(1) Anything commenced
by the ACH Council before repeal day may be continued by the Committee on and
after repeal day, to the extent to which the doing of that thing is within the
functions of the Committee.
(2) On and after
repeal day, the Minister in relation to the 2021 Act continues in existence
for the purpose of dealing with and finalising any proceedings commenced by or
against the ACH Council or the Minister before that day.
(3) While the Minister
in relation to the 2021 Act continues in existence under subsection (2), the
Minister has the powers to do any act that the Minister considers necessary or
convenient to do for the purpose for which the Minister is continued in
(4) This section
applies despite the repeal of the 2021 Act.
[Section 79 inserted: No. 23 of 2023 s. 23.]