(1) A child protection
order registered in the Court under section 176 —
(a) is
to be taken for all purposes (except for the purposes of appeal) to be a
protection order of the relevant type made by the Court on the day on which it
is registered; and
(b) may
be varied or revoked, or the period for which it is in force extended, under
Part 4.
(2) An interim order
registered in the Court under section 176 —
(a) is
to be taken for all purposes (except for the purposes of appeal) to be an
order made by the Court under section 133 on the day on which it is
registered; and
(b) may
be varied or revoked, or the period for which it is in force extended, under
Part 4.
(3) If an order under
an interstate law to transfer a child protection proceeding to this State is
registered under section 176, the proceeding is to be taken to have been
commenced in the Court, under Part 4, on the day on which the order is