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This is a Bill, not an Act. For current law, see the Acts databases.
Western Australia Royal Perth Hospital Protection Bill 2013 CONTENTS 1. Short title 2 2. Commencement 2 3. Term used: Royal Perth Hospital 2 4. Operation of Act 2 5. Continuation of Royal Perth Hospital 2 6. Services to be provided 3 7. Development of Royal Perth Hospital 3 8. Name of Royal Perth Hospital 3 9. Regulations 3 9--1 page i Western Australia LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY (Introduced by Mr R. H. Cook, MLA) Royal Perth Hospital Protection Bill 2013 A Bill for An Act to provide for the continued operation at Royal Perth Hospital. The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows: page 1 Royal Perth Hospital Protection Bill 2013 s. 1 1 1. Short title 2 This is the Royal Perth Hospital Protection Act 2013. 3 2. Commencement 4 This Act comes into operation as follows -- 5 (a) sections 1 and 2 -- on the day on which this Act 6 receives the Royal Assent; 7 (b) the rest of the Act -- on the day after that day. 8 3. Term used: Royal Perth Hospital 9 In this Act -- 10 Royal Perth Hospital means that part of the public hospital of 11 that name situated on the land being any of the following -- 12 (a) Lot 915 on Deposited Plan 183229, being a portion of 13 the land the subject of Certificate of Title Volume 2726 14 Folio 337; 15 (b) Lot 916 on Deposited Plan 183230, being a portion of 16 the land the subject of Certificate of Title Volume 2726 17 Folio 337; 18 (c) Lot 500 on Deposited Plan 58617, being a portion of the 19 land the subject of Certificate of Title Volume 2726 20 Folio 339. 21 4. Operation of Act 22 This Act has effect despite any provision of the Hospitals and 23 Health Services Act 1927. 24 5. Continuation of Royal Perth Hospital 25 Royal Perth Hospital is to continue to operate as a public 26 hospital unless a resolution approving the closure of the hospital 27 has been passed by each House of Parliament. 28 page 2 Royal Perth Hospital Protection Bill 2013 s. 6 1 6. Services to be provided 2 For the purpose of maintaining Royal Perth Hospital as a 3 tertiary hospital, the entity for the time being having 4 management and control of Royal Perth Hospital under the 5 Hospitals and Health Services Act 1927 is to provide the 6 prescribed medical and support services at the hospital. 7 7. Development of Royal Perth Hospital 8 (1) To the extent that, because of development on the site of Royal 9 Perth Hospital, it is not practicable for a part of the hospital to 10 operate or to provide a service referred to in section 6, 11 sections 5 and 6 have no effect while the development is carried 12 out. 13 (2) In this section -- 14 development means development within the meaning given in 15 the Planning and Development Act 2005 section 4. 16 8. Name of Royal Perth Hospital 17 The name of Royal Perth Hospital is not to be changed unless a 18 resolution approving the change has been passed by each House 19 of Parliament. 20 9. Regulations 21 The Governor may make regulations prescribing all matters that 22 are required or permitted by this Act to be prescribed, or are 23 necessary or convenient to be prescribed, for giving effect to the 24 purposes of this Act. 25
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