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Western Australia Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 CONTENTS Part 1 -- Preliminary matters 1. Short title 2 2. Commencement 2 Part 2 -- Schedule headings 3. Terms used 3 4. Schedule headings reformatted 5 5. Schedule headings in railway Acts replaced 21 6. Administration Act 1903 amended 23 7. Agricultural Produce Commission Act 1988 amended 23 8. Anglican Church of Australia (Swanleigh land and endowments) Act 1979 amended 23 9. Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (NMRB) Act 1991 amended 25 10. Broken Hill Proprietary Steel Industry Agreement Act 1952 amended 25 11. Churches of Christ, Scientist, Incorporation Act 1961 amended 26 12. City of Perth Restructuring Act 1993 amended 27 13. Constitution Act 1889 amended 29 14. Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899 amended 29 15. Country Areas Water Supply Act 1947 amended 31 16. Decimal Currency Act 1965 amended 32 17. Dental Act 1939 amended 33 18. Guardianship and Administration Act 1990 amended 34 19. Hire-Purchase Act 1959 amended 36 20. Juries Act 1957 amended 39 066--1 page i Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Contents 21. Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1960 amended 41 22. Metropolitan Water Supply, Sewerage, and Drainage Act 1909 amended 45 23. Motor Vehicle (Third Party Insurance) Act 1943 amended 45 24. Ord River Dam Catchment Area (Straying Cattle) Act 1967 amended 46 25. Paper Mill Agreement Act 1960 amended 47 26. Property Law Act 1969 amended 47 27. Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre Act 1966 amended 50 28. Real Estate and Business Agents Act 1978 amended 51 29. Residential Tenancies Act 1987 amended 51 30. Roman Catholic Bishop of Broome Property Act 1957 amended 52 31. Roman Catholic Geraldton Church Property Act 1925 amended 54 32. Royal Agricultural Society Act 1926 amended 54 33. Royal Agricultural Society Act Amendment Act 1929 amended 54 34. Sale of Goods Act 1895 amended 55 35. Settlement Agents Act 1981 amended 55 36. State Flag Act 2006 amended 56 37. The Western Australian Turf Club Act 1892 amended 57 38. Transfer of Land Act 1893 amended 57 39. War Service Land Settlement Scheme Act 1954 amended 62 40. Water Boards Act 1904 amended 63 41. Western Australian Land Authority Act 1992 amended 63 42. "The Schedules" and "Schedules" headings deleted 64 Part 3 -- Other headings 43. Part heading inserted before section 1 67 44. Ad hoc headings 68 45. Country Towns Sewerage Act 1948 amended 73 46. Law Reform (Contributory Negligence and Tortfeasors' Contribution) Act 1947 amended 74 page ii Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Contents 47. Metropolitan Water Supply, Sewerage, and Drainage Act 1909 amended 74 48. University of Western Australia Act 1911 amended 75 49. Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1960 amended 76 50. Heading to preamble 76 Part 4 -- Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. 51. Various written laws amended 78 52. Bush Fires Act 1954 amended 183 53. Consequential amendments to Bush Fires Regulations 1954 191 54. Country Areas Water Supply Act 1947 amended 192 55. Country Towns Sewerage Act 1948 amended 195 56. Dental Act 1939 amended 199 57. Electricity Act 1945 amended 200 58. Fatal Accidents Act 1959 amended 203 59. Freedom of Information Act 1992 amended 204 60. Government Railways Act 1904 amended 206 61. Land Drainage Act 1925 amended 214 62. Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1960 amended 216 63. Main Roads Act 1930 amended 219 page iii Western Australia LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 A Bill for An Act to amend various written laws to standardise the formatting of certain aspects of those laws. The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows: page 1 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 1 Preliminary matters s. 1 1 Part 1 -- Preliminary matters 2 1. Short title 3 This is the Standardisation of Formatting Act 2009. 4 2. Commencement 5 This Act comes into operation as follows -- 6 (a) sections 1 and 2 -- on the day on which this Act 7 receives the Royal Assent; 8 (b) the rest of the Act -- on a day fixed by proclamation, 9 and different days may be fixed for different provisions. page 2 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Schedule headings Part 2 s. 3 1 Part 2 -- Schedule headings 2 3. Terms used 3 In this Part -- 4 current format, in relation to the heading to a Schedule to an 5 Act, means -- 6 (a) one or more lines of continuous text consisting of -- 7 (i) the identifier for the Schedule; then 8 (ii) an em rule; then 9 (iii) the title to the Schedule, with only the first word, 10 capitalised defined terms and proper nouns being 11 capitalised, 12 that is centred and in bold non-italic 14 point Times 13 New Roman font; and 14 (b) a separate line of text consisting of the shoulder note for 15 the Schedule -- 16 (i) in which the relevant provision is identified 17 using an appropriate abbreviation; and 18 (ii) that is set out in square brackets, right aligned 19 and in regular 11 point Times New Roman font; 20 identifier for a Schedule to an Act means -- 21 (a) if the Schedule is designated using cardinal numbers, 22 whether Arabic or Roman -- the word "Schedule" 23 followed by the appropriate number; or 24 (b) if the Schedule is designated using ordinal numbers -- 25 the word "Schedule" preceded by the appropriate 26 ordinal; or 27 (c) if the Schedule is the only Schedule to the Act and is not 28 numbered -- the word "Schedule"; page 3 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 2 Schedule headings s. 3 1 reformat, in relation to the heading to a Schedule to an Act, 2 means do any or all of the following -- 3 (a) change the font, font size, bolding, italicisation, 4 capitalisation and alignment of any part of the heading; 5 (b) change the order of the elements of the heading; 6 (c) insert an em rule after the identifier for the Schedule; 7 (d) if the identifier and title for the Schedule are set our as 8 separate lines of text -- combine them to form one or 9 more continuous lines of text; 10 (e) if the word "The" appears before the identifier for the 11 Schedule -- delete that word; 12 (f) if there is an existing shoulder note for the Schedule -- 13 (i) delete round brackets; 14 (ii) insert square brackets; 15 (iii) replace a reference to a provision that is set out 16 in full (e.g. section, Schedule, clause) with a 17 reference using an appropriate abbreviation 18 (e.g. s., Sch., cl.); 19 (iv) if 2 or more provisions are referred to and the 20 last and next to last provisions are separated by a 21 comma -- replace that comma with "and"; 22 (v) delete a full stop after a reference to a provision; 23 shoulder note for a Schedule to an Act means a reference to the 24 provision or provisions of the Act to which the Schedule relates. 25 Note: These are 3 examples of Schedule headings in the current format. Schedule 1 -- Constitution and proceedings of the Council [s. 25] Second Schedule -- Rights in respect of dwelling houses [s. 15] page 4 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Schedule headings Part 2 s. 4 Schedule -- Map of relevant area [s. 6 and 10] 1 4. Schedule headings reformatted 2 (1) This section amends the Acts listed in the Table. 3 (2) In each Schedule listed in the Table: 4 (a) if there is a title set out in the Table for the Schedule -- 5 after the identifier for the Schedule insert that title; 6 (b) if there is a shoulder note set out in the Table for the 7 Schedule -- at the end of the heading to the Schedule 8 insert that shoulder note; 9 (c) reformat the heading to the Schedule, as amended by 10 paragraphs (a) and (b) if applicable, so that it is in the 11 current format. 12 Table Act Identifier Title Shoulder note Aboriginal Affairs Planning First Schedule Authority Act 1972 Aboriginal Heritage Schedule 1 Temporary Reserve 5623H and [s. 3(1)] (Marandoo) Act 1992 construction camp Schedule 2 Infrastructure corridor [s. 3(1)] Schedule 3 Power line route [s. 3(1)] Adoption Act 1994 Schedule 1 Schedule 2 Schedule 3 Agricultural Practices Schedule 1 (Disputes) Act 1995 Albany Cemeteries Schedule Cemetery land [s. 2] Act 1943 Albany Hardwood Schedule 1 Albany Hardwood Plantation Plantation Agreement Agreement Act 1993 page 5 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 2 Schedule headings s. 4 Act Identifier Title Shoulder note Alumina Refinery (Mitchell First Schedule Alumina Refinery (Mitchell [s. 2] Plateau) Agreement Plateau) Agreement Act 1971 Second First Variation Agreement Schedule Third Schedule Second Variation Agreement Alumina Refinery First Schedule Alumina Refinery (Pinjarra) Agreement (Pinjarra) Agreement Act 1969 Second First supplementary agreement Schedule Third Schedule Second supplementary agreement Fourth Schedule Extract from third supplementary agreement Alumina Refinery The Schedule Alumina Refinery (Wagerup) (Wagerup) Agreement and Agreement Acts Amendment Act 1978 Alumina Refinery (Worsley) First Schedule Alumina Refinery [s. 3] Agreement Act 1973 (Worsley) Agreement Second First Supplementary Agreement [s. 6] Schedule Third Schedule Second Supplementary [s. 6A] Agreement Fourth Schedule Third Supplementary Agreement Fifth Schedule Fourth Supplementary Agreement Alumina Refinery First Schedule Alumina Refinery Agreement [s. 2] Agreement Act 1961 Second First supplementary agreement [s. 2] Schedule Third Schedule Second supplementary agreement Fourth Schedule Third supplementary agreement Fifth Schedule Fourth supplementary agreement Sixth Schedule Fifth supplementary agreement Seventh Extract from sixth supplementary Schedule agreement Eighth Schedule Seventh supplementary agreement Alumina Refinery Schedule 1987 agreement Agreements (Alcoa) Amendment Act 1987 Anglican Church of Schedule [s. 3C] Australia (Diocesan Trustees) Act 1888 page 6 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Schedule headings Part 2 s. 4 Act Identifier Title Shoulder note Anglican Church of Schedule Northern Diocese land Australia (Diocese of North West Australia) Act 1961 Anglican Church of First Schedule Constitution [Preamble] Australia Constitution Second Acts to be read as amended Act 1960 Schedule Anglican Church of First Schedule Land Australia School Lands Second Personal property Act 1896 Schedule Animal Resources Authority Schedule Act 1981 Associations Incorporation Schedule 1 Act 1987 Schedule 2 Australia Acts (Request) First Schedule Requested Commonwealth Act: Act 1985 Australia Act 1986 Second Requested Commonwealth Act: Schedule Australia (Request and Consent) Act 1985 Bank of South Australia Schedule 1 South Australian Act (Merger with Advance Bank) Act 1996 Bank of Western Australia Schedule 1 Provisions relating to Bank of Act 1995 Western Australia Act 1990 Schedule 2 Provisions relating to other Acts Barrow Island Royalty Schedule Barrow Island Royalty Variation Agreement Variation Agreement Act 1985 Bills of Sale Act 1899 Second Schedule Third Schedule Bill of sale over crops Fourth Schedule Tenth Schedule Eleventh Schedule Twelfth Schedule Fourteenth Attestation of witness [s. 8(1)] Schedule page 7 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 2 Schedule headings s. 4 Act Identifier Title Shoulder note Broken Hill Proprietary Schedule Variation agreement Company Limited Agreements (Variation) Act 1980 Broken Hill Proprietary First Schedule Broken Hill Proprietary Company's Integrated Steel Company's Integrated Steel Works Agreement Act 1960 Works Agreement Second Variation Agreement [s. 3] Schedule Building and Construction Schedule 1 Industry Training Fund and Levy Collection Act 1990 Bunbury Treefarm Project Schedule 1 Bunbury Treefarm Agreement Act 1995 Project Agreement Business Names Act 1962 Schedule Acts repealed [s. 3(1)] Busselton Cemetery Schedule Cemetery land [s. 2] Act 1944 Caravan Parks and Schedule 1 Camping Grounds Act 1995 Schedule 2 Casino (Burswood Island) Schedule 1 Casino (Burswood Island) Agreement Act 1985 Agreement Schedule 2 Supplementary Agreement Schedule 3 Second Supplementary Agreement Schedule 4 Seventh Supplementary Agreement Schedule 5 Third Supplementary Agreement Schedule 6 Fourth Supplementary Agreement Schedule 7 Fifth Supplementary Agreement Schedule 8 Sixth Supplementary Agreement Schedule 9 Eighth Supplementary Agreement Schedule 10 Ninth Supplementary Agreement Casino Control Act 1984 Schedule 2 page 8 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Schedule headings Part 2 s. 4 Act Identifier Title Shoulder note Cement Works (Cockburn First Schedule Cement Works (Cockburn Cement Limited) Agreement Cement Limited) Agreement Act 1971 Second Supplemental agreement Schedule amending Cement Works (Cockburn Cement Limited) Agreement Third Schedule Variation agreement [s. 2] Fourth Schedule Second Variation Agreement Cemeteries Act 1986 Schedule 1 Schedule 2 City of Fremantle and Town Schedule Trust Funds Agreement of East Fremantle Trust Funds Act 1961 Coal Industry Schedule 1 Superannuation Act 1989 Schedule 2 Schedule 3 Collie Coal (Griffin) Schedule Collie Coal (Griffin) Agreement Agreement Act 1979 Collie Coal (Western Schedule 1 Collie Coal (Western Collieries) Agreement Collieries) Agreement Act 1979 Schedule 2 Supplementary Agreement [s. 2] Schedule 3 Supplementary Agreement (1990) [s. 2] Schedule 4 Supplementary Agreement (1994) Collie Hardwood Schedule 1 Collie Hardwood Plantation Agreement Plantation Agreement Act 1995 Conservation and Land Schedule Management Act 1984 Constitutional Powers Schedule Requested Commonwealth Act: [s. 2] (Coastal Waters) Act 1979 Coastal Waters (State Powers) Act 1979 Consumer Affairs Act 1971 Schedule [s. 23C] Corporations (Ancillary Schedule 1 References to corporations Provisions) Act 2001 legislation or ASIC legislation Country Housing Act 1998 Schedule 1 Schedule 2 page 9 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 2 Schedule headings s. 4 Act Identifier Title Shoulder note Credit Act 1984 Schedule 1 Schedule 2 Schedule 3 Schedule 4 Schedule 5 Schedule 6 Schedule 7 Curriculum Council Schedule 1 Provisions as to Council Act 1997 Curtin University of Schedule 1 University land Technology Act 1966 Schedule 2 Dampier Solar Salt First Schedule Dampier Solar Salt Industry Agreement Industry Agreement Act 1967 Second Variation agreement Schedule Dardanup Pine Log Schedule Dardanup Pine Log Sawmill Agreement Sawmill Agreement Act 1992 Diamond (Argyle Diamond Schedule 1 Mineral claims Mines Joint Venture) Schedule 2 Diamond (Argyle Diamond [s. 2] Agreement Act 1981 Mines Joint Venture) Agreement Schedule 3 First supplementary agreement [s. 2] Schedule 4 Second supplementary agreement Director of Public Schedule 1 Prosecutions Act 1991 Disability Services Schedule 3 Act 1993 Schedule 4 Disposal of Uncollected Schedule Acts custody of goods under Goods Act 1970 which is not subject to this Act East Perth Redevelopment Schedule 1 Act 1991 Schedule 2 Environmental Protection Schedule 1 Act 1986 Schedule 2 Schedule 3 Schedule 4 page 10 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Schedule headings Part 2 s. 4 Act Identifier Title Shoulder note Evaporites (Lake Macleod) First Schedule Evaporites (Lake [s. 2] Agreement Act 1967 MacLeod) Agreement Second Variation Agreement [s. 2] Schedule Third Schedule Second Variation Agreement [s. 2] Fatal Accidents Act 1959 Schedule 2 Finance Brokers Control Schedule Act 1975 Financial Agreement Schedule 1 1994 Financial Agreement Act 1995 Fire and Emergency Schedule 2 Services Superannuation Schedule 3 Act 1985 Fire Brigades Act 1942 The Second Fire districts Schedule Fish Resources Schedule 1 Management Act 1994 Schedule 3 Fisheries Adjustment Schedule 1 Schemes Act 1987 Forrest Place and City Schedule Enabling agreement [s. 3] Station Development Act 1985 Freedom of Information Schedule 1 Act 1992 Schedule 2 Gaming and Betting Schedule Gaming and betting Acts (Contracts and Securities) Act 1985 Geraldton Sailors and Schedule Trust land [s. 2] Soldiers' Memorial Institute (Trust Property Disposition) Act 1938 Gold Corporation Act 1987 Schedule 1 Schedule 2 Goldfields Gas Pipeline Schedule 1 Goldfields Gas Pipeline Agreement Act 1994 Agreement Guildford Cemeteries Schedule Cemetery land [s. 2] Act 1936 Harbours and Jetties The Schedule Acts under which owner or [s. 2] Act 1928 master is liable page 11 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 2 Schedule headings s. 4 Act Identifier Title Shoulder note Health Services Schedule 1 (Conciliation and Review) Schedule 2 Act 1995 Home Building Contracts Schedule 1 Act 1991 Hospitals and Health Schedule Services Act 1927 Human Reproductive Schedule Technology Act 1991 Industrial Lands (CSBP & Schedule Industrial Lands (CSBP & [s. 2] Farmers Ltd.) Agreement Farmers Ltd.) Agreement Act 1976 Industrial Lands (Kwinana) Schedule Industrial Lands Agreement Act 1964 (Kwinana) Agreement Industrial Relations Schedule 1 [s. 93(3) Act 1979 and 105] Insurance Commission of Schedule 1 Western Australia Act 1986 Schedule 2 Schedule 4 Iron Ore - Direct Reduced Schedule 1 Direct Reduced Iron Iron (BHP) Agreement (BHP) Agreement Act 1996 Schedule 2 First Variation Agreement Iron Ore (Channar Joint Schedule Iron Ore (Channar Joint Venture) Agreement Venture) Agreement Act 1987 Iron Ore (Hamersley First Schedule Iron Ore (Hamersley Range) Agreement Act 1963 Range) Agreement Second First Supplementary Agreement [s. 2] Schedule Third Schedule Second Supplementary [s. 2] Agreement Fourth Schedule Third Supplementary Agreement Fifth Schedule Fourth Supplementary Agreement [s. 2] Sixth Schedule Fifth Supplementary Agreement [s. 2] Seventh Sixth Supplementary Agreement [s. 2] Schedule Eighth Schedule Seventh Supplementary [s. 2] Agreement Ninth Schedule Eighth Supplementary Agreement [s. 2] Tenth Schedule Ninth Supplementary Agreement [s. 2] page 12 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Schedule headings Part 2 s. 4 Act Identifier Title Shoulder note Eleventh Tenth Supplementary Agreement [s. 2] Schedule Iron Ore (Hope Downs) Schedule Iron Ore (Hope Downs) [s. 3] Agreement Act 1992 Agreement Iron Ore (Marillana Creek) Schedule 1 Iron Ore (Marillana Agreement Act 1991 Creek) Agreement Schedule 2 First Variation Agreement Schedule 3 Second Variation Agreement Iron Ore (McCamey's Schedule 1 Iron Ore (McCamey's [s. 2] Monster) Agreement Monster) Agreement Authorisation Act 1972 Schedule 2 First Variation Agreement [s. 4] Schedule 3 Second Variation Agreement Schedule 4 Third Variation Agreement Iron Ore (Mount Bruce) First Schedule Iron Ore (Mount [s. 2] Agreement Act 1972 Bruce) Agreement Second 1976 Variation Agreement [s. 2] Schedule Third Schedule 1987 Variation Agreement [s. 2] Iron Ore (Mount First Schedule Iron Ore (Mount [s. 3] Goldsworthy) Agreement Goldsworthy) Agreement Act 1964 Second First Variation Agreement Schedule Third Schedule Second Variation Agreement Fourth Schedule Third Variation Agreement Iron Ore (Mount Newman) First Schedule Iron Ore (Mount [s. 2] Agreement Act 1964 Newman) Agreement Second First Variation Agreement Schedule Third Schedule Second Variation Agreement [s. 2] Fourth Schedule Third Variation Agreement [s. 2] Fifth Schedule Fourth Variation Agreement Sixth Schedule Fifth Variation Agreement Iron Ore (Murchison) Schedule Iron Ore (Murchison) Agreement Agreement Authorisation Act 1973 Iron Ore (Rhodes Ridge) Schedule Iron Ore (Rhodes Ridge) Agreement Authorisation Agreement Act 1972 page 13 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 2 Schedule headings s. 4 Act Identifier Title Shoulder note Iron Ore (Robe River) First Schedule Iron Ore (Robe River) Agreement Agreement Act 1964 Second First variation agreement Schedule Third Schedule Second variation agreement [s. 3B] Fourth Schedule Third variation agreement [s. 2] Fifth Schedule Fourth variation agreement Sixth Schedule Fifth variation agreement Iron Ore (Wittenoom) Schedule 1 Iron Ore (Wittenoom) Agreement [s. 2] Agreement Act 1972 Schedule 2 Variation Agreement [s. 2] Iron Ore Beneficiation Schedule 1 Iron Ore Beneficiation (BHP) Agreement Act 1996 (BHP) Agreement Schedule 2 First Variation Agreement Iron Ore Processing (BHP Schedule 1 Iron Ore Processing Minerals) Agreement (BHP Minerals) Agreement Act 1994 Judges' Salaries and First Schedule Acts amended Pensions Act 1950 Second Derivative pensions and [s. 7 and Schedule children's allowances 8B(6)] Kojonup Cemetery The Schedule Cemetery land [s. 2] Act 1928 Law Society Public Schedule Law Society Public Purposes Purposes Trust Act 1985 Trust Deed Leslie Solar Salt Industry Schedule Leslie Solar Salt Industry Agreement Act 1966 Agreement Licensed Surveyors Second Act 1909 Schedule Third Schedule Form of declaration Liquor Control Act 1988 Schedule 1 Schedule 2 Unincorporated clubs Litter Act 1979 First Schedule Second Schedule Third Schedule Lotteries Commission Schedule 1 Act 1990 Schedule 2 Mandurah Church Burial The Schedule Land not to be used for burial [s. 2] Ground Act 1947 page 14 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Schedule headings Part 2 s. 4 Act Identifier Title Shoulder note Maritime Archaeology First Schedule Ships notified under Act 1973 Museums Acts Second Schedule Third Schedule Mineral Sands (Beenup) Schedule 1 Mineral Sands (Beenup) Agreement Act 1995 Agreement Mineral Sands (Cooljarloo) Schedule Mineral Sands (Cooljarloo) [s. 3] Mining and Processing Mining and Processing Agreement Act 1988 Agreement Mineral Sands (Eneabba) Schedule 1 Mineral Sands (Eneabba) [s. 2] Agreement Act 1975 Agreement Schedule 2 Variation Agreement [s. 2] Mines Safety and Inspection Schedule 1 Act 1994 Minimum Conditions of Schedule 1 Employment Act 1993 Mining Act 1978 Second Schedule Third Schedule Private land not open for mining Mining On Private The Schedule Hampton Lands and Railway Property Act 1898 Syndicate, Limited lands Misuse of Drugs Act 1981 Schedule I Schedule II Schedule III Schedule IV Schedule V Schedule VI Schedule VII Schedule VIII Morley Shopping Centre Schedule Morley Shopping Centre [s. 3(1)] Redevelopment Agreement Redevelopment Agreement Act 1992 National Environment Schedule 1 Protection Council (Western Australia) Act 1996 National Trust of Australia Schedule Objects of Trust (W.A.) Act 1964 page 15 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 2 Schedule headings s. 4 Act Identifier Title Shoulder note Nickel (Agnew) Agreement First Schedule Nickel (Agnew) Agreement [s. 2] Act 1974 Second Variation Agreement [s. 2] Schedule Nickel Refinery (Western First Schedule Nickel Refinery (Western Mining [s. 2] Mining Corporation Corporation Limited) Agreement Limited) Agreement Second Supplemental agreement [s. 2] Act 1968 Schedule Third Schedule Second supplemental agreement [s. 2] North West Gas Schedule 1 North West Gas Development [s. 2] Development (Woodside) (Woodside) Agreement Agreement Act 1979 Schedule 2 First Supplementary Agreement [s. 2] Schedule 3 Second Supplementary [s. 2] Agreement Schedule 4 Third Supplementary Agreement [s. 2] Northam Cemeteries The Schedule Cemetery land [s. 2] Act 1944 Occupational Safety and Schedule [s. 60(5)] Health Act 1984 Oil Refinery (Kwinana) Schedule 1 Oil Refinery (Kwinana) Agreement Act 1952 Agreement Schedule 2 Variation agreement Onslow Solar Salt Schedule Onslow Solar Salt Agreement [s. 3] Agreement Act 1992 Ord River Hydro Energy Schedule 1 Ord River Hydro Energy Project Agreement Project Agreement Act 1994 Painters' Registration Schedule Act 1961 Parks and Reserves Schedule Form of certificate of authority Act 1895 Parliamentary Schedule [s. 4] Superannuation Act 1970 Pearling Act 1990 Schedule 1 Schedule 2 Schedule 3 Perth Market Act 1926 Schedule Perth Theatre Trust Schedule Act 1979 page 16 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Schedule headings Part 2 s. 4 Act Identifier Title Shoulder note Petroleum (Submerged Schedule 1 Convention on the continental
ands) Act 1982 shelf Schedule 2 Schedule 3 Schedule 4 Pharmacy Act 1964 First Schedule [s. 4(1)] Second Register of pharmaceutical Schedule chemists Third Schedule Certificate of registration Pigment Factory Schedule 1 Pigment Factory (Australind) Agreement (Australind) Agreement Act 1986 Schedule 2 Variation Agreement Pilbara Energy Project Schedule 1 Pilbara Energy Project Agreement Act 1994 Agreement Pollution of Waters By Oil Schedule 1 1973 Convention and Noxious Substances Schedule 2 1978 Protocol Act 1987 Schedule 3 1984 amendments to annex to Protocol Schedule 4 1985 amendments to annex to Protocol Schedule 5 1985 amendments to Protocol I Port Kennedy Development Schedule 1 Agreement Act 1992 Schedule 2 Poseidon Nickel Agreement Schedule 1 Poseidon Nickel Agreement Act 1971 Schedule 2 Variation agreement [s. 2] Presbyterian Church of The Schedule Scheme of Union Australia Act 1901 Presbyterian Church of Schedule Basis of Union [s. 2] Australia Act 1970 Public and Bank Holidays Second Public and bank holidays Act 1972 Schedule Public Sector Management Schedule 1 Act 1994 Schedule 2 Schedule 3 Schedule 4 Schedule 5 Schedule 6 Public Trustee Act 1941 Sixth Schedule Purchased land page 17 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 2 Schedule headings s. 4 Act Identifier Title Shoulder note Racing Penalties (Appeals) Schedule Act 1990 Railway (Bunbury to First Schedule Discontinued railway [s. 3] Boyanup) Discontinuance, Second Railway land [s. 3] Revestment and Schedule Construction Act 1973 Third Schedule Line of Bunbury - Boyanup [s. 6] Railway Railway Standardisation First Schedule Railway Standardisation Agreement Act 1961 Agreement Second Amending agreement Schedule Retirement Villages Schedule 1 Act 1992 Roman Catholic Bunbury First Schedule Land vested in Bishop [s. 3] Church Property Act 1955 of Bunbury Second Acts overridden by section 5 Schedule Roman Catholic Church The Schedule Church property Acts [s. 2 and Property Acts Amendment 4(1)] Act 1916 Roman Catholic New The Schedule Land vested in Abbot Nullius [s. 3] Norcia Church Property of New Norcia Act 1929 Rottnest Island Authority Schedule 1 Act 1987 Schedule 2 Sale of Goods (Vienna Schedule 1 Vienna Convention Convention) Act 1986 Security and Related Schedule 1 Activities (Control) Act 1996 Sentencing Act 1995 Schedule 1 Shark Bay Solar Salt Schedule Shark Bay Solar Salt Industry Industry Agreement Agreement Act 1983 Shipping and Pilotage Schedule Act 1967 Silicon (Kemerton) Schedule 1 Silicon (Kemerton) Agreement Agreement Act 1987 Schedule 2 Variation Agreement [s. 3] Soil and Land Conservation Schedule Act 1945 page 18 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Schedule headings Part 2 s. 4 Act Identifier Title Shoulder note Spent Convictions Act 1988 Schedule 1 Schedule 2 Schedule 3 Stamp Act 1921 Second Schedule Third Schedule State Supply Commission Schedule 1 Act 1991 Schedule 2 State Trading Concerns The Schedule Continuing trading concerns [s. 3, 4 Act 1916 and 17] Statistics Act 1907 Schedule Arrangement between Commonwealth and State Statutory Corporations Schedule 1 (Liability of Directors) Act 1996 Strata Titles Act 1985 Schedule 1 Schedule 2 Schedule 2 by-laws Schedule 2A Schedule 3 Schedule 4 Subiaco Redevelopment Schedule 1 Act 1994 Schedule 2 Supreme Court Act 1935 First Schedule Swan Valley Planning Schedule 1 Act 1995 Tailings Treatment Schedule Tailings Treatment (Kalgoorlie) (Kalgoorlie) Agreement Agreement Act 1988 The Commercial Bank of Schedule Exempt instruments [s. 4(a)] Australia Limited (Merger) Act 1982 Toodyay Cemeteries First Schedule Quinlan Street land [s. 2] Act 1939 Second Cemetery land [s. 3] Schedule Transport Co-ordination First Schedule Carriage for which commercial Act 1966 goods vehicle licence not required Travel Agents Act 1985 Schedule page 19 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 2 Schedule headings s. 4 Act Identifier Title Shoulder note Trustee Companies Schedule 2 Act 1987 Schedule 3 Trustees Act 1962 First Schedule Acts repealed Second Form of notice by advertisement Schedule Uniting Church in Australia Schedule [s. 5] Act 1976 Uranium (Yeelirrie) First Schedule Uranium (Yeelirrie) Agreement [s. 2] Agreement Act 1978 Second Variation Agreement [s. 2] Schedule Victims of Crime Act 1994 Schedule 1 Vocational Education and Schedule 1 Training Act 1996 Water Corporation Schedule 1 Act 1995 Schedule 2 Schedule 4 Water Services Licensing Schedule 1 Act 1995 Schedule 2 West Australian Trustees Schedule 1 Excluded land Limited (Merger) Act 1989 Western Australian Schedule 1 Greyhound Racing Schedule 3 Association Act 1981 Western Australian Marine Schedule 1 Convention (Sea Dumping) Act 1981 Schedule 2 Schedule 3 Western Australian Marine Schedule 1 Container Convention Act 1982 Schedule 2 Limitation Convention Schedule 3 Prevention of Collisions Convention Schedule 4 Safety Convention Schedule 5 1978 Protocol relating to Safety Convention Western Australian Sports Schedule 1 Centre Trust Act 1986 Schedule 2 Schedule 3 page 20 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Schedule headings Part 2 s. 5 Act Identifier Title Shoulder note Western Mining Schedule Western Mining Corporation [s. 3] Corporation Limited Limited (Throssell Range) (Throssell Range) Agreement Agreement Act 1985 Workers' Compensation Schedule 1 [s. 18] and Injury Management Schedule 2 [s. 24] Act 1981 Schedule 3 [s. 32] Schedule 4 [s. 49] Wundowie Charcoal Iron First Schedule Wundowie Charcoal Iron [s. 2] Industry Sale Agreement Industry Sale Agreement Act 1974 Second First Variation Agreement [s. 2] Schedule Third Schedule Third Variation Agreement [s. 2] York Cemeteries Act 1933 Schedule Cemetery land [s. 2] Young Offenders Act 1994 Schedule 1 Schedule 1 offences Schedule 2 Schedule 2 offences Schedule 3 1 5. Schedule headings in railway Acts replaced 2 (1) This section amends the Acts listed in the Table. 3 (2) In each Schedule listed in the Table delete all of the Schedule 4 before "Commencing at" and insert the identifier, title and 5 shoulder note set out in the Table as a heading to the Schedule 6 in the current format. 7 Table Act Identifier Title Shoulder note Bunbury Harbour (East First Line of Bunbury Harbour Spur [s. 2] Perth-Bunbury) Railway Schedule Railway Act 1970 Second Line of connecting railway to [s. 2] Schedule Bunbury station yard Collie-Cardiff Railway Schedule Line of Collie - Cardiff Railway [s. 2] Act 1951 to Western Collieries Ltd "Western No. 2" mine Coogee-Kwinana Railway Schedule Line of Coogee - Kwinana [s. 2] Act 1952 Railway Coogee-Kwinana (Deviation) Schedule Line of Coogee - Kwinana [s. 2] Railway Act 1961 Deviation Railway page 21 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 2 Schedule headings s. 5 Act Identifier Title Shoulder note Dongara-Eneabba Railway Schedule Line of Dongara - Eneabba [s. 2] Act 1974 Railway Industrial Lands (Kwinana) Schedule Line of Industrial Lands [s. 2] Railway Act 1966 (Kwinana) Railway Kwinana Loop Railway Schedule Line of Kwinana Loop Railway [s. 2] Act 1968 Kwinana-Mundijong- Schedule Line of Kwinana - Mundijong - [s. 4] Jarrahdale Railway Act 1961 Jarrahdale Railway Kwinana-Mundijong- Schedule Line of Kwinana - Mundijong - [s. 2] Jarrahdale Railway Jarrahdale Railway Extension Extension Act 1967 Lake Lefroy First Line of railway to Esperance land [s. 2] (Coolgardie-Esperance Schedule backed wharf Wharf) Railway Act 1969 Second Line of Lake Lefroy Spur [s. 2] Schedule Railway Midland Junction-Welshpool Schedule Line of Midland Junction - [s. 2] Railway Act 1957 Welshpool Railway Morawa-Koolanooka Hills Schedule Line of Morawa - Koolanooka [s. 4] Railway Act 1964 Hills Railway Muja-Centaur Coal Mine Schedule Line of Muja - Centaur Coal [s. 2] Railway Act 1951 Mine Railway Perth-Joondalup Railway Schedule Line of Perth - Joondalup [s. 3] Act 1989 Railway Railways (Standard Gauge) First Line of Kalgoorlie - Perth [s. 2] Construction Act 1961 Schedule Railway Third Line of Midland Junction - [s. 2] Schedule Kewdale - Welshpool Railway Fourth Line of Kewdale - Kwinana [s. 2] Schedule Railway Fifth Line of Kalgoorlie - Kamballie [s. 2] Schedule Railway Spearwood-Cockburn Schedule Line of Spearwood - Cockburn [s. 2] Cement Pty. Limited Railway Cement Pty. Limited Railway Act 1961 Spencer's Brook-Northam Schedule Line of Spencer's Brook - [s. 2] Railway Extension Act 1963 Northam Railway Extension West Kalgoorlie-Lake Lefroy Schedule Line of West Kalgoorlie - Lake [s. 2] Railway Act 1970 Lefroy Railway West Kambalda Railway Schedule Line of West Kambalda Spur [s. 2] Act 1972 Railway page 22 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Schedule headings Part 2 s. 6 1 6. Administration Act 1903 amended 2 (1) This section amends the Administration Act 1903. 3 (2) Delete the Third Schedule. 4 (3) In the Fourth and Fifth Schedules reformat the heading to the 5 Schedule so it is in the current format. 6 7. Agricultural Produce Commission Act 1988 amended 7 (1) This section amends the Agricultural Produce Commission 8 Act 1988. 9 (2) In the Schedule: 10 (a) delete "Schedule"; 11 (b) delete "[Section 5(3)]", 12 and insert: 13 14 Schedule -- The Commission and its proceedings 15 [s. 5(6)] 16 17 8. Anglican Church of Australia (Swanleigh land and 18 endowments) Act 1979 amended 19 (1) This section amends the Anglican Church of Australia 20 (Swanleigh land and endowments) Act 1979. 21 (2) In section 3(1): 22 (a) in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) delete "the First Part of the 23 Schedule," and insert: 24 25 the Schedule Part 1, 26 page 23 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 2 Schedule headings s. 8 1 (b) in paragraph (d) delete "the Second Part of the 2 Schedule," and insert: 3 4 the Schedule Part 2, 5 6 (3) In the Schedule: 7 (a) delete "Schedule"; 8 (b) delete "[S. 2 and 3]"; 9 (c) delete "First Part"; 10 (d) delete "(Description of the land which is to be used for the 11 Hostel).", 12 and insert: 13 14 Schedule -- Swanleigh lands 15 [s. 2 and 3] 16 Part 1 -- Land to be used for hostel 17 18 (4) In the Schedule: 19 (a) delete "Second Part"; 20 (b) delete "(Description of land which, or the proceeds of sale of 21 which, is to be held and used for general ecclesiastical 22 purposes).", 23 and insert: 24 25 Part 2 -- Land to be used for general ecclesiastical purposes 26 page 24 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Schedule headings Part 2 s. 9 1 9. Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (NMRB) 2 Act 1991 amended 3 (1) This section amends the Australia and New Zealand Banking 4 Group Limited (NMRB) Act 1991. 5 (2) In Schedule 1: 6 (a) delete "Schedule 1"; 7 (b) delete "[Section 3]"; 8 (c) delete "Part 1", 9 and insert: 10 11 Schedule 1 -- Category A liabilities and property 12 [s. 3] 13 Part 1 -- Category A liabilities 14 15 (3) In Schedule 1 delete "Part 2" and insert: 16 17 Part 2 -- Category A property 18 19 10. Broken Hill Proprietary Steel Industry Agreement Act 1952 20 amended 21 (1) This section amends the Broken Hill Proprietary Steel Industry 22 Agreement Act 1952. 23 (2) In the First Schedule: 24 (a) delete "First Schedule"; 25 (b) delete "[s. 2.]", page 25 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 2 Schedule headings s. 11 1 and insert: 2 3 First Schedule -- Broken Hill Proprietary Steel 4 Industry Agreement 5 [s. 2] 6 7 (3) Delete the Second Schedule. 8 11. Churches of Christ, Scientist, Incorporation Act 1961 9 amended 10 (1) This section amends the Churches of Christ, Scientist, 11 Incorporation Act 1961. 12 (2) In the First Schedule: 13 (a) delete "First Schedule"; 14 (b) delete "s. 2 and 4", 15 and insert: 16 17 First Schedule -- Tenets of Church 18 [s. 2 and 5] 19 20 (3) In the Second Schedule: 21 (a) delete "Second Schedule"; 22 (b) delete "s. 4", 23 and insert: 24 25 Second Schedule -- Church land 26 [s. 4] 27 page 26 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Schedule headings Part 2 s. 12 1 12. City of Perth Restructuring Act 1993 amended 2 (1) This section amends the City of Perth Restructuring Act 1993. 3 (2) In Schedule 1 reformat the heading to the Schedule so it is in the 4 current format. 5 (3) In Schedule 2: 6 (a) delete "Schedule 2"; 7 (b) delete "[s. 9(1), 11(2)]"; 8 (c) delete "Part A"; 9 (d) delete "District of the Town of Cambridge", 10 and insert: 11 12 Schedule 2 -- Town of Cambridge 13 [s. 9(1) and 11(2)] 14 Part A -- District of the Town of Cambridge 15 16 (4) In Schedule 2: 17 (a) delete "Part B"; 18 (b) delete "Wards in the District of the Town of 19 Cambridge", 20 and insert: 21 22 Part B -- Wards in the district of the Town of Cambridge 23 24 (5) In Schedule 3: 25 (a) delete "Schedule 3"; 26 (b) delete "[s. 9(1), 11(2)]"; page 27 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 2 Schedule headings s. 12 1 (c) delete "Part A"; 2 (d) delete "District of the Town of Vincent", 3 and insert: 4 5 Schedule 3 -- Town of Vincent 6 [s. 9(1) and 11(2)] 7 Part A -- District of the Town of Vincent 8 9 (6) In Schedule 3: 10 (a) delete "Part B"; 11 (b) delete "Wards in the District of the Town of 12 Vincent", 13 and insert: 14 15 Part B -- Wards in the district of the Town of Vincent 16 17 (7) In Schedule 4: 18 (a) delete "Schedule 4"; 19 (b) delete "[s. 9(1), 11(2)]"; 20 (c) delete "Part A"; 21 (d) delete "District of the Town of Shepperton", page 28 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Schedule headings Part 2 s. 13 1 and insert: 2 3 Schedule 4 -- Town of Shepperton 4 [s. 9(1) and 11(2)] 5 Part A -- District of the Town of Shepperton 6 7 (8) In Schedule 4: 8 (a) delete "Part B"; 9 (b) delete "Wards in the District of the Town of 10 Shepperton", 11 and insert: 12 13 Part B -- Wards in the district of the Town of Shepperton 14 15 (9) In Schedule 5 reformat the heading to the Schedule so it is in the 16 current format. 17 13. Constitution Act 1889 amended 18 (1) This section amends the Constitution Act 1889. 19 (2) Delete section 71. 20 (3) Delete Schedule D. 21 14. Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899 amended 22 (1) This section amends the Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899. 23 (2) In Schedule I reformat the heading to the Schedule so it is in the 24 current format. 25 (3) In Schedule V: 26 (a) delete "Schedule V"; page 29 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 2 Schedule headings s. 14 1 (b) delete "[Sections 34 and 37]"; 2 (c) delete "Part 1"; 3 (d) delete "Division 1" (first occurrence), 4 and insert: 5 6 Schedule V -- Offices and bodies to which Part I 7 Division 3 applies 8 [s. 34 and 37] 9 Part 1 -- Disqualifying offices 10 Division 1 -- Judicial, tribunal and similar offices 11 12 (4) In Schedule V Part 1 delete "Division 2" and insert: 13 14 Division 2 -- Other offices 15 16 (5) In Schedule V Part 2: 17 (a) delete "Part 2"; 18 (b) delete "Division 1", 19 and insert: 20 21 Part 2 -- Offices or places vacated on election 22 Division 1 -- Tribunal and board offices 23 24 (6) In Schedule V Part 2 delete "Division 2" and insert: 25 26 Division 2 -- Other offices or places 27 page 30 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Schedule headings Part 2 s. 15 1 (7) In Schedule V Part 3 delete "Part 3" and insert: 2 3 Part 3 -- Bodies membership of which is vacated on election 4 5 15. Country Areas Water Supply Act 1947 amended 6 (1) This section amends the Country Areas Water Supply Act 1947. 7 (2) In section 12A(1a) delete "the Second Schedule." and insert: 8 9 Schedule 2. 10 11 (3) In section 12A(1b) delete "the Second Schedule" and insert: 12 13 Schedule 2 14 15 (4) In section 12AA in the definition of controlled land delete "the 16 Second Schedule;" and insert: 17 18 Schedule 2; 19 20 (5) In the Second Schedule: 21 (a) delete "Second Schedule"; 22 (b) delete "(Section 12AA)"; 23 (c) delete "Controlled land", 24 and insert: 25 26 Schedule 2 -- Controlled land 27 [s. 12AA] 28 page 31 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 2 Schedule headings s. 16 1 16. Decimal Currency Act 1965 amended 2 (1) This section amends the Decimal Currency Act 1965. 3 (2) In the First Schedule: 4 (a) delete "First Schedule"; 5 (b) delete "section 4(1)", 6 and insert: 7 8 First Schedule -- Acts amended 9 [s. 4(1)] 10 11 (3) In the Second Schedule: 12 (a) delete "Second Schedule"; 13 (b) delete "section 5(5)"; 14 (c) delete "Part A"; 15 (d) delete "Equivalents Specified in the Commonwealth 16 Currency Act", 17 and insert: 18 19 Second Schedule -- Currency equivalents 20 [s. 5(5)] 21 Part A -- Equivalents specified in the Commonwealth 22 Currency Act 23 24 (4) In the Second Schedule delete "Part B" and insert: 25 26 Part B -- Examples of equivalents 27 page 32 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Schedule headings Part 2 s. 17 1 (5) In the Third Schedule reformat the heading to the Schedule so it 2 is in the current format. 3 17. Dental Act 1939 amended 4 (1) This section amends the Dental Act 1939. 5 (2) In Schedule 2: 6 (a) delete "Schedule 2"; 7 (b) delete "[Sections 50A, 50B and 50D]"; 8 (c) delete "Part 1"; 9 (d) delete "Core acts", 10 and insert: 11 12 Schedule 2 -- Acts of dentistry: dental therapists, 13 dental hygienists and school dental therapists 14 [s. 50A, 50B and 50D] 15 Part 1 -- Core acts 16 17 (3) In Schedule 2: 18 (a) delete "Part 2"; 19 (b) delete "Local analgesia acts", 20 and insert: 21 22 Part 2 -- Local analgesia acts 23 24 (4) In Schedule 2: 25 (a) delete "Part 3"; page 33 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 2 Schedule headings s. 18 1 (b) delete "Orthodontic acts", 2 and insert: 3 4 Part 3 -- Orthodontic acts 5 6 (5) In Schedule 2: 7 (a) delete "Part 4"; 8 (b) delete "Dental therapy acts", 9 and insert: 10 11 Part 4 -- Dental therapy acts 12 13 (6) In Schedule 2 delete "Part 5" and insert: 14 15 Part 5 -- Restoration of prepared cavities 16 17 (7) In Schedule 2 delete "Part 6" and insert: 18 19 Part 6 -- Root planing 20 21 (8) In Schedule 2 delete "Part 7" and insert: 22 23 Part 7 -- Caries detection 24 25 18. Guardianship and Administration Act 1990 amended 26 (1) This section amends the Guardianship and Administration 27 Act 1990. page 34 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Schedule headings Part 2 s. 18 1 (2) In the provisions listed in the Table delete "Part B of 2 Schedule 1" and insert: 3 4 Schedule 1 5 6 Table s. 3(1) def. of party s. 17(1) s. 17B(2)(b) s. 41(2)(b)(i) s. 60(2)(b)(i) s. 89(2)(c)(i) 7 (3) In Schedule 1: 8 (a) delete "Schedule 1"; 9 (b) delete "[section 17]"; 10 (c) delete "Part B"; 11 (d) delete "Provisions as to proceedings of State 12 Administrative Tribunal", 13 and insert: 14 15 Schedule 1 -- Provisions as to proceedings of State 16 Administrative Tribunal 17 [s. 17] 18 19 (4) In Schedule 2: 20 (a) delete "Schedule 2"; 21 (b) delete "[sections 71(3) and 72(1)]"; 22 (c) delete "Part A", page 35 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 2 Schedule headings s. 19 1 and insert: 2 3 Schedule 2 -- Functions for administration 4 of estates 5 [s. 71(3) and 72(1)] 6 Part A -- Administrator 7 8 (5) In Schedule 2 delete "Part B" and insert: 9 10 Part B -- State Administrative Tribunal 11 12 (6) In Schedule 3: 13 (a) delete "Schedule 3"; 14 (b) delete "[section 104]", 15 and insert: 16 17 Schedule 3 -- Forms for enduring power 18 of attorney 19 [s. 104] 20 21 (7) In Schedule 5 reformat the heading to the Schedule so it is in the 22 current format. 23 19. Hire-Purchase Act 1959 amended 24 (1) This section amends the Hire-Purchase Act 1959. page 36 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Schedule headings Part 2 s. 19 1 (2) In section 3(1) delete "the First Part of the First Schedule," and 2 insert: 3 4 the First Schedule Part 1, 5 6 (3) In section 3(1a) delete "the First Part of the First Schedule." and 7 insert: 8 9 the First Schedule Part 1. 10 11 (4) In section 3(6) delete "the Second Part of the First Schedule" 12 and insert: 13 14 the First Schedule Part 2 15 16 (5) In the First Schedule: 17 (a) delete "First Schedule -- First Part"; 18 (b) delete "[s. 3(1)]"; 19 (c) delete "Hire-Purchase Act 1959" (first occurrence), 20 and insert: 21 22 First Schedule -- Statement to be given to hirer 23 [s. 3] 24 Part 1 -- Form of statement 25 page 37 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 2 Schedule headings s. 19 1 (6) In the First Schedule delete "First Schedule -- Second 2 Part" and insert: 3 4 Part 2 -- Furniture 5 6 (7) In the Second Schedule: 7 (a) delete "Second Schedule"; 8 (b) delete "[s. 4, 18.]"; 9 (c) delete "Hire-Purchase Act 1959" (first occurrence); 10 (d) delete "Advice to hirers", 11 and insert: 12 13 Second Schedule -- Advice to hirers 14 [s. 4 and 18] 15 16 (8) In the Third Schedule: 17 (a) delete "Third Schedule"; 18 (b) delete "[s. 13(1).]"; 19 (c) delete "Hire-Purchase Act 1959" (first occurrence); 20 (d) delete "Notice of intention to repossess", 21 and insert: 22 23 Third Schedule -- Notice of intention to repossess 24 [s. 13(1)] 25 26 (9) In the Fourth Schedule: 27 (a) delete "Fourth Schedule"; 28 (b) delete "[s. 11(3), 13(3), 14, 15, 24(6).]"; page 38 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Schedule headings Part 2 s. 20 1 (c) delete "Hire-Purchase Act 1959" (first occurrence); 2 (d) delete "Advice to hirers", 3 and insert: 4 5 Fourth Schedule -- Advice to hirers 6 [s. 11(3), 13(3), 14, 15 and 24(6)] 7 8 (10) In the Fifth Schedule: 9 (a) delete "Fifth Schedule"; 10 (b) delete "Hire-Purchase Act 1959" (first occurrence); 11 (c) delete "Formula for calculating percentage 12 rate of terms charges", 13 and insert: 14 15 Fifth Schedule -- Formula for calculating 16 percentage rate of terms charges 17 [s. 3(2)(e)(ix)] 18 19 20. Juries Act 1957 amended 20 (1) This section amends the Juries Act 1957. 21 (2) In the Second Schedule: 22 (a) delete "Second Schedule"; 23 (b) delete "[Section 5]"; 24 (c) delete "Part I"; 25 (d) delete "Persons not eligible to serve as jurors", page 39 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 2 Schedule headings s. 20 1 and insert: 2 3 Second Schedule -- Persons ineligible or entitled to 4 be excused 5 [s. 5] 6 Part I -- Persons not eligible to serve as jurors 7 8 (3) In the Second Schedule: 9 (a) delete "Part II"; 10 (b) delete "Persons who are excused as of right from 11 serving as jurors if they claim to be excused by virtue 12 of that fact, namely --", 13 and insert: 14 15 Part II -- Persons entitled to be excused from serving 16 as jurors 17 18 (4) In the Third Schedule: 19 (a) delete "Third Schedule"; 20 (b) delete "[Sections 27, 32]"; 21 (c) delete "Grounds on which a person summoned 22 to attend as a juror may be excused from 23 such attendance by the summoning officer or 24 the court", page 40 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Schedule headings Part 2 s. 21 1 and insert: 2 3 Third Schedule -- Grounds for being excused 4 [s. 27 and 32] 5 The grounds on which a person summoned to attend as a 6 juror may be excused from such attendance by the 7 summoning officer or the court are -- 8 9 (5) In the Fourth Schedule: 10 (a) delete "Fourth Schedule"; 11 (b) delete "[Sections 32FA, 34B]"; 12 (c) delete "Matters to be disclosed by persons 13 appearing in answer to the summons to serve 14 as jurors to the jury pool supervisor or to the 15 summoning officer as the case requires", 16 and insert: 17 18 Fourth Schedule -- Matters to be disclosed by 19 persons summonsed 20 [s. 32AF and 34B] 21 The matters to be disclosed by persons appearing in answer 22 to the summons to serve as jurors to the jury pool supervisor 23 or to the summoning officer as the case requires are -- 24 25 21. Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1960 26 amended 27 (1) This section amends the Local Government (Miscellaneous 28 Provisions) Act 1960. 29 (2) Amend the provisions listed in the Table as set out in the Table. page 41 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 2 Schedule headings s. 21 1 Table Provision Delete Insert s. 455(1), (2)(a) Part 1 of the Schedule 1. Fifteenth Schedule. s. 458(2)(b) Part 2 of the Schedule 2 Fifteenth Schedule s. 462(1) Part 3 of the Schedule 3, Fifteenth Schedule, that Part of (each occurrence) s. 463(1) Part 4 of the Schedule 4, Fifteenth Schedule, that Part of s. 464 the Fifteenth Schedules 2, 3 and 4 Schedule s. 469(5) Part 5 of the Schedule 5 Fifteenth Schedule s. 485 Part 4 of the Schedule 4, Fifteenth Schedule, 2 (3) In the Fifteenth Schedule delete: 3 4 Fifteenth Schedule 5 [s. 455(1)] 6 Western Australia 7 Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1960 8 Part 1 -- Form of poundkeeper's book 9 page 42 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Schedule headings Part 2 s. 21 1 and insert: 2 3 Schedule 1 -- Poundkeeper's book 4 [s. 455(1)] 5 6 (4) In the Fifteenth Schedule delete: 7 8 Western Australia 9 Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1960 10 [s. 458(2)(b)] 11 Part 2 12 Ranger's fees 13 Table of Fees Chargeable by Ranger, officer or other 14 authorised person in respect of Cattle 15 Impounded by him 16 17 and insert: 18 19 Schedule 2 -- Ranger's fees 20 [s. 458(2)(b)] 21 22 (5) In the Fifteenth Schedule delete: 23 24 Western Australia 25 Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1960 26 [s. 462(1)] 27 Part 3 28 page 43 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 2 Schedule headings s. 21 1 and insert: 2 3 Schedule 3 -- Poundage fees and 4 sustenance charges 5 [s. 462(1)] 6 7 (6) In the Fifteenth Schedule delete: 8 9 Western Australia 10 Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1960 11 [s. 463(1)] 12 Part 4 13 Rates for damage by trespass by cattle 14 15 and insert: 16 17 Schedule 4 -- Rates for damage by trespass 18 by cattle 19 [s. 463(1)] 20 21 (7) In the Fifteenth Schedule delete: 22 23 Western Australia 24 Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1960 25 [s. 469(5)] 26 Part 5 27 Form of advertisement in the Government Gazette or 28 newspaper circulating in the locality 29 page 44 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Schedule headings Part 2 s. 22 1 and insert: 2 3 Schedule 5 -- Form of advertisement 4 [s. 469(5)] 5 6 22. Metropolitan Water Supply, Sewerage, and Drainage Act 1909 7 amended 8 (1) This section amends the Metropolitan Water Supply, Sewerage, 9 and Drainage Act 1909. 10 (2) Delete section 114(2) and (3). 11 (3) In section 114(4) delete "the Ninth Schedule." and insert: 12 13 Schedule 9. 14 15 (4) In the Ninth Schedule: 16 (a) delete "Ninth Schedule" and insert: 17 18 Schedule 9 -- Notice of possession 19 [s. 114(4)] 20 21 (b) delete "Under Section 138" and insert: 22 23 of possession under section 114 24 25 23. Motor Vehicle (Third Party Insurance) Act 1943 amended 26 (1) This section amends the Motor Vehicle (Third Party Insurance) 27 Act 1943. page 45 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 2 Schedule headings s. 24 1 (2) In the Schedule: 2 (a) delete "Schedule"; 3 (b) delete "INSURANCE POLICY -- issued under the 4 MOTOR VEHICLE (THIRD PARTY INSURANCE) 5 ACT 1943"; 6 (c) delete "[s. 6]", 7 and insert: 8 9 Schedule -- Form of insurance policy 10 [s. 6] 11 INSURANCE POLICY 12 issued under the Motor Vehicle (Third Party Insurance) Act 1943 13 14 24. Ord River Dam Catchment Area (Straying Cattle) Act 1967 15 amended 16 (1) This section amends the Ord River Dam Catchment Area 17 (Straying Cattle) Act 1967. 18 (2) In the Schedule: 19 (a) delete "Schedule"; 20 (b) delete "[Section 3]; 21 (c) delete "Part I", 22 and insert: 23 24 Schedule -- Ord River Dam Catchment Area 25 [s. 3] 26 Part I -- Land within catchment area on or 27 after 1 January 1969 28 page 46 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Schedule headings Part 2 s. 25 1 (3) In the Schedule delete "Part II" and insert: 2 3 Part II -- Land within catchment area on or 4 after 1 January 1970 5 6 (4) In the Schedule delete "Part III" and insert: 7 8 Part III -- Land within catchment area on or 9 after 1 January 1985 10 11 25. Paper Mill Agreement Act 1960 amended 12 (1) This section amends the Paper Mill Agreement Act 1960. 13 (2) In section 2 in the definition of the agreement delete "The 14 Schedule;" and insert: 15 16 the Schedule; 17 18 (3) In the Schedule: 19 (a) delete "The Schedule"; 20 (b) delete "[s. 2]", 21 and insert: 22 23 Schedule -- Paper Mill Agreement 24 [s. 2] 25 26 26. Property Law Act 1969 amended 27 (1) This section amends the Property Law Act 1969. page 47 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 2 Schedule headings s. 26 1 (2) In the First Schedule reformat the heading to the Schedule so it 2 is in the current format. 3 (3) In the Second Schedule: 4 (a) delete "Second Schedule"; 5 (b) delete "[Section 4(b)]", 6 and insert: 7 8 Second Schedule -- Acts repealed 9 [s. 4(b)] 10 11 (4) In the Third Schedule: 12 (a) delete "Third Schedule"; 13 (b) delete "[Section 45]"; 14 (c) delete "Implied covenants"; 15 (d) delete "Part I"; 16 (e) delete "[Section 45(1)(a)]", 17 and insert: 18 19 Third Schedule -- Implied covenants 20 [s. 45(1)] 21 Part I -- Conveyance for valuable consideration 22 23 (5) In the Third Schedule: 24 (a) delete "Part II"; 25 (b) delete "[Section 45(1)(b)]", page 48 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Schedule headings Part 2 s. 26 1 and insert: 2 3 Part II -- Conveyance of leasehold 4 5 (6) In the Third Schedule: 6 (a) delete "Part III"; 7 (b) delete "[Section 45(1)(c)]", 8 and insert: 9 10 Part III -- Conveyance by way of mortgage 11 12 (7) In the Third Schedule: 13 (a) delete "Part IV"; 14 (b) delete "[Section 45(1)(d)]", 15 and insert: 16 17 Part IV -- Conveyance by way of mortgage of leasehold 18 19 (8) In the Third Schedule: 20 (a) delete "Part V"; 21 (b) delete "[Section 45(1)(e)]", 22 and insert: 23 24 Part V -- Conveyance by way of settlement 25 26 (9) In the Third Schedule: 27 (a) delete "Part VI"; page 49 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 2 Schedule headings s. 27 1 (b) delete "[Section 45(1)(f)]", 2 and insert: 3 4 Part VI -- Conveyance by person other than 5 beneficial owner 6 7 (10) In the Fourth Schedule reformat the heading to the Schedule so 8 it is in the current format. 9 27. Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre Act 1966 amended 10 (1) This section amends the Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre 11 Act 1966. 12 (2) In the Schedule: 13 (a) delete "The Schedule"; 14 (b) delete "Part I", 15 and insert: 16 17 Schedule -- Medical centre land 18 [s. 4, 5 and 6] 19 Part I -- Original land 20 21 (3) In the Schedule delete "Part II" and insert: 22 23 Part II -- Further land 24 page 50 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Schedule headings Part 2 s. 28 1 28. Real Estate and Business Agents Act 1978 amended 2 (1) This section amends the Real Estate and Business Agents 3 Act 1978. 4 (2) In the Schedule: 5 (a) delete "Schedule"; 6 (b) delete "Qualifications for grant of licence (s. 27)", 7 and insert: 8 9 Schedule -- Qualifications and saving and 10 transitional provisions 11 [s. 27 and 146] 12 Division 1 -- Qualifications for grant of licence 13 14 (3) In the Schedule delete "Savings" and insert: 15 16 Division 2 -- Saving and transitional provisions 17 18 29. Residential Tenancies Act 1987 amended 19 (1) This section amends the Residential Tenancies Act 1987. 20 (2) In Schedule 1: 21 (a) delete "Schedule 1"; 22 (b) delete "[section 29(4)]"; 23 (c) delete "Provisions relating to holding and disposal of 24 security bonds and the income therefrom"; 25 (d) delete "Part A", page 51 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 2 Schedule headings s. 30 1 and insert: 2 3 Schedule 1 -- Provisions relating to holding 4 and disposal of security bonds and the 5 income therefrom 6 [s. 29(4)] 7 Part A -- Preliminary matters 8 9 (3) In Schedule 1 delete "Part B" and insert: 10 11 Part B -- Administrator 12 13 (4) In Schedule 1 delete "Part C" and insert: 14 15 Part C -- Financial institution 16 17 (5) In Schedule 1 delete "Part D" and insert: 18 19 Part D -- Referee 20 21 30. Roman Catholic Bishop of Broome Property Act 1957 22 amended 23 (1) This section amends the Roman Catholic Bishop of Broome 24 Property Act 1957. 25 (2) In the First Schedule: 26 (a) delete "First Schedule"; 27 (b) delete "[S. 3]"; page 52 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Schedule headings Part 2 s. 30 1 (c) delete "Part I", 2 and insert: 3 4 First Schedule -- Land vested in Bishop of Broome 5 [s. 3] 6 Part I -- Land transferred from Roman Catholic 7 Bishop of Perth 8 9 (3) In the First Schedule delete "Part II" and insert: 10 11 Part II -- Land transferred from Roman Catholic 12 Bishop of Geraldton 13 14 (4) In the First Schedule delete "Part III" and insert: 15 16 Part III -- Land transferred from Pious Society of Missions 17 Incorporated of Broome 18 19 (5) In the Second Schedule: 20 (a) delete "Second Schedule"; 21 (b) delete "[S. 5]", 22 and insert: 23 24 Second Schedule -- Acts overridden by section 5 25 [s. 5] 26 page 53 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 2 Schedule headings s. 31 1 31. Roman Catholic Geraldton Church Property Act 1925 2 amended 3 (1) This section amends the Roman Catholic Geraldton Church 4 Property Act 1925. 5 (2) In the Schedule delete "The Schedule hereto:" and insert: 6 7 Schedule -- Land vested in Bishop of Geraldton 8 [s. 3] 9 10 32. Royal Agricultural Society Act 1926 amended 11 (1) This section amends the Royal Agricultural Society Act 1926. 12 (2) In section 3(1) delete "The Schedule." and insert: 13 14 the Schedule. 15 16 (3) In the Schedule delete "The Schedule" and insert: 17 18 Schedule -- Certificate of registration 19 [s. 3(1)] 20 21 33. Royal Agricultural Society Act Amendment Act 1929 amended 22 (1) The section amends the Royal Agricultural Society Act 23 Amendment Act 1929. 24 (2) In section 2 in the proviso delete "The Schedule" and insert: 25 26 the Schedule 27 page 54 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Schedule headings Part 2 s. 34 1 (3) In the Schedule delete "The Schedule" and insert: 2 3 Schedule -- Land exempt from section 2(2) 4 [s. 2] 5 6 34. Sale of Goods Act 1895 amended 7 (1) This section amends the Sale of Goods Act 1895. 8 (2) In the Schedule delete "Schedule" and insert: 9 10 Schedule -- Imperial Acts that cease to apply 11 [s. 58] 12 13 (3) In the Schedule delete "Enactments Referred To". 14 35. Settlement Agents Act 1981 amended 15 (1) This section amends the Settlement Agents Act 1981. 16 (2) In Schedule 1: 17 (a) delete "Schedule 1"; 18 (b) delete "Qualifications for grant of licence"; 19 (c) delete "[Sections 27, 28 and 29]" (first occurrence), 20 and insert: 21 22 Schedule 1 -- Grant of licence 23 [s. 27, 28 and 29] 24 Division 1 -- Qualifications 25 page 55 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 2 Schedule headings s. 36 1 (3) In Schedule 1: 2 (a) delete "Disqualification"; 3 (b) delete "[Sections 27, 28 and 29]" (second occurrence), 4 and insert: 5 6 Division 2 -- Disqualification 7 8 (4) In Schedule 1: 9 (a) delete "Temporary arrangements"; 10 (b) delete "[Sections 28 and 29]", 11 and insert: 12 13 Division 3 -- Temporary arrangements 14 15 (5) In Schedule 2 reformat the heading to the Schedule so it is in the 16 current format. 17 36. State Flag Act 2006 amended 18 (1) This section amends the State Flag Act 2006. 19 (2) In the Schedule: 20 (a) delete "Schedule"; 21 (b) delete "Part 1", 22 and insert: 23 24 Schedule -- Western Australian State flag 25 [s. 4] 26 Part 1 -- Description of flag 27 page 56 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Schedule headings Part 2 s. 37 1 (3) In the Schedule Part 2: 2 (a) delete "Part 2" and insert: 3 4 Part 2 -- Western Australian State flag 5 6 (b) delete "THE WESTERN AUSTRALIAN STATE FLAG". 7 37. The Western Australian Turf Club Act 1892 amended 8 (1) This section amends The Western Australian Turf Club 9 Act 1892. 10 (2) In the First Schedule: 11 (a) delete "First Schedule"; 12 (b) delete "THE WESTERN AUSTRALIAN TURF CLUB"; 13 (c) delete "Section 4", 14 and insert: 15 16 First Schedule -- Form of memorial 17 [s. 4] 18 THE WESTERN AUSTRALIAN TURF CLUB 19 20 38. Transfer of Land Act 1893 amended 21 (1) This section amends the Transfer of Land Act 1893. 22 (2) In section 4(3) delete "Schedule 9A" and insert: 23 24 the Tenth Schedule 25 26 (3) In section 65(3) delete "Schedule 9A" and insert: 27 28 the Tenth Schedule 29 page 57 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 2 Schedule headings s. 38 1 (4) In the First Schedule: 2 (a) delete "First Schedule"; 3 (b) delete "[Section 2]"; 4 (c) delete "Western Australia", 5 and insert: 6 7 First Schedule -- Acts repealed 8 [s. 2] 9 10 (5) In the Second Schedule: 11 (a) delete "Second Schedule"; 12 (b) delete "[Section 20]", 13 and insert: 14 15 Second Schedule -- Application to bring land 16 under Act 17 [s. 20] 18 19 (6) In the Third Schedule: 20 (a) delete "Third Schedule"; 21 (b) delete "[Section 24]", 22 and insert: 23 24 Third Schedule -- Notice to be posted on land 25 [s. 24] 26 page 58 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Schedule headings Part 2 s. 38 1 (7) In the Fourth Schedule: 2 (a) delete "Fourth Schedule"; 3 (b) delete "[Section 222]", 4 and insert: 5 6 Fourth Schedule -- Application to be registered as 7 proprietor by possession 8 [s. 222] 9 10 (8) In the Ninth Schedule: 11 (a) delete "Ninth Schedule"; 12 (b) delete "[Section 65]"; 13 (c) delete "Western Australia", 14 and insert: 15 16 Ninth Schedule -- Creation of rights of 17 carriage-way 18 [s. 65] 19 20 (9) In Schedule 9A: 21 (a) delete "Schedule 9A"; 22 (b) delete "Short and long forms of certain 23 easements"; 24 (c) delete "[Section 65(3)]", page 59 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 2 Schedule headings s. 38 1 and insert: 2 3 Tenth Schedule -- Short and long forms of 4 certain easements 5 [s. 65(3)] 6 7 (10) In the Twelfth Schedule: 8 (a) delete "Twelfth Schedule"; 9 (b) delete "[Section 94]", 10 and insert: 11 12 Twelfth Schedule -- Short form of covenants 13 by lessee 14 [s. 94] 15 16 (11) In the Sixteenth Schedule: 17 (a) delete "Sixteenth Schedule"; 18 (b) delete "[Section 115]", 19 and insert: 20 21 Sixteenth Schedule -- Short form of covenant by 22 mortgagor to insure 23 [s. 115] 24 page 60 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Schedule headings Part 2 s. 38 1 (12) In the Nineteenth Schedule delete "Nineteenth Schedule" 2 and insert: 3 4 Nineteenth Schedule -- Power of Attorney 5 [s. 143(1)] 6 7 (13) In the Twenty-fourth Schedule: 8 (a) delete "Twenty-fourth Schedule"; 9 (b) delete "[Section 172]", 10 and insert: 11 12 Twenty-fourth Schedule -- Form of application 13 to amend certificate or amend or replace 14 relevant graphic 15 [s. 172] 16 17 (14) In the Twenty-fifth Schedule: 18 (a) delete "Twenty-fifth Schedule"; 19 (b) delete "[Section 180]", 20 and insert: 21 22 Twenty-fifth Schedule -- Form of summons 23 [s. 180] 24 25 (15) In the Twenty-sixth Schedule: 26 (a) delete "Twenty-sixth Schedule"; 27 (b) delete "[Section 237]"; page 61 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 2 Schedule headings s. 39 1 (c) delete "Western Australia"; 2 (d) delete "Table A"; 3 (e) delete "General Conditions of Sale", 4 and insert: 5 6 Twenty-sixth Schedule -- General conditions of sale 7 [s. 237] 8 Table A 9 10 (16) In the Twenty-eighth Schedule: 11 (a) delete "Twenty-eighth Schedule"; 12 (b) delete "[Section 81B]", 13 and insert: 14 15 Twenty-eighth Schedule -- Application to register 16 Crown lease 17 [s. 81B] 18 19 39. War Service Land Settlement Scheme Act 1954 amended 20 (1) This section amends the War Service Land Settlement Scheme 21 Act 1954. 22 (2) In the Schedule: 23 (a) delete "The Schedule"; 24 (b) delete "Western Australia"; 25 (c) delete "FORM OF CROWN GRANT", page 62 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Schedule headings Part 2 s. 40 1 and insert: 2 3 Schedule -- Form of Crown grant 4 [s. 8(3)(b) and 9(2)] 5 Western Australia 6 CROWN GRANT 7 8 40. Water Boards Act 1904 amended 9 (1) This section amends the Water Boards Act 1904. 10 (2) In section 115 delete "the Ninth Schedule," and insert: 11 12 Schedule 9, 13 14 (3) In the Ninth Schedule: 15 (a) delete "Ninth Schedule"; 16 (b) delete "[Section 115]", 17 and insert: 18 19 Schedule 9 -- Debenture 20 [s. 115] 21 22 41. Western Australian Land Authority Act 1992 amended 23 (1) This section amends the Western Australian Land Authority 24 Act 1992. 25 (2) In Schedule 1: 26 (a) delete "Schedule 1"; page 63 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 2 Schedule headings s. 42 1 (b) delete "[section 6(4)]"; 2 (c) delete "Part A"; 3 (d) delete "Constitution and proceedings of 4 directors and board", 5 and insert: 6 7 Schedule 1 -- Board and directors 8 [s. 6(4)] 9 Part A -- Constitution and proceedings of directors 10 and board 11 12 (3) In Schedule 1: 13 (a) delete "Part B"; 14 (b) delete "Duties of directors", 15 and insert: 16 17 Part B -- Duties of directors 18 19 (4) In Schedules 2 and 4 reformat the heading to the Schedule so it 20 is in the current format. 21 42. "The Schedules" and "Schedules" headings deleted 22 (1) This section amends the Acts listed in Tables 1 and 2. page 64 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Schedule headings Part 2 s. 42 1 (2) In each Act listed in Table 1 before the first of the Schedules to 2 the Act delete "The Schedules". 3 Table 1 Alumina Refinery (Mitchell Plateau) Agreement Act 1971 Alumina Refinery Agreement Act 1961 Broken Hill Proprietary Company's Integrated Steel Works Agreement Act 1960 Dampier Solar Salt Industry Agreement Act 1967 Iron Ore (Hamersley Range) Agreement Act 1963 Iron Ore (Mount Bruce) Agreement Act 1972 Iron Ore (Mount Goldsworthy) Agreement Act 1964 Iron Ore (Mount Newman) Agreement Act 1964 Iron Ore (Robe River) Agreement Act 1964 Nickel (Agnew) Agreement Act 1974 Nickel Refinery (Western Mining Corporation Limited) Agreement Act 1968 Poseidon Nickel Agreement Act 1971 Railway Standardisation Agreement Act 1961 Wundowie Charcoal Iron Industry Sale Agreement Act 1974 page 65 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 2 Schedule headings s. 42 1 (3) In each Act listed in Table 2 before the first of the Schedules to 2 the Act delete "Schedules". 3 Table 2 Metropolitan Water Supply, Sewerage, and Drainage Act 1909 Police Act 1892 Western Australian Marine (Sea Dumping) Act 1981 Workers' Compensation and Injury Management Act 1981 page 66 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Other headings Part 3 s. 43 1 Part 3 -- Other headings 2 43. Part heading inserted before section 1 3 (1) This section amends the Acts listed in Tables 1 and 2. 4 (2) In the Acts listed in Table 1 before section 1 insert: 5 6 Part IA -- Preliminary 7 8 Table 1 Alumina Refinery (Wagerup) Agreement and Acts Amendment Act 1978 Alumina Refinery Agreements (Alcoa) Amendment Act 1987 Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899 Curtin University of Technology Act 1966 Police Act 1892 Statistics Act 1907 Transfer of Land Act 1893 9 (3) In the Acts listed in Table 2: 10 (a) before section 1 insert: 11 12 Part I -- Preliminary 13 page 67 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 3 Other headings s. 44 1 (b) before the section listed in Table 2 for that Act delete 2 the heading to Part I. 3 Table 2 Bush Fires Act 1954 s. 3 Coal Miners' Welfare Act 1947 s. 3 Country Areas Water Supply Act 1947 s. 4 Dental Act 1939 s. 3 Electricity Act 1945 s. 3 Fire Brigades Act 1942 s. 4 Government Employees' Housing Act 1964 s. 4 Juries Act 1957 s. 2 Marketing of Potatoes Act 1946 s. 3 Public Works Act 1902 s. 2 Soil and Land Conservation Act 1945 s. 3 4 44. Ad hoc headings 5 (1) This section amends the Acts listed in Tables 1 and 2. 6 (2) In each Act listed in Table 1 before each section listed in the 7 Table delete the heading and insert the heading or headings set 8 out in the Table in relation to that section. 9 Table 1 1. Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899 s. 5 Division 1 -- Legislative Council page 68 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Other headings Part 3 s. 44 s. 18 Division 2 -- Legislative Assembly s. 31 Division 3 -- General 2. Local Government Act 1995 s. 4.36 Division 9 -- Electoral process Subdivision 1 -- Stages of electoral process s. 4.37 Subdivision 2 -- Stage 1: Preparing the electoral roll s. 4.47 Subdivision 3 -- Stage 2: Nomination of candidates s. 4.54 Subdivision 4 -- Stage 3: After nominations close s. 4.60 Subdivision 5 -- Stage 4: Preparing for voting s. 4.65 Subdivision 6 -- Stage 5: Voting s. 4.72 Subdivision 7 -- Stage 6: Counting the votes s. 4.77 Subdivision 8 -- Stage 7: Declaring the result 3. Main Roads Act 1930 s. 1 Part 1 -- Preliminary s. 7 Part 2 -- Commissioner of Main Roads s. 12A Part 3 -- Main Roads Advisory Board s. 13 Part 4 -- Highways and main roads s. 16 Part 5 -- Powers and duties of Commissioner page 69 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 3 Other headings s. 44 s. 24 Part 6 -- Secondary roads s. 27A Part 7 -- Roads other than declared roads s. 28 Part 8 -- Motor traffic passes s. 28A Part 9 -- Control of access s. 31 Part 10 -- Main Roads Trust Account s. 33B Part 11 -- Control of advertisements s. 35 Part 12 -- Regulations 4. Partnership Act 1895 s. 1 Part IA -- Preliminary s. 43 Part IV -- Dissolution of partnership and its consequences 5. Sale of Goods Act 1895 s. 1 Division 1 -- Contract of sale s. 3 Division 2 -- Formalities of the contract s. 5 Division 3 -- Subject matter of contract s. 8 Division 4 -- The price s. 10 Division 5 -- Conditions and warranties s. 15 Division 6 -- Sale by sample page 70 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Other headings Part 3 s. 44 s. 16 Division 1 -- Transfer of property as between seller and buyer s. 21 Division 2 -- Transfer of title s. 38 Part IV -- Rights of unpaid seller against the goods Division 1 -- General s. 40 Division 2 -- Unpaid seller's lien s. 43 Division 3 -- Stoppage in transitu s. 46 Division 4 -- Re-sale by buyer or seller s. 48 Division 1 -- Remedies of the seller s. 50 Division 2 -- Remedies of the buyer 6. Supreme Court Act 1935 s. 16 Division 1 -- Jurisdiction s. 24 Division 2 -- Law and equity s. 25 Division 3 -- Miscellaneous rules of law s. 38 Division 1 -- Sittings and vacations s. 46 Division 2 -- Circuit towns s. 49 Division 3 -- Jurisdiction of a commissioner page 71 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 3 Other headings s. 44 s. 50 Division 4 -- Inquiries and trials by referees s. 56 Division 5 -- Assessors s. 57 Division 6 -- The Court of Appeal 7. Transport Co-ordination Act 1966 s. 33 Subdivision 1 -- Licensing s. 42A Subdivision 2 -- Recommendations in respect of operation pursuant to subcontracts 8. Water Boards Act 1904 s. 4 Division 1 -- Water areas s. 5 Division 2 -- Vesting of assets s. 6 Division 3 -- Water boards s. 13 Division 4 -- Proceedings of water boards s. 30 Division 5 -- Delegation of authority s. 31 Division 6 -- Officers of water boards s. 76A Division 1 -- The rating records s. 87 Division 2 -- Objections and review s. 97 Division 3 -- Payment page 72 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Other headings Part 3 s. 45 1 (3) In each Act listed in Table 2 before each section listed in the 2 Table delete the heading. 3 Table 2 Conservation and Land Management s. 116 Act 1984 s. 124 s. 125 Library Board of Western Australia Act 1951 s. 4 Mining On Private Property Act 1898 s. 56 Police Act 1892 s. 23 Public Works Act 1902 s. 93 s. 96 4 45. Country Towns Sewerage Act 1948 amended 5 (1) This section amends the Country Towns Sewerage Act 1948. 6 (2) Before section 61 delete the heading and insert: 7 8 Division 1A -- Objections and reviews 9 10 (3) Before section 75 delete both headings and insert: 11 12 Division 1 -- Liability for, and recovery of, charges: 13 general matters 14 page 73 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 3 Other headings s. 46 1 (4) Before section 82 delete the heading and insert: 2 3 Division 2 -- Power of sale 4 5 46. Law Reform (Contributory Negligence and Tortfeasors' 6 Contribution) Act 1947 amended 7 (1) This section amends the Law Reform (Contributory Negligence 8 and Tortfeasors' Contribution) Act 1947. 9 (2) Before section 1 insert: 10 11 Part 1 -- Preliminary 12 13 (3) Before each section listed in the Table delete the heading and 14 insert the heading set out in the Table in relation to that section. 15 Table s. 3A Part 2 -- Contributory negligence -- Amendment of the law s. 7 Part 3 -- Contribution between tortfeasors s. 8 Part 4 -- General 16 47. Metropolitan Water Supply, Sewerage, and Drainage Act 1909 17 amended 18 (1) This section amends the Metropolitan Water Supply, Sewerage, 19 and Drainage Act 1909. page 74 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Other headings Part 3 s. 48 1 (2) Before section 57E insert: 2 3 Division 4 -- Public Water Supply Areas 4 5 (3) Before each section listed in the Table delete the heading and 6 insert the heading set out in the Table in relation to that section. 7 Table s. 36 Division 1 -- Supply and distribution of water s. 47 Division 2 -- Protection of works and prevention of waste s. 57A Division 3 -- Protection of underground water s. 103 Division 1 -- General s. 112 Division 2 -- Power to take possession and lease land 8 48. University of Western Australia Act 1911 amended 9 (1) This section amends the University of Western Australia 10 Act 1911. 11 (2) Before section 34 delete "Affiliated institutions". 12 (3) Before each section listed in the Table delete the heading and 13 insert the heading or headings set out in the Table in relation to 14 that section. 15 Table s. 1 Part 1 -- Preliminary s. 3 Part 2 -- Establishment of the University s. 7 Part 3 -- Visitor page 75 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 3 Other headings s. 49 s. 8 Part 4 -- Senate, officers and Convocation Division 1 -- Senate s. 12 Division 2 -- Chancellor and Pro-Chancellor s. 13 Division 3 -- Powers of Senate s. 17 Division 4 -- Convocation s. 19 Division 5 -- Vacancies s. 24 Division 6 -- Proceedings s. 27 Division 7 -- Vice-Chancellor s. 28 Part 5 -- Guild of Undergraduates s. 29 Part 6 -- Instruction, degrees, examination s. 31 Part 7 -- Statutes s. 35 Part 8 -- Endowment and revenue s. 39 Part 9 -- General provisions 1 49. Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1960 2 amended 3 (1) This section amends the Local Government (Miscellaneous 4 Provisions) Act 1960. 5 (2) Delete the heading to Part XII Division 1. 6 (3) Delete the heading to Part XII Division 2. 7 (4) Delete the heading to Part XII Division 9. 8 50. Heading to preamble 9 (1) This section amends the Acts listed in the Table. page 76 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Other headings Part 3 s. 50 1 (2) In each Act listed in the Table after the long title insert: 2 3 Preamble 4 5 Table Albany Cemeteries Act 1943 Australia Acts (Request) Act 1985 Biological Control Act 1986 Child Support (Adoption of Laws) Act 1990 Guildford Old Cemetery (Lands Revestment) Act 1949 Jurisdiction of Courts (Cross-vesting) Act 1987 Northam Cemeteries Act 1944 Perth Building Society (Merger) Act 1986 Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 Service and Execution of Process (Harbours) Ordinance 1855 The Bank of Adelaide (Merger) Act 1980 The Commercial Bank of Australia Limited (Merger) Act 1982 The Commercial Banking Company of Sydney Limited (Merger) Act 1982 Toodyay Cemeteries Act 1939 Western Australian Turf Club (Property) Act 1944 York Cemeteries Act 1933 page 77 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 1 Part 4 -- Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. 2 51. Various written laws amended 3 (1) This section amends the written laws listed in the Table. 4 (2) Amend the provisions listed in the Table as set out in the Table. 5 Table Provision Delete Insert 1. Aboriginal Affairs Planning Authority Act 1972 s. 30 No application (1) No application Provided that nothing (2) Nothing 2. Administration Act 1903 Fourth Sch. 1. (1) Subject 1. Rights of surviving cl. 1 spouse if dwelling house is residence (1) Subject Fourth Sch. 2. Where -- 2. Court order cl. 2 required in certain cases Where -- Fourth Sch. 3. (1) The right 3. Time limit for cl. 3 exercising right under par. 1 (1) The right Fourth Sch. 4. (1) The right 4. Mode of exercising cl. 4 right under par. 1 (1) The right page 78 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert Fourth Sch. 5. Notwithstanding 5. Determination of cl. 5 value Notwithstanding Fourth Sch. 6. (1) In this paragraph 6. Restriction on sale cl. 6 the election period during election period (1) In this paragraph -- election period Fourth Sch. 7. (1) Where 7. Surviving spouse as cl. 7 sole personal representative (1) Where Fourth Sch. 8. (1) Where 8. Surviving spouse cl. 8 not of full mental capacity (1) Where Fourth Sch. 9. Unless 9. Terms used cl. 9 Unless Fifth Sch. cl. 1 1. Funeral, 1. Expenses having priority Funeral, Fifth Sch. cl. 2 2. A demand, 2. Demand for unliquidated damages A demand, Fifth Sch. cl. 3 3. Subject 3. Rules of bankruptcy apply Subject page 79 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert 3. Anglican Church of Australia Constitution Act 1960 s. 8(3) (3) (a) Each (3) Each (b) Each (4) Each 4. Anglican Church of Australia Lands Act 1914 s. 5 No assurance (1) No assurance Provided that in the (2) In the 5. Anglican Church of Australia School Lands Act 1896 s. 5(1) The proceeds The -- of the sale (aa) proceeds of the sale part thereof; part thereof; and (each occurrence) and all moneys raised (ab) all moneys raised and all rents, issues and profits received (ac) all rents, issues and profits received Trustees; Trustees; and and the interest of any such (ad) the interest of any (first occurrence) such profits; profits; and page 80 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert and any present or future accumulations of any such (ae) any present or (second occurrence) future accumulations of any such interest; interest, after payment after payment of -- of all rates (af) all rates of all costs (ag) all costs of interest (ah) interest of such amount (ai) such amount of the cost (aj) the cost of the costs (ak) the costs leasing, thereof; leasing, thereof, shall, shall, subject to subject to necessary, necessary, be be 6. Anzac Day Act 1960 s. 11(3)(b) and subsection (4) subsections (4A) to (4C) (c) s. 11(3)(d) subsection (5) subsections (5A) to (5C) s. 11(4) (4)(a) Where (4A) Where (i) in the (a) in the page 81 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert (ii) in the (b) in the (b) If within (4B) If within in this section in subsection (4A) (c) If at (4C) If at one month, one month referred to in subsection (4B), this subsection, subsection (4B), s. 11(5) (5)(a) Where (5A) Where (b) If within (5B) If within in this section, in subsection (5A), (c) If at (5C) If at one month, one month referred to in subsection (5A), this subsection, subsection (5B), 7. Art Gallery Act 1959 s. 11(2) (2) (a) The (2) The (b) When (3) When (c) The (4) The (d) If (5) If s. 13 each member (a) each member 5 members (b) 5 members the majority (c) the majority s. 20(1) (1) (a) So much (1A) So much page 82 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert (b) A proclamation (1B) A proclamation this subsection subsection (1A) s. 20(3) subsection (1), subsection (1A), s. 21(4) (4) (a) All (4) All (b) (i) All (5) All (ii) The (6) The (iii) The (7) The 8. Baptist Union of Western Australia Lands Act 1941 s. 2(2) Provided that no transfer (3) Despite subsection (1), no transfer 9. Bills of Sale Act 1899 s. 5 def. of Bill or bailment; or bailment -- of Sale (1) Transferring, (a) transferring, (2) By which (b) by which s. 6 Every bill of sale shall contain: -- (1) The names (1) Every bill of sale shall contain the names occupations; provided occupations. that it shall (1A) It shall page 83 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert (2) The true (2) Every bill of sale shall contain the true debt; provided that the debt. consideration (2A) The consideration (3) The place (3) Every bill of sale shall contain the place (4) The sums, (4) Every bill of sale shall contain the sums, Provided that it shall (5) It shall s. 7 The following (1) The following equity, that is to say: -- equity -- (1) Crops (a) crops shall grow. shall grow; (2) The progeny (b) the progeny And the possession (2) The possession s. 7A Where, by (1) Where, by This section (2) This section s. 10 The periods (1) The periods shall be: -- shall be -- (1) 10 days (a) 10 days (2) 14 days (b) 14 days (3) 30 days (c) 30 days page 84 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert (4) 60 days (d) 60 days (5) if executed (e) if executed Provided that the (2) The periods: And provided periods. further, that when (3) When s. 21 Upon the (1) Upon the registered. The execution registered. (2) The execution The Registrar (3) The Registrar s. 30 If any (1) If any Provided that in (2) Despite subsection (1), in This section (3) This section s. 31 Every bill (1) Every bill thereby. Provided that thereby. this section (2) This section s. 34 In case (1) In case chattels: Provided that chattels. such (2) Despite subsection (1), any such s. 36 Notwithstanding (1) Notwithstanding (1) Bid (a) bid such bill of sale. such bill of sale; and (2) Appoint (b) appoint page 85 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert The remuneration (2) The remuneration s. 37 In any bill (1) In any bill sale: Provided that in sale. (2) Despite subsection (1), in s. 41 No such (1) No such sale: Provided that no sale. (2) No s. 51 Every debenture (1A) Every debenture the following manner: -- the manner set out in subsections (1), (2) and (3). The renewal (3) The renewal s. 53 If more (1) If more series: Provided that no series. (2) Despite subsection (1), no mentioned. Provided that mentioned. a Judge (3) A Judge 10. Busselton Cemetery Act 1944 s. 3 The following provisions shall apply to the lands when revested as aforesaid -- page 86 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert 11. Charitable Collections Act 1946 s. 16(1) Provided that where such (1A) If such s. 17(2) Minister. Provided that Minister. the Governor (2A) The Governor trusts and trusts referred to in subsection (2) and 12. Conservation and Land Management Act 1984 s. 14(3) (3)(a) Notification (3A) Notification (b) Notwithstanding (3B) Notwithstanding paragraph (a) subsection (3A) Sch. cl. 1 1. (1) Except 1. Term of office of member (1) Except Sch. cl. 2 2. The office 2. Vacation of office The office Sch. cl. 3 3. (1) Where 3. Acting chairman and members (1) Where Sch. cl. 4 4. (1) The first 4. Meetings (1) The first Sch. cl. 5 5. (1) A controlling 5. Committees (1) A controlling Sch. cl. 5A 5A. (1) The Conservation 5A. Temporary advisory committees (1) The Conservation page 87 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert Sch. cl. 6 6. A resolution 6. Resolution in writing A resolution Sch. cl. 7 7. A controlling 7. Member may be granted leave A controlling Sch. cl. 8 8. Subject 8. Controlling body to determine own procedure Subject 13. Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899 s. 31 In the succeeding (1) In this Division -- provisions of this Part -- (a) disqualified disqualified (i) any member (a) any member (ii) any deputy, (b) any deputy, Assembly; Assembly. (second occurrence) (b) a reference (2) In this Division a reference 14. Construction Industry Portable Paid Long Service Leave Act 1985 Sch. cl. 1 1. 1. Service prior to Notwithstanding application Notwithstanding page 88 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert Sch. cl. 2 2. 2. Contributions for (1) Notwithstanding service prior to appointed day (1) Notwithstanding 15. Cremation Act 1929 s. 3 No person (1) No person Provided that nothing in (2) Nothing in this this section shall prevent section prevents s. 8(3) (3)(a) An application (3A) An application (i) an (a) an (ii) a person (b) a person (iii) a person (c) a person (b) Where (3B) Where (i) make (a) make (ii) supply (b) supply s. 8(4) (4)(a) A person (4A) A person (b) The medical (4B) The medical s. 16 The Governor (1) The Governor crematorium; crematorium, and void: Provided that and void. no order (2) No order paragraph (a) or (b) subsection (1)(a) or (b) page 89 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert 16. Criminal Property Confiscation Act 2000 Glossary abscond, in 1. Terms used In this Act -- abscond, in 17. Debt Collectors Licensing Act 1964 s. 8(2) (2)(a) Subject (2A) Subject (i) testimonials (a) testimonials (ii) the (b) the (b) The prescribed (2B) The prescribed s. 8(5) (5)(a) The (5A) The (b) Any (5B) Any paragraph (a), subsection (5A), (c) Where (5C) Where s. 8(10) subsection (2)(a)(i), subsection (2A)(a), s. 21(1) (1)(a) A fidelity (1A) A fidelity (b) The notice (1B) The notice (c) The obligation (1C) The obligation (i) in respect (a) in respect (ii) for the (b) for the 18. Electricity Industry Act 2004 Sch. 1 A licence may 1. Licence terms and conditions A licence may page 90 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert Sch. 2 Objectives stated 1. Objectives stated 19. Employers Indemnity Policies (Premium Rates) Act 1990 s. 3 In this Act, (1) In this Act, under that Act; under that Act. expressions (2) In this Act, unless the contrary intention appears, expressions 20. Energy Coordination Act 1994 Sch. 1A A licence may 1. Licence terms and conditions A licence may Sch. 2B Objectives stated 1. Objectives stated 21. Finance Brokers Control Act 1975 Sch. (1) The rate 1. Formula for calculating percentage rate of interest (1) The rate (2)(a) In lieu (2A) In lieu (i) to calculate (a) to calculate (ii) to convert (b) to convert (b) For the (2B) For the 22. Fire Brigades Act 1942 s. 24(2) the Authority: the Authority. page 91 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert Provided that any (3) Despite subsections (1) and (2), any s. 27(1) his decision: his decision. Provided that this (1A) Subsection (1) subsection s. 54(3) (b) On and after (4) On and after the provisions of the this section, succeeding paragraphs of this subsection, (c) Where the (5) Where the (ca) Such a (6) Such a (d) So soon (7) So soon (e) The water (8) The water (f) When the (9) When the this subsection, this section, (g)(i) By virtue (10) By virtue (ii) Compensation (11) Compensation the Table. the Table to subsection (10). s. 59 (i) wilfully (a) wilfully (ii) wilfully (b) wilfully (iii) wilfully (c) wilfully (iv) drives (d) drives (v) drives (e) drives page 92 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert 23. Geraldton Sailors and Soldiers' Memorial Institute Act 1929 s. 3 The incorporation (1) The incorporation dissolved: Provided that dissolved. any (2) Any s. 4(4a) (4a) (a) The 2 (4A) The 2 (b) Subject to (4B) Subject to paragraph (a), subsection (4A), every every (c) A former (4C) A former s. 6 The trustees (1) The trustees fit: Provided, that the fit. trustees (2) The trustees Australia: Provided, that Australia and, if it does such so, the 24. Geraldton Sailors and Soldiers' Memorial Institute Enabling Act 1934 s. 3 1. All (a) all folio 737. folio 737; 2. All (b) all folio 90. folio 90; 3. Any (c) any page 93 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert s. 4 Without (1) Without For the (2) For the agree. On any sale agree. (3) On any sale lease. It shall not lease. (4) It shall not 25. Guardianship and Administration Act 1990 s. 4(1) subsection (2). this section. s. 4(2) (2)(a) The primary (2) The primary (b) Every (3) Every (i) looking (a) looking (ii) making (b) making (iii) managing (c) managing (iv) making (d) making (c) A guardianship (4) A guardianship (d) A plenary (5) A plenary (e) An order (6) An order (f) In considering (7) In considering s. 71(5) section 4(2)(a), section 4(2), 26. Hairdressers Registration Act 1946 s. 14(4) (4)(a) Every (3) Every (b) Where (4) Where (i) the fee (a) the fee page 94 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert (ii) the Board (b) the Board 27. Health Professionals (Special Events Exemption) Act 2000 s. 3(1) def. of Chiropractors (a) Chiropractors Health Dental Act (b) Dental Act Registration Act Dental Prosthetists (c) Dental Prosthetists Medical Practitioners (d) Medical Practitioners Medical Radiation (e) Medical Radiation Nurses (f) Nurses Occupational (g) Occupational Optometrists (h) Optometrists Osteopaths (i) Osteopaths Pharmacy (j) Pharmacy Physiotherapists (k) Physiotherapists Podiatrists (l) Podiatrists Psychologists (m) Psychologists 28. Hire-Purchase Act 1959 s. 3(6) price: price. Provided that in each (6A) In each case case -- referred to in subsection (6) -- page 95 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert Fifth Sch. (1) The rate 1. Formula for calculating percentage rate of terms charges (1) The rate (2)(a) In lieu (2A) In lieu (i) to calculate (a) to calculate (ii) to convert (b) to convert (b) For the (2B) For the 29. Home Building Contracts Act 1991 Sch. 1 cl. 1 1. If any 1. Failure by builder If any Sch. 1 cl. 2 2. If any 2. Failure by owner If any Sch. 1 cl. 3 3. If any 3. Failure by builder and owner If any Sch. 1 cl. 4 4. Where 4. Rights of builder and owner Where Sch. 1 cl. 5 5. (1) If the 5. Right of review (1) If the 30. Hospitals and Health Services Act 1927 s. 21(1) following: -- following -- (a) The (a) the control. control; page 96 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert (aa) The (aa) the to the board. to the board; (b) The (b) the hospital. hospital; (c) Repairing, (c) repairing, Minister. Minister; (d) The (d) the injured. injured; (e) The (e) the services. services; (f) Making (f) making suffering. suffering; (g) The (g) the s. 22(1) matters: -- matters -- (a) Subject (a) subject hospital. hospital; (each occurrence) (b) Maintaining (b) maintaining (c) Prescribing (c) prescribing board. board; (each occurrence) (d) Preventing (d) preventing thereto. thereto; (da) Regulating (da) regulating page 97 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert penalty was paid. penalty was paid; (e) Prohibiting (e) prohibiting (f) Regulating (f) regulating (g) Prescribing (g) prescribing (ga) Prescribing (ga) prescribing (h) Generally (h) generally thereof. thereof; (i) Providing (i) providing s. 27(1) medical practitioner: medical practitioner. Provided that no (1A) Despite subsection (1), no Provided also, that no (1B) Despite subsection (1), no s. 29 apply: -- apply -- The buildings (a) the buildings this Act. this Act; and Any money (b) any money s. 34(2) as follows -- as set out in the Table. Medicare Table of Medicare s. 37(2d) effect to -- effect to any (a) any (i) ensuring (a) ensuring (ii) prescribing (b) prescribing page 98 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert 31. Housing Act 1980 s. 5(1) (a) approved approved the State; the State. (b) a reference (1A) In this Act unless the contrary intention appears -- (a) a reference (c) a reference (b) a reference (d) a reference (c) a reference (e) a reference (d) a reference s. 55(5) until proceedings until -- (a) proceedings institution, institution, whether -- whether under (i) under or on termination or (ii) on termination or by such or (iii) by such institution; or institution; unless and until the or State, pursuant to (b) the State, pursuant to 32. Human Reproductive Technology Act 1991 s. 16(2)(d) subsection (3) subsection (3A) or (3B) page 99 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert s. 16(3) (3)(a) Where (3A) Where (i) the motion (a) the motion (ii) if the (b) if the (iii) such (c) such subparagraphs (i) or (ii); paragraph (a) or (b). (b) Where (3B) Where s. 16(4) subsection (3), subsection (3A), 33. Judges' Retirement Act 1937 s. 3 Notwithstanding (1) Notwithstanding vacant: vacant. Provided that any (2) Despite subsection (1), any age: age. Provided further, that (3) This this 34. Juries Act 1957 s. 25(1) (1) If it appears to a judge that a summoning officer to whom, (1) If it appears to a judge that a summoning officer to whom, issue, page 100 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert has any direct or indirect interest in the result of the trial other than issue, has any direct or indirect interest in the result of the trial, other than public, public, he may he may s. 29(1) subsection (2). this section. s. 29(2) (2)(a) At a time (2A) At a time (b) The numbers (2B) The numbers (c) Persons (2C) Persons (d) The (2D) The (e) Each (2E) Each (f) Where (2F) Where (g) The (2G) The (h) If for (2H) If for s. 29A(1)(b) section 29(2)(a), (b), (d), section 29(2A), (2B), (f), (g), (h) and (3). (2D), (2F), (2G), (2H) and (3). s. 29A(2) or 29(2), the or 29(2A) to (2H), the section 29(2)(a), section 29(2A), page 101 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert 35. Land Tax Assessment Act 2002 s. 39A(1) for habitation, for habitation. and if a term (1A) If a term 36. Law Reform (Contributory Negligence and Tortfeasors' Contribution) Act 1947 s. 4(1) plaintiff: plaintiff. Provided that -- (a) this subsection (1A) Subsection (1) contract; contract. (b) where (1B) Where virtue of this subsection virtue of subsection (1) s. 4(2) the preceding subsection subsection (1) (i) after (c) after responsible". responsible"; (ii) after (d) after s. 5(1) (i) the provisions (a) the provisions (ii) all (b) all s. 7(1) is sought is sought. A person (1A) A person this paragraph -- subsection (1)(c) -- (i) if his (a) if his (ii) where (b) where (iii) where (c) where page 102 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert Provided that except (1B) Except 37. Leslie Solar Salt Industry Agreement Act 1966 s. 2 In this (1) In this Expressions (2) Expressions 38. Library Board of Western Australia Act 1951 s. 5(9) (9)(a) The Governor (9A) The Governor the provisions of the subsection (9B), next succeeding paragraph, (aa) A member (9B) A member (b)(i) In the event (9C) In the event (ii) In the event (9D) In the event s. 5(12) 7 members (a) 7 members all matters (b) all matters each member, (c) each member, s. 6(1) (1)(a) The Board (1A) The Board (b) The person (1B) The person (c) The Board (1C) The Board s. 20A(3) (3)(a) So much (3A) So much (b) The Board (3B) The Board s. 20A(4) (4)(a) On the (4A) On the (b) Where any (4B) Where any page 103 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert paragraph (a) subsection (4A) (c) All (4C) All s. 20A(5) (5)(a) All gifts (5A) All gifts (b) All gifts (5B) All gifts s. 20A(7) (7)(a) All officers (7A) All officers (b) All rights (7B) All rights 39. Library Board (Conduct of Proceedings) Regulations 1955 (consequential amendments) r. 2 def. of section 5(9) section 5(9A) to (9D) deputy member 40. Licensed Surveyors Act 1909 s. 10(1) (1)(a) The Board (1A) The Board (b) Any such (1B) Any such s. 19(2) Provided that any (3) A request request Second Sch. 1. The 1. Chairman cl. 1 The Second Sch. 2. Every 2. Execution of cl. 2 documents Every Second Sch. 3. No 3. Quorum cl. 3 No page 104 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert Second Sch. 4. The 4. Chairman to cl. 4 preside (1) The The chairman, or, (2) The chairman, or, Second Sch. 5. All powers 5. Voting cl. 5 (1) All powers At all (2) At all If a member (3) If a member Second Sch. 6. The 6. Adjournment of cl. 6 meetings (1) The If a quorum (2) If a quorum adjournment: adjournment. Provided that nothing (3) Nothing in this herein contained clause Second Sch. 7. All 7. Notice of meeting cl. 7 All Second Sch. 8. If any 8. Effect of refusal or cl. 8 neglect to act or non-attendance If any Second Sch. 9. No 9. Validity not cl. 9 affected by vacancy etc. No 41. Limited Partnerships Act 1909 s. 6(1) the firm: the firm. page 105 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert Provided that the (1A) Despite subsection (1), the If a limited (1B) If a limited 42. Local Government Act 1995 s. 4.31(1) the following provisions subsections (1A) to (1H) occupation -- occupation. Property divided by district boundaries (a) Section 4.30 (1A) Section 4.30 Property divided by ward boundaries (b) If an (1B) If an (i) the ward (a) the ward (ii) if no (b) if no Right of occupation (c) A person (1C) A person Separate occupancies (d) A reference (1D) A reference (i) a separate (a) a separate (ii) some (b) some Joint owners (e) If more (1E) If more Joint occupiers (f) If more (1F) If more page 106 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert Corporate ownership or occupation (g) If a body (1G) If a body One nomination for all property in the district (h) A nomination (1H) A nomination under under paragraph (e), (f) subsection (1E), or (g) (1F) or (1G) s. 4.31(2) subsection (1) subsections (1) to (1H) s. 4.36(1) Stage 1 (a) Stage 1 roll roll; Stage 2 (b) Stage 2 candidates candidates; Stage 3 (c) Stage 3 close close; Stage 4 (d) Stage 4 voting voting; Stage 5 (e) Stage 5 Voting Voting; Stage 6 (f) Stage 6 votes votes; Stage 7 (g) Stage 7 page 107 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert s. 6.30(1) $1.00 per (c) $1.00 per $0.75 per (d) $0.75 per $0.50 per (e) $0.50 per $0.25 for each (f) $0.25 for each 43. Long Service Leave Act 1958 s. 6(2)(a) subsection (4); subsections (4) and (5); s. 6(4) (4)(i) Where (4) Where (ii) In this subsection (5) In subsection (4) -- transmission transmission includes includes 44. Mandurah Church Burial Ground Act 1947 s. 2 Notwithstanding (1) Notwithstanding dead: dead. Provided that the (2) Despite subsection (1), the 45. Metropolitan Water Authority Act 1982 s. 4(1) (a) arterial arterial services; services. (b) terms (1A) In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires, terms page 108 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert 46. Metropolitan Water Supply, Sewerage, and Drainage Act 1909 s. 31 The Corporation (1) The Corporation Provided that no person (2) No person s. 33 For the purposes (1) For the purposes building. Provided that building. the (2) The therefrom; and also therefrom. make (3) For the purposes of ventilation the Corporation may make Provided that no (4) No s. 40 Whenever (1) Whenever (1) the quantity (a) the quantity (2) a certificate (b) a certificate Provided that in case (2) In case s. 43(2) Provided that any (3) Any Provided further that the (4) The s. 45(10) if the fire (a) if the fire (first occurrence) if the fire (b) if the fire (second occurrence) s. 45(11) by the Authority (a) by the Authority by the local (b) by the local page 109 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert s. 57E(3) (3)(a) Before (3) Before (b) Either (4) Either (c) The (5) The (i) has (a) has (ii) is (b) is (iii) has (c) has s. 64(2) If the owner (2A) If the owner Provided that the above (2B) Subsections (1), provisions of this (2) and (2A) shall section shall s. 116 All rent (1) All rent Firstly -- In (a) firstly -- in Secondly -- In (b) secondly -- in The residue (2) The residue s. 146(1) (2) For (a) for area. area; (2a) Preventing (b) preventing supply. supply; (2b) The (c) the reservoirs. reservoirs; (2c) The (d) the banks. banks; (3) Regulating (e) regulating bore. bore; page 110 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert (3a) Regulating (f) regulating a well. a well; (4a) Defining (g) defining discharged. discharged; (5) Protecting (h) protecting Corporation. Corporation; (each occurrence) (16) Specifying (i) specifying supplied. supplied; (17) Prescribing (j) prescribing purposes. purposes; (18) Fixing (k) fixing Area. Area; (20) Prohibiting (l) prohibiting (27) Modifying (m) modifying 47. Mining Act 1978 s. 24(2) (2)(a) The Governor (2A) The Governor (b) The Minister (2B) The Minister paragraph (a) subsection (2A) s. 24(3) (3)(a) Subject (3A) Subject (b) Before giving his (3B) Before giving his consent consent under subsection (3A) page 111 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert s. 24(5) (5)(a) Mining on (5A) Mining on (b) Before giving his (5B) Before giving his consent consent under subsection (5A) s. 24(6) (6)(a) Mining (6A) Mining (b) Before giving his (6B) Before giving his consent, consent under subsection (6A), s. 24(7) (7)(a) Mining (7A) Mining (b) Before giving his (7B) Before giving his consent, consent under subsection (7A), (c) The giving (7C) The giving this subsection subsection (7A) s. 25(2) (2)(a) Mining on (2A) Mining on (b) Before giving his (2B) Before giving his consent consent under subsection (2A) s. 25(3) (3)(a) Mining on (3A) Mining on (b) Before giving his (3B) Before giving his consent consent under subsection (3A) s. 37(3) (3)(a) If the (3) If the (b) A copy (4) A copy page 112 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert s. 38(1) subsection (3)(a) of that section 37(3), section, s. 55(3) section 25(2)(b). section 25(2B). s. 55(4) section 25(3)(b). section 25(3B). s. 69C(3) section 25(2)(b). section 25(2B). s. 69C(4) section 25(3)(b). section 25(3B). s. 98(4) (4)(a) When (4A) When (b) Where a (4B) Where a s. 98(5) subsection (4) subsection (4A) s. 98(9) subsection (4) subsection (4A) s. 100(1) section 98(4) section 98(4A) 48. Motor Vehicle Drivers Instructors Act 1963 s. 10(2) (2)(a) The (2) The 49. State Administrative Tribunal Regulations 2004 (consequential amendments) Sch. 5 it. for s. 10(2)(a) s. 10(2) Motor Vehicle Drivers Instructors Act 1963 page 113 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert 50. Motor Vehicle (Third Party Insurance) Act 1943 s. 3(3) Provided that in (3A) Despite subsection (3), in s. 3(4) (4)(a) It shall (4) It shall (b) The (4B) The this subsection subsection (4) s. 3R(4) (4)(a) The Director (4A) The Director (b) The Director (4B) The Director (c) The Treasurer (4C) The Treasurer paragraph (b) subsection (4B) s. 4(3) (3)(a) Where (3A) Where (b) A person (3B) A person paragraph (a) subsection (3A) (c) Upon (3C) Upon this subsection, subsection (3A), s. 4(5) Provided that no such (5A) Despite proceedings subsection (5), no proceedings for an offence under this section s. 4(7) (7)(a) Any (7A) Any (b) The (7B) The this subsection subsection (7A) (c) Any (7C) Any page 114 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert s. 4(9a) (9a)(a) The Director (9) The Director (b) The (10) The any such vehicle a vehicle referred to in subsection (9) s. 7(1) unsatisfied: unsatisfied. Provided that -- (i) when (1A) When this subsection subsection (1) (each occurrence) commenced; and commenced. (ii) the (1B) The s. 8(1) Provided that, where (1A) Where execution execution of such of a judgment judgment referred to in subsection (1) Provided further that, (1B) When a judgment when such judgment was referred to in obtained within the subsection (1) was State, this subsection obtained within the State, that subsection s. 8(3) against it: against it. Provided that -- (4) In an action under subsection (3) -- (i) it shall (a) it shall (I) the fact (i) the fact (II) at the (ii) at the page 115 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert (ii) in any (b) in any (iii) it shall (c) it shall s. 8(5) (5)(a) Where -- (5) Where -- (i) liability (a) liability (ii) such (b) such (iii) such (c) such smaller amount: smaller amount. Provided that -- (i) such person shall (6) A person shall not not be entitled so be entitled to to recover recover under subsection (5) thereof; and thereof. (ii) the inquiry (7) For the purposes of subsection (5), the inquiry s. 12(1) (a) (i) any (a) bodily injury (including fatal injury) to any person directly caused by, or by the driving of, a motor vehicle which is insured under this Act or is an uninsured vehicle occurs and either -- (i) any page 116 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert in respect of bodily to the person; or injury (including fatal injury) to any person directly caused by, or by the driving of, a motor vehicle which is insured under this Act or is an uninsured vehicle; or arose, the arose, the (i) to the (c) to the (iii) to any (d) to any paragraph (a), paragraph (a)(ii), s. 21(1) (1)(a) Where (1A) Where subsection, section, paragraph (b) subsection (1B) (b) If a (1B) If a paragraph (a), subsection (1A), that paragraph is, by this that subsection is, by this paragraph subsection that paragraph, that subsection, (c) If however (1C) If however of 15 days of 15 days -- (i) the motor (a) the motor (ii) the new (b) the new (iii) the premium (c) the premium page 117 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert s. 21(2) subsection (1) this section 51. Road Traffic Act 1974 (consequential amendments) s. 15(3)(c) section 4(3)(a) section 4(3A) 52. National Trust of Australia (W.A.) Act 1964 s. 8(3) (3)(a) When (3A) When (b) The person so (3B) A person appointed appointed under subsection (3A) s. 11(3) (3)(a) When (3A) When (b) Every person so (3B) Every person appointed or appointed or elected elected under subsection (3A) s. 13(3) (3)(a) Where (3A) Where (b) In this subsection (3B) In elected subsection (3A) -- elected section 11(3), section 11(3A), s. 13(7) (7)(a) A special (7A) A special (b) Not less (7B) Not less s. 26(2) (2)(a) The (2) The page 118 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert 53. Oil Refinery (Kwinana) Agreement Act 1952 s. 7(1) use -- use any wharf, any wharf, 54. Parks and Reserves Act 1895 s. 8(1) the regulation (a) the regulation keeping (b) keeping the management (c) the management the appointment (d) the appointment prescribing the time (e) prescribing the time the conduct (f) the conduct prescribing the days (g) prescribing the days regulating traffic (h) regulating traffic (a) prescribing (i) prescribing (b) regulating, (ii) regulating, (c) prescribing (iii) prescribing preventing or regulating (i) preventing or the admission regulating the admission preventing or regulating (j) preventing or shooting regulating shooting preventing or regulating (k) preventing or matches, regulating matches, enabling (l) enabling page 119 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert prohibiting the wilful (m) prohibiting the wilful prohibiting the (n) prohibiting the impersonation impersonation prescribing the (o) prescribing the circumstances circumstances (a) the identity (i) the identity (b) the owner (ii) the owner prohibiting any person (p) prohibiting any person regulating or preventing (q) regulating or the preventing the prohibiting damage (r) prohibiting damage the prevention (s) the prevention prescribing the fees (t) prescribing the fees regulating the payment (u) regulating the payment 55. Parliamentary Commissioner Act 1971 s. 20(2) (2)(a) No obligation (2A) No obligation (b) The Crown (2B) The Crown s. 20(3) subsection (2), subsections (2A) and (2B), page 120 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert 56. Parliamentary Privileges Act 1891 s. 5 Any such (1) Any such And in every (2) In every And such summons (3) The summons And there shall (4) There shall s. 8 Disobedience to (a) disobedience to aforesaid. aforesaid; (each occurrence) Refusing (b) refusing The assaulting, (c) assaulting, House. House; The sending to (d) sending to Parliament. Parliament; The sending a (e) sending a a member. a member; (each occurrence) The offering of (f) offering The creating (g) creating s. 11 Every such (1) Every such And every (2) Every s. 12 The Sheriff (1) The Sheriff And where (2) Where s. 14 The publishing (1) The publishing page 121 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert And it shall (2) It shall And any (3) Any 57. Partnership Act 1895 s. 8 In determining (1A) In determining following rules: rules set out in subsections (1) to (8). business; and in business. particular: (a) The (4) The (b) A contract (5) A contract (c) A person (6) A person (d) The (7) The (e) A person (8) A person s. 13 An act (1) An act partners: Provided that partners. this (2) This s. 22 An admission (1) An admission partners. Provided that partners. this (2) This s. 34 The interests (1A) The interests the following rules: the rules set out in subsections (1) to (9). page 122 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert partners: Provided that partners. the decision (7A) A decision for the purposes of subsection (7) and that every and every matter. This proviso matter. (7B) Subsection (7A) s. 49 After (1) After Provided that the (2) Despite subsection (1), the bankrupt; but this bankrupt. proviso (3) Subsection (2) s. 57 In settling (1) In settling the following rules the rules set out in subsections (2) and (3) observed: observed. (a) Losses, (2) Losses, (b) The assets (3) The assets (1) in (a) in (2) in (b) in (3) in (c) in (4) the (d) the 58. Perth Hebrew Congregation Lands Act 1921 s. 2(2) or improper: or improper. Provided that no (3) However, no page 123 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert 59. Perth Market Act 1926 s. 7 The Minister (1) The Minister therefrom: provided that therefrom. this paragraph shall (2) Subsection (1)(d) shall s. 13(1) (1) The general (a) the general (2) The (b) the (3) Regulating (c) regulating (3e) Requiring (d) requiring (4) Regulating (e) regulating (4a) Regulating (f) regulating (4b) Providing (g) providing (4c) Empowering (h) empowering (4d) Subject (i) subject (4g) Exempting (j) exempting (4h) Prescribing (k) prescribing (4i) Prescribing (l) prescribing (5) Regulating (m) regulating (6) Preventing (n) preventing (7) Prescribing (o) prescribing (8) Providing (p) providing (9) Prescribing, (q) prescribing, (10) Generally (r) generally Act: Act. page 124 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert Provided that such (1A) Any such s. 13(2b) subsection (1)(4d) -- subsection (1)(i) -- 60. Pharmacy Act 1964 s. 36(1) subsection (2), subsections (2A) to (2D), s. 36(2) (2)(a) Nothing (2A) Nothing (b) Every (2B) Every this paragraph this subsection (c) The (2C) The (d) Nothing (2D) Nothing (ii) to prevent (a) to prevent (iii) to permit (b) to permit (iv) to prevent (c) to prevent 61. Police Act 1892 s. 33C(3) (3)(a) Where (3A) Where (b) Where (3B) Where s. 33H(1) (1)(a) Upon an (1A) Upon an (b) The Board (1B) The Board (c) Costs awarded (1C) Costs awarded against against (d) Costs awarded to (1D) Costs awarded to page 125 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert 62. Police Assistance Compensation Act 1964 s. 4 In this Act, (1) In this Act, 1892; and 1892. Expressions (2) Expressions s. 5(3) (3) (a) Subject to (3) Subject to paragraph (b), subsection (4), (b) The amount (4) The amount under paragraph (a) under subsection (3) (i) in the (a) in the (ii) in the (b) in the (c) A person (5) A person in paragraph (a), in subsection (3), (d) Where (6) Where 63. Presbyterian Church Act 1908 s. 4a 4a. Commissioners, 4A. Commissioners, s. 4a(3) the proviso hereinafter subsections (3A) to contained with regard to (3D), the the first 8 persons elected as aforesaid or of persons appointed to fill any casual vacancy, the year: year. Provided always -- (a) that in (3A) In page 126 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert election; election. (b) that in (3B) In election. All persons election. (3C) All persons hereof; and hereof. (c) that every (3D) Every s. 4a(4) The Moderator (4A) The Moderator (second occurrence) time. In the absence time. (4B) In the absence meetings. The Moderator meetings. (4C) The Moderator 64. Presbyterian Church Act Amendment Act 1919 s. 6(1) the following subsections (1A) to provisions:-- (1D). (a) Where (1A) Where (b) Where (1B) Where (c) Where (1C) Where sinking fund: sinking fund. Provided that where (1D) Where 65. Presbyterian Church of Australia Act 1901 s. 2 This (1) This (a) The (a) the (b) The (b) the page 127 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert (c) A (c) a The production (2) The production s. 4 The standards (1) The standards Adherence (2) Adherence Provided nevertheless (3) Nevertheless, if that if 66. Property Law Act 1969 s. 81(3) (3)(a) A lessor (3A) A lessor (b) The lessor (3B) The lessor s. 81(5) (a) lease lease (b) lessee lessee (c) lessor lessor (d) under-lease under-lease (e) under-lessee under-lessee s. 122(5) (5)(a) Every (5A) Every (b) For (5B) For this subsection, subsection (5A), (each occurrence) s. 135(1) (1)(a) A notice (1A) A notice (i) by (a) by (ii) by (b) by (iii) by (c) by (iv) in (d) in page 128 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert (b) A notice so posted (1B) A notice posted as provided in subsection (1A) s. 135(2) (2)(a) If the (2A) If the subsection (1) subsection (1A) (b) If he (2B) If the person so delivered delivered as provided in subsection (1A) 67. Public Trustee Act 1941 s. 16(1) (1)(a) When (1A) When (b) Where (1B) Where s. 16(2) (2)(a) When (2A) When (b) Such balance (2B) The balance referred to in subsection (2A) s. 21(4) sole trustee: sole trustee. Provided that -- (4A) On any matter relating to the trusts or the estate -- trustees on any matter trustees; and relating to the trusts or the estate; and Trustee on any matter Trustee. relating to the trusts or the estate. page 129 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert s. 37(3) (3)(a) All moneys (3A) All moneys (b) The (3B) The thereupon hold the said hold money received moneys under subsection (3A) (c) Any such sum (3C) Any money received under subsection (3A) s. 41(2) Provided that, on (2A) Despite subsection (2), on s. 56(1) Provided that, where (1A) Despite subsection (1), where 68. Public Works Act 1902 s. 2 def. of (1) every (a) every public work and (2) any railway (b) any railway work (3) tramways; (c) tramways; (4) any works (d) any works (5) buildings (e) buildings (6) hospitals (f) hospitals (7) observatory; (g) observatory; (8) public (h) public (9) public (i) public (9a) public (j) public (10) wharves, (k) wharves, (11) parks (l) parks page 130 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert (12) public (m) public (13) public (n) public (14) the protection (o) the protection (14A) the protection (p) the protection (15) the establishment (q) the establishment (16) harbours (r) harbours (17) quarries (s) quarries (17A) the procuring (t) the procuring (17B) buildings (u) buildings (17C) the establishment (v) the establishment (17D) the establishment (w) the establishment (18) drainage (x) drainage (19) any building (y) any building (20) any road, (za) any road, (21) any work (zb) any work (22) any land (zc) any land (23) any survey (zd) any survey s. 83B A person (1) A person unlawfully -- unlawfully interferes (a) interferes offence; offence. (b) obstructs (2) A person who wilfully and unlawfully obstructs page 131 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert s. 101(2) (2)(a) No (2) No (b) If any (3) If any 69. Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre Act 1966 s. 4(2) (2)(a) The (2) The (b) On the (3) On the s. 7(4) (4)(a) The member (4A) The member (b) The Vice (4B) The Vice s. 13(2a)(b) subsection (3); and subsection (3A); and s. 13(2m)(b) subsection (3); subsection (3A); and (2o)(a) s. 13(3) (3)(a) The Trust (3A) The Trust (b) The Treasurer (3B) The Treasurer this subsection subsection (3A) 70. Rail Freight System Act 2000 s. 8(6) Act 1904, Act 1904. and a reference (7) In this section a reference 71. Real Estate and Business Agents Act 1978 Sch. cl. 1 1. A person -- 1. Qualifications for grant of licence A person -- page 132 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert Sch. cl. 2 2. For 2. Sufficient practical experience For Sch. heading Licence by reason of before cl. 3 qualification under clause 1(c) Sch. cl. 3 3. Such 3. Licence by reason of qualification under clause 1(c) Such Sch. heading Licence by reason of before cl. 4 qualification under clause 1(d) Sch. cl. 4 4. Such 4. Licence by reason of qualification under clause 1(d) Such Sch. heading Death or incapacity of before cl. 5 agent Sch. cl. 5 5. (1) A person 5. Death or incapacity of agent (1) A person Sch. heading Death or withdrawal of before cl. 6 partner in a firm or director of a body corporate page 133 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert Sch. cl. 6 6. (1) Where 6. Death or withdrawal of partner in a firm or director of a body corporate (1) Where Sch. heading Continuation of licences in before cl. 7 force under the repealed Act Sch. cl. 7 7. (1) Licences 7. Continuation of licences in force under the repealed Act (1) Licences Sch. heading Pastoral companies before cl. 8 Sch. cl. 8 8. (1) This 8. Pastoral companies (1) This Sch. heading Persons of a kind referred before cl. 11 to in section 4(3)(v) of the repealed Act and whose licences have been continued under clause 7 Sch. cl. 11 11. Such 11. Persons of a kind referred to in section 4(3)(v) of the repealed Act and whose licences have been continued under clause 7 Such page 134 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert Sch. heading Persons of a kind referred before cl. 12 to in section 4(3)(vi) of the repealed Act and whose licences have been continued under clause 7 Sch. cl. 12 12. Such 12. Persons of a kind referred to in section 4(3)(vi) of the repealed Act and whose licences have been continued under clause 7 Such Sch. heading Auctions in respect of real before cl. 13 estate transactions Sch. cl. 13 13. On 13. Auctions in respect of real estate transactions On Sch. heading Auctions in respect of before cl. 14 business transactions not involving a real estate transaction Sch. cl. 14 14. On 14. Auctions in respect of business transactions not involving a real estate transaction On page 135 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert Sch. heading Continuation of certificates before cl. 15 of registration in force under the repealed Act Sch. cl. 15 15. (1) Any 15. Continuation of certificates of registration in force under the repealed Act (1) Any Sch. heading Continuation of certain before cl. 16 office managers Sch. cl. 16 16. (1) Notwithstanding 16. Continuation of certain office managers (1) Notwithstanding 72. Residential Parks (Long-stay Tenants) Act 2006 Glossary In this Act, 1. Terms used In this Act, 73. Rights in Water and Irrigation Act 1914 s. 42(1) purposes: purposes. Provided that the (1A) Despite subsection (1), the s. 59(1) to the following matters, to specifying that is to say -- (8) Specifying s. 79 (1) evidence (a) evidence (2) evidence (b) evidence page 136 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert (a) the Registrar (i) the Registrar (b) the Registrar (ii) the Registrar (c) the (iii) the 74. Royal Agricultural Society Act 1926 s. 3(3) prescribed fee: prescribed fee. Provided that (4) However, registration registration Act: Act. Provided also that, in (5) In s. 6(1) At every (1A) At every (first occurrence) At every (1B) At every (second occurrence) 75. Royal Agricultural Society Act Amendment Act 1929 s. 2 Land (1) Land Provided that such (2) The exemption exemption under subsection (1) s. 3 Notwithstanding (1) Notwithstanding lands: lands. Provided however that (2) However no no page 137 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert 76. Sale of Goods Act 1895 s. 2 Capacity (1) Capacity Necessaries in this (2) In this section -- section mean necessaries means s. 12 (i) an implied (a) an implied (ii) an implied (b) an implied (iii) an implied (c) an implied s. 14 Subject to (1) Subject to as follows: as provided in subsections (2) to (5). (i) Where the (2) Where the (ii) Where goods (3) Where goods (iii) An implied (4) An implied (iv) An express (5) An express s. 18 the following are rules the rules in the Table apply the buyer: the buyer. Table 77. Settlement Agents Act 1981 s. 46(6) (6)(a) A licensee (6) A licensee (b) In paragraph (a) (7) In subsection (6) -- discharge discharge page 138 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert 78. Soil and Land Conservation Act 1945 s. 36(1) (1)(a) Where land (1A) Where land (b) Where land (1B) Where land (d) Where a (1D) Where a 79. Stamp Act 1921 s. 79(2) Provided that this (3) Subsection (2) subsection 80. Standard Survey Marks Act 1924 s. 3 An authorised (1) An authorised Plans (2) Plans 81. Supreme Court Act 1935 s. 3 The Acts (1) The Acts stated: stated. Provided that, subject (2) Subject 1918: -- 1918, subsections (3) to (6) have effect in respect of those repeals. (a) Nothing (3) Nothing (b) Any (4) Any (c) Save as (5) Save as (i) shall (a) shall this Act: this Act; (ii) shall (b) shall page 139 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert thereof: thereof; (iii) shall (c) shall (d) All (6) All s. 24 Subject to (1A) Subject to rules following: -- rules set out in subsections (1) to (7). Every person (3A) Every person as aforesaid as mentioned in subsection (3)(b) defence thereto: defence thereto. Provided that -- (5A) However -- s. 25 The law (1) The law as follows: -- as set out in subsections (6) to (12). directs: directs. Provided that nothing in (10A) Nothing in this subsection subsection (10) from this subsection. from that subsection. s. 26(1) in fault: in fault. Provided that if, (1A) If, s. 28(1) in fault: in fault. Provided that no (1A) However, no s. 42 Subject as (1) Subject as without a jury: without a jury. page 140 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert Provided that the (2) The s. 63(2) judge: judge. Provided that the (2A) The plaintiff plaintiff custody: custody. Provided also that where (2B) Where s. 167(1) purposes: -- purposes -- (a) For (a) for be made. be made; (b) For (b) for chambers. chambers; (ba) For (ba) for specify. specify; (each occurrence) (bb) For (bb) for (c) For (c) for exercise. exercise; (d) For (d) for section 252). section 252); (each occurrence) (da) For (da) for (e) For (e) for apply. apply; (f) For (f) for page 141 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert jury. jury; (g) For (g) for proceedings. proceedings; (h) For (h) for thereto. thereto; (i) For (i) for thereof. thereof; (ia) For (ia) for Registrar. Registrar; (j) For (j) for appeals. appeals; (k) Relating (k) relating Court. Court; (l) For (l) for business. business; (m) For (m) for otherwise. otherwise; (o) For (o) for subparagraph (i). subparagraph (i); (oa) For (oa) for matter). matter); (ob) For (ob) for cause. cause; (oc) For (oc) for page 142 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert enforced. enforced; (p) For (p) for evidence. evidence; (q) For (q) for mediation. mediation; (r) For (r) for The power given by the (1A) The power given preceding paragraphs by subsection (1) s. 170(2) This subsection (2A) Subsection (2) 82. Taxation Administration Act 2003 Glossary Unless 1. Terms used Unless 83. The Salvation Army (Western Australia) Property Trust Act 1931 s. 8 The trustees (1) The trustees Army: provided that Army. such (2) Such s. 9(1) (a) Property (a) property (b) Property (b) property 1920: 1920. Provided that no (1A) No s. 9(2) (2) (a) The trustees (2) The trustees held: held. page 143 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert Provided that all (3) All last preceding subsection (1). subsection. (b) This subsection (4) Subsections (2) and (3) s. 10 The body (1) The body in it: in it. Provided that no (2) Despite subsection (1), no Army, and that any Army. (3) Any 84. Tobacco Products Control Act 2006 Glossary In this Act -- 1. Terms used In this Act -- 85. Transfer of Land Act 1893 s. 2(1) repealed. Provided that repealed. such (1A) Such s. 20 Land alienated (1) Land alienated Schedule; which Schedule. (2) The (i) the person (a) the person (ii) persons (b) persons (iii) persons (c) persons (iv) the person (d) the person page 144 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert (v) trustees (e) trustees (vi) the guardian (f) the guardian (vii) a tenant (g) a tenant Provided always that a (3) Despite subsection (2), a thereto; nor a mortgagee thereto. (4) Despite subsection (2), a mortgagee shall not be entitled to make such application name. Provided also that name. the (5) Despite subsection (2), the s. 20A In applications (1) In applications evidence -- evidence recitals, recitals, 20 years, 20 years. and an applicant (2) In applications to bring land under the Act an applicant negative, negative, except except agents, agents, the the page 145 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert s. 22 If it (1) If it Act. The Act. (2) The s. 23 The Registrar (1) The Registrar land. Notwithstanding land. (2) Notwithstanding s. 30 Any person (1) Any person Act. Every Act. (2) Every claimed; and the claimed. Registrar (3) The Registrar interest. Unless interest. (4) Unless lapse. A caveat lapse. (5) A caveat s. 31 The Registrar (1) The Registrar judge. The judge. (2) The s. 32 After (1) After Act. A caveat Act. (2) A caveat s. 33 After an (1) After an fix. All fix. (2) All page 146 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert s. 35 Upon (1) Upon memorandum. Provided memorandum. always that if (2) Despite subsection (1), if same. No person same. (3) No person Commissioner. No Commissioner. (4) No s. 39 Land leased (1) Land leased land. The land. (2) The Act. Every Act. (3) Every notification. The notification. (4) The s. 61 Upon (1) Upon thereto. Two thereto. (2) Two property. In property. (3) In s. 62 Before (1) Before made; after the made. expiration of which (2) After the expiration of that necessary. The necessary. (3) The page 147 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert s. 68(1) purchaser. Provided purchaser. always that the (1A) Despite subsection (1), the s. 69 Notwithstanding (1) Notwithstanding writing. And writing. notwithstanding the (2) Notwithstanding proviso to the said last section 68(1A) preceding section s. 74 The Registrar (1) The Registrar required. If required. (2) If entered. If entered. (3) If entered. The entered. (4) The freehold. Provided freehold. always that before (5) Despite subsections (1) to (4), before s. 75(1) Provided that the (1AA) The s. 82(1) form. Upon form. (1A) Upon s. 83 By virtue (1) By virtue thereof. Provided always thereof. that nothing (2) Nothing page 148 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert s. 92 (i) that he (a) that he (ii) that he (b) that he s. 93 (1) that he (a) that he (2) that in (b) that in s. 94 Whenever (1) Whenever number. There number. (2) There s. 98 A lease (1) A lease witness. The witness. (2) The made. Upon made. (3) Upon term; and production term. (4) Production surrendered. Provided surrendered. that no (5) Despite subsection (1), no s. 103 the following covenant a covenant transferees (that is to transferees that he say): That he s. 104(1) section 93(2) section 93(b) page 149 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert s. 109(1) (1) The purchase money arising from the sale of the mortgaged or charged land shall be applied as follows: If the sale be by the (1) If mortgaged or mortgagee or his charged land is transferees -- sold by the mortgagee or his transferees, the purchase money arising from the sale shall be applied as follows -- First (a) firstly (first occurrence) behalf; secondly behalf; (b) secondly mortgage; thirdly mortgage; (c) thirdly priorities; and the priorities, and the mortgagor. Provided mortgagor. always that if (1A) However, if If the sale be by the (1B) If mortgaged or annuitant or his charged land is transferees -- sold by the annuitant or his page 150 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert transferees, the purchase money arising from the sale shall be applied as follows -- First (a) firstly (second occurrence) default; then in payment default; (b) then in payment transferees; and the transferees, residue and the residue s. 112 Subject (1) Subject sale. Provided that no sale. (2) Despite subsection (1), no rent; and provided also rent. that if (3) If s. 115 Whenever (1) Whenever transferees. There transferees. (2) There s. 116 In addition (1) In addition Act. Nothing Act. (2) Nothing s. 117 A mortgagor (1) A mortgagor consent. Provided consent. however that if (2) Despite subsection (1), if page 151 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert s. 119 Any mortgagee (1) Any mortgagee parties. Provided always parties. that every (2) Every s. 121(1) foreclosure; and such foreclosure. (1A) Such mortgage. Such mortgage. (1B) Such require; and the require. (1C) The s. 126(1) accrue; and the accrue. (1A) The mortgage; and if mortgage. (1B) If section 74B(2). The section 74B(2). (1C) The respectively. The respectively. (1D) The Account. For the Account. purposes of this (1E) In subsections (1) subsection the words to (1D) -- mortgage mortgage s. 130 A corporation (1) A corporation seal. The seal. (2) The s. 136 Where part (1) Where part sealed. Provided always sealed. that if (2) If page 152 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert part. Provided also that part. where (3) Where s. 137(1) caveat. Every caveat. (1A) Every agent. The agent. (1B) The caveat. If caveat. (1C) If void. A caveat void. (1D) A caveat s. 143(1) thereof. Every thereof. (1A) Every s. 152 Every (1) Every land. Provided that land. nothing (2) Nothing s. 154 (i) have (a) have (ii) have (b) have s. 155 From and (1) From and represented; and such represented. (2) Such line. No action line. (3) No action limits; and in limits. (4) In page 153 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert s. 156 On any (1) On any fit. All fit. (2) All s. 162 After (1) After land; such land. (2) Such Commissioner. But it Commissioner. (3) It s. 163(1) thereof. And the thereof. (1A) The s. 168 On an (1) On an both. Any both. (2) Any mentioned; and abuttals mentioned. (3) Abuttals s. 169 For the (1) For the abuttal: Any abuttal -- any water-course; and water-course. mention (2) Mention s. 188 The Registrar (1) The Registrar the following power and the powers and duties set duties (that is to say): out in subsections (2) to (8). (i) He may (2) The Registrar may (ii) He shall (3) The Registrar shall page 154 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert Act; but in Act. (4) In same; and in same. (5) In section 74B(2); and section 74B(2). every (6) Every (iii) He shall (7) The Registrar shall (iv) He may, (8) The Registrar may, s. 189 The Registrar (1) The Registrar Authority. Provided Authority. always that such (2) Such correction correction must section 188(ii) section 188(3) to (6) s. 196(1) damages. Provided damages. always that any (1A) Any Court. Provided also that Court. the (1B) The s. 199 (i) the case (a) the case (ii) the case (b) the case (iii) the case (c) the case (iv) the case (d) the case (v) the case (e) the case (vi) the case (f) the case page 155 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert s. 201 Any person (1) Any person misdescription. Provided misdescription. always that except (2) Despite subsection (1), except contained; and in contained. (3) In defendant; and all defendant. (4) All accordingly. Provided accordingly. also that in (5) In s. 203 If upon (1) If upon proprietor. Upon proprietor. (2) Upon order and all order. (3) All s. 205 Any person (1) Any person damages; in estimating damages. which (2) In estimating those s. 207 Any person (1) Any person damages. And where damages. (2) Where s. 208 Any person (1) Any person declaration. If declaration. (2) If s. 211 No action (1) No action page 156 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert deprivation. Provided deprivation. nevertheless that any (2) Despite subsection (1), any deprivation. The deprivation. (3) The s. 212 In the (1) In the tried. Provided that the tried. (2) Despite subsection (1), the s. 219 A devisee (1) A devisee necessary. Such necessary. (2) Such property. The property. (3) The s. 220 Such (1) Such transmitted. Upon transmitted. (2) Upon thereof. Provided always thereof. that the (3) The thereof. The thereof. (4) The s. 221 Any person (1) Any person transmission. Such transmission. (2) Such section. If section. (3) If page 157 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert s. 222 Any person (1) Any person title. Such title. (2) Such s. 223 Such (1) Such land. Upon land. (2) Upon s. 223A A person (1) A person application. Such application. (2) Such s. 229 The proprietor (1) The proprietor person; but nevertheless person. such (2) Such s. 231 If upon (1) If upon thereof. In thereof. (2) In fit. Provided always that fit. no (3) Despite subsection (1), no metre. Provided also that metre. the (4) The s. 232 On any (1) On any form. Provided that form. documents (2) Documents page 158 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert s. 234 Every (1) Every thereof. All thereof. (2) All s. 242(1) (1)(a) Where (1A) Where (b) If the (1B) If the (c) The disposition (1C) The disposition disposition: disposition. Provided that nothing in (1D) Nothing in this subsection subsections (1A) to (1C) 86. Transport Co-ordination Act 1966 s. 47B(4) (4)(a) The application (4A) The application (i) the name, (a) the name, (ii) the name (b) the name (iii) the ports (c) the ports (iv) whether (d) whether (v) such (e) such (b) Where an (4B) Where an 87. Trustee Companies Act 1987 Sch. 2 cl. 1 1. On the 1. Powers and duties of body corporate On the Sch. 2 cl. 2 2. Clause 1 2. Other powers and duties not affected Clause 1 page 159 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert Sch. 2 cl. 3 3. Without 3. Powers of Court Without Sch. 3 cl. 1 1. (1) In this 1. Terms used (1) In this Sch. 3 cl. 2 2. Subject 2. Existing powers and duties not affected Subject Sch. 3 cl. 3 3. The provisions 3. Exiting provisions for commissions and fees continue to apply The provisions Sch. 3 cl. 3A 3A. If -- 3A. Charging of GST If -- Sch. 3 cl. 3B 3B. In clause 3A -- 3B. Terms used In clause 3A -- Sch. 3 cl. 4 4. (1) Part IV 4. Application of Part IV to existing companies (1) Part IV Sch. 3 cl. 5 5. In the 5. Unclaimed money In the Sch. 3 cl. 6 6. On the 6. Funds administered by Treasurer On the page 160 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert Sch. 3 cl. 7 7. On a day 7. Documents held by Treasurer On a day Sch. 3 cl. 8 8. Section 29 8. Application of section 29 Section 29 Sch. 3 cl. 9 9. In relation 9. Application of section 33 In relation 88. Uniting Church in Australia Act 1976 s. 20(3) (3)(a) Subject to (3A) Subject to (b) Notwithstanding (3B) Notwithstanding this subsection subsection (3A) s. 20(4) subsections (1), (2) and this section (3) s. 20(5) subsections (1), (2) and this section (3) of this section s. 29(2) section 20(3)(b) section 20(3B) s. 29(3) section 20(3)(b), section 20(3B), s. 34(1) Kingswood College (a) Kingswood College; Methodist Ladies' (b) Methodist Ladies' College College; Penrhos College (c) Penrhos College; page 161 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert St. Columba College (d) St. Columba College; Wesley College (e) Wesley College; Good (f) Good s. 34(2) and (3) section 20(3)(b) section 20(3B) s. 46(2) (2) (a) The Trust (2) The Trust (b) Any sum (3) Any sum 89. University of Western Australia Act 1911 s. 4 The University (1) The University students: students. Provided that until (2) Despite subsection (1), until being: being. Provided also that on (3) On s. 15A(3) (3)(a) When (3A) When (b) The rate (3B) The rate (c) The number (3C) The number (d) As and (3D) As and (e) As and (3E) As and s. 15A(4) subsection (3)(d) subsection (3D) s. 16A(2) Provided that no such (3A) No by-law by-law page 162 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert s. 29 Subject to (1) Subject to persons: persons. Provided that all (2) All s. 31(4) (4)(a) When (4A) When (b) When (4B) When s. 34 It shall (1) It shall licences: licences. Provided always that no (2) No Statutes such Statutes s. 37 University the following University such amounts sums, that is to say -- (b) Such amounts 90. Valuation of Land Act 1978 s. 4(1) def. of (i) all (a) all townsite (ii) all (b) all (iii) any (c) any (iv) any (d) any s. 4(1) def. of 5 times (A) 5 times unimproved 2.5 times (B) 2.5 times value par. (b)(ii)(I) 0.25 times (C) 0.25 times 10 000 hectares; 10 000 hectares, (The where the Act 1978.) Act 1978; page 163 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert 91. Veterinary Surgeons Act 1960 s. 17(4) (4) (a) In (4A) In (b) Courts, (4B) Courts, s. 17(5) (5) (a) The (5A) The (b) The (5B) The s. 17(6) (6) (a) A copy (6A) A copy (b) The (6B) The s. 20B(2) (i) until (a) until (ii) until (b) until 92. War Service Land Settlement Scheme Act 1954 s. 6(3) prevail. Provided that prevail. subject (3A) Subject s. 7 or another Act, or another Act, may -- (a) may, after the expiration (a) after the expiration the Minister, the Minister, but subject to -- but subject to the conditions, (i) the conditions, (first occurrence) Commonwealth Act, Commonwealth Act; (first occurrence) the provisions, (ii) the provisions, page 164 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert mortgages and (iii) mortgages and the provisions of the (iv) the provisions of regulations the regulations compliance (v) compliance Act, Act, at any time and at any time and from from time to time during time to time during the period of 10 years the period of from the commencement 10 years from the of the term of the lease, commencement of pay such amount or the term of the lease, amounts, not exceeding pay such amount or in the aggregate 90% of amounts, the purchase price for not exceeding in the the fee simple, as he aggregate 90% of the thinks fit on account of purchase price for that purchase price; and the fee simple, as he on thinks fit on account of that purchase price; and on s. 8(1) def. of reservation -- reservation to -- mineral rights to the Company; (a) the Company; or or to a person (b) a person mineral rights -- mineral rights, s. 8(2) acquired (aa) acquired under the (ab) under the (first occurrence) the subject (ac) the subject page 165 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert rights; rights, 93. Warehousemen's Liens Act 1952 s. 7(5) (5)(a) Where (5A) Where published -- published at least twice, at least twice with an with an interval between interval between the the advertisements of at advertisements of at least 7 days, in a least 7 days -- newspaper in a newspaper (b) The sale (5B) The sale s. 7(7) (7)(a) The Magistrates (7A) The Magistrates (b) The Magistrates (7B) The Magistrates this subsection, subsection (7A), s. 8(1) (1)(a) If at any (1A) If at any (b) If the person (1B) If the person s. 9(3) (3)(a) Regulations (3A) Regulations (b) A notice (3B) A notice s. 10(1) (1)(a) From the (1A) From the subsections (2) and (3), subsections (2A), (2B) and (3), (b) The (1B) The warehouseman warehouseman s. 10(2) (2)(a) Where (2A) Where (b) Money (2B) Money page 166 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert s. 10(5) (5)(a) If within (5A) If within (b) The payment (5B) A payment under subsection (5A) (c) Where money so (5C) Where money paid paid to a claimant to a claimant under subsection (5A) 94. Water Agencies (Powers) Act 1984 s. 5(1) Metropolitan (a) Metropolitan (first occurrence) 1982. 1982; Metropolitan (b) Metropolitan (second occurrence) 1909. 1909; Rights (c) Rights 1914. 1914; Water Supply, (d) Water Supply, (first occurrence) 1912. 1912; Water Supply, (e) Water Supply, (second occurrence) 1981. 1981; Country Areas (f) Country Areas 1947. 1947; Country Towns (g) Country Towns 1948. 1948; Land (h) Land page 167 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert 1925. 1925; Water Boards (i) Water Board s. 65 For the (1) For the Part -- Part, unless (a) unless provided; provided. (b) a reference (2) For the purposes of this Part a reference reticulation, reticulation. as the case may require, and cognate expressions shall be construed accordingly; and (c) any (3) For the purposes of this Part any 95. Water Boards Act 1904 s. 4 (1) Constitute (a) constitute (2) Alter (b) alter (3) Unite (c) unite (4) Divide (d) divide (5) Include (e) include (6) Abolish (f) abolish (7) From (g) from (a) divide (i) divide page 168 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert (b) define (ii) define (c) alter (iii) alter (d) abolish (iv) abolish s. 7 (1) By (a) by (2) By (b) by (3) By (c) by (4) By (d) by s. 9 When members (1) When members area: And when in that area. case more (2) When more The Governor (3) The Governor s. 10 When the (1A) When the the following provisions subsections (1) to (14) shall have effect: -- have effect. member: member. (each occurrence) vacant: vacant. taken: taken. retire: retire. chairman: chairman. re-election: re-election. seat: seat. office: office. (each occurrence) page 169 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert prescribes: prescribes. governments: governments. the last preceding subsection (11) paragraph up: up. s. 11 Every water (1) Every water A change (2) A change s. 12 When a (1) When a Provided that the (2) An applicant under applicant subsection (1) If, upon (3) If, upon The person (4) The person If it appears (5) If it appears elected: elected. Provided that no such (6) No such s. 17 At the (1) At the next hereinafter provided in provided. subsections (2) to (5). If within (2) If within If the chairman (3) If the chairman (first occurrence) If the chairman (4) If the chairman (second occurrence) If the chairman (5) If the chairman (third occurrence) page 170 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert s. 19 Business (1) Business All powers (2) All powers Upon every (3) Upon every At all (4) At all If a member (5) If a member s. 21 The members (1) The members If a quorum (2) If a quorum s. 22 A resolution (1) A resolution If the (2) If the s. 24 Notices (1) Notices Every such (2) Every such No business (3) No business s. 25 The board (1) The board (1) Appoint (a) appoint (2) Delegate (b) delegate (3) Fix (c) fix A committee (2) A committee s. 26 A committee (1) A committee At meetings (2) At meetings chairman. All chairman. (3) All s. 27 The board, (1) The board, page 171 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert Every such (2) Every such (first occurrence) Every such (3) Every such (second occurrence) s. 32 The chairman (1) The chairman place: Provided that, at place. (2) At Every officer (3) Every officer s. 34 (1) To (a) to (2) To (b) to (3) To (c) to (4) To (d) to s. 46 Subject to (1) Subject to (1) It may, (a) it may, (2) It may, (b) it may, (3) It may (c) it may (4) It may, (d) it may, (5) It may, (e) it may, works: works. Provided that, in the (2) In the s. 47 (1) Open (a) open (2) Lay (b) lay (3) For (c) for (4) Do (d) do page 172 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert s. 49 In cases (1) In cases employee: employee. Provided that if (2) Despite subsection (1), if s. 50 (1) With (a) with up. up; (2) While (b) while s. 51(2) Thereupon the (3) Upon being given notice under subsection (2) the Any local (4) Any local this subsection subsection (2) s. 56 On receiving (1) On receiving Provided that no (2) Despite subsection (1), no s. 58 The water (1) The water When a (2) When a The water (3) The water s. 61 The water (1) The water The expense (2) The expense s. 63(10) if the fire (a) if the fire (first occurrence) if the fire (b) if the fire (second occurrence) page 173 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert s. 63(11) by the Authority (a) by the Authority by the local (b) by the local s. 67 (1) Connect (a) connect (2) Disconnect (b) disconnect s. 68(1) What quantity (a) what quantity Whether there (b) whether there Whether all (c) whether all s. 68(2) Any expense (3) Any expense s. 69 No person (1) No person No such (2) No such s. 70 Any person authorised (1) Any person authorised Any person so (2) Any person so s. 71 (1) Uses (a) uses (2) Alters, (b) alters, s. 73 (1) Wilfully (a) wilfully (2) Flushes (b) flushes (3) Does (c) does s. 76 (1) Does, (a) does, (2) Omits (b) omits s. 107 When an (1) When an Any person (2) Any person page 174 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert But any (3) But any In case any (4) In case any s. 120 Before raising (1) Before raising Provided that it (2) Despite subsection (1), it this proviso. this subsection. s. 123A Notwithstanding (1) Notwithstanding preceding: preceding. Provided that the bank (2) The bank s. 124 The water (1) The water All such (2) All such s. 129 Such (1) Such fit: fit. Provided that, at any (2) At any s. 141 (1) The (a) the proceedings. proceedings; (2) The (b) the servants. servants; (4) The (c) the works. works; (5) The (d) the page 175 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert board. board; (first to third occurrences) (6) Protecting (e) protecting injury. injury; (7) Preventing (f) preventing (8) Making, (g) making, value. value; (9) Prescribing (h) prescribing period. period; (10) Prescribing (i) prescribing meters. meters; (each occurrence) (10a) Providing (j) providing rates. rates; (10b) Prescribing (k) prescribing supplied. supplied; (each occurrence) (11) Specifying (l) specifying (12) The (m) the purposes. purposes; (13) Fixing (n) fixing area. area; (14) Compelling (o) compelling repair. repair; page 176 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert (15) Prohibiting (p) prohibiting (16) Enabling (q) enabling land. land; (17) Prohibiting (r) prohibiting water. water; (18) The (s) the (20a) Prescribing (t) prescribing fees. fees; (21) Prescribing (u) prescribing Schedules. Schedules; (22) And for any (v) any s. 142 (1) May (a) may (2) May (b) may s. 160 (1) Evidence (a) evidence (2) Evidence (b) evidence (a) The (i) the (b) The (ii) the (c) the (iii) the s. 161 board: board -- (1) Until (a) until (2) With (b) with page 177 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert 96. Western Australian Aged Sailors, Soldiers and Airmen's Relief Fund Act 1932 s. 3(2) (2)(a) The League (2A) The League Fund"; and Fund". (b) Each (2B) Each (c) From (2C) From paragraph (a) subsection (2A) s. 3(3) the last preceding subsection (2B); subsection; s. 5 All moneys (1) All moneys Thereafter (2) Thereafter person. Provided always person. that the person for whom (3) A benefit under the benefit is applied is subsection (2) shall be applied only for a person who is 97. Wildlife Conservation Act 1950 s. 14(2) (2)(a) Subject (2) Subject time declare -- time, by notice published in the Government Gazette -- that any of (a) declare that any of fit, fit; and and for these purposes may from time to time by notice published in page 178 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert the Government Gazette declare -- a close season (b) for these purposes declare a close season (b) The Minister (3) The Minister (ba) The Minister (4) The Minister (i) such (a) such (ii) a person (b) a person (c) A declaration (5) A declaration s. 15(2) (2)(a) The Minister (2A) The Minister (b) Where (2B) Where (c) Where (2C) Where (ca) The Minister (2CA) The Minister (i) the (a) the (ii) a licence (b) a licence (d) Where (2D) Where s. 15(3) (3)(a) The Minister (3A) The Minister (b) Where (3B) Where (c) Every (3C) Every s. 15A(1) section 14(2)(a) section 14(2) s. 16(1) section 14(2), section 14(2) to (5), the authority (a) the authority (first occurrence) page 179 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert the authority (b) the authority (second occurrence) s. 16(1a) section 14(2)(ba) section 14(4) s. 16(2) section 14(2) section 14(2) to (5) s. 18(1) (1)(a) Subject (1A) Subject paragraph (b), subsection (1B), (aa) The (1AA) The (b) The (1B) The (c) The (1C) The s. 18(2) subsection (1)(b). subsection (1B). s. 20(2) any weapon, (i) any weapon, any fauna (ii) any fauna (first occurrence) s. 20(3) (3)(a) If it (3A) If it (i) anything (a) anything (ii) anything (b) anything (iii) anything (c) anything (b) The (3B) The (c) Where (3C) Where s. 23(1) person -- person who who 1972, 1972, may may page 180 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 51 Provision Delete Insert flora -- flora upon upon land, land, sufficient sufficient sale -- sale. and the Governor (1A) The Governor s. 27(1) offender -- offender, if if orders, orders, be be 98. Wildlife Conservation Regulations 1970 (consequential amendments) r. 26(1) section 18(1) section 18(1A) r. 63(1) section 14(2)(ba) section 14(4) 99. Wildlife Conservation (Reptiles and Amphibians) Regulations 2002 (consequential amendments) r. 16 section 15(2) section 15(2B), (2C) or (2CA) r. 17(4) section 15(2) section 15(2B), (2C) or (2CA) 100. Workers' Compensation and Injury Management Act 1981 s. 26(1) (1) When, by a (1) When -- compensable (a) by a compensable page 181 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 51 Provision Delete Insert use of -- use of any part or any part or Schedule 2 -- Schedule 2; and and by subsequent (b) by subsequent use of -- use of that part or faculty that part or faculty of of the body, the body -- s. 26(2) table -- table, whether -- whether in one (a) in one use of -- use of that part or faculty that part or faculty of of the body; or the body -- or in several (b) in several use of -- use of that part or that part or faculty of the faculty of the body, then body, then s. 46(2) compensation -- compensation that that payment, payment, in respect in respect s. 154(2) of it -- of it to WorkCover (a) to WorkCover allow; allow, stating stating page 182 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 52 1 52. Bush Fires Act 1954 amended 2 (1) This section amends the Bush Fires Act 1954. 3 (2) In section 58(3): 4 (a) delete the passage that begins with "by this Act -- " and 5 ends with "to this Act --" and insert: 6 7 the relevant body may -- 8 9 (b) in paragraph (a) delete "may"; 10 (c) in paragraph (b) delete "may" (first occurrence); 11 (d) in paragraph (b) delete "conviction." and insert: 12 13 conviction; or 14 15 (e) delete paragraph (b)(i) and (ii) and "or" after 16 subparagraph (ii); 17 (f) in paragraph (c) delete "may". 18 (3) After section 58(3) insert: 19 20 (3A) In subsection (3) -- 21 relevant body, in relation to an expense, means -- 22 (a) if the expense is incurred by an authorised 23 CALM Act officer, the CALM Act CEO; or 24 (b) if the expense is incurred by a bush fire control 25 officer employed by a local government, or by 26 an officer or member of a bush fire brigade 27 established and maintained by a local 28 government, the local government; or 29 (c) if the expense is incurred by any other person 30 acting pursuant to this Act, the Authority. page 183 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 52 1 (3B) If an application has been made under 2 subsection (3)(b) -- 3 (a) the court may grant the application wholly or in 4 part or refuse the application, and payment of 5 an amount specified in an order may be 6 enforced in the same manner as payment of a 7 pecuniary penalty; and 8 (b) refusal of the court to grant an order for 9 payment of the whole or part of the expenses is 10 not a bar to proceedings to recover the whole or 11 part, as the case may be, in any other court of 12 competent jurisdiction. 13 14 (4) Amend the provisions listed in the Table as set out in the Table. 15 Table Provision Delete Insert s. 4 (a) This Act (1) This Act (b) This Act (2) This Act s. 14(1) the proviso to this subsection (1A), section, Provided that a (1A) Despite subsection (1), a paragraphs (a), subsection (1)(a), s. 17(7) (7)(a) Subject to (7) Subject to paragraph (b), subsection (7B), (i) shortening, (a) shortening, (ii) imposing (b) imposing (b) A variation (7B) A variation this subsection subsection (7) page 184 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 52 Provision Delete Insert s. 17(9) subsections (7) and (8) subsection (8) -- publish publish s. 18(5) (5)(a) Subject to (5) Subject to paragraph (b) subsection (5B) (i) vary (a) vary (A) shortening, (i) shortening, (B) imposing (ii) imposing (ii) vary (b) vary (b) A variation (5B) A variation this subsection if subsection (5) if (i) shortening (a) shortening (ii) suspending (b) suspending this subsection, be subsection (5), be (c) The (5C) The (d) For the purposes of (5D) In subsections (5) this subsection and (5C) -- prescribed prescribed s. 18(10) (10)(a) Subject (10A) Subject (b) A person (10B) A person so resolved made a declaration under subsection (10A) (c) The burning (10C) Any burning permitted under subsection (10B) page 185 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 52 Provision Delete Insert s. 21(1) (1)(a) Where (1A) Where (b) The Minister (1B) The Minister s. 21(2) (2)(a) Subject (2A) Subject (b) Permission under (2B) Permission under this subsection subsection (2A) s. 21(3) (3)(a) During (3A) During subsection (1) subsection (1A) (b) Where (3B) Where s. 22(6) (6)(a) A local (6) A local (b) Where (7) Where of paragraph (a) of subsection (6) (c) Where (8) Where paragraph (a) -- subsection (6) -- (i) the (a) the (ii) a bush (b) a bush s. 24A(2) subsection (3) of this subsection (4). section. s. 24A(3) (3)(a) A fee (3) A fee paragraph (b) subsection (4) (b) The provisions (4) The provisions paragraph (a) of this subsection (3), subsection, page 186 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 52 Provision Delete Insert s. 25(1)(c) (c)(i) a fire shall not be (c) a fire for the purpose lit for the purpose of disposing of the of disposing of the carcass of a dead carcass of a dead animal, or a part of animal, or a part of the carcass, shall not the carcass, unless be lit -- (i) unless (ii) the fire shall not be (ii) within lit within (iii) the fire shall not be (iii) except lit except (iv) the fire shall not be (iv) unless lit unless s. 28(1) (1)(a) Where (1) Where (i) at any (a) at any (ii) during (b) during (b) Where (1B) Where s. 28(4) (4)(a) In so (4) In so (b) The Authority, (5) The Authority, s. 33(1) as a separate (c) as a separate land, and in any event to land; and do so to the (d) in any event, to the s. 33(4) (4)(a) Where (4) Where in the notice, the local in the notice -- (a) the local complied with. complied with; and page 187 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 52 Provision Delete Insert (b) The bush (b) the bush s. 33(5) (5)(a) The amount (5) The amount subsection (4) shall subsection (4) -- (a) shall the amount. the amount; and (b) The local (b) may be recovered government may by the local recover the amount government s. 34(1) (1)(a) Subject (1) Subject (b) Before (1AB) Before of this subsection, of subsection (1), (c) A bush (1AC) A bush s. 34(1a) subsection (1) would subsections (1) to (1AC) would subsection (1) shall subsections (1) to (1AC) shall s. 34(2) (2)(a) Where (2) Where (b) When (3) When paragraph (a), subsection (2), s. 35(3) (3)(a) Where (3) Where (b) A certificate (3B) A certificate the amount the amount referred to in subsection (3) s. 35(4) subsection (3) subsection (3B) page 188 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 52 Provision Delete Insert s. 35(5) (5)(a) Where, (5) Where, (b) The Authority (6) The Authority s. 38(2) (2)(a) The local (2A) The local (c) The local (2C) The local (d) Where (2D) Where paragraph (c) fails subsection (2C) fails (e) A bush (2E) A bush s. 38(5) (5)(a) A local (5A) A local (b) The bush (5B) The bush so issued issued under subsection (5A) (c) The provisions of (5C) The provisions of this subsection subsections (5A) and (5B) s. 38(6) (6)(a) In this (6) In this paragraph (b) subsection (7) (b) If it (7) If it (i) may (a) may this subsection applies; subsections (6) to (18) and apply; and (ii) may from (b) may from paragraph. subsection. (c) An approved (8) An approved (ca) Where (9) Where page 189 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 52 Provision Delete Insert paragraph (h). subsection (17). (cb) An approved (10) An approved (cc) Where (11) Where paragraph (cb) is, subject subsection (10) is, to paragraph (cd), subject to subsection (12), (cd) A deputy (12) A deputy paragraph (cb) is subsection (10) is (d) The local (13) The local paragraph (c) or (cb) subsection (8) or (10) (e) An approved (14) An approved subsection. subsections (6) to (18). (f) Where (15) Where paragraph (h), subsection (17), (g) The provisions of (16) The provisions of this subsection subsections (6) to (18) (h) A fire (17) A fire (i) This subsection (18) Subsections (6) to does (18) do s. 38A(3) section 38(3), (4) and (5) section 38(3) to (5C) s. 38A(4) Section 38(3), (4) and Section 38(3) to (5C) (5) s. 39(2) (2)(a) Where (2) Where s. 44(3) (3)(a) Where (3) Where page 190 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 53 Provision Delete Insert (b) Subject (4) Subject s. 45 (a) Where (1) Where (b) Where (2) Where s. 46(1) (1)(a) Notwithstanding (1A) Notwithstanding (i) subject to the (a) subject to provisions of the subsection (1B) next succeeding paragraph (ii) where (b) where (b) Where (1B) Where s. 46(3) subsection (1), subsection (1A) or (1B), s. 47 section 39(2)(a) section 39(2) s. 59(2) (2)(a) A person (1) A person (b) The person (2) The person s. 64 section 21(2), section 21(2A) and (2B), section 38(5). section 38(5A) or (5B). 1 53. Consequential amendments to Bush Fires Regulations 1954 2 (1) This section amends the Bush Fires Regulations 1954. 3 (2) In regulation 44: 4 (a) in paragraph (a) delete "section 34(1)(a)" and insert: 5 6 section 34(1) 7 page 191 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 54 1 (b) in paragraph (b) delete "section 34(1)(c)" and insert: 2 3 section 34(1AC) 4 5 54. Country Areas Water Supply Act 1947 amended 6 (1) This section amends the Country Areas Water Supply Act 1947. 7 (2) In section 99: 8 (a) in the third paragraph delete the proviso; 9 (b) in the fourth paragraph delete the proviso; 10 (c) after the seventh paragraph, but before the proviso, 11 insert: 12 13 (2) Where the moneys remaining after the payments 14 provided for in subsection (1)(a) and (b) have been 15 made are not sufficient for the payment in full of all of 16 the items mentioned and provided for in 17 subsection (1)(c), such moneys as shall remain shall be 18 distributed between the Crown, the department, the 19 agency, the instrumentality and the branch pro rata 20 with the amounts of their claims respectively, unless 21 the Governor or the Minister controlling the 22 department, agency, instrumentality or branch, as the 23 case may require, shall consent to the Crown or the 24 department, agency, instrumentality or branch which 25 the Minister controls being excluded wholly or partly 26 from the pro rata distribution. 27 (3) When land is sold under this Act and the land is 28 situated in 2 or more local government districts, the 29 Governor may determine for the purpose of 30 subsection (1)(d) the proportionate part of the whole of 31 the purchase price which shall be allocated to that part 32 of the land situated in each district. 33 page 192 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 54 1 (3) Amend the provisions listed in the Table as set out in the Table. 2 Table Provision Delete Insert s. 8(2) (2)(a) Each (2) Each s. 37(10) if the fire (a) if the fire (first occurrence) if the fire (b) if the fire (second occurrence) s. 37(11) by the Authority (a) by the Authority by the local (b) by the local s. 87(1) Firstly -- (a) firstly -- Secondly -- (b) secondly -- s. 89(2) thereto: thereto. Provided that the (3) Despite subsection (2), the s. 99 The money arising (1) The money arising Firstly -- In (a) firstly -- in otherwise. otherwise; Secondly -- In (b) secondly -- in section 89. section 89; Thirdly -- In (c) thirdly -- subject to subsection (2), in the sale: the sale; page 193 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 54 Provision Delete Insert Fourthly -- In (d) fourthly -- subject to subsection (3), in 1911: 1911; Fifthly -- In (e) fifthly -- in the land. the land; Sixthly -- In (f) sixthly -- in Corporation. Corporation; Seventhly -- In (g) seventhly -- subject to subsection (4), in so entitled: so entitled. Provided that, if any (4) If any person person is referred to in subsection (1)(g) is s. 102(1) Her Majesty: Her Majesty. Provided that the (2) The Governor Governor shall not shall not consent consent, under subsection (1) s. 102(3) If the land (3A) If the land (first occurrence) If the land (3B) If the land (second occurrence) s. 102(4) subsection (3). subsection (3), (3A) or (3B). page 194 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 55 Provision Delete Insert s. 105(1) matters, that is to say: matters -- (ii) For (a) for catchment area. catchment area; (xii) Specifying (b) specifying supplied. supplied; (xiii) Prescribing (c) prescribing purposes. purposes; (xiv) Fixing (d) fixing s. 120 In any legal (1) In any legal Act -- Act, in (1) in State -- State, such land; such land. (2) judicial (2) In any legal proceedings under the Water Agencies (Powers) Act 1984 or this Act, judicial 1 55. Country Towns Sewerage Act 1948 amended 2 (1) This section amends the Country Towns Sewerage Act 1948. 3 (2) In section 93: 4 (a) in the third paragraph delete both provisos; page 195 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 55 1 (b) after the sixth paragraph, but before the proviso, insert: 2 3 (2) Where the moneys remaining after the payments 4 provided for in subsection (1)(a) and (b) have been 5 made are not sufficient for the payment in full of all the 6 rates, taxes and other moneys mentioned and provided 7 for in subsection (1)(c) such moneys shall be 8 distributed between the Crown, the department, the 9 agency, the branch and the local government pro rata 10 with the amounts of their claims respectively. 11 (3) When land is sold under this Act and the land is 12 situated in 2 or more local government districts, the 13 Governor may determine for the purpose of 14 subsection (1)(c) the proportionate part of the whole of 15 the purchase price which shall be allocated to that part 16 of the land situated in each district. 17 18 (3) Amend the provisions listed in the Table as set out in the Table. 19 Table Provision Delete Insert s. 23 The Corporation (1) The Corporation sewers: sewers. Provided that no (2) Despite subsection (1), no s. 25 The Corporation (1) The Corporation area: Provided that the area. (2) The therefrom; and also may therefrom. (3) The Corporation may page 196 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 55 Provision Delete Insert tube: tube. Provided that no (4) However, no s. 40(2) If the owner (2A) If the owner occupier: occupier. Provided that the above (2B) Subsections (1) to provisions of this section (2A) s. 83(2) thereto: thereto. Provided that the (3) Despite subsection (2), the s. 93 The money (1) The money Firstly -- In (a) firstly -- in otherwise. otherwise; Secondly -- In (b) secondly -- in section 83. section 83; Thirdly -- In (c) thirdly -- subject to subsections (2) and (3), in sale. sale; Fourthly -- In (d) fourthly -- in land. land; Fifthly -- In (e) fifthly -- in Corporation. Corporation; Sixthly -- In (f) sixthly -- subject to subsection (4), in page 197 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 55 Provision Delete Insert entitled: entitled. Provided that, if any (4) If any person person is referred to in subsection (1)(f) is s. 96(1) Majesty: Majesty. Provided that the (2) The Governor shall Governor shall not not consent under consent, subsection (1) s. 96(3) If the land (3A) If the land (first occurrence) If the land (3B) If the land (second occurrence) s. 96(4) subsection (3). subsection (3), (3A) or (3B). s. 102(1) matters, that is to say: -- matters -- (3) Protecting (a) protecting sewers. sewers; (11) Defining (b) defining accepted. accepted; (12) Prescribing (c) prescribing industry. industry; (13) Prescribing (d) prescribing placed. placed; (16) Prohibiting (e) prohibiting page 198 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 56 1 56. Dental Act 1939 amended 2 (1) This section amends the Dental Act 1939. 3 (2) In section 55: 4 (a) in subsection (1)(a) delete the proviso; 5 (b) after subsection (1) insert: 6 7 (1A) This section shall not apply to -- 8 (a) any dentist when he is practising his profession 9 as a dentist as the employee of or as agent for 10 any executor or administrator as provided by 11 section 52 or as the employee of or as agent for 12 any person or persons engaged in the business 13 or practice of dentistry under the authority of 14 section 56; or 15 (b) any dentist when he is practising the said 16 profession as employee of or as agent in any 17 dental hospital or dental college or in any 18 dental clinic established by or under the Crown 19 or by any local government. 20 21 (3) Amend the provisions listed in the Table as set out in the Table. 22 Table Provision Delete Insert s. 8(2) Board: Provided that the Board. (2A) The s. 23(1) Provided that, if (1A) Despite subsection (1), if s. 46(6) Provided that -- (ii) licences (6A) Licences page 199 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 57 Provision Delete Insert s. 46(7) subsection (6), subsections (6) and (6A), s. 51 Subject as (1) Subject as or it: or it. Provided that this (2) This s. 54(1) regulations: regulations. Provided that any (1A) Despite subsection (1), any s. 55(1) a dentist: a dentist; or s. 56(4) (4) Provided that -- (a) every (4A) Every person; and person. (b) this section (4B) This section 1 57. Electricity Act 1945 amended 2 (1) This section amends the Electricity Act 1945. 3 (2) In section 18(e) delete the proviso and "and" after it. 4 (3) At the end of section 18 insert: 5 6 (6) If the owner of a building referred to in 7 subsection (1)(e) shall rebuild or alter the same, any 8 work attached to the building shall be removed so far 9 as may be necessary to enable such rebuilding or 10 alteration to be carried out, and, if so required shall be 11 affixed to the new or altered building at the cost of the 12 supply authority. 13 page 200 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 57 1 (4) Amend the provisions listed in the Table as set out in the Table. 2 Table Provision Delete Insert s. 18 Subject to (1) Subject to such supply. such supply; Provided that -- (i) the supply (2) A supply this proviso subsections (2) to (5) or apparatus; or apparatus. (ii) before the supply (3) Before a supply sufficient; sufficient. (iii) no such street, (4) No street, Director. Provided that Director. if the (5) Despite subsection (4), if the paragraph (ii) of this subsection (3) proviso s. 20(2) (2)(a) Any (2) Any (b) Where (3) Where this subsection subsection (2) s. 24(1) Provided that if (1A) If s. 24(2) Provided that when (3) When s. 33B(1) (1)(a) The Director (1A) The Director (b) An application (1B) An application page 201 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 57 Provision Delete Insert paragraph (a) subsection (1A) s. 33B(5) (5)(a) The Director (5A) The Director (i) approved; (a) approved; (ii) not (b) not (iii) deferred. (c) deferred. (b) The Director (5B) The Director (i) the appliance (a) the appliance (ii) the appliance (b) the appliance (c) The recognition (5C) The recognition paragraph (b) does subsection (5B) does (d) The Director (5D) The Director of paragraph (b). of subsection (5B). s. 36(3) Provided that where (4) Despite subsection (3), where s. 41(3) (a) The test (a) the test by the Director. by the Director; (b) The testing (b) the testing exceed $50. exceed $50; (c) If it be (c) if it be authority. authority; (d) If it be (d) if it be s. 43(2) (2)(a) A supply (2) A supply page 202 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 58 1 58. Fatal Accidents Act 1959 amended 2 (1) This section amends the Fatal Accidents Act 1959. 3 (2) In section 3(1) insert in alphabetical order: 4 5 relative has the meaning given in Schedule 2. 6 7 (3) In section 3(1) in the definition of court delete "jury." and 8 insert: 9 10 jury; 11 12 (4) In section 6(1): 13 (a) delete "(1)(a) Every" and insert: 14 15 (1A) Every 16 17 (b) delete "(b) The action" and insert: 18 19 (1B) The action 20 21 (c) delete paragraph (c). 22 (5) In Schedule 2 delete "[s. 6.]" and insert: 23 24 [s. 3(1)] 25 page 203 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 59 1 (6) In Schedule 2 delete "In this Act, relative in relation to a deceased 2 person means --" and insert: 3 4 1. Term used: relative 5 In this Act -- 6 relative, in relation to a deceased person, means -- 7 8 59. Freedom of Information Act 1992 amended 9 (1) This section amends the Freedom of Information Act 1992. 10 (2) Before Schedule 1 clause 1(2) insert: 11 12 (2A) The exemptions in subclause (1) are subject to the limits set 13 out in subclauses (2) to (5). 14 15 (3) Before Schedule 1 clause 2(2) insert: 16 17 (2A) The exemptions in subclause (1) are subject to the limit set 18 out in subclause (2). 19 20 (4) Before Schedule 1 clause 3(2) insert: 21 22 (2A) The exemption in subclause (1) is subject to the limits set 23 out in subclauses (2) to (6). 24 25 (5) Before Schedule 1 clause 4(4) insert: 26 27 (4A) The exemptions in subclauses (1) and (2) are subject to the 28 limits set out in subclauses (4) to (6) and the exemption in 29 subclause (3) is subject to the limits set out in subclauses (4) 30 to (7). 31 page 204 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 59 1 (6) Before Schedule 1 clause 5(4) insert: 2 3 (4A) The exemptions in subclauses (1) and (2) are subject to the 4 limits set out in subclause (4). 5 6 (7) Before Schedule 1 clause 6(2) insert: 7 8 (2A) The exemption in subclause (1) is subject to the limits set 9 out in subclauses (2) to (4). 10 11 (8) Before Schedule 1 clause 7(2) insert: 12 13 (2A) The exemption in subclause (1) is subject to the limit set out 14 in subclause (2). 15 16 (9) Before Schedule 1 clause 8(3) insert: 17 18 (3A) The exemptions in subclauses (1) and (2) are subject to the 19 limits set out in subclauses (3) and (4). 20 21 (10) Before Schedule 1 clause 9(2) insert: 22 23 (2A) The exemptions in subclause (1) are subject to the limit set 24 out in subclause (2). 25 26 (11) Before Schedule 1 clause 10(6) insert: 27 28 (6A) The exemptions in subclauses (1) to (5) are subject to the 29 limit set out in subclause (6). 30 page 205 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 60 1 (12) Before Schedule 1 clause 11(2) insert: 2 3 (2A) The exemptions in subclause (1) are subject to the limit set 4 out in subclause (2). 5 6 (13) Amend the provisions listed in the Table as set out in the Table. 7 Table Provision Delete Insert Sch. 1 cl. 1, 2, Exemptions 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14 Sch. 1 cl. 3, 7, Exemption 13, 15 Sch. 1 cl. 1, 4, Limits on exemptions 5, 6 Sch. 1 cl. 2, 10, Limit on exemptions 11 Sch. 1 cl. 3, 8 Limits on exemption Sch. 1 cl. 7, 9 Limit on exemption Sch. 1 cl. 1, 2, Definition 15 Sch. 1 cl. 5 Definitions 8 60. Government Railways Act 1904 amended 9 (1) This section amends the Government Railways Act 1904. 10 (2) In section 23(1)(6) delete the proviso. page 206 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 60 1 (3) Before section 23(2) insert: 2 3 (1B) Despite subsection (1)(f), while regulations for the 4 checking of luggage are in force, no liability shall be 5 incurred by Her Majesty or the Authority in respect of 6 luggage which has not been duly checked. 7 8 (4) Amend the provisions listed in the Table as set out in the Table. 9 Table Provision Delete Insert s. 2 def. of (1) all (a) all railway (2) all (b) all s. 18 Notwithstanding (1A) Notwithstanding the following special subsections (1) to (7) provisions shall apply -- apply. s. 23(1) (1) regulating (a) regulating (2) regulating (b) regulating (3) imposing (c) imposing (4) regulating (d) regulating (5) regulating (e) regulating (6) regulating (f) regulating luggage: luggage; (7) preventing (g) preventing (8) prohibiting (h) prohibiting (9) prohibiting (i) prohibiting (10) preventing (j) preventing (12) regulating (k) regulating page 207 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 60 Provision Delete Insert (13) regulating (l) regulating (14) preventing (m) preventing (16) regulating (n) regulating (17) regulating (o) regulating (18) facilitating (p) facilitating (19) regulating (q) regulating (20) regulating (r) regulating (21) regulating (s) regulating (22) providing (t) providing (23) regulating (u) regulating (23a) providing (v) providing (a) officers (i) officers (b) persons (ii) persons (c) the public (iii) the public (d) such (iv) such (23b) generally (w) generally to paragraph (23a) to paragraph (v) (a) prescribing (i) prescribing (b) prescribing (ii) prescribing (c) providing (iii) providing (d) regulating (iv) regulating (e) exempting (v) exempting (f) prescribing (vi) prescribing (g) prescribing (vii) prescribing page 208 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 60 Provision Delete Insert (h) prescribing, (viii) prescribing, (i) prescribing (ix) prescribing (j) prescribing (x) prescribing (k) prescribing (xi) prescribing (23c) subject to (x) subject to (24) regulating (y) regulating (25) regulating (za) regulating (26) for (zb) for (26a) prescribing (zc) prescribing (28) for the (zd) for the (28a) prescribing (ze) prescribing (29) and generally (zf) generally thereon: thereon. Provided that such (1A) The by-laws by-laws s. 23(2) paragraph (23c) of subsection (1)(x) subsection (1) s. 24 In respect to by-laws (1A) This section made under the last applies in respect preceding section, the to by-laws made following provisions under section 23. shall apply -- due to him: due to him. Penalties recovered (7A) Penalties under this subsection recovered under subsection (7) page 209 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 60 Provision Delete Insert s. 26 (1) For (a) for (2) For (b) for damage; damage, s. 34(1) If any person (1A) If any person s. 40 (1) For (a) for (2) To (b) to (3) For (c) for s. 43 (1) obstructs (a) obstructs (2) damages (b) damages (3) defaces (c) defaces (4) writes (d) writes (5) behaves (e) behaves s. 44 (1) fails (a) fails (2) travels (b) travels (3) travels (c) travels (4) not (d) not s. 45 (1) alters (a) alters (2) sells (b) sells (3) sells (c) sells (4) sells (d) sells (5) is brought (e) is brought s. 46 (1) uses (a) uses page 210 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 60 Provision Delete Insert (2) not (b) not (3) having (c) having (5) refuses (d) refuses (6) having (e) having s. 48 (1) affixes (a) affixes (2) neglects (b) neglects (3) trespasses (c) trespasses s. 49 (1) trespasses (a) trespasses (2) is drunk, (b) is drunk, (3) does (c) does (4) offends (d) offends s. 53A(2) section 23(23b), section 23(1)(w), s. 53A(4) section 23(1)(28a) section 23(1)(ze) s. 72 Notwithstanding (1) Notwithstanding Every such (2) Every such s. 73(2) in this subsection in this subsection or subsection (2A) offence: offence. Except that, if (2A) Despite subsection (2), if paragraph (a)(iii), subsection (2)(a)(iii), paragraph (a)(ii) and subsection (2)(a)(ii) and (iv), (iv), page 211 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 60 Provision Delete Insert paragraph (a)(i). subsection (2)(a)(i). s. 74(2) section 23(26a) section 23(1)(zc) s. 77 Any person (1) Any person (1) fined (a) fined (2) reduced (b) reduced (3) dismissed (c) dismissed (4) suspended (d) suspended (5) transferred (e) transferred No person (2) No person s. 80 Notice (1) Notice Where the (2) Where the Where, for (3) Where, for incurred: Provided that if incurred. (4) If s. 82 With respect to the (1A) This section procedure on appeals, applies with the following provisions respect to the shall apply -- procedure on appeals. behalf: behalf. Provided that no (4A) Despite subsection (4), no s. 83 The Appeal (1) The Appeal (first occurrence) page 212 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 60 Provision Delete Insert The Appeal (2) The Appeal (second occurrence) All costs (3) All costs (first occurrence) All costs (4) All costs (second occurrence) s. 84 The (1) The (1) Relating (a) relating section 78(1)(c). section 78(1)(c); (2) Regulating (b) regulating distance. distance; (3) Prescribing (c) prescribing expenses. expenses; (4) Prescribing (d) prescribing Court; prescribing the Court; procedure (e) prescribing the procedure appeals; prescribing the appeals; allowances (f) prescribing the allowances expenses; and expenses. incorporating in (2) Regulations made regulations made under under this paragraph subsection (1)(d), (e) and (f) may incorporate page 213 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 61 1 61. Land Drainage Act 1925 amended 2 (1) This section amends the Land Drainage Act 1925. 3 (2) In section 72: 4 (a) in paragraph (2) delete the proviso; 5 (b) after paragraph (7), but before the proviso, insert: 6 7 (2) Despite subsection (1)(b), any land exempted by that 8 paragraph shall be deemed rateable property while 9 leased, used, or occupied for any private purpose. 10 11 (3) Amend the provisions listed in the Table as set out in the Table. 12 Table Provision Delete Insert s. 64(10) For the purposes (10A) For the purposes s. 64(11) accordingly: Provided accordingly. that any (11A) Where an occupier is deemed under subsection (11) to be an owner, any this subsection subsection (11) or this subsection s. 70 (1) to cleansing, (a) to cleansing, (2) subject (b) subject s. 72 All land (1) All land (1) Land, (a) land, district. district; page 214 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 61 Provision Delete Insert (2) Land (b) land unoccupied: unoccupied; (3) Land (c) land sisterhood. sisterhood; (4) Land (d) land thereof. thereof; (5) Land (e) land purposes. purposes; (6) Land (f) land recreation. recreation; (7) Land (g) land Provided that -- (a) any land exempted (3) Any land by paragraphs (3), exempted by (4) or (5) subsection (1)(c), (d) or (e) purpose; and purpose. (b) any (4) Any paragraphs (4) and (5) subsection (1)(d) and (e) Provided, further, that no (5) No s. 97 Any person (1) Any person (2) That any (a) that any records. records; (3) That (b) that rated. rated; page 215 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 62 Provision Delete Insert (4) That (c) that land. land; (5) That (d) that section 72(1). section 72(1)(a); (6) That (e) that Provided that where (2) Where s. 148 (1) Prescribing (a) prescribing rates. rates; (2) Prescribing (b) prescribing fees. fees; (4a) Providing (c) providing determined. determined; (7) Prescribing (d) prescribing s. 153 Every person (1) Every person obstruction: obstruction. Provided that this section (2) This section s. 154 Any person (1) Any person destroyed: Provided that destroyed. this (2) This 1 62. Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1960 2 amended 3 (1) This section amends the Local Government (Miscellaneous 4 Provisions) Act 1960. page 216 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 62 1 (2) Delete section 484(5) and insert: 2 3 (5) For the purposes of this section cattle in the charge of a 4 person are to be regarded as being at large if the 5 cattle -- 6 (a) are on a street, or other public place, which 7 street or public place is in a city, town or 8 townsite; and 9 (b) do not travel at the rate of at least 8 kilometres 10 a day in a direct line, 11 unless -- 12 (c) the day is that on which a market is held for the 13 sale of cattle or the preceding day; and 14 (d) the cattle are travelling to the market at a less 15 rate. 16 (6) Subsection (5) does not affect the decision of the 17 question as to whether cattle are at large in a street or 18 other public place elsewhere than in a city, town or 19 townsite, or in circumstances other than those 20 mentioned in that subsection. 21 22 (3) Amend the provisions listed in the Table as set out in the Table. 23 Table Provision Delete Insert s. 364(3) (3)(a) In this subsection (3A) In building subsection (3B) -- building (b) Except (3B) Except in paragraph (c), in subsection (3C), (c) The (3C) The page 217 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 62 Provision Delete Insert s. 364(5) (5)(a) This subsection (4A) Subsection (5) (b) Land (5) Land (i) dedicated (a) dedicated (ii) revested (b) revested (iii) has (c) has (iv) is on (d) is on s. 364(9) on the Registrar of (a) on the Registrar of Titles, Titles, on the Registrar of (b) on the Registrar of Deeds Deeds Act; Act, s. 455(2) (2)(a) The (2A) The (b) A person (2B) A person (c) On (2C) On s. 455(5) (5)(a) The (5A) The (b) The (5B) The s. 458(2) (2)(a) A person (2A) A person (i) found (a) found (ii) found (b) found (b) The ranger, (2B) The ranger, (c) Cattle (2C) Cattle s. 460(3) (3)(a) A person (3) A person (b) If the (3AA) If the page 218 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 63 Provision Delete Insert (i) impound (a) impound (ii) arrange (b) arrange subparagraph (i) paragraph (a) s. 460(5) (a) In every (6) In every (b) The above (7) The above s. 465(2) section 458(2)(a), section 458(2A), s. 474(2) (2)(a) Where (2A) Where (b) The provisions of (2B) Subsection (2A) paragraph (a) do does s. 474(3) (3)(a) Where (3A) Where (i) if the (a) if the (ii) that (b) that subsection (2) subsection (2A) (b) Destruction (3B) Destruction s. 479 firstly, (a) firstly, secondly, (b) secondly, thirdly, (c) thirdly, fourthly, (d) fourthly, (a) in (i) in (b) where (ii) where 1 63. Main Roads Act 1930 amended 2 (1) This section amends the Main Roads Act 1930. page 219 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 63 1 (2) In section 32(1): 2 (a) delete "the Inner Metropolitan Councils' Urban Road 3 Account or the Outer Metropolitan Councils' Urban 4 Road Account maintained under subsection (5)(f) or"; 5 (b) delete paragraph (d); 6 (c) in paragraph (e) delete "fourthly," and insert: 7 8 thirdly, 9 10 (3) Delete section 32(2) to (13). 11 (4) Delete the Second Schedule. 12 (5) Amend the provisions listed in the Table as set out in the Table. 13 Table Provision Delete Insert s. 17 (1) carry out (a) carry out (a) what (i) what (b) the nature (ii) the nature (c) the most (iii) the most (d) what (iv) what (2) conduct (b) conduct (3) record, (c) record, (4) purchase (d) purchase s. 20(2) access: Provided that, access. before (3) Before s. 28A(1) (1)(a) Where (1A) Where (i) that any (a) that any page 220 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 63 Provision Delete Insert (ii) that any (b) that any (b) On the (1B) On the (i) that such (a) that such (ii) that the (b) that the (c) Where (1C) Where (d) If of (1D) If of (e) Proclamations (1E) Proclamations this subsection, subsection (1B) or (1D), (f) The powers (1F) The powers s. 28A(2) (2)(a) There (2A) There (b) Where (2B) Where of paragraph (a) of subsection (2A) (c) The amount (2C) The amount paragraph (d) or subsection (2D) or (2E) paragraph (e) in paragraph (j). in subsection (2J). (d) If the (2D) If the to in paragraph (c) to in subsection (2C) (e) If the (2E) If the mentioned in mentioned in paragraph (c) subsection (2C) (f) The Commissioner (2F) The Commissioner (g) By an (2G) By an (i) on the (a) on the page 221 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Part 4 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. s. 63 Provision Delete Insert (ii) to pay (b) to pay (iii) to the (c) to the (h) Where (2H) Where of this subsection of subsections (2A) to (2K) (i) For the (2I) For the subsection, section 207 subsections (2A) to (2K), section 207 of subsection (1). of subsection (1B) or (1D). (j)(i) Where (2J) Where agreement, if any, (a) agreement, if any, paragraph (g)(iii); subsection (2G)(c); and benefit, if any, (b) benefit, if any, (ii) Where there (2K) Where there in subparagraph (i), in subsection (2J), s. 28A(3) The provisions of -- section 13(4); sections 15 to 19, both inclusive; sections 21 to 23 both inclusive; and sections 29 to 35 both inclusive, page 222 Standardisation of Formatting Bill 2009 Structure of subsections and paragraphs etc. Part 4 s. 63 Provision Delete Insert of this Act, apply, Sections 13(4), 15 to 19, 21 to 23 and 29 to 35 apply, s. 28A(5) (5) (a) The (5A) The (b) The provisions (5B) The provisions s. 33B(2) (2)(a) Any person (2A) Any person (b) The Minister (2B) The Minister (c) The decision (2C) The decision 1 2 3
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