Western Australian Bills

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                      Western Australia

      Road Traffic Amendment Bill 2006


        Part 1 -- Preliminary
1.      Short title                                                2
2.      Commencement                                               2
3.      The Act amended                                            2
        Part 2 -- Amendments
        Division 1 -- High speed driving offences
4.      Section 78A amended                                        3
        Division 2 -- Removing special rule for when
              suspicion reasonably held
5.      Section 5 amended                                          3
        Division 3 -- Release of impounded vehicles
6.      Section 79D amended                                        3
7.      Section 79E replaced                                       3
        79E.     Liability for section 79 or 79A impounding
                 expenses                                     3
8.      Section 80H amended                                        4
9.      Sections 80IA and 80IB inserted                            4
        80IA.    Release of vehicle that was impounded        4
        80IB.    Payment for impounding expenses before
                 vehicle released                             4
10.     Section 80J amended                                        6
        Division 4 -- Meaning of "senior officer"
11.     Section 78A amended                                        6
        Division 5 -- Road rage
12.     Part V Division 4 heading amended                          6
13.     Section 78A amended                                        6
14.     Section 78C amended                                        7
15.     Section 78D amended                                        8

                           177--1                                  page i
Road Traffic Amendment Bill 2006


      16.    Sections 80CA and 80CB inserted                        8
             80CA.    Impounding of vehicles for road rage
                      offences                                 8
             80CB.    Confiscating of vehicles for road rage
                      offences                                 9
      17.    Section 80D amended                                    9
      18.    Section 80E amended                                    9
      19.    Section 80F amended                                    9
      20.    Section 80G amended                                   10
      21.    Section 80H amended                                   10
      22.    Section 80I amended                                   10
      23.    Section 80J amended                                   11
      24.    Section 80K amended                                   12
      25.    Section 80L amended                                   12
      26.    Criminal Property Confiscation Act 2000 amended
             in consequence                                        12
             Division 6 -- Onus of responsible person
      27.    Section 102B amended                                  13
      28.    Section 102C amended                                  13
      29.    Section 102D amended                                  15
             Division 7 -- Other amendments
      30.    Section 78A amended                                   15
      31.    Certain references to vehicle's licence holder
             replaced                                              15
      32.    Section 80G amended                                   16
      33.    Section 80L amended                                   16

page ii
                           Western Australia

                     LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY

         Road Traffic Amendment Bill 2006

                               A Bill for

An Act to amend the Road Traffic Act 1974 and as a consequence to
amend the Criminal Property Confiscation Act 2000.

The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows:

                                                             page 1
     Road Traffic Amendment Bill 2006
     Part 1         Preliminary

     s. 1

                               Part 1 -- Preliminary
     1.         Short title
                This is the Road Traffic Amendment Act 2006.

     2.         Commencement
 5        (1)   This Act comes into operation on a day fixed by proclamation.
          (2)   Different days may be fixed for different provisions.
                Note: Under section 22 of the Interpretation Act 1984, this section and
                      section 1 come into operation on the day on which this Act receives the
                      Royal Assent.

10   3.         The Act amended
                The amendments in this Act other than those in section 26 are to
                the Road Traffic Act 1974*.
                [* Reprint 9 as at 10 March 2006.
                   For subsequent amendments see Western Australian
15                 Legislation Information Tables for 2005, Table 1, and
                   Gazette 26 May 2006 p. 1885-8.]

     page 2
                                                Road Traffic Amendment Bill 2006
                                                      Amendments          Part 2
                                        High speed driving offences  Division 1
                                                                             s. 4

                             Part 2 -- Amendments
                   Division 1 -- High speed driving offences
     4.      Section 78A amended
             Section 78A is amended in the definition of "impounding
 5           offence (driving)" as follows:
                 (a)    in paragraph (a), by deleting "60" and inserting
                        instead --
                        " 60(1) ";
                 (b)    in paragraph (b), by inserting after "against" --
10                      " section 60(1a) or (1b) or ".

          Division 2 -- Removing special rule for when suspicion
                           reasonably held
     5.      Section 5 amended
             Section 5(6) is repealed.

15               Division 3 -- Release of impounded vehicles
     6.      Section 79D amended
             Section 79D(3) is repealed.

     7.      Section 79E replaced
             Section 79E is repealed and the following section is inserted
20           instead --
          79E.         Liability for section 79 or 79A impounding expenses
                       If a vehicle is impounded under section 79 or 79A and
                       a person is convicted of the offence for which the
25                     vehicle was impounded, that person is liable to pay to
                       the Commissioner an amount specified by the

                                                                           page 3
     Road Traffic Amendment Bill 2006
     Part 2         Amendments
     Division 3     Release of impounded vehicles
     s. 8

                    Commissioner as being equivalent to all expenses
                    reasonably incurred by the Commissioner in
                    impounding the vehicle unless the Commissioner has
                    required the payment of, and has been paid, the amount
 5                  described in section 80IB(1) for expenses of the

     8.       Section 80H amended
              Section 80H(2) is repealed.

10   9.       Sections 80IA and 80IB inserted
              After the heading to Part V Division 4 Subdivision 4 the
              following sections are inserted --
          80IA.     Release of vehicle that was impounded
15            (1)   When a vehicle has been impounded under section 79
                    or 79A or on an order under section 80(1), 80B(1)
                    or 80CA(1) and the impounding period ends, the
                    Commissioner is to ensure that the vehicle is released if
                    the responsible person applies in an approved manner
20                  for its release.
              (2)   Subsection (1) does not prevent the Commissioner
                    from refusing under subsection (3) or section 80IB
                    or 80I(1) to release the vehicle.
              (3)   The Commissioner may refuse to release the vehicle
25                  until the place where it is stored is open to the public.

          80IB.     Payment for impounding expenses before vehicle
              (1)   When a vehicle has been impounded under section 79
                    or 79A or on an order under section 80(1), 80B(1)
30                  or 80CA(1) and the impounding period ends, the
                    Commissioner may refuse to release the vehicle until
                    the Commissioner has been paid an amount specified

     page 4
                                     Road Traffic Amendment Bill 2006
                                          Amendments           Part 2
                         Release of impounded vehicles    Division 3
                                                                  s. 9

           by the Commissioner as being equivalent to all
           expenses reasonably incurred by the Commissioner in
           impounding the vehicle.
     (2)   Subsection (1) applies even if the person seeking the
 5         release of the vehicle is not the person suspected of
           having committed, or found to have committed, the
           offence for which the vehicle was impounded.
     (3)   The Commissioner may release the vehicle without
           requiring payment of the amount described in
10         subsection (1) if the Commissioner considers it
           appropriate in the circumstances to do so.
     (4)   If payment of the amount described in subsection (1) is
           made for the release of the vehicle, that payment
           extinguishes any liability under section 79E or 80H, as
15         the case requires, to pay the Commissioner for
           expenses of the impounding even though the payment
           may not have been made by the person who was liable
           under that section.
     (5)   In the case of a vehicle impounded under section 79
20         or 79A the Commissioner has to refund, to the person
           who made the payment, an amount described in
           subsection (1) that was paid to the Commissioner for
           the release of the vehicle if --
             (a) no charge of committing the offence for which
25                 the vehicle was impounded is laid during the
                   period of one year after the day on which the
                   offence is suspected to have been committed; or
             (b) during the period described in paragraph (a) a
                   person is charged with committing the offence
30                 but the person is not convicted of that offence
                   within that period or within an extension of that
                   period ordered by the court.

                                                                page 5
     Road Traffic Amendment Bill 2006
     Part 2         Amendments
     Division 4     Meaning of "senior officer"
     s. 10

     10.      Section 80J amended
              Section 80J(7) is amended as follows:
                (a) in each of paragraphs (c) and (d), by deleting all of the
                     paragraph after "79E" and inserting instead a semicolon;
 5             (b) in each of paragraphs (e) and (f), by deleting all of the
                     paragraph after "80H" and inserting instead a semicolon.

                  Division 4 -- Meaning of "senior officer"
     11.      Section 78A amended
              Section 78A is amended in the definition of "senior officer" by
10            deleting all of the definition after "higher than that of inspector"
              and inserting instead a semicolon.

                             Division 5 -- Road rage
     12.      Part V Division 4 heading amended
              The heading to Part V Division 4 is amended by deleting
15            "driving" and inserting instead --
              "   certain ".
     13.      Section 78A amended
              Section 78A is amended as follows:
                (a) in the definition of "impounding period", in
20                   paragraph (b), by deleting "or 80B(1)," and inserting
                     instead --
                     " , 80B(1) or 80CA(1), ";
               (b) by inserting in their appropriate alphabetical
                     positions --
25            "
                    "road rage circumstances" accompany the
                        commission of an offence if --
                        (a) the offence is committed on a road; and

     page 6
                                         Road Traffic Amendment Bill 2006
                                              Amendments           Part 2
                                                Road rage     Division 5
                                                                     s. 14

                     (b) the offence is committed as a reaction to, and
                         is to a substantial extent motivated by, an
                         occurrence that takes place on a road
                         while --
 5                         (i) the offender is driving a vehicle on a
                                 road; and
                          (ii) a victim of the offence is using the
                                 same road, whether as the driver of,
                                 or a passenger in, another vehicle or
10                               otherwise;
                "road rage offence" means an offence the commission
                    of which is accompanied by road rage
                    circumstances, but only if it is --
                    (a) an offence of which it is an element that the
15                       offender --
                           (i) assaults a victim; or
                          (ii) damages property in the possession
                                 of, or under the control of, a victim;
20                  (b) an offence against section 60 in
                         circumstances that involve the offender
                         driving in a manner that is dangerous to a
                         particular victim;

25   14.   Section 78C amended
           Section 78C is amended as follows:
             (a) in subsection (2), by deleting "or 80C(1)" and inserting
                  instead --
                  " , 80C(1), 80CA(1) or 80CB(1) ";
30          (b) in subsection (3)(b), by deleting "or 80C(1)" and
                  inserting instead --
                  " , 80C(1), 80CA(1) or 80CB(1) ";

                                                                    page 7
     Road Traffic Amendment Bill 2006
     Part 2         Amendments
     Division 5     Road rage
     s. 15

                  (c)    in subsection (4)(a), by deleting "or 80C(1)" and
                         inserting instead --
                         " , 80C(1), 80CA(1) or 80CB(1) ";
                  (d)    in subsection (6)(a), by deleting "or 80C(1);" and
 5                       inserting instead --
                         " , 80C(1), 80CA(1) or 80CB(1); ".

     15.      Section 78D amended
              Section 78D(a) is amended by deleting "or 80C(1);" and
              inserting instead --
10            "     , 80C(1), 80CA(1) or 80CB(1);       ".

     16.      Sections 80CA and 80CB inserted
              After section 80C the following sections are inserted --
           80CA. Impounding of vehicles for road rage offences
15            (1)       A court that convicts a person of a road rage offence
                        may, by order, impound the vehicle that the offender
                        was using for a period starting on the date on which --
                         (a) the vehicle is surrendered; or
                         (b) under section 78C, the vehicle is conveyed to
20                             the place where it is to be stored,
                        and being of the duration, not exceeding 3 months,
                        specified in the order.
              (2)       In subsection (1) --
                        "vehicle that the offender was using" means the
25                           vehicle referred to in paragraph (b)(i) of the
                             definition of "road rage circumstances" in
                             section 78A.

     page 8
                                               Road Traffic Amendment Bill 2006
                                                    Amendments           Part 2
                                                      Road rage     Division 5
                                                                           s. 17

           80CB.     Confiscating of vehicles for road rage offences
             (1)     A court that convicts a person of a road rage offence
                     may, by order, confiscate the vehicle that the offender
                     was using.
 5           (2)     In subsection (1) --
                     "vehicle that the offender was using" means the
                          vehicle referred to in paragraph (b)(i) of the
                          definition of "road rage circumstances" in
                          section 78A.
10                                                                             ".

     17.     Section 80D amended
             Section 80D(1) is amended by deleting "or 80C(1)" and
             inserting instead --
             "     , 80C(1) or 80CB(1)    ".

15   18.     Section 80E amended
             Section 80E is amended as follows:
               (a) in subsection (1), by deleting "or 80C(1)" and inserting
                    instead --
                    " , 80C(1), 80CA(1) or 80CB(1) ";
20            (b) in subsection (2) --
                       (i) by deleting "or 80C(1)" and inserting instead --
                            " , 80C(1) or 80CB(1) ";
                      (ii) by deleting "or 80B" and inserting instead --
                            " , 80B or 80CA ".

25   19.     Section 80F amended
             Section 80F is amended by deleting "or 80C(1)" and inserting
             instead --
             "     , 80C(1), 80CA(1) or 80CB(1)     ".

                                                                           page 9
     Road Traffic Amendment Bill 2006
     Part 2         Amendments
     Division 5     Road rage
     s. 20

     20.       Section 80G amended
               Section 80G is amended as follows:
                 (a) in subsection (1), in the definition of "order", by
                      deleting "or 80C(1)." and inserting instead --
 5                    " , 80C(1), 80CA(1) or 80CB(1). ";
                (b) in subsection (2)(b)(i), by deleting "of the impounding
                      offence (driving) or the impounding offence (driver's
                      licence), as is applicable to the case;" and inserting
                      instead --
10                    " as is required for the order to be made; ";
                 (c) in subsection (5)(a), by deleting "the impounding
                      offence (driving) or the impounding offence (driver's
                      licence), as is applicable to the case," and inserting
                      instead --
15                    "
                            the conviction because of which the order is
                            sought is for an offence that

     21.       Section 80H amended
20             Section 80H(1) is amended by deleting "or 80B(1), the person
               who is convicted of the impounding offence (driving) or the
               impounding offence (driver's licence) in respect of which" and
               inserting instead --
25                   , 80B(1) or 80CA(1), the person because of whose

     22.       Section 80I amended
               Section 80I(1) is amended by deleting "or 80B(1)" and inserting
30             instead --
               "   , 80B(1) or 80CA(1)   ".

     page 10
                                           Road Traffic Amendment Bill 2006
                                                Amendments           Part 2
                                                  Road rage     Division 5
                                                                       s. 23

     23.   Section 80J amended
           Section 80J is amended as follows:
             (a) in subsection (1) --
                     (i) in the definition of "confiscated vehicle", by
 5                        deleting "or 80C(1);" and inserting instead --
                          " , 80C(1) or 80CB(1); ";
                    (ii) in the definition of "uncollected vehicle", by
                          deleting "or 80B(1)" and inserting instead --
                          " , 80B(1) or 80CA(1) ";
10          (b) in subsection (3)(b), by deleting "or 80C(1)" and
                  inserting instead --
                  " , 80C(1), 80CA(1) or 80CB(1) ";
             (c) in subsection (7) --
                     (i) in paragraph (b), by deleting "in impounding"
15                        and inserting instead --
                          " consequent on the confiscation of ";
                    (ii) by deleting paragraph (j) and inserting instead --
                   (j)   the balance, in the case of a confiscated
20                       vehicle --
                           (i)   if the vehicle was confiscated under
                                 section 80A(1) or 80C(1), to the
                                 Treasurer of the State for the public uses
                                 of the State;
25                        (ii)   if the vehicle was confiscated under
                                 section 80CB(1), to the credit of the
                                 Confiscation Proceeds Account
                                 established in accordance with the
                                 Criminal Property Confiscation
30                               Act 2000 section 130;

                                                                      page 11
     Road Traffic Amendment Bill 2006
     Part 2         Amendments
     Division 5     Road rage
     s. 24

     24.         Section 80K amended
                 Section 80K is amended as follows:
                   (a) by deleting "in impounding and selling the vehicle" and
                         inserting instead --
 5               "
                       consequent on the confiscation of the vehicle and the
                       expenses incurred in selling it
                   (b) by deleting "the person who is convicted of the
10                       impounding offence (driving) or the impounding offence
                         (driver's licence) in respect of which" and inserting
                         instead --
                         " the person because of whose conviction ".

     25.         Section 80L amended
15               Section 80L(1) is amended by deleting "or 80C(1)" and
                 inserting instead --
                 "   , 80C(1) or 80CB(1)     ".

     26.         Criminal Property Confiscation Act 2000 amended in
20         (1)   The amendments in this section are to the Criminal Property
                 Confiscation Act 2000*.
                 [* Reprint 1 as at 9 December 2005.]
           (2)   Section 131(1) is amended as follows:
                   (a) by deleting the full stop at the end of paragraph (c) and
25                      inserting instead a semicolon;
                  (b) by inserting at the end of the subsection --
                          (d)   money that the Road Traffic Act 1974
                                section 80J(7)(j)(ii) requires to be paid to the
30                              credit of the account.

     page 12
                                                       Road Traffic Amendment Bill 2006
                                                            Amendments           Part 2
                                               Onus of responsible person   Division 6
                                                                                   s. 27

                            Division 6 -- Onus of responsible person
     27.              Section 102B amended
           (1)        Section 102B(4) is amended by deleting "of 28 days after the
                      day specified in the notice (being the day of the service of the
 5                    notice or a subsequent day)" and inserting instead --
                      "     for complying defined in subsection (4a)   ".
           (2)        After section 102B(4) the following subsection is inserted --
                     (4a)     In subsection (4) --
10                            "period for complying" means --
                                   (a) if the traffic infringement notice enclosing
                                        photographic evidence is served under
                                        subsection (1), the period of 28 days after the
                                        day specified in the notice (being the day of
15                                      the service of the notice or a subsequent
                                   (b) if the traffic infringement notice enclosing
                                        photographic evidence is served under
                                        subsection (3), the period of 14 days after the
20                                      day specified in the notice (being the day of
                                        the service of the notice or a subsequent

     28.              Section 102C amended
25         (1)        Section 102C(1)(b) is amended by inserting after
                      "requesting" --
                                     the responsible person to, within the period for
                                     complying defined in subsection (1a), supply to
30                                   an officer specified in the notice

                                                                                  page 13
     Road Traffic Amendment Bill 2006
     Part 2         Amendments
     Division 6     Onus of responsible person
     s. 28

        (2)        After section 102C(1) the following subsection is inserted --
                  (1a)     In subsection (1) --
                           "period for complying" means --
 5                              (a) if the notice is served under subsection (1)
                                     without enclosing the photographic evidence
                                     referred to in section 102B(1)(b), the period
                                     of 14 days after the day specified in the
                                     notice (being the day of the service of the
10                                   notice or a subsequent day);
                                (b) if the notice is served under subsection (1)
                                     enclosing the photographic evidence referred
                                     to in section 102B(1)(b), the period of
                                     28 days after the day specified in the notice
15                                   (being the day of the service of the notice or
                                     a subsequent day).
        (3)        Section 102C(2) is amended by inserting before the full stop at
                   the end of the subsection --
20                 "
                           but in the further notice the period specified for
                           complying with the request is to be the period of
                           14 days after the day specified in the further notice
                           (being the day of the service of the further notice or a
25                         subsequent day)
        (4)        Section 102C(3) is amended by deleting "of 14 days after the
                   day specified in the notice (being the day of the service of the
                   notice or a subsequent day)" and inserting instead --
30                 "     specified in the notice for complying with the request,      ".
        (5)        Section 102C(5) is amended by deleting "referred to in
                   subsection (2) or (3) respectively" and inserting instead --
                   "     specified in the notice for complying with the request       ".

     page 14
                                                     Road Traffic Amendment Bill 2006
                                                           Amendments          Part 2
                                                     Other amendments     Division 7
                                                                                 s. 29

           (6)   Section 102C(8) is amended by deleting "served under
                 subsection (2)" and inserting instead --
                       enclosing photographic evidence served under
 5                     subsection (1) or (2)

     29.         Section 102D amended
                 Section 102D(2) is amended by deleting "is served under
                 section 102C(2)" and inserting instead --
10               "
                         enclosing photographic evidence is served under
                         section 102C(1) or (2)

                            Division 7 -- Other amendments
15   30.         Section 78A amended
                 Section 78A is amended by deleting the definition of "licence

     31.         Certain references to vehicle's licence holder replaced
           (1)   The Act is amended in each place described in the Table to this
20               section by deleting "vehicle's licence holder" and inserting
                 instead --
                 "    responsible person      ".
                     s. 79B(1) (in both places)           s. 79C(3)
                     s. 80F                               s. 80G(3)(b)
                     s. 80J(4)(a)
           (2)   Section 79C(3) is amended by deleting "licence holder" and
25               inserting instead --
                 "    responsible person      ".

                                                                              page 15
    Road Traffic Amendment Bill 2006
    Part 2         Amendments
    Division 7     Other amendments
    s. 32

    32.       Section 80G amended
              Section 80G(7) is amended by inserting before the full stop at
              the end of the subsection --
              "   if the vehicle is licensed   ".

5   33.       Section 80L amended
              Section 80L(1) is amended by inserting after "If a" at the
              beginning of the subsection --
              "   licensed   ".


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