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Western Australia Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Contents Part 1 -- Preliminary 1. Short title 2 2. Commencement 2 Part 2 -- Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended 3. Act amended 3 4. Section 3 amended 3 5. Section 59 deleted 5 6. Part 3A inserted 5 Part 3A -- Safe navigation of vessels, and alcohol and drug related offences Division 1 -- Preliminary 75A. Terms used 5 75AA. When individual operates or navigates vessel 6 75AB. When vessel is involved in incident 6 75AC. Person taken to be in command or charge of vessel for purposes of Parts 3A and 3B 6 75AD. Person is incapable of having proper control of vessel 8 75AE. Person with BAC of 0.15 or above taken to be incapable of proper control 8 75AF. Circumstances of aggravation 8 Division 2 -- Safe navigation of vessels and alcohol and drug related offences Subdivision 1 -- Dangerous navigation of vessels occasioning death, grievous bodily harm or bodily harm 75B. Dangerous navigation of vessel occasioning death 9 135--1 page i Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Contents 75BA. Dangerous navigation of vessel occasioning grievous bodily harm 11 75BB. Dangerous navigation of vessel occasioning bodily harm 14 75BC. Careless navigation of vessel occasioning death, grievous bodily harm or bodily harm 16 Subdivision 2 -- Reckless, dangerous and careless navigation of vessels 75BD. Reckless navigation of vessel 17 75BE. Dangerous navigation of vessel 18 75BF. Careless navigation of vessel 20 Subdivision 3 -- Provisions relating to offences in Subdivisions 1 and 2 75BG. Application of Subdivision 20 75BH. Circumstances occasioning death, grievous bodily harm or bodily harm 20 75BI. Provisions for offences involving incidents occasioning death, grievous bodily harm or bodily harm 22 75BJ. Defence: death or harm not attributable to alcohol or drugs 22 75BK. Defence: death or harm not attributable to manner of operation or level of care and attention 23 75BL. Defence: inspector or police officer navigating vessel in certain circumstances 23 Division 3 -- Navigation of vessels while under the influence of alcohol or drugs or impaired by drugs 75C. Navigation of vessel while under influence of alcohol or drugs 24 75CA. Navigation of vessel while under influence of both alcohol and drugs 27 75CB. Defence: under influence of drug prescribed or administered for therapeutic reasons 31 75CC. Master must not permit person under influence of alcohol or drugs or both to operate vessel 31 75CD. Navigation of vessel while impaired by drugs 32 75CE. When person may be convicted of navigation of vessel while impaired by drugs offence 34 75CF. Defence: impaired by drug prescribed or administered for therapeutic reasons 34 page ii Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Contents 75CG. Rights of person charged with particular offences 35 Division 4 -- Navigation of vessels with particular BAC or prescribed illicit drug present 75D. Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.05 or above 36 75DA. Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.08 or above 38 75DB. Navigation of vessel while prescribed illicit drug present 40 75DC. Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.05 or above and prescribed illicit drug present 42 75DD. Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.08 or above and prescribed illicit drug present 45 75DE. Mistaken belief about prescribed illicit drug is not defence 48 7. Part 3B inserted 49 Part 3B -- Testing for alcohol and drugs Division 1 -- Preliminary 75E. Terms used 49 75EA. Authorised operators for operating breath analysing equipment 51 75EB. Authorised drug testers for operating drug testing devices 52 75EC. Using breath sample to work out BAC 52 75ED. Powers additional to other powers 53 Division 2 -- Testing for alcohol Subdivision 1 -- Preliminary breath tests 75EE. General power to require breath sample for preliminary breath test 53 75EF. Power to require breath sample for preliminary breath test following incident 54 75EG. Compliance with requirement 54 Subdivision 2 -- Breath analysis or blood samples following preliminary breath test or commission of certain offences 75EH. Power to require breath or blood sample following requirement for preliminary breath test 54 75EI. Power to require breath or blood sample for analysis following commission of certain offences 56 75EJ. Compliance with requirement 57 75EK. Further sample of breath for breath analysis 57 page iii Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Contents 75EL. When inspector or police officer must not impose testing requirement because of physical incapacity 58 75EM. Breath analysis indicates BAC of 0.05 or above 58 Subdivision 3 -- Blood samples in other circumstances including following serious incident 75EN. Power to require blood sample in other circumstances 59 75EO. Power to require blood sample following incident occasioning death or serious bodily harm 60 75EP. When inspector or police officer must not require blood sample to be taken 61 75EQ. Compliance with requirement 61 Division 3 -- Testing for drugs Subdivision 1 -- Preliminary oral fluid tests 75F. General power to require oral fluid sample for preliminary oral fluid test 62 75FA. Powers to require oral fluid samples for preliminary oral fluid tests 62 75FB. Compliance with requirement 63 Subdivision 2 -- Drug testing and blood samples 75FC. Power to require oral fluid sample for drug testing following preliminary oral fluid test 63 75FD. Further sample of oral fluid for drug testing 64 75FE. When inspector or police officer must not impose testing requirement because of physical incapacity 64 75FF. Power to require blood sample instead of oral fluid sample 65 75FG. Compliance with requirement 65 Subdivision 3 -- Assessment of drug impairment and related provisions 75FH. Assessments of drug impairment 66 75FI. When inspector or police officer must not impose testing requirement because of physical incapacity 67 75FJ. Power to require blood samples for drug analysis 67 75FK. Compliance with requirement 68 Division 4 -- Enforcement powers relating to testing for alcohol and drugs 75G. Requirement to leave vessel, accompany inspector or police officer to place or wait at place 68 page iv Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Contents 75GA. Requirement to stop vessel or navigate to suitable location 69 75GB. Power to board and move vessel 71 75GC. Power to prevent use of vessel by alleged offender 71 75GD. Compliance with requirement 73 75GE. Return of keys to vessel 74 75GF. Prohibiting person from navigating vessel for 24 hours if prescribed illicit drug present 75 75GG. Requirements for prohibition notice 76 Division 5 -- Failure to comply with alcohol or drug testing requirements Subdivision 1 -- General offences relating to failure to comply with alcohol or drug testing requirements 75H. Failure to comply with requirement: preliminary breath test, preliminary oral fluid test or boarding or moving vessel 77 75HA. Defence: compliance with later requirement 79 75HB. Failure to comply with requirement: breath analysis, blood sample or stop vessel or navigate to specified place 80 75HC. Failure to comply with requirement: incident occasioning death, grievous bodily harm or bodily harm 83 75HD. Failure to comply with requirement: oral fluid sample for drug testing or blood sample 84 75HE. Failure to comply with requirements relating to assessment of drug impairment 86 Subdivision 2 -- Failure to comply with drug testing requirements in circumstances relating to person's BAC 75HF. Term used: drug testing requirement 88 75HG. Failure to comply with drug testing requirement: BAC of 0.05 or above 88 75HH. Failure to comply with drug testing requirement: BAC of 0.08 or above 91 75HI. Failure to comply with drug testing requirement: BAC of 0.15 or above 95 Subdivision 3 -- Defence for failing to comply with alcohol or drug testing requirement 75HJ. Substantial reasons for failing to comply with requirements or later providing certain samples 98 page v Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Contents Division 6 -- General provisions relating to alcohol and drug testing 75I. Responsibility to facilitate medical assistance 99 75IA. When inspector or police officer must not impose testing requirement because of passage of time 99 75IB. Taking of oral fluid samples for oral fluid analysis 100 75IC. Authorisation for prescribed sample takers authorised to take blood samples 100 75ID. Authorisation to take blood samples when person deceased 101 75IE. Taking blood samples for analysis 102 75IF. Oral fluid and blood samples delivered to Chemistry Centre (WA) 103 75IG. Samples of oral fluid or blood not to be used to obtain DNA profile 104 Division 7 -- Administrative matters 75J. Regulations relating to alcohol and drug testing and other matters 104 75JA. Minister may approve alcohol and drug testing devices 105 75JB. Delegation by Commissioner of Police 105 8. Section 124FA inserted 106 124FA. Approved forms 106 9. Part 8A inserted 107 Part 8A -- Disqualification from holding or obtaining WA marine qualification Division 1 -- Preliminary 124G. Terms used 107 Division 2 -- Disqualification notices 124GA. Disqualification by inspector or police officer 108 124GB. Requirements for disqualification notice 109 124GC. Limitation on giving disqualification notice 110 124GD. Period of disqualification under disqualification notice 110 124GE. Amendment of disqualification notice 110 124GF. Particulars of disqualification notice given to chief executive officer 111 124GG. Revocation of disqualification notice by inspector or police officer 111 124GH. Court may order revocation of disqualification notice 112 page vi Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Contents 124GI. Disqualification notice automatically revoked on acquittal or dismissal of charge 113 124GJ. Period of disqualification under disqualification notice to be taken into account in sentencing 113 Division 3 -- Provisions relating to disqualification orders by a court 124GK. Application of Division 113 124GL. Notifying chief executive officer of disqualification order 114 124GM. Removal of disqualification 114 124GN. Removal of disqualification: additional provisions 115 124GO. Notifying chief executive officer of disqualification order 115 Division 4 -- Effect of disqualifications and other matters 124GP. Effect of disqualification 116 124GQ. Other effects of disqualification 116 124GR. Calculating period of disqualification 117 124GS. Navigating certain vessels when disqualified from holding or obtaining WA marine qualification 117 10. Part IX Divisions 1 and 2 inserted 119 Division 1 -- Evidentiary provisions for alcohol-related offences and drug-related offences Subdivision 1 -- Preliminary 124H. Terms used 119 124HA. Certificate is evidence of stated facts 120 124HB. No limit on other evidence in proceedings 120 Subdivision 2 -- Evidence in proceedings for alcohol-related offences 124HC. Alcohol-related offence and material time 121 124HD. Evidence in proceeding for alcohol-related offence 122 124HE. Evidence of authorised operator of breath analysing equipment 123 124HF. Certificate of authorised operator of breath analysing equipment 123 124HG. Certificate of analyst relating to analysis of blood sample for alcohol 124 124HH. Proof of person's BAC for certain offences 125 Subdivision 3 -- Evidence in proceedings for drug-related offences 124HI. Drug-related offence and material time 126 page vii Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Contents 124HJ. Evidence in proceedings for drug-related offences 128 124HK. Certificate of authorised drug tester 129 124HL. Certificate of drugs analyst relating to analysis of oral fluid or blood sample for drugs 129 124HM. Certificate of approved expert relating to usual effect of particular drugs 130 124HN. Certificate of inspector or police officer 131 124HO. Proof of presence of drugs 131 Subdivision 4 -- Other evidentiary provisions 124HP. Certificate of chief executive officer, Commissioner of Police or CEO of Chemistry Centre (WA) 132 124HQ. Certificate of technologist who prepared sampling equipment 133 124HR. Certificate of prescribed sample taker 134 124HS. Evidence of delivery of blood or oral fluid samples 135 124HT. Procedural requirements for admissibility of particular certificate evidence 135 124HU. Evidence relating to preliminary oral fluid test, drug testing and preliminary breath test is admissible in certain proceedings with consent 136 Division 2 -- Provisions relating to sentencing for dangerous navigation and alcohol and drug related offences 124I. Term used: young person 138 124IA. Limitation on period for which previous offences taken into account 138 124IB. Sentencing for particular offences: option for community based order or youth community based order 139 124IC. Sentencing for particular offences if community based order or intensive supervision order imposed 141 124ID. Pre-sentence report required for sentencing for navigation while impaired by drugs 142 124IE. Sentencing for first offence of navigation while impaired by drugs or failure to comply with drug impairment assessment 142 124IF. Sentencing for second or subsequent offence of navigation while impaired by drugs or failure to comply with drug impairment assessment 143 page viii Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Contents 124IG. Mandatory disqualification 144 124IH. Minimum fines 145 11. Part IX Division 3 heading inserted 146 Division 3 -- General matters 12. Part X Division 3 inserted 146 Division 3 -- Western Australian Marine Amendment Act 2023 138. Offences against repealed section 59 146 139. Transitional regulations 146 Part 3 -- Other Acts amended 13. Bail Act 1982 amended 149 14. Community Protection (Offender Reporting) Act 2004 amended 149 15. The Criminal Code amended 150 16. Criminal Investigation Act 2006 amended 151 17. Criminal Law (Mental Impairment) Act 2023 amended 152 Subdivision 6 -- Offences under Western Australian Marine Act 1982 18. Criminal Law (Mentally Impaired Accused) Act 1996 amended 152 19. Evidence Act 1906 amended 153 Part 3 -- Offences under the Western Australian Marine Act 1982 20. High Risk Serious Offenders Act 2020 amended 154 Subdivision 6 -- Offences under Western Australian Marine Act 1982 21. National Disability Insurance Scheme (Worker Screening) Act 2020 amended 154 22. Sentencing Act 1995 amended 156 23. Working with Children (Screening) Act 2004 amended 158 24. Young Offenders Act 1994 amended 158 page ix Western Australia LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 A Bill for An Act to amend the Western Australian Marine Act 1982 and to make consequential amendments to other Acts. The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows: page 1 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 1 Preliminary s. 1 1 Part 1 -- Preliminary 2 1. Short title 3 This is the Western Australian Marine Amendment Act 2023. 4 2. Commencement 5 This Act comes into operation as follows -- 6 (a) Part 1 -- on the day on which this Act receives the 7 Royal Assent (assent day); 8 (b) section 17 -- 9 (i) if the Criminal Law (Mental Impairment) 10 Act 2023 Schedule 1 comes into operation on or 11 before assent day -- on the day after assent day; 12 or 13 (ii) otherwise -- immediately after the Criminal Law 14 (Mental Impairment) Act 2023 Schedule 1 comes 15 into operation; 16 (c) the rest of the Act -- on a day fixed by proclamation, 17 and different days may be fixed for different provisions. page 2 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 3 1 Part 2 -- Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended 2 3. Act amended 3 This Part amends the Western Australian Marine Act 1982. 4 4. Section 3 amended 5 (1) In section 3(1) insert in alphabetical order: 6 7 alcohol or drug testing requirement, in relation to a 8 person, means a requirement imposed on the person 9 under Part 3B Division 2 or 3; 10 analyst has the meaning given in the Road Traffic 11 Act 1974 section 65; 12 BAC, in relation to a person, means the concentration 13 of alcohol in the person's blood, expressed in grams of 14 alcohol per 100 mL of blood; 15 Example for this definition: 16 A BAC of 0.08 g is a concentration of 0.08 g of alcohol per 17 100 mL of blood. 18 bodily harm has the meaning given in The Criminal 19 Code section 1(1); 20 Chemistry Centre (WA) means the body established by 21 the Chemistry Centre (WA) Act 2007 section 4(1); 22 Commissioner of Police means the person holding or 23 acting in the office of Commissioner of Police under 24 the Police Act 1892; 25 dentist means a person -- 26 (a) registered under the Health Practitioner 27 Regulation National Law (Western Australia) 28 in the dental profession; and 29 (b) whose name is entered on the dentists division 30 of the Register of Dental Practitioners kept 31 under that Law; page 3 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 4 1 drug has the meaning given in the Road Traffic 2 Act 1974 section 65; 3 drugs analyst has the meaning given in the Road 4 Traffic Act 1974 section 65; 5 grievous bodily harm has the meaning given in 6 The Criminal Code section 1(1); 7 leave vessel, accompany officer or wait requirement, 8 in relation to a person, means a requirement imposed 9 on the person under section 75G; 10 marine qualification means -- 11 (a) a WA marine qualification; or 12 (b) a qualification, permit, licence or certificate 13 (however described) issued to a person -- 14 (i) in relation to navigating or operating a 15 vessel (as those terms are defined in 16 section 75AA(1) and (2)), or required 17 by crew of a vessel; and 18 (ii) under a law of another Australian 19 jurisdiction or an overseas jurisdiction; 20 medical practitioner means a person registered under 21 the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law 22 (Western Australia) in the medical profession; 23 nurse practitioner means a person registered under the 24 Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (Western 25 Australia) in the nursing profession whose registration 26 under that Law is endorsed as nurse practitioner; 27 pilot means a person who does not belong to, but has 28 the conduct of, a vessel; 29 prescribed illicit drug means a drug that is -- 30 (a) a prescribed illicit drug as defined in the Road 31 Traffic Act 1974 section 65; or 32 (b) a drug prescribed for the purposes of this 33 definition; page 4 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 5 1 WA marine qualification means a qualification, 2 including a licence, issued to a person under this Act 3 that authorises the person to navigate a vessel (as 4 defined in section 75AA(2)). 5 6 (2) In section 3(1) in the definition of wages delete "kind." and 7 insert: 8 9 kind; 10 11 5. Section 59 deleted 12 Section 59 deleted. 13 6. Part 3A inserted 14 (1) After Part III insert: 15 16 Part 3A -- Safe navigation of vessels, and 17 alcohol and drug related offences 18 Division 1 -- Preliminary 19 75A. Terms used 20 In this Part -- 21 0.08+ and illicit drug offence means an offence against 22 section 75DD(1); 23 0.08+ offence means an offence against 24 section 75DA(1); 25 circumstances of aggravation has the meaning given 26 in section 75AF; 27 involved, for a vessel in relation to an incident, has the 28 meaning given in section 75AB; page 5 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 6 1 navigate, a vessel, has the meaning given in 2 section 75AA(2); 3 operate, a vessel, has the meaning given in 4 section 75AA(1). 5 75AA. When individual operates or navigates vessel 6 (1) An individual operates a vessel if the individual -- 7 (a) determines or exercises control over the course 8 or direction of the vessel, or the means of 9 propulsion of the vessel, whether or not the 10 vessel is underway or being towed by another 11 vessel; or 12 (b) pilots the vessel. 13 (2) An individual navigates a vessel if the individual -- 14 (a) operates the vessel; or 15 (b) is in command or charge of the vessel while the 16 individual, or another individual or other 17 individuals, operate or attempt to operate the 18 vessel. 19 75AB. When vessel is involved in incident 20 A vessel is involved in an incident if -- 21 (a) the presence of the vessel occasioned the 22 incident; or 23 (b) the use of the vessel is an immediate or 24 proximate cause of the death of, or injury to, a 25 person or damage to property occasioned by the 26 incident. 27 75AC. Person taken to be in command or charge of vessel 28 for purposes of Parts 3A and 3B 29 (1) This section applies for the purposes of Parts 3A and 30 3B and in the absence of proof to the contrary. page 6 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 6 1 (2) A person is taken to be in command or charge of a 2 vessel at a particular time if, at that time -- 3 (a) the person is the only person, or the only person 4 who is 18 years of age or above, on the vessel; 5 or 6 (b) the person appears, without contradiction by 7 any other person on the vessel, to be in 8 command or charge of the vessel; or 9 (c) the other persons on the vessel, or a majority of 10 them, acknowledge that the person is in charge 11 of the vessel; or 12 (d) of all the persons on the vessel, the person has 13 ultimate control over the course or direction of 14 the vessel, or the means of propulsion of the 15 vessel, whether or not -- 16 (i) the vessel is underway; or 17 (ii) the person is operating the vessel. 18 Example for this subsection: 19 For the purposes of paragraph (b), the person says or does 20 something that makes them appear to be in command or 21 charge of the vessel. 22 (3) A person who owns a vessel is taken to be in command 23 or charge of the vessel if the person -- 24 (a) is on the vessel; and 25 (b) holds a marine qualification that authorises the 26 person to navigate the vessel. 27 (4) A person who has command or charge of a vessel 28 continues to have command or charge of the vessel 29 until the person has ensured that -- 30 (a) the command or charge of the vessel has been 31 handed to another person; and 32 (b) the other person has accepted the command or 33 charge. page 7 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 6 1 75AD. Person is incapable of having proper control of 2 vessel 3 For the purposes of this Part, a reference to a person 4 being incapable of having proper control of a vessel 5 includes -- 6 (a) a reference to the person being incapable of 7 having proper control over -- 8 (i) the course or direction of the vessel; or 9 (ii) the means of propulsion of the vessel; 10 and 11 (b) a reference to the person who is the pilot of the 12 vessel being incapable of having proper 13 conduct of the vessel; and 14 (c) a reference to the person who is the master of a 15 vessel being incapable of having proper 16 command or charge of the vessel. 17 75AE. Person with BAC of 0.15 or above taken to be 18 incapable of proper control 19 (1) This section applies in a proceeding for an offence if it 20 is alleged that, at the time of the alleged offence, the 21 person charged was under the influence of alcohol to 22 such an extent as to be incapable of having proper 23 control of a vessel. 24 (2) The person is taken to have been under the influence of 25 alcohol to that extent at the time of the alleged offence 26 if the person had a BAC of 0.15 g or above at that time. 27 75AF. Circumstances of aggravation 28 (1) For the purposes of this Part, a person commits an 29 offence, or navigates a vessel, in circumstances of page 8 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 6 1 aggravation if at the time of the alleged offence or 2 navigation -- 3 (a) the person was unlawfully navigating the vessel 4 without the consent of an owner or the master 5 of the vessel; or 6 (b) if a speed limit applied to the vessel or the 7 waters in which it was operating -- the person 8 was navigating the vessel at a speed that 9 exceeded the speed limit by 10 knots or more; 10 or 11 (c) the person was navigating the vessel to escape 12 pursuit by an inspector or police officer. 13 (2) Subsection (1)(c) applies whether the pursuit was 14 proceeding, or had been suspended or terminated, at 15 the time of the alleged offence. 16 Division 2 -- Safe navigation of vessels and alcohol and 17 drug related offences 18 Subdivision 1 -- Dangerous navigation of vessels occasioning 19 death, grievous bodily harm or bodily harm 20 75B. Dangerous navigation of vessel occasioning death 21 (1) A person commits a crime if -- 22 (a) a vessel navigated by the person is involved in 23 an incident occasioning the death of another 24 person; and 25 (b) at the time of the incident, the person was 26 navigating the vessel while under the influence 27 of alcohol, a drug, or alcohol and a drug to such 28 an extent as to be incapable of having proper 29 control of the vessel. 30 Alternative offence for this subsection: subsection (2) 31 or an offence specified in the Table. page 9 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 6 1 Table -- Alternative offences Section no. Section heading s. 75BA(1) or (2) Dangerous navigation of vessel occasioning grievous bodily harm s. 75BB(1) or (3) Dangerous navigation of vessel occasioning bodily harm s. 75BC(1) Careless navigation of vessel occasioning death, grievous bodily harm or bodily harm s. 75BE(1) Dangerous navigation of vessel s. 75BF Careless navigation of vessel 2 Penalty for this subsection: imprisonment for 20 years 3 and a fine of any amount. 4 (2) A person commits a crime if -- 5 (a) a vessel navigated by the person is involved in 6 an incident occasioning the death of another 7 person; and 8 (b) at the time of the incident, the person was 9 navigating the vessel in a manner that is 10 dangerous to the public or to any person, 11 having regard to all the circumstances of the 12 case. 13 Alternative offence for this subsection: subsection (1) 14 or an offence specified in the Table. page 10 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 6 1 Table -- Alternative offences Section no. Section heading s. 75BA(1) or (2) Dangerous navigation of vessel occasioning grievous bodily harm s. 75BB(1) or (3) Dangerous navigation of vessel occasioning bodily harm s. 75BC(1) Careless navigation of vessel occasioning death, grievous bodily harm or bodily harm s. 75BE(1) Dangerous navigation of vessel s. 75BF Careless navigation of vessel 2 Penalty for this subsection: 3 (a) if the offence is committed in circumstances 4 of aggravation -- imprisonment for 20 years 5 and a fine of any amount; 6 (b) otherwise -- imprisonment for 10 years and 7 a fine of any amount. 8 (3) A court sentencing a person for an offence against 9 subsection (1) or (2) must order that the person is 10 disqualified from holding or obtaining a WA marine 11 qualification for a period of not less than 2 years. 12 75BA. Dangerous navigation of vessel occasioning grievous 13 bodily harm 14 (1) A person commits a crime if -- 15 (a) a vessel navigated by the person is involved in 16 an incident occasioning grievous bodily harm 17 to another person; and page 11 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 6 1 (b) at the time of the incident, the person was 2 navigating the vessel while under the influence 3 of alcohol, a drug, or alcohol and a drug to such 4 an extent as to be incapable of having proper 5 control of the vessel. 6 Alternative offence for this subsection: subsection (2) 7 or an offence specified in the Table. 8 Table -- Alternative offences Section no. Section heading s. 75BB(1) or (3) Dangerous navigation of vessel occasioning bodily harm s. 75BC(1) Careless navigation of vessel occasioning death, grievous bodily harm or bodily harm s. 75BE(1) Dangerous navigation of vessel s. 75BF Careless navigation of vessel 9 Penalty for this subsection: imprisonment for 14 years 10 and a fine of any amount. 11 Summary conviction penalty for this subsection: 12 imprisonment for 3 years or a fine of $36 000. 13 (2) A person commits a crime if -- 14 (a) a vessel navigated by the person is involved in 15 an incident occasioning grievous bodily harm 16 to another person; and 17 (b) at the time of the incident, the person was 18 navigating the vessel in a manner that is 19 dangerous to the public or to any person, page 12 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 6 1 having regard to all the circumstances of the 2 case. 3 Alternative offence for this subsection: subsection (1) 4 or an offence specified in the Table. 5 Table -- Alternative offences Section no. Section heading s. 75BB(1) or (3) Dangerous navigation of vessel occasioning bodily harm s. 75BC(1) Careless navigation of vessel occasioning death, grievous bodily harm or bodily harm s. 75BE(1) Dangerous navigation of vessel s. 75BF Careless navigation of vessel 6 Penalty for this subsection: 7 (a) if the offence is committed in circumstances 8 of aggravation -- imprisonment for 14 years 9 and a fine of any amount; 10 (b) otherwise -- imprisonment for 7 years or a 11 fine of any amount. 12 Summary conviction penalty for this subsection: 13 imprisonment for 3 years or a fine of $36 000. 14 (3) A court sentencing a person for an offence against 15 subsection (1) or (2) must order that the person is 16 disqualified from holding or obtaining a WA marine 17 qualification for a period of not less than 2 years. page 13 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 6 1 75BB. Dangerous navigation of vessel occasioning bodily 2 harm 3 (1) A person commits a crime if -- 4 (a) a vessel navigated by the person is involved in 5 an incident occasioning bodily harm to another 6 person; and 7 (b) at the time of the incident, the person was 8 navigating the vessel while under the influence 9 of alcohol, a drug, or alcohol and a drug to such 10 an extent as to be incapable of having proper 11 control of the vessel. 12 Alternative offence for this subsection: subsection (3) 13 or an offence specified in the Table. 14 Table -- Alternative offences Section no. Section heading s. 75BC(1) Careless navigation of vessel occasioning death, grievous bodily harm or bodily harm s. 75BE(1) Dangerous navigation of vessel s. 75BF Careless navigation of vessel 15 Penalty for this subsection: imprisonment for 10 years 16 and a fine of any amount. 17 Summary conviction penalty for this subsection: 18 imprisonment for 3 years or a fine of $36 000. 19 (2) A court sentencing a person for an offence against 20 subsection (1) must order that the person is disqualified 21 from holding or obtaining a WA marine qualification 22 as follows -- 23 (a) if the person is convicted on indictment -- for a 24 period of not less than 2 years; page 14 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 6 1 (b) if the person is convicted summarily -- for a 2 period of not less than 18 months. 3 (3) A person commits a crime if -- 4 (a) a vessel navigated by the person is involved in 5 an incident occasioning bodily harm to another 6 person; and 7 (b) at the time of the incident, the person was 8 navigating the vessel in a manner that is 9 dangerous to the public or to any person, 10 having regard to all the circumstances of the 11 case. 12 Alternative offence for this subsection: subsection (1) 13 or an offence specified in the Table. 14 Table -- Alternative offences Section no. Section heading s. 75BC(1) Careless navigation of vessel occasioning death, grievous bodily harm or bodily harm s. 75BE(1) Dangerous navigation of vessel s. 75BF Careless navigation of vessel 15 Penalty for this subsection: 16 (a) if the offence is committed in circumstances 17 of aggravation -- 18 (i) if the person is convicted on 19 indictment -- imprisonment for 20 10 years or a fine of any amount; 21 (ii) if the person is convicted summarily -- 22 imprisonment for 3 years or a fine of 23 $36 000; page 15 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 6 1 (b) otherwise -- 2 (i) for a first offence, imprisonment for 3 9 months or a fine of $9 000; 4 (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, 5 imprisonment for 18 months or a fine of 6 $18 000. 7 (4) A court sentencing a person for an offence against 8 subsection (3) must order that the person is disqualified 9 from holding or obtaining a WA marine qualification 10 as follows -- 11 (a) if the offence is committed in circumstances of 12 aggravation -- a period of not less than 2 years; 13 (b) otherwise -- a period of not less than 14 12 months. 15 75BC. Careless navigation of vessel occasioning death, 16 grievous bodily harm or bodily harm 17 (1) A person commits an offence if -- 18 (a) a vessel navigated by the person is involved in 19 an incident occasioning the death of, or 20 grievous bodily harm or bodily harm to, 21 another person; and 22 (b) at the time of the incident, the person was 23 navigating the vessel without due care and 24 attention. 25 Alternative offence for this subsection: section 75BF 26 (Careless navigation of vessel). 27 Penalty for this subsection: imprisonment for 3 years or 28 a fine of $36 000. 29 (2) A court sentencing a person for an offence against 30 subsection (1) must order that the person is disqualified page 16 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 6 1 from holding or obtaining a WA marine qualification 2 for a period of not less than 3 months. 3 Subdivision 2 -- Reckless, dangerous and careless 4 navigation of vessels 5 75BD. Reckless navigation of vessel 6 (1) A person commits an offence if the person wilfully 7 navigates a vessel in a manner that is -- 8 (a) inherently dangerous; or 9 (b) dangerous to the public or to any person, 10 having regard to all the circumstances of the 11 case. 12 Penalty for this subsection: 13 (a) for a first offence, a fine of $6 000; 14 (b) for a second offence, a fine of $9 000; 15 (c) for a third or subsequent offence, a fine of 16 $12 000. 17 Alternative offence for this subsection: an offence 18 specified in the Table. 19 Table -- Alternative offences Section no. Section heading s. 75BE(1) Dangerous navigation of vessel s. 75BF Careless navigation of vessel 20 (2) If an offence against subsection (1) is committed in the 21 circumstance of aggravation referred to in 22 section 75AF(1)(c), the offence is a crime. 23 Alternative offence for this subsection: an offence 24 specified in the Table. page 17 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 6 1 Table -- Alternative offence Section no. Section heading s. 75BE(1) Dangerous navigation of vessel s. 75BF Careless navigation of vessel 2 Penalty for this subsection: imprisonment for 5 years. 3 Summary conviction penalty for this subsection: 4 imprisonment for 2 years. 5 (3) A court sentencing a person for an offence against 6 subsection (1) must order that the person is disqualified 7 from holding or obtaining a WA marine qualification 8 as follows -- 9 (a) for an offence committed in a circumstance of 10 aggravation -- 11 (i) for a first or second offence, for a period 12 of not less than 2 years; or 13 (ii) for a third or subsequent offence, 14 permanently; 15 (b) otherwise -- 16 (i) for a first offence, for a period of not 17 less than 6 months; or 18 (ii) for a second offence, for a period of not 19 less than 12 months; or 20 (iii) for a third or subsequent offence, 21 permanently. 22 (4) A police officer may arrest a person for an offence 23 against subsection (1) without a warrant. 24 75BE. Dangerous navigation of vessel 25 (1) A person commits an offence if the person navigates a 26 vessel in a manner that is dangerous to the public or to page 18 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 6 1 any person, having regard to all the circumstances of 2 the case. 3 Alternative offence for this subsection: section 75BF 4 (Careless navigation of vessel). 5 Penalty for this subsection: 6 (a) for an offence committed in the circumstance 7 of aggravation referred to in 8 section 75AF(1)(c) -- imprisonment for 9 3 years or a fine of $36 000; 10 (b) otherwise -- 11 (i) for a first offence, a fine of $3 000; 12 (ii) for a second or subsequent offence, a 13 fine of $6 000. 14 (2) A court sentencing a person for an offence against 15 subsection (1) must order that the offender is 16 disqualified from holding or obtaining a WA marine 17 qualification as follows -- 18 (a) for an offence committed in the circumstance of 19 aggravation referred to in 20 section 75AF(1)(c) -- for a period of not less 21 than 2 years; 22 (b) if paragraph (a) does not apply and the offence 23 is a second or subsequent offence -- for a 24 period of not less than 12 months. 25 (3) In determining whether an offence against 26 subsection (1) is a first, second or subsequent offence, 27 a previous offence against a provision specified in the 28 Table must be taken into account as if it were a 29 previous offence against subsection (1). page 19 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 6 1 Table -- Offences Section no. Section heading s. 75B(1) or (2) Dangerous navigation of vessel occasioning death s. 75BA(1) or (2) Dangerous navigation of vessel occasioning grievous bodily harm s. 75BB(1) or (3) Dangerous navigation of vessel occasioning bodily harm s. 75BC(1) Careless navigation of vessel occasioning death, grievous bodily harm or bodily harm 2 75BF. Careless navigation of vessel 3 A person commits an offence if the person navigates a 4 vessel without due care and attention. 5 Penalty: a fine of $1 500. 6 Subdivision 3 -- Provisions relating to offences in 7 Subdivisions 1 and 2 8 75BG. Application of Subdivision 9 This Subdivision applies for the purposes of an offence 10 against a provision of Subdivision 1 or 2. 11 75BH. Circumstances occasioning death, grievous bodily 12 harm or bodily harm 13 The circumstances in which a vessel is involved in an 14 incident occasioning the death of, or grievous bodily 15 harm or bodily harm to, a person include circumstances page 20 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 6 1 in which the death or harm is occasioned through any 2 of the following -- 3 (a) the vessel overturning or running aground 4 while the person is in or on the vessel (whether 5 as a passenger or otherwise); 6 (b) the person falling from the vessel, or being 7 thrown or ejected from the vessel, while in or 8 on the vessel (whether as a passenger or 9 otherwise); 10 (c) an impact between any object or thing and the 11 vessel while the person is in or on the vessel 12 (whether as a passenger or otherwise); 13 (d) an impact between the person and the vessel; 14 (e) an impact between the vessel and another 15 vessel, or an object or thing, while the person is 16 on or near the other vessel, object or thing; 17 (f) an impact between the person and any object on 18 or attached to the vessel; 19 (g) an impact between the person and any object 20 that is in motion having fallen from the vessel; 21 (h) an impact between any object or thing and the 22 person while the person is in or on the vessel 23 (whether as a passenger or otherwise); 24 (i) the vessel causing an impact between other 25 vessels or between another vessel and any 26 object, thing or person; 27 (j) the vessel causing another vessel to overturn or 28 run aground; 29 (k) the vessel causing a person (whether as a 30 passenger or otherwise) in or on another vessel 31 to fall from that other vessel. page 21 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 6 1 75BI. Provisions for offences involving incidents 2 occasioning death, grievous bodily harm or bodily 3 harm 4 (1) This section applies for the purposes of an offence 5 involving an incident that occasioned the death of, or 6 grievous bodily harm or bodily harm to, a person (the 7 casualty). 8 (2) It is immaterial that the death, grievous bodily harm or 9 bodily harm -- 10 (a) might have been avoided by proper precaution 11 on the part of a person other than the person 12 charged; or 13 (b) might have been prevented if the casualty 14 received proper care or treatment. 15 (3) The incident is taken to have caused the death of the 16 casualty if -- 17 (a) the incident occasions grievous bodily harm to 18 the casualty; and 19 (b) the casualty receives surgical or medical 20 treatment for the harm; and 21 (c) the death results from the harm or the 22 treatment. 23 (4) Subsection (3) applies even though the immediate 24 cause of the casualty's death was the surgical or 25 medical treatment, if the treatment was reasonably 26 proper in the circumstances and provided in good faith. 27 75BJ. Defence: death or harm not attributable to alcohol 28 or drugs 29 (1) This section applies if it is alleged that an offence 30 involving an incident that occasioned the death of, or 31 grievous bodily harm or bodily harm to, a person page 22 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 6 1 occurred while the person charged was under the 2 influence of alcohol, a drug, or alcohol and a drug. 3 (2) It is a defence to a charge of the offence for the person 4 charged to prove that the death, grievous bodily harm 5 or bodily harm was not attributable to the fact that the 6 person charged was under the influence of alcohol, the 7 drug, or alcohol and the drug. 8 75BK. Defence: death or harm not attributable to manner 9 of operation or level of care and attention 10 (1) This section applies if it is alleged that an offence 11 involving an incident that occasioned the death of, or 12 grievous bodily harm or bodily harm to, a person 13 occurred while the person charged was navigating the 14 vessel. 15 (2) It is a defence to a charge of the offence for the person 16 charged to prove that the death, grievous bodily harm 17 or bodily harm was not attributable to -- 18 (a) the manner in which the person navigated the 19 vessel; or 20 (b) the person's level of care or attention when 21 navigating the vessel. 22 75BL. Defence: inspector or police officer navigating 23 vessel in certain circumstances 24 (1) This section applies if it is alleged that the person 25 charged with an offence navigated a vessel in a manner 26 that was -- 27 (a) inherently dangerous; or 28 (b) dangerous to the public or to any person. page 23 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 6 1 (2) It is a defence to a charge of the offence for the person 2 charged to prove that, at the time of the alleged 3 offence -- 4 (a) the person was on official duty as an inspector 5 or police officer; and 6 (b) the person navigated the vessel substantially in 7 accordance with -- 8 (i) the chief executive officer's or 9 Commissioner of Police's policies and 10 guidelines relating to navigating vessels; 11 and 12 (ii) a direction given under any of those 13 policies or guidelines; 14 and 15 (c) it was reasonable and in the public interest for 16 the person charged to navigate the vessel in that 17 manner, having regard to all of the 18 circumstances of the case. 19 Division 3 -- Navigation of vessels while under the 20 influence of alcohol or drugs or impaired by drugs 21 75C. Navigation of vessel while under influence of alcohol 22 or drugs 23 (1) A person commits an offence if the person navigates, 24 or attempts to operate, a vessel while under the 25 influence of alcohol or a drug to such an extent as to be 26 incapable of having proper control of the vessel. 27 Alternative offence for this subsection: an offence 28 specified in the Table. page 24 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 6 1 Table -- Alternative offences Section no. Section heading s. 75CD(1) Navigation of vessel while impaired by drugs s. 75D(1) Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.05 or above s. 75DA(1) Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.08 or above s. 75DB(1) Navigation of vessel while prescribed illicit drug present 2 Penalty for this subsection: 3 (a) for a first offence -- 4 (i) if the person has 1 or more previous 5 convictions for a 0.08+ offence -- a fine 6 of not less than $2 400 or more than 7 $3 750; 8 (ii) if the person has 1 or more previous 9 convictions for a 0.08+ and illicit drug 10 offence -- a fine of not less than $2 750 11 or more than $3 750; 12 (iii) if the person has 1 or more previous 13 convictions for a 0.08+ offence and 1 or 14 more previous convictions for a 0.08+ 15 and illicit drug offence -- a fine of not 16 less than $2 750 or more than $3 750; 17 (iv) in any other case -- a fine of not less 18 than $2 050 or more than $3 750; 19 (b) for a second offence, imprisonment for 20 9 months or a fine of not less than $3 150 or 21 more than $5 250; page 25 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 6 1 (c) for a third or subsequent offence, 2 imprisonment for 18 months or a fine of not 3 less than $3 150 or more than $7 500. 4 (2) If a person is convicted of an offence against 5 subsection (1), a court sentencing the person must 6 order that the person is disqualified from holding or 7 obtaining a WA marine qualification for not less than 8 the period of disqualification specified in the Table. 9 Table -- Disqualification periods Disqualification First offence: (a) 1 previous conviction for a 0.08+ 18 months offence (b) 2 or more previous convictions for 30 months a 0.08+ offence (c) 1 previous conviction for a 0.08+ and 27 months illicit drug offence (d) 2 or more previous convictions for 42 months a 0.08+ and illicit drug offence (e) 1 or more previous convictions for 42 months a 0.08+ offence and 1 or more previous convictions for a 0.08+ and illicit drug offence (f) any other case 10 months Second offence 30 months Subsequent offence Permanent 10 (3) In determining whether an offence against 11 subsection (1) is a first, second or subsequent offence, 12 a previous offence against a provision specified in the 13 Table must be taken into account as if it were an 14 offence against subsection (1). page 26 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 6 1 Table -- Offences Section no. Section heading s. 75CA(1) Navigation of vessel while under influence of both alcohol and drugs s. 75CD(1) Navigation of vessel while impaired by drugs s. 75HB(1) Failure to comply with requirement: breath analysis, blood sample or stop vessel or navigate to specified place s. 75HC(1) Failure to comply with requirement: incident occasioning death, grievous bodily harm or bodily harm s. 75HE(1) Failure to comply with requirements relating to assessment of drug impairment s. 75HI(1) Failure to comply with drug testing requirement: BAC of 0.15 or above 2 (4) A police officer may arrest a person for an offence 3 against subsection (1) without a warrant. 4 (5) The charging of a person for an offence against this 5 section does not limit the operation of sections 75EE, 6 75EF, 75EH, 75EN and 75EO. 7 75CA. Navigation of vessel while under influence of both 8 alcohol and drugs 9 (1) A person commits an offence if the person navigates, 10 or attempts to operate, a vessel while under the page 27 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 6 1 influence of alcohol and a drug to such an extent as to 2 be incapable of having proper control of the vessel. 3 Alternative offence for this subsection: an offence 4 specified in the Table. 5 Table -- Alternative offences Section no. Section heading s. 75C(1) Navigation of vessel while under influence of alcohol or drugs s. 75CD(1) Navigation of vessel while impaired by drugs s. 75D(1) Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.05 or above s. 75DA(1) Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.08 or above s. 75DB(1) Navigation of vessel while prescribed illicit drug present s. 75DC(1) Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.05 or above and prescribed illicit drug present s. 75DD(1) Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.08 or above and prescribed illicit drug present 6 Penalty for this subsection: 7 (a) for a first offence -- 8 (i) if the person has 1 or more previous 9 convictions for a 0.08+ offence -- a fine 10 of not less than $2 400 or more than 11 $5 650; 12 (ii) if the person has 1 or more previous 13 convictions for a 0.08+ and illicit drug page 28 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 6 1 offence -- a fine of not less than $3 600 2 or more than $5 650; 3 (iii) if the person has 1 or more previous 4 convictions for a 0.08+ offence and 1 or 5 more previous convictions for a 0.08+ 6 and illicit drug offence -- a fine of not 7 less than $3 600 or more than $5 650; 8 (iv) in any other case -- a fine of not less 9 than $2 050 or more than $5 650; 10 (b) for a second offence, imprisonment for 11 9 months or a fine of not less than $4 750 or 12 more than $7 900; 13 (c) for a third or subsequent offence, 14 imprisonment for 18 months or a fine of not 15 less than $4 750 or more than $11 250. 16 (2) If a person is convicted of an offence against 17 subsection (1), a court sentencing the person must 18 order that the person is disqualified from holding or 19 obtaining a WA marine qualification for not less than 20 the period of disqualification specified in the Table. 21 Table -- Disqualification periods Disqualification First offence: (a) 1 previous conviction for a 0.08+ 18 months offence (b) 2 or more previous convictions for 30 months a 0.08+ offence (c) 1 previous conviction for a 0.08+ and 27 months illicit drug offence (d) 2 or more previous convictions for 42 months a 0.08+ and illicit drug offence page 29 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 6 (e) 1 or more previous convictions for 42 months a 0.08+ offence and 1 or more previous convictions for a 0.08+ and illicit drug offence (f) any other case 15 months Second offence 42 months Subsequent offence Permanent 1 (3) In determining whether an offence against 2 subsection (1) is a first, second or subsequent offence, 3 a previous offence against a provision specified in the 4 Table must be taken into account as if it were an 5 offence against subsection (1). 6 Table -- Offences Section no. Section heading s. 75CD(1) Navigation of vessel while impaired by drugs s. 75HB(1) Failure to comply with requirement: breath analysis, blood sample or stop vessel or navigate to specified place s. 75HC(1) Failure to comply with requirement: incident occasioning death, grievous bodily harm or bodily harm s. 75HE(1) Failure to comply with requirements relating to assessment of drug impairment s. 75HI(1) Failure to comply with drug testing requirement: BAC of 0.15 or above 7 (4) A police officer may arrest a person for an offence 8 against subsection (1) without a warrant. page 30 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 6 1 (5) The charging of a person for an offence against this 2 section does not limit the operation of sections 75EE, 3 75EF, 75EH, 75EN and 75EO. 4 75CB. Defence: under influence of drug prescribed or 5 administered for therapeutic reasons 6 (1) This section applies in relation to an offence against 7 section 75C(1) or 75CA(1) if it is alleged, or it appears 8 on the evidence, that the person charged was under the 9 influence of a particular drug. 10 (2) It is a defence to a charge of the offence for the person 11 charged to prove that -- 12 (a) the particular drug was prescribed for, or 13 administered to, the person by a medical 14 practitioner, nurse practitioner or dentist for 15 therapeutic reasons; and 16 (b) the person was not aware, and could not 17 reasonably have been expected to be aware, 18 that the particular drug was likely to affect the 19 person in a way that would be inconsistent with 20 the person being capable of having proper 21 control of a vessel. 22 75CC. Master must not permit person under influence of 23 alcohol or drugs or both to operate vessel 24 The master of a vessel commits an offence if the 25 master -- 26 (a) is aware or has reason to suspect that another 27 person is under the influence of alcohol, a drug 28 or alcohol and a drug; and 29 (b) permits the other person to operate the vessel. 30 Penalty: a fine of $3 750. page 31 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 6 1 75CD. Navigation of vessel while impaired by drugs 2 (1) A person commits an offence if the person navigates, 3 or attempts to operate, a vessel while the person is 4 impaired by a drug. 5 Alternative offence for this subsection: an offence 6 specified in the Table. 7 Table -- Alternative offences Section no. Section heading s. 75C(1) Navigation of vessel while under influence of alcohol or drugs s. 75CA(1) Navigation of vessel while under influence of both alcohol and drugs s. 75DB(1) Navigation of vessel while prescribed illicit drug present 8 Penalty for this subsection: 9 (a) for a first offence, a fine of not less than 10 $1 700 or more than $3 750; 11 (b) for a second offence, imprisonment for 12 9 months or a fine of not less than $3 150 or 13 more than $5 250; 14 (c) for a third or subsequent offence, 15 imprisonment for 18 months or a fine of not 16 less than $3 150 or more than $7 500. 17 (2) A court sentencing a person for an offence against 18 subsection (1) must order that the person is disqualified 19 from holding or obtaining a WA marine qualification 20 as follows -- 21 (a) for a first offence, for a period of not less than 22 10 months; page 32 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 6 1 (b) for a second offence, for a period of not less 2 than 30 months; 3 (c) for a third or subsequent offence, permanently. 4 (3) In determining whether an offence against 5 subsection (1) is a first, second or subsequent offence, 6 a previous offence against a provision specified in the 7 Table must be taken into account as if it were an 8 offence against subsection (1). 9 Table -- Offences Section no. Section heading s. 75C(1) Navigation of vessel while under influence of alcohol or drugs s. 75CA(1) Navigation of vessel while under influence of both alcohol and drugs s. 75HB(1) Failure to comply with requirement: breath analysis, blood sample or stop vessel or navigate to specified place s. 75HC(1) Failure to comply with requirement: incident occasioning death, greivous bodily harm or bodily harm s. 75HE(1) Failure to comply with requirements relating to assessment of drug impairment s. 75HI(1) Failure to comply with drug testing requirement: BAC of 0.15 or above 10 (4) A police officer may arrest a person for an offence 11 against subsection (1) without a warrant. page 33 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 6 1 75CE. When person may be convicted of navigation of 2 vessel while impaired by drugs offence 3 A person may be convicted of an offence against 4 section 75CD(1) if the prosecutor proves that -- 5 (a) the person navigated, or attempted to operate, a 6 vessel; and 7 (b) at the time of the navigation or attempted 8 operation of the vessel, 1 or more drugs were 9 present in the person's body; and 10 (c) the person's behaviour, condition or appearance 11 was consistent with the behaviour, condition or 12 appearance associated with a person who has 13 consumed or used that drug or combination of 14 drugs; and 15 (d) the behaviour or condition associated with a 16 person who has consumed or used that drug or 17 combination of drugs would be inconsistent 18 with the person being capable of having proper 19 control of a vessel. 20 75CF. Defence: impaired by drug prescribed or 21 administered for therapeutic reasons 22 (1) This section applies in relation to an offence against 23 section 75CD(1) if it is alleged, or it appears on the 24 evidence, that the person charged was impaired by 1 or 25 more drugs. 26 (2) It is a defence to a charge of the offence for the person 27 charged to prove that -- 28 (a) the drug, or each drug, was prescribed for, or 29 administered to, the person charged by a 30 medical practitioner, nurse practitioner or 31 dentist for therapeutic reasons; and page 34 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 6 1 (b) if the person charged received the drug, or 1 of 2 the drugs, in packaged form -- the packaging 3 did not include a label advising that the drug 4 was likely to affect a person in a way that 5 would be inconsistent with the person being 6 capable of having proper control of a vessel; 7 and 8 (c) the person charged was not aware, and could 9 not reasonably have been expected to be aware, 10 that the drug or combination of drugs were 11 likely to affect the person in a way that would 12 be inconsistent with the person being capable of 13 having proper control of a vessel. 14 (3) This section has effect despite section 75CE. 15 75CG. Rights of person charged with particular offences 16 (1) This section applies if -- 17 (a) a person is charged with an offence against 18 section 75C(1), 75CA(1) or 75CD(1); and 19 (b) a sample of the person's blood was not taken 20 under an alcohol or drug testing requirement 21 before the person was charged. 22 (2) The person has the right to be examined by a medical 23 practitioner nominated by them, if one is available, for 24 the purpose of arranging for a sample of the person's 25 blood to be taken. 26 (3) An inspector or police officer must -- 27 (a) inform the person charged of this right; and 28 (b) make every reasonable effort to afford the 29 person charged this right. 30 page 35 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 6 1 (2) At the end of Part 3A (as inserted by subsection (1)) insert: 2 3 Division 4 -- Navigation of vessels with particular BAC 4 or prescribed illicit drug present 5 75D. Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.05 or above 6 (1) A person commits an offence if the person navigates, 7 or attempts to operate, a vessel while the person's BAC 8 is 0.05 g or above. 9 (2) If a person is convicted of an offence against 10 subsection (1) -- 11 (a) the person is liable to a penalty of a fine of not 12 less than the minimum fine or more than the 13 maximum fine specified in the Table; and 14 (b) a court sentencing the person must order that 15 the person is disqualified from holding or 16 obtaining a WA marine qualification for not 17 less than the period of disqualification specified 18 in the Table. 19 Table -- Penalties and disqualification BAC First Second Third or offence offence subsequent offence ≥ 0.05 g Min: $1 250 $1 250 but < Max: $1 250 $2 000 $2 000 0.07 g Disq: 6 months 8 months ≥ 0.07 g Min: $1 500 $1 500 Max: $1 250 $2 000 $2 000 Disq: 8 months 10 months 20 Note for this Table: 21 ≥ signifies of or more than 22 < signifies less than page 36 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 6 1 Disq signifies the minimum period of disqualification 2 Max signifies the maximum fine 3 Min signifies the minimum fine 4 (3) In determining whether an offence against 5 subsection (1) is a first, second or subsequent 6 offence -- 7 (a) a previous offence against subsection (1) is to 8 be taken into account regardless of the person's 9 BAC when committing the previous offence; 10 and 11 (b) a previous offence against a provision specified 12 in the Table must be taken into account as if it 13 were a previous offence against subsection (1). 14 Table -- Offences Section no. Section heading s. 75C(1) Navigation of vessel while under influence of alcohol or drugs s. 75CA(1) Navigation of vessel while under influence of both alcohol and drugs s. 75DA(1) Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.08 or above s. 75DC(1) Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.05 or above and prescribed illicit drug present s. 75DD(1) Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.08 or above and prescribed illicit drug present s. 75HB(1) Failure to comply with requirement: breath analysis, blood sample or stop vessel or navigate to specified place page 37 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 6 Section no. Section heading s. 75HC(1) Failure to comply with requirement: incident occasioning death, grievous bodily harm or bodily harm s. 75HG(1) Failure to comply with drug testing requirement: BAC of 0.05 or above s. 75HH(1) Failure to comply with drug testing requirement: BAC of 0.08 or above s. 75HI(1) Failure to comply with drug testing requirement: BAC of 0.15 or above 1 75DA. Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.08 or above 2 (1) A person commits an offence if the person navigates, 3 or attempts to operate, a vessel while the person's BAC 4 is 0.08 g or above. 5 Alternative offence for this subsection: 75D(1) 6 (Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.05 or above). 7 (2) If a person is convicted of an offence against 8 subsection (1) -- 9 (a) the person is liable to a penalty of a fine of not 10 less than the minimum fine or more than the 11 maximum fine specified in the Table; and 12 (b) a court sentencing the person must order that 13 the person is disqualified from holding or 14 obtaining a WA marine qualification for not 15 less than the period of disqualification specified 16 in the Table. page 38 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 6 1 Table -- Penalties and disqualification BAC First Second Third or offence offence subsequent offence ≥ 0.08 g Min: $750 $1 600 $1 600 but < Max: $2 250 $2 250 $2 250 0.09 g Disq: 6 months 8 months 10 months ≥ 0.09 g Min: $850 $1 700 $1 700 but < Max: $2 250 $2 250 $2 250 0.11 g Disq: 7 months 10 months 13 months ≥ 0.11 g Min: $1 000 $1 800 $1 800 but < Max: $2 250 $3 000 $3 000 0.13 g Disq: 8 months 14 months 17 months ≥ 0.13 g Min: $1 150 $2 400 $2 400 Max: $2 250 $3 750 $4 500 Disq: 9 months 18 months 30 months 2 Note for this Table: 3 ≥ signifies of or more than 4 < signifies less than 5 Disq signifies the minimum period of disqualification 6 Max signifies the maximum fine 7 Min signifies the minimum fine 8 (3) In determining whether an offence against 9 subsection (1) is a first, second or subsequent 10 offence -- 11 (a) a previous offence against subsection (1) is to 12 be taken into account regardless of the person's 13 BAC when committing the previous offence; 14 and 15 (b) a previous offence against a provision specified 16 in the Table must be taken into account as if it 17 were an offence against subsection (1). page 39 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 6 1 Table -- Offences Section no. Section heading s. 75C(1) Navigation of vessel while under influence of alcohol or drugs s. 75CA(1) Navigation of vessel while under influence of both alcohol and drugs s. 75DD(1) Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.08 or above and prescribed illicit drug present s. 75HB(1) Failure to comply with requirement: breath analysis, blood sample or stop vessel or navigate to specified place s. 75HC(1) Failure to comply with requirement: incident occasioning death, grievous bodily harm or bodily harm s. 75HH(1) Failure to comply with drug testing requirement: BAC of 0.08 or above s. 75HI(1) Failure to comply with drug testing requirement: BAC of 0.15 or above 2 (4) A police officer may arrest a person for an offence 3 against subsection (1) without a warrant. 4 75DB. Navigation of vessel while prescribed illicit drug 5 present 6 (1) A person commits an offence if the person navigates, 7 or attempts to operate, a vessel while a prescribed illicit 8 drug is present in the person's body. 9 Penalty for this subsection: 10 (a) for a first offence, a fine of $1 250; page 40 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 6 1 (b) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of 2 not less than $1 250 or more than $2 000. 3 (2) A court sentencing a person for a second or subsequent 4 offence against subsection (1) must order that the 5 person is disqualified from holding or obtaining a WA 6 marine qualification for a period of not less than 7 6 months. 8 (3) In determining whether an offence against 9 subsection (1) is a first, second or subsequent offence, 10 a previous offence against a provision specified in the 11 Table must be taken into account as if it were an 12 offence against subsection (1). 13 Table -- Offences Section no. Section heading s. 75CD(1) Navigation of vessel while impaired by drugs s. 75DC(1) Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.05 or above and prescribed illicit drug present s. 75DD(1) Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.08 or above and prescribed illicit drug present s. 75HD(1) Failure to comply with requirement: oral fluid sample for drug testing or blood sample s. 75HG(1) Failure to comply with drug testing requirement: BAC of 0.05 or above s. 75HH(1) Failure to comply with drug testing requirement: BAC of 0.08 or above s. 75HI(1) Failure to comply with drug testing requirement: BAC of 0.15 or above page 41 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 6 1 (4) A police officer may arrest a person for an offence 2 against subsection (1) without a warrant. 3 75DC. Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.05 or above and 4 prescribed illicit drug present 5 (1) A person commits an offence if the person navigates, 6 or attempts to operate a vessel while -- 7 (a) the person's BAC is 0.05 g or above; and 8 (b) a prescribed illicit drug is present in the 9 person's body. 10 Alternative offence for this subsection: an offence 11 specified in the Table. 12 Table -- Alternative offences Section no. Section heading s. 75D(1) Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.05 or above s. 75DA(1) Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.08 or above s. 75DB(1) Navigation of vessel while prescribed illicit drug present 13 (2) If a person is convicted of an offence against 14 subsection (1) -- 15 (a) the person is liable to a penalty of a fine of not 16 less than the minimum fine or more than the 17 maximum fine specified in the Table; and 18 (b) a court sentencing the person must order that 19 the person is disqualified from holding or 20 obtaining a WA marine qualification for not 21 less than the period of disqualification specified 22 in the Table. page 42 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 6 1 Table -- Penalties and disqualification BAC First Second Third or offence offence subsequent offence ≥ 0.05 g Min: $1 900 $1 900 but Max: $1 900 $3 000 $3 000 < 0.07 g Disq: 3 months 9 months 12 months ≥ 0.07 g Min: $2 250 $2 250 Max: $1 900 $3 000 $3 000 Disq: 3 months 12 months 15 months 2 Note for this Table: 3 ≥ signifies of or more than 4 < signifies less than 5 Disq signifies the minimum period of disqualification 6 Max signifies the maximum fine 7 Min signifies the minimum fine 8 (3) In determining whether an offence against 9 subsection (1) is a first, second or subsequent 10 offence -- 11 (a) a previous offence against subsection (1) is to 12 be taken into account regardless of the person's 13 BAC when committing the previous offence; 14 and 15 (b) a previous offence against a provision specified 16 in the Table must be taken into account as if it 17 were an offence against subsection (1). 18 Table -- Offences Section no. Section heading s. 75C(1) Navigation of vessel while under influence of alcohol or drugs page 43 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 6 Section no. Section heading s. 75CA(1) Navigation of vessel while under influence of both alcohol and drugs s. 75CD(1) Navigation of vessel while impaired by drugs s. 75D(1) Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.05 or above s. 75DA(1) Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.08 or above s. 75DB(1) Navigation of vessel while prescribed illicit drug present s. 75DD(1) Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.08 or above and prescribed illicit drug present s. 75HB(1) Failure to comply with requirement: breath analysis, blood sample or stop vessel or navigate to specified place s. 75HC(1) Failure to comply with requirement: incident occasioning death, grievous bodily harm or bodily harm s. 75HE(1) Failure to comply with requirements relating to assessment of drug impairment s. 75HG(1) Failure to comply with drug testing requirement: BAC of 0.05 or above page 44 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 6 Section no. Section heading s. 75HH(1) Failure to comply with drug testing requirement: BAC of 0.08 or above s. 75HI(1) Failure to comply with drug testing requirement: BAC of 0.15 or above 1 (4) A police officer may arrest a person for an offence 2 against subsection (1) without a warrant. 3 75DD. Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.08 or above and 4 prescribed illicit drug present 5 (1) A person commits an offence if the person navigates, 6 or attempts to operate, a vessel while -- 7 (a) the person's BAC is 0.08 g or above; and 8 (b) a prescribed illicit drug is present in the 9 person's body. 10 Alternative offence for this subsection: an offence 11 specified in the Table. 12 Table -- Alternative offences Section no. Section heading s. 75D(1) Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.05 or above s. 75DA(1) Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.08 or above s. 75DB(1) Navigation of vessel while prescribed illicit drug present page 45 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 6 Section no. Section heading s. 75DC(1) Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.05 or above and prescribed illicit drug present 1 (2) If a person is convicted of an offence against 2 subsection (1) -- 3 (a) the person is liable to a penalty of a fine of not 4 less than the minimum fine or more than the 5 maximum fine specified in the Table; and 6 (b) a court sentencing the person must order that 7 the person is disqualified from holding or 8 obtaining a WA marine qualification for not 9 less than the period of disqualification specified 10 in the Table. 11 Table -- Penalties and disqualification BAC First Second Third or offence offence subsequent offence ≥ 0.08 g Min: $1 150 $2 400 $2 400 but Max: $3 400 $3 400 $3 400 < 0.09 g Disq: 9 months 12 months 15 months ≥ 0.09 g Min: $1 300 $2 550 $2 550 but Max: $3 400 $3 400 $3 400 < 0.11 g Disq: 11 months 15 months 20 months ≥ 0.11 g Min: $1 500 $2 700 $2 700 but Max: $3 400 $4 500 $4 500 < 0.13 g Disq: 12 months 21 months 26 months ≥ 0.13 g Min: $1 750 $3 600 $3 600 Max: $3 400 $5 650 $6 750 Disq: 14 months 27 months 42 months 12 Note for this Table: 13 ≥ signifies of or more than page 46 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 6 1 < signifies less than 2 Disq signifies the minimum period of disqualification 3 Max signifies the maximum fine 4 Min signifies the minimum fine 5 (3) In determining whether an offence against 6 subsection (1) is a first, second or subsequent 7 offence -- 8 (a) a previous offence against subsection (1) is to 9 be taken into account regardless of the person's 10 BAC when committing the previous offence; 11 and 12 (b) a previous offence against a provision specified 13 in the Table must be taken into account as if it 14 were an offence against subsection (1). 15 Table -- Offences Section no. Section heading s. 75C(1) Navigation of vessel while under influence of alcohol or drugs s. 75CA(1) Navigation of vessel while under influence of both alcohol and drugs s. 75CD(1) Navigation of vessel while impaired by drugs s. 75DA(1) Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.08 or above s. 75HB(1) Failure to comply with requirement: breath analysis, blood sample or stop vessel or navigate to specified place page 47 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 6 Section no. Section heading s. 75HC(1) Failure to comply with requirement: incident occasioning death, grievous bodily harm or bodily harm s. 75HE(1) Failure to comply with requirements relating to assessment of drug impairment s. 75HH(1) Failure to comply with drug testing requirement: BAC of 0.08 or above s. 75HI(1) Failure to comply with drug testing requirement: BAC of 0.15 or above 1 (4) A police officer may arrest a person for an offence 2 against subsection (1) without a warrant. 3 75DE. Mistaken belief about prescribed illicit drug is not 4 defence 5 It is not a defence to a charge of an offence against 6 section 75DB(1), 75DC(1) or 75DD(1) that the person 7 charged took a prescribed illicit drug mistakenly 8 believing it to be another drug if that other drug is 9 also -- 10 (a) a drug to which the Misuse of Drugs Act 1981 11 applies; or 12 (b) a Schedule 4 poison as defined in the Medicines 13 and Poisons Act 2014 section 3. 14 page 48 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 7 1 7. Part 3B inserted 2 After Part 3A (as inserted by section 6 of this Act) insert: 3 4 Part 3B -- Testing for alcohol and drugs 5 Division 1 -- Preliminary 6 75E. Terms used 7 (1) In this Part -- 8 authorised drug tester has the meaning given in 9 section 75EB(1); 10 authorised operator has the meaning given in 11 section 75EA(1); 12 breath analysing equipment means -- 13 (a) breath analysing equipment as defined in the 14 Road Traffic Act 1974 section 65; or 15 (b) a device of a type approved under 16 section 75JA(b); 17 breath analysis means the analysis of a sample of a 18 person's breath to determine the person's BAC using 19 breath analysing equipment; 20 drug testing means testing a sample of a person's oral 21 fluid for the presence of a prescribed illicit drug using a 22 drug testing device; 23 drug testing device means -- 24 (a) an approved device as defined in the Road 25 Traffic Act 1974 section 65; or 26 (b) a device of a type approved under 27 section 75JA(d); 28 hospital has the meaning given in the Health Services 29 Act 2016 section 8(4); page 49 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 7 1 involved, for a vessel in relation to an incident, has the 2 meaning given in section 75AB; 3 navigate, a vessel, has the meaning given in 4 section 75AA(2); 5 operate, a vessel, has the meaning given in 6 section 75AA(1); 7 preliminary breath test means -- 8 (a) a preliminary test as defined in the Road Traffic 9 Act 1974 section 65; or 10 (b) a test of a sample of a person's breath using a 11 preliminary breath testing device; 12 preliminary breath testing device means -- 13 (a) an apparatus of a type referred to in the 14 definition of preliminary test in the Road 15 Traffic Act 1974 section 65; or 16 (b) a device of a type approved under 17 section 75JA(a); 18 preliminary oral fluid test means a test of a sample of 19 a person's oral fluid using a preliminary oral fluid 20 testing device; 21 preliminary oral fluid testing device means -- 22 (a) a device of a type referred to in the definition of 23 preliminary oral fluid test as that term is 24 defined in the Road Traffic Act 1974 25 section 65; or 26 (b) a device of a type approved under 27 section 75JA(c); 28 prescribed sample taker means -- 29 (a) a medical practitioner; or 30 (b) a registered nurse; or page 50 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 7 1 (c) a prescribed person who is appropriately 2 qualified to take samples for testing in relation 3 to alcohol or drugs; 4 registered nurse means a person -- 5 (a) registered under the Health Practitioner 6 Regulation National Law (Western Australia) 7 in the nursing profession; and 8 (b) whose name is entered on Division 1 of the 9 Register of Nurses kept under that Law; 10 stop, in relation to a vessel, includes -- 11 (a) stop the vessel's motor; and 12 (b) drop the vessel's anchor; and 13 (c) fasten the vessel to a mooring, wharf or jetty. 14 (2) For the purposes of this Part, anything done by a 15 person acting under the supervision or direction of an 16 analyst, a drugs analyst, a medical practitioner or a 17 prescribed sample taker is taken to have been done by 18 the analyst, drugs analyst, medical practitioner or 19 prescribed sample taker (as the case requires). 20 75EA. Authorised operators for operating breath 21 analysing equipment 22 (1) An authorised operator is -- 23 (a) an authorised person as defined in the Road 24 Traffic Act 1974 section 65; or 25 (b) a police officer certified by the Commissioner 26 of Police under subsection (2); or 27 (c) an inspector certified by the chief executive 28 officer under subsection (3). 29 (2) The Commissioner of Police may certify that a police 30 officer is competent to operate breath analysing 31 equipment. page 51 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 7 1 (3) The chief executive officer may certify that an 2 inspector is competent to operate breath analysing 3 equipment. 4 75EB. Authorised drug testers for operating drug testing 5 devices 6 (1) An authorised drug tester is -- 7 (a) an authorised drug tester as defined in the Road 8 Traffic Act 1974 section 65; or 9 (b) a police officer certified by the Commissioner 10 of Police under subsection (2); or 11 (c) an inspector certified by the chief executive 12 officer under subsection (3). 13 (2) The Commissioner of Police may certify that a police 14 officer is competent to operate a drug testing device. 15 (3) The chief executive officer may certify that an 16 inspector is competent to operate a device. 17 75EC. Using breath sample to work out BAC 18 (1) A concentration of alcohol in a person's breath of a 19 number of grams per 210 L of breath is taken to be a 20 concentration in the person's blood of that number of 21 grams of alcohol per 100 mL of blood. 22 (2) Breath analysing equipment is taken to be a device that 23 determines a person's BAC by analysing a sample of 24 the person's breath, whether the device -- 25 (a) gives the BAC directly; or 26 (b) allows the BAC to be worked out under 27 subsection (1). page 52 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 7 1 (3) A device used to conduct a preliminary breath test is 2 taken to be a device that indicates a person's BAC, or 3 indicates whether or not the person has a BAC of or 4 above a particular level, whether the device -- 5 (a) gives the indication directly; or 6 (b) allows the BAC to be worked out under 7 subsection (1). 8 75ED. Powers additional to other powers 9 A power of an inspector or police officer under this 10 Part is additional to, and does not limit, any other 11 power the inspector or police officer may have under 12 this Act or another written law. 13 Division 2 -- Testing for alcohol 14 Subdivision 1 -- Preliminary breath tests 15 75EE. General power to require breath sample for 16 preliminary breath test 17 (1) An inspector or police officer may require a person to 18 provide a sample of breath for a preliminary breath test 19 if the inspector or police officer believes on reasonable 20 grounds that the person is or was -- 21 (a) navigating or attempting to operate a vessel; or 22 (b) the master of a vessel. 23 (2) The inspector or police officer must conduct a 24 preliminary breath test of the person. page 53 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 7 1 75EF. Power to require breath sample for preliminary 2 breath test following incident 3 (1) This section applies if a vessel is involved in an 4 incident occasioning injury to a person or damage to 5 property and an inspector or police officer -- 6 (a) does not know, or has doubt about, who was 7 navigating the vessel at the time of the incident; 8 and 9 (b) believes on reasonable grounds that the person 10 may have been navigating the vessel at that 11 time. 12 (2) The inspector or police officer may require the person 13 to provide a sample of breath for a preliminary breath 14 test. 15 (3) The inspector or police officer must conduct a 16 preliminary breath test of the person. 17 75EG. Compliance with requirement 18 A person must comply with a requirement imposed on 19 the person under section 75EE or 75EF by providing a 20 sample of the person's breath in accordance with the 21 directions of the inspector or police officer. 22 Subdivision 2 -- Breath analysis or blood samples following 23 preliminary breath test or commission of certain offences 24 75EH. Power to require breath or blood sample following 25 requirement for preliminary breath test 26 (1) This section applies if -- 27 (a) an inspector or police officer requires a person 28 to provide a sample of breath for a preliminary 29 breath test under section 75EE or 75EF; and page 54 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 7 1 (b) either -- 2 (i) the person's preliminary breath test 3 indicates they have a BAC of 0.05 g or 4 above; or 5 (ii) the person fails to comply with the 6 requirement. 7 (2) This section also applies if -- 8 (a) an inspector or police officer has power to 9 require a person to provide a sample of breath 10 for a preliminary breath test under section 75EE 11 or 75EF; and 12 (b) it appears to the inspector or police officer that 13 the person may be incapable of complying with 14 the requirement because of the person's 15 physical condition. 16 (3) An inspector or police officer may require a person -- 17 (a) to provide a sample of breath for breath 18 analysis; or 19 (b) to allow a prescribed sample taker to take a 20 sample of the person's blood for analysis. 21 (4) If a requirement to provide a sample of breath for 22 breath analysis is imposed on a person under 23 subsection (3)(a), an inspector or police officer who is 24 an authorised operator must conduct a breath analysis 25 of the person. 26 (5) A sample of a person's blood taken in accordance with 27 a requirement under this section may be analysed in 28 relation to drugs in addition to being analysed for the 29 presence of alcohol or to determine the person's BAC. page 55 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 7 1 75EI. Power to require breath or blood sample for 2 analysis following commission of certain offences 3 (1) This section applies if an inspector or police officer 4 believes on reasonable grounds that a person has 5 committed an offence against section 75C(1) 6 or 75CA(1). 7 (2) This section also applies if an inspector or police 8 officer -- 9 (a) believes on reasonable grounds that a vessel 10 was involved in either -- 11 (i) the commission of an offence against 12 section 75B(1) or (2), 75BA(1) or (2) or 13 75BB(1) or (3); or 14 (ii) an incident occasioning injury to a 15 person or damage to property; 16 and 17 (b) does not know, or has doubt about, who was 18 navigating the vessel at the time of the offence 19 or incident; and 20 (c) believes on reasonable grounds that the person 21 may have been navigating the vessel at that 22 time. 23 (3) The inspector or police officer may require the 24 person -- 25 (a) to provide a sample of breath for breath 26 analysis; or 27 (b) to allow a prescribed sample taker to take a 28 sample of the person's blood for analysis. 29 (4) If a requirement to provide a sample of breath for 30 breath analysis is imposed on a person under 31 subsection (3)(a), an inspector or police officer who is page 56 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 7 1 an authorised operator must conduct a breath analysis 2 of the person. 3 (5) A sample of a person's blood taken in accordance with 4 a requirement under this section may be analysed in 5 relation to drugs in addition to being analysed for the 6 presence of alcohol or to determine the person's BAC. 7 75EJ. Compliance with requirement 8 (1) A person must comply with a requirement imposed on 9 the person under section 75EH or 75EI to provide a 10 sample of breath for breath analysis by providing the 11 sample in accordance with the directions of the 12 authorised officer conducting the breath analysis. 13 (2) A person must comply with a requirement imposed on 14 the person under section 75EH or 75EI to allow a 15 prescribed sample taker to take a sample of the 16 person's blood for analysis by -- 17 (a) allowing a prescribed sample taker nominated 18 by the inspector or police officer to take the 19 sample; and 20 (b) complying with the directions of the sample 21 taker. 22 75EK. Further sample of breath for breath analysis 23 (1) This section applies if -- 24 (a) a person provides a sample of breath for breath 25 analysis in accordance with a requirement 26 imposed under section 75EH or 75EI; and 27 (b) breath analysis of the sample fails. 28 (2) An inspector or police officer may require the person to 29 provide 1 additional breath sample for breath analysis 30 under section 75EH or 75EI. page 57 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 7 1 (3) If the person provides 2 breath samples for analysis 2 under section 75EH or 75EI and the analysis of each 3 sample fails, the person cannot be required to provide 4 another sample of breath for analysis under those 5 sections. 6 (4) An analysis of a sample of breath is taken to have 7 failed only if the breath analysing equipment used for 8 the analysis does not indicate a result in the prescribed 9 manner. 10 75EL. When inspector or police officer must not impose 11 testing requirement because of physical incapacity 12 (1) This section applies if it appears to an inspector or 13 police officer that, because of a person's physical 14 condition, the person is incapable of providing a 15 sample of breath that is sufficient for breath analysing 16 equipment to operate. 17 (2) The inspector or police officer must not require the 18 person to provide a sample of breath for a breath 19 analysis under section 75EH or 75EI. 20 75EM. Breath analysis indicates BAC of 0.05 or above 21 (1) This section applies if a breath analysis indicates a 22 person has a BAC of 0.05 g or above. 23 (2) The authorised operator who operated the breath 24 analysing equipment used for the breath analysis must 25 immediately give the person a written statement, or a 26 statement printed by the instrument, that includes all of 27 the following information -- 28 (a) the date and time the breath sample was taken; 29 (b) the date and time the sample was analysed; 30 (c) the result of the analysis. page 58 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 7 1 (3) If the breath analysing equipment indicates a result in 2 the prescribed manner at the conclusion of the analysis, 3 the result indicated by the breath analysing equipment 4 is taken to be the person's BAC at the time the sample 5 of breath was provided. 6 Subdivision 3 -- Blood samples in other circumstances 7 including following serious incident 8 75EN. Power to require blood sample in other 9 circumstances 10 (1) This section applies if an inspector or police officer has 11 power to require a person to provide a sample of breath 12 for breath analysis under section 75EH or 75EI and 13 either -- 14 (a) the inspector or police officer is prevented by 15 section 75EK(3) from imposing the 16 requirement; or 17 (b) it appears to the inspector or police officer that 18 the person may be incapable of complying with 19 the requirement because of the person's 20 physical condition. 21 (2) This section also applies if an inspector or police 22 officer requires a person to provide a sample of breath 23 for breath analysis under section 75EH or 75EI and 24 either -- 25 (a) the breath analysis indicates there is no alcohol 26 present in the person's blood; or 27 (b) both of the following apply -- 28 (i) the person's behaviour, condition or 29 appearance is consistent with that of a 30 person who is under the influence of 31 alcohol or something else; page 59 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 7 1 (ii) the breath analysis indicates a BAC that 2 does not reasonably explain the person's 3 behaviour, condition or appearance. 4 (3) The inspector or police officer may require the person 5 to allow a prescribed sample taker to take a sample of 6 the person's blood for analysis. 7 (4) If it appears to the inspector or police officer that the 8 person's physical condition renders them incapable of 9 complying with the requirement, the inspector or police 10 officer may cause a prescribed sample taker nominated 11 by the inspector or police officer to take a sample of 12 the person's blood for analysis. 13 (5) A sample of a person's blood taken in accordance with 14 a requirement under this section may be analysed in 15 relation to drugs in addition to being analysed for the 16 presence of alcohol or to determine the person's BAC. 17 75EO. Power to require blood sample following incident 18 occasioning death or serious bodily harm 19 (1) This section applies if an inspector or police officer 20 believes on reasonable grounds that -- 21 (a) a vessel is involved in an incident occasioning 22 the death of, or grievous bodily harm or serious 23 bodily harm to, a person; and 24 (b) at the time of the incident, a person is or was -- 25 (i) navigating, or attempting to operate, the 26 vessel; or 27 (ii) the master of the vessel. 28 (2) The inspector or police officer may require the person 29 to allow a prescribed sample taker to take a sample of 30 the person's blood for analysis. page 60 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 7 1 (3) If it appears to the inspector or police officer that the 2 person's physical condition renders them incapable of 3 complying with the requirement, the inspector or police 4 officer may cause a prescribed sample taker nominated 5 by the inspector or police officer to take a sample of 6 the person's blood for analysis. 7 (4) A sample of a person's blood taken in accordance with 8 a requirement under this section may be analysed in 9 relation to drugs in addition to being analysed for the 10 presence of alcohol or to determine the person's BAC. 11 (5) For the purposes of subsection (1)(a), serious bodily 12 harm to a person is bodily harm to a person, other than 13 grievous bodily harm, that an inspector or police 14 officer believes on reasonable grounds is likely to 15 require treatment at a hospital, whether or not treatment 16 at a hospital is practicable. 17 75EP. When inspector or police officer must not require 18 blood sample to be taken 19 If an incident referred to in section 75EO(1)(a) occurs, 20 an inspector or police officer must not require or cause 21 a sample of a person's blood to be taken under that 22 section in relation to the incident if it appears to the 23 inspector or police officer that the sample cannot be 24 taken within 12 hours after the incident occurred. 25 75EQ. Compliance with requirement 26 A person must comply with a requirement imposed on 27 the person under section 75EN or 75EO to allow a 28 prescribed sample taker to take a sample of the 29 person's blood for analysis by -- 30 (a) allowing a prescribed sample taker nominated 31 by the inspector or police officer to take the 32 sample; and page 61 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 7 1 (b) complying with the directions of the sample 2 taker. 3 Division 3 -- Testing for drugs 4 Subdivision 1 -- Preliminary oral fluid tests 5 75F. General power to require oral fluid sample for 6 preliminary oral fluid test 7 (1) An inspector or police officer may require a person to 8 provide a sample of oral fluid for a preliminary oral 9 fluid test if the inspector or police officer believes on 10 reasonable grounds that the person is or was -- 11 (a) navigating or attempting to operate a vessel; or 12 (b) the master of a vessel. 13 (2) The inspector or police officer must conduct a 14 preliminary oral fluid test of the person in accordance 15 with the prescribed procedure. 16 75FA. Powers to require oral fluid samples for 17 preliminary oral fluid tests 18 (1) This section applies if a vessel is involved in an 19 incident occasioning injury to a person or damage to 20 property and an inspector or police officer -- 21 (a) does not know, or has doubt about, who was 22 navigating the vessel at the time of the incident; 23 and 24 (b) believes on reasonable grounds that a person 25 may have been navigating the vessel at that 26 time. 27 (2) The inspector or police officer may require the person 28 to provide a sample of oral fluid for a preliminary oral 29 fluid test. page 62 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 7 1 (3) The inspector or police officer must conduct a 2 preliminary oral fluid test of the person in accordance 3 with the prescribed procedure. 4 75FB. Compliance with requirement 5 A person must comply with a requirement imposed on 6 the person under section 75F or 75FA by providing a 7 sample of the person's oral fluid for a preliminary oral 8 fluid test in accordance with the directions of the 9 inspector or police officer. 10 Subdivision 2 -- Drug testing and blood samples 11 75FC. Power to require oral fluid sample for drug testing 12 following preliminary oral fluid test 13 (1) This section applies if an inspector or police officer 14 requires a person to provide a sample of oral fluid for a 15 preliminary oral fluid test under section 75F or 75FA 16 and either -- 17 (a) the preliminary oral fluid test indicates a 18 sample of the person's oral fluid contains a 19 prescribed illicit drug; or 20 (b) the person refuses or fails to comply with the 21 requirement. 22 (2) The inspector or police officer may require the person 23 to provide a sample of oral fluid for drug testing. 24 (3) An inspector or police officer who is an authorised 25 drug tester must conduct drug testing of the person 26 by -- 27 (a) collecting a sample of the person's oral fluid in 28 the prescribed manner; and 29 (b) conducting the drug testing in accordance with 30 the prescribed procedure. page 63 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 7 1 75FD. Further sample of oral fluid for drug testing 2 (1) This section applies if -- 3 (a) a person provides a sample of oral fluid in 4 accordance with a requirement imposed on the 5 person under section 75FC; and 6 (b) the drug testing of the sample using a drug 7 testing device fails. 8 (2) An inspector or police officer may require the person to 9 provide 1 additional sample of oral fluid for drug 10 testing under section 75FC. 11 (3) If the person has provided 2 samples of oral fluid for 12 drug testing under section 75FC and the drug testing of 13 each sample using a drug testing device fails, the 14 person cannot be required to provide another sample of 15 oral fluid for drug testing under that section. 16 (4) For the purposes of this section, the drug testing of a 17 sample of oral fluid is taken to have failed only if the 18 drug testing device used for the drug testing -- 19 (a) is not in proper working order; or 20 (b) does not indicate a positive or negative result. 21 75FE. When inspector or police officer must not impose 22 testing requirement because of physical incapacity 23 (1) This section applies if appears to an inspector or police 24 officer that, because of a person's physical condition, 25 the person is incapable of providing a sample of oral 26 fluid that is sufficient for a drug testing device to 27 operate. 28 (2) The inspector or police officer must not require the 29 person to provide a sample of oral fluid for drug testing 30 under section 75FC. page 64 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 7 1 75FF. Power to require blood sample instead of oral fluid 2 sample 3 (1) This section applies if -- 4 (a) an inspector or police officer has power to 5 require a person to provide a sample of oral 6 fluid for drug testing under section 75FC; and 7 (b) it appears to the inspector or police officer that 8 the person may be incapable of complying with 9 the requirement because of the person's 10 physical condition. 11 (2) The inspector or police officer may require the person 12 to allow a prescribed sample taker to take a sample of 13 the person's blood for analysis. 14 (3) If it appears to the inspector or police officer that the 15 person's physical condition renders them incapable of 16 complying with the requirement, the inspector or police 17 officer may cause a prescribed sample taker nominated 18 by the inspector or police officer to take a sample of a 19 person's blood for analysis. 20 (4) A sample of a person's blood taken in accordance with 21 a requirement under this section may be analysed for 22 the presence of alcohol or to determine the person's 23 BAC in addition to being analysed in relation to drugs. 24 75FG. Compliance with requirement 25 (1) A person must comply with a requirement imposed on 26 the person under section 75FC to provide an oral fluid 27 sample for drug testing by providing the sample in 28 accordance with the directions of an authorised drug 29 tester. page 65 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 7 1 (2) A person must comply with a requirement imposed on 2 the person under section 75FF to allow a blood sample 3 to be taken by a prescribed sample taker by -- 4 (a) allowing a prescribed sample taker nominated 5 by the inspector or police officer to take the 6 sample; and 7 (b) complying with the directions of the sample 8 taker. 9 Subdivision 3 -- Assessment of drug impairment and related 10 provisions 11 75FH. Assessments of drug impairment 12 (1) This section applies if an inspector or police officer 13 believes on reasonable grounds that a person is or was 14 navigating, or attempting to operate, a vessel while 15 impaired by something (other than only alcohol) 16 affecting the person's capacity to navigate the vessel. 17 (2) This section also applies if a vessel is involved in an 18 incident occasioning injury to a person or damage to 19 property and an inspector or police officer -- 20 (a) does not know, or has doubt about, who was 21 navigating, or attempting to operate, the vessel 22 at the time of the incident; and 23 (b) believes on reasonable grounds that a person -- 24 (i) may have been navigating, or 25 attempting to operate, the vessel at the 26 time of the incident; and 27 (ii) was impaired by something (other than 28 only alcohol) affecting the person's 29 capacity to navigate a vessel. 30 (3) The inspector or police officer may require the person 31 to undergo an assessment of drug impairment. page 66 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 7 1 (4) An inspector or police officer must conduct an 2 assessment of drug impairment of the person in 3 accordance with the prescribed procedure for 4 conducting the assessment. 5 75FI. When inspector or police officer must not impose 6 testing requirement because of physical incapacity 7 (1) This section applies if it appears to an inspector or 8 police officer that, because of a person's physical 9 condition, the person is incapable of undergoing an 10 assessment of drug impairment. 11 (2) The inspector or police officer must not require the 12 person to undergo an assessment of drug impairment 13 under section 75FH. 14 75FJ. Power to require blood samples for drug analysis 15 (1) This section applies if an inspector or police officer -- 16 (a) requires a person to undergo an assessment of 17 drug impairment under section 75FH and 18 either -- 19 (i) it appears to the inspector or police 20 officer that the assessment indicates the 21 person is impaired by a drug; or 22 (ii) the person fails to comply with the 23 requirement; 24 or 25 (b) is prevented by section 75FI from requiring a 26 person to undergo an assessment of drug 27 impairment because of the person's physical 28 condition. 29 (2) The inspector or police officer may require the person 30 to allow a prescribed sample taker to take a sample of 31 the person's blood for analysis. page 67 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 7 1 (3) If it appears to the inspector or police officer that the 2 person's physical condition renders them incapable of 3 complying with the requirement, the inspector or police 4 officer may cause a prescribed sample taker nominated 5 by the inspector or police officer to take a sample of a 6 person's blood for analysis. 7 (4) A sample of a person's blood taken in accordance with 8 a requirement under this section may be analysed for 9 the presence of alcohol or to determine the person's 10 BAC in addition to being analysed in relation to drugs. 11 75FK. Compliance with requirement 12 (1) A person must comply with a requirement imposed on 13 the person under section 75FH to undergo an 14 assessment of drug impairment by undergoing the 15 assessment in accordance with the directions of the 16 inspector or police officer. 17 (2) A person must comply with a requirement imposed on 18 the person under section 75FJ to allow a prescribed 19 sample taker to take a sample of the person's blood for 20 analysis by -- 21 (a) allowing a prescribed sample taker nominated 22 by the inspector or police officer to take the 23 sample; and 24 (b) complying with the directions of the sample 25 taker. 26 Division 4 -- Enforcement powers relating to testing for 27 alcohol and drugs 28 75G. Requirement to leave vessel, accompany inspector 29 or police officer to place or wait at place 30 (1) An inspector or police officer may require a person to 31 leave a vessel, accompany an inspector or police page 68 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 7 1 officer to a specified place or wait at a specified place 2 for any of the following purposes -- 3 (a) to impose an alcohol or drug testing 4 requirement on the person; 5 (b) for a sample of the person's breath, oral fluid or 6 blood to be provided or taken in accordance 7 with an alcohol or drug testing requirement; 8 (c) for an assessment of drug impairment to be 9 carried out in relation to a person in accordance 10 with an alcohol or drug testing requirement. 11 (2) An inspector or police officer may require a person to 12 do 1 or more things under subsection (1), or impose 13 further requirements on the person under that 14 subsection, as is reasonable in the circumstances to 15 achieve a purpose referred to in subsection (1)(a), (b) 16 or (c). 17 (3) A requirement given to a person under subsection (1) 18 ceases to have effect to the extent that an inspector or 19 police officer -- 20 (a) gives the person a later inconsistent 21 requirement; or 22 (b) indicates to the person that the requirement no 23 longer has effect. 24 (4) A person must comply with a requirement imposed on 25 the person under subsection (1) in accordance with the 26 directions of the inspector or police officer. 27 75GA. Requirement to stop vessel or navigate to suitable 28 location 29 (1) This section applies if an inspector or police officer 30 believes on reasonable grounds that it may be 31 necessary to impose an alcohol or drug testing 32 requirement on a person on a vessel. page 69 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 7 1 (2) The inspector or police officer may give a person 2 navigating the vessel a direction requiring the person 3 to -- 4 (a) stop the vessel at a specified place; or 5 (b) navigate the vessel to a specified place that the 6 inspector or police officer considers is suitable 7 for -- 8 (i) the purposes of imposing an alcohol or 9 drug testing requirement on a person; or 10 (ii) another purpose under this Part or 11 Part 3A. 12 Example for this subsection: 13 For the purposes of paragraph (b), a suitable place may be 14 a location to fasten a vessel to a mooring, wharf or jetty or a 15 location close to the shore. 16 (3) An inspector or police officer may require a person to 17 do 1 or more things under subsection (2), or impose 18 further requirements on the person under that 19 subsection, as is reasonable in the circumstances to 20 achieve a purpose referred to in subsection (2)(a) 21 or (b)(i) or (ii). 22 (4) A requirement under subsection (2) may be given to a 23 person orally or by means of a sign or signal 24 (electronic or otherwise), or in any other manner. 25 (5) A requirement given under subsection (2) to a person 26 ceases to have effect to the extent that an inspector or 27 police officer -- 28 (a) gives the person a later inconsistent direction; 29 or 30 (b) indicates to the person that the direction no 31 longer has effect. page 70 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 7 1 (6) A person must comply with a requirement imposed on 2 the person under subsection (2) in accordance with the 3 directions of the inspector or police officer. 4 75GB. Power to board and move vessel 5 (1) An inspector or police officer may board a vessel, or 6 move a vessel to a place for safe custody -- 7 (a) if the inspector or police officer believes on 8 reasonable grounds that the vessel has been 9 used in connection with an offence under 10 Part 3A or this Part; or 11 (b) for the purposes of imposing an alcohol or drug 12 testing requirement on a person on the vessel. 13 (2) An inspector or police officer may require a person on 14 the vessel, or the owner, operator, master or pilot of the 15 vessel, to take reasonable steps to facilitate the 16 boarding or moving of the vessel under subsection (1). 17 (3) A person must comply with a requirement imposed on 18 the person under subsection (2) in accordance with the 19 directions of the inspector or police officer. 20 75GC. Power to prevent use of vessel by alleged offender 21 (1) In this section -- 22 key includes a device or thing that allows a vessel to be 23 operated. 24 Example for this definition: 25 A lanyard for a lanyard kill switch on an outboard motor. 26 (2) This section applies if an inspector or police officer has 27 reason for suspecting that a person has committed an 28 offence against any of the sections specified in the 29 Table. page 71 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 7 1 Table -- Offences Section no. Section heading s. 75C(1) Navigation of vessel while under influence of alcohol or drugs s. 75CA(1) Navigation of vessel while under influence of both alcohol and drugs s. 75CD(1) Navigation of vessel while impaired by drugs s. 75D(1) Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.05 or above s. 75DA(1) Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.08 or above s. 75DB(1) Navigation of vessel while prescribed illicit drug present s. 75DC(1) Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.05 or above and prescribed illicit drug present s. 75DD(1) Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.08 or above and prescribed illicit drug present 2 (3) The inspector or police officer may require the person 3 to immediately give each key to a vessel in the 4 person's possession -- 5 (a) to the inspector or police officer; or 6 (b) to another person in the person's company if 7 the inspector or police officer is satisfied that 8 the other person -- 9 (i) is authorised to navigate the vessel; and page 72 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 7 1 (ii) is responsible and able to navigate the 2 vessel properly. 3 (4) An inspector or police officer may impose a 4 requirement under subsection (3) -- 5 (a) if satisfied that the requirement is necessary in 6 the circumstances and is in the interests of the 7 person, or of any other person or of the public; 8 and 9 (b) whether or not the person has been or is to be 10 charged with an offence. 11 (5) If the keys to a vessel are given to an inspector or 12 police officer under subsection (3)(a), the inspector or 13 police officer may take any appropriate and practicable 14 steps to ensure that the vessel is secure and not causing 15 an obstruction. 16 (6) Those steps may include moving the vessel to a more 17 suitable place. 18 (7) Before giving the keys to a vessel to a person under 19 subsection (3)(b), an inspector or police officer may 20 require the person to provide a sample of breath for a 21 preliminary breath test for the purposes of the inspector 22 or police officer being satisfied that the person is able 23 to navigate the vessel properly. 24 75GD. Compliance with requirement 25 A person commits an offence if the person -- 26 (a) fails to comply with any requirement imposed 27 on the person under section 75GC(3); or 28 (b) obstructs, or attempts to obstruct, an inspector 29 or police officer in the exercise of a power under 30 section 75GC(3), (5) or (7). 31 Penalty for this subsection: a fine of $600. page 73 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 7 1 75GE. Return of keys to vessel 2 (1) This section applies if the keys to a vessel are given to 3 an inspector or police officer under 4 section 75GC(3)(a). 5 (2) If a person asks an inspector or police officer to give 6 the person the keys to the vessel, the inspector or police 7 officer must comply with the request if satisfied that 8 the person -- 9 (a) is entitled to lawful possession of the vessel or 10 is in the company of a person who is entitled to 11 lawful possession of the vessel; and 12 (b) is authorised to navigate the vessel; and 13 (c) is responsible and able to navigate the vessel 14 properly. 15 (3) Before giving keys to a vessel to a person under 16 subsection (2), an inspector or police officer may 17 require the person to provide a sample of breath for a 18 preliminary breath test for the purposes of the inspector 19 or police officer being satisfied that the person is able 20 to navigate the vessel properly. 21 (4) If keys to a vessel are not given to a person who makes 22 a request under subsection (2) within 24 hours after the 23 request is made, the person may apply to the 24 Magistrates Court for an order for the keys to be given 25 to the person named in the application. page 74 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 7 1 75GF. Prohibiting person from navigating vessel for 2 24 hours if prescribed illicit drug present 3 (1) This section applies if -- 4 (a) drug testing of a sample of a person's oral fluid 5 indicates a prescribed illicit drug is present; or 6 (b) each of the following applies -- 7 (i) a preliminary oral fluid test of a sample 8 of the person's oral fluid gives a 9 preliminary indication that a prescribed 10 illicit drug is present; 11 (ii) an inspector or police officer is 12 prevented by section 75FE from 13 requiring the person to provide a sample 14 of oral fluid for drug testing; 15 (iii) the inspector or police officer requires 16 the person to allow a prescribed sample 17 taker to take the person's blood for 18 analysis under section 75FF; 19 or 20 (c) a preliminary oral fluid test of a sample of the 21 person's oral fluid gives a preliminary 22 indication that a prescribed illicit drug is 23 present and, because of section 75FD(3), the 24 person cannot be required to provide another 25 sample of oral fluid for drug testing; or 26 (d) the person refuses or fails to provide a sample 27 of oral fluid for a preliminary oral fluid test or 28 drug testing, or to allow a sample of the 29 person's blood to be taken for analysis, having 30 been required to do so under Division 3. page 75 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 7 1 (2) An inspector or police officer may give the person a 2 notice (a prohibition notice) prohibiting the person 3 from navigating a vessel for 24 hours. 4 (3) A prohibition under subsection (2) applies in relation to 5 a vessel if a WA marine qualification is required to 6 navigate the vessel under this Act. 7 (4) A prohibition notice given to a person under 8 subsection (2) must be given personally. 9 (5) A person given a prohibition notice commits an 10 offence if the person fails to comply with the notice. 11 Penalty for this subsection: 12 (a) for a first offence, a fine of $1 250; 13 (b) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of 14 $2 000. 15 75GG. Requirements for prohibition notice 16 A prohibition notice under section 75GF must -- 17 (a) specify the grounds on which the notice is 18 given, including when subsection (1) of that 19 section applied to the person; and 20 (b) contain a statement to the effect that because 21 the person has been given the notice, the person 22 must not navigate a vessel for a period 23 commencing on receipt of the notice and 24 ending 24 hours after receipt of the notice; and 25 (c) specify the time at which the person is given 26 the prohibition notice and when the 24-hour 27 period ends. page 76 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 7 1 Division 5 -- Failure to comply with alcohol or drug 2 testing requirements 3 Subdivision 1 -- General offences relating to failure to 4 comply with alcohol or drug testing requirements 5 75H. Failure to comply with requirement: preliminary 6 breath test, preliminary oral fluid test or boarding 7 or moving vessel 8 (1) A person commits an offence if the person fails to 9 comply with -- 10 (a) a requirement to provide a sample of breath for 11 a preliminary breath test under section 75EE or 12 75EF; or 13 (b) a requirement to provide a sample of oral fluid 14 for a preliminary oral fluid test under 15 section 75F or 75FA; or 16 (c) a leave vessel, accompany officer or wait 17 requirement relating to a requirement referred 18 to in paragraph (a) or (b); or 19 (d) a requirement to take reasonable steps to 20 facilitate an inspector or police officer boarding 21 or moving a vessel under section 75GB. 22 Penalty for this subsection: 23 (a) for a first offence, a fine of not less than 24 $450 or more than $1 200; 25 (b) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of 26 not less than $900 or more than $2 100. 27 (2) A court sentencing a person for an offence against 28 subsection (1) must order that the person is disqualified page 77 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 7 1 from holding or obtaining a WA marine qualification 2 as follows -- 3 (a) for a first offence, for a period of not less than 4 3 months; 5 (b) for a second or subsequent offence, for a period 6 of not less than 6 months. 7 (3) In determining whether an offence against 8 subsection (1) is a first, second or subsequent offence, 9 a previous offence against a provision specified in the 10 Table must be taken into account as if it were an 11 offence against subsection (1). 12 Table -- Offences Section no. Section heading s. 75C(1) Navigation of vessel while under influence of alcohol or drugs s. 75CA(1) Navigation of vessel while under influence of both alcohol and drugs s. 75CD(1) Navigation of vessel while impaired by drugs s. 75DA(1) Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.08 or above s. 75DB(1) Navigation of vessel while prescribed illicit drug present s. 75DD(1) Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.08 or above and prescribed illicit drug present s. 75HB(1) Failure to comply with requirement: breath analysis, blood sample or stop vessel or navigate to specified place page 78 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 7 Section no. Section heading s. 75HC(1) Failure to comply with requirement: incident occasioning death, grievous bodily harm or bodily harm s. 75HD(1) Failure to comply with requirement: oral fluid sample for drug testing or blood sample s. 75HE(1) Failure to comply with requirements relating to assessment of drug impairment s. 75HH(1) Failure to comply with drug testing requirement: BAC of 0.08 or above s. 75HI(1) Failure to comply with drug testing requirement: BAC of 0.15 or above 1 75HA. Defence: compliance with later requirement 2 (1) It is a defence to a charge of an offence against 3 section 75H(1) for the person charged to prove that the 4 person complied with a later requirement that arose out 5 of -- 6 (a) the person's failure to comply with the 7 requirement the subject of the charge; or 8 (b) the circumstances that gave rise to the 9 requirement the subject of the charge. 10 (2) For the purposes of subsection (1), a later requirement 11 is -- 12 (a) in relation to a requirement referred to in 13 section 75H(1)(a) -- 14 (i) a requirement to provide a sample of 15 breath for breath analysis under 16 section 75EH or 75EI; or page 79 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 7 1 (ii) a requirement to allow a blood sample 2 to be taken for analysis under 3 section 75EH or 75EI; 4 or 5 (b) in relation to a requirement referred to in 6 section 75H(1)(b) -- 7 (i) a requirement to provide a sample of 8 oral fluid for drug testing under 9 section 75FC; or 10 (ii) a requirement to allow a blood sample 11 to be taken for analysis under 12 section 75FF. 13 75HB. Failure to comply with requirement: breath 14 analysis, blood sample or stop vessel or navigate to 15 specified place 16 (1) A person commits an offence if the person fails to 17 comply with -- 18 (a) a requirement to provide a sample of breath for 19 breath analysis under section 75EH or 75EI; or 20 (b) a requirement to allow a sample of the person's 21 blood to be taken for analysis under 22 section 75EH, 75EI, 75EN or 75EO; or 23 (c) a leave vessel, accompany officer or wait 24 requirement imposed in relation to a 25 requirement referred to in paragraph (a) or (b); 26 or 27 (d) a requirement to stop a vessel at, or navigate a 28 vessel to, a specified place under section 75GA. 29 Penalty for this subsection: 30 (a) for a first offence -- 31 (i) if the person has 1 or more previous 32 convictions for a 0.08+ offence -- a fine page 80 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 7 1 of not less than $2 400 or more than 2 $5 650; 3 (ii) if the person has 1 or more previous 4 convictions for a 0.08+ and illicit drug 5 offence -- a fine of not less than $3 600 6 or more than $5 650; 7 (iii) if the person has 1 or more previous 8 convictions for a 0.08+ offence and 1 or 9 more previous convictions for a 0.08+ 10 and illicit drug offence -- a fine of not 11 less than $3 600 or more than $5 650; 12 (iv) in any other case -- a fine of not less 13 than $2 050 or more than $5 650; 14 (b) for a second offence, imprisonment for 15 9 months or a fine of not less than $4 750 or 16 more than $7 900; 17 (c) for a third or subsequent offence, 18 imprisonment for 18 months or a fine of not 19 less than $4 750 or more than $11 250. 20 (2) If a person is convicted of an offence against 21 subsection (1), a court sentencing the person must 22 order that the person is disqualified from holding or 23 obtaining a WA marine qualification for not less than 24 the period of disqualification specified in the Table. 25 Table -- Disqualification periods Disqualification First offence: (a) 1 previous conviction for a 0.08+ 18 months offence (b) 2 or more previous convictions for 30 months a 0.08+ offence page 81 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 7 (c) 1 previous conviction for a 0.08+ and 27 months illicit drug offence (d) 2 or more previous convictions for 42 months a 0.08+ and illicit drug offence (e) 1 or more previous convictions for 42 months a 0.08+ offence and 1 or more previous convictions for a 0.08+ and illicit drug offence (f) any other case 15 months Second offence 42 months Third or subsequent offence Permanent 1 (3) In determining whether an offence against this section 2 is a first, second or subsequent offence, a previous 3 offence against a provision specified in the Table must 4 be taken into account as if it were an offence against 5 subsection (1). 6 Table -- Offences Section no. Section heading s. 75C(1) Navigation of vessel while under influence of alcohol or drugs s. 75CA(1) Navigation of vessel while under influence of both alcohol and drugs s. 75HC(1) Failure to comply with requirement: incident occasioning death, grievous bodily harm or bodily harm s. 75HI(1) Failure to comply with drug testing requirement: BAC of 0.15 or above 7 (4) A police officer may arrest a person for an offence 8 against subsection (1) without a warrant. page 82 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 7 1 75HC. Failure to comply with requirement: incident 2 occasioning death, grievous bodily harm or bodily 3 harm 4 (1) A person commits a crime if the person commits an 5 offence against section 75HB(1) in the circumstance of 6 aggravation stated in subsection (2). 7 Alternative offence for this subsection: 8 section 75HB(1) (Failure to comply with 9 requirement: breath analysis, blood sample or stop 10 vessel or navigate to specified place). 11 Penalty for this subsection: imprisonment for 14 years 12 or a fine of any amount. 13 Summary conviction penalty for this subsection: 14 imprisonment for 18 months or a fine of $8 000. 15 (2) For the purposes of subsection (1), the circumstance of 16 aggravation is that when an inspector or police officer 17 imposes the requirement on the person the subject of 18 the offence against section 75HB(1), the inspector or 19 police officer -- 20 (a) advises the person that the inspector or police 21 officer believes the vessel the person was, or is 22 believed to have been, navigating was involved 23 in an incident occasioning the death of, or 24 grievous bodily harm or bodily harm to, 25 another person; and 26 (b) explains the consequences of failing to comply 27 with the requirement to the person. 28 (3) A court sentencing a person for an offence against 29 subsection (1) must order that the person is disqualified 30 from holding or obtaining a WA marine qualification 31 as follows -- 32 (a) in relation to a conviction on indictment -- for 33 a period of not less than 2 years; page 83 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 7 1 (b) in relation to a summary conviction -- for a 2 period of not less than 18 months. 3 (4) A police officer may arrest a person for an offence 4 against subsection (1) without a warrant. 5 75HD. Failure to comply with requirement: oral fluid 6 sample for drug testing or blood sample 7 (1) A person commits an offence if the person fails to 8 comply with -- 9 (a) a requirement to provide a sample of oral fluid 10 for drug testing under section 75FC; or 11 (b) a requirement to allow a sample of the person's 12 blood to be taken for analysis under 13 section 75FF; or 14 (c) a leave vessel, accompany officer or wait 15 requirement imposed in relation to a 16 requirement referred to in paragraph (a) or (b). 17 Penalty for this subsection: 18 (a) for a first offence, a fine of not more than 19 $1 250; 20 (b) for a second or subsequent offence, a fine of 21 not less than $1 250 or more than $2 000. 22 (2) A court sentencing a person for a second or subsequent 23 offence against subsection (1) must order that the 24 person is disqualified from holding or obtaining a WA 25 marine qualification for a period of not less than 26 6 months. 27 (3) In determining whether an offence against this section 28 is a first, second or subsequent offence, a previous 29 offence against a provision specified in the Table must 30 be taken into account as if it were an offence against 31 subsection (1). page 84 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 7 1 Table -- Offences Section no. Section heading s. 75C(1) Navigation of vessel while under influence of alcohol or drugs s. 75CA(1) Navigation of vessel while under influence of both alcohol and drugs s. 75CD(1) Navigation of vessel while impaired by drugs s. 75DB(1) Navigation of vessel while prescribed illicit drug present s. 75DC(1) Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.05 or above and prescribed illicit drug present s. 75DD(1) Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.08 or above and prescribed illicit drug present s. 75HB(1) Failure to comply with requirement: breath analysis, blood sample or stop vessel or navigate to specified place s. 75HC(1) Failure to comply with requirement: incident occasioning death, grievous bodily harm or bodily harm s. 75HE(1) Failure to comply with requirements relating to assessment of drug impairment s. 75HG(1) Failure to comply with drug testing requirement: BAC of 0.05 or above s. 75HH(1) Failure to comply with drug testing requirement: BAC of 0.08 or above page 85 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 7 Section no. Section heading s. 75HI(1) Failure to comply with drug testing requirement: BAC of 0.15 or above 1 (4) A police officer may arrest a person for an offence 2 against subsection (1) without a warrant. 3 75HE. Failure to comply with requirements relating to 4 assessment of drug impairment 5 (1) A person commits an offence if the person fails to 6 comply with -- 7 (a) a requirement to undergo an assessment of drug 8 impairment under section 75FH; or 9 (b) a requirement to allow a blood sample to be 10 taken for analysis under section 75FJ; or 11 (c) a leave vessel, accompany officer or wait 12 requirement imposed in relation to a 13 requirement referred to in paragraph (a) or (b). 14 Penalty for this subsection: 15 (a) for a first offence, a fine of not less than 16 $1 750 or more than $3 750; 17 (b) for a second offence, imprisonment for 18 9 months or a fine of not less than $3 150 or 19 more than $5 250; 20 (c) for a third or subsequent offence, 21 imprisonment for 18 months or a fine of not 22 less than $3 150 or more than $7 500. 23 (2) A court sentencing a person for an offence against 24 subsection (1) must order that the person is disqualified page 86 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 7 1 from holding or obtaining a WA marine 2 qualification -- 3 (a) for a first offence, for a period of not less than 4 10 months; 5 (b) for a second offence, for a period of not less 6 than 30 months; 7 (c) for a third or subsequent offence, permanently. 8 (3) In determining whether an offence against this section 9 is a first, second or subsequent offence, a previous 10 offence against a provision specified in the Table must 11 be taken into account as if it were an offence against 12 subsection (1). 13 Table -- Offences Section no. Section heading s. 75C(1) Navigation of vessel while under influence of alcohol or drugs s. 75CA(1) Navigation of vessel while under influence of both alcohol and drugs s. 75CD(1) Navigation of vessel while impaired by drugs s. 75HB(1) Failure to comply with requirement: breath analysis, blood sample or stop vessel or navigate to specified place s. 75HC(1) Failure to comply with requirement: incident occasioning death, grievous bodily harm or bodily harm s. 75HI(1) Failure to comply with drug testing requirement: BAC of 0.15 or above page 87 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 7 1 (4) A police officer may arrest a person for an offence 2 against subsection (1) without a warrant. 3 Subdivision 2 -- Failure to comply with drug testing 4 requirements in circumstances relating to person's BAC 5 75HF. Term used: drug testing requirement 6 In this Subdivision -- 7 drug testing requirement means -- 8 (a) a requirement to provide a sample of oral fluid 9 for drug testing under section 75FC; or 10 (b) a requirement to allow a sample of blood to be 11 taken for analysis under section 75FF or 75FJ; 12 or 13 (c) a leave vessel, accompany officer or wait 14 requirement imposed in relation to a 15 requirement referred to in paragraph (a) or (b). 16 75HG. Failure to comply with drug testing requirement: 17 BAC of 0.05 or above 18 (1) A person commits an offence if the person fails to 19 comply with a drug testing requirement in 20 circumstances that, before an inspector or police officer 21 makes the drug testing requirement of the person -- 22 (a) the person provides a sample of breath for 23 breath analysis under section 75EH or 75EI; 24 and 25 (b) the breath analysis conducted by an authorised 26 operator indicates that the person has a BAC of 27 0.05 g or above. 28 Alternative offence for this subsection: an offence 29 specified in the Table. page 88 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 7 1 Table -- Alternative offences Section no. Section heading s. 75HB(1) Failure to comply with requirement: breath analysis, blood sample or stop vessel or navigate to specified place s. 75HC(1) Failure to comply with requirement: incident occasioning death, grievous bodily harm or bodily harm s. 75HD(1) Failure to comply with requirement: oral fluid sample for drug testing or blood sample s. 75HE(1) Failure to comply with requirements relating to assessment of drug impairment s. 75HH(1) Failure to comply with drug testing requirement: BAC of 0.08 or above s. 75HI(1) Failure to comply with drug testing requirement: BAC of 0.15 or above 2 (2) A person convicted of an offence against 3 subsection (1) -- 4 (a) is liable to a penalty of a fine of not less than 5 the minimum fine or more than the maximum 6 fine specified in the Table; and 7 (b) a court sentencing the person must order that 8 the person is disqualified from holding or 9 obtaining a WA marine qualification for not 10 less than the minimum period of 11 disqualification specified in the Table. page 89 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 7 1 Table BAC First Second Third or offence offence subsequent offence ≥ 0.05 g Min: $1 900 $1 900 but Max: $1 900 $3 000 $3 000 < 0.07 g Disq: 3 months 9 months 12 months ≥ 0.07 g Min: $1 900 $1 900 Max: $1 900 $3 000 $3 000 Disq: 3 months 12 months 15 months 2 Note: ≥ signifies of or above 3 < signifies less than 4 Disq signifies the minimum period of disqualification 5 Max signifies the maximum fine 6 Min signifies the minimum fine 7 (3) In determining whether an offence against this section 8 is a first, second or subsequent offence, a previous 9 offence against a provision specified in the Table must 10 be taken into account as if it were an offence against 11 subsection (1). 12 Table -- Offences Section no. Section heading s. 75C(1) Navigation of vessel while under influence of alcohol or drugs s. 75CA(1) Navigation of vessel while under influence of both alcohol and drugs s. 75CD(1) Navigation of vessel while impaired by drugs s. 75DC(1) Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.05 or above and prescribed illicit drug present page 90 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 7 Section no. Section heading s. 75DD(1) Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.08 or above and prescribed illicit drug present s. 75HB(1) Failure to comply with requirement: breath analysis, blood sample or stop vessel or navigate to specified place s. 75HC(1) Failure to comply with requirement: incident occasioning death, grievous bodily harm or bodily harm s. 75HE(1) Failure to comply with requirements relating to assessment of drug impairment s. 75HH(1) Failure to comply with drug testing requirement: BAC of 0.08 or above s. 75HI(1) Failure to comply with drug testing requirement: BAC of 0.15 or above 1 (4) A police officer may arrest a person for an offence 2 against subsection (1) without a warrant. 3 75HH. Failure to comply with drug testing requirement: 4 BAC of 0.08 or above 5 (1) A person commits an offence if the person fails to 6 comply with a drug testing requirement in 7 circumstances that, before an inspector or police officer 8 makes the drug testing requirement of the person -- 9 (a) the person provides a sample of breath for 10 breath analysis under section 75EH or 75EI; 11 and page 91 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 7 1 (b) the breath analysis conducted by an authorised 2 operator indicates that the person has a BAC of 3 0.08 g or above. 4 Alternative offence for this subsection: an offence 5 specified in the Table. 6 Table -- Alternative offences Section no. Section heading s. 75HB(1) Failure to comply with requirement: breath analysis, blood sample or stop vessel or navigate to specified place s. 75HC(1) Failure to comply with requirement: incident occasioning death, grievous bodily harm or bodily harm s. 75HD(1) Failure to comply with requirement: oral fluid sample for drug testing or blood sample s. 75HE(1) Failure to comply with requirements relating to assessment of drug impairment s. 75HG(1) Failure to comply with drug testing requirement: BAC of 0.05 or above s. 75HI(1) Failure to comply with drug testing requirement: BAC of 0.15 or above 7 (2) A person convicted of an offence against 8 subsection (1) -- 9 (a) a fine of not less than the minimum fine or 10 more than the maximum fine specified in the 11 Table; and 12 (b) the court convicting the person must, in any 13 event, order that the person is disqualified from page 92 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 7 1 holding or obtaining a WA marine qualification 2 for not less than the minimum period of 3 disqualification specified in the Table. 4 Table BAC First Second Third or offence offence subsequent offence ≥ 0.08 g Min: $1 150 $2 400 $2 400 but Max: $3 400 $3 400 $3 400 < 0.09 g Disq: 9 months 12 months 15 months ≥ 0.09 g Min: $1 300 $2 550 $2 550 but Max: $3 400 $3 400 $3 400 < 0.11 g Disq: 11 months 15 months 20 months ≥ 0.11 g Min: $1 500 $2 700 $2 700 but Max: $3 400 $4 500 $4 500 < 0.13 g Disq: 12 months 21 months 26 months ≥ 0.13 g Min: $1 750 $3 600 $3 600 Max: $3 400 $5 650 $6 750 Disq: 14 months 27 months 42 months 5 Note: ≥ signifies of or above 6 < signifies less than 7 Disq signifies the minimum period of disqualification 8 Max signifies the maximum fine 9 Min signifies the minimum fine 10 (3) In determining whether an offence against this section 11 is a first, second or subsequent offence -- 12 (a) a previous offence against subsection (1) is to 13 be taken into account regardless of the person's 14 BAC when committing the offence; and 15 (b) a previous offence against a provision specified 16 in the Table must be taken into account as if it 17 were an offence against subsection (1). page 93 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 7 1 Table -- Offences Section no. Section heading s. 75C(1) Navigation of vessel while under influence of alcohol or drugs s. 75CA(1) Navigation of vessel while under influence of both alcohol and drugs s. 75CD(1) Navigation of vessel while impaired by drugs s. 75DC(1) Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.05 or above and prescribed illicit drug present s. 75DD(1) Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.08 or above and prescribed illicit drug present s. 75HB(1) Failure to comply with requirement: breath analysis, blood sample or stop vessel or navigate to specified place s. 75HC(1) Failure to comply with requirement: incident occasioning death, grievous bodily harm or bodily harm s. 75HE(1) Failure to comply with requirements relating to assessment of drug impairment s. 75HI(1) Failure to comply with drug testing requirement: BAC of 0.15 or above 2 (4) A police officer may arrest a person for an offence 3 against subsection (1) without a warrant. page 94 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 7 1 75HI. Failure to comply with drug testing requirement: 2 BAC of 0.15 or above 3 (1) A person commits an offence if the person fails to 4 comply with a drug testing requirement in 5 circumstances that, before an inspector or police officer 6 makes the drug testing requirement of the person -- 7 (a) the person provides a sample of breath for 8 breath analysis under section 75EH or 75EI; 9 and 10 (b) the breath analysis conducted by the inspector 11 or police officer indicates that the person has a 12 BAC of 0.15 g or above. 13 Alternative offence for this subsection: an offence 14 specified in the Table. 15 Table -- Alternative offences Section no. Section heading s. 75HB(1) Failure to comply with requirement: breath analysis, blood sample or stop vessel or navigate to specified place s. 75HC(1) Failure to comply with requirement: incident occasioning death, grievous bodily harm or bodily harm s. 75HD(1) Failure to comply with requirement: oral fluid sample for drug testing or blood sample s. 75HE(1) Failure to comply with requirements relating to assessment of drug impairment s. 75HG(1) Failure to comply with drug testing requirement: BAC of 0.05 or above page 95 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 7 Section no. Section heading s. 75HH(1) Failure to comply with drug testing requirement: BAC of 0.08 or above 1 Penalty for this subsection: 2 (a) for a first offence -- 3 (i) if the person has 1 or more previous 4 convictions for a 0.08+ offence -- a fine 5 of not less than $2 400 or more than 6 $5 650; 7 (ii) if the person has 1 or more previous 8 convictions for a 0.08+ and illicit drug 9 offence -- a fine of not less than $3 600 10 or more than $5 650; 11 (iii) if the person has 1 or more previous 12 convictions for a 0.08+ offence and 1 or 13 more previous convictions for a 0.08+ 14 and illicit drug offence -- a fine of not 15 less than $3 600 or more than $5 650; 16 (iv) in any other case -- a fine of not less 17 than $2 050 or more than $5 650; 18 (b) for a second offence, imprisonment for 19 9 months or a fine of not less than $4 750 or 20 more than $7 900; 21 (c) for a third or subsequent offence, 22 imprisonment for 18 months or a fine of not 23 less than $4 750 or more than $11 250. 24 (2) If a person is convicted of an offence against 25 subsection (1), a court sentencing the person must 26 order that the person is disqualified from holding or 27 obtaining a WA marine qualification for not less than 28 the period of disqualification specified in the Table. page 96 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 7 1 Table -- Disqualification periods Disqualification First offence: (a) 1 previous conviction for a 0.08+ 18 months offence (b) 2 or more previous convictions for 30 months a 0.08+ offence (c) 1 previous conviction for a 0.08+ and 27 months illicit drug offence (d) 2 or more previous convictions for 42 months a 0.08+ and illicit drug offence (e) 1 or more previous convictions for 42 months a 0.08+ offence and 1 or more previous convictions for a 0.08+ and illicit drug offence (f) any other case 15 months Second offence 42 months Third or subsequent offence Permanent 2 (3) In determining whether an offence against this section 3 is a first, second or subsequent offence -- 4 (a) a previous offence against subsection (1) is to 5 be taken into account regardless of the person's 6 BAC when committing the offence; and 7 (b) a previous offence against a provision specified 8 in the Table must be taken into account as if it 9 were an offence against subsection (1). 10 Table -- Offences Section no. Section heading s. 75C(1) Navigation of vessel while under influence of alcohol or drugs page 97 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 7 Section no. Section heading s. 75CA(1) Navigation of vessel while under influence of both alcohol and drugs s. 75CD(1) Navigation of vessel while impaired by drugs s. 75HB(1) Failure to comply with requirement: breath analysis, blood sample or stop vessel or navigate to specified place s. 75HC(1) Failure to comply with requirement: incident occasioning death, grievous bodily harm or bodily harm s. 75HE(1) Failure to comply with requirements relating to assessment of drug impairment 1 (4) A police officer may arrest a person for an offence 2 against subsection (1) without a warrant. 3 Subdivision 3 -- Defence for failing to comply with alcohol 4 or drug testing requirement 5 75HJ. Substantial reasons for failing to comply with 6 requirements or later providing certain samples 7 It is a defence to a charge of an offence of failing to 8 comply with an alcohol or drug testing requirement for 9 the person charged to prove that the substantial reason 10 for the failure to comply was a reason other than to 11 avoid providing information that might be used as 12 evidence. page 98 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 7 1 Division 6 -- General provisions relating to alcohol and 2 drug testing 3 75I. Responsibility to facilitate medical assistance 4 (1) This section applies if it appears to an inspector or 5 police officer that a person on whom the inspector or 6 police officer may impose an alcohol or drug testing 7 requirement is unconscious or seriously injured. 8 (2) The inspector or police officer must facilitate the 9 provision of medical assistance for the person. 10 75IA. When inspector or police officer must not impose 11 testing requirement because of passage of time 12 (1) This section applies if an inspector or police officer has 13 power under Division 2 or 3 to require a person -- 14 (a) to provide a sample of breath for breath 15 analysis; or 16 (b) to provide a sample of oral fluid for drug 17 testing; or 18 (c) to allow a sample of the person's blood to be 19 taken for analysis; or 20 (d) to undergo an assessment of drug impairment. 21 (2) The inspector or police officer must not impose the 22 requirement on the person if it appears to the inspector 23 or police officer that the sample cannot be taken, or the 24 assessment of drug impairment cannot be conducted, 25 within 4 hours after the circumstances giving rise to the 26 requirement occurred. 27 (3) This section applies subject to section 75EP. 28 Note for this subsection: 29 Section 75EP allows a requirement to allow or cause a 30 sample of a person's blood to be taken within 12 hours after 31 an incident occurs in particular circumstances. page 99 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 7 1 75IB. Taking of oral fluid samples for oral fluid analysis 2 (1) This section applies if -- 3 (a) an authorised drug tester conducts drug testing 4 of a sample of a person's oral fluid provided in 5 compliance with a requirement imposed under 6 section 75FC; and 7 (b) in the opinion of the authorised drug tester, the 8 drug testing indicates that the person's oral 9 fluid contains a prescribed illicit drug. 10 (2) The sample must be divided into 2 parts, each of which 11 is taken be a sample of the person's oral fluid for the 12 purposes of this Act. 13 (3) The authorised drug tester must ensure that both 14 samples are delivered to an inspector or police officer. 15 (4) An inspector, police officer or other person engaged for 16 the purpose must deliver 1 of the samples to the 17 Chemistry Centre (WA) on behalf of the person who 18 provided the sample. 19 Note for this subsection: 20 See section 75IF for the obligations of the Chemistry 21 Centre (WA) relating to the sample. 22 75IC. Authorisation for prescribed sample takers 23 authorised to take blood samples 24 (1) A prescribed sample taker is authorised to take a 25 sample of a person's blood for analysis if an inspector 26 or police officer under this Part -- 27 (a) has required a person to allow a prescribed 28 sample taker nominated by the inspector or 29 police officer to take a sample of the person's 30 blood for analysis; or 31 (b) causes a prescribed sample taker to take a 32 sample of the person's blood for analysis. page 100 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 7 1 (2) No action lies against a prescribed sample taker by 2 reason only of the person taking a sample of a person's 3 blood for analysis under this Part. 4 75ID. Authorisation to take blood samples when person 5 deceased 6 (1) In this section -- 7 serious incident means an incident in which a vessel is 8 involved that occasions the death of, or injury, to a 9 person. 10 (2) This section applies if -- 11 (a) a person who may have been on a vessel when 12 the vessel was involved in a serious incident is 13 dead on arrival at a hospital or dies in a hospital 14 before a sample of the person's blood can be 15 taken; and 16 (b) were the person alive, they -- 17 (i) may have been required to allow a 18 prescribed sample taker to take a sample 19 of the person's blood for analysis in 20 accordance with an alcohol or drug 21 testing requirement; or 22 (ii) may have been a person for whom a 23 prescribed sample taker may have been 24 caused to take a sample of the person's 25 blood for analysis. 26 (3) The medical practitioner who reports the death under 27 the Coroners Act 1996 section 17(3) may -- 28 (a) take a sample of blood from the body of the 29 person; or 30 (b) as soon as practicable after reporting the death, 31 notify the coroner that a sample of blood should page 101 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 7 1 be taken from the person's body because of the 2 circumstances of the person's death. 3 (4) If the coroner is notified under subsection (3)(b), the 4 coroner may direct and authorise a pathologist to take a 5 sample of blood from the person's body. 6 (5) A person is not obliged to take a sample of blood under 7 this section if another sample of blood has previously 8 been taken from the person's body in accordance with 9 an alcohol or drug testing requirement relating to the 10 serious incident. 11 75IE. Taking blood samples for analysis 12 (1) This section applies if a prescribed sample taker takes a 13 sample of a person's blood for analysis in accordance 14 with an alcohol or drug testing requirement imposed on 15 the person. 16 (2) The sample must be taken -- 17 (a) in accordance with the regulations or otherwise 18 in a proper manner; and 19 (b) either -- 20 (i) as a single sample which is then divided 21 into 2 parts; or 22 (ii) as 2 samples taken 1 immediately after 23 the other. 24 (3) If 2 samples of the person's blood are taken under 25 subsection (2)(b) -- 26 (a) the 2 samples are taken to be a single sample, 27 taken at the time the first of the 2 samples was 28 taken; and 29 (b) each of the 2 samples is taken to be -- 30 (i) a part of that single sample that has been 31 divided into 2 parts; and page 102 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 7 1 (ii) a sample of the person's blood for the 2 purposes of this Act. 3 (4) The prescribed sample taker must ensure that both 4 samples are delivered to an inspector or police officer. 5 (5) An inspector, police officer or other person engaged for 6 the purpose must deliver 1 of the samples to the 7 Chemistry Centre (WA) on behalf of the person from 8 whom the samples were taken. 9 Note for this subsection: 10 See section 75IF for the obligations of the Chemistry 11 Centre (WA) relating to the sample. 12 (6) If a sample of a person's blood is analysed for alcohol 13 by an analyst in accordance with the regulations, the 14 BAC of the sample is the analysis result and is taken to 15 be the person's BAC at the time the sample of blood 16 was taken. 17 75IF. Oral fluid and blood samples delivered to 18 Chemistry Centre (WA) 19 (1) This section applies to a sample of oral fluid or blood 20 delivered to the Chemistry Centre (WA) on behalf of a 21 person under section 75IB(4) or 75IE(5). 22 (2) The Chemistry Centre (WA) must retain and 23 appropriately store the sample until the person requests 24 it. 25 (3) Within 3 months after the day on which the sample is 26 given to the Chemistry Centre (WA), the person may 27 ask for the sample to be delivered to an analyst (as 28 defined in the Misuse of Drugs Act 1981 section 3(1)) 29 nominated by the person for analysis. 30 (4) The cost of delivering the sample must be paid for by 31 the person. page 103 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 7 1 (5) The Chemistry Centre (WA) is not required to store the 2 sample for more than 3 months. 3 75IG. Samples of oral fluid or blood not to be used to 4 obtain DNA profile 5 (1) In this section -- 6 sample means a sample of oral fluid or blood taken 7 from or provided by a person (the subject) and given to 8 an inspector or police officer under section 75IB 9 or 75IE. 10 (2) A person must not use a sample to obtain the subject's 11 DNA profile. 12 Penalty for this subsection: imprisonment for 13 12 months. 14 Division 7 -- Administrative matters 15 75J. Regulations relating to alcohol and drug testing and 16 other matters 17 (1) The regulations may make provision in relation to 18 testing for alcohol or drugs, including -- 19 (a) the procedures for, or equipment to be used 20 in -- 21 (i) conducting a preliminary breath test, 22 breath analysis, preliminary oral fluid 23 test or drug testing; or 24 (ii) taking a sample of oral fluid or a blood 25 sample; 26 or 27 (b) the destruction of a sample, or other forensic 28 material, taken under this Part. page 104 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 7 1 (2) Regulations may apply or adopt instruments under the 2 Road Traffic Act 1974 for a purpose under this Act -- 3 (a) with or without modifications; or 4 (b) as in force at a particular time or from time to 5 time. 6 75JA. Minister may approve alcohol and drug testing 7 devices 8 The Minister may approve, by notice published in the 9 Gazette, any of the following -- 10 (a) a type of device that uses a sample of a 11 person's breath to indicate 1 or more of the 12 following -- 13 (i) a person's BAC; 14 (ii) whether a person's BAC is of a 15 particular level or above; 16 (iii) whether or not alcohol is present in the 17 person's blood; 18 (b) a type of device that analyses a sample of a 19 person's breath to determine the person's BAC; 20 (c) a type of device that provides a preliminary 21 indication of the presence of a prescribed illicit 22 drug in a sample of a person's oral fluid; 23 (d) a type of device that ascertains whether a 24 prescribed illicit drug is present in a sample of a 25 person's oral fluid. 26 75JB. Delegation by Commissioner of Police 27 (1) The Commissioner of Police may delegate the 28 Commissioner's power under section 75EA(2), 29 75EB(2) or 124HP(2) to -- 30 (a) a specified police officer; or 31 (b) a police officer of a specified class; or page 105 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 8 1 (c) a person who is employed in the department of 2 the Public Service principally assisting in the 3 administration of the Police Act 1892. 4 (2) The delegation must be in writing signed by the 5 Commissioner of Police. 6 (3) A person to whom a power is delegated under this 7 section cannot delegate that power. 8 (4) A person performing a power that has been delegated 9 to the person is taken to do so in accordance with the 10 terms of the delegation unless the contrary is shown. 11 (5) Nothing in this section limits the ability of the 12 Commissioner of Police to exercise a power or perform 13 a function through an officer or agent. 14 15 8. Section 124FA inserted 16 At the end of Part VIII insert: 17 18 124FA. Approved forms 19 (1) The chief executive officer may approve forms for use 20 under this Act. 21 (2) A certificate that is prescribed for a purpose under the 22 Road Traffic Act 1974 is taken to be the form of a 23 certificate approved under subsection (1) for a 24 corresponding purpose under this Act. 25 (3) A form approved under subsection (1) may apply or 26 adopt a form approved or prescribed under the Road 27 Traffic Act 1974 (other than a prescribed certificate 28 referred to in subsection (2)) for use for a 29 corresponding purpose under this Act. page 106 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 9 1 (4) A form referred to in subsection (2) or (3) may be used 2 even if the form is not modified in any way, including 3 not modified to refer to a provision of this Act relating 4 to the corresponding purpose for which it is used. 5 (5) The chief executive officer must make forms approved 6 under subsection (1) (other than forms to which 7 subsection (3) applies) available on the Department's 8 website. 9 10 9. Part 8A inserted 11 (1) After Part VIII insert: 12 13 Part 8A -- Disqualification from holding or 14 obtaining WA marine qualification 15 Division 1 -- Preliminary 16 124G. Terms used 17 In this Part -- 18 alleged offence, in relation to a person, has the 19 meaning given in section 124GA(1); 20 disqualification notice has the meaning given in 21 section 124GA(3); 22 disqualification order, in relation to a person, means 23 an order made by a court on convicting the person for 24 an offence that disqualifies the person from holding or 25 obtaining a WA marine qualification for the period 26 specified in the order; 27 disqualified, in relation to a person, means the person 28 is disqualified from holding or obtaining a WA marine page 107 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 9 1 qualification by a disqualification order or under a 2 disqualification notice. 3 4 (2) After Part 8A Division 1 (as inserted by subsection (1)) insert: 5 6 Division 2 -- Disqualification notices 7 124GA. Disqualification by inspector or police officer 8 (1) This section applies if an inspector or police officer 9 suspects on reasonable grounds that a person has 10 committed an offence specified in the Table (the 11 alleged offence). 12 Table -- Offences Section no. Section heading s. 75C(1) Navigation of vessel while under influence of alcohol or drugs s. 75CA(1) Navigation of vessel while under influence of both alcohol and drugs s. 75DA(1) Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.08 or above s. 75HB(1) Failure to comply with requirement: breath analysis, blood sample or stop vessel or navigate to specified place s. 75HH(1) Failure to comply with drug testing requirement: BAC of 0.08 or above s. 75HI(1) Failure to comply with drug testing requirement: BAC of 0.15 or above page 108 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 9 1 (2) For the purposes of subsection (1), reasonable grounds 2 in relation to an offence against 75C(1), 75CA(1) 3 or 75DA(1) include the result of a breath analysis of a 4 sample of a person's breath or analysis of a person's 5 blood. 6 (3) The inspector or police officer may give the person a 7 notice (a disqualification notice) stating that the person 8 is disqualified from holding or obtaining a WA marine 9 qualification for a period of 2 months starting when the 10 notice is given to the person. 11 Note for this subsection: 12 See section 124GD for the period for which a 13 disqualification notice is in effect. 14 (4) A disqualification notice given to a person under 15 subsection (3) must be given personally. 16 (5) The inspector or police officer giving the 17 disqualification notice to the person must write on it -- 18 (a) the time and date the notice is given to the 19 person; and 20 (b) the time and date the period of disqualification 21 ends. 22 124GB. Requirements for disqualification notice 23 A disqualification notice given to a person must -- 24 (a) specify the grounds on which the notice is 25 given; and 26 (b) identify the time and date on which the alleged 27 offence was committed; and 28 (c) identify where the alleged offence was 29 committed; and 30 (d) describe the alleged offence with reasonable 31 clarity; and page 109 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 9 1 (e) identify the offence, or offences, that the person 2 is suspected of committing; and 3 (f) state that the person may be able to apply to a 4 court under section 124GH for an order 5 revoking the disqualification notice in certain 6 circumstances. 7 124GC. Limitation on giving disqualification notice 8 An inspector or police officer cannot give a 9 disqualification notice to a person in relation to an 10 alleged offence more than 10 days after the later of the 11 following days -- 12 (a) the day the alleged offence was committed; 13 (b) if a sample of the alleged offender's blood was 14 taken under section 75EH, 75EI, 75EN or 15 75EO in relation to the commission of the 16 alleged offence -- the day on which an 17 inspector or police officer receives information 18 about the result of the analysis of the sample. 19 124GD. Period of disqualification under disqualification 20 notice 21 A disqualification notice given to a person has effect 22 for the period -- 23 (a) starting when the notice is given to the person; 24 and 25 (b) ending on the day that is 2 months after the day 26 on which it is given to the person, unless the 27 notice is revoked earlier. 28 124GE. Amendment of disqualification notice 29 An inspector or police officer may, by written notice 30 given to a person to whom a disqualification notice has page 110 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 9 1 been given, amend the disqualification notice to correct 2 an error in the notice. 3 124GF. Particulars of disqualification notice given to chief 4 executive officer 5 If an inspector or police officer gives a person a 6 disqualification notice, or a notice amending a 7 disqualification notice under section 124GE, the 8 inspector or police officer must ensure that particulars 9 of the notice are sent to the chief executive officer as 10 soon as practicable after giving the notice. 11 124GG. Revocation of disqualification notice by inspector or 12 police officer 13 (1) An inspector or police officer must immediately revoke 14 a disqualification notice given to a person in relation to 15 an alleged offence if -- 16 (a) the inspector or police officer becomes aware 17 that the breath analysing equipment used to 18 conduct a breath analysis of a sample of the 19 person's breath in connection with the offence 20 was faulty at the time of the analysis; or 21 (b) a charge for the offence has not been laid 22 within 1 month after the day on which the 23 notice was given; or 24 (c) a charge for the offence is discontinued. 25 (2) The inspector or police officer who revokes a 26 disqualification notice under subsection (1) must, as 27 soon as practicable after the revocation, ensure that 28 notice of the revocation is given to -- 29 (a) the person to whom the disqualification notice 30 was given; and 31 (b) the chief executive officer. page 111 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 9 1 124GH. Court may order revocation of disqualification 2 notice 3 (1) A person may apply to the Magistrates Court or, if the 4 person is under 18 years of age, to the Children's 5 Court, for an order revoking a disqualification notice 6 given to the person on the grounds that there are 7 exceptional circumstances that justify the revocation. 8 (2) An application made under subsection (1) must -- 9 (a) include particulars of the exceptional 10 circumstances that the applicant alleges justify 11 revoking the notice; and 12 (b) be given to the chief executive officer at least 13 14 days before it is heard and determined. 14 (3) If the disqualification notice was issued by an 15 inspector, the chief executive officer is entitled to be 16 heard on the application. 17 (4) If the disqualification notice was issued by a police 18 officer, the Commissioner of Police is entitled to be 19 heard on the application. 20 (5) The court may make an order directing that the 21 disqualification notice be revoked from a specified day 22 if the court is satisfied that there are exceptional 23 circumstances that justify revoking the notice. 24 (6) If the court makes an order directing that a 25 disqualification notice issued by a police officer is 26 revoked, the court must ensure a copy of the order is 27 given to the chief executive officer. page 112 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 9 1 124GI. Disqualification notice automatically revoked on 2 acquittal or dismissal of charge 3 (1) A disqualification notice given to a person in relation 4 to an alleged offence is revoked if a court -- 5 (a) acquits the person of the offence; or 6 (b) dismisses a charge for the offence. 7 (2) If a disqualification notice is revoked under this section 8 the court must ensure that information about the 9 revocation is sent to the chief executive officer. 10 124GJ. Period of disqualification under disqualification 11 notice to be taken into account in sentencing 12 (1) This section applies if a court convicts a person of an 13 offence to which a disqualification notice relates. 14 (2) When making an order disqualifying the person from 15 holding or obtaining a WA marine qualification, the 16 court must take into account the period of 17 disqualification that applies to the person under the 18 disqualification notice. 19 20 (3) At the end of Part 8A (as inserted by subsection (1)) insert: 21 22 Division 3 -- Provisions relating to disqualification 23 orders by a court 24 124GK. Application of Division 25 This Division applies if a court sentencing a person for 26 an offence makes a disqualification order in relation to 27 the person. page 113 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 9 1 124GL. Notifying chief executive officer of disqualification 2 order 3 The court must ensure that the following information 4 about a disqualification order is given to the chief 5 executive officer -- 6 (a) details of the order; 7 (b) details of the offence to which the 8 disqualification relates; 9 (c) any other information prescribed for this 10 section. 11 124GM. Removal of disqualification 12 (1) A disqualified person may apply to a court for an order 13 removing the disqualification. 14 (2) However, the person cannot apply before the end of the 15 following period, starting on the day on which the 16 disqualification took effect -- 17 (a) if the disqualification is for no more than 18 6 years -- 3 years; 19 (b) if the disqualification is for more than 6 years 20 but no more than 20 years -- one-half of the 21 period of the disqualification; 22 (c) if the disqualification is for more than 20 years 23 or is permanent -- 10 years. 24 (3) The application must be made to -- 25 (a) if the disqualification was imposed by the 26 Supreme Court -- the Supreme Court; or 27 (b) in any other case -- the District Court. page 114 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 9 1 (4) The court may make an order removing the 2 disqualification from the day specified in the order or 3 refuse the application. 4 (5) In deciding the application, the court must have regard 5 to the following matters -- 6 (a) the safety of the public generally; 7 (b) the character of the applicant; 8 (c) the circumstances of the case; 9 (d) the nature of the offence or offences giving rise 10 to the disqualification; 11 (e) the conduct of the applicant subsequent to the 12 disqualification. 13 124GN. Removal of disqualification: additional provisions 14 (1) A court to which an application is made under 15 section 124GM may order the applicant to pay all or 16 part of the costs of an application. 17 (2) The chief executive officer has a right to be heard in 18 proceedings for the application. 19 (3) If the court refuses the application, a further application 20 cannot be heard during the period of 1 year after the 21 day of refusal. 22 (4) This section and section 124GM do not limit or 23 otherwise affect any right a person may have to appeal 24 against a disqualification order. 25 124GO. Notifying chief executive officer of disqualification 26 order 27 A court ordering that the disqualification of a person be 28 removed must ensure that the following information is 29 given to the chief executive officer -- 30 (a) details of the order; page 115 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 9 1 (b) details of the disqualification; 2 (c) any other information prescribed for this 3 section. 4 Division 4 -- Effect of disqualifications and other 5 matters 6 124GP. Effect of disqualification 7 (1) A WA marine qualification held by a person is 8 suspended while the person is disqualified. 9 (2) A WA marine qualification obtained by a person while 10 the person is disqualified has no effect. 11 (3) Subsection (2) applies whether or not the person 12 applied for the WA marine qualification before 13 becoming disqualified. 14 (4) This section -- 15 (a) does not operate to extend the period for which 16 a WA marine qualification may be valid or 17 effective beyond the time it would otherwise 18 expire; and 19 (b) does not affect the cancellation of a WA marine 20 qualification under regulations referred to in 21 section 124GQ(a). 22 124GQ. Other effects of disqualification 23 The regulations may provide -- 24 (a) for the circumstances in which a WA marine 25 qualification held by a person who is 26 disqualified under a disqualification order may 27 be cancelled; and 28 (b) if a person is disqualified from holding or 29 obtaining a marine qualification under the law page 116 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 9 1 of another Australian jurisdiction or an 2 overseas jurisdiction, that -- 3 (i) a WA marine qualification held by the 4 person is suspended while the 5 disqualification is in effect or may be 6 cancelled; or 7 (ii) the person cannot obtain a WA marine 8 qualification. 9 124GR. Calculating period of disqualification 10 Any of the following periods do not count towards a 11 period of disqualification for a person -- 12 (a) a period during which the person is in custody 13 serving a sentence of imprisonment; 14 (b) if the person appeals against the conviction or 15 sentence that gave rise to the disqualification -- 16 the period starting when the person commences 17 the appeal and ending when the appeal is 18 decided, dismissed or withdrawn. 19 124GS. Navigating certain vessels when disqualified from 20 holding or obtaining WA marine qualification 21 (1) In this section -- 22 navigate, a vessel, has the meaning given in 23 section 75AA(2); 24 relevant vessel means a vessel for which a WA marine 25 qualification is required to navigate it under this Act. 26 (2) A person commits an offence if the person navigates a 27 relevant vessel while the person is disqualified. 28 Penalty for this subsection: 29 (a) for a first offence, imprisonment for 30 12 months or a fine of not less than $400 or 31 more than $2 000; page 117 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 9 1 (b) for a second or subsequent offence, 2 imprisonment for 18 months or a fine of not 3 less than $1 000 or not more than $4 000. 4 (3) A court sentencing a person for an offence against 5 subsection (2) must order that the person is disqualified 6 from holding or obtaining a WA marine qualification 7 for a period of not less than 3 months or more than 8 9 months. 9 (4) A period of disqualification ordered under 10 subsection (3) is cumulative upon -- 11 (a) another period for which the person is 12 disqualified; or 13 (b) if a WA marine qualification held by the person 14 is suspended when the order is made -- the 15 period of suspension. 16 (5) It is a defence to a charge of an offence against 17 subsection (2) for the person charged to prove that the 18 person -- 19 (a) held an exemption issued by the chief executive 20 under this Act from holding a WA marine 21 qualification; and 22 (b) was navigating the vessel in accordance with 23 the exemption at the time the alleged offence 24 was committed. 25 (6) A police officer may arrest a person for an offence 26 against subsection (2) without a warrant. 27 page 118 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 10 1 10. Part IX Divisions 1 and 2 inserted 2 (1) Before Part IX Division 2 (as inserted by subsection (2)) insert: 3 4 Division 1 -- Evidentiary provisions for alcohol-related 5 offences and drug-related offences 6 Subdivision 1 -- Preliminary 7 124H. Terms used 8 In this Division -- 9 alcohol-related offence has the meaning given in 10 section 124HC(1); 11 approved expert has the meaning given in the Road 12 Traffic Act 1974 section 70(7); 13 authorised drug tester has the meaning given in 14 section 75EB(1); 15 authorised operator has the meaning given in 16 section 75EA(1); 17 certificate means a certificate in the form approved 18 under section 124FA(1); 19 drug-related offence has the meaning given in 20 section 124HI(1); 21 material time has the meaning given in -- 22 (a) in relation to an alcohol-related offence -- 23 section 124HC(2); or 24 (b) in relation to a drug-related offence -- 25 section 124HI(2); 26 navigate, a vessel, has the meaning given in 27 section 75AA(2); 28 operate, a vessel, has the meaning given in 29 section 75AA(1); page 119 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 10 1 preliminary breath test has the meaning given in 2 section 75E; 3 preliminary oral fluid test has the meaning given in 4 section 75E; 5 prescribed sample taker has the meaning given in 6 section 75E; 7 sampling equipment means the equipment referred to 8 in the Road Traffic Act 1974 section 70 as the 9 prescribed equipment that must be used for taking 10 blood samples for the purposes of Part 3B. 11 124HA. Certificate is evidence of stated facts 12 (1) This section applies in relation to a certificate -- 13 (a) purporting to be signed by a person; and 14 (b) stating any of the matters that, under this 15 Division, the person may certify. 16 (2) In a proceeding for an alcohol-related offence or a 17 drug-related offence, the certificate is evidence of the 18 facts stated in the certificate without proof of the 19 person's signature. 20 124HB. No limit on other evidence in proceedings 21 (1) Nothing in this Division is to be construed as limiting 22 the evidence that may be introduced in a proceeding for 23 an offence against this Act or another written law that 24 is relevant to whether or not a person is guilty of the 25 offence. 26 (2) Subsection (1) applies in relation to evidence 27 regardless of whether the evidence is in addition to, or 28 independent of, any evidence that is provided for under 29 this Division. page 120 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 10 1 Subdivision 2 -- Evidence in proceedings for alcohol-related 2 offences 3 124HC. Alcohol-related offence and material time 4 (1) An alcohol-related offence is -- 5 (a) an offence against a section specified in the 6 Table; or 7 Table -- Offences Section no. Section heading s. 75C(1) Navigation of vessel while under influence of alcohol or drugs s. 75CA(1) Navigation of vessel while under influence of both alcohol and drugs s. 75D(1) Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.05 or above s. 75DA(1) Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.08 or above s. 75DC(1) Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.05 or above and prescribed illicit drug present s. 75DD(1) Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.08 or above and prescribed illicit drug present 8 (b) an offence against this Act or another written 9 law if either of the following matters is relevant 10 to the proceeding -- 11 (i) whether or not a person was under the 12 influence of alcohol at a material time; page 121 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 10 1 (ii) the extent to which a person was under 2 the influence of alcohol at a material 3 time. 4 (2) The material time, in relation to a person about whom 5 evidence is given for an alcohol-related offence, is -- 6 (a) for an offence mentioned in 7 subsection (1)(a) -- the time at which a person 8 is alleged to have navigated, or attempted to 9 operate, a vessel while the person had a 10 particular BAC; 11 (b) for an offence mentioned in 12 subsection (1)(b) -- the material time 13 mentioned in subsection (1)(b)(i) or (ii) in 14 relation to the offence. 15 124HD. Evidence in proceeding for alcohol-related offence 16 (1) Evidence about any of the following matters may be 17 given in a proceeding for an alcohol-related offence -- 18 (a) the provision of a sample of breath by a person 19 for breath analysis, if the sample is provided 20 within 4 hours after the material time; 21 (b) the analysis of the sample of the person's 22 breath by breath analysing equipment operated 23 by an authorised operator; 24 (c) the manner in which the breath analysing 25 equipment indicated a result of the breath 26 analysis; 27 (d) the result indicated by the breath analysing 28 equipment; 29 (e) the taking of a sample of blood from the person 30 by a prescribed sample taker, if the sample is 31 taken -- 32 (i) within 4 hours after the material time; or page 122 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 10 1 (ii) if the sample is taken in accordance 2 with a requirement under 3 section 75EO -- within 12 hours after 4 the material time; 5 (f) the analysis of the sample of the person's blood 6 for alcohol by an analyst; 7 (g) the result of the analysis of the sample. 8 (2) Subsection (1) does not limit the admissibility of other 9 evidence that may be given in the proceeding. 10 124HE. Evidence of authorised operator of breath analysing 11 equipment 12 In a proceeding for an alcohol-related offence, 13 evidence given by an authorised operator about any of 14 the following is evidence of that fact -- 15 (a) the device operated by the authorised operator 16 to conduct an analysis of a breath sample was 17 breath analysing equipment; 18 (b) the authorised operator operated the breath 19 analysing equipment -- 20 (i) in the prescribed manner; and 21 (ii) in compliance with the regulations 22 relating to the type of breath analysing 23 equipment; 24 (c) when operated, the breath analysing equipment 25 indicated a result in the prescribed manner. 26 124HF. Certificate of authorised operator of breath 27 analysing equipment 28 For the purposes of section 124HA, the matters that a 29 person who is an authorised operator may certify in a page 123 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 10 1 certificate are that, on a specified date or at a specified 2 time -- 3 (a) a specified person provided a sample of breath 4 for breath analysis; and 5 (b) the person was an authorised operator; and 6 (c) the sample of breath provided was analysed 7 using a device that was breath analysing 8 equipment that was operated by the person; and 9 (d) the person used the breath analysing equipment 10 in the prescribed manner and in accordance 11 with the regulations relating to breath analysis 12 conducted using that type of breath analysing 13 equipment; and 14 (e) at the conclusion of the breath analysis, the 15 breath analysing equipment indicated a result in 16 the prescribed manner; and 17 (f) the result of the breath analysis was the 18 specified result; and 19 (g) in accordance with section 75EM, the person 20 gave the specified person a written statement or 21 statement printed by the breath analysing 22 equipment referred to in that section. 23 124HG. Certificate of analyst relating to analysis of blood 24 sample for alcohol 25 For the purposes of section 124HA, the matters that a 26 person who is an analyst may certify in a certificate are 27 that, on a specified date or at a specified time -- 28 (a) the person was an analyst; and 29 (b) the person received a sample of blood -- 30 (i) identified in the specified way; and page 124 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 10 1 (ii) identified as a sample taken from a 2 specified person; 3 and 4 (c) the person analysed the sample for alcohol in 5 accordance with the regulations, and 6 (d) the result from the analysis was the specified 7 BAC. 8 Example for this section: 9 For the purposes of paragraph (b)(i), a sample may be 10 identified by a number on the container for the sample. 11 124HH. Proof of person's BAC for certain offences 12 (1) This section applies in a proceeding for an 13 alcohol-related offence referred to in 14 section 124HC(1)(a). 15 (2) In the absence of proof to the contrary, the accused is 16 taken to have a particular BAC at the time the accused 17 navigated, or attempted to operate, a vessel if it is 18 proved the person had that BAC -- 19 (a) within 4 hours after the time of the navigation 20 or attempted operation; or 21 (b) if the proof of the person's BAC relates to a 22 sample of the person's blood taken in 23 accordance with a requirement imposed under 24 section 75EO -- within 12 hours after the time 25 of the navigation or attempted operation. 26 (3) Evidence that the accused consumed alcohol during the 27 relevant period is not admissible to rebut the 28 presumption created under subsection (2). page 125 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 10 1 (4) For the purposes of subsection (3), the relevant period 2 is the period -- 3 (a) starting at the latest time it is alleged the 4 accused navigated or attempted to operate a 5 vessel; and 6 (b) ending when the person provided the sample of 7 breath, or the sample of the person's blood was 8 taken, which established proof of the person's 9 BAC. 10 Subdivision 3 -- Evidence in proceedings for drug-related 11 offences 12 124HI. Drug-related offence and material time 13 (1) A drug-related offence is -- 14 (a) an offence against any of the sections specified 15 in the Table; or 16 Table -- Offences Section no. Section heading s. 75C(1) Navigation of vessel while under influence of alcohol or drugs s. 75CA(1) Navigation of vessel while under influence of both alcohol and drugs s. 75CD(1) Navigation of vessel while impaired by drugs s. 75DB(1) Navigation of vessel while prescribed illicit drug present s. 75DC(1) Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.05 or above and prescribed illicit drug present page 126 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 10 Section no. Section heading s. 75DD(1) Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.08 or above and prescribed illicit drug present 1 (b) an offence against this Act or another written 2 law if either of the following matters is relevant 3 to the proceeding -- 4 (i) whether or not a person was under the 5 influence of, or impaired by, a drug at a 6 material time; 7 (ii) the extent to which a person was under 8 the influence of, or impaired by, a drug 9 at a material time. 10 (2) The material time, in relation to a person about whom 11 evidence for a drug-related offence is given, is -- 12 (a) for an offence mentioned in 13 subsection (1)(a) -- the time at which a person 14 is alleged to have navigated, or attempted to 15 operate, a vessel while -- 16 (i) the person was under the influence of a 17 drug; or 18 (ii) the person was impaired by drugs; or 19 (iii) a prescribed illicit drug was present in 20 the person's body; 21 or 22 (b) for an offence mentioned in 23 subsection (1)(b) -- the material time 24 mentioned in subsection (1)(b)(i) or (ii) in 25 relation to the offence. page 127 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 10 1 124HJ. Evidence in proceedings for drug-related offences 2 (1) Evidence about the following matters may be given in 3 a proceeding for a drug-related offence -- 4 (a) the taking of a sample of blood from a person 5 by a prescribed sample taker, if the sample is 6 taken -- 7 (i) within 4 hours after the material time; or 8 (ii) if the sample is taken in accordance 9 with a requirement imposed under 10 section 75EO -- within 12 hours after 11 the material time; 12 (b) the analysis of the sample of the person's blood 13 for drugs by a drugs analyst; 14 (c) the result obtained from the analysis; 15 (d) the behaviour, condition or appearance of a 16 person at the material time; 17 (e) the behaviour or a condition associated with a 18 person who has consumed or used a particular 19 drug or combination of drugs; 20 (f) the usual effect that the behaviour or a 21 condition associated with a person who has 22 consumed or used a particular drug or 23 combination of drugs has on a person's 24 capacity to have proper control of a vessel; 25 (g) the provision of a sample of oral fluid by the 26 person, if the sample is provided within 4 hours 27 after the material time; 28 (h) the analysis of the sample of the person's oral 29 fluid for drugs by a drugs analyst; 30 (i) the result obtained from the analysis. 31 (2) Subsection (1) does not limit the admissibility of other 32 evidence that may be given in the proceeding. page 128 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 10 1 124HK. Certificate of authorised drug tester 2 For the purposes of section 124HA, the matters that a 3 person who is an authorised drug tester may certify in a 4 certificate are that, on a specified date or at a specified 5 time -- 6 (a) the person was an authorised drug tester; and 7 (b) the person -- 8 (i) took a sample of oral fluid from a 9 specified person on a specified date and 10 at a specified time; and 11 (ii) identified the sample in the specified 12 way; 13 and 14 (c) the sampling equipment the person used to take 15 the sample -- 16 (i) is identified in the specified way; and 17 (ii) was given to the person by a specified 18 person; and 19 (iii) was received in the specified condition; 20 and 21 (d) the person took the sample in accordance with 22 the regulations. 23 Example for this section: 24 For the purposes of paragraph (c)(i), a sample may be 25 identified by a number on the container for the sample. 26 124HL. Certificate of drugs analyst relating to analysis of 27 oral fluid or blood sample for drugs 28 For the purposes of section 124HA, the matters that a 29 person who is a drugs analyst may certify in a page 129 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 10 1 certificate are that, on a specified date or at a specified 2 time -- 3 (a) the person was a drugs analyst; and 4 (b) the person received a sample of oral fluid or 5 blood -- 6 (i) identified in the specified way; and 7 (ii) identified as a sample taken from a 8 specified person; 9 and 10 (c) the person analysed the sample for drugs, and 11 (d) the analysis produced the specified result. 12 Example for this section: 13 For the purposes of paragraph (b)(i): a sample may be 14 identified by a number on the container for the sample. 15 124HM. Certificate of approved expert relating to usual 16 effect of particular drugs 17 For the purposes of section 124HA, the matters that a 18 person who is an approved expert may certify in a 19 certificate are -- 20 (a) that, on a specified date or at a specified time, 21 the person was an approved expert; and 22 (b) a description of the usual behaviour, condition 23 or appearance associated with a person who has 24 consumed or used a specified drug or 25 combination of drugs; and 26 (c) a description of the usual effect that the 27 behaviour or a condition associated with a 28 person who has consumed or used a specified 29 drug or combination of drugs has on a person's 30 capacity to have proper control of a vessel. page 130 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 10 1 124HN. Certificate of inspector or police officer 2 For the purposes of section 124HA, the matters that a 3 person who is an inspector or police officer may certify 4 in a certificate are that, on a specified date or at a 5 specified time -- 6 (a) a specified person who navigated, or attempted 7 to operate, a vessel behaved in a specified way 8 or had a specified condition or appearance; and 9 (b) the person conducted an assessment of drug 10 impairment on a specified person; and 11 (c) the person conducted the assessment in 12 accordance with the regulations; and 13 (d) during the assessment, the specified person 14 behaved in a specified way or had a specified 15 condition or appearance. 16 124HO. Proof of presence of drugs 17 (1) This section applies in a proceeding for an offence 18 specified in the Table. 19 Table -- Offences Section no. Section heading s. 75CD(1) Navigation of vessel while impaired by drugs s. 75DB(1) Navigation of vessel while prescribed illicit drug present s. 75DC(1) Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.05 or above and prescribed illicit drug present page 131 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 10 Section no. Section heading s. 75DD(1) Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.08 or above and prescribed illicit drug present 1 (2) In the absence of evidence to the contrary, the presence 2 of a drug in a person's body is taken to be proved if it 3 is proved that the drug was present in the person's 4 body -- 5 (a) within 4 hours after the material time; or 6 (b) if the presence of the drug is proved in relation 7 to a sample of the person's blood taken in 8 accordance with a requirement imposed under 9 section 75EO -- within 12 hours after the 10 material time. 11 Subdivision 4 -- Other evidentiary provisions 12 124HP. Certificate of chief executive officer, Commissioner 13 of Police or CEO of Chemistry Centre (WA) 14 (1) The chief executive officer may issue a certificate 15 certifying that, on a specified date or during a specified 16 period -- 17 (a) a specified person was an inspector; and 18 (b) whether or not the person was competent to 19 operate breath analysing equipment or a drug 20 testing device. 21 (2) The Commissioner of Police may issue a certificate 22 certifying that, on a specified date or during a specified 23 period -- 24 (a) a specified police officer was an authorised 25 operator competent to operate breath analysing 26 equipment; or page 132 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 10 1 (b) a specified police officer was an authorised 2 drug tester competent to operate a drug testing 3 device. 4 (3) The chief executive officer of the Chemistry Centre 5 (WA) may issue a certificate certifying that, on a 6 specified date or during a specified period -- 7 (a) a specified person was an analyst; or 8 (b) a specified person was a drugs analyst. 9 (4) In any proceeding, a certificate referred to in 10 subsection (1), (2) or (3), purporting to be signed by 11 the person mentioned in that subsection, is evidence of 12 the facts stated in the certificate without proof of the 13 person's signature. 14 124HQ. Certificate of technologist who prepared sampling 15 equipment 16 (1) In this section -- 17 approved body means a body referred to in the Road 18 Traffic Act 1974 section 70 as a body approved by the 19 Minister in relation to technologists who prepare 20 sampling equipment; 21 prescribed items means items referred to in the Road 22 Traffic Act 1974 section 70 as the prescribed items that 23 must comprise sampling equipment; 24 technologist has the meaning given in the Road Traffic 25 Act 1974 section 70(7). 26 (2) For the purposes of section 124HA, the matters that a 27 person who is a technologist of an approved body may 28 certify in a certificate are that -- 29 (a) sampling equipment identified in the certificate 30 comprises the prescribed items; and 31 (b) the technologist prepared the prescribed items; 32 and page 133 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 10 1 (c) the prescribed items are sterile and fit for the 2 purpose of taking a sample of blood for 3 analysis if used for that purpose no later than a 4 specified date. 5 Example for this subsection: 6 For the purposes of paragraph (a), sampling equipment 7 may be identified by a serial number. 8 124HR. Certificate of prescribed sample taker 9 For the purposes of section 124HA, the matters that a 10 person who is a prescribed sample taker may certify in 11 a certificate are that, on a specified date or at a 12 specified time -- 13 (a) the person was a prescribed sample taker; and 14 (b) the person -- 15 (i) took a sample of blood from a specified 16 person on a specified date and at a 17 specified time; and 18 (ii) identified the sample in the specified way; 19 and 20 (c) the sampling equipment the person used to take 21 the sample -- 22 (i) is identified in the specified way; and 23 (ii) was given to the person by a specified 24 person; and 25 (iii) was received in the specified condition; 26 and 27 (d) the person took the sample in accordance with 28 the regulations. 29 Examples for this subsection: 30 1. For the purposes of paragraph (b)(ii), a sample may be 31 identified by a number on the container for the sample. page 134 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 10 1 2. For the purposes of paragraph (c)(i), sampling equipment 2 may be identified by a serial number. 3 124HS. Evidence of delivery of blood or oral fluid samples 4 (1) In this section -- 5 prescribed particulars means the prescribed particulars 6 of the delivery of a sample to an analyst or drugs 7 analyst referred to in the Road Traffic Act 1974 8 section 70B(1). 9 (2) This section applies in a proceeding for -- 10 (a) an alcohol-related offence referred to in 11 section 124HC(1)(a); or 12 (b) a drug-related offence referred to in 13 section 124HI(1)(a). 14 (3) For the purposes of section 124HA, a person who takes 15 delivery of a sample delivered to an analyst or drugs 16 analyst may certify in a certificate the prescribed 17 particulars of the delivery of the sample. 18 124HT. Procedural requirements for admissibility of 19 particular certificate evidence 20 (1) This section relates to evidence in the form of a 21 certificate of -- 22 (a) an analyst under section 124HG; or 23 (b) a drugs analyst under section 124HL; or 24 (c) an approved expert under section 124HM; or 25 (d) a person who takes delivery of a sample 26 delivered to an analyst or a drugs analyst under 27 section 124HS. page 135 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 10 1 (2) The certificate is not admissible as evidence in a 2 proceeding unless -- 3 (a) a copy of the certificate is served on the 4 accused at least 28 days before the day on 5 which the certificate is adduced in the 6 proceeding; or 7 (b) it is adduced in the proceeding by, or with the 8 consent of, the accused. 9 (3) The accused cannot challenge or call into question any 10 matter set out in a certificate admitted under 11 subsection (2) unless -- 12 (a) written notice of the accused's intention to 13 challenge or question the matter is served on 14 the prosecutor at least 14 days before the day 15 on which the certificate is produced; or 16 (b) the court, in the interests of justice, gives the 17 accused leave to challenge or question the 18 matter. 19 (4) A notice referred to in subsection (3)(a) must specify 20 the matter that is to be challenged or called into 21 question. 22 124HU. Evidence relating to preliminary oral fluid test, 23 drug testing and preliminary breath test is 24 admissible in certain proceedings with consent 25 (1) Evidence about a matter referred to subsection (2) is 26 only admissible in a proceeding for an offence if -- 27 (a) the proceeding is for an offence specified in the 28 Table; or page 136 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 10 1 Table -- Offences Section no. Section heading s. 75H(1) Failure to comply with requirement: preliminary breath test, preliminary oral fluid test or boarding or moving vessel s. 75HD(1) Failure to comply with requirement: oral fluid sample for drug testing or blood sample s. 75HG(1) Failure to comply with drug testing requirement: BAC of 0.05 or above s. 75HH(1) Failure to comply with drug testing requirement: BAC of 0.08 or above s. 75HI(1) Failure to comply with drug testing requirement: BAC of 0.15 or above s. 75GF(5) Prohibiting person from navigating vessel for 24 hours if prescribed illicit drug present 2 (b) for a proceeding for any other offence against 3 this Act or another written law -- the evidence 4 is adduced in the proceeding by, or with the 5 consent of, the person the subject of the 6 evidence. 7 (2) For the purposes of subsection (1), the matters are -- 8 (a) that a person provided a sample of breath for a 9 preliminary breath test and any indication 10 provided by the preliminary breath testing 11 device used for the test; and 12 (b) that a person provided a sample of oral fluid for 13 a preliminary oral fluid test and any indication 14 provided by the preliminary oral fluid testing 15 device used for the test; and page 137 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 10 1 (c) the result of the drug testing of a sample of a 2 person's oral fluid by a drug testing device. 3 (3) Evidence that a person provided a sample of the 4 person's oral fluid for drug testing is only admissible in 5 a proceeding for an offence if -- 6 (a) the proceeding is for a drug-related offence; or 7 (b) the proceeding is for an offence specified in the 8 Table to subsection (1)(a); or 9 (c) the evidence is adduced by, or with the consent 10 of, the person the subject of the evidence. 11 12 (2) At the beginning of Part IX insert: 13 14 Division 2 -- Provisions relating to sentencing for 15 dangerous navigation and alcohol and drug related 16 offences 17 124I. Term used: young person 18 In this Division -- 19 young person has the meaning given in the Young 20 Offenders Act 1994 section 3(1). 21 124IA. Limitation on period for which previous offences 22 taken into account 23 (1) This section applies if a person is convicted of an 24 offence against Part 3A or 3B and the penalty for the 25 offence varies according to whether the person has 26 been previously convicted for another offence. 27 (2) If a person's conviction for a previous offence was 28 recorded more than 20 years before the commission of 29 the offence for which the person is being sentenced, the page 138 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 10 1 previous offence must not be taken into account in 2 determining the penalty to be imposed. 3 124IB. Sentencing for particular offences: option for 4 community based order or youth community based 5 order 6 (1) This section applies if a court is sentencing a person 7 who has been convicted of -- 8 (a) a first offence against a section mentioned in 9 Table 1; or 10 Table 1 -- Offences Section no. Section heading s. 75C(1) Navigation of vessel while under influence of alcohol or drugs s. 75CA(1) Navigation of vessel while under influence of both alcohol and drugs s. 75HB(1) Failure to comply with requirement: breath analysis, blood sample or stop vessel or navigate to specified place s. 75HC(1) Failure to comply with requirement: incident occasioning death, grievous bodily harm or bodily harm s. 75HI(1) Failure to comply with drug testing requirement: BAC of 0.15 or above 11 (b) any offence against a section mentioned in 12 Table 2. page 139 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 10 1 Table 2 -- Offences Section no. Section heading s. 75DA(1) Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.08 or above s. 75DD(1) Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.08 or above and prescribed illicit drug present s. 75H(1) Failure to comply with requirement: preliminary breath test, preliminary oral fluid test or boarding or moving vessel s. 75HH(1) Failure to comply with drug testing requirement: BAC of 0.08 or above 2 (2) The court may, instead of imposing a fine -- 3 (a) order the release of the person; and 4 (b) impose a community based order under the 5 Sentencing Act 1995 with at least a community 6 service requirement as a primary requirement 7 of the order. 8 (3) If the offender is a young person, the court may, 9 instead of imposing a fine, make a youth community 10 based order under the Young Offenders Act 1994, 11 imposing at least community work conditions on the 12 offender. 13 (4) Subsection (3) applies subject to sections 50, 50A 14 and 50B of the Young Offenders Act 1994. page 140 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 10 1 124IC. Sentencing for particular offences if community 2 based order or intensive supervision order imposed 3 (1) This section applies if -- 4 (a) a court is sentencing a person who has been 5 convicted of -- 6 (i) an offence against section 75HG(1) 7 (Failure to comply with drug testing 8 requirement: BAC of 0.05 or above); or 9 (ii) a second or subsequent offence against a 10 section specified in the Table; 11 Table -- Offences Section no. Section heading s. 75C(1) Navigation of vessel while under influence of alcohol or drugs s. 75CA(1) Navigation of vessel while under influence of both alcohol and drugs s. 75HB(1) Failure to comply with requirement: breath analysis, blood sample or stop vessel or navigate to specified place s. 75HC(1) Failure to comply with requirement: incident occasioning death, grievous bodily harm or bodily harm s. 75HI(1) Failure to comply with drug testing requirement: BAC of 0.15 or above 12 and 13 (b) the court orders the release of the offender; and page 141 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 10 1 (c) the court imposes -- 2 (i) a community based order or an intensive 3 supervision order under the Sentencing 4 Act 1995; or 5 (ii) if the offender is a young person -- a 6 youth community based order or an 7 intensive youth supervision order under 8 the Young Offenders Act 1994. 9 (2) If the court imposes an order referred to in 10 subsection (1)(c)(i), the court must impose at least a 11 community service requirement as a primary 12 requirement of the community based order or intensive 13 supervision order. 14 (3) If the court imposes an order referred to in 15 subsection (1)(c)(ii), the court must impose community 16 work conditions on the offender as part of the youth 17 community based order or intensive youth supervision 18 order. 19 124ID. Pre-sentence report required for sentencing for 20 navigation while impaired by drugs 21 A court sentencing a person who has been convicted of 22 an offence against section 75CD(1) (Navigation of 23 vessel while impaired by drugs) must order a 24 pre-sentence report about the offender under the 25 Sentencing Act 1995 Part 3 Division 3. 26 124IE. Sentencing for first offence of navigation while 27 impaired by drugs or failure to comply with drug 28 impairment assessment 29 (1) This section applies if a court is sentencing a person 30 who has been convicted of a first offence against -- 31 (a) section 75CD(1) (Navigation of vessel while 32 impaired by drugs); or page 142 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 10 1 (b) section 75HE(1) (Failure to comply with 2 requirements relating to assessment of drug 3 impairment). 4 (2) Despite the Sentencing Act 1995 section 39(3) and (4), 5 the court must, instead of or in addition to imposing a 6 fine -- 7 (a) order the release of the person; and 8 (b) impose a community based order under the 9 Sentencing Act 1995 with at least a programme 10 requirement as a primary requirement of the 11 order. 12 (3) If the offender is a young person, the court must, 13 instead of or in addition to imposing a fine, make a 14 youth community based order under the Young 15 Offenders Act 1994, imposing at least attendance 16 conditions on the offender. 17 (4) Subsection (3) applies -- 18 (a) subject to sections 50, 50A and 50B of the 19 Young Offenders Act 1994; and 20 (b) despite section 74 of that Act. 21 124IF. Sentencing for second or subsequent offence of 22 navigation while impaired by drugs or failure to 23 comply with drug impairment assessment 24 (1) This section applies if a court is sentencing a person 25 who has been convicted of a second or subsequent 26 offence against -- 27 (a) section 75CD(1) (Navigation of vessel while 28 impaired by drugs); or 29 (b) section 75HE(1) (Failure to comply with 30 requirements relating to assessment of drug 31 impairment). page 143 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 10 1 (2) The court must, instead of or in addition to imposing a 2 fine, order the release of the person and impose either 3 of the following under the Sentencing Act 1995 -- 4 (a) a community based order with at least a 5 supervision requirement and a programme 6 requirement as primary requirements of the 7 order; or 8 (b) an intensive supervision order with at least a 9 programme requirement as a primary 10 requirement of the order. 11 (3) Subsection (2) applies despite the Sentencing Act 1995 12 section 39(3) and (4). 13 (4) If the offender is a young person, the court must, 14 instead of or in addition to imposing a fine -- 15 (a) make a youth community based order or an 16 intensive youth supervision order under the 17 Young Offenders Act 1994; and 18 (b) impose at least attendance conditions and 19 supervision conditions on the offender. 20 (5) Subsection (4) applies -- 21 (a) subject to sections 50, 50A and 50B of the 22 Young Offenders Act 1994; and 23 (b) despite section 74 of that Act. 24 (6) Subsections (2) and (4) do not apply if the court 25 imposes a custodial sentence on the offender. 26 124IG. Mandatory disqualification 27 (1) This section applies if this Act requires a court 28 sentencing a person for an offence to disqualify the page 144 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 10 1 offender from holding or obtaining a WA marine 2 qualification for -- 3 (a) a specified period, or permanently, in relation 4 to the offence; or 5 (b) a period not less than a specified minimum 6 period in relation to the offence; or 7 (c) a period not less than a specified minimum 8 period, and no more than a specified maximum 9 period, in relation to the offence. 10 (2) Regardless of any sentence the court imposes on the 11 offender for the offence, the court -- 12 (a) must disqualify the offender for the specified 13 period, or at least the specified minimum period 14 and more than the specified maximum period; 15 and 16 (b) cannot reduce the period of disqualification 17 other than by the period the offender was 18 disqualified by a disqualification notice given 19 to the offender under section 124GA in relation 20 to the offence. 21 (3) Without limiting subsection (2)(b), the specified period 22 of disqualification cannot be reduced in mitigation. 23 (4) This section applies despite any other written law. 24 124IH. Minimum fines 25 Without limiting the Sentencing Act 1995, and despite 26 any other written law, a fine provided for an offence 27 under Part 3A or Part 3B of this Act that is a minimum 28 penalty (however expressed) cannot be reduced in 29 mitigation. 30 page 145 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 11 1 11. Part IX Division 3 heading inserted 2 Before section 125 insert: 3 4 Division 3 -- General matters 5 6 12. Part X Division 3 inserted 7 At the end of Part X insert: 8 9 Division 3 -- Western Australian Marine Amendment 10 Act 2023 11 138. Offences against repealed section 59 12 (1) In this section -- 13 repeal day means the day on which the Western 14 Australian Marine Amendment Act 2023 section 5 15 comes into operation. 16 (2) Despite The Criminal Code section 11, a person may 17 be prosecuted and punished for an offence committed 18 against section 59 before repeal day. 19 139. Transitional regulations 20 (1) In this section -- 21 assent day means the day on which the Western 22 Australian Marine Amendment Act 2023 receives the 23 Royal Assent; 24 publication day, for transitional regulations, means the 25 day on which the transitional regulations are published 26 in accordance with the Interpretation Act 1984 27 section 41; page 146 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended Part 2 s. 12 1 specified means specified or described in transitional 2 regulations; 3 transitional matter -- 4 (a) means a matter or issue of a transitional nature 5 that arises because of the enactment of the 6 Western Australian Marine Amendment 7 Act 2023; and 8 (b) includes a saving or application matter. 9 (2) Regulations (transitional regulations) may do either or 10 both of the following -- 11 (a) make any provision that is necessary or 12 convenient for dealing with a transitional 13 matter; or 14 (b) make any provision that is necessary or 15 convenient in consequence of, or for giving 16 effect to, the enactment of the Western 17 Australian Marine Amendment Act 2023. 18 (3) Transitional regulations may provide that specified 19 provisions of this Act -- 20 (a) do not apply to, or in relation to, a specified 21 matter or thing; or 22 (b) apply with specified modifications to, or in 23 relation to, a specified matter or thing. 24 (4) If transitional regulations provide that a specified state 25 of affairs is taken to have existed, or not to have 26 existed, on and from a day that is earlier than 27 publication day but not earlier than assent day, the 28 transitional regulations have effect according to their 29 terms. page 147 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 amended s. 12 1 (5) If transitional regulations contain a provision referred 2 to in subsection (4), the provision does not operate so 3 as to -- 4 (a) affect in a manner prejudicial to a person (other 5 than the State or an authority of the State) the 6 rights of that person existing before publication 7 day; or 8 (b) impose liabilities on a person (other than the 9 State or an authority of the State) in respect of 10 an act done or omission made before 11 publication day. 12 page 148 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Other Acts amended Part 3 s. 13 1 Part 3 -- Other Acts amended 2 13. Bail Act 1982 amended 3 (1) This section amends the Bail Act 1982. 4 (2) After Schedule 2 item 3 insert: 5 3A. Western Australian Marine Act 1982 s. 75B(1) Navigation of vessel occasioning death while under influence of alcohol, a drug or alcohol and a drug s. 75B(2) Dangerous navigation of vessel occasioning death s. 75BA(1) Navigation of vessel occasioning grievous bodily harm while under influence of alcohol, a drug or alcohol and a drug s. 75BA(2) Dangerous navigation of vessel occasioning grievous bodily harm s. 75BB(1) Navigation of vessel occasioning bodily harm while under influence of alcohol, a drug or alcohol and a drug s. 75BB(3) Dangerous navigation of vessel occasioning bodily harm 6 7 14. Community Protection (Offender Reporting) Act 2004 8 amended 9 (1) This section amends the Community Protection (Offender 10 Reporting) Act 2004. page 149 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 3 Other Acts amended s. 15 1 (2) In section 85A in the definition of serious sexual offence after 2 paragraph (a) insert: 3 4 (iia) the Western Australian Marine Act 1982 5 section 75B(1), 75B(2), 75BA(1), 6 75BA(2), 75BB(1) or 75BB(3); or 7 8 15. The Criminal Code amended 9 (1) This section amends The Criminal Code. 10 (2) In section 279(1) in the Alternative offence delete "59." and 11 insert: 12 13 59 or Western Australian Marine Act 1982 s. 75B(1) or 75B(2). 14 15 (3) In section 280(1) in the Alternative offence delete "59." and 16 insert: 17 18 59 or Western Australian Marine Act 1982 s. 75B(1) or 75B(2). 19 20 (4) In section 284(1) in the definition of conveyance delete 21 "vehicle;" and insert: 22 23 vehicle or vessel; 24 25 (5) In section 284(1) in the definition of drive delete "aircraft and to 26 navigate a vessel." and insert: 27 28 aircraft. 29 page 150 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Other Acts amended Part 3 s. 16 1 (6) Delete section 284(4). 2 Note: The heading to amended section 284 is to read: 3 Culpable driving (not of motor vehicle or vessel) causing death or 4 grievous bodily harm 5 (7) In section 297(1) in the Alternative offence delete "59." and 6 insert: 7 8 59 or Western Australian Marine Act 1982 s. 75BA(1) 9 or 75BA(2). 10 11 16. Criminal Investigation Act 2006 amended 12 (1) This section amends the Criminal Investigation Act 2006. 13 (2) Delete section 28(2) and insert: 14 15 (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to or in respect of a 16 person to whom a requirement has been made by a 17 police officer under -- 18 (a) the Road Traffic Act 1974 section 66, 66B, 66D 19 or 66E; or 20 (b) the Western Australian Marine Act 1982 21 section 75G. 22 23 (3) After section 135(2)(b) insert: 24 25 (ba) the person, having been required to do so by a 26 police officer acting under the Western 27 Australian Marine Act 1982 section 75G, is 28 accompanying a police officer to, or is waiting 29 at, a place. 30 page 151 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 3 Other Acts amended s. 17 1 17. Criminal Law (Mental Impairment) Act 2023 amended 2 (1) This section amends the Criminal Law (Mental Impairment) 3 Act 2023. 4 (2) After Schedule 1 Division 1 Subdivision 5 insert: 5 6 Subdivision 6 -- Offences under Western Australian Marine 7 Act 1982 Item Provision Description of offence 1. s. 75B(1) Navigation of vessel occasioning death while under influence of alcohol, a drug or alcohol and a drug 2. s. 75B(2) Dangerous navigation of vessel occasioning death 3. s. 75BA(1) Navigation of vessel occasioning grievous bodily harm while under influence of alcohol, a drug or alcohol and a drug 4. s. 75BA(2) Dangerous navigation of vessel occasioning grievous bodily harm 8 9 18. Criminal Law (Mentally Impaired Accused) Act 1996 10 amended 11 (1) This section amends the Criminal Law (Mentally Impaired 12 Accused) Act 1996. 13 (2) After Schedule 1 item 3 insert: 14 4. Western Australian Marine Act 1982 s. 75B(1) Navigation of vessel occasioning death while under influence of alcohol, a drug or alcohol and a drug page 152 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Other Acts amended Part 3 s. 19 s. 75B(2) Dangerous navigation of vessel occasioning death s. 75BA(1) Navigation of vessel occasioning grievous bodily harm while under influence of alcohol, a drug or alcohol and a drug s. 75BA(2) Dangerous navigation of vessel occasioning grievous bodily harm 1 2 19. Evidence Act 1906 amended 3 (1) This section amends the Evidence Act 1906. 4 (2) After The Second Schedule Part 2 insert: 5 6 Part 3 -- Offences under the Western Australian 7 Marine Act 1982 Provision Description of offence s. 75B(1) Navigation of vessel occasioning death while under influence of alcohol, a drug or alcohol and a drug s. 75B(2) Dangerous navigation of vessel occasioning death s. 75BA(1) Navigation of vessel occasioning grievous bodily harm while under influence of alcohol, a drug or alcohol and a drug s. 75BA(2) Dangerous navigation of vessel occasioning grievous bodily harm s. 75BB(1) Navigation of vessel occasioning bodily harm while under influence of alcohol, a drug or alcohol and a drug page 153 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 3 Other Acts amended s. 20 s. 75BB(3) Dangerous navigation of vessel occasioning bodily harm s. 75BD(1) Reckless navigation of vessel s. 75BD(2) Reckless navigation of vessel in circumstance of aggravation s. 75BE(1) Dangerous navigation of vessel 1 2 20. High Risk Serious Offenders Act 2020 amended 3 (1) This section amends the High Risk Serious Offenders Act 2020. 4 (2) After Schedule 1 Division 1 Subdivision 5 insert: 5 6 Subdivision 6 -- Offences under Western Australian Marine 7 Act 1982 Item Provision Description of offence 1. s. 75B(1) Navigation of vessel occasioning death while under influence of alcohol, a drug or alcohol and a drug 2. s. 75B(2) Dangerous navigation of vessel occasioning death 3. s. 75BA(1) Navigation of vessel occasioning grievous bodily harm while under influence of alcohol, a drug or alcohol and a drug 4. s. 75BA(2) Dangerous navigation of vessel occasioning grievous bodily harm 8 9 21. National Disability Insurance Scheme (Worker Screening) 10 Act 2020 amended 11 (1) This section amends the National Disability Insurance Scheme 12 (Worker Screening) Act 2020. page 154 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Other Acts amended Part 3 s. 21 1 (2) At the end of Schedule 1 insert: 2 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 s. 75B(1) Navigation of vessel The offence is committed occasioning death while with intent to cause death under influence of alcohol, a drug or alcohol and a drug s. 75B(2) Dangerous navigation of The offence is committed vessel occasioning death with intent to cause death s. 75BA(1) Navigation of vessel The offence is committed occasioning grievous bodily with intent to cause grievous harm while under influence of bodily harm to a child or a alcohol, a drug or alcohol and vulnerable person a drug s. 75BA(2) Dangerous navigation of The offence is committed vessel occasioning grievous with intent to cause grievous bodily harm bodily harm to a child or a vulnerable person 3 4 (3) At the end of Schedule 2 insert: 5 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 s. 75B(1) Navigation of vessel The offence causes death but occasioning death while without intent to do so under influence of alcohol, a drug or alcohol and a drug s. 75B(2) Dangerous navigation of The offence causes death but vessel occasioning death without intent to do so page 155 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 3 Other Acts amended s. 22 s. 75BA(1) Navigation of vessel The offence causes grievous occasioning grievous bodily bodily harm but without harm while under influence of intent to cause grievous alcohol, a drug or alcohol and bodily harm to a child or a a drug vulnerable person s. 75BA(2) Dangerous navigation of The offence causes grievous vessel occasioning grievous bodily harm but without bodily harm intent to cause grievous bodily harm to a child or a vulnerable person 1 2 22. Sentencing Act 1995 amended 3 (1) This section amends the Sentencing Act 1995. 4 (2) In section 45(5): 5 (a) after paragraph (a)(i) insert: 6 7 (ia) disqualify, under the Western Australian 8 Marine Act 1982, the offender from 9 holding or obtaining a WA marine 10 qualification as defined in section 3(1) 11 of that Act; 12 13 (b) after paragraph (b) insert: 14 15 (ba) the operation of any provision in the Western 16 Australian Marine Act 1982 relating to the 17 cancellation of, or disqualification from holding 18 or obtaining, a WA marine qualification as 19 defined in section 3(1) of that Act; 20 page 156 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Other Acts amended Part 3 s. 22 1 (3) In section 107(1) and (3) before "marine qualification" (each 2 occurrence) insert: 3 4 WA 5 6 (4) After section 107(4) insert: 7 8 (4A) This section does not affect the right or duty of a court 9 to disqualify, under the Western Australian Marine 10 Act 1982, a person from holding or obtaining a WA 11 marine qualification. 12 13 (5) In section 107(5) delete the definition of marine qualification. 14 (6) In section 107(5) insert in alphabetical order: 15 16 WA marine qualification has the meaning given in the 17 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 section 3(1); 18 19 (7) After Schedule 1A Part 1 item 7 insert: 20 8. Western Australian Marine Act 1982 s. 75B(1) and (2) Dangerous navigation of vessel occasioning death s. 75BA(1) and (2) Dangerous navigation of vessel occasioning grievous bodily harm s. 75BB(1) and (3) Dangerous navigation of vessel occasioning bodily harm -- if the offender is liable to imprisonment for 7 years 21 page 157 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 3 Other Acts amended s. 23 1 (8) After Schedule 1A Part 2 item 9 insert: 2 10. Western Australian Marine Act 1982 s. 75BB(1) and (3) Dangerous navigation of vessel occasioning bodily harm -- if the offender is not liable to imprisonment for 7 years 3 4 23. Working with Children (Screening) Act 2004 amended 5 (1) This section amends the Working with Children (Screening) 6 Act 2004. 7 (2) In Schedule 2 under the heading The Criminal Code in the items 8 for section 284(3)(c) and 284(3)(d) delete "vehicle)" and insert: 9 10 vehicle or vessel) 11 12 (3) At the end of Schedule 2 insert: 13 Western Australian Marine Act 1982 s. 75B(1) and Dangerous navigation of (2) vessel occasioning death s. 75BA(1) Dangerous navigation of and (2) vessel occasioning grievous bodily harm 14 15 24. Young Offenders Act 1994 amended 16 (1) This section amends the Young Offenders Act 1994. page 158 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Other Acts amended Part 3 s. 24 1 (2) At the end of Schedule 1 insert: 2 4. Western Australian Marine Act 1982 s. 75BD(1) Reckless navigation of vessel s. 75BE(1) Dangerous navigation of vessel s. 75BF Careless navigation of vessel s. 75C(1) Navigation or attempted operation of vessel while under influence of alcohol or drugs s. 75CA(1) Navigation or attempted operation of vessel while under influence of alcohol and drugs s. 75CD(1) Navigation or attempted operation of vessel while impaired by drug s. 75D(1) Navigation or attempted operation of vessel while BAC is 0.05 or above s. 75DA(1) Navigation or attempted operation of vessel while BAC is 0.08 or above s. 75DB(1) Navigation of vessel while prescribed illicit drug present in body s. 75DC(1) Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.05 or above and prescribed illicit drug is present in body s. 75DD(1) Navigation of vessel while BAC is 0.08 or above and prescribed illicit drug is present in body s. 75H(1) Failure to comply with requirement relating to preliminary breath test, preliminary oral fluid test or boarding or moving vessel s. 75HB(1) Failure to comply with requirement relating to breath analysis, blood page 159 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Part 3 Other Acts amended s. 24 sample or stop vessel or navigate to specified place s. 75HC(1) Failure to comply with requirement relating to incident occasioning death, grievous bodily harm or bodily harm s. 75HD(1) Failure to comply with requirement relating to oral fluid sample for drug testing or blood sample for analysis s. 75HE(1) Failure to comply with requirements relating to assessment of drug impairment s. 75HG(1) Failure to comply with drug testing requirement when BAC of 0.05 or above s. 75HH(1) Failure to comply with drug testing requirement when BAC of 0.08 or above s. 75HI(1) Failure to comply with drug testing requirement when BAC of 0.15 or above 1 2 (3) At the end of Schedule 2 insert: 3 4. Western Australian Marine Act 1982 s. 75B(1) Navigation of vessel occasioning death while under influence of alcohol, a drug or alcohol and a drug s. 75B(2) Dangerous navigation of vessel occasioning death s. 75BA(1) Navigation of vessel occasioning grievous bodily harm while under influence of alcohol, a drug or alcohol and a drug page 160 Western Australian Marine Amendment Bill 2023 Other Acts amended Part 3 s. 24 s. 75BA(2) Dangerous navigation of vessel occasioning grievous bodily harm s. 75BB(1) Navigation of vessel occasioning bodily harm while under influence of alcohol, a drug or alcohol and a drug s. 75BB(3) Dangerous navigation of vessel occasioning bodily harm s. 75BC(1) Careless navigation of vessel occasioning death, grievous bodily harm or bodily harm 1
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