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Western Australia Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 Contents 1. Short title 2 2. Commencement 2 3. Act amended 2 4. Long title amended 2 5. Section 19 amended 2 6. Part 5A inserted 3 Part 5A -- Container deposit scheme Division 1 -- Preliminary 47A. Objects of Part 3 47B. Overview of container deposit scheme 3 47C. Terms used 4 47D. First responsible supplier 9 Division 2 -- Supply of beverage products 47E. Requirement for supply agreement, container approval, refund mark and barcode 11 47F. Container approval 11 47G. Regulations relating to container approvals 12 47H. Review by State Administrative Tribunal 14 Division 3 -- Return of containers 47I. Requirements for refund point operators 15 47J. Refund amount 15 47K. Regulations relating to refund points and refund amounts 15 47L. Coordinator as refund point operator 16 47M. Collected or returned containers must not be disposed of in a prohibited manner 17 47N. Extraordinary circumstances exemption 19 115--2 page i Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 Contents Division 4 -- Scheme agreements and scheme participants 47O. Supply agreement 20 47P. Export rebate agreement 21 47Q. Refund point agreement 22 47R. Material recovery agreement 22 47S. Regulations relating to scheme agreements and scheme participants 23 47T. Content of scheme agreements not limited 26 Division 5 -- Coordinator of the scheme Subdivision 1 -- Preliminary 47U. Terms used 26 47V. Eligible company 28 Subdivision 2 -- Appointment of Coordinator of the scheme 47W. Office of Coordinator of the scheme 30 47X. Appointment of Coordinator 30 47Y. Conditions of appointment 31 47Z. Functions of Coordinator 31 47ZA. Powers of Coordinator 33 47ZB. Delegation by Coordinator 33 Subdivision 3 -- Operations of Coordinator 47ZC. Coordinator must not act unfairly 34 47ZD. Coordinator performance targets 34 47ZE. Business plan of Coordinator 35 47ZF. Approval of business plan 36 47ZG. Amendment to business plan 37 47ZH. Compliance with business plan 38 47ZI. Reporting by Coordinator 38 47ZJ. Notification of events 39 47ZK. CEO to have access to information, agreements and databases 40 Subdivision 4 -- Scheme Account 47ZL. Terms used 41 47ZM. Governance plan for Scheme Account 41 47ZN. Scheme Account 43 47ZO. Regulations relating to Scheme Account and governance plans 44 Subdivision 5 -- Appointment of administrator or Interim Coordinator and other Ministerial powers 47ZP. Ministerial directions 44 47ZQ. Amendment, administration and revocation 45 page ii Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 Contents 47ZR. Appointment of administrator 46 47ZS. Only the administrator can deal with the Coordinator's property 47 47ZT. Interim Coordinator 48 47ZU. Remuneration and costs 49 47ZV. Providing assistance 50 47ZW. Review by State Administrative Tribunal 51 Subdivision 6 -- Transitional arrangements 47ZX. Transitional arrangements between Coordinators 52 Division 6 -- Miscellaneous 47ZY. Penalties for Coordinator, Interim Coordinator and directors of Coordinator 53 47ZZ. Civil penalty provisions 54 47ZZA. Inconsistent provision has no effect 55 47ZZB. Beverages consumed on interstate or international journeys 56 47ZZC. Power to require information or material 56 47ZZD. Disclosure of information 57 47ZZE. Performance audit 58 47ZZF. False or misleading information 59 47ZZG. Authorisations for competition legislation 60 47ZZH. Corporations Act displacement 61 47ZZI. Powers in relation to transitional matters 61 7. Section 69 amended 63 8. Section 94 amended 63 page iii Western Australia LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY (As amended during consideration in detail) Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 A Bill for An Act to amend the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Act 2007. The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows: page 1 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 1 1 1. Short title 2 This is the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery 3 Amendment (Container Deposit) Act 2018. 4 2. Commencement 5 This Act comes into operation as follows -- 6 (a) sections 1 and 2 -- on the day on which this Act 7 receives the Royal Assent; 8 (b) the rest of the Act -- on a day fixed by proclamation. 9 3. Act amended 10 This Act amends the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery 11 Act 2007. 12 4. Long title amended 13 In the long title after the 2nd bullet point insert: 14 15 establish a container deposit scheme; and 16 17 5. Section 19 amended 18 After section 19(1) insert: 19 20 (1A) A reference to "this Act" in Schedule 2 does not 21 include a reference to Part 5A. 22 page 2 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 6. Part 5A inserted 2 After section 47 insert: 3 4 Part 5A -- Container deposit scheme 5 Division 1 -- Preliminary 6 47A. Objects of Part 7 The main objects of this Part are to -- 8 (a) increase the recovery and recycling of empty 9 beverage containers; and 10 (b) reduce the number of empty beverage 11 containers that are disposed of as litter or to 12 landfill; and 13 (c) ensure that first responsible suppliers of 14 beverage products take product stewardship 15 responsibility in relation to their beverage 16 products; and 17 (d) provide opportunities for social enterprise, and 18 benefits for community organisations, through 19 participation in the container deposit scheme; 20 and 21 (e) create opportunities for employment; and 22 (f) complement existing collection and recycling 23 activities for recyclable waste. 24 47B. Overview of container deposit scheme 25 This Part establishes a container deposit scheme that 26 includes the following general features -- 27 (a) a company will be appointed to the office of 28 Coordinator of the scheme with responsibility 29 for administering the scheme; page 3 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 (b) if a beverage is to be supplied in a container, 2 various conditions must be met, including a 3 supply agreement being in force that requires a 4 contribution to the costs of the scheme 5 (including the costs of refund amounts paid 6 under the scheme); 7 (c) a refund amount will be paid to a person who 8 returns an empty container to a refund point; 9 (d) containers that have been returned to a refund 10 point must not be disposed of in a prohibited 11 manner. 12 47C. Terms used 13 (1) In this Part -- 14 appointed day, for a section, has the meaning given in 15 subsection (2); 16 beverage means -- 17 (a) a substance that is a liquid at room temperature 18 and intended for human consumption by 19 drinking; or 20 (b) a thing or class of things prescribed by the 21 regulations to be a beverage, 22 but does not include a thing or class of things 23 prescribed by the regulations not to be a beverage; 24 beverage product means a product that consists of a 25 particular beverage packaged in a container of a 26 particular type; 27 civil penalty has the meaning given in section 47ZZ(1); 28 company means a company registered under the 29 Corporations Act; 30 container means -- 31 (a) a vessel that is made to be -- 32 (i) filled with a beverage; and page 4 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 (ii) sealed for storage, transport and 2 handling before being supplied for the 3 use or consumption of the beverage; 4 or 5 (b) a thing or class of things prescribed by the 6 regulations to be a container, 7 but does not include a thing or class of things 8 prescribed by the regulations not to be a container; 9 container approval has the meaning given in 10 section 47F(1); 11 Coordinator means the company for the time being 12 occupying the office of Coordinator of the scheme 13 under section 47X; 14 Corporations Act means the Corporations Act 2001 15 (Commonwealth); 16 corresponding law means a law of the Commonwealth 17 or another State or a Territory that is prescribed by the 18 regulations to be a law corresponding to this Act; 19 disposal premises means premises -- 20 (a) which are used for the purpose of receiving 21 waste; and 22 (b) in respect of which the occupier is required to 23 hold a licence under the Environmental 24 Protection Act 1986, whether or not the licence 25 is in force; 26 eligible company has the meaning given in 27 section 47V(1); 28 eligible individual means an individual who -- 29 (a) is not an insolvent under administration within 30 the meaning of the Corporations Act section 9; 31 and 32 (b) is not disqualified from managing corporations, 33 under the Corporations Act Part 2D.6; and page 5 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 (c) has not been convicted of -- 2 (i) an offence against this Act, the 3 Environmental Protection Act 1986 or a 4 corresponding law; or 5 (ii) an indictable offence, or an offence that, 6 if committed in Western Australia, 7 would be an indictable offence, against 8 another written law or another law of 9 the Commonwealth or another State or a 10 Territory; 11 exporter means a person who, within the meaning 12 given in section 47P(2), exports a beverage product; 13 export rebate agreement has the meaning given in 14 section 47P(3); 15 first responsible supplier has the meaning given in 16 section 47D; 17 Interim Coordinator has the meaning given in 18 section 47ZT(1); 19 material recovery agreement has the meaning given in 20 section 47R(2); 21 material recovery facility means -- 22 (a) a facility or other place at which recyclable 23 waste is sorted and prepared for recycling, 24 whether or not the waste is also recycled at the 25 facility or place; or 26 (b) a facility or other place or class of facilities or 27 places prescribed by the regulations to be a 28 material recovery facility, 29 but does not include a facility or other place or class of 30 facilities or places prescribed by the regulations not to 31 be a material recovery facility; 32 MRF operator means the operator of a material 33 recovery facility; page 6 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 prohibited manner, in relation to the disposal of a 2 container, means disposing of the container -- 3 (a) at disposal premises; or 4 (b) by burial; or 5 (c) in contravention of the Environmental 6 Protection Act 1986 Part V Division 1; or 7 (d) in any other manner prescribed by the 8 regulations to be a prohibited manner, 9 but does not include any manner of disposing of the 10 container that is prescribed by the regulations not to be 11 a prohibited manner; 12 refund amount means the amount prescribed for the 13 purposes of section 47J; 14 refund mark means marking or labelling on a 15 container that shows the refund amount and complies 16 with the requirements prescribed by the regulations; 17 refund point means -- 18 (a) a facility or other place for the return of empty 19 containers in exchange for the payment of 20 refund amounts; or 21 (b) a facility or other place or class of facilities or 22 places prescribed by the regulations to be a 23 refund point, 24 but does not include a facility or other place or class of 25 facilities or places prescribed by the regulations not to 26 be a refund point; 27 refund point agreement has the meaning given in 28 section 47Q(1); 29 refund point operator means -- 30 (a) the operator of a refund point; or page 7 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 (b) a person or class of persons prescribed by the 2 regulations to be a refund point operator, 3 but does not include a person or class of persons 4 prescribed by the regulations not to be a refund point 5 operator; 6 scheme means the container deposit scheme 7 established by this Part; 8 Scheme Account has the meaning given in 9 section 47ZN(1); 10 scheme agreement means each of the following -- 11 (a) an export rebate agreement; 12 (b) a material recovery agreement; 13 (c) a refund point agreement; 14 (d) a supply agreement; 15 supply means -- 16 (a) to supply, by way of sale or otherwise, in the 17 course of carrying on a business; or 18 (b) to supply free of charge for a commercial or 19 promotional purpose, 20 but does not include a transaction or class of 21 transactions prescribed by the regulations not to be a 22 supply; 23 supply agreement has the meaning given in 24 section 47O(1); 25 supply amounts has the meaning given in 26 section 47O(1); 27 type, in relation to a container, is the combination of -- 28 (a) the volume of a beverage the container is made 29 to hold; and 30 (b) the material the container is made of. 31 (2) A reference in a section in this Part to the appointed 32 day for the section is a reference to the day fixed by the page 8 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 Minister by order published in the Gazette to be the 2 appointed day for the purposes of that section. 3 (3) Subject to subsection (4), for the purposes of this Part, 4 a supply of a beverage product is in the State if -- 5 (a) the beverage product is received in the State 6 (whether or not the supplier is located in the 7 State); or 8 (b) under the regulations, it is taken to be in the 9 State. 10 (4) A supply of a beverage product is not in the State if, 11 under the regulations, it is taken not to be in the State. 12 (5) In sections 47ZE, 47ZF, 47ZM, 47ZN(1) and (2) and 13 47ZP a reference to a Coordinator includes a company 14 that has been notified of its appointment to the office of 15 Coordinator of the scheme under section 47X but has 16 not yet commenced occupying the office. 17 47D. First responsible supplier 18 (1) Subject to subsection (2), the first responsible supplier 19 of a beverage product is -- 20 (a) the person who first supplies the beverage 21 product in the State; or 22 (b) the person who, under the regulations, is taken 23 to be the first responsible supplier of the 24 beverage product. 25 (2) A person is not the first responsible supplier of a 26 beverage product if, under the regulations, the person is 27 taken not to be the first responsible supplier of the 28 beverage product. 29 (3) Unless the regulations provide otherwise, if a person 30 (the transporter) only transports a beverage product 31 between the supplier of the beverage product and the page 9 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 recipient of the beverage product, each of the following 2 is not a supply of the beverage product -- 3 (a) the transfer of the beverage product from the 4 supplier to the transporter; 5 (b) the transfer of the beverage product from the 6 transporter to the recipient. 7 (4) Unless the regulations provide otherwise, if a person 8 (the contract bottler) is engaged under a contract to 9 make a beverage product or fill containers with a 10 beverage for another person (the contract 11 counterparty), in circumstances where the beverage 12 product is manufactured solely for the contract 13 counterparty, the transfer of the beverage product from 14 the contract bottler to the contract counterparty 15 following completion of the manufacturing process is 16 not a supply. 17 (5) For the purposes of subsections (1)(b) and (2), the 18 regulations may provide for circumstances in which a 19 person, or a person who belongs to a prescribed class 20 or who meets prescribed criteria -- 21 (a) is taken to be the first responsible supplier of a 22 beverage product or class of beverage products; 23 or 24 (b) is taken not to be the first responsible supplier 25 of a beverage product or class of beverage 26 products. 27 (6) Without limiting subsection (5), the circumstances 28 referred to in that subsection may include 29 circumstances where a person has entered into an 30 agreement with another person as to who is to be the 31 first responsible supplier of a beverage product. page 10 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 Division 2 -- Supply of beverage products 2 47E. Requirement for supply agreement, container 3 approval, refund mark and barcode 4 (1) Subsection (2) applies on and after the appointed day 5 for this section. 6 (2) A person who is the first responsible supplier of a 7 beverage product commits an offence when the 8 beverage product is first supplied in the State unless, at 9 that time -- 10 (a) a supply agreement is in force between the 11 person and the Coordinator in relation to the 12 beverage product; and 13 (b) a container approval that applies to the 14 beverage product is in force (whether or not it 15 is held by the person); and 16 (c) the container used for the beverage product 17 bears a refund mark and a barcode that 18 complies with the requirements prescribed by 19 the regulations. 20 Penalty for this subsection: a fine of $75 000. 21 (3) If a person charged with an offence against 22 subsection (2) supplied the beverage product in the 23 State, the person is taken, in any proceedings for the 24 offence, to be the first responsible supplier of the 25 beverage product unless the contrary is shown. 26 (4) Regulations may deal with any matter in relation to the 27 supply of beverage products or a person who supplies 28 beverage products. 29 47F. Container approval 30 (1) On and after the appointed day for this section, a 31 person may apply to the CEO for an approval (a page 11 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 container approval) that applies to a beverage product 2 or class of beverage products. 3 (2) The CEO may, subject to the regulations, grant or 4 refuse to grant the container approval. 5 (3) A container approval is subject to -- 6 (a) any conditions prescribed by the regulations; 7 and 8 (b) any further conditions the CEO -- 9 (i) considers necessary or desirable to 10 impose; and 11 (ii) specifies in the approval. 12 (4) The first responsible supplier of a beverage product 13 must not contravene a condition of a container 14 approval that applies to the beverage product. 15 Penalty for this subsection: a fine of $10 000. 16 47G. Regulations relating to container approvals 17 Regulations may deal with any matter in relation to 18 container approvals or applications for container 19 approvals, and may (without limitation) -- 20 (a) deal with, or with any matter in relation to, any 21 of the following -- 22 (i) the manner and form in which an 23 application for a container approval is to 24 be made and the process for applying; 25 (ii) the information that must accompany an 26 application for a container approval or 27 otherwise be provided to the CEO; 28 (iii) the payment of fees in relation to 29 container approvals or applications for 30 container approvals; page 12 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 (iv) the matters to be considered in deciding 2 whether to grant a container approval 3 and the criteria that must be met before 4 a container approval is granted; 5 (v) the grounds on which a container 6 approval may be refused or taken to be 7 refused; 8 (vi) the way in which the grant of, or refusal 9 to grant, a container approval is to be 10 communicated; 11 (vii) the conditions to be imposed on a 12 container approval, including the term 13 of a container approval; 14 (viii) the amendment of a container approval 15 by the CEO (including the amendment 16 or revocation of conditions on the 17 approval or the imposition of new 18 conditions); 19 (ix) the transfer of a container approval by 20 the holder; 21 (x) the suspension or cancellation of a 22 container approval by the CEO; 23 (xi) the maintenance by the Coordinator of a 24 public database of container approvals, 25 including the information to be 26 included, the information required to be 27 provided to the Coordinator, the 28 payment of fees or charges and the 29 requirements the database must comply 30 with; 31 and 32 (b) require the verification of information or 33 documents by statutory declaration; and page 13 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 (c) prescribe offences in relation to the supply by a 2 person or class of persons of beverage products 3 that do not have a container approval; and 4 (d) provide for any of the following -- 5 (i) circumstances in which an approval 6 (however described) under a 7 corresponding law is taken to be a 8 container approval; 9 (ii) circumstances in which a container 10 approval is taken to be held, including 11 where an approval (however described) 12 is held under a corresponding law, or 13 where a person has complied with 14 prescribed requirements of a 15 corresponding law; 16 (iii) the conditions that apply to a container 17 approval referred to in subparagraphs (i) 18 and (ii). 19 47H. Review by State Administrative Tribunal 20 A person who is, or intends to be, the first responsible 21 supplier of a beverage product may apply to the State 22 Administrative Tribunal for a review of -- 23 (a) a decision of the CEO to refuse to grant a 24 container approval that applies to the beverage 25 product; or 26 (b) a decision of the CEO to refuse to transfer a 27 container approval that applies to the beverage 28 product to or from the person (but only if, in the 29 case of a transfer of a container approval to the 30 person, the current holder of the container 31 approval has consented to the application for 32 review); or page 14 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 (c) a decision of the CEO to amend, suspend or 2 cancel a container approval that applies to the 3 beverage product. 4 Division 3 -- Return of containers 5 47I. Requirements for refund point operators 6 (1) A person (other than the Coordinator) must not act as a 7 refund point operator in respect of a refund point unless 8 a refund point agreement is in force between the person 9 and the Coordinator in respect of the refund point. 10 Penalty for this subsection: a fine of $75 000. 11 (2) Regulations may prescribe eligibility criteria that must 12 be met before a person may act as a refund point 13 operator. 14 47J. Refund amount 15 Regulations may prescribe an amount as the refund 16 amount for the purposes of this Part. 17 47K. Regulations relating to refund points and refund 18 amounts 19 Regulations may deal with any matter in relation to 20 refund points, refund amounts or the acceptance of 21 empty containers at refund points, and may (without 22 limitation) -- 23 (a) prescribe the circumstances in which a refund 24 point operator -- 25 (i) is or is not required to accept delivery of 26 an empty container presented by a 27 person to a refund point; and 28 (ii) is or is not required to pay to the person 29 the refund amount; 30 and page 15 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 (b) deal with, or with any matter in relation to, the 2 manner in which refund amounts are to be paid; 3 and 4 (c) prescribe any conditions that must be met 5 before a person may receive a refund amount 6 (including any information that a person must 7 give); and 8 (d) prohibit a person or class of persons from 9 claiming, or attempting to claim, payment of a 10 refund amount -- 11 (i) to which they are not entitled under this 12 Act; or 13 (ii) in prescribed circumstances; 14 and 15 (e) require information or documents given by a 16 person to be verified by statutory declaration. 17 47L. Coordinator as refund point operator 18 (1) The Coordinator must not act as a refund point operator 19 unless directed to do so by the Minister. 20 (2) The Minister may direct the Coordinator to act as a 21 refund point operator in respect of a refund point -- 22 (a) if -- 23 (i) persons in part of the community do not 24 have reasonable access to a refund 25 point; and 26 (ii) the Coordinator has not identified 27 another person with whom to enter into 28 a refund point agreement to operate the 29 refund point; 30 or page 16 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 (b) if the achievement of the objects of this Part 2 may be materially adversely affected without 3 the provision of the refund point. 4 47M. Collected or returned containers must not be 5 disposed of in a prohibited manner 6 (1) In this section, an empty container is a collected 7 container if -- 8 (a) a container approval is in force that applies to 9 the beverage product for which the container 10 was used; and 11 (b) the container has been collected or received by 12 an MRF operator (other than where the 13 container was returned to a refund point). 14 (2) In this section, an empty container is a returned 15 container if -- 16 (a) a container approval is in force that applies to 17 the beverage product for which the container 18 was used; and 19 (b) the container has been returned to a refund 20 point. 21 (3) On and after the appointed day for this section, the 22 Coordinator must not dispose of, or allow the disposal 23 of, a collected container or a returned container in a 24 prohibited manner. 25 Penalty for this subsection: a fine of $250 000. 26 (4) On and after the appointed day for this section, an 27 MRF operator must not dispose of, or allow the 28 disposal of, a collected container or a returned 29 container in a prohibited manner. 30 Penalty for this subsection: a fine of $50 000. page 17 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 (5) On and after the appointed day for this section, a 2 person (other than the Coordinator or an MRF 3 operator) must not dispose of, or allow the disposal of, 4 a container in a prohibited manner if -- 5 (a) the container is a collected container or a 6 returned container; and 7 (b) the person knows, or ought reasonably to know, 8 that the container is a collected container or a 9 returned container. 10 Penalty for this subsection: a fine of $50 000. 11 (6) If an exemption has been granted in respect of a 12 container under section 47N, subsections (3), (4) and 13 (5) do not apply to the container. 14 (7) For the purposes of subsections (3), (4) and (5), a 15 person has allowed the disposal of a container in a 16 prohibited manner if -- 17 (a) the person arranged for the container to be 18 disposed of; and 19 (b) when the person made the arrangement, or at 20 any later time prior to the disposal, the person 21 knew, or ought reasonably to have known, that 22 the container was likely to be disposed of in a 23 prohibited manner; and 24 (c) the container was disposed of in a prohibited 25 manner. 26 (8) A person has not disposed of, or allowed the disposal 27 of, a container in a prohibited manner if -- 28 (a) the person took the container, or arranged for 29 the container to be taken, to a facility at which 30 containers of that type can be recycled; and 31 (b) part of the container could not be recycled at 32 the facility; and page 18 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 (c) only that part of the container was disposed of 2 in a prohibited manner. 3 (9) Nothing in this section or section 47N affects the 4 liability of a person for disposing of a container in a 5 manner that contravenes the Environmental Protection 6 Act 1986 or any other written law. 7 47N. Extraordinary circumstances exemption 8 (1) This section applies if a container has become 9 unsuitable to be recycled because of extraordinary 10 circumstances. 11 (2) On and after the appointed day for this section, a 12 person may apply to the CEO for an exemption from 13 the requirements of section 47M in respect of the 14 container. 15 (3) The CEO may grant the exemption, subject to any 16 conditions that the CEO specifies in the exemption, if 17 satisfied that -- 18 (a) the container has become unsuitable to be 19 recycled; and 20 (b) the circumstances that caused the container to 21 become unsuitable to be recycled were 22 extraordinary and either -- 23 (i) could not have reasonably been foreseen 24 by the person; or 25 (ii) were beyond the person's control. 26 (4) A person who has been granted an exemption must 27 comply with any condition specified in the exemption. 28 Penalty for this subsection: a fine of $50 000. page 19 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 Division 4 -- Scheme agreements and scheme 2 participants 3 47O. Supply agreement 4 (1) The Coordinator may enter into a written agreement (a 5 supply agreement) with a person in relation to one or 6 more beverage products that includes provisions 7 about -- 8 (a) unless the regulations provide otherwise, the 9 person's obligation to pay to the Coordinator 10 amounts (supply amounts) to contribute to the 11 costs of -- 12 (i) paying refund amounts in relation to 13 containers used for the beverage 14 products that are returned to refund 15 points; and 16 (ii) paying amounts to MRF operators in 17 relation to containers used for the 18 beverage products that are collected or 19 received by the MRF operators; and 20 (iii) administering the scheme, including the 21 costs of paying other amounts to refund 22 point operators and any other costs 23 reasonably incurred by the Coordinator 24 in carrying out its functions; 25 and 26 (b) any other matter prescribed by the regulations. 27 (2) On and after the appointed day for this section, if a 28 supply agreement requires a person to pay supply 29 amounts, the person must pay the supply amounts to 30 the Coordinator in accordance with this Act and the 31 terms of the supply agreement. 32 Civil penalty: $50 000. page 20 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 (3) The Coordinator must not claim, or attempt to claim, 2 payment from a person under a supply agreement -- 3 (a) if the Coordinator is not entitled to the payment 4 under this Act or the supply agreement; or 5 (b) in any other circumstances prescribed by the 6 regulations. 7 Civil penalty: $50 000. 8 47P. Export rebate agreement 9 (1) In this section -- 10 scheme container means a container in relation to 11 which a supply amount has been paid under a supply 12 agreement. 13 (2) A person exports a beverage product -- 14 (a) if the person supplies the beverage product 15 from the State to a place outside of the State, 16 unless under the regulations the supply of the 17 beverage product is taken not to be an export; 18 or 19 (b) if under the regulations, the person is taken to 20 export the beverage product. 21 (3) The Coordinator may enter into a written agreement 22 (an export rebate agreement) with an exporter that 23 includes provisions about -- 24 (a) the Coordinator's obligation to make payments 25 to the exporter in relation to scheme containers 26 used for beverage products that the person 27 exports; and 28 (b) any other matter prescribed by the regulations. page 21 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 (4) An exporter must not claim, or attempt to claim, 2 payment from the Coordinator under an export rebate 3 agreement -- 4 (a) if the exporter is not entitled to the payment 5 under this Act or the export rebate agreement; 6 or 7 (b) in any other circumstances prescribed by the 8 regulations. 9 Civil penalty: $50 000. 10 47Q. Refund point agreement 11 (1) The Coordinator may enter into a written agreement (a 12 refund point agreement) with a person that includes 13 provisions about -- 14 (a) the Coordinator's obligation to make payments 15 to the person for certain costs incurred by the 16 person in operating a refund point; and 17 (b) any other matter prescribed by the regulations. 18 (2) A refund point operator must not claim, or attempt to 19 claim, payment from the Coordinator under a refund 20 point agreement -- 21 (a) if the refund point operator is not entitled to the 22 payment under this Act or the refund point 23 agreement; or 24 (b) in any other circumstances prescribed by the 25 regulations. 26 Civil penalty: $50 000. 27 47R. Material recovery agreement 28 (1) In this section, a container is an approved container if 29 a container approval is in force that applies to the 30 beverage product for which the container was used. page 22 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 (2) The Coordinator may enter into a written agreement (a 2 material recovery agreement) with an MRF operator 3 that includes provisions about -- 4 (a) the Coordinator's obligation to make payments 5 to the MRF operator in relation to empty 6 approved containers the MRF operator collects 7 or receives (other than containers that have 8 been returned to a refund point); and 9 (b) any other matter prescribed by the regulations. 10 (3) An MRF operator must not claim, or attempt to claim, 11 payment from the Coordinator under a material 12 recovery agreement -- 13 (a) if the MRF operator is not entitled to the 14 payment under this Act or the material recovery 15 agreement; or 16 (b) in any other circumstances prescribed by the 17 regulations. 18 Civil penalty: $50 000. 19 47S. Regulations relating to scheme agreements and 20 scheme participants 21 (1) In this section -- 22 scheme participant means each of the following -- 23 (a) a party to a scheme agreement (other than the 24 Coordinator); 25 (b) any other person who is -- 26 (i) the first responsible supplier of a 27 beverage product; or 28 (ii) an exporter; or 29 (iii) a refund point operator; or 30 (iv) an MRF operator. page 23 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 (2) Regulations may deal with any matter in relation to a 2 scheme participant, a scheme agreement or payments 3 under a scheme agreement. 4 (3) Without limiting subsection (2), regulations may do 5 any of the following -- 6 (a) deal with the content of a scheme agreement, 7 including the matters or terms that must be 8 included in a scheme agreement; 9 (b) require a scheme agreement to be approved by 10 the Minister or CEO or be in a form or format 11 approved by the Minister or CEO; 12 (c) deal with, or with any matter in relation to, the 13 review, amendment, assignment, novation, 14 termination or term of a scheme agreement; 15 (d) deal with, or with any matter in relation to, the 16 following -- 17 (i) the cases or classes of cases in which a 18 supply agreement is not to require a 19 person to pay supply amounts, or is to 20 require a person to pay reduced supply 21 amounts; 22 (ii) the circumstances in which a 23 requirement in a supply agreement to 24 pay supply amounts has effect 25 (including any conditions that must be 26 met before payment is required); 27 (iii) the scheme participants or classes of 28 scheme participants that may be entitled 29 to payment under a scheme agreement; 30 (iv) the circumstances in which a scheme 31 participant is entitled to payment under 32 a scheme agreement (including any 33 conditions that must be met before a page 24 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 scheme participant is entitled to 2 payment); 3 (v) how the amounts to be paid under a 4 scheme agreement are to be calculated; 5 (vi) without limiting subparagraph (v), how 6 supply amounts under a supply 7 agreement are to be calculated, 8 including the means for estimating the 9 number of containers that will be 10 returned to refund points that were used 11 for beverage products to which the 12 supply agreement relates; 13 (vii) without limiting subparagraph (v), how 14 payments under an MRF agreement are 15 to be calculated, including the means for 16 estimating the number of containers 17 collected or received by an MRF 18 operator; 19 (viii) the terms and conditions of payment 20 under a scheme agreement; 21 (ix) the manner in which the Coordinator or 22 a scheme participant is required to make 23 claims for payment under a scheme 24 agreement; 25 (x) the assessment of claims for payment 26 under a scheme agreement; 27 (e) impose obligations on a scheme participant, 28 including in relation to complying with a 29 scheme agreement, supplying beverage 30 products, exporting beverage products, 31 operating refund points, collecting or receiving 32 beverage products, record keeping and 33 reporting; page 25 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 (f) require information or documents given by a 2 scheme participant or the Coordinator to be 3 verified by statutory declaration; 4 (g) deal with, or with any matter in relation to, an 5 MRF operator sharing, with a local government 6 operating a waste collection service, payments 7 received by the MRF operator from the 8 Coordinator, including -- 9 (i) agreements between MRF operators and 10 the local governments in respect of the 11 sharing of payments, including the 12 period within which an agreement must 13 be reached, and the consequences of 14 failing to reach an agreement; and 15 (ii) how payments are to be shared in the 16 absence of any agreement. 17 47T. Content of scheme agreements not limited 18 Subject to the regulations, nothing in this Division 19 limits the matters for which a scheme agreement may 20 provide. 21 Division 5 -- Coordinator of the scheme 22 Subdivision 1 -- Preliminary 23 47U. Terms used 24 (1) In this Division -- 25 beverage supplier means -- 26 (a) a person who supplies beverage products; or 27 (b) a person who does not supply beverage 28 products, but who is taken under this Act to be 29 the first responsible supplier of a beverage 30 product; page 26 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 business associate, of a corporation means -- 2 (a) a member or shareholder of the corporation; or 3 (b) a person who otherwise holds a beneficial 4 interest in the corporation; or 5 (c) another person whom the Minister is satisfied is 6 associated with the ownership or management 7 of the corporation or is in a position to control 8 or influence the affairs of the corporation, 9 but does not include an executive officer of the 10 corporation; 11 corporation has the meaning given in the Corporations 12 Act section 57A; 13 executive officer, of a corporation, means a person 14 (whatever the person's position is called and whether 15 or not the person is a director of the corporation) 16 who -- 17 (a) is a member of the governing body of the 18 corporation; or 19 (b) is concerned with, or takes part in, the 20 corporation's management; 21 independent of the beverage industry, in relation to a 22 person, means that the person is not a beverage 23 supplier or an executive officer, employee or business 24 associate of a beverage supplier; 25 independent of the waste industry, in relation to a 26 person, means that the person is not a provider of a 27 waste service, or an executive officer, employee or 28 business associate of a provider of a waste service; 29 major beverage supplier means a beverage supplier 30 other than a minor beverage supplier; 31 minor beverage supplier means a beverage supplier or 32 class of beverage suppliers that is prescribed by the 33 regulations to be a minor beverage supplier. page 27 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 47V. Eligible company 2 (1) An eligible company is a company that -- 3 (a) is carried on other than for the profit or gain of 4 its individual members; and 5 (b) has a constitution that complies with 6 subsection (2). 7 (2) The constitution of a company complies with this 8 subsection if it, at all times -- 9 (a) requires the company to maintain a board, 10 constituted by 9 directors, that has the 11 composition required under subsection (3); and 12 (b) prohibits dividends being paid to, or the 13 income, profits or assets of the company being 14 distributed among, its members; and 15 (c) requires the persons appointed or employed as 16 executive officers of the company to be eligible 17 individuals; and 18 (d) includes provisions about -- 19 (i) the way the chair and directors are 20 appointed and removed; and 21 (ii) the way the chair and directors vote on 22 and decide matters; and 23 (iii) the remuneration and other entitlements 24 of the chair and directors; and 25 (iv) the way the constitution is amended; 26 and 27 (v) any other matter prescribed by the 28 regulations. 29 (3) The required composition of the board is the 30 following -- 31 (a) a chair who is -- 32 (i) a director; and page 28 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 (ii) independent of the beverage industry; 2 and 3 (iii) independent of the waste industry; and 4 (iv) approved by the Minister; 5 (b) at least 1 director who is an executive officer, 6 employee or business associate of a minor 7 beverage supplier or an association that 8 represents minor beverage suppliers; 9 (c) at least 1 director who is an executive officer, 10 employee or business associate of a major 11 beverage supplier; 12 (d) at least 1 director who -- 13 (i) is independent of the beverage industry; 14 and 15 (ii) has experience in the recycling and 16 waste industry (including, but not 17 limited to, experience in waste recovery, 18 processing, transport or logistics); 19 (e) in addition to the chair, at least 1 other director 20 who -- 21 (i) represents the interests of the 22 community; and 23 (ii) is independent of the beverage industry; 24 and 25 (iii) is independent of the waste industry; 26 and 27 (iv) is approved by the Minister; 28 (f) at least 2 other directors who -- 29 (i) have legal or financial qualifications 30 and experience; and page 29 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 (ii) are independent of the beverage 2 industry; and 3 (iii) are independent of the waste industry. 4 (4) Regulations may deal with any matter in relation to the 5 Minister's approval under subsection (3)(a)(iv) and 6 (e)(iv) and may (without limitation) deal with the 7 grounds on which the Minister may refuse to approve a 8 person. 9 Subdivision 2 -- Appointment of Coordinator of the scheme 10 47W. Office of Coordinator of the scheme 11 (1) An office of Coordinator of the scheme is established. 12 (2) The office of Coordinator of the scheme is not -- 13 (a) an office in the Public Service; or 14 (b) an organisation for the purposes of the Public 15 Sector Management Act 1994; or 16 (c) an office established for a public purpose. 17 (3) The Public Sector Management Act 1994 does not 18 apply to, or in relation to, the appointment of the 19 Coordinator and the Coordinator is not subject to that 20 Act. 21 (4) The Coordinator is not an agent of the State and does 22 not have the status, immunities and privileges of the 23 State. 24 47X. Appointment of Coordinator 25 (1) The Minister may appoint an eligible company to the 26 office of Coordinator of the scheme. 27 (2) The Minister may invite eligible companies to apply 28 for appointment to the office of Coordinator of the page 30 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 scheme, and may assess any applications received, in 2 any manner the Minister considers appropriate. 3 (3) The appointment of an eligible company to the office 4 of Coordinator of the scheme must be by notice in 5 writing given to the eligible company. 6 (4) The notice must specify -- 7 (a) the day on which the eligible company is to 8 commence occupying the office; and 9 (b) whether the appointment is indefinite or for a 10 period specified in the notice; and 11 (c) any other matter prescribed by the regulations. 12 47Y. Conditions of appointment 13 (1) The Minister may attach conditions to an appointment 14 under section 47X(1). 15 (2) The conditions must be specified in the notice of 16 appointment. 17 (3) Regulations may deal with any matter in relation to the 18 Minister's power to attach conditions under 19 subsection (1) or amend or revoke or attach new 20 conditions under section 47ZQ(1)(a) and may (without 21 limitation) deal with the content of a condition or 22 amendment. 23 47Z. Functions of Coordinator 24 (1) The Coordinator's main function is to administer and 25 provide governance for the scheme. 26 (2) Without limiting subsection (1), the Coordinator has 27 the following functions -- 28 (a) to enter into, and manage, supply agreements in 29 order to ensure contributions are made to the 30 costs of the scheme; page 31 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 (b) to establish and maintain databases of container 2 approvals and scheme agreements; 3 (c) to enter into, and manage, export rebate 4 agreements; 5 (d) to establish a network of refund points by 6 entering into refund point agreements and, if 7 directed to do so by the Minister, by acting as a 8 refund point operator; 9 (e) to enter into, and manage, refund point 10 agreements; 11 (f) to enter into, and manage, material recovery 12 agreements; 13 (g) to ensure arrangements are in place for -- 14 (i) returning and collecting containers; and 15 (ii) handling, sorting, processing, verifying, 16 transporting and recycling containers 17 that have been returned to a refund point 18 or collected or received by an MRF 19 operator; 20 (h) to determine the amounts payable under the 21 scheme to and by the Coordinator under 22 scheme agreements; 23 (i) to make and receive the payments referred to in 24 paragraph (h); 25 (j) to ensure arrangements are in place for 26 verifying the validity of payments claimed and 27 made under the scheme; 28 (k) to raise and maintain public awareness of the 29 scheme, including how the scheme operates and 30 the location of refund points; 31 (l) to receive and deal with complaints relating to 32 the scheme from members of the public and 33 entities participating in the scheme; page 32 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 (m) to obtain data on recycling rates for containers 2 prior to the commencement of the scheme and 3 throughout its operation in order to measure the 4 outcomes of the scheme; 5 (n) any other functions given under this Act or 6 another Act. 7 (3) Regulations may deal with any matter in relation to the 8 Coordinator's functions, and may (without 9 limitation) -- 10 (a) give the Coordinator additional functions; and 11 (b) deal with any matter in relation to the 12 Coordinator's performance of its functions. 13 47ZA. Powers of Coordinator 14 The Coordinator has all the powers it needs to perform 15 its functions. 16 47ZB. Delegation by Coordinator 17 (1) The Coordinator may delegate any function of the 18 Coordinator under another provision of this Act or 19 another written law to -- 20 (a) a director of the Coordinator; or 21 (b) the chief executive officer of the Coordinator 22 (however described); or 23 (c) an appropriately qualified employee of the 24 Coordinator. 25 (2) The delegation must be in writing executed by the 26 Coordinator. 27 (3) Except as provided in subsection (4), a person to whom 28 a function is delegated under this section cannot 29 delegate that function. page 33 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 (4) A delegation under subsection (1)(b) to the chief 2 executive officer of the Coordinator (however 3 described) may expressly authorise the chief executive 4 officer to further delegate the function to an 5 appropriately qualified employee of the Coordinator. 6 (5) A person performing a function that has been delegated 7 to the person under this section is taken to do so in 8 accordance with the terms of the delegation, unless the 9 contrary is shown. 10 (6) Nothing in this section limits the ability of the 11 Coordinator to perform a function through an officer or 12 agent. 13 Subdivision 3 -- Operations of Coordinator 14 47ZC. Coordinator must not act unfairly 15 (1) In negotiating, entering into, performing obligations 16 under or enforcing a scheme agreement, the 17 Coordinator must not act unfairly, or unreasonably 18 discriminate, against or in favour of any person. 19 (2) The Coordinator must not enter into an agreement that 20 is, or contains a provision that is, inconsistent with this 21 Act. 22 47ZD. Coordinator performance targets 23 Regulations may deal with any matter in relation to 24 performance targets for the Coordinator, and may 25 (without limitation) deal with, or with any matter in 26 relation to -- 27 (a) the performance targets and other measures by 28 which the performance of the Coordinator is to 29 be judged, which may include targets in 30 relation to -- 31 (i) the number, location and accessibility to 32 the public of refund points; and page 34 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 (ii) the rate of return or collection of 2 containers (including by reference to 3 any particular area of operation); 4 and 5 (b) the period for which a performance target is to 6 be judged; and 7 (c) how the Coordinator is to report on its 8 performance against a performance target; and 9 (d) the consequences of the Coordinator failing to 10 achieve a performance target, which may 11 include the Minister giving a written direction, 12 appointing an administrator to the Coordinator, 13 or amending or revoking the appointment of the 14 Coordinator. 15 47ZE. Business plan of Coordinator 16 (1) The Coordinator must prepare a draft business plan and 17 give it to the Minister at each of the following times -- 18 (a) in the case of the first draft business plan given 19 by a particular Coordinator -- at a time 20 directed by the Minister; 21 (b) in the case of subsequent plans -- no later than 22 3 months before the start of each financial year 23 that has not been covered by a business plan 24 given to the Minister. 25 (2) A draft business plan given under subsection (1) must 26 cover the following period (the relevant period) -- 27 (a) in the case of a plan given under 28 subsection (1)(a) -- the period directed by the 29 Minister; and 30 (b) in any other case -- the financial year 31 following the day on which the plan is given. page 35 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 (3) A draft business plan must be prepared and given in 2 accordance with any requirements prescribed by the 3 regulations and must include -- 4 (a) a budget of estimated costs of the scheme for 5 the relevant period, including the estimated 6 costs of -- 7 (i) the Coordinator; and 8 (ii) refund amounts to be paid under the 9 scheme; and 10 (iii) the operation of refund points, including 11 handling, sorting, processing, verifying, 12 transporting and recycling containers; 13 and 14 (b) in the case of -- 15 (i) a plan given under subsection (1)(a) -- 16 a strategic plan for the duration of the 17 Coordinator's term of appointment or 18 any other period directed by the 19 Minister; and 20 (ii) any subsequent plan -- an update of the 21 original strategic plan for the duration of 22 the Coordinator's term of appointment 23 or any other period directed by the 24 Minister; 25 and 26 (c) an operational plan for the relevant period. 27 47ZF. Approval of business plan 28 (1) In this section -- 29 relevant period means a financial year or another 30 period referred to in section 47ZE(2)(a). page 36 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 (2) If the Coordinator gives the Minister a draft business 2 plan in relation to a relevant period under section 47ZE 3 or subsection (3), the Minister may, by written 4 notice -- 5 (a) approve the draft business plan; or 6 (b) direct the Coordinator to, within the period 7 specified in the notice -- 8 (i) take specified steps in relation to the 9 draft business plan or make specified 10 modifications to the draft business plan; 11 and 12 (ii) submit a revised draft business plan. 13 (3) The Coordinator must comply with a direction under 14 subsection (2)(b) as soon as is practicable and in any 15 event within the period specified in the notice. 16 (4) A draft business plan in relation to a relevant period 17 that has been approved under subsection (2)(a) is the 18 business plan for that period. 19 (5) If the Minister has not approved a draft business plan 20 in relation to a relevant period before the start of that 21 period, the business plan for that period is, until a 22 business plan is approved for the period, the business 23 plan for the previous relevant period with any 24 modifications determined by the Minister. 25 47ZG. Amendment to business plan 26 (1) The Coordinator may amend a business plan during the 27 period covered by the plan. 28 (2) The Coordinator must give the amended business plan 29 to the Minister within 10 business days after making 30 the amendment. 31 (3) The Minister may, by written notice, approve the 32 amended business plan. page 37 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 (4) An amendment to a business plan, other than a minor 2 amendment that does not materially change the plan, 3 has no effect until the amended business plan has been 4 approved by the Minister. 5 47ZH. Compliance with business plan 6 (1) In this section -- 7 business plan, for a period, means the business plan 8 that is the business plan for that period under 9 section 47ZF(4) or (5), as amended by any 10 amendments that have effect under section 47ZG. 11 (2) The Coordinator must have regard to the business plan 12 for the current period in carrying out its functions. 13 (3) The Coordinator must not depart significantly from the 14 business plan for the current period without first 15 obtaining the approval of the Minister. 16 (4) The Coordinator must ensure that a copy of the 17 business plan for the current period is -- 18 (a) available for inspection by members of the 19 public at its principal place of business 20 whenever that place is open to the public; and 21 (b) published on the internet. 22 47ZI. Reporting by Coordinator 23 Regulations may deal with any matter in relation to the 24 provision or publication of information by the 25 Coordinator or the reporting and notification 26 obligations of the Coordinator, and may (without 27 limitation) -- 28 (a) require the Coordinator to provide or publish 29 prescribed information or a prescribed class of 30 information; and page 38 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 (b) prescribe the format of information to be 2 provided or published; and 3 (c) require the Coordinator to notify the Minister 4 about a prescribed matter or event. 5 47ZJ. Notification of events 6 (1) In this section -- 7 criminal record check, in relation to a person, means a 8 document issued by the Police Force of Western 9 Australia, the Australian Federal Police or the police 10 force of another State or a Territory that sets out the 11 criminal convictions (if any) of the person for offences 12 under the law of the State, the Commonwealth or the 13 other State or Territory. 14 (2) The Coordinator must notify the CEO within 10 15 business days after any of the following events 16 happens -- 17 (a) the Coordinator ceases to be an eligible 18 company; 19 (b) an executive officer of the Coordinator ceases 20 to be an eligible individual; 21 (c) the appointment or employment of an executive 22 officer of the Coordinator ends; 23 (d) a person is appointed or employed as an 24 executive officer of the Coordinator; 25 (e) a shareholder or member of the Coordinator 26 ceases to be a shareholder or member of the 27 Coordinator; 28 (f) a person becomes a shareholder or member of 29 the Coordinator; 30 (g) the Coordinator becomes aware that a business 31 associate of the Coordinator is not an eligible 32 individual. page 39 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 (3) A notice about an event mentioned in subsection (2)(a) 2 must include the Coordinator's plan and timetable for 3 making the Coordinator an eligible company. 4 (4) A notice about an event mentioned in subsection (2)(d) 5 or (f) must be accompanied by the signed consent of 6 the person who is the subject of the notice to -- 7 (a) the collection of personal or background 8 information about the person by the CEO; and 9 (b) a criminal record check. 10 47ZK. CEO to have access to information, agreements and 11 databases 12 (1) In this section -- 13 document includes any tape, disk or other device or 14 medium on which information is recorded or stored; 15 information means information specified, or of a 16 description specified, by the CEO that relates to the 17 functions of the Coordinator. 18 (2) The CEO is entitled -- 19 (a) to have information in the possession of the 20 Coordinator and, if the information is in or on a 21 document, to have, and make and retain copies 22 of, that document; and 23 (b) without limiting paragraph (a) -- 24 (i) to have, and make and retain copies of, 25 any scheme agreement; and 26 (ii) to have access to, and extract and retain 27 data from, any database established by 28 the Coordinator under this Act. page 40 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 (3) For the purposes of subsection (2) the CEO may 2 request the Coordinator to -- 3 (a) provide information, agreements or data to the 4 CEO; and 5 (b) give the CEO access to information, 6 agreements or a database. 7 (4) The Coordinator must comply with a request under 8 subsection (3). 9 Subdivision 4 -- Scheme Account 10 47ZL. Terms used 11 In this Subdivision -- 12 approved governance plan, for a Scheme Account, 13 means the plan most recently approved by the CEO for 14 that Scheme Account under section 47ZM(4), as 15 amended by any amendments that have effect under 16 section 47ZM; 17 bank account means an account held at a bank as 18 defined in the Financial Management Act 2006 19 section 3; 20 scheme funds means any moneys prescribed by the 21 regulations. 22 47ZM. Governance plan for Scheme Account 23 (1) The Coordinator must prepare a draft governance plan 24 for a Scheme Account and give it to the CEO at each 25 time directed by the CEO. 26 (2) A draft governance plan must be prepared and given in 27 accordance with any requirements prescribed by the 28 regulations and must -- 29 (a) in the case of the first draft governance plan 30 given by a particular Coordinator -- set out the 31 Coordinator's proposed governance page 41 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 arrangements for a Scheme Account, including 2 details of -- 3 (i) how the funds in the Scheme Account 4 will be controlled and accounted for 5 during the Coordinator's appointment; 6 and 7 (ii) how the funds in the Scheme Account 8 will be transferred to the person who 9 replaces the Coordinator as Coordinator 10 following any expiry, revocation or 11 other termination of the Coordinator's 12 appointment; 13 and 14 (b) in the case of any subsequent plan -- consist of 15 an update of the original governance plan. 16 (3) Subsection (1) does not apply to an Interim 17 Coordinator. 18 (4) If the Coordinator gives the CEO a draft governance 19 plan under subsection (1) or (5), the CEO may, by 20 written notice -- 21 (a) approve the draft governance plan; or 22 (b) direct the Coordinator to, within the period 23 specified in the notice -- 24 (i) take specified steps in relation to the 25 draft governance plan or make specified 26 modifications to the draft governance 27 plan; and 28 (ii) submit a revised draft governance plan. 29 (5) The Coordinator must comply with a direction under 30 subsection (4)(b) as soon as is practicable and in any 31 event within the period specified in the notice. page 42 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 (6) If the Coordinator wishes to amend the governance 2 plan, the Coordinator must give the amended 3 governance plan to the CEO within 10 business days 4 after making the amendment. 5 (7) The CEO may, by written notice, approve the amended 6 governance plan. 7 (8) An amendment to a governance plan, other than a 8 minor amendment that does not materially change the 9 plan, has no effect until the amended governance plan 10 has been approved by the CEO. 11 47ZN. Scheme Account 12 (1) The Coordinator must establish a bank account (the 13 Scheme Account) in accordance with subsection (2). 14 Penalty for this subsection: 15 (a) a fine of $250 000; 16 (b) a daily penalty of a fine of $2 500 for each 17 day or part of a day during which the offence 18 continues. 19 (2) The Scheme Account must be established by the 20 Coordinator -- 21 (a) after the first occasion on which the CEO 22 approves a draft governance plan given to the 23 CEO under section 47ZM by that Coordinator; 24 and 25 (b) before the earlier of -- 26 (i) 10 business days after the approval; or 27 (ii) the day on which the Coordinator 28 commences occupying the office of 29 Coordinator of the scheme. page 43 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 (3) The Coordinator must maintain the Scheme Account in 2 accordance with this Act and the approved governance 3 plan for the Scheme Account. 4 Penalty for this subsection: a fine of $250 000. 5 (4) The Coordinator -- 6 (a) must credit all scheme funds to the Scheme 7 Account; and 8 (b) must not credit any moneys other than scheme 9 funds to the Scheme Account. 10 Penalty for this subsection: a fine of $250 000. 11 47ZO. Regulations relating to Scheme Account and 12 governance plans 13 Regulations may deal with any matter in relation to the 14 Scheme Account, the use of moneys in the Scheme 15 Account, draft governance plans or approved 16 governance plans for the Scheme Account. 17 Subdivision 5 -- Appointment of administrator or Interim 18 Coordinator and other Ministerial powers 19 47ZP. Ministerial directions 20 (1) The Minister may -- 21 (a) give written directions to the Coordinator with 22 respect to the performance of its functions 23 under this or any other Act, either generally or 24 in relation to a particular matter; and 25 (b) amend or revoke a direction given under 26 paragraph (a). page 44 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 (2) Regulations may deal with any matter in relation to a 2 power of the Minister under subsection (1) and may 3 (without limitation) deal with -- 4 (a) the grounds on which the Minister may give, 5 amend or revoke a direction; and 6 (b) the process that must be followed in relation to 7 the giving, amending or revoking of a direction; 8 and 9 (c) the content of a direction or amendment. 10 (3) The Coordinator must comply with a direction given 11 under subsection (1). 12 Civil penalty: $125 000. 13 47ZQ. Amendment, administration and revocation 14 (1) The Minister may, if the Minister considers it 15 appropriate, do any one or more of the following -- 16 (a) amend or revoke the conditions that apply to 17 the appointment of the Coordinator or attach 18 new conditions to the appointment; 19 (b) appoint an administrator to the Coordinator or 20 remove an administrator that has been 21 appointed; 22 (c) revoke the appointment of the Coordinator. 23 (2) Without limiting the grounds on which the Minister 24 may exercise a power under subsection (1), the 25 Minister may exercise the power if the Coordinator has 26 contravened a provision of this Part or a regulation 27 made for the purposes of this Part. 28 (3) Regulations may deal with any matter in relation to a 29 power of the Minister under subsection (1) and may 30 (without limitation) deal with -- 31 (a) the grounds on which the Minister may exercise 32 a power under subsection (1); and page 45 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 (b) the process that must be followed in relation to 2 the Minister's exercise of a power under 3 subsection (1). 4 (4) Nothing in this Subdivision is intended to exclude or 5 limit the operation of the Corporations Act Chapter 5. 6 47ZR. Appointment of administrator 7 (1) This section applies if the Minister appoints an 8 administrator to the Coordinator under 9 section 47ZQ(1)(b). 10 (2) The Minister may, in the notice of appointment -- 11 (a) limit the functions or powers of the 12 administrator; or 13 (b) attach conditions to the appointment of the 14 administrator. 15 (3) Subject to any limits and conditions in its notice of 16 appointment, an administrator, during the 17 administrator's term of appointment and to the 18 exclusion of any other person -- 19 (a) has control of the Coordinator's business, 20 property and affairs; and 21 (b) may carry on that business and manage that 22 property and those affairs; and 23 (c) may terminate or dispose of all or part of that 24 business, and may dispose of any of that 25 property; and 26 (d) may perform any function that the Coordinator 27 or any of its officers could perform if the 28 administrator had not been appointed; and 29 (e) has the other functions stated in the 30 administrator's notice of appointment. page 46 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 (4) Nothing in subsection (3) limits the generality of 2 anything else in it. 3 (5) Subject to any limits and conditions in its notice of 4 appointment, the administrator has all the powers it 5 needs to perform its functions. 6 (6) When performing a function the administrator is taken 7 to be acting as the Coordinator's agent. 8 (7) The appointment of an administrator under 9 section 47ZQ(1)(b) ends by force of this subsection if 10 an administrator is appointed to the Coordinator under 11 the Corporations Act Part 5.3A. 12 (8) Regulations may deal with any matter in relation to an 13 administrator appointed under section 47ZQ(1)(b). 14 47ZS. Only the administrator can deal with the 15 Coordinator's property 16 (1) In this section -- 17 Australian ADI has the meaning given in the 18 Corporations Act section 9; 19 Court means the Supreme Court of Western Australia. 20 (2) This section applies if -- 21 (a) an administrator is appointed to the Coordinator 22 under section 47ZQ(1)(b); and 23 (b) during the term of the administrator's 24 appointment, the Coordinator purports to enter 25 into, or a person purports to enter into on behalf 26 of the Coordinator, a transaction or dealing 27 affecting property of the Coordinator. 28 (3) The transaction or dealing is void unless -- 29 (a) the administrator entered into it on the 30 Coordinator's behalf; or page 47 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 (b) the administrator consented to it in writing 2 before it was entered into; or 3 (c) it was entered into under an order of the Court. 4 (4) Subsection (3) does not apply to a payment made -- 5 (a) by an Australian ADI out of an account kept by 6 the Coordinator with the ADI; and 7 (b) in good faith and in the ordinary course of the 8 ADI's banking business; and 9 (c) on or before the day on which the administrator 10 gives to the Australian ADI written notice of 11 the administrator's appointment. 12 (5) Subsection (3) has effect subject to an order that the 13 Court makes after the purported transaction or dealing. 14 (6) If, because of subsection (3), the transaction or dealing 15 is void, or would be void apart from subsection (5), an 16 officer or employee of the Coordinator commits an 17 offence if the officer or employee -- 18 (a) purported to enter into the transaction or 19 dealing on the Coordinator's behalf; or 20 (b) was in any other way, by act or omission, 21 directly or indirectly, knowingly concerned in, 22 or party to, the transaction or dealing. 23 Penalty for this subsection: a fine of $10 000. 24 47ZT. Interim Coordinator 25 (1) If the appointment of a company to the office of 26 Coordinator of the scheme is revoked or otherwise 27 terminated, the Minister may appoint a person (the 28 Interim Coordinator) to perform the functions of the 29 Coordinator for a specified period or until the Minister 30 appoints an eligible company to the office of 31 Coordinator of the scheme under section 47X. page 48 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 (2) The Minister may, in the notice of appointment -- 2 (a) limit the functions or powers of the Interim 3 Coordinator; or 4 (b) attach conditions to the appointment of the 5 Interim Coordinator. 6 (3) Subject to any limits and conditions in its notice of 7 appointment, the Interim Coordinator, during its term 8 of appointment and to the exclusion of any other 9 person -- 10 (a) has the functions of the Coordinator under this 11 Act; and 12 (b) has any other functions stated in the notice of 13 appointment. 14 (4) Subject to any limits and conditions in its notice of 15 appointment, the Interim Coordinator has all the 16 powers it needs to perform its functions. 17 (5) Unless this Act expressly provides otherwise, or the 18 context otherwise requires, during the term of an 19 Interim Coordinator's appointment, this Act applies to 20 the Interim Coordinator as if a reference in this Act to 21 the Coordinator were a reference to the Interim 22 Coordinator. 23 (6) The application of this Act to the Interim Coordinator 24 under subsection (5) is subject to any modifications 25 that are necessary or are prescribed by the regulations. 26 (7) Regulations may deal with any matter in relation to the 27 Interim Coordinator. 28 47ZU. Remuneration and costs 29 (1) If a person appointed as an administrator under 30 section 47ZQ(1)(b) or as an Interim Coordinator under 31 section 47ZT(1) is not employed in the Public Sector 32 (as defined in the Public Sector Management page 49 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 Act 1994), the person is entitled to be paid the 2 remuneration determined by the CEO. 3 (2) The costs of and incidental to the performance of the 4 functions of an administrator appointed under 5 section 47ZQ(1)(b) are payable by the company to 6 which the administrator is appointed. 7 (3) Unless the CEO directs otherwise, the costs of and 8 incidental to the performance of the functions of an 9 Interim Coordinator are payable by the company (not 10 itself also being an Interim Coordinator) that was the 11 Coordinator most recently before the Interim 12 Coordinator. 13 47ZV. Providing assistance 14 (1) An administrator appointed under section 47ZQ(1)(b) 15 may, for the purpose of performing its functions, by a 16 notice given to an officer or employee or former officer 17 or employee of the Coordinator, require the person 18 to -- 19 (a) produce documents in the person's possession 20 that the administrator reasonably requires to 21 perform the functions; or 22 (b) provide other information or assistance the 23 administrator reasonably requires to perform 24 the functions. 25 (2) An Interim Coordinator may, for the purpose of 26 performing its functions, by a notice given to an officer 27 or employee or former officer or employee of a person 28 who was previously the Coordinator, require the officer 29 or employee or former officer or employee to -- 30 (a) produce documents in the possession of the 31 officer or employee or former officer or 32 employee that the Interim Coordinator 33 reasonably requires to perform the functions; or page 50 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 (b) provide other information or assistance the 2 Interim Coordinator reasonably requires to 3 perform the functions. 4 (3) A person must comply with a requirement under 5 subsection (1) or (2) unless the person has a reasonable 6 excuse. 7 Penalty for this subsection: 8 (a) a fine of $10 000; 9 (b) a daily penalty of a fine of $1 000 for each 10 day or part of a day during which the offence 11 continues. 12 (4) It is a reasonable excuse for an individual not to 13 comply with the requirement if doing so might tend to 14 incriminate the individual. 15 47ZW. Review by State Administrative Tribunal 16 (1) In this section -- 17 affected person means -- 18 (a) a company that has been appointed to the office 19 of Coordinator of the scheme; or 20 (b) a person who has been appointed to perform the 21 functions of the Coordinator under 22 section 47ZT(1). 23 (2) An affected person may apply to the State 24 Administrative Tribunal for a review of -- 25 (a) the Minister's decision to amend or revoke the 26 conditions that apply to the appointment of the 27 affected person, or to attach new conditions to 28 the appointment (except where the amendment, 29 revocation or attachment was made or done at 30 the request of, or with the agreement of, the 31 affected person); or page 51 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 (b) the Minister's decision to appoint an 2 administrator to the affected person; or 3 (c) the Minister's decision to revoke the 4 appointment of the affected person; or 5 (d) the Minister's decision to give the affected 6 person a direction under section 47ZP. 7 Subdivision 6 -- Transitional arrangements 8 47ZX. Transitional arrangements between Coordinators 9 Regulations may deal with any matter in relation to the 10 transition from a person who is, or has been, the 11 Coordinator or an Interim Coordinator (the previous 12 Coordinator) to a person who subsequently is to, or 13 has, become the Coordinator or an Interim Coordinator 14 (the subsequent Coordinator) and may (without 15 limitation), deal with, or with any matter in relation to 16 the following -- 17 (a) the transfer of funds from the Scheme Account 18 established by the previous Coordinator, or the 19 subsequent Coordinator's access to that Scheme 20 Account or funds in that Scheme Account; 21 (b) the novation, from the previous Coordinator to 22 the subsequent Coordinator, of any agreement 23 or class of agreements the previous Coordinator 24 has entered into in relation to the scheme 25 (despite anything in the agreements to the 26 contrary); 27 (c) the amendment, modification, assignment or 28 termination of any agreement or class of 29 agreements the previous Coordinator has 30 entered into in relation to the scheme (despite 31 anything in the agreements to the contrary); page 52 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 (d) the production of documents in the previous 2 Coordinator's possession to the subsequent 3 Coordinator; 4 (e) the provision of information, databases, assets 5 or assistance by the previous Coordinator to the 6 subsequent Coordinator. 7 Division 6 -- Miscellaneous 8 47ZY. Penalties for Coordinator, Interim Coordinator and 9 directors of Coordinator 10 (1) If an offence under this Part expressly applies to the 11 Coordinator, the penalty that is expressed to apply to 12 that offence is, for the purposes of the Sentencing 13 Act 1995 section 40, a statutory penalty expressly 14 provided for a body corporate. 15 (2) If the Coordinator commits an offence under this Act 16 and, by virtue of section 93 and the Environmental 17 Protection Act 1986 section 118, a person who is a 18 director or who is concerned in the management of the 19 Coordinator is convicted of the same offence, the 20 person is liable to a fine that is one-fifth of the 21 maximum fine that could be imposed on a company 22 occupying the office of Coordinator of the scheme 23 convicted of the offence under this Act. 24 (3) If the Interim Coordinator is an individual and is 25 convicted of an offence that expressly applies to the 26 Coordinator, the Interim Coordinator is liable to a fine 27 that is one-fifth of the maximum fine that could be 28 imposed on a company occupying the office of 29 Coordinator of the scheme convicted of the offence 30 under this Act. page 53 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 47ZZ. Civil penalty provisions 2 (1) In this section -- 3 civil penalty, for a civil penalty provision, means -- 4 (a) in the case of a provision referred to in 5 paragraph (a) of the definition of civil penalty 6 provision, the amount following the expression 7 "Civil penalty:" below that provision; or 8 (b) in the case of a provision referred to in 9 paragraph (b) of the definition of civil penalty 10 provision, the amount prescribed under 11 regulations referred to in subsection (2)(b). 12 civil penalty provision means -- 13 (a) a provision of this Act below which the 14 expression "Civil penalty:" followed by an 15 amount, expressed in dollars, appears; or 16 (b) a provision of the regulations prescribed as a 17 civil penalty provision under regulations 18 referred to in subsection (2)(a). 19 (2) Regulations may -- 20 (a) provide that a provision of the regulations that 21 imposes an obligation on a person (including an 22 obligation in relation to compliance with 23 prescribed provisions of a scheme agreement) 24 is a civil penalty provision; and 25 (b) prescribe, for a contravention of a provision 26 referred to in paragraph (a), the amount that 27 may, in accordance with the regulations, be 28 demanded from or imposed on a person who 29 contravenes the civil penalty provision, being 30 an amount not exceeding $25 000; and page 54 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 (c) provide for and regulate the taking of 2 proceedings in respect of an alleged 3 contravention of a civil penalty provision (civil 4 penalty proceedings); and 5 (d) provide for the making of an order that a person 6 found in civil penalty proceedings to have 7 contravened the civil penalty provision is to pay 8 an amount not exceeding the civil penalty for 9 the civil penalty provision; and 10 (e) provide for other orders that can be made in 11 civil penalty proceedings; and 12 (f) provide for the enforcement of orders made in 13 civil penalty proceedings generally, and in 14 particular, provide for the demand for payment 15 of the civil penalty and the enforcement of that 16 demand; and 17 (g) provide for the manner in which amounts 18 received by way of civil penalties are to be 19 dealt with and applied. 20 47ZZA. Inconsistent provision has no effect 21 Unless the regulations provide otherwise, a provision 22 of any of the following agreements has no effect to the 23 extent the provision is inconsistent with this Act -- 24 (a) a scheme agreement; 25 (b) any other agreement entered into by the 26 Coordinator, a first responsible supplier of a 27 beverage product, an exporter, a refund point 28 operator or an MRF operator, in each case in 29 order to carry out its functions under this Act or 30 to implement the scheme. page 55 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 47ZZB. Beverages consumed on interstate or international 2 journeys 3 Regulations may deal with, or with any matter in 4 relation to, beverage products supplied, used or 5 consumed on interstate or international journeys that 6 begin or end in, or pass through, the State and may 7 (without limitation) provide for payment obligations 8 and the payment of refund amounts. 9 47ZZC. Power to require information or material 10 (1) In this section -- 11 authorised person means the CEO or a person 12 authorised, for the purposes of this section, in writing 13 by the CEO; 14 relevant matter means the following -- 15 (a) the scheme, including its administration and 16 proper operation; 17 (b) the performance of the Coordinator; 18 (c) compliance with this Act or any contractual 19 arrangements relating to the scheme. 20 (2) An authorised person may require a person -- 21 (a) to provide oral or written answers to specified 22 questions in relation to a relevant matter; or 23 (b) to produce to the authorised person specified 24 material or material of a specified class that 25 is -- 26 (i) in relation to a relevant matter; and 27 (ii) in the person's possession or control. 28 (3) The authorised person may make the requirement -- 29 (a) if an oral response is required -- orally; or 30 (b) in any other case -- by notice given to the 31 person to whom the requirement is addressed. page 56 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 (4) The authorised person must -- 2 (a) allow a person a reasonable time within which 3 to comply with the requirement; and 4 (b) if the requirement is made by notice given to 5 the person, specify the time allowed in the 6 notice. 7 (5) The authorised person may require a person to verify 8 information or documents by statutory declaration. 9 (6) A person must comply with a requirement under this 10 section within the time allowed under subsection (4) or 11 within any further time allowed by the authorised 12 person. 13 Penalty for this subsection: 14 (a) a fine of $20 000; 15 (b) a daily penalty of a fine of $2 000 for each 16 day or part of a day during which the offence 17 continues. 18 (7) The CEO must ensure that each authorised person 19 (other than the CEO) is issued with an authority in 20 writing signed by the CEO and bearing a photograph of 21 that authorised person. 22 (8) The authorised person must carry the authority when 23 performing functions under this section and, if it is 24 practicable to do so, produce the authority before 25 making a requirement under this section. 26 47ZZD. Disclosure of information 27 (1) Regulations may allow the Minister or CEO to publish, 28 or require another person to publish, in the manner 29 prescribed by the regulations, any prescribed 30 information or class of information relating to the 31 scheme. page 57 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 (2) Any person who publishes information in accordance 2 with this Act is taken, for the purposes of section 93 3 and the Environmental Protection Act 1986 4 section 120, to have disclosed the information with the 5 prior permission in writing of the Minister. 6 47ZZE. Performance audit 7 (1) The CEO may -- 8 (a) carry out an audit of the Coordinator's activities 9 under this Act; or 10 (b) direct the Coordinator to engage and pay for an 11 auditor, approved by the CEO, to conduct an 12 audit of, and report to the CEO about, the 13 Coordinator's activities under this Act. 14 (2) A direction given under subsection (1)(b) must 15 specify -- 16 (a) the matters to be audited; and 17 (b) a day on or before which the report must be 18 given to the CEO. 19 (3) The CEO may at any time amend or cancel a direction 20 given under subsection (1)(b). 21 (4) For the purposes of this section the CEO may approve 22 a person as an auditor if the CEO is satisfied the 23 person -- 24 (a) has qualifications and experience that are 25 appropriate to the audit; and 26 (b) is independent of the Coordinator and any 27 business conducted by it; and 28 (c) is able to conduct the audit and to prepare a 29 report in accordance with the directions given. page 58 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 (5) The Coordinator must cooperate with the CEO in the 2 CEO's conduct of an audit under subsection (1)(a) and 3 provide any information and documents that the CEO 4 requests. 5 (6) The Coordinator must comply with a direction given 6 by the CEO under subsection (1)(b). 7 Civil penalty: $250 000. 8 (7) Regulations may deal with any matter in relation to 9 audits under this section and may (without limitation) 10 deal with any matter in relation to the recovery of 11 expenses incurred by the CEO. 12 47ZZF. False or misleading information 13 (1) A person must not do anything set out in 14 subsection (2) -- 15 (a) in connection with an application for a 16 container approval; or 17 (b) in connection with a claim for payment under a 18 scheme agreement or any other agreement 19 between a person and the Coordinator; or 20 (c) in, or in connection with, a notice or document 21 given under this Part or regulations made for 22 the purposes of this Part; or 23 (d) in compliance, or purported compliance, with a 24 requirement under this Part or regulations made 25 for the purposes of this Part. 26 Penalty for this subsection: a fine of $50 000. 27 (2) The things to which subsection (1) applies are making 28 a statement or giving information that -- 29 (a) the person knows is false or misleading in a 30 material particular; or page 59 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 (b) omits anything without which the statement or 2 information is, to the person's knowledge, 3 misleading in a material particular. 4 47ZZG. Authorisations for competition legislation 5 (1) The following are specifically authorised for the 6 purposes of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 7 (Commonwealth) and the Competition Code of 8 Western Australia -- 9 (a) appointing, under Division 5, a company to the 10 office of Coordinator of the scheme; 11 (b) granting, refusing, amending, transferring, 12 suspending or cancelling a container approval; 13 (c) an export rebate agreement; 14 (d) a material recovery agreement; 15 (e) a refund point agreement; 16 (f) a supply agreement; 17 (g) the conduct of a person negotiating, entering 18 into or performing an agreement mentioned in 19 paragraph (c), (d), (e) or (f); 20 (h) the conduct of a person that is authorised or 21 required by or under the conditions of a 22 container approval. 23 (2) Anything authorised to be done by subsection (1) is 24 authorised only to the extent that it would otherwise 25 contravene the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 26 (Commonwealth) Part IV or the Competition Code of 27 Western Australia. page 60 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 47ZZH. Corporations Act displacement 2 (1) In this section -- 3 Corporations legislation means the Corporations 4 legislation to which the Corporations Act Part 1.1A 5 applies. 6 (2) A provision of this Part, to the extent the provision is 7 incapable of concurrent operation with a provision of 8 the Corporations Act, is declared to be a Corporations 9 legislation displacement provision for the purposes of 10 section 5G of that Act in relation to the Corporations 11 legislation generally. 12 47ZZI. Powers in relation to transitional matters 13 (1) In this section -- 14 specified means specified or described in transitional 15 regulations; 16 transitional matter -- 17 (a) means a matter or issue of a transitional nature 18 that arises as a result of the enactment of the 19 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery 20 Amendment (Container Deposit) Act 2018 or 21 the coming into operation of provisions of that 22 Act or regulations under this Act; and 23 (b) includes a saving or application matter or issue; 24 transitional regulations means regulations referred to 25 in subsection (2). 26 (2) If there is not sufficient provision in this Part for 27 dealing with a transitional matter, regulations may 28 prescribe anything required, necessary or convenient to 29 be prescribed in relation to that matter. page 61 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 6 1 (3) Transitional regulations may provide that specified 2 provisions of this Act -- 3 (a) do not apply to or in relation to any matter; or 4 (b) apply with specified modifications to or in 5 relation to any matter. 6 (4) If transitional regulations provide that a specified state 7 of affairs is taken to have existed, or not to have 8 existed, on and from a day that is earlier than the day 9 on which the regulations are published in the Gazette 10 but not earlier than the day on which the Waste 11 Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment 12 (Container Deposit) Act 2018 section 6 comes into 13 operation, the regulations have effect according to their 14 terms. 15 (5) If transitional regulations contain a provision referred 16 to in subsection (4), the provision does not operate so 17 as to -- 18 (a) affect in a manner prejudicial to any person 19 (other than the State or an authority of the 20 State), the rights of that person existing before 21 the day of publication of those regulations; or 22 (b) impose liabilities on any person (other than the 23 State or an authority of the State) in respect of 24 anything done or omitted to be done before the 25 day of publication of those regulations. 26 (6) Transitional regulations made in relation to a matter 27 referred to in subsection (3) must be made within 28 whatever period is reasonably and practicably 29 necessary to deal with a transitional matter. 30 page 62 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit) Bill 2018 s. 7 1 7. Section 69 amended 2 (1) In section 69 delete "A person other than" and insert: 3 4 (1) A person other than 5 6 (2) In section 69 in the Penalty delete "Penalty:" and insert: 7 8 Penalty for this subsection: 9 10 (3) At the end of section 69 insert: 11 12 (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a person who collects 13 local government waste in the course of acting as a 14 refund point operator (as defined in section 47C). 15 16 8. Section 94 amended 17 (1) In section 94(1) delete "An action" and insert: 18 19 Subject to subsection (3A), an action 20 21 (2) After section 94(3) insert: 22 23 (3A) Subsection (1) does not apply to anything that a person 24 has done in the performance or purported performance 25 of the functions of the Coordinator of the container 26 deposit scheme established by Part 5A. 27
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