A surety undertaking
ceases to have effect —
(a) upon
the revocation of bail under section 55(1); or
(b) upon
the release of an accused under section 55(2) if the surety does not consent
to the continuance in force of his surety undertaking; or
(c) upon
its being cancelled under section 48(4) (and as from the time fixed therefor)
by an appropriate judicial officer; or
(d) upon
the death of the surety, but only if no order under section 49(1) has been
made before then; or
subject to sections 31 and 44, upon the appearance in court by the accused as
required by his bail undertaking; or
(f) upon
the discharge of the accused according to law from any further proceedings for
the offence, or all of the offences, to which the surety undertaking relates;
during any period before the time at which the accused is required to appear
in court when he is in custody for any other offence or reason.
[Section 47 amended: No. 84 of 2004 s. 82.]