Western Australian Bills

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                      Western Australia

State Superannuation Amendment Bill 2023


 1.    Short title                                               2
 2.    Commencement                                              2
 3.    Act amended                                               2
 4.    Section 3 amended                                         2
 5.    Section 4A amended                                        2
 6.    Section 4AA inserted                                      3
       4AA.      Stapled funds                             3
 7.    Section 4B amended                                        3
 8.    Section 4D inserted                                       4
       4D.       Fund to which superannuation
                 contributions must be made                4
 9.    Section 6 amended                                         5
 10.   Section 18 amended                                        5
 11.   Section 23 amended                                        5
 12.   Section 24 amended                                        6
 13.   Section 27 deleted                                        6
 14.   Section 28 amended                                        6
 15.   Section 30 amended                                        6
 16.   Section 33 amended                                        6
 17.   Section 37 inserted                                       7
       37.       Superannuation contributions made by
                 non-government contributors               7
 18.   Section 38 amended                                        8
 19.   Part 7 inserted                                           9
       Part 7 -- Savings and transitional provisions
       41.       Default fund for employee                  9
       42.       Maximum period of service for directors   10
       43.       Changes to regulation-making power        10
 20.   Schedule 1 clause 1A inserted                            11
       1A.       Terms used                                11
 21.   Schedule 1 clause 4 amended                              11

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State Superannuation Amendment Bill 2023


      22.    Schedule 1 clause 4A inserted                    12
             4A.      Term of office: Member directors   12
      23.    Schedule 1 clause 6 amended                      12
      24.    Schedule 1 clause 6A inserted                    13
             6A.      Acting directors                   13
      25.    Schedule 1 clause 7 amended                      14
      26.    Schedule 2 clause 9 amended                      14
      27.    Various references to "chairman" amended         14

page ii
                           Western Australia

                     LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY

   State Superannuation Amendment Bill 2023

                               A Bill for

An Act to amend the State Superannuation Act 2000.

The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows:

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     State Superannuation Amendment Bill 2023

     s. 1

1    1.         Short title
2               This is the State Superannuation Amendment Act 2023.

3    2.         Commencement
4               This Act comes into operation as follows --
5                (a) sections 1 and 2 -- on the day on which this Act
6                      receives the Royal Assent;
7                (b) the rest of the Act -- on a day fixed by proclamation,
8                      and different days may be fixed for different provisions.

9    3.         Act amended
10              This Act amends the State Superannuation Act 2000.

11   4.         Section 3 amended
12              In section 3(1) insert in alphabetical order:

14                    non-government contributor has the meaning given in
15                    section 37(1);
16                    SGA Act means the Superannuation Guarantee
17                    (Administration) Act 1992 (Commonwealth);

19   5.         Section 4A amended
20        (1)   In section 4A(1) delete the definition of SGA Act.
21        (2)   In section 4A(1) insert in alphabetical order:

23                    Commissioner of Taxation means the Commissioner
24                    of Taxation holding office under the Taxation
25                    Administration Act 1953 (Commonwealth);
26                    no stapled fund has the meaning given in
27                    section 4AA(2);

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                                                                               s. 6

1                     stapled fund has the meaning given in section 4AA(1);
2                     stapled fund notification means a notification to an
3                     Employer given by the Commissioner of Taxation
4                     under the SGA Act section 32R(2) or (3);

6         (3)   In section 4A(1) in the definition of exempt employee delete
7               "section 30(1) or (2)," and insert:

9               section 30(1),

11   6.         Section 4AA inserted
12              After section 4A insert:

14          4AA.      Stapled funds
15              (1)   For the purposes of this Part, the stapled fund for an
16                    employee is the fund identified in the most recent
17                    stapled fund notification relating to the employee as the
18                    stapled fund for the employee.
19              (2)   For the purposes of this Part, there is no stapled fund
20                    for an employee if the most recent stapled fund
21                    notification relating to the employee does not identify a
22                    stapled fund for the employee.

24   7.         Section 4B amended
25              Delete section 4B(2) and (3).

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     s. 8

1    8.       Section 4D inserted
2             At the end of Part 2A insert:

4           4D.     Fund to which superannuation contributions must
5                   be made
6             (1)   An Employer must make any superannuation
7                   contribution it is required to make under section 4B
8                   or 4C in accordance with this section.
9             (2)   If there is a chosen fund for the employee at the time
10                  the contribution is made, the superannuation
11                  contribution must be made to a fund that is a chosen
12                  fund for the employee.
13            (3)   If there is no chosen fund for the employee at the time
14                  the contribution is made, the superannuation
15                  contribution must be made to the stapled fund for the
16                  employee.
17            (4)   If there is no chosen fund and no stapled fund for the
18                  employee at the time the contribution is made, the
19                  superannuation contribution must be made to the
20                  default fund for the employee.
21            (5)   Subsections (3) and (4) do not apply in respect of an
22                  employee who commenced employment before the
23                  commencement of this section.
24            (6)   If subsections (3) and (4) do not apply in respect of the
25                  employee and there is no chosen fund for the employee
26                  at the time the contribution is made, the superannuation
27                  contribution must be made to the default fund for the
28                  employee.

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                                    State Superannuation Amendment Bill 2023

                                                                               s. 9

1          (7)   Except as prescribed by the regulations, an Employer
2                must comply with the requirements of the SGA Act
3                Part 3A Division 6, even if it is not required by that Act
4                to do so.

6    9.    Section 6 amended
7          Before section 6(1)(ba) insert:

9                   (a)   assist the Treasurer in the administration of this
10                        Act;

12   10.   Section 18 amended
13         After section 18(3) insert:

15         (4)   Any procurement of services by the Board that is made
16               in connection with the performance of its functions
17               under this section is excluded from the application of
18               the Procurement Act 2020.

20         Note: The heading to amended section 18 is to read:
21               Investing Fund's assets

22   11.   Section 23 amended
23         In section 23(1) delete the passage that begins with "appoint --"
24         and continues to the end of the subsection and insert:

26         appoint an employee of the Board or any other person as an
27         investment manager on terms determined by the Board.

29         Note: The heading to amended section 23 is to read:
30               Appointment of investment manager

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     State Superannuation Amendment Bill 2023

     s. 12

1    12.          Section 24 amended
2                 In section 24(3) in the definition of borrow money delete
3                 "obtain credit".

4    13.          Section 27 deleted
5                 Delete section 27.

6    14.          Section 28 amended
7          (1)    In section 28(2) delete "A scheme, other than a scheme
8                 continued by section 29(1)(b), (c) or (d)," and insert:

10                Subject to subsection (2A), a scheme

12         (2)    After section 28(2) insert:

14               (2A)   A scheme continued by section 29(1)(b), (c) or (d) may
15                      only provide for the matters referred to in
16                      subsection (2) by regulations made in accordance with
17                      section 38(5A)(a).

19   15.          Section 30 amended
20         (1)    Delete section 30(2) and (3A).
21         (2)    Delete section 30(3)(b).

22   16.          Section 33 amended
23         (1)    In section 33(4A) delete the passage that begins with "is to --"
24                and continues to the end of the subsection and insert:

26                must publish the guidelines on a website maintained by the
27                Department.

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                                                                               s. 17

1          (2)     In section 33(4B) in the definition of Department delete "this
2                  Act." and insert:

4                  the Financial Management Act 2006.

6    17.           Section 37 inserted
7                  After section 36 insert:

9            37.         Superannuation contributions made by
10                       non-government contributors
11                 (1)   In this section --
12                       employee has the meaning given in the SGA Act
13                       section 12;
14                       non-government contributor means a person, other
15                       than an Employer, who makes a superannuation
16                       contribution for the benefit of an employee of the
17                       person.
18                 (2)   The Board may, with the written approval of the
19                       Treasurer --
20                        (a) provide a service of receiving superannuation
21                              contributions that are made by non-government
22                              contributors; and
23                        (b) credit the superannuation contributions to the
24                              Fund.
25                 (3)   The Treasurer's approval may be of a general nature or
26                       limited to a particular non-government contributor or
27                       class of non-government contributors.

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     State Superannuation Amendment Bill 2023

     s. 18

1                (4)     The Board may accept a superannuation contribution
2                        made by a non-government contributor only if the
3                        contribution is made for the benefit of an employee of
4                        the non-government contributor who is a member of a
5                        scheme.
6                (5)     The Board must not credit a superannuation
7                        contribution made by a non-government contributor to
8                        an account that is kept for a scheme continued by
9                        section 29.

10   18.         Section 38 amended
11         (1)   After section 38(2)(c) insert:

13                       (ca)     contributions by non-government contributors;
14                                and

16         (2)   In section 38(4):
17                 (a) in paragraph (a) after "would be" insert:

19                        required or

21                (b)     in paragraph (a) delete "the SIS Act to be made to the
22                        governing rules of that fund; or" and insert:

24                        Commonwealth legislation; or

26                 (c)    in paragraph (b) delete "them; or" and insert:

28                        them.

30                (d)     delete paragraphs (c) and (d).

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                                                                                 s. 19

1          (3)     Delete section 38(5A)(a) and insert:

3                          (a)   the Treasurer has certified that the Treasurer is
4                                satisfied that the change to be made by the
5                                regulations is a change that, if each scheme
6                                affected by the regulations were a regulated
7                                superannuation fund, would be required or
8                                permitted under Commonwealth legislation; or

10         (4)     Delete section 38(5C), (5E) and (6A).
11         (5)     In section 38(6) delete "the Gazette." and insert:

13                 accordance with the Interpretation Act 1984 section 41(1)(a).

15         (6)     Delete section 38(9).

16   19.           Part 7 inserted
17                 After section 40 insert:

19               Part 7 -- Savings and transitional provisions
20           41.         Default fund for employee
21                 (1)   If, immediately before the day on which the State
22                       Superannuation Amendment Act 2023 section 15(1)
23                       comes into operation, superannuation contributions
24                       were being made by an Employer in relation to an
25                       employee to a superannuation fund or scheme in
26                       accordance with the approval of the Treasurer under
27                       section 30(2) --
28                         (a) the employee continues to be an exempt
29                               employee, for the purposes of Part 2A, in
30                               relation to that Employer; and

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     s. 19

1                         (b)   the fund or scheme to which the contributions
2                               were being made continues to be the default
3                               fund in relation to that exempt employee for the
4                               purposes of Part 2A.
5                  (2)   Subsection (1) ceases to apply if the Treasurer revokes
6                        approval of the fund as the default fund for the
7                        employee.

8            42.         Maximum period of service for directors
9                  (1)   A term of office of a chairperson of the Board or an
10                       Employer director that commenced before the day on
11                       which the State Superannuation Amendment Act 2023
12                       section 21(2) comes into operation does not count
13                       towards the maximum period of service of the
14                       chairperson or Employer director.
15                 (2)   A term of office of an elected director that commenced
16                       before the day on which the State Superannuation
17                       Amendment Act 2023 section 22 comes into operation
18                       does not count towards the maximum period of service
19                       of the elected director.

20           43.         Changes to regulation-making power
21                       The amendment of section 38 by the State
22                       Superannuation Amendment Act 2023 section 18 does
23                       not affect the validity of any regulation in effect
24                       immediately before section 18 comes into operation.

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                                                                                    s. 20

1    20.         Schedule 1 clause 1A inserted
2                At the beginning of Schedule 1 insert:

4            1A.         Terms used
5                        In this Schedule --
6                        Employer director means a director appointed under
7                        section 8(1)(b);
8                        Member director means a director elected under
9                        section 8(1)(c).

11   21.         Schedule 1 clause 4 amended
12         (1)   In Schedule 1 clause 4(1) delete "chairman or is appointed under
13               section 8(1)(b) to be a director" and insert:

15               chairperson or is appointed as an Employer director

17         (2)   Delete Schedule 1 clause 4(2) and (3) and insert:

19                 (2)   A person appointed as chairperson or an Employer director
20                       is eligible (if otherwise qualified) for re-appointment.
21                 (3)   The maximum period for which a person is eligible to serve
22                       as chairperson or an Employer director is 10 years.
23                 (4)   However, the Treasurer may appoint a person as chairperson
24                       or an Employer director for 1 term of office that exceeds the
25                       maximum period.

27               Note: The heading to amended Schedule 1 clause 4 is to read:
28                       Term of office: chairperson and Employer directors

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     State Superannuation Amendment Bill 2023

     s. 22

1    22.         Schedule 1 clause 4A inserted
2                After Schedule 1 clause 4 insert:

4            4A.         Term of office: Member directors
5                  (1)   The term of office for which a Member director is elected is
6                        3 years.
7                  (2)   A person elected as a Member director is eligible (if
8                        otherwise qualified) for re-election.
9                  (3)   The maximum period for which a person is eligible to serve
10                       as a Member director is 3 terms.
11                 (4)   However, a person is eligible to serve a 4th term as a
12                       Member director if the Treasurer permits the person to serve
13                       a 4th term under subsection (5).
14                 (5)   The Treasurer may, by instrument in writing made at the
15                       request of the Board, permit a specified person to serve a
16                       4th term of office as a Member director.
17                 (6)   The Treasurer must consult with unions or associations of
18                       unions that appear to the Treasurer to be broadly
19                       representative of persons who work for Employers before
20                       permitting a person to serve a 4th term as a Member director.

22   23.         Schedule 1 clause 6 amended
23         (1)   In Schedule 1 clause 6(3) delete "director elected under
24               section 8(1)(c), the Treasurer may appoint a Member" and insert:

26               Member director, the Treasurer may appoint a person

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                                                                                     s. 24

1          (2)   After Schedule 1 clause 6(4) insert:

3                  (5)   The term of office for which a Member director is appointed
4                        under subclause (3) to fill a casual vacancy does not count
5                        towards the maximum period for which the person is
6                        eligible to serve as a Member director.

8    24.         Schedule 1 clause 6A inserted
9                After Schedule 1 clause 6 insert:

11           6A.         Acting directors
12                 (1)   The Treasurer may appoint a person to act in the office of an
13                       Employer director or Member director during any period, in
14                       the director's term of office, in which the director is absent
15                       because of illness or on leave granted by the Board.
16                 (2)   Before appointing a person to act in the office of a Member
17                       director, the Treasurer must consult with unions or
18                       associations of unions that appear to the Treasurer to be
19                       broadly representative of persons who work for Employers.
20                 (3)   A person who is appointed to act in the office of an
21                       Employer director or Member director has all the functions
22                       of the director and is taken to be a director.
23                 (4)   An act or omission of a person appointed to act in the office
24                       of a director cannot be questioned on the grounds that the
25                       occasion for the appointment had not arisen or had ceased.
26                 (5)   A period in which a person acts in the office of an Employer
27                       director or Member director does not count towards the
28                       maximum period for which the person is eligible to serve as
29                       an Employer director or Member director.

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     State Superannuation Amendment Bill 2023

     s. 25

1    25.       Schedule 1 clause 7 amended
2              In Schedule 1 clause 7 after "allowances" insert:

4              (if any)

6    26.       Schedule 2 clause 9 amended
7              In Schedule 2 clause 9(2):
8                (a) in paragraph (b) delete "Employer; or" and insert:

10                        Employer or a non-government contributor; or

12               (b)      in paragraph (c) after "Employer" insert:

14                        or a non-government contributor

16               (c)      in paragraph (c) delete "Employer; or" and insert:

18                        Employer or a non-government contributor; or

20             Note: The heading to amended Schedule 2 clause 9 is to read:
21                     Material interest

22   27.       Various references to "chairman" amended
23             In the provisions listed in the Table:
24               (a) delete "chairman" and insert:

26                        chairperson

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                                                                               s. 27

1             (b)     delete "chairman" (each occurrence) and insert:

3                     chairperson

5                                        Table
     s. 8(1)(a)                               Sch. 1 cl. 1(2)

     Sch. 1 cl. 2(1), (2), (3) and (4)        Sch. 2 cl. 3(a), (b) and (c)

6           Notes: The heading to amended section 8 is to read:
7                   Composition of Board

8                   The heading to amended Schedule 1 clause 1 is to read:
9                   Nomination of chairperson

10                  The heading to amended Schedule 1 clause 2 is to read:
11                  Appointment of deputy chairperson


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