(1) In this section
property means personal or real property,
including Crown land, and includes the bush and fauna.
(2) A person who
wilfully lights or causes to be lit or attempts to light a fire; or
places a match or other inflammable or combustible substance, matter or thing
in a position so that it may directly or indirectly be ignited by the rays of
the sun or by friction or other means, or be exploded or set on fire, or
whereby a fire may be lit or caused and with the intent to cause a fire,
under such
circumstances as to be likely to injure or damage a person or property,
whether the fire be caused or not, is guilty of a crime.
Penalty: Imprisonment for 20 years.
[Section 32 amended: No. 113 of 1965 s. 8(1); No.
65 of 1977 s. 31 and 48; No. 8 of 1987 s. 8; No. 101 of 1990 s. 56; No. 4 of
2004 s. 58; No. 25 of 2009 s. 11; No. 43 of 2009 s. 4.]