The owner or occupier
of land upon which subterranean clover is growing may burn the clover during
the prohibited burning times for the purpose of facilitating the collection
from it of clover burr subject to the regulations and to the following
conditions —
(a) the
owner or occupier of the land applies for, pays the prescribed fee for and
obtains from a duly authorised officer for the district of the local
government in which the land is situated, a permit in the prescribed form to
burn clover;
(b) the
permit to burn shall not be granted unless and until the applicant satisfies
the authorised officer to whom the application is made that —
the area of the land on which the clover proposed to be
burnt at one time under the permit being applied for does not exceed the area
to be specified in the permit, and in any event does not exceed such area as
the local government from time to time determines;
the area is surrounded by a fire-break to a width of not
less than 3 m;
where the area on which the burning is to take place is
carrying live or dead standing trees, the area has been grazed during the
growing period of the clover crop to reduce the amount of dead litter to a
minimum, and that all grass and debris has been raked to a distance of not
less than 2 m from the base of each standing tree.
[Section 24 amended: No. 94 of 1972 s. 4 (as
amended: No. 83 of 1973 s. 3); No. 65 of 1977 s. 19; No. 51 of 1979 s. 5; No.
14 of 1996 s. 4.]