Western Australian Bills

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                 Western Australia

Restraining Orders Amendment Bill 2013


     Part 1 -- Preliminary
1.   Short title                             2
2.   Commencement                            2
     Part 2 -- Restraining Orders Act 1997
3.   Act amended                             3
4.   Section 25 amended                      3
5.   Section 64 amended                      3
     Part 3 -- Children's Court of Western
          Australia Act 1988 amended
6.   Act amended                             4
7.   Section 20 amended                      4

                      12--1                  page i
                           Western Australia

                      LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL

     Restraining Orders Amendment Bill 2013

                               A Bill for

An Act to amend the Restraining Orders Act 1997 and to make
consequential amendments to the Children's Court of Western
Australia Act 1988.

The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows:

                                                              page 1
    Restraining Orders Amendment Bill 2013
    Part 1         Preliminary

    s. 1

1                          Part 1 -- Preliminary
2   1.       Short title
3            This is the Restraining Orders Amendment Act 2013.

4   2.       Commencement
5            This Act comes into operation on the day on which it receives
6            the Royal Assent.

    page 2
                                     Restraining Orders Amendment Bill 2013
                         Restraining Orders Act 1997 amended         Part 2

                                                                            s. 3

1         Part 2 -- Restraining Orders Act 1997 amended
2    3.     Act amended
3           This Part amends the Restraining Orders Act 1997.

4    4.     Section 25 amended
5           Delete section 25(3) and insert:

7           (3)   An application for a violence restraining order made in
8                 person is to be made in the prescribed form to --
9                   (a) if the respondent is a child, the Children's
10                        Court; or
11                 (b) if the respondent is not a child and the person
12                        seeking to be protected is a child, the
13                        Children's Court or the Magistrates Court; or
14                  (c) otherwise, the Magistrates Court.

16   5.     Section 64 amended
17          Delete section 64(3) and (4) and insert:

19          (3)   If the decision was made by the Children's Court when
20                constituted so as not to consist of or include a Judge,
21                the appeal is to be made in accordance with the
22                Children's Court of Western Australia Act 1988
23                section 41.
24          (4)   If the decision was made by the Children's Court when
25                constituted so as to consist of or include a Judge, the
26                appeal is to be made in accordance with the Children's
27                Court of Western Australia Act 1988 section 42A.

                                                                      page 3
     Restraining Orders Amendment Bill 2013
     Part 3         Restraining Orders Act 1997 amended

     s. 6

1           Part 3 -- Children's Court of Western Australia
2                        Act 1988 amended
3    6.          Act amended
4                This Part amended the Children's Court of Western Australia
5                Act 1988.

6    7.          Section 20 amended
7         (1)    Delete section 20(1)(c).
8         (2)    After section 20(1) insert:

10              (2A)   Subject to this Act and the Restraining Orders
11                     Act 1997 section 52, the Court has jurisdiction to hear
12                     and determine all applications made to the Court with
13                     respect to a child under the Restraining Orders
14                     Act 1997.

16        (3)    In section 20(2) delete "subsection (1)." and insert:

18               subsections (1) and (2A).



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