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Western Australia Workforce Reform Bill 2013 Contents Part 1 -- Preliminary 1. Short title 2 2. Commencement 2 Part 2 -- Industrial Relations Act 1979 amended 3. Act amended 3 4. Section 26 amended 3 5. Section 80E amended 6 6. Section 80I amended 7 7. Section 80R amended 7 Part 3 -- Public Sector Management Act 1994 amended 8. Act amended 8 9. Section 22A amended 8 10. Section 29 amended 8 11. Section 63 amended 8 12. Section 67 amended 8 13. Section 94 amended 9 14. Sections 95A and 95B inserted 10 95A. Termination of employment of registered employees 10 95B. Inconsistent provisions, instruments and contracts 11 15. Section 95 replaced 12 95. Jurisdiction of Industrial Commission in relation to section 94 decision 12 96A. Jurisdiction of Industrial Commission in relation to section 95A decision 13 96B. Review of this Part 14 42--2 page i Workforce Reform Bill 2013 Contents 16. Section 101 amended 14 17. Schedule 5 amended 15 Part 4 -- Salaries and Allowances Act 1975 amended 18. Act amended 16 19. Section 10A inserted 16 10A. Tribunal to have regard to government financial matters 16 page ii Western Australia LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY (As amended in Committee) Workforce Reform Bill 2013 A Bill for An Act to amend the following Acts -- ● the Industrial Relations Act 1979; ● the Public Sector Management Act 1994; ● the Salaries and Allowances Act 1975. The Parliament of Western Australia enacts as follows: page 1 Workforce Reform Bill 2013 Part 1 Preliminary s. 1 1 Part 1 -- Preliminary 2 1. Short title 3 This is the Workforce Reform Act 2013. 4 2. Commencement 5 This Act comes into operation as follows -- 6 (a) Part 1 -- on the day on which this Act receives the 7 Royal Assent; 8 (b) the rest of the Act -- on a day fixed by proclamation, 9 and different days may be fixed for different provisions. page 2 Workforce Reform Bill 2013 Industrial Relations Act 1979 amended Part 2 s. 3 1 Part 2 -- Industrial Relations Act 1979 amended 2 3. Act amended 3 This Part amends the Industrial Relations Act 1979. 4 4. Section 26 amended 5 Delete section 26(1a) and insert: 6 7 (2A) In making a public sector decision the Commission 8 must take into consideration the following -- 9 (a) any Public Sector Wages Policy Statement that 10 is applicable in relation to negotiations with the 11 public sector entity; 12 (b) the financial position and fiscal strategy of the 13 State as set out in the following -- 14 (i) the most recent Government Financial 15 Strategy Statement released under the 16 Government Financial Responsibility 17 Act 2000 section 11(1) and made 18 publicly available under section 9 of 19 that Act; 20 (ii) the Government Financial Projections 21 Statement; 22 (iii) any submissions made to the 23 Commission on behalf of the public 24 sector entity or the State government; 25 (c) the financial position of the public sector entity 26 as set out in the following -- 27 (i) the part of the most recent budget 28 papers tabled in the Legislative 29 Assembly that deals with the public 30 sector entity under the title "Agency 31 Information in Support of the page 3 Workforce Reform Bill 2013 Part 2 Industrial Relations Act 1979 amended s. 4 1 Estimates" or, if the regulations 2 prescribe another part of those budget 3 papers, that other part; 4 (ii) any submissions made to the 5 Commission on behalf of the public 6 sector entity or the State government. 7 (2B) In subsection (2A) -- 8 Government Financial Projections Statement means 9 whichever is the most recent of the following -- 10 (a) the most recent Government Financial 11 Projections Statement that is -- 12 (i) released under the Government 13 Financial Responsibility Act 2000 14 section 12(1); and 15 (ii) made publicly available in the budget 16 papers tabled in the Legislative 17 Assembly under the title "Economic and 18 Fiscal Outlook" or, if the regulations 19 prescribe another part of the budget 20 papers, that other part; 21 (b) the most recent Government Mid-year 22 Financial Projections Statement that is -- 23 (i) released under the Government 24 Financial Responsibility Act 2000 25 section 13(1); and 26 (ii) made publicly available under section 9 27 of that Act; 28 public sector decision means any of the following -- 29 (a) an order made under section 42G that will be 30 included in an agreement that will extend to 31 and bind a public sector entity or its employing 32 authority (as defined in the Public Sector 33 Management Act 1994 section 5); page 4 Workforce Reform Bill 2013 Industrial Relations Act 1979 amended Part 2 s. 4 1 (b) an enterprise order that will extend to and bind 2 a public sector entity or its employing authority 3 (as defined in the Public Sector Management 4 Act 1994 section 5); 5 (c) if the matters set out in subsection (2A)(a), (b) 6 and (c) are relevant to the decision, any other 7 decision that will extend to and bind a public 8 sector entity or its employing authority (as 9 defined in the Public Sector Management 10 Act 1994 section 5); 11 public sector entity means either of the following -- 12 (a) a public sector body as defined in the Public 13 Sector Management Act 1994 section 3(1); 14 (b) an entity that is -- 15 (i) mentioned in the Public Sector 16 Management Act 1994 Schedule 1; and 17 (ii) prescribed by regulations made by the 18 Governor; 19 Public Sector Wages Policy Statement means -- 20 (a) the Public Sector Wages Policy Statement 2014 21 issued by the State government that applies to 22 industrial agreements expiring after 23 1 November 2013; or 24 (b) if any Public Sector Wages Policy Statement is 25 issued in substitution for that statement, the 26 later statement. 27 (2C) The matters the Commission is required to take into 28 consideration under subsection (2A) are in addition to 29 any matter it is required to take into consideration 30 under subsection (1)(d). page 5 Workforce Reform Bill 2013 Part 2 Industrial Relations Act 1979 amended s. 5 1 (2D) Subsection (2A) -- 2 (a) does not apply in relation to -- 3 (i) an order made under section 42G in 4 respect of an agreement proposed to be 5 made in substitution for an industrial 6 agreement that specifies a nominal 7 expiry date that is earlier than 8 1 November 2013; or 9 (ii) an enterprise order made in substitution 10 for an enterprise order that provides for 11 an expiry day that is earlier than 12 1 November 2013; 13 but 14 (b) except as provided in paragraph (a), applies in 15 relation to any public sector decision in respect 16 of a matter arising before, on or after the 17 commencement of the Workforce Reform 18 Act 2013 section 4. 19 (2E) Subsections (1)(d) and (2A) do not apply when the 20 Commission is exercising its jurisdiction under 21 section 50A. 22 23 5. Section 80E amended 24 Delete section 80E(7) and insert: 25 26 (7) Despite subsections (1) and (6), an Arbitrator does not 27 have jurisdiction to enquire into or deal with, or refer to 28 the Commission in Court Session or the Full Bench the 29 following -- 30 (a) any matter in respect of which a decision is, or 31 may be, made under regulations referred to in 32 the Public Sector Management Act 1994 33 section 94 or 95A; page 6 Workforce Reform Bill 2013 Industrial Relations Act 1979 amended Part 2 s. 6 1 (b) any matter in respect of which a procedure 2 referred to in the Public Sector Management 3 Act 1994 section 97(1)(a) is, or may be, 4 prescribed under that Act. 5 6 6. Section 80I amended 7 In section 80I(3) delete "section 94 of the Public Sector 8 Management Act 1994." and insert: 9 10 the Public Sector Management Act 1994 section 94 or 95A. 11 12 7. Section 80R amended 13 After section 80R(3) insert: 14 15 (4) Despite subsections (1) and (3), the Board does not 16 have jurisdiction to enquire into or deal with, or refer to 17 the Commission in Court Session or the Full Bench the 18 following -- 19 (a) any matter in respect of which a decision is, or 20 may be, made under regulations referred to in 21 the Public Sector Management Act 1994 22 section 94 or 95A; 23 (b) any matter in respect of which a procedure 24 referred to in the Public Sector Management 25 Act 1994 section 97(1)(a) is, or may be, 26 prescribed under that Act. 27 page 7 Workforce Reform Bill 2013 Part 3 Public Sector Management Act 1994 amended s. 8 1 Part 3 -- Public Sector Management Act 1994 amended 2 8. Act amended 3 This Part amends the Public Sector Management Act 1994. 4 9. Section 22A amended 5 After section 22A(1)(f) insert: 6 7 (ga) dealing with -- 8 (i) redeployment and redundancy of 9 employees; and 10 (ii) termination of employment; 11 12 10. Section 29 amended 13 In section 29(1)(g) delete "appointment and deployment" and 14 insert: 15 16 appointment, deployment and termination of employment 17 18 11. Section 63 amended 19 In section 63(1)(f) delete "section 79(3); or" and insert: 20 21 section 79(3) or under regulations referred to in section 95A; or 22 23 12. Section 67 amended 24 In section 67(d) delete "section 79(3); or" and insert: 25 26 section 79(3) or under regulations referred to in section 95A; or 27 page 8 Workforce Reform Bill 2013 Public Sector Management Act 1994 amended Part 3 s. 13 1 13. Section 94 amended 2 (1) Before section 94(1) insert: 3 4 (1A) In this section -- 5 registered employee means an employee registered 6 under arrangements prescribed under subsection (1); 7 registrable employee means -- 8 (a) an employee who is surplus to the requirements 9 of a department or organisation; or 10 (b) an employee whose office, post or position has 11 been abolished; or 12 (c) an employee in a category prescribed by the 13 regulations. 14 15 (2) Delete section 94(1) and insert: 16 17 (1) The Governor may under section 108 make regulations 18 prescribing arrangements for registrable employees in 19 relation to -- 20 (a) redeployment and retraining; and 21 (b) redundancy. 22 (2A) Regulations referred to in subsection (1) must specify 23 which parts of the Public Sector must comply with the 24 regulations. 25 26 (3) In section 94(3): 27 (a) delete paragraph (a) and insert: 28 29 (a) the registration of a registrable employee who 30 cannot be transferred within a department or 31 organisation; page 9 Workforce Reform Bill 2013 Part 3 Public Sector Management Act 1994 amended s. 14 1 (b) after paragraph (b) insert: 2 3 (ca) the revocation or suspension of registration of 4 an employee; 5 6 (c) in paragraph (f) delete "who does not;" and insert: 7 8 who does not. 9 10 (d) delete paragraph (g). 11 (4) In section 94(4)(b) delete "section 95(3), or the period referred 12 to in that section" and insert: 13 14 section 95(2), or the period referred to in section 95(3) 15 16 14. Sections 95A and 95B inserted 17 After section 94 insert: 18 19 95A. Termination of employment of registered employees 20 (1) In this section -- 21 registered employee has the meaning given in 22 section 94(1A). 23 (2) The Governor may under section 108 make regulations 24 providing for the following -- 25 (a) the termination of employment of a registered 26 employee, whether registered before, on or 27 after the commencement of the Workforce 28 Reform Act 2013 section 14; 29 (b) the terms and conditions (including 30 remuneration) which are to apply to a registered page 10 Workforce Reform Bill 2013 Public Sector Management Act 1994 amended Part 3 s. 14 1 employee whose employment is terminated 2 under the regulations. 3 (3) If the employment of a registered employee is 4 terminated under regulations referred to in 5 subsection (2), the contract of employment of the 6 employee is terminated. 7 95B. Inconsistent provisions, instruments and contracts 8 (1) In this section -- 9 industrial instrument means an award, industrial 10 agreement or order made under the Industrial Relations 11 Act 1979, including a General Order made under 12 section 50 of that Act, whether made before, on or after 13 the commencement of the Workforce Reform Act 2013 14 section 14. 15 (2A) The provisions of this Part prevail, to the extent of any 16 inconsistency, over any other provision of this Act 17 other than section 7, 8 or 9. 18 (2) The provisions of this Part and regulations referred to 19 in sections 94 and 95A prevail, to the extent of any 20 inconsistency, over any industrial instrument. 21 (3) Regulations referred to in section 94 or 95A prevail, to 22 the extent of any inconsistency, over the terms and 23 conditions applying to an employee's employment 24 under a contract of employment, whether entered into 25 or renewed before, on or after the commencement of 26 the Workforce Reform Act 2013 section 14. 27 page 11 Workforce Reform Bill 2013 Part 3 Public Sector Management Act 1994 amended s. 15 1 15. Section 95 replaced 2 Delete section 95 and insert: 3 4 95. Jurisdiction of Industrial Commission in relation to 5 section 94 decision 6 (1) In this section -- 7 section 94 decision means a decision made or 8 purported to be made under regulations referred to in 9 section 94 (other than a decision which is a lawful 10 order by virtue of section 94(4)). 11 (2) A section 94 decision may be referred to the Industrial 12 Commission -- 13 (a) under the Industrial Relations Act 1979 14 section 29(1)(a); or 15 (b) by an employee aggrieved by the decision, 16 as if it were an industrial matter that could be so 17 referred under that Act. 18 (3) A referral under subsection (2) must be made within 19 the period after the making of the decision that is 20 prescribed under section 108. 21 (4) The Industrial Relations Act 1979 applies to and in 22 relation to a section 94 decision referred under 23 subsection (2) as if the decision were an industrial 24 matter referred to the Industrial Commission in 25 accordance with that Act. 26 (5) In exercising its jurisdiction in relation to a decision 27 referred under subsection (2), the Industrial 28 Commission must confine itself to determining 29 whether or not regulations referred to in section 94 30 have been fairly and properly applied to or in relation 31 to the employee concerned. page 12 Workforce Reform Bill 2013 Public Sector Management Act 1994 amended Part 3 s. 15 1 (6) The Industrial Commission does not have jurisdiction 2 in respect of a section 94 decision if the employment of 3 the employee concerned is terminated. 4 96A. Jurisdiction of Industrial Commission in relation to 5 section 95A decision 6 (1) A decision made or purported to be made under 7 regulations referred to in section 95A to terminate the 8 employment of an employee or any matter, question or 9 dispute relating to the decision is not an industrial 10 matter for the purposes of the Industrial Relations 11 Act 1979. 12 (2) Despite subsection (1), a decision made or purported to 13 be made under regulations referred to in 14 section 95A(2), other than a decision to terminate the 15 employment of an employee, may be referred to the 16 Industrial Commission -- 17 (a) under the Industrial Relations Act 1979 18 section 29(1)(a); or 19 (b) by an employee or former employee aggrieved 20 by the decision, 21 as if it were an industrial matter that could be so 22 referred under that Act. 23 (3) A referral under subsection (2) must be made within 24 the period after the making of the decision that is 25 prescribed under section 108. 26 (4) The Industrial Relations Act 1979 applies to and in 27 relation to a decision referred under subsection (2) as if 28 the decision were an industrial matter referred to the 29 Industrial Commission in accordance with that Act. page 13 Workforce Reform Bill 2013 Part 3 Public Sector Management Act 1994 amended s. 16 1 (5) In exercising its jurisdiction in relation to a decision 2 referred under subsection (2), the Industrial 3 Commission -- 4 (a) must confine itself to determining whether or 5 not the employee concerned has been allowed 6 the benefits to which the employee is entitled 7 under the regulations referred to in 8 section 95A(2)(b); and 9 (b) does not have jurisdiction to exercise its powers 10 under the Industrial Relations Act 1979 11 section 23A. 12 96B. Review of this Part 13 (1) The Minister must cause a review of the operation and 14 effectiveness of this Part to be carried out as soon as is 15 practicable after the 4th anniversary of the day on which 16 the Workforce Reform Act 2013 section 15 comes into 17 operation. 18 (2) The Minister must -- 19 (a) prepare a report based on the review; and 20 (b) cause a copy of the report to be laid before each 21 House of Parliament. 22 23 16. Section 101 amended 24 (1) In section 101 delete "Subject to section 23A(4) of the 25 Industrial Relations Act 1979, the maximum compensation" and 26 insert: 27 28 (1) The maximum amount of compensation 29 page 14 Workforce Reform Bill 2013 Public Sector Management Act 1994 amended Part 3 s. 17 1 (2) At the end of section 101 insert: 2 3 (2) Subsection (1) does not apply in relation to 4 compensation payable under -- 5 (a) the Industrial Relations Act 1979 6 section 23A(6); or 7 (b) regulations referred to in section 94 or 95A if 8 those regulations provide for a higher amount 9 of compensation. 10 11 17. Schedule 5 amended 12 In Schedule 5 clause 13(4) delete "section 94," and insert: 13 14 sections 94 and 95A, 15 page 15 Workforce Reform Bill 2013 Part 4 Salaries and Allowances Act 1975 amended s. 18 1 Part 4 -- Salaries and Allowances Act 1975 amended 2 18. Act amended 3 This Part amends the Salaries and Allowances Act 1975. 4 19. Section 10A inserted 5 After section 10 insert: 6 7 10A. Tribunal to have regard to government financial 8 matters 9 (1) In this section -- 10 Government Financial Projections Statement means 11 whichever is the most recent of the following -- 12 (a) the most recent Government Financial 13 Projections Statement that is -- 14 (i) released under the Government 15 Financial Responsibility Act 2000 16 section 12(1); and 17 (ii) made publicly available in the budget 18 papers tabled in the Legislative 19 Assembly under the title "Economic and 20 Fiscal Outlook" or, if the regulations 21 prescribe another part of the budget 22 papers, that other part; 23 (b) the most recent Government Mid-year 24 Financial Projections Statement that is -- 25 (i) released under the Government 26 Financial Responsibility Act 2000 27 section 13(1); and 28 (ii) made publicly available under section 9 29 of that Act; page 16 Workforce Reform Bill 2013 Salaries and Allowances Act 1975 amended Part 4 s. 19 1 Public Sector Wages Policy Statement means -- 2 (a) the Public Sector Wages Policy Statement 2014 3 issued by the State government that applies to 4 industrial agreements expiring after 5 1 November 2013; or 6 (b) if any Public Sector Wages Policy Statement is 7 issued in substitution for that statement, the 8 later statement. 9 (2) In making a determination under section 6(1)(a), (ab), 10 (d) or (e) the Tribunal must take into consideration the 11 following -- 12 (a) any Public Sector Wages Policy Statement, 13 irrespective of whether or not the statement 14 applies to a person or office in respect of whom 15 or which the determination is made; 16 (b) the financial position and fiscal strategy of the 17 State as set out in the following -- 18 (i) the most recent Government Financial 19 Strategy Statement released under the 20 Government Financial Responsibility 21 Act 2000 section 11(1) and made 22 publicly available under section 9 of 23 that Act; 24 (ii) the Government Financial Projections 25 Statement; 26 (iii) any submissions made to the Tribunal 27 on behalf of the State government. 28 29
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