(1) Regulations made
under a prescribed Act may prescribe an offence under the prescribed Act, or
under any regulations made under the prescribed Act, to be an offence for
which an infringement notice may be issued under this Part.
(2) An offence must
not be prescribed under subsection (1) if the penalty for the offence is or
includes imprisonment.
(3) For each offence
prescribed under subsection (1), the regulations made under the prescribed Act
must prescribe —
(a) a
modified penalty that is applicable in any circumstances in which the offence
is committed; or
(b) a
modified penalty that is applicable if the offence is committed in
circumstances specified in the regulations.
(4) Any modified
penalty prescribed under subsection (3) for an offence —
(a) must
be an amount of money; and
(b) must
not exceed 20% of the statutory penalty for the offence.