Western Australian Bills

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                  Western Australia

              Reserves Bill 2024


1.    Short title                                       2
2.    Commencement                                      2
3.    Act binds Crown                                   2
4.    Terms used                                        2
5.    Registrar of Titles to take certain measures      3
6.    Timber reserve 145/25 redescribed                 3
7.    Reserve 18534 redescribed                         3
8.    Class A reserve 54509 -- Wandering Conservation
      Park                                              3
9.    Excision of areas from reserves                   4
10.   Change of classification of reserve 5225 --
      Torndirrup National Park                          5
11.   Change of classification or purpose of class A
      reserves                                          5
12.   Reserves (National Parks, Conservation Parks,
      Nature Reserves and Other Reserves) Act 2004
      amended                                           6
      Defined terms

                       171--1                           page i
                           Western Australia

                     LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY

                      Reserves Bill 2024

                               A Bill for

An Act --
•  to reserve land for the purposes of national parks, conservation
   parks and other purposes; and
•  to change the classification or purpose of certain reserves; and
•  to excise certain areas of land from reserves; and
•  to effect other changes to land; and
•  to amend the Reserves (National Parks, Conservation Parks,
   Nature Reserves and Other Reserves) Act 2004 consequentially.

The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows:

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     Reserves Bill 2024

     s. 1

1    1.         Short title
2               This is the Reserves Act 2024.

3    2.         Commencement
4               This Act comes into operation as follows --
5                (a) sections 1 and 2 -- on the day on which this Act
6                      receives the Royal Assent (assent day);
7                (b) sections 6 to 8 -- on the day after assent day;
8                (c) the rest of the Act -- on a day fixed by proclamation,
9                      and different days may be fixed for different provisions.

10   3.         Act binds Crown
11              This Act binds the Crown in right of Western Australia and, so
12              far as the legislative power of the Parliament permits, the Crown
13              in all its other capacities.

14   4.         Terms used
15        (1)   In this Act --
16              Authority means the Western Australian Land Information
17              Authority established by the Land Information Authority
18              Act 2006 section 5(1);
19              Conservation and Parks Commission means the Conservation
20              and Parks Commission established by the Conservation and
21              Land Management Act 1984 section 18(1);
22              conservation park has the meaning given in the Conservation
23              and Land Management Act 1984 section 3;
24              Deposited Plan or DP, followed by a number, means the
25              deposited plan of that number --
26                (a) lodged with the Authority; and
27                (b) approved by an authorised land officer;

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                                                               Reserves Bill 2024

                                                                               s. 5

1               lot has the meaning given in the Land Administration Act 1997
2               section 3A(1);
3               national park has the meaning given in the Conservation and
4               Land Management Act 1984 section 3;
5               timber reserve has the meaning given in the Conservation and
6               Land Management Act 1984 section 3.
7         (2)   If a term used in this Act is given a meaning in the Land
8               Administration Act 1997 section 3(1), it has the same meaning
9               in this Act.

10   5.         Registrar of Titles to take certain measures
11        (1)   The Registrar of Titles must take all necessary measures to
12              register the amendments effected by this Act.
13        (2)   For the purposes of subsection (1), this Act may be treated, as is
14              relevant, as if it were an order made by --
15                (a) the Minister for Environment under the Conservation
16                      and Land Management Act 1984; or
17                (b) the Minister for Lands under the Land Administration
18                      Act 1997 Part 4.

19   6.         Timber reserve 145/25 redescribed
20              Timber reserve 145/25 is redescribed under the Conservation
21              and Land Management Act 1984 Part II so that timber
22              reserve 145/25 comprises lots 704 to 706 on DP 426780.

23   7.         Reserve 18534 redescribed
24              Reserve 18534 is redescribed under the Land Administration
25              Act 1997 Part 4 so that reserve 18534 comprises lot 707 on
26              DP 426780.

27   8.         Class A reserve 54509 -- Wandering Conservation Park
28        (1)   Timber reserve 160/25 is cancelled.

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     Reserves Bill 2024

     s. 9

1         (2)   The land comprising lots 700 to 703 on DP 426780 is --
2                (a) reserved under the Land Administration Act 1997 Part 4
3                      for the purpose of a conservation park; and
4                (b) classified under that Act as a class A reserve (currently
5                      known as class A reserve 54509).
6         (3)   The care, control and management of class A reserve 54509 is,
7               under the Land Administration Act 1997 Part 4, placed with the
8               Conservation and Parks Commission.

9    9.         Excision of areas from reserves
10        (1)   A reserve specified in the Table is amended by excising the land
11              comprising the lot or lots specified for the reserve.
12                                          Table
                            Reserve                      Excised land

                  Reserve 49363                   Lots 3811, 3813 and 3814 on
                                                  DP 53637

                  Reserve 49220                   Lots 640 and 641 on
                                                  DP 417639

                  Reserve 5225                    Lot 601 on DP 417651

13        (2)   A class A reserve specified in the Table is amended by excising
14              the land comprising the lot or lots specified for the reserve.
15                                          Table
                        Class A reserve                   Excised land

                  Reserve 15386                   Lot 800 on DP 417114

                  Reserve 16245                   Lot 400 on DP 417109
                                                  Lot 302 on DP 45094

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                                                              Reserves Bill 2024

                                                                              s. 10

                        Class A reserve                  Excised land

                                                 Lot 20984 on DP 184360

                  Reserve 8428                   Lots 600 and 601 on
                                                 DP 417124

                  Reserve 31362                  Lot 502 on DP 418238

                  Reserve 24258                  Lot 500 on DP 417156

1   10.         Change of classification of reserve 5225 -- Torndirrup
2               National Park
3               Reserve 5225 (as amended by section 9(1)) is classified under
4               the Land Administration Act 1997 Part 4 as a class A reserve.

5   11.         Change of classification or purpose of class A reserves
6         (1)   The purpose for which a class A reserve specified in the Table
7               is reserved under the Land Administration Act 1997 Part 4 is
8               changed as specified for the reserve.
9                                           Table
                 Class A reserve     Existing purpose        New purpose

                Reserve 24258       national park and     national park
                (as amended by      recreation
                section 9(2))

                Reserve 11776       water and             conservation of
                                    conservation of       flora and fauna
                                    flora and fauna

                Reserve 21153       conservation of       Aboriginal
                                    flora and fauna       heritage, culture
                                                          and conservation

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     Reserves Bill 2024

     s. 12

1          (2)   A class A reserve specified in the Table is amended as
2                follows --
3                  (a) the purpose for which the land is reserved under the
4                        Land Administration Act 1997 Part 4 is changed as
5                        specified for the reserve;
6                  (b) the reserve ceases to be classified under that Act as a
7                        class A reserve.
8                                            Table
                  Class A reserve     Existing purpose        New purpose

                 Reserve 25696        conservation of      landscape
                                      flora and fauna      protection

                 Reserve 25697        conservation of      landscape
                                      flora and fauna      protection

                 Reserve 44674        conservation of      navigation,
                                      flora and fauna      communication,
                                                           survey and

9    12.         Reserves (National Parks, Conservation Parks, Nature
10               Reserves and Other Reserves) Act 2004 amended
11         (1)   This section amends the Reserves (National Parks,
12               Conservation Parks, Nature Reserves and Other Reserves)
13               Act 2004.
14         (2)   Delete section 22.

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                                                                                            Reserves Bill 2024

                                                                                                      Defined terms

                                         Defined terms
      [This is a list of terms defined and the provisions where they are defined.
                             The list is not part of the law.]
Defined term                                                                                                Provision(s)
assent day ..............................................................................................................2
Authority .......................................................................................................... 4(1)
Conservation and Parks Commission .............................................................. 4(1)
conservation park ............................................................................................. 4(1)
Deposited Plan ................................................................................................. 4(1)
DP .................................................................................................................... 4(1)
lot ..................................................................................................................... 4(1)
national park .................................................................................................... 4(1)
timber reserve .................................................................................................. 4(1)


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