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Western Australia Voluntary Euthanasia Bill 2010 CONTENTS 1. Short title 2 2. Commencement 2 3. Terms used 2 4. Purpose of Act 5 5. No obligation 5 6. Request 5 7. Witnesses to the request 7 8. Referral of request to medical practitioner 7 9. Procedure following agreement to assess a request 8 10. Second request 10 11. Administration of euthanasia 13 12. Revocation of request 15 13. Cessation of sound mind 15 14. Reporting 16 15. Immunity from criminal or civil liability 18 16. Certain persons not to benefit from an applicant's death 18 17. Contracts and insurance 18 18. Improper conduct 19 19. General 19 108--1B page i Voluntary Euthanasia Bill 2010 Contents Schedule Part 1 -- Applicant's request (Sections 6 and 7 of the Act) Part 2 -- Assessing medical practitioners' confirmation (Section 9 of the Act) Part 3 -- Second request (Section 10 of the Act) Part 4 -- Observing medical practitioner's confirmation (Section 11 of the Act) page ii Western Australia LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL (Introduced by Hon. Robin Chapple, MLC) Voluntary Euthanasia Bill 2010 A Bill for 1 An Act to provide for the administration of voluntary euthanasia. The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows: page 1 Voluntary Euthanasia Bill 2010 s. 1 1 1. Short title 2 This Act is the Voluntary Euthanasia Act 2010. 3 2. Commencement 4 This Act comes into operation on the day on which it receives 5 the Royal Assent. 6 3. Terms used 7 In this Act, unless the contrary intention appears -- 8 applicant means a person who makes a request for the 9 administration of euthanasia in accordance with this Act; 10 application means an applicant's application for the 11 administration of euthanasia, which comprises each of the 12 following documents -- 13 (1) the request; and 14 (2) the assessing medical practitioners' confirmation; and 15 (3) the second request; and 16 (4) the observing medical practitioner's confirmation; 17 applicant's medical practitioner means the assessing medical 18 practitioner who agrees under subsection 8(1) to assess a request 19 from an applicant; 20 assessing medical practitioner means a medical practitioner 21 who assesses an applicant's request under subsection 9(1), who 22 is neither a near relative of the relevant applicant, nor -- 23 (1) an authorised signatory; 24 (2) a witness; 25 (3) an observing medical practitioner; or 26 (4) an independent interpreter, 27 for the purposes of the relevant applicant's application; 28 assessing medical practitioners' confirmation means the 29 assessing medical practitioners' confirmation regarding an page 2 Voluntary Euthanasia Bill 2010 s. 3 1 applicant's request made in accordance with this Act and in the 2 form set out in Part 2 of the Schedule; 3 authorised signatory means -- 4 (1) the donee of a valid power of attorney created by the 5 relevant applicant; or 6 (2) a person authorised by law to make declarations who is 7 not a near relative of the relevant applicant, 8 who is neither -- 9 (3) an assessing medical practitioner; 10 (4) a witness; 11 (5) an observing medical practitioner; nor 12 (6) an independent interpreter, 13 for the purposes of the relevant applicant's application; 14 euthanasia means a gentle and peaceful death achieved through 15 the deliberate administration of a recognised drug to an 16 applicant by that applicant's medical practitioner in 17 concentrations that will and is intended to cause the death of the 18 applicant, where the applicant knows and intends that what is 19 done or omitted to be done will cause his or her death; 20 independent interpreter means an interpreter fluent in both 21 spoken and written forms of the languages spoken by each of 22 the applicant and the applicant's medical practitioner, who is 23 neither a near relative of the relevant applicant, nor -- 24 (1) an authorised signatory; 25 (2) a witness; 26 (3) an observing medical practitioner; or 27 (4) an assessing medical practitioner, 28 for the purposes of the relevant applicant's application; 29 medical practitioner means a person who is registered as a 30 medical practitioner under the Medical Practitioners Act 2008 31 and who has been so registered for the previous 5 consecutive 32 years; page 3 Voluntary Euthanasia Bill 2010 s. 3 1 near relative of an applicant means -- 2 (1) a parent, child, grandparent, grandchild, brother or sister 3 of that applicant (including, for clarity, half-siblings, 4 step-parents, step-grandparents, step-grandchildren and 5 step-siblings and such relationships created through 6 adoption); or 7 (2) the spouse or de facto partner of that applicant or of a 8 person referred to in paragraph (1); or 9 (3) an employee of that applicant or of a person referred to 10 in paragraphs (1) or (2); 11 observing medical practitioner means a medical practitioner 12 who performs the functions set out in subsection 11(4) who is 13 neither a near relative of the relevant applicant, nor -- 14 (1) an authorised signatory; 15 (2) a witness; 16 (3) an assessing medical practitioner; or 17 (4) an independent interpreter, 18 for the purposes of the relevant applicant's application; 19 observing medical practitioner's confirmation means the 20 observing medical practitioners' confirmation made in 21 accordance with this Act and in the form set out in Part 4 of the 22 Schedule; 23 recognised drug means a drug or drugs appropriate to 24 administer euthanasia to a person, being those drugs prescribed 25 by the regulations, in the quantities prescribed by the 26 regulations, administered in the manner prescribed by the 27 regulations; 28 request means an applicant's request for the administration of 29 euthanasia made in accordance with this Act and in the form set 30 out in Part 1 of the Schedule; 31 second request means an applicant's second request for the 32 administration of euthanasia made in accordance with this Act 33 and in the form set out in Part 3 of the Schedule; and page 4 Voluntary Euthanasia Bill 2010 s. 4 1 terminal illness means a medically diagnosed illness or 2 condition that will, in reasonable medical judgement, in the 3 normal course and without application of extreme measures, 4 result in the death of the applicant within 2 years of the date on 5 which the request was made. 6 4. Purpose of Act 7 It is the purpose of this Act to provide immunity from criminal 8 or civil liability to a person who does or omits to do any thing 9 that is required to give effect to the provisions of this Act, 10 provided that what is done or omitted to be done, is done in 11 accordance with this Act. 12 5. No obligation 13 No person may be compelled to do or omit to do any thing 14 required or permitted under this Act if that act or omission is 15 contrary to that person's conscience or beliefs. 16 6. Request 17 (1) A person who -- 18 (a) is of sound mind; and 19 (b) is aged 21 years or over; and 20 (c) is ordinarily resident in Western Australia and has been 21 so ordinarily resident for the previous 3 consecutive 22 years; and 23 (d) can communicate his or her intentions; and 24 (e) has a terminal illness; and 25 (f) is experiencing pain, suffering or debilitation that -- 26 (i) is considerable; and 27 (ii) is related to the relevant terminal illness; and 28 (g) has no desire to continue living, page 5 Voluntary Euthanasia Bill 2010 s. 6 1 may make a request for the administration of euthanasia by 2 signing a request in the form set out in Part 1 of the Schedule 3 whilst not in the presence of any near relative. 4 (2) Subject to this section, if an applicant is physically unable to 5 sign a request, an authorised signatory may sign the request on 6 the applicant's behalf, provided that -- 7 (a) the applicant positively indicates to the authorised 8 signatory at the time the authorised signatory signs the 9 applicant's request, that -- 10 (i) all of the criteria in subsection 6(1) apply to the 11 applicant; and 12 (ii) the applicant desires that the authorised signatory 13 sign the request on the applicant's behalf; and 14 (b) the authorised signatory -- 15 (i) is satisfied on reasonable grounds that all of the 16 criteria in subsection 6(1) apply to the applicant; 17 and 18 (ii) is satisfied on reasonable grounds that the 19 applicant desires that the authorised signatory 20 sign the request on the applicant's behalf; and 21 (iii) is satisfied on reasonable grounds that the 22 applicant is physically unable to sign the request 23 himself or herself; and 24 (iv) signs the request in the presence of the applicant. 25 (3) A request is only valid for the purposes of this Act if it is made 26 in the form prescribed in Part 1 of the Schedule and in 27 accordance with this Act. 28 (4) For the purposes of this Act, a request is made on the date on 29 which it is signed by the relevant applicant (or authorised 30 signatory as the case may be) and witnessed in accordance with 31 this Act. 32 (5) Any subsequent request must be treated for all purposes as if it 33 was an original request. page 6 Voluntary Euthanasia Bill 2010 s. 7 1 7. Witnesses to the request 2 (1) Subject to this section, an applicant's signature on a request (or 3 an authorised signatory's signature as the case may be) must be 4 witnessed by two persons aged 18 or over, in each other's 5 presence and in the presence of the applicant (and in the 6 presence of the authorised signatory if applicable). 7 (2) For the purposes of subsection (1) -- 8 (a) neither witness may be a near relative of the applicant; 9 and 10 (b) neither witness may be an assessing medical practitioner 11 for the purposes of that particular application; and 12 (c) neither witness may be an authorised signatory for the 13 purposes of that particular application; and 14 (d) neither witness may be an observing medical 15 practitioner for the purposes of that particular 16 application; and 17 (e) neither witness may be an independent interpreter for 18 the purposes of that particular application. 19 (3) A request is only validly witnessed for the purposes of this Act 20 if it is witnessed in the form prescribed in Part 1 of the Schedule 21 and in accordance with this Act. 22 8. Referral of request to medical practitioner 23 (1) A request may be referred to a medical practitioner, who may or 24 may not agree to assess that request. 25 (2) If a medical practitioner agrees to assess an applicant's request, 26 he or she must inform the applicant of the following before 27 assessing the applicant's request under section 9 -- 28 (a) the nature of the applicant's terminal illness and the 29 applicant's prognosis; and page 7 Voluntary Euthanasia Bill 2010 s. 9 1 (b) the forms of treatment that are reasonably available to 2 the applicant to treat the applicant's terminal illness and 3 the risks associated with the treatment; and 4 (c) the availability of counselling, psychiatric and other 5 support services for the applicant; and 6 (d) the forms of palliative care that are available to the 7 applicant, and their respective risks and side-effects; and 8 (e) the methods used to administer voluntary euthanasia and 9 the risks associated with those methods; and 10 (f) the applicant's ability to revoke a request at any time. 11 (3) Where an applicant's first language is different from that of the 12 applicant's medical practitioner, the applicant's medical 13 practitioner must engage an independent interpreter to ensure 14 that the provisions of subsection (2) are given proper and 15 informed effect. 16 (4) If an applicant's medical practitioner has no special 17 qualifications in the field of palliative care, the applicant's 18 medical practitioner must ensure that the information he or she 19 provided to the applicant under subsection (2)(d) is also 20 provided to the applicant by a medical practitioner who has 21 special qualifications in the field of palliative care. 22 (5) If a particular medical practitioner does not agree to assess a 23 particular request, an applicant may make that same request to 24 other medical practitioners. 25 9. Procedure following agreement to assess a request 26 (1) If an applicant's medical practitioner has informed the applicant 27 in accordance with subsection 8(2), the applicant's medical 28 practitioner, together with a second assessing medical 29 practitioner, must then assess the applicant's request in 30 accordance with this section. 31 (2) The applicant's medical practitioner and the second assessing 32 medical practitioner must each, separately and independently of page 8 Voluntary Euthanasia Bill 2010 s. 9 1 one another, examine the applicant, and the applicant's medical 2 files (if any), and determine whether the following apply to the 3 applicant -- 4 (a) that all of the criteria in subsection 6(1) apply to the 5 applicant; 6 (b) that the applicant's request is not wholly or substantially 7 referable to, or wholly or substantially a symptom of, a 8 state of clinical depression; 9 (c) that the applicant's request is not wholly or substantially 10 referable to a desire by the applicant to cease to be a 11 burden to family, friends or others; 12 (d) that the applicant does not appear to be acting under 13 duress; 14 (e) that the applicant has made his or her request -- 15 (i) freely and voluntarily; and 16 (ii) with full knowledge of the consequences; 17 (f) that the applicant's request is not the result of external 18 pressure; 19 (g) that the applicant has consulted with every person with 20 whom he or she reasonably wishes to consult; and 21 (h) if the applicant's request was not signed by the 22 applicant, that the applicant is physically unable to sign 23 the request. 24 (3) If the applicant's medical practitioner -- 25 (a) independently determines on reasonable grounds that all 26 of the criteria in subsection (2) apply to the applicant; 27 and 28 (b) has informed the applicant in accordance with 29 subsection 8(2); and 30 (c) has no reason to believe that any person (including 31 himself or herself) will directly or indirectly receive any 32 financial or other benefit (other than reasonable payment page 9 Voluntary Euthanasia Bill 2010 s. 10 1 for services) as the result of doing or omitting to do any 2 thing required or permitted under this Act; and 3 (d) determines on reasonable grounds that the applicant's 4 request complies with the requirements of this Act, 5 the applicant's medical practitioner must promptly sign the 6 assessing medical practitioners' confirmation in the form 7 prescribed in Part 2 of the Schedule. 8 (4) If the second assessing medical practitioner independently 9 determines on reasonable grounds that all of the criteria in 10 subsection (2) apply to the applicant, the second assessing 11 medical practitioner must promptly sign the assessing medical 12 practitioners' confirmation in the form prescribed in Part 2 of 13 the Schedule. 14 (5) The confirmations of the assessing medical practitioners made 15 in accordance with this section are only valid for the purposes of 16 this Act if they are made in the form prescribed in Part 2 of the 17 Schedule and in accordance with this Act. 18 (6) If subsections (3) and (4) have been completed, the applicant's 19 medical practitioner must take all reasonable steps to promptly 20 place the signed assessing medical practitioners' confirmation 21 on the applicant's medical file. 22 Penalty: $1 000. 23 (7) Where an applicant's first language is different from that of 24 either or both assessing medical practitioners, the applicant's 25 medical practitioner must engage an independent interpreter to 26 ensure that the provisions of subsections (2), (3) and (4) are 27 given proper and informed effect. 28 10. Second request 29 (1) An applicant who -- 30 (a) possesses an application which includes -- 31 (i) a request signed by that applicant (or by an 32 authorised signatory as the case may be) in page 10 Voluntary Euthanasia Bill 2010 s. 10 1 accordance with section 6 and witnessed in 2 accordance with section 7 and 3 (ii) an assessing medical practitioners' confirmation 4 signed by the applicant's medical practitioner in 5 accordance with subsection 9(3); and 6 (iii) an assessing medical practitioners' confirmation 7 signed by a second assessing medical practitioner 8 in accordance with subsection 9(4); and 9 (b) is of sound mind; and 10 (c) can communicate his or her intentions; and 11 (d) has a terminal illness; and 12 (e) is experiencing pain, suffering or debilitation that -- 13 (i) is considerable; and 14 (ii) is related to the terminal illness; and 15 (f) has no desire to continue living; and 16 (g) desires that euthanasia be administered to him or her 17 promptly, 18 may sign a second request in the form set out in Part 3 of the 19 Schedule whilst not in the presence of any near relative, 20 provided that the applicant's request was made at least 14 days 21 previously. 22 (2) Subject to this section, if an applicant is physically unable to 23 sign the second request, an authorised signatory may sign the 24 second request on the applicant's behalf, provided that -- 25 (a) the applicant positively indicates to the authorised 26 signatory at the time the authorised signatory signs the 27 applicant's second request, that -- 28 (i) all of the criteria in subsection 10(1) apply to the 29 applicant; and 30 (ii) the applicant desires that the authorised signatory 31 sign the second request on the applicant's behalf; 32 and page 11 Voluntary Euthanasia Bill 2010 s. 10 1 (b) the authorised signatory -- 2 (i) is satisfied on reasonable grounds that all of the 3 criteria in subsection 10(1) apply to the 4 applicant; and 5 (ii) is satisfied on reasonable grounds that the 6 applicant desires that the authorised signatory 7 sign the second request on the applicant's behalf; 8 and 9 (iii) is satisfied on reasonable grounds that the 10 applicant is physically unable to sign the second 11 request himself or herself; and 12 (iv) signs the second request in the presence of the 13 applicant. 14 (3) Subject to the remainder of this section, an applicant's signature 15 on the second request (or an authorised signatory's signature as 16 the case may be) must be witnessed by two persons aged 17 18 years and over, in each other's presence and in the presence 18 of the applicant (and in the presence of the authorised signatory 19 if applicable). 20 (4) For the purposes of subsection (3) -- 21 (a) neither witness may be a near relative of the applicant; 22 and 23 (b) neither witness may be an assessing medical practitioner 24 for the purposes of that particular application; and 25 (c) neither witness may be an authorised signatory for the 26 purposes of that particular application; and 27 (d) one witness must not have previously acted as a witness 28 for the purposes of that particular application; and 29 (e) neither witness may be an observing medical 30 practitioner for the purposes of that particular 31 application; and 32 (f) neither witness may be an independent interpreter for 33 the purposes of that particular application. page 12 Voluntary Euthanasia Bill 2010 s. 11 1 (5) For the purposes of this Act, a second request is made on the 2 date on which it is signed by the relevant applicant (or 3 authorised signatory as the case may be) and witnessed in 4 accordance with this Act. 5 (6) The second request is only valid for the purposes of this Act if it 6 is made in the form prescribed in Part 3 of the Schedule and in 7 accordance with this Act. 8 11. Administration of euthanasia 9 (1) Subject to this Act, if -- 10 (a) an applicant presents the relevant applicant's medical 11 practitioner with an application which includes -- 12 (i) a request signed by that applicant (or by an 13 authorised signatory as the case may be) in 14 accordance with section 6 and witnessed in 15 accordance with section 7and 16 (ii) an assessing medical practitioners' confirmation 17 signed by that applicant's medical practitioner in 18 accordance with subsection 9(3); and 19 (iii) an assessing medical practitioners' confirmation 20 signed by a second assessing medical practitioner 21 in accordance with subsection 9(4); and 22 (iv) a second request signed by that applicant (or by 23 an authorised signatory as the case may be) in 24 accordance with section 10 and witnessed in 25 accordance with section 10 and 26 (b) the applicant's medical practitioner is satisfied on 27 reasonable grounds that all of the criteria in 28 subsection 10(1) apply to the applicant; and 29 (c) the applicant's medical practitioner has no reason to 30 believe that any person (including himself or herself) 31 will directly or indirectly receive any financial or other 32 benefit (other than reasonable payment for services) as page 13 Voluntary Euthanasia Bill 2010 s. 11 1 the result of doing or omitting to do any thing required 2 or permitted under this Act; and 3 (d) the applicant's medical practitioner is satisfied on 4 reasonable grounds that the applicant's application 5 complies with the requirements of this Act; and 6 (e) at least 14 days has elapsed between the date on which 7 the request was made and the date on which the second 8 request was made, 9 that applicant's medical practitioner may then administer 10 euthanasia to the applicant by administration of a recognised 11 drug. 12 (2) An applicant's medical practitioner must use his or her 13 reasonable endeavours to ensure that the wishes of the applicant 14 set out in paragraph 2 of the second request, are carried out. 15 (3) An applicant's medical practitioner must remain with the 16 relevant applicant until death has ensued. 17 (4) An applicant's medical practitioner must ensure that, prior to 18 the administration of euthanasia to an applicant, an observing 19 medical practitioner -- 20 (a) sights the applicant's application and confirms that -- 21 (i) the identity of the applicant matches the name set 22 out in the application; and 23 (ii) the applicant's application appears to be properly 24 and entirely completed; and 25 (iii) at least 14 days has elapsed between the date on 26 which the request was made and the date on 27 which the second request was made; and 28 (b) observes the type and quantity of recognised drug given 29 to the applicant in order to administer euthanasia and the 30 method used to administer the recognised drug; and 31 (c) is present for the administration of euthanasia to the 32 applicant; and page 14 Voluntary Euthanasia Bill 2010 s. 12 1 (d) remains with the applicant until death has ensued. 2 (5) An observing medical practitioner who performs the functions 3 set out in subsection (4) must sign the observing medical 4 practitioner's confirmation in the form set out in Part 4 of the 5 Schedule promptly following the death of the applicant. 6 (6) It is unlawful for any person who is not the applicant's medical 7 practitioner to administer euthanasia to the applicant. 8 12. Revocation of request 9 (1) A request may be revoked by an applicant at any time and in 10 any manner which indicates revocation. 11 (2) Once an applicant has revoked his or her request, that request 12 immediately becomes void and the applicant's medical 13 practitioner must take no further action to implement, assess or 14 assist with that request. 15 (3) If an applicant's medical practitioner suspects on any grounds 16 that an applicant might have revoked his or her request, the 17 applicant's medical practitioner must take all reasonable steps to 18 ascertain whether or not that request has been revoked before 19 taking any further action to implement, assess or assist with that 20 applicant's request. 21 (4) In whichever way revocation is made, the applicant's medical 22 practitioner must, promptly following notice of the revocation, 23 take all reasonable steps to note the applicant's medical file 24 accordingly. 25 Penalty: $10 000. 26 (5) The revocation of a request does not prevent the making of a 27 subsequent request. 28 13. Cessation of sound mind 29 If, at any time after a request is made, an applicant's medical 30 practitioner concludes on reasonable grounds that an applicant page 15 Voluntary Euthanasia Bill 2010 s. 14 1 has ceased to be of sound mind, or has been rendered incapable 2 of communicating his or her intentions -- 3 (1) the applicant's request lapses immediately upon the 4 applicant's medical practitioner reaching that 5 conclusion; and 6 (2) the applicant's medical practitioner must promptly take 7 all reasonable steps to note the applicant's medical files 8 accordingly. 9 Penalty: $10 000. 10 14. Reporting 11 (1) A death that ensues as a result of euthanasia administered in 12 accordance with this Act is not, by reason only of that fact, a 13 reportable death within the meaning of section 3 of the 14 Coroners Act 1996 or any provision in substitution of that 15 section. 16 (2) The applicant's medical practitioner is the person responsible 17 for the applicant's medical care immediately before the 18 applicant's death for the purposes of section 44 of the Births 19 Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1998 and any provision 20 in substitution of that section. 21 (3) After euthanasia is administered to an applicant, the applicant's 22 medical practitioner must, within 4 working days of the 23 applicant's death, give to the Coroner -- 24 (a) a written notice setting out the following information -- 25 (i) the applicant's medical practitioner's name and 26 address; and 27 (ii) the applicant's name; and 28 (iii) the applicant's, sex, weight and age; and 29 (iv) the applicant's time, date and place of death; and 30 (v) the nature of the applicant's terminal illness; and 31 (vi) the bases on which the applicant's medical 32 practitioner reached the conclusion that each of page 16 Voluntary Euthanasia Bill 2010 s. 14 1 the criteria in subsection 9(2) applied to the 2 applicant; and 3 (vii) the bases on which the applicant's medical 4 practitioner reached the conclusion that each of 5 the criteria in subsection 10(1) applied to the 6 applicant; and 7 (viii) the manner in which euthanasia was 8 administered to the applicant including the 9 amount and type of recognised drug used; and 10 (b) a copy of the applicant's completed application. 11 Penalty: $1 000. 12 (4) A death that ensues as a result of euthanasia administered in 13 accordance with this Act is to be recorded as a death caused by 14 the terminal illness of the applicant. 15 (5) The Coroner must annually provide a report to the Minister 16 which sets out -- 17 (a) any general information regarding the operation of this 18 Act about which the Coroner wishes to report; and 19 (b) a statistical report regarding each of item of information 20 provided to the Coroner under subsections 14(3)(a)(iii) 21 to 14(3)(a)(viii) in the previous 12 months, 22 and the Minister must promptly table the report in Parliament. 23 (6) The Coroner may also, at any time, report to the responsible 24 Minister, and the Minister must promptly table the report in 25 Parliament. 26 (7) The making of a request by an applicant does not of itself 27 constitute fulfilment of the criteria set out in subsections 43(1) 28 or 43(2a) of the Guardianship and Administration Act 1990 or 29 any provision in substitution of those sections. page 17 Voluntary Euthanasia Bill 2010 s. 15 1 15. Immunity from criminal or civil liability 2 (1) An applicant, the applicant's medical practitioner, the second 3 assessing medical practitioner, the observing medical 4 practitioner and any other person who does or omits to do any 5 thing required or permitted under this Act: 6 (a) does not incur any criminal or civil liability; and 7 (b) is not liable to any disciplinary proceeding; and 8 (c) is not liable to any other negative action from any 9 relevant professional bodies, 10 if what the person did, or omitted to do, in relation to the 11 relevant applicant, was done in accordance with this Act. 12 (2) A person who does not do any thing required or permitted under 13 this Act, but who provides incidental practical or emotional 14 support to the applicant, does not incur any criminal or civil 15 liability by reason of having provided that support. 16 16. Certain persons not to benefit from an applicant's death 17 A person (other than the donee of a valid power of attorney 18 created by the applicant who acts as authorised signatory for the 19 applicant in accordance with this Act) who does anything 20 required or permitted under this Act to or for an applicant 21 forfeits any direct or indirect financial or other benefit (other 22 than reasonable payment for services) that would otherwise 23 have accrued or been vested in that person following the death 24 of that applicant. 25 17. Contracts and insurance 26 (1) Subject to section 16 any right or obligation existing under a 27 will, contract or other agreement, whether made before or after 28 the commencement of this Act, is not affected by the making or 29 rescinding of a request or by the administration of euthanasia to 30 an applicant in accordance with this Act. page 18 Voluntary Euthanasia Bill 2010 s. 18 1 (2) A policy of insurance or annuity is not affected by the making 2 or rescinding of a request or by the administration of euthanasia 3 to an applicant in accordance with this Act. 4 (3) An insurer may not refuse to make a payment payable under an 5 insurance policy to an applicant, or avoid an applicant's 6 insurance policy on the grounds that the cause of death of the 7 applicant was euthanasia. 8 (4) A death which results from the administration of euthanasia in 9 accordance with this Act is not a death by suicide for the 10 purposes of a policy of insurance or annuity. 11 18. Improper conduct 12 (1) Any person who obtains, or who seeks or agrees to receive, a 13 bribe (which for clarity does not include reasonable payment for 14 services), and any person who gives, or who offers or promises 15 to give, a bribe (which for clarity does not include reasonable 16 payment for services) to a person in order to persuade or 17 dissuade that person to do or omit to do any thing required or 18 permitted under this Act is guilty of a crime and is liable to 19 imprisonment for 7 years. 20 (2) A person who makes any false, dishonest or misleading 21 statement which that person knows to be false, dishonest or 22 misleading, in relation to any thing required or permitted under 23 this Act is guilty of a crime and is liable to imprisonment for 24 7 years. 25 19. General 26 The Governor may make regulations prescribing all matters that 27 are required or permitted by this Act to be prescribed, or are 28 necessary or convenient to be prescribed for giving effect to the 29 purposes of this Act. 30 page 19 Voluntary Euthanasia Bill 2010 Schedule Part 1 Applicant's request (Sections 6 and 7 of the Act) 1 Schedule 2 [Note: Terms defined in the Act have the same meaning in this Schedule.] 3 Application 4 Part 1 -- Applicant's request (Sections 6 and 7 of the Act) 5 Request 6 I [name of applicant] (applicant), of [address of applicant], make this request 7 for the administration of euthanasia. I confirm that: 8 (1) I am of sound mind; and 9 (2) I am aged 21 years or over; and 10 (3) I am ordinarily resident in Western Australia and have been so 11 ordinarily resident for the previous 3 consecutive years; and 12 (4) I can communicate my intentions; and 13 (5) I have a terminal illness; and 14 (6) I am experiencing pain, suffering or debilitation that: 15 (a) is considerable; and 16 (b) is related to my terminal illness; and 17 (7) I have no desire to continue living. 18 I make this request freely and in the knowledge and with the intent that carrying 19 it into effect will result in my death. 20 _________________________________ 21 Signed (Applicant) 22 ___________________________ 23 Date 24 [or] page 20 Voluntary Euthanasia Bill 2010 Schedule Applicant's request (Sections 6 and 7 of the Act) Part 1 1 I [name of authorised signatory], [occupation of authorised signatory] of 2 [address of authorised signatory] confirm that: 3 (1) I am: 4 (a) the donee of a valid power of attorney created by [name of 5 applicant] (applicant); or [strike out if this does not apply] 6 (b) a person authorised by law to make declarations and I am not a 7 near relative of [name of applicant] (applicant); and [strike out 8 if this does not apply] 9 (2) I am not: 10 (a) a witness; 11 (b) an assessing medical practitioner; 12 (c) an observing medical practitioner; or 13 (d) an independent interpreter, 14 for the purposes of this application; and 15 (3) the applicant has today positively indicated to me that: 16 (a) all of the criteria in subsection 6(1) of the Act apply to him or 17 her; and 18 (b) he or she desires that I sign this request on his or her behalf; and 19 (4) I am satisfied on reasonable grounds that: 20 (a) all of the criteria in subsection 6(1) of the Act apply to the 21 applicant; and 22 (b) the applicant desires that I sign this request on his or her behalf; 23 and 24 (c) the applicant is physically unable to sign this request himself or 25 herself. 26 _________________________________ 27 Signed in the presence of the applicant 28 (Authorised signatory) 29 ___________________________ 30 Date page 21 Voluntary Euthanasia Bill 2010 Schedule Part 1 Applicant's request (Sections 6 and 7 of the Act) 1 Witness declaration - Witness 1 2 I [name of witness], of [address of witness], confirm that: 3 (1) I am aged 18 years or over; and 4 (2) I am not a near relative of [name of applicant] (applicant); and 5 (3) I am not: 6 (a) an authorised signatory; 7 (b) an assessing medical practitioner; 8 (c) an observing medical practitioner; or 9 (d) an independent interpreter, 10 for the purposes of this application; and 11 (4) I witnessed [the applicant signing this request [or] an authorised 12 signatory signing this request on behalf of the applicant]. 13 _________________________________ 14 Signed in the presence of the applicant 15 and Witness 2 (and authorised signatory if 16 applicable) 17 ___________________________ 18 Date 19 (Witness 1) 20 Witness declaration - Witness 2 21 I [name of witness], of [address of witness], confirm that: 22 (1) I am aged 18 years or over; and 23 (2) I am not a near relative of [name of applicant] (applicant); and 24 (3) I am not: 25 (a) an authorised signatory; 26 (b) an assessing medical practitioner; page 22 Voluntary Euthanasia Bill 2010 Schedule Assessing medical practitioners' confirmation (Section 9 of the Part 2 Act) 1 (c) an observing medical practitioner; or 2 (d) an independent interpreter, 3 for the purposes of this application; and 4 (4) I witnessed [the applicant signing this request [or] an authorised 5 signatory signing this request on behalf of the applicant]. 6 _________________________________ 7 Signed in the presence of the applicant 8 and Witness 1 (and authorised signatory if 9 applicable) 10 ___________________________ 11 Date 12 (Witness 2) 13 Part 2 -- Assessing medical practitioners' confirmation (Section 9 of 14 the Act) 15 Confirmation - Applicant's medical practitioner 16 I [name of applicant's medical practitioner] of [address of applicant's medical 17 practitioner] having received and agreed to assess a request from [name of 18 applicant] (applicant) for the administration of euthanasia, confirm the 19 following: 20 (1) I am registered as a medical practitioner under the Medical 21 Practitioners Act 2008 and have been so registered for the previous 5 22 consecutive years; and 23 (2) I am not a near relative of the applicant; and 24 (3) I am not: 25 (a) an authorised signatory; 26 (b) a witness; 27 (c) an observing medical practitioner; or 28 (d) an independent interpreter, 29 for the purposes of this application; and page 23 Voluntary Euthanasia Bill 2010 Schedule Part 2 Assessing medical practitioners' confirmation (Section 9 of the Act) 1 (4) I have informed the applicant of: 2 (a) the nature of the applicant's terminal illness and the applicant's 3 prognosis; and 4 (b) the forms of treatment that are reasonably available to the 5 applicant to treat the applicant's terminal illness and the risks 6 associated with the treatment; and 7 (c) the availability of counselling, psychiatric and other support 8 services for the applicant; and 9 (d) the forms of palliative care that are available to the applicant, 10 and their respective risks and side-effects; and 11 (e) the methods used to administer voluntary euthanasia and the 12 risks associated with those methods; and 13 (f) the applicant's ability to revoke a request at any time; and 14 (5) I have separately and independently examined the applicant and the 15 applicant's medical files (if any) and I have independently determined 16 on reasonable grounds that: 17 (a) all of the criteria in subsection 6(1) of the Act apply to the 18 applicant; and 19 (b) the applicant's request is not wholly or substantially referable 20 to, or wholly or substantially a symptom of, a state of clinical 21 depression; and 22 (c) the applicant's request is not wholly or substantially referable to 23 a desire by the applicant to cease to be a burden to family, 24 friends or others; and 25 (d) the applicant does not appear to be acting under duress; and 26 (e) the applicant has made his or her request: 27 (i) freely and voluntarily; and 28 (ii) with full knowledge of the consequences; and 29 (f) the applicant's request is not the result of external pressure; and page 24 Voluntary Euthanasia Bill 2010 Schedule Assessing medical practitioners' confirmation (Section 9 of the Part 2 Act) 1 (g) the applicant has consulted with every person with whom he or 2 she reasonably wishes to consult; and 3 (h) if the applicant's request was not signed by the applicant, the 4 applicant is physically unable to sign the request; and 5 (6) I have no reason to believe that any person (including myself) will 6 directly or indirectly receive any financial or other benefit (other than 7 reasonable payment for services) as the result of doing or omitting to 8 do any thing required or permitted under this Act; and 9 (7) I have determined on reasonable grounds that the applicant's request 10 complies with the requirements of this Act. 11 _________________________________ 12 Signed (Applicant's medical practitioner) 13 ___________________________ 14 Date 15 Confirmation - Second assessing medical practitioner 16 I [name of second assessing medical practitioner] of [address of second 17 assessing medical practitioner] having received and agreed to assess a request 18 from [name of applicant] (applicant) for the administration of euthanasia, 19 confirm the following: 20 (1) I am registered as a medical practitioner under the Medical 21 Practitioners Act 2008 and have been so registered for the previous 22 5 consecutive years; and 23 (2) I am not a near relative of the applicant; and 24 (3) I am not: 25 (a) an authorised signatory; 26 (b) a witness; 27 (c) an observing medical practitioner; or 28 (d) an independent interpreter, 29 for the purposes of this application; and page 25 Voluntary Euthanasia Bill 2010 Schedule Part 3 Second request (Section 10 of the Act) 1 (4) I have separately and independently examined the applicant and the 2 applicant's medical files (if any) and I have independently determined 3 on reasonable grounds that: 4 (a) all of the criteria in subsection 6(1) of the Act apply to the 5 applicant; and 6 (b) the applicant's request is not wholly or substantially referable 7 to, or wholly or substantially a symptom of, a state of clinical 8 depression; and 9 (c) the applicant's request is not wholly or substantially referable to 10 a desire by the applicant to cease to be a burden to family, 11 friends or others; and 12 (d) the applicant does not appear to be acting under duress; and 13 (e) the applicant has made his or her request: 14 (i) freely and voluntarily; and 15 (ii) with full knowledge of the consequences; and 16 (f) the applicant's request is not the result of external pressure; and 17 (g) the applicant has consulted with every person with whom he or 18 she reasonably wishes to consult; and 19 (h) if the applicant's request was not signed by the applicant, the 20 applicant is physically unable to sign the request. 21 _________________________________ 22 Signed (Second assessing medical practitioner) 23 ___________________________ 24 Date 25 Part 3 -- Second request (Section 10 of the Act) 26 Second request 27 I [name of applicant] of [address of applicant], having made a request for the 28 administration of euthanasia on [insert date on which application was both 29 signed and witnessed], which date is at least 14 days before the date on which I 30 make this second request, and having had that request assessed by [insert name 31 of applicant's medical practitioner] and [insert name of second assessing page 26 Voluntary Euthanasia Bill 2010 Schedule Second request (Section 10 of the Act) Part 3 1 medical practitioner], make this second request for the prompt administration 2 of euthanasia. 3 I confirm that I: 4 (1) possess: 5 (a) a request signed by myself (or by an authorised signatory as the 6 case may be) in accordance with section 6 and witnessed in 7 accordance with section 7; and 8 (b) an assessing medical practitioners' confirmation signed by 9 [insert name of applicant's medical practitioner] in accordance 10 with subsection 9(3); and 11 (c) an assessing medical practitioners' confirmation signed by 12 [insert name of second assessing medical practitioner] in 13 accordance with subsection 9(4); and 14 (2) am of sound mind; and 15 (3) can communicate my intentions; and 16 (4) have a terminal illness; and 17 (5) am experiencing pain, suffering or debilitation that: 18 (a) is considerable; and 19 (b) is related to the terminal illness; and 20 (6) have no desire to continue living; and 21 (7) desire that euthanasia be administered to me promptly. 22 I wish for euthanasia to be administered to me on [date] at [place] in the 23 presence of [name(s) (if any)] if possible. 24 I make this second request freely and in the knowledge and with the intent that 25 carrying it into effect will result in the administration of euthanasia to me. 26 _________________________________ 27 Signed (Applicant) 28 __________________________ 29 Date 30 [or] page 27 Voluntary Euthanasia Bill 2010 Schedule Part 3 Second request (Section 10 of the Act) 1 I [name of authorised signatory], [occupation of authorised signatory] of 2 [address of authorised signatory] confirm that: 3 (1) I am: 4 (a) the donee of a valid power of attorney created by [name of 5 applicant] (applicant); or [strike out if this does not apply] 6 (b) a person authorised by law to make declarations and I am not a 7 near relative of [name of applicant] (applicant); and [strike out 8 if this does not apply] 9 (2) I am not: 10 (a) a witness; 11 (b) an assessing medical practitioner; 12 (c) an observing medical practitioner; or 13 (d) an independent interpreter, 14 for the purposes of this application; and 15 (3) the applicant has today positively indicated to me that: 16 (a) all of the criteria in subsection 10(1) of the Act apply to him or 17 her; and 18 (b) he or she desires that I sign this request on his or her behalf; and 19 (4) I am satisfied on reasonable grounds that: 20 (a) all of the criteria in subsection 10(1) of the Act apply to the 21 applicant; and 22 (b) the applicant desires that I sign this second request on his or her 23 behalf; and 24 (c) the applicant is physically unable to sign this request himself or 25 herself. 26 _________________________________ 27 Signed in the presence of the applicant 28 (Authorised signatory) 29 ___________________________ 30 Date page 28 Voluntary Euthanasia Bill 2010 Schedule Second request (Section 10 of the Act) Part 3 1 Witness declaration - Witness 3 2 I [name of witness], of [address of witness], confirm that: 3 (1) I am aged 18 years or over; and 4 (2) I am not a near relative of [name of applicant] (applicant); and 5 (3) I am not: 6 (a) an authorised signatory; 7 (b) an assessing medical practitioner; 8 (c) an observing medical practitioner; or 9 (d) an independent interpreter, 10 for the purposes of this application; and 11 (4) [I am not already a witness for the applicant for the purposes of this 12 application; and] [Strike out if this does not apply. Note that if 13 Witness 4 has struck this out, then Witness 3 must NOT already be 14 a witness for the purposes of this request and may NOT strike this 15 part out.] 16 (5) I witnessed [the applicant signing this second request] [or] [an 17 authorised signatory signing this second request on behalf of the 18 applicant]. 19 _________________________________ 20 Signed in the presence of the applicant 21 and Witness 4 (and authorised signatory if 22 applicable) 23 ___________________________ 24 Date 25 (Witness 3) 26 Witness declaration - Witness 4 27 I [name of witness], of [address of witness], confirm that: 28 (1) I am aged 18 years or over; and 29 (2) I am not a near relative of [name of applicant] (applicant); and page 29 Voluntary Euthanasia Bill 2010 Schedule Part 4 Observing medical practitioner's confirmation (Section 11 of the Act) 1 (3) I am not: 2 (a) an authorised signatory; 3 (b) an assessing medical practitioner; 4 (c) an observing medical practitioner; or 5 (d) an independent interpreter, 6 for the purposes of this application; and 7 (4) [I am not already a witness for the applicant for the purposes of this 8 application; and] [Strike out if this does not apply. Note that if 9 Witness 3 has struck this out, then Witness 4 must NOT already be 10 a witness for the purposes of this request and may NOT strike this 11 part out.] 12 (5) I witnessed [the applicant signing this second request] [or] [an 13 authorised signatory signing this second request on behalf of the 14 applicant]. 15 _________________________________ 16 Signed in the presence of the applicant 17 and Witness 3 (and authorised signatory if 18 applicable) 19 ___________________________ 20 Date 21 (Witness 4) 22 Part 4 -- Observing medical practitioner's confirmation (Section 11 23 of the Act) 24 I [name of observing medical practitioner] of [address of observing medical 25 practitioner] confirm the following: 26 (1) I am registered as a medical practitioner under the Medical 27 Practitioners Act 2008 and have been so registered for the previous 28 5 consecutive years; and 29 (2) I am not a near relative of [name of applicant] (applicant); and page 30 Voluntary Euthanasia Bill 2010 Schedule Observing medical practitioner's confirmation (Section 11 of the Part 4 Act) 1 (3) I am not: 2 (a) an authorised signatory; 3 (b) a witness; 4 (c) an assessing medical practitioner; or 5 (d) an independent interpreter, 6 for the purposes of this application; and 7 (4) at [insert time and date euthanasia was administered to the 8 applicant] at [insert place where euthanasia was administered to the 9 applicant] I witnessed [insert name of applicant's medical 10 practitioner] administer euthanasia to the applicant; and 11 (5) [insert name of applicant's medical practitioner] administered 12 euthanasia to the application by the administration of [insert amount 13 of recognised drug] of [insert name of recognised drug] by [insert 14 method of administration of recognised drug]; and 15 (6) prior to the administration of euthanasia by [insert name of 16 applicant's medical practitioner] to the applicant, I reviewed the 17 applicant's application and confirmed that: 18 (a) the identity of the applicant matched the name set out in the 19 application; and 20 (b) the applicant's application appeared to be properly and entirely 21 completed; and 22 (c) at least 14 days had elapsed between the date on which the 23 request was made and the date on which the second request was 24 made; and 25 (7) I witnessed the death of the applicant. 26 _________________________________ 27 Signed (Observing medical practitioner) 28 ___________________________ 29 Date 30
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