Western Australian Bills

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                    Western Australia

             Rail Safety Bill 2009


      Part 1 -- Preliminary
1.    Short title                                         2
2.    Commencement                                        2
3.    Terms used                                          2
4.    Declaration of substance to be a drug              12
5.    Railways to which this Act does not apply          13
6.    The concept of ensuring safety                     13
7.    Rail safety work                                   14
8.    Relationship to Government Railways Act 1904       15
9.    Crown bound                                        16
      Part 2 -- Relationship to
           Occupational Safety and Health
           Act 1984
10.   Act adds to protection provided by Occupational
      Safety and Health Act 1984                         17
11.   Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 prevails   17
12.   Compliance with this Act is no defence to
      prosecution under Occupational Safety and Health
      Act 1984                                           17
13.   Relationship between duties under this Act and
      Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984            17
14.   No double jeopardy                                 17
      Part 3 -- Administration
      Division 1 -- The Rail Safety Regulator
15.   Rail Safety Regulator                              18
16.   Functions of the Rail Safety Regulator             18
17.   Information to be included in annual report        19

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Rail Safety Bill 2009


      18.      Delegation                                             19
      19.      Rail Safety Regulator may exercise functions of
               rail safety officers                                   20
               Division 2 -- Rail safety officers
      20.      Designation of departmental officer as a rail safety
               officer                                                20
      21.      Use of other government staff and appointment of
               other government staff as rail safety officers         22
      22.      Appointment of rail safety officers                    23
      23.      Reciprocal powers of rail safety officers              23
      24.      Identification cards for rail safety officers          24
      25.      Rail safety officer must not exercise functions
               without identification card                            24
      26.      Display and production of identification card          24
      27.      Return of identification cards                         25
               Part 4 -- Rail safety
               Division 1 -- General safety duties
      28.      Safety duties of rail transport operators              26
      29.      Duties of rail transport operators extend to
               contractors                                            29
      30.      Duties of designers, manufacturers, suppliers etc.     29
               Division 2 -- Accreditation
      31.      Purpose of accreditation                               31
      32.      Accreditation required for railway operations          31
      33.      Purpose for which accreditation may be granted         33
      34.      Application for accreditation                          33
      35.      What applicant for accreditation must demonstrate      34
      36.      Rail Safety Regulator may direct applicants to
               coordinate and cooperate in applications               35
      37.      Coordination between Rail Safety Regulators            36
      38.      Determination of application                           36
      39.      Prescribed conditions and restrictions                 38
      40.      Penalty for breach of condition or restriction         38
      41.      Annual fees                                            38
      42.      Late payment fees                                      39
      43.      Rail Safety Accreditation Account                      39
      44.      Periodic returns                                       39
      45.      Surrender of accreditation                             40
      46.      Revocation or suspension of accreditation              40

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47.   Immediate suspension of accreditation                     42
48.   Keeping and making available documents for
      public inspection                                         43
49.   Application for variation of accreditation                44
50.   Application that relates to cooperative railway
      operations or operations in another jurisdiction          44
51.   Determination of application for variation                44
52.   Prescribed conditions and restrictions                    46
53.   Rail Safety Regulator may direct amendment of a
      safety management system                                  46
54.   Variation of conditions and restrictions                  46
55.   Rail Safety Regulator may make changes to
      conditions or restrictions                                47
56.   Accreditation cannot be transferred or assigned           48
57.   Sale or transfer of railway operations by accredited
      person                                                    48
      Division 3 -- Private sidings
58.   Exemption from accreditation                              49
      Division 4 -- Safety management
59.   Safety management system                                  50
60.   Compliance with safety management system                  53
61.   Review of safety management system                        54
62.   Safety performance reports                                54
63.   Interface coordination -- rail transport operators         56
64.   Interface coordination -- rail infrastructure
      manager -- public roads                                    56
65.   Interface coordination -- rail infrastructure
      manager --roads other than public roads                    57
66.   Interface coordination -- road manager -- public
      roads and other roads                                     58
67.   Identification and assessment of risks                    59
68.   Scope of interface agreements                             59
69.   Rail Safety Regulator may give directions                 59
70.   Register of interface agreements                          61
71.   Security management plan                                  62
72.   Emergency management plan                                 62
73.   Health and fitness management programme                   64
74.   Alcohol and drug management programme                     64
75.   Testing for presence of alcohol or drugs                  65
76.   Fatigue management programme                              65

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      77.      Assessment of competence                           65
      78.      Identification for rail safety workers             67
      79.      Duties of rail safety workers                      67
      80.      Contractors to comply with safety management
               system                                             68
               Division 5 -- Information about rail safety
      81.      Rail transport operators to provide information    69
               Division 6 -- Investigating and reporting by rail
                      transport operators
      82.      Notification of certain occurrences                70
      83.      Investigation of notifiable occurrences            71
               Division 7 -- Audit by Rail Safety Regulator
      84.      Audit of railway operations of rail transport
               operators                                          72
               Part 5 -- Enforcement
               Division 1 -- Entry to places by rail safety
      85.      Power to enter places                              74
      86.      Limitation on entry powers: places used for
               residential purposes                               75
      87.      Notice of entry                                    75
               Division 2 -- General enforcement powers
      88.      General powers after entering a place              75
      89.      Use of assistants and equipment                    77
      90.      Use of electronic equipment                        77
      91.      Use of equipment to examine or process things      77
      92.      Securing a site                                    78
               Division 3 -- Search warrants
      93.      Search warrant                                     79
      94.      Issue of search warrant                            79
      95.      Execution of warrant                               80
      96.      Seizure of things not mentioned in the warrant     81
               Division 4 -- Powers to support seizure
      97.      Directions relating to seizure                     81
      98.      Rail safety officer may direct a thing's return    82
      99.      Receipt for seized things                          83
      100.     Access to seized thing                             83

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101.   Embargo notices                                           83
       Division 5 -- Forfeiture
102.   Return of seized things                                   85
103.   Forfeiture                                                85
104.   Dealing with forfeited sample or thing                    86
105.   Forfeiture on conviction                                  87
       Division 6 -- Directions
106.   Rail safety officers may direct certain persons to
       give assistance                                           87
107.   Power to direct name and address be given                 88
108.   Failure to give name or address                           89
109.   Power to direct production of documents                   89
110.   Failure to produce document                               89
       Division 7 -- Improvement notices
111.   Improvement notices                                       90
112.   Contravention of improvement notice                       92
113.   Withdrawal or amendment of improvement notices            93
114.   Proceedings for offences not affected by
       improvement notices                                       94
115.   Rail Safety Regulator to arrange for rail safety
       work required by improvement notice to be carried
       out                                                       94
       Division 8 -- Prohibition notices
116.   Prohibition notice                                        94
117.   Contravention of prohibition notice                       96
118.   Oral direction before prohibition notice served           97
119.   Withdrawal or amendment of prohibition notice             98
120.   Proceedings for offences not affected by
       prohibition notices                                       98
       Division 9 -- Miscellaneous
121.   Directions may be given under more than one
       provision                                                 98
122.   Temporary closing of railway crossings, bridges
       etc.                                                      99
123.   Restoring rail infrastructure and rolling stock etc.
       to original condition after action taken                 100
124.   Use of force                                             100
125.   Power to use force against persons to be exercised
       only by police officers                                  100

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      126.     Protection from incrimination                            101
               Part 6 -- Investigations
               Division 1 -- Independent investigators
      127.     Appointment of independent investigator                  102
      128.     Conduct of investigation                                 103
      129.     Advise as to immediate action that is required           104
      130.     Release of information in the interests of rail safety   104
      131.     Investigation may continue despite other
               proceedings                                              104
      132.     Draft report or excerpt                                  105
      133.     Report                                                   106
      134.     Reports not admissible in evidence                       106
      135.     Response to report: installation of safety or
               protective devices                                       107
      136.     Appointment of authorised officers                       107
      137.     Delegation by independent investigator                   107
      138.     Certificate of appointment for independent
               investigators and authorised officers                    108
      139.     Independent investigators and authorised officers
               must not exercise functions without a certificate of
               appointment                                              108
      140.     Production of a certificate of appointment               108
      141.     Return of certificate of appointment                     109
               Division 2 -- Investigation powers
      142.     Securing a site                                          109
      143.     Power to obtain information                              110
      144.     Other powers                                             111
      145.     Limitation on entry powers: places used for
               residential purposes                                     113
      146.     Occupier entitled to be present during inspection        113
      147.     Use of equipment                                         113
      148.     Occupier to provide independent investigator with
               facilities and assistance                                113
      149.     Use of electronic equipment                              114
      150.     Use of equipment to examine or process things            114
      151.     Notices relating to exercise of powers                   115
      152.     Protection orders by Rail Safety Regulator or
               independent investigator                                 115
      153.     Medical examination                                      116

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154.   Analysis                                                118
155.   Regulations relating to medical examinations and
       analysis                                                120
156.   Independent investigator not to use force against
       persons                                                 120
       Division 3 -- Search warrants
157.   Search warrant                                          121
158.   Issue of search warrant                                 121
159.   Execution of warrant                                    122
160.   Seizure of things not mentioned in the warrant          122
       Division 4 -- Seized things and samples taken
161.   Provisions relating to seizure                          123
162.   Securing seized things                                  124
163.   Powers to support seizure                               124
164.   Independent investigator may direct a thing's
       return                                                  125
165.   Manner in which independent investigator may
       give directions under this Division                     126
166.   Receipt for seized things or sample                     126
167.   Copies of certain seized things to be given             127
168.   Transfer of seized thing to independent
       investigator                                            127
169.   Transfer of seized thing to a rail safety officer       128
       Division 5 -- Provisions relating to
170.   Offences in relation to investigation                   129
171.   Offence to hinder persons appointed under this
       Part                                                    130
172.   Incriminating information, questions or documents       130
173.   Legal professional privilege                            130
174.   Certification of independent investigator's or
       authorised officer's involvement in investigation       131
175.   Independent investigator and authorised officer not
       compellable as witnesses                                131
       Division 6 -- Protection of restricted
176.   Limitations on disclosure etc. of restricted
       information                                             131

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      177.     Disclosure of restricted information in the interests
               of rail safety                                          132
               Part 7 -- Review of decisions
      178.     Terms used                                              134
      179.     Application of Parliamentary Commissioner
               Act 1971 to Rail Safety Regulator and rail safety
               officers                                                134
      180.     Reviewable decisions                                    134
      181.     Review by the Rail Safety Regulator                     137
      182.     Review by the State Administrative Tribunal             139
               Part 8 -- General liability and
                    evidentiary provisions
               Division 1 -- General
      183.     Period within which proceedings for offences may
               be commenced                                            140
      184.     Authority to take proceedings                           141
      185.     Vicarious responsibility                                141
      186.     Records and evidence from records                       142
      187.     Certificate evidence                                    143
      188.     Proof of appointments and signatures unnecessary        143
      189.     Offences relating to bodies corporate, partnerships,
               associations and employees                              144
               Division 2 -- Discrimination against employees
      190.     Dismissal or other victimisation of employee            146
      191.     Defendant bears onus of proof                           148
      192.     Order for damages or reinstatement                      148
               Division 3 -- False or misleading information
      193.     False or misleading information provided to Rail
               Safety Regulator or officials                           148
               Division 4 -- Other offences
      194.     Obstructing or hindering rail safety officers           150
      195.     Offence to impersonate rail safety officer              151
      196.     Not to interfere with rail infrastructure etc.          151
      197.     Applying brake or emergency device                      151
      198.     Stopping a train or tram                                152

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        Division 5 -- Enforceable voluntary
199.    Rail Safety Regulator may accept undertakings              152
200.    Enforcement of undertakings                                152
        Division 6 -- Court based sanctions
201.    Daily penalty for continuing offences                      153
202.    Commercial benefits order                                  153
203.    Exclusion orders                                           155
204.    Contravention of exclusion order                           156
        Division 7 -- Undertakings
205.    Court may allow offender to make election                  157
206.    Making of election                                         158
207.    Failure to enter into undertaking                          159
208.    Time for payment of fine                                   159
209.    Nature and terms of undertaking                            160
210.    What may be included in undertaking                        160
211.    Effect of undertaking                                      162
212.    Failure to comply with undertaking                         162
213.    Amendment of undertaking                                   163
214.    Compliance report                                          163
        Part 9 -- General
        Division 1 -- Confidentiality
215.    Confidentiality                                            165
        Division 2 -- Civil liability
216.    Civil liability not affected by Part 4 Division 1 or 4     166
217.    Immunity from tortious liability                           166
218.    Immunity for reporting unfit rail safety worker            167
218A.   Immunity for administering a test or taking a
        sample                                                     168
        Division 3 -- Compliance codes and guidelines
219.    Approval of compliance codes and guidelines                168
220.    Effect of compliance code or guidelines                    169
221.    Effect of complying with a compliance code                 169
222.    Disallowance of compliance codes                           170
        Division 4 -- Miscellaneous
223.    Recovery of certain costs                                  170
224.    Recovery of amounts due                                    170
225.    Compliance with conditions of accreditation                170

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      226.     Prescribed persons                                   171
      227.     Contracting out prohibited                           171
      228.     Regulations                                          171
      229.     Repeals                                              173
               Part 10 -- Transitional
      230.     Terms used                                           174
      231.     Interpretation Act 1984 not affected                 174
      232.     Authorised officer                                   174
      233.     Accreditation                                        174
      234.     Interim accreditation                                175
      235.     Temporary accreditation                              175
      236.     Annual fees                                          175
      237.     Private siding                                       176
      238.     Suspension of accreditation                          176
      239.     Safety management plan                               176
      240.     Emergency Management Plan                            177
      241.     Health and fitness management programme              178
      242.     Alcohol and drug management programme                179
      243.     Fatigue management programme                         179
      244.     Assessment of competence                             180
      245.     Identification for rail safety workers               180
      246.     Installation of safety or protective devices         180
      247.     Closing railway crossings, bridges etc.              181
      248.     Direction to stop, alter or not to start the works   181
      249.     Direction to undertake remedial safety work          181
      250.     Safety reports                                       181
      251.     Supply of information                                182
      252.     Notifiable occurrences and other incidents           182
      253.     Report from owner or operator                        182
      254.     Request for certain details                          183
      255.     Inquiries                                            183
      256.     Evidentiary provision                                183
      257.     Powers in relation to transitional provision         183
               Part 11 -- Consequential
               Division 1 -- Government Railways Act 1904
      258.     Act amended                                          185

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259.   Section 2A amended                                   185
260.   Section 13 amended                                   185
261.   Section 61 amended                                   185
       Division 2 -- Mines Safety and Inspection
             Act 1994 amended
262.   Act amended                                          185
263.   Section 7 amended                                    186
       Division 3 -- Public Transport Authority
             Act 2003 amended
264.   Act amended                                          186
265.   Section 3 amended                                    186
266.   Section 4 amended                                    186
       Division 4 -- Rail Freight System Act 2000
267.   Act amended                                          186
268.   Section 9 amended                                    187
       Division 5 -- Railways (Access) Act 1998
269.   Act amended                                          187
270.   Section 8 amended                                    187
       Defined Terms

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                           Western Australia

                     LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY

                      (As amended in Committee)

                     Rail Safety Bill 2009

                               A Bill for

An Act to make provision for rail safety and other matters that form
part of a system of nationally consistent rail safety laws and as a
consequence to --
•  repeal the Rail Safety Act 1998; and
•  amend certain other Acts,
and for other purposes.

The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows:

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     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 1            Preliminary

     s. 1

 1                           Part 1 -- Preliminary
 2   1.       Short title
 3            This is the Rail Safety Act 2009.

 4   2.       Commencement
 5            This Act comes into operation as follows --
 6             (a) sections 1 and 2 -- on the day on which this Act
 7                   receives the Royal Assent;
 8             (b) the rest of the Act other than sections 63, 64, 65
 9                   and 66 -- on a day fixed by proclamation, and different
10                   days may be fixed for different provisions;
11             (c) section 63 -- on the day 12 months after the day on
12                   which section 3 comes into operation;
13             (d) sections 64, 65 and 66 -- on the day 36 months after the
14                   day on which section 3 comes into operation.

15   3.       Terms used
16            In this Act, unless the contrary intention appears --
17            accreditation means accreditation under Part 4;
18            accredited person means a rail transport operator who is
19            accredited under this Act but does not include a person whose
20            accreditation under this Act --
21              (a) has been surrendered or revoked or has otherwise ceased
22                    to have effect under this Act; or
23              (b) is suspended under this Act;
24            Australian rail safety law means a rail safety law or a
25            corresponding rail safety law;
26            Australian Rail Safety Regulator means the Rail Safety
27            Regulator or a corresponding Rail Safety Regulator;
28            authorised officer means a person appointed as an authorised
29            officer under section 136;

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                                                   Rail Safety Bill 2009
                                            Preliminary           Part 1

                                                                    s. 3

 1   CEO means the chief executive officer of the department of the
 2   Public Service principally assisting in the administration of this
 3   Act;
 4   commercial benefits order means an order under section 202;
 5   Commissioner of Police means the person holding or acting in
 6   the office of Commissioner of Police under the Police Act 1892;
 7   compliance code means a compliance code approved by the
 8   Minister under Part 9 Division 3;
 9   corresponding law means --
10     (a) the law of another jurisdiction corresponding, or
11           substantially corresponding, to this Act; or
12     (b) a law of another jurisdiction that is declared under the
13           regulations to be a corresponding law, whether or not
14           the law corresponds, or substantially corresponds, to this
15           Act;
16   corresponding rail safety law means a rail safety law as defined
17   in a corresponding law;
18   corresponding Rail Safety Regulator means --
19     (a) the Rail Safety Regulator within the meaning of a
20           corresponding rail safety law (except in the case of a
21           jurisdiction for which a person is prescribed under
22           paragraph (b)); or
23     (b) a person prescribed by the regulations as the
24           corresponding Rail Safety Regulator for another
25           jurisdiction for the purposes of this Act;
26   document includes any record of information accessible only
27   through the use of a computer or other device;
28   drug means --
29     (a) a substance that is a drug for the purposes of this Act by
30           virtue of a declaration under section 4; and
31     (b) any other substance (other than alcohol) which, when
32           consumed or used by a person, deprives that person

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     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 1            Preliminary

     s. 3

 1                    (temporarily or permanently) of any of his or her normal
 2                    mental or physical faculties;
 3            embargo notice means a notice under section 101;
 4            employee means a person employed under a contract of
 5            employment or contract of training;
 6            employer means a person who employs one or more other
 7            persons under contracts of employment or contracts of training;
 8            exercise includes perform;
 9            footpath has the meaning given in the Road Traffic Code 2000
10            regulation 3(1);
11            guidelines means guidelines approved by the Minister under
12            Part 9 Division 3;
13            improvement notice means a notice under section 111;
14            independent investigator means a person appointed as an
15            independent investigator under section 127;
16            infringement notice means an infringement notice under the
17            Criminal Procedure Act 2004 Part 2;
18            interface agreement means an agreement in writing about
19            managing risks to safety identified and assessed under Part 4
20            Division 4 that includes provisions for --
21              (a) implementing and maintaining measures to manage
22                    those risks; and
23              (b) the evaluation, testing and, where appropriate, revision,
24                    of those measures; and
25              (c) the respective roles and responsibilities of each party to
26                    the agreement in relation to those measures; and
27              (d) procedures by which each party to the agreement will
28                    monitor compliance with the obligations under the
29                    agreement; and
30              (e) a process for keeping the agreement under review and
31                    its revision;
32            jurisdiction means a State or Territory;

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                                                   Rail Safety Bill 2009
                                            Preliminary           Part 1

                                                                    s. 3

 1   level crossing has the meaning given in the Road Traffic
 2   Code 2000 regulation 3(1);
 3   notifiable occurrence means an accident or incident associated
 4   with railway operations --
 5     (a) that has, or could have, caused --
 6              (i) significant property damage; or
 7             (ii) serious injury; or
 8            (iii) death;
 9           or
10     (b) that is, or is of a class that is, prescribed by the
11           regulations to be a notifiable occurrence or class of
12           notifiable occurrence,
13   but does not include an accident or incident, or class of accident
14   or incident, that is prescribed by the regulations not to be a
15   notifiable occurrence;
16   personal information has the meaning given in the Freedom of
17   Information Act 1992 Glossary clause 1;
18   private siding means a siding that is managed, owned or
19   controlled by a person, other than a person who manages the rail
20   infrastructure with which the siding connects or to which it has
21   access, but does not include --
22     (a) a marshalling yard; or
23     (b) a crossing loop; or
24     (c) a passenger terminal; or
25     (d) a freight terminal; or
26     (e) a siding, or a siding of a class, prescribed by the
27           regulations not to be a private siding;
28   prohibition notice means a notice under section 116;
29   public place means --
30     (a) a place that --
31              (i) the public is entitled to use; or

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     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 1            Preliminary

     s. 3

 1                       (ii) is open to members of the public; or
 2                      (iii) is used by the public,
 3                     whether or not on payment of money; or
 4              (b) a place that the occupier allows members of the public
 5                     to enter, whether or not on payment of money;
 6            public road means a road as defined in the Road Traffic
 7            Act 1974 section 5(1);
 8            rail infrastructure means the facilities that are necessary to
 9            enable a railway to operate safely and includes, but is not
10            limited to --
11              (a) railway tracks and associated track structures; or
12              (b) service roads, signalling systems, communications
13                     systems, rolling stock control systems and data
14                     management systems; or
15              (c) notices and signs; or
16              (d) electrical power supply and electric traction systems; or
17              (e) associated buildings, workshops, depots and yards; or
18               (f) plant, machinery and equipment,
19            but does not include --
20              (g) rolling stock; or
21              (h) any facility, or facility of a class, that is prescribed by
22                     the regulations not to be rail infrastructure;
23            rail infrastructure manager, in relation to rail infrastructure of
24            a railway, means the person who has effective management and
25            control of the rail infrastructure, whether or not the person --
26              (a) owns the rail infrastructure; or
27              (b) has a statutory or contractual right to use the rail
28                     infrastructure or to control, or provide, access to it;
29            rail or road crossing means a railway crossing, a bridge
30            carrying a road over a railway or a bridge carrying a railway
31            over a road;

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                                                     Rail Safety Bill 2009
                                              Preliminary           Part 1

                                                                       s. 3

 1   rail safety law means this Act or a provision of this Act;
 2   rail safety matter means --
 3     (a) an occurrence involving rolling stock or rail
 4            infrastructure that resulted in, or that had the potential to
 5            result in, the death of, or injury to, any person, or in
 6            damage to any property or equipment including, for
 7            example --
 8               (i) a derailment of rolling stock; or
 9              (ii) a collision involving rolling stock; or
10             (iii) an accident or incident resulting from the
11                     construction, maintenance or operation of a
12                     railway; or
13             (iv) a failure of any part of rail infrastructure or any
14                     rolling stock or any part of any rolling stock; or
15              (v) a failure or breach of any practice or procedure
16                     involving rolling stock; or
17             (vi) a fire, explosion or other similar occurrence
18                     involving rolling stock; or
19            (vii) an accident or incident in which there is evidence
20                     of systematic safety deficiencies;
21            or
22     (b) any other occurrence or any state of affairs involving, or
23            in relation to, rolling stock or rail infrastructure that is
24            specified by the regulations for the purposes of this
25            definition;
26   rail safety officer means a person designated to be appointed as
27   a rail safety officer under Part 3 Division 2;
28   Rail Safety Regulator means the person referred to in
29   section 15(2);
30   rail safety work has the meaning given in section 7;
31   rail safety worker means an individual who has carried out, is
32   carrying out or is about to carry out, rail safety work;

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     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 1            Preliminary

     s. 3

 1            rail transport operator means --
 2              (a) a rail infrastructure manager; or
 3              (b) a rolling stock operator; or
 4              (c) a person who is both a rail infrastructure manager and a
 5                     rolling stock operator;
 6            railway means a monorail or proposed monorail or a guided
 7            system, or proposed guided system, designed for the movement
 8            of rolling stock having the capability of transporting passengers
 9            or freight, or both, on a railway track with a gauge of 600 mm
10            or more, together with its rail infrastructure and rolling stock
11            and includes the following --
12              (a) a heavy railway;
13              (b) a light railway;
14              (c) an inclined railway;
15              (d) a tramway;
16              (e) a railway within a marshalling yard or a passenger or
17                     freight terminal;
18               (f) a private siding;
19              (g) a guided system, or guided system of a class, prescribed
20                     by the regulations to be a railway;
21            railway crossing means --
22              (a) a level crossing; or
23              (b) any area where a footpath or shared path crosses a
24                     railway at substantially the same level;
25            railway operations means --
26              (a) the construction of a railway, railway tracks and
27                     associated track structures or rolling stock; or
28              (b) the management, commissioning, maintenance, repair,
29                     modification, installation, operation or decommissioning
30                     of rail infrastructure; or
31              (c) the commissioning, maintenance, repair, modification or
32                     decommissioning of rolling stock; or

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                                                   Rail Safety Bill 2009
                                            Preliminary           Part 1

                                                                    s. 3

 1    (d)    the operation or movement, or causing the operation or
 2           movement by any means, of rolling stock on a railway
 3           (including for the purposes of construction or restoration
 4           of rail infrastructure); or
 5     (e) the movement, or causing the movement, of rolling
 6           stock for the purposes of operating a railway service;
 7   railway premises means --
 8     (a) land (including any premises on land) on or in which is
 9           situated rail infrastructure; or
10     (b) land (including any premises on land) on or in which is
11           situated any over track or under track structure or part of
12           an over track or under track structure; or
13     (c) freight centres or depots used in connection with the
14           carrying out of railway operations; or
15     (d) workshops or maintenance depots used in connection
16           with the carrying out of railway operations; or
17     (e) premises including an office, building or housing used
18           in connection with the carrying out of railway
19           operations; or
20      (f) rolling stock or other vehicles associated with railway
21           operations;
22   railway tracks and associated track structures means --
23     (a) railway tracks and associated track structures and works
24           (such as cuttings, sidings, tunnels, bridges, stations,
25           platforms, tram stops, excavations, land fill, track
26           support earthworks and drainage works); or
27     (b) over track structures and under track structures
28           (including tunnels under tracks);
29   restricted information, in relation to an investigation under
30   Part 6, means any one or more of the following --
31     (a) a statement, whether oral or in writing, obtained from a
32           person in the course of an investigation, including any
33           record of the statement;

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     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 1            Preliminary

     s. 3

 1              (b)    all information recorded in the course of an
 2                     investigation;
 3               (c) information in a document or thing created by an
 4                     independent investigator or an authorised officer during
 5                     the course of an investigation;
 6               (d) all communications in the course of an investigation
 7                     with a person involved in the operation of rolling stock
 8                     that is or was the subject of the investigation;
 9               (e) medical or private information (including information
10                     obtained from an alcohol or drug test under section 154)
11                     regarding persons, including deceased persons, involved
12                     in an occurrence that is or has been the subject of an
13                     investigation;
14                (f) in relation to rolling stock that is or was the subject of an
15                     investigation, information recorded for the purposes of
16                     monitoring or directing the progress of the rolling stock
17                     from one place to another or information recorded about
18                     the operation of the rolling stock;
19               (g) records of the analysis of information or anything else
20                     obtained in the course of an investigation, including
21                     opinions expressed by a person in that analysis;
22               (h) any information prescribed for the purpose of this
23                     paragraph collected for the purpose of an investigation,
24             but does not include a train safety recording or a transcript of a
25             train safety recording;
26             road infrastructure means --
27               (a) the infrastructure which forms part of a road, footpath or
28                     shoulder, including --
29                        (i) structures forming part of the road, footpath or
30                              shoulder; or
31                       (ii) materials from which a road, footpath or
32                              shoulder is made;

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                                                    Rail Safety Bill 2009
                                             Preliminary           Part 1

                                                                     s. 3

 1    (b)     the road-related infrastructure including infrastructure
 2            which is installed or constructed to --
 3               (i) facilitate the operation or use of the road or
 4                    footpath; or
 5              (ii) support or protect the road or footpath;
 6     (c) all bridges (including any bridge over or under which a
 7            road passes), viaducts, tunnels, culverts, grids,
 8            approaches and other things appurtenant to the road or
 9            footpath or used in connection with the road or footpath;
10   road manager --
11     (a) in relation to a public road, means a local government,
12            regional local government or the Commissioner of Main
13            Roads;
14     (b) in relation to a road other than a public road, means the
15            owner of, or person responsible for, the road;
16   road vehicle means a vehicle as defined in the Road Traffic
17   Act 1974 section 5(1);
18   rolling stock means a vehicle that operates on or uses a railway
19   and includes a locomotive, carriage, rail car, rail motor, light
20   rail vehicle, train, tram, light inspection vehicle, self propelled
21   infrastructure maintenance vehicle, trolley, wagon or monorail
22   vehicle, but does not include a vehicle designed to operate both
23   on and off a railway when the vehicle is not operating on a
24   railway;
25   rolling stock operator means a person who has effective
26   management and control of the operation or movement of
27   rolling stock on rail infrastructure for a particular railway but
28   does not include a person by reason only that the person drives
29   the rolling stock or controls the network or the network signals;
30   safety means the safety of people, including rail safety workers,
31   passengers, other users of railways, users of rail or road
32   crossings and the general public;
33   safety management plan means a document describing a safety
34   management system;

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     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 1            Preliminary

     s. 4

 1             safety management system means a rail transport operator's
 2             safety management system under section 59;
 3             security management plan means a rail transport operator's
 4             security management plan under section 71;
 5             shared path has the meaning given in the Road Traffic
 6             Code 2000 regulation 3(1);
 7             siding means a portion of railway track, connected by points to
 8             a running line or another siding, on which rolling stock can be
 9             placed clear of the running line;
10             substance means a substance in any form (whether gaseous,
11             liquid, solid or other) and includes material, preparation, extract
12             and admixture;
13             supply includes --
14               (a) in relation to goods, supply or resupply by way of sale,
15                      exchange, lease, hire or hire purchase, whether as
16                      principal or agent; or
17               (b) in relation to services, provide, grant or confer, whether
18                      as principal or agent;
19             train means --
20               (a) 2 or more units of rolling stock coupled together, at least
21                      one of which is a locomotive or other self propelled unit;
22                      or
23               (b) a unit of rolling stock that is a locomotive or other self
24                      propelled unit;
25             train safety recording means a recording consisting of, or
26             mainly of, sounds or images or data, or any combination of
27             sounds, images or data, produced by a device installed in a train,
28             a signal box, a train control complex or other railway premises
29             for the purpose of recording operational activities carried out by
30             persons operating a train.

31   4.        Declaration of substance to be a drug
32             The Minister may, by order published in the Gazette, declare
33             any substance to be a drug for the purposes of this Act.

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                                                       Preliminary           Part 1

                                                                               s. 5

 1   5.         Railways to which this Act does not apply
 2        (1)   This Act does not apply to the following --
 3               (a) a railway in a mine that is underground, or chiefly
 4                     underground, and that is used in connection with the
 5                     performance of mining operations;
 6               (b) a slipway;
 7               (c) a railway used only to guide a crane;
 8               (d) an aerial cable operated system;
 9               (e) a railway, or class of railway, prescribed to be a railway
10                     to which this Act does not apply.
11        (2)   The Minister may, by notice published in the Gazette and on
12              such conditions, if any, as are specified, exempt from this Act,
13              or specified provisions of this Act --
14                (a) specified persons or persons of a specified class; or
15                (b) specified railways or railways of a specified class.
16        (3)   In subsection (2) --
17              specified means specified in the notice.
18        (4)   The Minister may amend or repeal a notice at any time by
19              subsequent notice published in the Gazette.
20        (5)   The Interpretation Act 1984 sections 41 and 42 apply to and in
21              relation to a notice under subsection (2) or (4) as if the notice
22              were a regulation.
23        (6)   A person must not contravene a condition imposed under
24              this section.
25              Penalty: a fine of $20 000.

26   6.         The concept of ensuring safety
27          (1) A duty imposed on a person under this Act to ensure, so far as
28              is reasonably practicable, safety requires the person --
29               (a) to eliminate risks to safety so far as is reasonably
30                     practicable; and

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     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 1            Preliminary

     s. 7

 1               (b)   if it is not reasonably practicable to eliminate risks to
 2                     safety, to reduce those risks so far as is reasonably
 3                     practicable.
 4        (2)   For the purposes of this Act, regard must be had to the
 5              following matters in determining what is, or was at a particular
 6              time, reasonably practicable in relation to ensuring safety --
 7                (a) the likelihood of the risk concerned eventuating;
 8                (b) the degree of harm that would result if the risk
 9                      eventuated;
10                (c) what the person concerned knows or ought reasonably to
11                      know, about the risk and any ways of eliminating or
12                      reducing the risk;
13                (d) the availability and suitability of ways to eliminate or
14                      reduce the risk;
15                (e) the cost of eliminating or reducing the risk.

16   7.         Rail safety work
17        (1)   Subject to subsection (2), any of the following classes of work
18              is rail safety work for the purposes of this Act --
19                (a) driving or despatching rolling stock or any other activity
20                       which is capable of controlling or affecting the
21                       movement of rolling stock;
22                (b) signalling, signalling operations, receiving or relaying
23                       communications or any other activity which is capable
24                       of controlling or affecting the movement of rolling
25                       stock;
26                (c) coupling or uncoupling rolling stock;
27                (d) maintaining, repairing, modifying, monitoring,
28                       inspecting or testing --
29                          (i) rolling stock, including checking that the rolling
30                              stock is working properly before being used; or
31                         (ii) rail infrastructure;
32                (e) installation of components in relation to rolling stock;

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                                                              Rail Safety Bill 2009
                                                       Preliminary           Part 1

                                                                               s. 8

 1                (f)   work on or about rail infrastructure relating to the
 2                      design, construction, repair, modification, maintenance,
 3                      monitoring, upgrading, inspection or testing of the rail
 4                      infrastructure or associated works or equipment,
 5                      including checking that the rail infrastructure is working
 6                      properly before being used;
 7               (g)    installation or maintenance of --
 8                         (i) a telecommunications system relating to rail
 9                               infrastructure or used in connection with rail
10                               infrastructure; or
11                        (ii) the means of supplying electricity directly to rail
12                               infrastructure or to any rolling stock using rail
13                               infrastructure or to a telecommunications system;
14               (h)    work involving certification as to the safety of rail
15                      infrastructure or rolling stock or any part or component
16                      of rail infrastructure or rolling stock;
17                (i)   work involving the decommissioning of rail
18                      infrastructure or rolling stock or any part or component
19                      of rail infrastructure or rolling stock;
20                (j)   work involving the development, management or
21                      monitoring of safe working systems for railways;
22               (k)    work involving the management or monitoring of
23                      passenger safety on, in or at any railway;
24                (l)   any other work that is prescribed to be rail safety work.
25        (2)   Work, or any class of work, prescribed not to be rail safety work
26              is not rail safety work for the purposes of this Act.

27   8.         Relationship to Government Railways Act 1904
28              If there is a conflict or inconsistency between a provision of this
29              Act, or subsidiary legislation made under this Act, and the
30              Government Railways Act 1904, or subsidiary legislation made
31              under that Act, the provision of this Act or subsidiary legislation
32              made under this Act prevails to the extent of the conflict or
33              inconsistency.

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    Rail Safety Bill 2009
    Part 1            Preliminary

    s. 9

1   9.        Crown bound
2             This Act binds the Crown and, so far as the legislative power of
3             the State permits, the Crown in all its other capacities.

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                                                                Rail Safety Bill 2009
            Relationship to Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984            Part 2

                                                                                s. 10

 1         Part 2 -- Relationship to Occupational Safety and
 2                         Health Act 1984
 3   10.       Act adds to protection provided by Occupational Safety and
 4             Health Act 1984
 5             If a provision of the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984
 6             applies to railway operations, that provision continues to apply,
 7             and must be observed, in addition to this Act.

 8   11.       Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 prevails
 9             If a provision of this Act is inconsistent with a provision of the
10             Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984, the provision of that
11             Act prevails to the extent of any inconsistency.

12   12.       Compliance with this Act is no defence to prosecution under
13             Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984
14             Compliance with this Act, or with any requirement imposed
15             under this Act, is not in itself a defence in any proceedings for
16             an offence against the Occupational Safety and Health
17             Act 1984.

18   13.       Relationship between duties under this Act and
19             Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984
20             Evidence of a relevant contravention of this Act is admissible in
21             any proceedings for an offence against the Occupational Safety
22             and Health Act 1984.

23   14.       No double jeopardy
24             If an act or omission constitutes an offence --
25               (a) under this Act; and
26               (b) under the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984,
27             the offender is not liable to be punished twice in respect of the
28             offence.

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     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 3            Administration
     Division 1        The Rail Safety Regulator
     s. 15

 1                          Part 3 -- Administration
 2                    Division 1 -- The Rail Safety Regulator
 3   15.         Rail Safety Regulator
 4         (1)   A Director Rail Safety is to be appointed.
 5         (2)   The Director Rail Safety or a person acting in the position of
 6               Director Rail Safety is the Rail Safety Regulator.
 7         (3)   Despite any other written law, the Rail Safety Regulator is not
 8               subject to the direction or control of any person in relation to the
 9               manner in which the Regulator performs his or her functions
10               under this Act.

11   16.         Functions of the Rail Safety Regulator
12         (1)   In addition to any other functions conferred on the Rail Safety
13               Regulator by this Act, the Rail Safety Regulator has the
14               following functions --
15                 (a) to administer, audit and review the accreditation regime
16                       under this Act;
17                 (b) to work with rail transport operators, rail safety workers,
18                       others involved in railway operations and corresponding
19                       Rail Safety Regulators to improve rail safety in this
20                       jurisdiction and nationally;
21                 (c) to provide information to corresponding Rail Safety
22                       Regulators, including information about causal factors
23                       of rail incidents, accreditation processes, investigation
24                       methods and risk assessment methodologies;
25                 (d) to collect and publish information relating to rail safety;
26                 (e) to provide, or facilitate the provision of, advice,
27                       education and training in relation to rail safety;
28                  (f) to monitor, investigate and enforce compliance with
29                       this Act.

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                                                     Administration           Part 3
                                          The Rail Safety Regulator      Division 1
                                                                                s. 17

 1         (2)   The functions of the Rail Safety Regulator under this Act are in
 2               addition to any function that the Rail Safety Regulator has under
 3               any other Act or law.

 4   17.         Information to be included in annual report
 5         (1)   The Rail Safety Regulator, not later than 31 October in each
 6               year, is to make and submit to the Minister an annual report for
 7               the preceding year ending on 30 June.
 8         (2)   The Rail Safety Regulator must in each annual report include --
 9                (a) information on the development of rail safety including
10                      an aggregation of statistics of a prescribed class reported
11                      to the Rail Safety Regulator under this Act in respect of
12                      that year; and
13                (b) information on any improvements and important
14                      changes in relation to the regulation of rail safety.
15         (3)   Subsection (1) is in addition to any other requirement under any
16               other Act or law to make a report or publish information.
17         (4)   The Minister is to cause a copy of the Rail Safety Regulator's
18               annual report submitted under subsection (1) to be laid before
19               each House of Parliament within 21 sitting days of that House
20               after receipt of the report by the Minister.
21         (5)   The Rail Safety Regulator is to ensure that after subsection (4)
22               has been complied with copies of the report are available on
23               request for inspection at the Regulator's principal place of
24               business.

25   18.         Delegation
26         (1)   The Rail Safety Regulator may delegate to a person any power
27               or duty of the Rail Safety Regulator under another provision of
28               this Act other than a function referred to in section 127(2).
29         (2)   The delegation must be in writing signed by the Rail Safety
30               Regulator.

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     Part 3            Administration
     Division 2        Rail safety officers
     s. 19

 1         (3)   A person to whom a power or duty is delegated under this
 2               section cannot delegate that power or duty.
 3         (4)   A person exercising or performing a power or duty that has been
 4               delegated to the person under this section is to be taken to do so
 5               in accordance with the terms of the delegation unless the
 6               contrary is shown.
 7         (5)   Nothing in this section limits the ability of the Rail Safety
 8               Regulator to perform a function through an officer or agent.

 9   19.         Rail Safety Regulator may exercise functions of rail safety
10               officers
11         (1)   The Rail Safety Regulator may exercise any function conferred
12               on a rail safety officer under this Act.
13         (2)   In this Act, other than this Part, a reference to a rail safety
14               officer includes a reference to the Rail Safety Regulator.

15                         Division 2 -- Rail safety officers
16   20.         Designation of departmental officer as a rail safety officer
17         (1)   In this section --
18               department means the department of the Public Service
19               principally assisting in the administration of this Act;
20               departmental officer means a public service officer employed
21               in the department;
22               designation means a designation under subsection (2);
23               employed in the department includes seconded to perform
24               functions or services for, or duties in the service of, the
25               department;
26               public service officer has the meaning given in the Public
27               Sector Management Act 1994 section 3(1).
28         (2)   The chief executive officer may designate a departmental
29               officer with appropriate qualifications or experience to be a rail
30               safety officer.

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                                                Administration             Part 3
                                            Rail safety officers      Division 2
                                                                             s. 20

 1   (3)   There are to be as many rail safety officers as are necessary to
 2         perform the functions conferred on a rail safety officer by this
 3         Act or any other written law.
 4   (4)   A person ceases to be a rail safety officer if the designation of
 5         the person is revoked or ceases to have effect.
 6   (5)   The power to make a designation includes --
 7          (a) the power to revoke a designation previously made; and
 8          (b) the power to designate a person to perform functions of
 9               another person who has that designation when it is
10               impractical for that other person to perform the
11               functions; and
12          (c) the power to specify one or more of the following --
13                  (i) functions under this Act that may not be
14                       exercised by the person designated;
15                 (ii) the only functions under this Act that may be
16                       exercised by the person designated;
17                (iii) the circumstances or manner in which a function
18                       under this Act may be performed by the person
19                       designated.
20   (6)   A designation ceases to have effect if the person designated
21         ceases to be a departmental officer.
22   (7)   The chief executive officer may delegate the power to make a
23         designation to another person.
24   (8)   The following are to be in writing --
25          (a) a designation;
26          (b) a revocation of a designation;
27          (c) a delegation of the power to make a designation.

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     Part 3            Administration
     Division 2        Rail safety officers
     s. 21

 1   21.         Use of other government staff and appointment of other
 2               government staff as rail safety officers
 3         (1)   The CEO may by arrangement with the relevant employer make
 4               use, either full-time or part-time, of the services of any officer
 5               or employee --
 6                 (a) in the Public Service; or
 7                 (b) in a State agency or instrumentality; or
 8                 (c) otherwise in the service of the Crown in right of the
 9                       State.
10         (2)   An arrangement under subsection (1) is to be made on the terms
11               agreed to by the parties.
12         (3)   If an arrangement under subsection (1) is in effect in relation to
13               an officer or employee, the Rail Safety Regulator, by instrument
14               in writing, may appoint the officer or employee to be a rail
15               safety officer for a term, and subject to the conditions, specified
16               in the instrument.
17         (4)   The Rail Safety Regulator must not appoint a person under
18               subsection (3) unless the Rail Safety Regulator is satisfied the
19               person holds appropriate qualifications, or has appropriate
20               experience, to perform the functions of a rail safety officer
21               under this Act.
22         (5)   Without limiting the conditions to which the appointment of a
23               rail safety officer may be subject, a condition may specify one
24               or more of the following --
25                 (a) functions under this Act that may not be exercised by
26                        the rail safety officer;
27                 (b) the only functions under this Act that may be exercised
28                        by the rail safety officer;
29                 (c) the circumstances or manner in which a function under
30                        this Act may be performed by the rail safety officer.

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                                                                  Rail Safety Bill 2009
                                                      Administration             Part 3
                                                  Rail safety officers      Division 2
                                                                                   s. 22

 1   22.         Appointment of rail safety officers
 2         (1)   The Rail Safety Regulator, by instrument in writing, may
 3               appoint a person, or person of a prescribed class, other than a
 4               public service officer (as defined in section 20(1)) to be a rail
 5               safety officer for a term, and subject to the conditions, specified
 6               in the instrument.
 7         (2)   The Rail Safety Regulator must not appoint a person under
 8               subsection (1) unless the Rail Safety Regulator is satisfied the
 9               person holds appropriate qualifications, or has appropriate
10               experience, to perform the functions of a rail safety officer
11               under this Act.
12         (3)   Without limiting the conditions to which the appointment of a
13               rail safety officer may be subject, a condition may specify one
14               or more of the following --
15                 (a) functions under this Act that may not be exercised by
16                        the rail safety officer;
17                 (b) the only functions under this Act that may be exercised
18                        by the rail safety officer;
19                 (c) the circumstances or manner in which a function under
20                        this Act may be performed by the rail safety officer.

21   23.         Reciprocal powers of rail safety officers
22         (1)   This section has effect in relation to another jurisdiction while
23               there is in force a corresponding rail safety law that contains
24               provisions corresponding to this section.
25         (2)   The Minister may enter into an agreement with a Minister of
26               another jurisdiction for the purposes of this section, including an
27               agreement to amend or revoke any such agreement.
28         (3)   To the extent envisaged by an agreement --
29                (a) rail safety officers of this jurisdiction may, in this
30                       jurisdiction or the other jurisdiction, exercise functions
31                       conferred on rail safety officers of the other jurisdiction

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     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 3            Administration
     Division 2        Rail safety officers
     s. 24

 1                      under the corresponding rail safety law of that other
 2                      jurisdiction; and
 3                (b)   rail safety officers of that other jurisdiction may, in this
 4                      jurisdiction or that other jurisdiction, exercise functions
 5                      conferred on rail safety officers under this Act.
 6         (4)   Anything done or omitted to be done by a rail safety officer of
 7               this jurisdiction under subsection (3) is taken to have been done
 8               under this Act as well as under the corresponding rail safety
 9               law.
10         (5)   The regulations may make provision for or with respect to the
11               exercise of functions under this section.
12         (6)   Nothing in this section affects the appointment under section 22
13               of persons as rail safety officers for the purposes of this Act.

14   24.         Identification cards for rail safety officers
15               The Rail Safety Regulator must --
16                (a) issue a rail safety officer with an identification card; or
17                (b) designate a card issued to a rail safety officer by a
18                      corresponding Rail Safety Regulator or by a person,
19                      body or authority, whether or not of this jurisdiction, as
20                      an identification card for the purposes of this Act.

21   25.         Rail safety officer must not exercise functions without
22               identification card
23               A rail safety officer must not exercise a function conferred
24               under this Act unless an identification card has been issued to,
25               or designated for, the officer by the Rail Safety Regulator.

26   26.         Display and production of identification card
27         (1)   In this section --
28               approved, in relation to a uniform or badge worn by a rail safety
29               officer, means a uniform or badge approved by the Rail Safety
30               Regulator.

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                                                                    Rail Safety Bill 2009
                                                        Administration             Part 3
                                                    Rail safety officers      Division 2
                                                                                     s. 27

 1         (2)   This section applies to a rail safety officer who is exercising, or
 2               about to exercise, a function under this Act.
 3         (3)   A rail safety officer must --
 4                (a) display his or her identification card if the officer is not
 5                       wearing an approved uniform or badge; or
 6                (b) produce his or her identification card if requested to do
 7                       so by a person in relation to whom the officer is
 8                       exercising, or about to exercise, the function.
 9         (4)   If it is not practical for a rail safety officer to produce his or her
10               identification card on being requested to do so, the rail safety
11               officer must produce his or her identification card as soon as
12               practicable after the request is made.

13   27.         Return of identification cards
14               A person who has ceased to be a rail safety officer must not,
15               without reasonable excuse, refuse or fail to return to the Rail
16               Safety Regulator, within such period as is specified by the Rail
17               Safety Regulator in a request for return of the card, any
18               identification card issued to the person by the Rail Safety
19               Regulator.
20               Penalty: a fine of $2 000.

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     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 4            Rail safety
     Division 1        General safety duties
     s. 28

 1                             Part 4 -- Rail safety
 2                       Division 1 -- General safety duties
 3   28.         Safety duties of rail transport operators
 4         (1)   A rail transport operator must ensure, so far as is reasonably
 5               practicable, the safety of the operator's railway operations.
 6         (2)   An offence under subsection (1) is a crime.
 7               Penalty:
 8                   (a) for an individual --
 9                           (i) for a first offence, a fine of $55 000;
10                          (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
11                                $82 000;
12                   (b) for a body corporate --
13                           (i) for a first offence, a fine of $550 000;
14                          (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
15                                $820 000.
16         (3)   Without limiting subsection (1), a rail transport operator
17               contravenes that subsection if the operator fails to do any of the
18               following --
19                 (a) develop and implement, so far as is reasonably
20                      practicable, safe systems for the carrying out of the
21                      operator's railway operations;
22                 (b) ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that each rail
23                      safety worker who is to perform rail safety work in
24                      relation to the operator's railway operations --
25                        (i) is of sufficient good health and fitness to carry
26                              out that work safely; and
27                       (ii) is competent to undertake that work;
28                 (c) ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that rail
29                      safety workers do not carry out rail safety work in

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                                                          Rail Safety Bill 2009
                                                   Rail safety           Part 4
                                         General safety duties      Division 1
                                                                           s. 28

 1                 relation to the operator's railway operations, and are not
 2                 on duty --
 3                    (i) while there is present in his or her blood, alcohol
 4                          of, or greater than, the concentration prescribed;
 5                          or
 6                   (ii) while affected by a drug in a way which could
 7                          detrimentally affect the person's ability to
 8                          perform that work;
 9          (d)    ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that rail
10                 safety workers who perform rail safety work in relation
11                 to the operator's railway operations comply with the
12                 operator's fatigue management programme in force
13                 under section 76;
14          (e)    provide, so far as is reasonably practicable, adequate
15                 facilities for the safety of persons at any railway
16                 premises under the control or management of the
17                 operator;
18           (f)   provide, so far as is reasonably practicable --
19                    (i) such information and instruction to, and training
20                          and supervision of, rail safety workers as is
21                          necessary to enable those workers to perform rail
22                          safety work in relation to the operator's railway
23                          operations in a way that is safe; and
24                   (ii) such information to rail transport operators and
25                          other persons on railway premises under the
26                          control or management of the operator as is
27                          necessary to enable those persons to ensure their
28                          safety.
29   (4)   Without limiting subsection (1), a rail infrastructure manager
30         contravenes that subsection if the manager fails to do any of the
31         following --
32           (a) ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that any
33                design, construction, commissioning, use, installation,
34                modification, maintenance, repair or decommissioning

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 1                     of the manager's rail infrastructure is done or carried out
 2                     in a way that ensures, so far as is reasonably practicable,
 3                     the safety of railway operations;
 4              (b)    establish, so far as is reasonably practicable, such
 5                     systems and procedures for the scheduling, control and
 6                     monitoring of railway operations that ensure, so far as is
 7                     reasonably practicable, the safety of the manager's
 8                     railway operations.
 9      (5)    Without limiting subsection (1), a rolling stock operator
10             contravenes that subsection if the rolling stock operator fails to
11             do any of the following --
12               (a) provide or maintain rolling stock that, so far as is
13                    reasonably practicable, is safe;
14               (b) ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that any
15                    design, construction, commissioning, use, modification,
16                    maintenance, repair, cleaning or decommissioning of
17                    rolling stock is done or carried out in a way that, so far
18                    as is reasonably practicable, ensures safety;
19               (c) comply, so far as is reasonably practicable, with such
20                    rules and procedures for the scheduling, control and
21                    monitoring of rolling stock that have been established by
22                    a rail infrastructure manager in relation to the use of the
23                    manager's rail infrastructure by the rolling stock
24                    operator;
25               (d) so far as is reasonably practicable, establish and
26                    maintain equipment, procedures and systems to
27                    minimise risks to the safety of the operator's railway
28                    operations;
29               (e) make arrangements for ensuring, so far as is reasonably
30                    practicable, safety in connection with the use, operation
31                    and maintenance of the operator's rolling stock.

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 1   29.         Duties of rail transport operators extend to contractors
 2         (1)   The duties of a rail transport operator under section 28 extend to
 3               a person who, not being an employee employed to carry out
 4               railway operations, undertakes railway operations on or in
 5               relation to rail infrastructure or rolling stock of the operator, and
 6               any employee of the person, in relation to matters over which
 7               the operator has control or would have control if not for any
 8               agreement purporting to limit or remove that control.
 9         (2)   A person to whom the duties under section 28 extend by reason
10               of subsection (1) must comply with those duties in respect of
11               railway operations referred to in that subsection undertaken by
12               the person.
13               Penalty:
14                    (a) for an individual --
15                            (i) for a first offence, a fine of $55 000;
16                           (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
17                                 $82 000;
18                    (b) for a body corporate --
19                            (i) for a first offence, a fine of $550 000;
20                           (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
21                                 $820 000.

22   30.         Duties of designers, manufacturers, suppliers etc.
23         (1)   A person who --
24                (a) designs, commissions, manufactures, supplies, installs
25                      or erects any thing; and
26                (b) knows, or ought reasonably to know, that the thing is to
27                      be used as or in connection with rail infrastructure or
28                      rolling stock,
29               must --
30                (c) ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that the thing
31                     is safe if it is used for a purpose for which it was

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 1                     designed, commissioned, manufactured, supplied,
 2                     installed or erected; and
 3              (d)    carry out, or arrange the carrying out, of such testing and
 4                     examination of the thing as may be necessary for
 5                     compliance with this section; and
 6               (e)   take such action as is necessary to ensure, so far as is
 7                     reasonably practicable, that there will be available in
 8                     connection with the use of the thing adequate
 9                     information about --
10                        (i) the use for which the thing was designed,
11                             commissioned, manufactured, supplied, installed
12                             or erected; and
13                       (ii) the results of any testing or examination referred
14                             to in paragraph (d); and
15                      (iii) any conditions necessary to ensure, so far as is
16                             reasonably practicable, the thing is safe if it is
17                             used for a purpose for which it was designed,
18                             commissioned, manufactured, supplied, installed
19                             or erected.
20      (2)    A person who decommissions any rail infrastructure or rolling
21             stock must --
22               (a) ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that the
23                    decommissioning is carried out safely; and
24               (b) carry out, or arrange the carrying out of, such testing and
25                    examination as may be necessary for compliance with
26                    this section.
27      (3)    An offence under subsection (1) or (2) is a crime.
28             Penalty:
29                 (a) for an individual --
30                         (i) for a first offence, a fine of $55 000;
31                        (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
32                              $82 000;

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 1                    (b)   for a body corporate --
 2                            (i) for a first offence, a fine of $550 000;
 3                           (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
 4                                  $820 000.
 5         (4)   For the purposes of subsection (1), if the person who supplies
 6               the thing --
 7                 (a) carries on the business of financing the acquisition of
 8                       the thing by customers; and
 9                 (b) has, in the course of that business, acquired an interest in
10                       the thing solely for the purpose of financing its
11                       acquisition by a customer from a third person or its
12                       provision to a customer by a third person; and
13                 (c) has not taken possession of the thing or has taken
14                       possession of it solely for the purpose of passing
15                       possession to that customer,
16               the reference in subsection (1) to the person who supplies that
17               thing is instead taken to be a reference to the third person.

18                            Division 2 -- Accreditation
19   31.         Purpose of accreditation
20               The purpose of accreditation of a rail transport operator in
21               relation to railway operations is to attest that the rail transport
22               operator has demonstrated to the Rail Safety Regulator the
23               competence and capacity to manage risks to safety associated
24               with those railway operations.

25   32.         Accreditation required for railway operations
26         (1)   A person must not carry out, or cause or permit to be carried
27               out, any railway operations unless the person --
28                 (a) is a rail transport operator who --
29                         (i) is accredited under this Part in relation to those
30                              operations; or

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 1                       (ii)   is exempt under this Act from compliance with
 2                              this section in relation to those operations;
 3                    or
 4              (b) is carrying out those operations, or causing or permitting
 5                    those operations to be carried out, for or on behalf of --
 6                       (i) a rail transport operator who is accredited under
 7                              this Part in relation to those operations; or
 8                      (ii) a rail transport operator who is exempt under this
 9                              Act from compliance with this section in relation
10                              to those operations;
11                    or
12              (c) is exempt under this Act from compliance with this
13                    section in relation to those operations.
14             Penalty:
15                 (a) for an individual --
16                           (i) for a first offence, a fine of $55 000;
17                          (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
18                                  $82 000;
19                 (b) for a body corporate --
20                           (i) for a first offence, a fine of $550 000;
21                          (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
22                                  $820 000.
23      (2)    Subsection (1) does not apply to a rail safety worker, not being a
24             rail transport operator, carrying out rail safety work for or on
25             behalf of a rail transport operator who --
26               (a) is accredited under this Part; or
27               (b) is exempt under this Act from compliance with this
28                      section in relation to that rail safety work.

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 1   33.         Purpose for which accreditation may be granted
 2         (1)   An accreditation may be granted to a rail transport operator for
 3               any one or more of the following purposes --
 4                 (a) for the carrying out of railway operations for the part or
 5                      parts of a railway designated in the notice of
 6                      accreditation under section 38(1), or for a part or parts
 7                      having the scope or characteristics so designated;
 8                 (b) for any service or aspect, or part of a service or aspect,
 9                      of railway operations designated in the notice of
10                      accreditation;
11                 (c) for specified railway operations to permit any one or
12                      more of the following --
13                         (i) site preparation;
14                        (ii) construction of rail infrastructure;
15                       (iii) restoration or repair work;
16                       (iv) testing of railway track or other infrastructure;
17                        (v) other activities relating to railway operations
18                              considered appropriate by the Rail Safety
19                              Regulator and designated in the notice of
20                              accreditation.
21         (2)   If the applicant so requests, accreditation may be granted for a
22               specified period only.

23   34.         Application for accreditation
24         (1)   A rail transport operator may apply to the Rail Safety Regulator
25               for accreditation in respect of specified railway operations
26               carried out, or proposed to be carried out, by, or on behalf of,
27               that operator.
28         (2)   An application must be made in the manner and form approved
29               by the Rail Safety Regulator and --
30                 (a) must specify the scope and nature of the railway
31                       operations in respect of which accreditation is sought;
32                       and

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 1                (b)   must include a safety management plan relating to those
 2                      railway operations; and
 3                (c)   must specify whether or not the applicant is accredited,
 4                      or has applied for accreditation, under a corresponding
 5                      law; and
 6                (d)   must contain the prescribed information; and
 7                (e)   must be accompanied by the application fee, if any,
 8                      prescribed.
 9         (3)   The Rail Safety Regulator may require a rail transport operator
10               who has applied for accreditation --
11                (a) to supply further information requested by the Rail
12                      Safety Regulator; and
13                (b) to verify by statutory declaration any information
14                      supplied to the Rail Safety Regulator.

15   35.         What applicant for accreditation must demonstrate
16               The Rail Safety Regulator must not grant accreditation to an
17               applicant unless satisfied, having regard to the guidelines
18               applicable to this section, that the applicant has demonstrated --
19                 (a) that the applicant is or is to be a rail infrastructure
20                      manager or rolling stock operator in relation to the
21                      railway operations for which accreditation is sought; and
22                 (b) that the applicant has the competence and capacity to
23                      manage risks to safety associated with the railway
24                      operations for which accreditation is sought; and
25                 (c) that the applicant --
26                         (i) has the competence and capacity to implement
27                               the proposed safety management system; and
28                        (ii) has the financial capacity, or has public risk
29                               insurance arrangements, to meet reasonable
30                               potential accident liabilities arising from the
31                               railway operations;
32                      and

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 1                (d)    that the applicant has met the consultation requirements
 2                       of this Act in relation to the applicant's safety
 3                       management system; and
 4                 (e)   that the applicant has complied with the requirements
 5                       prescribed, if any, for the purposes of this section.

 6   36.         Rail Safety Regulator may direct applicants to coordinate
 7               and cooperate in applications
 8         (1)   If the Rail Safety Regulator --
 9                 (a) receives applications from 2 or more rail transport
10                       operators for accreditation; and
11                 (b) believes that coordinated preparation of the applications
12                       is necessary to ensure that the railway operations of the
13                       applicants are carried out safely,
14               the Rail Safety Regulator may give a direction in writing to the
15               rail transport operators to coordinate their applications.
16         (2)   A direction under this section may require each rail transport
17               operator that is the subject of the direction to provide to each
18               other rail transport operator that is the subject of the direction
19               information concerning any circumstances in relation to the
20               carrying out of railway operations by the first mentioned rail
21               transport operator that could constitute a risk to safety in
22               relation to the carrying out of rail operations by another rail
23               transport operator that is the subject of the direction.
24         (3)   A rail transport operator that is given a direction under
25               subsection (1) must comply with the direction.
26               Penalty: a fine of $28 000.
27         (4)   A rail transport operator that has coordinated the preparation of
28               an application in accordance with this section must include in
29               the application reference to information given by the rail
30               transport operator to each other rail transport operator, and
31               information given to the rail transport operator by each other

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 1               rail transport operator, in accordance with a direction under this
 2               section.
 3               Penalty: a fine of $28 000.

 4   37.         Coordination between Rail Safety Regulators
 5         (1)   This section applies if the Rail Safety Regulator receives an
 6               application for accreditation, or for variation of accreditation or
 7               the conditions or restrictions of accreditation, that indicates that
 8               the applicant is accredited, or is seeking accreditation, under a
 9               corresponding law of one or more other jurisdictions, whether
10               or not contiguous with this jurisdiction.
11         (2)   The Rail Safety Regulator must, as soon as possible and before
12               deciding whether or not to grant the application, consult with
13               the relevant corresponding Rail Safety Regulator, or Regulators,
14               in relation to the application with a view to the outcome of the
15               application being consistent with the outcome of applications
16               made in the other jurisdiction or jurisdictions.
17         (3)   The Rail Safety Regulator, in complying with subsection (2),
18               must take into account any guidelines applicable to this section.
19         (4)   If the Rail Safety Regulator does not, in relation to an
20               application, act consistently with the provisions of the
21               guidelines, the Rail Safety Regulator must give the applicant
22               reasons for not so acting.

23   38.         Determination of application
24         (1)   Subject to this section, the Rail Safety Regulator must give to
25               the applicant, within the relevant period --
26                 (a) if the Rail Safety Regulator is satisfied as to the matters
27                       referred to in section 35 and, if applicable, section 36,
28                       notice in writing granting accreditation to the applicant
29                       with or without any conditions or restrictions; or
30                 (b) if the Rail Safety Regulator is not so satisfied, notice in
31                       writing refusing the application.

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 1   (2)   A notice under subsection (1) granting an application must
 2         specify --
 3           (a) the prescribed details of the applicant; and
 4           (b) the scope and nature of the railway operations, and the
 5                 manner in which they are to be carried out, in respect of
 6                 which the accreditation is granted; and
 7           (c) any conditions and restrictions imposed by the Rail
 8                 Safety Regulator on the grant of accreditation; and
 9           (d) any other prescribed information.
10   (3)   A notice --
11          (a) under subsection (1) refusing an application, or
12                imposing a condition or restriction, must include --
13                   (i) the reasons for the decision to refuse to grant the
14                       application or impose the condition or restriction;
15                       and
16                  (ii) information about the right of review under
17                       Part 7;
18                and
19          (b) under subsection (4)(c) extending a period, must include
20                information about the right of review under Part 7.
21   (4)   In this section, the relevant period, in relation to an application,
22         is --
23           (a) 6 months after the application was received by the Rail
24                  Safety Regulator; or
25           (b) if the Rail Safety Regulator requested further
26                  information, 6 months, or such other period, as is agreed
27                  between the Rail Safety Regulator and the applicant,
28                  after the Rail Safety Regulator receives the last
29                  information so requested; or

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 1                 (c)   if the Rail Safety Regulator, by notice in writing given
 2                       to the applicant before the expiry of the relevant
 3                       6 months, specifies another period, that period,
 4               whichever is the longer.

 5   39.         Prescribed conditions and restrictions
 6               Accreditation granted to a person under this Part is subject to
 7               any conditions or restrictions prescribed for the purposes of this
 8               section and that are applicable to the grant of accreditation.

 9   40.         Penalty for breach of condition or restriction
10               An accredited person must not fail to comply with a condition
11               or restriction of accreditation applying under this Part.
12               Penalty:
13                    (a) a fine of $55 000;
14                    (b) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of $82 000.

15   41.         Annual fees
16         (1)   Such annual fee as is prescribed must be paid by a rail transport
17               operator at the time of accreditation and in each subsequent year
18               on or before the anniversary of the person's accreditation for the
19               particular railway operation.
20         (2)   The Rail Safety Regulator may accept payment of an annual
21               accreditation fee due and payable by an accredited person in
22               accordance with an agreement made with the person, whether
23               for payment by instalments or otherwise.
24         (3)   If an accreditation is varied, such additional annual fee as is
25               prescribed in respect of the variation is to be paid.
26         (4)   Different fees may be prescribed for different kinds of
27               accreditation and for different classes of rail transport operators.
28         (5)   The regulations may prescribe various methods for the
29               calculation of various fees.

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 1   42.         Late payment fees
 2         (1)   The regulations may impose additional fees for late payment of
 3               fees after the due date for payment.
 4         (2)   A fee for late payment of fees may be, but is not required to be,
 5               calculated on a daily basis.
 6   43.         Rail Safety Accreditation Account
 7         (1)   The account called the "Rail Safety Accreditation Account" is a
 8               continuation of the account established under the Rail Safety
 9               Act 1998 section 23 and is as an agency special purpose account
10               under the Financial Management Act 2006 section 16.
11         (2)   The account is to be credited with --
12                (a) all fees and charges collected under this Act; and
13                (b) any amount appropriated by Parliament to, or otherwise
14                      lawfully received for, the account.
15         (3)   The account is to be charged with the costs of administering
16               this Act.
17   44.         Periodic returns
18         (1)   An accredited person must, for each period prescribed, not later
19               than the relevant day for the accreditation, as determined in
20               accordance with the regulations, lodge with the Rail Safety
21               Regulator a return containing the information prescribed.
22         (2)   If an accredited person fails to comply with subsection (1), the
23               Rail Safety Regulator may, by written notice given to the
24               accredited person, require him or her to do so and in that notice
25               is to advise the person of the effect of subsection (3).
26         (3)   An accredited person must comply with a notice given to the
27               person under subsection (2) within 2 months after service of the
28               notice.
29               Penalty:
30                    (a) for an individual --
31                           (i) for a first offence, a fine of $28 000;

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 1                           (ii)   for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
 2                                  $41 000;
 3                   (b)    for a body corporate --
 4                            (i) for a first offence, a fine of $280 000;
 5                           (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
 6                                  $410 000.

 7   45.         Surrender of accreditation
 8               An accredited person may, in accordance with the regulations,
 9               surrender the person's accreditation.

10   46.         Revocation or suspension of accreditation
11         (1)   This section applies in respect of an accredited person if --
12                (a) the Rail Safety Regulator considers that the accredited
13                      person --
14                         (i) is no longer able to demonstrate to the
15                              satisfaction of the Rail Safety Regulator the
16                              matters referred to in section 35 or to satisfy the
17                              conditions, or to comply with the restrictions, of
18                              the accreditation; or
19                        (ii) is not managing the rail infrastructure, or is not
20                              operating rolling stock in relation to any rail
21                              infrastructure, to which the accreditation relates
22                              and has not done so for at least the preceding
23                              12 months;
24                      or
25                (b) the accredited person contravenes this Act.
26         (2)   The Rail Safety Regulator --
27                (a) may suspend the accreditation, or part of the
28                      accreditation, of the accredited person for a period
29                      determined by the Rail Safety Regulator; or

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 1          (b)    may revoke the accreditation of the accredited person
 2                 wholly or in part, or in respect of particular railway
 3                 operations specified in the notice, with immediate effect
 4                 or with effect from a specified future date; or
 5           (c)   may impose conditions or restrictions on the
 6                 accreditation; or
 7          (d)    may vary conditions or restrictions to which the
 8                 accreditation is subject.
 9   (3)   If the Rail Safety Regulator revokes the accreditation, the Rail
10         Safety Regulator may declare that the accredited person is
11         disqualified from applying for accreditation, or for accreditation
12         in relation to specified railway operations, during a specified
13         period.
14   (4)   The Rail Safety Regulator may withdraw a suspension of the
15         accreditation of a person by written notice given to the person.
16   (5)   Before making a decision under subsection (2), the Rail Safety
17         Regulator --
18          (a) must notify the person in writing --
19                  (i) that the Rail Safety Regulator is considering
20                       making a decision under subsection (2) of the
21                       kind, and for the reasons, specified in the notice;
22                       and
23                 (ii) that the person may, within 28 days or such
24                       longer period as is specified in the notice, make
25                       written representations to the Rail Safety
26                       Regulator showing cause why the decision
27                       should not be made;
28                and
29          (b) must consider any representations made under
30                paragraph (a)(ii) and not withdrawn.
31   (6)   If the Rail Safety Regulator suspends or revokes the
32         accreditation of the accredited person wholly or in part, or in
33         respect of specified railway operations, the Rail Safety

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 1               Regulator must include in the notice of suspension or revocation
 2               the reasons for the suspension or revocation and information
 3               about the right of review under Part 7.
 4         (7)   If the Rail Safety Regulator suspends or revokes the
 5               accreditation of a person who is accredited in another
 6               jurisdiction, the Rail Safety Regulator must give notice of the
 7               suspension or revocation to the relevant corresponding Rail
 8               Safety Regulator.

 9   47.         Immediate suspension of accreditation
10         (1)   If the Rail Safety Regulator considers that there is, or would be,
11               an immediate and serious risk to safety unless an accreditation
12               is suspended immediately, the Rail Safety Regulator may,
13               without complying with section 46(5) or (6), by written notice
14               given to the accredited person, immediately suspend the
15               accreditation of the person --
16                 (a) wholly or in part, or in respect of particular railway
17                       operations specified in the notice; and
18                 (b) for a specified period, not exceeding 6 weeks.
19         (2)   The Rail Safety Regulator may, by notice in writing given to a
20               person whose accreditation is suspended wholly or in part or in
21               respect of specified railway operations --
22                 (a) reduce the period of suspension specified in a notice
23                       under subsection (1); or
24                 (b) extend the period of suspension specified in a notice
25                       under subsection (1) but not so that the suspension
26                       continues for more than 6 weeks after the date of the
27                       notice under that subsection.
28         (3)   The Rail Safety Regulator may withdraw a suspension of the
29               accreditation of a person by written notice given to the person.

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 1         (4)   Before making a decision under subsection (2)(b) to extend a
 2               period of suspension, the Rail Safety Regulator --
 3                 (a) must notify the person in writing --
 4                         (i) that the Rail Safety Regulator is considering
 5                              extending the period of suspension for the
 6                              reasons specified in the notification; and
 7                        (ii) that the person may, within 7 days or such longer
 8                              period as is specified in the notification, make
 9                              written representations to the Rail Safety
10                              Regulator showing cause why the suspension
11                              should not be extended;
12                       and
13                (b) must consider any representations made under
14                       paragraph (a)(ii) and not withdrawn.
15         (5)   If the Rail Safety Regulator extends the suspension of the
16               person, the Rail Safety Regulator must include in the notice
17               extending the suspension the reasons for the extension and
18               information about the right of review under Part 7.

19   48.         Keeping and making available documents for public
20               inspection
21               A rail transport operator must ensure that --
22                (a) if the operator is an accredited person or has an
23                        exemption under this Part, the current notice of
24                        accreditation or an exemption under this Part; and
25                (b) if the operator is a rail infrastructure manager of a
26                        private siding registered with the Rail Safety Regulator,
27                        the notice of registration; and
28                (c) any other document prescribed for the purposes of this
29                        section,
30               are available for inspection --
31                 (d) if the operator is a body corporate, at the operator's
32                       registered office during ordinary business hours; or

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 1                (e)   if the operator is not a body corporate, at the operator's
 2                      principal place of business or, if the Rail Safety
 3                      Regulator approves another place and time, at that place
 4                      and time.
 5               Penalty: a fine of $2 000.

 6   49.         Application for variation of accreditation
 7         (1)   An accredited person may apply to the Rail Safety Regulator, in
 8               the manner and form approved by the Rail Safety Regulator, for
 9               a variation of the accreditation.
10         (2)   An application for variation --
11                (a) must specify the details of the variation being sought;
12                      and
13                (b) must contain the prescribed information.
14         (3)   The Rail Safety Regulator may require an accredited person
15               who has applied for a variation --
16                (a) to supply further information requested by the Rail
17                      Safety Regulator; and
18                (b) to verify by statutory declaration any information
19                      supplied to the Rail Safety Regulator.

20   50.         Application that relates to cooperative railway operations or
21               operations in another jurisdiction
22               Sections 36 and 37 apply to an application for variation as if a
23               reference in those sections to accreditation were a reference to
24               variation of accreditation.

25   51.         Determination of application for variation
26         (1)   Subject to this section, the Rail Safety Regulator must, within
27               the relevant period, give to the applicant --
28                 (a) if the Rail Safety Regulator is satisfied as to the matters
29                       referred to in sections 35 and 36 so far as they are
30                       applicable to the proposed variation, notice in writing

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                                                  Accreditation      Division 2
                                                                            s. 51

 1                 varying the accreditation, with or without any conditions
 2                 or restrictions; or
 3          (b)    if the Rail Safety Regulator is not so satisfied, notice in
 4                 writing refusing the application.
 5   (2)   A notice under subsection (1) varying an accreditation must
 6         specify --
 7           (a) the prescribed details of the applicant; and
 8           (b) the variation to the accreditation so far as it applies to
 9                 the scope and nature of the railway operations, or the
10                 manner in which they are to be carried out; and
11           (c) any conditions and restrictions imposed by the Rail
12                 Safety Regulator on the accreditation as varied; and
13           (d) any other prescribed information.
14   (3)   A notice --
15          (a) under subsection (1) refusing an application, or
16                imposing a condition or restriction, must include --
17                   (i) the reasons for the decision to refuse to grant the
18                       application for variation or imposing the
19                       condition or restriction; and
20                  (ii) information about the right of review under
21                       Part 7;
22          (b) under subsection (4)(c) extending a period, must include
23                information about the right of review under Part 7.
24   (4)   In this section, the relevant period, in relation to an application,
25         is --
26           (a) 6 months after the application was received by the Rail
27                  Safety Regulator; or
28           (b) if the Rail Safety Regulator requested further
29                  information, 6 months, or such other period, as is agreed
30                  between the Rail Safety Regulator and the applicant,
31                  after the Rail Safety Regulator receives the last
32                  information so requested; or

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 1                 (c)   if the Rail Safety Regulator, by notice in writing given
 2                       to the applicant before the expiry of the relevant
 3                       6 months, specifies another period, that period,
 4               whichever is the longer.

 5   52.         Prescribed conditions and restrictions
 6               The accreditation of a person that is varied under this Part is
 7               subject to any conditions or restrictions prescribed under
 8               section 39 that are applicable to the accreditation as varied.

 9   53.         Rail Safety Regulator may direct amendment of a safety
10               management system
11         (1)   The Rail Safety Regulator may direct a rail transport operator,
12               by notice in writing, to amend the operator's safety management
13               system within a specified period, being not less than 28 days
14               after the giving of the direction.
15         (2)   A direction under subsection (1) must state the reasons why the
16               Rail Safety Regulator considers it is necessary for the rail
17               transport operator to amend the safety management system.
18         (3)   The rail transport operator must not, without reasonable excuse,
19               fail to comply with a direction under subsection (1).
20               Penalty:
21                     (a) for an individual, a fine of $55 000;
22                     (b) for a body corporate, a fine of $550 000.

23   54.         Variation of conditions and restrictions
24         (1)   An accredited person may apply to the Rail Safety Regulator for
25               a variation of any condition or restriction to which the
26               accreditation is subject and that was imposed by the Rail Safety
27               Regulator.
28         (2)   An application for variation of a condition or restriction must be
29               made as if it were an application for variation of accreditation
30               and section 49 applies accordingly.

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 1         (3)   The Rail Safety Regulator must consider the application and, if
 2               satisfied as to the matters referred to in sections 35 and 36 so far
 3               as they are applicable to the proposed variation, may, by notice
 4               given to the accredited person and in accordance with the
 5               provisions of this Part so far as they are applicable, grant or
 6               refuse to grant the variation.
 7         (4)   A notice under subsection (3) refusing to grant a variation of a
 8               condition or restriction must include the reasons for the decision
 9               to refuse to grant the variation and information about the right
10               of review under Part 7.

11   55.         Rail Safety Regulator may make changes to conditions or
12               restrictions
13         (1)   The Rail Safety Regulator may, subject to this section, at any
14               time and in the discretion of the Rail Safety Regulator, vary or
15               revoke a condition or restriction imposed by the Rail Safety
16               Regulator to which the accreditation of an accredited person is
17               subject or impose a new condition or restriction.
18         (2)   Before taking action under this section, the Rail Safety
19               Regulator must --
20                (a) give the accredited person written notice of the action
21                      that the Rail Safety Regulator proposes to take; and
22                (b) allow the accredited person to make written
23                      representations about the intended action within 14 days
24                      or any other period that the Rail Safety Regulator and
25                      the accredited rail operator agree upon; and
26                (c) consider any representations made under paragraph (b)
27                      and not withdrawn.
28         (3)   Subsection (2) does not apply if the Rail Safety Regulator
29               considers it necessary to take immediate action in the interests
30               of safety.

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 1         (4)   The Rail Safety Regulator must --
 2                (a) give, in writing, to the accredited person --
 3                         (i) details of any action taken under subsection (1);
 4                              and
 5                        (ii) a statement of reasons for any action taken under
 6                              subsection (1);
 7                      and
 8                (b) notify, in writing, the accredited person that the person
 9                      has a right of review of the decision under Part 7.

10   56.         Accreditation cannot be transferred or assigned
11         (1)   An accreditation --
12                (a) is personal to the person who holds it; and
13                (b) is not capable of being transferred or assigned to any
14                      other person or otherwise dealt with by the person who
15                      holds it; and
16                (c) does not vest by operation of law in any other person.
17         (2)   A purported transfer or assignment of an accreditation or any
18               other purported dealing with an accreditation by the person who
19               holds it is of no effect.
20         (3)   This section has effect despite anything in any Act or rule of
21               law to the contrary.

22   57.         Sale or transfer of railway operations by accredited person
23         (1)   If an accredited person proposes to sell or otherwise transfer any
24               railway operations for which the person is accredited, the Rail
25               Safety Regulator may, on an application for accreditation under
26               this Part being made by the proposed transferee, waive
27               compliance by the proposed transferee with any one or more of
28               the requirements of this Division.
29         (2)   The Rail Safety Regulator is not to waive compliance with any
30               such requirements unless the proposed transferee demonstrates,

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                                                     Private sidings      Division 3
                                                                                 s. 58

 1               to the satisfaction of the Rail Safety Regulator, that the
 2               proposed transferee has the competence and capacity to comply
 3               with the relevant requirements of this Division that apply to
 4               applicants for accreditation of the appropriate kind.
 5         (3)   A waiver of compliance with requirements may be given subject
 6               to such conditions and restrictions, if any, as appear to the Rail
 7               Safety Regulator to be necessary.

 8                          Division 3 -- Private sidings
 9   58.         Exemption from accreditation
10         (1)   A rail infrastructure manager of a private siding --
11                (a) is not required to be accredited under this Part in respect
12                       of railway operations carried out in the private siding;
13                       and
14                (b) except to the extent that the regulations or a condition
15                       referred to in subsection (2) otherwise provides, is not
16                       required to comply with Division 4, 5 or 6 in relation to
17                       the private siding.
18         (2)   Despite subsection (1), if the rail infrastructure manager wishes
19               the private siding to be, or to continue to be, connected with, or
20               to have access to, a railway or siding of an accredited person,
21               the rail infrastructure manager must --
22                 (a) register the private siding with the Rail Safety Regulator
23                        and pay the prescribed annual fee, if any; and
24                 (b) comply with conditions imposed by the Rail Safety
25                        Regulator from time to time or prescribed by the
26                        regulations with respect to the safe construction,
27                        maintenance and operation of the private siding; and
28                 (c) comply with the provisions of section 63 in relation to
29                        the management of the interface with the railway of the
30                        accredited person; and

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 1                (d)   notify the accredited person in writing of any railway
 2                      operations affecting or relating to the safety of the
 3                      railway or siding of the accredited person.
 4               Penalty:
 5                   (a) for an individual --
 6                            (i) for a first offence, a fine of $28 000;
 7                           (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
 8                                 $41 000;
 9                   (b) for a body corporate --
10                            (i) for a first offence, a fine of $280 000;
11                           (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
12                                 $410 000.
13         (3)   Conditions and regulations referred to in subsection (2) may
14               establish requirements that are the same as, or similar to, any
15               provisions of Division 4, 5 or 6.
16         (4)   The Rail Safety Regulator must issue a notice of registration to
17               a rail infrastructure manager who registers a private siding with
18               the Rail Safety Regulator.
19         (5)   If the regulations so prescribe, the Rail Safety Regulator must
20               make prescribed particulars of a registration under
21               subsection (2) available for public inspection at the Rail Safety
22               Regulator's office or a prescribed place, during ordinary
23               business hours.

24                       Division 4 -- Safety management
25   59.         Safety management system
26         (1)   A rail transport operator must have a safety management system
27               for railway operations, other than railway operations in respect
28               of which the operator is not required to be accredited, carried
29               out on or in relation to the rail transport operator's rail
30               infrastructure or rolling stock that --
31                 (a) is in a form approved by the Rail Safety Regulator; and

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 1    (b)    complies with the relevant prescribed requirements and
 2           the prescribed risk management principles, methods and
 3           procedures; and
 4    (c) identifies and assesses any risks to safety that have
 5           arisen or may arise from the carrying out of railway
 6           operations on or in relation to the rail transport
 7           operator's rail infrastructure or rolling stock; and
 8    (d) specifies the controls, including audits, expertise,
 9           resources and staff, that are to be used by the rail
10           transport operator to manage risks to safety and to
11           monitor safety in relation to those railway operations;
12           and
13    (e) includes procedures for monitoring, reviewing and
14           revising the adequacy of those controls; and
15     (f) includes --
16              (i) measures to manage risks to safety identified
17                     under section 63, 64 or 65; and
18             (ii) a security management plan in accordance with
19                     section 71; and
20            (iii) an emergency management plan in accordance
21                     with section 72; and
22            (iv) a health and fitness management programme in
23                     accordance with section 73; and
24             (v) an alcohol and drug management programme in
25                     accordance with section 74; and
26            (vi) a fatigue management programme in accordance
27                     with section 76.
28   Penalty:
29        (a) for an individual --
30                  (i) for a first offence, a fine of $55 000;
31                 (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
32                        $82 000;

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 1                  (b)   for a body corporate --
 2                          (i) for a first offence, a fine of $550 000;
 3                         (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
 4                                $820 000.
 5      (2)    A rail transport operator, before establishing a safety
 6             management system in relation to railway operations in respect
 7             of which the operator is required to be accredited or reviewing
 8             or varying any such safety management system, must consult,
 9             so far as is reasonably practicable, with --
10               (a) persons likely to be affected by the safety management
11                      system or its review or variation, being persons who
12                      carry out those railway operations or work on or at the
13                      rail transport operator's railway premises or with the rail
14                      transport operator's rolling stock; and
15               (b) a safety and health representative as defined in the
16                      Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 section 3(1)
17                      representing any of the persons referred to in
18                      paragraph (a); and
19               (c) any union representing any of the persons referred to in
20                      paragraph (a); and
21               (d) any other rail transport operator with whom the first
22                      mentioned operator has an interface agreement under
23                      section 63 relating to risks to safety of railway
24                      operations carried out by or on behalf of either of them;
25                      and
26               (e) the public, as appropriate.
27      (3)    If the safety management system of a rail transport operator and
28             the safety management system of another rail transport operator
29             who has an agreement referred to in subsection (2)(d) with the
30             first mentioned rail transport operator, when taken as one
31             system, comply with this Act, both safety management systems
32             are taken to comply with this Act.

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 1         (4)   A safety management system must be evidenced in writing
 2               and --
 3                 (a) must identify each person responsible for preparing any
 4                      part of the safety management system; and
 5                 (b) must identify the person, or class of persons, responsible
 6                      for implementing the system.

 7   60.         Compliance with safety management system
 8         (1)   A rail transport operator must implement the rail transport
 9               operator's safety management system.
10               Penalty:
11                    (a) for an individual --
12                             (i) for a first offence, a fine of $55 000;
13                            (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
14                                  $82 000;
15                    (b) for a body corporate --
16                             (i) for a first offence, a fine of $550 000;
17                            (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
18                                  $820 000.
19         (2)   A rail transport operator must not, without reasonable excuse,
20               fail to comply with the rail transport operator's safety
21               management system for the rail transport operator's railway
22               operations.
23               Penalty:
24                     (a) for an individual --
25                             (i) for a first offence, a fine of $55 000;
26                            (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
27                                  $82 000;
28                     (b) for a body corporate --
29                             (i) for a first offence, a fine of $550 000;
30                            (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
31                                  $820 000.

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 1         (3)   It is a reasonable excuse if the rail transport operator --
 2                  (a) complies with the safety management system to the
 3                         extent practicable while complying with a condition or
 4                         restriction of accreditation; or
 5                 (b) demonstrates that compliance with the system in
 6                         particular circumstances would have increased the
 7                         likelihood of a notifiable occurrence happening.
 8         (4)   Subsection (3) does not limit the excuses that may be reasonable
 9               excuses.

10   61.         Review of safety management system
11               A rail transport operator must review the rail transport
12               operator's safety management system in accordance with the
13               regulations at such times or within such periods as are
14               prescribed or, if no times or periods are prescribed, at least once
15               each year or at such other time as is agreed between the rail
16               transport operator and the Rail Safety Regulator.
17               Penalty:
18                    (a) for an individual --
19                             (i) for a first offence, a fine of $28 000;
20                            (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
21                                  $41 000;
22                    (b) for a body corporate --
23                             (i) for a first offence, a fine of $280 000;
24                            (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
25                                  $410 000.

26   62.         Safety performance reports
27         (1)   In this section --
28               reporting period means a calendar year or such other period as
29               is agreed from time to time by the Rail Safety Regulator and the
30               rail transport operator.

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 1   (2)   A rail transport operator must give the Rail Safety Regulator a
 2         safety performance report in respect of each reporting period
 3         that --
 4           (a) is in a form approved by the Rail Safety Regulator; and
 5           (b) complies with the requirements, if any, prescribed for
 6                  the purposes of this section; and
 7           (c) contains --
 8                     (i) a description and assessment of the safety
 9                         performance of the rail transport operator's
10                         railway operations; and
11                    (ii) comments on any deficiencies in, and any
12                         irregularities in, the railway operations that may
13                         be relevant to the safety of the railway; and
14                   (iii) a description of any safety initiatives in relation
15                         to the railway operations undertaken during the
16                         reporting period or proposed to be undertaken in
17                         the next reporting period; and
18                   (iv) any other information or performance indicators
19                         prescribed for the purpose of this section.
20   (3)   A rail transport operator must submit a report in accordance
21         with this section within 6 months after the end of each reporting
22         period.
23         Penalty:
24              (a) for an individual --
25                       (i) for a first offence, a fine of $28 000;
26                      (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
27                            $41 000;
28              (b) for a body corporate --
29                       (i) for a first offence, a fine of $280 000;
30                      (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
31                            $410 000.

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 1   63.         Interface coordination -- rail transport operators
 2         (1)   A rail transport operator --
 3                (a) must identify and assess, so far as is reasonably
 4                        practicable, risks to safety that may arise from railway
 5                        operations carried out by or on behalf of the operator
 6                        because of, or partly because of, railway operations
 7                        carried out by or on behalf of any other rail transport
 8                        operator; and
 9                (b) must determine measures to manage, so far as is
10                        reasonably practicable, those risks; and
11                (c) must, for the purpose of managing those risks, seek to
12                        enter into an interface agreement with the other rail
13                        transport operator or rail transport operators.
14         (2)   Except to the extent that the regulations otherwise provide,
15               subsection (1)(c) does not apply if none of the rail transport
16               operators is a rail infrastructure manager.

17   64.         Interface coordination -- rail infrastructure manager --
18               public roads
19               A rail infrastructure manager --
20                (a) must identify and assess, so far as is reasonably
21                       practicable, risks to safety that may arise from railway
22                       operations carried out on or in relation to the manager's
23                       rail infrastructure and that may so arise because of, or
24                       partly because of --
25                          (i) the existence of road infrastructure of a
26                                prescribed public road; and
27                         (ii) the existence or use of any rail or road crossing
28                                that is part of the road infrastructure of any
29                                public road;
30                       and
31                (b) must determine measures to manage, so far as is
32                       reasonably practicable, those risks; and

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 1           (c)   must, for the purpose of managing those risks, seek to
 2                 enter into an interface agreement with the road manager
 3                 in relation to that road.

 4   65.   Interface coordination -- rail infrastructure manager --
 5         roads other than public roads
 6         A rail infrastructure manager --
 7          (a) must identify and assess, so far as is reasonably
 8                 practicable, risks to safety that may arise from railway
 9                 operations carried out on or in relation to the manager's
10                 rail infrastructure and that may so arise because of, or
11                 partly because of, the existence or use of any rail or road
12                 crossing that is part of the road infrastructure of any
13                 road, other than a public road; and
14          (b) must consider whether it is necessary to manage those
15                 risks in conjunction with the road manager in relation to
16                 that road and --
17                    (i) if the rail infrastructure manager is of the opinion
18                          that it is necessary that those risks be managed in
19                          conjunction with the road manager, must give
20                          written notice of that opinion to the road
21                          manager and must determine measures to
22                          manage, so far as is reasonably practicable, those
23                          risks; or
24                   (ii) if the rail infrastructure manager is of the opinion
25                          that the management of those risks does not need
26                          to be carried out in conjunction with the road
27                          manager, must keep a written record of that
28                          opinion;
29                 and
30          (c) unless paragraph (b)(ii) applies, must, for the purpose of
31                 managing those risks, seek to enter into an interface
32                 agreement with the road manager in relation to that road.

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     Division 4        Safety management
     s. 66

 1   66.         Interface coordination -- road manager -- public roads and
 2               other roads
 3         (1)   The road manager in relation to a public road --
 4                (a) must identify and assess, so far as is reasonably
 5                      practicable, risks to safety that may arise from the
 6                      existence or use of any rail or road crossing that is part
 7                      of the road infrastructure of that public road because of,
 8                      or partly because of, railway operations carried out on or
 9                      in relation to any rail infrastructure; and
10                (b) must determine measures to manage, so far as is
11                      reasonably practicable, those risks; and
12                (c) must, for the purpose of managing those risks, seek to
13                      enter into an interface agreement with the rail
14                      infrastructure manager of the rail infrastructure.
15         (2)   If, under section 65(b), a rail infrastructure manager gives a
16               written notice to a road manager in relation to a road that is not
17               a public road of an opinion that certain risks need to be
18               managed in conjunction with the road manager, the road
19               manager --
20                 (a) must identify and assess, so far as is reasonably
21                       practicable, risks to safety that may arise from the
22                       existence or use of any rail or road crossing that is part
23                       of the road infrastructure of the road because of, or
24                       partly because of, railway operations; and
25                 (b) must determine measures to manage, so far as is
26                       reasonably practicable, those risks; and
27                 (c) must, for the purpose of managing those risks, seek to
28                       enter into an interface agreement with the rail
29                       infrastructure manager.
30         (3)   Nothing in this section authorises or requires a road manager to
31               act inconsistently with, or without regard to, the functions,
32               obligations or powers conferred on it under an Act other than
33               this Act.

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                                                                                 s. 67

 1   67.         Identification and assessment of risks
 2               A rail transport operator, rail infrastructure manager or road
 3               manager which is required under section 63, 64, 65 or 66 to
 4               identify and assess risks to safety that may arise from operations
 5               carried out by another person may do so --
 6                 (a) by itself identifying and assessing those risks; or
 7                 (b) by identifying and assessing those risks jointly with the
 8                        other person; or
 9                 (c) by adopting the identification and assessment of those
10                        risks carried out by the other person.
11   68.         Scope of interface agreements
12               An interface agreement under this Division --
13                (a) may be entered into by 2 or more rail transport operators
14                      or by one or more rail transport operators and one or
15                      more road managers; and
16                (b) may include measures to manage any number of risks to
17                      safety that may arise because of, or partly because of,
18                      any railway operations; and
19                (c) may include measures to manage any number of risks to
20                      safety that may arise from any railway operations
21                      because of, or partly because of, the existence or use of
22                      any road infrastructure; and
23                (d) may make provision for or in relation to any matter by
24                      applying, adopting or incorporating any matter
25                      contained in any document; and
26                (e) may consist of 2 or more documents.
27   69.         Rail Safety Regulator may give directions
28         (1)   This section applies if the Rail Safety Regulator is satisfied that
29               a rail transport operator, rail infrastructure manager or road
30               manager referred to in section 63, 64, 65 or 66 --
31                 (a) is unreasonably refusing or failing to enter into an
32                        interface agreement with another person as required
33                        under this Division; or

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 1              (b)    is unreasonably delaying the negotiation of such an
 2                     agreement.
 3      (2)    The Rail Safety Regulator may issue a written notice to the rail
 4             transport operator, the rail infrastructure manager or the road
 5             manager, as the case requires, and the other person that --
 6               (a) warns of the Rail Safety Regulator's powers under this
 7                    section, including the power to issue a direction under
 8                    subsection (4) at any time after a specified date; and
 9               (b) includes a copy of this section; and
10               (c) may contain suggested terms for inclusion in an
11                    interface agreement.
12      (3)    If the Rail Safety Regulator issues a notice under subsection (2)
13             to a rail transport operator, rail infrastructure manager or road
14             manager, the Rail Safety Regulator may, in writing, request the
15             manager to provide such information as the Rail Safety
16             Regulator reasonably requires for the purposes of making a
17             direction under subsection (4).
18      (4)    If a notice is issued under subsection (2) and an interface
19             agreement has not been entered into by or on the date specified
20             in the notice, the Rail Safety Regulator --
21               (a) may determine the arrangements that are to apply in
22                      relation to the management of risks to safety referred to
23                      in section 63, 64, 65 or 66, as the case requires; and
24               (b) may direct either or both persons to whom the notice is
25                      issued to give effect to those arrangements; and
26               (c) must specify by when a direction must be complied
27                      with.
28      (5)    A direction under subsection (4) --
29              (a) must be in writing; and
30              (b) must set out any arrangements determined by the Rail
31                    Safety Regulator under that subsection.

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 1         (6)   A person to whom a direction under subsection (4) is given
 2               must comply with the direction.
 3               Penalty:
 4                   (a) for an individual --
 5                            (i) for a first offence, a fine of $14 000;
 6                           (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
 7                                $21 000;
 8                   (b) for a body corporate --
 9                            (i) for a first offence, a fine of $550 000;
10                           (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
11                                $820 000.

12   70.         Register of interface agreements
13         (1)   A rail transport operator must maintain a register of --
14                (a) interface agreements to which it is a party; and
15                (b) arrangements determined by the Rail Safety Regulator
16                        under section 69,
17               that are applicable to its railway operations.
18         (2)   A road manager must maintain a register of --
19                (a) interface agreements to which it is a party; and
20                (b) arrangements determined by the Rail Safety Regulator
21                      under section 69,
22               that are applicable to any road in relation to which it is the road
23               manager.
24               Penalty:
25                    (a) for an individual, a fine of $2 000;
26                    (b) for a body corporate, a fine of $20 000.

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     Part 4            Rail safety
     Division 4        Safety management
     s. 71

 1   71.         Security management plan
 2               A rail transport operator --
 3                (a) must have a security management plan for railway
 4                        operations carried out by or on behalf of the operator on
 5                        or in relation to the operator's rail infrastructure or
 6                        rolling stock that --
 7                           (i) incorporates measures to protect people from
 8                                  theft, assault, sabotage, terrorism and other
 9                                  criminal acts of other parties and from other
10                                  harm; and
11                          (ii) complies with this Act;
12                        and
13                (b) must ensure that the security management plan is
14                        implemented; and
15                (c) must ensure that the appropriate response measures of
16                        the security management plan are implemented without
17                        delay if an incident of a kind referred to in paragraph (a)
18                        occurs.
19               Penalty:
20                    (a) for an individual --
21                               (i) for a first offence, a fine of $55 000;
22                              (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
23                                     $82 000;
24                    (b) for a body corporate --
25                               (i) for a first offence, a fine of $550 000;
26                              (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
27                                     $820 000.

28   72.         Emergency management plan
29         (1)   A rail transport operator must have an emergency management
30               plan for railway operations carried out by or on behalf of the
31               operator on or in relation to the operator's railway operations
32               that complies with subsection (2).

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                                                         Rail Safety Bill 2009
                                                  Rail safety           Part 4
                                         Safety management         Division 4
                                                                          s. 72

 1         Penalty:
 2             (a) for an individual --
 3                   (i) for a first offence, a fine of $55 000;
 4                  (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
 5                         $82 000;
 6             (b) for a body corporate --
 7                   (i) for a first offence, a fine of $550 000;
 8                  (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
 9                         $820 000.
10   (2)   The emergency management plan must --
11          (a) address and include the matters that are prescribed; and
12          (b) be prepared --
13                 (i) in conjunction with emergency services and any
14                       other person who is prescribed; and
15                (ii) in accordance with the regulations;
16               and
17          (c) be kept and maintained in accordance with the
18               regulations; and
19          (d) be provided to the emergency services and any other
20               person who is prescribed; and
21          (e) be tested in accordance with the regulations.
22   (3)   A rail transport operator must ensure that the appropriate
23         response measures of the emergency management plan are
24         implemented if an emergency occurs.
25         Penalty:
26              (a) for an individual --
27                       (i) for a first offence, a fine of $55 000;
28                      (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
29                            $82 000;

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     Part 4            Rail safety
     Division 4        Safety management
     s. 73

 1                  (b)   for a body corporate --
 2                          (i) for a first offence, a fine of $550 000;
 3                         (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
 4                                $820 000.

 5   73.       Health and fitness management programme
 6             A rail transport operator must have and implement a health and
 7             fitness programme for rail safety workers who carry out rail
 8             safety work on or in relation to the rail transport operator's rail
 9             infrastructure or rolling stock that complies with the prescribed
10             requirements relating to health and fitness programmes.
11             Penalty:
12                  (a) for an individual --
13                           (i) for a first offence, a fine of $55 000;
14                          (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
15                                $82 000;
16                  (b) for a body corporate --
17                           (i) for a first offence, a fine of $550 000;
18                          (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
19                                $820 000.

20   74.       Alcohol and drug management programme
21             A rail transport operator must prepare and implement an alcohol
22             and drug management programme for rail safety workers who
23             carry out railway operations in relation to the rail transport
24             operator's rail infrastructure or rolling stock that complies with
25             this Act.
26             Penalty:
27                  (a) for an individual --
28                           (i) for a first offence, a fine of $55 000;
29                          (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
30                                 $82 000;

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                                                                 Rail Safety Bill 2009
                                                          Rail safety           Part 4
                                                 Safety management         Division 4
                                                                                  s. 75

 1                    (b)   for a body corporate --
 2                            (i) for a first offence, a fine of $550 000;
 3                           (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
 4                                  $820 000.

 5   75.         Testing for presence of alcohol or drugs
 6               The Rail Safety Regulator may arrange with a rail transport
 7               operator or a person undertaking railway operations on or in
 8               relation to the rail transport operator's rail infrastructure or
 9               rolling stock for the testing for the presence of alcohol or any
10               other drug, in accordance with the regulations, of any person on
11               duty for the purpose of carrying out rail safety work.

12   76.         Fatigue management programme
13               A rail transport operator must prepare and implement a
14               programme, in accordance with the prescribed requirements, for
15               the management of fatigue of rail safety workers who carry out
16               railway operations in relation to the rail transport operator's rail
17               infrastructure or rolling stock.
18               Penalty:
19                    (a) for an individual --
20                             (i) for a first offence, a fine of $55 000;
21                            (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
22                                  $82 000;
23                    (b) for a body corporate --
24                             (i) for a first offence, a fine of $550 000;
25                            (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
26                                  $820 000.

27   77.         Assessment of competence
28         (1)   A rail transport operator must ensure that each rail safety
29               worker who is to carry out rail safety work in relation to the rail
30               transport operator's rail infrastructure or rolling stock has the
31               competence to carry out that work.

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     Part 4            Rail safety
     Division 4        Safety management
     s. 77

 1             Penalty:
 2                 (a) for an individual --
 3                       (i) for a first offence, a fine of $28 000;
 4                      (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
 5                             $41 000;
 6                 (b) for a body corporate --
 7                       (i) for a first offence, a fine of $280 000;
 8                      (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
 9                             $410 000.
10      (2)    For the purposes of subsection (1), the competence of a rail
11             safety worker to carry out rail safety work must be assessed --
12               (a) by reference to any qualification or any units of
13                     competence recognised under the regulations applicable
14                     to the rail safety work to be carried out; and
15               (b) by reference to the knowledge and skills of the rail
16                     safety worker that would enable the worker to carry out
17                     the rail safety work safely.
18      (3)    A certificate purporting to have been issued to a rail safety
19             worker certifying that the worker has any qualification or units
20             of competence recognised under subsection (2)(a) is evidence
21             that the worker has those qualifications or units of competence.
22      (4)    Nothing in this section prevents a rail transport operator from
23             requiring a rail safety worker to undertake further training
24             before carrying out rail safety work.
25      (5)    A rail transport operator must maintain records in accordance
26             with the regulations of the competence of rail safety workers
27             who carry out rail safety work on or in relation to the rail
28             transport operator's rail infrastructure or rolling stock.
29             Penalty:
30                  (a) for an individual --
31                           (i) for a first offence, a fine of $14 000;
32                          (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
33                                $21 000;

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                                                          Rail safety           Part 4
                                                 Safety management         Division 4
                                                                                  s. 78

 1                    (b)   for a body corporate --
 2                            (i) for a first offence, a fine of $140 000;
 3                           (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
 4                                  $210 000.

 5   78.         Identification for rail safety workers
 6         (1)   A rail transport operator must ensure that each rail safety
 7               worker who is to carry out rail safety work in relation to the rail
 8               transport operator's railway operations has a form of
 9               identification that is sufficient to enable the type of competence
10               and training of the rail safety worker for that rail safety work to
11               be checked by a rail safety officer.
12               Penalty:
13                    (a) for an individual, a fine of $2 000;
14                    (b) for a body corporate, a fine of $20 000.
15         (2)   A rail safety worker who is carrying out rail safety work must,
16               when requested by a rail safety officer to do so, produce the
17               identification provided in accordance with subsection (1) to the
18               rail safety officer.
19               If it is not practicable for a rail safety worker to produce the
20               identification on being requested to do so, the rail safety worker
21               may produce it within a period considered reasonable by the
22               requesting rail safety officer.
23               Penalty: a fine of $2 000.

24   79.         Duties of rail safety workers
25         (1)   A rail safety worker, when carrying out rail safety work must --
26                (a) take reasonable care for his or her own safety; and
27                (b) take reasonable care for the safety of persons who may
28                       be affected by the rail safety worker's acts or omissions;
29                       and

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     Part 4            Rail safety
     Division 4        Safety management
     s. 80

 1                 (c)   cooperate with the rail transport operator with respect to
 2                       any action taken by the rail transport operator to comply
 3                       with a requirement imposed under this Act.
 4         (2)   A rail safety worker, when carrying out rail safety work, must
 5               not intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything
 6               provided to the worker by the rail transport operator --
 7                 (a) in the interests of safety; or
 8                 (b) under this Act.
 9         (3)   A rail safety worker, when carrying out rail safety work, must
10               not wilfully or recklessly place the safety of another person on
11               or in the immediate vicinity of rail infrastructure at risk.
12         (4)   An offence under subsection (1), (2) or (3) is a crime.
13               Penalty:
14                   (a) for a first offence, a fine of $100 000;
15                   (b) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
16                         $125 000.
17         (5)   For the purposes of subsection (1)(a) or (b), in determining
18               whether a rail safety worker failed to take reasonable care,
19               regard must be had to what the rail safety worker knew about
20               the relevant circumstances.

21   80.         Contractors to comply with safety management system
22               A person, not being an employee employed to carry out railway
23               operations, who undertakes railway operations on or in relation
24               to rail infrastructure or rolling stock of a rail transport operator
25               must comply with the safety management system of the rail
26               transport operator to the extent that it applies to those railway
27               operations.
28               Penalty:
29                     (a) for an individual --
30                              (i) for a first offence, a fine of $100 000;

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                                                                  Rail Safety Bill 2009
                                                          Rail safety            Part 4
                                         Information about rail safety      Division 5
                                                                                   s. 81

 1                           (ii)   for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
 2                                  $125 000;
 3                    (b)   for a body corporate --
 4                            (i) for a first offence, a fine of $200 000;
 5                           (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
 6                                  $250 000.

 7                  Division 5 -- Information about rail safety
 8   81.         Rail transport operators to provide information
 9         (1)   The Rail Safety Regulator may, by notice in writing given to a
10               rail transport operator, require the operator to provide to the Rail
11               Safety Regulator on or before a specified date and in a manner
12               and form approved by the Rail Safety Regulator, any or all of
13               the following --
14                 (a) information concerning measures taken by the rail
15                        transport operator to promote rail safety;
16                 (b) information concerning matters, including matters
17                        relating to the financial capacity or insurance
18                        arrangements of the rail transport operator, relating to
19                        rail safety or the accreditation of the rail transport
20                        operator that the Rail Safety Regulator reasonably
21                        requires;
22                 (c) information prescribed for the purposes of this
23                        subsection.
24         (2)   The rail transport operator must comply with a notice given to
25               the operator under subsection (1).
26               Penalty:
27                    (a) for an individual --
28                             (i) for a first offence, a fine of $28 000;
29                            (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
30                                  $41 000;

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     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 4            Rail safety
     Division 6        Investigating and reporting by rail transport operators
     s. 82

 1                   (b)   for a body corporate --
 2                           (i) for a first offence, a fine of $280 000;
 3                          (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
 4                                 $410 000.
 5         (3)   A rail transport operator must provide to the Rail Safety
 6               Regulator, in a manner and form approved by the Rail Safety
 7               Regulator and at the prescribed times and in respect of the
 8               prescribed periods, information prescribed for the purposes of
 9               this subsection relating to rail safety or accreditation.
10               Penalty:
11                     (a) for an individual --
12                             (i) for a first offence, a fine of $28 000;
13                            (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
14                                  $41 000;
15                     (b) for a body corporate --
16                             (i) for a first offence, a fine of $280 000;
17                            (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
18                                  $410 000.

19               Division 6 -- Investigating and reporting by rail
20                             transport operators
21   82.         Notification of certain occurrences
22         (1)   A rail transport operator must report to the Rail Safety
23               Regulator or another authority specified by the Rail Safety
24               Regulator within the time, and in the manner, prescribed, all
25               notifiable occurrences that happen on, or in relation to, the rail
26               transport operator's railway premises or railway operations.
27               Penalty:
28                    (a) for a first offence, a fine of $55 000;
29                    (b) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of $82 000.

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                                                             Rail safety           Part 4
                 Investigating and reporting by rail transport operators      Division 6
                                                                                     s. 83

 1         (2)   Two or more rail transport operators may make a joint report
 2               with respect to a notifiable occurrence affecting them.
 3         (3)   In addition to the matters specified in subsection (1), the Rail
 4               Safety Regulator may, by notice in writing, require a rail
 5               transport operator to report to the Rail Safety Regulator or
 6               another authority specified by the Rail Safety Regulator, any
 7               other occurrence or type of occurrence which endangers or
 8               could endanger the safe operation of any railway operations.
 9         (4)   The Rail Safety Regulator may require information in a report
10               under this section to be verified by statutory declaration.
11         (5)   A rail transport operator to whom a requirement under
12               subsection (3) applies must comply with the requirement.
13               Penalty:
14                    (a) for an individual --
15                             (i) for a first offence, a fine of $28 000;
16                            (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
17                                  $41 000;
18                    (b) for a body corporate --
19                             (i) for a first offence, a fine of $280 000;
20                            (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
21                                  $410 000.

22   83.         Investigation of notifiable occurrences
23         (1)   The Rail Safety Regulator may, by written notice to a rail
24               transport operator, require the rail transport operator to
25               investigate notifiable occurrences, or any other occurrences, that
26               have endangered or that may endanger the safe operation of the
27               railway operations carried out by the rail transport operator.
28         (2)   The level of investigation must be determined by the severity
29               and potential consequences of the notifiable occurrence as well
30               as by other similar occurrences and its focus should be to

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     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 4            Rail safety
     Division 7        Audit by Rail Safety Regulator
     s. 84

 1               determine the cause and contributing factors, rather than to
 2               apportion blame.
 3         (3)   The rail transport operator must ensure that the investigation is
 4               conducted in a manner approved by the Rail Safety Regulator
 5               and within the period specified by the Rail Safety Regulator.
 6               Penalty:
 7                   (a) for a first offence, a fine of $28 000;
 8                   (b) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of $41 000.
 9         (4)   A rail transport operator who has carried out an investigation
10               under this section must report to the Rail Safety Regulator on
11               the investigation within the period specified by the Rail Safety
12               Regulator.
13               Penalty:
14                    (a) for a first offence, a fine of $28 000;
15                    (b) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of $41 000.

16                 Division 7 -- Audit by Rail Safety Regulator
17   84.         Audit of railway operations of rail transport operators
18         (1)   In this section --
19               rail transport operator includes a person, not being an
20               employee employed to carry out railway operations, who
21               undertakes railway operations on or in relation to rail
22               infrastructure or rolling stock of a rail transport operator.
23         (2)   The Rail Safety Regulator --
24                (a) may audit the railway operations of a rail transport
25                      operator; and
26                (b) may prepare and implement a programme (an audit
27                      programme) for each year for inspecting the railway
28                      operations of rail transport operators; and

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                                                            Rail Safety Bill 2009
                                                     Rail safety           Part 4
                                 Audit by Rail Safety Regulator       Division 7
                                                                             s. 84

 1           (c)   may, for the purposes of an audit, inspect the railway
 2                 operations of a rail transport operator whether or not
 3                 under an audit programme.
 4   (3)   Without limiting subsection (2)(b), an audit programme may
 5         focus on one or more of the following --
 6           (a) particular rail transport operators;
 7           (b) particular criteria relating to rail transport operators;
 8           (c) particular aspects of rail safety;
 9           (d) particular aspects of railway operations.
10   (4)   The Rail Safety Regulator must give not less than 24 hours
11         notice in writing to a rail transport operator before inspecting
12         the operator's railway operations under this section.
13   (5)   The regulations may establish procedures for the conduct of
14         audits under this section, including procedures to ensure the
15         confidentiality of records.

                                                                         page 73
     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 5            Enforcement
     Division 1        Entry to places by rail safety officers
     s. 85

 1                            Part 5 -- Enforcement
 2               Division 1 -- Entry to places by rail safety officers
 3   85.          Power to enter places
 4         (1)    In this section --
 5                compliance and investigative purposes includes purposes --
 6                  (a) related to ascertaining whether a rail safety law has been
 7                         or is being complied with, including whether an offence
 8                         has been committed against a rail safety law; or
 9                  (b) related to ascertaining whether the terms of, or a
10                         condition or restriction of, an accreditation has been or
11                         is being complied with.
12         (2)    A rail safety officer may, for compliance and investigative
13                purposes or in an emergency, enter a place if --
14                  (a) the place is a public place and the entry is made when
15                        the place is open to the public; or
16                 (b) the occupier of the place consents to the entry; or
17                  (c) the entry to the place is authorised by a warrant under
18                        section 94; or
19                 (d) the place is railway premises and the entry is made when
20                        the place is --
21                           (i) open for carrying on activities by reason of
22                                which the place is railway premises; or
23                          (ii) otherwise open for entry; or
24                         (iii) not open as mentioned in subparagraph (i) or (ii)
25                                but the entry is urgently required to investigate
26                                the circumstances of a notifiable occurrence at
27                                any time during which railway operations are
28                                being carried out or are usually carried out.
29         (3)    A rail safety officer who enters railway premises under
30                subsection (2)(d) must not unnecessarily impede any activities
31                being conducted at the premises.

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                                                              Rail Safety Bill 2009
                                                      Enforcement            Part 5
                                       General enforcement powers       Division 2
                                                                               s. 86

 1   86.         Limitation on entry powers: places used for residential
 2               purposes
 3               Despite anything to the contrary in this Part, the powers of a rail
 4               safety officer under this Part in relation to entering a place are
 5               not exercisable in respect of any place that is used only for
 6               residential purposes except --
 7                 (a) with the consent of the occupier of the place; or
 8                 (b) under the authority conferred by a warrant under
 9                       section 94.

10   87.         Notice of entry
11               Before a rail safety officer enters railway premises, not being a
12               public place, under section 85, the rail safety officer must give
13               the occupier of the railway premises reasonable notice of the
14               intention to enter unless --
15                 (a) the giving of the notice would be reasonably likely to
16                       defeat the purpose for which it is intended to enter the
17                       premises; or
18                 (b) entry to the premises is made with the consent of the
19                       occupier of the premises; or
20                 (c) entry is required in circumstances where the rail safety
21                       officer reasonably believes there is an immediate risk to
22                       safety because of the carrying out of railway operations
23                       at the premises; or
24                 (d) entry is authorised by a warrant under section 94.

25                  Division 2 -- General enforcement powers
26   88.         General powers after entering a place
27         (1)   A rail safety officer who enters a place under this Part, may do
28               any of the following --
29                 (a) search and inspect any part of the place and any rail
30                       infrastructure, rolling stock or road vehicle or any other
31                       thing at the place;

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     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 5            Enforcement
     Division 2        General enforcement powers
     s. 88

 1              (b)    enter or open, using reasonable force, rail infrastructure,
 2                     rolling stock, a road vehicle or other thing at the place to
 3                     examine the structure, rolling stock, road vehicle or
 4                     other thing;
 5               (c)   take measurements, make surveys and take levels and,
 6                     for those purposes, dig trenches, break up the soil and
 7                     set up any posts, stakes or markers;
 8              (d)    test any part of rail infrastructure or rolling stock for the
 9                     purpose of identifying quality or faults;
10               (e)   inspect, film, photograph, videotape or otherwise record
11                     an image of --
12                        (i) rail infrastructure or rolling stock, or a road
13                             vehicle or other thing, at the place;
14                       (ii) a document at the place or in rolling stock or a
15                             road vehicle at the place;
16               (f)   take, or authorise another person to take, for analysis a
17                     thing, or a sample of or from the thing, at the place;
18              (g)    seize anything that the rail safety officer suspects on
19                     reasonable grounds is connected with an offence against
20                     this Act or to secure any such thing against interference;
21              (h)    mark, tag or otherwise identify rolling stock, a road
22                     vehicle or other thing at the place;
23               (i)   take a copy of the whole or any part of a document at
24                     the place or in rolling stock or a road vehicle at the
25                     place;
26               (j)   take all necessary steps to allow a power under
27                     paragraphs (a) to (i) to be exercised.
28      (2)    A film, photograph, videotape or image taken under
29             subsection (1)(e) of rail infrastructure, or of any part of rail
30             infrastructure, is not inadmissible as evidence by reason only of
31             the fact that it includes the likeness of one or more persons if the
32             capturing of that likeness does not appear to have been the main
33             reason for the taking of the film, photograph, videotape or
34             image.

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                                                               Rail Safety Bill 2009
                                                       Enforcement            Part 5
                                        General enforcement powers       Division 2
                                                                                s. 89

 1         (3)   If a place is entered under subsection (1) and the occupier is
 2               present at the place, the occupier is entitled to observe the
 3               inspection.

 4   89.         Use of assistants and equipment
 5         (1)   A rail safety officer may exercise powers under this Part with
 6               the aid of such assistants and equipment as the officer considers
 7               reasonably necessary in the circumstances.
 8         (2)   Powers that may be exercised by a rail safety officer under this
 9               Part may be exercised by an assistant authorised and supervised
10               by the officer, but only if the officer considers that it is
11               reasonably necessary in the circumstances that the powers be
12               exercised by an assistant.

13   90.         Use of electronic equipment
14         (1)   Without limiting section 88, if --
15                (a) a thing found in or on rolling stock or a road vehicle, or
16                     at a place, is, or includes, a disk, tape or other device for
17                     the storage of information; and
18                (b) the equipment in or on the rolling stock or road vehicle,
19                     or at the place, may be used with the disk, tape or other
20                     device,
21               the rail safety officer may operate the equipment to access the
22               information.
23         (2)   A rail safety officer must not operate or seize equipment for the
24               purpose mentioned in this section unless the officer believes on
25               reasonable grounds that the operation or seizure of the
26               equipment can be carried out without damage to the equipment.

27   91.         Use of equipment to examine or process things
28         (1)   Without limiting section 89, a rail safety officer exercising a
29               power under this Part may bring to, onto, or into, rolling stock, a
30               road vehicle or a place any equipment reasonably necessary for
31               the examination or processing of things found at, on or in the

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     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 5            Enforcement
     Division 2        General enforcement powers
     s. 92

 1               rolling stock, road vehicle or place in order to determine
 2               whether they are things that may be seized.
 3         (2)   The rail safety officer may operate equipment already in or on
 4               the rolling stock or road vehicle, or at the place, to carry out the
 5               examination or processing of a thing found in or on the rolling
 6               stock or road vehicle, or at the place in order to determine
 7               whether it is a thing that may be seized, if the officer believes
 8               on reasonable grounds that --
 9                 (a) the equipment is suitable for the examination or the
10                        processing; and
11                 (b) the examination or processing can be carried out without
12                        damage to the equipment.

13   92.         Securing a site
14         (1)   For the purpose of protecting evidence that might be relevant
15               for compliance or investigative purposes, a rail safety officer
16               may secure the perimeter of any site at a place by whatever
17               means the rail safety officer considers appropriate.
18         (2)   A person must not, without the permission of a rail safety
19               officer, enter or remain at a site the perimeter of which is
20               secured under this section.
21               Penalty: a fine of $28 000.
22         (3)   Subsection (2) does not apply if the person enters the site or
23               remains at the site --
24                 (a) to ensure the safety of persons; or
25                 (b) to remove deceased persons or animals from the site; or
26                 (c) to move a road vehicle, or the wreckage of a road
27                      vehicle, to a safe place; or
28                 (d) to protect the environment from significant damage or
29                      pollution.
30         (4)   A rail safety officer must not unreasonably withhold a
31               permission referred to in subsection (2).

     page 78
                                                              Rail Safety Bill 2009
                                                      Enforcement            Part 5
                                                   Search warrants      Division 3
                                                                               s. 93

 1                         Division 3 -- Search warrants
 2   93.         Search warrant
 3         (1)   A rail safety officer may apply to a justice for the issue of a
 4               search warrant in relation to particular railway premises or
 5               residential premises if the rail safety officer believes on
 6               reasonable grounds that there is, or may be within the next
 7               72 hours, in, or on, railway premises or residential premises a
 8               thing or things of a kind that may be evidence of the
 9               commission of an offence against a rail safety law.
10         (2)   An application for a search warrant must --
11                (a) be in writing; and
12                (b) set out the grounds for seeking the warrant; and
13                (c) the offence suspected; and
14                (d) the railway premises or residential premises to be
15                      searched; and
16                (e) a description of the thing for which the search is to be
17                      made.
18         (3)   A justice to whom an application is made under this section is to
19               refuse it if --
20                 (a) the application does not comply with the requirements
21                       of this Act; or
22                 (b) when required to do so by the justice, the rail safety
23                       officer does not give to the justice more information
24                       about the application.
25         (4)   The information in an application or given to a justice under this
26               section must be verified before the justice on oath or affirmation
27               or by affidavit, and the justice may for that purpose administer
28               an oath or affirmation or take an affidavit.

29   94.         Issue of search warrant
30         (1)   If a justice is satisfied that there are reasonable grounds for
31               suspecting that there is, or may be within the next 72 hours, in,

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     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 5            Enforcement
     Division 3        Search warrants
     s. 95

 1               or on, the railway premises or residential premises evidence of
 2               the commission of an offence against a rail safety law, the
 3               justice may issue a search warrant authorising a rail safety
 4               officer named in the warrant and any assistants the rail safety
 5               officer considers necessary --
 6                 (a) to enter the railway premises or residential premises
 7                       named or described in the warrant; and
 8                 (b) to search for and seize any thing named or described in
 9                       the warrant.
10         (2)   In addition to any other requirement, a search warrant issued
11               under this section must state --
12                 (a) the offence suspected; and
13                 (b) the railway premises or residential premises to be
14                       searched; and
15                 (c) a description of the thing for which the search is to be
16                       made; and
17                 (d) any conditions to which the warrant is subject; and
18                 (e) whether entry is authorised to be made at any time or
19                       during stated hours; and
20                  (f) a day, not later than 7 days after the issue of the warrant,
21                       on which the warrant ceases to have effect.
22         (3)   A justice who issues a warrant is to cause a record to be made of
23               particulars of the grounds that the justice has relied on to justify
24               the issue of the warrant.

25   95.         Execution of warrant
26         (1)   If asked to do so by an occupier, or a person in charge, of
27               premises, the person executing a warrant at those premises is to
28               produce it for inspection.
29         (2)   A warrant ceases to have effect --
30                (a) on the day stated in the warrant as the day on which it
31                      ceases to have effect; or

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                                                                 Rail Safety Bill 2009
                                                        Enforcement             Part 5
                                            Powers to support seizure      Division 4
                                                                                  s. 96

 1                (b)     if it is withdrawn by the justice who issued it; or
 2                (c)     when it is executed,
 3               whichever occurs first.

 4   96.         Seizure of things not mentioned in the warrant
 5               A search warrant authorises the rail safety officer executing the
 6               warrant, in addition to the seizure of any thing of the kind
 7               described in the warrant, to seize any thing which is not of the
 8               kind described in the warrant if --
 9                 (a) the rail safety officer believes, on reasonable grounds,
10                      that the thing --
11                         (i) is of a kind which could have been included in a
12                              warrant issued under this Division; or
13                        (ii) will afford evidence about the commission of an
14                              offence against a rail safety law;
15                      and
16                 (b) in the case of seizure, the rail safety officer believes, on
17                      reasonable grounds, that it is necessary to seize that
18                      thing in order to prevent its concealment, loss or
19                      destruction or its use in the commission of an offence
20                      against a rail safety law.

21                      Division 4 -- Powers to support seizure
22   97.         Directions relating to seizure
23         (1)   In this section --
24               in control, in relation to a thing, means having, or reasonably
25               appearing to a rail safety officer as having, authority to exercise
26               control over the thing.
27         (2)   To enable a thing to be seized under this Part, a rail safety
28               officer may direct the person in control of it --
29                 (a) to take it to a specified place within a specified time;
30                       and

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     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 5            Enforcement
     Division 4        Powers to support seizure
     s. 98

 1                (b)    if necessary, to remain in control of it at the specified
 2                       place for a period specified in the direction.
 3         (3)   A direction under subsection (2) --
 4                (a) must be given by signed notice in writing given to the
 5                      person; or
 6                (b) if for any reason it is not practicable to give a signed
 7                      notice in writing to the person, may be given orally and
 8                      confirmed by signed notice in writing given to the
 9                      person as soon as is practicable.
10         (4)   A further direction may be made under this section about the
11               thing if it is necessary and reasonable to make the further
12               direction.
13         (5)   A person given a direction under subsection (2) or (4) must
14               comply with that direction unless the person has a reasonable
15               excuse.
16               Penalty: a fine of $28 000.
17         (6)   Without limiting what may otherwise be a reasonable excuse
18               under subsection (5), it is a reasonable excuse for a person in
19               control of a thing not to comply with a direction under
20               subsection (2) or (4) if, in all the circumstances, the direction
21               was unreasonable.

22   98.         Rail safety officer may direct a thing's return
23         (1)   If a rail safety officer has directed a person to take a thing to a
24               specified place within a specified time under section 97(2), a
25               rail safety officer may direct the person to return the thing to the
26               place from which it was taken.
27         (2)   A person given a direction under subsection (1) must comply
28               with that direction unless the person has a reasonable excuse.
29               Penalty:
30                    (a) for an individual, a fine of $28 000;
31                   (b) for a body corporate, a fine of $280 000.

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                                                                Rail Safety Bill 2009
                                                       Enforcement             Part 5
                                           Powers to support seizure      Division 4
                                                                                 s. 99

 1   99.         Receipt for seized things
 2         (1)   After a rail safety officer seizes a thing under this Part, the
 3               officer must give a receipt for it to the person from whom the
 4               thing was seized or the owner of the thing.
 5         (2)   Despite subsection (1), if for any reason it is not practicable to
 6               comply with that subsection, the officer must leave the receipt at
 7               the place of seizure in a conspicuous position and in a
 8               reasonably secure way.
 9         (3)   The receipt must describe generally the thing seized and its
10               condition.
11         (4)   This section does not apply if it would be impracticable or
12               unreasonable to expect the officer to account for the thing, given
13               its condition, nature and value.

14   100.        Access to seized thing
15         (1)   Until a seized thing is forfeited or returned, a rail safety officer
16               must allow its owner to inspect it and, if it is a document, to
17               copy it.
18         (2)   Subsection (1) does not apply if it is impracticable or it would
19               be unreasonable to allow the inspection or copying.

20   101.        Embargo notices
21         (1)   This section applies if --
22                (a) a rail safety officer is authorised to seize any record,
23                      device or other thing under this Part; and
24                (b) the record, device or other thing cannot, or cannot
25                      readily, be physically seized and removed.
26         (2)   A rail safety officer may issue an embargo notice under this
27               section.
28         (3)   An embargo notice is a notice forbidding the use, movement,
29               sale, leasing, transfer, deletion of information from or other
30               dealing with the record, device or other thing, or any part of it,

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     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 5            Enforcement
     Division 4        Powers to support seizure
     s. 101

 1             without the written consent of a rail safety officer or the Rail
 2             Safety Regulator.
 3      (4)    The embargo notice must --
 4              (a) contain the particulars required by the regulations; and
 5              (b) list the activities that it forbids; and
 6              (c) set out a copy of subsection (9).
 7      (5)    On issuing an embargo notice, a rail safety officer must --
 8              (a) cause a copy of the notice to be served on the owner of
 9                    the record, device or other thing; or
10              (b) if that person cannot be located after all reasonable steps
11                    have been taken to do so, affix a copy of the notice to
12                    the record, device or other thing in a prominent position.
13      (6)    A person must not knowingly do anything that is forbidden by
14             an embargo notice.
15             Penalty: a fine of $28 000.
16      (7)    A person must not instruct or request another person to do
17             anything that the first mentioned person knows is forbidden by
18             an embargo notice.
19             Penalty: a fine of $28 000.
20      (8)    It is a defence to a prosecution for an offence against
21             subsection (6) to establish that the person charged --
22                (a) moved the record, device or other thing, or part of it, for
23                      the purpose of protecting or preserving it; and
24               (b) notified the rail safety officer who issued the embargo
25                      notice of the move, and of the new location of the
26                      record, device or other thing or part of it, within
27                      48 hours after the move.
28      (9)    A person on whom an embargo notice has been served must
29             take reasonable steps to prevent another person from doing
30             anything forbidden by the embargo notice.
31             Penalty: a fine of $28 000.

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                                                              Rail Safety Bill 2009
                                                     Enforcement             Part 5
                                                        Forfeiture      Division 5
                                                                             s. 102

 1    (10)   Despite anything to the contrary in any other Act or at law, a
 2           sale, lease, transfer or other dealing with a record, device or
 3           other thing, or part of it, in contravention of this section is void.

 4                          Division 5 -- Forfeiture
 5   102.    Return of seized things
 6     (1)   As soon as possible after a rail safety officer seizes any thing,
 7           including a document, under this Part, the rail safety officer
 8           must return the thing to the owner unless --
 9             (a) the rail safety officer considers it necessary to retain the
10                   thing because it may afford evidence in proceedings,
11                   that have been or may be commenced, for an offence
12                   against this Act; or
13             (b) the thing is forfeited to the Crown under section 103; or
14             (c) the rail safety officer is otherwise authorised by law or
15                   an order of a court to retain, destroy or dispose of the
16                   thing.
17     (2)   The thing may be returned either unconditionally or on such
18           terms and conditions as the rail safety officer considers
19           appropriate to eliminate or reduce any risks to safety.
20     (3)   If the rail safety officer imposes terms or conditions on the
21           return of a thing, the owner must comply with each of those
22           terms and conditions.
23           Penalty: a fine of $28 000.

24   103.    Forfeiture
25     (1)   In this section --
26           owner, in relation to a sample or a thing taken for analysis,
27           includes the person in charge of the thing or place from which
28           the sample or thing was taken.
29     (2)   A sample or thing taken for analysis or a thing seized under this
30           Part is forfeited to the Crown if the rail safety officer who took,

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     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 5            Enforcement
     Division 5        Forfeiture
     s. 104

 1             or arranged the taking of, the sample or thing or who seized the
 2             thing --
 3               (a) after making reasonable efforts, cannot return it to its
 4                     owner; or
 5               (b) after making reasonable inquiries, cannot find its owner;
 6                     or
 7               (c) considers it necessary to retain the sample or thing to
 8                     prevent the commission of an offence against this Act.
 9      (3)    For purposes of subsection (2), the officer is not required to --
10              (a) make efforts if it would be unreasonable to make efforts
11                    to return the sample or thing to its owner; or
12              (b) make inquiries if it would be unreasonable to make
13                    inquiries to find the owner.
14      (4)    In deciding whether --
15               (a) it is reasonable to make efforts or inquiries; and
16               (b) if efforts or inquiries are made, what efforts or inquiries,
17                     including the period over which they are made, are
18                     reasonable,
19             regard must be had to the sample's or thing's condition, nature
20             and value.

21   104.      Dealing with forfeited sample or thing
22      (1)    On forfeiture of a sample or thing to the Crown, the sample or
23             thing becomes the Crown's property and may be dealt with by
24             the Rail Safety Regulator in any way the Rail Safety Regulator
25             considers is appropriate.
26      (2)    Without limiting subsection (1), the Rail Safety Regulator may
27             destroy or dispose of the sample or thing.
28      (3)    If a thing is forfeited to the Crown under section 103(2)(c), the
29             rail safety officer must notify the owner in writing accordingly,
30             setting out how the owner may seek review under Part 7 of the

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                                                            Rail Safety Bill 2009
                                                    Enforcement            Part 5
                                                      Directions      Division 6
                                                                           s. 105

 1           decision to forfeit the thing, unless the rail safety officer cannot
 2           find the owner despite making reasonable enquiries.

 3   105.    Forfeiture on conviction
 4     (1)   If a court finds a person guilty of an offence against this Act, the
 5           court may order forfeiture to the Crown of any thing used or
 6           otherwise involved in the commission of the offence.
 7     (2)   A thing ordered by a court to be forfeited under this section
 8           becomes the property of the Crown and may be sold or
 9           otherwise dealt with in accordance with the directions of the
10           Rail Safety Regulator.
11     (3)   Until the Rail Safety Regulator gives a direction, the thing must
12           be kept in such custody as the Regulator directs.

13                          Division 6 -- Directions
14   106.    Rail safety officers may direct certain persons to give
15           assistance
16     (1)   In this section --
17           reasonable assistance includes the following --
18             (a) assistance to enable the rail safety officer to find and
19                    gain access to material and information stored
20                    electronically;
21             (b) unloading rolling stock;
22             (c) running the engine of a locomotive;
23             (d) driving a train;
24             (e) giving the rail safety officer assistance to enter any rail
25                    infrastructure or any part of rail infrastructure or open
26                    rolling stock or any part of rolling stock.
27     (2)   A rail safety officer may direct a rail transport operator or a rail
28           safety worker to give the rail safety officer reasonable assistance
29           to enable the officer to exercise a power under this Part.

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     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 5            Enforcement
     Division 6        Directions
     s. 107

 1      (3)    When giving a direction to a person under subsection (2), the
 2             rail safety officer must warn the person that it is an offence to
 3             fail to comply with the direction unless the person has a
 4             reasonable excuse.
 5      (4)    A person given a direction under subsection (2) must comply
 6             with the direction unless the person has a reasonable excuse.
 7             Penalty: a fine of $28 000.

 8   107.      Power to direct name and address be given
 9      (1)    A rail safety officer may direct a person to state the person's
10             name and residential or business address if the officer --
11               (a) finds the person committing an offence against a rail
12                     safety law; or
13              (b) finds the person in circumstances that lead, or has
14                     information that leads, the officer reasonably to suspect
15                     the person has committed an offence against a rail safety
16                     law; or
17               (c) finds the person at railway premises and --
18                        (i) reasonably believes the person is carrying out
19                             railway operations for a rail transport operator;
20                             and
21                       (ii) reasonably considers that it is necessary for the
22                             purposes of this Act to know the person's name
23                             and residential or business address.
24      (2)    When giving a direction under subsection (1), the officer must
25             warn the person it is an offence to fail to state the person's name
26             or address unless the person has a reasonable excuse.
27      (3)    The officer may also direct the person to give evidence of the
28             correctness of the stated name or required address if the officer
29             reasonably suspects the stated name or address is false.

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                                                           Rail Safety Bill 2009
                                                   Enforcement            Part 5
                                                     Directions      Division 6
                                                                          s. 108

 1   108.    Failure to give name or address
 2           A person given a direction under section 107(1) or (3) must
 3           comply with the direction, unless the person has a reasonable
 4           excuse.
 5           Penalty: a fine of $2 000.

 6   109.    Power to direct production of documents
 7     (1)   A rail safety officer may direct a person to make available for
 8           inspection by the officer, or produce to the officer for
 9           inspection, at a specified time and place --
10             (a) a document that is required to be kept by the person
11                   under a rail safety law; or
12             (b) a document that is prepared by the person under a rail
13                   safety law for the management of rail infrastructure or
14                   the operation of rolling stock that the officer reasonably
15                   believes is necessary for the officer to consider to
16                   understand or verify a document that is required to be
17                   kept under a rail safety law; or
18             (c) a document held by, or under the control of, the person
19                   relating to the carrying out of railway operations.
20     (2)   When giving a direction under subsection (1), the rail safety
21           officer must warn the person it is an offence to fail to comply
22           with the direction, unless the person has a reasonable excuse.
23     (3)   The rail safety officer may keep the document to copy it but
24           must return the document to the person after copying it.

25   110.    Failure to produce document
26           A person given a direction to make available, or produce, for
27           inspection a document under section 109 must comply with the
28           direction, unless the person has a reasonable excuse.
29           Penalty:
30                (a) for an individual, a fine of $28 000;
31                (b) for a body corporate, a fine of $280 000.

                                                                        page 89
     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 5            Enforcement
     Division 7        Improvement notices
     s. 111

 1                    Division 7 -- Improvement notices
 2   111.      Improvement notices
 3      (1)    A rail safety officer may serve an improvement notice on a
 4             person if the officer believes on reasonable grounds that the
 5             person --
 6               (a) is contravening a provision of a rail safety law; or
 7              (b) has contravened a provision of a rail safety law and it is
 8                     likely that the contravention will continue or be
 9                     repeated; or
10               (c) is carrying out or has carried out railway operations that
11                     threaten safety.
12      (2)    The rail safety officer may serve on a person an improvement
13             notice requiring the person, within the period specified in the
14             notice --
15               (a) to undertake remedial rail safety work or do any other
16                     thing to remedy the contravention or likely
17                     contravention, or the matters or activities occasioning
18                     the contravention or likely contravention; or
19              (b) to carry out railway operations so that safety is not
20                     threatened or likely to be threatened.
21      (3)    The period within which a person is required by the
22             improvement notice to comply with the notice must be at least
23             7 days after service of the notice.
24      (4)    An improvement notice must --
25              (a) state the reasons for the service of the notice; and
26              (b) in the case of an improvement notice served in respect
27                   of a contravention or likely contravention of a rail safety
28                   law, specify the provision of the rail safety law in
29                   respect of which that belief is held; and
30              (c) in the case of an improvement notice served on a person
31                   who is carrying out or has carried out railway operations

     page 90
                                                         Rail Safety Bill 2009
                                                 Enforcement            Part 5
                                          Improvement notices      Division 7
                                                                        s. 111

 1                 that threaten safety, specify the operations in respect of
 2                 which that belief is held; and
 3          (d)    include information about the right to a review under
 4                 Part 7 of the decision to serve the notice; and
 5           (e)   set out the penalty for contravening the notice; and
 6           (f)   include a statement of the effect of section 114
 7                 (proceedings for offences not affected by improvement
 8                 notices); and
 9          (g)    state that it is served under this section.
10   (5)   An improvement notice served on a person on a ground stated in
11         subsection (1)(a) or (b) --
12           (a) may specify a method by which the alleged
13                contravention or likely contravention, or the matters or
14                activities occasioning the alleged contravention or likely
15                contravention are to be remedied; and
16           (b) may offer the person on whom the notice has been
17                served a choice of ways by which an alleged
18                contravention or likely contravention, or the matters or
19                activities occasioning the alleged contravention or likely
20                contravention may be remedied; and
21           (c) may specify that a person provide the Rail Safety
22                Regulator with a programme of rail safety work that the
23                person proposes to carry out to remedy the alleged
24                contravention or likely contravention, or the matters or
25                activities occasioning the alleged contravention or likely
26                contravention.
27   (6)   An improvement notice served on a person on the ground stated
28         in subsection (1)(c) --
29           (a) may specify a method by which railway operations may
30                 be carried out so that safety is not threatened or likely to
31                 be threatened; and

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     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 5            Enforcement
     Division 7        Improvement notices
     s. 112

 1              (b)   may offer the person on whom the notice has been
 2                    served a choice of ways by which railway operations
 3                    may be carried out so that safety is not threatened or
 4                    likely to be threatened; and
 5              (c)   may specify that the person provide the Rail Safety
 6                    Regulator with a programme of railway operations that
 7                    the person proposes to carry out to remedy the threat or
 8                    likely threat to the safety.
 9      (7)    A programme referred to in subsection (5)(c) or (6)(c) may
10             include a timetable for the completion of the programme of rail
11             safety work.

12   112.      Contravention of improvement notice
13      (1)    A person on whom an improvement notice has been served
14             must comply with the notice unless the person has a reasonable
15             excuse.
16             Penalty:
17                 (a) for an individual --
18                         (i) for a first offence, a fine of $28 000;
19                        (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
20                             $41 000;
21                 (b) for a body corporate --
22                         (i) for a first offence, a fine of $280 000;
23                        (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
24                             $410 000.
25      (2)    In proceedings against a person for an offence of engaging in
26             conduct that results in a contravention of a requirement of an
27             improvement notice served on a ground stated in
28             section 111(1)(a) or (b), it is a defence if the person charged
29             establishes that --
30               (a) the alleged contravention or likely contravention; or

     page 92
                                                           Rail Safety Bill 2009
                                                   Enforcement            Part 5
                                            Improvement notices      Division 7
                                                                          s. 113

 1            (b)    the matters or activities occasioning the alleged
 2                   contravention or likely contravention,
 3           were remedied within the period specified in the notice, though
 4           by a method different from that specified in the improvement
 5           notice.
 6     (3)   In proceedings for an offence against a person of engaging in
 7           conduct that results in a contravention of a requirement of an
 8           improvement notice on the ground stated in section 111(1)(c), it
 9           is a defence if the person charged establishes that the threat to
10           safety was removed within the period specified in the notice,
11           though by a method different from that specified in the
12           improvement notice.

13   113.    Withdrawal or amendment of improvement notices
14     (1)   An improvement notice served by a rail safety officer --
15            (a) may be withdrawn by notice served by a rail safety
16                 officer on the person affected by the notice; or
17            (b) may be amended by a rail safety officer by notice served
18                 on the person affected by the notice.
19     (2)   An amendment of an improvement notice is effected by service
20           on the person affected of a notice stating the terms of the
21           amendment.
22     (3)   An amendment of an improvement notice served on a person is
23           ineffective if it purports to deal with a contravention of a
24           different provision of a rail safety law from that dealt with in the
25           improvement notice as first served.
26     (4)   A notice of an amendment of an improvement notice must --
27            (a) state the reasons for the amendment; and
28            (b) include information about obtaining a review under
29                  Part 7 of the decision to amend the notice; and
30            (c) state that it is served under this section.

                                                                         page 93
     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 5            Enforcement
     Division 8        Prohibition notices
     s. 114

 1   114.      Proceedings for offences not affected by improvement
 2             notices
 3             The service, amendment or withdrawal of an improvement
 4             notice does not affect any proceedings for an offence against a
 5             rail safety law in connection with any matter in respect of which
 6             the improvement notice was served.

 7   115.      Rail Safety Regulator to arrange for rail safety work
 8             required by improvement notice to be carried out
 9      (1)    If a person fails to comply with an improvement notice served
10             on the person that requires the person to carry out rail safety
11             work to remedy --
12               (a) the alleged contravention or likely contravention; or
13               (b) the matters or activities occasioning the alleged
14                     contravention or likely contravention,
15             the Rail Safety Regulator may arrange for that rail safety work
16             to be carried out.
17      (2)    The Rail Safety Regulator may recover from the person served
18             with an improvement notice referred to in subsection (1) the
19             reasonable costs and expenses incurred by the Rail Safety
20             Regulator for rail safety work carried out.

21                       Division 8 -- Prohibition notices
22   116.      Prohibition notice
23      (1)    This section applies if an activity --
24              (a) is occurring in relation to railway operations or railway
25                    premises that involves or will involve an immediate risk
26                    to safety; or
27              (b) may occur in relation to railway operations or railway
28                    premises that, if it occurs, will involve an immediate
29                    risk to safety; or

     page 94
                                                           Rail Safety Bill 2009
                                                 Enforcement              Part 5
                                            Prohibition notices      Division 8
                                                                          s. 116

 1           (c)   may occur at, on, or in the immediate vicinity of, rail
 2                 infrastructure or rolling stock that, if it occurs, will
 3                 involve an immediate risk to safety.
 4   (2)   If a rail safety officer believes on reasonable grounds that an
 5         activity referred to in subsection (1) is occurring or may occur,
 6         the rail safety officer may serve on a person who has or appears
 7         to have control over the activity a prohibition notice prohibiting
 8         the carrying on of the activity, or the carrying on of the activity
 9         in a specified way, until the rail safety officer has certified in
10         writing that the matters that give or will give rise to the risk
11         have been remedied.
12   (3)   A prohibition notice has effect upon being served or, if the
13         notice specifies a later date, on that later date.
14   (4)   A prohibition notice must --
15          (a) state the basis for the rail safety officer's belief on which
16                the service of the notice is based; and
17          (b) specify the activity which the rail safety officer believes
18                involves or will involve the risk and the matters which
19                give or will give rise to the risk; and
20          (c) if the rail safety officer believes that the activity
21                involves a contravention or likely contravention of a
22                provision of a rail safety law, specify that provision and
23                state the basis for that belief; and
24          (d) include information about the right to a review under
25                Part 7 of the decision to serve the notice; and
26          (e) set out the penalty for contravening the notice; and
27           (f) include a statement of the effect of section 120; and
28          (g) state that it is served under this section.
29   (5)   A prohibition notice may include directions on the measures to
30         be taken to minimise or eliminate the risk, activities or matters
31         to which the notice relates, or the contravention or likely
32         contravention mentioned in subsection (4)(c).

                                                                       page 95
     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 5            Enforcement
     Division 8        Prohibition notices
     s. 117

 1      (6)    A direction in a prohibition notice may --
 2              (a) require that measures be taken in accordance with a
 3                    compliance code; or
 4              (b) offer the person on whom the notice has been served a
 5                    choice of ways to remedy the risk, activities or matters
 6                    to which the notice relates, or the contravention or likely
 7                    contravention mentioned in subsection (4)(c).
 8      (7)    A prohibition notice that prohibits the carrying on of an activity
 9             in a specified way may do so by specifying one or more of the
10             following --
11               (a) a place, or part of a place, at which the activity is not to
12                     be carried out;
13               (b) any thing that is not to be used in connection with the
14                     activity;
15               (c) any procedure that is not to be followed in connection
16                     with the activity.

17   117.      Contravention of prohibition notice
18             A person on whom a prohibition notice is served must comply
19             with the notice unless the person has a reasonable excuse.
20             Penalty:
21                  (a) for an employee of a rail transport operator --
22                          (i) for a first offence, a fine of $11 000;
23                         (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
24                               $16 000;
25                 (b) for any other individual --
26                          (i) for a first offence, a fine of $55 000;
27                         (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
28                               $82 000;

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                                                              Rail Safety Bill 2009
                                                    Enforcement              Part 5
                                               Prohibition notices      Division 8
                                                                             s. 118

 1                (c)   for a body corporate --
 2                        (i) for a first offence, a fine of $550 000;
 3                       (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
 4                              $820 000.

 5   118.    Oral direction before prohibition notice served
 6     (1)   If a rail safety officer --
 7             (a) believes on reasonable grounds that an activity referred
 8                     to in section 116(1) is occurring or may occur; and
 9             (b) that it is not possible or reasonable to serve a prohibition
10                     notice under that section immediately,
11           the officer may direct a person who has or appears to have
12           control over the activity to do or not to do a stated act by telling
13           the person --
14             (c) to do or not to do the stated act; and
15             (d) the reason for the officer giving the direction.
16     (2)   A person to whom a direction is given under subsection (1)
17           must comply with it, unless the person has a reasonable excuse.
18           Penalty:
19               (a) for an individual, a fine of $28 000;
20               (b) for a body corporate, a fine of $280 000.
21     (3)   It is a reasonable excuse if the rail safety officer did not tell the
22           person that the person commits an offence if the person does not
23           comply with the direction.
24     (4)   If a rail safety officer gives a direction under subsection (1) in
25           respect of an activity but does not, within 5 days of giving the
26           direction, serve a prohibition notice in respect of the activity,
27           the direction ceases to have effect.

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     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 5            Enforcement
     Division 9        Miscellaneous
     s. 119

 1   119.      Withdrawal or amendment of prohibition notice
 2      (1)    A prohibition notice served by a rail safety officer --
 3              (a) may be withdrawn by notice served by a rail safety
 4                    officer on the person affected by the notice; or
 5              (b) may be amended by notice served by a rail safety officer
 6                    on the person affected by the notice.
 7      (2)    An amendment of a prohibition notice is effected by service, on
 8             the person affected, of a notice stating the terms of the
 9             amendment.
10      (3)    An amendment of a prohibition notice is ineffective if it
11             purports to deal with a contravention of a different provision of
12             a rail safety law from that dealt with in the prohibition notice as
13             first served.
14      (4)    A notice of an amendment of a prohibition notice must --
15              (a) state the reasons for the amendment; and
16              (b) include information about obtaining a review under
17                    Part 7 of the decision to amend the notice; and
18              (c) state that it is served under this section.

19   120.      Proceedings for offences not affected by prohibition notices
20             The service, amendment or withdrawal of a prohibition notice
21             does not affect any proceedings for an offence against a rail
22             safety law in connection with any matter in respect of which the
23             prohibition notice was served.

24                         Division 9 -- Miscellaneous
25   121.      Directions may be given under more than one provision
26      (1)    A rail safety officer may, on the same occasion, give directions
27             under one or more provisions of this Part.

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                                                            Rail Safety Bill 2009
                                                   Enforcement             Part 5
                                                  Miscellaneous       Division 9
                                                                           s. 122

 1     (2)   Without limiting subsection (1), a rail safety officer may, in the
 2           course of exercising powers under a provision of this Part, give
 3           either or both of the following --
 4             (a) further directions under the provision;
 5             (b) directions under one or more other provisions of this
 6                   Part.

 7   122.    Temporary closing of railway crossings, bridges etc.
 8     (1)   In this section --
 9           authorised person means --
10             (a) a person who holds a specific authority from the Rail
11                    Safety Regulator for the purposes of this section; or
12             (b) a senior manager within the staff of the rail
13                    infrastructure manager who holds a specific authority
14                    issued by the rail infrastructure manager in accordance
15                    with relevant guidelines issued by the Rail Safety
16                    Regulator;
17           railway crossing means a level crossing, bridge or another
18           structure used to cross over or under a railway.
19     (2)   An authorised person may close temporarily or regulate a
20           railway crossing, bridge or other structure for crossing or
21           passing over or under a railway if satisfied it is necessary
22           because of an immediate threat to safety.
23     (3)   If an authorised person decides to close temporarily or regulate
24           a railway crossing, bridge or other structure the authorised
25           person must, as soon as practicable after its closure or
26           regulation, notify the person or authority responsible for the
27           railway crossing, bridge or other structure of its closure or
28           regulation.

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     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 5            Enforcement
     Division 9        Miscellaneous
     s. 123

 1   123.       Restoring rail infrastructure and rolling stock etc. to
 2              original condition after action taken
 3              If --
 4                (a)   a rail safety officer, or a person assisting the officer,
 5                      takes any action in the exercise or purported exercise of
 6                      any power under this Part in relation to rail
 7                      infrastructure or rolling stock, railway premises or a
 8                      road vehicle; and
 9               (b)    damage was caused by the unreasonable exercise of the
10                      power or by the use of force that was not authorised
11                      under this Part,
12              the Rail Safety Regulator must take reasonable steps to return
13              the rail infrastructure or rolling stock, railway premises or road
14              vehicle to the condition it or they were in immediately before
15              the action was taken.

16   124.       Use of force
17              A power conferred by this Part to enter any railway premises, or
18              to do anything in or on any railway premises, may not be
19              exercised unless the rail safety officer or a person assisting an
20              officer proposing to exercise the power, uses no more force than
21              is reasonably necessary to effect the entry or to do the thing for
22              which the entry is effected.

23   125.       Power to use force against persons to be exercised only by
24              police officers
25              A provision in this Part that authorises a rail safety officer, or a
26              person assisting an officer, to use reasonable force does not
27              authorise a rail safety officer, or a person, who is not a police
28              officer to use force against another person.

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                                                           Rail Safety Bill 2009
                                                  Enforcement             Part 5
                                                 Miscellaneous       Division 9
                                                                          s. 126

 1   126.    Protection from incrimination
 2     (1)   An individual is not excused from complying with a direction
 3           under Division 4 or 6 --
 4             (a) to give his or her name and residential or business
 5                  address; or
 6            (b) to produce a document; or
 7             (c) to give or provide information,
 8           on the ground that compliance with the direction may result in
 9           information being provided that might incriminate the person or
10           may make the person liable to a penalty.
11     (2)   Any information obtained or document produced as a direct
12           result of the compliance with the direction is not admissible in
13           evidence against the person in criminal proceedings, other than
14           proceedings in respect of false information, or proceedings that
15           may make the person liable to a penalty --
16             (a) if the person claims before giving the information or
17                   producing the document that it might incriminate the
18                   person or make the person liable to a penalty; or
19             (b) if the person's entitlement to make a claim of the kind
20                   referred to in paragraph (a) was not drawn to the
21                   person's attention before the information was given or
22                   the document was produced.
23     (3)   Except as provided in subsection (2), any information given, or
24           document produced, by an individual as a direct result of the
25           compliance with the direction may be used in evidence in any
26           criminal or civil proceedings against the person.

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     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 6            Investigations
     Division 1        Independent investigators
     s. 127

 1                          Part 6 -- Investigations
 2                   Division 1 -- Independent investigators
 3   127.       Appointment of independent investigator
 4      (1)     The CEO may, on the CEO's own initiative, and must, at the
 5              direction of the Minister, appoint an independent investigator to
 6              investigate and report on a rail safety matter in accordance with
 7              this Part if the matter causes or results in --
 8                (a) a person's death; or
 9                (b) serious personal injury; or
10                (c) major property damage.
11      (2)     The CEO or the Rail Safety Regulator may, on the CEO's or the
12              Rail Safety Regulator's own initiative, appoint an independent
13              investigator to investigate and report on any other rail safety
14              matter in accordance with this Part.
15      (3)     An independent investigator appointed by the CEO or the Rail
16              Safety Regulator is to be appointed on such terms and
17              conditions as are agreed between the CEO or the Rail Safety
18              Regulator and the independent investigator.
19      (4)     The Minister, the CEO and the Rail Safety Regulator must not
20              give a direction to an independent investigator relating to the
21              performance of the independent investigator's functions in
22              relation to an investigation into a rail safety matter including a
23              direction --
24                (a) on how to conduct the investigation; or
25                (b) as to which persons the independent investigator may
26                      request or direct to assist the independent investigator in
27                      the investigation; or
28                (c) as to the outcome of the investigation; or
29                (d) to stop the investigation.

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                                                           Rail Safety Bill 2009
                                                Investigations            Part 6
                                      Independent investigators      Division 1
                                                                          s. 128

 1     (5)   In exercising powers under this Part, the independent
 2           investigator must have regard to the desirability of minimising
 3           any resulting disruption to railway operations.
 4     (6)   The reasonable costs of conducting the investigation may be
 5           recovered jointly or severally from any one or more rail
 6           transport operators responsible for the railway operations
 7           concerned.
 8     (7)   The CEO may, in a court of competent jurisdiction, recover the
 9           costs that are recoverable under subsection (6) as a debt due to
10           the Crown.

11   128.    Conduct of investigation
12     (1)   In conducting an investigation under this Part, an independent
13           investigator --
14             (a) is to attempt to determine the circumstances surrounding
15                   the rail safety matter to prevent the occurrence of a rail
16                   safety matter and is not to apportion blame for the rail
17                   safety matter or determine the liability of any person in
18                   respect of any rail safety matter; and
19             (b) must consult with the CEO, the Rail Safety Regulator
20                   and any person to whom a report under section 133 may
21                   be relevant; and
22             (c) must follow such procedures as are approved in writing
23                   by the CEO with respect to investigations; and
24             (d) must act as quickly, and with as little formality and
25                   technicality, as is consistent with a fair and proper
26                   consideration of the issues; and
27             (e) is not bound by the rules of evidence, but may inform
28                   himself or herself on any matter as the independent
29                   investigator considers appropriate.

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     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 6            Investigations
     Division 1        Independent investigators
     s. 129

 1      (2)     Except as provided by this Part, an investigation under this Part
 2              is to be conducted in a manner determined by the independent
 3              investigator.

 4   129.       Advise as to immediate action that is required
 5              If, in the course of an investigation, an independent investigator
 6              reasonably believes that immediate action is required to prevent
 7              an occurrence involving the rolling stock or rail infrastructure of
 8              a rail transport operator that could result in, or that has the
 9              potential to result in --
10                (a) the death of, or injury to, any person; or
11                (b) damage to any property or equipment,
12              the independent investigator may, in writing, advise the CEO,
13              the Rail Safety Regulator and the rail transport operator that that
14              action is required.

15   130.       Release of information in the interests of rail safety
16      (1)     Subject to Division 6, an independent investigator may disclose
17              to any person information acquired by the independent
18              investigator in carrying out his or her functions under this Part if
19              the independent investigator considers that the disclosure is
20              necessary or desirable for the purposes of rail safety.
21      (2)     Despite subsection (1), the independent investigator may only
22              disclose information that is, or that contains, personal
23              information in the circumstances allowed by the regulations.

24   131.       Investigation may continue despite other proceedings
25              An investigation under this Part may start or continue, and a
26              report may be prepared or given, despite proceedings before a
27              court or tribunal constituted by law, unless a court or tribunal
28              with the necessary jurisdiction orders otherwise.

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                                                            Rail Safety Bill 2009
                                                 Investigations            Part 6
                                       Independent investigators      Division 1
                                                                           s. 132

 1   132.    Draft report or excerpt
 2     (1)   Before giving a report under section 133(1), the independent
 3           investigator may provide a draft report or an excerpt from a
 4           draft report, on a confidential basis, to any person whom the
 5           independent investigator considers appropriate, for any one or
 6           more of the following purposes --
 7             (a) allowing the person to make submissions to the
 8                   independent investigator about the draft report or
 9                   excerpt;
10             (b) taking steps to remedy safety deficiencies that are
11                   identified in the draft report or excerpt;
12             (c) giving the person advance notice of the likely form of
13                   the final report.
14     (2)   A person who receives a draft report or an excerpt under
15           subsection (1) or (3) must not --
16             (a) make a copy of the whole or any part of the draft report
17                  or excerpt; or
18             (b) disclose any of the contents of the draft report or excerpt
19                  to any other person or to a court.
20           Penalty: a fine of $55 000.
21     (3)   Subsection (2) does not apply to any copying or disclosure that
22           is necessary for the purpose of --
23             (a) preparing submissions on the draft report or excerpt; or
24             (b) taking steps to remedy safety deficiencies that are
25                   identified in the draft report or excerpt.
26     (4)   A person who receives a draft report or excerpt under
27           subsection (1) or (3) cannot be required to disclose it to a court.
28     (5)   A person who receives a draft report or excerpt under
29           subsection (1) or (3) is not entitled to take any disciplinary
30           action against an employee of the person on the basis of
31           information in the draft report or excerpt.

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     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 6            Investigations
     Division 1        Independent investigators
     s. 133

 1      (6)     A draft report or excerpt provided under subsection (1) must not
 2              include the name of an individual unless he or she has consented
 3              in writing to that inclusion.
 4      (7)     The Coroners Act 1996 sections 33(1)(b) and (c) and 46(1)(a)
 5              do not apply to a draft report or excerpt.

 6   133.       Report
 7      (1)     On its completion, an independent investigator must give his or
 8              her report to the Minister, the CEO and the Rail Safety
 9              Regulator.
10      (2)     The report is to be in a prescribed format, if any, and contain --
11               (a) details of any advice given under section 129; and
12               (b) such recommendations, if any, that the independent
13                     investigator considers appropriate; and
14               (c) any other relevant matters.
15      (3)     The independent investigator's report must be published by
16              electronic or other means by --
17                (a) the CEO, if the CEO appointed the independent
18                      investigator; or
19                (b) the Rail Safety Regulator, if the Rail Safety Regulator
20                      appointed the independent investigator,
21              within 28 days of receiving the report.
22      (4)     A published report must not include the name of an individual
23              unless he or she has consented in writing to that inclusion.

24   134.       Reports not admissible in evidence
25      (1)     A report under section 133 is not admissible in evidence in any
26              civil or criminal proceedings.
27      (2)     Subsection (1) does not apply to a coronial inquest.
28      (3)     A draft report under section 132 is not admissible in evidence in
29              any civil or criminal proceedings.

     page 106
                                                            Rail Safety Bill 2009
                                                 Investigations            Part 6
                                       Independent investigators      Division 1
                                                                           s. 135

 1   135.    Response to report: installation of safety or protective
 2           devices
 3     (1)   The Rail Safety Regulator may, if of the opinion as a result of a
 4           report under section 133 that action is necessary for the purpose
 5           of the safe construction or operation of a railway, direct a rail
 6           transport operator, by written notice, to install on or with respect
 7           to the infrastructure of the railway, or on or with respect to
 8           rolling stock, within the time specified in the notice, safety or
 9           protective systems, devices, equipment or appliances specified
10           in the notice.
11     (2)   A rail transport operator must comply with the requirements of
12           the notice.
13           Penalty:
14                (a) for an individual --
15                         (i) for a first offence, a fine of $28 000;
16                        (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
17                              $41 000;
18                (b) for a body corporate --
19                         (i) for a first offence, a fine of $280 000;
20                        (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
21                              $410 000.

22   136.    Appointment of authorised officers
23           An independent investigator may, in writing, appoint a suitable
24           person to be an authorised officer for the purposes of this Part.

25   137.    Delegation by independent investigator
26     (1)   An independent investigator may delegate to an authorised
27           officer any power or duty of the independent investigator under
28           another provision of this Part other than a function referred to in
29           section 136.
30     (2)   The delegation must be in writing signed by the independent
31           investigator.

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     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 6            Investigations
     Division 1        Independent investigators
     s. 138

 1      (3)     An authorised person to whom a power or duty is delegated
 2              under this section cannot delegate that power or duty.
 3      (4)     An authorised person exercising or performing a power or duty
 4              that has been delegated to the person under this section is to be
 5              taken to do so in accordance with the terms of the delegation
 6              unless the contrary is shown.
 7      (5)     An authorised officer remains subject to the direction and
 8              control of the independent investigator.

 9   138.       Certificate of appointment for independent investigators
10              and authorised officers
11      (1)     The person who appoints an independent investigator must issue
12              a certificate of appointment to the investigator.
13      (2)     An independent investigator must issue an authorised officer
14              appointed by the independent investigator with a certificate of
15              appointment.

16   139.       Independent investigators and authorised officers must not
17              exercise functions without a certificate of appointment
18              An independent investigator or authorised officer must not
19              exercise a function under this Act unless a certificate of
20              appointment has been issued to the independent investigator or
21              authorised officer.

22   140.       Production of a certificate of appointment
23      (1)     This section applies to an independent investigator or authorised
24              officer who is exercising, or about to exercise, a function under
25              this Part.
26      (2)     An independent investigator or authorised officer must produce
27              his or her certificate of appointment or a copy or reproduction of
28              it if requested to do so by a person in relation to whom the
29              officer is exercising, or is about to exercise, the function.

     page 108
                                                             Rail Safety Bill 2009
                                                   Investigations           Part 6
                                            Investigation powers       Division 2
                                                                            s. 141

 1     (3)   If it is not practical for an independent investigator or authorised
 2           officer to produce his or her certificate of appointment or a copy
 3           or reproduction of it on being requested to do so, the
 4           independent investigator or authorised officer must produce it as
 5           soon as practicable after the request is made.

 6   141.    Return of certificate of appointment
 7           A person who has ceased to be an independent investigator or
 8           authorised officer must not, without reasonable excuse, refuse
 9           or fail to return to the person who appointed him or her (the
10           appointer), within such period as is specified by the appointer in
11           a request for the return of the certificate of appointment, any
12           certificate of appointment issued by the appointer.
13           Penalty: a fine of $2 000.

14                   Division 2 -- Investigation powers
15   142.    Securing a site
16     (1)   For the purpose of protecting evidence that might be relevant to
17           an investigation of a rail safety matter, the Rail Safety Regulator
18           or an independent investigator may secure the perimeter of any
19           site at a place by whatever means the Rail Safety Regulator or
20           the independent investigator considers appropriate.
21     (2)   A person must not, without the permission of the Rail Safety
22           Regulator or an independent investigator, enter or remain at a
23           site the perimeter of which is secured under this section.
24           Penalty: a fine of $28 000.
25     (3)   Subsection (2) does not apply if the person enters the site or
26           remains at the site --
27             (a) to ensure the safety of persons; or
28             (b) to remove deceased persons or animals from the site; or
29             (c) to move a road vehicle, or the wreckage of a road
30                  vehicle, to a safe place; or

                                                                        page 109
     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 6            Investigations
     Division 2        Investigation powers
     s. 143

 1               (d)    to protect the environment from significant damage or
 2                      pollution.
 3      (4)     The Rail Safety Regulator or an independent investigator must
 4              not unreasonably withhold a permission referred to in
 5              subsection (2).

 6   143.       Power to obtain information
 7      (1)     An independent investigator may, for the purposes of an
 8              investigation under this Part --
 9                (a) require a person to produce to the investigator any
10                      document or other thing concerning the investigation
11                      that is in the possession or under the control of the
12                      person; and
13                (b) require a person --
14                         (i) to give the investigator such information as the
15                               investigator requires; and
16                        (ii) to answer any question put to that person,
17                      in relation to the matter the subject of the investigation.
18      (2)     Subsection (1) does not apply to a person in his or her capacity
19              as a coroner.
20      (3)     A requirement made under subsection (1)(a) --
21               (a) must be made by notice in writing given to the person
22                     required to produce the document or other thing; and
23               (b) must specify the time at or within which the document
24                     or other thing is to be produced; and
25               (c) may, by its terms, require that the document or other
26                     thing required be produced at a place and by means
27                     specified in the requirement; and

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                                                             Rail Safety Bill 2009
                                                   Investigations           Part 6
                                            Investigation powers       Division 2
                                                                            s. 144

 1            (d)    where the document required is not in a readable format,
 2                   is to be treated as a requirement to produce --
 3                      (i) the document itself; and
 4                     (ii) the contents of the document in a readable
 5                           format.
 6     (4)   If under subsection (1)(a) an independent investigator requires a
 7           person to produce any document or other thing concerning the
 8           investigation that is in the possession or under the control of the
 9           person, the investigator is to inform that person that the person
10           is required under this Act to produce the document or thing.
11     (5)   If under subsection (1)(b) an independent investigator requires a
12           person to give information or answer a question, the investigator
13           is to inform that person that the person is required under this
14           Act to give the information or answer the question.
15     (6)   If a document or other thing is produced to an independent
16           investigator, the independent investigator may --
17             (a) inspect it; and
18             (b) make copies of, photograph or take extracts from, or
19                   test, it.

20   144.    Other powers
21     (1)   An independent investigator may, for the purpose of an
22           investigation under this Part, at all reasonable times of the day
23           or night, using reasonable force, enter railway premises or other
24           premises.
25     (2)   An independent investigator may, for the purpose of an
26           investigation under this Part, do any one or more of the
27           following --
28             (a) having entered a premises under subsection (1), inspect
29                   the premises, or any railway, rail infrastructure or rolling
30                   stock or other thing at the premises;
31             (b) give directions with respect to the stopping or movement
32                   of rolling stock;

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     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 6            Investigations
     Division 2        Investigation powers
     s. 144

 1               (c)    take measurements, make surveys and take levels and,
 2                      for those purposes, dig trenches, break up soil and set up
 3                      any posts, stakes or markers;
 4               (d)    take samples or authorise another person to take samples
 5                      of any substance or thing from any place or rolling stock
 6                      or other vehicle for analysis;
 7               (e)    mark, tag or otherwise identify rolling stock or other
 8                      things at the place;
 9                (f)   take photographs, films, audio, video or other
10                      recordings;
11               (g)    examine or test any rail infrastructure, rolling stock,
12                      plant, system, device, equipment, appliance, vehicle or
13                      other thing, or cause or require it to be examined or
14                      tested, or seize it or require its production for
15                      examination or testing;
16               (h)    issue a seizure order under section 161 in respect of
17                      anything that the independent investigator reasonably
18                      believes is relevant to the investigation;
19                (i)   require a person to produce evidence of an accreditation
20                      or qualification required under this Act;
21                (j)   give directions reasonably required in connection with
22                      the exercise of a power conferred by this subsection or
23                      otherwise in connection with conducting an
24                      investigation;
25               (k)    exercise other powers as are prescribed for the purposes
26                      of this paragraph.
27      (3)     In the exercise of powers under this section, an independent
28              investigator must do as little damage as possible but may test
29              something even though that might result in damage, destruction
30              or reduction in the value of the thing.

     page 112
                                                             Rail Safety Bill 2009
                                                   Investigations           Part 6
                                            Investigation powers       Division 2
                                                                            s. 145

 1   145.    Limitation on entry powers: places used for residential
 2           purposes
 3           Despite anything to the contrary in this Part, the powers of an
 4           independent investigator under this Part in relation to entering
 5           premises are not exercisable in respect of any premises that is
 6           used only for residential purposes except --
 7             (a) with the consent of the occupier of the premises; or
 8             (b) under the authority conferred by a warrant under
 9                  section 158.

10   146.    Occupier entitled to be present during inspection
11     (1)   If premises are being inspected under section 144 and the
12           occupier of the premises is present at the premises, the occupier
13           is entitled to observe the inspection.
14     (2)   The right to observe the inspection ceases if the occupier
15           impedes the inspection.
16     (3)   This section does not prevent 2 or more areas of the premises
17           being inspected at the same time.

18   147.    Use of equipment
19           An independent investigator may exercise powers under this
20           Part with the aid of such equipment as the independent
21           investigator considers reasonably necessary in the
22           circumstances.

23   148.    Occupier to provide independent investigator with facilities
24           and assistance
25           The occupier of premises being inspected under section 144
26           must provide the independent investigator with all reasonable
27           facilities and assistance for the effective exercise of his or her
28           powers.
29           Penalty: a fine of $28 000.

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     Part 6            Investigations
     Division 2        Investigation powers
     s. 149

 1   149.       Use of electronic equipment
 2      (1)     Without limiting section 144, if --
 3               (a) a thing found in or on rolling stock or a road vehicle, or
 4                    at a place, is, or includes, a disk, tape or other device for
 5                    the storage of information; and
 6               (b) the equipment in or on the rolling stock or road vehicle,
 7                    or at the place, may be used with the disk, tape or other
 8                    device,
 9              the independent investigator may operate the equipment to
10              access the information.
11      (2)     An independent investigator must not operate equipment for the
12              purpose mentioned in this section unless the independent
13              investigator believes on reasonable grounds that the operation of
14              the equipment can be carried out without --
15                (a) damage to the equipment; or
16                (b) destroying, erasing or corrupting any information stored
17                      or recorded by the equipment.

18   150.       Use of equipment to examine or process things
19      (1)     Without limiting section 144, an independent investigator
20              exercising a power under this Part may bring to, onto, or into,
21              rolling stock, a road vehicle or premises any equipment
22              reasonably necessary for the examination or processing of
23              things found at, on or in the rolling stock, a road vehicle or
24              premises in order to determine whether they are things that may
25              be seized.
26      (2)     The independent investigator may operate equipment already in
27              or on the rolling stock, a road vehicle or premises, to carry out
28              the examination or processing of a thing found in or on the
29              rolling stock, a road vehicle or premises, or at the premises in
30              order to determine whether it is a thing that may be seized, if the
31              independent investigator believes on reasonable grounds that --
32                (a) the equipment is suitable for the examination or the
33                      processing; and

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                                                   Investigations           Part 6
                                            Investigation powers       Division 2
                                                                            s. 151

 1            (b)    the examination or processing can be carried out without
 2                   damage to the equipment.

 3   151.    Notices relating to exercise of powers
 4           If an independent investigator enters railway premises, not
 5           being a public place, under section 144(1), the independent
 6           investigator must give the occupier of the railway premises
 7           written notice of the entry as soon as practicable after the entry
 8           is made.

 9   152.    Protection orders by Rail Safety Regulator or independent
10           investigator
11     (1)   For the purpose of protecting evidence that might be relevant to
12           an investigation, the Rail Safety Regulator, before an
13           independent investigator begins conducting an investigation,
14           and an independent investigator, after the investigator begins
15           conducting an investigation, may direct that specified things, or
16           things in a specified class of things, must not be removed or
17           interfered with except with the permission of the person giving
18           the direction.
19     (2)   The Rail Safety Regulator, before an independent investigator
20           begins conducting an investigation, and the independent
21           investigator, after the investigator begins conducting an
22           investigation, may revoke or vary a direction under
23           subsection (1).
24     (3)   A person must not contravene a direction under subsection (1).
25           Penalty: a fine of $28 000.
26     (4)   Subsection (3) does not apply if the conduct concerned was
27           necessary --
28             (a) to ensure the safety of persons, animals or property; or
29            (b) to remove deceased persons or animals from an accident
30                  site; or
31             (c) to move rolling stock, or the wreckage of rolling stock,
32                  to a safe place; or

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     Part 6            Investigations
     Division 2        Investigation powers
     s. 153

 1               (d)   to protect the environment from significant damage or
 2                     pollution.
 3      (5)     The Rail Safety Regulator or an independent investigator must
 4              not unreasonably withhold a permission under subsection (1).

 5   153.       Medical examination
 6      (1)     In this section --
 7              employee includes an individual who works under a contract for
 8              services;
 9              medical practitioner has the meaning given in the Medical
10              Practitioners Act 2008 section 4.
11      (2)     If an independent investigator has reason to believe that --
12                (a) a person caused, or was directly involved in, a rail safety
13                      matter; and
14                (b) the result of a medical examination of the person may
15                      help in determining the circumstances and probable
16                      cause of the matter,
17              the independent investigator may by written notice direct the
18              person to undergo a medical examination within a period
19              specified by the independent investigator in the notice.
20      (3)     The person is to be examined by a medical practitioner agreed
21              upon by the independent investigator and the person.
22      (4)     If the independent investigator and the person are unable to
23              agree upon the person to conduct the examination, the CEO is to
24              appoint a medical practitioner to perform the examination.
25      (5)     A medical practitioner who conducts an examination under this
26              section is to give a report of the examination to the independent
27              investigator.

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                                                 Investigations           Part 6
                                          Investigation powers       Division 2
                                                                          s. 153

 1    (6)   The cost of the examination must be paid --
 2           (a) if the person is an employee of a rail transport operator,
 3                 by the rail transport operator; or
 4           (b) in other cases, by the CEO.
 5    (7)   A person must comply with a direction under this section,
 6          unless the person has a reasonable excuse.
 7          Penalty: a fine of $28 000.
 8    (8)   It is not a reasonable excuse for a person to fail to comply with
 9          the direction that complying with the direction might tend to
10          incriminate the person or make the person liable to a penalty.
11    (9)   Anything obtained under the direction, and any evidence
12          derived directly or indirectly from anything obtained under the
13          direction is not admissible in evidence against a person in any
14          civil or criminal proceeding.
15   (10)   When giving a direction to a person under this section, an
16          independent investigator must --
17            (a) warn the person it is an offence to fail to comply with
18                 the direction unless the person has a reasonable excuse;
19                 and
20            (b) advise the person that --
21                    (i) it is not a reasonable excuse that complying with
22                         the direction might tend to incriminate the person
23                         or make the person liable to a penalty; and
24                   (ii) anything obtained under the direction, and any
25                         evidence derived directly or indirectly from
26                         anything obtained under the direction, is not
27                         admissible in evidence against the person in any
28                         civil or criminal proceeding.

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     Division 2        Investigation powers
     s. 154

 1   154.       Analysis
 2      (1)     In this section --
 3              authorised person means --
 4                (a) an authorised officer; or
 5                (b) an independent investigator; or
 6                (c) a police officer; or
 7                (d) a rail safety officer; or
 8                (e) the Rail Safety Regulator;
 9              employee includes an individual who works under a contract for
10              services.
11      (2)     If an authorised person has reason to believe that --
12                (a) a person caused, or was directly involved in, a rail safety
13                      matter; and
14                (b) the results of a breath test or an analysis may help in
15                      determining the circumstances and probable cause of the
16                      matter,
17              the authorised person may direct the person to do one or more
18              of the following --
19                (c) submit to a breath test;
20                (d) give a sample of the person's blood or urine for analysis.
21      (3)     The purpose of a test or an analysis is to determine the presence
22              or level of alcohol or any prescribed drug in any form in the
23              breath, blood or urine of the person.
24      (4)     A direction under subsection (2)(d) must --
25               (a) specify the day on which and time and place at which
26                     the person is to attend; and
27               (b) indicate what sample or samples are to be given.

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                                                  Investigations           Part 6
                                           Investigation powers       Division 2
                                                                           s. 154

 1    (5)   If a direction is given under this section --
 2            (a) any breath test is to be conducted; and
 3            (b) any sample is to be taken and dealt with,
 4          in accordance with regulations referred to in section 155.
 5    (6)   The cost of conducting a breath test or obtaining a sample and
 6          carrying out the analysis must be paid --
 7            (a) if the person is an employee of a rail transport operator,
 8                 by the rail transport operator; or
 9            (b) in other cases, by the CEO.
10    (7)   A person must comply with a direction under this section,
11          unless the person has a reasonable excuse.
12          Penalty: a fine of $28 000.
13    (8)   It is not a reasonable excuse for a person to fail to comply with
14          the direction that complying with the direction might tend to
15          incriminate the person or make the person liable to a penalty.
16    (9)   The results of a breath test or an analysis under this section are
17          not admissible in evidence against a person in any civil or
18          criminal proceeding.
19   (10)   When making a direction to a person under this section, an
20          authorised person must --
21            (a) warn the person it is an offence to fail to comply with
22                  the direction unless the person has a reasonable excuse;
23                  and
24            (b) advise the person that --
25                     (i) it is not a reasonable excuse that complying with
26                          the direction might tend to incriminate the person
27                          or make the person liable to a penalty; and
28                    (ii) the results of a breath test or an analysis under
29                          this section are not admissible in evidence
30                          against the person in any civil or criminal
31                          proceeding.

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     Part 6            Investigations
     Division 2        Investigation powers
     s. 155

 1   155.       Regulations relating to medical examinations and analysis
 2              Regulations may be made under section 228(1) with respect to
 3              examinations and breath tests or analysis under sections 153
 4              and 154 including the following --
 5                (a) procedures for medical examinations;
 6                (b) the manner of giving directions under section 154;
 7                (c) prescribing drugs for which a breath test or an analysis
 8                     may be conducted pursuant to a direction under
 9                     section 154 to submit to a breath test or to give a sample
10                     of the person's blood or urine for analysis;
11                (d) regulating the manner of conducting breath tests and
12                     taking and dealing with samples of blood and urine and
13                     their analysis;
14                (e) providing for the authorisation of persons as analysts for
15                     the purposes of section 154;
16                 (f) the analysis of test results;
17                (g) the reporting of the results of breath tests or blood or
18                     urine analysis;
19                (h) the collection, keeping and disposal of samples;
20                 (i) the approval of equipment or any apparatus for the
21                     purposes of testing or analysis;
22                 (j) the devices used in conducting breath tests and other
23                     tests, including the calibration, inspection and testing of
24                     those devices.

25   156.       Independent investigator not to use force against persons
26              A provision in this Division that authorises an independent
27              investigator to use reasonable force does not authorise the
28              independent investigator to use force against another person.

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                                                           Rail Safety Bill 2009
                                                 Investigations           Part 6
                                               Search warrants       Division 3
                                                                          s. 157

 1                     Division 3 -- Search warrants
 2   157.    Search warrant
 3     (1)   An independent investigator may apply to a justice for the issue
 4           of a search warrant in relation to premises used only for
 5           residential purposes if the independent investigator believes on
 6           reasonable grounds that there is any thing on the premises that is
 7           relevant to his or her investigation.
 8     (2)   An application for a search warrant must --
 9            (a) be in writing; and
10            (b) set out the grounds for seeking the warrant; and
11            (c) state the premises to be searched; and
12            (d) state a description of the thing for which the search is to
13                  be made.
14     (3)   A justice to whom an application is made under this section is to
15           refuse it if --
16             (a) the application does not comply with the requirements
17                   of this Act; or
18             (b) when required to do so by the justice, the independent
19                   investigator does not give to the justice more
20                   information about the application.
21     (4)   The information in an application or given to a justice under this
22           section must be verified before the justice on oath or affirmation
23           or by affidavit, and the justice may for that purpose administer
24           an oath or affirmation or take an affidavit.

25   158.    Issue of search warrant
26     (1)   If a justice is satisfied that there is any thing on the premises
27           that might be relevant to the investigation, the justice may issue
28           a search warrant authorising the independent investigator named
29           in the warrant --
30             (a) to enter the premises named or described in the warrant;
31                    and

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     Part 6            Investigations
     Division 3        Search warrants
     s. 159

 1               (b)    to search for and seize any thing named or described in
 2                      the warrant.
 3      (2)     In addition to any other requirement, a search warrant issued
 4              under this section must state --
 5                (a) the premises to be searched; and
 6                (b) a description of the thing for which the search is to be
 7                      made; and
 8                (c) any conditions to which the warrant is subject; and
 9                (d) whether entry is authorised to be made at any time or
10                      during stated hours; and
11                (e) a day, not later than 7 days after the issue of the warrant,
12                      on which the warrant ceases to have effect.
13      (3)     A justice who issues a warrant is to cause a record to be made of
14              particulars of the grounds that the justice has relied on to justify
15              the issue of the warrant.

16   159.       Execution of warrant
17      (1)     If asked to do so by an occupier, or a person in charge, of
18              premises, the person executing a warrant at those premises is to
19              produce it for inspection.
20      (2)     A warrant ceases to have effect --
21               (a) on the day stated in the warrant as the day on which it
22                     ceases to have effect; or
23               (b) if it is withdrawn by the justice who issued it; or
24               (c) when it is executed,
25              whichever occurs first.

26   160.       Seizure of things not mentioned in the warrant
27              A search warrant authorises the independent investigator
28              executing the warrant, in addition to the seizure of any thing of
29              the kind described in the warrant, to seize any thing which is not
30              of the kind described in the warrant if the independent

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                                                   Investigations           Part 6
                                Seized things and samples taken        Division 4
                                                                            s. 161

 1           investigator believes, on reasonable grounds, that the thing is of
 2           a kind which could have been included in a warrant issued
 3           under this Division.

 4            Division 4 -- Seized things and samples taken
 5   161.    Provisions relating to seizure
 6     (1)   A seizure order issued by an independent investigator under
 7           section 144(2)(h) --
 8             (a) is to be in the form of a written notice served on the
 9                   owner or person in control of the thing to which the
10                   order relates; and
11             (b) may be varied or revoked by a further such written
12                   notice.
13     (2)   If a seizure order is issued, a person must not remove or
14           interfere with the thing to which the order relates without the
15           approval of the independent investigator.
16           Penalty: a fine of $28 000.
17     (3)   If a thing has been seized, the thing must be held pending
18           completion of the independent investigator's report under
19           section 133 in relation to the investigation in respect of which
20           the thing was seized unless the independent investigator, on
21           application or of his or her own volition, authorises its release to
22           the person from whom it was seized, or to a person who had
23           legal title to it at the time of its seizure, subject to such
24           conditions as the independent investigator considers
25           appropriate.
26     (4)   If --
27             (a)   a report is given under section 133 in relation to the
28                   investigation in respect of which the thing was seized; or

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     Part 6            Investigations
     Division 4        Seized things and samples taken
     s. 162

 1               (b)   a report is not given under that section within the
 2                     prescribed period after the seizure of the thing or the
 3                     issuing of the seizure order,
 4              the person from whom the thing was seized, or a person with
 5              legal title to it, is entitled to recover the thing from the
 6              independent investigator (if necessary, by action in a court of
 7              competent jurisdiction) unless the thing has been transferred to a
 8              rail safety officer under section 169(1).
 9      (5)     In subsection (4) --
10              prescribed period means 6 months, or such longer period not
11              exceeding 12 months as the independent investigator allows.

12   162.       Securing seized things
13              On seizing a thing under this Part, an independent investigator
14              may --
15               (a) move the thing from the place where it was seized (the
16                     place of seizure); or
17               (b) leave the thing at the place of seizure but take steps to
18                     restrict access to it; or
19               (c) in relation to equipment that is seized, make the
20                     equipment inoperable.

21   163.       Powers to support seizure
22      (1)     In this section --
23              in control, in relation to a thing, means having, or reasonably
24              appearing to an independent investigator as having, authority to
25              exercise control over the thing.
26      (2)     To enable a thing to be seized under this Part, an independent
27              investigator may direct the person in control of it --
28                (a) to take it to a specified place within a specified time;
29                      and
30                (b) if necessary, to remain in control of it at the specified
31                      place for a period specified in the direction.

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                                                   Investigations           Part 6
                                Seized things and samples taken        Division 4
                                                                            s. 164

 1     (3)   A further direction may be made under this section about the
 2           thing if it is necessary and reasonable to make the further
 3           direction.
 4     (4)   A person given a direction under subsection (2) or (3) must not
 5           without reasonable excuse refuse or fail to comply with that
 6           direction.
 7           Penalty: a fine of $28 000.
 8     (5)   Without limiting what may be a reasonable excuse under
 9           subsection (4), it is a reasonable excuse for a person in control
10           of a thing not to comply with a direction under subsection (2)
11           or (3) if in all the circumstances, the direction was
12           unreasonable.
13     (6)   The cost of complying with subsection (2) or (3) must be borne
14           by the person.

15   164.    Independent investigator may direct a thing's return
16     (1)   If an independent investigator has directed a person to take a
17           thing to a specified place within a specified time under
18           section 163(2), the independent investigator may direct the
19           person to return the thing to the place from which it was taken.
20     (2)   A person given a direction under subsection (1) must not
21           without reasonable excuse refuse or fail to comply with that
22           direction.
23           Penalty: a fine of $11 000.
24     (3)   The cost of complying with a direction under subsection (1)
25           must be borne by the person.
26     (4)   If a person who is not the owner of the thing fails to comply
27           with a direction under subsection (1), the independent
28           investigator may release the thing to its owner or any other
29           person entitled to its possession.

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     Part 6            Investigations
     Division 4        Seized things and samples taken
     s. 165

 1   165.       Manner in which independent investigator may give
 2              directions under this Division
 3      (1)     Unless otherwise provided, an independent investigator may
 4              give a direction under this Division orally or in writing.
 5      (2)     If giving a direction orally, the independent investigator giving
 6              the direction --
 7                (a) must state whether it is to be complied with immediately
 8                      or within a specified period; and
 9                (b) must warn the person to whom the direction is given that
10                      it is an offence under this Act to refuse or fail to comply
11                      with a direction.
12      (3)     If giving a direction in writing, the independent investigator
13              must ensure that the direction --
14                (a) states the period within which it is to be complied with;
15                      and
16                (b) states that it is an offence under this Act to refuse or fail
17                      to comply with a direction; and
18                (c) sets out the penalty for the offence.
19      (4)     A written direction may be given to, or sent by post to, the
20              person to whom it is directed.

21   166.       Receipt for seized things or sample
22      (1)     If an independent investigator seizes a thing, or takes a sample
23              of, or from, a thing at railway premises or residential premises
24              under this Part, the independent investigator must give a receipt
25              to the person in charge of the thing or the railway premises or
26              residential premises from which it was taken.
27      (2)     A receipt must --
28               (a) identify the thing seized or sample taken; and
29               (b) state the name of the independent investigator who
30                     seized the thing or took the sample and the reason why
31                     the thing was seized or the sample was taken.

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                                                   Investigations           Part 6
                                Seized things and samples taken        Division 4
                                                                            s. 167

 1     (3)   If for any reason it is not practicable for the independent
 2           investigator to comply with subsection (1), the independent
 3           investigator may --
 4             (a) leave the receipt at the railway premises or residential
 5                    premises in a conspicuous position and in a reasonably
 6                    secure way; or
 7             (b) send the receipt, by post, to the occupier of the railway
 8                    premises or residential premises from where the thing
 9                    was seized or the sample was taken.

10   167.    Copies of certain seized things to be given
11     (1)   If, under this Part, an independent investigator seizes --
12             (a) a document; or
13             (b) a thing that can be readily copied; or
14             (c) a storage device containing information that can be
15                   readily copied,
16           the independent investigator must give a copy of the document,
17           thing or information to the owner or custodian of the document,
18           thing or device as soon as practicable after the seizure.
19     (2)   Subsection (1) does not apply if the independent investigator --
20            (a) has reason to believe that the owner or custodian of the
21                  document, thing or device seized has a copy of the
22                  document, thing or information; or
23            (b) is unable to discover the identity of the owner or
24                  custodian of any document, thing or device seized.

25   168.    Transfer of seized thing to independent investigator
26           If --
27             (a)   a thing has been seized by a rail safety officer under the
28                   authority of a warrant issued under section 94; and

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     Division 4        Seized things and samples taken
     s. 169

 1               (b)    an independent investigator requests the rail safety
 2                      officer named in the warrant to transfer the thing to the
 3                      investigator,
 4              the rail safety officer must --
 5                (c) transfer the thing to the investigator and, for the
 6                       purposes of this Act, the thing is to be taken to have
 7                       been seized under this Part; and
 8                (d) advise the owner of the thing that it has been transferred
 9                       to the investigator.

10   169.       Transfer of seized thing to a rail safety officer
11      (1)     If --
12                (a)   a thing has been seized by an independent investigator
13                      under this Part; and
14               (b)    the thing could have been seized under the authority of a
15                      warrant issued under section 94; and
16                (c)   the rail safety officer named in the warrant requests the
17                      independent investigator to transfer the thing to the
18                      officer,
19              the independent investigator must --
20                (d) transfer the thing to the rail safety officer when his or
21                      her investigation is complete or the investigator is
22                      satisfied that the transfer would not prejudice his or her
23                      investigation; and
24                (e) advise the owner of the thing that it has been transferred
25                      to the rail safety officer.
26      (2)     If a thing is transferred to a rail safety officer under
27              subsection (1), for the purposes of this Act, the thing is to be
28              taken to have been seized under the authority of the warrant.

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                                                              Rail Safety Bill 2009
                                                    Investigations           Part 6
                             Provisions relating to investigations      Division 5
                                                                             s. 170

 1           Division 5 -- Provisions relating to investigations
 2   170.    Offences in relation to investigation
 3     (1)   Where under section 143 a person is required to give any
 4           information, answer any question, or produce any document or
 5           thing and that person, without reasonable excuse (proof of
 6           which lies on the person) --
 7             (a) fails to give that information or answer that question; or
 8             (b) gives any information or answer that is false in any
 9                   particular; or
10             (c) omits anything without which the statement is, to the
11                   person's knowledge, misleading in a material particular;
12                   or
13             (d) fails to produce that document or thing at or within the
14                   time specified in the requirement,
15           the person commits an offence.
16           Penalty: a fine of $28 000.
17     (2)   It is a defence in any proceeding for an offence under
18           subsection (1)(a) or (d) for the accused to show --
19              (a) that the investigator did not, when making the
20                    requirement, inform the accused that he or she was
21                    required under this Act to give the information or
22                    answer the question, or produce the document or thing,
23                    as the case may be; or
24             (b) that the time specified in a requirement to produce a
25                    document or thing did not afford the accused sufficient
26                    notice to enable him or her to comply with the
27                    requirement; or
28              (c) that, in any case, the investigator did not, before making
29                    the requirement, have reasonable grounds to believe that
30                    compliance with the requirement would materially assist
31                    in the investigation being carried out.

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     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 6            Investigations
     Division 5        Provisions relating to investigations
     s. 171

 1   171.       Offence to hinder persons appointed under this Part
 2              A person must not --
 3               (a) wilfully hinder, obstruct or interfere with an independent
 4                     investigator or an authorised officer in the exercise of a
 5                     power conferred under this Part; or
 6               (b) use abusive, threatening or insulting language to an
 7                     independent investigator or an authorised officer; or
 8               (c) without reasonable excuse, refuse or fail to comply with
 9                     a requirement or direction of an independent
10                     investigator or an authorised officer under this Part; or
11               (d) falsely represent, by words or conduct, that he or she is
12                     an independent investigator or an authorised officer.
13              Penalty: a fine of $28 000.

14   172.       Incriminating information, questions or documents
15              An individual is not excused from complying with a
16              requirement under section 143 on the ground that the answer to
17              a question or the production of a document or other thing might
18              incriminate the individual or render the individual liable to a
19              penalty, but neither --
20                (a) an answer given by the individual that was given to
21                      comply with the requirement; nor
22                (b) the fact that a document or other thing produced by the
23                      individual to comply with the requirement was
24                      produced,
25              is admissible in evidence in any civil or criminal proceedings
26              against the individual other than proceedings for an offence
27              against section 170(1)(b).

28   173.       Legal professional privilege
29              Nothing in this Part prevents a person from refusing to answer a
30              question, provide information or produce a document or other
31              thing because the answer or information would relate to, or the

     page 130
                                                              Rail Safety Bill 2009
                                                    Investigations           Part 6
                              Protection of restricted information      Division 6
                                                                             s. 174

 1           document or thing contains, information in respect of which the
 2           person claims legal professional privilege.

 3   174.    Certification of independent investigator's or authorised
 4           officer's involvement in investigation
 5           In all courts, a certificate purporting to be issued by the person
 6           who appointed an independent investigator or authorised officer
 7           stating that a person is or was an independent investigator or an
 8           authorised officer in relation to an investigation under this Part
 9           is evidence of that matter.

10   175.    Independent investigator and authorised officer not
11           compellable as witnesses
12     (1)   A person who is or has been an independent investigator or
13           authorised officer is not obliged to comply with a summons or
14           similar direction of a court to attend and answer questions
15           relating to a rail safety matter or to produce any document or
16           other thing related to an investigation.
17     (2)   An independent investigator or authorised officer is not
18           compellable to give an expert opinion in any civil or criminal
19           proceedings in relation to a matter related to rail safety.
20     (3)   This section does not apply to a coronial inquest.

21           Division 6 -- Protection of restricted information
22   176.    Limitations on disclosure etc. of restricted information
23     (1)   A person who is or has been an independent investigator or
24           authorised officer must not --
25             (a) make a record of restricted information; or
26             (b) disclose restricted information to a person or a court.
27           Penalty: a fine of $55 000.

                                                                         page 131
     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 6            Investigations
     Division 6        Protection of restricted information
     s. 177

 1      (2)     A person who has, or had, access to restricted information under
 2              section 177 must not --
 3                (a) make a record of the information; or
 4                (b) disclose the information to any person or to a court.
 5              Penalty: a fine of $55 000.
 6      (3)     Subsections (1) and (2) do not apply to --
 7               (a) anything done by a person in performing functions
 8                     under this Act or in connection with this Act; or
 9               (b) disclosure to a court in criminal proceedings for an
10                     offence against this Act; or
11               (c) disclosure to a coroner for the purposes of a coronial
12                     inquest.
13      (4)     If a person is prohibited by this section from disclosing
14              restricted information, then --
15                (a) the person cannot be required by a court to disclose the
16                       information; and
17                (b) any information disclosed by the person in
18                       contravention of this section is not admissible in any
19                       civil or criminal proceedings, other than proceedings
20                       against the person under this section.

21   177.       Disclosure of restricted information in the interests of rail
22              safety
23      (1)     Subject to subsection (2), the independent investigator may
24              direct that restricted information be disclosed to any person if
25              the independent investigator considers that the disclosure is
26              necessary or desirable --
27                (a) for the purposes of rail safety; or
28                (b) for the purpose of an investigation under another Act or
29                       an Act of the Commonwealth, another State or a
30                       Territory.

     page 132
                                                           Rail Safety Bill 2009
                                                 Investigations           Part 6
                           Protection of restricted information      Division 6
                                                                          s. 177

1   (2)   The independent investigator may only disclose restricted
2         information that is, or that contains, personal information in the
3         circumstances prescribed by the regulations.

                                                                      page 133
     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 7            Review of decisions

     s. 178

 1                      Part 7 -- Review of decisions
 2   178.       Terms used
 3              In this Part --
 4              eligible person in relation to the reviewable decision has the
 5              meaning given in section 180(b);
 6              reviewable decisions has the meaning given in section 180(a).

 7   179.       Application of Parliamentary Commissioner Act 1971 to Rail
 8              Safety Regulator and rail safety officers
 9              The Parliamentary Commissioner Act 1971 applies to the Rail
10              Safety Regulator as if --
11               (a) the Rail Safety Regulator were an authority within the
12                     meaning of that Act; and
13               (b) rail safety officers exercising functions under this Act
14                     were employees of the Rail Safety Regulator.

15   180.       Reviewable decisions
16              The Table sets out --
17               (a) decisions made under this Act that are reviewable under
18                    this Part (reviewable decisions); and
19               (b) who is eligible to apply for review of a reviewable
20                    decision (the eligible person in relation to the
21                    reviewable decision).
22                                           Table
                Item     Provision under         Eligible person in relation
                         which reviewable        to the reviewable decision
                         decision is made
                1.       s. 37(4)                A rail transport operator
                                                 who has applied for

     page 134
                                         Rail Safety Bill 2009
                          Review of decisions           Part 7

                                                        s. 180

Item   Provision under      Eligible person in relation
       which reviewable     to the reviewable decision
       decision is made
2.     s. 38(1)             A rail transport operator
                            whose application for
                            accreditation is refused or is
                            subject to conditions or
3.     s. 38(4)             A rail transport operator
                            who has applied for
4.     s. 46                A rail transport operator
                            whose accreditation is
                            revoked or suspended.
5.     s. 47(1)             A rail transport operator
                            whose accreditation is
6.     s. 47(2)(b)          A rail transport operator
                            whose accreditation is
7.     s. 51(1)             A rail transport operator
                            whose application for
                            variation of accreditation is
8.     s. 51(1)             A rail transport operator
                            whose accreditation is
                            varied subject to a condition
                            or restriction.
9.     s. 51(4)             A rail transport operator
                            who has applied for
                            variation of accreditation.

                                                    page 135
Rail Safety Bill 2009
Part 7            Review of decisions

s. 180

           Item     Provision under     Eligible person in relation
                    which reviewable    to the reviewable decision
                    decision is made
           10.      s. 53(1)            A rail transport operator
                                        given a direction to amend a
                                        safety management system.
           11.      s. 54(3)            A rail transport operator
                                        whose application for
                                        variation of a condition or
                                        restriction is refused.
           12.      s. 55               A rail transport operator
                                        whose conditions or
                                        restrictions of accreditation
                                        are changed.
           13.      s. 103(2)(c)        A person who is the owner
                                        as defined in section 103(1)
                                        of the sample or thing.
           14.      s. 111(1)           A person on whom an
                                        improvement notice is
           15.      s. 113(1)(b)        A person on whom a notice
                                        of amendment of an
                                        improvement notice is
           16.      s. 116(2)           A person on whom a
                                        prohibition notice is served.
           17.      s. 119(1)(b)        A person on whom a notice
                                        of amendment of a
                                        prohibition notice is served.

page 136
                                                          Rail Safety Bill 2009
                                           Review of decisions           Part 7

                                                                          s. 181

             Item     Provision under         Eligible person in relation
                      which reviewable        to the reviewable decision
                      decision is made
             18.      s. 135(1)               A rail transport operator
                                              who has been given a
                                              written notice under the

 1   181.    Review by the Rail Safety Regulator
 2     (1)   An eligible person --
 3            (a) in relation to a reviewable decision made by the Rail
 4                  Safety Regulator may, within 28 days after the decision
 5                  was made, apply to the Rail Safety Regulator for a
 6                  review of the decision; or
 7            (b) in relation to a reviewable decision, other than a
 8                  decision made by the Rail Safety Regulator, may apply
 9                  to the Rail Safety Regulator for review of the decision
10                  within --
11                     (i) 28 days after the day on which the decision first
12                          came to the eligible person's notice; or
13                    (ii) such longer period as the Rail Safety Regulator
14                          allows.
15     (2)   The application must be in the form approved in writing by the
16           Rail Safety Regulator.
17     (3)   If an application is made to the Rail Safety Regulator in
18           accordance with this section, the Rail Safety Regulator must
19           make a decision --
20             (a) to affirm or vary the reviewable decision; or
21             (b) to set aside the reviewable decision and substitute
22                   another decision that the Rail Safety Regulator considers
23                   appropriate.

                                                                     page 137
     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 7            Review of decisions

     s. 181

 1      (4)     The Rail Safety Regulator must give a written notice to the
 2              applicant setting out --
 3                (a) the Rail Safety Regulator's decision under
 4                     subsection (3) and the reasons for the decision; and
 5                (b) the findings on material questions of fact that led to the
 6                     decision, referring to the evidence or other material on
 7                     which those findings were based,
 8              and must do so within 14 days after the application is made or,
 9              if the reviewable decision was made under section 111, 116
10              or 119, within 7 days after the application is made.
11      (5)     If the Rail Safety Regulator has not notified an applicant of a
12              decision in accordance with subsection (4), the Rail Safety
13              Regulator is taken to have made a decision to affirm the
14              reviewable decision.
15      (6)     An application under this section does not affect the operation
16              of the reviewable decision or prevent the taking of any action to
17              implement it unless the Rail Safety Regulator, on the Rail
18              Safety Regulator's own initiative or on the application of the
19              applicant for review, stays the operation of the decision, not
20              being a prohibition notice, pending the determination of the
21              review.
22      (7)     The Rail Safety Regulator must make a decision on an
23              application for a stay within 24 hours after the making of the
24              application.
25      (8)     If the Rail Safety Regulator has not made a decision in
26              accordance with subsection (7), the Rail Safety Regulator is
27              taken to have made a decision to grant a stay.
28      (9)     The Rail Safety Regulator may attach any conditions to a stay of
29              the operation of a reviewable decision that the Rail Safety
30              Regulator considers appropriate.

     page 138
                                                            Rail Safety Bill 2009
                                             Review of decisions           Part 7

                                                                           s. 182

 1   182.    Review by the State Administrative Tribunal
 2     (1)   A person may apply to the State Administrative Tribunal for a
 3           review of --
 4             (a) a reviewable decision made by the Rail Safety
 5                  Regulator; or
 6             (b) a decision made, or taken to have been made, by the
 7                  Rail Safety Regulator under section 181 in respect of a
 8                  reviewable decision, including a decision concerning a
 9                  stay of the operation of the reviewable decision,
10           if the person is an eligible person in relation to the reviewable
11           decision.
12     (2)   The application must be made --
13            (a) if the decision is to forfeit a thing, including a document,
14                  seized under Part 5, within 28 days after the day on
15                  which the decision first came to the applicant's notice;
16                  or
17            (b) in the case of any other decision, within 14 days after
18                  the day on which the decision first came to the
19                  applicant's notice; or
20            (c) if the Rail Safety Regulator is required by the State
21                  Administrative Tribunal Act 2004 section 21 to give the
22                  applicant a statement of reasons, within 14 days after the
23                  day on which the applicant is given the statement,
24           whichever period ends last.

                                                                       page 139
     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 8            General liability and evidentiary provisions
     Division 1        General
     s. 183

 1    Part 8 -- General liability and evidentiary provisions
 2                              Division 1 -- General
 3   183.       Period within which proceedings for offences may be
 4              commenced
 5      (1)     This section applies to an offence against a rail safety law, other
 6              than --
 7                (a) an offence prescribed for the purposes of this section;
 8                     and
 9                (b) an offence in respect of which proceedings may only be
10                     commenced within a period of less than 2 years after its
11                     alleged commission.
12      (2)     Despite anything to the contrary in any other Act, proceedings
13              for an offence against a rail safety law to which this section
14              applies may be commenced within --
15                (a) the period of 2 years after the commission of the alleged
16                      offence; or
17                (b) a further period of one year commencing on the day on
18                      which the Rail Safety Regulator, a rail safety officer or a
19                      police officer first obtained evidence of the commission
20                      of the alleged offence considered reasonably sufficient
21                      by the Rail Safety Regulator or officer to warrant
22                      commencing proceedings.
23      (3)     For the purposes of subsection (2), a certificate purporting to
24              have been issued by the Rail Safety Regulator, a rail safety
25              officer or a police officer as to the date when the Rail Safety
26              Regulator or officer first obtained evidence considered
27              reasonably sufficient by the Rail Safety Regulator or officer to
28              warrant commencing proceedings is admissible in any
29              proceedings and is evidence of the matters stated.

     page 140
                                                               Rail Safety Bill 2009
                       General liability and evidentiary provisions           Part 8
                                                           General       Division 1
                                                                              s. 184

 1   184.    Authority to take proceedings
 2     (1)   Legal proceedings for an offence against, or to recover any
 3           charge, fee or money due under this Act may be taken only by
 4           the Rail Safety Regulator or by a person authorised by the Rail
 5           Safety Regulator for the purpose, either generally or in any
 6           particular case.
 7     (2)   In any proceedings referred to in this section, the production of
 8           an authority purporting to be signed by the Rail Safety
 9           Regulator is to be evidence of the authority without proof of the
10           signature of the Rail Safety Regulator.
11     (3)   The Rail Safety Regulator may, for the purposes of
12           subsection (1), authorise any person who is a member of a
13           specified class of persons to take the actions referred to in that
14           subsection.

15   185.    Vicarious responsibility
16     (1)   In this section --
17           director of a body corporate includes a constituent member of a
18           body corporate incorporated for a public purpose by a law of
19           any jurisdiction;
20           state of mind of a person includes --
21             (a) the knowledge, intention, opinion, belief or purpose of
22                    the person; and
23             (b) the person's reasons for the intention, opinion, belief or
24                    purpose.
25     (2)   If, in any proceedings for an offence against a rail safety law, it
26           is necessary to establish the state of mind of a body corporate in
27           relation to particular conduct, it is sufficient to show --
28             (a) that the conduct was engaged in by a director, employee
29                    or agent of the body corporate within the scope of his or
30                    her actual or apparent authority; and
31             (b) that the director, employee or agent had the relevant
32                    state of mind.

                                                                          page 141
     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 8            General liability and evidentiary provisions
     Division 1        General
     s. 186

 1      (3)     For the purposes of a prosecution for an offence against a rail
 2              safety law, conduct engaged in on behalf of a body corporate by
 3              a director, employee or agent of the body corporate within the
 4              scope of his or her actual or apparent authority is taken to have
 5              been engaged in also by the body corporate unless the body
 6              corporate establishes that it took reasonable precautions and
 7              exercised due diligence to avoid the conduct.
 8      (4)     If, in proceedings for an offence against a rail safety law, it is
 9              necessary to establish the state of mind of a person other than
10              the body corporate (the employer) in relation to particular
11              conduct, it is sufficient to show --
12                (a) that the conduct was engaged in by an employee or
13                       agent of the employer within the scope of his or her
14                       actual or apparent authority; and
15                (b) that the employee or agent had the relevant state of
16                       mind.
17      (5)     For the purposes of a prosecution for an offence against a rail
18              safety law, conduct engaged in on behalf of a person other than
19              a body corporate (the employer) by an employee or agent of the
20              employer within the scope of his or her actual or apparent
21              authority is taken to have been engaged in also by the employer,
22              unless the employer establishes that the employer took
23              reasonable precautions and exercised due diligence to avoid the
24              conduct.

25   186.       Records and evidence from records
26      (1)     The Rail Safety Regulator must keep records of the grant,
27              refusal, variation, suspension, surrender and revocation of
28              accreditations, and of any conditions or restrictions of
29              accreditations, and of improvement notices and prohibition
30              notices, under this Act.
31      (2)     A certificate purporting to be signed by the Rail Safety
32              Regulator and certifying that --
33               (a) on a date specified in the certificate; or

     page 142
                                                               Rail Safety Bill 2009
                       General liability and evidentiary provisions           Part 8
                                                           General       Division 1
                                                                              s. 187

 1            (b)    during any period so specified,
 2           the particulars set out in the certificate as to any matter required
 3           to be recorded under this section did or did not appear on or
 4           from the records is, for the purposes of any legal proceedings,
 5           evidence of what it certifies.
 6     (3)   A certificate is admissible in any proceedings --
 7            (a) without proof of the signature of the Rail Safety
 8                   Regulator; and
 9            (b) without production of any record or document on which
10                   the certificate is founded.

11   187.    Certificate evidence
12           A statement in a certificate purporting to be issued by the Rail
13           Safety Regulator, a corresponding Rail Safety Regulator, a rail
14           safety officer or a police officer as to any matter that appears in,
15           or can be calculated from, records kept or accessed by the Rail
16           Safety Regulator is admissible in any proceedings and is
17           evidence of the matter.

18   188.    Proof of appointments and signatures unnecessary
19     (1)   In this section --
20           office holder means --
21             (a) the Rail Safety Regulator; or
22             (b) a corresponding Rail Safety Regulator; or
23             (c) the Commissioner of Police; or
24             (d) the head of the police force or police service of any
25                    other jurisdiction; or
26             (e) a rail safety officer; or
27              (f) a rail safety officer of another jurisdiction; or
28             (g) a police officer; or
29             (h) a police officer of another jurisdiction.

                                                                          page 143
     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 8            General liability and evidentiary provisions
     Division 1        General
     s. 189

 1      (2)     For the purposes of this Act, it is not necessary to prove the
 2              appointment of an office holder.
 3      (3)     For the purposes of this Act, a signature purporting to be the
 4              signature of an office holder is evidence of the signature it
 5              purports to be.

 6   189.       Offences relating to bodies corporate, partnerships,
 7              associations and employees
 8      (1)     In this section --
 9              officer, in relation to a body corporate, has the meaning given in
10              the Corporations Act 2001 (Commonwealth) but does not
11              include an employee of the body corporate unless he or she was
12              concerned in the management of the body corporate;
13              volunteer means a person who is acting on a voluntary basis
14              (irrespective of whether the person receives out of pocket
15              expenses).
16      (2)     If a body corporate commits an offence against this Act and it is
17              proved that --
18                (a) the offence was committed with the consent or
19                      connivance of an officer of the body corporate; or
20                (b) the officer failed to exercise such due diligence to
21                      prevent the commission of the offence as ought to have
22                      been exercised having regard to the nature of the
23                      officer's functions and to all the circumstances,
24              the officer commits the same offence.
25      (3)     If a person who is a partner in a partnership commits an offence
26              against a rail safety law in the course of the activities of the
27              partnership and it is proved that --
28                (a) the offence was committed with the consent or
29                      connivance of another partner in the partnership or a
30                      person concerned in the management of the partnership;
31                      or

     page 144
                                                             Rail Safety Bill 2009
                     General liability and evidentiary provisions           Part 8
                                                         General       Division 1
                                                                            s. 189

 1          (b)    another partner in the partnership failed to exercise such
 2                 due diligence to prevent the commission of the offence
 3                 as ought to have been exercised having regard to the
 4                 nature of the partner's functions and to all the
 5                 circumstances; or
 6           (c)   a person concerned in the management of the
 7                 partnership failed to exercise such due diligence to
 8                 prevent the commission of the offence as ought to have
 9                 been exercised having regard to the nature of the
10                 person's functions and to all the circumstances,
11         the other partner or the person concerned in the management of
12         the partnership, as the case may be, commits the same offence.
13   (4)   If a person who is concerned in the management of an
14         unincorporated association commits an offence against a rail
15         safety law in the course of the activities of the unincorporated
16         association and it is proved that --
17           (a) the offence was committed with the consent or
18                 connivance of another person concerned in the
19                 management of the unincorporated association; or
20           (b) another person concerned in the management of the
21                 unincorporated association failed to exercise such due
22                 diligence to prevent the commission of the offence as
23                 ought to have been exercised having regard to the nature
24                 of the person's functions and to all the circumstances,
25         the other person concerned in the management of the
26         unincorporated association commits the same offence.
27   (5)   Subsections (2), (3) and (4) do not affect the liability of the
28         person who actually committed the offence.
29   (6)   If an employee commits an offence against a rail safety law, the
30         employer is taken to have committed the offence and is
31         punishable accordingly.
32   (7)   A person may be proceeded against and found guilty of an
33         offence arising under this section whether or not the body

                                                                        page 145
     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 8            General liability and evidentiary provisions
     Division 2        Discrimination against employees
     s. 190

 1              corporate or other person who actually committed the offence
 2              has been proceeded against or been found guilty of the offence.
 3      (8)     It is a defence to a charge for an offence arising under
 4              subsection (6) if the defendant establishes that --
 5                 (a) the defendant had no knowledge of the actual offence;
 6                       or
 7                (b) the defendant took reasonable precautions and exercised
 8                       due diligence to prevent the commission of the actual
 9                       offence.
10      (9)     A person who is --
11               (a) an officer of a body corporate (including a body
12                     corporate representing the Crown); or
13               (b) a partner or a person concerned in the management of a
14                     partnership; or
15               (c) a member of or other person concerned in the
16                     management of an unincorporated association,
17              and who is a volunteer is not liable to be prosecuted under this
18              section for anything done or not done by him or her as a
19              volunteer.

20              Division 2 -- Discrimination against employees
21   190.       Dismissal or other victimisation of employee
22      (1)     In this section --
23              employee includes an individual who works under a contract for
24              services;
25              public agency includes an Australian Rail Safety Regulator, a
26              rail safety officer, a police officer and a police officer of another
27              jurisdiction.
28      (2)     This section applies to --
29               (a) an employer who dismisses an employee, injures an
30                     employee in the employment of the employer or alters

     page 146
                                                             Rail Safety Bill 2009
                     General liability and evidentiary provisions           Part 8
                             Discrimination against employees          Division 2
                                                                            s. 190

 1                the position of an employee to the employee's
 2                detriment; and
 3          (b)   an employer who threatens to do any of those things to
 4                an employee; and
 5          (c)   an employer or prospective employer who refuses or
 6                fails to offer employment to a prospective employee, or
 7                treats a prospective employee less favourably than
 8                another prospective employee would be treated in
 9                offering terms of employment.
10   (3)   The employer or prospective employer commits a crime if the
11         employer or prospective employer engaged in that conduct
12         because the employee or prospective employee, as the case may
13         be --
14           (a) has assisted or has given any information to a public
15                 agency in respect of a breach or alleged breach of an
16                 Australian rail safety law; or
17          (b) has made a complaint about a breach or alleged breach
18                 of an Australian rail safety law to the employer, a fellow
19                 employee, a union or a public agency; or
20           (c) assists or has assisted, or gives or has given any
21                 information to, a public agency in respect of a breach or
22                 alleged breach of an Australian rail safety law; or
23          (d) has made a complaint about a breach or alleged breach
24                 of an Australian rail safety law to a former employer, a
25                 former fellow employee, a union or a public agency.
26         Penalty:
27              (a) for an individual, a fine of $5 000;
28              (b) for a body corporate, a fine of $50 000.
29   (4)   An employer or prospective employer may be guilty of an
30         offence against subsection (3) only if the reason mentioned in
31         subsection (3)(a), (b), (c) or (d) is the dominant reason why the
32         employer or prospective employer engaged in the conduct.

                                                                        page 147
     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 8            General liability and evidentiary provisions
     Division 3        False or misleading information
     s. 191

 1   191.       Defendant bears onus of proof
 2              In proceedings for an offence against section 190, if all the facts
 3              constituting the offence other than the reason for the defendant's
 4              conduct are proved, the defendant bears the onus of proving that
 5              the reason alleged in the charge was not the dominant reason
 6              why the defendant engaged in the conduct.

 7   192.       Order for damages or reinstatement
 8      (1)     In this section --
 9              employee includes an individual who works under a contract for
10              services.
11      (2)     If an employer or prospective employer is convicted or found
12              guilty of an offence against section 190, the court may, in
13              addition to imposing a penalty, make either or both of the
14              following orders --
15                (a) an order that the offender pay, within a specified period,
16                      such damages to the employee or prospective employee
17                      against whom the offender discriminated as the court
18                      considers appropriate to compensate him or her;
19                (b) an order that --
20                         (i) the employee be reinstated or re-employed in his
21                              or her former position or, if that position is not
22                              available, in a similar position; or
23                        (ii) the prospective employee be employed in the
24                              position for which he or she had applied or a
25                              similar position.

26               Division 3 -- False or misleading information
27   193.       False or misleading information provided to Rail Safety
28              Regulator or officials
29      (1)     In this section --
30              official means a rail safety officer or a person assisting a rail
31              safety officer.

     page 148
                                                             Rail Safety Bill 2009
                     General liability and evidentiary provisions           Part 8
                                False or misleading information        Division 3
                                                                            s. 193

 1   (2)   A person commits an offence if --
 2          (a) the person makes a statement to the Rail Safety
 3                Regulator or to an official who is exercising a power
 4                under a rail safety law; and
 5          (b) the person knows that the statement is false or
 6                misleading in a material particular.
 7   (3)   A person commits an offence if --
 8          (a) the person makes a statement to the Rail Safety
 9                Regulator or to an official who is exercising a power
10                under a rail safety law; and
11          (b) the statement is false or misleading in a material
12                particular; and
13          (c) the person is reckless as to whether the statement is false
14                or misleading in a material particular.
15   (4)   A person commits an offence if --
16          (a) the person gives a document to the Rail Safety
17                Regulator or to an official who is exercising a power
18                under a rail safety law; and
19          (b) the document contains a statement that is false or
20                misleading in a material particular; and
21          (c) the person is reckless as to whether the document
22                contains a statement that is false or misleading in a
23                material particular.
24   (5)   Subsection (4) does not apply if, at the time the person gave the
25         document to the Rail Safety Regulator or to an official, the
26         person informed the Rail Safety Regulator or official that the
27         document contained a statement that was false or misleading in
28         a material particular and specified in what respect it was false or
29         misleading.

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     Part 8            General liability and evidentiary provisions
     Division 4        Other offences
     s. 194

 1      (6)     The penalty for an offence under this section committed in
 2              relation to the Rail Safety Regulator or official exercising a
 3              power under a rail safety law is --
 4                (a) if there is one offence under the provision of the rail
 5                       safety law under which the power is exercised, the
 6                       penalty for that offence; or
 7                (b) if there is more than one offence under that provision,
 8                       the penalties for those offences if the penalties are the
 9                       same, or the lower or lowest of the penalties if they are
10                       different; or
11                (c) if there is no offence under that provision, the following
12                       penalty --
13              Penalty:
14                    (a) for a first offence, a fine of $28 000;
15                   (b) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of $41 000.

16                          Division 4 -- Other offences
17   194.       Obstructing or hindering rail safety officers
18      (1)     A person must not --
19               (a) intentionally hinder or obstruct the Rail Safety
20                     Regulator, a rail safety officer or a person assisting the
21                     Rail Safety Regulator or a rail safety officer in the
22                     exercise of his or her functions under this Act, or induce
23                     or attempt to induce any other person to do so; or
24               (b) intentionally conceal from the Rail Safety Regulator, a
25                     rail safety officer or a person assisting the Rail Safety
26                     Regulator or a rail safety officer, the location or
27                     existence of, or fail to comply with a request to produce,
28                     a record, document or any other thing.
29              Penalty: a fine of $28 000.
30      (2)     A person must not assault, directly or indirectly intimidate or
31              threaten, or attempt to intimidate or threaten, the Rail Safety

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                       General liability and evidentiary provisions           Part 8
                                                   Other offences        Division 4
                                                                              s. 195

 1           Regulator, a rail safety officer or a person assisting the Rail
 2           Safety Regulator or a rail safety officer.
 3           Penalty: a fine of $28 000.

 4   195.    Offence to impersonate rail safety officer
 5           A person who is not a rail safety officer must not, in any way,
 6           hold himself or herself out to be a rail safety officer.
 7           Penalty: a fine of $28 000.

 8   196.    Not to interfere with rail infrastructure etc.
 9     (1)   In this section --
10           authorised person means the rail transport operator, a rail safety
11           officer or a police officer.
12     (2)   A person must not, without either the permission of an
13           authorised person or reasonable excuse --
14             (a) move or attempt to move; or
15             (b) interfere or attempt to interfere with; or
16             (c) disable or attempt to disable; or
17             (d) operate or attempt to operate,
18           any equipment, rail infrastructure or rolling stock owned or
19           operated by a rail transport operator.
20           Penalty: a fine of $28 000.

21   197.    Applying brake or emergency device
22           A person must not, without reasonable excuse --
23            (a) apply any brake or make use of any emergency device
24                  fitted to a train or tram; or
25            (b) make use of any emergency device on railway premises.
26           Penalty: a fine of $28 000.

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     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 8            General liability and evidentiary provisions
     Division 5        Enforceable voluntary undertakings
     s. 198

 1   198.       Stopping a train or tram
 2              A person must not, without reasonable excuse, cause or attempt
 3              to cause a train or tram in motion to be stopped.
 4              Penalty: a fine of $28 000.

 5            Division 5 -- Enforceable voluntary undertakings
 6   199.       Rail Safety Regulator may accept undertakings
 7      (1)     The Rail Safety Regulator may accept, by written notice, a
 8              written undertaking given by a person in connection with a
 9              matter relating to a contravention or alleged contravention by
10              the person of this Act.
11      (2)     The person may withdraw or vary the undertaking at any time
12              but only with the Rail Safety Regulator's written consent.
13      (3)     Neither the Rail Safety Regulator nor a rail safety officer may
14              bring proceedings for an offence against this Act constituted by
15              the contravention or alleged contravention to which the
16              undertaking relates.

17   200.       Enforcement of undertakings
18      (1)     If the Rail Safety Regulator considers that a person has
19              contravened an undertaking accepted by the Rail Safety
20              Regulator, the Rail Safety Regulator may apply to the
21              Magistrates Court for enforcement of the undertaking.
22      (2)     If the Magistrates Court is satisfied that the person has
23              contravened the undertaking, it may make --
24                (a) an order that the person must comply with the
25                      undertaking or take specified action to comply with the
26                      undertaking; or
27                (b) any other order that it considers appropriate.

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                                                               Rail Safety Bill 2009
                       General liability and evidentiary provisions           Part 8
                                            Court based sanctions        Division 6
                                                                              s. 201

 1                  Division 6 -- Court based sanctions
 2   201.    Daily penalty for continuing offences
 3     (1)   If an offence is committed by a person by reason of a
 4           contravention of a provision of this Act, but not the regulations,
 5           under which the person is required or directed to do any act or
 6           thing, or to refrain from doing any act or thing, that offence is
 7           taken to continue so long as the act or thing so required or
 8           directed remains undone, or continues to be done, as the case
 9           may be.
10     (2)   A person convicted of such an offence is liable, in addition to
11           the penalty otherwise prescribed for the offence, to a daily
12           penalty not exceeding one fifth of the maximum penalty
13           prescribed for the offence for each day or part of a day during
14           which the offence continues after conviction.

15   202.    Commercial benefits order
16     (1)   A court that finds a person guilty of an offence against a rail
17           safety law may, on the application of the prosecutor or the Rail
18           Safety Regulator, make an order under this section.
19     (2)   The court may make a commercial benefits order requiring the
20           person to pay, as a fine, an amount not exceeding 3 times the
21           amount estimated by the court to be the gross commercial
22           benefit that --
23             (a) was received or receivable, by the person or by an
24                   associate of the person, from the commission of the
25                   offence; and
26            (b) in the case of a journey that was interrupted or not
27                   commenced because of action taken by a rail safety
28                   officer in connection with the commission of the
29                   offence, would have been received or receivable, by the
30                   person or by an associate of the person, from the
31                   commission of the offence had the journey been
32                   completed.

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     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 8            General liability and evidentiary provisions
     Division 6        Court based sanctions
     s. 202

 1      (3)     In estimating the gross commercial benefit that was or would
 2              have been received or receivable from the commission of the
 3              offence, the court may take into account --
 4                (a) benefits of any kind, whether monetary or otherwise;
 5                      and
 6                (b) monetary savings or a reduction in any operating or
 7                      capital expenditure of any kind achieved because of the
 8                      commission of the offence; and
 9                (c) any other matters that it considers relevant, including,
10                      for example --
11                        (i) the value per tonne or per kilometre of the
12                              carriage of the goods involved in the offence as
13                              freight; and
14                       (ii) the distance over which any such goods were or
15                              were to be carried.
16      (4)     In estimating the gross commercial benefit that was or would
17              have been received or receivable from the commission of the
18              offence, the court is required to disregard any costs, expenses or
19              liabilities incurred by the person or by an associate of the
20              person.
21      (5)     Nothing in this section prevents the court from ordering
22              payment of an amount that is --
23                (a) less than 3 times the estimated gross commercial
24                     benefit; or
25               (b) less than the estimated gross commercial benefit.
26      (6)     For the purposes of this section, a person is an associate of
27              another if --
28                (a) one is a spouse, de facto partner, parent, brother, sister
29                      or child of the other; or
30                (b) they are members of the same household; or
31                (c) they are partners; or

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                                                               Rail Safety Bill 2009
                       General liability and evidentiary provisions           Part 8
                                            Court based sanctions        Division 6
                                                                              s. 203

 1            (d)    they are both trustees or beneficiaries of the same trust,
 2                   or one is a trustee and the other is a beneficiary of the
 3                   same trust; or
 4             (e)   one is a body corporate and the other is a director or
 5                   member of the governing body of the body corporate; or
 6             (f)   one is a body corporate, other than a public company
 7                   whose shares are listed on a stock exchange, and the
 8                   other is a shareholder in the body corporate; or
 9            (g)    one is a related body corporate, as defined in the
10                   Corporations Act 2001 (Commonwealth) section 9, of
11                   the other; or
12            (h)    a chain of relationships can be traced between them
13                   under any one or more of the above paragraphs.
14     (7)   For the purposes of subsection (6), a beneficiary of a trust
15           includes an object of a trust.

16   203.    Exclusion orders
17     (1)   A court that finds a person guilty of an offence against a rail
18           safety law may, on the application of the prosecutor or the Rail
19           Safety Regulator, if the court considers the person to be a
20           systematic or persistent offender against the Australian rail
21           safety laws, make an order under this section.
22     (2)   For the purpose of restricting opportunities for the person to
23           commit or be involved in the commission of further offences
24           against Australian rail safety laws, the court may, if it considers
25           it appropriate to do so, make an exclusion order prohibiting the
26           person, for a specified period, from --
27              (a) managing rail infrastructure, or operating rolling stock,
28                   or managing or operating a particular type of rail
29                   infrastructure or rolling stock; or
30              (b) being a director, secretary or officer concerned in the
31                   management of a body corporate involved in managing
32                   rail infrastructure that is in this jurisdiction or operating
33                   rolling stock in this jurisdiction; or

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     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 8            General liability and evidentiary provisions
     Division 6        Court based sanctions
     s. 204

 1               (c)   being involved in managing rail infrastructure that is in
 2                     this jurisdiction or operating rolling stock in this
 3                     jurisdiction except by driving a train or rolling stock.
 4      (3)     A court may only make an order under this section if it is
 5              satisfied that the person should not continue the things the
 6              subject of the proposed order, having regard to --
 7                (a) the offences against the Australian rail safety laws of
 8                      which the person has previously been found guilty; and
 9                (b) the offences against the Australian rail safety laws of
10                      which the person has been proceeded against by way of
11                      unwithdrawn infringement notices; and
12                (c) any other offences or other matters that the court
13                      considers to be relevant to the conduct of the person in
14                      connection with railway operations.
15      (4)     A court that has power to make an exclusion order may revoke
16              or amend an exclusion order on the application of --
17                (a) the Rail Safety Regulator; or
18                (b) the person in respect of whom the order was made, but
19                     in that case only if the court is satisfied that there has
20                     been a change of circumstances warranting revocation or
21                     amendment.

22   204.       Contravention of exclusion order
23              A person who is subject to an exclusion order must not engage
24              in conduct that results in a contravention of the order.
25              Penalty:
26                   (a) for an individual, a fine of $82 000;
27                   (b) for a body corporate, a fine of $820 000.

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                                                               Rail Safety Bill 2009
                       General liability and evidentiary provisions           Part 8
                                                      Undertakings       Division 7
                                                                              s. 205

 1                       Division 7 -- Undertakings
 2   205.    Court may allow offender to make election
 3     (1)   If --
 4             (a)   a person (the offender) is found guilty, whether after a
 5                   plea of guilty or otherwise, of an offence against a rail
 6                   safety law; and
 7            (b)    the court has fined the offender; and
 8            (c)    the court considers the person to be a systematic or
 9                   persistent offender against the Australian rail safety
10                   laws; and
11            (d)    the court is satisfied that an undertaking by the offender
12                   is capable of improving the offender's ability or
13                   willingness to comply with the rail safety laws, having
14                   regard to --
15                      (i) the offences against Australian rail safety laws of
16                           which the offender has been previously found
17                           guilty; and
18                     (ii) the offences against Australian rail safety laws
19                           for which the offender has been proceeded
20                           against by way of unwithdrawn infringement
21                           notices; and
22                    (iii) any other offences or other matters that the court
23                           considers to be relevant to the conduct of the
24                           offender in connection with railway operations,
25           the court may, subject to subsection (2), make an order allowing
26           the offender to elect either --
27             (e) to pay the fine; or
28             (f) as an alternative, to enter into an undertaking with the
29                   Rail Safety Regulator under section 209 not later than a
30                   day specified by the court.

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     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 8            General liability and evidentiary provisions
     Division 7        Undertakings
     s. 206

 1      (2)     A court is not to make an order under this section unless the
 2              court is satisfied that --
 3                (a) the offender wishes an order to be made and the Rail
 4                      Safety Regulator does not oppose that being done; and
 5                (b) the offender and the Rail Safety Regulator are likely to
 6                      reach agreement on the provisions of the proposed
 7                      undertaking within the time that the court proposes to
 8                      specify under subsection (1)(f).
 9      (3)     After the court has fined the offender, the court may adjourn the
10              proceedings to allow --
11                (a) the offender time to consider whether the offender
12                      wishes an order to be made; and
13                (b) the Rail Safety Regulator time to consider whether to
14                      oppose that being done,
15              as mentioned in subsection (2)(a).
16      (4)     Nothing in this Division limits the powers of a court under the
17              Sentencing Act 1995.

18   206.       Making of election
19      (1)     An election is made, pursuant to an order under section 205(1),
20              by the offender --
21                (a) lodging an election in writing with the court in which
22                      the order was made; and
23               (b) serving a copy of the election on the Rail Safety
24                      Regulator,
25              not later than 28 days after the day on which the order was
26              made.
27      (2)     If --
28                (a)   an order is made under section 205(1); but

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                                                               Rail Safety Bill 2009
                       General liability and evidentiary provisions           Part 8
                                                      Undertakings       Division 7
                                                                              s. 207

 1            (b)    the offender fails to make an election in accordance with
 2                   subsection (1),
 3           the offender is taken, at the expiry of the period mentioned in
 4           subsection (1), to have elected to pay the fine.

 5   207.    Failure to enter into undertaking
 6           An election under section 206 to enter into an undertaking
 7           lapses if the undertaking is for any reason not entered into
 8           before the time allowed under section 205(1)(f).

 9   208.    Time for payment of fine
10     (1)   The liability of the offender to pay a fine in connection with
11           which an order is made under section 205(1) is suspended by
12           the making of the order.
13     (2)   If the offender elects to pay the fine, for the purposes of the
14           Fines, Penalties and Infringement Notices Enforcement
15           Act 1994 section 32, the fine is taken to have been imposed on
16           the day on which the election is made.
17     (3)   If the offender is taken by section 206(2) to have elected to pay
18           the fine, for the purposes of the section referred to in
19           subsection (2) the fine is taken to have been imposed at the time
20           mentioned in section 206(2).
21     (4)   If --
22             (a)   the offender elects to enter into an undertaking; but
23             (b)   the election lapses under section 207,
24           for the purposes of the section referred to in subsection (2) the
25           fine is taken to have been imposed on the day specified under
26           section 205(1)(f).

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     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 8            General liability and evidentiary provisions
     Division 7        Undertakings
     s. 209

 1   209.       Nature and terms of undertaking
 2      (1)     An undertaking for the purposes of this Division is a document
 3              by which the offender gives undertakings to the Rail Safety
 4              Regulator that the offender will --
 5                (a) take the action specified in the undertaking; and
 6               (b) bear the costs and expenses of doing so; and
 7                (c) complete all of the required action not later than a day
 8                     specified in the document.
 9      (2)     The action required to be taken by the offender is to come
10              within the provisions described in section 210(2) or (3).
11      (3)     The provisions of the undertaking are to be such as are agreed
12              between the Rail Safety Regulator and the offender.
13      (4)     The Rail Safety Regulator is to furnish a copy of an
14              undertaking, and of any amendment made under section 213, to
15              the court concerned.

16   210.       What may be included in undertaking
17      (1)     In this section --
18              specified means specified in the undertaking.
19      (2)     An undertaking is to provide for the offender to do one or more
20              of the following --
21                (a) to do specified things that the Rail Safety Regulator
22                      considers will improve the person's compliance with rail
23                      safety laws or specified aspects of rail safety laws,
24                      including, for example, the following --
25                         (i) appointing or removing staff to or from
26                              particular activities or positions;
27                        (ii) training and supervising staff;
28                       (iii) obtaining expert advice as to maintaining
29                              appropriate compliance;

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                                                             Rail Safety Bill 2009
                     General liability and evidentiary provisions           Part 8
                                                    Undertakings       Division 7
                                                                            s. 210

 1                 (iv)   installing monitoring, compliance, managerial or
 2                        operational equipment;
 3                  (v) implementing monitoring, compliance,
 4                        managerial or operational practices, systems or
 5                        procedures;
 6          (b)   to conduct specified monitoring, compliance,
 7                managerial or operational practices, systems or
 8                procedures subject to the direction of the Rail Safety
 9                Regulator or a person nominated by the Rail Safety
10                Regulator;
11          (c)   to furnish compliance reports to the Rail Safety
12                Regulator as specified;
13          (d)   to appoint a person to have responsibilities --
14                   (i) to assist the person in improving compliance
15                        with rail safety laws or specified aspects of rail
16                        safety laws; and
17                  (ii) to monitor the person's performance in
18                        complying with rail safety laws or specified
19                        aspects of rail safety laws and in complying with
20                        the requirements of the undertaking; and
21                 (iii) to furnish compliance reports to the Rail Safety
22                        Regulator as specified.
23   (3)   The Rail Safety Regulator may require that an undertaking
24         contain any incidental or supplementary provision that the Rail
25         Safety Regulator considers necessary or expedient to achieve its
26         purpose, including provision for --
27           (a) the reporting of matters; and
28           (b) the reporting of compliance under section 214,
29         to the Rail Safety Regulator.
30   (4)   An undertaking cannot provide for the offender to take any
31         action --
32           (a) that the offender has a duty to take in order to comply
33                with any provision of this Act; or

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     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 8            General liability and evidentiary provisions
     Division 7        Undertakings
     s. 211

 1               (b)   for the taking of which an improvement notice or a
 2                     prohibition notice could be issued.

 3   211.       Effect of undertaking
 4              The liability of the offender to pay a fine in connection with
 5              which the undertaking is given --
 6               (a) is suspended by the giving of the undertaking; and
 7               (b) is cancelled by the full discharge of the offender's
 8                      obligations under the undertaking.

 9   212.       Failure to comply with undertaking
10      (1)     An offender commits an offence if the offender fails to
11              discharge fully the obligations under an undertaking before the
12              day specified in the undertaking in accordance with
13              section 209(1)(c).
14              Penalty:
15                   (a) if the offence was committed by the offender as an
16                         employee --
17                           (i) for a first offence, a fine of $6 000;
18                          (ii) for a subsequent offence, a fine of $8 000;
19                   (b) if paragraph (a) does not apply --
20                           (i) in the case of an individual --
21                                    (I) for a first offence, a fine of $28 000;
22                                   (II) for a subsequent offence, a fine of
23                                         $41 000;
24                          (ii) in the case of a body corporate --
25                                    (I) for a first offence, a fine of $280 000;
26                                   (II) for a subsequent offence, a fine of
27                                         $410 000.

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                                                               Rail Safety Bill 2009
                       General liability and evidentiary provisions           Part 8
                                                      Undertakings       Division 7
                                                                              s. 213

 1     (2)   A court that convicts an offender of an offence against
 2           subsection (1) must order that a fine to which the undertaking
 3           relates be paid in addition to any penalty imposed for the
 4           offence against subsection (1).
 5     (3)   For the purposes of the Fines, Penalties and Infringement
 6           Notices Enforcement Act 1994 section 32, a fine to which an
 7           order under subsection (2) applies is taken to be imposed on the
 8           day on which that order is made.

 9   213.    Amendment of undertaking
10           An undertaking may be amended by an instrument in writing
11           signed by the offender and the Rail Safety Regulator.

12   214.    Compliance report
13     (1)   A compliance report required by the Rail Safety Regulator
14           under section 210(3)(b) may require that the offender report
15           on --
16             (a) the performance of the offender in complying with --
17                     (i) the rail safety laws or aspects of rail safety laws
18                          specified in the undertaking; and
19                    (ii) the requirements of the undertaking;
20                  and
21            (b) without limiting the above --
22                     (i) things done by the offender to ensure that any
23                          failure by the offender to comply with the rail
24                          safety laws or the specified aspects of the rail
25                          safety laws does not continue; and
26                    (ii) the results of those things having been done.
27     (2)   A requirement of the Rail Safety Regulator may specify matters
28           that are to be dealt with in compliance reports and the form and
29           manner in which, and frequency with which, compliance reports
30           are to be prepared and furnished.

                                                                          page 163
    Rail Safety Bill 2009
    Part 8            General liability and evidentiary provisions
    Division 7        Undertakings
    s. 214

1      (3)     The Rail Safety Regulator may require that compliance reports
2              or aspects of compliance reports be made public, and may
3              specify the form and manner in which, and frequency with
4              which, they are to be made public.

    page 164
                                                           Rail Safety Bill 2009
                                                       General            Part 9
                                                 Confidentiality     Division 1
                                                                          s. 215

 1                           Part 9 -- General
 2                      Division 1 -- Confidentiality
 3   215.    Confidentiality
 4     (1)   This section applies to a person engaged or previously engaged
 5           in the administration of this Act and without limiting the
 6           foregoing to the following --
 7             (a) a rail safety officer or a person assisting a rail safety
 8                   officer;
 9             (b) an independent investigator or authorised officer;
10             (c) a person authorised by the Rail Safety Regulator or rail
11                   safety officer under a provision of this Act to do the act
12                   or thing provided for in that provision;
13             (d) a person who is or was a delegate of the Rail Safety
14                   Regulator;
15             (e) a person who is or was employed by, or engaged to
16                   provide services to or on behalf of, the Rail Safety
17                   Regulator;
18              (f) a person who is or was employed by, or engaged to
19                   provide services to, a person or body engaged to provide
20                   services to the Rail Safety Regulator.
21     (2)   Subject to Part 6 Division 6, a person to whom this section
22           applies must not disclose or communicate information obtained
23           (whether by that person or otherwise) in the administration of
24           this Act except --
25             (a) as required or authorised under this or any other Act; or
26             (b) with the consent of the person from whom the
27                   information was obtained or to whom the information
28                   relates; or
29             (c) in connection with the administration of rail safety laws
30                   or corresponding rail safety laws; or

                                                                      page 165
     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 9            General
     Division 2        Civil liability
     s. 216

 1                (d)  for law enforcement purposes, an investigation under
 2                     section 83 or public safety; or
 3               (e) for the purpose of enforcing the provisions of the
 4                     Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984; or
 5                (f) to a court or in connection with any legal proceedings;
 6                     or
 7               (g) in accordance with the regulations.
 8              Penalty: a fine of $55 000.
 9       (3)    Nothing in this section prevents information being used to
10              enable an Australian Rail Safety Regulator to accumulate
11              aggregate data and to enable the Australian Rail Safety
12              Regulator to authorise use of the aggregate data for the purposes
13              of research or education.

14                             Division 2 -- Civil liability
15   216.       Civil liability not affected by Part 4 Division 1 or 4
16       (1)    Nothing in Part 4 Division 1 or 4 is to be construed --
17               (a) as conferring a right of action in any civil proceedings in
18                     respect of any contravention, whether by act or
19                     omission, of any provisions of that Division; or
20               (b) as conferring a defence to an action in any civil
21                     proceedings or as otherwise affecting a right of action in
22                     any civil proceedings.
23       (2)    Subsection (1) does not affect the extent, if any, to which a
24              breach of duty imposed by the regulations is actionable.

25   217.       Immunity from tortious liability
26       (1)    In this section --
27              official means --
28                (a) the Rail Safety Regulator; or
29                (b) a rail safety officer; or

     page 166
                                                              Rail Safety Bill 2009
                                                         General             Part 9
                                                     Civil liability    Division 2
                                                                             s. 218

 1            (c)    an independent investigator; or
 2            (d)    an authorised officer.
 3     (2)   In this section, a reference to the doing of anything includes a
 4           reference to an omission to do anything.
 5     (3)   An action in tort does not lie against an official for anything that
 6           the official has done, in good faith, in the performance or
 7           purported performance of a function under this Act.
 8     (4)   The protection given by subsection (3) applies even though the
 9           thing done as described in that subsection may have been
10           capable of being done whether or not this Act had been enacted.
11     (5)   The State is also relieved of any liability that it might otherwise
12           have had for another person having done anything as described
13           in subsection (3).

14   218.    Immunity for reporting unfit rail safety worker
15     (1)   In this section --
16           person to whom this section applies means --
17             (a) a medical practitioner as defined in the Medical
18                    Practitioners Act 2008 section 4; or
19             (b) an optometrist as defined in the Optometrists Act 2005
20                    section 3; or
21             (c) a physiotherapist as defined in the Physiotherapists
22                    Act 2005 section 3.
23     (2)   No action may be taken against a person to whom this section
24           applies who, in good faith, reports to --
25             (a) an independent investigator; or
26             (b) the Rail Safety Regulator; or
27             (c) a rail transport operator; or

                                                                         page 167
     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 9            General
     Division 3        Compliance codes and guidelines
     s. 218A

 1               (d)    any other person to whom this section applies who is
 2                      employed or engaged by the Rail Safety Regulator or a
 3                      rail transport operator,
 4              any information which discloses that a person is unfit to carry
 5              out rail safety work or certain types of rail safety work or that it
 6              may be dangerous to allow that person to carry out rail safety
 7              work or certain types of rail safety work.
 8      (3)     No action may be taken against a person to whom this section
 9              applies who, in good faith, reports --
10                (a) the results of a test or examination carried out under this
11                      Act; or
12                (b) an opinion formed by that person as a result of
13                      conducting such a test or examination,
14              to a person referred to in subsection (2)(b), (c) or (d).

15   218A.      Immunity for administering a test or taking a sample
16              No action may be taken against a person who, in good faith,
17              administers a test or takes a sample of blood or urine or other
18              body tissues or fluids carried out under this Act.

19              Division 3 -- Compliance codes and guidelines
20   219.       Approval of compliance codes and guidelines
21      (1)     For the purpose of providing practical guidance to persons who
22              have duties or obligations under this Act, the Minister may
23              make an order --
24                (a) approving a compliance code; or
25               (b) approving guidelines.
26      (2)     The Minister may make an order approving the variation of a
27              compliance code or guidelines or revoking the approval of a
28              compliance code or guidelines.

     page 168
                                                          Rail Safety Bill 2009
                                                      General            Part 9
                               Compliance codes and guidelines      Division 3
                                                                         s. 220

 1     (3)   An order approving a compliance code or guidelines, or a
 2           variation or revocation order, takes effect when notice of it is
 3           published in the Gazette or on such later date as is specified in
 4           the order.
 5     (4)   As soon as practicable after making an order approving a
 6           compliance code or guidelines, or a variation or revocation
 7           order, the Minister must ensure that notice of the making of the
 8           order is published in the Gazette.
 9     (5)   The Minister must ensure that a copy of --
10            (a) each compliance code that is currently approved; and
11            (b) guidelines that are currently approved,
12           is or are available for inspection by members of the public
13           without charge at the office of the Rail Safety Regulator during
14           normal business hours.
15     (6)   The Interpretation Act 1984 section 44 applies to a compliance
16           code or guidelines as if the code or guidelines were subsidiary
17           legislation.

18   220.    Effect of compliance code or guidelines
19           A failure to comply with a compliance code or guidelines does
20           not give rise to any civil or criminal liability.

21   221.    Effect of complying with a compliance code
22           If --
23             (a)   a compliance code makes provision for or with respect
24                   to a duty or obligation imposed by this Act; and
25            (b)    a person complies with the compliance code to the
26                   extent that it makes that provision,
27           the person is, for the purposes of this Act, taken to have
28           complied with this Act in relation to that duty or obligation.

                                                                       page 169
     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 9            General
     Division 4        Miscellaneous
     s. 222

 1   222.       Disallowance of compliance codes
 2              The Interpretation Act 1984 sections 41 and 42 apply to an
 3              order approving a compliance code, or a variation order, as if
 4              the order were a regulation having legislative effect.

 5                          Division 4 -- Miscellaneous
 6   223.       Recovery of certain costs
 7              The Rail Safety Regulator may recover as a debt from a rail
 8              transport operator the reasonable costs of the entry and
 9              inspection of railway infrastructure, rolling stock or railway
10              premises in respect of which the person is accredited, other than
11              the costs of an inspection of an accredited person under
12              section 84.

13   224.       Recovery of amounts due
14              Every fee, charge or other amount of money payable under this
15              Act may be recovered by the Rail Safety Regulator as a debt
16              due to the Crown in a court of competent jurisdiction.

17   225.       Compliance with conditions of accreditation
18              If --
19                (a)   a condition or restriction to which the accreditation of a
20                      person is subject makes provision for or with respect to
21                      a duty or obligation imposed by this Act; and
22               (b)    the accredited person complies with the condition or
23                      restriction to the extent that it makes that provision,
24              the accredited person is, for the purposes of this Act, taken to
25              have complied with this Act in relation to that duty or
26              obligation.

     page 170
                                                            Rail Safety Bill 2009
                                                        General            Part 9
                                                  Miscellaneous       Division 4
                                                                           s. 226

 1   226.    Prescribed persons
 2           A person prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this
 3           section must give notice in the prescribed form and within a
 4           prescribed period to a rail transport operator of the
 5           commencement, or discontinuation, or completion of prescribed
 6           operations or activities that may adversely affect the safety of
 7           any rail infrastructure or rolling stock of a rail transport
 8           operator.
 9           Penalty:
10                (a) for an individual --
11                         (i) for a first offence, a fine of $28 000;
12                        (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
13                              $41 000;
14                (b) for a body corporate --
15                         (i) for a first offence, a fine of $280 000;
16                        (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
17                              $410 000.

18   227.    Contracting out prohibited
19           A term of any contract or agreement that purports to exclude,
20           limit or modify the operation of this Act or of any provision of
21           this Act is void to the extent that it would otherwise have effect.

22   228.    Regulations
23     (1)   The Governor may make regulations prescribing all matters that
24           are required or permitted by this Act to be prescribed, or are
25           necessary or convenient to be prescribed for giving effect to the
26           purposes of this Act.
27     (2)   Without affecting the generality of subsection (1), regulations
28           may be made with respect to the following --
29            (a) trespassing on railway tracks, tramway tracks or railway
30                  premises;

                                                                       page 171
     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 9            General
     Division 4        Miscellaneous
     s. 228

 1               (b)   fees for the purposes of this Act;
 2               (c)   forms for the purposes of this Act.
 3      (3)     Regulations made under this Act --
 4               (a) may apply, adopt or incorporate any matter contained in
 5                     any document whether --
 6                       (i) wholly or partially or as amended by the
 7                            regulations; or
 8                      (ii) as in force at a particular time or as in force from
 9                            time to time;
10                     and
11               (b) may provide that an application may be made to the
12                     State Administrative Tribunal for the review of a
13                     decision made under the regulations.
14      (4)     Regulations made under this Act may impose a penalty for a
15              contravention of the regulations not exceeding --
16                (a) in the case of an offence committed by a person as an
17                     employee --
18                       (i) for a first offence, a fine of $6 000; and
19                      (ii) for a subsequent offence, a fine of $8 000;
20                (b) in the case of an offence committed by an individual
21                     where paragraph (a) does not apply --
22                       (i) for a first offence, a fine of $28 000; and
23                      (ii) for a subsequent offence, a fine of $41 000;
24                (c) in the case of an offence committed by a body
25                     corporate --
26                       (i) for a first offence, a fine of $280 000; and
27                      (ii) for a subsequent offence, a fine of $410 000,
28              and if the offence is a continuing one a further penalty not
29              exceeding --
30                (d) $200, in the case of an offence committed by a person as
31                      an employee;

     page 172
                                                            Rail Safety Bill 2009
                                                        General            Part 9
                                                  Miscellaneous       Division 4
                                                                           s. 229

 1             (e)   $1 000, in the case of an offence committed by an
 2                   individual where paragraph (d) does not apply;
 3             (f)   $2 000, in the case of an offence committed by a body
 4                   corporate,
 5           for each day or part of a day during which the offence continues
 6           after notice of the offence has been given by a rail safety officer
 7           to the offender.
 8     (5)   The regulations may exempt, or provide for the exemption of,
 9           either absolutely or subject to conditions, any person, railway,
10           part of a railway or operation from all or any of the provisions
11           of this Act.

12   229.    Repeals
13     (1)   The Rail Safety Act 1998 is repealed.
14     (2)   The Rail Safety Regulations 1999 are repealed.

                                                                       page 173
     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 10           Transitional

     s. 230

 1                          Part 10 -- Transitional
 2   230.       Terms used
 3              In this Part --
 4              commencement day means the day on which section 3 comes
 5              into operation;
 6              development period means a period of 12 months beginning on
 7              the commencement day;
 8              the repealed Act means the Rail Safety Act 1998.

 9   231.       Interpretation Act 1984 not affected
10              The provisions of this Part do not prejudice or affect the
11              application of the Interpretation Act 1984 to and in relation to
12              the repeals effected by section 229.

13   232.       Authorised officer
14      (1)     A person who was an authorised officer under the repealed Act
15              immediately before the commencement day is to be taken to be
16              a rail safety officer appointed under section 22(1) for a period of
17              2 years beginning on that day on the same conditions and
18              limitations, if any, as applied to his or her appointment as an
19              authorised officer.
20      (2)     An identity card held by an authorised officer referred to in
21              subsection (1) immediately before the commencement day is to
22              be taken, for a period of 6 months after that day, to be an
23              identification card issued to that person under section 24(a).

24   233.       Accreditation
25              A person accredited under section 8(1) or (2) of the repealed
26              Act immediately before the commencement day is to be taken to
27              have been granted accreditation under section 38 appropriate to
28              the person's circumstances (unless there is no requirement to
29              hold such an accreditation under this Act), and subject to the

     page 174
                                                          Rail Safety Bill 2009
                                                  Transitional         Part 10

                                                                        s. 234

 1          same conditions as applied to that person's accreditation under
 2          the repealed Act.

 3   234.   Interim accreditation
 4          A person accredited under section 11(a), (b) or (c) of the
 5          repealed Act immediately before the commencement day is, on
 6          and after that day, to be taken to be accredited under
 7          section 33(1)(c) for a period of 12 months beginning on the
 8          commencement day --
 9            (a) for the purpose for which accreditation was granted
10                  under the repealed Act; and
11            (b) on the same conditions imposed under section 14 of the
12                  repealed Act (if any) as, applied to that person's
13                  accreditation immediately before the commencement
14                  day.

15   235.   Temporary accreditation
16          A person with temporary accreditation under section 12(2) of
17          the repealed Act immediately before the commencement day is
18          to be taken to be accredited under section 32 --
19            (a) for the period for which temporary accreditation was
20                  granted or for the period of 12 months beginning on the
21                  commencement day, whichever is the longer; and
22            (b) on the same conditions imposed under section 14 of the
23                  repealed Act (if any) as, applied to that person's
24                  temporary accreditation immediately before the
25                  commencement day.

26   236.   Annual fees
27          If a person is taken to be accredited under this Act, for the
28          purposes of section 41(1), the person is to be taken to have been
29          accredited on the day on which the person was accredited under
30          the repealed Act.

                                                                     page 175
     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 10           Transitional

     s. 237

 1   237.       Private siding
 2      (1)     A private siding registered under section 15(2)(a) of the
 3              repealed Act immediately before the commencement day is, on
 4              and after that day, to be taken to be registered under
 5              section 58(2)(a).
 6      (2)     During the development period, section 58(2)(c) does not apply
 7              to a rail infrastructure manager's private siding that is referred
 8              to in subsection (1).

 9   238.       Suspension of accreditation
10              If immediately before the commencement day a person's
11              accreditation was suspended under section 18 or 19 of the
12              repealed Act, section 18 or 19, as the case may be, of the
13              repealed Act applies to the person as if it had not been repealed.

14   239.       Safety management plan
15      (1)     A safety management plan referred to in section 10 of the
16              repealed Act that exists immediately before the commencement
17              day, is to be taken to be --
18                (a) a safety management system under section 59 during the
19                       development period; and
20                (b) a security management plan under section 71 during the
21                       development period,
22              to the extent that the safety management plan deals with matters
23              that must be incorporated in a safety management system or a
24              security management plan.
25      (2)     During the development period the Rail Safety Regulator may
26              give a rail transport operator who has a safety management plan
27              referred to in subsection (1) a written instruction relating to the
28              development of a safety management system under section 59
29              or a security management plan under section 71.

     page 176
                                                             Rail Safety Bill 2009
                                                     Transitional         Part 10

                                                                           s. 240

 1     (3)   A rail transport operator must comply with a written instruction
 2           given under subsection (2) within any time specified in the
 3           instruction.
 4           Penalty:
 5                (a) for an individual --
 6                         (i) for a first offence, a fine of $28 000;
 7                        (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
 8                              $41 000;
 9                (b) for a body corporate --
10                         (i) for a first offence, a fine of $280 000;
11                        (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
12                              $410 000.
13     (4)   Subsections (1), (2) and (3) cease to apply to a rail transport
14           operator once the operator has a safety management system
15           under section 59.

16   240.    Emergency Management Plan
17     (1)   Section 72 does not apply to a rail transport operator during the
18           development period.
19     (2)   During the development period the Rail Safety Regulator may
20           give a rail transport operator a written instruction relating to the
21           development of an emergency management plan under
22           section 72.
23     (3)   A rail transport operator must comply with a written instruction
24           given under subsection (2) within any time specified in the
25           instruction.
26           Penalty:
27                (a) for an individual --
28                         (i) for a first offence, a fine of $28 000;
29                        (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
30                              $41 000;

                                                                        page 177
     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 10           Transitional

     s. 241

 1                   (b)   for a body corporate --
 2                           (i) for a first offence, a fine of $280 000;
 3                          (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
 4                                 $410 000.
 5      (4)     Subsections (1), (2) and (3) cease to apply to a rail transport
 6              operator once the operator has an emergency management plan
 7              under section 72.

 8   241.       Health and fitness management programme
 9      (1)     Section 73 does not apply to a rail transport operator during the
10              development period.
11      (2)     During the development period the Rail Safety Regulator may
12              give a rail transport operator a written instruction relating to the
13              development of a health and fitness management programme
14              under section 73.
15      (3)     A rail transport operator must comply with a written instruction
16              given under subsection (2) within any time specified in the
17              instruction.
18              Penalty:
19                   (a) for an individual --
20                            (i) for a first offence, a fine of $28 000;
21                           (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
22                                 $41 000;
23                   (b) for a body corporate --
24                            (i) for a first offence, a fine of $280 000;
25                           (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
26                                 $410 000.
27      (4)     Subsections (1), (2) and (3) cease to apply to a rail transport
28              operator once the operator has a health and fitness management
29              programme under section 73.

     page 178
                                                             Rail Safety Bill 2009
                                                     Transitional         Part 10

                                                                           s. 242

 1   242.    Alcohol and drug management programme
 2     (1)   Section 74 does not apply to a rail transport operator during the
 3           development period.
 4     (2)   During the development period the Rail Safety Regulator may
 5           give a rail transport operator a written instruction relating to the
 6           development of an alcohol and drug management programme
 7           under section 74.
 8     (3)   A rail transport operator must comply with a written instruction
 9           given under subsection (2) within any time specified in the
10           instruction.
11           Penalty:
12                (a) for an individual --
13                         (i) for a first offence, a fine of $28 000;
14                        (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
15                              $41 000;
16                (b) for a body corporate --
17                         (i) for a first offence, a fine of $280 000;
18                        (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
19                              $410 000.
20     (4)   Subsections (1), (2) and (3) cease to apply to a rail transport
21           operator once the operator has an alcohol and drug management
22           programme under section 74.

23   243.    Fatigue management programme
24     (1)   Section 76 does not apply to a rail transport operator during the
25           development period.
26     (2)   During the development period the Rail Safety Regulator may
27           give a rail transport operator a written instruction relating to the
28           development of a fatigue management programme under
29           section 76.

                                                                        page 179
     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 10           Transitional

     s. 244

 1      (3)     A rail transport operator must comply with a written instruction
 2              given under subsection (2) within any time specified in the
 3              instruction.
 4              Penalty:
 5                   (a) for an individual --
 6                            (i) for a first offence, a fine of $28 000;
 7                           (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
 8                                 $41 000;
 9                   (b) for a body corporate --
10                            (i) for a first offence, a fine of $280 000;
11                           (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of
12                                 $410 000.
13      (4)     Subsections (1), (2) and (3) cease to apply to a rail transport
14              operator once the operator has a fatigue management
15              programme under section 76.

16   244.       Assessment of competence
17              Section 77 does not apply to a rail transport operator during the
18              period of 24 months beginning on the commencement day.

19   245.       Identification for rail safety workers
20              Section 78 does not apply during the period of 24 months
21              beginning on the commencement day or any other prescribed
22              period beginning on that day.

23   246.       Installation of safety or protective devices
24              If the Director General has given a direction under section 28 of
25              the repealed Act and the person to whom the direction was
26              given has not complied with the direction before the
27              commencement day, that person must comply with the direction
28              on or after the commencement day and that section applies to
29              and in respect of that person and the direction as if the section
30              had not been repealed.

     page 180
                                                           Rail Safety Bill 2009
                                                   Transitional         Part 10

                                                                         s. 247

 1   247.   Closing railway crossings, bridges etc.
 2          If immediately before the commencement day, a railway
 3          crossing, bridge or other structure is temporarily closed or is
 4          regulated under section 29(1) of the repealed Act, on the
 5          commencement day section 122 applies to the temporary
 6          closure or regulation as if the railway crossing, bridge or other
 7          structure were closed temporarily or regulated under
 8          section 122.

 9   248.   Direction to stop, alter or not to start the works
10          If the Director General has given a direction to a person under
11          section 30 of the repealed Act and the direction is in effect
12          immediately before the commencement day --
13            (a) the direction and that section apply to and in respect of
14                  that person as if the section had not been repealed; and
15            (b) a reference in that section to an authorised officer is to
16                  be taken to be a reference to a rail safety officer.

17   249.   Direction to undertake remedial safety work
18          If the Director General has directed an accredited person to
19          undertake remedial safety work under section 33 of the repealed
20          Act and the direction is in effect immediately before the
21          commencement day, the direction and that section apply to and
22          in respect of the accredited person as if the section had not been
23          repealed.

24   250.   Safety reports
25          If --
26            (a)   an accredited person is required under section 36(1) of
27                  the repealed Act to submit an annual safety report to the
28                  Director General within the period of 28 days before the
29                  commencement day; and

                                                                      page 181
     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 10           Transitional

     s. 251

 1               (b)   the report is not submitted before the commencement
 2                     day,
 3              the accredited person must submit the report as if section 36 of
 4              the repealed Act had not been repealed and the reference to the
 5              Director General in section 36(1) of the repealed Act were a
 6              reference to the Rail Safety Regulator.

 7   251.       Supply of information
 8              If under section 37(1) of the repealed Act an accredited person
 9              has been required by the Director General to provide the
10              Director General with information and that information has not
11              been provided before the commencement day, sections 37 and
12              51(2) of the repealed Act apply to the accredited person as if
13              they had not been repealed.

14   252.       Notifiable occurrences and other incidents
15              If under section 38 of the repealed Act an accredited person is
16              under an obligation or requirement to report to the Director
17              General and the accredited person has not made that report
18              before the commencement day, that report is to be made on or
19              after the commencement day as if the obligation or requirement
20              were an obligation or requirement under section 82.

21   253.       Report from owner or operator
22              If a notice has been given to an accredited person under
23              section 39(1) of the repealed Act and the accredited person has
24              not provided a written report under section 39(3) of the repealed
25              Act before the commencement day --
26                (a) the notice is to be taken to be a notice under
27                       section 83(1); and
28                (b) a reference in section 83 to a rail transport operator is to
29                       be taken to be a reference to the accredited person; and
30                (c) a reference in section 83 to a notifiable occurrence is to
31                       be taken to be a reference to the railway accident or

     page 182
                                                            Rail Safety Bill 2009
                                                    Transitional         Part 10

                                                                          s. 254

 1                   incident or other matter referred to in the notice given
 2                   under section 39(1) of the repealed Act.

 3   254.    Request for certain details
 4           If a notice has been given to an accredited person under
 5           section 40(1) of the repealed Act and the accredited person has
 6           not provided a written report under that provision before the
 7           commencement day, sections 40 and 51(2) of the repealed Act
 8           apply to the accredited person as if they had not been repealed.

 9   255.    Inquiries
10           If immediately before the commencement day an investigator
11           was conducting an inquiry under Part 5 of the repealed Act but a
12           report had not been furnished under section 43 of the repealed
13           Act before that day, the investigator is to continue to conduct
14           the inquiry as if he or she had been appointed under Part 6.

15   256.    Evidentiary provision
16           In any proceedings under the repealed Act on or after the
17           commencement day, section 57 of the repealed Act applies as if
18           it had not been repealed.

19   257.    Powers in relation to transitional provision
20     (1)   If there is no sufficient provision in this Part for dealing with a
21           transitional matter the Governor may make regulations
22           prescribing all matters that are required, necessary or convenient
23           to be prescribed in relation to that matter.
24     (2)   Regulations made under subsection (1) may provide that
25           specific provisions of this Act --
26             (a) do not apply; or
27             (b) apply with specific modifications,
28           to or in relation to any matter.

                                                                       page 183
     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 10           Transitional

     s. 257

 1      (3)     Regulations made under subsection (1) must be made within
 2              12 months after the commencement day.
 3      (4)     If regulations made under subsection (1) provide that a specified
 4              state of affairs is to be taken to have existed, or not to have
 5              existed, on and from a day that is earlier than the day on which
 6              the regulations are published in the Gazette but not earlier than
 7              the commencement day, the regulations have effect according to
 8              their terms.
 9      (5)     In subsection (4) --
10              specified means specified or described in the regulations.
11      (6)     If regulations contain a provision referred to in subsection (4),
12              the provision does not operate so as --
13                (a) to affect in a manner prejudicial to any person (other
14                      than the State), the right of that person existing before
15                      the day of publication of those regulations; or
16                (b) to impose liabilities on any person (other than the State
17                      or an authority of the State) in respect of anything done
18                      or omitted to be done before the day of publication of
19                      those regulations.

     page 184
                                                         Rail Safety Bill 2009
                                   Consequential amendments           Part 11
                        Government Railways Act 1904 amended       Division 1
                                                                        s. 258

 1              Part 11 -- Consequential amendments
 2          Division 1 -- Government Railways Act 1904 amended
 3   258.     Act amended
 4            This Division amends the Government Railways Act 1904.

 5   259.     Section 2A amended
 6            In section 2A delete "Rail Safety Act 1998" and insert:

 8            Rail Safety Act 2009

10   260.     Section 13 amended
11            In section 13(1a) delete paragraph (d) and insert:

13                   (d)   the Rail Safety Act 2009.

15   261.     Section 61 amended
16            In section 61(5) delete "Rail Safety Act 1998." and insert:

18            Rail Safety Act 2009.

20     Division 2 -- Mines Safety and Inspection Act 1994 amended
21   262.     Act amended
22            This Division amends the Mines Safety and Inspection
23            Act 1994.

                                                                        page 185
     Rail Safety Bill 2009
     Part 11           Consequential amendments
     Division 3        Public Transport Authority Act 2003 amended
     s. 263

 1   263.       Section 7 amended
 2              In section 7(2) delete "Rail Safety Act 1998" and insert:

 4              Rail Safety Act 2009

 6      Division 3 -- Public Transport Authority Act 2003 amended
 7   264.       Act amended
 8              This Division amends the Public Transport Authority Act 2003.

 9   265.       Section 3 amended
10              In section 3 in the definition of train delete "Rail Safety
11              Act 1998 section 3(1);" and insert:

13              Rail Safety Act 2009 section 3;

15   266.       Section 4 amended
16              In section 4(1)(a) delete "Rail Safety Act 1998" and insert:

18              Rail Safety Act 2009

20          Division 4 -- Rail Freight System Act 2000 amended
21   267.       Act amended
22              This Division amends the Rail Freight System Act 2000.

     page 186
                                                             Rail Safety Bill 2009
                                      Consequential amendments            Part 11
                                      Railways (Access) Act 1998       Division 5
                                                                            s. 268

 1   268.   Section 9 amended
 2          In section 9(1)(a) delete "Rail Safety Act 1998" and insert:

 4          Rail Safety Act 2009

 6          Division 5 -- Railways (Access) Act 1998 amended
 7   269.   Act amended
 8          This Division amends the Railways (Access) Act 1998.

 9   270.   Section 8 amended
10          In section 8 delete "Rail Safety Act 1998." and insert:

12          Rail Safety Act 2009.

14          Note: The heading to amended section 8 is to read:

15                Code is subject to Rail Safety Act 2009



                                                                        page 187
Rail Safety Bill 2009

Defined Terms

                                             Defined Terms
            [This is a list of terms defined and the provisions where they are defined.
                                   The list is not part of the law.]
      Defined Term                                                                                              Provision(s)
      accredited person ..................................................................................................3
      appointer ...........................................................................................................141
      approved ........................................................................................................ 26(1)
      audit programme ............................................................................................ 84(2)
      Australian rail safety law ......................................................................................3
      Australian Rail Safety Regulator ..........................................................................3
      authorised officer ..................................................................................................3
      authorised person ................................................................122(1), 154(1), 196(1)
      CEO ......................................................................................................................3
      commencement day ..........................................................................................230
      commercial benefits order.....................................................................................3
      Commissioner of Police........................................................................................3
      compliance and investigative purposes.......................................................... 85(1)
      compliance code ...................................................................................................3
      corresponding law.................................................................................................3
      corresponding rail safety law ................................................................................3
      corresponding Rail Safety Regulator ....................................................................3
      department ..................................................................................................... 20(1)
      departmental officer ....................................................................................... 20(1)
      designation ..................................................................................................... 20(1)
      development period...........................................................................................230
      director......................................................................................................... 185(1)
      drug .......................................................................................................................3
      eligible person in relation to the reviewable decision ...............................178, 180
      embargo notice......................................................................................................3
      employed........................................................................................................ 20(1)
      employee............................................................ 3, 153(1), 154(1), 190(1), 192(1)
      employer ..................................................................................... 3, 185(4), 185(5)
      exercise .................................................................................................................3
      footpath .................................................................................................................3
      improvement notice ..............................................................................................3
      in control........................................................................................... 97(1), 163(1)
      independent investigator .......................................................................................3
      infringement notice ...............................................................................................3
      interface agreement...............................................................................................3

page 188
                                                                                        Rail Safety Bill 2009

                                                                                                  Defined Terms

jurisdiction ............................................................................................................3
level crossing ........................................................................................................3
medical practitioner ..................................................................................... 153(1)
notifiable occurrence.............................................................................................3
offender........................................................................................................ 205(1)
office holder................................................................................................. 188(1)
officer........................................................................................................... 189(1)
official............................................................................................. 193(1), 217(1)
owner ........................................................................................................... 103(1)
person to whom this section applies ............................................................ 218(1)
personal information .............................................................................................3
place of seizure .................................................................................................162
prescribed period.......................................................................................... 161(5)
private siding.........................................................................................................3
prohibition notice ..................................................................................................3
public agency ............................................................................................... 190(1)
public place ...........................................................................................................3
public road ............................................................................................................3
public service officer...................................................................................... 20(1)
rail infrastructure...................................................................................................3
rail infrastructure manager....................................................................................3
rail or road crossing ..............................................................................................3
rail safety law........................................................................................................3
rail safety matter ...................................................................................................3
rail safety officer...................................................................................................3
Rail Safety Regulator............................................................................................3
rail safety work .....................................................................................................3
rail safety worker ..................................................................................................3
rail transport operator................................................................................. 3, 84(1)
railway ..................................................................................................................3
railway crossing ....................................................................................... 3, 122(1)
railway operations.................................................................................................3
railway premises ...................................................................................................3
railway tracks and associated track structures ......................................................3
reasonable assistance ................................................................................... 106(1)
reporting period.............................................................................................. 62(1)
restricted information............................................................................................3
reviewable decisions .................................................................................178, 180
road infrastructure.................................................................................................3
road manager.........................................................................................................3
road vehicle...........................................................................................................3
rolling stock ..........................................................................................................3
rolling stock operator ............................................................................................3
safety management plan........................................................................................3

                                                                                                            page 189
Rail Safety Bill 2009

Defined Terms

      safety management system ...................................................................................3
      security management plan.....................................................................................3
      shared path ............................................................................................................3
      specified..................................................................................5(3), 210(1), 257(5)
      state of mind of a person.............................................................................. 185(1)
      the repealed Act ................................................................................................230
      train .......................................................................................................................3
      train safety recording ............................................................................................3
      volunteer ...................................................................................................... 189(1)


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