997 amended 2 136. Act amended 3 This Division amends the Dampier to Bunbury Pipeline 4 Act 1997. 5 137. Section 34 amended 6 (1) In section 34(1)(a)(i) delete "gas; or" and insert: 7 8 gas or any prescribed pipeline for transporting a greenhouse gas 9 substance; or 10 11 (2) In section 34(2) insert in alphabetical order: 12 13 gas means a gas or mixture of gases, whether naturally 14 occurring or manufactured, intended for use -- 15 (a) as a fuel; or 16 (b) in any chemical process; 17 greenhouse gas substance has the meaning given in 18 the Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse 19 Gas Storage Act 1967 section 5(1); 20 21 138. Schedule 4 Division 8 heading amended 22 In the heading to Schedule 4 Division 8 delete "Petroleum 23 Pipelines Act 1969" and insert: 24 25 Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Pipelines Act 1969 26 page 140 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Other Acts amended Part 4 Land Administration Act 1997 amended Division 5 s. 139 1 139. Schedule 4 clause 37 amended 2 In Schedule 4 clause 37 delete "Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969" 3 and insert: 4 5 Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Pipelines Act 1969 6 7 Division 5 -- Land Administration Act 1997 amended 8 140. Act amended 9 This Division amends the Land Administration Act 1997. 10 141. Section 3 amended 11 (1) In section 3(1) delete the definition of mining, petroleum or 12 geothermal energy right. 13 (2) In section 3(1) insert in alphabetical order: 14 15 mining, petroleum, geothermal energy or greenhouse 16 gas right means -- 17 (a) mining tenement as defined in the Mining 18 Act 1978 section 8(1); or 19 (b) drilling reservation, lease, licence, permit, 20 pipeline licence, special prospecting authority, 21 access authority or other right under the 22 Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and 23 Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 1967, the 24 Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Pipelines 25 Act 1969 or the Petroleum (Submerged Lands) 26 Act 1982; 27 page 141 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 4 Other Acts amended Division 5 Land Administration Act 1997 amended s. 142 1 (3) In section 3(1) in the definition of interest paragraph (d) delete 2 "petroleum or geothermal energy" and insert: 3 4 petroleum, geothermal energy or greenhouse gas 5 6 142. Section 5 replaced 7 Delete section 5 and insert: 8 9 5. Act not to apply to registration of certain rights 10 (1) This Act does not -- 11 (a) apply to the registration of rights over Crown 12 land in respect of minerals, petroleum, 13 geothermal energy, geothermal energy 14 resources or the injection and storage of 15 greenhouse gas substances; or 16 (b) prevent or otherwise affect the system of 17 registration under other Acts of mining, 18 petroleum, geothermal energy or greenhouse 19 gas rights in respect of Crown land. 20 (2) In subsection (1) -- 21 geothermal energy, geothermal energy resources and 22 greenhouse gas substances have the same meanings as 23 they have in the Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and 24 Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 1967. 25 page 142 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Other Acts amended Part 4 Land Administration Act 1997 amended Division 5 s. 143 1 143. Section 24 amended 2 In section 24: 3 (a) delete "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources 4 Act 1967" (each occurrence) and insert: 5 6 Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas 7 Storage Act 1967 8 9 (b) delete "resources and geothermal energy" and insert: 10 11 resources, geothermal energy, potential GHG storage 12 formations and potential GHG injection sites 13 14 Note: The heading to amended section 24 is to read: 15 Minerals, petroleum and other substances reserved to Crown 16 144. Section 91 amended 17 In section 91(5) delete "petroleum or geothermal energy" (each 18 occurrence) and insert: 19 20 petroleum, geothermal energy or greenhouse gas 21 22 145. Section 164 amended 23 In section 164(1): 24 (a) in paragraph (b) delete "Petroleum and Geothermal 25 Energy Resources Act 1967, the Petroleum Pipelines 26 Act 1969," and insert: 27 28 Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas 29 Storage Act 1967, the Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas 30 Pipelines Act 1969 31 page 143 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 4 Other Acts amended Division 5 Land Administration Act 1997 amended s. 146 1 (b) in paragraph (c) delete "Petroleum and Geothermal 2 Energy Resources Act 1967," and insert: 3 4 Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas 5 Storage Act 1967; and 6 7 (c) after paragraph (c) insert: 8 9 (d) the rights relating to greenhouse gas substances 10 referred to in the Petroleum, Geothermal 11 Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 1967, 12 13 Note: The heading to amended section 164 is to read: 14 Mineral, petroleum and other rights may be excluded when 15 interests in land taken 16 146. Section 170 amended 17 In section 170(5)(b) delete "petroleum or geothermal energy" 18 and insert: 19 20 petroleum, geothermal energy or greenhouse gas 21 22 147. Section 175 amended 23 In section 175(1)(a)(iii) delete "petroleum or geothermal 24 energy" and insert: 25 26 petroleum, geothermal energy or greenhouse gas 27 page 144 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Other Acts amended Part 4 Mining Act 1978 amended Division 6 s. 148 1 148. Section 177 amended 2 In section 177(5)(c) delete "petroleum or geothermal energy" 3 and insert: 4 5 petroleum, geothermal energy or greenhouse gas 6 7 Division 6 -- Mining Act 1978 amended 8 149. Act amended 9 This Division amends the Mining Act 1978. 10 150. Section 8 amended 11 (1) In section 8(1) in the definition of minerals paragraphs (b) 12 and (ba) delete "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources 13 Act 1967" and insert: 14 15 Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage 16 Act 1967 17 18 (2) In section 8(2) delete "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy 19 Resources Act 1967" and insert: 20 21 Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage 22 Act 1967 23 24 151. Section 8A deleted 25 Delete section 8A. page 145 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 4 Other Acts amended Division 7 Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 amended s. 152 1 152. Section 159 amended 2 In section 159(1) delete "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy 3 Resources Act 1967" and insert: 4 5 Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage 6 Act 1967 7 8 Division 7 -- Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 amended 9 153. Act amended 10 This Division amends the Occupational Safety and Health 11 Act 1984. 12 154. Section 4 amended 13 In section 4(2): 14 (a) delete paragraph (b) and insert: 15 16 (b) at which a petroleum operation, geothermal 17 energy operation or GHG operation, as defined 18 in the Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and 19 Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 1967 section 5(1), 20 is carried on; or 21 22 (b) in paragraph (c) delete "Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969," 23 and insert: 24 25 Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Pipelines Act 1969, 26 page 146 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Other Acts amended Part 4 Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 amended Division 8 s. 155 1 Division 8 -- Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 amended 2 155. Act amended 3 This Division amends the Petroleum (Submerged Lands) 4 Act 1982. 5 156. Section 112 amended 6 (1) In section 112(6) delete "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy 7 Resources Act 1967." and insert: 8 9 Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage 10 Act 1967. 11 12 (2) In section 112(13) delete "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy 13 Resources Act 1967" and insert: 14 15 Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage 16 Act 1967 17 18 157. Section 142 amended 19 In section 142 delete "140" and insert: 20 21 140, 141A 22 23 158. Section 145 amended 24 In section 145(3) delete "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy 25 Resources Act 1967," and insert: 26 27 Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage 28 Act 1967, 29 page 147 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 4 Other Acts amended Division 9 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources (Registration Fees) Act 1967 amended s. 159 1 159. Section 152 amended 2 In section 152(2c) delete "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy 3 Resources Act 1967 or the Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969," and 4 insert: 5 6 Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage 7 Act 1967 or the Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Pipelines 8 Act 1969, 9 10 Division 9 -- Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources 11 (Registration Fees) Act 1967 amended 12 160. Act amended 13 This Division amends the Petroleum and Geothermal Energy 14 Resources (Registration Fees) Act 1967. 15 161. Long title amended 16 In the long title delete "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy 17 Resources Act 1967." and insert: 18 19 Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage 20 Act 1967. 21 22 162. Section 1 amended 23 In section 1 delete "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy 24 Resources" and insert: 25 26 Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage 27 page 148 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Other Acts amended Part 4 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Safety Levies Act 2011 Division 10 amended s. 163 1 163. Section 3 amended 2 In section 3 delete "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy 3 Resources Act 1967" and insert: 4 5 Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage 6 Act 1967 7 8 Note: The heading to amended section 3 is to read: 9 Act read with Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse 10 Gas Storage Act 1967 11 164. Section 4 amended 12 In section 4(2), (4)(a), (5), (6)(b) and (7)(a) delete "Petroleum 13 and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967" and insert: 14 15 Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage 16 Act 1967 17 18 Division 10 -- Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Safety Levies 19 Act 2011 amended 20 165. Act amended 21 This Division amends the Petroleum and Geothermal Energy 22 Safety Levies Act 2011. 23 166. Section 3 amended 24 (1) In section 3 in the definition of geothermal energy operation 25 delete "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967" 26 and insert: 27 28 Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage 29 Act 1967 30 page 149 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 4 Other Acts amended Division 10 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Safety Levies Act 2011 amended s. 166 1 (2) In section 3 in the definition of licensee delete "Petroleum 2 Pipelines Act 1969" and insert: 3 4 Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Pipelines Act 1969 5 6 (3) In section 3 in the definition of operator paragraph (a) delete 7 "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967; or" 8 and insert: 9 10 Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage 11 Act 1967; or 12 13 (4) In section 3 in the definition of petroleum operation delete 14 "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967" and 15 insert: 16 17 Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage 18 Act 1967 19 20 (5) In section 3 in the definition of pipeline operation delete 21 "Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969" and insert: 22 23 Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Pipelines Act 1969 24 25 (6) In section 3 in the definition of safety case in force 26 paragraph (a)(i) delete "Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969; and" and 27 insert: 28 29 Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Pipelines Act 1969; and 30 page 150 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Other Acts amended Part 4 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Safety Levies Act 2011 Division 10 amended s. 167 1 (7) In section 3 in the definition of safety management system in 2 force: 3 (a) after "geothermal" insert: 4 5 energy 6 7 (b) in paragraph (a) delete "Petroleum and Geothermal 8 Energy Resources Act 1967; and" and insert: 9 10 Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas 11 Storage Act 1967; and 12 13 167. Section 10 amended 14 In section 10(2) delete "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy 15 Resources Act 1967, the Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969" and 16 insert: 17 18 Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage 19 Act 1967, the Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Pipelines 20 Act 1969 21 22 168. Section 21 amended 23 In section 21(3): 24 (a) in paragraph (b) delete "Petroleum and Geothermal 25 Energy Resources Act 1967" and insert: 26 27 Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas 28 Storage Act 1967 29 page 151 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 4 Other Acts amended Division 11 Transfer of Land Act 1893 amended s. 169 1 (b) in paragraph (c) delete "Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969" 2 and insert: 3 4 Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Pipelines Act 1969 5 6 Division 11 -- Transfer of Land Act 1893 amended 7 169. Act amended 8 This Division amends the Transfer of Land Act 1893. 9 170. Section 3 amended 10 (1) In section 3(2): 11 (a) in paragraph (a) delete "energy or geothermal energy 12 resources; or" and insert: 13 14 energy, geothermal energy resources or the injection and 15 storage of greenhouse gas substances; or 16 17 (b) in paragraph (b) delete "petroleum or geothermal 18 energy" and insert: 19 20 petroleum, geothermal energy or greenhouse gas 21 22 (2) Delete section 3(3) and insert: 23 24 (3) In subsection (2) -- 25 geothermal energy, geothermal energy resources and 26 greenhouse gas substances have the same meanings as 27 they have in the Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and 28 Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 1967; page 152 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Other Acts amended Part 4 Various references to "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Division 12 Resources Act 1967" and "Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969" amended s. 171 1 mining, petroleum, geothermal energy or greenhouse 2 gas rights has the same meaning as it has in the Land 3 Administration Act 1997. 4 5 Division 12 -- Various references to "Petroleum and 6 Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967" and "Petroleum 7 Pipelines Act 1969" amended 8 171. References to "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources 9 Act 1967" amended 10 (1) This section amends the Acts listed in the Table. 11 (2) In the provisions listed in the Table: 12 (a) delete "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources 13 Act 1967" (each occurrence) and insert: 14 15 Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas 16 Storage Act 1967 17 18 (b) delete "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources 19 Act 1967" and insert: 20 21 Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage 22 Act 1967 23 24 (c) delete "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources 25 Act 1967" and insert: 26 27 Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas 28 Storage Act 1967 29 page 153 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 4 Other Acts amended Division 12 Various references to "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967" and "Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969" amended s. 171 1 Table Aboriginal Affairs Planning s. 30(2) Authority Act 1972 Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 s. 18(1) Barrow Island Royalty Variation long title, s. 5(3) Agreement Act 1985 Fire and Emergency Services s. 3A def. of owner par. (f)(iii) Act 1998 Fish Resources Management s. 114 Act 1994 Gas Standards Act 1972 s. 5(1)(c) Gas Supply (Gas Quality s. 3(1) def. of gas producer Specifications) Act 2009 par. (a) Heritage of Western Australia s. 3(2)(a)(v) Act 1990 Industrial Relations Act 1979 s. 7(3)(c), 8(3A)(b), 113(1)(d)(ii)(III) Local Government Act 1995 s. 1.4 def. of owner par. (e)(iii), 6.27(c), 6.29(1) def. of relevant interest par. (b) Soil and Land Conservation Schedule Act 1945 Valuation of Land Act 1978 s. 4(1) def. of unimproved value par. (b)(ii)(III), (IV) page 154 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Other Acts amended Part 4 Various references to "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Division 12 Resources Act 1967" and "Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969" amended s. 172 Waterways Conservation s. 5(4)(b) Act 1976 1 172. References to "Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969" amended 2 (1) This section amends the Acts listed in the Table. 3 (2) In the provisions listed in the Table delete "Petroleum Pipelines 4 Act 1969" and insert: 5 6 Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Pipelines Act 1969 7 8 Table Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 s. 18(1a)(a)(ii) Dangerous Goods Safety s. 6(1) Act 2004 Duties Act 2008 s. 3 def. of land par. (c), (da), 17(2)(e), 149(2A)(b) Energy Coordination Act 1994 s. 24A(2), 24C(1) Gas Standards Act 1972 s. 4 def. of pipeline licensee Gas Supply (Gas Quality s. 3(1) def. of gas transmission Specifications) Act 2009 pipeline, operator, pipeline Industrial Relations Act 1979 s. 7(3)(c), 8(3A)(b), 113(1)(d)(ii)(IV) National Gas Access (WA) s. 20(1), 22(2) Act 2009 9
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