(1) The Minister may
retain any object produced to the Minister pursuant to the provisions of
section 41 —
(a) if
the object is classified as Aboriginal cultural material, by agreement or
(b) if
the object, in the opinion of the Committee ought to be classified as
Aboriginal cultural material, by agreement or in default of agreement for such
time as may be reasonably necessary to enable it to institute and complete the
procedure required to have the object so classified,
but where the object
is not so classified, or recommended for classification, the Minister shall
return the object to the person by whom it was produced or, where that is not
practicable or required, dispose of it in such other manner as the Minister
thinks fit.
(2) The Minister may
permit a person to have possession of an object that is retained by the
Minister for such time, for such purposes, and subject to such conditions as
the Minister may approve or impose.
[Section 42 amended: No. 24 of 1995 s. 36.]