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Western Australia Pay-roll Tax Assessment Amendment Bill 2019 Contents 1. Short title 2 2. Commencement 2 3. Act amended 2 4. Section 41D amended 2 5. Schedule 1 clause 15 amended 2 6. Schedule 1 clause 16 deleted 3 7. Schedule 1 Division 7 inserted 3 Division 7 -- Provisions for the Pay-roll Tax Assessment Amendment Act 2019 18. Terms used 3 19. Application of amendments made by Pay-roll Tax Assessment Amendment Act 2019 3 20. Exemption for wages paid or payable: training contracts lodged for registration before 1 December 2017 4 21. Exemption for wages paid or payable: training contracts lodged for registration between 1 December 2017 and 30 June 2019 4 123--1 page i Western Australia LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Pay-roll Tax Assessment Amendment Bill 2019 A Bill for An Act to amend the Pay-roll Tax Assessment Act 2002. The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows: page 1 Pay-roll Tax Assessment Amendment Bill 2019 s. 1 1 1. Short title 2 This is the Pay-roll Tax Assessment Amendment Act 2019. 3 2. Commencement 4 This Act comes into operation as follows -- 5 (a) sections 1 and 2 -- on the day on which this Act 6 receives the Royal Assent; 7 (b) the rest of the Act -- on 1 July 2019. 8 3. Act amended 9 This Act amends the Pay-roll Tax Assessment Act 2002. 10 4. Section 41D amended 11 (1) In section 41D(1) delete the definitions of: 12 group member 13 initial employer 14 nominal period 15 (2) Delete section 41D(3) to (6) and insert: 16 17 (3) An exemption under subsection (2) does not apply to 18 wages paid or payable to or in relation to an employee 19 under a registered training contract that is suspended 20 under the VET Act for the period of the suspension. 21 22 Note: The heading to amended section 41D is to read: 23 Exempt wages: apprentices under training contracts 24 5. Schedule 1 clause 15 amended 25 (1) In Schedule 1 clause 15 delete the definitions of: 26 apprentice 27 existing training contract page 2 Pay-roll Tax Assessment Amendment Bill 2019 s. 6 1 (2) In Schedule 1 clause 15 in the definition of commencement day 2 delete "operation;" and insert: 3 4 operation. 5 6 Note: The heading to amended Schedule 1 clause 15 is to read: 7 Term used: commencement day 8 6. Schedule 1 clause 16 deleted 9 Delete Schedule 1 clause 16. 10 7. Schedule 1 Division 7 inserted 11 At the end of Schedule 1 insert: 12 13 Division 7 -- Provisions for the Pay-roll Tax Assessment 14 Amendment Act 2019 15 18. Terms used 16 In this Division -- 17 apprentice has the meaning given in the VET Act 18 section 60A; 19 commencement day means the day on which the Pay-roll 20 Tax Assessment Amendment Act 2019 section 4 comes into 21 operation; 22 former section 41D means section 41D as in force 23 immediately before commencement day; 24 VET Act means the Vocational Education and Training 25 Act 1996. 26 19. Application of amendments made by Pay-roll Tax 27 Assessment Amendment Act 2019 28 The amendments made by the Pay-roll Tax Assessment 29 Amendment Act 2019 apply in relation to wages paid or 30 payable on or after commencement day. page 3 Pay-roll Tax Assessment Amendment Bill 2019 s. 7 1 20. Exemption for wages paid or payable: training contracts 2 lodged for registration before 1 December 2017 3 (1) This clause applies to a training contract (the 4 pre-1 December 2017 training contract) if -- 5 (a) in accordance with a requirement imposed under the 6 VET Act section 60C(5), an apprentice under the 7 training contract is referred to as a "trainee"; and 8 (b) the training contract was lodged for registration 9 under the VET Act section 60F(2) before 10 1 December 2017. 11 (2) Despite the amendments made by the Pay-roll Tax 12 Assessment Amendment Act 2019 section 4, wages paid or 13 payable by an employer to or in relation to an employee are 14 exempt from pay-roll tax if -- 15 (a) the wages are paid or payable for a period during 16 which the employee is an apprentice under the 17 pre-1 December 2017 training contract; and 18 (b) the wages would have been exempt from pay-roll 19 tax under former section 41D, as modified by 20 Schedule 1 clause 16 (as that clause was in force 21 immediately before commencement day). 22 21. Exemption for wages paid or payable: training contracts 23 lodged for registration between 1 December 2017 and 24 30 June 2019 25 (1) This clause applies to a training contract (the 26 pre-1 July 2019 training contract) if -- 27 (a) in accordance with a requirement imposed under the 28 VET Act section 60C(5), an apprentice under the 29 training contract is referred to as a "trainee"; and 30 (b) the training contract was lodged for registration 31 under the VET Act section 60F(2) during the period 32 beginning on 1 December 2017 and ending 33 immediately before commencement day. 34 (2) Despite the amendments made by the Pay-roll Tax 35 Assessment Amendment Act 2019 section 4, wages paid or page 4 Pay-roll Tax Assessment Amendment Bill 2019 s. 7 1 payable by an employer to or in relation to an employee are 2 exempt from pay-roll tax if -- 3 (a) the wages are paid or payable for a period during 4 which the employee is an apprentice under the 5 pre-1 July 2019 training contract; and 6 (b) the wages would have been exempt from pay-roll 7 tax under former section 41D. 8 9
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