Western Australian Bills

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                    Western Australia

Sunset Reserve Transformation Bill 2013


      Part 1 -- Preliminary
1.    Short title                                      2
2.    Commencement                                     2
3.    Terms used                                       2
      Part 2 -- Sunset Reserve
4.    Change of purpose                                3
5.    Lot 305                                          3
6.    Lot 304                                          3
7.    Lot 302                                          3
8.    Registrar of Titles to take certain measures     3
9.    Land Administration Act 1997 not affected        4
      Part 3 -- Planning scheme
10.   Terms used                                       5
11.   Metropolitan Region Scheme amended               5
12.   Nedlands planning scheme amended                 5
13.   Effect of amendments                             5
      Part 4 -- Dealing with excised land
14.   Minister for Works may deal with excised land    6
15.   Delegation                                       6
      Part 5 -- Miscellaneous
16.   Sunset Reserve Account                           8
17.   Regulations                                      8

                         39--1                         page i
Sunset Reserve Transformation Bill 2013


              Schedule 1 -- Deposited plan 49483
              Defined terms

page ii
                           Western Australia

                     LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY

     Sunset Reserve Transformation Bill 2013

                               A Bill for

An Act to provide for reserve and planning changes to expedite the
transformation of the former Sunset Hospital site into an arts,
cultural and community asset, and for related purposes.

The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows:

                                                              page 1
     Sunset Reserve Transformation Bill 2013
     Part 1         Preliminary

     s. 1

1                             Part 1 -- Preliminary
2    1.         Short title
3               This is the Sunset Reserve Transformation Act 2013.

4    2.         Commencement
5               This Act comes into operation as follows --
6                (a) sections 1 and 2 -- on the day on which this Act
7                      receives the Royal Assent;
8                (b) the rest of the Act -- on the day after that day.

9    3.         Terms used
10        (1)   In this Act, unless the contrary intention appears --
11              class A reserve means a reserve classified as a class A reserve
12              under the Land Administration Act 1997 section 42;
13              excised land means the land excised under section 7 and
14              includes any part of that land;
15              Minister for Works means the body corporate created by the
16              Public Works Act 1902 section 5;
17              Sunset Reserve means Class A reserve No. 1667.
18        (2)   A reference in this Act to a lot is a reference to the lot as shown
19              on deposited plan 49483.
20        (3)   Deposited plan 49483 referred to in this Act is held by the
21              agency that principally assists in the administration of the
22              Transfer of Land Act 1893.
23        (4)   An indicative depiction of deposited plan 49483 is in
24              Schedule 1.

     page 2
                                       Sunset Reserve Transformation Bill 2013
                                     Sunset Reserve amendments          Part 2

                                                                                s. 4

1                 Part 2 -- Sunset Reserve amendments
2    4.         Change of purpose
3               The purpose for which Sunset Reserve is reserved under the
4               Land Administration Act 1997 Part 4 is changed to "Sunset
5               Heritage Precinct for arts, cultural, community and ancillary
6               commercial purposes".

7    5.         Lot 305
8         (1)   Sunset Reserve is amended by excising the land comprising
9               Lot 305.
10        (2)   Class A reserve No. 29174 is amended by adding the land
11              excised under subsection (1).

12   6.         Lot 304
13        (1)   Sunset Reserve is amended by excising the land comprising
14              Lot 304.
15        (2)   Class A reserve No. 17391 is amended by adding the land
16              excised under subsection (1).

17   7.         Lot 302
18        (1)   Sunset Reserve is amended by excising the land comprising
19              Lot 302.
20        (2)   The excised land is transferred to the Minister for Works in fee
21              simple.
22        (3)   Duty is not chargeable under the Duties Act 2008 on the transfer
23              of the fee simple in the excised land under subsection (2).

24   8.         Registrar of Titles to take certain measures
25        (1)   The Registrar of Titles must take any necessary measures to --

                                                                           page 3
     Sunset Reserve Transformation Bill 2013
     Part 2         Sunset Reserve amendments

     s. 9

1                (a)   register the amendments to, reservations and
2                      classifications of, and other changes to, land effected
3                      under sections 4 to 7; and
4                (b)   register the transfer effected under section 7(2).
5         (2)   For the purposes of subsection (1)(a), sections 4 to 7 may be
6               treated as if they were orders under the Land Administration
7               Act 1997.

8    9.         Land Administration Act 1997 not affected
9               Nothing in this Part affects the powers conferred under the Land
10              Administration Act 1997 on the Minister for Lands in relation to
11              the Sunset Reserve.

     page 4
                                        Sunset Reserve Transformation Bill 2013
                                    Planning scheme amendments           Part 3

                                                                           s. 10

1                 Part 3 -- Planning scheme amendments
2    10.         Terms used
3                In this Part --
4                Metropolitan Region Scheme has the meaning given in the
5                Planning and Development Act 2005 section 4;
6                Nedlands planning scheme means the City of Nedlands Town
7                Planning Scheme No. 2.

8    11.         Metropolitan Region Scheme amended
9                The Metropolitan Region Scheme is amended --
10                (a) by changing the reservation of any part of the land
11                     comprising Sunset Reserve that is reserved for "Public
12                     Purposes -- Hospitals" to "Parks and Recreation"; and
13                (b) by deleting the reservation of the excised land and
14                     zoning that land as "Urban".

15   12.         Nedlands planning scheme amended
16               The Nedlands planning scheme is amended --
17                (a) by zoning the excised land as "Residential"; and
18                (b) by designating the excised land R12.5 for the purposes
19                     of State Planning Policy 3.1: Residential Design Codes.

20   13.         Effect of amendments
21         (1)   The amendments effected by this Part have effect as though the
22               amendments were enacted under the Planning and Development
23               Act 2005.
24         (2)   Nothing in this Part affects the operation of the Planning and
25               Development Act 2005 with respect to amendments to the
26               Metropolitan Region Scheme or the Nedlands planning scheme
27               as amended by this Part.

                                                                          page 5
     Sunset Reserve Transformation Bill 2013
     Part 4         Dealing with excised land

     s. 14

1                    Part 4 -- Dealing with excised land
2    14.         Minister for Works may deal with excised land
3          (1)   The Minister for Works may do all things necessary to plan,
4                undertake, promote and coordinate the disposal of the excised
5                land.
6          (2)   Without limiting subsection (1), the Minister for Works may do
7                the following --
8                  (a) hold, deal with, and dispose of the excised land;
9                  (b) sign any document in connection with dealing with or
10                       disposing of the excised land;
11                 (c) enter into any contract or arrangement with any person,
12                       including a public authority or a local government, for
13                       the performance by the person of any work or the supply
14                       of equipment or services;
15                 (d) apply for the grant of any licence, approval or other
16                       authority required for the purposes mentioned in
17                       subsection (1).
18         (3)   Nothing in this section is to be read as conferring on the
19               Minister for Works in the performance of functions under this
20               section any immunity from the operation of any written law that
21               applies in relation to the excised land.

22   15.         Delegation
23         (1)   The Minister for Works may delegate to a person any function
24               of the Minister for Works under section 14.
25         (2)   The delegation must be in writing signed by the Minister for
26               Works.
27         (3)   The person performing a function delegated under
28               subsection (1) is to be taken to do so in accordance with the
29               terms of the delegation unless the contrary is shown.

     page 6
                                   Sunset Reserve Transformation Bill 2013
                                    Dealing with excised land       Part 4

                                                                        s. 15

1   (4)   This section does not limit the Minister for Works' ability to act
2         through an officer or agent.

                                                                      page 7
     Sunset Reserve Transformation Bill 2013
     Part 5         Miscellaneous

     s. 16

1                            Part 5 -- Miscellaneous
2    16.         Sunset Reserve Account
3          (1)   An agency special purpose account called the Sunset Reserve
4                Account is to be established under the Financial Management
5                Act 2006 section 16.
6          (2)   The account is to be credited with the following --
7                 (a) the proceeds of the disposal of the excised land;
8                 (b) moneys received or recovered in respect of the lease or
9                       other use of any part of Sunset Reserve;
10                (c) any amount appropriated by Parliament to, or otherwise
11                      lawfully received for, the account.
12         (3)   Moneys held in the account are to be applied in payment of
13               costs and expenses incurred in the conservation and
14               management of Sunset Reserve.

15   17.         Regulations
16               The Governor may make regulations prescribing all matters that
17               are required or permitted by this Act to be prescribed, or are
18               necessary or convenient to be prescribed, for giving effect to the
19               purposes of this Act.

     page 8
                 Sunset Reserve Transformation Bill 2013
                     Deposited plan 49483   Schedule 1

1   Schedule 1 -- Deposited plan 49483
2                                               [s. 3(4)]



                                                 page 9
Sunset Reserve Transformation Bill 2013

Defined terms

                                           Defined terms
           [This is a list of terms defined and the provisions where they are defined.
                                  The list is not part of the law.]
     Defined term                                                                                         Provision(s)
     class A reserve ................................................................................................. 3(1)
     excised land ..................................................................................................... 3(1)
     Metropolitan Region Scheme ............................................................................. 10
     Minister for Works........................................................................................... 3(1)
     Nedlands planning scheme ................................................................................. 10
     Sunset Reserve ................................................................................................. 3(1)


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