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                   Western Australia

Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023


       Part 1 -- Preliminary
 1.    Short title                                               2
 2.    Commencement                                              2
       Part 2 -- Petroleum and Geothermal
            Energy Resources Act 1967
       Division 1 -- Preliminary
 3.    Act amended                                               3
       Division 2 -- General amendments
 4.    Section 5 amended                                         3
 5.    Section 11A amended                                       9
 6.    Section 15 amended                                        9
 7.    Section 31 amended                                        9
 8.    Section 32 amended                                       10
 9.    Section 33 amended                                       10
 10.   Section 35 amended                                       11
 11.   Section 37 amended                                       11
 12.   Section 37A amended                                      12
 13.   Section 38 replaced                                      12
       38.     Rights conferred by petroleum exploration
               permit or geothermal exploration permit     12
 14.   Section 43B amended                                      14
 15.   Section 43C amended                                      14
 16.   Section 43D amended                                      15
 17.   Section 44 amended                                       17
 18.   Section 46 amended                                       18
 19.   Section 47 amended                                       18
 20.   Section 48A amended                                      19

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      21.     Section 48B amended                                          19
      22.     Section 48CA amended                                         19
      23.     Section 48CB amended                                         20
      24.     Section 48C amended                                          20
      25.     Section 51 amended                                           22
      26.     Section 53 amended                                           23
      27.     Section 54 amended                                           23
      28.     Section 57 amended                                           23
      29.     Section 59 amended                                           23
      30.     Section 60 amended                                           24
      31.     Section 61 amended                                           24
      32.     Section 62 replaced                                          25
              62.       Rights conferred by licence                   25
      33.     Section 67 amended                                           27
      34.     Section 70 amended                                           28
      35.     Section 72 amended                                           28
      36.     Section 75 amended                                           30
      37.     Section 75A amended                                          32
      38.     Section 76 amended                                           32
      39.     Part III Division 4A inserted                                33
              Division 4A -- Polluter pays
              86A.      Escape of petroleum or regulated
                        substance: titleholder's duty                 33
              86B.      Escape of petroleum or regulated
                        substance: reimbursement of State             35
      40.     Section 89 amended                                           36
      41.     Section 90 amended                                           36
      42.     Section 91 amended                                           36
      43.     Section 91B amended                                          37
      44.     Section 91C inserted                                         37
              91C.      Provisions relating to approvals granted in
                        relation to regulated substances              37
      45.     Section 92 amended                                           38
      46.     Section 101 amended                                          39
      47.     Section 105 amended                                          39
      48.     Section 106 amended                                          40
      49.     Section 109 amended                                          42
      50.     Section 113 amended                                          42
      51.     Section 115 amended                                          42
      52.     Section 116A amended                                         42
      53.     Section 116 amended                                          42

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54.   Section 119 amended                                         43
55.   Section 126A amended                                        43
56.   Section 127 amended                                         43
57.   Section 134A amended                                        46
58.   Section 142 amended                                         46
59.   Section 144 amended                                         46
60.   Section 147 replaced                                        47
      147.     Ascertainment of quantity of petroleum,
               regulated substance or geothermal energy
               recovered                                  47
61.   Section 150A amended                                        48
62.   Part IV Division 1 heading inserted                         48
      Division 1 -- General
63.   Part IV Division 2 heading inserted                         49
      Division 2 -- Regulations and forms
64.   Section 152A inserted                                       49
      152A.    Approved forms                             49
65.   Section 153 amended                                         49
66.   Section 154 amended                                         50
67.   Schedule 2 Division 2 inserted                              52
      Division 2 -- Provisions for Petroleum Legislation
             Amendment Act 2023
      4.        Storage of petroleum underground          52
      5.        Royalty condition included in petroleum
                title                                     53
68.   Various references to "petroleum pool" amended              54
69.   Various references to "petroleum" amended                   55
70.   Various modernisations                                      63
      Division 3 -- Amendments relating to
            greenhouse gas storage and transport
71.   Long title replaced                                         79
72.   Section 1 amended                                           79
73.   Section 5 amended                                           79
74.   Sections 6B to 6E inserted                                  89
      6B.      Potential GHG storage formation            89
      6C.      Eligible GHG storage formation and
               related terms                              89
      6D.      Incidental greenhouse gas-related
               substance                                  92
      6E.      Greenhouse gas substance or GHG            93
75.   Section 9 amended                                           94

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      76.     Section 10 replaced                                       94
              10.      Reservations in Crown grants and leases    94
      77.     Section 11 amended                                        95
      78.     Section 15 amended                                        96
      79.     Section 15A amended                                       96
      80.     Section 16 amended                                        96
      81.     Section 17 amended                                        97
      82.     Section 24 amended                                        97
      83.     Part III heading replaced                                 97
              Part 3 -- Operations relating to recovery of
                     petroleum, regulated substances and
                     geothermal energy or GHG injection and
      84.     Section 26 amended                                        97
      85.     Section 28 amended                                        98
      86.     Section 29 amended                                        98
      87.     Section 30 amended                                       100
      88.     Section 30A inserted                                     100
              30A.     Petroleum or geothermal lessee or
                       licensee to be notified of proposal to
                       advertise certain blocks                  100
      89.     Section 31 amended                                       102
      90.     Section 32A amended                                      102
      91.     Section 32 amended                                       102
      92.     Section 33 amended                                       103
      93.     Section 35 amended                                       103
      94.     Section 38A inserted                                     104
              38A.     Rights conferred by GHG exploration
                       permit                                    104
      95.     Section 40 amended                                       106
      96.     Section 42A amended                                      107
      97.     Section 42C inserted                                     108
              42C.     GHG exploration permits cannot be
                       renewed more than once                    108
      98.     Section 43A amended                                      108
      99.     Section 43B amended                                      109
      100.    Section 43CA amended                                     110
      101.    Section 43C amended                                      111
      102.    Section 43DAA inserted                                   111
              43DAA.   Rights conferred by GHG drilling
                       reservation                               111

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103.   Section 44 replaced                                          114
       44.      Certain discoveries in permit area or
                drilling reservation area to be notified     114
104.   Section 48A amended                                          114
105.   Section 48B amended                                          116
106.   Section 48BA amended                                         118
107.   Sections 48BB to 48BD inserted                               118
       48BB.    Application by petroleum or geothermal
                lessee for GHG retention lease               118
       48BC.    Grant or refusal of GHG retention lease in
                relation to application by petroleum or
                geothermal lessee                            120
       48BD.    Application of s. 48BB and 48BC if
                petroleum or geothermal retention lease is
                transferred                                  122
108.   Section 48CA amended                                         122
109.   Section 48CB amended                                         125
110.   Section 48CC amended                                         128
111.   Section 48CAA inserted                                       129
       48CAA.   Rights conferred by GHG retention lease      129
112.   Section 48E amended                                          131
113.   Section 48F amended                                          133
114.   Section 48G amended                                          134
115.   Section 48GA inserted                                        137
       48GA.    GHG retention lease cannot be renewed
                more than once                               137
116.   Section 48H amended                                          137
117.   Section 48J replaced                                         138
       48J.     Certain discoveries in lease area to be
                notified                                     138
118.   Part III Division 3 heading amended                          139
119.   Section 49 amended                                           139
120.   Section 49A inserted                                         139
       49A.     GHG injection operations in State            139
121.   Section 50 amended                                           140
122.   Section 50AA inserted                                        141
       50AA.    Application by GHG permittee or holder of
                GHG drilling reservation for GHG injection
                licence                                      141
123.   Section 50A amended                                          143
124.   Section 50B inserted                                         145
       50B.     Application by petroleum or geothermal
                licensee for GHG injection licence           145
125.   Section 51 amended                                           146

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      126.    Section 53 amended                                          147
      127.    Section 54 amended                                          148
      128.    Section 54AA inserted                                       149
              54AA.    Certain discoveries in licence area to be
                       notified                                     149
      129.    Section 54A amended                                         150
      130.    Section 55 amended                                          151
      131.    Section 56 amended                                          152
      132.    Section 59 amended                                          155
      133.    Section 61 amended                                          155
      134.    Section 62 amended                                          155
      135.    Section 63 amended                                          158
      136.    Section 64A amended                                         159
      137.    Section 64 amended                                          160
      138.    Section 65 amended                                          160
      139.    Section 66 amended                                          160
      140.    Part III Division 3A heading amended                        161
      141.    Section 69A amended                                         161
      142.    Part III Division 3B inserted                               164
              Division 3B -- Matters relating to GHG injection and
              Subdivision 1 -- Declaration of identified GHG
                     storage formation
              69B.      Application for declaration of identified
                        GHG storage formation                       164
              69C.      Requirement for further information or
                        further analysis                            165
              69D.      Variation of application                    166
              69E.      Declaration of identified GHG storage
                        formation                                   166
              69F.      Refusal to make declaration                 167
              69G.      Variation of declaration                    168
              69H.      Revocation of declaration                   169
              Subdivision 2 -- Approved site plans
              69HA.     Approved site plans                         170
              Subdivision 3 -- Serious situations
              69HB.     When serious situation exists               172
              69HC.     Reporting of serious situations             172
              69HD.     Minister may give directions                173
              Subdivision 4 -- Site closing certificates
              69HE.     Application for site closing certificate    175
              69HF.     Application for site closing certificate
                        required if operations have ceased          175

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       69HG.    Application for site closing certificate may
                be directed if ground for terminating or
                cancelling GHG injection licence exists        176
       69HH.    Application for site closing certificate may
                be directed if GHG injection licence tied to
                ceased petroleum lease or licence              176
       69HI.    Requirements for application for site
                closing certificate                            178
       69HJ.    Variation of application for site closing
                certificate                                    180
       69HK.    Time for decision on application for site
                closing certificate                            180
       69HL.    Pre-certificate notice                         181
       69HM.    Refusal of pre-certificate notice              183
       69HN.    Notice of refusal to give pre-certificate
                notice                                         184
       69HO.    Content of pre-certificate notice              184
       69HP.    Issue of site closing certificate              185
       69HQ.    Transferee of GHG injection licence
                treated as applicant                           186
       69HR.    Duration of site closing certificate           186
       69HS.    Transfer of site closing certificate           186
       69HT.    Transfer of securities                         187
       69HU.    Discharge of securities                        187
       69HV.    Recovery of State's costs and expenses         187
       Subdivision 5 -- Long-term liabilities in respect of
             GHG storage
       69HW.    Closure assurance period                       188
       69HX.    Indemnity against long-term liability          189
       69HY.    State to assume long-term liability if
                licensee has ceased to exist                   190
143.   Section 70 amended                                             191
144.   Section 72 amended                                             191
145.   Section 75 amended                                             192
146.   Section 76 amended                                             193
147.   Section 85 amended                                             193
148.   Section 90 amended                                             193
149.   Section 91 amended                                             194
150.   Section 91A amended                                            198
151.   Section 95 amended                                             199
152.   Section 105 amended                                            200
153.   Section 106 amended                                            201
154.   Section 109 amended                                            206
155.   Section 116 amended                                            206

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      156.    Section 117 amended                                          206
      157.    Section 117A amended                                         207
      158.    Section 119 amended                                          207
      159.    Section 123 amended                                          208
      160.    Section 126A amended                                         208
      161.    Section 127A amended                                         208
      162.    Section 134A amended                                         208
      163.    Section 136 amended                                          209
      164.    Section 142 amended                                          209
      165.    Section 144 amended                                          210
      166.    Section 145 amended                                          210
      167.    Section 146 amended                                          211
      168.    Section 147 amended                                          211
      169.    Section 148 amended                                          212
      170.    Section 149 amended                                          212
      171.    Section 150A amended                                         212
      172.    Section 152 amended                                          213
      173.    Section 153 amended                                          214
      174.    Schedule 2 clause 4 amended                                  215
      175.    Schedule 2 clause 6 inserted                                 216
              6.       Further provisions about royalty conditions   216

              Part 3 -- Petroleum Pipelines
                   Act 1969 amended
              Division 1 -- Preliminary
      176.    Act amended                                                  217
              Division 2 -- General amendments
      177.    Section 4 amended                                            217
      178.    Section 8 amended                                            219
      179.    Section 12 amended                                           219
      180.    Section 15 amended                                           220
      181.    Section 16 amended                                           220
      182.    Section 17 amended                                           221
      183.    Section 21 amended                                           222
      184.    Section 44 amended                                           222
      185.    Section 47 amended                                           224
      186.    Section 48 amended                                           226

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187.   Part 4A inserted                                               226
       Part 4A -- Polluter pays
       56A.     Escape of petroleum: titleholder's duty        226
       56B.     Escape of petroleum: reimbursement of
                State                                          228
188.   Part V Division 1 heading inserted                             228
       Division 1 -- General
189.   Section 60 amended                                             229
190.   Part V Division 2 heading inserted                             229
       Division 2 -- Inspectors and protection from liability
191.   Part V Division 3 heading inserted                             229
       Division 3 -- Offences and proceedings
192.   Section 66BB amended                                           229
193.   Part V Division 4 heading inserted                             230
       Division 4 -- Forms and regulations
194.   Section 66F inserted                                           230
       66F.      Approved forms                                230
195.   Section 67 amended                                             230
196.   Part 6 inserted                                                231
       Part 6 -- Transitional provisions
       68.       Transitional regulations                      231
197.   Various modernisations                                         233
       Division 3 -- Amendments relating to
             greenhouse gas storage and transport
198.   Long title amended                                             235
199.   Section 1 amended                                              235
200.   Section 4 amended                                              235
201.   Section 5A inserted                                            240
       5A.       Terminal point                                240
202.   Section 8 amended                                              241
203.   Section 12 amended                                             241
204.   Section 21 amended                                             241
205.   Section 37A amended                                            242
206.   Section 41 amended                                             242
207.   Section 47 amended                                             242
208.   Section 64 amended                                             243
209.   Section 67 amended                                             243

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              Part 4 -- Petroleum (Submerged
                   Lands) Act 1982 amended
              Division 1 -- Preliminary
     210.     Act amended                                        244
              Division 2 -- General amendments
     211.     Section 4 amended                                  244
     212.     Section 4A deleted                                 249
     213.     Section 15 amended                                 249
     214.     Part III heading replaced                          249
              Part 3 -- Mining for petroleum or regulated
     215.     Section 19 amended                                 250
     216.     Section 21 amended                                 250
     217.     Section 22 amended                                 250
     218.     Section 23 amended                                 251
     219.     Section 25 amended                                 251
     220.     Section 27 amended                                 251
     221.     Section 28 replaced                                252
              28.       Rights conferred by permit         252
     222.     Section 38A amended                                253
     223.     Section 38B amended                                253
     224.     Section 38CA amended                               254
     225.     Section 38CB amended                               254
     226.     Section 38C replaced                               254
              38C.      Rights conferred by lease          254
     227.     Section 41 amended                                 255
     228.     Section 43 amended                                 256
     229.     Section 44 amended                                 256
     230.     Section 47 amended                                 256
     231.     Section 49 amended                                 257
     232.     Section 50 amended                                 257
     233.     Section 51 amended                                 257
     234.     Section 52 replaced                                258
              52.       Rights conferred by licence        258
     235.     Section 70 amended                                 259
     236.     Part 3 Division 4AA inserted                       260
              Division 4AA -- Polluter pays
              74A.      Escape of petroleum or regulated
                        substance: titleholder's duty      260

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       74B.     Escape of petroleum or regulated
                substance: reimbursement of State             262
237.   Section 78 amended                                            262
238.   Section 81 amended                                            264
239.   Section 81A amended                                           266
240.   Section 82 amended                                            267
241.   Section 97A amended                                           267
242.   Section 97B inserted                                          267
       97B.     Provisions relating to approvals granted in
                relation to regulated substances              267
243.   Section 111 amended                                           269
244.   Section 112 amended                                           270
245.   Section 122 amended                                           271
246.   Section 123A amended                                          271
247.   Section 137A amended                                          271
248.   Section 138 amended                                           271
249.   Section 142 amended                                           273
250.   Section 145 amended                                           273
251.   Section 148 replaced                                          273
       148.     Ascertainment of quantity of petroleum or
                regulated substance recovered                 273
252.   Section 152A amended                                          275
253.   Part IV Division 1 heading inserted                           275
       Division 1 -- General
254.   Section 152I amended                                          275
255.   Part IV Division 2 heading inserted                           276
       Division 2 -- Forms and regulations
256.   Section 152J inserted                                         276
       152J.    Approved forms                                276
257.   Section 152 amended                                           276
258.   Section 153 amended                                           277
259.   Various references to "petroleum pool" amended                279
260.   Various references to "petroleum" amended                     280
261.   Various modernisations                                        287
       Division 3 -- Amendments relating to
             greenhouse gas storage and transport
262.   Long title replaced                                           298
263.   Section 1 amended                                             298
264.   Section 4 amended                                             298
265.   Section 4A to 4D inserted                                     307
       4A.      Potential GHG storage formation               307

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              4B.      Eligible GHG storage formation and
                       related terms                                 307
              4C.      Incidental greenhouse gas-related
                       substance                                     310
              4D.      Greenhouse gas substance or GHG               311
      266.    Section 6A amended                                           311
      267.    Section 6B amended                                           312
      268.    Part 3 heading replaced                                      314
              Part 3 -- Operations relating to recovery of
                     petroleum or regulated substances or
                     GHG injection, storage and transport
      269.    Section 18 amended                                           314
      270.    Part 3 Division 2 heading amended                            314
      271.    Section 19 amended                                           315
      272.    Section 20 amended                                           316
      273.    Section 20A inserted                                         316
              20A.     Petroleum lessee or licensee to be notified
                       of proposal to advertise certain blocks       316
      274.    Section 21 amended                                           318
      275.    Section 22A amended                                          318
      276.    Section 22 amended                                           319
      277.    Section 23 amended                                           319
      278.    Section 24 amended                                           320
      279.    Section 25 amended                                           321
      280.    Section 26 amended                                           321
      281.    Section 27 amended                                           322
      282.    Section 27A amended                                          322
      283.    Section 28 replaced                                          322
              28.      Rights conferred by petroleum exploration
                       permit                                        322
              28A.     Rights conferred by GHG exploration
                       permit                                        323
      284.    Section 30 amended                                           325
      285.    Section 32A amended                                          326
      286.    Section 32C inserted                                         327
              32C.     GHG exploration permits cannot be
                       renewed more than once                        327
      287.    Section 34 replaced                                          327
              34.      Certain discoveries in permit area to be
                       notified                                      327
      288.    Part 3 Division 2A heading amended                           328
      289.    Section 38A amended                                          328
      290.    Section 38B amended                                          330

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291.   Section 38BA amended                                          333
292.   Sections 38BB, 38BC and 38BD inserted                         334
       38BB.    Application by petroleum lessee for GHG
                retention lease                               334
       38BC.    Grant or refusal of GHG retention lease in
                relation to application by petroleum lessee   335
       38BD.    Application of s. 38BB and 38BC if
                petroleum retention lease is transferred      337
293.   Section 38CA amended                                          337
294.   Section 38CB amended                                          340
295.   Section 38CC amended                                          344
296.   Section 38C replaced                                          345
       38C.     Rights conferred by petroleum retention
                lease                                         345
       38CAA.   Rights conferred by GHG retention lease       346
297.   Section 38E amended                                           348
298.   Section 38F amended                                           350
299.   Section 38G amended                                           351
300.   Section 38GA inserted                                         353
       38GA.    GHG retention lease cannot be renewed
                more than once                                353
301.   Section 38H amended                                           354
302.   Section 38J replaced                                          355
       38J.     Certain discoveries in lease area to be
                notified                                      355
303.   Part 3 Division 3 heading amended                             355
304.   Section 39 amended                                            355
305.   Section 39A inserted                                          356
       39A.     GHG injection operations in adjacent area     356
306.   Section 40 amended                                            356
307.   Section 40AA inserted                                         358
       40AA.    Application by GHG permittee for GHG
                injection licence                             358
308.   Section 40A amended                                           359
309.   Section 40B inserted                                          361
       40B.     Application by petroleum licensee for
                GHG injection licence                         361
310.   Section 41 amended                                            362
311.   Section 43 amended                                            363
312.   Section 44 amended                                            364
313.   Section 44A amended                                           366
314.   Section 45 amended                                            367
315.   Section 46 amended                                            367

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      316.    Section 47 amended                                           370
      317.    Section 49 amended                                           372
      318.    Section 50 amended                                           373
      319.    Section 51 amended                                           373
      320.    Section 51A amended                                          374
      321.    Section 52 replaced                                          374
              52.      Rights conferred by licence                   374
      322.    Section 53 amended                                           378
      323.    Section 53A inserted                                         378
              53A.     Certain discoveries in licence area to be
                       notified                                      378
      324.    Section 54A amended                                          379
      325.    Section 54 amended                                           380
      326.    Section 55 amended                                           381
      327.    Section 56 amended                                           384
      328.    Section 60B amended                                          385
      329.    Part 3 Division 4 Subdivision 1 heading inserted             385
              Subdivision 1 -- General provisions
      330.    Sections 60L and 60M inserted                                385
              60L.     Pipeline operator under the
                       Commonwealth Act or corresponding law         385
              60M.     Specified greenhouse gas pipelines            386
      331.    Section 63A inserted                                         387
              63A.     Terminal point                                387
      332.    Part 3 Division 4 Subdivision 2 heading inserted             387
              Subdivision 2 -- Obtaining pipeline licences
      333.    Sections 64 and 65 replaced                                  388
              64.      Application for pipeline licence              388
              64A.     Request for further information               389
              64B.     Rights of petroleum licensees following
                       application for petroleum pipeline licences
                       by other persons                              390
              64C.     Rights of petroleum licensees following
                       application for greenhouse gas pipeline
                       licences by other persons                     391
              64D.     Rights of GHG licensees following
                       application for greenhouse gas pipeline
                       licences by other persons                     392
              64E.     Rights of pipeline operator following
                       application for petroleum pipeline licences
                       by other persons                              393
              64F.     Rights of pipeline operator following
                       application for greenhouse gas pipeline
                       licences by other persons                     394

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       64G.     Petroleum pipeline licence
                offer -- petroleum recovered in petroleum
                licence area                                  395
       64H.     Petroleum pipeline licence
                offer -- petroleum recovered in licence
                area under Commonwealth Act or
                corresponding law                             397
       64I.     Greenhouse gas pipeline licence offer
                relating to petroleum licence area            397
       64J.     Greenhouse gas pipeline licence
                offer -- GHG licence area                      399
       64K.     Greenhouse gas pipeline licence
                offer -- greenhouse gas injection area
                under Commonwealth Act or
                corresponding law                             400
       64L.     Form and content of pipeline licence offer
                notice                                        401
       64M.     Request for grant of pipeline licence after
                offer                                         401
       64N.     Refusal to grant petroleum pipeline
                licence -- petroleum licence area              402
       64O.     Refusal to grant greenhouse gas pipeline
                licence relating to petroleum licence area    403
       64P.     Refusal to grant greenhouse gas pipeline
                licence relating to GHG licence area          404
       64Q.     Refusal to grant petroleum pipeline
                licence - petroleum production area under
                Commonwealth Act or corresponding law         405
       64R.     Refusal to grant greenhouse gas pipeline
                licence - greenhouse gas injection licence
                area under Commonwealth Act or
                corresponding law                             405
       64S.     Consultation before refusal of application
                by petroleum licensee or GHG licensee         406
       65.      Grant of pipeline licence                     406
334.   Section 70 amended                                            407
335.   Part 3 Division 4 Subdivision 3 heading inserted              407
       Subdivision 3 -- Varying a pipeline licence
336.   Part 3 Division 4 Subdivision 4 heading inserted              407
       Subdivision 4 -- Operation of pipeline licence
337.   Section 73 amended                                            407
338.   Part 3 Divisions 4AAA and 4AAB inserted                       408
       Division 4AAA -- Petroleum titles and GHG titles
              may subsist in respect of same blocks
       74AA.     Petroleum titles and GHG titles may
                 subsist in respect of same blocks            408

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              Division 4AAB -- Matters relating to GHG injection
                     and storage
              Subdivision 1 -- Declaration of identified GHG
                     storage formation
              74AB.     Application for declaration of identified
                        GHG storage formation                         410
              74AC.     Requirement for further information or
                        further analysis                              411
              74AD.     Variation of application                      412
              74AE.     Declaration of identified GHG storage
                        formation                                     413
              74AF.     Refusal to make declaration                   414
              74AG.     Variation of declaration                      414
              74AH.     Revocation of declaration                     415
              Subdivision 2 -- Approved site plans
              74AI.     Approved site plans                           416
              Subdivision 3 -- Serious situations
              74AJ.    When serious situation exists                  418
              74AK.    Reporting of serious situations                419
              74AL.    Minister may give directions                   419
              Subdivision 4 -- Site closing certificates
              74AM.    Application for site closing certificate       421
              74AN.    Application for site closing certificate
                       required if operations have ceased             421
              74AO.    Application for site closing certificate may
                       be directed if ground for terminating or
                       cancelling GHG injection licence exists        422
              74AP.    Application for site closing certificate may
                       be directed if GHG injection licence tied to
                       ceased petroleum lease or licence              422
              74AQ.    Requirements for application for site
                       closing certificate                            424
              74AR.    Variation of application for site closing
                       certificate                                    426
              74AS.    Time for decision on application for site
                       closing certificate                            427
              74AT.    Pre-certificate notice                         427
              74AU.    Refusal of pre-certificate notice              429
              74AV.    Notice of refusal to give pre-certificate
                       notice                                         430
              74AW.    Content of pre-certificate notice              430
              74AX.    Issue of site closing certificate              431
              74AY.    Transferee of GHG injection licence
                       treated as applicant                           432
              74AZ.    Duration of site closing certificate           432
              74AZA. Transfer of site closing certificate             432
              74AZB. Transfer of securities                           433
              74AZC. Discharge of securities                          433

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       74AZD. Recovery of State's costs and expenses         433
       Subdivision 5 -- Long-term liabilities in respect of
             GHG storage
       74AZE. Closure assurance period                       434
       74AZF. Indemnity against long-term liability          435
       74AZG. State to assume long-term liability if
                licensee has ceased to exist                 436
339.   Section 76 amended                                            437
340.   Section 81 amended                                            438
341.   Section 96 amended                                            439
342.   Section 97 amended                                            439
343.   Section 97A amended                                           442
344.   Section 97B amended                                           443
345.   Section 101 amended                                           443
346.   Section 111 amended                                           443
347.   Section 112 amended                                           445
348.   Section 115 amended                                           451
349.   Section 123 amended                                           451
350.   Section 124 amended                                           451
351.   Section 124B amended                                          452
352.   Section 126 amended                                           452
353.   Section 134 amended                                           452
354.   Section 137A amended                                          453
355.   Section 143 amended                                           453
356.   Section 145 amended                                           454
357.   Section 146 amended                                           455
358.   Section 147 amended                                           455
359.   Section 148 amended                                           455
360.   Section 150 amended                                           456
361.   Section 151 amended                                           457
362.   Section 152A amended                                          457
363.   Section 152C amended                                          458
364.   Section 152D amended                                          458
365.   Section 152F amended                                          458
366.   Section 152G amended                                          458
367.   Section 152I amended                                          458
368.   Section 152 amended                                           459
369.   Schedule 3 Division 2 inserted                                461
       Division 2 -- Provisions for Petroleum Legislation
              Amendment Act 2023
       6.        Duty to pay royalties                       461

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Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023


              Part 5 -- Other Acts amended
              Division 1 -- Barrow Island Act 2003 amended
      370.    Act amended                                                 462
      371.    Section 7 amended                                           462
      372.    Section 11 amended                                          462
      373.    Section 14 amended                                          463
              Division 2 -- Building Act 2011 amended
      374.    Act amended                                                 463
      375.    Section 73 amended                                          463
              Division 3 -- Conservation and Land
                    Management Act 1984 amended
      376.    Act amended                                                 464
      377.    Section 3 amended                                           465
      378.    Section 4 amended                                           465
      379.    Section 13A amended                                         466
      380.    Section 13B amended                                         467
      381.    Section 13C amended                                         469
      382.    Section 13E amended                                         472
      383.    Section 60 amended                                          473
              Division 4 -- Dampier to Bunbury Pipeline
                    Act 1997 amended
      384.    Act amended                                                 475
      385.    Section 34 amended                                          475
      386.    Schedule 4 Division 8 heading amended                       476
      387.    Schedule 4 clause 37 amended                                476
              Division 5 -- Dangerous Goods Safety Act 2004
      388.    Act amended                                                 476
      389.    Section 6 amended                                           476
              Division 6 -- Land Administration Act 1997
      390.    Act amended                                                 477
      391.    Section 3 amended                                           477
      392.    Section 5 amended                                           478
      393.    Section 5 replaced                                          478
              5.      Act not to apply to registration of certain
                      rights                                        478
      394.    Section 24 amended                                          479

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                       Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023


395.   Section 24 replaced                                        479
       24.      Minerals, petroleum and other substances
                and things reserved to Crown               479
396.   Section 91 amended                                         480
397.   Section 164 amended                                        481
398.   Section 170 amended                                        482
399.   Section 175 amended                                        482
400.   Section 177 amended                                        482
401.   Section 266 amended                                        482
       Division 7 -- Mining Act 1978 amended
402.   Act amended                                                483
403.   Section 8 amended                                          483
404.   Section 8A deleted                                         483
405.   Section 159 amended                                        484
       Division 8 -- Petroleum and Geothermal Energy
             Resources (Registration Fees) Act 1967
406.   Act amended                                                484
407.   Long title amended                                         484
408.   Section 1 amended                                          484
409.   Section 3 amended                                          485
410.   Section 4 amended                                          485
       Division 9 -- Petroleum and Geothermal Energy
             Safety Levies Act 2011 amended
411.   Act amended                                                486
412.   Section 21 amended                                         486
       Division 10 -- Petroleum (Submerged Lands)
             Registration Fees Act 1982 amended
413.   Act amended                                                487
414.   Long title amended                                         487
415.   Section 1 amended                                          487
416.   Section 3 amended                                          487
417.   Section 4 amended                                          488
       Division 11 -- Transfer of Land Act 1893
418.   Act amended                                                488
419.   Section 3 amended                                          488

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Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023


              Division 12 -- Waterways Conservation Act 1976
     420.     Act amended                                      490
     421.     Section 5 amended                                490
              Division 13 -- Work Health and Safety Act 2020
     422.     Act amended                                      490
     423.     Part 16 Division 12 Subdivision 2 heading
              amended                                          490
     424.     Section 424 amended                              490
     425.     Section 425 amended                              491
     426.     Schedule 1 clause 6 amended                      491
     427.     Schedule 1 clause 22 amended                     492
              Division 14 -- Various Acts amended
     428.     Various references to Petroleum and Geothermal
              Energy Resources Act 1967 amended                492
     429.     Various references to Petroleum Pipelines
              Act 1969 amended                                 494
     430.     Various references to Petroleum (Submerged
              Lands) Act 1982 amended                          495
     431.     Various references to "Part III" amended         497

page xx
                           Western Australia

                     LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY

   Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023

                               A Bill for

An Act to --
•  amend the Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967;
•  amend the Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969; and
•  amend the Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982; and
•  make related and consequential amendments to other Acts.

The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows:

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    Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
    Part 1         Preliminary

    s. 1

1                          Part 1 -- Preliminary
2   1.       Short title
3            This is the Petroleum Legislation Amendment Act 2023.

4   2.       Commencement
5            This Act comes into operation as follows --
6             (a) Part 1 -- on the day on which this Act receives the
7                   Royal Assent;
8             (b) the rest of the Act -- on a day fixed by proclamation,
9                   and different days may be fixed for different provisions.

    page 2
                                       Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
                Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967        Part 2
                                                        Preliminary  Division 1
                                                                             s. 3

1    Part 2 -- Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources
2                     Act 1967 amended
3                              Division 1 -- Preliminary
4    3.           Act amended
5                 This Part amends the Petroleum and Geothermal Energy
6                 Resources Act 1967.

7                         Division 2 -- General amendments
8    4.           Section 5 amended
9         (1)     In section 5(1) delete the definitions of:
10                petroleum
11                petroleum operation
12                petroleum pool
13        (2)     In section 5(1) insert in alphabetical order:

15                      Department means the department of the Public
16                      Service principally assisting in the administration of
17                      this Act;
18                      drilling reservation area means the area constituted by
19                      the blocks that are the subject of a drilling reservation;
20                      electronic means includes --
21                        (a) an electronic database or document system; and
22                        (b) any other means by which a document can be
23                              accessed electronically;
24                      geological formation includes --
25                        (a) any seal or reservoir of a geological formation;
26                              and
27                        (b) any associated geological attributes or features
28                              of a geological formation;

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     Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
     Part 2         Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967
     Division 2     General amendments
     s. 4

1                  geothermal drilling reservation area means the area
2                  constituted by the blocks that are the subject of a
3                  geothermal drilling reservation;
4                  geothermal exploration operation means an operation
5                  to explore for geothermal energy resources, and the
6                  carrying on of operations and the execution of works
7                  necessary for that purpose;
8                  geothermal licence area means the area constituted by
9                  the blocks that are the subject of a geothermal
10                 production licence;
11                 instrument of consent has the meaning given in
12                 section 116(1);
13                 petroleum --
14                   (a) means any of the following --
15                            (i) any naturally occurring hydrocarbon,
16                                 whether in a gaseous, liquid or solid
17                                 state;
18                           (ii) any naturally occurring mixture of
19                                 hydrocarbons, whether in a gaseous,
20                                 liquid or solid state;
21                          (iii) any naturally occurring mixture of 1 or
22                                 more hydrocarbons, whether in a
23                                 gaseous, liquid or solid state, and 1 or
24                                 more of hydrogen sulphide, nitrogen,
25                                 helium and carbon dioxide;
26                         and
27                   (b) includes the following --
28                            (i) any petroleum as defined by
29                                 paragraph (a) that has been returned to a
30                                 natural reservoir, except oil shale;
31                           (ii) any petroleum as defined by
32                                 paragraph (a) or subparagraph (i) to

     page 4
                            Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
     Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967        Part 2
                                   General amendments     Division 2
                                                                  s. 4

1                            which 1 or more things prescribed by
2                            the regulations have been added;
3            petroleum drilling reservation area means the area
4            constituted by the blocks that are the subject of a
5            petroleum drilling reservation;
6            petroleum exploration operation means an operation
7            to explore for petroleum or a regulated substance, and
8            the carrying on of operations and the execution of
9            works necessary for that purpose;
10           petroleum licence area means the area constituted by
11           the blocks that are the subject of a petroleum
12           production licence;
13           petroleum operation --
14             (a) means any of the following --
15                      (i) a petroleum exploration operation;
16                     (ii) an operation to drill for petroleum or a
17                           regulated substance, and the carrying on
18                           of operations and the execution of
19                           works necessary for that purpose;
20                    (iii) an operation to recover petroleum or a
21                           regulated substance, and the carrying on
22                           of operations and the execution of
23                           works necessary for that purpose;
24                    (iv) an operation for the mining, obtaining
25                           or production of petroleum under the
26                           Barrow Island lease as renewed,
27                           substituted or varied;
28                     (v) the injection of petroleum into a natural
29                           underground reservoir;
30                    (vi) the injection of carbon dioxide, as
31                           defined in the Barrow Island Act 2003
32                           section 3, into an underground reservoir
33                           or other subsurface formation;

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     Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
     Part 2         Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967
     Division 2     General amendments
     s. 4

1                          (vii)   any other kind of operation that is
2                                  prescribed by the regulations to be a
3                                  petroleum operation;
4                         (viii)   the care and maintenance of land,
5                                  waters or infrastructure affected by an
6                                  operation referred to in
7                                  subparagraphs (i) to (vii);
8                          (ix)    the decommissioning of an operation
9                                  referred to in subparagraphs (i) to (vii);
10                          (x)    the rehabilitation of the land or waters
11                                 affected by an operation referred to in
12                                 subparagraphs (i) to (vii);
13                         but
14                   (b) does not include an operation of a kind that is
15                         prescribed by the regulations not to be a
16                         petroleum operation;
17                 regulated substance means a naturally occurring
18                 substance that --
19                   (a) occurs in a natural geological formation; and
20                   (b) is prescribed by the regulations;
21                 report means a report, return or other document in
22                 connection with, or in connection with operations
23                 under, any of the following --
24                   (a) an access authority or special prospecting
25                         authority;
26                   (b) an authorisation referred to in section 67(2);
27                   (c) a drilling reservation;
28                   (d) an instrument of consent;
29                   (e) a lease;
30                    (f) a licence;
31                   (g) a permit;

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                                  Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
           Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967        Part 2
                                         General amendments     Division 2
                                                                        s. 4

1                    resources pool means a naturally occurring discrete
2                    accumulation of petroleum or a regulated substance;

4    (3)     In section 5(1) in the definition of geothermal drilling
5            reservation delete "referred to in section 43D(2);" and insert:

7            under Part 3;

9    (4)     In section 5(1) in the definition of geothermal energy
10           operation:
11             (a) delete "means --" and insert:

13                    means any of the following --

15             (b)    delete paragraph (a) and insert:

17                    (a)    a geothermal exploration operation;

19             (c)    in paragraph (d) delete "definition," and insert:

21                    definition;

23             (d)    after paragraph (d) insert:

25                    (e)    the care and maintenance of land, waters or
26                           infrastructure affected by an operation referred
27                           to in paragraphs (a) to (d);
28                     (f)   the decommissioning of an operation referred
29                           to in paragraphs (a) to (d);

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     Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
     Part 2         Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967
     Division 2     General amendments
     s. 4

1                     (g)     the rehabilitation of the land or waters affected
2                             by an operation referred to in paragraphs (a)
3                             to (d),

5       (5)   In section 5(1) in the definition of geothermal exploration
6             permit delete "permit that confers the authority referred to in
7             section 38(2);" and insert:

9             geothermal exploration permit under Part 3;

11      (6)   In section 5(1) in the definition of operator:
12              (a) in paragraphs (f) and (g) delete "energy resources";
13              (b) delete paragraph (h) and insert:

15                    (h)     in relation to the injection of petroleum into a
16                            natural underground reservoir, means the
17                            person who has an authorisation referred to in
18                            section 67(2) in respect of that injection;

20              (c)   in paragraphs (j) and (k) delete "such a" and insert:

22                    the

24      (7)   In section 5(1) in the definition of petroleum drilling
25            reservation delete "referred to in section 43D(1);" and insert:

27            under Part 3;

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                                       Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
                Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967        Part 2
                                              General amendments     Division 2
                                                                             s. 5

1         (8)     In section 5(1) in the definition of petroleum exploration permit
2                 delete "permit that confers the authority referred to in
3                 section 38(1);" and insert:

5                 petroleum exploration permit under Part 3;

7    5.           Section 11A amended
8                 In section 11A(1) and (2) delete "reservation," (2nd occurrence)
9                 and insert:

11                reservation area,

13   6.           Section 15 amended
14                In section 15 delete "reservation," (2nd occurrence) and insert:

16                reservation area,

18   7.           Section 31 amended
19                After section 31(1)(d) insert:

21                       (da)   in the case of an application for the grant of a
22                              petroleum exploration permit -- may include
23                              an application for an approval for the purposes
24                              of section 38(3)(a); and

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     Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
     Part 2         Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967
     Division 2     General amendments
     s. 8

1    8.          Section 32 amended
2         (1)    After section 32(2)(a) insert:

4                        (aa)   if the permit application included an application
5                               for an approval for the purposes of
6                               section 38(3)(a) -- a statement as to whether
7                               the approval will be granted with the petroleum
8                               exploration permit; and

10        (2)    After section 32(4) insert:

12              (4A)     If applicable, a petroleum exploration permit must
13                       include the approval granted for the purposes of
14                       section 38(3)(a).

16   9.          Section 33 amended
17        (1)    In section 33(2):
18                 (a) delete "If --" and insert:

20                        Subsection (3) applies if --

22                 (b)    in paragraph (d) delete "licence," and insert:

24                        licence.

26                 (c)    delete the passage that begins with "the Minister" and
27                        ends with "made.".
28        (2)    After section 33(2) insert:

30               (3)     The Minister may, at any subsequent time and by
31                       instrument published in the Gazette, invite applications

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                                        Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
                 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967        Part 2
                                               General amendments     Division 2
                                                                             s. 10

1                         for the grant of a geothermal exploration permit in
2                         respect of that block or such of those blocks as are
3                         specified in the instrument and specify a period within
4                         which applications may be made.

6          (3)     After section 33(4)(d) insert:

8                         (da)    in the case of an application for the grant of a
9                                 petroleum exploration permit -- may include
10                                an application for an approval for the purposes
11                                of section 38(3)(a); and

13   10.           Section 35 amended
14         (1)     In section 35(1) and (2) delete "(2)," and insert:

16                 (3),

18         (2)     After section 35(5)(a) insert:

20                        (aa)    if the application included an application for an
21                                approval for the purposes of section 38(3)(a) --
22                                a statement as to whether the approval will be
23                                granted with the petroleum exploration permit;
24                                and

26   11.           Section 37 amended
27         (1)     In section 37 delete "Where" and insert:

29                 (1)    Where

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     Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
     Part 2         Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967
     Division 2     General amendments
     s. 12

1          (2)     At the end of section 37 insert:

3                  (2)   If applicable, a petroleum exploration permit must
4                        include the approval granted for the purposes of
5                        section 38(3)(a).

7    12.           Section 37A amended
8          (1)     Delete section 37A(2)(a).
9          (2)     After section 37A(4)(c) insert:

11                        (ca)   if the original permit included an approval for
12                               the purposes of section 38(3)(a) or an approval
13                               had been granted in relation to the original
14                               permit for the purposes of section 38(3)(b) --
15                               must include an approval corresponding as
16                               nearly as may be to the previously granted
17                               approval; and

19   13.           Section 38 replaced
20                 Delete section 38 and insert:

22           38.         Rights conferred by petroleum exploration permit
23                       or geothermal exploration permit
24                 (1)   Except as provided in subsection (3), a petroleum
25                       exploration permit, while it remains in force, authorises
26                       the petroleum permittee, subject to this Act and in
27                       accordance with the conditions to which the petroleum
28                       exploration permit is subject --
29                         (a) to explore for petroleum or a regulated
30                               substance in the petroleum permit area; and

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                            Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
     Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967        Part 2
                                   General amendments     Division 2
                                                                 s. 13

1              (b)     to recover petroleum or a regulated substance in
2                      the petroleum permit area for the purpose of
3                      establishing the nature and probable extent of a
4                      discovery of petroleum or a regulated
5                      substance; and
6              (c)     to carry on any operations and execute any
7                      works in the petroleum permit area that are
8                      necessary for those purposes.
9      (2)   A petroleum exploration permit does not authorise the
10           petroleum permittee to make a well outside the
11           petroleum permit area.
12           Note for this subsection:
13                   The petroleum permittee may be able to make a well
14                   outside the petroleum permit area under another authority,
15                   for example, a petroleum access authority.

16     (3)   A petroleum exploration permit does not authorise the
17           petroleum permittee to do the things referred to in
18           subsection (1)(a) to (c) in relation to a regulated
19           substance unless --
20             (a) the petroleum exploration permit includes an
21                   approval granted by the Minister extending the
22                   permit to cover the regulated substance; or
23             (b) the petroleum permittee applies to the Minister
24                   in writing for such an approval and the Minister
25                   grants the approval by instrument in writing.
26     (4)   A geothermal exploration permit, while it remains in
27           force, authorises the geothermal permittee, subject to
28           this Act and in accordance with the conditions to which
29           the geothermal exploration permit is subject --
30             (a) to explore for geothermal energy resources in
31                   the geothermal permit area; and

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     Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
     Part 2         Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967
     Division 2     General amendments
     s. 14

1                        (b)     to recover geothermal energy in the geothermal
2                                permit area for the purpose of establishing the
3                                nature and probable extent of a discovery of
4                                geothermal energy resources; and
5                        (c)     to carry on any operations and execute any
6                                works in the geothermal permit area that are
7                                necessary for those purposes.
8                (5)   A geothermal exploration permit does not authorise the
9                      geothermal permittee to make a well outside the
10                     geothermal permit area.
11                     Note for this subsection:
12                             The geothermal permittee may be able to make a well
13                             outside the geothermal permit area under another authority,
14                             for example, a geothermal access authority.

16   14.         Section 43B amended
17               After section 43B(1)(d) insert:

19                     (da)      in the case of an application for the grant of a
20                               petroleum drilling reservation -- may include
21                               an application for an approval for the purposes
22                               of section 43D(1B)(a); and

24   15.         Section 43C amended
25         (1)   After section 43C(2)(a) insert:

27                      (aa)     if the application included an application for an
28                               approval for the purposes of
29                               section 43D(1B)(a) -- a statement as to

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                                        Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
                 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967        Part 2
                                               General amendments     Division 2
                                                                             s. 16

1                               whether the approval will be granted with the
2                               petroleum drilling reservation; and

4          (2)     After section 43C(4) insert:

6                (4A)    If applicable, a petroleum drilling reservation must
7                        include the approval granted for the purposes of
8                        section 43D(1B)(a).

10   16.           Section 43D amended
11         (1)     Delete section 43D(1) and insert:

13                 (1)   Except as provided in subsection (1B), a petroleum
14                       drilling reservation, while it remains in force,
15                       authorises the holder of the petroleum drilling
16                       reservation, subject to this Act and in accordance with
17                       the conditions to which the petroleum drilling
18                       reservation is subject --
19                         (a) to drill for petroleum or a regulated substance
20                               in the petroleum drilling reservation area; and
21                         (b) to recover petroleum or a regulated substance in
22                               the petroleum drilling reservation area for the
23                               purpose of establishing the nature and probable
24                               extent of a discovery of petroleum or a
25                               regulated substance; and
26                         (c) to carry on any operations and execute any
27                               works in the petroleum drilling reservation area
28                               that are necessary for those purposes.

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     Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
     Part 2         Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967
     Division 2     General amendments
     s. 16

1             (1A)    A petroleum drilling reservation does not authorise the
2                     holder of the petroleum drilling reservation to make a
3                     well outside the petroleum drilling reservation area.
4                     Note for this subsection:
5                            The holder of the petroleum drilling reservation may be able
6                            to make a well outside the petroleum drilling reservation
7                            area under another authority, for example, a petroleum
8                            access authority.

9              (1B)   A petroleum drilling reservation does not authorise the
10                    holder of the petroleum drilling reservation to do the
11                    things referred to in subsection (1)(a) to (c) in relation
12                    to a regulated substance unless --
13                      (a) the petroleum drilling reservation includes an
14                            approval granted by the Minister extending the
15                            drilling reservation to cover the regulated
16                            substance; or
17                      (b) the holder of the petroleum drilling reservation
18                            applies to the Minister in writing for such an
19                            approval and the Minister grants the approval
20                            by instrument in writing.

22      (2)     In section 43D(2) before "drilling" (2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th
23              occurrences) insert:

25              geothermal

27      (3)     After section 43D(2) insert:

29              (3)   A geothermal drilling reservation does not authorise
30                    the holder of the geothermal drilling reservation to

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                                        Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
                 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967        Part 2
                                               General amendments     Division 2
                                                                             s. 17

1                          make a well outside the geothermal drilling reservation
2                          area.
3                          Note for this subsection:
4                                 The holder of the geothermal drilling reservation may be
5                                 able to make a well outside the geothermal drilling
6                                 reservation area under another authority, for example, a
7                                 geothermal access authority.

9                  Note: The heading to amended section 43D is to read:
10                         Rights conferred by petroleum drilling reservation or geothermal
11                         drilling reservation

12   17.           Section 44 amended
13         (1)     In section 44(1) and (1a) delete "reservation," (1st occurrence)
14                 and insert:

16                 reservation area,

18         (2)     In section 44(1b):
19                   (a) in paragraph (a) delete "reservation; or" and insert:

21                           reservation area; or

23                   (b)     in paragraph (b) delete "reservation," and insert:

25                           reservation area,

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     Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
     Part 2         Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967
     Division 2     General amendments
     s. 18

1    18.         Section 46 amended
2          (1)   In section 46(1) and (1a):
3                  (a) delete "reservation," (1st occurrence) and insert:

5                       reservation area,

7                 (b)   delete "reservation)" and insert:

9                       reservation area)

11         (2)   In section 46(2) and (2a) delete "reservation," (1st occurrence)
12               and insert:

14               reservation area,

16         (3)   In section 46(5) delete "reservation," (2nd occurrence) and
17               insert:

19               reservation area,

21   19.         Section 47 amended
22               In section 47(4)(a) and (4a)(a) delete "reservation," and insert:

24               reservation area,

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                                        Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
                 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967        Part 2
                                               General amendments     Division 2
                                                                             s. 20

1    20.           Section 48A amended
2                  After section 48A(2)(c) insert:

4                         (ca)   in the case of an application under
5                                subsection (1), may include an application for
6                                an approval for the purposes of
7                                section 48C(1B)(a); and

9    21.           Section 48B amended
10         (1)     After section 48B(3)(a) insert:

12                        (aa)   if the instrument is under subsection (1) and the
13                               application included an application for an
14                               approval for the purposes of
15                               section 48C(1B)(a) -- a statement as to
16                               whether the approval will be granted with the
17                               petroleum retention lease; and

19         (2)     After section 48B(5) insert:

21               (5A)    If applicable, a petroleum retention lease must include
22                       the approval granted for the purposes of
23                       section 48C(1B)(a).

25   22.           Section 48CA amended
26                 After section 48CA(4) insert:

28               (4A)    An application under subsection (1) may include an
29                       application for an approval for the purposes of
30                       section 48C(1B)(a).

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1    23.          Section 48CB amended
2          (1)    After section 48CB(4)(a) insert:

4                       (aa)   if the notice is under subsection (1) and the
5                              application included an application for an
6                              approval for the purposes of
7                              section 48C(1B)(a) -- a statement as to
8                              whether the approval will be granted with the
9                              petroleum retention lease; and

11         (2)    After section 48CB(7) insert:

13               (7A)   If applicable, a petroleum retention lease must include
14                      the approval granted for the purposes of
15                      section 48C(1B)(a).

17   24.          Section 48C amended
18         (1)    Delete section 48C(1) and insert:

20                (1)   Except as provided in subsection (1B), a petroleum
21                      retention lease, while it remains in force, authorises the
22                      petroleum lessee, subject to this Act and in accordance
23                      with the conditions to which the petroleum retention
24                      lease is subject --
25                        (a) to explore for petroleum or a regulated
26                               substance in the petroleum lease area; and
27                        (b) to recover petroleum or a regulated substance in
28                               the petroleum lease area for the purpose of
29                               establishing the nature and probable extent of a
30                               discovery of petroleum or a regulated
31                               substance; and

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1                      (c)     to carry on any operations and execute any
2                              works in the petroleum lease area that are
3                              necessary for those purposes.
4          (1A)      A petroleum retention lease does not authorise the
5                    petroleum lessee to make a well outside the petroleum
6                    lease area.
7                    Note for this subsection:
 8                           The petroleum lessee may be able to make a well outside
 9                           the petroleum lease area under another authority, for
10                           example, a petroleum access authority.

11          (1B)     A petroleum retention lease does not authorise the
12                   petroleum lessee to do the things referred to in
13                   subsection (1)(a) to (c) in relation to a regulated
14                   substance unless --
15                     (a) the petroleum retention lease includes an
16                           approval granted by the Minister extending the
17                           lease to cover the regulated substance; or
18                     (b) the petroleum lessee applies to the Minister in
19                           writing for such an approval and the Minister
20                           grants the approval by instrument in writing.

22   (2)     In section 48C(2):
23             (a) after "geothermal" (1st occurrence) insert:

25                     retention

27             (b)     before "lessee," insert:

29                     geothermal

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1                  (c)     before "lease" (2nd occurrence) insert:

3                          geothermal retention

5                  (d)     in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) before "lease" insert:

7                          geothermal

9          (3)   After section 48C(2) insert:

11               (3)     A geothermal retention lease does not authorise the
12                       geothermal lessee to make a well outside the
13                       geothermal lease area.
14                       Note for this subsection:
15                               The geothermal lessee may be able to make a well outside
16                               the geothermal lease area under another authority, for
17                               example, a geothermal access authority.

19               Note: The heading to amended section 48C is to read:
20                       Rights conferred by petroleum retention lease or geothermal
21                       retention lease

22   25.         Section 51 amended
23               After section 51(1)(c) insert:

25                        (ca)     may, in the case of an application for the grant
26                                 of a petroleum production licence, include an
27                                 application for an approval for the purposes of
28                                 section 62(3)(a); and

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1    26.     Section 53 amended
2            After section 53(2)(a) insert:

4                   (aa)   in respect of an application for the grant of a
5                          petroleum production licence that included an
6                          application for an approval for the purposes of
7                          section 62(3)(a) -- contain a statement as to
8                          whether the approval will be granted with the
9                          licence; and

11   27.     Section 54 amended
12           Before section 54(3) insert:

14          (2B)   If applicable, a petroleum production licence must
15                 include the approval granted for the purposes of
16                 section 62(3)(a).

18   28.     Section 57 amended
19           After section 57(6)(d) insert:

21                  (da)   in the case of an application under
22                         subsection (1), may include an application for
23                         an approval for the purposes of
24                         section 62(3)(a); and

26   29.     Section 59 amended
27           After section 59(5)(a) insert:

29                  (aa)   in respect of an application for the grant of a
30                         petroleum production licence that included an
31                         application for an approval for the purposes of

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1                              section 62(3)(a) -- a statement as to whether
2                              the approval will be granted with the licence;
3                              and

5    30.         Section 60 amended
6          (1)   In section 60 delete "Where" and insert:

8                (1)   Where

10         (2)   At the end of section 60 insert:

12               (2)   If applicable, a petroleum production licence must
13                     include the approval granted for the purposes of
14                     section 62(3)(a).

16   31.         Section 61 amended
17               After section 61(5)(c) insert:

19                      (ca)   if the original licence included an approval for
20                             the purposes of section 62(3)(a) or an approval
21                             had been granted in relation to the original
22                             licence for the purposes of section 62(3)(b) --
23                             must include an approval corresponding as
24                             nearly as may be to the previously granted
25                             approval; and

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1    32.         Section 62 replaced
2                Delete section 62 and insert:

4          62.         Rights conferred by licence
5                (1)   Except as provided in subsection (3), a petroleum
6                      production licence, while it remains in force, authorises
7                      the petroleum licensee, subject to this Act and in
8                      accordance with the conditions to which the petroleum
9                      production licence is subject --
10                       (a) to recover petroleum or a regulated
11                             substance --
12                               (i) in the petroleum licence area; and
13                              (ii) from the petroleum licence area in
14                                    another area to which the petroleum
15                                    licensee has lawful access for that
16                                    purpose;
17                             and
18                       (b) to explore for petroleum or a regulated
19                             substance in the petroleum licence area; and
20                       (c) to carry on any operations and execute any
21                             works in the petroleum licence area that are
22                             necessary for those purposes.
23               (2)   A petroleum production licence does not authorise the
24                     petroleum licensee to make a well outside the
25                     petroleum licence area.
26                     Note for this subsection:
27                            The petroleum licensee may be able to make a well outside
28                            the petroleum licence area under another authority, for
29                            example, a petroleum access authority.

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1              (3)   A petroleum production licence does not authorise the
2                    petroleum licensee to do the things referred to in
3                    subsection (1)(a) to (c) in relation to a regulated
4                    substance unless --
5                      (a) the petroleum production licence includes an
6                            approval granted by the Minister extending the
7                            licence to cover the regulated substance; or
8                      (b) the petroleum licensee applies to the Minister in
9                            writing for such an approval and the Minister
10                           grants the approval by instrument in writing.
11             (4)   A geothermal production licence, while it remains in
12                   force, authorises the geothermal licensee, subject to
13                   this Act and in accordance with the conditions to which
14                   the geothermal production licence is subject --
15                     (a) to recover geothermal energy --
16                              (i) in the geothermal licence area; and
17                             (ii) from the geothermal licence area in
18                                   another area to which the geothermal
19                                   licensee has lawful access for that
20                                   purpose;
21                           and
22                     (b) to explore for geothermal energy resources in
23                           the geothermal licence area; and
24                     (c) to carry on any operations and execute any
25                           works in the geothermal licence area that are
26                           necessary for those purposes.

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1                  (5)   A geothermal production licence does not authorise the
2                        geothermal licensee to make a well outside the
3                        geothermal licence area.
4                        Note for this subsection:
5                               The geothermal licensee may be able to make a well
6                               outside the geothermal licence area under another
7                               authority, for example, a geothermal access authority.

9    33.           Section 67 amended
10         (1)     In section 67(1)(a) delete "an agreement made under this
11                 section; or" and insert:

13                 an authorisation referred to in subsection (2); or

15         (2)     In section 67(1) in the Penalty delete "Penalty:" and insert:

17                       Penalty for this subsection:

19         (3)     Delete section 67(2) and (3) and insert:

21                 (2)   The regulations may provide for the grant to a
22                       petroleum title holder of an authorisation to inject
23                       petroleum into a natural underground reservoir.
24                 (3)   In subsection (2) --
25                       petroleum title holder means the holder of a petroleum
26                       exploration permit, petroleum drilling reservation,
27                       petroleum retention lease, petroleum production
28                       licence or petroleum access authority.

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1                 (4)   A person must not inject a regulated substance into a
2                       natural underground reservoir.
3                       Penalty for this subsection: a fine of $10 000.

5    34.          Section 70 amended
6                 In section 70(2)(b) delete "reservation," (2nd occurrence) and
7                 insert:

9                 reservation area,

11   35.          Section 72 amended
12         (1)    Before section 72(1) insert:

14               (1A)   In this section --
15                      instrument of transfer, in relation to an application for
16                      approval of a transfer of a title, means an instrument of
17                      transfer in the approved form executed --
18                        (a) by the registered holder or, if there are 2 or
19                               more registered holders, by each registered
20                               holder; and
21                        (b) by the transferee or, if there are 2 or more
22                               transferees, by each transferee.

24         (2)    Delete section 72(3) and insert:

26                (3)   An application for approval of a transfer of a title
27                      lodged in hard copy form must be accompanied by --
28                        (a) the instrument of transfer; and
29                        (b) a copy of the instrument of transfer; and

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1                    (c)   for each transferee, if any, who is not a
2                          registered holder -- a statement of the technical
3                          advice and financial resources available, or that
4                          will be available, to the transferee.
5          (3A)    An application for approval of a transfer of a title
6                  lodged by electronic means must be accompanied
7                  by --
8                    (a) an electronic copy of the instrument of transfer;
9                         and
10                   (b) for each transferee, if any, who is not a
11                        registered holder -- an electronic copy of a
12                        statement of the technical advice and financial
13                        resources available, or that will be available, to
14                        the transferee.
15          (3B)   If subsection (3A) applies, the Minister may at any
16                 time require the instrument of transfer to be lodged in
17                 hard copy form.

19   (3)     Delete section 72(9) and insert:

21           (9)   If the Minister approves the transfer of a title, the
22                 Minister must, on payment of the fee provided for by
23                 the Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources
24                 (Registration Fees) Act 1967, enter in the Register a
25                 memorandum of the transfer and the name of the
26                 transferee or of each transferee.

28   (4)     Delete section 72(12) and insert:

30          (12)   If a transfer is registered, the Minister must --
31                   (a) retain a copy of the instrument of transfer; and

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1                        (b)   make the copy available for inspection in
2                              accordance with this Division.

4    36.          Section 75 amended
5          (1)    Delete section 75(4) and (4a) and insert:

7                 (4)   If an application under subsection (3) for approval of a
8                       dealing is lodged in hard copy form, the application --
9                         (a) must be accompanied by either --
10                                 (i) the instrument evidencing the dealing
11                                      and a copy of it; or
12                                (ii) if the instrument evidencing the dealing
13                                      has already been lodged with the
14                                      Minister in hard copy form for the
15                                      purposes of another application --
16                                      2 copies of the instrument;
17                              and
18                        (b) may be accompanied by an instrument setting
19                              out any particulars prescribed for the purposes
20                              of an application for approval of a dealing of
21                              that kind, and a copy of it.
22               (4A)   If an application under subsection (3) for approval of a
23                      dealing is lodged by electronic means, the
24                      application --
25                        (a) must be accompanied by an electronic copy of
26                              the instrument evidencing the dealing; and
27                        (b) may be accompanied by an electronic copy of
28                              an instrument setting out any particulars
29                              prescribed for the purposes of an application for
30                              approval of a dealing of that kind.

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1           (4B)   If subsection (4A) applies, the Minister --
2                    (a) may at any time require to be lodged in hard
3                          copy form either --
4                            (i) the instrument referred to in
5                                  subsection (4A)(a); or
6                           (ii) if the instrument has already been
7                                  lodged with the Minister in hard copy
8                                  form for the purposes of another
9                                  application -- a copy of the instrument;
10                         and
11                   (b) may at any time require to be lodged in hard
12                         copy form any instrument that accompanied the
13                         application under subsection (4A)(b).

15   (2)     Delete section 75(8).
16   (3)     Delete section 75(12) and insert:

18          (12)   If the Minister approves a dealing, the Minister must,
19                 on payment of the fee provided for by the Petroleum
20                 and Geothermal Energy Resources (Registration Fees)
21                 Act 1967, make an entry of the approval of the dealing
22                 in the Register.

24   (4)     In section 75(13):
25             (a) in paragraph (a) delete "subsection (4)(b), one copy of
26                   the instrument evidencing the dealing endorsed with a
27                   memorandum of approval shall" and insert:

29                   subsection (4)(b) or (4A)(b) (as the case may be), 1 copy
30                   of the instrument evidencing the dealing must

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1                 (b)    in paragraph (b) delete "subsection (4)(b), a copy of that
2                        instrument endorsed with a copy of the memorandum of
3                        approval of the dealing shall" and insert:

5                        subsection (4)(b) or (4A)(b) (as the case may be), a copy
6                        of that instrument must

8                  (c)   in paragraph (b) delete "shall" (2nd occurrence) and
9                        insert:

11                       must

13                (d)    in paragraph (c) delete "endorsed with a memorandum
14                       of approval";
15                 (e)   in paragraph (c) delete "shall" and insert:

17                       or (4B)(b) must

19   37.         Section 75A amended
20               In section 75A(2) delete "(7) and (8) applies" and insert:

22               (4A), (4B) and (7) apply

24   38.         Section 76 amended
25         (1)   In section 76(1)(c) delete "of the kind referred to in
26               section 75(4)(b)," and insert:

28               described in section 75(4)(b), (4A)(b) or (4B)(b),

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1          (2)     In section 76(1) in the Penalty delete "Penalty:" and insert:

3                        Penalty for this subsection:

5    39.           Part III Division 4A inserted
6                  After Part III Division 4 insert:

8                               Division 4A -- Polluter pays
9            86A.        Escape of petroleum or regulated substance:
10                       titleholder's duty
11                 (1)   In this section --
12                       interstate Act means --
13                         (a) the Commonwealth Act; or
14                         (b) an Act of another State or a Territory relating to
15                                petroleum or geothermal operations;
16                       interstate land or waters means land or waters to
17                       which an interstate Act applies;
18                       petroleum or geothermal operation means --
19                         (a) a petroleum operation; or
20                         (b) a geothermal energy operation.
21                 (2)   This section applies in the event of an escape of
22                       petroleum or a regulated substance occurring as a result
23                       of, or in connection with, a petroleum or geothermal
24                       operation in relation to any of the following titles --
25                         (a) a geothermal access authority;
26                         (b) a geothermal drilling reservation;
27                         (c) a geothermal exploration permit;
28                         (d) a geothermal production licence;
29                         (e) a geothermal retention lease;

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1                      (f)    a geothermal special prospecting authority;
2                     (g)     any other authority or consent granted by
3                             instrument under this Act for the carrying out
4                             of geothermal energy operations;
5                      (h)    a petroleum access authority;
6                       (i)   a petroleum drilling reservation;
7                       (j)   a petroleum exploration permit;
8                      (k)    a petroleum production licence;
9                       (l)   a petroleum retention lease;
10                    (m)     a petroleum special prospecting authority;
11                     (n)    an authorisation referred to in section 67(2);
12                     (o)    any other authority or consent granted by
13                            instrument under this Act for the carrying out
14                            of petroleum operations.
15             (3)   The registered holder of the title must --
16                    (a) do all of the following --
17                             (i) as soon as possible after becoming
18                                  aware of the escape of petroleum or a
19                                  regulated substance, take all reasonably
20                                  practicable steps to eliminate or control
21                                  it;
22                            (ii) clean up the escaped petroleum or
23                                  regulated substance and remediate any
24                                  resulting damage to the environment;
25                           (iii) carry out environmental monitoring of
26                                  the impact of the escape on the
27                                  environment and anything done by the
28                                  registered holder of the title under
29                                  subparagraph (i) or (ii);
30                          and
31                    (b) if any of the escaped petroleum or regulated
32                          substance has migrated to interstate land or

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1                    waters, on that land or in those waters, as the
2                    case may be --
3                      (i) clean up the escaped petroleum or
4                           regulated substance and remediate any
5                           resulting damage to the environment;
6                           and
7                     (ii) carry out environmental monitoring of
8                           the impact of the escape and clean-up
9                           on the environment.
10     (4)   The registered holder of the title must notify the
11           Minister administering the interstate Act as soon as
12           practicable after doing anything under
13           subsection (3)(b).

14   86B.    Escape of petroleum or regulated substance:
15           reimbursement of State
16     (1)   This section applies if the Minister considers on
17           reasonable grounds that the registered holder of a title
18           has failed to comply with section 86A(3) in relation to
19           an escape of petroleum or a regulated substance.
20     (2)   The Minister may do any or all of the things that the
21           Minister considers, on reasonable grounds, the
22           registered holder of the title has failed to do to comply
23           with section 86A(3).
24     (3)   Costs or expenses incurred by the State in doing any
25           thing under subsection (2) are --
26             (a) a debt due to the Crown by the registered
27                   holder of the title; and
28             (b) recoverable by the State in a court of competent
29                   jurisdiction.

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1    40.         Section 89 amended
2                In section 89(2) delete "reservation," (2nd occurrence) and
3                insert:

5                reservation area,

7    41.         Section 90 amended
8          (1)   At the end of section 90(1) insert:

10                     Penalty for this subsection: a fine of $10 000.

12         (2)   At the end of section 90(3) insert:

14                     Penalty for this subsection: a fine of $10 000.

16         (3)   At the end of section 90 delete the Penalty.

17   42.         Section 91 amended
18         (1)   In section 91(1):
19                 (a) in paragraph (b) delete "energy resources";
20                 (b) delete "reservation," (2nd occurrence) and insert:

22                       reservation area,

24         (2)   In section 91(2)(a), (b), (d)(i) and (e) and (2a)(a), (b), (d)(i)
25               and (e) delete "reservation," and insert:

27               reservation area,

29         (3)   In section 91(3) delete "energy resources".

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1    43.     Section 91B amended
2            In section 91B(2) delete "reservation," (2nd occurrence) and
3            insert:

5            reservation area,

7    44.     Section 91C inserted
8            After section 91B insert:

10         91C.    Provisions relating to approvals granted in relation
11                 to regulated substances
12           (1)   In this section --
13                 petroleum title means any of the following --
14                   (a) a petroleum exploration permit;
15                   (b) a petroleum drilling reservation;
16                   (c) a petroleum retention lease;
17                   (d) a petroleum production licence;
18                   (e) a petroleum special prospecting authority;
19                    (f) a petroleum access authority.
20           (2)   Subsection (3) applies if --
21                  (a) on its grant, a petroleum title includes an
22                        approval for the purposes of section 38(3)(a),
23                        43D(1B)(a), 48C(1B)(a), 62(3)(a),
24                        105(4AA)(a) or 106(5AA)(a); or
25                  (b) a petroleum title that includes such an approval
26                        is renewed.

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1              (3)   The conditions which the Minister may impose on the
2                    petroleum title on its grant or renewal (as the case
3                    requires) include conditions for purposes related to the
4                    approval or to anything that is authorised by virtue of
5                    the approval.
6              (4)   Subsections (5) to (7) apply if the Minister grants an
7                    approval for the purposes of section 38(3)(b),
8                    43D(1B)(b), 48C(1B)(b), 62(3)(b), 105(4AA)(b)
9                    or 106(5AA)(b) in relation to a petroleum title.
10             (5)   When granting the approval, the Minister may also, for
11                   purposes related to the approval or to anything that is
12                   authorised by virtue of the approval, by instrument in
13                   writing, vary the conditions to which the petroleum
14                   title is subject (including by imposing new conditions
15                   or removing conditions).
16             (6)   If the petroleum title is renewed, the conditions which
17                   the Minister may impose on the petroleum title on its
18                   renewal include conditions for purposes related to the
19                   approval or to anything that is authorised by virtue of
20                   the approval.
21             (7)   Section 70(3)(a) applies to the instrument by which the
22                   approval is granted.

24   45.       Section 92 amended
25             In section 92(1) in the definition of operations area
26             paragraph (a) delete "reservation," (2nd occurrence) and insert:

28             reservation area,

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1    46.           Section 101 amended
2                  In section 101(2)(a) delete "reservation," (1st occurrence) and
3                  insert:

5                  reservation area,

7    47.           Section 105 amended
8          (1)     After section 105(2)(c) insert:

10                        (ca)   if the application is for the grant of a petroleum
11                               special prospecting authority -- may include an
12                               application for an approval for the purposes of
13                               subsection (4AA)(a); and

15         (2)     After section 105(3) insert:

17                (3A)   If the Minister grants a petroleum special prospecting
18                       authority on an application that included an application
19                       for an approval for the purposes of
20                       subsection (4AA)(a), the Minister may grant the
21                       approval and include it in the petroleum special
22                       prospecting authority.

24         (3)     In section 105(4) delete "A petroleum" and insert:

26                 Except as provided in subsection (4AA), a petroleum

28         (4)     After section 105(4) insert:

30               (4AA) A petroleum special prospecting authority does not
31                     authorise the holder to carry on petroleum exploration

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1                       operations in relation to a regulated substance
2                       unless --
3                         (a) the petroleum special prospecting authority
4                               includes an approval granted by the Minister
5                               extending the petroleum special prospecting
6                               authority to cover the regulated substance; or
7                        (b) the holder applies to the Minister in writing for
8                               such an approval and the Minister grants the
9                               approval by instrument in writing.

11         (5)   In section 105(4a) and (6c)(c) delete "energy resources".

12   48.         Section 106 amended
13         (1)   In section 106(1):
14                 (a) delete "reservation," (2nd occurrence) and insert:

16                       reservation area,

18                (b)    delete "exploration";
19                (c)    delete "reservation," (3rd occurrence) and insert:

21                       reservation area,

23         (2)   In section 106(1a) delete "exploration".
24         (3)   In section 106(1b):
25                 (a) delete "reservation," (2nd occurrence) and insert:

27                       reservation area,

29                (b)    delete "resources exploration";

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1              (c)    delete "reservation," (3rd occurrence) and insert:

3                     reservation area,

5    (4)     In section 106(1c) delete "resources exploration".
6    (5)     After section 106(2)(c) insert:

8                    (ca)   if the application is for the grant of a petroleum
9                           access authority -- may include an application
10                          for an approval for the purposes of
11                          subsection (5AA)(a); and

13   (6)     After section 106(3) insert:

15          (3A)     If the Minister grants a petroleum access authority on
16                   an application that included an application for an
17                   approval for the purposes of subsection (5AA)(a), the
18                   Minister may grant the approval and include it in the
19                   petroleum access authority.

21   (7)     In section 106(5) delete "An access" and insert:

23           Except as provided in subsection (5AA), an access

25   (8)     After section 106(5) insert:

27         (5AA) A petroleum access authority does not authorise the
28               holder to carry on operations in relation to a regulated
29               substance unless --
30                 (a) the petroleum access authority includes an
31                       approval granted by the Minister extending the

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1                              petroleum access authority to cover the
2                              regulated substance; or
3                       (b)    the holder applies to the Minister in writing for
4                              such an approval and the Minister grants the
5                              approval by instrument in writing.

7          (9)   In section 106(6) and (8)(b) delete "reservation," and insert:

9                reservation area,

11   49.         Section 109 amended
12               In section 109(1) delete "energy resources".

13   50.         Section 113 amended
14               In section 113(1) delete "reservation," (1st occurrence) and
15               insert:

17               reservation area,

19   51.         Section 115 amended
20               In section 115(1)(c) delete "returns, other documents,".

21   52.         Section 116A amended
22               In section 116A(1)(c) delete "returns, other documents,".

23   53.         Section 116 amended
24         (1)   Delete section 116(1) and insert:

26               (1)   The Minister, on the application of a person, may
27                     consent in writing (an instrument of consent) to the

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1                        carrying on in the State by any person of petroleum
2                        exploration operations or geothermal exploration
3                        operations in the course of scientific investigation.

5          (2)     In section 116(2):
6                    (a) delete "under subsection (1)";
7                    (b) delete "such conditions, if any, as are" and insert:

9                          any conditions

11         (3)     In section 116(3):
12                   (a) delete "in force under subsection (1)";
13                   (b) delete "energy resources".

14   54.           Section 119 amended
15                 In section 119(1)(a) delete "energy resources".

16   55.           Section 126A amended
17                 In section 126A(4) in the definition of CEO delete "department
18                 of the Public Service principally assisting in the administration
19                 of this Act." and insert:

21                 Department.

23   56.           Section 127 amended
24         (1)     In section 127(1):
25                   (a) delete "shall" and insert:

27                         must

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1               (b)   in paragraphs (b) and (d) delete "one" and insert:

3                     1

5               (c)   in paragraph (d) delete "age." and insert:

7                     age; or

9               (d)   after paragraph (d) insert:

11                    (e)    by sending the document by electronic means
12                           in the manner prescribed by the regulations.

14      (2)    In section 127(2):
15               (a) delete "shall" and insert:

17                    must

19              (b)   in paragraph (b) delete "age." and insert:

21                    age; or

23              (c)   after paragraph (b) insert:

25                    (c)    by sending the document by electronic means
26                           in the manner prescribed by the regulations.

28      (3)    In section 127(3):
29               (a) delete "shall" and insert:

31                    must

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1              (b)    in paragraphs (a) and (b) delete "one" and insert:

3                     1

5              (c)    in paragraph (b) delete "age." and insert:

7                     age; or

9              (d)    after paragraph (b) insert:

11                    (c)   by sending the document by electronic means
12                          in the manner prescribed by the regulations.

14   (4)     In section 127(4) delete "shall, unless the contrary is proved, be
15           deemed" and insert:

17           is, unless the contrary is proved, taken

19   (5)     After section 127(4) insert:

21           (5)     Regulations may prescribe the time at which
22                   documents sent by electronic means in accordance with
23                   this section are taken to have been served.
24           (6)     This section applies subject to any regulations made
25                   under section 153(1A).
26           (7)     This section does not limit any power of the Minister
27                   under another provision of this Act to approve a
28                   manner in which something must be done.

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1    57.         Section 134A amended
2                In section 134A(c) in the inserted section 117(2) delete
3                "paragraphs (d) and (f)" and insert:

5                paragraph (a)(iv) and (vi)

7    58.         Section 142 amended
8                In section 142(1) delete "reservation," (4th occurrence) and
9                insert:

11               reservation area,

13   59.         Section 144 amended
14         (1)   In section 144(1)(ba) delete "energy resources".
15         (2)   In section 144(3):
16                 (a) delete "pursuant to an agreement entered into under
17                       section 67(2)(a)," and insert:

19                      in accordance with an authorisation referred to in
20                      section 67(2),

22                (b)   delete "agreement." and insert:

24                      authorisation or regulations under section 67(2).

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1          (3)     In section 144(4) delete "Subject to any agreement entered into
2                  under section 67(2)(a)," and insert:

4                  Except as provided in an authorisation referred to in
5                  section 67(2) or regulations under section 67(2),

7    60.           Section 147 replaced
8                  Delete section 147 and insert:

10           147.        Ascertainment of quantity of petroleum, regulated
11                       substance or geothermal energy recovered
12                 (1)   In this section --
13                       title holder means a permittee, holder of a drilling
14                       reservation, lessee or licensee.
15                 (2)   For the purposes of this Act, the quantity of petroleum,
16                       a regulated substance or geothermal energy recovered
17                       by a title holder during a period is taken to be --
18                         (a) the quantity measured during the period by a
19                                measuring device approved by the Minister that
20                                is installed at the well-head or at another place
21                                approved by the Minister; or
22                         (b) the quantity determined by the Minister as
23                                being the quantity recovered by the title holder
24                                during the period.
25                 (3)   Without limiting subsection (2)(a), in the case of
26                       petroleum, the approved measuring device may be a
27                       measuring device installed in accordance with a
28                       condition imposed under the Petroleum Pipelines
29                       Act 1969 section 12(2A).
30                 (4)   The Minister may approve a measuring device or place
31                       under subsection (2)(a) subject to conditions.

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1              (5)   The Minister's power under subsection (2)(b) can be
2                    exercised only in the following cases --
3                      (a) there is no approved measuring device installed
4                            as referred to in subsection (2)(a);
5                      (b) there is an approved measuring device installed
6                            as referred to in subsection (2)(a) but the
7                            Minister is not satisfied that the quantity of
8                            petroleum, the regulated substance or
9                            geothermal energy recovered by the title holder
10                           has been properly or accurately measured by
11                           the measuring device;
12                     (c) there is an approved measuring device installed
13                           as referred to in subsection (2)(a) but the
14                           Minister is satisfied that there has been a
15                           contravention of a condition imposed under
16                           subsection (4) on the approval of the measuring
17                           device or of the place at which it is installed.

19   61.       Section 150A amended
20             In section 150A in the definition of applicable document
21             paragraph (c) delete "report, return or other document" and
22             insert:

24             report

26   62.       Part IV Division 1 heading inserted
27             At the beginning of Part IV insert:

29                              Division 1 -- General

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1    63.           Part IV Division 2 heading inserted
2                  After section 152 insert:

4                             Division 2 -- Regulations and forms

6    64.           Section 152A inserted
7                  Before section 153 insert:

9            152A.       Approved forms
10                 (1)   The Minister may approve forms that must be used for
11                       applications, notices and other documents under this
12                       Act.
13                       Examples for this subsection:
14                       1.     If the Minister approves a form for a type of application, a
15                              person making an application of that type must use the
16                              approved form for the application.
17                       2.     If the Minister approves a form for a type of notice, a person
18                              giving a notice of that type must use the approved form for
19                              the notice.

20                 (2)   An approved form must be published on a website
21                       maintained by, or on behalf of, the Department.

23   65.           Section 153 amended
24         (1)     After section 153(1) insert:

26               (1A)    Without limiting subsection (1), the regulations may
27                       make provision for or in relation to the following --
28                        (a) the giving of a document required or permitted
29                             to be given under this Act (including the giving
30                             of the document by electronic means);

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1                         (b)   the time at which the document is taken to have
2                               been given;
3                         (c)   the means of satisfying a requirement under this
4                               Act in relation to a document in writing (for
5                               example, a requirement that the original of a
6                               document be given or that a document be
7                               signed) if the document is given by electronic
8                               means.
9                (1B)    Subsection (1A) applies to a requirement or permission
10                       to give a document whether the term "give", "send" or
11                       "serve", or any other similar word or term, is used.

13         (2)    In section 153(2):
14                  (a) delete "In particular, but without limiting the generality
15                        of " and insert:

17                        Without limiting

19                 (b)    in paragraph (h)(i) and (ii) delete "reservation," and
20                        insert:

22                        reservation area,

24         (3)    In section 153(2c) delete "Act as defined in that".

25   66.          Section 154 amended
26         (1)    In section 154(1) delete the definition of Gazettal day.
27         (2)    In section 154(1) insert in alphabetical order:

29                       publication day means the day on which transitional
30                       regulations are published in accordance with the
31                       Interpretation Act 1984 section 41(1)(a);

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1                    specified means specified or described in transitional
2                    regulations;

4    (3)     Delete section 154(3) and (4) and insert:

6            (3)     Regulations may prescribe anything required,
7                    necessary or convenient to be prescribed in relation to a
8                    transitional matter in connection with --
9                      (a) amendments made to this Act by another Act
10                            (the amending Act); or
11                     (b) amendments made to another written law by the
12                            amending Act that, wholly or partly, are
13                            consequential on, or otherwise connected with,
14                            amendments referred to in paragraph (a).
15           (4)     Without limiting subsection (3), transitional regulations
16                   may provide for specified provisions of this Act or
17                   another written law --
18                     (a) not to apply to, or in relation to, a specified
19                          matter or thing; or
20                     (b) to apply with specified modifications to, or in
21                          relation to, a specified matter or thing.

23   (4)     In section 154(5):
24             (a) delete "Gazettal" and insert:

26                    publication

28             (b)    delete "commences." and insert:

30                    receives the Royal Assent.

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1          (5)    In section 154(6)(a) and (b) delete "Gazettal" and insert:

3                 publication

5          (6)    After section 154(6) insert:

7                 (7)   The Interpretation Act 1984 applies in relation to an
8                       amendment made by the amending Act subject to
9                       Schedule 2 and transitional regulations.

11   67.          Schedule 2 Division 2 inserted
12                At the end of Schedule 2 insert:

14                  Division 2 -- Provisions for Petroleum Legislation
15                                Amendment Act 2023
16           4.         Storage of petroleum underground
17                (1)   In this clause --
18                      amendment day means the day on which the Petroleum
19                      Legislation Amendment Act 2023 section 33 comes into
20                      operation.
21                (2)   This clause applies to an agreement that is in force under
22                      section 67 immediately before amendment day.
23                (3)   On and after amendment day, the agreement continues in
24                      force in accordance with its terms.
25                (4)   In the following provisions, references to an authorisation
26                      referred to in section 67(2) include a reference to the
27                      agreement --
28                        (a)   paragraph (b) of the definition of report in
29                              section 5(1);

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1                 (b)   paragraph (h) of the definition of operator in
2                       section 5(1);
3                 (c)   section 67(1)(a);
4                 (d)   section 86A(2)(n);
5                 (e)   section 144(3) and (4);
6                 (f)   the Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982
7                       section 145(3).

8    5.         Royalty condition included in petroleum title
9         (1)   In this clause --
10              amendment day means the day on which the Petroleum
11              Legislation Amendment Act 2023 section 69 comes into
12              operation;
13              petroleum title means any of the following --
14                (a) a petroleum exploration permit;
15                (b)   a petroleum drilling reservation;
16                (c)   a petroleum retention lease;
17                (d)   a petroleum production licence.
18        (2)   This clause applies to a petroleum title that is in force
19              immediately before amendment day.
20        (3)   The amendment made to section 142(1) by the Petroleum
21              Legislation Amendment Act 2023 section 69 does not apply
22              to the petroleum title unless, and until, the Minister grants
23              an approval in relation to the petroleum title as referred to in
24              section 91C(4).
25        (4)   If the Minister grants such an approval, the Minister must,
26              under section 91C(5), vary the conditions to which the
27              petroleum title is subject so as to ensure compliance with
28              section 142(1) as amended by the Petroleum Legislation
29              Amendment Act 2023 section 69.

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1    68.       Various references to "petroleum pool" amended
2              In the provisions listed in the Table:
3                (a) delete "petroleum pool" (each occurrence) and insert:

5                        resources pool

7                (b)     delete "petroleum pools" (each occurrence) and insert:

9                        resources pools

11                                          Table
       s. 7A(8)(e)                               s. 7B(2), (3), (5), (8), (9), (11),
                                                 (12), (13), (15)(a) and (16)(e)

       s. 33(1)(c)                               s. 46(1), (2) and (5)

       s. 47(4)(a) and (b)                       s. 48K(1)

       s. 57(1)(ba)                              s. 68(3) and (4)

       s. 69(1)(a)(i), (2) to (7), (11)          s. 91(2)(d) and (e)
       and (12)

       s. 153(2)(h)(i) and (i)

12             Note: The heading to amended section 7B is to read:
13                     Resources pool in, or extending into, other areas

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1   69.      Various references to "petroleum" amended
2            Amend the provisions listed in the Table as set out in the Table.
3                                     Table
            Provision                Delete                   Insert

      s. 5(1) def. of good    petroleum (each         petroleum or a
      oil-field practice      occurrence)             regulated substance
      s. 31(1)(c)(i)
      s. 48B(1)(c)(i)
      and (ii)
      s. 48CA(1)(b), (4)
      and (7)(b)
      s. 48CB(1)(c)
      s. 53(1)(c)
      s. 57(1)(b)(ii)
      s. 65(1)(c)(ii)
      s. 68(2)
      s. 123(1)(c)(i)
      and (2)
      s. 143(1)
      s. 144(1)(c)(i)
      s. 150A def. of
      mining sample
      par. (b) and (c)
      s. 153(2)(fa)

      s. 5(1) def. of         petroleum (each         petroleum, a
      operator par. (a)       occurrence)             regulated substance
      to (d)

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          Provision                Delete                Insert

  s. 5(1) def. of well
  s. 48A(2)(c)(ii)
  s. 69(9)
  s. 75(1)(c) and (d)(ii)
  s. 91(2)(a) and (b)
  s. 95(2)(b)
  s. 106(11)
  s. 123(1)(c)(ii)
  and (iii)
  s. 143(2)
  s. 148(1)
  s. 153(2)(a) to (c),
  (e), (f), (j) and (k)

  s. 7B(2)                  petroleum recovered   petroleum or
                                                  regulated substance

  s. 7B(3), (8)(f),         petroleum is          petroleum or a
  (12)(h) and (15)(c)       recovered             regulated substance
                                                  is recovered

  s. 7B(3), (5), (8)(c)     petroleum so          petroleum or
  and (g), (12)(g)          recovered             regulated substances
  and (i) and (15)                                so recovered
  s. 142(3) and (9)

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                                                                   s. 69

        Provision                Delete                 Insert

s. 7B(5)                  petroleum, and        petroleum or a
                          petroleum             regulated substance,
                                                and petroleum or a
                                                regulated substance

s. 7B(8)(a)               recover, petroleum    recover, petroleum
and (12)(a)                                     or a regulated
s. 106(13) def. of
petroleum title

s. 7B(8)(b) and (d)       petroleum recovered   petroleum or
and (12)(f)               (each occurrence)     regulated substances
s. 142(2), (3) and (7)
to (9)

s. 7B(8)(c)               petroleum were        petroleum or
and (12)(g)               recovered             regulated substances
                                                were recovered

s. 7B(8)(c)               petroleum in          petroleum or
and (12)(g)                                     regulated substances

s. 7B(15)(a)              recover petroleum     recover petroleum or
                                                a regulated

s. 9                      all petroleum         all petroleum,
                                                regulated substances
s. 10

s. 10                     obtaining petroleum   obtaining petroleum,
                                                regulated substances

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s. 69

          Provision               Delete               Insert

  s. 11A(1)                any petroleum        any petroleum or
                                                regulated substance
                           petroleum becomes    petroleum or
                                                regulated substance

  s. 13(1)                 all petroleum        all petroleum or
                                                regulated substances
                           such petroleum;      the petroleum or
                                                regulated substances
                           delivery of the      delivery of the
                           petroleum            petroleum or
                                                regulated substances

  s. 13(2)                 petroleum (each      petroleum or
                           occurrence)          regulated substances
  s. 142(4), (5) and (6)

  s. 13(3) and (4)         petroleum            petroleum or
                                                regulated substances,

  s. 15A(1)(c) and (d)     petroleum (each      petroleum, regulated
                           occurrence)          substances
  s. 16(1)(a) and (b)
  s. 17(3)
  s. 24(2)
  s. 29(3) def. of
  explore for
  s. 48J
  s. 91A(1) and (2)

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                                                               s. 69

     Provision                Delete                 Insert

Pt. III heading        petroleum              petroleum,
s. 29(1)               explore for            explore for
                       petroleum              petroleum or a
                                              regulated substance

s. 33(1)(c)            petroleum has been     petroleum or a
                       recovered              regulated substance
                                              has been recovered

s. 43B(1)(c)           petroleum deposits     petroleum or
                                              regulated substance

s. 43B(1)(d)(iv)       petroleum deposit      sites of petroleum or
                                              regulated substance

s. 44(1) and (1b)(a)   petroleum is           petroleum or a
                       discovered             regulated substance
s. 48K(1)
                                              is discovered

s. 46(5)               recovered petroleum    recovered petroleum
                                              or a regulated

s. 47(4)               relates to petroleum   relates to petroleum
                                              or a regulated

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s. 69

          Provision                Delete              Insert

  s. 48E(1)(c)              recovery of         recovery of
                            petroleum (each     petroleum or a
  s. 48F(2)(c)(ii)
                            occurrence)         regulated substance
  s. 48G(1)(c)
  s. 48H(3)
  s. 49(1)
  s. 64A(1)(a)
  and (3)(a)
  s. 69(1)(a)(i) and (b),
  (5), (6) and (7)
  s. 91(1)(a)
  s. 106(1) and (1a)
  s. 109(1)
  s. 119(1)(a)
  s. 144(1)(b)

  s. 48K(1)                 that petroleum      that petroleum or
                                                regulated substance
  s. 52(1), (3)(a)
  and (b)
  s. 57(2)(b)
  s. 68(1)
  s. 144(2)

  s. 48K(1)                 quantity of         quantity of
                            petroleum           petroleum or
                                                regulated substance

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                                                                s. 69

      Provision                 Delete               Insert

s. 52(1) to (3)        petroleum recovered   petroleum or a
                                             regulated substance
s. 57(2)(b)

s. 52(3)(b)            for petroleum         that petroleum or a
                                             regulated substance

s. 57(1)(ba)           petrol                petroleum or a
                                             regulated substance

s. 68(1)               Where petroleum       Where petroleum or
                                             a regulated
s. 144(2)

s. 68(1)               recoverable           recoverable
                       petroleum             petroleum or a
                                             regulated substance

s. 68(3) and (4)       petroleum is being    petroleum or a
                       recovered (each       regulated substance
                       occurrence)           is being recovered

s. 69(3)(b)            petroleum or          petroleum, a
                       geothermal            regulated substance
                                             or geothermal

s. 69(3)               petroleum from        petroleum or a
                                             regulated substance

s. 91(2)(c)            petroleum-bearing     strata bearing
                       strata                petroleum or a
s. 153(2)(g)
                                             regulated substance

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s. 69

          Provision             Delete                 Insert

  s. 117(c)              petroleum or not       petroleum or a
                                                regulated substance
                                                or neither

  s. 142(1)              petroleum or all       petroleum, regulated
                                                substances or

  s. 142(2) and (9)      the petroleum          the petroleum or
                                                regulated substances

  s. 144(1)(a)           respect of petroleum   respect of petroleum,
                                                a regulated

  s. 144(1)(a)           that petroleum         that petroleum,
                                                regulated substance
  s. 144A(2)

  s. 144(1)(b) and (2)   respect of petroleum   respect of petroleum
                                                or a regulated

  s. 144A(1)             petroleum              petroleum, regulated
  s. 145
  s. 146

  s. 144A(2)             of petroleum           of petroleum, a
                                                regulated substance

  s. 148(3)              petroleum              petroleum, regulated
                                                substance or
                                                geothermal energy

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                                                                      s. 70

1   70.         Various modernisations
2               Amend the provisions listed in the Table as set out in the Table.
3                                        Table
            Provision                   Delete                   Insert

      s. 5(1) def. of partly     one (each               1
      cancelled                  occurrence)
      s. 5(1) def. of partly
      s. 5(3)
      s. 7A(3) and (8)(e)
      s. 7B(3), (8)(d)
      and (16)(e)
      s. 31(3)(b)
      s. 32(3)
      s. 43B(2) and (3)
      s. 43C(3)
      s. 46(3) and (5)
      s. 47(2A)(a)
      and (2C)(a)
      s. 48A(1) and (1a)
      s. 48B(1)(c)(i),
      (2A)(c)(i), (3A)(b)
      and (4)
      s. 48CB(6)
      s. 48E(1)(e)
      and (3)(b)

                                                                          page 63
Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
Part 2         Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967
Division 2     General amendments
s. 70

          Provision             Delete                 Insert

  s. 48G(3)(a), (5), (6)
  and (10)(b)
  s. 48H(5)
  s. 50(1)(e) and (f)
  s. 50A(1)(e) and (f)
  and (1a)(b)
  s. 52(2)
  s. 53(1)(c)
  and (2A)(c)
  s. 54(3)
  s. 56(6)(b)
  s. 59(1) and (2)
  s. 64A(1) and (2)
  s. 65(4)(a) and (8)
  s. 69A(3)(a)
  s. 72(2)
  s. 75(1), (3)(a)
  and (7)
  s. 75A(1)(a)
  s. 95(2)(a)
  s. 106(4)(a) and (9)
  s. 113(1)
  s. 115(1)
  s. 123(1)
  s. 142(3)

page 64
                           Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
    Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967        Part 2
                                  General amendments     Division 2
                                                                s. 70

      Provision                  Delete              Insert

s. 5(1) def. of private hereafter (each
land                    occurrence)

s. 5(7)                   his                the Minister's
s. 11(1)
s. 48G(3)(a)
s. 65(4)(a)
s. 69(3)
s. 106(4)(a)

s. 5(7)                   shall be           is
s. 17(2)

s. 5(8)                   shall (each        must
s. 11(3)
s. 13(4)
s. 15A(1) and (3)
s. 16(1)
s. 17(5)
s. 28(1), (1a), (2) and
s. 29(1) and (2)
s. 31(1) to (3)
s. 32A(6)
s. 32(2) and (4)
s. 33(4)
s. 35(5)

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Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
Part 2         Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967
Division 2     General amendments
s. 70

          Provision             Delete                 Insert

  s. 40(2)(b) and (c)
  s. 43A(2) and (2a)
  s. 43B(1) to (3)
  s. 43CA(6)
  s. 43C(2) and (4)
  s. 44(1)(b), (1a)(b)
  and (1b)
  s. 46(4) and (7)
  s. 47(1) and (2)
  s. 48A(2)
  s. 48B(1) to (3)
  and (5)
  s. 48CB(1) to (4)
  and (7)
  s. 48E(2)
  s. 48F(2)
  s. 48G(1)(d), (2), (3),
  (4), (5) and (7)
  s. 48H(4)
  s. 48J(b)
  s. 48K(2)
  s. 49(1) and (2)
  s. 51(1)(b), (c)
  and (e)
  s. 52(1) to (3)
  and (4)

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    Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967        Part 2
                                  General amendments     Division 2
                                                                s. 70

      Provision               Delete                 Insert

s. 53(1) to (3)
s. 54(3)
s. 55(1)
s. 56(3), (5) and (6)
s. 57(2), (4) and (6)
s. 59(5)
s. 61(2), (4) and (5)
s. 65(1)(c), (3), (4),
(7) and (9)
s. 67(1)
s. 68(5)
s. 69(8) and (11)
to (12)
s. 70(1) to (3)
and (6)
s. 72(4), (5), (6)
and (11)
s. 75(5) and (6), (9),
(11) and (14)
s. 75A(3)
s. 76(1)
s. 90(1) and (3)
s. 91(1) and (2)
to (3)
s. 91A(3)
s. 92(2) and (3)

                                                              page 67
Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
Part 2         Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967
Division 2     General amendments
s. 70

          Provision              Delete                Insert

  s. 95(2a) to (4)
  s. 105(2), (6b), (6c)
  and (9)
  s. 106(2), (4), (10)
  and (11)
  s. 115(2)
  s. 117
  s. 119(2) and (3)
  s. 142(6)
  s. 143(1)

  s. 7A(2), (3), (5)      shall be deemed       is taken
  and (7)
  s. 10(a)
  s. 48E(4)
  s. 48G(9) and (10)
  s. 48H(3)
  s. 65(11)
  s. 72(10)
  s. 95(2)

  s. 7A(3) and (5)        shall be determined   must be determined

  s. 9                    Notwithstanding       Despite
                          shall be deemed       are taken

page 68
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   Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967        Part 2
                                 General amendments     Division 2
                                                               s. 70

        Provision               Delete                Insert

s. 10(b)              shall contain         contains
                      be deemed             is taken

s. 10                 therein               in the land
s. 11(2)

s. 10                 hereinafter contained of this Act

s. 11(1)              workmen               workers

s. 11(2)              on thereon            out on the land

s. 13(1)              shall have            has
                      exercising such       exercising the
                      concerned shall       concerned must
                      thereof,              of them

s. 13(2)              No licensee shall     A licensee must not
                      him                   the licensee,
                      thereof               of them

s. 13(3) and (4)      thereof               of them,

s. 13(3)              shall                 are
s. 75(7)

s. 13(3)              be null               null

s. 15(1)              notwithstanding the   despite
                      provisions of

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Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
Part 2         Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967
Division 2     General amendments
s. 70

          Provision             Delete                 Insert

  s. 15A(1)              A                      A person who is a
  s. 106(1)

  s. 15A(1)(a)           he                     the person

  s. 17(2)               thereof, and to any    of the land, and to
                         improvements           any improvements
                         thereon                on the land
                         thereon or             on or under the land
                         such                   the

  s. 17(3)               no allowance shall     allowance must not

  s. 17(5)               so
  s. 48G(3)(d)
  s. 65(4)(d)
  s. 75(13)(b)

  s. 30(2)               he (each occurrence)   the Minister
  s. 35(1)
  s. 40(3)
  s. 52(2) and (4)
  s. 57(3)
  s. 59(1)
  s. 64(3)
  s. 68(1) and (3)
  s. 69(7) and (8)

page 70
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    Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967        Part 2
                                  General amendments     Division 2
                                                                s. 70

      Provision                     Delete               Insert

s. 90(2)
s. 91A(3)
s. 106(3)(a), (4)(b)(i)
and (ii)
s. 109(1)

s. 30(2)                  subsection (2) or (3)   section 31(2) or (3)
                          of section 31

s. 31(1)(d)(ii)           his employees           the employees of the

s. 31(4)                  furnish                 give
s. 33(5)
s. 43B(4)
s. 48A(3)
s. 48F(4)
s. 51(2)
s. 106(11)
s. 109(1)(a)
s. 113(1)
s. 115(1)(c)

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Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
Part 2         Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967
Division 2     General amendments
s. 70

          Provision               Delete               Insert

  s. 31(4)               him (each              the applicant
  s. 33(5)
  s. 35(1)
  s. 43B(4)
  s. 51(2)
  s. 57(7)
  s. 59(1), (2)
  and (5)(b)
  s. 106(3)(a)

  s. 31(4)               his                    the
  s. 33(5)
  s. 43B(4)
  s. 51(2)
  s. 57(2)(a) and (b)
  and (7)

  s. 32(3)               instrument on him      instrument on the
                         served on him          served on the

  s. 33(4)(d)            to him
  s. 47(5)(c)
  s. 57(2)(a) and (b)
  and (3)

page 72
                          Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
   Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967        Part 2
                                 General amendments     Division 2
                                                               s. 70

     Provision                   Delete                 Insert

s. 35(2)                if he                   if the Minister
                        he is prepared to pay   the applicant is
                        in respect of the       prepared to pay in
                        grant of a permit to    respect of the grant
                        him                     of a permit to the
                        him that he is          the applicant that the
                        prepared to grant to    Minister is prepared
                        him                     to grant the applicant

s. 44(1)(a)             shall forthwith         must immediately
and (1a)(a)
s. 48J(a)

s. 46(6)                his or her              the permittee's

s. 48B(1)(b), (2A)(b)   furnished               given
and (2)(a)
s. 119(1)

s. 48CA(3)              is to (each             must

s. 48CA(4) and (5)      is also to              must also

s. 48G(3)               unless                  unless the Minister
s. 65(4)
s. 106(4)

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Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
Part 2         Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967
Division 2     General amendments
s. 70

          Provision                Delete              Insert

  s. 48G(3)(a) and (c)   he has,
  s. 65(4)(a) and (c)
  s. 106(4)(a) and (c)

  s. 48G(3)(b) and (d)   he has
  s. 65(4)(b) and (d)
  s. 106(4)(b) and (d)

  s. 48G(3)(b)           as he                  as the Minister
  s. 65(4)(b)

  s. 50(2) and (3)       his (each occurrence) their

  s. 52(4)               him                    the Minister
  s. 65(4)(d)
  s. 69(4) and (8)
  s. 70(1)
  s. 106(4)(d)

  s. 53(2)(b)            periods related        related periods

  s. 57(2)(a) and (b)    he                     the applicant

  s. 59(1) and (2)       subsection (1) or      section 57(1) or (1a)
                         (1a) of section 57

page 74
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    Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967        Part 2
                                  General amendments     Division 2
                                                                s. 70

      Provision                  Delete               Insert

s. 59(2)               he does                the Minister does
                       his                    the applicant's
                       he would               the applicant would
                       he is                  the Minister is
                       he will                the applicant will

s. 59(6)               instrument on him      instrument on the
                       served on him          served on the
                       to him

s. 61(1)               him                    the licensee

s. 65(4)(c)(ii)        he                     the licensee

s. 65(8)               of the instrument on

s. 65(8) and (9)       to him                 to the licensee

s. 69(3)               made to him

s. 72(7)               shall,                 must

s. 75(7)               be taken               taken

s. 90(2)(a) and (b)    him                    the permittee, holder
                                              of a drilling
                                              reservation, lessee or

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Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
Part 2         Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967
Division 2     General amendments
s. 70

          Provision             Delete                     Insert

  s. 91(4)               he                      the person or

  s. 92(2) and (3)       he                      the operator

  s. 95(3) and (4)       notwithstanding         despite

  s. 95(7)               shall not               cannot

  s. 106(1)              him (each               the person
  s. 109(2)

  s. 106(4)(c)(ii)       he                      the person
  and (11)

  s. 106(6)              him                     the holder

  s. 106(11)             The                     A person who is the

  s. 109(1)(a) and (b)   him                     the Minister or
                                                 inspector (as the case

  s. 109(2)              furnishing              giving
                         so furnished            given

  s. 109(3)              furnished,              or
                         furnishing              giving
                         document, as the        document (as the
                         case may be,            case requires)

  s. 113(1)              licensee, as the case   licensee (as the case
                         may be, shall           requires) must

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                           Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
    Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967        Part 2
                                  General amendments     Division 2
                                                                s. 70

     Provision                Delete                      Insert

s. 117(a)              thereon                  on the land

s. 119(1)              him                      the inspector

s. 119(1) to (3)       his (each occurrence) the inspector's

s. 119(1)(a)           shall have               must be given

s. 142(1)              shall include            include

s. 142(1)              licensee shall,          must,

s. 142(3)              the succeeding
                       provisions of
                       to the provisions of
                       in pursuance of          under section 52(1)
                       subsection (1) of
                       section 52

s. 142(4)              in pursuance of          under

s. 142(6)              Notwithstanding the      Despite
                       provisions of

s. 142(8)              subsection (1) of        section 61(1)
                       section 61
                       subsection (1) of (2nd

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    Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
    Part 2         Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967
    Division 2     General amendments
    s. 70

              Provision                    Delete                      Insert

      s. 143(1a)                  to be at such               at a
                                  provision) as the           provision), and in
                                  Minister specifies in       respect of a period,
                                  respect of such             specified by the
                                  period as the               Minister
                                  Minister specifies

      s. 148(2)                   one third of one per        one-third of 1% per
                                  centrum per day             day on

1             Note: The headings to the amended sections listed in the Table are to read as
2                    set out in the Table.

3                                           Table
                  Amended section                      Section heading
                s. 9                   Petroleum, regulated substances, geothermal
                                       energy resources and geothermal energy
                                       declared to be property of Crown
                s. 11A                 Property rights in recovered petroleum,
                                       regulated substances and geothermal energy
                s. 13                  Governor to have right of pre-emption of
                                       petroleum or regulated substances in
                s. 29                  Exploration for petroleum, regulated
                                       substances and geothermal energy resources
                s. 44                  Discovery of petroleum, regulated substances
                                       or geothermal energy resources to be notified
                s. 48J                 Discovery of petroleum, regulated substances
                                       or geothermal energy resources to be notified
                s. 48K                 Directions by Minister on discovery of
                                       petroleum, regulated substances or
                                       geothermal energy resources
                s. 49                  Recovery of petroleum, regulated substances
                                       or geothermal energy resources in State

    page 78
                                   Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
          Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967          Part 2
     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport Division 3
                                                                        s. 71

                   Amended section                    Section heading
                   s. 68               Directions as to recovery of petroleum or
                                       regulated substance
                   s. 109              Minister or inspector may require information
                                       to be given
                   s. 145              Ascertainment of value of petroleum, regulated
                                       substance or geothermal energy

1     Division 3 -- Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage
2                         and transport
3    71.         Long title replaced
4                Delete the long title and insert:
6            An Act relating to --
7            •    the exploration for, and the exploitation of, petroleum
8                resources, geothermal energy resources and certain
9                other resources within certain lands of the State; and
10           •    the injection and storage of greenhouse gas substances
11               within certain lands of the State.

13   72.         Section 1 amended
14               In section 1 delete "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy
15               Resources" and insert:

17               Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage

19   73.         Section 5 amended
20         (1)   In section 5(1) delete the definitions of:
21               partly cancelled
22               permit area
23               well

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     Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
     Part 2         Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967
     Division 3     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport
     s. 73

1       (2)    In section 5(1) insert in alphabetical order:

3                    approved site plan means a site plan in respect of
4                    which an approval is in force under regulations made
5                    for the purposes of section 69HA;
6                    closure assurance period means a closure assurance
7                    period declared under section 69HW(2);
8                    detection agent means a substance, whether in a
9                    gaseous or liquid state, that --
10                     (a) facilitates the monitoring of the behaviour of
11                           another substance or a mixture of other
12                           substances when added to --
13                              (i) that other substance; or
14                             (ii) that mixture of other substances;
15                           and
16                     (b) is prescribed by the regulations;
17                   eligible GHG storage formation has the meaning given
18                   in section 6C(1);
19                   fundamental suitability determinants, in relation to an
20                   eligible GHG storage formation, has the meaning given
21                   in section 6C(9);
22                   GHG access authority means a GHG access authority
23                   under Part 3;
24                   GHG drilling reservation means a GHG drilling
25                   reservation under Part 3;
26                   GHG drilling reservation area means the area
27                   constituted by the blocks that are the subject of a
28                   GHG drilling reservation;
29                   GHG exploration operation means an operation to
30                   explore for potential GHG storage formations or
31                   potential GHG injection sites, and the carrying on of
32                   operations and the execution of works necessary for
33                   that purpose;

     page 80
                                   Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
          Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967          Part 2
     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport Division 3
                                                                        s. 73

1                  GHG exploration permit means a GHG exploration
2                  permit under Part 3;
3                  GHG injection licence means a GHG injection licence
4                  under Part 3;
5                  GHG injection operation means --
6                    (a) an operation to inject a greenhouse gas
7                          substance into an identified GHG storage
8                          formation, and to permanently store the
9                          greenhouse gas substance in the identified
10                         GHG storage formation, and the carrying on of
11                         operations and the execution of works
12                         necessary for those purposes; or
13                   (b) an operation to monitor a greenhouse gas
14                         substance stored in an identified GHG storage
15                         formation, and the carrying on of operations
16                         and the execution of works necessary for that
17                         purpose;
18                 GHG lease area means the area constituted by the
19                 blocks that are the subject of a GHG retention lease;
20                 GHG lessee means the registered holder of a
21                 GHG retention lease;
22                 GHG licence area means the area constituted by the
23                 blocks that are the subject of a GHG injection licence;
24                 GHG licensee means the registered holder of a GHG
25                 injection licence;
26                 GHG operation --
27                   (a) means --
28                            (i) a GHG exploration operation; or
29                          (ii) an operation to drill for potential GHG
30                                 storage formations or potential GHG
31                                 injection sites, and the carrying on of
32                                 operations and the execution of works
33                                 necessary for that purpose; or

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     Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
     Part 2         Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967
     Division 3     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport
     s. 73

1                           (iii)   a GHG injection operation; or
2                           (iv)    any other kind of operation prescribed
3                                   by the regulations to be a GHG
4                                   operation;
5                           but
6                     (b) does not include --
7                              (i) an operation of the kind described in
8                                    paragraph (a)(vi) of the definition of
9                                    petroleum operation; or
10                            (ii) an operation of a kind prescribed by the
11                                   regulations not to be a GHG operation;
12                  GHG permit area means the area constituted by the
13                  blocks that are the subject of a GHG exploration
14                  permit;
15                  GHG permittee means the registered holder of a GHG
16                  exploration permit;
17                  GHG retention lease means a GHG retention lease
18                  under Part 3;
19                  GHG special prospecting authority means a GHG
20                  special prospecting authority under Part 3;
21                  greenhouse gas substance or GHG has the meaning
22                  given in section 6E(1);
23                  identified GHG storage formation means a part of a
24                  geological formation declared to be an identified
25                  GHG storage formation under section 69E(2)(a);
26                  incidental greenhouse gas-related substance, in
27                  relation to a primary greenhouse gas substance, has the
28                  meaning given in section 6D(2);
29                  partly cancelled, in relation to a permit, drilling
30                  reservation or licence, means cancelled as to 1 or more
31                  but not all of the blocks the subject of the permit,
32                  drilling reservation or licence;

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                                   Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
          Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967          Part 2
     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport Division 3
                                                                        s. 73

1                  permit area means the area constituted by the blocks
2                  that are the subject of a permit;
3                  potential GHG injection site means a place that is a
4                  suitable place to make a well or wells to inject a
5                  greenhouse gas substance into a part of a geological
6                  formation;
7                  potential GHG storage formation has the meaning
8                  given in section 6B(1);
9                  pre-certificate notice has the meaning given in
10                 section 69HL(2);
11                 primary greenhouse gas substance means --
12                   (a) carbon dioxide; or
13                   (b) a prescribed greenhouse gas;
14                 site closing certificate has the meaning given in
15                 section 69HP(2);
16                 site plan means a document that --
17                   (a) relates to an identified GHG storage formation;
18                          and
19                   (b) complies with any requirements specified in the
20                          regulations; and
21                   (c) is divided into the following parts --
22                            (i) Part A, which sets out predictions for
23                                  the behaviour of a greenhouse gas
24                                  substance stored in the identified GHG
25                                  storage formation;
26                           (ii) Part B, which deals with other matters;
27                 spatial extent, of an eligible GHG storage formation,
28                 has the meaning given in section 6C(3);

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     Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
     Part 2         Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967
     Division 3     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport
     s. 73

1                     well --
2                      (a) means a hole in the Earth's crust made by
3                            drilling, boring or other means in connection
4                            with any of the following --
5                               (i) exploration for petroleum, a regulated
6                                    substance or geothermal energy
7                                    resources;
8                              (ii) operations for the recovery of
9                                    petroleum, a regulated substance or
10                                   geothermal energy;
11                            (iii) GHG operations;
12                           but
13                     (b) does not include a seismic shot hole;

15      (3)    In section 5(1) in the definition of access authority:
16                (a) in paragraph (b) delete "authority;" and insert:

18                     authority; or

20               (b) after paragraph (b) insert:

22                     (c)   a GHG access authority;

24      (4)    In section 5(1) in the definition of drilling reservation:
25               (a) in paragraph (b) delete "reservation;" and insert:

27                     reservation; or

29              (b)    after paragraph (b) insert:

31                     (c)   a GHG drilling reservation;

     page 84
                                   Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
          Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967          Part 2
     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport Division 3
                                                                        s. 73

1       (5)   In section 5(1) in the definition of facility delete "operation or
2             geothermal energy" and insert:

4             operation, geothermal energy operation or GHG

6       (6)   In section 5(1) in the definition of lease:
7               (a) in paragraph (b) delete "lease;" and insert:

9                     lease; or

11             (b)    after paragraph (b) insert:

13                    (c)   a GHG retention lease;

15      (7)   In section 5(1) in the definition of licence:
16              (a) in paragraph (b) delete "licence;" and insert:
18                    licence; or

20             (b)    after paragraph (b) insert:

22                    (c)   a GHG injection licence;

24      (8)   In section 5(1) in the definition of operator:
25              (a) delete paragraphs (a) to (d) and insert:
27                    (a)   in relation to a petroleum exploration operation,
28                          geothermal exploration operation or
29                          GHG exploration operation in a permit area,
30                          means the registered holder of the permit for
31                          that area; or

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     Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
     Part 2         Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967
     Division 3     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport
     s. 73

1                     (b)   in relation to the following, means the
2                           registered holder of the drilling reservation for
3                           the drilling reservation area --
4                              (i) an operation to drill for petroleum, a
5                                    regulated substance or geothermal
6                                    energy resources in a drilling
7                                    reservation area and the execution of
8                                    works necessary for that purpose;
9                             (ii) an operation to drill for potential GHG
10                                   storage formations or potential GHG
11                                   injection sites in a drilling reservation
12                                   area and the execution of works
13                                   necessary for that purpose;
14                          or
15                    (c)   in relation to a petroleum exploration operation,
16                          geothermal exploration operation or GHG
17                          exploration operation in a lease area, means the
18                          registered holder of the lease for that area; or
19                    (d)   in relation to the following, means the
20                          registered holder of the licence for the licence
21                          area --
22                             (i) a petroleum exploration operation,
23                                   geothermal exploration operation or
24                                   GHG exploration operation in a licence
25                                   area;
26                            (ii) an operation to recover petroleum, a
27                                   regulated substance or geothermal
28                                   energy in a licence area, or to recover
29                                   petroleum, a regulated substance or
30                                   geothermal energy from a licence area
31                                   in another area, or the carrying on of
32                                   any operations or the execution of any
33                                   works in a licence area that are
34                                   necessary for those purposes;

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1                           (iii)   a GHG injection operation in a licence
2                                   area;
3                           or

5              (b)   delete paragraphs (f) and (g) and insert:

7                    (f)    in relation to a petroleum exploration operation,
8                           geothermal exploration operation or GHG
9                           exploration operation in an area specified in a
10                          special prospecting authority, means the
11                          registered holder of the special prospecting
12                          authority; or
13                   (g)    in relation to the following, means the
14                          registered holder of the access authority --
15                            (i)   a petroleum exploration operation,
16                                  geothermal exploration operation or
17                                  GHG exploration operation in an area
18                                  specified in an access authority;
19                           (ii)   an operation to recover petroleum, a
20                                  regulated substance or geothermal
21                                  energy in an area specified in an access
22                                  authority;
23                          (iii)   a GHG injection operation in an area
24                                  specified in an access authority;
25                          or

27             (c)   after paragraph (k) insert:

29                    (l)   in relation to any other kind of operation
30                          prescribed by the regulations to be a GHG
31                          operation for the purposes of the definition of
32                          GHG operation, means the person prescribed

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1                            by the regulations to be the operator of the
2                            GHG operation;

4       (9)    In section 5(1) in the definition of operator after each of
5              paragraphs (e) and (h) to (k) insert:

7              or

9      (10)    In section 5(1) in the definition of permit:
10               (a) in paragraph (b) delete "permit;" and insert:

12                     permit; or

14              (b)    after paragraph (b) insert:

16                     (c)   a GHG exploration permit;

18     (11)    In section 5(1) in the definition of primary entitlement
19             paragraph (b) delete "(1a);" and insert:

21             (1A);

23     (12)    In section 5(1) in the definition of special prospecting
24             authority:
25               (a) in paragraph (b) delete "authority;" and insert:

27                     authority; or

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1                (b)    after paragraph (b) insert:

3                        (c)   a GHG special prospecting authority;

5    74.     Sections 6B to 6E inserted
6            At the end of Part I insert:

8          6B.         Potential GHG storage formation
9            (1)       For the purposes of this Act, a potential GHG storage
10                     formation is a part of a geological formation that is
11                     suitable for the permanent storage of a greenhouse gas
12                     substance injected into that part.
13           (2)       For the purposes of subsection (1), it is not necessary to
14                     identify the greenhouse gas substance.
15           (3)       For the purposes of subsection (1), in determining
16                     whether a part of a geological formation is suitable for
17                     the permanent storage of a greenhouse gas substance
18                     injected into that part, regard may be had to reasonably
19                     foreseeable technological developments.

20         6C.         Eligible GHG storage formation and related terms
21           (1)       For the purposes of this Act, an eligible GHG storage
22                     formation is a part of a geological formation that is
23                     suitable for the permanent storage of a particular
24                     amount of a particular greenhouse gas substance
25                     injected at a particular point or points into that part
26                     over a particular period.
27           (2)       An amount referred to in subsection (1) must be at least
28                     100 000 tonnes.

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1              (3)   For the purposes of this Act, the spatial extent of an
2                    eligible GHG storage formation is the expected
3                    migration pathway or pathways of the particular
4                    amount of the particular greenhouse gas substance
5                    injected as referred to in subsection (1), over the
6                    period --
7                      (a) beginning at the start of the particular period
8                            referred to in that subsection; and
9                      (b) ending at the notional site closing certificate
10                           time as defined in subsection (8).
11             (4)   In determining the spatial extent of an eligible GHG
12                   storage formation, regard must be had to --
13                     (a) the fundamental suitability determinants; and
14                     (b) any other relevant matters.
15             (5)   The regulations may provide that the expected
16                   migration pathway or pathways are to be ascertained
17                   for the purposes of subsection (3) on the basis of --
18                     (a) 1 or more assumptions (if any) specified in the
19                           regulations; and
20                     (b) a level of probability specified in the
21                           regulations; and
22                     (c) a methodology (if any) specified in the
23                           regulations.
24             (6)   For the purposes of the application of this section to a
25                   part of a geological formation covered by
26                   subsection (1), the notional site closing certificate time
27                   is worked out by --
28                     (a) assuming that the particular amount of the
29                           particular greenhouse gas substance referred to
30                           in that subsection was injected at the particular
31                           point or points referred to in that subsection

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1                          over the particular period referred to in that
2                          subsection; and
3                    (b)   assuming that, throughout that period, that part
4                          was an identified GHG storage formation; and
5                    (c)   assuming that, throughout that period,
6                          operations for the injection of the greenhouse
7                          gas substance into that part --
8                             (i) were authorised by a GHG injection
9                                  licence; and
10                           (ii) complied with the requirements of this
11                                 Act and the regulations;
12                         and
13                   (d)   assuming that, at the end of that period,
14                         operations for the injection of the greenhouse
15                         gas substance into that part ceased; and
16                   (e)   estimating the earliest time after the end of that
17                         period when the Minister would be in a position
18                         to issue a site closing certificate in relation to
19                         the identified GHG storage formation.
20           (7)   When making an estimate under subsection (6)(e),
21                 section 69HK is to be disregarded.
22           (8)   The notional site closing certificate time is the time
23                 estimated under subsection (6)(e).
24           (9)   For the purposes of this Act, the following are the
25                 fundamental suitability determinants of an eligible
26                 GHG storage formation --
27                   (a) the particular amount referred to in
28                         subsection (1);
29                   (b) the particular greenhouse gas substance referred
30                         to in subsection (1);

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1                     (c)   the particular point or points referred to in
2                           subsection (1);
3                     (d)   the particular period referred to in
4                           subsection (1);
5                     (e)   the effective sealing feature or attribute that
6                           enables the permanent storage referred to in
7                           subsection (1).

8          6D.       Incidental greenhouse gas-related substance
9              (1)   This section applies if a primary greenhouse gas
10                   substance is captured from a particular source material.
11             (2)   For the purposes of this Act, each of the following is an
12                   incidental greenhouse gas-related substance in
13                   relation to a primary greenhouse gas substance --
14                     (a) any substance that is incidentally derived from
15                           the source material;
16                     (b) any substance that is incidentally derived from
17                           the capture;
18                     (c) if the primary greenhouse gas substance,
19                           whether in a pure form or in a mixture with
20                           other substances, is transported -- any
21                           substance that is incidentally derived from the
22                           transportation;
23                     (d) if the primary greenhouse gas substance,
24                           whether in a pure form or in a mixture with
25                           other substances, is injected into a part of a
26                           geological formation -- any substance that is
27                           incidentally derived from the injection;

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1                    (e)   if the primary greenhouse gas substance,
2                          whether in a pure form or in a mixture with
3                          other substances, is stored in a part of a
4                          geological formation -- any substance that is
5                          incidentally derived from the storage.

6         6E.      Greenhouse gas substance or GHG
7            (1)   For the purposes of this Act, each of the following is a
8                  greenhouse gas substance or GHG --
9                    (a) a primary greenhouse gas substance, whether in
10                         a gaseous or liquid state;
11                   (b) subject to subsection (2), a mixture of a
12                         substance referred to in paragraph (a) with --
13                           (i) 1 or more incidental greenhouse
14                                gas-related substances, whether in a
15                                gaseous or liquid state, that relate to a
16                                substance referred to in paragraph (a);
17                                or
18                          (ii) a detection agent, whether in a gaseous
19                                or liquid state.
20           (2)   Subsection (1)(b) applies only if --
21                  (a) the mixture consists overwhelmingly of a
22                        primary greenhouse gas substance, whether in a
23                        gaseous or liquid state; and
24                  (b) in a case where the mixture includes a detection
25                        agent -- the concentration of the detection
26                        agent in the mixture is not more than the
27                        concentration prescribed in relation to that
28                        detection agent.

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1    75.         Section 9 amended
2                In section 9 delete "resources and geothermal energy" and
3                insert:

5                resources, geothermal energy and potential GHG storage
6                formations

8                Note: The heading to amended section 9 is to read:
 9                     Certain resources and formations declared to be property of
10                     Crown

11   76.         Section 10 replaced
12               Delete section 10 and insert:

14         10.         Reservations in Crown grants and leases
15               (1)   Every Crown grant and lease under any Act relating to
16                     Crown land issued before the coming into operation of
17                     this Act is taken to have contained the reservations set
18                     out in subsection (3).
19               (2)   Every Crown grant, transfer of Crown land in fee
20                     simple and lease under any Act relating to Crown land
21                     issued on or after the coming into operation of this Act
22                     must contain, or if not containing those reservations, is
23                     taken to contain, the reservations set out in
24                     subsection (3).
25               (3)   For subsections (1) and (2), the reservations are --
26                      (a) a reservation of all petroleum, regulated
27                            substances, geothermal energy resources,
28                            geothermal energy and potential GHG storage
29                            formations on or below the surface of the land
30                            comprised in the Crown grant, lease or transfer;
31                            and

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1                        (b)    a reservation of the right of access, subject to
2                               and in accordance with this Act --
3                                 (i) for the purpose of searching for and for
4                                       the operations of obtaining petroleum,
5                                       regulated substances, geothermal energy
6                                       resources or geothermal energy in or on
7                                       any part of the land; or
8                                (ii) for the purpose of carrying out GHG
9                                       operations in or on any part of the land.

11   77.          Section 11 amended
12         (1)    Before section 11(1) insert:

14               (1A)   In this section --
15                      unallocated Crown land means Crown land --
16                        (a) in which no interest is known to exist, but in
17                               which native title as defined in the Native Title
18                               Act 1993 (Commonwealth) section 223 may or
19                               may not exist; and
20                        (b) which is not reserved, declared or otherwise
21                               dedicated under the Land Administration
22                               Act 1997 or any other written law.

24         (2)    In section 11(1)(a) delete "vacant" and insert:

26                unallocated

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1    78.       Section 15 amended
2              In section 15(1) delete "43D, 48C" and insert:

4              38A, 43D, 43DAA, 48C, 48CAA

6    79.       Section 15A amended
7              In section 15A(1):
8                (a) in paragraph (d) delete "energy," and insert:

10                    energy; or

12              (b)   after paragraph (d) insert:

14                    (e)   carrying out GHG operations,

16   80.       Section 16 amended
17             In section 16(1):
18               (a) in paragraph (b) delete "energy," and insert:

20                    energy; or

22              (b)   after paragraph (b) insert:

24                    (c)   carrying out GHG operations,

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1    81.     Section 17 amended
2            In section 17(3) delete "resources or geothermal energy" and
3            insert:

5            resources, geothermal energy or potential GHG storage
6            formations

8    82.     Section 24 amended
9            In section 24(2) delete "resources or geothermal energy" and
10           insert:

12           resources, geothermal energy or potential GHG storage
13           formations

15   83.     Part III heading replaced
16           Delete the heading to Part III and insert:

18           Part 3 -- Operations relating to recovery of
19         petroleum, regulated substances and geothermal
20               energy or GHG injection and storage

22   84.     Section 26 amended
23           In section 26 after "Petroleum" insert:

25           and Greenhouse Gas Storage

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1    85.           Section 28 amended
2          (1)     After section 28(1a) insert:

4                 (1B)   The Minister may, by instrument published in the
5                        Gazette, declare that a block specified in the instrument
6                        (not being a block in respect of which a GHG
7                        exploration permit, GHG drilling reservation, GHG
8                        retention lease or GHG injection licence is in force)
9                        must not be the subject of a GHG exploration permit,
10                       GHG drilling reservation, GHG retention lease, GHG
11                       injection licence, GHG special prospecting authority or
12                       GHG access authority.

14         (2)     After section 28(3) insert:

16                 (4)   While a declaration under subsection (1B) remains in
17                       force in respect of a block, a GHG exploration permit,
18                       GHG drilling reservation, GHG retention lease, GHG
19                       injection licence, GHG special prospecting authority or
20                       GHG access authority must not be granted in respect of
21                       that block.

23   86.           Section 29 amended
24         (1)     Before section 29(1) insert:

26               (1AA) In this section --
27                     explore for, in relation to petroleum, a regulated
28                     substance, geothermal energy resources, a potential
29                     GHG storage formation or a potential GHG injection
30                     site, includes to conduct any geophysical survey the
31                     data from which is intended for use in the search for
32                     petroleum, a regulated substance, geothermal energy

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1                   resources, a potential GHG storage formation or a
2                   potential GHG injection site.

4       (2)   In section 29(1) delete the Penalty and insert:

6                   Penalty for this subsection: imprisonment for 5 years or
7                      a fine of $50 000.

9       (3)   In section 29(2) delete the Penalty and insert:

11                  Penalty for this subsection: imprisonment for 5 years or
12                     a fine of $50 000.

14      (4)   Delete section 29(3) and insert:

16            (3)   A person must not explore for a potential GHG storage
17                  formation or a potential GHG injection site in the State
18                  except --
19                    (a) under and in accordance with a GHG
20                          exploration permit or a GHG drilling
21                          reservation; or
22                    (b) as otherwise permitted by this Act.
23                  Penalty for this subsection: imprisonment for 5 years or
24                      a fine of $50 000.

26            Note: The heading to amended section 29 is to read:
27                  Exploration for petroleum, regulated substances, geothermal
28                  energy resources, potential GHG storage formations and potential
29                  GHG injection sites restricted

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1    87.        Section 30 amended
2               After section 30(2) insert:

4               (3)   The Minister may, in an instrument under
5                     subsection (1) inviting applications for the grant of a
6                     GHG exploration permit, require that the applications
7                     be accompanied by --
8                       (a) information concerning the source, volume and
9                            composition of the greenhouse gas substance
10                           that is proposed to be initially injected and
11                           stored; and
12                      (b) any other information the Minister considers
13                           relevant.

15   88.        Section 30A inserted
16              After section 30 insert:

18         30A.       Petroleum or geothermal lessee or licensee to be
19                    notified of proposal to advertise certain blocks
20              (1)   In this section --
21                    relevant title holder means, as the case requires --
22                      (a) the petroleum lessee; or
23                      (b) the geothermal lessee; or
24                      (c) the petroleum licensee; or
25                      (d) the geothermal licensee.
26              (2)   This section applies if --
27                     (a) the Minister proposes to publish an instrument
28                           under section 30(1) inviting applications for the

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1                          grant of a GHG exploration permit in respect of
2                          a block or blocks that is or are the subject of --
3                             (i) a petroleum retention lease; or
4                            (ii) a geothermal retention lease; or
5                           (iii) a petroleum production licence; or
6                           (iv) a geothermal production licence;
7                          and
8                    (b)   at the time of the proposal, the relevant title
9                          holder is entitled to apply for the grant of a
10                         GHG retention lease or GHG injection licence
11                         over the block or blocks.
12           (3)   The Minister must, at least 60 days before the proposed
13                 publication of the instrument, notify the relevant title
14                 holder of the proposed publication.
15           (4)   Subsection (5) applies if the relevant title holder makes
16                 an application referred to in subsection (2)(b) during
17                 the period --
18                   (a) beginning when the relevant title holder is
19                         given the notification under subsection (3); and
20                   (b) ending at the end of the day before the day of
21                         proposed publication of the instrument.
22           (5)   The Minister must not publish the instrument until --
23                  (a) the application lapses; or
24                  (b) the relevant title holder withdraws the
25                       application; or
26                  (c) the Minister refuses to grant the GHG retention
27                       lease or GHG injection licence.

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1    89.        Section 31 amended
2               After section 31(1)(da) insert:

4                      (db)   in the case of an application for the grant of a
5                             GHG exploration permit -- must be
6                             accompanied by any information required
7                             under section 30(3); and

9    90.        Section 32A amended
10              In section 32A(1):
11                (a) in paragraph (b) delete "blocks." and insert:

13                      blocks; or

15               (b)    after paragraph (b) insert:

17                      (c)   2 or more applications are made under
18                            section 30 for the grant of a GHG exploration
19                            permit for the same block or blocks.

21   91.        Section 32 amended
22              In section 32(4) delete "permit or a geothermal" and insert:

24              permit, a geothermal exploration permit or a GHG

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1    92.         Section 33 amended
2          (1)   In section 33(1)(c) delete "permit, drilling reservation, lease or
3                licence," and insert:

5                petroleum exploration permit, petroleum drilling reservation,
6                petroleum retention lease or petroleum production licence,

8          (2)   In section 33(2)(d) delete "permit, drilling reservation, lease or
9                licence." and insert:

11               geothermal exploration permit, geothermal drilling reservation,
12               geothermal retention lease or geothermal production licence.

14               Note: The heading to amended section 33 is to read:
15                     Application for petroleum exploration permit or geothermal
16                     exploration permit for surrendered, cancelled or determined
17                     blocks

18   93.         Section 35 amended
19         (1)   In section 35(1) delete "a permit" and insert:

21               a petroleum exploration permit or a geothermal exploration
22               permit, as the case requires,

24         (2)   In section 35(2) delete "a permit" (last occurrence) and insert:

26               a petroleum exploration permit or a geothermal exploration
27               permit, as the case requires,

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1    94.        Section 38A inserted
2               After section 38 insert:

4          38A.       Rights conferred by GHG exploration permit
5               (1)   A GHG exploration permit, while it remains in force,
6                     authorises the GHG permittee, subject to this Act and
7                     in accordance with the conditions to which the
8                     GHG exploration permit is subject --
9                       (a) to explore for a potential GHG storage
10                            formation in the GHG permit area; and
11                      (b) to explore for a potential GHG injection site in
12                            the GHG permit area; and
13                      (c) to inject, on an appraisal basis, a greenhouse
14                            gas substance into a part of a geological
15                            formation, so long as the relevant well is
16                            situated in the GHG permit area; and
17                      (d) to store, on an appraisal basis, a greenhouse gas
18                            substance in a part of a geological formation, so
19                            long as the relevant well is situated in the GHG
20                            permit area; and
21                      (e) to inject, on an appraisal basis, any of the
22                            following into a part of a geological formation
23                            for purposes in connection with the exploration
24                            authorised by paragraph (a) or (b), so long as
25                            the relevant well is situated in the GHG permit
26                            area --
27                               (i) air;
28                              (ii) petroleum;
29                             (iii) water;
30                            and
31                       (f) to store, on an appraisal basis, any of the
32                            following in a part of a geological formation for

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1                           purposes in connection with the exploration
2                           authorised by paragraph (a) or (b), so long as
3                           the relevant well is situated in the GHG permit
4                           area --
5                              (i) air;
6                             (ii) petroleum;
7                            (iii) water;
8                           and
9                    (g)    with the written consent of the Minister, to
10                          recover petroleum or a regulated substance in
11                          the GHG permit area for the sole purpose of
12                          appraising a discovery of --
13                             (i) petroleum or a regulated substance that
14                                  was made as an incidental consequence
15                                  of the exploration authorised by
16                                  paragraph (a) or (b); or
17                            (ii) petroleum that was made as an
18                                  incidental consequence of the injection
19                                  authorised by paragraph (c) or (e);
20                          and
21                   (h)    with the written consent of the Minister, to
22                          recover geothermal energy in the GHG permit
23                          area for the sole purpose of appraising a
24                          discovery of geothermal energy resources that
25                          was made as an incidental consequence of --
26                             (i) the exploration authorised by
27                                  paragraph (a) or (b); or
28                            (ii) the injection authorised by paragraph (c)
29                                  or (e);
30                          and
31                    (i)   to carry on any operations and execute any
32                          works in the GHG permit area that are
33                          necessary for those purposes.

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1                (2)   If petroleum or a regulated substance is recovered by
2                      the GHG permittee in the GHG permit area as
3                      authorised by subsection (1)(g), the petroleum or
4                      regulated substance does not become the property of
5                      the GHG permittee.
6                (3)   If geothermal energy is recovered by the GHG
7                      permittee in the GHG permit area as authorised by
8                      subsection (1)(h), the geothermal energy does not
9                      become the property of the GHG permittee.
10               (4)   A GHG exploration permit does not authorise the GHG
11                     permittee to make a well outside the GHG permit area.

13   95.         Section 40 amended
14         (1)   In section 40(1) delete "42A and 42B," and insert:

16               42A, 42B and 42C,

18         (2)   In section 40(2) delete "the permit --" and insert:

20               a petroleum exploration permit or geothermal exploration
21               permit --

23         (3)   In section 40(3) delete "the permit" (1st occurrence) and insert:

25               a petroleum exploration permit or geothermal exploration
26               permit

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1          (4)   After section 40(3) insert:

3                (4)   An application for the renewal of a GHG exploration
4                      permit --
5                        (a) subject to subsection (5), must be made in an
6                             approved manner --
7                               (i) not more than 12 months before the day
8                                    of expiration of the permit; and
9                              (ii) at least 6 months before the day of
10                                   expiration of the permit;
11                            and
12                      (b) must be accompanied by the prescribed fee.
13               (5)   The Minister may, for reasons that the Minister thinks
14                     sufficient, receive an application for the renewal of a
15                     GHG exploration permit less than 6 months before, but
16                     not in any case after, the day of expiration of the
17                     permit.

19   96.         Section 42A amended
20         (1)   In section 42A(1) after "applies to a" insert:

22               petroleum exploration permit or geothermal exploration

24         (2)   In section 42A(2) after "if a" insert:

26               petroleum exploration permit or geothermal exploration

28               Note: The heading to amended section 42A is to read:
29                     Certain petroleum exploration permits and geothermal
30                     exploration permits cannot be renewed more than twice

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1    97.          Section 42C inserted
2                 After section 42B insert:

4            42C.       GHG exploration permits cannot be renewed more
5                       than once
6                       Despite sections 40(1) and 42, if a GHG exploration
7                       permit has been renewed once --
8                         (a) the permittee is not entitled to apply for a
9                              further renewal of the permit; and
10                       (b) the Minister cannot grant a further renewal of
11                             the permit.

13   98.          Section 43A amended
14         (1)    In section 43A(2) and (2a) before "lease" insert:

16                retention

18         (2)    After section 43A(2a) insert:

20               (2B)   Applications for the grant of a GHG drilling
21                      reservation must not be invited under subsection (1)
22                      over any area that is included in an existing GHG
23                      exploration permit or an application for a GHG
24                      exploration permit, GHG drilling reservation, GHG
25                      retention lease or GHG injection licence.

27         (3)    After section 43A(3) insert:

29                (4)   The Minister may, in an instrument under
30                      subsection (1) inviting applications for the grant of a

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1                  GHG drilling reservation, require that the applications
2                  be accompanied by --
3                    (a) information concerning the source, volume and
4                         composition of the greenhouse gas substance
5                         that is proposed to be initially injected and
6                         stored; and
7                   (b) any other information the Minister considers
8                         relevant.

10   99.     Section 43B amended
11           In section 43B(1):
12             (a) delete paragraph (c) and insert:

14                   (c)   in the case of an application for the grant of a
15                         petroleum drilling reservation, must be in
16                         respect of a block or blocks containing a
17                         potential site of petroleum or regulated
18                         substance deposits; and
19                  (ca)   in the case of an application for the grant of a
20                         geothermal drilling reservation, must be in
21                         respect of a block or blocks containing a
22                         potential site of geothermal energy resources;
23                         and
24                  (cb)   in the case of an application for the grant of a
25                         GHG drilling reservation, must be in respect of
26                         a block or blocks containing a potential GHG
27                         storage formation or potential GHG injection
28                         site; and

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1                (b)    in paragraph (d)(iv) delete "potential sites of petroleum
2                       or regulated substance deposits or geothermal energy
3                       resources," and insert:

5                       potential petroleum or regulated substance deposit sites,
6                       potential geothermal energy resources, potential GHG
7                       storage formations or potential GHG injection sites,

9                (c)    after paragraph (da) insert:

11                     (db)   in the case of an application for the grant of a
12                            GHG drilling reservation -- must be
13                            accompanied by any information required
14                            under section 43A(4); and

16   100.       Section 43CA amended
17              In section 43CA(1):
18                (a) in paragraph (b) delete "blocks." and insert:

20                      blocks; or

22               (b)    after paragraph (b) insert:

24                      (c)   2 or more applications are made under
25                            section 43A for the grant of a GHG drilling
26                            reservation for the same block or blocks.

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1    101.     Section 43C amended
2             In section 43C(1) delete "43B" and insert:

4             43A

6    102.     Section 43DAA inserted
7             After section 43D insert:

9           43DAA. Rights conferred by GHG drilling reservation
10            (1)   A GHG drilling reservation, while it remains in force,
11                  authorises the holder of the GHG drilling reservation,
12                  subject to this Act and in accordance with the
13                  conditions to which the GHG drilling reservation is
14                  subject --
15                    (a) to drill for a potential GHG storage formation
16                          in the GHG drilling reservation area; and
17                    (b) to drill for a potential GHG injection site in the
18                          GHG drilling reservation area; and
19                    (c) to inject, on an appraisal basis, a greenhouse
20                          gas substance into a part of a geological
21                          formation, so long as the relevant well is
22                          situated in the GHG drilling reservation area;
23                          and
24                    (d) to store, on an appraisal basis, a greenhouse gas
25                          substance in a part of a geological formation, so
26                          long as the relevant well is situated in the GHG
27                          drilling reservation area; and
28                    (e) to inject, on an appraisal basis, any of the
29                          following into a part of a geological formation
30                          for purposes in connection with the drilling
31                          authorised by paragraph (a) or (b), so long as

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1                           the relevant well is situated in the GHG drilling
2                           reservation area --
3                              (i) air;
4                             (ii) petroleum;
5                            (iii) water;
6                           and
7                     (f)   to store, on an appraisal basis, any of the
8                           following in a part of a geological formation for
9                           purposes in connection with the drilling
10                          authorised by paragraph (a) or (b), so long as
11                          the relevant well is situated in the GHG drilling
12                          reservation area --
13                             (i) air;
14                            (ii) petroleum;
15                           (iii) water;
16                          and
17                    (g)   with the written consent of the Minister, to
18                          recover petroleum or a regulated substance in
19                          the GHG drilling reservation area for the sole
20                          purpose of appraising a discovery of --
21                             (i) petroleum or a regulated substance that
22                                  was made as an incidental consequence
23                                  of the drilling authorised by
24                                  paragraph (a) or (b); or
25                            (ii) petroleum that was made as an
26                                  incidental consequence of the injection
27                                  authorised by paragraph (c) or (e);
28                          and

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1                    (h)   with the written consent of the Minister, to
2                          recover geothermal energy in the GHG drilling
3                          reservation area for the sole purpose of
4                          appraising a discovery of geothermal energy
5                          resources that was made as an incidental
6                          consequence of --
7                             (i) the drilling authorised by paragraph (a)
8                                  or (b); or
9                            (ii) the injection authorised by paragraph (c)
10                                 or (e);
11                         and
12                   (i)   to carry on any operations and execute any
13                         works in the GHG drilling reservation area that
14                         are necessary for those purposes.
15           (2)   If petroleum or a regulated substance is recovered by
16                 the holder of the GHG drilling reservation in the GHG
17                 drilling reservation area as authorised by
18                 subsection (1)(g), the petroleum or regulated substance
19                 does not become the property of the holder of the GHG
20                 drilling reservation.
21           (3)   If geothermal energy is recovered by the holder of the
22                 GHG drilling reservation in the GHG drilling
23                 reservation area as authorised by subsection (1)(h), the
24                 geothermal energy does not become the property of the
25                 holder of the GHG drilling reservation.
26           (4)   A GHG drilling reservation does not authorise the
27                 holder of the GHG drilling reservation to make a well
28                 outside the GHG drilling reservation area.

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1    103.         Section 44 replaced
2                 Delete section 44 and insert:

4           44.         Certain discoveries in permit area or drilling
5                       reservation area to be notified
6                 (1)   Subsection (2) applies if any of the following is
7                       discovered in a permit area or drilling reservation
8                       area --
9                         (a) petroleum or a regulated substance;
10                        (b) geothermal energy resources;
11                        (c) a potential GHG storage formation or potential
12                             GHG injection site.
13                (2)   The permittee or holder of the drilling reservation, as
14                      the case requires, must --
15                        (a) immediately inform the Minister of the
16                              discovery; and
17                        (b) within the period of 3 days after the day of the
18                              discovery, give the Minister particulars in
19                              writing of the discovery.
20                      Penalty for this subsection: a fine of $10 000.

22   104.         Section 48A amended
23      (1)       After section 48A(1a) insert:

25            (1B)      A permittee whose GHG exploration permit is in force,
26                      or the holder of a GHG drilling reservation that is in
27                      force, in respect of a block that constitutes, or the
28                      blocks that constitute, 1 or more identified GHG
29                      storage formations may, within the application period,
30                      apply to the Minister for the grant of a GHG retention

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1                    lease in respect of that block, or in respect of 1 or more
2                    of those blocks, as the case may be.

4       (2)    After section 48A(2) insert:

6             (2A)   An application under subsection (1B) --
7                     (a) must be made in an approved manner; and
8                     (b) must be accompanied by --
9                             (i) particulars of the proposals of the
10                                 applicant for work and expenditure in
11                                 respect of the 1 or more identified
12                                 GHG storage formations in relation to
13                                 which the application is made; and
14                           (ii) an assessment of when the applicant
15                                 will be in a position to carry on a
16                                 GHG injection operation in respect of
17                                 each identified GHG storage formation
18                                 in relation to which the application is
19                                 made;
20                          and
21                    (c) may set out any other matters that the applicant
22                          wishes to be considered; and
23                    (d) must be accompanied by the prescribed fee.

25      (3)    In section 48A(4) delete "this section" and insert:

27             subsection (1) or (1a)

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1       (4)     After section 48A(4) insert:

3               (5)   The application period in respect of an application
4                     under subsection (1B) is --
5                       (a) the period of 12 months after --
6                               (i) if there is a single identified
7                                    GHG storage formation -- the day on
8                                    which the identified GHG storage
9                                    formation was declared; or
10                             (ii) if there are 2 or more identified
11                                   GHG storage formations -- the earliest
12                                   day on which any of the identified GHG
13                                   storage formations was declared;
14                           or
15                     (b) if the Minister, on application in writing made
16                           to the Minister before the end of the period
17                           referred to in paragraph (a), allows a further
18                           period of not more than 6 months -- that
19                           further period.

21   105.       Section 48B amended
22      (1)     After section 48B(2A) insert:

24            (2B)    On an application under section 48A(1B), the Minister
25                    must, by written notice served on the applicant, inform
26                    the applicant that the Minister is prepared to grant to
27                    the applicant a GHG retention lease in respect of 1 or
28                    more of the blocks specified in the application if --
29                      (a) the applicant gives any further information as
30                            and when required by the Minister under
31                            section 48A(3); and

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1                     (b)   the Minister is satisfied that --
2                              (i) the area comprised in the block, or
3                                  any 1 or more of the blocks, specified in
4                                  the application contains an identified
5                                  GHG storage formation; and
6                             (ii) the applicant is not, at the time of the
7                                  application, in a position to carry on a
8                                  GHG injection operation in respect of
9                                  the identified GHG storage formation
10                                 but is likely to be in that position within
11                                 the period of 10 years after that time.

13      (2)   In section 48B(2)(b) delete "(1)(c) or (2A)(c)," and insert:

15            (1)(c), (2A)(c) or (2B)(b),

17      (3)   In section 48B(3A):
18              (a) in paragraph (b) delete "(1)(c) or (2A)(c)," and insert:

20                    (1)(c), (2A)(c) or (2B)(b),

22             (b)    delete "(1)(c) or (2A)(c)." and insert:

24                    (1)(c), (2A)(c) or (2B)(b).

26      (4)   In section 48B(3) and (4) delete "(1) or (2A)" and insert:

28            (1), (2A) or (2B)

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1       (5)     In section 48B(5):
2                 (a) delete "(1) or (2A)" and insert:

4                        (1), (2A) or (2B)

6                (b)     delete "lease or geothermal" and insert:

8                        lease, geothermal retention lease or GHG

10      (6)     In section 48B(6) delete "(1) or (2A)" and insert:

12              (1), (2A) or (2B)

14   106.       Section 48BA amended
15              In section 48BA(b) after "(2A)," insert:

17              (2B),

19   107.       Sections 48BB to 48BD inserted
20              After section 48BA insert:

22          48BB.       Application by petroleum or geothermal lessee for
23                      GHG retention lease
24              (1)     A petroleum lessee may apply to the Minister for the
25                      grant of a GHG retention lease in respect of 1 or more
26                      of the blocks specified in the application if --
27                        (a) the petroleum retention lease is in force in
28                              respect of the block or blocks; and

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1                    (b)   1 or more identified GHG storage formations
2                          are wholly situated in the petroleum lease area;
3                          and
4                    (c)   none of the following is in force in respect of
5                          the block or blocks --
6                             (i) a GHG exploration permit;
7                            (ii) a GHG injection licence;
8                           (iii) a GHG retention lease.
9            (2)   A geothermal lessee may apply to the Minister for the
10                 grant of a GHG retention lease in respect of 1 or more
11                 of the blocks specified in the application if --
12                   (a) the geothermal retention lease is in force in
13                         respect of the block or blocks; and
14                   (b) 1 or more identified GHG storage formations
15                         are wholly situated in the geothermal lease
16                         area; and
17                   (c) none of the following is in force in respect of
18                         the block or blocks --
19                            (i) a GHG exploration permit;
20                           (ii) a GHG injection licence;
21                          (iii) a GHG retention lease.
22           (3)   An application under subsection (1) or (2) --
23                  (a) must be made in an approved manner; and
24                  (b) must be accompanied by --
25                          (i) particulars of the proposals of the
26                               applicant for work and expenditure in
27                               respect of the 1 or more identified GHG
28                               storage formations in relation to which
29                               the application is made; and
30                         (ii) an assessment of when the applicant
31                               will be in a position to carry on a
32                               GHG injection operation in respect of

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1                                    each identified GHG storage formation
2                                    in relation to which the application is
3                                    made;
4                             and
5                       (c)   may set out any other matters that the applicant
6                             wishes to be considered; and
7                      (d)    must be accompanied by the prescribed fee.
8               (4)   The Minister may, at any time and by instrument in
9                     writing served on the applicant, require the applicant to
10                    give the Minister, within the period specified in the
11                    instrument, further information in writing in connection
12                    with the application.

13         48BC.      Grant or refusal of GHG retention lease in relation
14                    to application by petroleum or geothermal lessee
15              (1)   On an application under section 48BB(1) or (2), the
16                    Minister must, by written notice served on the
17                    applicant, inform the applicant that the Minister is
18                    prepared to grant to the applicant a GHG retention
19                    lease in respect of 1 or more of the blocks specified in
20                    the application if --
21                      (a) the applicant gives any further information as
22                            and when required by the Minister under
23                            section 48BB(4); and
24                      (b) the Minister is satisfied that --
25                               (i) the area comprised in the block, or any
26                                    1 or more of the blocks, specified in the
27                                    application contains an identified GHG
28                                    storage formation; and
29                              (ii) the applicant is not, at the time of the
30                                    application, in a position to carry on a
31                                    GHG injection operation in respect of
32                                    the identified GHG storage formation

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1                                 but is likely to be in that position within
2                                 the period of 10 years after that time.
3            (2)   On an application under section 48BB(1) or (2), the
4                  Minister must, by written notice served on the
5                  applicant, refuse to grant a GHG retention lease to the
6                  applicant if --
7                    (a) the applicant has not given any further
8                         information as and when required by the
9                         Minister under section 48BB(4); or
10                   (b) the Minister is not satisfied as to the matters
11                        referred to in subsection (1)(b).
12           (3)   A notice under subsection (1) must contain --
13                  (a) a summary of the conditions subject to which
14                        the lease is to be granted; and
15                  (b) a statement to the effect that the application
16                        will lapse if the applicant does not make a
17                        request under subsection (4) in respect of the
18                        grant of the lease.
19           (4)   An applicant on whom a notice is served under
20                 subsection (1) may request the Minister to grant the
21                 lease to the applicant.
22           (5)   The request must be in writing and must be made --
23                  (a) before the end of the period of 1 month after
24                        the day of service of the notice on the applicant
25                        under subsection (1); or
26                  (b) if the Minister, on application in writing made
27                        to the Minister before the end of that period,
28                        allows a further period of not more than
29                        1 month for the making of the request -- before
30                        the end of that further period.

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1               (6)   If the applicant makes the request within the period
2                     applicable under subsection (5), the Minister must
3                     grant to the applicant a GHG retention lease in respect
4                     of the block or blocks specified in the notice under
5                     subsection (1).
6               (7)   If the applicant does not make the request within the
7                     period applicable under subsection (5), the application
8                     lapses at the end of that period.

9           48BD.     Application of s. 48BB and 48BC if petroleum or
10                    geothermal retention lease is transferred
11              (1)   This section applies if a transfer of a petroleum
12                    retention lease or geothermal retention lease is
13                    registered under section 72 --
14                      (a) after an application is made under
15                            section 48BB(1) or (2) in relation to a block or
16                            blocks in respect of which the petroleum
17                            retention lease or geothermal retention lease is
18                            in force; and
19                      (b) before a decision is made by the Minister under
20                            section 48BC(1) or (2) in relation to the
21                            application.
22              (2)   Sections 48BB and 48BC have effect, after the time of
23                    the transfer, as if any reference in those sections to the
24                    applicant were a reference to the transferee.

26   108.       Section 48CA amended
27      (1)     In section 48CA(1) before "licensee" insert:

29              petroleum

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1       (2)    In section 48CA(2) before "licensee" insert:

3              geothermal

5       (3)    After section 48CA(2) insert:

7             (2A)   Subsection (2B) applies if --
8                     (a) a GHG injection licence is in force in respect of
9                           a block or blocks; and
10                    (b) 1 or more identified GHG storage formations
11                          are wholly situated in the GHG licence area.
12            (2B)   The GHG licensee may, within the application period,
13                   apply to the Minister for the grant of a GHG retention
14                   lease in respect of the block or blocks.
15            (2C)   Subsection (2D) applies if --
16                    (a) a petroleum production licence is in force in
17                          respect of a block or blocks; and
18                    (b) a single identified GHG storage formation
19                          extends to the block or blocks; and
20                    (c) none of the following is in force in respect of
21                          the block or blocks --
22                             (i) a GHG exploration permit;
23                            (ii) a GHG injection licence;
24                           (iii) a GHG retention lease.
25            (2D)   The petroleum licensee may apply to the Minister for
26                   the grant of a GHG retention lease in respect of the
27                   block or blocks.
28            (2E)   Subsection (2F) applies if --
29                    (a) a geothermal production licence is in force in
30                          respect of a block or blocks; and

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1                      (b)   a single identified GHG storage formation
2                            extends to the block or blocks; and
3                      (c)   none of the following is in force in respect of
4                            the block or blocks --
5                               (i) a GHG exploration permit;
6                              (ii) a GHG injection licence;
7                             (iii) a GHG retention lease.
8             (2F)   The geothermal licensee may apply to the Minister for
9                    the grant of a GHG retention lease in respect of the
10                   block or blocks.

12      (4)     Delete section 48CA(3)(b) and insert:

14                     (b)   must be accompanied by particulars of the
15                           proposals of the applicant for work and
16                           expenditure in respect of --
17                             (i) in the case of an application under
18                                  subsection (1) or (2), the unused area;
19                                  and
20                            (ii) in the case of an application under
21                                  subsection (2B), (2D) or (2F), the block
22                                  or blocks specified in the application;
23                           and

25      (5)     After section 48CA(5) insert:

27            (5A)   An application under subsection (2B), (2D) or (2F)
28                   must also be accompanied by --
29                    (a) particulars of the proposals of the applicant for
30                          work and expenditure in respect of the 1 or
31                          more identified GHG storage formations in
32                          relation to which the application is made; and

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1                     (b)   an assessment of when the applicant will be in a
2                           position to carry on a GHG injection operation
3                           in respect of each identified GHG storage
4                           formation in relation to which the application is
5                           made.

7       (6)    After section 48CA(8) insert:

9              (9)   The application period in respect of an application
10                   under subsection (2B) by a GHG licensee is the period
11                   of 5 years beginning on --
12                     (a) the day on which the GHG injection licence is
13                           granted; or
14                     (b) if any GHG injection operations have been
15                           carried on under the licence in respect of the
16                           GHG licence area -- the last day on which
17                           those operations are carried on.

19   109.      Section 48CB amended
20      (1)    After section 48CB(2) insert:

22            (2A)   Subsection (2B) applies if --
23                    (a) an application is made under
24                          section 48CA(2B), (2D) or (2F); and
25                    (b) the applicant gives any further information as
26                          and when required by the Minister under
27                          section 48CA(6); and
28                    (c) the Minister is satisfied that the applicant is not,
29                          at the time of the application, in a position to --
30                            (i) inject a greenhouse gas substance into
31                                   the identified GHG storage formation,

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1                                      or at least 1 of the identified GHG
2                                      storage formations, concerned; and
3                               (ii)   store the greenhouse gas substance in
4                                      the identified GHG storage formation,
5                                      or at least 1 of the identified GHG
6                                      storage formations, concerned;
7                              and
8                       (d)    the Minister is satisfied that the applicant is
9                              likely to be in the position referred to in
10                             paragraph (c) within 10 years; and
11                       (e)   the Minister is satisfied of the matters
12                             prescribed by the regulations.
13            (2B)     The Minister must, by written notice served on the
14                     applicant, inform the applicant that the Minister is
15                     prepared to grant to the applicant a GHG retention
16                     lease in respect of the block or blocks specified in the
17                     application.

19      (2)     In section 48CB(3):
20                (a) delete "48CA and --" and insert:

22                      48CA(1) or (2) and --

24               (b)    delete "lease" and insert:

26                      petroleum retention lease or geothermal retention lease,
27                      as the case requires,

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1       (3)    After section 48CB(3) insert:

3             (3A)   Subsection (3B) applies if an application has been
4                    made under section 48CA(2B), (2D) or (2F) and --
5                     (a) the applicant has not given further information
6                           as and when required by the Minister under
7                           section 48CA(6); or
8                     (b) the Minister is not satisfied as mentioned in
9                           subsection (2A)(c), (d) or (e) in relation to the
10                          block or blocks specified in the application.
11            (3B)   The Minister must, by written notice served on the
12                   applicant, refuse to grant a GHG retention lease to the
13                   applicant.

15      (4)    In section 48CB(4) and (5) delete "(1) or (2)" and insert:

17             (1), (2) or (2B)

19      (5)    In section 48CB(6)(a) delete "(1) or (2); or" and insert:

21             (1), (2) or (2B); or

23      (6)    Delete section 48CB(7) and insert:

25             (7)   If an applicant makes a request within the period
26                   applicable under subsection (6), the Minister must --
27                     (a) in the case of a request for a petroleum
28                           retention lease, grant a petroleum retention
29                           lease in respect of the unused area; or

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1                       (b)   in the case of a request for a geothermal
2                             retention lease, grant a geothermal retention
3                             lease in respect of the unused area; or
4                       (c)   in the case of a request for a GHG retention
5                             lease, grant a GHG retention lease in respect of
6                             the block or blocks to which the request relates.

8       (7)     In section 48CB(9):
9                 (a) delete "lease" and insert:

11                      petroleum retention lease or geothermal retention lease

13               (b)    delete "licence" and insert:

15                      petroleum production licence or geothermal production
16                      licence, as the case requires,

18      (8)     After section 48CB(9) insert:

20            (10)     On the day on which a GHG retention lease granted
21                     under this section in respect of a block or blocks comes
22                     into force, any GHG injection licence ceases to be in
23                     force in respect of the block or blocks.

25   110.       Section 48CC amended
26              In section 48CC(b) delete "(2) or (3)" and insert:

28              (2), (2B), (3) or (3B)

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1    111.     Section 48CAA inserted
2             After section 48C insert:

4           48CAA. Rights conferred by GHG retention lease
5             (1)   A GHG retention lease, while it remains in force,
6                   authorises the GHG lessee, subject to this Act and in
7                   accordance with the conditions to which the
8                   GHG retention lease is subject --
9                     (a) to explore for a potential GHG storage
10                          formation in the GHG lease area; and
11                    (b) to explore for a potential GHG injection site in
12                          the GHG lease area; and
13                    (c) to inject, on an appraisal basis, a greenhouse
14                          gas substance into a part of the identified
15                          GHG storage formation, so long as the relevant
16                          well is situated in the GHG lease area; and
17                    (d) to store, on an appraisal basis, a greenhouse gas
18                          substance in a part of the identified
19                          GHG storage formation, so long as the relevant
20                          well is situated in the GHG lease area; and
21                    (e) to inject, on an appraisal basis, any of the
22                          following into a part of the identified GHG
23                          storage formation for purposes in connection
24                          with the exploration authorised by
25                          paragraph (a) or (b), so long as the relevant
26                          well is situated in the GHG lease area --
27                             (i) air;
28                            (ii) petroleum;
29                           (iii) water;
30                          and
31                     (f) to store, on an appraisal basis, any of the
32                          following in a part of the identified GHG

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1                           storage formation for purposes in connection
2                           with the exploration authorised by
3                           paragraph (a) or (b), so long as the relevant
4                           well is situated in the GHG lease area --
5                              (i) air;
6                             (ii) petroleum;
7                            (iii) water;
8                           and
9                     (g)   with the written consent of the Minister, to
10                          recover petroleum or a regulated substance in
11                          the GHG lease area for the sole purpose of
12                          appraising a discovery of --
13                             (i) petroleum or a regulated substance that
14                                  was made as an incidental consequence
15                                  of the exploration authorised by
16                                  paragraph (a) or (b); or
17                            (ii) petroleum that was made as an
18                                  incidental consequence of the injection
19                                  authorised by paragraph (c) or (e);
20                          and
21                    (h)   with the written consent of the Minister, to
22                          recover geothermal energy in the GHG lease
23                          area for the sole purpose of appraising a
24                          discovery of geothermal energy resources that
25                          was made as an incidental consequence of --
26                             (i) the exploration authorised by
27                                  paragraph (a) or (b); or
28                            (ii) the injection authorised by paragraph (c)
29                                  or (e);
30                          and
31                    (i)   to carry on any operations and execute any
32                          works in the GHG lease area that are necessary
33                          for those purposes.

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1             (2)   If petroleum or a regulated substance is recovered by
2                   the GHG lessee in the GHG lease area as authorised by
3                   subsection (1)(g), the petroleum or regulated substance
4                   does not become the property of the GHG lessee.
5             (3)   If geothermal energy is recovered by the GHG lessee in
6                   the GHG lease area as authorised by subsection (1)(h),
7                   the geothermal energy does not become the property of
8                   the GHG lessee.
9             (4)   A GHG retention lease does not authorise the GHG
10                  lessee to make a well outside the GHG lease area.

12   112.     Section 48E amended
13      (1)   Delete section 48E(1) and (2) and insert:

15            (1)   Subsection (2) applies if --
16                   (a) a lessee has been given a notice of the kind
17                         referred to in section 48H(3A) during the term
18                         of the lease and has carried out, and has
19                         informed the Minister of the results of, the
20                         re-evaluation required by the notice; and
21                   (b) the lessee has not applied for the renewal of the
22                         lease; and
23                   (c) after consideration of the results of the
24                         re-evaluation referred to in paragraph (a) and
25                         any other matters that the Minister thinks fit,
26                         the Minister is of the opinion that any of the
27                         following applies --
28                           (i) recovery of petroleum or a regulated
29                                 substance from the petroleum lease area
30                                 is commercially viable;

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1                              (ii)   recovery of geothermal energy from the
2                                     geothermal lease area is commercially
3                                     viable;
4                             (iii)   the lessee is in a position to carry on a
5                                     GHG injection operation in the GHG
6                                     lease area.
7               (2)   The Minister may serve on the lessee and on any other
8                     person that the Minister thinks appropriate an
9                     instrument in writing --
10                      (a) informing the lessee and the other person that
11                            the Minister is of the opinion referred to in
12                            subsection (1)(c) and that the Minister intends
13                            to cancel the lease; and
14                      (b) stating that the lessee or the other person may
15                            serve an instrument in writing on the Minister
16                            within the period specified in the
17                            first-mentioned instrument, not being a period
18                            ending earlier than 1 month after the day of
19                            service of the first-mentioned instrument,
20                            setting out any matters that the lessee or other
21                            person (as the case requires) wishes to be
22                            considered.
23          (2A)      Subsection (2B) applies if --
24                     (a) an instrument under subsection (2) is served on
25                           a lessee; and
26                     (b) either --
27                              (i) the lessee does not, within the period
28                                   referred to in subsection (2)(b), serve on
29                                   the Minister an instrument setting out
30                                   matters that the lessee wishes to be
31                                   considered; or
32                            (ii) the Minister, after consideration of
33                                   matters set out in an instrument served
34                                   on the Minister by the lessee within the

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1                                    period referred to in subsection (2)(b),
2                                    determines that the lease should be
3                                    cancelled.
4             (2B)     The Minister must, by instrument in writing served on
5                      the lessee, cancel the lease.

7       (2)    In section 48E(3) delete "(2)" and insert:

9              (2B)

11      (3)    In section 48E(4) delete "(2)," and insert:

13             (2B),

15   113.      Section 48F amended
16      (1)    In section 48F(2) before "lease --" insert:

18             petroleum retention lease or geothermal retention

20      (2)    After section 48F(2) insert:

22            (2A)     An application for the renewal of a GHG retention
23                     lease --
24                       (a) subject to subsection (3), must be made in an
25                            approved manner not less than 6 months or
26                            more than 12 months before the day on which
27                            the lease ceases to be in force; and

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1                      (b)   must be accompanied by --
2                              (i) particulars of the proposals of the
3                                   applicant for work and expenditure in
4                                   respect of the lease area; and
5                             (ii) any other information specified in the
6                                   regulations;
7                            and
8                      (c)   must be accompanied by the prescribed fee.

10   114.       Section 48G amended
11      (1)     Delete section 48G(1) and (2) and insert:

13              (1)   Subsections (1A) and (1B) apply if --
14                     (a) an application for the renewal of a lease is
15                           made under section 48F(1); and
16                     (b) the applicant gives any further information as
17                           and when required by the Minister under
18                           section 48F(4); and
19                     (c) in the case of a petroleum retention lease or a
20                           geothermal retention lease, the Minister is
21                           satisfied that recovery of petroleum or a
22                           regulated substance from the petroleum lease
23                           area or geothermal energy from the geothermal
24                           lease area, as the case requires --
25                              (i) is not, at the time of the application,
26                                   commercially viable; and
27                             (ii) is likely to become commercially viable
28                                   within the period of 15 years after that
29                                   time;
30                           and

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1                    (d)   in the case of a GHG retention lease, the
2                          Minister is satisfied that the applicant --
3                             (i) is not, at the time of the application, in a
4                                  position to carry on a GHG injection
5                                  operation in the GHG lease area; and
6                            (ii) is likely to be in that position within the
7                                  period of 10 years after that time.
8           (1A)   The Minister must inform the applicant, by instrument
9                  in writing served on the applicant, that the Minister is
10                 prepared to grant to the applicant the renewal of the
11                 lease if the following have been complied with --
12                   (a) the conditions to which the lease is, or has from
13                          time to time been, subject;
14                   (b) the provisions of this Part and of the
15                          regulations.
16          (1B)   The Minister may inform the applicant, by instrument
17                 in writing served on the applicant, that the Minister is
18                 prepared to grant to the applicant the renewal of the
19                 lease if --
20                   (a) any condition to which the lease is, or has from
21                          time to time been, subject or any provision of
22                          this Part or the regulations has not been
23                          complied with; and
24                   (b) the Minister is, nevertheless, satisfied that
25                          special circumstances exist that justify the
26                          granting of the renewal of the lease.
27           (2)   Subject to subsection (3), if an application for the
28                 renewal of a lease is made under section 48F(1), the
29                 Minister must, by instrument in writing served on the
30                 applicant, refuse to grant the renewal of the lease if --
31                   (a) the applicant has not given any further
32                        information as and when required by the
33                        Minister under section 48F(4); or

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1                       (b)    the Minister is not satisfied as to the matters
2                              referred to in subsection (1)(c) or (d),
3                              whichever is applicable; or
4                        (c)   both of the following apply --
5                                 (i) any condition to which the lease is, or
6                                      has from time to time been, subject or
7                                      any provision of this Part or the
8                                      regulations has not been complied with;
9                                (ii) the Minister is not satisfied that special
10                                     circumstances exist that justify the
11                                     granting of the renewal of the lease.

13      (2)     In section 48G(4) delete "(1)" and insert:

15              (1A) or (1B)

17      (3)     In section 48G(5) delete "(1)(c)(i)," and insert:

19              (1)(c)(i) or (d)(i),

21      (4)     In section 48G(6), (7) and (8) delete "(1)" and insert:

23              (1A) or (1B)

25      (5)     In section 48G(10) delete "(1)(c)(i)," and insert:

27              (1)(c)(i) or (d)(i),

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1    115.     Section 48GA inserted
2             After section 48G insert:

4           48GA. GHG retention lease cannot be renewed more
5                 than once
6                   Despite sections 48F and 48G, if a GHG retention lease
7                   is renewed once --
8                     (a) the GHG lessee is not entitled to apply for a
9                           further renewal of the GHG retention lease; and
10                    (b) the Minister cannot grant a further renewal of
11                          the GHG retention lease.

13   116.     Section 48H amended
14      (1)   Delete section 48H(3) and insert:

16            (3)   A lease is taken to contain a condition that the lessee
17                  will within the required period --
18                   (a) re-evaluate, as the case requires --
19                             (i) the commercial viability of the recovery
20                                  of petroleum or a regulated substance
21                                  from the petroleum lease area
22                                  (otherwise than by the drilling of wells);
23                                  or
24                            (ii) the commercial viability of the recovery
25                                  of geothermal energy from the
26                                  geothermal lease area (otherwise than
27                                  by the drilling of wells); or
28                           (iii) whether or not the lessee is in a position
29                                  to carry on a GHG injection operation in
30                                  the GHG lease area;
31                          and

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1                       (b)   inform the Minister in writing of the results of
2                             the re-evaluation.
3             (3A)     For the purposes of subsection (3), the required period
4                      is --
5                        (a) 3 months after the receipt of a written notice
6                              from the Minister requesting the lessee to
7                              comply with subsection (3); or
8                        (b) any further period that the Minister, on
9                              application in writing served on the Minister
10                             before the end of the period mentioned in
11                             paragraph (a), allows.

13      (2)     In section 48H(4) delete "(3)" and insert:

15              (3A)

17   117.       Section 48J replaced
18              Delete section 48J and insert:

20          48J.       Certain discoveries in lease area to be notified
21              (1)    Subsection (2) applies if any of the following is
22                     discovered in a lease area --
23                       (a) petroleum or a regulated substance;
24                       (b) geothermal energy resources;
25                       (c) a potential GHG storage formation or potential
26                            GHG injection site.
27              (2)    The lessee must --
28                      (a) immediately inform the Minister of the
29                            discovery; and

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1                     (b)  within the period of 3 days after the day of the
2                          discovery, give the Minister particulars in
3                          writing of the discovery.
4                   Penalty for this subsection: a fine of $10 000.

6    118.     Part III Division 3 heading amended
7             In the heading to Part III Division 3 after "licences" insert:

9             and GHG injection licences

11   119.     Section 49 amended
12      (1)   In section 49(1) delete the Penalty and insert:

14                  Penalty for this subsection: imprisonment for 5 years or
15                     a fine of $50 000.

17      (2)   In section 49(2) delete the Penalty and insert:

19                  Penalty for this subsection: imprisonment for 5 years or
20                     a fine of $50 000.

22   120.     Section 49A inserted
23            After section 49 insert:

25          49A.    GHG injection operations in State
26                  A person must not carry on GHG injection operations
27                  in the State except --
28                    (a) under and in accordance with a GHG injection
29                          licence; or

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1                       (b) as otherwise permitted by this Act.
2                      Penalty: imprisonment for 5 years or a fine of $50 000.

4    121.       Section 50 amended
5       (1)     In section 50(1) before "permittee" insert:

7               petroleum

9       (2)     In section 50(1a) before "permittee" insert:

11              geothermal

13      (3)     In section 50(2):
14                (a) delete "A permittee whose" and insert:

16                      A petroleum permittee whose petroleum exploration

18               (b)    before "drilling reservation" (2nd occurrence) insert:

20                      petroleum

22               (c)    in paragraph (a) delete "or (1a)";
23               (d)    in paragraph (a) before "licence" insert:

25                      petroleum production

27               (e)    in paragraph (b) before "licence" (1st occurrence) insert:

29                      petroleum production

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1       (4)   In section 50(3)(b) delete "permittee or the holder of a
2             petroleum drilling reservation who is the holder of a petroleum"
3             and insert:

5             permittee, or the holder of a petroleum drilling reservation, who
6             is the holder of a petroleum production

8       (5)   In section 50(4) delete "a permittee or the holder of a drilling
9             reservation" and insert:

11            a petroleum permittee, the holder of a petroleum drilling
12            reservation, a geothermal permittee or the holder of a
13            geothermal drilling reservation

15            Note: The heading to amended section 50 is to read:
16                  Application by petroleum or geothermal permittee or holder of
17                  petroleum or geothermal drilling reservation for petroleum
18                  production licence or geothermal production licence

19   122.     Section 50AA inserted
20            After section 50 insert:

22          50AA. Application by GHG permittee or holder of GHG
23                drilling reservation for GHG injection licence
24            (1)   A GHG permittee whose GHG exploration permit is in
25                  force, or the holder of a GHG drilling reservation that
26                  is in force, in respect of a block that constitutes, or the
27                  blocks that constitute, 1 or more identified GHG
28                  storage formations may apply to the Minister for the
29                  grant of a GHG injection licence in respect of --
30                    (a) the block that constitutes the 1 or more
31                           identified GHG storage formations; or

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1                      (b)   all of the blocks that constitute the 1 or more
2                            identified GHG storage formations; or
3                      (c)   some of the blocks that constitute the 1 or more
4                            identified GHG storage formations.
5               (2)   Subject to subsection (4), an application under
6                     subsection (1) must be made within --
7                       (a) the period of 12 months after --
8                               (i) if there is a single identified GHG
9                                    storage formation -- the day on which
10                                   the identified GHG storage formation
11                                   was declared; or
12                             (ii) if there are 2 or more identified GHG
13                                   storage formations -- the earliest day on
14                                   which any of the identified GHG
15                                   storage formations was declared;
16                           or
17                      (b) if the Minister, on application in writing made
18                           to the Minister before the end of the period
19                           referred to in paragraph (a), allows a further
20                           period of not more than 6 months -- that
21                           further period.
22              (3)   Subsection (4) applies if --
23                     (a) an application under subsection (1) (the licence
24                           application) relates to a block or blocks in
25                           respect of which the GHG permittee or the
26                           holder of the GHG drilling reservation, as the
27                           case requires, has applied for a GHG retention
28                           lease under section 48A(1B); and
29                     (b) an instrument refusing to grant the GHG
30                           retention lease is served on the GHG permittee
31                           or the holder of the GHG drilling reservation
32                           under section 48B(2).

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1              (4)     The licence application must be made within
2                      12 months after the day of service of the instrument.

4    123.      Section 50A amended
5       (1)    In section 50A(1):
6                (a) before "lessee" insert:

8                       petroleum

10               (b)    after "petroleum" (1st occurrence) insert:

12                      retention

14      (2)    Delete section 50A(1a) and insert:

16            (1A)     A geothermal lessee whose geothermal retention lease
17                     is in force may apply to the Minister for the grant of a
18                     geothermal production licence --
19                       (a) if the lease is in respect of 2 or more blocks, in
20                              respect of all of those blocks; or
21                       (b) if the lease is in respect of 1 block, in respect of
22                              that block.
23            (1B)     A GHG lessee whose GHG retention lease is in force
24                     may apply to the Minister for the grant of a GHG
25                     injection licence --
26                       (a) if the lease is in respect of 2 or more blocks, in
27                             respect of all of those blocks; or
28                       (b) if the lease is in respect of 1 block, in respect of
29                             that block.
30            (1C)     A petroleum lessee whose petroleum retention lease is
31                     in force in respect of a block or blocks may apply to

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1                      the Minister for the grant of a GHG injection licence
2                      over the block or blocks if --
3                        (a) a single identified GHG storage formation
4                              extends to the block or blocks; and
5                        (b) none of the following is in force in respect of
6                              the block or blocks --
7                                 (i) a GHG exploration permit;
8                                (ii) a GHG injection licence;
9                               (iii) a GHG retention lease.
10            (1D)     A geothermal lessee whose geothermal retention lease
11                     is in force in respect of a block or blocks may apply to
12                     the Minister for the grant of a GHG injection licence
13                     over the block or blocks if --
14                       (a) a single identified GHG storage formation
15                              extends to the block or blocks; and
16                       (b) none of the following is in force in respect of
17                              the block or blocks --
18                                 (i) a GHG exploration permit;
19                                (ii) a GHG injection licence;
20                               (iii) a GHG retention lease.

22      (3)     In section 50A(2):
23                (a) before "lease" insert:

25                      petroleum retention

27               (b)    before "lessee" insert:

29                      petroleum

31               (c)    delete "or (1a)";

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1                  (d)    before "licence" insert:

3                         petroleum production

5       (4)   In section 50A(3):
6               (a) before "lease concerned" insert:

8                         petroleum retention

10                 (b)    before "licence" insert:

12                        petroleum production

14                 (c)    before "lease." insert:

16                        petroleum retention

18   124.     Section 50B inserted
19            After section 50A insert:

21          50B.         Application by petroleum or geothermal licensee for
22                       GHG injection licence
23            (1)        A petroleum licensee whose petroleum production
24                       licence is in force in respect of a block or blocks may
25                       apply to the Minister for the grant of a GHG injection
26                       licence over the block or blocks if --
27                         (a) a single identified GHG storage formation
28                               extends to the block or blocks; and
29                         (b) none of the following is in force in respect of
30                               the block or blocks --
31                                  (i) a GHG exploration permit;

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1                                 (ii)   a GHG injection licence;
2                                (iii)   a GHG retention lease.
3               (2)     A geothermal licensee whose geothermal production
4                       licence is in force in respect of a block or blocks may
5                       apply to the Minister for the grant of a GHG injection
6                       licence over the block or blocks if --
7                         (a) a single identified GHG storage formation
8                               extends to the block or blocks; and
9                         (b) none of the following is in force in respect of
10                              the block or blocks --
11                                 (i) a GHG exploration permit;
12                                (ii) a GHG injection licence;
13                               (iii) a GHG retention lease.

15   125.       Section 51 amended
16              In section 51(1):
17                (a) delete "50 or 50A --" and insert:

19                        50, 50AA, 50A or 50B --

21                (b)     after paragraph (ca) insert:

23                       (cb)   must, in the case of an application for the grant
24                              of a GHG injection licence, specify the source,
25                              volume and composition of the greenhouse gas
26                              substance to be initially injected and stored; and

28              Note: The heading to amended section 51 is to read:
29                      Requirements for application for licence under s. 50, 50AA, 50A
30                      or 50B

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1    126.      Section 53 amended
2       (1)    In section 53(1)(a) delete "50A; and" and insert:

4              50A(1); and

6       (2)    In section 53(2A)(a) delete "50A; and" and insert:

8              50A(1A); and

10      (3)    After section 53(2A) insert:

12            (2B)   On an application under section 50AA(1), 50A(1B),
13                   (1C) or (1D) or 50B(1) or (2) for the grant of a GHG
14                   injection licence, the Minister must, by written notice
15                   served on the applicant, inform the applicant that the
16                   Minister is prepared to grant the licence in respect of 1
17                   or more of the blocks specified in the application if --
18                     (a) the applicant gives any further information as
19                           and when required by the Minister under
20                           section 51(2); and
21                     (b) the Minister is satisfied that the area comprised
22                           in the block, or any 1 or more of the blocks,
23                           specified in the application contains an
24                           identified GHG storage formation.

26      (4)    In section 53(2) delete "(1) or (2A)" and insert:

28             (1), (2A) or (2B)

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1       (5)     Delete section 53(3)(b) and insert:

3                      (b)    the Minister is not satisfied as mentioned in
4                             subsection (1)(c), (2A)(c) or (2B)(b), whichever
5                             is applicable, in respect of the block,

7    127.       Section 54 amended
8       (1)     Delete section 54(1) and (2) and insert:

10              (1)   An applicant on whom a notice is served under
11                    section 53(1), (2A) or (2B) may, within the required
12                    period, by instrument in writing served on the Minister,
13                    request the Minister to grant to the applicant the licence
14                    referred to in the notice.
15              (2)   If an applicant on whom a notice is served under
16                    section 53(1), (2A) or (2B) has made a request under
17                    subsection (1) within the required period, the Minister
18                    must grant to the applicant a petroleum production
19                    licence, geothermal production licence or GHG
20                    injection licence, as the case requires, in respect of the
21                    block or blocks as to which the Minister is satisfied as
22                    mentioned in section 53(1)(c), (2A)(c) or (2B)(b).
23            (2A)    For the purposes of subsections (1) and (2), the
24                    required period is --
25                      (a) 3 months after the day of service of the notice;
26                            or
27                      (b) any further period, not exceeding 3 months, that
28                            the Minister, on application in writing served
29                            on the Minister before the end of the period
30                            mentioned in paragraph (a), allows.

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1       (2)    In section 54(4) delete "an instrument under section 53(1)" and
2              insert:

4              a notice under section 53(1), (2A) or (2B)

6       (3)    After section 54(5) insert:

8              (6)   Subsection (5) does not apply if the licence is a GHG
9                    injection licence granted on an application made under
10                   section 50A(1C) or (1D) or 50B(1) or (2).

12   128.      Section 54AA inserted
13             After section 54 insert:

15          54AA. Certain discoveries in licence area to be notified
16             (1)   Subsection (2) applies if --
17                    (a) petroleum or a regulated substance is
18                          discovered in a licence area; or
19                    (b) geothermal energy resources are discovered in
20                          a licence area; or
21                    (c) a potential GHG storage formation or potential
22                          GHG injection site is discovered in a licence
23                          area.
24             (2)   The licensee must --
25                    (a) immediately inform the Minister of the
26                           discovery; and

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1                       (b)   within the period of 3 days after the day of the
2                             discovery, give the Minister particulars in
3                             writing of the discovery.
4                      Penalty for this subsection: a fine of $10 000.

6    129.       Section 54A amended
7               In section 54A:
8                 (a) in paragraph (a)(i) delete "50" and insert:

10                      50 or 50AA

12               (b)    in paragraph (a)(ii) delete "force;" and insert:

14                      force; or

16               (c)    after paragraph (a)(ii) insert:

18                             (iii)   under section 50B for the grant of a
19                                     GHG injection licence in respect of a
20                                     block or blocks in respect of which a
21                                     petroleum production licence or
22                                     geothermal production licence is in
23                                     force;

25               (d)    in paragraph (b) delete "53(1)" and insert:

27                      53(1), (2A), (2B) or (3)

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1               (e)     delete "reservation or lease," and insert:

3                       reservation, lease or licence,

5             Note: The heading to amended section 54A is to read:
6                     Application of s. 51 to 54 if permit, drilling reservation, lease or
7                     licence transferred

8    130.     Section 55 amended
9       (1)   In section 55(1):
10              (a) before "licence," insert:

12                      petroleum production

14              (b)     before "licensee," insert:

16                      petroleum

18              (c)     delete "53(1)(c) or (2A)(c)." and insert:

20                      53(1)(c).

22      (2)   In section 55(2)(b) delete "permit" and insert:

24            petroleum exploration permit or petroleum drilling reservation

26            Note: The heading to amended section 55 is to read:
27                    Variation of petroleum licence area

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1    131.       Section 56 amended
2       (1)     In section 56(1):
3                 (a) in paragraph (a) before "permittee" insert:

5                       petroleum

7                (b)    in paragraph (a) before "drilling" insert:

9                       petroleum

11               (c)    in paragraph (b) before "permittee" insert:

13                      petroleum

15               (d)    in paragraph (b) before "drilling" insert:

17                      petroleum

19               (e)    before "permit" insert:

21                      petroleum exploration

23                (f)   before "drilling" (3rd occurrence) insert:

25                      petroleum

27      (2)     In section 56(1a):
28                (a) before "lessee" insert:

30                      petroleum

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1              (b)    before "lease" insert:

3                     petroleum retention

5       (3)   In section 56(2):
6               (a) before "permittee," insert:

8                     petroleum

10             (b)    before "drilling" (1st occurrence) insert:

12                    petroleum

14              (c)   before "lessee" insert:

16                    petroleum

18             (d)    in paragraph (a) delete "permit," and insert:

20                    petroleum exploration permit, petroleum

22              (e)   in paragraph (a) before "lease" insert:

24                    petroleum retention

26      (4)   In section 56(3) delete "permit, drilling reservation or" and
27            insert:

29            petroleum exploration permit, petroleum drilling reservation or
30            petroleum retention

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1       (5)     In section 56(4):
2                 (a) in paragraph (a) before "lease" insert:

4                      petroleum retention

6                (b)   in paragraph (a) before "licence" insert:

8                      petroleum production

10               (c)   in paragraph (b) before "lease" insert:

12                     petroleum retention

14               (d)   in paragraph (b) before "licence" insert:

16                     petroleum production

18      (6)     In section 56(5):
19                (a) before "lease" (1st occurrence) insert:

21                     petroleum retention

23               (b)   before "lease" (2nd occurrence) insert:

25                     petroleum

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1       (7)   In section 56(6)(a) before "lease" insert:

3             petroleum retention

5             Note: The heading to amended section 56 is to read:
6                   Determination of petroleum exploration permit, petroleum drilling
7                   reservation or petroleum retention lease

8    132.     Section 59 amended
9             In section 59(1) and (2) delete "a licence" and insert:

11            a petroleum production licence or a geothermal production
12            licence, as the case requires,

14            Note: The heading to amended section 59 is to read:
15                  Request by applicant for grant of petroleum production licence or
16                  geothermal production licence

17   133.     Section 61 amended
18            In section 61(1) after "Where a" insert:

20            petroleum production licence or geothermal production

22            Note: The heading to amended section 61 is to read:
23                  Petroleum production licence or geothermal production licence
24                  for 2 or more blocks may be divided into 2 or more licences

25   134.     Section 62 amended
26            After section 62(5) insert:

28            (6)   A GHG injection licence, while it remains in force,
29                  authorises the GHG licensee, subject to this Act and in

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1                   accordance with the conditions to which the GHG
2                   injection licence is subject --
3                     (a) to inject a greenhouse gas substance into an
4                           identified GHG storage formation that is
5                           wholly situated in the GHG licence area, so
6                           long as the relevant well is situated in the GHG
7                           licence area; and
8                     (b) to permanently store a greenhouse gas
9                           substance in an identified GHG storage
10                          formation that is wholly situated in the GHG
11                          licence area, so long as the injection of the
12                          stored greenhouse gas substance takes place at
13                          a well situated in the GHG licence area; and
14                    (c) to explore for a potential GHG storage
15                          formation in the GHG licence area; and
16                    (d) to explore for a potential GHG injection site in
17                          the GHG licence area; and
18                    (e) to inject, on an appraisal basis, a greenhouse
19                          gas substance into a part of a geological
20                          formation, so long as the relevant well is
21                          situated in the GHG licence area; and
22                     (f) to store, on an appraisal basis, a greenhouse gas
23                          substance in a part of a geological formation, so
24                          long as the relevant well is situated in the GHG
25                          licence area; and
26                    (g) to inject, on an appraisal basis, any of the
27                          following into a part of a geological formation
28                          for purposes in connection with the exploration
29                          authorised by paragraph (c) or (d), so long as
30                          the relevant well is situated in the GHG licence
31                          area --
32                             (i) air;
33                            (ii) petroleum;

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1                           (iii) water;
2                          and
3                    (h)   to store, on an appraisal basis, any of the
4                          following in a part of a geological formation for
5                          purposes in connection with the exploration
6                          authorised by paragraph (c) or (d), so long as
7                          the relevant well is situated in the GHG licence
8                          area --
9                             (i) air;
10                           (ii) petroleum;
11                          (iii) water,
12                         and
13                   (i)   with the written consent of the Minister, to
14                         recover petroleum or a regulated substance in
15                         the GHG licence area for the sole purpose of
16                         appraising a discovery of --
17                            (i) petroleum that was made as an
18                                 incidental consequence of the injection
19                                 authorised by paragraph (a), (e) or (g);
20                                 or
21                           (ii) petroleum or a regulated substance that
22                                 was made as an incidental consequence
23                                 of the exploration authorised by
24                                 paragraph (c) or (d);
25                         and
26                   (j)   with the written consent of the Minister, to
27                         recover geothermal energy in the GHG licence
28                         area for the sole purpose of appraising a
29                         discovery of geothermal energy resources that
30                         was made as an incidental consequence of --
31                            (i) the injection authorised by
32                                 paragraph (a), (e) or (g); or

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1                              (ii)   the exploration authorised by
2                                     paragraph (c) or (d);
3                             and
4                       (k)   to carry on any operations and execute any
5                             works in the GHG licence area that are
6                             necessary for those purposes.
7               (7)   If petroleum or a regulated substance is recovered by
8                     the GHG licensee in the GHG licence area as
9                     authorised by subsection (6)(i), the petroleum or
10                    regulated substance does not become the property of
11                    the GHG licensee.
12              (8)   If geothermal energy is recovered by the GHG licensee
13                    in the GHG licence area as authorised by
14                    subsection (6)(j), the geothermal energy does not
15                    become the property of the GHG licensee.
16              (9)   A GHG injection licence does not authorise the GHG
17                    licensee to make a well outside the GHG licence area.

19   135.       Section 63 amended
20      (1)     In section 63(1) and (2) before "licence" (1st occurrence) insert:

22              petroleum production licence or geothermal production

24      (2)     After section 63(3) insert:

26              (4)   Subject to this Part, a GHG injection licence remains in
27                    force indefinitely.

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1    136.     Section 64A amended
2       (1)   In section 64A(1):
3               (a) in paragraph (b) delete "years," and insert:

5                    years; or

7              (b)   after paragraph (b) insert:

9                    (c)   a GHG injection licence is in force under
10                         section 63(4) and the licensee has not carried
11                         on any GHG injection operations under the
12                         licence at any time during a continuous period
13                         of at least 5 years,

15      (2)   In section 64A(3):
16              (a) in paragraph (b) delete "licence," and insert:

18                   licence; or

20             (b)   after paragraph (b) insert:

22                   (c)   for the purposes of subsection (1)(c) the
23                         duration of the period in which no GHG
24                         injection operations were carried on under a
25                         GHG injection licence,

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1    137.       Section 64 amended
2               In section 64(1) delete "a licence" and insert:

4               a petroleum production licence or geothermal production
5               licence

7    138.       Section 65 amended
8               In section 65(1)(a) delete "a licence" and insert:

10              a petroleum production licence or geothermal production
11              licence

13   139.       Section 66 amended
14              After section 66(2) insert:

16          (2A)      Without limiting subsection (1), a GHG injection
17                    licence is subject to the condition that the GHG
18                    licensee must comply with any requirements imposed
19                    on the GHG licensee by any regulations made for the
20                    purposes of subsection (2B).
21          (2B)      The regulations may establish a regime for third party
22                    access to services provided by means of the use of --
23                      (a) identified GHG storage formations; or
24                      (b) wells, equipment or structures for use in
25                            injecting greenhouse gas substances into
26                            identified GHG storage formations; or
27                      (c) equipment or structures for use in the
28                            processing, compressing or storing of
29                            greenhouse gas substances prior to the injection

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1                            of the substances into identified GHG storage
2                            formations.

4    140.     Part III Division 3A heading amended
5             In the heading to Part III Division 3A delete "titles and
6             geothermal" and insert:

8             titles, geothermal titles and GHG

10   141.     Section 69A amended
11      (1)   In section 69A(1) insert in alphabetical order:

13                   GHG title means a GHG exploration permit,
14                   GHG drilling reservation, GHG retention lease,
15                   GHG injection licence, GHG special prospecting
16                   authority or GHG access authority;

18      (2)   In section 69A(2)(a) and (b) after "geothermal title" insert:

20            or GHG title

22      (3)   In section 69A(3):
23              (a) delete "has complied" and insert:

25                    complies

27             (b)    in paragraph (a) after "geothermal" insert:

29                    title or GHG

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1       (4)     Delete section 69A(4) and insert:

3               (4)    The Minister must not grant a geothermal title on an
4                      application under this Act in respect of a block that is
5                      the subject of a petroleum title or GHG title the
6                      registered holder of which is a person other than the
7                      applicant unless the Minister complies with
8                      subsection (5).

10      (5)     In section 69A(5):
11                (a) delete "has complied" and insert:

13                      complies

15               (b)    delete paragraph (a) and insert:

17                       (a)   by instrument in writing served on the
18                             registered holder of the petroleum title or GHG
19                             title, gives not less than 1 month's notice of the
20                             Minister's intention to grant the geothermal
21                             title; and

23               (c)    delete paragraph (b)(i) and insert:

25                               (i)   given particulars of the geothermal title
26                                     proposed to be granted; and

28      (6)     Delete section 69A(6) and insert:

30              (6)    The Minister must not grant a GHG title on an
31                     application under this Act in respect of a block that is
32                     the subject of a petroleum title or geothermal title the
33                     registered holder of which is a person other than the

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1                  applicant unless the Minister complies with
2                  subsection (7).
3            (7)   The Minister complies with this subsection if the
4                  Minister --
5                   (a) by instrument in writing served on the
6                         registered holder of the petroleum title or
7                         geothermal title, gives not less than 1 month's
8                         notice of the Minister's intention to grant the
9                         GHG title; and
10                  (b) has, in the instrument --
11                           (i) given particulars of the GHG title
12                                proposed to be granted; and
13                          (ii) specified a day on or before which the
14                                person on whom the instrument is
15                                served may, by instrument in writing
16                                served on the Minister, submit any
17                                matters that the person wishes the
18                                Minister to consider;
19                        and
20                  (c) takes into account any matters the person
21                        submits to the Minister on or before the
22                        specified day.
23           (8)   Nothing in this section limits the operation of any other
24                 provisions of this Act relating to applying for or
25                 granting a petroleum title, geothermal title or GHG title
26                 or varying a petroleum title.

28           Note: The heading to amended section 69A is to read:
29                 Petroleum titles, geothermal titles and GHG titles may subsist in
30                 respect of same blocks

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1    142.       Part III Division 3B inserted
2               After Part III Division 3A insert:

4            Division 3B -- Matters relating to GHG injection and
5                                 storage
6                     Subdivision 1 -- Declaration of identified GHG
7                                   storage formation

8           69B.       Application for declaration of identified GHG
9                      storage formation
10              (1)    This section applies if --
11                      (a) a GHG exploration permit, GHG drilling
12                            reservation, GHG retention lease, GHG
13                            injection licence, petroleum retention lease,
14                            petroleum production licence, geothermal
15                            retention lease or geothermal production
16                            licence is in force; and
17                      (b) the permittee, holder of the drilling reservation,
18                            lessee or licensee has reasonable grounds to
19                            believe that --
20                               (i) a part of a geological formation is an
21                                    eligible GHG storage formation; and
22                              (ii) that part is wholly situated in the permit
23                                    area, drilling reservation area, lease area
24                                    or licence area.
25              (2)    The permittee, holder of the drilling reservation, lessee
26                     or licensee may apply to the Minister for the
27                     declaration of the part referred to in subsection (1)(b)
28                     as an identified GHG storage formation.

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1            (3)   An application under this section must be made in an
2                  approved manner and set out --
3                    (a) the applicant's reasons for believing that the
4                         part referred to in subsection (1)(b) is an
5                         eligible GHG storage formation; and
6                    (b) assuming that the part referred to in
7                         subsection (1)(b) is an eligible GHG storage
8                         formation --
9                            (i) the fundamental suitability determinants
10                                of the eligible GHG storage formation;
11                                and
12                          (ii) an estimate of the spatial extent of the
13                                eligible GHG storage formation; and
14                         (iii) any other information that is prescribed
15                                by the regulations.
16           (4)   An estimate of spatial extent must comply with any
17                 requirements specified in the regulations.

18        69C.     Requirement for further information or further
19                 analysis
20           (1)   If an application is made under section 69B, the
21                 Minister may, by written notice given to the applicant,
22                 require the applicant --
23                   (a) to give the Minister, within the period specified
24                         in the notice, further information in connection
25                         with the application; or
26                   (b) to --
27                            (i) carry out any further analysis of relevant
28                                 information specified in the notice; and
29                           (ii) give the Minister, within the period
30                                 specified in the notice, a written report
31                                 of the results of that analysis.

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1               (2)   If the applicant breaches a requirement under
2                     subsection (1), the Minister may, by written notice
3                     given to the applicant --
4                       (a) refuse to consider the application; or
5                       (b) refuse to take any action, or any further action,
6                             in relation to the application.

7          69D.       Variation of application
8               (1)   At any time before the Minister makes a decision under
9                     section 69E on an application under section 69B, the
10                    applicant may, by written notice given to the Minister,
11                    vary --
12                      (a) any or all of the fundamental suitability
13                            determinants specified in the application; or
14                      (b) the spatial extent estimated in the application.
15              (2)   A variation of an application must be made in an
16                    approved manner.
17              (3)   A variation of an application may be made --
18                     (a) on the applicant's own initiative; or
19                     (b) at the request of the Minister.
20              (4)   If an application is varied under this section, a
21                    reference in this Act to the application is a reference to
22                    the application as varied.

23         69E.       Declaration of identified GHG storage formation
24              (1)   This section applies if --
25                     (a) an application is made under section 69B in
26                           relation to a part of a geological formation; and
27                     (b) the Minister is satisfied that, using the
28                           fundamental suitability determinants set out in
29                           the application --
30                              (i) that part is an eligible GHG storage
31                                   formation; and

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1                           (ii)   the estimate of the spatial extent set out
2                                  in the application is a reasonable
3                                  estimate of the spatial extent of the
4                                  eligible GHG storage formation.
5            (2)   The Minister must, by instrument in writing, declare --
6                   (a) that part to be an identified GHG storage
7                        formation for the purposes of this Act; and
8                   (b) that, for the purposes of this Act, the spatial
9                        extent of the identified GHG storage formation
10                       is the spatial extent estimated in the application;
11                       and
12                  (c) that the fundamental suitability determinants
13                       specified in the application are the fundamental
14                       suitability determinants of the identified GHG
15                       storage formation for the purposes of this Act.
16           (3)   A declaration under subsection (2) must set out --
17                  (a) the estimate of the spatial extent specified in
18                        the application; and
19                  (b) the fundamental suitability determinants
20                        specified in the application.
21           (4)   A copy of a declaration under subsection (2) must be
22                 published in the Gazette.

23        69F.     Refusal to make declaration
24           (1)   This section applies if --
25                  (a) an application is made under section 69B in
26                        relation to a part of a geological formation; and
27                  (b) the Minister is not required by section 69E to
28                        make a declaration in relation to that part.
29           (2)   The Minister must, by written notice given to the
30                 applicant, refuse to declare that part to be an identified
31                 GHG storage formation.

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1          69G.       Variation of declaration
2               (1)   This section applies if a declaration is in force under
3                     section 69E in relation to a part of a geological
4                     formation.
5               (2)   The Minister may, by instrument in writing, vary the
6                     declaration.
7               (3)   A variation of the declaration may be made --
8                      (a) if the part is wholly situated in --
9                                (i) a GHG permit area -- on the
10                                    application of the GHG permittee; or
11                              (ii) a GHG drilling reservation area -- on
12                                    the application of the holder of the GHG
13                                    drilling reservation; or
14                            (iii) a lease area -- on the application of the
15                                    lessee; or
16                             (iv) a licence area -- on the application of
17                                    the licensee;
18                           or
19                     (b) on the Minister's own initiative.
20              (4)   An application for a variation of the declaration
21                    must --
22                     (a) be made in an approved manner; and
23                     (b) set out the proposed variation; and
24                     (c) specify the reasons for the proposed variation.
25              (5)   In deciding whether to vary the declaration, the
26                    Minister must have regard to --
27                      (a) any new information; and
28                      (b) any new analysis; and
29                      (c) any relevant scientific or technological
30                            developments; and

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1                    (d)   any other matters that the Minister considers
2                          relevant.
3            (6)   Before varying a declaration on the Minister's own
4                  initiative, the Minister must consult --
5                    (a) if the part is wholly situated in a GHG permit
6                           area -- the GHG permittee; or
7                    (b) if the part is wholly situated in a GHG drilling
8                           reservation area -- the holder of the GHG
9                           drilling reservation; or
10                   (c) if the part is wholly situated in a lease area --
11                          the lessee; or
12                   (d) if the part is wholly situated in a licence area --
13                          the licensee.
14           (7)   A copy of a variation under subsection (2) must be
15                 published in the Gazette.
16           (8)   If a declaration in force under section 69E is varied, a
17                 reference in this Act to the declaration is a reference to
18                 the declaration as varied.

19        69H.     Revocation of declaration
20           (1)   This section applies if a declaration is in force under
21                 section 69E in relation to a part of a geological
22                 formation.
23           (2)   The Minister may, by instrument in writing, revoke the
24                 declaration if the Minister is satisfied that, using any
25                 set of fundamental suitability determinants, the part is
26                 not an eligible GHG storage formation.
27           (3)   Before revoking the declaration, the Minister must --
28                  (a) consult --
29                          (i) if the part is wholly situated in a GHG
30                               permit area -- the GHG permittee; or

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1                              (ii)   if the part is wholly situated in a GHG
2                                     drilling reservation area -- the holder
3                                     of the GHG drilling reservation; or
4                             (iii)   if the part is wholly situated in a lease
5                                     area -- the lessee; or
6                             (iv)    if the part is wholly situated in a licence
7                                     area -- the licensee;
8                            and
9                      (b)   consider whether the Minister should instead
10                           vary the declaration under section 69G.
11              (4)   A copy of a revocation under subsection (2) must be
12                    published in the Gazette.

13                       Subdivision 2 -- Approved site plans

14         69HA. Approved site plans
15              (1)   The regulations may provide that a GHG licensee must
16                    not carry on any operations in relation to an identified
17                    GHG storage formation specified in the licence unless
18                    an approved site plan is in force in relation to the
19                    formation.
20              (2)   The regulations may provide that, if an approved site
21                    plan is in force in relation to an identified GHG storage
22                    formation specified in a GHG injection licence, the
23                    GHG licensee must comply with the approved site
24                    plan.
25              (3)   The regulations may make provision for the Minister to
26                    approve draft site plans.
27              (4)   The regulations may provide that, if the Minister
28                    approves a draft site plan, the approved site plan --
29                      (a) comes into force at the time of the approval;
30                           and

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1                    (b)   remains in force --
2                            (i) if, under the regulations, the Minister
3                                withdraws approval of the approved site
4                                plan -- until the withdrawal; or
5                           (ii) otherwise -- indefinitely.
6            (5)   The regulations may make provision for the Minister to
7                  withdraw approval of approved site plans.
8            (6)   The regulations may make provision for and in relation
9                  to the variation of approved site plans.
10           (7)   Regulations made for the purposes of subsection (6)
11                 may --
12                  (a) require a GHG licensee to prepare a draft
13                        variation of an approved site plan --
14                           (i) periodically; or
15                          (ii) in any circumstances specified in the
16                                regulations; or
17                         (iii) when required to do so by the Minister;
18                        and
19                  (b) require a GHG licensee to give the draft
20                        variation to the Minister; and
21                  (c) make provision for the Minister to approve the
22                        variation; and
23                  (d) provide that, if the Minister approves the
24                        variation, the approved site plan is varied
25                        accordingly.
26           (8)   If an approved site plan is varied, a reference in this
27                 Act to the approved site plan is a reference to the
28                 approved site plan as varied.

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1                        Subdivision 3 -- Serious situations

2          69HB. When serious situation exists
3                   For the purposes of this Subdivision, a serious
4                   situation exists in relation to an identified GHG
5                   storage formation if --
6                     (a) a greenhouse gas substance that has been
7                           injected into the identified GHG storage
8                           formation has leaked or will leak; or
9                     (b) a greenhouse gas substance has leaked or will
10                          leak in the course of being injected into the
11                          identified GHG storage formation; or
12                    (c) a greenhouse gas substance that has been
13                          injected into the identified GHG storage
14                          formation has behaved or will behave otherwise
15                          than as predicted in Part A of an approved site
16                          plan for the formation; or
17                    (d) the injection of a greenhouse gas substance
18                          into, or the storage of a greenhouse gas
19                          substance in, the identified GHG storage
20                          formation has had or will have a significant
21                          adverse impact on the geotechnical integrity of
22                          the whole or a part of a geological formation or
23                          geological structure; or
24                    (e) the identified GHG storage formation is not
25                          suitable for the permanent storage of a
26                          greenhouse gas substance as set out in an
27                          approved site plan for the formation.

28         69HC. Reporting of serious situations
29                  If a GHG licensee becomes aware that a serious
30                  situation exists in relation to an identified GHG storage

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1                  formation specified in the licence, the GHG licensee
2                  must --
3                    (a) immediately inform the Minister of the serious
4                         situation; and
5                    (b) within the period of 3 days after informing the
6                         Minister under paragraph (a), give to the
7                         Minister particulars in writing of the serious
8                         situation.
9                  Penalty: a fine of $10 000.

10        69HD. Minister may give directions
11           (1)   If, in the opinion of the Minister, a serious situation
12                 exists in relation to an identified GHG storage
13                 formation specified in a GHG injection licence, the
14                 Minister may, by written notice given to the GHG
15                 licensee, direct the licensee --
16                   (a) to take all reasonable steps to ensure that a
17                          greenhouse gas substance is injected into the
18                          identified GHG storage formation in the
19                          manner specified in the direction; or
20                   (b) to take all reasonable steps to ensure that a
21                          greenhouse gas substance is stored in the
22                          identified GHG storage formation in the
23                          manner specified in the direction; or
24                   (c) to stop or suspend the injection of a greenhouse
25                          gas substance at the place or places specified in
26                          the direction; or
27                   (d) to inject a greenhouse gas substance into the
28                          identified GHG storage formation at the place
29                          or places specified in the direction; or
30                   (e) to undertake the activities specified in the
31                          direction for the purposes of eliminating,
32                          mitigating, managing or remedying the serious
33                          situation; or

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1                       (f)   to take any action that is specified in the
2                             direction; or
3                      (g)    to refrain from taking any action that is
4                             specified in the direction.
5               (2)   A direction under subsection (1) --
6                      (a) has effect, and must be complied with,
7                            despite --
8                               (i) any previous direction under that
9                                    subsection; and
10                             (ii) anything in the regulations;
11                           and
12                     (b) prevails over anything in an approved site plan
13                           for the identified GHG storage formation to the
14                           extent of any inconsistency; and
15                     (c) may make provision in relation to a matter by
16                           applying, adopting or incorporating (with or
17                           without modification) a code of practice or
18                           standard contained in an instrument as in force
19                           or existing at the time when the direction takes
20                           effect; and
21                     (d) may prohibit the doing of an act or thing --
22                              (i) unconditionally; or
23                             (ii) subject to conditions, including
24                                   conditions requiring the consent or
25                                   approval of a person specified in the
26                                   direction.
27              (3)   A person to whom a direction is given under
28                    subsection (1) must comply with the direction.
29                    Penalty for this subsection: a fine of $10 000.

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1                    Subdivision 4 -- Site closing certificates

2         69HE. Application for site closing certificate
3                  A GHG licensee may apply to the Minister for a site
4                  closing certificate in relation to a particular identified
5                  GHG storage formation specified in the GHG injection
6                  licence.

7         69HF.    Application for site closing certificate required if
8                  operations have ceased
9            (1)   This section applies if --
10                  (a) a GHG injection licence is in force; and
11                  (b) operations for the injection of a greenhouse gas
12                        substance into a particular identified GHG
13                        storage formation specified in the licence have
14                        ceased.
15           (2)   The GHG licensee must, within the application period,
16                 apply under section 69HE for a site closing certificate
17                 in relation to the identified GHG storage formation.
18                 Penalty for this subsection: a fine of $10 000.
19           (3)   The application period for an application referred to in
20                 subsection (2) is --
21                   (a) the period of 30 days after the day on which the
22                        cessation referred to in subsection (1)(b)
23                        occurred; or
24                   (b) any longer period, not more than 90 days after
25                        that day, that the Minister allows.
26           (4)   The Minister may allow a longer period under
27                 subsection (3)(b) only on written application made by
28                 the licensee within the period of 30 days mentioned in
29                 subsection (3)(a).

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1          69HG. Application for site closing certificate may be
2                directed if ground for terminating or cancelling
3                GHG injection licence exists
4               (1)   This section applies if --
5                      (a) a GHG injection licence is in force; and
6                      (b) under section 64A(1)(c) or 99(1), there is a
7                            ground for terminating or cancelling the
8                            licence.
9               (2)   The Minister may, by written notice given to the
10                    GHG licensee, direct the licensee --
11                     (a) to apply under section 69HE for a site closing
12                          certificate in relation to each identified GHG
13                          storage formation specified in the licence; and
14                     (b) to do so within the period specified in the
15                          notice.
16              (3)   The period specified under subsection (2)(b) must not
17                    be shorter than 30 days.
18              (4)   A person to whom a direction is given under
19                    subsection (2) must comply with the direction.
20                    Penalty for this subsection: a fine of $10 000.

21         69HH. Application for site closing certificate may be
22               directed if GHG injection licence tied to ceased
23               petroleum lease or licence
24              (1)   This section applies if --
25                     (a) a GHG injection licence is in force; and
26                     (b) the GHG injection licence is tied to a petroleum
27                           retention lease or petroleum production licence;
28                           and
29                     (c) the petroleum retention lease or petroleum
30                           production licence ceases to be in force as a

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1                         result of being surrendered, cancelled,
2                         terminated or wholly revoked.
3            (2)   The Minister may, by written notice given to the
4                  GHG licensee, direct the licensee --
5                   (a) to apply under section 69HE for a site closing
6                        certificate in relation to each identified GHG
7                        storage formation specified in the licence; and
8                   (b) to do so within the period specified in the
9                        notice.
10           (3)   The period specified under subsection (2)(b) must not
11                 be shorter than 30 days.
12           (4)   A person to whom a direction is given under
13                 subsection (2) must comply with the direction.
14                 Penalty for this subsection: a fine of $10 000.
15           (5)   For the purposes of subsection (1)(b), a GHG injection
16                 licence (the GHG licence) is tied to a petroleum
17                 retention lease (the petroleum lease) if --
18                   (a) the GHG licence is derived from a GHG
19                         retention lease --
20                            (i) granted under section 48BC to the
21                                 registered holder of a petroleum
22                                 retention lease; or
23                           (ii) granted by way of renewal of a GHG
24                                 retention lease granted under
25                                 section 48BC to the registered holder of
26                                 a petroleum retention lease;
27                         and
28                   (b) the petroleum lease is --
29                            (i) the petroleum retention lease referred to
30                                 in paragraph (a)(i) or (ii); or
31                           (ii) a petroleum retention lease granted by
32                                 way of renewal of the petroleum

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1                                    retention lease referred to in
2                                    paragraph (a)(i) or (ii).
3               (6)   For the purposes of subsection (1)(b), a GHG injection
4                     licence (the GHG licence) is tied to a petroleum
5                     production licence (the petroleum licence) if --
6                       (a) the GHG licence is derived from a GHG
7                             retention lease --
8                                (i) granted under section 48BC to the
9                                     registered holder of a petroleum
10                                    retention lease; or
11                              (ii) granted by way of renewal of a GHG
12                                    retention lease granted under
13                                    section 48BC to the registered holder of
14                                    a petroleum retention lease;
15                            and
16                      (b) the petroleum licence is derived from --
17                               (i) the petroleum retention lease referred to
18                                    in paragraph (a)(i) or (ii); or
19                              (ii) a petroleum retention lease granted by
20                                    way of renewal of the petroleum
21                                    retention lease referred to in
22                                    paragraph (a)(i) or (ii).

23         69HI.      Requirements for application for site closing
24                    certificate
25              (1)   An application under section 69HE --
26                     (a) must be made in an approved manner; and
27                     (b) must be accompanied by a written report that
28                           sets out --
29                             (i) the applicant's modelling of the
30                                   behaviour of the greenhouse gas
31                                   substance injected into the identified
32                                   GHG storage formation; and

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1                           (ii)   information relevant to that modelling;
2                                  and
3                          (iii)   the applicant's analysis of that
4                                  information;
5                          and
6                    (c)   must be accompanied by a written report that
7                          sets out the applicant's assessment of --
8                             (i) the behaviour of the greenhouse gas
9                                  substance injected into the identified
10                                 GHG storage formation; and
11                           (ii) the expected migration pathway or
12                                 pathways of that greenhouse gas
13                                 substance; and
14                          (iii) the short-term consequences of the
15                                 migration of that greenhouse gas
16                                 substance; and
17                          (iv) the long-term consequences of the
18                                 migration of that greenhouse gas
19                                 substance;
20                         and
21                   (d)   must be accompanied by the applicant's
22                         suggestions for the approach to be taken by the
23                         State, after the issue of the site closing
24                         certificate, to the monitoring of the behaviour
25                         of a greenhouse gas substance stored in the
26                         identified GHG storage formation; and
27                   (e)   must be accompanied by any other information
28                         prescribed by the regulations; and
29                   (f)   may set out any other matters that the applicant
30                         wishes the Minister to consider; and
31                   (g)   must be accompanied by the prescribed fee.
32           (2)   Subsection (1)(b) to (d) do not apply if there have not
33                 been any operations for the injection of a greenhouse

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1                     gas substance into the identified GHG storage
2                     formation.
3               (3)   The Minister may, at any time and by instrument in
4                     writing served on the applicant, require the applicant to
5                     give to the Minister, within the period specified in the
6                     instrument, further information in writing in connection
7                     with the application.

8          69HJ.      Variation of application for site closing certificate
9               (1)   This section applies if an application for a site closing
10                    certificate is made under section 69HE.
11              (2)   At any time before any action is taken by the Minister
12                    under section 69HL, 69HM or 69HN, the applicant
13                    may, by written notice given to the Minister, vary the
14                    application.
15              (3)   A variation of an application must be made in an
16                    approved manner.
17              (4)   A variation of an application may be made --
18                     (a) on the applicant's own initiative; or
19                     (b) at the request of the Minister.
20              (5)   A variation of an application may set out any additional
21                    matters that the applicant wishes to be considered.
22              (6)   If an application is varied under this section, a
23                    reference in this Act to the application is a reference to
24                    the application as varied.

25         69HK. Time for decision on application for site closing
26               certificate
27                    If an application for a site closing certificate is made
28                    under section 69HE, the Minister must make a decision
29                    on the application, and a decision whether to give the

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1                  applicant a pre-certificate notice, within 5 years after
2                  the day on which the application is made.

3         69HL. Pre-certificate notice
4            (1)   This section applies if an application for a site closing
5                  certificate is made under section 69HE.
6            (2)   The Minister may give the applicant a written notice (a
7                  pre-certificate notice) informing the applicant that the
8                  Minister is prepared to issue to the applicant a site
9                  closing certificate in relation to an identified
10                 GHG storage formation specified in the application if
11                 the Minister is satisfied that --
12                   (a) operations for the injection of a greenhouse gas
13                         substance into the identified GHG storage
14                         formation have ceased; or
15                   (b) there have not been any operations for the
16                         injection of a greenhouse gas substance into the
17                         identified GHG storage formation.
18           (3)   In deciding whether to give the applicant a
19                 pre-certificate notice, the Minister must have regard to
20                 any significant risk the Minister is satisfied exists that a
21                 greenhouse gas substance injected into the identified
22                 GHG storage formation will have a significant adverse
23                 impact on --
24                   (a) the surface of any land or any improvements on
25                         any land; or
26                   (b) navigation; or
27                   (c) fishing; or
28                   (d) any of the following operations of another
29                         person that are being lawfully carried on --
30                            (i) operations relating to the exploration
31                                 for, recovery of or conveyance of a
32                                 mineral, whether petroleum or not, or

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1                                     geothermal energy resources or
2                                     geothermal energy;
3                              (ii)   GHG operations;
4                             (iii)   operations relating to the construction or
5                                     operation of a pipeline.
6               (4)   Subsection (3) does not limit the matters to which the
7                     Minister may have regard.
8               (5)   Before giving the applicant a pre-certificate notice in
9                     relation to the identified GHG storage formation, the
10                    Minister must be satisfied that --
11                      (a) either --
12                               (i) the relevant statutory requirements have
13                                     been complied with; or
14                              (ii) any of the relevant statutory
15                                     requirements have not been complied
16                                     with, but there are sufficient grounds to
17                                     warrant the issue of the site closing
18                                     certificate;
19                            and
20                      (b) if any conditions are specified in the
21                            regulations -- those conditions have been
22                            satisfied.
23              (6)   For the purposes of subsection (5)(a), each of the
24                    following is a relevant statutory requirement --
25                      (a) the conditions to which the GHG injection
26                            licence is, or has from time to time been,
27                            subject;
28                      (b) the provisions of this Part;
29                      (c) the provisions of the regulations.

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1         69HM. Refusal of pre-certificate notice
2            (1)   This section applies if an application for a site closing
3                  certificate is made under section 69HE.
4            (2)   The Minister must refuse to give the applicant a
5                  pre-certificate notice in relation to the identified GHG
6                  storage formation if the Minister is not satisfied as to
7                  the matters referred to in section 69HL(5)(a) and (b).
8            (3)   The Minister may refuse to give the applicant a
9                  pre-certificate notice in relation to the identified GHG
10                 storage formation if --
11                   (a) the Minister is not satisfied that the greenhouse
12                         gas substance injected into the identified GHG
13                         storage formation is behaving as predicted in
14                         Part A of an approved site plan for the
15                         formation; or
16                   (b) the Minister is satisfied that there is a
17                         significant risk that a greenhouse gas substance
18                         injected into the identified GHG storage
19                         formation will have a significant adverse
20                         impact on --
21                            (i) the conservation of the resources of the
22                                 soil or the Earth's crust; or
23                           (ii) the geotechnical integrity of the whole
24                                 or a part of a geological formation or
25                                 geological structure; or
26                          (iii) the environment; or
27                          (iv) human health or safety.
28           (4)   Subsection (3) does not limit the matters to which the
29                 Minister may have regard in deciding whether to refuse
30                 to give the applicant a pre-certificate notice.

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1          69HN. Notice of refusal to give pre-certificate notice
2               (1)   This section applies if --
3                      (a) an application for a site closing certificate is
4                            made under section 69HE; and
5                      (b) the Minister refuses to give a pre-certificate
6                            notice to the applicant.
7               (2)   The Minister must give written notice of the refusal to
8                     the applicant.

9          69HO. Content of pre-certificate notice
10              (1)   A pre-certificate notice that relates to an application for
11                    a site closing certificate must --
12                      (a) specify a program of operations proposed to be
13                             carried out by the State for the purposes of
14                             monitoring the behaviour of a greenhouse gas
15                             substance stored in the identified GHG storage
16                             formation concerned; and
17                      (b) set out an estimate of the total costs and
18                             expenses of carrying out the program; and
19                      (c) specify the form and amount of a security to be
20                             lodged by the applicant in respect of the
21                             compliance, by the holder for the time being of
22                             the site closing certificate, with the holder's
23                             obligations under section 69HV in relation to
24                             the costs and expenses of carrying out the
25                             program; and
26                      (d) contain a statement to the effect that the
27                             application will lapse if the applicant does not
28                             lodge the security with the Minister within the
29                             period applicable under subsection (3).
30              (2)   The amount of the security is to equal the estimate
31                    referred to in subsection (1)(b).

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1            (3)   The period for lodging the security is --
2                   (a) 2 months after the pre-certificate notice was
3                         given to the applicant; or
4                   (b) any longer period, not more than 6 months after
5                         the pre-certificate notice was given to the
6                         applicant, that the Minister allows.
7            (4)   If the applicant does not lodge the security with the
8                  Minister within the period applicable under
9                  subsection (3), the application lapses at the end of that
10                 period.
11           (5)   The regulations may provide that an estimate referred
12                 to in subsection (1)(b) is to be made on the basis of --
13                   (a) an assumption that costs and expenses will
14                         increase at an annual rate specified in the
15                         regulations; and
16                   (b) any other assumptions specified in the
17                         regulations.
18           (6)   Subsection (1) does not apply if the Minister is
19                 satisfied that there have not been any operations for the
20                 injection of a greenhouse gas substance into the
21                 identified GHG storage formation concerned.

22        69HP.    Issue of site closing certificate
23           (1)   This section applies if --
24                  (a) an applicant has been given a pre-certificate
25                        notice under section 69HL; and
26                  (b) if section 69HO(1) applies -- the applicant has
27                        lodged the specified security within the period
28                        applicable under section 69HO(3).
29           (2)   The Minister must issue to the applicant a certificate (a
30                 site closing certificate) in relation to the identified

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1                     GHG storage formation specified in the pre-certificate
2                     notice.

3          69HQ. Transferee of GHG injection licence treated as
4                applicant
5               (1)   This section applies if a transfer of a GHG injection
6                     licence is registered under section 72 --
7                       (a) after an application is made under section 69HE
8                             for a site closing certificate in relation to an
9                             identified GHG storage formation specified in
10                            the GHG injection licence; and
11                      (b) before any action is taken by the Minister under
12                            section 69HL, 69HM or 69HN in relation to the
13                            application.
14              (2)   After the transfer, sections 69HE to 69HP have effect
15                    in relation to the application as if any reference in those
16                    sections to the applicant were a reference to the
17                    transferee.

18         69HR. Duration of site closing certificate
19                    Subject to this Part, a site closing certificate remains in
20                    force indefinitely.

21         69HS.      Transfer of site closing certificate
22              (1)   This section applies if --
23                     (a) a site closing certificate is issued to the
24                           registered holder of a GHG injection licence;
25                           and
26                     (b) a transfer of the licence is registered under
27                           section 72.
28              (2)   The site closing certificate is, by force of this section,
29                    transferred to the transferee of the licence.

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1         69HT. Transfer of securities
2            (1)   This section applies if --
3                   (a) a security is lodged in relation to a site closing
4                         certificate; and
5                   (b) the site closing certificate is transferred under
6                         section 69HS.
7            (2)   The interest of the transferor in the security is, by force
8                  of this section, transferred to the transferee.
9            (3)   A document setting out or relating to the security has
10                 effect, after the transfer, as if a reference in the
11                 document to the transferor were a reference to the
12                 transferee.

13        69HU. Discharge of securities
14                 The regulations may make provision in relation to the
15                 discharge, in whole or in part, by the Minister of
16                 securities lodged in relation to site closing certificates.

17        69HV. Recovery of State's costs and expenses
18           (1)   This section applies if --
19                  (a) a site closing certificate is in force in relation to
20                        an identified GHG storage formation; and
21                  (b) the State incurs reasonable costs or expenses in
22                        carrying out the program specified in the
23                        pre-certificate notice for the site closing
24                        certificate.
25           (2)   The costs and expenses --
26                  (a) are a debt due to the State by the holder of the
27                        certificate; and
28                  (b) are recoverable in a court of competent
29                        jurisdiction.

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1               (3)   The total of the costs and expenses recoverable under
2                     subsection (2) must not exceed the estimate set out in
3                     the pre-certificate notice.

4                 Subdivision 5 -- Long-term liabilities in respect of
5                                  GHG storage

6          69HW. Closure assurance period
7               (1)   This section applies if --
8                      (a) a site closing certificate is in force in relation to
9                            an identified GHG storage formation; and
10                     (b) the Minister is satisfied that operations for the
11                           injection of a greenhouse gas substance into the
12                           formation ceased on a day (the cessation day)
13                           before the application for the site closing
14                           certificate was made; and
15                     (c) on a day (the decision day) that is at least
16                           15 years after the issue of the site closing
17                           certificate, the Minister is satisfied that --
18                              (i) the greenhouse gas substance injected
19                                   into the formation is behaving as
20                                   predicted in Part A of an approved site
21                                   plan for the formation; and
22                             (ii) there is no significant risk that a
23                                   greenhouse gas substance injected into
24                                   the formation will have a significant
25                                   adverse impact on the geotechnical
26                                   integrity of the whole or a part of a
27                                   geological formation or geological
28                                   structure; and
29                            (iii) there is no significant risk that a
30                                   greenhouse gas substance injected into
31                                   the formation will have a significant
32                                   adverse impact on the environment; and

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1                          (iv)   there is no significant risk that a
2                                 greenhouse gas substance injected into
3                                 the formation will have a significant
4                                 adverse impact on human health or
5                                 safety; and
6                           (v)   since the cessation day, there have not
7                                 been any operations for the injection of
8                                 a greenhouse gas substance into the
9                                 formation.
10           (2)   The Minister may, by instrument in writing, declare
11                 that for the purposes of this Act the closure assurance
12                 period in relation to the formation is the period --
13                   (a) beginning at the end of the cessation day; and
14                   (b) ending at the end of the decision day.
15           (3)   A copy of a declaration under subsection (2) must be
16                 given to the holder of the site closing certificate.

17        69HX. Indemnity against long-term liability
18           (1)   This section applies if --
19                  (a) a site closing certificate is in force in relation to
20                        an identified GHG storage formation; and
21                  (b) when the application for the certificate was
22                        made, the formation was specified in a
23                        GHG injection licence; and
24                  (c) there is a closure assurance period in relation to
25                        the formation; and
26                  (d) the following conditions are satisfied in relation
27                        to a liability of an existing person who is or has
28                        been the registered holder of the licence
29                        (whether or not the licence is in force) --
30                           (i) the liability is a liability for damages;
31                          (ii) the liability is attributable to an act done
32                                or omitted to be done in the carrying on

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1                                     of operations authorised by the licence
2                                     in relation to the formation;
3                             (iii)   the liability is incurred or accrued after
4                                     the end of the closure assurance period
5                                     in relation to the formation;
6                             (iv)    any other conditions specified in the
7                                     regulations.
8               (2)   The State must indemnify the person against the
9                     liability.
10              (3)   The amount of any indemnity under subsection (2)
11                    must be charged to the Consolidated Account, which
12                    is, to the necessary extent, appropriated accordingly.

13         69HY. State to assume long-term liability if licensee has
14               ceased to exist
15              (1)   This section applies if --
16                     (a) a site closing certificate is in force in relation to
17                           an identified GHG storage formation; and
18                     (b) when the application for the certificate was
19                           made, the formation was specified in a GHG
20                           injection licence; and
21                     (c) there is a closure assurance period in relation to
22                           the formation; and
23                     (d) a person who has been the registered holder of
24                           the licence (whether or not the licence is in
25                           force) has ceased to exist; and
26                     (e) if the person had continued in existence, the
27                           following conditions would have been satisfied
28                           in relation to a liability of the person --
29                              (i) the liability is a liability for damages;
30                             (ii) the liability is attributable to an act done
31                                    or omitted to be done in the carrying on

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1                                   of operations authorised by the licence
2                                   in relation to the formation;
3                           (iii)   the liability is incurred or accrued after
4                                   the end of the closure assurance period
5                                   in relation to the formation;
6                           (iv)    any other conditions specified in the
7                                   regulations;
8                          and
9                    (f)   apart from this section, the damages are
10                         irrecoverable because the person has ceased to
11                         exist.
12           (2)   The liability is taken to be a liability of the State.
13           (3)   The amount of any liability under subsection (2) must
14                 be charged to the Consolidated Account, which is, to
15                 the necessary extent, appropriated accordingly.

17   143.    Section 70 amended
18           After section 70(3)(c) insert:

20                  (ca)   any instrument under section 69E, 69G or 69H;
21                         and

23   144.    Section 72 amended
24           In section 72(9) delete "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy
25           Resources" and insert:

27           Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage

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1    145.       Section 75 amended
2       (1)     In section 75(1):
3                 (a) in paragraph (c) delete "energy);" and insert:

5                      energy or the carrying out of GHG operations);

7                (b)   in paragraph (d)(ii) delete "kind;" and insert:

9                      kind; or

11               (c)   after paragraph (d)(ii) insert:

13                            (iii)   any other interest that is similar to an
14                                    interest referred to in subparagraph (i),
15                                    being an interest relating to a
16                                    greenhouse gas substance injected or
17                                    stored under an existing permit, drilling
18                                    reservation, lease or licence or relating
19                                    to revenue derived as a result of the
20                                    carrying out of GHG operations
21                                    authorised by an existing permit,
22                                    drilling reservation, lease or licence;

24      (2)     In section 75(12) delete "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy
25              Resources" and insert:

27              Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage

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1    146.    Section 76 amended
2            In section 76(1) and (2) delete "Petroleum and Geothermal
3            Energy Resources" and insert:

5            Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage

7    147.    Section 85 amended
8            In section 85(1) delete "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy
9            Resources" and insert:

11           Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage

13           Note: The heading to amended section 85 is to read:
14                 Assessment of fee payable under Petroleum, Geothermal Energy
15                 and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Registration Fees) Act 1967

16   148.    Section 90 amended
17           After section 90(3) insert:

19           (4)   This section does not apply to --
20                  (a) a GHG exploration permit; or
21                  (b) a GHG drilling reservation; or
22                  (c) a GHG retention lease; or
23                  (d) a GHG injection licence.

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1    149.       Section 91 amended
2       (1)     Delete section 91(1) and (1a) and insert:

4               (1)   Subsection (1A) applies to the following operations --
5                      (a) all petroleum exploration operations and
6                            operations for the recovery of petroleum or a
7                            regulated substance;
8                      (b) all geothermal exploration operations and
9                            operations for the recovery of geothermal
10                           energy;
11                     (c) all GHG operations.
12            (1A)    A permittee, holder of a drilling reservation, lessee or
13                    licensee must carry out the operations referred to in
14                    subsection (1) in the permit area, drilling reservation
15                    area, lease area or licence area, as the case requires --
16                      (a) in a proper and workmanlike manner; and
17                      (b) in the case of operations referred to in
18                            subsection (1)(a), in accordance with good
19                            oil-field practice.
20                    Penalty for this subsection: a fine of $10 000.
21            (1B)    Subsections (2) and (2a) have effect without limiting
22                    the generality of subsection (1A) but subject to any
23                    authorisation, requirement or direction given or made
24                    by or under this Act.

26      (2)     In section 91(2):
27                (a) delete paragraph (a) and insert:

29                      (a)   control the flow and prevent the waste or
30                            escape in the permit area, drilling reservation
31                            area, lease area or licence area of petroleum, a
32                            regulated substance, geothermal energy

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1                            resources, greenhouse gas substances or water;
2                            and

4              (b)     in paragraph (c) delete "substance" and insert:

6                      substance, geothermal energy resources, potential GHG
7                      storage formations or potential GHG injection sites

9               (c)    delete paragraph (d)(i) and insert:
11                              (i)   each resources pool, geothermal
12                                    resources area, potential GHG storage
13                                    formation or potential GHG injection
14                                    site discovered in the permit area,
15                                    drilling reservation area, lease area or
16                                    licence area; and
18             (d)     in paragraph (e) delete "pool" and insert:
20                     pool, geothermal resources area, potential GHG storage
21                     formation or potential GHG injection site

23      (3)   At the end of section 91(2) insert:

25                    Penalty for this subsection: a fine of $10 000.

27      (4)   In section 91(2a):
28              (a) delete paragraph (a) and insert:

30                     (a)   control the flow and prevent the waste or
31                           escape in the permit area, drilling reservation
32                           area, lease area or licence area of geothermal
33                           energy resources, petroleum, regulated

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1                              substances, greenhouse gas substances or
2                              water; and
4                (b)     in paragraph (c) delete "resources" and insert:

6                        resources, strata bearing petroleum or a regulated
7                        substance, potential GHG storage formations or
8                        potential GHG injection sites

10                (c)    delete paragraph (d)(i) and insert:

12                                (i)   each geothermal resources area,
13                                      resources pool, potential GHG storage
14                                      formation or potential GHG injection
15                                      site discovered in the permit area,
16                                      drilling reservation area, lease area or
17                                      licence area; and

19               (d)     delete paragraph (e) and insert:

21                       (e)   except for the purposes of the recovery of
22                             geothermal energy under this Act in a proper
23                             and workmanlike manner, prevent water or any
24                             other matter entering any geothermal resources
25                             area, resources pool, potential GHG storage
26                             formation or potential GHG injection site
27                             through wells in the permit area, drilling
28                             reservation area, lease area or licence area.

30      (5)     At the end of section 91(2a) insert:

32                      Penalty for this subsection: a fine of $10 000.

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1       (6)   Delete section 91(3) and insert:

3             (3)   A GHG permittee, holder of a GHG drilling
4                   reservation, GHG lessee or GHG licensee must --
5                     (a) control the flow and prevent the waste or
6                           escape in the permit area, drilling reservation
7                           area, lease area or licence area of greenhouse
8                           gas substances, petroleum, regulated
9                           substances, geothermal energy resources or
10                          water; and
11                    (b) prevent the escape in the permit area, drilling
12                          reservation area, lease area or licence area of
13                          any mixture of water or drilling fluid with
14                          greenhouse gas substances or any other matter;
15                          and
16                    (c) prevent damage to potential GHG storage
17                          formations, potential GHG injection sites, strata
18                          bearing petroleum or a regulated substance or
19                          geothermal energy resources in an area,
20                          whether in the State or not, in respect of which
21                          the permit, drilling reservation, lease or licence
22                          is not in force; and
23                    (d) keep separate --
24                             (i) each potential GHG storage formation,
25                                  potential GHG injection site, resources
26                                  pool or geothermal resources area
27                                  discovered in the permit area, drilling
28                                  reservation area, lease area or licence
29                                  area; and
30                            (ii) any of the sources of water, if any,
31                                  discovered in that area that the Minister,
32                                  by instrument in writing served on that
33                                  person, directs;
34                          and

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1                       (e)  except for the purposes of carrying on a
2                            GHG operation under this Act in a proper and
3                            workmanlike manner, prevent water or any
4                            other matter entering any potential GHG
5                            storage formation, potential GHG injection site,
6                            resources pool or geothermal resources area
7                            through wells in the permit area, drilling
8                            reservation area, lease area or licence area.
9                     Penalty for this subsection: a fine of $10 000.
10            (3A)    A person who is the holder of a special prospecting
11                    authority or an access authority must carry out all
12                    petroleum exploration operations, geothermal
13                    exploration operations or GHG exploration operations,
14                    as the case requires, in the area in respect of which the
15                    special prospecting authority or access authority is in
16                    force --
17                      (a) in a proper and workmanlike manner; and
18                      (b) in the case of petroleum exploration operations,
19                            in accordance with good oil-field practice.
20                    Penalty for this subsection: a fine of $10 000.

22      (7)     At the end of section 91 delete the Penalty.

23   150.       Section 91A amended
24              In section 91A(1) and (2) delete "substances or geothermal
25              energy resources," and insert:

27              substances, geothermal energy resources or greenhouse gas
28              substances,

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1    151.     Section 95 amended
2             Delete section 95(2) and insert:

4             (2)   A direction given under this section to a registered
5                   holder applies to the registered holder and may also be
6                   expressed to apply to --
7                     (a) a specified class of persons, being a class
8                           constituted by or included in 1 or both of the
9                           following classes of persons --
10                             (i) servants or agents of, or persons acting
11                                  on behalf of, the registered holder;
12                            (ii) persons performing work or services,
13                                  whether directly or indirectly, for the
14                                  registered holder;
15                          or
16                    (b) any person (not being a person to whom the
17                          direction applies in accordance with
18                          paragraph (a)) who is in the State for a reason
19                          touching, concerning, arising out of or
20                          connected with --
21                             (i) exploration for, or the exploitation of,
22                                  petroleum, a regulated substance or
23                                  geothermal energy resources in the
24                                  State; or
25                            (ii) GHG operations in the State.
26          (2AA) A direction expressed in accordance with
27                subsection (2) is taken to apply to each person included
28                in the specified class or to each person who is in the
29                State as mentioned in subsection (2)(b), as the case
30                requires.

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1    152.       Section 105 amended
2       (1)     After section 105(4a) insert:

4             (4B)    A GHG special prospecting authority, while it remains
5                     in force, authorises the holder, subject to this Act and
6                     in accordance with the conditions to which the special
7                     prospecting authority is subject, to carry on in the
8                     blocks specified in the special prospecting authority the
9                     GHG exploration operations so specified.

11      (2)     After section 105(6c) insert:

13            (6D)    Subsection (6E) applies if --
14                     (a) a person holds a GHG special prospecting
15                           authority in respect of a block; and
16                     (b) another GHG special prospecting authority is
17                           granted to another person in respect of the
18                           block.
19            (6E)    The Minister must, by notice in writing served on each
20                    of the persons referred to in subsection (6D), inform
21                    each of them of --
22                      (a) the GHG exploration operations authorised by
23                            the special prospecting authority granted to the
24                            other person; and
25                      (b) the conditions to which the special prospecting
26                            authority granted to the other person is subject.

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1    153.       Section 106 amended
2       (1)     Before section 106(1) insert:

4             (1AA) In this section --
5                   national geothermal title means an authority, however
6                   described, under a law of the Commonwealth, of
7                   another State or of the Northern Territory, to explore
8                   for geothermal energy resources or to recover
9                   geothermal energy;
10                  national GHG title means an authority, however
11                  described, under the Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas
12                  Storage (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 or a law of the
13                  Commonwealth, of another State or of the Northern
14                  Territory, to carry on an operation equivalent to a GHG
15                  injection operation;
16                  national petroleum title means an authority, however
17                  described, under the Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas
18                  Storage (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 or a law of the
19                  Commonwealth, of another State or of the Northern
20                  Territory, to explore for, or to recover, petroleum or a
21                  regulated substance.

23      (2)     After section 106(1c) insert:

25             (1D)   A person who is a GHG permittee, holder of a GHG
26                    drilling reservation, GHG lessee, GHG licensee or
27                    holder of a GHG special prospecting authority may
28                    apply to the Minister for the grant of a GHG access
29                    authority to enable the person to carry on, in an area
30                    being part of the State that is not part of the permit
31                    area, drilling reservation area, lease area or licence area
32                    or area of the blocks specified in the special
33                    prospecting authority, GHG operations in the permit

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1                     area, drilling reservation area, lease area or licence area
2                     or area of the blocks so specified.
3             (1E)    A holder of a national GHG title outside the State may
4                     apply to the Minister for the grant of a GHG access
5                     authority to enable the holder to carry on, in a part of
6                     the State, GHG operations in the area to which that
7                     national GHG title relates.

9       (3)     In section 106(3)(a) delete "petroleum title or geothermal title"
10              and insert:

12              national petroleum title, national geothermal title or national
13              GHG title

15      (4)     Delete section 106(4) and (5A) and insert:

17              (4)   Subject to subsection (4D), the Minister must not do
18                    either of the following unless the Minister complies
19                    with subsection (4C) --
20                      (a) grant a petroleum access authority on an
21                            application under this section in respect of a
22                            block that is the subject of a petroleum
23                            exploration permit, petroleum drilling
24                            reservation, petroleum retention lease,
25                            petroleum production licence or petroleum
26                            special prospecting authority of which the
27                            registered holder is a person other than the
28                            applicant;
29                      (b) vary a petroleum access authority as in force in
30                            respect of a block that is the subject of a
31                            petroleum exploration permit, petroleum
32                            drilling reservation, petroleum retention lease,
33                            petroleum production licence or petroleum

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1                         special prospecting authority of which the
2                         registered holder is a person other than the
3                         registered holder of the access authority.
4           (4A)   Subject to subsection (4D), the Minister must not do
5                  either of the following unless the Minister complies
6                  with subsection (4C) --
7                    (a) grant a geothermal access authority on an
8                          application under this section in respect of a
9                          block that is the subject of a geothermal
10                         exploration permit, geothermal drilling
11                         reservation, geothermal retention lease,
12                         geothermal production licence or geothermal
13                         special prospecting authority of which the
14                         registered holder is a person other than the
15                         applicant;
16                   (b) vary a geothermal access authority as in force
17                         in respect of a block that is the subject of a
18                         geothermal exploration permit, geothermal
19                         drilling reservation, geothermal retention lease,
20                         geothermal production licence or geothermal
21                         special prospecting authority of which the
22                         registered holder is a person other than the
23                         registered holder of the access authority.
24          (4B)   Subject to subsection (4D), the Minister must not do
25                 either of the following unless the Minister complies
26                 with subsection (4C) --
27                   (a) grant a GHG access authority on an application
28                         under this section in respect of a block that is
29                         the subject of a GHG exploration permit, GHG
30                         drilling reservation, GHG retention lease, GHG
31                         injection licence or GHG special prospecting
32                         authority of which the registered holder is a
33                         person other than the applicant;

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1                     (b)   vary a GHG access authority as in force in
2                           respect of a block that is the subject of a GHG
3                           exploration permit, GHG drilling reservation,
4                           GHG retention lease, GHG injection licence or
5                           GHG special prospecting authority of which the
6                           registered holder is a person other than the
7                           registered holder of the access authority.
8           (4C)    The Minister must not grant or vary, as the case may
9                   be, an access authority as referred to in subsection (4),
10                  (4A) or (4B) unless the Minister --
11                    (a) by instrument in writing served on the person
12                          who is the registered holder of the permit,
13                          lease, licence or special prospecting authority,
14                          gives not less than 1 month's notice of the
15                          Minister's intention to grant or vary, as the case
16                          may be, the access authority; and
17                    (b) serves a copy of the instrument --
18                             (i) on any other persons that the Minister
19                                   thinks fit; and
20                            (ii) in a case where the Minister intends to
21                                   vary an access authority, on the
22                                   registered holder of the access authority;
23                          and
24                    (c) in the instrument --
25                             (i) gives particulars of the access authority
26                                   proposed to be granted, or of the
27                                   variation proposed to be made, as the
28                                   case may be; and
29                            (ii) specifies a day on or before which a
30                                   person on whom the instrument, or a
31                                   copy of the instrument, is served may,
32                                   by instrument in writing served on the

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          Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967          Part 2
     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport Division 3
                                                                      s. 153

1                                     Minister, submit any matters that the
2                                     person wishes the Minister to consider;
3                             and
4                       (d)   takes into account any matters so submitted on
5                             or before the specified day by a person on
6                             whom the first-mentioned instrument, or a copy
7                             of that instrument, has been served.
8             (4D)     Subsection (4), (4A) or (4B), as the case requires, does
9                      not apply if the holder of the permit, drilling
10                     reservation, lease, licence or special prospecting
11                     authority consents in writing to the grant of the access
12                     authority.

14      (5)    In section 106(6):
15               (a) delete "an access" and insert:

17                      a petroleum access authority or geothermal access

19               (b)    after "Petroleum" insert:

21                      and Greenhouse Gas Storage

23      (6)    After section 106(6) insert:

25            (6A)     A GHG access authority does not authorise the holder
26                     to make a well.

28      (7)    Delete section 106(13).

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     Part 2         Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967
     Division 3     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport
     s. 154

1    154.       Section 109 amended
2               In section 109(1) after "State," (2nd occurrence) insert:

4               or to GHG operations in the State,

6    155.       Section 116 amended
7               In section 116(1) and (3) delete "operations or geothermal" and
8               insert:

10              operations, geothermal exploration operations or GHG

12   156.       Section 117 amended
13              Delete section 117(c) and insert:

15                      (c)   any of the following operations of another
16                            person that are being lawfully carried on --
17                               (i) operations relating to the exploration
18                                    for, recovery of or conveyance of a
19                                    mineral, whether petroleum, a regulated
20                                    substance or neither, or geothermal
21                                    energy resources or geothermal energy;
22                              (ii) GHG operations;
23                             (iii) operations relating to the construction or
24                                    operation of a pipeline;
25                            or

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          Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967          Part 2
     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport Division 3
                                                                      s. 157

1    157.    Section 117A amended
2            In section 117A(a) and (b) delete "operation or geothermal
3            energy" and insert:

5            operation, geothermal energy operation or GHG

7            Note: The heading to amended section 117A is to read:
8                  Interfering with petroleum operation, geothermal energy
9                  operation or GHG operation

10   158.    Section 119 amended
11           Delete section 119(1)(a) and insert:

13                   (a)    must be given access to any part of the State
14                          and to any structure, vehicle, aircraft or
15                          building in the State that, in the inspector's
16                          opinion, has been, is being or is to be used in
17                          connection with any of the following
18                          operations --
19                             (i) petroleum exploration operations;
20                            (ii) operations for the recovery of petroleum
21                                  or a regulated substance;
22                           (iii) geothermal exploration operations;
23                           (iv) operations for the recovery of
24                                  geothermal energy;
25                            (v) GHG operations;
26                          and

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     Part 2         Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967
     Division 3     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport
     s. 159

1    159.       Section 123 amended
2               In section 123(1) delete "29 or 49," and insert:

4               29(1), (2) or (3), 49(1) or (2) or 49A,

6    160.       Section 126A amended
7               In section 126A(1) delete "operation or geothermal energy"
8               (each occurrence) and insert:

10              operation, geothermal energy operation or GHG

12   161.       Section 127A amended
13              In section 127A(5) after "permit," insert:

15              drilling reservation,

17   162.       Section 134A amended
18              In section 134A:
19                (a) in paragraph (a) in the inserted definitions of Minister
20                      and petroleum delete "Petroleum and Geothermal
21                      Energy Resources" and insert:

23                      Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas
24                      Storage

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          Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967          Part 2
     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport Division 3
                                                                      s. 163

1              (b)     in paragraph (c) in the inserted section 117(2) delete
2                      "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources" and
3                      insert:

5                      Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas
6                      Storage

8    163.    Section 136 amended
9            In section 136:
10             (a) in paragraph (a) delete "29" and insert:

12                     29(1)

14             (b)     in paragraphs (b) and (c) delete "49" and insert:

16                     49(1)

18           Note: The heading to amended section 136 is to read:
19                   Certain petroleum exploration or recovery activities not
20                   prohibited by s. 29(1) or 49(1)

21   164.    Section 142 amended
22           Delete section 142(1) and insert:

24           (1)     A petroleum exploration permit, petroleum drilling
25                   reservation, petroleum retention lease or petroleum
26                   production licence is subject to a condition that the
27                   petroleum permittee, holder of the petroleum drilling
28                   reservation, petroleum lessee or petroleum licensee
29                   must, subject to this section, pay to the Minister a
30                   royalty at the prescribed rate in respect of all petroleum
31                   or regulated substances recovered by the petroleum
32                   permittee, holder of the petroleum drilling reservation,

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     Part 2         Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967
     Division 3     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport
     s. 165

1                     petroleum lessee or petroleum licensee in the
2                     petroleum permit area, petroleum drilling reservation
3                     area, petroleum lease area or petroleum licence area.
4           (1A)      A geothermal exploration permit, geothermal drilling
5                     reservation, geothermal retention lease or geothermal
6                     production licence is subject to a condition that the
7                     geothermal permittee, holder of the geothermal drilling
8                     reservation, geothermal lessee or geothermal licensee
9                     must, subject to this section, pay to the Minister a
10                    royalty at the prescribed rate in respect of all
11                    geothermal energy recovered by the geothermal
12                    permittee, holder of the geothermal drilling reservation,
13                    geothermal lessee or geothermal licensee in the
14                    geothermal permit area, geothermal drilling reservation
15                    area, geothermal lease area or geothermal licence area.

17   165.       Section 144 amended
18              After section 144(4) insert:

20              (5)   This section does not apply to --
21                     (a) a GHG permittee; or
22                     (b) a holder of a GHG drilling reservation; or
23                     (c) a GHG lessee; or
24                     (d) a GHG licensee.

26   166.       Section 145 amended
27              In section 145 delete "permittee, holder of the drilling
28              reservation, lessee or" and insert:

30              petroleum permittee, holder of the petroleum drilling
31              reservation, petroleum lessee, petroleum licensee, geothermal

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          Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967          Part 2
     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport Division 3
                                                                      s. 167

1             permittee, holder of the geothermal drilling reservation,
2             geothermal lessee or geothermal

4    167.     Section 146 amended
5             In section 146 delete "permittee, holder of the drilling
6             reservation, lessee or" and insert:

8             petroleum permittee, holder of the petroleum drilling
9             reservation, petroleum lessee, petroleum licensee, geothermal
10            permittee, holder of the geothermal drilling reservation,
11            geothermal lessee or geothermal

13   168.     Section 147 amended
14      (1)   Delete section 147(1) and insert:

16            (1)   In this section --
17                  title holder means --
18                     (a) a petroleum permittee, holder of a petroleum
19                           drilling reservation, petroleum lessee or
20                           petroleum licensee; or
21                     (b) a geothermal permittee, holder of a geothermal
22                           drilling reservation, geothermal lessee or
23                           geothermal licensee.

25      (2)   In section 147(3) after "Petroleum" insert:

27            and Greenhouse Gas

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     Part 2         Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967
     Division 3     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport
     s. 169

1    169.       Section 148 amended
2               In section 148(2) delete "permittee, the holder of the drilling
3               reservation, the lessee or the" and insert:

5               petroleum permittee, holder of the petroleum drilling
6               reservation, petroleum lessee, petroleum licensee, geothermal
7               permittee, holder of the geothermal drilling reservation,
8               geothermal lessee or geothermal

10   170.       Section 149 amended
11              In section 149 delete "permittee, holder of the drilling
12              reservation, lessee or" and insert:

14              petroleum permittee, holder of the petroleum drilling
15              reservation, petroleum lessee, petroleum licensee, geothermal
16              permittee, holder of the geothermal drilling reservation,
17              geothermal lessee or geothermal

19   171.       Section 150A amended
20              In section 150A delete the definition of mining sample and
21              insert:

23                    mining sample means any of the following that has
24                    been given at any time, whether before or after the
25                    commencement, to the Minister --
26                      (a) a core or cutting from, or a sample of, the
27                           seabed or subsoil;
28                      (b) a sample of petroleum or a regulated substance
29                           recovered;
30                      (c) a sample of fluid recovered (other than fluid
31                           petroleum or a regulated substance);

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     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport Division 3
                                                                      s. 172

1                    (d)    a portion of that core, cutting or sample;

3    172.    Section 152 amended
4            In section 152:
5              (a) delete paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) and insert:

7                     (a)   a petroleum exploration permit or geothermal
8                           exploration permit granted under section 32(4),
9                           37 or 37A(3);
10                   (b)    a GHG exploration permit granted under
11                          section 32(4);
12                    (c)   a petroleum drilling reservation, geothermal
13                          drilling reservation or GHG drilling reservation
14                          granted under Part 3;
15                   (ca)   a petroleum retention lease, geothermal
16                          retention lease or GHG retention lease granted
17                          under section 48B(5) or 48CB(7);

19             (b)   in paragraph (d) delete "section 61(4)." and insert:

21                   section 54(2), 60 or 61(4);

23             (c)   after paragraph (d) insert:

25                    (e)   a GHG injection licence granted under
26                          section 54(2).

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     Part 2         Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967
     Division 3     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport
     s. 173

1    173.       Section 153 amended
2       (1)     In section 153(2):
3                 (a) after paragraph (b) insert:

5                       (ba)   GHG operations;

7                (b)     in paragraph (e) delete "substance" and insert:

9                        substance, greenhouse gas substances

11               (c)     in paragraph (f) after "substance," (1st occurrence)
12                       insert:

14                       greenhouse gas substances,

16               (d)     in paragraph (f) delete "substance" (2nd occurrence) and
17                       insert:

19                       substance, greenhouse gas substances

21               (e)     in paragraph (fa) delete "petroleum or a regulated
22                       substance;" and insert:

24                       petroleum, a regulated substance or greenhouse gas
25                       substances;

27                (f)    in paragraph (g) delete "resources" and insert:

29                       resources, potential GHG storage formations or potential
30                       GHG injection sites

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     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport Division 3
                                                                      s. 174

1              (g)     after paragraph (j) insert:

3                     (ja)   the maintaining in good condition and repair of
4                            all structures, equipment and other property
5                            used or intended to be used for or in connection
6                            with GHG operations in the State;

8              (h)     after paragraph (k) insert:

10                    (ka)   the removal from the State of structures,
11                           equipment and other property brought into the
12                           State for or in connection with GHG operations
13                           that are not used or intended to be used in
14                           connection with GHG operations in the State;

16              (i)    in paragraph (l) delete "operations or geothermal
17                     energy" and insert:

19                     operations, geothermal energy operations or GHG

21      (2)   In section 153(2c) delete "Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969, the
22            Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982" and insert:

24            Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Pipelines Act 1969, the
25            Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Submerged Lands)
26            Act 1982

28   174.     Schedule 2 clause 4 amended
29            In Schedule 2 clause 4(4)(f) after "Petroleum" insert:

31            and Greenhouse Gas Storage

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     Division 3     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport
     s. 175

1    175.        Schedule 2 clause 6 inserted
2                At the end of Schedule 2 Division 2 insert:

4           6.         Further provisions about royalty conditions
5                (1)   In this clause --
6                      amendment day means the day on which the Petroleum
7                      Legislation Amendment Act 2023 section 164 comes into
8                      operation;
9                      title means any of the following --
10                       (a)   a petroleum exploration permit or geothermal
11                             exploration permit;
12                       (b)   a petroleum drilling reservation or geothermal
13                             drilling reservation;
14                       (c)   a petroleum retention lease or geothermal retention
15                             lease;
16                       (d)   a petroleum production licence or geothermal
17                             production licence.
18               (2)   The amendment made by the Petroleum Legislation
19                     Amendment Act 2023 section 164 does not apply to a title
20                     that is in force immediately before amendment day.
21               (3)   Accordingly, on and after amendment day, the following
22                     provisions continue to apply to the title as if that amendment
23                     had not been made --
24                       (a)   section 142(1) as in force immediately before
25                             amendment day;
26                       (b)   if applicable, clause 5.

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                                   Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
                          Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969 amended        Part 3
                                                     Preliminary Division 1
                                                                      s. 176

1           Part 3 -- Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969 amended
2                          Division 1 -- Preliminary
3    176.     Act amended
4             This Part amends the Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969.

5                     Division 2 -- General amendments
6    177.     Section 4 amended
7      (1)    In section 4(1) delete the definitions of:
8             petroleum
9             pipeline operation
10     (2)    In section 4(1) insert in alphabetical order:

12                  Department means the department of the Public
13                  Service principally assisting in the administration of
14                  this Act;
15                  electronic means includes --
16                    (a) an electronic database or document system; and
17                    (b) any other means by which a document can be
18                          accessed electronically;
19                  petroleum --
20                    (a) means any of the following --
21                             (i) any naturally occurring hydrocarbon,
22                                 whether in a gaseous, liquid or solid
23                                 state;
24                            (ii) any naturally occurring mixture of
25                                 hydrocarbons, whether in a gaseous,
26                                 liquid or solid state;

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     Division 2     General amendments
     s. 177

1                          (iii)   any naturally occurring mixture of 1 or
2                                  more hydrocarbons, whether in a
3                                  gaseous, liquid or solid state, and 1 or
4                                  more of hydrogen sulphide, nitrogen,
5                                  helium and carbon dioxide;
6                          and
7                    (b) includes the following --
8                             (i) any petroleum as defined by
9                                  paragraph (a) that has been returned to a
10                                 natural reservoir, except oil shale;
11                           (ii) any petroleum as defined by
12                                 paragraph (a) or subparagraph (i) to
13                                 which 1 or more things prescribed by
14                                 the regulations have been added;
15                 pipeline operation means any of the following --
16                   (a) an operation in connection with the
17                         construction, operation, inspection (by a person
18                         other than an inspector), maintenance or repair
19                         of a pipeline;
20                   (b) an operation carried out on land that is
21                         specified in any licence as licence area;
22                   (c) the care and maintenance of land, waters or
23                         infrastructure affected by an operation referred
24                         to in paragraph (a) or (b);
25                   (d) the decommissioning of an operation referred
26                         to in paragraph (a) or (b);
27                   (e) the rehabilitation of the land or waters affected
28                         by an operation referred to in paragraph (a)
29                         or (b);

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                            Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969 amended        Part 3
                                             General amendments    Division 2
                                                                        s. 178

1      (3)    In section 4(1) in the definition of pipeline:
2               (a) delete "conveyance of petroleum;" and insert:

4                      conveyance of petroleum,

6               (b)    before "appurtenances" insert:

8                      measuring devices and other

10   178.     Section 8 amended
11     (1)    In section 8(1):
12              (a) after "An application" insert:

14                     made to the Minister

16              (b)    in paragraph (d)(iii) delete "if any" and insert:

18                     if any,

20     (2)    Delete section 8(6).

21   179.     Section 12 amended
22            After section 12(2) insert:

24           (2A)     The conditions referred to in subsection (1) may, if
25                    agreed to by the licensee, include a condition that the
26                    licensee must install 1 or more measuring devices on
27                    the pipeline, of an approved kind and at approved

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     Part 3         Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969 amended
     Division 2     General amendments
     s. 180

1                      locations, for the purpose of measuring quantities of
2                      petroleum under --
3                        (a) the Petroleum and Geothermal Energy
4                              Resources Act 1967 section 147; or
5                        (b) the Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982
6                              section 148.
7             (2B)     A condition referred to in subsection (2A) may be
8                      imposed in relation to the licence --
9                        (a) at the time it is granted; or
10                       (b) at any subsequent time, by written notice to the
11                            licensee.

13   180.       Section 15 amended
14              Before section 15(2)(b) insert:

16                      (a)   must be made in an approved manner; and

18   181.       Section 16 amended
19      (1)     In section 16:
20                (a) delete "Notwithstanding" and insert:

22              (1)    Notwithstanding

24               (b)    delete "upon such terms and conditions, and";
25               (c)    after "other authority" insert:

27                      (the instrument)

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                            Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969 amended        Part 3
                                             General amendments    Division 2
                                                                        s. 182

1      (2)   At the end of section 16 insert:

3            (2)     The instrument may be subject to conditions specified
4                    in the instrument.

6            Note: The heading to amended section 16 is to read:
7                    Power of Minister to grant instruments

8    182.    Section 17 amended
9      (1)   In section 17:
10             (a) delete "Notwithstanding" and insert:

12           (1)     Notwithstanding

14             (b)     delete "shall, upon such terms and conditions as the
15                     Governor may impose, grant to the licensee a lease,
16                     easement, licence or other authority" and insert:

18                     may grant to the licensee an instrument

20     (2)   At the end of section 17 insert:

22           (2)     The instrument may be subject to conditions specified
23                   in the instrument.

25           Note: The heading to amended section 17 is to read:
26                   Power of public authority to grant instruments

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     Part 3         Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969 amended
     Division 2     General amendments
     s. 183

1    183.       Section 21 amended
2       (1)     Delete section 21(2)(a) and (b) and insert:

4                       (a)   must be made in an approved manner; and

6       (2)     In section 21(6) in the Penalty delete "Penalty:" and insert:

8                     Penalty for this subsection:

10   184.       Section 44 amended
11      (1)     Before section 44(1) insert:

13            (1A)    In this section --
14                    instrument of transfer, in relation to an application for
15                    approval of a transfer of a licence, means an instrument
16                    of transfer in the approved form executed --
17                      (a) by the registered holder or, if there are 2 or
18                             more registered holders, by each registered
19                             holder; and
20                      (b) by the transferee or, if there are 2 or more
21                             transferees, by each transferee.

23      (2)     Delete section 44(3) and insert:

25              (3)   An application for approval of a transfer of a licence
26                    lodged in hard copy form must be accompanied by --
27                      (a) the instrument of transfer; and
28                      (b) a copy of the instrument of transfer; and
29                      (c) for each transferee, if any, who is not a
30                           registered holder -- a statement of the technical

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                        Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969 amended        Part 3
                                         General amendments    Division 2
                                                                    s. 184

1                        advice and financial resources available, or that
2                        will be available, to the transferee.
3          (3A)   An application for approval of a transfer of a licence
4                 lodged by electronic means must be accompanied
5                 by --
6                   (a) an electronic copy of the instrument of transfer;
7                        and
8                   (b) for each transferee, if any, who is not a
9                        registered holder -- an electronic copy of a
10                       statement of the technical advice and financial
11                       resources available, or that will be available, to
12                       the transferee.
13         (3B)   If subsection (3A) applies, the Minister may at any
14                time require the instrument of transfer to be lodged in
15                hard copy form.

17   (3)    Delete section 44(9) and insert:

19          (9)   Where the Minister approves the transfer of a licence,
20                the Minister must, on payment of the prescribed fee,
21                enter in the register a memorandum of the transfer and
22                the name of the transferee or of each transferee.

24   (4)    Delete section 44(12) and insert:

26         (12)   If a transfer is registered, the Minister must --
27                  (a) retain a copy of the instrument of transfer; and
28                  (b) make the copy available for inspection in
29                         accordance with this Part.

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     Part 3         Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969 amended
     Division 2     General amendments
     s. 185

1    185.       Section 47 amended
2       (1)     Delete section 47(4) and (4a) and insert:

4               (4)   If an application under subsection (3) for approval of a
5                     dealing is lodged in hard copy form, the application --
6                       (a) must be accompanied by either --
7                                (i) the instrument evidencing the dealing
8                                     and a copy of it; or
9                               (ii) if the instrument evidencing the dealing
10                                    has already been lodged with the
11                                    Minister in hard copy form for the
12                                    purposes of another application --
13                                    2 copies of the instrument;
14                            and
15                      (b) may be accompanied by an instrument setting
16                            out any particulars prescribed for the purposes
17                            of an application for approval of a dealing of
18                            that kind, and a copy of it.
19            (4A)    If an application under subsection (3) for approval of a
20                    dealing is lodged by electronic means, the
21                    application --
22                      (a) must be accompanied by an electronic copy of
23                            the instrument evidencing the dealing; and
24                      (b) may be accompanied by an electronic copy of
25                            an instrument setting out any particulars
26                            prescribed for the purposes of an application for
27                            approval of a dealing of that kind.
28            (4B)    If subsection (4A) applies, the Minister --
29                      (a) may at any time require to be lodged in hard
30                            copy form either --
31                              (i) the instrument referred to in
32                                    subsection (4A)(a); or

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                           Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969 amended        Part 3
                                            General amendments    Division 2
                                                                       s. 185

1                            (ii)   if the instrument has already been
2                                   lodged with the Minister in hard copy
3                                   form for the purposes of another
4                                   application -- a copy of the instrument;
5                           and
6                    (b)    may at any time require to be lodged in hard
7                           copy form any instrument that accompanied the
8                           application under subsection (4A)(b).

10   (2)    Delete section 47(8).
11   (3)    Delete section 47(12) and insert:

13         (12)     If the Minister approves a dealing, the Minister must,
14                  on payment of the prescribed fee, make an entry of the
15                  approval of the dealing in the register.

17   (4)    In section 47(13):
18            (a) in paragraph (a) delete "subsection (4)(b), one" and
19                  insert:

21                   subsection (4)(b) or (4A)(b) (as the case may be), a

23           (b)     in paragraph (a) delete "endorsed with a memorandum
24                   of approval";
25            (c)    delete paragraph (b) and insert:

27                   (b)    if the application for approval of the dealing
28                          was accompanied by an instrument for the
29                          purpose of subsection (4)(b) or (4A)(b) (as the
30                          case may be), a copy of that instrument must be
31                          retained by the Minister and made available for
32                          inspection in accordance with this Part but a

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     Part 3         Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969 amended
     Division 2     General amendments
     s. 186

1                               copy of the instrument evidencing the dealing
2                               must not be so made available; and

4                  (d)    in paragraph (c) delete "endorsed with a memorandum
5                         of approval";
6                  (e)    in paragraph (c) after "subsection (4)(b)" insert:

8                         or (4B)(b)

10   186.       Section 48 amended
11              In section 48(c) delete "of the kind referred to in
12              section 47(4)(b)," and insert:

14              described in section 47(4)(b), (4A)(b) or (4B)(b),

16   187.       Part 4A inserted
17              After section 56 insert:

19                             Part 4A -- Polluter pays
20          56A.         Escape of petroleum: titleholder's duty
21              (1)      In this section --
22                       interstate Act means --
23                         (a) the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas
24                                Storage Act 2006 (Commonwealth); or
25                         (b) an Act of another State or a Territory relating to
26                                pipeline operations;
27                       interstate land or waters means land or waters to
28                       which an interstate Act applies.

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                 Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969 amended        Part 3
                                  General amendments    Division 2
                                                             s. 187

1    (2)   This section applies in the event of an escape of
2          petroleum occurring as a result of, or in connection
3          with, a pipeline operation in relation to any of the
4          following titles --
5            (a) a licence;
6            (b) any other authority or consent granted by
7                  instrument under this Act for the carrying out
8                  of a pipeline operation.
9    (3)   The holder of the title must --
10          (a) do all of the following --
11                   (i) as soon as possible after becoming
12                        aware of the escape of petroleum, take
13                        all reasonably practicable steps to
14                        eliminate or control it;
15                  (ii) clean up the escaped petroleum and
16                        remediate any resulting damage to the
17                        environment;
18                 (iii) carry out environmental monitoring of
19                        the impact of the escape on the
20                        environment and anything done by the
21                        holder of the title under subparagraph (i)
22                        or (ii);
23                and
24          (b) if any of the escaped petroleum has migrated to
25                interstate land or waters, on that land or in
26                those waters, as the case may be --
27                   (i) clean up the escaped petroleum and
28                        remediate any resulting damage to the
29                        environment; and

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     Part 3         Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969 amended
     Division 2     General amendments
     s. 188

1                              (ii)   carry out environmental monitoring of
2                                     the impact of the escape and clean-up
3                                     on the environment.
4               (4)   The holder of the title must notify the Minister
5                     administering the interstate Act as soon as practicable
6                     after doing anything under subsection (3)(b).

7           56B.      Escape of petroleum: reimbursement of State
8               (1)   This section applies if the Minister considers on
9                     reasonable grounds that the holder of a title has failed
10                    to comply with section 56A(3) in relation to an escape
11                    of petroleum.
12              (2)   The Minister may do any or all of the things that the
13                    Minister considers, on reasonable grounds, the holder
14                    of the title has failed to do to comply with
15                    section 56A(3).
16              (3)   Costs or expenses incurred by the State in doing any
17                    thing under subsection (2) are --
18                      (a) a debt due to the Crown by the holder of the
19                            title; and
20                      (b) recoverable by the State in a court of competent
21                            jurisdiction.

23   188.       Part V Division 1 heading inserted
24              At the beginning of Part V insert:

26                               Division 1 -- General

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                         Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969 amended        Part 3
                                          General amendments    Division 2
                                                                     s. 189

1    189.    Section 60 amended
2            In section 60 delete "Every" and insert:

4            Without limiting the provision that may be made by regulations
5            under section 67(1AA), every

7    190.    Part V Division 2 heading inserted
8            After section 61 insert:

10          Division 2 -- Inspectors and protection from liability

12   191.    Part V Division 3 heading inserted
13           After section 63A insert:

15                 Division 3 -- Offences and proceedings

17   192.    Section 66BB amended
18           In section 66BB(4) in the definition of CEO delete "department
19           of the Public Service principally assisting in the administration
20           of this Act." and insert:

22           Department.

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     Part 3         Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969 amended
     Division 2     General amendments
     s. 193

1    193.       Part V Division 4 heading inserted
2               After section 66E insert:

4                          Division 4 -- Forms and regulations

6    194.       Section 66F inserted
7               Before section 67 insert:

9           66F.      Approved forms
10              (1)   The Minister may approve forms that must be used for
11                    applications, notices and other documents under this
12                    Act.
13                    Examples for this subsection:
14                    1.     If the Minister approves a form for a type of application, a
15                           person making an application of that type must use the
16                           approved form for the application.
17                    2.     If the Minister approves a form for a type of notice, a person
18                           giving a notice of that type must use the approved form for
19                           the notice.

20              (2)   An approved form must be published on a website
21                    maintained by, or on behalf of, the Department.

23   195.       Section 67 amended
24              After section 67(1) insert:

26          (1AA) Without limiting subsection (1), the regulations may
27                make provision for or in relation to the following --
28                 (a) the giving of a document required or permitted
29                      to be given under this Act (including the giving
30                      of the document by electronic means);

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                                Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969 amended        Part 3
                                                 General amendments    Division 2
                                                                            s. 196

1                         (b)    the time at which the document is taken to have
2                                been given;
3                         (c)    the means of satisfying a requirement under this
4                                Act in relation to a document in writing (for
5                                example, a requirement that the original of a
6                                document be given or that a document be
7                                signed) if the document is given by electronic
8                                means.
9           (1AB)       Subsection (1AA) applies to a requirement or
10                      permission to give a document whether the expression
11                      "give", "send" or "serve", or any other similar word or
12                      expression, is used.

14   196.         Part 6 inserted
15                After section 67 insert:

17                       Part 6 -- Transitional provisions
18          68.         Transitional regulations
19                (1)   In this section --
20                      publication day means the day on which transitional
21                      regulations are published in accordance with the
22                      Interpretation Act 1984 section 41(1)(a);
23                      specified means specified or described in transitional
24                      regulations;
25                      transitional matter means a matter of a transitional,
26                      savings or application nature;
27                      transitional regulations means regulations under
28                      subsection (2).

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     Division 2     General amendments
     s. 196

1               (2)   Regulations may prescribe anything required,
2                     necessary or convenient to be prescribed in relation to a
3                     transitional matter in connection with --
4                       (a) amendments made to this Act by another Act
5                              (the amending Act); or
6                       (b) amendments made to another written law by the
7                              amending Act that, wholly or partly, are
8                              consequential on, or otherwise connected with,
9                              amendments referred to in paragraph (a).
10              (3)   Without limiting subsection (2), transitional regulations
11                    may provide for specified provisions of this Act or
12                    another written law --
13                      (a) not to apply to, or in relation to, a specified
14                           matter or thing; or
15                      (b) to apply with specified modifications to, or in
16                           relation to, a specified matter or thing.
17              (4)   If transitional regulations provide that a state of affairs
18                    is to be taken to have existed, or not to have existed, on
19                    and from a day (the operative day) that is earlier than
20                    publication day, the regulations have effect according
21                    to their terms as long as the operative day is not earlier
22                    than the day on which the amending Act receives the
23                    Royal Assent.
24              (5)   If transitional regulations contain a provision referred
25                    to in subsection (4), the provision does not operate so
26                    as to --
27                      (a) affect in a manner prejudicial to any person
28                             (other than the State), the rights of that person
29                             existing before publication day; or
30                      (b) impose liabilities on any person (other than the
31                             State or an authority of the State) in respect of
32                             anything done or omitted to be done before
33                             publication day.

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                                              General amendments    Division 2
                                                                         s. 197

1            (6)      The Interpretation Act 1984 applies in relation to an
2                     amendment made by the amending Act subject to
3                     transitional regulations.

5   197.     Various modernisations
6            Amend the provisions listed in the Table as set out in the Table.
7                                        Table
            Provision                   Delete                  Insert

      s. 4(1) def. of public     his                     an
      authority par. (a)

      s. 8(1)(c)(v)              his                     the applicant's

      s. 8(1)(e) and (2)         him                     the applicant
      s. 15(3)

      s. 8(1)(f)                 thereto; and            to the pipeline; and

      s. 8(1), (3) and (4)       shall (each             must
      s. 12(2) and (3)
      s. 15(2)
      s. 21(2)(c), (3), (5)
      and (6)
      s. 41(3) to (6) and
      (8) to (10)
      s. 44(4) to (7)
      and (11)

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Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
Part 3         Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969 amended
Division 2     General amendments
s. 197

          Provision                Delete               Insert

  s. 47(5), (6), (9),
  (11), (13)(a) and (c)
  and (14)
  s. 48

  s. 8(2)                 his                    the
  s. 15(3)

  s. 8(4)                 he (each occurrence)   the Minister
  s. 15(4)(a) and (5)
  s. 21(3)(b) and (4)

  s. 12(3)                he                     the licensee
                          him                    the licensee

  s. 12(4)                his                    the licensee's

  s. 15(4)(b)             he                     the person
  s. 21(3)(c)

  s. 15(5)                to him

  s. 21(4)                him                    the Minister

  s. 41(2)                shall be deemed        is taken
  s. 44(10)(a)

  s. 41(2)(a)             one                    1
  s. 44(2)
  s. 47(1), (3)(a)
  and (12)

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                          Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969 amended        Part 3
     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport Division 3
                                                                      s. 198

              Provision                Delete                      Insert

       s. 47(7)                 shall, for the          are, for the purposes
                                purposes of this        of this section, taken
                                section, be taken to    to be 1
                                be one

       s. 67(1)(g)              thereof.                of it.

1     Division 3 -- Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage
2                         and transport
3    198.     Long title amended
4             In the long title delete "and for purposes connected
5             therewith." insert:

7             or greenhouse gas substances and for connected purposes.

9    199.     Section 1 amended
10            In section 1 after "Petroleum" insert:

12            and Greenhouse Gas

14   200.     Section 4 amended
15      (1)   In section 4(1) delete the definition of pipeline.
16      (2)   In section 4(1) insert in alphabetical order:

18                   excluded greenhouse gas pipeline means any of the
19                   following --
20                     (a) a GHG facility line;

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     Part 3         Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969 amended
     Division 3     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport
     s. 200

1                     (b)   a GHG injection line;
2                     (c)   a pipe, or system of pipes, specified in the
3                           regulations;
4                   GHG facility line means a pipe, or system of pipes,
5                   that --
6                     (a) is used to convey a greenhouse gas substance;
7                           and
8                     (b) is part of a greenhouse gas facility;
9                   GHG injection line means a pipe, or system of pipes,
10                  for conveying a greenhouse gas substance for any of
11                  the following purposes but only if the greenhouse gas
12                  substance does not pass through a terminal point on the
13                  pipe, or system of pipes, before it is injected into the
14                  identified GHG storage formation --
15                    (a) to be compressed, processed or otherwise
16                          prepared for injection into an identified GHG
17                          storage formation;
18                    (b) for storage prior to being injected into an
19                          identified GHG storage formation;
20                    (c) for injection into an identified GHG storage
21                          formation;
22                  GHG operation has the meaning given in the
23                  Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas
24                  Storage Act 1967 section 5(1);
25                  greenhouse gas facility means a structure for or in
26                  connection with the carrying out of a GHG operation;
27                  greenhouse gas pipeline --
28                    (a) means any of the following --
29                            (i) a pipe, or system of pipes, for
30                                  conveying a greenhouse gas substance,
31                                  other than an excluded greenhouse gas
32                                  pipeline;

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                          Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969 amended        Part 3
     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport Division 3
                                                                      s. 200

1                           (ii)   a part of a pipe covered by
2                                  subparagraph (i);
3                          (iii)   a part of a system of pipes covered by
4                                  subparagraph (i);
5                          and
6                    (b) includes the following --
7                             (i) all structures for protecting or
8                                  supporting a greenhouse gas pipeline as
9                                  defined in paragraph (a);
10                           (ii) all loading terminals, works and
11                                 buildings, and all fittings, pumps, tanks,
12                                 storage tanks, measuring devices and
13                                 other appurtenances and appliances, that
14                                 are used in connection with a
15                                 greenhouse gas pipeline as defined in
16                                 paragraph (a);
17                          (iii) any facility, or any facility of a class,
18                                 that is declared for the time being under
19                                 section 5 to be a pipeline facility for the
20                                 purposes of this Act and that is used in
21                                 connection with a greenhouse gas
22                                 pipeline as defined in paragraph (a);
23                 greenhouse gas substance --
24                   (a) has the meaning given in the Petroleum,
25                         Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas
26                         Storage Act 1967 section 6E; but
27                   (b) does not include anything that is petroleum for
28                         the purposes of this Act under the Barrow
29                         Island Act 2003 section 11(1);
30                 identified GHG storage formation has the meaning
31                 given in the Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and
32                 Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 1967 section 5(1);
33                 petroleum exploration operation means an operation
34                 to explore for petroleum, and the carrying on of

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     Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
     Part 3         Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969 amended
     Division 3     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport
     s. 200

1                   operations and the execution of works necessary for
2                   that purpose;
3                   petroleum pipeline --
4                     (a) means any of the following --
5                              (i) a pipe, or system of pipes, for
6                                  conveying petroleum, other than a
7                                  secondary line;
8                             (ii) a part of a pipe covered by
9                                  subparagraph (i);
10                           (iii) a part of a system of pipes covered by
11                                 subparagraph (i);
12                          and
13                    (b) includes the following --
14                             (i) all structures for protecting or
15                                 supporting a petroleum pipeline as
16                                 defined in paragraph (a);
17                            (ii) all loading terminals, works and
18                                 buildings, and all fittings, pumps, tanks,
19                                 storage tanks, measuring devices and
20                                 other appurtenances and appliances, that
21                                 are used in connection with a petroleum
22                                 pipeline as defined in paragraph (a);
23                           (iii) any facility, or any facility of a class,
24                                 that is declared for the time being under
25                                 section 5 to be a pipeline facility for the
26                                 purposes of this Act and that is used in
27                                 connection with a petroleum pipeline as
28                                 defined in paragraph (a);
29                  pipeline --
30                    (a) means --
31                             (i) a petroleum pipeline; or

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                          Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969 amended        Part 3
     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport Division 3
                                                                      s. 200

1                          (ii) a greenhouse gas pipeline;
2                        but
3                    (b) does not include the following --
4                           (i) anything that is in the adjacent area as
5                                defined in the Petroleum and
6                                Greenhouse Gas Storage (Submerged
7                                Lands) Act 1982 section 60K(2);
8                          (ii) a pipeline that is used for returning
9                                petroleum to a natural reservoir;
10                        (iii) a pipeline constructed, or to be
11                               constructed, under the authority of any
12                               Act, other than this Act;
13                        (iv) a pipeline that is part of a distribution
14                               system as defined in the Energy
15                               Coordination Act 1994;
16                         (v) a pipeline constructed, or to be
17                               constructed, on land used for residential,
18                               business, agricultural, commercial or
19                               industrial purposes, designed for use
20                               solely for the residential, business,
21                               agricultural, commercial or industrial
22                               purposes carried on on that land and
23                               situated wholly within the boundaries of
24                               that land;
25                        (vi) a pipeline, or a pipeline of a class, that
26                               is declared for the time being under
27                               section 5 not to be a pipeline for the
28                               purposes of this Act;
29                 secondary line means a pipe, or system of pipes, for --
30                   (a) conveying petroleum for use for petroleum
31                       exploration operations; or

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     Part 3         Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969 amended
     Division 3     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport
     s. 201

1                       (b)   conveying petroleum for use for petroleum
2                             recovery operations; or
3                       (c) conveying petroleum that is to be flared or
4                             vented; or
5                       (d) conveying petroleum from the well head to a
6                             tank or separator; or
7                       (e) collecting petroleum within the area in which it
8                             is produced or recovered;
9                     terminal point means a terminal point declared under
10                    section 5A(1);

12   201.       Section 5A inserted
13              At the end of Part 1 insert:

15          5A.       Terminal point
16              (1)   The Minister may, by notice published in the Gazette,
17                    declare that a specified point on a pipe, or system of
18                    pipes, for conveying a greenhouse gas substance is a
19                    terminal point for the purposes of this Act.
20              (2)   A declaration under subsection (1) has effect
21                    accordingly.
22              (3)   To avoid doubt, a declaration may be made under
23                    subsection (1) whether or not a person has applied for a
24                    licence.

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                          Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969 amended        Part 3
     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport Division 3
                                                                      s. 202

1    202.     Section 8 amended
2             In section 8(1)(g) after "petroleum" insert:

4             or greenhouse gas substances

6    203.     Section 12 amended
7             In section 12(2A):
8               (a) delete "The" and insert:

10                    If the pipeline is a petroleum pipeline, the

12             (b)    in paragraph (a) delete "Petroleum and Geothermal
13                    Energy Resources" and insert:

15                    Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas
16                    Storage

18              (c)   in paragraph (b) after "Petroleum" insert:

20                    and Greenhouse Gas Storage

22   204.     Section 21 amended
23      (1)   In section 21(1)(a) after "petroleum" insert:

25            or greenhouse gas substances

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     Part 3         Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969 amended
     Division 3     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport
     s. 205

1       (2)     In section 21(5) after "petroleum" (each occurrence) insert:

3               or greenhouse gas substances

5               Note: The heading to amended section 21 is to read:
6                       Directions as to conveyance of petroleum or greenhouse gas
7                       substances

8    205.       Section 37A amended
9               In section 37A(1) delete "petroleum." and insert:

11              petroleum or greenhouse gas substances.

13   206.       Section 41 amended
14              In section 41(2)(b) delete "otherwise than in accordance with
15              this paragraph)" and insert:

17              in accordance with paragraph (a))

19   207.       Section 47 amended
20              In section 47(1):
21                (a) in paragraph (c) delete "petroleum);" and insert:

23                        petroleum or the injection of greenhouse gas
24                        substances);

26                (b)     in paragraph (d)(ii) delete "from" and insert:

28                        from, or greenhouse gas substances injected as a result
29                        of,

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                          Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969 amended        Part 3
     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport Division 3
                                                                      s. 208

1    208.    Section 64 amended
2            In section 64 after "petroleum" insert:

4            or greenhouse gas substance

6            Note: The heading to amended section 64 is to read:
7                  Theft of petroleum or greenhouse gas substance from pipeline

8    209.    Section 67 amended
9            In section 67(1c) delete "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy
10           Resources Act 1967, the Petroleum (Submerged Lands)
11           Act 1982 or the Commonwealth Act as defined in that Act," and
12           insert:

14           Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage
15           Act 1967, the Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage
16           (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 or the Offshore Petroleum and
17           Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 (Commonwealth),

                                                                        page 243
     Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
     Part 4         Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 amended
     Division 1     Preliminary
     s. 210

1           Part 4 -- Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982
2                             amended
3                            Division 1 -- Preliminary
4    210.       Act amended
5               This Part amends the Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982.

6                       Division 2 -- General amendments
7    211.       Section 4 amended
8       (1)     In section 4(1) delete the definitions of:
9               facility
10              offshore petroleum operation
11              petroleum
12              petroleum pool
13              pipeline
14              secondary line
15      (2)     In section 4(1) insert in alphabetical order:

17                    Department means the department of the Public
18                    Service principally assisting in the administration of
19                    this Act;
20                    electronic means includes --
21                      (a) an electronic database or document system; and
22                      (b) any other means by which a document can be
23                             accessed electronically;
24                    facility means a structure for or in connection with the
25                    carrying out of a petroleum operation;

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                       Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
     Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 amended         Part 4
                              General amendments     Division 2
                                                          s. 211

1       geological formation includes --
2         (a) any seal or reservoir of a geological formation;
3               and
4         (b) any associated geological attributes or features
5               of a geological formation;
6       petroleum --
7         (a) means any of the following --
8                  (i) any naturally occurring hydrocarbon,
9                       whether in a gaseous, liquid or solid
10                      state;
11                (ii) any naturally occurring mixture of
12                      hydrocarbons, whether in a gaseous,
13                      liquid or solid state;
14               (iii) any naturally occurring mixture of 1 or
15                      more hydrocarbons, whether in a
16                      gaseous, liquid or solid state, and 1 or
17                      more of hydrogen sulphide, nitrogen,
18                      helium and carbon dioxide;
19              and
20        (b) includes the following --
21                 (i) any petroleum as defined by
22                      paragraph (a) that has been returned to a
23                      natural reservoir, except oil shale;
24                (ii) any petroleum as defined by
25                      paragraph (a) or subparagraph (i) to
26                      which 1 or more things prescribed by
27                      the regulations have been added;
28      petroleum exploration operation means an operation
29      to explore for petroleum or a regulated substance, and
30      the carrying on of operations and the execution of
31      works necessary for that purpose;

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     Part 4         Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 amended
     Division 2     General amendments
     s. 211

1                  petroleum operation --
2                    (a) means any of the following carried out in the
3                          adjacent area --
4                             (i) a petroleum exploration operation;
5                            (ii) an operation to drill for petroleum or a
6                                 regulated substance, and the carrying on
7                                 of operations and the execution of
8                                 works necessary for that purpose;
9                           (iii) an operation to recover petroleum or a
10                                regulated substance, and the carrying on
11                                of operations and the execution of
12                                works necessary for that purpose;
13                          (iv) the care and maintenance of land,
14                                waters or infrastructure affected by an
15                                operation referred to in
16                                subparagraphs (i) to (iii);
17                           (v) the decommissioning of an operation
18                                referred to in subparagraphs (i) to (iii);
19                          (vi) the rehabilitation of the land or waters
20                                affected by an operation referred to in
21                                subparagraphs (i) to (iii);
22                         but
23                   (b) does not include an operation of a kind that is
24                         prescribed by the regulations not to be a
25                         petroleum operation;
26                 pipeline --
27                   (a) means a pipe, or system of pipes, in the
28                         adjacent area as defined in section 60K(2) for
29                         conveying petroleum; and

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                       Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
     Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 amended         Part 4
                              General amendments     Division 2
                                                          s. 211

1         (b)   includes protective or supporting structures,
2               loading terminals, works, buildings, fittings,
3               pumps, tanks, storage tanks, measuring devices
4               and any other related infrastructure; but
5         (c) does not include a pipe or system of pipes --
6                  (i) for returning petroleum to a natural
7                      reservoir; or
8                 (ii) for conveying petroleum for use for the
9                      purposes of petroleum operations; or
10               (iii) for conveying petroleum that is to be
11                     flared or vented; or
12               (iv) for conveying petroleum from a well to
13                     a terminal station without passing
14                     through another terminal station,
15                     whether the terminal station to which
16                     the petroleum is conveyed is in that
17                     adjacent area or not;
18      regulated substance means a naturally occurring
19      substance that --
20        (a) occurs in a natural geological formation; and
21        (b) is prescribed by the regulations;
22      report means a report, return or other document in
23      connection with, or in connection with operations
24      under, any of the following --
25        (a) an access authority or special prospecting
26              authority;
27        (b) an instrument of consent under section 123;
28        (c) a lease;

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     Part 4         Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 amended
     Division 2     General amendments
     s. 211

1                       (d)  a licence, infrastructure licence or pipeline
2                            licence;
3                       (e) a permit;
4                     resources pool means a naturally occurring discrete
5                     accumulation of petroleum or a regulated substance;
6                     secondary line means a pipe, or system of pipes, for --
7                       (a) returning petroleum to a natural reservoir; or
8                       (b) conveying petroleum for use for petroleum
9                            exploration operations; or
10                      (c) conveying petroleum for use for petroleum
11                           recovery operations; or
12                      (d) conveying petroleum that is to be flared or
13                           vented; or
14                      (e) conveying petroleum from a well, wherever
15                           located, to a terminal station without passing
16                           through another terminal station, whether or not
17                           the terminal station to which the petroleum is
18                           conveyed is in the adjacent area as defined in
19                           section 60K(2);

21      (3)     In section 4(1) in the definition of licence delete "production
22              licence for petroleum under Part III;" and insert:

24              licence under Part 3, other than an infrastructure licence or
25              pipeline licence;

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                                                                    s. 212

1      (4)   In section 4(1) in the definition of permit delete "an exploration
2            permit for petroleum" and insert:

4            a permit

6      (5)   In section 4(1) in the definition of water line delete
7            "exploration".

8    212.    Section 4A deleted
9            Delete section 4A.

10   213.    Section 15 amended
11           In section 15(1) in the definition of officer delete "department
12           of the Public Service principally assisting the Minister in the
13           administration of this Act." and insert:

15           Department.

17   214.    Part III heading replaced
18           Delete the heading to Part III and insert:

20           Part 3 -- Mining for petroleum or regulated
21                          substances

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     s. 215

1    215.       Section 19 amended
2               In section 19(1) in the Penalty delete "Penalty:" and insert:

4                     Penalty for this subsection:

6    216.       Section 21 amended
7               After section 21(1)(d) insert:

9                     (da)    may include an application for an approval for
10                            the purposes of section 28(2)(a); and

12   217.       Section 22 amended
13      (1)     After section 22(2)(a) insert:

15                     (aa)   if the application included an application for an
16                            approval for the purposes of section 28(2)(a) --
17                            a statement as to whether the approval will be
18                            granted with the permit; and

20      (2)     In section 22(4) delete "an exploration permit for petroleum"
21              and insert:

23              a permit

25      (3)     After section 22(4) insert:

27            (4A)    If applicable, a permit must include the approval
28                    granted for the purposes of section 28(2)(a).

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                                                                    s. 218

1    218.    Section 23 amended
2            After section 23(4)(d) insert:

4                   (da)    may include an application for an approval for
5                           the purposes of section 28(2)(a); and

7    219.    Section 25 amended
8            After section 25(5)(a) insert:

10                  (aa)    if the application included an application for an
11                          approval for the purposes of section 28(2)(a) --
12                          a statement as to whether the approval will be
13                          granted with the permit; and

15   220.    Section 27 amended
16     (1)   In section 27 --
17             (a) delete "Where" and insert:

19           (1)    Where

21            (b)    delete "an exploration permit for petroleum" and insert:

23                   a permit

25     (2)   At the end of section 27 insert:

27           (2)    If applicable, a permit must include the approval
28                  granted for the purposes of section 28(2)(a).

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     s. 221

1    221.         Section 28 replaced
2                 Delete section 28 and insert:

4           28.         Rights conferred by permit
5                 (1)   Except as provided in subsection (2), a permit, while it
6                       remains in force, authorises the permittee, subject to
7                       this Act and in accordance with the conditions to which
8                       the permit is subject --
9                         (a) to explore for petroleum or a regulated
10                              substance in the permit area; and
11                        (b) to recover petroleum or a regulated substance in
12                              the permit area for the purpose of establishing
13                              the nature and probable extent of a discovery of
14                              petroleum or a regulated substance; and
15                        (c) to carry on any operations and execute any
16                              works in the permit area that are necessary for
17                              those purposes.
18                (2)   A permit does not authorise the permittee to do the
19                      things referred to in subsection (1)(a) to (c) in relation
20                      to a regulated substance unless --
21                        (a) the permit includes an approval granted by the
22                              Minister extending the permit to cover the
23                              regulated substance; or
24                        (b) the permittee applies to the Minister in writing
25                              for such an approval and the Minister grants the
26                              approval by instrument in writing.

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                                                                     s. 222

1             (3)   A permit does not authorise the permittee to make a
2                   well outside the permit area.
3                   Note for this subsection:
4                           The permittee may be able to make a well outside the
5                           permit area under another authority, for example, an access
6                           authority.

8    222.     Section 38A amended
9             After section 38A(2)(c) insert:

11                   (ca)     may include an application for an approval for
12                            the purposes of section 38C(2)(a); and

14   223.     Section 38B amended
15     (1)    After section 38B(3)(a) insert:

17                   (aa)     if the application included an application for an
18                            approval for the purposes of
19                            section 38C(2)(a) -- a statement as to whether
20                            the approval will be granted with the lease; and

22     (2)    After section 38B(5) insert:

24           (5A)   If applicable, a lease must include the approval granted
25                  for the purposes of section 38C(2)(a).

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     s. 224

1    224.       Section 38CA amended
2               After section 38CA(2)(b) insert:

4                     (ba)   may include an application for an approval for
5                            the purposes of section 38C(2)(a); and

7    225.       Section 38CB amended
8       (1)     After section 38CB(3)(a) insert:

10                    (aa)   if the application included an application for an
11                           approval for the purposes of
12                           section 38C(2)(a) -- a statement as to whether
13                           the approval will be granted with the lease; and

15      (2)     After section 38CB(6) insert:

17            (6A)    If applicable, a lease must include the approval granted
18                    for the purposes of section 38C(2)(a).

20   226.       Section 38C replaced
21              Delete section 38C and insert:

23          38C.      Rights conferred by lease
24              (1)   Except as provided in subsection (2), a lease, while it
25                    remains in force, authorises the lessee, subject to this
26                    Act and in accordance with the conditions to which the
27                    lease is subject --
28                      (a) to explore for petroleum or a regulated
29                             substance in the lease area; and

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1                   (b)     to recover petroleum or a regulated substance in
2                           the lease area for the purpose of establishing
3                           the nature and probable extent of a discovery of
4                           petroleum or a regulated substance; and
5                   (c)     to carry on any operations and execute any
6                           works in the lease area that are necessary for
7                           those purposes.
8           (2)   A lease does not authorise the lessee to do the things
9                 referred to in subsection (1)(a) to (c) in relation to a
10                regulated substance unless --
11                  (a) the lease includes an approval granted by the
12                        Minister extending the lease to cover the
13                        regulated substance; or
14                  (b) the lessee applies to the Minister in writing for
15                        such an approval and the Minister grants the
16                        approval by instrument in writing.
17          (3)   A lease does not authorise the lessee to make a well
18                outside the lease area.
19                Note for this subsection:
20                        The lessee may be able to make a well outside the lease
21                        area under another authority, for example, an access
22                        authority.

24   227.   Section 41 amended
25          After section 41(1)(c) insert:

27                 (ca)     may include an application for an approval for
28                          the purposes of section 52(2)(a); and

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     s. 228

1    228.       Section 43 amended
2               After section 43(2)(a) insert:

4                      (aa)   if the application included an application for an
5                             approval for the purposes of section 52(2)(a) --
6                             contain a statement as to whether the approval
7                             will be granted with the licence; and

9    229.       Section 44 amended
10      (1)     In section 44(2) delete "production licence for petroleum" and
11              insert:

13              licence

15      (2)     After section 44(2) insert:

17            (2A)    If applicable, a licence must include the approval
18                    granted for the purposes of section 52(2)(a).

20   230.       Section 47 amended
21              After section 47(6)(d) insert:

23                    (da)    may include an application for an approval for
24                            the purposes of section 52(2)(a); and

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                                                                    s. 231

1    231.    Section 49 amended
2            After section 49(5)(a) insert:

4                   (aa)    if the application included an application for an
5                           approval for the purposes of section 52(2)(a) --
6                           a statement as to whether the approval will be
7                           granted with the licence; and

9    232.    Section 50 amended
10     (1)   In section 50:
11             (a) delete "Where" and insert:

13           (1)    Where

15            (b)    delete "production licence for petroleum" and insert:

17                   licence

19     (2)   At the end of section 50 insert:

21           (2)    If applicable, a licence must include the approval
22                  granted for the purposes of section 52(2)(a).

24   233.    Section 51 amended
25     (1)   In section 51(4) delete "production licences for petroleum" and
26           insert:

28           licences

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1       (2)       In section 51(5):
2                   (a) in paragraph (b) delete "subject." and insert:

4                         subject; and

6                  (b)    after paragraph (b) insert:

8                          (c)   if the original licence included an approval for
9                                the purposes of section 52(2)(a) or an approval
10                               had been granted in relation to the original
11                               licence for the purposes of section 52(2)(b) --
12                               must include an approval corresponding as
13                               nearly as may be to the previously granted
14                               approval.

16   234.         Section 52 replaced
17                Delete section 52 and insert:

19          52.          Rights conferred by licence
20                (1)    Except as provided in subsection (2), a licence, while it
21                       remains in force, authorises the licensee, subject to this
22                       Act and in accordance with the conditions to which the
23                       licence is subject --
24                         (a) to recover petroleum or a regulated
25                               substance --
26                                  (i) in the licence area; and
27                                 (ii) from the licence area in another area to
28                                       which the licensee has lawful access for
29                                       that purpose;
30                               and

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1                   (b)     to explore for petroleum or a regulated
2                           substance in the licence area; and
3                   (c)     to carry on any operations and execute any
4                           works in the licence area that are necessary for
5                           those purposes.
6           (2)   A licence does not authorise the licensee to do the
7                 things referred to in subsection (1)(a) to (c) in relation
8                 to a regulated substance unless --
9                   (a) the licence includes an approval granted by the
10                        Minister extending the licence to cover the
11                        regulated substance; or
12                  (b) the licensee applies to the Minister in writing
13                        for such an approval and the Minister grants the
14                        approval.
15          (3)   A licence does not authorise the licensee to make a
16                well outside the licence area.
17                Note for this subsection:
18                        The licensee may be able to make a well outside the
19                        licence area under another authority, for example, an
20                        access authority.

22   235.   Section 70 amended
23          After section 70(2) insert:

25          (3)   The conditions referred to in subsection (1) may, if
26                agreed to by the pipeline licensee, include a condition
27                that the pipeline licensee must install 1 or more
28                measuring devices on the pipeline, of an approved kind
29                and at approved locations, for the purpose of measuring
30                quantities of petroleum under section 148.

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1               (4)   A condition referred to in subsection (3) may be
2                     imposed in relation to the licence --
3                       (a) at the time it is granted; or
4                       (b) at any subsequent time, by written notice to the
5                            pipeline licensee.

7    236.       Part 3 Division 4AA inserted
8               Before Part III Division 5 insert:

10                          Division 4AA -- Polluter pays
11          74A.      Escape of petroleum or regulated substance:
12                    titleholder's duty
13              (1)   In this section --
14                    interstate Act means --
15                      (a) the Commonwealth Act; or
16                      (b) an Act of another State or a Territory relating to
17                             petroleum operations;
18                    interstate land or waters means land or waters to
19                    which an interstate Act applies.
20              (2)   This section applies in the event of an escape of
21                    petroleum or a regulated substance occurring as a result
22                    of, or in connection with, a petroleum operation in
23                    relation to any of the following titles --
24                      (a) an access authority;
25                      (b) a permit;
26                      (c) a licence;
27                      (d) a lease;
28                      (e) a special prospecting authority;
29                       (f) a pipeline licence;

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1           (g)   an infrastructure licence;
2           (h)   any other authority or consent granted by
3                 instrument under this Act for the carrying out
4                 of a petroleum operation.
5    (3)   The registered holder of the title must --
6           (a) do all of the following --
7                    (i) as soon as possible after becoming
8                         aware of the escape of petroleum or a
9                         regulated substance, take all reasonably
10                        practicable steps to eliminate or control
11                        it;
12                  (ii) clean up the escaped petroleum or
13                        regulated substance and remediate any
14                        resulting damage to the environment;
15                 (iii) carry out environmental monitoring of
16                        the impact of the escape on the
17                        environment and anything done by the
18                        registered holder of the title under
19                        subparagraph (i) or (ii);
20                and
21          (b) if any of the escaped petroleum or regulated
22                substance has migrated to interstate land or
23                waters, on that land or in those waters, as the
24                case may be --
25                   (i) clean up the escaped petroleum or
26                        regulated substance and remediate any
27                        resulting damage to the environment;
28                        and
29                  (ii) carry out environmental monitoring of
30                        the impact of the escape and clean-up
31                        on the environment.
32   (4)   The registered holder of the title must notify the
33         Minister administering the interstate Act as soon as

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1                     practicable after doing anything under
2                     subsection (3)(b).

3           74B.      Escape of petroleum or regulated substance:
4                     reimbursement of State
5               (1)   This section applies if the Minister considers on
6                     reasonable grounds that the registered holder of a title
7                     has failed to comply with section 74A(3) in relation to
8                     an escape of petroleum or a regulated substance.
9               (2)   The Minister may do any or all of the things that the
10                    Minister considers, on reasonable grounds, the
11                    registered holder of the title has failed to do to comply
12                    with section 74A(3).
13              (3)   Costs or expenses incurred by the State in doing any
14                    thing under subsection (2) are --
15                      (a) a debt due to the Crown by the registered
16                            holder of the title; and
17                      (b) recoverable by the State in a court of competent
18                            jurisdiction.

20   237.       Section 78 amended
21      (1)     Before section 78(1) insert:

23            (1A)    In this section --
24                    instrument of transfer, in relation to an application for
25                    approval of a transfer of a title, means an instrument of
26                    transfer in the approved form executed --
27                      (a) by the registered holder or, if there are 2 or
28                             more registered holders, by each registered
29                             holder; and

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1                  (b)   by the transferee or, if there are 2 or more
2                        transferees, by each transferee.

4    (2)    Delete section 78(3) and insert:

6           (3)   An application for approval of a transfer of a title
7                 lodged in hard copy form must be accompanied by --
8                   (a) the instrument of transfer; and
9                   (b) a copy of the instrument of transfer; and
10                  (c) for each transferee, if any, who is not a
11                       registered holder -- a statement of the technical
12                       advice and financial resources available, or that
13                       will be available, to the transferee.
14         (3A)   An application for approval of a transfer of a title
15                lodged by electronic means must be accompanied
16                by --
17                  (a) an electronic copy of the instrument of transfer;
18                       and
19                  (b) for each transferee, if any, who is not a
20                       registered holder -- an electronic copy of a
21                       statement of the technical advice and financial
22                       resources available, or that will be available, to
23                       the transferee.
24         (3B)   If subsection (3A) applies, the Minister may at any
25                time require the instrument of transfer to be lodged in
26                hard copy form.

28   (3)    Delete section 78(9) and insert:

30          (9)   If the Minister approves the transfer of a title, the
31                Minister must, on payment of the fee provided for by
32                the Registration Fees Act, enter in the register a

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1                     memorandum of the transfer and the name of the
2                     transferee or of each transferee.

4       (4)     Delete section 78(12) and insert:

6             (12)    If a transfer is registered, the Minister must --
7                       (a) retain a copy of the instrument of transfer; and
8                       (b) make the copy available for inspection in
9                              accordance with this Division.

11   238.       Section 81 amended
12      (1)     Delete section 81(4) and (4a) and insert:

14              (4)   If an application under subsection (3) for approval of a
15                    dealing is lodged in hard copy form, the application --
16                      (a) must be accompanied by either --
17                                (i) the instrument evidencing the dealing
18                                    and a copy of it; or
19                              (ii) if the instrument evidencing the dealing
20                                    has already been lodged with the
21                                    Minister in hard copy form for the
22                                    purposes of another application --
23                                    2 copies of the instrument;
24                            and
25                      (b) the application may be accompanied by an
26                            instrument setting out any particulars
27                            prescribed for the purposes of an application for
28                            approval of a dealing of that kind, and a copy of
29                            it.

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1          (4A)   If an application under subsection (3) for approval of a
2                 dealing is lodged by electronic means, the
3                 application --
4                   (a) must be accompanied by an electronic copy of
5                         the instrument evidencing the dealing; and
6                   (b) may be accompanied by an electronic copy of
7                         an instrument setting out any particulars
8                         prescribed for the purposes of an application for
9                         approval of a dealing of that kind.
10         (4B)   If subsection (4A) applies, the Minister --
11                  (a) may at any time require to be lodged in hard
12                        copy form either --
13                          (i) the instrument referred to in
14                                subsection (4A)(a); or
15                         (ii) if the instrument has already been
16                                lodged with the Minister in hard copy
17                                form for the purposes of another
18                                application -- a copy of the instrument;
19                        and
20                  (b) may at any time require to be lodged in hard
21                        copy form any instrument that accompanied the
22                        application under subsection (4A)(b).

24   (2)    Delete section 81(8).
25   (3)    Delete section 81(12) and insert:

27         (12)   If the Minister approves a dealing, the Minister must,
28                on payment of the fee provided for by the Registration
29                Fees Act, make an entry of the approval of the dealing
30                in the register.

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1       (4)     In section 81(13):
2                 (a) in paragraph (a) delete "subsection (4)(b), one" and
3                       insert:

5                       subsection (4)(b) or (4A)(b) (as the case may be), a

7                (b)    in paragraph (a) delete "endorsed with a memorandum
8                       of approval";
9                (c)    in paragraph (b) delete "subsection (4)(b)," and insert:

11                      subsection (4)(b) or (4A)(b) (as the case may be),

13               (d)    in paragraph (b) delete "endorsed with a copy of the
14                      memorandum of approval of the dealing";
15               (e)    in paragraph (c) delete "endorsed with a memorandum
16                      of approval";
17                (f)   in paragraph (c) after "subsection (4)(b)" insert:

19                      or (4B)(b)

21   239.       Section 81A amended
22              In section 81A(2) delete "Section 81(4), (7) and (8)" and insert:

24              Section 81(4), (4A), (4B) and (7)

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1    240.     Section 82 amended
2      (1)    In section 82(1)(c) delete "of the kind referred to in
3             section 81(4)(b)," and insert:

5             described in section 81(4)(b), (4A)(b) or (4B)(b),

7      (2)    In section 82(1) in the Penalty delete "Penalty:" and insert:

9                     Penalty for this subsection:

11   241.     Section 97A amended
12            In section 97A(1) and (2) delete "petroleum." and insert:

14            petroleum or a regulated substance.

16   242.     Section 97B inserted
17            After section 97A insert:

19          97B.      Provisions relating to approvals granted in relation
20                    to regulated substances
21            (1)     In this section --
22                    title means any of the following --
23                       (a) a permit;
24                       (b) a lease;
25                       (c) a licence;
26                       (d) a special prospecting authority;
27                       (e) an access authority.

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1               (2)   Subsection (3) applies if --
2                      (a) on its grant, a title includes an approval for the
3                            purposes of section 28(2)(a), 38C(2)(a),
4                            52(2)(a), 111(4A)(a) or 112(5AA)(a); or
5                      (b) a title that includes such an approval is
6                            renewed.
7               (3)   The conditions which the Minister may impose on the
8                     title on its grant or renewal (as the case requires)
9                     include conditions for purposes related to the approval
10                    or to anything that is authorised by virtue of the
11                    approval.
12              (4)   Subsections (5) to (7) apply if the Minister grants an
13                    approval for the purposes of section 28(2)(b),
14                    38C(2)(b), 52(2)(b), 111(4A)(b) or 112(5AA)(b) in
15                    relation to a title.
16              (5)   When granting the approval, the Minister may also, for
17                    purposes related to the approval or to anything that is
18                    authorised by virtue of the approval, by instrument in
19                    writing, vary the conditions to which the title is subject
20                    (including by imposing new conditions or removing
21                    conditions).
22              (6)   If the title is renewed, the conditions which the
23                    Minister may impose on the title on its renewal include
24                    conditions for purposes related to the approval or to
25                    anything that is authorised by virtue of the approval.
26              (7)   Section 76(2)(a) applies to the instrument by which the
27                    approval is granted.

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1    243.     Section 111 amended
2      (1)    After section 111(2)(c) insert:

4                   (ca)    may include an application for an approval for
5                           the purposes of subsection (4A)(a); and

7      (2)    After section 111(3) insert:

9            (3A)   If the Minister grants a special prospecting authority on
10                  an application that included an application for an
11                  approval for the purposes of subsection (4A)(a), the
12                  Minister may grant the approval and include it in the
13                  special prospecting authority.

15     (3)    In section 111(4) delete "A special" and insert:

17            Except as provided in subsection (4A), a special

19     (4)    After section 111(4) insert:

21           (4A)   A special prospecting authority does not authorise the
22                  holder to carry on petroleum exploration operations in
23                  relation to a regulated substance unless --
24                    (a) the special prospecting authority includes an
25                          approval granted by the Minister extending the
26                          special prospecting authority to cover the
27                          regulated substance; or
28                    (b) the holder applies to the Minister in writing for
29                          such an approval and the Minister grants the
30                          approval by instrument in writing.

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     s. 244

1    244.       Section 112 amended
2       (1)     After section 112(2)(c) insert:

4                      (ca)   may include an application for an approval for
5                             the purposes of subsection (5AA)(a); and

7       (2)     After section 112(3) insert:

9              (3A)   If the Minister grants an access authority on an
10                    application that included an application for an approval
11                    for the purposes of subsection (5AA)(a), the Minister
12                    may grant the approval and include it in the access
13                    authority.

15      (3)     In section 112(5) delete "An access" and insert:

17              Except as provided in subsection (5AA), an access

19      (4)     After section 112(5) insert:

21            (5AA) An access authority does not authorise the holder to
22                  carry on operations in relation to a regulated substance
23                  unless --
24                    (a) the access authority includes an approval
25                          granted by the Minister extending the access
26                          authority to cover the regulated substance; or
27                    (b) the holder applies to the Minister in writing for
28                          such an approval and the Minister grants the
29                          approval by instrument in writing.

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               Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 amended         Part 4
                                        General amendments     Division 2
                                                                    s. 245

1    245.    Section 122 amended
2            In section 122(1)(c) delete "returns, other documents,".

3    246.    Section 123A amended
4            In section 123A(1):
5              (a) in paragraph (a)(viii) delete "a consent" and insert:

7                   an instrument of consent

9             (b)   in paragraph (c) delete "returns, other documents,".

10   247.    Section 137A amended
11           In section 137A(4) in the definition of CEO delete "department
12           of the Public Service principally assisting in the administration
13           of this Act." and insert:

15           Department.

17   248.    Section 138 amended
18     (1)   In section 138(1):
19             (a) in paragraph (d) delete "age." and insert:

21                  age; or

23            (b)   after paragraph (d) insert:

25                   (e)   by sending the document by electronic means
26                         in the manner prescribed by the regulations.

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     Part 4         Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 amended
     Division 2     General amendments
     s. 248

1       (2)     In section 138(2):
2                 (a) in paragraph (b) delete "age." and insert:

4                       age; or

6                (b)    after paragraph (b) insert:

8                       (c)   by sending the document by electronic means
9                             in the manner prescribed by the regulations.

11      (3)     In section 138(3):
12                (a) in paragraph (b) delete "age." and insert:

14                      age; or

16               (b)    after paragraph (b) insert:

18                      (c)   by sending the document by electronic means
19                            in the manner prescribed by the regulations.

21      (4)     After section 138(3) insert:

23              (4)    Regulations may provide for the time at which
24                     documents sent by electronic means in accordance with
25                     this section are taken to have been served.
26              (5)    This section applies subject to any regulations made
27                     under section 152(1A).
28              (6)    This section does not limit any power of the Minister
29                     under another provision of this Act to approve a
30                     manner in which something must be done.

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                   Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 amended         Part 4
                                            General amendments     Division 2
                                                                        s. 249

1    249.     Section 142 amended
2             In section 142 delete "140" and insert:

4             140, 141A

6    250.     Section 145 amended
7             In section 145(3):
8               (a) delete "pursuant to an agreement under section 67(2)(a)
9                     of the Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources
10                    Act 1967," and insert:

12                        in accordance with an authorisation referred to in the
13                        Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967
14                        section 67(2),

16                 (b)    delete "agreement." and insert:

18                        authorisation or regulations under section 67(2) of that
19                        Act.

21   251.     Section 148 replaced
22            Delete section 148 and insert:

24          148.         Ascertainment of quantity of petroleum or
25                       regulated substance recovered
26            (1)        In this section --
27                       title holder means a permittee, lessee or licensee.

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     Part 4         Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 amended
     Division 2     General amendments
     s. 251

1               (2)   For the purposes of this Act, the quantity of petroleum
2                     or a regulated substance recovered by a title holder
3                     during a period is taken to be --
4                       (a) the quantity measured during the period by a
5                             measuring device approved by the Minister that
6                             is installed at the well-head or at another place
7                             approved by the Minister; or
8                       (b) the quantity determined by the Minister as
9                             being the quantity recovered by the title holder
10                            during the period.
11              (3)   Without limiting subsection (2)(a), in the case of
12                    petroleum, the approved measuring device may be a
13                    measuring device installed in accordance with a
14                    condition imposed under section 70(3) or the
15                    Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969 section 12(2A).
16              (4)   The Minister may approve a measuring device or place
17                    under subsection (2)(a) subject to conditions.
18              (5)   The Minister's power under subsection (2)(b) can be
19                    exercised only in the following cases --
20                      (a) there is no approved measuring device installed
21                            as referred to in subsection (2)(a);
22                      (b) there is an approved measuring device installed
23                            as referred to in subsection (2)(a) but the
24                            Minister is not satisfied that the quantity of
25                            petroleum or the regulated substance recovered
26                            by the title holder has been properly or
27                            accurately measured by the measuring device;
28                      (c) there is an approved measuring device installed
29                            as referred to in subsection (2)(a) but the
30                            Minister is satisfied that there has been a
31                            contravention of a condition imposed under

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              Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 amended         Part 4
                                       General amendments     Division 2
                                                                   s. 252

1                          subsection (4) on the approval of the measuring
2                          device or of the place at which it is installed.

4    252.   Section 152A amended
5           In section 152A in the definition of applicable document
6           paragraph (c) delete "report, return or other document" and
7           insert:

9           report

11   253.   Part IV Division 1 heading inserted
12          At the beginning of Part IV insert:

14                              Division 1 -- General

16   254.   Section 152I amended
17          In section 152I --
18            (a) in paragraph (a) delete "an exploration permit for
19                  petroleum" and insert:

21                   a permit

23           (b)     in paragraph (c) delete "production licence for
24                   petroleum" and insert:

26                   licence

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     Part 4         Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 amended
     Division 2     General amendments
     s. 255

1    255.       Part IV Division 2 heading inserted
2               After section 152I insert:

4                          Division 2 -- Forms and regulations

6    256.       Section 152J inserted
7               Before section 152 insert:

9           152J.     Approved forms
10              (1)   The Minister may approve forms that must be used for
11                    applications, notices and other documents under this
12                    Act.
13                    Examples for this subsection:
14                    1.     If the Minister approves a form for a type of application, a
15                           person making an application of that type must use the
16                           approved form for the application.
17                    2.     If the Minister approves a form for a type of notice, a person
18                           giving a notice of that type must use the approved form for
19                           the notice.

20              (2)   An approved form must be published on a website
21                    maintained by, or on behalf of, the Department.

23   257.       Section 152 amended
24      (1)     After section 152(1) insert:

26            (1A)    Without limiting subsection (1), the regulations may
27                    make provision for or in relation to the following --
28                     (a) the giving of a document required or permitted
29                          to be given under this Act (including the giving
30                          of the document by electronic means);

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                Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 amended         Part 4
                                         General amendments     Division 2
                                                                     s. 258

1                     (b)   the time at which the document is taken to have
2                           been given;
3                     (c)   the means of satisfying a requirement under this
4                           Act in relation to a document in writing (for
5                           example, a requirement that the original of a
6                           document be given or that a document be
7                           signed) if the document is given by electronic
8                           means.
9            (1B)   Subsection (1A) applies to a requirement or permission
10                  to give a document whether the term "give", "send" or
11                  "serve", or any other similar word or term, is used.

13     (2)    In section 152(2) delete "In particular, but without limiting the
14            generality of" and insert:

16            Without limiting

18   258.     Section 153 amended
19     (1)    In section 153(1) delete the definition of Gazettal day.
20     (2)    In section 153(1) insert in alphabetical order:

22                  publication day means the day on which transitional
23                  regulations are published in accordance with the
24                  Interpretation Act 1984 section 41(1)(a);
25                  specified means specified or described in transitional
26                  regulations;

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     Division 2     General amendments
     s. 258

1       (3)     Delete section 153(3) and (4) and insert:

3               (3)    Regulations may prescribe anything required,
4                      necessary or convenient to be prescribed in relation to a
5                      transitional matter in connection with --
6                        (a) amendments made to this Act by another Act
7                               (the amending Act); or
8                        (b) amendments made to another written law by the
9                               amending Act that, wholly or partly, are
10                              consequential on, or otherwise connected with,
11                              amendments referred to in paragraph (a).
12              (4)    Without limiting subsection (3), transitional regulations
13                     may provide for specified provisions of this Act or
14                     another written law --
15                       (a) not to apply to, or in relation to, a specified
16                            matter or thing; or
17                       (b) to apply with specified modifications to, or in
18                            relation to, a specified matter or thing.

20      (4)     In section 153(5):
21                (a) delete "Gazettal" and insert:

23                      publication

25               (b)    delete "commences." and insert:

27                      receives the Royal Assent.

29      (5)     In section 153(6)(a) and (b) delete "Gazettal" and insert:

31              publication

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                                         General amendments     Division 2
                                                                     s. 259

1      (6)    After section 153(6) insert:

3             (7)     The Interpretation Act 1984 applies in relation to an
4                     amendment made by the amending Act subject to
5                     Schedule 3 and transitional regulations.

7    259.     Various references to "petroleum pool" amended
8             In the provisions listed in the Table:
9               (a) delete "petroleum pool" (each occurrence) and insert:

11                     resources pool

13              (b)    delete "petroleum pools" (each occurrence) and insert:

15                     resources pools

17                                       Table
       s. 9(1), (2), (4), (6), (7A), (8),    s. 23(1)(c)
       (8A), (8B), (8D) to (8F) and (9)

       s. 36(1), (2) and (5)                 s. 37(4)

       s. 47(1)(ba)                          s. 58(3) and (4)

       s. 59(1)(a), (2) to (7), (11)         s. 97(2)(d)(i) and (e)
       and (12)

       s. 152(2)(i) and (j)

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    Part 4         Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 amended
    Division 2     General amendments
    s. 260

1   260.       Various references to "petroleum" amended
2              Amend the provisions listed in the Table as set out in the Table.
3                                       Table
              Provision                Delete                   Insert

      s. 4(1) def. of good      petroleum (each         petroleum or a
      oil-field practice        occurrence)             regulated substance
      s. 4(1) def. of good
      processing and
      transport practice
      s. 4(1) def. of tank
      s. 4(1) def. of valve
      s. 4(1) def. of well
      s. 9(8)(b), (8E)(h)
      and (9)(c)
      s. 19(1) and (2)
      s. 34
      s. 38A(2)(c)
      s. 38B(1)(c)
      s. 38CA(1)(b),
      (2)(b)(ii) and (4)(b)
      s. 38CB(1)(c)
      s. 38E(1)(c)
      s. 38F(2)(c)(ii)
      s. 38G(1)(c)
      s. 38J

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                                    General amendments     Division 2
                                                                s. 260

        Provision               Delete                Insert

s. 39
s. 43(2A)(b)
and (3)(b)
s. 47(1)(b)(ii)
s. 54A(1) and (3)
s. 55(1)(c)(ii)
s. 58(2)
s. 59(9)
s. 81(1)(c) and (d)(ii)
s. 112(11)
s. 124(d)
s. 126(1)(a)(iii) and
s. 129 description of
variable "A"
s. 134(1)(c)(iii)
s. 143(3) to (7)
s. 144(2) and (3)
s. 145(1)(c)
s. 149
s. 152A def. of
petroleum mining
sample par. (b)
and (c)

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Division 2     General amendments
s. 260

        Provision                Delete                Insert

  s. 152(2)(a) to (c),
  (g) and (l)(iii)
  and (iv)

  s. 4(1) def. of         petroleum             petroleum, a
  pumping station                               regulated substance
  s. 97(2)(a) and (b)
  s. 152(2)(k)

  s. 4(1) def. of water   recovery of           recovery of
  line                    petroleum (each       petroleum or a
                          occurrence)           regulated substance
  s. 59(1)(a) and (b),
  (3), (5), (6) and (7)
  s. 97(1)
  s. 112(1) and (1a)

  s. 9(1) and (8)(c)      petroleum recovered   petroleum or
                                                regulated substance
  s. 144(1)

  s. 9(2) and (8A)(f)     petroleum is          petroleum or a
                          recovered             regulated substance
  s. 127
                                                is recovered

  s. 9(2), (4), (6), (7A), petroleum so         petroleum or
  (8A)(g) and (9)          recovered            regulated substances
                                                so recovered

  s. 9(4), (6) and (7A)   petroleum, and        petroleum or a
                          petroleum             regulated substance,
                                                and petroleum or a
                                                regulated substance

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           Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 amended         Part 4
                                    General amendments     Division 2
                                                                s. 260

      Provision                 Delete                Insert

s. 9(8)(a), (8A)(a)      recover, petroleum    recover, petroleum
and (8E)(a)                                    or a regulated
s. 112(13)

s. 9(8A)(b) and (d)      petroleum recovered   petroleum or
                                               regulated substances

s. 9(8A)(c)              petroleum (each       petroleum or
and (8E)(f), (g)         occurrence)           regulated substances
and (i)
s. 134(1)(c)(i)
and (ii)
s. 143(1)

s. 9(9)(a)               recover petroleum     recover petroleum or
                                               a regulated

Pt. III Div. 2 heading petroleum               petroleum or a

s. 19(2)                 petroleum             petroleum or a
                                               regulated substance

s. 23(1)(c)              petroleum has been    petroleum or a
                         recovered             regulated substance
                                               has been recovered

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Part 4         Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 amended
Division 2     General amendments
s. 260

        Provision                Delete                 Insert

  s. 36(5)                 recovered petroleum   recovered petroleum
                                                 or a regulated

  Pt. III Div. 2A          petroleum             petroleum or
  heading                                        regulated
  Pt. III Div. 3 heading                         substances

  s. 38H(3)                petroleum (each       petroleum or
                           occurrence)           regulated substance
  s. 126(1)(a)(i)
  and (ii)
  s. 127(a) and (b)
  s. 129 description of
  variable "B"
  s. 145A(1)
  s. 146
  s. 147
  s. 150(2)
  s. 152(2)(l)(i)
  and (ii)

  s. 42(1)                 petroleum recovered   petroleum or a
                                                 regulated substance
  s. 47(2)(b)
  s. 143(2)
  s. 145A(2)

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           Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 amended         Part 4
                                    General amendments     Division 2
                                                                s. 260

     Provision                  Delete                 Insert

s. 42(1)                 that petroleum (each   that petroleum or
                         occurrence)            regulated substance
s. 47(2)(b)
s. 58(1)
s. 145(1)(a)
s. 145A(2)

s. 47(1)(ba)             petroleum has been     petroleum or
                         recovered              regulated substance
                                                has been recovered

s. 58(1)                 Where petroleum        Where petroleum or
                                                a regulated
                         petroleum              recoverable
                                                petroleum or a
                                                regulated substance

s. 58(3) and (4)         petroleum is being     petroleum or a
                         recovered (each        regulated substance
                         occurrence)            is being recovered

s. 59(11)(aa) and (a)    petroleum resources    petroleum or
                                                regulated substance

s. 97(1) and (5)         petroleum              petroleum
s. 112(1) and (1a)

s. 97(2)(c)              petroleum-bearing      strata bearing
                         strata                 petroleum or a
                                                regulated substance

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Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
Part 4         Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 amended
Division 2     General amendments
s. 260

       Provision                 Delete                   Insert

  s. 101(2)(b)(i)         petroleum,               petroleum or a
                          exploiting the           regulated substance,
                          petroleum                exploiting the
                                                   petroleum or
                                                   regulated substance
                          petroleum or             petroleum or a
                          preparing petroleum      regulated substance
                                                   or preparing
                                                   petroleum or a
                                                   regulated substance

  s. 115(1)               petroleum                petroleum
                          exploration              operations,
                          operations,              operations relating to
                          operations for the       the processing or
                          recovery of              storage of petroleum
                          petroleum,               or a regulated
                          operations relating to   substance or the
                          the processing or        preparation of
                          storage of petroleum     petroleum or a
                          or the preparation of    regulated substance

  s. 124B(1)(a) and (b)   petroleum                resource
  s. 137A(1)(a)
  s. 152(2)(n)

  s. 143(2)               the petroleum            the petroleum or
                                                   regulated substance

  s. 144(1)               petroleum from           petroleum or a
                          (each occurrence)        regulated substance

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               Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 amended         Part 4
                                        General amendments     Division 2
                                                                    s. 261

            Provision                 Delete                  Insert

      s. 145(1)(a) and (b)     petroleum that         petroleum or a
                                                      regulated substance

      s. 145(1)(b)             petroleum              petroleum operations
                               operations or
                               operations for the
                               recovery of

      s. 152(2)(f)             of petroleum           of petroleum, a
                                                      regulated substance
                               with petroleum         with petroleum or a
                                                      regulated substance

      s. 152(2)(h)             petroleum bearing      strata bearing
                               strata                 petroleum or a
                                                      regulated substance

1   261.     Various modernisations
2            Amend the provisions listed in the Table as set out in the Table.
3                                     Table
            Provision                 Delete                  Insert

      s. 4(1) def. of partly   one (each              1
      cancelled par. (a)       occurrence)
      s. 4(1) def. of partly
      s. 9(2) and (8A)(d)
      s. 21(3)(b)

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Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
Part 4         Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 amended
Division 2     General amendments
s. 261

       Provision               Delete                 Insert

  s. 22(3)
  s. 36(3) and (5)
  s. 37(2A)(a)
  and (2B)(a)
  s. 38A(1)
  s. 38B(1)(c)(i),
  (3A)(b) and (4)
  s. 38CB(5)(a)
  and (b)
  s. 38E(1)(e)
  and (3)(b)
  s. 38G(3)(a), (5), (6)
  and (10)(b)
  s. 38H(5)
  s. 43(2A)(b)
  s. 44(3)
  s. 49(1) and (2)(a)
  and (b)
  s. 54A(1) and (2)
  s. 55(4)(a) and (8)
  s. 56(3)
  s. 78(2)
  s. 81(1), (3)(a) and
  s. 81A(1)(a)
  s. 101(2)(a)

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          Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 amended         Part 4
                                   General amendments     Division 2
                                                               s. 261

      Provision                      Delete                 Insert

s. 111(8)
s. 112(4)(a) and (9)
s. 134(1)
s. 138(1) and (3)
s. 142

s. 4(1) def. of access    Part III                 Part 3
s. 4(1) def. of
s. 4(1) def. of lease
s. 4(1) def. of permit
s. 4(1) def. of
pipeline licence
s. 4(1) def. of special
Sch. 3 cl. 3

s. 4(1) def. of           in pursuance of          under Part 3
register                  Division 5 of Part III   Division 5

s. 9(1), (2), (4), (6)    shall be deemed          is taken
and (9)
s. 38E(4)
s. 38G(9) and (10)
s. 38H(3)

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Part 4         Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 amended
Division 2     General amendments
s. 261

          Provision              Delete               Insert

  s. 55(11)
  s. 78(10)(a)
  s. 101(2)

  s. 9(2)                 proportions shall    proportions must

  s. 9(4) and (6)         proportion shall     proportion must

  s. 9(8) and (10)        shall (each          must
  s. 18(1) and (2)
  s. 19(1)
  s. 21(1)(b), (c), (d)
  and (f), (2) and (3)
  s. 22A(6)
  s. 22(2) and (4)
  s. 23(4)(b), (c)
  and (d)
  s. 27
  s. 30(2)
  s. 34(b)
  s. 36(4) and (7)
  s. 37(1) and (2)
  s. 38A(2)(b), (c)
  and (e)
  s. 38B(1) to (3)
  and (5)

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            Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 amended         Part 4
                                     General amendments     Division 2
                                                                 s. 261

        Provision                Delete                Insert

s. 38CB(1) to (3)
and (6)
s. 38E(2)
s. 38F(2)
s. 38G(1) to (5)
and (7)
s. 38H(4)
s. 38J(b)
s. 39
s. 41(1)
s. 42(1) and (2)
s. 43(2A) to (3)
s. 44(2) and (3)
s. 46(3), (5) and (6)
s. 47(2) and (6)(b),
(c) and (d)
s. 49(5)
s. 50
s. 51(2)(b) to (e), (4)
and (5)(b)
s. 55(1)(c), (3), (4),
(7) and (9)
s. 58(5)
s. 59(8), (11)
and (12)
s. 76(1), (2) and (5)

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Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
Part 4         Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 amended
Division 2     General amendments
s. 261

        Provision                  Delete                 Insert

  s. 78(4), (5), (6), (7)
  and (11)
  s. 81(5), (6), (9),
  (11), (13) and (15)
  s. 82(1)
  s. 96(1) and (3)
  s. 97(1) to (5)
  s. 97A(3)
  s. 101(2a) to (5)
  and (8)
  s. 111(2), (6b)
  and (9)
  s. 112(2), (4), (10)
  and (11)
  s. 124
  s. 126(1) to (3)
  s. 128(1)
  s. 129
  s. 138(1), (2) and (3)
  s. 143(1) and (8)
  s. 144(1)
  s. 152C(2)
  s. 152F(2)

  s. 20(2)                  he (each occurrence)   the Minister
  s. 30(3)

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                             Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
           Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 amended         Part 4
                                    General amendments     Division 2
                                                                s. 261

        Provision               Delete                Insert

s. 42(2)
s. 47(3)
s. 49(1) and (2)
s. 58(1) and (3)
s. 59(7) and (8)
s. 96(2)
s. 97A(3)
s. 112(4)(b)(i)
and (ii)

s. 21(4)                 him (each             the applicant
s. 22(4)
s. 23(5)
s. 41(2)
s. 47(2)(a) and (b)
and (7)
s. 49(1) and (6)(a)
s. 50
s. 112(3)(a)

s. 21(4)                 his                   the
s. 23(5)
s. 41(2)
s. 47(2)(a) and (b)
and (7)

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Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
Part 4         Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 amended
Division 2     General amendments
s. 261

        Provision                Delete               Insert

  s. 22(3)              instrument on him      instrument
                        served on him          served on the

  s. 23(4)(d)           to him
  s. 37(5)(c)
  s. 44(1)
  s. 47(3)
  s. 49(5)(b)
  s. 55(8) and (9)

  s. 34(a)              shall forthwith        must, as soon as
  s. 38J(a)

  s. 38CA(2)(a)         is to                  must
  and (d)

  s. 38G(3)             unless                 unless the Minister
  s. 55(4)
  s. 112(4)

  s. 38G(3)(a) to (d)   he has                 has
  s. 55(4)(a) to (d)
  s. 112(4)(a) to (d)

  s. 38G(3)(a)          his                    the Minister's
  s. 55(4)(a)
  s. 59(3)
  s. 112(4)(a)

page 294
                             Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
           Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 amended         Part 4
                                    General amendments     Division 2
                                                                s. 261

      Provision                   Delete              Insert

s. 38G(3)(b)             he thinks             the Minister thinks
s. 55(4)(b)

s. 40(2) and (3)         his (each occurrence) the permittee's

s. 42(2)                 him                   the Minister
s. 55(4)(d)
s. 59(4), (8)
and (11)(a)
s. 112(4)(d)

s. 44(1)                 notice on him         notice on the
                         served on him         served on the

s. 47(2)(a) and (b)      he                    the applicant

s. 49(6)                 instrument on him     instrument
                         served on him         served on the

s. 51(1)                 him                   the licensee

s. 55(4)(c)(ii)          he wishes             the licensee or
                                               person wishes

s. 55(8)                 on him                on the licensee

s. 59(3)                 made to him

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Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
Part 4         Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 amended
Division 2     General amendments
s. 261

        Provision                Delete                 Insert

  s. 81(7)              shall, for the           is, for the purposes
                        purposes of this         of this section,
                        section, be

  s. 81(13)(a)          section 203 of the       the Acts Amendment
                        Acts Amendment           (Petroleum)
                        (Petroleum)              Act 1990 section 203
                        Act 1990

  s. 81A(3)             shall be treated as if   is taken to be
                        it were

  s. 96(2)(a) and (b)   him                      the permittee, lessee,
                                                 licensee or pipeline

  s. 97(7)              or a defendant           or who is a
                        the defendant            the person

  s. 97(7)              he                       the person
  s. 112(4)(c)(ii)

  s. 102(3)             he                       the person or

  s. 112(1)             him                      the permittee, lessee,
                                                 licensee or holder

  s. 112(3)(a)          he is

  s. 112(6)             by him

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             Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 amended         Part 4
                                      General amendments     Division 2
                                                                  s. 261

         Provision                     Delete                      Insert

    s. 112(11)                he                          the holder

    s. 115(1)                 he                          the Minister or

    s. 115(1)(a) and (b)      him                         the Minister or

    s. 115(2)                 him (each                   the person

    s. 126(1)                 him                         the inspector

    s. 126(1) to (3)          his (each occurrence) the inspector's

1         Note: The headings to the amended sections listed in the Table are to read as
2                set out in the Table.

3                                       Table
                Amended section                     Section heading
             s. 9                   Resources pool extending into 2 licence areas
                                    or other areas
             s. 19                  Exploration for petroleum or regulated
             s. 34                  Discovery of petroleum or regulated substance
                                    must be notified
             s. 38J                 Discovery of petroleum or regulated substance
                                    must be notified
             s. 39                  Recovery of petroleum or regulated substance
                                    in adjacent area
             s. 58                  Directions as to recovery of petroleum or
                                    regulated substance
             s. 124B                Interfering with petroleum installation or
             s. 127                 Property in petroleum or regulated substance

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     Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
     Part 4         Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 amended
     Division 3     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport
     s. 262

1     Division 3 -- Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage
2                         and transport
3    262.       Long title replaced
4               Delete the long title and insert:
6           An Act to make provision with respect to --
7           •    the exploration for and the exploitation of the
8               petroleum resources, and certain other resources, of
9               certain submerged lands adjacent to the coast of
10              Western Australia; and
11          •    the injection and storage of greenhouse gas substances
12              within certain submerged lands adjacent to the coast of
13              Western Australia.

15   263.       Section 1 amended
16              In section 1 delete "Petroleum" and insert:

18              Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage

20   264.       Section 4 amended
21      (1)     In section 4(1) delete the definitions of:
22              access authority
23              lease
24              licence
25              permit
26              pipeline
27              primary entitlement
28              special prospecting authority

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              Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 amended            Part 4
     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport Division 3
                                                                      s. 264

1       (2)   In section 4(1) insert in alphabetical order:

3                   access authority means --
4                     (a) a petroleum access authority; or
5                     (b) a GHG access authority;
6                   approved site plan means a site plan in respect of
7                   which an approval is in force under regulations made
8                   for the purposes of section 74AI;
9                   closure assurance period means a closure assurance
10                  period declared under section 74AZE(2);
11                  detection agent means a substance, whether in a
12                  gaseous or liquid state, that --
13                    (a) facilitates the monitoring of the behaviour of
14                          another substance or a mixture of other
15                          substances when added to --
16                             (i) that other substance; or
17                            (ii) that mixture of other substances;
18                          and
19                    (b) is prescribed by the regulations;
20                  eligible GHG storage formation has the meaning given
21                  in section 4B(1);
22                  fundamental suitability determinants, in relation to an
23                  eligible GHG storage formation, has the meaning given
24                  in section 4B(9);
25                  GHG access authority means a GHG access authority
26                  under Part 3;
27                  GHG exploration operation means an operation to
28                  explore for potential GHG storage formations or
29                  potential GHG injection sites, and the carrying on of
30                  operations and the execution of works necessary for
31                  that purpose;

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     Division 3     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport
     s. 264

1                   GHG exploration permit means a GHG exploration
2                   permit under Part 3;
3                   GHG facility line means a pipe, or system of pipes,
4                   that is --
5                     (a) used to convey a greenhouse gas substance; and
6                     (b) part of a greenhouse gas facility;
7                   GHG infrastructure line means a pipe, or system of
8                   pipes, that is --
9                     (a) used to convey a greenhouse gas substance; and
10                    (b) part of infrastructure facilities;
11                  GHG injection licence means a GHG injection licence
12                  under Part 3;
13                  GHG injection line means a pipe, or system of pipes,
14                  for conveying a greenhouse gas substance for any of
15                  the following purposes but only if the greenhouse gas
16                  substance does not pass through a terminal point on the
17                  pipe, or system of pipes, before it is injected into the
18                  identified GHG storage formation --
19                    (a) to be compressed, processed or otherwise
20                          prepared for injection into an identified GHG
21                          storage formation;
22                    (b) for storage prior to being injected into an
23                          identified GHG storage formation;
24                    (c) for injection into an identified GHG storage
25                          formation;
26                  GHG injection operation means --
27                    (a) an operation to inject a greenhouse gas
28                          substance into an identified GHG storage
29                          formation, and to permanently store the
30                          greenhouse gas substance in the identified
31                          GHG storage formation, and the carrying on of
32                          operations and the execution of works
33                          necessary for those purposes; or

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     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport Division 3
                                                                      s. 264

1                    (b)   an operation to monitor a greenhouse gas
2                          substance stored in an identified GHG storage
3                          formation, and the carrying on of operations
4                          and the execution of works necessary for that
5                          purpose;
6                  GHG lease area means the area constituted by the
7                  blocks that are the subject of a GHG retention lease;
8                  GHG lessee means the registered holder of a
9                  GHG retention lease;
10                 GHG licence area means the area constituted by the
11                 blocks that are the subject of a GHG injection licence;
12                 GHG licensee means the registered holder of a GHG
13                 injection licence;
14                 GHG operation --
15                   (a) means any of the following carried out in the
16                         adjacent area --
17                            (i) a GHG exploration operation;
18                           (ii) an operation to drill for potential GHG
19                                 storage formations or potential GHG
20                                 injection sites, and the carrying on of
21                                 operations and the execution of works
22                                 necessary for that purpose;
23                          (iii) a GHG injection operation;
24                          (iv) any other kind of operation prescribed
25                                 by the regulations to be a GHG
26                                 operation;
27                         but
28                   (b) does not include an operation of a kind
29                         prescribed by the regulations not to be a GHG
30                         operation;
31                 GHG permit area means the area constituted by the
32                 blocks that are the subject of a GHG exploration
33                 permit;

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     Division 3     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport
     s. 264

1                   GHG permittee means the registered holder of a GHG
2                   exploration permit;
3                   GHG retention lease means a GHG retention lease
4                   under Part 3;
5                   GHG special prospecting authority means a GHG
6                   special prospecting authority under Part 3;
7                   greenhouse gas facility means a structure for or in
8                   connection with the carrying out of a GHG operation;
9                   greenhouse gas (GHG licence area) pipeline has the
10                  meaning given in section 60M;
11                  greenhouse gas (petroleum licence area) pipeline has
12                  the meaning given in section 60M;
13                  greenhouse gas pipeline means --
14                    (a) a pipe, or system of pipes, in the adjacent area
15                          as defined in section 60K(2) for conveying a
16                          greenhouse gas substance, other than --
17                             (i) a GHG injection line; or
18                            (ii) a GHG infrastructure line; or
19                           (iii) a GHG facility line; or
20                           (iv) a pipe, or system of pipes, specified in
21                                  the regulations;
22                          or
23                    (b) a part of a pipe covered by paragraph (a); or
24                    (c) a part of a system of pipes covered by
25                          paragraph (a);
26                  greenhouse gas substance or GHG has the meaning
27                  given in section 4D;
28                  identified GHG storage formation means a part of a
29                  geological formation declared to be an identified
30                  GHG storage formation under section 74AE(2)(a);

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              Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 amended            Part 4
     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport Division 3
                                                                      s. 264

1                  incidental greenhouse gas-related substance, in
2                  relation to a primary greenhouse gas substance, has the
3                  meaning given in section 4C(2);
4                  lease means --
5                    (a) a petroleum retention lease; or
6                    (b) a GHG retention lease;
7                  licence means --
8                    (a) a petroleum production licence; or
9                    (b) a GHG injection licence;
10                 permit means --
11                   (a) a petroleum exploration permit; or
12                   (b) a GHG exploration permit;
13                 petroleum access authority means a petroleum access
14                 authority under Part 3;
15                 petroleum exploration permit --
16                   (a) means a petroleum exploration permit under
17                         Part 3; and
18                   (b) includes a boundary-change permit;
19                 petroleum lease area means the area constituted by the
20                 blocks that are the subject of a petroleum retention
21                 lease;
22                 petroleum lessee means the registered holder of a
23                 petroleum retention lease;
24                 petroleum licence area means the area constituted by
25                 the blocks that are the subject of a petroleum
26                 production licence;
27                 petroleum licensee means the registered holder of a
28                 petroleum production licence;
29                 petroleum permit area means the area constituted by
30                 the blocks that are the subject of a petroleum
31                 exploration permit;

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     Division 3     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport
     s. 264

1                   petroleum permittee means the registered holder of a
2                   petroleum exploration permit;
3                   petroleum pipeline means --
4                     (a) a pipe, or system of pipes, in the adjacent area
5                           as defined in section 60K(2) for conveying
6                           petroleum (whether or not the petroleum is
7                           recovered from the adjacent area), other than a
8                           secondary line; or
9                     (b) a part of a pipe covered by paragraph (a); or
10                    (c) a part of a system of pipes covered by
11                          paragraph (a);
12                  petroleum production licence means a petroleum
13                  production licence under Part 3;
14                  petroleum retention lease means a petroleum retention
15                  lease under Part 3;
16                  petroleum special prospecting authority means a
17                  petroleum special prospecting authority under Part 3;
18                  pipeline means --
19                    (a) a petroleum pipeline; or
20                    (b) a greenhouse gas pipeline;
21                  pipeline licence offer notice means a notice given
22                  under section 64G(2), (3) or (4), 64H(2) or (3), 64I(2),
23                  (3) or (4), 64J(2), (3) or (4) or 64K(2) or (3);
24                  pipeline operator under the Commonwealth Act or a
25                  corresponding law has the meaning given in
26                  section 60L;
27                  potential GHG injection site means a place that is a
28                  suitable place to make a well or wells to inject a
29                  greenhouse gas substance into a part of a geological
30                  formation;
31                  potential GHG storage formation has the meaning
32                  given in section 4A(1);

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              Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 amended            Part 4
     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport Division 3
                                                                      s. 264

1                  pre-certificate notice has the meaning given in
2                  section 74AT(2);
3                  primary entitlement means --
4                    (a) in relation to a petroleum permittee, the number
5                           of blocks forming part of a location in the
6                           petroleum permit area in respect of which that
7                           petroleum permittee may make an application
8                           under section 40(1); and
9                    (b) in relation to a petroleum lessee, the number of
10                          blocks in the petroleum lease area in respect of
11                          which that petroleum lessee may make an
12                          application under section 40A(1);
13                 primary greenhouse gas substance means --
14                   (a) carbon dioxide; or
15                   (b) a prescribed greenhouse gas;
16                 site closing certificate has the meaning given in
17                 section 74AX(2);
18                 site plan means a document that --
19                   (a) relates to an identified GHG storage formation;
20                          and
21                   (b) complies with any requirements specified in the
22                          regulations; and
23                   (c) is divided into the following parts --
24                            (i) Part A, which sets out predictions for
25                                  the behaviour of a greenhouse gas
26                                  substance stored in the identified GHG
27                                  storage formation;
28                           (ii) Part B, which deals with other matters;
29                 spatial extent, of an eligible GHG storage formation,
30                 has the meaning given in section 4B(3);

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     Division 3     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport
     s. 264

1                     special prospecting authority means --
2                       (a) a petroleum special prospecting authority; or
3                       (b) a GHG special prospecting authority;
4                     terminal point means a terminal point declared under
5                     section 63A(1);

7       (3)     In section 4(1) in the definition of facility delete "petroleum
8               operation;" and insert:

10              petroleum operation or a GHG operation;

12      (4)     In section 4(1) in the definition of primary licence delete
13              "licence" and insert:

15              petroleum production licence

17      (5)     In section 4(1) in the definition of Registration Fees Act after
18              "Petroleum" insert:

20              and Greenhouse Gas Storage

22      (6)     In section 4(1) in the definition of well delete "substance or
23              operations for the recovery of petroleum or a regulated
24              substance," and insert:

26              substance, operations for the recovery of petroleum or a
27              regulated substance or GHG operations,

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              Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 amended            Part 4
     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport Division 3
                                                                      s. 265

1    265.     Section 4A to 4D inserted
2             After section 4 insert:

4           4A.     Potential GHG storage formation
5             (1)   For the purposes of this Act, a potential GHG storage
6                   formation is a part of a geological formation that is
7                   suitable for the permanent storage of a greenhouse gas
8                   substance injected into that part.
9             (2)   For the purposes of subsection (1), it is not necessary to
10                  identify the greenhouse gas substance.
11            (3)   For the purposes of subsection (1), in determining
12                  whether a part of a geological formation is suitable for
13                  the permanent storage of a greenhouse gas substance
14                  injected into that part, regard may be had to reasonably
15                  foreseeable technological developments.

16          4B.     Eligible GHG storage formation and related terms
17            (1)   For the purposes of this Act, an eligible GHG storage
18                  formation is a part of a geological formation that is
19                  suitable for the permanent storage of a particular
20                  amount of a particular greenhouse gas substance
21                  injected at a particular point or points into that part
22                  over a particular period.
23            (2)   An amount referred to in subsection (1) must be at least
24                  100 000 tonnes.
25            (3)   For the purposes of this Act, the spatial extent of an
26                  eligible GHG storage formation is the expected
27                  migration pathway or pathways of the particular
28                  amount of the particular greenhouse gas substance

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     Division 3     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport
     s. 265

1                     injected as referred to in subsection (1), over the
2                     period --
3                       (a) beginning at the start of the particular period
4                             referred to in that subsection; and
5                       (b) ending at the notional site closing certificate
6                             time as defined in subsection (8).
7               (4)   In determining the spatial extent of an eligible GHG
8                     storage formation, regard must be had to --
9                       (a) the fundamental suitability determinants; and
10                      (b) any other relevant matters.
11              (5)   The regulations may provide that the expected
12                    migration pathway or pathways are to be ascertained
13                    for the purposes of subsection (3) on the basis of --
14                      (a) 1 or more assumptions (if any) specified in the
15                            regulations; and
16                      (b) a level of probability specified in the
17                            regulations; and
18                      (c) a methodology (if any) specified in the
19                            regulations.
20              (6)   For the purposes of the application of this section to a
21                    part of a geological formation covered by
22                    subsection (1), the notional site closing certificate time
23                    is worked out by --
24                      (a) assuming that the particular amount of the
25                            particular greenhouse gas substance referred to
26                            in that subsection was injected at the particular
27                            point or points referred to in that subsection
28                            over the particular period referred to in that
29                            subsection; and
30                      (b) assuming that, throughout that period, that part
31                            was an identified GHG storage formation; and

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              Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 amended            Part 4
     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport Division 3
                                                                      s. 265

1                    (c)   assuming that, throughout that period,
2                          operations for the injection of the greenhouse
3                          gas substance into that part --
4                             (i) were authorised by a GHG injection
5                                  licence; and
6                            (ii) complied with the requirements of this
7                                  Act and the regulations;
8                          and
9                    (d)   assuming that, at the end of that period,
10                         operations for the injection of the greenhouse
11                         gas substance into that part ceased; and
12                   (e)   estimating the earliest time after the end of that
13                         period when the Minister would be in a position
14                         to issue a site closing certificate in relation to
15                         the identified GHG storage formation.
16           (7)   When making an estimate under subsection (6)(e),
17                 section 74AS is to be disregarded.
18           (8)   The notional site closing certificate time is the time
19                 estimated under subsection (6)(e).
20           (9)   For the purposes of this Act, the following are the
21                 fundamental suitability determinants of an eligible
22                 GHG storage formation --
23                   (a) the particular amount referred to in
24                         subsection (1);
25                   (b) the particular greenhouse gas substance referred
26                         to in subsection (1);
27                   (c) the particular point or points referred to in
28                         subsection (1);
29                   (d) the particular period referred to in
30                         subsection (1);

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     Division 3     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport
     s. 265

1                      (e)   the effective sealing feature or attribute that
2                            enables the permanent storage referred to in
3                            subsection (1).

4          4C.        Incidental greenhouse gas-related substance
5               (1)   This section applies if a primary greenhouse gas
6                     substance is captured from a particular source material.
7               (2)   For the purposes of this Act, each of the following is an
8                     incidental greenhouse gas-related substance in
9                     relation to a primary greenhouse gas substance --
10                      (a) any substance that is incidentally derived from
11                            the source material;
12                      (b) any substance that is incidentally derived from
13                            the capture;
14                      (c) if the primary greenhouse gas substance,
15                            whether in a pure form or in a mixture with
16                            other substances, is transported -- any
17                            substance that is incidentally derived from the
18                            transportation;
19                      (d) if the primary greenhouse gas substance,
20                            whether in a pure form or in a mixture with
21                            other substances, is injected into a part of a
22                            geological formation -- any substance that is
23                            incidentally derived from the injection;
24                      (e) if the primary greenhouse gas substance,
25                            whether in a pure form or in a mixture with
26                            other substances, is stored in a part of a
27                            geological formation -- any substance that is
28                            incidentally derived from the storage.

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     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport Division 3
                                                                      s. 266

1           4D.     Greenhouse gas substance or GHG
2             (1)   For the purposes of this Act, each of the following is a
3                   greenhouse gas substance or GHG --
4                     (a) a primary greenhouse gas substance, whether in
5                           a gaseous or liquid state;
6                     (b) subject to subsection (2), a mixture of a
7                           substance referred to in paragraph (a) with --
8                             (i) 1 or more incidental greenhouse
9                                  gas-related substances, whether in a
10                                 gaseous or liquid state, that relate to a
11                                 substance referred to in paragraph (a);
12                                 or
13                           (ii) a detection agent, whether in a gaseous
14                                 or liquid state.
15            (2)   Subsection (1)(b) applies only if --
16                   (a) the mixture consists overwhelmingly of a
17                         primary greenhouse gas substance, whether in a
18                         gaseous or liquid state; and
19                   (b) in a case where the mixture includes a detection
20                         agent -- the concentration of the detection
21                         agent in the mixture is not more than the
22                         concentration prescribed in relation to that
23                         detection agent.

25   266.     Section 6A amended
26      (1)   In section 6A(1) delete the definition of petroleum mining
27            instrument.
28      (2)   In section 6A(1) insert in alphabetical order:

30                  Territory instrument means a permit, lease, licence,
31                  infrastructure licence or pipeline licence.

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     Division 3     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport
     s. 267

1       (3)     In section 6A(1) in the definition of Commonwealth instrument
2               delete "petroleum mining" and insert:

4               Territory

6       (4)     In section 6A(3) and (4) delete "petroleum mining" (each
7               occurrence) and insert:

9               Territory

11   267.       Section 6B amended
12      (1)     In section 6B(1) in the definition of infrastructure facilities
13              delete "(2)," and insert:

15              (2) or (3),

17      (2)     After section 6B(2) insert:

19              (3)   The activities referred to in subsection (1) are the
20                    following --
21                      (a) activities preparatory to injecting a greenhouse
22                           gas substance into an identified GHG storage
23                           formation (for example, controlling the flow of
24                           a greenhouse gas substance into the relevant
25                           well);
26                      (b) preparing a greenhouse gas substance for
27                           injection into an identified GHG storage
28                           formation (for example, pumping, processing or
29                           compressing);

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     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport Division 3
                                                                      s. 267

1                    (c)   preparing a greenhouse gas substance for
2                          transport to another place (for example,
3                          pumping or compressing);
4                    (d)   storing a greenhouse gas substance before it
5                          is --
6                             (i) transported to another place; or
7                            (ii) injected into an identified GHG storage
8                                  formation; or
9                           (iii) subjected to any other activity at a
10                                 facility, structure or installation;
11                   (e)   monitoring the behaviour of a greenhouse gas
12                         substance stored in an identified GHG storage
13                         formation;
14                   (f)   remote control of facilities, structures or
15                         installations used to --
16                            (i) inject a greenhouse gas substance into
17                                 an identified GHG storage formation; or
18                           (ii) store a greenhouse gas substance in an
19                                 identified GHG storage formation; or
20                          (iii) do anything referred to in paragraphs (a)
21                                 to (e);
22                   (g)   activities related to anything referred to in
23                         paragraphs (a) to (f).
24           (4)   For the purposes of subsection (3), the injection of a
25                 greenhouse gas substance into an identified GHG
26                 storage formation is taken to take place at the top of the
27                 relevant well.

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     Division 3     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport
     s. 268

1    268.       Part 3 heading replaced
2               Delete the heading to Part 3 and insert:

4               Part 3 -- Operations relating to recovery of
5                  petroleum or regulated substances or
6                 GHG injection, storage and transport

8    269.       Section 18 amended
9               After section 18(2) insert:

11              (3)   The Minister may, by instrument published in the
12                    Gazette, declare that a block specified in the instrument
13                    must not be the subject of a GHG exploration permit,
14                    GHG retention lease, GHG injection licence, GHG
15                    special prospecting authority or GHG access authority.
16              (4)   A declaration cannot be made under subsection (3) in
17                    respect of a block in respect of which a GHG
18                    exploration permit, GHG retention lease or GHG
19                    injection licence is in force.
20              (5)   While a declaration under subsection (3) remains in
21                    force in respect of a block, a GHG exploration permit,
22                    GHG retention lease, GHG injection licence, GHG
23                    special prospecting authority or GHG access authority
24                    must not be granted in respect of that block.

26   270.       Part 3 Division 2 heading amended
27              In the heading to Part 3 Division 2 delete "for petroleum or a
28              regulated substance".

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     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport Division 3
                                                                      s. 271

1    271.      Section 19 amended
2       (1)    Before section 19(1) insert:

4             (1A)     In this section --
5                      explore for, in relation to petroleum, a regulated
6                      substance, a potential GHG storage formation or a
7                      potential GHG injection site, includes to conduct any
8                      geophysical survey the data from which is intended for
9                      use in the search for petroleum, a regulated substance,
10                     a potential GHG storage formation or a potential GHG
11                     injection site.

13      (2)    In section 19(1):
14               (a) in paragraph (a) before "permit" insert:

16                      petroleum exploration

18               (b)    delete the Penalty and insert:

20                     Penalty for this subsection: imprisonment for 5 years or
21                        a fine of $50 000.

23      (3)    Delete section 19(2) and insert:

25             (2)     A person must not explore for a potential GHG storage
26                     formation or a potential GHG injection site in the
27                     adjacent area except --
28                       (a) under and in accordance with a GHG
29                            exploration permit; or

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     s. 272

1                      (b) as otherwise permitted by this Act.
2                     Penalty for this subsection: imprisonment for 5 years or
3                        a fine of $50 000.

5               Note: The heading to amended section 19 is to read:
6                     Exploration for petroleum, regulated substances, potential GHG
7                     storage formations and potential GHG injection sites restricted

8    272.       Section 20 amended
9               After section 20(2) insert:

11              (3)   The Minister may, in an instrument under
12                    subsection (1) inviting applications for the grant of a
13                    GHG exploration permit, direct that the applications be
14                    accompanied by --
15                      (a) information concerning the source, volume and
16                           composition of the greenhouse gas substance
17                           that is proposed to be initially injected and
18                           stored; and
19                      (b) any other information the Minister considers
20                           relevant.

22   273.       Section 20A inserted
23              After section 20 insert:

25          20A.      Petroleum lessee or licensee to be notified of
26                    proposal to advertise certain blocks
27              (1)   This section applies if --
28                     (a) the Minister proposes to publish an instrument
29                           under section 20(1) inviting applications for the
30                           grant of a GHG exploration permit in respect of
31                           a block or blocks that is or are the subject of a

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                                                                      s. 273

1                          petroleum retention lease or petroleum
2                          production licence; and
3                    (b)   at the time of the proposal, the petroleum lessee
4                          or petroleum licensee is entitled to apply for the
5                          grant of a GHG retention lease or GHG
6                          injection licence over the block or blocks.
7            (2)   The Minister must, at least 60 days before the proposed
8                  publication of the instrument, notify the petroleum
9                  lessee or petroleum licensee of the proposed
10                 publication.
11           (3)   Subsection (4) applies if the petroleum lessee or
12                 petroleum licensee makes an application referred to in
13                 subsection (1)(b) during the period --
14                   (a) beginning when the petroleum lessee or
15                         petroleum licensee is given the notification
16                         under subsection (2); and
17                   (b) ending at the end of the day before the day of
18                         proposed publication of the instrument.
19           (4)   The Minister must not publish the instrument until --
20                  (a) the application lapses; or
21                  (b) the petroleum lessee or petroleum licensee
22                       withdraws the application; or
23                  (c) the Minister refuses to grant the GHG retention
24                       lease or GHG injection licence.

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     s. 274

1    274.       Section 21 amended
2               In section 21(1):
3                 (a) in paragraph (c) before "must" insert:

5                       in the case of an application for a petroleum exploration
6                       permit --

8                (b)    delete paragraph (da) and insert:

10                     (da)   in the case of an application for a petroleum
11                            exploration permit -- may include an
12                            application for an approval for the purposes of
13                            section 28(2)(a); and
14                     (db)   in the case of an application for a GHG
15                            exploration permit -- must be accompanied by
16                            any information required under section 20(3);
17                            and

19   275.       Section 22A amended
20              Delete section 22A(1) and insert:

22              (1)    This section applies if --
23                      (a) 2 or more applications are made under
24                            section 20 for the grant of a petroleum
25                            exploration permit for the same block or
26                            blocks; or
27                      (b) 2 or more applications are made under
28                            section 20 for the grant of a GHG exploration
29                            permit for the same block or blocks.

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                                                                      s. 276

1    276.     Section 22 amended
2       (1)   Delete section 22(2)(aa) and insert:

4                    (aa)   if the application is an application for a
5                           petroleum exploration permit and included an
6                           application for an approval for the purposes of
7                           section 28(2)(a) -- a statement as to whether
8                           the approval will be granted with the petroleum
9                           exploration permit; and

11      (2)   In section 22(4) delete "permit" and insert:

13            petroleum exploration permit or a GHG exploration permit (as
14            the case requires)

16      (3)   In section 22(4A) delete "permit" and insert:

18            petroleum exploration permit

20   277.     Section 23 amended
21      (1)   In section 23(1):
22              (a) in paragraph (a) before "lease" insert:

24                   petroleum retention

26             (b)   in paragraph (aa) before "licence" insert:

28                   petroleum production

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1                 (c)     in paragraph (b) before "permit" insert:

3                         petroleum exploration

5                 (d)     in paragraph (c) delete "permit, lease or licence" and
6                         insert:

8                         petroleum exploration permit, petroleum retention lease
9                         or petroleum production licence

11                (e)     delete "grant of a permit" and insert:

13                        grant of a petroleum exploration permit

15      (2)     In section 23(4)(d) delete "grant of a permit" and insert:

17              grant of a petroleum exploration permit

19              Note: The heading to amended section 23 is to read:
20                      Application for petroleum exploration permit for surrendered,
21                      cancelled or determined blocks

22   278.       Section 24 amended
23              In section 24(2) and (3) delete "permit" and insert:

25              petroleum exploration permit

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                                                                      s. 279

1    279.     Section 25 amended
2       (1)   In section 25(1) and (2) delete "permit" (each occurrence) and
3             insert:

5             petroleum exploration permit

7       (2)   In section 25(5):
8               (a) in paragraph (a) delete "permit" and insert:

10                      petroleum exploration permit

12              (b)     in paragraph (aa) delete "permit; and" and insert:

14                      petroleum exploration permit; and

16              (c)     in paragraph (b)(ii) delete "permit" and insert:

18                      petroleum exploration permit

20   280.     Section 26 amended
21            In section 26(1) and (2) delete "permit" (each occurrence) and
22            insert:

24            petroleum exploration permit

26            Note: The heading to amended section 26 is to read:
27                    Request by applicant for grant of petroleum exploration permit in
28                    respect of advertised blocks

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     s. 281

1    281.         Section 27 amended
2                 In section 27 delete "permit" (each occurrence) and insert:

4                 petroleum exploration permit

6                 Note: The heading to amended section 27 is to read:
7                       Grant of petroleum exploration permit on request

8    282.         Section 27A amended
9                 In section 27A(5)(c) and (6)(c) delete "a permit" and insert:

11                a petroleum exploration permit

13   283.         Section 28 replaced
14                Delete section 28 and insert:

16          28.         Rights conferred by petroleum exploration permit
17                (1)   Except as provided in subsection (2), a petroleum
18                      exploration permit, while it remains in force, authorises
19                      the petroleum permittee, subject to this Act and in
20                      accordance with the conditions to which the permit is
21                      subject --
22                        (a) to explore for petroleum or a regulated
23                              substance in the petroleum permit area; and
24                        (b) to recover petroleum or a regulated substance in
25                              the petroleum permit area for the purpose of
26                              establishing the nature and probable extent of a
27                              discovery of petroleum or a regulated
28                              substance; and

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1                    (c)     to carry on any operations and execute any
2                            works in the petroleum permit area that are
3                            necessary for those purposes.
4            (2)   A petroleum exploration permit does not authorise the
5                  petroleum permittee to do the things referred to in
6                  subsection (1)(a) to (c) in relation to a regulated
7                  substance unless --
8                    (a) the petroleum exploration permit includes an
9                          approval granted by the Minister extending the
10                         permit to cover the regulated substance; or
11                   (b) the petroleum permittee applies to the Minister
12                         in writing for such an approval and the Minister
13                         grants the approval by instrument in writing.
14           (3)   A petroleum exploration permit does not authorise the
15                 petroleum permittee to make a well outside the
16                 petroleum permit area.
17                 Note for this subsection:
18                         The petroleum permittee may be able to make a well
19                         outside the petroleum permit area under another authority,
20                         for example, a petroleum access authority.

21        28A.     Rights conferred by GHG exploration permit
22           (1)   A GHG exploration permit, while it remains in force,
23                 authorises the GHG permittee, subject to this Act and
24                 in accordance with the conditions to which the GHG
25                 exploration permit is subject --
26                   (a) to explore for a potential GHG storage
27                         formation in the GHG permit area; and
28                   (b) to explore for a potential GHG injection site in
29                         the GHG permit area; and
30                   (c) to inject, on an appraisal basis, a greenhouse
31                         gas substance into a part of a geological
32                         formation, so long as the relevant well is
33                         situated in the GHG permit area; and

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1                     (d)   to store, on an appraisal basis, a greenhouse gas
2                           substance in a part of a geological formation, so
3                           long as the relevant well is situated in the GHG
4                           permit area; and
5                     (e)   to inject, on an appraisal basis, any of the
6                           following into a part of a geological formation
7                           for purposes in connection with the exploration
8                           authorised by paragraph (a) or (b), so long as
9                           the relevant well is situated in the GHG permit
10                          area --
11                             (i) air;
12                            (ii) petroleum;
13                           (iii) water;
14                          and
15                    (f)   to store, on an appraisal basis, any of the
16                          following in a part of a geological formation for
17                          purposes in connection with the exploration
18                          authorised by paragraph (a) or (b), so long as
19                          the relevant well is situated in the GHG permit
20                          area --
21                             (i) air;
22                            (ii) petroleum;
23                           (iii) water;
24                          and
25                    (g)   with the written consent of the Minister, to
26                          recover petroleum or a regulated substance in
27                          the GHG permit area for the sole purpose of
28                          appraising a discovery of --
29                             (i) petroleum or a regulated substance that
30                                  was made as an incidental consequence
31                                  of the exploration authorised by
32                                  paragraph (a) or (b); or

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1                            (ii)   petroleum that was made as an
2                                   incidental consequence of the injection
3                                   authorised by paragraph (c) or (e);
4                           and
5                    (h)    to carry on any operations and execute any
6                           works in the GHG permit area that are
7                           necessary for those purposes.
8             (2)   If petroleum or a regulated substance is recovered by
9                   the GHG permittee in the GHG permit area as
10                  authorised by subsection (1)(g), the petroleum or
11                  regulated substance does not become the property of
12                  the GHG permittee.
13            (3)   A GHG exploration permit does not authorise the GHG
14                  permittee to make a well outside the GHG permit area.

16   284.     Section 30 amended
17      (1)   In section 30(1) delete "32A and 32B," and insert:

19            32A, 32B and 32C,

21      (2)   In section 30(2) delete "the permit --" and insert:

23            a petroleum exploration permit --

25      (3)   In section 30(3) delete "the permit" (1st occurrence) and insert:

27            a petroleum exploration permit

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1       (4)     After section 30(3) insert:

3               (4)   An application for the renewal of a GHG exploration
4                     permit must --
5                       (a) subject to subsection (5), be made in an
6                            approved manner --
7                              (i) not more than 12 months before the day
8                                   of expiration of the permit; and
9                             (ii) at least 6 months before the day of
10                                  expiration of the permit;
11                           and
12                     (b) be accompanied by the prescribed fee.
13              (5)   The Minister may, for reasons that the Minister thinks
14                    sufficient, receive an application for the renewal of a
15                    GHG exploration permit less than 6 months before, but
16                    not in any case after, the day of expiration of the
17                    permit.

19   285.       Section 32A amended
20      (1)     In section 32A(1) after "applies to a" insert:

22              petroleum exploration

24      (2)     In section 32A(2) after "if a" insert:

26              petroleum exploration

28              Note: The heading to amended section 32A is to read:
29                    Certain petroleum exploration permits cannot be renewed more
30                    than twice

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                                                                      s. 286

1    286.         Section 32C inserted
2                 After section 32B insert:

4           32C.        GHG exploration permits cannot be renewed more
5                       than once
6                       Despite sections 30(1) and 32, if a GHG exploration
7                       permit has been renewed once --
8                         (a) the permittee is not entitled to apply for a
9                              further renewal of the permit; and
10                       (b) the Minister cannot grant a further renewal of
11                             the permit.

13   287.         Section 34 replaced
14                Delete section 34 and insert:

16          34.         Certain discoveries in permit area to be notified
17                (1)   Subsection (2) applies if --
18                       (a) petroleum or a regulated substance is
19                             discovered in a permit area; or
20                       (b) a potential GHG storage formation or potential
21                             GHG injection site is discovered in a permit
22                             area.
23                (2)   The permittee must --
24                       (a) immediately inform the Minister of the
25                             discovery; and

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1                       (b)   within the period of 3 days after the day of the
2                             discovery, give to the Minister particulars in
3                             writing of the discovery.
4                      Penalty for this subsection: a fine of $10 000.

6    288.       Part 3 Division 2A heading amended
7               In the heading to Part 3 Division 2A delete "for petroleum or
8               regulated substances".
9    289.       Section 38A amended
10      (1)     In section 38A(1):
11                (a) before "permittee" insert:

13                      petroleum

15               (b)    before "permit" insert:

17                      petroleum exploration

19               (c)    before "lease" insert:

21                      petroleum retention

23      (2)     After section 38A(1) insert:

25            (1A)     A GHG permittee may, within the application period,
26                     apply to the Minister for the grant of a GHG retention
27                     lease in respect of 1 or more of the blocks specified in
28                     the application if --
29                       (a) the GHG exploration permit is in force in
30                             respect of the block or blocks; and

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                                                                      s. 289

1                     (b)   1 or more identified GHG storage formations
2                           are wholly situated in the GHG permit area;
3                           and
4                     (c)   neither a GHG injection licence nor a GHG
5                           retention lease is in force in respect of the block
6                           or blocks.

8       (3)    After section 38A(2) insert:

10            (2A)   An application under subsection (1A) --
11                    (a) must be made in an approved manner; and
12                    (b) must be accompanied by --
13                            (i) particulars of the proposals of the
14                                 applicant for work and expenditure in
15                                 respect of the 1 or more identified GHG
16                                 storage formations comprised in the
17                                 block or blocks specified in the
18                                 application; and
19                           (ii) an assessment of when the applicant
20                                 will be in a position to carry on a GHG
21                                 injection operation in respect of each
22                                 identified GHG storage formation
23                                 comprised in the block or blocks
24                                 specified in the application;
25                          and
26                    (c) may set out any other matters that the applicant
27                          wishes to be considered; and
28                    (d) must be accompanied by the prescribed fee.

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     s. 290

1       (4)     In section 38A(4) delete "this section by a" and insert:

3               subsection (1) by a petroleum

5       (5)     After section 38A(4) insert:

7               (5)   The application period in respect of an application
8                     under subsection (1A) is --
9                       (a) the period of 12 months after --
10                              (i) if there is a single identified GHG
11                                   storage formation -- the day on which
12                                   the identified GHG storage formation
13                                   was declared; or
14                             (ii) if there are 2 or more identified GHG
15                                   storage formations -- the earliest day on
16                                   which any of the identified GHG
17                                   storage formations was declared;
18                           or
19                     (b) if the Minister, on application in writing made
20                           to the Minister before the end of the period
21                           referred to in paragraph (a), allows a further
22                           period of not more than 6 months -- that
23                           further period.

25   290.       Section 38B amended
26      (1)     In section 38B(1):
27                (a) in paragraph (a) delete "38A; and" and insert:

29                     38A(1); and

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1                (b)    before "lease" insert:

3                       petroleum retention

5       (2)    After section 38B(1) insert:

7             (1A)     On an application under section 38A(1A), the Minister
8                      must, by written notice served on the applicant, inform
9                      the applicant that the Minister is prepared to grant to
10                     the applicant a GHG retention lease in respect of 1 or
11                     more of the blocks specified in the application if --
12                       (a) the applicant gives any further information as
13                             and when required by the Minister under
14                             section 38A(3); and
15                       (b) the Minister is satisfied that --
16                               (i) the area comprised in the block or
17                                     blocks contains an identified GHG
18                                     storage formation; and
19                              (ii) the applicant is not, at the time of the
20                                     application, in a position to carry on a
21                                     GHG injection operation in respect of
22                                     that identified GHG storage formation
23                                     but is likely to be in a position to do so
24                                     within the period of 10 years after that
25                                     time.

27      (3)    In section 38B(2)(b) after "(1)(c)" insert:

29             or (1A)(b)

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1       (4)     In section 38B(3A):
2                 (a) in paragraph (b) after "(1)(c)" insert:

4                         or (1A)(b)

6                (b)      delete "(1)(c)." and insert:

8                         (1)(c) or (1A)(b).

10      (5)     In section 38B(3):
11                (a) after "(1)" insert:

13                        or (1A)

15               (b)      delete paragraph (aa) and insert:

17                     (aa)     if the instrument is under subsection (1) and the
18                              application included an application for an
19                              approval for the purposes of
20                              section 38C(2)(a) -- a statement as to whether
21                              the approval will be granted with the petroleum
22                              retention lease; and

24      (6)     In section 38B(4) after "(1)" insert:

26              or (1A)

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                                                                      s. 291

1       (7)   In section 38B(5):
2               (a) after "(1)" insert:

4                       or (1A)

6              (b)      before "retention lease" insert:

8                       petroleum retention lease or GHG

10      (8)   In section 38B(5A) delete "lease" and insert:

12            petroleum retention lease

14      (9)   In section 38B(6) after "(1)" insert:

16            or (1A)

18   291.     Section 38BA amended
19            In section 38BA:
20              (a) in paragraph (a) delete "section 38A(1)" and insert:

22                      section 38A(1) or (1A)

24             (b)      in paragraph (b) delete "38B(1) or (2)" and insert:

26                      38B(1), (1A), (2) or (3A)

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     s. 292

1    292.       Sections 38BB, 38BC and 38BD inserted
2               After section 38BA insert:

4           38BB.     Application by petroleum lessee for GHG retention
5                     lease
6               (1)   A petroleum lessee may apply to the Minister for the
7                     grant of a GHG retention lease in respect of 1 or more
8                     of the blocks specified in the application if --
9                       (a) the petroleum retention lease is in force in
10                            respect of the block or blocks; and
11                      (b) 1 or more identified GHG storage formations
12                            are wholly situated in the petroleum lease area;
13                            and
14                      (c) none of the following is in force in respect of
15                            the block or blocks --
16                               (i) a GHG exploration permit;
17                              (ii) a GHG injection licence;
18                             (iii) a GHG retention lease.
19              (2)   An application under subsection (1) --
20                     (a) must be made in an approved manner; and
21                     (b) must be accompanied by --
22                             (i) particulars of the proposals of the
23                                  applicant for work and expenditure in
24                                  respect of the 1 or more identified GHG
25                                  storage formations comprised in the
26                                  block or blocks specified in the
27                                  application; and
28                            (ii) an assessment of when the applicant
29                                  will be in a position to carry on a GHG
30                                  injection operation in respect of each
31                                  identified GHG storage formation

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1                                  comprised in the block or blocks
2                                  specified in the application;
3                          and
4                    (c)   may set out any other matters that the applicant
5                          wishes to be considered; and
6                    (d)   must be accompanied by the prescribed fee.
7            (3)   The Minister may, at any time and by instrument in
8                  writing served on the applicant, require the applicant to
9                  give to the Minister, within the period specified in the
10                 instrument, further information in writing in connection
11                 with the application.

12        38BC.    Grant or refusal of GHG retention lease in relation
13                 to application by petroleum lessee
14           (1)   On an application under section 38BB(1), the Minister
15                 must, by written notice served on the applicant, inform
16                 the applicant that the Minister is prepared to grant to
17                 the applicant a GHG retention lease in respect of 1 or
18                 more of the blocks specified in the application if --
19                   (a) the applicant has given any further information
20                         as and when required by the Minister under
21                         section 38BB(3); and
22                   (b) the Minister is satisfied that --
23                           (i) the area comprised in the block or any
24                                 1 or more of the blocks specified in the
25                                 application contains an identified GHG
26                                 storage formation; and
27                          (ii) the applicant is not, at the time of the
28                                 application, in a position to carry on a
29                                 GHG injection operation in respect of
30                                 the identified GHG storage formation
31                                 but is likely to be in that position within
32                                 the period of 10 years after that time.

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1               (2)   On an application under section 38BB(1), the Minister
2                     must, by written notice served on the applicant, refuse
3                     to grant a GHG retention lease to the applicant if --
4                       (a) the applicant has not given any further
5                             information as and when required by the
6                             Minister under section 38BB(3); or
7                       (b) the Minister is not satisfied as to the matters
8                             referred to in subsection (1)(b) in relation to the
9                             block or all of the blocks specified in the
10                            application.
11              (3)   On an application under section 38BB(1) specifying 2
12                    or more blocks, the Minister must, by written notice
13                    served on the applicant, refuse to grant a GHG
14                    retention lease to the applicant if the Minister is not
15                    satisfied as to the matters referred to in
16                    subsection (1)(b) in relation to any of the blocks.
17              (4)   A notice under subsection (1) must contain --
18                     (a) a summary of the conditions subject to which
19                           the lease is to be granted; and
20                     (b) a statement to the effect that the application
21                           will lapse if the applicant does not make a
22                           request under subsection (5) in respect of the
23                           grant of the lease.
24              (5)   An applicant on whom a notice is served under
25                    subsection (1) may request the Minister to grant the
26                    lease to the applicant.
27              (6)   The request must be in writing and must be made --
28                     (a) before the end of the period of 1 month after
29                           the day of service of the notice on the applicant
30                           under subsection (1); or
31                     (b) if the Minister, on application in writing made
32                           to the Minister before the end of that period,
33                           allows a further period of not more than

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1                           1 month for the making of the request -- before
2                           the end of that further period.
3             (7)   If the applicant makes the request within the period
4                   applicable under subsection (6), the Minister must
5                   grant to the applicant a GHG retention lease in respect
6                   of the block or blocks specified in the notice under
7                   subsection (1).
8             (8)   If the applicant does not make the request within the
9                   period applicable under subsection (6), the application
10                  lapses at the end of that period.

11          38BD.   Application of s. 38BB and 38BC if petroleum
12                  retention lease is transferred
13            (1)   This section applies if a transfer of a petroleum
14                  retention lease is registered under section 78 --
15                    (a) after an application has been made under
16                          section 38BB(1) in relation to a block or blocks
17                          in respect of which the petroleum retention
18                          lease is in force; and
19                    (b) before a decision has been made by the
20                          Minister under section 38BC(1), (2) or (3) in
21                          relation to the application.
22            (2)   Sections 38BB and 38BC have effect, after the time of
23                  the transfer, as if any reference in those sections to the
24                  applicant were a reference to the transferee.

26   293.     Section 38CA amended
27      (1)   In section 38CA(1):
28              (a) in paragraph (a) before "licence" insert:

30                   petroleum production

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1                (b)    before "licensee" insert:

3                       petroleum

5                (c)    before "lease" insert:

7                       petroleum retention

9       (2)     After section 38CA(1) insert:

11            (1A)     Subsection (1B) applies if --
12                      (a) a GHG injection licence is in force in respect of
13                            a block or blocks; and
14                      (b) 1 or more identified GHG storage formations
15                            are wholly situated in the GHG licence area.
16            (1B)     The GHG licensee may, within the application period,
17                     apply to the Minister for the grant of a GHG retention
18                     lease in respect of the block or blocks.
19            (1C)     Subsection (1D) applies if --
20                      (a) a petroleum production licence is in force in
21                            respect of a block or blocks; and
22                      (b) a single identified GHG storage formation
23                            extends to the block or blocks; and
24                      (c) none of the following is in force in respect of
25                            the block or blocks --
26                               (i) a GHG exploration permit;
27                              (ii) a GHG injection licence;
28                             (iii) a GHG retention lease.
29            (1D)     The petroleum licensee may apply to the Minister for
30                     the grant of a GHG retention lease over the block or

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1                      blocks to which the identified GHG storage formation
2                      extends.

4       (3)    In section 38CA(2):
5                (a) delete "(1) --" and insert:

7                       (1), (1B) or (1D) --

9                (b)    in paragraph (b) delete "is to" and insert:

11                      in the case of an application under subsection (1), must

13               (c)    delete paragraph (ba) and insert:

15                     (ba)   in the case of an application under
16                            subsection (1), may include an application for
17                            an approval for the purposes of
18                            section 38C(2)(a); and
19                     (bb)   in the case of an application under
20                            subsection (1B) or (1D), must be accompanied
21                            by particulars of the proposals of the applicant
22                            for work and expenditure in respect of the
23                            block or blocks specified in the application; and

25      (4)    After section 38CA(2) insert:

27            (2A)     An application under subsection (1B) or (1D) must also
28                     be accompanied by --
29                       (a) particulars of the proposals of the applicant for
30                            work and expenditure in respect of the 1 or
31                            more identified GHG storage formations
32                            comprised in the block or blocks specified in
33                            the application; and

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1                      (b)   an assessment of when the applicant will be in a
2                            position to carry on a GHG injection operation
3                            in respect of each identified GHG storage
4                            formation comprised in the block or blocks
5                            specified in the application.

7       (5)     In section 38CA(4) delete "this section" and insert:

9               subsection (1)

11      (6)     After section 38CA(4) insert:

13              (5)   The application period in respect of an application
14                    under subsection (1B) by a GHG licensee is the period
15                    of 5 years beginning on --
16                      (a) the day on which the GHG injection licence is
17                            granted; or
18                      (b) if any GHG injection operations have been
19                            carried on under the GHG injection licence in
20                            respect of the GHG licence area -- the last day
21                            on which the operations are carried on.

23   294.       Section 38CB amended
24      (1)     In section 38CB(1):
25                (a) in paragraph (a) delete "38CA; and" and insert:

27                     38CA(1); and

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1                (b)    before "lease" insert:

3                       petroleum retention

5       (2)    After section 38CB(1) insert:

7             (1A)     Subsection (1B) applies if --
8                       (a) an application is made under section 38CA(1B)
9                             or (1D); and
10                      (b) the applicant gives any further information as
11                            and when required by the Minister under
12                            section 38CA(3); and
13                      (c) the Minister is satisfied that the applicant is not,
14                            at the time of the application, in a position to --
15                               (i) inject a greenhouse gas substance into
16                                     the identified GHG storage formation,
17                                     or at least 1 of the identified GHG
18                                     storage formations, concerned; and
19                              (ii) store the greenhouse gas substance in
20                                     the identified GHG storage formation,
21                                     or at least 1 of the identified GHG
22                                     storage formations, concerned;
23                            and
24                      (d) the Minister is satisfied that the applicant is
25                            likely to be in the position referred to in
26                            paragraph (c) within 10 years; and
27                      (e) the Minister is satisfied of the matters
28                            prescribed by the regulations.
29            (1B)     The Minister must, by written notice served on the
30                     applicant, inform the applicant that the Minister is
31                     prepared to grant to the applicant a GHG retention

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1                      lease in respect of the block or blocks specified in the
2                      application.

4       (3)     In section 38CB(2):
5                 (a) delete "38CA" and insert:

7                       38CA(1)

9                (b)    before "lease" insert:

11                      petroleum retention

13      (4)     After section 38CB(2) insert:

15            (2A)     Subsection (2B) applies if an application has been
16                     made under section 38CA(1B) or (1D) and --
17                      (a) the applicant has not given further information
18                            as and when required by the Minister under
19                            section 38CA(3); or
20                      (b) the Minister is not satisfied as mentioned in
21                            subsection (1A)(c), (d) or (e) in relation to the
22                            block or blocks specified in the application.
23            (2B)     The Minister must, by written notice served on the
24                     applicant, refuse to grant a GHG retention lease to the
25                     applicant.

27      (5)     In section 38CB(3):
28                (a) delete "(1)" and insert:

30                      (1) or (1B)

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1              (b)    delete paragraph (aa) and insert:

3                    (aa)   if the notice is under subsection (1) and the
4                           application included an application for an
5                           approval for the purposes of
6                           section 38C(2)(a) -- a statement as to whether
7                           the approval will be granted with the petroleum
8                           retention lease; and

10      (6)   In section 38CB(4) delete "(1)" and insert:

12            (1) or (1B)

14      (7)   In section 38CB(5)(a) delete "(1); or" and insert:

16            (1) or (1B); or

18      (8)   Delete section 38CB(6) and insert:

20            (6)    If an applicant makes a request within the period
21                   applicable under subsection (5), the Minister must --
22                     (a) in the case of a request for a petroleum
23                           retention lease, grant a petroleum retention
24                           lease in respect of the unused area; or
25                     (b) in the case of a request for a GHG retention
26                           lease, grant a GHG retention lease in respect of
27                           the block or blocks to which the request relates.

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1       (9)     In section 38CB(6A) delete "lease" and insert:

3               petroleum retention lease

5      (10)     In section 38CB(8):
6                 (a) before "lease" insert:

8                       petroleum retention

10               (b)    before "licence" insert:

12                      petroleum production

14     (11)     After section 38CB(8) insert:

16              (9)    On the day on which a GHG retention lease granted
17                     under this section in respect of a block or blocks comes
18                     into force, any GHG injection licence ceases to be in
19                     force in respect of the block or blocks.

21   295.       Section 38CC amended
22      (1)     In section 38CC(a) delete "38CA(1)" and insert:

24              38CA(1), (1B) or (1D)

26      (2)     In section 38CC(b) delete "38CB(1) or (2)" and insert:

28              38CB(1), (1B), (2) or (2B)

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1    296.     Section 38C replaced
2             Delete section 38C and insert:

4           38C.    Rights conferred by petroleum retention lease
5             (1)   Except as provided in subsection (2), a petroleum
6                   retention lease, while it remains in force, authorises the
7                   petroleum lessee, subject to this Act and in accordance
8                   with the conditions to which the petroleum retention
9                   lease is subject --
10                    (a) to explore for petroleum or a regulated
11                           substance in the petroleum lease area; and
12                    (b) to recover petroleum or a regulated substance in
13                           the petroleum lease area for the purpose of
14                           establishing the nature and probable extent of a
15                           discovery of petroleum or a regulated
16                           substance; and
17                    (c) to carry on any operations and execute any
18                           works in the petroleum lease area that are
19                           necessary for those purposes.
20            (2)   A petroleum retention lease does not authorise the
21                  petroleum lessee to do the things referred to in
22                  subsection (1)(a) to (c) in relation to a regulated
23                  substance unless --
24                    (a) the petroleum retention lease includes an
25                          approval granted by the Minister extending the
26                          lease to cover the regulated substance; or
27                    (b) the petroleum lessee applies to the Minister in
28                          writing for such an approval and the Minister
29                          grants the approval by instrument in writing.

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1               (3)   A petroleum retention lease does not authorise the
2                     petroleum lessee to make a well outside the petroleum
3                     lease area.
4                     Note for this subsection:
5                            The petroleum lessee may be able to make a well outside
6                            the petroleum lease area under another authority, for
7                            example, a petroleum access authority.

8          38CAA. Rights conferred by GHG retention lease
9               (1)   A GHG retention lease, while it remains in force,
10                    authorises the GHG lessee, subject to this Act and in
11                    accordance with the conditions to which the GHG
12                    retention lease is subject --
13                      (a) to explore for a potential GHG storage
14                            formation in the GHG lease area; and
15                      (b) to explore for a potential GHG injection site in
16                            the GHG lease area; and
17                      (c) to inject, on an appraisal basis, a greenhouse
18                            gas substance into a part of the identified GHG
19                            storage formation, so long as the relevant well
20                            is situated in the GHG lease area; and
21                      (d) to store, on an appraisal basis, a greenhouse gas
22                            substance in a part of the identified GHG
23                            storage formation, so long as the relevant well
24                            is situated in the GHG lease area; and
25                      (e) to inject, on an appraisal basis, any of the
26                            following into a part of the identified GHG
27                            storage formation for purposes in connection
28                            with the exploration authorised by
29                            paragraph (a) or (b), so long as the relevant
30                            well is situated in the GHG lease area --
31                               (i) air;
32                              (ii) petroleum;

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1                           (iii) water;
2                          and
3                    (f)   to store, on an appraisal basis, any of the
4                          following in a part of the identified GHG
5                          storage formation for purposes in connection
6                          with the exploration authorised by
7                          paragraph (a) or (b), so long as the relevant
8                          well is situated in the GHG lease area --
9                             (i) air;
10                           (ii) petroleum;
11                          (iii) water;
12                         and
13                   (g)   with the written consent of the Minister, to
14                         recover petroleum or a regulated substance in
15                         the GHG lease area for the sole purpose of
16                         appraising a discovery of --
17                            (i) petroleum or a regulated substance that
18                                 was made as an incidental consequence
19                                 of the exploration authorised by
20                                 paragraph (a) or (b); or
21                           (ii) petroleum that was made as an
22                                 incidental consequence of the injection
23                                 authorised by paragraph (c) or (e);
24                         and
25                   (h)   to carry on any operations and execute any
26                         works in the GHG lease area that are necessary
27                         for those purposes.
28           (2)   If petroleum or a regulated substance is recovered by
29                 the GHG lessee in the GHG lease area as authorised by
30                 subsection (1)(g), the petroleum or regulated substance
31                 does not become the property of the GHG lessee.

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1               (3)   A GHG retention lease does not authorise the GHG
2                     lessee to make a well outside the GHG lease area.

4    297.       Section 38E amended
5       (1)     Delete section 38E(1) and (2) and insert:

7               (1)   Subsection (2) applies if --
8                      (a) a lessee has been given a notice of the kind
9                            referred to in section 38H(3A) during the term
10                           of the lease and has carried out, and has
11                           informed the Minister of the results of, the
12                           re-evaluation required by the notice; and
13                     (b) the lessee has not applied for the renewal of the
14                           lease; and
15                     (c) after consideration of the results of the
16                           re-evaluation referred to in paragraph (a) and
17                           any other matters that the Minister thinks fit,
18                           the Minister is of the opinion that, as the case
19                           requires --
20                              (i) recovery of petroleum or a regulated
21                                   substance from the petroleum lease area
22                                   is commercially viable; or
23                             (ii) the lessee is in a position to carry on a
24                                   GHG injection operation in the GHG
25                                   lease area.
26              (2)   The Minister may serve on the lessee and on any other
27                    person that the Minister thinks appropriate an
28                    instrument in writing --
29                      (a) informing the lessee and the other person that
30                            the Minister has formed that opinion and that
31                            the Minister intends to cancel the lease; and

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1                      (b)   stating that the lessee or the other person may
2                            serve an instrument in writing on the Minister
3                            within the period specified in the
4                            first-mentioned instrument, not being a period
5                            ending earlier than 1 month after the day of
6                            service of the first-mentioned instrument,
7                            setting out any matters that the lessee or other
8                            person, as the case may be, wishes to be
9                            considered.
10            (2A)    Subsection (2B) applies if --
11                     (a) an instrument under subsection (2) is served on
12                           a lessee; and
13                     (b) either --
14                              (i) the lessee does not, within the period
15                                   referred to in subsection (2)(b), serve on
16                                   the Minister an instrument setting out
17                                   matters that the lessee wishes to be
18                                   considered; or
19                            (ii) the Minister, after consideration of
20                                   matters set out in an instrument served
21                                   on the Minister by the lessee within the
22                                   period referred to in subsection (2)(b),
23                                   determines that the lease should be
24                                   cancelled.
25            (2B)    The Minister must, by instrument in writing served on
26                    the lessee, cancel the lease.

28      (2)    In section 38E(3) delete "(2)" and insert:

30             (2B)

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1       (3)     In section 38E(4) delete "(2)," and insert:

3               (2B),

5    298.       Section 38F amended
6       (1)     In section 38F(2) delete "lease --" and insert:

8               petroleum retention lease --

10      (2)     After section 38F(2) insert:

12            (2A)      An application for the renewal of a GHG retention
13                      lease --
14                        (a) subject to subsection (3), must be made in an
15                             approved manner not less than 6 months or
16                             more than 12 months before the day on which
17                             the lease ceases to be in force; and
18                        (b) must be accompanied by --
19                                (i) particulars of the proposals of the
20                                     applicant for work and expenditure in
21                                     respect of the lease area; and
22                               (ii) any other information specified in the
23                                     regulations;
24                             and
25                        (c) must be accompanied by the prescribed fee.

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1    299.      Section 38G amended
2       (1)    Delete section 38G(1) and (2) and insert:

4              (1)   Subsections (1A) and (1B) apply if --
5                     (a) an application for the renewal of a lease is
6                           made under section 38F(1); and
7                     (b) the applicant gives further information as and
8                           when required by the Minister under
9                           section 38F(4); and
10                    (c) in the case of a petroleum retention lease, the
11                          Minister is satisfied that recovery of petroleum
12                          or a regulated substance from the petroleum
13                          lease area --
14                             (i) is not, at the time of the application,
15                                  commercially viable; and
16                            (ii) is likely to become commercially viable
17                                  within the period of 15 years after that
18                                  time;
19                          and
20                    (d) in the case of a GHG retention lease, the
21                          Minister is satisfied that the applicant --
22                             (i) is not, at the time of the application, in a
23                                  position to carry on a GHG injection
24                                  operation in the GHG lease area; and
25                            (ii) is likely to be in that position within the
26                                  period of 10 years after that time.
27            (1A)   The Minister must inform the applicant, by instrument
28                   in writing served on the applicant, that the Minister is
29                   prepared to grant to the applicant the renewal of the
30                   lease if the following have been complied with --
31                     (a) the conditions to which the lease is, or has from
32                            time to time been, subject;

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1                      (b)   the provisions of this Part and of the
2                            regulations.
3           (1B)      The Minister may inform the applicant, by instrument
4                     in writing served on the applicant, that the Minister is
5                     prepared to grant to the applicant the renewal of the
6                     lease if --
7                       (a) any condition to which the lease is, or has from
8                              time to time been, subject or any provision of
9                              this Part or the regulations has not been
10                             complied with; and
11                      (b) the Minister is, nevertheless, satisfied that
12                             special circumstances exist that justify the
13                             granting of the renewal of the lease.
14              (2)   Subject to subsection (3), if an application for the
15                    renewal of a lease is made under section 38F(1), the
16                    Minister must, by instrument in writing served on the
17                    applicant, refuse to grant the renewal of the lease if --
18                      (a) the applicant has not given any further
19                           information as and when required by the
20                           Minister under section 38F(4); or
21                      (b) the Minister is not satisfied as to the matters
22                           referred to in subsection (1)(c) or (d),
23                           whichever is applicable; or
24                      (c) both of the following apply --
25                              (i) any condition to which the lease is, or
26                                    has from time to time been, subject or
27                                    any provision of this Part or the
28                                    regulations has not been complied with;
29                             (ii) the Minister is not satisfied that special
30                                    circumstances exist that justify the
31                                    granting of the renewal of the lease.

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1       (2)   In section 38G(4) delete "(1)" and insert:

3             (1A) or (1B)

5       (3)   In section 38G(5) delete "(1)(c)(i)," and insert:

7             (1)(c)(i) or (d)(i),

9       (4)   In section 38G(6), (7) and (8) delete "(1)" and insert:

11            (1A) or (1B)

13      (5)   In section 38G(10) delete "(1)(c)(i)," and insert:

15            (1)(c)(i) or (d)(i),

17   300.     Section 38GA inserted
18            After section 38G insert:

20          38GA. GHG retention lease cannot be renewed more
21                than once
22                  Despite sections 38F and 38G, if a GHG retention lease
23                  is renewed once --
24                    (a) the lessee is not entitled to apply for a further
25                          renewal of the lease; and
26                    (b) the Minister cannot grant a further renewal of
27                          the lease.

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1    301.       Section 38H amended
2       (1)     Delete section 38H(3) and insert:

4               (3)   A lease is taken to contain a condition that the lessee
5                     will within the required period --
6                      (a) re-evaluate, as the case requires --
7                                (i) the commercial viability of the recovery
8                                     of petroleum or a regulated substance
9                                     from the petroleum lease area
10                                    (otherwise than by the drilling of wells);
11                                    or
12                              (ii) whether or not the lessee is in a position
13                                    to carry on a GHG injection operation in
14                                    the GHG lease area;
15                            and
16                     (b) inform the Minister in writing of the results of
17                            the re-evaluation.
18            (3A)    For the purposes of subsection (3), the required period
19                    is --
20                      (a) 3 months after the receipt of a written notice
21                            from the Minister requesting the lessee to
22                            comply with subsection (3); or
23                      (b) any further period that the Minister, on
24                            application in writing served on the Minister
25                            before the end of the period mentioned in
26                            paragraph (a), allows.

28      (2)     In section 38H(4) delete "(3)" and insert:

30              (3A)(a)

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                                                                      s. 302

1    302.     Section 38J replaced
2             Delete section 38J and insert:

4           38J.    Certain discoveries in lease area to be notified
5             (1)   Subsection (2) applies if --
6                    (a) petroleum or a regulated substance is
7                          discovered in a lease area; or
8                    (b) a potential GHG storage formation or potential
9                          GHG injection site is discovered in a lease area.
10            (2)   The lessee must --
11                   (a) immediately inform the Minister of the
12                         discovery; and
13                   (b) within the period of 3 days after the day of the
14                         discovery, give the Minister particulars in
15                         writing of the discovery.
16                  Penalty for this subsection: a fine of $10 000.

18   303.     Part 3 Division 3 heading amended
19            In the heading to Part 3 Division 3 after "substances" insert:

21            and GHG injection licences

23   304.     Section 39 amended
24            In section 39 delete the Penalty and insert:

26                  Penalty: imprisonment for 5 years or a fine of $50 000.

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     Division 3     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport
     s. 305

1    305.       Section 39A inserted
2               After section 39 insert:

4           39A.         GHG injection operations in adjacent area
5                        A person must not carry on GHG injection operations
6                        in the adjacent area except --
7                          (a) under and in accordance with a GHG injection
8                                licence; or
9                          (b) as otherwise permitted by this Act.
10                       Penalty: imprisonment for 5 years or a fine of $50 000.

12   306.       Section 40 amended
13      (1)     In section 40(1):
14                (a) before "permittee" insert:

16                        petroleum

18                 (b)    before "permit" insert:

20                        petroleum exploration

22                 (c)    delete "licence --" and insert:

24                        petroleum production licence --

26      (2)     In section 40(2):
27                (a) before "permittee" insert:

29                        petroleum

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     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport Division 3
                                                                      s. 306

1              (b)   before "permit" insert:

3                    petroleum exploration

5              (c)   in paragraph (a) before "licence" insert:

7                    petroleum production

9              (d)   in paragraph (b) before "licence" (1st occurrence) insert:

11                   petroleum production

13      (3)   In section 40(3):
14              (a) in paragraphs (a) and (b) before "permittee" insert:

16                   petroleum

18             (b)   in paragraph (b) before "licence" (1st occurrence) insert:

20                   petroleum production

22             (c)   before "permittee may," insert:

24                   petroleum

26             (d)   before "licence" (last occurrence) insert:

28                   petroleum production

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     s. 307

1       (4)     In section 40(4) before "permittee" insert:

3               petroleum

5       (5)     In section 40(5)(a):
6                 (a) delete "a permittee" and insert:

8                         a petroleum permittee

10                (b)     before "licence" insert:

12                        petroleum production

14                (c)     delete "lease under section 38A; and" and insert:

16                        petroleum retention lease under section 38A(1); and

18              Note: The heading to amended section 40 is to read:
19                      Application by petroleum permittee for petroleum production
20                      licence

21   307.       Section 40AA inserted
22              After section 40 insert:

24          40AA. Application by GHG permittee for GHG injection
25                licence
26              (1)     A GHG permittee whose GHG exploration permit is in
27                      force in respect of a block that constitutes, or the
28                      blocks that constitute, an identified GHG storage

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     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport Division 3
                                                                      s. 308

1                    formation may apply to the Minister for the grant of a
2                    GHG injection licence in respect of --
3                      (a) the block that constitutes the identified
4                           GHG storage formation; or
5                      (b) all of the blocks that constitute the identified
6                           GHG storage formation; or
7                      (c) some of the blocks that constitute the identified
8                           GHG storage formation.
9             (2)    Subsection (3) applies if --
10                    (a) an application under subsection (1) (the licence
11                          application) relates to a block or blocks in
12                          respect of which the GHG permittee has
13                          applied for a GHG retention lease under
14                          section 38A(1A); and
15                    (b) an instrument refusing to grant the GHG
16                          retention lease is served on the GHG permittee
17                          under section 38B(2).
18            (3)    The licence application must be made within
19                   12 months after the day of service of the instrument.

21   308.     Section 40A amended
22      (1)   In section 40A(1):
23              (a) before "lessee" insert:

25                    petroleum

27             (b)    before "lease" (1st occurrence) insert:

29                    petroleum retention

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     s. 308

1                (c)    before "licence --" insert:

3                       petroleum production

5       (2)     After section 40A(1) insert:

7             (1A)     A GHG lessee whose GHG retention lease is in force
8                      may make an application to the Minister for the grant
9                      of a GHG injection licence --
10                       (a) if the lease is in respect of 2 or more blocks, in
11                            respect of all of those blocks; or
12                       (b) if the lease is in respect of 1 block, in respect of
13                            that block.
14            (1B)     A petroleum lessee whose petroleum retention lease is
15                     in force in respect of a block or blocks may make an
16                     application to the Minister for the grant of a GHG
17                     injection licence over the block or blocks if --
18                       (a) a single identified GHG storage formation
19                             extends to the block or blocks; and
20                       (b) none of the following is in force in respect of
21                             the block or blocks --
22                                (i) a GHG exploration permit;
23                               (ii) a GHG injection licence;
24                              (iii) a GHG retention lease.

26      (3)     In section 40A(2):
27                (a) before "lease" insert:

29                      petroleum retention

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                                                                      s. 309

1                  (b)     before "lessee" insert:

3                          petroleum

5                  (c)     before "licence" insert:

7                          petroleum production

9       (4)   In section 40A(3):
10              (a) before "lessee" (1st occurrence) insert:

12                         petroleum

14                 (b)     before "lease" (1st occurrence) insert:

16                         petroleum retention

18                 (c)     before "licence" insert:

20                         petroleum production

22            Note: The heading to amended section 40A is to read:
23                       Application for licence by lessee

24   309.     Section 40B inserted
25            After section 40A insert:

27          40B.         Application by petroleum licensee for GHG
28                       injection licence
29                       A petroleum licensee whose petroleum production
30                       licence is in force in respect of a block or blocks may

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     Division 3     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport
     s. 310

1                       apply to the Minister for the grant of a GHG injection
2                       licence over the block or blocks if --
3                         (a) a single identified GHG storage formation
4                               extends to the block or blocks; and
5                         (b) none of the following is in force in respect of
6                               the block or blocks --
7                                  (i) a GHG exploration permit;
8                                 (ii) a GHG injection licence;
9                                (iii) a GHG retention lease.

11   310.       Section 41 amended
12              In section 41(1):
13                (a) delete "40 or 40A --" and insert:

15                        40, 40AA, 40A or 40B --

17                (b)     delete paragraph (ca) and insert:

19                       (ca)   may, in the case of an application for a
20                              petroleum production licence, include an
21                              application for an approval for the purposes of
22                              section 52(2)(a); and
23                       (cb)   must, in the case of an application for the grant
24                              of a GHG injection licence, specify the source,
25                              volume and composition of the greenhouse gas
26                              substance to be initially injected and stored; and

28                (c)     in paragraph (e) delete "in the case of an application for
29                        the grant of a licence".
30              Note: The heading to amended section 41 is to read:
31                      Requirements for application for licence under s. 40, 40AA, 40A
32                      or 40B

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     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport Division 3
                                                                      s. 311

1    311.      Section 43 amended
2       (1)    In section 43(1) delete "40 or 40A." and insert:

4              40, 40AA, 40A or 40B.

6       (2)    Before section 43(2A)(a) insert:

8                    (aa)   an application for the grant of a petroleum
9                           production licence is made under section 40
10                          or 40A; and

12      (3)    After section 43(2A) insert:

14            (2B)   On an application under section 40AA, 40A or 40B for
15                   the grant of a GHG injection licence, the Minister
16                   must, by written notice served on the applicant, inform
17                   the applicant that the Minister is prepared to grant the
18                   licence in respect of 1 or more of the blocks specified
19                   in the application if --
20                     (a) the applicant gives any further information as
21                           and when required by the Minister under
22                           section 41(2); and
23                     (b) the Minister is satisfied that the area comprised
24                           in the block or blocks specified in the
25                           application contains an identified GHG storage
26                           formation.

28      (4)    In section 43(2):
29               (a) after "(2A)" insert:

31                    or (2B)

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     s. 312

1                (b)    delete paragraph (aa) and insert:

3                      (aa)   if the notice is under subsection (2A) and the
4                             application included an application for an
5                             approval for the purposes of section 52(2)(a) --
6                             contain a statement as to whether the approval
7                             will be granted with the petroleum production
8                             licence; and

10      (5)     Delete section 43(3)(b) and insert:

12                      (b)   the Minister is not satisfied as mentioned in
13                            subsection (2A)(b) or (2B)(b), whichever is
14                            applicable, in respect of the block or blocks,

16   312.       Section 44 amended
17      (1)     Delete section 44(1) and (2) and insert:

19              (1)    An applicant on whom a notice is served under
20                     section 43(2A) or (2B) may, within the required period,
21                     by instrument in writing served on the Minister, request
22                     the Minister to grant to the applicant the licence
23                     referred to in the notice.
24              (2)    If an applicant on whom a notice is served under
25                     section 43(2A) or (2B) has made a request under
26                     subsection (1) within the required period, the Minister
27                     must grant to the applicant a petroleum production
28                     licence or a GHG injection licence, as the case
29                     requires, in respect of the block or blocks as to which
30                     the Minister is satisfied as mentioned in
31                     section 43(2A)(b) or (2B)(b).

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                                                                      s. 312

1             (2AA) For the purposes of subsections (1) and (2), the
2                   required period is --
3                     (a) 3 months after the day of service of the notice;
4                           or
5                     (b) any further period, not exceeding 3 months, that
6                           the Minister, on application in writing served
7                           on the Minister before the end of the period
8                           mentioned in paragraph (a), allows.

10      (2)     In section 44(2A) delete "licence" and insert:

12              petroleum production licence

14      (3)     In section 44(3):
15                (a) before "permittee" insert:

17                      petroleum

19                (b)   before "lessee" insert:

21                      petroleum

23      (4)     In section 44(4):
24                (a) after "43(2A)" insert:

26                      or (2B)

28                (b)   delete "period applicable under subsection (1)," and
29                      insert:

31                      required period,

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     s. 313

1       (5)     After section 44(5) insert:

3               (6)     Subsection (5) does not apply if the licence is a GHG
4                       injection licence granted on an application made under
5                       section 40A(1B) or 40B.

7    313.       Section 44A amended
8               In section 44A:
9                 (a) in paragraph (a)(i) delete "40" and insert:

11                       40 or 40AA

13               (b)     in paragraph (a)(ii) delete "force;" and insert:

15                       force; or

17                (c)    after paragraph (a)(ii) insert:

19                              (iii)   under section 40B for the grant of a
20                                      GHG injection licence in respect of a
21                                      block or blocks in respect of which a
22                                      petroleum production licence is in force;

24               (d)     in paragraph (b) delete "43(2A)" and insert:

26                       43(2A), (2B) or (3)

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                                                                      s. 314

1               (e)     delete "permit or lease," and insert:

3                       permit, lease or petroleum production licence,

5             Note: The heading to amended section 44A is to read:
6                     Application of s. 41 to 44 where permit, lease or petroleum
7                     production licence transferred

8    314.     Section 45 amended
9       (1)   In section 45(1) before "licence," insert:

11            petroleum production

13      (2)   In section 45(2)(b) before "permit" insert:

15            petroleum exploration

17            Note: The heading to amended section 45 is to read:
18                    Variation of petroleum production licence area

19   315.     Section 46 amended
20      (1)   In section 46(1):
21              (a) in paragraphs (a) and (b) before "permittee" insert:

23                      petroleum

25              (b)     before "permit" insert:

27                      petroleum exploration

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     s. 315

1       (2)     In section 46(1a):
2                 (a) before "lessee" insert:

4                       petroleum

6                (b)    before "lease" insert:

8                       petroleum retention

10      (3)     In section 46(2):
11                (a) delete "permittee or" and insert:

13                      petroleum permittee or petroleum

15               (b)    in paragraph (a) delete "permit or" and insert:

17                      petroleum exploration permit or petroleum retention

19      (4)     In section 46(3) delete "permit or" and insert:

21              petroleum exploration permit or petroleum retention

23      (5)     In section 46(4)(a) and (b) delete "lease or" and insert:

25              petroleum retention lease or petroleum production

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     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport Division 3
                                                                      s. 315

1       (6)   In section 46(5):
2               (a) before "lease" (1st occurrence) insert:

4                       petroleum retention

6               (b)     before "lease" (2nd occurrence) insert:

8                       petroleum

10      (7)   In section 46(6)(a) before "lease" insert:

12            petroleum retention

14      (8)   In section 46(7):
15              (a) before "permit" (1st occurrence) insert:

17                      petroleum exploration

19              (b)     in paragraph (a) before "permit" insert:

21                      petroleum exploration

23              (c)     in paragraph (c) before "permit" insert:

25                      petroleum

27            Note: The heading to amended section 46 is to read:
28                    Determination of petroleum exploration permit or petroleum
29                    retention lease as to block not taken up by licensee

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     Division 3     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport
     s. 316

1    316.       Section 47 amended
2       (1)     Delete section 47(1) and insert:

4               (1)   Subsection (1A) applies if --
5                      (a) a petroleum production licence is surrendered
6                            or cancelled as to a block; or
7                      (b) a petroleum exploration permit or petroleum
8                            retention lease is surrendered, cancelled or
9                            determined as to a block --
10                             (i) that, at the time of the surrender,
11                                   cancellation or determination, was, or
12                                   was included in, a location; and
13                            (ii) in which, in the opinion of the Minister,
14                                   there is petroleum or a regulated
15                                   substance;
16                           or
17                     (c) a resources pool from which the petroleum or
18                           regulated substance has been recovered is
19                           within or extends to a block which is not the
20                           subject of a petroleum exploration permit,
21                           petroleum retention lease or petroleum
22                           production licence.
23            (1A)    The Minister may, by instrument published in the
24                    Gazette --
25                     (a) invite applications for the grant of a petroleum
26                           production licence in respect of that block; and
27                     (b) specify a period within which applications may
28                           be made.

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     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport Division 3
                                                                      s. 316

1       (2)   In section 47(2):
2               (a) delete "(1)," and insert:

4                       (1A),

6               (b)     in paragraph (a) before "licence" insert:

8                       petroleum production

10              (c)     in paragraph (b) before "licence" (1st occurrence) insert:

12                      petroleum production

14      (3)   In section 47(3):
15              (a) delete "(1)," and insert:

17                      (1A),

19              (b)     before "licence" (1st occurrence) insert:

21                      petroleum production

23      (4)   In section 47(6)(d) delete "in the case of an application under
24            subsection (1),".
25            Note: The heading to amended section 47 is to read:
26                    Application for petroleum production licence in respect of
27                    surrendered, cancelled or determined blocks

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     Division 3     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport
     s. 317

1    317.       Section 49 amended
2       (1)     In section 49(1):
3                 (a) delete "47(1)," and insert:

5                         47(1A),

7                 (b)     delete "that subsection" and insert:

9                         that section

11                (c)     before "licence" insert:

13                        petroleum production

15      (2)     In section 49(2):
16                (a) delete "47(1)," and insert:

18                        47(1A),

20                (b)     delete "that subsection" and insert:

22                        that section

24                (c)     in paragraph (c) before "licence" insert:

26                        petroleum production

28              Note: The heading to amended section 49 is to read:
29                      Request by applicant for grant of petroleum production licence
30                      under s. 47

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     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport Division 3
                                                                      s. 318

1    318.     Section 50 amended
2             In section 50 delete "licence" (each occurrence) and insert:

4             petroleum production licence

6             Note: The heading to amended section 50 is to read:
7                     Grant of petroleum production licence on request under s. 49

8    319.     Section 51 amended
9       (1)   In section 51(1):
10              (a) before "licence" (1st occurrence) insert:

12                      petroleum production

14              (b)     before "licences" insert:

16                      petroleum production

18      (2)   In section 51(4) delete "licences" and insert:

20            petroleum production licences

22      (3)   In section 51(5):
23              (a) in paragraph (c) delete "approval." and insert:

25                      approval; and

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     s. 320

1                   (b)     after paragraph (c) insert:

3                           (d)   must be granted subject to any directions under
4                                 this Act previously given to the holder of the
5                                 original licence in respect of the licence area of
6                                 the original licence; and
7                           (e)   must be granted subject to any instruments and
8                                 agreements in respect of the original licence a
9                                 memorial of which is entered in the register
10                                under section 76, to the extent that the
11                                instruments and agreements apply to the licence
12                                (or any of those instruments and agreements
13                                that are in effect at the time that an application
14                                under this section is granted but in respect of
15                                which a memorial is not yet entered under
16                                section 76).

18                Note: The heading to amended section 51 is to read:
19                        Petroleum production licence for 2 or more blocks may be divided
20                        into 2 or more licences

21   320.         Section 51A amended
22                In section 51A(5)(a) before "licence" (2nd occurrence) insert:

24                petroleum production

26   321.         Section 52 replaced
27                Delete section 52 and insert:

29          52.           Rights conferred by licence
30                (1)     Except as provided in subsection (2), a petroleum
31                        production licence, while it remains in force, authorises

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                                                                      s. 321

1                  the petroleum licensee, subject to this Act and in
2                  accordance with the conditions to which the petroleum
3                  production licence is subject --
4                    (a) to recover petroleum or a regulated
5                          substance --
6                            (i) in the petroleum licence area; and
7                           (ii) from the petroleum licence area in
8                                 another area to which the petroleum
9                                 licensee has lawful access for that
10                                purpose;
11                         and
12                   (b) to explore for petroleum or a regulated
13                         substance in the petroleum licence area; and
14                   (c) to carry on any operations and execute any
15                         works in the petroleum licence area that are
16                         necessary for those purposes.
17           (2)   A petroleum production licence does not authorise the
18                 petroleum licensee to do the things referred to in
19                 subsection (1)(a) to (c) in relation to a regulated
20                 substance unless --
21                   (a) the petroleum production licence includes an
22                         approval granted by the Minister extending the
23                         licence to cover the regulated substance; or
24                   (b) the petroleum licensee applies to the Minister in
25                         writing for such an approval and the Minister
26                         grants the approval by instrument in writing.
27           (3)   A petroleum production licence does not authorise the
28                 petroleum licensee to make a well outside the
29                 petroleum licence area.
30                 Note for this subsection:
31                        The petroleum licensee may be able to make a well outside
32                        the petroleum licence area under another authority, for
33                        example, a petroleum access authority.

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     Division 3     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport
     s. 321

1               (4)   A GHG injection licence, while it remains in force,
2                     authorises the GHG licensee, subject to this Act and in
3                     accordance with the conditions to which the GHG
4                     injection licence is subject --
5                       (a) to inject a greenhouse gas substance into an
6                             identified GHG storage formation that is
7                             wholly situated in the GHG licence area, so
8                             long as the relevant well is situated in the GHG
9                             licence area; and
10                      (b) to permanently store a greenhouse gas
11                            substance in an identified GHG storage
12                            formation that is wholly situated in the GHG
13                            licence area, so long as the injection of the
14                            stored greenhouse gas substance takes place at
15                            a well situated in the GHG licence area; and
16                      (c) to explore for a potential GHG storage
17                            formation in the GHG licence area; and
18                      (d) to explore for a potential GHG injection site in
19                            the GHG licence area; and
20                      (e) to inject, on an appraisal basis, a greenhouse
21                            gas substance into a part of a geological
22                            formation, so long as the relevant well is
23                            situated in the GHG licence area; and
24                       (f) to store, on an appraisal basis, a greenhouse gas
25                            substance in a part of a geological formation, so
26                            long as the relevant well is situated in the GHG
27                            licence area; and
28                      (g) to inject, on an appraisal basis, any of the
29                            following into a part of a geological formation
30                            for purposes in connection with the exploration
31                            authorised by paragraph (c) or (d), so long as
32                            the relevant well is situated in the GHG licence
33                            area --
34                               (i) air;

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     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport Division 3
                                                                      s. 321

1                            (ii) petroleum;
2                           (iii) water;
3                          and
4                    (h)   to store, on an appraisal basis, any of the
5                          following in a part of a geological formation for
6                          purposes in connection with the exploration
7                          authorised by paragraph (c) or (d), so long as
8                          the relevant well is situated in the GHG licence
9                          area --
10                            (i) air;
11                           (ii) petroleum;
12                          (iii) water;
13                         and
14                   (i)   with the written consent of the Minister, to
15                         recover petroleum or a regulated substance in
16                         the GHG licence area for the sole purpose of
17                         appraising a discovery of --
18                            (i) petroleum that was made as an
19                                 incidental consequence of the injection
20                                 authorised by paragraph (a), (e) or (g);
21                                 or
22                           (ii) petroleum or a regulated substance that
23                                 was made as an incidental consequence
24                                 of the exploration authorised by
25                                 paragraph (c) or (d);
26                         and
27                   (j)   to carry on any operations and execute any
28                         works in the GHG licence area that are
29                         necessary for those purposes.
30           (5)   If petroleum or a regulated substance is recovered by
31                 the GHG licensee in the GHG licence area as
32                 authorised by subsection (4)(i), the petroleum or

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1                     regulated substance does not become the property of
2                     the GHG licensee.
3               (6)   A GHG injection licence does not authorise the GHG
4                     licensee to make a well outside the GHG licence area.

6    322.       Section 53 amended
7       (1)     In section 53(1) and (2) before "licence" (1st occurrence) insert:

9               petroleum production

11      (2)     After section 53(3) insert:

13              (4)   Subject to this Part, a GHG injection licence remains in
14                    force indefinitely.

16   323.       Section 53A inserted
17              After section 53 insert:

19          53A.      Certain discoveries in licence area to be notified
20              (1)   Subsection (2) applies if --
21                     (a) petroleum or a regulated substance is
22                           discovered in a licence area; or
23                     (b) a potential GHG storage formation or potential
24                           GHG injection site is discovered in a licence
25                           area.
26              (2)   The licensee must --
27                     (a) immediately inform the Minister of the
28                            discovery; and

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1                        (b)within the period of 3 days after the day of the
2                           discovery, give the Minister particulars in
3                           writing of the discovery.
4                    Penalty for this subsection: a fine of $10 000.

6    324.      Section 54A amended
7       (1)    In section 54A(1) before "licence" (1st occurrence) insert:

9              petroleum production

11      (2)    After section 54A(1) insert:

13            (1A)   If a GHG injection licence is in force under
14                   section 53(4) and the licensee has not carried on any
15                   GHG injection operations under the licence at any time
16                   during a continuous period of at least 5 years, the
17                   Minister may, by written notice served on the licensee,
18                   inform the licensee that the Minister proposes to
19                   terminate the licence after the end of the period of
20                   1 month after the notice is served.

22      (3)    In section 54A(2) after "(1)" insert:

24             or (1A)

26      (4)    In section 54A(3) before "licence," insert:

28             petroleum production

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1       (5)     After section 54A(3) insert:

3               (4)    In working out for the purposes of subsection (1A) the
4                      duration of the period in which no GHG injection
5                      operations were carried on under a GHG injection
6                      licence, any period in which those operations were not
7                      carried on because of circumstances beyond the
8                      licensee's control is to be disregarded.

10   325.       Section 54 amended
11      (1)     In section 54(1):
12                (a) before "licensee" insert:

14                      petroleum

16               (b)    before "licence" (1st occurrence) insert:

18                      petroleum production

20      (2)     In section 54(2):
21                (a) delete "licence -- " insert:

23                      petroleum production licence --

25               (b)    in paragraph (c) before "licensee" insert:

27                      petroleum

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1               (c)     in paragraph (c) before "licence" insert:

3                       petroleum

5       (3)   In section 54(3), 54(4)(a) and (5)(a) before "licence" (1st
6             occurrence) insert:

8             petroleum production

10            Note: The heading to amended section 54 is to read:
11                    Application for renewal of petroleum production licence

12   326.     Section 55 amended
13      (1)   In section 55(1):
14              (a) in paragraph (a) before "licence" insert:

16                      petroleum production

18              (b)     in paragraph (c)(ii) before "licence area" insert

20                      petroleum

22              (c)     before "licensee," insert:

24                      petroleum

26      (2)   In section 55(2):
27              (a) in paragraph (a) before "licence" insert:

29                      petroleum production

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1                (b)   before "licensee," insert:

3                      petroleum

5       (3)     In section 55(3):
6                 (a) before "licence" (1st occurrence) insert:

8                      petroleum production

10               (b)   before "licensee," insert:

12                     petroleum

14      (4)     In section 55(4):
15                (a) before "licence" (1st occurrence) insert:

17                     petroleum production

19               (b)   in paragraph (a) before "licensee," insert:

21                     petroleum

23               (c)   in paragraph (c)(ii) before "licensee" (1st occurrence)
24                     insert:

26                     petroleum

28               (d)   in paragraph (d) before "licensee" insert:

30                     petroleum

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1       (5)   In section 55(5):
2               (a) before "licence," insert:

4                    petroleum production

6              (b)   before "licensee," insert:

8                    petroleum

10      (6)   In section 55(7):
11              (a) in paragraph (a) before "licence," insert:

13                   petroleum production

15             (b)   in paragraph (b) before "licensee" insert:

17                   petroleum

19      (7)   In section 55(8):
20              (a) before "licensee" (1st occurrence) insert:

22                   petroleum

24             (b)   before "licence." insert:

26                   petroleum production

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1       (8)     In section 55(9):
2                 (a) before "licensee" insert:

4                         petroleum

6                 (b)     before "licence." insert:

8                         petroleum production

10      (9)     In section 55(10) before "licensee" insert:

12              petroleum

14     (10)     In section 55(11)(a) before "licence" insert:

16              petroleum production

18              Note: The heading to amended section 55 is to read:
19                      Grant or refusal of renewal of petroleum production licence

20   327.       Section 56 amended
21              After section 56(1) insert:

23            (1A)      Without limiting subsection (1), a GHG injection
24                      licence is subject to the condition that the GHG
25                      licensee must comply with any requirements imposed
26                      on the GHG licensee by any regulations made for the
27                      purposes of subsection (1B).
28            (1B)      The regulations may establish a regime for third party
29                      access to services provided by means of the use of --
30                        (a) identified GHG storage formations; or

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1                     (b)      wells, equipment or structures for use in
2                              injecting greenhouse gas substances into
3                              identified GHG storage formations; or
4                     (c)      equipment or structures for use in the
5                              processing, compressing or storing of
6                              greenhouse gas substances prior to the injection
7                              of the substances into identified GHG storage
8                              formations.

10   328.     Section 60B amended
11            In section 60B(2)(b) before "facilities" insert:

13            infrastructure

15   329.     Part 3 Division 4 Subdivision 1 heading inserted
16            At the beginning of Part 3 Division 4 insert:

18                      Subdivision 1 -- General provisions

20   330.     Sections 60L and 60M inserted
21            After section 60K insert:

23          60L.    Pipeline operator under the Commonwealth Act or
24                  corresponding law
25                  In this Division, the pipeline operator under the
26                  Commonwealth Act or a corresponding law is a
27                  person --
28                    (a) who is entitled under the Commonwealth Act
29                          or a corresponding law to carry on operations

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1                           for the recovery of petroleum or the injection of
2                           greenhouse gas substances in an area outside
3                           the adjacent area; and
4                     (b)   who the Minister is satisfied is or will be
5                           entitled to construct a pipeline from the
6                           first-mentioned area to the boundary of the
7                           adjacent area.

8          60M.     Specified greenhouse gas pipelines
9                   In this Division --
10                  greenhouse gas (GHG licence area) pipeline, in
11                  relation to a GHG licence area, means a greenhouse
12                  gas pipeline for --
13                    (a) the conveyance within the GHG licence area of
14                          a greenhouse gas substance that is to be
15                          injected into an identified GHG storage
16                          formation that is wholly situated in the GHG
17                          licence area; or
18                    (b) the conveyance from a place outside the GHG
19                          licence area to a place in the GHG licence area
20                          of a greenhouse gas substance that is to be
21                          injected into an identified GHG storage
22                          formation that is wholly situated in the GHG
23                          licence area;
24                  greenhouse gas (petroleum licence area) pipeline, in
25                  relation to a petroleum licence area, means a
26                  greenhouse gas pipeline for --
27                    (a) the conveyance within the petroleum licence
28                          area of any greenhouse gas substance that is a
29                          by-product of petroleum operations carried on
30                          under the petroleum production licence; or
31                    (b) the conveyance from a place outside the
32                          petroleum licence area to a place in the
33                          petroleum licence area of any greenhouse gas

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1                           substance that is to be injected into the seabed
2                           or subsoil of the petroleum licence area to
3                           enhance petroleum operations carried on under
4                           the petroleum production licence.

6    331.     Section 63A inserted
7             After section 63 insert:

9           63A.    Terminal point
10            (1)   The Minister may, by notice published in the Gazette,
11                  declare that a specified point on a pipe, or system of
12                  pipes, for conveying a greenhouse gas substance is a
13                  terminal point for the purposes of this Act.
14            (2)   A declaration under subsection (1) has effect
15                  accordingly.
16            (3)   To avoid doubt, a declaration may be made under
17                  subsection (1) whether or not a person has applied for a
18                  pipeline licence.

20   332.     Part 3 Division 4 Subdivision 2 heading inserted
21            Before section 64 insert:

23                  Subdivision 2 -- Obtaining pipeline licences

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1    333.         Sections 64 and 65 replaced
2                 Delete sections 64 and 65 and insert:

4           64.         Application for pipeline licence
5                 (1)   A person may apply to the Minister for the grant of a
6                       pipeline licence.
7                 (2)   An application may be made under this section for a
8                       pipeline licence whether the licence is for the
9                       conveyance of --
10                        (a) petroleum recovered from an area within the
11                              adjacent area or an area outside the adjacent
12                              area; or
13                        (b) greenhouse gas substances within the adjacent
14                              area or to or from an area outside the adjacent
15                              area.
16                (3)   An application under this section must be made in an
17                      approved manner and be accompanied by the
18                      prescribed fee.
19                (4)   An application under this section must be accompanied
20                      by details of --
21                        (a) the proposed design and construction of the
22                              pipeline; and
23                       (b) the proposed size and capacity of the pipeline;
24                              and
25                        (c) the proposals of the applicant for work and
26                              expenditure in respect of the construction of the
27                              pipeline; and
28                       (d) the technical qualifications of the applicant and
29                              of the applicant's employees; and
30                        (e) the technical advice available to the applicant;
31                              and

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1                    (f)   the financial resources available to the
2                          applicant; and
3                    (g)   any agreements entered into, or proposed to be
4                          entered into, by the applicant for or in relation
5                          to the supply or conveyance of petroleum or
6                          greenhouse gas substances by means of the
7                          pipeline.
8            (5)   An application under this section must be accompanied
9                  by a plan, drawn to an approved scale, showing --
10                   (a) the route to be followed by the pipeline; and
11                  (b) the sites of pumping stations, tank stations and
12                         valve stations to be used in connection with the
13                         pipeline; and
14                   (c) the site of any pumping station, tank station or
15                         valve station that the applicant wants to be
16                         declared under section 63 to be a terminal
17                         station in connection with the pipeline; and
18                  (d) the location of any point that the applicant
19                         wants to be declared under section 63A(1) to be
20                         a terminal point in connection with the pipeline.
21           (6)   An application under this section may set out any other
22                 matters that the applicant wishes the Minister to
23                 consider.

24        64A.     Request for further information
25           (1)   The Minister may, at any time and by written notice
26                 given to an applicant for a pipeline licence, require the
27                 applicant to give the Minister, within the period
28                 specified in the notice, further information in
29                 connection with the application.

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1               (2)   If the applicant fails to comply with the requirement,
2                     the Minister may, by written notice given to the
3                     applicant --
4                       (a) refuse to consider the application; or
5                       (b) refuse to take any action, or any further action,
6                             in relation to the application.
7               (3)   Subsection (2) has effect despite any provision of this
8                     Division that requires the Minister to --
9                      (a) consider the application; or
10                     (b) take any particular action in relation to the
11                           application.
12              (4)   A reference in this section to taking action in relation
13                    to the application includes a reference to giving a
14                    pipeline licence offer notice in relation to the
15                    application.

16         64B.       Rights of petroleum licensees following application
17                    for petroleum pipeline licences by other persons
18              (1)   This section applies if --
19                     (a) a petroleum production licence is in force; and
20                     (b) a person applies for a pipeline licence in
21                           relation to the construction, in the adjacent area,
22                           of a petroleum pipeline for the conveyance of
23                           petroleum recovered in the petroleum licence
24                           area; and
25                     (c) the person is not the petroleum licensee.
26              (2)   The petroleum licensee may, within the required
27                    period, apply to the Minister under section 64 for the
28                    grant of that pipeline licence and request that the
29                    application mentioned in subsection (1)(b) be rejected.

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1            (3)   For the purposes of subsection (2), the required period
2                  is --
3                    (a) 3 months after the publication in the Gazette of
4                          notice of the application mentioned in
5                          subsection (1)(b); or
6                    (b) a further period, not being more than 3 months,
7                          that the Minister, on application in writing
8                          served on the Minister before the end of the
9                          period mentioned in paragraph (a), allows.
10                 Note for this subsection:
11                        For publication in the Gazette of notice of the application,
12                        see section 94.

13           (4)   If a pipeline licence is granted to the petroleum
14                 licensee as a result of an application covered by
15                 subsection (2), the Minister must, by written notice
16                 given to the person mentioned in subsection (1)(b),
17                 reject the application mentioned in subsection (1)(b).

18        64C.     Rights of petroleum licensees following application
19                 for greenhouse gas pipeline licences by other
20                 persons
21           (1)   This section applies if --
22                  (a) a petroleum production licence is in force; and
23                  (b) the petroleum licence area is in the adjacent
24                        area; and
25                  (c) a person applies for a pipeline licence in
26                        relation to the construction, in the adjacent area,
27                        of a greenhouse gas (petroleum licence area)
28                        pipeline in relation to the petroleum licence
29                        area; and
30                  (d) the person is not the petroleum licensee.
31           (2)   The petroleum licensee may, within the required
32                 period, apply to the Minister under section 64 for the

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1                     grant of that pipeline licence and request that the
2                     application mentioned in subsection (1)(c) be rejected.
3               (3)   For the purposes of subsection (2), the required period
4                     is --
5                       (a) 3 months after the publication in the Gazette of
6                             notice of the application mentioned in
7                             subsection (1)(c); or
8                       (b) a further period, not being more than 3 months,
9                             that the Minister, on application in writing
10                            served on the Minister before the end of the
11                            period mentioned in paragraph (a), allows.
12                    Note for this subsection:
13                           For publication in the Gazette of notice of the application,
14                           see section 94.

15              (4)   If a pipeline licence is granted to the petroleum
16                    licensee as a result of an application covered by
17                    subsection (2), the Minister must, by written notice
18                    given to the person mentioned in subsection (1)(c),
19                    reject the application mentioned in subsection (1)(c).

20         64D.       Rights of GHG licensees following application for
21                    greenhouse gas pipeline licences by other persons
22              (1)   This section applies if --
23                     (a) a GHG injection licence is in force; and
24                     (b) the GHG licence area is in the adjacent area;
25                           and
26                     (c) a person applies for a pipeline licence in
27                           relation to the construction, in the adjacent area,
28                           of a greenhouse gas (GHG licence area)
29                           pipeline in relation to the GHG licence area;
30                           and
31                     (d) the person is not the GHG licensee.

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1            (2)   The GHG licensee may, within the required period,
2                  apply to the Minister under section 64 for the grant of
3                  that pipeline licence and request that the application
4                  mentioned in subsection (1)(c) be rejected.
5            (3)   For the purposes of subsection (2), the required period
6                  is --
7                    (a) 3 months after the publication in the Gazette of
8                          notice of the application mentioned in
9                          subsection (1)(c); or
10                   (b) a further period, not being more than 3 months,
11                         that the Minister, on application in writing
12                         served on the Minister before the end of the
13                         period mentioned in paragraph (a), allows.
14                 Note for this subsection:
15                        For publication in the Gazette of notice of the application,
16                        see section 94.

17           (4)   If a pipeline licence is granted to the GHG licensee as a
18                 result of an application covered by subsection (2), the
19                 Minister must, by written notice given to the person
20                 mentioned in subsection (1)(c), reject the application
21                 mentioned in subsection (1)(c).

22        64E.     Rights of pipeline operator following application for
23                 petroleum pipeline licences by other persons
24           (1)   This section applies if --
25                  (a) a person applies for a pipeline licence in
26                        relation to the construction, in the adjacent area,
27                        of a petroleum pipeline for the conveyance of
28                        petroleum recovered in the licence area of a
29                        production licence under the Commonwealth
30                        Act or a corresponding law; and
31                  (b) the person is not the pipeline operator under the
32                        Commonwealth Act or corresponding law.

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1               (2)   The pipeline operator under the Commonwealth Act or
2                     corresponding law may, within the required period,
3                     apply to the Minister under section 64 for the grant of
4                     that pipeline licence and request that the application
5                     mentioned in subsection (1)(a) be rejected.
6               (3)   For the purposes of subsection (2), the required period
7                     is --
8                       (a) 3 months after the publication in the Gazette of
9                             notice of the application mentioned in
10                            subsection (1)(a); or
11                      (b) a further period, not being more than 3 months,
12                            that the Minister, on application in writing
13                            served on the Minister before the end of the
14                            period mentioned in paragraph (a), allows.
15                    Note for this subsection:
16                           For publication in the Gazette of notice of the application,
17                           see section 94.

18              (4)   If a pipeline licence is granted to the pipeline operator
19                    as a result of an application covered by subsection (2),
20                    the Minister must, by written notice given to the person
21                    mentioned in subsection (1)(a), reject the application
22                    mentioned in subsection (1)(a).

23         64F.       Rights of pipeline operator following application for
24                    greenhouse gas pipeline licences by other persons
25              (1)   This section applies if --
26                     (a) a person applies for a pipeline licence in
27                           relation to the construction, in the adjacent area,
28                           of a greenhouse gas pipeline for the conveyance
29                           of a greenhouse gas substance to a place in a
30                           greenhouse gas injection licence area under the
31                           Commonwealth Act or a corresponding law;
32                           and

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1                    (b)     the person is not the pipeline operator under the
2                            Commonwealth Act or a corresponding law.
3            (2)   The pipeline operator under the Commonwealth Act or
4                  corresponding law may, within the required period,
5                  apply to the Minister under section 64 for the grant of
6                  that pipeline licence and request that the application
7                  mentioned in subsection (1)(a) be rejected.
8            (3)   For the purposes of subsection (2), the required period
9                  is --
10                   (a) 3 months after the publication in the Gazette of
11                         notice of the application mentioned in
12                         subsection (1)(a); or
13                   (b) a further period, not being more than 3 months,
14                         that the Minister, on application in writing
15                         served on the Minister before the end of the
16                         period mentioned in paragraph (a), allows.
17                 Note for this subsection:
18                         For publication in the Gazette of notice of the application,
19                         see section 94.

20           (4)   If a pipeline licence is granted to the pipeline operator
21                 under the Commonwealth Act or corresponding law as
22                 a result of an application covered by subsection (2), the
23                 Minister must, by written notice given to the person
24                 mentioned in subsection (1)(a), reject the application
25                 mentioned in subsection (1)(a).

26        64G.     Petroleum pipeline licence offer -- petroleum
27                 recovered in petroleum licence area
28           (1)   This section applies if an application is made under
29                 section 64 for a pipeline licence in relation to the
30                 construction, in the adjacent area, of a petroleum
31                 pipeline for the conveyance of petroleum recovered in
32                 the petroleum licence area.

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1               (2)   If the applicant is the petroleum licensee, the Minister
2                     must give the applicant a written notice informing the
3                     applicant that the Minister is prepared to grant the
4                     applicant a pipeline licence if the following have been
5                     complied with --
6                       (a) the conditions to which the petroleum
7                             production licence is, or has from time to time
8                             been, subject;
9                       (b) any requirement under section 64A(1);
10                      (c) this Part;
11                      (d) the regulations.
12              (3)   If the applicant is the petroleum licensee, the Minister
13                    may give the applicant a written notice informing the
14                    applicant that the Minister is prepared to grant the
15                    applicant a pipeline licence if --
16                      (a) any of the following have not been complied
17                            with --
18                               (i) the conditions to which the petroleum
19                                    production licence is, or has from time
20                                    to time been, subject;
21                              (ii) any requirement under section 64A(1);
22                             (iii) this Part;
23                             (iv) the regulations;
24                            and
25                      (b) the Minister is, nevertheless, satisfied that
26                            special circumstances exist that justify the
27                            granting of a pipeline licence.
28              (4)   If the applicant is not the petroleum licensee and the
29                    application has not been rejected under section 64B(4),
30                    the Minister may give the applicant a written notice
31                    informing the applicant that the Minister is prepared to
32                    grant the applicant a pipeline licence.

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1         64H.     Petroleum pipeline licence offer -- petroleum
2                  recovered in licence area under Commonwealth Act
3                  or corresponding law
4            (1)   This section applies if an application is made under
5                  section 64 for a pipeline licence in relation to the
6                  construction, in the adjacent area, of a petroleum
7                  pipeline for the conveyance of petroleum recovered in
8                  the licence area of a production licence under the
9                  Commonwealth Act or a corresponding law.
10           (2)   If the applicant is the pipeline operator under the
11                 Commonwealth Act or corresponding law, the Minister
12                 must give the applicant a written notice informing the
13                 applicant that the Minister is prepared to grant the
14                 applicant a pipeline licence.
15           (3)   If the applicant is not the pipeline operator under the
16                 Commonwealth Act or corresponding law and the
17                 application has not been rejected under section 64E(4),
18                 the Minister may give the applicant a written notice
19                 informing the applicant that the Minister is prepared to
20                 grant the applicant a pipeline licence.

21        64I.     Greenhouse gas pipeline licence offer relating to
22                 petroleum licence area
23           (1)   This section applies if --
24                  (a) a petroleum production licence is in force; and
25                  (b) the petroleum licence area is in the adjacent
26                        area; and
27                  (c) an application is made under section 64 for a
28                        pipeline licence in relation to the construction,
29                        in the adjacent area, of a greenhouse gas
30                        (petroleum licence area) pipeline in relation to
31                        the petroleum licence area.

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1               (2)   If the applicant is the petroleum licensee, the Minister
2                     must give the applicant a written notice informing the
3                     applicant that the Minister is prepared to grant the
4                     applicant a pipeline licence if the following have been
5                     complied with --
6                       (a) the conditions to which the petroleum
7                             production licence is, or has from time to time
8                             been, subject;
9                       (b) any requirement under section 64A(1);
10                      (c) this Part;
11                      (d) the regulations.
12              (3)   If the applicant is the petroleum licensee, the Minister
13                    may give the applicant a written notice informing the
14                    applicant that the Minister is prepared to grant the
15                    applicant a pipeline licence if --
16                      (a) any of the following have not been complied
17                            with --
18                               (i) the conditions to which the petroleum
19                                    production licence is, or has from time
20                                    to time been, subject;
21                              (ii) any requirement under section 64A(1);
22                             (iii) this Part;
23                             (iv) the regulations;
24                            and
25                      (b) the Minister is, nevertheless, satisfied that
26                            special circumstances exist that justify the
27                            granting of a pipeline licence.
28              (4)   If the applicant is not the petroleum licensee and the
29                    application has not been rejected under section 64C(4),
30                    the Minister may give the applicant a written notice
31                    informing the applicant that the Minister is prepared to
32                    grant the applicant a pipeline licence.

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1         64J.     Greenhouse gas pipeline licence offer -- GHG
2                  licence area
3            (1)   This section applies if --
4                   (a) a GHG injection licence is in force; and
5                   (b) the GHG licence area is in the adjacent area;
6                         and
7                   (c) an application is made under section 64 for a
8                         pipeline licence in relation to the construction,
9                         in the adjacent area, of a greenhouse gas (GHG
10                        licence area) pipeline in relation to the GHG
11                        licence area.
12           (2)   If the applicant is the GHG licensee, the Minister must
13                 give the applicant a written notice informing the
14                 applicant that the Minister is prepared to grant the
15                 applicant a pipeline licence if the following have been
16                 complied with --
17                   (a) the conditions to which the GHG injection
18                         licence is, or has from time to time been,
19                         subject;
20                   (b) any requirement under section 64A(1);
21                   (c) this Part;
22                   (d) the regulations.
23           (3)   If the applicant is the GHG licensee, the Minister may
24                 give the applicant a written notice informing the
25                 applicant that the Minister is prepared to grant the
26                 applicant a pipeline licence if --
27                   (a) any of the following have not been complied
28                         with --
29                           (i) the conditions to which the GHG
30                                 injection licence is, or has from time to
31                                 time been, subject;

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1                              (ii) any requirement under section 64A(1);
2                             (iii) this Part;
3                             (iv) the regulations;
4                            and
5                      (b)   the Minister is, nevertheless, satisfied that
6                            special circumstances exist that justify the
7                            granting of a pipeline licence.
8               (4)   If the applicant is not the GHG licensee and the
9                     application has not been rejected under section 64D(4),
10                    the Minister may give the applicant a written notice
11                    informing the applicant that the Minister is prepared to
12                    grant the applicant a pipeline licence.

13         64K.       Greenhouse gas pipeline licence offer -- greenhouse
14                    gas injection area under Commonwealth Act or
15                    corresponding law
16              (1)   This section applies if an application is made under
17                    section 64 for a pipeline licence in relation to the
18                    construction, in the adjacent area, of a greenhouse gas
19                    pipeline for the conveyance of a greenhouse gas
20                    substance to a place in a greenhouse gas injection
21                    licence area under the Commonwealth Act or a
22                    corresponding law.
23              (2)   If the applicant is the pipeline operator under the
24                    Commonwealth Act or corresponding law, the Minister
25                    must give the applicant a written notice informing the
26                    applicant that the Minister is prepared to grant the
27                    applicant a pipeline licence.
28              (3)   If the applicant is not the pipeline operator under the
29                    Commonwealth Act or corresponding law and the
30                    application has not been rejected under section 64F(4),
31                    the Minister may give the applicant a written notice

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1                  informing the applicant that the Minister is prepared to
2                  grant the applicant a pipeline licence.

3         64L.     Form and content of pipeline licence offer notice
4            (1)   A pipeline licence offer notice must --
5                   (a) specify the route to be followed by the pipeline;
6                         and
7                   (b) contain a summary of the conditions subject to
8                         which the pipeline licence is to be granted; and
9                   (c) contain a statement to the effect that the
10                        application for a pipeline licence will lapse if
11                        the applicant does not make a request under
12                        section 64M.
13           (2)   The route specified in a pipeline licence offer notice
14                 must be --
15                  (a) the route shown in the plan accompanying the
16                        application; or
17                  (b) if the Minister is of the opinion that, for any
18                        reason, that route is not appropriate, a route
19                        that, in the opinion of the Minister, is
20                        appropriate.

21        64M.     Request for grant of pipeline licence after offer
22           (1)   A person to whom a pipeline licence offer notice is
23                 given may, within the required period, request the
24                 Minister, in writing, to grant the pipeline licence.
25           (2)   If a person to whom a pipeline licence offer notice is
26                 given does not make a request under subsection (1)
27                 within the required period, the application for the
28                 pipeline licence lapses at the end of that period.

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1               (3)   For the purposes of subsection (1), the required period
2                     is --
3                       (a) 3 months after the pipeline licence offer notice
4                             is given; or
5                       (b) a further period, not being more than 3 months,
6                             that the Minister, on application in writing
7                             served on the Minister before the end of the
8                             period mentioned in paragraph (a), allows.

9          64N.       Refusal to grant petroleum pipeline licence --
10                    petroleum licence area
11              (1)   This section applies if an application is made under
12                    section 64 for a pipeline licence in relation to the
13                    construction, in the adjacent area, of a petroleum
14                    pipeline for the conveyance of petroleum recovered in
15                    a petroleum licence area.
16              (2)   If the application is made by the petroleum licensee,
17                    the Minister must, by written notice given to the
18                    applicant, refuse to grant the licence if --
19                      (a) any of the following have not been complied
20                            with --
21                               (i) the conditions to which the petroleum
22                                    production licence is, or has from time
23                                    to time been, subject;
24                              (ii) any requirement under section 64A(1);
25                             (iii) this Part;
26                             (iv) the regulations;
27                            and
28                      (b) the Minister is not satisfied that special
29                            circumstances exist that justify the granting of a
30                            pipeline licence.

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1            (3)   If the application is not made by the petroleum
2                  licensee, the Minister may, by written notice given to
3                  the applicant, refuse to grant the licence.

4         64O.     Refusal to grant greenhouse gas pipeline licence
5                  relating to petroleum licence area
6            (1)   This section applies if --
7                   (a) a petroleum production licence is in force; and
8                   (b) the petroleum licence area is in the adjacent
9                         area; and
10                  (c) an application is made under section 64 for a
11                        pipeline licence in relation to the construction,
12                        in the adjacent area, of a greenhouse gas
13                        (petroleum licence area) pipeline in relation to
14                        the petroleum licence area.
15           (2)   If the application is made by the petroleum licensee,
16                 the Minister must, by written notice given to the
17                 applicant, refuse to grant the licence if --
18                   (a) any of the following have not been complied
19                         with --
20                            (i) the conditions to which the
21                                 GHG injection licence is, or has from
22                                 time to time been, subject;
23                           (ii) any requirement under section 64A(1);
24                          (iii) this Part;
25                          (iv) the regulations;
26                         and
27                   (b) the Minister is not satisfied that special
28                         circumstances exist that justify the granting of a
29                         pipeline licence.

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1               (3)   If the applicant is not the petroleum licensee, the
2                     Minister may, by written notice given to the applicant,
3                     refuse to grant the licence.

4          64P.       Refusal to grant greenhouse gas pipeline licence
5                     relating to GHG licence area
6               (1)   This section applies if --
7                      (a) a GHG injection licence is in force; and
8                      (b) the GHG licence area is in the adjacent area;
9                            and
10                     (c) an application is made under section 64 for a
11                           pipeline licence in relation to the construction,
12                           in the adjacent area, of a greenhouse gas (GHG
13                           licence area) pipeline in relation to the GHG
14                           licence area.
15              (2)   If the application is made by the GHG licensee, the
16                    Minister must, by written notice given to the applicant,
17                    refuse to grant the licence if --
18                      (a) any of the following have not been complied
19                            with --
20                               (i) the conditions to which the
21                                    GHG injection licence is, or has from
22                                    time to time been, subject;
23                              (ii) any requirement under section 64A(1);
24                             (iii) this Part;
25                             (iv) the regulations;
26                            and
27                      (b) the Minister is not satisfied that special
28                            circumstances exist that justify the granting of a
29                            pipeline licence.

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1            (3)   If the applicant is not the GHG licensee, the Minister
2                  may, by written notice given to the applicant, refuse to
3                  grant the licence.

4         64Q.     Refusal to grant petroleum pipeline licence -
5                  petroleum production area under Commonwealth
6                  Act or corresponding law
7            (1)   This section applies if --
8                   (a) an application is made under section 64 for a
9                         pipeline licence in relation to the construction,
10                        in the adjacent area, of a petroleum pipeline for
11                        the conveyance of petroleum recovered in the
12                        licence area of a production licence under the
13                        Commonwealth Act or a corresponding law;
14                        and
15                  (b) the applicant is not the pipeline operator under
16                        the Commonwealth Act or corresponding law.
17           (2)   The Minister may, by written notice given to the
18                 applicant, refuse to grant the licence.

19        64R.     Refusal to grant greenhouse gas pipeline licence -
20                 greenhouse gas injection licence area under
21                 Commonwealth Act or corresponding law
22           (1)   This section applies if --
23                  (a) an application is made under section 64 for a
24                        pipeline licence in relation to the construction,
25                        in the adjacent area, of a greenhouse gas
26                        pipeline for the conveyance of a greenhouse gas
27                        substance to a place in a greenhouse gas
28                        injection licence area under the Commonwealth
29                        Act or a corresponding law; and
30                  (b) the applicant is not the pipeline operator under
31                        the Commonwealth Act or corresponding law.

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1                (2)   The Minister may, by written notice given to the
2                      applicant, refuse to grant the licence.

3          64S.        Consultation before refusal of application by
4                      petroleum licensee or GHG licensee
5                (1)   Before making a decision under section 64N(2),
6                      64O(2) or 64P(2) to refuse to grant a pipeline licence,
7                      the Minister must --
8                        (a) by written notice given to the applicant for the
9                             licence, give at least 30 days' notice of the
10                            Minister's intention to make the decision; and
11                       (b) give a copy of the notice to any other persons
12                            the Minister thinks fit.
13               (2)   The notice must --
14                      (a) set out details of the decision that is proposed to
15                            be made; and
16                      (b) set out the reasons for the proposal; and
17                      (c) invite a person to whom the notice, or a copy of
18                            the notice, has been given to make a written
19                            submission to the Minister about the proposal;
20                            and
21                      (d) specify a period within which submissions may
22                            be made.
23               (3)   In making the decision under section 64N(2), 64O(2)
24                     or 64P(2), the Minister must take into account any
25                     submissions made in accordance with the notice.

26         65.         Grant of pipeline licence
27               (1)   This section applies if --
28                      (a) an applicant is given a pipeline licence offer
29                            notice; and
30                      (b) the applicant makes a request under
31                            section 64M in relation to the pipeline licence

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1                          offer notice within the period applicable under
2                          that section.
3            (2)   The Minister must grant the applicant the pipeline
4                  licence.

6    334.    Section 70 amended
7            In section 70(3) delete "The" and insert:

9            If the pipeline is a petroleum pipeline, the

11   335.    Part 3 Division 4 Subdivision 3 heading inserted
12           After section 70 insert:

14                  Subdivision 3 -- Varying a pipeline licence

16   336.    Part 3 Division 4 Subdivision 4 heading inserted
17           After section 72 insert:

19                 Subdivision 4 -- Operation of pipeline licence

21   337.    Section 73 amended
22           In section 73(1) after "petroleum" (each occurrence) insert:

24           or greenhouse gas substances

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1    338.       Part 3 Divisions 4AAA and 4AAB inserted
2               After Part 3 Division 4 insert:

4           Division 4AAA -- Petroleum titles and GHG titles may
5                      subsist in respect of same blocks
6           74AA. Petroleum titles and GHG titles may subsist in
7                 respect of same blocks
8               (1)   In this section --
9                     GHG title means a GHG exploration permit, GHG
10                    retention lease, GHG injection licence, GHG special
11                    prospecting authority or GHG access authority;
12                    petroleum title means a petroleum exploration permit,
13                    petroleum retention lease, petroleum production
14                    licence, petroleum special prospecting authority or
15                    petroleum access authority.
16              (2)   The Minister must not do either of the following unless
17                    the Minister complies with subsection (3) --
18                      (a) grant a petroleum title on an application under
19                           this Act in respect of a block that is the subject
20                           of a GHG title of which the registered holder is
21                           a person other than the applicant;
22                      (b) vary a petroleum production licence on an
23                           application under section 40(2)(b) to include in
24                           the licence area a block that is the subject of a
25                           GHG title of which the registered holder is a
26                           person other than the applicant.
27              (3)   The Minister complies with this subsection if the
28                    Minister --
29                     (a) by instrument in writing served on the
30                           registered holder of the GHG title, gives not
31                           less than 1 month's notice of the Minister's

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1                          intention to grant the petroleum title or vary the
2                          petroleum production licence, as the case
3                          requires; and
4                    (b)   in the instrument --
5                             (i) gives particulars of the petroleum title
6                                  proposed to be granted or of the
7                                  variation proposed to be made to the
8                                  petroleum production licence; and
9                            (ii) specifies a day on or before which the
10                                 person on whom the instrument is
11                                 served may, by instrument in writing
12                                 served on the Minister, submit any
13                                 matters relating to the information given
14                                 under subparagraph (i) that the person
15                                 wishes the Minister to consider;
16                         and
17                   (c)   takes into account any matters the person
18                         submits to the Minister on or before the
19                         specified day.
20           (4)   The Minister must not grant a GHG title on an
21                 application under this Act in respect of a block that is
22                 the subject of a petroleum title of which the registered
23                 holder is a person other than the applicant, unless the
24                 Minister complies with subsection (5).
25           (5)   The Minister complies with this subsection if the
26                 Minister --
27                  (a) by instrument in writing served on the
28                        registered holder of the petroleum title, gives
29                        not less than 1 month's notice of the Minister's
30                        intention to grant the GHG title; and
31                  (b) in the instrument --
32                          (i) gives particulars of the GHG title
33                                proposed to be granted; and

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1                               (ii)   specifies a date on or before which the
2                                      person on whom the instrument is
3                                      served may, by instrument in writing
4                                      served on the Minister, submit any
5                                      matters relating to the information given
6                                      under subparagraph (i) that the person
7                                      wishes the Minister to consider;
8                              and
9                        (c)   takes into account any matters the person
10                             submits to the Minister on or before the
11                             specified day.
12              (6)    Nothing in this section limits the operation of any other
13                     provisions of this Act relating to applying for or
14                     granting a petroleum title or GHG title or varying a
15                     petroleum title.

16           Division 4AAB -- Matters relating to GHG injection
17                            and storage

18                    Subdivision 1 -- Declaration of identified GHG
19                                  storage formation

20         74AB.       Application for declaration of identified GHG
21                     storage formation
22              (1)    This section applies if --
23                      (a) a GHG exploration permit, GHG retention
24                            lease, GHG injection licence, petroleum
25                            retention lease or petroleum production licence
26                            is in force; and
27                      (b) the permittee, lessee or licensee has reasonable
28                            grounds to believe that --
29                               (i) a part of a geological formation is an
30                                     eligible GHG storage formation; and

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1                           (ii)   that part is wholly situated in the permit
2                                  area, lease area or licence area.
3            (2)   The permittee, lessee or licensee may apply to the
4                  Minister for the declaration of the part referred to in
5                  subsection (1)(b) as an identified GHG storage
6                  formation.
7            (3)   An application under this section must be made in an
8                  approved manner and set out --
9                    (a) the applicant's reasons for believing that the
10                        part referred to in subsection (1)(b) is an
11                        eligible GHG storage formation; and
12                   (b) assuming that the part referred to in
13                        subsection (1)(b) is an eligible GHG storage
14                        formation --
15                           (i) the fundamental suitability determinants
16                                of the eligible GHG storage formation;
17                                and
18                          (ii) an estimate of the spatial extent of the
19                                eligible GHG storage formation; and
20                         (iii) any other information prescribed by the
21                                regulations.
22           (4)   An estimate of spatial extent must comply with any
23                 requirements specified in the regulations.

24        74AC. Requirement for further information or further
25              analysis
26           (1)   If an application is made under section 74AB, the
27                 Minister may, by written notice given to the applicant,
28                 require the applicant --
29                   (a) to give the Minister, within the period specified
30                         in the notice, further information in connection
31                         with the application; or

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1                      (b)    to --
2                                (i) carry out any further analysis of relevant
3                                    information specified in the notice; and
4                               (ii) give the Minister, within the period
5                                    specified in the notice, a written report
6                                    of the results of that analysis.
7               (2)   If the applicant breaches a requirement under
8                     subsection (1), the Minister may, by written notice
9                     given to the applicant --
10                      (a) refuse to consider the application; or
11                      (b) refuse to take any action, or any further action,
12                            in relation to the application.

13         74AD. Variation of application
14              (1)   At any time before the Minister makes a declaration
15                    under section 74AE on an application
16                    under section 74AB, the applicant may, by written
17                    notice given to the Minister, vary --
18                      (a) any or all of the fundamental suitability
19                            determinants specified in the application; or
20                     (b) the spatial extent estimated in the application.
21              (2)   A variation of an application must be made in an
22                    approved manner.
23              (3)   A variation of an application may be made --
24                     (a) on the applicant's own initiative; or
25                     (b) at the request of the Minister.
26              (4)   If an application is varied under this section, a
27                    reference in this Act to the application is a reference to
28                    the application as varied.

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1         74AE.    Declaration of identified GHG storage formation
2            (1)   This section applies if --
3                   (a) an application is made under section 74AB in
4                         relation to a part of a geological formation; and
5                   (b) the Minister is satisfied that, using the
6                         fundamental suitability determinants set out in
7                         the application --
8                            (i) that part is an eligible GHG storage
9                                 formation; and
10                          (ii) the estimate of the spatial extent set out
11                                in the application is a reasonable
12                                estimate of the spatial extent of the
13                                eligible GHG storage formation.
14           (2)   The Minister must, by instrument in writing, declare --
15                  (a) that part to be an identified GHG storage
16                       formation for the purposes of this Act; and
17                  (b) that, for the purposes of this Act, the spatial
18                       extent of the identified GHG storage formation
19                       is the spatial extent estimated in the application;
20                       and
21                  (c) that the fundamental suitability determinants
22                       specified in the application are the fundamental
23                       suitability determinants of the identified GHG
24                       storage formation for the purposes of this Act.
25           (3)   A declaration under subsection (2) must set out --
26                  (a) the estimate of the spatial extent specified in
27                        the application; and
28                  (b) the fundamental suitability determinants
29                        specified in the application.
30           (4)   A copy of a declaration under subsection (2) must be
31                 published in the Gazette.

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1          74AF.      Refusal to make declaration
2               (1)   This section applies if --
3                      (a) an application is made under section 74AB in
4                            relation to a part of a geological formation; and
5                      (b) the Minister is not required by section 74AE to
6                            make a declaration in relation to that part.
7               (2)   The Minister must, by written notice given to the
8                     applicant, refuse to declare that part to be an identified
9                     GHG storage formation.

10         74AG. Variation of declaration
11              (1)   This section applies if a declaration is in force under
12                    section 74AE in relation to a part of a geological
13                    formation.
14              (2)   The Minister may, by instrument in writing, vary the
15                    declaration.
16              (3)   A variation of the declaration may be made --
17                     (a) if the part is wholly situated in --
18                              (i) a GHG permit area -- on the
19                                    application of the GHG permittee; or
20                             (ii) a lease area -- on the application of the
21                                    lessee; or
22                            (iii) a licence area -- on the application of
23                                    the licensee;
24                           or
25                     (b) on the Minister's own initiative.
26              (4)   An application for a variation of the declaration
27                    must --
28                     (a) be made in an approved manner; and
29                     (b) set out the proposed variation; and

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1                    (c)   specify the reasons for the proposed variation.
2            (5)   In deciding whether to vary the declaration, the
3                  Minister must have regard to --
4                    (a) any new information; and
5                    (b) any new analysis; and
6                    (c) any relevant scientific or technological
7                          developments; and
8                    (d) any other matters that the Minister considers
9                          relevant.
10           (6)   Before varying a declaration on the Minister's own
11                 initiative, the Minister must consult --
12                   (a) if the part is wholly situated in a GHG permit
13                          area -- the GHG permittee; or
14                   (b) if the part is wholly situated in a lease area --
15                          the lessee; or
16                   (c) if the part is wholly situated in a licence area --
17                          the licensee.
18           (7)   A copy of a variation under subsection (2) must be
19                 published in the Gazette.
20           (8)   If a declaration in force under section 74AE is varied, a
21                 reference in this Act to the declaration is a reference to
22                 the declaration as varied.

23        74AH. Revocation of declaration
24           (1)   This section applies if a declaration is in force under
25                 section 74AE in relation to a part of a geological
26                 formation.
27           (2)   The Minister may, by instrument in writing, revoke the
28                 declaration if the Minister is satisfied that, using any
29                 set of fundamental suitability determinants, the part is
30                 not an eligible GHG storage formation.

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1               (3)   Before revoking a declaration, the Minister must --
2                      (a) consult --
3                               (i) if the part is wholly situated in a GHG
4                                   permit area -- the GHG permittee; or
5                              (ii) if the part is wholly situated in a lease
6                                   area -- the lessee; or
7                             (iii) if the part is wholly situated in a licence
8                                   area -- the licensee;
9                            and
10                     (b) consider whether the Minister should instead
11                           vary the declaration under section 74AG.
12              (4)   A copy of a revocation under subsection (2) must be
13                    published in the Gazette.

14                       Subdivision 2 -- Approved site plans

15         74AI.      Approved site plans
16              (1)   The regulations may provide that a GHG licensee must
17                    not carry on any operations in relation to an identified
18                    GHG storage formation specified in the licence unless
19                    an approved site plan is in force in relation to the
20                    formation.
21              (2)   The regulations may provide that, if an approved site
22                    plan is in force in relation to an identified GHG storage
23                    formation specified in a GHG injection licence, the
24                    GHG licensee must comply with the approved site
25                    plan.
26              (3)   The regulations may make provision for the Minister to
27                    approve draft site plans.

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1            (4)   The regulations may provide that, if the Minister
2                  approves a draft site plan, the approved site plan --
3                    (a) comes into force at the time of the approval;
4                         and
5                    (b) remains in force --
6                           (i) if, under the regulations, the Minister
7                                 withdraws approval of the approved site
8                                 plan -- until the withdrawal; or
9                          (ii) otherwise -- indefinitely.
10           (5)   The regulations may make provision for the Minister to
11                 withdraw approval of approved site plans.
12           (6)   The regulations may make provision for and in relation
13                 to the variation of approved site plans.
14           (7)   Regulations made for the purposes of subsection (6)
15                 may --
16                  (a) require a GHG licensee to prepare a draft
17                        variation of an approved site plan --
18                           (i) periodically; or
19                          (ii) in the circumstances specified in the
20                                regulations; or
21                         (iii) when required to do so by the Minister;
22                        and
23                  (b) require a GHG licensee to give the draft
24                        variation to the Minister; and
25                  (c) make provision for the Minister to approve the
26                        variation; and
27                  (d) provide that, if the Minister approves the
28                        variation, the approved site plan is varied
29                        accordingly.

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1               (8)   If an approved site plan is varied, a reference in this
2                     Act to the approved site plan is a reference to the
3                     approved site plan as varied.

4                          Subdivision 3 -- Serious situations

5          74AJ.      When serious situation exists
6                     For the purposes of this Subdivision, a serious
7                     situation exists in relation to an identified GHG
8                     storage formation if --
9                       (a) a greenhouse gas substance that has been
10                            injected into the identified GHG storage
11                            formation has leaked or will leak; or
12                      (b) a greenhouse gas substance has leaked or will
13                            leak in the course of being injected into the
14                            identified GHG storage formation; or
15                      (c) a greenhouse gas substance that has been
16                            injected into the identified GHG storage
17                            formation has behaved or will behave otherwise
18                            than as predicted in Part A of an approved site
19                            plan for the formation; or
20                      (d) the injection of a greenhouse gas substance
21                            into, or the storage of a greenhouse gas
22                            substance in, the identified GHG storage
23                            formation has had or will have a significant
24                            adverse impact on the geotechnical integrity of
25                            the whole or a part of a geological formation or
26                            geological structure; or
27                      (e) the identified GHG storage formation is not
28                            suitable for the permanent storage of a
29                            greenhouse gas substance as set out in an
30                            approved site plan for the formation.

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1         74AK. Reporting of serious situations
2                  If a GHG licensee becomes aware that a serious
3                  situation exists in relation to an identified GHG storage
4                  formation specified in the licence, the GHG licensee
5                  must --
6                    (a) immediately inform the Minister of the serious
7                          situation; and
8                    (b) within the period of 3 days after informing the
9                          Minister under paragraph (a), give to the
10                         Minister particulars in writing of the serious
11                         situation.
12                 Penalty: a fine of $10 000.

13        74AL.    Minister may give directions
14           (1)   If, in the opinion of the Minister, a serious situation
15                 exists in relation to an identified GHG storage
16                 formation specified in a GHG injection licence, the
17                 Minister may, by written notice given to the GHG
18                 licensee, direct the licensee --
19                   (a) to take all reasonable steps to ensure that a
20                          greenhouse gas substance is injected into the
21                          identified GHG storage formation in the
22                          manner specified in the direction; or
23                   (b) to take all reasonable steps to ensure that a
24                          greenhouse gas substance is stored in the
25                          identified GHG storage formation in the
26                          manner specified in the direction; or
27                   (c) to stop or suspend the injection of a greenhouse
28                          gas substance at the place or places specified in
29                          the direction; or
30                   (d) to inject a greenhouse gas substance into the
31                          identified GHG storage formation at the place
32                          or places specified in the direction; or

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1                      (e)    to undertake the activities specified in the
2                             direction for the purposes of eliminating,
3                             mitigating, managing or remedying the serious
4                             situation; or
5                       (f)   to take any action specified in the direction; or
6                      (g)    to refrain from taking any action specified in
7                             the direction.
8               (2)   A direction under subsection (1) --
9                      (a) has effect, and must be complied with,
10                           despite --
11                              (i) any previous direction under that
12                                   subsection; and
13                             (ii) anything in the regulations;
14                           and
15                     (b) prevails over anything in an approved site plan
16                           for the identified GHG storage formation to the
17                           extent of any inconsistency; and
18                     (c) may make provision in relation to a matter by
19                           applying, adopting or incorporating (with or
20                           without modification) a code of practice or
21                           standard contained in an instrument as in force
22                           or existing at the time when the direction takes
23                           effect; and
24                     (d) may prohibit the doing of an act or thing --
25                              (i) unconditionally; or
26                             (ii) subject to conditions, including
27                                   conditions requiring the consent or
28                                   approval of a person specified in the
29                                   direction.
30              (3)   A person to whom a direction is given under
31                    subsection (1) must comply with the direction.
32                    Penalty for this subsection: a fine of $10 000.

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1                    Subdivision 4 -- Site closing certificates

2         74AM. Application for site closing certificate
3                  A GHG licensee may apply to the Minister for a site
4                  closing certificate in relation to a particular identified
5                  GHG storage formation specified in the GHG injection
6                  licence.

7         74AN. Application for site closing certificate required if
8               operations have ceased
9            (1)   This section applies if --
10                  (a) a GHG injection licence is in force; and
11                  (b) operations for the injection of a greenhouse gas
12                        substance into a particular identified GHG
13                        storage formation specified in the licence have
14                        ceased.
15           (2)   The GHG licensee must, within the application period,
16                 apply under section 74AM for a site closing certificate
17                 in relation to the identified GHG storage formation.
18                 Penalty for this subsection: a fine of $10 000.
19           (3)   The application period for an application referred to in
20                 subsection (2) is --
21                   (a) the period of 30 days after the day on which the
22                        cessation referred to in subsection (1)(b)
23                        occurred; or
24                   (b) any longer period, not more than 90 days after
25                        that day, that the Minister allows.
26           (4)   The Minister may allow a longer period under
27                 subsection (3)(b) only on written application made by
28                 the licensee within the period of 30 days mentioned in
29                 subsection (3)(a).

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1          74AO. Application for site closing certificate may be
2                directed if ground for terminating or cancelling
3                GHG injection licence exists
4               (1)   This section applies if --
5                      (a) a GHG injection licence is in force; and
6                      (b) under section 54A(1A) or 105(1), there is a
7                            ground for terminating or cancelling the
8                            licence.
9               (2)   The Minister may, by written notice given to the
10                    GHG licensee, direct the licensee --
11                     (a) to apply under section 74AM for a site closing
12                          certificate in relation to each identified GHG
13                          storage formation specified in the licence; and
14                     (b) to do so within the period specified in the
15                          notice.
16              (3)   The period specified under subsection (2)(b) must not
17                    be shorter than 30 days.
18              (4)   A person to whom a direction is given under
19                    subsection (2) must comply with the direction.
20                    Penalty for this subsection: a fine of $10 000.

21         74AP.      Application for site closing certificate may be
22                    directed if GHG injection licence tied to ceased
23                    petroleum lease or licence
24              (1)   This section applies if --
25                     (a) a GHG injection licence is in force; and
26                     (b) the GHG injection licence is tied to a petroleum
27                           retention lease or petroleum production licence;
28                           and
29                     (c) the petroleum retention lease or petroleum
30                           production licence ceases to be in force as a

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1                         result of being surrendered, cancelled,
2                         terminated or wholly revoked.
3            (2)   The Minister may, by written notice given to the
4                  GHG licensee, direct the licensee --
5                   (a) to apply under section 74AM for a site closing
6                        certificate in relation to each identified GHG
7                        storage formation specified in the licence; and
8                   (b) to do so within the period specified in the
9                        notice.
10           (3)   The period specified under subsection (2)(b) must not
11                 be shorter than 30 days.
12           (4)   A person to whom a direction is given under
13                 subsection (2) must comply with the direction.
14                 Penalty for this subsection: a fine of $10 000.
15           (5)   For the purposes of subsection (1)(b), a GHG injection
16                 licence (the GHG licence) is tied to a petroleum
17                 retention lease (the petroleum lease) if --
18                   (a) the GHG licence is derived from a GHG
19                         retention lease --
20                            (i) granted under section 38BC to the
21                                 registered holder of a petroleum
22                                 retention lease; or
23                           (ii) granted by way of renewal of a GHG
24                                 retention lease granted under
25                                 section 38BC to the registered holder of
26                                 a petroleum retention lease;
27                         and
28                   (b) the petroleum lease is --
29                            (i) the petroleum retention lease referred to
30                                 in paragraph (a)(i) or (ii); or
31                           (ii) a petroleum retention lease granted by
32                                 way of renewal of the petroleum

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1                                    retention lease referred to in
2                                    paragraph (a)(i) or (ii).
3               (6)   For the purposes of subsection (1)(b), a GHG injection
4                     licence (the GHG licence) is tied to a petroleum
5                     production licence (the petroleum licence) if --
6                       (a) the GHG licence is derived from a GHG
7                             retention lease --
8                                (i) granted under section 38BC to the
9                                     registered holder of a petroleum
10                                    retention lease; or
11                              (ii) granted by way of renewal of a GHG
12                                    retention lease granted under
13                                    section 38BC to the registered holder of
14                                    a petroleum retention lease;
15                            and
16                      (b) the petroleum licence is derived from --
17                               (i) the petroleum retention lease referred to
18                                    in paragraph (a)(i) or (ii); or
19                              (ii) a petroleum retention lease granted by
20                                    way of renewal of the petroleum
21                                    retention lease referred to in
22                                    paragraph (a)(i) or (ii).

23         74AQ. Requirements for application for site closing
24               certificate
25              (1)   An application for a site closing certificate under
26                    section 74AM --
27                      (a) must be made in an approved manner; and
28                      (b) must be accompanied by a written report that
29                            sets out --
30                              (i) the applicant's modelling of the
31                                    behaviour of the greenhouse gas

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1                                  substance injected into the identified
2                                  GHG storage formation; and
3                           (ii)   information relevant to that modelling;
4                                  and
5                          (iii)   the applicant's analysis of that
6                                  information;
7                          and
8                    (c)   must be accompanied by a written report that
9                          sets out the applicant's assessment of --
10                            (i) the behaviour of the greenhouse gas
11                                 substance injected into the identified
12                                 GHG storage formation; and
13                           (ii) the expected migration pathway or
14                                 pathways of that greenhouse gas
15                                 substance; and
16                          (iii) the short-term consequences of the
17                                 migration of that greenhouse gas
18                                 substance; and
19                          (iv) the long-term consequences of the
20                                 migration of that greenhouse gas
21                                 substance;
22                         and
23                   (d)   must be accompanied by the applicant's
24                         suggestions for the approach to be taken by the
25                         State, after the issue of the site closing
26                         certificate, to the monitoring of the behaviour
27                         of a greenhouse gas substance stored in the
28                         identified GHG storage formation; and
29                   (e)   must be accompanied by any other information
30                         prescribed by the regulations; and
31                   (f)   may set out any other matters that the applicant
32                         wishes the Minister to consider; and
33                   (g)   must be accompanied by the prescribed fee.

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1               (2)   Subsection (1)(b) to (d) do not apply if there have not
2                     been any operations for the injection of a greenhouse
3                     gas substance into the identified GHG storage
4                     formation.
5               (3)   The Minister may, at any time and by instrument in
6                     writing served on the applicant, require the applicant to
7                     give to the Minister, within the period specified in the
8                     instrument, further information in writing in connection
9                     with the application.

10         74AR. Variation of application for site closing certificate
11              (1)   This section applies if an application for a site closing
12                    certificate is made under section 74AM.
13              (2)   At any time before any action is taken by the Minister
14                    under section 74AT, 74AU or 74AV, the applicant
15                    may, by written notice given to the Minister, vary the
16                    application.
17              (3)   A variation of an application must be made in an
18                    approved manner.
19              (4)   A variation of an application may be made --
20                     (a) on the applicant's own initiative; or
21                     (b) at the request of the Minister.
22              (5)   A variation of an application may set out any additional
23                    matters that the applicant wishes to be considered.
24              (6)   If an application is varied under this section, a
25                    reference in this Act to the application is a reference to
26                    the application as varied.

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1         74AS.    Time for decision on application for site closing
2                  certificate
3                  If an application for a site closing certificate is made
4                  under section 74AM, the Minister must make a
5                  decision on the application, and a decision whether to
6                  give the applicant a pre-certificate notice, within
7                  5 years after the day on which the application was
8                  made.

9         74AT.    Pre-certificate notice
10           (1)   This section applies if an application for a site closing
11                 certificate is made under section 74AM.
12           (2)   The Minister may give the applicant a written notice (a
13                 pre-certificate notice) informing the applicant that the
14                 Minister is prepared to issue to the applicant a site
15                 closing certificate in relation to an identified GHG
16                 storage formation specified in the application if the
17                 Minister is satisfied that --
18                   (a) operations for the injection of a greenhouse gas
19                         substance into the identified GHG storage
20                         formation have ceased; or
21                   (b) there have not been any operations for the
22                         injection of a greenhouse gas substance into the
23                         identified GHG storage formation.
24           (3)   In deciding whether to give the applicant a
25                 pre-certificate notice, the Minister must have regard to
26                 any significant risk the Minister is satisfied exists that a
27                 greenhouse gas substance injected into the identified
28                 GHG storage formation will have a significant adverse
29                 impact on --
30                   (a) navigation; or
31                   (b) fishing; or

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1                      (c)   any of the following operations of another
2                            person that are being lawfully carried on --
3                               (i) operations relating to the exploration
4                                    for, recovery of or conveyance of a
5                                    mineral, whether petroleum or a
6                                    regulated substance or not;
7                              (ii) GHG operations;
8                             (iii) operations relating to the construction or
9                                    operation of a pipeline;
10                           or
11                     (d)   the enjoyment of native title rights (as defined
12                           in the Native Title Act 1993 (Commonwealth)
13                           section 223.
14              (4)   Subsection (3) does not limit the matters to which the
15                    Minister may have regard.
16              (5)   The Minister must not give the applicant a
17                    pre-certificate notice in relation to the identified GHG
18                    storage formation unless the Minister is satisfied
19                    that --
20                      (a) either --
21                               (i) the relevant statutory requirements have
22                                    been complied with; or
23                              (ii) any of the relevant statutory
24                                    requirements have not been complied
25                                    with, but there are sufficient grounds to
26                                    warrant the issue of the site closing
27                                    certificate;
28                            and
29                      (b) if any conditions are specified in the
30                            regulations -- those conditions have been
31                            satisfied.

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1            (6)   For the purposes of subsection (5)(a), each of the
2                  following is a relevant statutory requirement --
3                    (a) the conditions to which the GHG injection
4                          licence is, or has from time to time been,
5                          subject;
6                    (b) the provisions of this Part;
7                    (c) the provisions of the regulations.

8         74AU. Refusal of pre-certificate notice
9            (1)   This section applies if an application for a site closing
10                 certificate is made under section 74AM.
11           (2)   The Minister must refuse to give the applicant a
12                 pre-certificate notice in relation to the identified GHG
13                 storage formation if the Minister is not satisfied as to
14                 the matters referred to in section 74AT(5)(a) and (b).
15           (3)   The Minister may refuse to give the applicant a
16                 pre-certificate notice in relation to the identified GHG
17                 storage formation if --
18                   (a) the Minister is not satisfied that the greenhouse
19                         gas substance injected into the identified GHG
20                         storage formation is behaving as predicted in
21                         Part A of an approved site plan for the
22                         formation; or
23                   (b) the Minister is satisfied that there is a
24                         significant risk that a greenhouse gas substance
25                         injected into the identified GHG storage
26                         formation will have a significant adverse
27                         impact on --
28                            (i) the conservation of the resources of the
29                                 soil or the Earth's crust; or
30                           (ii) the geotechnical integrity of the whole
31                                 or a part of a geological formation or
32                                 geological structure; or

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1                             (iii)   the environment; or
2                             (iv)    human health or safety.
3               (4)   Subsection (3) does not limit the matters to which the
4                     Minister may have regard in deciding whether to refuse
5                     to give the applicant a pre-certificate notice.

6          74AV. Notice of refusal to give pre-certificate notice
7               (1)   This section applies if --
8                      (a) an application for a site closing certificate is
9                            made under section 74AM; and
10                     (b) the Minister refuses to give a pre-certificate
11                           notice to the applicant.
12              (2)   The Minister must give written notice of the refusal to
13                    the applicant.

14         74AW. Content of pre-certificate notice
15              (1)   A pre-certificate notice that relates to an application for
16                    a site closing certificate must --
17                      (a) specify a program of operations proposed to be
18                             carried out by the State for the purposes of
19                             monitoring the behaviour of a greenhouse gas
20                             substance stored in the identified GHG storage
21                             formation concerned; and
22                      (b) set out an estimate of the total costs and
23                             expenses of carrying out the program; and
24                      (c) specify the form and amount of a security to be
25                             lodged by the applicant in respect of the
26                             compliance, by the holder for the time being of
27                             the site closing certificate, with the holder's
28                             obligations under section 74AZD in relation to
29                             the costs and expenses of carrying out the
30                             program; and

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1                    (d)   contain a statement to the effect that the
2                          application will lapse if the applicant does not
3                          lodge the security with the Minister within the
4                          period applicable under subsection (3).
5            (2)   The amount of the security is to equal the estimate
6                  referred to in subsection (1)(b).
7            (3)   The period for lodging the security is --
8                   (a) 2 months after the pre-certificate notice was
9                         given to the applicant; or
10                  (b) any longer period, not more than 6 months after
11                        the pre-certificate notice was given to the
12                        applicant, that the Minister allows.
13           (4)   If the applicant does not lodge the security with the
14                 Minister within the period applicable under
15                 subsection (3), the application lapses at the end of that
16                 period.
17           (5)   The regulations may provide that an estimate referred
18                 to in subsection (1)(b) is to be made on the basis of --
19                   (a) an assumption that costs and expenses will
20                         increase at an annual rate specified in the
21                         regulations; and
22                   (b) any other assumptions specified in the
23                         regulations.
24           (6)   Subsection (1) does not apply if the Minister is
25                 satisfied that there have not been any operations for the
26                 injection of a greenhouse gas substance into the
27                 identified GHG storage formation concerned.

28        74AX. Issue of site closing certificate
29           (1)   This section applies if --
30                  (a) an applicant has been given a pre-certificate
31                        notice under section 74AT; and

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1                      (b)    if section 74AW(1) applies -- the applicant has
2                             lodged the specified security within the period
3                             applicable under section 74AW(3).
4               (2)   The Minister must issue to the applicant a certificate (a
5                     site closing certificate) in relation to the identified
6                     GHG storage formation specified in the pre-certificate
7                     notice.

8          74AY. Transferee of GHG injection licence treated as
9                applicant
10              (1)   This section applies if a transfer of a GHG injection
11                    licence is registered under section 78 --
12                      (a) after an application is made under
13                            section 74AM for a site closing certificate in
14                            relation to an identified GHG storage formation
15                            specified in the GHG injection licence; and
16                      (b) before any action has been taken by the
17                            Minister under section 74AT, 74AU or 74AV
18                            in relation to the application.
19              (2)   After the transfer, sections 74AM to 74AX have effect
20                    in relation to the application as if any reference in those
21                    sections to the applicant were a reference to the
22                    transferee.

23         74AZ.      Duration of site closing certificate
24                    Subject to this Part, a site closing certificate remains in
25                    force indefinitely.

26         74AZA. Transfer of site closing certificate
27              (1)   This section applies if --
28                     (a) a site closing certificate is issued to the
29                           registered holder of a GHG injection licence;
30                           and

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1                    (b)   a transfer of the licence is registered under
2                          section 78.
3            (2)   The site closing certificate is, by force of this section,
4                  transferred to the transferee of the licence.

5         74AZB. Transfer of securities
6            (1)   This section applies if --
7                   (a) a security is lodged in relation to a site closing
8                         certificate; and
9                   (b) the site closing certificate is transferred under
10                        section 74AZA.
11           (2)   The interest of the transferor in the security is, by force
12                 of this section, transferred to the transferee.
13           (3)   A document setting out or relating to the security has
14                 effect, after the transfer, as if a reference in the
15                 document to the transferor were a reference to the
16                 transferee.

17        74AZC. Discharge of securities
18                 The regulations may make provision in relation to the
19                 discharge, in whole or in part, by the Minister of
20                 securities in force in relation to site closing certificates.

21        74AZD. Recovery of State's costs and expenses
22           (1)   This section applies if --
23                  (a) a site closing certificate is in force in relation to
24                        an identified GHG storage formation; and
25                  (b) the State incurs reasonable costs or expenses in
26                        carrying out the program specified in the
27                        pre-certificate notice for the site closing
28                        certificate.

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1               (2)   The costs and expenses --
2                      (a) are a debt due to the State by the holder of the
3                            certificate; and
4                      (b) are recoverable in a court of competent
5                            jurisdiction.
6               (3)   The total of the costs and expenses recoverable under
7                     subsection (2) must not exceed the estimate set out in
8                     the pre-certificate notice.

9                 Subdivision 5 -- Long-term liabilities in respect of
10                                 GHG storage

11         74AZE. Closure assurance period
12              (1)   This section applies if --
13                     (a) a site closing certificate is in force in relation to
14                           an identified GHG storage formation; and
15                     (b) the Minister is satisfied that operations for the
16                           injection of a greenhouse gas substance into the
17                           formation ceased on a day (the cessation day)
18                           before the application for the site closing
19                           certificate was made; and
20                     (c) on a day (the decision day) that is at least
21                           15 years after the issue of the site closing
22                           certificate, the Minister is satisfied that --
23                              (i) the greenhouse gas substance injected
24                                   into the formation is behaving as
25                                   predicted in Part A of an approved site
26                                   plan for the formation; and
27                             (ii) there is no significant risk that a
28                                   greenhouse gas substance injected into
29                                   the formation will have a significant
30                                   adverse impact on the geotechnical
31                                   integrity of the whole or a part of a

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1                                  geological formation or geological
2                                  structure; and
3                          (iii)   there is no significant risk that a
4                                  greenhouse gas substance injected into
5                                  the formation will have a significant
6                                  adverse impact on the environment; and
7                          (iv)    there is no significant risk that a
8                                  greenhouse gas substance injected into
9                                  the formation will have a significant
10                                 adverse impact on human health or
11                                 safety; and
12                          (v)    since the cessation day, there have not
13                                 been any operations for the injection of
14                                 a greenhouse gas substance into the
15                                 formation.
16           (2)   The Minister may, by instrument in writing, declare
17                 that for the purposes of this Act the closure assurance
18                 period in relation to the formation is the period --
19                   (a) beginning at the end of the cessation day; and
20                   (b) ending at the end of the decision day.
21           (3)   A copy of a declaration under subsection (2) must be
22                 given to the holder of the site closing certificate.

23        74AZF. Indemnity against long-term liability
24           (1)   This section applies if --
25                  (a) a site closing certificate is in force in relation to
26                        an identified GHG storage formation; and
27                  (b) when the application for the certificate was
28                        made, the formation was specified in a
29                        GHG injection licence; and
30                  (c) there is a closure assurance period in relation to
31                        the formation; and

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1                      (d)    the following conditions are satisfied in relation
2                             to a liability of an existing person who is or has
3                             been the registered holder of the licence
4                             (whether or not the licence is in force) --
5                                (i) the liability is a liability for damages;
6                               (ii) the liability is attributable to an act done
7                                     or omitted to be done in the carrying on
8                                     of operations authorised by the licence
9                                     in relation to the formation;
10                             (iii) the liability is incurred or accrued after
11                                    the end of the closure assurance period
12                                    in relation to the formation;
13                             (iv) any other conditions specified in the
14                                    regulations.
15              (2)   The State must indemnify the person against the
16                    liability.
17              (3)   The amount of any indemnity under subsection (2)
18                    must be charged to the Consolidated Account, which
19                    is, to the necessary extent, appropriated accordingly.

20         74AZG. State to assume long-term liability if licensee has
21                ceased to exist
22              (1)   This section applies if --
23                     (a) a site closing certificate is in force in relation to
24                           an identified GHG storage formation; and
25                     (b) when the application for the certificate was
26                           made, the formation was specified in a GHG
27                           injection licence; and
28                     (c) there is a closure assurance period in relation to
29                           the formation; and
30                     (d) a person who has been the registered holder of
31                           the licence (whether or not the licence is in
32                           force) has ceased to exist; and

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1                    (e)   if the person had continued in existence, the
2                          following conditions would have been satisfied
3                          in relation to a liability of the person --
4                             (i) the liability is a liability for damages;
5                            (ii) the liability is attributable to an act done
6                                   or omitted to be done in the carrying on
7                                   of operations authorised by the licence
8                                   in relation to the formation;
9                           (iii) the liability is incurred or accrued after
10                                  the end of the closure assurance period
11                                  in relation to the formation;
12                          (iv) any other conditions specified in the
13                                  regulations;
14                         and
15                   (f)   apart from this section, the damages are
16                         irrecoverable because the person has ceased to
17                         exist.
18           (2)   The liability is taken to be a liability of the State.
19           (3)   The amount of any liability under subsection (2) is to
20                 be charged to the Consolidated Account, which is, to
21                 the necessary extent, appropriated accordingly.

23   339.    Section 76 amended
24           In section 76(2):
25             (a) in paragraph (d) delete "(b)." and insert:

27                   (b); and

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1                (b)   after paragraph (d) insert:

3                      (e)   any instrument under section 74AE, 74AG
4                            or 74AH.

6    340.       Section 81 amended
7               In section 81(1):
8                 (a) in paragraph (c) delete "substance);" and insert:

10                     substance or the carrying out of GHG operations);

12               (b)   in paragraph (d)(ii) delete "kind;" and insert:

14                     kind; or

16               (c)   after paragraph (d)(ii) insert:

18                            (iii)   any other interest that is similar to an
19                                    interest referred to in subparagraph (i),
20                                    being an interest relating to a
21                                    greenhouse gas substance injected or
22                                    stored under an existing permit, lease or
23                                    licence or relating to revenue derived as
24                                    a result of the carrying out of GHG
25                                    operations authorised by an existing
26                                    permit, lease or licence;

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1    341.      Section 96 amended
2              After section 96(3) insert:

4              (4)   This section does not apply to --
5                     (a) a GHG exploration permit; or
6                     (b) a GHG retention lease; or
7                     (c) a GHG injection licence; or
8                     (d) an infrastructure licence for an activity set out
9                           in section 6B(3); or
10                    (e) a pipeline licence for the conveyance of
11                          greenhouse gas substances.

13   342.      Section 97 amended
14      (1)    Delete section 97(1) and insert:

16             (1)   Subsection (1A) applies to the following operations --
17                    (a) all petroleum operations and operations for the
18                          recovery of petroleum or a regulated substance;
19                    (b) all GHG operations.
20            (1A)   A permittee, lessee or licensee must carry out the
21                   operations referred to in subsection (1) in the permit
22                   area, lease area or licence area, as the case requires --
23                     (a) in a proper and workmanlike manner; and
24                     (b) in the case of operations referred to in
25                           subsection (1)(a), in accordance with good
26                           oil-field practice.
27            (1B)   Subsections (2) and (2A) have effect without limiting
28                   the generality of subsection (1A) but subject to any

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1                      authorisation, requirement or direction given or made
2                      by or under this Act.

4       (2)     In section 97(2):
5                 (a) delete the passage that begins with "In particular," and
6                       ends with "must --" and insert:

8                       A petroleum permittee, petroleum lessee or petroleum
9                       licensee must --

11               (b)    delete paragraph (a) and insert:

13                      (a)   control the flow and prevent the waste or
14                            escape in the permit area, lease area or licence
15                            area of petroleum, greenhouse gas substances
16                            or water; and

18               (c)    in paragraph (c) after "to" insert:

20                      potential GHG storage formations, potential GHG
21                      injection sites and

23               (d)    delete paragraph (d)(i) and insert:
25                              (i)   each resources pool, potential GHG
26                                    storage formation or potential GHG
27                                    injection site discovered in the permit
28                                    area, lease area or licence area; and
30               (e)    in paragraph (e) delete "pool" and insert:
32                      pool, potential GHG storage formation or potential GHG
33                      injection site

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1       (3)    After section 97(2) insert:

3             (2A)   A GHG permittee, GHG lessee or GHG licensee
4                    must --
5                     (a) control the flow and prevent the waste or
6                          escape in the permit area, lease area or licence
7                          area of greenhouse gas substances, petroleum
8                          or water; and
9                     (b) prevent the escape in the permit area, lease area
10                         or licence area of any mixture of water or
11                         drilling fluid with greenhouse gas substances or
12                         any other matter; and
13                    (c) prevent damage to potential GHG storage
14                         formations, potential GHG injection sites and
15                         strata bearing petroleum or a regulated
16                         substance in an area, whether in the adjacent
17                         area or not, in respect of which the permit, lease
18                         or licence is not in force; and
19                    (d) keep separate --
20                            (i) each potential GHG storage formation,
21                                 potential GHG injection site or
22                                 resources pool discovered in the permit
23                                 area, lease area or licence area; and
24                           (ii) any of the sources of water discovered
25                                 in that area that the Minister, by
26                                 instrument in writing served on that
27                                 person, directs;
28                         and
29                    (e) except for the purposes of carrying on a
30                         GHG operation under this Act in a proper and
31                         workmanlike manner, prevent water or any
32                         other matter entering any potential GHG
33                         storage formation, potential GHG injection site

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1                               or resources pool through wells in the permit
2                               area, lease area or licence area.

4       (4)     Delete section 97(5) and insert:

6               (5)     A person who is the holder of a special prospecting
7                       authority or an access authority must carry out all
8                       petroleum operations or GHG exploration operations,
9                       as the case requires, in the area in respect of which the
10                      special prospecting authority or access authority is in
11                      force --
12                        (a) in a proper and workmanlike manner; and
13                        (b) in the case of petroleum operations, in
14                              accordance with good oil-field practice.

16      (5)     At the end of section 97 in the Penalty after "(2)," insert:

18              (2A),

20   343.       Section 97A amended
21              In section 97A(1) and (2) delete "petroleum or a regulated
22              substance." and insert:

24              petroleum, regulated substances or greenhouse gas substances,
25              as the case requires.

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1    344.     Section 97B amended
2       (1)   Delete section 97B(1) and insert:

4             (1)   In this section --
5                   petroleum title means any of the following --
6                     (a) a petroleum exploration permit;
7                     (b) a petroleum retention lease;
8                     (c) a petroleum production licence;
9                     (d) a petroleum special prospecting authority;
10                    (e) a petroleum access authority.

12      (2)   In section 97B(2) to (6) before "title" (each occurrence) insert:

14            petroleum

16   345.     Section 101 amended
17            After section 101(2)(b)(i) insert:

19                           (ia)   in the adjacent area for any reason
20                                  touching, concerning, arising out of or
21                                  connected with GHG operations in the
22                                  adjacent area; or

24   346.     Section 111 amended
25      (1)   In section 111(2)(ca) delete "may" and insert:

27            may, in the case of an application for the grant of a petroleum
28            special prospecting authority,

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1       (2)     In section 111(3A), (4) and (4A) before "special" (each
2               occurrence) insert:

4               petroleum

6       (3)     After section 111(4A) insert:

8             (4B)    A GHG special prospecting authority, while it remains
9                     in force, authorises the holder, subject to this Act and
10                    in accordance with the conditions to which the special
11                    prospecting authority is subject, to carry on in the
12                    blocks specified in the special prospecting authority the
13                    GHG exploration operations so specified.

15      (4)     In section 111(6b)(a) and (b) before "special" insert:

17              petroleum

19      (5)     After section 111(6b) insert:

21            (6C)    Subsection (6D) applies if --
22                     (a) a person holds a GHG special prospecting
23                           authority in respect of a block; and
24                     (b) another GHG special prospecting authority is
25                           granted to another person in respect of the
26                           block.

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1              (6D)   The Minister must, by notice in writing served on each
2                     of the persons referred to in subsection (6C), inform
3                     each of them of --
4                       (a) the GHG exploration operations authorised by
5                             the GHG special prospecting authority granted
6                             to the other person; and
7                       (b) the conditions to which the GHG special
8                             prospecting authority granted to the other
9                             person is subject.

11   347.       Section 112 amended
12      (1)     Before section 112(1) insert:

14            (1AA) In this section --
15                  GHG title means an authority, however described,
16                  under the Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and
17                  Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 1967 or a law of the
18                  Commonwealth, of another State or of the Northern
19                  Territory, to carry on an operation equivalent to a GHG
20                  injection operation;
21                  petroleum title means an authority, however described,
22                  under the Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and
23                  Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 1967 or a law of the
24                  Commonwealth, of another State or of the Northern
25                  Territory, to explore for, or to recover, petroleum or a
26                  regulated substance.

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1       (2)     In section 112(1):
2                 (a) delete "permittee, lessee, licensee or holder of a" and
3                       insert:

5                       petroleum permittee, petroleum lessee, petroleum
6                       licensee or holder of a petroleum

8                (b)    delete "an access authority" and insert:

10                      a petroleum access authority

12      (3)     In section 112(1a) delete "an access authority" and insert:

14              a petroleum access authority

16      (4)     After section 112(1a) insert:

18            (1B)     A person who is a GHG permittee, GHG lessee, GHG
19                     licensee or holder of a GHG special prospecting
20                     authority may apply to the Minister for the grant of a
21                     GHG access authority to enable the person to carry on,
22                     in an area being part of the adjacent area that is not part
23                     of the permit area, lease area or licence area or area of
24                     the blocks specified in the special prospecting
25                     authority, GHG operations related to the GHG
26                     operations carried on in the permit area, lease area or
27                     licence area or area of the blocks so specified.
28            (1C)     A holder of a GHG title outside the adjacent area may
29                     apply to the Minister for the grant of a GHG access
30                     authority to enable the holder to carry on, in a part of
31                     the adjacent area, GHG operations related to the GHG

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1                    operations carried on in the area to which that GHG
2                    title relates.

4       (5)   In section 112(2)(ca) delete "may" and insert:

6             may, in the case of an application for the grant of a petroleum
7             access authority,

9       (6)   In section 112(3)(a) delete "authority or a petroleum title" and
10            insert:

12            authority, a petroleum title or a GHG title

14      (7)   In section 112(3A):
15              (a) delete "an access" and insert:

17                    a petroleum access

19             (b)    delete "the access" and insert:

21                    the petroleum access

23      (8)   Delete section 112(4) and (5A) and insert:

25            (4)    Subject to subsection (4C), the Minister must not do
26                   either of the following unless the Minister complies
27                   with subsection (4B) --
28                     (a) grant a petroleum access authority on an
29                           application under this section in respect of a
30                           block that is the subject of a petroleum
31                           exploration permit, petroleum retention lease,

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1                           petroleum production licence or petroleum
2                           special prospecting authority of which the
3                           registered holder is a person other than the
4                           applicant;
5                     (b)   vary a petroleum access authority as in force in
6                           respect of a block that is the subject of a
7                           petroleum exploration permit, petroleum
8                           retention lease, petroleum production licence or
9                           petroleum special prospecting authority of
10                          which the registered holder is a person other
11                          than the registered holder of the access
12                          authority.
13          (4A)    Subject to subsection (4C), the Minister must not do
14                  either of the following unless the Minister complies
15                  with subsection (4B) --
16                    (a) grant a GHG access authority on an application
17                          under this section in respect of a block that is
18                          the subject of a GHG exploration permit, GHG
19                          retention lease, GHG injection licence or GHG
20                          special prospecting authority of which the
21                          registered holder is a person other than the
22                          applicant;
23                    (b) vary a GHG access authority as in force in
24                          respect of a block that is the subject of a GHG
25                          exploration permit, GHG retention lease, GHG
26                          injection licence or GHG special prospecting
27                          authority of which the registered holder is a
28                          person other than the registered holder of the
29                          access authority.
30          (4B)    The Minister must not grant or vary, as the case may
31                  be, an access authority as referred to in subsection (4)
32                  or (4A) unless the Minister --
33                    (a) by instrument in writing served on the person
34                          who is the registered holder of the permit,

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1                          lease, licence or special prospecting authority,
2                          gives not less than 1 month's notice of the
3                          Minister's intention to grant or vary, as the case
4                          may be, the access authority; and
5                    (b)   serves a copy of the instrument --
6                             (i) on any other persons that the Minister
7                                   thinks fit; and
8                            (ii) in a case where the Minister intends to
9                                   vary an access authority, on the
10                                  registered holder of the access authority;
11                         and
12                   (c)   in the instrument --
13                            (i) gives particulars of the access authority
14                                  proposed to be granted, or of the
15                                  variation proposed to be made, as the
16                                  case may be; and
17                           (ii) specifies a day on or before which a
18                                  person on whom the instrument, or a
19                                  copy of the instrument, is served may,
20                                  by instrument in writing served on the
21                                  Minister, submit any matters that the
22                                  person wishes the Minister to consider;
23                         and
24                   (d)   takes into account any matters so submitted on
25                         or before the specified day by a person on
26                         whom the first-mentioned instrument, or a copy
27                         of that instrument, is served.
28          (4C)   Subsection (4) or (4A), as the case requires, does not
29                 apply if the holder of the permit, lease, licence or
30                 special prospecting authority consents in writing to the
31                 grant of the access authority.

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1       (9)     In section 112(5AA):
2                 (a) delete "An" and insert:

4                       A petroleum

6                (b)    in paragraph (a) before "access" (each occurrence)
7                       insert:

9                       petroleum

11     (10)     In section 112(6):
12                (a) delete "an access" and insert:

14                      a petroleum access

16               (b)    delete "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources
17                      Act 1967." and insert:

19                      Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas
20                      Storage Act 1967.

22     (11)     After section 112(6) insert:

24            (6A)     A GHG access authority does not authorise the holder
25                     to make a well.

27     (12)     Delete section 112(13).

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1    348.    Section 115 amended
2            In section 115(1) after "pipeline" insert:

4            or to GHG operations

6    349.    Section 123 amended
7            In section 123(1) and (3) after "operations" insert:

9            or GHG exploration operations

11   350.    Section 124 amended
12           Delete section 124(d) and insert:

14                   (d)   any of the following operations of another
15                         person that are being lawfully carried on --
16                            (i) operations relating to the exploration
17                                 for, recovery of or conveyance of a
18                                 mineral, whether petroleum or a
19                                 regulated substance or not;
20                           (ii) GHG operations;
21                          (iii) operations relating to the construction or
22                                 operation of a pipeline;
23                         or

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1    351.       Section 124B amended
2               In section 124B(1):
3                 (a) in paragraph (a) before "any structure" insert:

5                         a well or

7                 (b)     in paragraph (a) delete "an offshore resource operation;
8                         or" and insert:

10                        a petroleum operation or GHG operation; or

12                (c)     in paragraph (b) delete "offshore resource operation."
13                        and insert:

15                        petroleum operation or GHG operation.

17              Note: The heading to amended section 124B is to read:
18                      Interfering with petroleum operation or GHG operation

19   352.       Section 126 amended
20              After section 126(1)(a)(iv) insert:

22                              (iva)   GHG operations;

24   353.       Section 134 amended
25              In section 134(1) delete "19, 39," and insert:

27              19(1) or (2), 39, 39A,

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1    354.     Section 137A amended
2             Delete section 137A(1) and insert:

4             (1)   In a proceeding for an offence against this Act an
5                   averment in the charge of the offence of any of the
6                   following is taken to be proved in the absence of
7                   evidence to the contrary --
8                     (a) that at a particular time a particular operation
9                           was a petroleum operation or a GHG operation;
10                    (b) that at a particular time a particular person was
11                          the operator of a petroleum operation or a GHG
12                          operation;
13                    (c) that at a particular time a particular person was
14                          in control of a particular part of a petroleum
15                          operation or a GHG operation;
16                    (d) that at a particular time a particular person was
17                          an employer who carried on a petroleum
18                          operation or a GHG operation;
19                    (e) that at a particular time a particular person was
20                          an employer of a particular person or particular
21                          persons engaged in a petroleum operation or a
22                          GHG operation;
23                     (f) that at a particular time a particular person was
24                          an employee or inspector.

26   355.     Section 143 amended
27      (1)   Delete section 143(1) and insert:

29            (1)   A petroleum permit, petroleum lease or petroleum
30                  licence is subject to a condition that the petroleum
31                  permittee, petroleum lessee or petroleum licensee must,
32                  subject to this section, pay to the Minister a royalty at

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1                     the prescribed rate in respect of all petroleum or
2                     regulated substances recovered by the petroleum
3                     permittee, petroleum lessee or petroleum licensee in
4                     the petroleum permit area, petroleum lease area or
5                     petroleum licence area.

7       (2)     In section 143(2) delete "permit, lease or" and insert:

9               petroleum exploration permit, petroleum retention lease or
10              petroleum production

12      (3)     In section 143(7) before "licence granted" insert:

14              petroleum production

16      (4)     In section 143(8) delete "permit, lease or" and insert:

18              petroleum exploration permit, petroleum retention lease or
19              petroleum production

21   356.       Section 145 amended
22      (1)     In section 145(1)(b) delete "permittee, lessee or" and insert:

24              petroleum permittee, petroleum lessee or petroleum

26      (2)     In section 145(2) delete "permittee, lessee or" (each occurrence)
27              and insert:

29              petroleum permittee, petroleum lessee or petroleum

     page 454
                                   Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
              Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 amended            Part 4
     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport Division 3
                                                                      s. 357

1       (3)   In section 145(3):
2               (a) delete "permittee, lessee or" and insert:

4                     petroleum permittee, petroleum lessee or petroleum

6              (b)    delete "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources
7                     Act 1967" and insert:

9                     Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas
10                    Storage Act 1967

12   357.     Section 146 amended
13            In section 146 delete "permittee, lessee or" and insert:

15            petroleum permittee, petroleum lessee or petroleum

17   358.     Section 147 amended
18            In section 147 delete "permittee, lessee or" and insert:

20            petroleum permittee, petroleum lessee or petroleum

22   359.     Section 148 amended
23      (1)   Delete section 148(1) and insert:

25            (1)    In this section --
26                   petroleum title holder means a petroleum permittee,
27                   petroleum lessee or petroleum licensee.

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     Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
     Part 4         Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 amended
     Division 3     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport
     s. 360

1       (2)     In section 148(2) before "title" (each occurrence) insert:

3               petroleum

5       (3)     In section 148(3) after "Petroleum" insert:

7               and Greenhouse Gas

9       (4)     In section 148(5)(b) before "title" insert:

11              petroleum

13   360.       Section 150 amended
14              Delete section 150(1) and insert:

16              (1)   If an amount of royalty under this Act is not paid under
17                    this Division at or before the time it is payable, an
18                    additional amount is payable to the Minister by the
19                    petroleum permittee, petroleum lessee or petroleum
20                    licensee calculated at the rate of one-third of 1% per
21                    day on the amount of royalty from time to time
22                    remaining unpaid, to be computed from the time when
23                    the royalty became payable until it is paid.
24            (1A)    If a fee under this Act is not paid under this Division at
25                    or before the time it is payable, an additional amount is
26                    payable to the Minister by the permittee, lessee,
27                    licensee, infrastructure licensee or pipeline licensee
28                    calculated at the rate of one-third of 1% per day on the
29                    amount of the fee from time to time remaining unpaid,

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              Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 amended            Part 4
     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport Division 3
                                                                      s. 361

1                    to be computed from the time when the fee became
2                    payable until it is paid.

4    361.     Section 151 amended
5       (1)   In section 151:
6               (a) delete "A fee, royalty" and insert:

8             (1)    A fee

10             (b)    after "amount" insert:

12                    (other than a royalty)

14      (2)   At the end of section 151 insert:

16            (2)    A royalty payable under this Division is a debt due by
17                   the petroleum permittee, petroleum lessee or petroleum
18                   licensee to the State and is recoverable in a court of
19                   competent jurisdiction.

21   362.     Section 152A amended
22      (1)   In section 152A delete the definition of petroleum mining
23            sample.
24      (2)   In section 152A insert in alphabetical order:

26                   mining sample means any of the following that has
27                   been given at any time, whether before or after the
28                   commencement, to the Minister --
29                     (a) a core or cutting from, or a sample of, the
30                          seabed or subsoil;

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     Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
     Part 4         Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 amended
     Division 3     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport
     s. 363

1                       (b)   a sample of petroleum or a regulated substance
2                             recovered;
3                       (c)   a sample of fluid recovered (other than fluid
4                             petroleum or a regulated substance);
5                       (d)   a portion of that core, cutting or sample;

7       (3)     In section 152A in the definition of Minister of another
8               jurisdiction delete "Territory;" and insert:

10              Territory.

12   363.       Section 152C amended
13              In section 152C(1) delete "petroleum".

14   364.       Section 152D amended
15              In section 152D delete "petroleum".

16   365.       Section 152F amended
17              In section 152F(1) delete "petroleum".

18   366.       Section 152G amended
19              In section 152G delete "petroleum".

20   367.       Section 152I amended
21              Delete section 152I(a) to (d) and insert:

23                      (a)   a petroleum exploration permit granted under
24                            section 22(4) or 27;
25                      (b)   a GHG exploration permit granted under
26                            section 22(4);

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              Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 amended            Part 4
     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport Division 3
                                                                      s. 368

1                     (c)   a petroleum retention lease or GHG retention
2                           lease granted under section 38B(5) or 38CB(6);
3                     (d)   a petroleum production licence granted under
4                           section 44(2), 50 or 51(4);
5                     (e)   a GHG injection licence granted under
6                           section 44(2);
7                     (f)   an infrastructure licence granted under
8                           section 60E(3);
9                     (g)   a pipeline licence granted under section 65(2).

11   368.     Section 152 amended
12      (1)   In section 152(2):
13              (a) after paragraph (b) insert:

15                   (ba)   GHG operations;

17             (b)    in paragraph (f) after "substance," (1st occurrence)
18                    insert:

20                    greenhouse gas substances,

22             (c)    in paragraph (f) delete "petroleum or a regulated
23                    substance" and insert:

25                    petroleum, a regulated substance or greenhouse gas
26                    substances

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     Part 4         Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 amended
     Division 3     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport
     s. 368

1               (d)    in paragraph (g) delete "petroleum or a regulated
2                      substance;" and insert:

4                      petroleum, a regulated substance or greenhouse gas
5                      substances;

7               (e)    in paragraph (h) delete "substance" and insert:

9                      substance, potential GHG storage formations or
10                     potential GHG injection sites

12              (f)    after paragraph (l) insert:

14                    (laa)   the maintaining in good condition and repair of
15                            all structures, equipment and other property
16                            used or intended to be used for or in connection
17                            with GHG operations in the adjacent area;

19              (g)    after paragraph (m) insert:

21                    (ma)    the removal from the adjacent area of
22                            structures, equipment and other property
23                            brought into that area for or in connection with
24                            GHG operations that are not used or intended to
25                            be used in connection with GHG operations in
26                            the adjacent area;

28              (h)    in paragraph (n) delete "offshore resource operations,"
29                     and insert:

31                     petroleum operations, GHG operations,

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              Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 amended            Part 4
     Amendments relating to greenhouse gas storage and transport Division 3
                                                                      s. 369

1       (2)      In section 152(2c) delete "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy
2                Resources Act 1967 or the Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969," and
3                insert:

5                Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage
6                Act 1967 or the Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Pipelines
7                Act 1969,

9    369.        Schedule 3 Division 2 inserted
10               At the end of Schedule 3 insert:

12                  Division 2 -- Provisions for Petroleum Legislation
13                                Amendment Act 2023
14          6.          Duty to pay royalties
15               (1)    In this clause --
16                      amendment day means the day on which the Petroleum
17                      Legislation Amendment Act 2023 section 355(1) comes into
18                      operation;
19               (2)    The amendment made by the Petroleum Legislation
20                      Amendment Act 2023 section 355(1) does not apply in
21                      relation to a permittee, lessee or licensee to whom
22                      section 143(1) applies immediately before amendment day.
23               (3)    Accordingly, on and after amendment day, section 143(1),
24                      as in force immediately before amendment day, continues to
25                      apply to the permittee, lessee or licensee as if that
26                      amendment had not been made.

28               Note: The heading to section 48 is to read:
29                     Application fee for s. 47

                                                                            page 461
     Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
     Part 5         Other Acts amended
     Division 1     Barrow Island Act 2003 amended
     s. 370

1                       Part 5 -- Other Acts amended
2                Division 1 -- Barrow Island Act 2003 amended
3    370.       Act amended
4               This Division amends the Barrow Island Act 2003.

5    371.       Section 7 amended
6               In section 7(5)(b) delete "petroleum or geothermal energy" and
7               insert:

9               petroleum, geothermal energy or greenhouse gas

11   372.       Section 11 amended
12      (1)     In section 11(1) delete "Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969" and
13              insert:

15              Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Pipelines Act 1969

17      (2)     In section 11(2) delete "Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969," and
18              insert:

20              Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Pipelines Act 1969,

22              Note: The heading to amended section 11 is to read:
23                    Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Pipelines Act 1969 applies to
24                    pipelines on Barrow Island for conveyance of carbon dioxide

     page 462
                                          Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
                                                   Other Acts amended        Part 5
                                            Building Act 2011 amended   Division 2
                                                                             s. 373

1    373.    Section 14 amended
2            In section 14(1) delete "Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969" and
3            insert:

5            Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Pipelines Act 1969

7            Notes:
8            1.       The note at the end of the definition of Barrow Island lease in
9                     section 3 is to read:

10                    Note for this definition:
11                           Though repealed by the Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and
12                           Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 1967, the Petroleum
13                           Act 1936 continues to apply to the Barrow Island lease and
14                           renewals of it (see the Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and
15                           Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 1967 section 134).
16           2.       The note at the end of section 6(4) is to read:

17                    Note for this subsection:
18                           Though repealed by the Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and
19                           Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 1967, the Petroleum
20                           Act 1936 continues to apply to the Barrow Island lease and
21                           renewals of it (see the Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and
22                           Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 1967 section 134).

23                Division 2 -- Building Act 2011 amended
24   374.    Act amended
25           This Division amends the Building Act 2011.

26   375.    Section 73 amended
27     (1)   In section 73(1)(a) after "petroleum resources," insert:

29           regulated substances,

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     Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
     Part 5         Other Acts amended
     Division 3     Conservation and Land Management Act 1984 amended
     s. 376

1       (2)     In section 73(1):
2                 (a) delete paragraph (a) and insert:

4                       (a)   in connection with the exploration for, or
5                             exploitation of, petroleum resources, regulated
6                             substances, geothermal energy resources and
7                             other resources to which the Petroleum,
8                             Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas
9                             Storage Act 1967 or Petroleum and
10                            Greenhouse Gas Storage (Submerged Lands)
11                            Act 1982 applies; or
12                     (aa)   in connection with the carrying on of a GHG
13                            operation as defined in --
14                               (i) the Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and
15                                    Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 1967
16                                    section 5(1); or
17                              (ii) the Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas
18                                    Storage (Submerged Lands) Act 1982
19                                    section 4(1);
20                            or

22               (b)   in paragraph (b) delete "Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969"
23                     and insert:

25                     Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Pipelines Act 1969

27     Division 3 -- Conservation and Land Management Act 1984
28                             amended
29   376.       Act amended
30              This Division amends the Conservation and Land Management
31              Act 1984.

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                                    Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
                                            Other Acts amended         Part 5
            Conservation and Land Management Act 1984 amended     Division 3
                                                                       s. 377

1    377.      Section 3 amended
2              In section 3 in the definition of Minister for Mines delete
3              "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967, the
4              Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 and the Petroleum
5              Pipelines Act 1969" and insert:

7              Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage
8              Act 1967, the Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage
9              (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 and the Petroleum and
10             Greenhouse Gas Pipelines Act 1969

12   378.      Section 4 amended
13     (1)     In section 4(1) delete "minerals or petroleum," and insert:

15             minerals, petroleum or regulated substances,

17     (2)     In section 4(1):
18               (a) delete "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources
19                     Act 1967, the Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982,"
20                     and insert:

22                     Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas
23                     Storage Act 1967, the Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas
24                     Storage (Submerged Lands) Act 1982,

26               (b)   delete "petroleum or regulated substances," and insert:

28                     petroleum, regulated substances or greenhouse gas
29                     substances,

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     Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
     Part 5         Other Acts amended
     Division 3     Conservation and Land Management Act 1984 amended
     s. 379

1    379.       Section 13A amended
2       (1)     In section 13A(3):
3                 (a) after "petroleum," insert:

5                       a regulated substance,

7                (b)    after "or petroleum" insert:

9                       or a regulated substance

11      (2)     Delete section 13A(3) and insert:

13              (3)    Despite section 4(1) but subject to section 13E, the
14                     following activities must not be carried out in a marine
15                     nature reserve --
16                       (a) exploratory drilling for, or production of,
17                             petroleum, a regulated substance, geothermal
18                             energy resources or geothermal energy under
19                             the Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and
20                             Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 1967;
21                       (b) exploratory drilling for potential GHG storage
22                             formations or potential GHG injection sites, or
23                             injection and storage of greenhouse gas
24                             substances, under the Petroleum, Geothermal
25                             Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 1967;
26                       (c) exploratory drilling for, or production of,
27                             petroleum or a regulated substance under the
28                             Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage
29                             (Submerged Lands) Act 1982;
30                       (d) exploratory drilling for potential GHG storage
31                             formations or potential GHG injection sites, or
32                             injection and storage of greenhouse gas
33                             substances, under the Petroleum and

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                                    Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
                                            Other Acts amended         Part 5
            Conservation and Land Management Act 1984 amended     Division 3
                                                                       s. 380

1                              Greenhouse Gas Storage (Submerged Lands)
2                              Act 1982.

4              Note: The heading to amended section 13A is to read:
5                      Purpose of and prohibited acts in marine nature reserves

6    380.      Section 13B amended
7      (1)     In section 13B(3B)(g):
8                (a) after "petroleum," insert:

10                       a regulated substance,

12               (b)     after "or petroleum" insert:

14                       or a regulated substance

16     (2)     Delete section 13B(3B)(g) and insert:

18                       (g)   exploratory drilling for, or production of,
19                             petroleum, a regulated substance, geothermal
20                             energy resources or geothermal energy under
21                             the Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and
22                             Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 1967;
23                       (h)   exploratory drilling for potential GHG storage
24                             formations or potential GHG injection sites, or
25                             injection and storage of greenhouse gas
26                             substances, under the Petroleum, Geothermal
27                             Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 1967;
28                       (i)   exploratory drilling for, or production of,
29                             petroleum or a regulated substance under the
30                             Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage
31                             (Submerged Lands) Act 1982;

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     Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
     Part 5         Other Acts amended
     Division 3     Conservation and Land Management Act 1984 amended
     s. 380

1                        (j)   exploratory drilling for potential GHG storage
2                              formations or potential GHG injection sites, or
3                              injection and storage of greenhouse gas
4                              substances, under the Petroleum and
5                              Greenhouse Gas Storage (Submerged Lands)
6                              Act 1982.

8       (3)     In section 13B(9):
9                 (a) after "petroleum," insert:

11                      a regulated substance,

13               (b)    after "or petroleum" insert:

15                      or a regulated substance

17      (4)     Delete section 13B(9) and insert:

19              (9)    Despite section 4(1) but subject to section 13E, the
20                     activities referred to in subsection (3B)(g) to (j) must
21                     not be carried out in --
22                       (a) a sanctuary area; or
23                       (b) a recreation area; or
24                       (c) a special purpose area that, or that part of a
25                              special purpose area that, the Minister has
26                              declared in the classification notice to be an
27                              area where those activities would be
28                              incompatible with a conservation purpose
29                              specified in the classification notice.
30            (10)     Despite subsection (9), the activities referred to in
31                     subsection (3B)(g) to (j) may be carried out, in
32                     accordance with the Petroleum, Geothermal Energy

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                                    Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
                                            Other Acts amended         Part 5
            Conservation and Land Management Act 1984 amended     Division 3
                                                                       s. 381

1                    and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 1967 or the
2                    Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Submerged
3                    Lands) Act 1982, as the case requires, in any other area
4                    of the marine park.

6              Note: The heading to amended section 13B is to read:
7                    Purpose of and prohibited acts in marine parks

8    381.      Section 13C amended
9      (1)     Delete section 13C(1aa) and insert:

11           (1A)    In this section --
12                   geothermal energy, geothermal energy resources and
13                   regulated substance have the meanings given in the
14                   Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967
15                   section 5(1).

17     (2)     Delete section 13C(1A) and insert:

19           (1A)    In this section --
20                   geothermal energy, geothermal energy resources and
21                   regulated substance have the meanings given in the
22                   Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas
23                   Storage Act 1967 section 5(1).

25     (3)     In section 13C(2) in the definition of commercial purposes
26             paragraphs (c) and (d) delete "petroleum" and insert:

28             petroleum, a regulated substance

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     Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
     Part 5         Other Acts amended
     Division 3     Conservation and Land Management Act 1984 amended
     s. 381

1       (4)     In section 13C(2) in the definition of commercial purposes:
2                 (a) delete paragraph (c) and insert:

4                       (c)   seismic surveys and exploratory drilling for --
5                               (i) petroleum, a regulated substance,
6                                    geothermal energy resources or
7                                    potential GHG injection sites as those
8                                    terms are defined in the Petroleum,
9                                    Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse
10                                   Gas Storage Act 1967 section 5(1); or
11                             (ii) potential GHG storage formations as
12                                   defined in the Petroleum, Geothermal
13                                   Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage
14                                   Act 1967 section 6B(1);
15                            and
16                     (ca)   seismic surveys and exploratory drilling for --
17                              (i) potential GHG injection sites as defined
18                                   in the Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas
19                                   Storage (Submerged Lands) Act 1982
20                                   section 4(1); or
21                             (ii) potential GHG storage formations as
22                                   defined in the Petroleum and
23                                   Greenhouse Gas Storage (Submerged
24                                   Lands) Act 1982 section 4A(1);
25                            and

27               (b)   in paragraph (d) delete "energy," and insert:

29                     energy; and

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                               Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
                                       Other Acts amended         Part 5
       Conservation and Land Management Act 1984 amended     Division 3
                                                                  s. 381

1           (c)   after paragraph (d) insert:

3                  (e)   injection and storage of greenhouse gas
4                        substances under the Petroleum, Geothermal
5                        Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 1967
6                        section 5(1) or the Petroleum and Greenhouse
7                        Gas Storage (Submerged Lands) Act 1982
8                        section 4(1),

10   (5)   In section 13C(7)(a) after "petroleum" (each occurrence) insert:

12         or a regulated substance

14   (6)   In section 13C(7):
15           (a) in paragraph (a) delete "Petroleum and Geothermal
16                 Energy Resources Act 1967 or the Petroleum
17                 (Submerged Lands) Act 1982; and" and insert:

19                Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas
20                Storage Act 1967 or the Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas
21                Storage (Submerged Lands) Act 1982; and

23          (b)   in paragraph (ab) delete "Petroleum and Geothermal
24                Energy Resources Act 1967; and" and insert:

26                Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas
27                Storage Act 1967; and

29          (c)   after paragraph (ab) insert:

31                (ac)   exploratory drilling for potential GHG storage
32                       formations and potential GHG injection sites,
33                       and injection and storage of greenhouse gas

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     Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
     Part 5         Other Acts amended
     Division 3     Conservation and Land Management Act 1984 amended
     s. 382

1                              substances, under the Petroleum, Geothermal
2                              Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 1967;
3                              and
4                      (ad)    exploratory drilling for potential GHG storage
5                              formations and potential GHG injection sites,
6                              and injection and storage of greenhouse gas
7                              substances, under the Petroleum and
8                              Greenhouse Gas Storage (Submerged Lands)
9                              Act 1982; and

11              Note: The heading to amended section 13C is to read:
12                    Purpose of and permitted acts in marine management areas

13   382.       Section 13E amended
14      (1)     In section 13E(1) delete the definitions of:
15              petroleum law
16              pipeline licence
17      (2)     In section 13E(1) insert in alphabetical order:

19                    petroleum law means --
20                      (a) the Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and
21                            Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 1967; or
22                      (b) the Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage
23                            (Submerged Lands) Act 1982; or
24                      (c) the Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Pipelines
25                            Act 1969;
26                    pipeline licence means --
27                      (a) a pipeline licence as defined in the Petroleum
28                            and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Submerged
29                            Lands) Act 1982 section 4(1); or

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                                            Other Acts amended         Part 5
            Conservation and Land Management Act 1984 amended     Division 3
                                                                       s. 383

1                        (b)    a licence as defined in the Petroleum and
2                               Greenhouse Gas Pipelines Act 1969
3                               section 4(1);

5      (3)     In section 13E(1) in the definition of drilling reservation delete
6              "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967;" and
7              insert:

9              Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage
10             Act 1967;

12             Note: The heading to amended section 13E is to read:
13                     Effect of s. 13A and 13B on certain licences relating to petroleum

14   383.      Section 60 amended
15     (1)     In section 60(2) delete "(2b)," and insert:

17             (2B),

19     (2)     Delete section 60(2b) and insert:

21           (2B)      If the Minister for Mines has made submissions to the
22                     Commission on a proposed management plan for a
23                     marine park or a marine management area, the Minister
24                     must not approve the proposed plan unless the
25                     Minister --
26                       (a) is satisfied that the proposed plan gives effect
27                             to those submissions to the extent that the
28                             submissions relate to matters referred to in
29                             subsection (2C); or
30                       (b) having referred the proposed plan to the
31                             Governor, is satisfied that it gives effect to the
32                             decision of the Governor to the extent that the

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     Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
     Part 5         Other Acts amended
     Division 3     Conservation and Land Management Act 1984 amended
     s. 383

1                            decision relates to matters referred to in
2                            subsection (2C).
3             (2C)   For the purposes of subsection (2B)(a) and (b), the
4                    matters are as follows --
5                     (a) the administration of the Mining Act 1978, the
6                            Offshore Minerals Act 2003, the Petroleum and
7                            Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967, the
8                            Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 or the
9                            Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969;
10                    (b) any of the following activities under an Act
11                           referred to in paragraph (a) --
12                              (i) mining;
13                             (ii) petroleum related exploration or
14                                   production activities;
15                            (iii) exploration or production activities
16                                   related to regulated substances;
17                            (iv) geothermal energy related exploration
18                                   or production activities.

20      (3)     Delete section 60(2C) and insert:

22            (2C)   For the purposes of subsection (2B)(a) and (b), the
23                   matters are as follows --
24                    (a) the administration of the Mining Act 1978, the
25                           Offshore Minerals Act 2003, the Petroleum,
26                           Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas
27                           Storage Act 1967, the Petroleum and
28                           Greenhouse Gas Storage (Submerged Lands)
29                           Act 1982 or the Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas
30                           Pipelines Act 1969;

     page 474
                                 Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
                                           Other Acts amended       Part 5
                 Dampier to Bunbury Pipeline Act 1997 amended  Division 4
                                                                    s. 384

1                    (b)   any of the following activities under an Act
2                          referred to in paragraph (a) --
3                             (i) mining;
4                            (ii) petroleum related exploration or
5                                  production activities;
6                           (iii) exploration or production activities
7                                  related to regulated substances;
8                           (iv) geothermal energy related exploration
9                                  or production activities;
10                           (v) greenhouse gas related exploration,
11                                 injection or storage activities.

13    Division 4 -- Dampier to Bunbury Pipeline Act 1997 amended
14   384.    Act amended
15           This Division amends the Dampier to Bunbury Pipeline
16           Act 1997.

17   385.    Section 34 amended
18     (1)   In section 34(1)(a)(i) delete "gas; or" and insert:

20           gas or any prescribed pipeline for transporting a greenhouse gas
21           substance; or

23     (2)   In section 34(2) insert in alphabetical order:

25                 gas means a gas or mixture of gases, whether naturally
26                 occurring or manufactured, intended for use --
27                   (a) as a fuel; or
28                  (b) in any chemical process;

                                                                    page 475
     Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
     Part 5         Other Acts amended
     Division 5     Dangerous Goods Safety Act 2004 amended
     s. 386

1                    greenhouse gas substance has the meaning given in
2                    the Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse
3                    Gas Storage Act 1967 section 6E(1);

5    386.       Schedule 4 Division 8 heading amended
6               In the heading to Schedule 4 Division 8 delete "Petroleum
7               Pipelines Act 1969" and insert:

9               Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Pipelines Act 1969

11   387.       Schedule 4 clause 37 amended
12              In Schedule 4 clause 37 delete "Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969"
13              and insert:

15              Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Pipelines Act 1969

17          Division 5 -- Dangerous Goods Safety Act 2004 amended
18   388.       Act amended
19              This Division amends the Dangerous Goods Safety Act 2004.

20   389.       Section 6 amended
21              In section 6(1) delete "Pipelines Act 1969 or Petroleum" and
22              insert:

24              and Greenhouse Gas Pipelines Act 1969 or Petroleum and
25              Greenhouse Gas Storage

     page 476
                                   Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
                                             Other Acts amended       Part 5
                           Land Administration Act 1997 amended  Division 6
                                                                      s. 390

1            Division 6 -- Land Administration Act 1997 amended
2    390.      Act amended
3              This Division amends the Land Administration Act 1997.

4    391.      Section 3 amended
5      (1)     In section 3(1) delete the definition of mining, petroleum or
6              geothermal energy right.
7      (2)     In section 3(1) insert in alphabetical order:

9                    mining, petroleum, geothermal energy or greenhouse
10                   gas right means --
11                     (a) a mining tenement as defined in the Mining
12                          Act 1978 section 8(1); or
13                    (b) a drilling reservation, lease, licence, permit,
14                          pipeline licence, special prospecting authority,
15                          access authority or other right under the
16                          Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and
17                          Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 1967, the
18                          Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Pipelines
19                          Act 1969 or the Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas
20                          Storage (Submerged Lands) Act 1982;

22     (3)     In section 3(1) in the definition of interest paragraph (d) delete
23             "petroleum or geothermal energy" and insert:

25             petroleum, geothermal energy or greenhouse gas

                                                                         page 477
     Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
     Part 5         Other Acts amended
     Division 6     Land Administration Act 1997 amended
     s. 392

1    392.        Section 5 amended
2       (1)      In section 5(1)(a) after "petroleum," insert:

4                a regulated substance,

6       (2)      Delete section 5(2) and insert:

8                (2)   In subsection (1) --
9                      geothermal energy, geothermal energy resources and
10                     regulated substance have the meanings given in the
11                     Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources
12                     Act 1967.

14   393.        Section 5 replaced
15               Delete section 5 and insert:

17          5.         Act not to apply to registration of certain rights
18               (1)   In this section --
19                     geothermal energy has the meaning given in the
20                     Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas
21                     Storage Act 1967 section 5(1);
22                     geothermal energy resources has the meaning given in
23                     the Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse
24                     Gas Storage Act 1967 section 5(1);
25                     greenhouse gas substance has the meaning given in
26                     the Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse
27                     Gas Storage Act 1967 section 6E(1);
28                     regulated substance has the meaning given in the
29                     Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas
30                     Storage Act 1967 section 5(1).

     page 478
                                      Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
                                                Other Acts amended       Part 5
                              Land Administration Act 1997 amended  Division 6
                                                                         s. 394

1                 (2)   This Act does not --
2                        (a) apply to the registration of rights over Crown
3                              land in respect of minerals, petroleum, a
4                              regulated substance, geothermal energy,
5                              geothermal energy resources or the injection
6                              and storage of greenhouse gas substances; or
7                        (b) prevent or otherwise affect the system of
8                              registration under other Acts of mining,
9                              petroleum, a regulated substance, geothermal
10                             energy or greenhouse gas rights in respect of
11                             Crown land.

13   394.         Section 24 amended
14                In section 24 after "petroleum" insert:

16                and regulated substances

18   395.         Section 24 replaced
19                Delete section 24 and insert:

21          24.         Minerals, petroleum and other substances and
22                      things reserved to Crown
23                      The following in Crown land are reserved to the Crown
24                      and remain so reserved after the Crown land is
25                      transferred in fee simple under this Act --
26                        (a) minerals as defined in the Mining Act 1978
27                              section 8(1);
28                        (b) petroleum or a regulated substance under the
29                              Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and
30                              Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 1967 or the

                                                                        page 479
     Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
     Part 5         Other Acts amended
     Division 6     Land Administration Act 1997 amended
     s. 396

1                               Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage
2                               (Submerged Lands) Act 1982;
3                         (c)   geothermal energy resources and geothermal
4                               energy under the Petroleum, Geothermal
5                               Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 1967;
6                         (d)   potential GHG storage formations and potential
7                               GHG injection sites under the Petroleum,
8                               Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas
9                               Storage Act 1967 or the Petroleum and
10                              Greenhouse Gas Storage (Submerged Lands)
11                              Act 1982.

13   396.       Section 91 amended
14              In section 91(5):
15                (a) in paragraph (b) delete "petroleum or geothermal
16                      energy" and insert:

18                        petroleum, geothermal energy or greenhouse gas

20                (b)     delete "petroleum or geothermal energy" and insert:

22                        petroleum, geothermal energy or greenhouse gas

24                (c)     delete "petroleum or geothermal energy" (last
25                        occurrence) and insert:

27                        petroleum, geothermal energy or greenhouse gas

29              Note: The heading to amended section 91 is to read:
30                      Grant of licences and profits à prendre over Crown land

     page 480
                                   Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
                                             Other Acts amended       Part 5
                           Land Administration Act 1997 amended  Division 6
                                                                      s. 397

1    397.    Section 164 amended
2      (1)   In section 164(1)(b) after "petroleum" insert:

4            or regulated substance

6      (2)   Delete section 164(1) and insert:

8            (1)   If a taking order provides that land is to be taken, or
9                  that an interest in fee simple in land is to be taken, the
10                 interest taken includes the following unless the order
11                 provides otherwise --
12                   (a) all rights to any minerals under the land;
13                   (b) the petroleum or regulated substance rights
14                          referred to in the Petroleum, Geothermal
15                          Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 1967,
16                          the Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Pipelines
17                          Act 1969 and the Petroleum and Greenhouse
18                          Gas Storage (Submerged Lands) Act 1982;
19                   (c) the rights relating to geothermal energy
20                          resources and geothermal energy referred to in
21                          the Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and
22                          Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 1967;
23                   (d) the rights relating to greenhouse gas substances
24                          referred to in the Petroleum, Geothermal
25                          Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 1967
26                          and the Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas
27                          Storage (Submerged Lands) Act 1982.

29           Note: The heading to amended section 164 is to read:
30                 Mineral, petroleum and other rights may be excluded when
31                 interest in land taken

                                                                        page 481
     Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
     Part 5         Other Acts amended
     Division 6     Land Administration Act 1997 amended
     s. 398

1    398.       Section 170 amended
2               In section 170(5)(b) delete "petroleum or geothermal energy"
3               and insert:

5               petroleum, geothermal energy or greenhouse gas

7               Note: The heading to amended section 170 is to read:
8                     Issue of notice of intention to take required interest

9    399.       Section 175 amended
10              In section 175(1)(a)(iii) delete "petroleum or geothermal
11              energy" and insert:

13              petroleum, geothermal energy or greenhouse gas

15   400.       Section 177 amended
16              In section 177(5)(c) delete "petroleum or geothermal energy"
17              and insert:

19              petroleum, geothermal energy or greenhouse gas

21              Note: The heading to amended section 177 is to read:
22                    Minister's powers to make taking order

23   401.       Section 266 amended
24              In section 266(a) delete "minerals or petroleum; and" and insert:

26              minerals, petroleum or a regulated substance; and

     page 482
                                  Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
                                          Other Acts amended         Part 5
                                     Mining Act 1978 amended    Division 7
                                                                     s. 402

1                   Division 7 -- Mining Act 1978 amended
2    402.    Act amended
3            This Division amends the Mining Act 1978.

4    403.    Section 8 amended
5      (1)   In section 8(1) in the definition of minerals:
6              (a) in paragraph (b) delete "Petroleum and Geothermal
7                    Energy Resources Act 1967 or the Petroleum
8                    (Submerged Lands) Act 1982; or" and insert:

10                    Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas
11                    Storage Act 1967 or the Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas
12                    Storage (Submerged Lands) Act 1982; or

14            (b)     in paragraph (ba) delete "Petroleum and Geothermal
15                    Energy Resources Act 1967" and insert:

17                    Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas
18                    Storage Act 1967

20     (2)   In section 8(2) delete "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy
21           Resources Act 1967" and insert:

23           Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage
24           Act 1967

26   404.    Section 8A deleted
27           Delete section 8A.

                                                                   page 483
     Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
     Part 5         Other Acts amended
     Division 8     Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources (Registration
                    Fees) Act 1967 amended
     s. 405

1    405.       Section 159 amended
2               In section 159(1) delete "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy
3               Resources Act 1967" and insert:

5               Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage
6               Act 1967

8       Division 8 -- Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources
9                  (Registration Fees) Act 1967 amended
10   406.       Act amended
11              This Division amends the Petroleum and Geothermal Energy
12              Resources (Registration Fees) Act 1967.

13   407.       Long title amended
14              In the long title delete "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy
15              Resources Act 1967." and insert:

17              Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage
18              Act 1967.

20   408.       Section 1 amended
21              In section 1 delete "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy
22              Resources" and insert:

24              Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage

     page 484
                                  Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
                                          Other Acts amended         Part 5
       Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources (Registration  Division 8
                                      Fees) Act 1967 amended
                                                                     s. 409

1    409.    Section 3 amended
2            In section 3 delete "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy
3            Resources Act 1967" and insert:

5            Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage
6            Act 1967

8            Note: The heading to amended section 3 is to read:
 9                   Act read with Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse
10                   Gas Storage Act 1967

11   410.    Section 4 amended
12     (1)   In section 4(2) and (4)(a) delete "Petroleum and Geothermal
13           Energy Resources Act 1967" and insert:

15           Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage
16           Act 1967

18     (2)   In section 4(5):
19             (a) delete "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources
20                   Act 1967" (1st occurrence) and insert:

22                     Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas
23                     Storage Act 1967

25             (b)     in paragraph (b)(ii) delete "Petroleum and Geothermal
26                     Energy Resources Act 1967; and" and insert:

28                     Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas
29                     Storage Act 1967; and

                                                                        page 485
     Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
     Part 5         Other Acts amended
     Division 9     Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Safety Levies Act 2011
     s. 411

1       (3)     In section 4(6)(b) and (7)(a) delete "Petroleum and Geothermal
2               Energy Resources Act 1967" and insert:

4               Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage
5               Act 1967

7     Division 9 -- Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Safety Levies
8                          Act 2011 amended
9    411.       Act amended
10              This Division amends the Petroleum and Geothermal Energy
11              Safety Levies Act 2011.

12   412.       Section 21 amended
13      (1)     In section 21(1) delete "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy" and
14              insert:

16              Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage

18      (2)     In section 21(3)(b) delete "operations and geothermal energy"
19              and insert:

21              operations, geothermal energy operations and GHG

23      (3)     After section 21(3) insert:

25              (4)   The amounts to be credited under subsection (2)
26                    include any moneys held in the Petroleum and
27                    Geothermal Energy Safety Levies Account
28                    immediately before the day on which the Petroleum

     page 486
                                 Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
                                          Other Acts amended        Part 5
        Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Registration Fees Act 1982 Division 10
                                                                    s. 413

1                  Legislation Amendment Act 2023 section 412 comes
2                  into operation.

4            Note: The heading to amended section 21 is to read:
5                  Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage
6                  Safety Levies Account

7     Division 10 -- Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Registration Fees
8                          Act 1982 amended
9    413.    Act amended
10           This Division amends the Petroleum (Submerged Lands)
11           Registration Fees Act 1982.

12   414.    Long title amended
13           In the long title after "Petroleum" insert:

15           and Greenhouse Gas Storage

17   415.    Section 1 amended
18           In section 1 after "Petroleum" insert:

20           and Greenhouse Gas Storage

22   416.    Section 3 amended
23           In section 3 after "Petroleum" insert:

25           and Greenhouse Gas Storage

27           Note: The heading to amended section 3 is to read:
28                 Act read with Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage
29                 (Submerged Lands) Act 1982

                                                                        page 487
     Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
     Part 5         Other Acts amended
     Division 11    Transfer of Land Act 1893 amended
     s. 417

1    417.       Section 4 amended
2               In section 4(2), (4)(a), (5), (6)(b) and (7)(a) after "Petroleum"
3               (each occurrence) insert:

5               and Greenhouse Gas Storage

7               Note: The heading to amended section 4 is to read:
8                     Imposition of registration fees

9             Division 11 -- Transfer of Land Act 1893 amended
10   418.       Act amended
11              This Division amends the Transfer of Land Act 1893.

12   419.       Section 3 amended
13      (1)     Before section 3(1) insert:

15            (1A)    In this section --
16                    geothermal energy has the meaning given in the
17                    Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas
18                    Storage Act 1967 section 5(1);
19                    geothermal energy resources has the meaning given in
20                    the Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse
21                    Gas Storage Act 1967 section 5(1);
22                    greenhouse gas substance has the meaning given in
23                    the Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse
24                    Gas Storage Act 1967 section 6E(1);
25                    mining, petroleum, geothermal energy or greenhouse
26                    gas right has the meaning given in the Land
27                    Administration Act 1997 section 3(1);

     page 488
                                    Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
                                             Other Acts amended        Part 5
                              Transfer of Land Act 1893 amended  Division 11
                                                                       s. 419

1                  regulated substance has the meaning given in the
2                  Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas
3                  Storage Act 1967 section 5(1).

5    (2)   In section 3(2)(a) after "petroleum," insert:

7          a regulated substance,

9    (3)   In section 3(2):
10           (a) in paragraph (a) delete "geothermal energy or
11                 geothermal energy resources; or" and insert:

13                   geothermal energy, geothermal energy resources or the
14                   injection and storage of greenhouse gas substances; or

16           (b)     in paragraph (b) delete "petroleum or geothermal
17                   energy" and insert:

19                   petroleum, geothermal energy or greenhouse gas

21   (4)   In section 3(3) delete the definitions of geothermal energy and
22         geothermal resources and insert:

24                 geothermal energy, geothermal energy resources and
25                 regulated substance have the meanings given in the
26                 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources
27                 Act 1967.

29   (5)   Delete section 3(3).
30         Note: The heading to amended section 3 is to read:
31                 Application of other laws and this Act

                                                                    page 489
     Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
     Part 5         Other Acts amended
     Division 12    Waterways Conservation Act 1976 amended
     s. 420

1       Division 12 -- Waterways Conservation Act 1976 amended
2    420.       Act amended
3               This Division amends the Waterways Conservation Act 1976.

4    421.       Section 5 amended
5               In section 5(4)(c) delete "1967," and insert:

7               1967 or the Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage
8               (Submerged Lands) Act 1982,

10      Division 13 -- Work Health and Safety Act 2020 amended
11   422.       Act amended
12              This Division amends the Work Health and Safety Act 2020.

13   423.       Part 16 Division 12 Subdivision 2 heading amended
14              In the heading to Part 16 Division 12 Subdivision 2 delete
15              "Petroleum and geothermal energy" and insert:

17              Petroleum, geothermal energy and greenhouse gas storage

19   424.       Section 424 amended
20              In section 424 delete "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy" and
21              insert:

23              Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage

     page 490
                                    Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
                                            Other Acts amended         Part 5
                       Work Health and Safety Act 2020 amended   Division 13
                                                                       s. 425

1    425.    Section 425 amended
2      (1)   In section 425(1) in the definition of levy period delete
3            "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy" and insert:

5            Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage

7      (2)   In section 425(2) delete "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy"
8            and insert:

10           Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage

12           Note: The heading to amended section 425 is to read:
13                 Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage
14                 Safety Levies Act 2011 to continue to apply to past levy periods

15   426.    Schedule 1 clause 6 amended
16     (1)   In Schedule 1 clause 6(2) delete "Petroleum and Geothermal
17           Energy Resources Act 1967, the Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969 or the
18           Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982." and insert:

20           Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage
21           Act 1967, the Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Pipelines Act 1969 or
22           the Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Submerged Lands)
23           Act 1982.

25     (2)   In Schedule 1 clause 6(3) delete "Petroleum and Geothermal
26           Energy" and insert:

28           Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage

                                                                           page 491
     Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
     Part 5         Other Acts amended
     Division 14    Various Acts amended
     s. 427

1    427.       Schedule 1 clause 22 amended
2               In Schedule 1 clause 22 in the definition of mining and
3               petroleum industry paragraph (b) delete "Petroleum and
4               Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967, the Petroleum Pipelines
5               Act 1969 or the Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982." and insert:

7               Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage
8               Act 1967, the Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Pipelines Act 1969 or
9               the Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Submerged Lands)
10              Act 1982.

12                     Division 14 -- Various Acts amended
13   428.       Various references to Petroleum and Geothermal Energy
14              Resources Act 1967 amended
15      (1)     This section amends the Acts listed in the Table.
16      (2)     In the provisions listed in the Table:
17                (a) delete "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources
18                      Act 1967" (each occurrence) and insert:

20                      Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas
21                      Storage Act 1967

23               (b)    delete "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources
24                      Act 1967" and insert:

26                      Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas
27                      Storage Act 1967

     page 492
                               Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
                                       Other Acts amended         Part 5
                                      Various Acts amended  Division 14
                                                                  s. 428

1           (c)   delete "Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources
2                 Act 1967 " and insert:

4                 Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and Greenhouse Gas Storage
5                 Act 1967

7                                  Table
    Aboriginal Affairs Planning       s. 30(2)
    Authority Act 1972

    Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972      s. 18(1)

    Barrow Island Royalty Variation Long title
    Agreement Act 1985              s. 5(3)

    Biosecurity and Agriculture       s. 134(2)(c)
    Management Act 2007

    Fire and Emergency Services       s. 3A def. of owner par. (f)(iii)
    Act 1998

    Fish Resources Management         s. 114
    Act 1994

    Gas Standards Act 1972            s. 5(1)(c)

    Gas Supply (Gas Quality           s. 3(1) def. of gas producer
    Specifications) Act 2009          par. (a)

    Heritage Act 2018                 s. 6 def. of owner par. (g)

    Local Government Act 1995         s. 1.4 def. of owner par. (e)(iii)
                                      s. 6.27(c)
                                      s. 6.29(1) def. of relevant
                                      interest par. (b)

                                                                    page 493
    Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
    Part 5         Other Acts amended
    Division 14    Various Acts amended
    s. 429

      Petroleum Titles (Browse Basin)           s. 3 def. of lease R2
      Act 2014                                  s. 3 def. of PGERA Minister
                                                s. 3 def. of PGERA register
                                                s. 3 def. of TR/5 inshore block
                                                s. 3 def. of WA-30-R inshore
                                                s. 3 def. of WA-315-P inshore
                                                s. 4(1) and (2)
                                                s. 7(2) and (3)
                                                s. 9(1)

      Port Authorities Act 1999                 Sch. 8 cl. 75(1) def. of
                                                authorisation par. (d)

      Soil and Land Conservation                Schedule
      Act 1945

      Valuation of Land Act 1978                s. 4(1) def. of unimproved value
                                                par. (b)(ii)(IV) and (VA)

      Waterways Conservation                    s. 5(4)(b)
      Act 1976

1              Note: The heading to amended section 7 of the Petroleum Titles (Browse
2                    Basin) Act 2014 is to read:
3                    New exploration permit under Petroleum, Geothermal Energy and
4                    Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 1967

5   429.       Various references to Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969 amended
6      (1)     This section amends the Acts listed in the Table.

    page 494
                                   Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
                                           Other Acts amended         Part 5
                                          Various Acts amended  Division 14
                                                                      s. 430

1      (2)   In the provisions listed in the Table:
2              (a) delete "Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969" and insert:

4                    Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Pipelines Act 1969

6              (b)   delete "Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969" and insert:

8                    Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Pipelines Act 1969

10                                    Table
       Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972       s. 18(1a)(a)(ii)

       Energy Coordination Act 1994       s. 24A(2)
                                          s. 24C(1)

       Gas Standards Act 1972             s. 4 def. of pipeline licensee

       Gas Supply (Gas Quality            s. 3(1) def. of gas transmission
       Specifications) Act 2009           pipeline
                                          s. 3(1) def. of operator
                                          s. 3(1) def. of pipeline

       Port Authorities Act 1999          Sch. 8 cl. 75(1) def. of
                                          authorisation par. (d)

11   430.    Various references to Petroleum (Submerged Lands)
12           Act 1982 amended
13     (1)   This section amends the Acts listed in the Table.

                                                                         page 495
     Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
     Part 5         Other Acts amended
     Division 14    Various Acts amended
     s. 430

1       (2)     In the provisions listed in the Table:
2                 (a) delete "Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982" and
3                       insert:

5                      Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Submerged
6                      Lands) Act 1982

8                (b)   delete "Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982" and insert:

10                     Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Submerged Lands)
11                     Act 1982

13               (c)   delete "Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982" and insert:

15                     Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Submerged Lands)
16                     Act 1982

18                                       Table
       Fish Resources Management             s. 114
       Act 1994

       Gas Supply (Gas Quality               s. 3(1) def. of gas producer
       Specifications) Act 2009              par. (b)

       Offshore Minerals Act 2003            s. 3(1) note 1, (2)(b) and (2)
                                             note 4
                                             s. 35 note 2

     page 496
                                  Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
                                          Other Acts amended         Part 5
                                         Various Acts amended  Division 14
                                                                     s. 431

      Petroleum Titles (Browse Basin)     s. 3 def. of adjacent area
      Act 2014                            s. 3 def. of lease TR/5
                                          s. 3 def. of PSLA Minister
                                          s. 3 def. of PSLA register
                                          s. 3 def. of TR/5 renewal day
                                          s. 3 def. of WA-30-R adjacent
                                          area block
                                          s. 3 def. of WA-315-P adjacent
                                          area block
                                          s. 3 def. of WA-398-P adjacent
                                          area block
                                          s. 5
                                          s. 6(2) and (3)
                                          s. 8(2), (3) and (4)
                                          s. 9(1) and (2)

      Port Authorities Act 1999           Sch. 8 cl. 75(1) def. of
                                          authorisation par. (d)

1   431.    Various references to "Part III" amended
2     (1)   This section amends the Acts listed in the Table.
3     (2)   In the provisions listed in the Table delete "Part III" and insert:

5           Part 3

7                                     Table
      Gas Supply (Gas Quality             s. 3(1) def. of gas producer
      Specifications) Act 2009            par. (b)

                                                                       page 497
    Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
    Part 5         Other Acts amended
    Division 14    Various Acts amended
    s. 431

      Petroleum Titles (Browse Basin)            s. 3 def. of lease R2
      Act 2014                                   s. 3 def. of lease TR/5
                                                 s. 6(3)
                                                 s. 7(3)
                                                 s. 8(3)

1              Note: In the Petroleum Titles (Browse Basin) Act 2014, the headings to the
2                     amended sections listed in the Table are to read as set out in the
3                     Table.

4                                            Table
                  Amended section                       Section heading
                 s. 6                   New exploration permit under Petroleum and
                                        Greenhouse Gas Storage (Submerged Lands)
                                        Act 1982
                 s. 8                   New exploration permit under Petroleum and
                                        Greenhouse Gas Storage (Submerged Lands)
                                        Act 1982 and subsequent expansion


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