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Western Australia Sentencing Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Contents Part 1 -- Preliminary 1. Short title 2 2. Commencement 2 Part 2 -- Sentencing Act 1995 amended 3. Act amended 3 4. Section 85 amended 3 5. Section 93 amended 4 6. Section 95A inserted 4 95A. Eligibility for parole where certain mandatory minimum sentences imposed 4 Part 3 -- Sentence Administration Act 2003 amended 7. Act amended 6 8. Section 7 amended 6 9. Section 23 amended 6 10. Section 24 inserted 7 24. Transitional provision for Sentencing Legislation Amendment Act 2013 7 11. Schedule 2 amended 7 56--1 page i Western Australia LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL Sentencing Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 A Bill for An Act to amend the Sentencing Act 1995 and the Sentence Administration Act 2003. The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows: page 1 Sentencing Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 1 Preliminary s. 1 1 Part 1 -- Preliminary 2 1. Short title 3 This is the Sentencing Legislation Amendment Act 2013. 4 2. Commencement 5 This Act comes into operation as follows -- 6 (a) Part 1 -- on the day on which this Act receives the 7 Royal Assent; 8 (b) Parts 2 and 3 -- on the day after that day. page 2 Sentencing Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Sentencing Act 1995 amended Part 2 s. 3 1 Part 2 -- Sentencing Act 1995 amended 2 3. Act amended 3 This Part amends the Sentencing Act 1995. 4 4. Section 85 amended 5 In section 85(1) insert in alphabetical order: 6 7 mandatory minimum sentence, in relation to a 8 prescribed offence, means -- 9 (a) in the case of an offence against The Criminal 10 Code section 297, the minimum term of 11 imprisonment required by that section if the 12 offence is committed in prescribed 13 circumstances as defined in subsection (8) of 14 that section; 15 (b) in the case of an offence against The Criminal 16 Code section 318, the minimum term of 17 imprisonment required by subsection (4)(a) or 18 (b) of that section, whichever of those 19 minimum terms is applicable to the 20 circumstances of the offence; 21 (c) in the case of an offence against the Road 22 Traffic Act 1974 section 59, the minimum term 23 of imprisonment required by subsection (4A)(a) 24 of that section; 25 (d) in the case of an offence against the Road 26 Traffic Act 1974 section 59A, the minimum 27 term of imprisonment required by 28 subsection (4A)(a) of that section; page 3 Sentencing Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 2 Sentencing Act 1995 amended s. 5 1 prescribed offence means any of the following 2 offences, if the offence is committed by a person who, 3 at the time of the commission of the offence, has 4 reached 18 years of age -- 5 (a) an offence against The Criminal Code 6 section 297, if the offence is committed in 7 prescribed circumstances as defined in 8 subsection (8) of that section; 9 (b) an offence against The Criminal Code 10 section 318, if the offence is committed in 11 prescribed circumstances as defined in 12 subsection (5) of that section; 13 (c) an offence against the Road Traffic Act 1974 14 section 59 or 59A, if the offence is committed 15 in the circumstance of aggravation referred to 16 in section 49AB(1)(c) of that Act; 17 18 5. Section 93 amended 19 In section 93(1) delete "section 94," and insert: 20 21 sections 94 and 95A, 22 23 6. Section 95A inserted 24 After section 94 insert: 25 26 95A. Eligibility for parole where certain mandatory 27 minimum sentences imposed 28 (1) For the purposes of section 93(1), a prisoner serving a 29 parole term for a prescribed offence is eligible to be 30 released on parole when he or she has served the 31 greater of -- 32 (a) the mandatory minimum sentence applicable to 33 that offence; or page 4 Sentencing Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Sentencing Act 1995 amended Part 2 s. 6 1 (b) the period that, under section 93(1), he or she 2 would be required to serve before being eligible 3 to be released on parole if the offence were not 4 a prescribed offence. 5 (2) Subsection (3) applies to a prisoner if -- 6 (a) the prisoner is serving 2 or more parole terms; 7 and 8 (b) those parole terms are to be aggregated under 9 section 94; and 10 (c) 2 or more of those parole terms are for 11 prescribed offences. 12 (3) If this subsection applies to a prisoner then, for the 13 purposes of section 93(1), the prisoner is eligible to be 14 released on parole when he or she has served the 15 greater of -- 16 (a) the aggregate of the mandatory minimum 17 sentences applicable to each of the prescribed 18 offences that he or she is serving; or 19 (b) the period that, under sections 93(1) and 94, he 20 or she would be required to serve before being 21 eligible to be released on parole if the offences 22 were not prescribed offences. 23 (4) If a parole term was imposed before the Sentencing 24 Legislation Amendment Act 2013 Part 2 comes into 25 operation, this Division and the Sentence 26 Administration Act 2003 Part 3 Division 3 apply to and 27 in relation to that parole term as if the Sentencing 28 Legislation Amendment Act 2013 Part 2 had not been 29 enacted. 30 page 5 Sentencing Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Part 3 Sentence Administration Act 2003 amended s. 7 1 Part 3 -- Sentence Administration Act 2003 amended 2 7. Act amended 3 This Part amends the Sentence Administration Act 2003. 4 8. Section 7 amended 5 In section 7(2)(b) and (c) delete "section 94" and insert: 6 7 sections 94 and 95A 8 9 9. Section 23 amended 10 Delete section 23(2) and insert: 11 12 (2) A prisoner is eligible to be released on parole -- 13 (a) if he or she is serving a term for a prescribed 14 offence, when he or she has served the greater 15 of -- 16 (i) the mandatory minimum sentence 17 applicable to the offence; or 18 (ii) one-half of his or her term; 19 or 20 (b) if he or she is serving a term for 2 or more 21 prescribed offences, when he or she has served 22 the greater of -- 23 (i) the aggregate of the mandatory 24 minimum sentences applicable to each 25 of those prescribed offences; or 26 (ii) one-half of his or her term; 27 or 28 (c) in any other case, when he or she has served 29 one-half of his or her term. 30 page 6 Sentencing Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 Sentence Administration Act 2003 amended Part 3 s. 10 1 10. Section 24 inserted 2 At the end of Part 3 Division 4 insert: 3 4 24. Transitional provision for Sentencing Legislation 5 Amendment Act 2013 6 If a term was imposed before the Sentencing 7 Legislation Amendment Act 2013 Part 3 comes into 8 operation, this Division applies to and in relation to 9 that term as if that Part had not been enacted. 10 11 11. Schedule 2 amended 12 (1) In the heading to Schedule 2 delete "Prescribed" and insert: 13 14 Serious 15 16 (2) In Schedule 2 delete "prescribed" and insert: 17 18 serious 19 20
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