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WESTERN AUSTRALIA SCHOOL EDUCATION BILL 1997 ARRANGEMENT Page PART 1 -- PRELIMINARY 1. Short title 2 2. Commencement 2 3. Objects 3 4. Definitions 3 5. Definition of ''pre-compulsory education period'' 6 6. Definition of ''compulsory education period'' 7 7. Definition of ''post-compulsory education period'' 8 8. Notes not part of Act 8 PART 2 -- ENROLMENT AND ATTENDANCE Division 1 -- Compulsory education Subdivision 1 -- Enrolment of children of compulsory school age 9. When enrolment compulsory 9 10. Ways in which section 9 satisfied 10 11. Exemption by Minister 10 No. 47 -- 3 School Education Bill 1997 Subdivision 2 -- Inquiries to check compliance with section 9 12. Authorized persons 11 13. Powers of authorized person 11 14. Certificate of appointment 12 15. Offence of pretending to be an authorized person 12 Division 2 -- Enrolment, all schools 16. Information to be provided 12 17. Change of particulars 14 18. Principal may act on application by one parent 14 19. Enrolment register 15 20. Cancellation of enrolment 15 21. Removal from register 16 Division 3 -- Attendance, all schools 22. Definition 17 23. Attendance 17 24. Arrangements alternative to attendance 18 25. Non-attendance for reasonable cause 19 26. Referral to a School Attendance Panel where doubtful reasons given about non-attendance 21 27. Principal may require non-attendance for health reasons 22 28. Attendance records 23 29. Employment during school hours 24 Division 4 -- Government schools, absence for special observance 30. Non-attendance for religious or cultural observance 24 31. Days to which section 30 applies 25 Division 5 -- Absentee students Subdivision 1 -- Preliminary 32. Definitions 26 ii School Education Bill 1997 Subdivision 2 -- School attendance officers 33. School attendance officers 27 34. Certificate of appointment 27 35. Offence of pretending to be a school attendance officer 28 Subdivision 3 -- Powers of school attendance officers 36. Powers of school attendance officers to inquire 28 37. Offence of obstructing etc. 29 Subdivision 4 -- Dealing with non-attendance and enforcing attendance 38. Breaches of section 23 29 39. Appointment of School Attendance Panels 30 40. Referral to School Attendance Panel of persistent breaches of section 23 31 41. No prosecution unless non-compliance with advice or assistance offered by a School Attendance Panel 33 42. No prosecution without certificate of Panel or chief executive officer and report of Panel 33 43. Parent to bring child before court 35 44. Proof of certain matters 36 45. Conduct of prosecutions 37 Division 6 -- Home education 46. Definition 37 47. Application for registration 37 48. Registration 39 49. Home educator to inform chief executive officer of certain matters 39 50. Home education moderators 39 51. Evaluation of child's educational programme and progress 40 52. Chief executive officer may give notice of concern and require evaluation 41 53. Cancellation of registration 42 54. Review of decision to cancel registration 43 iii School Education Bill 1997 PART 3 -- GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS Division 1 -- Establishment, closure etc. 55. Establishment 46 56. Closure and amalgamation 46 57. Consultation 47 58. Permanent closure, notice of proposal to be given 48 59. Permanent closure, when notice of proposal not required 48 60. Local-intake schools 49 Division 2 -- Functions of chief executive officer, principals and teachers 61. Functions of chief executive officer 49 62. Principal 50 63. Functions of principal 51 64. Functions of teachers 52 65. Functions not to be inconsistent with certain industrial arrangements 53 Division 3 -- Educational instruction 66. Definitions 53 67. Curriculum 54 68. Curriculum not to promote certain subject-matter 54 69. Special religious education 55 70. Consultation with Council 55 71. Parent may withdraw child from special religious instruction etc. 55 72. Principal may exempt child from particular classes 56 73. Educational programme for children with a disability 56 Division 4 -- Enrolment 74. Application for enrolment 57 75. Enrolment 58 76. General residential qualification 58 77. Enrolment of children below compulsory school age 59 iv School Education Bill 1997 78. Enrolment of children of compulsory school age at local-intake school 59 79. Enrolment of children of compulsory school age at other schools 60 80. Enrolment of children in post-compulsory education period 60 81. Enrolment of persons beyond their post-compulsory education period 61 82. Issues arising on certain applications under this Division for enrolment 61 83. Cancellation where enrolment found to be inappropriate 63 84. Matters to be considered under sections 82 and 83 about educational programme 64 85. Chief executive officer may refer to advisory panel 64 86. Decisions under sections 82 and 83 relating to children with a disability 65 87. Disabilities Advisory Panels 66 Division 5 -- Suspension and exclusion 88. Definition 68 89. Breach of school discipline 68 90. Suspension for breach of school discipline 68 91. Grounds for exclusion from the school 69 92. Chief executive officer may exclude from attendance at school 69 93. School Discipline Advisory Panels 71 94. Orders that may be made 72 95. Principal may exclude students above compulsory age 73 96. Review of decisions under section 95 74 Division 6 -- Financial provisions Subdivision 1 -- Fees for instruction, charges, contributions and costs 97. Definitions 75 98. Limitation on matters for which fees for instruction and charges may be imposed 76 99. Charges and contributions for the provision of certain materials, services and facilities 77 v School Education Bill 1997 100. Extra cost optional components of educational programmes 79 101. Optional components that are not extra cost optional components to be available to certain students 80 102. Principal to collect charges, contributions and costs 81 103. Overseas students and adult students 81 104. Financial hardship 81 105. Students (other than overseas or adult students) cannot be excluded for non-payment of charges 82 106. Recovery 82 107. Agreements to pay costs not affected 83 108. Items for personal use in educational programme 83 Subdivision 2 -- School funds 109. General Purposes Fund 84 110. Funds for special purposes 84 111. Management of school funds 84 112. What may be credited 85 113. Bank account 86 114. Certain provisions not to apply 87 115. Investment of school funds 87 116. Closure or amalgamation of school 87 Division 7 -- Other management provisions 117. School year for government schools 88 118. Disputes and complaints 88 119. Management and control of school premises 89 120. Dealing with persons disrupting school premises 90 121. Dissemination of certain information on school premises 92 122. Dealings with a parent 93 123. General management 94 Division 8 -- Parent and community involvement Subdivision 1 -- School Councils 124. Definition 94 125. Government school to have a Council 95 vi School Education Bill 1997 126. Exemptions and approvals 95 127. Constitution of Councils 96 128. Functions of Councils 97 129. Minister may approve additional functions for a Council 98 130. Incorporated Council may have prescribed additional functions if approved by the Minister 98 131. Certain property vested in Minister 100 132. Council not concerned in school management 100 133. Powers of Council 100 134. Principal to provide support 101 135. Council to comply with Minister's directions 101 136. Procedures 101 137. Protection from liability 101 138. Minister may dismiss Council 102 139. Winding up of Council that is incorporated 102 140. Regulations 103 Subdivision 2 -- Parents and Citizens' Associations 141. Definition 104 142. Formation of Parents and Citizens' Associations 104 143. Objects etc. 104 144. Certain property vested in Minister 105 145. Incorporation 105 146. Transitional provision 106 147. Information to be given to principal 107 148. Winding up of associations 107 149. Other associations 108 PART 4 -- NON-GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS Division 1 -- Preliminary 150. Definitions 109 151. References to chief executive officer 110 152. Delegation by the chief executive officer 110 153. Minister may give directions to the chief executive officer 111 vii School Education Bill 1997 Division 2 -- Registration of non-government schools 154. Offence of carrying on unregistered school etc. 111 155. Offence of false representation 112 156. Scheme of registration 112 157. Minister may make advance determination of certain issues 113 158. Application for registration 114 159. Matters to be considered by Minister 114 160. Grant or refusal of registration 116 161. Minister to notify decision within 3 months 117 162. Certificate of registration 117 163. Period of registration 117 164. Renewal of registration 118 165. Amendment of conditions 118 166. Minister may give directions 119 167. Cancellation of registration 119 168. Review of decisions in relation to registration 120 Division 3 -- Non-government school systems Subdivision 1 -- Recognition of systems 169. Recognized school systems 121 170. Revocation of order 122 171. Inclusion of a registered school in a school system 123 172. Withdrawal of a school from a school system 123 Subdivision 2 -- System agreements 173. Minister may make agreements with non-government school systems 124 174. Contents of a system agreement 124 175. Termination of a system agreement 125 Division 4 -- Inspections and provision of information 176. Inspection on notice 126 177. Inspection without notice 127 178. Proof of authority 128 viii School Education Bill 1997 179. Offence of obstructing an inspection 128 180. Notice of change of premises 128 181. Provision of information by registered schools 129 Division 5 -- Funding 182. Minister may allocate moneys 129 183. Orders as to funding 130 184. Contents of orders 130 185. Accountability 131 Division 6 -- Loans for capital works 186. Minister may lend money 131 187. Borrowing by the Minister 132 188. Moneys to be credited and charged to operating account 133 189. Guarantee by the Treasurer 133 190. Payments under guarantee 134 PART 5 -- COMMUNITY KINDERGARTENS Division 1 -- Preliminary 191. Definition 135 Division 2 -- Registration of community kindergartens 192. Scheme of registration 135 193. Application for registration 136 194. Matters to be considered by Minister 136 195. Grant or refusal of registration 137 196. Minister to notify decision within 3 months 137 197. Registration 138 198. Amendment of conditions 138 199. Age limit on attendance 139 200. Cancellation of registration 139 201. Review of decisions in relation to registration 140 ix School Education Bill 1997 Division 3 -- Operation and management of community kindergartens 202. Minister may give directions 141 203. Extent of role of governing body as to certain matters 142 204. Certain staff to be appointed by chief executive officer 142 205. Functions of kindergarten teachers 142 206. Curriculum and enrolment 143 207. Limitation on fees for instruction and charges 144 208. Management and control of community kindergarten premises 144 209. Dealing with persons disrupting community kindergarten premises and dissemination of certain information on community kindergarten premises 145 210. Chief executive officer may allocate moneys 145 211. Accountability 145 212. Regulations 146 PART 6 -- ADMINISTRATION Division 1 -- The Minister 213. Definition 147 214. Minister to be body corporate 147 215. Property vested in Minister 148 216. Powers of Minister 148 217. Treasurer to consider proposals under section 216 (2) (c) 150 218. Licences for use of certain property 151 219. Licences for community use of certain property 152 220. When school fund to receive money paid under certain licences 152 221. When school fund to receive money paid for advertising or sponsorship 153 222. Power to exempt 154 223. Review by Minister 155 224. Delegation 156 225. Subdelegation 156 226. Documents presumed duly executed 157 227. Accountability under this Division 157 x School Education Bill 1997 Division 2 -- The department 228. Department 157 229. Chief executive officer 158 230. Delegation by chief executive officer 158 231. Minister may give directions to the chief executive officer 159 232. Chief executive officer may give directions to a principal 159 233. CEO's Instructions 159 Division 3 -- Staff employed in the department 234. Definitions 160 235. Categories of staff 160 236. Provisions applicable to teaching staff, other officers and wages staff 161 237. Classification of teaching staff 162 238. Transfer of teacher to another category of employee 162 239. Teaching staff and other officers, substandard performance and disciplinary matters 163 240. Employee may be ordered to leave school premises 163 Division 4 -- Advisory panels 241. Advisory panels 164 PART 7 -- MISCELLANEOUS 242. Confidentiality 166 243. Legal proceedings 167 244. Regulations 168 245. Review of Act 169 246. Repeal, savings and transitional 169 247. Consequential amendments 169 xi School Education Bill 1997 SCHEDULE 1 -- TRANSITIONAL PROVISIONS 1. Definitions 170 2. Interpretation Act 1984 not affected 170 3. Property vested in Minister 170 4. Delegations under section 6AA 170 5. Agreements and licences under section 6A 170 6. Licences under section 6B 171 7. Staff 171 8. Inquiries under section 7C 172 9. Enrolments 172 10. Government schools 172 11. Efficient schools 172 12. Certain existing pre-school centres continued as registered schools 173 13. Certain existing care-centres and pre-school centres continued 173 14. Superannuation of former employees of the W.A. Pre-School Board 174 15. Notices under section 9A 174 16. Bank account 174 17. Registration for home education 174 18. Directions under section 20A 175 19. Suspension and exclusion of students 175 20. School decision-making groups 175 21. Parents and Citizens' Associations 175 22. Transitional on repeal of Industrial Relations Act 1979 s. 23B 176 23. Transitional regulations 176 SCHEDULE 2 -- CONSEQUENTIAL AMENDMENTS 177 xii WESTERN AUSTRALIA LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY (As amended in Committee) SCHOOL EDUCATION BILL 1997 A BILL FOR AN ACT to make provision -- for education in school or by home education; for the establishment and operation of government schools and for parent and community involvement in school affairs; for the registration of non-government schools and the funding of such schools; for the registration of community kindergartens; and for administrative responsibilities for school education; to repeal the Education Act 1928 and consequentially amend certain other Acts, and to make related provisions. The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows: 1 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 1 PART 1 -- PRELIMINARY What this Part is about This Part provides for some matters that are relevant to the Act generally. 5 In particular it deals with -- the commencement of the Act on a day, or of different provisions on different days, fixed by proclamation (section 2); the objects of the Act (section 3); 10 the definition of terms used in the Act (section 4) (but where a definition only applies to a particular Part, Division, Subdivision, Schedule or section, it is placed in that Part, Division, Subdivision, Schedule or section); the definition of some terms used in the Act which, because 15 of their length, are better placed in separate sections (sections 5, 6 and 7); the status of notes in the Act (section 8). Short title 1. This Act may be cited as the School Education Act 1997. 20 Commencement 2. The provisions of this Act come into operation on such day as is, or days as are respectively, fixed by proclamation. 2 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 3 Objects 3. (1) The objects of this Act include the following -- (a) to recognize the right of every child in the State to receive a school education; 5 (b) to allow that education to be given in a government school, a non-government school or at home; (c) to provide for government schools that meet the educational needs of all children; and (d) to acknowledge the importance of the involvement and 10 participation of a child's parents in the child's education. (2) Any person who has a function under this Act is to seek to ensure that the objects stated in subsection (1) are achieved. Definitions 15 4. In this Act, unless the contrary intention appears -- ''chief executive officer'' -- (a) in Part 4, has the meaning given by section 151; and (b) otherwise has the meaning given by section 229; 20 ''child'' means a person who has not reached the age of 18; ''child of compulsory school age'' means a child who under section 9 (1) is required to be enrolled in an educational programme; ''compulsory education period'' has the meaning given 25 by section 6; 3 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 4 ''Council'', in relation to a government school, means the Council established under section 125 for the school; ''department'' -- (a) in Part 4, means the department of the Public 5 Service principally assisting the Minister in the administration of that Part; and (b) otherwise has the meaning given by section 228; ''disability'' means a condition -- (a) which is attributable to an intellectual, 10 psychiatric, cognitive, neurological, sensory or physical impairment or a combination of those impairments; (b) which is permanent or likely to be permanent; (c) which may or may not be of a chronic or episodic 15 nature; and (d) which results in -- (i) a substantially reduced capacity of a person for communication, social interaction, learning or mobility; and 20 (ii) the need for continuing support services; ''educational programme'' means an organized set of learning activities designed to enable a student to develop knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes relevant to the student's individual needs; 25 ''General Purposes Fund'', in relation to a school, means the fund referred to in section 109; 4 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 4 ''government school'' means a school established under section 55; ''intake area'' for a government school means the area defined under section 60 (1) (b) for that school; 5 ''local-intake school'' means a school to which a declaration under section 60 (1) applies; ''non-government school'' means a school registered under section 160; ''parent'', in relation to a child, means a person who at law 10 has responsibility -- (a) for the long-term care, welfare and development of the child; or (b) for the day to day care, welfare and development of the child, 15 except in sections 9 (2), 10 (b), 25, 27, 38 (1) and Division 6 of Part 2 where it has only the meaning given by paragraph (b); ''post-compulsory education period'' has the meaning given by section 7; 20 ''pre-compulsory education period'' has the meaning given by section 5; ''principal'' -- (a) in relation to a non-government school, means the person who is in charge of the school; and 25 (b) in relation to a government school, has the meaning given by section 62; ''regulations'' means regulations under section 244; 5 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 5 ''school'' means a government school or a non-government school; ''school fund'' means the General Purposes Fund and a fund referred to in section 110; 5 ''school year'', in relation to a government school, means the school year determined by order under section 117; ''student'' means a person who is enrolled at a school; ''teacher'', in relation to a government school, means a 10 member of the teaching staff; ''teaching staff '' means persons appointed as such under section 236 (2). Definition of ''pre-compulsory education period'' 5. The pre-compulsory education period for a child is as 15 follows -- (a) until 31 December 2000 -- (i) from the beginning of the year in which the child reaches the age of 4; and (ii) until the end of the year in which the child 20 reaches the age of 5; (b) from 1 January 2001 until 31 December 2002 -- (i) from the beginning of the year in which the child reaches the age of 4 years and 6 months; and (ii) until the end of the year in which the child 25 reaches the age of 5; and 6 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 6 (c) from 1 January 2003 -- (i) from the beginning of the year in which the child reaches the age of 4 years and 6 months; and (ii) until the end of the year in which the child 5 reaches the age of 5 years and 6 months. Definition of ''compulsory education period'' 6. The compulsory education period for a child is as follows -- (a) until 31 December 2002 -- (i) from the beginning of the year in which the child 10 reaches the age of 6; and (ii) until the end of the year in which the child reaches the age of 15; (b) from 1 January 2003 until 31 December 2011 -- (i) from the beginning of the year in which the child 15 reaches the age of 6 years and 6 months; and (ii) until the end of the year in which the child reaches the age of 15; and (c) from 1 January 2012 -- 20 (i) from the beginning of the year in which the child reaches the age of 6 years and 6 months; and (ii) until the end of the year in which the child reaches the age of 15 years and 6 months. 7 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 7 Definition of ''post-compulsory education period'' 7. The post-compulsory education period for a person is as follows -- (a) until 31 December 2011 -- 5 (i) from the beginning of the year in which the person reaches the age of 16; and (ii) until the end of the year in which the person reaches the age of 17; (b) from 1 January 2012 until 31 December 2013 -- 10 (i) from the beginning of the year in which the person reaches the age of 16 years and 6 months; and (ii) until the end of the year in which the person reaches the age of 17; 15 and (c) from 1 January 2014 -- (i) from the beginning of the year in which the person reaches the age of 16 years and 6 months; and 20 (ii) until the end of the year in which the person reaches the age of 17 years and 6 months. Notes not part of Act 8. Notes in this Act are provided to assist understanding and do not form part of the Act. 8 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 9 PART 2 -- ENROLMENT AND ATTENDANCE What this Part is about This Part deals with -- the compulsory enrolment of all children in an educational 5 programme (Division 1); procedures for the enrolment of children at a government or non-government school (Division 2); attendance requirements for students enrolled at a government or a non-government school (Division 3); 10 the absence of students from government schools for a religious or cultural observance (Division 4); absenteeism in relation to both government and non-government schools (Division 5); the provision of education by parents to their children in the 15 home (Division 6). Division 1 -- Compulsory education Subdivision 1 -- Enrolment of children of compulsory school age When enrolment compulsory 9. (1) A child is to be enrolled in an educational programme 20 for each year of the compulsory education period for that child. (2) A parent of a child must ensure that subsection (1) is complied with. Penalty: $2 500. 9 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 10 (3) A complaint of an offence against subsection (2) is not to be made against a parent unless the chief executive officer has given a certificate to the effect that all reasonably practicable steps have been taken to secure compliance with subsection (1) 5 by the parent. (4) Where in any proceedings a document is produced purporting to be a certificate given under subsection (3) the court is to presume, unless the contrary is shown, that the document is such a certificate. 10 Ways in which section 9 satisfied 10. The duty imposed by section 9 is satisfied in respect of a child by -- (a) the enrolment of the child at a school; or (b) the registration under section 48 of a parent as the 15 child's home educator and the continuation in effect of that registration. Exemption by Minister 11. (1) The Minister may by instrument -- (a) exempt a child from section 9 (1) if the Minister is 20 satisfied that it is in the best interests of the child to do so; and (b) at any time revoke an exemption. (2) Section 9 (1) does not apply to a child who is exempted by the Minister under subsection (1) if the conditions of the 25 exemption are being complied with. (3) An exemption may be limited in its operation to a specified period. 10 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 12 (4) The Minister may -- (a) make the exemption subject to any condition; and (b) impose any further condition or vary or revoke a condition at any time. 5 (5) Without limiting the Minister's ability to obtain advice or information, he or she may obtain advice from an advisory panel under section 241 for the purposes of any decision required to be made under this section. (6) In the case of children enrolled at non-government 10 schools, the Minister may by instrument delegate the powers conferred on him or her by this section to the chief executive officer referred to in section 151. Subdivision 2 -- Inquiries to check compliance with section 9 Authorized persons 15 12. The Minister may authorize any person (''an authorized person'') who comes within a class of employees referred to in section 235 (1) who has the required expertise to perform this role to exercise the powers conferred by this Subdivision. Powers of authorized person 20 13. (1) An authorized person may -- (a) call at any premises used as a dwelling; and (b) having produced the certificate provided to the authorized person under section 14, require any person on the premises appearing to be over the age of 25 18 to answer any relevant question, whether orally or in writing. 11 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 14 (2) A question is relevant only if it is reasonably connected with finding out whether there is living at the premises any child of compulsory school age who is not enrolled in an educational programme. 5 (3) A person to whom a requirement under subsection (1) (b) is directed must not -- (a) fail to comply with the requirement; or (b) in purported compliance give any information that is false or misleading. 10 Penalty: $500. Certificate of appointment 14. (1) The Minister is to provide to an authorized person a certificate stating that he or she is an authorized person for the purposes of this Subdivision. 15 (2) A certificate purporting to have been issued under this section is evidence in any proceedings that the person concerned is an authorized person. Offence of pretending to be an authorized person 15. A person who is not authorized under section 12 must not 20 pretend to be an authorized person. Penalty: $5 000 or imprisonment for 6 months. Division 2 -- Enrolment, all schools Information to be provided 16. (1) A person who wishes to make an application for 25 enrolment at a school is to provide the following information to the extent that he or she is asked to do so -- (a) the date of birth of the enrollee; 12 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 16 (b) the names and usual place of residence of -- (i) the enrollee; and (ii) where the enrollee is a child -- (I) the parents; and 5 (II) any adult person, not being a parent, who is responsible for the child; (c) where the enrollee is a child, details of any provision in force at law -- (i) for the long-term care, welfare and development 10 of the child; or (ii) for the day to day care, welfare and development of the child; (d) where applicable, the name of the school at which the enrollee is enrolled or was last enrolled; 15 (e) the country of citizenship of the enrollee and, where applicable, whether the enrollee has the right to reside in Australia; (f) the vaccination status of the enrollee; (g) details of any condition of the enrollee that may call 20 for special steps to be taken for the benefit or protection of the enrollee or other persons in the school; and (h) any other information prescribed by the regulations. (2) The principal may require documentary evidence to be 25 provided in support of any information supplied by the applicant. 13 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 17 Change of particulars 17. (1) Where there is a change in -- (a) the place of residence of an enrollee; or (b) the particulars referred to in section 16 (1) (b) or (c) in 5 respect of the enrollee, notice of the change is to be given to the principal of the school at which the enrollee is enrolled -- (c) by a parent of the enrollee; (d) in the case of an enrollee who has turned 18 or who is 10 a prescribed child, by the enrollee; or (e) by a person whose details have been provided under section 16 (1) (b) (ii) (II). (2) A notification to a principal under subsection (1) may be given in any way that is determined by the principal to be 15 acceptable, either generally or in a particular case. Principal may act on application by one parent 18. (1) Where a parent lodges a duly completed application for enrolment with a principal, the principal need not enquire -- (a) whether there is any other person who in relation to 20 the child is within the definition of ''parent'' in section 4; or (b) if there is such a person, whether he or she concurs with the lodging of the application or the information included in it. 25 (2) Nothing in this section affects the operation and enforcement of a Family Court order. 14 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 19 Enrolment register 19. A principal of a school must ensure that -- (a) a register is kept showing, in respect of all students enrolled at the school, the information prescribed by 5 the regulations; and (b) particulars recorded in the register are retained for the period prescribed by the regulations. Cancellation of enrolment 20. (1) The principal of a school may cancel the enrolment of 10 an enrollee at the school if the principal is satisfied that -- (a) the enrolment was obtained by the giving of false or misleading information; or (b) section 17 has not been complied with. (2) A principal is not to cancel an enrolment under 15 subsection (1) without first -- (a) giving notice of the proposed cancellation, and of the reasons for it -- (i) to each parent who is shown on the register referred to in section 19 and whose whereabouts 20 are known or can be discovered by reasonable enquiry; (ii) in the case of an enrollee who has turned 18 or who is a prescribed child, to the enrollee; or (iii) to a person whose details have been provided 25 under section 16 (1) (b) (ii) (II); and 15 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 21 (b) giving him or her a reasonable opportunity to show why the enrolment should not be cancelled. (3) Subject to subsection (2), the principal is to give written notice of the cancellation to the person notified under 5 subsection (2) (a). (4) The cancellation takes effect at such time as is specified in the notice given under subsection (3). Removal from register 21. (1) A principal of a school is not to remove from the 10 register for the school the name of a child of compulsory school age unless -- (a) the principal believes on reasonable grounds that the child has enrolled in another school in this State or elsewhere; 15 (b) the principal believes on reasonable grounds that the child is no longer resident in this State; (c) an exemption is granted under section 11 in respect of the child; (d) a parent of the child is registered under section 48 as 20 the child's home educator; (e) the enrolment is cancelled under section 20 or 83; or (f) the Minister has authorized the removal on the ground that enquiries to establish the whereabouts of the child have not been successful. 25 (2) In the case of children enrolled at non-government schools, the Minister may by instrument delegate the power of authorization conferred by subsection (1) (f) to the chief executive officer referred to in section 151. 16 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 22 (3) A person who exercises a power of authorization conferred by subsection (1)(f) in relation to a particular child is to take reasonably practicable steps to establish the child's whereabouts in each year of the child's compulsory education 5 period. Division 3 -- Attendance, all schools Definition 22. In sections 25, 27 and 29 -- ''school'' includes any place to which an arrangement 10 under section 24 applies. Attendance 23. (1) A student must on the days on which the school is open for instruction -- (a) either -- 15 (i) attend the school at which he or she is enrolled; or (ii) otherwise participate in an educational programme of the school whether at the school or elsewhere, 20 as required by the principal; or (b) comply with an arrangement under section 24. (2) Subsection (1) has effect subject to -- (a) section 25 (which relates to non-attendance for reasonable cause); 17 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 24 (b) section 27 (which enables a principal to require non-attendance for health reasons); and (c) section 30 (which allows non-attendance at a government school for a recognized religious or 5 cultural observance). (3) Subsection (1) is enforceable under Division 5. Arrangements alternative to attendance 24. (1) An arrangement in writing may be entered into for a student -- 10 (a) to attend at some place other than the school at which he or she is enrolled; and (b) there to participate in activities that are part of an educational programme of the school. (2) An arrangement under subsection (1) in respect of a 15 student is to be entered into between the principal and -- (a) any parent of the student who in the opinion of the principal should be a party to the arrangement; or (b) in the case of a student who has turned 18 or who is a prescribed child, the student. 20 (3) An arrangement under subsection (1) -- (a) may provide for the student's attendance -- (i) for a particular period of the school year; or (ii) during a particular period in each week of the school year or part of the school year; 25 (b) may be varied by the principal after consultation with the person with whom the arrangement is made; and 18 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 25 (c) may be terminated at any time by the principal. (4) If the principal decides to terminate an arrangement under subsection (3) (c) he or she is to notify the person with whom the arrangement is made of that decision as soon as is 5 practicable after it is made. (5) In this section -- ''parent'' means -- (a) the parent or parents who completed the enrolment application for the student; 10 (b) any other person who -- (i) according to that application; or (ii) to the knowledge of the principal, comes within the definition of ''parent'' in section 4 in relation to the student; and 15 (c) a person whose details have been provided under section 16 (1) (b) (ii) (II). Non-attendance for reasonable cause 25. (1) In this section -- ''responsible person'', in relation to a student, means -- 20 (a) a parent of the student; (b) in the case of a student who has turned 18 or who is a prescribed child, the student; or (c) a person whose details have been provided under section 16 (1) (b) (ii) (II). 19 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 25 (2) A student is excused from attending at school, or from participating in an educational programme of the school, on any day -- (a) if the student is prevented from attending at school, or 5 from participating in the educational programme by -- (i) temporary physical or mental incapacity; or (ii) any other reasonable cause; (b) if a responsible person has notified the principal of the 10 cause of the student's non-attendance or non-participation -- (i) as soon as is practicable; and (ii) in any case within 3 school days of the day on which the non-attendance started; 15 and (c) where under paragraph (b) the incapacity of the student is given as the cause, if the responsible person provides the principal with a certificate in support from a registered medical practitioner if requested to 20 do so by the principal. (3) A notification to a principal under subsection (2) (b) may be given in any way that is determined by the principal to be acceptable, either generally or in a particular case. (4) A student is excused from attending at school, or from 25 participating in an educational programme of the school, on any day if -- (a) a parent of the student has applied, or intends to apply, to be registered under section 48 as the student's home educator; and 20 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 26 (b) the parent has notified the principal in writing of the application or intended application -- (i) as soon as is practicable; and (ii) in any case within 3 school days of the day on 5 which the non-attendance started. Referral to a School Attendance Panel where doubtful reasons given about non-attendance 26. (1) This section applies where a principal is of the opinion that the reasons notified under section 25 (2) (b) in respect of a 10 child of compulsory school age have persistently -- (a) been not genuine; or (b) not amounted to a sufficient cause for the purposes of that section. (2) Where this section applies to a child -- 15 (a) the principal may refer the child's case to a School Attendance Panel under section 39; (b) a Panel may -- (i) inquire into the child's attendance record including the social, cultural, lingual, economic 20 or geographic factors, or learning difficulties, that might be affecting the child's attendance record; (ii) give such advice and assistance to the child and to his or her parents as it thinks fit; and 25 (iii) do any of the things referred to in section 40 (3) and (4) for those purposes; and (c) a Panel is to prepare a written report on the child's case setting out any advice or assistance given by the 21 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 27 Panel and give a copy of the report to the school's principal and -- (i) to a parent of the child; (ii) if the child is a prescribed child, to the child; or 5 (iii) to a person whose details have been provided under section 16 (1) (b) (ii) (II). Principal may require non-attendance for health reasons 27. (1) The principal of a school may require that a student -- 10 (a) not attend the school; or (b) not participate in an educational programme of the school, during any day on which the student or any other student at the school is suffering from a medical condition to which this section 15 applies. (2) This section applies to a medical condition that, on advice from the Executive Director of Public Health or a registered medical practitioner, the principal considers may be infectious, contagious or otherwise harmful to the health of persons who are 20 at the school or participating in an educational programme of the school. (3) A requirement under subsection (1) is to be in writing given -- (a) to a parent of the student; 25 (b) in the case of a student who has turned 18 or who is a prescribed child, to the student; or 22 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 28 (c) to a person whose details have been provided under section 16 (1) (b) (ii) (II). (4) An adult who is notified of a requirement under subsection (1) is to ensure that it is complied with by the student. 5 Penalty: $500. Attendance records 28. (1) A principal of a school must ensure -- (a) that records are kept showing for each day whether a student -- 10 (i) attended, or participated in an educational programme of, the school; or (ii) failed to so attend or participate; and (b) that particulars so recorded are retained for the period 15 prescribed by the regulations. (2) The records referred to in subsection (1) -- (a) may be kept in electronic form; but (b) must be capable of being reproduced in written form. (3) The duty imposed by subsection (1) (b) extends to the 20 register that was required to be kept by section 33 of the Education Act 1928. 23 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 29 Employment during school hours 29. (1) A person must not employ or permit to be employed a child of compulsory school age during the hours when the child is required to -- 5 (a) attend school; or (b) otherwise participate in an educational programme of a school. Penalty: $5 000. (2) A child is employed within the meaning of subsection (1) 10 if the child is engaged in work for the purpose of gain by a person even if the child is not paid for the work done. (3) Subsection (1) does not apply if the employment of the child -- (a) is authorized by an arrangement under section 24; or 15 (b) is included in the educational programme applicable to the child and is consistent with the terms and conditions of the programme. Division 4 -- Government schools, absence for special observance 20 Non-attendance for religious or cultural observance 30. (1) A student is excused from -- (a) attendance at a government school at which he or she is enrolled; or (b) participation in an educational programme of the 25 school, 24 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 31 on a day, or during a period, that under section 31 is recognized as having religious or cultural significance for the student or the student's parents. (2) Subsection (1) does not apply unless before the day, or 5 the beginning of the period, in question the principal has been notified that the student will not attend or participate on that day or during that period. (3) A notification to a principal under subsection (2) may be given in any way that is determined by the principal to be 10 acceptable, either generally or in a particular case. (4) A notification under subsection (2) is to be given -- (a) by a parent of the student; (b) in the case of a student who has turned 18 or who is a prescribed child, by the student; or 15 (c) by a person whose details have been provided under section 16 (1) (b) (ii) (II). (5) Despite subsections (1) and (2), where it is not reasonably practicable for a notice to be given under subsection (2) a student is excused as mentioned in subsection (1) 20 if the notice is given as soon as is reasonably practicable after the day or the period in question. (6) In subsection (1) (a) -- ''school'' includes any place to which an arrangement under section 24 relates. 25 Days to which section 30 applies 31. (1) The regulations are to prescribe -- (a) days or periods; or 25 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 32 (b) days on which, or periods during which, specified events occur, that are recognized for the purposes of section 30. (2) The Minister may at the request -- 5 (a) of a parent of a student; (b) in the case of a student who has turned 18 or who is a prescribed child, of the student, or (c) of a person whose details have been provided under section 16 (1) (b) (ii) (II), 10 approve a particular day or period that is not prescribed under subsection (1) as a recognized day or period for that student. Division 5 -- Absentee students Subdivision 1 -- Preliminary Definitions 15 32. In this Division, unless a contrary intention appears -- ''absentee student'' means a child of compulsory school age who is in breach of section 23; ''school attendance officer'' means an officer designated as such under section 33; 20 ''School Attendance Panel'' means a School Attendance Panel under section 39. 26 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 33 Subdivision 2 -- School attendance officers School attendance officers 33. The Minister may designate as a school attendance officer -- 5 (a) any person who comes within a class of employees referred to in section 235 (1) (a) or (c); (b) any person who is employed in the department principally assisting the Minister in the administration of Part 4; and 10 (c) a member of the teaching staff of a government or a non-government school. Certificate of appointment 34. (1) The Minister is to provide to a person who has been designated as a school attendance officer a certificate stating that 15 the person has been so designated. (2) A school attendance officer must produce the certificate whenever asked to do so by a person in respect of whom he or she is exercising or about to exercise any power. (3) A certificate purporting to have been issued under this 20 section is evidence in any proceedings that the person concerned has been designated under section 33. (4) A school attendance officer must wear an identification badge in the prescribed form when exercising any of the powers of a school attendance officer. 27 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 35 Offence of pretending to be a school attendance officer 35. A person must not pretend to be a school attendance officer if he or she has not been designated as such under section 33. Penalty: $5 000 or imprisonment for 6 months. 5 Subdivision 3 -- Powers of school attendance officers Powers of school attendance officers to inquire 36. (1) A school attendance officer may -- (a) stop and detain a person whom he or she reasonably believes to be an absentee student; and 10 (b) enter any premises to which the public has access, without paying the charge, if any, for access to the premises, for the purpose of checking whether any absentee student is on the premises. (2) A person detained under subsection (1) -- 15 (a) may be questioned by a school attendance officer as to whether the person is an absentee student; and (b) may be required to inform a school attendance officer of -- (i) his or her full name and address; 20 (ii) his or her age; and (iii) the name of the school at which he or she is enrolled. 28 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 37 (3) A person to whom a requirement under subsection (2) is directed must not -- (a) fail to comply with the requirement; or (b) in purported compliance give any information that is 5 false or misleading. Penalty: $200. Offence of obstructing etc. 37. A person must not resist, hinder or obstruct a school attendance officer who is exercising or attempting to exercise any 10 power under this Subdivision. Penalty: $500. Subdivision 4 -- Dealing with non-attendance and enforcing attendance Breaches of section 23 15 38. (1) A parent of a child of compulsory school age must ensure that section 23 is complied with by the child. Penalty: $1 000. Note: The Sentencing Act 1995 provides for sentencing options for an adult. (2) A child of compulsory school age must comply with 20 section 23. Penalty: $10. Note: The Young Offenders Act 1994 provides for how a court is to deal with a young person who has been found guilty of an offence. 29 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 39 Appointment of School Attendance Panels 39. (1) The Minister may appoint a School Attendance Panel (''a Panel''), consisting of not less than 3 persons, as he or she considers necessary for the purposes of this Act. 5 (2) A member of a Panel for a particular case, or class of cases, is to be a person who has such experience, skills, attributes or qualifications as the Minister considers appropriate to that case or class of cases. (3) At least one person on a Panel must be a parent or 10 community representative. (4) The Minister is to appoint one of the members of a Panel to be the chairperson but the appointee is not to be a person who -- (a) comes within a class of employees referred to in 15 section 235 (1) (a) or (c); or (b) is employed in the department principally assisting the Minister in the administration of Part 4. (5) A Panel cannot deal with the case of a child -- (a) who is enrolled at a government school if a member of 20 the Panel is -- (i) a member of teaching staff of the school; or (ii) a parent of a child who is enrolled at the school; or (b) who is enrolled at a non-government school if a 25 member of the Panel is -- (i) the principal of, or a teacher employed at, the school; or (ii) a parent of a child who is enrolled at the school. 30 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 40 (6) The Minister may give directions in writing to a Panel as to its procedure and a Panel is to give the child whose case is before the Panel and the child's parents an opportunity to be heard, but otherwise a Panel may determine its own procedure. 5 (7) Subject to the Minister's directions, the child and parents referred to in subsection (6) are not to be represented by another person before the Panel unless the Panel otherwise determines on the ground that the process will not work effectively without that representation but nothing in this subsection prevents the 10 child and parents from being accompanied by another person when appearing before the Panel. (8) The Minister is to ensure that a Panel is provided with such support services as it may reasonably require. (9) The Minister may -- 15 (a) direct that the members of a Panel are to be paid remuneration or allowances or both; and (b) determine the amount of any such payments on the recommendation of the Minister for Public Sector Management. 20 Referral to School Attendance Panel of persistent breaches of section 23 40. (1) Where a child of compulsory school age enrolled at a school has been persistently in breach of section 23, the child's case may be referred to a School Attendance Panel by -- 25 (a) the principal of the school; (b) a school attendance officer; or (c) the chief executive officer or the chief executive officer referred to in section 151, as is relevant to the case. 31 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 40 (2) On such a referral a Panel is to -- (a) inquire into the reasons for the child's failure to comply with section 23 including the social, cultural, lingual, economic or geographic factors, or learning 5 difficulties, that might be affecting the child's failure to comply; and (b) give such advice and assistance to the child and to his or her parents as it thinks fit. (3) The chairperson may by notice in writing -- 10 (a) request the attendance of a child and his or her parents at a place and time specified in the notice; and (b) request any person to produce at a place and time specified in the notice any document or record that is 15 in the possession or under the control of that person. (4) The Panel may -- (a) inspect any document or record produced and retain it for such reasonable period as it thinks fit, and make copies of it or any of its contents; and 20 (b) request any person to answer any question put to him or her. (5) The Panel is to prepare a written report on the child's case setting out any advice or assistance given by the Panel, comments about how the matter had been dealt with and 25 recommendations about how the matter should be dealt with and give a copy of the report -- (a) to a parent of the child; (b) if the child is a prescribed child, to the child; 32 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 41 (c) to a person whose details have been provided under section 16 (1) (b) (ii) (II); (d) to the school's principal; (e) if the child is enrolled at a government school, to the 5 chief executive officer; (f) if the child is enrolled at a non-government school and on the request of the chief executive officer referred to in section 151, to that chief executive officer; and (g) if the child's case was referred to the Panel by a school 10 attendance officer, to the officer. No prosecution unless non-compliance with advice or assistance offered by a School Attendance Panel 41. (1) Where a child's case has been referred to a School Attendance Panel under section 26 or 40 and the Panel has given 15 advice or offered assistance under section 26 (2) (b) or 40 (2) (b), a complaint of an offence against section 38 is not to be made unless there has been failure to follow the advice or accept the assistance. (2) The fact that a child's case has been referred to a School 20 Attendance Panel does not affect the ability of a person who could make a complaint against the child for a breach of section 38 (2) from referring the matter for consideration by a juvenile justice team under section 27 of the Young Offenders Act 1994, instead of making a complaint. 25 No prosecution without certificate of Panel or chief executive officer and report of Panel 42. (1) A complaint of an offence against section 38 (1) or 38 (2) is not to be made in respect of a child unless a certificate has been given that -- (a) all reasonably practicable steps have been taken to 30 secure compliance with section 23 by the child; but 33 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 42 (b) breaches of the section have continued. (2) Subject to subsection (3), a certificate under subsection (1) is to be given either -- (a) by the School Attendance Panel to which the child's 5 case was referred under section 26 or 40; or (b) by -- (i) the chief executive officer referred to in section 151 in the case of a child enrolled at a non-government school; or 10 (ii) the chief executive officer referred to in section 229 in the case of a child enrolled at a government school. (3) If a child is a ward for the purposes of the Child Welfare Act 1947, a certificate under subsection (1) is to be given by the 15 chief executive officer referred to in section 229 or if the child's case has been referred to a School Attendance Panel, by both of the chief executive officer and the Panel. (4) If a School Attendance Panel gives a certificate under subsection (1), the Panel is to also prepare a report on -- 20 (a) the child's educational background; and (b) the steps that have been taken to secure compliance with section 23 by the child. (5) In any proceedings under section 38 the certificate given under subsection (1) and, if a report is required under 25 subsection (4), a copy of the report are to be given to the court. (6) Where in any proceedings a document is produced purporting to be -- (a) a certificate given under subsection (1); or 34 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 43 (b) a report prepared by a Panel under subsection (4), the court is to presume, unless the contrary is shown, that the document is such a certificate or report. Parent to bring child before court 5 43. (1) In any proceedings for an offence against section 38 (1) in respect of a child an authorized person may give a notice to a parent of the child requiring the parent -- (a) to bring the child to the court at a time and place specified in the notice; and 10 (b) to keep the child in attendance at the court until he or she is permitted to leave by the court or an authorized person. (2) A person to whom a notice is given under subsection (1) must comply with the notice. 15 Penalty: $500. (3) In subsection (1) -- ''authorized person'' means -- (a) a school attendance officer; or (b) a person who -- 20 (i) comes within a class of employees referred to in section 235 (1) (a) or (c); or (ii) is employed in the department principally assisting the Minister in the administration of Part 4, 35 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 44 and who is authorized by the Minister for the purposes of this section. (4) A certificate that a person has been authorized for the purposes of this section purporting to have been issued by the 5 Minister is evidence in any proceedings that the person concerned has been so authorized. Proof of certain matters 44. In a complaint of an offence against section 38 any of the following statements in relation to a particular case are to be 10 taken to be proved unless the contrary is shown -- (a) that a child was enrolled at a school on any day or days; (b) that on any day or days a school was open for instruction; 15 (c) that a child enrolled at a school -- (i) did not -- (I) attend the school; or (II) otherwise participate in an educational programme of the school, 20 as required by the principal; or (ii) did not comply with an arrangement under section 24; (d) that a person is a parent of a child. 36 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 45 Conduct of prosecutions 45. (1) Prosecutions for offences against section 38 may be conducted by any person who -- (a) comes within a class of employees referred to in 5 section 235 (1) (a) or (c); or (b) is employed in the department principally assisting the Minister in the administration of Part 4, and who is authorized by the Minister to do so. (2) Subsection (1) does not limit the ability of a person to 10 make a complaint or conduct the prosecution of an offence if the person has authority at law to do so. (3) A certificate purporting to have been issued by the Minister stating that a person has power under subsection (1) to conduct prosecutions is evidence in any proceedings that the 15 person has that power. Division 6 -- Home education Definition 46. In this Division -- ''home educator'' means a parent who is registered under 20 section 48. Application for registration 47. (1) A parent of a child of compulsory school age who wishes to be registered as the child's home educator is to apply to the chief executive officer and provide the following information 25 to the extent that he or she is asked to do so -- (a) the child's date of birth; 37 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 47 (b) the names and usual place of residence of -- (i) the child; and (ii) the child's parents; (c) the place at which the educational programme will 5 primarily be delivered if different from the child's usual place of residence; (d) where applicable, the name of the school at which the child is enrolled or was last enrolled; and (e) any other information prescribed by the regulations. 10 (2) The chief executive officer may require documentary evidence to be provided in support of any information supplied by the applicant. (3) An application may relate to more than one child. (4) Subject to subsection (5), an application is to be made by 15 the last Friday in February in the first year for which the parent wishes to be registered as the child's home educator. (5) If a child is enrolled in a school for a particular year and a parent of the child wishes to be registered as the child's home educator in that year, the application is to be made within 14 20 days after the last day on which the child was recorded as -- (a) attending, or participating in an educational programme of, the school at which the child was enrolled; or (b) otherwise complying with section 23. 38 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 48 Registration 48. (1) On receipt of a completed application under section 47 (1) and the documentary evidence required under section 47 (2) the chief executive officer is to -- 5 (a) register the parent as the child's home educator; and (b) issue the parent with a certificate of registration. (2) A child's home educator is responsible for the child's educational programme from the day set out in the certificate as the day of registration in respect of the child. 10 (3) The registration of a home educator in respect of a child has effect indefinitely unless the registration is cancelled under section 53. Home educator to inform chief executive officer of certain matters 15 49. A child's home educator is to inform the chief executive officer -- (a) of any change to the details provided in the application under section 47 (1); or (b) if the child is enrolled at a school, 20 as soon as is practicable after the change or the enrolment. Home education moderators 50. (1) The chief executive officer -- (a) may appoint persons who have such experience, skills or qualifications as the chief executive officer 25 considers appropriate to enable them to effectively 39 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 51 evaluate the educational programmes of children whose education is being provided under this Division and to evaluate the educational progress of those children; and 5 (b) is to provide to a person so appointed (a ''home education moderator'') a certificate stating that the person is appointed for the purposes of this section. (2) A home education moderator must produce the certificate referred to in subsection (1) (b) whenever asked to do so by a 10 person in charge of any premises being visited by the moderator under an arrangement referred to in section 51. Evaluation of child's educational programme and progress 51. (1) A child's home educator is to arrange with the chief executive officer for an evaluation to be made of the child's 15 educational programme and educational progress -- (a) within 3 months of the day of the home educator's registration in respect of the child; and (b) at least once in each 12 month period following that registration. 20 (2) A home educator is to give the chief executive officer at least 21 days' notice of an evaluation that is required to be made under subsection (1) (a) or (b). (3) An evaluation is to be made -- (a) at the time that is agreed between the home educator 25 and the home education moderator; and (b) at the place that is the usual place for the child's educational programme to be undertaken unless the home educator objects, in which case the evaluation is 40 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 52 to be made at the place that is agreed between the home educator and the home education moderator. (4) Following an evaluation, the home education moderator is to prepare a report about the child's educational programme 5 and educational progress and provide a copy of the report to the home educator and to the chief executive officer. Chief executive officer may give notice of concern and require evaluation 52. (1) If the chief executive officer has a concern about a 10 child's educational progress, the chief executive officer may -- (a) give the child's home educator written notice of the concern and the reasons for the concern; and (b) arrange for an evaluation to be made on 7 days' notice to the home educator for the purpose of ascertaining 15 whether the concern has been adequately addressed. (2) An evaluation under subsection (1) is to be made -- (a) within the notice period or as soon as possible after the expiry of the notice period, but otherwise at the time that is agreed between the home educator and 20 the home education moderator; and (b) at the place that is the usual place for the child's educational programme to be undertaken unless the home educator objects, in which case the evaluation is to be made at the place that is agreed between the 25 home educator and the home education moderator. (3) Following an evaluation under subsection (1), the home education moderator is to prepare a report about whether the concern has been adequately addressed and provide a copy of the report to the home educator and to the chief executive officer. 41 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 53 Cancellation of registration 53. (1) The chief executive officer may cancel a home educator's registration under section 48 in respect of a child if -- (a) in the opinion of the chief executive officer, the child's 5 educational progress is not satisfactory; (b) the home educator has not arranged an evaluation required under section 51 (1) (a) or (b) in respect of the child; (c) the home educator does not agree to an evaluation 10 required under section 52 (1) (b) in respect of the child from occurring in accordance with section 52 (2); (d) a home education moderator has been hindered or obstructed in an evaluation required under section 51 (1) (a) or (b) or section 52 (1) (b); or 15 (e) the home educator has not complied with section 49 in respect of the child. (2) Before deciding under subsection (1) (a) that a child's educational progress is not satisfactory the chief executive officer may take into account -- 20 (a) whether the child's educational progress is in accordance with -- (i) the curriculum framework under the Curriculum Council Act 1997; or (ii) any condition to which an exemption under 25 section 11 of that Act is subject; (b) the effect of the physical learning environment on the child's educational progress; (c) any other matter which, in the opinion of the chief executive officer, is relevant to the child's education. 42 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 54 (3) If the chief executive officer decides to cancel a home educator's registration the chief executive officer is to give written notice to the home educator of the decision and written reasons for the decision. 5 (4) The notice must set out a cancellation period that is -- (a) at least until 1 January in the year following the year in which the cancellation takes effect; and (b) not longer than 12 months from the day on which the cancellation takes effect. 10 (5) A decision that a home educator's registration be cancelled is not to be given effect to -- (a) until the time for applying under section 54 (1) has passed; and (b) if an application is made under section 54 (1), until it 15 has been determined. Review of decision to cancel registration 54. (1) A child's home educator may apply in writing to the Minister for a review of the chief executive officer's decision to cancel the home educator's registration in respect of the child. 20 (2) The application is to be made within 14 days after the applicant received written notice of the decision. (3) Where an application is made under subsection (1), the Minister is to refer the matter to a Home Education Advisory Panel which is to examine the matter and report to the Minister 25 with its recommendation. (4) A Home Education Advisory Panel is to give the applicant the opportunity to be heard. 43 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 54 (5) The Minister is to give a copy of the report of the Home Education Advisory Panel to the applicant. (6) The Minister after considering the report may confirm, vary or reverse the chief executive officer's decision and is to give 5 written notice to the applicant of the Minister's decision and written reasons for that decision. (7) In this section -- ''Home Education Advisory Panel'' means an advisory panel under section 241 established for the purposes 10 of subsection (3) of this section. 44 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 54 PART 3 -- GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS What this Part is about This Part enacts provisions that apply only to government schools. In particular it deals with -- 5 the establishment, closure and amalgamation of government schools, and the designation of schools in some areas as being primarily for the enrolment of students in that area (Division 1); the functions of the chief executive officer of the department 10 responsible for government schools and of principals and teachers in those schools (Division 2); the curriculum in government schools, the provision of special religious education, and conscientious objection to instruction in particular subjects (Division 3); 15 entitlement to enrol at government schools, changing inappropriate enrolments, and the resolution of disputed issues about enrolment (Division 4); the suspension and exclusion of students from government schools for breaches of school discipline (Division 5); 20 restrictions on the imposition of fees and charges in government schools, and provisions for the management of school funds (Division 6); miscellaneous management provisions relating to the operation of government schools and the control of school 25 premises (Division 7); provisions as to the establishment and operation of School Councils and relating to Parents and Citizens' Associations for government schools (Division 8). 45 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 55 Division 1 -- Establishment, closure etc. Establishment 55. (1) The Minister may establish such government schools as the Minister considers necessary for the provision of public 5 education. (2) The Minister may -- (a) assign a name and classification to; and (b) change the name or classification of, a government school. 10 Closure and amalgamation 56. (1) The Minister may on such terms and conditions as he or she thinks fit -- (a) amalgamate 2 or more government schools; and (b) close any government school either temporarily or 15 permanently. (2) The powers conferred by subsection (1) may be exercised in respect of part of a government school. (3) If the Minister is satisfied that a government school is regularly attended by less than the prescribed number of 20 students the Minister is to either -- (a) change the classification of the school under section 55 (2); or (b) take action under subsection (1) in relation to the school. 46 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 57 (4) Subsection (3) does not apply where the Minister determines that there are significant educational, economic or social reasons for not complying with that subsection. Consultation 5 57. (1) If the Minister proposes to amalgamate 2 or more government schools or to close any government school permanently, the Minister is to consult with -- (a) the parents of the students who are enrolled at the school or schools affected by the proposal, in relation 10 to the matters referred to in subsection (2); (b) the Council of each school affected by the proposal, in relation to the matters referred to in subsection (2); and (c) each Parents and Citizens' Association formed under 15 section 142 which would be wound up as an effect of the proposal, in relation to the disposal of property acquired by the association. (2) The matters for consultation under subsections (1) (a) and (b) are -- 20 (a) alternative arrangements for the enrolment of students who are affected by the proposal and the appropriateness of the arrangements; (b) the provision of educational programmes for the students who are affected by the proposal; 25 (c) the disbursement of any assets realized as a result of the proposal; and (d) any other relevant matter. 47 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 58 (3) The Minister may consult for the purposes of this section in any way that he or she thinks appropriate, and the Minister's decision on the manner of consultation is not liable to be challenged, reviewed or called in question by a court. 5 Permanent closure, notice of proposal to be given 58. (1) If the Minister proposes to permanently close a government school under section 56 the Minister is to publish notice of the proposal in the Government Gazette. (2) If a notice is published under subsection (1) in respect of 10 a school, the school cannot be closed unless the consultation required by section 57 occurs after the notice was published and -- (a) a period of 12 months has expired since the notice was published; or 15 (b) the Minister is sooner satisfied that -- (i) a majority of the parents of students enrolled at the school wish the school to be closed; or (ii) there are exceptional circumstances which justify closure, 20 before the period of 12 months expires. Permanent closure, when notice of proposal not required 59. The Minister may by order published in the Government Gazette permanently close a government school under section 56, without complying with section 57 or 58, if he or she is of the 25 opinion that the safety or welfare of teachers or students at the school may be at risk if the school is not closed as soon as possible. 48 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 60 Local-intake schools 60. (1) The chief executive officer may by order published in the Government Gazette -- (a) declare any government school to be a local-intake 5 school; and (b) define the area from which the school is to have its intake of students. (2) An order under subsection (1) may be revoked or amended by the chief executive officer by further order published 10 in the Government Gazette. (3) The chief executive officer is to publish in the Government Gazette for information during the last quarter of each year -- (a) a list of local-intake schools; and 15 (b) a list of schools that have not been declared to be local-intake schools, as at a specified day. Division 2 -- Functions of chief executive officer, principals and teachers 20 Functions of chief executive officer 61. (1) The chief executive officer is responsible for determining, implementing and monitoring -- (a) the standard of educational instruction in government schools; and 25 (b) the standard of care provided to students in those schools. 49 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 62 (2) The functions described in subsection (1) -- (a) do not affect any other function -- (i) given to the chief executive officer by this Act; or (ii) delegated to the chief executive officer by the 5 Minister under section 224; (b) have effect subject to this Act; and (c) are in addition to the functions given by section 29 (1) of the Public Sector Management Act 1994. (3) The chief executive officer has powers necessary or 10 convenient for the performance of the functions described in subsection (1). Principal 62. (1) Every government school is to have a principal, that is a person appointed under section 236 (2) to be in charge of the 15 school. (2) Except with the approval of the Minister, a person is not to be so appointed unless he or she is classified as a school administrator under section 237. (3) Subsection (2) does not apply to a temporary or acting 20 appointment. (4) Nothing in subsection (2) prevents a person from being appointed as a principal and being classified as a school administrator at the same time. 50 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 63 Functions of principal 63. (1) The functions of the principal of a government school are -- (a) to provide educational leadership in the school; 5 (b) to have responsibility for the day to day management and control of the school, including all persons on the school premises; (c) to ensure the safety and welfare of students -- (i) on the school premises; and 10 (ii) away from the school premises but on school activities, so far as that can reasonably be done; (d) to see that instruction provided in the school is in accordance with the requirements of -- 15 (i) the Curriculum Council Act 1997; and (ii) any determination under section 67; (e) to establish a plan for the school in consultation with the Council and the school's teaching staff setting out its objectives and how the objectives and priorities will 20 be achieved; (f) in consultation with the Council and the school's teaching staff to monitor and report on the school's performance in relation to the plan referred to in paragraph (e); 25 (g) to promote cooperation with the local community; (h) to encourage innovation in educational practice; and 51 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 64 (i) to perform any other prescribed function assigned to the principal by the chief executive officer. (2) The principal of a government school has the powers necessary for the performance of his or her functions. 5 (3) The functions set out in subsection (1) -- (a) do not affect any other function given or delegated to a principal by or under this Act; and (b) have effect -- (i) within the limits of the powers vested in the 10 principal; and (ii) subject to this Act and the direction and control of the chief executive officer. Functions of teachers 64. (1) The functions of a teacher in a government school 15 are -- (a) to foster and facilitate learning in students; (b) to give competent instruction to students in accordance with -- (i) the curriculum; 20 (ii) standards determined by the chief executive officer; and (iii) the school's plan referred to in section 63 (1) (e), and to undertake the preparation necessary to do so; (c) to undertake regular evaluation and reporting of the 25 progress of students within the terms of the school plan referred to in section 63 (1) (e); 52 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 65 (d) to be answerable to the principal for the educational achievement of students under his or her instruction; (e) to supervise students and to maintain proper order and discipline on their part; 5 (f) to carry out administrative duties to meet organizational requirements relevant to the teacher's functions; and (g) to perform any other prescribed function assigned by the chief executive officer. 10 (2) The functions set out in subsection (1) have effect subject to -- (a) this Act; (b) the instructions of the chief executive officer; and (c) the direction and control of the principal. 15 Functions not to be inconsistent with certain industrial arrangements 65. Nothing in section 63 (1) (i) or 64 (1) (g) or section 64 (2) (b) or (c) enables the chief executive officer or a principal to assign a function or give an instruction or direction that is inconsistent 20 with a term or condition of service referred to in section 236 (3). Division 3 -- Educational instruction Definitions 66. In this Division -- ''general religious education'' means education about the 25 major forms of religious thought and expression 53 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 67 characteristic of Australian society and other societies in the world; ''special religious education'' means education provided by churches and other religious groups and based on 5 distinctive religious tenets and beliefs. Curriculum 67. The curriculum in a government school is to be determined by the chief executive officer, but any determination is to be made in accordance with the requirements of the Curriculum 10 Council Act 1997. Curriculum not to promote certain subject-matter 68. (1) The curriculum and teaching in government schools is not to promote -- (a) any particular religious practice, denomination or sect; 15 (b) any particular political party; (c) any commercial goods, product or service; or (d) the case of a party to an industrial dispute. (2) Subsection (1) (a) is not to be read as preventing -- (a) the inclusion of general religious education in the 20 curriculum of a school; or (b) prayers, songs and other material based on religious, spiritual or moral values being used in a school activity as part of general religious education. 54 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 69 Special religious education 69. (1) Special religious education may be provided to students in government schools in accordance with provisions made by the regulations. 5 (2) Subject to the regulations, the principal of a government school may allow time for the special religious education of students in the school, but the total number of hours so allowed in a school year is not to exceed 40. (3) Provision made by the regulations for the purposes of 10 this section may authorize the chief executive officer to approve persons as being authorized to give special religious education in government schools. Consultation with Council 70. If a school has a Council the principal is to consult the 15 Council on -- (a) a general policy concerning the use in school activities of prayers, songs and material referred to in section 68 (2) (b); and (b) the implementation of section 69 (2). 20 Parent may withdraw child from special religious instruction etc. 71. (1) A parent of a child at a government school may notify the principal in writing that the child is not to -- (a) receive any special religious education; or 25 (b) attend that part of a school activity at which material referred to in section 68 (2) (b) is used. 55 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 72 (2) A principal to whom such a notice is given must take all reasonable steps to see that the parent's wishes are complied with. Principal may exempt child from particular classes 5 72. (1) A parent of a child at a government school may in writing request the principal to grant an exemption for the child from attendance at classes at which a particular part of a course of study is taught. (2) Where such a request is made the principal may grant 10 an exemption in terms of subsection (1) if the principal is satisfied that the request -- (a) is made on the grounds of conscientious objection; and (b) satisfies any requirements contained in the CEO's Instructions under section 233 in respect of the 15 granting of exemptions under this section. (3) An exemption under this section -- (a) may be granted subject to conditions; and (b) may be revoked if any condition is not observed. Educational programme for children with a disability 20 73. (1) Where a child with a disability is enrolled at a government school, the principal is to -- (a) consult with the child's parents, any of the child's teachers or prospective teachers and, if appropriate, the child; and 25 (b) take into account the wishes of the child's parents and, if appropriate, the child, 56 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 74 for the purpose of addressing or reviewing the particular child's requirements in relation to the content and implementation of the educational programme for the child. (2) The content and implementation of the educational 5 programme for a child with a disability is to be decided by the principal subject to the direction and control of the chief executive officer. Division 4 -- Enrolment Application for enrolment 10 74. (1) A person who wishes to enrol a child at a government school is to lodge a completed application for enrolment with the principal of a government school at which the child is eligible to be enrolled under this Division. (2) In subsection (1) -- 15 ''person'', in relation to a child, means -- (a) a parent of the child; (b) if the child is a prescribed child, the child; or (c) a person whose details have been provided under section 16 (1) (b) (ii) (II). 20 (3) A person who has turned 18 who wishes to enrol at a government school is to lodge a completed application for enrolment with the principal of a government school for which an approval has been given to the person under section 81. (4) The application is to be made in a form approved by the 25 chief executive officer. (5) A person cannot be required to provide information under this section unless the information is prescribed under section 16. 57 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 75 Enrolment 75. (1) The principal of a government school is to enrol a child at the school if -- (a) an application is duly made under section 74; and 5 (b) the child is entitled under this Division to be enrolled at the school. (2) Subsection (1) does not apply if the principal is satisfied that -- (a) the child is already enrolled at a school; and 10 (b) the period of attendance at the school to which the application relates is likely to be less than 4 weeks. (3) In this section and in section 76 -- ''child'' includes a person referred to in section 74 (3). General residential qualification 15 76. (1) A child is not entitled to be enrolled at a government school unless -- (a) the usual place of residence of the child is in the State; and (b) the child is entitled to reside permanently in 20 Australia. (2) A child who does not come within subsection (1) is entitled to be enrolled at a government school if he or she satisfies the criteria (if any) prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this subsection. 58 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 77 Enrolment of children below compulsory school age 77. A child is entitled to be enrolled at a particular government school for each year in which the child's pre-compulsory education period falls if -- 5 (a) there is available for the child at that school -- (i) an appropriate educational programme; and (ii) classroom accommodation; and (b) the enrolment would conform with other criteria 10 prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this section. Enrolment of children of compulsory school age at local- intake school 78. (1) A child of compulsory school age is entitled to be 15 enrolled at a local-intake school if -- (a) his or her usual place of residence is in the intake area for that school; and (b) an appropriate educational programme is available for the child at that school. 20 (2) A child of compulsory school age whose usual place of residence is not in the intake area for a local-intake school is entitled to be enrolled at that school if -- (a) there is available for the child at that school -- (i) an appropriate educational programme; and 25 (ii) classroom accommodation; and 59 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 79 (b) the enrolment would conform with any other criteria prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this subsection. Enrolment of children of compulsory school age at other 5 schools 79. (1) Subject to subsection (2), a child of compulsory school age is entitled to be enrolled at a particular government school that is not a local-intake school if -- (a) there is available for the child at the school -- 10 (i) an appropriate educational programme; and (ii) classroom accommodation; and (b) the enrolment would conform with any other criteria prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this 15 section. (2) If the number of children referred to in subsection (1) applying for enrolment at a particular government school that is not a local-intake school exceeds the number of available places at the school, priority for enrolment is to be given to the child 20 who lives nearest the school. Enrolment of children in post-compulsory education period 80. (1) Subject to subsection (2), a child whose post- compulsory education period falls in a year is entitled to be 25 enrolled at a particular government school for that year if -- (a) there is available for the child at that school -- (i) an appropriate educational programme; and 60 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 81 (ii) classroom accommodation; and (b) the enrolment would conform with other criteria prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this 5 section. (2) If the number of children referred to in subsection (1) applying for enrolment at a particular government school that is not a local-intake school exceeds the number of available places at the school, priority for enrolment is to be given to the child 10 who lives nearest the school. Enrolment of persons beyond their post-compulsory education period 81. (1) A person whose post-compulsory education period has ended before the beginning of a year may only be enrolled at a 15 government school for that year with the approval of the chief executive officer. (2) An approval under subsection (1) -- (a) must be granted in accordance with any matter that is prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this 20 subsection; and (b) may be granted subject to compliance with any condition that is prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this subsection. Issues arising on certain applications under this Division 25 for enrolment 82. (1) This section applies to a child in respect of whom an application for enrolment has been made under section 74 but who has not been enrolled in accordance with the application. 61 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 82 (2) If in relation to a child any question arises under section 76, 77, 78, 79 or 80 as to whether -- (a) the usual place of residence of the child is or is not -- (i) in the State; or 5 (ii) in a particular intake area; (b) an educational programme is available or is appropriate for the child; (c) classroom accommodation is available; or (d) any other prescribed criterion is satisfied, 10 the issue in dispute is to be decided by the chief executive officer. (3) Where the chief executive officer decides that -- (a) the usual place of residence of the child is not in an intake area for a school; (b) an educational programme at a school is not available 15 or is not appropriate for the child; (c) classroom accommodation is not available at the school for the child; or (d) any other prescribed criterion is not satisfied in relation to the child, 20 the chief executive officer is to determine at which other government school (or schools if a choice is given) the child may be enrolled. (4) The chief executive officer may make an interim decision on an issue in dispute pending the making of a final decision, 25 and effect is to be given to the interim decision. 62 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 83 Cancellation where enrolment found to be inappropriate 83. (1) This section applies to a child who is enrolled at a government school. (2) If in the opinion of the chief executive officer a child's 5 enrolment should not continue because -- (a) the child's usual place of residence has changed to a place that was not in the intake area for the school at the time of the child's enrolment at the school; or (b) an appropriate educational programme can no longer 10 be provided at the school for the child, the chief executive officer may -- (c) cancel the enrolment; and (d) determine at which other government school (or schools if a choice is given) the child may be enrolled. 15 (3) The chief executive officer is not to cancel an enrolment under subsection (2) without first -- (a) giving notice of the proposed cancellation, and of the reasons for it -- (i) to a parent of the child; 20 (ii) if the child is a prescribed child, to the child; or (iii) to a person whose details have been provided under section 16 (1) (b) (ii) (II); and (b) giving him or her a reasonable opportunity to show 25 why the enrolment should not be cancelled. (4) Subject to subsection (3), the chief executive officer is to give written notice of the cancellation to the person notified under subsection (3) (a). 63 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 84 (5) The cancellation takes effect at such time as is specified in the notice given under subsection (3) unless section 86 (3) applies. Matters to be considered under sections 82 and 83 about 5 educational programme 84. In determining under section 82 whether an educational programme at a school is available or is appropriate for a child or under section 83 whether an appropriate educational programme can no longer be provided at a school for a child, the chief 10 executive officer is to take into account -- (a) the nature of the benefit or detriment likely to accrue to, or be suffered by, the child and all other persons concerned; (b) any additional cost involved in providing the 15 programme for the child; and (c) the effect of the child's -- (i) behaviour; or (ii) disability or other condition, if any, on the child's participation in the programme. 20 Chief executive officer may refer to advisory panel 85. Without limiting the chief executive officer's ability to obtain advice or information, he or she may obtain advice from an advisory panel under section 241 for the purposes of any decision required to be made under section 82 or 83. 64 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 86 Decisions under sections 82 and 83 relating to children with a disability 86. (1) Before deciding under section 82 whether an educational programme at a school is available or is appropriate 5 for a child with a disability, or under section 83 whether an appropriate educational programme can no longer be provided at a school for a child with a disability, the chief executive officer is to -- (a) consult with the child's parents; and 10 (b) take into account the wishes of the child's parents, in addition to the matters specified in section 84. (2) If the chief executive officer decides -- (a) under section 82 that an educational programme at a school is not available or is not appropriate for a child 15 with a disability; or (b) under section 83 that an appropriate educational programme can no longer be provided at a school for a child with a disability, the chief executive officer is to give written notice to a parent of 20 the child of the decision and written reasons for the decision. (3) A decision referred to in subsection (2) is not to be given effect to -- (a) until the time for applying under subsection (4) has passed; and 25 (b) if an application is made, until it has been determined, and a child's enrolment at a school is to continue until a decision referred to in subsection (2) (b) takes effect. 65 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 87 (4) A parent of the child may apply in writing to the chief executive officer for a review of a decision referred to in subsection (2). (5) The application is to be made within 28 days after the 5 applicant received written notice of the decision. (6) Within 90 days of the chief executive officer receiving an application made under subsection (4) -- (a) the chief executive officer is to refer the matter to a Disabilities Advisory Panel under section 87; and 10 (b) the Panel is to examine the matter and report to the chief executive officer with its recommendation. (7) The chief executive officer is to provide the Disabilities Advisory Panel with any information or material relating to the child's enrolment that is requested by the Panel and that is in 15 the possession or control of the chief executive officer. (8) The chief executive officer is, within 21 days after receiving the report, to give the applicant a copy of the report of the Disabilities Advisory Panel. (9) The chief executive officer after considering the report 20 may confirm, vary or reverse the decision and, within 21 days after receiving the report, is to give written notice to the applicant of the subsequent decision and written reasons for that decision. Disabilities Advisory Panels 25 87. (1) The Minister is to appoint a Disabilities Advisory Panel (''a Panel''), consisting of not less than 3 persons, 66 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 87 whenever it is necessary for the purposes of section 86 (6) or 92 (2) (b). (2) A member of a Panel for a particular matter is to be a person -- 5 (a) who has such experience, skills, attributes or qualifications as the Minister considers appropriate to the case of the child to whom the matter relates; (b) who is not an employee within a class referred to in section 235 (1); and 10 (c) who is not a parent of a child at a school to which the matter relates. (3) The Minister is to appoint one of the members of a Panel to be the chairperson. (4) The Minister may give directions in writing to a Panel as 15 to its procedure and a Panel is to give the applicant an opportunity to be heard, but otherwise a Panel may determine its own procedure. (5) Subject to the Minister's directions, the applicant is not to be represented by another person before the Panel unless the 20 Panel otherwise determines on the ground that the process will not work effectively without that representation but nothing in this subsection prevents the applicant from being accompanied by another person when appearing before the Panel. (6) The chief executive officer is to provide a Panel with such 25 support services as it may reasonably require. (7) The Minister may -- (a) direct that the members of a Panel are to be paid remuneration or allowances or both; and 67 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 88 (b) determine the amount of any such payments on the recommendation of the Minister for Public Sector Management. Division 5 -- Suspension and exclusion 5 Definition 88. In this Division -- (a) references to attendance in relation to a school include participation in an educational programme of the school; and 10 (b) references to an educational programme include an arrangement to which section 24 applies. Breach of school discipline 89. For the purposes of this Division a breach of school discipline is any act or omission that impairs the good order and 15 proper management of the school. Suspension for breach of school discipline 90. (1) The principal of a government school may wholly or partially suspend from attendance at the school a student who, in the principal's opinion, has committed a breach of school 20 discipline but the principal cannot suspend a student for longer than the period prescribed by the regulations. (2) The power conferred by subsection (1) is to be exercised in accordance with the regulations. (3) Regulations under subsection (2) are to provide for the 25 educational instruction to be given to a suspended student. 68 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 91 (4) The power conferred by subsection (1) may be exercised by a person who, or a person in a class of persons which, is authorized by the principal of the school to exercise the power if the principal is absent from duty or is otherwise unable to 5 exercise the power. Grounds for exclusion from the school 91. For the purposes of this Division a student may be excluded from attendance at a government school if -- (a) he or she has committed a breach of school discipline 10 in circumstances that -- (i) have adversely affected or threaten the safety of any person who is on the school premises or participating in an educational programme of the school; or 15 (ii) have caused or are likely to result in damage to property; or (b) his or her behaviour has disrupted the educational instruction of other students. 20 Chief executive officer may exclude from attendance at school 92. (1) If the principal of a government school is of the opinion that there are grounds under section 91 for the exclusion of a student from attendance at the school, the principal may -- 25 (a) recommend to the chief executive officer that the chief executive officer exercise his or her powers under section 94; and 69 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 92 (b) put before the chief executive officer such information as the principal thinks appropriate. (2) Upon making a recommendation to the chief executive officer, the principal is to notify the student and a parent of the 5 student that the recommendation has been made and provide the parent with the reasons why the recommendation has been made. (3) The chief executive officer is to refer the recommendation and other information -- 10 (a) to a School Discipline Advisory Panel under section 93; or (b) in the case of a child with a disability who is the subject of a recommendation for exclusion on grounds under section 91 (b), to a Disability Advisory Panel 15 under section 87, which is to examine the matter and report to the chief executive officer, setting out comments about how the matter had been dealt with and recommendations about how the matter should be dealt with. 20 (4) A reference in section 87 to the applicant is to be treated, for the purposes of subsection (3) (b), as a reference to a parent of the child with a disability. (5) In its examination under subsection (3) in relation to a student other than a child to whom subsection (3)(b) applies, a 25 Panel is to have regard to the social, cultural, lingual, economic or geographic factors, or learning difficulties, that might be relevant to the breach of school discipline or behaviour that is the subject of the recommendation. (6) On receipt of the report the chief executive officer may, 30 having regard to -- (a) the material referred to in subsections (1) and (3); and 70 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 93 (b) any other information before the chief executive officer, make an order under section 94 if he or she is satisfied that the student may be excluded in terms of section 91. 5 School Discipline Advisory Panels 93. (1) The Minister is to appoint a School Discipline Advisory Panel (''a Panel''), consisting of not less than 3 persons, whenever it is necessary for the purposes of section 92 (3) (a). (2) The members of a Panel for a particular case -- 10 (a) are to be persons who have such experience, skills, attributes or qualifications as the Minister considers appropriate to that case; and (b) are to include at least one person who is not an employee within a class referred to in section 235 (1). 15 (3) At least one person on a Panel must be a parent or community representative. (4) The Minister is to appoint one of the members of a Panel to be the chairperson but the appointee is not to be an employee within a class referred to in section 235 (1). 20 (5) A Panel cannot deal with the case of a child if a member of the Panel is -- (a) a member of the teaching staff of the school at which the child is enrolled; or (b) a parent of a child who is enrolled at the school at 25 which the child is enrolled. (6) The Minister may give directions in writing to a Panel as to its procedure and a Panel is to give the child whose case is 71 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 94 before the Panel, the child's parents and the school's principal an opportunity to be heard, but otherwise a Panel may determine its own procedure. (7) Subject to the Minister's directions, the child and parents 5 referred to in subsection (6) are not to be represented by another person before the Panel unless the Panel otherwise determines on the ground that the process will not work effectively without that representation but nothing in this subsection prevents the child and parents from being accompanied by another person 10 when appearing before the Panel. (8) The chief executive officer is to provide a Panel with such support services as it may reasonably require. (9) The Minister may -- (a) direct that the members of a Panel (other than an 15 employee as defined in section 3 (1) of the Public Sector Management Act 1994) are to be paid remuneration or allowances or both; and (b) determine the amount of any such payments on the recommendation of the Minister for Public Sector 20 Management. Orders that may be made 94. (1) The orders that may be made by the chief executive officer are -- (a) an order excluding the student from normal 25 attendance at the school but directing him or her to attend the school for the purposes specified in the order; (b) an order completely excluding the student from attending the school; 72 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 95 (c) an order directing the student to attend a specified government school or to participate in a specified educational programme; (d) an order determining the educational instruction that 5 the student is to be given, or a combination of 2 or more of those orders. (2) If an order is made under subsection (1) (a), (b) or (c) the chief executive officer is to consider making, and if necessary make, an order under subsection (1) (d) in conjunction with the 10 other order. (3) An order under subsection (1) -- (a) may be expressed to have effect for a specified period; and (b) may at any time be revoked or amended by further 15 order made by the chief executive officer. Principal may exclude students above compulsory age 95. (1) The principal of a government school may exclude from attendance at the school -- (a) a student who is enrolled under section 80 or 81 if -- 20 (i) the student's attendance at the school is not satisfactory; (ii) the student is not participating in the educational programme of the school in a way that is of benefit to his or her educational 25 progress; or (iii) the student has failed to comply with a requirement of any applicable code of conduct for students at the school; and 73 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 96 (b) a student who is enrolled under section 81 if he or she has failed to comply with any condition imposed by the chief executive officer under that section. (2) The powers in this section are in addition to the other 5 powers conferred by this Division. Review of decisions under section 95 96. (1) A student who is excluded from attendance at a school under section 95 may apply in writing to the chief executive officer for a review of the decision. 10 (2) A review is limited to determining whether fair and proper procedures were followed by the principal in making the decision. (3) The application is to be made within 7 days after the student received notice in writing of the decision. 15 (4) Within 28 days of the chief executive officer receiving an application made under subsection (1) -- (a) the chief executive officer is to refer the matter to a School Discipline Advisory Panel under section 93; and 20 (b) the Panel is to examine the matter and report to the chief executive officer with its recommendation. (5) The chief executive officer is to provide the School Discipline Advisory Panel with any information or material relating to the application that is requested by the Panel and 25 that is in the possession or control of the chief executive officer. (6) The chief executive officer after considering the report and reviewing the decision in terms of subsection (2), may confirm, vary or reverse the decision and, within 14 days after 74 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 97 receiving the report, is to give the applicant notice of that decision. Division 6 -- Financial provisions Subdivision 1 -- Fees for instruction, charges, contributions and 5 costs Definitions 97. In this Subdivision -- ''adult student'' means a person who enrols at a government school in a year and whose 10 post-compulsory education period has ended before January in that year; ''contribution'' means voluntary contribution; ''extra cost optional component'' means an optional component of a government school's educational 15 programme having a cost that is not incorporated into the determination of the school's charges or contributions under section 99 -- (a) because of the high cost associated with the provision of that optional component before the 20 end of a child's compulsory education period; or (b) because the component is in respect of a person's post-compulsory education period; ''first charges payment year'' in relation to a student -- (a) until 31 December 2010, means the first 25 calendar year in which the student had reached 12 years of age by the beginning of the year; and 75 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 98 (b) on and from January 2011, means the first calendar year in which the student had reached 12 years and 6 months of age by the beginning of the year; 5 ''overseas student'' means a person who enrols at a government school and who -- (a) is not entitled to reside permanently in Australia; and (b) satisfies the criteria (if any) prescribed by the 10 regulations for the purposes of this Subdivision. Limitation on matters for which fees for instruction and charges may be imposed 98. (1) No fee for instruction may be imposed in respect of a student for the provision of -- 15 (a) a non-optional component of an educational programme at a government school; or (b) an optional component of an educational programme at a government school if the instruction is provided by a member of the teaching staff, 20 unless the student is an overseas student or an adult student. (2) A contribution must not be sought towards a fee referred to in subsection (1) and any agreement entered into for the payment of a fee referred to in subsection (1) has no effect. (3) No charge may be imposed in respect of a student for -- 25 (a) materials provided in a non-optional component of an educational programme of a government school; or 76 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 99 (b) services or facilities for use in, or associated with the provision of, a non-optional component of an educational programme of a government school, before the student's first charges payment year unless the 5 student is an overseas student. (4) A contribution determined in accordance with section 99 may be sought for the costs of the materials, services or facilities referred to in subsection (3). Charges and contributions for the provision of certain 10 materials, services and facilities 99. (1) Subject to subsection (2), regulations may be made providing for charges or contributions that may be made for -- (a) materials provided in -- (i) a non-optional component of an educational 15 programme of a government school; or (ii) an optional component of an educational programme of a government school that is not an extra cost optional component; or 20 (b) services or facilities for use in, or associated with the provision of -- (i) a non-optional component of an educational programme of a government school; or (ii) an optional component of an educational 25 programme of a government school that is not an extra cost optional component. 77 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 99 (2) Regulations cannot be made providing for charges or contributions for the purchase, maintenance or replacement of equipment, furniture and fittings provided for the purposes of a government school. 5 (3) The principal of a government school may from time to time determine a charge or contribution -- (a) if the charge or contribution is of a kind prescribed by the regulations as able to be charged or be a contribution for the purposes of this section; and 10 (b) not exceeding any limit prescribed by the regulations. (4) If the school has a Council a determination under subsection (3) does not have effect unless it has been approved by the Council. (5) All charges or contributions for a school year must be 15 determined under subsection (3) and approved under subsection (4) not later than 2 months before the beginning of the school year. (6) The principal is to take reasonable steps to notify the persons -- 20 (a) from whom may be recovered under section 106(1) the charges that are payable under this section for a school year, of those charges; and (b) from whom a contribution may be sought, of the amount to be sought by way of contribution. 25 (7) Notification under subsection (6) must be given not later than 2 months before the beginning of the school year but the validity of a determination is not affected by the failure of a person to receive notice. 78 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 100 (8) When notifying a person for the purposes of subsection (6), it is sufficient for the principal to notify the person -- (a) of the total charges that are payable, or the total contribution to be sought, (as the case requires) for the 5 school year in respect of the student, itemizing each component of those charges or the contribution and the charge or contribution for each component; or (b) of the scale of charges or contribution for each -- (i) non-optional component of the school's 10 educational programme; or (ii) optional component of the school's educational programme that is not an extra cost optional component, that will be available to the student in the school year. 15 Extra cost optional components of educational programmes 100. (1) The principal of a government school may from time to time determine the costs to be paid for participation in an extra cost optional component of the school's educational 20 programme. (2) The costs of an extra cost optional component must not include a fee for instruction if the instruction is provided by a member of the teaching staff. (3) If the school has a Council a determination under 25 subsection (1) does not have effect unless it has been approved by the Council. (4) The costs of the extra cost optional components to be provided in a school year must be determined under 79 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 101 subsection (1) and approved under subsection (3) not later than 2 months before the beginning of the school year. (5) If an extra cost optional component may be participated in by a particular student, the principal is to take reasonable 5 steps to notify -- (a) a parent of the student; or (b) in the case of a student who has turned 18 or who is a prescribed child, the student, of the costs of an extra cost optional component of those costs not 10 later than 2 months before the beginning of the school year. (6) When notifying a person for the purposes of subsection (5), it is sufficient for the principal to notify the person -- (a) by itemizing each component of those costs and the 15 cost for each component; or (b) of the scale of costs for each extra cost optional component that will be available to the student in the school year. (7) The participation of a student in an extra cost optional 20 component is conditional on payment of the costs of that component. Optional components that are not extra cost optional components to be available to certain students 101. The principal of a government school is to ensure that 25 optional components of the school's educational programme that are not extra cost optional components are available to students at the school -- (a) who are of compulsory school age; and 80 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 102 (b) who have reached their first charges payment year. Principal to collect charges, contributions and costs 102. (1) The following are payable to the principal of a government school -- 5 (a) charges determined and approved under section 99 in relation to the school; and (b) costs of the extra cost optional components of the school's educational programme. (2) If a person wishes to make a contribution that has been 10 determined and approved under section 99, the contribution is to be collected by the school's principal for the purposes of the school. Overseas students and adult students 103. A person who is an overseas student or an adult student 15 is to pay such fees for instruction as may be prescribed and in accordance with the regulations. Financial hardship 104. Regulations may be made providing for -- (a) the reduction, waiver or refund, in whole or in part, of 20 any fee, charge or cost provided for by this Subdivision; and (b) deferred payment, payment by instalments or other forms of assistance for the payment of any fee, charge or cost provided for by this Subdivision. 81 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 105 Students (other than overseas or adult students) cannot be excluded for non-payment of charges 105. A principal of a government school must not exclude a student, other than an overseas student or an adult student, 5 from participating in an educational programme of the school for the non-payment of a charge payable under section 99. Recovery 106. (1) Any fee or charge that is payable under this Subdivision in respect of a student may be recovered as a debt, if 10 necessary in a court of competent jurisdiction -- (a) from a parent of the student; or (b) in the case of a student who has turned 18 or who is a prescribed child, from the student. (2) The chief executive officer is to ensure that before any 15 administrative or legal action is taken to recover a debt under subsection (1) -- (a) enquiries have been made into the reasons for the failure to pay the fee or charge; (b) all reasonably practicable steps have been taken to 20 recover the fee or charge; and (c) the circumstances of the person against whom the action is proposed to be taken and the person's capacity to pay have been taken into account. 82 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 107 Agreements to pay costs not affected 107. Nothing in this Subdivision prevents a person -- (a) subject to section 98(2) from agreeing to pay money for or towards the cost of providing an educational 5 programme for a student; (b) from agreeing to pay money for or towards the cost of a school based activity beyond the school's educational programme; or (c) from enforcing an agreement referred to in paragraph 10 (a) or (b). Items for personal use in educational programme 108. (1) The principal of a government school may from time to time determine the items that are to be supplied by a student for the student's personal use in the school's educational 15 programme. (2) If the school has a Council a determination under subsection (1) does not have effect unless it has been approved by the Council. (3) All items to be supplied by a student for a school year 20 must be determined under subsection (1) and approved under subsection (2) not later than 2 months before the beginning of the school year. (4) If a particular student is to supply any item under this section, the principal is to take reasonable steps to notify -- 25 (a) a parent of the student; or (b) in the case of a student who has turned 18 or who is a prescribed child, the student, 83 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 109 of each item to be supplied not later than 2 months before the beginning of the school year. Subdivision 2 -- School funds General Purposes Fund 5 109. Each government school is to have a fund to be called the ''(name of the school) General Purposes Fund''. Funds for special purposes 110. The chief executive officer may authorize the principal of a government school to establish funds for the receipt of donations 10 and bequests for or towards -- (a) the addition of new capital works to the school premises; (b) the benefit of the school library; or (c) the benefit of the school generally. 15 Management of school funds 111. (1) The management of a school fund is to be vested in the principal unless some other officer is designated by the chief executive officer to perform that function at the school. (2) The chief executive officer may amend, revoke or replace 20 a designation under subsection (1). (3) Moneys forming part of a school fund may only be expended by or with the authority of the principal or the other person designated under subsection (1) and in accordance with -- 25 (a) the regulations; and 84 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 112 (b) any directions (not being inconsistent with the regulations) issued by the chief executive officer either generally or in any particular case. (4) However -- 5 (a) money paid under a licence to which section 218 applies as a security for the performance of an obligation may only be applied in accordance with the licence; and (b) subsection (3) only applies to that money if the money 10 has been forfeited under, and in accordance with, the licence. What may be credited 112. (1) There are to be credited to the General Purposes Fund of a school -- 15 (a) moneys from time to time allocated to the school from funds appropriated by Parliament; (b) grants and advances to the school from government and private sources; (c) charges, contributions and costs collected for the 20 purposes of the school and any fees that, in accordance with regulations, are to be payable to the principal of the school; (d) moneys payable to the school under section 220 or 221; 25 (e) the proceeds of any investment of the General Purposes Fund under section 115; and (f) subject to subsection (2), other moneys properly receivable for the purposes of the school. 85 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 113 (2) There are to be credited to a fund established for a school under section 110 -- (a) donations and bequests to the school for the purpose for which the fund was established; and 5 (b) the proceeds of any investment of the fund under section 115. Bank account 113. (1) Moneys forming part of a school fund are to be paid into an account at a bank approved by the chief executive officer. 10 (2) A government school is to have only one such bank account for each school fund except to the extent that the chief executive officer approves otherwise. (3) The bank account or accounts may only be operated jointly by -- 15 (a) the principal; and (b) one or more office-holders, or persons belonging to a class, designated under subsection (4). (4) The chief executive officer is to designate for each government school the office-holders or class of persons who may 20 act under subsection (3) (b). (5) In this section -- ''bank'' means a bank as defined in section 5 of the Banking Act 1959 of the Commonwealth. 86 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 114 Certain provisions not to apply 114. Sections 109 to 113 have effect despite sections 6 and 34 of the Financial Administration and Audit Act 1985, but nothing in sections 109 to 113 is to be read as affecting the 5 responsibilities of the chief executive officer as accountable officer under that Act in respect of moneys referred to in section 112. Investment of school funds 115. Moneys forming part of a school fund may, until required to be paid out under section 111, be invested in the name of the 10 school by -- (a) the principal; or (b) the other person designated under section 111 (1), in the manner in which certain public moneys may be invested under section 38 of the Financial Administration and Audit 15 Act 1985. Closure or amalgamation of school 116. (1) If a school is closed or amalgamated with another school -- (a) subject to subsection (2), moneys in a school fund are 20 to be dealt with as the chief executive officer may direct; and (b) the bank account for the fund may be operated by the chief executive officer for the purpose of giving effect to such a direction. 25 (2) However -- (a) money paid under a licence to which section 213 applies as a security for the performance of an 87 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 117 obligation may only be applied in accordance with the licence; and (b) subsection (1) (a) only applies to that money if the money has been forfeited under, and in accordance 5 with, the licence. Division 7 -- Other management provisions School year for government schools 117. (1) The chief executive officer, by order published in the Government Gazette, is to determine the days in each year on 10 which government schools are to be open for educational instruction of students. (2) An order that makes or includes such a determination for any year must be published in the Government Gazette at least 3 years before the beginning of that year. 15 (3) Section 43 (4) and (7) to (9) of the Interpretation Act 1984 apply to an order under this section as if the order were regulations. (4) An order under this section made within 3 months of the commencement of this Act need not comply with subsection (2). 20 Disputes and complaints 118. (1) Regulations may be made providing for means by which disputes or complaints about -- (a) the provision of education; or (b) the conduct of any member of the teaching staff, 25 in government schools may be dealt with. 88 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 119 (2) Regulations of the kind mentioned in subsection (1) may -- (a) confer authority on the chief executive officer to make provision, by instrument published in the Government 5 Gazette, for a scheme for dealing with disputes and complaints; (b) confer protection on persons in respect of statements made or information given; and (c) provide for the powers that may be exercised in 10 connection with the investigation and resolution of disputes and complaints. Management and control of school premises 119. (1) Regulations may be made making provision in relation to premises used for or in connection with government 15 schools including buildings and other things erected or standing on those premises (''school premises''). (2) Regulations of the kind mentioned in subsection (1) may provide for -- (a) persons who may enter or remain on school premises 20 and the purposes for which and circumstances in which they may do so; (b) what may be brought on to school premises; (c) the times when and purposes for which school premises are to be open or closed; 25 (d) the payment of fees or charges for the use of school premises other than for school activities; (e) the closure of the whole or part of school premises for the safety and protection of the premises and persons in the vicinity of the premises; 30 (f) the maintenance of good order on school premises; 89 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 120 (g) the conduct of persons on school premises and things that they are not permitted to have in their possession; (h) the parking and standing of vehicles; 5 (i) the prohibition or use of vehicles and the regulation of traffic on school premises; and (j) the conferral on school officials of powers -- (i) to require a person on school premises to give his or her name and address; 10 (ii) to prohibit a person from entering school premises; (iii) to remove property from school premises, move property within the premises, and recover the attendant cost and expenses; and 15 (iv) to take possession of property on school premises that appears to be lost, discarded or disused and, subject to any prescribed requirements for notice to be given, to dispose of the property as being the property of the department. 20 Dealing with persons disrupting school premises 120. (1) If an authorized person reasonably suspects that a person who is not a student at a government school -- (a) has substantially disrupted, or is likely to substantially disrupt, the discipline of students or the 25 good order of the school; or 90 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 120 (b) has used threatening, abusive or insulting language towards a teacher acting in an official capacity, the authorized person may require the person to -- (c) state his or her name and address; and 5 (d) leave the school premises, and remain away from those premises for the following 24 hours. (2) A person must not -- (a) fail to comply with a requirement directed to him or her under subsection (1); or 10 (b) when required to state his or her name and address, give any false or misleading information. Penalty: $5 000 or imprisonment for 6 months. (3) An authorized person may -- (a) detain a person who has contravened subsection (2) 15 until the person can be delivered to a police officer; and (b) use the help of other persons as is necessary for that purpose. (4) Reasonable force may be used in the exercise of the 20 powers conferred by subsection (3). (5) In this section -- ''authorized person'' in relation to a government school means -- (a) the principal of the school; 91 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 121 (b) a person authorized by the chief executive officer to exercise the powers conferred by this section in respect of that school; or (c) a person who belongs to a class of persons so 5 authorized. Dissemination of certain information on school premises 121. (1) A person must not on the premises of a government school give to students, whether orally or in writing, information -- 10 (a) to which this section applies; and (b) which is not part of the educational programme of the school, if the purpose of doing so is to impress a particular viewpoint or message on the minds of the students. 15 Penalty: $2 000. (2) This section applies to information that -- (a) is intended to generate support for a political party; (b) advertises any commercial goods, product or service, except as allowed under section 216 (2) (d); 20 (c) promotes a particular denomination or sect, except as allowed under section 69; or (d) advocates the case of a party to an industrial dispute, including the chief executive officer. 92 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 122 (3) The principal of a government school -- (a) is to take all reasonable steps to ensure that subsection (1) is complied with; and (b) may confiscate any written material that is on the 5 school premises in contravention of that subsection. (4) In this section -- ''student'' means a student enrolled at a government school who is on school premises at a time when -- (a) the student is required to attend the school as 10 part of an educational programme at the school; (b) the student is otherwise participating in an educational programme of the school; or (c) the student is on school premises in preparation for, or subsequent to, being at the school for a 15 reason referred to in paragraph (a) or (b). Dealings with a parent 122. (1) The principal of, or a teacher at, a government school may notify information about a student to a person who is shown in the register referred to in section 19 as a parent of the student 20 without being concerned -- (a) to enquire whether there is any other person who in relation to the child may be within the definition of ''parent'' in section 4; or (b) to notify the information to another person whom he 25 or she knows to be within that definition. (2) If a person who is shown in the register referred to in section 19 as a parent of a student gives to the principal of, or a teacher at, a government school an authorization or direction in 93 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 123 relation to the student, the principal or teacher is not concerned -- (a) to enquire whether there is any other person who in relation to the child may be within the definition of 5 ''parent'' in section 4; or (b) to obtain a like authorization or direction from another person whom he or she knows to be within that definition. (3) Nothing in this section affects the operation and 10 enforcement of a Family Court order. General management 123. (1) Regulations may be made for the general management of government schools. (2) Without limiting subsection (1) regulations may be 15 made -- (a) for the discipline of students and the powers of principals in that respect; and (b) prescribing the hours for the instruction of students in government schools. 20 Division 8 -- Parent and community involvement Subdivision 1 -- School Councils Definition 124. In this Subdivision -- ''school'' means a government school and includes, where 25 section 125 (2) applies, all relevant government schools. 94 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 125 Government school to have a Council 125. (1) A government school is to have a Council unless it is exempted by the Minister under section 126. (2) It is sufficient compliance with subsection (1) for 2 or 5 more government schools, with the approval of the Minister, to have one Council that operates for those schools jointly. Exemptions and approvals 126. (1) The Minister may by order published in the Government Gazette -- 10 (a) exempt a school from the requirements of section 125 (1) if the Minister is satisfied that it is not necessary for the school to have a Council -- (i) because of its size or nature; or (ii) because the functions to be performed by a 15 Council can be provided by some other means; (b) give an approval for the purposes of section 125(2); and (c) at any time revoke an order and specify a time by which the school is to comply with section 125(1). 20 (2) The Minister may -- (a) make an exemption or approval subject to any condition; and (b) impose any further condition or vary or revoke a condition at any time. 95 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 127 Constitution of Councils 127. (1) The membership of a Council for a school is to be drawn from -- (a) the parents of students at the school except where the 5 majority of the students at the school are 18 years of age or more; (b) other members of the general community; (c) the staff of the school; and (d) where the school is of a prescribed class, students at 10 the school, but no student under 18 years of age can be a member of an incorporated Council. (2) The principal for the time being of a school is automatically a member of the Council for that school. (3) A person who -- 15 (a) is the principal of, or on the staff of, a school which has a Council; and (b) is also a person described in subsection (1) (a) or (b), can only be a member of the Council in his or her capacity as the principal or a staff member. 20 (4) Persons referred to in subsection (1) (a) and (b) must form the majority of members of a Council. (5) Subject to this section -- (a) the procedure for the establishment of Councils; (b) the number of members and composition of Councils; 96 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 128 (c) the manner in which persons become members; (d) the term of office of members; and (e) matters relating to ineligibility for, and cessation or termination of, membership, 5 are to be as prescribed by the regulations. (6) The Chairperson of the Council is to be elected by and from its members. Functions of Councils 128. The functions of a Council for a school are -- 10 (a) to take part -- (i) in establishing, and reviewing from time to time, the school's objectives, priorities and general policy directions; (ii) in the planning of financial arrangements 15 necessary to fund those objectives, priorities and directions; and (iii) in evaluating the school's performance in achieving them; (b) to promote the school in the community; 20 (c) to take part in formulating codes of conduct for students at the school; (d) to determine, in consultation with students, their parents and staff of the school, a dress code for students when they are attending or representing the 25 school; (e) to carry out the functions given by sections 70, 99 (4), 100 (3), 108 (2) and 216 (5); and 97 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 129 (f) to undertake such other functions prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this section. Minister may approve additional functions for a Council 129. (1) This section applies to any Council. 5 (2) With the approval of the Minister, a Council for a school may -- (a) take part in the selection of, but not the appointment of, the school principal or any other member of the teaching staff; and 10 (b) carry out any other function prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this section. (3) An approval is only to be given for the purposes of subsection (1) if the Minister is of the opinion that it will be in the best interests of the students that the Council have the 15 function to which the approval relates. (4) The Minister may -- (a) make an approval subject to any condition; and (b) at any time -- (i) impose any further condition or vary or revoke a 20 condition; or (ii) revoke an approval. Incorporated Council may have prescribed additional functions if approved by the Minister 130. (1) Regulations may be made prescribing functions that 25 a Council may perform only if it has the approval of the Minister in terms of subsection (2). 98 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 130 (2) An approval referred to in subsection (1) is to be given by the Minister only if in his or her opinion the performance by the Council of the function to which the approval relates will -- (a) improve an educational programme of the school or 5 the management of the school's facilities; and (b) be in the best interests of the students. (3) An approval referred to in subsection (1) -- (a) is to be conditional on the Council -- (i) having a constitution containing provisions 10 approved by the Minister; and (ii) becoming an incorporated association under the Associations Incorporation Act 1987 within a period specified by the Minister; (b) does not have effect until those conditions are 15 satisfied; and (c) may be subject to any other condition. (4) The Minister may at any time -- (a) impose any further condition or vary or revoke a condition; or 20 (b) revoke an approval. (5) While any approval is in force any change to the constitution of the Council, other than an amendment to this Act or the regulations, or any substituted constitution is of no effect until it has been approved by the Minister. 99 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 131 Certain property vested in Minister 131. All property acquired by an incorporated Council for the use of a school is acquired for the purposes of this Act; and section 215 applies to it whether or not public moneys were spent 5 on its acquisition. Council not concerned in school management 132. A Council cannot -- (a) intervene in the control or management of a school unless -- 10 (i) the Council is one to which section 130 applies; and (ii) the intervention is by way of performing a function prescribed for the purposes of section 130; 15 (b) intervene in the educational instruction of students; (c) exercise authority over teaching staff or other persons employed at the school; or (d) intervene in the management or operation of a school fund. 20 Powers of Council 133. A Council may do all things necessary or convenient to be done for or in connection with the carrying out of its functions. 100 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 134 Principal to provide support 134. The principal of a school is to provide the school's Council with such support services as it may reasonably require. Council to comply with Minister's directions 5 135. (1) The Minister may give directions in writing to a Council with respect to the performance of its functions, either generally or in relation to a particular matter, and the Council is to give effect to any such direction. (2) A direction under subsection (1) may require a Council to 10 comply with a specified instruction or class of instructions issued by the chief executive officer under section 233. Procedures 136. Subject to this Act, a Council is to determine its own procedures. 15 Protection from liability 137. (1) An action in tort does not lie against a person for anything that the person has done in good faith as a member of a Council. (2) Subsection (1) does not relieve a Council that is an 20 incorporated association under the Associations Incorporation Act 1987 of any liability that it might have for the doing of anything referred to in that subsection. (3) In this section, a reference to the doing of anything includes a reference to the omission to do anything. 101 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 138 Minister may dismiss Council 138. (1) This section does not apply to a Council that by operation of section 130 is an incorporated association under the Associations Incorporation Act 1987. 5 (2) If in the opinion of the Minister the conduct of a Council is incompetent, inadequate or improper or a Council is in breach of this Act, the Minister is to give written notice to the Council -- (a) setting out particulars of the allegations against it; 10 and (b) requiring that the situation be remedied within the time specified in the notice. (3) If the Minister is of the opinion that a Council has not complied with a notice under subsection (1) the Minister may, by 15 order published in the Government Gazette, dismiss the Council. (4) An order under subsection (3) may make any supplementary or incidental provision that the Minister considers is necessary to allow the dismissal to have effect with the least inconvenience to the school, the students at the school and their 20 parents and the staff of the school. (5) Provision may be made under subsection (3) -- (a) for ownership of the Council's documents and records; and (b) for custody of them to be given to a specified person or 25 persons. Winding up of Council that is incorporated 139. (1) A Council that, by operation of section 130, is an incorporated association under the Associations Incorporation Act 1987 may, if the Council is in breach of this Act or the 102 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 140 conduct of the Council is incompetent, inadequate or improper, be wound up by the Supreme Court on the application of the Minister. (2) The Associations Incorporation Act 1987 applies to a 5 Council for the purposes of subsection (1) as if the grounds referred to in that subsection were specified in section 31 of that Act as grounds for winding up. (3) This section is in addition to, and does not limit, the application of the Associations Incorporation Act 1987 to a 10 Council that is an incorporated association. Regulations 140. Without limiting section 127 (5), 129 (2) (b) or 130, regulations may be made in respect of the functions, powers and duties of Councils and in particular -- 15 (a) enabling Councils to co-opt members of the local community as members of Councils and prescribing the capacity in which they may be co-opted provided that no co-opted member shall have any voting rights on the Council to which she or he is co-opted; 20 (b) enabling Councils to allow students to attend meetings and take part in discussion but without having a right to vote or being counted in determining a quorum; (c) with respect to the proceedings of Councils; and 25 (d) providing in relation to a school dress code referred to in section 128 (d) -- (i) for the matters which may, or cannot, be provided for in a code; 103 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 141 (ii) for the procedures to be followed by a Council in the formulation and approval of a code; and (iii) enabling the principal of a school to exempt a student at the school from complying with any 5 requirement of a code approved by the school's Council. Subdivision 2 -- Parents and Citizens' Associations Definition 141. In this Subdivision -- 10 ''association'', except in section 149, means a Parents and Citizens' Association formed under section 142; ''incorporated association'' has the same meaning as it has in the Associations Incorporation Act 1987. Formation of Parents and Citizens' Associations 15 142. Parents and other persons who are interested in the welfare of a government school or a group of government schools may, in accordance with this Subdivision, form a Parents and Citizens' Association for that school or that group of schools. Objects etc. 20 143. (1) The objects of an association are to promote the interests of the school or group of schools for which it is formed through -- (a) cooperation between parents, teachers, students and members of the general community; 25 (b) assisting in the provision of resources, facilities and amenities for the school or schools; and 104 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 144 (c) the fostering of community interest in educational matters. (2) An association cannot -- (a) intervene in the control or management of a school; 5 (b) intervene in the educational instruction of students; or (c) exercise authority over teaching staff or other persons employed at the school. (3) An association is not to expend its funds that are in excess of administrative costs otherwise than for the benefit of 10 students at a government school. (4) The constitution of an association must at all times be consistent with this section. Certain property vested in Minister 144. All property acquired by an association for the use of a 15 school or group of schools is acquired for the purposes of this Act; and section 215 applies to it whether or not any public moneys were spent on its acquisition. Incorporation 145. (1) This section applies to an association formed after 20 the commencement of this Division. (2) An association is to become an incorporated association within 3 months after it is formed. (3) An association is not to apply for incorporation under the Associations Incorporation Act 1987 unless the Minister has first 25 approved the provisions of the proposed constitution. 105 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 146 (4) No provision in an association's constitution has effect until it has been approved by the Minister. (5) While any approval is in force any change to an association's constitution or any substituted constitution is of no 5 effect until it has been approved by the Minister. Transitional provision 146. (1) This section applies to an association to which clause 21 of Schedule 1 applies. (2) An association that is not incorporated at the 10 commencement of this Division is to become an incorporated association within 2 years from that commencement. (3) An association referred to in subsection (2) is not to apply for incorporation under the Associations Incorporation Act 1987 unless the Minister has first approved the provisions of the 15 proposed constitution. (4) No provision in the constitution of an association referred to in subsection (2) has effect until it has been approved by the Minister. (5) An association -- 20 (a) that is referred to in subsection (2); or (b) that is an incorporated association at the commencement of this Division, is not to apply under the Associations Incorporation Act 1987 to change or substitute its constitution unless the Minister has first 25 approved the proposed change or substituted constitution. (6) Any change to an association's constitution or any substituted constitution is of no effect until it has been approved by the Minister. 106 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 147 Information to be given to principal 147. An association for a school or a group of schools must -- (a) before 30 April in each year notify the principal of the school, or of each of the schools, in writing of the 5 names of the persons who as at 1 April in that year are office-bearers or committee members of the association; and (b) give to the principal of the school, or of each of the schools, a copy of the audited annual financial 10 statements of the association as soon as is practicable after those statements have been approved by the association. Winding up of associations 148. (1) An association that is in breach of this Act may be 15 wound up by the Supreme Court on the application of the Minister. (2) The Associations Incorporation Act 1987 applies to an association for the purposes of subsection (1) -- (a) whether or not the association is an incorporated 20 association; and (b) as if a breach referred to in subsection (1) were specified in section 31 of that Act as a ground for winding up, but in the case of an association that is not an incorporated 25 association, the application of that Act is limited to the purposes of subsection (1). (3) In the case of an association that is an incorporated association, this section is in addition to, and does not limit, the application of the Associations Incorporation Act 1987 to the 30 association. 107 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 149 Other associations 149. (1) Nothing in this Subdivision prevents the formation and carrying on of any other association, in relation to a government school or group of schools, that has as its object or 5 one of its objects the promotion of the interests of the school or the group of schools or students at the school or the groups of schools either generally or in any particular respect. (2) An association referred to in subsection (1) is not to have a name that is likely to be misunderstood as referring to an 10 association to which section 142 applies. (3) If the Minister is of the opinion that an association referred to in subsection (1) -- (a) is being carried on in a way that is not in the interests of the school; or 15 (b) has a name that contravenes subsection (2), he or she may give directions in writing to the persons who manage the affairs of the association as to any matter relating to the name, constitution, objects or management of the association. (4) A person to whom a direction is given under 20 subsection (3) must take all steps reasonably available to him or her to comply with it. Penalty: $500. (5) If any such direction is not complied with, the association may, on the ground of that non-compliance, be wound up by the 25 Supreme Court on the application of the Minister; and section 148 (2) and (3) apply for that purpose with all necessary changes. 108 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 150 PART 4 -- NON-GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS What this Part is about This Part requires non-government schools to be approved and registered by the Minister and makes various provisions about 5 their operation and funding. In particular it deals with -- the registration of non-government schools that meet the required standards (Division 2); recognition of groups of registered schools (''system schools'') 10 that are under the control of one governing body, and agreements between the Minister and the governing body about the operation of schools in the group (Division 3); inspection of registered schools and the provision of information to the Minister (Division 4); 15 the allocation of funds appropriated by Parliament for registered schools (Division 5); and loans to registered schools or school systems for capital works (Division 6). Division 1 -- Preliminary 20 Definitions 150. In this Part, unless the contrary intention appears -- ''governing body'' means -- (a) in relation to a school or proposed school, the person or body of persons that has the 25 ownership, management or control of the school or proposed school; and 109 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 151 (b) in relation to a system of non-government schools, the person or body of persons that exercises a supervisory role over the schools in the system; 5 ''non-system school'' means a school that is not a member of a school system; ''registered school'' means a school registered under section 160; ''school system'' means a school system that is recognized 10 under section 169; ''system agreement'' means an agreement under section 173; ''system school'' means a school that is a member of a school system. 15 References to chief executive officer 151. References in this Part to the chief executive officer are to the chief executive officer appointed under section 45 of the Public Sector Management Act 1994 for the department principally assisting the Minister in the administration of this 20 Part. Delegation by the chief executive officer 152. (1) The chief executive officer may, by instrument, delegate to an officer of the department the performance of any of the functions conferred on the chief executive officer by this Act 25 except this power of delegation. (2) A delegation may be general or as otherwise provided by the instrument of delegation. 110 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 153 (3) Where an officer performs a function of the chief executive officer he or she is to be taken to do so in accordance with the terms of a delegation under this section, unless the contrary is shown. 5 (4) Performance of a function by an officer under this section is to be treated as performance by the chief executive officer. Minister may give directions to the chief executive officer 153. The Minister may give directions in writing of a general nature to the chief executive officer with respect to the 10 performance of the chief executive officer's functions under this Part but the Minister cannot give a direction in relation to a particular person. Division 2 -- Registration of non-government schools Offence of carrying on unregistered school etc. 15 154. (1) A person must not establish or carry on an establishment that provides an educational programme for children in their -- (a) pre-compulsory education period; (b) compulsory education period; or 20 (c) post-compulsory education period, unless the establishment is registered under this Part. Penalty: $10 000 and a daily penalty of $50. (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to -- (a) a government school; 111 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 155 (b) a community kindergarten registered under Part 5; or (c) an establishment that provides an educational programme of a kind prescribed by the regulations. (3) A person employed in an establishment referred to in 5 subsection (1) is not guilty of an offence against that subsection if the person proves that he or she acted under an honest and reasonable belief that the establishment was carried on under and in accordance with -- (a) a registration referred to in subsection (2) (b); or 10 (b) a certificate referred to in section 162. Offence of false representation 155. A person must not falsely represent in relation to an establishment that -- (a) the establishment is registered under this Part; or 15 (b) enrolment in the establishment satisfies the requirements of section 9 (1). Penalty: $10 000. Scheme of registration 156. (1) The Minister may register non-government schools. 20 (2) A school is to be registered as a system school or a non-system school. 112 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 157 (3) A school is to be registered as providing educational programmes of a general or any specified kind for one or more of the following -- (a) education for children in their pre-compulsory 5 education period or for any specified part of that period; (b) education for children in their compulsory education period or for any specified part of that period; or (c) education for children in their post-compulsory 10 education period or for any specified part of that period. (4) The chief executive officer is to keep a register of schools that are registered under this Part. Minister may make advance determination of certain 15 issues 157. (1) A person or body of persons that proposes to establish a non-government school may apply to the Minister for a determination of the kind described in subsection (2). (2) The determination referred to is that, if an application 20 were made under section 158 to register the proposed school, the Minister could not refuse to register it on the ground specified in section 160 (1) (f). (3) The Minister may make such a determination and in doing so is to take into account the need to allow diversity of 25 choice in educational programmes. (4) The Minister may specify a time after which a determination will lapse. (5) If when an application is made to register a school under section 158 a determination under this section is in force in 113 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 158 respect of the school, the application cannot be refused on the ground referred to in subsection (2), but this subsection does not otherwise restrict the operation of section 160. Application for registration 5 158. (1) The governing body of a school may apply to the Minister for the school to be registered as a system or a non-system school. (2) An application is to -- (a) be made in writing at least 6 months before the day 10 from which registration is sought; (b) specify the kind of education for which registration is sought; (c) specify the location of all of the premises to be used by the school; 15 (d) provide any other prescribed information; and (e) be accompanied by the prescribed fee. (3) If the application is for registration as a system school, the application is to be accompanied by a statement in support of the application by the governing body of the school system. 20 (4) The Minister may require the governing body to provide any other information that he or she considers necessary. Matters to be considered by Minister 159. (1) The Minister, in determining an application for registration, or for renewal of registration, of a school is to take 25 into account -- (a) the location of the premises to be used by the school; 114 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 159 (b) the school's curriculum; (c) the year levels of education to be provided; (d) the number of days in each year on which the school is to be open for instruction; 5 (e) the qualifications of the teachers; (f) the school buildings, if any; (g) the facilities to be provided; (h) the number of children to attend the school; (i) the enrolment and attendance procedures; 10 (j) the means by which disputes and complaints about the provision of education at the school may be dealt with; (k) the arrangements (if any) for board and lodging for students on school premises or premises associated 15 with the school; (l) the sufficiency of the school's financial resources; and (m) any other matter prescribed by the regulations. (2) The Minister may determine standards in respect of the matters referred to in subsection (1) and is to determine any 20 standard in accordance with consultation procedures prescribed by the regulations. 115 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 160 Grant or refusal of registration 160. (1) The Minister is to register the school if the Minister is satisfied that -- (a) the constitution of the governing body of the school is 5 satisfactory for the purposes of this Act; (b) the members of the governing body are fit and proper persons to operate a school; (c) the school will meet any standards determined by the Minister under section 159 (2); 10 (d) the school will provide a satisfactory standard of education of the kind for which registration is sought; (e) the school will provide satisfactory levels of care for the children concerned; (f) the school will not have a detrimental effect on the 15 ability of an existing school to function as a school; and (g) the school complies, or will be able to comply, with any written laws affecting the operation of the school. (2) If the Minister is not so satisfied, he or she is to -- 20 (a) register the school subject to specified conditions; or (b) refuse to register the school. (3) If the Minister is not satisfied as to the matter mentioned in subsection (1) (a) he or she may impose a condition that within a specified period -- 25 (a) the school is to have a governing body that is a body corporate; and 116 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 161 (b) the constitution of the governing body is to be approved by the Minister as being satisfactory for the purposes of this Act. (4) In subsection (1) (f) -- 5 ''existing school'' includes a proposed school for which a determination under section 157 (2) is in force. Minister to notify decision within 3 months 161. The Minister, within 3 months after the application is received, is to notify the applicant in writing of the decision and, 10 if registration is refused, of the reasons for the refusal. Certificate of registration 162. The Minister is to issue a certificate of registration to the governing body of a school that is granted registration or renewal of registration, specifying the kinds of education, in terms of 15 section 156 (3), for which it is registered and -- (a) in the case of a school to which section 163 (1) applies, the period of registration; or (b) in the case of a school to which section 163 (2) applies, the name of the school system of which it is a 20 member. Period of registration 163. (1) Subject to this Part, the registration of a school that is -- (a) a non-system school; or 25 (b) a member of a school system for which a system agreement is not in force, 117 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 164 continues for the period specified in its certificate of registration, being a period of not less than one year and not more than 7 years. (2) Subject to this Part, the registration of a school that is a 5 member of a school system for which a system agreement is in force continues until -- (a) the school ceases to be a member of the school system; or (b) the school system ceases to be recognized under 10 section 169. Renewal of registration 164. (1) The governing body of a school referred to in section 163 (1) may apply to the Minister for the registration to be renewed. 15 (2) An application for renewal is to be made in writing not earlier than 12 months and not later than 6 months before the end of the current period of registration. (3) An application for renewal is otherwise to be made and determined in the same way as an application for initial 20 registration under section 158. Amendment of conditions 165. (1) Where under section 160 (2) (a) a school is registered subject to conditions, the Minister may decide to -- (a) impose any new condition; or 25 (b) change or remove an existing condition. 118 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 166 (2) The Minister is not to make a decision under subsection (1) without first consulting the governing body of the school. (3) The Minister is to give written notice of any decision 5 under subsection (1) to the governing body of the school and the decision does not take effect until -- (a) 14 days after the notice is given; or (b) such later time as is set out in the notice. Minister may give directions 10 166. (1) The Minister may give directions in writing to the governing body of a registered school requiring the governing body to observe any standard for the time being determined under section 159 (2). (2) A governing body is to comply with a direction so given. 15 Cancellation of registration 167. (1) The Minister may cancel the registration of a system or non-system school at any time if the Minister is satisfied -- (a) that the school or its governing body is not complying with -- 20 (i) this Act; (ii) any relevant requirement of the Curriculum Council Act 1997; (iii) any condition of the school's registration; or (iv) a direction given under section 166; 25 or 119 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 168 (b) that it is in the best interests of the children at the school to do so. (2) The Minister is not to cancel the registration of a school without first -- 5 (a) notifying the governing body of the proposed cancellation and of the reasons for it; and (b) giving the governing body a reasonable opportunity to show why the registration should not be cancelled. (3) Subsection (2) does not apply if in the opinion of the 10 Minister the health or welfare of persons may be at risk if the registration is not cancelled immediately. (4) The Minister is to give written notice of the cancellation to the governing body. (5) The cancellation takes effect at such time as is specified 15 in the notice given under subsection (4). (6) In this section -- ''governing body'' means -- (a) for a non-system school the governing body of the school; or 20 (b) for a system school the governing body of the system. Review of decisions in relation to registration 168. (1) The governing body of a school may apply in writing to the Minister for a review of a decision of the Minister -- 25 (a) to refuse to register the school; 120 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 169 (b) concerning a condition to which the school's registration is subject; or (c) to cancel the school's registration. (2) The application is to be made within 28 days after the 5 applicant received written notice of the decision. (3) Where an application is made under subsection (1), the Minister is to refer the matter to a Non-government School Registration Advisory Panel which is to examine the matter and report to the Minister with its recommendation. 10 (4) A Non-government School Registration Advisory Panel is to give the applicant the opportunity to be heard. (5) The Minister is to give a copy of the report of the Non-government School Registration Advisory Panel to the applicant. 15 (6) The Minister after considering the report may confirm, vary or reverse the decision and is to give written notice to the applicant of the subsequent decision and written reasons for that decision. (7) In this section -- 20 ''Non-government School Registration Advisory Panel'' means an advisory panel under section 241 established for the purposes of subsection (3) of this section. Division 3 -- Non-government school systems 25 Subdivision 1 -- Recognition of systems Recognized school systems 169. (1) Where the Minister is satisfied that subsection (2) applies to a group of registered schools, the Minister may by 121 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 170 order published in the Government Gazette declare the schools to be a recognized school system. (2) This subsection applies where a person or body of persons exercises a supervisory role over a group of 2 or more 5 registered schools. (3) An order under subsection (1) is to specify -- (a) the schools that are members of the school system; and (b) the name and address of the governing body of the 10 system. Revocation of order 170. (1) The Minister may by order published in the Government Gazette revoke an order under section 169 in respect of a school system if -- 15 (a) the Minister is no longer satisfied that section 169 (2) applies to the schools in the system; or (b) the Minister is satisfied that it is in the best interests of children at schools in the system to do so. (2) An order under subsection (1) in respect of a school 20 system may provide that the registration of a school in the system will remain in force for a period of up to 12 months after the order comes into force. (3) The Minister is not to publish an order under subsection (1) in respect of a school system without first -- 25 (a) notifying the governing body of the system of the proposed revocation and of the reasons for it; and (b) giving the governing body a reasonable opportunity to show why the order should not be revoked. 122 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 171 (4) The revocation takes effect at such time as is specified in the order. Inclusion of a registered school in a school system 171. (1) The governing body of a school system may accept as 5 a member of the system a school that is registered as a non-system school without conditions if that registration is not subject to any condition. (2) The governing body is to give notice to the Minister of its intention to accept the school as from a day specified in the 10 notice. (3) The school becomes a member of the system on the day specified in the notice. Withdrawal of a school from a school system 172. (1) The person or body of persons that has the 15 ownership of a school that is a member of a school system may give notice to the Minister that the school wishes to withdraw from the system and apply for registration as a non-system school. (2) If the Minister is satisfied that the school meets the 20 requirements of section 159, the Minister may -- (a) approve the withdrawal; and (b) register the school as a non-system school as from a day specified by the Minister. (3) The Minister is not to take action under subsection (2) in 25 respect of a school without first -- (a) informing the governing body of the relevant system of the notice given under subsection (1); and 123 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 173 (b) giving the governing body a reasonable opportunity to make submissions on it. Subdivision 2 -- System agreements Minister may make agreements with non-government 5 school systems 173. (1) The Minister may make an agreement with the governing body of a school system. (2) The term of a system agreement is not to exceed 10 years but on its expiry a further system agreement may be made. 10 (3) If the Minister is not willing to make a further system agreement in place of an expiring system agreement, the Minister is to notify the governing body concerned in writing of that fact and of the reasons for his or her unwillingness. (4) A notice under subsection (3) is to be given not later than 15 6 months before the agreement will expire. Contents of a system agreement 174. (1) A system agreement is to include provisions as to -- (a) the responsibility of the governing body for the supervision of schools in the system; 20 (b) methods by which the governing body will ensure that standards of educational instruction are maintained in the schools of the system; (c) the giving of information to the Minister about the system and the schools that are members of the 25 system, in particular -- (i) statistical information; 124 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 175 (ii) educational information; and (iii) financial information; (d) the means by which disputes and complaints about the provision of education at schools within the system 5 may be dealt with; (e) the procedure for varying the agreement from time to time; and (f) any other matter prescribed by the regulations. (2) A system agreement may include provision by which -- 10 (a) the Minister delegates to the governing body of the system the performance of functions under this Part relating to the registration or renewal of registration of schools in the system; and (b) the governing body of a system is to supply the 15 information described in section 181 on behalf of schools in the system. (3) The chief executive officer is to keep a register of system agreements and their contents. Termination of a system agreement 20 175. The Minister may terminate a system agreement at any time if he or she is satisfied that the governing body of the system is not complying with the agreement. 125 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 176 Division 4 -- Inspections and provision of information Inspection on notice 176. (1) The Minister may authorize persons to inspect registered schools for the purpose of ensuring that any school is 5 complying with -- (a) this Act; (b) any relevant requirement of the Curriculum Council Act 1997; (c) any condition of the school's registration; or 10 (d) a direction given under section 166. (2) The Minister is to issue a certificate of authority to any person authorized under subsection (1) that specifies -- (a) the schools that the person is authorized to inspect; and 15 (b) the period for which the certificate is in force. (3) Any person authorized under subsection (1) may, on 7 days' notice -- (a) enter and inspect any premises of a registered school; (b) require the production of records and documents 20 relating to the school and inspect or take copies of them; and (c) require any person to give assistance reasonably necessary for the exercise of the powers conferred by this section. 126 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 177 (4) In subsection (3) (b) and in section 177 (3) (b) and (c) -- ''records'' includes the registers referred to in sections 19 and 28 (3). Inspection without notice 5 177. (1) If the Minister is of the opinion that -- (a) a registered school is not complying with -- (i) this Act; (ii) any relevant requirement of the Curriculum Council Act 1997; 10 (iii) any condition of the school's registration; or (iv) a direction given under section 166; and (b) it is necessary for an inspection to be made without notice, 15 he or she may authorize a person in writing to inspect the school without notice. (2) The Minister is to issue a certificate of authority to any person authorized under subsection (1) that specifies -- (a) the school that the person is authorized to inspect; 20 (b) the period for which the certificate is in force, being a period of not more than 7 days; and (c) the reasons for authorizing the inspection under subsection (1). 127 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 178 (3) Any person authorized under subsection (1) may -- (a) enter, search and inspect any premises of the school; (b) require the production of records and documents relating to the school and inspect or take copies of 5 them; (c) if authorized in writing by the Minister to do so, take possession of any records or documents kept by the school; and (d) require any person to give assistance reasonably 10 necessary for the exercise of the powers conferred by this section. Proof of authority 178. A person authorized under section 176 or 177 must produce the certificate referred to in subsection (2) of that section 15 to a person in charge of any premises in respect of which the person is exercising or about to exercise his or her powers. Offence of obstructing an inspection 179. A person must not hinder or obstruct an authorized person who is carrying out or attempting to carry out an 20 inspection under this Part. Penalty: $2 000. Notice of change of premises 180. The governing body of a registered school is not to move the school, or any part of it, to new premises, unless it has given 25 to the Minister at least 90 days' notice of its intention to do so. 128 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 181 Provision of information by registered schools 181. (1) The Minister may, by notice in writing, require the governing body of a registered school to provide -- (a) statistical, educational and financial information 5 about the school; and (b) any other information about the school relating to any matter referred to in section 159. (2) If the school is a system school, the Minister is to send a copy of the notice to the governing body of the system. 10 (3) The governing body is to provide the required information within the period specified in the notice, being a period of not less than 14 days from receipt of the notice. Penalty: $2 000. Division 5 -- Funding 15 Minister may allocate moneys 182. (1) The Minister may allocate moneys that have been appropriated by Parliament for the purpose of assisting registered schools and school systems. (2) Allocations must be made in accordance with -- 20 (a) an order made under section 183; or (b) guidelines issued under such an order. (3) In the case of moneys appropriated for distribution according to the number of students at a school, account may only be taken of students who are in their pre-compulsory, 25 compulsory or post-compulsory education periods and are -- (a) entitled to reside permanently in Australia; or 129 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 183 (b) members of a class of students prescribed by the regulations. Orders as to funding 183. (1) The Minister may by order published in the 5 Government Gazette make provision for -- (a) the purposes for which; and (b) the manner in which, moneys appropriated by Parliament for the purposes of section 182 will be applied in assisting registered schools and 10 school systems. (2) The Minister may by order published in the Government Gazette amend or revoke an order under subsection (1). (3) An order under subsection (1) or (2) is to take effect on such day as is specified in the order which may be a day earlier 15 than the day on which the order is published. Contents of orders 184. Without limiting section 183 an order under that section may provide -- (a) for moneys to be paid to the governing body of -- 20 (i) a registered school; or (ii) a school system for which a system agreement is in force; (b) for guidelines to be issued by the Minister from time to time expressing the principles upon which 25 assistance will be given; 130 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 185 (c) that moneys not applied to the purposes specified in the order may, with the approval of the Minister, be applied to any other purpose approved by the Minister; or 5 (d) for any assistance provided to be subject to such conditions, limitations or restrictions as are specified in the order. Accountability 185. (1) The Minister may require a governing body to 10 furnish to the Minister a report as to the application of moneys provided under this Division. (2) If -- (a) the governing body fails to furnish any report required by the Minister; 15 (b) any condition, limitation or restriction on the use of moneys is not complied with; or (c) the Minister is of the opinion that moneys have not been applied in accordance with an order under section 183, 20 the Minister may recover the moneys as a debt in a court of competent jurisdiction. Division 6 -- Loans for capital works Minister may lend money 186. (1) The Minister may lend money for capital works to 25 the governing body of -- (a) a registered school; or 131 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 187 (b) a school system for which a system agreement is in force. (2) Any such loan is to be made out of moneys borrowed by the Minister under section 187. 5 (3) The terms and conditions of any such loan, including the interest to be paid -- (a) may be less onerous than those that might reasonably apply to such a loan made commercially; and (b) are to be approved by the Treasurer. 10 (4) In subsection (1) -- ''capital works'' means the acquisition of land, the construction, modification and renovation of buildings and the purchase of plant and equipment, or any of those things. 15 Borrowing by the Minister 187. (1) The Minister may borrow moneys for the purpose of lending under section 186 -- (a) from the Treasurer on such terms and conditions relating to repayment and payment of interest as the 20 Treasurer imposes; or (b) with the prior written approval of the Treasurer and on such terms and conditions as the Treasurer approves, from persons other than the Treasurer. (2) Any moneys borrowed by the Minister under subsection 25 (1) (b) may be raised -- (a) as one loan or as several loans; and (b) in such manner as the Treasurer approves. 132 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 188 (3) The total amount of the moneys borrowed by the Minister under subsection (1) (b) in any one financial year is not to exceed such amount as the Treasurer approves. Moneys to be credited and charged to operating account 5 188. (1) The following moneys are to be credited to an operating account approved by the Treasurer -- (a) repayments of moneys loaned under section 186; and (b) moneys borrowed under section 187. (2) The following moneys are to be charged to the operating 10 account -- (a) moneys loaned under section 186; and (b) repayments of moneys borrowed under section 187. (3) In this section -- ''operating account'' means a trust account established 15 and administered under section 15B of the Financial Administration and Audit Act 1985. Guarantee by the Treasurer 189. (1) The Treasurer may, in the name and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State, guarantee payments to be made by 20 the Minister in respect of moneys borrowed by the Minister under section 187 (1) (b). (2) A guarantee is to be in such form and contain such terms and conditions as the Treasurer determines. 133 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 190 (3) Before a guarantee is given -- (a) the Minister is to give to the Treasurer such security as the Treasurer requires; and (b) all instruments that are necessary for the purpose are 5 to be executed. (4) The Treasurer may fix charges to be paid by the Minister to the credit of the Consolidated Fund in respect of a guarantee given under this section. Payments under guarantee 10 190. (1) The due payment of moneys under a guarantee given under section 189 is to be -- (a) made by the Treasurer; and (b) charged to, and paid out of, the Consolidated Fund, and this subsection appropriates that Fund accordingly. 15 (2) The Treasurer is to cause to be credited to the Consolidated Fund any amounts received or recovered from the Minister or otherwise in respect of any payment made by the Treasurer under a guarantee given under section 189. 134 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 191 PART 5 -- COMMUNITY KINDERGARTENS What this Part is about This Part requires community kindergartens to be registered by the Minister and makes various provisions about their operation 5 and funding. In particular it deals with -- the registration of community kindergartens that meet the required standards (Division 2); the operation and management of community kindergartens 10 (Division 3); the allocation of funds appropriated by Parliament for community kindergartens (section 210). Division 1 -- Preliminary Definition 15 191. In this Part, unless the contrary intention appears -- ''governing body'', in relation to a kindergarten or proposed kindergarten, means the person or body of persons that has the ownership, management or control of the kindergarten or proposed kindergarten. 20 Division 2 -- Registration of community kindergartens Scheme of registration 192. The Minister may register community kindergartens for the provision of educational programmes for children in the first year of their pre-compulsory education period. 135 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 193 Application for registration 193. (1) The governing body of a kindergarten may apply to the Minister for the kindergarten to be registered as a community kindergarten. 5 (2) An application is to -- (a) be made in writing at least 6 months before the day from which registration is sought; (b) specify the location of all the premises to be used by the kindergarten; and 10 (c) provide any other prescribed information. (3) The Minister may require the governing body to provide any other information that he or she considers necessary. Matters to be considered by Minister 194. (1) The Minister, in determining an application for 15 registration of a kindergarten is to take into account -- (a) the location of the premises to be used by the kindergarten; (b) the kindergarten's buildings, if any; (c) the playground equipment and other facilities to be 20 provided; and (d) any other matter prescribed by the regulations. (2) The Minister may determine standards in respect of the matters referred to in subsection (1). 136 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 195 Grant or refusal of registration 195. (1) The Minister is to register the kindergarten as a community kindergarten if the Minister is satisfied that -- (a) the governing body of the kindergarten will be 5 incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act 1987 before the day from which registration is sought; (b) the constitution of the governing body of the kindergarten is satisfactory for the purposes of this 10 Act; (c) the members of the governing body are fit and proper persons to operate a community kindergarten; (d) the kindergarten will meet any standards determined by the Minister under section 194 (2); 15 (e) the kindergarten will provide satisfactory levels of care for the children concerned; and (f) the kindergarten complies, or will be able to comply, with any written laws affecting the operation of the kindergarten. 20 (2) If the Minister is not so satisfied, he or she is to -- (a) register the kindergarten subject to specified conditions; or (b) refuse to register the kindergarten. Minister to notify decision within 3 months 25 196. The Minister, within 3 months after the application is received, is to notify the applicant in writing of the decision and, if registration is refused, of the reasons for the refusal. 137 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 197 Registration 197. (1) The Minister is to issue a certificate of registration to the governing body of a community kindergarten that is registered under this Part. 5 (2) The registration of a community kindergarten has effect indefinitely unless the registration is cancelled under section 200. (3) The chief executive officer is to keep a register of community kindergartens that are registered under this Part. 10 Amendment of conditions 198. (1) Where under section 195 (2) (a) a community kindergarten is registered subject to conditions, the Minister may decide to -- (a) impose any new condition; or 15 (b) change or remove an existing condition. (2) The Minister is not to make a decision under subsection (1) without first consulting the governing body of the kindergarten. (3) The Minister is to give written notice of any decision 20 under subsection (1) to the governing body of the kindergarten and the decision does not take effect until -- (a) 14 days after the notice is given; or (b) such later time as is set out in the notice. 138 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 199 Age limit on attendance 199. (1) It is a condition of every registration of a community kindergarten that a child is not to attend the community kindergarten in a year unless -- 5 (a) the first year of the child's pre-compulsory education period falls in that year; or (b) if paragraph (a) does not apply, the child's attendance is approved by the chief executive officer. (2) The chief executive officer may -- 10 (a) attach any condition to; or (b) revoke, an approval under subsection (1) (b). Cancellation of registration 200. (1) The Minister may cancel the registration of a 15 community kindergarten at any time if the Minister is satisfied -- (a) that the buildings or facilities of the kindergarten present a risk to the safety or health of the children or staff at the kindergarten; 20 (b) that there has been mismanagement by the governing body or its management committee; (c) that the kindergarten or its governing body is not complying with -- (i) this Act; 25 (ii) any relevant requirement of the Curriculum Council Act 1997; 139 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 201 (iii) any condition of the kindergarten's registration; or (iv) a direction given under section 202; or 5 (d) that it is in the best interests of the children at the kindergarten to do so. (2) The Minister is not to cancel the registration of a community kindergarten without first -- (a) notifying the governing body of the proposed 10 cancellation and of the reasons for it; and (b) giving the governing body a reasonable opportunity to show why the registration should not be cancelled. (3) Subsection (2) does not apply if in the opinion of the Minister the health or welfare of persons may be at risk if the 15 registration is not cancelled immediately. (4) The Minister is to give written notice of the cancellation to the governing body. (5) The cancellation takes effect at such time as is specified in the notice given under subsection (4). 20 Review of decisions in relation to registration 201. (1) The governing body of a kindergarten may apply in writing to the Minister for a review of a decision of the Minister -- (a) to refuse to register the kindergarten as a community 25 kindergarten; 140 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 202 (b) concerning a condition to which the kindergarten's registration is subject; or (c) to cancel the kindergarten's registration. (2) The application is to be made within 28 days after the 5 applicant received written notice of the decision. (3) Where an application is made under subsection (1), the Minister is to refer the matter to a Community Kindergarten Registration Advisory Panel which is to examine the matter and report to the Minister with its recommendation. 10 (4) A Community Kindergarten Registration Advisory Panel is to give the applicant the opportunity to be heard. (5) The Minister is to give a copy of the report of the Community Kindergarten Registration Advisory Panel to the applicant. 15 (6) The Minister after considering the report may confirm, vary or reverse the decision and is to give written notice to the applicant of the subsequent decision and written reasons for that decision. (7) In this section -- 20 ''Community Kindergarten Registration Advisory Panel'' means an advisory panel under section 241 established for the purposes of subsection (3) of this section. Division 3 -- Operation and management of community 25 kindergartens Minister may give directions 202. (1) The Minister may give directions in writing to the governing body of a community kindergarten requiring the governing body to observe any standard for the time being 30 determined under section 194 (2). (2) A governing body is to comply with a direction so given. 141 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 203 Extent of role of governing body as to certain matters 203. (1) With the approval of the Minister and subject to the regulations, a governing body for a community kindergarten or its management committee may take part in the selection of 5 teaching staff for the kindergarten. (2) The governing body of a community kindergarten cannot -- (a) intervene in the educational instruction of children; or (b) exercise authority over teaching staff or other persons 10 appointed under section 236 (2) who are employed at the kindergarten. (3) The number of children that may attend a community kindergarten is to be determined by the chief executive officer. Certain staff to be appointed by chief executive officer 15 204. The chief executive officer is to appoint such number of teaching staff and other persons under section 236 (2) as the chief executive officer considers appropriate for the provision of an educational programme at a community kindergarten. Functions of kindergarten teachers 20 205. (1) The functions of teaching staff in a community kindergarten are -- (a) to foster and facilitate learning in children; (b) to give competent instruction to children in accordance with -- 25 (i) the curriculum; and 142 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 206 (ii) standards determined by the chief executive officer, and to undertake the preparation necessary to do so; (c) to undertake regular evaluation and reporting of the 5 progress of children; (d) to be answerable for the educational achievement of children under his or her instruction to a principal nominated, or an officer designated by, the chief executive officer; 10 (e) to supervise children and to maintain proper order and discipline on their part; (f) to carry out administrative duties to meet organizational requirements relevant to the teacher's functions; and 15 (g) to perform any other prescribed function assigned by the chief executive officer. (2) The functions set out in subsection (1) have effect subject to -- (a) this Act; and 20 (b) the instructions of the chief executive officer. Curriculum and enrolment 206. (1) Sections 67 and 68 have effect as if the references in those sections to government schools included community kindergartens. 25 (2) The enrolment of a child at a community kindergarten is to be in accordance with the regulations. 143 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 207 Limitation on fees for instruction and charges 207. (1) Except as provided by this section, no fee or charge may be imposed or collected for the cost of providing an educational programme of a community kindergarten. 5 (2) Regulations may be made providing for charges that may be made for -- (a) materials provided in an educational programme of a community kindergarten; and (b) services or facilities for use in, or associated with the 10 provision of, an educational programme of a community kindergarten. (3) Regulations may provide for the manner of determining a charge, the kind of charge that is able to be charged for the purposes of this section, the limits of such charges and any other 15 matter relevant to such charges and their recovery. Management and control of community kindergarten premises 208. Regulations made under section 119 (2) (a), (b), (f), (g), (h), (i) and (j) have effect as if the references in those paragraphs -- 20 (a) to school premises included community kindergarten premises; and (b) to school officials included teaching staff and other persons appointed under section 236 (2) who are employed at a community kindergarten. 144 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 209 Dealing with persons disrupting community kindergarten premises and dissemination of certain information on community kindergarten premises 209. Sections 120 and 121 have effect as if the references in 5 those sections -- (a) to a government school included a community kindergarten; and (b) to a principal included a principal or an officer referred to in section 205 (1) (d). 10 Chief executive officer may allocate moneys 210. (1) The chief executive officer may, in accordance with the regulations, allocate moneys that have been appropriated by Parliament for the purpose of assisting community kindergartens. 15 (2) Moneys may only be allocated under this section in respect of children who are -- (a) entitled to reside permanently in Australia; or (b) members of a class of children prescribed by the regulations. 20 (3) Regulations may be made providing for the allocation of moneys referred to in subsection (1). Accountability 211. (1) The chief executive officer may require a governing body to furnish to the chief executive officer a report as to the 25 application of moneys provided under this Part. 145 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 212 (2) If -- (a) the governing body fails to furnish any report required by the chief executive officer; or (b) any condition, limitation or restriction on the use of 5 moneys is not complied with, the chief executive officer may recover the moneys as a debt in a court of competent jurisdiction. Regulations 212. Regulations may be made for the regulation and control of 10 community kindergartens. 146 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 213 PART 6 -- ADMINISTRATION What this Part is about This Part deals with -- the functions and powers of the Minister including the power 5 of delegation (Division 1); a department of the public service, and its chief executive officer, to assist the Minister in the administration of the Act, other than Part 4 (which is about non-government schools) (Division 2); 10 the appointment, management and discipline of teaching staff and non-teaching staff (Division 3); the establishment of panels to advise on aspects of the operation of the Act (Division 4). Division 1 -- The Minister 15 Definition 213. In this Division -- ''property'' means property of every kind, whether real or personal, tangible or intangible, corporeal or incorporeal, and any interest in property. 20 Minister to be body corporate 214. (1) For the purposes of this Act the Minister is a body corporate with the name ''Minister for Education''. 147 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 215 (2) The corporate identity of the body corporate referred to in subsection (1) is the same as that continued by section 5 of the Act repealed by section 246 and the continuation of the corporate identity is not affected by the repeal. 5 (3) The Minister -- (a) has perpetual succession; (b) is to have a common seal; and (c) may sue and be sued in the Minister's corporate name. Property vested in Minister 10 215. Property acquired or held for the purposes of this Act is vested in the Minister. Powers of Minister 216. (1) The Minister may do all things necessary or convenient to be done for the purpose of furthering the best 15 interests of students and educational programmes in government schools. (2) Without limiting subsection (1) the Minister may for the purpose mentioned -- (a) acquire, hold, manage, improve, develop and dispose of 20 property or an interest in property; (b) accept any gift, devise or bequest if it is absolute or subject to conditions to which the Minister agrees; (c) subject to section 217, participate in any business arrangement and acquire, hold and dispose of shares, 25 units or other interests in, or relating to, a business arrangement; 148 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 216 (d) allow persons to undertake advertising or sponsorship, of the kind and to the extent that is authorized by regulations, in connection with educational activities in government schools; 5 (e) enter into any contract or arrangement; (f) turn to account any resource or intellectual property that is vested in the Minister; (g) apply for, hold, exploit and dispose of any patent, patent rights, design rights, copyright, trademark or 10 similar rights; and (h) use the expertise and resources of the department to provide consultancy, advisory or other services for profit. (3) The Minister may for the purpose of furthering education 15 whether in the government or non-government schools -- (a) act as trustee of any trust for educational purposes; or (b) grant allowances, awards and scholarships. (4) In exercising any power under this section the Minister may act in conjunction with -- 20 (a) any person or firm, or a public authority; or (b) any department of the Public Service or any agency of the State or the Commonwealth. (5) An agreement or arrangement for advertising or sponsorship in relation to a government school is not to be 25 entered into by the principal of the school acting -- (a) in exercise of the power conferred by subsection (2) (d); and (b) as the subdelegate of the Minister under section 220, 149 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 217 unless the Council for that school has approved the agreement or arrangement. (6) In subsection (2) -- ''acquire'' includes taking on lease or licence or in any 5 other manner in which an interest in property may be acquired; ''business arrangement'' means a company, a partnership, a trust, a joint venture, or an arrangement for sharing profits; 10 ''dispose of '' includes dispose of by way of lease; ''participate'' includes form, promote, establish, enter, manage, dissolve, wind up, and do anything incidental to participating in a business arrangement. Treasurer to consider proposals under section 216 (2) (c) 15 217. (1) Before the Minister exercises any power conferred by section 216 (2) (c) he or she is to -- (a) notify the Treasurer of the proposal; and (b) seek the Treasurer's approval to it, unless it is of a kind that the Treasurer has determined in 20 writing need not be so notified. (2) If the Treasurer approves the proposal, he or she may impose requirements to be complied with by the Minister in connection with it. (3) The Treasurer may also give directions to be complied 25 with generally by the Minister in the exercise of the powers referred to in subsection (1). 150 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 218 Licences for use of certain property 218. (1) This section applies to a licence granted by the Minister to a person for the use of tangible property that is vested in the Minister. 5 (2) A licence to which this section applies -- (a) must be in writing; (b) is not to be granted for more than the allowed period but may at the Minister's option be renewed once or more than once for a period or successive periods, each 10 not exceeding the allowed period; (c) may provide for a payment to be made by the licensee in connection with the use of the property; (d) may provide for an amount of money to be paid by the licensee as security for the performance of the 15 licensee's obligations under the licence; and (e) is otherwise to be on such terms and subject to such conditions as the Minister thinks fit. (3) The use of property in respect of which a licence to which this section applies is not limited to the purposes of school 20 education but the use must not interfere with the normal operations of any school to which the property relates. (4) A licence for the use of tangible property that is vested in the Minister is not to be granted if the use of the property would adversely affect the safety or welfare of students, teaching staff 25 or other persons employed at any school to which the property relates. (5) In subsection (2) (b) -- ''allowed period'' means -- (a) in the case of a licence granted by the Minister, 30 5 years; or 151 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 219 (b) in the case of a licence granted by a subdelegate of the Minister acting under section 225, 2 years. Licences for community use of certain property 219. (1) This section applies if a licence to which section 218 5 applies (''the licence'') is granted to give effect to arrangements entered into by the Minister with a local government -- (a) to enable tangible property vested in the Minister to be used by the community for purposes that do not interfere with the normal operations of a school; and 10 (b) to provide for the management and control of such use. (2) If this section applies, section 218 (2) (b) does not apply to the licence. (3) If this section applies, the licence may provide for -- 15 (a) the establishment, composition, powers and duties of a management committee to manage and control the use of the property in accordance with the licence; (b) a payment to be made to the Minister by the local government by way of contribution towards the costs 20 incurred in the provision of the facilities; and (c) the appointment and remuneration of staff with respect to the use of the land and facilities. When school fund to receive money paid under certain licences 25 220. Where -- (a) a licence to which section 218 applies -- (i) relates to property in respect of a particular school; and 152 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 221 (ii) requires an amount of money to be paid in accordance with section 218 (2) (c) or (d); and (b) the licence is granted by a subdelegate of the Minister 5 acting under section 225 and the subdelegation expressly states that this section is to apply, subject to section 111 (4), the money is to be credited to the General Purposes Fund of the school in accordance with section 112 (1) (d). 10 When school fund to receive money paid for advertising or sponsorship 221. (1) Where -- (a) an agreement or arrangement for advertising or sponsorship in relation to a government school is 15 entered into by the principal of the school acting -- (i) in exercise of the power conferred by section 216 (2) (d); and (ii) as the subdelegate of the Minister under section 225; 20 and (b) the subdelegation expressly states that this section is to apply, any money payable for the advertising or sponsorship is to be credited to the General Purposes Fund of the school in 25 accordance with section 112 (1) (d). 153 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 222 (2) The Minister is to ensure that a subdelegation does not state that this section is to apply unless the application of the section in the particular case is in accordance with the fair distribution across government schools of the benefits of 5 advertising and sponsorship. Power to exempt 222. (1) The Minister may, by order published in the Government Gazette -- (a) exempt a school or class of schools -- 10 (i) from the provisions of this Act that are specified in the order; and (ii) for a period not exceeding 3 years as specified in the order; (b) amend or repeal an order made under paragraph (a); 15 or (c) renew an order made under paragraph (a) for a one year period only by making the order to renew at least 6 months before the original order expires. (2) An exemption given for the purposes of this section is of 20 no effect at any time when a condition imposed in relation to the exemption is being contravened. (3) Section 42 of the Interpretation Act 1984 applies to an order, the amendment or repeal of an order or the renewal of an order under subsection (1) as if the order were regulations within 25 the meaning of that Act, except that the reference in section 42 (1) of that Act to 6 sitting days is, for the purposes of its application to the order, to be construed as a reference to 9 sitting days. 154 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 223 (4) The Minister is to ensure that the reasons in support of an order, the amendment or repeal of an order or the renewal of an order under subsection (1) are laid before each House of Parliament in accordance with section 42 of the Interpretation 5 Act 1984 as it applies under subsection (3) of this section. Review by Minister 223. (1) A person who is aggrieved by a decision -- (a) made by any person performing a function for the purposes of school education; and 10 (b) concerning an individual student, may, in addition to any other right under this Act to have the decision reviewed, request the Minister to review the procedure by which the decision was made. (2) The Minister may, but is not obliged to, conduct a review 15 under this section. (3) If, on a review under this section, the Minister is of the opinion that -- (a) the decision was made without compliance with the applicable procedure; 20 (b) the procedure by which the decision was made was unfair, defective or inadequate; or (c) the information available to the person who made the decision was inadequate, the Minister may recommend that the person who made the 25 decision review the procedure or reconsider the decision and may recommend the procedure or information that the Minister thinks is appropriate for that review or reconsideration. 155 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 224 (4) The regulations may regulate the practice and procedure of reviews under this section. (5) Nothing in this section affects the jurisdiction that the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administrative Investigations 5 has under the Parliamentary Commissioner Act 1971. Delegation 224. (1) The Minister may, by instrument, delegate to the chief executive officer the performance of any of the Minister's functions except those under section 54, 168, 201, 222 or 223. 10 (2) Subsection (1) has effect subject to sections 11 (6) and 21 (2). (3) A delegation may be general or as otherwise provided by the instrument of delegation. (4) Where the chief executive officer performs a function of 15 the Minister he or she is to be taken to do so in accordance with the terms of a delegation under this section, unless the contrary is shown. (5) Performance of a function by the chief executive officer under this section is to be treated as performance by the 20 Minister. Subdelegation 225. (1) The Minister may, in an instrument by which a function is delegated to the chief executive officer under section 224, authorize the chief executive officer to subdelegate 25 that function to -- (a) a specified officer; or (b) the holder or holders for the time being of a specified office or class of office. 156 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 226 (2) Apart from subsection (1), a delegation under section 224 does not include the power to subdelegate. (3) Section 59 of the Interpretation Act 1984 applies to a subdelegation under this section in the same way as it applies to 5 a delegation. (4) In this section -- ''officer'' means a person who comes within a class referred to in section 235 (1), and ''office'' has a corresponding meaning. 10 Documents presumed duly executed 226. When a document is produced bearing a seal purporting to be the common seal of the Minister, it is to be presumed until the contrary is shown that the seal is the seal of the Minister and has been duly affixed. 15 Accountability under this Division 227. Any acts or things done by the Minister under this Division are to be regarded -- (a) as services under the control of the department for the purposes of section 52 of the Financial Administration 20 and Audit Act 1985; and (b) as operations of the department for the purposes of Division 13 of Part II of that Act. Division 2 -- The department Department 25 228. There is to be a department of the Public Service with a function of principally assisting the Minister in the administration of this Act, other than in relation to -- (a) Part 4; and 157 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 229 (b) the application of any other provision of this Act to students enrolled at non-government schools. Chief executive officer 229. References in this Act, other than Part 4, to the chief 5 executive officer are, unless a contrary intention appears, references to the chief executive officer appointed for the department under section 45 of the Public Sector Management Act 1994. Delegation by chief executive officer 10 230. (1) The chief executive officer may, by instrument, delegate to an officer the performance of any of the functions conferred on the chief executive officer by this Act except this power of delegation. (2) A delegation may be general or as otherwise provided by 15 the instrument of delegation. (3) Where an officer performs a function of the chief executive officer he or she is to be taken to do so in accordance with the terms of a delegation under this section, unless the contrary is shown. 20 (4) Performance of a function by an officer under this section is to be treated as performance by the chief executive officer. (5) In this section -- ''officer'' means a person who comes within a class referred to in section 235 (1). 158 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 231 Minister may give directions to the chief executive officer 231. The Minister may give directions in writing of a general nature to the chief executive officer with respect to the performance of the chief executive officer's functions under this 5 Act but the Minister cannot give a direction in relation to a particular person. Chief executive officer may give directions to a principal 232. The chief executive officer may give directions in writing to the principal of a government school with respect to the 10 performance of the principal's functions under this Act, either generally or in relation to a particular matter, and the principal is to give effect to any such direction. CEO's Instructions 233. (1) The chief executive officer may prepare and issue 15 instructions (''CEO's Instructions'') to be observed by persons performing functions in the department. (2) The CEO's Instructions must not be inconsistent with this Act. (3) Sections 9, 10, 15, 43 (4) and 43 (7) to (9) of the 20 Interpretation Act 1984 apply to the CEO's Instructions as if they were regulations. (4) A breach of the CEO's Instructions committed by a person is not to be an offence but is to be treated for the purposes of paragraph (a) of section 80 of the Public Sector Management 25 Act 1994 (including that paragraph as applied by section 239) as the disobedience by that person of a lawful order. 159 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 234 Division 3 -- Staff employed in the department Definitions 234. In this Division -- ''other officers'' means officers referred to in 5 section 235 (1) (c); ''teaching staff '' means teaching staff referred to in section 235 (1) (b); ''the PSMA'' means the Public Sector Management Act 1994. 10 Categories of staff 235. (1) To enable the functions of the department to be performed persons are to be employed in the department -- (a) as public service officers appointed or made available under Part 3 of the PSMA; 15 (b) as members of the teaching staff; (c) as other officers; or (d) as wages staff. (2) A person is not to be employed as a member of the teaching staff unless the person holds a qualification recognized 20 by the chief executive officer as being an appropriate qualification. (3) Subsection (1) does not affect the power of the chief executive officer to engage a person under a contract for services under section 100 of the PSMA. 160 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 236 Provisions applicable to teaching staff, other officers and wages staff 236. (1) Part 3 of the PSMA does not apply to the teaching staff, other officers and wages staff. 5 (2) The powers to engage, transfer, promote and otherwise manage the members of the teaching staff, other officers and wages staff are vested in the chief executive officer. (3) The terms and conditions of service of members of the teaching staff, other officers and wages staff are to be -- 10 (a) in accordance with any relevant industrial award, order or agreement; and (b) not less than those provided for by the Minimum Conditions of Employment Act 1993. (4) Members of the teaching staff and other officers may be 15 engaged -- (a) on a full-time or part-time basis; and (b) for an indefinite period as permanent officers, or for a period not exceeding 5 years. (5) Nothing in this section affects the operation of the 20 Workplace Agreements Act 1993. (6) For the avoidance of doubt it is declared that members of the teaching staff, other officers and wages staff are employed for and on behalf of the Crown. 161 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 237 Classification of teaching staff 237. Without limiting section 29 (1) (h) of the PSMA the teaching staff is to consist of the following classes -- (a) school administrators, that is -- 5 (i) principals; and (ii) any other office or position, or class of office or position, prescribed by the regulations; (b) teachers other than school administrators; and (c) any other class prescribed by the regulations. 10 Transfer of teacher to another category of employee 238. (1) The chief executive officer may, if he or she considers that it is in the interests of the department to do so, determine that -- (a) a person who is a member of the teaching staff is to 15 become an officer of the class mentioned in section 235 (1) (a) or (c); or (b) a person who has been the subject of a determination under paragraph (a) of this subsection is to again become a member of the teaching staff. 20 (2) Except where section 239 (2) applies, a determination under subsection (1) of this section is only to be made with the consent of the person concerned. (3) Regulations may be made in respect of the entitlement of persons who are the subject of a determination under 25 subsection (1) to rights and benefits that had accrued or were accruing at the time when the determination took effect. 162 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 239 Teaching staff and other officers, substandard performance and disciplinary matters 239. (1) Part 5 of the PSMA has effect as if in that Part references to -- 5 (a) an employee included -- (i) a member of the teaching staff; and (ii) an officer who comes within section 235 (1) (c); and (b) an employing authority that is not the Minister 10 (within the meaning in that Part) included references to the chief executive officer. (2) In addition to the actions that may be taken under the provisions of sections 79 (3) and 86 (3) (b) (ii) of the PSMA, the chief executive officer may under those provisions make a 15 determination under section 238 (1) (a) in respect of a member of the teaching staff. (3) Without limiting section 80 of the PSMA, a contravention of this Act is to be taken to be a breach of discipline for the purposes of that section. 20 Employee may be ordered to leave school premises 240. (1) If the chief executive officer suspects -- (a) that a person employed at the premises of a government school is guilty of an act or omission that comes within section 80 of the PSMA (whether or not 25 that section applies to the person); and 163 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 241 (b) that the continued presence of the person on the school premises constitutes a risk to the safety or welfare of students on the premises, the chief executive officer may, by order in writing given to the 5 person, require him or her to leave the school premises and remain away -- (c) until -- (i) in the case of a member of the wages staff, any relevant procedures have been followed; or 10 (ii) in the case of other staff proceedings against the person are terminated (within the meaning of section 82 (2) of the PSMA); or (d) until the order is sooner revoked. 15 (2) The chief executive officer is to ensure that written reasons for issuing an order under subsection (1) are provided with the order. (3) A person must comply with an order given to him or her under subsection (1). 20 Penalty: $5 000 or imprisonment for 6 months. (4) The power conferred by this section is in addition to the powers in Part 5 of the PSMA. Division 4 -- Advisory panels Advisory panels 25 241. (1) Without limiting section 39, 87 or 93 the Minister may establish advisory panels for the purposes of this Act. 164 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 241 (2) The Minister is to determine -- (a) provisions for the membership, constitution, procedures and discharge of an advisory panel; and (b) in what circumstances and on what matters the panel 5 is to advise. (3) The members of an advisory panel are to be persons who have such experience, skills, attributes or qualifications as the Minister considers appropriate to enable them to effectively perform their advisory function. 10 (4) Subject to this section, an advisory panel may determine its own procedure. (5) In performing its functions in relation to a particular child or student, or class of children or students, an advisory panel may have regard to the social, cultural, lingual, economic 15 or geographic factors, or learning difficulties, that might be relevant to the matter before the panel. (6) The Minister is to ensure that each advisory panel is provided with such support services as it may reasonably require. (7) The Minister may -- 20 (a) direct that some or all of the members of an advisory panel are to be paid remuneration or allowances or both; and (b) determine the amount of any such payments on the recommendation of the Minister for Public Sector 25 Management. 165 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 242 PART 7 -- MISCELLANEOUS What this Part is about This Part deals with -- the requirement of confidentiality (section 242); 5 who can take legal proceedings (section 243); the regulations required for carrying out the Act (section 244); a review of the Act after 5 years (section 245); the repeal of the Education Act 1928 and the transition from 10 that Act to the new Act (section 246 and Schedule 1). Confidentiality 242. (1) A person must not disclose or make use of information to which this section applies except -- (a) in the course of duty; 15 (b) for the purpose of proceedings for an offence against this Act; (c) under and in accordance with this Act or any other law; (d) with the authority of the Minister or all persons to 20 whom the information relates; or (e) in other prescribed circumstances. Penalty: $5 000 or imprisonment for 6 months. 166 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 243 (2) This section applies to information contained in any register or document of or in the possession or under the control of -- (a) the Minister; 5 (b) the chief executive officer or the chief executive officer referred to in section 151, as is relevant to the case; (c) the department or the department referred to in section 228, as is relevant to the case; (d) the principal of a government school; or 10 (e) a panel appointed for the purposes of this Act. Legal proceedings 243. (1) Any proceedings for an offence under this Act, other than for an offence under section 45, and any proceedings under section 106 may be taken in the name of the chief executive 15 officer or a person authorized in that behalf by the chief executive officer. (2) In any proceedings no proof is required of -- (a) the appointment of the chief executive officer; or (b) the authorization of a person under subsection (1), 20 but an averment in a complaint that the person is so appointed or authorized is to be taken to be proved in the absence of evidence to the contrary. (3) Subsection (1) does not limit the ability of a person to make a complaint or conduct the prosecution of an offence if the 25 person has authority at law to do so. 167 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 244 Regulations 244. (1) The Governor may make regulations prescribing all matters that are required or permitted by this Act to be prescribed, or are necessary or convenient to be prescribed, for 5 carrying out, or giving effect to the purposes of, this Act. (2) Without limiting subsection (1) the regulations may -- (a) create offences punishable by a fine not exceeding $2 000; (b) confer power on the Minister to grant exemptions from 10 provisions of the regulations, and to impose conditions subject to which an exemption applies; and (c) regulate the practice and procedure of advisory panels established by or under this Act. (3) Regulations for the purposes of section 216 (2) (d) may 15 provide for -- (a) the duration of an agreement or arrangement for advertising or sponsorship in relation to a government school; (b) naming rights in relation to advertising or sponsorship 20 in relation to a government school; (c) the means of ensuring that advertising or sponsorship in relation to a government school does not interfere with the normal operations of the school; and (d) the extent to which teaching materials may be 25 involved in advertising or sponsorship in relation to a government school. 168 School Education Bill 1997 cl. 245 Review of Act 245. (1) The Minister is to carry out a review of the operation and effectiveness of this Act not later than 5 years after its commencement. 5 (2) The Minister is to prepare a report based on the review carried out under subsection (1) and, as soon as practicable after that preparation, is to cause that report to be laid before each House of Parliament. Repeal, savings and transitional 10 246. (1) The Education Act 1928 is repealed. (2) The Education Regulations 1960 are repealed. (3) The School Premises Regulations 1981 are repealed. (4) Schedule 1 has effect to make transitional provisions. Consequential amendments 15 247. The Acts specified in Schedule 2 are amended as set out in that Schedule. 169 School Education Bill 1997 Sch. 1 SCHEDULE 1 -- TRANSITIONAL PROVISIONS [Section 246 (4)] Definitions 1. In this Schedule -- 5 ''commencement'' means the commencement of this Act; ''repealed Act'' means the Education Act 1928. Interpretation Act 1984 not affected 2. The provisions of this Schedule do not affect the application of the Interpretation Act 1984 to and in relation to the -- 10 (a) repeal effected by section 246; or (b) any other aspect of the operation of this Act. Property vested in Minister 3. All property that immediately before the commencement is vested in the Minister under section 6 of the repealed Act is, on the 15 commencement, vested in the Minister for the purposes of section 215. Delegations under section 6AA 4. A delegation under section 6AA of the repealed Act that is in force immediately before the commencement is to be taken on the commencement to be a delegation under section 224. 20 Agreements and licences under section 6A 5. An arrangement entered into, and a licence granted, under section 6A of the repealed Act that are in force immediately before the commencement are to be taken on the commencement to be respectively -- 25 (a) an arrangement entered into under section 219; and (b) a licence to give effect to that arrangement granted in terms of subsection (2) of that section. 170 School Education Bill 1997 Sch. 1 Licences under section 6B 6. (1) Section 218 (3) applies to a licence under section 6B of the repealed Act for the use of tangible property vested in the Minister that is in force immediately before the commencement. 5 (2) Section 220 applies to a licence referred to in subclause (1) if immediately before the commencement it came within section 6C of the repealed Act. Staff 7. (1) A person -- 10 (a) appointed by the Minister as a teacher in the Education Department under section 7 (2) of the repealed Act; and (b) holding office as such immediately before the commencement, is to be taken on the commencement to have been engaged as a member 15 of the teaching staff under section 236 (2). (2) A person -- (a) appointed by the Minister as an employee (other than as a teacher) in the Education Department under section 7 (2) of the repealed Act; and 20 (b) employed under that section immediately before the commencement, is to be taken on the commencement to have been engaged as an officer (not being a member of the teaching staff) referred to in section 236 (2). (3) The operation of this clause in relation to a person's 25 employment does not -- (a) affect the person's remuneration or terms and conditions of employment; (b) prejudice the person's existing or accruing rights; (c) affect any rights under a superannuation scheme; or 30 (d) interrupt continuity of service. 171 School Education Bill 1997 Sch. 1 Inquiries under section 7C 8. (1) If before the commencement an inquiry under section 7C (3) of the repealed Act has begun in relation to a teacher, the inquiry may continue and be completed and -- 5 (a) the chief executive officer may exercise powers under the section; and (b) the section otherwise applies, in relation to the teacher as if the section had not been repealed. (2) For the purposes of subsection (1) an inquiry has begun under 10 section 7C (3) if the chief executive officer has in writing requested a person to hold the inquiry. Enrolments 9. (1) The enrolment of a student at a government school that has effect immediately before the commencement is to be taken as an 15 enrolment under this Act. (2) Subclause (1) applies whether or not the enrolment is in accordance with Division 4 of Part 3, but does not limit the exercise of the powers in section 20, 83 or 92 (6). Government schools 20 10. (1) A government school that immediately before the commencement is in existence as a primary school or a secondary school under section 9 of the repealed Act is to be taken on the commencement to have been established under section 55 with the same classification. (2) If, within 6 months of the commencement, the chief executive 25 officer declares a government school to be a local-intake school the area for the purposes of section 60 (1) (b) in relation to the school is to be taken to be the area described in relation to the school in a notice under section 21 (2) of the repealed Act, unless the chief executive officer otherwise defines the area. 30 Efficient schools 11. (1) A school that immediately before the commencement is registered in the register of efficient schools under section 32B of the repealed Act is to be taken on the commencement to be registered under section 160. 172 School Education Bill 1997 Sch. 1 (2) If a school referred to in subclause (1) is included in an order under section 169 it is to be taken to be registered as a system school for the purposes of section 156 (2). (3) Subject to Part 4, the registration provided for by subclause (1) 5 continues in force for 3 years from the commencement. Certain existing pre-school centres continued as registered schools 12. (1) A pre-school centre -- (a) for which a permit was in force under Part VIA of the 10 repealed Act immediately before the commencement; and (b) which does not have on its staff any employee who comes within a class referred to in section 235 (1), is to be taken after the commencement to be registered under section 160 as a non-system school as if the permit were a certificate of 15 registration under section 162. (2) Subject to Part 4, the registration provided for by subclause (1) continues in force for 3 years from the commencement. Certain existing care-centres and pre-school centres continued 13. (1) A care-centre or a pre-school centre -- 20 (a) for which a permit was in force under Part VIA of the repealed Act immediately before the repeal; and (b) which has on its staff any employee who comes within a class referred to in section 235 (1), may continue in operation, but is to be known as a community 25 kindergarten. (2) A permit referred to in subclause (1) continues in force as a registration under Part 5. (3) Despite sections 192 and 199 (1) (a), a child may attend a community kindergarten continued by this clause in a year other than 30 the first year of the child's pre-compulsory education period until 1 January 2001. 173 School Education Bill 1997 Sch. 1 Superannuation of former employees of the W.A. Pre-School Board 14. (1) This clause applies to a teacher who -- (a) immediately before he or she became a teacher was -- 5 (i) an employee of the Western Australian Pre-School Board; and (ii) a contributor to a scheme maintained by that Board for the purposes of making financial provision for the retirement, invalidity or death of employees of that 10 Board; and (b) has not become a contributor for the purposes of the Superannuation and Family Benefits Act 1938 or a member for the purposes of the Government Employees 15 Superannuation Act 1987. (2) The Minister may, with the approval of the Treasurer, participate in and make contributions under the scheme referred to in subclause (1) in respect of a teacher referred to in that subclause. Notices under section 9A 20 15. (1) A notice under section 9A (2) of the repealed Act that is in force immediately before the commencement is to be taken on the commencement to be an order under section 183. (2) Guidelines referred to in section 9A (5) (b) of the repealed Act that are in operation immediately before the commencement continue in 25 operation after the commencement for the purposes of section 184 (b). Bank account 16. A bank account that immediately before the commencement is an approved account for the purposes of section 9B (5) (b) of the repealed Act is to be taken on the commencement to have been approved for the 30 purposes of section 113 (1). Registration for home education 17. A decision under section 14 (a) of the repealed Act (that the instruction of a child at home is efficient) that is in force immediately before the commencement is to be taken on the commencement to be a 35 registration under section 48. 174 School Education Bill 1997 Sch. 1 Directions under section 20A 18. A direction under section 20A of the repealed Act that is in force immediately before the commencement continues in force despite the repeal but may at any time be revoked by the chief executive officer. 5 Suspension and exclusion of students 19. (1) A suspension under section 20G (1) of the repealed Act that is in force immediately before the commencement is to be taken on the commencement to be a suspension under section 90. (2) If before the commencement a recommendation has been made 10 under section 20G (2) of the repealed Act but no determination has been made by the Minister, the recommendation is to be treated after the commencement as if it had been made to the chief executive officer under section 92 (1). (3) An order under section 20G (4) of the repealed Act that is in 15 force immediately before the commencement -- (a) is to be taken on the commencement to be an order made by the chief executive officer under section 92 (6); and (b) may be revoked or amended under section 94 (3). School decision-making groups 20 20. (1) A school decision-making group for a government school that immediately before the commencement is in existence under Part VA of the repealed Act is to be taken on the commencement to be the Council established for the school under section 125. (2) Regulations may be made under section 244 providing for -- 25 (a) the way in which matters relating to Councils referred to in subclause (1) are to be changed so that they conform to the requirements of Subdivision 1 of Division 8 of Part 3; and (b) the time by which those changes are to be made. Parents and Citizens' Associations 30 21. A Parents and Citizens' Association for a government school or group of schools that immediately before the commencement is in existence under Part VI of the repealed Act is to be taken on the commencement to be the Parents and Citizens' Association formed for the school or group of schools under section 142. 175 School Education Bill 1997 Sch. 1 Transitional on repeal of Industrial Relations Act 1979 s. 23B 22. An appeal in respect of any matter referred to in section 23B (1) (a), (b) or (c) of the Industrial Relations Act 1979 arising before the commencement of this Act may be -- 5 (a) determined; (b) heard and determined; or (c) instituted, heard and determined, as the case requires, under the Industrial Relations Act 1979 as if section 23B of that Act had not been repealed by this Act. 10 Transitional regulations 23. (1) If there is no sufficient provision in this Schedule for dealing with a matter that needs to be dealt with for the purpose of the transition from the repealed Act to this Act, regulations may prescribe all matters that are required or necessary or convenient to be 15 prescribed for dealing with the matter. (2) Regulations under subclause (1) may provide that specific provisions of this Act or of subsidiary legislation made under this Act -- (a) do not apply; or 20 (b) apply with or without specified modifications, to or in relation to any matter or thing. (3) Regulations under subclause (1) may have effect before the day on which they are published in the Government Gazette. (4) To the extent that a regulation under subclause (1) has effect 25 before the day of its publication in the Government Gazette, it does not -- (a) affect in a manner prejudicial to any person (other than the State), the rights of that person existing before the day of its publication; or 30 (b) impose liabilities on any person (other than the State) in respect of anything done or omitted to be done before the day of its publication. 176 School Education Bill 1997 Sch. 2 SCHEDULE 2 -- CONSEQUENTIAL AMENDMENTS [Section 247] Adoption Act 1994 Schedule 1 is amended by deleting clause 2 (1) (f) and substituting the 5 following -- '' (f) a person employed as a member of the teaching staff within the meaning of the School Education Act 1999 or as a teacher of a non-government school within the meaning of 10 that Act; ''. Child Welfare Act 1947 1. Section 40A is amended by deleting '', or under section 17B or 18 of the Education Act 1928,''. 15 2. Section 52 (1) is amended by deleting ''Education Act 1928'' and substituting the following -- '' School Education Act 1999 ''. 3. Section 106 is amended by deleting ''section 13 (4) of the Education Act 1928'' and substituting the following -- 20 '' section 11 of the School Education Act 1999 ''. Children's Court of Western Australia Act 1988 Section 20 (b) is deleted and the following paragraph is substituted -- '' (b) under section 29 or 38 (1) of the School Education 25 Act 1999 ''. Community Services Act 1972 1. Section 3 is amended in the definition of ''child care service'' in paragraph (ff) by deleting ''required to be authorized by permit under 30 Part VIA of the Education Act 1928'' and substituting the following -- '' of a kind provided at a community kindergarten registered under Part 5 of the School Education Act 1999 ''. 177 School Education Bill 1997 Sch. 2 2. Section 3 is amended in the definition of ''pre-school age'' by deleting ''below the minimum age for admission to year 1 of a Government primary school'' and substituting the following -- '' 5 before the child reaches the compulsory education period within the meaning of the School Education Act 1999 ''. Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899 Schedule V is amended, in Part 2, Division 2, by deleting ''Education 10 Act 1928'' and substituting the following -- '' School Education Act 1999 ''. Country High School Hostels Authority Act 1960 Section 11 (1) (b) is amended by deleting ''section six of the Education Act, 1928'' and substituting the following -- 15 '' section 215 of the School Education Act 1999 ''. Curriculum Council Act 1997 1. Section 3 is amended -- (a) in the definition of ''Education Department'' by deleting ''has the same meaning as in the Education Act 1928'' and 20 substituting the following -- '' means the department referred to in section 228 of the School Education Act 1999 ''; 25 (b) in the definition of ''education provider'' by deleting paragraph (b) and substituting the following paragraph -- '' (b) in relation to a student, a parent of the student who is registered under the School Education 30 Act 1999 as the student's home educator; ''; (c) in the definition of ''governing body'' in paragraph (a) by deleting ''Government school as defined in the Education Act 1928'' and substituting the following -- 35 '' government school as defined in the School Education Act 1999 ''; 178 School Education Bill 1997 Sch. 2 (d) by deleting the definition of ''home schooling'' and substituting the following definition -- '' ''home education'', in relation to a student, means 5 instruction provided by a parent who is registered under the School Education Act 1999 as the student's home educator; ''; (e) in the definition of ''school'' by deleting '', or pre-school 10 centre, as defined in the Education Act 1928'' and substituting the following -- '' as defined in the School Education Act 1999 or a community kindergarten registered under Part 5 of 15 that Act ''; and (f) in the definition of ''student'' by deleting ''home schooling'' and substituting the following -- 20 '' home education ''. 2. Section 10 (1) (b) is amended by deleting ''home schooling to a student is to ensure that the schooling'' and substituting the following -- '' home education to a student is to ensure that the education ''. 25 3. Section 10 (2) (a) is amended by deleting ''home schooling'' and substituting the following -- '' home education ''. Curtin University of Technology Act 1966 1. Section 9 (1) (c) is amended by deleting ''Education Act 1928'' and 30 substituting the following -- '' School Education Act 1999 ''. 2. Section 29 (1) is amended -- (a) by inserting after ''1928'' the following -- '' 35 or section 235 (1) (c) of the School Education Act 1999 ''; 179 School Education Bill 1997 Sch. 2 and (b) by inserting after ''1938'' the following -- '' or the Government Employees Superannuation 5 Act 1987 ''. 3. Section 29 (2) is amended by inserting after ''1938'' the following -- '' or the Government Employees Superannuation Act 1987 ''. 10 4. Section 31 (1) (b) is amended by deleting ''section 6 of the Education Act 1928'' and substituting the following -- '' section 215 of the School Education Act 1999 ''. Declarations and Attestations Act 1913 The Schedule is amended, in item 6, by deleting ''A teacher within the 15 meaning of the Education Act 1928.'' and substituting the following -- '' A person employed as a member of the teaching staff within the meaning of the School Education Act 1999 or as a teacher of a non-government school within the meaning of that Act. 20 ''. Edith Cowan University Act 1984 1. Section 9 (1) (aa) is amended by deleting ''Education Act 1928'' and substituting the following -- '' School Education Act 1999 ''. 25 2. Section 28 (1) (b) is amended by deleting ''section 6 of the Education Act 1928'' and substituting the following -- '' section 215 of the School Education Act 1999 ''. 3. Section 32 (1) is amended -- (a) by inserting after ''1928'' the following -- 30 '' or section 235 (1) (c) of the School Education Act 1999 ''; 180 School Education Bill 1997 Sch. 2 (b) by deleting ''Colleges Act'' and substituting the following -- '' Colleges Act 1978 or the Vocational Education and Training Act 1996 5 ''; and (c) by inserting after ''1938'' the following -- '' or the Government Employees Superannuation 10 Act 1987 ''. 4. Section 32 (2) is amended by inserting after ''1938'' the following -- '' or the Government Employees Superannuation Act 1987 ''. 15 Education Service Providers (Full Fee Overseas Students) Registration Act 1991 Section 5 is amended by deleting ''Education Act 1928'' and substituting the following -- '' School Education Act 1999 ''. 20 Equal Opportunity Act 1984 Section 4 (1) is amended in the definition of ''private educational authority'' by deleting ''Education Act 1928'' and substituting the following -- '' School Education Act 1999 ''. 25 Government Employees' Housing Act 1964 1. Section 5 is amended in the definition of ''Department'' by deleting ''under the administration of a Minister of the Crown in the Government of the State pursuant to the provisions of the Public Service Act, 1904, or the Education Act, 1928'' and substituting the 30 following -- '' which principally assists the Minister for Public Sector Management or the Minister in the administration of Part 3 of the School Education Act 1999 35 ''. 181 School Education Bill 1997 Sch. 2 2. Section 8 (2) is amended by deleting paragraph (c) and substituting the following -- '' (c) one shall be the chief executive officer of the department 5 referred to in section 228 of the School Education Act 1999 or a person employed in that department under section 235 (1) (a), (b) or (c) of that Act, nominated in writing by the chief executive officer; ''. 10 Health Act 1911 Section 3 (1) is amended in the definition of ''lodging-house'' by deleting paragraph (b) and substituting the following paragraph -- '' (b) residential accommodation for students in a 15 non-government school within the meaning of the School Education Act 1999 ''. Industrial Relations Act 1979 1. Section 7 (1) is amended by deleting the definitions of ''Minister for 20 Education'' and ''teacher''. 2. Section 23B is repealed. 3. Section 29 (1a) is repealed. 4. Section 31 (1) (c) (ii) is amended by deleting ''an appeal under section 23B,''. 25 5. Section 49 (2b) is repealed. 6. Section 80C (1) is amended -- (a) in paragraph (f) of the definition of ''Government officer'' by deleting ''institution.'' and substituting the following -- '' institution; ''; and 30 (b) by inserting after the definition of ''Government officer'' the following definition -- '' ''teacher'' includes -- (a) any person employed as a member of the 35 teaching staff under section 235 (1) (b) of the School Education Act 1999; 182 School Education Bill 1997 Sch. 2 (b) any person who is a member of the teaching staff or another person appointed under section 236 (2) and who is employed at a community kindergarten 5 registered under Part 5 of the School Education Act 1999, but does not include any public service officer, whether or not that public service officer holds or acts in a position in respect of which a 10 teaching academic qualification is required. ''. Library Board of Western Australia Act 1951 1. Section 5 (3) is amended by deleting ''Education Department as defined in the Education Act 1928'' and substituting the following -- 15 '' department referred to in section 228 of the School Education Act 1999 ''. 2. Section 5 (9) (aa) is amended by deleting ''Education Act 1928'' and 20 substituting the following -- '' School Education Act 1999 ''. Litter Act 1979 Section 9 (1) (g) is amended by deleting ''Education Department as defined in the Education Act 1928'' and substituting the following -- 25 '' department referred to in section 228 of the School Education Act 1999 ''. Local Government Act 1995 30 Section 6.26 (2) (f) is amended by deleting ''private school which is registered under section 32A (1) of the Education Act 1928'' and substituting the following -- '' non-government school within the meaning of the School 35 Education Act 1999 ''. 183 School Education Bill 1997 Sch. 2 Murdoch University Act 1973 1. Section 12 (1) (b) is amended by deleting ''Education Act 1928'' and substituting the following -- '' School Education Act 1999 ''. 5 2. Section 28 (1) (b) is amended by deleting ''section 6 of the Education Act 1928'' and substituting the following -- '' section 215 of the School Education Act 1999 ''. Museum Act 1969 Section 37 (3) (b) is amended by deleting ''Education Department as 10 defined in the Education Act 1928'' and substituting the following -- '' department referred to in section 228 of the School Education Act 1999 ''. 15 Public Education Endowment Act 1909 1. Section 1A is amended -- (a) in the definition of ''chief executive officer of the department'' by deleting ''Education Department as defined in the Education Act 1928'' and substituting the 20 following -- '' department referred to in section 228 of the School Education Act 1999 ''; 25 and (b) in the definition of ''purposes of public education'' by deleting ''Government School, as defined in section 3 of the Education Act 1928'' and substituting the following -- '' 30 government school within the meaning of the School Education Act 1999 ''. 184 School Education Bill 1997 Sch. 2 2. Section 2 is amended by deleting ''Education Act 1928'' and substituting the following -- '' School Education Act 1999 ''. Road Traffic Act 1974 5 Section 10 (1) (f) is amended by deleting ''Education Act 1928'' and substituting the following -- '' School Education Act 1999 ''. Spent Convictions Act 1988 Schedule 3 is amended, in the Table to clause 2 -- 10 (a) in item 1, by deleting ''teacher as defined in section 3 of the Education Act 1928'' and substituting the following -- '' a member of the teaching staff within the meaning of the School Education Act 1999 or as a teacher of a 15 non-government school within the meaning of that Act ''; and (b) in item 2, by deleting ''a care centre or pre-school centre 20 under the Education Act 1928'' and substituting the following -- '' a community kindergarten registered under Part 5 of the School Education Act 1999 25 ''. University of Western Australia Act 1911 Section 10 (e) is amended by deleting ''Education Act 1928'' and substituting the following -- '' School Education Act 1999 ''. 30 Vocational Education and Training Act 1996 Section 6 (2) is amended by deleting ''Education Act 1928'' and substituting the following -- '' School Education Act 1999 ''. 185 School Education Bill 1997 Sch. 2 Western Australian Planning Commission Act 1985 Section 19 (1g) (a) (iv) is amended by deleting ''Education Department as defined in the Education Act 1928'' and substituting the following -- '' 5 department referred to in section 228 of the School Education Act 1999 ''. Young Offenders Act 1994 Section 37 (2) (a) is amended by deleting ''Education Act 1928'' and 10 substituting the following -- '' School Education Act 1999 ''.
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