Western Australian Bills

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                    Western Australia

      Public Sector Reform Bill 2009


      Part 1 -- Preliminary
1.    Short title                                    2
2.    Commencement                                   2
      Part 2 -- Public Sector
           administration amendments
      Division 1 -- Public Sector Management
             Act 1994 amended
3.    Act amended                                    3
4.    Section 3 amended                              3
5.    Section 4 amended                              4
6.    Section 5 amended                              4
7.    Part 2 heading replaced                        5
      Part 2 -- Public Sector principles
8.    Part 2 Division 1 heading deleted              5
9.    Section 8 amended                              5
10.   Section 9 amended                              5
11.   Part 2 Division 2 deleted                      5
12.   Part 2 Division 3 heading replaced             6
      Part 3A -- Public Sector Commissioner
      Division 1 -- Public Sector Commissioner
13.   Section 16 replaced                            6
      16.      Public Sector Commissioner       6
14.   Section 17 amended                             6
15.   Section 19 amended                             6
16.   Section 20 amended                             7
17.   Part 3A Division 2 heading inserted            7

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Public Sector Reform Bill 2009


              Division 2 -- Functions of Commissioner
      18.     Section 21A inserted                                    8
              21A.     General functions of Commissioner         8
      19.     Section 21 amended                                      8
      20.     Sections 22A to 22G inserted                           10
              22A.     Commissioner's instructions              10
              22B.     Disposition of employees and offices     11
              22C.     Reports to Ministers                     12
              22D.     Annual report                            12
              22E.     Other reports                            13
              22F.     Reports under section 22D or 22E must
                       be laid before Parliament                13
              22G.     Powers                                   14
      21.     Section 22 amended                                     14
      22.     Section 23 replaced                                    14
              23.      Delegation by Commissioner               14
      23.     Part 3A Division 3 inserted                            15
              Division 3 -- Reviews, special inquiries
                     and investigations
              Subdivision 1 -- Reviews
              24A.     Terms used                               15
              24B.     Reviews                                  15
              24C.     Commissioner may authorise people to
                       perform functions                        16
              24D.     Powers of Commissioner and authorised
                       person                                   16
              24E.     Consultation before exercise of powers   17
              24F.     Privileges and other protection          17
              24G.     Report on review                         18
              Subdivision 2 -- Special inquiries
              24H.     Special inquiries                        18
              24I.     Powers of person conducting special
                       inquiry                                  19
              24J.     Procedure and evidence at special
                       inquiries                                19
              24K.     Reports on special inquiries             20
              Subdivision 3 -- Investigations
      24.     Section 24 amended                                     21
      25.     Sections 25, 26 and 27 deleted                         21
      26.     Part 3A Division 4 heading inserted                    21
              Division 4 -- Acting appointments
      27.     Section 28 amended                                     21
      28.     Sections 29A inserted                                  23
              29A.     Acting Commissioner appointed by
                       Commissioner                             23

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                                         Public Sector Reform Bill 2009


      29B.     Matters relevant to all acting appointments   23
29.   Part 2 Division 4 heading replaced                            24
      Part 3B -- Chief executive officers and
             chief employees
30.   Section 29 amended                                            24
31.   Section 30 amended                                            25
32.   Section 31 amended                                            25
33.   Section 32 amended                                            25
34.   Section 33 replaced                                           26
      33.      Delegation by chief executive officer or
               chief employee                                26
35.   Section 35 amended                                            27
36.   Section 36 amended                                            28
37.   Section 38 amended                                            28
38.   Section 40 amended                                            28
39.   Section 42 amended                                            28
40.   Section 43 amended                                            29
41.   Section 45 amended                                            29
42.   Section 46 amended                                            30
43.   Section 47 amended                                            31
44.   Section 48 deleted                                            31
45.   Section 49 amended                                            32
46.   Section 50 amended                                            32
47.   Section 51 amended                                            32
48.   Section 53 amended                                            33
49.   Section 56 amended                                            33
50.   Section 63 amended                                            33
51.   Section 64 amended                                            34
52.   Section 67 amended                                            34
53.   Section 70 amended                                            34
54.   Section 75 amended                                            35
55.   Section 79 amended                                            36
56.   Section 93 amended                                            36
57.   Section 99 deleted                                            37
58.   Section 100 amended                                           37
59.   Section 105 amended                                           37
60.   Section 108A inserted                                         37
      108A.    Delegation by Ministers                       37
61.   Section 108 amended                                           38
62.   Part 9 Division 1 heading inserted                            38

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Public Sector Reform Bill 2009


              Division 1 -- Public Service Act 1978 repeal and
                     transitional provisions
      63.     Part 9 Division 2 inserted                               39
              Division 2 -- Public Sector Reform Act 2009 Part 2
                     amendments: transitional provisions
              113.      Transitional provisions                   39
      64.     Schedule 4 replaced                                      39
              Schedule 4 -- Form of declaration
      65.     Schedule 5 amended                                       39
      66.     Schedule 7 inserted                                      40
              Schedule 7 -- Public Sector Reform Act 2009 Part 2
                   amendments: transitional provisions
              1.       Terms used                                 40
              2.       Incumbent CEO remains in office as
                       Public Sector Commissioner                 41
              3.       Commissioner for Public Sector Standards   41
              4.       Approved procedures and other
                       instruments                                41
              5.       Reviews, special inquiries and
                       investigations                             42
              6.       Special offices                            43
              7.       Provisions affecting employment of chief
                       executive officers                         43
              8.       Continuing effect of things done under
                       section 97                                 45
              9.       Section 107 directions                     45
              10A.     General savings -- Commissioner             45
              10.      Power to amend subsidiary legislation      46
              11.      Transitional regulations                   46
              12.      Interpretation Act 1984 not affected       47
      67.     Various references to "Minister" amended                 47
      68.     Various references to "of the Crown" deleted             48
      69.     Various cross-references amended                         49
      70.     Other provisions amended                                 49
              Division 2 -- Other Acts amended
      71.     Agricultural Practices (Disputes) Act 1995
              amended                                                  56
      72.     Auditor General Act 2006 amended                         56
      73.     Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899 amended             57
      74.     Corruption and Crime Commission Act 2003
              amended                                                  57
      75.     Electricity Corporations Act 2005 amended                58
      76.     Financial Management Act 2006 amended                    58

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                                       Public Sector Reform Bill 2009


77.    Gas Pipelines Access (Western Australia) Act 1998
       amended                                                      58
78.    Interpretation Act 1984 amended                              59
79.    Midland Redevelopment Act 1999 amended                       59
80.    Parliamentary Commissioner Act 1971 amended                  59
81.    Port Authorities Act 1999 amended                            60
82.    Public Interest Disclosure Act 2003 amended                  60
       Part 4 -- Role of Public Sector Commissioner
83.    Salaries and Allowances Act 1975 amended                     61
84.    State Administrative Tribunal Act 2004 amended               61
85.    State Records Act 2000 amended                               61
86.    Subiaco Redevelopment Act 1994 amended                       62
87.    Water Corporation Act 1995 amended                           62
88.    Western Australian Land Authority Act 1992
       amended                                                      63
89.    Various references to "Minister for Public Sector
       Management" amended                                          64
90.    Various references to "Public Service Board"
       amended                                                      72
       Part 3 -- Public Sector discipline
       Division 1 -- Public Sector Management
             Act 1994 amended
91.    Act amended                                                  74
92.    Section 3 amended                                            74
93.    Section 22A amended                                          74
94.    Section 76 amended                                           75
95.    Section 78 amended                                           76
96.    Section 80A inserted                                         79
       80A.     Terms used                                   79
97.    Section 81 replaced                                          81
       81.      Employing authority to decide how to deal
                with suspected breach of discipline          81
       82A.     Dealing with disciplinary matter             82
98.    Section 82 replaced                                          83
       82.      Suspension pending decision in relation to
                breach of discipline or criminal charge      83
99.    Sections 83, 84, 85 and 86 deleted                           84
100.   Section 87 amended                                           84

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      101.    Section 88 replaced                                      86
              88.      Action on receipt of report of special
                       disciplinary inquiry                       86
      102.    Section 89 replaced                                      87
              89.      Dismissal of chief executive officer on
                       disciplinary grounds                       87
      103.    Section 90 amended                                       87
      104.    Section 91 amended                                       88
      105.    Section 92 replaced                                      89
              92.      Action if employee convicted of serious
                       offence                                    89
              93A.     Implementation of decisions under this
                       Division                                   89
      106.    Section 94 amended                                       90
      107.    Part 9 Division 3 inserted                               90
              Division 3 -- Public Sector Reform Act 2009 Part 3
                     amendments: transitional provisions
              114.      Transitional provisions                   90
      108.    Schedule 8 inserted                                      90
              Schedule 8 -- Public Sector Reform Act 2009 Part 3
                   amendments: transitional provisions
              1.       Term used: commencement day                90
              2.       Disciplinary proceedings                   90
              3.       Suspensions                                91
              4.       Appeals                                    91
              5.       Power to amend subsidiary legislation      91
              6.       Transitional regulations                   92
              7.       Interpretation Act 1984 not affected       93
              Division 2 -- Other Acts amended
      109.    Industrial Relations Act 1979 amended                    93
      110.    School Education Act 1999 amended                        93

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                           Western Australia

                     LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY

                      (As amended in Committee)

             Public Sector Reform Bill 2009

                               A Bill for

An Act to amend the Public Sector Management Act 1994 and for
related purposes.

The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows:

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    Public Sector Reform Bill 2009
    Part 1          Preliminary

    s. 1

1                          Part 1 -- Preliminary
2   1.       Short title
3            This is the Public Sector Reform Act 2009.

4   2.       Commencement
5            This Act comes into operation as follows --
6             (a) sections 1 and 2 -- on the day on which this Act
7                   receives the Royal Assent;
8             (b) the rest of the Act -- on a day fixed by proclamation,
9                   and different days may be fixed for different provisions.

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                                                      Public Sector Reform Bill 2009
                           Public Sector administration amendments            Part 2
                      Public Sector Management Act 1994 amended           Division 1
                                                                                 s. 3

 1        Part 2 -- Public Sector administration amendments
 2        Division 1 -- Public Sector Management Act 1994 amended
 3   3.         Act amended
 4              This Division amends the Public Sector Management Act 1994.

 5   4.         Section 3 amended
 6        (1)   In section 3(1) delete the definitions of:
 7              approved
 8              code of ethics
 9              Commissioner
10              public sector standard
11              public service notices
12              special inquirer
13              special inquiry
14        (2)   In section 3(1) insert in alphabetical order:

16                    code of ethics means a code of ethics referred to in
17                    section 21(1) and established under the
18                    Commissioner's instructions;
19                    Commissioner means the person holding the office of
20                    Public Sector Commissioner established by
21                    section 16(1);
22                    Commissioner's instructions means instructions issued
23                    under section 22A;
24                    improvement action means any one or more of the
25                    following actions by an employing authority in respect
26                    of an employee for the purpose of improving the
27                    performance or conduct of the employee --
28                      (a) counselling;
29                      (b) training and development;

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     Public Sector Reform Bill 2009
     Part 2          Public Sector administration amendments
     Division 1      Public Sector Management Act 1994 amended
     s. 5

 1                      (c)   issuing a warning to the employee that certain
 2                            conduct is unacceptable or that the employee's
 3                            performance is not satisfactory;
 4                      (d) any other action of a similar nature;
 5                    public sector notice means a notice issued by or under
 6                    the authority of the Commissioner for the purposes of
 7                    this Act that is published as a public sector notice in
 8                    accordance with the Commissioner's instructions;
 9                    public sector standard means a public sector standard
10                    referred to in section 21(1) and established under the
11                    Commissioner's instructions;
12                    special inquirer means a person or persons appointed
13                    under section 24H to carry out a special inquiry;
14                    special inquiry means a special inquiry held under
15                    section 24H;

17        (3)   Delete section 3(2).

18   5.         Section 4 amended
19              Delete section 4(1) and insert:

21              (1)   The Commissioner is deemed to be the chief executive
22                    officer of the department principally assisting in the
23                    administration of this Act.

25   6.         Section 5 amended
26              In section 5(1) in the definition of employing authority
27              paragraph (a) delete "Minister;" and insert:

29              Commissioner; or

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                                                 Public Sector Reform Bill 2009
                      Public Sector administration amendments            Part 2
                 Public Sector Management Act 1994 amended           Division 1
                                                                            s. 7

 1   7.    Part 2 heading replaced
 2         Delete the heading to Part 2 and insert:

 4                Part 2 -- Public Sector principles

 6   8.    Part 2 Division 1 heading deleted
 7         Delete the heading to Part 2 Division 1.

 8   9.    Section 8 amended
 9         After section 8(2) insert:

11         (3)   For the purposes of this Act a proper assessment of
12               merit in a selection process must be carried out in
13               accordance with the relevant Commissioner's
14               instructions and does not always require a competitive
15               assessment of merit.

17   10.   Section 9 amended
18         Delete section 9(a)(ii) and "and" after it and insert:

20                        (ii)   the Commissioner's instructions, public
21                               sector standards and codes of ethics; and

23   11.   Part 2 Division 2 deleted
24         Delete Part 2 Division 2.

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     Public Sector Reform Bill 2009
     Part 2          Public Sector administration amendments
     Division 1      Public Sector Management Act 1994 amended
     s. 12

 1   12.         Part 2 Division 3 heading replaced
 2               Delete the heading to Part 2 Division 3 and insert:

 4                 Part 3A -- Public Sector Commissioner
 5                     Division 1 -- Public Sector Commissioner

 7   13.         Section 16 replaced
 8               Delete section 16 and insert:

10         16.         Public Sector Commissioner
11               (1)   An office of Public Sector Commissioner is
12                     established.
13               (2)   The office of Public Sector Commissioner is not an
14                     office in the Public Service.

16   14.         Section 17 amended
17               After section 17(3) insert:

19               (4)   Before performing the functions of Commissioner for
20                     the first time, the Commissioner must make a
21                     declaration before the Governor in the form in
22                     Schedule 4.

24   15.         Section 19 amended
25               After section 19(3) insert:

27               (4)   Subject to any determination under subsection (3), the
28                     Commissioner is entitled to leave of absence and other

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                                                 Public Sector Reform Bill 2009
                      Public Sector administration amendments            Part 2
                 Public Sector Management Act 1994 amended           Division 1
                                                                           s. 16

 1               conditions of service as applicable to public service
 2               officers.

 4   16.   Section 20 amended
 5         Delete section 20(4) and (5) and insert:

 7         (4)   If --
 8                 (a)   a person immediately before appointment as
 9                       Commissioner occupied an office, post or
10                       position in a department or organisation; and
11                 (b)   the person's term of office as Commissioner
12                       expires by effluxion of time and the person is
13                       not reappointed to the office; and
14                 (c)   but for the appointment as Commissioner, the
15                       person would still be entitled to hold the office,
16                       post or position referred to in paragraph (a),
17               the person is entitled to be appointed to an office, post
18               or position in a department or organisation of at least
19               the equivalent level of classification as the office, post
20               or position that the person occupied immediately
21               before appointment as Commissioner.

23   17.   Part 3A Division 2 heading inserted
24         After section 20 insert:

26               Division 2 -- Functions of Commissioner

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     Public Sector Reform Bill 2009
     Part 2          Public Sector administration amendments
     Division 1      Public Sector Management Act 1994 amended
     s. 18

 1   18.         Section 21A inserted
 2               Before section 21 insert:

 4           21A.         General functions of Commissioner
 5                        The functions of the Commissioner include the
 6                        following --
 7                          (a) to promote the overall efficiency and
 8                               effectiveness of the Public Sector, having
 9                               regard to the principles set out in section 7;
10                          (b) to advise Ministers, chief executive officers and
11                               chief employees of changes, improvements and
12                               management practices which, in the opinion of
13                               the Commissioner, should be implemented in
14                               order to improve the efficiency and
15                               effectiveness of the whole or any part of the
16                               Public Sector;
17                          (c) to plan for the future management and
18                               operation of the Public Sector;
19                          (d) to perform other functions that are conferred on
20                               the Commissioner under this Act or any other
21                               Act.

23   19.         Section 21 amended
24         (1)   In section 21(1):
25                 (a) in paragraphs (a) and (b) delete "establish" and insert:

27                         issue Commissioner's instructions establishing

29                  (b)    in paragraph (f) delete "section 97(1)(a);" and insert:

31                         section 97(1)(a).

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                                                    Public Sector Reform Bill 2009
                         Public Sector administration amendments            Part 2
                    Public Sector Management Act 1994 amended           Division 1
                                                                              s. 19

 1            (c)     delete paragraphs (g) to (j).
 2   (2)    Delete section 21(4).
 3   (3)    After section 21(8) insert:

 5         (9A)     The Commissioner may by order published in the
 6                  Gazette exempt the whole or any part of any public
 7                  sector body from compliance with the whole or any
 8                  part of a public sector standard or code of ethics.
 9         (9B)     The Commissioner may by order published in the
10                  Gazette repeal or amend an order made under
11                  subsection (9A).

13   (4)    Delete section 21(11) and insert:

15         (11)     To the extent that --
16                   (a) a public sector standard is inconsistent with a
17                          code of ethics, a code of conduct or another
18                          Commissioner's instruction, the public sector
19                          standard prevails; or
20                   (b) a code of ethics is inconsistent with a code of
21                          conduct or another Commissioner's instruction
22                          (other than a Commissioner's instruction
23                          establishing a public sector standard), the code
24                          of ethics prevails.

26          Note: The heading to amended section 21 is to read:

27                  Public sector standards, codes of ethics and codes of conduct

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     Public Sector Reform Bill 2009
     Part 2          Public Sector administration amendments
     Division 1      Public Sector Management Act 1994 amended
     s. 20

 1   20.       Sections 22A to 22G inserted
 2             After section 21 insert:

 4         22A.      Commissioner's instructions
 5             (1)   The Commissioner may issue written instructions
 6                   concerning the following --
 7                     (a) the management and administration of public
 8                          sector bodies;
 9                     (b) the management and administration of the
10                          Senior Executive Service;
11                     (c) human resource management, including the
12                          disposition of employees and offices under
13                          section 22B;
14                     (d) official conduct;
15                     (e) the taking of improvement action;
16                      (f) dealing with suspected breaches of discipline,
17                          disciplinary matters and the taking of
18                          disciplinary action, under Part 5 Division 3;
19                     (g) any other matter in respect of which
20                          Commissioner's instructions are required or
21                          permitted under this Act;
22                     (h) any other matter in connection with the
23                          functions of the Commissioner in respect of
24                          which the Commissioner considers it is
25                          necessary or desirable to issue instructions.
26             (2)   The Commissioner's instructions must not be
27                   inconsistent with this Act and must have regard to the
28                   principles set out in sections 7, 8 and 9.
29             (3)   The Commissioner's instructions may apply --
30                    (a) generally; or

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                                             Public Sector Reform Bill 2009
                  Public Sector administration amendments            Part 2
             Public Sector Management Act 1994 amended           Division 1
                                                                       s. 20

 1             (b)   to a public sector body or class of public sector
 2                   body specified in the instructions; or
 3             (c)   to an office or class of office specified in the
 4                   instructions; or
 5             (d)   to an employee or class of employees specified
 6                   in the instructions.
 7     (4)   Except as provided in section 21, the Commissioner's
 8           instructions need not be published in the Gazette but
 9           must be made publicly available in such manner as the
10           Commissioner thinks appropriate.
11     (5)   The Commissioner may amend or revoke the
12           Commissioner's instructions.
13    (6A)   The Commissioner must, before issuing, amending or
14           revoking a Commissioner's instruction, consult such
15           persons as the Commissioner considers it desirable and
16           practicable to consult.
17     (6)   The Commissioner's instructions are not subsidiary
18           legislation for the purposes of the Interpretation
19           Act 1984.

20   22B.    Disposition of employees and offices
21           When departments or organisations are established in
22           place of existing departments or organisations or by the
23           amalgamation or division of existing departments or
24           organisations, the Commissioner may effect the
25           disposition of offices, posts and positions and
26           employees and such other consequential changes as
27           appear necessary to give effect to the change in
28           departments or organisations.

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     Public Sector Reform Bill 2009
     Part 2          Public Sector administration amendments
     Division 1      Public Sector Management Act 1994 amended
     s. 20

 1        22C.       Reports to Ministers
 2                   The Commissioner may report from time to time to the
 3                   Minister responsible for a public sector body on the
 4                   compliance or non-compliance by the public sector
 5                   body and employees in the public sector body with --
 6                     (a) the principles set out in sections 8(1)(a), (b) and
 7                          (c) and 9; and
 8                     (b) public sector standards, codes of ethics and
 9                          codes of conduct.

10        22D.       Annual report
11             (1)   The Commissioner must in each year prepare a report
12                   on the following --
13                     (a) the state of administration and management of
14                           the Public Sector;
15                    (b) the compliance or non-compliance by public
16                           sector bodies and employees, either generally
17                           or in particular, with the principles set out in
18                           sections 8(1)(a), (b) and (c) and 9 and with
19                           public sector standards, codes of ethics and
20                           codes of conduct;
21                     (c) any other matters arising out of the
22                           performance of the Commissioner's functions
23                           that are, in the opinion of the Commissioner, of
24                           such significance as to require reporting in that
25                           manner.
26             (2)   A report required under subsection (1) may be prepared
27                   and dealt with in conjunction with any report required
28                   under the Financial Management Act 2006 by the
29                   Commissioner in his or her capacity as the accountable
30                   authority of the department principally assisting in the
31                   administration of this Act.

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                                             Public Sector Reform Bill 2009
                  Public Sector administration amendments            Part 2
             Public Sector Management Act 1994 amended           Division 1
                                                                       s. 20

 1   22E.    Other reports
 2           The Commissioner may, in addition to the annual
 3           report required under section 22D(1), at any time
 4           prepare a report on a matter referred to in
 5           section 22D(1).

 6   22F.    Reports under section 22D or 22E must be laid
 7           before Parliament
 8     (1)   Within 14 days after signing a report prepared under
 9           section 22D or 22E, the Commissioner is to transmit a
10           copy of the report to each House of Parliament.
11     (2)   If --
12             (a)   when the Commissioner is ready to transmit a
13                   report under subsection (1), a House of
14                   Parliament is not sitting; and
15             (b)   the Commissioner is of the opinion that that
16                   House will not sit during the remainder of the
17                   period referred to in subsection (1),
18           the Commissioner must transmit a copy of the report to
19           the Clerk of that House.
20     (3)   Subsections (1) and (2) do not apply in relation to a
21           report prepared under section 22D if the report is
22           prepared and dealt with as provided for in
23           section 22D(2).
24     (4)   A copy of a report transmitted to the Clerk of a House
25           of Parliament under subsection (2) is taken to have
26           been laid before the House.
27     (5)   The laying of a copy of a report before a House that is
28           taken to have occurred under subsection (4) is to be
29           reported to the House by the Clerk, and recorded in the
30           Votes and Proceedings or Minutes of Proceedings, on
31           the first sitting day of the House after the receipt of the
32           copy.

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     Public Sector Reform Bill 2009
     Part 2          Public Sector administration amendments
     Division 1      Public Sector Management Act 1994 amended
     s. 21

 1           22G.        Powers
 2                       The Commissioner has all the powers that are needed
 3                       for the performance of the Commissioner's functions.

 5   21.           Section 22 amended
 6         (1)     In section 22 delete "The" and insert:

 8                 (1)   The

10         (2)     At the end of section 22 insert:

12                 (2)   In particular, except as provided in this Act, the
13                       Commissioner is not subject to direction by the
14                       Minister or any other person in the performance of the
15                       Commissioner's functions.
16                 (3)   Section 32 does not apply to or in relation to the Public
17                       Sector Commissioner.

19   22.           Section 23 replaced
20                 Delete section 23 and insert:

22           23.         Delegation by Commissioner
23                 (1)   The Commissioner may delegate to a person any power
24                       or duty of the Commissioner under another provision
25                       of this Act or any other Act.
26                 (2)   A delegation under this section must be in writing and
27                       signed by the Commissioner.
28                 (3)   A person to whom a power or duty is delegated under
29                       this section cannot delegate that power or duty.

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                                                   Public Sector Reform Bill 2009
                        Public Sector administration amendments            Part 2
                   Public Sector Management Act 1994 amended           Division 1
                                                                             s. 23

 1           (4)   A person exercising or performing a power or duty that
 2                 has been delegated to the person under this section is
 3                 taken to do so in accordance with the terms of the
 4                 delegation unless the contrary is shown.
 5           (5)   Nothing in this section limits the ability of the
 6                 Commissioner to perform a function through an officer
 7                 or agent.

 9   23.     Part 3A Division 3 inserted
10           After section 23 insert:

12                 Division 3 -- Reviews, special inquiries
13                            and investigations
14                           Subdivision 1 -- Reviews

15         24A.    Terms used
16                 In this Division --
17                 authorised person has the meaning given in
18                 section 24C;
19                 review means a review conducted under section 24B.

20         24B.    Reviews
21           (1)   The Commissioner may on his or her own initiative
22                 conduct a review in respect of part or all of the
23                 functions, management or operations of one or more
24                 public sector bodies.
25           (2)   The Minister may by written notice direct the
26                 Commissioner to conduct a review in respect of part or
27                 all of the functions, management or operations of one
28                 or more public sector bodies.

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     Public Sector Reform Bill 2009
     Part 2          Public Sector administration amendments
     Division 1      Public Sector Management Act 1994 amended
     s. 23

 1             (3)   The text of a direction given under subsection (2) is to
 2                   be included in the annual report prepared by the
 3                   Commissioner under section 22D.
 4             (4)   The Commissioner must comply with a direction given
 5                   under subsection (2) unless, in the Commissioner's
 6                   opinion, there are exceptional circumstances for not
 7                   complying.
 8             (5)   If the Commissioner refuses to comply with a direction
 9                   given under subsection (2) the Commissioner must
10                   prepare written reasons for the failure to comply and
11                   cause the text of those reasons to be included in the
12                   annual report prepared by the Commissioner under
13                   section 22D.

14        24C.       Commissioner may authorise people to perform
15                   functions
16                   The Commissioner may, by written notice, authorise a
17                   person (an authorised person) to perform functions
18                   under this Subdivision.

19        24D.       Powers of Commissioner and authorised person
20             (1)   The Commissioner or an authorised person may for the
21                   purposes of a review --
22                     (a) enter the premises of a public sector body;
23                    (b) by written notice direct an employee to produce
24                          to him or her any document that is in the
25                          possession or under the control of the
26                          employee;
27                     (c) inspect any document produced to him or her
28                          and retain it for such reasonable period as he or
29                          she thinks fit, and make copies of it or any of
30                          its contents;
31                    (d) direct an employee to answer questions.

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 1     (2)   An employee who, without reasonable excuse, fails to
 2           comply with a direction under subsection (1)(b) within
 3           14 days of receiving it commits an offence.
 4           Penalty: a fine of $1 000.
 5     (3)   An employee who, without reasonable excuse, fails to
 6           comply with a direction under subsection (1)(d)
 7           commits an offence.
 8           Penalty: a fine of $1 000.

 9   24E.    Consultation before exercise of powers
10           The powers conferred by section 24D are exercisable
11           in relation to a public sector body only after
12           consultation with --
13             (a) the employing authority of the public sector
14                    body; and
15             (b) the Minister --
16                      (i) who is responsible for the public sector
17                            body; or
18                     (ii) to whom the administration of the Act
19                            under which the public sector body is
20                            established or continued is committed.

21   24F.    Privileges and other protection
22     (1)   Despite section 24D, an employee has the same
23           privileges in relation to a requirement imposed under
24           that section as a witness would have in proceedings in
25           the Supreme Court.
26     (2)   Section 24D does not derogate from --
27            (a) an enactment that imposes a prohibition or
28                  restriction on --
29                     (i) the availability of any information; or
30                    (ii) the production or examination of any
31                           document;
32                  or

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 1                    (b)     a privilege or immunity existing by custom or
 2                            convention and relating to the production of
 3                            documents or other information of previous
 4                            Governments of the State.

 5        24G.       Report on review
 6                   If a review was conducted on the direction of the
 7                   Minister under section 24B(2), the Commissioner must
 8                   provide the Minister with a written report on the
 9                   conduct and findings of the review.

10                          Subdivision 2 -- Special inquiries

11        24H.       Special inquiries
12             (1)   The Commissioner may on his or her own initiative --
13                    (a) arrange for the holding of a special inquiry into
14                         a matter related to the Public Sector; and
15                    (b) appoint a person or persons to carry out the
16                         special inquiry.
17             (2)   The Minister may direct the Commissioner to arrange
18                   for the holding of a special inquiry into a matter related
19                   to the Public Sector.
20             (3)   A direction given under subsection (2) must specify the
21                   matter to be the subject of the special inquiry.
22             (4)   The text of a direction given under subsection (2) is to
23                   be included in the annual report prepared by the
24                   Commissioner under section 22D.
25             (5)   The Commissioner must --
26                    (a) comply with a direction given under
27                         subsection (2); and
28                    (b) appoint a person or persons to carry out the
29                         special inquiry,

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 1            unless, in the Commissioner's opinion, there are
 2            exceptional circumstances for not complying.
 3      (6)   If the Commissioner refuses to comply with a direction
 4            given under subsection (2) the Commissioner must
 5            prepare written reasons for the failure to comply and
 6            cause the text of those reasons to be included in the
 7            annual report prepared by the Commissioner under
 8            section 22D.

 9   24I.     Powers of person conducting special inquiry
10      (1)   A special inquirer or a person authorised in writing by
11            a special inquirer may for the purposes of a special
12            inquiry --
13              (a) enter the premises of a public sector body; and
14              (b) by written notice require a person to produce to
15                    him or her any document that is in the
16                    possession or under the control of the person;
17                    and
18              (c) inspect any document produced to him or her
19                    and retain it for such reasonable period as he or
20                    she thinks fit, and make copies of it or any of
21                    its contents.
22      (2)   Schedule 3 applies to and in relation to a special
23            inquirer.

24   24J.     Procedure and evidence at special inquiries
25      (1)   An individual, public sector body or other body may be
26            represented at a special inquiry by a legal practitioner
27            or other agent.
28      (2)   A special inquirer must act independently in relation to
29            the performance of his or her functions.

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 1             (3)   A special inquirer --
 2                    (a) is not bound by the rules of evidence and may
 3                          be informed as the special inquirer thinks fit;
 4                          and
 5                    (b) must act according to equity, good conscience
 6                          and the substantial merits of the case and
 7                          without regard to technicalities and legal forms.
 8             (4)   To the extent that the practice or procedure of a special
 9                   inquirer is not prescribed by or under this Act, it is to
10                   be as the special inquirer determines.
11             (5)   A special inquirer does not have power to make an
12                   award of costs.

13        24K.       Reports on special inquiries
14             (1)   A special inquirer must --
15                    (a) within such period as the Commissioner
16                          requires, prepare a report on the conduct and
17                          findings, and any recommendations, of the
18                          special inquiry; and
19                    (b) immediately after preparing the report, provide
20                          the Commissioner with a copy of the report.
21             (2)   If a special inquiry was held on the direction of the
22                   Minister under section 24H(2), the Commissioner must
23                   provide the Minister with a copy of the report on the
24                   special inquiry provided to the Commissioner under
25                   subsection (1)(b).

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                                                                                 s. 24

 1                            Subdivision 3 -- Investigations

 3   24.         Section 24 amended
 4               Delete section 24(2) and insert:

 6               (2)   A person authorised under subsection (1) must --
 7                      (a) within such period as the Commissioner
 8                            requires, prepare a report on the conduct and
 9                            findings of, and any recommendations resulting
10                            from, an investigation by the person; and
11                      (b) immediately after preparing the report, provide
12                            the Commissioner with a copy of the report.

14   25.         Sections 25, 26 and 27 deleted
15               Delete sections 25, 26 and 27.

16   26.         Part 3A Division 4 heading inserted
17               Before section 28 insert:

19                        Division 4 -- Acting appointments

21   27.         Section 28 amended
22         (1)   Delete section 28(1) and insert:

24               (1)   The Governor may, on the recommendation of the
25                     Minister, appoint a person to act in the office of
26                     Commissioner during a period when --
27                      (a) the Commissioner is on leave of absence, or
28                            otherwise unable to perform the functions of
29                            Commissioner, or is absent from the State; or

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 1                      (b)   the Commissioner is suspended from that office
 2                            under section 18(3) or (4); or
 3                      (c)   that office is vacant.

 5      (2)    In section 28(3) delete "Commissioner for Public Sector
 6             Standards." and insert:

 8             Public Sector Commissioner.

10      (3)    Delete section 28(6) and insert:

12             (6)    If --
13                      (a)   a person immediately before appointment as
14                            Acting Commissioner under this section
15                            occupied an office in a department or
16                            organisation; and
17                      (b)   the person's period of office as Acting
18                            Commissioner ends and the person is not
19                            reappointed to the office; and
20                      (c)   but for the appointment as Acting
21                            Commissioner, the person would still be
22                            entitled to hold the office referred to in
23                            paragraph (a),
24                    the person is entitled to be appointed to an office in a
25                    department or organisation of at least the equivalent
26                    level of classification as the office that the person
27                    occupied immediately before appointment as Acting
28                    Commissioner.
29             (7)    Sections 17(4), 18, 19 and 20(1), (3) and (6) apply to
30                    an Acting Commissioner appointed under this section.

32             Note: The heading to amended section 28 is to read:

33                   Acting Commissioner appointed by Governor

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 1   28.     Sections 29A inserted
 2           After section 28 insert:

 4         29A.    Acting Commissioner appointed by Commissioner
 5           (1)   If the Governor has not appointed a person under
 6                 section 28, the Commissioner may appoint a person to
 7                 act in the office of Commissioner in the circumstances
 8                 referred to in section 28(1)(a).
 9           (2)   A person must not be appointed under subsection (1)
10                 for more than 13 weeks in a 12 month period.
11           (3)   An appointment under this section --
12                  (a) may be terminated at any time by the
13                       Commissioner; and
14                  (b) may be expressed to have effect only in the
15                       circumstances specified in the instrument of
16                       appointment.
17           (4)   If the Commissioner appoints a person under
18                 subsection (1) and the Governor later appoints a person
19                 under section 28 whose term of appointment is to begin
20                 before the term of the Commissioner's appointee has
21                 ended, the appointment of the Commissioner's
22                 appointee ceases to have effect on and from the day on
23                 which the term of the Governor's appointee begins.
24           (5)   Sections 18(1) and (2), 19 and 20(1), (3) and (6) apply
25                 to an Acting Commissioner appointed under this
26                 section.

27         29B.    Matters relevant to all acting appointments
28                 While an Acting Commissioner is acting in the office
29                 of Commissioner under section 28 or 29A --
30                   (a) the Acting Commissioner is to perform all the
31                        functions of the Commissioner and any act or

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 1                          thing done by the Acting Commissioner in that
 2                          performance has the like effect as if it were
 3                          done by the Commissioner; and
 4                    (b)   any act or thing that is required under a written
 5                          law to be done to, by reference to or in relation
 6                          to the Commissioner is taken to be effectually
 7                          done if done to, by reference to or in relation to
 8                          the Acting Commissioner; and
 9                    (c)   the Acting Commissioner has the same
10                          immunities and independence as the
11                          Commissioner.

13   29.       Part 2 Division 4 heading replaced
14             Delete the heading to Part 2 Division 4 and insert:

16                Part 3B -- Chief executive officers and
17                          chief employees

19   30.       Section 29 amended
20             In section 29(1):
21               (a) delete paragraph (h)(ii) and insert:

23                            (ii)   the relevant Commissioner's
24                                   instructions, if any;
25                          and

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 1                (b)     after paragraph (i) insert:

 3                       (ja)   where appropriate, to take improvement action
 4                              in respect of employees employed in that
 5                              department or organisation; and

 7   31.         Section 30 amended
 8               In section 30(b) after "comply with" insert:

10               the Commissioner's instructions,

12   32.         Section 31 amended
13         (1)   In section 31(1) and (2) delete "guidelines, if any, issued by the
14               Commissioner," and insert:

16               the relevant Commissioner's instructions, if any,

18         (2)   In section 31(4) delete "relevant annual report referred to in
19               section 21(1)(i)" and insert:

21               annual report prepared by the Commissioner under section 22D

23   33.         Section 32 amended
24               In section 32(1)(b) after "any" insert:

26               Commissioner's instruction,

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 1   34.         Section 33 replaced
 2               Delete section 33 and insert:

 4         33.         Delegation by chief executive officer or chief
 5                     employee
 6               (1)   Subject to any other written law, a chief executive
 7                     officer or chief employee may delegate any power or
 8                     duty of the chief executive officer or chief employee
 9                     under another provision of this Act to --
10                       (a) a public service officer; or
11                       (b) any other employee; or
12                       (c) a person who is appointed, employed or holds
13                             office in an entity that is --
14                                (i) listed in Schedule 1 column 2; and
15                               (ii) prescribed for the purposes of this
16                                     section;
17                             or
18                       (d) with the approval of the Commissioner, any
19                             other person.
20          (2A)       The Commissioner must not approve a delegation
21                     under subsection (1)(d) unless the Commissioner is
22                     satisfied that the delegation is necessary or convenient
23                     having regard to --
24                       (a) the functions of the department or organisation
25                             in relation to which the chief executive officer
26                             or chief employee has the power or duty; or
27                       (b) the specialised knowledge, expertise or
28                             resources of the person to whom the power or
29                             duty is delegated.
30               (2)   The delegation must be in writing and signed by the
31                     chief executive officer or chief employee.

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 1                (3)   A person to whom a power or duty is delegated under
 2                      this section cannot delegate that power or duty.
 3                (4)   A person exercising or performing a power or duty that
 4                      has been delegated to the person under this section is to
 5                      be taken to do so in accordance with the terms of the
 6                      delegation unless the contrary is shown.
 7               (5A)   If a power or duty is delegated under subsection (1),
 8                      the power or duty is, when exercised or performed by
 9                      the delegate, to be taken to be exercised or performed
10                      by the person who delegated it.
11                (5)   Nothing in this section limits the ability of the chief
12                      executive officer or chief employee to perform a
13                      function through an officer or agent.

15   35.          Section 35 amended
16         (1)    In section 35(1) delete "Minister --" and insert:

18                Commissioner --

20         (2)    After section 35(3) insert:

22                (4)   The Minister may direct the Commissioner to make a
23                      recommendation to the Governor under subsection (1)
24                      in respect of a department or departments specified in
25                      the direction, and the Commissioner must comply with
26                      the direction.
27                (5)   The text of a direction given under subsection (4) is to
28                      be included in the annual report prepared by the
29                      Commissioner under section 22D.

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 1   36.         Section 36 amended
 2         (1)   In section 36(1)(c) delete "approved procedures" and insert:

 4               the Commissioner's instructions

 6         (2)   Delete section 36(4).

 7   37.         Section 38 amended
 8         (1)   In section 38:
 9                 (a) delete "For the" and insert:

11               (1)    For the

13                (b)    delete "Governor may, on the recommendation of the
14                       Minister," and insert:

16                       Commissioner may

18         (2)   At the end of section 38 insert:

20               (2)    The Commissioner may amend or revoke a
21                      determination made under subsection (1).

23   38.         Section 40 amended
24               In section 40(1) delete "in public service notices." and insert:

26                      as a public sector notice in accordance with the
27                      Commissioner's instructions.

29   39.         Section 42 amended
30               Delete section 42(2).

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 1   40.         Section 43 amended
 2               In section 43(3) and (4) delete "Minister may from time to time
 3               by notice published in public service notices --" and insert:

 5                     Commissioner may from time to time by notice
 6                     published as a public sector notice in accordance with
 7                     the Commissioner's instructions --

 9   41.         Section 45 amended
10         (1)   Delete section 45(3) and (4) and insert:

12               (3)   If --
13                       (a)    there is a vacancy or an impending vacancy in
14                              the office of a chief executive officer; and
15                       (b) it is not intended to fill the vacancy by
16                              transferring a chief executive officer to that
17                              office under section 50, or temporarily by
18                              directing an employee to act in the office under
19                              section 51,
20                     the Commissioner must act under this section to enable
21                     the filling of that vacancy or impending vacancy.
22               (4)   The Commissioner must, for the purposes of
23                     subsection (3), invite --
24                       (a) the Minister; and
25                       (b) if the Minister is not the responsible authority
26                              of the agency concerned, that responsible
27                              authority; and
28                       (c) if the responsible authority of the agency
29                              concerned is not the Minister responsible for
30                              that agency, that Minister,
31                     to inform the Commissioner of any matters that they
32                     wish the Commissioner to take into account in

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 1                     recommending a person for appointment to the office
 2                     referred to in subsection (3).

 4         (2)   Delete section 45(8) to (12) and insert:
 6               (8)   When the Commissioner decides on a person suitable
 7                     for appointment to the relevant office, the
 8                     Commissioner must recommend to the Governor that
 9                     that person be appointed to the relevant office.

11         (3)   In section 45(13):
12                 (a) delete "nominated or";
13                 (b) delete "or the Minister, as the case requires,".

14   42.         Section 46 amended
15               Delete section 46(1) and insert:

17               (1)   If the contract of employment of a chief executive
18                     officer is about to expire and the chief executive officer
19                     has notified the Commissioner that he or she wishes to
20                     be reappointed to his or her office of chief executive
21                     officer, the Commissioner may --
22                       (a) recommend to the Governor that --
23                                (i) the chief executive officer be
24                                      reappointed to the relevant office; or
25                               (ii) if the chief executive officer has been
26                                      transferred to the performance of other
27                                      functions under section 50, the chief
28                                      executive officer be reappointed to
29                                      perform those functions at the same
30                                      level of classification; or
31                       (b) notify the chief executive officer that he or she
32                              will not be reappointed.

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 1   43.         Section 47 amended
 2         (1)   Delete section 47(1) and (2) and insert:

 4               (1)   A chief executive officer must, on appointment under
 5                     section 45, and at any time when required to do so
 6                     under the Commissioner's instructions, enter in
 7                     accordance with the Commissioner's instructions into
 8                     an agreement with --
 9                       (a) the Commissioner; and
10                       (b) the responsible authority of the agency of the
11                             chief executive officer,
12                     concerning the performance criteria to be met by the
13                     chief executive officer during the period to which the
14                     agreement relates.
15               (2)   A performance agreement does not take effect until the
16                     Minister responsible for the agency concerned (if that
17                     Minister is not the responsible authority of the agency)
18                     has approved the performance agreement and a note of
19                     that approval has been endorsed on the performance
20                     agreement.

22         (2)   In section 47(4) delete "approved procedures," and insert:

24               the Commissioner's instructions,

26   44.         Section 48 deleted
27               Delete section 48.

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 1   45.       Section 49 amended
 2             In section 49 delete "Minister made under section 48," and
 3             insert:

 5             Commissioner,

 7   46.       Section 50 amended
 8             Delete section 50(2) and insert:

10             (2)   Before making a recommendation referred to in
11                   subsection (1) the Commissioner must consult --
12                     (a) the responsible authority of the agency in which
13                          the office of the chief executive officer to
14                          whom the proposed recommendation relates is
15                          located; and
16                     (b) the responsible authority of the agency of
17                          destination; and
18                     (c) if neither of the responsible authorities referred
19                          to in paragraphs (a) or (b) is the Minister
20                          responsible for the relevant agency, that
21                          Minister; and
22                     (d) the chief executive officer to whom the
23                          proposed recommendation relates.

25   47.       Section 51 amended
26             Delete section 51(3) and insert:

28             (3)   The Commissioner must, before giving a direction
29                   under subsection (1), consult --
30                     (a) the responsible authority of the agency
31                          concerned; and

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 1                       (b)   if that responsible authority is not the Minister
 2                             responsible for that agency, that Minister.

 4   48.         Section 53 amended
 5         (1)   In section 53(1) delete "approved procedures" and insert:

 7               the Commissioner's instructions

 9         (2)   In section 53(3)(a) delete "approved procedures; and" and
10               insert:

12               the Commissioner's instructions; and

14         (3)   In section 53(5) delete "approved procedures" and insert:

16               the Commissioner's instructions

18   49.         Section 56 amended
19               In section 56(3) delete "Subject to sections 48 and 49, a
20               contract" and insert:

22               A contract

24   50.         Section 63 amended
25               In section 63(1)(h) delete "office." and insert:

27                             office (unless it is an appointment and the
28                             Commissioner authorises the offices being held
29                             concurrently by the executive officer).

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 1   51.         Section 64 amended
 2         (1)   In section 64(1) delete "approved procedures" and insert:

 4               the Commissioner's instructions

 6         (2)   In section 64(2)(a) and 64(3)(a) delete "approved procedures;
 7               and" and insert:

 9               the Commissioner's instructions; and

11         (3)   In section 64(4) delete "in public service notices" and insert:

13                     as a public sector notice in accordance with the
14                     Commissioner's instructions

16   52.         Section 67 amended
17               In section 67(f) delete "position." and insert:

19                             position (unless it is an appointment and the
20                             Commissioner authorises the offices, posts or
21                             positions being held concurrently by that public
22                             service officer).

24   53.         Section 70 amended
25               In section 70(1) delete "administration of this Act." and insert:

27               administration of this Part.

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 1   54.         Section 75 amended
 2         (1)   In section 75(1) delete "assisting the Minister in the
 3               administration of this Act" and insert:

 5               assisting in the administration of this Part

 7         (2)   In section 75(2):
 8                 (a) in paragraph (b) delete "office." and insert:

10                        office; or

12                (b)     after paragraph (b) insert:

14                        (c)   an employee in the department principally
15                              assisting in the administration of this Part as if
16                              the employee were seconded to occupy that
17                              office.

19         (3)   In section 75(3):
20                 (a) delete "subsection (2)(b) --" and insert:

22                        subsection (2)(b) or (c) --

24                (b)     delete "by such person or persons as are appointed by
25                        the Minister." and insert:

27                      in accordance with the Commissioner's instructions by
28                      a person or persons appointed by the chief executive
29                      officer of the department principally assisting in the
30                      administration of this Part.

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 1   55.          Section 79 amended
 2         (1)    In section 79(4) delete "an employee --" and insert:

 4                an employee other than a chief executive officer --

 6         (2)    After section 79(4) insert:

 8               (5A)   The Governor may, on the recommendation of the
 9                      Commissioner, terminate the employment in the Public
10                      Sector of a chief executive officer whose performance
11                      is, in the opinion of the Commissioner, substandard for
12                      the purposes of this section.
13               (5B)   The Commissioner must consult the responsible
14                      authority of the agency of the chief executive officer
15                      before making a recommendation under
16                      subsection (5A).

18         (3)    Delete section 79(6).

20   56.          Section 93 amended
21         (1)    After section 93(1) insert:

23               (2A)   The Commissioner must consult with the Minister to
24                      whom the administration of the Industrial Relations
25                      Act 1979 is committed, before giving an approval
26                      under subsection (1).

28         (2)    Delete section 93(2).
29         (3)    Delete section 93(4), (5) and (6).

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                                                                               s. 57

 1   57.     Section 99 deleted
 2           Delete section 99.

 3   58.     Section 100 amended
 4           In section 100(1) and (2) delete "approved procedures" and
 5           insert:

 7           the Commissioner's instructions

 9   59.     Section 105 amended
10           In section 105(2):
11             (a) in paragraph (a)(ii) delete "the Minister in the
12                   administration of this Act" and insert:

14                     in the administration of Part 4

16             (b)     delete paragraph (b)(i) and "or" after it and insert:

18                             (i)   the Minister and other Ministers; or

20   60.     Section 108A inserted
21           After section 107 insert:

23         108A.     Delegation by Ministers
24           (1)     The Minister may delegate to any person any power or
25                   duty of the Minister under another provision of this
26                   Act.
27           (2)     A delegation under this section must be in writing
28                   signed by the Minister.

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 1                (3)   A person to whom a power or duty is delegated in
 2                      accordance with this section cannot delegate that power
 3                      or duty.
 4                (4)   A person exercising or performing a power or duty that
 5                      has been delegated to the person in accordance with
 6                      this section is taken to do so in accordance with the
 7                      terms of the delegation unless the contrary is shown.
 8                (5)   Nothing in this section limits the ability of the Minister
 9                      to perform a function through an officer or agent.

11   61.          Section 108 amended
12         (1)    After section 108(1) insert:

14               (2A)   The regulations may make provision for or with respect
15                      to any matter for which the Commissioner's
16                      instructions can provide.
17               (2B)   A reference in this Act to a Commissioner's instruction
18                      is taken to include a reference to a regulation referred
19                      to in subsection (2A).

21         (2)    In section 108(2) after "inconsistent with a" insert:

23                Commissioner's instruction,

25   62.          Part 9 Division 1 heading inserted
26                After the heading to Part 9 insert:

28                 Division 1 -- Public Service Act 1978 repeal and
29                             transitional provisions

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 1   63.         Part 9 Division 2 inserted
 2               After section 112 insert:

 4               Division 2 -- Public Sector Reform Act 2009 Part 2
 5                      amendments: transitional provisions
 6           113.      Transitional provisions
 7                     Schedule 7 sets out transitional provisions.

 9   64.         Schedule 4 replaced
10               Delete Schedule 4 and insert:

12                        Schedule 4 -- Form of declaration
13                                                                                                      [s. 17(4)]
14                     I, ..................................................................................,
15                     sincerely promise and declare that, according to the best of
16                     my skill and ability, I will faithfully, impartially and truly
17                     execute the office and perform the functions of Public
18                     Sector Commissioner according to law.

20                     .........................................                      .........................
21                     (Signature of declarant)                                               (Date)

23   65.         Schedule 5 amended
24         (1)   In Schedule 5 clause 2(1) delete "Any" and insert:

26               Subject to Schedule 7 clause 4(6), any

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 1         (2)    Delete Schedule 5 clause 5(1)(a) and (b) and "or" after
 2                paragraph (b) and insert:

 4                        (a)   a Commissioner's instruction; or

 6         (3)    In Schedule 5 clause 5(2) delete "Minister in public service
 7                notices." and insert:

 9                      Commissioner in a notice published as a public sector notice
10                      in accordance with the Commissioner's instructions.

12   66.          Schedule 7 inserted
13                After Schedule 6 insert:

15               Schedule 7 -- Public Sector Reform Act 2009 Part 2
16                     amendments: transitional provisions
17                                                                               [s. 113]

18           1.         Terms used
19                      In this Schedule --
20                      amended Act means this Act as amended by the Public
21                      Sector Reform Act 2009;
22                      commencement day means the day on which the Public
23                      Sector Reform Act 2009 section 13 comes into operation;
24                      former Commissioner means the person holding the office
25                      of Commissioner for Public Sector Standards under this Act
26                      immediately before the commencement day.

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 1   2.         Incumbent CEO remains in office as Public Sector
 2              Commissioner
 3        (1)   In this clause --
 4              former office means the office of chief executive officer of
 5              the department principally assisting in the administration of
 6              Part 3 immediately before the commencement day.
 7        (2)   Despite section 17, if a person held the former office
 8              immediately before the commencement day (other than in
 9              an acting capacity), that person is to hold office as
10              Commissioner subject to Part 3A Division 1 for a term of
11              5 years beginning on the commencement day as if appointed
12              under section 17, and is eligible to be reappointed to that
13              office.
14   3.         Commissioner for Public Sector Standards
15        (1)   The former Commissioner is entitled to be employed in the
16              Public Service at the same level of classification as the
17              former Commissioner held immediately before the
18              commencement day until the end of the period for which the
19              former Commissioner was last appointed under this Act to
20              hold office.
21        (2)   The former Commissioner retains existing and accruing
22              entitlements in respect of leave of absence as if service in
23              the Public Service were a continuation of service in the
24              office of the Commissioner of Public Sector Standards.
25        (3)   If a person is acting in the office of the Commissioner of
26              Public Sector Standards under section 28 immediately
27              before the commencement day, section 20 as in force before
28              the commencement day continues to apply to that person.

29   4.         Approved procedures and other instruments
30        (1)   Any procedure or classification system approved under
31              section 3(2) as in force before the commencement day and
32              of effect immediately before that day is to be taken to be,
33              with any necessary modifications, a Commissioner's
34              instruction.

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 1             (2)   Any public sector standard or code of ethics established by
 2                   the former Commissioner under this Act and of effect
 3                   immediately before the commencement day is to be taken to
 4                   be, with any necessary modifications, a public sector
 5                   standard or code of ethics for the purposes of the amended
 6                   Act.
 7             (3)   Any order published under section 25(1)(a) as in force
 8                   before the commencement day and of effect immediately
 9                   before that day is to be taken to be, with any necessary
10                   modifications, an order published under section 21(9A) of
11                   the amended Act.
12             (4)   Any guidelines issued by the former Commissioner for the
13                   purposes of section 31 as in force before the commencement
14                   day and of effect immediately before that day are to be taken
15                   to be, with any necessary modifications, Commissioner's
16                   instructions.
17             (5)   Any direction given under section 42(2) as in force before
18                   the commencement day and of effect immediately before
19                   that day is to be taken to be, with any necessary
20                   modifications, a Commissioner's instruction.
21             (6)   Any public service notice of effect immediately before the
22                   commencement day is to be taken to be a public sector
23                   notice.
24             (7)   Any approval given by the Minister under section 93(1) as
25                   in force before the commencement day and of effect
26                   immediately before that day continues to be of effect as if it
27                   were an approval given by the Commissioner.

28        5.         Reviews, special inquiries and investigations
29             (1)   If immediately before the commencement day --
30                     (a)   a review was being carried out under an
31                           arrangement by the Minister under section 10 as in
32                           force immediately before the commencement day;
33                           and
34                     (b)   any employee had been authorised by the Minister
35                           to perform functions for the purpose of the review,

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 1              the review is to be continued as if it were a review the
 2              Minister had directed the Commissioner to conduct under
 3              section 24B of the amended Act and the employee had been
 4              authorised for the purpose of that review by the
 5              Commissioner.
 6        (2)   If immediately before the commencement day, a special
 7              inquirer was carrying out a special inquiry under this Act,
 8              the special inquirer is to continue to carry out the inquiry as
 9              if the special inquirer were appointed under section 24H of
10              the amended Act to carry out the special inquiry.
11        (3)   If immediately before the commencement day --
12                (a)   an investigation was being carried out under
13                      section 24 as in force immediately before the
14                      commencement day;
15                (b)   any person had been authorised to perform
16                      functions for the purpose of the investigation,
17              the investigation is to be continued as if it were an
18              investigation the Commissioner had commenced under
19              section 24 of the amended Act and the person had been
20              authorised for the purpose of that investigation by the
21              Commissioner.

22   6.         Special offices
23              A special office created under section 36 as in force before
24              the commencement day for the purposes of section 75(1) as
25              in force before that day and in existence immediately before
26              that day continues in existence after that day as if it were
27              created by the chief executive officer of the department
28              assisting in the administration of Part 4.

29   7.         Provisions affecting employment of chief executive
30              officers
31        (1)   If --
32                (a)   before the commencement day the Minister
33                      requested the former Commissioner to act under
34                      section 45 as in force before the commencement

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 1                           day to fill a vacancy or impending vacancy in the
 2                           office of a chief executive officer; and
 3                     (b)   the vacancy or impending vacancy is not filled
 4                           before the commencement day,
 5                   any actions taken by the former Commissioner under that
 6                   section are to be taken to have been taken by the
 7                   Commissioner, and the Commissioner may continue to act
 8                   under section 45 of the amended Act to fill the vacancy.
 9             (2)   If --
10                     (a)   before the commencement day the Minister acted
11                           on a matter under section 48 for the purposes of
12                           section 46(1) or 49 (as those sections were in force
13                           immediately before the commencement day); and
14                     (b)   on the commencement day further action remains to
15                           be taken under section 46 or 49 in relation to that
16                           matter,
17                   the Commissioner may continue to act under section 46 or
18                   49 of the amended Act as the case requires.
19             (3)   Any performance agreement of effect immediately before
20                   the commencement day continues to be of effect under
21                   section 47 of the amended Act.
22             (4)   If --
23                     (a)   before the commencement day the Minister took
24                           action under section 50(2) for the purpose of
25                           making a recommendation under section 50(1) (as
26                           those provisions were in force before the
27                           commencement day); and
28                     (b)   the recommendation has not been made before the
29                           commencement day,
30                   the action referred to in paragraph (a) is to be taken to have
31                   been taken by the Commissioner, and the Commissioner
32                   may continue to act under section 50 of the amended Act in
33                   relation to the recommendation.

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 1        (5)   If --
 2                (a)   before the commencement day the Minister took
 3                      action under section 51(3) for the purpose of giving
 4                      a direction under section 51(1) (as those provisions
 5                      were in force before the commencement day); and
 6                (b)   the Minister has not given the direction before the
 7                      commencement day,
 8              the Commissioner may give the direction under
 9              section 51(1) of the amended Act as if the action referred to
10              in paragraph (a) had been taken by the Commissioner.
11        (6)   A direction given under section 51(1) as in force before the
12              commencement day and of effect before the commencement
13              day is to be taken to have been given under section 51 of the
14              amended Act by the Commissioner.
15        (7)   On the commencement day the Commissioner is substituted
16              for the Minister as a party to the contract of employment of
17              each chief executive officer.

18   8.         Continuing effect of things done under section 97
19              A thing done or omitted to be done by the former
20              Commissioner under section 97 as in force before the
21              commencement day has the same effect after that day as if it
22              had been done or omitted under section 97 of the amended
23              Act.

24   9.         Section 107 directions
25              A direction given under section 107(1) as in force before the
26              commencement day and of effect on that day is to be taken
27              to be a direction of the Commissioner.

28   10A.       General savings -- Commissioner
29        (1)   A thing done or omitted to be done by, to or in relation to
30              the former Commissioner before the commencement day,
31              whether under this Act or any other written law, has the
32              same effect after the commencement day, to the extent that
33              it has any force or significance after that day, as if it had

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 1                    been done or omitted by, to or in relation to the
 2                    Commissioner.
 3              (2)   Subclause (1) does not apply if a contrary intention appears
 4                    or the context otherwise requires.

 5        10.         Power to amend subsidiary legislation
 6              (1)   The Governor, on the recommendation of the Minister, may
 7                    make regulations amending subsidiary legislation made
 8                    under any Act.
 9              (2)   The Minister may make a recommendation under
10                    subclause (1) only if the Minister considers that each
11                    amendment proposed to be made by the regulations is
12                    necessary or desirable as a consequence of the enactment of
13                    the Public Sector Reform Act 2009 Part 2.
14              (3)   Nothing in this clause prevents subsidiary legislation from
15                    being amended in accordance with the Act under which it
16                    was made.

17        11.         Transitional regulations
18              (1)   If there is no sufficient provision in this Schedule for
19                    dealing with a transitional matter, regulations may prescribe
20                    all matters that are required or necessary or convenient to be
21                    prescribed for dealing with the matter.
22              (2)   In subclause (1) --
23                    transitional matter means a matter that needs to be dealt
24                    with for the purpose of effecting the transition from an Act
25                    (including this Act) as enacted immediately before the
26                    commencement day to the Act as amended by the Public
27                    Sector Reform Act 2009 Part 2.
28              (3)   Regulations made under subclause (1) may provide that
29                    specified provisions of this Act as in force after the
30                    commencement of the Public Sector Reform Act 2009, or of
31                    subsidiary legislation made under this Act, or of an Act
32                    amended by the Public Sector Reform Act 2009 --
33                      (a)   do not apply; or

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 1                       (b)   apply with specified modifications,
 2                     to or in relation to any matter.
 3               (4)   If regulations under subclause (1) provide that a specified
 4                     state of affairs is to be taken to have existed, or not to have
 5                     existed, on and from a day that is earlier than the day on
 6                     which the regulations are published in the Gazette but not
 7                     earlier than the commencement day, the regulations have
 8                     effect according to their terms.
 9               (5)   In subclauses (3) and (4) --
10                     specified means specified or described in the regulations.
11               (6)   If regulations contain a provision referred to in
12                     subclause (4), the provision does not operate so as to --
13                       (a)   affect in a manner prejudicial to any person (other
14                             than the State or an authority of the State), the rights
15                             of that person existing before the day of publication
16                             of those regulations; or
17                       (b)   impose liabilities on any person (other than the
18                             State or an authority of the State) in respect of
19                             anything done or omitted to be done before the day
20                             of publication of those regulations.

21         12.         Interpretation Act 1984 not affected
22                     The provisions of this Schedule are additional to and do not
23                     prejudice or affect the application of the Interpretation
24                     Act 1984 Part V.

26   67.         Various references to "Minister" amended
27               In the provisions listed in the Table delete "Minister" (each
28               occurrence) and insert:

30               Commissioner

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1                                        Table
      s. 41(a)(i)                           s. 43(8)

      s. 44(3)                              s. 45(1)

      s. 46(2)                              s. 50(1)

      s. 51(1) and (2)                      s. 59(2)

      s. 63(1)(g)                           s. 77(a)(i)

      s. 89(1) and (2)                      s. 93(1)

      s. 94(3)                              s. 107(1)(a)

3   68.       Various references to "of the Crown" deleted
4             In the provisions listed in the Table delete "of the Crown" (each
5             occurrence).
6                                        Table
      s. 3(1) def. of political office      s. 3(4)
      holder par. (g), def. of
      responsible authority par. (b)

      s. 5(2)(a)(i)                         s. 8(2)

      s. 41(b)                              s. 58(7) def. of statutory office

      s. 74(1)                              s. 77(b)

      s. 79(4) and (6)                      s. 105(2)(b)(ii)

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1   69.      Various cross-references amended
2            Amend the provisions listed in the Table as set out in the Table.
3                                       Table
            Provision                  Delete                    Insert

      s. 24(1)                 sections 12 and 13       sections 24I and 24J

      s. 31(3)                 section 25(1)            section 21(9A)

      s. 87(1)                 sections 12 and 13       sections 24I and 24J

      Schedule 3               [s. 12(2),               [s. 24I(2),

4   70.      Other provisions amended
5            Amend the provisions listed in the Table as set out in the Table.
6                                       Table
            Provision                  Delete                    Insert

      s. 3(1) def. of          department               a department
      agency par. (a)

      s. 3(1) def. of          SES                      a SES
      agency par. (b)

      s. 3(1) def. of breach means breach               means a breach
      of discipline

      s. 3(1) def. of chief    chief employee           a chief employee
      employee par. (a)
      and (b)

      s. 3(1) def. of chief    organisation;            organisation; or
      employee par. (a)

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          Provision                Delete              Insert

  s. 3(1) def. of chief   person               a person
  employee par. (c)

  s. 3(1) def. of chief   person               a person
  executive officer
  par. (a) and (b)

  s. 3(1) def. of         means system         means a system
  classification system

  s. 3(1) def. of code    means code           means a code
  of conduct

  s. 3(1) def. of                              or
  compensation after
  par. (a)

  s. 3(1) def. of         means department     means a department

  s. 3(1) def. of         includes tape,       includes a tape,

  s. 3(1) def. of         means person         means a person

  s. 3(1) def. of         means chief          means a chief
  executive officer

  s. 3(1) def. of         means Minister of    means the Minister
  Minister                the Crown

  s. 3(1) def. of         means person         means a person
  ministerial officer

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                                                                       s. 70

      Provision                   Delete                  Insert

s. 3(1) def. of          means entity             means an entity

s. 3(1) def. of          means non-SES            means a non-SES

s. 3(1) def. of          means agreement          means an agreement

s. 3(1) def. of          means person             means a person
permanent officer

s. 3(1) def. of          Minister of the          a Minister
political office         Crown
holder par. (a)

s. 3(1) def. of          Parliamentary            the Parliamentary
political office
holder par. (b)

s. 3(1) def. of          Parliamentary            a Parliamentary
political office
holder par. (c)

s. 3(1) def. of          Government               the Government
political office
holder par. (d)

s. 3(1) def. of          Leader                   the Leader
political office
holder par. (e) and

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s. 70

          Provision                  Delete            Insert

  s. 3(1) def. of           person             a person
  political office
  holder par. (g)

  s. 3(1) def. of                              or
  political office
  holder after each of
  par. (a), (b), (c), (d)
  and (e)

  s. 3(1) def. of Public                       and
  Sector after par. (a)

  s. 3(1) def. of public    agency,            an agency,
  sector body

  s. 3(1) def. of Public    means Public       means the Public

  s. 3(1) def. of public    means executive    means an executive
  service officer

  s. 3(1) def. of           means Public       means the Public
  repealed Act

  s. 3(1) def. of           means person       means a person

  s. 3(1) def. of           board,             a board,
  authority par. (a)

  s. 3(1) def. of           Minister           the Minister
  authority par. (b)

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                                                                       s. 70

      Provision                 Delete                    Insert

s. 3(1) def. of          means responsible        means a responsible

s. 3(1) def. of senior   means member             means a member
executive officer

s. 3(1) def. of Senior   means Senior             means the Senior
Executive Service

s. 3(1) def. of SES      means entity             means an entity

s. 3(1) def. of special means special             means a special
disciplinary inquiry

s. 3(1) def. of term     means person             means a person

s. 3(5)                  Crown                    State
                         (each occurrence)

s. 5(1) def. of                                   or
employing authority
after each of par. (b)
and (c)(i)

s. 8(1) after each of                             and
par. (a), (b) and (c)

s. 9 after each of                                and
par. (a)(i) and
par. (a)

s. 21(1) after each of                            and
par. (a) to (e)

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s. 70

          Provision                    Delete           Insert

  s. 29(1) after each of                        and
  par. (a) to (g) and (i)
  to (m)

  s. 30 after each of                           and
  par. (a) and (b)

  s. 32 after par. (a)                          and

  s. 35(1) after each of                        and
  par. (a) and (b)

  s. 36(1) after par. (a)                       and

  s. 45(1)                  Crown               State

  s. 45(13) after each                          and
  of par. (a), (b)
  and (c)

  s. 46(2)(a)               Crown               State

  s. 51(2)                  is valid            is as valid

  s. 53(1)                  Crown               State

  s. 56(2) after par. (a)                       and

  s. 56(6)                  Crown               State

  s. 57(1) after par.(a)                        and

  s. 57(2) def. of          means Salaries      means the Salaries

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                                                                       s. 70

        Provision                Delete                    Insert

s. 58(7) def. of right   means entitlement        means the
of return                                         entitlement

s. 58(7) def. of         means office,            means an office,
statutory office

s. 59(5)                 Crown.                   State.

s. 63(1) after each of                            or
par. (a) to (f)

s. 64(1)                 Crown                    State

s. 67 after each of                               or
par. (a) to (d)

s. 70(7)                 Crown                    State

s. 86(13) def. of        means person             means a person
directed person

s. 86(13) def. of        means disciplinary       means a disciplinary
disciplinary inquiry

s. 91                    Crown.                   State.

s. 93(3) def. of         means department         means a department
affected department
or organisation

s. 94(2) after each of                            and
par. (a) and (b)

s. 94(3)                 provide for --            provide for the
                                                  following --

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     Division 2      Other Acts amended
     s. 71

                 Provision                Delete                   Insert

       s. 94(3) after par. (f)    and

       s. 94(6)                   means office,            means an office,

       s. 94(6) after par. (a)                             and

       s. 99(1) after par. (a)                             and

 1                       Division 2 -- Other Acts amended
 2   71.         Agricultural Practices (Disputes) Act 1995 amended
 3         (1)   This section amends the Agricultural Practices (Disputes)
 4               Act 1995.
 5         (2)   In section 19(1) delete "Minister to whom the administration of
 6               the Public Sector Management Act 1994 is committed." and
 7               insert:

 9               Public Sector Commissioner.

11         (3)   In section 19(2) delete "Minister to whom the administration of
12               that Act is committed," and insert:

14               Public Sector Commissioner,

16   72.         Auditor General Act 2006 amended
17         (1)   This section amends the Auditor General Act 2006.
18         (2)   In section 9(2) delete "sections 21(1)(e) and (g) to (i)," and
19               insert:

21               sections 21(1)(e), 22C, 22D, 22E,

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                                                Other Acts amended         Division 2
                                                                                 s. 73

 1   73.         Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899 amended
 2         (1)   This section amends the Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899.
 3         (2)   In Schedule V Part I Division 2:
 4                 (a) delete the item relating to the Commissioner for Public
 5                      Sector Standards;
 6                 (b) insert in alphabetical order:

 8                      Public Sector Commissioner appointed under the Public
 9                               Sector Management Act 1994.

11   74.         Corruption and Crime Commission Act 2003 amended
12         (1)   This section amends the Corruption and Crime Commission
13               Act 2003.
14         (2)   In section 3(1):
15                 (a) in the definition of independent agency delete
16                       paragraph (e) and insert:

18                       (e)   the Public Sector Commissioner;

20                (b)    after each of paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) insert:

22                       and

24         (3)   Delete section 90(6) and insert:

26               (6)    A report about a person proposed to be appointed as a
27                      chief executive officer may be given to --
28                        (a) the Public Sector Commissioner; and

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     s. 75

 1                      (b)    any Minister that the Public Sector
 2                             Commissioner considers has a relevant interest
 3                             in the report.

 5   75.         Electricity Corporations Act 2005 amended
 6         (1)   This section amends the Electricity Corporations Act 2005.
 7         (2)   In section 3(1) delete the definition of Commissioner for Public
 8               Sector Standards.
 9         (3)   In the provisions listed in the Table delete "Commissioner for
10               Public Sector Standards" (each occurrence) and insert:

12               Public Sector Commissioner

14                                        Table
       s. 21(1), (5) and (6)                  s. 22(1) and (3)

       s. 31(2) and (4)                       s. 32(1) and (3)

       s. 33(2)

16   76.         Financial Management Act 2006 amended
17         (1)   This section amends the Financial Management Act 2006.
18         (2)   In section 51(3) delete "sections 12 and 13" and insert:

20               sections 24I and 24J

22   77.         Gas Pipelines Access (Western Australia) Act 1998 amended
23         (1)   This section amends the Gas Pipelines Access (Western
24               Australia) Act 1998.

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                                                                                s. 78

 1         (2)   In section 63(11) delete the definition of Commissioner and
 2               insert:

 4                     Commissioner means the Public Sector Commissioner
 5                     under the Public Sector Management Act 1994;

 7   78.         Interpretation Act 1984 amended
 8         (1)   This section amends the Interpretation Act 1984.
 9         (2)   In section 5 insert in alphabetical order:

11                     Public Sector Commissioner means the person holding
12                     the office established by the Public Sector
13                     Management Act 1994 section 16;
14                     public service officer has the meaning given in the
15                     Public Sector Management Act 1994 section 3(1);

17   79.         Midland Redevelopment Act 1999 amended
18         (1)   This section amends the Midland Redevelopment Act 1999.
19         (2)   In section 10 delete "Minister to whom the administration of the
20               PSM Act is for the time being committed by the Governor." and
21               insert:

23               Public Sector Commissioner.

25   80.         Parliamentary Commissioner Act 1971 amended
26         (1)   This section amends the Parliamentary Commissioner Act 1971.

                                                                            page 59
     Public Sector Reform Bill 2009
     Part 2          Public Sector administration amendments
     Division 2      Other Acts amended
     s. 81

 1         (2)   In Schedule 1 delete the item relating to the Public Sector
 2               Management Act 1994 and insert:

                 Public Sector             Public Sector Commissioner to the extent
                 Management Act 1994       of the Commissioner's functions other
                                           than that of chief executive officer of the
                                           department of the Public Service
                                           principally assisting in the administration
                                           of the Public Sector Management
                                           Act 1994

 5   81.         Port Authorities Act 1999 amended
 6         (1)   This section amends the Port Authorities Act 1999.
 7         (2)   In section 3(1) delete the definition of Commissioner for Public
 8               Sector Standards.
 9         (3)   In the provisions listed in the Table delete "Commissioner for
10               Public Sector Standards" (each occurrence) and insert:

12               Public Sector Commissioner

14                                        Table
       s. 17(1), (4) and (5)                  s. 18(1) and (3)

       s. 21(1) and (3)                       s. 22(1) and (3)

       s. 23(2)

16   82.         Public Interest Disclosure Act 2003 amended
17         (1)   This section amends the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2003.

     page 60
                                                      Public Sector Reform Bill 2009
                           Public Sector administration amendments            Part 2
                                               Other Acts amended         Division 2
                                                                                s. 83

 1         (2)   In section 3(1) delete the definition of Commissioner and insert:

 3                     Commissioner means the person holding the office of
 4                     Public Sector Commissioner established by the Public
 5                     Sector Management Act 1994 section 16;

 7         (3)   Delete the heading to Part 4 and insert:

 9               Part 4 -- Role of Public Sector Commissioner

11   83.         Salaries and Allowances Act 1975 amended
12         (1)   This section amends the Salaries and Allowances Act 1975.
13         (2)   In section 10(4)(b) delete "chief executive officer of the
14               department principally assisting the Minister in the
15               administration of the Public Sector Management Act 1994" and
16               insert:

18               Public Sector Commissioner

20   84.         State Administrative Tribunal Act 2004 amended
21         (1)   This section amends the State Administrative Tribunal Act 2004.
22         (2)   In section 121(2) delete "Commissioner for Public Sector
23               Standards" and insert:

25               Public Sector Commissioner

27   85.         State Records Act 2000 amended
28         (1)   This section amends the State Records Act 2000.

                                                                            page 61
     Public Sector Reform Bill 2009
     Part 2          Public Sector administration amendments
     Division 2      Other Acts amended
     s. 86

 1         (2)   In section 69(2) delete "sections 12 and 13" and insert:

 3               sections 24I and 24J

 5   86.         Subiaco Redevelopment Act 1994 amended
 6         (1)   This section amends the Subiaco Redevelopment Act 1994.
 7         (2)   In section 3 delete the definition of Public Service Act.
 8         (3)   In section 10 delete "Minister to whom the administration of the
 9               Public Service Act is for the time being committed by the
10               Governor." and insert:

12               Public Sector Commissioner.

14         (4)   In section 14(1) delete "Public Service Act" and insert:

16               Public Sector Management Act 1994

18         (5)   In section 15(1) delete "Minister to whom the administration of
19               the Public Service Act is for the time being committed by the
20               Governor," and insert:

22               Public Sector Commissioner

24         (6)   In section 17 delete "Public Service Act" and insert:

26               Public Sector Management Act 1994

28   87.         Water Corporation Act 1995 amended
29         (1)   This section amends the Water Corporation Act 1995.

     page 62
                                                      Public Sector Reform Bill 2009
                           Public Sector administration amendments            Part 2
                                               Other Acts amended         Division 2
                                                                                s. 88

 1         (2)   In section 3(1) delete the definition of Commissioner for Public
 2               Sector Standards.
 3         (3)   In the provisions listed in the Table delete "Commissioner for
 4               Public Sector Standards" (each occurrence) and insert:

 6               Public Sector Commissioner

 8                                        Table
       s. 16(1), (5) and (6)                  s. 17(1) and (3)

       s. 24(1) and (3)                       s. 25(1) and (3)

       s. 26(2)

10   88.         Western Australian Land Authority Act 1992 amended
11         (1)   This section amends the Western Australian Land Authority
12               Act 1992.
13         (2)   In section 4(1) delete the definition of Commissioner for Public
14               Sector Standards.
15         (3)   In the provisions listed in the Table delete "Commissioner for
16               Public Sector Standards" (each occurrence) and insert:

18               Public Sector Commissioner

20                                        Table
       s. 12(1), (4) and (5)                  s. 13(1) and (3)

       s. 14B(1) and (3)                      s. 14C(1) and (3)

       s. 14D(2)

                                                                            page 63
    Public Sector Reform Bill 2009
    Part 2          Public Sector administration amendments
    Division 2      Other Acts amended
    s. 89

1   89.         Various references to "Minister for Public Sector
2               Management" amended
3         (1)   This section amends the Acts listed in the Table.
4         (2)   In the provisions listed in the Table delete "Minister for Public
5               Sector Management" and insert:

7               Public Sector Commissioner

9                                        Table
      Agricultural Produce                   Sch. cl. 2
      Commission Act 1988

      Agriculture Protection Board           s. 8(1)(m)
      Act 1950

      Animal Resources Authority             s. 7, 12(2) and (4)
      Act 1981

      Architects Act 2004                    s. 9

      Armadale Redevelopment                 s. 10
      Act 2001

      Biosecurity and Agriculture            s. 48(4)
      Management Act 2007

      Botanic Gardens and Parks              s. 8
      Authority Act 1998

      Builders' Registration Act 1939        s. 6(4), 30(1)

      Building and Construction              Sch. 1 cl. 2
      Industry Training Fund and
      Levy Collection Act 1990

    page 64
                                           Public Sector Reform Bill 2009
                Public Sector administration amendments            Part 2
                                    Other Acts amended         Division 2
                                                                     s. 89

Caravan Parks and Camping          Sch. 1 cl. 7(1)
Grounds Act 1995

Carers Recognition Act 2004        s. 17

Cemeteries Act 1986                s. 9

Chemistry Centre (WA) Act 2007 s. 8(1) and (2)

Chicken Meat Industry Act 1977     s. 9

Child Care Services Act 2007       s. 41(8)

Children and Community             s. 27(8), 92(7)(b)
Services Act 2004

Chiropractors Act 2005             s. 9

Coal Industry Tribunal of          s. 27
Western Australia Act 1992

Commissioner for Children and      s. 56
Young People Act 2006

Conservation and Land              s. 20(4)(b), 30
Management Act 1984

Construction Industry Portable     s. 9(1)
Paid Long Service Leave
Act 1985

Contaminated Sites Act 2003        s. 33(5)

Country Housing Act 1998           s. 6

Criminal Injuries Compensation     Sch. 1 cl. 3(4)
Act 2003

                                                                 page 65
Public Sector Reform Bill 2009
Part 2          Public Sector administration amendments
Division 2      Other Acts amended
s. 89

  Curriculum Council Act 1997         s. 8

  Dental Prosthetists Act 1985        s. 9

  Disability Services Act 1993        Sch. 3 cl. 4, Sch. 5 cl. 4

  East Perth Redevelopment            s. 10, 14(1)(b), 15(2)
  Act 1991

  Economic Regulation Authority       s. 12(1)
  Act 2003

  Edith Cowan University              s. 31(2)
  Act 1984

  Electricity Industry Act 2004       s. 81(3)

  Energy Coordination Act 1994        s. 11ZPO(3), 25(4)

  Environmental Protection            s. 9, 22(2), 25(3), 29(4), 40(8),
  Act 1986                            108(2), Sch. 7 cl. 2(1)(a) and 5

  Equal Opportunity Act 1984          s. 75(5), 78(3)(a), 142(4)

  Fire and Emergency Services         s. 10, 28
  Authority of Western Australia
  Act 1998

  Fish Resources Management           s. 245(1)
  Act 1994

  Fisheries Adjustment Schemes        s. 13
  Act 1987

  Food Act 2008                       s. 124(2)(c)

  Forest Products Act 2000            s. 8(1) and (2), 66(7) and (8)

page 66
                                           Public Sector Reform Bill 2009
                Public Sector administration amendments            Part 2
                                    Other Acts amended         Division 2
                                                                     s. 89

Gaming and Wagering                s. 13(1), 109D(8)
Commission Act 1987

Gender Reassignment Act 2000       s. 9(1)

Grain Marketing Act 2002           s. 9

Guardianship and                   s. 91(3), 93(3)(a)
Administration Act 1990

Health Legislation                 s. 6(3), 11(3)
Administration Act 1984

Health Services (Conciliation      Sch. 2 cl. 2(a), 6
and Review) Act 1995

Heritage of Western Australia      s. 10(2), 27(2), 28(1)
Act 1990

Higher Education Act 2004          s. 21(3)

Hospitals and Health Services      s. 7E(4)
Act 1927

Housing Act 1980                   s. 18(1)

Human Reproductive                 Sch. cl. 4(1)
Technology Act 1991

Industry and Technology            s. 24
Development Act 1998

Insurance Commission of            s. 5(5), 11(5)
Western Australia Act 1986



and Administration Act 1997 s. 97(9) page 67 Public Sector Reform Bill 2009 Part 2 Public Sector administration amendments Division 2 Other Acts amended s. 89 Land Information Authority s. 23 Act 2006 Law Reform Commission s. 9(2) Act 1972 Legal Aid Commission Act 1976 s. 20(1), 21(1) Legal Profession Act 2008 s. 317, 564 Liquor Control Act 1988 s. 9H(1) Litter Act 1979 s. 15(3) Local Government Act 1995 Sch. 2.5 cl. 8(1), Sch. 5.1 cl. 9(1) Local Government Grants s. 7(2) Act 1978 Lotteries Commission Act 1990 s. 9(2), Sch. 1 cl. 3 Main Roads Act 1930 First Sch. cl. 5 Marketing of Potatoes Act 1946 s. 18(2) Medical Practitioners Act 2008 s. 10 Medical Radiation Technologists s. 8 Act 2006 Mental Health Act 1996 s. 180(1), Sch. 1 cl. 2(2) Minerals and Energy Research s. 16, 25, 31(3) Act 1987 Mines Safety and Inspection s. 19(3), 20(3), 48(3), 82(5) Act 1994 page 68 Public Sector Reform Bill 2009 Public Sector administration amendments Part 2 Other Acts amended Division 2 s. 89 Mining Act 1978 s. 13(4) Nurses and Midwives Act 2006 s. 9 Occupational Safety and Health s. 8(2), 9(3), 14A(6), 15(4) Act 1984 Occupational Therapists s. 9 Act 2005 Optometrists Act 2005 s. 9 Osteopaths Act 2005 s. 9 Owner-Drivers (Contracts and s. 24 Disputes) Act 2007 Painters' Registration Act 1961 s. 8 Parks and Reserves Act 1895 s. 15(2)(a) Pearling Act 1990 s. 41 Perth Market Act 1926 s. 8 Physiotherapists Act 2005 s. 9 Planning and Development s. 13 Act 2005 Podiatrists Act 2005 s. 9 Port Authorities Act 1999 s. 7(2) Port Kennedy Development s. 17 Agreement Act 1992 Prisons Act 1981 s. 6(5), 13(1) page 69 Public Sector Reform Bill 2009 Part 2 Public Sector administration amendments Division 2 Other Acts amended s. 89 Professional Combat Sports s. 6(1) Act 1987 Professional Standards Act 1997 Sch. 1 cl. 4(1) and (2) Psychologists Act 2005 s. 8 Public Works Act 1902 s. 9D Racing Penalties (Appeals) Sch. cl. 1(3), 2 Act 1990 Radiation Safety Act 1975 s. 20 Real Estate and Business Agents s. 11, 23A(9), 131KA Act 1978 Regional Development s. 19(1) and (2)(a), 29(2) Commissions Act 1993 Retail Trading Hours Act 1987 s. 17(5) Rights in Water and Irrigation s. 26GR Act 1914 Road Safety Council Act 2002 s. 10 Rottnest Island Authority s. 8 Act 1987 Royalties for Regions Act 2009 s. 20 Rural Business Development s. 14 Corporation Act 2000 School Education Act 1999 s. 39(9)(b), 87(7)(b), 93(9)(b), 241(7)(b) page 70 Public Sector Reform Bill 2009 Public Sector administration amendments Part 2 Other Acts amended Division 2 s. 89 Sentence Administration Sch. 1 cl. 6(1) Act 2003 Settlement Agents Act 1981 s. 11 Small Business Development s. 7(1) Corporation Act 1983 Soil and Land Conservation s. 41(3) Act 1945 State Administrative Tribunal s. 119(5) Act 2004 State Records Act 2000 Sch. 4 cl. 7 State Superannuation Act 2000 s. 68(2), Sch. 1 cl. 7 Swan and Canning Rivers s. 21(2), 78(2) Management Act 2006 Swan Valley Planning Act 1995 s. 19 Taxi Act 1994 s. 12 Tobacco Products Control s. 63 Act 2006 Transport Co-ordination s. 7B(9) Act 1966 Vocational Education and s. 63 Training Act 1996 Waste Avoidance and Resource s. 15 Recovery Act 2007 page 71 Public Sector Reform Bill 2009 Part 2 Public Sector administration amendments Division 2 Other Acts amended s. 90 Water Agencies (Powers) s. 21, 109(2) Act 1984 Water Boards Act 1904 s. 29(1) Western Australian College of s. 11(1) Teaching Act 2004 Western Australian Land s. 8(1) Authority Act 1992 Western Australian Sports s. 7, 11(2) Centre Trust Act 1986 Western Australian Tourism s. 7(1), 17(3a), (4) and (5) Commission Act 1983 Western Australian Treasury s. 5D Corporation Act 1986 Workers' Compensation and s. 99(2), 100A(4) Injury Management Act 1981 Zoological Parks Authority s. 8, 25(3), Sch. 3 cl. 6, 9 Act 2001 1 2 90. Various references to "Public Service Board" amended 3 (1) This section amends the Acts listed in the Table. 4 (2) In the provisions listed in the Table delete "Public Service 5 Board" and insert: 6 7 Public Sector Commissioner 8 page 72 Public Sector Reform Bill 2009 Public Sector administration amendments Part 2 Other Acts amended Division 2 s. 90 1 Table Alcohol and Drug Authority s. 21(2) Act 1974 Companies (Administration) s. 4(6) Act 1982 Country High School Hostels s. 10(2) Authority Act 1960 Perth Theatre Trust Act 1979 s. 9(1), 17(3) 2 page 73 Public Sector Reform Bill 2009 Part 3 Public Sector discipline amendments Division 1 Public Sector Management Act 1994 amended s. 91 1 Part 3 -- Public Sector discipline amendments 2 Division 1 -- Public Sector Management Act 1994 amended 3 91. Act amended 4 This Division amends the Public Sector Management Act 1994. 5 92. Section 3 amended 6 (1) In section 3(1) delete the definitions of: 7 respondent 8 special disciplinary inquiry 9 (2) In section 3(1) insert in alphabetical order: 10 11 disciplinary action has the meaning given in 12 section 80A; 13 special disciplinary inquiry means a special 14 disciplinary inquiry held under section 87; 15 16 93. Section 22A amended 17 After section 22A(1) insert: 18 19 (2A) The Commissioner must issue instructions to ensure 20 that, if a decision is made under section 81(1)(a) in 21 respect of an employee, the employee is -- 22 (a) notified in writing of the possible breach of 23 discipline; and 24 (b) given a reasonable opportunity to respond. 25 page 74 Public Sector Reform Bill 2009 Public Sector discipline amendments Part 3 Public Sector Management Act 1994 amended Division 1 s. 94 1 94. Section 76 amended 2 (1) In section 76(1) delete "subsection (3)," and insert: 3 4 subsections (3) and (4), 5 6 (2) After section 76(3) insert: 7 8 (4) A former employee who -- 9 (a) may have committed a breach of discipline; and 10 (b) was an employee to whom this Part applied at 11 the time of the suspected breach, 12 is, in circumstances specified in the Commissioner's 13 instructions, to be taken to be an employee for the 14 purposes of this Part even though the person has ceased 15 to be employed in the Public Sector by or under an 16 employing authority. 17 (5) The Commissioner's instructions may specify the 18 disciplinary action that may be taken under this Act in 19 respect of a former employee who is found to have 20 committed a breach of discipline, and the provisions of 21 this Part apply to and in relation to the disciplinary 22 action as if the former employee were an employee. 23 (6) The taking of disciplinary action with respect to a 24 former employee does not affect the former employee's 25 retirement or resignation or the benefits, rights and 26 liabilities arising from the retirement or resignation. 27 (7) For the purposes of this Part, in circumstances 28 specified in the Commissioner's instructions, a former 29 employing authority of an employee is to be taken to 30 be the employing authority of the employee. page 75 Public Sector Reform Bill 2009 Part 3 Public Sector discipline amendments Division 1 Public Sector Management Act 1994 amended s. 95 1 (8) Nothing in this Part limits the power of an employing 2 authority under other provisions of this Act to take 3 improvement action in relation to an employee in 4 circumstances in which the employing authority 5 considers it appropriate to do so. 6 7 95. Section 78 amended 8 (1) In section 78(1): 9 (a) delete "section 52, an employee who --" and insert: 10 11 section 52, an employee or former employee who -- 12 13 (b) in paragraph (a) delete "is" and insert: 14 15 is, or was, 16 17 (c) delete paragraph (b) and insert: 18 19 (b) is aggrieved by -- 20 (ia) a decision made in respect of the 21 Government officer under 22 section 79(3)(b) or (c) or (4); or 23 (i) a finding made in respect of the 24 Government officer in the exercise of a 25 power under section 87(3)(a)(ii); or 26 (ii) a decision made under section 82 to 27 suspend the Government officer on 28 partial pay or without pay; or 29 (iii) a decision to take disciplinary action 30 made in respect of the Government 31 officer under section 82A(3)(b), 88(b) 32 or 92(1), 33 page 76 Public Sector Reform Bill 2009 Public Sector discipline amendments Part 3 Public Sector Management Act 1994 amended Division 1 s. 95 1 (d) delete "that decision" and insert: 2 3 that decision or finding 4 5 (2) In section 78(2): 6 (a) delete "subsection (3), an employee who --" and insert: 7 8 subsection (3), an employee or former employee who -- 9 10 (b) delete paragraph (b) and insert: 11 12 (b) is aggrieved by -- 13 (ia) a decision made in respect of the 14 employee under section 79(3)(b) or (c) 15 or (4); or 16 (i) a finding made in the exercise of a 17 power under section 87(3)(a)(ii); or 18 (ii) a decision made under section 82 to 19 suspend the employee on partial pay or 20 without pay; or 21 (iii) a decision to take disciplinary action 22 made under section 82A(3)(b), 88(b) or 23 92(1), 24 25 (c) delete "the decision" and insert: 26 27 the decision or finding 28 29 (d) delete "that decision" (each occurrence) and insert: 30 31 that decision or finding 32 page 77 Public Sector Reform Bill 2009 Part 3 Public Sector discipline amendments Division 1 Public Sector Management Act 1994 amended s. 95 1 (3) In section 78(3): 2 (a) delete "section 52, an employee --" and insert: 3 4 section 52, an employee or former employee -- 5 6 (b) delete paragraph (b) and insert: 7 8 (b) who is aggrieved by -- 9 (i) a decision made under section 82 to 10 suspend the employee on partial pay or 11 without pay; or 12 (ii) a finding made in respect of the person 13 referred to in section 82A(3)(a), 14 87(3)(a)(i) or 88(a), 15 16 (c) delete "the decision" and insert: 17 18 the decision or finding 19 20 (d) delete "that decision" (each occurrence) and insert: 21 22 that decision or finding 23 24 (4) In section 78(4) delete "decision" (each occurrence) and insert: 25 26 direction 27 28 (5) After section 78(4) insert: 29 30 (5) If it appears to the Industrial Commission or the Public 31 Service Appeal Board that the employing authority 32 failed to comply with a Commissioner's instruction or 33 the rules of procedural fairness in making the decision page 78 Public Sector Reform Bill 2009 Public Sector discipline amendments Part 3 Public Sector Management Act 1994 amended Division 1 s. 96 1 or finding the subject of a referral or appealed against, 2 the Industrial Commission or Public Service Appeal 3 Board -- 4 (a) is not required to determine the reference or 5 allow the appeal solely on that basis and may 6 proceed to decide the reference or appeal on its 7 merits; or 8 (b) may quash the decision or finding and remit the 9 matter back to the employing authority with 10 directions as to the stage at which the 11 disciplinary process in relation to the matter is 12 to be recommenced by the employing authority 13 if the employing authority continues the 14 disciplinary process. 15 16 96. Section 80A inserted 17 At the beginning of Part 5 Division 3 insert: 18 19 80A. Terms used 20 In this Division -- 21 disciplinary action, in relation to a breach of discipline 22 by an employee, means any one or more of the 23 following -- 24 (a) a reprimand; 25 (b) the imposition of a fine not exceeding an 26 amount equal to the amount of remuneration 27 received by the employee in respect of the last 28 5 days during which the employee was at work 29 as an employee before the day on which the 30 finding of the breach of discipline was made; 31 (c) transferring the employee to another public 32 sector body with the consent of the employing 33 authority of that public sector body; page 79 Public Sector Reform Bill 2009 Part 3 Public Sector discipline amendments Division 1 Public Sector Management Act 1994 amended s. 96 1 (d) if the employee is not a chief executive officer 2 or chief employee, transferring the employee to 3 another office, post or position in the public 4 sector body in which the employee is 5 employed; 6 (e) reduction in the monetary remuneration of the 7 employee; 8 (f) reduction in the level of classification of the 9 employee; 10 (g) dismissal; 11 section 94 breach of discipline means a breach of 12 discipline arising out of disobedience to, or disregard 13 of, a lawful order referred to in section 94(4); 14 serious offence means -- 15 (a) an indictable offence against a law of the State 16 (whether or not the offence is or may be dealt 17 with summarily), another State or a Territory of 18 the Commonwealth or the Commonwealth; or 19 (b) an offence against the law of another State or a 20 Territory of the Commonwealth that would be 21 an indictable offence against a law of this State 22 if committed in this State (whether or not the 23 offence could be dealt with summarily if 24 committed in this jurisdiction); or 25 (c) an offence against the law of a foreign country 26 that would be an indictable offence against a 27 law of the Commonwealth or this State if 28 committed in this State (whether or not the 29 offence could be dealt with summarily if 30 committed in this jurisdiction); or 31 (d) an offence, or an offence of a class, prescribed 32 under section 108. 33 page 80 Public Sector Reform Bill 2009 Public Sector discipline amendments Part 3 Public Sector Management Act 1994 amended Division 1 s. 97 1 97. Section 81 replaced 2 Delete section 81 and insert: 3 4 81. Employing authority to decide how to deal with 5 suspected breach of discipline 6 (1) If an employing authority of an employee is made 7 aware, or becomes aware, by any means that the 8 employee may have committed a breach of discipline, 9 the employing authority may -- 10 (a) decide to deal with the matter as a disciplinary 11 matter under this Division in accordance with 12 the Commissioner's instructions; or 13 (b) decide that it is appropriate -- 14 (i) to take improvement action with respect 15 to the employee; or 16 (ii) to take no action. 17 (2) If the Minister, in his or her capacity as employing 18 authority of a ministerial officer, decides to act under 19 subsection (1)(a), the Minister must direct another 20 person to submit to the Minister a report as to whether 21 there has been a breach of discipline and a 22 recommendation as to any decision to be made under 23 section 82A(3). 24 (3) A direction must not be given under subsection (2) to 25 the Commissioner. 26 (4) A person directed under subsection (2) -- 27 (a) must comply with the direction of the Minister; 28 and 29 (b) for that purpose, has the functions of an 30 employing authority under section 82A(1) and 31 under the Commissioner's instructions. page 81 Public Sector Reform Bill 2009 Part 3 Public Sector discipline amendments Division 1 Public Sector Management Act 1994 amended s. 97 1 82A. Dealing with disciplinary matter 2 (1) In dealing with a disciplinary matter under this 3 Division an employing authority -- 4 (a) must proceed with as little formality and 5 technicality as this Division, the 6 Commissioner's instructions and the 7 circumstances of the matter permit; and 8 (b) is not bound by the rules of evidence; and 9 (c) may, subject to this Division and the 10 Commissioner's instructions, determine the 11 procedure to be followed. 12 (2) Even though an employing authority decides to act 13 under section 81(1)(a), the employing authority may, at 14 any stage of the process, decide instead that it is 15 appropriate -- 16 (a) to take improvement action with respect to the 17 employee; or 18 (b) that no further action be taken. 19 (3) Subject to subsection (4) and section 89, after dealing 20 with a matter as a disciplinary matter under this 21 Division -- 22 (a) if the employing authority finds that the 23 employee has committed a section 94 breach of 24 discipline, the employing authority must take 25 disciplinary action by dismissing the employee; 26 and 27 (b) if the employing authority finds that the 28 employee has committed a breach of discipline 29 that is not a section 94 breach of discipline, the 30 employing authority must decide -- 31 (i) to take disciplinary action, or both 32 disciplinary action and improvement 33 action, with respect to the employee; or page 82 Public Sector Reform Bill 2009 Public Sector discipline amendments Part 3 Public Sector Management Act 1994 amended Division 1 s. 98 1 (ii) to take improvement action with respect 2 to the employee; or 3 (iii) that no further action is to be taken. 4 (4) The Minister -- 5 (a) is bound by any finding in a report submitted as 6 directed under section 81(2); and 7 (b) must, when making a decision under 8 subsection (3)(b), have regard to, but is not 9 bound by, a recommendation submitted as 10 directed under section 81(2). 11 12 98. Section 82 replaced 13 Delete section 82 and insert: 14 15 82. Suspension pending decision in relation to breach of 16 discipline or criminal charge 17 (1) If -- 18 (a) an employing authority has decided to act under 19 section 81(1)(a) in relation to an employee; or 20 (b) an employee is charged with having committed 21 a serious offence, 22 the employing authority may, in accordance with the 23 Commissioner's instructions, suspend the employee on 24 full pay, partial pay or without pay. 25 (2) Subject to subsection (3) -- 26 (a) a suspension arising from a decision referred to 27 in subsection (1)(a) has effect until a decision is 28 made under section 82A(2) or (3) or 88 in 29 respect of the suspected breach; or 30 (b) a suspension arising from a charge referred to 31 in subsection (1)(b) has effect until the criminal page 83 Public Sector Reform Bill 2009 Part 3 Public Sector discipline amendments Division 1 Public Sector Management Act 1994 amended s. 99 1 charge or any action that the employing 2 authority is considering taking under section 92 3 has been finalised. 4 (3) The employing authority may at any time remove, or 5 vary the terms of, the suspension. 6 (4) Unless the employing authority otherwise directs, any 7 pay withheld under subsection (1) is forfeited to the 8 State if -- 9 (a) it is decided to take disciplinary action with 10 respect to the employee for the breach of 11 discipline; or 12 (b) the employee is convicted or found guilty of the 13 offence concerned or another serious offence. 14 (5) An employee is entitled to have any pay of the 15 employee that is withheld under subsection (1) and not 16 forfeited under subsection (4) restored to the employee. 17 18 99. Sections 83, 84, 85 and 86 deleted 19 Delete sections 83, 84, 85 and 86. 20 100. Section 87 amended 21 (1) Before section 87(1) insert: 22 23 (1A) The Commissioner may at any time before a decision is 24 made under section 81(1)(b) or 82A(2) or (3) in respect 25 of a suspected breach of discipline direct that -- 26 (a) a special disciplinary inquiry be held into the 27 suspected breach; or 28 (b) an investigation by the employing authority or a 29 person directed under section 81(2) into the 30 suspected breach be continued as a special 31 disciplinary inquiry. page 84 Public Sector Reform Bill 2009 Public Sector discipline amendments Part 3 Public Sector Management Act 1994 amended Division 1 s. 100 1 (1B) A direction under subsection (1A) may be made on the 2 request of the employing authority of the employee 3 suspected to have committed the breach of discipline or 4 on the initiative of the Commissioner. 5 6 (2) Delete section 87(3) and insert: 7 8 (3) A person who holds a special disciplinary inquiry must, 9 at the conclusion of the inquiry -- 10 (a) make a finding that the employee -- 11 (i) has committed a section 94 breach of 12 discipline; or 13 (ii) has committed a breach of discipline 14 other than a breach referred to in 15 subparagraph (i); or 16 (iii) has not committed a breach of 17 discipline; 18 and 19 (b) prepare a report on the conduct and finding, of 20 the special disciplinary inquiry; and 21 (c) if the finding is that the employee has 22 committed a breach of discipline other than a 23 section 94 breach of discipline, include in the 24 report a recommendation as to any disciplinary 25 action and improvement action that should be 26 taken by the employing authority; and 27 (d) provide the employing authority and the 28 Commissioner with a copy of the report. 29 page 85 Public Sector Reform Bill 2009 Part 3 Public Sector discipline amendments Division 1 Public Sector Management Act 1994 amended s. 101 1 101. Section 88 replaced 2 Delete section 88 and insert: 3 4 88. Action on receipt of report of special disciplinary 5 inquiry 6 On receiving a report under section 87(3), the 7 employing authority must, subject to section 89, accept 8 the finding in the report and -- 9 (a) in the case of a finding that the employee has 10 committed a section 94 breach of discipline, 11 take disciplinary action by dismissing the 12 employee; or 13 (b) in the case of a finding that the employee has 14 committed a breach of discipline other than a 15 breach referred to in paragraph (a) -- 16 (i) decide to take disciplinary action or 17 improvement action, or both 18 disciplinary action and improvement 19 action in relation to the employee in 20 accordance with the recommendation in 21 the report; or 22 (ii) decline to accept the recommendation in 23 the report and decide to take such other 24 disciplinary action or improvement 25 action, or both disciplinary action and 26 improvement action, in relation to the 27 employee as could have been 28 recommended in the report; 29 or 30 (c) in the case of a finding that no breach of 31 discipline was committed by the employee, 32 notify the employee of that finding and that no 33 further action will be taken in the matter. 34 page 86 Public Sector Reform Bill 2009 Public Sector discipline amendments Part 3 Public Sector Management Act 1994 amended Division 1 s. 102 1 102. Section 89 replaced 2 Delete section 89 and insert: 3 4 89. Dismissal of chief executive officer on disciplinary 5 grounds 6 (1) If a chief executive officer is the subject of a finding 7 under section 82A(3)(a) or a finding under 8 section 87(3)(a)(i) in respect of a section 94 breach of 9 discipline, the Commissioner must recommend to the 10 Governor that the chief executive officer be dismissed, 11 and the Governor must dismiss the chief executive 12 officer. 13 (2) If a chief executive officer -- 14 (a) is the subject of a finding under 15 section 82A(3)(b) or a finding under 16 section 87(3)(a)(ii) in respect of a breach of 17 discipline other than a section 94 breach of 18 discipline; and 19 (b) the Commissioner considers that the chief 20 executive officer ought to be dismissed, 21 the Commissioner must recommend to the Governor 22 that the chief executive officer be dismissed, and the 23 Governor must dismiss the chief executive officer. 24 25 103. Section 90 amended 26 In section 90: 27 (a) delete "a respondent" and insert: 28 29 an employee 30 page 87 Public Sector Reform Bill 2009 Part 3 Public Sector discipline amendments Division 1 Public Sector Management Act 1994 amended s. 104 1 (b) delete "notify the respondent --" and insert: 2 3 notify the employee -- 4 5 (c) in paragraph (a) delete "the respondent" and insert: 6 7 the employee 8 9 (d) in paragraph (b) delete "the respondent," (each 10 occurrence) and insert: 11 12 the employee, 13 14 (e) delete "within the prescribed period after the making of 15 that finding or the taking of that action, as the case 16 requires." and insert: 17 18 within the period prescribed in the Commissioner's 19 instructions. 20 21 Note: The heading to amended section 90 is to read: 22 Employing authority to notify employee of outcome of 23 disciplinary matter 24 104. Section 91 amended 25 In section 91: 26 (a) delete "a respondent" and insert: 27 28 an employee 29 30 (b) delete "Division, the respondent" and insert: 31 32 Division, the employee 33 page 88 Public Sector Reform Bill 2009 Public Sector discipline amendments Part 3 Public Sector Management Act 1994 amended Division 1 s. 105 1 (c) delete "the respondent does" and insert: 2 3 the employee does 4 5 105. Section 92 replaced 6 Delete section 92 and insert: 7 8 92. Action if employee convicted of serious offence 9 (1) Despite the Sentencing Act 1995 section 11, if an 10 employee is convicted or found guilty of a serious 11 offence, the employing authority may take disciplinary 12 action or improvement action, or both disciplinary 13 action and improvement action, with respect to the 14 employee. 15 (2) Before any disciplinary action or improvement action 16 is taken with respect to an employee under this section, 17 the employee must be given an opportunity to make a 18 submission in relation to the action that the employing 19 authority is considering taking. 20 (3) If an employee is dismissed under this section, for the 21 purposes of sections 58(4) and 59(1) the employee is 22 taken to have been dismissed for breach of discipline. 23 93A. Implementation of decisions under this Division 24 A decision of an employing authority to take 25 disciplinary action or improvement action with respect 26 to an employee may be carried into effect at any time. 27 page 89 Public Sector Reform Bill 2009 Part 3 Public Sector discipline amendments Division 1 Public Sector Management Act 1994 amended s. 106 1 106. Section 94 amended 2 In section 94(2)(d) delete "section 86(3)(a) or (9)(b)(i), 3 88(1)(b)(i) or 89(1)." and insert: 4 5 section 82A(3)(a), 88(a) or 89(1). 6 7 107. Part 9 Division 3 inserted 8 Before Schedule 1 insert: 9 10 Division 3 -- Public Sector Reform Act 2009 Part 3 11 amendments: transitional provisions 12 114. Transitional provisions 13 Schedule 8 sets out transitional provisions. 14 15 108. Schedule 8 inserted 16 At the end of the Act insert: 17 18 Schedule 8 -- Public Sector Reform Act 2009 Part 3 19 amendments: transitional provisions 20 [s. 114] 21 1. Term used: commencement day 22 In this Schedule -- 23 commencement day means the day on which the Public 24 Sector Reform Act 2009 section 97 comes into operation. 25 2. Disciplinary proceedings 26 (1) If a proceeding (including an investigation, disciplinary 27 inquiry or special disciplinary inquiry) commenced under page 90 Public Sector Reform Bill 2009 Public Sector discipline amendments Part 3 Public Sector Management Act 1994 amended Division 1 s. 108 1 Part 5 Division 3 before the commencement day has not 2 been finalised under that Division before that day, Part 5 3 Division 3 as in force immediately before that day continues 4 to apply to and in relation to that proceeding as if the Public 5 Sector Reform Act 2009 Part 3 had not been enacted until 6 the proceeding is finalised. 7 (2) Section 78 as in force immediately before the 8 commencement day continues to apply to a decision made 9 in a proceeding referred to in subclause (1). 10 (3) Except as provided in subclauses (1) and (2), Part 5 as 11 amended by the Public Sector Reform Act 2009 Part 3 12 applies in relation to any act, omission or conduct that 13 occurred before or after the commencement day. 14 3. Suspensions 15 (1) A suspension that is of effect under section 82 immediately 16 before the commencement day continues to be of effect for 17 the remainder of the period for which it would, but for the 18 Public Sector Reform Act 2009 Part 3, have been of effect. 19 (2) Section 82 as in force immediately before the 20 commencement day continues to apply to a suspension 21 referred to in subclause (1). 22 4. Appeals 23 An appeal pending under section 78 immediately before the 24 commencement day is to be dealt with under that section as 25 in force before the commencement day. 26 5. Power to amend subsidiary legislation 27 (1) The Governor, on the recommendation of the Minister, may 28 make regulations amending subsidiary legislation made 29 under any Act. 30 (2) The Minister may make a recommendation under 31 subclause (1) only if the Minister considers that each 32 amendment proposed to be made by the regulations is 33 necessary or desirable as a consequence of the enactment of 34 the Public Sector Reform Act 2009 Part 3. page 91 Public Sector Reform Bill 2009 Part 3 Public Sector discipline amendments Division 1 Public Sector Management Act 1994 amended s. 108 1 (3) Nothing in this clause prevents subsidiary legislation from 2 being amended in accordance with the Act under which it 3 was made. 4 6. Transitional regulations 5 (1) If there is no sufficient provision in this Schedule for 6 dealing with a transitional matter, the regulations may 7 prescribe all matters that are required or necessary or 8 convenient to be prescribed for dealing with the matter. 9 (2) In subclause (1) -- 10 transitional matter means a matter that needs to be dealt 11 with for the purpose of effecting the transition from an Act 12 (including this Act) as enacted immediately before the 13 commencement day to the Act as amended by the Public 14 Sector Reform Act 2009 Part 3. 15 (3) Regulations made under subclause (1) may provide that 16 specified provisions of this Act as in force on or after the 17 commencement of the Public Sector Reform Act 2009, or of 18 subsidiary legislation made under this Act, or of an Act 19 amended by the Public Sector Reform Act 2009 -- 20 (a) do not apply; or 21 (b) apply with specified modifications, 22 to or in relation to any matter. 23 (4) If regulations under subclause (1) provide that a specified 24 state of affairs is to be taken to have existed, or not to have 25 existed, on and from a day that is earlier than the day on 26 which the regulations are published in the Gazette but not 27 earlier than the commencement day, the regulations have 28 effect according to their terms. 29 (5) In subclauses (3) and (4) -- 30 specified means specified or described in the regulations. 31 (6) If regulations contain a provision referred to in 32 subclause (4), the provision does not operate so as to -- 33 (a) affect in a manner prejudicial to any person (other 34 than the State or an authority of the State), the rights page 92 Public Sector Reform Bill 2009 Public Sector discipline amendments Part 3 Other Acts amended Division 2 s. 109 1 of that person existing before the day of publication 2 of those regulations; or 3 (b) impose liabilities on any person (other than the 4 State or an authority of the State) in respect of 5 anything done or omitted to be done before the day 6 of publication of those regulations. 7 7. Interpretation Act 1984 not affected 8 Unless the contrary intention appears in this Schedule, the 9 provisions of this Schedule are additional to and do not 10 prejudice or affect the application of the Interpretation 11 Act 1984 Part V. 12 13 Division 2 -- Other Acts amended 14 109. Industrial Relations Act 1979 amended 15 (1) This section amends the Industrial Relations Act 1979. 16 (2) In section 80I(1): 17 (a) in paragraph (b) after "decision" insert: 18 19 or finding 20 21 (b) in paragraph (d) after "decision" insert: 22 23 or finding 24 25 110. School Education Act 1999 amended 26 (1) This section amends the School Education Act 1999. 27 (2) In section 239(1)(b) delete "that is not the Minister (within the 28 meaning in that Part)". page 93 Public Sector Reform Bill 2009 Part 3 Public Sector discipline amendments Division 2 Other Acts amended s. 110 1 (3) Delete section 239(2) and insert: 2 3 (2) In addition to -- 4 (a) the actions that may be taken under 5 section 79(3) of the PSMA; and 6 (b) any disciplinary action or improvement action 7 that may be taken under section 82A(3)(b) or 8 88(b) of the PSMA, 9 the chief executive officer may under those provisions 10 make a determination under section 238(1)(a) in 11 respect of a member of the teaching staff. 12 13 (4) In section 240(1): 14 (a) in paragraph (a) delete "is guilty of an act or omission 15 that comes within" and insert: 16 17 may have committed a breach of discipline as referred to 18 in 19 20 (b) delete paragraph (c)(ii) and "or" after it and insert: 21 22 (ii) in the case of a suspected breach of 23 discipline dealt with under Part 5 of the 24 PSMA -- a decision is made under 25 section 81(1)(b), 82A(2) or (3) or 88 of 26 the PSMA; or 27 28


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