Western Australian Bills

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                       Western Australia

     Workers' Compensation and Injury
     Management Amendment Bill 2017


        Part 1 -- Preliminary
1.      Short title                                                    2
2.      Commencement                                                   2
3.      Act amended                                                    2
        Part 2 -- Amendments about
             compensation for dependants of
4.      Section 5 amended                                              3
5.      Section 18 amended                                             3
6.      Part III Division 5A inserted                                  4
        Division 5A -- Claims by dependants and others for
        72C.      Terms used                                     4
        72D.      Application of this Division                   4
        72E.      Claims for compensation for dependants
                  and others                                     5
        72F.      Claims procedure where employer insured        5
        72G.      Claims procedure where employer is
                  self-insured or uninsured                      6
        72H.      Resolution of claim                            7
        72I.      Manner of payment of lump sum
                  compensation                                   8
        72J.      Manner of payment of child's allowance         9
        72K.      Effect of recovery of damages on moneys
                  held in Trust Account                          11
        72L.      Application of Part XI to matters under this
                  Division                                       12
7.      Section 106 amended                                           13
8.      Section 110 amended                                           13
9.      Section 218 amended                                           13

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Workers' Compensation and Injury Management Amendment Bill 2017


      10.    Schedule 1 amended                                          14
      11.    Schedule 1A inserted                                        15
             Schedule 1A -- Compensation entitlements when
                    worker has died
             Division 1 -- Application and terms used
             1.        Application of Schedule                      15
             2.        Partners, children and prescribed family
                       members                                      15
             3.        Dependants                                   16
             4.        Lump sum entitlement                         16
             5.        Child's allowance                            16
             Division 2 -- Entitlements if the worker's death
                    results from the injury
             6.        Application of this Division                 17
             7.        Lump sum compensation for partners,
                       children and others                          17
             8.        Allowance for children                       20
             9.        Funeral and medical expenses                 21
             Division 3 -- Entitlements if the worker's death does
                    not result from the injury
             10.       Application of this Division                 21
             11.       Lump sum compensation for partners and
                       children                                     22
      12.    Schedule 5 amended                                          22
      13.    Schedule 8 Division 1 heading inserted                      23
             Division 1 -- Workers' Compensation and Injury
                    Management Amendment Act 2011
      14.    Schedule 8 Division 2 inserted                              23
             Division 2 -- Workers' Compensation and Injury
                    Management Amendment Act 2017
             9.        Terms used                                   23
             10.       Former provisions apply to deaths before
                       commencement day                             24

             Part 3 -- Minor amendments
      15.    Section 146O amended                                        25
      16.    Schedule 1 amended                                          25

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                           Western Australia

                     LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY

         Workers' Compensation and Injury
         Management Amendment Bill 2017

                               A Bill for

An Act to amend the Workers' Compensation and Injury Management
Act 1981.

The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows:

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     Workers' Compensation and Injury Management Amendment Bill 2017
     Part 1        Preliminary

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1                           Part 1 -- Preliminary
2    1.       Short title
3             This is the Workers' Compensation and Injury Management
4             Amendment Act 2017.

5    2.       Commencement
6             This Act comes into operation as follows --
7              (a) Part 1 -- on the day on which this Act receives the
8                    Royal Assent;
9              (b) Part 3 -- on the day after that day;
10             (c) the rest of the Act -- on a day fixed by proclamation,
11                   and different days may be fixed for different provisions.

12   3.       Act amended
13            This Act amends the Workers' Compensation and Injury
14            Management Act 1981.

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        Workers' Compensation and Injury Management Amendment Bill 2017
      Amendments about compensation for dependants of workers    Part 2

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1           Part 2 -- Amendments about compensation for
2                     dependants of workers
3    4.         Section 5 amended
4         (1)   In section 5(1) delete the definitions of:
5               child's allowance
6               de facto partner
7               dependants
8               member of a family
9               notional residual entitlement
10              NRE amount
11              spouse
12        (2)   In section 5(1) insert in alphabetical order:

14                    dependant of a deceased worker has the meaning given
15                    in Schedule 1A clause 3;

17   5.         Section 18 amended
18        (1)   In section 18 delete "If an injury" and insert:

20              (1)   If an injury

22        (2)   At the end of section 18 insert:

24              (2)   If an injury of a worker occurs and the worker dies, the
25                    employer shall, subject to this Act, be liable to pay
26                    compensation in accordance with Schedule 1A.

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1             (3)   Subsection (2) does not limit the application of
2                   Schedule 5 in relation to the death of the worker.

4             Note: The heading to amended section 18 is to read:
5                   Employers liable to pay compensation for injuries to workers

6    6.       Part III Division 5A inserted
7             After Part III Division 5 insert:

9             Division 5A -- Claims by dependants and others for
10                              compensation
11          72C.    Terms used
12                  In this Division --
13                  approved means approved by the chief executive
14                  officer;
15                  claim means a claim for compensation made under
16                  section 72E;
17                  claimant means a person claiming to be entitled to
18                  compensation under clause 7, 8, 9 or 11;
19                  clause means a clause of Schedule 1A.

20          72D.    Application of this Division
21            (1)   This Division applies to compensation that an
22                  employer of a worker is liable to pay to or for a person
23                  in accordance with Schedule 1A.
24            (2)   A provision of this Division prevails to the extent, if
25                  any, that it is inconsistent with a provision of this Act
26                  that is not in this Division.

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1       72E.     Claims for compensation for dependants and others
2          (1)   A claim for compensation may be made on the
3                employer by, or on behalf of, a claimant.
4          (2)   Compensation for 2 or more claimants can be the
5                subject of 1 claim.
6          (3)   A claim must be made in the approved form and must
7                be accompanied by supporting information and
8                documents in accordance with guidelines issued from
9                time to time by WorkCover WA.

10      72F.     Claims procedure where employer insured
11         (1)   This section applies if --
12                (a) a claim is made on an employer in accordance
13                      with section 178(1); and
14                (b) the employer is indemnified under a policy of
15                      insurance against liability to pay the
16                      compensation claimed.
17         (2)   Before the expiration of 5 full working days after the
18               claim is made the employer must give the claim to the
19               insurer to be dealt with under and in accordance with
20               the policy of insurance.
21               Penalty for this subsection: a fine of $1 000.
22         (3)   On receiving the claim the insurer must give a copy of
23               it to WorkCover WA.
24         (4)   As soon as is practicable after receiving the claim the
25               insurer must --
26                 (a) give the claimant and the employer notice that
27                       liability is accepted in respect of the
28                       compensation claimed; or
29                 (b) give the claimant and the employer notice that
30                       liability is disputed in respect of some or all of
31                       the compensation claimed; or

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     Workers' Compensation and Injury Management Amendment Bill 2017
     Part 2        Amendments about compensation for dependants of workers

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1                    (c)   give the claimant notice that additional
2                          information or documents specified in the
3                          notice are required in order for a decision to
4                          accept or dispute liability for compensation to
5                          be made.
6             (5)   As soon as is practicable after receiving information or
7                   documents required under subsection (4)(c) the insurer
8                   must give the claimant and the employer --
9                     (a) notice that liability is accepted in respect of the
10                         compensation claimed; or
11                   (b) notice that liability is disputed in respect of
12                         some or all of the compensation claimed.
13            (6)   A notice given under subsection (4) or (5) must be in
14                  the approved form and the insurer must give a copy of
15                  the notice to WorkCover WA.

16          72G.    Claims procedure where employer is self-insured or
17                  uninsured
18            (1)   This section applies if --
19                   (a) a claim is made on an employer in accordance
20                         with section 178(1); and
21                   (b) the employer (whether in contravention of
22                         section 160, in accordance with an exemption
23                         under section 164, as a result of the insurer
24                         declining to indemnify the employer, or
25                         otherwise) is not indemnified by a policy of
26                         insurance against liability to pay the
27                         compensation claimed.
28            (2)   On receiving the claim the employer must give a copy
29                  of it to WorkCover WA.

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1          (3)   As soon as is practicable after receiving the claim the
2                employer must give the claimant --
3                 (a) notice that liability is accepted in respect of the
4                       compensation claimed; or
5                 (b) notice that liability is disputed in respect of
6                       some or all of the compensation claimed; or
7                 (c) notice that additional information or documents
8                       specified in the notice are required in order for
9                       a decision to accept or dispute liability for
10                      compensation to be made.
11         (4)   As soon as is practicable after receiving information or
12               documents required under subsection (3)(c) the
13               employer must give the claimant --
14                 (a) notice that liability is accepted in respect of the
15                      compensation claimed; or
16                (b) notice that liability is disputed in respect of
17                      some or all of the compensation claimed.
18         (5)   A notice given under subsection (3) or (4) must be in
19               the approved form and the employer must give a copy
20               of the notice to WorkCover WA.

21      72H.     Resolution of claim
22         (1)   In this section --
23               response means a notice under section 72F(4)
24               or 72G(3);
25               response period means the period of 30 days after the
26               day on which the claim is made on the employer.
27         (2)   Except as provided in subsection (8), compensation in
28               accordance with Schedule 1A is to be paid only as
29               specified in an order made under subsection (7).

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1              (3)   An application may be made to the Registrar by or on
2                    behalf of the claimant for the claim to be determined
3                    by an arbitrator.
4              (4)   The application may be made --
5                     (a) at any time after the claimant receives a
6                           response; or
7                     (b) if the claimant does not receive a response
8                           during the response period, at any time after the
9                           end of the response period.
10             (5)   If the application is made before the claimant receives
11                   a response, the application does not affect the
12                   continued operation of section 72F(2) to (6) or 72G(2)
13                   to (5), whichever are applicable, in relation to the
14                   claim.
15             (6)   If the application is made after the claimant receives a
16                   response under section 72F(4)(c) or 72G(3)(c), the
17                   application does not affect the continued operation of
18                   section 72F(5) or 72G(4), whichever is applicable, in
19                   relation to the claim.
20             (7)   An arbitrator must determine the claim and make an
21                   order specifying whether the claimant is entitled to
22                   compensation in accordance with Schedule 1A and, if
23                   so, the amount of compensation to which the claimant
24                   is entitled.
25             (8)   If an insurer or employer accepts liability in respect of
26                   compensation to which a person is entitled under
27                   clause 9, the compensation can be paid to the person
28                   without an order having been made under
29                   subsection (7).

30          72I.     Manner of payment of lump sum compensation
31             (1)   If an order (the compensation order) is made under
32                   section 72H(7) for the payment of compensation to

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1                which a dependant of a deceased worker (the
2                dependant) is entitled under clause 7 or 11, the
3                compensation order must specify whether
4                compensation for the dependant is to be --
5                  (a) paid to WorkCover WA and applied in the
6                       manner specified in the order; or
7                  (b) paid to the dependant as specified in the order.
8          (2)   Subsection (3) applies after the making of the
9                compensation order if the compensation order includes
10               provisions of the kind mentioned in subsection (1)(a).
11         (3)   On application being made to the Registrar, an
12               arbitrator may make an order specifying that the
13               compensation is to be --
14                 (a) applied otherwise than in the manner specified
15                       in the compensation order; or
16                 (b) paid to the dependant.

17      72J.     Manner of payment of child's allowance
18         (1)   This section applies if an order (the compensation
19               order) is made under section 72H(7) for the payment of
20               compensation to which a dependant of a deceased
21               worker (the dependant) is entitled under clause 8 (the
22               child's allowance).
23         (2)   The compensation order must provide for amounts in
24               respect of the child's allowance to be paid to
25               WorkCover WA by the insurer or employer weekly or
26               at such other intervals as are specified in the order.
27         (3)   WorkCover WA must make periodic payments of the
28               child's allowance to the dependant as specified in the
29               compensation order but no payment is to be made in
30               advance of a periodic payment or by way of
31               commutation.

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1              (4)   Payments to and by WorkCover WA under
2                    subsections (2) and (3) are to continue as long as the
3                    dependant remains entitled to the child's allowance
4                    but, subject to clause 8(6), if the entitlement is based
5                    on the dependant being a full-time student payments
6                    may be suspended if proof of participation in full-time
7                    study is not provided when and in the manner required
8                    by WorkCover WA.
9              (5)   Despite subsections (2) and (4), the liability to make
10                   payments under subsection (2) may be fully discharged
11                   by the payment to WorkCover WA of an amount
12                   calculated in accordance with the regulations as being
13                   the full amount of the child's allowance that will be
14                   payable on the assumption that the child's allowance
15                   will be payable to the dependant until the dependant
16                   attains the age of 21 years.
17             (6)   An application by the insurer or employer to pay an
18                   amount under subsection (5) may be made to
19                   WorkCover WA in the approved form when, or at any
20                   time after, the compensation order is made.
21             (7)   If an amount paid to WorkCover WA under
22                   subsection (2) or (5) has been credited to the Trust
23                   Account under section 110(2)(b) and the entitlement of
24                   the dependant to the child's allowance ends before the
25                   amount has been exhausted by periodic payments
26                   under subsection (3), any surplus moneys standing to
27                   the credit of the Trust Account must be transferred to
28                   the General Account.
29             (8)   On application being made to the Registrar by or on
30                   behalf of the claimant, an arbitrator may make an order
31                   varying the terms of the compensation order in relation
32                   to a matter mentioned in subsection (2) or (3).

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1       72K.     Effect of recovery of damages on moneys held in
2                Trust Account
3          (1)   In this section --
4                damages means --
5                  (a) damages due or payable to, or claimed by, a
6                         dependant of a deceased worker under the Fatal
7                         Accidents Act 1959 for an injury causing the
8                         death of the worker; or
9                  (b) damages due or payable to, or claimed on
10                        behalf of, the estate of a deceased worker under
11                        the Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions)
12                        Act 1941 for an injury causing the death of the
13                        worker;
14               judgment includes an acceptance of an offer to consent
15               to judgment;
16               settlement includes --
17                 (a) a settlement by the acceptance of money paid
18                        into court; and
19                 (b) a memorandum of the terms of a settlement that
20                        has been filed under section 92(f);
21               trust moneys of a dependant means moneys credited to
22               the Trust Account under section 110(2)(a) or (b) in
23               respect of the dependant.
24         (2)   Despite anything in this Act, in paying or otherwise
25               applying or dealing with trust moneys of a dependant
26               WorkCover WA must have regard to, and take into
27               account, any judgment or settlement under which
28               damages are payable to the dependant.
29         (3)   Without limiting subsection (2), a judgment in or
30               settlement of an action for damages may include
31               directions to WorkCover WA as to how trust moneys
32               of a dependant are to be paid or otherwise applied or

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     Part 2        Amendments about compensation for dependants of workers

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1                    dealt with and WorkCover WA must give effect to a
2                    direction so given.
3              (4)   Notice must be given to WorkCover WA by or on
4                    behalf of the claimant if --
5                      (a) an action for damages is commenced; or
6                     (b) judgment is given or settlement takes place in
7                            an action for damages.
8              (5)   A notice given under subsection (4) must be in the
9                    approved form.

10          72L.     Application of Part XI to matters under this
11                   Division
12             (1)   In this section --
13                   application means an application under section 72H(3),
14                   72I(3) or 72J(8) or clause 8(6) or (7);
15                   order means an order under section 72H(7), 72I(3)
16                   or 72J(8).
17             (2)   An application must be made in accordance with this
18                   Act and the arbitration rules and may be rejected by the
19                   Registrar if it does not comply.
20             (3)   An application can be made and received, and an order
21                   can be made, whether or not there is a dispute about
22                   liability or the payment of compensation.
23             (4)   Without limiting section 72D(2), the following
24                   provisions do not apply to a claim, application or
25                   order --
26                     (a) Part XI Division 3 Subdivision 2;
27                     (b) sections 182ZT, 182ZU, 189 and 211(2);
28                     (c) the conciliation rules.

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      Amendments about compensation for dependants of workers    Part 2

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1    7.         Section 106 amended
2               In section 106(2):
3                 (a) in paragraph (e) delete "section 101(caa)." and insert:

5                       section 101(caa); and

7                (b)    after paragraph (e) insert:

9                        (f)   any moneys required to be transferred to the
10                             General Account under section 72J(7).

12   8.         Section 110 amended
13              Delete section 110(2) and insert:

15              (2)    There shall be credited to the Trust Account --
16                      (a) all moneys paid to WorkCover WA under
17                            section 72I(1)(a); and
18                      (b) all moneys paid to WorkCover WA under
19                            section 72J(2) or (5); and
20                      (c) all moneys paid to WorkCover WA under
21                            section 218.

23   9.         Section 218 amended
24        (1)   Delete section 218(1) and insert:

26              (1)    A question as to the payment of compensation that is
27                     payable to a worker under a legal disability to give an
28                     effective discharge for payment may be determined on
29                     application under this Division as a dispute.

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1          (2)   In section 218(2) delete "person" and insert:

3                worker

5          (3)   Delete section 218(3).
6          (4)   Delete section 218(4) and insert:

8                (4)   After it has been ordered under subsection (2) that
9                      compensation be paid to WorkCover WA, a question as
10                     to whether the compensation should be applied
11                     differently may be determined on application under this
12                     Division as a dispute.

14               Note: The heading to amended section 218 is to read:
15                     Payment of compensation to person under legal disability

16   10.         Schedule 1 amended
17         (1)   Delete the reference after the heading to Schedule 1 and insert:

19               [s. 18(1)]

21         (2)   In Schedule 1 delete clauses 1 to 5.
22         (3)   In Schedule 1 delete clause 17(2).
23         (4)   In Schedule 1 clause 19(3) delete "dependants, unless a" and
24               insert:

26               person mentioned in Schedule 1A clause 2 who is dependent on the
27               earnings of the worker, unless the

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1    11.        Schedule 1A inserted
2               After Schedule 1 insert:
4          Schedule 1A -- Compensation entitlements when
5                        worker has died
6                                                                           [s. 18(2)]

7                      Division 1 -- Application and terms used
8          1.         Application of Schedule
9                     This Schedule applies if --
10                      (a) an injury of a worker occurs; and
11                      (b)   the worker dies on or after the day on which the
12                            Workers' Compensation and Injury Management
13                            Amendment Act 2017 section 6 comes into
14                            operation.

15         2.         Partners, children and prescribed family members
16              (1)   A person is a partner if --
17                      (a) the worker is the spouse or de facto partner of the
18                           person; or
19                      (b)   the worker has previously been a spouse or de facto
20                            partner of the person.
21              (2)   A person, of any age, is a child if --
22                      (a) the worker is a parent of the person; or
23                      (b)   the worker is a step-parent of the person (whether
24                            the person was legally adopted by the worker or
25                            not),
26                    and children has a corresponding meaning.
27              (3)   A person is a prescribed family member if --
28                      (a)   the person is a parent of the worker; or
29                      (b)   the person is a step-parent of the worker (whether
30                            the worker was legally adopted or not); or

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1                    (c)   the worker stands in the place of a parent to the
2                          person; or
3                    (d)   the person stands in the place of a parent to the
4                          worker; or
5                    (e)   the person is a sibling or half-sibling of the worker;
6                          or
7                    (f)   the worker is a grandparent of the person; or
8                    (g)   the person is a grandparent of the worker.

9            3.    Dependants
10                 A person who is a partner, child or prescribed family
11                 member is a dependant if the person --
12                   (a) was wholly or in part dependent upon the earnings
13                        of the worker at the time of the worker's death; or
14                   (b) would have been wholly or in part dependent upon
15                        the earnings of the worker at the time of the
16                        worker's death if the injury had not occurred.

17           4.    Lump sum entitlement
18                 The lump sum entitlement (LSE) is the amount equal to
19                 250% of the prescribed amount calculated as at the date of
20                 the worker's death.

21           5.    Child's allowance
22                 The child's allowance is --
23                   (a) the amount of $133 per week; or
24                   (b)   if regulations made for the purposes of this clause
25                         prescribe a different amount per week or provide for
26                         a different amount per week to be determined in
27                         accordance with the regulations, that amount.

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1       Division 2 -- Entitlements if the worker's death results from
2                               the injury

3       6.          Application of this Division
4                   This Division applies if the worker's death results from the
5                   injury.

6       7.          Lump sum compensation for partners, children and
7                   others
8            (1)    If the worker dies leaving --
9                     (a)     a person described in column 1 of item 1 or 9 in the
10                            Table who is a dependant; or
11                    (b)     persons described in column 1 of item 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
12                            7, 8 or 10 in the Table each of whom is a dependant,
13                  the person or each of those persons is entitled to, or to a
14                  portion of, the lump sum entitlement as determined in
15                  accordance with column 2 of that item.
16                                           Table

               Item                Column 1                       Column 2
                            Dependant or dependants             Compensation

               1.       Partners: 1                       100% of the LSE to the
                        Children: 0

               2.       Partners: 1                       90% of the LSE to the
                        Children: 1                       10% of the LSE to the

               3.       Partners: 1                       5% of the LSE to each
                        Children: 2 to 5                  Balance of the LSE to the

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           Item            Column 1                   Column 2
                   Dependant or dependants         Compensation

          4.      Partners: 1                 75% of the LSE to the
                  Children: 6 or more         25% of the LSE divided
                                              equally between the

          5.      Partners: 2 or more         100% of the LSE divided
                                              so that each partner
                  Children: None
                                              receives an amount
                                              proportionate to the loss
                                              of financial support
                                              suffered by that partner

          6.      Partners: 2 or more         90% of the LSE divided
                                              between the partners so
                                              that each partner receives
                                              an amount proportionate
                                              to the loss of financial
                                              support suffered by that
                  Children: 1                 10% of the LSE to the

          7.      Partners: 2 or more         5% of the LSE to each
                  Children: 2 to 5            Balance of the LSE
                                              divided between the
                                              partners so that each
                                              partner receives an
                                              amount proportionate to
                                              the loss of financial
                                              support suffered by that

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              Item               Column 1                       Column 2
                        Dependant or dependants              Compensation

             8.        Partners: 2 or more              75% of the LSE divided
                                                        between the partners so
                                                        that each partner receives
                                                        an amount proportionate
                                                        to the loss of financial
                                                        support suffered by that
                       Children: 6 or more              25% of the LSE divided
                                                        equally between the

             9.        Partners: None                   100% of the LSE to the
                       Children: 1

             10.       Partners: None                   100% of the LSE divided
                                                        equally between the
                       Children: 2 or more

1          (2)     The compensation for a partner or child under subclause (1)
2                  applies whether or not the worker dies also leaving any
3                  prescribed family member who is a dependant.
4          (3)     If the worker dies not leaving a partner or child who is a
5                  dependant but leaving 1 prescribed family member who is a
6                  dependant, that prescribed family member is entitled to an
7                  amount that is reasonable and proportionate to the loss of
8                  financial support suffered by the prescribed family member,
9                  but not exceeding the lump sum entitlement.
10         (4)     If the worker dies not leaving a partner or child who is a
11                 dependant but leaving 2 or more prescribed family members
12                 who are dependants, each of those prescribed family
13                 members is entitled to an amount that is reasonable and
14                 proportionate to the loss of financial support suffered by the
15                 prescribed family member, but not exceeding, in total, the
16                 lump sum entitlement.

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1            8.         Allowance for children
2                 (1)   This clause applies to a child left by the worker when the
3                       worker dies.
4                 (2)   An eligible child is a child who is a dependant and --
5                        (a) is under the age of 16 years; or
6                         (b)    has attained the age of 16 years but is under the age
7                                of 21 years and is a full-time student; or
8                         (c)    is the subject of a determination that is in force
9                                under subclause (5) or (6).
10                (3)   Each eligible child is entitled to the child's allowance.
11                (4)   The child's allowance is in addition to, and does not affect,
12                      any compensation for the eligible child under clause 7(1) of
13                      this Schedule.
14                (5)   An arbitrator may, in the arbitrator's absolute discretion,
15                      determine in an order referred to in section 72J(1) that a
16                      child who is under the age of 21 years but has attained the
17                      age of 16 years and is not a full-time student should receive
18                      the child's allowance by reason of circumstances.
19                (6)   If --
20                         (a)   the eligibility of a child who has attained the age of
21                               16 years to receive the child's allowance under an
22                               order referred to in section 72J(1) ceases because
23                               the child is not a full-time student; and
24                        (b)    the child is under the age of 21 years,
25                      on application being made to the Registrar an arbitrator
26                      may, in the arbitrator's absolute discretion, determine that
27                      the child should continue to receive the child's allowance by
28                      reason of circumstances.
29                (7)   On application being made to the Registrar an arbitrator
30                      may, in the arbitrator's absolute discretion, revoke a
31                      determination made under subclause (5) or (6).

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1       9.          Funeral and medical expenses
2             (1)   In this clause --
3                   funeral expenses means expenses properly incurred in
4                   relation to the funeral and burial or cremation of the worker
5                   and includes fees and charges paid or payable to the Board
6                   or local government in which the care, control and
7                   management of a cemetery is vested under the Cemeteries
8                   Act 1986;
9                   medical expenses means expenses properly incurred from
10                  the time of the injury until the worker's death in relation to a
11                  matter of a kind mentioned in Schedule 1 clause 17(1).
12            (2)   A person who has incurred funeral expenses is entitled to
13                  the amount of the expenses incurred but not exceeding --
14                    (a) the amount of $9 813; or
15                    (b)   if regulations made for the purposes of this
16                          subclause prescribe a different amount or provide
17                          for a different amount to be determined in
18                          accordance with the regulations, that amount.
19            (3)   A person who has incurred medical expenses is entitled to
20                  the amount of the expenses incurred to the extent that those
21                  expenses are reasonable and have not been the subject of
22                  compensation paid in accordance with Schedule 1 clause 17.

23           Division 3 -- Entitlements if the worker's death does not
24                           result from the injury

25      10.         Application of this Division
26                  This Division applies if --
27                    (a)   the worker's death does not result from the injury;
28                          and
29                    (b)   the worker has been in receipt of, or was entitled to
30                          receive, weekly payments for not less than 6 months
31                          immediately preceding the worker's death; and
32                    (c)   no order for payment of a lump sum in redemption
33                          has been made under section 67; and

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1                          (d)   no memorandum of agreement for payment of a
2                                lump sum in redemption has been recorded under
3                                section 76; and
4                          (e)   no memorandum of the terms of a settlement has
5                                been filed under section 92(f).

6            11.         Lump sum compensation for partners and children
7                  (1)   In this clause --
8                        aggregated amount means the aggregate of weekly
9                        payments for total incapacity of the worker at a rate
10                       calculated and varied as at the date of the worker's death for
11                       a period of 1 year after the worker's death;
12                       eligible person means a person who is a partner or child and
13                       is a dependant.
14                 (2)   If the worker dies leaving 1 eligible person, that eligible
15                       person is entitled to the aggregated amount.
16                 (3)   If the worker dies leaving 2 or more eligible persons, each
17                       of those eligible persons is entitled to a portion of the
18                       aggregated amount determined as if --
19                          (a) item 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 10 in the Table to
20                                clause 7(1) of this Schedule, whichever is relevant,
21                                applied; and
22                         (b)   any reference to the LSE in column 2 of that item
23                               was a reference to the aggregated amount.

25   12.           Schedule 5 amended
26         (1)     In Schedule 5 clause 1(1) insert in alphabetical order:

28                       de facto partner includes a former de facto partner of a
29                       worker;
30                       spouse includes a former spouse of a worker;

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1          (2)    In Schedule 5 clause 6(c) delete "clauses 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 17(2) of
2                 Schedule 1 shall" and insert:

4                 Schedule 1A does

6          (3)    In Schedule 5 clause 7(c) delete "clauses 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 17(2) of
7                 Schedule 1 do" and insert:

9                 Schedule 1A does

11   13.          Schedule 8 Division 1 heading inserted
12                At the beginning of Schedule 8 insert:

14                   Division 1 -- Workers' Compensation and Injury
15                          Management Amendment Act 2011

17   14.          Schedule 8 Division 2 inserted
18                In Schedule 8 after clause 8 insert:

20                   Division 2 -- Workers' Compensation and Injury
21                          Management Amendment Act 2017
22           9.         Terms used
23                      In this Division --
24                      commencement day means the day of the coming into
25                      operation of the Workers' Compensation and Injury
26                      Management Amendment Act 2017 section 6;

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1                        former provisions means the following as in force before
2                        the commencement day --
3                          (a)    the definitions in section 5(1) of child's allowance,
4                                 de facto partner, dependants, member of a family,
5                                 notional residual entitlement, NRE amount and
6                                 spouse;
7                          (b)    sections 18 and 218;
8                          (c)    Schedule 1 heading and clauses 1 to 5 and 17(2);
9                          (d)    Schedule 5 clauses 6(c) and 7(c).

10           10.         Former provisions apply to deaths before
11                       commencement day
12                 (1)   Except as provided in subclause (2), if an injury of a worker
13                       occurred and the worker died before the commencement
14                       day, the former provisions apply in relation to the injury and
15                       death as if they were still in force.
16                 (2)   On and from the commencement day the child's allowance
17                       that a person is entitled to receive under the former
18                       provisions as applied by subclause (1) is the child's
19                       allowance as defined in Schedule 1A clause 5.
20                       Note for this clause:
21                               The former provisions are set out in Reprint 11 of the
22                               Workers' Compensation and Injury Management Act 1981
23                               as at 13 February 2015.

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           Workers' Compensation and Injury Management Amendment Bill 2017
                                            Minor amendments        Part 3

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1                      Part 3 -- Minor amendments
2    15.       Section 146O amended
3              In section 146O(8):
4                (a) delete "any" and insert:

6                      either

8               (b)    delete "(1) or".

9    16.       Schedule 1 amended
10             In Schedule 1 clause 19(1) delete "such treatment, massage," and
11             insert:

13             treatment, attendance,



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