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Western Australia Statutes (Repeals and Minor Amendments) Bill 2010 CONTENTS Part 1 -- Preliminary matters 1. Short title 2 2. Commencement 2 Part 2 -- Repeals and consequential amendments Division 1 -- Mine Workers' Relief Act 1932 and Miner's Phthisis Act 1922 3. Written laws repealed 3 4. Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899 amended 3 5. Fatal Accidents Act 1959 amended 3 6. Insurance Commission of Western Australia Act 1986 amended 4 7. Workers' Compensation and Injury Management Act 1981 amended 4 Division 2 -- Other repeals 8. Returned Sailors and Soldiers' Imperial League of Australia, W.A. Branch, Incorporated, Headquarters Building Act 1933 repealed 4 9. Marketing of Eggs Act 1945 repealed 4 10. Swan and Canning Rivers (Transitional) Regulations (No. 2) 2007 repealed 4 148--2 page i Statutes (Repeals and Minor Amendments) Bill 2010 Contents Part 3 -- Amendments Division 1 -- Amendments relating to Financial Management Act 2006 11. Commissioner for Children and Young People Act 2006 amended 5 12. Credit (Administration) Act 1984 amended 5 13. Owner-Drivers (Contracts and Disputes) Act 2007 amended 5 14. Parental Support and Responsibility Act 2008 amended 6 Division 2 -- References to defendant 15. Various Acts amended 6 Division 3 -- References to Registrar of Deeds and Transfers 16. Various written laws amended 7 Division 4 -- References to Returned and Services League 17. Various written laws amended 12 Division 5 -- Other amendments 18. Adoption Act 1994 amended 14 19. Bail Act 1982 amended 15 20. Constitution Act 1889 amended 15 Part IA -- Preliminary 1. Short title 15 21. Education Amendment Act 1988 amended 15 22. Home Building Contracts Act 1991 amended 15 23. Machinery of Government (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2006 amended 16 24. Petroleum Legislation Amendment and Repeal Act 2005 amended 17 25. Real Estate and Business Agents Act 1978 amended 17 26. Sentencing Act 1995 amended 17 27. Other Acts amended 19 page ii Western Australia LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL (As amended in committee) Statutes (Repeals and Minor Amendments) Bill 2010 A Bill for An Act to amend the statute law by repealing various written laws and making minor amendments to various other written laws. The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows: page 1 Statutes (Repeals and Minor Amendments) Bill 2010 Part 1 Preliminary matters s. 1 1 Part 1 -- Preliminary matters 2 1. Short title 3 This is the Statutes (Repeals and Minor Amendments) 4 Act 2010. 5 2. Commencement 6 This Act comes into operation as follows -- 7 (a) sections 1 and 2 -- on the day on which this Act 8 receives the Royal Assent (assent day); 9 (b) the rest of the Act -- on the day after assent day. page 2 Statutes (Repeals and Minor Amendments) Bill 2010 Repeals and consequential amendments Part 2 Mine Workers' Relief Act 1932 and Miner's Phthisis Act 1922 Division 1 s. 3 1 Part 2 -- Repeals and consequential amendments 2 Division 1 -- Mine Workers' Relief Act 1932 and Miner's 3 Phthisis Act 1922 4 3. Written laws repealed 5 These written laws are repealed: 6 (a) the Mine Workers' Relief Act 1932; 7 (b) the Miner's Phthisis Act 1922; 8 (c) the regulations made under the Miner's Phthisis 9 Act 1922 and published in the Gazette on 10 4 September 1925 (known as the Miner's Phthisis 11 Regulations). 12 4. Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899 amended 13 (1) This section amends the Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899. 14 (2) In Schedule V Part 3 delete the item for the Mine Workers' 15 Relief Board. 16 5. Fatal Accidents Act 1959 amended 17 (1) This section amends the Fatal Accidents Act 1959. 18 (2) In section 5(2)(c): 19 (a) delete subparagraph (iv) and "or" after it; 20 (b) after each of subparagraphs (i), (ii) and (iii) insert: 21 22 or 23 page 3 Statutes (Repeals and Minor Amendments) Bill 2010 Part 2 Repeals and consequential amendments Division 2 Other repeals s. 6 1 6. Insurance Commission of Western Australia Act 1986 2 amended 3 (1) This section amends the Insurance Commission of Western 4 Australia Act 1986. 5 (2) Delete section 18(3). 6 7. Workers' Compensation and Injury Management Act 1981 7 amended 8 (1) This section amends the Workers' Compensation and Injury 9 Management Act 1981. 10 (2) In section 46(1) delete "any provisions of the Mine Workers' 11 Relief Act 1932 or". 12 Division 2 -- Other repeals 13 8. Returned Sailors and Soldiers' Imperial League of Australia, 14 W.A. Branch, Incorporated, Headquarters Building Act 1933 15 repealed 16 The Returned Sailors and Soldiers' Imperial League of 17 Australia, W.A. Branch, Incorporated, Headquarters Building 18 Act 1933 is repealed. 19 9. Marketing of Eggs Act 1945 repealed 20 The Marketing of Eggs Act 1945 is repealed. 21 10. Swan and Canning Rivers (Transitional) Regulations 22 (No. 2) 2007 repealed 23 The Swan and Canning Rivers (Transitional) Regulations 24 (No. 2) 2007 are repealed. page 4 Statutes (Repeals and Minor Amendments) Bill 2010 Amendments Part 3 Amendments relating to Financial Management Act 2006 Division 1 s. 11 1 Part 3 -- Amendments 2 Division 1 -- Amendments relating to Financial 3 Management Act 2006 4 11. Commissioner for Children and Young People Act 2006 5 amended 6 (1) This section amends the Commissioner for Children and Young 7 People Act 2006. 8 (2) Delete Schedule 1 clause 2. 9 12. Credit (Administration) Act 1984 amended 10 (1) This section amends the Credit (Administration) Act 1984. 11 (2) In section 44B(2)(a) delete "to the fund" and insert: 12 13 to the Account 14 15 13. Owner-Drivers (Contracts and Disputes) Act 2007 amended 16 (1) This section amends the Owner-Drivers (Contracts and 17 Disputes) Act 2007. 18 (2) In section 21(3) delete "accountable officer of the Department 19 under the Financial Administration and Audit Act 1985 20 section 66." and insert: 21 22 accountable authority of the Department under the 23 Financial Management Act 2006 Part 5. 24 page 5 Statutes (Repeals and Minor Amendments) Bill 2010 Part 3 Amendments Division 2 References to defendant s. 14 1 14. Parental Support and Responsibility Act 2008 amended 2 (1) This section amends the Parental Support and Responsibility 3 Act 2008. 4 (2) In section 40(1) delete "Financial Administration and Audit 5 Act 1985" and insert: 6 7 Financial Management Act 2006 8 9 (3) In section 40(2) delete "Financial Administration and Audit 10 Act 1985," and insert: 11 12 Financial Management Act 2006, 13 14 Division 2 -- References to defendant 15 15. Various Acts amended 16 (1) This section amends the Acts listed in the Table. 17 (2) Amend the provisions listed in the Table as set out in the Table. 18 Table Provision Delete Insert 1. Community Protection (Offender Reporting) Act 2004 s. 3 def. of defendant accused government custody par. (a) and strict government custody s. 3 def. of mentally defendant accused impaired defendant page 6 Statutes (Repeals and Minor Amendments) Bill 2010 Amendments Part 3 References to Registrar of Deeds and Transfers Division 3 s. 16 Provision Delete Insert 2. Criminal Procedure Act 2004 Sch. 4 cl. 3(2) and a defendant an accused (3), 4(3) and (4), 6 3. Fair Trading Act 1987 s. 30(4) defendant accused (each occurrence) 4. Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 Sch. 5 cl. 77(2), 81 defendant accused 5. Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 Sch. 1 cl. 76(2), 80 defendant accused 6. Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969 Sch. 1 cl. 76(2), 80 defendant accused 7. Security and Related Activities (Control) Act 1996 s. 79A(3) defendant accused 1 Division 3 -- References to Registrar of Deeds and Transfers 2 16. Various written laws amended 3 (1) This section amends the written laws listed in the Table. page 7 Statutes (Repeals and Minor Amendments) Bill 2010 Part 3 Amendments Division 3 References to Registrar of Deeds and Transfers s. 16 1 (2) Amend the provisions listed in the Table as set out in the Table. 2 Table Provision Delete Insert 1. Amendment of Deeds of Grant Act 1884 s. 1, 3 Registrar of Deeds Registrar of Deeds (each occurrence) and Transfers 2. Associations Incorporation Act 1987 s. 34(4) Registrar of Deeds Registrar of Deeds and Transfers 3. Bush Fires Act 1954 s. 66(1)(b)(i) Registrar of Deeds Registrar of Deeds or his substitute or and Transfers or an an Assistant assistant registrar of Registrar of Deeds deeds and transfers 4. Dampier to Bunbury Pipeline Act 1997 s. 22(4) def. of Registrar of Deeds Registrar of Deeds relevant official, and Transfers 44(3) def. of relevant official par. (b) 5. Gas Corporation (Business Disposal) Act 1999 s. 20(3) def. of Registrar of Deeds Registrar of Deeds relevant official, and Transfers 23(2) page 8 Statutes (Repeals and Minor Amendments) Bill 2010 Amendments Part 3 References to Registrar of Deeds and Transfers Division 3 s. 16 Provision Delete Insert 6. Hospitals and Health Services Act 1927 s. 7B(8), 16(6) Registrar of Deeds Registrar of Deeds and Transfers 7. Kambalda Water and Wastewater Facilities (Transfer to Water Corporation) Act 2004 s. 15 def. of relevant Registrar of Deeds Registrar of Deeds official par. (b) and Transfers 8. Land Administration Act 1997 s. 151(1) def. of Registrar of Deeds Registrar of Deeds Registrar of Deeds under and Transfers under 9. Land Drainage Act 1925 s. 173(1)(b)(i) Registrar of Deeds Registrar of Deeds or his deputy, and Transfers or an assistant registrar of deeds and transfers, 10. Local Government Act 1995 s. 6.71(2), 6.74(3), Registrar of Deeds Registrar of Deeds Sch. 6.3 cl. 2(3) and (each occurrence) and Transfers (4), 4(2) and 8(1) s. 9.41(1)(a) Registrar of Deeds, a Registrar of Deeds substitute for the and Transfers or an Registrar of Deeds, assistant registrar of or an assistant deeds and transfers, Registrar of Deeds, page 9 Statutes (Repeals and Minor Amendments) Bill 2010 Part 3 Amendments Division 3 References to Registrar of Deeds and Transfers s. 16 Provision Delete Insert 11. Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1960 s. 364(2) and (9), Registrar of Deeds Registrar of Deeds 412A(1), (2) and (3) (each occurrence) and Transfers 12. Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969 s. 19(4)(b), 20(3), Registrar of Deeds Registrar of Deeds (4), (5)(a) and (b) and Transfers and (6)(a) 13. Rail Freight System Act 2000 s. 28(3) def. of Registrar of Deeds Registrar of Deeds relevant official, and Transfers 41(6) def. of relevant official par. (b) 14. Real Property (Foreign Governments) Act 1951 s. 5(2) Registrar of Deeds Registrar of Deeds and Transfers 15. Redemption of Annuities Act 1909 s. 2 def. of Registrar Registrar of Deeds Registrar of Deeds and Transfers 16. Rights in Water and Irrigation Act 1914 s. 79(b)(i) Registrar of Deeds Registrar of Deeds and Transfers page 10 Statutes (Repeals and Minor Amendments) Bill 2010 Amendments Part 3 References to Registrar of Deeds and Transfers Division 3 s. 16 Provision Delete Insert 17. Rural Business Development Corporation Act 2000 s. 11(1) def. of Registrar of Deeds Registrar of Deeds Registrar and Transfers 18. The Salvation Army (Western Australia) Property Trust Act 1931 s. 6(4), 17(1) and (2) Registrar of Deeds Registrar of Deeds and Transfers 19. Tree Plantation Agreements Act 2003 s. 3 def. of Registrar Registrar of Deeds Registrar of Deeds par. (b) and Transfers 20. War Service Land Settlement Scheme Act 1954 s. 8(1) def. of Registrar of Deeds Registrar of Deeds registration and Transfers authority 21. Water Agencies (Powers) Act 1984 s. 8(3) Registrar of Deeds Registrar of Deeds and Transfers 22. Water Boards Act 1904 s. 108(1), (2) and Registrar of Deeds Registrar of Deeds (3), 160(b)(i) (each occurrence) and Transfers page 11 Statutes (Repeals and Minor Amendments) Bill 2010 Part 3 Amendments Division 4 References to Returned and Services League s. 17 Provision Delete Insert 23. Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996 r. 76(1) and (2) Registrar of Deeds Registrar of Deeds and Transfers 1 Division 4 -- References to Returned and Services League 2 17. Various written laws amended 3 (1) This section amends the written laws listed in the Table. 4 (2) Amend the provisions listed in the Table as set out in the Table. 5 Table Provision Delete Insert 1. Geraldton Sailors and Soldiers' Memorial Institute Act 1929 s. 2 def. of Returned "the Returned The Returned and soldier Sailors' Soldiers' Services League of and Airmen's Australia WA Imperial League of Branch Incorporated. Australia". s. 4(4), 6(c) the Returned Sailors' The Returned and Soldiers' and Services League of Airmen's Imperial Australia WA League of Australia Branch Incorporated 2. Liquor Control Act 1988 Sch. 2. cl. 1 def. of The Returned Services The Returned and the League League of Australia, Services League of W.A. Branch Australia WA Branch (Incorporated); Incorporated; page 12 Statutes (Repeals and Minor Amendments) Bill 2010 Amendments Part 3 References to Returned and Services League Division 4 s. 17 Provision Delete Insert 3. Returned Servicemen's Badges Act 1953
ong title The Returned The Returned and Sailors' Soldiers' Services League of and Airmen's Australia WA Imperial League of Branch Australia, W.A. Incorporated. Branch, Incorporated. s. 2 def. of the The Returned The Returned and
eague Sailors' Soldiers' Services League of and Airmen's Australia WA Imperial League of Branch Incorporated; Australia, W.A. Branch, Incorporated; 4. Western Australian Aged Sailors, Soldiers and Airmen's Relief Fund Act 1932 s. 2 def. of the the Returned Sailors' The Returned and
eague Soldiers' and Services League of Airmen's Imperial Australia WA League of Australia, Branch Incorporated; W.A. Branch, Incorporated; page 13 Statutes (Repeals and Minor Amendments) Bill 2010 Part 3 Amendments Division 5 Other amendments s. 18 Provision Delete Insert 5. War Service Land Settlement Scheme Regulations 1954 r. 24(2)(c) the Returned Sailors, The Returned and Soldiers and Services League of Airmen's Imperial Australia WA League of Australia, Branch Incorporated. W.A. Branch Incorporated. r. 25, 40 the Returned Sailors, The Returned and Soldiers and Services League of Airmen's Imperial Australia WA League of Australia. Branch Incorporated. 1 Division 5 -- Other amendments 2 18. Adoption Act 1994 amended 3 (1) This section amends the Adoption Act 1994. 4 (2) Delete Schedule 1 clause 2(1) and insert: 5 6 (1) Subject to subclauses (2) and (3), the signing of a form of 7 consent to adoption is to be witnessed by one of the 8 following persons -- 9 (a) a person before whom a person may make a 10 statutory declaration under -- 11 (i) the Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory 12 Declarations Act 2005; or 13 (ii) the Statutory Declarations Act 1959 14 (Commonwealth); 15 (b) an enrolment officer under the Electoral Act 1907; 16 (c) any other persons prescribed by regulations. 17 page 14 Statutes (Repeals and Minor Amendments) Bill 2010 Amendments Part 3 Other amendments Division 5 s. 19 1 19. Bail Act 1982 amended 2 (1) This section amends the Bail Act 1982. 3 (2) In Schedule 2 item 1: 4 (a) delete the item for s. 283; 5 (b) insert in numerical order: 6 s. 283 Attempt to murder 7 8 20. Constitution Act 1889 amended 9 (1) This section amends the Constitution Act 1889. 10 (2) Before Part I insert: 11 12 Part IA -- Preliminary 13 1. Short title 14 This is the Constitution Act 1889. 15 16 (3) Delete section 78. 17 21. Education Amendment Act 1988 amended 18 (1) This section amends the Education Amendment Act 1988. 19 (2) Delete section 8. 20 22. Home Building Contracts Act 1991 amended 21 (1) This section amends the Home Building Contracts Act 1991. page 15 Statutes (Repeals and Minor Amendments) Bill 2010 Part 3 Amendments Division 5 Other amendments s. 23 1 (2) In section 25A delete the definition of residential building work 2 and insert: 3 4 residential building work means home building work 5 that is -- 6 (a) home building work described in paragraph (a), 7 (b) or (c) of the definition of that term in 8 section 3; or 9 (b) home building work described in paragraph (d) 10 of the definition of that term in section 3, 11 when -- 12 (i) it is to be performed under a contract 13 which also includes the performance of 14 home building work described in 15 paragraph (a), (b) or (c) of that 16 definition; or 17 (ii) it is associated work of a prescribed 18 kind, 19 but does not include home building work where the 20 cost of the building work is the minimum amount or 21 less; 22 23 23. Machinery of Government (Miscellaneous Amendments) 24 Act 2006 amended 25 (1) This section amends the Machinery of Government 26 (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2006. 27 (2) Delete Part 3 Division 1. 28 (3) Delete section 39(1). 29 (4) Delete Part 3 Division 5. page 16 Statutes (Repeals and Minor Amendments) Bill 2010 Amendments Part 3 Other amendments Division 5 s. 24 1 24. Petroleum Legislation Amendment and Repeal Act 2005 2 amended 3 (1) This section amends the Petroleum Legislation Amendment and 4 Repeal Act 2005. 5 (2) Delete section 49(2)(a) and (4)(a). 6 25. Real Estate and Business Agents Act 1978 amended 7 (1) This section amends the Real Estate and Business Agents 8 Act 1978. 9 (2) In section 4(1) delete the definition of Account. 10 (3) In section 4(1) insert in alphabetical order: 11 12 Interest Account means the Board Interest Account 13 established under section 125(1); 14 15 (4) Amend the provisions listed in the Table as set out in the Table. 16 Table Provision Delete Insert s. 68B(1) and (3), Account Interest Account 125(2), 126, 128(1) (each occurrence) and (2) s. 127 Account Interest Account (first and second occurrences) 17 26. Sentencing Act 1995 amended 18 (1) This section amends the Sentencing Act 1995. 19 (2) In Schedule 1 delete the entries for: 20 Dog Act 1976 page 17 Statutes (Repeals and Minor Amendments) Bill 2010 Part 3 Amendments Division 5 Other amendments s. 26 1 Fruit Growing Industry (Trust Fund) Act 1941 2 Perth Parking Management Act 1999 3 (3) Amend the provisions listed in the Table as set out in the Table. 4 Table Provision Delete Insert s. 9(5)(a) is one referred to in is one of the paragraphs (a) to (d) sentencing options of section 39(2); or in section 39(2)(a) to (d); or s. 33G(2)(d) any of the matters in any matter in s. 41(2)(b), 42(2)(b) (other than those in (other than a paragraphs (a) or (c) sentencing option in of that section) section 39(2)(a) or (c)) s. 60(2) to the fund, to the fund or account, s. 60(7) person or fund person, fund or account s. 66(2)(d), 73(2)(d), any of the matters in any matter in 84A(2)(d) paragraphs (a), (b) paragraph (a), (b) or (c); or (c); page 18 Statutes (Repeals and Minor Amendments) Bill 2010 Amendments Part 3 Other amendments Division 5 s. 27 Provision Delete Insert Sch. 1 entry for Fund Account Cattle Industry Compensation Act 1965, Real Estate and Business Agents Act 1978, Settlement Agents Act 1981 and Workers' Compensation and Injury Management Act 1981 Sch. 1 entry for Queen The Queen Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre Act 1966 1 27. Other Acts amended 2 (1) This section amends the Acts listed in the Table. 3 (2) Amend the provisions listed in the Table as set out in the Table. 4 Table Provision Delete Insert 1. Amendment of Deeds of Grant Act 1884 s. 3 other the owner other owner 2. Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 s. 186(1)(b) 30 December 31 December page 19 Statutes (Repeals and Minor Amendments) Bill 2010 Part 3 Amendments Division 5 Other amendments s. 27 Provision Delete Insert 3. Coal Miners' Welfare Act 1947 s. 10(1) union Council or other body s. 10(2) union Union or other body s. 12(1) relevant union, Council, Union or other prescribed body, as the case requires, (the relevant entity), union becomes relevant entity becomes union. relevant entity. 4. Criminal Investigation (Extra-territorial Offences) Act 1987 s. 8A(8) purposes this purposes of this 5. Electricity Act 1945 s. 33B(2) advertised advertises (first occurrence) 6. Evidence Act 1906 s. 73U(2) stamp 7. Fines, Penalties and Infringement Notices Enforcement Act 1994 s. 3(1) def. of issued granted driver's licence (each occurrence) page 20 Statutes (Repeals and Minor Amendments) Bill 2010 Amendments Part 3 Other amendments Division 5 s. 27 Provision Delete Insert s. 10 driver's drivers' s. 22(4)(c) court proceedings a prosecution has have been been commenced commenced under under section 21(4) section 21(6) s. 22(4)(c)(i) they are, it is, 8. Government Financial Responsibility Act 2000 s. 8(1) Australian Australian Accounting Standard Accounting 31 (Financial Standards Board Reporting by AASB 1049 Whole Governments). of Government and General Government Sector Financial Reporting. s. 8(2) Australian Australian Accounting Accounting Standard 31, Standards Board AASB 1049, 9. Hospitals and Health Services Act 1927 s. 26K(c)(i) Commissioner CEO 10. Judges' Salaries and Pensions Act 1950 s. 5(1b) subsection (1)(c) subsection (1) page 21 Statutes (Repeals and Minor Amendments) Bill 2010 Part 3 Amendments Division 5 Other amendments s. 27 Provision Delete Insert 11. Legal Profession Act 2008 s. 21(2)(c) practical training practical legal training s. 42(10) class of description class or description s. 52(2) section 47(3)(a)(1), section 47(3)(a)(i), s. 327(1) def. of Law section 329(1); section 330(1); Mutual Fund 12. Liquor Control Act 1988 s. 3(1) def. of small section 41(1)(aa); section 41(1aa); bar licence 13. Magistrates Court (Civil Proceedings) Act 2004 s. 25(10)(f) lawyer's legal practitioner's 14. Minerals and Energy Research Act 1987 s. 20(1)(a) body know as body known as 15. Owner-Drivers (Contracts and Disputes) Act 2007 s. 3 def. of gross section 103B(4); section 111AB(4); vehicle mass s. 33(2) not fail to -- not -- comply with fail to comply with page 22 Statutes (Repeals and Minor Amendments) Bill 2010 Amendments Part 3 Other amendments Division 5 s. 27 Provision Delete Insert 16. Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre Act 1966 s. 3(1) def. of means member means a member member 17. Reprints Act 1984 s. 4(2) Prerogative in Prerogative. relation to Queen's Counsel. 18. State Superannuation Act 2000 [See note at end of clause for changes to section headings] s. 64(2), 75U(2) Stamp duty under Duty under the the Stamp Act 1921 Duties Act 2008 s. 64(4), 75U(4) stamp 19. Supreme Court Act 1935 s. 11A(3) the provisions of the Judges' section 11B(4) Retirement Act 1937, and (5), s. 26(5) the 3 next sections 27 and 28, succeeding sections, 20. Swan and Canning Rivers Management Act 2006 s. 22(4), (5) Trust chairman s. 29(8) section 14 -- section 13 -- s. 111(1), 113(1) investigation investigative purposes. purposes. page 23 Statutes (Repeals and Minor Amendments) Bill 2010 Part 3 Amendments Division 5 Other amendments s. 27 Provision Delete Insert Sch. 4 item for Lot 13690 on Lot 351 on Deposited Reserve 48325 Deposited Plan Plan 59844, 220927, 21. Western Australian Meat Industry Authority Act 1976 s. 13 (other than the (other than the members referred to member referred to in section 8(1)(a) in section 8(1)(a) and (b) and the and the deputy of deputies of those that member) members) 22. Workers' Compensation and Injury Management Act 1981 s. 5(1) def. of means employer means an employer self-insurer whom, or employer whom, or an belonging employer belonging s. 27 Act and in particular Act, section 118, 1 Note: In the State Superannuation Act 2000 the headings to each of the 2 amended sections 64 and 75U are to read: 3 Duty and other taxes
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