(1) A person may obey
a witness summons to produce a record or thing by producing the record or
thing and delivering it into the custody of the court at the place specified
in the summons —
(a) at
least 2 days before the attendance date in the summons; or
(b) on
that attendance date.
(2) If a person obeys
a witness summons to produce a record or thing in accordance with subsection
(1), the person is released from the summons.
(3) If a record or
thing is produced to a court under a witness summons before the trial of the
case concerned, the court must notify the parties and may, before the trial
(a) give
leave for any party or other person to inspect the record or thing or to take
a copy of the record; or
order the record or thing to be returned to the person who produced it on any
just conditions; or
(c) make
any other orders it thinks fit in relation to the record or thing.
(4) If a record or
thing is in the custody of the court when the trial of the case concerned
commences, it must be produced at the trial by a court officer and in the
absence of the jury, if any.
(5) A witness who has
been served with a witness summons to produce a record or thing must not, in
the presence of a jury, be called on to answer the summons or to produce the
record or thing unless the witness is in the course of giving oral evidence
before the jury.