Western Australian Bills

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                   Western Australia

 Small Business Development Corporation
Amendment (COVID-19 Response) Bill 2022


 1.   Short title                                             2
 2.   Commencement                                            2
 3.   Act amended                                             2
 4.   Long title replaced                                     2
 5.   Section 11 amended                                      3
 6.   Section 11AA inserted                                   3
      11AA.   Financial assistance, grants and
              operational funding in relation to small
              businesses                                 3
 7.   Section 19 amended                                      5

                           65--1                              page i
                           Western Australia

                     LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY

   Small Business Development Corporation
  Amendment (COVID-19 Response) Bill 2022

                               A Bill for

An Act to amend the Small Business Development Corporation
Act 1983.

The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows:

                                                             page 1
     Small Business Development Corporation Amendment (COVID-19
     Response) Bill 2022

     s. 1

1    1.       Short title
2             This is the Small Business Development Corporation
3             Amendment (COVID-19 Response) Act 2022.

4    2.       Commencement
5             This Act comes into operation as follows --
6              (a) sections 1 and 2 -- on the day on which this Act
7                    receives the Royal Assent;
8              (b) the rest of the Act -- on the day after that day.

9    3.       Act amended
10            This Act amends the Small Business Development Corporation
11            Act 1983.

12   4.       Long title replaced
13            Delete the long title and insert:
15          An Act --
16          •  to establish a Small Business Development Corporation
17             and Small Business Commissioner; and
18          •  to encourage, promote, facilitate and assist the
19             establishment, development and carrying on of small
20             business in the State; and
21          •  to enhance a competitive and fair operating
22             environment for small business in the State; and
23          •  to empower the Corporation to give financial assistance,
24             grants and operational funding in relation to small
25             businesses; and
26          •  to provide alternative dispute resolution services in
27             respect of small business disputes and disputes referred
28             under any other Act; and
29          •  for related matters.

     page 2
                Small Business Development Corporation Amendment (COVID-19
                                                         Response) Bill 2022

                                                                                s. 5

1    5.         Section 11 amended
2         (1)   Delete section 11(2)(e) and insert:

4                        (e)   to provide financial assistance, grants and
5                              operational funding under section 11AA;

7         (2)   In section 11(3):
8                 (a) in paragraph (b) delete "facilities." and insert:

10                       facilities; and

12                (b)    after paragraph (b) insert:

14                       (c)   enter into contracts or other arrangements.

16        (3)   Delete section 11(4).

17   6.         Section 11AA inserted
18              After section 11 insert:

20          11AA. Financial assistance, grants and operational funding
21                in relation to small businesses
22              (1)     The Corporation may --
23                       (a) give financial assistance and grants to small
24                            businesses in accordance with any guidelines
25                            made under subsection (2); and

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     Small Business Development Corporation Amendment (COVID-19
     Response) Bill 2022

     s. 6

1                    (b)   in accordance with the guidelines made under
2                          subsection (3) --
3                             (i) give financial assistance, grants and
4                                  operational funding to non-government
5                                  organisations working with, or on behalf
6                                  of, small businesses; and
7                            (ii) give financial assistance and grants to
8                                  persons who are not small businesses
9                                  for the purposes of financially
10                                 benefitting small businesses;
11                         and
12                   (c)   without limiting section 11(3)(c), enter into a
13                         contract or other arrangement with a person
14                         who is to be given financial assistance, a grant
15                         or operational funding under paragraph (a) or
16                         (b) in relation to that financial assistance, grant
17                         or operational funding.
18            (2)   The Corporation may make guidelines with respect to
19                  the provision of financial assistance or grants under
20                  subsection (1)(a).
21            (3)   The Corporation must make guidelines with respect to
22                  the provision of financial assistance, grants or
23                  operational funding under subsection (1)(b).
24            (4)   The Corporation may amend or revoke guidelines
25                  made under subsection (2) or (3).
26            (5)   The Corporation must publish guidelines made under
27                  subsection (2) or (3), or amended under subsection (4),
28                  on the Corporation's website.

     page 4
         Small Business Development Corporation Amendment (COVID-19
                                                  Response) Bill 2022

                                                                       s. 7

1   7.   Section 19 amended
2        After section 19(3)(b) insert:

4              (ba)    to pay the financial assistance, grants or
5                      operational funding given under
6                      section 11AA(1);


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